''.'"; . -11';';.'* - -it..;: . • , -" - . , --'-;... - -:: , ...-" ,, ! 4 :!' - ':''- . : --- :.'.- - ,': 7 ':; - /J - ' - '.' n ' , ' , ' ,17 . 1--:,,rq.;-47,::f.17;-1-:i,a-,:,,,..,ti-..----.„.zhf.flA,;,--g"..„v,,.4.c,,,.. ...-,:. : :-...-".F;'- - -1 -- . .,..- .. .7 - .. „.!...... , .. , 1......_ , :, 1.-,--,-,,...:;,--- - -':;''' . .-r , :.. ,- ''' . - - :;'. ; ; ,. ...._;, - '2,-- 6 : - ';.."' 7,-- ': . ''' ,- - ,:- 4 '. 1- . ." ! ; - -; -, ,, :- 5 . '" -.. sy.'''' : ''.' i f - ' •, " -.3.•- ' 171 ' .., ..; - ." - ; IA: ;:l' I : 8-2 ' ; : .,...,--- -:: - • -.- • , '-'. -- • • --- • ---- .- -- , ..- _-•*. ..---_•-.-.;. -.:. ~.. - , .."2::::',1;:" -- - - . -:-.... , --., ---- ...••.:1-'---.3'.: :- _ ,. . , ':. -. ! , . . . TUE BENEFIT of advertising J 3 15110W11 i nifota l alcilotter its the. case of a merchant in o'ne4of ant.. in „.. 11 ,: ';' '"'- '• . NOD - ''' 6 f neighhoritio' cities, who put an adirettise.. CT _ 1 . ment in a paper; headed. "Boy Wnted." . ----- -- .'l The next morning. he found a tiandbox ..rt ..trmanda, Pa., Th'zrze..27, • 1. , 707. 16,„:1376. I, on his doorstep, with this inscription (in the top, -How will this answer:"' On LOCP.L. AND CENEAAL. opening it be found a nice, fat, chultLy : looking specimen t)t . the,-article wanted, . warmly dune up in flannel. . 1'411:1.111-; i's: Dist toititerl quite so lii.Ltlt• i - it by the Jr • ~ tlik wer.k.;' i LUTII 1:B • s‘ MT1.1.5.---S:sid our new-minis -..........----- . ter: '• 11'llen 1 heard izt the cont . ( rence' - IN , st•II roriet: last x‘u(sk of the i e ttivt.r-. *! where I was to h station.,:il for the rs on- . sadist Se,ciahle• to he hi , 'held :it 'the resi- mi.; year, 1 Ipeg - an to make inquiries with dance of C. 14. Ilt - ,st - i.t made. Amade a tni4- t ... g ,, 1 d t,,:, t h e pace anti people, and when tale in the dare. It will lie - held on the' , i l. rtit inst. instc:iti of the liqh. as stated. :earned that iii '' '''''Y ''e e n g 3 g!-4,1 't ' 'll )lie : ,, sine in Clonch,litt Y. litlin ~,, I thought, well,. ' i Ity. 'Baptist, Pr:-.1i% teriatt.- atiil 7iletlio_ , .-"i' i'' a 1...." (" 1 rce . " l "il , '''lß . " , li" ll ; the:-.e. Po , - .4- , eople inns: have the ri , .41,t spirit." Abil (list con-ry.i.ms., in this hare. ~,. will ' • urite iii a . / .. han , ,; , •riviiitt . s. , rvi, „ this \Tar. L sox :et us take a look at this propos..,l ehicoh al Luther's )lills. I'. hat has been V.' discoills , will 1”..• ileliti•red ht. B. 1,... - .i.. 'EnwAtz:' , „ of the Itapti4 htitieh. l ''' nol. \VII 'q i" l" he ti"ne? %Vito i• - • do- T: .ni it. an,l who i:i oit!,:: i." pay f"/ . the %6,1N11.,...E..„ 1 „, 1),„i1i .. la, i„.,.:: . ' - i" .2 ' l ' l "' ;= l '"‘"‘ l ‘ l "ti."'''l 1 "" \v- P . 1,,,z. ., ~z , ~1:,.. n ii.14t. 5i1 . 1, , wri , last . 1 . ,,i1e .....4.1 . 1.-: . 01,2 Ist'S.W." M. lip `,1'1 . 7 , stir('. thre. , i,f esrth's sojourners have fa11 , ni.,.. ; :.".'"-`,,`"/ "1" 1 ,..' "" (.I t ''."t"". th e l'iiii'll"'-'. tivalli 111-4 si , - . 1;.1..-1, - 0 , i.c them ••111 - .• :it'-''''-'' '''' ':"." l' s r, 11111 . S In various ilir-c -slo ...1: ....• i t tr.llv lil t hail .re..tied , `,"'!'"•-', ll ' " 111 .. lit ', °E. , /)•`\ it) i ` C • N "` l ' l • vial t : , , ..1 t1,..1;-•;iliotit 41 Cum , : AS hi ' l l 11,1.... '...11'4311,--S," Y"'""l.'l' n r a1 1 1" .111 . r ‘" 1.,.,. . Is . L l ' i1,,,1,,', 1' ca 1,...510v 1.,,a0.„, it 1.1,..., I,l.ime oi l( ...:,• 11 , 11,111 111111-CIC lln a(l,'pt ill Cmit 1 j %%wile lir,. I. , lnifit.i:. - ,pi-:11 - ..inz. but -I , i• v::is pii.- • '.'' d "'''''' l '" ll • Ili ' "' lnn° 1 ";-" , ""itF.; p ai , ; 1: ..... : .,1 ( 0,,,..,,,1 t i,, imii ,,,, t. , „ ia ,, 1 . i .. 1.1 _ 1 ,, ..,2,1 , thi . .t - ‘‘iiit . v er-isti•tit ettor, , :y, aro IA iu- Iy. a, ~, , . a l• 1 , , ~, a ,_ , .. ,,1 .. , „ 11 ,, ,1ni ,,.,„ . 1 .,, 11,, , ..in.: hon iiiiiity Lott.. !-. •' \ti - e , -i.tr.: :-.: ',Lis- L.,, , t ha. hind. .. ......,,, li . ,.7 , i ' veti , hi , ..,,,, 1 ~, ,, , i ..i I , i lilt ,ii tilneli done an.l at ~ ,111:111 re- , t. - • . i•xpen,e. Tile tit:Ails-. -. .1 , ..e tinder the I . . ,- iitti.i ,•I . 'd ;t.:: 't' li N ii'l', ‘5.1. , -,. so - side:a . 1 . :Es: C,11,1v. i::.2; 1::.:N in: , al: . V.lilCl 11, 1 ` . " 1,1 1 " 1. ' 1: ""P h .' It I" it j ' '1 ri 1 , 211 , 1 - : . i 1,. llt!. 1 11 :i , 4 only 1 , 1 :111 T 111 1 .111; 11 111 2 1 , 1 1, C. 1 1 : 1 1 1 1111 , 11. ..1! , 1 111 k l',ll Coll: i'i- 1 - 11.1111,;,, p. .., 1 1 ,., ~,,4 ~ .,, ,,,,,e. . „: 1, ,,,,T i . , ,: „ ,2 ... ,„a tii „,,_ ~.1 , .•:..... H., bt.'.i..i.,...., 1. .:,.•:• :-....1. N.i,,- •zr..l In:it, , . ~ . 111 - : ~ ... -.- .--i.t :ii•ot ii,t pi re-. 1111% ~.1 1.. i• i1i.1,1, i :11111., • i . • TI III ' .11 . ,1 F 1 1, 111 .1,-,, ,111111:.1:01111,.11.,I,1,-,- v. - ..'.k. ..1. , ..; no-,v hn , ho --. i, 0,..10..f.„ _.;,'l, 1 1 1 . 1,1* 11 tic „a ..s..w. -. 1.:1 4•,1)::., i... tie 01;1•:,,,,,.: ,u sl.•. V..:11t ..:. c.l-.S!. 1.. : ! a-. Swett.. lillll . WS I , ''''.: ,s , is , 0) . I s•-...Lsits.. istl, 1;.-.111 : ....., o S 111,..5..... l's• 0. I I !Id i l 111 411.1. '....11 TV,. ;II- IlfIV/ I .L - ,\ ,. ..V‘ . 1'1-1•L 1 1P1 :0 1 llnt` :ill- 4111 . 1, 1•1:11t 1 1 1 • • 111. :1 .1 1 1 1 .1',1 ,1 ,1. , i/1;:` I l 11,•1 . ,1,1 ,1 , . 1 l' 1 4 1 : 1 - : •.111.11 :1.1 , 111 1 111' ill i ,11:11•111V. . 1 1 11., 1 IL. •::::,.1. :-.. , 11lc 11l t!,, , nei , ,1t1, ,, ,... ; la. , ...-• •, i t . .,..,• ..,:i L', , ,,1 .11141'y i: l .. ‘ 1 1, , ". :1 , . 'di, l• - 1,1 1 1 1 ..... 1_1 1 ,1: 1 1 ll .. 11 , 1' 1.1 11.1 : :1 1 11' 1 114 W111: 1 111 I ' tin n , ' l . ; : 11 •1 1'1! , 1 , 1 :11i ,ra', .:l Is 1...111 :“.. 1 ,i.1 .IL !:-. ;i•,'. .1. \`;':,-- ' 1,, -a .. v. ; ,l-. 1 l to. :; , ..•:,....i. r. - ;o:. • • --• L. ''''. -""',• U• I,', i'l'i ' '''''... - \ i• I'''' ' o ' 4 '. '', I!-- •., i..... , - - 1 , ",.., li;o: ... I. ts.;.. '1•H'..•0., ,-.- ',L.; 11; as . .: is i tat}. . . . --. .. ;.; -;, ~.....1 ;;, ,. to :,:. Id ~,i , -1 . ,-.... . 7 '. "I , Po l• 11. I :!'.. !..i • I. V. ::::. s''..l.•.] sts.- 1 .7,: - ... Si t A s, s? I 7 , . "II,.t:I 7 5 ,5 ', ,• "...-!.1 •-.... 7. :Clt • ,71.....1.; -. ... .t .! laj.. :•I I;.I . I•iIi.;. iI . F. PA, I I I.• !!, . 1, , , , ,,, :. int., 311o):e 1 = • • • MIME lIM =WE lIIM =a ME =IIE =IN MIMI EOM !.: t 1 ' •I EMU BE I® =RIM ! I 1 '1 =MEM MB .1 , I. Nio ME =a =BONEN V.!' , It'.l 11 AI it 11!N::•4 OEM cC, MEE ilr 11111111E111 , •.i. Eli . 1:0•110!111-11 - 2. , .0 1, .1 111.• 11. /10. • c,::.;,' 1:0....:t01i _ : i ! .;,. ..., ; f,j v ~,..,".,i ... e!, x LI. 2:--1- - i:UITS. ,oil 10 11:1V( . 1 i,li '2O. 1.. 11l :-! • pt , i C.:1.0-. :::It: 01',11• ...: 1 It•1 1 .111:1“.111. I; ': '` l •I''.::; rail aPPI:'`. IL 1 .••! 4, * (0 , t 2 J 6 1. „•,,..1, !., kin k l. :1 .1••0;",1i._ 1 ~:,;•,- in 1 , s C.ttii,.. t;'tt 1..- i1t.1,, N.. 1 :01111 i '0..) )101011,',V t ••••0. 11 .. WiH ' I ' I II I . Ili° 00 • 1 1 0 0 • 0..1 .;:.::1 !tl.. (' 10 .:,... , a 1-.1.',. - (i 1:1:2:: ~.!: 1;11 :; :.1. 1 .0 if 3•3•31, h. .Irl,,:r.iN t,:, , , iz - y , „i' / , ~ ,„. 1 , , 4 . N . ,. r r „,. it, .4; ,.. 1.09 ;1.,. -k, ,r. 1•1./ 1). 1 0 ,10..... T. \11:0 th 1..,::•,. . ), 0 i01' , 11,( ::::,' 1.4.,.. :.:. .:: . P . l i{ WI: er 1 . • ( ,j, i . ~ s ~,• • id.• I o 4•:, 1-.,p•••., .L 0.1:: E. Fos, i.,,, Lir, tt.,_!::. il, .; ~ ,...,, v ,:, . ! take; ti..clo to a ,t, - ,..t..,. 11 ~...,.1., • :' , ,11. it; 1111:, lat'4,. - I,..uty ~..,,, , ,..,,1 '', ". ' '-''''" ." d '.. l ''` . 1 " . 0 ClOl/1•••1i1 1 41,0'1.. C. Noloal 1,1.,0 .. I. , i'd , '•' 6 , 4' :ht - :i,..:lit • • . TIO. y f01tuv......(1 1:i3:1. ::.;,, 0:, cr.m-ti,e, st:, i ~..ii. , .. ~,,(1 ;,.t;,..ia :i: :1• 1 , ,t:. do John E. Com, I,vo at (..- \v._ :o i;;,, it :II 1)11/ . ,i. , • s Ihirbt.r , 1 :i 'li. 41'..:Aielit •s ir :i ",, :.•1 i. iii t ;L1.II):!, ael ,:1:101-Z :',.. Sl,‘ i , , 11,13 T,,, ,i„ rto ?,,10, ,1,, 1.. ('. ,N piston. • 1.09 - wh• - te D:"l'imi• - •:r is - employed. l'asus- ba• 02st 11. 1.... e tea at 01:r , pi,irtcts, IN ititl ¢: . 40 -'' in ''''''''' i.je•, . : Cl .....,- 4 7.1.-Fl..115"0:1;..S•..0; I) DIM': NS. in, „I. z,q.j.-- toil, 11:e_ 111 - 111. i :.:114 m eirc 35 a! e t x.::.1'a•1.1. coa; le 1;...• 1 1 ,1 . , 02d Dl.Foiti!..!•!'r into the bar- Ihe 1...1 :ii....:: was C....vott 41 1., p1(.a.,..4 i e . •: !. •1-4 ram.; di-aril. Ha mall, , to •• fruit 1,....1:•1t, A.Ol-1•$:,,1-010. b. r sl•.!yo. , .I• - •• a. ' " '' ' ' l Y "e \ t I " ll ' i ''g ''''''' '' ve l r in rh . ..st i Ci..I.S.F , 7,.--WlNt.z. 4 , l'itt:4l , ..nrEs. SC. .:•‘. asquocz ;0 tLe t.tatement Of HENRY a'n comp:try. bat cro \Weil ' intk; ears nu it ~, ~,,, ~, , , k I s. ,m, . t 50 nook 14 W;fe. DI: F0t.:1..-T cto,.'t l the. door,. our way' t., tia. ' g.c.it , y..ll:bit • ,,I. th,. --' - ----" - •'-' -' - - r ( i i r niUg.. d'/ 1..d.1.1`11 i"1 - 1111./., 0 1,1)0 . .. . 0 . • :5011 1:111 %). :111.r. 1; is ;r m 0. 5 .r.,,i tb. t . matt 00 /A I,r,a sit ost ra :', eea io-•:', i, s. ute. I il . :4' , • , ti..1. , •i'.1:1* nr:F. Ali. 1 - 11. - TT,EIt. &C. SIal:t; asid , .* While 'hl: aCCl,lppliShed lliS V. ,:t Lg . , s••tne I:'1- Lot' poiats ' of ;;skit,-f, ; it...,:,,,k,..31ary .I..aaliv, , f :/1 VII': o,e 111 , 41 ors C011q) 111if , II. Thd• 1111111 :1.11 . 1 rid illg 11110/11'1 )11•• !'l' '11'111:), Wt.. !•4•111/- ', 1.1.1 111) 1 1 . . do , . 50 :1 I s 4- -- ,.. -- .: , 1,..0t Laic- wit It a; and tetriti,tl be- p• fl i,t M. t• - hinoi: - • Dail am: I .•:. an a sys...• "`; I ''''' l. 4 '' • . 0 , a., by g,lll asoler In. Miss \j ebb, 0 -y , : , .1 ,:a-1ir1... I!tf. perlititiCa 1):: 1 01:Es'i.' i‘ d :.tti • : ill...pc:Cl:on oi . 1 :1.•1: 1,:lilt1:lor. \Ve li ) l'r:ltt 1...31.-r„ J. :.•,‘,. C,,,,:haugli, :1 Po "t ll 1 , t '..i." , xur the u ot33tt 3131 outr.:;4l . 1111. V. et ,3 hutch Intel isti ••• i.l the v..,1 I.; 1 ( . I ._ 0 1 .,, , i...:: g • t;tou.r. wm. Marlin,. • 5.1.0 r. rllllll lis tile - Coll.u.s • - • lb. aster—r - verv- . ;;;; I t i l ' ,„" p l , * .' l y " ;:r dsl“ d 'u „ ..Y• IL L ' , l ,l o hitneY ! ' ' i ' .o :; , ' : --.,-,, ~r,-.- v , ;.• Learn front the street, and Cl.! •f of l'olice 1 1::oons *Olt to the door' Il i•.;[ low; 3 t.aw-1t ' ....11 14 a ~ 4timisiott. e , !,.„ , . - . . . ss - -ot it TING. EEDLEWORK ...zi• of 1: - .t.'sloe , . bot found it loe'stol. Sos, f, :13a att -iroa• phtrter to 3.l.q.it,ii-,:utt,r - ' - ' - ' . t It f.l twomtilt Flt,ora E 1... ., C.... 00 - ,ine:ir ; .; - : s.;u:ettlin ; .(wropg in.si.l: - ; lie il.'ll a C't , ll l 0 . 2 .: - . 41 . 11 IP•r10,111M• • flit , •ials.r for . ... k.•.:t . ,ns . kinf.-..)t.iry . . k t..;uuln:s. • 1,(.1.1 mat, watching the' d..or. and prOcurcd a v. ii c'li s.alle master mital.int.l (lesion. 11 it. ; ....-, ..A• I.kil.g •;.i,ll by girl under tour years, lips ::4th IA Lie% 10 unl•K:k it. Ileturiting Ye:a e:pne the 31.1 in litlibling.' Mete tie„.'' . 13‘..• , b; lino(*.iiir,r I 1.00 erorlonteq z,lolyr Air]. M re , . Browtdrig, 1,(41 'lira Sly:11 t . 131).)1 lie 01)C :a 11e thsw. ..1 4.:- • 5 . , - s nt many hours inspeetill'r I.ht.• eloile, , s '. d,, t...,,,b1‘..., 1-,i.V r. Mr. 4. ( :ilk 1115,. 1,00 :- Fohii:sr was found in one of the work ; Gil it ty• of nature's .products and man's' .'i lo - %/f , •soi. ilo - '+' 1,0 4 ., , .: Loo - comis, to all a pin.m - anee ash ep. The ' ii t geataity. Eatcrim; the Chinese Depart_•: ~'''''. I r''''ll'',” 4 31,1 Y. Ida Allen. 1,00 hml.anti anti, V. ife yVt: l re 011 the MAII . side rm-ut, we Were pleased t•.) note that with ! -° N:lnl'l'' ' 4 i'llingc I'l! ''' Y ' l .' nuing;' ' , - ut.:l: -. :ZI-FINE. latTS, &C, - 71t7'..* bY , ifil , 10 ;5',1 :111pearall AS nearly ti i4llt - - • : L t . 1 , , t t i• ;. e ,, i l r is s t , s; . e re ttli , : ,, " l ., ti! . .s_ . 2h:: : :s ,k e mg. n i - i .l l. l: , ti r e i i „ f i til ., l ~,,,,,,„ , 0i1.,. ,., ,,,, , r ointinn, J. F. 11,,,,th.5. t.t.c{, flit ft I ' ' e't ,Z1:1, ' r . t ...". '''' , • rrt r • 43 : 1 7;43:il irthilSearK . I do h 1,f"o 1 1 :: 1 7 (.1: i: i - -- :.1i., at came arrester: liytim : ..: blanke't or Goa;; 1.1.:11 . .1. lona the bark , 4 . , do girt. , . . a., - 1.00 . .(rni:; , 2r ;.05(1 taftv.:l to titt r , - I,oiitv s=tt...ol. .0 . ilk! brvati-611it, tree. tut:acted mach '" mark '''''`"P'" cill 'We 6- Ir,.wood. 1,19 Ziwociw.i.li iNai..r r01,,,rs C S. ifavto - lie 0. t' Firr . .lignod before a justice 'it ter - • a.,t • •ntlon: as Obi lib- ) Pearl and. eot al ex- i c.o d 3 dL:p it .%y• pla i l7i n ; l e i lftt : l- ' *t i l d p . t . o : t m o -i s n . t o .i !il L ..ci k' wd lon , ll:l l ° : . (lay nionling, but his ..:.ttUrne2. - wiiiv.al ex • 1-'l it of the same' islands. Vi . :',.. :JlaWainn. i -,-atnim..;•..”,, •• . ! rialais and Algt Ilan specimens uf arms, ! CLASS' Z6-"-FUIINITL - 111E. 311 s. lir Nry is a woman of aiomt 30 e irried us back ta'ilie sc...a? of DEcArt - n. • II -1 , 01 , ^144y. J. 0. Prot &Soup, 9 par;, r.set, , du FI.IIL years, 11),F.ET it: 111 , -Ont :I feet.) **l (1 oath- ' 1:;1:1 4. , and othrr brave men in their at- i ' er Hiles set, frith strall elliti - utiskers, trek upon Tripoli. Spanish spetimenhof ,' :;!!, ci:.',11 : 4 ,,f,;'"'. ' 4" (1,1 , - and a 'es," hair :; -. on his ut , Per Up. He has :. Cot; ious forms and rich n:a . terials in jewel-.f d. , tattrita.ft. 'do D., born alyerAtAl before ht Wai•erl, and bas . 1 - , caused our party to-Lait. .1 du , ..,vrilig emir, - do '. , k .„,_ ' -011 Ct.• Bean SLOt it; a similar offence. he !I. - Cie will not copy our ports in order, , ' " AS S M-41 " S'ES " EiNki • - hc;,:rs a i ard uemn in Waverl3, and : bur take from them a few specimens. ~...,8 7 b .1 , 4 5 ( t i 11 i,E . ;' A r : e s : A lt ruce O ci d e ii P,i , -. . . D arborg a crowd wi.i, thirattned to rybeli „Geod. HoPa collection of, stuffed animaiii ; 1 D bat Toronto+, did Eon* ozeell!ent him , e3terday, - tviiv a good ninu.celoredl-preserited some, strange specimens; for in- ! st< 3L oeing, at on aerount or a ausaaa , rstsubdiag by . . Mee. -.. _. 5 ,- J.. -- - . -- -. L., .-. • - :'stance ; the head Of. a .bison . 1).x.,-. baying ste jamas of thOr tostroetkinctho , borio YinAl by 1 , v . ,. . , w.ns taken to th ei 0weg0w ,........,..,._. ~„.".. rtztostisats diameter:4las, am) n i tro DOS. ounnined. Obit IlloOn usbibittkolon a 1 i iv.Fmpw l 'r r ''. --,- - . . ......'2-,.-7 , :- - .,: , ,,.. -- ,Z=.;: - ..-.'41:.,.•t-;-- -- 4 - :',...,.: - .f . ' .`,„.. .' l . l l . ....... - 4.42.**, iIIak:SVIS , 0064 --•_.. . 7 . - -- - ' , "- - '":4 -, V , Z -,-.- .., ,, :- ,l: n -,, i 7 i.;'&4 , -';'i'4 ,4 "'''' t : '''' , 4 1....:.:' -- ' l. "'t '. - ;..." . .1 . -. , . , ,-'......;:%...,3...4.4,-.V.,•:,:f....,,.....*“..,,,P,1.-..-e ~.1.4/,..t.. ,14vtti'` ;.',..4.-.4 - 4 , ~,-. ~,,,,,--• -'‘-';' ,, ' - ' , ::''' 7, '_ T .L., - ,if.i''l'i'r.; ' f*- A,...'; t.;.." " . ~. ', - '!" - k!,."4" - e•.. ..;t4f ..-,, ~,.- . .,,,6 -,,,,.• \';'‘-'''' , .,.c. , : , :e.4" 4' '' . 74..r'' 7. - ;: - - , ' . ..1 , .f:".?, *. .. , =',.,f' -- '''''""....,- ' i.:: i, - ; - 2Z- - --.4...--;, - 4. - - , "'"- -. ? ::--, 1 .';'... 5 J , " . '''' ''"('-'-:'-•(' -1,- lii.a•f;f:"F:r'4_. , , , ,. , ? . ;,:-.!;<-4 , :e. ,- .... - t•- • .-.:f.• - -,...;" . ". ~":7!- ' - ' "...%- ,- . ..r:-:rtF:'.. , •:' -...,,. . ..- ..- ~..., RE ME MEM ME v. . 1 I ' , =MEE %do .1 :1!1. Ell =I =EN I= ~~. IBM MIMI MEI , i 1 c MBE 11l 1 lEEE BEBE !MEE IMM =ME ME •t, IMEIDEM ;1121:111Lf 1110 .1 it 11 , 1 tk) V 1 .11, V. —.ll N%"t• 1! e VII M.:: a 1“-,pi- "Ekt. kt• I , 111 11. x• v is , a -;1:1; ••!.!;)• is tl 11, I . I I t• a: cwt . , •i;.t 41 in IMMEMEM=EM tt. wi:i: tl.. ol ISMIMM IMO V. - .1v.•1l•. by lit• 1 0:1.& i:turil v. A !nail 1, • I ; It , 1 t ;le t t:,:'ut az. : l in::: I 41,..:e it . , .5\ c ial,c a r.‘ in 4 , r •I I.h• i:i =I lEEE MESE= IMO t =NM MC OM IN lEEE OMB ~.~~• . IIMII1M3111:1 MIN -- ' ‘ 1 t 1 . .• 41. 1.111 x),;111 HINTE .• a. • 1 .161 MEE =I ttf IP+ 1.1: 1,r1,111:- , 1.1 is pi •••,. ni I tip 1:. , kt I ; 11; ;1! • , u,t• ' I . 1.- ti.... . \(r . 'i I ; c,ttni t;~ MEE =9 .‘ BEIM feet long, and twenty-three inches in cir cunifereuce at base; eggs four inches in diameter and seven inches long; and much more of interest. -The Gold Geist exhibit presented Rime of the most primitive specimens of human unplements, such as spears, drinking ves sels, knives of bone, clic. Lip, nose, 'and ear ornaments of shell„, ; ivory, etc., con stitute their principal garments. From Australia line specimens of the agricul tural. mineral, and animal products: Wheat very large, •ts bite and plump; price ofiagrieult oral land, ; ten to fifteen shil lings per acre. most beautiful case of huttertles, arrayed with good taste : the centre a very lattgc gray one; nest, blue and 'nixed colors, then. black and green mixed, making, sevei4l hundred nicely preserved. • Sweden bring 4 out a tine display of iron, as reggdp finality. An old lady sat %waving lace, ',Hee 'one and one-foiirth didl ,o Per yard; A violin that prst stirred the sitnls of rnen!l;l years ; t oo, Norwegi, artieles, and a beantifOl colt of noon skins, and splendid bear skin robes. the see.inuliday we Ina ••.TosiAn's : ' raity. anti %ve were glad to tak.• th.-in by the hand and bid them a hasty wele.nne. We eonbl 11./t Ip,a,„t a hand_ s , rne i urtn, intr yet a tall one, btii in such a er0.,%41 Ire th e ir idcntity in the ...;linmier i‘f gut cal!rood nature and manes, Thtt parties exclialit.ted fet.v vaird-, eti..!l bachelor marshalled his on. In the y litittels from 'co .lthelisll'l%ll sitom•4 aria niatiit'itstia , :z more iiiterest iii it-Ili:in cr. Fraitte , l them :It :'1:1110i1-(111 - filk, oo!I ,•I' t• a knit' I . :n *1 11'10r. :Ind Lt lies scefircil him for a time. Hitt td'icr 11131))* 1!:t Hl3l :171,1.:n Vt''Vet , 111' AVt•li` )1:11 , Sy I ta!:(' 1!,l t i'l iiid tF.V.:tv. Vast., wi:it 4 i : -1 11•1 ,,, ,t• of ...hist \ i r,•• 4 1 _ :is she it so e• anal t tih i . V• or t•-t.:n!, 4.:..t NM MEI I!,t. II,:s 1 I. NW.IiV 11 /1 ti I ,7 ; v•i• !1:.• 1: 1 .•1; - ,',1,1 ‘,‘ "1!!,- • =II • t li =II MIMI =I EMU lIE =SRI SEE \. I . I 1111 lEMZI 111••==1 =Er 1., 1,, •I•.II .1• 14 I , ~• -:•••• 1,.1, I; IIJ Al' • 1 7E4717:F1.4-RV45rX.1',7 7 47 - 5..411 4 :•:WC 7 7r4r:.,0W, 4 ,,,attg - 4 47 •'' ' W-K• Ka2:IIV74 I 4 I faWASMS:irc4WWW47Iff'7M : Ifar;STQW:- -7 f:titV:ll'. : A' 7 ''.: , F ; :"V` - `K'•C'''' • 2 7. 1 ' f :' I P! ,,- 'ft...);a ' * ' 7. 4. C• • •• ••'`' ,Vl.' ,', , • ' , •••"; • Ill Mal I. V.,- i:a• 1;-• Lllll r.11. 1 ..;:l t:, r Nov is.:;:.:I :'•a 8~ . \, ;~~ ~~: ME In =I ;. I, =I MEI =lBllllin :.1 \:, El E NEM 11•1111 =EI OEM 11•11 =MIMI ti .' I Ir i. rt IMMO =I =I =ME =NM ME 13MM 1, is I 1 1 k?. SEE .1 . -• 7,1 MBE MIMI I=E =I ! . 1r,1.:;••• ›,•l. lz ••!, .• - BEM - C • 1::11:(.1.S MERE=I • It ~.t A 14,c0n . lot 0 11:•trit tt 11: \ MEM =I =el . l• • 1)-•.%(,), ~. ~,...r..~. r ~,:m•r r r.. •on 80, -Y I:4;F: I ArLE.f.. MEIN IMIEM BUSINESS LOCAL. Jar New 6 a as Jeceited 1ar1; . 7: al 1117:1-11 81"EngravIng done at I.IENDItLYAN'6 Jewelry Store. C . New Dress Goods .at KENT ak . 111,u.5'.1.4(.117;. , ItrtNtmt:irAti litters a great radii l eltatt tu Sil ver-Hated Ware. CZ - New Goods in ei•ety Department AI KLNT ILISS4.[S:II7. New pfints at ICET Bras6.[scp7 Buttrigk's - Patteras at KENT ; S.C:; n-Lniiios , -fries in 'great variety, at KE\TS Z.. -7 .11 . Ladies' Collars. and Cu at KENT :1.7" Call at t liusT & I;Liss',' and see Iwir imll:tr 47,,r,i't•1 ,n,'"A'all at KENT & BLISS' i'Or '3'ollr ta bk I) • :3 Ncix Cloths and C'assiineres at s: One In oi c cAse or those cheap qoi;,•.. at i:LN Z.: - ;1*;" A large' aNsortnient Itf spring and 1,1111,,r hats, 11.4 r. 1,1%. ,t, at M. E. Rosi:N. MEMO 1/0111tr-m:(1-11.-11alf books for as cts = I'A,ll e.1‘111...5y a Pated Castor fur tql c ‘ t.:,, 3!,1,,ir 7 : K ENT ;Lllll /(i9IF 11=1 l l E."::;" A stocl; 4d* g;:tines and toys, *c.c. •!,II II ‘1."1• I . 3:kr,r. I .lo,F:cations, very :; 6r& i'vthii I= T, V1: . 11('():: ' 1; Sil kl 1 H . ll the be:4 r,amnc I In 1.11': , -4 awl bo:t ass , ;:tmoft of A 1101 1,1,. , t1 Aj(1,111y Ct,‘r tit tit • t MEM Y.Pli 4"01. 1q1( .1 100 of =I L.: V; 114 ,:omi; 1 :111,1 Lcst mssm tintlit 1.1 4'l . 0 M. 1 1 _ ,• \ r.l 11,111ceil tip ll= Y. , tl 1:I I. ri;rl.tt - I•ti to ir.t I 114.% ", f ;It ;11 1111‘..;',))41 ) 1 . 71 Alllt l'iC;)11 5) t:. \ 4ttJ . lath 1, %Nato.; a ,t , •t_k 1,1 Tittpl: ,-, and Trtv MI ,L 01 . 4'14411e , clivall MEE. I 7‘..•1 ICI', I rat It lIIIIMMEMI IMII ME =IL I V.t)t 1 .11,1ry r L • :t:1 ii. A41•1r..- 1;4 \ Li in MEI r 11:: S :• 1.1: TEAR %%1 • ll.;1 • .! 1 .1.1 ti da: a tt;.yl“. .110. re-, MIII 11.‘t.Ity of 11:11,r1..il ENITIMEIIII lw of I , i.•t7:Ztit:ll , ,l• min 111 •lun•, anzi !4.: pdlr .( rvgttlar .14 tt:t.4 (IrT am now MEI , wio• .o,,•1: or }:..:i.iy co,th ..:01 g r.•:4:11.1:.•: , of co , I, .0.1/1 .Iv t 4, ha- • r I V. II" 11 =MEI \Vu IT M:\ti r,hy :Iwo =I II EMM h • •.,! • 1 m•.••• j.; I::1).1, 1 •:r lu NS(lrk, and 1,1 g,, 1:tt , •:• t,rtn- 1•76, The l)oarterly Convention - of th( I. 4 ). 4%. T.. for 111.• 01.1'•.14.1, v.. 01 oo•ot at ;oh, 1+76. at II A.' M. 1:..V. It. K. Worths/ roini,lhir of th • Sem roil:, trill :tll4 - t'•., 410 •ii .\ (1;1 I h • of I,olit.rato, In the V. 31 w1:1.1., I). Ir. C. T. BEE MEE ( • nmu nice p:,•, ; ot raa r g , t3o; hly ire. skt •r, or swfmtimar:„ or r.•,101'...!kai,,i. aai her, or r•,sm• may TA.? Xr mot , • aroptahht than a Dire l'ho!...gr v e t: at W.orh's ? Thy are very'nh , ly rv j,,,•r:: alul paintvil Io Twat9r If you want 3 plirttogrol.ll, largo, 11.,:n !ire or rupy, yin ran atm) th , in tht r.• In 1:o!la i:11;, Water dolor=, or Cray ", Sochlnz :Ik.• It rna4l., In MI. retnty. 6 kit, 11. 1V fn,p'...; Gallery. ThOti'i his° lunch 6,41.1 y weattv.r. you to think of It In nun,. (1:,:y it for w,ek.s to Clah•tni:;.it sl . rMr s j. Rtery .getutine; article has its cottn 14:rfoq: every hot,e,,t mall has II; pretender.- liti , •ll I, tit • ra, w!th our e-t lioabh and. lionumble ei..ll:ing dealer. M. E. Ilosy.Nvito.i.. Having lead.• the bu.lne,s a study frOot early voulh, and !wing controlled in busine,s 1,1111,81•11(111.; by the Stlietest regard for truth. and the rights or his tfliS- I o;lni , rz. itho are not presumed alv.ays to be as well p3std , aN lainoelf, others who have on regard for the precept of the -gold,o ,el.li to profit by /Ili enviable reputation. by . engaging in the same 1/11AIIPSF, and snake large ploressiont‘ Look nut fo.rtheni. f 2.00 tEr Sec what you can do -with a littlo money at the Mat u Street Cricket} Store: Stand Lamp econplete for 15 cents. Knives and Forks at fa 1.72fit1.. G Canon Stoat Chomp' for Sq cents. • ' 1 Doz. Iron Stonenr:aTeu for *1.60 1 Doz. Silver Plated KtliVo3 for 6:1,00. Cation Sion- Butter, Pot fur GO ettits. 111,.54 Sagar, Uutn.r. Ceram and Spoon Holder, and doz. It obletA, all for 41.00. 1 Pr. Covered Gia.ss Dishes for 65 rents. nowl6wl 4 0. A. BLACK, Agent Letter frum Rev. SYLVANt'S C 013; nt Bustun, Editor a the "Christian Freeman." fiC).TOV. Dee, 1 , 1459. LPlar Sir—it may be simo . ittisfaei ion to you to be infuttoe.t of the result of ,the trial of the .• r tax Sinn." in my family. 3ly daughter wan lovr.ghtlow Ly a typhoid fes ) vr lasi spring, and af ter the rever,lpft !teethe continued very weak, and the simplest food distressed 'her. For months she remained in the same debilitated condition; but from the 1 , 4 t of ti..pternlier last, when she com menced taking the Syrup. the digestlie functions Improv'ell, and she steadily gained strength and vt :attty; and new. having talten two bottles, she Is restored to a good state of health t Indeed, she more really healthy than sho halt for several yeaisitutt. I . = of opinion that the 6, rotoslde of Irott." - itenittined In the Poeuetan.hisep, - traeadap% ted tO.lk Cele; OW i t t ri ii h iNOlC lo : 9 9 101 ,k0, 11 L -c.:-,•exA • . 1 - ) I) I) I) I) lA, hi the' ling of station- 811111E11111111111 =I I=l lIINEI : 4 ,•11,,01 El !NOMMOIEI=I IMEIMI 1:11=1:13 ME= he qi,l \ %111 k =1 .' 4 _ =MEM ir.,t ht. lIIMEM OEM I=l ME 13111111 } y. 1., nl.i:. i••_: 1:;. , r.,,.• ~ ... 1.t14 111(•:t. a( lIMMIEI --A —ll,c,N I= 3.,;:r•., E. J. ESUMIE I=l ,per1;11 MIME AVlitri•LE Or The large ready-made :clothing busineiti, tntlit op by M. E. ItoeRRVELD, Is st tract tug oits!restubitcbments to-tats peetton, but the pruthmt,purrhaser Ulll beartu Writ) that all deal er' are not posseased of the sagacity, wisdom, and strict lionegy that actuates Mr. R. lupi, business transactions. Most men who pretend sal cloth. l og "sheep,. are mere pretenders, which th^ cred uluus buyer learics to his cos , . Our ad% Ire is to all. win s ) want ge d e xrls at lair priccs, to call en Ito. sn . Nytt:Lii. It makes no difference whelklter'you arc a jitilgti of the article desired or rot. he Is, and w 111 not deyetre you. Above all [Wogs beware tu the man who never Invites you through advettisi rm.:its to cull. ;:::e" To t'oNsumpTivoi.—The ntivetti s.r, a rrtlred , !ov..rtd, lt dual Ni,t;lowtry lit Southern A , la, a. very slmplr ‘l:7tat,le retnt•ily for the speedy and rii.ittutnent cure of CAtarrii. and ail throat and lung :awl:lions-41,0 a posilive and radical I.evltii: for Ne•11, ,, 114 De•lillity. Prenmilire Devay, and all Ni 4, (cot,: it liii duty to make .It UO/0 . ,11 to Ith Sett I'l ttg fe:bov.o Arrnaled by I tinitivii be will rio•ertully send (fret• Of idiargej to all 11, rootpo for itrrliaring.= :Mit full din•vtl o os , f o r ti•ltig. Ills..overe4l rent •ily. Tho,o nhii.wl,di to at.all th.•tilseive:, Of the bcro•flt , of Ibis iti,co%ory wirtwut rn,t, rain to r •t , urti 113 Ivlth a. 4tanip, CHAPLI:, P. 31A1:,,•11.11..1., N ':Nt t•••I THE CiWNTRY Z,i ENTIA:m.v.N—Cioi: ri~!I. ru r (::S if .1-1%1 A] V.,•••ldy on 11 . 1 t• term-," p thl -:!1,•11): 111 ),;;• o,py, y.•ar. Four Lit : , / , 1; 1 1 , '11:1] rout' to II," ',I'LL.. of TL•ti L ;Ls:4 Lin I.LLC L. py f,rth.• year 11. U. 411111 •;:th,•ll!•erN ,f,,r 1-77. pat ii g )11:1.1t; 1 111,.. r 8. 111: , rr I. 147 q, 1,1,r V.,•••1.!y, of I,lllitta.!l,•, ry 1•• an I,n, ..1 r.g9l.tr ;th:Gitg r..+! 1:1!illei. _aLl vat, of fh,. tocl .11 Ilat.!. Ow p!,.gi.••• of di, 1ii.•'.•,! , .1)y ,v.•iy ISIMIII2=II Vo- Comity '4:-:11:.111,01:;1%.., in IN 11,1,,,11 et:1111111,4i% ),•; y tl.l . •si inu •up. 11.4' to Ilii• Ttt, C,e , 11.11"Y 4;.•11:1“11.:01 I tu•l , I , it % 31! ilal.. r.l .11—;: ck vv. , I y 4,” 1:1,1:01 ;I; ‘ , .11%;1' . 1: :OA t;.l ,•!t ( ry le '1.!11•1:1111 f NI LI ; i• :,•], kr .tl,l ttL,l t 'JO .1 =I &TM'', - f 1.11 tl tt j.I =MEE =IEEE ME ME =II =I NM roArintap., v, Nl'.•l•!.—iNt V..•• ~ 1,1 NI: • I•,di ;IA .. \ ' M= D!ED. NI I \ la rt Ist It. int t 11.4. N.tt. i 1, "I --. .%1 11••••• ME ; •,kll -1., 1.. ••, L ttt tt , tr h t •.ttt•lt..tra. Ili =MEI \ of T. M. N 1 \ \% is 1,. v 1:1 \ I I ; 1 i Y. 1). .11 .1 V. - 17.111 11 11.010 / , ' , ..1101 1 0 11.0 t: h g:oh lIMZI To ". is. .r'37 .I , f,pr II- I= .“•:1 Ni 1 , r. , t• • rt• • .11.4.3 cag , :, , I '• xv,nt P. 1 ,1 IMII=IIIII =MEE .1. 1... I ..;.,!I 1: ~. 1.0 r~l, •.1 _,t ..• 4•1 :Tor, r•s orf tz,••• 1 , 1 • , T :1 I:'1 •,11. ,•; (ilia. "•\ a. • o a: ,! I", I, :,00r R !, it:: tilt; ••1i.`1 , 11 .ttpl 111 , • I .!1 T;11,,,;::”.10-1,1.1 11=11!111=11 •r ~ I n,llllg u. uh rt•ili3Eria MEM ft.!‘:to bright n..f r hor =I 11:t‘,• *.r lqr it 11 , 1' y I.ltMed, Lui n,• - irl,4 - 0,1 111 , .1 111. I:14;111 pa.. f,4,111 her, sh t•‘. •• I lu ili. La[ a. 11/••a •••••li • Lad a ,Inl,l, and lot (31:11 is I t: -•1••,•tit cr. tier f!rx..ri;r M.,1110,1 ell•q; Sii•• ay.•,p• a:rl r ti ;or 11 , r b•Ay r••••,: , grlLve till %hail .I,hl 1; i••• Ilft• and glrity. For :tvr I di • )1. 11..1. Or: N: Tjtchit. , l. Oct. 10, 1.76, Liu V. i:t• 0.! ag,,l 1n..;,,:1 .i:t)-. %%a. thy ilv , lli 6. l' id t Children. 3::ti a 11:1•Igiii , I. 'f h; ,111. %%h., V.;:i .•:.1 of llo• hvo. over riv , r anivot yu.213 :qfo. Tiff oilier f, ktIII lITITI. loot sli • 16a, no NI-ttor. I.ro:lo•r: lice ... .I.1 • ' • ;• 11/ ~•. iS , I C, lilt' ,ll . 't :li L ' • .:. N• 1 k.....;')..- .0 ,:/.. ~; 11'r : , 1, ~f. 13,1 1.. A ..,01,0, .... r, r 1 , ~. ~,.._ ,„ ...,, , p ,,,. ~,7 i„. g ,, , ,.i, 4 ,... ~,„.1 „ ,, l' ..' -fl ." 111 ;:" C 1....1,1 '. 1,.‘.. : ,1 ` . -•,', j . ''' ~.,,'....! ;:.• I ,1"( .. .N: . '4 i . ...“: , i . 1.' .21 lii, psi, 1. .., spl u- :3 , ii. - 1,.. 1s.;11 , 1 f 'Win ' 4 0..11, , ,• ; ...•:1, •• 1 .1, , • ...I ~:... , •, .1, ~1 ;,,,,,s . 4 - ...!, ;;; A. ;,; h. 1,-;;.1;1;•11 ~1, ',..,;, .... 1 .; I ' ' L . ' " SS' n' l,l ' . ": 111 5 . .. ' " ''' 11. ' . 1 - ..; ;;.'' !i . 3 '; , ... 11, i• - o. ','- ot ~.t.......- t ,•••....± - 11.. - o ,!!-.. ~:, o .• , 10...0w .•,0,1-r el ,t,1•,,,,,, , ,,,. ,11.•;:,-. 1, , . h , ..,. 1 ~,,... , , i,,, 1.,,. “.•.„. 4 ,,, •,„ N, ~i, '1 . .,,,,,,,,; , ':. '''' ''.' -1 7, 1' loHt .. 1 . ,11,114' .q. ' es a P 1. ,: .1 . 4 '. , .'" • - rth ! 4 - - ,...1:, g•r.er het •4 - to 11, al. 1 , ..7.: 4 1 1 - .: I :4,,.•v. ; ' 7 ,' .' s: ii'''f' Ina ,l. '" - l '"Jo• , " I " . ' r “ • 14 ' , a , 1:• • . ea . . - .•,-., :I :.,, .... :ire 1,. •,....... 4•1 ~ ..i.',... i, ,- •!:. It , • ~.r. ha: thnne - -,e1;1, 1::L.,o ,•,, 7.,1, • I „ 11 , . t ;,,, r•••,141 :s-rzt; 1'...;;;t;- - t. iii, li toe ',we.i, : ... V, . 1.1 . 1., e11.,.1ez, I'DI/ , a lir 'IN; 7s , '; re, ~ 1' 'and. ! 4 ,,,.,., ~ ;„ 11,. 5, ~1.,, ~1 ,-,;,, I . .,;,-;•; , g1, c., AV, , T,S ;ii ,, ii,, , • ~i 1,•,... W. ~ ,s, 2.1 ;;/•,.•... in;:./: v. ii. v.1:11 1 , 1:.• ; :,;,,[ ;,•...!lA,!il i 1 1...1,:d 1 1•;..1. ss -;:1 , 1 -111,• V01...... 4 1 how , ' ~..,.1 I ..a.. 4 1 • 1 . iLl'• • 4 . 41 f, " v • ti .1 :I' iO , ..:. d..: or 011. •' •!..... 4.11,:1:1,.:1-1 , ZI, le•- 7 i`: .:,1.1 le I, the:..., : 4 •L . 41 awl take,. In., , xe,•..1.44, a: ~:, .•, ,•, 10..1..4.' 1 ..:, 4 1,11:1..,,,•s a " t01e......1 . 0 i 1. I 11'. • •oer of It' 'A 1.a... v.. 31.111•1•• , 11 4 .: , ••,, , t , I ~. .1 ir.l ' it' .1 Ilsst,s , isll . l 1. , •' 11111; 1 s v.', :I:. 'rain_ .. :.•17. , '.1 A 5. , 11-41 1 1se 1/liirs' SQI 4.1 1,101 111 .1111 , ;;IA 1 ,,,, 1.5. 1•'-' ,•,.I ~.k, 1,, 1i.,..,‘,•.•1;;11 , 11 1; thy Nell: eel 1.1e,0 '•Ve.e.tei geeeetile4 II rev- t.teit.lew...tet ~ rl, - r., ; 1 0 1 ;91 ' 15 '"` i '''' l ! 31.:1 r".. to, 5...1 . :.•a V :11% t•r. by \l.s 1).,1 ('(,40:. 1,4.1 ,:x ~f 1 , 1‘1 , 1 r,,,,':• :1.,'41, 1 At...l .--t I t , ,•; II , : 1,1 ...i 1,111,1 In tee.:l -.1-t i eelti M, ae e•l eeee,t .0,11.41 t.y .'".- r %liar: le , . f:i Main .it,,''_ if: ! ; .„,•..1.,1 , ..;110, 1E... ;,,,,,;;1• 1.,,i...1. , ...;.E.; .:r ; I 'A !a11".. , .. . their d , •:ii hat- .he wa, iv tiling to . •.1. , 1 1. , '" Of A 11 1 .1 1 1: 111../3 ;; .mill, I* ! ' ..° o. "` ' . ,'''".,: j ..; 31 , :. , 11.0 to:: , EEE•!! IN Ian!! ~ •I''''' I'II I', II part f.oho the...• near it t'oid the 5 ' ,,.1.1 to a fri..14 4 1 . I I : , ; '' !:,,, i '' i r . '' ; '. ` 'll . ', '''' t to the' 'II . ' "'"' l ' '' ' " l '''' , o ' , . 1 ' , Y 1 .... d . ; Y... e - . 11 ...i , n: c 131 . -1113 31: .." I,I C -• 1 .11,1. stsr,sl near her, °in :t 'hitt,. 0 .....Y.' I ant g o log It. ' t. , ,• ~.‘. , '."' 1 P , -I ' l " , ' "." 11, " 1,•.11:, , ,. . f : 1,.. ~,..: 1 n -f- , or les, o!, :... 4 ,...4,..1. I tratt....l lon-% I 1... n,.. a, erl coots-11,11g , 11.1 ISIA . ;•.;,•;; 1,., ./ 1I „1 ~:. : 1 1.. .1 !,,,„„.,1 ~,,,,,,, ~,,,i :1 ~,,, I ; ;,,,, of :;.„.,r liem , .. - And tioi - . ic5 , ....1 away ill it near mother a:. 1 :it ii;zl,l ;mgt., ...I'll tio• ..:, ..... ;11,0 th • .1.•,1,411. 4 ...: ', t i .,,.,.. ii„.: , , „„. 0 , 4 , ~,1 „,„, „ 4 %, :, 1,,,„ , x,.,, , ,,,,,i„, fr..n...arlli to 11 , 3V...1, with her hand da,ped In : ,:::,', 2 ; .: -. r . , ' • : - ' . l i :: ' l r" ::: ' ,, l , i i.. 7 . ' '' ,l : - / - " : : , :!: "S . . r ' i .l l- ' . .V 1 „ t " , 7 , 0• ' , r ., l * -- 1 " 1 . ' , / :th •• 1. , ..t I' 31 .+15:91 of .. s J .1. - 1,1 ii;,.. 1. . 111 it ..f lea; danglilZr, - AA )111 sold to hoz . after :be. ~,,.: t . i.dc, lot Yl',, ft to a eope•r; tin ' ne e n ,,0 13 , z i 1 . 0 . 1 ‘ u L : . 1 , 1 .: 1 7 - I I I I ' f ':, e; ::„„ T 1 ,' : ',,,e. ! ::::, t i ,. 1 ...., d e ', 1 1:,.. ,"e .. :. 1 , - ,. e l e r ":, l :i 43,041 not etpettk, "Meethe,r4 If •Pnt 11,10 w ten'. t'l3,lt 1.3 4 1 Cook', now I I , r;: ,. ..4ee e e I n U m . T 4e ll,e- is ere of :.;,, 125, of the a,14.:1...!ht of the ;aim , o; the 1t1. 4 1.:- toy hand. " 11 wt-; nll.lllll ll Alalighter re.tlized III , : ! ! " := l"'" fr , al im r lev• d .. l, " l ' ol:l11, 1: , ,', I, ' d a" ,l 1,...n e-t..i.' lit VV,II,' It'ej , •II"I . I . ` , III. '' II1.'?.‘"I I" 1:•>••„ Veto e•Neviiilott at the snit of I tani.d 11,.....1ey i ~,,,,„ ~.„,,,,,.. 1; ,,,,,.,„ ec ,,,,,.. ;;,,• .., e ,, e . le 1 , 34 . ee e . 3 ,1 truth of that I,..aut 'for plee , . ,51.1.-1. wo4 ...trig and 't, W Ilan , r l / 4 . , m I , lot north 5 , .. 3 Ales; 9; s-o.p: theme. abor..., 11,.. 'r:,t , t played at her f !moral nith , :o much leeilog: •- Titere -. . A 1.5. , —i ) :1 0 0 1 11.1 lot or i:10.1 I o South f'r'et: twit I i,,,, , „;.;„, N„.`2',e., e ,,,,,, 4 , le , Ake.. o :l) \‘'yeje• ..re eti le IS tett'one like a mother. 111111 w.:. die-ad' to see her , l '.' ' ..V P " '"l : "/ " ,take " n ' t '''''"''' '' l '' ' • ."'e li "'' , 11 ' .° Ni . . -1 . '..-. 2-: ~•: in . ..we Ali the 4.1 , 1 ha.- of dic. - . . - . •a! , I , e nor: hwe..4 , 04,: Der ~,. (It. , rg • liontrun'. ,l :.."l: 1.., N,.. - ,;,:s I ••11,1,..r! 1.. I:annuli ji rt in 10 3 ,?•• . ..111 it . I fli.•ssee 1, 1 1111 1 ° tsV;;S: along stilt liiinhant , , h.,... ; .1,..., ~,,, I:, 7.:(.1 ; ,1i..;;.., ;.: 1 ,;.;.; t h., ],i'll . ti, :LW 1,1 311'.. 1 ..0 : tsar. 11131 . 1101 in ea. h - Ilfe to a gent leman '. 1.2 74.. reds to a ...ruler: then , ' 0,,, el 'Y :th • ..: 1........ 12!., lir I, 1,41 , ...r de,rl o : .1. 1... LI. s'l ° . ea•t• Whet pl 4 ,,, 1 Intemperate . oral her life In ctue..... *, 1 1 , :::: . ! ' 41 " ,, f . 5 ; 1 , i , 1 1 . ) . . 1 . 1 . .. 1 ... i r . 1 .. 1 . 1 . 1 , 111_ , Pi 1 r .„ . 1 . 1 : ( ' , 1 , 7 1, ) , !i1i , "' ...,, 5 ,„ 1 . 3 . ..' ! !''l 3.1 1 .1: OP tie v ;de leg . ilo, 0, ..1 line ol iot N.; 22 ., , qu..nee ins not altogether a happy tote. Bat haw- ; I:, .„,.,.;„,,,i. 1° ~.' , ,,,' , , : 1 . . ., ,g" , ,1 1 1 . , i ! ,, ; • : :: ,1 , , .. ,, , ,.,1 i 1 t ;,... , :: , ..,.1 : : r 0 it ... f .t 1: , : - 1 1 ! i1? . .. 4 i y , - , 11 , i,..: 1.:1' ,. 1 . 1 . .,. , 1 , 1. t . 4 . , i i, t! i 1 ,,,i.: ..; ° ,l t ; , :v;1 1;; Ils , . , . , I . s ;e ::: big v. cheerful disposition, site (11•1 tint despair. at-. I: or Inv' 102 7.10 red , . to the N.:tree no": 11 . - ' , " ' .....!.. or IL to, 0:114 . '0- .....0.1., a1 , .. 0 .:0 4, ot 0 iwr et Ways Ilting In hope that lie 0'4.11141 intimately ; ' . ..' t ''' l : . ' , ... g / . 1 v , :: :, !! ' , 4 1 .5 , ' ‘. 1 , , i ' ,, 5 . : 1 0 ,, , , ..' , 1 „ : 1 ; , , , 0 , ' .. . : ,, i ' r e ..„ 1• (. .; • 4 1 , 1 , .; ,1 11 L•: , 1; . : 1 . t . , : .. ..., 1,,a , i.iAtt•. ..te; I:l.,:ug_tra - N . t,•224., in , :11 . 0 al;Votil.'6lt reform. Ala , : her lo.pes were never realized. Sh.. , : ~,,,, ;41....1. II ..,,, t01.r.,,.,.,, .4N 'lt, I Ste Th e, tan 1 , 1:: i 1 ' . „! 1 ' . . ! „ 1 t 1," . 'j:;::,":, : i '::.'; 1 1 : . , t ",1 .1 V 1 1 , :: : : 4 1 1 \ '.',.:'.:,..1 1int ..,,,, 0u1. 1 13 ,1 o wonderful hoe . for her rhildren, and when , Ilo'r 'on, bolng 3 11:11 1 Of 1 /1 3f131/: iS II No rn l sX• Se:/- ; en, a , to'leeo, : le, g ell o i ng 31 1,.. : s4.e. r of lot :No 1' . .,,, she Ihrl Al part with her son, Jinn arrive.' at 111311- : (. 1i .. '1 , ' ,., ) ,, " 1,.. 1 ::, 1 ,1 1 h '11 , ' , ' ;: g,. , 'ii.X.l.-'...",1,:..1.:;r: at tlii " " 1r "t .3 . 1' i e.(:; ,. .., ~ , I to ,;„,,,,, hood, It almost broke her heart.' IfOf slaughter had i ,%;.SO-0..... other lot of land in Al hoots bor algt , , I • 1 ,,, i i, ' , ' ,.,.. (1 tf, 5 , ' , 1 , d ,,,t 1 : t if t ,, 0 ,:. r , ' , Z... 1 - ..g; thew . , alotfg toe ea.,/ t h i, * .r ,, , ,....7 ,, east ~. r. ,,,t . .. ., 1 . , ....1:1 ; 1 1 , 1 . . !;. i 1i e , c _ and b a d i cif ~,,,t o N . ,:nlbe north std.. of North ...fleet 31st kbowkt 1 , „;.; us mrsoe, al.; t lie ..A.lll/1 line 14 tut ". 0 1: 15 . rim married tr short time before his death, gout! to live t itt a 1111111 e of her 1,311, although but a ';'::. 1 :!,,. , :, ,n i i1 :,1: . ,, i ,,... 1' 1 . ,:; i i c;; '/ ug ;;Y ,... ,, f1 i r , 11 1 ' , ' ;: , ' :;,_, 1 , ' , ' , 1 ' ,, r : ' ,,. ' , ' •,1 ,:. 1 :i . t , t ' l L i . c'i to L . ri Adam s , ,011,11 lot Xl4 east • 4:. 5 :: 2 ‘, 9!: 1 : short distance net, where she -could go to see tier IbY Addl ., it It Stone to .1 It Reeve by de ,. . 1 eta' ,- I1 ito . - .1: - .!: - 11 11. .. 1 \ n i f y i rc i ;;, i t i i ‘. .t ' ith 'i t l' : . . o"( l.ve . mt 1t......-1-14.1 "1 1.eitce mother very ' often. Iler son at Abe tithe Alt lilt 1 . in ' S 13, / , ' 69 . "11(1 fry ' hiox eonveyoi to sold MdrY still siting line of lot No - 214 unit the west line of . .0t, ,, . be 41. - ed doted Soqie day and iveroded In I . N ..i........ ,- ,. v•v • 1 1.0 • .t.' .• i 341 ..4 l. 111 V., ° death half a nice horse and cart Liget , the latter h 6. s ltrun ford roloil. , ' peen 'lleok Ni . 1 1 2. page .1.5 , 1, Sr, 1 ~i . ,- . ;:i ' 1 :577 ii , •, ' , '" 1i . ,,,;,:., i , 1 , 1 !,,,, , li, ..1 1 ; 1 , - ;• 'tee t . 'ft; I No 1-9 requestetllher to keep, which she did, and the for - wish 1 fromed house and few fru i t trees awl eon. ara,r 4 ;,-,,f,d . , ~;,61,1, 11,0 ~ ,:.,,,i 47, 7.1;;p: fhenee along . tin. nter•he wanted her to sell, awl dispose of J 11.; mow Sriz'ed 314 . 1 Ittki - of Into execution at use ' , nil o f Aim west ille, of lot No :i .. 1 above described norm ~ ..0 Aitrns 11.11 1 411eg and . 1,..at. A• , oelation v.l A It .. ey as she pleased. Thar 111111111ey to her was sacred, aunt' e.t - d. It;tlp. tet the I.loee ,of It:winning; containtug .itt . OP and MIN Mary Stone. :kelt . .., more or less, with 11,0 ittokti allow.mer of II she said, and she wanted to put it where she could I A i.cui..-01... other lot of 1. - ....1 In Carton twp. per cent !la . reado'S . .r: It Is . ing lot No 1127,1 , 1 the kt - ep adding to It: to iill.l Invested It In land--only ' ' .1,, u 1 ; 04 - n i loTrth I.Y I:pulse( IT riot Wright awl Ja...,1. 1 ohotneo,t of the Ding 1.4c,:u haul, in \Veils 10 p. , rl., east by lands of J It Wr'..tht and I.t.t . adla 14 Eiciel--/Ailt It WiES a Mild SpOt She Cou'.4l rail her i 1 1 '. 1 " ,.. 1' ; 4 1,,.. ,„,,,hl, l . 1:,, 1106'6• 1,10,;',.ay het,, ~,, , - . .,, , .. .hi , A.1.511,-1,11.x. soAh,r tot'of told in \yens It:141;06a , • ' 0.1 ~.. I. .. ;.. tv..- br-nintidt It the s A.' es,3 . 111 11/1 :A..0 - owa. 1-rota that. time she comment - en saving moo- •51 arren Filra3:cr. containing 44r ilet , S, ntrre Ir I ~.,..,:.,:-.,,,,•,,,,, ~ .„ 1 , , , , 7_,,. „,,,,',,,, ~,,,,,,, „ I, ...alb 1 i h, ,,, ,,i , 11..;%. i ;:ls d ot i t ,. : , ;;l n toire ir s j i n n i , , 1 . 1 . t h ;‘ , ....' i t1 ,, ,. vt 1 i . t t i r t i, ! , r , T , t , t ,. : . :1 ,. ) . 1 1 7 , 1p . e .; , „ ‘ ,.11, ...`;: zi. " ii iii : • ": „. ' , ,: 1 ,7 1 ',`,: ., ` , ,.,,`;' ,, i * ' . ,:„ . ': 2 , 5. 0 , ,,, ,. 0 , i ,.. ,.. ey hi .111 : 41 her a bonic. Mr _ nivonS went small, irr.sily . the savings , from her two- u_.l P T" , I; +.;it trees illor•on. Stlzed, toil tali 4. n ILI. c &eel.- 1 I . , r"'' ' 'l ,'S ",`,',1,11,„",,'''',;-"„',''`t• " I'', t , l ' e t''' ' " ' , " , : : • 14 . 1 1,‘ 1".. ..T . , . " ,, 1 t . evai, whi c h :die tended herself. lint withfilutt (1.4 at the snit ,of J A Bloom's use, vs ‘Vdrten l . c 1 i u .,. e . i ,.. ,; 0 '" . ` 01111 , ' 10 "- ,....:T t q. ;: ' : ' :' , .„ ' , ` , 1 ,1 " 1 1 ‘ ,. ,.. r i;,.. - : z . ,. , , ,,,,;',,,, , prseverehre w,hleh ' characterized her whole life, 1•_... 4 . ' . / g ht• 1 xl.St.l—One etilei• lot of land In Pike twp borMl• ' L''''',' lion °I 1 " t N" l;:7 ' lir"3""r" r de.."`l"" . fht. alter a lit:net/cc of years bad the reiptired led ~,, iii, „„rill by , i ,ittltvi ho‘r owned and uz•ettpl , •lt . t1,1:3.1 ~,,° west 1.11. ',-11.1 , ,,; theic t e. al,, , lt u g n p , ,_1 , 115 t. 1 111 antchnt. hero she was opposed by her husband. I i Wm i'derec. east tty lauds of •I 31 114.,.ham, ...Mu . 1 1 ,„ 4 . 1 ,, 1 . 1 • 4 5 :` , t 0 :5 , 4:i i: 47 1. 0 ‘ 4 .. .': 1 " , 1' , ..2 1 7 , 1 ..0 :! .,, T a t . : - g 16 1 , 1 • .- •, 1 ,, : , ,.. Ii . Ile rentetJa . l.lace, and began to move. She went :, I ,2 l, : v ia :: . (l a il i ° , , r g 1 i 1 1 i u 4 , 1 , 4 1 5 Z , Y; > 1 . 1 :,,,,, n L "1 1 „1,1 ' ..7 t i1 1 ;; ‘ ,., f t l , l : u l , l :: . ' - i n o r of hat S i te ...... t, aftefee'S,34l„ co n rcycel 1 9 I 1311 ma, IL the soma day to 1 e saw 13111 with her bill of lour , Wm Plerre to Itrushvilte. coot:den g :5 ~,,,.,.„,, ~,,,,;,, ! Comp.mt, ',oral 1.. a .? 1;:t.......: u.t i s=top. to m ih i g:!l r al... i i: . :lf 11E . r,'T.Alicil E./Ad hod canted to be made (nit by 3 or lens. it being Itir same lot conveyed by Etta. Mt 1- 1 , „ I . b :t g ..1 1 1 " 111 1 e " lt ; i/7 1 :11 ' 1 1 4 i .A . I ' ' ' ll ' tt 1.7 . 4.. f ti l • l p . r o r il e e er'it fe ' wr.a.l.4.s: ' ::. earp ' enter,! and Grdered It sawed. Ile then quit ' „,, , 1" ,; a 1 1 1; 5 4 .; , 1 . re ii - i 1-r`..ann N , Vrt" ....1,, by , ! kea d '" . '; ' " ‘ l ‘ : belt., - ; tot 7. , : , . 1111 1 . I.f ;he allotment of tue .flit.g.• a, with Oise frattnn barn. tont ow. orated , mo v i ng and w e nt t o work gotiing lout at .' timber , tn.l taken loto citeentich at the suit of:W at S litt. 1 "In lauds 111 %.(."'8 top. • • A itc r she ittat gm her house einnuteneed, she want. : 'Os * toe vs Prestoli Wllmm. 1. A I.So— tine other lot of lard in W.,11s ttyp,la.t.ll4- . A lest'—ltite oth , r tot of land in • Wrllllll tr,7p, ed. a:. tonous: begin:nog at the s w con of, let .No ea to Lave some fruit trees; b 0 she weut to a friend l • Is.londed as fi.ll , ;W:: IrEgladiliEff at the center of the ILI, onlveyed 1 , , John .1 darter.; thence ohno; the '41,04 A nil:a tillatit• and helped did them u p• : higkwaY n1 11 1; 1 1 1 7. 11 , 111 the' csidallt . n. flake r sdo . ‘,)l .Wcst std; of said lot and MO west line of t o t NU 211. , . There were so many she had to go three or four In , i - o to Leonard's' Steen rail.; thence east tdong . ISlS.Asyr3ed to ,Jerse St.e.pard, wen ottrti . l I 1 ;? i . : the ,ontb Hoe or „ta . ,•kmat ,5,..,..:,.v . a tut dd Jaidc, 1 1,309 1;3 a.;op; chance et Nu along hoe of lot u , till, timea, and these edge carried and set out. At the : Twileve. lot; thzt,re touch st4nti.: the west lineof i (t-a:' l, to eu , i1122-Irp: thence along the south line time of herdeattif_he hid over a hundred trees , James rwilegers and C fl Leonard's clots to the t of Sot No tru stave' described, north e 59 west tIO that bore fruit. These she tended with great Care. ' 11 4, 1111.e:1st corn. ret Necr,fll LEo,nsnrs lot; thence , adOp; Ibt . ll‘:l2 .1 tll7 'Wen ill.o 11/ tut No 3...3, . abe bum a l am reostr/a f oidg the north line of said Neweit Leonard's I a , ,,: - .. - said, conveyed to Thomas llttittnik and line of After elle had Millt her lin ' loi to the centre of the highway; thence north along iMI Nll 2io. con ~ e. yed to stetie,snlltd I,ia l ? west 11-I.And 1.And then lthe ton that bet, wor k w a s none, and, thz.ft3llttent the highway to the plant of begl34.lllg; i 5-It !Genre still along 11111 V of lot , No 24 0 . 1914th well donetand she often said that Ole wanted to i eon:sluing 6; acres of laud, mere or lets, about ao j nal4 4 east 3a T-top, and south. S}l° west 51 , tdop; [ • a , res Itmoroved, with I board house, ' I framed barn, i unit thence along the north lino. of lot No 1,...4 cut live until she got e _lttytblng.tized as she Wanted • and orcfrad of fruit trees thereon. .S.Azed - and 107 1 1.10 p,, to the place of beginning; contain:og G 7 It, and then she was ready ,to go. '' And so by her lotion into eireennen at the salt of the Second Na- Ie- to arre.Y, more or - less * . with litiet ;1t41.21 1121014EV1 et! ILIA/T1. 4 . 117 and perseveroodo she Willett i Wee Intl* , V:t Dal* or' .Elm ira , l 4 e ll. Yur"_ 00 ' lll . .9 u. i t:ti o r,c u ,`,.. t tr t ,:; i r t ,t l ,; in i b. b e w itg li tut v rjf w u r r . acme for b et , haill°l4ll/ --/ 1 deensitni and 7r . r A.1.A....0t10. ocher 'tot - for tuna- id:Asylum fft' I !roe above described 4 Into of laud' Lein tbuSattlo - tie bat iroekitt7pittliist4 aattlaprcrved . ift.:' , ltSlK" ... . 7 ltuoiu.a4. nor th br lisids of 11.EITAsberrr art4.'W i ' boll onlifiSe4. l iy; Ww - Bil l itta 4u o rl 'n' s4 # 3 # 14 Si ... i; te)l ' 4 -iia1"4:444)-1144.1044:_,Lift1i4P-]/4041P-00iiia 4.."- r • 140 " 7/ -i .1 4 , 07-11 . 114- Pn. - 'tri g ~, ..7 . !1 .080,24, V=Ts aZ d _e,o assort mi.4l-trtvisl,A • -- ,--.,.. • • •.•,.: smut toodvisr•Jscob..lltaiss: Mid °MOE, ns.,Yricr:,•o re ed, to iti 1. • . _ ''... ...0 , -. 4 #o.,,=Lim i. Prrallstimigfog's.iyirilitetc.iiii..agitairniktik - /K.SajoAliit l l36Kttivr. - 14.. , '' lintswissittlimitrilllfiliritilgilllikittiMigligligki l , . (1:,•4I nt tli.• "f y••ar, I It Alt. ‘v: -4 .1. OP.it 11.4 r :11..t1;t•rlia 11:1 . t 1. ill 4 :t slwrt 'a• p.ffielLee. Sht• f:,m v: , •ry 111 - at .•11tor :h,it •lip• Iv.•:1 , 1 to v... recover. tt:t.l ,tlt. tt,•%,tr t•ttpre , ,t.,l i4l lo • ,h- t•c.ly dig , If It t,a, [tit. wlll, ttittl she. 1,18111.!.1 r.•,f •,•1 very lst. , She .ho .% 11.1n.1s lwr I:ttiC gratallittighter , . and talki4l i:nly a 111110 while li.•;',•;‘• yhc .11,1. fill, loved Ilitt , e drat little eldhlren, SHERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue or sundry writs biS,3l`4l CM: of the Court for CoMMOU Pleas. WIH 1111 extqwetl to pthlle ',Cu A! the Court Dow,. In the borough or Towanda. on FRIDAY. the I.s ,Ini - or liceember. trirtr, :trout. o'clock, P. 5t...111:• foilowlng de,erth...l property 1 lino, lot of land lo Col,toohla :ylo Armenia tape , bounded on the non!, I , y lands of .11,611 litliliv.l) and .1311W5 UtrNall. (.3. , :. IN NMI of II and I. peett, uttil hy Illroli ot Prank '51.1 .- „-att anti 11 , ,race lIa• gall, andipest by land or Helen hied, eoll'ak it ng =1 aerep , . none or Iv,: It Itll//4 Ihe same farm bow In po.s:”.4lutt of Earl Eennt.tly under Cit! , :e. about 1 . 45 Improved, wltfi a framed house . . rnimed baro an few fruit treea, thereon. S.Azed and taken lobo f•?,4,11111111 at the s n it S or E1ea,...1, I'..now9y 1,,, If A (•.t,.• and I.,plllToinllnmn. akt ministratoni Of John Totullusom ilk• I'll 311 I.Ydi.l TOlllllll%ll. I,s 4 )—One other lot of INI.I In Pltie top. bottriq'- e,l on the north by th , pithlle highway tending ft opt Lelfaysvllle 'to Potter ' . h•; east by land ~1 Win I:rink. sou I, IT tarots of Wit Itrlnk awl S •ytmetr Wilson, west by I:111;1: of Nks John* III:rill:Won vont:11111ug ti a,eres tit land. mole 11,0,, tio lin- I and tetien Into eNeention at the stilt of 1;e0 Ny Batley, eo'r of Dablel dee'd, vs John Al larrltigh• n. ALSO-11,w otlit•r lot of land In Athen, ta, l o,:f hounded on the not lb by ,latal, of the 11, if it CO. east by New St. and ;Huth AIY fat... of Ml-1 rha •I Main/ and Patrick Noll, yontahilinz .1, 111 or an :irre of htn.l, ti?ore r le—, with I train( fie, ta•clf; tr. 1 frm n ed ham .12i'olt ft. With :tv ad.lf tI.11.::“014/ ft. :4•17,,1 amt takru Into (•\" 1 1.•11!..1y11. n• the stilt of the Fir,t• National !tank of-Athens y, I II I' Sontill..l 1•;..y, )r. A Ine lot Of 1:111(1' .tii, Troth nn Cite east by late) of %Vtnitemielt.- soot!, I.) Puler, W • -; by ll••nan4 eooi.tio 1:111,!. 117 , 4 , Ii• - ••• all 11111 1 , 0, 01 i, h a f...t0-,1 nut tollNtllig mot tic crol , ft qi, , trol, '••••1/ . 41 and tah. t, !btu y 1 0 , 1111 , 41:0 Ili , .t 11: r llros s .w It, .' I I •r :01 IEI. I :‘1.1111 . y. Al.: - .tl-oa. 4.111 , r 1 , ,1 tanloil !IWO, 1 ,0 11111104 011 11.44,1,111 i I.y hoot. of WM I.V V.., soot 1, ..nods att 'A In e.1•411:4 Tioy •••••;.1 , - kat: ••••• f•e-t oo [oh •Is 11, lit:00 111 rt lialfa!", X. 1 1 :”. I 41,31 1 '0. •• ,, , , rj. , 11 jj.• tr :I; T. ,•;1, , t • ”r i;/11.1 Iv I. 11 , • , 111 /.V 15. 1,1:1d, 4L+ m. S' , •-t I , y : - 31.a • k 1.1.<••. ,•2 1.. I. arlo, ti., e./••1- , ,t; , 1 I A••it .*4 I, ttihlEkt , „ a 11.111. 1 •, It Ll , .rtt 1.tt1tt..4 a flo.•,1 11. .1111:1,111:1 •t 7.1 3 7.. tut.: , .•• .1.r.t.1 tt tint, •••. L l lll, f I) U. I , ar, :1041 1 11 .: •It.ltt 4 11 r ll ' c• 1 ' 11 1 • 7. .•-i•,14. I. c. 1 t, t. I •ias ; 1;, 1 1 . I. 1, V r ~ • , ,, • .1 tAsti• 1•,114,4/I'l.lolll. MEM I,• rp, 1, :II 11..•• • , ..• • 1, ,, 1114 I•" ,„,,,, ,• 'l.lll, 1::1 II 1 . :; 17' v. • !;,,i,!! 17 , •••••• to 11, :•.1 :.• ,1:,;:o 7- :IPA .1 , ‘..1•_;,, 11•111 =IMO MIIIIIIMiI 1111 El 'I.. 1 ,t 1 I„ k1 , '"7 . ‘,1 ' T3' r 111 04tt.. • 1_ ',l i F I L' i I. ll ~. i .i MEE It; IBM 4 , 1 , 1 !,,o• •... 4 ! 4 •11 • :r•11 , it ' 4 - 4 0 - 1 -- 4 I tt '.I 1... 1'1 . 41 • t ^ •l I I! 11, II l' r, :tp 1 I, S% twit al •! 'Co .• !•• i • : •••1 MdN =I , 111)1;:y ;Ly f.;; .A! • 21 )..21,11.•,1••r 2.4 2 . • '•• 21 ~ -on t v 1,1, .1 ..4 4 :14.r /':on:. • I? 4 .••411.t231,1,.i; 4; l' Ilia' h,, In r r --, 1.4 ,11'. hop I, v. PI, !r 114. , -.•.. 1 ham, ..1411.,1 1. 2 • 1 •• • 211 • 2 ~ 1,• •• • • 2 2-92, • { , '222.••r 2.12 '.l 1.1 • • •to, ihr 1,1,..rn by 11:,41-,4 11,1. y 'V 411. Mr, A (~, 4! \1,.1)1,61 A 1:1.'.• ! v H.O It. •i. at: 1,4.41..2:- I, II: I 4 . • 122 01.i11;.2 2; 3 . 4 iffi ! ,r.•,•.i. n 4. no, • •••:. ...1414,111; 4:4' ,••• - il•, hi. yr. ....;-:.,.., -.. , ?-:.'-" i';'" r .. :- .l '• ',.. '''',' ' , 1111111 MEI =ME =MI MEI lII= 11=EMMI EMI I 1 , t I MI I . \ I i I. ( I _ , IV . %, V. lIIMIM =ME =EI 11111 MEE MEI MEM ,•• t r I: • . .1 •;;,,-, 0 7. a •. ‘• .; I =I I ! I I-C.,. I r or ! !! = MEM IMEIII IMM E fiE I.` 1,11 1,1 t!.•• 1 IMM 1: xi , SEM ENE Legal li'estbrook: eontalititig CS ar reA, mote or infix, about r.,.1 Acres ifnprove& with OW! fr.ttned house anti few fruit trees thereon. , Seized and taken hitt, exeen t lon at the Snit of Seth !tuition+ use V. Montlfnniery Vanl-rpool. . A f.vt I—One other lot of 1311.1 in Athens ty..p, holfidtql as I'Ol4W :h.. hvginhitig at a po-t nit i.t Su 147. the s A eor of said tiwitr.“ l lees! If 7 r... 1, rn a tuAttt (ileum. north 45 , 1 rod.: to a po , t; therole cast jol. rods to a post war a }AltI:Vt." 1 ree: thettett south 47, lt 11$1.110 UPI of ernitain. Illg 3o acre:, oftjatill, more or 1,0, i:hou I, to . onprocri, a Itii 7 frantrti hotly: and a rewind: tree , I.t-trett tal"co Into eseeottoti at tlO. ..oil i,r A Ifveul Ittifin..tt John It "%Viggo'', litter lot 4,r i:1:111 l.t Ath. ns tyfp h00n.10.1 a: follow , : 1...g10010g ht the renterof rheum tiorth along the lit..of lot Ni. lA7 to tot No ea,t ,lift to lot N.. rift sown along the WV. Of lot N., ts: - , tai l'ul•ev-%t: s, i t t to to, Loa,e of hogintilrtf...tot.t..." lug 311.111 M tot lot Ni. {..6. hid •wfi Lc F. hr . !: 4 111 SO.1:11 ita% tog thorooO 1 fr... 11:. 10%1.4. ao.l few frit'a and taLf , fl luu, f.70.f . a1f-ti at the tilt of Jog,' 1-Ilk' tr..t. Vs (litotes r II:11111 . 1. • A • other lot or I:11111 ill Irr,: . :111:11 1.010% 1.r0g:41,1 as twiner,: t o ginning at tot .0.1 to alts Klll;f•hift y.; VII lII'. of M;.in. feet, 11..1,110r1y g str-t•I thew,. a :ding free, Di% 1-1. , i, •1 r,•••;: Aon , lenly ol:z the -3.,t 111,.. of .al.ll It to the f )Ir , N • !IV: Ili 1,,," Or 1.".1t.g.,tt0t y If, GI" 1, ;zit, :dog: all Itoptost .1 V. I r: h./::-:•. .1114 t• I••• VOL: • a.”.. h 11 - M.•:111•• %VW V.. t I roi.. 04, trill,r 1"7 of P).l r.,. flot• nortllThr,l f „, The !I It 1, 011114 !,•• I !I t t•ttt. :It , 1- Itt•!1 1,,f; :I;rer 'Oll I N;:tin !;1•11; -nit nt lit 1...N1i•:‘• , ;. 's 4 ii 11. , • : ‘,.--().,1• 4,r 14!.,1.1:. in.,: a! try.• !r• -nnln-s; 11.4, r••., rr r ~f Nt. r. - ‘: !!..• =EI ti 4.! .I; • ! 4 , 11 . , .J.,!.•!" sae.•l, c't: P. v 6 o:!, .•f I.y 1:1!• , !- , ` ,v hy , • I If I :•,. ,- • I" s• r ' , •.t • Ti I • r,t), t I t -, t ..I f•i •!, V. I 0): !.ii. • .. .•% f ••• • J l• . v• - MEM =I MEM INOM I , i ISINII I .11; vt. r I • . :( ;: o, , ! i •• - !. I t I. ' • I i =OE I. I. =mem Ell I t - *; * +.! A • ;.•• fr ,III!?1ri;.•i. •;- I 1..1 @Er 1.• • I I A 1 .: q..y lii d. t ~1 ro • i • Mil ME 1.., • • ,1 ,pr 17 , Z:tla::,•g .. a . : n 1 . .•1:•1 , .111 1.1 -I SI:I - l!z I:• Vi .1 Ft ul ;A! :1-t•L; ,t, ~ t:t••••I :t. !tjo •; ~.I7 • ;11.hi V••lit ! h • I s: h 1 ,104 t•.. I it , • •! .4 1•1.1 .": ; at 1., 1.1 •Jfl:-1a1t... , 1, 150 if, 0, • ;1.1:54,h. h•-• „...: .t. MEI N., 11 IV.. 171% .Itt• iu =I I ,;•1. 1. -1, 1;IMIII g IN • .0; • :•.t !• ;,, =EI =IA =EI MIIIIII =MI =1 MIMI 111111 MIMI MEE Mil BEIMMIEI 11111 EMI lIIIM ME 4.f I.r:.r =II I f:.1•1 ME Ili • EMI L A y 1-4 -1:v viol • 4 ME _ acres, mare or foss, alumt 144) acres improved, with framed hoagie,' 2 framed. Lams and orchard fruit, tre64 tia ,, rottn. Seized and lak, , n lota ex!eu. lion at the ,nit of Fr.ll Halt vt , Sl I, l'arnn.rter. A.1.,1,:-fudother got 4/ land in Welly ttvr, b00n,11,1 north by 'and!, of .103 , ..ph Grover, east by iawk.or eltarles Snffern,'solotth by lands of tier man tioiburt and we,,r by ntuds of John :Autilyan, eO, tasnlng,l3o arreg; more or if•MK, MOW. Improv.4l, nlth 1. framed hens. I framed barn 4,al tilere o ll. al sin .nit of :!iylianna Varann•ktrk W Itaut-bi.. :11y) at :nth of Wni,a -v,clV 11 • A Lt-4 5-4 In , otber 1 , -,t of Land In North 'rowanda . .01.1 ti,,,0 1 ,1e,1 north by 1:111.1 , of li:iffill•FinfilMry and barn ill by tarts of Lynnt, and .I,dm and Thoi by !awl, of .I.,bn lb•rry 3114 Ja1111 . 6 Lynch and west 4iad~ of 31orrls 51,1)0nant: - Guutainlug .10 :lot , 4., ~r 3 1 4 ,,, :t :J 4 l 1111111.ATIL. With re:llll.4i I fr:1111,1 b.tru, l 11:1111Cd :V , / f, .mll tal..irlutit, 4 '4 , 1,, at . lb: . M 3,1 1 .11 1 .:. J,:bn z‘h-thl: •1 , — ,, 111.11111,r lot of 11111 , 1 li,. TlV , Ancla bon , . ' 4 l ;tr.-t, cat by' tot of 11 V by land, of .1 F Nkl , ..t by lot a by , ;:bfiltt. r fl ;l1: , 1 110 It 4 , 1 , , iot 11 , lA. as .11 11otp of I'e: Ii ifil a l v.o sti.ry fralue•ll a11 , P(.4113 , 1 lInP. 'li Ito,. In 1 , ..•..07.101t of 4 . A GrI:o.:01.f. IR-r .11141 lot lit 11.1 41 it %V , ,,1t.111 ,1/1 . el hy 11,1 L o w I , .'”..ihy .Cobh, 11./110 I' A faa, 1. for I,y dil-y or lot. •I ts. •r. 14• u.;; and aLont yllo 'n”lin , 11 , 1.Ci.t.11111141_1•:, ,, 1ii , 15 31 slit of , v,',% I:nn/.:111. ,-11— ofawl I. W it I; •osin kv..l lao•I fool , Hi Iti;if,•. I II;k11:..4: 'tl EMI =IC I= '.ll 'l,, • -; 1., •••,..h•• I 1; I J'. ••!..! -r t)t • , !:“ = =MEMO Ii I ; 1 • LI it , • •.. :/, 1./ =MEI t;; I. C t.^~. .I lEEE n-(1 4 - INESI El lIMI Mr 4“, lt•• I: . P.II• . 11 :1 ! II ti, 1..•21 3, 1. F lo, •1, El! ••.• ' ..r.• ; '.• t.. 1••• ctl V. 111 t...:, • ; L .rt.4l- I N l• : 1-•••1h v,s t•• I 1 Irani-A -7, A; L. os4 ~rte n: :••• 1.• ;• I. •• s.•• it tc it: 1 .•f .1 , ; * •t . 1 1; W:n r 1,11:4 I l railtpti I 37 c!... Z..• II 4 h\ - 1:10 • ' ‘.•-! , 4 lir \ . :”..r. - r 1.••••• 9.1 1 rr.til 1 1.,111.5.,4 TI 31 , !.o.• at I, t.t/II . ..... , •1 , 11.•1{ A Jan, =II =I LEM MI ~—,,•••• •r ••( ••••:, ‘1 , 3111 i • •••1 ' 4i to .11 • t.; 1: • I:1, t• 117:'• i • •/ Tit i::•1‘1••: ! t.::T311.11.14 y!au ;1‘,1111•\, , I, Lai 1 711;:1 Itti.'il at :hi Off 11 mitt %.• . Mil of 1.11:•1 t : 5 in T,.r. A. r , aovre ef • ',WEIt . I 111 . 2 I t.% 11.111 t le ,n 1 to :no. t 1,:1r r:i •-r, g 0.! S. ,1. , ,,,7145ik at 1112 Ntl.f. cl 31,irt1 1..• klry. l_on n la:01 in .1!!,:uly s. liy of i'.,nl;n:z a I 1 latori lalid Ilt•v••:ly ar.,l inoro• or %%I:It I I infi :1 .I.r, tt , •• •It.t ..f 1 , : 0,t Jolm Jles..nyc .11 (.11r.r . i t ..f In )Iw-on , 1. ;1 1.1.:":11 `,lty of A I. l'iitt:titt - r. tit' 'NI 11 vrn•el 1.991i19g: Stion vit• to ill- :t1 1.; ‘st.vt by 91 ft f rota oil ii it. o it it triititittt fr.1:9,1 kit 119.11,94' . 4 , ! vit..;, Sort.. hitt, vitt,' tick or M 1/e-1:11', n•t. vs Ii NV FlAit•i-.1 144 or 1at.,1 to •, „ by 1;t1:1H of If 3101.1141.10ery ali!J 31c 1.1 " 11 .nalt ,ast I,y 13711, ot Intuit.' 31 41'44r1y: I. !WA , of PUtr:i Ntet'art: solith 1.:. the uorritne • 'Ol Jolla Pri. r tram: 1414d1.114;.; I Oi 4 a."reS. heqe, or 14 . ,..„ 1.0 ti,ized and tal.en into' ex •.•.0100 the Nt:i4 Clialb•S U' right's el - rz v, Itt to Itoviz•Nell :And to-lik.iger,, - 11 • A -1---, tot? 0111 , E 4.. t of land In Wyaiiti.ing two: north ty ;:tvirkot Bixby; 0. 0 .3 by lands 11l llowaid and It W F.olth by lat. tix 4.1' ii•lf It txl.•. I'm:dee and Geo If %runes: WeSt , by it, XV tat to creek: containing 114 acre:, Tlikirt• ui i . •••• 1. .1 (I.llllAi bait!, Mid urchin.: of trait Ire, s thereon. Seized and taken hit,. ext.:4llllm 14 04..1111: of (Inn ml. v,‘ Itollenhaek, Also at: . toot ol 'AI te.e v, CII Hollenbark.• .\L ,, (•--4)ne other lot 'of land twp, 1,4 , 111441. A north by Dlvklon-st. east by bind of Iltny al.i F.lntyr, -south by land, of liugh Hot; and mist Ly land+ of I 1 4, Clark: of an acre, 111 3 15. au :eziS, With (111 e franoql home and few trust tree, tte.reon. S..ized and taken Into execittinn at the suleof John 3teri4le'4i uS., ('lll rll I:o4thint. A.. 1. I.AYTON, Sholtr. T.,a - antla, Nov. 13. Aun Frott.s. oTtc E.—Geo. C. j s Virirn d NI Lir FO. T. 074. La ate Co u rt of Common 1.1 , 101- !..ro county. , iiinfrrsigneil, auditor app , ,inte.l by th.• emir; to ,thqrintin• fund • iirisihy.: _ft..ni stirriirs sz.re of de:rndanl•.+ esiaw. iiirehd 10 .iaties of his anvointiurlit at hti hinee in Tun - audit. Ott Thursday, Nl.ol, , iiitii - r2.3, PM:, a: 1 o'clotß, v;'.. mica and wia.re all permaii Lavihg elahus lJnui intim prct , i , tit thew, or Int forepriir. debar/Ili fi CUIIIII , g, lu lipt , lt the J.tmEs NV0 0 1.), Auditor. ME . PI'LICATION INDIi - ORCE. ..„...4_, —To ti.intuel 'S. l'hlllliet. No. Vri'3fay T. fs:o. -.:tio are benthy notified that satcatift ha (.. Phillip, your wife, has applied to tho Court of (*.Mown I'lfas fora invoree from the bonds of inatrinfon - :1, apt 1 si-aid cot rt has aprint.td Monday. the 4th day of Dee., 1, ta, for hearing the said ifiainantha l'., . lit the pre:a site, at m.hteli tinta and place you can uttend if you Whit proper. . Vet at-w• 1. . . A. J. I.AIiON, Sheriff: A 1 1 -PLICATION IN DIVORCE. —To Cardona M. Trarcri. So 100. De r , T. 1S Tuu are hereby uotltled that Cbauury D. Trureri, vont' husband: has Waled to lb° court of Cotutacat i'leas of Bradford Couuty fora divorce freju the 4ohdi of rua&twany. and.: the said part has alb? pointed Mauday. Pee. 4..1874; lajbe- court haulm ,10..rovraudii, for bearfair the. matt Clutter. 110 PrOggitthig - Nt, .1 1 14. 4 4 1 /iggiviaßegi,al l4 ` Utill,crigrop4;•-,F,4.< 'Legal. • , (wt . . 140,14. , 13...,41.. : NV 4., :44 . 4 - •H 1/111.1', • .1 II 44 1,.11 • • t :•••• 1., :.(I.i I '.V 1. j. ( . 1:of ITT /61 .•vs•: ... BEM =ES I 1 z, lIIMMEEM ECM =EI REM MEE IMEMI= =lll }.. 1. I't .\':{ .- t i =I =OM N't . I . l' I . I • I t 1111 I/1 MEE :,, 1 11 OM ~. ~ ~ MEI IMES C i . IIEIMMI is =IN MINIM 11111 BEE BEE =MI MEE =I V. 1.. I I`L• •L 1 ....11, IL 4.-•4 I'M 114 1.11. 011 '.•l EG ISTER'S -NOTlCE.—Notice: isltereby given that there has been -'Wirt ftt •• so: office of Register of, W in and for the County - of Bradford aecounts'of aduthaistratien'upon the tot:owing estates. six: „ 'Partial account of W. B. Es7P - 4f A. W. Wilcox, late of Leltoyydeed. . icluai account of John McGovern,irdlan of Alice McGovern. minor -child of John 3 r cOnvorn • Final account of Charles .I)anglierty. adner of- Francis W. Daugherty , late of Orwell, deell. Final ar.i•ount S.C • ,‘ltrivey. guardian of • Chas snyder, minor child Of ()trio I). Snyder, Partial account of j. A. and Marfa Bloom, admrs of - Elislia Bloom, late of Canton, deed. • rinar:WCUUllt-orG. W. timer, ca'r of . Elbert 11. late of Asylum. deed. • 3,,,,iunt of Levi Noble. guardian of L. 311 , • K In io-y. u,lnui ,quid of Itussell 3feliinney. • Final account of Win. W'ollf, ex - rot Jullus,Welff, late of To)vandit; Final L.mock adrn't of Bet-- C. * • , :e. late of L at - count of Jllrot:i I'. McKean. guardian of Chcsier F. Decker, Inl nor ehltd of A 4141r0q),:ecker, 13ti' of :-..prlogneal, flve - 41.! • ' Final Accottiit, I:ete-d. i fiarrPtt and Latllida - • Barrett, adlorm of George I'. itarrett, kite of Sprifigtield, dee'd. • _ Fin:da,,otint of f'. If. Ifardlitz and cltas Nv.-i J. adnCr's of A‘a Pral I. Lata• canton; dpe^,l„ Flea! :u • unit of fleorke g.t. WeAt, guard:no rat, Ee..a tVe-t. Ejoal arvotlla of E, li lie and Lantok Whip-1 antier' ef -4 , ,ttatlta:t IV") ipple. late ot , I% , .rttal a , roont of 11. IC ;Williams. 'W., :1, Jayne and It. 'X. (':ark, 'xr• , 11 - right,. late (4 ( - aw!. al-tt the .tprrab.ement proro•rty set off by, and tol!ert. u, 141 , 10WS the fol- Jot'!n~ I tooglai. I'3FISOII. !•:•t:ltt• of 1).1111 ,- ) P. -• is •t; of tmiopfott Wegt. • F •fflte of P..tlsiu K. Collies. satand Win;,tton. of A ;of., W. Nchtt:.,x - i - - I of )to„, • • It. 4;4_ , ~ " "111. cf ',At. zstordf.vattL, 1:•oate ~f ',VW:II,z tiff , -rd, I.:,i,te. of .I,,hin E-111,(.k..v.•11 (4 Job% or l'afro t; it •iley. • of 1)3, - 1.1 Rito•bari. ' of f ',ear I::!bet., 1 , ....tat•• of Jobe I loorlf.f.tn. F.tat.• of ,111:11. , nil tin' ` , :411),` NVI:1 !tn• pre , ..eted to the Orpente4 cs or: of - 1:,:c1 , 0r' , 1 co'iote, Pee. 7.1 , 7 , 7,3 t lotelork, I'. NI.. for, oberoi.ttior, abd ll= r• .... . N.tr'.6.. 1 , 74. f A N'S COURT SA 1.E.-13y A ,. 7, ~f an tn.' Orphan-3 =I or (13 • Lo. ‘t 11111,:all t . o•talotit: Or..:101171 ti W !50.% firaliford vomits. I'l.. •;-• • ~••••11. V•ii; •-;•)•••••••• tr. 1•;;I•i11 - ••1, Th•aFai-ty. *2 r. ?!... •P!, The 1.1,11i1••••••. lo• fo,;ltoc;Laz ,• c(.111:!y and ro:1:4% , •:•• : Lot No. 1.1 , orokto:ol. 4 - 1 - I„fil.oitoz A a ~,r 110 .• ••ti 1)w 1,1 th lit b•. -,rand a. r.i , a.r a 7:::::k.ll:.liestr • • tyl.st i•liZlity.••••Vvll 1o•I••11- _ ‘• •,) qr"' • n: 11IN: r o'ait:l: forty . :I: g , ••••• : , •otoit tx , huc 1 E•relfer to N't . :01,11::. Creek. thenee thelo-o , •no•Ilalf dogroo , . INTts • C•• , p•rcll , -.. %.•••1‘ ,1•1:1 ....... four trritl; potclo•. , , ' • , '•1•••• .. ; ... .ai 7,s Irrot • p„) - 01.•.. mar, or 0 r ,,, ". g' , " , !i! . 4 a: a ..7 4, 111 -, 3h.1 • 11,-trot ..r• • !': th!ry- • ,„; 1.•• r• ;10•11 , 0 -11,r111 4r,-,„ rt , •1";;V-NIX. '•••• •••114 It Emily r, l•r••• , • ;“•••, • • •••.••,•I 1•v•-••;y. o•oth El OEM II IM =MEM 11 - ;•, IRE irk n Th.. ',1.71 , ( fit tc. =ME ,•••• 11Fe•litV , ,No ••1!I'" :11!•1 MEE ME 1" - r , !: 0 -: 'to or 't ::101 tWal- V ' , . . . ... \ . • \1.•", i':.• iii.,11,! , 1-.1 , r:-..! , . 31f- I lilfi , r,t (.1' ilir • : n 1,,, Ti. .•. 1. ,1,.. ~,,,i, i:, th.. f..!, ;,it f..:11, .-- h lz . •I • v. ' ''t T. , 11-nt ••••sellty l• Ild :n , •-1.1; 1: 11 h ihiry Th1;. , •••,..1 CI,- •-f,:oh, r: II Si \ r.a.t thirty' f„11r.1. ii w, 1. I .1 , - • EMI EEO IMM Is - ; hcs..,l ortil •,••• 1 , th.•:1 , •• I,lqh d , •- :L•T vi•-,••;1 , 14;1 . 1- , eriths hcs; t .vt.n!yst.o co• cclltatoisig . fiVe acres of 'awl, \•, '2. it. nt .point norir the am••.l.• AVy:.,:ifsfor, fromthe .100 y-four • 1 ,1, he, s.roiN tl ! on'2o, S,,ii II •iv.ty !rtif perdp.s. • /1 r r .] t:1: r•.'l . ghr ;b e 1;1.. of Ferrli,s of 1. h • ;1, , 1 . 1 i 1.• 14:•;.• to ho paid •ro. • y frol.111414.• 111111 fr.oo ~• 11 Wll , ll struck , 1"w ywelia... 01(1titr one va r from •of ,r•• ; timt• i2.c0.11,t1 r. ? Sat rwifir ar..r v..fthLn from date of .:roor tap, of •, , •".'", , ,14.11. .141!!N 6. ..7i(ji1(.)1" ...Vyallo•ing,, = MBE () 1 Z l'Il.A SS. C!, - 11. 7 . ITT SATE:-By vl I.:ant of an order 1.-11,..1 out of the Orphan,' - ,-; .4 Itta.ll - 1,7,1 Connty, the trntor- ign.,l. ail - n'..tritrit. -,:' lb.- o•t - rte of Ira '.l.ltitn:. late cf „i :ili•-;.1 I:'1,, doe ',I. ssi!l expo.e to paldii: - , lle en, 1.% :•'O.•-4 ty. Novo,tll,.or 15. 1,..7t1:at7. o'clock p. in., ~.. 1.1 , •01i.•••:, th , • I.tflotving d.0...r11, ,, d property, •:. y•. , in Split htio!,l twtp art,l tv.ttuded a, foi!ovr., o ,no ', r:11 1, i:V.II. Of I :trk 3lttriz , ilan.t, 17t,t i !:.!.11 , of ,!,1, 1 , , ,; Voshnrv. *oath hv land , of .lon- .:•:1,.•:,t I .y lands of Itch •rt \I.-tlotp. , ll and Tem- ~ '!•., t• 1,, c,•:.t.itin Int; on,. tonalt'ed act ,, , Imprnced, 1-,1111, :...- •ror tt : :,,ott the ng: rottt•rty being struck' .1 o.:La-q;‘ , -'olirtil of the resilltot ttpun tilt* ect.tirtna : 'll7 • Of sa l' it:l4 11 , I' 1 , :f1an.1 . 1 . in II.:0 ftpa: ann oat in :.n tit, herttafter, with 'lnt..ro,t. • t; 2 .1- AUREI.I.t 1. - UW.I 4 IN I), - • AtlndnitAratrix. ,- I TOR 'S C E. John V 4, \VIII. Or;Stk. rt.sl. In 'ho • of I '..itron Dratlf. , rd irvun:y. T.•rn). hrt- atPlitor atp-Inp.l Ly tfie :41 ‘vr.; . .ttrod at hi , ,(.11i , j ill on N, c, I{. 1,76, ai n'el.wk. Ea...11 , . - 0 ar, to 7 •r,.. sol !qieir f ,, rt , vo±r ciAintit.a.auy ..f laid fund. Ai.1,11;or: ert,y*, tr , Cliarlei Sto.•krcc•ll. No. 101, Tellll. Common Ple:As of 6r.1 i ford Co, nu.kr•igin,l. nu anflitor approved by the (', „ art tafpnii, In the Itud: of StirrilT;. frnia kaC! of deft's real esta•o, .rl , l att, , a , l dick , of his apipointni. , itt at the offiVe of IL \Vl!!!..tnt , . rant..n l:o:o •• -on w EDS ES- I i.l V, N , ,v,;;;1.•r V 576, at 10 o'cU.,k.a; lii.. trit •n rd nni;r I Ilie ',Arne or Ix! f,.rwiTr n•from. • i , if. .r..5f,A DILL. . 'rowautia. Om. 10. 10-4 w. • .Auditor._ Iturwrorrs NOTICE.--In' , the L . ma I tk.r of the estat« of 3liehaM Mitchell. Imo imi toum.hip of Towanda. dee , aso. du the Or .itru,' Court of Bradford County. Thy lin.l-rAgn-a, an auditor appoleted DP the e,irt to di:41111111r moneyito -the h'od3 of to end 11,;;Ilstray.: (q said estate arising toot, tic aitle of tie , pervna! and rt,ai estate of raid decedent. will a , t o ml to the ditties of his appolutrumit at the office Overton & Elslime. in thd Boni' of T.maucia. on 3144,.:1ay. NOV. 20th. 1370,,,at 10 oxloeh. a. in.. when .t:.:1, where all persona. eaving dal tits against said :1,i:11 nest present them, or bo forever debarrrd T, Io.T-tr..m. • E. OVFATTOS , Sit.., ' .1 'imp • . A iwittor. 1• 111,11 11.1. . 13DITOR'S NOTlCE.—Thomas 11 )ta t thewvi+. Homy Ward. No. 642. Dec. T.• rt a, 1.73, lii . Brad ford Com mon The timicrsritted, an auditor appointed. by said cotirt to dlstrihute moneys in Sheriff's hands, aris- Inv, front the sale of defendants - real estate, will at to 111, , tiotie.s of .111 s appointment a: his once in Towanda Borough, on •Tuesday, the 14th d-q• of Neve:niter. 1876, st!tO o'clock, a, m., when all persons having ,Plaints upon said funds, are re (pored to present them or be forever (Sharron from same. JOILN W. MIX, • oetr.?. ' Aucator. SSIGNEE'S NOTICE.—In the matter of the voluntary sostgittwnt of *o - s . 0 Watkins for the Venetic of 10a creditors. ille court of Common fleas of Bradford CO. ea% srpri, V. 1373. the Ulna! 4 . . euillia of Wiu.'Soyder, Assignee In CUM: ic,at. fln.d. In said Court tot allowance ..I,l.'onfiricia'ilr.ll on Thursday of the first weektf Tenn. tp7il, when It witi- bq allowtd, utiles* r4,ise be shown why It should not be.' I • ' BENJ. M.-PECK, Proth'y. Nov. 1. IS.7p. • A DMINISTRATOWS - NOTICE. lA_ Nowt, is hereby given that all pers.:Me M.' t.l••Me ft to the estate of D. G. Newton, late of . .Ith.. twp.olec'd. %I/wt make Immediate -payment to te. undersigned, - suit all perabus • having Mahn* atminst Saki estate, must present theta ; duly .an oat tented.; for settktment.' JOHN BIRD, East ftnittbiloid. Pa. ISSIM ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOW° ii heroliy Orem, that all persona ttr ovl.ted to the estate of GetirgeolifeCabe, Jate of To.. %yap:INT:ILIA, make immediate payment tothe ander stemett, and all persons bevies clams egadnattald e6tate, must present them, duly authenticated; for tßtlement. A i t• DALIN ISTRATOIVS NOTICE. •INottoe ts beteby Vent:kat Tondatatt!,, ~,ebtedto tho estate of David Sttutallfor two of - Wilmot; deceased. most Mho Italas4lo:44 l / 4 Totelt, , totho undersigned. add potecoehllttlat ioiau 1-_ agalnet said oltatiOnaaLpridithk , hk . ! itt4 , M . llOO . I thesnle,tetisi l diatt • .1' - .( BE= BEM lagal. I , 1 t:. '• I:egt,,r EEO ;•) 'III , • r :ton , t•f ' ~ , s 'I, •, .pIJI igli!-Vritlo, •rt h. and fnr a !I. 111111 ME =ME MEI c Executors JAMESM cCABE; Adudnistratoi. . - -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers