Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 23, 1876, Image 1

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2.00; Auditor's notices. 52.50: Suaincas Cards, ate
; 1 1 ,05, (err Year)s.oo. aildtannal line& 41.00 each.
YEA'ILY Advertnatenta are *added to Oar.:
forty -hstlf4 , . •
1-11 tN SI ENT advaitisements must be paid for
ALL Benolutlens of Apsoelations, Communlca
-1-115 of limited or Individual Interebt. and notices
of Miirri 44-s and Death. , „ exceeding five Linea, are
JOB 'PRINTING, of every ind, In - plain and
fancy .coloni., done with neatc'es and dispatch.
11:,.n,,b101, Blanks, Cards., Pamphlets, 'l4lllheada.
Statetr,etitc..te.„ of every variety and style, printed
at the shortest , uritic'e. TUE REPORTER 0103 LS
wed si.ppiled with power presses. a good assort
i xcent of view type. and everything in the. Printing'
line ear be ex cured in the most artistic manner.
auiLat.the-1.0.w est rates.
Prcf ± l zni Ettezess Cards.
' ineLD.l6 TowANDA, PA.
1 311TII MON7ANYE, Arzos-
Ly YkYl3 AT LAw.-012ce, corner of linin and
Pine ni.. oNA4lia Dr. Porter's Drug Store.
OF ti IC E.-ILealut Building (oveirovrell's Store),
U. Tuwa :min_ Pa.
()•:•e Pmrk stile, north •Itto Put.,llc Square,
It -It to 1.1v.,:•11 llotok. [nartte4o
NN'. S NV.u. --- LIT'rLE,
3TTOBS.E T0W.4.311.1,P A.
Office In PattLti's Muck, cor. Wain and Bridge-So
Tos'Altd 3 ; Pa,, April Ig. '76.
_ .
qn•e —,, ver licyLtauyes 4tore. Cia:qt;7s.
April 1975.
Towal,ala, Pa.
Orre. In lieumes 111 N-k.
A4 , :11, 15,7 Z
ci • F. MASON
OM..e flrat door math of C. D. Patch 1... T.. Si•
onrl 3.1.0 r. . Noy. is. 7.1.
t.nn i ms,
r..lth Smith & NiQutanyr. [ll4/vll-75.
(3_EORG E D...1'1:,11 - 01 7 D. •
Iwo d r no of War ' ll MI&
Oftice 4,11 Main-s
Tow.A..NDA, of Pl:thi.l.qlda
-.41-run.vb:r4.v - D COUNSELOR-AT-L.4IV,
4 — er CeoYis . «W - c, two Hoorn north
s I_,os I'.t. consulted
tit, lir U. rlii..ll; 7.'2, '76.3
ToNrANDA. rA. Traeylin', Block
NiT 11. T1103.11'S()N, ArrOr.NLY
• ar 1,4 W, WY•Lt ,ING, Pa. WM artt.nd
to : can. Li Bradford,
rA,u3tifs. wLb
.Por c.. pg.r.11474.
!Lie AtTroRNEr...9"-LAIr ;
4 "ort•etiUlts :W....tided to. •
July 27. - 7 G,
-14 AI LelV, T‘AVAN I , A. P.. en
ter, cto tipqr profe,skthal , te I•• ne.outi,n gly , q.l to
1 . 11 llegirt-V, 4 'ofirts.
F.0N,'L • 1:r.'c,.t:.(.,1,1 4-70 N. ELSItItEE.
.114k1A, I.IFF,
Oii •._! Wt•A's Tr.r - 1:. first cloornouth..r the First
4.:.; t•
!"L 4 :0 M 31N . 1 4 )NE1T.,
Oillee—Nbrt o Side Put,lle Square
_ .
• I. prepared to practice a:1 brunches of his
prwr• iiii .*,- ,
9 , 1, . ME`Writ 8i.04 - 6, (entrance on sontb
Sid-) ToWA , D A. PA. ilanti-7A.
P.. -S. M. WOODE URN, PliVSir
ia.. ai.,! Surge.-n. Oclee over U. A. Black's
,ts 1
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D. )1. I).,:_ertn be eon
flr. 11. I'vnTLACs Drug Si
il!. A. V.. 31!,1 fn.:u to 1.
,te •u of Ulu Eye and Ear.
,), t. .7G41.
,1011NizON NEWTON.
a:•41 Oficcs. over Dr.
Pura. I S;
T. it.., 1 .0!::V:-. 4 2N., I. D. D. NEVCI ON, 31. D,
I T. 1. 1)(ri/SON. DENTIST. ,
.i• 'a i.,..1af:...: ' TI. inav 1 , .. fonnd In the
e,..,:.:L,,,,w"..„:,. 1. , :.1 . . Z.:•.1 e . ...0r (..f Dr. Pratt'i new
012• ..". .J . .....n :., :., t r•!...1:. li U/41.1e1.11 S(4 il2 It MI.
r ri si E x l, T T, . Y . ,
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unr4vJa' Lk sat:acted witbout yalu.
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& tic= WAirot:ir
th., 4•3) itntla of deals] wor 4 k.
/Iv u 1.4 Futlu • ucv:‘,.“•
ITALIJE . If. PATTON, Agents for
03111'.iN Y.
e k.rtatur:4 Ruck, Crltlga Sts.
31:11.14 4.
( mo t S. 111:SS'ELL'S
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‘_/• _ _
113v2 , -;
1 S , j4. 1876.
. .
Vain , 7 , 2,. , :gt,•-t!”. r.urf Honse
s ail Id I of wort: In his irne.
ft:seabed fret trvatc.l. Manufactiires the cele
bralvd •
£S:r oL, raiLk Ita9. it ar 0:41 Jrrlcult. Works.
T..,v - anda 8, '74 -tt.
• The ftehm tug
Compaale't , repmsc.pted
0. A. BLABS.
_lurch it ktl
Griir.B;iL Przoiwcr: comussiox
somas; Evcr.g: ,
- HON. JUDO!: T 6 el': •4reretary .)flcar.
11 EN.I3 Y iiill NFORD.. Eq. .
-Stopt. Adams Express Co.. "¢"ew Tart.
' J.latrAll.all WALKER, E6q.., flatadelphla.
ja r
D. if. ft t' EMT. Bals.b. New York.
- : ISATBS Cam itzeirfatei Weir Tart.
- -
Dec. 9, 15
8. W. ALVORD,cP-üblisher.
Taylor k Co.
Are receiving, this week, a
Assortment of
For the
And we propose to sell them at
Towanda. Sept. 20. 170
Sent 4' Bliss.
'rave just received their first invoice of
All the new styles in
We offer Bargnins
And be conTinee'd for yourselret._
Affectionately Dedicated to the Memory of lean
nette Xonianye, who died Saturday, Nor; li t le
A swlO-wlnged angel has been here,
And Wu bare entlY heard •
The aunimn winds that swept tie hills
And through the dead leases stlrrett
No mibale voices bitae the hush
Of suffering day or nigh;
No !tattling wor•ls athwart the sky •
Spate to the startled sight,
Only &stiller white beneath
The arch of Harting
Only a farther-reaching gaze,
Pletrtog the Wavy air,
As If the haze and mists of life
Were lifted, and were gene,
An•i the fleet glance of searching !ore
Went on to God's white thrne.
So still they come—these messengers
From the eternal told;
So close they wrap our loved ones round
In the relentless cold,
That mortal vision backward starts
And quakes with gathering fear,
Lest the beloved go alone,
And dud thlt pathway drear.
But the sweet lips so newly sealed
With the slow seal of death,
Leave soothing record of a faith
Warm with !heir parting breath,
That heaven, and re t, and blissful home,
Are sweetly, strangely - near;
So close, the we:A white hands we cross
Can almost bring them here,
So close. the dying pulses throb
'With the iturmwtal love,
And dying lips move to the tone
' That swells the . heavens above—
.Sns cote, the fares that were ours,
from the other side,
Nirts./ing us on like little ones,
Across the silent tide. • • 1.
Aral so she went, the dearly Lvcd,
Down the lone way to rest.
Leaning with childlike trust upon
The Shepherd's wicerul breast,—
Whbpering soft words of tenderness,
For those she knew 'host weep, '
Until Ife gave, who giveth e'er,
" To Ills beloved, sleep."
Dear heart, co warm, and brave, and true
To every human
A sweet companionship.of lova
Is uniting thee on high; i
The same sweet glance thy father mulled
Into thy childish face,
Shall warm the living rapture of
- Ills welcoming embrace.
And she, o'er whom thy young soul bled,
With itea , eless, gnawing pain,
A litlght-w.inged spirit-7.11nm shalt clasp
Within thy arws again.
On Ininie.oweet fare, though all the years
Are dark for want of thee;
00 swif try up th,t heart:lily heights
Of thy eternity
And when the wanting and the grief,
And all the pill: I,done , •
God will bring to flute, thine own,
. riab, gathered, one by one.
Paor that teed the lonely graves
And search the. opening stiles,
Ye kn.% full Well. when home lights (UM,
Where fuller brightness lies.
" Understand me, Abel ; both my
father and myself are perfectly satis
fied with the amount :dread). paid."
Many thanks to von, sir, fOr the
sayin! , of it but 'nothing short of
the full sum will satisfy ate. Ae the
time (eight years ago next midsum
mer) it :Was reckoned ataa hundred
and fifty pounds, in round numbers.
1 mean, to pRy it every fartliing,
please heaven,' if I live long enough.
It' I die afore.• I hope Polly 'II keep
up the payment reglar."
"lint really. Abel, I don't like
taking this money.. II am sure these
payments must cripple you terribly."
"Never you mind that, Mr. Baker,
junior. ' I feel something on ply con
science which is worse than hunger
or cold, and it won't be easy until I
save you all. There's five pound
en, sir; not -so much as last half-
year, because of Polly's illness in the
spring; but I hope to make it more
..,ext time. if you enter thr-sum in
book and add it up, yOull find
it makes ninety potMds."
".Ninety pounds e.Nactiy. Well, if
you insist on my taking the. money,
I s.uppose I must. Is your daughter
married yet, Webb ?"
"Not yet, sir."'
" Likely to be?"
" I'm afraid it's nigher than
I like.
'• What ! you disapprove of her
" Oh, no not a bit. Tom Smith's
as good a Rio,
ever lived'.
get on, that boy will. Ile's sober,
honest. and manly; and all that 'll
tell in iheilong - run. But I'd rather
she hadn't anybody'after her—least
ways until the debt's sparred 'twixt
you and me."
A debt that as you know, we
al ready . consider discharged."
"But which I don't,Mr. Baker,
junior.. How Ever, I'm a' keeping you.
Good-night, sir; and 'many thanks
for your kindness."
With that Abel Vebb retreats, hat
in hand ; and bowing to Baker junior
with every backivard step he takes,
finds himself by and by at the half
glass door opening to the outer °like.
Arriving here he once more thanks
the younger partner of Ifaker & Ba
ker, wholesale druggists of Ipecacu
maim-lane, Alderruanbury, and at last
emerges into the crowded thorough
It is dusk of an October evening,
and-brisk dapper young men are hur
rying along the narrow courts
S and
alleys bent upon the delights of home
or the intoxicating pleasures they
expect to find elsewhere.' !The large
warehouses are.closed, and the gas
burns but.• dimly in-the gri'my cham
bers appropriated to those whose
duty it is to remain in the premises
after business hours. -Abel Webb
takes scant notice of what is passing
around' !him. lie is a little man,
poorly clad, upon whose shoulders
fifty-live years of unremitting toil,
anxiety, trouble, and heavy r.disap
pointmeni weighed heavily. ills hair
:is white as the hoarfroit, and the
wrinkles upon his forehead and the
dark . hollows beneath his eyes make
him appear a far more older man
than he.really is; bat despite his pu
ny stature, his weather-beaten aspect,
.the wrinkles of age, he is as
hopeful in
'4'141.2441.11,-spiritl-. as .eve
7Xr, while
rest 1- hialt lO r g lll rPOYSi I , I
gifring token that Abel Webb still
thinks himself capable of many a.
tussle in the struggle for life.
'Generally speaking, Abel cannot
be considered a good walker, neither
does he ordinarily whistle stirring
• national melodies. as he elboyi's his
Way through • the teeming streets.
'Yet whenever he•pays his half-yearly
visit to" Baker junior, he seems to
become imbued with fresh life, fresh
hope, and inereped strength. The
patient old • man 'recognizes the
change himself, and .joyfully feels
that the millstone of debt, which has'
for so many years hung about his
neck, is less heavy than before. "Oh,
how earnestly he hopes to live .to
free himself of his.burden! A long,
weary '.task is still before him; but
he has learned from past experience
how much may be accomplished by
persevering application, and daily
feels himself approaching nearer and
nearer the purpose of his later life.'
Away from the elose thoroughfares
of the city on to the Thames em
bankment." Ilis walk has been long
and fatiguing, and resting his arms
upon the atone balustrade, he paused
for a few moments with his eyes fixed.
upon the dark silent-flouting river.
His recent conversation with Baker
junior, fully occupies his mind as he
thus pauses on his homeward jour
ney ; and upon the old man's flushed
and wearied featureS there break 4 u
smile of ' self-satisfaction as the
thought crosses him of what so many'
other men would have done had
they been placed in his situation.
" A hundred and fifty pOundls,' he
murmurs, as he i looks out upon the
sweep of waters before him-- 7 " and a
lot of money, a lOt of money ! Easily
equAndered, buebow difficult to save!
A fortune to men like-ate. Honest
Abel Webb the boys used to call me
at school; honest Abel Webb I have
been •to my employers,, and honest
Abel. Webb I'll try to be to:the end
'of my days."
In no spirit of- Pharisaic egotism
does the old man thus address him
self. 'lntegrity, devotion, and troth
are component parts of, his nature.
Briefly his life: passes before him as
the cool autumn breeze plays• with
his white locks, and he watches the
flickering light by the' river's bank.'
First lie sees himself kneeling by his
mother's side, and lisping•a simple
prayer; then, bending lw his head,
he feels her gentle loving hand, and
hears her sweet voice piay that God
will bless her child, and cause the
precious seed of His word to fall up
on:. good ground and bring forth
abundant haryeSt. E'en now as this,
vision passes before him .he humbly
bows; his head, and ejaculates With
fervent ardor, " Amen !" Next comes
the sOool lie in a little midland vil
lage. , Then the kindly face of the
vicar, who had been the means of in
trodueing hint to a large city house,
rises before him. To this , succeed
recollections' of his employment in
the house of Baker & Baker; his
marriage; the birth of his boy Sam
—the child of promise that was to
L. t4'. L
)e a solace to his, declining years;
his acceptaqee of the •situation or• a
Warehouse-man in the establishment
or L•iostriug• A: Tool, the wholesale
milliners or Wood t.ieet;; and the
"one sorrow of his life—La sorrow that
seemed in its deep intensity to ingulf
:ill the joys of preceding year 4. Alter
this comer visions of the long, earnest
struggle to right n grie,Vons wrong ;
last of all, the rerneinbrhnee of the
kind words addressed to'llim but an
Lour previously in the wholes'ale
druggist4' private room.
The changing tones of "Big Ben,"
awoke Abel Webb from his reverie.
With the sudden thought that his
41aughter Polly would be home before
if he didn't make great haste /
be set off at a brisk trot. resuming
his cheery whistle as he went along.
_ .
And sure enough home she was.
he had threaded his way thro'
a. labyrinth of Westminster byways,
and at last reached thd corner of the
narrow street in which were his lodg-i
ings, and involuntarily cast his eyes
up to the second-floor window of one
of the houses, he knew as well as
though he saw her : standing betorci
him that sha had managed to reach
home tfirst.'' No landiady-overfloW
ing with kind-heartedness as she
might be—could provide such a
heart-weleorne to honest Abel as his
daughter Polly. Why, the very coals
seemed to, burn brighter and send
forth a more ready glow when she
had cpaxed them' nto a flame. The
reflection of their cheery warmth
showed itself upon the drawn blinds,
and bespoke 'the comfort and love
fostered within the humble lodging
Shared by Abel and his daughter.
Was ; Polly handsome ? so.. Was
she pretty ? Scarcely that, for her
features lacked harmony. You had
to look below the'surface digeover
what made Polly the idol of her fa
ther's heart, and the cause of anxieties
unspeakable to honest Tom Smith.
First of all, Polly ,was short. She
had light'brown hair, which formed
itself. into natural curls and danced
about .her head in the most proyok;
ingly-coquettish fashion. her eyes
were a soft liquid blue, her, nose
slightly rclroto , , , e, and her lips like
no other .weinak's in the world—at
least so Torn Swift! thought. •
So much for folly's outward char
acteristics. In temper and, resolutiOn
she was the counterpart of her father,
and her judgment was far in excess
of that possessed by most girls of
her age (eighteen).• She•was of in
dustrious habits, was•thoroughly do-'
mesticated, and above all, possessed
a heart which as warmly responded
to the appeal of the suffering as it
echoes the joys of those it loved.
• folly's usefulness was not confined
to the two rooms on .the second 'floor.
She had served- her apprenticeship
to the millinery business in the house
possessing the services of-her father,
and, strange to say, Tom Smith was
one of the
y oung men "served"
at .INlessrs. Loostring' it Tool's. Of
course the love affair was kept very
quiet; and sometimes poor Polly's
heart thumped with fear lest the se
cret should be discovered, for in the
eyeS of thein employes Loostring and
Tool were; terrible people indeed.
Abel and his daughter, however,lept
nothing from each other; so that. the
simple-hearte4 . Warehonseta,ati.-was
Speedily inadc- i ticqnainti4,,*ith.4.6o.
devoutly hoped that it would not be
brought to an issue until be was freed
from the batten which had so long
kept him, by his own free will, almost
The ascent to Mr. Webb's apart
ment was to a stranger an experiment
attended with many difficulties. As
in most poor localities, childt.en were
in great force; and on wet days it
was the,pleasing custom of the juve
niles belonging to the house In which
Abel resided to employ their infan
tine leisure in games upon the stairs
or on the landings of the two floors.
The house was let out to several fam
ilies ; and, as the ladies of the estab
lishment more closely resembled
Leah than Rachel, a degree , of mirth
and reckless, gayety pervaded_ . mhat
might be termed the lungs of the
house. The children too (being nit.!
urally of a hospitable and social dis-
position) -were, in the habit of invW
ing neighboring- juveniles to share
their exhilarative pleasures—
cumstauce tending in no . small de
gree to increase.the noise,commenc- .
ing daybretik'and ordinarily ceas
ing about midnight.
In total darknesS it was certainly'
confusion to have one?s ears saluted
with a very Babel of voices ; to find
the baluster occupied by aspiring
young gymnasts; to place On* foot
upon a warm yielding mass of hu
manity,that would 'thereupon send
forth a yell of remonstrance, speedily
bringing'from the retirement of the
washing tub and ironing table boil
ing. perspiring inammas; or to lose
one's balance by treading upon mar
bles or other awakward obstructions
by . the way. With these little !dilli
cdties, however, one soon became
familiar . ; so that when Abel Webb
had opened the street door he speed
ily reached his own apartments.
How cosy the little pla6e looked-!
It was a pattern of neatness and do
mestic comfort. The table.was laid
for supper, a nice crisp ltiaf being
flanked by a piece of cheese (placed
upon a small plate in order to make
it look more than it really was,) and,
yes! -really a gigantic cueumbn.
Polly, who was kneeling before the
fire, vigorously plying the bellows
and inciting the coals. to a perfect
fury of flame, had not lighted a can
dle, and
. certainly none was wanted.
The bright blate brought into full
view the nettle-geranium occupying
the table in front of the window ; it
lit up the photograph of the mild
looking woman (Polly's mother)tin
the other sine of the room; it showed
the brass-knobbed piece of furniture,
to outward view a bureau, but to the
initiated frequenter of Abel's 'apart
ments nothing more nor less than a
turn-up, bedstead In which the father
Wins& slept; and it reflected its
brightness upon the sideboard, with
its ornaments of ware, a few books,
and the old fashioned work-box . , con
taining- so many relies dear,to 'Abel
and his daughter; among others a
tiny baby's shoe, once worn by that
boy (now dead) on whom Abel had
lavished such a wealth - of paternal
Why, you're rathet late, father,
ain't you ?" inquired the girl, spring
ingto her feet, and giving . old -Abel
such a sounding kiss that it Might
almost been heard on the
outside, if anybody had been etvious
enough to listen. " I've been home
a long time."
" Well, Polly, I've lien to the sav
ings bank, and afterwards to Alder
manbury—you know where. I took
live pound ten; and Mr. Baker junior
spoke so kindly that the time slipped
by, and 'twas seven o'clock afore I
kneW where I was a'most."
" Heaven ble:ss Mr. Baker for those
kind words!" responded Polly, giV
ing her father another. hearty kiss as
she unwound the woolen comforter
encircling his neck, Then, after • a
pause; she asked, " Does that not
make ninety pounds you have paid!"
"Yes, ninety pounds. It's a good.
deal, ain't it? All saved, too, by
you and me, Polly." . •
" Oh, father, I don't do much to it.
If 'you weren't to deprive yourself
of comforts, why, we shouldn't have
paid' off twenty of it."
" Don't say that, Polly. If It was
not for your- -
4 ., ar ni n fr s , how could I
put my wages into the savings bank,
as I do nearly every month.?"
" Well, daddy dear, you - know it's
only you I've got to live fof," said
the girl archly.
" %Vhat's that you say ?" replied
old Abel, highly pleased With his
daughter's remark, but deter Mined
not to be hoodwinked. "How about
Tom ? i D'ye mean to say you
don't care for him ?" •
" Hush ! Don't speak so loud."
Polly blushes, and
,looked half
frightened toward that corner of the
room where the big bureau' east its
shadow. • •
" Why,' there's nobody can hear."
"Yes, father, children might;. and
children sometimes make a lot of
mischief," observed that little wisa
cre, poly.
Then, with a desperate. intention
of changing the subject, she, said :
" You must have a great coat this
winter, or you are sure to have the
rheumatics, as you had 'em last win
ter. Oh, I saw a beauty inAhe' Horse
ferry road to-night—so thick, With
nice warm lining inside, and the
price only eighteen shillings! Second-. s
hand, of course, but, tqmost a. 4 good
as new."_
" Oh,. I think I can do without it
this year. Let's save the eighteen
shillings, and send it to 31r. Baker
. ,
"No, I shan't allow anything of
the sort. I'm just as anxious:as you
are to pay our debts, but I'd' rather
worls my lingers to the ; bones than
that you should suffer another year
as you did last."
" And I too," added a strong, man,
ly voice, which seemed to issue from
Mr. Webb's sleeping-place,. .
Polly gave a shriek, then burst in..
to a Tinging laugh that seemed to fill
the room with joyous•harmony, like
the sound of bells upon a frosty
night; and Abel, turning. suddenly
`in his chair. saw the• burly form of
Tom Smith emerge from the dusky
corner. •
" shouted Abel. "So
You've 'been:list:ening., Well; luckily,
yOu . .lifet.heito pi: soUrets.' suppose;
yOu,are , ,*
one: tliiiso,:chiktroo:AhAt
struck. Webb as such an extraordina
ry masterpiece of witticism that he
fairly roared with laughter. By. and
by-Tom Smith. roared too ; and when
he had had his laugh out, finding that
Abel's attentio jw as still engrossed
by the wondrouoke; 'seized the op
poitunity to throw his arms around
Dolly's waist, at which the dainsel,
who (lid not like. being laughed at,
told the devoted lover to "a-done,
and not. be so silly."
" Nell , what btings - you here ? "
inquired:Abel, whosillatigh had now
subsided into a giggle, and winking
at his friend.
Why, father, he saw me home,
and brought the encumber for a pres
"My stars, that's a beauty! I'm
much obliged to yOu, Tom, for there's
nothing I like better. Some people
say eowcumbers ain't good, that you
ought to peal 'em nicely, and then
fling 'em out of the window ; but
taken with a little of the rind on, a
bit of Injun, lots of pepper, I don't
think there's much harm in 'em—
leastways they don't barni me." And
apparently cue* bers.were thorocoth
ly innocuous to Mr. Webb, who
speedily drew his chair up to the ta
ble. and began to aliply his knife and
Pork with a will. . •
Mr. Tom'Bmith cOnsiderately wait
ed until his old friend had completed
his .repast, and thew explained the
object of his visit. 'Polly, who wai
Way cleaning the supper table, want
ed to "leave the room, but her be
trothed wouldn't hear of such a thing;
and by and by that gallant swain ex
ercised his influence with such mark
ed success that, nil aglow with blush
es, she . was induced to take a seat
upon the footstool between the two
men, of whom it would be hard to
say which loved hes most.
You know, Mr. - Webb, Polly and
I have been courting a long time,
nigh upon eighteen months, and
we're beginning to think—that is,
I'm beginning to think (this altera
tion in response to a, protest from
Polly) it's tine we got •married.
don't like tb
.see her wearing her
young life oiitln our hot work-rooms.
My salary; as you ,know, is at pres
ent £BO a year, and,A live on the
premrses.' Nosy I thing if I was to
tell Lbostring the, facts of the ease,
and that I wanted to livee-away4 he'd
give me .flpo. Now ain't that enough
to get married on, and have you any
objection to Polly and I being mar
ried at once ? "
Were Tom Smith paused, not be
cause he had , exhausted his subject,
hut for the reason that he - was out o;
Then Polly took up the • parable..
Sidling her stool up to her father's
side and resting her head upon his,
knee, she said tremblingly:
" Don't think, d ddy dear, that my'
beinginarried, will Make
pnee to you and• me, for you are
to come and live with 113 ; eh, Tom r
Mr. Smith, thus appealed to, vowed
that his dither-in-law's residence
with them was considered quite a
settled matter, as in truth it was.
.A tear stood in old Abel's'eyes,and
his voice quivered with emotion, as
laying aside his pipe and taking his
daughter's hand lovingly within his
own, he said
Tom Smith; I How you to be a
true and honest fellow. There is no
man upon the face of this earth I
would more desire to call my son-in
law ; but before I give my consent
to yon..o4.marriage I must tell' you ~ of
somethin(l that may perhaps cause
you to draw back."
Tomi, was about to speak, when
Abel, idcitrembling accents, resumed
. "If yOu'd Both been content to
*hit a few years, what I am about to
tell might never have been known to
either of you. I was still a young
man when I first entered Baker &
Baker's warehouse ; yon, Polly, were
three years but your brother
Sam was eleven or more. lie used
sometimes to bring Inc my meals at
the drug warehouse, and ' once or
twice Mr. ,B4er—the old man I'm
speaking of now—took notice of him.
As I was .a bit of a favorite, he used
to say to me,' Now, Abel, when that
boy's old enough I'll take him into
the courting-house, if you like.' If
I would lik.b . ! I treasured those
*•orris, and your mother , and myself
did all we could in the way of send-
inn him to school and such like, so
as ho should be fit when Mr. Baker
wanted him. Oh, how we loved that
boy ! HoW proudly we watched him
grow up, and what; hopes we formed
of him ! Sam seemed a steady, in
dustrious lad enough, and for a time
he certainly gave great satisfaction in
the counting-house. He was then
seventeen, and as handsome a fellow
as you might wish to see, though
his father as says it.. He' was'a gen
eral favorite in the office, and at last'
got trusted to gollect:-some of the
debts of the firfn. About, this time
there came a sudden change in his
habits and appearance which alarmed
me and his mother very mach •Ile
got to keeping late hours, made some
bad acquaintances, and began to dress
extrvaantly. It was no use our cau
tioning him, for he seemed determ
ined to go on his own course. But
all.the sorront and disappoi'nt'ment
we felt was as nothing to the fearful
blow that althost stunned us when,
on a chance examination of the books,
it was found Sam had, embezzled his
employer's money to a hundred and
fifty pounds. From the moment of
that terrible discovery your mother
drooped until• 'she died. ` What he
had done with the money he would
never tell ; but 'the 'head cashier (Mr.
Robert Wilmot, he who went soon
after to • Australia), declared that
more than once. he had heard the
boy talk about horse racing; and it
was in this way we always consider
ed the money had gone. As - for °Sam
himself, he stuck to it hard and fast
that he was guilty. of no dishonesty.
He swore that the money he'd col
lected had always been paid over to
the: cashier ; but the. evidence the
other way was too strong, and our'
boy was branded as a thief. Mr.
Wilmot, who was angry at Sam's in
sinuations; wanted -Win sent to pris
on; but Mr. Baber was a merciful
man and Aid not bring upon us fur-.
Cher diegruce; After this , I felt I
Oonld no- .longer, remain in Mr. Ba.•
employ n4,`thus,- :77aa
back his ,cbaraeter, Mr. Baker gave
him a letter of introduction to a mer
chant at Bombay, Somewhere in In
dia, who'inigh4 be able to. find him
employment that wouldn't have tenip
tations. Sam-eagerly jumped at the
offer, bit up to the. moment of his
departure declared himself innocent
of stealingMr,-Baker's. money. Poor
it was the last we saw of' him.
Before the vessel reached India she
met a fearful hurricane, and every.
soul on board perished." .."
Overcome =bythese p recol-
lectitins, Abel buried faceln his
bands and wept. Complete silence
reigned in the room for a few md
merits, and then Polly, 'controlling
with. an'effort: the strong emotion
that.swept through bee heart, crept
to her father's side, and placed her
hand in his.
"bear father," she said in broken
tones, "the. story of your sorrow
makes you eyed dearer to - me, than
The, old man withdrew his hand
from her embrace, and, when she had
kissed MIL. tears from his cheeks, re
_sumed :
"! "There could be no, doubt of your.
brother's guilt, and I was too sensi
ble of the kindness of his employers
to let them suffer. I• resolved, come
what might, that I would do my best
to repay them. For this I daily de
nied .myself; for this I narrowed
your . opportunities of education; and
this, next to your happiness, my child,
is the object of my life."
" Dear father, and - - until now you
have always led me to believe that,
the amount paidbalf yearly was to
discharge a debt, of your own."
"Myllarling, was it to your inter
est, to know the truth When your
brother left England you were but a
child. Up to, to-night,it has been
my constanti-,endeavor to, hide the
real facts of the case -from you. I
had hoped to have paid oil the whole
amount before you uov married, •
Tom's proposal . however
has, frightened the secret out, of me
Cori:could not allow him to marry
you , Without knowing the , truth."
• " And noN'v I do' know it„..Mr webb,"
exclaimed Tom, whci had been trying
to speak for sometime,•but bad been
iinable - to do i so,owing.tO a strange,
sensation as of marbles rolling up
his thrciat, and a deterinination of
Water to his, eyes—" nowl do' know
it, I am more than ever deSirous - of
, naking. Polly my wife. I. : thought
of having the banns put up nest ; '
week, and then we can be married
before another month is over our
heads." _
" But, Polly," in 'aired Abel,•" is
not that, rather soon?"
liis.datighter was at tliat moment
engaged in attending the fire, the
brightness of which had during the
recital of Abel's revelation become
somewhat dimmed. Just alter he
spoke a cheery 'lathe again shot forth
:mil disclosed a happg smile- upon
folly's' face and a
.blkstt upon her
cheek, forming quite suifieienVanswer
to the question.
- Well, my , ichildren," continued
the old man. do as yon will:" • .
Tom Smith sprang from his chaiF
and was wringing Abel's handS in
token of gratitude, when the sound
of footsteps ascending the stair's
caught Abel's ear.
46 ueee, - Polly !, Quick with the
candle," he cried }"There, is some
one wants us, or has mistaken the
The room had hitherto been illu
minated solely by the fitful gleaM of
the fire, and just as Polly had got
the candle lighted the' door was
opened and in strode Mr. Baker—
Baker junior—whom Able • had .left
but an hour and a half before.
"0, Abel," said 'lBaker, with his
broad, ru:ldy -face glowing with ex- ,
citement, "Pm so glad I've found
you at home. Pve good news ,for
you—news that'll make your heart
leap from your bosom." .
" What—What • is it " exclaimed
Abel, while Polly and-her betrothed
looked on in silent amazement.
" Why, your boy. Sam—he who
eight years ago was thought to be
guilty of robbing us . —ls proved to
have been innocent."
. sank back in his chair, his
face grew pale, and his hands clutch
ed the wrists of Toin Smith and his
laughter, who had. rushed - to his
" How—how do yon—do you know
tais ? " lie gasped.
"An hour after you left my office
a letter from Australia was delivered
—it was written by a - gentleman, a
Magistrate in Melbouine, and was to
he effect that 'bur late cashier. Hob
-4 Wilmot, having "reeeived a fatal
njury through being
. run over in the
- treets, in, his last moments tnadea
leposition 'before the legal antliori
ies that your son was innocent, that
ie himself bad appropriated the morr
y of the tirni;- and in order_to cod
eal his own definquincies, was
aelled to lix the guilt upon some on•!
Ilse. The official papers will arrive
)3- next mail. Abel, believe
lemon is more rejoiced at this intel
igence than myself."
. The old man was in tears; he could
lot speak, but the pressure lie gave
helextended hand evinced his belief
u Baker jr.'s sincerity.
"And Abel," 'he continued, o' it'
_iVes me great pleasure-= . lnore pleas
ire, than 1 can tell you—to hand you
tack your ninety pounds. Both my
ether and myself resolved never to
ouch a penny of if you hid died
iefore you were satisfied you lied
discharged the sum we should have
landed over the money to your
laughter. lam delighted, howeVer,
o give
,it• back to you personally ;
ml if you will come to our office to
norrow I will hand yent over the five
icr cent. interest, which has accrui.4
- ince the first payment. Good-b} e,
Abel. I feel myself an intruder now;
lood-bVe• .‘ll , l heaven bless you, my
tonest fellow !•"
Baker, junior, who -seemed with
very word to become thicker and
hieker in his s uttee:ince, then placed
n Abel's lap al i sinall canvas bag A m..tex cloud ;makes the traveler menif
!licit gave forth • a chinking sound, liis pace and mind his bone,.ere:ls a
and once again heartily -wringing the Wit! and P l q : l san t w ' h l w k 9 s7 h .istimei
)1d man's hand, bounced from the taaelteas°: a cme y,
an Ten
oom - ere any one could bid him:fare- some clouds come letween -me and my
'ell. suu, and many times some troubles'. do
k`.1"43115 . , • whispered Abel, conceal my comforts ; for I perceive if I
Lye ffie
should . Had too' much 7 friSndship in any
inn •
- • .-.lzz •-• , • that ivork,bOx." in inY , pdvimagv,:t Amid_ sona.fer
~ f ynntedi 1 - ge t . itiy : R a tiiii r, s , - **via litatlige;...
$2 per Annum s ln Advance.
saw his lingers draw froth its contents
of precious relics' of bygone day :a
tiny baby's shoe whiCh had never be
longed toter. • The old man held it
within his hands, and after gazing at
it for *a few seconds, drew it rever
ently to• his Bpi, and murmured, "My
boy innocent, my boy innocent ! 'Oh,
that he he had lived. to see this
Tom Smith stole his arm - arottitil
the waist of his betrothed and drew
her to the, window. They raised the
blind, and looking out witnessed the
heavens resplendent' with' 'myriad
stars and' a bright. ereseent-shaped
Polly, dear,"
said Tom, it's'the
first day, of the new MOCIL You
ought to wish, and What you is
sure to come true,;'
"Is it, Torn? " rePlied the girl,
with a wistful, trustin g .look in her
,eyes, that made him draw her still
nearer to him. " - Do you know I
,have watched for the new moon and
-wished regularly the-same thing for
many months past?"
" And what was your wish, Polly,"
inquired Tom archly, (I think he
knew though he pretended te be.quite
"Oh, if I were to tell you now,
the,(!harm mightfall: Ask me, dear,
whem \ the next new Moon comes, and
Perim Ps I'll tell you my wish."
Then, darling, we 'shall be man
and wife." , ,
His voice had sunk! whisper,
but it reached her ears, and when the
words Ceased her head sank upon hiS
shoulder. The fire 4 in-the grate died
away, the candle upon the table: , trick
cred, and at length went out;_but
with RS last ray it Showed the old
man rapt in the contemplation of his
precious relic, and the two loversT
onein heart and mind-still' gazing I
upon the peaceful splendor of. the I
star-ch . ecked Tineley's
. .
Personal .attractions most , girls
possess, at any rate:in : a sutlicierit .
gree .to render them attractive .to
somebody; for although there — arc
standards and models of. beauty, yet
these do not prevail with all persons.
There is something wonderful in the
Alifference of aspect which the same.
face wears 4o different beholders.
- -
Probably the philosi)Phical explana
flat of -this is that' ulhat is hidden to
all 'others ; becomes immediately and
instinctively apparexit to the eye of
love. How can a moderately good
looking girl increase her attrpetions?
By culture. She must cultivate her
mind: An ignorant and illiterate wo
man, even, if she - ,attract 'the atten- .
tion, cannot retain the interest of an
intelligent man. She must do thi4l,
by reading, by study, by reflection,
and by familiar conversation with'
the best and most highly educated
persons with whom She comes in con-
tact. But the heart must be culti . -
Tated as *ell as the head. "Of all
things," 'ekelaimed. , a most elegant
:aid relined gentleman, after nearly a
lifetime's familiarity with the best
soeiety—"of all thing's give me soft
ness and gentleness,in.a woman." -A
harsh voice, a course laugh—trifles
like ',these have sufficiently spoiled
many •a' favorable first impression.
The cultivation of the heart must be
real and not feigned., A woman who
studies to:appear rather than to - , be
good and generous, seldom succeeds
iivciceiving the opposite sex in these
respects. She : who in truth. seeks
earnestly to promote the happiness
of those around her is very apt soon
to obtain admirers among melt. No
woman ever otherwise so completely
triumphs over a. rival as when she is
seen in good. earnest to prefer that
rival's, interest to her own. Above
ell - other• requigites h a woman is
conscientiousness. 'Without this one
touchstone of character, no matter
what her charms and acquirements,
she c - annut expect, to • eommand 'the
lastirig regard of -a Irian whose love
is worth having.
• -
GOOD WivEs.—Theis is told,
at iii the early life of Commodore
Vanderbilt, his wife was a most fru
gal and faithful helper. Frdm the
money given. her foehouselibld'ex
penses, she' saved! what she, could,
and so a handsome little hind was
accumulated: Whep, at length, her
husband saw a chance to purchase a
ferry 7 boat, and so to lay the founda
tion for what became so great a for
tune, he, lacked some ready cash.
‘L How much do yod need ?" Said the
good wife.' The sum was named, and
to the husband's .surprise she pro- 1
(bleed the full amount, which had:
been saved by her skill and prudence.
When Marshall Bazaine was sen
tenced to. banishment
. to, one of the
forts of France, his youthful and at
tractive wife determined to go with
him. Her friends — .atteraptedto,dis
suade her from going, but she re
plied, " When my' huhband was , in
honor, I shared it with him ' - and
shall I not also share 'his banish
ment ?"
•WHEN a young lady loses her beau, she
may as well !take to a bass viol, or " hang
up her fiddle."
THE young lady who alWays. wanted
her sweetheart elose at hand explins it
on the ground that 't wag only a nigh
dear of her own. • -
A 'CLEttGIf3tAN who did la% believe in
going outside of his own denomination to
oistribute his . bharities, was solic:ted by a
beggar fur "My brother," said
be, "are you llich Church ?" " Never
Wita 3 liigh to my life," returned the beg.!
gar reproachfully. "Never drinks nuth.
in', at all, sir."
A TAILOR and his son were, in the Olden
days, doing a - day's work in a farm house.
The prudent housewife,. to secure, a good
day's work, lightest candles wLeu daylight
began to fade. The tailor 'looked to his
sou and said, "Jack, confound them that
invented workin' by candle-light,'" "Ay,"
replied young snip, "or daylight either;
father." •
Acts 114 kiiir:Cia•Dpi Mar: 41 .11C7 ‘ P::
, 2 YOURTII Q(111121114.
This lesson brings before usA
incident in' Peter's vinitition
churches. It was an educatiOnSlel4adgq .
deidgned to answer an Important gruerP,
tioii in Peter's mind, and in the ugno4if !!..
others, viz : "Idiot we- Weenier: cirearfri.iV
cited Jews in order to;be Christinturr4
The Jews-never denied or 4oubted thife
Gentiles could be received into the ebureki?,
•,,df God; but they , held- that they .murit
first become Jews. The idea that 410_71 1 ,.
Y .
Gentiles as such could"be heirsof the
ecant of promise was not
, yet prom
ed. In our present lesson ale have
The Occasion of - Peter's
V. 1. The providential object used iss;.,<
sol - ving the proMern was a centurion nit:` ~
cd Cornelius, who was stationed at Co
sarea. Caesarea was the Roman (writ&
of Judea, "on" the sea-coast, about '. ilizty
eight miles from „Jerusalem. Cernelburri - ,
was the captain of the Italian band; t, 04; t '
a subJivision of the Roman army COIRKIII.;
ed of Italian soldiers. Re was, no dclubt,'„.4.
an Italia n by birth, and of princely blood. -
No name was more honored at Remo
than that of the Conaeliangouse. ing
the nameborne by the Bcipioe , _by Sella;
and by the mother of the Graccht •• ,
V. 2. was not only rabble but gocid;'
He was "a devout man, and one that:
feared, 'God with all his house." This.
means that. though not a proselyte to Ju
deism, be had abandoned heathenism and
bad becomea worshipper of Jehovah. He - _,•
had heaTd of the new religion, and was,. , •
no doubt, seeking light ~concerning it.
His religion was practical. He dispense& ,
many charities to the Jewish people. It
was also systematic.. Ile prayed to God,
alw,ays; 1. e., at theregular hours of prSii
er observed by the Jews. - 1.
V. 3. This good' man had a vision : is e.,
a supernatural communication, addressed
not only to the mind but aka to the Bens
es. He saw in this vision eviitently; i, e.,
clearly, certainly; +int the ninth hour_of ,.
the day, 'which corresponds nearly to Our
three 'o'clock in the afternoon, which was.
the regular hour for evening prayer.
doubt he was engaged in devotionlivien
the vision appeared. An angel of God
coming in to him. Thia Was a viiitant.
froth the spiritual worli4-.. clothed in hu-
Mau-form "The popular idea of winged`'
angels is derived from, the Cherubim (Ex.
•-•.•••• •
Xxv: '2O) and the Seraphini (Isa. vi: 2),
but is never suggested by any , of the nar
ratives of angelic visits to this world and <•
its inhabitants. (Alexander),"
V. 4. Aswas generally the
_case Cor
nelius was afraid. He. seems to have Tee- = .
ognized the visitor as 'an 'angel, and was
alarmed at the suddenness of his appear- •
:ince. His queition expresses his sof::
prise' and alarm. - "What is it, Sir?"
There is nothi g to show that Cornelius
regarded the angel as God himself; but he •
spake reverently as to a superhutuau per-
sonage. "Thy prayers and thine, alms •
are come up fOr a Memorial before4d."
That is, they wire remembered, before
God. They were an evidence of piety, -
and were accepted as such. By his pray,- •
ers are probably Meant his prayers for
light and instruction with reference to
the new faith. It is not meant that there
was anything meritorious in his prayers,
but merely that as he acted according to
his light, God was ready to give him
Amore light.
i -
Vs. 5-6. He is pointed to the provden- .
tial !source of instruction, See Lesson
VIIL ;, V. 43. God might have enlight- ,
cued him immediately; but he yreferred,
ag is his wont, to use a human and medi
ate cause. - - •
Vs. 7-8. He obeyed promptly. •Thili
shows that the man had faith in God and
)vas willing to obey God without asking ,
any questions. He summoned two of hit
domestics; and placed them under tho
charge of a subordinate of like mind with
himself (v. 2). Da Costa beide that this
soldier was most probably Mark the
- Evangelist. When he had narrated to
them all the circumstances of the vision,
be dehpa,tched them to Joppi,
11. Peter's Vision.
V. 9. J . Oppa is about thirty miles south
of Caesarea. The three meiipiobahly left
Caesarea shortly after the ninth hour, and
hence would naturally reach Joppa about
noon the follrvin,g day; or about the sixth
hour. Just as the messengers game near
the city, Peter went up to the house-top
to pray. This was probably one of the
Jewish seasons of devotion (Ps. lv; 17; •
Dan-vi:10, 13).
1-• •
:V. 10. He was very hungry. There
may have , been something preternatural _
about his hunger,' irs God meant by
means of it to reveal • a great spiritual
truth to him. While the , family were '
preparing food (this contlruis what has
just been surmised, as this preparation .
'Vas evidently out of season , smd.hasty) a
trance came upon him; 1. e., exstasy,
or rapture. IHe was carried 'out of him
self and put in a mental state which
lie could discern objects beyond the scope •
of his natural apprehension.
V. 11. .He saw heaven opened, and out
of the aperture, a receptacle—more defi
nitely, a great sleet—deicend, held up
by a coid•attacled to the four corners. It
is supposed by many that the four cor
tiers symbolizedthe font quarters-of the
globe; 'showing that an part* of the earth
are included in the kingdom of God.
"V. 12. The contents of this sheet, ac
cording to the ablest inanascripts, lAcire
four-footed beasts, creeping things of
earth, and birds of the air. , - It included,
dierefore, both, clean aid unclean ani
Vs. - While Peter gazed upon
the strange sight be was commanded to
kill and eat. the answer was what might
have been expected from a oons4ientious
Jew. But the reply silenced him. It
taught him that old things had passed .
away; that ritual distinctions were abol
ished; and with them the wall of separa ,
tion between Jew and Gentile. This was.
repeated three times to impressit deeply
upon his mind.' " What God hath cleans
ed that call not thou common." Then
the vision vanished. -
• ,
17-20. While he doubted the pur.
port of what he bad seen and- heard (so _
Wonderful and stunning was the revela.
- ion) the men appeared before the gate of'
he house; and the Spirit of God spakein.
wardly to him : • 1 ‘ Arise angl get * thee
down, and, go with them, doubting (or:
listinguishing) nothing." Ile Was to go -
And visit this Gentile, making no pore
.distinction between Gentile and dew. The.
Warrant was adequate and trnatwdrthy,
" For I have sent them." ,
• 111. Seed Thotights.
1. Time religion always manifests
4n, fear of God, in 'benevolence, and in
2. God is no respecter of persons. Ch. -
34-35. .
3. The believer wbo lives up to
fight v. ill always 'reteive wore. John ti
4. Faith always world out obodiesteit;
5. God's will should lib t4wistandlitd , ot , ;: - . 11:
riglt and priprjety bjek
mit.4 , oot 00t 00Ritr 114/641V4101161 * *4 4:
Vii` t f •
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