Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 19, 1876, Image 3

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    ) 114,dora Neportu.
7cwataal Pa., Tharaisy, Oct. Lo, 1876.
lloN. E. 'N. FRISRIE is one of the favor
ite political orators iu the Empire State.
Worts on the new Ward house is being.
Nigoronsly pushed.
Cot.. OrEirrox spent last week in
Wayne county, and feels satisfied- that he
mill teceive a good vote there.
Tin mercantile firm of FIORIITE tt CO
liutts, Orwell, has been dissolved. Mr.
t.:onrux will continue the business.
F. HEICEEMER & Co.. Overton, have
dissolved partnership. Mr. Ilmenerann
naval continue the business on , the ready
pay system.
Fou some time our - dealers were unable
to receive a supply of the pcipular Loyal
SO - ok Coal, but they are , now able to till
orders for it.
Ax EXCELLLNT and able address deliv
ered before Wyalusing Grange, by our
.esteemed correspondent, G. W. INGHAM,
'oill appear in our neXt.
- THE return of Rev. G. W.-CHAN:IMF:4
:to this parish for another year, is gratify
ring not only to those who sit under his
teaching, but to our entire community.
W. T. DAVIT'S and 8.. M.
`tlresed a meeting at Rome,. on Monday
evening. The Republicans of Rome prom
ise a good report the :Ai of November.
, WE LEARN that an attempt was made
a few nights since to burn the Anierican
Hotel in Athens. The fire was discovered
in time to frustrate the design of the in
STReirm: LEWis, ono of onr most intel
ligent and industrious eitisens, met with
a serious accident one day last week, by
which his artn was badly bruised and
A . ) , ALss; alarm on Tuesday Morning,
brought out the fire laddies in a remarka
bly short space :!irf time. The cause of the
alarm proved tribe eottre burning rubbish,r 7 1 he Colh ge.
3ln. DECKEICS • house, which was so
badly damaged by fire a few weeks since,
is being rapidly repaired by our enter
prising and acemnintxiating contractor,
L. 13. RonoEus.
TitEnE will be a social entertainment
.given be the Episcopal Ladies' Mite St,ci
ety, Monday evening, Nov. 6, at the resi
tictice of Mr. 0. D. BARTLETT. Al? are
cordially invited: ' By Order of Pies.
C'. 11.Tor.TER has purchased twenty
'feet of hind in the rear of his old store,
and will enlarge his new building to that
-extent,. making, it one of the most exten
sive and ecmplete drug houses in the
FRED LEP. an intelligent young colored
man of this price, died of consumption on
Smie:irty night last. Mi. LEE was a battier
by vrofes...iou, :uid had been employed in
the v,riotti shops in this place fur several
scars past.
ONE leatrn e of the Republican proces-
Slot). on Tuesday evening, N 1 Well distiu
gu!shed it front the one. on Saturday
;light, was the absence of boys. Only a
few of these bearing torches were under
Ivet:t3 - -one years of age.
A vot . Nu matt nann•il ronsitY. residing
township, who is thought to be
part la ly iusace, was brought io this place
an d confined iu jail on Monday last. I - is
lealcd he would commit sortie act
,uf lit.fuet.i if left to run at large.
AVE are glad to observe that Pope I'ILET
Cias removed the curse from our young h.
f!ictul Foit.r. and that his voice ran
:low:titer be raised for TILDEN and Re-
Tom: until it shall please his lordship
to a a is silenen him.
• \I - r: An painc,l to learn that Hon. P,
11. iIt:CK; vC LeHaysrille, met with . an 17.
eident Ltst week which will contile him
to his house for some time. While de
in;; from a tree on a ladder, he made
a usi, , tep and MI to the ground, break
h,go gjust l•elow the knee.
, zis and wirer elm pany are re
icing their tqd •wooden mains with iron
4,ipes :thing Main street., It seems a pity
c nit have been
e. wt,ile the street was undergoin' re
-1; ::td thus have obviated the necessi
ty- i having travel on our main thorough
fare interfered with Again.
TuK.annual renting of the pews in the
E.,t eli. place, will 1.1 hchT
evenino., Oct. 25, between
..r 7 and 9 o'clock. A friec lunch
N\ 1. g - 0. - . 1 71 immediately afterward by
th,t I...i:es of the society in tha church
Infoi.inatiou 13!. en
' •i•inio‘l, - of the Committee.—S. \V. floe-
.1 .;1 and 0. .I..(7ltuniturit.
It is i itt .siMple justice to the artistic
of Mr. \V. It. FA , SETT, sn employe
this e.nice, to state that most of the
al it: caricatures and, designs on the
mia the procession on
Ta.. cycnin:, were executed by Itim.!
Mc. l'A , , r;yr makes the pieturts witlt as
at and ease as NAST. A little
‘‘.11041 make him the jeer of this
I,f Ifolwr at Towanda Gincted
fir natrik , of 'pupils with perfect
attermuee p , rtrneilt,
Crfi the week ending Sept. 1:; :
1: , ,S %N. MARTII.% T110311% -, ()S,
Sv,tTA. f. 191 NIF,RcuR, AV'I I. 1.1 E LAYTON,
1:24 A T.1.1:2i„ e . 01C.1 CARRFE
S bas the appear:inc° of a
. , who'huows but the time
i; is• far distant when Waverly and
-\ 'lt: Is will br merely` suburbs of the
•• City of the Plaips." The
41.1. i!.rhz.e and push of such energetic
men as Superintolent, PACKER,
U:;) Assistant Supi?rintend
ar.:i (W.W.I'S who are intti•-
‘ e the town, together with the fact
Is a prominent railroad coutre,
n ro.rri f n doubt that its growth
rapid and permanent.
r. supreme Court of this Stafe has
.R1.,1e1e.1 a tb.eision in the case of
l'!! !• :I. administrator of the c state of
• '' ii n. ‘s. the' Cont itientra Life lust/.
!•!",± of Ifartford, in favor of the
ift. This wa: an action brought. to
;he at onnt of a policy issned
, • , n , pany'on the life of VALLNTINE
:"%trt l'.llnent was refueled, the Com-
T 1114 up the plea oP,suiekle._ The
(•!-• •Aas tiled here, and resulted in a ver
th, /IA: plaintiff. The COmpany then
it to, the Supreme Curt, where
t!• , .... - ,: , l..7tnent of the Coutrt belpw has been
.i!!!../io /I. The amount of the aw..rd
Fo.2ND.—The person who, lost a
eontaluilig somm jewelry awl a letter, can have
the proprty or, payment or ore-ihlry.l Its value. En
quire at this , otirlet,
I'l 1:. , N —Mrs..Tonx AIWMS has itiSt.
11 a visit to fficuds in Ohio
i': In,Valia.
PH scv started for Ten
;ol 'nuns:lay List, and will spend
iili friends in i Nashville.
--‘•\ ''"xerc.• p!eased •to meet, the other
M '• Dr. J. K. •Nr.w}.l.t..' Mrs. N.
3 visit to Ler brother and nu
-1:.•1• •Iher friends here, and is accom-,
hy Mat.ter
t . .tv :::u c and Mr. WlLLinm
„ of 1 larrh•leirg., arrived itiAown
-I .'Play. Thy are the , uots or Hon.
The. General's minter
:!•l. •A ill he gratified to know that
!Le ,•1) j,yment excellc to. health,
:u.,! . ,v1:;1 .7;e. of many more years of
INC , IIAM, of the Pre , t 4 and
f. Lt rote, was in town on S.atur
,-3.1. :;.• says Ilepl:4llmnism is gaining
and that many of the
f ,: „ Los have g ot VI a pass where
All. r v. to "Geo. 3.,tc::hos,','. nor
ke Ihe name. •
at the late Bradford COott
t'2. Society Fair, begin to
the offer of pferninms Wit R a
• - •everal weeks have already
`{ l .-and }' et • to') announceulebt. of
rt ':'a t!otic'e to hose entitled to pre-'
lout beta &tem We him Niftral
111111111 mar •
times solicited a copy of the list of
awards, bat have been unable to secure
it. Perhaps the money received Wee A.
propriated in paying some of the officers
large bills contracted in fitting up the
'grounds, and persons entitled to premf•
urns may be compelled to wait until the
treasury is again replenished. If such is
the case, the secretary should at least
give those interested the facts, and not
keep them longer in suspense. The Troy
Farmers' Club held their fair at the same
time, and the week following gave a list
of premiums awarded, and notice to
those entitled to them to come forward
and receive the money.
UNDEIL the regulations of the Treasury
Department, each National' Bank is re
quired to publish live times every year
the condition of the institution. To pre
vent the officers from preparing for a re
port,. the notice calling for it is not for
warded until sisveral days after the time
designated. 'This arrangement, of course,
works no'detriment to sound banks. The
report of the First National of Towanda.
which appears in . this issuep, affords an-
other gratifying evidence of the excellent
management which has ever characterized
the institution, as well as the accommo
dating spirit of the officers. The line of
discounts and ,deposits shown by the
Bank, are seldom equaled, and evidence
the confidence of the people who have
surplus funds, as well as the favor
of those who do business through such an
institution So long as the First Nationhl
continues under the control of its present
officers, it will continue to merit and re
ceive public confidence.
Leer were married Oct. 10, 1816,
The bridegroom of that happy day is now
82 years old, and the 'bride, 78. Their
health is still good; and their mental fac
• ulties are unitnpaired. They have libiing
ten children, twenty-six grandchildren,
and four great-grandchildren.. The unit
ed ages of the parents and the ten chile
dren make six hundred and liv e yeari.
On Tuesday the 10th - Inst., the family
met at the paternal residence in Burling
ton to celebrate the 60th anniversary of
)lr. PILELPS' marriage. Mrs. rtnErnr
13E.sxtriT, from Elmira, :C. Y., 78 years
old, remotely related to the family, was
•present. A beautiful floral offering, was
presented to the bride and groom of sixty
years, by Mrs. 11. D. Wr.u.s, of Elmira,
a relative of the family by. marriage4A
sumptuous dinner was prepared for the
Occasion; and after the large company
had partaken of it, your correspondent
was invited to offer prayer, and to present
,the congratulations of the company to the
'venerable couple. He was 'responded to
by the Rev. Mr. ' STILWELL, a son-in-law
of Mr. Pukt,rs. Presents were thf n made
and the company returned to their homes.
,C. C.. Corms.
Burlington, Oct. 111. 1876. •
Z New gor di: received dally at II x:cI.)LLMANS
Engraving done aG 11.r.sD1CLIIAN'6 Jewelry
1.7.5 - ' New. Dress Goods at . KENT
C - HEN ['LEMAN offer:: a great radix - Hon In Sli
ver-Plated Ware. • •
New. Goods in every Department
T.ENT L fLrss•.:sep7.
M"' 'New prints at Kr. & I.ll...issisep7
,Battrick's Patterns at KENT &
it msg.'
I:l„r , '"Laclics! Ties in great, variety, at
Latlics' Collars and Cliffs at lir:NT
Z.Fr Cad at KENT L e .: BLISS . and Fen
lielv new. P, lcr Cofset.:sep7
Call at K.l2cT 111.1si' for your ta
ble Uaina,k. Napktn, &c.. &e.:sete:
New Calais and Ca.ssiuieres at
BENT s: 11.1.3,4%;>qa
(hie more case vf those 'cheap
• A large :lsortuient of spring and
sule,ner 11.11 . 6, j.,,.5t received, at 31. E. Ityst..X.
Della ' , and-a-Dalt books for 99 ets.:
-You can bay a plated Castor for :13
Ce:tiN In .N/t•rrnr INoc L.
Call KENT tk Buss', and look
At itiCir Muck Grenaillues.
;al" A la:•gc •titock. of ganit.s and toys,
atiCt6t, W ITC0)11.1 SilA
;7:II` All the hitest publications, very
elver, at WJI I MOM'S Jr: gnat:Va.
• •
D. - crything in the line of statiou
ery t /117 C OMB St 1'1,114.11:T.ti.
itrrcolsul SuAct sell the best
11!ank Books wartufartturd lit thr or.untry
• ,„ra c••••••.!••
Ile largest and best assortment of
Itrackets ervr la'oultt?t to thla pace, cau now be
seen at FITOST & SONS. [Oct. t.'4—t T.)
Cr You ean c get • all the latei,t styles of
Stationery, very clic:tr.:at l'irtirrcotan SIIAI•T*6
:X' The largest and best assortment of
clothing In town. at M. E. ItosENFIELIrS.
A large stock of SclioolShoes;very
cheat), at ('ottsr:3•c, opposite the Court 11.,um•rsen.
4a- Gold, Sliver, and Steel Spectacles, and Eye
(;las-es, tit great yartety, at II W.:DELMAN Jewri-
ry ::ore
Nice reduced to
e 2 gallon. la 5 gal:on pails
. R. M. IVE.I.LES & EON.
: I ts" Yon will be 'surprh;eti to learn how
tuurh r.O can bay for.V9:cruts it: 31 , • - rcur lOyek.
''"" 4 y' Great reduction in American
Watches at CllAMßEßLix's.[Jun , 5.
rjY"Every little boy wants a pair of
thr”se Cfeitlerntal louts at CultstAt'F, uppc"ite the
Court 1i0u5e441,25
;.:6 . ` A new stock of Trunks and Trav
el:lllg !lags Just treetvcd at CoftScß's, and at hov
er ;:Hers than ever. '
'...I)"IIENDELItAs - has the finest stock
of Watch!•+, Jewelry and Silverware, ever brought
Into this :own, Clll awl ve It.
If you want a suit of clothes cheap
er ibun you eau buy th^ mute In New York,-Just
ea!l at Ito.,LsrIELD-g.
Take Notice, there is a great re
d:lc:lon in atul Eigiu R'aß•h:.. Call at
ili:NbtiLltAN • s and you will be sure to boy one . at
the prices be I, offering.
,"Don't fall to • call at llariut.r.xas'A, (f yon
~g1., 1 i to buy anything ,10 the Ilne of Jewelry, Silver
Sllvcr-plated \Vale.
FOR SAILE TnAnr..—A "Boys-
felt tittles only one winter. Is comparatively
new. Can be had at a bargain. Nthlrosa P. 0
Box 1,113, Towanda. Pa.
::-F" There will be an etxra session of
the North-Tlp Dl•trict Convent°ln of I. 0. G. T.,
hold at Only's - 111e Centre. Oct. 21 and 28. 1878, com
mencing at li o'clock A.. M. It IS bored each
Lodge will lin Fully represented.
• A..C.:Ttectrvcr.ra., Dlxt.See'p.
1876, FALL SEASON.—lscrra
TI ) N .--The arse Invoke of our. Imported nuildtles , .,
Pattern 13onnels, fiats, Feathers, Flowers., die.
at,.. Ladles furnishing goods. fx now In store, and
roa , ly for your Inspactton. (No regular opening
day.) Respectfully yours, E. J. 3:laGos.(ser^-15
rff- OYSTER SUPPER .AC'' DONATION—Ml are Invited to an oyster supper and sin
nation visit, at the bons. of Mr..l . olltV ItOnDrrt,
filghhand, on-Fr Way evening, tirtotter 27, tor the
ItAt.LoCK A RstSrt:ON't; and faintly.
-112-re..—T first winter term or thfq institution .
%Or oolotooDee • Sitnolay, Oet, 30. For catalogues
or further particulars, address at Toranila., E. E.
geINL AN, Principal.
• tr Two 'MATCHED Tr.alis you SALE.--
We have a goal pair of snatched four yeah old
coPs; also one pair five ,years old, well matched,
which we will:sell on reasonable terms. Either
team would make good carriage Loma,
it W.
air thrt as now
Owns out thy entire Hoek -Of iieedi Rade coth
.lntand P:1:6114.14 Obeli reisrdiess or coat. A
Rood and rare chance to pUrchatss those who pre
fit need of clothing. ' At. LEWIS.
ToWassda, Oct. 19, ; •
t. D. Pen M. b., tan be eon. ,
suited at Dr. it. D. Ilorter's Drug Store, from 10 to.
II e.. 141 ., and from 2 to 4 p. m. speciai attention
giren to dleesees of the Eye and Ear.
i'cnranda, Oct. 19, ie-tf.
"I have srled the PENCVIAV Since and tie re.
suit fully sustains your prediction. It has made a
new man of Me, infused In*, air system new vigor
'and energy. I am nie longer tremulous and del4ll
- saNetten you last taw me, but stronger,
heartier, and with larger capacity for labcr, men-,
tal and physical, than at any time during the last
Are years."
rgrA RARE CLIANCE.—To proctire a
valuable Hotel property on reasonable terms. , , Ow.
Inkto ill-bealth t will sell my Hotel, known as the
International Hotel. This is one of the best con
structed buildings in Towaads. being 33 feet on
Male street, Stl4 61 feet on Elizabeth street, the
stories high, with all the .modern Imprevements,
and coat:dugout of the beansall rooms !tithe Born.
If net sghl by March 1, It: *lll be for rent. For
further'lntua 'nation empire on the premises.
Vir The largo ready-made clothing
busmen's, built up Icy M. E. EoSziril LLD, liailtracte
lug o.tier estatilleliments to tills section, but the
prudent purchaser oil! bear In mind that all deal
er% are not possessed of the sagacity, seledom, and
strict honesty that actuates dr. R. In his business
transactions. Most torn who precud to s.ll cloth
lug .'sbeep," arc men: pretenders, which the cred
ulous buyer learns to his cos'. Our advice fs' to all
who want gixst gaols at fair prices. to
„F ‘ all on no-
EFiIiFIELD. It makes no difference whether you
are a judgo of the article desired or not, he Is, ant
svlll'not deceive you. Above all things beware of
the man who never Invites! you through advertise .
astute tomtit,
" Every genuine article has its coun
tertot; so okery honest-Ulan has his pretender.
Such Is the case with ,nr estimable. and honorable
clothing duster, M. E. Itogcxritt.l). Having
made the business a study from early Touth, and
being controlled in business transactions by the
strictest regard for truth, and the rights or his ens
toners, who .1113 not presumed always to be as well
posted as himself, others Who haro no regart tor
the precept of the ssgorden rule," seek to profit by
his enviable reputation, by engaging in the same
business, and . make large Not:ulnas. Look out
for them. •
t eninsTm A's Comixo.,--What nice
present • can I get for my wtte, sister, or rwoetheart,
or for husband, too:her, or Mend, as the case may
What win be more acceptable than a nice
l'hutogriph at WOoD'a ‘ ? They are very nicely re
touched a lid painted to neat styles, Or If you want
a photograph, large, frrpu life or co . py, you can also
get them there In India Ink, Water Colon., or Cray
on. Nothing like It made In this county. Itctuent
ben at G En. 11. Woolf 5 Gallery. There tsso much
cloudy weather, you heed to think of It In time.
only a few weeks to Christmas. '
BARIOW(I.4I 7 I , —EDINGEIL—Sept. 111, Inlliz
rt:y (4 PLlhrdelnbla. by lifer, fi,o, 111.enfiehi
WwillLgton, d. ilarroacdff and I.aldleEdlugrr,
both of nirttig ISltl, Bradford Co., Pa.
BEOWEItzz—BOWMAN.—AL the house of E. E.
Ingug, Its Nlottrocton, Oct. la, 187 n, by Der. E.
' li. rrantarr, Mr. John IL Mowery. of Otsego Co,
•N. Y, Mlyt Mary'A. Bowman, of East Canton,, Bradford county,
. .
- •
A NTISDEL.—At Wezt Warren: Sec t.
wife of Lawrence Autbdel, years.
.M"A CAI:D.—To all who are spffering
from the and Intllsgretloca of youth; nervous
wea;nesq. early decay. 1 ,, A0 of manhood. ke•. I wltl,
s•tnd a • rcelpe 1113 111 cure you. FgEE OF
(11 Ths, great remedy was illwovered by
ato Lolitna ry In sou t h merlea.. Send a self-athirt:‘,
e•Nt.klot.. to the ItyX.-Ic‘trit T. INS! AN,
D. RAIr Dottie, :Veva Tort City.[Slaylnntti
IZow 6.3.7ertizement:.
I'. 0. VI t C KAE v Y tit , i t.A l S i an s:a g ,M aFltßE't'
0::r life.:lke STEEL. ENiIItAVINGS
qt rapidly. Send
for et rettlikr. N. Y. P.pgraving,Co 11 Wail Street,
N • Y.Zsilitifv's
I' ... 4,
' i4 r)toCi;) A per (lay at home. Samples
4.! ,. e t., 1 , ...klwort.ll $1 free. - Stimou S:
Co.. vor:Lti.l. 3r.oi,:=. Fl.
' (mehl!3-7i-1y
J 0031 S TO LE se
Itorin., or less. to rent, on S..cmol Ntre,'l,
nalact!e Good sepp'y of water. 1:1:11ro at
th, ou,:e. ocitc-1w
pISSOLUTION.L-The coimrtner
-1 ship lwrz•tattre eXisting ;be on.t.'r
sozu.'ll, muter the firm nano., of PR IS It I E & CO
BURN, Cww , ral 31e'relivrpitAe I%
this tbiy mateat c,o'lLsent. The lut,i
n•iqs will he coultrovnt by .1. I . .%CoiLuth. at the 0:4
s.tancl.'l4 her, Refllrm:mts Of all accounts of the ht; •
:inn uilli,e made. All persoushining acumitsulth
the late firm are reqth•ge:l focal( and wlttle at once.
A. C. F it 1 ,4111
.1. t'. COlll7 It N.
OrwelL Sv:p. 30,
Tliss( - LuTi 0 N.—Ttie iccipartner
i exlstlt:g . betweeu nutlet
stgmA, 111. Ittacii,mlth It•itm,,, has h-en dls.
:solved i v motual cmisent. All p.4•4;tis Intlehred
to th" lam firm are rcque,.ted ,to call at their late
, pia.-e of btisliltn , s atal settle 111.... same within sixty
days. A. .
Tow:lt - I,la. Oct. . M. ).-MOODY.
ulttPts!gliell 1,114 rntitint 1 , ,i) carry otj
bmtness at the old. stand. e eirriage.l'aotory
b! 11. Stuteo, octlr-lw A. J..I. 4 IIARROW.
oysT ER BAY •
flesp.cifully Informs !hi public that be lies re
lif•NV in Si u , utb of the Mciiiis
I fou , o,wlu-re be will be plcai,eil fusee his cid friends,
Served at an haurs at the lowest posstble,rates
By the Gallon, quart ur Uozeu, and In Stall
Towanda. Oct. U', 1876
N oTt . cE.
Are nnw retiring trcm the Clothing flusinexy, and
are thtrefoie vtirtieg their immense stuck tf
For 25 Per Cent, Lest; Than Cost .t
This stock musti he to'AI during the next sixtyd: t ys.
it betrr Oppnr unity to purchase clothing cheap,
was never ("Cern' lu this town.
11ravy Ormcat4 fa 60 to 1 4 CO and np
Cnion Denver Overcoats C 00
All Wool heaver °toren:its_ 200 " 10 00 ••
Heavy Cut ...... 100 " ' 4tO
Black (311 won:) Dress Coats. 600 " BCO ••
!Teary Pause 160 •• :00
SlPTho.ttort. for Itfott. Pantos tre•blbg to boy
the stuck will have a rood orportontty.
lir Persons Indebted to the abort trto will
pl4.lse call and settle.
ijerssAili este- ty urto;
FOR SALE: , :::A farm of 100 ne es,
1.3 iteprovod., walla-Vest part of limit field
All 4 Thad fattl OM; Fa.: Two orebatds. m Cy
grafted fruit. house at it rooms, arranged f 4 one
or two families. two taints. .For liarticula en.
quire on said premiees, or of
-.! zags '. . VIIANCIB liftEN ft
• —Li_____-_,,—. .
F j.c...
liter owned by Matilda Vangottler. at l - sy.
lam twp is o ff ered at private sale. Thu farm'
tidos 38 *ems. all imprmred, well watered and . ene
ed ; avo:Aolles from Towanda, and' ronvenle tto
school awl church. For terms. ar., Inquire of PE
TER VANGORDER. Liberty Corners. E. U. Or,
LONG. near theteremiser, or G. L. HULL. too.
roam. !' ' Oct. it. IS- t. '
The satactiber elfets for sale 'at a bargain, his
farm situate In Asylum twp.. containing 83 , a cres.
all hut 4 acres Improved. The farm Is In aigood
stale' of improvement. welt fenced su.d watered,
with a tine stream of water running throngh It.
gm d springs. two dwelling houses. horse harm, and
a large variety of fruit'. - ,
Tor further particulars address the subscriber id
liarshvlew postodiee. or John li ohne* at Towanda.
Altalum, gept. SI, 1117614 w :
_Ls ) of the First National Bank at Towanda, tn the
State of Pennsylvania, at the close of busliss,
October 20116. . ,
Loans and discounts , 1:187.23 62
overdrafts 2,02,4 89
r. S. Bonds to serum circulation 35,000100
V. S. Bonds on hand..... i.'...1, • 250100
On,• from approved reservy igen', 21.415V00
Duo front other National Ranks 12.13910 a
Ono from State Banks and Hankers . 10.387 50
lien! estate, furniture and and,
2.400 eo
('its - rent expenses and taxes paid 4,2.39 19
Cheeks and other rash Items 8,113 01
still~ of other National Banks 3.041,00
Tractional rurrenry (tneludingnickels). 774118
Specie (including odd Treasury card's). 1,130 oft
Legal-tender notes 14,018 'OO
Redemption „fund with U. S. Treasurer. 2,475 •
. ,
Capital stock pald hi.—,
Sue Otis 't uut1..... ...
‘tilp.r undivided profits • '-•
National Batik notes Outstanding
Dividend's unpaid
Itolirldual depoAlta subject td cheek.... =7.265
Thou cell Illeatet , et (I.?ponit - 56.,-Iftt
Due to State Banks awl bankers— . .... 2437
Total '.3.119,52$ •
. .
State of Peonsylvanls, County of Bratlforkss:
N. It ETTz 4 ., Jr., (lashlerof the above name
do solemnly IMEnr that the nimir Matetne
Is true to the best of toy knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to ilefore me this 12th da l
of Ortotr:r, Itl 6. 11. DODO E, Notary rubtt
Conaret —Atteett
`run 'way able to save mope{•. and certainty can
Insure as cheaply as with any nue else, with the uu
thuslgued. representing the following
London Assuranco Corporation.
Traders' Ineuranoo Co., of Chicago.
hiutuAl Whin:ince Co., (4 Yew York. _
Poterpon 'neurone° Co., of Paterson,
Insurance Co. of tho State of Penn.
FrenCh Insurance Corporation.
Susquehanna Mutual, or itarribburg
Also Life lasuratietir In the old established and
Mutual Benefit 'Lica.
Lees cquitab'Y adjusted and prompt 4 pall!.
To wanda, r 4.. Oft. n—lw.
f I . O:NtE TO COVEN'S ,IF YO,l l
‘ 44
_.; v.otthl get 6v3re the worth of ; the motley ex
polo.kol. , !
ON PAH,: ST.. 3110,1 ts EAST OF CITIZENS nitictc,
f2azid a full line ofl Mr very I.:,:st
(11. 4, 4 - 1:1: I: Y. (4 - ..ISSW A RE. FANCY GOODS,
and QCF.E.NAWA RE. ENt,il.lSll
FRENCH atoll 11E1.61AX.
COT Sr 19:1.VA Itt.".l):
N (11, A awl a fltielaq..sor'iwut of.
LA Si tie_ very best of trlinzulngi. '
TF..t and 1 F.
• A full line of the
Stationery. Wank Ile.lts. nos 800 Ladles and
lianitkerylitets, Table and
T,nr.•l 3.1111'11F. TOWVIA and I Nage
th i s, snspetiders, Colia
Atilt '
A theutanil other art Ides too nnnterr is to mentl,n.
All good 4 mitt give sail4factlon or pie money re
fowled,. Go, 44 4,4lTered In the coryloration Tree.
SoUritink Ihr t , ale. at Auction, of RPM Estate,
I.lve Stock. Farm I'trn , ll4, Erousetudd Goods. to
any - thing lo be sold at Auction In town or country,
al prices to cult tit: Ittnert.
On nll gotxls left on conitnl,sl , ll_
Towanda, (let. Iti, -7G-tt
HANN' AS. being a Illaeksinithdiy trade, had
Sett Ito want of tome means wherehy I could
i•often II:ON at the tome. St r ill3t I could work It
nt abetter advantage.' thla induced lme to make
many experiments stint d Iffe rent utedancea which
offered Ihe best prospect sot 'aureola. :It was on one
.of these oceasions that I di,covered the wonderful
' etre( tit of Electro Silicon upon,'
I had a defect In three of my' thigqrn, which were
- :heili or shot np In •tny hand in stleW a manner by
, the CONTITACTION Or THE riding. that they were
l, veil' tronbit some to me In M , y daily avocation. I
could not liandie my toots ns I wished. and often
; thought that I would have them cut i,II' to gel them
I nut of my way. I had used everythitt that tittered
any hope of relief, Mit all to no etrect. Well, i say,
I wan working with Electra Silicon t the forge,
and of ecursa could not . prevent Its coming lis con
tact with my hands. '
I took no bolter; of the effect It had prixtured, an
ti, one day wishing to use p heavy hammer, I
grasped it wl:h my crooked hand, and much to my
murrtse I found my crooked Unger straighten our,
; and l Midas notch use of them no ever. I could
baldly believe my eyes, I showed my band ton y
1 wile and family. and a general rejoicing was the
! re.olt. ,
The question now wan. what had proctored this
wonderful effect ? Every act War. recalled. and at
ter a long and rareful itivestfgatlon, I at last made
op mf mILd that my good fortune had been caused
MY next step was to discover some means by
which I could combine this wontlerted substance so
that everybody could use It. I ninte dilleent search
the( oghevery .book that I thought would throw
any fight von the suhj-et. and at last. In n very 01.1
mediral boot. I found a way by 'which I could dolt.
The result was iwrtectly satisfartory,:and I was
able to make a liniment, the Ilke the world has
never seen before. I now began_ to look about mu
for cases to try the effect or It on others.
1 had a neighbor 1 living about a mite tram my
shop who had a lame knee. caused by the cords be
ing contracted by rbeuxuatt.m. I bent hint a bot
lite or 4
. •
Awl told lilmlo use It thoroughly. He did sk and
at the cud of three molth3 Ise was able to throw
aside hts cane awl walk to 'my t.hop , apparetuly
well as ever. It had worked Just as It dld In my
l o gare it to other of uty nelghbora and triendF,
(fur tulles around,) who were marring from
AU of which It cured without any ttrultle.
Finding that the Eleetro Stneon Llntment would
penetrate the skin of man. farther than any other
sot:stance, It occurred to ine that It must be
And it liar jirnved Itself nne . of the very hest
vatl•>n+ In all external Obsesses occurlrg to that no-
blo atdtual. ; '
rrrparNlll Electro Silimn Llotineut Cow.-
party. 012cr, 76 William S:reet, Now York.
Sold by an Dragglhtr
io MITI" 1PE.14 1 / 9 11714E.
Now bArertluannta.,.
JOST. l rowEtt,
Y. w. lIALR,
S. •
Ilan I un rqwuccf.att
A Di'TION AND C . o3lNlli3D'tN wtonE
Tu 1r 11 :CD .1, PF: id. , .V
A Ono r.i.tortinent
y sivEst.
5F.171: ALM A,
- - -
.. . .
We deco recelveti_thts week a very large stock of
Special Bargains-
Caapet Dumrtni:ent!
Plcase Call and See otii• kern Goode
' Tpwatda. Sept. YO. IsTc
‘rr KNIVES, &C
•ut my Predlettotts published fur the beftelit of my
mistotters sixty days slime, have been verified, and
NO EURTIIER ricctt'itEcil"
That those who neglect purchasing their
lin a more convenient season. Will find that they
liave procrastinated to their cost. Everything in
t te 11110 of manufactured goods Is hound to advance
in price. Forsceing this state of affairs, I sown
t toe since purchased a largoetocit of
lltielo I am now offering at LOWER PRICES
an the, same goods eau 'to-day be bought In New
York. This offer will not hold good atter SIXTY
liAYS. Remember, " Procrablinatkd Is thit thief
o time."
REMEMBER--My store is, one goor
uth, of Mrs. CARTER'S. •
uwanda, Aug. 30, 1678.'
Ever offered to the people of
As I have a prospect „of gaining
rvmportant suit in one or the west
territories, which, will render it
eccssaly for me to retire from the
• I
I take this linethod of informing
le people 'tliat ; my present - . large
.k of
IWill be sold regardless of cost,
Suitable for thei,
And are now;offering
lo each Department or our Sture
All the latest Styles la
Afar, a large stock of
A very floe assortment of
Lang: ad'lltion's to
- I '
Batts an Elhoas=Orockert,
18704_ , :1:8`,;,0:,
F A 1.1 T 11 A D-E .
attrutrit ttcOving t ,
bc.; dc., d~c.,
Ever offered In this town,and at prices that cannot
-tall to please the closest-buyer. I hare many bar•
gains in all /I/ICM of gOoda that cannot be obtained
elambere. Male call and examine goods and
prices. • i'
. •
old Stand, opposite Court House.
Towanda, Aug. 10, 18711
&T. &T &T
At the old stand of,
Tnwatida, Angust 2. Ig7G
'PROCLAMATION. A. Moo. P.kri..l). MORROW. Pnetdant .1:0ge of
.101e4a1111hIriet. eotAl-tinz of th-, romp).
of Brad ford, ihd llotr.. S. D. If ttnicSESS avid e,„N.
As:qx•late, .Itolgr- , to nlid for F. 11.111 VOlsllty
or Bradt,» di have Itsned tlorir preculd hearing date
`the Jilt! day or, to me dlreeted. for
:bond tog 3 Conti Of Oyer and Termin,r, ;viten , ' .12:1
Qoarter S...s:dons of tIo Peace, Connttoti
I',eat and Orphan, Conti. at .Troy. tor the county
firadford, on Monday, nt. IS7O, to con
Notice is then.tore hereby given in 111 e
A. , t 41.4 ioe- of (Ito P. 111.0 or the coowy Isr f ia• then and there In their prop .1.
11 , 1 - r , ,n, at in o'r:o,lk lo the forenoon of sala day.
seitli reeords. intoisltions anti o renlerubranres
I!, do threw th!rg:
.to th , qt• :nee appt , rtain,
to ti. dome:
. and thte“. Who ore t•outol by rml , ,zus•
vhntes or other% Ise, to tirWoulf tiz4u,t tin; prim..
hen, &hn are rr noCy 'Vie Jail of satd cola to.
ar , Illl.le then and there to pro , eente agltlnst Moto
as shill be Plyt. w lttron4 are r, wieste4 In Ire rine
tua, In their attendance avref_a!tly to tit.4r
1):,tod at Towontla. the tell day of rtetorer, ill I
ear of our Lord: one thou and eight hundred Pno
Neventy-.4 a, and of it:! 1'14 , 1)(4okt:co of tho
United. States, the ore
A. J. LAYTON, Sheriff.
. •
l it
IN hereby gteen that all per9 , ns to.
(Soloed ortin , estate of N". It. St..!rd,v,ott late t f Tus
carora., deed. toast taa.le inttni.d;ate payment to
the undersigned, awl all per,rons one ing efairr
against said ~,tate MUM; pre....ent thern, itl l y anthe
firated, for itatieraenty
Notier h Itp!. - 01.y given that all yersi,ns in.
the eQuot. 11,,ser.InT,-! or Spring
mast make Inimeella:c implient to the r,D,L.,
:mot nil pt.rrnns tiavlug vi:lims
e state nnixt preNne them, duly anthenticatvd, fur
..Xl.: CUTOttIS ,NOTlCl.—".s'iotice
. is lwrel.:c givenitliat all 1 , 1 . 1,41 , 11:1 Intl:04011 u
Mt' . 0 .:4; Cm( Cat holitfe Coinitilngs late of rE m :oula
bort..lee'd, mord make nn me , l tat .• pay trol, t tnthe no
-11e.r.igip..,1, awl all pen.ons hating clalia• upoo , said
i , :tale tvmst prohent thou, tinly autlwritil'ate_l3, fur
s .• E.T. FOX,
aug:ll ' . , Exceator.
,i Notice is h , reny givotc tint , t tit ISkrtlYtt,
(.1 the townmikip of Win4lovV. In r:punty of ram
mato or Now Jerst.y. tlil4 (lay made an :o—
siguniont of bis estate, to tln• mil , serliwr, for the
olual imnefit of his cro.litorA, and that, said
creditors must 4.•xhlbit, their renteetlre elatnoi nit=
.der oath or aftrwation within the terin of three
mouths. (it:MIME B. isolurrys.
itatiog.w, Burlington Co.. N. J 00. p.
07th net. 1!}-3w.
eroy's use vs. Charles Stockwell. No. Iro4,
IlAy 'term. ISM
In the Court of Common Pleas of Itrulford Co.
Tha ttsh , r3ignett. an auditor apfutinted by the
Court to distribute mottles In thtt hands of Sherif".
ree:dved front 9:tio of rafts. not estate, Ittitt attend
to the dutSis of his appoint in , tit ht the oillee of 11.
K. William.. E.q.. ht Canton on IV EDN ES.
DAY. XtNenther 27. is7o, at 10 otcloek a. nt.. wtutu
and wikere all parsons hallo"; rialto.: air,altist Bald
fund . tuaot present the 931111 or be forever debarred
therefrom. 11.. f. MADILL. ,'.
Towanda, Oet. la. '7C-4w. , t ' Auditor.
Uli ITO R'S NOTICE. llenrt
f_Stolen. now to the tote of . E. W. hate vs DA,.
Nat. nard. No. 800, Der. Tenn, 1873. In the Court
of Common Pleas of Bradford glumly. _
The undersigned. an Atll.or uppoitited 'by_
the ceurt to distribute the food rats•:d from the
She , IR•e tale of the ,defendant's real est: t t In :he
at•oveistated cash, wilt attrbd to the duileS of- his
sibpohtt men; at his office In thb rorough of T..wan
da, on Tuesday. the 141:1 day of Noventbor. ?it7t:. at
o'rloek A. )1.. vrlq n and Tiber(' an Ilwrsoris hay-
eialius upon said food, must present them, or
be hweeer debarred '111:re trout.
' JAsiEti If. Coot:INV,
the estate of Jonathan Whipple, deceived,
No. 6,.May Term, 187:4 .1n th Orphan's Court of
it railfiird COllllty.
The under Signed, an auditor appointed by the
court to distribute money In the bands of 114 ad
ministrators of said estate. at Ising from the sale of
the prrnonal and real l estattftif 1,0,11W...e11en% will
at fetid to the duties of his appointment at his °Mee.
in the, borough (if Towand.umn Monday, October
71', 1876. at I °Mee:. p, ni.. when and where all
pomms having eluttns against said fund num prz-
Nera the same, or he forever debarred therefrom.
WM. 31A X V; 1.,
Sept.:S-4w Auditor.
of Elias J. Clatmn, deed. In the Orphans'
Court of Bradford County. ,
Thl. undersigned, an atollt.)t .ppolnted by the
court to distribute moneys' In the !ranch, of , the ad.:
tulnlstrator of said estate.. will rtleoel to the deities
!of his appointment at his Once, In Toaanda, on
Fitetay, the 20th day of, at 10 o'clock,
when and where all persons having a elahn upon
said fund must present them, ho forever,
debarred from cumin:4lu upon the same.
septllw4 11 1.. 1111.1.15.
I '
Burgess, Ear.. I's-James 11 Vosborg. .1% - e.
7:0, Stay Term. 1870.
la the c,:rart or csoitmon Please, or nil,d cord co.
The ionler,lgnml. MI auditor apradoell by the
Court to dlstrltn
ee 'the foods arlsill from the
Pale of defendant's real estate. oram CY.Cr , lllon Is
sued neon nand Judgments, mill n'tend lo Um do.
th's of Ills apphtn•tuent at the Exchator Hotel.
.4 thms honk. on :SION pAY . , Norrnther ath- l e 7o ,
at In o'clock a. m.,.sthen and Vihere all persons ilitY•
1112 claims against said fond mutt prestot the 331110
or he forever debarred therefrom.
Towanda, Oct. 4, Id. - Auditor.
.-------- L---
4 1 1. 7 DI TOR ',B ' NOTICE. John
~ Weonnell usii. vs. 1C111.611114, et: at. In the
court of romnlosilleus of Itradfotd County. No.
94 1. S.V. 'Perm, WI. .i.
'I undorstgnell. r.n andltor al-7 , 1111rd by thn
eon ri to dlviribute mra
oney h.ll by rOl.-riff's sole of
defendants real eqate, will attend to the 1tIll..!4 of
his aKointment at. his Orftre In 'Towanda Slow+, on
Tnesday;Nov. 14. IS7O, at 10 o'rloek, a. to., where
ult inrsons luterestei are requ eled to present tholr
claims or no forever", deLared from elAltniog any
share of laid fond. - 1:...1... 1111.1.15.
tictl2 .Auditor.
. .
NI thww.s vy.a. new :, ard. &t_ Mr.
wei en; 1670. 111 111%1 for I omw,*
The undsrslgned., au. andltor apt , :ented l y said
court to dlstritute moneys In sli-rlff's hands,
log from the ealeof defernlsnlS real estate. win
: , lt to the dutlas of hls appolultuent a: his ofDee•
in Towanda Borough, Pa.. .m Torsi.lay, the tlth
dig of Nevember, 1:376. at 10 o'clock, a. in., when
all per haring' claims upon raid fatale are re-
Tiireet to prtitrAtt l ibedaatirel 4 k.wirerilatlarsid - Mita
440aarrrn" • e JOHN AV". 111 X.
NUS • • iikvaltori
• i
0. A. BLACK.
w. F. COBVI:N.,
A a tn-r
ITI I.t:rator/
r.LF:(37 ; lo%—"khecett% In and by en Act of
the fi:nerti Amembly of ihe Voletoonwealtil of
rennrylvahla - , •ntitied ' act relating to the
Election!, of ilit4 fl,titnrnmtwenitli,” Tweed the 34
day of July. Ann() Detnint 1832,•1t la made thrdnty
of the Sheritrof every comity within the ceremey t .
wealth to give public. notice of the Urherai Etre
tlonA. Old in such notice to entrineratc—
Ist.—ThooMeers to be elected.
21..-Designating the place,/ at which the election
le to be held. Therefore.
T. ANDREW J. LAYTON. Nigh Sheriff or Ort,
County of tiratifon3, do hereby make known and
give this PUBLIC NOTICE to the Eleetora of the
Connty of firaditord. that ON TOE IRT TTTESDA
OP NOVEMBER NEXT, (befog tholth day of
the woryth,) a General 'Election will he held at the
sieve:at Election Dl:Arleta establlkhed by law to
aatd reunty. at whiell limo they will vont br ballot
for the several Waters. hereinafter Denied. . •
. .. - .. . . .
Tscs.nty•nine persons to , represcit the Common
wealth of rennulOthia itt the Electoral College of
the United States.
One person for member of the Haling. of. (tepee
sontattres of the Unite() titates,.to represent the
Fifteenth Congresttunal District; NlZlprised of The
conutPot of Itradford, SuttjUehatat, Wa„Tne and
Wyoming. ' , i
Out •setsatt ,for member of the Senate. of Pent.
sylvada, to represent the, l'srenl , 4llllll Sanatoria'
bigriet, compost(' of the counties of Bradford and
Three persons for inetilletrit of tlis• t f . fouse of Rep.
re , vntatircs of the Gcn,ral• Asselnl4X of reunsyl
ranta. to r present the Co: of ftnififortl. -
Oen pert; a to till the tdate of Jury ettsalititriotser
of the coy= of Bradford. 1- . t
I ••••••• •
. .
ttw stlU. lectlops will he behl tb,rovgltont the:
empty ag follows
o.rotenla, at the home of John S fleeter,
Alba h.oru., r.t the how.: of Ipt
Albany, tit the Bahr school house,
Asylatn, at the st hoot house near S Itru.kers.
Athens Loin« at the house of Chas Daley. • .
Albans twp., at the Exchange Hotel.
Burlington bero,. at the Rey., !loose.
Rarltngtou twp" at the Ttoyse lionse, Burlington
Burlington West. at the I'd E Cluuroli
Barclay. at the se two! linos!.
fur.. at the Central H0n.... Canton bon;
Cottatabla, at the Is tatsq of .fan Morgan.
Franklin, at the Town Hatt..
0 ratoittle, at the hough of $ V Taylor.
ortltit.'l4 tha ►rhool home. 'ferric:l(vWe.
Tosltav,%lll.., 1! !lo home of r F ea!ge.—
Litrhtteld. attlr htew.e'of M If canner,
Leitay, at Centro school hwize.
31ouree twp., at the hou:is uneu oecbpled by J L
M. , uroe harm. at ttiohottse of Orman Kellogg
Orwell, at the Tovtii Ball.
overtan. at sr hoot Jiaa.a So. 2
H. 4,1.3 lisp., at the. Arallony Lt Ramie boro
.R .0 lx.rol at the:Academs.
1:1111.11iy, at tlio house of Chaeffendy.
Sliestioqulni nt tho Mu m ,.
Spill:gni-M. at t; bonne of 31is Thos Snowl. Stone. at the.lion.n of SitllollSteVall,
...3ii k tolnuld; a 2 tho house of L 1) Foret , t.
Ivatta bon , ., at the Imam! or Curtis 3liirritt.
Snuttr. Crack. ta the !mum: of C K Cu( . •
Terry. at the bony, of E sh,pard. .
Towanda botor—Flrst IVand, at the hotel of
rick. 4t.e.41 , 1 Want. at the Ccurt floater.
Third Ward, at the Orocerf,Store ,S Smith.
Towanda twit.. at the .14 0 1)0o1 boa,* near li L
Towanda, North, at the hot to of 5 A
Troy born., at the home of V 31. LoLg.
Troy top., at Hot home of V. 31 Long. Troy bury.
I'm:carom, at school house near Jas Black's.
1194er. at the }louse.
Warren, at the home of it Cooper.
Windham, at the honse of It urkendall.
WynlnNing, at the Immo., of .1 11 black.
nt the hotmo of A .1 Stone.
at the Louse of It E C
\Va.., at the holm of tieety.
Perla , attention Is hereby 'directed to tlia Sth
'allele of lho Noe Cooidltin
Section I. Every male citizen twenty-one years
of age. pos. , the following qualitiettloM, shall
1,-' entil!t-il at , cote at all elect Imo. t
'lst. 'He shall hrtel been a Citizen of the United
State., at least one month. •" -
gnd. 11e :Ilan have resided In thii Slate one year;
Or if, having_provionSily been a to:011M elector cr
wait e born VII iz e n of She Siinfei he shall have re"-
moved thorefroin end returned, then OA toontlis)
Immediately !devoting :Ile election. •
lie shall have rr>klyd Su the tileekti-ottb,trkt
where 1e orfor to vote at least tttu month
Inediat.-ly preceding the election.- •
-11 n. If twenty-tffle years of age or filiward,,
have patd WI thin two year,: rtate or confdy
tax, which base been lewd two
months paid at leant one month before the
Section 4. All el:l...nous l.y the citizens 'trill be
by Every ballot voted shall be taunher: Iu
lie order In 441.1 l, it shall he'r-ceire.i. and the.
nog:ll.4r ~ ordeti by the PWC:f6IIIOVirA on ill^list
of. , .site the Mine of the M!lerrii:r who pte
s,•ot:. the Ara elottLr may Irate hift naine
Matt his iickrt. or ralnlit, 9:11,1! to be vrrillen
'her .011 and at:1041.4 it ;tires or the (ti:114...t.
.'Cite oeetimi oate-rh 'sworn or atlirmed not
e tote a l iy eler;or sLslt Lave volf.til unless
req-dred iu do>o s,es In a judicial pro
,en h•g•
SLIP:I4 n ii.. Electors ;ball in al: cases extecpt
Fen, ny anti breach or, intrelynt the ;war e , b e
vrivileff: . .l, from a; rest durlog hely mt.m.lanec .41
etitta,. and In going :0 .0:01 rettirnieg theref r e m.
d, er any of the quAllfl..nlich 4,, t.
thl,. tlnnni :ntv; telth clod! be in aetual
nu ll
%try tiin'ter a r...juls:tion -friMithe
of the 17n i tell Slatesorbythealithitritvoflhir
moat electors mey exerel4e the
right of ,All`rage htl'all ebsa Hun 117 the eia7..10 , ,
nod salt rql - ,.tatiolis as nr.fl.ttil dhe
!,ov, as roily - as if w re present :4 their tiara!
';.!lees of election'.
7. Ali hos rgdiating th_e; holdiez
.dert loth by the rbliens or far rehi-it ration of
unifornt thrill limn the State, lett
..,ie!ectdr shall he deprived of the privilege of rot-
I:5111e tint bt,114 i'egiStered.
0.1 Allylkorcon tvho than give or premise
or el, er ttiVe:, to ;to elector, any money,-rewarder
nth,' ccu.,:derathet for this cute at..att (dee
tow. Pr for *Mile : tiding tin..,;:tne. a wh.r.shall'ztive
er :0 giv f _ socti Cd j wid gallon to any'ether
perm .;r par: .. : fir such dketora vote. or for the
a:..1 noyAdeetor who Alan
Or agree totr,ceive for himself oranoth^r.m.y
mte•y„ reward Or otter valuabl'e consideration for
!.? ..4.4:2
is an e1..,CT:011, or for withholding the latue
thor,hy sort, its the vote at :tyh
end Any elector v,Ln, right to vole shall by clqi
lcutfedfor see , i c.tar , hetnr.4
the election onieers,
shall he SlTalr altirm that the matter
f I ch.:Luc:4i I. uw.lne. before Id* Vote":4l:,:i be
S 'et iO3 9. Any persint Who sling o eandi-:
4I tie for office Ile guilty 4.f bribery, frand„...l: wii Out
v oda t 14,0 of any ;beet ion tale, :•!111:1 ba 1071 ,
hol.iing an Wilee of triht or lirclit lu
Coutinen wealth, and any per. ou eon% ieted if
witfel vi-ILtion of the election addl.
lien to any penattlts proy Med . by 1:0,V, Le tleinlved
of the tight of tufirage 41E:o:ntely for a tart,, of
fur v etrs. .
let ion 13. Far the purpose:Of voting no per.on
:Ilan Ito deeme4 to have gained a resbhmee by rr.t.
e. , 1, or hi. pre•emr,. or lost It by r. 28,02 of a b..
whl;e ‘Mip:oyed In the servic., either caviler
rolil.,arY, of this State or ihs United Stank. nor
while engaged ht Ile. it:trig:V.l(mb: the waters of
the State cr of the United States., or on the high
is nor n bite a student id' any lustltatlon of kayo
ing. 11.-r white kept In toy pour house or ottr:r
l a , )•-
itraftt palate exp.n.,o, lox nitHe conlineditt PUNIC
,ctlon 14. I):s:rirt election hoards shall consist
of a J:elge and tan In•p..n:tors. who .:11:111 be chosen
11 , 41\1:ABy try the- Earh elertor shalt littve
illt tight to vo:: , f. , r the palgr •andi.ZW: Inspector,
anti en.. 11 Jaspec.b.r sttait appoint one clerk. The elertion board for any hew fitful t act shat) 1 se- .
Ect , aml vacan..irs la election hear+rshall be
Minot. prorid,,l by taw. Ele.etlon officer:, shall
b e pv101,1401 from arrest Iligtlll, Jaye election„
ami white ent,Taged ht tuaklt g and transtulaing
reLn:',lt,. except tt;.on narraot or is cl,llil reeor.l
or t;nlgo thereof. for; an eketlon fraud. for fetoi,iy.
or fu'r %vanton ',rear% of the peace. In canes they
may e!ahn exemption (rem duty daring torn ,
Irrins of s,..relee.
Sertludi 15. Ni, person ' , Bali In. 'ln:flitted to serve:
a., an r , ,4-11.niocil'evr who ' , Lail or sl;ali witLiti
two vuontlis,haVe held an (dike or or
k-Lop:oyttielli In or under the got erainent of Ilk!
State: or or tits Szate, or or any 'elty. , or
or of ratty nstnileil...ll lward, etnnialsstill cr
trust in any oily. only Just Ices of the peace
and aldernozn. notati... , , public awl 1, , r , ons lit thy . ,
loth i s ,vies of tht :irate. nor
•firer he etttrible to any civil cffied to be tilled at an
(.1.'4.1,41 at. w13.1..:a lie shall 'Nerve, s.Aco only to s t o
nintard;:al or tonal ntr.•s.
grade of city or coutiV otticetr., an
sh alt he 4t~cig
uated icy g.nn•rai law.'
And alms to tho 1",,:116v1rg acts of A s....tuldy row'
In f,.rre in ibis .S!al.t. viz •
of Julio 3003. 1d74.--Seotion, 5. .1a all elec
tions Iterea:' , ...r twt,l motet' the law,. of 'tliltt C 1 ,111..
thr palls shalt I,e op , ..logEt at 7 n'clu,k a.
ti * Cifiek p. in.
Wu 7. lilionever there shall ba a iacaney in
n - 1,10,1;1;n board I:a the morning as election.
rabl va , aney shall lie • tilled in e.mturnil:y ulth
1.1 v%
Toe I-ahl at.t ssf ..Vssembly entitled. “an net relat
ing. th e elect tn:i Pt thin l'ontinouwealth,"l , .uyett
,Ilia 2 , 1 d, 1816, provitle , i follows, tla,
....That the itispeotcil aryl Judges shalt inoet nt the
- sinp .etlicrpla cps nypoluteti tor holding the election
in the dli , triet at r. Welt tliey
to the morning of Taleeil3),
Nev,timer van, and each; said liv:prrtnr
pint one clerk, Al nu shall be a qua:ittA voter la
such aistikt.
n trio the per , on who 'ball ll.lve rec,:ived the
I , in•wel Wl:hest tonnber of vot,,, fOr 111S1)1.ctor shall
not ::ttont 00 the day of an election. then th.•
V.'!lo ,litta babe rec•ived MO second highest
uttne..4 of votes for jloig., at tho pvez-,11 . 1,7,
too shall act a, itepect. rin hi, place. Anil in
case ttv., I. , !ratni who s.ftatt have r-e , ho,il the - highe,t
inniii,.•r of %otos lor•isilwetor shall not atrilet, 11:e
peri•M eir•ett`4l jt:II;p• shall Ippoint as losnector In
Ins ;11..rev 31,11 illyy case 1111.,praon eiecteil Judge!
',bah al.teini. *en the lurp,eter who revolved
the hig)nnt intml4i.',ot vows, aproi:,: a jwig,, ,
to his p:a...; and vacancy slllll comb in, in
the I , onril for the, tir.le‘t of one hour aftor thz,11111"0.
by the law for 411 , %nine of the t , lectlon, the
votrrs a'ito, township wail or•itstlict for
whleh surh vil)eerk•hall have been elected;present
at the place., of, e'ection, shall eleetone or their uu ni-
Zwr to MI such vacuuey.
The Art of aOth of July. 1874. further provides,
viz: S..etion 8. At the opening of the pei 1: - .at all
elee!b.ns It , hall be the duty of the Judges of elec
tion for theirte,peettve district,. to tle , iguale one
of the te:tpetitote, whose duty It be to have In
eu:dody the regbdry of voter, and to toake-the
tele:, therein r. :tired by law ; and It shall be the
ditty of the rubor of spill Instituters to tticeistf . and
number the ballots presented at, said electioo.
Slytion P. All elections by the citizens shall be
by la . Tlt; every ballot vi ed be numbered In
the order in which It :hall be, received and the num-
.. . - .
i'r reCoriled by theeterovs on the list of Sito,rs s.
site the name or the .:Iretor from whom . k r.:iv. , .(1.
And alloy voter lot in.. , two olr ono re Voltets. o , e ser
era( lb is om voted :hall each to: , with
the }Mintier correlionding with the number to; oil
name off tboo erica, Any elector Mae wroi.;! lola
intifil upon lois tickm. or enlise the souls. to be wilt
I en,: Irreon and
atf iM est col hy'a citizen of th e ollst rill. ,
In addition to the ciath now presrtit,ed by taw to I
tooot and sulosi , ril,ed by e M
lecttmo °eets, they shag
~I ,
sevm ally be sworn or affirmed -Mkt In oticloosto how
any Plect r shall Its voted. unless required' to do
-0 as witness in a luiacial pioceonllng. Ali finiges.,
r . i1.1.0( tole, Ciellis and owerseera of an eleet loon ite: , l
,nr..ier tido' , act; shr.fl, berm,' catering opon their olii
,oi,, ir.! duly swot to or athrtiwor In the pre:Acne-. .4
ita - ch,otticr. The jooolgrx shall ti morn by the nil
amity in , fooTtor. if there be snob motomliy ii.sp..m..
:or, awl Ili cni- I t eroo be no minority loospemne.
Irma by a Juitiee oft tits peace or a.lolerionto,ltid I❑ho
in•fo-Ndoirs, overseers and clerks shall be awl in bi
ltti t ;nd go. Ceram-ate., of bleb swearing or Wilton-
In); +hall to,:‘,.oloily }oasts 4itli and signed lot the o Plisse
'worm aril attest- d by the ...nicer who nolnitiiii.-
ro• red tim oei,Th. I fany juolg.i or onluortfy inspector
re i on,o, or • fall. to sweat the ince ra of 'elm,itim; in
.ertilleZr requirinfloy this, or pf . nny idlif,fr of
1 election shall act witlinoof 11:•n^ tiNt dot y sa ono, or
if any attic: r of o.;4:101 shall sign the form of oath
without bring first Qtly owoto, or if. any Joni*. or
intiontite Inspector shall certify that aIIIV (neer was
sworn i; heti he was no'. ft shall be oloojnicd a mis
demeanor. and upon cons let ton. the officer .cr e -
curs to'briell , / log shall ba ll lined not exceeding Olin
t luntga.ol dollar:, irr low broard, rtot lllC:,ctliltt: one
year, or tooth, in the dist rittunoof the cow I.' -
I Section 10. tht--1.1n444 of eit , ,l llo / 3 n''Y I' L l'' 4 ' n
IThotraanie ar , ill not appear on the rrglßrry . - vo. ,
A:wand who shalt' claim the right" to vote. i Of t
.f. oketyni. ehtkll prof:threat iolexat and quallfo %toter
the dtettietas a litttueotr: the . seshlente Of .the
t111.11..4101141.11a Ittalettle Ate .4t . 1_ _
voter, for the period. of at least two months Imme
diately. preeeedlitg said 'electient, which witness
strati besworn or afflrmed and subseri he a written
or partly written and partly printed affidavit to the
facts elated .11 hith, Which affidavit-Shah define
clearly where the restdenee is of the person so
eat m tnir to he a voter, and the pent= alining
to vote shall also take and antiserthe to a Written or
partly written and partly printt'd affidarit,statlng,
to the best of hia'kuoartedge and bellef,,wh-o and
where he was barna/hat helms been a istittzen Of,
the United Stateit for oue month, and of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania; that he has resided in
the Commonwealth' one • year, :or, if.;>ormertra
(testified elector or a native born citizen" therell„.
and has removed thz , refrom and *returned. that,T7 tt .
has restated therein Mx months , next preceigliii.g
said elect/oat that he has - restded • in the (Usti-i f :tin
which he claims to be a spec ter the period of,lat
least two mmitlit Immediately preceding said elle;
lion: that he has, not moved into the district for the
lettpose of voting thereto t that he has. If twenty
two yearn or age or upwards. paid a St ate or county
tat within two 'yeare,_sibleh was assessed atgea , t
months and paid ..1T least one math hero n
Meettom _ The said affidavit shall also state When
and where the tax claimed to be paid by the nfflant
Ras assessed. and when and *here and to whom
Pat/tam! the tar receipt therefor slisil be pretinced
far exaittittallon, unless the al:lieut./012n state tti l his
allitlalt that it toot been lost of destroyed, or .bat
iv. never reerlyeti Ony, and If a nal itralited el /lien,
shall sign state whet. ste...l.ere and by what retort he
'r: as usturallied. anti shall alsdproduee' his certill•
'cite of naturalization for examination. Rut if the
p:.rtien su cleiming the'right le vote shall take and
sahscrilte an afthinvittlint Lg its a native horn
tit or the United Stater , nary it bitin, eleswbere:
1411:01 stale the fact In his affidavit, and shall -pro.
.lure elligcntre, that klinth.aten Otitittelfzed, or that
the Is entitled ft/ citizen:ship frit reline of his talk
ers naturanzattom and shall furtln4r state lit
afatitiett that lie 14. nt the time of mat fog affidavit.
~the age, of tyre/sty-nap and,ultdet twcitly twr e
that he list been a rltlzetr 1;
of the 74U:it
States One month, and has reside/1 In the State On ,
per. cr If a native born citizen of thelitaie and re,/
111',V•11 111:•• - lrft1,01 anti rentraed. that he has resided'
th , sr , dri t•lz rllOll l / 1 11.'ai plWeeditigf3:4l ek,etlol4
iti the eh:ellen distriet two months lionietilate
ty I , reeerding•anela hi, strati be entitled to
cote. alilomi,dt he shal net have paid taxes. i'he
arelsetts of all persons making sueh
and tile affnlaellx,. 11)., Ac I tness,s o heir re.idence
stt.til be preserved by the ch•ctlon board, and at the
elos.e of (hr eleetbia titey shntt ne elieke,4l with the
or volt 0,. list andother papers regnir..4l
by law to he filed by the return Judge with the
Prothenotary,-and shall remain eu file therewith fit
th.,prot honorary's rdtlee, s 14;4. t to examination as
other election pipers arc, If the election 1411(.0.s
shall find that the applicant , possesses all the, legal
rmalitivationS:Or a toter, he shalt be Irrtilitt,tl to
Vete. and lilts name /,itall be added to the hit qf tax/
aloe; be the election otter/et,: the word 'Nes - 6/11w
add:4 - where tint- rialmant rialto* to vote on tax.
and the sebrd wherete claims to rote on age
the Aare tivuuls Lel eg added by the clerks; its earl'
ert.e, rTsreeolindy; on the pits of persons voting at
Much election:-'
Section 11. It shall be .awful for any quatifird
clAren of. the district, notwithstanding the name
of the proposed voter is eonlaititel on the ft:s
lit:int taxable?, to challenge the vote of ;Norf! person,
wilornhpint the same proof of the right of snlfrage
as Is now required 11 law , sliail he publicly Made
and acted ow by thetlectlon beard; and the vote ad
mitted or rejected. acconllng to the evidence: Ev
ery person et tinting to he a naturalized citizen
shall be required to proince oaturalization cur;
.!Beare at the elec.sou before sothig. except where
lie has Ixen for live years co . nseentively Ix 'rester in
the ill?.triet where he oilers - to vote, and on the vote
of such person ledit..7 received. the election officers
are to Write the stamp the word "voted" on his tier
tificate, with tile Month and year, and If any
election officer or sisall - tecelvr a second vote
on the same day, by virtue of the same certificate,
except where sous are entitled to TOri . because of
the Naturalization of their father, I hey' and the pisr-
H0:1 subh second vote shall be guilty
of a Ind-demeanor, and on conviction . tnercof shall
be fined Or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of
tha court; but the fine shall-not exceed Pre hun-
. .
deed dollaes to each case nor the iniptisoutnr,•nt one.
year; The fike—punishinent, sh be inflicted 4,
co - rvletion, on the (Aileen of civet.§l
who shall neg- ,
acct or refuse to make, nr rank to made, the en
dorSement rouired ac afivesaid on tethl natualiza-
II tc rertificate, ,
.'i .
Feet n,rl 12. -If anyreleetion oftte'er shall refuse or
neglect to r: quire such proof of the right of suffrage
:1 ,-, is 'prose! ltd 1/y this' law. or The laws to which
!fit, Is a supplrtrieuf, final auy person °Gering to
V.::1 . Wh(*r. It:1111, IN 1:Ot Oti -the list of tvseised vot
ers, .or whose right to vote is ehalleng.,l by aiiy:
trialitie4 voter preßellt, and shall permit uch.per-;
son to Vfoli.• NVI 411!it it gilleillf 4nell proof, every p !r
-son t.. 6 otim,dlug shall, npotteonvlrtlon, be guilty of
a II:1,f Ont(-4nor, and shall 'be .sentenced for every'
stn.!: offense.-to pay a fine not exceeding Ace bun
ti t ..d dollars, or to undergo-au imprisonnleut not
in re- Ono one year, or boll!, at the til-cretion of
(Ii court. ,
:'fiction ID. Any ai.•;,?:tgr, election olllcer or per
• npfkoirjed as an rAcrster, niot
re:ipe to perform an . : duty cnjOin•rlbs ilk, at:,
AA - Pl:nut reasona'de or . :^gal cans:. shall •
tot p - ted 7y of one hundred dol . :ars. and if any
• eini:i hr.owliely a:sosi any per.-ou a 3 a voter
who fir. nOt ciallth . 4l. or shall wilfully refrse in as
se-.,f any "tie whale qmdift , 4, he :Alan be guilty of a .
ms.-dere•anar to eine?, and on conlietton cloth
..:t by a fine inthexceeding OLIO thOto, , and do'.
• itdptltottllt -- lit Got exceeding tWO ys c xr , , or
at the - ,llsefel:on of the room anti . at•,o b„.„'
uni.j!et to an action for .fainattei by the party ag
grlovetlt and it any p•roon shall fru:du:col ly attor.•
add to. - de arc or destroy any 11,t of f' , /:r:
t•Ilt as direeted by this ace, or tear down or.relnov,
the ,aine front the' place uliere It has !men fixed.
• fiaadtvent ml , chovlotts intent. or for any
In proper • pmwse. the NrSoll so Offend lOZ ShAt!
iti,:ty of a ini.denionis..r, and on con•, - letont Omit
le , 17 a fine list eaceeding live hundred
in,P,olllnent net rxtfading two y , :tr-.
or troth, at the 111, , efel ion of the court : and If any
pet. 7 ,011 sled!, by lint:lure or intimidation., nitre, or
atts.."..ept to ,rice froin the pons, any pnrarm or per
appointed by. line court to aec as r•veet•evni of an
olvedou, or In any set's prevent !.ald
:eel, (cold iL - 110t11111Ctr the duties en . pdient upon
thmi hy this act. sitch person slmll be frailty of a
- in:•-denieattar., and upon ihavletion flier -el be
by S ttne. not e:z.le,:dlug, otho lint:saint do:-
1 tr. , , et 1::e iliqtrit.olidie:d. led exceetlim.; two years.
in,tll. at the dho..esioo of the COort.-
SoO 'Who 5:13U, Ott 11.17 - 1 d,:ey Of any election, vi , it
Vollinet pine , , in any election district .tit nhirjt he 14',.
te..,t entitled to SOL...And raid !tie any Intimidatioa
.or ‘lo:0110.: , for the. lotrpor ' ipreventing . any nth
or r r eteel inn (t in'. V:211.1111114", Ihe I le: required
of idin 1 - N* inw, or for the ttirphse of fit - eventing any
,Tedilleilvc,ter of such evn - ising, 111., right
to vote, or front ,eeret,in.g his , tight, to'clutileit,te
ne per<on in•, tO sate. such p••rson shalt he
de , -Ined guilty of
. 3 misdemeanor. and up o, ednide
-00 3 thereof: shall pottl,hed by a fine nor exeeed
tog ,t," Ott doltarf,.or I.y impriF.onntent not
f,,ko y'• r-. or at the discretion of
the ectlll- Any over,eer, clerk or elertiOn 0111 , 6"
di , clt.Se ii‘o, any elector voted,
quire,' to 41,', sO 3.14 a ,Meer:, iu a . . 1 ad trial ert,e;eeding
, hall
it. gr.ii?)• of baalsdem , :atior, and upon entitle
tEdndherept. shall no punished by a fine not exceed
ing one thons.m.l 1:. , Var. , . (it by Imprisonment not
exceeding two years . , or bo:h, at the
Ito- court. 1 .
f any person shall present or attempt to Kermit
ant ofttrer of an Cl.'l'lloll tooter this , :wt. from hold
ing S , lch el-alon, or us , or threatkm auy obehnat 111
sileh ofticer, and'shall Interrupt or "imptoptriy
int“rfery with hint in , the oxPelltloll of 'di duty.
shall block up thex , litiow or arottne nf.Any wia'tow
wli.ere the same may to. holden, or shall riotously
distnrh tlm peace of such eleetion. orisital it, or
pumice intimidation.or threats. force or siolence.
h_the-design to Itillener uuduly.or toftrawe any
eieetor nr procent hint :I'olll voting, or rest ram - the
free,lont of choke, such ott tour triton, shall
lined iu any sum 1101 exec , eding live • hundred
, 1,1%.r5, to he linprisoomi rot any Ow uot lass than
one, tor more than mouths. and if it ',nail
b.. shown to the court where the. trial of such ol"-
feuse had • that tire person so otiondlmt was
not a r..sldetti of the tilt, card or;llstriety•iere
Wrens, tcas c , :ustidtted, awl out emit:tit to
vote 11,'11`111. 0:1 COIIII.COOTI.he S11.1:1 i,e semen, ed to
pie l a fi n , not h;tu:ord• l,indro.l or more titan
thousand dollars, aim he imprisoned nut lest
ttno: aft ec intro than two p.ars.
. ,
"Ifj.lny prr,on or pet , t o ' o o o l SIS:111 to::AC' toe' het Or
w3g .r . II m, the remili of the eleciPul..withia the'
e ttte:t.wrat tit, or -halt tarcr to MALI! tatg uuctt bet
oo v o - oigo.'r..Cittitr. I‘y srr: a! pf , cl:ini.tti"ii Oen cot', or
by II IV written or ptitiiel advorti, ,, toent. or Invite
an: ft• :ton or jA•17.441.3 to make Sliril . 4et or wager.
ny,l: ..w.1.:•:11.•:121e . r. , f.1ie or th..y.bhall forfeit and
3 -
p., :lire.: times the aut.'!unt t.0n...t or off.!reil to be
.‘ii , i the elrettnit law of; Ue t'opintonwrattli fur
'ti, -..
~.. tide,. tl . .a: • •sla, o inlpr.•tor,,,,. judge:. and
' ~ ,d. 1 4, 5.. ' , IMO be entering on tho slot', of thrir
.t !v,',. Neverary, take and ...absortho OW oath yr af
t •11101511w1 herrilafter diroeted, 'u bleb ' Sroll. I ht . ad
' 'inni', , ere.l t'erti'an I.y any judge. elderniati or Jib.-
'Ur,, t.' , r tia' !WIC , . ? I 'M If no stieb ma - :.q.rlit:.• hr'pres
n -
ct, oat,. , : f tt...! litsil,rfor +of the .4 . 1 . .et10n , 0011 all
°to itdoor iti , :. oath , r at - arum:lon to Ow jntlg , and
1 01';'•r !nolo ,• , ort,:oul . the% Ur . InsTortor t..., gotr'io2Ll
, kletit atlmini,irr thie oath or arlrmatton to trine.
and V.litdr < tr
Ems - 14,1‘ ii h, :PO gruentl
tai:• and oath, and affirtn
thm ; v;,lltirtj- and 21st I.l,limi,
tiv , 24 day of .Ilizy. 1632 ••An Art
it:;l-141 the, clef lieu: or chi, CututuuttWraitft,'•
troll+ - 61 11111,3rili anal arilltlir
i.treed In the nonotier press bird In the tnitln and
sei 11,1 s of said set. and lo :1,1(11th - will' to the ism
er rm furred 11311 i section of rail ac:. the
ted::: , or eitlu of The ctors, shall have ;siv.l.l*
tr. ,'r the oath.; i.l 4 Frillierl by said not. to
ai.v of a geni , rat. spetelallo?
follon tog shalt tin the farm of the oath or
or:IN:robot-to be tonic( by t .. 11 Inspector. v4: 'l,
(A. ;(.) hat I will lily attend to the co
st ing election during fie: conitietiaiice tlOlrcor a;
hisls.l . ctor, cad that I wilt hid tot - salve nay ileket
on vote trine any.person, other 11 - au wt 1 tirinty
hottove to be aveortliing to the prtir.loiot tho
r towtita the et this I t eninnenwealtli.
eillif tVii VI a vote at such chTtlon. ylithient r. quit
og such evidenied of the right to vtde as Is iitrcctrd
by law. nor will rematiten.sly delay , 'pr refun d to re
ceive any yet.: from any persed; whu'l slia:l
tt• is: emit:lca to a vote as aforesald,and 1 ti iii not
d;: close boy: ahy.e:eetor shall 11,vo'Vot.11. nrl .‘.
gtiirrdtod• tier, In it jytillehr proceeding.:
too . I hat Itt ad things init. , : and itaisattlait . ) ,
and faillifitily 'wilt-nu toy arty therein. to [Le loot
of my juilgincot and abilities. and that I am not.i
direr tiy on Indirectly, Interested In any DPt It its.
ger ImA:ie. result.ort It Is tilt - elicit.
following (11 - .! 0 411 i,raffirtnation Irr
each Judge. viz: F. do-- th at I will
Intillte attend the ensuing eleetton daring
the contiontan IlwreAts and faithfully assist the
lbsts.ctor, Its earning on the same that 1 will not
give: my consent Ilia any vote or ticket shall he re
isivcil from any pore(( other than such as 1 flrinity
Islieve to be.. aecorillog to the pr , nIO4 , IIS of the
n 004 Ito ot tido t'ortintetr,wealtb, I`ll..
lii 1.11, ANtillmmt requiring
F.1,(11 4:11 - 11enice or din rlgh vole as Is Ailrveted by
law. atal that 1101 use toy best itod.navers to pre
vent any fraud. Lb...-eit or :.iintit•. In carrying on, the
saline • by citizens rizollited to Site. tor others. and I
uvil make a trite and perfect return 3 , 1' the Saki elee
tton. and that 1 wit out disclose tow any .R...cdor
"'ha . t hays V oJElij s requlre4l as a wit
• . prov - qtrlll.g. an 4 will hi all lldngs
atz,l fctiattuily r.,±lrom, tny . thicy,
re.amt.i.l.44; (110- b,,,t of my jtalgraele
and aml that I am lio!,wetly pr Imitree:-
?y, t nt-reni,l In any - tart .r Wager on the resint., of
1-The 1••+ the form of oath or afil
mitti•ot to he tali•m each clerk, viz: 'I, A A. B.)
-- that 1 Nth!' isnvartially rmit trtdy
down the name of each eiec tor I,lto Atall rote a'
the me•ulog ehfellen. witieh :Mali he, giv.m use la
charge, am! afar IL.. name of 11w timnship, ward or
11.trif , t wherein .nail elector amitcarefully
and truly 55 tite down th. ,. .titimh.Jr of voteS thal,shaAl
ho Oven rnr Ktelt34 , l . ld:tie-fa he 01.f.v Mr., a-• often
f4,..nam , ,:irtil 1,3 ?tali to 111F+ by the tosp:.-ohoi
1 ho:e , •f. raid That I tvl:l44)t. ,l k' oco 6on•asp-eleernr
y , •31 1.450 voted: tuhe.,s rigeir:?.d to do no as a Wit
t: :it a ilotteiat a?.•1 In ailibingst rely
mot faith fet.r perfoi In my duty re!..p:etiog; the
r.une.l to Ilio•b . elt of my judgment and ut•iiitieN mut
(Ito: I aft, tict, directly Or •Indimet ty. Intare;.unt to
any hoftl' 'M I fer en the resr.a ci this eleeflon.'
glialififid eteetor4 nlll take outlee.of the rot
-1••‘‘ log 1.1. et 4,t, arprove4l the twelftlrda ,
01 31:weis, 1,40, ,ktit, tign:iffilig the mode of
voliqf at as Ota'LLOZIS hi the rii:vera: Cultlat los of (he
s o , Ile It 4.,nneted br tho S, ,, hate and Nadine of
L.TiviontatiVrai of, tho Coudilonwe3llll of Pennsyl.
vanm in ht: t, aud it is hereby
aeti-d by the anthotily of the, :TM.: That t 1:•
A ovariod voters of the reverat counties of this Cont.
tu v.
,inLulth,'at all g•meral., towDs:2lv, I.orough anti
oToction!", artt '1•„• - :'v !Aoreaf ter ;tat:lola Atal
re:plroi to vet Lc ticket.. rratt.•d r ivrltteo,
ur It:tr:7 printat ovleraily.
retkows: 'Jim ticket" Nab/14pp the /ur :tot of itli
Jiallgtis VOlultr• ,Mutii llfth•Ftj'il
otOikie qttlitrinryt'one tiffert aalMl cinfulfe the
• Prlllef....ot.votmi r to mund1..A.1•1.:1•41.
Low , `.
•Statel , tme ticket shall smimpre the slimes of all
empty - officers voted.for, lnetbding office of Seim.
tor mid members of. Assembly. If voted for. and
nr , rnbers of Cmtnress„ It voted for, and .be labeled •
.Cottrity.;• one , ticket shalt embrace the names of all
hienthip oiliv-rs voted lot. a tel,bo labeled 4Tosra
phqr: me ticket, snail embrace the :tomes of 'ail,
too.ugh Wafer* voted for and be tat eled .lictrouginr
end cacti class than be deposited in separate ballot *-•
See. 1-I'bat lt,tilall he the ditty of GM Sheriff's
in the several counties of tills CoMmonerealth, to
insert in their election proclamations hereafter ta . -
Sized the first section of this set.: •
Speaker of the lionse of Reprz.mtati grey,. -
Sootier tit the S:pate.
APPROVED the thlrtehth day of .Marro, A 4 ~
onoit'oneaodeight hnntire4 and sixty-41r.
G. etiILTAIN.'
. - .
Wormyas. The Compels of, the tlivied states tin
the :list nay of 31.arc1i„.1870, passed an • Act eon- .
tied. "An' Art to entorbs Hos right of C 1111.113 of
the trotted States to rote. hi .the savers; S , atex of
this Unlnn. and forother purposes.,' the nest and,
s Toad sections of whlellate as follows':
Sect ion I. He it enacted by the Senate and Howe
of Representatives of the United .9.,Mesof Am:rifis
I , i Congress assembled : That all citizens of the
United State!, who are,' or shall beolbertelse
fled by 11w to vote at any election by the people. be
-asy State. Territery„:4llitriet,- city, rateit.township
scheolelistriet, munielfwitty or other territorial
stbeliviSlon, shall bu entitled and aliewed to vote
a:MI semen eic'ettons; withent, dtitineton, of race,
error. or previous condition of serrittulet any eon.
slitelltm law, enSlom. useg, or regalation of at f
State 9r Ter:eters , . Or 14y , or under : lca authority, to
Ile, ear:eery. notwithstanding. ' • '
Scetlen 2. And be it-farther enacted, that by or
under the authority of the -.Constitution or laws cf
any entre, or the laws of any Territory., any net is
er 4143 e r, required to he (lane as p - e-reemilite or
41-I;e:leent ion ler votteg - and by such eouslitution or
pc:reets are er shalt tie- charged with" the pct . :
fortnance of duties la furnishing to eitisetis an op.
pert:telly to perform tgleil frffillstm, or te letecnle
eeallted to vote. it shall 1.01 the duty of every curls
pervm and officer to give Mall 'citizen:4ot the Lot
ted States the Caine hoe equal opportunity to
such pre-requisite, and te Itereme qu,elitled 'to
ve l e ivnliout dlstfuetten of race, color or pre:done
eenelliou of servitude:land if sect: person or °Meer!
shall eetuse or knowingly omit to glue fill cifertfn
thissection f he shalt. Pie every each offense. forfeit
sari pny the sum of Ave hundred dollars to the pere
sou aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by an action
- 0.4 the case, with full costs and such- allowence.fer
(1 , 1:31:41 fees as the Court shall deem - Just. and shall
fo r ' , m e iy such offense, -be deemed guilty* or a
Wenn:an:n*4 and *ball on conviction thereof, be
not Tesshan tee-hundred dollars, or be im
p•itened not lets than one mouth nor Mnre than one
year, or be11,,-xt the discretion of the court.
end the Jettrer of the respective district, afore
aro required to meet at Towanda, on do Fit
d-y next following the holding of rani el.:ether.
ehen and there to perform those' things required of
Leut;by law.
Given tinder my hand, at my oftlee In Towands.thle
twenty-fourth day of- September, In the -year of
our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seven.
ty-sir, and In the one hundredth year.of the In.
depnnderwe of the United elates.
. ssilirsomet,
p ri ar. lt Ely 41_. LAYTON
kctober 2d, 1876. - ' •
.; •
of an order issuOtl' out of the Orr)" hatra
Court nf.firad ford county, the undersigned Preen
revs of the lastwilliand test:trona of John 'Keeler,
late of Wyalustng township, Hrtitiford county, Fa..
ci tressed. will expose to' publle- sale .nn Ttkursday. -
Nw. 16, at 2'r. at.. on the priTnifses, thestollowing
described property, situated lu said county and
bonnded as follows, to wit : Homestead Lot No.l.
fromestead. beginning, at a corner on the', read.
thence north fifteen degrees, west twenty-two and
eight-tenths perches to a stone : near a rock. thence
seventy-five degrees. east eighty-seven perch
es.- to .a coiner. thence south fifty-seven de
grees. west seventeeen perches, thence south forty
,..tuter degrees, west seventeen and fifiur-tenths
t.e'relots,• thence south. thirty-three degrees. Mist
ettt twenty perches to Wyatt:sing Creek. thence,
d 0.1 1 ,11 said creek twenty-eight Terrhes, thence
north thirty-live and onedialf degreeK west thirty
perches, thence stttle:s.eventy-shy degree:l; West
seventeen and four-tenths Iterate., thence south
fifty-six degrees, west eight and four tenth perches . ibeginiti mg. coutalningq twelve metes and,
otte. hundred and 111ty-twoperehes. More nr
t,nt 2. Beginning .at a corner stake a - Inf
Kt, , 11" s. thence north thirty-three , degrees, west six
r..; , t01...R. licence north forty-six degrces,cast ic:ven
te-n and one-half. perches: thence north thirty
, thee.) degrees, west eight perches. thence no:lff
fertr-four and one-half degrees, east, twenty-sir,.
peaches, thence south forty seven degrees. east. ,
tr - enty-sit perates. thence south .forty-t.teven de
girces, east twenty-four. and one-half perches,
I 4 nico tong* seventy;one degrees, *west twenty
!, 11t perches, thence south fifty-two awl one-half,
`44:grees. we•t twelve perches, thence south thirty
titter: degrees, west eleven Nrches, to the pace of
beginning, containing three and one-half acres or
le.A. more or less.
Lot No. 3. • Ile,Tirtning at a atone on the tank
wyalusing Creek, thence north tour ider.ree4; vrett
Pertheq, thane , - north seventy-one de
grees, east twenty-one porthea,thrneirnorth Fighty
east-eleven perches, thence south six
fy:n,ln.l degrees, east - ten and eight-tenth' perches,
north sixty-three degrees, east ter: perchee,
.1:1-nee north fifty-me degrees., east ar:enty-two
by the several coun - ses-,11 tltstan
re4 Wyuluslng Creek, to the plate of begin
ning. cont:dnlng three and one-half aetes of !mid,
the cane triere or lest.
ill'oed Lot. ftegiOning at a post an.Ostones'fgr . a
tit dace north seventy-live- degrecv, west.
y-five perches. thence no,rtl, fifteen degrees,
r, thirty-four perches, thence south s , senty-fire
, n - ',:rcet. east seventy perches. thence smith grecs. east thirty-roar perches,'fo the place of
1-. f ginning, containing fifteen acres- and cne . hut:-
and ten perches of land, be the saute nwre or
the undivided one-half .In'tercst of the
-s , id•.lolut Heeler, deceased, in Alio 'trollowing des- '
‘.r parcels of No. 1. Begin
ning :it atpoint hear the dam, thence south fifty-
~ n o , 1.41.fre , 2i.. west ...-wenty..loo anal three-fourth
wri.lles. thence south si:ty.three d ••St
.not 5 1 .N. , ..1:0.11:5 pavlies. thence tt.)7!:i
wei4t;teti 3-I.trth4 pereheg., south ••iihty-taco
I.vest c:ecen pinches. theure south s,` nest tr. - entynolght Percher, thenco
...; , nth hay-two and one-half :degree& west twelv.,
thelice south thirty - ll:rev , degrees.. west
7veentr.;Ax and three-tenths perches. thence t•outh
rPrty- . four degrees. east three and three-tenths
percheq. thence north 51%1y-five degrees, east .thirty
Ihr-c percnes, thence north four degrees, :te.v
• •Ween perches. north seTelliy6E•ll43 degrees. erut - perches, thence north - eighty-two de-
Trees, east eleven perches.ithe nee sow.), sixty-nine -
•legrees.. east ten and eight-tootle: perches; thence
, lorth qxty-three degrees, Cast ten- pereln.s. thence
terth tlfry-nne degrees, ca=t ttrenty.twn perches,
wthetforesaltl dam. containing five - acres of land,
ore or le,s.
No. 'Beginning at a itidnt near the on,
tha opposite side rtt Wyalusing Creek. front -the
:as .v. , described lot. thence south eighty.. Blur de
ifrees, east ten perches, thence s‘utth nineteen tie
grf,:s, west eighteen perche.. thence south six.ty
ihr,:e and one-half degrees, west twelve percher.
tlsenee north twenty-eight and - three-fourths 11 , -
7 re,—. nest MN perches,' thencealong the NiUrsell of
Wyainsing crecli to the place, of beginning,
...I , Aining two hundred and serene perches of
:nod. be the same More or less.
• TERMft.—On iimnesteml tote. t• 25. to be paid
e.:leti ”truck down: PA at eGltlirmit ion; balance In
•r.! year from date of sale, with interest from date
of pomy.ssion. On Mill Lots, $23 when %truck don n:
v.* , o lit confirmation, balance within one year from
date of sale with Interest from time of pussession:
, !:1 W0c414,0t 623 when struck d0wn..9.t.t5 at confir,
•,,, Ilion mid balance within .n. year fryn date of
sa:e. with interest from rime of nme.ession.
G. it. ArKitOlip, ... i I.
, Wyalmiing, Oct. 3,187 G. ; Executor'.
',Arnie of :in order P,sued oni of the Orphans'
~art of Bradford county, the umler,igned, A drain
i•drktor of James Bowman, late of, Towanda tirp•. -
.1 •e'd. will expo , c to public sale On tha prrtnise,A. on
Thur,day, Nov. 9 197 ft commencing at I o'clock, r,
~, . ow fonowing real estate :.
-;itnate in Towanda township. begiwilna at a post
--11 the easrsble of Main Streit m u d-smith-West cur.'
A.,7 ~ ..f lot owned i by N: B. OVertont th.llet• along
• I:, cone witli Si'!; a eatq TZ.s4ert toil corner on title
al . larch of .1. J. Griffiths' int; thence along the
•otith 7. , 1 0 we.!..t 4.; ft to h coFn.r of !and of G.
tlttmee :tita; the fame by 3 patllil Itpc
o 111.• N. D. Overton lot north £.314 pent 135 ft to
he ..n4t slat , of, said street: thence aloof the ,:tnie
s'rt It ea , t-111 ft to pLose of beglnutl.g,
nine fund c-olurryed to ,ald Jaz. s, rto*Tmoi 10.4ced
ron: G. F. ltf:o..r.rt and dated .IKII 3, Js7n'.
T ERNlS—i,tn 0 on the proprrLy rock down;
:;',.1) of ba'ance on conflrniatlon of rid balance
one and two years theriafter
chine of an order out of the Orphan:i•
of Bradford C.mntc, the.nuderOgned gttardi
:lll of Om estate of James F.. Charles L,. Myrtle
!Z. awl Emma OrlsycM4lollltior eltildrentar ..Mary D.
tirli.i.ii:d. diica, will Oliose to ',Witte sate (.31 the;
pLici: , i.. (in Satiirday, „Oct. 23. ISTri, (*winnowing
,v 10 iirifick. a. m.. the following ProWriyi-`4lnate
it l'orifiiiitoii, 13railfori County. Pa., an(iit?ounatul
folli"P. 4
iif 01111111 g at a stone In the, re'nterhf Malt, street,
a coriv.Tof .S. Newt m's tlwace alotir. I). N.
Newton's line and eartiirly contse, twenty rotts to a
saet.! corner and the tine of .11ingos' land; thence
tit'ol,,tlllneros* tine a aortberly coursefovitotlN tv
of 11. W. Rockwell's lot and.the !ot of Erni.'
ty Young. tweitty rods to the teillortif Main street;
;le:nt..- a southerly c - turse along Main street to the
rah. of beginntngjetintalultig -fine-half -acre more
1:;.. with a dwelling hotts,i Moron. - .
I:liltfS.-4.10 on property being struck don't), and
'4lO at flail rontlrtnation, and 'the Itaittner In two
".riot; annual p ,!,•ineids, with lute:est front dice;
ti‘ given of the pretutmei.
011.1'1IANS' COURT SALE. -By
vih ttre of au under Issued Oat of the, Orphans'
court or itratt ford county, the dh(lerAgtied; ad.
'I - 010 , 41'11,1a of the estate a Jra Adams. late of
Jul tlttleld twp. decal. will eXpo:e to public :tale tux
Wednesday. 'November al 11 o'clock p.
4 , n lb , : prenib , cf. thin folinwing. deserthed property,
,;tuate.ltt Stnithtleld •tw'p and%outtdell as follows:
on :he :Irwin by lands of Clark McClelland. we,t
13 , 1116 of Vuslgaz.south bf ‘.3.1,45 of Jen.
ny nod east by latititof Robert McQueen and Tem
pleton. containing one bandre4l acres, Inittrused. •
T :—.1 , 10 upon the property being struck
110 A ti, one-fourth of The residue upon the confirma
tion tAle and the balance in two equal annual In
maliments thereafter, with interest. .
00(5 AURELIA FIT - 10101 M
• •
Li t _ matter of the estate of liflchael'ifttAell.
t.witA)lp of..Timantla.'dereased. In the Of-
I.Tiant,' Conn of Bradford county. ' •
The unilt'rManed, an auditor appolnte4 try :tire
court to distribute money In the hands. of the ad
-I.”nlstrator oh sahl estate arlsln* from tint 'Patent
the'l and real estate of. sahttlecedent, trill
at te:nt to the duties Of his appointment at the orate
orerten tho Wm' of Towanda, tot
Monday. Nov. 20:11, 1871:, at 10 oi•clon. a. to.. whAl
and where all pee:Ants having chilms against scald
oud most present them, or he forever debarred
t !ler • cr ,, nt. • F.. OVERTON...Iit.,
oet 12 Andltor.,
'rtlo undo : signed will sot at public sale oti
Iter 5. 1h76. oh 11;f• premise's, nt 0.1:111••ti„ late
twc., deed. the following property,
adt t,lase farm, contatistng 83 sicres, innii•r•tiottl
g utensils, hay.: grain, Cattle, bcgq,
.TF:lnts'.-111 sums tinder IS , gash; Over that
:inn:mit 9 mehths credit. with approVed security.
M 4,11L1)N R E fi tLl (err,
ELMER EJ..1.41 TT,
f..4•14w3. ' • F.xecutorg . .
K o
It i itilttVOTtet i--
110 hereby gtiefi that all persons intiebteil.t:i
ur CA:31.0 of Mary Wheaton late ot Warren t deed,
intnit wage iron:l - Aisle velment :Oho tuitV2..ifigtko.t,
altJ.baring rlalunt against tiald,..eatmE, roust
iiivi•ent thew; dal): atithentlcatelL tor - 0 0 411 C i
• eitt*ti .1:1;4"