' padfota tlepotitt Tc*auda;PL, Thursday, August 31, 1876,;; LOCAL AND GENERAL. Er 3111:A . is to have a Kindergaitefi &boa S Mass .are already ree . eivirii Tall goods. - (Is-c.0.4x.w.‘ NO. 1, vviil give their sixth: annual reception; nt Long 's Hall, Troy;.: to-ittorrow "eening. : IL Rust' .T. &' Esq., was last Weelt, married to Miss Wit.t.itS, of Wikes-Barre; and now he Wants to go to the I:eg,islatore Tnt: fall term of the Athens Graded Fchool will open On Monday.next, 1%10 Prof. J. P. KEENEY as Principal. Tit Directors of the First Natiottat Daiik hare added SIS,OOO to their surplu4- -makicg.it SSO,OOO DOCTOR STEWART of this place. and Rev. Mr..-DNanow, of Orwell, exchanged jnilpits last Stnalay. TnE4,in-ta Band arc placing our pe° 7 vie itmler great obligatium: by discoursing the shiest music from the stand in the . Patit, every Saturday evening. oy:ix': to a misunderstanding between the , conferees; the senatorial •co iference {ras;uot held on The.sday last. It will' come off Friday, Sell - ember 8. 4 • Iluv. T. A. Enwmins will resume his snvices at the Baptist church 'on Sunday next. having accepted the call extended' by the congregation to become their pas: t9r., A : F.A decease has broken out among the Cows in Wilkes-Barre. Quite a num ber Ala ve,dieil, among them a - valuable one. owno by D. IlAnhiNs, formerly _of this place. Miss It‘ritEr. Crum imis. Who has bees a fzri. - .at sufferer frorn,Oniplicitted diseases fiwr years, died on Saturday lust. I fee re mains were taken to Friendiwille for in terment, ou Mouilay. p ruipie of Litchfield and vicinity mint net forget the Incetin,; to.he held at Litatield Center, on Saturday afternoon nex.f. Col. eh - El:ses. Gen. Mtntl.t, find R. 3hElt will Speak en the oeca. . TitE Baptists will hold a . quarterly Tneeting in Rome, commencing Friday evening, Selit. and continuing until 5.11,1 01i evening. Pei•. T. A. Enwmins, and Bev. - C. LEvEickNil «ill conduct the meeting. Till , . Bradford Countv Anti _Secret So cirty v. -hold its Anntial Couvetiou at• licriiritville, on W«lnesday mid Thtirs day-die . sixtli and seventh of SeptembQr. t4t,-,:i.,ns will' be held at and '2 and-7 p. ut. All are invited to attend. By (Prdc : ‘ , of the Executive Committee. 4 - 2`;TA IN •!., of Bin!ratutim, 'with their , !;11. 1 4:'-'1 1 11 , .se'earria! , e, will participate in t 1! ::tomes parade of the Towanda Fire Ur; tm Monday next, at 1 r. M. residimclln the line of march an• ri.-4ple,tcd to make such a display of onr.itational aS the enthusiasm of the g , ccasion or their ' appreciation of the fall et "tire lathlie'• may dictate. EH Roll.- (0 , I!„ - NotJat Graticil with relfeet (;(...lil in •at i1i . V1 , 1111112112 and Niet; Aug - ust 2i: 1:311r.1 ) SO.ll - Carl ie 1:..5.t lAickabee. Ida D'ART,. _Mly 8. , :;1ey, I.illic Met;ill, Louie 1,y4,n, Narsh: I.t.Nvis Mary Flynn, Jlilii p. • .t ia , r affair will mine nil near Vtv•., A ~ Oq station, t l l O Plarelii . t * ll. !t.. (1 1 , , r! OW. - NT N E 11::T1111.,P . , ha% jki,; aryl 04....;:ttit IC* (kner ' .ln frii ii l 1 ne..kghh(PfS. et • li . i , r;:te the ("Vent by 'a soei.4l and :ito the saw , titne t.) give expres,!..i..ii t" ti.i is jairi , tisin by raisin a iLiEs. pttlt. and 11",iting fr,.fli its hue 1Z; v..T. $.-1:1:1:!::4 has 11,4 itieft the ves try i ("hrilt (lurch that he will be Title • his (Twits as I:ect.,r, nn Scioxinber 17. Ile N I ail ,, !- 2, n.. ittich:r peculiarly sail ;t and :111 , 1 tcc ht , l-pt .11; fur hint =SEMI ;and t i>:uliictwi wiry that kind i•nn,...idurit -nii ti nOti 3.‘• nitlA•ll' . .•rdte. wIC:(-11 g" far ink tht.' v‘ hich cc aai' Ivavc:-.. • :‘l.:: , nuo'd parade fir-the -•1 Au take place i 31fin ,e. !•1, 4 :r, liac- e received n o of the (-yew from the• I.! 'depa:tmel.t. The older of march 1.:11;•ve, w:11 Le as fo11.4::: Up York to ti. 0.• , \111 M:611 cond: 5ec,.11.1 to Grant: ii 11. tin to Conrt. wltcre the plocc,sion':will'he !IF: ! i7l National a few days niece res, their currency. and l'resi dent anql t - F.!:: , , , Kv have 1.1-tp siLlning the new will wit at pre , clit is,uc any &nun.- inat 7 1 ~ than IVe are gratilictl to t^.7`,' i::fit l • i , %king prq•srer ous husinq2 , s. is no !lime than was tic c clic tin' I ' ice idiii•Ol's s 1 f 1110 ILI v..l;q!in are :zentl , men nP la expea. enc.. and Tut: nett se,sion of the Bradfut d Coun ty Teachers Ass.,,eiation• be Lehi at 'let - rick, Fria:ly and Saturtil. S..l,tetnber : 4 th anit 9th. The foll,,,wing appointments were 101,1 e at the 1,0. t meetin.z: Lecturer. .11,,u. lek Lamion; It. K. Smith, A. I: an,l Pret: es s.t% Su-,ie liihis :61;1 Mis, icti;;lti44l. rwile I I !In-.: i1cc1.11%;;1,711.4, F. Thonir:on. 1.. F. 1.:111t1 ,, 11: ( . 1)111- )Iltlit S. C.IIIIII. I. \V. 111.wher and 1:11011 I/11- rand. Ei.t.k St.‘rut:sc.. Suv.v. .111 m..•: was out 1d ch•aniu._: up in tuar ci Ni. 4 Main St lett. the hc iound a watdi and chain, Jul Iwcn ing in thl'lhu-t and tnh hi . • :or foil: ;11111 Wil;rsul.l.ustd t.) olt . ll at the time. Tile 4.wner Of - tJie, 11A.NnuAn.ks, fur 3t.ais• 1:a41 s, , nie difficulty with t Wll Oft{ r youn , • nu n. Cllllllinatlqi 111 a I , .tztiv. and during the mulct.' niisscd - his watch: and always sus pt.,-.(•(1 law auta;44ln;:4s. of stetiliti4 it froni Lim. it -riff-r ry rt lierus the sus- , ',•41 - 15.1.soi'is of Wider NS tie 11:1Vel !I art and WitEr.t.Ett ..rgan;:.• , l !u•r nt 11 dttesday with the f..,11, ,, Aing of- %. .11 • Y. 1). 371-NN !s-I ILINK I'. I'. I.rvi Ni:a attendance :Intl gcli er:l ,h•ti Lilo!) 4 , rganizt . the party ,;(•,,Aui, ifs full, !..trenl_vtli in the Tice phity i., more uni- Jed and 41-terinined than it has been for Lrrri:l , F: i. _1 u-, I':: , .:sox‘i..—ltvr. B. .1. : 11,i-,,LAss. lias spvntlin , 6 his summer vacation at lliVall C.?unty. Ile passed thoidi this pl.tee on his le: urn home on F/ iday 1.1,t. 1111:11 life 1.1. , ved aid he was looking hate and hear , ty.- wan v,ta. left Towanda. who ear v,ith him the sincere ararctions of the community to. a I.lr:zer degree than Mr. on.l his sisits here are always Wu!, I. kit 13:,t - 1 7 .1.s1:1:1:};. triiiietl a sliurt res pite thi.l.'entetthial last, week, Trti,l his'frientl% tivre a visit. —l:(.y. G. W. I.'ll.‘sr)t.Eit Las riqtirtiul! fot:n mminler trip, and is oa duty* F. rZifoTT and v 1),, R e L. au; ifiscr ! r 11. ph-Ditteff: - . 7 MM =MN RE —Miss Boon; a young lady who spent Severale years as a missionary teacher to India, Is visiting friends in this place. —II. Knvo, of Marshalli 110., paid us a visit on Monday. He was ieturning from the Centennial. ‘: Ir will give pleasure to the many friends of Mr. MonsE„.who was formerly- a well known and esteemed resident of Litch field; this county, to read the following ing, which we take from the; reenville (Mich.) Independent. Mr. M. is ; :y staunch .Itepublican and is to stump his district for lIAyEs and WHEELER. " Hon. ASA lions; nominee fur Judge of Probate, has most satisfactorily trans acted the business which• pertaiturfb his . office and by unanimous consent Was nom inated for a second term. His personal character, his education as aiawyer. his familiariq with the duties of his office, his unbiased, judgment matured by expe rience, all these and other! qualities of mind andtheart, make hith a . candidate whose superior cannot be found in the county.", TRAMPS.—On Sunday last, while the family were absent at church, the house of B. K. BEN - Enter, Monroe, was entered by two young scamps by' a back door and pilfered of many small articles. They next called at the house of J. C. way, who was also attending church, forced in a back window and' helped them selves to such things as they desir.sl . froin the l a itchen, the other, roomsibeing thply secure'?:, They then proeceded to the next house, GEo. 11. TEnlre'l, the family being absent, entered a back" door, forced open drawers and took money, rings, &c., and proceeded leisurely toward Canton. When Mr. Ttatitv was returning flora church he met the lads, and arriving home soon discovered his house had been rob bed and immediately suspectO and pur sued the rogues and arrested them. They acknowledged their guilt and delivered up tin: things stolen front hits, and plead so penitently to be released; he let them go. They took their course toward Burling ton.' They Were Well dressed, one wear ing a cap, the other a hat, and gave their names, as Bich - . TuntlAx and Joitx Mynts, and Said they Caine: from York State. (HTITARY OF JOHN KEELEn,—.loud , KEELER died in Wyalusing, May :11, IS7II, aged 76 years. Bro. 'Keeler' was horn in Brookfield Cont., Dec. 17, IStM. and came to . Stevensville, PM, when about S years old. Here he spent his early life, and at the: ag of :ii; moved to Wyalusiug, where he remained until hiS death. - • - Ile was quiet and unobtrusive in Iris manners, but was recognized by 411 who knew him as.4l'man of unflinching devo ;lion to principle. • Truth and integrity :characterized his whole life. At the age :of 14 he gave his !wait to God and united' with the M. E. Church. Ile,heldrvarious • - otlices in the church, in 'all which lie made the iccord• of a good! and faithful •stt'vcald. About the first - 16,1 Dei!euiber, 1'•••74, hebegan to suffer with-a, pain in his Toot. It grew worse rapidly, and iiis suf fering became intense, but his courage 'never tinsook him, and his faith never fah. Aci ed. I isited him several times durlngl these long no o agony, and alwa'ys !!found him patient, cheerful and hopeful . . Ang. 10, 11.;5„ his limb - i n - as . amputaged. 3etOre taking the ether he said, If - I do. .pot lice through it, what differene , ,i wilt it: - make :' It will.br only going home a few ' flays sooner." Alter this he rallied and "iris more Comfortable, though not tree from pain. 'At last the constitUtion, en !feebled by aged tad disease, gave way, and suifering saint of Giul 1,41 •asieep-In...‹sus. • • Jt,ll , 1 , ;:f.,r t•ut•h a 4u i ni L, r mret With littly 44,1d:deuce 1., Ii That leatit 11g.. • IItN%U A WfON, Aug. • IL S I. IitTON lIEUN la, to 2 call istied some weeks since, about two han dled and fifty, rep:•esenting different br.tnches of this widely extended and nu mi2iions ~n thered at the Assembly e‘irn@ of Inth and Chestnut the.„211111 for the aupityc ttl-ulir i va i acquanitance and a reunion. The party 16S composed , td persons from (':tlil'tnuia onjthe west ttr j. , 41;1' 1:-..land on the east, froniNorth Ti...r- Colina, from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and DelaNvaro, and several t'other States. After a short time spent .in social intercourse, and mutual intro duction-,; Dr. (;.. F. Morton called . the meeting to order, and nominated 11on., 'Norman Horton. of Cold :Aping's., Wis.. a venerable gyntleman of upwards of 4 i.) years of age. to the chair. who was con queted-to his seat by Berjamin llorttp, Of St. Louis. ho., and 11 nt. IL Ibirto, nfl,lersey (•ity. In his optuint address lie stated .that he felt amply repaid for the fat igne of Lis jo'itittc)' of morn than!, fizonsand wiles, in die pldasure,,of 'lilt ing so many of his friends and'relatives, but owing to the 17..cblen , ss.olf age anti the t'aiiness from his long journey; lie should be eta.upclltA to ask the vice pii•sident to Perform the greater tut- of the duties Which appropriately tint olved upon Ilan. fterreading the, 2:41 Psalm, from the of the ancestor of the family, Bar ffaloas liorton-rht her; I). ('raft, prayer Was offered i?c Rev. ;co, I). Morton'. fol lowed by the singing of the -17th Psalm, in the told version. It may here be re ked that all Ore music was preloared e';,:pressly for the occasion, by Pruf. 1). I'. Horton. of Brooklyn. N.: V. Mrs. E. II: Cleveland, M. 1).. Prof. in the Woman's .Medical College•of.Philadel phia, Made - the address,uf welcome. In Words fitly chosen, she alluded to the gat lieu ing of this great fandly,on this cell- tetanal )t.ar: a fainily %hose 'history (nit ro-as that of the . I:epublie, and extended : L). , , ..., 1K .r 0 us and frateinal v:reeting in be haif of the metnebrs 41 this faintly resi ding in the city. This WaS folhmed by an appropriate sollg, f, , r the I cea s;on. entnled the "Holton Gathering.'' tyi- Hey. E. Whitaker, oliSouthold, L. 1., • - -short speeches Flom lon. T. .J. Inglialin, of Laporte, non. )1. Jordan, of North Carolina, lion. Frosr Horton. of Peekskill, H. I.: Iforthn, the banker, New York, Dr. G. F. Ilorton, ofTerrytown, Stewart T. Ter cif Southold. and others. poem by Mrs. IL N. Morton Faun!. tOn, was then read, all joined in singing the Doxology, and the meeting was closed With the Benediction. !The exercises were interspersed with frequent singing and• many iut.,t t...sting ; incident's were mentioned. it i, itnp:)ssible to deseribe'a meeting of this s,•rt. It:was (mt. , never to be f.irgot ty!ii hp those. who mingled iu it. Besii:es ilk• old Bible of Barnah.ts ll , orton. several book:• ;mil rclir., of the ance : stor of family have liven preserved, s wr ile qii . NiMell wore linseut 011 this tWrasiull. th 6 meeting was f;,inialy closed a J im -i f wa, ,pent in hand shak in.4'and gleeting.• All formality Eai•lffelt that all prf sent wife frieilds 'and' relatives, to, Mill/11l no intr,,ductiim tea's needed—the fact of by, lOn : zing to the ,:me family being :,utii cit.nt. =Among the many pleasant things, one (irily cut he partietiltrly referred tof Ll little bef,,re the meeting (.10,e(1. lit m. Ft called uPon Dr. (i. I'. and said the fifinil) knew the great labor he expended upon the IliwtAin enetti .gy, for wlielt they felt •prof..undly grateful, and: in-Ite, of Sk,lllt• uf the fainilY t.) ft:4llY thvir gratitude in some n,i re sub-tantiat way, rivsentett hint eitlt t imt-so of one litindri_d.dollars and aanag ,ndirent phot album, to Colltain a frtlt,:jtAi I.llollbs of the llockoit'iltinily. lt:NA:o; tie universally uxpres-ol opinion of. all piesent. that it \\*ls good to he t het v. and all • - :sa -I.la . 11..11111011 had talt•!1 14.1tV atilt w• it'd vote t4l have an other at no distant ihge. .laNhs written on the death of KATI' Vtllo dit'd A 1%.:11,4 2,4 1 - Fri ;by Mrs. .Loths Mtl.mln, Ulster. For months the angel of death had been silently approaching. For the thst titueh c has entered the family cirri;, and iil dal k mantle has wrapped within itn sOmbre the darling remains of little little tired, suffering bildy is at-'i est, no . inure to be racked with pain and diseSise, .oh. let thy touch . be soft and geat le, as put prepate lovedte manis fdr theirqinal rest. She has ”one from thh care'Of loving parents who have cry wish; nothing, has lreen lc i't online to stay the monster: -but km oa iti..hdy can notbuy the precious boon, Lire. l Out of dust thou were male, and wan dust thou shalt return is the 416 tiny of a:1 living. The heat ts uf lath er'.anit mother are wruM , with anguish as they look upon the peaceful countenance, lo'Vely even in death. The impress of `heaven is there, for she knew and felt a t..-.74Viour's love. Many times all alone, with none Lett (411 did she plead the mer of the Wevd of (Thad, and she has wpm t 8 61011.14 th iihni Irk re'tv r•. 11 MDR ME His *mils: !' Biter littie 4dldien to Com unto*, and forbid them not, for of s is the kingdom of heaven." Life is ver • uncertain, but death is sure. "Beye al ways rea dy, for, in an hotir that ye kno not, the son of man cometh.", „Oh, ho forcibly these words have been impressed upon our minds 'of late, as wo have con signed our loved ones to the silent grave. Ab silent No loved voice ever comes haato us from its cold, darkened cham ber. • lint yet, we love its solitude ; we lovebreak away from the cares of life tp and stand by their quiet resting Place, and we mentally exclaim, "thereat last is rest for The tired and worn out body." But this the end of man, or shall we meet lagain?" We look to the heavens above; we turn and lOok around }won the face of nature, all clothed in the garb of summer, so beautiful to' lodk upon. We have ilie answer from the lxiok of nature; even l4d 14 - et-no other evidence 'tis enough; it tell .4 of a more beautiful world than this, One thaCfadeth not, where Christ and the angels dwell; where KATY is wait ing to!welcome you to its beautiful shores, where! the poisonous breath of .the deadly simo4 is never felt, all is glbrious, all is happiness ; while in this everything speaks'to ns of death, even the breeze as it whispers mournfully to - us, tells us wo must die. Nature's works must dissolve; the wOrks of Man, however. stupendous, must Crumble and decay; but Man made after the image of Clod, has a never dy ing sOalthat must live on through count=. less agCs. .oh, while here, let us chooSe' the bOer part, that our Mal may be peace Ali, darling KATY, but one short year has pa:ised since thy body was laid to rest ou thel bosom of mother earth. In the mumm I y . ", of life God had need of thee, and eri f thy mind and heart had become inipure from contact with the world, „He took thee to thy home in heaven. which is far better. Thy voice is hashed, thy foot steps are silent; there is a vacant place in the hou!schold; it reminds us of the words of the i)det; "Then 1 110 flock howcter watched and tervlcd, I one drad iamb Is then•; no fireside, howsksfet drtend• d, Las one 01:111.•• Then• 11,0 THE 01lowing anecdote is charabteris tht of Dr. MclNTosn; anti will be relished by many of our ►eaders. It is told by Dr. I )4 ILATT, the Owning .1 " ' rh al. Its truth fulness kill not bb doubted by those who kuew 31 •I N TOS Well " Dr. 'roux McDiTteM, a popular and capable dentist, for 'sdnie years in village, about thirty years ago, is now a' resident of Rochester, having a cigar store ott Main street, near the Arcade. Ile wasintown on :Nrinulay, on his way to the Centennial. Ire had with him a cleav e:ell sketch of Tam O'Shanter, when pur sued by 'witches. "Ile has unusual. talimt as an artist in giving expression to a pic ture in%Thiel: are men or atimals, making' the featyres and the position wonderfully suggestive of the scene depicted. lle has written . s hort poems that had quite a 'run' and has painted or sketched pictures that have been highly praised by critics. Ile was quite a - character when a resident here, famous for his wit, good sense and infiermation, popular as a story-teller, and a principal persimage at the -usual even ing gatherings at 'Tammany' as it was called, (liners store), where: after busi ness was over, twenty or thirty eitizens could alwae: be found discussing Polities, mot t ers, social news and gossip. It can be said to the credit of "ranunany' that it was not - a place for backbiting or slander. If iP au unlucky nament, one made a wicked veinal k concerning an ab sent person, :'there would be an indignant reply or rebuke, in which tllp 'crowd' evi dently concurred; so that -fliii . eritieisms ou conduct or chariteter sere playful in stead of pungent, and kind rather than v ‘ itidiiitivie. The 'meeting' Was always open to ethersthan regular attendants, space only limiting the , number on,oeca sUens id• especial eXcitement. It Was at one time thought that there :could lee a inmeinatilm made for XisenilelY that could twat the Whig - s, pho then held •the Mil:Treesii was au 'ardent Free Steller, and ;]eaenspieuous in the village de hating sociciy for his readiness:in debate, his poetiear quotations', his aPt tie ens, and Pis keenness of repittee... Ile plibli•hed in the Corning- ?to: t/ a capi tal satinet on his fella ii.-iniembers of tile debating I.ociety, good-natured. but sharp and notal le for description. In ter about the year since wag to 'even up' mat--I teoe smigested that he lee brought out :is I a Free S.ed candidate for the Assembly. We had a grevience also, and 'sought t,) help it on. We, therefore, went to Mc- Intosh, stated the ',reasons why a move in " his behalf* could be made etlective, and pl,•dged mfr. 'undivided' support. 11.• was stuptised, and modesty led ilia to decline ; the offer of his 'friends . ; but after some discussion he was peisaado,d to . allow his name to bC niVntiono.l. and . pret,,ed u pon al the attenti.cu of the pc6ple in t ;town and Wisti iet. A few hours after, WC Int.tt !kiln " ;Old !le was warmia; up with the ii!: t of representing Stidicti at Albany. cas ually enquired what the i',unpemation was., 'We repledi that it was thre,./ dol lars *per day andi mileage. Ile had i dently thought (insteid of three) it was eight dollats (like that then paidto Con gressmen), With a 1:,ok. of itelescriba- IPle scorn he replied, ' Three ih,liars a day: the pitiful stun of only three d o llars. My friend, pm M . in lb) me a great favor- to state that I cannot consent to be a candi date.'" ;. Tin.: flaming - notice ,of the death Of a former resident 'elf this place, will be lead with sadness by litany in this county. Mr. Mr:1111,1.1:N . came to Towanda t wentY years since and was for some time em- pleyed in the office of C. L. Want). Ile afterward till“ - the l,crtitiou of eontiden ti3: el• to Wt..t.us, Jr., in Mb- ens. Ile was a yudter man of brilliant I intellect and extraoidinary busito:,s ca-' pacity. but bcra me .t victim to the rise of intoxic tting drinks, disgraced his family, and lost the eonfidence of his friends. lie 'is dead, and the mantle of charity stag 11 be thiown over his faults; but young; men should-learn from his lliStOcy the lesson that 110 matter hoßc.giftcd, o r brilliant,: whisky ; will rob its devotees of every thing worth . i•the keeping. The no tice is copied fri'int the Montrose Demo crat, of Inst week: ()IttruAttv.—,We reset to announce the sadden death of LuctAN 31cMft.t.AN, who is well known in this cun_ ty, as a very able accountant anti excellent met eantile cutre • - 1 Ie Vt. his place of business in New York city. as usual, on Friday evening, 11:11, after which time little is ktumn of hint. Sonic Apprehension was -felt On :i Itin day when .he could not ,bl= I . olllld. SyaVell WaS Wilde ou SIIIIday without definite 11 . S1111„ 1111 f Witil the hope that on the following. day (Monday) he appi.ar as usual. Jolt his continued absence at that tittle CallSCli diligent search to he made in every a‘:.ilable way with out learning anything it. his whelk...llolos till about o'clock in the afternoon when word was sent to his Life emfdoyets that a Limy answeting his diSiniptioo had b e en firaial floating ill the Past fiver a shoat Wm , hpri we and that it' hail been conveyed( to the norgue there to await identifica tion: How Allis sad. accident•Oueetirred will probably forever remain a mystery. Ii had Often been his habit of going down 011 the plots to See 114..1 . 501tS tiSh (.which is a gteat ptist tine for many at cer tain - .tages tlie night tides) and it is pi esumed he in some manner unobserved fell overboard„' BRA Dr 4 I I:TY:-1 wig Brat .11 , j1g ,. •lit, ti o h, accoz,lll 311,1 g,, =MEE t‘s: ":1 tli fir %.. I— / 1 A ..I. 11, 1 T“..v.tr“ra. el. ~, S „, '' We 4'; 1 . 1:1x9 I, t 1r.1..k.e..t. 2.—S 3.1 4: - ,t 5—.1 bbr n if, .eyrrehir , '. 11 , ,1x- hi , 4.-- 1 . XV. .111143 tie,ranton: s. Is. i(..rt,,,,. Nvy. 1 ...„‘: .... i ci 0) , . •n•liir... Aithen...: IVni. Lantz. Frank- III): Sun - . M.• '..1.1. 11114 iland. , I • 4.A...1. , I;. I; '-‘,-91b r.ll,rd. .V”ti + ar lilt Grivl • ~ , ,, , p, '—jol• 11,.10 , .y, 11,11:Ingt. , 11: 4 113;i41.. Tayl ,, r. c.f . :Vv.,: I'. E. W..o.lralr, 1'11.t.: Jwlln Rini. k.:9,,t t. nt' 1.t1....1: il I:4'1 Mrea , . , ... !tome. i r. %- , E.. 7 : IA .i—/brd.s. 11 . . , r/. in g 'lnd Pat Cat- 11,—Ja , . 11. HAH/...:1_11,1:3y.wine: c:•.0. A. 5t. , .. %en... Nl.•r. , nr:, L. R1:n.1,1% 11.'nfangint.: I:. F. Rw o nv/n, "1',•t1a1.1.1.; 1 - 16;.,.. CItIINN!. Sh ..- 4 ... 1" 1 "• .. VI. % {.9--4t,•,/ , .—lf t 1.. !•47,,:!. "1"..,,,e1f Li tw v.: .1. f'., I:,.:11!Non, II Ir. 1.11: 1. , 11 , :ti1 ,, X1:1; Ain.., l'lmior; (Am.-. 1.. Solo. 11,rtirk‘ tll.-, 1"...n ,, ,n. ....;...m., Lc -1:..y. ' I' i. ‘,.. I( —'vier.—F. F. r,iteliil4., Ft zu.:lC,:n..; 1)3%14 tntly.i North Ti.v,:in.ly. 51..44.11 I:, 11.1 Der, ..51it,12, - 111,iii: I. A. C.roii.angn, %\ - y.-..'n 1 , ,,,,i, IL, gt.rin.ln. A,yl im. 4..:t LA::. ll lo , bn.righbre ft rind Bt.h..iirti ilorar,v. 1). C. Dewit...; Towanda; S. 11. Llndirs. eux.t.,n; Val‘int Int! '&4 liin, tir.lnsille:, 11. it. 11...1g3n. IN y 'two. I\' 1. 1.V.13.,..r...1.11,,i, , . t•LAS-S 12-I,lftraert for rat .11" , .r1.- , 11. 31. XVl•lll.f., Towandli T. 44 Smith, Stwsliequiii; 0. J. Isulthq, ilerricti k tkin i Kennedy, lifeteri Lerfis %Mim, Trx.v.'Z , - : - . : rEpltt,. tr-Vrfteis , fild.ftsitiffst Artet.pri NEI BmiNWitwgwiwi aI . OUNTI" AiUCULTURAT,•S4)- ••• 3 , pointed to net at the exhibition :ty Agrioultur3li. , ty. to be held at tIo• ::tit. 4t- ;ot :ttlt of rea.l ..3teril!!)• and ht. got* pie:l%e report th , ttirmdres at the lace • of tn- 27:11. in order tliat:they tuay day. Lapotrti.. A•yium: Flita , mo. shuinuay, exam z s - -; 4'A; . . , . . Testy. Terrytmsrat :Chia Chnt k, Orera; Wm. Chamberlin, Wyallutng; "tads* Bilickinan, Mork , roe; Mts. Steven'' Franklin. IV, _I CLASS 14—Jacks and - Mettern-n.c. B. Davis, Atlts Hollow: Jno. Passmore, Rothe; oe,o. W. Brink. Let Raysville; L. P. Stafford, Wystuaing; Mani Walk; or. "Uster. CLASS IS--Poultry.—Chas. 2, Bartlett, Wysox A. D. Mann. Lltebashl; C. S. Russell, Towanda; T. J. Roof, Standing alone; Wm. 11, Shaw, Itome.' CLASS 16.--Agrietatu rat /Mptentstils.—E. 3. Allis, South 11111; Martin liockirell. 'Went Burling ton; ilarrition Black, wralusing; Elijah Blake, Franklin; Ed. Sweet, Monroe. 1 CLAas 17—Plotaing.—GeN 'Scoville, Towanda tarp.'. .E. Horton. North . Towanda: Stephen Strickland, Wysox; Dwight Kellum, Macedonia; Nelson Briber , . Franklin. , Cr. Asti I&— Mach( i/erli. gage Toots, ritardinars, &c.—John A.Codding.Towiinda::John l ßlood, Atlr ens; S. N. Bronsem,,firwelk Kelton Tankard, Can ton: Jno. S. Madden, Windham': Ill—Carrtages and Illtgoo r s.—D. 0. viol lon, North Towanda; , SteplionF.Borltaint Letlays vulle; It: A. Packer,:TowantiaLMialter ti. Tracy, Towanda; Samuel l'oineroy..Trov, CLAFS2O-I,etztherAnd ifs lannfacture.—Jag. ItldClAraY, Franklin: wear Yi,ung,'Home; Col. !rad Wilson, Alba; titajk Ayera,l , Grativlitc; Capt. Kilmer. Asylum. ('LAPP 2l—Grain, Seed, Flour and Feed.—F.. T. Fox, Towanda; Chas. Stevens:Standing Stone: Lewis [Ants: Franklin; Guertlotn Bun t Monroe; ('ulcer. 'Wysitx. CLASS I:2— reyclabres• --Oer. W Om: ; Jas. Smith. Sliestielnita: Jas. Sterlgnm, Nt S. Burlington; S. B. Tupper. (:.ASS .11.1tiS411.:Atlielliq ifamon Aekly.Sprireg LIM; W m.Motgati,)rwoll; S. E. Wol cott. Litchfield: it. E. Gilbert, p4rett. e V 4 7 -Flowers and Doegna,—Mr.. IF. B. 'Morgan, Wycot: Mrs. J. - , It. 31; Mrs. U. A. Packer. 'rowantia: 31rs. U. F. Young, Rome; Mrs. J. C. Attains. Tow:n:oP. CLAS 2a--WintS, 4urdiri .Prearrrea.— Wystiv. Mt .''l E. T. Foi:, To wanda; Mrs. M.. 1. risiltinugli. Wybox; Mrs. .1. F. Saircrlee. 3lonme: Mrs. Win. It Storrs, Buren. CLASS 211-1./rewl, Batter, 011ie; ltuitld have 3 copy. Much t the information contained ii i thi s work ha.. been' OBTAINED AT A LARGE OBT,LA I", and with a great flea' of dilllenity VAI.U.litt.F. TRADE SEcRET.6 hereter(.re enpol,ll.lied are now printed tor he tinq time, ai,,l aoy of tiv•in W 111 be 111111 i 0r givat ,ell kV. i 'lll IM is 'in r FASTE•'ST SELLING BOOK. =1 • i . . AFENTS CAN DOUBLE THEIR 3IHN EY IY ! ' SKI LING IT. sold by suloFcrlptlon way. Srelal terrynry.wil Oyez' PRICE 52.00 ONLY. SINGLE l'orIES WILL BE ,ENT BY MAIL, 1.41• T zit- For (Particulars and confidential circular fit dre,s, TILE EMPIRE STATE PUBLISH' NG Cl)., 13 lingatiway, New York. I'. O. Ilex 3:s6.:anvitr,. • CIUSQUEIIANNA • - 'COLLEaIAT,EI The Fall Tcrot of this Institute will begin 'MON DAY. AUttl'ST with screw experiemnid teachtwit. 'ilitperltir advantage: , to gating uteri M Iph -Iwg 10 larep.lim_for I °Urge or toolitt, 4 , ;111 , 1 to young ladies' a kiting to cotnpiete a graduating cour,o,lor study general culture, A TF:ACtiEItS'. C'I;A: 4 S bill ho formed at the cotnint•tivOno•lit of the term, anti ev.uy effort Will mailit to thoroughly prepare young men anti wo men to tcach. A thorough course In ('OM iI E '1 AI. RICA N - 1 Es and kindred stutliewtitreitarlog young t e en for business; has been•lnifithitte.l. TIMM! completing a course of study sarlifactortly In Ihls department wtll Ite awarded a diploma for the sane. Terms very reasohatge. thsperfor abeorntWala- Mons ter a Molted nontlrer of at udehts in ttu fontl ly of the Principal. 1 For 'tatalognes, or farther Iti• .fatcnatlou t add:at:nor call oft I 't ciftfllf.tiNipffifflyff. 141111 : #1511 IQ trqfhei : : _ 4 " Mt -144 -r . 11 • • MMatNE NEW GOODS t WAY DOWN BOTTOM PRICES! DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS 1111 liMiEl A nd «ill be sold at the Lowest Prices of the season, at Tf;ivanda,.lone r,1876 8008 lllNDERY.—The'public is tosp,truny Informed that the Book !tindery h;is heel: the Itcrott'irAt ttuthtlngl tury, a here will be dune In 44 Its various branches, on terms as rensonable tho •Heard Ono," w ill .allow•. The 'tindery will 'he under the charge of iAn ixperlenced 'tinder._ and all work _will be ;promptly d:me In a style and manner which cannot excelled. Music. Magazines. Newspaper% Old dtooki, &c., bound In every style. Part lonar attem• lion will be paid to the Ruling and Dhollog of o :my de>lred 'al turn, which in quality and dur:• olity will be w. rrautud. ' Silo All worlo l will be ready for delivery Allen promised. The patronage of the public is sorelt Al, and per ect satisfaction guaranteed. •nq.yeßrr. M B E R! REPORTER OFFICE NORTRERN PENNSYLVANIA. - Tom llle ..11,,,,vrry to 5z., 7 5. by a sketch pre-111,1tair she mound by. ;' IM=EDII EWAN - Eat k AT°, DOMESTICS! FLAN NELS! FANCY GOODS ! NOTIONS! ,&c., &c., &c., &c., Bought (luring the LAST E E K ! KENT & BLISS BOOK-Bl\ DING 11. C. W II I T A K E BLANK BOOKS, ERIMIME OEM THE BEST JOB PRINTING OF ANY ESTAIfLNITMENT IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT, COME AND SEE: ; i f Ilice on Park.st., near Court House ItYANT'S POPULAR 11187 . 14:1' nF 7'llB UNITED kI'ATES CULLEN . lIIIY,I.NT AND SIDNEY I ' HOWARD AY. Fully illustrated with original design.. to he mom tlete in four volumes. large octavo, :to pages each. lf•erihner„ &mud tong & InthiLsiters, 71,3 & 745, lironlway„ New Yorki I F trinfort at lon address, MATTES( tN ..t..'„ltokon, General Agent‘, \I:1h St.. it M. S. CONVERS, Agent for Northern Penn- INanta, ii I Wllllasu St., E.lntira, N. Y. IA TGII & OA DLEY, 3lanufacturers of Woolen Goods, Yarns, Stc• • I I * di A.RDING Done to order. I I .!asli paid for wool, also cloths exchanged for wool.l junS-lhu lA. - MAYSVILLE, P.I. • 1 E .str FA UM Trs MITTU A I. • Is now issuing perpetual pollcic on - FAINT PROPERI".. - ONLY. • Ear ti uteintwr pays a at the thee of Insuring: charter and I'' idet.tal expe15...4.5 of the Co. tier Mitch uu fu•tiier Payriteut is required. exeept o me l t actua by tire among the membership. Tlii* lilac of ilnillfaUCO nit F ARM PROPERTY, is eolelog rapidly Into favor, lath! of Business, SPRING HILL PA. Agentwil; canvass the ' t ownships of Times tom, Pike. Herrick, Wyakuslug, Asylum, Terry and Standing Stone, and fa'tners in the Town l!blpd wishing liwuraime or iiiforwsitioi4 may ad• 4irew c . . A. nostrioria, see. and 4gt., sprit:olH* ritt M) 1111411011%11 24,.• r , 4 :1" ' t . - Li - gat WiIEItEAS, 114 n. PAUL D.'3lonltOW, President Judge a to 13th Jodletal, Nattier. bonidstlnjr.of the bounty Tut litrarlfortOand lions. itir 1).. HAIM *Kea, and C. 8. 'freer:Lt. Asturclabi Judges! In kod fur saldicounty of. Britifferd,.bave Issued their precept; bearing date the tat day or-August, is7B. to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer a 'd fermln6r, General Jail Delivery. Quarter t4easlo is itif the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphans' Cou t, fO. Towanda. , for the County 'of Braillord,On Mon dAy, September 4th,1876, to continue two weeks.'ll si lilotlcif,ls therefore hereby given to the Coroners rftwl4tistlces of, the Peace of the county of Brad. (Ord, that they he then and there to theft proper person, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, ivith records. Inquisitions and other remembrances odo thrice things which to their office appertains 0 be done: and those who, are bound by reeogni. Arinces or 6therwtse, to prosecute against the prim). Ors wh4artt or may be 'to the Jail of ikaid',(zotants, who shall be hound to.appcar at the said Court, ate to he'Llieniand there-to prosecute. aliallist them gai shall he Just. Jurors Are requestrd to he pune- Oat to their altenda.tett.agrecabi.v• to their notice. tfated Tow:coda. theist day of 'August, In the tt,year of, our Lord, one thousand eight bombed .hand seventy-six. and of the Independence of the lUnited , States, the:one hundredth. •• • • A: J. - LAYTON. Sheriff.- EGISTEIt'S NOTlC E.—Notice Is hereby given that there has been. 111 , .•d te tance.of Register of, Wlll4 In and for the comet ty of Itradford. accounts 'of administrationoupod follo4ing•estat4A. vie: .I , Final account of Win, 11. Morgan. guardian of ,C;bas T Fox, 'minor heir of illratu C Fox. deed. • ilParl 131 'are•t of Minerva Wilkinson. a.dlnillistra lila of W,'W Wilkinson. late of Slieshequin..llcell. 'IEIEI2I aryl of Jesse Brown, guardian of Tin's if' Dains, mitior.chlid of David Pains, dead. =4Finai ai;c't itt .lopse Drown, guardian of Win it Dallis. minor child of David 11ains, deed. ,' • sri nal aer•t-R Brown, guardian of J minor child of -David Ihtinsc, dee'd. 4Final fleet. of-Jesse Brown, guardian of A.lllO 31 Dles, sith,or child of David Pains, dee•tl. ' ' aer'ttof, E Godard, executor of the' last and test anent of Harriet 11ilton, late of West Rtirlington. !.,'FIII3I acX•l of Win MeMorran, guartilaatif ttr, Sinclali. a tumor child ofil.apiel'Sinclair, late tide, rlster,:t.kr-d, ;Met of Geo IV Weob, adner of James :W -hen... lat(Or Wells, tice'd. • Final ao .f ..r of Ay ii Walktlr. guardian of 'Clar; enee Coonrhy, minor eldlti of A G.Cooneby..late of Athens twit, dee'd. I:•Final aeir't of Louisa It Crostley, executrix of the 144 will and testament of John Crostley, thUttd. irc't of N Betts, Jr, ex•r of N N .Bett9, sr}} late of Towanda, deed. . ri4'llif 31Ichael 11 , aney and Jon Itlonlng 2 -I6m, esl't of )flehat_d MeN ulty. dee'd, ac •'tof Warren Ayer, adocr of • Levi 1' 4 - 11Irn, late of Albany. tlec'd. acArt of .1 D Montauye., guard lan of "11fran ir•A Patterskn, since Intermarried with John Lamp itniti. • ac'sw Final 't of Idr, Harriett A Phillips., -fitful-Iris • firsinu.n Phillips, late of Sheshottlitn,..lec•ti, aee•t . of Loyaf F.lftlissell, 'miner of Alias If late Of de. - ;11. yinal aej't of Irani htanehester, aduVr of J phe w late of Itrwell, tlee'd. ael , •l of Win S Javne, ad in`r P.-wren fr fife of Dm:estate of Illthbtll .Slanley, late of Canton two, dee'd.l of -C I, Squires and 1' E IYoltdruir. ailin•r•of Faiichiltl, late of Herrick, dee•ti. *that a.i.tsl, of p E trotalruff anti 11.5 aiStirrs of David II titchlnon. late of Plke, nee 'd.• z.IY!sO t 4 , 5; appialsement of property qet eti eblliors am yl adminikrators to %%blows and children opthe roll s .. lilg tleta.tient,!; viz: tit Levi Diinhail. •.)Davitl Palmer, Philander P. Wakefield, :;.+. • Hfenry L. Gibbs. rifttutit I French, 1...111111.1 L. II (,ul3-,. ;--.Cvtentp; Kelley, t" . .:I\ nil lie,:.'-tetme will be pre , ented to the Orphans (."}'Suit of 11-aolford County Thursday. Sept. 7111. '7; at ti rank p. nu., for confirmation and„aronance - C. F.: ANDRUS, Ifftfisler. ,et - s lsters ('purr, Aug. to,: '7a. TIIUS . frEE'S SALE.—Tthist ce's sale act u al broils and-mining property anti ad -00-tenant...Xi in the county of I) rad ford, Staff; of ' irtiocof a certain mortgage or deed of. trust e*eutial and delivered bv the _Fail Creek Bltnnil nit: Cool t?enietriv. of , !Se State of Pernisylania. utol• - •td.gneti as Trustee, dated the first slay or. -- petv, aiol rect.:4l,l in 1116,nte. , roe record. aid for the county or itrwitord, oo 14,41 Rook No, pag, et t 77.he tailtstlav of May. A. IL and oho in Mil,rtga;n, N.. li, page it•t . ...,tc.. - ou the lath de of Novvitiher, X, D. 1,7.5, L the unde(signetl. Trustee - as af ,, re , ald, here. te . tiithe notb.. - • that i will, on TCESI) Ay, [heath ii or. .\ I'lfl L, 157 a, at t ik . (lol.li. ten 41, of that, day. at the Hxclialige sales Rooms. Ni. 111, Brood-, in %Mt '3•ity, ....way and smte New York, se :d ltlttlioli td Inc higlie , :t bidder, the_ property rights. privilege, :old tranvia:es conveyed or in tla's'ff.''..l::if.l:lll to lug b?eas4hil nips n g s e a ° fi r ul , Ytt of !, , Ctkiiipany 1n Die terms and conditions of sa tl tnort -14.4, and trefault having eiiittitAted for - the spar., of sixth days. and I !wing rt tufted In writ ing; to make 'such sale hy the ludd..rs Of certain of tlitAsaid ,;,1(1 mortgago or deed of were at the (tale of - making such me go',4.4 due and outstanding. he ptoptity af..re,aid Inelinles, some sixteen logidred acrx, of land. situate In Franklin anti tqrton Bean -hips. In Itradfotat e‘stity, St;il.,ti tut etaup,eed or no, whsle of the tr:ii I of laud - i.urveyeti in the fla!liP. Or Georg. Edge mai the scvcr:ll part , of t laels , elrVevell fu the manes T.`9111/le. Haunch Edge, Paul Hardy rout .leiltexv h oily. itti of which is "more accurately le:hutted atitEde..,erilt•ii In said, nlertgage: togeilier reran all and ',singtilar the railroads. ruine , , ores, Intheralt, w,RHi s, nraiis, (yaps, water , . o-ater roltr,es.ea,eabctits, right,. liberties, Isereditatnefits .anq appurtenenee• unto the said. preinkes 'wrong. iTI9;MA IIII• atill re -11,11-r, reitl,:4 i,sre, cowl profits thereof. tior a more:full soil ,o11,1)lete tleseript ion of the pri;perty to Lei sold, y.ltit PA boundaries .and Pa's. rt.rt•rellf,' relay ,y he had to the sail itiortgago, of t,•cord . argolvi,ll.i...r . th e original thereo f , In ',the me,,rtt. liras a Davenport, at -4a .v. 4. at Ne. n, N.1,-.01 street., ..".3. -! "4 - York ('lts, It' ,SA per, et-tit of the put. chg,se Money Isrlo le• paid rash in hand on the day e is to lie pald within tloiry thereaft.er. at the ollll,' , of ti ray & torenp.wt, • Nl,' tr. Na ,, aus. stn. et, In t h e tats of New York, stale of Nex%o 4 - ....1f...t0ti upon the payment of In, 3 iii ba:ative pi full 'the leirehaser rect•ixt. I the property, conveying. such title to is tl•sted iu !tie as Trustee li, aforesaid.• Dated Fki , /:,:.4y 1N71;, • clt.ti:l.Es.y. vrEii, To - I , h, for lip Bondholder, of Ilie 141t1in 0 : j:A • 3: IILII - F:NI . i Orr, • • A tiorli; , vs for Truster, li, Nassau St.; N..Y. .1' • . 1 ariOUr , In the tollnlV, ;;;,-%; I:: The, let nit', in the City or Ncw'York: the -1'7411..0b . 1 !Nig EaNuir,..1.1.:1 0 t , ..1 it, the City of Philadelphia; ttl ithe itu a t 1:11 . 1.1;Tur, 01;,:i,h,1 •in T,- bouda, Bradi!mti county. Pa. , • T hesate of lite a , ,ove lest profe•rty'ls here. I y t TI - h:SIIA y on, ra4 ,i;ly of 31 ay, I+lE al the as I place, - d April CiIABLES F. 'HUNTER. Trlt,tta. for {tie I.ontlhohL•rs .4 the .Foll ('reel, I) Cqi!l intuits 4 . 63/ Cl , i3ll , allY. :113;ty-it , l ) T o• ateor tht• e 11,re pr is - pyi, , ,l3oltilledio 7'illtL'S(lNY. the day of Jets., 211:4',611.` ti ale ;11,4 INatetl May g. 3.1, 1 - 11.-tS. E. lITNTER, Traste, f o r the Bondholders of the Fall Creek BI- Hintitions 1 Y.al I•ompany. , • al l.• attire tieserils,l property Is here lii tiff Burned 2 , th day of JULY Ist. at the M.rpt• 11unr and place. • I.t.ted June: 2'2.; P+7ll. CHARLYS F. HUNTER, Traide, for Ha. InditlitolderS of •t ht Fail Creek itt tfoiltious 0131 (lontpany.! 1111,e of tho - above property Is hereby adjourn ed fit Thursday. 6te 17th day of X tign,t, time card plat,. Dated ul v 211t1e, CHABLES * F. HUNTER, 'Ft - tit:Re for the bond Insiders of the Fail ttreek Bit. i‘ftiltions I'o3l company. M MI EMI =I I , QI pled 0. Th , irs , ll3Y the 2Atl, (1,1 of S,ptem -1,,r;:l 1.'7.4 at hour :Ind place. - Atigikt IT:h. 14 7 6.,:ang - 2:14 , 1 ": CITA 41,ES F. titxi - EL TriiiWe for the ilondhoNl•rs of the Fall (!reek Bl tOnlontts Coal effinpany. ' . ----- 0111 ) IIVNS' CC) IIT SA LE.—By ylrtnre (if an order Issuod out the I trphan's* Cpti'rt of Bradford Omni), the unflord:.i'ded. 1.N.,;- ntox of pp• ostan• rat ell:* 4. Wells. Late of I it well., II -C.l. It1:0 e: s po, tll politic ',Ye on I Lr on 5crp.7...10 - :;.: r p, ap. , droeno.-d's Interost fu the 1%/llowl11„.,” th,54..?ri:,,-,1 lands. sltuatod In ilrw t .3 its; i n ,1,1 t.,.ift,ty of Ildadfol,l, ly log un ~atilt -side 'hi vogic highway loading from omen 1. , lON In`r:li by said -111h9,w..y 1.1:01Ing from I 'moll to IVViI,II , II‘V. 111,t be Fni;tl. of %VII,. :,•I* , , a ni. Hardy. .ouch by bb . r.:41.• bILTIm3y - .1,84 , ng, fill range r..ad In :soh. - 11 llitl i'snowo the -Hardy road - 1 dod lands anoul iffifmr, le>N. TEI:SIS-1 ,11 roing ilOll cciZoniinuau. ta, and the ilaniliv o • In op.• year. With 11. 'Ti;. p.:colt 00 RA T 1 ()N NoTicE._ l ri.n dining '.,... ,writ of 4:0.4,d, more or Ir• -• -,. ;in ../ 7 - ..f.l',.\ olth .. Is jirumy girt! Mkt application will i n : 1,, niosmd- '01:11 : framed hon.., r friam-il barn al nag , lo a tan; J1,,1if.• of Inad ford comity:at the i fi' l l':' ir l ut tr . '" tl "' rv " n ' '''' llod ""d I°.•'tt 11,10, , swi,mmit,r, i[•,„ - ii .i of ~,,,,fooll nlem, for I'M- furor. 1 I'ol wt. at the snit or .\ r !...tt•Vep's, i 0' t:l.a. vorglimi of 01.,1-ri Itand IM .i P .%...mation of Lrnor. I "I'lll- . I Thiz,",,.! , Jort •..1 said As•oei.dloll to lo .•ft•ct and onto k ~- ..i l'''''')—i iii" 01.1,cir 1..1 or 1:11,1 ii. c.r,itiNsll tv, a lci,ll, ,%iti, ,tor, romit• an/I - other row,•••ary cons ; ~,,,i'V.l.,^4 nit Itte lioi l lt, by 10114014 VoletattteT:.4‘l„ . itkigyt ., • to a.',..01.tn...1abt ,net, siirlety or ~i . i . 1,iii . ..;;,; : eit•l by lawis ..1 r4tok llttoxati. :-...it It by 00 pub' , in4l,le.ire to o.e.thein, . , . , Ili:thway,lmolitu.: :ion. 4 11:110 IIM renter to tI . .1:1(•. SHAM ILNCIIER,,N, W. V,NNFLEI.:T : ', N'TlitdfAll,•vAlist 0y ,t (.1 tlemge I'm tom coma! .• k T. 1.1I.I.1:11", 0. LEWIS, ~, l Mit :II dere , I,f. inTre or, des,. ationt lit a. ~,, _ls s , . .-, • s 1-I'lll - 11(11l1.1., ' 1 1,1,,yu51. wits I tr. lica houW, I (ratio il loiro al it ill.•;itor• ^ _kiil l•-.' ' -3!r - • I Mt-hard or fr tilt ir",•,...s thiir,,,,,, Si.iZt ,I and loin, ii I , • w ,. •'•• ' " 1 iljt,. ~,,,,•,,,,,,,, ;,, 111,• suit or .1 T Itailey. goatin: I. 5••; . • 1 1) N 1 I - ,c , i sT 11A , 1:()Rs , N ()11 c I i t : 0 I 'larrare LI :moith v 5..., ii: 4 '171'1" ' V • ll / I._ Nollt•tt it; lit•reltv given . ' that all ).;.r,,,,,,, ii... 4. I i LI• 0 - 0 or. other ft.l. of in in ,3'ilw.lot toO ~ .1..1%...1 to tin. / 1..Tat t .,,1 f, ~ 8 , 1.:2,,,,,. ,j,.,...,i , 1„, of , hilimled :r orth by !look 'of I , ..lwind \t .41,',. easst by ifolii, , 1k,,,, unit make initurdlate payruria to o ft I, ilo.lHf 6,0 W !01 - "ti, Noll Ill by Walnut—T. at .I 111140 t ,t,,, It, 4110 ail pr I ...,I, 1;,,,„11a ,• ; „i„,,,,," t , w•..i„ i:1 tool: 1f'1111.•1 Itylatot, ,•,..0,...,..iiiii: ; .1 N111C..-I.llt. to.l l 4 preseitt thin, dulyantlomticated I ili.' i°'"" ni"" or 1 4 - ' l, I "log l aboll; 784 ft tiont_ n for ..4..ttlitin..nt,. . . •1114 XV:illtiti. "i, 01,11 ,0° II 41,•41 , ., 111111 I flilnit ,I MAlfLi i, E . El 1 . 1,,T r ., _ 1 la-a-d. I Vili.•.l 1,4f1i and 1'..., fruit Itile, thi:r.... t„ .-.• I..I.MEN:EI.I.I(aT, T I ' , O , .: 01 , 110311 1 llito T'xltuntiott at 111. .nil of ll e .1 1 ;1;;. 141. I: • .. A,1,,,i ii i,,, mt ,,, 1 .V.ll ~m. ItMbill 1..; awl Loan Assort:Won of otVe r. . IZI'l -I . , I V.. s• Lanlyii,tte A Mon awl Plititil.." 3t A ti.,,,,. (11X Ecrrr()lt'S Nt/TlCE.—Notice I ' iAt..,)—0.,, ~ ( 11.ir lot of land it:. ..i.tileik tut,. l _ji 14 kt..-rt.o gyeilittz all 1...1,0114 11.1.•bo..1 To l+",'' ' l 'd ""rt!,' In' i',3!"l' of ' l, l''"il rl:T'llll' , :o 1 k. °aft •,, 11,. , :t , u , t , ~, . 1,, ,,,, ,,. .,.., : ,, ,, ,,.. , :0. , of shmaiil.: 5 i 0n... ,1 14 - --...0.1.., 1 s mert i'.....1,1•11, ...nth byi Mink of r. I I' '':P. ilr , 1 1 1 1. 11 •It't 1 tu in.. 1..• initt...ltat.. , pt..l:, M '''''..",, 0101 1.8 t.1 1 . ." 1, . 1 lly7 ‘VI'IT•Je'll ~ t ort .. 1. Itt-t r At 1..11, „i.1..1.1gt,..1. tottl aft . it..r , bo , to„134: , ;''';'' ' ''.' ll ' lt4: t. 3l"4"l' '" n.'. "'''''' ''' i' '' ' '' "1"i! 17 ' 0 : 113 .1. - agai!)-rtl.' said. estate. must ' , resold them, 4. / "."" ' 111""" : 1 I"'"' ' '' '' .2 fr'" • ""1 t• ' "r " I i lii,,,Sti awl f.-w ft tall: trre• ,I hereon. Stit,..il 'Alia (It" iiiil, A1111;.'Iill , i81..1, for ••••Itt.lc.-1.1. “. N. T. , y , , ,, 1:. ~ ..,,.,,,1 , , , . 14-T. in 1...1....,•11 to It ht the suit of .NI NV IV.lnm'iwk 1 , .VM.t. I r.. •• ' I . Al II tin•irt. , F. 1 • • , 1 " . - - 1 VII) 1I ' NIISTIt ATOIt ' S NOTICE :it LSO—Ono other lot of lainl in: Sinltitti.Ml tw'r. 111_ N,,11,, • is iwro.; gi%..a that, -ii x.r , "ns i • 1 l'f'..!le'l " follow '1 L'egle"ll'g "t iii" the :' 'S e e". l 1 is- I iss:s of hinds tornlerlv owned lir %Tinian. A 1 Illiilliil,ll iF1,14,1 If, the ii!"!;:iti of ?'lark W. Mg;sorr. late of To. ' ji,j,..„,... f . sine!, ii, ° 1,1. , ,,1 nil; 7.into to a • ,..st • !the ' I • : . _, I waml,t oorir,itiir, lIIIINI matzo Itlllittiiiiate InlyTilei.f. ;,:y1t1,3,..' v.:A 1 . 1:,,i-ltill. ma post- thimi ll .,- ...or'. 1 •••: •. ' all pl..rson• - havling Mahn., agaiwd said ,''tale. 11111 Si rl,-i 107, r..... 1. to A loillirock; 111;111.0 1,4;ri1l 1i,° , 02 . t ?rri,±rot them quly aulliontleared Err settlement.• , 1 4, - , 3-tip tif..tlw .'are of Isltilanit ' riMtliiift , i ,l • i -V,f ; llf. l l •. r• I'• . - 1 .!--rtVr- 1 : - • -kdblll.o2 l trator. 1 tfo: bind? i:443,,y........^.iiiii,1",}".1ce . i . ti1ig i11eni... , 7, - , II _, „ . 7 I 0-i 101101 01,1110 anwie hounded .trart Hr . laial 4 . ...! It '.o t. I)M IN LSI I: ATO 11 ' :7; NoTieE. i mi.. t of tho 1 0.i.V1 knitting ,iiiiilitiFly 7itoli, 7,11,1 (hr. • ~..,,,i,„ is ~.,,,), 0%, ,, i ii , . ai , 1, ,, , :;„ in _ ..1,1 - s. belmt :Moot l -I' i acres heretofore iiMirilit I drored lo tho ils.,,te of John Itit.i.en,,l•lai,. „I 1 1::rne. 1 1,w' Tat tMs E. ,<:• it It!. to Ira, Adam,. a t,6 it t iqo ..,,,, .1 , - , -01:1,,,I. !mist 011,11„ Inimediate 1.... - iorld 'to l -i ' l l' n ' s. " l- -I' " " Ir Th i """'" I. fram l tarn •'""" , 11 ,4,, , ,,,,i, t , : i g , , ,;. : 1 . ..,, :d. . 61 le01 . 8 . :1 ,„ 1,,,,,,,-,4 ,Loma . 4-. l .1.111 I. f•Larti of f rtliLtr ti fi: , ..i su i l l i i i i , r f ifi l li i. . o L , t'v v4 ii a Z i o 1 4 1 agallo4 saki i1,,,1t1T0 11111 - ,4 Inv:tent thew. ow.) . ""- I •t 0t t:k 3l' ; :" lt i l t :r i g " .: . ::::t C lx. n r il: s l' ot a . i eljas Burgess, 4,e(3.1 t's olt-fill..ale.l. ftlrlsettlisnwro.. • : 4 I II .k . ' , 4.1 g 9 'i'. 0. It 17SSF.I.I...%Illoittistrator. I J i' lu ''''' l' I•. `` l ' u rg hl ' , . P : • ,••' P . ' '• . i i Al. , ' 1 . --I iii,, , othe'r lot nf land in ITyaltisnro: oil.; ••i - , I ".rri-,11.,,, x.,1•11 r f , T• 7 1i...,.. , r.A-.....' , i MIL C. , ~‘ i 1../ II 1 1.. /'..—NotitT i 1 1 , 1. 1 .1 - at a. tellowl: , be.,:ititilmt at a . irr.t follior r 1 . 4t, 1t......1. , givott that•aft • 1.Tr..t... 1i01: 7 14...l to ' ' ,;i i h ' ll k i ", rk tr l` . r "cl 3 v"9".1. * " 14'1"^ 'I I "' '."' " 1 1111. , .....y..!a0. of glary IV - heath., law of wari i li. ,0„.,.. i t, .. IWI of t he faint m :-..11.•••1.11 thmitliet ty., ind : IR, Li,. oliiiitj 1111111, 110110,1i:0,i 1- - ,t ii.,:tit to the motet signed, I tar "! 4 1,, .t .. ,. ,1 -sti ,, ,l 4 ; 1- Agint, th. ma . "II ' , AA I'll k• I lan ilys,Ams !twang 1.1:11111,, .igaitiiit said estale must I I ' ll ' lll :''''''..--''' - "'" 1 :,r'l I-hill 11 ' 1 / pool. lip II wl' • : 11, r ! .4 the viii eltallatil rant.. ilit•lit•O 1,0111, •2 ,2 ", 7,' rant 'I I,ri4i.t theimliiiily alithentwateil. for settlement. i 9 v.t1.4.:1; A 1:1-:•1..• -11 - i -:, ..- - ,t.,), to 0 post ',for A ,scum - , thence smith I,' o :10%2406 - -_, 1, • •., • Ext,utor. "':i'.•o'4:"9 I -10 1. lo Ilw line of land id . .1m.r1.1. 1),,,i g I . 1 : , - t i _ , el Iv; 1110100 eon the ( line of laud of said I locigliVr, y 1 - T).II Tylvvrp Arrows - NoT y vt , l t syuth -., .1 wrs,t ;It; - .12.4.:111 to the place of liegititint t. ' `/-/ •,'"••' / - 1 -. / 1 .• /••• t VOlittlining 10 acres! of land, more or less;•all lin , —N0t1 4 ,34 her, 'I./fly en that All plif , 4,llq Ins 1 I , ro‘ml, no buildings,: i• l i delfrit tik thlti ti - .•ate 01 ,fris. l'ollins, itee'il, late I ;.A.l.St • l—Akito. other lot of lam) in W yaloslng lii 1, 01 . Eitardlin trotlfold Cimitty, Petttia., Irtto.f. .biwiticlill as follows; btglooluZ at the 11 so Villilliii if futik6imul , :ttritol,. moult It. the, undersigned, anti hind cool ractett to I.e mint to James Fee and Ilk ' ell orreol:4*lng ttlttuo ttgatuat gala estoda mutt. art! I've- (latOrica ) tbenee Along • ttte et latitiaaf I ;rye 'tit ttibailllttir ntilfititlylitaili. ttsr wattltateliU Oath 02 8 3 1/V to a Vv4acti - thelica Om; linv,ag mi lat - .4 . - - itaMil4lfUtl4l Attila: , 11154 IMltigt talkiltltlt 11,11119 Ittlitnt tow' NM= •:-. i i QHERIFFS BALES;—,B7 I virtue i of sundry-:writs tssued out of the Court l of Common I'leaa : of Bradford County. alt! to the dP rected, I will expose to potato Sate an FRIDAY. the Bth day of September, at the, door of the Clourt Mouse In Towanda, the foll Owing described prOpm , • ty, to-witti ', ; i -, i One ist of land in Towanda horo, hounded as fol. lows w begitining Oil a point in the north floe of State at. and wrist line; of , north, Fourth at, thence along the, north line of „State' at, tAft to the ;proposed !cor, tier of Stalenn(l,4th stn: thence al/wiggle northline i of State at. as aforesaid; Soft to a tiornor: th nee northerly at right angles to the afOreseht lit e of Stale st, tRo ft to the south lino of a IS feet aploy ;; ; . thence along . the south tine of said_ alley is7irunel with the line-of :State Street aforesaid to a point in She proismied !in of north Fourth at; theticehti the same course 18 feet to the west litre of north Flirt!, street: thence along the west line of north 4t t st, to the place (4 btirining: excepting and resiiirying therefroindhe pr vilege of using a strip Of land 19 feet in 191,111, trieri" 4ll lVl cal St3tA, at from the point 1 of intersectian of the north lime of -said strj.i.et With the west libe of north ,4th st, extending hortherly to the aferesaitt . l:ift alley to the. rear of the sahl 11 lot for the ;piirpoiie of wideniligthe - aforesaid nrth i; 4th-st . when the Same shall.he opened to the w idth lof :oft through to Ward ave. aid restrletingthe ; right of builditiglon said strip of land or:of ot Ser i: wise obstructing 111 J the use of said strip of land for i the.purposes afo said, with a framed house Sad I few fruit trees t 1 ereini. Seized and taken two exi , 1 eriithin at - tlie 801. of ,Ellen: Ward !fillers Ilst VS t; Ella V Myer. 1 I . , , ii /o.Sts- line other lot . of land In Athens tuft), and )118mi:deft as follOws": hegintilitg at a .white 1 lite li Stump near the road running up Satterhies err ek. 1 I , thence smith liO3 cash 40 2-10 p to a buttonwood: :thence south - D . , east; 211 ti-10p; thence is*mtit t7° t i cart 21 3-10 p to a whiteeak bench; thenc'e south 43p Ilto a post: Itlirtter west . ,9l) 1.1-10 p to a whlte ma 'le; Ii t hence south*Op 0 a pest: thence West 75 •11-flip 0 a i stone corner: theice north '4° west flip along ,the I 1 nitre agreed upon ,eltveen Constait :Mathew . ..on and Win (1 Stevens:, throne east. 20 440 p. to a -pest. lit hence north (111,1 to tin:lila-ee of beginning; eon.-1 [Mining 73 arrest, more Or less.lB-dtig the! Sant as I Oronveyrd by the !Kalif [arty of the second part to ' 1 . I 1 1.11 aria Van Gideler. , I r 1 I I, ALSO-44ne other' piece of land situate as aforesaid I ibeginning, nut a stake and stones on the :4:s/itch:tuna Idiver, at the. s w corner pf a lid formerly hcionging I I to John Shepard; thence along the south line' of ~ ;said lot So-8-10phi a stake and stones . : therie'eo,olitli lierly along the tarp! formerly of Gee A Perkins and I jEltf ah Vanth,r,let PI 2.lcp to the - line 0f,,,E, Van (tor Itder's lot; thettee !westerly 07 13-101..10 the ; Sustpie. I ;Minna river; thence up Kalil river to the place - of 1 beginaing,:ieontainhig 23 acres and 128 p„: more or dess. $ , , • I Al Si)—E l lie Miler peeve of land situate 'as afore aid and I 4 , 4un,10 as follows: beginning at a wild lelirrry tree for a caner anti the it w corner of lan , : • i "Ilirf said parse if a a first part: thence In ar easnirly I direction altont -i roils to an oak sapling for a eor- i pner on the; 'Flioni . in lam]: thence along tly..west 1 1 I illo..yof said llsolpalt lot and Saintiel,- I .l , llett 111 a I iinortivtrly directiOn alseit lno rOils to the s.outli east ; ! ' col her of !awl formerly' win... 4 by- E "Itolihison: lillwlim , '4 l . oll g tie' 'line of said lot Dili Wesderty;7ll- reel Mil to the balk of the Susquehanna river ::n ii o ,eoriiiir; tlie , ttre s , ', it le•rly along the ea-. 4 hank of *alit tirirer to th.i place: if beginning: rout:lilting! :',,,,hrt., I ;n tir mo. or less. llut , l and tikell 11110 1 . .70+111 lun at llt hit stilt of , Owen; Park 'ld, Jacob Vantlorder and i )!,Start, I:ant:order. .I ' ALSO—One (eller It of land Situate In S1H111.• ifit..l.l Mil_ ' l,olillfli . ll as follow,: s tn the north by Illhools of Cyril .Favnetn. On the !-trot by the pululle i lihlghway. oh the south by land-tor lienry Miller and • I;.folin Vo-,iiiirg, oil el.• west by land late ..f the 1t,.... 1 !!tate of Slatthew floe ii, ,leeeue e eontalns'll3,7e , 'more or Vess, 18 acres improved. with i framed '1 I . .lionse. 1 fr,ime , l barn and few fruit 1 1 , .. , 1 11. , r1.4.11: . 1: A ISO-1 , 114, tier:end:a .. .lf, half Interest More otter I ;;lot ..f land 'SI tuate l .ln tire I 1 wps of Towanda-and IN. {.Towarala. feenided a-. follow,: beginning; a-eor. 1 li n the ~eillre of !11,- ill,l Plank Road being the ' l I ,10, , filitYest (tor. of R lot heretofore sold to fi .1010`,.., ' , I find 101 l 11 Itt_fif 'anti . formerly owned by E Overton. 1 i5 . . , q.. thence along tile of said Ilverton north Ir2° I, I l 2o' westto lit to it'o,,st and stone rot, fall UM, of Cla- . ver . .3•l: lot :fin 33' thrne , ":,l , 3l o ' 'lite of - . true notch /.1 east It pto a I err. on the north, side of :sugar ; (_;reek on line of John It Smith's anti and .rlaver• I , auk" lo: .8;,.‘ 3.l,:lisae, along line of tie. sathe pett . ll l 13'' 30' eag abotlll 133 p 111 a .ior, in tie , tentrel of ' 7 4 /14 Plaid( Itoall - aS originally laid otir,..thertee ; , iining sale) .liiiii,i tine .oath 7c,;,- , writ about 22 1 ,1 n, ~ , a cer.-thence Sonia Pits west, 7 . ... onto the plaie• of Ise- I ' glllilllig. contains! 71 acre , . intr.' or 1 , -; , , no Hit. pr.,eillelll.•i E t xreptiog an , ' - reserving. th'er,. frilk I t, 1.,,,1.,-, s 3-1 o p of ; :;.,,,) ,•.pi,,,y, , ,) 1,, .1-1 m comilt . 1 ant the 21.0 da: ay ,if Meh. Is7l. and 17 aert........ , t p; tr I lan.; conveyed to Mimi arl;K 10 , 111 1.111 Ill' . gin d - is 114 : ;''l.,. 1 , 76. leavlng!in, tie. aboN't2.ldee -2. i :14 . 1 . 1 1 . `: l'f''' I lie t iie 5:110, - ! 11101 , lie 14 - S,. , I I A 1.-,n—'fur .11.r&f.larit . , :,,, :Int.rest In me. 0:1 er. l I tot of land in l'o . 4'aillia rtitro.l,3al3l;sl :1-.lfolnot L.: t , I t., , ,zinnlng :it the north east nor. of t113.-intex ,v ;: r e t i , tl , l;:, : : ! of Thll , l Street a 3,1 !'lank noatl. thence ; cant: nTstql 73 fet•tho a ; rot% of tot e,,,,,,y..,1 i.y 4,.., ; I Powell ant''- N c iEtro,ree, alts , in lac!. ni Win 11 ' Port:fan. 111.Iner -3 ; ill, .... , `, o rag ef, fee: to :!, in. „i 1 inch- lilt. 1 111'11 , 4' north V . l . ast. 3., feet to a cot . . on lotith Hue 1,1 31111!111 - 1 . lot (stilt:eye/ ity_powell A: Els ! pre.., attys inn fait, tfa Said , Wm LI Morg'.lll 111 , 11 .,- I . 1 Cau:ll SO . : n ' . '1.3N1 MI, aTaill 1I I fret to nor. or 1,3 ,f oriait rt liv enyry , sillty . f'.3l,•reu r -, to Sirs . A,....51i.,.n,1n.4,' I ihruee south no 1,1,1 or thereal3tut, 104 1 . 47• 1 . ..1,1 'l, 1 il-0a . 1.1 11 , 71 , t ' 114-1 111 'o 4 l ° 5114 . 1 81.011 1 'IF , reol fa { to i ' 1 lai, of Ireallinil' , .gl, with :,•:,f,:uo. ; -ii 11.111-.1 . , 014•1T1Ft . ., 1 1 : 11 iiiiproV4.4l. I . , i , ~ - I .' ~\ I.:,:a—Tio• ,i.:4.4otant. b, Interest in oar other It' or land ,Stunt,!. In Tw itli oanda ro,1•04 , 11111 , 1 1 a , ' 141 ~.,: I,4hilikigi al a .-or. the Pon,r...orion hr toi.rtli "11.• i-t with IL , • ! 'lank {)Grin, then 4,• north . ; hi ; ,g 14ourili sire.,4 17,-. w est aboirt 5.; fret r, r„'-, 1 Itlit.'ll . e northo l'- , ? t:.:1.1 , :t - r,.!...t . to a ,!ire. HI ith, ,k ;. t:,,,.1, ih.,fiee lit a ' , WI liiit, , l.•rly dirt-a . lit.l, sinus 110 ;pet to Ille p`at, of beginning. :',l. linpro‘..l, ' . ,vit , .. i frft,, , ,,,1 sir'-- thrreon. . 7 1 -,. I 1 . ,\ I,:`U I. In TfilVallt,la 1 , i1 , 41a 0 1111 4 1 ,-, / ~I 1 , , 111. north I . ; . 1.! .1 f' Wan., cast Inc Willi.on'st. son: 1, I, ny other lands fir 411•fa1 . ../alli, lA.k , t I.y Malllt,l, 1..1 14 • 13 it front 'ii, Stall, -1 itY . :llout 133 P. .l-- I ', wig a i f . rasu,sll, ,, ntiottlid It few 1 rill tree , Ilsereon, . i A I.so't-1,0,. No .l, bounded north by lot no 1. east ; Sy it' Whoa 1-;t. i.iiiilli Ly 0t,13.1” laud ;;;• Ilrfen;Jant. ', Weg. I,y Slaitt st • .l3,..trti; 411 ft; flora 'on Slant si I , y ; 1:,,,, 1:1 0 ft. ileep, ; , 11 - 1 11. 'or, ft:1111,1 1i0i17.4., frani el 1 nun, :out few frultitr...,-; tln•rvol.. 1 '‘, I .1.:.." . 3 1 —L0r No :i. bounded north by tot Ili , 2. e: -t ' I tly WI 111331 " . t. ' , WM . by .1::• r . Irs log, west 11r Stain ~ el. bent' , 311 It froltl (111 Slain ...1 liy al out 1:10 fl .I.•,ip, 1 with a rkal,ll:',.ll 1,11;7 , ;?kanl - a feu 111,11 I rvrs thrreon. I A j,,,i 1„:(11, n:101' lot .of 4.11141 ,i1:1:111•.tin TO , !1:1'jla tins liiiiihit4A as fooow,--: porch by (3iiii-iteut ii--ti....-iiit ,last by la , ltls of Sirs Mary A 3Sar-13,11. Hot h .y i lied , Curet fly belointlitg to SI 1' Slrri . tir. west ty '11,14,1 Stores, twin. , 05 feet Cron[ on said 11,,,;tn . i, • ..4 . 1,.„•,•1 . by ;Oran( 1357 (vet deep, all impro; 0;1, n ill 1 11,1 g, vas, story frionoil bon,. I tranied tarn, and Ifen !NIP tro t evlll , 4t . .ai. Sub4,l,.alitl talseitTll V.A!7 . - 4 3,1,,,,,l hit, taat 01.1 1' Filthy vs :•••• W Al‘ed , l. 1 i 117...6—tine odour 10...L0f taw! in. Tow:it:de tw p. 1.. 1 ii,. ~ i , n . : 1: : : 1,, ,i 4 . , r, i , t „ l i i, t i ? . . i ‘ e v 1, , , , ,:: , 1 . i ~ . „ I , . ..it g . il :s w l a t ‘ , .. i 1 ea: . .1 . 1 .1. .i 1 g i t i 1 t i . „ .1 , , , i , stow ler: •oni'li by taii.l, of lie.. C il'ii-itaii.l .1 P K.r -1 i ily; ~,,,t n....,1 by tonis or 1; r thou - malt. 4 - ottlairitt :.,' Vp acre- Inure or less, about:o , 4,l . r. iittra,,, , ll, iii It -Mall (Pala- 4 1w , 31111L1 lore,es, trained Lainawl I orellartl., o l fruit trees tiirrvon. St . izeti anLl talo . l, 1 11,to exruitiliot at. clic soli of P I , Pow elan ss In ! -II I Maynard.' Nat stilt or ,:nno. %, ~.nor, . 1 ;,..S r.....t --no ea , .114. - 1 . 1i.1 of latill Ili:" S. .111 11 creek tw !, 1 tit:13;1; 1 not tli by fa,,,1. of sanolel ' ".; , •tt. east V.s.: . 1 rt,iel 11.3111!IgiIII V ,till, nu, to I)U' ittw.....tl 1, .t .t.t,orto I I,y Loch, of r..,...nnarrSiutilt and A Ens-•tt• ail , ' ' 5, t il , y' , l tool of Ill.' Du - Mt:tin. eontalt,lng 5 3 . anus.llk , 4 . frx. !.... ak.itl 411 ,it•ra.. , i 11ipttcoll., Si !tin a frahit-I . 1 ti ' Aai-o. I fraiar4 barn. L nag0,i,1.13 , 1 , ,, ,, tith0r 00:- ' l . lljll[l,kg, and orrh:11 . 1 3r !ion trees Ihri•con. Sciz , 1 t !..111 , 1 taken 11tt...... - 6,lllltai at flit. stilt 1-f .\ she r.. a 1 Andrus s. .1 A Can Wert. f I 'A Ls, i—t me .otli,r It,: 14 . laud in. 'ls'lll,ll4'lw .. 1131 , 31,51 north, by land of .Itwol , "Nor , lonk. bast I y 1 i i ,n4 f.r 1),,,,n.1:...N„.6-onk. ~,,nn 1,..,, 1:‘iol or i‘aloor Nor i; , on .11.41 Si r•-I . ly lattd or Patrick Menu, ,•.', t- I Clilailfg . aboll 1 1 00 a. , 1,. , of laws hike or 1e,,, nne., l!arres intpro've , l„ tjiil, 1 un u sed `- loan-e. I trailer 1 141 kiland ore, hard 'of fruit trers therlset. '>••::.. ,1 ai3l i!aken• into v363;1101, at line suit Of John Si I 11,..e . , ,, 1t5 . n . .. , siL., \‘' NI Norvoni,, t ,--- O l ! • I . -; j A lise - start lot 05 Wenn Toivatnla iron .. I,rtiltl-41 ilorllt lay 1'0r1.1r.,1,-ea,t pt. 1311 , 1 of .1 4.1 It alta Marla 0 ilenly, ~,:ttl, by land of! .1 F . l.Sleat , 31.1 . ne.t by land- !of t' A II I 15e,01,1..ts ith, a Lfe t ~ fruit trees tio.[Vtillj, Z•VILl!-01 and takt . lk illt.ieN.e.. `• !!,011 .3! !lII' salt Of H . MV II 3:1.... 11, , N I 1 V l ' t t .• . l g '• A It'g'—oin . otliqr I.( 'if laud hi Toit'alitia 1 ,4, 11`. lam/Atli:II oordi by 1 , :ate-;d. east 1, land of .5 ~. itarl, south I'y lands of liolins and 'Kirby and we 4•t by gust of Sir, F El, itiirber, I , ing . - iii ft!t i ;In; lii . I , ,if: ft 11,4•14 Wll 11 1 - rraltie.l hoar , :3.1 Lew' fruit Ire trp-ri-ota,. ! . ..1 . 11',..,l alt.] 1:0,4 . 11 Into es ,, 1Itiols ! :L1 1 1 t . ' .311 of F W 'late v;.,1:-.,, P .1.75::.1i. IA 1.. ,. . , , —I 'tie' other lot 44 lati.l In (;:ititon te. .. lieu - dud north by '1:111.i. or :t Si .Allen. t-tt 1 Id . t'll It, - nay IF I.i . :and 31 Ilry V, ,, ,51d-„;...utli by the Lyinit g io 4•uuty tine, and 00 ln land of Ilialii 11110 , , .•111- IIIIIIIIg 7:1 :,err. -f• land. more or r, - .... ,0„,,i, :::., aerr !,,,!;,-, i,31 n ill, I fr:11,51.1.3 , 1",,... 1 Tralaka-.1 liar 9 .ii 9 . 1, - .. , . „ r . hard of fruit tiler-theti-on. - $1.1,11 MO in....,1111 lutt. t 2 ). ecutlon at,,,tli, ,nit of ,Win 11 1,,....1. S 11m . ..i . ' 1.1 -1 Barnes. t'l A I.SII-01.. othiir lot of laud In NW tinfot twj.: hi.r.toled ou titte north hy land.. of .1 1' Horton atiil I flrant Iforttin. eit..4 .tty land. of Win. 'Vatiloos 4. ..,jiii 11 hy 1;111111,f Hiram Horton and . ..1 l' ilortoti, is : ,..ti I.S . :and' of Alvah' l'ohtl. containing 111 nett. , itiore or 1e.......ab0ut itt acre. , Improved. it tilt a boall.l hi.u..v. hoal - .1. Anal! and few fruit [fro, III••n•it. I, MI / ,, 1 and I:I ii ell Olt , . t•Nei . 11{10:1 at the •tilt of ‘ 14....‘1...v..T10inia-, i B 1'0n.1.111111., \V Point alt! l!ltith.a , loud.. .. I•k 1....%.)--.4 nor t•Till'i" 11 , 1 of land In Troy - twy, hotitt- I tli,l• riot lit by iall , i , 1.. f far.d, A Linderto.tn . :lll.l .0, , Ii11111:11ps. t•a,t, by lath: , 1 , 1 .1 M Smith. ,ouch 1:y la: .1 if I , A, of :-.iiog , lialltl 3101 WV , ..t by 1.1, or ,i,,.., , , x iii,,;:•., ~,,,,. ~,ntaltlh,g :,:;aor..,..„ltiore or 4-4 , ih, t :t I 4,t, ~ r,., 10t,i,!,..%0t1. .., lilt' 1 fratth - .I 1.14 , , , ,, I fralthld I . hitri, %%it h ..Iced , azttolted., I trained hot,- 1 , :i111 ,tll , l I hi.... fruit trt.t.s,theiti , .n. ....0i1...a . and talien loft. ot.- 1 Ofill hot at !hi. snit .f'"l /a., t.f tnot;.t..l . lantt v:. I.* ti. ..11- 1 aid. .\1.., at , nit of salll, .V., Nati.% ! ~ 1. A 1.! , . i---1 ),,i• ,h lot 'ol ,:t„a ,i, wy„ . 40,4,i 4 v... :.... „,,,,,.„1„1 ,„,,,,t, ttyllatol, of .. r . .f M Not qt,h, ...Alt Iti Bona of:-Auttiel tiaylot.l. soth Ity !mail ---Jhrt t. I ” wt-`t by a Pfhale toad on hook 1.1 .L.V.,6.,y1,-,.,1 Ell - , . :-.- -, - IV - • . • . . ; I late in 'possession of Wl', Midatiligh2 . then c e. aJotig Hne cif same north 26 310p7p to *cornet!: thenee Wing.: line of same wasti zip; thence along line of • same . north Op to a corner :In line of land conOied to Joao _McKinney, thence along Ilne'Of land 'of old:' McKinney and land noir or late In thOpossession of Ater, Dollterty,: m east, Dip to the place of begin alu ctib sling 67 acres anti 80p of , land Inore.or less,fihottt 30 acres Improved, 1 _framed hiattSe, I . fratnetillarand ; few !raft, trees litlereon. - fief[ to , Interest onl to be sold.; Seized and taken Itgeo.k.; ecution l at t e suit of (eo C Atistie: el irs Itiellard Grahatil.i.. Ise at the snit Of Janteb Stuthees We. vs• !Lime. ' I . - . , , 11,1A0-.0 6 other hit. Of land 14 . Pranklitr sold nrerton iw , . and being compo!ted id the Thole of tour riertaltireacta of tend surveyed in the motet of PeterEd e. l'Uter Temple, rialudel Temple and tier-al Itet which four several tracts taken to. goiter ere tided and deocribed i r. aa follows, to. ~ wit: lginni ig A( it beech in Met sontb.easterty tine ors tratir of landrsurveyed In the name Of Geo 3foorti, arid 4 corner of two tracts i ‘ itritlyed In the ' uainei Of. .14sephl Betz land (Teary, Betz; 'thetitto atongthe sahl south-easterly line Of the said Geo Moore tract a nd thecontlnnation of of line north,, • l'ait l eastiiiiipluf land more or less, to a point In the ... said colittoorttlonOf .said dine and at the westerly : Edgeof twltracts surve y ed in the names of 'Peter , ' Edge 411iI:Ge sge Edge: th encealonga tine he tweet*. the t'abllractS.surreyed to i'eter Edge ma Ifieorge.t. '. Edge 44 , 00 tki*'east 204 p „ more, or leis to' the west erly cerlitir of two, tractsl'surveyed 10 the names of • • Peter lfMnple and George Teutple; thence along a lino taimeen the, said tracts atirveyed 10 3,114 Peter - j- Ttinpir anti George TeMple , south 36 0 east 1 204 p. none .ir hire, !pa point at the easterly,corner of said last tern' lotted tracts. and in a linc. I)OVire.,ol the said laid 3,i toned Iraetli and land sUrvf - yed In the name or rant )toure; thence along Old last inen- tires,' hue and tai continuation thereofsoutli 30 0 west 40Ip More or! less to a • beech aqtlio eatlterly :. cornerofi tracts surveyed In . t. hi. Dates of atuttel ?, TemPlo and Henrypic.M itre. thonce . long the tine I , between the till last mentioned' war ts and along thermi. tidtweet. the tracts snrvlicd! In tbe nanies . . , of }leery Deli and,tosepti Betz. nortKtlO ° west to p,; more 'or 1 4... to the place of beginning: emit:Oleg • 1350 :acre} Of land, more Or 11..i..4011,1: :allowance for road, - 441.; The premises In question being a_o o ,r - • ti's, of the 6110 1 ' property conveyed. lby. a ftorllllli,' ... decd teoui .t.Monroo stunt.. High riberll2 of the • ,ahl cottntY Of Brad foril,; to II W llat rick. : dated' ', Mare!) 3 , 44 1..4:4, and recorded In the tall county in lb.' ...And - 11 1 ..0nd Ttea.sur , le's deed - 1,44"0k no 3.' page -277 aunt 2741; and a15,,,1n; the Wilco for recording' - deeds sc; in deed rfook no G 7. page .t 5. Sic, andstfm- said prrtniSes In plestionl.together With 119 prop erty .- - rentroveil by; a certain deed from the:Fall (:reek coal 'a Iron. Co. to the Fall Creek Minna moos Friar' co. dated ',Nov I, Itsls and recordral In '• sold,4 , .oinity of Bradford in the °Mee /for re.lordlfig tlell .'5 ii.[ - .lli , deed I.ssil. -.No 75, page ite, '&..'„; forte, log awl lofting the Whole property rotiveyed by stitd. _ Shrug'' deed to aald II W Patrick. and ifielalswe dc,criNid!landisilng the.sapie l tracti. askinveyeel . by a - ce'rtain deed from the; Fall 4 . .1t'4.4:' Coal' and , Iron Oh 7o the Fall Creek lidtundwitis (WO CO. 11:1Not ,1 too. 7. 1.4:II-Jim' rA,4o[44le4l,iif :Said county of ilrailford in ithe (life. , for levirilingi destlii'4 . ..., in Deed llok'No 92, par.': 373,'&c. gsired and taket3 , : into execution at the suit of fielder( E Mitivircvs • The Fail ('reek IllOrmlnOtis Crial C 0..; i A 1.5.1)- 2 4/ne uth.lrlot, situate In 0 :6re,11 tali, tie-- i - Scribed aslfollows :I heginning on pnbilc lilgflway' , leading. froin Wysfoxi tolVappaSena fl - , - reek.. known' . a, the - Itldge Road. on .Wititerly lin44, betweens:l:RV - ' pier,. of land owntil by .aid Taylor ind the , n6rthJl ern,. bOurOlary line rd •W II Darling 4unnitig: north cr. west -; atom: slid Ride:, toad -1 UJ'- 'to 3 pOitl: I 11151 , 1, , rtOrrll.7 ~ ° 9,1 along :line of .01(1 road 43 ps , to a potntn thence .4.111 Is.. -3 east attic}: said road . i p, , to a point; t letre along sallt - .rlnul north 21° east St Pm to e s polo t. !hurler's along said road north .-. i, a . east 112 1 pm to : 15 101 : 111.-m•e wirth 15 , '', 4 , rast .. 32 1,-. tte.M . t. aliiiiqsald road-73 Is 0 east 24 4.,10 line . between land, of 4' •ru,' (souk !awl 111.4 said Taylor; - thew., ....nth 2 is tei,t along line , between said lands. 15 240 ps,to a stale, . ,tories; thence along Ilne - of 1...1. of :c - Vrt. , Cock': N W Morgan and 014 said ~ 1 . „ ) .;„,....„-,n4 1.2 . ., 2 sres.t 1.13 4.10 ps taa cor: ;hence f• ~...,...1,•......- a '. We../..a1 .ng the sOnEherly line Is 440 pa to 0 coy, t1Vi1e...0.1 tit 3 , ,i . 7 . u. 41 25 pi to a Sor on dn.. of - 1.0.11-1 o!, - W Si liartlog and thil said 'T,:tYlort thenc'e alnng, i,oitii. ills - liM n of said Tasylors!land-; . o ..11. • , !4',1 I "F. 101,...t .I, s„10 ps to centre hf said Ilitigu e,i, to 7151", o f b e ginning': colit i ains 91 act:, lint 21 1... riot,; or1I4! ,, I, ~ . . A 1.5(1',71 .1 1e mile - lot. slittati; in G1ir..41 - twp, de- odllsol a. billoW , : beginning at the -.ll.ntre nf the lief..., ;al+ Ridge. r 01,1 .4n soothed) of land of ' said Taylcivind nor,theriy line of landa u , iof J .1 New ell running along .41.1 line ti0rth,_....5 , - , west 2:I.1 p 4, 'to a 1 ,-.- of I t .th,l, or .1 7 Newel!. 114-M ry 11.. v . -c aCid the ~.i i .., T.,, - .,,...:nh-i.e.l.norfli 2 , , : cast alilig wcHelly line of ~•t in T . .•.'0r't.13.141 I',r pt to a 4-9 r ..1 1:07.1, of Itr.rtoo II vi•I•lf. -N" Olds am! N:41.1 ...I l v a darcHrel W 4t 4 ow ,: I hence shim Td :Oil... o, ou ee k l. , W. W , /fit , i.i...1 'llO , said Taylor',: t7,ene...f.7 - .i.a - ea .,. us ;-i' ivi iil COI'. IllarklA by ~., staki,i' and i..... .at pUldle m i l l leading fresh ,till Kid d tbi roa . ! to Ja s Cleve ...DP-. Hi- lice li . !.'mg ~ ill r'Pad sonth au ea.-; 12 ii.lil I -.: tl...n'te along liertherol line .4:1 - ',cod . (lid, licit S I Wil...c.*;, lands. :ad tt. zof ' . 7.. east 131 - -lo I.:, to a i...t. of ,41,1 - :WO,- D. Cyril-4, 4 . ..04 an.,1.-0141 • , t a: .-,,,, , ,,, Itto4, lifargHll,y,s , ,ttlkf....:lllll Aollt•.: tllltlll -. V I" :ti0t1.,, , tltr.)llti ,. of I:u:.l,Lbf , al. - 1 . c.,11t and :paywr . :.....10, 2, f , '...0.4 a; 15,1,5011 •Iti!Ig.•" i. 4,3,1: ~.,t hello," , ,o,:tlwitylailing :al.; roa.l IV , _II , ‘II/I p!!ltt.t. . in 1' Itog i flint!, i•onlmlnlng l'; acres and -,...4i non, Or less. . 1 A i.s4i,-....9i1e ins 11, Int. t.1:11.:lti . III:v.ItiVell Mt., de; : ' , C111.•.1 4 , fi1'.: 1 .{ 1 ,.: Wt.:ill:1111g at a sligtir maple tree I at eor of hill I, of I II Darling mul 1m41 4 , foi welly owned by It 41'1.01,1141;411.:now ou aril by Pr 1.(41 , :,:ti0t Mu o i lilr 111. , .i.g line qedween Mo.:, hong north IS,'-., '''' . n e..i.1.1. :id.. 2'. if. 3 eor-of 4:..150 of th..4a1.1.0r,11...-w- • . i... .1 .1 NeW:til and lisr-,,abl Taylor, inarr.e.l :by a - „ •-.....- ,00l • .ibir••: ) hence due 4.3,st ; Bong 114...!_0r .. i 1:,,,,t- ,, r .0,) Newell and Tayrer 7 :13-I0 p. t',-a r• r I 0c.... , ,ed. by.ii -.bike old 4ii..tie. , : Ilienc .. .e alas;; lino , l, bet,,, d , ; co. e law ~ 'with .1= 0..-t Id s‘lo p , , to a s I-r ;.1...14.1.1. I r a be. 1:41 <.:1111illg : Oh:Wk . along lino , , e , ween 1.111 5 of NI - II Darling: and; .call Taylor I 52 ---• wo,t 43 i--10 Ir. lo 111- 1.!3..„ of I.eglnning :: fon.: tat, 1.2 clef"'. and , i ;cc more or 1e:,..! 1 . 4.1 c .la.ote• : it, , -.• l o t, of; and all , - ImrArt, as the A. 0. Filstito : f.O 1... with I,frameil 10m,,e, 3 Ironed 1.-attic, I h.l i.,4 - i ,01 , 1 other on't1m111:11a-, Til,,li‘rt - ) . : - .•.tas 4f f rit It' trev, 1 IIII•1 , -11. :i.q.',l OW tarn iltto rare tit:loll 33 ,liir ~r .7:, i• IN4 . .ki- • ;-cr, , v. A G Fri. , 1.1.... I A 1...i'al - ,iiit of Eaton N f1ri , 1.1. - .1 guardian of Itachael I. Cootl-r.. l s- , .1 ti P. 1,1. 1,. .. , . , , A 1,....?...-,,, , ,111, II Iot: •sitnate in 'ittli.m•-'1.3 1 M. • b0ui..1,1 twrill by 5..11,1ie highway:.lml tanils 'Or..CI 11110-ik , r. I.lt:t 1.3* :ttpl, or Ira W41,-,r., s ,O l ll, by . 1,...,1- „I' ci.5,4.ig.1,-,o curl 4.1 W \t'dike , r. Mot ,west • by b. od . or 1r.,: i 1,-I.loo' bit,: eontaio, c.t......e....''u10re i ~r 1..,--, ' a l iiirprov. , l with 1 f riitne.Zlol , l'. I- I rained, 1.4. ...., and 0r..1.3n1 0r' fruit. t exit- flie r , lon. Silica i And tak. 0 - into e,...c i Ilion 31 , tot 4if .1 1. 1 , ..1.- - 44-e s,, . I 1".•1r.. 4lrlitlth. aini . .11 (I final., 1 ,1 A I.!`‘ 1 --I . IIII : '411,1110t. -1 tun ti‘ In 'ISO 011 ,1 :1 l IIMII. . ! , :101...1 11 , 1 ill l.' 5,154.--- , t. ,:I.t by :lied, of ~1 .1 I 4; rilt.t:i....lth I.y 15.0.1, of 17 . .Iter..nr.; , and .w. i.t by f Ti,ird-d:ibeli: 0: ft front on -.aid Thir'..l -4. :Mil too; for., ,ald 51.1tt.-.1. 0111 I two-,t' o 'y ft. mod hi-u..... I 3,..1 ~ ...4 [nip: n .. ,•,•, p 1,1,4,11. :--1, , ,•,1•1,1,11.,1izt1i boo ri...,,,:ii , t, at .1.11 011 1 11 II Mace - , ii . t..i!", - 4- 1161:x Stu- h•i.,..i0.1.11 s Clark. . - -rl . 01, , ,,1._,..1.0 .ei.ef li.t of land In I , malt .top. 1...n0b-4 a, r ,, r. .. ..,•:. 'beginning 3: 3 M3l.:'. Ifni,, It, nor:I. welt ..'.in.'..of bind , °Milo.' Ity C .1 chat. . 1 heel.: ellen., tr•rih la'_' West -17. - 7:-111 . 14,.. p.. , 1 a n d I u'r..1... 2 : - thf il r e , Ilf , !Ill L.?: , 11.• , : 111 , 110' ..,Iri '.l. a.1 . .. ti .1.40. t...... th•• 1 0 . 4. .., 11 WI . f highway: lItv; ',Nit ~;,.1 tv1k , :..:; 7 • 110.::11h.• :1101 , t41,•7. t. , a 111:11111'. 111,. plat , i Willi 1.fraIll.: . 11 lll,tti 1 Tl,-1,•••11., ; 4 . , 1terl :111 Nutt. ..f! ) II Loortil.', I _.A E't 0-011 V, Othtli i `..;1111,11 :IN .(01.1,,W1:' ft t r..ut 611 tiny app , ar t.n a ma IF, r• TI . and VI, brdt. r IVn~k fit. list, p.tge 1 ;-1411.•