Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 30, 1876, Image 4
fdtualletud tepwl E. E. Quilium, .1. A. WILT, • Committee ntrr. D. CRAFT, of G. W. RTAN, Associate Editors. • A. A. Kt.t.A.t.Y, I,!ernmunieettens maybe sent to either of the ni , ve editem as they be preferred, and will appear le :' ie issue of which be has charge. 1% W. RTAn, ranter in Charge Present Examinations of Teachers for the echoola will be held as folloves : rteL !IN Burlington and Iharllngton West at poro' F. hoot 'Dome; Oct 33 , Colnmbla and Springfield, C:::utuld'a S Roads School House; Nov. 1, Troy. .rough :School House: Nov. 2, Gratrvllle, Windfall : Nov. 3. Canton. bra' school house: and Frani:lln. Chaapel reboot house; C. Asylum and Monroe. Alonroeton school Nor., vllla,, , Te.sclexd home; Nov, f, S:.1;:o11ng Slone, Ff . :4ler school home; Nov. D. Wya -1,,1vg. Campt.ram school !louse: Nov. 13, Pike. Le- Eebool house; Nov. 11, Warren. Bowen tr•olo'w School house; Nov. t 5, Windham and Litch i. •hl. Windham Centre school house; Noy. 16, Or v-11, Orwell 11111 : • sollool_ house: Nov. 17, Rome. I—rou,flisvhoul house! Nov —J.3, Renick; I.andon /. boo: Nov.;'2o, Twearqva. Keeney- scluxd NiT. 22. Itldgbyry, Bloty Hill school house; Noy. zn, Wells and South Creek. Gillette school N‘.v. 21. Athens, bOircugh school house; Nov Inise; Nor. 27, IV T..uatola school Bowe; Nor. 2;, AlbailY landpvertoo. Bahr school house: Nov. 29, Wilmot nod Torry, Torrytown; Dec 2, Towanda, ,Born' Arp 111!: pease come provided svith pen, tok, f,x,l',..eap, lead pencil and reader. r.:natinations to begin at 9 o'clock A. V.- A. A. KEEN ET. Co. Supt. Tuv, Ch7t. 7 ARITHMETIC. The following rules or methods not be- ing in our arithmetics, will Ue intere.stinpi t to s•twit•rit'zt awl teachers; and useful to viiy who may be using such ',arts of the R ineAtally, p Arc ri,.lfartlilw to the ( ree nod ; a :al ste pi; g. 7 -(2 all:, half the shilling:- t.-oths of pound; - reduce perice and far!-s 171 farthings, adding 1 if more that , ond :2 if more than 36, and call the re s-ilt 11 , inv-andtlis of a pound; combine th, r, sill:, flow the shilling with that from f :t: 11cre.:o the rule if a decimal of a pound :•)!:e ged to shillings, pnce and Li thiuzs. Ey.sinple: —r:hat is 60 per cent. of Pol pounds, 16 shillings, ,ii pence and t hin4l. 'Half the siiiilaugl4 gives .8 and 11 1, mca and :1 farthings 41' farthings, being over tifl, requires a correction '2,'makit!g 49: •calling the last result 1:1 ,- 'esat,dtlisund combinirig with .8, the re:.,ll:t is the decimal of a pound=.B_49; 1, , T cent. or 1 8 6.840=112.109. Doubling tie tenths and dividing 9 thousandths by 4, and the answer is Ll 2 pound 4 •2 shil ling-=, 2 Pence and 1 farthing. ; Literril, 365 d4u., to the year, at 7 per ten'.—Either of the ordinary rules re u:res long - division; a tedious process. NEW Ili - LE,: Compute the interest by the canomon 6 per cent: - rule at 6 per cent., :;6 , ;.days to the year, then increase this tcsnitby its tenth !alt and half of its t anth part, one-hundredth of the half ' -nr-i 6-d by half of the one-hundredth, AVi.l li is a short Tray of multiplying the at 6 per"cent. by 1.1507. EXample: \Vhat - is the interest on ;4480 for 2 yearsi :; Moritr.s, 6 days, at 7 per cent., :365'.days to ti c al% The.interest at 6 per cent.= •=l-10th.. ot• 1-10th. ~ - - 1 -100th of last number, .fui; • WES s;:;:i.1 - 40_,.,.the interest at 7 per cent.. 26.1 days the year, The &Myna] 1.1507-i- is the - answer to thellowing problem : If the interest of at, i per cent, counting 310 days to the year, be one, whit must be the inter est i u the same bum at 7 per cent., reck oning *l5 drys to the Year? Will some persd i n accustomed to cause ;Ind etrett in proportion, please state by that-method, 'and explain the reason of the slat( mem; also the following exam ph.. Ii the baker's loaf contain 9 ounces when };heat is 7 shillings 6 . pence per What ought it to weigh when v. heat is 6 shillings per bushel? SCIENTIFIC, A x cientiticinstrument of a nov4 kind av:.s -lately 'exhibited by Mr. W. Sei tret tl:e inventor, at the niectis of the lb , yal'Society of London, where it excited he greatest interest and curiosity. It is entitled a Bathometer, and is intended to show, by anseasy proceSs, to the mariner nt any moment, the depth of the water neer whicli he is sailing.. The principle tkitni - nhich - this ingenious instrument is' r ,, sts ii ii the la vs of gravity and t licit:application. It would take too much 'SpnCe to ;enter here into a full explana tioti;of the process; let it suffice to say that: reasoning upon the discovery of Newtouvtthe„-pinver of gravity,' and that thisi - orce depends not only upon the size • Of' ti:e pass but upon its distance, and attraction is in proportion to the and in the inverse ratio of the sqnare of the distaubes, Mr. , Seimens has ;c )11,i:tutted his Bathometer, which by a deliatae and ingenious arratement, and throtwlt the agency of mercury, hh catt s , sote.c what 'as ilt --- barometer does, the ehinges of atmospberie pressure, the vary hit; depths of tke- ocean over which I:,e mariner is - passing.i, * ' l ' If the pew instrument realizes all the hopes 4,lNit iutcrtaicti of it, Mr. Seimens may 'be at Witted von having given to the N; 0; id a discovery almoSt as important to Tier that of the compass.—Ncte I d 4012 ;Jur? of Ed L! , .! a 1 I . 011. owing to the-great difficulty of making iiecurate soundings at great depths, corn pamtil-ely little is known of titie depth of ! - .e neent:s, II the Bathometer is capable, determining the (depths, as claimed, ;:le depth of every water must soon be ,. wine r, kpeiwu, as scarcely 'a portion of that is not visited by some Sound ngs, indicaling depths of fioni-P),t..:.0 to WOO feet 'have been re i.orttd, but :the 'aceuracY gnestionet; by cientists. The above instrument will pro whether such-enormous depths, or, greater ones, actually do exist. - CIECULATUD DECIMAL. The question, Why is the denomina tor cf a pure repetend as many nines as Oere are figures in the repeteml," is oft viler asked than answered. We suggest the following explanation., The fraction, one-t b ird equals three and ene 7 third tenths The numerator el this decimal is three and one-third, and the denominator -is 10: If now we write in place of this result the r.lietend wz have 'evidently divided the tituremtim by ten-ninths, and to preserve the value of the fraction must divide the delsoniinutor 10 by ten-iiintbii, which gives a denominator of 9. Similar reason ing will explaiu;:ither numbers.. . A Sr. Lous school official Sap : ` Here isn fact beyor.d dispute. When a young utan begins to teadb he begins to study rp the,soienee of education. Be will take a beboofjournal. A young woman will her noontime in reading the Bar*, 0.8 Ledger, or the Sim Women are ix iwcting to Site up the buthunul at ITT my lint; they hope tb .get manied. Me a dila% hitt W Or,l) sills) pi is, Since the metric system is not yet com pull ern - we must still teach the tables of denominate numbers, their reduction, ad dition, subtraction, multiplication, divis ion, and practical application, and this should be done as far as possible object ively, rather than by attempting to force the abstract memorizing of them. When teael.inft Long Measure, have an inch measure, a foot rule, a yard rule, and a striog a rod long: Let pupils handle these measures; comparing one with the other. Have one pupil measure a rod with the rod measure, while another applies the yard measure to the same distance, and still anoter applies the foot measure to the same' distance. That 12 inches make one foot„ 3 feet one yard, 51 yards 'or IGI feet make 1 rod, will be easily learned, remembered and applied, if studied in' this way. To teach square Me +sure, require pu pils to use the foot and the yard measures mentioned above, to measure and mark qut on blackboard a square foot, divided into 144 square inches, a` yard divided in- to 9 square feet. The square rod could he hest taught at some noon or recess tune, by hying, out oa school grounds a square rod. first with the yard measure dividing the r.NI into square yards. and then with the foot rule. Thus show pupils that the-actual meas urements of surfaces-are made by linear measure, and that the square measure is only Used c in computing the surface. Surveydrb' long and square measures shon4aiso be taught and illustrated c n school grounds; certainly diagram, on the itlackWard should be fatly used, if the tctstal work on the grounds - is nut prac ticed. Many teachers have sets of cup:- for tolchity , wine measure, 'end for beer also cheap scales and weights ior ta i blcs of, weit.tlitei. Most of the rActvef is liomsiCte withoutckpense. Let intellec I nal drill m the tables—reduction, etc., -L 'oc constantly practiced. METRIC SYSTEM Many persons believe that the metrie -;. - sten-i will be rendered compulsory in the United States within the next two cr •Itr.2e yeafs,,as it is now in all other e,:vil ized countries, except England. The scars of time required in our schools to lea:•o compound numbers, i reduction.and application, would he nearly all saved to devote to other branches. Governments would save millions in clerk hire if such system prevailed: , Its cosmopolitan char acter is a strong ikoint in its favor. That adults do not know how to use the sys tem and trouble ani confusion would en sue, Is the only argument against it. This objection amounts to very little; for the persons who would use the system most, and have to acquire i_ at once, ar professional and business men. who are expert in using present methods, or learn ing new ones. A few hours study would render such persons familiar with the principles, and a few days would.sutlice to acquire expertness. What business man but at once learns a new method, if couvinced that it is shortest. "Time is money." Teacht:rs shOuld instruct pupils in the system as found in 'the back part of Robinson's •Higher Arithmetic, and thus enable parents not requiring the sys tem much, to obtain aid prom their ' Such instruction commenced now would render the matter of using easy to pupiislwo or three years hence whei it may be enforced. FOE EI:AMINATICN IN SPELLING i Write the following upon the black biard and require pupils to .copy it, but to spell the words correctly: Wallenstein's apperanc • was enuf in it self,to inspire feer and respect. his taul thin Jigger, his hawty attitude, thesturn expression of his pail face, his, wide for hid, that seamed formed to command, his black hare, close shorne and harsh, his little dark eyes in which the Ilaime of au thority sliOne, Lis hawty and suspeshous look,-, klis thick mustashes and ; turfed -beerd, prodused at the furst glanse a startling sensration. His usual dress con sisted of a jacket of elk skin, covered by a wcitc dubblet or cloke: round his neck be worea Spanish ruf;in his hat fluttered 'a large read.plume, while skarlet panta loons and boots of cardova lether . eairfuly padid on acount of the govt, compleeted his atire. Wliile . his army devoted itself plcasli . r,' the deepest silense rained arowud the general. He cold not endure the rnmbliag, of karts, loved- conversa shuns, or even simple sounds. One or his eliamberlens was hanged for waiking him wit lout orders, and an oftisersekretly put to death because his spurs had clanked . s hen be came to the genetal. His ser vents glided about the rooms like fantoms, and a 'dozen patrolls incessantly mooted rowned his tent or pallase tomanetane perpetyual 'tranquility, thanes' were also stretched acres the streets to,gard him agenst envy sound. TEE PROTESTS which arc lOudly made against over-work in study, seem to me to be largely the result of misguided sym pathy:, The fault is not so ; much in our work as in 'improper distribution of work,. for the mind is at work at anY rate. If the food, sleeP,!'and exercise of thb body are properly regulated, and, the work of the mind properly varied, there need be but little fear of Pernicious results from overwork. lint if the ha'. its of a family are such as-to permit children to indulge irilate hours, late meals and the ways of so-called society, to encourage those irreg ularities which naturalif lead to some form of excess, to turn their thoughts in some unhealthy direetion; . anti if the're suit is, as it will be, weak, delicate young ladies, too enervated to make eithbr men . - talor physical effort; and lounging, dissi pated, worthless young men—thee it-is time-to utter a protest against 'Ninth re sults; being charged , to Overwork in schoti!s.. It is meet rather ter the teach ers, acid thoughtful persons, to piotest earnestly against the demoralizing ens-, toms which a mistaken sympathy sane tioni, and which are robbing many young • meu and women of their 'vigorand their strength, and lessening their - possibilities for the highest, type of manhood and wo , .manhood, to say nothing of encouraging a - tendency to some form of vice or crime. —Pr0.r...9.. 11. Whitt. How orTEN do we bear remarked, "Oh; our school is small and uut very far ad vanced; the scholars are nearly all quite yetuig;Are can't afford to 'pay much; most any one -can teach our school."- 'What a fallacy ! What a stipepdous !error ! There is ,nothing which shoidd be So studiously avoided : as. such a policy? Belly your children the high school, 'cheapen the academy, abridge all their future course, but do not commit their early training to the ignorant or unskill ful. Be sure you have tl'e early part of their mental cultivation properly begun, and-it matters but little with regard' to the latter.--4Nationqt Month/y. RFYonit . in onr present system of or is being discussed somewhat these clays. But so long- as its advociies are confined to a hw malcontents too stn -pld to earn to spell comeotth thihnote• sin* *Mb! 1611011 lOW =ME Mathias. BANKRUPT SALE! A Larry Now-York Clothing House haring been oblige; to fall, have sent to me. 630,000 WORTH OF CLOTHINC! Coos[Mtn of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. MATS AND CAPS, IILGVES, MITTENS, &c.. Which 311:ST he sold In order to raise money, they haring agreed to pay their creditors 25 emits on the tulta•; end hare sent me the goods to dispose of for them. j. SEE THE ruteEs WE HAVE 410 First-Mass Gray Overressts 83 00 Sail 1..7p. 3)0 First-Class Gray antl. Black Ker . s,y Grervosts 4 00 •• '• 4.'0 First-time Harris Valon Ileav'rs F. 00 " 'sS'First-Clase. Sawyer's ('hinchillas. 7 00 5)0 Union 3t-rehisors S 00 610 !Irani:ion n. AT. Cassiturre Suits 8 00 " 1500 fly Working Pstite.... 1 00 75.5 Crown emsitne_ne I/. & T. Panty. 1 75 and Up. 430 Genuine Womiward Cm. Pante.. 3 13 " 1000 rassimere Vests 7) toooUsssiniere Vests emne can' and secure your Bargains. This IA •no lumbar. as tiers.- oods 31BST and SIIALL f lte:suld n Rhin the neat tiO dap , . at M. E. I:OSENFIELIri;, TowANuA. Novembor IS7' VOTICE. M. E. SOLOMON & SON, Are nnn• retiring (rum tlin Clothing Business, and uu therefore ullertug thrir Innuense block of 8 MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &c.; cid. 25 Per tien t ,. Less Than Cod Thh, xtoclt mum be road during the next ,Itrty dart. A Itett-r oppertuulty to purchase cluthing Cheap, was nxver offered in this ton•u. PRICES Heavy Overcoats >t3 SO to e 4 00 and up 1:111.o Beaver Overcoats 600 •• •• •• All Wool Dea. , er Ovorcoals.. 900 •• 10 00 •• Heavy Undercoat+ . . 300 •• 400 lliack (all wool) piers Coats. 600 800 •• y l • ant9 150 •• U 0 •• BOYS' CLOTHING AND ALL OTHER GOODS IN I'II(bPuRTION ' for ItPot. Parties wishing to bu; th...tock will have a good opportunity. M. E. SOLOMON & SON is' Persons Indebted to the above firm ivl Ideaze call and settle. =I THE (11:EATEST CHANCE • TO BUY FAIL AND WINTER:CLOTHES Ever oireretl to the people of BRADFORD COUNTY As I have a prospect of gaining an important suit in one of the west ern territories., which will render it necessary forme to retire from the CLOTIIING BUSINESS, I take this method of informing the people that my present- large stock of • 211 EN AND , BOYS' WEAR, Will be sold regardless of cost, FOR CASH ME Frost k Sots. A -T FROST & SONS' FIIRSITURE On Main Street, THEY ARE SELLING NIEE - CHIMBER SLITS At $2O, $25; and 130. ALSO, WALNUT SLITS AS LOW AS s3si And all other. GoOds pr'oportion ! Alt they ask to for you to call and see the goods and Priem and be opus - lured that the only place to buy good goods cheap Is of the manufacturers. Remember that We are prepared to do UNDERTAKING Low :r than any:other pence, WE INVITE TUE PUBLIC. TO BTOP AND LOOK AT OUR GOOD!. FROST & SONS. 11 MINIM WA OK MO in=I=MEEMEMMI APPLETONB' NE* REVISED EDITION Entirely rewritten by the ablest. 'writers on every subject. Printed from new typ-, aud illustrated with Several Thou- Lard Engravings and Maps. . FROM REV. DR. STRONG. Editorof McClintock and Strong's "Cycloptediaof Biblical 11.1lerature. "The preparation of our own evelopasila haste& and. Indeed, required me to keep an observant eve upon nil the general rycletnediap, especially the new ones. 1 find on my return from ahread that the new edition of Appleton's' American Liyetiptedla has tnnde vapid progrerp, having now repelled the ninth volume. bringing down the alphabet to Si. 1 am highly pleased with ltir character. The der edition wan a very convenient wort, and More eon. plete for A merkan readers than any ether; but this greatly suriXIASI'S ft. The articles have all been re wri, ten; and then subjected to the most rlgorons ~ r itleirm„ the egret or watch - . Ia shown in their clearness, comprehension. and condensation of statement. . 4 The vocabulary is particularly rich In American biography. popular science, and all th!sw auhjecta tha: are tared Interesting to the mass ot readers. 'rhe style is simple. transparent. and chaste, and the intormvt ion Is nil ot the 'most practical charac ter. The discussion of disputed points is w(.rly scolded. and the srvlce thus Laved Is dwarfed to .tmling matters pr tact. Tim maps are admirable, and the woodcuts are exe-ed:nely appropriate- as net! as 1 . 1e .. 111t. It o form for years to come a e- unpt i 'te f atally Illbrury on ail standard topics, and •1•a•-ryes, as It wilt doubtless have, an extensive circulation. 4 AMIES STL,iONG." We tally concur in Dr. Stronrs cowl:Rend:4lot, of Appletons' American Cyclopmdia. EDWARD BRIG irr, To. 1) Editolt.,pf the ..\ - ,rcr Tnrk Extren ill( r. T)ANlF.l...t:lrititY. I). D., . . R,10,4 - , ,,f the. CAristian .4drocatt et journal S. I. l'I:IIIE. 1). p.. libor Ihr Tork Morrrer lIENRY M. Fl F. 1.1). I). FROM REV. Dn. STE EV ES, of New• CaLle, I'a Arideiring* tiriw AM.riCllll Ctrl. poerlla i% work it ll kind prildhlirsii. It I , weft wri , tenir•rfiebilly invortraf,d. arid I regard It a. Thiii work tilionlit be within the malt of erl• F1:03I I:EV.I)R. I:F:ED, Pittsburg!), Pa... "PlTTslit - 1:611, Pa., Pe% 3. lsfs. Pt:Sit Stn: You a 4: the to give toy "pluton w 1•11 ral •renet :o th^ attlele In the Atuellean whre!: relates to th:2 Roman (l.ttlioitAlrlich tor y. : Tticae wrllten.,o far,a. I have eNatn• theta; Iv Runyan t'llitilles. from a Itooiah Ca , ho;tc ~ a ndixOnt : though at trio sant:, time they strive Impartial, '.actor to me latat this is a feature to le. cont. 111.4 , 1.,11: We wan: to know what that Church 11041 N or it, d..-Ifity, :no Iti , tory. I regal.: It as a pecu!lar excellence of :11 , Anterl ean tyche.v,ll.) that. not on:y is Ith reference to the ltoinan r,tholle Church, littt also w1:11 roferenee to :all other sqlifeets. the articles are written by pet , who are specially familiar with these, subject:. lam, yotire. etc.. • WILLIA:O .1. REED. I). It.. • . Minister of -First P. P. C.5.,rch." FROM THE BISIIOP coNxurterr. "MIDDLETOws. (onn- 1)eo. 11. Isn I .I.ino! think xn MCCell.•nt a work n. Appl+tons• Aur•u 'can Ccelopa•dia can need any words of conk in-ml.ttion from the. I am, however, flie more ready now to say that 1 , 1!..:11er It ae far beyond any similar work (nits elmracter awl use fitinmet and • I assure any person, who may parchole it, that they win have sectired an anfailtar, and trustworthy help In ad II •I'llr:- r.p.nts of knowle'dge. I speak front 3 thorough ac. Iptaintanve withrne work. FROM PROF. EATON, or Wlfflam 0.1!e,7 I rt.Joire every' flay over lltls . Vvebp:edla. regard ing It as the Cyelnp;ed Lt par ra-crlltnce. vortgrat il!me np•s.•lr ronltnnatly. I ...Ilse:m[ly re,ort to It. Vr I eing In loases ton or this .1. R. E.ITt)N. ProPssor .V"teral Science, II;011 BISIIOI' JAMES Tho A u •riean If yel(.lrilla . u'tic•ti corn• 10e:41,1. I! be au autbnratlre v•xi.:•04,1; oh all salq,•cts—an epitome of Loom 3,11 ..... !..41z4.. EDMUND S. J A "i ES. ifor iltvlatq), Irctleedixt Eithrt-opr, I Clitireh." FROM PROFE , SORS IX nrciii:s•ruic TitEo- Tlr• arleles give vvl,l , •ilee careful prop . sratloo„ sod often present. In cons net form. lei irkaikly liirmin.c:rin, and the latest re. sn:i's or el - Ideal l;:realgation. At:4;I7STI'S 11. STRONG. - t; Pr.wld.nt ,Ar The,.lngy. R. J. W. RUCK LANO. Pr , th.s,repr Chtir,;ll Ilbytewy Wl.ll.t.tM I'. WILKINSO..i . l'rojcssor IA in MI ite. FROM PRESIDENT CUMMINGS. "3111)1 , 1.1.:TowN. Conn.. March I. 1873. regard the American Cyclopedia as a wonder ful Ptak. It it recommended and indorsed by many of the ablest and most conscientlmis seholars , or do “" , b ll 7- It I. worthy of the attention of all who d-sire a reliable. carefully-prepared and well arranged epitome of knowledge. .10SEI'll CUMMINGS. Pr-trade:it tJ Wtalty,in Now C(,nil,leie iu 16 Large (Mayo D. APPLETtIN .k New York." and 92'2 ( hest nut-St., Philadelphia. (.127, BR ANT'S POI TLAR Front the tlkcovery t.t .A - 1. receded by a bketCh et the pr.-historic a:/a Ig3 of the wound bulhlerN. hr WILLIAM CULLEN DRYANT'AND SIDNEY Vnily IThist:rated ivith original design.. to be coin ',tete In f.ttr yoltnnes. largo octavo. 7to pages er.f.h. Serflown Arnt‘tmng & Co., pitbil,herN 743 & 7.15. flr, tawny, New York. 1 , tr I , , r , rton , lon whlress, MATTESON I: Judson, General Agents, 17(1 elies(nut St., l'biladelphla. 0)r 3f. S. CON V E Rs. Agent for Northern renn- Irania, all William St., Elmira. N. Y. Junttf. FARM. FOR SALE. IL .1 it COBS • The SW serilwr offers for rale at a bargain Its farm sltnato In Asylum !imp.. containing 65 acres. all but 4 P. 1 . 1 .1.11 Improved. The . 'arm Is 11:1 a goalstate of Improvetuent„ well (towed and watered, with a Illtst stream oft' water running though It, go 4 d sprinp, two dwelling houses, horse barn, and a let: of ft oit. For Int t tiorj , arrictliarS addirsS the subscriber at Ilarshvlew poso Tice. or John n , Towanda. tit NELSON VANDERPOOL. A cylotu. S. pt. S. iS76-4:m O . . C Tut: 1.1111 E 7111 CON NIA? 1a the hest place lit Towatida to tidy good CIGARS AND .TOBACCO, MERCT.:IVB BLOCK, or4g.slte COI; RT 11OL ; SE FtION OT Tilt “INDIAN SQUAW , THE SUBSCRIBER TAKES A. Plea-tire in calling the attention or Maritime: , os patrons the iniblic generally, to the fart that he still ( - with:nee a GENEBAL;%IARKET BUSINESS At tho 01.1) STA NI) of 311*F.1: & N In Carroll'.4 Ittock, noarly, 614r : rite the Means House. and that he Is prepared to 14ruildi SALT AND FRESH MEATS,- . VEGETABLES AND BERRIES Or the very hest finality. at as low rates an any other eStablishment. June 1, 11.76t1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL SURPLUS FUND. This Sank offers 'UNUSUAL FACILITIES to the transaction of a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS mrntEsT PAID ON DEPOSITS Al:Os HD* NI) 9PETIAL CARE GIVEN TO THE COLLECTION Or 'COTE• AND CHECES. • rart lea wishing to SEND MONEY to any part of the Dotted 14tatc% VT101134,1 Ireland, Scotland, or tht•`prlucipal cities and towns of Europe, can here procure drafts for that purpose. Too? from the Old Country, by thebest steam or alllng Una, always on head. FAXILISX lIIIOVOUT OTZA AT It ILTICCIITI 'KATZ,: higbeat 'rice paid for - ,11. S., Benda, Gold and Silver. ON. fOltalits4 REM lob. AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. = Jlif I X . l:, STEEVES. Principal Xrto Castle College .T. WILLT ANN. Bishop el !.'. niircl kat "LIGEI:TV, 3111„ I)er. IS. 1874 .` NEW YORK. Dec. 15, 1575 I.o(;! sintrsAny (ItAprisr) TII E•II,OC,Ir I..SENI NARYA Febrillry 23, 15574. Volumes. zusronr OF TH UNITED S T S HOWARD GAY Miscellanea= Advertisements. at bow rates. Remember FRESH POULTRY, C. M. MI ER OF TOWANDA. . $125,000. 80,000 -TO AGREEMENT. PASSAGE TICKETS Ita . lllnigh e SSE IMMEM OMANI and h~tldb~r. STEVENS ig; LONG, WHOLESALE 4t'RETAIL Dealers la CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, COUNTRY PitOCIICE, GRAIN, &C. liairtug a large and commodlowestnre we are . prepared at all tames to carry a large stock.. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, ORALS :AND PRODUCK. Or taken kn exchange for goods. an !west east* pri. ces. Our long experience In the Ili rocery Trade gives us peculLar advantages In purchasing, and as we are not ambitious to make large pronto, we nat ter ourselves that we can odor GREATER INDUCEMENTS TQ Buyers than any 7nitkr establishment in Northern Yennhylvanla. STEVENS S: LONG. CORSEIt MAIN A UItIDUE.ST., =I wayt3. .• GROCERIES d: PROVISIONS McCABE & EDWARDS, Cash tleale'7 in all kinds dir GROCERIES & PROVISIONS , 5. C NE DOOR NORTH OF CODDINU & RUSSELI, Tow3ntla, July 22. 075 Insaritcl THE 'MUTUAL PRPTECTO. COMPANY. Home 01nee, Boa lValltut Street, I'hlladetphla • Fa• Acting :under a Zpectal Act of Incur]; 0 - ratio( From the Fonne ' yleun fa Legtelature IT. S. CLARK, AGENT. TOWANDA, PA Special attention Is called to the following rate table, which will be found strictly equitable, as be.. tween all ages. and which the company will guar. autee to not exceed one-half the cost of any first class 01.13 PLAN Company. The following Table shows the Hal and may be niultlplled for any addit up lit eziette, which is the largeserlsk one life. TWenty Cents will be at tit of each assessment for collect' Oil= • •z• = S "fl 4; 6 < 41. z Sl 5: 53 51 1 IMM 55 57 1 59 59 60 I 2 , 1 34 40 THE FA R 3 INS.IinAIiCE Is now Issuing 11 S' T 10., OF TUSCAItOr. I , .:•rpetual pullcfr on FARM PROPERT'.. ONLY. Each member pays a fee, at the time of insuring: to cover charter and ic..Nidental expenses of the Co. after which no fu-ther Payment is required. except to meet artua I :.rss by fire among the membership. This ow• of hisuranei• fur FAIL It PROPERTY, Is c00'•!...g rapidly Into fl.xor. . lace of 11wInevss, sPni NG HILL, PA. The Agent *lll eat viss the Townships of TlMM rora, Pike. Herrick, Wyainsing, Asylum. Terry and Standing Stone, and farmers In those Town ships wishing Insurance or Information, may ad dress, A. 11.,.. , ;1731NER, See. and Agt., Spring Hill, Bradford Co., Pa, W. 3?. Sif 1711 WAY. Cp's. • ( mdTim ILo4`ware. THE CHEAPEST HARDWARE STORE IN TOWANDA • • IS IN :kIERCUIt BLOCK! Farmers can buy their SCYTHES, GRINDSTONES, FORKS, FIXTURES, ROPES, &c., - dc.,, Cheaper Than all Any Othrr Place! hare always pn hand Repaira for the rOCNO Wanitton and CHAMPION Mowing Machines. ' PERRIGOS SIDE HILL PLOWS, Best in Vse. All kinds of TINWARE on hand, and Tin work of all kinds done at loWert prices. Tow uada. Juno 2A, ICC Carding and Dressing. WOOL CARDING, Al THE • 1 WOOLEN' MILLS, CAMPTOWN, PENNA. • Also manufacturing and cloth deeming attended to on glom notice. We am already making tolls from the new clip, and are prepared to do work as fast as orered. H. It. INGHAM •. Camptownnet..ln". •st7a. . . -ITA I OH tk. 13ROA DLEY, Mazufacturers of Virculcu Cior.4l, YarnB, &c CARDING it DRESSING, Done to alter. Cub paid for wad s Alm cloths excluingrd fir wool IXRATEMILLIS. PA.- MMMEMM ~ : , -1 -',- ' -'4:' ,•triwiitit*hiei. MI DR. It C. PoTORR, , TIM OLD CASH DRUG • STORE, DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, lIMI ACIDS, DTP...STUFFS, Ik GLUE, PERFUMERY, TOILET AND FANCY GOODS, SPONGES, BRUSIIES, BRACES & TRUSSES, FOAM COMM, POxaaae. HAIR Diaz, TEEM SKIN, and HAIR PREFAB/3' ONS, POCKET-BOOKS AND PORT-MONNAIES, MACAIIOY and SCOTCII SNUFF, FOUEIGS AND DO3IESTIC CIGARS, DARDEN, rIELII AND FLOWER SEEDS, Pura (Clues and, Liquors, for Medicinal Purposes ITOMCEOPATIIIenEk Etats, And all.genvline popular ratrut Medicines- SEPI L OHTEMI, SrSPENSOUIES, DIMAS? rEMPS, NIPPLES. NIPPLE Snetta k SHIELDS, SEILSING BOTTLES, TEETHING RINGS, STHiNGEs. lIED PANS. VIIINALS, TIIEItIIO3IE. TEILS,:ELASTNOTIxAINGs, kC. KEROSENE OR COAL OIL. WICKS, CHIMNEYS, DATA BRICK; 'SPERM, LARI 3,, WHALE, NEATS TOOT, TAN NEWS; ANTI MACHINE MS, ALCOHOL, Ji:tD SPHLITPS TVIIPE:I!TINIL sash,Paint,Vornish,Whilezeneh,'Counter, gorse, Mane, „Shoe, &rubbing, And all . kings of Lrwrikes. WINDOW 'AND PICTURE CLASS, of all ylzry. - Mitt LINSEED OIL, P INTS, PUTTY, ANI YARN • i REAPY.:3IIx tikirArkTs Prescriptions easefully COAITWPAIIIII•tt . At all hours or dar and night. Open Stuolays forll'reserlptloni• !min to 19, L. to I aiol 3 (0 . 6, T/r. Porter can be Owsullesl as Lterrto:'pre In the , nit e. Vu.syl373 TAS'I'EL ESS M EDICINES. fonnatlhetit New York phystrlan lately vont pinftted to wuNDAs ineK a CO. aborit theft . 4,%siitaLWoot. On, CarSCl.r.a, klatlnt ; that same, ttt,te:- :hey eOre.l thlracolotody, tut that a patient of hl, had taken theta without effret. 0te1 , e1 , 14 lo:orro”d that several Imitation,' were sold, he 10r hod found hIM patient had not 'wen takirt, , g I)VXI DICK & CO'S. ;TOWANDA, PA What happened to this physician may have hair other', and 111rNDA4 DICK .4.'70. take titmethod of protecting physic Inns,,:dritggisti. ft , :l s; iheranylres, and preventing ttii.fut, Saes DAL. v. ;oi tout ruining Into disrepute. ; ' I.llysiel`ANS wan once prescribe the t Capsule/ continue to do so. tor they coptaln the awn !oil In the best and cheapest form. !A IN l/AS DICK & nse loon, t )11 op 4A5 than all the Wholesale and Retail Dreg gists and . Perfumers ill the United States e;iml.ined .7a711 IMA hi the sole reason why the pure 011 is •t , cheaperin their capsnles titan lu any (Abet form. OIL OF SANDALWOOD fv fast stiperceding eir •ry other remedy. sixty Capstilcs only being re mitred to inmro a •sto and certain cnre in six 01 eight days.. Froln notither medicine can this re' 1)0 hail: • t)UNI)A4 DICK & CO.'S SOFT CAPSCLKS lave the problem. long considered by eminent phy sic Mos. of bow to ovoid the 11UUM.3 and dlsgust ex iwrieneee In swallowing, which are well known to . detract from, If not destroy, the good effect's of 'many valuable remedies. rt eapsulet are put np In tlu-toll and neat box thirty In eavh. and are the only Capsules pre ..er111.41 Ly yhr.,l4. laws. ; TASTELESS MEDICINES.—Caster oil awl many otli.q• nausemt , nwtildneN can be ta k.'n .W 4 nY am! , arelV in DIJNDAS DICK & CO'S SOFT CAPSULES. No Taste These wero thf only capsules admitted :o tho last Paris Exposi tion. acrd fer circular to Wooiter ,tret7t. New York Sold at all Drug Stores Here. ur. PUBLIC NOTICE.- I, .lOIIN 'HANN As. I+•lng a 11:ackstnith by trail.•, had Wien f1•It the want of some mean+ wh.,ret•r I confil -‘.11,:t IRO Nat i h .• fog.. sto that I t...uhl work It at a better ailvaritag^; ilk 4uln.•rd •nw to taatze twiny experin u •itts v. ill different stiataneeg which :rereti the best pre• pert , : of .u.• r t•s+. • It 11:1 , . ou One ..r Ih.•w• tiLlt I ilkct , rettl the wonderful effects of Eteett urea , I 113 , 1 3 defect In three or my tlcg , rs. avid. h W , Tt: beta t; , ' . 41 , 1 t up la my haml a manner by ire tttNTlt'AtTlott,t OF TIIE 13,int. , . that 111-y Were . trotiblcscnie to lIIP In :ay daily aVOCWinn. 1 . 1 , 11;.1 DOI bandit' 111 V liu,ts as I N 1,1 1 ,1. aftol WotE,I hacr rile m cat off to get l'hent Let 0; my way. I had us.4l es eryt king that Orreted at.y Lope or teller. bid all to no eli - ,•ct. Welt. I say, vlorking Electro'Sllkon at the for,;". mai 3f c;mr,• 03114 hot pravezd Its coming 111 colt tail with tny band , . I look no notice or the elreet II bad produced. un wimilittg to ii..- a ; heady hammer. I It:with wy ,t0.k...1 113611. and Mulch to lily ',Eiprke I found toy crooked fink-rs !drat:Vsteno n% all 1 hall,as much • nse of them as ever. I coMd baldly benktye my eyes. I rhonfil toy hand to u y wire and a general rejoicing was the . • The nitesditut now is a..N.clrat had produced thb. wonderrol.etrect ? Es..ry act:NY/01 err.died, and at. ter a Mug and enteral Ince;tigalbm. I at last made op my , Irbil that my good fortune had . been caused es for 11000 lanai amount taten ou any (led to the 00, etc. 7tly ottxt step Wa% to .11.erAer borne in,ans whleh I could 1.01311i11P thl. nnuq rfnl .ott,laitee Mat everyt.r.dy ron4ll,' I 11131it'iliiiaVfit Svareli through miry hook ,t h at I thought would throw imy light item .ot,, and at 1a.% 19 a very old loedfral hoof. I round a was 1 - 1'4,111,/ lio It. The reKult, Wag p.rreetly satl.farlory. and I wits able to maks a Liniment, the like the world has nvvtr ~.eett before. I stow began to look about• use for easet , to try the effect of It On others. I bad 3 neighbor living about A - wile front my po m p to, 1, 3 4 a lance t.fee, Catl.ell by the cords 14,- 11,11 euntracted by Aunt him a but t!Vor And told him to use It thoroop,hly, lir .thi ao. and at the end of litre• months he via,. able 70 throw a.llle Ills carte and walk to lay shop apparently as well at, ever. It had worked juct as IL did iii my. cost:— •` I gave it to otio'r of. my neighbors and friends ( or inEes around,) who were utierloe from RE SWELLE 1.1)111!•:, Butms, st which it cured without any tr. Flndlog that the ghetto Linhaiott would ptio•trate the Nicht, of Mall. further than any other ..t.., , tance, It occurred tome that It must be . And It has proved Itself one cr the very best appll rations In all external dlsea,es oceurlng,lts that tic b:e 1111111131. Prepared by the tied'. SiHenn Liniment Com pang'. °Mee. 76 Wittialn street, New York. Sold by a:1-ibruggIsts ME= sNATiIs, MON T AN VESI, lIONT,A4NYES OFFER A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON, H. T. JUNE. AT BOTTOM PRICES! M. O.N T• A LN E S TOW", Ps i ate. ti UM. Canker Main and Pine Sts., Towanda, Pa. (Its! abtahed over a 2aarter a/a Century,} Wholesale and ItetailDeater . RAZORS. POCKET•KNIVEB OF ANT DESIRED COLO% BY THE POUND, PINT Olt GALLON', ORMIND IN O,IL Olt VARNISH, AND DRY COLORS OF ALL flees. AU artielea warranted il.l reprmentpi THE ItUNIAN STi.,TEM ELECTRO SILICON ELECTI:O SILICON LINIMENT pRODr(!ING A , PERFEer erRE! MIEUMATISNI NErRALGIA, STIFF JOINTS., GOO) Folt THE HORSE SO CENTS- PER BOTTLE. Dry4cods. iiiiiMilliiiii3llll I= EMI v _ MI IMRE= A. cifirm,BEif.Lirr. ,D I A 41 0 - N D B, FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES AND CLOCKS. Jurre7.l.. WATCHES, IL HENDLEM.437,, MEM VINE AMERICAN AND SWISS GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, STERLING, SILVER SILVER PLATED-WARE FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST. GOLD, SWVER AN D STEEL SPECTACLES Sr, EYE GLASSES. One door north of Dr. roiter dr Son's Drug store, Slain Street, jan6-75. pitESENTS ;POR ALL, JEWELRYEW STOME ts constantly ret c hing ha 'addition to his large stock of Jewe:rs, PINS, BANDS, 1 AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, • SILVER PLATED WARE OF ALL VARIETIES ap1:1); Silver AND STEEL SI'ECT tCLES, 'SILY ER AND I'L.kTED AND CHARMS CLOCKS. OF ALL VASIE TIES, Witch, Clock and Jewelry repairing done In the best wanner, and warranted. Thangs fora liberal patronage and to merit a continuance of the same. ' n0c1243 !,,,.. ' :::. i—3 - ' 7.1 •-• . tios ev. .e• , ' 0 ft A CR 0 A - ' . 4 4 0 • ez 0 ....: ~.,* n e 5 0 = .. - ... X ...4 ...... (7.5 .. .1 .4 co , cn ;... eD ;V t.. 4 'l' • —§ ... .-- " 4 -, 4 . . - . i S ' -4 1 4 : .- 4 .. : : C r.° . ! ... . . ~ 5 : . s s. . . ./' 11 ! ....,:" , r . ~;: ........... ) ,. g -. p.-1 t. l 0.1 r: e. = ',' = ..: :: co ''' ~_ rd = •••• . 0 10 _,.(5 4. e• g' . t o l• - .... .0 .....' , 0 'l = 7= I ' l .-I w 1 ,,' 0. - . cn e. o '" V c ., Er ip, . .-3 :21. , I c ez 'r _ 4 l ~ ~.,C D ... 0 ; 1 n C .-2 •--' c 7 1 ,7 •-• I . 0 ~ 0 :::% F„ ~., a . ( -.1 t 4 . A , ~., ..: tt •-• ~.--- = ~. ''• -. 1.. r': w . C '" ;:j tey: -,..-, ,1.,.. ..... * 0. .... • ei....t „Lc ' .e.`. ~..,. .... 4 . ... 1: # 0 . ... = r • . .... 0 ••1 ; ' ,e- - F• ,7: ''''-:•, ..0' 2,1 .- . t:C = 0 •-• •-' ,••••• . • = '- .7 3 ... t••• = •,„. .•• :3'. •rj ••••• .-4 0 i .... ,Z •.• ..., . .e. ..' . M ' ?::. ''' ', V .. c 2 ~... = ~.., -. r, m . z - 7 tr.. L - - 4 -5 eh " -, %, 2 • ...- , 0 , .. . ti/ a . —r: 3 3 •-' 0 _, .... •••• 6--0 :3 • 71, iZi - c'' 1+ tz ;-•• • .- - o-a • . • ,-•• •• 5. -4: - co 0 ~.., „,..„ __ __, ~.:.:, LI) ° ..3) ; .-7 p ..,. .Z .... •04 - F" os. r., 4 , ~...3 0 -/ .... '•0 r: Z Z.' 6 0 ••• 0 0 0. n. -• , 0 = et 4 - •-: 0 -3 ; :"./: S'... =. a. aq 37,.... -, ._. cc' ...• Itt = 4 tt p d. : 5 ; 7, .is el 3 F.: r., - a cq. v" ..... ..-•_,„ e.. 7; o , 4 , ~ 1 -• .4 . c. ~.. ..; :1 ! _ ~., = •-i = ~ 7 ... a . ~...: m a co 1., X''' ? ..... A. r CO v , , LANp FOR SALE. THREE HUNDRED ACRES, 3 miles from Towanda. lill be acid for cash or 100 ACRES IMPROVED, 11 MI With house awl barn thereon; balance And easily cleared. Whole karra 'well watered Will be sold In lots of 50 or IGO acres, or more., as purchasers shall desire. EM2tV Wswoi, hwry, Dealer la TOWANDA, PA JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, Dealer In FINE JEWELRY. BM iMM CLOCKS, TO*4 ND A, ,i‘ P A ~ AT TILE 14 ' W. A. ROCKWELL FINE•' GOLD SETS, STUDS, 'CHARMS, NECKLACES, MI at Uhl lowest prices. W. A. ROCKWELL. Of beautiful LAND FOR SALE. ON TIME, To suit purcbasen. WELL TIMBERED, Inquire of R. C. LOCKWOOD, W. , olsbr_ 4 „, N. Y. or Of • .1: P. KIRBY, or JAMES WOOD, 146 .-'-- Ibia,ura•iiad Ewa. COAL, COAL, We keep on hand at our yard all Ostia of Pittston and Wilkes Dame coal. and Loyal Sock coal, from the laullisan County Mines. Alas, Barclay Lump and Smith. , We loop ttuy best quality of Mee. Half an/ .Ce meet; Brick and Plester; all of widcb we will sell at bottom prices. . . PIERCE & SCOTT. Towanda May Ist. 1576. • pURE ,GROUND PLASTER IitIIIMERFIELD • I kayo just reeelved a large 6 , llppf, of • • FR.F.BII tiltOUN VGA PLASTER, Manufactured from Mono retorted try myself, and • warranted . 101 SO; on time; .7 00. Send In your orders PETER LA D . MESSER. HumerilleW4 March t, 1876 NEW COAL: YARD! 'Ms understguul haring taken the large and commodious... Lard., at the foot"of PARK Street, has now on band tYlFull supply of 'ALL BIZES - • OF • &C. LOYAL SOCK, BARCLAY COAL. `LIME AND CEMENT: . . Coal delivered ou short notice i TERMS :—Cash. i sr-c rts OT CTlTtrtlt 11C11 , 71T; ilted merely as a matter of political iicy, the pat t,ywonid be tilt) ;Miner by vtinc; into its creed the .principle of al ,option. Ilepuldican — Congres.4, thfough , the hence of President Grant,' pas'sed . prOviding, ft.r the restimption of specie villeins in Jan. 1519, and• the, measure s entirely •proper, for if we are ever to' ,time it was necessary that 'a time '.;e fixed, so that the people, the tilts, and the government could prepare 1 , it ; but the measure was nut popular 'di the masses; especially in the West ; irought the Greenback party, compos4 ctly of liepublicanOnto existence, and . hhout doubt caused us the hrs.; of Indi, and assisted Tilden to carry New-. enstatiters ?d• tneti.',ery• ittloyar rat I 01::134i"ril l pasl and hope axler the new departure to make! Itheir,lntere.d to tint Inue to bow where they .et the twst good.. :or the; lea-it money.. Those who are Indebted - to me will take noth that I nmst havt.. m•mry ur I can't tiny for rash at pay freights. They must: . settle by the first of A gust next, 'Very Respec!ftlly n.i u i rsi J. If. 1. 1975. NOW IS YOUR 0 I'PO tiTUNrry, CARRIAGES BRYANT S, Cheaper than 'you will ever as in have the, opportunity of doing. I have a large assortment of my OWN MANUFACTURE, Warranted in every particular, whici j SELL SO ,LOW That_everybody can afford to haw one of his own.. • 1 also have the sole agency in this place of OVIATT'S PATENT RUNNERS AU invention Which has come intc very general use all through the west They give the best satisfactiot wherevere they have been introduced tl/4 CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. Jan 6-76. . NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY ! Opposite the new Jll,, TOWAND4, PENN.'A. .IIgNRY STULEN Rewectfully announces to his friends and patrons, at' be has built a 1:7.1T BRICK CARRIAGF Where he a • epnstantly keep on hand a full aninut= meat of FAMIL i" fIARRIAGES, TOP AM) OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS, L) TROTTING SULKYS, AND SKELETONS Made of the best maMrlai and antshed in the heat city style. His long experience In city cats. riage Factories giver him a decided advantage over others in the FINISH, STYLE AND.DURABILITY Ile, Of wftc:ons. AU he asks Is an IIOPECTION OF' Ills :WORK • Previous to purchasing elsewhere. ALiWORK WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT ATISFATION, The ah. - me house has belie re-furbished and ro ( Wed. and Is now open tJ the traveling public. Bar wilt-at all thee, be supplied with the nr liquors. GOOdStabill.g attataed to tho' premises. Boardeia by' the day or.week accommodated. • . _ REPAIRING PROYZTLY ATTENDED TO i • May 10, inn.y JOHN BURKE. . ... Thankful-for the Ilbsral patronage formerly er. tended end respectfully ask a continuance of the 0.1:00. AT aI.DITCLD PRICES. ' HENRY STULEN. 11011.11110111611.1144 M==l=E====ril COAL. ANTIIRAgITE, And Also Carriages:' TO BUY AND WAGONS ea I will JAMES BRYANT. OE = -LEmall VALLEY AND EA! N. Y. RAIL ROADL—Arrangement of Pas senger Trains, to take slfer.tApril IZ Irae. ,iiOIU4HWARI), , ) c ( 1513•19 il 29 i 3]. —,-iL......1 1 ........... , 1P.31;.P.M.1A .31 !p.332A.M.;P.M Magus Pa l / 8 ...4, Z 151 75 5 i 4IX 7 55':.... 1166614 I 2 50_10 IV 's'ls 10 15, :;..t , . ; : ) 11.061/eister.. 1 4 001.6 00 4-00 1 a 09 ....1 ' Aubtlrl3.•••. ..... ~ 5 451 .....1 800: -....• .... j Ueuevi. ..,..: 5 so` ~..1 8 001 „... , 11 CC itnaca..-....4..4.....1 7WI ....1 9 42, ... ;12 54 Os.ego 9 001 ...'lO 501 .....4 ....I E:1011116 1 $ CPI 3 450 5203 2e: 2 451 Waverly 'i 9 351 4 26;11 201 0 65: 3 V; Sayre , 9 451 4 2511 211 9 12' 3 28, Atheus .......t 9 50; 4 30j11 .131 9 19; :54 Milan I ....1 ....: .... 9 39:345 , ITlsler ' . l ....1 , ..: 9!40; 3 :6, TOlvalnda•••• • •:1025,5 05 1'2:05,10r/0 415, Wy'oanklng ....... I ....I —.I ....:16 03 : 4-.., Stamllngtlttone....: ...,I ~..., 1 ,...,1013 ; 4 39 B e ummrAeld ..... I ....1 ..,-..: .... 10 2.1 4 43 Frenchtnir6 i ..., 1 ....1 .....-10 36 4 A 3 Wyalusjog.y......; ....1 5 45 .... 10 14.5.12 Lateyvllle' : 11 2- ...1 , 615'12 5911.12 5 - a5 - . 81(Inner.8 t. 41 d3r.••• .. 6 es, ....:11 is 5 a I :-, - Zpperi.. : - .... - :f8 23 .... • 11 32 604 .. blehoopany ; ~...1 6 29, .... 11 38 - 60i .. :Tnnkbantock .... 12 14 7 19; 2 0512 25 63: . LaGrange ••; ....I 7 20' .... 12 35 6 45. .. 1ra115...... i .. 4 7 351 ......1: 51 6 59; ~•, .116miont . • , ..„,, ..... ": I 03' 7 10 .. 1. & 11J1113611011•• 4 12 50.7 55.1 50 1 29 7 20 ...A Wilkes-Barre ; 1 24.' 8 27; 3 15 2 DO. 7 5( .... Mauch taitaulc..• .1 3 4(10 504 5 23. 4 35 ~....; .... mientonm I • p 4 45 , 11 53; 625 5 50:.:.: .... Bethlehem 1 1 0012 10. 8 40: 6 05 -..... .... E:814.11 1 585; 100 T 00, 6 55 ~... .... IthllallelPhla • ••• ...I 6 45. 2 02. 815 3 15 4 ,'...: .: .. ...New York 1 82+1.a 491 9 113: 9 59 z..... .... A.M. P.M.`lP.'5l. P.M. P.M. , .... siiitoitfc ! _ NOTI:TIINV A 111) STATIONS.' 1 8 30 : 18 1 2 432 . A.M. A 31' ; 'A.31.4.31.A.55 New York. Phllailelphla • 6.00. 8 4r, 9 43 Eamon ....1 9 2.5, .... •6Ccio 00 30 Betlilehern 9 59' ....' 820 10 30,12 e 0:.... Allentoy.m 'lO 05' ....' 6 4310 42 12 11 ] ' 'Mauch Chunk 35! .:..• 8 0801 45 I_2o 1. 15 7 MlO 40, 2 15 4 00' & 11..lunctlun.,11 40 . 7 5.511 19 : 41 : 4 55: 11•4959 m i 8 0611 2.3 4 45 .... 8 19 11 34 121/1 Lat;range... . t 25.11 51 ..... 515 •Ttankllanubck.... ... 21 r 40 . 12 LIA , ! 3 2 : S'3s Mehoopany ....... 9 1212 4.5 ....- 5 53 Mn: eppen ....... .... 9 19 12 54 —. 7 ' 6 rikltsners ....- 9 33 1 10 6 10 .. T.:m31(111r • 3 071 9 39 1 - 73: 4 02 6 20 Wyalu?lng ..... ...00 00 135 .... 640 Frtslichttrwn 10 15 1 49 . ....• 633 11inumerfl , h1' ..... • —.10.25 1 .... 703 '.'. Svat.sllng Stone... .... 10 32 285 7 - lo WyF • attking ....... .... m 41, 2 15 7 , 2 1 Towanda 4 10 :10 55 23r1 500. 735 730 Ulster .... 11 tea 2 47.: 7 4 45• in 2 r,:s ....• s ec` sr, 4 4211.22 3 0 5 , 5:9 810 8 41:11 35 3 tr.. S 23 - s IS 8 19 4 58 11 45, 3-20 'S 4f , 8 15 b 2 1 1 S 3:312 3: 4.10*- a -- -t 5 9 10 2 10 31i lan Athens S.7ly Nt'ai - tr rly f: I Owego ' .., .;.., .... 935 45 1 sf. ....! 7 V) .... A nbtiru 05 9 30 1 A Porlienter... ...... .20i .... ;35 ulralo , 12 25 ....•12 35, 8 21.:, 6 tl Nlagara FaU. 121 .. C. .... 1 . 9 .10 P;SJ..7-'.3L 1 P..31. A. 3- 16 . 1.,”:31. Trains S and 15 run daily; with Pullman Sleop lbg. Cart attached. h-twren Elmira - and Philadel phia, and Genes-a and New York. ' Drawing R..rn Car- aitaehed to .Tralus 2 and fl betwern Elmira anC. Philadelphia.. • All Philadelphia trains run through to Centenni= al Grounds. E. A. PACKER, Superintendent. Towanda, 28, 1076-tf. • HOWARD 'ELMER, itze'rt ENEVA-. ITHACA Si; ATHENS Jr' R. 1:.--ConnneneIng Monday, Jan. 24, Ins, trains will rut. anon thii ro;v1 as follows: LEAVINO SAY IM NonTnw.tnri No. 11.-5:00 a. m., with Pulimat epling (*.sell through 'from New Votk; ariti l im, at Kan Ett - - tri 5:45. Spencer Ithaca 01:50. Taughan 7:18. Trumansburg 7:tis, Fanner 7:43, Ovid I , mt - a , :r 7:52. Hays Corner 8: ,,0 .„ Romulus .9:12. vs 8:45. making enre vonneetton east and w,st with tralutt on N. Y. & 11. R. IL. arriving at EoeheAer at II:20 a. m„ itniLlu 4:35 p. In., and Niagara Falls a* No. 30.-12.00'a. m., tinily except Sundays, on ar r.lvril of L. V. train from Wllkes .Barre. Plltntt n, Tunkhannoek, Towanda. dc"., arriving at Van Et t• nt 12:45, Spencer times 1:35. Tanginanie Falls 2:21. Trumate.lmig 2:52. Fanner Ovid e.44ter 3:w2. IlaytA Commis 3:20. Romulus 3:53. I,,va 4:00. ectin..cth ,,, , with trainn em:t and went ton S. Y. C. & R.l:. • " NC % p. 11,!! . y t.1. - Cept Stlffilay?. With thrnltgll car from E:l9lra c4.r Gt-mava„ 1:1:91ra at 7.,:10 p: arriving at Van F.T tea 6:-18, Spencer 9:59. 1:11:tra Tavglzalily Fails A:11,, Truman-Imm Farn:vr g:l9, orl,l Center 6:7;5, 'orlir rs 7:091111us 9:17, 11.91eva 9:53: ( . $ 4 17 nee , I Tig trains east awl west Y. C. dt 11. H. H. It. I=l N. to daily except Sunday,, , 'alth through car from (.;.'neva to Elnikra. leaving va at a. in.. 111,1:111 , us 5:1111. 'Mete , Cort,r, oNI4 Center I:sq. Fa, met 6:111, Troman, l ‘urg Taughanle Fal:• n:3O - . Ithaca 7:e5, 53.-racer Can Etter, 8:17, arrivlug at Einitrr. 11:1",5: making cir ~ - . l:e•ct ion at Sayre v.llll 1..- I . I.l.ttl•r-z.s erti ring. at New I"...rit at 111:0t1 .p 8;.^.(/ p. No. 9.-I:3n p.on. pt 4nndads. leav!ng• 14 , 1.1eNa al It.;:nci 3. :n.. 111:34. ilacts Cor iwr..3 10:4G. (writ' Cen -, r 10:41. Fainvtr noinslmig 11:17. Ta , iirYanic Fallb 11:21. Ithaca 13:1:i, S;:en.e, r 12:37. I...z;i•n nsaklng eon. n,etion xvltli L. V. Fast Line; arriving in phialo:3o p. •N o. 15.-9:10 p. tn. daily, with Pullman Slerphig Coach attacht•d (r New York without r; a.» leaves Geneva ats:4o p. in.. on arrival of N. Y. r. trains front the East and iVe,.t. Itnntins- Ilayts Corners Ovid renter 6:22.4. Farmer 6:47. Trumanshum 7:07. Tanghanie Balls 7:14. Ithaca 7:.'0. Spencer R:ia,.Van Mien 4:741: connecting Willi -L. V. Night Line arriving at New Yolk at 8;2141141 Phila.le'plila 6:4.1a. tn. 'rickets sold and baggage checked to all princi pal poina R. A. PACKER. 6,1 t. Supt. H. ti. HOVEY, Gen. Pass. Agt. W3l. sTEvENso N. Asst. Supt. pIIILADELPHIA;S; READING RAILROAD. ' ARRANIIESIENT PASSENGEIt TRAINS : , EPTEM TIER 13TII. - 18713 Train* lease .4 lb , nbArii a.rfonow - t.: (ria .Nrkiomen Brarirh.) For Plitlade)ptila a: •1.10. "6.23. "5.30 a. In.. ',EL .110011',„:!5.55 '6.115 p. Tn. St - ND.AV•;. • For Phllaaelphia, a. 111., 'l2 11,KM and 3.10 p. (titt B.•xt Pe na,t. Brand..) For ReAdlng, t 2. 3 0. 5.7.0, and 8.55 a. tn... 12.20, '2.10 4.n.0 and 9.00 p. in. • For ltarrishurg, f. 30, 5.50, and 5.55 a. tn., 12.20, 4.30 and 9.00 p. m. For'l.anerLiter and Columbia, 5.50, S.F.',l a. Li., and 4.::0 p. L tllocs not run on 3londays. MEE= . . . ... I - . I For It . ..ailing, 2.aa 3. tn.. 2.2• ;and 9.00 F. nr. For liarri,barg, 7.,:r3 a. In. and 9.00 p. in. Trains'for Allentown hare as follow* Cv(a Perkionirn Tranch.) Leave PMladelplilai '30.9.15 a. la., - 5.25. *5.25 and *7.( . 0 p. m. Leave 'Bridgeport, 5.52, 9.P1 a. m., 2.47, 6.06, 6.17 and 7.40. p. m. SCSDAI'S Leave Philadelphia, Mil •3.^_u a, p. w (tin Eat Penna. Branch.) Leave Ileadtug.7.4o, 7.45, 10.35 a. In.. 4.00, 6.10. and 10.30 p. nt. Leave Harrisburg, 540, 6.05,8.10 a. ro., 2.00,! 3.57 and 7.55 p. EeaVe Lancaster. a. m.,12.55. and 3.45 p.m. Leave Columbia 5.33, 7.30 a. m., 1.00 and' 5435 p. m. MEIESE f cave Y.•adlag. 7.35 and 7.40 a. In I...avc II arrbliurg...s.2o 3.111 i. Trains marked thus (*)run In and from &Tot 9 - 11 and Greet' streets, other trains , to and fn.'', Broad street depot. The 8.20 a. in.dMln from l'ittlatlelidoa and tt.tdt p. in. train from Allentown Inapt through - cars Al and from Eitnirn..‘";. The 2.15 p. m. train front Phitadidptils 12.4 noon train from Allentown' have through ears to and from Pittston. , The 5. .25 . p. m. trvln from PhltadPlphla and 6.10 a. nt. train from Allentown have through car , • and from Mauch Chunk. J. r. 4 WOOTTE N. • den rn/ Sit perin tin dent Oct4-7.-ly note's. TCENTRAL HOT EL, , ULSTER, L.A. The underslg,ned having taken or the Motive h(dO, respectfully solleits the tati,ron 3ge of idwold friends and the public generally. augln-tf. , al. A. FOR it EtiT. ' L WELL MO USE, TOWAI:s.ZDA, PA., JOHN tiULLIVAN . Having based this house. Is now. , ready to acenr:, • metlate - the travelling politic. Nolpalns nur expense will be fpared to give sa tisfaction to those who :pay giro him, a call.. Ws-North aide of Public Sp are, cast of Mervirs new block. AWNS HOUSE, TONVANDY cORNICR MAIN AND DItILD,F. The florAes„ Tfarness, tte., of • All goons of this hosuse, Insured against loss by Flre, without any eitri charge. A supeilor quality of Old English BASS Ale, Just received. T. It..101IDAlk:. rroprietorL.' Towanda, Jan. 24,11. EAGLE HOTEL, TOW ANDA, I.A At the corner of court and Itiler-Ms.. iltrertly In .Is. the vatinity and tt , tat!ti of 01, ('curt 11,,uAk. JOHN DUNNE, Puornivrou $l2. . -a day at home. Agouti: - wanted. JP I • Outfit and terms freik True S.: C. .. Augusta. Maine. , t mchtr:s.iy. toper 20r day at home. Sam 00 - - - ' , nth $1 hie. Sti- - rifflanal iraim, • —..---- . ,- _ .. 4 20 6 (. 1 4 6 14 62U 6'XO ; 40 655 P.M