Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 24, 1876, Image 4
_ _ , - 11 EEO ayirtAtrat gqinimni HMS TO FABME The following startling theories are by our agricultural editor: JANUARY. Winter wheat, Would beharvested andiLthe.winier apples dug from the- Polo. Those farriers who; neglect' ed to mulch their sink spouts are now anxiously looking- for a thaw;. Cattle should be well protected froth the cold this weather: Many farmers hive fire-places or stoves in their barns. We prefer the fire-places, as they havce'a more home like appear Tame, and the cattle like tlem .hest. FF.BItrAitY Now is the-time for the' farmers. to lobk after their farmin7 implements. A. little attention given now will save tronble arid expense when the spring work comes rushing aking. See that the plough teeth are properly filed and set, and the hay fork,well tuned. Look, after tlu machine, and if-out of .order, see that it is fixed iminediately, so that it will drop the &potatoes, irithe hills with regularity. Examine,lw harrow teeth, and can:- fully remove the tartar, if any has, accumulated. Now sort over your seed and pre p:Lye them for planting. A pplits shol , l he cut in quarteis, and no nu;l•e than 'three • put in a hill. Tlie cranberry bean is the best tor eoolc ing purposes., should he sown on ,1111:1(1. • Examine your potatoes reserved for seed, and !-ee if you can find any potato .bugs or their eggs. Seine licriners wash tacit .seed potatoes, bitt we'irefcr to, comb them- with a - fine tooth comb. It removes-the feathers in - which the eggs are laid, and the gentle irritation promotes the gelw ration of the germ. NE The ener!retie farmer should now sow winter wheat. Use a cambric needle and stron!r linen thread ajl , l don't Live the stitches too f:u•'spai•t. dI"LY—AT'GI Pont holes can be set out, or trar,s --plaiited.arry time in July or Ane ,_llll,st.t.tintr, them out select-onIV -0 4 .'4 hardy variety. In the fall it Nv 41 (1 be : well -to look aFter the root- , , :. - 4he heavy fro . st,A incident 1 ,- ) our ellin4.te art! apt to injure and fie thelneaiis of your not more than ha? t' a 'crOD. Farmers who (biz a plentiful sup ply of'eorn-folder last fall. have ev ery read In to HM: - rratulate them selvL;s.," Corn-fodder fed to sprin!* lambs greatly improves th totality of the mutton. It will lie found n„ - 1,- vantafTeous to feed small quantities Mixed with tau and cracked ovstor shells to, the poultry at tlis season of ihe'year. It dexclops the muSeles. and the wool raised in of a !ine Nblv set , that i-; beaked ',up. Tan is a favorite article to ljnink ;lin - us - es with. althoit.:ll,,sawdust, will qlo 116 w-11. It }'au ,11Ave any fall ph)win! , to do. it, now.- If. you .liltuo.-r it lie 1, , 0 ittle a good s upply, o r new cuter, at) I in the lone winter cycnings that.' ;vill here..sit nil gly,;.7.Te Simie far!zers labor under the :Ili,- tak(knotion'th:lt eon! Wood should not he !rra nea while in the milk. We have tried it often with !rood result.z, 4.11‘. Cruit hein:r tender and iuhv. - In szettin: out_ your watermelon plants for next year, see that the Inelon, 1 , 4•11 covcrea. The early seed Bahl- Wiii pitatti is generally considered the I.ezt , •I;br 'Potting purposes. but the :-.lOillplown g•reenin!r is equallvas althonah it requires more :It tutilion in StickAi! , the poles. 'Cho se ,fh;MON who have not vet, done their fall work should fall to and do it at once. - Cellar windows that have ' , wen no.:iected should 3 be mulched, though care should be eereised and itot mulch heavily. It tenths tti• hreiik down the vines and injure the fruit. the time to trim your fenve l,u.t Flit rail: should with tau - hak. Break off the poli:= ai - .0 save the before muleliin In the (lay-. the farmer shoubl not - Op all his titsl to lioliday fest iv- N.s. Ott ap . :irt an hour or two each mornin!* to look at the teeth. lilvek tooth hens treat 41raWbaek to their milkin! , qualit See that the are well 141.anloit. e4l at ni - fr ht, anti if you have ocea,in to work them. see that the Yoke bent evenly, so that it nut iritire th 4., 'wool: - - A corre:Tonilcnt of till (; , .,//1,•)) o writt•-:': al. an expi...:ency i f ci sixty ye:lrs on one liavt• tt. , 10.1 1n!,11.,.r. I 11;tre 'UHL CVCCSIIIIIt 10,1 -Ht . yilli9ff timher will 1:Ist I. l nrof olkl, and that those sot p jowl; ; will statid nearlx tWiee loll ' ; tho . se ' a : with but en(l klown 7 :mil th:tt posts, say :1 tot inches i I !liameter. outlast lar., - rer posts. All posts should be tho'roughly seasone.(l Seasoned cliestmit p ,, sts of ,youn7 small timber wiil Inst, set top down. from 15 to 25 years : with butts (lown`frout to IJyears. 'Clio best size for lasting is from t to mid 10 inches in diameter: the larger sizes above S inehels to he split. tl s ioe over 7 inches into ffuir pieces." , =I A nArnYmAN whoszi• attention cvas enikd thc fact of :in :pc reasc in milk the days he g.3. - e hi' cows salt. expe rimentol until - tic deciatd that salt rivcn in smail quantities every lay is the Itv,:t. Way. ive salt . in the morning ju-t I.cnirc tll6lll . 1)11t.. a tablespoon ru! to eaili cow, and the thiw of milk will be conshkral , ly • • WHEN corn arrives at full roasting . ear state it can be most profitably fed by beip! , cut and fm stalk and car together. since at 110 period is there is necessary in fattenin! , —to 1 t fimnd. in the plant. And then. 110 , s: eat eves .part with . an appetite that shows 'their al pre of the daim v f6od providcil for them. - =MI •. A writer in tilt. co , nlry Geoiremin , says that _the liro‘6l Lp:hoin- hops arc surpasscil by no otlwr bowl for layers, which is a fact: T . hey also mature very early. \Cf-milwrries will keep all whiter in 4. firkin ot: water in a codlart MMIR=M - _ 'r IMI IT tRCP ME of Do:ER ~~1"1:>F1 EA. MIZEMMI lbw .11' M=E;M IMOM , . : Nei iahreb•ia:M. 1876. 1 8 " . FALL TRADE I ant now to , .elving t LARUEST AND MOST COMPLETE fITOCK BOOTS AND SHOES TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, &c:, &c., Ever offered In thin town. and at prtres Efat cannot fall to !plea., the clic.evt. buyer. I have ntaily. bar gain, in all line, pPr goods that cannot be alptained elseMlere.. Please rail and examine g&ids and !prices. ps. , . . REMEMITER THE PI. ACF:—Humphrdris old Stand, opposito Court HoUso. • Ttuvanda, And, 10, 1 , 7 U, T:IILACE"S CROCKERY STORE 1.) .1"! AT COST! FULL STOCK-GOOD GOODS- MUST BE sou! C ROC.K Env, C . IIINA, GLASSIVAIII, BA BY WA GOSS, LAMPS, &c., &C., &r., I ' • At the old stand of 0. A. BLACK ..1”7,11 , t _NPPLI:TONS' AMERICAS = Entirely rewritten by the ablest, writers On every :.I,ll.ject. Painted from' new type, and ilizt.4 rated with Sei - eral Thou santi Engravings and 3laps. '! • 1 , !:‘ ‘1! 11!:. "I b•rninro.. t', .if 'y, ttil, .111/i, it. 'HI t., ht•I•II ~ I,l•rvant rtr :In ti• ialty tltr , I 11;1 0 . j.O 11.1111-11 ner , Ikr A 111,11,111 Cy 4 .11.11.141: ill:Ill , I:114,1 prt , git••••, tit" !Pt In Ki. I I V. 111/ it. edition na , a %..y coil \ ozol. ra t han any iithitt: lint this .L7ri .itly sr ri.aNs• s T., art I. hare all tarn le t nth,. and hit , linj••••nnt to lII , ' most rigorous iel-ni. elieet utile), 1 , 4 sheep in their costilirelo anti enthlensation .iatenient. • ME ' , The Its. tslost.sty i. Is:Art;(3ll3ov rivls niorlean stitsgv3plsy,f_.istsioshr -ttss , ns , e. :111 , 131111111,4 1 51111 . 1,4 . 1 K that are nsts , st IN; It, T1.341er, 11 1 1 1 s, •tyl.• i. p 1 . ,. :111 , 1 and lb, Infos mafiosi I , s a:1 ~.r In-11,4 [sr:1011 , 41 eltar3e ts•-. Tlss• tlio•n-,..itsts • f •11-ptstetl istsint:tl uisss-ly .tsvolsletl. 211.1 the -pat, tiro. ,acrd i, 111•votea to ling tualtt , r, is` favt. Thss nrsis, are alltnirablts, :031 tins Iv, otls ul. are s , 31.prt:q.riate, t•:ezant. Ir n!II form f-sr.yvar, 1.. r..tor :1 onsplets, fairly 111.1nri ts 3 3:1 :land:11 , 1 331,1 it Will &Jowls,. ',Ns. 3,1 '1•111•11,h, 11[0111:V10n, .I.\\l ES \Vs , (silly vorn-ssr in lip. Strontri etsulthetn.lation 4 Aisislist.os t ," Assn•riiass I•ys•toNesll3. ..ts ElfiNV.kl:l) ItItISIIIT. Ed iP h. \'.,r E. 117 r I,ANI El. 11 - 111:Y. IL . . .! th Chrivtiqn L 111-:):111" 11. 1.11•1.1r.11.1).. = 1 , 11 , .‘11:1 , V t . 1 1 1:.'!-TEI:VI:S, of New Castle , . I'3. •• r rd it Crelopaslia !. t!w j.•• 1 1 ,1 • .f !I:.• ',And !Odishod. is well write '7,1111, and 1 rt.ard It as s;a lat 1..; an , ln.rity. This work should I.e •Aithin 11n rt.a , 9l oft vervt.,sly. STFEVES 1•71 , ,••ii,r1 tr. rqntl. ER4 01 REV. DR. REED. PRfsburgh. Pt l'iTr-I:t in.II. l'a.. k r•In: You a.,k ni toghemr opinion Kith reference ta the article in the Anierieatri.'yelopa , ilia n lileh relates to. the Homan Catholic. ('Lurch The, ariele. :Ire written, ~ to far a 3 I hare extant ;tied tliennhy Itoman Catholics, front to Roman cat : though at 01.0 ~ ..aute time they .tree to le• impartial. . . "It • •...11, nhp that thi.h.a feature tot,. corn -11"e waht to In.,Ny I‘l,lat that Church att.t ht.toty. . Ist :‘,ll.•.•titiar ;•‘ , ....:11,iive of the• Amer:- -an ; . ?,9ol,.r+lia 11E11,11,d ;;;,:y n lae n•h:rrj;rc ~ tat aL o 1, ith reterenco to a.•:Lrr.iP. i . , r:.. .A.•^lr:ir';o:ire• NrIII:•!i by per -1,11,4 , A,th W11.1.1,N11 PA.:I:P.-II). Is., • I%J'. r'?torPh:" THE 4 , V I'ONNFt"rICI-T • ..NT I I t:.:: t 11. I d•• not t'51 . ,•1'..i1t a mock as Aliphoons• 11/1t.11,311 I • Ve1 ,, !.. ,, 1LL twed ant' words.of rom ••s lation hiss I an, however, the more ready nett to say that I , oa , i,lnr It a. far any similar work in Its nlia:ac•,:r and lis , fuhos• and,l assure ny'persons who may porella.., It. that they wilt-have .enured an' nufsdin; and tra , t , anrhy lie:p in all. depart 's!ilra ledge I -peak front a thortugh ac qaai,taiwe wiTh ;he vadk. Lis I',ol7lctlirla I'VE , qIbENT CVNlNtix(is. E.kT(IN, ~f co-neg. 1.1LEI:T1. Mir.. Dec. 1 . 6, ' IS7 1 - 1•3k , i,•1 . every iby 110; (plop:44lla. regard inz is a,14 , I,ongr. i t_ u4itr con,tantly re,ort to It. ri 1!, p0n , .,,,in of thin .1. U. KATii'N. Fl t. l ll ;4; 1573 A nnsrlcan wi•fl corn tl. it u;'.l 31.1 t.-xt-hq o k on ail (.1 I::inian i - NT) S FI:”VI Pit' , Fl.^ . , Oa, 1N:1:V111, 4 .1'1AZ :11#11:0- 1.1,1.11 AL Rot rt.]: Fcl.rwtry 1•74. , Tzhr "r mn.t ramTal,pn•p -,r.::: a1..1 I. 1...., tat. t iff and ro .lllt, •'I. S H. ST 1:11 NG, tal Thr,loyy. U. .1. W. 1:t:( KJ. %AD. NI*II.IiINT,ON, • • Jr j. A,4 r Ile N, cvlin., , 3lan•lt I. 1575 I , l A.ll ,, •rwaT, cyt•14 , , , ,4iA ac . 4A,llder rul p..`rk. 1: i• .14 In.lor.ed I , y utanY of I he “I• 1•-, ,ellOlll, lb, . !. ,1.1t1.y itr alt.•111.11,11,,r Ir.• a nd .I , ,t,,Dit 1.- Jr r~pt'll cl" Nl‘ll \lii 11 7 (or (~ jdrla i 16 Large "Oetara, l'olumee, P. A VPLETON At CO.. Publisbexs, N't:sr York and V= Cbrltkol.-1it.)131.112.4e1pkia4 - S' Nor GI/ODS 1876. 1876. , WAY DOWN BOTTOM PRICES! DRY GOODS! DRESS GOODS dull] t•.t.~,tr.r. DOMESTICS! FANCY GOODS ! And will be sold at the Lowest Prices of the season, at TIIE LITTLE ST( 01:1; 1:(!1.7N1) 7111: CORNER at I,pw• rates. Rementhyrt 3t EnC UR'S BLOCK, opposite COURT.POUSE TILE SUBSCRIBER SUBSCRIBER • TAKES , In calling the attentligi or libr i tiunier patron, and the public generally, to the fact that he h till continues a GENERALMARKET BUSINESS :At thr OLD STAND of MYER & 11UNDELL, In Carroll's Rha•k, nearly opposite tilt) ]lran~ House, and that he rs prvpared to furnish VEGETABLES AND BERRIES' Of the very hest quality, at as Tow rates as any other e,tahlishmetit. June 1, 187G-tf B RYANT'S POPULAR From the discovery to .876, preceded by a sketch 44 the pre-historic period and age of the mound builders, by CI.7I.LEN BRYANT AND SIDNEY Fully Illustrated with original designs, to he corn pt.fte In four volumes, largo octavo, 700 pages each. iihner, Armstrong .& Co.. publishers, 743 & 74k, I:roathvay, New York. F or Information address. =ZUOMINNE=MMt! 1707 Che.tnnt St.. Philadelphia. .pr M. S. CONYERS, Agent tor Northern Penn y Ivanin, 311 William St., Elmira, N. Y. MEM TEW FLOtTRING MILL STEAM . FLOLTRING MILL, Is now In successful operation, and that be Is pre pared to.ilo all work In,his line on short uotlce. CUSTOM GRINDING DONE ON rHE SAME Wheat, Iluckwheat and Rye Flour, Corn Meal, -Feed, Bran, he., always on hand and and for sale at lowest rates. PARTICULAR NOTlC'E.—Nrson, , k living on the we•t side of the liver ile,iring to patronize my mill, rill have-their ferryage paki both ivapi, when they bring crisis of, ten hu.,hels and upwards. • : F. S. A YE US. ,14 1 MST NrA TIONAL BANK MEI CAPITAL SURPLUS FUND This Bank offers UNUSUAL 'FACILITIES fo the transaction of a GENERAL BANKING BITSI . NESS INTEREST PAIWON DEPOSITS ACCAIEDING TO AGREEMENT. . , SPECIAL CARE RIPEN TO THE COLLECTION Or SOTES AND CHECKS. Part le's wishing to SEND MONEY to any part of rtliteti States, Yogi:tn.]. Ir.•laad, Scotland, or thr pritt , ipal riti.•s and towns of Europe, can here pr,.. urr ,irafts for that purpose. PASSAGE TICKETS To or alllng MEE highest trice paid for U. S., Bonds, os: ro WELL, ) 4 1 N: HEW . Prtleidrilis Caddo' ._ . . BE FLAN NELS! NOTIONS! &c., &c., Bought during the LAST WEEK! KENT & BLISS To•uturl3, June 27, 167 G Miscellatcons Advertisement::. 0 I C Is the best place In Towanda to buy good CIGARS AND TOBACCO,, stwr or Tim "INDIAN SciITAM apr2il-75 SALT AND FRESH. MEATS, FRESH POULTRY, C.,M. MI ER HISTORY OF TgE UNITED STATES HOWARD (AI IN SIT F.SIIEQUIN, PA The subscriber gives *lice that his now DAY THAT IT IS RECEIVED OF TOWANDA.- ; 010 Country, by thebrst steam ur y 3 on hand. UGUT orEn AT ith:preED RATES; - Gold and Silver. z 7r y'~ y {'#?r ...Mir tIPAYLOR 4!; 00! - • OUR THIS WEEK - HAVE = PRICES t• Towanda, April 20, Is7R T H. CHEAPEST' IN TOWANDA SeYTIIES, GRIXDSTONES; ,FORKS, FIXTURES, R &c., &c., &c. 7 Cheaper Than al - .lay Other I base always on hand Itepalrs for the WAltittols and CifAlirioN Mowing Mach PERRIGOS SIDE BILL PL All kinds of TEN.TWARE on and Tin wort of all kinds done at lowest p, 11. T.IJU Towanda, June 2.9, 1878. ------- 5 00 MEN WANTED! HARDWARE, TINWAR4 STOVES, /lc., REDUCED PRICES. - 1111/hest prlee In trade paid for hag% old Bias% Copper and Lead. Hardware, Ttn and Coppencare, Table, Tea' nd Ilaatlng spoons.. Tinware at wholesale and retail. Especla t attentlon l itlTen to all klndsof Job work. 5, 'BRIDGE STREET. mar24,,8: W3L R. SMALLEY. 310'N T ANYESI MONTANYES OFFER A ASSORTMENT OF; GO :$125,000 . 62,000 SUITABLE FOR TIIE SEA AT BOTTOM PRICES! NIONT AN YE sods, Pa n Dee. Si Ira. E AA M RECEIVING NEW SPRING GOODS EILE B - O , IJOIrc • THEM AT THE LOWEST PRICES OT THE SEASON, AND WILL SELL I THEM MI NEVEIt BEFORE EQUALED TAYLOR Ic CO, • Hardware. HARDWARE S IS IN !kIERCUR EL KarinCra Call buy their Best in Use To buy a largo strict of Dry-Gods. ,c° 4 -"erti‘ • DIT. C. POIFI' t ' in , Otb CASH bRUG•STORE . • - porno; Main and Plne Stan Towanda, Pa. (Established over alsiirter of leratory,3 Wholesale slut Relall Deal . r In • DRUGS,! MEDICINES, cHgitICALS, ACIDS, DTE.a.Tups, a iIILRE, PERFUMERY, TOILET AND FANCY GOODS, SPONGES, BRUSHE S , BRACES * TRUSSES, Snips, Cowls, POMADES, MAO' DYES, TEETII,, SKIN, and 11A18 PRErAILAT ONS, RAZORS, POCKET-KNIVES POCKET-ROOKS ANDIPORT-IIDNNAIES, MACABOY and; ROTC!! Saj. FOREIGN AND DOSESTIC GI4ARS, GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWEIL SEEDS, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Medidrcal Purposes P9TANIC,E9LECTIc &11011rEOPATIlICREUr.plEA, An 4 all genuine popular Patent Surroitizies, Sur,rE:4o4ltcs, flitgAsT N171..E.A, NIPPLE:,SIiELLS RINGS, Syn.!Admit, BED PAN 4. (`it IS.ILN,j TIIEnNOME TEI,S, ELAtiTtf: SrocKIAG$ &C. KERoscidp. OR COAL, OIL, WICKS; ciliaiNEYF, BATA IIIUCK, SPERM, LARD, 101.11. E, SEATS FOOT, TANNER'S, ANI)IIACiIINE 011.5, ALconot.,!ANu srtrilTs Sash,Paint, Whitewitia, counter, Itorst, Mane,, Shoe, &rubbing, brushes. WINDOW AND, PICTURE CLASS. PURE LINSEED OIL, PAINTS, PUTTY, AND READY 314Ni:1) PAINTS OF ANY DESIRED CoLoIL BY THE POUND . , VINTON, GALLON, GROUND IN 011;OR VARNISH, AND DRY COLOR:4, OF ALL HUES. AU ortieles tvarrivl4(l as represented. Prescriptions carefully congsmuded at all hours of day and night. Opep'Sniolays for Presi`riptious from9tolo,A.M.,l2tolandsto6,e.M. Dr. Putter can be consulted as heretofore in to e office. 'nay 1375 . . A PER'S 1 - 161011, for re• btorittg gray h‘air,to natural vitality and color. Advancing years;sickncss, dkailixdntinent and Itertialtary prollmt)a+ltlon,l all turn the halt. gray, and eltlwr of t!lejti Incline It to shed ',mina turoly. ATEIVR HAIR: VIGOR, by long And Cltell etre use, has proven that It stops the falling of th• hair Immetltaterly; ortOti renows the growth, and always surely rostorei Its rotor, when. faded or gray. IL stimulates t h nutritive organs to h••althy activity, and preservexhoth the hair and its beauty Thus brushy, weak or 'sickly hair becomes glossy pIIaLM and strengtherii , il; rvgrows with expresslon; failing lia:r checked and c'tab HA Rl]; thin hair th4att•n+, :tn4 huled or gray hair resumes .their °rig; eat color. Its uleratl ui Is sure an i hannieNs. It cur , .1,111411 ff, l aly all tkuntors and the Se:lip 4001, nut alp! °Oft—under Which coiplitlow, alset,ti arc As a dres:ing f:n 11.111, 111 l• Cr,oql,l pm! ,o.(1 for ;Its grateful atop agreealdo porfulne, and ♦alucq?or the soft Itistre aLtl of tone linpart:4. Prepared hi.% C. AYER & I ' 0., L l on CI!, Mw Practical and Analytl(al Chef :Q.4. , , i , ___ Sold by al: Drnggldi rind den'icr% in Medicine - T AST E LESS IM I.: CIN E.S. • A prominent Nan" Forte pl,y‘talpn la' corn platna:l to DUNT)AK: I rIcK s; (a). At:,•Lit their S : , :t)At.w()((t) ()IL ,"atin.,T that some. MLA's they eur.4l tnifaaninNly, lint that a patient or his had taken ala!) , Isithatat atfert. iii ;wing It:farm-41 that ,evt•l I:rillat V* vitt th gifted avid tell( ha,l (1.4 1.,. u Paint,/ I)rNIIAS Dl(' 8:11)14. 'What happened to physlelan may hare hat. petted to nthrn, atul \S MPH . 04; (11. take I hls method of protecting ph ygfrianl, Jn, ggistx, and (hems. Ire*, and me%en tMg eIII. 4 r riAN DAL. Wl,lOl, from coming loto,li,repute. • , PRY:A(IA Ns N%lionnue press rile the Cap:inlet , will continue to de so , for they contain . the pure is titt . best and chca tkest form. itr:S DA,m-re .1/1. OF SAN 1 , A L WC1 , 1,1, 111311 all 111.1'W 1,1.1 , ,,31, , 311 , 1 1: , •/1111 Druz globs 311 , 1 Perfumers id the United Wales combined and this Is the sol e "by the p uro Oil I. A"ldchea per causal...stint!, in any ether form. 4111, OF SA NI)ALAVI4 , !) 1.." tied stir ...reeding every other remedy. • 'ap...111., only icing re quired to insure a ..are: mei curtain mire In .Ix or eight dap... From nu biller medicine can this re suit l.r hand. IMEI DUNDAS MCK. .OFT CAPSI'LE& soh.. the-problem, lung Ilt,ll,l.lerett hy eminent pie; of how to aruid the itati,:t :LIDI I 11 , Rn : A ei Is I lencee in swallowlhig,.wl4ll, are well known to dc tract from, If not destro . , lla, good erreets of InanPyalualole '•oft Capalles are put up In thi-toll and neat hoc es:, thirty In each, and ',are the only' Capsules pro scribed by ybpsiebu.s.: OCK ! TASTELESS - MEDICINES.—east , 4 oil and naav7 other in nci , a. medoin., Call N . ta ken ea ...14y and , arelv In DUNDAS DICK & CO!S SOFT CAPSULES. No Tasto no S Th me es ll. si - e were tho only capsules admitted :o the last Paris Exposi tion. THS PES, sClllt for circular \Voo.:twr street, New York augSold at all Drpg Stores Hero.. 1. ; 'lace ! THE MUTUAL, PROTECTION' COMPANY. ToL No Homo Office, Jll9 IVklapt IStreit, Plilla.lelphln, Pa OOPS, Acting, :tind.r a Speiii , ;/ .foe lororlioreztfon 1 From the l'enlinittania &I/W(11u rf. U. S. CLARK, AUENT.4, band, ices. TOWANDA, PA 11 El Special attention In ealicti to the following rate table, which will be fontol strictly ermitabte; as be twet:n all ages, and which the company will guar antee to not exceed otti•-half the rust or any first class OLD PLAN t:ontriny, The following Table the Rates , for IWO° 311.1 may In. multiplied i T firr any add-Itbmal amount , wbleb Is thrla-tze , d rlsk taken on any Twenty Cents tiriit be added to the cleft asses•nmnt for tulle et e'en() Ile. 21111 = v IHE 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.0 0 2.00 2.04) 2.50 lON FAR3I:ERS' • '3l RAN 4 lryr,(A now It4sning ikrpotuil ponele PROI'ERTs: rn i E _I IN MI tovinbor pay , a ,t tinted Insuring; to corm etrarter ant t h,• c„ . after whlt.h no further payment t• cept to meet actua by ftro ainoLg Ihr momb..tstlip. Thls plao 0C111 , 41r:1mi. lot FAII:11 PRI WERTY, Is eme¶:.g-ral , ldly Into rat Gr. 'lan. of itu...ii,•••S, Sr RI NG 111 LL. PA. Fifa LE ON, The Agent will canC.:i , the Tow!..dilps of Tusca rora, Pike, Herrlrk. Wyalusing, , Asyluh); Terry and r Standing Stone, aifd farnd•rs in those Town Alps wishing insurani'e - or Information, may ad dress, A. S LTMN El:. Sec. and A gt.. S'lln Bradford' co.. Pa 11 W. M. SIIIIMWA Y. rr9s, FAL OR SE.-- . 4 farm of 100 acres, $0 iniklyll, smith west p:trt:, of Smithfield !tranship, limid ford I'n;, I. Two orchards, mostly grafted 1 ruit,tiong,. or, I t r , ln,:. arrung,l corm.: or two I:inflitesi, two id!!!.. F o e l e t iti e uk i e s , ' en _ quire on qaBl pretni,es:oi o f :tog_. - : F'f';.'sfl'lS Fitt:Sri!. ME Immense SuccesS! 50,000 of the Ceneine y ;A I) LAI;(111S OF UV . - Jr: !SINT' tti E, alrC , ni *aid. and firmond Oe r creaking. . *ally Iscly .1 . 101 ['LET I.: life of thy. g rya Herr, 1.114. Explorer. je'oll of thrilling laic-re:4 and qiirlted Illostratlons of thirty years strong,' mivun. tures, also the CURIOSITIES and WON OF.ItS el a MARVELOUS coantry; the Millions are eager to get, and more 90041 4 agvnts cre n•ede,i at once. PitolPlTLlrr SI•LENDLID, Fur panteutarti and proof, adWreta, 111111 BAUD DUOS, Publishers. gaßanstipiiit., Phila., Pa i coetwas4r. rA , ~~,~~ IMO MIN of WI titzeß. Inzu.i.ance MEE I >; I=l/1 4 4f; 17 1 44 4 111.1 , k) 6.1.0 6.1" 1,1 1 6.IMJ El UT Ro• LY ~: j {~,S•M•Ii asix ....;~•~ri Nipr. pit A. ift Tr . Dealer In 141.110NDEI, FINE JEWELRY' WATCH - ES AND C,LOCKS; TOWANDA, PA I June 2-71. [ i 1 WATPTIES, JEWELILY SILVER WARE, HENDLEJIAN, Dealer hi FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS GOLD AND SILVER WA/C=4 FINE JEWELRY. Also STERLING SILVER SILVER PLATED WARE tLocK:I, IMnFITFMTI7 ' ‘=MIWMWn ' M GOLD, SILVER AND S'T'EEL SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES One door north of Dr. Porter ,Son's Drug store, Italu Street, TOW 7 EZE p RESENTS F AT THE NEW JEWELRI A:. 110 C inconstantly receiving In 31ditio, ut jewelry, FINE'GOLD PINS, BANDS, RINGS, STUDS, Cll4 AM EWAN AND SWI:IWATCIIFIS, GOLD AND SILVER IWATCHES, and I SILVER PLATED WARE OF ALL VARIETIES GOLD, Silver Aiihk STEEL 4PECTACLRB, SILVER AND ATER RINGS AND cIIARIRS EMI CLOCKS OF ALL.VASiETIES, at the lou eht price" Watt'lli (lock nll4l Jeivoir) repatTlng done h► the 11.0cizt warrinted. Thnegs for'a patronao hope to merit a confine:taco of the situe no% 12-73 i 0 A— , .... -,m cm _, _.! ,_, c -c „. ...,5 4 •:.% •. t 0 _— 4 . , In Z C rte; r: p P .: 1 := = i _i ~,i , . .1. —, -,, 4, . hi ,„.,,, 4 0 t.. 3 O .7. = . 0.3 - '-' Z .. r •l ‘ .: 4 n.: Z.'C Z t 2 l . ' ,OO'D V: fi g} / t-,. ~ ::./ •-: :.,. = l 0 . ( 5, ': c.. eS.' ~ ,_,, ~ 0 .../ .-: •-• •- • 6 „, • 0 0.4 rj t::: , tZ , M ,•. ... , t 'l '..., 'I; ” t„ -. . :4 F." . ` - +Z. • ie . , ' C ••••• ,:, 0-, = ,7, _ A-.- ,_. 0 ~ ...„ v 2 c.c ,_. F.,. ,„ ...D - ..' , I`. ::, ^1 (. ''' .-. 0 ~....,- 3 ~.., - -: .'" c - ~-• ,-..^ ~ . 4 P el: , r• o .. i j .7..• XCr :H d ' 2 c . c.:.A t. ~ u; ..• 4. 5 ~. (../ .-.• 0 V. Z ....... „, =. ,••• ..„ - C•5 " , GC ~ O „,. ..•• i i , ~ •••J CD 4 ••••• , . r•I •-; 1. , -. •••• ~,,,, C,... , ,=--• ' 5 = m"I WA .1 ::: C C.. 0 _ -, - ::.,- •-• t..... s.: r , .... ~... - is 'r r z , P.' -..... ,- 1:4 i '.... .-:, , •-: y. r,-- .. ,-...,, r, ... .., , : :-. 1 • ',--:: . ~. 'e. 0 --: 5 7, :,, - .., , • et , .- ..• 0... V, . ~.7,, CD r -• ,'. ...., T. LI -- ,4% • _...k 04 CD '''' ... • ...1 '"d" 1 ..;• v 2 c= 5 •:::', :=• :7, n . - ~ • 4 r• - •' t ri. -.— y n - 1 ----* , O z n i z , '8 a, ,-_, -, ..• r: _ ~., ...:: °O l =." ",..,..! '.?: ..... ''.l: rg, •—. , r..• 11 to. . ,-.. •-•-• .- 7 ' .. .-. = h `i t 4 X ::: 5 5 :, t• 4 . 8 = ,-. ..... ~. 7 . ..1 c„, t l l . ...1 0 '. 2 F.. A u 2 W tzi •,---,. (:, -A Ay .'-. 4 .t., ct m ..... :• • : •I sr ft , - ~ - oc , et.,. , LAND FOR SALE. THREE HUNDRED: A Of beautiful LAND FOR SALE 1 miles from Towanda. Will be 'acid ON TIME; To suit purchascri 100 ACRES IMPROA With house and barn thereon; ba WELL TIMBERED And easily cleared. While farni well Will he 1401,1 I❑ lols t nf :".0 or 100 acres, purchasers shall desire. higolre of , I 7 . H. C. LOCK WO .. • N J. P. K 11119 r, or JAMEg - cr(10 nati -1701 • • NO - THET DON'T + 1 • ,T 4 _ RLL H. JACOBS' S = Now takes pleasure In daillng attqntlou to file SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, &C — A`4llnspoetion 'of his stock will 1i ottiliciiint to itatisfy alithat ho can otter greater Intineentents than ever. [march 8.z'76 NOW,OR ,. O FOIIEVER AFtElt :5 FOR NkARLY THREE YEARS `.IANIIYAC GOING DOWN-DOWN-DOWN, HAS BEEN REACHED, AND THATEPIL! A., Thls Is, therefore, to Latlfy my enstomilrs and the public generally, that.l will III:Tose of illy en tire stork of ' READY-MAW , : CLOTHINO PALL, At price,' at : least 'TWENTY-I , lV'; PER CENT LOWER than the Sallie article,' ran he Oren, three =oinks hence. - A %%ord,to the wise is mgt. dent." •• STORE EMI My stock Is COMPLETY in every departm.4it • and has been purelta4ed at the LOWEst etc- UIZES, Th.'s() who (pi ti.(tAvail awl(lst•hres 6( opportunity to boy Clothnig to his large etixt UR CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE Add probably notch loner than tho sante goeptlsnill be orrereh rorpany years, must met rensurene, a. : I have. Oren you all timely wanting. ME RMS, ZEBII2I T,;wanda, June 11. 1674 COAL, V.' keep on band at Lnr yard alt , -, !703 of PAttFton and *likes Barre rgal, and Loyal Soek coat, from the Sullivan“;ounty Also, Barclay:la:lop and Smith. We keep Um hest fin:1111y a Limo, llsir via C men% Brick awl Plaster, all or is hick WO *11! se at bottom prietta. .:.• v, i,a , r!. , Towa a 7.113)" Ist, '1r.71 1 . ' . - '- .., P URE GROUNDI'LASTEtI;, r• W. A; ROCKWELI I have Just received a 'urge supply ntil FItESII (.AOUNIi c uGA PT.A#E Manufactured from stone sob•cted by myself, and warranted PURE. PRICE.—Cash, 14 50; on time, 17 00. SCIM la your orders Rumerflehl, March 1,187 G. NEW COAL YARD! The undersigned ha i Mken limn largi) and commodious yanl, at the fOet of I'AILIi,S.ArcI)J, has nowt on liand.a full supply of - ALL SIZES IRES, r cash or Oct2l-r.-tf CIIEAP COAL A'ND . Q.NIE, tr r com and after July 1, I will sell real, llnn 4., for cash only, and the price list will 11., coif p . eted 'monthly. c.-. futlet OF COAL FOR JCLT, Mt TO:: OF 2,ooOftir; AT THE YARD: • Pittston Stove, Chestnut and Furnace Pea Carbon Run Lump Smith Barclay Mountain Lump 1.6 Smith,. Allentown Lime lii.hushel , Lath M EIZE! rr more; a.` Hair li timbel4o "-,, Brick ' ft II .• )-'ll 00 Kam always prepared to deliver pint l . 1,1,1. 8 on short notice at the usual price of delivery. - 1 also tender my thanks:to ray many friends and customers for thelevery liberal patronage fit the .pamt.and hope udder the new depart ore to leak's. It to their Interest to continue to imy where tlt:ity can get the best goods for the least money. Those who are,' indebted to the will take E - Millen that I must have money or 1 can buy for cagi and pay freights.. They Must settle by the first Of Au gust pert. . . . . Very Respectfully Yours, .: , • J. 1.1. 1.111.N51V.. . •I% i .Towauds, July 1, 1975. _ - : i, p. - ~, I ~ or ot ',People compl2ln of HARD,TIMES But those who are wise enough to ' BUY THEIR CLOTHING -AT Never find fault with the puallty of -thej GOODS HE SELLS. FOBS MR. JA( LARGE AND ELEGANT ;]_, ASSORTMENT ,-01 , ' - '-FOR- MENiAND BOYS' WEAR HOLD YOUR PEACE! TUREII (wow HAVE BEEN BUT THE INDICATIONS ARE; TILT ItARD'yAN CES WILL VERY SOON TAlt. 5 CE3=l UPWARD TENDENCY , ?, ISIEM FURNISHING GOODS Mil Yours, respectfully, HosENFIETA): :Coal, Lime ind Plaster co A i„ PIERCE ti'SCOrV AT ! RUM.itERFIELD ! PETER LANIESIESUR OF A NTII-RACiTE, LOYAL SOCK, And BARCLAY COAL Also LIME AND CEMENT. Coal delivered on short pollee TERMS :—Cash. 1111:N1:Y 111E11-CUR. _ _ r` GRO ME UROC CNE DO i g'ocean PE WIIOLESAL•E & RETAIL CHOICE FAMILY GIWCEp;IES, Flaying a large and COM 11101110US:S 1.1 ire %'.3 are prepared at ;ill tlnu•, to carry • 3 large stock. • CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, Or taken In exchange for g 00.13, au frovest'cap.h prl - Our long- experience in Om Oro,ery Trzule gives oh peculiar advantages In lurchanhl6. and as •we are uot.mulittlous to make large prof/tlO% - e flat- CREATER INDUCEMENTS TO Bnyent Pt.ll/ISr. OE NO = ■ COAL ' • -= - 7 B 11. YA N T ,S- i ,' : - . . k , 1 . . Cheai)er than you - willev er ag,ain live thkr,opportunity of doing.. i: l• - • it I liave a /urge assortment of my . , i) W\ - 111.ANI:FACTUJZ., , 1 W . arrianted i;neivery parOL:ttlar;wilich . 1 will • Thqt everybody can' ah 7 or!l to have .one o 1 •t , 1 his , Own. i • . , 1 a lso have the sole agency in'this splapelof • . . . . 1 01 - I . .tTT'S PATENT WUNER.S., • 'An - invention which hak come into ;very general Ilse all through the west. They give the hest ] satisfaction : whertivere they have li6 introduced. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. JAMES 111IYA 4 NT lan6-7i4 NEW kCARRIAG E FACTORY HENRY STULEN i I Respectfblly announces to Lis frinils and patrons, 'Asa !militia built a. NEW BRICK CARRIAGE' FACTORY, ',Whim w iociustantly keep ouband 4 , :tuil assort .ment u To ME Made of 1 city xi DEI DIM 00 3 4 00 ; 3 00 a 3 ® T . 2' " 3 g .; 1111 Thankr? tended& MIMI Ei;;; • ERI - , . r cCABE £ EDWARDS,i Cadi deellors In all tin/ of " AIES Jr, - PROVISIONS. • A Kaiak! OF COLD] NG St ItTiSSELL a, July 22. 4875 TENS & LONG, -, I !~ I Dealirs In I TRI FRocuppi GRAIN, SC ' ' I NM i i GRAIN AND PRODUCE ter ourselve's that we Call Mkt' than any other establl.stment In sorthern Tanta. 3 r , STEVENS & LONG. CORNER MAIN Sic I:RIDGE - ST „ M :7 1 0)V.A Carrinez Is YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BUY ' CARRIAGES AN D , ; «• A GO N S-„ ill SELL SO LOW Oppositicyl;o new .411, • 'AMILr CARRIAGES,, ANN) OPEN BUGGIES; LATFOR.II WA*CiONS7 IND SULKYri, AND SKELETONS he best_3nnilerial and fini.lnql in the, best Ip. long cximoricnm in city Car go Fati\ (ales gi‘cs Idm # th.c hied advaritiv er others iithu ' i Bll STYLE AND DURABILITYY wnens. All he al•lca i 3 an CTIO OF HIS WORK revlous to purchasing eLsetvltere WORK WARPANTEp TO GIVE PERFECT ATISFATION tal for the 116.ral patronage rot nn , riv ez ld respectfully ask a cuuttuaancu of the RING PROY7TLY ATTENDED TO t • AT REDUCF-D • • HENRY STULEN. Jaw 15.111.414 . .. . ~„ . . yr, pA. is. gra n vim EX- 49 ‘ 4 7 i 14 84:11 fp)744:raLsitill:l;j:)l;:ktiflfirAc.. rt:,:c.le::::APitr,Lll)ni. rj.17:17:87(11Ct._.711:177.1, 1 ' ' ' 1 311,, . . • 31.1A1i ;P. 5 1 3 1 faro. 2 15 5 ; . 1 7 13 0 Rochester.:. 4 :fa)! to'6 t' 6 A alairn....l . , • ... SAI too Genevai. ••• •i . • • 1 , '8 0 0 : :1 Ithaca 7 !r.o , ....' 942 1 Owego ' ' 19 DO, . , :1 'II;. 4r410 52. 8 Waverly l 9 41 2911 251 [l5 .11 2:pill 28! 9 A .hens 9 V 2 It 30.11 33 1 9 Milan. .... 9 Ulater .... STATIOSE , . , 1 1 Tow*oda.. 5 [05420510' Wy.saulclng , Standing . to Frencli!own• • . ; to . 5 4 5 I,aceyvple ii 2:i4 '1512! 5'.11.1 KU:It/era ..•li 31valliipett.. „ elioopany: , iz; i; . 10 . 2 07,)2 Ir,,,,,Grflige • , .... 12 • ' 7 Z.; 7 2 59 1 1 Wilkestllerr.•„ • • • 1 t L 3' Ir. 4‘. ?Koch rlluek ; •. • 4. 14 54. 5 •:_5 . 1 ,W"2 7, , Bet ( Al 2 1.. G 40 C. , v, G 19,11 a 4, 1 1 0 1 ` 4 ••• • • CA; 4:i 2 , A 1 8 25 8 New l'otk t+.•9 7,9, 9 .A Is: 0 I:'!' it W LI . • • 'ST..c.rfOrce). - 43 .30 . 18! , • • • *.z - .1%51. A.M.-A . 31.11 r:err ..; 8 20 PriLl4i4lqll4llla : 134 ... S 1•13.•414444 ..... .. 9 '2s' 6;(3'10 114tt1410,4004 ... ~..' 0 214,10 Allentiwn ...4 6,.443 10 &Tamil .... -11 0:4... .. : 1 , 6;11 Wilkes . : ... I; 35 7 2010 .40' 2 & 11 ju4et14,444.: 1 3•• 7 :45 11 10,2 k'al!4 LaGrange._ i s 31'(1 111 Tunk1,11000c1..i.. : .1; 4r. i 2 T r ; 11,110011113 , .... .. , • . 124:1 3lesheproli 9 I'. 12' - 117 Skinni.V4 9 3', 1 Lacerl'llll , ...; ;I—. 3 07 9 3.1 1 13 .1 ‘l;y4itiSillg .... ' to ix:, 135 Frooclit4wn ..... 10 11 1 49. Itiminiorllol,l. 10 =loti . tit111141:0j.: In '32 2 05 Wysa4lt,,q, ....... .... Ili 2 75 ~ Towanda 4 1.0 10'.553 23('' ri rhtel' ... ..... it tr.) 2 4, ; - 3111.1 ..... 71 19 2 5:77 fi;:letL., ........ 4 4'..!11 3a'3 G. 5: • -I . .Wavutly ~ 4 r, 7, 1 f 13, 3 24 , Elintri i 5 'l5 1r..c.; 410 ' Owego' I I itaca i ..... ri 17% 1 3'.1 —:, (relit: ‘ 4..... 6 4. 3 . :i5 .... .Nul,iir 1 . .. .. 9, C , l Ruche. ter......... 1(1 1.-' 111111ak. ...... ...... 12. 1...; Niagara 1 , :1,1 12 7 ? 1 1 P.:11.• • 1 Trains Pi atal'ls with lug Cars attar Ned. I'is4lll, ajal (i.asevx aad Nc.*.v Yon k. cay, 'to Trains 2 and 9 betwoiu t All I', tlirougri to Centenflr al ti rou ads.. . A. PA , * ER. Sur uintendent.i• • A l r; . \vAl.:)) ItE Cl 1 4 7,N EVA, ITT LI CA 4'i, ATTIENB 1 / 4 11; :k1.,114::1y. Jan. 24, Ib7i.i, rau:, rya a•S 0r../WS: ::LS".•OIITII7V,. 111 N.. ..h-5;;) , a. la.. •;aiic.,e • r•.: l ,:. , l l rivtrit, at VAII }.ate ':,lv . - 7 vat, r 7:4::, Vtrtl f 1 , I', 7 ii.ty • : :I', with 1t. , :.. ht 11•"•', th :.• F,lrOf it.t 4:1 j No. a.CPI "tr- • 11 - ,,u! trala t••1:1' :•f•.•••-. • arri‘ at .Cau ten 1'2;41, 1;:!::••;•, 1:1•31.1 TAuglinnic rail+ rtitta.taa%o.!- - !.; ran Ovid -1.0 arid West (Ili N. V. I. t:. p. ••• ,- A - l-t Su: n with throh: yar ft , ant for (••• ~ .••s lt•av,t,g Eautra ti:10 , p. ,arrilN kg. at V it, ,i;:tc,n Spencer .111ta••4 'rant:7l,l,a ' F.I 'rruutatc,Lurß~ .fat;. 1. - :trau•r• C 021. 1 -4. mat. I:olnnias t• 58: runncrtiug 'with' I rains,east aiici Y. I 1 r 12. It. K. Alull yr. AT 't , ..VT:tE ;non TIT • Nehru, dalis; e<17,1 , thrrwgit car. fr•.:ri Vinnra leaving VA at aa,f) a. tn.. itonta:a 'Met, con,Th 5:47, , nerd 11•70.. -i-r T7••_;;itat:y• Fa11...Z:0,1.1T. , a ti, , ittrer at 9:•••1: . I.}l v. Day EXpf,,. Sew Ne 'Volt *O. In_ l'l , ll.adelpitla . 1:34 , 11 - ‘ll 11...,•,1 31,3 , 1.111,g I 1`..17, t - ',!!s I 1:!, ••;F.A•114 . ,!..!" to^. 71.• , •tioll :.. . F.,•; p. 111. P. p. i:11 nt t w MI 1.. V. Nig , it Trelo-1, :11,1 A4rekt pal PE 1:. P.IT'KEI IL:TT. 1 1 .4 \ . EV, I NV3I....;;TEVESS ,, T\ . - C. 'pin LA DETANHA•& , rAItRANGEIIENT r.t.SSF.NGE!: TIC.I.IS!• Trq'ins rear , A!(, (ror Pr, Furr I . . 3210. • r 0 'For 11.1 , aLf rll.4ta, at a. 11,.. 11, r P.sve For 4.3.1 t . 11,.f 9.42. p. In, Fur and col.ind..l. p. r‘,ll ,1.111711,•‘1,1:%V Fir t7..l l r:t.lttil rt rt. rt•, , ! e t rvr . l, , ,. AT/. ar,./,,ft [ l'l)ll3.llphi , , jjj .7 ‘.2.5,a11.1" • 7.1. , 7 la. p. And 71.4 i) p. u. „ [ [ •-• 5u:),1,..t [ rat, • (~, ,. ..`,".jAt ,16,1,1 C Leave 7.0 t. 7. lu:Vi.. tn. , .. Leave ilarris'ourj. ",...!1.. !-.1:.;...1 , 1.1. tn. 7.4 n tj. ut. _ .4 L...lVe. La:le:.:or. -,. tn - t ,:t. n,. , 12.,., r.eaye o.'...lumni.t :"..'1•;, 7. 'i. :1. i!..,1:1.t..0 Lo:t , Itc:%.1;•Ig. 7 r.,,%t• !tat viii. u.,1%,1 littt t , t t . 411 t! t• tti s NA.] tOki •• , I : • r.!Ld II ,11: MBE p~•ii-Tb-I c. } 11 -1 1,WEIA; IiOUSE: TO lfavitigrVas , d 11,- r.• vil;ll.. , l , :tret: Tie t;', V ! • f.n t,, t a call. . irt? - North 311 a Of Sj ale, (.1 Iti , 11; FelA S Ilp USE, iro. it.. • . M. 17 N 1 , 10:`41.: rtt ge. , . , ri•o•lva 14 1 .1 11! )E i T I , 1V \''d It OW! rn • r rni iz, • t iviuhy t! JOHN `Flo! 11,4;1-, 1.1.• 1.4.4• a r. fitted. and O1.44:1 n : VIA I:ir . all ',lro , of 114i11.4r.)(i04 , 1....E . A14 , .10g - .t: la. ! 1 11‘ , :tr.k . .r.• 14y Ow 4t4y 4.r Mty O. lILLII KM, PA "OLD - .31.011 AN N lit.dodeal Int,t , • t.t, ,t 4ttmtitty 1—",, l'*• Inc t‘t,ittntit i!, Ltmo and 011Wr T 11). t tailor 110!,.1 tall.•ly 1 . ..:•1: 1' (Put)1111 11 gil.• r• ndrr twit . t-4.atfort:ftio, 01,1,t V 1111441 0 14 %0:11 find is ittaveakatt r,•attltitl tltt% . ,vity mortillig. A samplu roan L on Ott first icconuiwtlation of cowl:Rem:I:11 arnit' sipt.,4;i3, 9 7 129 , MEE 11131 M 30' 2 46! 5 26'! 06 324;,6n3': IT 3 26,,C.14 . 1 12 -3 34! 6 2g.! 30" 3 44? 6 301 3 551 6 46! ,00 1 415; 6'55i 07; 4 .27 7 1%311 JO. :5: 4 49, 50; 5 12. 1: 5 :SS' 15 5 34 32. 6 , 01 VI . 5 041 Elia TEM 01 7 10 2) 7 20. CM BM 4 32 EM 45, 9 45 00 11,30 3/ 12 no 41. 12 11 120 L+'• 4 00 41 4 :v, rv:11 ,141 :1, EITII ri 7.3 ".r, or _II. I.! fi 111 !MEI ME .... 7 lo 7 '-'10i_...;1.: •-•. • .4 '; 0,0: 7 35 . 7 30 .:.;. . A I.r.i 4,1 .:,7 29, 0 16 . A fi 33, 8 on If7 , ;pi 11 40 1•I ': 0 75 -9 JO 0 14 5 8 20 G4B _ MEE , 'kuinkan and rhiladvl, _ , 1.7C-'1 IMEI I ,:,!ay=„learlng 11:qts Oa, ,li•r 10 - 2. t•!'" t • enr:- ig Lt =BE plan 5 1 . 4 1 1 11. gt Or Y. (72 F. Fariper 6:174 • 7:14! It bavA uucctitzg %NMI 411 d 4 , !Cr; ME (1 to all prhiei :.rr,t,.•up! A gt, - =NM CT - 1.1" 1 - 11 131ES=fffl BE =I :11 4 ! In., 3..:0, i:aU,, . .• .3. in.,. ....1111 , I •' <r~ p. in Irma u•. 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