k 4.- 4 • ;• • • " '• - • Piii IN jlriarlhitat Otparkatit ",,,....,,,•,, ,, , ,, ... •. . ,, .e .. . ,,.. .". - Gathering and Oaring the Apple Crop. Most of the improvements made 3n farming - are brought about by heed -5.)g the lessons taught by experience. Fcience has_ made. some. suggestions have aided men in experiment; Sly% but most of the improvement luve been - wrought out, by observin2 __ __ _ __ ____ ihe operations of nature, and obey- - ': - .E" Examinations of Teach 4 for the jug her commands,puwie sehoois will be held as 10POWS: We cannot recall a winter in our tic 30. Burlington and Burlington West st Bone. Schos4 Hou.e.: Oct 31. Columbia and Springtleld r I xperiente. -when -, there was so few . rotten apples in our cellar in propor- :ch s o,o o l ,,, !_tou G s - e: Nov. 1, Troy.: I t : u ,r l m ui t ' g l i h 'i l 4 ' •fn g rl d ea n d ur s vine, Windfa - 1! I VOll to the soundones as last winter. scia,ol Hoe,: Nov. 3, Canton, boro' school house: 'Filial WaS mototabtedly partially ow- , Nov. 4. lielloy and Franklin, Chaapel ;.ehool hous••: . . 3rig - to the steady-cold weather of the . Nov. 6, Asylum and Monroe. Monroeton school tuets: Nov.;, Ulster, village school house: Nov. s, - r inter, but -more in our opinion, tr. the condition of the fruit *hen crath s,n•Tict,igithcg.:ttnirltru. Fi :r b b e: , .! ; f 4, l7o . l se b . oll , 7 :: : . N n ov r . l 9 t . :v . L ya e.. - . t!i•ed.•and the' favorable - Weather for 1 - tarsirine, svte , oi housP: Nov. 14: Warren. Bower gathering,curing and pact:incr. Hollow- School lomse: N0v.15, Windham and Liteh- It was L a !...oierai re th a rk P as t rap II 6,,1a. Windham Centre sAtool bouse: Nov. 16, Or-, that the applv4 were. unusually rip w.-11, Orwell 111:1 school house: Nov. 17, Home. b,-rough school Inmse: Nur. IS. Herr . ick. Landot.- nt time o": harV'esting, and fears Were- D,o w, : .n,stll ho Nnv. , Tuscarora, I erne) school expressed that they would not keep house: NOV, '''' Ridgbury, Doty )1111 school house: svi.d. The summer hadbeen dry and 1 Nov. 23. Welts and South Creek. Oilletts school curly autumn vv:is remarkably warm. I ho'lse: Nov. f.'4. X-then, borough school hous , ;" .N. 0 7 ,; 1: hiS warm.. pleasant weather contin- j f'• e•b"i'l om =l"- Tula vallst b eY "be" 1"1,`e:0 00t Ibmse; Nv. 2. Alba ... n:. IRA --.1111 throurrh the apple harvest. ...,71 , '-" ,b1.,-.a:t,T .run, Bahr school house: Nov. :::?, Wllin , t - awl ti,e apples were picked dry;-ant' i and T-rrv, Tem:own; Dee C. Towanda, Born if they - lay in open hjaps for not .6,,,,a br, , ,,,,.. , , _length of time before, ,barreling they -‘ll'neants trill please come provided with rep, 1 7'ile not wet. - but had a chance to '"""d's-cap. lead pencil and reader. Examinations to iwgin at 9 o'clock A. M. SWeat, and dry out. _ . ,1::1. NEENLY..Co. Sara. • Althouglay h many of our apples - T.. nola. Pa.. 4 )11'. 7, 1.76. ' _ in heaps for two weeks or more. so 4-- ------------ --- as to expose all bruises, we noticed I OUR.PENE3YLVANIA , SCHOOL SYSTEM. . ... Mat there. mete: fewer bruises upon t - - i thir common school law recognizes two them-than in other N - ears, seeminev ta , kinds of schools, township and independ -warraift the'conclusion that VIA:2s emit. Inthe first class, which includes bruii , e less when pretty well uMtured bi- : fore piekino• than when picked be- the larger part of our schools, a taxis .f , lre fully 7rown. levied upon the township, which the di . ltds a fact that fruit, fully level_ rectors appartion among the several opcd when gathered. - will Keep Bette • schools, usually as nearly equal as possi thmi " iti,devloped fruit, then it will 1:ble, and then after the price is determined be well to teed it and ,act accord- upon. employ their teachers. Au hide ingl3--., . pendent district has its own directors, , . i • A tiothe,t' reason Why the orcharditl•Aieis its own tax, and selects its own ' •51 1 ,,,0,H. wait until fruit -is fully via- teachers. The latter method is the one vel,ari --- beforc picking. is the fact in use in all the e , misnon schools of New that lt. will measure - more. But, o.i York, and in other of•the States. Would the Other . hand. there Is lano•er ( f it not be to tile advantage of our cortitnon -,, loss from high winds blowing off tint schools if our school law made all of the lirtii-ing . quite a proportion of th • I districts, -or schools, independent? The fruit, :10 farmers. whose orchards - lbservation of the writer of this 'article are exp - osed to sW(illiill , c Willik. ar i:Js i n 117; c:tneirit , tl hini that the children ::11X1Oilsi AO gallier their apples befor . :: instructed in the imfepeadent 'districts are the winds !i!ow them off. in . o.r ` . ~. further advanced._it's a rule, thitwillost,• i , i • Orchardists should also •be I L tile township sl:limils. It may be annieer eal'efiii in -curia ! , their, ap p les. .. ,ec,soti. ! ! ed. that these s.All:Pili hive more months ,v, -- iii--inot answer in orilinary I of schoid in the year and b r etter teachers. to le y:: the 1;1 in 'Mali's ; in the orcl'' '- - :;:.;i . to vork,. t ... 0r they - woniii . 1, , ,.. e,.. ! E': - : -'l}. There is one of the advantage.; • p.,-cd ~to it and frosts. Every - on •; of "ar t.'in'lel,eutient district: it in not 7.vith -on..on:hard larre enou.ll t !7' kv ' l!nd by the e.isedron rule of a township. • iim lic it an ol.jcet should liai'e ii frtil, i but it has 'a larger auimint of taxable .11 , 1 i-e for curium, in .which the wind- i Pr"p"lY. S.ntictimes, but . not alwayn:' ~.,,.„1,,,.: 1, 11 , 1 i tt,t,i t o ; swe ,. p ox -,, r t h.. ; hut it (hies almost always have a larger i fillit lott so arranged that rain eon:. 1 rate per cent. on the dollar, for scho.d • li.: exelinied, and the fruit protects , , I ,, VP'ises. 'Why is this? The reason is , agTinist light freezing,s, such as fix- ; 'Went. Where each district is independ- ;1111.•Itt.ly wear the latter part of Oe ; eta each sdlool may have bitch a school as the public sentiment inay demand—can EIVIS - The pkkify , Timl - handling of th • ' levy a tax. knowing, that the money is fruit is ti- Vert: important part of th • spent in their own district, theirs Only. L onyration of harvcstiu•:. one upo-1 ' Individual interest, selfishness, if yon - IN ti l i ich depends, in a great meas.urf. please, is appealed to. A spirit of rivalry the -,'ut,.:6ss of the orchardist. It is and enterprise is aroused. If there , are ~ Yon - _difficult to induce- eMployees' to ptlrties in the district that desire a_ ,, oott exer cis e ? '" lli c ie " r '- "re ii, t l i s "1-)er'' i school they can arouse sonicynt interest . ti6 n -,-.., Th e y \-‘ ill Itold po to the,itol- to he a - tax:adequate to the remunera d er, tiC re sonie other support, with one than of a first-class teacher. It enables Lahti. Wilde with the .I,fther they will di actors to diseriminate between good reach ont'and gitthtt fruit from thy andn- , poor teachers in pay. This is - o or ends of an'a'lloranclick. As the N - , the best arguments in favor of having all i • ' pies elt - arc ,from . their spurs, tn.! . of the schools independent. It ha-. a di- will fly back, often jerking ,o ; rect tendency to call good. te tellers to th.. more or les•-- frtit. They should en front, ad reconmize talent. ll . :1 - Vor ti) - 7L1.) place themselves O.S to ' n ' ' ' in a subst •-' . ha':'l! IKJI :1 :1 11:111(rs at liberty : filch. tial way. What is there to excite a con with one hand that tumid stead Y. the mot: selititfl 'teacher to a thorough or prti lt-anch, while with the ' , other filet- ressional knowledge of, his work, when plucked - the fruit. _ A ruin, the fruit should never be h each district in advance, without any re - droj•red into the basket or ha'", but i gard to the experience, ability, or qua-h -i:tiff iii, thepicker,.rettlininp - his hob!, lications of the . teacher who thereafter on the fruit .until it tow' its the bot- may be employed in that district ? ~. tau:, t•r. -thefruit alr.,:ativ in. A hag of course the present method of town ' i, : I b.mt us c, tit ve r urient as an x vtitimr ft... ship schools treats all districts, Hell and piyEtin:r. II t! , rd around tire picker's ipo .r, intelligent and indifferent, alike. I. els. the imoutlt kept open . with : I This is the great argument in its favor. ' 1....1it t:t. switch, it is right where it is . They.,otrin not to be treated alike. . , v• - ;,:ntell every time. - ' i When a district is enterprising and-inx= . -.- Then the picking baskets and bags ions to have a goon'-school; and willing to should be emptied into large baskets 1.44 taxed to pay for it, the 4 - fight to have 'xiiieb ' sh"iikd be, Placed in 'slirin' it; and no apathetic, indifferent district ' .' - wagons, taken to the curing house. should stand in their way. - But we are z . an- i t • ear beat ,with care upon straw told tit:awe can supplement the town ap-1 strewn Mini] the floor.. Portionment by-a sum raised in the dis . Irton:s can he trained to perform - - .7 triet, and employ a w.)4t4.1 teacher, or have ail these (Tel at ions carefully •and a longer term. So yoti can. How ? By ' let rupidly.' The success of the or .- ... : a subseription paper. How often is it ----- c trig list depends quite as - much 1:1 dune' This question as to how the town . prop. HY r.attentlinp-, to all of these i lri poiffts as in , grow.ng .t gt. crops.— ship government of our Sttlioctls affects our _Tut.. L' , o• . -ii Iboto"., I n educational interests, is a serious one. . _ . . and should receive our careful considera ,. • 1 Farni Notes. THE. San Francisco public g-tiools have • Apply 4 lnnlitire to the surfiee tcy :!4.0011 jnilrils and teadhers. Aceord lertilize "and mulch carrants aud in gto the revised coui se of study; Em.-„- goos.:c_rtics. if 3to manure is u5e1.1,.! li.h grammar is taught orally in=. all put (in a millet'. of litter. ' ;:rules. In the sillily of arithmetic rio Beei.s., if not aliead . V harvested, in: I b " ).1-: on the sttltieet is allowed in the they Flo idol In. will n i; t, improve Lt hands of pupils ap the second grade. The renrainin- out latt.4.• Pull and cov j r :lin:aerial of political geogritphy has laeen lig-Idly in the cellar to keep then-.! considerably curtaiied, and the history of. from n ; the United States will he taught hereafter . . , ... , I' topics. The revised course provides Flat turnips are the only root: - . Y 7 , , Lich iii:iv inlpi , ove by temainin,.. material for biographical sketches of emi Rapdrintendent Bolituder says: ° lonc,:r in the _round: they ID:6 , nent men— :.- , "T t, This exercise of furnishing monthly ,!g . t. frozen in unless the weather re bio,qmphical sketch of some great mar. ,mains open. If gathered now, let ; will induce our children to pay more thun' be;-.tored in the eoldt , st part ot ~ at the cellar to prevent growth. tention to general reading at home, and I.las' a - broad foundation fora better Ma :Many gardners do not plant their . , de . rstanding, of historical events. The re , ya.tly , spribg, hlootning bulbs until . vised course provides further a suitable 1141 ti - Car; tileir lieds in Noveinber, . nun.ber of poems to be memorized. recit ':aud! liv pripari-ngl - the. uround well e,l. - and transposed. The transposition of ;;InCi puttipg a coverin(;;of 111:1 nu re .., poems leads to a thorough understanding over the 14414 in 1 ecvna4a., they g'et of the subject matter, a logical .arratige :-plendid c: - ops of blossoniS in spritto% meat of thoughts and 'sentiments express- - Tlit soil under tile surraee retains Its etl, and to an insight of the syntaciletal narrntit';iotes , after the ai'r:is cold.and that ene , nrazcs the 0 - iloWth of rOots. • structure of the language afforded by no 1Y the Lullis. ' other exercise in the study t,tf latig-rage." . - Pctatoes. if not :dread TIE s - du".should ' • sugProf. gcztion from Pro , 1 "-• 41•11 r 61- imil i c a l attly• rt' - a little It-ic i kers f ;: i i i :''s . ' il l l : g ist report will meet •with I'reezin" often -causes . neh dantivre / '.a liciu•ty approval 1 - 11 , 111 all friend of eilu-' le.side. it is VOrr disa"rei , able W -- ork - ~ati'''li lodig:Und Pick up • potatoes in cold. . .The Superintendent also sug . gcsts a "witaly weather. If your cellar is -not;' - Change in the system ; of school, supervis le..-ilotly t • rost • priiof. put the -pota- * ion. intifnating that only by ..-i•nne such lot s in the warmest- part. protectin" I change can-the most satisfactory results•t hem with newspapers. or other liala • be obtained. The plan is to divide the coverings to keep off the sunlii dit. • state , into abvt thirty districts, commis-. 1% hieli might burn • the skirls, "rem/ - ...i!id jivicx..blio, potatoes seriomily. • ii.g" "t l ' or more 'counties, containipm . li 1ii,.11 cold weatia ri" fairly sets -in about :e..0 .lii.,ols nutter a superintendent' tebydr-•witil -mitts. or, old blanket4'to'• Of lii ; :.; qualifications. whose whOle time ...le..el) out frost. - ' shah be devoted to - the -duties of the 1L 4 j._. - office. Arid then divide these large super ' Wi.. find ii a -"reat savin" ai labor - ink/alert 01 , i/ i(0:: hat/ 'smaller' insFetor in :Le spring to go OVer nli that pap - •. • • • districts of from 311 to :10 schools lacing 4>f the iiiirdeirib..-voted to small fruit's o.er : each a Brit-gals teacher as inspect vnti perenn4il platdS in the autumn The_ Or. - This system ; would, of course, be 7 , efpre the f. - round freezes. - mole expensive than the present one, but jaFrse alai - cultivator should also be 1 t. is thought would be °ie.roughly eiTect itst'd •-i , licroVer it will save hand labor • Jn- tlio_prilun ~-A fruit garden looks • ive. A revision of the school laws by spe-• PO n'rtlc 117 lictt:4•witil tIW Surfii.ce ,ill' CISI c6nirai " i ' l ''' 15 also Stigi;eated'"- .cleaned from- weetiii just before win- ' -.... • ter f•eti - ip, tlint'it would py in lOOks : ncantY all of oar directors have seeur• ed teachers` for their. winter EC/4001S. alone, if in no other way ; init it will Y':' - r-Frisbie teaches-again on Orwell - Le found that one hour spent in this F. Nvork now will save more. than two liill, = .I , aac Crawford in, Rome, liiram 3n the sizing.. It is alsu a good.time Bull in Neath, .I. P. Kinney in Athens, ):ow to apply a dressing of barnyard ' Prof. McCollum in Troy, ,prof. ltusley in -)iiinure or purchased fertilizer to the:: Canton, Rev.. I). Craft in Wyalusing, r ut.f,:iee just hefore - Miltivating the , Rev. H. ..3..vmstrong,in Mcmroeton, etc. ;11.41 . .:nd. It will be, working down We understand that _ Gorge Howe t lining the roots and be all ready to I Renry Charripiin and others from Orwell;: ~ :1 ttle plants when warm. stealer I go, to ; Luzernto WWI.- it agia btritt tuwes again net INC& _ . ,i' :, 04 falai** ' ' - '•- .- ES E. E. Qunciax, • d. A. WILT, Committee REV. D. CRAFT, of w.Ry.t.,-5, Associate Editors. A. A. IimNET, gthica&ml §iparintenf ME ommuniestions may he sent to either of the 4iore editors. as may he preferred, and will appear la the Issue of which he has charge. , - E. E. (lets:LAN. Editor Present Week. BIDE • WSn'TIN XMMTIATit hM.IrIMUM- . We - believe that hot, writtenid oral examinations of teachers sbonblY be. prat:. tilted. The oral affords the only'amms of judging .cd ability to illustrate and explain =—the great necessity in true teaching. Most teachers having to prepare others to pass the Superintendent's examinations, are gradually negle c ting analysis and and ex planation, knowing it will not be required in examination t and devoting .the time gained - to processes of solution, as there is thereby greater probability of success at examination, to the satiisfaction of the applicant and the Credit (?) of toe instruc tor. CHAIRS of Theory and Practice of Edu, cation, are to be immediately founded in the Universities of Edinburgh and St. Andrews in Scotland, $30,000 having been offered the former and $20,000 the latter, for this purpose.. This is a step in the right diretition. As at present conducted, our Normal Schools do not supply out High! Schools with teachers. .I .. Ve are al niost entirely dependent upon our colleges . for our higher grade of teachers. Out colleges, recognizing this fact, ought to establish chairs of Didactics, that young men may have some professional training for the duties which a large percentum of them take upon themselves after gradu- CUE Tun next meeting of the Bradford County Teachers' , Association will be in Wyalusing, commencing Friday, Novem ber ill. The place is accessible, the pro gramme interesting, and without doubt the Session - , will be an entertaining one. Every teacher should try to be present. The yearly election of officers comes off at this session. Much of the efficiency of the Association depends upon the parties who are responsible for its meetings. • Let there be a full attendance. - : • CORNELL tiniveriity is to setid a boat crew to England to;row against the charm pion crew of the Englisn Universities. NOTICE. _ill , . M. E. SOLOMON L SON, Are now rettrhag train the (lothlng Business, an. are thereturr utterhag their Immense stuck u MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. &c., &C.; Ix., 2.5 Per Cent. tr.,;s Than (Ad ! >l:K•k MUSf 1,0 54011 during the next sixty day A I.cter, opportunity to purchase clothing eheal \ra, ut %et. offered In this town. I{ , avy iftercoats 63 50 to * 4 00 and up Union !leaver Overcoats 600 " •- All Wool Beaver OvoreoatA.. 900 " 10 00 •• Heavy Undervonts.... ...... 300 " 400 Iflack r.ll wool) Press Coats. 600 •• 800 Heavy Pants.....-. 150 •' 1: 00 " RVTS' CLOTHING AND ALL OTHER GOODS I'IMPORTION The store (or Rent. l'art les wishing' tb.) sock will have a good opportunity. . Per , onq Indebted to th. above flan wit pka , c• ca!! and I= I Am - NOT 4 FRomET, NEITHER TILE SON OF A I'ROPIIET, Rut my predietbms published for the benefit of my cu , tolutrs sixty days Mace, have been verified, and I NOW FURTHER PROPHECY That those who neglect purchasing their FALL & WINTER CLOTHING Till a more convenient season, will find that they !we proerastinated to their cost,. Everything It the line of manufactured goods is halm, to advance in price. Forseehtg this state of affairs, I some time sime juirchased a large tock of FALL & WINTER CLOTHING! Which 1 ant now offering at LOWER PRICE: , than the &aim , mwilg can to-day be bonglat in New Ynl'l. This offer will not hold good after SIXTY I).\ licintquber, "Procrastination Is the thief RENIEMBER—Ary store is one door south of Mrs. CARTEIVS, M. E. ROSENFELD. Towanda, Aug. 30, 1076. THE GREATEST FALL-AND WINTER CLOTHES Ever offered to the pe,Ofile of BRADFORD COUNTY. As I have a prospect Of gaining an important suit in one of the west ern territories, which will render it necessary for me to retire from the CLOTHING BUSINESS, I take this method of; infotming the people that my present, large stock of ALEN AND BOYS' WEAR, Will be sold regaidlesd of cost, FOR CASH. legit - ME CbtEng. PRICE.; ME M. E. SOLOMON esos laii CIIANCE TO BUY H. d LebßB. BIM , = PP~roxs~ IMERICAN CYCLOPADIA. NEW BEVD3ED EDITION. Entirely rewritten by the ablest Writers on every subject. Printed from new type, and illustrated with Seveml Thou sand Engravings and Maps. , _ IMMI FROM REP. DR. STRONG, EditororMcClintocit and Strong's "Cp.loptedisof Biblical Literature. "The preparation of our own Cyclopsediabasled. and, Indeed, required me to keep an otwervants eye upon all the general cycleptedba, especially the new ones. I end on my return from abroad that the new edition of •Appletons' American Cyclosedia has made rapid progress, having now reached the ninth volume, bringing down the alphabet to ft. I am highly pleased with its character. The first edition was a very convenient work, and more com plete for American readers thaniany otffer; but this greatly. surpasses it. The articles have.all been re wvitterir and then subjected to the most rigorous criticism, the effect or which Is shown In their clearness, comprehension, and condensation of statement. "The vocabulary Is particularly rich In American biography. popular science, and all these subjects 'hat are most interesting to the mass of readers. The style Is simple, transparent, and chaste,- and the information Is all of the most practical charac ter. The discussion of disputed points is wisely avoided. and the splre thus saved Is devoted to sterling matte/apt fact. The maps are admirable, and the woodcuts are exceedingly appropriate, as well as elegant. It will form for years to come a complete family librery on all standard topics, and deserves, as it will doubtless have, an extensive circulation. JAMES STRONG." We fully concur In Dr: Strong's commendation of Appletons' American Cyclopmdta. EDWARD BRIGHT, D. IL. E , lir or of the New York .IF.ram (her. DANIF.T. Clrliltr. D. D., . Editor of the Christian Advocate & 'Tourers:. S. I. PRIME. D. D.. -4 Editor of flee Sew Tork Observer. • HENRY M. FIELD- D. D.. • Editor of the Selo York Ecdngettit. FROM REV. DR. STEEVES, of New Castle, Pa. "Appietons' new iniltiOn American Cyclopedia Is the best work of the , kind pnblished. It Is well written, h tdieiaily illustrated, and I regard It as the standard of anthority. This work should be within the reach of everybody. JOHN R. STEEVES: Principal Yew Castle Calve. FROM REV. DR. REED, Pittsburgh. Pa. "PlTTsnritrnt. Po n Feb. X, 19f5. DEAR Sin: You ask Me to give my opinion with referenre . to the article In the American Cyclopa,- dia which relates. to the Roman Catholic Church and Its history. These articles are written, so far as 1 hare exam ined them., by Itomart Catholics, from a Roman Catholic standpoint though at Dm same time they strive to be impartial. ••I(teents to me that this Is a feature to be com mended.. We want to know what that Church thinks of Its doctrines and history. - I regard it as a peculiar excellence of /the Ameri can Cyclotraolla that, not only with reference toil:- Roman Catholic Church, but also with reference to all other,subjects. the articles are written by per sons who are specially familiar with these subjects. lam, your, etc„ WILLIAM.I. REED. D. D., Mint/der of First U. P. Church:" FROM THE BISHOP OF CONNECTICUT. ‘• r "Mt ',Dr:thrown, Conn, Dec. 11, 1875. I do not think twinkscellent a work ns Appletom• American Cyclopedia can need any words of com mendation from me. I am. bonmver, the more ready now to Ray that eonsider It as far beyond any similar work in Et rharacter and awfulness; and t assure any persons who may purchase It, that they wilt bare secure I au unfailing and trustworthy help In all depsfi iiientWor knowledge. I speak front a thorough at. ilualtitince With the work. J. 'WILLIAMS. Bishop of Connertient." FROM PROF. EATON, of "LIBEiiTY, Nio, Dee. 18. 1871 I rejoice every day oveethis Cyclopedia, regard big it as the Cyelnpa.dla par excellence. I cotigrat uiate myself continually. as I constanily resort to It In being In possession of this Invaluable aid. J. It. EATON. • Professor Natural Science, W. J. C." FIIO.II lIISIIOI' JAMES. "NEW Y.onx, Dec. 15, 1873. The ;American Cyclopmdlia. . . . when" Nun pleted, It will be an lauthoratlve text-book on al AubJecta—an epitome oT human knowledge. EDMUND S. JANES. .Senior BishOp. 3lethodiert Eplacuptil Church." FROM PROFESSORS IN RCCIIESTER THEO LOGICAL SEMINARY (BAPTIST). “IlocttEsrattt Tit EOLOGICAI SEIM:ART, t Fetiruary 2.3. 1e74. The articles give evidence of most careful Prep aration, and often present. In compact form. te toarliably eoinplete Information, and the latest re sults of critical lavestlgation. AEOPSTITS H. STRONG, Pre,ident a 1 4 Profeitstir nJ Theology. R. J. W. It I.7CK LAN ' Profenbr of Cho rd, History, WI. LIAM C. WILKINSON, Profesabr FROM PRESIDENT etIMMINGS. " 311141LETowN, Conn.. March 1. 1875. I regard the nwrican Cvelopiedla as a wonder ful work. It lx recommet - ided and Indorsed by many or the ablest and most conscientious scholars of the country. It is worthy of the attention of all who. desire a reliable. carefully:-prepared and wel - .arranged . epitome 06 knowledge. JoSEI.II CUMMINGS. • l're bh nt of Wesleyan Unlyrerstly." Now Complete in 16 Large Octavo Vol u Ines. D. APPLETON & CO.. Pubilahers, New Yoik and 92 Chestnut-St., Philadelphia. (JIM BRYAT'S .fOPULAR HISTORY OF TIIE USITED STATES From the dlsrovery to r 5. preceded by a skeich of the pre-ntatortc period end age of the mound builders, by WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT AND SIDNEY HOWARD DAY. Fully Illustrated width original designs., to corn }debt In four volumes. large octavo, 7noirages - each. Scribner, Armstrong' . Co.„ publishers, 7431& 745. liroulway. New York. it Inforniation address, MATTESON dc Judson, General Agents, 1707 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. 'Jr M. S. CON V Agent fur Northern Penn )lvanla, 211 Wllllant N. Y. Junitf. • Dry-Goods. I=3l=ll= ?lON TANYESI MONTANYES - .'bFFER, A FINE ASSORTME.y2 OF GOODS, SUITABLE FOB TEE SEASON, AT BOTTOM* PRICES! MONTA• N Y E S I Towlind4 Tire. FL Ih7S, Ca: ding and Dress ing. WOOL CARDING, AT THE WOOLEN MILLS, CAMPTOWN, PENN'.A. Also insuntarturtug and cloth dreseng attandsd to on short notice. We aro already making rolle trout the nest ellp, and ' aremewed to do work as tau as offered. H. B. ramptcrwitnal..ln: • 57'. 101A1GH &BROADLEY, leastatscturers of Woolen Goods, Yarns, Le CARDING & DRES S ING, - Dom to order. Cash pal ice *Poi, also e3Ges szcbdisge4 tot grad :::::. , ,-.:.,:,,J., , ,:, , c:. , f,, ,, e.4.. ,. :!.-- , :;:r , r,7t.4 , ;,f , .,,,::::,,., !'-'tlitiiift-aßittetilbiii-t-`,.1-,r EN IN WROL,EBALE RETAIL 1 ,i CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, COUNTRY PROCUCE, Having a large and corn one:dont we are prepared at all I Ines to carry a large stock. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, Or taken In exchange for raids, an lowest cash pri ces. i Qur long experience In the Grocery Trade glvriOs peculiar advantages In purchasing, and an we an/{pot ambitious to make large profits, we nai -1 ter ourselves that we can offer • EATER INDUCEMENTS TO than any other estabtlehinent In Northern bran's. Hoye 12722 G ROCERIES a PROVJSIONS GROCERIES ?;& PROVISIONS C NE DOOR NORTH OF CODDING k RUSSELL Towanda, July V.. 4875 A T FROST SONS' THEY ARE SELLING NICE CHAMBER SUITS ALSO; WALNUT SUITS AS LeDW AS $35, And all other Goods in proportion! ' e Sti they ask is for you to call and see the goods atll prices, and be COLVIIICrgi that thl/ Duly place to buy good goods cheap is of the manufacturers. Retneaiber that we are prepared to do WE INVITE THE PUBLIC TO STOP AND Towanda, Sept. 1. 1878. THE CHEAPEST _ _ IN TOWANDA SCYTHES, GRINDSTONES, zy_ FORKS, FIXTUP:ES, ROPES; Cheaper Than at Any Other Place IMI I have always on hand Repairs for -the Torso 'WARRIOR and CuAurioN Mowing Machines. PERRIGOS SIDE HILL PLOWS, All kinds of TINWARE on'hand, and Tin work of all kinds done at lowest prices, H. 1% JUNE. Towanda, Jana VI, -1876. V ,.. ‘ "'" 00 Melt WANTED: P. To buy • lin* stock of HAIIDWAUX, TINWAUE, STOVE., llWisest price In trade p,ld for . ilap, * Buss, Copper and Lead. Rerdware. Tin and Coppenratt, TWA, Tea and BastinttaVow', to ap apithirOtentioa stmt kbuts O ic'b werk!lw.„l._t' .'• Ifo4 B„ ON Dealers In GRALN, &C. GRAIN AND PRODUCE. STEVENS & LONG. CURER MAIN A ERIDGE.ST „ ;TOWANDA, PA NieDADE & EDWARDS, Cash dealers in all kinds of ME Frost .t, Sons. FURNITURE STORE, On Main Street, At 1120,1125, and $3O. UNDERTAKING Lower than any other person LOOK AT OUR CiOODS. FROST & SONS. Hardwire. HARDWARE STORE IS IN MERCUR. BLOCK! Farmers can buy their SNATIIS, dc., Best in Use. REDUCED PRICEk ?lawns at wbolasala mad MO: 1 pl 4: ._ - • , - ' PORTER, OLD CASH DRUG STORE, Corner Yen 'rid Pine Sta., Towanda. Esstabusnod over a quarter of a Cawhiry,3 'Wholesale and Retail Dealer In DRUGS, MED1C1147.4, CHEMICALS, - ACIDS, DYE-STUFFS. k GLUE. PERFUMERY, TOILET AND FANCY GOODS, SPONGES, BRUMES, BRACES t TRUSSES, 1. BoAYR, COldp/11, PONAIMI, HAIR Dyss, TEETH, SKIN, and HAIR PREPARAT ONS, RAZORS, POCKET4ENIVE6 t • POCKET-ROOKS AND PORT-MONNAIES„ MACAROT and SCOTCH SNUFF, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SE E DS, , Pure Wines and Liquor, for Medicinal r,orposes BOTANIC,ECLICTIC k DomatorvriticßlCXEDlTA And all genuine popular Patent Medicines SvrronTEßs, SvsPENSOIIIEIS, BREAST 17ours Nirrizs, NIPPLE STILLLs & SmELgir, NERRING BOTTBES, TESTIIING BYIIINCIT.S. ORD PANS. URINALS, TIIIRIKOME, TEAS, ELASTIC STOCRINOS - KEROSENE OR COAL OIL'. • WICKS, ACHIMNEYS, BATII BRICK, SPERM, LARD, _WHALE, NEATS FOOT, TANNER'S, AND MACHINE OILS, ALCOHOL,. AND MUMS TURPENTINIL, . liksh,Paini,Varnish,lVhiieteash, Counter, Horse, Mane, Shoe, Scrubbing, ' And all kinds of brushes. WINDOW AND PICTURE CLASS, PURE LINSEED OIL, PAINTS, PUTTY, AND VARNISH. READY MIXED PAINTS ' • OF ANY DESIRED COLOR, BY THE POUND, PINT OR GALLON, GROUND IN OIL OR VARNISH, . S AND DRY COLORS OF ALL HUES. -4 All articles warr'a ' nted as represented. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours l ie of day and night. Open Sundays for Prescriptions from 9 to 10, A. al . 12 to] and S to 6, P. M. Dr. Porter can consulted as heretofore In the , . (ace. S' , i Vnaylrit I TASTELESS MEDICINES. prominent Sew York physician lately com plained to DUNDAS DICK! It CO. about their SANDALWOOD ()IL' CAOSULEft, stating that sonieL times they cured miraculously, but that a patient of his had taken them !without effect. On belak teemed that several imitations` were sold. be In-' quimd and found hie patient had not been taking OUNDAS DICK & CO'S.I _ . What happened to this physician may hare hap pened to others. and DILTNeAst DICK & CO. take this method of protecting physicians. druggists, and thentseices, and preventing OIL OF SANDAL WOOD from coming into disrepute. PI IYS ICI A isiS who once prescribe the Capsule's will continue tOrdo Sas for they contain the pure O i l in the vest and cheapest torn , . tiIKLAS DICK a Co. use more 4/IL or SAN DA Lwooo than all the Wholesaleand Retail Dnig gists and Perfumers In the United States coinbine4 and this is the sole reason why the pure Oil ' 0 sold cheaperili their capsules than in any other form. 011. OF . SANDALWOOD Is fast superceding every other remedy, sixty Capsules only being rts quire() to Insure a safe and certain cure in xis ct eight days. From no other medicine can tilt& re suit he had. , 111.T.SiDAS - DICK -& SOFT CAPSULES solve the problem. long Considered by eminent ph; slelans. of how to avoid: the nausea and disgust e. perleneee In swallowing, which are well known to detntrt front. If not destroy, the good effects of tuatis valuable rentedieS. Soil Capsules are put , up In tlwdoll and neat tam es, thirty in each, and are the nnly Capsules pro scribed Ay.rhpsielsns. TASELESD MEDICINES.—CasteI oil and many other nauseous medicines can tie ta ken easily and sateB . in DUN_IDAS DICK .54 CO'S SOFT APsULEB. No Tasto n Smell. air - These were, the Only capsules AdMitted :o the last Paris Exposi tion. 1 . Send for circular to 35 Wooster street. Newirork. Sold at all. Drug Stores Here. an;; IC. q - niE MUTUAL PROTE CTiCIN compANv. Home Office, - DO9 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa Acting:under a' Z.pecial Act of hi edrporation From the Pennsylvania Legielaiure 11. S-CLARK, AGENT. Special attention 9 called to the following rate table, which will 1* found strictly equitable, as be tween all ages, and' which the company will guar antee td not exceed one-half the cost of any first class OLD 'PLAN Company. The following Table shows the Rates for 11000 and may be multiplied for any additionatamount up to pOOO, which Is the largest risk takeil on any ono life.. Twenty Cents will be added , to the amount of each issesument for collection, etc. ' 4g 4 •L , = • - = _ • 0 -74" < 2-00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Mk Fru E FARMERS' MUTUAL INkTRANCECI).. OF TUSCAROI:4, Is now Issuing pOrpetual pollrl• on FARM PROFERI".' ONLY. Each member pays a fis , , at the tinte,of to cover charter and Ic.ttletitai expenses of the Co. after which no !u-sier payment is required, except to meet act us r..,ss by fire among the, metutiershlp. This pia” of Insurance for FAILII PROPERTY, Is com! - .Jg rsphlty Into favor. tare of Ilusiness. SPRING ITILL,-PA. The Agent 1011' canvass the Townships of Tusca rora, Pike, Herrick, 11'y:1:using. Asygnn, Terry and Standing Stone, and farmers in those Town ships wishing Insurance or Infortnation,may ad. dress, A.B. SUMNER, Ser. and A gt„, Spriug Hill, Bradford Cp., l'a, W. M. 5111731 W AY. erk. Nort74ltn Miscellaneous Advertise:milts. _ _ .... O Tux LITTLE STORE •RorND Tux CORNED Is tge best place in Towanda to buy good CIGARS AND TOBACCO, at low rates:, I Remember MERCUR'S BLOCS, opposite COURT HOUSE SIGN or Tug, "INDIAN SQVAW sprzzlz. „- IME=iii THE SUBSCRIBER TARES Pleasure In calling theattitntion of his nuner oils patrons and the public generally, to the fact that he still continues a GENERAL MARKET BUSINESS At the OLD STAND of MTER h ItUNDELL, In Carroll's Block, nearly opposite the Means House, and.that he is prepared to furnish SALT AND FRESH, MEATS, FRESH POULTRY, VEGETABLES AND BERRIES Of the'very best quality. at as low rates as any other establishment. June 1. Is7n-tr FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL 5125,000. SURPLUS FUND ' 80,000 This Bank offers 'UNUSUAL FACIJLITIES to -. the transaction of a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS Acconinso TO AOREESIENT. SPECIAL CAPE OMEN TO TEE COLLECTION 517 NMI AND CEIRDNII. Parties wishing to SEND MONEY to say part of the Elated stems,. England, Ireland, Seunand,. 0! the priuripal eines sad towns of Europe, can bele procure drafts for that purpose. PASSAVE TICKETS To or from the Ql.l Country, by thebeat iteam or smog line, always on hand. YAMILINA ' , moron? 'Orall.• AT highest vice paid for 'U.-8., Bonds, 0116 W1L144 It. 11161" r ad& .• - - MOM% ; . ; • MKS /LT TUX of. all sixes. Insurance. TOWANDA, PA C.M. 31 . 1 ER OF TOPA NDA. Gold and Silver. ,-:',..:9,-,::'''' .:'.‘';Z', : _;: , .l l- ,:'' - ': l . ' :." - ::: ''A 't.: .4 ''' '•-•;-:;`,;':,:''' ii--:',.:---,7-'-,. A.ll. CHAMBERLIN. Dealer In DIARON-Dll, sa4 FINE JEWELRY, And WATCHES AND CLOCKS. TOWANDA, PA. Jann-74. - WATCHES, JEWELRY, M. , HENDLEMAN, Dealer in PINE AMERICAN AND SWISS GOLD APED SILVER WATCHES, I arl d FINE JEWELRY. STERLING SILVER SILVER PLATED WARE CLOCKS, PROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL 4111°' SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES One door north of Dr. Porter & 8on•s Drug store Maio Street, TOWANDA, PA., jan64s pRESENT.S FOR ALL, NEW JEWELRY STORE W. A. ROCKWELL is constantly receiving In addition to his large stock of jewelry, FINE GOLD SETS, PINS, BANDS, ). RINGS, STUDS, AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, GOLD AND SILViNt WATCHE S , SILVER PLATED WARE OF ALL VARIETIES GOLD, StiverANa STEEL SPECTACLES, SILVER AND PLATED RINGS AND CRAM'S VLOCKS OF ALL VASIETIES, 2.00 2.15 2.35 2.50 2.60 2.70 at the lowest prices. . . , Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing done In the best manner, and warranted. i* 2.90 Thangs for a liberal patronige and hope to mart; a. continuance Of the same parl2-73 eq' c ... ~ cra f. 2 •-• I .4 4'l 0 ..... , e.: Iz . ~ va g - 2 9 ,7, = . , • ost -. 0 .. , ,g .8 ;,.. 7,' w p ~, 'iv 5. • •-. A = or. c, -..: •-• 'eD hi .gym ,_,, 0 ?' e: nc , ..1 s. 1-3 r. = ~..• , -- s =.0 , D0 z 1 5 r. , 0 'n = ,sz cC ."' ' ~..• et .....-. 0 t 0 rp - e• 5.9,, 0 t, .1 r .4 n" W •-i .-I = ... •—• ...tt r. ._.. ct r... ~.... 0 .. = ta * V O-3 r.v.: w ce -g w *C - :-. ~,.,s-i ...7 ... p PI ~. ... ... •fi ri =. rp. .e D u .4 % DD 2 e .. ! 4 , 4 cl ....." et •• ="= rz.l = l a - 15 '4 q 2 7 .. c- =PD 2 ..e, = P;... 82.0 g pi L'i c"cs '4 CZ — o =cA ,' E - lz c.C. Lo. r - = •.< ~. tm • v F a ° ;.•• 3„ t 4 tr+ 5 , 0 et = t :,.'- 0. .s. 0 to ct LT I ', m -„le c "sci),2 Pv . 0 g 0 a 0 ... Ff. ' e::reD rls I= l . 1:: Z 1 o '''' E r • k /e on 3 Fa' e 5 m...., r n.co c 4 . w 4 . ~, = , 1 0-3 n, 2 TT; tv,, 0 , ..::.' n.. 0 (5 eD 9 0 . 6 . • r= , w..7.' «, .;,-. r • 0 . r z t,(2 J o ....9. 0 4 tzi ~ C. rx: .9 et eD °' e. t''''• 5 5 g, : 4 . 2 = • '1 oa. §' 1U) ti ra: :...-1 A ... t , -: , L , : ci , ~.1 : . 1 .4 - g u 3 to C , o =... - m 'ic Po to , LAND FOR SALE. THREE HUNDRED ACRES, Of beautiful LAND FOR SALE. 3 wiles from Towanda. Will,he sold for cash or ON TIME, To suit purchasers 100 ACRES IMPROVED, With lonise and barn thereon; balance WELL TIMBERED, /ad badly cleared. WMle farm well watered. Wlll be sold to lota of 00 or 100 acres, or more, as porchabors shall desire. Inquire of R. C. LOCKWOOD, J. P. KRIBY, or JAM WOOD, COINI IIII II. - gial2t SILVER WARE, &C. Also AT THE =I CHARMS, NECKLACES, ;a Alpo W. A. ROCKWELL MI! Wellsburg, N. Y., or or 11111116 4ililelenkti ' , " 14i1iU30.: - 04.:?11*?: OE COAL, • • COAL• ------ We keep on hand st our yard all wises of Pittston and Wilkes Bane coal. and Loyal Bock coal, from the Punts= County alines.. Also, Barclay Lump and Smith. We keep the best county of Lime, War and Co. ment. Brick and Piaster, all of which. we will sell at bottom prices. PIERCE - 4k SCOTT. , , Towanda May Ist, IS7d. PURE. GROUND PLASTER RITMMERFIELD ! I have just received • lergdsuppli of /REM GROUND CAYUGA PLASTXR Mannfactured from stone selected by myself, and warranted PURE. . PRICE.—Cash, ..:0; on time, .7 00. Send In your orders PETER LANDMESSER. Mame:told, March 1, 1876 NEW COAL YARD! . 1 The undersigned having taken the large and commodious yard, at the foot of PARK Street, has now on band a full supply of 4 • ALL SIZES OF LOYAL SOCK, And BARCLAY .COAL. Alpo LIME AND CEMENT. Coal delivered on abort notice _ TERMS :--Cash. HENRY 31ERCUR. Oct2l-7S-t f CHEAP COAL AlsiD LIME, From and after July I, I will sell cr;al, lime, kc., fur cash only, and the price list will be corrected monthly. . PRICE OF COAL FOR JULY, PER TON OF 2,0001b5, AY THE YARD: Pittston Stove, Chestnut and Furnace " Pea... Carbon Run Lump •• Smith Barclay 'Mountain Lump Allentown . Lime VI bushel., Lath 'PM Hair VI bushel Brick )t 10 ('0 I am always prepared to deliver' purchases on ,short notice at the meal price of delivery. I also tender my 'thanks:to my many friends and customers for . their very liberal patronage In the past and hope wader the new departure to make It to their Interest to continue to buy uteri •they eau get the best goods for the least money. Those who are Ind.Thted to me will take noth e that I must hare money or I can't buy for cash an I pay freights. They must settle by the first of Au gust next, Very Respectfully Yours, J. H. PHINNY. Towanda, July I, 1975 Carriages. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY, TO BUY - CARRIAGES AND WAGONS AT BRYANT S., Cheaper than you wily ever again hare the'opportunity of doing. I have a large assortment 91 my O*N MANUFACTITRE Warranted in every particular, which I will SELL SO LOW That everybody can afford to have one of his own. 1 also ha'e the sole agency in this place of OVIATT'S °PATENT RUNNERS. , An inventionwhich has come intc ver,y general use all through the West. They give the best satisfaction wherevere they have been introduced, CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. JAMES tIRYANT. janfl46. NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY! Opiumlte the new 'Jalt, - , TOWANDA . , PENN'A. HENRY STULEN Respectfully announces to Ms friends and patrons, Oat he has bulls a N?.W BRICK CARRLAGE FACTORY, Where he w constantly keep on hand a full assort tient of FAMIILi CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, MI PLATFORM WAGON S, TROTTING SULKYS, AND SSEILETONS Mado of the best maZerlal and finished In the best , city style. His long experience itx,city Car. riage Factories gives him a deidded advantage over. others In the' FINISH, STYLE AND DURABILITY Of w , Tozp. Ail be asks Is an INSPECTION 'OF lIIS WORK Previous to - purelissfog elsewhere ALL WORE WARRANTED TO can rERFECT' ATIBIATION's Thankful for the ilbsral patronage formerly ex tended and. respectfully ask a continuance of the same. REPAISINO rIiOKnLY ATTENDED TO AT REDUCED PRICES. HENRY _STOLEN. . EIII4II .VALLEY "AND PA. Jul N. Y. RAIL ROADS.—Arrangemeat of Pas senger Trains; to take effect April 17,187 Q. • . • . . 67A1 : 1°58 S .115 9. 7 1291 .. 3_1 , , 1 • . • ..,...--............ ,-,- . , ip.3f. P:3l. A.M!P.11.4.111P.M. 1'412032 Ya116—..1 2.16) 7- 55 4 25! 7 551 ..•„ ..... Buffalo . • 1 2 5610 15 5 1530 161 ..1 ..„ - Rocheat6r..l 4 001 6 00 6 00, 6 06 - 1 " — 'l "" Anburrt•••• • •••••1 5 451 ...• 800; ..... ...„ ... Goners. 8 001 1 oci . Ithaca ' 7 sc, .... 9 42 , —.112 54 1 3. .. i• • : Owego' • 9 001 .... 10 501 ~..! ....! .... Elmira 9 001 3 45 10 52! 8 30! 7 45; 6 20 Waverly s'-'1 9 35 1 4 2 011 20: 9 951 3 701 606 Sayre., ~ i 2 ,8; 9 421 4 7. , 31 28; 9 12. 3 : 9.14 . I I Athens. 19 50, 4 3031 33, 9 19: 3 34i 6 20 ' .Milan : ••••1 •••.•• •• 936 3 46. 6 30 Ulster ....156, 6 40 Towanda! . , --- • ;10255 . 0542 . 05,10311 , 415; 656 wpauking. ....; . ‘. ....1 ....I ....110 09 4 77! P. 51 ' Standing 5t0ne....1'....1 .....: ~.:.:10 19! 4 391 :.... : nummerfleld : 2... i ....1 •••••:10 2 1 4•411 •.... Frenchtowtt ... .... 1 ....I .. .... : .110 38; 4.59, ~... .. Wyainsing.......: .... 5 45' ....:10 50; 5 12 . 1'...:. Laces - 4111e !II 721 6 0532 5611 12: S V 1.:.. Skinner's Eddy.l 7. : ....! 6 081 —.ill .13 6 3• i ..... 3leshoppen.. ..... ; „...; 6 731 .., .11 32' 6 011 .... Itfehoopa.ny . 1 1..: 6 291 —.211 38 6 001 .... Tunkhannock —.in 4.... : .... 7 3.5 101 7 10: 2 05:12 25 6 3Z, .... . BaGrallge•••. ,, •• , .... 7 20: ......' 591 .;.. 12 35' 6 45i ..„ Falls : • .....12 51, 6 ..; Ransom 1 •••I . •••.: • .: 1 03 . 7 10j .„. T. & B Junction ~,ti 50. i. 55: i . 50, 1 20' 7 20..... Wilkes-Barre 1 1 20: 82.5! 3 15.2 00 . . 7 5 0 1 ..., Manch Chunk.—: 3 40,10 50 5 251 4-3 .....i .... Allentown : 4 4511 55! 6 76 5 50 ...., :... Bethletkem;. ..... •I 5 0037 1.5 6 40: 6 05, ....' .... Easton ; 5 35, 1 00: 7 001 6 65 ....; ...) Philadelphia ..•• • 6 4.5 2 05; 8 25' 8 15: ....I .... New Yuri( • 8 291 3 49, 9 - 59' 9 59: .• .. ...J tA.M. P.31.1..11;1%74. I. it i .... BTATIOnS 8 - 1 30 1 18 1 2 4 32 -• _ _ 31.1.A.M. A.M.:A.31 Newyt 6 30; ...aW Philadelphia - , 1 8 0& ...:• 8 49 , 941 Eastoh ....; 9 23; ....1 6 Oelli 00,11 30 Bethlebetu,„_ 1 9 .5(.• 6 - 010 30 : 12 00. Allentown 'lO 05 6 4310 4272.11 .... • Mauch Chunk ...: : 1, ....' 8 0011.45• . 120" Wilkes-Barre 1 7 20,10,40 2 15 4 DC 1.. & B. Junclloo:i 1"41. 7 5511 10 2 41 4 3.3 • 'Ransomo6 ll 23 4 46 Falls 8 1911 34, 5 00..... LaGrange,. 8 3511 51 5 13' Tunkhannock.... t 2 2t a 46'12 20' 3 22' 5 30 Mehoopany 9 1212 43 ...., 5 53 Mesheppen Skinner's 9 39 1 10 .... 6 16 Laceyville 4 07 9 39 1 13 , 4 02 6 20' .... W;;alusing ....40 00 1 6 40' .... IFCenchtown ...... 10 15 1 49 ...., 6 53:.... 'Rummerfield• ..... 10 25.'1 58 7 03' Standing Stone .• ; • 10:32 2 05 7 10 .Wysauking. ..... ~... 10 41 2 IT. 7 20 Towanda - 4 101055 23r", 500, 735'730 ulster 12 as 2 45' ' 7 49 7 45 Milan 19 2 53: 8 00 7 53 Athens. .... 4 4211-293 C5% --- 3 29 8 10. 8 C 5 Sayre • - 4 48'11 35 3 1u• 5 33 806 8 10 Waverly 1 " 4 5511 45 . 3 20, 5 40 815 8 20 Elmira .1... 4 3512 31 4 10' 6 15 9 10 9 10 11w ego - .5 40 .... 6 30 ...., 9 . 53 Ithaca Geneva.. ...... '8 9 4 3o :.; ....t Anbuyn Rochester , Buffalo 12 25 ..:. .....12 35 8,20 6 15 Niagara 54 .... 1.04 o 40 r.m. P.M. 9.M--P.M. Trains S and 113'run daily, with Pullman Sleep.; ing Cars attached., between 'Elmira and Philadel phia, and Geneva:lml New York. . Drawing Room 'Cars attached to Trains 2 and 9 ,t'etweel Elmiraane,-Philadelpitia. ANTHRACITE, I , lilladelphiatralns run throne] to Centennial Grounds. , 110 WARD ELNER,.RECR. ENEVA, ITHACA , tiz ATHENS IL—CiAnnwneing Monday, Jan, 24, laZt;; [ruins. will run as on.thls rfail as follows: 1 (o 3 3) 4 3 Co a:,4 BEE . _ ~ -}l'S ~, -. ~ - ~s, mss. c