Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 31, 1876, Image 2

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NAST will not lecture this year.
L(ICDON policemen are to have cork
Tan apple crop in thisstate is reported
to he enormous
Finyos county, this state, has neither
bank nor railroad.
Ii RGE wolves roam through the streets
of Greeley, Colorado. .
TIFTEEIi miles?of "'underground railway
arc contemplated - in Paris.
A dog at the Cologne Exhibition,' last
year, 'weighed 187 pounds.
snoorrtro club in Pittsburg has leased
rounds for rifle practice.
A NEW and ; commodious opera house is erected in Scranton.
VIENNA beeglasses have to be submit
cd to the government gaguer.
(F.NtAstmEtirs for the army and navy
are active in New York city.
:Tim apple crop of Fayette county is
lanzer than it was ever known before.
• THE -rails are laid to Uniontown on the
Southwestern. Pennsylvania raproad.
THE famouS trotting horse,f Goldsmith
3laid, nets her owner $20,000 this year.
. ,
Two hundred voulnteer fire companies
Will parade at the Centennial next week.
CALIFORNIA is erecting so many hotels
chat the people will Soon have ono apiece
A inn of honey fell on a - Californiat i
and killed him. Sweet are the uses of
it d viftsity.
TIIE Desert of Sahara is now to be filled
fmni the Atlantic, not from the Mediter-
THE Bishop of Lineoln has directed the
prayers of his diocese to be given for'the
• I,irr. potato crop in many parts of north
crn.Pennsylvania is Said to be not worth
GEonGTA's forty cotton mills are said to
pay good dividends, and Texas is building
uipc railroi4s.
T4F.v couldn't get a Pittsburg preach
er to assist in burying the suicide Wood
wird on Wednesday.
lIIIT,LAND is about the only cool country
this summer ; there are 12,000 wind mills
in active operation there,
oNr. effect of cutting down the trees in
('arrula, It is said, has, been to deplete the
the streams of speckled trout. •
•THE Niagara. Fills extOrtionists have
• killed their ,goose. Visitors are scarce,:
add lay no / More golden eggs.
FAIOIERS in some parts of Colorado
have rut' their crops green rather thin
=have 11• e grasshoppers destroy them.
M:eldgan Grange is "di pining" a
member who married the daughter or a
Ironer Granger without his consent.
A "duplex demagougne:" is the Chi-
Tribune'R latest' pet-name for Nil
Voorhees, and fit 4 him like a glove.
A - Nroxa- the post-offices established in
"Pennsylvania last week were "Autism
Leaves," " Ifaidee" and "Boquet."
TFIE burning. of the Soldiefs' orphan
e.lfOol at Philipsburg, Beaver county, 'was
he; work of an 'incendiary. The foss, is
.‘ weekly German newspaper called the
p,,:d A:4db . ic artidle is published in Tokio-
Jaivin. The compositors are • all native
Japanese. •
C. C. - C., which stands for Champion
Centennial Cucumber, is in Swanton, Vt.
It is five feet two inches long and still
E ;rowinl.7,,
ItTe-FINITn RATION is the thing now. Three
liiimired stone masons are going to Scot
land to work on the Greenock parochial! '
l'itAix-nAsns will be the'neif thing,
and in New England, too, Exeter, N. H.,
Proposes them, having no more room in
hex jail,
A NeNi• Yorkeity undertaker buried 6e
t of a family' of six children in one week
lately in New York city. Scarlatina was
the di.ease.
152 the English Parliment voted for
eginration, art, and seinee an appropria
tion of This year the amount
"it you Crook your finger at me, I will
1:01 you," said Farr to Graham, at Kirk:
v;11.- Mo. Grahnm crooked his finger, and
Farr kept his promise.
Two sisters, of ('oboes, New York, lfi
and .20 years of age, have had a social nap
ten days:, They are fed by a pumpa4d
vat by physicians. •
Tilt: contemplated expense of - the rail;
under St. GOthardmountain„ Switzer
l4Ml,rimounts V 0,000,000 more thin
the original estimates.
I~ has been ascertained that a large
g-:inization of beggars exist in New
Torli,;Airesitled over by. a woman and
havh g. a treasurer and secretary. •
prisoners reCently eScapetlNfrom
Le Indiana county jail. They were assist
ed by parties without, throwing ropes
over the wall into the jail yard.
tbdyoke boy, whose spine has been
weidte - hed by illness, runs on all fourslike
IM health -is good, and he hops
ovcr the ground at a lively rate.
Mu. MAitifirr, a graduate.iif Bowdoin
('olleze last- week walked from Mount
IVashington to Portland iti one day. The
distance is one hundred miles.
' Tut; King of.the BelgianS has invited
ull.the Governments to send delegates to
international Congress of Geography,
to he held at 13russelsiSeptemher 11. •
Tile 2,00 broieries in the United
Ft tes produce yearly- 2M,000,000 gallons,
1. of malt liquor. Most 'of them have been
built within the last twenty-thee years.
TT - is rumored in tiondon that Father
llyacinthe is ab(kut to epter the Church a
E , zlim4l. Fathbr Gavazzja, another dis
tinguished ex-Cathcilic, will visit Austra
lia. /1,
ALTHOUGH . ONVellSbOrn Ky., has now
twenty-tive_mammoth tobacco stemmeries
in operation, three more are to be built
immediately to accomodate the increased
entire list of, Schiller's plays are to
- 3 11 e produced at the 'Court Theatre in
:31unicli in the comming season, beginning
,with "The I3obbers' and endibg with
. .
t TUT; new Catholic Bishop Tuigg at
Pitt burgh has got into trouble with a
Catholic newspaper at that place. The
paper sustains secret societies and the
Bi-hop dentin - flees them.
••tx: AMES M. Buchanan, for many
yrars pyliminetit in 'political and legal life
Baltimore, Wed of paralysis. - im Wednes
day last, at Ilf!rkleprings, West Virgin
ia. in his seventy-fourth year.'
Gy.o. C. NEEDHAM and family have
rived at Montreal, from England. Mr.
.le«litain will give Bible readings in a few
.I,llrom before he reaches his home•in Phil
adelphia, about September I.
l`nr. Lucknow (India) Witness sayithat
erations of the American missionary
on.ties in Norcherifindia will be curtail
( d.ll ‘ lis year, (mina° the financial press
ie in the United States.
THE Morley Punshon of
England. intends to devote his next visit
to 'his country almost wholly to matters
e , nmeted with his church, and he will be
to lccture only a few times.
l'nE Lack l aWlanna Valley coal region is
in r licit a disturbed Mate that law abiding
people are banding together in vigilance
committees to protect their lives and
A COMPANY has been organized at 'New
Genera. Fayette county, for the erection
of a blast furnace at that plas.e, with: a
o-T•i'al stock of ti0,000, - , to Tie known as
1 1 ;i "Gallatin Furnace and Mining Com
11n. Moses T. Tilden, brother of Gov.
Tilden, still lies at the point of death at
i:ome in New Lebanon,- N. 'V. His
disease is dropsy, of the heart, and th.
physicians have no hopes of his recovery.
Goy. Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio, has
msim:red his membership- in the. State
l',,ard of Centennial Commissioners, on
acrmint of other duties, and Gen. Buck-
Freemont, Ohio, has been substi
tuted:in his place. • •
:Tus: BiShop of Peterborough, England,
pre:idled on -a recent Sunday in St.
Saviour's Church, Oxford street. London,
in aid of the Institution for the Deaf and
'Dumb. (no of the officiating., clergymen
%pi:tined to the deaf mutes 'by signs
cr.v.y Word of the 'sermon as it went on.
Tut: . a
Tennessee state comptroller pub
lishes notice that past due coupoiaa,bf
July, - 1615, of. the bonds of that statie,
hair:Lauding coupims of July, 1874,
aynd Jdimary, 1875, Rill be paid on -and
idler the. 151 b proximqat the Fourth
Stink of Ne* - Torlf stale'
1 6 1:01it'elffiret ftiegiNN
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Itradfigil'lttpotter, • ,• • .. ~
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Phrazda, Pa., Thursday, August 31,1876.
a A 411:) A DIA: WWI: V N 4 4
(Subject to decision of Conferencej
(Subject to decision . of Conference.)
We will send the CAMPAIQN RE ,
PORTER from the Ist of September to
31st of December, for TWENTY
Hon. GEe. LANDON,-..and H.
PALM* of Wilkes 7 Barre, will dis-,
cuss the political issues of the day in
the Court House,lon Monday evening
next. .7 The meeting will convene at
o'clock. All are invited to' attend
and hear these able champions:
We, referred briefly last week t 6
the Republican Convention which
assembled in this *place on the 2.24
inst. In a county like ours, - where
there are so many men fitted for
leaders, it is not at all strange that
the strife for positions on the ticket
'of the dominant party is sometimes,
heated. It would be folly to say that
the result of the convention was en
tirely satisfactory to all who were
candidates before it, or to the. whole
party in the county; but we
. do as
sert, with Out fear of successful con
tradiction, that the -proceedings. of
the convention throughout.were char
acterized by harmony,4lig,nity, and
transparent fairness There was a
conspicuous lack of ordinary._ wire
pulling, unfair combinatiOnS; and
other " tricks of the trade.' The
delegates seemed , intent only on pre
senting a ticket 4 against which no.
reasonable objection could be ',raked.
That they were:successful in ''this a
careful investigation Of the 'candi
dates wilt fully demonstrate, and the
result in November will prove* thor
ough endo'rsement of their judgment.
The proceedings of the ll6use of
Representatives. at Washington dur
ing the past session has, satisfied all
Republicans and many honest'l)emo
cratsl that a sad mistake was made
two years ago when the DemOcratie
party, controlled by its rebel ele
ment, was permitted to gain control
of the lower house of COngreis, and
more than ordinary interest was
manifested in the choice of a 'can
didate for
The selection . of Col. OVERTON with
hearty and entire unanimity, evij
dences the high appreciation in which
he is held by the party. It is 'hardly
necessary for us to call attention to
his past history. His career is part
of the history of the county. He
was born and rear'e - d. in this place.
At an early age lie entered Princeton
College, where he maintained:a high
grade of scholarship and graduated'
in 1856 With high honors, Just in
time to take an active part ",in the i ,
first Republican campaign, although
he, had barely attained his majority.
,Two years later be was, admitted-to
the bar of the county, having read
law with Judge. — MEnct.7n. He at
once entered- upon .successful pro-
fessionai career, and succeeded to a
large_s share of the practice :of . his
-father, who- was then just retiring I
front active bUsiness life. In the I
spring of 186 l was appointed
counsei to the Commissioners;' i a • po
sition which had previously been
held by such den as JR(lge EWELL,
J. C. ADAMS, and JUdge, Nikacun. !
Although engrossed in hi& increas
buSiness and with a bright polit
ical future before him, he closed his
office' in. response to the demands of
patriotism and offered his t services
to his imperiled,country. i llis mili
tary record is an honor to the County
and the hundreds of. brave boys who-
left their home comforts for the pri - - , ;
vations and sufferings of camp life
with him. He engaged in - , many
important battles, and was once se,
riously wounded, but like Gen. :GRANT
he was "bound to fight it out on that
line." and remained in the army until
the close of the war. The `history of
.!Pennsylvania. Reseives makes,,
honorable mention of his 'courage,
military skill and bravery. Notwith
standing the fact that it is Col.
OVERTON's fortune to be the son of a
wealthy father, he i thoroughly de4 l
ocratic in his tastes
nd habits and
sympathizes with the genius of our
republican institutions, recognizing
no nobility except that of intellect.
Modest and difident almost to a, fault,
he never boasts of either his Military
record, business success, or p.,litical
popularity. - His candidacy was not'
Of his own seeking, but was ;father
14.1t' recall of whit the Wit. now_ is
OF 01110.
the pallor considered s 'necessity tO
certain success in the canvass. If
the Conference shall endorse that
judgment, defeat is beyond' even a
possibility. Not only in this county
but all through the district there are
hosts of "boys" who knew and ,ad ,
mired the Colonel in the army, who
will esteem it, a privilege to work for
his election. If nominated, Bradford
county will give him 3,000 majority.
From a pecUniary standpoint, 3lr.
OVERTON could gain nothing by hold
ing a seat in Congress, as his legal
business, which het i , resumed in com
pany with N C. ELsnann at the close
of the war, has grown to immense
proportions, and there is scarcely an
important case tried in onr courts , in
which he is not employed, and he
consents to become a candidate only
in deference to the judgment of those
who believe his election would be
advantageous to the best interests of
the country.
The careless supineness through
which this Senatorial district came
to be represented in-the State Senate
by one of the most uncompromising,
bigotted partiians in the Democratic
party, admonished thinking Republi
cans of 'the necessity of remedying
the mistake so far as possible, and
the convention acted with great, wis
dom and discretion in nominating for
WILLIAM T. DAVIES, of this place.
Mr. DAVIES is emphatically a self
made man. Some twenty years ago
he left his rural home in the eastern
part 'Of the county and took up his
residence in Towanda, where he served
several years as Principal of the
Graded School. At the instance of
some, of the leading attorneys he en
tered Judge ELwELL'S office and ap
plied himself with great tenacity to
the reading of law: He was admit
ted to the bar, and although without
influential friends to aid him in se
curing clients, soon found himself
with a lucrative practice. tut his
patriotic instincts led him to.give up
bUsiness, bid adieu to a bride . of only
a few months, and enter heartily into
the service of the Union when the
lamented LINCOLN called for Aroops.
His constitution proving insufficient
forf : the rigors of soldier life, gave
way; and for week's he was "nigh
unto death's door," and on recovery
was. forbidden by his physician to re
turn to the army. But his interest .
in the soldiers and the cause of the
Union was manifested in many ways.
Of Welsh descent, he naturally im
bibed Republican sentiments, and
long before the organization of the
Republican party was a zealous ad
vocate of the principles,Nyhose advo
cacy and maintenance have' achieved
so much for freedom and hlman pro
gress. The Republic* party ihas
always recognized in 'him :a worthy
and able leader, and no citizen of the
district will ever regret his election.
During his term in the State Senate
the interests of his constituents and
the welfare of the Commonwealth
will be zealouslY guarded.
Out of all the men mentioned in
connection, with the office of
perhaps no three better fitted for the'
position could have been selected ,
lion. E. R.-MYER is a tried and faith
ful servant, whose experience as a
legislator. will prov = e of great benefit
to the people not only of this county,
but the whole State. His legislative ,
career has been noted for the fidelity
witlywhich he has guarded the rights
of his constituents and` advocated
general laws calculated to better the
condition and relieve the burderia of
the unfortunate. In every part of
the State lie is looked upon by those
who. know him as one of the most
useful men who has ever had a seat
in the Legislature. Although not
identified with any ltemperance or
ganization, all legislation asked for
by the, friends of temperance has
found in him a consistent, steadfast
advocate. Long before the passage
of the "Local-Option " law he intro
duced a similar bill in the Senate.
The people may implicitly confide -to
his protection their : interests with the
assurance that their confidence will
not be betrayed.
The' colleagues of Mr. MYER--
Capt. JAMES FOSTER, of North To
wanda, and Jou x F.' GILLETT, of
South Creek are men who have
never held official poSition at the
hands of the people of this county,
and yet both possess rare qualifica
tions for the position to which they
have been nominated. Mr. IMEn
is,a young man of excellent bu4ness
capacity,unexceptionable liabitsnd
general information. While quite
young he enlisted in the army, and
by strict attention 'to duty and sol
dierly bearing soon won a Captain's
commission. His reputation as an
upright,;yrudent and capable busi
ness man is good wherever he is
known. 3lodest and retiring in dis
position,r lie is nevertheless fearless
in the advocacy of whiVhc believes
to be right. lie is a pronounced Re
publican., and knows well how to de
fend his faith. lie is not only an
honest man himself, but has brains
sufficient to detect disnonesty and
trickery in otheis. The - :,peOple of
Bradford county williie'Ver have rea
son to regret his election.
Mr. GILLETT is An. old citizen of
South Creek, and
_is universally re
spected; in Western Bradford where
he is well; known. He has been ac
tively engaged in business for many
years, and has An enviable repUtation
among his neighbors. He is a lead
ing member of the Baptist Church,
and bas during the past season given
ground for the erection ftf„ , a church
edifice, beside contributing liberally
toward the structure. lie is'aburt ,
antly qualified fur the office of Re'
resentative or any other poSitinn in
the gilt . of the people:.
Tin mittiovilvt
- I
is Tnos. A. - Lim, sui salve young
man of
,Herrick township., MI was
a good soldier, and since the warpas
fnuriri,prO n !og hook
devoted himself to the
soil. The office for which he has
been nominated is a most important
one, and the selection of a man of
such unimpeachable character afibrds
another gratifying evidence that. the
Republican party means to fill all
offices with good men. "
Fellow-Republicans! the ticket is
before you. See to it that every vo
ter does his duty from this time 'until
the close of the polls in November,
and a glorious victory will be' Ours.
It is understood that another suit
growing out of the St. Louis, Alton
and, Terre Haute Railroad litigation
will be begun in a few days against'
Gov. TILDEN in the United States
courts. The new suit will be based
on the old income tax law, .andl will
be brought to recover a large balance
claimed to';:' due the Government
as a tax on Gov. TILDEN'S income
for the year 1862. It is alleged that
in 1863 Goy. TILDEN swore to an in
come for the previous year of $7,118
from all source i liable to taxation.
In - his analer'io the complaint in
equity filed by ;the .St. Louis, 4116 n
and Terre Haute Railroad com'pany,
Gov. TILDEN acknowledgad the re
ceipt of $20,000 as counsel fees in
1862. It is further alleged that; Gov.
TILD'EN received during the same
time stock of the road to a Marge
amount on Ifis individual account, in
addition to $33,000 of the first mort
gagej, bonds and $lB,OOO in rest.
These sums, it is alleged, were not
included by Gov. TILDEN inhis in
come returns for 1862; as required
by law. The suit will be brought to
recover about $50,000. It is Stated
that the papers
,in this suit have been
already prepared. According •
present arrangement' of the
calendar, the case will not be
before Noiember r but, if the
ness of the courts accumulates
great extent, a special trial terr
be held in October. In that e
is asserted that the suit will be
in that month.
"some where else," in the vi
those Democratic • c`ongre.'j
For instance, Mr. Jous Goon l
of.. Virginia, writes to a fric
Norfolk : !" I have secured
money for our district than has - been
given to any other in the State—
s4o,ooo for the harbor of Norfolk,
$50,000 for the powder magazine;
$15,000 fora light-house . at the mouth
of the Nansemond River, $5,000 for
the Elizabeth River. and $6,0 1 00 for
Nansemond River, besides A large
appropriation for. : the navy-yaril.
Vlakt:more did my .friends elect of
me ?" 4
Indiana Democrats have printed what
purpoits to be a private letter from
General KILPATRICK to Governor
lIAvEs, giving a doleful account of
? . I
fife RepubliCan prospects , in that
State, and saying, among other
things, _ " a bloody shirt can
with money, and Indiana is s
financial campaign and no
and we are beaten." Of cour
pretended letter is a canard, a l
invention is as stupid as it is (1
- est. The Indiana Democrat.
take a gloomy view of their
pests when ,they resort to su(
perate expedients. They do
plain where they got this p
.I'll . E claim set up by Dem
that they have saved. some
millions' to the people by
down appropriations,: is so
that it hardly need i e contradiction.
The apparent saving is by stopping
work on public buildings at a time
1 when the work could be prosecuted
more economically than ever 'iaefore,
and at the same time afford einploy-
Inent to thousands of poor me who
are now compelled, to remai idle,
hat the disloyal .South may claim
F the credit of retrenchment and re- •
form. The intelligent voterslof the
' country need no arguments t) con
! vinee them of the hollowness c f such
pretensions. - 1
A FEW disappointed political hacks
several dyed-in-the-wool Democrats,
followed by a dozen sincere, honest
temperanCe men, held a convention
(?) in the Court House on ,31onday
last. In deference to the real tem
perance men who are• unforttinately
being used as cats-paws to injUre the
Republican party, we print the pro
ceedings in another column. It is
simple justice to the temperance peo
ple, hoN6ver, to state that the men
I t
most active in the affair ope ly de
clare they do noeintend to s ipport
the ticket.
EUONOMY. - - While,•Demor
prating so loudly about retten
and reform, the figures show
adini uistration since the organ
of the government has been
dently managed as during. I
GRANT'S . second term. The e
per capita are sixty cents le.
during BUCHANAN'S term.
ADOET the only virtue .clai
TILDEN i 8 that he is a reform:
now it, tunas out, by his o
dente, that he .not only clef
the government in 1863, but
ly perjured hitnelf. Is that tl
of reform the people want?
THE Senatorial candidates.
district have
,mutually agree(
the conference shall be "held i
place on Friday, Sept. 8, :at
B. M.. The conferees will take
If. time put plot'
:Y~~. C..t..
'',',' ,-
A Fithi Day.
- •
. Saturday last
. Wltti a regular field
day with 'the Republicans •of • this
county. Three large meetings were
assembled on that day in different
sections of the county, and the
thusiasm displayed'was an encourag
ing omen for Republicana. From
indications everywhere manifest, we
feel sanguine. that !Bradford : county
will redeem herself this fall 'and send
greeting to our fellow-Republicans
of: the State an -,.01d-time :,msjority.
Those who in the past kw years have
"fallen out by the way," neW see the
fully of their coUrs - e in giving . aid
and comfort to the late rebels.. Their
new allies. have: already Proven a
warmed serpent in the bosom.
The meeting at: Athens lwas held
under the auspice's of the lIATEs
and WHELER Ci 4. *aSheriff SPALD
ING presided. The first speaker was
Hon. GEO. i L.AND4* - : , ) - It wag his first
appearance before 'the Republicans
of Athens for many years, and the
hearty reception accorded him was a
cheering evidence of their high re
gard for his ability 'as a public speak.
er, as well as opinions on, the
great questions at issue in the pend
ing campaign. Mi. L.'s speech Was
one of. his most eloquent efforts; .his
arraignment of the :I.)emocrotic party
was as 'severe as it iwaS merited. He
prove&conclusively that it would be
a dangerous experiment to give them
further Control of the'allitirs of gov
ernment. The diepublican .
with all its faults', and notwithstand
ing the fact that some badmen had
been elevated to iiioll positions by it,
was the only hope of the country.
4 Mr..LANDON was followed by Col.
OVERTON, who sppke for about fifty
minutes in a most] eloquent, ,impres
sive and logical manner, fully sus
staining the enviable reputation he
enjoys of' being the rising man of
the .Republican 'party in Ni rthern:
Pennsylvania. The large audience
listened to his telling hits at the I
position and• poWerful arguments in
favor of ' the party which saved the
country with the greatest{ interest,
not Unmixed with I)ride that one so
brilliant and talen E ted had been : se
lected by the party in this County a.,t:
our choice for Ittifire'sentiative ,the
National Council.
0. H. P. KINNEY. of Waterly, was.,
called, and responded in a!short ad-:
dresS full of faits and cOnvincit4
arguments. Large delegations werei
preSent from Ulster, Sheshequin,
Litchfiield, Wave'ily and other towns.
The Club have [raised , a 1 majestic,
litatyly pole, front! whic - h.:Aloats the
star 'g and stripesbearing the names
of our standard-hearers.
o the
to a
• may
ent i
app l y .
W of
7., jr.,
'ml i n
1N 11.10t1I1URY
the day had been' selected for open
ing the campaign., by a pOle-raising
and mass meetini at gently Crag*.
Maj. Rontssos and the other actrte
Republicans in 'the neighborhood
made all necessary preparations, and
everything passeit, harmoniously.
The pole was raid without' the least
accident, :ind wais•;witnessed by
a thousand i nte rested spcctaturs.
Speeches were inade by JouN F.
SitsoEnsos, of Towanda, and lion.
(1,. L. Smrru, of Elmira. The fact
that the large audience listened with
,intense interesVOiroughout the ad
dresses is a sure gtnitantee that some
thing more than! idl6 einjosity drew
them together. he people of
1 paign
1 fe ; a
se thr4
41(1 the
li des-
not to be outdone by other sections,
mate preparations for a grand time
On the same day, and their expecta
tions were not disappointed. At an
early hour the people began to flock
in, and at the time appointed for
opening the meeting the streets were.
filled. The first' 'thing in order was
raising a "Centennial-" pole—so
styled from Use Pictthat4 measures
just one hundred feet, from= th
ground to the UP.' As the stars and
stripes were raised to the top a salute
was fired in hOnor of 'the names
HAYES and Witema, which had
been inscribed so distinctly on
.that they might 'be read of all men.
The LeßaysviNlband was present,
and as the flag Went up played
" Hail Columbia;':' The meetinglwas
titen called to orderfrom a stand
erected 'for the Occasion, and was
opened by a campaign son g by the
Wyalusing Iltt4ettei Glee Club, in
splendid style, Nvhieb was greeted
with - rapturous applause. 11Ir. BIXBY,
President of the Executive Commit
tee of the ITA,vEs - and WHEELER Cani
paign Club, theti delivered a brief,
interesting introtctory address, giv
ing a history of the progress of cam
paign work in "\ yalusing. At the
close of his. re arks, another song by
the Glee CluN l l4 l m. 11. W. PALMER,
of Wilkes-Bariie,Was then introduced,
and for an hour and a half held more
than one thousand people spell-hound.
by his incomparitble eloquence. As
the' speaker recalled the memories of
the past, tears Wlre seen to trickle
/town many a cheek of thOSe who
had eontributedsOns and brothers
to gore up their - lives for the salva
tion of the Republic. His speech
was one of the Eibprzlssive ever
delivered from th 9 stump, and cannot
fail of a lasting,ll?enefteial effect. At
its close three times three rousing
Cheers swelled tlfij throats of the vast
audience for HilvEs and WHEELER,
followed by a stirring song, " Vote
for HATES," by the Glee Club,- and a
piece by the ba!fi t d. Brief remarks
,were then made! by J. nor.comn,
Chairman of. the County Conimittee,
and W. H. Tuo3Osos, Esq., and the
meeting adjourne with the best of
The day paylwell be termed a
"field day,.''and Ire hope other local
ities will imitattiltbe good example,
dad t4tlt, have -Many nwro
ilk% !la! . •
of ex
is are
hat no
:o prtt
en era
s than
ir, am
,c• kind
n this
i i this
:..-„, ~ t--,,..:.. , _......-,,,,....
. _ „.. . ,
, ,-,-.- ---
The nominating orvention of the
Prohibition party. of Bradford coun
ty, assembled at the Court Hcfuse, in
Towanda, Monday, Aug.;, )8, at one
o'clock, P. M.. The The conven6ion being
called ; to order by O. J. Ouu ci n neon.,
Secretary pro tem. in absent of S.
S. Bufis, chairman of :iEsecutiie
committe, whereupon C. g), W ITE of
North Towanda was nominate chair
man, and Geo. C. STOLL was chosen
Secretary. Upon taking! th chair
Mr. WRITE called the list of districts
and delegates responded is ollows.
Albany.—J. B. Stertigor. 11. Jones.
Aitylutn.-31.*Frisby. Thos. litngatr.
llitthugton floro.—S.. Urn, T. Ni: tano. ,
West—J. 3t. Rockwell,, L. Jj
Grattvlite—.ll. Saxton. A, M. Mote,
3tontoißoro.—E. F. Fowler. '
Twp.—J. Platt.
Chubbtick, E. It•
I'ikr.—.lsa Warner.
Rom() Don).-4). U. If Ina, 11.,Yeati.
S bfleld.—A. Seward
Towanda Born
Fi r g ward,—Geo• C. Stoll, William 31 1
St!COI141 Ward.—C. J. Coothaugh, C. 31.1
Wayluaing.—Wm. Chamberlain, A. 1
Wyaux.-1,. E. Bishop, Wui. 31yer. ,
The Convention being 0113 1
zed, the chairman announce(
first business-in order the no
of candidates, when Q. J.
offered the following motio
was 'carried
That five Senatoril conf
appdinted by the chair.
The chair appointed O;
J. B. STERRIGER, and A. 111. MOTT, as
Senatorial Conferees to represent the
Prohibitionists of Bradfoid County,
In the Senatorial conference{ forihe
15th Senatorial District, for the pin.-
pose of nominating a candilate for .
!Senate. The choice of tie Conven
tion being JOHN F. CIIANOIERLAIN !of
Wyalusing, the conferees !wei.e so in
structed cast their ballbt.
The Convention then pro+ded
nominate candidates for Representa
tives selecting for the first an eastern
candidate.. The following Were Inv
muted 'to the convention, STANLEY
R. MYER. Result of Ballot} was as
follows: H. BLACK, /7 ; S.j Wj
.13; E. It. MYER, 3.111 r. 14Aci: receiv
ing a majority over all Was deel#ed
. ; I
As a central candidate he name of
JAMES FOSTER was preaen t ed and
unanimously nominatea,' .also the
name of JOHN.
wF. Gimai a - $ a wtist
ern' candidate as presente and de
clared unanimously nominattl.
3 On motion an ekentive committee
was appointed .by the chair as follows,
V. J. CH l;11147CK, Wm. CHAMpERLAIN,
.1; AL PiATr, to whom the duty of fill
ing the office of Jury Cominissioner
was mven
On motion it was Carried thative
Congressional conferees' be appoint
ed to rer resent Bradford eOunty !in
the District Convention for ihe mini
illation of A - candidate fur bon g ress
for the 5 23 d 'Congressional District,
composing Bradford, ‘lBitsquelmnna,
Wayne 40 Wyoming leOuHties. i r
The chair appointed as t i onferees;
GEo. C.; STOLL, HENRY; HiR.RIS,iI3 7 .
JONES, WESLEY STEN - F:4l and .A.:5,1..
WARNER.. ....i Thc! choiceilOf Congrd.4s
man being left with confere s. i
On motion it was carine. that the
chair appoint in each election distinct
a vigilance committee Of three to
take the work in IMnd. • :
On motion tile following . .lelegates
were appointed a comittee on resOlu
tions, viz. 0..1, CIII:BRUCK, SIIERNiAN
HILL, .1. B. ‘.:_,•filautioEit4 A. ;M. MOTT
• ;
and .1: M. MATT, .:
On motion the Conventior l
eirSiliC die,
In a letter to Mr. OTTE
publisher, in the New Yo
Zellanyi . ex-Senator CABI.
takes the following view
idential sitnati9n. No thin
in the country will hesitute
that results predicted M
not likely to take plaeUin
of the election of lark§ o
Which policy will the peop
;to endorse in November'
" I should not dare to promise the
people an, ideal political tsa l uatiori if
Hayes be elected; but sts regards the
i three points which the addresses' of
Alm May' conference touched upon,
r r the followingtappear to me as sore
1 1 as anything one can ever count upon
in the future;
1. The application of the whOle
constituttonal power of: Uh Execu
tive to secure a prompt resumption
of specie payments, and - apparently
an agreeable tuajority in Congress.
2. A weeding out of ha officers,
and a, consequent earryind throngh
Of his programme of civil irvice
form on the part of the l i resident,
as far as his constitutional powers
will permit him. The etuployment
in the public service l ,pf not one mere
party agent. The abolitlon of the
booty system. Oppositiolilto these
reforms on the part of the= booty poi
iticians in Congress. ' The overthrow
of this opposition at the ne:ft, Con
aressional elections.
3. At intelligent execution of the
laws,joitted with, a just, eoneiliatory,
and honorable policy toward the
people of the South."
I .
In the event of a Detnocratie yltc
; I
" 1. A soft-money majonty in the
House of Hepresentatities.l EttOrts
on the part of the PreSiqnt in he 4
half of a resumption of .sp,ecie
ments, which are overruled ley the ma
jority in the House ofJtepreseata-•
tives. A continuation 4 our outer
tain financial position for n indefi
nite lengi,hl• of time. In; ca e of the
succession of Mr.? Hendricks to the
-Presidency, universal cOnflision and
a revival of the inflatiOniAs'
2. The weeding out 00.114 bail Offi
cers, but also the good ones. A ire
menduotts, irresistible rnshlof office
seekers from the South and 'North': to
divide the booty:- A substantial ebn
tinuance of the booty syStezi, and the
civil service as part MaChinery, and,
all the demoralization whip; would
flow from that. Sundry ellofts in the
right direction, borne -down by the
pressure: of partisan interests frOm
all sides.
3. The rousing of false ihopes'i of
the laWless clement in the South by
their party victory, and:thel ineretise
of terrible excesses and itietiotiSry ,
offerts)lX spittOst thodfialtuspf
i- :z
goverment; and.s :thT3' better' Part'Ll° l l
the Southertk people teitippretit,e4hf
This is my view of what woald
ma( from the triumph of; the one or
the other party."
TILDEN advises everAnxly, to 11V$
within their income. An eCellc:nt
rule. But is it just honest for SAm
MY to pneket some $30,000, and On
tell the assessor it s was only $i,00 . 0 ?
Perhaps he never read the 'story of
TUE great coal sale resulting' from
the breaking up of the combination,
came :611* in -.New York on_ Tilesdy.
Four hundred thousand tons ware
sold at' prices ranging from V.1.75!it0
to $3.90 per ton.
~ .stran.
IIoN. A. B. CORNELL has lieen j;re
acqininted Chairman of the Repuhli
can State Committee of? NOV York.
• -
as the
Grant!' Action in Relation to the Death of Speiiker
Rerr—Mississippi RepnbMans and Democrats—
Like Omar's Wife—The Piesident's Messaga on
the. River and Harbor Appropriation Bill—Tak
ing' Stand Against Tilden .
'lees be
It will be admitted by the bitterest fii3o
- of President Grant, that his pronipt
ings are of sincerity, and that he permits
no • political consideration to deter
from expressing, his feetingat the prober
time and on the proper occasion. Thei=re
emit order of the President in relation to
the death of •fon.M. C. Kerr,late Speak
er of the House of Representatives is'
manly and creditable to the head stud
heart of, the author. He aceor4 to
late presiding officer of the Ilonse,;'lle
-possession of all those virtues which
noble human nature, maker sulk as
he the ideal model to be imitated by;-the
rising generation. The President prompt
' ly conies forward, and (I( es that which
cannot, at this time, be done by the
over which Mr. Kerr presided. Ile tikes
official notice of hit demise, and inOtes
the people of the thit , Nl States to
emn,tecognition of the public and priVate
worth and the services of a pure and
nent cletracter." The man who can; do
this noble act'towards the memory Of a
political adversary, must have inWantim
pulses of a high , order. Let thitse Sab o
would defame the President, holdinghim
urto public scorn as devoid of any miinly
qualities, hang their heads itishatne.,q
A • conference of Some twenty leading
Republicans of Mississippi, representing
all past factions of the party in that Suite,
was held in this city on AN edicesday,tbe
16th inst.,
and a very harmonidus se4ion
ensued; They cordially agreed its t4the
correctness of the statements made hi, the
Boutwell r-port on the last election in
that State, and Of the conclusion's arrived
at byJhe majority-of the, Senate'ciantnit
tee. They represent that 'the RepuWans,
of Mississippi are organizing asi rapidly
as they can under the cireitinstancesand
will make the best tight passible, .attho'
they may not be able to carry the State;
notwithstanding they have a legitimate
majority of 31,090. Senator Bruce',:and
Congressmen Lynch and IV is attended
the conference. ..-.,_
The beinocrvy of Miss' sippi have thor
oughly entrenched thei selves In Owe):
as the result of their b oody viclorylr i last
fall, aid have so manipulated the regis
tration laws that the colored visters;J arc
severely proscribed in this first step of
the elective pr i ivilege.- As a result, itswas
feared, as was doubtless intended, Oat
hundreds and 'thousands will be Prevented
from preparing to vote, N$ hjfe no Ikii :.
crat will be , sabsent on either occasion.
There is an absolute Idarkilexg about this
Mississippi affair which should alarritithe
whole nation, particularly in view of the
probable closeness of the el -t ion. ant }=the
probability that that-State trill casOier,
vote fur Tilden as a direct and conspien-'
pus result of a violent and lawless retplu
A very common -gultation of one - Who?
has just gone through his collegiatOstu
dies, to express purity of charactq, is
that A, B or C "is like Caesar's ytife,
above suspicion." Now this is a clasAical.
style of diction, and when we say thitt it
is about to be supereedeirby a quotation
having its origin hi the near past, :mil for
which the National Reptiblican CouVen
tion recently held at Cinoinnati is wholly
responsible, we cast a retrospect on our oy
hood days, and shed a tear upon the gtave
of our gliml old dominie..- i.: -
• Gentle Teat el- '
are you anxious to know
to ' what we refer in the foregoing Ora
graph 2 Wel , it is simply this : ?Two
months ago the Regublican party 14ced
in nomination for the exalted positions of
Piesident and Vice-Preident of the (,nit
er States, Rutherford B. Mayes and Will
iam A. Wheeler. 'lmin:di:Rely tlie, De
m icracy organized 'smelling commitiSf.e.s,'
to see if something ciniiii not be found in
the "walks and conversations" o f th yso
gentlemeit that would-justify and titake
applicable the words of the poet: _
shall not live: look : UP Itil a.pd I qaiiin
The search
.has . proven be fruitless;
and while the Democratic nominees ftfii.e
been proven to be vulnerable at all punts,
the Cincinnati (•111Vention has give to
the nation candidates whose namesd are
sympols of purity. Ihn'eafter it will be :
"Like Hayes and Wheeler, above srispi
the Pi•es-
tug man
to adinit
S. are
he evEqlt
President Grant, in a ineSslge
House on the River and Harbor Atrprer
priation bill, very frankly told thenoluit
if the expenditure of all the monq ap
propriated had been made imperative, he
would have vetoed the bill ; but:as glad
been left discretionary, he had Signed
He plainly avowed his h.tention toAdisi
criminate between improvements iif rf
public and private character, and tlnAt he
would expend the respective amount set
apart for the former, where the pubhejn
terest will be subserved, but that he could ;
not allow one dollar to be disbursed, 1'66
private gain. The reading of the nietiiiir , c
created no little "hub-bub" nine Winse.
Sleet!,-es were rolled up for pouncing irpou
the President for his "effrontery" in at
tempting to_ defeat the intention al the
House in making - I.lle appropriations, ;but
the furor subsided vlien Holman, oti fir
diana, cameito theAlefense of the ,
dent, and fully endffised lihn in the sitaink
he had taken against the "extraVagalice"•
of the House. We venture to predictjhat
at the next session the President will-Ifre—
(ineptly find it to be his duty to intedposo
his veto tirgave the public Treasury oour
being depleted by this same " etiononiie "
House of Representatives. After the
Presidential .and Congressionrl cleetfims,
the plundering schemes of hypocritical
economists, in - t - he persons of Ih3mo4ratic
Representatives, will be it,,t few 114 far
between. The veto will then be broNer,
- hut in exercising' it in the interest ()fame
i3ononty, the V.xecutivd will be dam* by
I these sham reformers' who nOw AsSimie
t the garVef !leaven to verve the devign."
. The piimber:of prominent Demoerats
who are'from day to day taking au Oen
stlnd against Tilden and Ilendrieksand
avowing their determination to' vote, fur
Hayes and Wheeler,. is by no ineans'inon
tined to the ..VOrth. 'Many in the Soittli,
who have heretofore been recognized as
Denmerats or. Conservatives of y the
"strictest sect." are- e'nning out bpldly
and defiantly for the Republican
nees. These are the men who haviii ac-•
cepted the position in goon faith, an' are
determined to give, for - the future;', an
lionst support to that Government
they, in the hour of rnadnes. sought to
destroy. ,
We have been prompted to tnakqj the
foregoing remarks by a pertisal . of i-qpri
vate letter "written by Colonel G. 8., M.
Turner, a prominent "straight-out" .i.!on
servative, of Memphis, Tennessee, to a
friend in this city. His former, putt:field
affiliations- has given him a complete
knowledge of the policies, the tune,: the
temper, and the modus operauill
Southern Democracy. As a eitizeOle
voted to "law and order," he is ; in the
present campaign; to be fund with the
friends of Hayes and Wheeler. For,-;the
expression of his couvietions,lthe
writer of the letter referred to has Peen
subjeCted to persecutions and denounced
as the{ "Sitting "of Radieidistn.N He
is aware that, in 'taking the posit-nun he
has, be occurs the burning and oStracfSing
opposition of the Democracy, but tiding
honest in - his conVictions, he believes 'At to
be treason to support and sustain it canse,
the succe's of *Well retnautiAthe
clad's!' and Om coui#l4the
et as artilftteMrs. - .
e ehoOse
t ?
UI Aug. 0, 1870
sr ~.
..:' ,
+e -
Tat - •
L • -.
The President announced :i-the
death - or. Speaker the
feeling and . licantifully-ei
possed letter: . ,
It is - with extreme pain that the resi
d6nt announces to the people of the 'Unit.
etrStates the death of the Speaker of. the
~11- e use of Representatives, 'the Mom' Ml
elute' 1:. Kerr, •of Indiana. A man of
• frOat iiiteltectual endoWments; large ! cut
titre, great probity , and earnestness in his the public interests has pissed
from the position of power and usefulness
to which he had been recently• called.
The body over which ho bad been selected
to preside not being in session to render
its tribute of affection and respect td the
memory of the deceased, thEi Presidentt l
invites the people of the United States to
alsolemn recognition of the public and
private worth and; the services of a pure
and eminent character.
I L. b. - GRANT.
13y the President.
don v L. CADV.4ADER, Aeting.,-Secre
tery of State. - •
SENSIBLE.- congress IlrAmtEff;l of
03r - fling, in a . .letter declining a re
nomination, closes with 016 folloWincr
• I
rehnke of the leaders of his party for
: persistent efforts during the
past winter to destroy the:eonfidenee
or the people in our rulers. Mr.
WALKER received the hearty Com.:
Mendations of 'his' Republican con-
stituents last winter foi' his inde
pendence in - refuting Iti:N
wicked charges in, regard to: the
treatment of rebel prisoners .at El-
Mira. - He, liastoo much will of his
o',Wri to be' an acceptable. Democrat :
"I cannot close this communication
Without expressing my disapproba
tion at the small value placed upon
the, character of. one hording a re
sponsible position. lle,May act up
o'n the best of motives, for which he
*sitters the 'best interests of the
people, but should it afterwards
transpire that he had -made a mistake,
he is loOked .upon as no better than
a criminal, and remember
not the good that, he has done, .4,hey
Will ransack his Whole life to prai-e
him a villain. I would rather have
the confidence of
,my neighbors, who
knoW me and my faultsi than the
highest office in thelgift of the peo
tile. Personal • detraction and un
founded charges ofikorruption against
those who happen to hold official po
qitions, have had an incalculable in
fluence in nnsettling, public Confi
dence in comnnrcial-as weal ;
as poht
idal circles. The Present- stagnation
in business, in my opinion, is due
More to this prevailing uncertainty
than to anything else. We want
More confidence in - our rulers, more
'Stability intour laws, and*hen that
is restored' we shall agatn have
prosperouS, happy country, and not
until then:"
Arreat of the N. Y. C. 11. E. Train Wreckcr
- Burem.o Ang.;• . 27.--L'Geo - rge Adams,
Who so successfully played the rule
Of hero in the late railroad disaster
at Fairport to the St., LOuis'express,
Was last night arrestH in this city,
evidence •of his being the antlier,'of
the outrage having been, worked iip
by : a special,' detectjvc of the , New'
York Central Railway.; After his
arrest he made a full confession, in
übstance t,iat he alone misplac.ed
the swieh, tiro.winfr a train front tleci
track of tire Lake Shore and Michi
gan! Southern Railroad - On the I 1 tit
inst., whereby the engineer and.tire-,
Ulan were badly .4alded, and tlie en
gine completely wrecked.
lie also, on the mo.i4ing Of. the
41;th inst.. drew spikeS from tieS• and
'bolts. of fish. joints, th'creby wrecking
it train, throwing it ib - iwit an -embank
'meta, wrecking :tn engine and !three
passenger co:echos.; lilig g age and pos
tal cars. Fortunately, the only per-
SonTinjnrC , d was W. ' , F... Clentefist, con
ductor on the Great Western l Rail
way, who afeerWards died. dl'- his
Wodinls. ' • ,
lak, exploit was the attempt at
;Fairport Oh the •2Oth in t. Ndras
alieady served ivterm in the Erie
:county Ivorkiniuie for loetty laßiencV.
"xtinritionhis intjntion
tonotify the train in dine tf, :avert
the accident, hoping theri*y to `place
the company wider obligations to
furnish himi with a situation. !:
' NETS—The Davenport '(1owa), Oa
idle says: Last Saturday forenoon a
Very long Nutria proces4ion was, on
the Valley road, awl the drlVre of
the fourth or lif!h caraiage ,rave the
ide of a haystack a cut with his
whip. Inndediately hundreds of hor
nets swarmed out of tlM,stack and
attacked the 'horSes and men . and
Ywomen furiously, Ile cut the nest.
.Man} of : the horses 'reared. plunged
:formird, praneell, tried to run, and
slid run, hut the kill just before: them
them out. The men
...and women - fough the hornets with
'fans, handkerchiefs. parnSol and hats
"nearly all the. distance to the 4_•eme
tery. A few were stung. and't,bere
'was .some . gereeehinand )vould
•have:been 'more but for a sense of
'decorum due; the soh•nin occasion.
is a wonder to everybody in the
'procession 4114 no 414;610.1 oe,: , ttred.
With all the 'veering and dasliiiaiv 4.1'
the horses, not even a burgy 01.1.4
over. There' is no doubt,. however.
Ithat if the hill bad not been so!near,
serious' accidents•i wouldr have e..eeur
ie.T; as it was,. the. first driver hail the
good sen-sd to let his team trV the
when they ',started ell' on "being
,stun;,, and
: the drivers ;behin.lll4ll
.followed his • examph_•. funeral ;:• killa
Inocesmon ever went op a that, we venture to say.
ri'oi 1'I:i: to F. NT CU M S
nor. It: AToN, ,t: WWII I
-•• tttt
.I:tv un r :1:! , t ~•I,, t t.
NOT A VIT NpIDAT ; ,fig It at; th
ulat,t :tt.1 . 5 htiLots ~- 1 I ) , !'{/1!
Ahe 'past fctirtY-eighthours several of , , ,
;the most.prorninentibernperats in the r, •
were asked to eXpresii an OPlTnion ;
, in reTerence to the -charges against
Governor Tilden, contained iu an .
'editorial article in Thr Tines 'of
Tuesday •laht in refcrenee to, fraud
:ulentand practiccs connect:ls!
in nine tax, but-With the ex- !
"eption of Mr. Oswahf' Ottelidorcr
have uticily refused to commit
themselves by the expression of anY
Opinion at. preSent. Mr. Ottendotil.r ;
'said the allg, . were certainly
'ery grave :ind should_ be invest bra=
,ted. ille expressed very great stir
:prise at the fact that llr; Tilden bad
had not, since the year 1863- I Thafte a i
'single return of the amount Of his •
income, and characterized this as a
,1 •
very strange 1159de of • procequrC.• "If
Tilden,zl - aiMeil,."-CanUot give
a satisfaqory •explanafinui ink this
!natter, lie cer‘ahq- 114 : a p
lit ta' •'* Ate for the Presid:ney."4-New Tor/
. .
. .
Porrsviu,c, , Pa., Ally. 28.4-111 e
Molly Maguire prisoneyA Miinity,
- Mei kitan, C.trrol,..lloaritiy and Hoyle
i f
recently r.%iieted of-ilic 'nal:ilex of
polionlan - 03 t,. at 1 1 4inaqua t ivero.
I te4tvliV34, :thiath thicillstrialtat ,
,• ..• ...
1876. ' 1870.
.`t! siY
' A'L T ' Al)
I AM now ivielvlng t
&c., &c &c.;
Everoffered In this Insvn; and at prices
fall toplease the chestst buyer. I have
gains In all lines of g0 , ,1s that cannot I
elsewhere. Please call and examine
ItF.MEMBER F. ri.Aci.—Hu
old Stand,topposito Court
, Towanda, Aug. 10, 1676;
BABY ItirA.Go's
-Zze., &c.,1
It the old stand 4.)
0. A. :13
TOwatifla, Auzii,t 2. 1,7 1
reiyrit ton by thee , ali
on tvi , .ry 5ti . 1 , ,j4. 1 1; Printrli
tYI) , and witb Sev
sana[EngraNin-s- a:nl
F!!. , 31.1{EV.
and sJ,'D•nr..,., ryc1 , ...,,,Nq1ia of It!i!!!le:
"I'ne ~ 1- e itaratlttn oitrelyn
:and, 1:14, •requitt .1 nit!! 1, '"1 1 ?" !!!
!!!'4!!! :01 ti , generLl 4.!, (14,1 .11 r•+3 ", •I
11.". V tlnek. I find on my rvtarn f !tint al!
eltlon hr Apple:en.' Ani.ri,,th
that rap!.! preL7.l,-- , ... ,113, it, -ti
ninth . vt!!!Illt!.. n t a•'atj
I':!!!! II file i!!!•:t,efl itl! if:
relit !!,it 1,:e• a s , ry.yent •nt
f ,, i! .1:1!,!1 reA!!! 11
if. Tiiv :II
Nyl!th•ll 4 and flee, ,I!!iet ! ,, !1 l,i tie!!!
It it. Isitt!
0/0311t.itt. eentitrelleh t sleh. ,!t t
t'al , itlary I ,!.trli: ri.-1,
blograpliy • pop:111r t ;tnti al: I
04:it intert,:ing . the l t net.
The y o •frin-herelit.: and
the itlf. t ent:ttien 31!!!1 , th,. unit pra
The..ll , efts, , ien t.f di•Trited ito
aj ... ... and the "ntit;t• tler,
, terlin<ni:t!tert, !Act.
."‘ , ••• , / 1, 1I! , al
Weil 3. tntgantr. It y c.,n, r!,,, ye
,e1111!!!•9• Luttily W,-err ,o,
deNt-rvet, it" %A in
- .I .\ 'f
Wt. NUN - rani nr I• 1 tir. Sir,h;rs'.
"1 Apioi.T. , l ,-
EIIV. - ON) itiniour. P. tw..
y.„-I ; E., ,in, i„
1),.% cumi'. Ir. Ir. . -
RENO' M. I , IEI 1).. 11. l)
;,..I_lll, X . , m . ) , rik Ertrlly,
Fito 'ZEN:. 111 Z. of N ,
Ippleton.• ID•NV 1-Ittion Attu-ilea ,
the It,' Mud,•41,
at,d 11
jtie , tatt,laril of authority. This iv'',
the reach of eV , 1'V‘ , 4. , 1
Pridcipa?" . .Y,yi
FR ( )! REV. 1711. ItF.T.:I),
• ilE.or F4gr. : You ask tae to gii 3 e my,
reference 1., the article in the Anteril
dta which relates to the Roman Cat:
and it' 111-torr.
These articles are, writ ten, kr, far as
toed 111 , 111. by Roman Cathoit , ' , .,
('at hot Id standpoint ; ~ t11(,,tic. . ,11 at tin) sat
1 Strive NI impartial. •
i seems to toe that this I. a feati
mewled: Ws. want lA , . kntry 'A ha!
thillk.4 40" it. doctrfues
it as a I,uruliar
hau l ( 'y,.l.lo'h,lia that, hot nvilf.t ,
Roman Cattil.lic (!liure)) , but at,o Nyit I
all other .
thuttut t 1, - !;: , e ii
; antis %%Ito are with Ili
I ; -1 air},
FI:(•NI TM: BlSllitl' NEI
I tin think •tit i't•lit•iit a %tin
1101.1300 n friiin int..
I ant. ,Itt‘o% tt% to ,titt• mot- rvit ly it , vi•
(.1.,,id , r it a, far r titrl :r• pi;
vharatitfr and th..ortatott • anti I ....ttitit
who :nay' It. ithiti titt•t, v.lll
an uniainitiz And iruitttio hitt'', it
tovnts...{ Isoowl...11:0 1 ttit.•aii 1,1,111
nwaintatoie iv int tint
.1. NVII.I
Pl!.))1, ll' .1
'Th‘' A inorfran ry.•:”1,...i3a . .
1•101.11. ‘NPI 1,. ;111 :I:1(1161:0i,, f.. •
,11I•jr•••:9-311 . 0•1.1:. ,1 / 1 t . d hi 114•111 i 4
1..1)M1' Nl,l S. .1
tor i p. .If, 1.1 , i
F rIZOF MS N II( ( 1 11-:-.:lt
1.i)(III•A I. I:NI I %1:1"•. , 1:41 . . 1 1
•• 1 SE:11
FehtitAry '23,1,711;
. •
~ .
:rho arr , .,-1, givt.' cvmeiwe 4.t . ~,,, . .t
auil ion, and T.'n.l.. pre.ent. In inn'',
niarl.3l4y complcle Infonnation, 1 arvl
:4111,...T ',III Ical in , “:“tgati, , n. 7
At' Gl" , Trs I!. STI:IING,
Pr , A . nt P;=o"..;fig•
.1. W. 1 1 1!1•1i1.1N11.
r 1.0.6
1%1. LIAM I!. Wll.lilN.stlN
G.. i DM. rOW (.'*;tl.,
I . regard the irivan
fyi I:. It Is reciiiiitaidideil! awl
many Of the aldest iliai si 'dy
y. I; I• eor, hy or th.;',o l
:VI 1 . 81 iltry-pr..1 . .il
arrazigrd Dills 1.•,1g...
• 1 • Cl‘.•o. Itit
Ir. sit
1 1:
. I :Volumes.
• & CO, Yubl
VICOM 1,1 tb4biliekt
D, A
many I,ar—
goals rt.
'_E [HA.
%st writer s
from uew
I I Li t -rature.
~vlll3 :1•ilj
• r, laUv itie•
- 03.1 t1:17 1 t,1,,•
Y. The firrt
I,t: lit ilivir.
liu .% unman
,r hjrr7.
11N %IF -0y
,4, 1110 .
ut V X
4i It - fl lath',,
J .71j1
. I t is: Irv!!
regard itaa
F:v F.
C'll f
On CyClop:T.-
1161 k Church
I pavt exam
,iere n. itenhilt
me -tithe they
hat Cbtkr..ll
rrL•r,ws• if°
1 •a l•.n I.y
li I h
. .\ ppl~9 eau:'
1, - ,•ay Chat
r ‘‘,.rk
::11 •ply,t
)4 • rfir;r/
h• I!,
1% hi I/
•h~,k ua :111
I i,r r, h. '
It EI: Tit El).
•nrof ILI prop - ,
et form. re.
tt.e latest rt-
Th a .:111
rA I, 1•.73
I :IS:1
of :)!I
rt., I'
()(1 1 e: eri
, lAlir