a A': _ ~ ~-~:_ 05 IN El MEP jffl*idinfal foritimni ....:.~.1~..v.....~.~..a.+....~.. A rarmer's Wife. • •. Matilda -Fletcher thris describes a farmer'S wife who is not only beauti- Ed and wise but possesses several cirilinal virtues in additiOn " The • most beautiful woman I have ever known was a farmer's wife who at tended to the household- duties for a family of 4‘our, and' also' assisted in 'gardening and the light farm work; and yet - I. never 8109 her hands rough and red ; I never saw a freckle on her nose. •Impossible! you say ; how did she manage ? I never asked her, but she had.snme envious neighbors who went slohching around with red scaly hands sunburnt faces, and their'hair matted with dust and oil, who let me into the dreadful secret. They in formed me with an ominous shake of .the head that she . was the prondest minx that ever lived • that she'actu ally wore' 'lndia rubb er gloves when she used the broom and scrubbing brtish and always when she - worked outdoors_; that she had a bonnet Made of completely covering the head, face, and neck, leaving only apertures _fors seeing and breathing, thus securing. perfect freedom from sun, wind and dust. Did you ever hear of _such depravity ? She also _fastened her dish-cloth, to a stick so put-her hands in, hot water. Tor the. same - reason she accomplished her laundry work with machine and wringer. And then to see leer inAhe afte rnoon tricked out in a fast4ona - ble: white dress,, with a bright colored ribbon - at her throat, and a' rose in her hair, entertaining in the parlor, as though- she *as th e' greatest lady in the land, was more than their patience could endure. And her. husband ? Ile had such a satisfied expression that it was a 'perfect aggravation to. - Ordinary • people to look at him. He deserved to be happy - because he encouraged - and helped !her to cultivate beauty in herself, her family, and her - tiome; and -.I don't know but .her Saccess princi pally belonged to him, because he brought all' the new inventions - that could lighten iier• labors and all the * delicate and pretty thing's she need ed to adorn her home, and when she was sick he wouldn't let her touch wort: untilshe was well and strong." -The Beat Pickles. 4 I told you_women readers. a while ago to get ready all your glass jars, • and small ones of earthware, in time for making nice cucumber pickles. I gi got the recipe of a lady living be .• tWeen Lake Ontario - and Niagara a woman Who is the best of authority and knoWs how to do every thing. I put up a dozen jars of pick= les after her recipe hat fall, and they won the praise. of all the house wives •' who tasted them. Pick thein when they are from two to four inches in length; lay them in a weak brine a- day or two,•or until they are wilted.. 'Take them out and wipe them dry. If you wish them _ green, use a brass kettle ;if not use a porcelain kettle. . Put a layer of cucumbers in the bot - torn ; then slice an onion very thin and put in two or three slices, but . not enougll, to make' the pickles taste a onion-y; liandftil of horseradish scatered over, but'. not . enough to make fhem taste horseradishy; a piece of red and a piece of green pepper, but-not enough to make' a very pep - per-y taste. Use nolsugar nor spice. Put in a deep layer of pickles, and then anavoring of the onion, horse \ • radish and pepper, thenziore pickles. Bruise. the radish ' l :r i oots that the strength may becomc 'extracted, for • in them lies the preservative power. Pour on the best of cider vinegar, and heat slowly up to the boiling point.- Then let them, boil long enough to heat them through well. With a fork, pick out the pickles' and place them compactly in your • • thersrLin as closely a 4 *polisible. You wi rb—e'Strrprised-Ao see how many you can store away in nqu'art or three pint jars by placing them in snugly. Then pour on the boiling vinegar, taking the precaution - to keep your jar standing on a folded 'towel wet in cold water. Cover close ly' and set away in 'a cool place. • • Do not put . any of the onion, pepper • or radish in - . with the pickles. The • .jars that I wanted to keep a. year or , r • so.I covered with . two thicknesses of drilling, between ' which I spread 'warm sealing wax and pressed the covers dow-n closely enough to keep put the air. Those in the small ;earthen jars I merely covered with stout soft brown-paper. - 7rhey were,the most excellent pick les I ever made.. For a family where there is a lot of luired hands„this plan Would be too'inuch trouble. In a ',case of this kind I would take larger cucumbers and make thm after the above formula, say a three-gallon jar • full , and I_ woulttput in a double ..h:pidful of horseradish roots, placing Aentv of them . on top of the pickles, which should be kept under the.vin . egat with 'a plate and a marble weight. How - to, Pack Bnfter. J A correspondent of the American Grocer, who claims ail experience of twenty-one years in the butter. trade, "gives the following hints for packing butter : Makers and shippers should be pare_ ful and pack - butter uniform in color, and __shouldparticularly remember that , streaked lots, no matter how . sweet and_ choice, cannot be brought int:. competition with lots running, uniform in color, the latter always Commanding a much quicker sale at • fair premium, and: in every. way compensating mkeri and.dealers for their extra labor e and care. Another fault is that a large portion of the . butter during the hot weather turns sour and rancid -very suddenly, some times before being received, although it may have:left in gOod and sweet condition from whence it was sent. This fault lies with the makers to remedy to some extent; f l orinstatice the cream may have stood 'to long; or hive worked sufficiently 'to take out - the , butter-milk, while another faultivOuld be:: in not salting proper ly. - :"These minor points, although but trifling at first, are more notice - able after they have gone through - second hands and finally reach other parketk. The packing. and package used, are, however, of no secondary account in the-matter, and realizing ;, ; the best market prices, and during 'hot weather particularly ' should ship. pers I.)e especialy careful in regard to : packages. Jars and boxes should be avoided as much • as ; possible ' the former costing more freight, besides being. a palkage not easily handled. In handling at the stations and ex press offices and even forwardingjars 'end boxes are often placed On top of each other, and as there are no other • covert for protection, the qngity is damaged. bydefaCement, and. the tem* IS.estisidtnibly lessemxit - T~:~ . a B= MS ARTIFICER'S ASSISTANT Contalnffull and complete Instrtictlons In the arts and sciences of TELEGRAPIIING—Reading by sound. 1100 K-KEEPING—by both double and single entry. ARRONT—aa relating to sacred Innate, exhibi ting and explaining the construction of all the principal chords. 'mot:c:Gm BASE—playing sacred music from fig ures, enabling the performer to play four parts by looking at • two. TUNING THE FIASO•FORTE—Beed Organ, Melodl an and Seraphlne. with sugvations for detecting and diKov - • ering defects. FERROTYPE AND TINTYPE PICTURES, method of taking them. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS AND FRUIT, LEAF PRESp- ING—llow they arc made and preserved, ac., ac. This is the largest, handsomest and most useful book ever published for the price. SIZE ttS BY 6 INCHES AND CONTAINS ;00 PAGES, Profusely Illustrated, is handsomely bound In cloth, with gilt back and sides end is one of the moat valuable works ever produced. A great amount of useful Information for INVENTORS, MECHANICS,. Av., will be found In them, pages. It contains nearly .-. .6000 VALUABLE RECIPES AND FORMULAS, adapted to every trade, profession and occupation In Christendom. Extensise and useful' ables er Ready 'Reckoners. are Inserted for the use of Machinists, Metal Worera Artisans, &c., ke. • • Fall Instructions En regard to them are stein. The Household and Culinary, also the Medical departments have retailed great attention, and these alone are worth many times the price of the book. No one book that has been published "since the world began," has contained as large en amount of general luforinatlOn and instruction of practical every day woe to everybody. Every Farm-r, every .Mechanic, every Appren tice, every Family, should have a copy. Much of the information contained in this work has been heretofore unpublished are now printed for the first time, and many of them will be - found of groat service. AGENTS CAN DOUBLE THEIR MONET BT SELLING IT. Sold by subscription only. Spi , cial territory will be glen to agents. SINGLY. COPIES WILL BE SENT BY MAIL, POST YAW, vrox &acme-J.O) , MM rater. Sir Tar particulars sad couidential circular M ans& THZ ZYPTRIt STATZPOBIAIBILING. CQq OalinOßN Tai Broadway, Haw Teti IN •-• • `; - A - 4;i • ": - - . - •• „ .4.I"I"•P'W VOR BALE.--A farm of 100 acres, I; BO implored, south-west part of Bmitheeld township, Bradford Co., Pa. Two orchards, Mostly grafted fruit, house of 11 rooms, attun=ed for Une or two homilies, two barns.; For particulars, iist quire on said premises, or of • INV. • ' FRANCIS TRZNCII. . 0 O P 'Tax LITTLE STORE 'ROUND rim CORNER fs the best plate In Towanda 'no bay good 'CIGARS AND TOBACCO, at law rdtes. Remember XERCITE'S BLOCK, opposite COURT ROUSE star or TIM "INDIAN SQUAW aprliadia. BRYANT'S POPULAR HlSrarr or rigs rIrITED STATES. From the discovery to .t 75. preceded by a sketch of the pre-nistoric period and ago of the mound builders, by WILLIAM CIILLE!i BRYANT AND SIDNEY HOWARD GAY. 4 • Fully Illustrated with originaidesiges, to be com plete In four volumes. large octavo, 700 pagea each. Scribner, Armstrong &. Co, publishers, 743 & 715, Broadway, New York. Fx. information address, • MATTESON & Judson, General Agents, 1707 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. 'Jr 3f. S. CONYERS, Agent for Northern Penn y lvanta, 311 William St., Elmira, N. Y. Junitf. THE SUBSCRIBER TAKES Pleasure in calling the attention of his numer ons patrons and the public generally, to the fact that he still continues a GENERAL MARKET BUSINESS At the OLD STAND of MYER & RUNDELL, In k l nearl t 7r o sit igi ethe Means House, preparedand that be is SALT AND FRESH MEATS, FRESH POULTRY, VEGETABLES AND BERRIES e o s f ta z i v e at beat quality, at as low rates as any other . C. M. MIER. .• June 1,141876-tf • FlltgT NA TIONAL BANS, OF TOWANDA. CAPITAL ' $125,000. SURPLUN FUND • 80,000 This Rank offers lI.NUSUAL IPA.CILITIES fo the transaction of a GENERAL BANKING. BUSINESS INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS ACCORDING TO AGREEMENT. SPECIAL CAFE GIVEN TO nil COLLECTION or NOT/LS AND CHICKS. Parties wishing to SEND MONEY - to any part of the totted States, England, Ireland, Scotland, or the principal cities and towns of Europe, can here procure drafts for that purpose. PASSAGE TICKETS To or train the Old Country, by thebest steam or ailing line, always on . hand. roril.:* {SOUGHT' (Min ItEDVCID RAT* highest- rice paid for U. S., Bonds, Gold and Silver. OS. POWELL, President. A, OOK. BINDERY.—The public is Respectfully informed that the Book BiOdery hos been removed to the ItErcinixa Building' third story, where will be done BOOK-BINDING in all its various branches, on terms as reasonable as the“,harti tlntes” will allow. The Bindery will be under the charge of -I. C. WHITAKER, An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. — Music, Magazines, Newspapers, Old Books, &c., bound In every style. Particular atten tion will be paid to the Ruling and Binding of- BLANK BOOKS, to any desired pattern; which in guilty and Oars. billty will be warranted. All work will be ready for delivery then promised. ' The patronage or the public IS sol'cit.4, arid per fect satisfaction guaranteed. anan4lttf. R E M EM B THAT THE REPORTER '' OFFICE DOES THE BEST JOB PRINTING OF ANY ESTABLISHMENT NOETHERN PENNSYLVANIA IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT,. COME AND SEE. Office on Park.st., near Court House Please state in what paper you read this ado ALL FOR TWO DOLLARS. E• aan USEFUL COMPANION EMI PATENTS, AND. HOW TO OBTAIN THEM. OBTAINED AT A LAI:GE OUTLAY, and with great deal of dificulty. VALUABLE TRADE SECRETS, I= ..„ FASTEST SELLING BOOR E.VEII PUBLISHED PRICE 12.00 ONLY. - _ sr Via . ~- o _- ._. t^ „~. ~_ NEW GOODS WAY DOWN BOTTOM PRICES! DRY GOODS! DRESS GOODS N. N. IFF,TT, Casht.r And will be sold at the Lowest Prices of the season, at Towanda, June 27, ire I AM NOT A PROPHET, NEITHER THE SON OF A PROPHET, „ But my predictions published for the benefit of myi customers sixty days since, have been rerined. and That those who neglect purChating theist FALL 4 I . fINTER CLOTHING =I Till a more convenient season,wiltAnd that they have procrastinated to their: coati Erregthlag In the line of manufactured goods Is bound toadvance la price. Forseeing !this state of affairs, notimii time since purchased a large stock of FALL & WINTER CLOTIII, Which I am now offering st LOWER PRICES than the came goods can to-day be bought in New York. This offer will not hold good after SIXTY DAYS. Remember, ”Proerastinatlon Is the thief of time:, REMEMBER-My store is : one door south Of MTS. CARTER'S. Towanda, Ang.3o, 11176. 1876. 1876. 1876. 1876 FALL TRADE. LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE PTOCS BOOTS AND SHOES TRUNKS," TRAVELING BAGS, Ever offered in this town, and at prices that cannot tall to,please the closest buyer. I hare many bat• gains in all lines of goods that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Please call and examine goods and prices; REMEMBER THE PLACE—Numphr• s old Stand, opposite Court House. Towanda, Aug. 10, 183 HAIGII k BROADLEY, Maimasitarets or Wooten : Goods, Tux; to CARDING & DRESSING, Done to order. Casa flit 4 , ineiloopfs esebemad brio* 11,411"UT/WI; • 11l DOMiSTICS! FL I ANNELSI FANCY (loops! NOTIONS! &c.,1 &c., &c., &c., Bought during the LAST WEEK! KENT `‘t BLISS. Cleating. I NOW FIIETHEE PROPHECY M. E. ROSENFIELD. Beata and Shoes. I am now t',:elvtng t &c, &c &c., JOHN F. CORNER. Carding al Dressing. t T A y i f ..o4t ..:4_ , :, - ,q - ci t / WE ARE RECEIVING OUR NEW SPRING GOODS THIS WEEK WE HAVE BOUGHT THEM AT TIIE LOWEST PRICES ME OF THE SEASON, -/L AINTD WILL SELL THEM 1E PRICES NEVER - BEFO'ItE ErguiLpD. TAYLOR & Towanda, April 20; I. Hardware. T HE CHEPEST HARDWARE STORE IN TOWANDA IS IN MERCUR BLOCK! • Farman Can buy their SCYTHES, GRINDSTONES, FORKS, FIXTURES, ROPES, tc., &c,, &c,, Cheaper Than at Any Other Place! 1, hayejsk , ya on hand Repairs Tor the Touxia AEIIIOIIIIII4 CLIAMPI64 Mowing Machines, RIGOS SIDE lIILL PLOWS, Best in Use. All kinds of TINWARE on hand, and Tin work of all kinds done at lowest prices. Towanda. Jane 8, 1878 5 00 MEN WANTED! To bay a large stool of HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVES, ikc.l REDUCED PRICES. Highest price la Undo paid for Y- Rags, old Brass, Copper and Lead. Hardware, Tin andreopperware, Table, Tes and Basting spoons. Tinwsro at wholesale and retell. Especial attention given to all kinds of Job work. NO. 6, BRIDGE STREET. warn" WM. IL SMALLEY. Dry-Goods. 't• T A N 17' E S MONTANYES OFFER A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, SUITABLE FOR TIIE SEASON, AT BOTTOM PRICES! 1. M 0: N T ANY-El3l E , , ‘-'.l)rgriallbeetet - DR. rt. c PORTER, • AT TB3 t• OLD - eASEI DRUG STORE, Corner Rain and Plne Towanda, Pa. [Retablielled over a 0 - sarter a/a Century,' Wbolesnle and Retail Dealer in -DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, ACIDS, .DYE-STITSTR, & GLUE, - 14.RPUMERT, TOILET. AND FANCY GOODS, SPONGES, BRUSHES, BRACES & TRUSSES, TEETH, SHIN, and HAIR PREPARAT ORB, . POCKET-BOOKS AND PORT=MONNAIES, MACADOY and SCOTCH SNUFF, ' TOEEIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, OARIIEN, YIELD AND . FI.I?WER SEEDS, Pure Winn and Liquors, for Medicinal Purposes BoTaxic,Ec g tscric Homacor*Toicilrossniza, And all unlike popular rateiit Medicines. EIVITORTZBEI, Susriorsonics, /MUST Pours, NIPPLZ &I/ELLS & SMILLII; NURSING/4 BOTTLES, TZITHING SYRINGES, DLO PAN'S. ,URINALS, TREILNIO34. TIERS, ELASTIC STOCKINGS, &C. KEROSENE OR COAL OIL, '! WICKS, CHIMNEYS, RATH BRICK, SPER.M4 LAUD, WAIALE, NEVIS FOOT, TANNER'S, AND MACHINE CILS, ALCPROLq AND SPIRITS TURPENTINE, Sash,raint, Varnish, Whitewash, Counter, Horse, Mane, S f hoe, Scrubbing, • 'W.And a 1 kinds of brushes. WIND t. OW ND PICTURE CLASS. of all sizes, PURE LINSEED OIL, FAINTS, PUTTY, AND Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours of day and olglit. Open Sundays for Prescriptions from 9.t0 10, A. 111.. 12 to 1 and 5 to 6, P. 51. Dr. Porfer can be consulted as heretofore In the office. Emayirs A YER'S HAIR;VIGPR, for re storing grafbair to its natural vitality Arid color. Advancing years,` i iSlekness, disappointment, and hereditary pradlepirtition t 'all turn the hOr gray, and either of 'then" Incline it to shed proms-, ATER'S HAIR VIGOR, by long and eaten • sive use, has proven that It stopi the falling of the hair InsosedLsterly; often renews thetrowth, sad Always, surely restores Its • color, when fatted or gray. It stimulates the nutritive organs to healthy activity, and presertes both the hair and Its beatify. Thus brashy, weak or sickly hair becomes glossy, pliable and strengthened; lest hair regrows with lively expression; falling hair to checked and estab- v 1 Batted; thin hair thickens, and faded or gray hair resumes their original color. Its . oporatlon is sdrii and harmless. It cares dandruff, heals all kuMors, and keeps the scalp 'cool, clean and soft—under which conditions, diseases are finpossiblo ' I As a dressing for laclles• hair, th I n VIGOIi is kale. I 'o' . for Its grateful and agreeable perfume t , and valued for the sort lustre and richness of tone:lt Imparts. Practical and Analytical Cho:nista. Sold by all Druggists and dealers in Medicine. r • ASTELESS MEDICINES. . i prominent -New ,York physician lately CM pla ned to MINIMS DICK & CO: about their BA DALWOOD OIL CAPSULES, stating that sometim.s they cured miraculously, hut that a patient of his had taken them without effect. On being I'lrdruled that several imitittions were sold, he in quired and found his patient had not been taking DO: DAS DICK & (O'S. What happened to this physician may have hap peno toOt hers. and DUNDAS DICK & CO. take thls tnethod of protecting physicians. druggGts, and themselves, anti preventing OIL OF SANDAL WOOD from coming into disrepute. PHYSICIANS who once prescribe the Capsules 'will continuo to do so , for they contain thq, pare oil in tne best arid cheape s t form. ollS DAS DICK co. use ~,,, re t Lor SAN DA LWOOD than all the Wholesale and Retail Drug 'gists and Perfumers In the United Stales combined and this Is the sole reason why the pure Oil is sold cheaper in their capsules than In any °Met form. OIL OP ,SANDALWOOD is fast snperceding every other remedy, sixty Capsules only being re quired to insure a safe and certain cure' in six of eight days. Front no other medicine can this re 'suit' be hiul. DETNIIAS DICK & CO.'S SOFT CAPSULES 'some the problem, long considered by eminent phy Isiclank,of how to avoid the nausea and disgust ex Iperiencee in swallowing, which are well known to i detraet from, If not destroy, the good effects of many valuable remedies. Soft Capsules are put up in tin-foil and neat box l ea, thirty In each, and are the only Capsules pre ' scribed byyhpsiciana, TASTELESS MEDICINES.—CasteI 1 4311 and many other nauseous medicines can , be tn.- Ikea easily and safely In SIUNSIAS DICK & ,CO'S SOFT CAPSULES. No Taste nob ell. sir hese were the q_nly capsules adm tted':o the the Paris .Exposi tion Send for circular to IS Wooster street/Now York. a , , Spld at all Drug Stores Here. s. SNATHS, HE ;MUTUAL PROTECTION! COMPANY. Office;:oo9 Walnut Street, PhlladelphLa, Pa 11 ", - 4cting :undet• a Speciat Acl,i of incorparatio* I= H. T. JUNE. SVeetal attent table, Which till Woe all agea, antee to not,ex class 01411 PLA. Tbe,followlngi l and may be mul ap tti 0000, whl! one life, 7 , we amount of each .- E '.z . .!I .* = El = 3 ' g a. 1 E . 3 k. ' t 7. E 3 : g v ... l';. .4 .. .4 ..,. .6 - .6 120 3.00 2.00 .60 " • 41 6.00 4.00 .96 121 3.00 2.00 .62 -, 42 6.00 4.00 .98 I '...2 3.00 1.00 ' .6$ ' 43 11.00 1.00 1.00 23 3.00 2.00 , .66 " , 44 6.00 4.00 1.05 24 3.00 2.00 , .67 1 45 6.00 4.00 1.15 25 3.00 2.00 2 .68 .1 46 7.00 4.50 1.22 i 26 3.50_ '2.30 -. „VD . 47 7.00 I.*-- 1.28 27 .2.50 2.50 ,' .70 48 7.00 4.50 - 1.35 be 3.50 2.50 . .71 .19 7.00 4.50 1.45 , 29 3.50 2.50 .62 , 80' 7.00 4.50 1. - 55 $0 3.50 2.50 .73 51 8.50 5.00 1.65 ' 31 '4.00 3.00 .75 52 8,50 5.00 1,75 32 4.00 3.00 .77 FA 8.50 5.00 1.85 33 4.00 3.00 .79 54 8.50 5.00 2.00 .34 4.00 3.041 .81 55 8.50 5.00 2.15 3.5 4.00 3.00 .83 se 14.00 COO 2.35 34 5.00 3,50 . .85 57 10.00 6.00 2.50 37 5.00 8.50 - .65 58 10.00 6.00 2.60 . 38 5.00 3.50 .69 59 10.00 6.00 2.70 39 5.00 3.50 .92. 60 'lO.OO 6.00 2.90 40 5.00 3.50 .94 T. 11 4, `FARMERS' MUTUAL iNsugANc CO., OF TUSCAROT4A., If now Issull perpetual policle on FARM PR I OPERT7 ONLY: Each member pays a fee, at the time of Insuring; to coyeteharter and Incidental expenses of the Co. after which - no fie•iiier payment is required, except to meet Aetna I:sas by tire among the tnembersttlp. This plas'sf Insurance for FARM PROPERTY I is cop' ~g rapidly Into favor. • Puico of Business, SPRING HILL, r,,a. The Agent will canvass the Townships of Tusca rora;-„Pike. Herrick,. Wyalusing, Asylum, Terry and. Stinding Stone, and farmers in those Town dress, ships wishing Insurance or Information, may ad. • ; -A. B. SUMNEB.See. and Agt., Spring Hill, Bradford Co., Pa, W. M. SHUMWAY. Pratt. (oetlim $• 19 it , i lu d i a fl y t a a t tt h a om te e. s Afen t z! 7nt o et Augrudn, rnichl6l'6ly. s9Aper day at home. Samples /worth $1 free. Stinson Portland. Malnt. blich 14464 y Immense Success! 50 0 ,000 he Cenulno 'AND- LABORS' OF LIV LIt It ; E' TONE. already *old, and demand tei ': creasing. The only new COMPLETE life of the great Here Explorer. yell of thrilling Interest and spirited Illistrations of thirty years strange adven tures, also the CUlllt/SITIES and WONDER.B of &MARVELOUS the ntiliiinut are sages to get, and store _good' ntli ere needed datom PROF/ • firt.. • 1. 'Par tularemia toe. B tithilism% spinimiN*ll - - 3r st y ty . „ - •‘• .••• SOAPS, COMBS, POWADIS, HAIR DTZIS, RAZORS, POCKET-KNIVEs • VARNISH. , c READY MIXED PAINT'S 'OP ANY DESIRED COLOR, by TILE POUND, PINT OR GALLON, GROUND IN OIL OR VARNISH, ,'AND DRY COLORS OF ALL HUES. All articles warranted as represented. Prepared by J.`C. Mnra & Co., Lowell, Mass Inraratice. From the Prnnryioanta 'Legislature. 11. S. CLARK, AGENT. TOWANDA, PA, lon is milled tolhe following rate be found strretly equitable, as be-' ndwhich the company will gnat. cedlonc-half the cost of any asst.: Company. 'O, shoWs the Rat tip+ for addlt l h is the, largest risk my C ents will be aC assessment for collect! _ -811 C q 4 ~e =ma W. Wi A. .0 II AKER Eja Tv • _ • Desist la - - D. 1 4 11 0 Nil 3 sad FINE JEWELRY',, WATCHES AND OLOPIC.S. • TOWANDA, PA. June 2-74. • , , WATCHES, HEN'pLEMAN, FINE AMERICAN ANp SWISS GOLD ANDSILV*R BTEn - LINaIiSILVER 7and4t ' SILVER PLA T ED WARE FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES 'EYE GLASSES One door north of Dr. Porter .t Son's Drug store, Main Street, itne-75. 4 pRESENTS FOR ALL, NEW jEWELItt STORE A. ROCKWELL Is constantly receiving In addition to his largo stock of jewelry. FINE GOLD SETS, PINS, BANDS, AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, SILVER PLATED WARE DP ALL VARIETIES GOLD, Slim AND STEEL SPECTACLES, /0 SILVER AND PLATED RINGS AND CHARMS. CLOVES OF ALL VASIETIES, WwiteN Clock and ;meiry repairing done In the best manner, and warranted.. Thangs fora liberal patronage and hepe.to merit a continuance of the same. • Z10V1241 1 ~.. , et. 1 Oi ig 6- :Y. -f- ° ~ 0 , ~, cm 9 4 o s ' g- g . P "tr et a , - --. 4.1 = c 5 eB cc , e„, P c.. , 8 ° ca OD W CD t ':' rt IP • :. 4 = = A.. , 0 ori <5 4 ....! IZI ° J C-4 0 C •••• t V 4 0 ~.., :.2 = v./ ~....., cf. n ," g 7 ,, , , h m RI ti rD' 0 2 ;,; .... .... m .• .1 Mod 0 .... = • 0 'l. O P co "• G - c ;i,•. rob • rj ~.... p ..,, 1.0 ez . r• CD .., ....-r. .4 tj 044 . 74 .2 =- C 5 =. c 6 g. It <5 ••- <.... m= '• ~, co F',.... . 0 C n °,: en , , z o—c• rj . 0 g 02 .., ! ei" —. oi ge g' m n ::', iT,' g ^ 2 ' eD we 'LI ttl =arm is .4 a '. 45 ' cp " E ! I ; .' = --. , (t e , ~. 0 *.c. g ~3 '1 P . -'4 0' °. I_ CZ ) SPt:' r- 1 CS: Cp I i " FL ^* el UV = ::-.." g - .. ' = C -. I._ t'l = ~. IP •-• tzi ... 4 rii C /..." et, • '4 E- - 0 . .1.. •-to -. <, P es for 0000 Iona! amount taken on any ded to the on, etc. :r " 71 VI ' ". '-- 6" ~ -1 -- oa)ez 0 0.18 M go 'V N tl c= l, ° c., ep 'r-• r." - - . la CD I= el' . rn = 'Z • :". M.. 1.3 r - ° cl 2 g - .-. 0 nja o 4. al n^ 9 = 3l 'o §.. 7, f ,.t.' . . . 0 ..q. 8 n 0 eD = m 0 t"." —4 '• "'" X'‘.'.3 . to r•-._.ril ..0 CD .., V, ;E, " , . moo= ...X .1 ' tt rP. r . p l o = tri 42' e ., 1 w tll tti, ._,m..4 r. . ....o 65 CO 4 1 5- r 5r t ''' .2v 00 CDm• LAND FOR SALE. THREE: HUNDRED ACRES, _LAND FOR SALE. miles from Tm►anda. Will be mid far melt or 1 100 ACRES IMPROVED, With luau* ind torn thereon; balance WELL TIMBERED And easily cleared. Whole Wm wolf watered. Win be sold In lots of SO or 100 acres, or more, as urchehers shall desire • Inquire of R. C. -LOCKWOOD, L P. KIRBY, - or JAMES WOOD, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, Dealer 10 , and' FINE JEWELRY. - 1‘ ALsso;. s.-f -,,, CLOCKS, TOWANDA, PA., AT THE RINGS,, SI'ITDS, CHARMS, NECKLACES, I=Ml Also at the lowest prices. W. A. ROCKWELL Of beautiful ON TIME, To suit purchasers.. Wellsburg, N. Y., or of - PwA '- - ',4•";:F;' ; :.•!:3'-'• '" - -' - •'4.i.';',•'";;i .. ' , ' ,, .7i-..:- rs'-:-:','•:. ':'-,-.' - • ',, -f - t- - 's: ..',:.1 - :.;-'.: , ;•. - .4. - . ,!:,,-:,.:, MN NO)THEY DON'T 1 ;People =apish' of HARD TIMES E I • Balboa/ who are whooenough to BUY THEIR CLOTHING J A COB S ' S TORE, Novel:Anil fault with the punt, of 00 GOODS HE SELLS. Ms. JACOBS , . Now takes pleasure lu tilling attendee to his LARGE . ANI ELEGANT ASSORTMENT SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, 1 . & C .Iq . ; 4 . 1 AND BOYS'IVE*R. I A 'lnspection of his stock will be onfficleCit to satisfy all that he can offer greater Ihducernents than ever (march e. id OR FOREVER AFTER HOLD YOUR PEACE! FOR NEARI4Y ThREE YEARS MANUFAC- TUBED GOODS HAVE BEEN GOING' DOWN7_DOWN-DOWN BUT THE INDICATIONS ARE THAT HARD PAN HAS BEEN REACHED, AND THAT PRI CEB WILL VERY SCON TAKE UPWARD - TENDEUY 1 This le, therefore, to notify my customers and the public generally, that I will dispose of my en tire stock of , READY-MMSE CLOTHING FIT4NISIIING GOODS . . At prices at least TWENTY-FIVE PER:TENT LOWER than tho tame articles can be ottere, threo months hence: "A word to the wise is 8411 !Mt stock Is C0311 . 1.F.TE In every department, and has green purchaser) at the VIIItY LOWIERT U/IBi, Those who do not avall ' 'themselles of this opportunity to buy Clothing CREAPERAIki EVER BEFORE, And probably much fewer than the same goods will he offered for many years, must not censure me, as I have-given you all timely warning. Yours. respectfully. 3t. E. 130SENFIEL13.1 Towanda, Juno 14, 1876. Gear, Lime and Plaster COAL, COAL, COAL. • We keep on hand at our yard ali r s ' fres of Pittston and Wilkes Barre coal, and Loyal Sock coal, from the Sullivan County Mines. 'Also, Barclay Lump and Smith': , We keep the best quality of I.lme,Melr and Ce ment, Brick and Plaster, all of which ;ere will sell at bottom prices. ... PIERCE fr, SCOTT. • Towanda May Ist, Me. PURE GROUND PLASTER I have just received a large supply of FRESO'G ROUND CAYUGA PLASTER Manufactured from stone selected by myself, and waarranted PRICE.—Cash, $6 SO; on time, V 00. Send in your orders Ramerfield, March I, la va ENV COAL YARD! The undersigned having taken the large and commodious yard, at the foot of PARK Street, has now on hand a full supply of ALL SIZES LOYAL SOCK, BARCLAY COAL. NM LIME 4.NEi CEMENT. Coal delivered on•ahort-aotlee. TERMS /..—Cath. HENRY MERCVR. OeMl-76-tf. HEAP COAL AND LIME. - rom and after July - 1, I will sell coal, lime, We., tor cash only, and the price list will be corrected lc monthly. • PRICZ , OP COAL FOR JOLT, PLR TOP 07 2, 0 001b1, AT TRZ YARD: PRLII.OIIER ea OVIVCReatnut and Furnace. " P . Carbon Run Lump 6. 64 S m i t h • Barclay Mountain Lamp dulltd... Allentown Lime ill bushel Lath It M Hair I bushel , Brick II M . , 10 00 r am always prepared to 'deliver purchases on short notice at the usual price of delivery. I also tender my thank,Cto my many Mends and customers for their very liberal patronage in the past and hope miler the new departure to make It to ' their interest to continue to buy where they can get the best goods for the least money. T Those Who are - Indebted to me will take'notlee that. I must have money or I can't buy for cash and , pay freights. They mast settle by the Ina or Aft. • gun next. _. - • • •'.- - • I : ilnifieft.,.. .eyrilf?lrk '!-'-:: '_ ..;..-,. :—: '.•, , i"- -- - - - rTurig. 44 4 , 9a;VAii- - : - -- Q. - l::.,-.......::-..::,:i2,;;:::.s.,::,,,,1A1;:c.4- ~,. .„ ,: , .,i :::, -,A ., -,. ,, . s. ,-7 , : ;;;:ij;:,- ! ..;;;*t7t, , ,:::::- ,,,- 2. 7 .c:..,-*:;,-:,,,..—. . ..,...7 1 -... : & --" 1: ", ; ,, .11 --;. ' -'l ' 4,r % ''' ' - ' 7 ''''" "'" 4 0 ,- ' ,4 ^ 0 - I‘ , , '..e-'• Cl:r.7, k •-.."4' , ... ..1.2.7..'7,_ ~. 1,4., ,%;", - ', *.-I ... 4 -4 5 -n74 - -".. --;" - '. ' q'!" , - .....4..:' .. '''.-'''' '' .- - ~- .....5:1 , -" --* ` - ' '' '' '.:l7 ''' ; ''''''';''' -.,-; --.--"''''. f...` , ":7, , ... 7 .iY 'Z''','-.'..1"-'''''..l.t;:• - 'q',-'l-: . - -& - Pt..*l --...-.-. -......-. -I . -AT .-OE-. -FOR-- A SUDDEN AND , RIIMMERFIELD I PETER LANIiMESSER OF ANTIIRACITE And Also {5OO a 30 4.00 a oo 2 75 as ::5 - , i... ,,, , , ,-..,..„,.. , - , .,:- , ,, , _.::,,,..,..,. "fn;;.:',"t,;r:':ft'ria*',ll4ftliTl4l)is::•,;r:--,_::.:f.,,_--' GROCERIES do 'PROVISIONS. lIMMIMI McCABE £ EDWARDS, Cask daslars in all kinds of EMI gitocgßlEs. PROVISIONS. .CNE DOOR NORTH OF CODDINO h RUSSELL Towanda, dutyl2, 4875 . • STEVENS & LONG, WIIOLES,bLE• k RETAIL Dealers In . , CHOICE - FAMILY. GROCERIES, COUNTRY PROCUCE, GRAIN, &C. Hating a large and commodlon4store we ere prepared at all times to carry a large &toot. • • - CASH PAID FOR. BUTT]R, GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Or taken In exchange for goods, an lowest cash pri. ceS. Our' long experienCe In the Grocery Trade gives us peculiar advantages In purchasingjand as we are not ambitious to . make largo profits, we flat ter ourselves that we can offer '. CREATER INDUCEMENTS TO Buyers than any other establishment In Northern Pennsylvania. - STEVENS .A LONG., COINER MALN BRIDGE:ST mayl3 Carriage:. . N°' IS y 01:R OPPORTUNITY, TO BUY CARRIAGES AND WAGONS a AT BRYANT g S, Cheapei than you will ever again have the opportunity of doing. I have.a large assortment of my OWN MANUFACTURE, Warranted in every particular, which I _will SELL SO LOW That everybody ean'atfordto have one of his own. I also have the sole agen6S- in this place of a. -Leave Readi 7. 7.35 lip., 4.00, 6.10, and OVIATT'S PATENT RUNNERS, 1 . 10.36 M.ng. 40,4, 10. Leave I larrlsburg, 0.20, G. ~,S.lO a. in., ;'..00, and 7.40 p: ni. • Leave LaneaMer. 5.4?.7.45 a. bi.. 42.51. and 3.45 p.m. Leave Columbia 5.40, 7.30 a. ni...1..00 and 3.33 p. m. An invention ..which has come• into very general use all through the west, They give the best satisfaction wherevere they have been introduced CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. JAMES BRYAN-T. Jan 6-76. N EW CARRIAGE FACTORY ! Jprptelte the new TOWANDA * PENN'A. HENRY STULEN Respectfully announces,t‘o his f4lends and patrons, Mat be has built lilaW BRICK CARRIAGE FACTORY, Where he w !constantly keep oa hand a tnllaesert ment FAMIL i CARRIAGES, TOP AND , OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS, TROTTINj SU LK- AND SKELETONS • Made of the best tna:erial and finished in the best city style. ills long experience lu city Car rhitge Factories gives him a decided • advantage over others in the FINIBII, , 'STYLE AND DURABILITY Of AU he sake is an INSPECTION OF HIS - WORK Previous to purchasing elsewhere. ALL WORK- WARRANTiII TO GIVE rEIivECT ATISFATION • . Thankful for the Ilbsral patronage fermerly ex tended sod respectfully ask a continuance in the same. - REPAIRING PROV7TLY ATTENDED TO AT REDUCED PRICES., • HENRY iiTRITIEN. 1 , . 1P.M.1.P.31.1A.M1P.31.4,.57 1 Niagara Pahis....l 1 2 141 7 551 435;7 531 '/.... frugal° 2 50 1 10 J5 l 5 1610 15 .... Rochester., 1 4 00' 6 OW 6 00 1 6 00! Auburn—. • .....• 5 46 1 ... j i 8 00, ....). . 1 .Geneva. .... 8 50i ..1 8 OOj ..:.•ii itn, Ithaca. 7 50/ •.: :.1 • .1' 9 421 ....,12 51 . Owego 111 00 1 .;10 so` .- t • 1 Elmira 9 001 3 45110 521 830; 2 45 6 20 1 I Waverly V/ 1 I 9 36. 4 1, 11 201 9 051 3 20' 606 Sayre 9 451 4 25;11 28; 9 12, 828;6 14 , Athens ,' 950 4 30111 33' 9 19, 3 34 6 20 Milan - 1 ....,1 ....1 ....' 9 30 3 45' 6 80 Blear 1 ..;... . - -:-. - ..,;_a 40: 356 640 Tqwanda••••• • 4025.5 . 613061000. 4i5 655 wyesoking ....... , ..., ~,,, ..„,,In 09 ; 4 27, j„..31 Standing 5t0ne....1 :...1 ....1 .... 10 n 4 4) • • ..., Itummerteld i .... 1 ....i .... , 10 25; 4 7 .. Yrenchtown 1 ••••• .. •• ....10 36 4 5 ....:. Wyalusing........ .. 5 451 .... 10 50 514 .... Laceyvilie 11 2.1 .. 6 0512 5911 12 5 3': .... Skinner's Eddy.— ..;. 6 03 .... 11 14 5 1... Meshoppen .. ..... 1 .... 6 231 .... 11 . 32 604 .... Mehoopany : .... 6 29i . 2 1... 11 36 6 Ocl ... Tunkhannock 1. If 17 15, 0512 25 035 .. LaGrange •• ' ... , 7 20' .... 12 35 6 431 .... ,Fails'; .:! 7'35', .... 12 51 0 59 .... Ransom ..:‘ c .... .., .. ~,,.' ~.. 1 03' 7 10' L & B Junction ..',12.60 , 7 5.5; 2'50, 1 20 7 20 . . ... ... Wilkes-Barr 4 3•••••1 1 2.4',; 8 2.5 3 15 2 00 7 30..... Mauch chum( 3 40'10 50 5254 33 ' ‘ ....1 .... Allentown.. -' 4 4311 45 1 G 2.5.5 50 ....' .... Bethlehem• • .... •. ! 5 0012 10 0 40 5 05 ...: ..„. Easton... ....... .; 5'35 1 (10 7 00 6 55 ....: .. PhiindelPela • i••• , 6 43 , 2 03 8 24 .. 8 15 ....1 ... New 'Yorir•••• • • •,8 291 349 959 935 . .; .. 'A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. PST.' ...,... . PSI Nn. 7.-9:05, a. 19... ilally exeopt Sundays, with thrungh car from Gelleva to Elmira. leaviog va at 5:10 M Rom: runivrs' 5:47, Otill ('cuters:s6.,Fattner Tanniatishurg Tailzhaide Falls 6:30 0 . Ithaca SP'amer'S: o 3: Van Et!en - S:l3, arriving at Elmira at 9:51; making (Ansa connection at Sayre with 1.. V.. Dav arti sing at .S;ew Volk at'10:00 p. m., PiitladOpi SW) :TOWANDA . , PA No. 9.-1:30 p. nl. (illy Suridars. leaving Geneva at 111:00 a. In.. IL.rts ror ner,, 10:-P1. Ovid Cent, , r F:armi-r . nian.s.burg Tangl.anie ra:1,11,r23.-lithafa,ll:4ls, Spencer 12::17. Van • nr;l:ing rot ,. ne,tinn kith L. V. last I.llw, arriving 111• 1111;m:el phla 10:30 p. • No. 45.-11,40 p. tn. (laity, With Pliiiairt Sitts . rii rid oach attached for New Y're.c .v. 1 111:441 change: leaves Geneva at 0:10 p. in., on arrival,'44 N. Y. 4'. trains fium . the Ea,t Wes!. I:•3lituraq 6:16, llayts Corners 6:29, (IvEl Center 6:•:A. Farther ::47. Tfanniri.hurtt •'rauglianle Falls 7:14. .111:Lea Spencer :4:40, Vail Et It.ll yonn. 2 ,•ip.i . . with L. V. Night-lAnc arriving at 'New Ye: I: at titLi:railii Philade!plila 6:458. Pi.• Tick,•ts sold and bat.tgag, ch,..ekrit to all prlnci 7 pal points. • '" P. A. PA( E'ER, Oen: Sept R. M. 110 V MY. t;.'n. Pa,s. Agt. WV V. STE.V ENSO.N. `•st. Sup. DIIILADELPHIA fi, kr:ADING RAu.no.it). Ath:ANGEMENT OF, PAS:i , ENGRR TRAINS Train* 169 re Alltntown (I.:A/bars: 'Aria P,rkiniaen Branch.) For Philadelphia at .4.10, *.S.so'a. - in., '12.- 00 toxin. 5.55 and .6.25 p. ry, -0 Ford'hiladelphia, at "4.3 d a. to., •12 tiouh and 3.10' p. ni. For Readlnk. +2.30. 4.30 and ' o .od p. in. , For Ilarri,bs urg, +2.80. .an, and tt.:53. a. m., 12.30, 4.30 and tt.nt4j.. in. For Lancaster and Cal,tinilda, 3.30, 0.z.15 as in., 'and 4.30-p: tn. . t Woes' not run on Mondays..• For Reading.; 2.30 a. In.. 2.25 and 9.00 p. m. For Ilarri:dnag, 2.20 a. :iud U.ino p. m. 'TrviinB for a.t.fiWott."B (ri/ Perkion, f n Brrtneh.)• i Leave, PhiJadelpin:l„ 5.20, 9.1.5 a. in., .2.15, 5.25, i 's'2l and '7.K;p.m. 1 [...ale It 1 idgi•port, 5.52, 4.0 q a. in., 2.47,, O.OG, '6.17- t and 7.40 p. 111. 3 I Leave Philadelphia, 8.05 a. in., : and '4.10 p: in . . Leave Reading, 7.35 and7.lQa. Leave Harrisburg, 5.20 a. m, Trains mai Sted tint, (.)• run to and from depot 9th and Green streCts, (411[1' [mills to and troy Broad strau•tkpot. • The 5.20 a. in. train frfinV,Ph:lade;pliia and 6.24 p. in. train front A lienlown'iLtve -thruuglvarixt and trout Ehnira, N. V. • . The 2.15 p.. in. train front tielpida and 12.00 noon train front Allentoun fete t 'through cars 5 , and front l'Atston. The 5.'53 front and 6.20 a. in. train front kileidown have .through CAT'S anti from Mauch Chunk. 0ct4.75.1y pLIVELL 40ITSE; TOVAN . DA, 32.1 • Paring its:la.-Antis house, is now rvady to accom modate the travelling publ r, No pains nor expense will be 'spaied to give satis...b ;ion to those who may give him a call. iliir•NOrth aide of Public tip arc, east of Nferecira new-biock•. EA NS TIOUSE, 11 1" : 1 7 CoIiNER MAIN AND DMIDGE STIMETB. Tito 'Horses, HarneF.s, &e.,• of all guests of this hosuse, Insured against loss :by. Fire, without any dxtra charge. • A superior quality of Ohl English Ryas Ale. just received. ,T. It. JORDAN, • Towanda, Jan. 2•1,'74. j Proprietor. =I TOWAS)')A, PA. . .. At tho cokner of Court atul.itlver-sts.,. directly in the vicinity and south of the Court house. The above home has Been re-furnished and re titled. tool Is now open Ito the traveling publie. Tho Bar wilt at all times he Snip:lM with-the best of liquors. Gail stabling 'at tache.l to the premises. Boarders by the day or week accommodated. May'l,o, 1876.) JOHN BURKE. - pETIILEIII.I3t, PA. - "Oo MORAyIAN SUN - INN,' Rich in historical Interests, It Is the-only building In the Country except Incluptaidence 11311, honored by the sojourn within its walls of Washington,-.3- ' Fayette, Lee and other patriots or the Revolution. This_ popular hotel Met recently changed hands, been Improved, entirely refurnished, atni tile pro prietor cordialiklnvites his friends and traveling pmilic give Ila n a call—ne Palos will he spared to render their stay comfortable. l'eoplu en route for rhiladelphla wi l t! tind It ronyenlent to pe lu t the night here, mrla ag the city about el It in the tuornlig A sample room. On the Mat, 11 • for the *atom:lC* l / 4 km et coramertilal &smuts. • f •-0:1 c.T. Tlli . 414111iVi i EN t VALLEY4IND & „lux. Y. RAIL BOADS.—Atrangement of Past sense Trains,' to take effect Aril 1;1876. souTnw ".:I°llB. 11513 19 17 129 N 0 .1t T II IV EMI= STA,TIONB. 1 8 30 ; 181 :2 4 32 . . . . - - P.M.' A.M..A M. , A. 31: A. 31. A.K. ~) New York...—. .".1 6 30 j..., ....! 7 18, 4 , .... ..,. PlAlladelphia. v ..l 8. 00. ".... ....; "8 45.9 45 .. E ... ' aston ...... t..- :1 92•5 ••-• ' 6 'X : 10 . al 11 x).. 6, ' ..,(:. / 'Bethlehem'. 1 9 59,', ..„.1' 6 30.10 30 13 (1)" .... 1 \ 'I Allentown.. . . ... . 1 10 05,-.....; 6 4310 4212 It ";._. "" Mauch Chunk .... 1. 35. '..... .8 ,10,1145 12 ~.. • '• Wllkes-Ilarre ... 10 2 15 4 0.) . ~., , s 1.. lk 11..1 unctlOn. 10 2 41 4 :'.l .... . '' RAnsoln....• •.'.. Fails ;I .... 5 00 .... LaGrange..' ...... 1 .... 11- 5 15 Tunkhannock.. , . 1 2 21' 9 "4 ,, .12 2 , : 3',. .. _ 1'2,5.30 ..,.. Meboopally. .... ... J .... ~ 9 1:1? 4-51_--.; - 5 - 53 ~.: Meslie? 9 19 :2 54, -,.. 0 nt .. , 6 0 ' ,.>,-.., ,,,,........,.. L .„ Skln 935 1 10: ....: 6 - 4 ..... ' Lacey 9 39' I 13 - 4 02' 6 9 ) ..., 1 Wyali /0 4 . 135 ....- 640 ... F„rene 10-1 ` - .-'I 49.j : _„„L a_3 .... 11. run 10 2.5, 159 ~... 7 04, ...6 \ stall • ,g9 1 0.11e...",.... 10 32 - 2.05 ..., 710 .... Wy9anl. 11,,.." .2: - ,111 41:_. 15 -, !.:..! 7 20 .... Tou'andbiz-....: 4 101055 23Cs. 6 00, 735 730 uthter '-=`,---....- ~... 11 119;--.2 4:". .',...-• 7,40 7.45 , , Milan ''',,..--....„:• -...11 19 2 - 0: ) , .:,..,, 8 00,", 755 3.lllens, ..'.. 4 4...-41 29 3 er."1":' , 4i29 8- 11. - $.,05' Sayre ; 1 14›,, , 3, 5 3 Pt, 5'338 15 B'lo. " Waverly 4 5541 . ?.'5;„• , 41 2 11 ',-.5 40' 8,55-'B-20 • ~, , . Elmira "53512 30 4'311"; 615 9 .10c9'10 ''' , 0weg0.... Ithaca...... : 6 45 1 50 ..".... s 7 , 25, Geneva__ :. , ... ' 8 40 3 55 ' 9 26 — ;.:: .• :. ..."-, Auburn Rochester... • 1 . 0 50, .•._ ...'. 11 le9" ...: -' 6,55 Buffalo 12 25 ......1 ....42 35. 8 20,0 15 Niagara Falls__ 12 51 .... .....: 1 04 ...• "9-40 P.M. r.m.p.k. A. 3- r.m..P.M:-- . ' Trains 6 and 15 run"daily, with Pullman Sleep; I ing Cars attached. between-Elmira and Philadel.. phla. and Geneva and New 'l4(4k. Drawing Room Cars attached to. Trains 2 and 9 between. Elmira ane. Philadelphia: All Philadelphia trahis inn through to Centenni al Grounds. R. A. PACKER, Superintendent. Towanda, April 2a, 1878-tt. HOWARD RLSTER, REC . R. GENEVA, ITILACAA ATHENS R. R.—t < onmenelug .316nday, Jan. 24, 1976, trains will run as on this road as follows: LEAVING FATEE NORTHWARD No, 8,—,5:00 a, m., dally, ith Pullmat. •eping Cnaeh through from. New rrtv.4 . ; arriving, at %'an Etter 5:45, ~ p eocer 5:55, Ithaea 6:50. Taughardc • Falls 7:18, Trumansburt; 7:25, Farmer 7:43. Ovid" Center 7:52, Hays Coin*.r 5704, Itoinifins 8:12. Gene. va 5:45, making enkc.., cfmneottnt east and west with , trains on N. Y. & 11. It. IL arriving at Rochester, at 11:20 a. is.. Budalo 4:15 p. m., and _Niagara Fails _ at 4:44'. " • / No. 30.-12.00 a. m.. daily except Stivtlart, on at rlital of L. V. train from Wilkes Bri:TC. Pittston, Tankftantiock, Towanda. &e.. artivintr at Van Et- 4 ten 12:45. Spencer 12:55. Ithaca 1:•':,. Taugthanie Falls 2:25: 'rrtimaitstiorg4:32. Fartm•r ('enter 3:02, flaps Cornet's 8:2o, Etimnitti 3:23, 6e neva 4:00. Connect with trains Mist and west On N. Y. r. St 11. It. No. p, m., daily ..;Crept Sundays. with through car from Elmira for 6,,neva, leaving Eltnira at 5:10 p. In., arriving at Van };t ten 6:4+, Spottret 6:58, lilt:Lilt 7:50. 'laugh:llde Falls S:IS. Truntansburg Fanner Ov:.: 'Center 6:.15. if ayts Corners , 9:17. 4 irtrevaWith I•`;l•`;>ttrains eat and - ,t on N. V. C. &Jr. IL R. R. ARI:I,VE F . 1:41 , M THE JULY ifhi, (via Eq.vt P-apo. Brunch.) :0 . 01 M., 12.20, 2.10 I= Sr VD tYS (ria L:a.tt Penna. Branch.) „ J. E. WOOTTEN. Gen f.ral Sflro:rintfuffent E 4.11:. JOHN ,SULLIVAN. J0U.%1.71MF4 Pni)riatTort BITILT t• ;; d ~ P F D ^~".1:~ ;' IN N IGE/ , i''' c
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers