. 3 . -: El _ .a , ./kirlC - 12t i s tOltilie s bllald aew OpOtik /Ouse. ikevou uses and wastes more water _than London. . . • MAR _walked acmes the Eas es Ter, ew York, on Sanday. _ - Tits health of Gen. Bartlett, of Pitts &ld, Maas:, is improving. 1. Timm are 41 Boman Catholic churches is Brooklyn, agaimt, 6in 1850 and 18 in l • 1860. Forty-m cities of the United States have an aggregate debt of almost $601,- 000,000. *EST CHESTER proposes the building en% Arth monument on the Paoli battle grouts& ' Sirrsat..* of the Wayne Fencibles, of West ChesCer r .voted to go and fight Sit ling. BUM • Six l atrannso Serviao convicts were pardoned bf Prince lifilan• on the day an Heir to his throne was hen THERE are • employed" Tel, the work of shilling and shipping anthracite coal in this Stater upwards of 60,000 men. - 61FOLRE CO:, extensive tanners of ßerlin . ; "Orsync'county,, have failed. Their liabilities are sErktrtbd"to be very heavy. Mits. F. TaActt; fern:ATV Agnes Eth el, has. received a legacy of two hundred thousand dollars from' her mother-in-law. FORTY young men sere - competing for the West Point cadetship offesed . by Washington Townsend, of trrarSixtirDii: triet. ' CENTRAIJA boasts of a big than muted • McMrmick, a native of Ireland, viliois six feet Ox inches tall and weighs 380 pounds. Ir is denied that the Mineral Railroad - and Mining Company intend to sell their colleries to the Lehigh' Valley Railroad Company. - Doos are now, taught to carry trains :yCross the street. What will teach the builes to keep their 'trains out of the street r THE swinging-saloon steamer that was to do away with sea-sickness on the En r glish Channel is to be broken up for the m4rials in, her. 'NE grand naval review at Port Royal, Sout Carolina, will begin about the first of October; and is ex' ected to continue about six wveks. • • Tire States of Antioquia and Tolinia ardin open rebellion against the Colutn bia:ia Government, and affairs in Caoca are not improving. PASTOR MILLIN, an eminent SWeditih historian and novelist, died recently. His Works in both departments of literature ate very popular. ALItXANDER CAMPBELL has been sen tenc,ed to be hanged for the murder of the iniae boss John P. Jones, at Lansford, iu September, 1875. L. Rms.'', an eminent lawyer of f Philadelphia, died , at Bedford Springs, Wednesday evening, of typhoid pneumo nia,k. at the age - of 72. - 'l'm:: Indian war is likely to be long and ftlahn, as the Indians' have separated into small bands,. each of which will have to be hunted down. Mai. PAULINE. Witicarr DAVIB, a well knowli advocate of tini'versal educatiOn and independence, died at. Providence; Ronda Island, a few days ago. THE White Cross Line steamer C. F. Puncks, from New York August 10, has betin Alestroyed, by fire oil the English coast. No lives lost. 7' THE. insurrection in. San Domingo has not yet been quelled. Several 'Ports are under/blockade and Puerto Plata and San Diego-are still besieged. Tun nineteenth session of the Interna tional Statistical Congress opened Friday morning, at Pesth, Ilangaty. The I,7ni ted States was not represented. LONG BRANCH hotels have been greatly benetitted this:year by their neighbor at traction, the Centennial "Exhibition, and will keep open till October 1. EXPLOSIONS of farm steam machinery are now becoming somewhat common. A steam' thresher killed three men and wounded six the other day in Minnesota. Ma. GEORGE Q. RICHMOND, the first Democratic candidate for Attorney-Gen- Itel - ofColomile, is now the Knited States eentenrilal:COmmissioner for that State. A woman I Council Bluffs, lowa, has tr.JIFI out, her hu 4 and for a cow, calf and - 429,-and' the man as gone back to, his first wife,: from who he had been di verced.- lIENRY GEIST, of Shatholcin, whose son William wasireftntly beheaded by an "accident on the'. Reading railroad, has sued the company, laying damages at $2;1,000. , • THE Pittsburg. Presbytery have decided that according to the standards of .the United Presbyterian Church members of 'secret societies cannot be admitted to church fellowship. • A New York police justice requires of ficers Winging prisoners before him to "stand at. parade rest and state their charges in a tone of voice plainly audible to the priSoner." NA VA eauk•tion extraordinary is to be - , held off the Irish coast. The sunkeriiron ela&Vandnard, the toys of whose masts only a' re visible, will be sold to' the high est bidder. ' Tut: owner of the yacht William B. Fay, young merchant," drowned, to gether with a friend and a sailor who at tempted to swim ashore, in• Halifax har bor, recalls the Mohawk. AN euthus*stic revival is now going on at Bethlehem; under the direction of Rev. S. A. Taggart, of Philadelphia, secretary of the Y. _M. C. A., all the clergymen of the place-participating. THE Speaker of the House of Corn mons,.like Ferry, is said to be dissatisfied With the press reports Of its proceedings, so that these will be reported by an offi cial stenographer hereafter. CLAUSSEX, a wealthy brewer, .._ sits by' the Judge of the "Special Mid ' n!ght Court" for hearing the cases of barkeepers arrested at Gilmore's New York Garden and signs bail-bonds for - them. - -THE Miners' Journal complains that a scene in the Pottsville court, represented in anillustrated journal, makes the pris .- lid the Mollie attendants appear . handsonter-lookim, , ;than the court , .and TUE "substantial" citizens of Carbon , e 'r. annual clam-bike at 11 Lake' Septem Hon. W. W. Ketchum, rom -- 43,-L.-D *row - are-anion'be ,distingu ved = _ • vited guests. ' • Tin American Bridge Company las the contract for building the Poughkeep sie bridge, which is to take Pennsyliania coal into :fie* England by rail. All Pough keepsie has subscribed and looks for work out of the enterprise. IN the beginning of the season rattle snakes were killed measuring five feet in length. Now they are found measuring seventeen feet; and before the election is over will probably have reached one him ! 'tired , feet. This •is a big year for big snakes. • A. .CORRESroxpEzif of the Slatington Netts writes to that paper from Weatherly that a man named BuCk, while on; Berry ing near that place, came across a rattle snake, which he killed, and which upon being measured was found to - tie seven teen feet and three-quarter inches long. That beats the Welsh MountainlSnakes. MISS CLARA LortsE KELLOGG is said to ' hake asked at. the Commencement of the Maine Agricultural College if beet vines required to be trimmed in the spring. she explained that her education had been chiefly musical or she would not have troubled any one with the inquiry.' _ . PERE HYACINTH; in a letter . writter ' to a friend in this country, expresses the satisfaction he bas derived from the let - tern written bp,the Rev. Dr. H. M. Field, during his tour around the world, saying: "It is the best voyage around the world that has ever been written. This is no flattery." . CAP. W.V. Wrc - sLow, who was known as the' diseoverer of Rocky Point, H. 1., and who first made the place known as a summer resort, died in Warn , R. 1., last Tuesday.., He was au old man, and it is said that big steamboat Argo was one .• or the earliest in Narra,gantett Bay. Tun late General Conference of the M. E. Church, held in Boltimore, made pro. vision for an Episcopal visitation of the - 'missions on the west coast of Africa. _,LiShop Gilbert Haven has .btit4l selected to perform thatduty and taxpt , Os soon to for England, *bens. INV wal UN* If c .44 Ast MOW* tit Red 'Fai MB 'elbow. ri=': M IN THE contest for : the Congret sional nomination in Wayne county, C. C. fenwtx, an energetic, in elli gent merchant, was successful. ,The Conference will be held in this 4 place on Tuesday next. Each county has a candidate. Bradford is. 'the largest county in the district,-and presents a . man admitted to' be the peer of any who has ever held the position from this district, and confi dently expects that her 'claims will be'acceeded to by her sister counties. With Col. OVE,IITON ogrcandidate, the Democrats will lire - lint • a for lorn hope.' ,Tuz Argus last week paraded be fore its readers, with its usual brazen bmgactocia, the fact that a young Democrat aided the Republicans of Wyalusing in . removing the, guy. ropes from thei; pole atter it in position, and that the act Waino acknowledged in any mariner by the -Republicans. The truth is he was greeted with the warmest applause, the speaker pausing to, allow the band;i to serenade the young man. The conduct, as repined in the-rtr gus, is not in keeping. With the fepu iation of Relitiblicsii addienties say! ithersiand if WOW* , ~....:, . 4-r77,E.,:i.1:.:>'--:".--'-'4';'W: .-;- ~;: .1 . 4. .., - . 7,- _ , . ;.-. _.. . 11 ,;-•-, ta .-" ' ' ,: '. -.1 ' I lenrrosig • il• • e. O. GIOODIIIOIII. f. W. Alying.. Tomah" PL. Tkand+7. getri. 7• 1878. NATIOIAL BEPIO3LIOAN TICKET. FOIL PRZSIDZST, RUTHERFORD B. HAVES, OF OHIO. To's vies iitzsrparrii WILLIAM A. WHEELER, OP NEW YORK. BEPVBLIOAN 00111ITY TWEET. FOR, C9N011,1688, Cora. EDIVAitD,OVERTON, OP TOWAND. I (Subject to decision of Conference.) FOR STATE SZNATOR,!'I WILLIAM T. DAVIES, OF TOWANDA. 1 • (Subject to decision of Conference.), • FOR REPRESENTATIVES,. HON. E. REED MYER, OF WYSOX ; H t tApT. JAMES FOSTER, ; OF NORTH TOWANDA ; • JOHN F. GILLETT; OF SOUTH CREEK. FOR JURY COMMISSIONER, THOALAS A. LEE,' OF HERRICK. • CAXPAIGN REPORTER; I ; We will send the . CAMPAI GN PORTER from the Ist of September to 31st of December, Tor 7WENTY FIVE CENTS. THAT tidal wave didn't get a good stanitin the GreenMountain,State. Timm wakes no reply. -;.,t0 the charge ef: defrauding the Govent ment, arch' perjury._ THE Erming the pro ceedifigs of the Democratic, State Convention wvaLd, have disgraced a ward caucus. A , ,SOUTEI CREEK.-A ineeting i ol the Republicans of South Creek twill die held on Friday evening. ;1, Goad speakers will be present. CIIARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, has ac cepted ' the Democratic nomination for Governor in Massachusetts. A nominal honor. TiZ people of Vermont have pass. ed judgment on the charges against TiLims, in connection with defraud ing the Government.' ~JOAN F. CHAMBERLIN, we are credibly informed, declines to'! allow the use of his name as a candidate for Senator. He is in favor of W. T. DAviEs. • 11 THE New York Deniocraey are without a gubernatorial candidate. It is just, as well, however, as the dye is cast in favor of Goy. Monae* and H.tYES & WHEELER. • COL. OVEBTON and Hon. .. R. MYEB will address the Republicans of Liberty Corners on Mondity even ing next, at the school house. After the speeches a HAYES and WHEELER Club will be organized. Tn Democrats of New York last week met in convention and nomi nated EIORATIO SEYMOUR for Goner .nor, although it was known to the officers of the - convention that he had -peremptorily declined to accept the_ posi tion. A ? ‘ A HON E. R. MYER and um o .' vka. TON ad dressed a meeting inA field on Saturday last. In every section of the County the work goes forward, and Bradford will show re form, in the right direction by giving her usual majority this fall. ARRANSA4 has gone Democratic by about 50,000 majorit?: \ Why should it not? Had the 'Republi cans of Vermont employed the same means of keeping Democrats from the polls that the Democrats did Be: publicahs in Arkansas, the majority could easily have been doubled. , THE meeting at Weston's on Sat urday last, proved a very pleasant affair. A fine pole was raised, an, beautiful Slag unfurleitto the moun ain_hreezeer which -stirring ad .-, resses were madelff_Xek -- Ovratrofq, ,liginFitsos, and It.- A...llEactqt. The people (: - iI"PhIrAM roe are • - `alive, and will give a goial account of themselves in NoVember. c 4. - ' - INN The I:iimiiiraid'inet'llt.'cioni,iiiltion- on Tuesday last, In !demur _Hall. DANIRL MURAN; of Wpm, was clioien President, and S. W.-Bucx and Z. F. WALK= Secretaries. The list of delegates was called, and the most of the old stagers who have eomposell the conventions for the past ten or fifteen years responded— many of them are men who Were been repudiated by the Republicans and haVe - sought asylumin that refuge for disappointed malContenfe and corrupt: men of all classes, the mis called Democratic party. Hon. Jos. PowELL and Hon. D. , ROCKWELL were unanimously re nominated for Crlkrress and State Senator, when the scramble fir the other positions begait. An effort was made to defeat Maj. TERRY with "E. HERRICK, Jr., Esq.;" but all the elo quence and honeyed phrases of D'A OVERTON, one of the delegates from this borough, failed to accomplish the object: The Major come out ahead of both HERRICK and Amu on the first ballot. At this point Jour; WILLIS claimed a "foul, „ but was overruled by the umpire. Capt. AmEs was not much disappointed, as he ex pected his army record would operate against him in a Democratic conven tion. It Was first decided that TERRY was the center candidate, brit Mr. OvErimori thought he saw another chance for NEB, apd eloquently pleaded that geographical lines shoald be ignored. In this he was succe.s.; ful, and the names of Hiaircx and AmEs were again placed 14efOre the convention ; a ballot resultedin favor of the former by a majority of nearly two to one, which fully convinced CHARLEY that Union soldiers stand a poor show, in a DemoCratic con vention. ll= Pau.° Pscx, having once been sac rificed tathe duplicity and trickery of Maj. TERRY, was "set up" for the same purpose again without opposition. Foi4ury Commissioner there was, considerable strife, foi the reason that the nominee is elected without opposition.