: WM pradfora _2 l oda Towanda, - Pa., Mr:day, Dec. 7, 1876, RETORTER ODIUM LIST POE 1877 In order to give our subscribers the benc fit of CLEBBING RATES for most of t'.e popular publiations of the dairi'ite havo made arrangements by which we can furnish the REPORTER and any of the following papers and magazines at prices named. All orders must be accompanied by the cash RE:503,-712, and Harper's Magazine, $4 30 " " Harper's Weekly, 450 " • " Harper's Bazar, 450 di . ti• Galaxy, f 4 70 " " Lippincotts' Slag., 450 " Littell's Mapzine, 7 30* ‘t . " Appletaus: Journal, 400 " " Pop. Sci. Monthly, 550 " " Godeys' Magazine, 375 " " Nursery, 2 501 " " American Agri'ist, 2 501 " " Country Gentleman, 375 " " Atlantic Monthly, 470 " " Eclectic Magazine, 550 " " N. Y. Weekly Times, 260 " " N.Y.WeeklyTribune 60 " Semi-Weekly Post, .31)9 Semi -Weekly Times, 4 60 " Semi'-Weekly Tribe, 400 I= LOCAL AND GENERAL. • TIIE Thaulcsgivinz ' ' services this place were well attended. TnEnz is a letter in the Post-Office ad. dresst-d to "Santa Clans." 11FINIEITTIER that "WITITcO3III S. SIT ACT have the finest stock of Holiday goods. REV. DAVIGIEIT -WILLIAMS will occupy the pulpit of the M.E. Church next Sab - bath: • E:i-SnlttrF SMITH will spend the win ter in thiS'place, looking after the costs due Mtn. Wetritir 31ASTER DE LONG and Fon. H. L. ScOTT will attend the meetino. of State Grange at Meadville, next week ONLY two weeks more before Christ mas. To the little ones who are exi ect ing a visit from St. Nick it seems an age. THE dwelling house of W. A. 5.1.21. - ntEs, of Derrick, was bur ed on the evening of the :25th ult., during the absence of the. Tilt: Universalist Sociable will be held at t' , e house of ALBERT LONG, on Frida) . evel!ing next, Dee S. All are invited W atte.A. 1I snciables - held• at the Baptist Chi re ly. ( I n 31ontlay.anit Tuesday even last,i were well attended:_and very enj4 - Gronor. D. STROUD. Esq., has estab lish-d a Sundiy-school and Mission of the Epi , eopal Church, at Gregg's School Ilouze, in towanda township. A itEntr.An meeting of the Iliqoral So ciet, will tie held on Monday, Dec. 11, at in the Grand Jury Room. R. A. MEncen, Sec 'y pro tem. • A 7ouNDRY and machine shop is being erc, 4. , d at Sayre,. by a stock company. TlL:establislanent is to 'Ue under the Mal agl i. nient pf.S. N. and J. P. BLOOD. .TWITITTANDING the great effort Ina• e to displace the Union series of read ers still continue the favorites with the In -. .st teachers,- and: intelligent pupils. YIP. J. -B. EMLRY has charge of the No: ill Towanda Selxyl. The term coin .inei•eA Dec. 4. Miss Vtum: 3i.F.ast;-• REA C assists in the Primary Department. ,T!IF. remains of Mrs. Tnomxs, of Fae t9r vide, N. Y., (laughter of (fEonnE If. E:7: :.:.L, were brought tef this phiee on fiat ::clay last, and burid, -on—Sunday noun:. 'HEADINGS. —llpv DWIGHT WILLIA.Ms, the poet-preacher, will give.an evening of rea.:lngs from ,bis own poems, in the M. E. ..:hiirch. on Friday evening, Dec. 8: A fiae treat is expected. Admission 20 cen:s. 1=1:=1=1 A CooryExAmr.t.E.—The Ce4nrnission ers kn-ing;instiucted at•Festn-sit• be 'par tieu.ar in assessing money at interest, our 01(1 NELt 4 ON GILBERT, set a good exa , ople to other men hnving money out, by I.,Tomptly Tetunting the amount of his invLstments. 31it. CoOmm, tray' ling salsman for C. A. DiNot.; & Co., was in town on 3lon day. Mr. 'C. is a courteous gentleman. wet: posted in the trath, and carries a full line of printers' supplies. The house he tepit:sents - ii thst-class: and deals in the best quality ot :r , oods. We cheerfully eon...newt DixoN & Co. to the patron:l-e of,t':e craft. ;did bespeak for their repre sen`.,t We, - M 4.. CoorEtt, a cottlial rdeep tion. :110x.,C. P. NICHOLS and family mourn thAlo:s of Mr. N.'s eldest son, Ci.vssE.s Nu •!tu.s, at the early' age of twenty-four yea!, For many mot.tlis he was confin ed to the house, a victim of that most in deceptive.disease, consumption. lie ';taces a wife and infant child, in ad dnit,l to parents and, brothers and sisters to grieve over his untimely demise. Ladies' Benevolent 4.ssociation fully acknowledge the receipt of the fol! ink donations ou. Thanksgiving Da: : Fro; ("atoll Service at Presbyterian ..... 93 yr, is,. Church 23 20 . ; 16 37 1:141. ../A1 II 25 10 OEM I :.ere aro . numerous c ills ou the Seere tar of the Society, and the amount re is • timely. 3l:iy the divn• of all goo ! abundantly bless the liberal-hearted don Titti.E Mr. Wm. A. CnussmAN, Esq., 'iv:L., fetnrning from his dimmer on Mon -iiii !a.st. and as he was just opposite Wm. S. .` LI roitn's residence, he slipped and ft-li creaking his left arm in two.places. )11 fracture is„iast above the elbow joint ;anti z! e other 'near the shoulder. It will lie ~ methhered that he bad his band and fLu. :inn flown off some ye:Rs ago, and it is 1: • stump of this arm th.it is broken. It ,-- feared, by the attending physician, Dr . D. N. LATHROP, that the hone be -Iw, -n the two fractures- may be splinter e,l. ' At this _ll9 writing .Mi. C. is as conifort :llllT TIF; could Le .ex.pect d under the cir j:;, en:.:s ---; tanees./4 from emorrat. ‘ - h ,T.I. Of Honor at the T t )Nranda Graded I Scl , 4 ,1 .. or name's of studeas with perfect reo d in attendanei, deportment and fir the week ending Dec. 1: E GRANT, DAvln CASK, Fit-VICKIE M. GRII3WOLD; LILLIEr i 31A%1 1E GVEIVICSEY. G1:.:.17,19E., WILLIE 31L7LLUCK, KATIE It y NT. JIIOMPSON, CATIETE ' •(' R. MARIA LOCKATEE..XELLIE LocK- I Eri - te ESSIE KLINE, SORN h.WI TT. Frt %NE WA.P.DELL. ' I3 ERT II A 3tc -4-;-‘ it %S. GOOII3IAN, PRIT.Ir SEEDICIT. I 8.% .11 M EIWTR, ILLIE KELLY, 31-AKY ..1111:NS. F tTAI. AccIDENi.--A lad about fifteen .) - ( - L4 - . of age, by the name of 1110.4 . D- E IVATI:Its was killed on the Nrthern Ceotral ;Railway. on Saturday ciehing, lle: i• ;he State Line. Ile. with another yo: D. 4 man by the name of FIERITERT Wooli. about seventeen years of age: both 1iv;, , 3 ; at Cnyler. Cortland county. started t .v o weeks ago to-morrow to go tar:Flori da. They got i as far as Petersburg, Va., and welted back to come home. They s. , lne money. bat not enough for their. far 2, and , riere catching on trains to help thto.selves along. At the State Line they we:, getting on the forward bumper of tlx., baggage car, next to the tender of the loetonotiye..: as the train started.. :1% 7 ,100 had got in safely and WATERS WWI, catching on, when ink somemanna., be was tiroggd beneath the wheeLs and so setiinirly injured that be- lived only until th:te o'clock yesterday morning. Ilis lxxly wai' very badly cut up, his :thigbi and ankles broken,. and tbe album. Itiot the rigtit arm. His haid and fa* Jdod. I=W:icy • • " - ~~ Jr AT meeting or tlitimpanyr_ 8, 9th 12th Reg't N. (I . ;ofTa., held Dee. s;:tit Military Hall, the following officers were elected for the ensuing six months: Comm nder, J. F. SANDERSON; S. V. Corn., S. F. ROTLN; J. - V. Com'r, G. C. lioLtox; Seely, 0. D. Lxos; Quarter; master, E. FaosT; Quartermaster's Ser geant, J. McltcrrnE; Sergeant Major, OFF, The following resolutions were passed : Retered, .that the officers and mem bers of Co. K. extend their hearty thanks to the citizens, and especially the ladies, -of Towanda Moro' mid North Towanda , for the manner in wihich they responded to the call forisUpplies, and for their as sistance at the First Annual Reception on the Company on the 29th ult. Resoleeil, That the above resolution be sent to the newspapers for publication. • 0. D. LYON, Seey. Citizens who furnished supplies to Co. K. for their Reception, and have not been returned their dishes or other articles, twill please notify Sergeant S. F. ROTLE, who will give prompt attention to their return. PEISSONAL.—Hon. JOSEPH POWELL left for Washington last week, accompanied by his - family. Mrs. P. and her gifted and beautiful daughters will add largely to the social standing of • the National Capital this winter, ---Mrs. C. P. *Mix's, of Greig, Lewia county, N. Y., is visiting friends in this place. - -Miss HELEN Mrtt - tr. has just return ed from a visit- to friends iu New York and, Philadelphia. —MONROE Bon fax, who left this place some twenty years since foes home in Wisconsin, is visiting friends here. and Mrs. CURTIS, of Dauby, N. 17.,espent Thanksgiving Day with their sot]-in-law, LLEWELLYN ELSUREE, in this place. . • —Miss SARAH MOODY. a I.tudeot at the Elmira Female College, spent the Thanks.riving vacation with her mother in this cace. 11. MAsos, brother of our esteem ed.townsman, Col. G. F...MASON, is re newing old acquaintances "iii this county, alter an absence o• about twenty-Livt: years: • • —lt will be of interest to the friends of Mr. H. G. LEWIS, founerly of nushore, to know that I.e is learning ttletzraphy in the office of toe S. L. Lk7 S. It. 11. Co., in t'js place. z--,J.. P. KIRKBY having resigned the Presidency of the Citizens National Bank, Vice-PresidCnt B. 31. PECK is now acting President of the institution. It will be gratifying intelligence to those inteiested in" , the Bank to know that the concmi is in a ilotirishinlz :audition—the stoclecom nutuding a handsome premium. COMPANY K's RECEPTION.—The First Annual Reception of Company K,l:lth Regiment, N. G., took place on Wednes day evening last. While the attendance cc as not so large as seas anticipated, yet there was a goodly number present. ,The Hall was artistically trimmed with flags and evergreens, the latter arranged :n beautiful wreaths, festoons and other de 'ices, while several appropriate, mottoes graced the val:s. Guests were present 'from several of our ueighbating towns, ocludiug' Waverly, Elmira and , iams n (rt. The dancing began at 10 o'cle:ek, Lin-ta Orchestra -.furnishing the music, N. /deli was unusually line. and elicited ap plause from all present dancers and s;.eetators, alike. The room now pre sented a beautiful and pleasing scene, as OM 'brilliant light from the chandeliers on the gay company whirling in the nmay dance, and ; dashed hack from t in sekd uniforms.: • The sight was inspiring, and we could not help repeating to our selvc-s that ;,exquisite seise from the `• Waltz 'of VthiWeber": •• My arm round your waist, yosr band on toy • s.loml , lor, All undo:* the arches and arelv:s of flowers, e two and sa e two we floaled and fl•x.toA into the mystical nildnlght The supper was served in the Gre'en „li , xan, and from the taste and skill nail hich it was prepared. as widl as its qual ity, reflected additional credit upon the Conip;any. To say that it was superb, is hid faint praise. Quite :Lumber of the Regimental Offi cers were present and participated in the stive occa Jon. the' Val ions commit tt es perfiamesYtheitt duties promptly and politely. and it was generally conceded that no better selections could ha ye been ade foF the positions they Till ed. While the boys have - 3 not received any fi tancial benefitfrum theirilixepti they I rive certainly won latirels in this nrilden display of their enterprise, and gained very many friends who will on some fu ti.re occasion give them substantial testi monials of their good- wiliand esitent. A DRUNKEN HUSBAND'S WORE.—The Xe+r,rrk 11.3r01d puLli-• es the fol looving story, which Jonx Gomm might add to his collection and x, 11 with powerful effect. The lier,!zi/ states that it has not made public the full details of the terrible story before., be cause it wish ed to Pt eseut only well authenticated t'aets conger: ug it to its 'rea::ers : `• About seven weeks ago, on the even ing train from the 'south, iniAt i have beeo seen a r fet ble, trembling wallow), eVi dfuttly 'suffering, severe mental or piivsieal pain. Aler aN,earanee autos - qua the at t:-ration of a kind-hearted 1.:di": r: turning from the Centennial, who drew her into conversation, mid ascertained that she was the wife of ERA' , TI. - S 'REED, living near Sayre, Pa., and that she was fleeing ("Aim a rum-cursed home to the shelter of a sister's house in this place. The husband had time after time in his alts of intoxication driven her from the house with threats and blows in the Middle f the night,_ and scantily clad, until her strength had nearly failed. "On the night previous to the one in question this drunken fiend dragged this poor long-suffering wife from her 1... ed, and afterTounding, kicking, and other wise maltreating her, swore that he would get; a knife and kill her. Site begged for - tnetey—begged that be would sfi.ire he r life t ill morning, when ,she would trouble lint no more. lie finally desisted. and tae next day she came to Ncw,,,rk above stated. ME ".0u her Way to the depot srie was ac companied by one of her four children. a little girl, but the cruel father followed azubwrenched away this last comfort of a breaking,heart. the house of her sister, Mrs. kotes JoNEs, the loag tension of nerve and brain gave wiv, and she soon sank upon the couch f:lna which she Was tut to rite until the death angel should summon her spirit hence. "For two weeks shi:t was often debri ouS,and would cry out wit , ' the must heart-rending; supplici-tiens, "0 put away that knife ! Don't:kill me r' Sometimes, in insane frenzy, she would imagine that het-Mush:lnd -wa:s about to Millet some of • is' brutality, and_ then the combined strength of three persons was required to' },resent' her Ileeiug from her stills:set' t"mnentor. Under their restraint she would moan in the Most agonizing ac cents, piteously •entreating to be allowed too live; permitted. to go away. Finally nature yielded and ,she died. Tlthse who prepared the body for the grace found numerous hrui-•es and scars—traces of in human treatment. She was buried on the 2:ith of October. So another murder ed wife finds in the grave ;that peace of Which the demoniac madness of a drunk en husband deprived her iu life, and the damning rum traffic that destroyiA her home and instigated her murder, goes on with its pitiless work.'' En. 11F.i.onrsrt : Tie Weather is nearly as tolatile as the news of the day, and to day is the inauguration of a )=oung winter with a clear sky and abeautiful mantle of white, covering every object. The tidal wave of confusion aid' excitement . seldom sets in upon us strong enough to frustrate our atead) people, and bto.iness follows in its woutcc,t clututte;s. Our merchants are getting for the holiday trade and the winter campaign. .I.ts. MXTUEIt .r.ks,eN S. SMITH', Axcrt.O.i.leisTED, and U. E. I.;sEDGCsi)vi'lle pr.r. oil,. the even tenor ol their ways in Dry - Go, k ls, Groceries, etc. Tuuttsrox's Drug, store is flourish tag under the-management, of the accotn rlisitelfand erudite EiSni.l..‘c - Mrs: A.N- I GTE LOCKWOOD and .Miss PRANK not.- I cent; have fine millinery establislunents, !and are doing well. -Dr. Mrt.t.s is finish ing his new drug store and laboratory. ; Our mills are unusually busy. CDIRLLIe I..l.lsumps_, our excellent and, experieu •ed harness-inaker, sends out goose line sets, , and deseriteis the liberal pstronace. of the. 'lust ';,..".14.0000* - 440 011 - 410*-24114: Wi= ata BE MU'a 'Mho Good Tetriplars, - -VityritidgeNo 1,04; ate expecting to have se entertain ment soon, J believe a New England sup. per. The officers are : W. C. T.; JASON S. Sum: W. V., Mrs. Turrm; P. W, C. Mr. Write; W. S., E. P. - liltitsenvau; W. T., MARY Homoste; W. C., Mr. DET nu; I. G., ANNIE GREENINO• 0. G., PATRICK MeltittlilLAY; W. F.'S.% JAMES MCCOY. The order is doing a good work. Mr. Pircitert closed his school last Fri day, and commences again Dec. - 4. Mr. Joan Idn.r.s (a graduate of the State Normal) will take, charge of one depart ment. Aunt PATTY , (who is known eitensive ly in Pennsylvaniii and New York) has just arrived. This . s her 28th annual visit to Pennsylvania. She spends her winters in Pennsyliania and her summers iniNew York. Shn was born in Brook line,, Windham .county, Vt., in 1784—tine year after the close' of the Revoluticrairy war—and remembers many events con ftning the firstelection of Washington. She iSCIIOV? ab.mt 93 years of age, with her mental and physical ,faculties well preserved. She is a good walker, sees and reads well without, glasses, has an ex cellent memory well preserved, and is a great historian ; 1 being perfectly conver sant .with not only the,history of this country; but alio that o foreign coun tries. She is a welcome visitor among a largi.'eircle of friends. MAceonov. Ulster, Dec., 3,11876. COMM' PROCEEDINGS.—Court convened at this place on Monday, the 4th inst 4 at 10 s. M. Hon. P. 0. Monaow presidibg, and Associate Judge Russitta. on the bench. The usual preliminary business was transacted. • Mvnday afternoon following perions werc sworn j in,us Grand Jurors : L Elsbree, Foreman; - 0 F Ayres, Min &Milan. 11. L. Case, Zopher Cor ntll, Henry Farr, B. F. Fletcher, J. 11. Harris, Horace Heath, Finley Hubbard, Wm. Keutner, Clinton Kilgore. Wm Kuy kendall, John Utley, Michael Roman, J. E. :.leytnour, John Stevernr, David Tud, Orrin Westgate. A D Whitaey. The Constables' returns were read and sworn to. Com vs Joseph Miller Assault and battery. Corti Vti Henry Grigg —Assault atidb.ittery. Court direct a nolle prose qui to be entered in cacti case upon pay ment of costs. Com vs Daniel Walborn Desertion. District Att'v Cailiff and E Smith, Esq., for Com; Jas Wood and W Mix, Ems., for defendant. Court . find defendant guilty, and sentence him to pay the costs of prosecution and cuter into recognizance in the sum of C. 300, conditioned for' the payment of €:l6 3a quarterly to his wife. Com vs Daniel Walborn—Surety of the peace. Celia sentence defendant to pay tho costs-of prosechtion and enter into •iccognizance to keep the, peace. Court appoint MS Prentice. 'Constable of Lellaysville Boro', and E E . Spaulding 1) ptity Constable of Rome twp. Cornelia E „Ilmwn vs Sean Brown. On motion of .1/1' Sanderson, sq., Court mike thv usual' order and decree of di-. vorce. , Nancy. C SquireS vs S. A Squires. Court direct an alias subpcena'to issue. S E E..-ans vs S E Evans. Court direct Sher ill to make proclamation. ;Sarah S John sen vs R M Johnson. Court appoint J E Ballock, Esq.. a Commissioner to take depositions. Mary A Fletcher vs B Fetcher. Court appoint \% J Young, E‘rq., a Commissioner to take depositions. Chas Burgess' Ex'r vs J P Fosburg. .Jas ~tether's use vs Richard Graham. Audi tor's Reports in cacti of the above eases' tiled and confirmed •az" A E Wright et al,v,s J A Bloom, et al. Conrt permit defendants to file a, demur. rer. Mclntyre & Russell, vs George Biruey. .de discharged. Joins . .lollusen vs Reuben Orshalt. Court discharge the :tay of the writ in this case. .1 Benson, jrls use vs Isaac Marcelius. 2 cases. Wm Brain vs .1 G Scudder. F: 11 Pelson vs Martin llotdey et al. Rule in each ease to show cause why judgment shall not be opened and the defendant Ge ;et, into a defense. D. Davidson's adm'r vs D Barbour. Itule to show cause why judgmeht shall not be opened and the de fendant be let into a defense, and why judgment shall not be marked to the use ofd L Corbin. ninon Thomas vs II B Wilhelm. Rule to show eause why plaintiff shall not ix: erjoined front selling defendants' real es tate, and why salo of the personal proper ty fdtall not be set aside. Fort Plain Bank vs .1 TI) Myer. Rule to show cause why judgment fur want tt a sufficient of of defense shall not be taken. Rthiel Brown!s, use vs Henry Patter- Jas Fox vs S A Randall and .1 5 B S Tear's use vs B J Smith. Bali- to show cause why judgment shall nt.t he opened and the defendant be let in to a defense in each of the above eases. First National Batik of Athens vs J H ,l ill, aunt Geo Coykendall. Rule to show eau!, why judgannt shah not be opened, Laid leorge Coykendall bet let into a de ft ast:. • In re. the final account of - E T Fox, av,ree of the Estate of David Wilmot, msed. Auditor's Report ! ' filed and Mimed ni H*. C D TraVet; vs Cordelia • M Traver. C•eirc"iippoint James \V Palmer. Esq., a Commissioner to take depositions. Cr V Kendall vs Kendall. Court appoint .1 V. Mix, Esq., a commissioner to take d. p“-ations. Ciladotte Dewey vs Hiram Duey. Siiedekr vs Emma Snedeker. Court direct an alias subprena to issue in each Atticlia Shaw vs G ..); Shaw. Ophelia Eli ats r 1V H flouts. Emma Lever s S Leveric'g. Cburt direct Sheriff ti; mak.c priagamatOn in each case. Ii L Gamble vs Charlotte Gamble. On moil in 1 V II Thompson, Esq., Court make the usual order and decree of di vl.ree. • Com vs Alexander Ennis—Selling tvitboit license. Court direct :a oolle pro:eoi to be entered upon pay ant. Of , coo s.. Coal vs Alexander Carnerini—Larceny. Coo vs saine-:4lorse stealing. The de-' fend.:nt pleads guilty in each ease. ;-e Grand . 3ury disposed of the follow- I i.g cases TRUE lIILI.S Com vs Clarence Corneby—Assault. Coin tis G A Burus—Assautt and bat tery. Com vs J A Lee and Jameis Taylor 7-- Larceny, 4 cases. Coin vs James Tayloi—Larcc . ny. Com vs Lonney PoolLareeuy. Com rGeorge Caswell—Larceny; St Coin vs' A.lexander Cameron—Larceny; ca , .es. Coin vs same—Horse stealing. • Com vs G V Coleman—Forgery. . Com vs ElanSon Pool—Larceny. NOT TRUE BILLS. C,;;1 v. 4 George Caswell—Larceny. Coin vs .lacob WoodrutT4areeny. Corn vs A U Arnold—Assault and bat t 7 ery. • Cow vs Ellen Williams- 7 Larceny as bailee. Corn vs Elia; Handy Selling liquors 11. license. • Corn vs same—Selling liquors on Sun iy. Corn vs same—Selling liquors to mi nors. Corn re. Wm Isabel—Rape. Dist: Att'y CaMI, E Smith and H W Patrick, Esqs., for Corn. II J Madill, Esq., for defend ant. On trial. BUSINESS LOCAL. 93 - .Cent Goods. at WHITCOM B 6; ITS Store, oppigite the Public Square. , E-X :New prints at KE:cr & Mass. sep7 6p-New Lgi et " (":+:"3 ".• 1)1)11. S.si - Etlrparing done a jILNDA.XAN'S JeWeity ton, M \(W Dress Goods at KENT RLI~. [~ri„ ya H .N" tX• N . edema great redocaua In SU. vbr-riated Ware. ra' New Goods in every Department at SENT & Bt[as•.tsep7. /Jr Holiday Goods it Cassuzsmisesl tricovU3 Go&ls receivied every lay at CRAM sitsT.nes. - , , Oicrt293. .. _.... y Y~~~: : Dollailuid4,l3aW books for 09 dB. : Mercer Block. ' - fir Ladies' Ties in great variety, at ximranuaroep 'yr - Ladles' Collars and Cuffs atiliENT &'DLTSe'.taepT re- New Bazar Patterns for December at Mn. Ytxoos•. tlr Look at Ifni. hitnoette Gidves and nosier, fur the ladles. rir Mrs. ?Amos has new French shapes to Bata and Bonnets. -, Vr Call at KENT & Buss' and see ,hell new Dollar C0r5et.(.31.7 . rfr xi," Cloths azal Cassimeies at ETAT h BLler.rsep7 Tv- One more case of those cheap Quilts, at RZINT & BLISE..(SepT tom' You can buy a plated Castor for 99 coats, in Mercnr Block, re- Call at BERT & BLISS', and look at their Black Grenadines. Lam . A large stock of games and toys, at Cost; at WHITCOMB k 91IAGT 8. or AU. the latest publications, very cheap, at WHITCOMB & SHACVIS. or Everything in the lino of station ery at Wilircoma & tar Call and see the latest Ladies' Ties Collars mud Cuffs, at Mrs. Mirtnos% tF A now arrival of Ladies' Panniers, 1. co!orc.l and white. at Mrs. Blixaos% ,r 3- W IIITcoIIII & SHAM sell the best It,ank Books manufactured In the country. Yon can get all the latest styles of Stationery, very cheap, at irturcc;atu h SHAUT'S "The largest and best assortment of spring clotntag In town, at M. E. R9l3,watintro's. Ur A large stock of School Shoes, very -cheap, at Cousrat's, opposite the Cotirt Itonse[seb2. RUBBER PAINT, price reduced to per gallon. In I gallon palls Mon. M. WaiLas a SON. - inr You will be surprised to learn bow 'much you can buy for cents In Mercur Block. . L'er To RENT. A house on College street, 'marlin) Institute. Enquire of NATHAN MD. Sir Gold. Silver. and Steel Spectacles, aud Eye GlAsses,slu great varlet at IlzsrdcLuaN a Jewel ry Store, V' 31ra. Mtscais has Ladies' Hats, t!lnuned for ono donor and fifty cents, In good style. M" A largo assortment of spring and siunitpr hats, Mt received, at M. E. Ruszsi, 1311MX! th — Every little boy wants a pair of tioyso Continental liouts st Consairs, opposite the Court liouse.Cary2s M - Fon SALE.—A good Gold Watch. Perfeet thne keeper. Will take borough orders In payment. Enquire at this otter. a — A new stock of Trunks and Tray el;lng Bags Just received at CORSZICS, and at Son• er prices than ever. (Aug 9. • YT'' HENDELMAN has the finest stock of Watches, Jewelry and Silverware; ever brought Into this town, Call awl see IL rtr If you want a suit of clothes cheap er than you can buy the same In New York,. Just call at EOSENFIELD'S. `Don't fall to call at llaNDLEYtari'B, If ,you w,rh to buy anythleg In the Itnc of Jewelry, Sliver and Sthrer-plated Ware. ::ff" The largest and best assortment of Brnekan ever brought to thin place, can now be teCtt at„ritOST St SoNst (Oct. W—t.f.) Ur Go to the Grand Central Hotel, ..N2,tv York. 'lt Is the only first-class hotel that has In.d the courage to reduce rates from 11.00 to .150 and r .00 per day. "~._`' Take Notice, there is a great, re 411.,:tiGn 11.1 Waltham and rgin Watehes:i. Call at It ENI , ELMAN'S and you will be aura to buy one at 11,e prices he is ofrerink. A large supply of tine white pigs, erlss of Chester White awl Suffolk, two month, oh% the ]sth of Oct., for 5,3!e recap hy Wu. J. DLL rr LCII, ShebbeqUin, Pa.forin. The.attention of those of our read er.; who are thinking about changing their real_ d , nee. Is called to the advertisement or the Grand it.tdda and Indiana Railroad Company In another cniumn. 1 7 . As, KLINE, .tho,'3lOrchant Tailor, moved his Tailoring establishment to Davin Co's Store. Clothing made to order; also cutting, ht tlng and trimming done with neatness and dis patch. Give hiul a call. . ,t7e" Fort SALE Valuable Building 1... ts In Towanda Born, on easy terms. Apply to Jun,: W. Otllre Block, north side Pabllo Square, . Tar CLOSISO OUT am OM closing out my entire stock of Ready Made Cloth g and Furnishing Goods regardless of cost. A visl and rare chance to purchase fz.r those who ate lu me l of clothing. LEW Towanda, Oct. 19, •76-tt. tar AUCTION ! AUCTION' ! 4.ucrto3.; !- , 425,4,00 worth of ready-made clothing must be sold In 30 days, Sates to commence Nov: 25. 1876, and continue Tuesday:, Thursdays and Saturdays. The b st chance ever offered in Towanda to buy winter g r...0tl r, cheap. Mereurs Block, opposite the Square. r To Witom IT MAY CoNcEns.—Tho pabilc are hereby notified not to ptarc4ase a note given by me on the lifth day of Ottol;tr, 1870, to the order of JOHN Ilyriss, for $llO, as , by special agreement the said note Is payable, In work, and only negotiable on those terms. Wilmot, Nov. 3, 1378 MUSICAL CONVUNTIO.N.:---A. Music al Convention will be held at Liberty Corners,' commencing Monday, Der. ti. and to ciosO with a concl,:rt Friday evening, the 15th. The Convention will be conducted by Prof. CLARK! WILSON and wife. Proceeds for benefit of Liberty- Corners Brass Hand. Tickets for-ontfre confer, gentlemen 1 eta: ladles, 50 cm Concert, 23 cents, to those who do not attend the course. LS' SUNDAY SCHOOL EXIIIIII TION.—The members of the 1 3 ;ys0x Society will give an entertainment In liartietti Ilan, Friday evening, Dee. 8, 3876. The entertainment will consist of Tableaux, Charades, Focal and Instills menmi 3lusic,, bc. Doors lopan at 7, and perfor mance to commence at 7:30 p. m. Admission 35 for reserved seats. General ladmission, 25 cents. All are cordially Invited to attend. tgrA RARE CHANCE.—To procure a valuable Hotel property on reasonable terms. Ow to; to 111-health 1 will 101 l my Ilotel,i known as the International Hotel. This Is one Of the best con structed buildings in Towanda. being 23 feet on Main street, ant. GI feet on Elizabeth street, flee Morita high, with all the modern improvements, and contains one of the best ball rooms lu the Born. If not sold by March I. It will be for rent. Far further information enquire on the premises.. rir See what you Can. do with a little mon.y at the Math Street Crockery Store: Stand Lamp complete for 35 cents.: Knives and Forks at 63 6 Gallon Stone Chores for 80 cents. I Dor. Iron Stone Plates for 81.00 I Doz. Silver Plated Knives for 13.60. . 4 Callon Stow. flutter Pot for 60 cents. Glass Sugar, Butter. Cream and Spoon Mol&r Lad Li doz. Gob:ets, all foe #l.OO. I Fr. Covered Glass Dishes for 65 Cents. 00516w1 9. A. BLACK, Agent. , Ai.NNITAL MEETIN CJ' The large - reatry-mcie . clothing - P i [IF ' , . Ttb.l atc4;khol(ll:rs of the Too ands Int business, built op by 32. E. UosLa F4LD, Is attract- lor the electSuo of a Pre*ldent, Treasurer lug other establishments to this seetion, but th e . Maungerr., to s erve , be ensiling year, wl , l prudent purchaser Irlll bear In mind that all deal. , V a_ th s; Ske v o r l , ar s , Ufa, National Bank. T era Ore not possessed of the sagacl4y,. IstrAlons, and the hours of 4 and 2lt L . . 443°3111 L1577' 1 strict honesty that aetuatu Mr. 6.1 In hls busltems : ....., i N. N. BETTS, JR, See'y. i - trat.actlons. Most men rho pretend soil clod,. : -Tc.'"4l' Dee. t 18744 " : tag ..sbeep,r are metro pretenders,*bleb the cred- Q.PE el ikL N OTIC L—Noti 1116134 buyer levee to his cost. , Our ad vice IS to all kJ hereby Oen ibst the sudenhned t . , •.. town ink goods . * tatr . 10:esit Ott 'SO.:: all'ir 3o- tbs , Orobtraitsaletter lit- the, I g#ltrilt&D. :io:**** , ..:* * 4 o 4iii i mi,:lm,matiltry*ir t, . 11040% toed' a g lit, '' . iidittiar' airialiiiitiiitAiiiiiiie - - , ligbemisiiii=" 4 6 s mSi4 4-101.1itisali'"" I= A. KLINE DAVID . WHIPPLE DT ORDER CO3l PATUICIL SULLIVAN VO , 4III9IMiIM• '7l - ciiitientioOte sc. f ; i ma tt iusitteti,Clo 2lllll "': iirsvalsa. nullity and weak, Towanda.' 01 . lac or 1' 11: . MACHilita WAS WOUli 1 T..— *by ) Not cause it was Dot Tea' builf; but it winimrongly . Thousands of Men who hare"run dawn long fore their:three seas and inn years are sersinplitheii, might We been • returtred Into sprightlimmiand vim. If they had triad the wen' known l'anvisst 13Titur, which Mahan§ oolong itecompoends the Protoxide of Iron, so cOmbined that It assimlifates with the blood and ine*orates the whole system. This system has proved Whoop dons in tboutands of cases, and will do es t erybody gad who use's it. Ail druggists keep it. • , . . . Cam "A FOOD 'EWER. Ev e 'body kuowli Tue.Dvintrion.v.gler, of New York t , ail the leading, most enterprising. end, an . most readable and Instructive of our numerous ; I Ilgious rs pape. It Is*Ot slow to recognize the f t that the popular *slop for chrome has died at, and It makes the remarkable offer of any one itilume or Dickens' Works, a handsomely • Matra and 1 111 bound duodeofmo, to anybody who will ' Inscribe and send the 'regular Three Dollars su piton. This is equivitient to offering the paper for si. dollar and al half. 'Everybody wants some volume of Dickens. and 'everybody ought to want Tit*, I x DE PENDB:CT. . . . • Ur eaIt6TMAB is COMING.—Wbat Wee present can I 6t for my wife. slater, or sweetheart, or far husband, brother, or friend, as the c:.se may li n be? What WIII be more acceptable the a nice Ph !I ceotoUraph at Woon's f They are very ly re touched and painted In neat styles. Or try u want a photogrotyllarge, from life or copy, you also get them there In India Ink, Water Colors, or county. einCray on. Nothing bike it made In thls em ber, at Gem. U. W001:0E:gallery. There Is much cloudy weather, you need to think of It n time. Only a ,few , eke to Christmas. ' . WEve • genuine article has its wen terfelt so etiry honest 'man has his pretender. I Such s tha calm with our estimable and hoomble clothing dealer, M. E. ROSEXPIktm. nettle the business a study from early ye 'th, and being controlled in business transactions by the strictest regati l d for both. and the rights of ils tug turnery who nre not presumed always to. be as well petted as blmkelf, others who hare no, re „ad rot Om precept or i the .. ..golden rule," seek lo runt by hi. enviable reputation, by engaging In. t e same business, and make large plotessions. L .k out fur them. . rrAyE 'lll AMERICAN ALMA' now natty (=delivery by th 3 Itrugglsts, and we are fr 33 to ray that we have read this welco le visi tor with satisfaction and prOfit. It rental, an as tonrahlin amount of Information which Is Micro] to e...,:ryl‘Kiy. arid shows bow to treat nearly all the diseases fro:nil/d= people suffer. It invariably recommends rac e heat remedies to bo empled, It respective of AYElt's l'Astimr Mt inciss, and furnishes, in imd. the best medical ad ice by which a great nrajot try of ailments can ho successfnlly. ms'st d jokes treated I ti The anecdotes. witticis are the best e i mplicilon that comes under our 00. lice, and the Irk 13 a refreshing contrib lion to our enjoyments every year.-81. 'Clair 05sitrer. tar To ONSUIIPTI VES--The tulverti i ser, a retired physician, having peovidentiltly Ms eevered, while a Medical Missionary lit ' S utheru Asia, a very simple vegetable remedy - or, the speed:rand penvanent care of Consumptiou, Asth ma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all throat and lung affections—altio a positive and radical spe lite fur Nervous Debility, Premature Deny, and II Nee j , yous Comilla nts, feels . it his duty to make It known to hill tillering fellows. Actuatedl i by this motive, he wt I cheerfully send (free of ch rge) to. all who deslr it, the recipe for preparing. 'Sad full directions to ,suecessciilly using, this provl lent lat. ly tilscovcried remedy, Those who wish o avail themselves of the benefits of this discovery without cost. 'an do so by return mail, by address! ig with a stamp, naming paper, DR. CHARLES P. 3IAP.SHAL , . . 33 Niagara Street, ' , nEiD THE FOLLOWING LET, From a Weil) , reppectablo gentleman lu atett,, Montmir county; Pa.: "This is tolcertify that I. was prunounret eral physicians as consumptive. and had symptom+ of the disease in its worst form coughing. severe pains in the breast, nun breath, night sweats, and chrome weak lassitude of my whole system. My famil all having di+l of the disease, I bad give hope of reeovry, as nothing gave me rel through the persuasion of a friend I was to 117 WisTiit's BALSAM OF WILD C The first bottle relieved moiconalderably; third bottle elired me entirely., , I now feel as I ever did In my life, mid am able to fol avocation of farmer as fully axiiny one. I a sister in a more advanced state of the Miring been cinthined to her bed for over and prinouneed beyond hope by 'Dui hes , 01.1115. She also was entirely cured by t Cherry, but i required six or eight bottles, still takes It r ceasionally as a preventive , nntumily wealt.cliested. I would sincere all wh, are similarly affected to try Dr. WI BALk AM OF WILD MULT I . as I am salt.* but .for your ciwn valuable remedy, my sis , n.yiself wo:Minot now be living. I would filly answer any, one who may address M= sunk!, t and sf are our eases more "JACOB MIL None genuine unless signed I. BUTTI3, Dri l ents and fl a bottle. Pre St Tit VV. Fo*.t.e. & SONS. SR Harrison A tea, and sold dealers generally. 'TIITICOUNTRY GENTLEMAN ' PA BI NED „Y 'RS—FORTY-SEVENTH YEA COES MY GISiTLEMAN IS published weeki following terAi, when paid strictey lu ad , Oho copy, year, 1 1 2.30; Font* cOples flO l coy for the Year free to the is.! Ms chill; Ted copies. 00, and an athlitio for ths year (lien to the sender of the club, , l All 'tow subscribers for 1877, payirg In atter N,.vcniber 1, 1874, will receive t w-ek , t, front receipt of remittance to .la , 1877, wit boutlcharge, Tlc Country Gentleman possesses an u Corr of tespoutients, regular and oct among - the - i st farmers of all parts of the • and conslauttv reflects the practical tomtit and progiess i o - t the hushatdry of every the United S ates and civilized world. The Count tkptleinan gives In its Me, rah L-part Meta a continuous variety of ihf ' and seggestlins, equal or superior in the al to what Is obtained in the monthly nuns inostMagat devoted to Horticulture. Connt Gentleman has probably much as all oihea Journals combined, mi. and ilissentluate Impitived stock of eve thronh • the (country: anti conunaudic to • degree. than lily contemporary, the coulld support of biteders and purchasers. The Country Gentleman contains nnustu and trustwarthy Market reports, and derol attention ito them and to the prospect hop, as Ihroving light upon one of the portant of all questions—When to buy and sell. The tiounry Gentleman •embraces liftmen - nig minor departments of a practical character. such as the lialry the Poultry Turd, the Apiary, the Vineyard. au so on, and weekly presents ai column or two forth Housewife and an interesting varie ty of Preside readieg. It contains a well Cdtted re 'flew of current events, and its adrertislng pages furnish a directory of all the prlnciyal agricultural and horticulthral establishments of the codutry. Specimen copies free, Address • LeTkER. TtiClKgR k Soica, Publishers, A lbany.iN". Y. New Advertisements. QEALED PROPOSALS W,lll be 1,_., teceredby the School Directors of Towanda Bora' un'll the 9tb of December. last, for digging and stoning .a c..e pool fur the Grafted School House In said Bore', 9.0 feet deep and 20 fOt lu di. aflutter, with ditch leading [row-welt to outbuild ing. Plans and specifications foesame mai be seer at the office of N. Tidd, Esq., until day of iletting. . C. F. N 1C1101.84 . . 8. W. '.fil.VOltD, 1 N. TIM , .... C. D. Iit:WPM/EY, D. W. SCOTT, , . 'd. 'HOLMES. School Di tors: F MST iNATIONAL BANK, TOWANDA. PA., DEC. 5. 1876. The annual meeting of the etockholdere of ad Dana. , for 'be rlertlon of Irreetori.„ wilt bt held on 1 UESDAY, January 9, 1677, between : the puunf-uf 1 and 3 P:31.1 DEPTS. Ja..See'l.--.' THE AtiNUAL MEETING 4 the Btbeichohlers of - 111:t Towanda Iron anutat t wipg Co. 11111 be hold at the cnre or lbl Prent.. Col. 4. V. 3Pans, oa TUESDAY, the 19th f Dm.. 1476. at '2 U'elOrk p. in.. for the purpose of ;elect lt,g Dir:etorb, and natal. other basluens as may prop erly come hel ot' Ir. r r. TI. L . SrOTT, Sec'y dr.lTreas. T. war..la. a.. Dee. 2.1876. .. E== SSE GEORGE STROUT), ,AITORNEY AND COUNSEZZOR4T-ZAW. .._ . OToe—Naln4l., tour doors Norilt of Ward Bout., Practices In anpreare Coati / ' . t of Pennsylvania and United TOWANDA, PA. States Courts.— , Der7.ll. ~ • 1876-7 NEWYORK DAILY HERALD AND NEW- PORK - WEEKLY HERALD. JAMES GORDON BENNETT. PROPRIZTOR • BROADWAY AND ANN STREET. LONDON OPPICL OP ?Hi NISW.LOnIi DLEALD-.. N0..416 FLEETATREIT. PAIIi6. OPFICZAVXXVIL ,DS L'OPLIIA. XLPL66 OFFICE-7 LTEADL PLC& The Dolly Edition at the flartain to conceded to he the "Greatest Newspapor of the age," both in point of ctrculatton and popularity. PUBLISEED EVJRtDAT IN TILE TEAR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 1 POSTAGE FREE. SiO pays fur one year. Sundays Included. eto. pays for one year. without Sundays. pays for lIX months, Sundays Included. et pays for six months, without Sundays. .2 toys (Orono year for any specified day of the w 9 k t pays for months for any specified day of the w't •l pays for ono mouth, Sundays Included. We pubr eh no . Sem( or Tri-Weekly Editions I'IIE WEEKLY HERALD. The 'Weekly edition of the IiXRALD, as Is evi denced by Its large and constantly Increasing cir culation. holds the same rank among the weekly o.lrspapers of the - country. • ' iturortial and Independent of all cliques or par tgther State or National. It alms - to - present to the public, with an unbiased judgment, the latest n-ws from all parra of the world. 7 Each number of the Weekly will contain &select story. literary and artistic Intelllgenc and a re view of the markets, together with valuable Juror ;nation for farmers and artisans. POSTAGE TAKE. One copy, one year. Twesoples. 0. Four et•plett, rt. Any larger Lumber at e 1.23 per copy. Al extra copy will , be sent to every club of tenor more. Addition to clubs received at club rates. We will receive tram Postmasters and News it-Aces yearly subscriptions :Or single copies of our eekly ADVERTISEMENT); to a limited number,vvill be lie