-, ~~ ~~: _.h„~tay . . „•-_ -- - -- - , .. 7 ." - , - ' - • 47'1.--n -.::::. :"..5. , 1 :-.. - .' , ' . 11..! '::::,-,;;-'., ---4,--vit -1:::*--f,,itr-V=v-----i:V....c.7,.:-,,v;:—„,,,,,,a,,4---. -,....,.,:-•,.. -=. .--_,, .--.," ----44-i1:-J--z,-,,---.:,'.v3Tw,--tv,"4---" , -.4 , ...: - • ---_ : .41. .. .r.„-sts.--....1,,,*„.%,..,-;-..-,..r. -........,......,..;.3,...._::...1,..:-... ~,..7,,,..,:-..-N- -.:.,. -....,- —• ili•-. ._ . - ~,....- --,- . ,-, - -- , , -•''-=-t-,--- -,......:..;,.. ~,,,r.-44.:TT--....e.--__-.1......:,-;.....--,-,..,..v.-„.4,74.',2,-___:.... , t--..- rt. ,- ;_.:7;- - ,... -. .. c=„ ; _ t -.--4, -,z,-..-.-_ tz,-, .. ,,. • . , - .1.*:.....r...4... „: - -.:. :. , -, ..7.- - 5- - ••:7-. • -,,, --1, .-,.. •tt - .:-.z...- - - Eil falwifi ES:= The Best Sheep for the rumen. • _ The Ke_niucky Ltve Rad: Record, in speaking of the best breed of sheep `for fanners says: The best sheep for a farmer to keep are those that yield. the heaviest tVeces and the areatest number of pounds of meat. - The scrub sheep will yield from three to six pounds of wool per head. while M•tinos will range between ten and twenty pounds. thorourddired Cotswolds more. Why is it that farmers do not rain 'titre sheep which will give these henry fleeces? Then as to meat, the fine wo,lut.,:i an enormous amount of flesh. ant do not eat anymore than a Scrub. But besides these facts. tie fine sheep 'do not only yield larger' fleeces. per h . ..ad. but the wool is of superior ou3'ity. The same is true of the flesh of fine sheep in comparison with scrubs. Southdowns, for instance, are the fine =t mntton in the , world, nlwayc commanding an_ extra price—a flesh whi:th princes desire—while the fleece is iuedium. The Shropshire 'S - Eind n.f-it7 in 'meat quality, and are next to Co'swold in= fleeces. The profits of these breeds are, very great in times of ordinary prosperity.. and under all circumstances it is-be'st for the farm er to breed them, because theY pay betterj-4he grand result which is the supreme . ohj Pc - I, 'of , the f trmer—tlie hig!iest - possible remuneration . for his cap tal and 1 ittOr: .An.ir all this i _concernina sheep i trutt- of fine breeds:of cattle, horses. hogs ; and poultry.'' , In the face o' the,. undisputable f:rets the mass o• the peopl.?, shoalo.ltitlar vork 1r It. e;. - 1,r7.‘ .trawt il••••111" PIVIY I.• h.' , It, I ti_st. til.•••• mlll 11:.ri, irr.l tri - :i!iing awl trustworti tit n`.l - rf 1 min ;I Itgautl2l.l wi:ti k. F1{0:11 I'ROV. EAI L 4 /N. or NVl:l ; :trt (:cl:egt 6 .1411E1:TY, I r 07ory d:tv t revim. Cyct..}.a.d . 3 plr•xr•lb.;‘ , ... I cng t +ta:- i 1 !y IN belt;, it. p,rsowN•loi: IhN,ViutY, .1. R. f....A.T0N. Pr.PY,t .V”lttral rnom JAmEs T 7 1 ,. A m.rlean . . . rn it wi:l at n;:t11: , 1 - 3,1 iv - bn al; ei•;:t 111.1•11!I 3f.th I:pldr,p , .l tq't:l." enom ritori . :4.s.las IN RCCIIE,TEttTITIF.(I - 11' II T). Ttitlt.••t.it 1S: I. • , ariie%- of 111,4 t rt,r , • , 11 , pr••;••• :t (l often , lit ... , mr.vt rdr:l•. Intmin 11icut, a:iU the later,t.ro. -.l:t , ..r eri: Ig.ts!.Tt. Al.74;l'srl's 11. STRIINfI. Previa-Id ,tad Th...logy. I It. .1 IV. I: ( KLAN he (lotrela 17 Won/. WR LIAM 1 . . ; • PrOf.f4OP llwn i 1 , 1 inf. PIiESIDEST CUMMINGS. 1111,MA.T.,ws, Colin._ March I. 1473. I r.•gard the .tl u :•r!ean Cyclopilka as a vrcnder al work•. lr toconbio-twled and tudor c,! lit imor of th•• a'dc•t a•ul tryo.i con,eloutloa. scholars , •11h•• c"nntry. I worrliv of !h•• artehtiro; ..f 4114 i a rel!ahle. d and well. Arrang,l epltour.• of know .11)%ir 01 - MMINr:S. Pres-11(.1d of Wr,sh.ria Cuirrrsify." Vow Conullefe iee 16 Large Oi!taro I). APPY.F.TON & CO.. l'uld , hers, Voric :t.4 1•11I:a41011.1,ta. • pIiYANT'S POPULAR . .1) LLTT4&F OF Tilt: c.virED STA T.E. ft., i•C 4, Vt rc!, • 1 , 4,1t .. 1 he pre-W,turic pl inn 4:1.1 Ng•J 4,1 tilt. ii!utine • IJy WILLIAM CULLEN BRYAN T AND SIDNEY lIGWAIII/ GAY.' F.:i'y 11 , n , trat.-1 v. I !It to 1: entn f..P! , • f• 'At vottittpn,. ;Le tig. Anwttl.tlg- Co.,,pult.L.lt:tr,, 753 &74 vtu'w, Ai . V. t k. n 31...."11 ESQ.); & ft...tent .31:4nt , t, Cht..t.,tlint 1'11.,414.11 , 111n tr. M. S. ettNy FRS. for snr:ll,rn , rnitta, 311 William fit., Elttilra. N. Y. 4 Intl r. Ilkxe:latects Alverti:e=stts. THE SUBSCRIBER TAKES _[ P:ea-nre In calling the stten; ion of his minter o,s patrons and the public generally*, to the fact that he still continues a GENERAL MARKET BUSINESS At tb, 01. T) STA.ND of JIVER & RUNDELL, In Carr. , !l's nearly oplamne the _Means Maar.. aud that he Is prypartql to turnip& SALT AND FRESH MEATS, VEGETABLES AND BERRIES Of the very hest quality, at as low ran 113 amy other ettabil.htuctit. ►nnn 1. 1870-tf FIRST , N,A.TIONAL _BANN CAPITAL SURPLUS FUND Thin Bank offers UNUSUAL FACILITIES to the transaetldriot GENERA. BANKING BUSINESS INTEREST PAID ON, DEPOSITS ACCORDING g 70 AGREEMENT. .BFICIAL EIRE GIVEN' TO nit. COLLECTION OF .VOTF.S AND drECZA. Parties wishliig to SEND MONEY to any part of the United States, England, Ireland. Scotland. or the principal elttes and town■ of Europe, eau here procure dram! for that purpose. PASSAGE TICKETS To or froljethe 1:0:(1 Country, by thebest stem or 'tiling acts, ahr ys on band. AlU*.l IZOCGIIT OVICA AT 13EDMID RAMP; :highest vice paid for ; 11. S., Bonds, Gold and Silver. • OS. PO WF.LL. IQ o.‘• ?us LITTLE FTOSE 'rot ND Tar commic • Is the best place to Towanda to buy good . CIGARS AND TOBACCO, at low rates. Remember MERCUR'S opposite COURT HOUSE now . or 71111 "INDIAN SQU/sw • . OEt SALE AT A BARGAIN-- AA good_ farm. sViesliithg !AS arreN In Orwell , p. - Exeollent Ink. .3 rl4l boast., AN trfotsutapted. to elthtr grOts:or &err papaws'. Vain/4o , uttli4Muli,9oll. - . t "JOHS-11PAPg. - - ' b a 74 1 010 *0 1 : 121 V f P , 4 . 11.1' '_ fit , n .~ ~,~.. NIT Lbta..trow Co. u , 11, I b 75 .t. T.T.I.t.M.S. .8i,4 . 1 , ..1 Connectic:it LA' , " Yortx. Dec. 17,, 16:1. l'ider awe. FRESH POULTRY, C. M. t.llll ER. OP TOSVANDA. 4125.000. . N. N. itErr, Ji. ri0,h147 1.::::i . ....3?.....0 - ••,,- 4 1 1111 r- • • _* Mil STEVENS Arr 1 , WHQLESAIiE £ RETAIL iNiliett CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES; - . COUNTR r Pp.OOIICE, 1 (MAI IN I &C. . f jr• 'HsTing a large and reminodieristore we are prepared at I'll times to carry a lop stock. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, GRAIN A PRODUCE. Or talon In eachance f roada,4lo lowest cash pri. ces. Ont kaig expel' nee In the Grocery Trade glee' peiultar adra tae•' In purrhaelng. sue at Ire are not ambitions make urge prunta, we tat ter caztaclresi that we can otter. CREATER IN UCEMENTS TO :frrera than any other establishment to Norther) STi:VENS & LONG. MAIN h BRIDGE ST .. consE 4,27;3. GROCERIE PROVISIONS I S. EDWARDS, McCABE I rs In nll tluds Of C—eb des: GROCERIES tt, PROVISIONS. II C NE DOOR NOETII OF CODDING & RDSZIELL Tow3Trla, 4575 111:;:aact. • . 'IE MUTUAL PROTECTION; cr3IPAN V. }tome ()Mee, stg Walnnt Street. Rettng :un,ter a Speanl Act of incorporatail From the Pettetylretnia LRgistature IL S. CLARK, AGENT. TOW.Vii!A, PA. Special attention is called to the folloi - Ing rive? table. Which will he ttonhl strictly equitable, u tRt• all ay.'', an 4 wiiielt the company will guar. to hot exceed ene-half the cost of any firm: itLi) PLAN Company. EC= , toll:ming Table choirs the Rates for 11Ofl .sy be runifiriled for any iottelt 1.54:100. which Li. the largest risk ife. Twenty Cants rIU be ut of each asse...snient for eolleel Th ands up to "no I RIUM 0 a a . 1 at ! I t 4 4FI <- '4 •• • ...1I . . a HE 2.61. 2.0. 2.44 11-tA 2.00 3.0 3.01* 3.0( 3.0( 1.7,4 1.7 1 3,N• ....tot ".t./ 4 IV ,I N , .C.. i.of FAR'SIERS' 311.71' IN t4lli A NCN co.. or TES(' A 1107: Is now issult.g perpetual pullet. oil F..kIOI,'PROPERT"." ONLY. Eseh member pays 'a feet. at the time of Insuring: to corer charter and le.wdental expenses of the Co, atter whirl' no fur:eer payment is required. except to meet actual . ..lts by fire stuong the memherslttp. This pls.* of Insurance hw FARM PROPERTY, Is corciag rapidly Into favor. :Lace of Business. { SPRING HILL. PA. The Agent will cans - ass the Townships of Ttisca rora, Pike. Ilerrick,l Wyalusing. Asylum, Terry and Ittandinz Stone. Said farmers In them Town ships wishing insurance or information, may ad. dress, ' A. B. SU - 1f ICER, Sec. fuld A gr., Sprillg hall, Bradford Co., Pa, W. M. fal r SWAY. erra. 1.a.174m 14clware. .TE CIIEArEST HARDWARE STORE IN TOWAND'::II • IS IN AiERCUR BLOCK! • ." , - Fanneis can buy their SCYTHES, GRINDSTONES, FORKS, FIXTURES, MOPES, &c., &c., &c:, Cheaper Than at Any Other'Place! I have always on hand Repairs for the Irovsrf WARCIOA and CuA3lPioi Mowing Machines. PERRIGOS SIDE HILL PLOWS, Best in Use. All kinds of TINWARE on band, and Tin work of all knitta done at brwett prices. H. T. JUNE. Towanda. Jan• VI. le6. Carliag . and Droszits. .. l i , O6l1 7 6AItiIING, 1, 1 .a t T..ruz _ , • WOOLEN MILLS,. CAMPTOWN, • ' ' PF2,TNA. Also manufaetarinituad Moth dressing aitentlad to on abort notice. We are already malting tone from the new clip, and, are prepared to do work as, feat as offered. I . H. B. INGHAM . raionteemo.t., Jo , . .07e., ITAIGHA BR OA DLEY, juL, ltabutactureesif Wteleu Goods, YUAN ite CARDING: - & DRESBINOt : TNM HOLIDAY 1100 PS- • has just returned train New-Yerk. " where .'se has pure-hued a large and elegant assort:neat of and In feet. EVER_ rrin NO 1 iIiI3LINE, • ' of the latest sq . I. MEM Don't defer your visit to hLs store until too Lau. iiiiirandg, Now. 20. 1678. 111 WATCHES, FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS •ULVER PLATED WARE CLOCKg. V84).5.1 THY. CHEAPEST TO THE BEST :TOWANDA, PA SPECTACLES k EYE GLASSES Oaa door north of Dr. Porter R Son's Drug store Strtst, )an'-75 paEsEN,TrS-FOR ALL, NEW JEWELRY STORE. la cowtantly merlon In addltlon to his large stock of jewelry, FINE GOLD SETS, PINS, 43IERICAN AND SWI 4 S WATCH GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, unp===wmwmorTi=ml oral amount aken on ittl ded to M t .. oni etc. 1. rfriMMVlMMrwmmirkm/unrrris '~ CLOCKS OFALL VASIETIEk';, Watch, Clock and Jewelry repalrlhz riche In the ?bangs for a liberal patronage and b.pe to merit a 43 44 1.4 , 2.. x I 2.15 2' 11 4 2 1. 2 , 2: f fr ! fi..l 6.4116 6. 4 . ki tt 6.00 MO LAND FOR SALE. SNATIIS,, ' THREE HUNDRED ACRES, 3 miles from Towanda. Will bo scld for cub or And eaaly'eleared; — Whole farm well watered Will be sold in lots of 50 or 100 acres, or more, as purchsacrs shall desire. PM = , ANTED.—Aetive agents to W sell our **Great Honsotto'd Companion." an tulisp.naltrle artlcile In every family. Agents are making twenty to forty dollars a week. . Prlee or moot, $3 40, For 11.00 we will mall It pr..pa!d to agents only. ,Statn tendtory desired. Andreas • ' RiSSELL 213 North oit St., Phit'a, Pa. - Nov. 304 m • • pBa BALll.—;4_ Carat oflo - aere, 0 1 11 MIIIPkwisAtti4iir:pili or s t ittiviou immiallb: ammo Oui 4aitlisrosi woo. _ . • . . Army. MOVEI q ~ ```} *tiki. W. A. CaAMBERLIN,' • JFWKLUT: SILVER•PLATED *ABE, WLTCUES. CLOCKS, - If. A. CHAMLERLIS. JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, M.. N D L A N, Dealer ha GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY Also STERLING SILVER 414JLD. SILVER A N D STEEL TOWANDA, PA., AT TliE W. A...ROCKWELL BANDS, RINGS, STUDS, - CHARMS, 'NEM:ACES, GOLD, Silver AND STEEL SPECT kCLES, Also at the lowest pricei. best manner, and warrant.•d coutlauance of the tame W. A. ROCKWELL. DOT 12-73 ~3,5'1.'.•43.-' 3• - . :_... ! _ , . . • iT. -C-= =•t - - -n = .'..-'. . ' 7z • 7 =50 ==_, - . • -• •••: --: -, Cr: : ,:/- ' Cr.. •••• ...: . 5 " ,..,'-' :5 .... -• = 7 :::- - ~.. z ..: - =-• .1 , .. - , ... . --::-..- i ,',..., , `.:.: - - ;;,--. ,' -.., = =" -1 ' ,•• -1 •-.: P.` ^- =, ..3 ..• ~.-, = ... ..- e• •:. I' ~,, 1: . = 4.0 " ...... .... ' 1 .. . = = tZ I . . ". 1. • • ....• .... -••• " W • •••••• r:• ••• •• ' • . Cf: •••• ..= 7:" , i , •••. 7 . .... _ P. :".. • . ... r .... A, , ez .- = z ....... .....t --; : 4 :-., n. r. T. C:'. .. - . 1 . 7 . ef. ~, :::; 174 "^ P.: ~.. ••••••::; n .- 7. ~.. 6 , ... 1 - r d ... 12 . 0 c: .2 ,= 1c , .77... . ', ...-. r. ..1: .....- .." .. 2•,-... - -4. --_- - 1 ....,,, - ~.....z • = - x. " Col ." -•--. ' .... e . " "'"' '''. ••• Cr+ -. e. 4 ::.. '" 1.m.4 .., ~ . •:. 1; . 0 ~.... = ~.... .-• ..." C: ."' ''', P ..r. .... ' ..... c ,, . *z e • = e.. :Z., ... -. ••••• ... ..„.: ... ~ ..... .- c... 1-4 . ...... CI ; .." P. = ~..,e " . *5 7- '1 : `7.1 4 . M 7 . :: r„,.. ,-; ...7_, ..,. = , :". , ..,. C1_..7. • ; ::, ..a. Pr , ... :,;:, = ~... ..., . ... • .... $ ....2' • Pi 73 = 7.7 , ez 42 .....= P... ~ ... ...., •••• ...i . gp C..? Z = ry: , • 0 4 c ~ m - -- ...1 t") "— - z * 0 ' ' ' f' .R .4 CF.S - .5 m - ,-... ,- ~.... ._. -,Nc =... 1.... •-•-,- :3; .... ..... ... ~. '.7. 4 $O.l .... r ..... ~_ ._ ..„...• ..,_ 4 ..„., v. • = . 5 - = = .1 --, _...... 7:: :1 ...- ~Z=4 .. --- . i 0 --: - • ..1 nr ....* ..... ~ .....,.. • ,- ~..• ...., ..c ere: - -, ...- . ...i ::, !"-' ?" , - <-. = :"I .. ...., ce 2. S h y 7. n • n. . 1.0 . tr, /5 1 Of beautiful LAND FOR SALE. ON TIME, To scat purchasers. 100 ACRES IMPROVED, With house and barn' thelreont balance ME WELL TIMBERED, Inquire of , `B. C. LOCKWOOD, Wellsburg, Y. or of J. I'. KIRBY, or JAMES WOOD, Towanda. PA. igpviriumpr . . t - ( ( Ow's -- COAL; We keep on band at Orr yard all Sae/ of Pittston. and WlMrs Bsrro coal, and Loyal Seek. Mal, from' the flnitivint County Waal. Also, Barclay . Lollop and Stolth. r We keep Ibit brstqoality of Lime, Tialr and te sawn. Brick and Pastor. all of which no willed/ st Indiana prices. I - PIERCE & SCOTT.' Towanda Xay ist, Ir 6. PURE GROUND; PLASTER • • • RU3IMERFIELD I I Imo just received a large slis7 of • ( IPRESM GROUND C,Air cGAVILisTEtt Manufactured from stone selected by thyself, awl (I warranted PURE. r pineE.--cash,`P SO: . on time, r Seadl In youiorders PETER I.ANDMESStEIf. Rumerteld. March 1. tin. NEW COAL YARD! • 4C. The cindorstene4l. havlng‘faten the! Large wal eommodiont yaTra, nu, foot of PARK ptiect i , has now on hand a fop Yupply of ALL SIZES LOYAL SOCK, BARCLAY COAL: LIME AND ICEMENT. Coal SWireri.,l on short notlesk. r ' TERMS :—+Cash. lIE-NRY MERCUR. Op t'-'1 -744 f CIE 4P COAL AND LIME. . . • From and after Stilt I, I will sell ems), llme, he., for sash only, 'and al.. pricti list will be corrected monthly, - rams OF COIL FOR. .1 r LY, rxR TI OF zooms, AT TIM YARD: ' I Pittston StMre, Chestnut and Furnace. fi 00 " Pea:. I 3 30 Cart-3n Itun Lump • -- ~ / 4 0 Barclay Mountain Luni l p.. Sixtri h. _ 111 1, -ritown Mt-. el. LatL M !fait It it del. 11 II 10 CA prepaNd to deicer Otrehasei oa aiiort artlee at the u,ltal prier of deave , ry.• • ako [cutler tuy ,, hassk.s;to tin 7n.n::lfidends and eufts•swrss for their very lu the ississt sad hope under ttss uew deptsrture:to make interest to oststittu:s to .bs..y where they tan gel the be...1g0 - 4s f‘d the least ressner.l Tt s ,.„ w h o are si.str Ned to use. w!'l' take notire that I must hay , nt.....p.y or I enn't buy (or ta.sh and pay frelghtg. • Th.sy must settle by thq Ent of Au gust tie It. Very Respectfully YonrsH • .1. 11. 1.1 s; NY. Ton - anda,Tstly - 1., ,575. Ca rages Now is is ' '0 PPORTUNI,rI",; CARRIAGES WAGONS AT . YANT Cliesper than you will CN have the_opportunity of I have .a large assortment, OWN 3.IANUFACTITBE, Warranted in eveiy particul I will SELL SO LOW That everybody can affo. one of his own. ' 1 also have the sole agency in this place of OVIA.TT'S PATENT RUNNERS, An invention which has entne into very general use all through the west. They give the best satisfaction wherevere they have been introduced • CALL AND'EXAMINE THEM. fans-; a. NEW CARRIAGE FAd,,TORY ! Opposite the new Jail, •• • TOWINf.).A, PEN . - HENRY STLTLENI - . ittapeettnlii announces to his blends ind patrons, sat be has built a • N:Z.N7 BRICK CARRIAGEFACTIORY, Where new 'instantly keep on hand a full snort meta of FA3IIL I. fIAICRIAGS, TOP AND OPEN BU4IES, • PLATFORM wAcos, TROTTING'SULHY.S.,.AND SKELETONS Made or the best mamrial and finished in the bey city stylee His long _experience in dry Car riagol'actories gives him a decided advantage over others in the j• ' STYLE AND DURABILITY _ Of inverts. All be asks Is an; , r • • INSPECTION OFIIS IWORE ' . Previous to purobaidng olfewhote. Al.t. WORE WARRANTED TOIGIVE PriiECT °N.!. - • • Thankful far the Iflutral .patronage_fernier/7 e tended and respectfully ask a coUtlUSuless of. UP RiPAIRINO. rito};7l . l,T ATT . ENDEp TO AT triDupui midis. ' .31, - k I= COAL. OF ANTHRii - CITE, El And Ao • El 3 CM - 3 50 , 2 75' MU TO BUY AND rKagai ; oi of my r, whicl to have ; •. • JAMES 'BRIAN T. ~ .. ~~ sTu~t - - 17E 140 E: v AO' A ROAD 01.—.Amosgemout of Pos. oeogorTi - 310/4 Solslio.olreet Aptll UM- • i t ,gOVTOWARD. STAllloart. • I • ',limps* Fails.... Buffalo ' 4... Rochroter.. .. .... ...„; 411 5 45; .... : LOCI . „, Genera. ....t 50; CM Ithaca F T bo; .•..1 9 121 54' .. Owcgo clei .4.110 514 ....t E1:01ra ...... opt 3 Op* k 2! I SC 245; 5 Nk W22e:ly 935. , 4 2041 X 9 6 15 SAFTE 45t4 25;11'V; 9 12 . 291 614 Athens ' 20: 430:11 23' 9 19; 3 3v ; 29 3111113 ' ...... . ....! ....; 930' 3 451 P 20 'Peter t i SF 40, 3 se; 6co 1151.20310D0 415 R 55 'l4,7l4Pcklog to .4 2.7 i, Fraildlog*tone.. - ..1 It; 4 19; 114.032.16413601 25. 443 ..,. .I",r2.lcbiowc , ...-1 ....;10 221 4 51, . , • •W7ain,i 4.. ...... .;'• :...i . 2 45! .....1() 193* 5 12 ..:. Tz.cogvlll , ' II 2 :,.'1 6 aa•l2 5911 12a V .... 'at iller!rt, Eddy...; .: ' 4 oe, ....11 ;a . a 1,.. .... M:e&r.ppen.. ! .... ' .l 6 .al 4..11 r 2 1_44,:,... 3 14 -”4" 31 4 • :...1 . . a m ~....'li :vs is, ( .... Turichanpuck —.l: It ~- 7 it!"7 0-512 75 C 3: ,_. r.i.G73,14. t....; .....1 7 DI; ...:1 . 2,35 6 45 5 .... V:.11•i ....I 7 27. —212'51 C Id. .... ItznNelri :- ... •-- ..•• - 1 .. I. & n Jatiriit•rs . ',lll ad 7 ii. 4 2 ie I 2 , - , 7 V. .... 54-‘it;arr.r. 121 ; a 1:55 T 15! 2 be. 7 5 , 7,- , . .... 3tA6cl 4:Lank— 1 3 4r• - .19 51...5 25: a 25 „.4.;.. A :10.1.1w 3-11 I 4 4.5'11 554 6 Z, 5 SAP ....I .... il-ttatteul I 5 C*l2 14 4 49,•6 C 5...., ...; 9 - 24r.L41..... 1 5 1.5' 1 (le 7 OC. 6 - TT: .....1 •• • 2 P1111:4.111 1 4.....: 4 45 2 a a zri 1 15. ....i .... ti..tir York ; 6c,29 3 49' 9 SO 9 5.9 .: .... A.M. P.31.1P.1.1.• P.M. i.ii... , .... NORTHWARD. " 471 ' 1 '1' 18 30i18.- 2 4132 ~. .. . . -I- P.M.1.4.31.,AM '.,1J1..A.*.1.11.31 , ?.isw YOrk . 6 34;.....: ./'7... lir.'. ..'..',..... Philadelphia 18 ON ....:- .. I 8 45, 9 45:.... Luton --I 9' .. 1 •.-, 6 01 11 0 Mill ao l ii.qt.oeben, t 9 50; :...! 6 3010 SPII2 60i.......:. Allet:fowl: ' ; 10 65, ....s . 6 4310 42 , 12 11:.... Mauch Chrenk ... :11;5 ~... 8 0111 45: 190; ...:.. ‘l'llke"..-Barre ...-.;.; 1 15 7 2010 40.2 15 4 64- .... 1.,,k B. JulicilOo.' i 1 46; 7 5411 10.2 41! 4 1 , 15.' .... 113•T00rn. : .... - :- ...... I ....! a 0611 =_„...—; 4 Vil. ..... Fs.Jl. , ....: 8 1911 31* .....; 501; ...-- I..!Grarr.... ! ....; a 5511 51 '...... 5 15,.. Tunilh3 - 85(,6k.....; 2 24: s 41`12 V11 3= 5 36! . r . kletiocilar:y ' I ....; 9 1212 4 , 7..! ...... 5 55' ..:. 11...f.hepper, i ...., 9 15.12 511 ....:,4 .0; .... "klenen- FA.14:47...1 ....l I 251 le; .....I'6 16: .... I.Beeyelll. ' ,3 07, 9 30: 1 1 2 . 4 M-. 11: =, ... Wys.:El4ll.o ',....:10 66 .- 1 35! ....• 6 40,..4.. f .. Frer,Cl2'o,l% 11 i .... 10 1. 1 48:....'.6 4.1 t..... t:einniPrli-ld• ' ..... - 1 0 25 ; 1 55 .....17.0zt .... ! 4 rx.tql, In 7 S! , .:1••. ~;,..... I 0 .12 2 15 ....1'716 __ ly r , ,,,.,1:1i tr , • : .... 10 41 2 15.... : 7 11 - - .... TOwrisid.lll.-',. - - 4 1i31055 ,23" , , 500 755 730 1'1.,:, r • 10 27 55 4 4211 3 0'.;!, r, 29 8 lift. tk C. 5 4 4911 35 3 1: . .: 4 5 s s 10 . 4 11 t,v. , 3Vf 5 :V V) 35 12 t3f: , 4 It , Sl - 4". - 0 .10, 9.1,0 6 4; 1 .9 40 3 ;55 ; ' 2.; in 50 11 .1225.....'12 24 - 15 12 54 . 1 04 'P . ...AL r.31.`r.35.. P..31..1.' ,yr • tc • ..... . o‘crn ItulTalo N Llgara Fane. Train. 13 and 13 ran daily, Attarh-d. h.tart,,n Elirdra aild•rtils}lel rd,r, and f; , •r.rs -- ., IN7 , tw York. 11113vrillg nrog•te 3. tattird to Trains 2 and 9 1-:;ittiri ;The. PM:44..101a. • Al! tralug:run Ibrougb fic. " r It. A. PACK 11., Superlnteudear.. TowaTl4,a, April :A ; 1h7641.1 • & READING RAithioAD. , ARRANGEMENT OP PASSENGER TRAINS. NOVEMBER TsTR, ?rates 10. n r , .f /Unt, , ,via Ps fator4 _ Brque)..) For Plaradeiphia at a.m..; 5.55 and p. ACNDAYSI Fur Plzliadelph!a, ai 3.10 p. ic. • Iris E. - tat Penna. Eranch.) • ri-_ - ..dlnn'.-t1.50. 5.50! 8.55 L 112., 12.714 2.10. 4.20 ends.4op.m; For II rfebnrg, t 2.30. 5.50'8.553. in.. 11`...'50, 4.50 :.d'+oo p. in. a , P"r otrtster mud Culunit:a, 5.50. 8.55 a. Ea.. az..l 4.30 p. w.• tpoes not run on Moddars. • ' 6UND.I.TS. For R , ainr.g.".:lo a. m.. anti 9.00 p. ra. F9r 2.30 n. m. apt! 6.(A. p. tn. Train:.%/qr Allcia,ocn /tare tvsfe./lows: • ria Perti , ,lnt Ira n cA.) T. , ave Plillactelph!a„ .z. 2.0. 7.30. a. m.. 5.16 cad I= Leave rtiladelpilM, 5.15 a, m (ria Rae' PM ' Brands.) Leave 11,e,arliug'. 7,40, 7.44. 10.35 a. re.,yfreTen(% are 1e.9 T.. w.• Loare }l 4re.st.nrg,s.v. G.oz,s,tf. a. m., 7..00 3 3.57 and 7.55 p. Leave Laneavrer S.IO a. L 9.. L^.55. and 3.45 p.m. Leave C,:anktda .COE a. re_ UNDATS. T...save R.aiiing. 7.2 0 . a. ra- Leas,. It.larristurg, 5.20 TrAltis marled thus (*) ran to and tram e.-pot lih . and Grt , ,n streets, other' tialus to and fr! ,— ttr.-.4 r..et The s'2n a. m. train from l'hi!adi.;rhia and 5.1.1 p. in. train fridu A ii,•titown have :through 'ears :mil (mai E'ruira, N. Y. • The 5. '.45 p. tu. tiain from PhDaS..lphla and x. 29 ut. zratu (rum A)..tuna - a have through cat. tO and frum Mauch Chant.. J. E. WOOTTEN. Gen.ra/ Sup, rin te-ndrue oct4-7S-ly HOWARD EL3I FR. Ric - n. GENEVA, ITITAcA & ATIIENS li.= 4 'onintetatlng Monday-4'mi. .rains will mil a , on this nod a , : tu:4-rx.: LEAVING CATRZ NOItTIIWAHD . Nn. with Prilfnal .r.vn; ~neh 11:: - ,ngh 'from New Y",,rk; arrivin: a' Van rhae3 Tw.;V: 7:“;..Tr.ii;inNlw.rg 7:l:s.Farts,r 7:43, "rid Bays Corrit9- ~ f:. r•Akh.g, t,e,c s• - ••.• - ant N, 11:- R. 11... I: , A. • ,:,•r 11:`-'1) 5. tn.. 11,1:al1' 4:15 p. m.. a.zol . . .1 ,1 .-12. 0 0 dallr s. or ar . v. from 11 - 1:k-, ^irk, TGlV3ll4:l„arri*ltg Fr- St.' t, or 12::1-5. I 1:45, Farlner f tr.llr., ;ma , : ;. Y. C. :fr.E,r N. I!. ozrept. Sunday-, t:11 -, :!tr• - • , 1 , :roan Era for G,n , va_ F.tren rt- Talvidat.tle Center Trurtf.o Ovid Center i..,.-r•a::::n 9:17. Geneva ralus Fa a and set ou N. Y. C. & 1 1 . . It. A P.ltli - EAT SATRE FROM TUE NORTH., 7..-9:05. a. m... (laity PI rept Siltalys.' • - •lth 1. - .E.711 tar from G.n...•ra to Elmira. law:log U • at I2Xia.: ItonnOug. 5:31. nap? Prid renter Pa.mer 62.5. Yroluv.n.borg . .3: aug!raote fi3o.llhaea Vaa 2 .t.th 8:13. arriving at •Einitra at nr.1.114; t.ap-a ttaragoo at Sayre with 1.. Dar Expr,...,.• ,rt!. ;az at Nest: York: at 10:00 p pittladelphla NQ. 9.-1:30 p. In. daily earepr Sundays, leaving ieneva at 10:00 a. m.. :Romulus 1c.:34, rfats rot, iera 10:46. °via Center 40:54, Farmer .11a.)2, t.anslaug 11:17. Tarighanic Faits nen.th.ws, 14:1a, •;4.llCer 12:47. Van Ellen 12:35: making elm," With L. V. Fast Line. arriving in •ala le:0 m. No. 15 - .—e:44, p. m. dally. with Pn.intau.Slesi in;.; eneli ti-•d for New York wi I..':t -ave:.(ietu-vp al 5:40 p. m.... on arrival of N. Y. C. ttains frltan 'the Ea..r r.nd Romulus 4:7.11, 'facts CrATIVIS ('enter 4:31. Farine.r t :17, : L ro:inatt.:.,urg 7:07. Tatiginittir Faits 7:14, lit '.4a ,tsre•tirer Rift. Van Etten 6e13: r unerting ‘.. V. Lit., arriving. at New Y.Prk at sr' Tie tety• and baggage claeckrd to all priuci %al IL,A. PACKER-Oen': Suit R. M. lioVtY. Agt: rvM. STEVEN-OS. Sapt. Hotels. TftE CEXtRAL . BOTEL, 1.71.TF:3. PA. TIC undemlgtied hatitqt taken poeseatton :f Mt: ahere hotel, r,eipeettteliy soli: Its the ,rx:.:nn age of hie old friends :old the pnhile 311g:in:cf. At. A. FORItEt..T. • ELWELL 110-11,5E,T9WANDA, PA, JOHN SU kl • liming Teased-this home, • is now ready to Aecoin module ibe travelling public. No pains nor tiapense 1 , 111 be t ,, ;.tred to gtvc batibtaction • afi• Y giro Win EZ"North side of Public ST are, east of 31erear's new block. Ai' , ANS HOUSE, TOWANDA, contiza MAIN AND MUDGE STEILETB. ' The Horses, Harness, &c., of all guests of ,this ?mouse, In4ured against loss by Fire, Without any extra charge. A supenor quality of. Old Ernlpti Ills* Ale. fuss T., H. Jt1110A7,, , ;, row-Ands. Jan. 21,14., ' Prfpricu r. EAGLE lIOTEL, -"•\ TOWANDA, PA. Aft the corner of Court and Rtver.s.ts., titree:lY In the vlcinity and l‘outh °Otte Court tkuse. JOUN 13,ITEKE, Pitorravros. The - abmv house has been refurnished and ws tried, and Is now open to the traveling public. The Bnr will at all times be supplied wlth the best liquors. Good stabling attached to tbe. - premires. `insiders by the day pr week accommodated. . May 10.1sta.) ' .7011. V BURNT-. *iitimtwi;; ~ El '- El rzia 1110032