EI frhwa&nal ffleiahneni QuINLAY, 1 ; • J. A. WILT, • Committee IC. CRAWFORD, ' of G. W. 111-es, Associate Editors. A. A. KEENEY, , ti Commun"Caons ma ' be sent to of the above editors, as may be y preferred, and either wilt appear to the Issue of which he has charge. E. E. Qntatatv. Editor Present Week. A wANT of space crowds out half of the matter prepared for this columh this week. NOTI cs that a Massachusetts Edu cational Association, at a recent meeting, took up for discussion the subject of "Ileiptisitions for Admission to _,Migher Ingtitutions." Among the reconmenda.- tions- of the committee of the previous . year, who appointed to report topics, ' for discussion, was one that students be required to k read a certain number of standard Englih authors and be' exam ine4 erra part of them. Among the many. reasons given in the affirmative was, that - it has too iefig been taken for " granted that young students will of their own ac- , cord make :themselvei acquainted with : the standard literature of their mother . . tongue. 'Many have but limited access to it; others find their days well filled by the required studies; ~and, a Luger number: still heedlessly allow their reading hours . • to be occupied by the newspaper or the new novel." Would not an examination,' . modified . but some)vhat similar to the' above, be beneficial to our teachers? Of course, it, could not, , be made an examina-.. tion upon which, even in part, to grant a Certificate,, but it could be made very use-, ful to the Superintendent in ascertaining. the amount - of seneral knowledge pos, sessed by the applitant and his habit of . study, audit would be exceedingly bquie- . ficial hi the teachers; for, expectiniqtes tions of this kind, many hours that are . • pAssed in reading light literature, or in engaging in frivolous conversation, might he utilized, to the common advantage of all At anexamination in our county not long since, the Superintendent asked his classl to write the names . of a certain . number of the poets of the present (I , ty. IN course, in a large class considerable . latitude might pre ex acted to be taken, ' and many different names written ; yet, when Milton and Shakespeare are report ed as poets of the present day; certainly some 'one' stock in trade - " is'too limit ed to " teach'school'7 intelligently. Pa - , rents ought to cultivate in their children a desire for proper reading, but for t tbe saine*asen that they neglect many other dntie3 they will not attend to this. Upon .the teacher, then, as the next in responsi . • Laity, falls this (Inty. l lie cannot expect lcultivate a 'dusire forliistory or other pr : „aitable reading unless lie himself pos. se.2.es it. The parry:predilections of the . ' , ;qy';;Qr girl are very much in the baud of .th:t! teacher to mould. If he can beget in Lima ta.ste-for good, substantial reading, he' has placed,hini in a path of. learning that will prove useful to him in any pro fession and lead Win to an untiring' source . of pleasure. - • 119E,E TWAIN OE EPP:LUNG • There was a - spelling, match at the Asy= him Hill_Congregational Church, Hart.- ford ? Conn.,', a short time ago, and Mr. SainuclL. Cleinens• , (Mark Twain) being called on fur a few preliminary remarks, • mule the following himiorous address : LADIES AND ' OENTLEMEN : I have been 1 mimed with the office of introducing these approaching orthographical solem- nities with a.feit remarks. T t he temper ance crusade wept the laud some time ago, that is, that vast portion , of land where it was needed, but it skipped Hart ford. Now comes this new spelling epi- • deride, and this time ire are stricken. So, 1 suppose, 'we need the affliction: I;don't 'say- we needed it, for I don't see any use in spelling a word right, and never did. I mean I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all Clothes, alike and book all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing. I , have a correspoptlet; whose letters are always a refreslinientto rde:;- there is such a breezy, unfett4edoriginality about his orthogra phy. lie 'always spells COw'with'a large -IC— Now that is just as good as to spell it with 'a qrlall one. It is better;:lt gives the imagination a broader field; a wider scope. It suggests to the mind a grand, vig,ae, impressive _pew kind of 'a cow. !Superb effects can be produced by varie gated spelling. Now, there is Blind Tom, the musical prodigy. flle always spells a word according to the sound that is car ried to his car. And he is an enthusiast, *orthography.. When you give him..% AN'ord, he shouts it out- 7 -ptita all his soul into it. I once heard him called upon-to spell. orang-outang before an audience. Ile . s'aitt 7 -0, rang, g-c-r, net-, eratigger, t-a-n-g, tang, orangger tang !' Now, a body can respect an orang-outang that spells his *nue in a vigorous way like that. But theleable dictionary makes a mere kitten of him.' In the old times people spelled just as they peased. That was the right, idea. You had two chances at a stranger then. Yon knew a strong _ yl.lll , from n,weak on'a. by his iron -clad Spelling. and his hand-writin,g helped you to'verifr vour verdict. Some , people. have au idea that correct spelling :can-be taught—and taught to, anybody. This is a mistake. The tyell int; faculty' is born in a man, like poetry, nitiA7. - aud art. It is a gift; it is a talent. Pcops Who have this gift in a high de gree need only to.seC . a word once, and it is forever photographed upon their mem ory:. They cannot forget it. People who havn't it must be content to spell more or less like4•like thunder—and:expect to splinter tbe dictionary wherever their or -Ithographitml Ightning, happens to strike: There arc 11 -4, ibli Words in the unabridged dictionary. Viknow a lady who cin spell only 1"O of tILn r right. She stem; clear of all the rest 'of them. She can't learn any more. SO-her letters always. consist ,of those constantly recurring P. l O words. .Now and then, when she finds herself obliged to writc? upon a.subject which ne :cessitates the. use of some other words, she—well, she don't write upon that sub ject. I have a relative in Xew York who is almost 'sublimely gilled. ~She can't spell any word fright. There is a . game ' called Verbarinm. A [ dozen people are - -, r • each provided with a sheet of paper, • aei oss the top Of which is written along work like "kaleidoseopical," or something like that, and the game is to sec who can make up, thevuolit words out of that in .thfve.miutcs, aliva3is beginning with the inn ialletter of that Upon one oc _ Leasioli the' Word was ."cofferdam.". When " time !' Was, callfd, 1 everybody'll:ld bitilt sest pair mien aylesbury from live to toe y' wail's, except thiS cayuga Young lady. She. had only one word— nest tr i ,r,":„. l , n „,` . ..„' r9wl"" ; calf. We all studied a moment, and then ME(V/Amc_lL DEp4RTMENT.; j; said, why, there - is no lin "cofferdam." • CL.:1?”.., N. . _ Tlk•u lie examined' her ,Paper. To the . AGfact - uruttA0111•1.1:MENT;••: eternal honor of that uninspired, MICOn; I Beet d i t l .. 1 1 :::: aTuknlitZr4lciZbir:,%r eto cie n, scions, sublinteiyjudependent soul, be it - mc"""g ""rill"' . ibreNh tug luxe:111x said, she had spelt that word "Galt'!" !If clover huller anybody eau spell "calf" any mof•e*n• :,,,T,T4 iii sible than that.; let dfirn step tit the front. • P - eulttvawr : barrow ..•',/g• i 1 :, , 1111 - leo ;On mill witi• hpfrim ; herfn haY 1.0,11 BBADFOBD OOUSTY AGRICULTURAL Missal Exhildtloa to be held it ToMaride;, rfri Wednesday, Thursday, aad Friday, September 27, 28, and 29,1876• TO' EX.IIIBITORS. The books of entry wilt be opened on and after the seventh day of September, at the tencied the Secretary In Towanda, and exhibitors are particle. bey requested to notice that the Entry Boots wW be closed cm Tuesday, the. :6th' day of September. and that entries must be made before thardate7- the (artier the better. This regulation is intended to insure better accommodations and arrangenieuta, and by preventing delay and cOnfasion at the °pee ing of the Fair, to enable Judges to make examine. Lions and award premiums on the first day.. 'Ex hibitors will thus derive the tall benefits of the awards made to them. ' • Fahlhitors eon enter goods without extra charges upon the purchase of a membership ticket but no article shall be entered for more than one premium except upon payment of one dollar for each addi tional entry. These regulations apply to all'entrids except when test of speed Is required, in which ten per cent; of the whole premium will be charged. All persons who intend to exhibit hones, tittle, sheep or swine, should hare them entered upon the Secretary's book, as far as possible, at least a week before the Fair. , _ .• _Exhibitors will remise a card for each article en tered, designating the class and number of the en try, which must be attached to the article. • Yo animal without a sard attached can be la the Stalls without the consent of, the committee In charge of that department; nor can the Society as sure any exhibitor, who neglects this requirement, that they will be passed upon by the Judges. .in justice to those who comply with the ruleSof the Society, they shall in all cases first receive anew tion. Articles or animals remoced from the grou t tails before the dose of the. exhibition, except by per• mission of the committee in charge, cannot fent!o a premium, though snarled. lICLES AND REGULATIONS. • 1. No premium will 'be awarded on any article or animal in the 3bsence of compeUtion, unless the Judges deem it meritorious. 2. Articles or animals entered for exhibition must be on the grounds py noon of the first day of the Fair, or they Will not receive a premittni, even though awarded. 3. Articles or animals entered for exhibition will not be allowed to bo removed:3'mm the Fair Grounds, except by permission of the committee in charge. 1. No premium will he_ awarded on any 'article or animal unless the entry card Is attached. 6. Caki..c melon confectionary or other Stands or wagons, and shows br eziflbitlonamay he admitted to the Fair Grounds by application to the y'resi deut and paying a reasonaldle compensation for the same. None of the above will - be allowed outside of the enclosure near the grounds. ' 6. No spirituous liquors;hallto cold, nor shall gambling -he allowed on the ground during the days of the Fair. 7. A strong and efficient police will be en the ;grounds day and night during the Fair. 8. The Society will carefully preserve all arti- eles while on exhibition, but they will not be re sponsible for any loss that may occur. • 9. Good stalls, bedding, and an abundance of good feed for animals on exhibition, will be fur nth:led by the Society, free of charge. IC. : All animals entered in Class -- must. be ex hiblted.at their posts Inside the track at thohours named (of whirls due notice will be' given), or they gill not Ice examined Icy the Judges. 11. All proallurns not called for by the first of January heat will be forfeited to the flocipti,. OM CLASS I. 1)V1II. CATTLE Best bull, 3 years•uld and upwards lr±,st . under 3 years 24 best Lull calf cow over 4 years 24 best !letter ruder 4.,5-343 . CLASS 2. I \ iEN - 4.1N CATTLE. Same premium as Class 1. CLASS 2. - A LDERN CATTLE. Same premliun as Class 1. CT. ASS 4. AYILSIIIIiE CATTLE Same premluth as ('lass 1. CLASS 5. 110LSTIEN CATTLE Same premium as Class 1. • • CLASS G. HEREFORD CATTLE Same. prernittpias CIANs 1. CLASS NATIVE CATTLE Same premilsin as Class I CLASS 7. • 11EIMS, WoItKING AND FAT CATTLE. Vest herd, not less than fire heads :410 00 74, best Yoke working rattle 2d best ' Fat or. • 2rl best . 3 Fat cow 4 24 best • 2 SPECIAL PRE3LIU3I. Cow over 4 years old from srbleh largest •: ,-aviantlty of butter was made In one week 5 Cow ufider , l years old from which largest quantity of butter was made In one week 5 CLASS 9 SHEEP. Best flock, not less than flue hest Flne wool hurt lamb Pair ewes Lambs:, . . Same prrmiams fro. Southdowns, Sbropsh,lres, cotswohls amt,,l4cestc,ll. CI.ASS to. . '.. SWINE. ... Best pen of hogs; not less than Are, under six months ; 64 00 2(1 beat Asst cheater white hoar now sow and pigs, not less than five Same pretninitiA (or Berkshires, Elise: and Sur folkhAs for Chester Whites. , „ It. TlfOßOlilillltitED AND BL4O,I)ED 110ItS.i }lost stallion. 4 years and over 110 oo' 24 best unite, 4 years l',l best 3 ' colt under ,years 4 Mare 4 years and over under 1 years Home colt , Mare cult • CLASS 12. \.s HORSES FOR ALL WORK Best stallion 4 years and over 2,1 best mare gelding • - Best stallion uuder 4 years "' Mary , gelding Best cult colt under 3 years under 2 years under 1 year Best pate draft horses mares j i. CLASS 13. DI:P . IINC: .AN It RIDING IlortsEs. i Rest pair carriage 'hors,' ii 1 1 10 ; 00 mares 101 • r ,. colts 'Rider 4 years al single carriage horse' a 1 mare a! horse or mare for ...addle a i 1u awarding,. prentluths 'ln thli - ?tats tralulk, style and action vi 111 lr considered by the Judrls. • CLASS 14. JACKS AND MULES [lest jack . pair mules Mule cult C i A. , ' , 15 P4)I - LTRY' Best display, not less titan 5 varieties • pair dark bralianias light patridge coehins buff black " white ^" • hondans creni-coon la tiethe white leghorn 'brown •• black white-faceol sitaulsh • IS. It. it. gable dookln •• pile brown breasted red game getter red game -white game black game white dorkings • &Awed . _ gulden spangled homburgs silver •• white black - " golden polish stlyrr " black, white crest polish white '• bantams .Iriztled Best pair tkrotize white' lmR • uaauagarmtt Best pair gig so bremen I=l Best, plowman plowboy under IS years old Itt3LEEk row rt.owtir 1. The quantity of ground for cad serf.' - 4 Tb C time allowed to do the w hours.' a. The teanujo start at ono time, l and each plow , =III to do his work without a drivec or assislant. 4. Each pion - Man to strike his own land, and plow, independently of the adjoining land. L Within the !fourth of an acre plowed each plowman will be required to strike two back-f or mired lands, and finish with the dead lurrow in the middle. , ' CLASti 18. EDGE TOOLS, ETC, Best portable steam engine cylinder boiler tubular steam holler boiler fire front shingle machine • brick " . lath display of edge tools saws sties and kilawana hardware pumps for wells steam boiler CLASS 14. CAjiltlAllF,S II WAX Best and lar;oost display of, ics.rrLag glen and sleighs Best carriage Leggy top buggy • sulky • , lain her wagon platform spring wagon fillaston CLASS :A LEATHER AND ITS MANE Best pair coarse imuts tine, 'lane sewed 4; tine, pegged Largest and hest display of bouts mid shoes Largest and best display of harness: set light double harness heavy haniess Mingle harness aide wle leather upper • barness AGRIO ULTURAL DEP CLAES lilt AIN, SEEDS. rit.orn A Best bushel white wheat Flour and meal to be tuanitfaeturei CL ASS 22.- 3 ; E 4 ET Ait 'Best display TegetableNtiot less (ha , Nisbet early potatoes bushel late potatoes lot of beets siz bead cabbage ten stalks celery • display turnips, rutabagas,egr ' parsneps and peppert;; Jot pntnpl:ins spuaslies specimens beans eggpiauts half bushel tomatoes .• t two quarts lima beaus two water melons display Imps, peas, ou Wu seed, vatic ty potato , ..s CLASS "a.—F SIC IT •1000 1 14 .100 M TurL pi, EBB! Uffl2ll .... 1 , 1 . 1 hay. straw. and fodder cutter vegetable cutter bay rake earn abetter portable cider ullU and press, splow alde-hllt ploy( held roller • hay redder; • hay loader CLASS 17. ' PLOWINO. red ~ rye run' (Mt.s buckwheat corn meal ..4ppbx. Best display fall varieties, in earl& sylitter varieties ' lo satopies of any variety Pear,, Best ,oninier and fail varieties, 10 winter c raleti,•s 14) satopl , . 4 of auy variety ach,. Best :,ample of any variety PI m Best sample of any val I ety Qttinre.4: • Best varieties, 10 eaeh • awl larger collections Simple "'lberian crabapples lemon plant in fruit orAng , t plant in trait U Trip, Rest sample Isa , s , ll, tons fess - than Itlana. rone"rd.sitelatt ton. ItariF , rll, Uinta. .7.; ' t3wlla. eaciiJmmo collection; LoC 11,s than!. cf,Afil•ii-LI.—FLOWEIZS AND S next decorativa ria‘tic ile:.ign 111... S basket with flowers pyramid of not% erx collection of !lunge:don, Ilown colleetl9 of banging baxketa hanging basket pair. of round, Oat, hrldal, pl . hand lannicts; each 11,,terrx, -Best varlettel vaii et les .411 7 etion carlgateil leaf plant collection natirelerns iceopodlin ' dried autumn lenviii collection of 01103,3 Best sls perpetual i collection cut rows nor:wry:ll3ll'i. collection ..,.. antateurx collection 1 4 Pi ch ior. 112MMil J/r 11 , dru it Best three varieties G•i-,ln ~Ls. fi oo Best collectlort rerb.nii3. Best Fix Narleiles ifO_}lß ; DEPAI:T..Iq:NT. CLASi COBDIALS,IPEESEIZO> Iran'''. 1 ~• , . Best 116111er:byte sparkling wines, trrn grapes f or rhubarb± :Al Rest honuynade Isabella, Catawba! Concord Delaware., Currant, Blackberry. Rasp berry, f:blerneury, Itlackberry cordial, Carb Iso Rest quart any ether variety ro ralilierry vinegar ' ' :io lemon syrup i 1 so gallon cider vinegar I So rregf Trot', kr. ' ' Best collection preserves and Mlle's, canned fruit, yfiekles. &c., made to keep ' .. C O . Best apple, pear. proeb or quinte - buttor each :',ll Best collection spiced fruit., pleklts, itilzett pickle:, clovehow, with 1-vetive r eaY.h . :,(7 CLASS 24.—IIREAD, LIKTTEIti CAKE, St:. Best homemade wheat, brown, or ri ) .e. bread .11 , :iri bakeni'l- do do di"; do . i, :,,, bread baked by girl under It. .kithout aid r,4 rusk, baker's rto-k, biscuits baked ham, boiled barn drled br , .•(, boiled tqugne,b , logna sausage, pre , ersed turkey, preNer vett ettlekt•ti, homemade fruit rake, laity pound, :.por.g, mountain, Jon 'White mountain, or chocolate cake, er Best Jumbles variety' rake tlonglmuts sanely of ginger,cake 1 . sdkplay u! pastry .. I single ,pectinett ~ ' Brat; r and r.ta. 0. , • . Itest package butter. not 1,3, than 30 Itiii rfs fwi fresh tint ter in roll, or prints,_ :1 Initti.r made by gird under lii wi Mint ald 2 specimen or churn. firkin or tult, earl, , .1 All articles in ['lass 24 to lie am:Mutt:mkd with recipe for making, or curing. I II ',try. 1 Best five itouniN 111,1,tay uut 1e thau boaett bee hire .ASS 1:7. - -triI.TING, NEF.I3II:Wt tit K. .te Best silk, delal•ir. caliW or white ly i ul quilt, warm re:verb:l, .. - .1 Men blanket, icaen nlo neat homemade rug. linen. cro. , len stocking.. linen :docking., earn display I 1 Best rr :lockim ' , knit by girl tinderl.2 year , 1 round wnotcif stocking yarn 1 nn round llimn stocking yarn i if. woolen mittens and glovi . s, each r . .tlr rii: • . trait spread 50 Best embroidery. bureau rov.r,,tolltit mats, . curtains, tmtoldnade .I.irt, Iliad it e made shirt. boy's siOrt. gtin.shir. yoke - and sleeve..:ewllar atl cliffs; ellaphiy of ' tetting. each article I Best carriage and sleigh afghan 11. =- & 3 Md , ...fa cover, chair,cover, knitted chair - cover. sofa plilow, slippers, err/Ogled zeyhyr ,sh.in I. knitted zephyr shanl, silk [ enihrohlery, ebild's afghan. knitted la 'LW:. hood. child's ram chard's 'o k+. nee dle hook or housewlee. watch chair. work haslet. eachl I • Ilestdl‘playof ',tit r work, hest li be tween all ages, and which the c6tnpany wilt Oar- Woo to not exceed orte-halt the cost of any first classOLD PLAN Company. The following Table shows the Rates for poop and may be multiplied for any' additional aulliant up to C.o' 00, which Is the largest risk taken ort - yiny one life. Twenty;ents will added to the amount of each arse timid for collection, etc. 1.41 T OWANDA INSURANCE FIRE AND INARINE COMPANIES COMMARCIAL VNION.of Engrd, ASIA. 917.714.578 Row., of. Liverpool, ill 17,42011 (prole, o 11,now1000 emitlnc:mat., tOf New York, " 2.7oLzak OSRMALNIA. " fill /,591064 °LIMAN AMKOCAN. `: 1,94, 8 35 .MANHATTAN. 1 as 701k8e5 COVillikitelai., of " ii 451,752. rircEN ix, of Hartford, " ' 1,14„:0V ORIANT. " IA 719.1::. AMAZON. of Ohio, " 9:1 K 540 CITIZMNS * . of :tiemnrir, ' 413;730 IlaklntruG lcuksat.N. : .os Germany " 2,500,00 a M. E. ILOSIFIELD SNATHS; 11. T. 'JUNE. lanranas. • • 11. S. CLARK; AGENT. .1 :-1 TOWANDA, rA. • iil i i to .4 .1. NODLI AGENCY, Main Street, opposite the Coast Lipase. is LIFE A. ACCIDENT COMPANIES NATIONAL Tarr., of. if. S. A., assets • V1, 7 / 3 7;486 TriAVKLERS, of Hartford, 6,470.759 Effl=== M===l Losses adfiated and raid At ads office. NOBLE & VINCF:NT,) General Agents} dcr22-75tt (IIIAS. 51 HALL i 1: N'OWANDA, BRADFORD CO..' ,•1 PENNA ., Insures against losaby fire, In any of the following tried and reliable Companies:-.: FIRE . INSURANCE CO'S. 'f'j LONDON ASS'N COIL, aets 111,083,40 N 1 00 FRENCH IN'S COE., " s,ooo,O*tiSi TRADER'S of Chicago. " .... ... 8d0,000.100 - I NS. Co. STATE OF PA.," . ' criti,ooPl no NATIONAL of N. Y., " ' - 401,000: 00 SUSQ. MUTUAL. ...----' " ' 17.5,0 Ots ALSO LIFE AND ACCIDENT IMinranee4ti the following Companies: Mutualireliklt LI fe - of Newark, aets.flo,ooo,ooo oo Hartford Acchlent, of Hartford, " 200,01 i Oo Temperance Mutual Benefit Association. il May 2.. . s., 2m. OFFICE,.with N. TI liD, Esq. l',, rIE FARMERS' INtiUURAI`t:F. eo., ttl` Is now Issuing perfKqual polleb• on !-;) FARM TROP'ERI".7 ONLY. '.'•l • Each member pap's n fee, at the time, of Inlurlng; to cover charter and let:Mental expenses of the 09. 'after which no fueiner payment Is required, exenpt to meet actual Koss by fire among the membership. ' , This plan .of Insurance for FARM rItOFERTy, Is cowii,g rapidly into favor. ,7tace of 110sIness, SPRING RILL, PA. The Agent will canvass the Townshipi of Tinqa. rora, Ileivlck, Vl:yalteslng. Asylum, Tatty and Standing Slime. and fanners In Guise Town slaps wishing Insurance or Information, may Rd; dress, A. B. SUMNER, See. and Agt„l Spring 11111, Bradford Co., Pa, W. M. SITUMWAY. Pres.. (uct74ro Groceries and Provisions. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS NIcCASE & EDWARDS, Cash dralera In all kinds of ' GROCERIES & PROVISION§: C NE DOOR NORTH OF CODOING Sc RU :SSA: Towanda, July 21 4875 STEVENS dr, LONG, WITOLESALE & RET, , AI4 1 Dealers In • CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES COUNTIty' PROCUCE, GRAIN, &C. Having a largo and rommodloa4stare we are prepared at all times to carry• a large' stock. . CA 4 BII PAID FOR BUTTER, GRAIN AND PRODUCE Ur taten fn eschango for gcssis, an lonust cash pl.. cos. — Our long eXporience In tho Grocery Trade gives US peculiar advantages In purchasing, and a we arss nut ambitious to snake largo profits, we nat. ter ounwlves that wo can offer CREATES INDUCEMENTS TO Buyers than any . other establishment In Northern Pennsylvania. ~• • STEVENS Ar LONG. CORNER MAIN A I= BA 1 hate of Infant that I AIM, 8, 1 Goaturq worth r... I am ar, , GIIKIIIB for, and Price' s LEAT REME Cytart hiu Store. w. s. vzscs*t. .1.;• KGEEC S ol A 130 the leallt CC BB •fiA,pou 72, 434,070 MEE Bridge Erci OE= C°A 'We lice atul V ikk the Full“ and ',mitt kee meet, 11[1 at IHdtOW Tosvand puR F RES II Manufactli' PRIC your order Rumertl, NEW The. unit commoditn now on hal BM L Orl.l-754f AEA Winn and . 1 fur cluth O nly: monthly. PRICA Or C Pittston Sto Pe. Carbon Run 44, 46 itSranY fielit‘nrn 16itti M.. Hall 11 bush - Itrtelf, '.l. I atit altv :short.notiee . I also tend Irnstotners ft ylst .I(titt hupt :their Interest, :get ttib best m who a I intuit It: :iyalty freights. ;gust gait. =ZEE TUAIG . I TA__L Mann? cash paid [or jAtti&-l!n ' Woo,'l WOOLEA nianofd on !do rt irod from rhetnew lasts offered :TONV A N DA4 FA Ottr!rt7Truu GAINS! BARticA.INSH .m 4 and ;mg On sale one thousand pairs p, Cbilda, ,Sftsses' end Women's Shoes; sell Allen than manufacturers prices. . . Cabe , of Woutotes rux4lare, Kfil-lace, ,and Fox-button tillues, I: vcil)alr— ; SE GOODS ARE receiving a farce and full line of Fine spring trade., which fur Siyiv, cannot be excelled. . I TRUNKS; RAVELLING - BAGS, ER & SHOE EINDIINGS A stock; at tho !meta voolido prlc'es MBl'lt TIIF PLACE Opposlto the toe,unit door to Clialubbrilft's Sewctry t, JOHN F. C(11Up• - .1:. '-. - . • - - ' . ..1, a. Pa.. Feb. .I. li:fi. • :: I'IIING NEW .;'' ON lIRIDCIE • STREET. 'STON BOOT AND SiiOfj • STORE ! • :! M J. Jr M. SHEFTE.L., Doot , ancl Silol3 inercliiiits of 110rue,11.5- rifle, N. Y., *III utriu • STON BOOT AND STIOE STOp.: No. 2, BRIOGE STREET, by TILE Lcr. OF • Allti • ME N . OF, THE . REq) BOOT, Street, Bcidleman's Block ectfully Tours, ; J. A; M. SIIETTEL 'a..Aptil 15, 'l5 Coal, Lime antillaOter OAL, COAL on timid a: otir yard an 6iacs "Lint Marro coal. and'Loyil !II County Also,'Varelay p the best quality of Lime,lr ant ( • elc and Plaster, all or whit-IL-We "W 1 I soil orice,s. -PIEIWE Az; SCOTT. May Ist . , 1576 GROUND lii4STEk ILL MAITIIFIELD:! ' IrC just ICCe. iVaqi a !urge supply ur .; RD Li ND CAYUGAP S F. eti from stow , !. , e1t. , 11 1)y myself." warraute4 , Cash, V; 50; bu (hue, f: tun_ iu riTim NwrEssun (1, 3rarcli 1,1, COAL YARri! !rs!quell hay mg tal.en tho largo and yard, at th fl,Uot Id - PARK Strettt. : has a full supplylf • MB Eril ANTE . ItACITE, LOYAL SOCK; EMI ARCLAY COAL EMI :ILE 'AND CEMENT Coal delivered on short tinder TERM'S :—Cash. HENRY MEttCUR COAL AND LIME. tter 1, 1 will gel' eoel, Ilme, Ste.,{ and the prleo eureeeiedi .141 L FOR .4 FLY, PElt Tr.r , S br 2,000th,' 1 AT Title YAI:D: , err, Chestnut anal Furnace' . : . f.1 : 00! , a; 3 Sot . 4100 i ' r'Till'ic . tlt 'an untalu f.untp • :1 an 1 SA:oth I .tnic Vt bushel i 4 . a; 10 ,Ott , ip prepared th deliver purehr.mt en •at the usual price of Ide ler my thanks:le my many'fileno and of their very IMerat patronage in the 'el miller the not .leparture to make It to to continue to buy where they NM n04:143 for the least money.' are Indebted To me will take notice lve money. or 1 can't buy for cash and They swat settle by the first of Au- Very Respectfully Yourg, J. H. PIIISNY ,ily 3;1975. 'arding and Dressing. Sr, 13ROA t.cturers (;04 , 11,1, Yarns, Stg DEM ►ING & DEESSINtIi, Dono to ordrn.. VOOl, 31S0 clot i•c"h migrd f9r I.rItAC?Cli.i.E, I`.t CARDING, AT ii! F: IIENNN. • attended We aro already di kl. tog rOll.l ,Llp,'aud are prepared to d r o Work as U. U. ISIAH ;1.3:1 MEM DruEp ziesenes. H. C. PciIITER 1 , . . • L • • • I i ' I t ' AT 2111: ! . 1 • . :: I 1 __} 1 01.1) - CAST! . DRUG . STORE ! • I 1 Coriler Main amf 1 1 111., Sta., Tuw . a9da, EL !. • (Egad/Maud ot..'r a vaaijer of a g e i tunh] ~ - i wholesale owl /Letotil DoslcLllntt ~, . '... i • • I A I ; llt •. DIIUGS, 311,DIcINES, pIiEMICAI.S;;• ACIDS, I')Yr.-,2I,t)PFLE, ,tc 0 THL, 1 tt• • ~t.. . 1 4 - PEitr UpILY, TOIL.ET AND IFANcY GOODES • i . . fir ON( F. 1 ,., lIRCSIII - 7.4, DE:ACES & FIIIIISSISS, I , • , I . SOAPS, COMUR,(I'O.3IADER, .I.Ain DYxs, I t TEE.TI.Ii SKIN, -alfcl MUD , PILEP4ItA E: T ONLI • ' ICA ZORR, 1 1 0eliET-KNIVF I 1• [ ; VOCKET-ITOOMI ' A SI) POICI`...3IO".iiIiAL ES, .t' I' ;I t 314\ CADDY. aril SroTelf SNILIYIr :: • ' 1 ' 1 11)4E1os ANo 1)())1EsTic cipt. it , i,..ARDi... , f., viy.s.li AND FLL.;WEIL SEEDS, , i PILL 4 3 - Wlftts and Ligilvtr3., fir 3lttsllcl43l I'arposei .: DirrAND.,ECT.I.:(:IIc.,ic If ima;CyrArlittint.m Exqvi' t • .1 I t Ana it'll genuln4tirlinr l'aLeor 3f9dielrieti. !, • I StorrinfTcrts, 1t.4. - .1.- I 4::stfnsiES, ilfeF.AisT PC3iroi. Ntri'LE.S, Nirl..!..L'SliETA.B ',ltt filLizi,Ds, I. ; Nriisi NG notriti.E.tti, Ti..:rrnisG LlDitiA, .SyIcLNG*F., lILD 1'..,;:5. T.Hus.&l.s, Tnr.l:llo)Lzi , ' . ' f:tc.S, F,1...t.:441C :-..,11.4..:K1NG, ! AK:. . i - K FtCPSEPIt OR COAL 'lo ft., :. i A . I NV/ „S, COI3ii . :EYS, DATIL DRICK, ! SPERM',' LAIL.D, "WHALE, SEATS FOOT, 'I'.4.NNEICS, AN) MACHINE DILLS, .. , A Lc i onot., ANI:;'S1'11:11'S TtlltrY..llTtl.{E, Scult,l'oin.t v - Vorntsk,ll7iitetotzt C'ounto l r,;' 1 1 IhprBei Multil, Shoe, I.icru l ing, , • '. , taind all Iciluls of brushel. • . ." -.....,, 1 WINDOW ANOPICTURE 'CLASS' . i! , 1 • - . il , . •of all ofzes. I 1 DE ME rwu LiiN'SEED OJT., PAINTS, Pl7TY,'Atill I 1; I • l',,llt.:' , ;l:Sli. i REAL P.A!NTI I OF ANY 113E.SI1:E1) (; )LOlf. J i Br Tut: 1'01. 7 .N1), PINT.010A11;ON, 1 (4:01;ND IN 01".. oft V.AICSIOI, ' ' AND 'DRY' CI iL(lits OF Al - .L lIVES. ' !• 1 ',I 1 t IAII ileticles 9.retfri - anted 124 rapr Aented.. I , i I 4 - ;• - fr,scriptiorts C.lrt•mlliy MitlrgAinfied t 1211'110W* or slay anti night. , ip. ii holidays .tor I' escriptiono fruni:ift toll), A. M.,' I?, t'. 1 :1:141 4to ti, P. . ! ' 1)r. Miter ciu'Li: ei , a,uftvd .as beret Fore In th.i ofhr e*. i .I. .tntayl3 . 7: - 1 T l 7 It' N E l';. .V. G 6 it , • - wirorxiiikl,F. AND Ia:TA . I .. UaGIS IMO rATT'ON%i BLOCK, I - r, TONYA:tCDA, . I L . . . , • 1 I C...A.Cl.lis.rir: t S - TiLiti Y. 1. - .3.1X its. I 1 stum: • cu xIrED 1.1f,L5 1 I ~,, roNVI, , F.Rs, GUNN, ~ , i'10:1-, . . '11(:- 1 1t - I: Es, 1 I . ,•WIIINES, I • . ..' ..t, r., And pre of all . : r171.7 DYE ,: El . *, ' :111C1fIN . Si.: .O,ILS, 1 KEIZO:'4ENE, ALCOHOL, . :• PURE! WIN I'4i AND LI . • ' for purpose F. TOBACCO, - Cl7, CIGA . 1 , FENT MEDICINES,' ! 1 and' 3 ,. .ortolent of 1.! TOILET INT) FANCY • More tit 'i an tr•;1411 eqze 14 given,itt the Ing of :1111,,14 f v• frk ?.: 1..•7 L. M. M ‘l.l u. ran e. , , , ,1!ted at the 5, uneay ,:i• I,4l,lctre. tstim r.,in MESE i t YElrts H I Iz. VIG Q II ...Lik. stori l bg gray 1,.;,4. 7... its 113turith vi I i • 1 euior. A diVarlei :acing y , iir , ,,ic.!;:ness, t , ll..stip , I i • - 1 1 and he,redit3l7 inc..ll:;pl-411,m, . al), , turn ',,), . I gray', - inaltilther of tlii‘i•./ liniln. , it. to sit • , i• ' • turely. A:et.:iri, II tri V.:Gon, by long, • Ave tip.) fall hair lul u'4 .iterk. oft. mutylv3 the gr. a!ways sat idy -rc z 4tor.!{ OCD:Or, gray, It sCLnel.lt.• organs 4,11 v I t:"., n:id Thal . i• j • ; . . j r j : f , j 1 tOatile ar..ll:tiezig:h,•... , l - . !• , :t lirt}r', r'gr i 1 cxprt !::!: I. elleCkA•. 11,1 1 and fad Pd or gray twit rt-3ume tholr origin:ll opoiatlptx surf) li:Lir 1.!1 at! , l hart:iless. It riiro; , ,lnti.lrtift, boats 31 Ituttnors.. ; I at. 4 la ele. tito ....e: - ,':, i', ! -1, ete3l; ai;l sort—qv:ger W.rftell coplitten.s, tlis.3s. : arc Ituptslltlei . • As 3 dressing fur hilt vs' 11:.1r, the VtGott Is pral.9- • 1 prals el for Its graterti: :tit agrecaLlo perfume, and; vatt.teil for the slt e,ft .t-1 I le alltl richness Lf tone7lt. I V I -t • I I'toleired I.y .1. ‘'. 2: ~ IL I : .. 1:‘ C0..L0v;1 . .i11, )lass tuirto ,, 1•1 , , , , • Practical alit - A tiaiytkirt; Cht Mists. I • . ' : I ; .5.,141 I.y all Driirxl , r.; :::..1 nit - infers ih 3lchiclne. .AsTvA,Ess ':..‘t f:DICINES. . . A; i 14 , 111111.1 M New 'f.' , C.... ' Illy: , lMtai lately cam—, P/II!III'.`1 to 1 1 1.7 \ - 11.‘i , I;Iricii - Ar tar. rilmimit their . , SA s LiA lAVO{ Ali Mt. I 'ri r, t. Li:N. star ing• tat SOme tha., they d•ured m , rai•M...a•-iy. but 1 ihat n patient' of hi, laid taken Itt ,- ai, v. ithnut :eif?e..t. rn bring ,!, 1111 M -Med that , irem 0...1 ro :.. am...' w oto sod. he in-', pi ir.•,l and r;mmi ir , :147:ter.i )I..ef 1101 bet 4 lairOg DUNI) AS 1?:(!li• &C , r:,. , ' ' WIIAT, hap( •••1,1 I . :1 . : , i , 1,i ,, :rfan May 1 amhap•• pmtv•l , to 01 hem., mil if: :;1 4 .V4 Dltik St h'i'. take 1 / 1 -4 s method ,'M prott , '; tre; pfiyeici , 74, dc 4 nggixts. :not t, , . to of bre., an,: I':l!'.^r :ink OIL', OF ZiANI , AL. wool)': frill .I•eininr_r min •li. repute. VII l AN- ISIV -, i.,....;,..., , pre.cribe the k•gp,..iir,,,,. will continua to do fio:lor they contain the pure Oil 11! lb , best and cheapest form. !WI.; DASillir, li .`.:'„ l . 0. vie timre !OIL tw SAN riAl.wri.•l'. tliaa n. 1 .1 ;4i. - '1, • 1.r.1. S3i.• alai Fiet Drug• gi , t , rind l'er,filint.r. hi i h.. lulti,li•lt4lesc aD Onlilhok awl 1.111 . , is the solo r ,- :1 - • ,,, nit) . the pure Oil is ~.!,1 chea per to :::,.-:, I .0..,01eS thall, in a ty other Corm. ~ 1 ' • ' DI I. rOr SA ND.I I 117 , e.ll h: rash sap( reciting every other reimalY. ,•\ F , .' :ll'ilh's only I Mn; re• griireil to iiisi,i, a ~ , 1 , • ,i; d . t - rt: , in mire It 'sic. or eight! lava. rrom L. , mrher tocilleino can this 're 'suit hel Mut. : . ••• r . • . DUNI/AS 'DICK Lt "-l' ,, :i; SI.IFT ICAIISULES solve ON. prol.Win. I. :n: , ni Were(' I.y rnilwoit phY Arians: of hnNr to ,t , .., 7.! IL,- na11 , ..a. awl lII.knA ex pet ieiweo to 1 , %a11,, , .i1i1- t , •: ,,, li are w'ell known to llozrart: (roan, if w.t. ~::,-,... ...., :no gotbd effect 3 of -ninov..valoable Crint , ,l. , ,; • , 1 : ,, it '4l.l , siali , s ate pilt :111• h tin-foil awl 11 -, at box f.s. thirty in enell, awl at, tio... only Capsules I.le tea - 11,oktl hy yi.p,icia,,,. 4'" 111 TAST ELESS I I EDICINES.c C ast" , oil and 411:11 . 1 " : .111,•r• ‘ l,lll-i“.1", 1111.4111Y1H ean be La -I,':',. " - lIIV ;”/, ~,r' l l ': ;•', 111.1NDAS DICK & CO'S SOFT C A9SULES. No Taste no Smell. , • II I • ca - ThcsoAvre -. t: ho only capsules admi,t e tedl:o the !last Paris. Exposi tion. , 1 . , .t Soto! for eirlotlar to :ll ;',Thoster street, Ne4' York.. Sold at all Dr. 4 . - Store Here. nui.:l••.;. 1 - ;•.• - I , i N A ONA CAl i l TA 1 . 4, 1 S WiTLU FUN I I This limit( (lifers; 'L'S 1,;:q! AL FM% the transaction o f ar F,Ntal AN . :I( ING 1317, INTEL: VST 1` . 1 .1111 b!.; 1. - pos(l.s Ai l TO Al' it C:3l r.NT, . , 1 ~ Ser - ct AL C.0:1 , . (11'.'11. rt• Tin: CoLL:CTI I Nori:F. ,‘ND - (),Neg , .. t , I f ; •r t, nt: trlkhttkg, t, •-:1 , .' , ,i0 ll yoscy te,. htir Ow rnitl.4ll Stati.4, F,17:1i1/.1, } Cll3llll, t.:,,11: the tirint•lV:' , 4lcitte , rth.i tirn •.s of Ettry • et procure ttratb; for t.h:tt pi:7),m% PA•;. - .SA G TICKI.7,TS 7b cY f rflui (lief 014.6 t ry, by Ilb14!s0 stl atll.lg :thS:l3,, { oyi-.v. AT I: . KL;UCi:D It liial►e ,L ^vire l'ocS; 114 ' : old anil Silver; j e 6, , rtg,o94, D 0 N S I . EBBS, TORS, S, &C MEE oorts. cnmTmn4• ULI 0 A. f 1:: on. on Sat. P. 1U Ti' INF'? WO %, for le- tallty and. Intmeut N. the halt MEM I nd extep ng of the MEM faactl or olioalthy he. hair and 1 MEM des g I occy EllE!IIE=1:112 =Z2EI ToivANDA: 25,000 G_', 100 , 1.4, N, BLTT, El NM NK ME ESS BIEM SIM Irt or hem 91313 UM • ~tni_~~ J it. . uNt