Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 07, 1876, Image 1

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mei* fords* al owes tozolostve
tin. to the taper. - - - sli p.
tit' tem.:. 14 orlcr.6 buortedorrarnati corn
per ans. tor the era lturertion. and stets CUTS
per fine for subsequeut Inserthstuk
. a. game stale as matting mat
ter. ^"WasTY curl% A LOIS.
ADVVITISEMENTS will be bloated secorang
to The following table of rates:
11w 1 .11w 1 Zu 1 im 1 GU 1 Iye.
;11:661 - 1CCIO1 - 15r0 1-a011070(T111.1i
i iuel.fs.: - 1 too
" Jac :;;1.7. - : 1 - 2.:56 - 7":6T1 - fo7oo - 111.6ii i 0:01FIlsii.ob
id, 1 - 3.n0 11C - 10 1 - 14:1*.1 - 11 - tifri.1 - bb - 113:66
34 re Inn 5:0 01 - 4 Too
Ct.l,:iFtn 1 - 10.60 9f - 1,710 - 11 - 6.1 - 10 1 - 41 - F.OIrIISOCTI - 71 - TO
r;il, --11.. 1 - 40 - 36 - 1714700 - 1 - €:cliti 1.16(17-ff):
Al di N ISTRATOR'S and Cietrouit's Notices,
-Auditor's notices, 1M.50; Btialners Card% Ere
11a x (Ter year) 13.00, additional linea. 11.00 each.
" S TILT Advertisement, are entitled to guar.
t • .iy • Inures.
fr sNSIENT advertisements taut be paid for
ALL Resolutions of Associationa. Comninnlen
• I , ,nF or Imited or Individnal Interest, and notices
cf M , rnages and Deaths. exce-ding - Ilse Uinta, are
JOIS :TINTING. of awry kind, In plain and
fancy culors. done with neatness and• dispatch.
Blanks, Cards, 'Pamphlets Billheatis,
State:neat& ice, or every ritletv and style., printed
. at ILA •hort , st notice. Tits REPORTER lIMPRIS
well tni:plted with power presses, a good assort
ment of new type. and everything in the Printing
line . - an be executed In the most artistic manner
and at rue lowest rates,
Prdessionnl and Daslien Cards.
tachs46 TOWANDA, PA.
"' I, MMITIi BSc . A.Iff\TANYE, AA-rou
t,' PETS AT LAw.--OSlce, corner of gain and
Pine opposite Dr. Porter's Drug Store.
OFF I E. 7 ll..iins Bulliltne (aver Powell's Store
nal.s-76 TourANDA. PA.
1 - 1 S 4
D.MITH, DvisT,
' --- Towanda. Pa.
D •
Wat Pijrk street, north side Public Sqnare
nett 1.. F IWe'd trona... onclrd-7.
4,2 & WM. LITTLE,
°flee in Pall. BUrk,cor. ilaln and Bridge-9a
Pt„ April Is. 76.
. .
OCIe- Irfrmtaayes Store. mays7s
Apr' 12. 1t74,
1 owanda. Pa.
ly 17-73,
(Mee. Sle• rues Block,
April lIT.
7 ' . - MASON.
. ;
, •
OM- thst dOr south of C. B. Pat , It 7... p.. see
on,l 11; .. • Nov. Is. '7.
LI l. 11ILLIS,
oat,' - ,vlth Enilth ti Montanye. rtiovll-75.
,COR NE Y .4.V1
,VOL'SSE T-L.4 Tr.
(Me : , orr (rose Book StOre, two doors nonh of
s tecrr. .i Long Towanda, Pa. May be comulted
11 Ger. : c April 12, '76.)
! - .;
To °Mee In Tracy & Nobie's Block
Pa.. Jao:10.
H. THOMPBON . , ArromtEr
to a!1 1 u. t, ss entrn,led nts care In Bradford,
l'onutles. Office with Es q.
Pone r.
f'cillez . tiansrouiptty attended to
0T"?...RT0 -
AT i. AW. TOVANDA. rA. ,n.
v.-red 1..—G911,1 111 .oler - . their
Ser.lry • payar. at:rat Itm ;;:ve•si to
tts tho tiap:l/111 . , and ilezlsters C. 4.11 N.
E. °VI. irEON. J (apt.? 4-.70) N. C. Et SRIiEE.
ToW.ANI.A. ij.i.
. . .
OM••••• li 11'•on",•ItIr."1., first door ...)uth ot :.te Flr.-1
Natic...a.l Lai,k, •it....5;a11,...
.% M %I'M. L. . E J:ln S-731A 3. N. 0 A LIF F.
TOW/0i A. P.%
Vffirr—'•,na Side Public Square
r ,A viEs & CA RNOCIIAN,
Dec !I -
111:•:,:rd to [practice ail bt-auc ,es of hh.
—:I.( • r BT.( )('N. xen:rance oo soup.
• s. M. wc)oimußN,ph s .si
, urgeun. °Mee °ter O. A. Macir.
Town •NIA ,- I. lirity*.
O ..PAYSP 11 D can be con
1 .A. • I)! ug S:oro
It , in •, A. 1., and Ulan 2t04. r. 3r. Stwela
atieir 1. - g:vet: d1...-msys or the Eye and Ear.
Oct. 19. '7641..
r rNtetaL s aild Snrr•ons. Office over Dr.
Porter :)rug Store. Towanda. Pa.
T. B. • •INSON, M. D. D. N. NEWTON, M. D.
Ar.T; O .
I N E b T e
in the
a toI n 2;vl floor cf Dr. Pratt's new
'a , , •••• ref:, ttus•lness solicited.
Or er
INTi3. KI - 47,1,1,Y, DENTIST.-01fiCe
r Towanda, Pa.
Y.--•: Rubber, and Al. -
1... Toetn extracted without yalu.
1 I moved Lis Dental .4n.-e Into a•razy
aver Kent at Watt. us' store,
I- newl :n an kinds of denial work.
lie••• pu k In a new gas aparatus.
IF LE PATTQN, Ageiits for
:1: l'attoc.'s Block, lirWga Sta.
0 .
(1 :
ki •
- 1876
1 3f-tin Stud, o.;)pos4eihe Court Rouse.
0:'t)?i191 B L ACKSMITH. resAifk. d.;2(qtlnhillne
test .traced. Ilatiufartures the cele
Lavon'4ll.4. Pies.
Shop P L oul: 7.14? - ar old Agricult, Works.
Tow:. As. r 0... -tau. G. ;6-t t.
Toe followlnz
Companies represented
0. A. MAME.
Y • - •
:No. 729
Ilsontsetirer and dealer In
--of every description.
• - t ..k
Er 3
Call and Lc Lioneineed tha' ire Sell as
Cheap as'the Cheapest!
Ju'v 27;76
r.nrAndl, Nor„ 21 . 176
Ever Mined in this town, and at prices that eanno:
fail pease the closest buyer. 1 bare many bar
gain it: all lines of gads tha: eantuu be obialned
e:ses:hcre. View call aud eaamine guuds and
IMIEMBER rLAcE4Humphreyes
old Sand, opposite Court House.
Tcwanda, Aug. 10, 1576
:" 4 -;
S. W. ALVORD; Publisher.
Zed k
Ilarejust opened anottiim largo stook of
Conststtig of
t . -
Boots =d Shone—Zroo::.!ry.
1876. 1876. 1876
I am now recelrlng :he
sic., d• i, . kc.,
&c., &c., &c.,
At the old stand of
o. L ineAor.-
• • • , _ . . . ... , . ..
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When the mists have rolled In splendOr
Prom the beauty of the hills,
And the sunshine, warm and tender,
Falis In splendor on the rills,
We may read love's shining letter
lu the rainbow of tho spray ;
We sball know each other better,
Wizen the mists hate cleared array.
We shall knoW as we at. known,
Never more to walk alone.
in the dawnirg of the morning.
When the *nista hare cleared away.
It we err In human baud nem, -
And forget that we are dust,
If we miss the tab of liminess,
When we strut g'e to tie Just ,
Snowy wings of .tn•aee shall cover
All the pain that clouds our day,
:When the weary watch Is over,
And the mists have cleand away.
We shall know as we are known,
Never more to walk alone,
In the dawning of the morning,
Winn the ml6ts haveyleared away,
When the silvery misis have yelled as
From the faces of our own,
Utt* we deem theli lore has tailed us,
And we tread our path a oti, ;
We should seuthnn near and truly,
We shonlii trust them day by day,
Neither lore nor Mame unduly,
It the tntsts were cleared away.
We shall knew &mire are kuown,
..Nn'er more to walk 11 7 0nc,.
the dawning of the morning.
Wlien the mists have cleired away.
Nt'hen the misti have ri-eu above us,
As our Father klolc.l his owe,
raft' to face with them that love us,
We shall know al we are known.
Lore. liapeol the an lent meadows,
manta the golden fringe of d.y;
/Lean to heart we hide the ,hallows,
Tin the Loh , s have cleared away.
We shall *now as we are known,
Never more to lull: issoue,,
.When the dap of Frit iti dia ning,
And the ton.ts have clear,:d aaay.
i ; ?J'' r II a rie rz
It,is so eav to give children pleas
rei to make lire a del gist to them;
that :•ometintes 1 fear, because it is so
ea.ty, we only do it by chance, in a
hap-Lazard way, not understanding
the full Unpin:ince of giving our
children every pleasure that 'we can
Pt-Iple who los4 a chill often speak
of tit, regret they feeT at thq,'thought
of SO tt thing they might hhve done
for it, but do we realize- that in one
sense our children are dead to us in a
fe'w short years, though they may
eut their three score years and
ten ? Each daybrings with t it some
opportunity ,'great or small, of' bright
ening a child's life (if God has given
you :he treasuri), and no pleasure
that :sou can give next Year will be
given to the child or 187(1—that child
is with yon now; h ill never'be yours
to tvm and impress'agtin.
lila let us t-ce how diif,.rently the
same can be done for a child ;
warm:rig and claterin: , it, or leaving
it wit no special memory of the deed.
Takit the matter of a slceping
dere ar e two mothers living next
door. another; each has n b ty
of .‘!% en or eight years of age, and in
list neral re-artanging of rooms in
tie s: ring. enc'i Aller decides that.
12. ,, y shall :leer) alone..
To,,i has a comfort:o4e bed its s
good sized room; the barca is full
-Jo h;is not iu use; Ile finds it lork.ll.
i, told to conic to mother if Ere
any chanue of clothing. lie
63 ..Or a lonking glass. and the re
tae st is considered in the lbght. of :1
sees' 1 joke, as he.c , dit pretehd to 'do'
o':11 hair. "You're •just to sleep
7 1, room." s.iv his mother., "and
in y o u don't litter it up with iany
0 f yol , r trash."
.11a. ry's mother is house cleaning,
:and he coniphuns bitterly of the•
finle it vilses, as he has to mind
lkthy, and mamma is 'too tired to
romp :Ind tell stories. but on the last
:lay o: the cleaning harry gets
reward forL!ie h.•lp he ha§ been in
malty Hate ways to his mother.
HAITI:, (tailing, you are getting
to 1)e sorb a big boy. and such a
, YoJd boy, toy'. tln.t matmnd is going
to give you a little room for your
very smn."
For me to sleep in ?"
" Y.:s; dear, and piny in some
times; and • where you can lin4l
down quite al-me, and ask Clod to
bie , s you and those you love; and it
may i e, if you should forgot ard, be
nau:d.ty, that yon would - have to sit
tin-re alone a long time—but we'll
hope '.hat won't happt n.. :Come and
see yyttr little bedroom."
It is a little hall room. ' The walls
are merely whitewashed and the win
doW I.)w and small, but' mamma has
mana . , ;ed a pretty little eurthin ont
of one of's long dresses, and
the cot bed has a white Spread ; a
snrdi bureau washstand containing
Fla rry's clothes, with everything duly
arranged fur Lint to wasli his own
nee rul linds;and 3 chair compri
ses the furniture. Harry sees a pret
ty pb)tograph of two little children
playiiig about their mother's knee. a
ehromo of a bunch of flowers
taeluf,l up aglinst the wall (wtiat
cares he that it is a " tea picture," as
the. ci•ildren call them!), and abo%e
the v:aslistand on a level with the
prowl little boy'stfaee, hangs a small
looking-glass, while.over it he reads
easily the large card.. "Be ye !kind
to ore another. tender-hearted, for
givin;:: one another."
'Ch: , child' is (blighted. He has
grown mentally since he entered the
door, and his heart is softened to
listen to the few earnest words mam
ma srys about his duties.and he tries
to foliowi each word of the aim*
pniy6: die up, that God will be
pleas..ll to be with her boy.
1)o you . not see the difference be these two mothers ? There
w s no expense in litting . Up Harry's
room, but his mother watches for
every opportunity to give her boy a
pleasure. .
How often we withhold a word of
praise from IrChild, when, -it *as
plume 'that it-merited. we should be
sure tc - ileal out full measure. 'There
is no such eaiure in I:fe. for old
and young , as,the reception of merit"
ed • • praise,- and . we.. should be. firy
.easeful to
. give-pit ir 7 he -;hiclieen
Sqkclcil Noe.
wziff.ALL novr.
the day. At' night, you 'call her to
your side, remind her of her naughty
conduct, and tell, her to ask God's
forgiveness. Quite right; but the
next day_she is a very good girl in
deed • so take care that you tell her
to thank God for keeping her good
all day. We - all need to learn to ex
pect GrOd to keep, us from sh6f we
leave ourselves in his hands; and
ellildren should be taught ,to recog
nize Gods help when they have been
good, and to be thankful' for it. 1
remember as a little ehild , I was gen
erally naughty, arid always prayed
earnestly for forgiveness, but once
in a while,: there would be a time
when I could not help feeling I had
been quite good, and I was always
bewildered as to my prayer's. I had
the notion I must feel like asinner
all the while, and remember' trying
to feel Sorry over the naughtiness of
dayibefore. but I couldn't realize
it, and at last I really. felt happier
when I had been naughty and could
ftiel the blessed sense of bein g for
given. never . forget this. an ti, for
my pot, every child I can reach shall
be thank God for the good
nesS tie has enabled them to show
forth as well as ask, His pardon for
their sins. Teach a little child of
three years to 'eay, " Forgive me if l
have been naughty," and you will
soon find he will know what days to
say,.“ for being so naughty."
But I have apparently wandered
from my subject; yet only apparent
ly. fer if you can teach your child
the wonderful delight of looking to
God for power to be kept free from
sin, you arc giving him the highest
And now,. as to : { simple. home
amusements. There are so many—
do :you • use them ? Let each have
his/or her own bottle of mucilettge,
and a book in which he can paste
pietives, if he is oil enough—scraps
o f pi.per if a little tot. In their
season,„too, there are the children's
gardens. flowers will give so
much delight as those your little
daughter has tended so . lovingly.
Somehow, your little boy's veg Ate
hies thrive in spite of the various
nts he tries; perhaps it is that
the soil is kept " stirred," while baby
know,; - her own plot, which loving
hands have tilled with : dear old-fash
lolled favorites, warranted to bloom.
Bet, c bove all, give your children
the pleasure of cultivated society.
You co your little girl great injustice
in supposing that she cannot appre
ciate whatever talent, whatever
pi) vet of pleasing you may have •,
:lad to your boy, my le art grows full
to ~ve: flowing at the thought Of what
you lose, when you let your little
sot, fir want of Better and higher
comvolionship, spehl hiS time with
inieuivated, superstitious, and' big
oted ervants.
Alt:lost all mothers can play a few
tulle?, on the piano, and this can be
tns•ie the Ecouree • of grent.pleastire
to el: Wren, especially if a regular
ho►:r each day is devoted to it. What
ten le:• little (amid:ants will be your
rc►~ar•l'w•hen you sing your
uri•es. and whAtever others May
tidal: of the vuieo, worn and weaken
vd by time and trouble, you an the
star of the little ,home
To have a house look home like,
per`io, al taste must be exercised.
The n iholsterer may do his part well,
v ithout the finishing touch of
yonur 4-crn fingers there will be a stiff,
dkcontented air about your'
,ro-ms that will obtrude itself upon
your notice Continually, although you
may Le puzzled to understand just.
lacking in the harmony. Ttn
more I ome work there is in ar : apart
ment--provided it be tastefully and
nearly dune—the more attractive it
will he. .There are so many pretty
tr:fLs now which ladies make,
that, v'e are glad to say, most ( homes
'are more or les4 ornamented in true
domestic beauty. One could
,scaro lr
- enter a city `Ur country house last
winter Nithout seeing gay bits of
coloring., in the form of Clusters, or
wreathes, or baskets or bright autumn
leaves and grasses and ferns; and no
room was without a piece of dazzling
applique work. One knew these
orations were the world of the house-
Wife fli soon as the eye rested on
the;n, and they appealed insensibly
to the admiration. • Some one eared
to woke these little efforts-to have
home more home like, and they were
boatitiftil but silent witnesses of the
womanly' presence in the household.
Many dainty little kuick-knacks
that will adorn a room beautifully
can b.: made with corbparatively lit
tle most, and
,will furnish agreeable
occipation for the idle hands. of la
dies, when weightier matters are
,aside for the time.
abthor:ss on home.idecoratinn
Aires us the followincr directions for
iiciljn; vases of lichens:
Take aithielz pine board, about ten
•nc'iez• square, and nail Upon this
amt.!). r square piece a little smaller . ;
I the centre of this fasten nn upright
ic:.e five inches square for the stem
f the vase For the bowl, wire and
bind the edge of a common straw hat,
Fncli Lt 3 is used for sea-bathing, with
_reen material, and fasten it securely
- in to the top of the upright piece of
ood, and then cover the entire
hidg, bowl, base and stem, with fine
ici , ens. stuck on with !gum
.antlt._ This will make a ;most grace
nil, rustic vase, and
a pair of them, with a tall bo
quA grass and bright leaVes with
!ay moss drooping over the is:lges,
or with ,pots of growinr , ferns and
vines set in them, will ake benuti
w7ndow or corner ieces.. `-The
ichens.grass and leaves an be gull
-red earing Summer raml lei, and the
ound..tion will not cos anything,
',A. 'pretty tripod for h lding
ry or a vase of flowers, r any other
• rnament, can be made y covering
simple wooden frame I the follow
ng M Inner: Have a round flat board
tend on each . end- or a piece fit
ins studding, one board forming the
p and • the other the h , ase of the
ripod. tack a straight Piece of dark
velvets erk or 00.,91 *tin plaid *
o.che edi*-:Orth000:Euvulio:
- 01:10iigh# -=ttithet;
as Y. .
on prefer to shape your tripod.
t it
a cover for the top of the same
ma flat used for the sides, and cover
the dges of the boards with a fancy'
brai , put on with brass-headed tacks.
Of course any color Or material may
be uSed, but the darker the color the
more etftetive it is with a statuette or
light!, vase upon it. • • .
A tripot . r.of this kind, which We
have; seen, had a plaited covering;of
Scarlet opera flannel, confined in the
middle by a band of white opera
flannel, embroidered with scarlet,
blae,l green and yellow, the color of
the Op being of white, embroiderer
in the 'same colors, and hanging from
this top were deep-pointed pieces of
scarlet and . white; alternating and
overlapping' each other, till ernbroi
defed in the most delicate tract' with 'I
the gay or colors. It was quite as
hand4ome as some expensive table,
and the lady
,who made it assured us
it wns, made out of odds kind ends
from'her scrap bag, and remnants of
spools of silk. ' It was placed in a
dark corner of her library, and from
a fancy flowerpot on it was . trained
a, lu.urious English ivy u p over a
picture and a bust on -a bracket.
Work-stands made lathe same way
as the tripod with deep pocket's hang
ing from the top, are both useful and
pretty. Some old chair may be l cov
ered to match the table, and the two .
:placed in some cozy nook'of .the liv
in‘r-ropm, With a pretty rug in front
of thcm, will form a bit of charming
femininity that will delight the eie.'
Brackets made with card board,
and cl, l ivered with opera cloth embroi
ilei•ed l itt gay colors, are so easily.
made that it is scarcely worth while
to give dire4ions for the'; 'and yet
they do winders in brig htening a
rooku,iespecially if it.,be dark. We
are grkuinally borrowiag the Oriental
ideas °f k eoloring, and' their artistic,
although violent, mingling of tints.
A, graceful standard for flowers
can be constructs d out of a few sticks
and some,tinfoil. Take. three sticks
of ,eqiial length; cut from - slender
tree ) ranches, and crossing them at
the tap, tent fashion, wire them firm
lyl to ther about an inch frOm the
top, s treading them some distance
apart t, the bottom, and vrirel three
short sticks across to ,hold them in
place. F This being done, cover all of
it with! tinfoil,. which can be easily
wound; on the sticks in strips. „ Sus
pend from the place where the.sticks
are joined at the top a pretty shell'
that will hold a little earth or water,
by a delic,de silver cord, and you will
11:11 e al ,pretty ornament for your ta
ble or tripod. Au air plant or some
sm-dl %lies will grow in a very little
earth, and will look pretty and fresh
iu the Shell for a long time. •
The following paragraph contains
the biography of thousands of
in the country, and yet men and
women ;will continue to drink the ac'
cuaseo !stuff: A few years ago she
married William Ileptenstall, she
being only seventeen years-of a ,- re,
and a comely formed'and mote than e'
ordinarily good-looking girl. "Lllep
teastallt was a cooper, and ht the
sane time a drunkard, and. the poor
girl so-in found herself eking out a
miserLble existence wit* a sot of a
ibisha•al, When the bard times came
air he condition of the Heptenstalls
Wa s correspondingly worse. Only a
iew week= ag Mrs. lieptenstall,'eall
ed at the Mayor's office
,and Staled
that lier, child. was dead, and that she
had tr: tn-.!ans by which to procure
its bu tail. The Mai or went to the
pleinkeS shortly after to see about
the burial, and found, the poor
Litwin r engaged in keepOig the,rats
irorn tae body of her child. Not lung
after the Mayor was notified that
tieptentall had deserted his-wile, and
hat sue ;was starving to death. The
Mayor 'Paid another visit to the
premises', and found the woman in a
most miserable condition, produced
by hunger and, inattention. ,The
Mayor et:lncluded to send 'her to the
County Hospital, but on the way she.
died, and her sufferings 'were ate an
end. A Short distance from the city
the vehicle passed her brute of a hus
band one the highway, swaggering
frUm theeffects of drink.—;St. Louis
GOOD ' TO,- 11E31 - MIBM-if
work about the !Aise is done quietly
it sculls to,he'easier. Slatnniing open
doors, clattering dishes, : . and other
kindred noises, weary and bewilder
almost as much, as the work it-elf.
The most successful housekeepers are
genemllylquiet workers. •
lino Mat Is used under stoves
should never be dampened. If it' be
comes soiled or dim, rub with soft
flannel and a little fresh lard. Clean
ed - in this way, a zinc may always be
kept as,bright as when first purehas
Tai ApOrikle dsmp bran upon 'a
carpet before sweeping is a good way
to lay the dust without injury to the
carpet. Pli-cloth should be cleaned
warn Water, anil rubbed dry with
;s chtli wrung out of milk and water.
Gilt frames should have a coat of,
dernar tarnish, which will keep them
from becoming soiled . with dust or fly
ape ks. an , Upennit their beuig wash
ed with a damp cloth.
S•rvirouss proves our tendency to fall,
hut it proves also our capacity to stand
Tuinu tre a thousand hacking at the
•iratich:l of evil to one who is striking at
the roor. I
A mots sigh breathed from the bot
tom of a H urd -ned heart is a loud cry in
the car of 'God.
31as po l rsons are more desirona to know
what that they ishould do, than to do what
they know. -
• Tutsrld of ours is like a fair bell
with a track in it : it keeps on clanging,
but does dot_ ring.
CossaT all thy discontent- through
prayer, e very care' through faith, every
Mar tb.ou g h hope.
Titus things as therare, and matte the
best of tb m. • That is the only true and
practkal philciophy.
Is int.] times It fares best with them
that are Most careful about -duty,.; and
;east about the safety, , • '
Ir ntetti- be not too joyful in having,
- too soheitbds in Heeling,„ tee anzions is
:04 41 / 4 4 U l9lo o' oo o in /0101 V
The following is an abstract of an
address delivered last week on "The
Morals of Polities," by Ex-Governor
Bullock, of Massachusetts, before the
Protestant' Episcopal Church Con
gress, in session at Boston: •
"ItLithe daily business of trade
among men the immortal element is
simple in itself find proceeds from a
simple cause. This is almost alone
the -unregulated love of money—in
ollietwords, it is avarice. .But in the
domain of Politics , the distuiting
causes and forces are more numerous,
more varied and more subtle. In the,
first place, the citizen is 'tempted
away from the rule of Individual ac
countability by his participation' in
large numbers of men, and by shar
ing with them his responsibility. He
parts with his own mind. He givesin his adherence to lax customs long
before they become immoralities, and
out of these the highest resultants
expected is the average moral sense
Of the whole number. The scrupu
lousness of the individual is merged
in anraverage public conscience. 'The
finer sensibilities are •impaired, and,
the finer moralities cifabed by.con
templation of expediency and neces
sity of compliance. This from num
bers alone. But then we are to add
to- this the vehement, -turnultnous,
'overwhelming influence of ,numbers
combined into parties. There is no' .
despotism like that of a' political br
religious party, and if i has lost the
power to bring recusants to the fagot
and tile block, still its means of com
mand and discipline, though rapidly
wealctning, are not yet overthro7n
'it debases honorable ambition. Per
sonal ambition' is both a good and a
;yid element in the solution of poli
tics, but it becomes more especially
bid when it is subsidized by, avarice.
" And yet let us be just to
,o,nr own'
generation. The English historian
assures us that two centuries ago
public men were, immeasurably more
imprineipled than now, and we know
that this opinion is warranted by
facts which are familiar to every dis
cerning reader of English history.
I believe as well in the progressive
dolitical virtue of the American peo
ple. It is true 'that disclosures of
recent years would impart vivid and
painful coloring r to the foreground of
truthful picture, but we ought
;lankly to acknowledge that the dis
tance of the perspective in all histor
id:li pictures shuts off the background
it t:n our'sights. We ought honestly
lc, admit that as concealment of
w:ong was once more easy L dit , covery
.1 now morCinevitable. The tele-
, iaph and the press now as never
lire flash their calcium nat upon
the hidden recesses 'of' peulation.
! t i.i.true, the late war, and the en
i...:gement of government in vast pub
-I.e etlterprises, have let loose a foul
of immoralities which have
ti ;.,tche'd to the House and the senate,
icy the Cabinet and the foreign ser
‘ the cheek of every honest
nier;ean has been stitfused with the
t•eepest carnation of
.sbaine. But are
're quite sure, du we altogether know,
uitt the legacy of our first war :was
bsuletely 'better? We kflow that
11113 LIU ini4k,u organized the nation
:A credit, and the public secur.tie,
were handled as kites . ; there were
rus:Jicions , attached to members of
Congress who sat byitare side of Ames
and CterrY, of Sedgwick and
son. We rejoice that the imze,of ob
lvion has gathered over then- names,
that we do.not know wild they Were.
It is enough that human nature does
not change by epochs, and that the
evil still abounds.
" I rijoice that the ministers of our
cilurcli are unit in the habit of dip
pmg their hands in the current stream
oi politics, but, I cannot doubt that
it one of .their higy duties to help
prott•ct, the. public Ithuitains in their
.purity. ; Far away let the day he
when they shall tune the pulpit of
this church to the discordance •of
party politics, but I am sure of your
as ent that., they should inculcate
Without fear or favor those principles,
and duties of citizenship up , m which
alone all pure politics must depend.
They stand over the vestal light at
the shrine. I beseech them, in their
sacred Once, not merely once a year
in their 'preparation for.. a Thanks.
giving day, but in their preparation
several times,itt every year, that they
shall eonsider, and instruct, and ex
pand, 'Ow great and solemn a thing
a nation' is."
The Rev. Mr. Price, formerly roe
tor of St Steppen's Episcopal church.
lived • until recently at 100 West
,Twenty-second street, New York.
Early in the summer he went to
Remspead, having his furniture and
I.;!ver locked in his• dwelling. A
a. eek ago Friday, the doctor came to
.Neon York; unlocked the front door
entered the parlor. Soon he
rd footstep, coming softly down
c . t.iirs. Ile went into the hall and
, he discovered a burglar.
What are you doing here ?" asked
lie doctor. The burglar pointed a
litol at the clergyman's head end
. aid : "If you move Vii blow' you:.
rains out," and dragged him : itito
parlor and told him to sit down.
began to talk 'to him," said the
tl:.etor to *a. reporter. " goer
.said I, !•' what inducA yon
to commit this crime upon society ?
Y , iu Lave committed bniglary, amt
cow you are about . to commit mar
ier. • It will do you no g'issl to kih
a obi man like me. f -You have
eady run the risk of twenty years in
:itute Prison and to little purpose.
Lyon kill me you will found out,
for - I have many friends in the city.
gni am welt knownhere. The mar
:er will cause great excitement anti
vou will be hanged for it. As a
ere matter of policy it is folly to
. ill me. And then why do you want
to add crime to crime 7" I , t Wcll, you
•be the matter pretty coolly," said
the • burglar. " Who are you, any
?" I'm %he Rev. Dr.. Price .of
be Episcopal church, and have spent
a portiOn of My time, laboring among
your class of people."' . The burglar'! ,
Manner whangeti
antilM took _the pistol :away, from my
• !i4= l, :rikliigit4itglitA•Jel% bawl
iiii you . do so Y The hand con
taining the pistel dropped by the
burglar's side. ".1. am suffering," he
said, " for food to eat, and am with.
out work, and no one pities me.-
You are the first man, sir, that has
spoken a kind word to mein along
time. I shall noCharm - you_i lam
surprised at your coolness. You are
the most remarkable man I ever saw.
The doctor had a heavy gold chain
hanging from his vest:and a gold
watcluattached to it. He also had
money in his pockets-. The burglar
did not attempt to rob him. Be
said: "You have destroyed all my de
sire to steal, and as for harming you,
you need not fear that: • But"' 'must
escape, and how to do it I don't
know. I . am atrsid to go •out, 'for
you will give an 9 1anfran,d I'll be ar
rested. I cannot _stay here, that's
certain, and I cannot harm, you, you
talk so kindly to me. I ,haven't the
heart to injure you. I don't see any
other way than to tie you. - Is there
a closet handy to put you in?"
" That is unnecessary," said the
doctor. "I will allow you to escape.
- I will give you all the time you want
I will not make any alarm itrtil_yon
are out of dagger. My life is in
danger, and I promise you that you
shall have all the time von want."
" Well, I guess I'll trust you."' -
1 He started for the door. As he
was about to go out the doctor call
ed to him : "My good fellow. you
say that you are in want. Here,
take this dollar (handing him a silver
dollar.) I am willing to help you
.fiu•ther-if you write to me
get - away. You need not fear to do
so, for 1 will not trouble you - if you
wish to refOrm."
The burglar stood leaning against,
the front door of the house, With one
hand on the knob, looking pensively
at the 'floor. Drawing a long breath.
fie . raised himself .full length, and.
chmiging his position to rest himself.
he saidi , %lowly4nd with.much
•Ah, thank you, sir, I expected
to have a tight with you wren
heard you come in the front door.
Yon have conqUered me without:
fighting. You shall hear, from me
pin,rsir. I will never forget this
Occurrence I believe there is one
kind-hearted man in the world.
The burglar, casting aiglance be
!dui him, slid out upon the stoop,
and shutting the front door after him,
walked ,rapidly away toward. Fourth
avenue: ,
The announcement that part of the
menagerie connected With Cooper (V
Bailey's great peripatetic, circtimnn
vigatiug, skyfuling, hippodromeccal
iopic circus would be sacrificed at
auction to the highest bidder drew a
largenumber, of showmen, several
Darwinian' evolutionists and innum 7 -
erable per Sons lof compulsory leisure.
to ,the M 4 chanics' Pavilion onf.Wed
ntsday. On entering' the. building a
very interesting sight presentedit
self.. The elephant was standing in
the middle of, the floor, and an un
washed. Democrat was vainly en to make up his mind wide:
end of the beast he should offer . a,
!dug of tobacco"to, at. the instance of
a deprlvdd small boy who wanted to
see tho Democrat in a lofty tumbling
act among the rafters. - The unwash
td roan gave up in disgust, as the an
imal had a taut both ends, and he
couldn't tell which was the front end.
The auctioneer mounted the Bra-
zilian ape's cage, and; stripping off
his coat, ordered .due of the men to
fetch 9n the parrots. The man held
'up a big fi r rech bird that looked as if
he had engaged in a dispute with a
Corn shelter, anu said: . "Now, gents.
here is one of the finest parrots, on
the American continent, swears like a
Barbary coast pirate, kpoWs the
whole First Testament, and can site -,
the Tral-la-100 like Jenny Lind; how
rifuell'mofferedfrm, five cents, -. guess
you don't know whaty'r trivia gents,
ten do I hear it, he talks better'n
some of your Congressmen; two bits
'modered, why gents he knows Ten
nyson all by heart, and% outswear
any man in the crowd, just the thing
for the. children, 'nonly two bits bid."
Here he stopped to take breath and
look reproachfully upon te crowd,
The accoMplished --bird wa finally
knocked down to a Methodia - reach
er; who came in just in time - o hear
that the parrot could sing . all Of
Watts' hymns. The old' crentleman
started out" highly elated" with—his
pri4e; but' when the disreputable bird
toll film to pull down his vest and go
to—we 3,, not exactly to heaven, he
went back to the auctioneer' and
wanted to swop for a camel or,ome
thing that didn't talk.
There was. considerable competi
tion over the big elephant, one of*.
SU; iervisors making strenuous efftirts
to ptiri•hase the animal for the city,
as a companion piece tone House of
Correction, hut Adam FOrepaugh's
agent secured the mountain of flesh
for sl,aoo. - The Supervisor was de
terminA to get something, so he pur
chased a fine hyena with a healthy
appetiie, for $5. As the Supervisor
has not been heard froM since he left
the Parifion and the hyena has bees
seen meandering alone through' Gold
en Gate Park, it is evident that the
upervisor had a very cheap funeral.
and two or three men have started
out with shot-guns to hunt his uniipi;.
coffin. The ostrich bad just eaten a
set of double harness and several of
the benches that were left carelessly
within its reach, and was put up as
ostrich, harness and sack of kindling
wood.. The lot brought $4.43. -The
sacred cow 'and calf were .sold ; tor
:332.50. The African bear was Wmght
for $l5O by a female broker, who
wants him to fill a vacant seat in her
new , Stock :Board, - and thy} camels
were knocked down to various par
ties who don't know What to do with
theM now. that they have bong* . the
hump-backed birds froni sunny Ba-:
"hers. The followers of Dar Win had
a fine opportunity - for studying the
theory of evolution when the auction
eer-broke through the top or the cage
he was standing on, and found him
, se-lf embraced' by its .occupant is -a
bug lost .brother.: The : doctrine of
the siir*,,d of the fittest , 7Vioidd taire:l
bad.a*wiCakillisitratkon if:the-a.]
lii per Annum In Advance.
class of
. pets did not seem to be in
great demand, and no bids were re
ceived. The giraffe ate up all the
decorations hung from theroof of the
pavilion which were left after tile fair
and had a severe attack of dyekeFtia,
wilich prevented his. sale, and the
kangaroo was taken into partnership
by a well-known claim jumper. The
letpards, wolves,' hippopotamus and'
other urgiesirable animals, were not
sold. ' • 40, - •
The, man who turns his life to best
account for himself and others,is the
man who, does ons thing, who, Owls
ifig for himself at the outset one line
,action, usefulness, and eminence,
-la Votes all his energies, to, its. Prose
cution. Such a man must 'have
- MSS and self-denial, resolution to
forego many immediate advantages,
tempting offers specious allurements,
and his bLk,• though it be with
alsigh, on many openings that:exhibit
flattering prospects of pleasure and
profit. -
" Let thine eyes look right on,"
says the wise king of Israel, ' "and
let; thine eyelids look straight before
thee. Ponder the path of thy feet,
and let all thy ways be established.
Turn not to the right hand nor to the
left: remove thy foot from. evi'.'?
Wiser or fitter words than'these,-eyei!
when viewed relatively to both
worlds. were never uttered to the
suns of men. A man ;who
. has a jouri
ney bun Su ffi cient to occupy a
day, and only a day in which to pei
form it, must not allow himself to
turn aside, to pluck the flowers which
grow by the. wayside; or examine the
green lanes that diverge from hirg
truck. ,If he loiters to mineralize
and. botanize, to saunter in cool
} shades, or rest by sparkling fowl
tain4., night overtake him before
his journey is ended. He. may do
anything that will notinterfere with
his '-central purpose of finishing his
journey in the time allotted, but no
thing that will consume the time and
waste the strength which the cou4ple
tion of it demands.
Thus it should' be in regard to the
religion of the glorious Gospel. It
propoSes to stipply,the loftiest and
most . valuable' part of man's beiOg
.its appropriate ;nutriment. ; ; It
reveals the way
. by which a man can
be reconciled to his God and fitted
for his sublime .destiny. It was) to
implant this one thing in the heart
thai,the.Son of God beeameincarnate.
and died upon the cross r -that the
1104- Spirit was` poured out—that
the Scriptures were written—that the
law was given that the Psalmist
Was inspired to LiTord his sorrows,
confessions, aspirations and devo
tions„-tht prophets uttered their
pretlictionS-,-and that a postles penned
their gospels and epistles.
The possession of Vital piety, then,
is the one thing at which :the Bible ,
aims. To say of a human being,—
a rational, sinful;:and ling:tonal erq
Lure, 'he has everything but religion,
is as if we should say of a citizen, be
haseverything'but patriotism--of
husband. he. has everything but ma
rital affection. It is just.that want
for which DO assethblage of aequigi-
Mons and other excellencies can be
thec'smalleSt,sul:tstitute or compensa
tion. God demands; this one thing,
and. nothing . else will answer
place. Ikiides, man's frailties re: ,
quire it. They wilf.Contraccdarkn;
and suffer without if. At the day . of
judgment, this, one thing will be the
onlytbing inquired after. And with
out this one thing, Heaven with its
spotless holiness mull weight of glor
will be lost, - for how can we conceive
of ," fulness of r joy " in the presence
of God i . without the love of God
warining the heart?. This one thing
must: be souglA j •lhumbly,,penitently,
faithfully, earnestr3T - iareervingly, or
the son! will tie lostrta - st forever.
Wtto ARE You, kiirt?—The follow
ing story is told of Colonel Samnei
Colt, who, in his lifetime, wa.3 i some
times inclined to he a trifle pompon..
When he - was building dwe.l,il4.
houses for the,workmen emploYed
his . great pistol factory, he one day
encountered a lioy--plcking up chip
on his grounds„ .
" What •are you doing herelly- he
•1, gruffly.. , • •
Picking up chips, sir," replieg'•
youngster, evidently unawed b.
ginat . Qrsenge,
Perhatgli," `said the Colonel, 4rAw
ing himself up with dlgulty," you
den?t, know. who Lam. 1 ain Colo; el
Ssinuel Colt, and live up. in that big
'Muse yonder." ;'•
The boy straightened np, swelled
out and 'answered:
",Perhaps .you don't know, who 1
am. I, am Patrick Murphy, and
live in that shanty down yonder,'
pointing in the directioh. ,
" Sonny," said the Colonel blandly . .
patting the boy on the head, "go on
and ; Pick up all the,chips yniwant.
and When yott get out, „mime foi
more." •
Amts xl: 19-30.-Gomazzr Tax?: St. Mark 211: :0
rouram QFAirzli. Lassort XI.
• St.• Luke here drolT the record of Pt
ter's visitation of. the churches Judea
Samaria and Gaiilee, and gshack
the.ilispersion that followed the death 4
Stephen (viii: , l-4). In conseenence o
that event he shows (1) bow 'Philip 'cal , -
ried. the Gospel to Samaria ;:(.) hpw San.
was converted and
.providentially prepar
ed for his work,,and (3) how peter open
ed the doors of the churchio the Gentiles'
Now be, takes up knew line of fact and
shows how the impel spread among thesi-
I. We have thehreault of_ lay effort.
(Vi. 19 7 21). '
The, men who were scattered abroad
were not &polities, neither probably etaeri.
nor deatOna,but simply private Christian-
They trUiFehrd as far as Phenice (t tract
of country; of which Tyre and Sidon were
peincipal . elteify to tbeiPorth ot: Pales
li ' ine r l4llo : l ** 6 4 9 l: 0 0 ./ 6 4tierriis 3 ,ti
11 1 01 41 . 1 *ibirlioo4
4 - 7 ;.. 7 I -itr-e.„'1114111-rk
DECEMBER 10, 1876.
. 1111 C G osr
,yr ~, ...,,,, 7: -,,,,;, .. :, t . t' , ..- - ;:- ,- . Q.Z.:•`.;a si :' ---4 - - --
t;...' ,,: • t . , ,,,., "At .7
Wie ireis . :CaPitrd - _iiii 2 .B*-ZiligtOk_
*lee train the--!°.*-.-SiiiPit'4l44'*,
the Oteetee; : DEO* .00:44 4 . 1 i 4 **4
ties of the anistiatt ere, line
of the East." It Was a **l../l a V .111111 ."
did and profligate city;:almosC - -!:lol9tjeg
'mita Rome." Itri - .popnyttieitti*-1.,.,L41
'most part was - a 'WOrtidesit stalible.:, , 4or-...kA
Greeks and Orientals. As thechuniliA*l2,l
takes a new departure and diteets",:hos,c4
born henceforth in part towards litt):*l3.,
then, a new centre of activity ii*O44 : :l';',
and this is found in Antioill. ' Fleeithlitif..
point St. Paul sets out on tileatur#l#'l‘.:74
missionary journeys. . ~ - - ;',-1' , 4:
Those scattered believerssloo*; - 00.4
Word (v. 19); or , it la eipressedAtt3
20, tine amour' - the glad .tidiognnit
the Lord Jesus. y did pot preacb,Oe.:
e i he
course, as men pr4ch now. Thek'talk , ;:_,
ed, disputed, and expounded the ..iileritii,"
turn in the synager - ues. . It is probably
that the majority of them were Jews„, and - •• - ::;, , i
these addressed the Jews only. They had:; ..::?;
not heard of Peter's 'vision, or , thilbripe , .:••
tism.of Cornelius' household, as these hati - t ,
occurred, Probably. since they. left-Jere.: -,.::- - .i
Salem. So their old prejudices.centrolled' - : - '':.
them. But some of them were Cyprialm
.. 'i'..;
(from the island of Cyprusy and Cyreni.;:::',--
ens (from Cyrene, a province and city of: ; _ . - - 4
Lybia in 'Africa). These were 'Greek7.,: - - - ;•.;i:
speaking • (foreign) Jews; and for -scene - .7 , :
reason disregarded the bigoted notions,ot.' , ::_ i
the Hebrews. They apake unto the Gila.,
clans (Helltnes or Gentile Greeks)l. - The.:: .:-
hand, or the power, of the Lord was with i'.. :':.
them in-their love and labor; and in con•i.:;.- ;
, sequence a great number believed. a1r 0 '.. 2 - -
bliowtd their sincerity by turning un . . ',.
'the LOrd; 1. e., by confeisl'on of ; the Loa
Jesus and by holy obedience to his Word; 2 .'
I. i . -s probable that nearly all the conver- • -
shins were among ;the - Grecians. Thus'
early in, the history of his church did the
',Ord set the seal of his approbation upon
liiy labor.
11. The Mission of Barnabaa. Ye. 22-
24. Intelligence of 'this great extension
of the gospel was carried to denisalem.
It may be that Peterrhad not yet return.
ed; or that the visit to Cesarea had dot
yet;or made. The inference seems to
be thst,the church at Jerusalem, hearing
the news, was perplexed or displeased,.
and so sent a commissioner to examine or
act for them in the emergency. Alford
thinks that Barnabas was sent to try, by
g.:ntic ineaus r to prevent the admission of
the uncircumcised into the church. This
is very probable. Ile,was a gentle, large
hiarted, wise man; and as his home was
nearlay, on Ole island of Cyprus, he may
have Len Well known to the Jews at An
tiocb. So thf, he was well qualified to
prevent them from taking, a false step.
Bat his observatien of the work changed
his feelings and purpose completely.
When he SAT the evident genes of God be
rejoiced; and instead - or discouraging
these; Gentile converts - he exhorted them
them to. eleve -unto the Lord , with pur
poi-e of heart; i. e., with' sincerity and!
corstancy. This sudden change in the
man is accounted for by saying% that he
was a good man—a truly pious man, fedr
lug and obeying,' God --- and full of the
Holy Ghost arid of faith; i. e., Controlled_
by the Holy Ghost through faith in - the
Lord. Such a man could "ijot suffer Jew
ish ideas, hoWever 'old, to stand in the
way of the gracious work of the Lord. -
The result•of 'his ministry there was that I
much people was added to the Lord. This
probably means that the great number L
who believed (v. 21), with ethers convert- • •
cd through the preaching Of Barnalias,
item baptized and thus introduced into ,
the Christian Church. •
111. The :lalveut of Saul. Vs. 25-211:
Barnabas, W 33 au humble man. ,Tito Lard
had_blessed :Lis labors, bit he felt the
need of some one of superior wisdom bnd
accredited authority; so lae thought of
Saul, or. it 'm..y be that, before he left Jo
rasalete, he was hist:motel by the church ,
to call upon Saul, if necessary. His head- •
quarters were in Tarsus, bis native town
and the chief city of Cilicia; but no doubt
he was •Tetivtly employed in preaching in'
all the Legion adjacent., Barn- bas sought
him , otr: - .. and when he -had foliud him he
brought him to Antioch. For a year they
- labored in a: Church there and taught
the word to a large number of people,.
probably nearly all Gentiles. This union ,
in Gospel 'work lasted until the' second
missionary journey of St. Paul, when
these-two good men differed and'ptrtod.'
It was at Ahloch that the believers in
Christ were first called Christians: proba
because they made so much of Christ.
IV. The brotherly love of -the Gentile •
&Lurch. Vs. r-30:•
During the-time these events were oc
mirring, certain prophets came
Antioch from Jerusalem. These prophets
were men or women (xii: Win- the early
church, inspired to speak in God's name,
and incidentally to foretell future events.
St. Paul places the gift of proPhety above
tb .e of tongues.
One of these prophets was named &ga
bus. He must have been comparatively .
a young man, as twenty years afterwards
he is mentioned as coming from Jerusi.;
teni to it•arn St. Paul (xxi: 10)-, Acicfm4-
inc. to tradition he suffered martytdom. •
le predicted a great' famine throughout
.he whole inhabited world. This term is
often afmlied in the Bible in a restricted
tense. The Greeks and i4inans both ap
plied it to their countries. \ It is held by !',
Adam thai it is sometimes so used of Pal.
estine. It maybe so, here; although it is'
probable that strew dearth did ex ild
over the whole Roman Empire during the
reign of Claudius; but not -at the same
, -
This prediction touched' the new-b;irn
lore and gratitude of the Gentile disci
ples.- It w a s determined that -each one
4raldff send assistance to the brethren is
Judea according as' he himself enjoyed,:
plenty. It is probable that they; were r
much wealthier than the Christians in
Palestine. Yet having, received (if thrir
spiritual things, it became them to '0
municide in return of their temporal.
things. These gifts, ncNl•lubt large, were
sent to the eiders (or Presbyters) by the
hands, of Said and Barnabas. The
office of, Presbyter or Elder was the only
permanent, essential office of the Jewish
church, and .is such was' retained under -
the-new or7nization,,wthont any foraial "
institution, end therefore without any
duct mentiou in the history, such,as •
ind afterwards in reference to the organ- -
ization of the Gentile chniches, where.the
offfce had no previous - existence."'
V. Seed Thoughts., • 7 ..2 1 •:'
1. All who love the iofd should
:is Word.'
2.. Those who do so, etedl turn vismr to: 1
3. No prejudices sbmild be sufferedto
,tand before the evident tokens of God's .
grace and blessing. ,
4. All Cluiaian life ("the bighestlifes - ,.-,„::
is summed up in cleaving' unto the lord ~
with parpas a of heart. _ -
5. Workers in the Lord's ante theca
humble and fa* !rowimilaug-and: — "-z:'ii,
6, True belksvern (tnid
11 4 1 4 Chi* aujuid*4:)7- --1*;
'- 3,,