II padfor eportet II Towanda,P!.., Thursday, Angtuit 17, 1876. LOCAL AND GENERAL. THERE is an'abundance of luscious ripe fruit in market alre.Ady.l IlLAcKnEnntes are very aburdant in this vicinity, and sue selling at reasonable 'prices. TITE Fall Term of the Graded School in this borough, !rill open on Monday next, •21st inst. THE L.: V. cars now run into Canada, the company having provided yards at Clifton fur their coaches attached to Erie trains. • LEclunc will resume her easses in French and Drawing,at the commence ment of the Fall Tertns of the Institute and Graded Schools. 1. 0. G. T. tONVENTIOIL—The quar terly convention of the 1. 0. G. T, will be held at New Albany, SeEtember 5 and 6. FRANK W. nom., BD. S. Trig. Republicans of Terry will organize a Club at Terrytown this. Thursday - eyen ing, August 17. W. T. DAVIES and Col. 111Ann.t. will make addresses on the occa sion. 'Gro. D. SritOuro, Esq., 'killed a pair of spring chickens the other day, which weighed ten pounds. Mr. S. also has pul lets of the same brood, hatched in April last, that are now laying eggs. • f MERE will be a general gathering and social re-union of the Howrox family of . our county at the ,Assembly 10th and Chestnutits., Philadelphia, on Thursday, Aug. 24,1876. SJIERIFF Lai;ron exhibited areal Gran ger trait, the other day, in presenting the RETORTER boys with a bountiful supply of toothsome apples, and our " devil " says he is in favor of ANDREW for a " third term." . MErri.No.--Providence permit ting, there will be a Camp Meeting held at l!errickville; Pa:, to commence August ;nth, in the woods owned by H. Roam s, .one fourth mile from the village. A gen eial invitation to all. Pul4,lC GRASGn MEETING at Wyalu sing Academy, on Tuesday, August 24, at 1 o'clock. p.m. lion: LAPOIth; and Col; J. F. 3lEAtis will address the meet ing. A general invitation extended to all. .;• Alas. L.J. ILkulxv and daughter, of Aurora, IH., have been spending several clays in this plate as the guests of A. J. NonLE. They'left for the Centennial on Tuesday, in company with Mr. and Mrs. NOBLE. THE canton Sentined - Saysl " DANrdri FELLOWS, SOTI , of TIMOTIIi FELLOWS, aged about nine years, .was accidentally drowned on Saturday morning last while fishing in' the creek rear BROWN'S at 1101;I'P'S mill, Grover." - ; .T. PAysoN and C. E. WRITE having resigned their places on the Executive Committee of the Bradford County Agri cultural Society, C. J. EASTABROOK of Rome, arid lIORACE, likarro:4, of Stiesle gain, havo been substituted to fill the vacanciep. 1 LIN-TA No. 3.—A special meeting will be held Friday eveving, Aug.llB, 1876, at 81 o'clock. Business of the greatest kn portauce will be taken up and disposed of, and every member is reqUested to be present. By orler of the President. ' ViNcENT, Co: " K " returned from ti tnent in Philadelphia on Satu last, in fine condition. The themi•elses hugely, and reel compliments oil their soldie and gentlemanly conduct. week give a more exteuide! their, trip. TILE farmers of the county, seconding the efl'orts of the Ma make the A.,..Trieultural Fair perfect success.; Will they. original design ot the A-gricul t was to advance the interests ing community.: If it is div'e object, the fanners mint take _ I=l THE next Quarterly Convey. Tenipltia for the 'Northern Pennsylvania, will meet at ou Tuesday ; September sth, a. tn. ;It is bxpe.leted that eac Ike fully rekesentell. The . eve of the first day will be open, at or Temperance are invited to Wm 31.‘ v l'EnsoNAL.—ltev. G. W. and wife are spending a bz with fri-pds in a . former purls —Mrs E. N. Fhisnmof Elth ing the '•heateci' term" with Orwell Hill. L-GEo. I). SrMOL7o, Esq., It Massachusetts ftir a summer t, -3ltr.s. C. a DITTRICII are spending the summer in the guests of. Wi 'llittrieb, Es( .lonN TAYLOR,-E« t., one o and highly esteemed citizens Stone, died at his residence on Wednesday the 'Mr inst. a quiet, unostentatious luau, many acts of kindness to i: had endeared himself to a Ills loss will long be mourned' knew well. 'llls age wit,' , 'fife -was the father of our to{ 'W. TayLon, of the firm of TA : ' and Mrs. if,yrnau!llLAci:NtaN. 3tAt. E. W. Agent, h Judge Monnow,l Executor, the policy Issued: by the Con tual Life Insurance Company of 310NT,VSY17.. 'rim written on the half-note .plan. good showing for the,. ComI: notes 'giVen by Aeccased for yearly premium had all been . dividends, excepting About dollars, -which was deduct amount of the pOlicy. - MAritimosir a disease ti at attacks humanity at all Seasons; and the young gentlemen and ladies of Tow. nda are no exteptions to the general rule. On Mon day last, Mr.. T. REED IIuAtTN , and Miss iTESSI,S; Nousty., Comsumated n alliance for some time contemplated, a d we sup pose willreturn from the weeding tour, and after a few weeks'. .of. hooey moon, take tileir places i as staid•sensible married people. We cordially welJome Mr. IlstAt - Nn to the fraternity of BENEDICK'S, and . extend to him and his estimable young, bride our Warmest congratulations. DELEGA.TE ELErvioss.+ 7 Th Republi cans of Towanda Bern., will meet at their respective klaces of ,liolding elections, on Saturday, August 19, for the purpose of choosing delegates to represent the Bore in the County Convention, to assemble on the 22d inst. ' In the First Witrd the election will be held at .the Hotel of P. SuLi r ay.ts. In War(l, at the Grand Jury Room. re, the Third :it the store of G..S. The . polls'will be opened at sir o'clock, and closed at eight o'clock. I I , i [(NTS TO GUN N Ells.— Rail, and reed /i!csoired, That While we deeply regret binls may be killed during .september, and mourn the; death of our dear sister, October and November. - After November we find consolation in, the fact that we Xi, a fine of live dollars for each bird can cheerfully leave her ; in the hands of a killed may be imPosed. I , Being, who:doeth all things well. Pheasants or milled grouse maY: be killed Rewired, -That in he death kmr Order from October 15th to January 15th. Ten loses a true, earnest add- faithful sister, dollars penalty for every birdl killed out her family a hiving and; affectionate mem of season, 4 - , , her, and the - community a living example Quail or Virginia partridge maY be killed of virtue, temperance and' . gmaluess, wor botween October 15 and Decemberls on- thy of emulation,by all. , 11;,. A fter . that date ten dolLu fine for Re/cared, :That a. 4 a token of our respect each bird.. .and esteem- to our departed sister, our The woodcock season lasts from July 4 charter.be draped in mourning fir thirty to January 15. Ten dollars penalty if days. , . shot out of season. Resotred, That these resolutions be pub- Upland or grass plover may be shot fished in Gni Temyerinee Vinditalor and from August 15 to January 15. f Ten dol- county papers, and entered upon the min lars penalty fur killing outA season. rtes of our fudge, and that a copy be pre- Wild turkey and wood or summer ducks seated to the husband and family of the from October -1 to January 1. Ten dollars deceased, with the .assurance of our sin penalty for shooting out of season. _ core sympathy in' their sad bereavement. Rabbits m,iy be killed from October 15 1 . • Mrs. H. N. Gtutn.wr, to December 15. A line of fiVe dollars - - !i'. Miss GRACE KlgNEllt, may be imposed On parties,sbooting outi, Miss Bums RICKICY, of season. _ i 1 ' i, - I Route; Aitgaiit 7,- • • Conimittve, MO • ' ... 4 1 a t ,; ; " ; ' ,' rt. , • - _ O. t T.--The Miring alias of Queen Esther Lodge, No. 1107, 1.0.G.T4 at Green!sitandingowne Installed for the ensuing*;ittuirter, on August 3,1876, by L D., G. W. C. T., Leonard Newell. W. C.,:T.-=FRED. P. VINCENT. W. V. T.—Mies LUCY LANE. W. .5....-EDWARD HATERS. W. PLESIORK . R. W. o.—Jons MORLEY. FAnNsworrn. W. T.-11ra. Jume. WELLER. W. I. 0.--4118/1 LUELLA FARNSWORTH'. W. 0.. ' /3.—M. E. Wwwisn. W. R. 14.-111 m JOAN MORLEY. L.'S.—Mies ADELIA HANKA& W. A.'S.—Mrs. T. WALKER. • W. D. M.—Mrs. MArrIE P. W: C. T.—F. E. WELLER. BELLY. WYALRBMO ITEMS.—As we drove into the village of Wyaliming on Saturday last, our squire stood looking rather abstract edly and mournfully toward a distant corn field, thiough which the prisoner was making good time, having decided to go for counsel while the constable was out looking after a witness—the prisoner's hat and coat-were taken charge of by one of his friends, and'can't be found. The Hayes and Wheeler Club, of Wya lusing, will held a good old-fashioned mass meeting on Saturday, the 26th inst., on which:occasion a big pole will be rais ed and alunion flag flaunted to the breeze. Patrioticrspeeches will be delivered, by competent orators. Sweet music will be discoursed by band and _chorus, and all arrangements made for a < good old time. Every body and his friends are invited. The Grangers and Odd Fellows will soon have a new Hall" to meet in, on the site of the Davies & Mix Block. T he build ing is far advanced. H. B. GAYLORD has' sold his interest in the Insurance business office, and furiture, to IMr. E. L. DUNKL ' Y who .has removed the sameito the photograph building. 211 r. GAYLORD we understand, will re tain theE 'post Ace, and the +accidental branch of the ii.surance busincia. THE "N. S. DENMAEK Ssw MILL" IN ASUES.—Last Friday morning at about o'clock, without the two ringing of bells, but with one or two cries of fire, , a few of our citizens were made aware of a visitor iu town whose coming. had not been predicted by our weather prognosti cators. It was soon found that the saw mill and o.liinet shop, formerly owned by Mr. N. DENMARK, and more recently by 3lessrs. JAS. Fox and WALT. NxwmAN, was on fire, and so enveloped in flames that non's:of the contents could be saved. The origin of the fire is, without doubt, the work'of an incendiary, as/ there had, been verylittle work done in the building for several months, and consequently . there was no fire about the premises for some time prior to the conflagration. The mill and Shop were situated a few rods in rear of 17 - EiL's, saw mill, and consisted of a large frame two-story building, with an addition on the south, and an engine room on the Muth. A dam on Mill Creek furnished Water enough to run the mill almost the whole year, A large over-shot water-wbeel, nearly new, costing over six hundred !dollars, drove the machinery. .The engine and boiler, which was used in low water, •was removed from the mill several months ago. A pony phiner, shaping Machine, two turning lathes, a boring lathe, several sans, in fact all the machinery necessary for the business of the establishment, to the value of over fifteen hUndre&dollars, were destroyed. The total loss is four thousand dollars. No insurance. -Canton Sentinel. AT a i;egular meeting of Wyalusing Grange, .7so. 124,, held Saturday, August sth, 1876„ - the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: WnEntts. It has pleased the Almighty to remove froth:a sphere of activity and usefulnesS in our midst, sister JANE, wife Of-JOHN VAUGHAN, and,' WIrEREAS, She was a valuable member of our order, discharging Miler duties in the Grange, and. in the hbusehOld with great fidelity She was pleasabt and cheerful in her intercourse witk all. She was charitable and- forgiving to the weak and . the erring. She washenevoleut to the poor and the unfortniate. She visited the sick and the afflicted, and at all times exhibited thei virtues and graces which adorn'a noble christian woman. he encamp iday evening oys enjoyed pived many bearing, r e shall next sketch of She has withdrawn from our Order here, but she has joined the celestial Grange 'in ;Heaven, therefore{ Re i solred; That in this dispensation of Divine Providence, we are admonished of our own mortality, and the necessity of patting own our house iu order: Resolved, That we sympat4e withthe family of the deceased sister in their great affliction, and deskre to mingle our tears with their* by heartily nagels,may this Fall a o it? The ir.tl Society f the farm ed from its the respou- ion of Good District of 'ew Albany, t 11 o'clock, Lodge will tiny session d all friends attend. /Lsuirec; That the Secretary be in structed tt, furnish a copy of the forego ing- to the family, and also to the Fetriner's Friend, and the county papers for publi , tation. _ how a'(i:Tko cr. RTS.-A lady corres: pondent or one of our exchanges furnishes the following: To three ,tablespoonfuls of . common starch, well boiled inn quart of water o uld a lump oflard the size of a pea, a table spoonful .0f loaf sugar and a little salt. Let it cool until you can use it without burning your hands. When the, clothes are thoroughly!. dry,:dampen your shirts in a cold OM starch, roll them up and let them lay One hbur before ironing. When ready to Trim, have a bowl of clean, cold water at hand, dip a clean handkerchief 'into it antt!Wring it out dry; then stretch the shirt ever a short board, and wan the dampened ! slandlerebief wipe off every particle ofstarcli that appears on the face, taking care always to wipe down - - ward. Ile: careful not to have the iron too hot. The More pressure you use on the starchtjd Surface the finer polish 'you will get ! :I have done up shirts in this way for sciVeral years, and knoW that it' will produce a polish equal to any laundry work. I forgot to mention in its proper place that you should never boil the starch until the clothes are ready to hang up to dry. No shirt can be done up nicely with out a shirtboard. The one I have is tiro feet long and one foot wide—an inch board planed smooth, and covered on one side with , six thicknesses of flannel, the top one being spR white flannel. The first five tbleknessefrare stretched over tightly,and tacked seCtirelyl on to the edge of the board, all around; the white flannel out- Side, is stitched to the edge of the others, so, that it .eau be removed for washing whenever necessary:, Old blankets or shawls thathave done their duty, as such can be welt utilized for this purpose. CICANDLEIC of vacation ra. is spend friends on Lc oone ip. d children this plage; ,f the oldest 6f Standing n that place Mr. T. was and by his s neighbors trgc circle. by all who • 7g years. visman, J. Lou 4: Co, as just paid ; 1 4,896.75 on neticut )fu non the life policy was This is a any. The, icalf 44,E his calicled., by le hundred from the • DEPARTED this . lifci in Rome, July 22, 1876; Sister SARAU A. aged 20 years: Thus early in life she bid adieu to earthly jOys and now dwells in a fairer clinic, the: paradise of Gott She - was a much loved member of our order and a regular attendant at our meeting as long as lier health permitted. During the last months of her life, she was an uncom plaining stifferer,,but the end came, and that countenances ever lit up, in health with such intelligent heauty,received that serene expression, telling to all who look ed npon the beautiful waxen features that earthls sorrows were ended and she bad passed oveewhere all is joy. . At a regular Meeting of Rome Lodge No. G. T., August :3, 1876, the following resolutions of respect were adopted: " • WnEimmi.. It has pleased Almighty God in His all,wise providence, to remove from this life one of our members, we are again called' upon to consider the uticer-; tainty of life, the certainty of death, anti the vanity Of all human pursuits, there fore GRANGER. -J. V. INGHAm, Mrs; VAUGHAN, COM, M. STEVENS, ME 7 DILPUrinI4O6 Oti cialtititnxi-D.D.O3L, 0, W. BLACICILAN, for a mectiag to be composed of 2 delegates from each Lodge of the I. 0. 0.F., of the county, a Corr vention assembled at the Hall of Brad. ford Lodge, No. 167, in Towanda, on Monday, August 14th, at 2 o'clock, F. m. G. W. Blackman cant* the meeting to order, and stated its object , to be, to con sider the advisability of attending the parade of the Order in Philadelphia, on the 20th of September, as a body, and to make arrangements for the same. On motion, duly made and seconded, G. W. Blackman was elected chairman of the meeting. D. W. Scott was nominated and elected Secretary Lodges from the following places were represented, viz: Monroeton, Athens, To wanda, Sheshequin, Rome, Asylum, Camptown, Granville Centre, Wyalusing, Leßoy, Burlington, Sylvania and Sugar Run. The meeting passed the following reso lutions, viz, That the different Lodges of the county, unite as one Delegation in the parade, taking whichever route to the city, they choose, and uniting there. That they wear as uniform a red scarf 5 inches wide, and 2 yards long, of all wool De Lame, and a fatigue cap, color dark blue. . That a committee of 5 be appointed, of whickthe President of the meeting shall be phairrnan, to make general arrange- - .ments, procure the scarfs, caps, &c., and that the different Lodges be requested to report to the committee, not later than the Ist of September, the number that will go from their respective Lodges. The committee appointed are, G. W. Blackman, of Sliesbequin, L. 31. Hewett, of Camptown, Warren . Ilill. of Towanda, J. B. Reeves, of Athens, J. 11. Calkins, of Columbia. - . , Also 'resolved, that I ) istrict Deputy Blacknian act as Marshall of the delega tOn. Adjourned. .D. W. SCOTT, See'y. BUSINESS LOCAL. vir New Priutp at KENT 4' BLiss.' New Dress Goods at KENT at Brass' tom' Now lot of Shawls at KENT 4: BLlss• /Kir New roods received daily at IIsvDLEMAN•S Air EngraTing done. at II stoaaf.MAN'S Jewelry Store. Mr A new stock of Corsets at KENT*. . , Ear Buttrick's l'atterus at Kisr OrLadies' Linen Suits at KENT &Ss% tlir Call at KENT ak; Buss' and MC their new goals, Vir New Cloths aril Cassimeres at KENT It BLiss'. Ex' A large assortment of spring and summer hats, Just received, at 31. E. Itosr,:v. MEE Dollar-and-a-half books for 99 cts 3fercur Block; Mr A full lino of Parasols and Fans at & mass'. . $ lIENDLLIIA:'? offers a great reduction In Sll ver-Plated Ware. VE - A full line of Hosiery and Gloves at • 1 , hOT a VLISS% • . rgr A full iliac of summer Skirts at KENT dt BLISS.' NrWliite goods in great variety at KENT it BLISS'. • „ 6.-Sd Bias' for ybur No tions and Fancy Gtx..ds:' Dr You can bay a plated Castor for 99 cents, In Ilercur Block. Call at KENT - ct ELI'S?, and look at their Black Gretta,linc., rff"' I largo stock of ~ , , aines and toys, at Cost, at Wllltco34ll & pit ArT's., ar All the latest publications, very cheap, at WIIITC03111& SiLtUVS. Or' Everythingin the lino of station- Cl 7 at WHITCOMB .1[ Wurtcomit & SIIABT sell the best Blank Rooks manufactured In the country. 'You get all the latest styles of Stationery, very 't heap, at . 1V itlTCWta & Sit aurs Mr" — The largest anki best assortment of !spring clotL Ing In town, at M. E. Ens rir.F.D's. air-Gold,lSllver, and Steel 'Sl , eetaclep, and Eye Glassus, In great variety. at II EN DLL 31A N s Jewel- ry Store, I 'l'l;e largest, and best assortment of ! Brackets ever brought to this place, can now be, Brea at rnosz St soss. ; PktS.--,olle pair line, months old, and three fairs cne month old, for salti by t i. 11. WELLES., \V4alusiog, Ilradrurd Co. —414. pi-lex reduced to t 2 per gallon. In 5 gal!na pall; ¢1...+0. R. M. WI:LLES Sos. VT' You will be surprised to learn how m u ch you ran buy fur 99 cents In Mercer j3r Great reduction waches at Cil'AmuzittlNW:Jilne CarIIENDF.I,MIN has the thicst stock of Watehei, .lewilry and Silv,4ware, ever brought into this town, Call awl see It. ;! • Passengers tothe West will find it to their advantage to purchase , tickets at the Ta panda Depot. Itatesveduced ;1.50 from Sept. let. Or A new stock of Trtinks and Tray etling Bap ja3t received at Coasi.lt'st and at low er priers than ever. t FOR RENT.—The dwelling house lately occupied by Col. Hoirrozi, on Malt' street. Enquire of D. C. DEwirr. C.:7l7Consr.n beats them all in good goods and low priers thl fa!l. Oppo.:lte tho Court TI OW P.-A ug6. .Shoddy is about played out. When' you want a goal Boot or Shoe go to eOltsnies, up i)ohtte the Court Ifouse..—A ugg. . l Don't fail to call at liaxnt.Emares, If you to buy anything in the Ilne•uf Jewelry, Silver and Sllyerplatcd•Ware. Ca r. SI:stICEIIANNI COLLEGIAT session commence!: NIONILIN AI.7(ITST 21,7*.` Sec the advertisement In another column.:ang2w4. Or Take Notice, there is a great re durdon In Waltham and Elgin Watches. Call at EN DF.I.MAIeS and ybu wIH be sure to buy one 'a the prices he Is offering. Ur Pull, brothers pull with care, your winter-1% - nm arid cumbys nist atm and. envelope yourself in a thin dipcfaire,and prepare to enjoy the Rummer zephaire. You can aup r ply your.,clves at ItosExcast..D*.,3.--.lune 14. - WANTED.—A reliable man in ev ery township In this and adjoining counties, to act as Agent for.the New Illstory of Pennsylvania. Good salari&i . will be paid to efficient men. Call en or address D. C. GOODOCH & Co.. Towanda. Penn [a. ar A Musical Instit,ate will beheld at rotter Ville, COMEIM,Ering (M,M ,, EdaY evening, Sept. 4, continuing ten day4,wyli three selokats dully: 1.110 to 3.(0 for the child 6.1); 3.30 to 5.00, be ginners; 7to 9 . 31.11 - 412CCd. 'rho /nstlttdo will close with roneertsqin Tburtday and Friday evenings, Scp. 14 and 15, under directinit of air. JAMES MC GLIANAIIAN. STATE NORMAL. ScIIDOL, MANSFIELD, Cot PA.—The Fall 'term will open Wednemlay, August 3;i, Ixif. Ample and most ex cellent awwinmodatimis for Iw-setting. and day stn delas, a faculty of experienced teachers, and terms lower than found:' In other schools. State appro C(''lntinued and rellneo the expel; ses of the students: For Catalugue4lving full par ticulars for admission to the school,' apply to Prof. Charles 11. Verrill, A. M., Principal. WM-it ,-• SditYirEHA.N.l.l. COLLF.GIATE INSTI TETE.—Btrard with room complete and furnished throughout, and with tuition In English branches • 4192. per year. With Commercial branches. Ilse.; with Scientific :mil roo. Cheap er to Bradford county students titan any other School. Stire travelling esiwoisos, and save expebte which is liteurred in tither sehnots, of buying far t:Rum for room. Taltlra ill' Normal DepartMent, •11.4 par tarak, _ • , - - - •.: - 2 ; :•- ;: irl ~y„k~. .: :S..i 4 ~.. , _ eiiirltiginx .. a.- - -"the - Wyaleisillsi Dis., et Camp Meeting will be held (B. Ir.)Miar• DIM -., !telt Depot, 0 the Montroao EMI 8u1d. 4 ilinnlral Bolas connect dolly at Taakhannock with fAilthitt Alley 11.' 1.,) commencing Aoguit 14,, fury', and tlaulag ,l mlne days. Good Board on the ground t reasonab le . rates. :03 Let the people of Bradford county come Mr thla feast of tatsenmetes, praying for the success; f the glorious Gospel of Christ. ' s - ' -J. T. WALKER, Preshient. . . J.M. WESTON, Secretary. Brooklyn, Pa., Jape 24, mph -a - , . i • P • MONA Gnxicar. second repast' meeting of Bradford District Po mona Gruige, No. ;I, srill be held at Canton on Thursday !tug. 31, at 9 o'clock a. m. The day ses slonsTrKbe open to all Fourth Degree mensbers. A full attendance of oaken. members and! date; Bites is desirable, as questions of vital Importance will be disposed of. The Pomona degree 'Trill be duirconfet!red In the 7ereuing onl all having cart!- , fled credentials: E. 0. OWES, Secretary InEr A CARE OP THIRTY YEARS StARD t NG. East Aurora, N. Y., May T.t, 11172 Mews. Seth W. Yowle & Sops: Gentlemen—l was troubl e d withdyspepsta for thirty years , and tried several medicines *dyer- User. for the cure of this distresiing complaint, without deriving any benefit from them. About a year ago I commenced taking the Peruvian Syruy, and after 'tiler altogethir twelve bottles I find my. seit entire* cured. *I constder my case one Of the worst I ever heard of. and I take great pleasure In recommending the Peruvian Syrup to all dlrspop 7 ties, believing that It Will be sure to cure,them. • Your respectfully, J. T., DOwSN. h'old by ail druggists. Mit s a conceded fact that M.. E. nosc*FrEue Is better posted In the clothingtrade than city tattier denier in Towa ntla,loldh is annOunce ment In another column will Attract attention wherever htt Is Xnown. The statements imirklihe evidence of truth on their fact , , and the public will not •I'slow 'it, avail themselves of hlsmlost gener ous offers. It would,:without doubt, bo largely to Mr. R.'s peimniary profit, to close his store, and await an advancement in prices, but his Onan throple spirit and Inte - icst In his 'Customers impala him to a different" course. Ills unselfish: sad straightforward manner of dealing in thls instance )3 another e Memo that the confidence heretofore !reposed In Ii in by a confiding public, was nut mis 'placed. fitp MP" Soraewhat astonishing it is that af ter a place has been so well canvassed for twfOks as Mb., that thj book, "Our Vett Centdry,•• should moot with sich great favOri yet Our people, here are good Judges of such Works, and when they conic to look at the merits of the book they - see It supplies a place In their library which nco,other book could and will pleas: all dames froth oho old to the young. Those "One Hundred Great and Me.morablieftvents" are photographed In anch a .vivid manner as to create a desire for more 04061 knowledge of our country. At the first , glattee at the hook one would think It was 41 History, tont It Is really more 'than Its title Indicates. Many Of Ito chapters are cluiply i worth the', price of the f bola, bet...rise in it we have those Wonderful events ca ptained to a Clear manner which have log ,been a myslery, and none but scientific men knew flow to captain. "Hard times" It, scarcely a suffiellqit excuse for atly not to subserifc.—Aug. to. '1 IClir Wybming Seminary and . Cornme t r- . el4 l College. kingston, Lucerne Co.. pa. Red. iss COrELAN:I , , i rit. n., Principal. The Wyeinlea' Seminary oiNrs-Po students the following courses of study: I. Common'Englishs 11. Course Its Lit erature-fend science; 111. Classical Course; IV. College i'rep. ratory course; V. Scientific PrepaT M 1 ary Course; VI. . Course in Music; VII. Courite in Art; 'VIII. Course for Teachers. French, German and ''ainting, taught by competent teach ers; Music 11,y1 a German Professor, The Cott:liner clalCollege gives Instruction in Retail and Mrhole sale Itusiness,lForwarding and Comtnhiston,Busi ness, Elanklug, Penmanship, Telegraphy, conmer- Clal Law. etc.` The Wyoming Soulless3' is one of the largest mid best sustained school's of, the kind In the country. Accomnuslatiotis for 175 leeirders and 200 day 6cbolars ' ; Instruction thorong4 and prices reasonable. Fall Terns opens Aug. 30„; ICC For Catalogues, containing full information, ad dress the Principal. i U. ICEL.soN, Pre et 11,,0ril of Trust:eet. If. Wit ELIA:I:, SeOretary.rfly:Ow6. ' I - • • REPIU H. TATLen, of Gran , Ville. will he presented to the Republican County Convention, ali a candidate for Representative. Ip, Is eminently 11.ted for the position. and his noUtin'a lion would meet wit'll the approval of the entire west. 1 • • . . .REPREStti.TATIVE. The name of A. sums:EN, of Tuscarora, will be presented t4.t he r.t.pawiran Ci!nty Convention, as a candidate .tor Representative. Tuscarora is one of the most hie Repuhlie:iti townships In the county, nod has seldom, if et,Tr. been honored with at eatitilate. Mr. systagn Twill be strongly urged by thei best men In the eald, and itts.nomination would cOtalm• ly reflect credit upon the party. ' • ItEPREsEI , i TAT tyu.—To the Reptibllcan:elec tors of firadfdtal Coutity:—We propose the ratite of BANNOWCLIFF, of Tuscarora twp., as a t audidatt for the once of Itepnlsentative,'stil.)- Ject to the de ision of the Republican Convention, to be hold at Towanda on the 224 of August next. Mr. liAttitoW'rt.lrrit republicanbla Is, as old as th,. party. an his ability and Integrity In every re spect Iwyond tjuestlon. As his neighbors and friends we a-k a favotl i alde consideratloN of his-candidacy, assuring our friends that If nominated hp noConly ought not but i rannot lie defeated at the polls. WTL. Cer Co It It N. SILVANA. ; • .ItdINICLAPPNit. PATRICK MAHONEY. A snnear Yxn. • W. If. Two.mrstke. REPRESESTATIVE. The Republieanii of South Creek i9ll present the name of Jpitir F. (GILLETT to the County Convention, as a candidate for Itvpresent l at lye. • Mi. G. Is well known allover the western pin of the county. aridlis nomination would meet with a hearty and unanimous i approva from the Itenith'leans of Western.ltradford.l Ms ability to fill tile position with honor to the county and credit tollinseir will not be questioned. , I)..exybitsit Tini•lCSE.—Mr. Editor: ' Rarteig a, knowledge of the character and standing the gentleman above named, who has announced him self a candletite for Representative, I hereby de sire to say lt the iteptitilleanaof Bradford COunty that he Is id iVerfisay vvorthy et' your support. - t do Interest th 4, you entrust to to hands willstiffef. Ills Integrity is ittypiestione& Ills abiltty to fill tio tine who knows him will doubt. !This, Is ,the class Of men we need In our legislatlie halls. The Republican party cannot afford at; -this time to set him aside. - Thene may be other men.= good as be blithe field, but none better. It to r the desire and anxiety of his friends that he'shoubl be remembered in the coining Caucuses and Cotiven [len. G. S . TRANETE.. 111 - 11LINGTON. July 15, 1574. • in Anierican j MARRIED. BRA I[74:I)—N,OTII.E.;.—In ToWianda, Aug. 14. at the bouzie o,t A..1.‘;'. 4 :0b1e, F.,” , by the Ret. J. S. Stewart. D. 11)., T. Iteed • Itraund and MISA Jobsba F.t.Nuble, both of Towanda, 11 Now "Alhany,-Aug. 11. Itertle, only child of Martha A. and James M. Mr Heel, aged 6 years, 2 months amt. 7 day& -"a" - A CAIID.—To all who arc suffering from the errorl.and laillsenulona of youth, nertroun wcalcuear. early decay, loss of manhood. &e•. 1 ►rill selot a reclpti that will euro you, FREE OF CHARGE. Tills great remedy was dlscorered by a liii.4sltmary.M South America. Send a t , elt-roldfreir ed envelope ql the REV..IOsEPII T. INMAN. Station Li s Bible 11 , ,iigt, !Veto Fork IiESMESI (ILASSES IN FRENCH AND intAwII.6.—mtd,E..I.I.EQUIS will begin her lesotia at the Graded School' and.at the susiltte-, henna Collegiate Iti4tllute en August 21, 1876.-thrl. T I ERAYSVILLE ACADEMY. m FALL TERM will begin on 2iiONW4Y A tit:. 29T11, and continue for twelve weeks. TUI TloN—Languages and Higher English, 10,00 Common Englbsit Branches, F,,.00 to .3.00. SAM. W. BUCK, Teaclir. LaitaysvWe, Pa., Aug. to, 76-2 w. TN BANiiItIJPTCY.-2ln the liis wet court :nt the Unitedl_statei .thr the o%Ye ere uf - i . , In Bankruptcy, Ni.. 2733. The underilgticAl hereby gives notice of his ap. potntinent as theAsslgnee of Merton Landon, It) tin, been adjudged a bankrupt by the Sahl,co,lll upon he own petition. Cnotm, J uly '..".;, ISt?. ATTENTION AGENTS-TItE NEW JO.ICSEY MUTUAL. LIFE INS, f,.`01., tlepgre II secutel, an Naive and rnergolle man (I.'ae4 as Illritriet Aviit, In ilnultord Cu., Pa. Here is a•t, opportunity for some wide awakei ro• Halite man to secure a good contract, and a paying bn Fur particulant terms, &c.. call ol or addrt,s3 1. C. PECCIVAf., Managre. , auglw3 424 Walnut tit., Phil'a,Va: POCKET -BOOK LOST.—In the . tosadow of Byron Burgess, In North Bride Vottrusldp, WyOming Connty, on Saturday, July tr-d, a Pocket-Boot containing about s3.la money; one nolo dated April 2t, 1878, payabie on or heroin ,grit Ist, 1477, jto the undersigned, and gireu":, R. 3 . Lewis, 44 Frauklindsle; and an order on tic! Anderson tar 93,40, signed by said Lends. 'All persons are,csidioned against purchasing said shin and order, as naYscut has fines stepped - . Ecoftar, Ksiciginizoomunii '1 .irrsolia!fiqe it Ausuat! t - Trir ! :, -- - Mit 11. LAPORTE. Muter ANNOUNCEMENTS. DIED. SPECIAL NOTICES. . 7 te.w Adertizements. J. W. STONE, Assigno TERMS LIBERAL ~ :r w. Irst itnitbroia& 1 8 ".' 1876. FALL TRADE. I am tiew receiving % LADONST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK , BOOTS AND SHOES TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, &c., 'tier offered In this town, and at prices that cannot fall to please the closest buyer. I hare many bar gains la all lines of_ goods that cannot bo obtained elsewhere. yleasO call and examine goods and prices. !, REMEMBER THE PLACE—Humphrey's old Stand, opposite Court House. _ Towanda, Aug. IP, 187 d. SUSQUEIIANNAL , , COLLEGIATE The Tall Term of this Inetitate wilthegin MON DAY, AUGUST 218 r.. with seven experienced teachers. Superior advantages to young men ,titsit log to prepare for College or business,' and to young ladies wishing to complete a gradtialing course, or study general culture. A,TEACIIERSt ASS Will be formed at the anntittencement of the term,"and every effort will be made to thoroughly prepare young men and wit,• men to teach. A thorough course In COMMERCIAL BRAE C H. ES Ind kindred studios preparing young mon for business, his been Instituted. Those completing a course of study. satisfactorily In this department will be awarded a diploma for the same. Terms very *atonable; Superior accommoda tions ler a limited number of students In the tom!. ly of the Principal. For catalogues, or further In. formation, address or call on E. E. gumLAN, Principal. 111LI.Eit FOX Preit. Trustees. prat. BLACK'S CROCKERY STORE AT COST 1 FULL STOCK-GOODGOODS-- MUST BE SOLD CROCKERY,! VIIINA, GLASSWARE, BABY WAGONS, LAMPS, (tc. da , ikc ? .1 .1 AL th old stand of ME Tow o ancl3, August 2, 1871; APPLETON S' AMERICAN CYCLOII.EqA NEW REVISED EDITION utifely rewritten by the ablest writers mi l , every subject. Primed • from new tnie, and illustrated with Several Th sari& Engravings and Maps. FROM REV. DR. STRONG, Editorird McClintock 1. and Strunrs " Cyclopedia ot Biblical L 1 eratu re. "The preparation of our own Cvelopa.dl !lasted, and, Indeed, required me to keep au ohm. 'ant eye upon MI the general eyelopmdlas, espee ally the sew ones. I find on myretunt from dbroatl•that the new edition of Appletonfe American Cyclorodia has made rapid progress, having now reached the ninth ;volume, bringing down the alphabet to Rt I am !highly pleased with Its character. The first edition was a very convenient work, and more com plete for American readers than any (dhoti but this greatly surpasses it. The articles have all been re written,' and then :Subjected to the most rigorous critichan, the effect of Ohich is shown In their ,clearness, coMprehension , and condensation of statement. \ "The vocahnlary Is particularly rich In American biography. popular science, and all thom suhJects that are moat Interesting to the niass of readers. The style Is tmnsparen t. and chaste • aid the Information Is all of the most pyactleal char-ac ter. The I liscumion of disputed :points Is wisely! volflM. and the space thus saved Is devoted to .sterling matters of fact. The. maps are admirable, and the woodcuts are exceedingly appropriate, as well :pi elegant. It will form for yeari td come a eomplete family librcrySin all standard topics, and -deserves, as It will doubtless.have. an extensive circulation. , JAMES We fully concur In Dr. Strotg's commendation of AOlntone' American Cyclopedia. • EDWARD BRIGHT, TI;- . W. Editor of the Nem York Examiner. D Milt'. C(TRItT.,"k). I)., 1 , Editor of the`Chrtntian Advocate & Journa S. I. PIHME. D. 11.. i Editor of the :Veto York Ofterrer. HENRY M. FIEI.D. I►. G.. Editor of the New York Evangelist. , , . . latex REV. DII. STREVES, of New&title, Pa. . • "ApPletens• new edition American Cvc3opedia Is the best work of the kind published. It Is well written, judicially illustrated. and I regard It as the etaadard otanthority. This work should be wlthlnlthe reach of everybody. JtiIIN Ft, STEP:VI:S. I - Prtn~ta at Castie College. '7 TRO4 REV. DR. 'REED, littsbnrgb, ra. "PITTSBURGH, Pa.. Feb. 3, Ilits An. Sin: You ask me to give my opinion nith reference to the article In the American Cyclope dia which relates to the liftman Catholic Church and its history. Thesearticies are written,_ so far as I have exam ined them, by nomad (•atholics, from a Roman Catholic standpoint ; thought tho same time they strive to lie Impartial. t It seems to me that this s a feature to lie com mended.' We want to know what that Church thinks - of Its doctrines and hlitory„ I regard It as a pechilar excellence of the-Ameri can Cyclopedia toe; not only w ith refereiter to the Roman Catholic Church, but also with reference to all other subjects, the articles are written by per sona who are specially familiar with there subjects. Pam, yours, etc.. WILLIAM J. REED. Ir. Pf., • ' ..Ifinfifer of .IYrat U. P. Church." FROM TIIE BISHOP OF CONNECTICUT. . "MIDDLE:Tows. Conn., Dec. 11, 1076 ,1 do hot think so excellent a work as Appletons' Ameritan Cyclopmdla can need any words of com mendation from in.. 1 am; however, the more ready now to my that I consider It as far beyond any similar work in Its character and usefulness; and I assure any persons who luny purchase tt that they will have secured an unfailing and trustworthy help In all depart ments of kwnwledgel 1 speak from a thorough at qualutltnce with the work. FROM PRESIDENT CI.73f3IINGS. 1. "MIDDLETOWN, Conn., March 1, inti. I r egard the Atnetican Cyclepfedla as a weeder ful work. It Li recommended and I n dorsed by many of the ablest and moot eowielentioua scholars of the Country. it Is worthy of the anent : m.4n :an who desire a fellable, candidly-prepared and well 'arranged epitome of knowledge. .ItotECll CITMIiI NOS; Prtsidruf of iVesb-ren delrersify." Now ,-Complete in 16 Large Oelarri 1 • • Volume. 4. SIM i , D. 40PPIXTON I CO., PablisholVie. T 0, ,? owl 921 29 1 9511 1 4941. i 1 .22 9 11 •1P 2 1‘ , -"t: 1 2 ..; ,_. •-' ' _ 1 . -- .-• " J ..." *j ..-'; .:- ,;•-• , . ,- ~.r. ~....; 1,-P*.;:i':',W 'i,.„_,,Z ,;P'.. i'S. r '.t ',,'1,1.-A • -- ThAi;,„offv.,vidiLit "fp , * - APAti. , 0,,,,.. ~, 1 r is 9HERIEV'S SALES.—By. virtue loaf sundry , writs Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, will be exposed to public sale isit the Court House, In the borough of Towanda. on TIIMISDAY,, the 31st day of August, 1876, at one crelock, P. M., the following described property: '.One lot, piece or parcel of land situate In Two torn twp. bounded and described as follows: Begin ning at the moStnortherly cornerof,said lot,thence Math 40% 0 emit - 127 ps to a corner. ; thence south 1111 0 west 21 pto a cor; thence south 63 0 west 34 ps; , thence South MP west 39 pa to a tor; thence north 49 Ma I pa to a ear; thence south 86 0 west 41 pa to cor; thence taorth 14S 0 - east 110 ps to a cur; thence east 13 ps to a cor; thence north 42 0 , east to the place of beginning; containing 72 acres and 112 pa, more or less; about 60 acres improved, with I • fraMed House,! 1 framed harp. other outbuildings aid few fruit trees thereon. • 1867 1876. 301115 F. COP.SER INSTITUTE. BE 0. A. BLACK I= .1. WILLIAMS, Bts.top of Connecticut: •, , t LSO—One other lot, situate in Tuscarora twp, 'minuted end described es follows: Beginning at a Mine stump on the west side of public road a few rods north of dwelling house formerly occupied by Ono Bought; thence south 61 1 6° west 33 ps to a Stake fur a corner; thence north SP 4° east 40 ps to our rock; thence north &So cast 83 ps to a stake; thence north 1 41 east 40 pe to a rock oak; thence 'north 99 0 west 40 ps to the main roadt thence along said road 83 ps to the place of ,beginning; contain• lug :a acres, more or less. Seized and taken into •x •cutlo at Um • • • , . . PlVizier, Martin McAllister, Geo. nought. Also at snit of (leo Atwood vs same. ALSO—One other lot, situate In Tuscarora twp, bdunded on this ninth by lands of S Ii Keeney, east by land of S It Keeney and laud contracted to ff. F Rugg, south by laud of S 11 Keeney, and west by laptl contracted to Aaron and EentasS Bump : and A I , Miller; contains 20 acres, more or less, 15 lm proved, with 2 framed houses, 1 fronted barn, 1 pdlnt shop, 1 dry shop,and I planing mill, with all MIII fixtu res and machinery In mill and water : priv .t -ilege, and few fruit trees fbercont-rexcepting and reserving thendrenn 10 rods lapiare of land deeded to ti L Rugg by de.ed dated March 16, 1864. lying on the west side of highway Mailing from Sil vio-a in Skinner's Eddy. Seized .and:talten Into ex eMitlon at the suit of Geo C Atwood."vs II Hogg. Itu,kg,-and Dll Rugg 41t Son. Also at the rant of , Geo C Atwood vs 13 H Itugg and It F Rugg. . : LS9-0110 other lot, situate In Towanda twp, 11111;14ml' on the north by publin highway leading ftbm Towatola Cry •k to Asylum, east by lands of witliatu Safer, so tit by lands of (P-17) P Cash and J• lilrby, and west by lands of B F Bowman: con tains 70 - aereis ' more or less, alsont 50 Improved, with 2 : Oman frames' dwelling !louses, I framed barn and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seised and takeif into execution tbe stilt E W name's use vs I/ 4'3lv:word, • ' ALSO—One other lot, sltuate in Shesherpan twp. bhunded on the west by lands of .las Blalock, north bl'n lands of .las Russell, east by WM4 of Debby Vahlinck, south by lands of silos Jayne:, Cornelius Vanclse and Jas Smith; contains 67 acres strict akum. , ure:-2xedrt:ng theretpoin It 3 ure3 conveyed J M Smith, r.heriff of Bradford Co., lo W-131 J lielpneoll by deed acknowholgNl In oloon court on Ilk' toil ] (t I Y of pr, 1873, nod recorded In 11nol ford (31, - , 1) 11 No 123. 15!,goIzee and laten , Into execution of soil of Wni d Ihy!pooch's Ilse 1•11 lief) le Sibity and C4nl , lla aibley, hn wife, and JAS 11 , iss4•11. Terre = honnded and de,herlned as fellows: lh•ginning on the north side of rine-,t at the south -of Pullin. Schad lot, thence norlln•rly'alnng said lot t ii .12 ft Wit Mr of AV A Chamberlin: thence eagerly al, mg sat! Chamber:ln land 51 fc to a cor of a lot Mritice belonging to 11 T. Scott, now to . 51rs 'Keene; thence Smitherly along line of, same 2.514 i par lei with - ft r. de.icrtbeti 9R 9-12 ft to rine-m: thrum along. the north line of Vitte-st 51 ft to tio‘t place of hoginitlng, milli a framed dwelling house and a 3-story brleic and framed wagon and blacksmith shop ther.mu. Seitze . d and taken Into exemition at the suit of 11 H Maee's use t va Hefty Stolen n o d II S Clark. . A i.S4)—Uueotherlut,ln Well,: and Columbia twps, buttiobol on the noft It by landsof David Cory, Pres byterian Church lot, land of Atom. Bowman, • and malt running from South Creel( to the chi Vann; east by WO of Erh ram Mn.trr, solllN' Wills of 'l' (instill, Owen Wright and Edwiii W tight, and web( by land of ll It. 1 0 slice: contains 2.99'acres, more or left, about Itb improved, ith 4 [ruined house, 1 tenement horse, I framed ho'g ltottse; ?ranted barns, 1.1,1:n1k:41:alb shop. I tiratr , l ,tote, f Oda Fellow, Ilan, and orchard of frail trees thereon. selzed and taken Into ClPentimu ad ttniL•tilt of. Geo it Cory to nye I)avid Cory %s J KrtEet ' ALSO—Ono other lot, enuate in Athens boro', lOnnled on hut north by land, Potter. 110 feet, east by Main - at 2/ r/, south by lands of (i.A abilut - lei ft, and west by Elinira 7 ,t 21 ft: contmns about 140 of an acre. mete or iris, all improved, with I framed building tv.cit for. a :don, thereon. Sell. 4 and taken law rxt•cu!tou at atilt of robrt cirvony. t 4 i, V 3 ',1411114 l • ut'euy; Jr. Also at 'Nutt of Jutir• Culanty vq Join Coceny, .Ir. )i.1.!!§.4)--4The other lot, sitoate la Burlington limo. lwitild , t l ou rbo'nortb hr• lands of John Ilaines.e:o4 bylands of t?ltermait 11111. N outh - by iamb of N 11• Lane, li K 11111 and the C'ent,stery lid. and we,t by the:Berwick Turnpike and a paraiel road tea4l.•: to .:ham s; contains wl aeres, more or 40 Unproved; no Windings. ,s lot,..,lttiate In Iturllng , on boro, bounded on north by lands of N Lane, ca.tt by the :11 E 11'1111111ot, f‘odll.by r u b i lc hi gh w ay. aartwebt by Tani Jackt,' emit:tins about .of an acre. more or less, all. Improved, with fratited house thereon. !Seized and lake.o lute ext.!. = AL:49—.4)11e other lot, situate In Towanda borri. bonyaled on the' non h by Statc-+t, cast by lands of Benjamin Knytiendall,:.ot:th by l'oplar-st, worm rst by lands crf lino 11 being about 50 ft front atoll:Omni inn ft Ilesp, all hopn,erd;' no bullitlnv, A LSO—Ttc! de femhiat, lieu ( . 3%11 . S liadiV idea ohedlfth litteretit other lot of land In Itarelay twp: cfmtalltlng 113 acres, more or „tess, rant•ets name of If 11 Cunningham, e.ith a NU‘ i...• two !muses and a It table tle.ren.n. A 1..4 , 0—T he cleft's iin.llvld,',lo;a•-fifth Interz , t lu ono tether lot of land In Rat r lay top e coutalffing .leo aerli , , More or less, In the Matt:lute(' hallie ot re- ter'r,adles„ A LSO—The lief qs undivided 4ne-fifth Interest In on• i,tloer lot of lam! In Itarclay twr, ennui in ing :;30 arref, store or less, in the narrantee name ofJopel.h L die j. A T.SO-..The dcf uhdivlded one-fifth Inter?mt in one hiller lot of land in Barclay tun, Con taiii!ng 335 acreg, more or Ice-, til the %vat rauteu name of Wai ter Stew . art.. , A t.SO.--the fate-fifth intere , t In one:Other lot oryaed in Barclay and INc.rabn twp,. vont - Allan 400 acrk, tits , re In the v'varrnntve natki: .\I Ireir h.adIVY : ,. el/.4.1 and taken Into exeentlon at, the s(lit of E W Halt. vs Geo P Cash and A Vil)--0110 - other lot, nit oat • In WyQox houti:ded antl'd.m.:ll) . ed f.)1;..'w,: Salm: Loh:g Lois 0 No. :intll2 INt•lt Ni, I'_l. rot Pe! n,ylvani:valg And 4.enittel-st, 5) ft fron-t each on A ve ft a: Stitt fittly ;y+pray on 31e1 , 61r. Allll :11on.fs'i map of EaAt Towan da Iniprov;'.d: too 1,1 6 1 .1 1 ...: , tri'izrd and taken Inv; olf.•••uttoti mitt' of Wm II 11 . ,...rgan, who'mtntft,Ll. Wod V, E N :11 ( d:ormlek. A Lii'> )n,, other 51t113t... In l'istvr twp. 1 - mill(dell 61 the uhrill try laud or Nonnatt Shan' Clta.S.l l oleollib, 'Henry Thomas and Edward Wall: eretitheaq by soromchantlariver,south by lands be. longing to the estate of t'liatincey Ititelsi ell. 11 , c'd, and *est by lands of Jai to I'leuslote Itog-rs, Aqef,oert Snow. ;and tha Newell lot ; contains 1 - „o actis, more or les.. titunit 120 onpoived. With a ft - stied dwell:I - 11g Inise, 2 (rawer bat no with Masts t r• att ehed, otheootbutbilagi and orchard of fruit tri saliereots. .s 4 list )-4-One other lot. situate In i'lster township, b o unded ott the north by publie Itlghway leadilig front,l , lster to ;•ehillitfleld, rayt ltv, other lands of Jos McCarty (b-tug the ahotif described lou and chasltotconth. south by land of Edward Lockwto +I, anti West by land of John Elsbree: contains 25:t. res. into e;ror less, With about 20 Improved; no buildings. Solwed and taken Into eNctnition at the stilt of 31 W Nltheelock vs Jame , McCarty. AG,sO--Out• other tot, sit tat, ln Lelloy towmthips hounded and described as. folinw - : to ginning at a stottoleor in the , ectiter of the toad leading (Coln . Canton tit Towanda, twin: the not thwe-t cor of .1 L Valley - Riot; thence a 'oath , ' Is enure' 111 ft to • poSt tit the southwest cor of said Bailey's lot: tlbutre au easterly course it', ft to a post.,being the south. east tom of stun' Battey's lot Itt the line of holds ownellthy s it 3tois• ; thine,' !total; along said lints 157 ft to a stake and stone; thence a westerly course along , lands of ~, 1 I. 3torso :57 ft to 0 sta'AL. and 610111 u thence a northerly course along lands of 0 I, Mluse 254 ft to the center of the, aioresaid :Pad; tipmle an easterly course along sold road 223 ft, to the place of beginning : contains about 2't acres, ntore'or less, all Improved, with t house, 11.011. and fpit trees ti.... , .. :=„,,,,i and taken Into eau. collo t at snit (if 3lary Knapp, surviving Aaron linollp. it 4 1:„A Knap p . A Lst l—ono other lot, situate In Springglold twp, boinitted Ott the tooth by lands or Elislta Lawton, Past :by tit r e puhlle highway beatll; , g front Spring - . tie:slit:et o to ,Troy, ,outit - by land of I N Fan 11114U and west Id. lands of 11:!tha Loudon and I N Fainting; t•yrltains I acre, snore orles , „ till Improv ed, Plitt Y Jrained steam saw-!did and trthd milt, mid 'Sheds and all nslli a :tures andluppni (chalices belmiging Buret'''. A ESO—t me other lon situate In Springfield loop. bon: died on tim norm by hinds' of Eli-tin Landon, east , thy land of Elisho Landon, smith by public hlgliWay trading from. Leona to• East Troy, and west by piddle highway bad ing frour , Springileld to Troy; eontaln , ~ Of all acre, niore'or loss. alt im. provAtl, with I framed house and few 'fruit trees thenlon. A IlSO—Otte other lot, t Boole lit Sprlngflettl tap, pounded On the north by land of .I\ - nilT Daly, cast byland of I N Fittilllng. Staillt by land of I N Fait , i d ng 4 Byron Ithiltrie and ifusea Comicoly, and nesChy highway It ailing from Stolnglb,hl to Troy via Leona; contains 11'; aunts, more or less, all iii proved; no bunting • ALI:0—All riot right, title and plivilegt , 4 so Well i i l the I.llld 31 NI Luther has to a certain wat-r pH vl-; lege.; the sante as esolve:, rot by deed Pouts Enos' , 11.011tard :tint Wire to said Witt I' Italy. said water Loh - lb-go belonging, to sand [slit ptop...rty ittetitldneil in lot No 1. net lin dOscabed. Set ,00l atol t:'..hen into ls,xectitlon at suit of W T Daly . , ..i...,.. vs M 31 Luther. Alt' , at stilt of :ante vs :ante. Also at suit of Flint . nn vs s one. , A l;sl—Otte other lot, sit:tate In Athens born', , boot - tiled on the nos thiby \V iiiian.-st, east by lot of Itla Evans, south by lots of Patrick' Nbliolson and Etter ; Wolcott, and west by lot of 0 K 'Washburn: Is ISO ft front on William-st. and Ito ft deep: con. tattisi, 0, of au tare. tnetol Or less. Sdaed and taken • Intn execution at snit of,. F Ruh S; Kinney lit Shunt Glbtol,,,. reputed owner and. contractor. AlgS! , —nor oilier tat. situate hi , . Athoni tw,p-," Loomis..' on the Toe tit ltd I act by labds of WI. F Clarke. south by Broad-ave. nod West by Pution st; Moue, being lot No 71 In block Non of I) I. F L e tar ko - s ex let .ton or South 11'a7erly, with I trained ilwellinghouse and few fruit-trees Ili-reel]. Set Zed and taken lido eNeention at stilt of •• The Brad h-rd 1,,,,, n 6 ani u Batwing ,ks,4oebilloit of Athens twp," vs The,6dort 'Williams. Al,, at suit of sonievs same. ALSO--One other lot, situate hi Alltany twit. bounded on this north, eas.t, south and nest by lands of Eluerton, Jr; contains 2.'j acres, more fir less, all Unproved, with framed house, Isc.ard 'stable, grlst tolll},aml few fruit trees thert-01. Seized and taken • Int° eXerintl.ti at stilt or rt IV Eves &NO vs A B Bolder. . _ A:l4'Si /—Orto Minix. lot, situate In 'Athenstwi t b o und e d on the not th by Pitney-st, east by lands of .fatige.Yati•ii, ttnitts by lands of,,Wm Mathewson, and hest by hoots of 'Mrs l' I) Leefler; contain, l„ of lot more, all lima . ..veil. wlth I framed houses outbuilding.. and fruit trees the'reon. sldzed and l tal.mi Into execution at salt of A B Ilayner: s :Ise vs Mary Welds. ' . AU: Al—line other ltd. Situate hi Towanda Lori.% hounded and deserlfsett as follows: Beginning at t cot On the east side or 31at1o-,1 i or toot ' , Miracle.' t o In ti Aspinwall by J F 31eatts ; Melon, easte'rly along4said .Isitinwall's•norila line -Ito ft to an alley (,did tdiey to be IP ft whlci: 1115 flee northerly along the West Ade of sald'alley 24 ft; thence westerly on a partite' line with sold Aspinivairs north line to Moiti:st: thence. southerly along the cast line , of sold Main-st 21 fl to ;said ,Xsplitit all's cot, the Waco of beginning; with one 1--. logy brlek building used . for aatore thertstm. S,•lit d and taken- Into elects t (oa at snit a win Mt gait -to use of A)volt W lek. MLitt Vs A W m iektqt,n at ii A Illsek. Alan—Ont - other bit, situate la Shesliegilin twp. bounded nil the north by lands of Davis & Pugh. , ea, t Its totals of David lie:triter, south by lambi deeded to St:MIMI limner by Clots. A. Ifavner,.hy deed klated Aug 4, ISuG, and on the nest by lands of Clitries II Iluavuer and Aaron *ztliecler ; coll. talntrZglt acres, more ur less, ,abont 45 improved. %Nl:lt'd fronted house: 1 framed barn, I.•fratned Vgnataiy and orehatil or fruit I tells thereon. Al.l4l,t—otte other lot, situate lii Slieslitopiln Mt, honinted on the north by lauds of Antaslals Sheeler Idol the about: tfrscrlnett lot, east by outdo of David [learner, south by lands of .1.1 Frenett, and wottu by alk of land known as the Tozer lot, now owned by 1110, Klnneys; coutaltlB37,aereltuctris or Itoss,al Oat Co Improved: no bulidlngs. Se:M(l and taken Into exerullon at stilt of L Etsbiee's use vs Jeremiah Vreinth and Dorloska Ileavner, A titters of Samuel .fleacncr, decNl. . . All.so—One other lot, sltuate• In AVysoz tom, Winded, nu the Wall' and. can by . Linde tit 4 '0 •CooritOn;aindtt by lands of V l lk .1 Z rloilatti and t•test, lig lawilil l- :914 A (lout l!ilt, - cciutribil lil.rocr:4ll ~y,'.' -' .,L.4., 1:-* ~1 v; f),;:-.-.-7,-:i'-i.;i:;,-,i,:::::;.,:„-:,r-...7. tol‘:T..i. ,:57 . r.e;t:4 .t , ilY , ';'!,l"l . l:;' , :j k.v.::.,,,,-,--,..t1.:V,ii.../4, En 1111111 E 1 - 7 - 1 - '77 .- .` I, - . ~ More pr less; lltbotit 40 tniprcrefid, with I log house, 1 trained bast and fete fruit tines thereon. Seized - and Wien lath execution at suit of DelosTargn• sera isEN MiCormiek. I .!..4L149-00 other tot, situate In Shoishequln (XI; hounded ott I;16 north' briaudS of Solon flitis east by„tands of estate of Ilorarsil Kinney. south by :lands ,of IL S KlagslinrY, and westy lands of Selina Os ' born; eontaltei 80 acres,'. more or less, about 20 htt petered: _pAalltllldltlgs'S .. 0 , - • 441.4 44 .E 4 Mniii other lot, situa: SbeshisMin esp., bOtinded on the north by la sts of --- fleldleman, south by landit of Marshall.Se . east by. landsef said Deldlentim, andi•weat by public Lighway; con tains about tWo sere*, More of, term, with 1 framed house', 1 fronted barn, and le* fruit trees thereon. Salted and taken into i execut ea at suit of "The AtheiPt Builtllng and Loan As:iodation of Athena, Penirs,'" tot :Geo II Smith. lc . ALSO--Onelother tot, situate In North Towanda twp, described as follows: Ilekinning at the south. west corner-I.)f lot, - .No 19 In the Claverach survey, thence north $L° weft along ithe westerly line of 1 , 3101 IohIGO reds to OM north w est corner ,thereof; theueo .sotith.fd.° west on the Me between lots No. 16 ant; 18 of tia' Id . suevvy .60 r Is or thereabouts to the southwest cur 0f,..i0t, No it; thence 10° east 160 rods or thereihouts to the u w corner of lot•NO. 201 nonce .north•o9* ea,it SO tons or thereabouts to the plaCe of seginning; .cordains SS acres, more or less, Jabout:e Improved, 'With a plank !Muse, framed barn,, stable, land orchard of fruit trees theremw. - 1 ALSO-Oratt'other Iht. situate in said twp, bound ed and de:Trifled as f011ows: 'Beginning at a post cur, Ilience bAlands or (751 51 urine north 61° east 77 0.16 ps to thz publth road; t mum along the same south lo° west-3s 3-IWits tont. ake; thence by the same south 131 east 71 . 00 ps t a post: thence south 6 I ls° west along 121144 of W Stuyter 51•2.10 ps to a post; thenetnorth 28 0 west long line of lot first described 35 4:10 pit to the plat • of beginning; con tallis 14 :scres - 7•611,1 !Irmo Men t 14 Improved. Also the rlght of way, about 16 ft wide, over lambs of W A Sniper froth tho sentihwest Leor of the last de scribed lot to:4lle.nearest rsdr t to public highway: said strip to Mt; adjoin:Mg and pon the itue of said I lot. Seized and taken, into execution at suit of ' Charles Ilayeitv.4 Datlictllayea and John Ilayes. A 1.50,--Cut*6 herlbt,.`sltuatittlat Athens tnp, des cribed as f000ws: Beginning hi centre of Climate; road and running westerly along the south line of lands owned by Gottlieb llmis 16 rods to tarots be.- ' longing to I) Li F SuyilerSh. 31dther; thence south erly along said lauds of 111. tr Snyder. 6 rods para.., tel with the centre of said Cllnnung road ; thence' easterly•l6 rods in a One parall with the north line M to ot:entre 9 - f said Chenotto road; thence notili -crly 63rods ala . bg said: Cneutung road to the place of Iswinningi."-•,•-containing 96 mare rods, more or less, 44,1 IniprOved, with a tic story trained dwell ing nOtase tbetimn. seized ta ken In execution at the suit of Satoh F ElMer s l it Miner Sr. John. ALSO-1114: followhig desciribed lot, piece or parcel-of lam Illtuate In Atbety4 borough,lßradford 1 county. State Of l'enniylrania,itioanded as follow': on the north :by Chestnut' street, on the': east by lands of N C Ilarrls,on the south by lands of James ' II Wl:son atoll/ I.' Part, and (in the west lirlands of A rtmultas Weller, being ahtiut 40 feet front and I , Ito feet floop,2with one frantedihou.se awl few fruit ,trees thervonZ Seized and' ta'ken in execution at the stilt of A glens Building an • Loan Association, , of A th•nti,,Ptt..l. vs .11 (t . lia"'' • A 1..5 0 -'rlidi following -sies,e ibed lot, piece or 1 parcel of laioLsltuate, in Vo , :va,,stla borough, Brad ' ford county, elate of Tenincylvaidt, hounded as fol lows: on thefibrth by; oplar serect, east -by land of 1) V Sledge , nt:(!atli by [and of .Min F . Means, west 1 by land of the'roludy of Brod( ati d, an about 50 ft front on sal l greet. by,140 ft d op, being lot „No„ 64 of the Cash.ealfate, with a two f ury framed dwell ing house aitd4raineWbarn, paOly finished, there on and in posiredonOi C A tirriswoul• Seized anti taken In exeaitison a' the sultiof Mrs. If A. Scott vs W ilrattiltail and CO P Cast , security. . A 1.5..0- 'Clot folitwvfn ilesetiloed lot, piece or pAreel of lai.d, sltuati.lin Sou I, Creek township, Bradford enmity, Stare: of Pcn l ttsylvania, bounded as follows. to-nit: on tits • north by the•puldie high way, east by %lib , of Win italnier and Charles , 15- trantleroutldiy lantil'ef Alletilti Parsons and 117 m Help... Land onithe wc4,lBy !awl of Lyntau Brough ton, containing 76 :ecre. , ; of land more or less,abont 50 act es lippi /Weil, with 1 log Inouse, 1, board barn, and few finitflrces thereon. A Ltd ii-..-4 lini2otluer Mb Wet: o parcel of land sit uate lii,tiouthkereloTnp, county and state afore shut], bonsoleCias folidws, to-wfr: on the north by lands ;,8f J F Itrillett athl, firs--Mtary Joyles, east by lands Of J 1,11 e Pitt, klith by. lands of Beni Wil son, and on tifi; west by lands tlf the N e It It Co, it:mat:did itg „Is iliier...S or, land nitre or les l, about 40 axles itnprot cal, with Ilentirl, house, 1 framed barn. and few trait trees 1.11..4e0n. i ' A Lsti-orldot nee Ite, oleee or panel of land sit uate iii ; 4 ontilit:reek, twp, (,11,1 . 4 anti state.afore.- said, bottMledirt s runcr.,.. to-wlr: on the north by lands or John.y fililett. east by the public highway_ leading fronc• 7 4Elottrato Troy, .o.Bth by the public ,highway, andKon the hest by 1 818.1. of peter w' , ,Sen d ytie, eoofatoing .;1. acre or land, more ter 1 3.„ 1{ rids 1 improved, .s_ . lth 1 reamed ho use , I shop, fluid sew fruit trees :188fieon. 53841.081 and t aken In tide glen a; a; tho snit ofijolin A :Pat sons s it E C Parsons and A s Par-on q, iAlso at .111t.of san ... is same. At., at lie , suit of N P., Can I:Led:irk Ts •3111 e, 2 Atstl-one2other 14. mote or pareel of land sit - 1 1 40. in ]!nerd and tiver.on tea . and bounded as kdlows, to-wit„', on 114 south b y lands of John I , Means and David Caslifestate.' 4, the west by land of szephen caft, thtreaS E Ante.,and Mathew INorthrop.1Nor throp. Jr, on Ili, north by lary s or Mrs Weston, Dorcas E A blot and lien) Northrop, and. on the east by.lands,-5n the Warrantee names of Ephraim McAdam., dire; - ritt Ilrenner and James Worth, emi t:oMb* a , sont 140 aereti more: itt boot. being known as the )list Suisse Mill hued., as composed of the 1 folholvlll watfrants, aid parfm of IN arrants, viz: datiqs Lasll4!anil 'WM Gray. 9104 parts of Isaac 311110 e. .lainesisinillionti and :sat: eel Wallis. Seiz ed au 1- tukclrt In en...cation at the suit of James II li 0w...1N:8 .I:4llint. C M ei cur. A1.:4)-- - I'h,lf.itiew•itt desert .ed la, piere or parcel of la n. 4 situate lit I irwe , township. 11rad tor,t c o,,, s ty, Stlf, of 10.tals),1‘airla, bounded as lid hes,, sir: heginning at. a imt Ithe ;south wen of saki lot, and the north West eOrher of I . FrlSllle . ll lot (now sold ;OS II WlllFoli I. thence least I tops to a post, being the mirth; east coof said Willsoll'S 11 101. 1141 lee north by 1341 S of , Frisble and II Ca r} mp:7 240 pl to a post. thence ast by mud of A Camp 75 ps tows. slate mid stone . thence north 37 ps to a stake alit' stones'. M Frisble's 'south line. thence webs )u said litoi, 130ps to ia' stake a n d bt.atti.s. thence South hl - lall 01,4 Cleve:434 114 2.10 ps to a n o .; the pladeFor le.`glllllllllZ. clodalning 79 acres CS 6-10 ps of 1:11141111ore urn's:, NN lE6 lfra . lllefl 1irgi...!..1 lousedlousedharn, , "_ot her s- and -orchard tif fruit ire. I theitoon. SePed and ;ikon in execution at tir^ stilt. of N C El.ntee vs C r up.iii adnir of 11001'1'rpson.:4 t 1 A I.SB - 1-All FP at certain tot. deee or parcel of land, lying mu t 1,1,4: it; the Li.-i,ligh of Towanda,. I county of II r.il f:4rl, Pa'., 10nt,..k.,1 as follows, viz:. i 1.... 1 :h0l ing soniti e a .d. c•Or of lot of AI , Cowles on south :ado of llouston 'street; hence eastwardly along the south side of lionstotttreet 75 ft to the 1 ieentio of lid tau 7; there , , cord iwardly aton, ". the !,f..ivt rt.! of 10: 1.j . 0 7 ahemahem *222.s Oet Ohne or.M C Wl', or, ItIVII , d Vo . e,tlViiritlY :lb , ig said Mercurs line lilt 7o f . B,lct to a eorner of said A I' CoWle's Joh thence northwordly along the line of said C.avies abort 1 222.5 feet- to the r, ace of beginning. :curd and taboo In esecutlon at the cult of John 'it Chapel inst.. 4 vs I' W.! Con - ell and P W Cowell ail nir.of the ct.t, of 'Ellen. E ('owe]'. deceased. ' A LSO-Theitollowin7tiescrilit 81 lot, piece or par-, eel of land situate In Towanda wrough, Bradford: county, Pa, boNa.lo.l as:follows t04...11: bctlnultig . on the west ,ii:ro of Maio ,tear: . t the south, west for till lot heo:4,forc edhlractell by .1 .3.1 - Ward and 11 eivercon, Jr.:to JanieS cti. - oinfisky. and being 25 ft south or t lt6 - t-..:18:18 weat Vol' .-1 lot collWqe.,l by (lit' said Wll l.l / and 1)11.1.1011 V 1) 11 l' Disbrow: thenc e ' s ontlo.q along oho west .lie of 3falti"tst, 251 ft, th..itcc atonk, other land of he said parties of the Iltst part santh Sto Ili' .33.11 ':bunt. 117 ft to title of 1,,,,,1 of f;arjAly Coral 61 supposed to be an alley. ti s ,.ore ~lo u g }zl,l , o mpahr s hull 0: alley north 2° :16' ca.r.:s ft het he sontil mast col tier of lot contr.tc te.l to James < flinimisky; thence along said Coin misty sontli lisle St ° 4 7 4,, at a .out 11:3' , . : ft to the place of beglittling, all liftldived no buildings. . . A LSO--One q , ther lot; situate in 'rsovandla born, holtuded as follt:w.., on the tort by Elizabeth st., on tit, east bp:ltain Sr,,lon ther e uttlr, by 'lands of , anincl Wallirhige, and Olathe west I.ti lands of A Lotter. being 44 ft hoot I.:a sall Main street anti 125 re;,t deep, iti Improved. no suiltilligs. S. dzetl and taken In o..ei.istion :Ind to 1, sold at the suit of Overton 4 Ilishree vs Dahl l el 501 Ivan. . - A I.SO-One [sheer lot tlf 'land situate in Asylum tr. p. honnflusl 733 follow,: ticgit:slug at a blitt.lll wo.4 near)) itiiill creek,:ithetice long Hassell Mil i let's lank unit rr 32% 0 west its p to a vorlier,t hence along A no4rewl4Eilenbziger's is id south I' 4 . west Mt p to 'lowatitla and' Frenelitown road, thence flown same soinii 01 1 . 0 east 21 f.-16 p, to a corner, thettsv north ar taut 34 3, to a st me corner, thence • north 01° east §7 5-lit pto lit' , P 3 c. of ' 1 '.1,:i 11, 1 11 q , cord:doing Ili aeres of land, tn, to or loSs, all lit proved, no building.. :,•:'' A1.50-one i',Btther lot or land I twp, bounded as followS:: on tlei , Win It :... , .torn , „ 0 . )1 the east I,y ell I enle.ig,.l . (the ~ ,41....Ve .1 -,...ri1.....1 11i1,......11 )1! 1 Ier'.1?..11 the :.....illlll I Fed. by and I:..iids foe [only ow HI iy, and on the West by hinds of El t a l a .j.g HO ; 1011-:±s Of land, more i arses improvi with•:.: framed lean; w,llll she' s n4t3clied, gran and o lio r• outfaidlngs; and 2 'trees therron.P.:,Selisci ami tat, I the .nit of ',lonithan 118tinet vs 31 . A I.titl-One tither tot ft( land s bteinni. , el as roltiiirs: beginning a of 31:1;ton , Wattles. Info Won 1 . I.:wit, 1° ...0.0. 111; p 10 a post, Met , 20 p t., a beech :sapling. theme to ' a post Oo the s a t rant line, ((tent 7e, 5-10 p to a pie, -, r, thentle south ht,: B`.-.rtier In the mill pond. the I . .4 perches to alp,,,t, 1n, , ,,,,, ~s ail to :1 post. theistiie south 4 0 east V?' Way's CST. Ili UV; creek:.:ll l, ll.le f...! 10 p I.l'llle placti of beglaning, co :not 77,'1, strict Measure, be the sa. , 31 ,acres hiring fir c ort or a 1111 , •er trtii I as pawl No SI: and of , the watt tit, acres improved, wi th 8 3 framed bar:', 1 saw mill and Halt fistimi: &A., and oreharstof fruit, trees th ..t Lye 1-le a rn hth'er lot or land 11 fled as follows, Ete•ginning at a he ! earner of lot Niiir. , l as surveyed It thellei. west 115 , 5d0 p tti'a post s,l No 50, thence 0:131,154 4-10 p 20: r. theme east 115 5-pip to a I, 'them, m.uth ha 3-10 pin the 1 /ot, 113 acres :80 p ottlan.l, ahont Sh ac, a few fruit tri..ii thereog. A T..511.- - -th of 0111. 8 r lot i)f lat h lane I bounded as "fBAlows: beginning south east cortrilf a lot No 21. th e p to a po.d a cori of a bd".11::1..111, 1 111.:111'e 1101111 7'l , A-10 ii 1.! sv cori l Philo, Baxter, Tilleilee natit 10; eastror. of ;lur Itaxtees lot, thi p to the begintll),:g, 'containing 721 calll,` mere or lets, no huiprovente r .. 1 - A 14;t 1 --(ue esker lot jif land squab: in Boots tp, loailtafed as follitus: Iteginlitizz, ag a Sralo. the-south 5..1!5t col. of Mrk - L I) Turrell's bet, thence along the , soutlyine *of the saline liotiti, ,ss" , v. eV, p least I it, a Sli,lllo. acrd 011114 OR We 'ann. of (2 Vattsice, tlmuce south i ' .^"nestrds, a stake and ',tone eor. of I.: IV Wertenrirgh.ttience by:the line if the sans. north ••••••,,o west 13s it- ' : to a corner on he line or S Ihsl o.R., thence liyAlot linOlif tile same north 111 ° east 8:3 3-10 p to 3 e.tior 111 Iliii2 of Will Balls lot, thence by the line of 'rile Salmi so:1111 S i S l O O east -13 p to a Ipost. (hetes. Sundt 1 1 - 5 West 25 sito - 1, to the begin fling: rontainitiVe n oel :81111 31 it of land, more or Iless. about 35 ~Icres Intproved. vitlt one framed house, 1 board 'Moose, I tram ol barn and orehard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in etecti t ion at the Suit cif CharlOs 11 Nteliett, and 'Overton 22 I.:!shreiti to 14Stist;o1, Also at suit of 311's Nel lie P Bates . vs litwis tiot and My,4B;tB Osborn. A1.:30--;(118 , a .e.lier tot of land to I,eftoy twit:bon ti ded as re,iiii,e,:ii ti , gintelng at al post and Stones cor, ietbe 4i,iiiiiitati . iiii,J.., Wartald,thettee by the warrant. Isonolli. les aroinal tln.ll Poor silks of the t rac t. to ib,.. , piafe of begititiing,e4: It:1111111g 1:00 acres of land. 1110111 4 1t..41. It *llilg till 'fly felitlll.lll.' 1111111- N Id, II ilierest In the I [tech warrant. A L'i-tiltle tiller lot of land 114'11ml:1+y twp,lemin th•li as folloo,,iihegilin4o.: at a post and Mil/Bei. Olt the hoe of the lienry Rev, warrant, I hent :, • by (t o ' so ve ral tingles :,ill distances of tho fractional war. rant Hoes - It, the . place or beginning - Containing .200 acres,.ntoro or hrs. It twine:nig ILO defettilatlVll Ilintlyidedinter#st In the( Frederli.k.llatesw.trrant; sand interest httlpg all the rlght,i title elatin and: 41..10311.1 tyliats*er of the de fen laid In the af L! ore :BA flackl4 - lit ies hint: as heir of trio 130. (2 I. I 'Ward, kiisttly l‘i9l Elkin Ward • I liller, whielr in terest comp, is• 4 the !,:r . of the, Henry Neck anti Frederick il.!.ttg,:t wartatits, • .. A I.SO---One - either lot of Mint Situate In -Albany and :Monroe twin., b..ninded as i'llows: - beginning I at a corner of tho u - arrinjt line ofarrant lot No 2u, v thence north 19., thence cast 3'17 p,'theuee south 102 o s I henee saltst 40 pahenee With ;84 1., thence • Went 121 I'l I . lll ' ll V. honk 43° :SOY iwettt, 221 3-10 pto the plum of beginning, tiontaluine 3:11 acs's or land mote or teas, .Si a ' ,) • • - ALSO--A lolletittdednalollants: beginning at o post oh rearrati4ttM.Nortr,ltience *rib 44p,tinnten e.ist Iliqrp;lhobeh *With pi, Vtlieree. West tea Vitt - . 1 .: - . ,- ,r,.'7...:,e'..: r.',- 11i... , , s. - -.;:,: ,-. 7i!:-.'.,-: - :: ;'•.'.. -- i. a.k":::51:;:.1.7.V.Z1,::::.n..;.J:.!41,,i'::::•:;..,-::.t.•?: - - -";. - 1:! ,--1 .:,:ti, - ':-::: 1-:f=::."1:;::.:',J,::, ~`, o • -, • . the ' beginning, Containing 49 acres tat@ more or less; being 369 acres of land more or legs in tho whole tract, the defendant's Interest only to be sold. ALSO—One other lot of land situate injrrosvanda lino, bounded as follows: beginning at point in the north line of State street and west:line of north 'Fourth street, thence along the north lint: of State street' IS feet to the proposed corner of , State and roma; streets, thence along the north iltie of State street is aforesaid 50 feet too corner, thence nor therly at right =Os te, the aforesaid line of State Street 150 feet to the south line of, als foot alloy, thence• along the south .11noolliald.alley parallel with the lino of State street aforesaid to a . point in a'parallel line of North Folirth St; thence, by the same tonne. IS feet tOthe west lino of No Fourth Stieet, thence along the west line of said Ps -Fourth Street to - the place of beginning, excepting and re serving therefrom the privilege of using le strip of lanai 18 feet In width measured on State Street from ti:o',point of: Intersection of the north !hie of said street with, the west • line of. North Fourth Street esSending northerly to the aforesaid 15 foot alley lathe rear Of said lot fur the purpOie of:fp/dotting the aforesaid North Fourth Street whenlthe same shall bo-oponed to the *id th of AI feet ; through to. Ward Avenue and restricting the right of building wksald strip of land or otherwise obstraleting the . 4tro of said strip of land for the purpose aforesaid, with I !famed house and-a - few fruit trees thereon. LSO—Ono other lot of - teed situate - in Athens tws, bounded as followS: beginning at aj , point ill the south line of lands of llutisecker & Campbell, thenCe along said line isouth 07° 30' castijn7 4-10 p to a corner: thence southerly 76 2-10 p to it. corner., thence north 72 ° weer /78 p to a corner hn line of llonnelot, thence northerly 19:p to the place of be ginning. containing 00 acres or land, more or less. ALSO—flone . other lot of land situate fro Albany bourured follows: on the north by' lands of Ellen Waro one the east by I loin of g If Harris', on the south by!iands of lonap Miller and Ctll.'-e,.andon the worst by lands of D tnah and Pattie; containing 1411 acres of la'i ot. more or less, about 20 acres trimrovood.with.l bonrol house isoinra shed and few fruit I..teeNiNni.loll. , „1,1,51,1--One other lot 'of land situate- in lcov,anda , blot: boundlol as folloWs: beginning t ort a ;'!west car ner;P:oplar and Second Streets, thence by Poplar :it stOulli 84° eait 48 feet th an s foot anoy, the see by sante north to east 77 met to a,post on this line of a loot balmiging to Henry Ward,'ltnourn oaths cistern to ;Thence bv the Same nortli t to west -10th to the east Hoe of Second street, thy co by Second Street south f, O west 77 fo‘ot to the plaice of beginning. be int:tots nos 0, 7 and it of!a vision of tyl Wee of land deeded!by henry WA:d'art:l wife to l t f W Pat rick by deed ,dat4 n. n 1 Ja 21, qi74, all improved, no buildings. '1 ol ALSO—Cone other lot of land situate in Athens hyp o hounded as followsoloutrinning at a poll on the line of tht public road,.thenee north 22' ,a , t. 174'p 10 a corner, thence north .07 0 30' West 81 ::-10 perches to avost, th.'r n smith 11° 51' wilt CO 1-10 p do a post cor. of C iluw,eck:fr's lot, thence south 57 0 . 2V. Can 2-10 pto a corner. theneirsonth 2 0 al' west 102 to to a post in said Inddie ;road, thence south 88 0 14" trait 0 0 10 p to hi s . place Of bd . ginning, containing 43 acres and :27 perch,,s of lanoq•rnore or leae ins improvementoijohelngl part of warrrnt No 1512 on the tracts known asills Carrel l l lands In Bradford cottooty,o Pa: Seised hoot taken in ',exeett tion.. at the isult of ',Thomas Mathelvi va Henry - Ward , • I ' A . l,Ao.L.One other lot' f land situate to 'tome tio, ',omitted as 40flow::: on ;the no x th land,k of Ren der, Than:Mon:east I, lambi of Leroy Marsh:lll, , smith by lard's of W W a - rni on thO,west b y hunts of Mr:. J Vantifse.'conotarnlng 2 7 .o'acres of land noor ) e or less. Seized atiolitalorn into eTtrution . at the gait of 5 . 3 f LiiytOri vs . 1 10, %%incise. ij ALSO—one one other lot of (land sitdate in Troy bounded as follows: oni the' north other hunts of Ii L Nielsols, on the cast by Kin* "street. oullm south by lands of IV King, arid on Abe west . lov,lands of lloyd toeing about 122 fOet front street, and 12 rods deep, eOld:131411g acre of laud,-more or less, all !Intiororreih li - framed hotiore and I board Shanty thereon. • .4,1,` , 43—01e other' lot of land situate jilt Troy , Moro. Ishnooleil as follow's: on the north!loy: : lands of \V Ai soldier, east by King strect.,oll the iiknith I,y lao , or It II NlehoFs (theabiove,ilescribeollot 1. and, on the v,e-t by lands of iforr. 'being Tuft front on 14 . ings oh beet. and ahl:ful, 9 in-1,1 deep. mitt:doling . LI Of an acre of land non, or les., all IrriprOved, 00 14,:ized an& taken in 1:V201111) at the m ili - ot .1 Nobl, rs Cll .N . 1061:1 te n t II 1.±,.•,;,1eh0h, Al«).—lttle other lot lat:nl Nit:late Canton loom Isom:ded as follcin`s: li ,, glbrdng at ilo! Cobol of Towanda nit it Centre street, ;1111ifillig th,;,nce nor:loan:rt.. Centre strket 2::0 feet tp CrOok eil 'Alloy. Menee easterly along said a1b:3050 feet .to the nor titiVe, i corner, of Abhor Doty',' l.4 fhc•nen ...0 , ,411 along Safill tidy' SiveSl Illie 17.3 feet ! street. throne,: alone saloi lin e 220 fent to floe. lOot4oe of heglototing. containing :1,700 sopiardp foct iif With+,framed dwelling noose, I fononed barn I Gi11 . .., hoinring, and .'Ow frit It and orth . mentat • ,treCs thereon. Seized hn.l taken into ^xedot ion at - t _ ' - snit or The Mutual Itatt(4g and ticstrie dation of the horo of To vs fl Ste:ter:well. Alo:so'rri, the suit of 1.1 Polite toy C Stockwell. Abio at the. stilt of A' 1.) Spalding use vs (; Stock- , No 2 sltu.tte In Ina - hton bon.; bemn,l - ivy r"tiow.: 11.4lunink at f , ,ort htve,t,[ c nnet or Willlunts Blaeks. lot In center 01 111vi.1,10 street . . .. rpollug thep , e north along Div Non Ntryer. i .oo feet to tea corner of MN ilok.r.l:in'i lir% th.nj.ce east alotig. MN I:re:nan'. smith lin4 141 feet to ;the c,.r. of .NIN titentat, , .. tt, thetwe imrth 5u fee'r, to the . . line ; of 31. I': Lewis lot.ilience east along Mg' Lew -1,4 flue 5 , 3 feet to the W.-st line of C E Andrus' lot thenc , i west:along the south line of said An,crus and :11 !ftlanchard's lot r.lsl feet to the north tine llownnin", ,6 lot. thence .West along said Bo:..v . nnit.'s tlt hi feet to the east line of Y. - I.:tack's 10ti. , 11..n..e nuith along iabl Black's' cast lira: 10 felt( to P.aeh's north east e. rner,tlnmee. west, along filachlt north lIne!150 feet Ito the platm of beginning, containing twat srinarc,f i t t•et of land more or less, all . improved. no I •• 3. The di!fendant'.% halt int , re,d in th,. , :folt,owitig lot of land sitnato I t Canettn twp. botiiided at foilow:<: on the north by land: g El at •Itoe'kwell's ea.d by lands. cif MM.,' 3fll by the Publip road leading from Canton to 11;nion. :noron am west by lands of l'atrlck Fitztintriek,, eont•alaing .10..aeres more or. 111 improyell. no hollaings. , Eveepting and res+rvlng , ,tberefisno of at acre heretofore soli! by Sitoe';:n.ell on4,ll.uilv to !!ztisan rcf , ..erving to mid taenun tl“ , privilege Of et4ering upon . th.“abl preuitf.•eo ant taking nnthrt :ging from. a rrtain Sprlllg thereon water to a lapel AI,S(I--.No. 4. The defendant', hilt lidef. , t In the rod:owing let of L3114E:Atli:Ill, la Canton bbrough bonaded as ifoilow:.: on; the Mirth by land4'uf the N r t lt by lands of 'John lf.nrprg, ..44.11111 cy com ino stre e t. 'trill on ill, we.d Buds of '.lattio," 'lark . ; contaliiin„4 10 aese: of land. More or improved, no _Excep , iog anti to serving from Vie , atto• 11141 right of r r ,44,,, A .1 c k I . iladk to ent4r upon atol take , gravel from t r,oll said , :l"lon f..vcoml:/g stroej fne his blocks q he end for th- use of tho,:o to whom ID:•.l2:iy sell grzti'el for th, lotrr.ose Of.b.veling and . niEng that he .11ia. 7 3: - may .111 otr his 1.,t5!.,;, 1 “+t, I•tr.t.l:ol”ovtt 5. Tile tlet.ndatit*,, half tr 0,p,0m. ink bd Of land In 'anion townslitp.ljoaloi. follows ; twgfonlng,ln tli, , Y,..nter of the :000TI .aln 'road haling front Cxtton kewbinit!, Ward tov;ii;...litpin the line of hi:nls sarveyei to 11'in For eiltotio; north 31 0 West 73p to a roc L. 01cm-a n?. z o p to :v ,4:11“ , , , and 6totit. , , ihe'tice south N e k Z:,.e 13 p tomid rqad. them , not;:b 4+ o p to To place oft beginning, cootnlnling IU ai•resi of land 111 , `n. of 1C:54. Ito. Litproveluent , .:! Afi , tl—Lni St , . 0. :Sitilated fit Canton t..;rougb, bonni(ed n , rt;] land, of Sirs 31';/lelic ilier„....ll,t by. he Cenietvty rotitli E tiika,oo; n e,,t by htids of Wit Merrbof„. coo t:,hog t rinare rds. inii - e or lesq. ail improved, uo Seized atol talzeri iu cxecut ion tit :he ,flit E l'on;erov Sign:l:well. Also 'fat the suit Uf .k It use N , C Sto,uweti. i otlwr lot df land rituate in :itnitb field bo.ind of as follow,: n'orth. cast atolls:out) by datols of S \Vogsl. v. , yst by tile bigliwaS la . g from Bniithfield to Burlington, eontains 11 , 7 aerei; more or less, with one framed ohop thitreti. .iiiiiilZt4il and taken in c:4,eutlotil at the suit dr IV S I'iere use vs Wm S Wright. 1 I • • A fist—(tip other lot of 14.0 .1 situate 111,1 , ,ran-1 Sill. , itwp, -iiiiiilldlid as fuciii:i.,.. I:01th. hy Enid, of Iv to 'iluitli, tout I,r litridii,tif ltani-d W Nuitht , outli • hr intont of Atkin Wood in. west by lands of 41, , 01 , 11 W otiiiii'ntiti 4 \llol Wor Ain. contains 21 acrei more or leis.aboutdsacresitoproccd with I fraintothonse the matt. tit-.lied and taken in ,txeriition at the suit of-ilenzii.' .1 ',.lititis,.. to use' of '.ltorris Itidglvay vs Ch.l.l3is iiiremn.' .. * . A lea,—A );\(i other lot of, laird situate in (.anion ti oto,•,!.6.,tuided as beginning at a pt lit anti , stontts on 111.0';',-i11th side lit the. Main road or high 1 way I...atlingfroln Cant.in ti, Towanda, adjoluit,g 1.11.14 of Wlte: Lawrence on tloi west' and rilitning, thence south:V.7 -....° we5t....:01. fii a poi , " and itones, , thetd:e soutile. C-V., 0 east - 1 0 pto 3 post :old fi.iiiiii,, tilelthe northill'' j ° ea ..t to 1, to s 1, , ,t slot .t 6,,,, at the read td , -10, thence n4rtli t - , - 2 , ., 0 we,: In pi t.y the piac4.of Leg:tit:lug, contains I'r a , ros. strict meas ure. ; %i it it I framed lion at, I trained barn anti few rruirirecs tl(ermik. tscited ant taken In eviration at th;e".sttit 00;enJamin Clark vH., tr It I: iggS. ' A1,,-((-4 tn'• other lot.Of lan.lllll Si.rillgnt`r..4l Imp, 'houltited as miaow,: beginning in the centre , of toe maid' road Nailing to at ,nittag.: at ritiiithtletd, rhenee stiuth 2 0 treat 6l 6S.lnOp"along the Clitiptins toadz'thencc ..40titli-hs', o i.a'st along said Cain turn:, rotiOto 7, - ,ionip,, t hence sout h along ';. lla. :. . . lAdnilnlatrato \ • . . 11,1 X EC C TOWS :S.() riJClti.—Notldi 1 L A is llerel.y give* that' all' Nirsoni. Indebted ttii tibi a estate Ikt ,John Taytur, late cf . ',Standing Stu e,,i ,i, ed, 4rc ri , quired to makei- Immediate. pay: ilunit to,l he nmlerst;lned, andajl perseus having; eliiiiihi agalni,t the. said ;estate: r.tust present thetits, duly authentleat,4l4lor'settleinetlt: . ' .1...ng,. f.;. ' ~ .;tl'. N. TAYI,OII,, Executor; . . A IYMINIS'I'Ii.A.TOR S NOtICpI .ii. Ni.tieo Is her.t.hy, given tl at all persons - r . , k 1 ', 4 e ,1 l 0 the estate , if Clark Ar. lower, latent 'to Vuuda bird, deed, tunid make 1 lineal:au paymtinlti ail 'pers.4is having elailns ag,aitt. .aald estate panel re.,.ot "hem duly authenticated er settlement. 1. I ol -, 1 tw.,.: 1 C. 4:. MOWERAtintlnlstratort • I . .... 4 -ti DiVtINISTIATOII S N()TIC4. Li A ,sptiee Is hereby given tl at all persons , it,i,te,t, th the estate td • Johtlilluseiell.jate ofitnine iteeetiseil. must make home, late! payment Std. the ulelOsigneil, and all pers. - PIS having claims . ' agaima l.alit estate :"',bust present them. Only tint theni leated, for seitrement. Ana ' i i, . ,tm l .: n I C. , tiyiltX,StiF.l,l".• Ad mints 14 -1 ... X. 17: CCr 'I'OIVSNoT CE:—Notie j. 4Vi lu.srehy giveii,that all pe sonic - intleblett Itxq - . tlie estate of .john; Keeler, lain . of Wyalusing.f 1,4 , ,i, illust make tunnetilate layment to the nn. ui dersig d, anti all prronis liavl g • claims agaltts sAlil est• to must presUnt.thent, duly anthentica . tor sett', 'neut. , . .1011N' P.•CITAMBERLIN, 1 • • C- it:, AC ROY It, 1 .. jiytatr i t --- • . '- Extleut D'eIINISTItATOTt S Islo:Tig A— ..,i,5, Is 1i,,, , :ty, given t , at. ail pdrsots ileketl ti ;ht , .e. , ...1aip et -.tutu C .11ing.i (1404,1 4.4 I Bar, ;ay, tiradturit Coma. _ retail" ..,ta make immediate tetrittgtit to ttipt nii4grittnett, - a ail persektit haring etaltioisonsitiow iistiktpr. tal rusebt ihnui txtly t.r,i adtet` - --- , Aug. Pot ~ , - ~ ---t r . 140:1 ..- • i: - ,: • - . - --- !,,,'..- - , ,_--2--,-,:•:4-T.1 . - :-.' . .:- . .--,A ,- `-'- , 2. -- •,: - ... - , -. 4; - ,1'- ',,,' .:.:'i',1i. , .:..1 , .. , :.- , .-...'1= , !-.; i - .‘..! A1iF:i:.•41' , :=,:- , ). - - ' ,,. 1:.";;- 1-'7'f'•"M-."--'-''';','-':'f";4:•7.:,".'.'47.:',,r.'"'=...'i';7"."-i,i--:".'4'..`f-,,, Legal. 1 . •rgin. igunttliait of in C Fox. tlee'd.l I itton, odminispl•- e•leshequin, den - 4. uardian of This 1: • tits, Aced. uardlan of Wm! It ' • Ins, dee'ci. 1 I ttrdlanbf neloin Si detAl.. le,til!ati of Annie lf decd. e,•utnr of the la.st time. tarp of 'guardian of llat anielsl.ntlar, into •i~ • m of .I,ameOfd- utirdiart of evonebY, late of esCititrixV the Crinttl4, deed. ; ex'r 6f,S N • and .Trao Dimling el ]lc. ;ulty. 1 adrn'r of Levi 1? oar4.llan of 31Ira i . with John Lam p I i 1 hips adin't.rl deed. atlni'r of Silas U atlm•Y of J i • Pcadener Icy, late of CAnto? nd Woodn.l.o, denl.l d II S If utditnioc;' e rikeoleed. •rty set off by ex.. dowS and childeei d to tiro Orptian4 i yty, Sept. 7th. '7l: ,ton and 11.114W31103! b 7 , WHERE A 8! I resident Judge of - onsipting of thti , as. 8. '1). liAnn; oociate Judges in I ' have issued, they :y of August, 187.64 5.4)114 of Oyer,and , Quarter Se!‘sicels! .1 Orphans' Court ,I rad ford, on .lion; Ihide two week's.; I n to the Coroutirs 4 count; of Bridi, e to their proricn . - y.noon'of said diy,l ter retuembratuien e taco appertaina bound bfn.4eogni-I against the prime , ail of said county,! .. - Celts Hollow, ens .11artly. •sonth py !he ridge mall d road") and land • t iM acres, MOM!. i.t .. enetn down, poo, leading trot?' Or« ell . to of 13'm.Serr1s and 1 ,1"rn! from IJ ( known a.; the •tflard.. eonjatning abon TEI:3IS—:?SO ot being , In one year, wt.thl YV` I 14ati.,11, and t4r I)alanet . t -Trustee ,decased. In lII* !ford Contity,l,foi rI C E.—E. T. 1 1 6.1 v ...eptart : of timid ( r 7 1 :1 . I"ltNas, of 131:73 !1 ( . T. Fox, Trustee; 'ceased. Wed 4131 btou3ry, ni76, that., Si by the fi Cotirt %bet will be nallyl . teinher Tenn next eAulie shown 1.,. is hereby given that tate of Daval ( cut 00 day of .ttat. was ‘iirnfltinetl SI 1576, and tft4t ;old arch .1 on the iirtit ray of . Sepl :eeptius ars Med 'or flit ti ' BEN PECK. Pruthotiotary) ' NOTIC .1 S' L iat all . persons !nj. wt . , deed, late,or r e payment to thei - ng claims agalOt ly authentlcattid I " . . 1 N I SUll ATOR - price Iti I,,,f r "hv given 1 0 the e,tate• ict 05ear must make' (lamed! gmle. alf,perNous hay I:je bust prekhE them, 4.1. limlent„ ~~~ WM la ME 1. xoentor --..,,:*