Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 23, 1876, Image 2

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•NEWS rBo Atrs_*iliO*s."= `
Tint Pittsburg window-gbuss works bail)
-started. - r
Elam mikes her tramps break stone in
thojall-yard. ' -
, TWENTY-SIX English Unitarian tninis
' tern are ex-Baptists.
-WrLi.tistiaroax gave Peter Cooper 318
out of 3,155,v0te5.
Cizi wants, a railroad depot in
place of the present shanty. , •
MosToomEnx has a calf that weighed
114 pounds at birth:
THE Peter Cooper ticket did not get a
single vote in Franklin county.
SAN DIEGO, Cal., expects to produce
six hundred tons of hotter this season.
Ix he Berlin theatres next year there
will be a great festival in honor of Mozart.
HARRISBURG is building a new brick
school honse for colored pupils.
Bentz well in the Warren district
is pumping 100 barrels of oil per day. •
BLACK BASS ltae been placed •in the
Allegheny river by the Fish Commission
Tux Pennsyliania Railroad agent at
Lancaster sold 36,267 tickets to the Cen
THOMAS Coot, of Chambersburg, re
ccntly slaughtered al centennial - steer
weighing 3,000 pounds.
THERE are ten Masonic lodges, three
chapters and one. comniandry of Knight
Templars in Chester county.
JOHN Bs.nt, of 'Wellsville, Allegheny
county,recently struck his sister, in a - fit of
Anger, and in remorse shot himself.
A IIAWK was - shot in St.
ship by Dr. Reed that measured 4 feet 2
inches between the tips of his wings.
c7;iiss for the instruction of young
ladies in drawing and engraving on wood
has been opened in London.
A WIRE netting spread ou the rood of a
building is said to be-better protetion
against lightning thanApright rods.
- Oxt.v one Allertown lady, according to
the Chronile, has taken advantage of
leap year, She proposed and was accept
. ed.
LF.BANON talks of buying limestone
at $1.50 per cord for tramps to break, and
-of paying, a man ?-10 per month to super
intend then. '
-ME monthly , enrollment in the Pitts
schools reached 18,244 for October.
This is the highest number ever reached
in the city.
;TACO KAUFFILkIN caught with hook
and line, below the Wrightsville dam, a
bass weighing four . pourids ono ounce.
Jocrrrt Bttows, residing at Dover,
York county, shot an Eagle which meas
ured six feet six incher from . .tip to tip of
THE 17arifirare Reporter is the tame of
a new weekly journal to be publiihed in
Pittsburg in . tbe interest of the hardware
and kindred trades.
TILE 'estate of the deceased Pittsburg
eor,l kind. W. 11. Brown, foots up ;'3,2;,0,-
'OOO.. In early life be dug coal at one and
a half cents per
-- Prituco SCptember and October Nor
folk receivid 140,913 bales of cotton, ILn
increase of 49,005 over the corresponding
months last year.
THE decrease in the population of l'ru
is attributed to earthquakes, diseases,
civil war and brandy, especially the latter.
It is less than 3,000,000:
"Srccr.r•-FArca tickets front Pittsburg to
Philadelphia are now sold for six dollars.
This is a special - rate for two-day tickets,
the regular fare being $lO.
TliE Producers' and Manufacturers'
Bank of Titusville has closed its doors.
It is thought, howeVer, that it will be
able to pay all indebtedness.
- THE Freiieh Minister of Justice ,bas
jast issued a ei`rcular directing the law
authorities of the republic to prosecute
all journals guilty of abusing the army. -
Eon-Ann S. STosEs . has rented apart
meets in Chestnut street,• and is to spend
some. time-in Philadelphia, his native city,
....before going into business again.
wife of William Meyers, of West
3lanheirn town Ship, Lancaster county, is
the mother of twenty-fiVe children, the
last having been born last week.
• THE McKean Miner says :" A beauti
ful new Presbyterian church is being
built at Katie, by Mrs. Thomas, aunt of
• Gen. Kane. It is estimated to cost $13,- ,
• Tuts year _Berks gives 7,591 m.‘joiily
for Tilden and Lancaster 7,787 majority
for live: The total vote polled by lA
easter county was 27,083 ; by Berks, 2:1,,
952: -•
.Tun State Grange meeting at Mead
ville, on Tuesday, December 12, promis
es to he well attended by most of tile
Granges throughout the State, which now
number 700. •
TIrE civil engineers of the Pennsylva
nia railroad• company lave surveyed and
located the line for ther,proposed railro:.n
up Martin's creek. The line is to be com
pleted April 1.1877.
A LIFE-SIZE statue of Willia* Penn;
in bronze, in commemoration °tithe life
. and services of the founder of Peubsylva,
Ilia; is to be located in Fairmount Paik,
i4l proximity,to '.leritorial Hall.
Two men, 'named Maxon and Goldcn,.
have been atftsted at Parker's Lauding,
charged witliswearing to a false return
in thelate measurement of oil iu tanks
made thro .gbout the oil region. '
A IIEgDENT of Aurora, N. Y., has a
complete set of the various tickets for
town, county, state and national caadi
dates that have been voted in that town
since IsBB. -[
l'iEW winter . schedule for the Penn
sylvania' Railroad will go into effect on
25th inst. Among the most important
features of the ;new arrangement is the
di - sc,ntinuance Of the limited mail train.
1:71. a 'half a?re of ground, Henry Le-.
ferret in Eden township, Lancaster count
wised this season' a four-horse load of
'hay, 1,100 stalks of tobacco, and 40 bush
, tls of turnips.'
THE gathers and finishing boys employ
ed in the various glass manufactories of
Pittsburg struck for forty-five cents per
tritn,of tsix bouts instead of forty, form
, -erly paid. boys are being engaged
to take th4lace of the : - ..trikers..
A .7sr.w island, hitherto unknown to ge
ogr?pliers, has ..been discovered at the
-month of the Siberian River Yenesei; by.
Professor- NOrdsnikjold, the Swedish
traveler. It is about thirty,four English.
miles in length.:
BEAS:EILS -in' great number_ have made
their appearance in Cumberland and ad
jacent counties of Virginia and along: the
cributhries . of the Appomatox. These
are old feediug grounds, from which bea
vers have for some years been, entirely
'.. " Sictes" ARNOLD, a noted criminal,
died .in the Western Penitentiary. lie
Lad sensed six years and eleven months
of a term of fourteen years and ten
months. Arnold committed many depre
. dations' in the oil country in his day,
r • Tun Queen of Madagascar has issued a
proclamation — prohibitin ... the sale of rum,
„be se ' the rum dot 4 harm to your
pe -q, spends your pmsessions in vain,
harm your wives and children, makes
foolish the wise and makes mare foolish
the foolish." , - . -
TUE' British co-operative societies now
aggregate more than 400;000 heads of,
families, representing 24)00,000 of indi
viduals • their collective -capital exceeds
$20,000;00, and their annual consump
tion constitutes one-fourteenth of that as
cribed to the.iwbole nation.
A LAHORE paper says : "His Highness
the Nawab of Laharoo, sent a remarka
bly diminutive Nepauli pony, which is
Only eight inches high, as a present to the
pang Mahatitjah of Puttiali. The pony
is a perfect miniature of a well-bred
horse, and is highly valued by the na
tives." ,
16. Committee of physicians appointed
by the Bon Board of Health reports
that 1,000,01X0'kallons• of water were sold
as milk in that city in 1874. In otie in
- stance, 34 cases: of Typhoid fever' in 24
families were traced to the , use of mi k
• mixed with water draWn froth a well near
a cesspool. . •
INSPEertsg trains have passed ove r the
Pennsylvania Railroad- to ascertain the
—_.e.49,,ition -of the track. In front of the
keomotives of the:different trains respect tively were "gondola" cars, which sloped
*MI like the tank of a stiffing en,
" uud
from these the officials of the road,
,bs -clear and'rd ~view in
..: . 4. 1 17144. iftrititi
7.-' -"Ejr,4'-:4'. ,i..'-'5.'...f.-1. ~ ` 1 ';.; • 4. V .r.
' -
, ..
' . -
.. . .. . . . , ... '
••• '`' .. "` {. . + - . ...... „. , .
• ispOnuts - •
TOTaTia, Thrday,
.Nos. 23, 1876.
The feverish excitement manifested
for the first week after the election
his somewhat subsided, althoulgh the
6flicial has not yet been announirl.
The count in South Carolina reitilted
just as Republicans claimed, in favor
of HAYES., From the best indica
tions, Louisiana and_: Fioridi will
follow suit; and thus our Demoeittic
friends will be satisfied. In Louisi
ana the votes are . being counted in
presence of a committee from both
political parties from the North. We
have not the least. doubt that HATES
is fairly elected. All the news re
ceived since our last issue only tends
• ,
to increase our faith in such a result.
The following figures show the
votes actually cast in South Carolina.
Had.the people been allowed to vote
as they desired; the majority for
HAYES would have been several thou
sand.:. The result of tabulating the
returns of the county canvassers
(rive the State to the H.tiEs Electors
by majorities varying from 230 to
1,133.- The vote for the several
Electors were 4leclared as follows :
Rcpt.:Lilt-7n Electors at Large —C. C
Bowen, 91,756 ; John Winsmith-;;91,870
District ' - Electors—T. B. Johnson, 91.-
852 - Timothy Hurley, 91,136 ] ; \V. B.
Nash, 91,804 ; Wilson Cook. 91.432; Wm.
F. Myers, 91,830. •
Demerltie Mee ors at Larne—T. G.
BarkLA : 90,89,6; Samuel McGowan, 99,737.
Dist ice Electors-1 W. Harrington,
90,895 , JPI. Ingraham, 90,798 ; William
Wallace, 90,905; J. B. Irwin, 90,9C6;
Robert Aldrich, 90,860. .
Counsel for the Democratic can
didates immediately filed an excep
tion to the aggregation on the
ground of irregularities,' errors and
omissions between the managers' re
turns and 'the statements of the
county canvassers, which they claim
vitiates the above result. The Su
preine Court will, it is understood,
direct the board in its duties as to
the final count.
RIE.-1.1011. WALTER H. LOWRIE, who
died at ~ Mead Ville, Tuesday of last
week, was born in Armstrong county,
in 1807 ;• was graduated from the
Western Cniversity at Pittsburg, in
1826, and admitted to the bar three
years later; When Judge GRIER was
promoted to the betich of the United
States Supreme Court, in 1846, Gov
ernor StitsK. appointed Mr. LOWRIE
Judge ot..the District Court of Alle
gheny county. Ile retained the, po
sition nutil:lBsl, *hen he was one
of the five first elected Judges Of the
Supreme COurt of Pennsylvania, and
obtained the twelve yearS' term, for
the last halt of which he was Chief
Justice. - He was doct4ol by
Washington College whilie-/-6n the
bench, and resumed. his profession at
the close of his term,' in 1863.' His
numerous opinions have commanded
great respect for their learning and
THE Centennial Exhibition cost
outright about eight millions of dol
lars; its current expenses were a lit
tle less than two millions, and the
receipts from admissions somewhat
more than three and a half . millions.
receipts from other sources, such
as the fees for licenses for restau
rants, and other purposes, and from
the sale of the buildings, are not yet
kn'own: That portion of the 'expense
prOvided for by the State of Penn-
I sylvania and the city oePhiladelphia
—no inconsiderable i amount by the,
way- 7 are to be deducted 'from the'
whole cost as not in any event Vibe
refunded. - The liabilities, after the
:payment of the current expenses,
consist of the capital stock, and the
_sum advanced by the United States
a loan, to be refunded if a suffi
cient surplus remained after paying
debts The question now to be de
cided is whether the United States
or the stockholders shall first be re
imbursed. Both cannot be. It is now
supposed. that there will bea._surpius
large enough to repay a million and
a half, but the stockholders insist
that their claim is entitled to the
preference. If this claim IS allowed,
the stockholders will get half their
money back, and the United States
will get none.
THE kind of dSughter to have is
the one whom WILLIAM BUTLER
DUNCAN, the ruined Xew York mer
chant, recently found out he had.
For two or three years, during the
summer months, drivers and eques
trians on the public thoroughfares of
Staten Island have met a young lady
equestrian, accompanied by an or
derly, whose elegant figure and su
perb horsemanship' elicited' general
admiration. She had had everything
from infancy that heart 'could wish,
and was supposed by those who
knew•iiothing to the contrary to be
a gay 'butterfly of fashion. But soon
after the,' suspension of her father's
firm, unbeknown to her family, she
undertook the translation of a work,
which was attracting not a little at
tention in : Germany. Secretly she
kept at her#sk, night and day.
When it was icompleted she went
alone to the largest publishers in the
e .
city, submit ad her manuscript for
,and a 'crew days later
made a contract foij the publication
of the volume. When the first copy
was printed she placed it in her fath
er's hands, and telling him what she
had done, expressed the hope that
she could contribute something
ward relieving hie financial trouble
The translation has proved a decided,
sdecess. It has - met with a lair
Vale ant the royalty alrea4y,po4 to
':': - IfOirthitt.'llialf delibiteli . iiettled
that the Repubilimitiiii hiot ilarge
majority in each branch cof.the Leg
islature in•this Statethe question of
the seleetiOn of officers. becomes an
important , one—more important in
view of 'the fact that during' he past
two sessions scenes have transpired
disgraceful to any body of gentlemen,
and especially the law-making power
of a great commonwealth like Penn
sylvania. ,We intimated a few weeks
since that one of our own distingu
ished members; Hon. E. REED' MYER,'
would probably be called to. the
Speaker's chair. 'ln'ilSoking over the
names of the Members of the House,
we are more confident than ever that
our prediction will be verified. The
Speaker of the Senate will; without
doubt, be Mr. NEYV3IYER, of Alle
4heny, while'the Chief clerk of that
'body will more than likely be ex-
Senator DAVIS, of Philadelphia The
three strong Republican districts
will be represented, and it will not
be asking too much for the Republi
cans of the Northern tier for us to
insist upon the election of Mr. MYER
to the Spealtership. Hepossesses in
an eminentilegree every qualification
for the hotibrable and responsible:
pasition—a fine physic:pie, large ex.;
.perience, quick perception, and un
doubted integrity.' His election will
not be asked by the Republicans of
the North alone, but the best men of
tiae party all over the State are advo.
eating his claims. With such en
dorsement, and in view of •the fact
that no member of the. body will pus
s,:ssi all the qualifications combined
in Mr. Than, we have no doubt he
will be the unanimous nominee' of
the Republican_caucus. :
A correspondent of the Elmira
Adrerli ? _zer, writing upon this subject,
very truthfully says: *Full I returns
of • the election - of members!' of the
lower House of our Legislatdre have
not yet come to' hand. Doubtless
many prominent men may be found
lin the . list when perfected, 'but the.
honor belongs to the Republicans of
this county of having presented the
name of lion. E. I REEn 'MYER for the i
) Speakership of that body. The lower f.l
t Hotise is not alWays a quiet or cowl
ervative convocation--is often tur-
buient and aggressive—and always I
needs .1,-41ignified, intelligent and ex-
perienced presiding officer-to render
legislation tolerable or useful. It is .
doubtful whether any name will ap
pear possessing more of the desirable
qualifications for that position than 1
Mr. Mvsa. His personal presence
and dignitynot of that haughty,
. irri
repulsive styl ~ but that which would
command res - wet .and obedience.
The sooty iron, onger,, the gentle
man, or the little child would natu
rally be attracted to him, and' shOuld
the presentation of hik name by his
friends meet •a favorable response, as
I trust it will, the term of ”bear gar
den" so , often applied to the Penn
sylvania Honie of Representatives
would have no significance under his
administration. . The Philadelphia
'delegation, which generally wields a
controlling influence in the make-up
' of the House, will undoubtedly be
friendly-. , His firmness and decision
in repudiating the: demands of ANDY
JOHNSON—when Surveyorbf the Pvrt
of Philadelphia—made him decidedly
popular in that city. With Mr MY Es
for Speaker,' and a corps of subordi
'nate officers such as can he readily
selected from the Republican party,
the legislation of the coming winter
will be such as to meet the approba
tion of the people. With the State
again in honest hands,"it Will be well 1
to note who are the 'reformers.'"
Jr so happens that every twenty
eight years, the 4th of March, the
day fixed for the
of the
President, falls on Sunday. This oc4 .
curs next year for the fourth time in
the history of Our nation, and fol
lowing the precedent established by
three of his' predecessors, the new
President will take the oath of office
on Monday, the sth of March.
The first inauguration on the sth
of March, was that of -George Wash
ington on entering upon his second
term. The next time the 4th, of
March fell upon Sunday was in 1821,
when James Monroe was the Presi
dent elect ,for the y second time, and
be, too, was inaugurated on Monday,
Afarhii sth., The third occurrence of
this kind was, in.,1849, when Zachary
Taylor Was inaugurated on Monday,
the sth of - March. After next year
inauguration day will not fall on
Sunday again until 1005..'
The fact that the next 4th of March
falls on Sunday is going to involve
some curious anomilies in our politi
cal history. It has been currently
reported, that one of them would
consist in elevating the President
Jiro tens of the Senate, and now act
ing Vice President, Mr. Ferry, to
the Presidency of the United States
for twenty T four hours. Further ex
amination,, however, shows that Mr.
Ferry's term as Senator from Michi-.
gan expires on the 3df March, so .
that he will be a private citizen the
next day, or, at least bi4t a - Senator
c-elect, but' not sworn in. It will
be necessary for the Senate, there- .
fore, which is, a permanent - body, to
elect a President pro tem to preside
until the regular. elected Vice Presi
dent of the - United States shall take
his place as presiding officer: The
choice will of course be made from
among those , Senators whose terms
continue beyond.lB77, and it in likely
to fall on either Senator Anthony of
Rhode Island, Edmunds of Vermont,
Hamlin of Maine, or Morton of In
diana. Whoeier he may be thus
designated, that Senator will be
President of 'United States for a
. --411661 74 1 -4
:' , ..;!•ZAP..t- ~. !„..„7.,'...,,,..,,. : ' .., Arr. t - . 4- 4:: *
' at•UitaieitlieP ' .;tj)ti*i:atiOjitiid*,
the Ole recent bherei , ooegreiW te New. :
York; was that of!lntethperenee. In
reviewing the proceedings of OA
important bOdy, the Tribune refers.
to the discussion upon the drinking.
question; in this wise: . . . •
"The Episcopal Chcreh,: in
. .,its incessant discussion of mere
formulas, has in fact taken a firmer
grip on the actual obstacles to human
progress than many other'religious
bodies. it has virtually solved the
Indian problem, and brought the two
greitt,classes, the rich and the poor,
with their separate needs, together in
a new, practical, effective way. We
are not surprised, therefore, to. find
that they have taken up.boldly anoth
er unsolved riddle—intemperance—
to try What they can do with it Re
form bodies usually give this matter
the go-by. Even the prison reform
ers, when they talk of prevention of
crime, simply state. the fact that two-.
thirds• of the inmates of our jails,
penitentiaries, and almshouses are
sent there directly or indirectly, by'
liquor, and there drop the 'subject'
Physicians acknowledge that the ma
jority of cases of insanity, epilepsy,,
and all nervous diseases, arise from
the inherited effects of alcoholism,
and assure us that, from climatic and
other' reasons, thb American, is less
able to bear thei effects of liquor than.
the European Now how do our
Episcopalian friends propose to meet
this very live Satan ? ' One earnest
speaker recommends its punishment
a.s,a crime, forgetting that the pun
ishment of drunkenness already falls
heaviest on 'the drunkard. Nine out
of ten victims would free themselves
from its.deadly hold if it were possi
ble. A man who is -not daunted by
the debasement of - soul and body,
the loss or fortune, friends, and life,
is not, likely :to be deterred by the
terrors Of the law. Another reformer
declared total abstinence to be the
only cure for- drunkenness, which is
.a self-evident'axiom; but hardly per
tinent to the difficulty, which is, How ,
to deter men from drinking? How
keep the young lad, the tired me
chanic, froin the temptation of the
i grog-shop ?' .i..
"The answer ii - . Put a stronger
temptation , before them. It is not
your 'slow:going, phlegmatic man
who driiiks; it is, the warm-blooded,
eager fellow, who finds his dull daily
routine intolerable. It is not your
busy business man, whose •culture,
friends, and' Fide social enjoyments
suffice to give outlet to his appetite,
for excitement ; it is the idle drone ;
or the laborer, who hag neither social
pleasures nor eulture„ i but who has
just as
. keen an appetite for excite=
went as tis richer neighbor. ' The
whisky bottle serves him in lieu of
club, society, opera,'books. ,It is not
liquor the American* wants ; it is
stimulant, pleasure, in his money
getting life. Give him these, and he
will drop his habit of tippling and
treating. As a proof of this we'point
our Episcopal friends to-the late Ex
hibition. In : all the nine millions of
people who Passed in at the gates
there - Was:not a single arrest of a
man who became drunk on, the
grounds. The mental stimulant, the
excitement offered, was, sufficient;
liquor was not needed. 1 The Episco
palians :themselves have solved the
problem, where they. have established
workingen's clubs, reading rooms,
E i
or the an-y attractions of young
men or - omen's homes. The 'Chris
, tiau's work is to place innocent plea
sures in the reach of the homeless
and the poor,„ and with these to.out
. rival the attractions of the ftrof , shop "
1 e. e
REMARKING upon the effect of the.
Republican system of protection to
home industry, the London Times
of the 20th says:
" The notion. that_ the fiscal policy
of the governmerif.of the United
States for some years past is destineci,
to close that market to foreign iinn=
ufactures, and that Americans will in
future be able to make all they re
quire- for . ' their own use themselves,
cheaper and of more excellent quali
ty than lean be 'produced , in other
efiuntriea seems to be spreading in
Europe The prolonged depression
do trade very naturblly leads our
'manufacturers and merchants to be
lieve that the protective policy of the
ticked States will hare the effect of
compelling Americans to erect ma
chinery f or the supply of articles
which up to the-present time they
have imported from Europe."
A DISPATCU from Calcutta. to the
London Times gives an account of al
terrible storm which submerged those
.nearly devastating them.
• These islands are all situated in or
near the estuary of the river Megna.
The largest, Dakhin Shahafapore, was
800 square miles in extent. It had a
population of about 240,000. 'Nattiah
and Sunkeer together had about 100,-
The London Times correspond
ent says.this fear is liappily, not yet
realized except in Nookhooly,.where
the disease has appeared. News from;
the districts of Madras threatened
with famine is somewhat better: Id'
Bombay • the prospects ' are still
gloomy:, Actual famine in two or
three districts now seems
F. Sl'Farland, of this city, who was
wounded in the legs at the battle of
Gettysyille, July 1, 1863—over thir
teen years ago—has had considerable
trouble from time to time, with his
wounded limb, and experieflced con
siderable pain. On Tuesday, evening,
Nov. 7, the Colonel pulled apiece of
bone out of the wounded, limb y which
had become detached from one of
the other bones of the leg and worked
its way down through the flesh some
five inches, into the calf of the .leg
from Which the sharp point of it pro
truded and was pulled out. The ope
ration was a painful one, but the
Colonel feels considerably relieved
since the bone has been removed.—
Harrisburg Pa/riot.
As- EVIDENCE of the temper of our
Democratic friends, and alao of their
want of sense and of their unfitness
to rule, one of the most active Tu.-
DiN men of this borough boldly and
publicly proclaimed, the other day,
that "if some one . would shoot
GaAslced off he would raise a
flag over his dwelling." ,
THERE has been epnsiderable talk
about making Alr: BLAlNE:President
of, the ~03enate, btik, that gentleman
lityik . thodton 3 L4licall, 01* , he. oold
-,--,....., 17-.7--r : 77-71-c- ,- , • ,- , , , .-.. , - -,:;-F --- !. , • - •
4 . .',:',-:`,17".., . 4,..,..11, , ,..„-.,-...T.':1„ , ,-..-,-.P.r-- • =-. - ...0,......'„,,:s -.
ri;•-,744Z , ....,- f• - -,:'` - ` ,- ' , .-.-.-,,.1 - 2A,..i ,
:-...:,rftwoncet*** - ctooolcriikli.;
, native of 'tiiiircoility;- -, iiiiii***l 4,
wruis liaye Aequgtitly: contaiied:Ocirfri
~ •
tranitions !rota his pen. --- .The,ln4iiM . :
question . is just now attracting r - tvery . !'
O ne : Tel 'attention, and the letterd will
1 .
be read with interest 7 by all our Teaxl!
era, and especiallyc the many accinain ,
1 ~
tances of the writer :]— En: REPORTEIt..I
To the Editor of the Advertiser: 1 , ,
I send you.a portion of two letters re
cently received from a Lieutenant in the,
Third United States Artillery, and I now
acting adjutant of the post at Fort Boar,
Indian Territory, and of the Cheyenne
and Arapahoe Agency. It is proper for
me. to say, that I made his acquaintance
when ,he was but a'smail boy,' in Smith
field, Bradford county, Pa.,: where hls pa
rents still 'reside. His regiment was at
Fert.flamilton, New York, at the Haw he
received the telegram alluded to. ;. 1
Yours truly, ' ILL. Srft.tmELL.
Ile writes : "Our coming west was t.
den and unexpected. I was at home on a
few days leave, to help about the haying,
Had reached home on Friday afterno.m,
and the next day about noon, while at
work in the hay-field, received a telegram,
to tile effect that we liad . been - ordered to
Fort Leavenivorth. Took the tr t aiu that
night for New York, and on myl arrival,
found everything in the hurry auSnrfu
6iriaof packing up. We left Now Yo r k
ci t
Monday afternoon; reached port Le yen-.
worth on Thursday night, arid tfien {
ed that our destination was this lace.
From Leavenwor h we came to Wiellitg,
the end of the railroad, and ater two or
bree days spent in organizing our train,
turned our faces toward our final destina
tion`,4 a hundred and sixty odd miles way.
Tile country was all 'prairie, inte • •eted
by numerous creeks and rivers, •so- ailed,
-.y:kich gaVe us constant trouble in .
n, for we had reached a country . 4
innocent of the - bridge builder's art
ilia ninth day out we reached the di
our journey.
Fort Reno, although i, is a fort or
name, lei : the garrison of the troops
log .watch and ward over' 80Ine .
Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians; it
the govern:tient have collected hero ti
trying to keep from the wifrpath by
lar issues if rations and yearly pr
of •Oonds of various kinds. So far;
have give us us very little trouble. We
iost,some, atid occasionally a party t
ill ftoiti the Notch, who are disarmed ,
ponies t.ken away, and then turueT
to the ageht.., , . .
We hale a -garrison of six companies,
four of artillery and two ! of c*alry,
enough to give the red skins all the light
they want' should they be belligerent. In
a light he lly
punished they have since had the mitsry
in wholes( me dread. In this lies tile key
to the wield° Indict{ question, it' set,ms to
71M, TheJ Indian is a savage, pure and
simple, grid as such, the only road to his
respect is force ; that he does.respeet nod
will obey, land nothing else, for thenlis in
his nature nothing to which you c:.n. i.p
-p•:-al above the level of his senses. '
l' i liave been hoping that Terry anal Crot 'lc
would be able to whip a treaty out rt• the
Simla, which ould lead to a permanent
peace, but I see by the .papers that tlishop
Whipple and iiis peace commission have
ettjoled a' ort of treaty out of the I semi
hostile tribes—a treaty signed undet - pro
test, and which they know and we know
will never be kept longer than t . give
them time to muster their forces and get
together the material for another{ cam
paign. As long as men of this kind-:-.
.well-meaning, ne doubt, but with an( utter
want. of understanding of the Indian
character—are allowed-to manipulae this
Indian business; so long will we witness a
yearly renewal of jour troubles. It Iseems
to me that the only way it will Soon be
settled, will be te turn the entire charge
of the Indians over to the War Den:ra
t/lent; put there on reservations and keep
them there by foree • treat them kindly
as long as they behave theinselvei.,, but
with the understanding that punishment
for any misconduct will be swift ate sure.
-_ it is now, the 1 entire control is in the
hands of the agents —a class of men made
up on the one hand of thorough-faiqsl ras
cals, and on the other of men appointed
on the recommendation of the Vatious
Christian denominations—honest men and
well-meaning, mostly, no doubt, lint men
reared. in the East, with no more icnowl
edge of the Indian eharacter than al chid,
and without busin,:ss training oi qualifica
tions, and easily made the innocentldupes
of a class of villains always to be I found
on thelroutier. The result conies lti nal it
ml Sequence: The one class clict and
swindle the red skin until he is driven to
'the war path ; the other. by want Of tnet
and utter lack of adtninisterial ability,
and by misdirected anneals to sentiments
%%I'M,' are . wanting in their charges, lead
to the same result. I
- , Then. the army is called upon V bring
the savages to terms, but before . hat is
fairly done your. mould -be philanthropist
steps in, stays the uplifted blow, wheedles
the eulpAt into l a new ~treaty which lie
carinet e force, and whfch the military,
power is not all:?wed to do. And, sq it'
goes on from year to year—bas gone on'
for years nil scars. Every year the army,
gives up irccionslives to , this mistaken
policy-1i it often' by such numberl as - in
ue -Cost r massitcrebut by on 'told
ts.'..ofi and scores, -of whom your Philan.
thropist knows nothing and cares less, so
loag as he can ride his hobby to the end,
Wendell Phillips to the contrary,notwith-
Aanding.l.l believe the army officer is the
trare, - philanthroplkt in dealikr with these
Ot!ople;' and, by the army officers,T mcan
those men who have given the' best years
of their life to service in Vim Western
country, who have • studied the [lndian
question in the hardest school; sand thor
oughly understand ? the Indian character.
,General Crook, for instance. la man
who has done more Indian fighting than
any.sother man in the country, perhaps.
Heis held in the highest respect iiy the
red skinsthey fear, and consequently
respect him. His treasment of them has
been, firm and just, and through all this
country it is a notorious fact, and lone of
which the service - may well be proud, that
an army officer's word is accepted with=
ont a question by these savages, wly and
suspicious as they naturally are."
"We are living in tents, and •as for
conveniences, have not many to speak of,
yet we manage io get along,- if not over
comfortably. 'at least contentedly. As
Adjutant of the Post I am kept very busy,
and only , now and then get an "(rating"
—usually about once a week, which gen
erally takes theeliape of a bunting or
fishing excursion, We were out about a
fortnight ago, and brought backj--three
of irs•—something like a hundred pounds
of fish. The largest weighed ()Ver eight
pounds. Last Saturday we were out
again ; : I got about fifteen, aLd in the get
ting of them bro e my pole—the . ohe you
gave me the materials for.
I had landed a three pounder 'Safely,
1,-..when in getting in one of half that weight,
ono, joint, splintered and another I broke
short off; ., but it lis not. beyond re7air, I
hope. Others of our party whirhad guns
bagged seven turkeys, besides numerous
prairie chickens and quail. Our stamping
ground is a point twelve miles beloi. here,
although all the smaller game is found in
abundance near the post. The length of
our stay here is uncertain. We are hoping
after the election to be relieved byan in
iifautry regiment from the South, ut do
not feel certain abont it. * * .1 * *
I have been brought in contact NV tb the
Indians a good deal since we haybeen
here, and find them in many way very
1 „
much like their white brethren. . 1
Yesterday I hada visit from 'Bighorn,'
a Cheyenne chief, who has been I,aikay
with the agent, making a visit in ti t l'nne of
the States.. It wits his first experience in
railroad travelling, and his description,
given by signs, was really entertaieing. I
hare; taken quite a liking to "Big How,'
and he is giving me lessons in. Cheenne,
but Ii fear finds me not a very apt pupil.
These , people take very kindly - itzr the
Waite man's customs. Not inany !morn
ings ago 'Powder FaerV the heatt, chief
of the Arapahoes,l came the garri
son and announced the occurrence f 'an
interesting evetit , l in bis family, and inti
that hehe as ready to rece4e, on
behalf of ' Mrs. Powder 'Pa,' meni
brances from his friends, in,' the . nayi of
toffee sugar. The fondness f these! grave
old warriors for! finery and gewgaws is
something I cannot • quite understand.
They are a puzzle and'a study to me "
TOE official vote' of Peansylvania
Was follows: llATrazsimai Tir.ioat
C9*s 1, 2 Q4,. 8 *iin (4*
' 2 "
. -
- 4 • ' 4
4 •• • c
°tied - •
A. 'dispatch trout. Springfield,. 111.,
says that an attempiewas made on
the 7th inst. to steal the remains of
President Lincoln from the cemetery
Vault. The plot was stispectett some
time since, and Elmer Washburne,
United States Detective Tyrrell, and
his assistants watched the vault on
'Tuesday night. The scoundrels broke
in the outer and inner doors .6f, the
vault, opened the aeverat cases of the
sarcophagus, and were about to make
of with the remains when the detec
tive accidentally discharged a pistol,
which alarmed the robbers, and they
fled precipitately, escaping in the
The most extraordinary part of
this disclosure was the agency .;the
friends oFeld Ben.; Boyd, the notori
ous counterfeiter, now serving a ten
years' term in the Illinois penitentia
ry, had in the proposed scheme of
villainy. Ben. Boyd was captured by
Elmer Washburne some time ago,
and a gang of Counterfeiters, such as
seldom obtain a foothold in Illinois,
was broken up. • Boyd, through the
agency of his friends and his own
wealth, has for some time past been
trying to liberate himself from prison.
The shrewd scheme was to; carry off
th 6 remains of Mr. Lincoln, secrete
them, and keep' their' until ; President
Grant should be compelled to ' 'give
Boyd ~his freedom, conditioned on
the re storation of the remains to their
former resting place. The • infOrma
tion thus obtained was conveyed to
Leon - ant - ;Swett, Esq.,. and Colonel
-Hobert Lincoln', botit'of Springfield,
and steps were taken to.frustrate the
plan. Mi. Swett states that while
many peOple might think this dese
cration of the tomb of Mr. Lincoln
a mere job " put up" by parties for
selfish interests; they were greakly
mistaken.' He believed there was a,
well-concerted plan on the Part of
these desperate meet() secure posses
sion of the remains.
ud of
ly ;0.
• Itorn
nd is
Later and further, examination of
President Lincoln's' tomb shows that
the scoundrels who attempted to rifle
it on Tuesday night had pried off the
lid of the marble sarcophagus witk'a
chisel or axe, and somewhat chipped
it in the operation. The lid of the
cedar ease, in which the leaden casket
containing his bones lay, was forced
oil and placed upright against the
The casket itself' had been
pulled out about a foot' from the
body of the sarcophagus when. they
were alarmed by the accidental shOt,
and fled, leaving behind/them, lying
on the floor of the vault, an axe, an
ordinary chisel and a pair of nippers.
Although no real clue 'to the thieves
has been discovered, every possible .
means will be taken to apprehend
them. The only plausiWmotive to
be attributed to these despoilers of
the grave' is that they hoped to be
rewarded for the restoration . 'of the
remains,.as it is evident that they in
tended to cut open the leaden casket
and gather up the lames and dust of
;the martyred President and carry
them away.—E.r.
The "Bull-dozer"- has appeared
often of lale in despatches from the
troubled Southern section, but very
few,have a more.than generalidea of
what he is. Here he is described to
the life in a, New Orleans letter to
the Cincinnati—Times:
The word here in this muddle is
'1.3(111-dozed." I see some northern
papers persist in printing, it " Bull
dogged." The • Bull-dozers are or
uanizedl and armed bands of assas,
sins and robbers, who ride about the
country IT
,night, killing , innocent
People, and spreading terrorism
nnunig.the Republican negroes. The
Bull-dozers are successors to the Ku
klux; the White League, the White
Liners, and other similar organiza
tions. It is to these ruffians that
Louisiana owes her sad condition
to-day. Two or three of these bands
of from tliirty to sixty men in etteli,
parish have driven the Republicans'
- •
into the swampy in, five different par-,
ishes, and manipulated the
boxes to suit themselves in the into- ,
est of Tilden and reform. So e
find, parishes, that, hate for . years
given an overwhelming Republican
majority, and which are annually
Republican, to-day reported without
a dozen Republican votes..
Perhaps, just here, it' will not be
amiss , to explain the origin of this
new term of ."Bull-doze." It origi
nated in Mississippi. The black
snake" Whip that teamsters use upon
their oxen or mold is called there by
a compound word, the first of which
is "Bull's." It is abbreviated •‘13n11,"
and the whip called . a "Bull." Whip
ping an obtinate•anhnal or "nigger"
with it was called giving the anni
mai or "nigger" a dose of the brill,
or a bed (lose. The Kuklux and
White League used that instrument
to beat Republicanism out, of the
negroes and oblige them to vote the
Democratic ticket or keep away from
the, polls. Hence the name for these
bands iof roving scoundrels, "Bull
dozers,". „or " Bull-dosers." They
'pronounce it " Bull-doozers " here.
This is the real and only origin of
the term, and 'the name is very sig
nificant and appropriate,.as many a I
negro with a scarred back can testify.
ACCORDINQ topome of the London
journals the BOCA programme is
already drawn `tits in the Thissian-
Turkey'question.i The instant Rus
sia declares. war f. ' British forces will
occupy ConStantinople—tot to take
that city from the Turks, but to keep
it 'from Russia.
,The necessit for
securing this key to the 131itek'Sea
is obvious, if Britain would maintain
her commerce wfili the grain-export
ing valley of the Danube, and also if
she would prevent Russian cruisers
from issuing forth against her com
merce. By sweeping the Black Sea
and the Baltic Sea with her . fleets
Britain could seal up Russian ports,
and any attack upon Turkey would
have to be carried on by land,, trans
porting troops, stores, cannon and
ammunition many hundred miles from
the Russian arsenals over the Balkan
mountains beiVre they could come
near Constantinople, The Emperor
Nicuoma tried this with a great artily
and was stopped by the sand forts'
near Silistria, which was garrisoned
by. Turks - wider. command of
- Angl6-IndiaitAtioeic.' A.natria also
tibt figliVithiYtikilterthatvallow
;;;0.? - :-^.....%, . /-.21;- •-- .
••!--; ;.!!
It would ieeta meow", city Wenilln•the
'made or switidlerisaid-tionfideneePeirPle.
We are apt: to laugh at Vie:Credulity of
-"wintry folks," and when rasp is dulk'
ed bi the pocket-book s game, or some
equally, well known device of rogues, we
laugh at his "greenness," and congratu
late ourselves upon the fact Jhat no such
mishaps could Possibly befall us. In'the
face of this, not a day goes by that some
one is not duNd in the mast bare-faced
manner, and frequently for large MUM.
Ono day Wis a woman pro:eising to
immense property in a foreign country,
who borrows the names' of eminent cler
gymen; to, use in support of her asser
tions, andthe funds of the party whom
she designs to make use of, until Ara
comes it &little too far, and is found 'out;
not however, until several people have
been multched to various amounts, which
combined reached the • : sum of several
thousand of dollars -
N,extanidverituress appears on the
boards, who for 'ten yeltrs, han lived at
'ashiouahle boarding houses throughout
the Union,•and who, -within the last few
weeks, Las been giving Fifth Avenue the
benefit of her' presence. engaging board at
prices varying from sloo' to $3OO a week,
and slipping out at the end of that time,
leaving the police at fault and unable to
lay their bands on her.
The strangest of the cases, howe;ier, is.
that of Mary Stewart, whose history is
now being investigated. A few days
prior to the election, the daily papers
contained a brief notice of a woman hav
ing been brutally assaulted, and outraged
.by a policeman,. whom she had asked' to
"show her to a respectable lodging, she
ij having lost her way. The man was dis
charged,; although pointed out by her; for
lack of identification! The comtnent ou
i this by people who merely saw the state-,
meat, was not very favorable to the
powers that be, and it was hinted that hid
it got been near election, oftiser * Gleason
would.have been summarily' discharged I
and beought tO trial. It now appears !
that this woman has made several such
charges, and a man is now serving out
a sentencemf twenty years in Sing Sing,
the result! of a complaint entered and
prosecuted by her ; with the possibiliti ,
that in this case, as in the List ones, the
statement was false. -'One feels inclined
to ask, in the face of these various cases,
which are only a few among many, what
our police are worth, or whether we hate
any very great reason ,to flap our wings
and crow over our country neighbors?
The Franklin, with Tweed, is iu harbor,
but it is said by those - who know, thattfie
old "Boss" will show fight. He dis
claims the right of, the United States
government to tarn him over to the civil
authorities,, and says he cap legally make
them send - him back,. as Spain had no
right to give him up, there being no Ex
tradition Treaty With that country. The
civil authorities laugh and feel satisfied
that in a day or twig at farthest, ,Tweed
will he enscooed in his eight by twenty
room in Ludlow Street , jail, and Sheriff
Connor be released from; the liabilities he
incurred, when he let. him slip throng''' .
his lingers. Undoubtedly the • fact that
possession .is nine points of the law, will
be exemplified in this case. •
In spite of the fact that Saturday was
raw and chilly, the Coaching Club, or a
portion of them, drOve - out to the Polo
Club grbunds to eng4ge in that '''ponular
game. Some of the members, with a few
of the ladies, amused themselves wit
lawn tennizt, which is rapidly crowding
croquet out or the field.
The Rev. Dr. Field, editor of the New
York Evangelist, iriaugurated the free
course of lecturers in Cooper Institute,
Saturday evening. by giving his impres
sions of "Going ;Around the World." It
was a bright and cheerful lecture, and the
lecturer looked animated and happy., , He
is just in the second week of his second
honey-moon, having been married on the,.
tfin lust', to Miss Frances E. Dwight, at
Stockbridge,l3fass. Miss Dwight was a
warm friend of the first Mrs. Field, and
while on her death-bed, the latter' re
quested her friend a-id husband to marry.
The dying injunction, in this ease, brtn
'lately met with 'the approval of buth
parties, and they were able to *fulfill it
without doing any violence to .heir
own feelings. Unfortunately this is
not always the case. A certain WO
known senator's wife died and made : a
similar request, the young lady, being,her
sister. The senator would gladly -have
made his sister-in-law his wife, but she
did not care for him. Her Eiger had
wrung the promise fiom her, and, feeling
bound by Rothe let her thanee of hap
piness slip by, by refusing the man, she
really W idled tomarry. 'So, the best years
of life slipped away, until the widower
became tired of 'waiting, and finding a
Barkis who was willing, made her his
Wife. This absolved the young lady4n
question, but not until the hest partf.s4f
her life had been wasted,' and too late for
her to marry "her own first 10ve." .. , , -
Fanny Davenport played Rosalind, Sat
urday evening, to an enthusiastic 'atidi
ence, but she'was Fanny Davenport and
not Shakespeare's Rosalind.' The (eat
was Shakespeare's, but it needs expurga
tion. T.
More Sun (Dem.) interviewed Gov 7
ernor Kellogg a few days ago,'dur-
Mg which the Governor explains one
thing that has 'caused some wonder
'in the North. "Why. sir," said he
to the reporter, " the Democratic
Committee here can get up, any story
they please to send 'North, and get
the whole Chamber of Commerce of
the city to sign it. The day after
the election they sent off a dispatch
Claiming. 10,000 Democratic majority- -
in Louisiana, before they had returns
from three parishes in the State !
This was signed by five Bank Presi-.
dents. The next day r i
said to one
of these, 'Mr. Baldwin, how could
you put your name to such a
. dis
patch, when you could kt:ow nothing
of 'the truth -4 of the statement ? '
' Well, Kellogg,' he answered, did
not: read the d—d , :thing; but these
people bring these things to my. bank
to' sign, and ,I sign them without
looking at .them.' " By such tricks
as this respectable men sign tele
grams announcing as true what they
know nothing about. Here people
g've credence to such . reports be
cause of the signatures appended to
hem. AntV the general result! is,
'that when 'the falsehoods they 'digni
fy arejawept away by actual and true
returns, many respectable people
reallyAtelieve , their party has suffered
. great outrage, and that the other
bae. been , guilty . of a'seattaalOus
. _
.4 I . • 41 , P. 110M . 3 ", r z. .. ,' ;', , -6cm..
TIFICWOIiIit . -,PaTilieln.'-.TealiXeit, 411214;.
-•. • -
Twos were .1,1:03 cash adrandopli on
Wednesday. last. - • v•,.
Tn admissione - on Thursday were
about 11.000. w.
RiCENT depredations it Agricultural
Hall ' are reported.
IT to contemplated - 4o continue the 50
cent admission fee indefinitely. •
Bur few displays in the shoe and leath
er building have been -touched.
Tan collections ofi Plants, trees and
bulbs in Horticultural Hall remain intact.,
ON Wednesday 50 employes in'the Doi:!
partment of admissions were discharged:
tint narrow gauge rail` ay liaS *toped
running. It has carriedover four "m
lion passengers.
APPLICATION will be madetor space. in
the Paris exhibition for an exhibit by the
women of America:
IT is proposed to continue the' publica
tion of the New Century.and the Women's
Centennial Choruses. •
TUE organization to .be, known aa the
Woman's Centennial National League,
will meet on February 23.
THE Corlisingine • has been painted
lead color preparatory to being photo
graphed. It will be removed next week.
THE Centennial committee of Councils
have appointed - a sub committee to pro
vide for the retention of Machinery Hall.
THE . vegetable and mineral exhibits
comprised in the special displays of Weit
Virginia and Oregon have. been presented
to the city auzliorities.
IN the Main Building the prohibition
against the passage of repoiters, and oth
ers having special . business' beyond • the
rope barricade has been removed,
Tim official report shows that from
May 10 to November 10, there were 8,-
004,274, and 1,906,692 free admis
sions.., The • total receipts at the „gates
were $3,,813,724.49. • "
Ox Tuesday evening the citizens. of
Philadelphia will give a reception,
in the
academy of Flue Arts, ,to the Centennial
Commission, Board of Finance, and oth
ers connected with the exhibition. •
Tim Centennial Commission, before ad
jouniment on Tuesday; appointed a coin
mittee, of which - Mr. Meeker, of Colora
do, is Chairman, to prepare a final report
to Congress, covering the history of the
Exhibition. • ,
A MEETING, under the auspices of the
Woman's Centennial Executive Commit
tee, was. held an W•dnesday in the Kin
dergarten Building,. The object of the
meeting was to declare the Woman's Pa
vilion closed, and to take steps for the
°qui tion of a permanent organization.
New Adintiseaenta.—
CIA.UTION.—AII persons are coz
y...) tinned against purchasing a note' given by The
itiolersigued to Mr. Cunningham. fnr Neventy-fl,e
dollarA, and d mrd, Witnot-township, Nov Ilnd, Ib7G,
(r therealk9nts, payable at the First National Bank
of Towanda. six lin•lithg after date. As the name
at obtained My Jae:Bent repießoitation and pap
went has been 6: iqt.i:l at.the Bank.
Wi'mot Nov. 4, Isle-3w,
FjSTRAY.; --Came into the enelos
. ure of the underc.lgued (on the Welles farm,
01‘ (lash's ("reeky, In Ulster township, on or about
Dept. Ist. 1:576, a red and white Helfer. supposed to
let about one year old. The owner Is.sequested to
come forward, prove property. pay charges and
take her away, or she will be disposed of tfrco-dlng
,to law. ' 'WALKER .1k 310CERNY.
1 ,IThder. Nov. 13. 1.416-w3. - -,I ,
(~;;‘,"' 7;7, C• 77 a Week to Agents. Samples FREE
01 1 .O. VICKERY, A uguista, Maine.
TOB WORK, nt the lowest rites,
• executed at the EPORTEIt OFFICE.
' A good farm. containhig 86 aere.F. in Orwell
townsh'p. Excellent fruit, a glaal house. tee.
I '
}Welt adapted to either grain or dairy purposes.
Terms to snit purchasers. Enquire of
I...itaysVille, Oct. 30. 1870.
II have also a largo, farm, on which I n'ow live,
which I will sell cheap.
T IST OF LETTERS remainingin
Pintpmee at Towanda, Bradford Co., - Pa,
or the week ending Not:. 20:
Andreae, G E • ' Beach, L V •' :
Burroughs. Mrs H J - I Brown. Ella J
Brown., Henry itenedict, Wm II
Bratty. WII , • Barriger. Mies Ilulda
-- . rr, %lila '-- Homier, .1 J '
Ilahl, llottrietia Considine. Innnes
:.tyacts., David • Ditree, Wm
Ih. , eker. P C ' : - Mrs L Hickey,
_Deal, Edwin j I.llltz, Amos 1..
'Fanning. Wm F . • Giover, C F ••
Grove, Jll A - : Hazen, II IV': •
litileytts, A 1) • Hitriburt, Eli-
Hancock, Lney . Hay, .1 F "
!Tema'', Dyena ' Ilundy. Mrs W F
lIAlt. lillss•• 1 aile HaYes. Mrs Elizabeth
'. Hartman. Mrs Aumudalre& Wm
!i .leffen•on . ..las M ' Jones, Mr C • •
' Keyo-r. Albert, King„Jokn Rufus
Kenser. Joseph ' EOuck: Miss Sar.di
I Letimar. H, my : ' Lynch. Ellen (3). '
Leis. Celia'
McCracken, Sarah • ' 3 1. 1 ‘ no ' re b , ( .I : o h a a r s ina
Miller. Miss Lizzie Mullany. Stephen
i Murphy, James _ - Morris.. Miss Eliza
1 31artin, Esther 3IeG tnnts. l 3lis.s Margaret
31i:Donnel. Annie • Midden: Milton
Nich .Is, 11' A - Plke. - I•'.ank
Pennal, Carrie, reters,Geo C
Quinyby, 11 C Hutlcilge, llugh ,
I:oehe, Maggie ,-, . ' Smith, Mary J
Smith. E 1) . Smith, Sidney,' •
Smith, Lucy E Smith, J' W
Shoemaker. Frederick Stephens, Mahlon
Simmons, Jai . Spalding. E E
Situols, Edmund Soper. 3llss Eliza I)
' Scanlon, Kate Tracy, MIAs Libbie
Vide. Mrs Jennie Wille&s. S II P •
Watts, W Wolfe, liruce .
Weltlay, -••-•••
Nettle County. Riley Sickler.
Towanda, Pa. rblla., ra.
C M Gerould. Jonef Bros. & Co.„
. Portlatid, 311eb.. ' Ptllla. Pa:
Peter Ramage, • To Queen City Copying
Jeffersonville, NI Y. ' Co, 00 \Voud.s:., &e,
31Ts DeForest, Owego. N I'
Persons calling for the above letters, will please
say "advertised, • giving date of list.
. S. W. ALV6II.D. P. M.
Respeetfully Informs the puldlr that he has re
moved to his new Minding Just south of the - Means
Ifouse,where he willbepleasedtoseehlsold'frienda
Served At all hours at the lowest possible rates.
By the Gallon, (linnet or Dozen, and In Shell
Towanda, Oct. 11, 1E76
fIOME TO' . COWEN'S IF 170 j
IL/ would get Mien the worth of the money ex
pended. •
opened att
TO WA.‘" A, PE_ :V :V . ,
Where will be found a full line of the very best
LOOKING GLASSES, and a One assoement.of
LAMPS, with the very beet of trimmings.
A tine assortment of •
A full line of the finest
Stationery, Blank Books, Pass Books, Ladles and
Gent's Hosiery, ilantik,rehlefs, fable and
Towel Linens, Towels and Nap-
Suspenders, collars,
A thousand other articles too numerous to mention.
All goods must give sattstatti,
funded. Goods delivered In the
Soliciting the sale, at Audio
Live 'Roil, Firm Utensils, Bi
any thing to braid at Auction I
at vim_ to stilt the tlases.l..` ;
plata!? AttW itCCOA I 4 :-
11 7 =t-r te:,` -'::: - " - •' - itipitif ✓ inifkr-'
Hare juetopened anothel large stock of
Ca 11
fall t
~, ~
Consisting of
it Line of Furs t
- Made Sacqes
and he Convinced that we
C►eap as the Cheapest
nil& Nov. 23, ISIII
Ecotz and Shoes—Creckclt.
lam now recelyirkthe
&c.,' &c., &c.,
offered In this town, And at prices that cannot
please the closest buyer., I have many bar
lin all lines of goods that cannot be obtained
here. Please call and examine-goods and
,Stood, opposite Court Flouts.
nib, -Aug. 10, 1876. 2
&c.,,&c., &c.,
At the 'old stand of
0„ . BLACK.
FULL !..
Sell as
1 , 3;6.