Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 12, 1876, Image 3

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    Vradford Nqorter.
rowanda, Pa., Thursday, Oct. 12, 1876.
r Dn. (?) PEET is to edit a greenback de
partment in the Rome Register.,
\tin ninEer especial attention to the
important announcement of M. E. Sow
3iON Sox, in another column.
As WE go to press this. Wednesday
evening, the lIATEs and WUEELEE Club
Ittrms are brilliantly illuminated in honor
of the victory in the West. ; ;
APVERTISING is . the bull's-eye of - ,ratle.
- The successful business team is -ilhat
which advertises most. Now is the time
to make the shots tell.
Orn devil says trying to do business
successfully, is like winking to a beauti
ful young lady in
,the dark; you know
xvbrt you are doing; but no one else does.
A TRAMI' who had" entered the engine
'house at the Greenwood tannery, for the
purpose of warming 'himself on Monday
last, appropriated 'to his own use a watch,
'the property of GFANROE. liiksmos,.whien
found in a vest pocket in the room.
Tun Baptist Church, of this place, hare
invited' a " Council " to assemble here
on Tuesday next, for the purpose of
ordaining, their pastor, Rev. T. A. Fn
li-Auosi.. Ordination services at 2 o'clock
E. A. .T.F.NNtsOs, proprietor of j,the
popular Adams llonse, Troy, w4 i in
town yesterday. The Adams lious4:l3n
der 14 management, has come to be t'Ok
ed noon by the ravelin,g public as one of
the .best hotels in the country.
MR. K.F.NT, of the firm of
BLISS, has been spending several days in
the city, se ecting goods for the 'winter
trade. 31r. K's long experience in the
large manufactories of th cEast, epables
him to buy at the lowest figures, and re' -
ders his judgment t as to style ar.d quali y
much superior to the ordinary purchase
C. H. SEE LEy.? OYster Bay and Env}...
"wan House, supplies a need long felt n
this place.' It furnishes a complete and
convenient place where one cut drop in at
any time and get a "lunch" or full meal
with everything about him as "neat as
wax." Mr. S. also keeps constantly on
hand the best oysters in the market, Inj
the shell, or opened to suit customers.
A "ti-NH of.t)i ends of 31i. and Mrs.
VOLNEY TAYLOR,' of Granville, paid them
a visit On Monday last, the occasion being
the twenleth _anniversary of their mar
riage. Xmong those present were VAL
ENTINE SN,vrox and wife, E. A. :
NiNus and wife, A. SAXTON and wife, H.
W. .IE - sm. - sus and wife, LOREN LEONARD
and wife, A. WOOSTER and wife, 0. SAX
TON and wife. The hostess was the re
cipient of a beautiful set of China, and
other presents.
COPY the following notice of a fire
at Canton, on Tuesday afternoon last,,
from Wednesday's Elmira ..-Idrertixer,
Wo especially regret the loss to our neigh
bors of the Sentinel:
" A fire broke out in Canton, Pa., yes
terday afternoon about five o'clock in
DOA SF., (LARK 1S: Co.'s hank. The-lire
-raged for softie time; but by strenuous
efforts it
,was finally checked and the town
saved from a serious loss. Dtio....s E, (21,MCK
& Co.'s loss is about one thousand dollars.
C. P. 13 LTT & -SON, of the Canton Se;i
tiniq,-lo§e their type.
W. S. CR ANMtht. loses on stock d malt
ed by tire."
Rota. of 'Honor at Towanda Graded
School, or names of pupils with perfect'.
record in attendance, deportment and stu
'dies f the week ending Sept. :30 :
SATtAn NnyttrE, • .
MAN, ItA LPII 31Enct - n, W.A.r.trEtt• SMITH,
—For week ending; Oct. fl : ANNA RED:
WARDELL, .-IfEssin Bt - ‘ , DAVID
• .It-sT Line clip the following
feorn the last Waverly E:,fe . rprixe. The
incidont is characteristic of Superintend
ent l'Arttsit. 'and atbirds another pr o of
tlt:it be 'is the " right . ' man in tlier right
' " While the first section of 9 , on
the LelibrlCValley, with thirteen passel:-
o er eo:tches,, was crossing the brid!.. i n over
' t - he : 4 1tsqueltanna, at Towanda, yesterday,
the train broke in two. The reak:portion
ran :lito the forward cat , and a i'inunber
of platforms were broken. Twoi persons
stauding upon the platfqrnis werd. slightly
injured. Superintendent IL A. l'At - szn.,
while at dinner. rtkcived a telegram an
nonneing the accident. FlitrOdno. to the
sun b in. he found an engia standing upon
a siding, but the engineer and fireman
were' absent at dinner. Being entirely
capable of running. a machine himself, he
obtained dispatching, orders, and jumping
upon the engine, ran it from Sayre to To
wanda. Making excellent time. This road
is f alunate in haVing a Superintendent
tam al to such an pnergency.
PEasoNAt - ind Mrs. P. IL HARDT.
of I.lke City, Minn., are visiting friends
in this, place. Mrs. FL , :an: is - the daugli
t-r of the late STEPIIEN PowELL. a gen
tleman who ovas for many years one of our
most esteemul citizens.
11 . rs: lit - tyros K iNi;snt - Rv is at the
EiiMea Wattr Cute.
1). F. Ruts Tow, CAINUE BAH:
,w, nil Mt. Dr. JoiiNsoN arc enjoy
ing a vi-it to the Centennial.
—('. D. Lit - 3trun'Ev4 and family have
joined the innumerable throng at the Cen
tennial this week. and clii!dren, of Bal
timore, an: visiting at GILIFFITIfs%
KEEI.En, or the OwegO Rceord
w.oi in town this week.
MEAN: 2 , now a resident of Phil.,
ropped into our sanctum one day last
weck; looking. as cheerful and contented
as ever.
• —los::mt Kixasnuity and wife, Wm.
M:x and wire, N. N. BETTS, jr.,and ram
-dr. Mrs. L
11. L. .vmonrm - x, Mrs. G. 1.1.
1 1 . VIA:INS, I). 0. BOLLON aml wife, and
Mrs. 1). Wit.moT, are among the 'rowan
doing " thrt Centennial this
THE ErnEtta. This plain, modest
appearing Mower, which. ' i .erhaps was the
most :matt ract ive of all its kiwi on exhi
bition at the Centennial, was appreciated
:or its real merit and utility. The older
ann w - calthier.compamcs had their gold
:lad silver-plated mowers, with every part
as and attractive as any parlor or
nament, placed on vclvtt eatpet, with
captivating agents to set forth their mer
its. while the Eureka was lett to meow
:a-IA itself moste.
. of the time, but th
.lushes were practical men, and after see
ing it thowoglily tested in the field,
awarded it the highest premium. The
gentlemanly. inventor, .ion:;,, O. Wit.nutt,.
may well feel, proud'of the great triumph,
and the stockholders now feel that their
capital has mkt been invested in vain. Our
town rvj , 4e: s . that Towanda. through this
manufacture, has become celebrated all
oyez the civilized world, and that the
Eureka Company- is to become the im
p of prosperity and rapid
',g,r4.wth of our embryo city.
The Centennial correspondent of the
TrfVzhe sent the following dispatch to
.plurt6l,. on the announcement of the
awards :
PIIII.IDELPIITA, Oct. 6.—The judges,
after a thorough test of merit, have grant
ed to the Wilber Direct Draft Eureka
Mower, manufactured at Towanda, Penn.,
the hi4hest honor they could bestow—the TuE season is now approachino when
modal anti diploma. This inachini. in efforts are usually directed towartrraising t
addition to its superiority in many other clubs for city papers, often at the expense
itilwets, cuts a six-foot swath with a ; and to the .detriment of the more useful
lighter draft than any side-Cutting county paper. INo man who feels an in
chiigfand leaves the cut grass in such ex,- , tercst or pride in the development and
cellent condition for curing, that from au gi owth of luS own county, should sub
hour iind a half to two hours is saved in scribe for city papers until he first be,
squring the crop. A crowd of practical comes a patron of the local press.
fitment surround's this mower daily at its ' Let us look at the advantages offered'
pl.nee of exhibdiork in the Agricultural by a home paper. The editor of a local
Building. and the great number of orders paper lives in your midst; you have not a
and applications for agencies received at- local interest, but what that interest
test the favorable impression made upon t touches him personally, and it is for his
visitors. This is the largest, lightest and interest to advocate it. If a bit' of news
only direct draft mower in the world." I transpires, he is right here to gather it
ALVORD, Publisher
T l 7/or it Co,
LOR do op!
000.—Thursday night, about 11 o'clock,
the people ,of Waverly were aroused by
the cry . of fire, and soon, found that the
new Shepard Block on Broad street, was
in Caine& The fire was discovered in the
halhwarupon the first floor. The flames,
however, had gatued such headway that
the En!crprise rooms and upper story
well so tilled with smoke and flames, that
very little conid be saved, and that in the
printing office. Mr. F. Bnowx, on sec
ond story, lost his entire furniture. The,
two adjoining buildings, were old struc
tures, one used as a warehouSe by CAMP
BELL Bnos., the other as BENELEy:s liv
ery stables. Mr. Sunrstua'S loss upon
building is upwards of '55,000; no insu
rance. The Enterprise proprietors lose
their entire establishment, three presses,
with a large assortment of job and nevrs
pap: r type and fixtures. Loss, *6,000;
insured for 15,000. This was one of the
largest and best equipped officeS in this
section. Mr. BROWN'S loes was about
$400; no insurance. Mr. BENTLEY'S loss
in livery stable, $400; partly instil-ed.
Srnne damage was dove, to premises ad
j.iining, which may add a few hundred
dollars to the sum total.
For some time the Waverly depot was
irrdanger, but was saved by the efficient
working of firemen and citizens.—ilthens
31 tTRIMONAL.—We are not very much
given to the habit of making an ado over
an event which is of almost everYday oe2 ,
currence, but the marriage last evening
of our excellent friend, and enterprising
young townsman, IL C. 1111.IniETII,
and Miss .JEssIE PIIINNEY, certainly de
serves wider notice than the ordinary' an
nouncement. During the six years that
Mr. 11. has resided among us, be has won
for himself a reputation as • an honorable
business man, and courteous gentleman:
which has justly placed hint in the front
racks of our most reputable and trusted
merchants. Moreover, he possesses in an
eminent degree those qualities of bead
and l.;art requisite to connubial happi
ness. The bride, Miss l'itiNNEv, is the
eldest daughter of .1. 11. I'inSNEY. Esq.,
and is a general favorite among all class
es, Endowed by nature with biindsome
form and features, - and possessed of an
unu-nially brilliant intellect, well culti
vated mind, modest manners, and kind,
afrcetionate hiiart, she is litted to grace
any circle, and numbers among her warm,
admirers tbeigifted and cultivated, not
less than the humble andlowly, to whom
she delight% in dispensitg aid in tiine.of
need, counsel in difficulty-, and sunshine
and cheer always. The large and brilliant
company assembled to witness the inter
estia,g ceremony evidenced the high re
gard in which the happy pair are held.
The hearty congratulations which were
exn tided were not merely formal, but
were: the honest expressions of the many
friends of Mr. and Mrs. lIILDRETII. That
the; - may long lie spared to enjoy the
film ity of the marital relations, is our sin-
eert- NS iS
The tewly wedded pair tool( the 10:20 I
train south, and will sliend'several weeks
bridal tour, aft er.Whieh they will re
and assuine their. position
sensible married people.
B ; - TTEIt TIIIEF.—Ou Saturday !Muffing
last a Man giving his name as WILLIAM
WE EADos, came to this place with sever
al I ackagas of butter, '.Lich Ile sold to
LIPA'ARD - S, arid (iEO. STE
VE:“. He afterward drove his hort:e to
Jon N W.? I.BOUN's harp, requesting Mr. W.
to take care an' the animal until his re
turn. On the sit me day Capt. WatasEit,of
Pike, came to this place, looking for the
'ellow, on the supposition that he had sto
len two tubs of butter which the Captain
had missed from his ei'.2,lar. The cas4
was ipieced in the liandS
,rof Policemen
"Rt - ;:Ns and 11.1 m, ascertained
wh; re the horse was and that IV nEaToN
haOaken the cars for Elmira. The latv .. a.
la la 're the horse was left was closely
watched, as were also the trains arriving
filly.): Elmira, and • n Monday noon
.1o1::; BEEMAN " spotted ' the fellow as
he was-gifting from the train, and at 0 ere
gat , notice to Butoc. , , who arrested,hini
and I::dged him in jail.. Four separate
complahits were entered against him be
fore Esquire Ti on : two, for :-tealit• but
ter from Capt. WAUNI-lit ;Mil F. J, Domm-
Eirry; one, for stealing buffalo robe, mist
etc.. from GtanmE .ItniNsoN, wid one
tier stealing a breast-pin and a small
ant. thit of Money frion .J. L. CoLLNIAN.
hi three of the charges lie had a hearing,
:trot was held for his appearance-at Court
in • heft ease. The prisoner was defended
by R. A. MEncrn, Esq., and the prosecu
tors were represented by I. McPuratsos,
Esq. Before the .Justice the accused gave
his name as WILLIAM CAWEI.I...
As Policeman Beaus was returnin to
the jail from the Justice's office, with his
prisoner,the latter suddenly left the officer
and-attempted to escape, but was soon
overtaken, when - he aimed a blow at Mr.
'B., wilich he parried, and returned-one
with such force as to knock 'the breath
out 61 Mr. CASsELL, and/ lie fell to the
ground, after which he made no further
AVE DEEPLY sympathize with Iron. 11.
13. PAYNE, nerllliliCan candidate for Con
gress in latzerpe county, in the sad - at tic
tioa which liar been visited upon his fam
ily. The folic wing patticUlars of the
Melancholy death of his son, we copy
from the Re , ord of the Timm 31r. P. is
quite well known in this county. and will
receive the heartfelt condulenve of his
fri& nds here :
-4•flatu.lis 8.. oldest son, aged 9 yearS,
of senator 11. B. l'ArNu. t-f Kingston,
came to his death suddenly on Wednes
day, Oct. 4, under the following terrible
eireumstances. Ile, with other boys of
the same age, was gathering nuts on he
fax BUTTER, near Kingston.
CLAM.] 4; attempted to climb a tree, and
when about -twelve fret from the ground
he lost his balance and fell. In falling he
:trick a fence-rail, breaking his left wrist
awl injuring his bead and spine. lie be
came entirely helpless at once. Thu little
boys were at a loss what to tio. Ilis little
brother remained and held his bead, while
the other boys ran to the town for help.
" Finding some other boy, they all ran'
back; then they took a board, took off
their coats, made a bed on the board,
placed CHARLIE upon it, and carried him
about a mile to his home. The broken
bone was set, but he gradually sank until
thte o'clock in the morning of October
when he died. Ile was hurt abksnt 5
o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. PAYNE
was at Conyngliatn, to speak there. at an
evening mass meeting. A dispatch was
sent to Hazleton. the nearest telegraph
statitof. By the kindness of Mr. Viscr:Nr,
of lhrzletoni it was carried to Mr. PAYNy,
at Conyngham. It reached him just as
he finished speaking. In ten minutes be
was in the carriage with Mr. ViNcENT,
en route for Wilkes-Barre. Twenty-live
miles were driven over the mountains in
four house. Mr. PAYNE :reached his home
about 2 o'clock. . His little sonknew him,
called hint - by name, and kissed him. ;In
tire; minutigs afterwards he sunk into a
. stupor from which he never awoke."
np . and Ore it while it is yet fresh.
Besides all this, the city papers—not one,
but many of them, come to his , office eve-;
,ry day, and he carefully culls th*choicest:
part of their contents to give to 'his read
ers; in this way you get the contents of
many city papers, and your home news
boiled down in one sheet, for one price, a
thing which you cannot, .possibly do by
taking a city
. paper.
The New I ork Tribune is justly enti
tled to rank as ono of the very belit pa
pers published. It says many good and
true things, but never hit • the nail more
t squarely on the held than,in the follow.
ing on local papers :
"Nothing islnore common.than to hear
1 people talk of what they pay newspapers
for advertising, etc., as so much give!'
• charity. Newspapers, by advancing the
value of property in their neighborhood,
and giving the localities ir. v. hien they are
published, a reputation abroad, benetit'all
such, particulaq if they are merchants
or real estate otyners, thrice the ainount •
Yearly of the meagre sum they pay for
their support. Besides every public spir
ited citizen has a laudable pride of having
a paper of ivhicli he is not ashamed, even
though I.e should pick it up in New York
or 'Washington. A good-looking, thriving
sheet,helps prolierty, gives character to
locality, and in many respects is a desira
ble public convenience.: If from, any
cause the matterin the local or editorial
column should not be up to your standard,
do not cast it aside and pronounce it goisi
for nOthif*, until satistiedtthat there has
.been no ftiore labor bestowed upon:it than
has been paid for. If you ; want ]o pod
readable sheet it !mist be supported. Attd
it must not be supported in a spirit of
charity, but because pp' feel a necessity
to support it. The local press is theqaow
er that moves the people."
Let those twho now contemplate send
ing to the city for a pager reflect for a
mouient whether they hail not better tirat
secure a copy of the itErouTEn, and then
if they have the means and feel the inclin
ation, choose some good city journal.
ber 2.
N R Merrill vs A E Merrill. Court di
rect a - subpogia,in divorce to issue.
Ophelia Fogbunr, v.. A C Fosburg. On
motion of .1 Wt. , tone, Esq.. Court make
the usual order and decree of divorce.
Francis 1.. Johdson vs I) A Johnson.
On motion of E II Parsons, Esti., Court
make the usual order and decree of di
C Sinsilbauli vs Wm tlsbrce, Rule
to show cause 14,11 y judgment shall pot be
opened, and defendant let into a defense.
Edward Oliertou vs Nelioll Vanderpool
and Uriah TeiTy. Rule to. allow cause
why Criah Terry shall not be subrogated
to the rights of the plaintiff.'
80 - winan vs .1 Vandermark. Rule
to show cause why judgment taken in
this case shall not be taken 011
H A Blood NS Jl' Blood. 0 C Atwood
vs Richard Graham. T.l Smiley sW 11
Crofut 'lhcury Morgan vs. S. Simpkins'
Ad m'r et al. Rules in each of these cases
J Angle vs ',Geo Coykendall, et al.
A B Austin Vs M • Ayres. 0 E Harris'
use vs W 11 'Vansyckle et al. Rules in
each of these cases continued.
Lewis Smith vs Leßoy Haverty: Rule
made absolute.
Com of Penn'a et al Vs Chas. H Ames.
Rule made absolute, and writ of quo zedr
ran to issued.
I) It Blackman vs.(' M Myer.' Rule djs
charged intless defendant files: his depOsi
tionS before October
First National Bank of..Atlicns vs Wm.
Hancock. Ride to show Cause why judg
ment taken: in this case shall not be strick
en off.
G l Vandyke vs ChaSn Wells et al. Rule
on Sheriff to pay money into Court.
II Manley's Adm'r vs C E; Manley.
Rule why money in:iCourt shall• not be
paid to Wm S Jayne!.
,ll . Person vs Frank. Fish: Rule why
appeal in this case shall nut be tiled name
pro truir. •
; it N NVilliaftis vs A.. 1 Beers. Cotirt
Ileet Sheriff to pay lialaneui of money ae ; -
6irding to the Auditor's Report. . •
Jilin O'Connell's 6e Is Win
al. ('otirt appoint l L Hillis, Esq., an
Auditor to distribute fund 'raised by tho
Sheriffs sale of defottlant's real - estate.
First National Bank Of AthenS et al vs
iI A and J. I' Blood. The injUnctiori in
this case continued until otherwise order
E Evans vs Oliarles II Evans.. Slrah
S Johnson vs WM Johnson Court direct
an alias subpoena to issue in each case.
Timothy Fe ten vs Esther Fello. Court
appc;int..l W Stop:, Esq.. Master in this
Court adjourned on Friday t).) Friday,
Nov. 10.
EAST "StartHifi; an
nouncements," "smblen deaths," " re
ports of crime,•' and accident, arc not
show to rind their way into the columns of
the newspaper.. when one carefully•
appr.tachesaihe end of life, and calmly ar
ang•ca eve*. detail for business, settles.
evary :1r.73:11t with his neighbor, chooses.
wk.) slo:t11 be; r" Lis del body, :Ind
Wit!, sing and si,cale at hisfuneral,
and dictates what they . shall say, then.
happily his eYt4, saying,
."'Now I
will Ito sleep," as "did E. T. (.'tonswEta.,
in ‘Vest Auburn, May IS7ot.' ia tins
2talt year of age-who would not wish.
to hear his
•• mane ! rnile.„ come !Mt hyin u lire 1 ..p• 3k
oft I've h•en Warned of death,
hut OM. I. rat now,
I a.k of you one last r, , quest :
~.11i1 1 . 1 11i.1 all and part MI:
Oft in years gi.u.• • by von'}, helped itiTart •
Neweonrage to my droGplng : pit Ps, .
Thus tt•httog to my life anal bandit
,• tiff have bent sweet comisel, and now
Yon kno i , my faith, toy le Ise , .,
In is nom I tro•t to galtle and save. r.
A few mor..• hours, my paia will cease, ••
T.'I4•WI•I alit g ,:her here
To 1•Nil: AI IA • ly:n •ii 1111111e.d.
l wish ytei Li •:1 to speak for toe.
And :al 'la. /louts! be, • tlnEr AND Livc..
Th • In-:l,ine of '''Jr me i s short, al most.
W o few ti..ellag year-, then g.;3way. '
gaol tit- conflict is almost tier.
And happy it: the thought that death Is near,
Though now disantied of all Ills terrors.
Th • t.aVen'y Fatlatr. In g. mint's". •
lea: mad , known to 111. 1111 lure•:
I feel los los Mg protenre row: and trust film
Fa• linmati micalime•S will pertnit_
The finite mind to grasp the attribUtes
of the :•:- :vi and everdoving
I howdy adore and seek to steal •
Myseleoleallent to Ills unchanging will.. •
Elk all•pumv,•rful arm sustains tuc imw,
Anil points me to, the Christian's hop - s,
I ii , ptrer of all oho seek to lead a holy life,
.11.4 all who strive to attain like Hint.
stainr , ol a pArfee.t man.
I'm %Oiling to obey nib' Heavenly Father now,
An.l thot,tga yon a.l are dear to Lie.
I. leave vie In the (atilt that, at-ImA with truth,
If pm Bred} strive for right, that
Emery wrong must fall at last,
And von TN, 'lre A crown.
'l' is • aid of u'. that we are 01d . .0r young,
As year. , are reekontal in the span or life; (years;
5110. ate indeed! "True ittattlesiet Is not made tap of
31:nd may ripen Into age, though year, be few:
of gotine.s that more
s taggish In the IttIIAZIA •
Need hot the gelnlal rays of living light
'f., quicken and !nature (roe-manhood
• ohey and live r
Rep at for net., • I !bey and Ilya :'
abet It quireswe •o-ek to Yana
It, • will Of II:III who govetns
In the realm o'er whit h Ile reigns. ,
I }:ley: We all are st•rrants—
, •r, ants to whom we yield ourselves to obey:
r-varyll.g rule IN ttur to-day.
.\ltd dustlee withtett faun A ward,
trier septic! alike a'. all deserve.
• i Fat her.' who lot ••s ail,
MOtottands as io remit:
And our hr.,:lier man.
lisle Its to •Olt. y.' Ill,Nplrlt gives each heart to
The ti of p.o,llicss absolute. rfettl
And Love. Ott told ~ f sett. 4.11 r thoughts,
And every act, •fi pure that tio•y r:ll, , ct
'The 11 - oho-life daily to our fellow
It •Ilect the Ideal Mat
The acknowledged need of every .
II it loan taw- t to ion here,
And Mink tune hearts In sweet •
(•onontinion with that Spirit
glee. tri:c 4 lcippluess
And ever- thidltig tutace
Ti Its
• I.:ve I;-prat that word again for me—
Live: this tenteia4l year
4•;(..,, my earth tile,
The (Mitre has no shad,. of dread for me:
3ly faith Is not In anclant rites:
h.athe all hollow niock,•ry of Words, •
And in-re runtime of form., ( •
That stills! v the masses Of Ituilian kind.
I ask the tile that NI allows foillt • .
An all-controllng falth in •
All those attributes that clustered
In the perfect character of one • •
SO divine, that we may each adore,
And yet so human, that each
May strive to fashion every aetion,
Word. and thought. ai i s le direCted.
'Live r 'Repeat thence again I
Live! !ant not for :elf alone
-I.lve to obey, and you will be
FAer true to self. •
Ire fryer true to self and you will he -
Ever strictly true and Just
To every human kind.
My wtirt. is fin:shed : pow I go to rest;
Ms ovary head all phlouctl W lily
Loving li‘•avettly Father's arms,
And bid you all along, a lung Farewell !"
. - t
Sur New gods received daily al lIENDLLILANS
sir F4gravlng done at firSDKLIIA.N% Jewelry
M' dew Dress Goods , at:, KENT
L iss%Tiep7.
IT titt,tpt.gataN Gfrers a great taKtuctioli Its 511-
rap-Plated Ware.
ti!? New Goods in every DepaYtmont
at,*x.x . 7 l k IlLtios'.(scr. •
Vir New prints at KENT & Buss. [sep7
Buttrick's Patterns at NEXT &
puss.* •
Of - Ladies' Ties in great variety, at
NEXT & TlLlSS*.tiep7
rir,Latl‘6le Collars and Cuffs at KENT
& BLlgr.M.p7 •
tW Call at BENT & BLISS' and see
heir new Dollar Coraet.(sep7
£ Call at KEST & 13,L1s8' for your ta
ble Dantsk, Napkins, ac., ke.teepT
rir New Cloths alai Cassimerea at
Kaar & istaserzatia
Or Ono more case of those cheap
at NEXT it ltiass'.(sq7
Ur A large assortment of spring and
sumuser bats, Just rucelced,. at M. E. Itualisr-
d-a-half books for 99 cis.:
Mr You can bay a plated Castor for t)9
cents, In Iterw Mud..
. IX` Kasr S BLISS', and 100 k
at their 1114:a Grenaillum
Ailarge stock of games andloys,
at cwt, at Wurrt:uma &
tar All the latest publications, very
cheap, at Wiitidotta SUJIAT rel.
egr Everything in the line of station
ery at WilliCoatil at Slialrea.
Or WHITCOMB At 6ti.kur sell the best
Blank Books manufactured In the country.
rs - The largest and best assortment of
Brackets ever brought to this place, can now be
seen at TROST &
• EZ" You cal
Stationery, very
Or The lat
spring clothing
',---...1.------ - i
o ,
rgr A larestock I f School Shoes,:very
cheap, at COMER'S, op, lto the Court itotise(tieaii.
,J10)-Gold, Mier, and S eel Spectacles, and Eye
Muses, In great variety, t lIENDELYAN'S Je,wel
ry Store. .
4s ,
t.. . .. ,"? r RUBBER PAPIT,. price reduced to
f: per gallon. In 5 gallon iiaiis e 1.90.
O. I. WELLES & So c.
r i 4" You will be surpiised do learn bow
Innen You can buy for 99 mita In Mer Cur Block.
"Great reduction in American
WateheS at (It AMBERI.IsIs.(Jupe 5.
r 3" Every little Loy wants a pair of
those Continental Roots at Contlits'e s , opposite the
Court llouse,[sep2s
IS" A new stock of Trunks and Trav
elling nags ‘ just received at ebustrat's, and at low
er prices than ever. • [Aug%
Inr. ° lIENDELMAN bas the tinst stock
or Watchos,'Jewelry and Sliverwara, ever brought
Into this town, tall and sou It.
M7lf you want a suit of clothes cheap
er than You can buy tho same In New, York, Just
call at ROSENF I ELD'S.
cr Passengers to the West will find it
to their advantage to purchase tickets at the Ta
wanda Depot. Rates reduced $1.50 from Sept. ISt
r?r . ROSENFIELD liaß ', just " filled up "
with a complete Due of furnishing goods, which
he offers cheap.
rr Take Notice; there is a great re-'
dnrllon In Waltbant and Elgln Watches. Call at
li ELM.% x's and you will be sure to buy one at
the prices he Is offerlbg.
41 .Don't jail to call at , 11liNDLEMAN13, If you
wl,li to bity . anytelng In thelltie of Jewelry, Silver
anti Silver-plated Ware:
FOR SAI.E Olt TIbADE.—A " Boyx-
TO.V • knr LTI bCell used{
a few tlint, wily one • la comparaftvely
new, Can be at a barkain. Address I'. 0.
Box 1.143, Towanda. .
1 10" 1:t76, FALL S FUSON. ITA-
Tio);.—Tiv! first Invoice of our Imported nrveltle,,
Patt , rn Itvimet4, Irate, Feathers, Flowers, he.
al w I.adles furniihlng goods,. I; now In store, and
ready for your In , pectlon. (No regular opening
day.) I:vigr , ettnlty pint's. F... 1. Mixt;os.rsep2l3
tr" Two t_ticirED TEAMS FOR
We have a r ,ooa pair or mat( hed foor years old
• col . ::: ; also orie pair Ilse old, well matched,
Ivhich we will sell oa terms. Either would make 7,,,0d carriage horscA.
Mottlain Lake. Va., Sep!. f, IS7G.:
I 1 CfrA IiAItF“2IIANGE—To procure a
valuable lintel prorwrty on reasonable terms. Ow
init to 111-!l>aith I wilt sail my Hotel, known a, the
t laternation4 'Hotel. 1.1.13 in one of the bent emi
isten,: .NI beildingi in Towan4ll. being 31 feet on
1 MAitt ,Iree t, ain. lit fe:4 on Elizabeth street., the
,;`st,,rt,.l 'Agit, with all the , tnoilern improvements,
and l'entalt , one .a the b , st hail room?' in the Born.
If ni.t snic! Ly 31arcli 1. It: n 111 lie fir rent. For
furilie'r Info' niation enquire on the premises.
n—ilte lar g e. ready-m:OC clothing
bustnes.,, built up by M. E. lloseNrllet. 1,, Is attract
ing other establishineutl to his secuon, but ,the
Prudent purchas,r bear in mind that all deal.
ers •ure not posesscd of the sagacity, ''Morn, am/
<net honesty that actuates Mr., It. In his business
transactions. Most men who pretend 19 sell cloth
ing •'nbeep," are mere pretenders, which the cred
-1110115 buyvr learns to his cost. • Our advice Is to ail
who want gotil goods at fair pikes. to call on Ho.
SENFIELD. It makes no Inference whellin• you
are a jlifigt! 41 the article desired or not, Ito 'ls, and
not deceive you. A 1/11Ve all things hinvare or
the: loan who never Invites you through advents: .
melds to call.
ta7 Every genuine article has its coun
terfOi; sn evor'y honest in - an has his pretender.
Such Is the case wlth.bttr estimable and honorable
eothlng dealer, M I. RoSENFIELD, Having
made the linslne,s a study from early 'south, and
hAng controlled It 'husiness trateanellljrlS by the
strictest regal it for truth, And the rights of his enS
lemers. whit Un nut pt.: stinted always to be as well
posted as himself, others ~Who have no regard for
the precopt of tno ... gold rit rule," seek to pndlt ly
hisenrlablereputation, by engaging In the.satne
bas:ness, and make large plofesslons. Look Out
for them.
CHRISTMAS IS ComlNG.—What nice
preterit can I get for my Wife, sister, or sm - coil:earl,
or for husband; brother, ": ; 11 teal, as the case may
What will be imor 'acceptable than anice
Photograph at W000's? They are very nicely re . .
torrheil aid painted in m•at styles. Or If you want
a photogr.tph, large, from life or copy. you can alto
et , t . tbem there In IMIla Ink,'WaterColorm, or Cray
on. Nothing like it made In this county. Renton
r, at (iv). It. Wto,u , ' Gallery..lhere Is so much
clomly V; cattier, yen need to think' of It In slice.
licit y a few weeks to Christma:S..
CARR—SMALLEY.--In Ovt; 4, by
('air, E,(1.,. Coylon ('arr, of tlerrtelallie,
and Miss Ida A. Sma:ley, of Asyluta township.
CIIAA —II ANSCM.—A t Leßoy. S^rdember
1.7 G, by H. K. :11.dt. Esq., 3lr. t'llatnicey
ebaapcl, of Lrltoy.tatul 31,5. Mary Hansom, of
Ludington, Pa 1 - .
D C Z —l' EN Et. n Towanda, Oct. to, by
ibaHoy. . .N. ..3TEWAitt; I'.. Constant Doinz
and 311,s I.3'MA A. Ptoro:11, both of Towanda.
311'.); N—llit A DY.—A t the residence a the 4lde'S
fAther. to• lAtchtf..•lo.. Uct, a. lea. by Rev. J.
Barton French, of Athet,. 31r. Frank E. 31urt
and Miss Ella Brady, both of Litchfield.
ANDREWS—.IOIINSOS. At the home of the
• hrlde In Greenwood. Oet. 9, by 'ter. lialloeft
Armstrong. Mr. Edward S. Atidreav,s and 'Miss
34ry E. Johnson. both of 6 reenumnd.
HILDEETH—PIIINNEY.—Xt the residence of
James 11. l'hinney, ELI., In this borough; Wed
nesday evening. Oct. It, MN. by Isvr..l.s.
Ileury C. 1111dreth and Miss
1101VE.—In Orwell, Septenibt.r 29,187 c, Winiam
now.% pith. forty-fin[ year of his pr.
BLOW N.—At the Parsonage. Merryan. Sopt,
iA•oiook A. F., .• 1te4,1e." ibingliter of 4:
Mlles and E. Lewis Brown, ag44 4 }'eats, I
Month and 16 date..
She tool: ang A a Inga and departed' to be forever
with the Lord.: .
" Hear, Lord. our earnest prayer,
Room for my bird In ratatth‘e,
And give It angel plumage there."
i . •
- rirA CARD.—To all wir are suffcring
from the errors and indiscretion of youth, neevouts
weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, ke.. I Will
Pend a recipe that will cure I you, FREE OF
(Ili Ant; E. rhls great remedy lwas discovered hp
a missionary in South A mertga. Sends self-address
ed envelope to the itzT.JOSEPir T. I NSI AX, Statioh
D. Dihlr Dollar, Arm York o.ltvalayterna
AUDITOR'S - .N.TOTlCV.lienr_y
Stolen. now to the use of E. W. Dale vS D. D.
ard. - No. tnt, Dee. Term, Ms. In the Court
of Common Plead of Bradford county.
I The undersigned. en Auditor appointed by
the Court to distribute thp fond raised from the
sheriffs, ado at the defendant's. real estate In the
above stated ease, will attend to• the duties of his
appointment at his omen In the Borough of Towan
da, on Tuesday, the 14th day of November, 1676, at
10 o'clock A. SI., when and where tdi persons bay
ing claims upon said fund, must present them, or
be forever debarred therefrom.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in
Post Office at Towanda, Bradford Co, Pa.,
for the week ending Oct. 11: . .
Bangor. Miss Hinds Burke, 3frs .1
Roan:now, Miss k:lita , Boman. Mr E T .
Barker, Miss Mary /large, Mr-Franklin
Buck, Miss Mary cnou, 8 31,
Carn, Miss Mary A Campbell, Mr. Truman
Brennab, Miss Bridget Campbell. Mrs Charles
Cole, Chas, 'David, B 8
Dam's; .Ino David., B S
Darks, Mrs V n David. Mrs 11 S
George, Mr Washington tinker, B
Green, Mr* Mary Awl Gorton, f; It
Rwary. Jnn • Gibson, Jtiss Jenefle
Goodwin, 3,415 a Vests Gorilla% BD' Marinda
liamenley, Mn Kate Iluilbard, E M
Ileiison. Mliis Flora MOla, Mi Ss Lizzie
Gorton. Joel • -I Is;GiM, Jahn
Jones, Mira Mary J Jones. Mrs Lours
Kennedy. Mr.:Mary KoleXerliocker, Miss M
Non. Mr Albeit ti . Kennedy. SII
Kuhn, Phl.lp
Kuhnlr. I
hir E Lea Is Chas
Lamb, CL. • Lane. Pat •
Merritt, Mrs C Slooney. Mss Cltney
McCue. Mr Ilugh Mi , nyx, John
MeChili. Mr G MOlanuns, Win
Mr I.eeier DeLacy Morton. Geo C
!Callen, Miss Maggio Potter. Mis Clark
Paxton, Mn, C Tpne, Menial;
Einun , Eatteral, Hugh F
ste e yy. 3this Mame Stalford, Mr Geo
Woodruff, Mr S t Wilcox, Geo '•
WEllanis, Sarah, S E Wolcott
Willlarns. Mrs r White. Mrii.M
Wells, Mrs Martiaret A Wetit.'3ll•ii Rota
Wadsworth, Mr
Pr.sons ealllnt for the above letters,' will plisse
say "atlvettlied,. giving date of list.
,• 14. IV. A 'WORD. I'. M.
• ,
Oct. Vt—tf.)
.st styles of
isortment of
Ite'speettuily itit,irni , t the puhlie that t , •loot re.
moved to WS Entw building Just south of the Weans
itouse,wheril lie will be pleased t 9 see 111;i o:il frlmidii
Serve.l at
. all hours at the lowest possible rates
Sly Mot:al:on, cniart or Dozen, and in Stall
Towanda, Oct: 11, 187(1
Arti now retirlualfrout the Clothing Business, and
are therefore utferlhg Melt luinienne stock of
Fur . 25 Per Cent. LeM Than Cost!
This st&k must 1* Fold during thn next sixty days.
A 1),1 r olOrtunlty to purchabc clothing Cheap,
w'as onred In this town.
110avy rtitereoate Ct 140 to 460 and up
1 - 01101 Beaver 4)v..renals 6110 " "••
Ail W6Ol Beaver trvorctr.sis.. 900 •• 1300 "
ltravy Undercoat A. aOO 4(0 "
It:ack (all 1)11..5s eclat.. 600 " 000 "
Heavy L'akits 1 " 2°o "
IN l'ltiWowijoN%
The store for neut. Parties wishing' to buy
the frock. will havo a goo.] opportunity. 4
1 Person. 111,1e:rte.1 to the) alwive firm •iy 111
please vall and settle.
TOW:11111 n, Oct.ll. 1576
Boots and Shoes-7acckery. -
1 876. D 1876. 1876. .18.76.
& L C., &c.,
Ever eiren•d in this town. and at prices that cannot
fall to plea,:y the closest tinyt•r. I have many bar
gal:lsla all lines of .goods that cannot be obtained
elsewhere. Please call and examine goods and
Old Stand, oppiraite Court House.
Towanda, Aug. to, 187d. 1, I
LA 311,'5,
Towanda, August -,16;6,
Nei ,Adartisemeits.
&c.; Vic., &c ,
I am tow t
AtAbe old stand !of
0. A. BLACK.
Ilew Advertisements.
ersr,o Q 7.1 'it Week 10 A Rents. Samples rttim.
t374./t/fA Ot I P. 0. VICKERY, Augusto, Maine.
Out largo lito-Olto STEEL ENOItAVI'N 09
o the Presidential Candidates Indl. rapidly Scud
for circular. N. Y: Engraving Co., 23 Wadlitrect,
Box 38, N• T.CaeptltnB
ss to s9Aper day at home. Samples
fl free. Stinson dz ,
Co., Portland, Mains. . Erlich ta-miy,
- lately Owned by 3tatlida Vangbrder. of Asy
lum twp ,Is offered at prpato sale. The farm con*
tains 3S acres, all improved; wed watered and fenc
ed': five miles from Towanda, and convenient to
sehoill and ebureh. For terms. Are., Inquire of rE•
TICHNANGOIrDEIi. Liberty Corners. E. H. DV
LONG, near the premises, or G. L. BULL. Mott
roetou.. Oct. 76-tf. • •
The subscriber °Rem foi sate at a bargain his
farm situate iu Asylum trip.. containing 43 arres,
all but 4 acres improved. The farm le In a good
slate of Improvement; well fenced and watered,
with a lino stream of water running through It.
good springs. two dwelling bows, horse barn, and
a large variety Of fruit.
' For further particulars address the subscriber at
Marshvlevr postoillee. or John Hennes at Towanda.
Asyluin,Sept. 6, 187C-4w
—Notice 14 hy.rety glrenlihat all persons Im
debted to the estate I/. Sturtevant later f Tits
earorr, deed, must maYo Immediate paymtmt tc
the undersigned, and all persons hating .elaltrs
against said estate must present them; duly mak,
tleated, fur sett tement.
' W. V. Coll[7ltS,
Notice ts hereby given that nil porsotm
th•ooql to the estate,t4 Chit< ffeeSer, tate of Truing
-11 •Itt, must make Imtnetltato payment to the under.
signed, and all persons having elalms artlnst
estate, Mtn pre.,ent them, duly authentlea:ed, for
4m I ti Ist ritor
—Notiel. P 4 hereby gluten that all persans In
dAted tO, the estate of 1).or lit ittnehar,tinie et Her
rick, deerased, must mate Itnniedtate layment le
the undersigned, and nil persons having etai an.
aguinst Yubl estate mast present them, duly aathen
cleated, for .i•ttlentent..
ail a siwg
OR'§ NOTIC E.—Xotice
1. lo.reby given that all pemons ftlebt, ft to
t ',stale of Mary Wheaton late of Warr on,
nri:4l make Immediate paylitent to th , tunderAgaetl,
all permnot having 'dahlia agaiii4 Fail estate must
ptr.sent them, Andy authenticated. for xettlement.
atiriwe nertittor.
_IL A I Ins Iferehy given that all i...r,ons Itt,hted to
the estahl of Cat herlho rmatnlogs late of Tow:tntla
I.oro flee 41, mast make I waited la to paymenit to the no
dProlqhM. still all rersrmi, having claims upon - said
eita‘e must iireeent them, daly atithentleated, for
'rho naiderslgned will fltql at ontAle rale on
I n•;..hcr 5. 1+,74, on to• o*tn , of 0. E'llott. lat..
of Rome two., deed. the following proo.lrty,
wit: The farm, coat:1101g R 5 tteres. holt:allow
go 0.1%. fartult g ittetoAlts hay, grain, cattle, hogs,
TER SL4.-LAII sum; mild 1 1 ,i cash; over that
aniount t, months credit. with approved sccnrity.
the estate of Jonathan Whipple, tiNieiviod.
Nu. c, May Term. MS: In the Orphan's Court of
Bradford Comity.
'The understie4l. nn auditor appointed by the
Court to dtstrthute money In the. hands of the ad
nalaist rators of said estate. arising from the sale of
toe personal and real estate oft %aid .I,.eedrnt, will
attend tt, the dutre.4 ut his appointment at Ills omee
itt the, tiorough of Towanda, on Monday. vectotwr
20. Wit; at (reined:, p, m„ when and whene att
persons having claims agatit‘d ' , alit fund must pro
seat the same, or be forever leharred therefrom.
ot•Ellas.t. Clattson, decd. hi the Orphans'
CoUrt. of Branford County.,
Thu undersigned, an auditor appointed bi• the
court to di:At - flint,' ntotneya in the harkis or 0 . 1
tillitlstrator of said estate, ,to the dunes
of his appoltillnetit at itta oftiee, In , Towanda:on
Ft hlav, the 20111 day of-ttetolier, nt 10;ift,Inett
ivtwn w and wite,re personq having a claim upon
vain' fond nitun pre,eut them, or be foreNer
Licharr , il Into muilug In upon t he mine.
•E:i.. HILL'S.
AUDITOR'S NOTlCP.—Charles, Esr., vs.. James r. Fonlmt - g. No.
• J“, May Tol 111. 1576.
'Pte undersigned, an ntlaltor-appolnuArhy the
I`.•urt to (11.stribute the fut.(ht arising iron the
sale of tleten , htttl'A eqate. upon ex.:coll. - al
upon salt,. Jutlain -1044%qt) attehtl to the
1 4 sit the E'4l,ntige
Mo, on 'JONI/AY; NiArrniber 1301.
at In ..'Nock a. tn.. when and Altere all ptisons hay
-147, alai ton agclnMt ,31,1 fund intlst preient the, g.lnie
ur i,, forcvcr dcharrett thereficon.
owat'ila, Oct. 4, In. , A ti3l.l:vr.
17 DITOIPS .. ii; (YU! CB. John
A. irronnyll fi, :P. in. 11r1:11.i. to . to. 13 t he
ilk. W
i',.;l rt of l'ilinnvin vt,.as q r nr.torord . (.;Alta.. , :...".
907.. S , •lyt. Tern]. Jii7l. , .
The itodero , zlt , (I. an atldltor tvppoltlttoi t . r th e
'con; r.ll-.t.tilion• toon,y ra1.,4 by ......11,,t1rf 5 .4 1. of
r , al.,•tat-, wilt at I.•na to the 411,1
la...appoint wet,' hiq Tmland.), 1:0r.), on
Nov, 14. 1374, at II) o'rlork. a. In., wht.r....
10ut,..t.,1 rtre.r. , l , l"ste.l to itr.o.rot
t.'“rever d tr,.111 eltittoh it7 any
.....htr•• of fal•I fttnd. • 11.11:).1^,
th.:l2 - Ainli. r.
ki - r)rrort.F, N Ot I C P....t—Thomas
.3t3:th,,,, 114! c'. I FCIII yNV irol'. Non 642 Dl+.
To• too, I or:1. lii I: r:td font C l /11/11V4,1 . 1..:1,
Tic lotoolo.rFloy,:to•ol. an. aolotitor arillomato ol by call
roroolrt too II iv tilonto money: to Stioirlfr's hand , . ari,-
lug frow !!r. r.ti, or ol.oroonolaoitYrrai 000tate; won io
toono.l In tho• dudes lo! lot, :oppootnolvrout fit 111. oil.,
i,, Towanda ltoroogli, Va.. o,Li .r0.0. , 13y.:t:i • 1::h
ohay or Novena! err, 1,74. at 10 O•cloork. a. to., it h. , f,
all 1...1 4, 0115 loacifog claims laron, .oalol floods are re
oloon'ooot ; 0 1!1", , l‘ftt th.noi or id r , off . Vt•T 1it . 103 , 1,11 froln
0.112 ' ,. Auttl!or. ~
---- 4
T T(Y,It ' S NOT i C E.—ln the
A I _DI ,
_ iortttor of )11,...5tat,• of 3110mol MItol , •!1,1:•!e
or tan lownoolatio of Towanda, ' In tho Or
ioh,' Court of Itraafer.l Ce•eht",v.
Ti,. un,terstkned, an ailtiroar, appolnted Irr; the
rotor( to oll,trlbute money In tile ltands or the al
nalnl•ot rator or rotiol estat,, nri,Ang en.To the ,:art of
the 1...r,0nal arpl real t.f• , sahl itc,,A,,,t., will
attend to the datt1,,,,,00f loin appointment at the once
.4 (Vv. , ritow S: FllNfoyer, In thoo..tforn• of Towanol•i, on
yronday, Nov. loth, ta:n. at 10 o'c:ork. a. m.. c$:1.11
.col where all looormono. loavliz4' claims taf.ralwt sold
5,,,A 1...wa ii7 , .•.•lti thin.n. 4 , 1"0“) 1,.1w , wr debarred
th.-rerrtan. ~ I :, till.: wrox, Jr.,
(lootl2 i Atiollto4r.
OR PIIANS' COURT SA 1.1. - % ' By
ylbture of an order issued twit of the Oiphans"
Court of tiradford County, the tiniler•lgned i ad
nibitstiatrie or the estate of krt Adam+. late of
still*, tille , d tw'p, deed, wlll eltptee to publie sale on
Weillittyday„ '....; 0) e 110 w r 15.. Dtztr, at 2 o'eloykli, il l .,
Ott tho pretal.,, the elonirMlllK frOm•rlll , 4,l prOperty:
q!lialY in staltlitiola' INV)! and bounded as tie ilea' Yi
on the not,th by lands of Clark IlleCteltand, West
by tail of taints Vo:liurg, sunlit by lamb: of Jen
::, and rag by lands of Holi.)rt Iliteguyett a n d Tem
plebiti, containing teie.huntleyil acre.., impeot ed.
TrAtm.•:—.iio upon' the bropyrty hying ,truck
ibexu, one-fourth ..r the re,wile ,ipot t the cmt Mina
lion of ,;Co and the balanYeln two equal annual he'
Al-ii I Illeitta th.”e3r:tir, Nyi I b Interest,
. oct:i Al' ItELI A Ft• lIMO - N I),
( - 1111'11 S' COURT SALE.--133
virtue of an order !sued oat of th,, orph an .,
(*.art of Itrut ford oat:ay, th•• A t hola
t,trator of ja m”, Tov.atola tup.
dread. wit! expov, to ritglr ,370 the
Thar-day, \ ,576, contort : acing at loft:lock, p
la., the following. real eAlate : ,
h" Inning at a post
sitnat,- row.,t,ila
on :lot fsist ••1•1e 401 Street atol's.nith-w - • , st 4,1 r.
nor 01 lot 011,11111 X: B. Overton: thenre‘atng,
the sntne t,.v! , u east 113 feet Loa eorn..c !M t ,
of lands of .7. .1. 11ritfitlis' throe“ along 1114.
F011(11514 a wet•t 45 ft to a eorner of land of (1.
3fsvoit: tli..tic.• tt etg the , ,:tOP' - 'IOY a pal it..l line
to tLe N. B. fivef,on lot nortlvaii• j c• WVNI 131: ft to
lite east ,ta,..or said stir••l; tto•ve • along In,• same
north 44 ft to piiee of IN•gintillig. lieu*
s'ano• land convostA to :•31.1 .1a.;.. Bowman by 41 , C41
from It. F. 7flas,ti and wife. dal r.l April a, 1••7.;„
TERII--ill a on the prop•qv Iwing Arti..k clown.
t3;,0 of j,,,•an e ,• on confirm:o woof sato, and 'balance
In ono :toll two ytan,lll,reafter, with Inler..f 1.
1.. It 4 OW NI
• •
OE I'llA NS:
sirtue of 'an ortleris,ited out of the orphans'
Coklif or Itrad the undersigned. elertl.
'or or t h e c.tato op Geor - 11 31 t Intany, take or the
lloro ;.I Towatola,ll,4 , ll; w;11 expo .e ty politic sate
o'n the rentlAes, n We!ine,lay. October it. ink.
at It o'clock. n. ur.. the following proit,:rtv.
Onn lot of land In Terry t‘,ll, Isnolf o rd
hontoltol as follow,: On tit. , north by Loots of Ed.
r..trri and Era,:tis s.te•pat,l; on the east by tacit.. of
.r: ate dre - 11:' on the south by lamb
hie or Fleury Yclti-r:Oni the west by the Terrytow it
' t rot; ,ontattling :;o acres, loon, or les,-; being the
that sail Niontrotyrt put clia.seil l,v eon-
I rtet of Gen I; Mills, and, haling an equitab:e iltte
tEttM , l OF SAl.E.—One•tonrth of the parelta , t„.
money to In. paid fill the property struelY ,
ttmcn; one-third of the reAdtie en cortflrmation ut
..;de, and the roldue °lie year thereat; r with h)-
a•re.f. PAUL 1). 31011110 W.
7 r , iwatidli, Pa.. Sept. Exectdor.
cyl PifAN S' COURT SA LE.—By
Yirtlie of an order issued Out or the Orpirans•
Conrt of Bradford County., the undersigned guard
ian of the ...mite of James F., Charles I._ 31yrtie
it. :Ma Emma Uriswold, minor rbiniren of .Mary IK
dee'd„, wUI expo..± , . W l,ublle :We uu oho
prendrs, mt Saturday, Oct. 25, 1876, cotuno•ncing
at o'elyek• a. tn., the following prl,,rly, situate
In Mooroetoo, Bradford County. Pat and bounded
as follows:
T.eginnir.g at a stone in the cent o f ltsiu street,
a corner of N, Newton's lot: thence along D. N.
Newton's line and earterly conr,e, tweuiy rods to a
slihk , corner and the tteeot Mingos' taint; thence
along Mingo.e hoe a northerly course four rods Ma
corner of 11. W. Rovkwell's lot anti the lot of End-
Iv Young, twenty rt4s to the center of Main street , .
['hence a southerly vmrse along Main street to the
pla c e of toeglonlog, containing one-half are more
or less with a tiwtillng house thneon. • •
TERMS.—irm on 'mire rty !ming struck, down, and
MO at final motifirinsehdt, and the ba!atmo- In two
ortal aatntat paymont: , , nith interest f fMa the
time isws , :bslout Is given of the premises.
EVECTION.I—Wherzas, In and by an Act of
tue tientiral Assembly of the thimtunnwealth of
Pennsylvania entitled, f•Au art relating to' the
Xlectlens of -this tommonerealth,' • passed the :Id
day of July. Anne Domini Mae. It In made the duty
of the Sheriff of every county within the'Cominon!
wealth to give public - notice of the Gerferat Klee.
and-in such notice to enumerate—,
Ist.—The oMcers to be elected.
t4.—Designatlug the places at which the election
13 to be held. Therefore,
I. ANDREW J. LAYTON. High Sheriff of the
County of Bradford, do hereby umc known and
give tills PUBLIC NOTICE to the lectors of the
County of Bradford, that ON THY: Is TUESDAY
OF NOVEMBER NEXT, (being the 7th day of
the month,) a General Election will be held at the
several Election Districts established .by law In
raid county, at which time they will tote by ballot
for the several otlicerr; &cc., hereinafter flawed,
.Tlvt strethe Verson.: to represent the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania lu the Electoral College of
the Coiled States.
One person for member of .tho House of Itepre-
Sentailves of the Hutted Stoics, to represent the
Fifteenth congvessienal I)istrlet, composed of tho
counties of Bradford, Susquehanna, %%rap,' and
One person fbr member of the Senate of Penn.
sydania, to represent tho Twenty. l, firet Senatorial
Dlsti r let, composed d(the conntles of Bradford and
Three irersons for members of the House of itep
viten MtlYcit of the tit:Trend • Asseinily of Pennsyl
vania. lo4opresetit the county of Bradford.
One person to fill the-ittnee of Jury Commissioner
of the county of Bradford.
, .
The said elections - • — i= held- throughout the
county as roll,"
rilleilta: at the houie of John 5 Recker,
Alba Gore., itt the house of Ira Smith. "
Al tatty, at 1119 Bahr school house, t
As% lurn, at the ittltool house near 5 Deckees,,
Athens bore., at the housei of Chan Dahl. '
Athens twp, et the r.lchailgt, •
Ii eighteen bore.„'at the lines„ Rouse.
Burlington tsp., At the Royce Rouse, Burlington
It urlhorten West,' at the 3I F: Church. • -
11-trclay, at the bctutel house.
('at:Wii born., at the Central 1101110.!.
rat:ton t'411., at the Centnn Boole, Canton hero.
Cetuttibla, at the 'loose or jas Slso - gan.
Franklin; at the Town Ilan. •
Granville, at the house of II F Ta)lor.
IleiTlck, at the-school liouse, II errlekville.
• Leltay,ville, at the house or F E Cu."
1.110111011. at the lions. of ti It Canner,.
Leßoy, at Centre school house.
itioltroe twp., at the hen.: once occupied by J 1
Monroe born., at the house of Orli : 111 Kellogg.
. .
Orwell, at the. Toy. tt Hail.
. .
tlvt rton, at sehoot huu , e co. q.
l'ike. at tli house, or Traver P.0%170rth , .
Roma twp., at the Atadetny In Mine born.
Route born.. at lit,'•tity. 1 '
Ithighury. at the , housv / Chas liezoy.
til- , loluin, at, Inc Vark'Y 1 1 ,, a`A'.f -
t4f,rttogtteht. at the house of Mrs They: Stnead. . 1 "
Siaotl+ng Show ' at'ille hone of Simon Steven s .
Stulthiteld. at t he holFe or I. D Foro,t.
SyivaLia t•0r0... at tly• houst , of Curtis Merritt.
smolt Cr.:4c. at the hunts of C F.CUe..
T.erry. at (he hon,e of F J Shepard.
Towata boro--Firat Ward, at the, hetet of Pat
-414 S,.ccial ‘Vard. at the. Court House.
Titird Ward. as the Grocery Mtore of G
Towuotia togv.. at .the 60:1091 howse near II L
Towanda North, at the hott , e of S.X
Tn y horo., at ;he hen,. of C M
Tray twp., at the borne Of V '.l Long. Troy born
To , rarctra. at Ihn school how.. near Jai Ittack.'i*
1':•ler. at th , Forest II (01 -
Warr , .o. at the boamt of 1: Cooper.
li:s!, at the hott..., of It lioykendall
aloslug, at the house of J 11•Ittack.
\\"/Intor, at tho hoc::..! of A J Some.
nt the house of It E 1" , 313:!r.
at the limp:, of I.
5i..1:11 tinptto , , Is h:•reby Ihr..,eled to the Bth
1:1 the.\ce• ConNtltutton.
E. T. FOX,
S,:rih•li 1. :E‘er:.• raal4• twenty-One years
po,. , ,stng the foll , ,wlng quallficatton.;,=,ban
bZi entitled on: at All elections :
Ist. .Ifehall have been a citizen of the United
SI at ex at. least . tow mouth.
2wl. I•ba:1 have resided in the State one year;
(or if, harifig previnuslpheen 3 quallll , rd elee for or,
nal( born f citizen of the tclate, he shall have re.
zuov,l there, from and returned. then sis. Months).
iint.efltately preceflingl he election..
1 e have reNtll , ll Ste the t , lectirutlNtriet
where he shall.ofror to vote at least two month, lin
urdiately precollat; the election.
4:lt. If ts:tnty-oue years of ag•! or upward.. he
shall have p'aitt trithin two yeirs-a State or county
tax. which shall hate bern at least two
months awl rata at least ow month bcfore the
elect :on.
, ikit A. li (.10(ft ion' , by the ettliens shall be
Every ballot toted Altall be uutabered in
the ouler In which It r.hall be received. and the
number recorded by the election racers un thell , t
of voters, opyrsit, the ham.: , if the elector who pre
sc•n”. the lraic, Any ei•ctor. Ha!11114-fla Me
Upolllll2l ticket, or cane the sanle ,
to wriffen
therclut and ,attebted by a citizen a the district,
eleclhlo biticen shall be sworn or affirmed not
to.discioso Loss.. .171 y el0C101 . ::Jinll have yoke. utile:,
req!red to do lA, as witnec , e, Ina ludichtl• pro
. lot fisl
_file', tors t.hail in all cases except trea;
non, fchdiVi•and brenelt or surety of the peace. he
privliegcS front arrest , 111111111: /10,1 r 3110110.1/11;0 011
elections and In going to mot rotor:l4lg th,t,trotti,
Section 4. Whenever any of the. qualified ele,t
ot, of tutbs Commouweakth :hall he In actual tota
l:11y ton-vice, tinder a requieltion front the. Presl-
det.t of the United States or IPy the antilotity
CMIIIIIOIIWI . Rith, such electors !nay cat,relse tic
riglit of soffrav in all ekes ton...
regsilatlons as or shall Ire prescribed bl'
lata% as tulle :14 If they w re prooic at Mar usual
plat.•s of election.
t. All law. :regulatlng the holding of
c1,e,`!„...0n% by tlo. eiti7cos or for the rggi,t1:111011 of
elp. , tors, shall he untforin thins bout . the Stale: Mil
olpetor deprived or tlio plivife.• Or cot
rig by reaS..ll Or td. 113/!le 111 A bving frgt ti rod.
r.oller to give, to an eleetor„ any mon,y, reward or
litzeole ratl.ll f.•rhti vote ; at an
I , :m. or for vilthia;ldir4 the !‘ari., or who shall give
or plotalse to give suvla cooshl ,ratiot
.to :my other,t, or party for sn. h ehoi,r's vole, or' for tho
OIL tEeroot,:ahil any elector who shall rc
r.;c:rive, rur illtilt , oll or anot r.ah:,
monoy, 1 - ,•Waryi or other ronsidorrilort got
filet• election. or for wlthhollling rite sato.•
thorohy forfeits tho riglit to vo ., te at Ndett eteeti.m.
and any elector 'whose rigitt to vote sit:tit 'Le eltat
..o,g,ol for suoh can.. I,;•:oro the cloy; onicerf,
rogoll tot to swear or affirm that the inatte..•
.4 :It .dutlP.uga isttutrile I.k.forz yule 6hall
s, 0•11.:n 'fr. Any I,:•rson who shall uhlle a enn,ll
- k.r One: guilty of
v:,,intlo.l of anv election la . w. std! lie forever ills
frpm holding :Ili 0111, , of trot or . pi.. 11! In
atilt any le l :, , o nvi r t,iit of
i the el. eilioi in arliti.
RiAny prjlaßivn proVldeti by law. iw def t : ir e ,
or the right lur aatTragga ab,oititdy for a terra
to:1r tt'eatr.
13. For tip! itnrpttl •0: voting nn person
stia!l Lr .tootne,i - tii gaittoira too;iliatta• L. rt.ta•
sun of het ittrat. nl,, ~r It tiT rea,,,n.of hi. at..
,nirt`, while et:iplol NI or
of hl Slato or tin• - ritati , g, nor
eagag , ',l in th, ittvlgatima 1.11,... , aater, of
th, Pliitt 41 S:alt`N. Ortoa OW 10.0,
nt3 . mixllt• 3 ,111.!o3t of any inhtltutlen of Ira:
le•r nleak kf`pt ally a•y-
Inn, a: pulllc 111.4 . Whar e"lifified is patine
iliqtrfct.e!ectlon I.oarda . eorkla:
M a Judge and Iwo Atil(l vita 11 , .• Chli• en
-1,0,3:,0 1,0 lite Eacli clectoi shall bare
01,1 vigil: Iu• vole fur 111 7 . futl.g, and one insp. , ci , .r.
;1,n:1 eaeli iiisik•cior shall ilppoiitt clerk. Tfi,
board (..r any new .11. i lei Antll be st
ect , cl, :mil vac:miles lu eleeinnt litoarolg hall 1,
prOVIII , 2II ElUction. Alai!
r• ln•ivllcycti ;Irtitn aeon day,
.11,1 while eligng.iLl lit Multi! it hp and
it; yron rettrealli court or ncotd
or ohje thervof, rot no election frauil..S.r
•,r frr vaoteiihreach of the p u eines they
11.. v!aiitt ex..toptiou from jary duty tit/ring their
fir :s of men Ire..
t•eclion 15. 1 : i o person :,11.111 be tinallflts4l to se tt
as in o'glevr h o ; ;lollt
two mouth Lazo held an (ace or appOlainer.t or
I.mploymetit to or wider the govertonsot of the ,
United States or of this State, o@ hr aaN ilty. or
c,•unty, or of any ;tootle:pat :Want
trot to Shy ;•11.., :ace only justices of the peace
and abitAt ot , to, notat les p.4Eb and per Pons In :M.
ntilitla ',ill,' of 1.10. State,' am- sh:ol aNy elcct
ofltrer 11 , cligIttle to any etvit otti;,.. to t o ails.,l at au
election at it filch lie verve, save only to such
~tiborclistatc: municipal or local below thr
grade of city or county orllcers, as shall he tle,lg
totted by geoeral law.
And also to the foil:ming acts of A soteMbly row
In force to This State, viz : •
Art :lone aMh. 1ti74.--:%;ctlon 5, .At ail der..
tionto 11,re:trier held' under Ike laws of this c,,l tt .
too:me:11th. the polls :pall be op act at i o'clock a.
mot r!osed T p,
et ion T. %Whenever `there shall be a vi , ancy lr
ati electioo on the morning of au elect:on,
vacancy shall be tilled to conformity with cx-
The act of Assembly. act relat
lill 10 t I:1. el t•tl. 11.: of 111 i, Cupluaonwvalitt,"l.3,bed
tz; - 3a I. IS:G. provlll , -, as liz. :
•:eltat the tu,twelot, and jttdge.rh . tll itteet4it: the
re,pective placrs appolutetl tar ittAtllng Ih. elet•likh
In tue dGtt let at IN IliehleY ri`NPVl.llVej ' y I,lollg,
hefore s;:veu to'dcely! t o b'; •tuortliag at Taesllas,
Nlo‘ Vial/eV 10111. a;ltt rarll, 4111t1 le-pee:6r ,11:111 up
Pella one clerk, Itho shaft Ile a' Ti4niii".l,l vorer iu
bud' (11,triet..
k it an ra, t rl x
p 1100 111 I isriSfla \VIVI 1.101 1 1 hall! 7,4-lIIV/ d the
tfinn:•er of votes for Insp,•etor shall
a.t at:etal. (.11 .tta• day of an elee tion. then the . per
'fa; alio flail have received the second highest
folt.fis;r of Vliees• LIE itltv, at tip: noxt pre«ling.
fon shall .111sidaco. Ala( In
the p.d.5..0 oho sh.t.l have r• cd the hlf.f:f.'-t
Inn:lifer of votes for hopeetor shall pot attea,l. the'
•fsoft elrchsi polf.r.• shall Ippolnt iii inspe, tor in
and in ease th - person edbeeted J oda,
1h II 00j ;;• 1,0 0 1, 1110pee101, 0 1, 0 re i • e is e d
t!.•• Iflabe , 4 lififfilo•r 1•i:111 414 , 101 a - Judge
his have; and if ally Vacaiwy f•lndi 11.11 t Ode! 111
taint for tie.. .parr of f no a.iar time
1-y thrt Jas far N,alf,g of, M. efertlon..tlf..•
ri.e.ddied NOWT'S of the ward or .11-arict Tor
Al inch ouch officer shall 11.114 ,
111,1 fence of ~;cet doh. shall Clecl one of thour 111;11,-
led- 10 1111 1,100(1 0a010,01..
The Art of :10th of V 74„ further, ' , rte. - 116r,
8. At the, opening of the a;1
vievtlt.ns It shall the duty 6f Ilse jaglgo, of
~ Iler-11,i
11 , i for theft - re,peetive dhdrirts to tle:4lgnate one
of O.- nhom, ant.: It shall.rhe to have In
en.tody the regl,dry Of v0t..%r 4 , and to make thel , l2.
tries literatn rr,ltilretl by law ; and 'lt r ball ht%t be
duty of the other of raid In,pertorA ti. ree,,lve and
11:411111t.ith , ballots premhtte,el tit •;..'.41 eritetiol.
Seetion 9'. All eleetionS by the .:dirt,, shall be
by ballot; every ballot voted. shall be numbered in
(hey order in tit itch It shall lt.. reel Ive.l and the nutu-.
beferecorded. by the clerks on the list Of voters otos..
sire the loalite to( Clot g•k•Ctoor Cr.n. whoia.: reel.' yea.
aml any voter votin ta - o or more Pckets:lhe see. '
era. tickets..: Vortm NII:01 egell II.: lillsoN..Tell with
the Intliober c4tre, pod bog with the lumber t 0 t ••• '
name of the- voter. -Any elector niay Write his
moll` 111,00 his tie ket. ore ause the same to too Welt.
t,o (0 , 1,00 ttlot att l , ll . ll liy a citizen of the olktrkt.
In add it in to the oath now prescribed by lay. to 1,
.I.then and so horn bed by election etrioeim. thoy .410a1 . , -
erelally be sworn on allll toed pot to dis - ,lo s e how
'any elect -r shall haVe voted, unless rural red 10.10
..0 OS witness in a Judllial totoceeding. All j u d g ,
i....pertors„ rielks and of erseers of an elect bm he..l
tinder Ills act, shall, before entering upon fileird.t.' ,
tie s . I. duly swoen or affirmed lu the presence or
taat other. The t shalt lot•—swoorti by the mt.
t , ',Alvi iln,to-rtor, 1f there be such ini7n.lity itepee.
tor. ' Lind in case It ere be no Iwllw•rity insp....tor.
. on Icy a Justice pf the ra,e orahlernian, and the
I it- overseet .... and tiviks shall i.c ,
....worn I.s
tic. Judge. I 'ert ifleateS of such ..11.o . r11t,i7;01 . .aillint..
t i.
ing.iliall be ditty matte out Intl signed by the 04..
1.0 S . Worto, slidattested. bY the.ordeer.wito admin. -
retell the oath. If any Ju ys
dge Or nanority inshl i
t...A..Lies or fails to swear the officers of election to
1.10 manner required Icy 11115 or if r.ny otheer ..!
election shal act without belng first du y sworn, or
if thy ottker of cleet lon shall situ the form of oath
..rithnnt Ming first tinly swum. or if any Judge or
minority Inspector 011 l certl fy that any °nicer wa ;
Fliorn when he Was Mit. it shall he deemed a Ink
-Itottetator, and upon cto.victien, the officer or 1.21-
cers ..0 offending shall bo fined boot exceeding 111. ,,
Illotthatio! dollars, or Initinisoned not e x ceed ing 11111.,
year, or both. In the discretion-of the court. . 1
Section 10. On the day of election_ any i , etont
whose name sl4lll not appear on th. , rog!•;Iry of y....
I l. l'A, 2001 Who shalt claim the tight to yell at ^aid
tile elton. shall produce at least coil qUat:1:01 1 (qt.,:
of the district as a witness to the reM,:enco of the.
claimant in toe:district In wblett he claitata to tee a
voter.-for the period of at least two months hurtle
dlately proceeding said plecilen, widen witness
shalt be sworn or affirmed and sutewrihe a written.
or partly written and partly printed affidavit to the
,facts stated by him, which affidavit *hall define'
clearly where the residence is. of thet person so
claiming to be a voter, and the person 86 claiming
to vote shall also take and sutewribe to s written or,
partly written end pertly printed affidavit, stating.
to the hest of his knoWletigu and belief, when and
'where he was horn, that .he'has been a citizen of.
the United States for one mouth, and of the Com^
'nionwealth Of Pennsylvania; 'that he has resided in
the Commonwealth one year. or, if formerly a
quatilled elector or native' horn citizen thereof;
and Ii is removed tliretroiii and returned. tt . he
has resided therein six months next prec,
said electiont that hu has resided in the district in
whieh he claims to be a voter. r the period of at
least two months immediately preceding said elec
tion: that helms not lamed into the district for the
purpose of voting therein s that he 113.5. if twenty
two yzars of age or upwards. paid a Stste or county
tax within Mr, years, Whieh wasttAsessed at least
two mouths and paid at least olio month before the
The said aftbizittt e.tiall also state r.-tivri
and 'where the tax claimed to be pail by the Milani
was rssesszd. and when - and where and to whom
paid; and thu tax receipt therefor shall he product - qt .
for examination, unie-1 the attlant "ban stateln liis
aftblacit that It has been lost or . 41e,troyetl, or that
be never meet - red any, and if a naturalised citizen.
shall also state ...;:telo - where and by what court he
1r a. 5 n'Aturatized, and +shall al9o prOduee his certifi.
rate of naturalization for rxandeation: But If thvY
tho right to voti, shall take aura
Sukte Aix: au atad.crit that he is a native, born 11: r
•the United States, or, if born fleslch..?re..
r.tta , t ' , tate the fact 'ln his affidivit, and shalt pro:
daezt evh;lenee that he has lwen oatura,ized, or that
he 13 rt.:hied citizensolp rea,oni of his- fallt
'erl l.aturtiLtatlon, and shall further state tu ids
affidavit that h- lu, at the ilm r of 'lnllclng at:Wears it,
of thi age of twentproie and under, twenlY•tui ,
that ho has heesra citizen of the. - Irottcd'
Ptalcl inc !eolith, and 11:1re,ided in the State en s
:rest, or, if a nal el; iz...tLof the State and rt
tnov.d therefrritn and s reiurne.i. that he 111.4 resided
there.n mouthsti r ipree',eedlng said electhql.
3I1(/ 1. , ebbe.i,n tnCntbsln u u••dfate-
Ip pr4,!netting • hi• +kin Eqicit:od to
your, althongh he shaq not' have paid taxe.e.
.saki : , s; id .ati p sotc, , sna:Fiis4 ouch ,:Juno,
a ml ae,rolavit. if th.: wiluesto heir residence
1.• pre.s , n , by the et , C11 4 3/1 board, and at the
elo‘o or thL! election they 1.h•...0.1,:!etie1 , 5-d n ith tUe
114 t of V01.,,.k tat:7 ttrid
.pap , rs req , :lreti
Iry !a‘v to 01.! with 111,
prottonotary, and SI!:14 retnaln en, file th , re , a ith to
protlionutary'A tike, Btibj !et. exatninathm a•
miter c•leell011 papers are, 'lllh”telectlon
+ha!! find that the, applicant all the teat!
(pal Ir, cat lowt or a vob-r,he tp• t‘,
vote,•;lnd lilt fiarne shall td nod..rr ro the li n t t a r.
:Odes by the eh•etlon eilfirera,l the tvbr.l ` . 1:11." 1111:4
added '11.1), the elnlinant e;ait . ...3 !To vote on
and the sir.rd wh,re ~lapp,tq't- o te on age
t lie sani3,%•cord, tv. lug added t.c tt;• cletkm in eaeli
ca-c, resly:ct I vely, o.ra the u,imr..,oz,s voting at
ouch elertion. , • . •
!litc. 101 l 11. It s11311.1.:e lan fnl .f.,r any glut:lllrd
eltlyen of 1 Ire :(I.lstrirt,rioftri.lotTiollnz tho name
Gf 11o: 1a6p05!..11 1 totes is cing:4.14 , 11 on O.! 11m of r.,-
141eist taial)le.g, in e133112z);!- . 11.ii'volz, of :•rtell io!noti.
whe:roupon the saute proof of hie:right of suffrage
a; 4, LOW trq Ix. d by isw shall b.: 4,111,1;ely tm - vto
nod awed mt t•y the e!eZqlou m0;140, and Hp, cute 3(1.
t , ' , l ur x1j. , .-t•;•4, - aortqltiug t.. the in:lifer:ye. Ev
;ry-, 4ars".:l4 Imlug •to .14 , 4- a oat oratized
shall 4e requit';:d to pr:,4-Vnee his batat4llzathm
tltimve at II:e - elm-ti•.a I:efora, f,xcept• ela re
lias be,M for:fire vet i t cons% eotteoly a cuter td
ttlO'inqrl;.t ithi re lie.'tf••ts to vote,,and km the cote
of seoh r-r<ori I“•liitf•Kaodve":l - . ote..tion off:co:,
are to write or Stan, th , Avurd - t"et•ted"ott his cer
vt1:11 the day,' • tultittfat 4 l, ylArt atuf if any elect - 4,m of oftlet , r, shalt re,,l‘a. a second vote
ou th•:•satile . day, by Yirtue 'Of tha same ye:au k -ate,
where. .suns are Potit/ , 41 to rote I, of
:the haturallzatlon of theft - fa: her.:th:fylind the per
:mil who shatl offer subh" viand iota Shall be gal:ty
oC .a . rd,:lefuranor, avid on co::vie:lou thereof 1...11311
ii,, , 0 ,4 ••r !hi pri-ohod, th.tlz. at the'diserethm of
try "ritt!lnit the tiro:, !Man no: exceed fire bun.
Bred dollars In earh easa nor the lisiprifionnit.l.: oak.
year. 'The poni,hm:!nt • bo itfflfrted Ott
c:•livietlon. ot% tha olikers I , v l 4 O shad 114-g
-loot 9r refute tpinakr, orwatt;:o to milli. the eh
tiOrSelliellt require:l'as aforeild o eatd mttuallza
ti•at. .. , ..rtificaie, •
12. I l'any e'leetk-n oftie r sha efuseior
to-glee: to riqpdro such proof c,f :11 • right of Is rag , :
as it 41ro. , 4:11:••ed tali lair, cr Ile itIIVS to ,A irh
tll tt111,1,1O:111Olt. from nay per.m; offertog to
vote iv:lio.4e value la hot oil Clio of to,:e.‘fsed cu:-
. .
ers, or vvho,e light. to cote i, eharenged',llv an;.,
qoall:ip.l voter pre,ent, aloy spat; permit ;itch ie;r,
,Oil 11. VOte IA hoot roquiriag such pr , r , every ptT
s,.4l so offending shah, upon e., n 0et,,,,i. 1,,, , zunty of
a nil:demeanor: owl shall: be ;:tenteared fur every
soeh offen, to pas a ftpe.rwt ei-Cerding five hun
dred atOliar or to to dergo au i
ei t tnpri,onluent not
wore than .0.4 yv.t.t, .r both, at the' ffb,eretion. or
the coot t„ . ..,
.11011 1:1. Any eleetb,n officer orp-?r
f.rm aipointed at an oyeriker. mho -.half tr.,, ,, leet nr
refuse to perform any Irmltk enjoined by MI,
with,4rt r..a,ona•,le or :.•git extne, shall br gobj. , (-:
to al-mall: of one hnntirisd dodam and if anyo.-
.he!!,0: any ii..eton as a voter
who 14 not quail i 24, or -,l;taff w i•tully'refu,e to a,
t,..4,; ;my ..bp who ly Taal:ft:4l, ho .stroll be katlty of a'
101.-.1..tif6 , 4er Ile 0f.1e.:, and on conYh•tion ,r.1..01
ipa.hed 7.1 a iin£ lint 41( . .Vi1;;A . on+• ;honand ,lob
liapyi,,tminii at m.*:' ?ear , , or
bOth, at tne..(li•ereflon of the Court. and al,-0 be
ttlirot to nn action for (forages by the party ag
gri.A.,•(l; atol if any .
fraudulently after.
odd to. deface or de.trny any list of voters
out a , dtrectc(l by :h.:: act, or :oar down (A' re.lunr. 4
,the smite from the pllt.,P wti , •rt tt tv+s tv2rn
with fraudulent or tol,..bovi,us intent, or for any.
itnprper porpoqe. the ner.....0 ,o(iffernflng• steel: 1,
gui:ty'oe , a ini,letneatt.r. and on v onvie'tton
iqfp,i.ll4lll•ll !13 . fit,
(lobirs,`or itnpri.onownt slt.t cleerdlnv two,
bi•i lt, ttt - tthr di,crettou-iif tbo Cflan and It ain't
I»gwnt shalt, by yJolonro Cr - intimidation, t1r1% .. ,e, or.
attel„ptip drive tt from the E.t.ll.'i. any ~
sn twri
~ppoill:Od by the court to :let a, ort,retiri of an
eleri tom or In any way wilfully prevent said over
•itil,r,‘ froth pvrforniti:g the PI/Piltleil upon
thi , m by till; art. surli prtivoi. shalt h.. guilty or -a
tat .if•anoa;:otr, and upon ithitl Lr
puhl.Med icy a fine Lot evree.htig thousand clop_
tar , . or by impri.onuient a-or. fwo !rani.
or Loth. at the distbetion of the court. - pe,r,
sot, Oa the day nr, Yi.itt a
g p1;44•0 in any elertton ellistt let at ‘‘./!leti he h
e . ttlikir 0, k:r, 141,1 UM, :my Intl:II/Mallon
or violeme for the purpose of prevehting any 4111
tor nt elei tbiti frran p. i rforniing tiltdone"; requited
or 11 :: 11 IT law. or for the preventing any
ettmliti . d voter 'of such4ll,triot ,xerelslng Id, light
to A - v:0, ft his right to •bge
.24 'pensoo offering to von% Parl, prr,on shall Lc
gili:ty of :1 and upon cern lc
fleet hetet-I, ,halt be paiii,lit•di by a ft!;e hot
(It 11:01.ii$41.1 lib:it:ln , , or 1.. y • intprlsomutint ucl
d.g two year-, or toll .
at the Isere; lot; of
Dili:. Any oyrca,r. el:trti: or t icietion 0:11..vr
how any elerpir,;:otetli ouhl,s rq
.l,llri [4' lilt ..011 4
.a judt,lat
t . " ^• l Lc patty of a call-dehi,2lnor, and uptm 5 0 45 ir-
I ,oni . i .lwrei.l shalt 1 y hue la, exeved
in;; hu , ..-111:41Farei dol:a!,?.. or :,y impriForuhent i no:
v . , ......111.(tw0 ' y.ar5, or toAh, ti ,14,onttion of
f any per,ou shat prevent or attempt tOprevnitt
aay , 'tikor of r!!, , 111$ act :10111 hold
tag :such , 41•;:tion, Or 11,2 , ot C 11 ,101“;•• 10
a stn: er. awl -1111 , 1 int .tri up; vr Improprly
r!ere Nrittl hint r.he < X ,. 'p . fltiu! of 121., duly.
'IA.:I. lip ay.;1111t. 1 au y S - 111<VA
olze ,11111.• IILI it• 11 , _111,it. or shall riot,
disturb th-rp..A.4..‘ of such el,ftion. or Shati use or
S(-ree or Irw . .:Lvt . ,
It iii 01.• t.) ov,,ralc...atly
t•lvc:or or provont hlm fro, or re,trant tb
chta , e. moo‘i. , • - -oo; ol;
he fi led in any ylnt not Jam.
t•rte impri,oneil 101 f 1 1 .:, Uot that:
nor More thalt• tWe-;re mouths, awl if it shall
! r:s%own to Gla court. whore the trial of N.::•211 of-
totr:s,. Ann 1..) 133.1. that tilt, mr,mliag NS:I
11..4 .t r , ,!,letxt of :h.•'citr, wari or kliskrtet ‘vh.!rt
th,;: •tnl not eiltiCed
1111.1...111. CO'on :vi,•:l.:n L• 1 • !All Sell - W:let-11
I..n' a o:•r not 1.•-, 1 . i1411./111, I,l.,ldrzni Cr more that
. .mrt isonol tic. l
that, slc mom 1. • or marl than tfro
- If any pt.!, pt•r•ons in4kr any ha or
wage; 111/.3101e of Crh
any sue::
or p.ager, t-I:he: t y lanrition ;hereae. or
1 .3 r.;,y Written 1,11 rak•tl a•ovr:l,vawat. ur tnvii.,
1.1 . 1',011n to 11%0:: bet or wager.` they .;tall rerreit an.t
iQy ;Dreg 4t• t ur ogerea In hc
the law of the (I,4lmo:iv:call h far
pr,Alll,`,,. that. judge- awl
ent.a lug on rlle — duti.• their
0f14 , 5, V. 11:, and tht)
11,1 ei•laft er dir- - 2cted. which wall
.tdoktered to tin ro by Jo•lg,, alderman or ja,.. 7 .
e ~r p••,tee, htft I ,ach. Ip:l;lg:rate pre...-
,ot. ow. or she th.lelet:tion shah', ad
mlnl,ter the o.tth ..t nni , mat!"n to the Judg.-•atot
oltorftt,porter: and insrwctor eoalifted
adtaiularr t h e i,athor affirmatlm to it;
"Tlo 6 :Age and clerks r„ pelted
amt o.mrtal ',hat!
take and sol..etlla• the ,ev.•r.ll oath: , and anittna
-0,,1L, repttr-d bS tho it it. •.: , th and 2:.: s,ri hat •
f of '2,1 :lily of .1:w.”, 1-39. "Alt AO
ILE; to the Meet tons of tlit.i . .'PomitionWealth. — which
o,,th. W,anil'lll:: I Its shalt 11, t-1.111 , d and 311IIIi11-
1,:1 . r.• . 1 In the manner joesertbetl In the 1:411 and
..a.vlMns of -.aid art, and it, ae,,litlon to the voxv•
et runt': red by the Polk seetlon' of ca!,l act. tit,?
Jud , z, or either of theljusn etors shad have f•ovfi't
to :..ltnini:der oath, i)re , , , f11, , ,,1 I y ne% ic
at.y clerk. of a'f., , nueral..sptrzal or t , asnAttpeletth.n.
folhmict . tr :hall I-e the form ht oath
affil oat 1.11 I , y Itelpe.:tor, •1,
It.) do__.-tleat I will 1.1 , 3 - a:vm.l to 1.1 n• (in
stil, :4 electien ilui Ito.; (to ,-oil lrcaere ',lterouf ttanl that 1 witt 11,1 re,ilve tlAel
or N'ote I r, , rn any fair-tin oaf •r than much :t. 1 tirinl
bellev.. fn the proltivas of Ow
C , iLstaution laws CollllllolWV3l.b.
rnrttcd 10 :1 1.,e nt 'etectl•in,
in:: such evidence of toyot , . as is directed
'air, nor tilt I v•iis.ati,inmy delay or re fate to re
e.ilve any vote from any isit.nit C. Ito I shall beiiev •
t• ti eniitled to a vote 1.. 4:(.0.,,a:t1., alai. I stilL 1,,.;
"di. I , Foe: art elertor "hait have voted,
to do tio as witness In a judicial proeeedlnl.
11,111 ii:;lt I,wlii la all thing: ti itiy and inipartigly„
I;4lthfittly . l.,,tf,rm my duty tio•rkiii, to the
of lay Judgment and nidlitte.: , , and I itat 1 alit not 4
c fl y ,Ir intei,-,t,d In any let or w-4 -
gel on the retult•of thi,
- TIP.• following Khali be'tho ,:nth or afrirtn-tion nl
elch judgo, viz: •1, t.t. B.) that I wil•
rt, j,idge thtly att,tol the .en,,ali,g election tinting
the cilll/1111:111ce thereof, and faithfully ast.lit tio
11.1/CCU/IA 111 carrying on the 14ttne that 1 whit tioz
1.:11 my consent that any' vote or ticket Alai;
c.•I front any per.on oth , -r 111a11 3111'11:131 111%111:.
6.11:C. , • Io 11,.. 10 - wordh.g 10 ;110 provislontl of 11,
Co , stltutil.ti and I,lW< of thi, Coinnionwealth, en-
ti i 'to vete let Slllll-Cerill4l. It 1111 1 / 1 11 regnirlmz
~,,clll-11.1. te.-e. of lice right to V-Ate :o. is (thee-Ceti b
law. and that I will n.... , my best e:oleavors.te pre
s•-ht any fraud, 'deceit or abuse, In carrying un th,
s-une ;
IT citizens fp:attn.-a Ice Vote, or of hers. arid I
ro in makeat true and perfect return of the said ele,--
1:0:t, and ~ iti:li .1 %VIA not ilkselose how' any ,Inch.:
shalt have-vOti-d. unless renaired to do sn vs a A ii
'2,-.1 lie a Jtolletal pre c,•.-di, g, and will In all thiez.
t - t; - y. impartially and faithiialy perform my ilitty
l' - ' , tweili.g the name. to ti, , , 'teci of •my judgment
and. ability. and-that I am 1,0:, die -ctly or iti•ilrec:-
ly, Intere.ited In any het or wager en the' result or
LT.. , ele.'tion. - • - -
“The following shall he the form of oath or Ali
bi:1.'10:1 to lies taken hy each cldrk, viz: ..1.( A. III) its
. that I wit impartially alai truly write
clown the wanes of melt electer who 'shall, vote. a:
the ensitivg election, velti , It ,hall he Ws - elf trey in
clwrge, and al., the naaie 'Alf the Walt ' , hap, Wan' le
0 fs,rtct wherein such elector resides, and carellil , y
and ern.: IA rice dens tle- nninher of vies tn ? .t. A l ai;
I-a givet; for rach oatatliqat, at the election, ate (diet,
as 'll. name shall lee r, , ,itt tee met Icy the lieipeetot
there-of. and that - I will noi disclose how any ideet, I
shall have Vlet • ll a titiletht I egel red to 110 so a., it wit
tee s vi a jmlicial proceetnt: g, and in all things truly
nee 1 I.ll;hittr-y !telltale noy daty respeeting -the .
s.e> to the, heel of try illli:7111 , 11t MO alsiiith“.. i war
that I ant teed, directly or indirectly,' litteo‘.,t IA ir
ally bet or stager on the resort ,r 1 this o t ie i •lip h •
It. T ill:Ili - fled .etecteers will take lrett
aee Of 'th , foi
lowing Act Of - (seitibly, um loved the to Mitt dal
- bf }larch, lseele -An Act t-golating the emir eit ,
,V 0.14; :At ail elections In th4seyeral counties of the
Centondllvealth. -- . ~
tAee. 1. Ite it etnielethy the Senate an•Hke - ats ii ;at
Re jet esetetatlvespf the CliltilllOi.wealth of l'entis3!,
talla in General ,As.:enthly ne-t, and it ..., herd'.
enaeted by the ant hollty of the same : That th--
rin difleil voters nt . the sevettrealtittles ed - thin ('out
menwcalth. at all general. l'ow - uship, loi,rongh and
:peelateleclloi,-, air hert -I, y hereafter' allthorizrel
:And required to votc : hy ticke Wed or Nei We!,
r-,- partly pc!nleti 4t - Uritt ,-- n..•-ovarally cco•sleasi a..
inliews: one V.eitlet.llall eat ,, rao' the vane-,
.hdqrs of C1.1..r:i voted tor, and shall he 1:0,-1:•-t
othside •Judi,;:try; ono ticket shall embrace the
tames of aU stat,,,alCer ? . loti,Kl for, and be tatTled-
--....-- - - - - . •
'State:* one ticket Wall embrace the names of at
county a:Meta votedlor, -including office of Sena-.
for and members of • Assembly. if voted for. ;and
members'of Congreits: If voted for, and; he labeled .1
`Coantyil, one ticket shill einbroce the names of air I
township officers voted for;and be labeled •Town
shim` one ticket shall embracethe names of all
borough officers voted for.stel helot eled liorough:' •
And each class shall hi deposited In separate ballot
babe. . s
:OS-c. 7.. That It'sball he the, duty of the Sheriffs
tit the several counties of this C.Nuntrentwealth. to •
insert In their election proclamations hereafter is
sued the first section of this act. - - v
1 ' Spintiter Of the haute of Rephtentatives.
1 • , • IGAVID I, LEM !NU.-
iSpeaker of the Senate.
rr[torED the thirteenth ,tlay of March. A. 1.)., •
C one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six.
- A. 0. CURTAIN. 1
... • Governor.
.. t
Wilknzas. The Congress of the Untied Stottot out '1
the alst oay of March, IVO: lamed an Act igntl
tted, "An Act to enforce the right of Citizens of
' the United States to vote In the saVeral States of
this Union, and for other purposes.,' the h ut a 11 .4
second sections of Which are as follows :
S•etion I. fee it enacted by the Senate anti. Ifotool
of * Representatives °tithe United BM America
In' Coogrem ass-trebled : That all citizens of Got
Cult,-.1 States, who are, or shall be Otherwise quail.
fled by liw to vote at•anv election by the poops.. in •
any State. Territory, dlArirt, city, parish.totrrnfilp .
%churn-district. municipolity - or other territorial
.0.11.-dlllslon,, snail be entitled and allowed to vole'
at ail such eh:01ot" without distincten of roetli
rotor, or previous Condition of servitude: any roz , -f'
aittalon law. eastern. Mage_clr regulation of sayll
'Rate. or Territory, or by, Or under Its anthoritY, to
ihe contrary, notvrlthstanding..
S, , etion VS. And be it ;further enacted, that Icy or;
under the anthbrity of the Constitution or laws of ,
anyS•at,.. r the laws of any Territory, any art - Iv
Or I Itall 1 e Aptired , ge be done as 3 p-e-roquisite or ,
ims,;ll",catit n for voting, ti
voting, and by such constitution Or
l e •r•-• .ti ar;••,' or shah he charged 1,51111 the : it.u••
torrnanee tir 43,11.5 In furnishing tnyitizens ao op- .
a..rtaillv tic p;irfdrin such repilsitr, or to tater:no
qualifi-4 to vote. it shall be the duty of every -nob '
oer,de dud oflicer to give to met Citlzens of t h e Vrtl
ted States the wine and equal cpp3rtimity to per
toym such pre-requisite, -31.•1 Hi become tin:tall-A to
aids Ili:hoot distinction of race, color or proViou,
ei : edit.lot; of or. ftude.' and If such persoteor t di , r,,
.1..11 lel' , se or knowingly Unlit to give full eilh,et I.
'll,l, section. he shall, for everPmeit offense, forfeit
.null pay the sum of flve , hundred dollars to-the r,r-
i,on agifrieved'ateri,by, to bps recovered by tut:v:l'o:a ,
rri th'• ca,e. with toil cests• anti such allownner , for .
oinn:el foes 15 the Court shall deem Jost, and shall
a 5, , , for every such offense, he deemed guilty of a
ab deme inor, and thall on conviction there , f, 1,;,, .
5-,ed nor less than five hundred dollars, or is• itn-
palsoned not itss thou one month nor more than one
,•,•as, or both, at the discretion of the court.
,Cud the .Judges . of the respective district afore.-
ft•lletving. the hotqn- , ' sahl ete,ttott, •
lien awl there to perform tho,ptliln, , ,ps reghlrett of
by taw.
ft Iron tinder toy hand. at toy ofll , !ein Torrantia,thpt
[went? -f.oart day of seprewbvr., hi the year of
oar too thousand elgtthhatolretland
:1:111 (n.the one huntlredth:year of the In
dep..,u'lcute of the United
SheritrA O:7leA-, Towanda, ra. qherlff..
itetOtt , r
ell nil of an order OAtiodent a the Orphan's'
•,,:irt 01 Alradford County. the underhlglvld.,exec
.iter tor the e,t are of 0(.0. • D. late
hm .,,,, g b o f Towanda, elec'd.; wiu expo,e eaea .lot
at the door of the Court Hon.!. on'
Monday. the IGth (lay of October next: at 2 owtoel.:
p. in, the following flectileed real estate. to-wit:
1. tine lot situated In the born i t f Towanda, boun
ded and (1.-scrilted as follows: Beginning; on the
we: titl•?, of Nlaln-st. at the ':•ottfli-cast co: ner of a
lot sold to II limes & Passage: thence mottle-fly
aloog I It, west Mae of Main-st Yt. anti 3 Itteln"..lo
north Ilne;of Pine-pt: therm:: along said north line
!tf .westerly 7-1-11 tb an alley': thence north
erly along said alley 23 ft and 3inches to the
wed corner of lot of said Holmes dc Passage: and
:hence by same easterly 74 ft to the west side of
p:aee of beginning, with a two story
briA" building thereon. The secitnd story or t!,aiti
iottilding tinting Its existence, together with the
.te,nd :tory of that part of the same over tint lot,
soil to Ilolntes , & Passage; to be owned by the pur
tint,ers of the above described lot. in conunon with
-al: Pas•tage, they go have one-half of
the rent anti tte. , thereof. :ma • said purchaser the
other half. tle, first story to itc.occupled by such
purehas-r. while said nuildhig the par
:ttion wall on the south side of said Holuies & Pas
4ag t's store, as now occupied by nein under thj...l:
Al t
2: so one other lot in said torn, 1 untied a 3 Pit;
lows: Beginning at the south east r , rtier of lot No
1, of if Wartl'A stilmilvlsiont thence north 83° 11'.' .
east :Jong the north line of State-st Aft to a corn..:
.of ;01 No 3of sild stilmlivisiont theroe north 4 0 ..,:i'
NVe..i afpng llne7 of ....ante .150 ft to at IS' foot all,:
11.•nee .Along the-south line of said :tiles south ;!.i.
10'.wcst 3oft to corner of lot Not of :..aI.I m0.0(1:-
64 , 11; tt:Vlllte ' a/Clig lute ' of. same south 4 0 17,0' e.t.-r„,
.!:*-V.kft to:place of beg,inning, being lot No 2 of hooey
3. kAbi , lot No 3of said. subdii - "ision, bounded a'
foi;oivsv Beginning at th 4 •,outh east , corner of said
1.1 No:. thence north 85 0 itekast alOng north lino.
, ry... , zale,st, 5011 to a eorner of lot. - No e(hence along
:Ira. of )ante north 4 0 ' 50' west 15011 to a 15 ft alloy:
11 , in!.: along south line of..salne_suntit 157, 0 16' west
lort !o a corner of.salil lot Nos, Moore along line
of ranee south 4° 30' east 150 ft to 'race of l3ogin
..-i• mrso int No ll of Fald subdivision. honncli'd : 1 1 4
1..11,m,: Beginning at tanyth.lvest corner of tint No 7
, f :al,l sub-clivi:lon.lthence eouth M. 10' 'e eat 42ft
to a cor of a nett' ,erect to't , e opened: thence along
, aid street t±, the math line alley; thence
alOag said alley eas,terly 42ft Id north we.t ct•rner
of 101 No 7; th.,nee . aong lot No 7 (wczAt line) nuts
to rh . ce c( beginning. .' -
5. Al," lot No 27 of aid suiptivhdon. bounded 'a.l
, oli.r...s;,ll , :ginnitig at a corner ; lit east hoe of We,l
- a v.• and Illne of Wirol-ale. thi•nee north
east along <onth line . of Ward - avenue 22., ft
to twrib west vArtiol of lot No
"f sank. m..ntri 3'1}•, 3 east 110 ft to north tins of a lift
:01-;,y; owners niougxithe south 53%. west
. about ?oft
Wet..t.qn-ave: ahal tarx..., north
4° 50' w.'st 123 f ,to place of beginning.
.ileo lot No 22 of leild subdivision. houridod re;
:"011 , );.e. Beginning atl north tes‘t corner of Is:t Sr
21: thence aI.o Hut of saute south ea'', 110 ft
'said alles4 thence north fi9e•ko - east alongdsaine.
:OR to pon-roll In 6 No Ili thence ;Only.. line of
ante north, west nett to of W:e.r,l
:ere;110 nce;• al , ttg • • same soeith .T.P 4 O west 47f1 tev
01:10e el begintilug.': •
Ai:'' 1•• t 2q of said , ildedlylslon. bounded an
corner of lot -N,i•
then..e wont; line of said* telttth - ea.e.t I tor t
th• - !: Lorth tine Or said villey,;:ttif , hc. , nie i ff;
~ 1 s.une north east sort it a corner of :61 Nit
,e liite of crime north •,•;q trey: 1101:
;,, ?11 , ~ .., u lh line or Warti•Sari. then,. along, Kline
,ritith 6i '..,P,W,•5, efifift to piaci. br);,kilaiii.g. •
..11-• , the Undivided ; half of ilie • following de s
eribe.l i-u situate imsaid .lira, lA4luded and des, i i...
h.,'!.1 as follows: On: tho north by, lands of .1 P liirby
a nd
.4,•• 0 ytowniarn ' by an ...01...y. •outh by land •
'of F Means mid weir :by Main-st. lying 20fr..
frout,4l, 31' fir-it abtl 410 ft ,in; depth: said tee'zo or's
11 .rest tt erein &tam the undivided one-ha: ror
it., Nog Ue title I and sarim , land' thin .I,F Mean ,
voutTac'e . to sell hi 1411 Sweeney, whose loteres..
v.a: - slit , neatly acquirethtiy said testator and It
IV Nob•e -
. ,
TEl''' S 01' SALE.—OIi lots !los. 2,3, 4, - .7,. is: 7,
an , . r.a-forirai or the' purchase money to he paid
--o zlq... oroperty being struck down; one-thit 11 of
!he resi inc. ou confirmatiotr6f salc,,,and the residua. ,
ow. year thereafter,. 'with 'lnterest. an lot No 1.
$4OO dothy-pr.ii.e.rtt
.. n lieing struck down:Jule-;bird
/ I tit.: residue ou confirmation. and the reskino 1.)1.3'
rear tb .natter With inter-sr. •• John W Mix. Esq..
b.:- n Map of 11 Ward's sulelisision, showing the le
..ation o. lots Nos tI, 3, '4. 5.6. and 7. All Twrsona
int,tolliig to bid are invilted to examine this trap
at till e'h. e. ; PArt, 1); Moniti fly.
' Towsc:iiii;), ra..
ep. 18 , '76.14 3.
virr at; of an order Issued out of tree Ctriant.n*,‘
t,' ,, trt id Bradford county. the undersigned exeru-• •
tor, of ih,• lase will and testann.ti.: of John
:a!,- of•Wyalle-Ing, county.
d• ceased. will expose - to palm sate on Thurmlay.
Nov. If. at 2 it. 31., on the jn - e4nit.e::. that-fol,
decerit.7..d property, situated In said county and
', , ,ntideti as follows, to Wit Homestead Lot No. 1.
I , •ginning nt a. corner on the -
thence nctrth II fn•en degrees, 111 . 4tf„tstelity-Iwt , and
.dght-tl:l3ths pert he, to a stoilon•ar a rock. no`ned
north .s: , j - efity-flve t - I.•gre..s. east eighty-stsen
es to a corner, /- thence south fl sty-s - e,ien
west seveuteveu perettes. - titenee south fors x,
atm , degrees. wen't „s , ventetn 'and four-tenth - s,
yr relies, „thence south thirty-three degrees,t.- east
tts - ut twenty perches Wyalt:7ing Creett,..tlycnt-a i
”:041 y reek twenty•slght parches; thew,.
at :tit thlx tv-hve and cue-half degrees. west thirty
p -rette 4 , tp ' lttee oath sevt , ttly-3.0 , en degrees, west
texentetur and firnr,tentbn 13erelte.3. thence south '
rlftS -- `) ( d , , -.F, west eight and Tour tenth porches
rn p'ac , . of hogittnlng, cant:UM:lZ Melte: acre! and
hundred and fifty-twit perches, nor: or less.
Lot No.:. Beginning at sa corner stake and
..rues, thence nor' tt_ thirty-three degrees, west sk
pert he', thence north fortyedx degrect , .east sere) -
te ,- tt and one-half perelles. thence north thirty
three degrees. west eight 'perches, thence north
forty-faur and one-halt ;deg ur.r east twenty-:It
perebes, thence south fort von (L . gren,t, ea,-t
ttventy-mti ixrclu:s, thence south forty-seven,dei-...
grecs. ea-tt twenty-four and p
. one-halt, relo.s.t,
theme south seVenty=inte degrees,- west twenty
• gnt perches. thence swath fifty-No and oil;-11:1:t
twelve pereheS'„- tflence went' thirty
tl.ree degrees,west eleven perches, to the plan- of
gtht.ittg, containing three and one-half acres of
land. Inure or less.
Lot No. a. 11.glantng at a 'done 'on the bank or,
Wyylustog (,reek, thtuce north fpktr degrees, t,
perche4, thtnee north seventv-ene 41. --
gets, east twentv-ppe petc_heE, thence north eighty
two degrees, east eleven perches, thence
nine th , r,rees, ea , ;.,r ten and ettfht.tenths perches,
Ihette4... north sixty-three degrees, east ten perolte, , ,
:hence north ftfty-Pue degree..., eait tiventy-two
pets thence I:y the several 'courses and MP:an•
et•z: of "iii;AAVfahtslnif Creek, to the place of begin
n !nu', containing three and ene!half actvs of land.
be ttje sante more dr less. •
Weed Lot. Beginning At it post and stones PIC a
thence north degree., area
perehe, thene' north fifteen dcgreA.
tbiity-four perches, I tierie sou! it serepty-fiyo
degrees, east seventy perches. thence sont4 fifteen
dogreys east thirty-four perches, to the place of
.1 eg toting, containing fifteen acreq and Alm , heti
are.% and ten perches of laud, he the sante mte or
ALSO. the undlvide.d one-half interest :of the
said,.lohn Keeler, deceased, lit the following des- '
erased pieces or . parreis of land: No. I. Ittegio
::ing at a point near the dant, - thence steith fifty
one degree., 'west twenly4wo' and three-foerth
p.•rehes. thence south sis_ty-thret; degrees, west tyti
and sly-tenth , : perches„ thence n,..rth
degrees, west ten tidCbtlis perches. south eighty-rue
41.•gret2s, west eleven perches, thence south i.eccoly
one, west twenty-eight perches, thence
south filly-two and One-ball degrees, 'west, twelve
p:tclo thence south thirty threi degrees, wet,
twent. - -six anti three-tenths perches, Ihenco smolt
fe riy-four degrees.' east three and 1111. m-tenths
theiee north slaty-flee degree., t.ast t
hree perches, thence north four degr , ;.cs, wcst
1:T11:11, perches, north seventy he degree., te a e t
t ty-0110 perches, tbence•nerfh eighty-I de
greis, east eh-veil perches, thence south silty-pine
grees. east ten and eight-tenths perches.; thence
"oor , h defy-three 'degrees? east:ten ',craws. thepeo
uotth lifty-our degrees, cast teenty-tno I-cren ,
to the afore4aid da.M. containing five acres of
more or le.s.
Nu. 2. Beginning at a ,pObt near the date. on
the erpo,dte side td Wyalusing • rpm' the
spore described thence Smith eighty-four dc 7 s.
grer., east ten perches, thence south oineteenide
grties, west.eighteen perches, thence smth slaty
:ll roe a n ti one-114lf tlegleCrA, west 'slows perchc:,,
.hcnc, north twenty.elght anti three-haunts de
grees. west six perches, thencealong arc courses of
SVYttittQlog. creek to the place, t-r be g h niu,,,
~:e:::' ton g tv.o hundred and- seventy, I , erche3 of
the salve more or less.
TE;;31; , ....-on liontestead I..uts, et t. to be pald
-.then struck down:s. l s(l/ at confirmation: halt:nee in
one y 4 ar front date of sale, with Intere;efrom to to
..f possession. On .11111 Lots, r.S when struck don n:
a , confirmation. balance within ono year front
date...f pith interest from time of po4scs,toot
ou W•ott tot 125 when struck down, $125 a! conir
.ation v.:14 t.a:vtire' within one - year frOm,date of
sale, with interest from time of pOs3e , tv.roll.
3011 X F. elf All
71., 1878
Evol ur