Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 27, 1876, Image 3

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• NV,•"4'
X3ratifoul Neporttt
Towan4, Pa., narzday, July 27, 1876;
ANA DICKTSSON is spending the suin .
tiler at Pittston.
. .
THE Pa. at. N. Y. R. It. Co. bavc again
placed niileage tickets on sale.
R. A. F.l.mEn, Esq., is President of the
iIIAYE.S and WHEELER Club of Waverly,
IN. Y. •
Tits Liu-tas have added another story
to theii engine house for the accommoda
tion of their band.
C. VAN, DYKE has been appointed
:Post Maiter at Enh Canton, rice MEnTox
iLANDON* tesigned.l
- flont ints should begin to make prepa
tations for the approaching Fair. Its
success depends entirely upon them.
TRE Pastor, Doctor STEWART, having
returned; services will be held as usual iu
the Presbyterian church next Sabbath:: WILMOT, father of the late
lion. DAVID Wii.Ntor of this_place. died
at his residence in Ilazetta, Ohio, on the
eth inst., aged 88 years.
" TUE CENTENNIAL," iS thoj name giv
en by Dr. G. S. PErK to the new,;inil novel
mowing machine just inveiited . Aucl built
by himself alid son.
war writes tbia friend in
this place to be careful in rdgard to his
diet,. in this brief note "'Don't eat
Q-cumbers ; W-up."
LlErrz:J. 31. CALIFF, IT. S. A., passed
over the Erie rail road-last - week, in charge
of two Innuired soldiers, en route to the
the sceneof the
,Indian troubles.
R. 3t. "WELLES recently purchasedsome
verb' line imported Cotswold sheep. They
ii-erc taken to his farm in Towanda town
ship,, where the buck died last week.
InA lii - NIPITIZEY has just returned
from a visit to the cast. where he pur
chased a large :•teck of !-oosls for the en
terprisit; firm of which lie is tire head.
I)Artn is iliitting• some very
handsome stoix Stt ts in frvnt of N
.11ETTs, elegant residence. The
stone are:from the quarry at Ilorn Brook::
A BRIDGE which is Thought to be salty
has at last Lcen constructed from .Qvu
ton's basin to the gravel liar in the river,
and material for the- streets is being pro
1). U. Ifor,Los informs us that lie has
tried Haul: pepper as an anfeilote for the
cald,age worm. Apply in the morning,
while the flew is on. It is an effectual
rem My. • ! •
0. i; Mak il extensive re
pairs and additions to. hi:.; residence in
North Towanda. When completed .he
will have tine of the pleasantest places in
this vicinit V.
11. IT. .14.‘cE, who was injurt(l some
days since by being: thrown from his wa
on, still lirs condition at the
house of JoiiN" Coi.iim.N:s, the phice Is here
lie was carlitd on the 114;14 of the acei
THE ;,Na n d ciesibg- Celle( rt of the
National Mnsi,T,l Institute sill
Le held in Mel( ur er, hinq,c
August 411% instead (,f 11m -tip-N . the 3(.1,:
pt. ens. Long. Tmcnimn. rri. • : 17.3y_i?0 - canisucLc.‘
In German.
TOWA ND A. PA. (Hike in Tracy h Noble's Block
To'vranda, San. In. 1,471;
111111 Lr34.11N: —A mauls' way'STm:Kr.\-ruru, (4 .
p4ut,.truule us a plcasant Saturd?ty
last. Mr., :•z - . was. hen. on military
nuss. -116 is 01:e of the Most genial. com-'
ranionable men Nvc have ever Met. anti is
ch:fervecily popular with the
. 12th. Regi
TEE Friday evehitig. concerts by the
Normal Institute have become Wry pop
ular. atiilare iriironized by the,r,m
rieill Feeple of this plave. Admirer's 4.f
g. , 041111111C
are suit% INvotiltl feel cell laid wci - e. they
to attend.,
\\ - tr. are iu ri ecipt of the lint
11:u Lrod, J'ittst,iii,
by Nix is
‘t\ I )il
INS•VN literary editor. ;t a
little .h t. its here
sies,Ancrits- a geihn , ot , snk , l; , 4t. • .
11.‘1:1:.: rare opr4rtuu.ity
is,olli.r). (1 14) ally HI) ty
the cr).ekery 1)1t.i)))•:,:,1.)).11rehas(::). stmt.
m'cll.e.1:11)11411411 (Isipg
'Ft e 4)111y est. Ole kind
or .1. 1).
trx E. now c•n:;alzc•cl in
rli‘ erinz his books:- lie info! ms us that
the demand for the history of Mormonism
is very groat. liitervst , in this Nvork
D11111:0(41 I.y. the efforts ni
31:.rmott fast cu tLc unholy
syNtt-tri upon sections of this
At.7.n)sT A • lig:htcd lamp in
one of the 114,11-. - at the \N":111 ex
piodt (,1 . 1 3lonilay cver;:tor last. As no
was hest u! tin,c, the I,nild
imz uatil)wly l'.1•St1111 . 1 i..n. Th e
lq (Wing in - the was dcstroy. : (l. lint
the tianie . t; « (le ex: d \*-
11)g :I Linn.
St..vrEnviLLE has I.eonne a favorite re
sort for l'owandians. Mrs. Bra 311'S.
. IL L. Scorr, Fi).X. hare
Wen there for sonic tin:e,land yesterday
31i., I:. Movrk‘l"l* Mrs. WIL)!or,
l'AvroN, and Mr•. TlLEs'rors starti - ,1
for the same plae. They arc all gnests
of the Fduntain 11 use.
'l'H7-. rir, tine liold by Co. N: t n F r id a y
uvenin ,, last. rrsultcd in the selveriol of
1). L. SN% 1..E.N EY as ('alo!aiu, in plare of
(•:! I .t. • st,, Lt. .1. A.
VI I r.• First Lieutenant., iti place of
EEN EY, I.lllllltttrii. .1(.11N
ontl Lic11101:1111. The colliany expo, tto
Do to Philadelphia itt!,.t week.
THE Seho44 Directors o f home borough
rc'ectitly .1.;;ss411 a icsoluti m ord e ring,:i
diange of readers in the schools, but On
taking the .sober Second thon t :ht
the action and retained the Union serieS.
Warini the question or merit this is no
time to subject parents to unnecessary ex
pense in buying new school books.
IZr.v. L. F. FoLT Er. awl wife, of To-
wa -3 (la, :OA the Rev. G
Lincsvillc. will prcacli at Ulster. in Mc-
Carty's (:rove, on Sunday, August 6. at
10:3a A. and. I P. M., :URI clo se w itli
atemperance meeting in, the evening- at
the Town flail. whefe,.shottld it milt, the
-meetings will be held during the day.
Tut:: statement of the First National
Bank, printed last wctik,_shows the hist i
ta..te incmasing itrospetity, and
in the confidence of .t he p V rea ll y
fulfills the mission a bank, i. c ,„ aids
the , busitiesti community, and
safe'depository for the surplus earnings of
those who are not ctigag,ed in occupations
requiring all their capital.
THERE may be directors anti parents
who prefer other readers than those now
in use in the sch.t tts ote the count y, but
we do not bdiere aay consideraltle 'num
ber of school boards will ioe found willing .
sulrfpci: the people to the hi - miens inci
dent to a ~chan:ze :at this time. The ex
pense to the patron.;::of the public school's
would be, %cry beau.
THE barn anti 56015 of ('n s.
Tw.,•,11.01.:,( " • U 1414; by
1111! and
(14.i - :troyeti, widLcontAlits• .7311 . 7 *- I ) -
bad his hay and whi;•:ti . all in. and that. af-
lei noon frail !;:folle !he had- ;u le
t swdllcu in the Fiirocts' of . Inse.;-
tal on vu s.
Sr' et Ytt:ll';‘ , ago 14 Larn—lrll the SANK ,
feiVlibltioll—lVAS ited byl lightning..
rltiumet Wile; uiiitsnal . Mr; DAriskoi
incl'ilie tymotby 144: cadre . commit•
- 4 ,2rirign tiro ba r n, An WitMliii k
Cinb organized at fierrieltville,•en Wed
nesday evening next, Ang. 2. lion. (Ito.
Linos will address.the meeting.
Ws. had the pleasure of looking through
the very converient aild commodious
liOnse just completed by Mr. Jour 11. Ott•
cam; on Main St., the other day, and
pronounce it a model, not only in design,.
but in the character of the work, most of
which has been executed by Mr. ORCUTT
hirnself. Mr. DYE, one of 'our hardware
merchants, will ()map) it, having leased
it from Mr. ORCUTT.
ONE of the grandest treats of these:then
may be expected' at the third concert of
the Normal Institute, on Friday evening,
Slily 2s, in the Court House - . Not only
will the entire talent of the Institute ho
represented, but selections by the' Lid-Ta
Band will also enrich the programme.
Prof: P. P. BLlss will also be present and
sing his new Centennial Gospel Song.
WE are pleased to see our people show
their pride and love for our grand old
State, by subscribing so universally as
they are, for Dr. Eumes llistory
sylvania. This is a magnificent work of
over 1.000 royal octavo pages, and between
three and lour innulred elegant ergrav
ingS. No true citizen should lose the op
portunity to get this great work, as we
haVe had no history of the State for near
ly forty years. No library is complete
without it.
A HAY ES AND WnErmr.n C1.1.11' was . lr
ganized at elsterpn Friday evening last,
and the following tinkers einted:
Pn.7.thieht.—.l. • MERsEi.E.W.
Viee Pre.q.—ty .H. I WELL, C. W.
..c.'erefruill.—c. B. ELSBREE.
Ak.d.. sm rrn.
Tre!surer.—JAMEs MATHER.
The meeting was addreNsetlby Col. ; t11':
(tvt•!nro . s, and Jutisort
The next meeting of the club will be on
Fritlay,evening, Ammst 4.
pbblish in another column an ae
conittof the accidental shooting Of W. T.
D.O - tr.4, Esq., at Wyalusing. The excite
ment here on receipt .of' the news. was
quiti, as intense as at Wyalusing, and Mr.
residence was thronged by friends .
anxious to learn the truth of the report.
We'are happY to inform the public tlutt.
no serious s:onsequcuces are likely to re
sult 'froni t the -wound and that :dr. D.
Impcs b(:., entirely recovered in a few
J: rna I:t.wt:m.. at the recent dinner of
the ;l' rrei7i of the IlliHnnsburg :Normal
School, toOlt preasion to commend in .
strut:; terms the ladies of the graduating
class for hawing attended the examhiat ion
and 2railuatii in in neat, calico dresses,
/Hot 1,',erq , ( 1 ,70.3.- It \V.I
alueeedent, he lsaid, that shorild,he gen.
erally Rivalty in dress is not
midt,; harsh upon :lie pet rer hut
necessarily districts the mind of a female
pupil from her lessons and examinations:
SEX ITI - NDI:En tickets for the Ilin.ta
Convert, last :Nl,mlay coming Nvere sold.
Thee:. handy'. d people came in oti . a, spe
cial 'train over the. S. IL IL, in
charge or (~., n ductor 1;1( . 1i. The enter
tainment also exceded in interest any._tliat
preecde.l it. faculty • of tlii
Normal of AVili
ianeZport. Mrs. I ir. )10NTA:NYt:, Mrs. 11.“.-
Dwrs - , and .Miss N \ct.Ey. all satrg. It is
the fin k - cr.:al expression tlliat it was lit
far the richest musical t teat ever en.ioye!l
by the people of this vicinity. The ;:et
receipts were ::,4300.
S. It. CII.ANF. of CI 411111W:I X I:.,aifs. has
jue-i n'ecivt.d a right" for a most
ar. , l Ilzertll the ;imp.: of
a tax duplicate. Thejl..ook is so arratigoil
that' each tax payer cau• see that•
rialfie is entirely vernoved-4nor Inertly
(.l.3 g4 ,1_ 11 .,, n1 the b,,,,k, thn, iru; thr
and tlis, , ati,faction
rtsalts rIII bet weei , i
(S and t-fix pavers. The ("orntnis•-
sioni , rs should ''s"tijgdy thrtr. .to the colli•c
-akd ervAol.lll,llip and
sh l :,nld t•are Lie
11(1 . ;•It,
lion it: re arts So address or .aft
on S. 11. Ci:ANt, Columbia X Roads,
. ,
1'„t: the past vit4ht ;"cars uniformity in l
Fellii“ll.o. ' ,lcs has 1.4 ea m;tintained in the
sehe;ol4 t 0 - I Ilk county, kith only a j e w ex
eertiofi,, mal i t regvet now to see an er,-
foit made to iicsirov--it. A refort havin
(..htained that tlle bireetors 4: thi , Boro
arc aleoat to (ii,place• the Union I:c:idyls;
the otlicurse of the 1;oattl leave made. the
feell9wing stateny_nt.
T., 5e,..,, .. 1).,.:,.....,,, :—.lvi --, 1,,:i.,,1 ti c
ie l :,,irt.,".i'iroiin eh ceildtie! tee the. ertre ct Xlihi.
tilt!: St• 1 1 .1,111 1;11;l1t1 of I 1 1 i , . 11t1r1111g1f. 'are.
:11 , .1111 tee eneecr a change. ei ll'allul,. 11 is
t0111• . , ,' j',l`itlCl . 1 , . Cll.' 8. , .11t1 :Ind th. , ,c! Wilii
arc c,etii.4,l to 1:1Iy litie,lZS Ili ..i:l.t.t:t.ll4t.
1114410 I. ' 1
t. t. a wore! of ti - utlr in tile - s:oly,
We:. ::at isne.i with tly.2 1te:.1.1, is no* in
1 . . , 0,, :1:1.1 1:1•1 :- ....' - ‘1• ally (•4,111',ft,!, .it lire,Clit
F. Nii-n“r
• 1,
in town advw day:: to
l'Alz , oN , , or the reli:tl&. 1'4 11 ; 4
11”t1,e of -)l. • Ne'sv
Voi p.thl a I.:sit to his filunds .bete last
—LIEFTENANT N;.vcr,!N E. - .\1.%!•( , N,
N., w week:: with Lis
c ! .l. (;. 31... ,, 0.tN, is thi , place.
-41155;. 55. 4.1 NVatortovol, N. V.J
paid I.i , ii,1.15.1ti
11.• itn L.-king wasi
i! *Act . .
( 1 .r..;. I)..1 ti.:.•.. \ 11r ills ti
c.,,,nt r . \vas 1!1- 2 NRND Ll', \VI Lin , !
;t t1:1.5 :1: v
weck, i. au ~ ! !i c „ ttj
1:F1 1 9110j :1 MU . C 11ai ills, and lib'.
~~cic~~t:~r railr
Sor,:;bnli. who ha.; jii,t t . el
frern a visit te the — Faer
vva> in tt,wil ea Monday. Ile is lam cm
i t t,,y,;';;l in the 1.11- L , .e clot ,
B1141.1:it, N. V..
i 11.
, r.l aceklotcli
s' !WI in an
Seminar; in 1;10,,k1yn..N. Y. Mi,i4
;1. i, int. , ,t_i•ilit:ient and a c c ,. ll ,
1 , -aclicrs in 111,2 and i
NS i! hill rare . 1 etalit it, S 61:
Lead :old heart.
(.. C;I:'.V.." hiS frivlldti
-trek. NVO :t1(
:11;:t haN
Lraitlt 31‘..1 I , now in tlu t nj4.:,n.t.nt 4.1 % ;,,,j ,
incntal sie.4l I:teulties.
:t c.indidat.• 14. r n anitr,aion f o r (*, 11.;11% ., 5 :
iu S.U7l:lltAl.lnila
FIE -1' LI .Vl - 11:1 - . - -The peopi o
”f tint sr t - nitcd !-Imes have long f e lt Bie l
need of a: wotk that treated n this,
sulticet. They have celehr..ted from yea ii
to year, the day which the DeCiara-,
tin n kl• Indepc.,dt was signed, untih
the 'hand on the,dial has p isscil Nine
dred. Mid now tile s , .ing of joy and rejoic-1
Mg . tomes from ail parts of the
Each ~ne of these years have been trarleil
with, some e•reat "cvent_which has made itl
• N ,
memorable. We Venture to say that tite r
events of the pas , ..l•entury can scarcely he ,
cxcrrd.,p in wondurfulncss by any century '
)ct to - fo - dow. A ovoid. treatini.; upon :1111
these events. otlered to the public.'
The title is "(Mr First Century." -.and
the author is the able anti well knowlf
( M. 1)1:‘ ENS'. lie has speid, the
I.e.t n ell. in Writ Mg up the
mat the l 111 , 1kher, have ex pcinicil over!,
7.,1 oil, on Chetng ray ings w Lich the bOO%
will ci•ntaja, Over one tipiusand
nudidatiilits have been given the :work,
and inure than sixty of the leading men
in our goccritment have ahead) ordered ti
c ,-,py. and reeommended.',' : it. A hiStorY
proper is mit attempted in this worki
'clic whole comprising ten haul;; iu out,
giatni satin gal volume. ikiizinal and
and: unique in plan, rich in it. varied add
ample contents, and InnitirrasSUd in abint
davit ornamentation.
One division of the volume treats upon
the wonderful phenomena of earth, ocean
and heaven ; another, the appalling publ i ..
,ealamities,, disasters, panics, etc.; rei.
inarkabic rciorins. delusions, and c%criteii
merit's in t h e mord and wligitymt, world ;
eliln.l 4 olillarydil,COVelit!;: and invent
srivatitic inns and tltc splendid tr
umplis of mechanical , genius; super
achievements of. American l oratiiry; cdo
111.4ted et canon and t vial t rmediesl l ,
rdinqs, conspiracies; et.'.; im
poitant battles upon land and tea;
inantons political events of absorbing in
teiests .Sze. 31r. H. H. WINI 3; is 1,4
stoit roe
'alp{ 013,0it1(t . ry cirpii •
T. roicrEi:. or
{- s~,:: f _..,~=. ma y, - •
~-~ e
--, a y •
.ea : otP.
.wtthaPahxll4 the hoary. rata ofla Oadity:'
quite - a large . :number of i)obiile gatbired
at the Sayre school house on that evening
fur the purpose of forming a Ilayes and
'Wheeler Club. The Athens band was eci
hand and enlivened the occasion With
• •
good nnisie.
The meeting organized by electing 11.
W. TnoNtAs President, and J. P. STEEL,
Secretary. Committees on Resolutions
and on the permanent organization of a'
Club mere appointed by the chair, wlio in
~due time made theigreports. The resolu
tions were good, and very appropriate:,
The committee on organization of a Hayes!
and Wheehir Club reportcsl Mims:
Titom.‘s for President, HAWLEY TOTER
for Vice-President, for Secretary, Rnix
F. STEELE. The repmfts were unani
mously adopted.
Brief speeches-were .made by • O. It P.
lirx . sEv and M. J. WAIeNEIL Esq., and
froth the close and earefid attention paid,
by the audience, we judge they were }sell(
eceived and satisfactory.
:Mr. Wantitn
was partienlarly happy, and successful itt i
presenting the issues of the campaign, and
itl; 4 thivinciug people that the best inter
estS of the country demand the continua
tion of the Republican party in power.
We , regard * the meeting as a profitable
one; and hope the Club just organized
will have more such meetings and keep
the ball rolling. After three hearty cheers
for Hayes and Wheeler, the meeting'inl-
Joni-tied till next Tuesday evening tO Per
the organizatiod of the Club, and put
it in workil , order.
Tut , : Rev,.. B. L of Auburn, N.iY.
occupied the pulpit of the Methodist
church c r. S Imlay last, morning and toien
hig. we. are rightly informed, lie was
'first a nown it this vicinity, as a famous
church beggar, whose ;advent was afix
iously awaited at every"chureli dedication.
Those who listened to his missionary
sermon on Sunday morning will readily
eoncedcithat he is by no -Means confined
to any :Angle - line of action: Whet her!
stands outside his can! , e its an adypezite,l
ur goes into council in any of the matii
'fold departments of church ci'r, state, it is.
equally evident that he incapable of doing
goAl service.,
There is no'rarer treat for saint oisin
mi. than to come in contact with a mind
like his, that has sulliciept compass :to
spin► the small disasters of these trOublints
transition times with a faithdu the l ifutUre
of oar country and religion. And in the
piisition 1)r. Ivrs ecenpics, as minister.
atialist, moralist. wit and orator. lie Will
set a lii on the movements or the .day,
that. will tell granilly, if we mistake not,'
in the thud shunning up of mmulane af
The sulject of Temperance 2n the evtn
ing was handldled with a hoKfuless of irs-'
pert that inspires a full belief in its ',vial
thal tiiumph. Point after point, in
past, was marked oil; as cmphaslzing the
landmarks ofat taimnent already 471,`
and. the • Verk fart that it is difililagi.t•l
speak ia an unintcresting. nayon a
tvo theme, was nnale to serve !its
tenet as - ev l nlenee that the- . piddle mind is
~ .e dueated, and eonvii.e , 2,', or the - enk.-
mity of this 141e:it evil, as to- need little
fait lief. ideas •or present a thin.
v!..:= does not disturb
-s into hi, diselmrse, neither dots he
tnailde, himself overmuch to exelade
those que,siions •Whieh involve the issneit
of the And one-is notlkft very 1. set
iu sllspl.ll,Se ;IS the
(2,11 liis text, haa not a lint of 1 ,4 11 ..
Ind shading, and as Ids tumble mind laud
hold of the thoul.t that is drifting
thc current or theitimt,„ one feli the en- -
t husia s iu of Ici. parpose, ar.-, t ii i,te strength
of the grip that wreechit 2; every in
rained a<l,2,•antag . e to :lie service
of God and humanity. we want.
after all, ,are good sermons and , pulpit lee-
I at - es. "Ilte, ;learned specialties, and . the
diseassions V.iat most he piously lined off
to the politieians, aro incidentally 5,,:1,
hat if one can-come aloncside of a lnis
thin leader non - 'Mal then, standing . on the
platform of a ehrist ho t pulpit, whose vis,
ion. sweeps the earth bel , rw. :nal the heav
en toward Uluoli he is gashing. one who
is able to compact his faith despite the
confusion of or mralitT, then use
gets 1,.&1i , :t.• help. ;Ina a lOm. strong 411-
1 , 111 - A: taIV; a: a the
Tut: Pa pliblicans 11'yaltisiiP4 ;:skrtu
-I,lcd ;14.the AeatleMy Hall, on Thursday
ev . ening, July '.lO. Tlie luta:ling was
attionlett for the season of the year,"
ami much enthusiasm prevailed. W. 11.
Tlionipsipn was I ni,seh et•aiitnali. Ile sta
ted the . .J.ject of ,the iticeting in a %cry
f e w c atn e , , , amf fate reurias. (;11
motion, a c.eninit tee (111s:t lug t.t A. ree,
A. It. - Porter, (1: (' rbi n. was appoint
ed 11.17(111 (rClx.lniali(lit or-
L;aniz.,tion. 11epoit received and accepted
aml tltc f.illowing ntlit ers elect( d:
• 1 P,se.:.—:ll. 11 . 27.1,y, 11. Vaughn.
. it. Gayl•lrd.
the t oanaitlee W. 1:: (kilt 'l%l,
:IS 'at :IVA 111.1.1 C.! 71. ‘i•ly
cunt oOwpc '1 to stand firm
to tl,:-4 , 1(1 nag atal pArty. 21“1-
dre•A•s wcre then LAI by C01...E.
;11;41 W 41,r•To‘vanda.
It is nut Ale s ,.; to d con:lnput or k t r ulogi::, , ,ut
th( , e th ,- y are how Ncell
kI: , .WIL eauriv.
clunv•st, and fait 1,1111 woi 1:4, at the IZe
ptColli;an •
( 111 , 2 t cowmitt4
G, M . 1;i%lly, A. 11. l'oil.•er andj.N. .1. i'dly
!o:d, was ;ilo,, ,, alted titan t onstitat ' ion
And ' fora Haves und NVlnto,vr
('lub, and ri•port at ilex: inevting. ...'"Eftor
three Chvor, vs and 1V1n .. 4 - 1
4•r, and the siwahers. adjourned to Inset
ill I .Ing.
as We WI IC Wit.. three.
ports of a In a. , vvry
:non:tilts v ,l dat thrill or 11o111', -
tlrr , ii.2,ll tt,o r0p,.,1
~ 111 111tehell Us I hat rlll' CpealiCr a ' oll e 57
crit . lll.l, W. T. I),llit.s
- Davie , : and t )verton 11:11 Lt - ot un liar
wail:. and Seine young ....a wr:::e
,jut,t I , t•-
:iind them. One of tilt: yo - uag naqi 5111,1
••NVe.;if , _l.t I:;:vt:: ,, ,trie yr:R.I.:I is
then. sahl'l6 one of t he
others. " Have you .rot y ,ur
I o , ;, tken touk' it
111: , :l it twice iii the , Mr.' It.
L. , itt there, — 101 l :it the : , an:e
, ialt• the yuling ratan rah- - L(i., 4 .lli,:liitlid,
rt.Atilvcr lilt
stiiking air. 1) in the h.:c11., a little
below the sholl . ...itr 1)1.141o. 'hones
%:thl "I tun shot. — 31r. !)re.‘rton,
.v.a, ;it l.ia sidi•, turned around and titill
1 tio. is shot." They 'calked.
do:\ t ,, ;he hotel :Intl to their r.totit. 'tr.
Scovilltt pre,( lit, but could not at the
titi.e t-titiaet the Lill.
em.iteinent. prevailed. as at (las
Cane it w,:s not 1:1:,••ail nho did he :; •
in g. 'flea-tires wcie at olive talcen
t, r in d out who'.• it )v:4,4, ashen ti`f...! yoip
111.111 to Mr. l'orbio, told Itinl , aid
they then. went to the 2 . 00111 wheri, 31r.'1).
was, and the Whole wral
by the 3 "wig man, anil th..l lny it:at v.'ere
nith him at the time of (1w neLli4nt. We
N 5 Very glad , to hear fronllthe dorttir
' that the mound,
Mr. ):IVit!S - aceonipanitl.•& by Mr.
Overton and Ilr. Scoville, went honnt un
Ltc early tnorning train. 11 - eil4v'l
learned that lie is doing Will and Ilter, is
a fair prospect of a :•ipeetly rec%;,very..
11. 11. (j,kit.ottri.
The terrible fate tof Custer and his gallant
three lilindrt d adds anotlier tragie chap
ter to the great book of hardier events.
whose beginning dates from the earliaSt
settlement of our COuntry, "Whose end
will be only v.htta the inthansi as a race
shall have become extinct.
The horrors of the Modoc, campaignre
yet fresh in our Tummies The lostotie,
Lava Beds, Indian cunning baffling-I:the
skill of our .soldicry for so king a tine,
•s'avage Malignity and treacheryeultinitt
ing in the death of the brave (;uiby .and
Others whose Mission with•honorable trea
ty anti pence—till these are still renfMn
bercd with a shudder. Their parallels in
device acid :paucity are only found in the
deeds that Compose the history of the
"D ar k a n d ,Itittody (lround," or amiUfer.
those whiclil'inark the blue 'y track; of
the treacherous Mingdes,deset front
their great lake 'fastnesses upon the MI
: suspecting tribes anti settlements of the
Susquehanna and Allegheny.
iii with this heartrendingstt try of Cus
ter and his 111C11, which has becti sprnttg
upon the coluitty so suildiady, and
to bting Icad :mud teats of so t ry - mat
calls for, YOlgell Het`, 1 . 111111 one C1111 . :11. * :t he
land to the other. Some may find its; par
allel in the histyry of Leonidas anti his,
three hundred; tom e may seek fYr
sacOfices among 4 't he annals of Ih, 5;34-
fish Chiefs or Polish l'atilots. But it is
only.when tutu to the thrilliug.chap
ters of our old Border. history '
read and re.yeald, itr :iuteusliii . forwt4o
.140QdrAtartet mita* .1.1Pr4
ni'ert:'. Vititei4iiiii iiia ilaviailkiiiiditit
1 .. . .
ia l ri4nished: bYI a .wify foe, , ailt!,'')uteltitur
iwayin death btifotatidAsTaiiikTed iholb
ly a . nd terribly furrnidable by howildthing
sliv lightin g;, and stealthy Mode Of lighting': re-'
cal with vivid effect the tragedy of Brad Field, whose detoN aie SO graph
ically and fully narrated in that }wonder
ful book, "Our Western Bcrdo Ono linu•
' dre 1 Years Ago."*. -1-- • t I' ,
Cr if other parallels be Si:night, they
aboUnd in the same brilliant, Stfrring and
fait dill volume; for Custer and, Big Horn,,
Cat by and the Lava Beds, i.lliodee and
Ski ix, are but repetitious,- ni)* ' fainter,
not fiercer, of , I)alzell and Moody Run,
Cralwford and Battle' Island, Harmer and
the Miami towns. '
"The new story, whether of 1 victory or
defeat, massacre or ! escape, 'citnniiig or
a . dv 2uturc, treachery or dash, hardship or
retreat, is but an epitome of the old,filled
with its quaint and primitiee Portraitures
baled about by thrilling traditions, and
satitled to us by the facts that Our fath
ersveil) a part of it, and these
.our dwel
ling, places were scenes in the Midst of it.:,
--r .
*Ora WESTERN BORDER 160Yen.ri Ago. A
ne.w land r3rc hlstorlcal volume of Life,
S:rsiggl, and Adventim., liy ('barleyMcKtright;
1 , 31;0:4-I.H.,I't.thIlsbiq by J. C.
M , Ciartly $; Cu..-.l'll.ll.l4lelphliti Pa.. Mu /1111140. 0.,
Clliv#go, nod Sr. 310.,,a1 d':.tioht by
For 1.'1'1113 awl. lilitstrAziAl s
drrs: Pubit,bers. „ .
Mi, I , I , , •
BLONDE says I am not origittal.;and all
the while she is talking, she - Ondes Wont
under a summery sonnets of blush roses
and Illusion' gotten up in an approve&and
often repeated style,'by her tally' nalliner
on Pine street. :. ~
.„,1 ~- ' k 1
.hiss oho No's maniod of eritielsin is re
aCtionary. There may be as much origi
nating; force behind my lame plintstiology,
asitlere is in the grouping of heri feathers
and ibbons. But no matter about that.
Let me tell her a little story. A friend of
mine, who has pretty poetic equeeptions,
found one day, a sweet, new thenght, im
bedded in her verses, that had Wine to
her, With as entire a sense of oWnership;
as: at y that had previously crossed the
boot 'irs of her mental vision. Ak few days
later, a translation of Schiller's' minor po
ems iivas sent to her, and what shotdd she
find thereip, hut_ the very satire idea,
:donertip in the very same fermi of !speech
its that with which she had defied her
owu Lit of poesy. She- Imo- there were
Ch:n,eys abr.Md, and shrank freM claim
ing t Ist which was simply her ;rightful
pp,,,,siou, as -from audacity. IA good,
soul, with a dash of honest i pat
tedliier tin the shoulder, and badelrier step
out al little farther into the aionscionsness
of g4tius,- and assert het' kiiisliiii to spir
its like's, and I think there are
morel exacting natures than pretty 31*
111.w1.,'5, 'who would never hat said. nay
to 1.n.-• timid endeavor.
.l ti:luistianity that is set to stem the
current of, env ruaulting evil, dies, not al
low dsto retire. from the call to duty, be
raugal Wii. :ire imispalde Of inventing new,
aml enticing metjtods of presentation, and
I iinilfearful that the ranks of .i.fofina.
ii,,, , , iwould grti,W thin; if every' pioneer
must neetl.4 hew some new channel I.o‘lliS
10Mir,, , .
(M' (: ,, 51..1 truths have traveled solemn
tai the ages in the same,vesture - of
th,inglit and utterance they at drst appro.
prialed. and there are pulpits Nykmee :ire
kept ! l•ti; ring the lices that quieken the
. . ..
ti , ward the divine,,that,might fall
th e ban ciiWardiec, if theY;shriudi
trout their i imst, at this deniand l for
'Were to intimate to thebrisk critic,
ocs picking through my IMIt s
that lie had best goluime and
his om;n phrase, clear or Isecoud
leillity, would it be unseeinly? , And
ere to say to my : lady wh!' t , retails
, rs more Mile ‘triottsly than sue does
~lent gillAcr-bread, that: the very
of ,pecch, in, which she . wi!rips her
preeiom; nialive,'itTe t. stale with the long
drawii poison in, er speech, ivohld she
pausel more .lioughtfully ovei 'Mr own,
and her itch:4lo)ov.. short-conilli4S?
Pretty Miss BLOND and I arc not in such'
bad onnpany alter. all. She with liter ro
ses 2-Mrd in pattern hat elegance,• and
I ali , Ug — side of Solomon, bewailing the
antigiiit2,' or. the navel. She has pretti
tie,s all about lieu. lit tloats int }lie rip
ples if her golden hair, and dances spirit
like its every movement of . her lithe, girl
ish figure, and what is better". than all,
ever and :mon there crimes to the fore
Iji4ht 411 her beautind eves. a prophecy or
i'-', 1 "vi"0•; womanhood, that will titling her
safely through all the tempt atituis! to mil
t lincryand criticism, up to the heights of
11a elt aler spiritual discernment, whereon,
yin l good readet, are siriying to
I plant Mir unsteady feet. C.'.l. li.
if Is‘
TII E following essay was written by
:sister; lIAY a Matron of '.lliglilad
No. 19:% and read at its regular
me,ling of -lune 17th, when it was unani
mously voted to have it published 'it the
f',./eie/ainl the Bradfortheounty
Notvrittr 31.tsTEn,.1irrnEns, Sts
:---11.hato:er the subject selected,
the tcritcr of the present essay,eonld not
hope tO prrsent anything nut: - " Or your,iderat ; but with your imlidgenee,
will attempi to eimijily with the tequest
made. Ity writing some plain thotlghts opt
theme which occupies the
minds'of all Patrons in a greater or less
degt .
All :ire aware oe 4 the importaneelof
L,ring;to the 'principles upon:which Our
ori2ittotation rests—that upon the tldtlity
of it, Members its succes s depends; luta
it is well we do not think to lit.ibtly of
the faet t'uat our pledges, if :well kept,
will prove. sure aids in our way to i happi
ties, in o ptesent, and tit future; yeais.
We tale words upon our lipS, which if
well r i emembt•red, will bind its 01.;edi - er
iu 1.1,t n unity. Wt; here read. and speak
Of oar highest tinty - ; that which we owe
'to our Creator; then of the krinciirles
undeilie all true conilnet:toward
~o, f , „ We call etch othet:by, it name
that com%tnt rembAder of these:duties.
ut;-kt v r noti this witliont
hal h.tve'ehterea a circle, wlime we
:tie itelpi•il to leatl truer, :ilia lives
than -.1.,_. did before. , •
We I.;:tve vatit,ini 01) . 1111 ,, Ils tip ou sub-
ji.ets erineernin;!, our•G range interei-i, ts and
also tit! our intercourse with the'world I tut
..i,le: il . f;titliful to our lioneSt, convictions,
‘.., most express these oPinititu, ;anti if
we :1-.'ii.iltl to others the sante privilege,
NVC sl:Zill 101E4' lira in harmony fait n' lie
cart,fal to give our views with a. motive its
accoit w.,, our otilt gooii. totti tile best
!::t. ,ii it f those around its. If We ttt.t with
pure tipitiVt,i, though numbers''' . nut.l ttiink
uthersiie, yet if we work anti wai f '', pa
tient ly w L . Shall convince theta of otir ;;u , „l
intentions. • : I .
Theivoice4.t . Fidelity often wltispers.
lie oillepentlent enough to 'say :Ltid do
what ri62cssary to your own:, highest
,; 00 d, and the good of those aVoalid yon,
of the worhrs opigiun.l' 11
cat, expcet that .nor“'s will
never lte mistrusted, 101 l if others ill this
let Iv; earel'al and l i mit do the siime by
We nfiglit save ourselves much vexation
if we ivtatill believe 'Mtn obliged to disbe
lieve tine oft quoted iiue, r They Meant it
well.", Fidelity todur pledges demand
I bat we avoid evil spealt Mg. If faultS'ex
int aniong us, they totist lv condimnied,
but in! tire sante manner that ire, con
scivatjoue, would hate our faults judged;
not hr being kept hidden, but reproved
kindly and in the spirit of. charity,l There
are extenuating circumstances
ing all who'ort,-these we are quick to re
member for ourselVes and our oWn.kin-.
tired. I Let the Grange and the world be
.1. kindred.
. .
our kindred. .
• ~
OH Grange has done um gold, and
it will do much more; let i us continue to
derail) its resources, for gi totl . as fast as
possible. • Let us be zealous. in itisisting
each Other to devise methods for making
our labors lighter, and be earnest] in ex
changing the infinite variety if thoughts
that exist in the Imsy brains of all here..
If wuleannot speak andiwrite•jmit as we
Woul wish to, what of this? We read
that the Most celebrated in'the land have'
hard work to Write and speak to suit
themves, and how can we, with our
It'sserradvantages, expect to do‘more ? We
shall improve as time passes. : Let 'us all
du wliat we can in this lizie,for it is high
ly neckssarY, not forgetting, luiwoier, that
••I)i.eils , are of far greater moment than
word. ." .
4 iiir young Sisters and Ilriithers will al_
ii i'',V , MC to : , :ly : You know not upiiii what, l
;.4,,;..c id• act ion (kit Wily be C.likal to take
p.ii ; but.e most assitiedly Your; future , '
will call for the (:erei . :4.l of all the best
powcrs •0 - your liting'; and as'llieHrange
is line avcnue throngh %‘'hieli yin' can seek
I le velopuiclit _for - the:le 114 , W 0 ri, may you'
s hot lie slow to avail yourselve;i:of its 1614-
teges t . l if Your are spirited in takiug au
he iveliart hi-speaking, Nrrithtg‘uid other
4 , x .reisesi, you will uoyer'regret, ttl: . ' .:- .
1 - - au may 04., uppo.thlectliiivr M tit*
4 In . I OCA, tAtakiKlit'A
i''';'gl:,..W may. . a
;'4:" - :‘^,
I ,
OF •
Published in an appeal to their patrenS;
cmly a short time since, on the occasion (,f
a determined effort, similar to the one
OW being made in this county, by agent,t
of rival publishers, to displace these bookts
1 The undersigned., residents of the stiii
Normal District. of Pennqlvania ' comf.
: prising the counties of Bradford, l,3rcani?:.
itig, Potter, Susquehanna, Sullivan, .Tior
ga, and Wyoming, would respectfull l y
represent, that. since
COPY-BOK•=S, have been quite gene .
full)` introduced into and are now in use , ifr
a whole, or in part, in a large majority Of
the Public Schools of this Normal Diki
Eriet, and believing, as we do, that thes
bool,:s are Stquifard 11"orkt of Sterliil
ilierit, and among the rery best pnblislyd;
' WO, see in '•/ no snylcient , reason for !,1„
Out Iv, would earnestly advise kmy viliki
may be temple'?, by interested parties, fi?
ilisidare these books, to exercise fir s edt e'r it:
i1 ., //1, and to be fully satisfied of the Ro p .:-.
rioOneri(a the books proposed as sul
stitntes,,befOre subjecting the Patrons tti
the,additiotuil expoive of pnrelutsing net4'
boos, as well :ti .the schools to the great
inerpnrenienre and troulde incident to 110
Introdoction or, displacement of;
Books—besides thereby preventing flit
frmnity su nearly attained inl this Di.l .
4 ,
' 4 F. A. Allen, Institute Conitutttir and
former Principal of state Normal Schoo ;
Mansfield, Pa.
Chas. 11. Verrill, Princil al of Mansfiel I
State Normal School., ,
W. C. Tilden, ": " Susquchann
T. F. Gahan, " " Lycoming " :
- Thompson Bottle," -" Wyoming "
.1. T. Reed, former, " T.ycumirrg "::
11. IL Hutton, former Principal Tro.ii
Graded School.
A. 11. Berlin,. former Principal Montros
(lradcd School.
IT. E. Rteher, former Towanda'l
Public Schools. . 4
F. M. Smith, Teacher of Maths.,
State Normal School. Mansfield.
Lemuel Ammerman, Teacher Lang.,
State Nor. School, Mansfield.
Alonzo Ammerman, Trine. of Com.
State Nor.: - School, Mansfield.
The County Superintendents abt:tN.:
nailied, with two exceptions, arc still tuitk
!ing as such in their respective counties
and have expressed themselyds as haVillf.i;
u4irormiy opposdd changing the aboveEl
nitmtiont.ti books for the reasons stated in - :
their appeal to their patrons. 1—
Ir iti possible that. Co. K, of lthli
will receive 'their new bree•:hi.
-beading. rites before t 4 art ing for the. Cent
tennial Encampment, ';hick begins on th e
:!.1 of AugMit.
-7- New Priats at KENT tk; BrAss.' i
)re . ss oods at. K ENT
I:I t s'. •
. ,
1 4 ` New rtiekivea dally at It LNDLI..•itAN't,
I I -••••
1 .C" • - Eagravleg!liake at . Ati's Jewelry
i ... , t r..
-....:--- -......_ .
~..-. ,
1 - .. 1 ;" .1. new stock of Corsets at lit"..NT lk 4
-. -.-.-
• hails at h.ENT
Dollar-arid-a-half books for DO Cts
.i . ou '' ' : . tU .:.'l lt ' '". ';,;4lW . i ll 7 l: iiii- AssU l''' ' '.l:: .iiii
you kOow *cite :4*m:wished ;cad th
•fuluyer'"U-jfew thlugit:' 'Would it :14 1 14
welt to think of thisl It - isnot ntieeitsttry
you Should neglect ;important- househeld
duties or farm duties for these duties;•*e
all know that if this were done; or rthr
part shifted to other shoulders, though
your brain wore a perfect ntinb of knowl
edge, yet would you fail of the true lire.
But all, and especial!) , the young, havoa
little leisure. Be determined to malrol
the, Most of it. • Road, fur profit rather
than pastithe. If you would know yeinr
own best powers and capabilities,. then,
avoid as you would a poisonous reptile,
the low toned literature, that like.a flood'
is pouritig over the land, undermining the
• t aste for solid and , instructive reading,
and too often the morals of youth.
- Fidelity to duty - brings a reward, if hot
lways in a manner we moft wish'for, yet
tudonbtedly in a way which is best ferns.
It is true that not always are the - quoit
• .Litliful, the most appreciated by ti'o
v re or , o ld r .
h T ve lio ireen surrounded saiuls b
olpatieut; advers e werke ts
ircumstances; and they do not appearlin
heir true light, Mit Plough few may
-now, and,none may praise, yet they will
tot lose their reward. Their efforts have
not escaped the all-seeing eye. Tholie
Who have gained what the world calls rate
eess, should khow well how to be'faitlififf
to the interests of, those less experienced,
Who are behind them in the race; aind net,
;hrough indifference to their. success, Stif 7
for hampers .to be thrown,. -perchanO,
tipen some who, with true heroism, are
'riving to adVerse fate.
If me are faithful to' our best, and nit.
blest instincts, we shall be cagre and con
• Ntant in seeking to. advance i the happiness
f others, and . in the Same measure that
ve do this, will the clouds of life's sky
1 / 4 how us their silver lining. Then, relying
pot upon ourselves alone, but upon i a
higher power for guidance, we shall be
taught the way to 'see, to gragp, and to
keep uncounted aids that shall help us to
perform life's duties with Fidelity. i: ,
The attention of
.the members of the
soveml Boards of School Directors, in
Bradford and adjoining Counties, in Mg-
Fed to the following testimonials and oit•
tiorsements by the leading Educators and
, r 'eltoot Officers of this Non lel. Dts'intet,'
relative-to tho •
A. A. Keeney, Co. -Shpt. of Bradford
Elias ilorton, " ' 6 Tioga
J. W. Allen, " -" Polter
The Publishers desire to say to any
fdmiliar with these Looks, that they nios,
cordially invite attention to the following;
as among the many points of superiority
and excellence: •
The Ptiper s , TypP. 11116(11n3, 1111141 . 16..:
tire(?, (171(1 if14111711C , 1 1 execution: 1.:
The Graditioti and l'rourcssiee • Char=',
ii,-for of the series. . -. ,i,
The_ bigh, I.:lke.reeptionabl4 moral tone of,
the s.eleet ions in each, Look? !'
Tt-- ii . itherJ
Ile cheapness a: compared with other'
series in respect to rittatify,'; no mber of p is
fps. quantity of reading matter, &c., &C;
N. B.—Sample copies for examination
and comp:Rh:on will be furnished gratuii
totisly on application to . NIT 111 TCIIMIS &
SII.II' 1 Towanda, Pa., or the publisher. ' , -
IvjsoN, BLAKEMAN. TATI.OIt & a 741.;
I:',.q & HO, Orand St., New York
:71" Neiv lot of Shawls at KENT
Ilattrick's Patterns at KLYr
. ' !
Call at, KENT Buss'
flow goods
• _ •
C'Et';' New Cloths and Cagsitncres A
KENT . Sr. 1:1.1 s% I ,
41. large assortment of spring am
sumati.r. hats, Just, rec.:Th..l, at M. E. lioBExl
' A full line of Parasols and Fans
Ara- I'imsq.E.llAN offers a great reduction In Si
ver-I'lated Ware.
rtr A full line of I losiery and Gloves a tr. Buss•.
M . " A full liu of Summer Skirts a
.Ii4NT .1L BLISS.'
M7NVliite ',goods in great variety a
-107 Go to KENT tSr, BLISS' for your N
firms and Fancy Goods.
ZW" Yon can bays plated Castor for
i ceias,.ln Mcreur Block. •
Call at KENT & BLIE,S3', and moo
l ot their Black Greumfitles. .
• .--
t v- A largelstoek 'of games and toy
ion 4, at IV II 1TC.)%1 11 k .4411 ACT":?:
t";:4" Ira: F.:::T.L—The holtil
!ably ocentili•il I,:j Col. HOWTON, t,n Main Farce'
Emprity of I).
•er.All the latest publications, very
tiles'', at sviurtcbmi & Sit r tVl . S.
NrEv,erything in tlielinp of statio
try aE WAI?CO21111 it
ligrWMTCO$B 'tt Smarr sell ths tlesti
• 4 ,
Er lot can get all um) styles of
Iltglcuto!*7, very cheap, at WislTCoint
pairs for sale by It M. WILLLIDI 14 lilorcUlyl.4w2,
pr. The largeit and bestaasortanent of
T ri m; clothing In Mown. at. M. B. Roszxrista.o.
£ The largest and beat assortment of
Bruekets ever brought to this, place,-,can 'paw be
teen at FROST k Sous. (Oct. 0-4f.3„
BERaminEoa.—Ono pair line
months old, and three palri one month old, for talo
by G. IL Wtttxt, Wyalus'lng, Bradford Cri.:—.Jl4„
- 11,1 •
:ar TILE Wheeler; No. 6, coriabinOil
Reaper and Mower; la a Splendid machine. Call
and see It. •' It. M, WELL=S at Sox.
WANTED.--Several spans of young bor..
Bea. Must be sound, kind, and good size.
C. M. 31A.NVILLE, Pres't.
.PAircr, price reduced to
ez pergallon. In 5 gallon palls 11.90.
• It. M. WELLX.S & &UN.
Or You will be surprised to learn how
much yoh can buy fur Oa cents In Mercur
41 - 03oId, Silver, and Steel Spectacles, and Eye
Glasses, In great variety, at lISNDX.LMAN'S Jewel
ry Store.
112 e. TIIE Improved Kirby Mower is a
perfectly reliable and cheap machine. Reaping at
ta-elinient If wished. It. M. Witmts & SON.
Or Great ranction in Amciican
watches at. CllASlliEltil N's.[Juue L.
1 Office flours at Dr. DonsoN's Den
tal Rooms. from 9 o'clock A. At. to 4 o'clock
sharp titue•[Juutw.V.
HRNDELMAN, has the finest stock
or 'Watches, Jewelry and tillverware, ever brought
Into this town, Call and tie° lt,
Pa' Take Ntitice, there is a great-re
aluctlon In Waltham and Elgin Watches. Call at
IrEs:DELItAN's and you will be sure to buy olio a
the prices he Is offering. 1
/sir Don't tall to call at lliisatinstats's, [flan
wish to buy anything in the line of Jewelry, Silver
anti Silver-plated Ware.
Inir Passengers to the West will find
to their advantage to purchase tickets at the. Ta
wanda Depot. Rates reduced $1.50 from Rcpt. Ist
Or" Pull, brothers, pull with care, your
winter worn ah,l cuntbrous ulstalre, and envelope
yourselt In a thin dustaire,and prepare to enjoy' the
sunnher zephalre. You can supply yourselves at
Itos-v.:s:FlELh's•—June 14.
WANTED.—A reliable man in ev-
VII township In this and a.lJoining counties. to act
as Agent for the New iilstury of KlinsylTania.
Good salaries win be paid tb ettielent men. Call
on or a d dress I). C. t r)OUDICIII Si Co., Tuwainia,
M r " Take notice ! That FOSTER, SCOTT
& will deliver in any part of the Dom, Flour,
Feed, and Meal, for cash on delivery, at the follow
ing rates:
IleNt What; \Y) atFlinn., per sacke2 DO
.• Red I so
o.:. .` " '. ' .. • • 1 5()
Icy! and Meal, per curt 1 4I)
North Towanda, Jilly'7,,N7o.
, ,
______.....,,_____ .
t.: CETI:W.—The Wyalusing Dis
triet Camp Meeting will be hell (I). V.) near Dim
oek Depot; on ',the Montrosy i Road. (several
trains connect daily at Tunli4inock with Lehigh
Valley It. IL) commencing Angliht 1871., and
ern:tinning. nine days. Good Auard on the ground
At reasonaide rates.
Let the people of.firadford county come tLtilis
feast of talperuacies, praying for the success Ur the
glorious Gospel of Chrlst.i
.1. T. WA 1.1:11 , 11, President
J. 11. WEST ,N, Secretary.
Brooklyn, Pa., June 21, 1i76.
APPLE ON's A IfEitlEA CYCLOP..*:II I / 1 ..
• ! .4 l'utrclvfil Library Bolt!'
This great natlomil work. the largest- and most
Important Issuedlin this country, Is now completed
In 111 VOIUMN4 octavo. all fully Illustrateti with maps
and engravings. The cost of It to On.lpubllstiers,
eicluslve of printing and Ithallm.;„ excei.ds
p. APPLETON & CO., Nerhork,
And No. n 2 Chestnut Street, Phlladelphlo.
June 27, IS7&-4w.
. -
ferente, Sick, or Nervous Headache k vnerally
dependent on , or accompanied by impaired diges
thin. by which the circulation and nutrition of the
brain are deranged; and the nervous centres Vida
, ted. The l'EltrviAN SYRUP by rcinslgorating
1 01..111j:1.0.We powers, lays'the axe at the root of the
•tre, the strain is duly. nourished,the nervous spiv
toiffs cease, and the headache di4sappears.
Tit)..A COUNTY. rt.-Th6 - Fall Term , will open
Wohlesday., August p, I , i7G. Ample Ma most ex
cellent aacOltll7lollat lons for 'slanting and day sin
tleut, a faculty of expert 'need teachers, and terms
lower than found In . other schools. state appro
priations are still . rout:tuned and reduce the expen
ses of the students. ForTatifotpic giving full par
ticulars for admission,: to 'the school. apply to Prof.
Charles 11. Verrill, M., Prlncipil. July27--It
C"- - 1' It is a conceded fact that N. E.
nos EN ri LLD Is
, better postOln tho clothing trade
than any other 41 , 31er in TowHa,and It is , annou
ment In another column attract, attention
wherever he Is known. Thi• statements bear the
evidence of tint h. their fare, and the public will
not be slow to avail themselves or his most gener
ous offers. It Would:without dOutd, be largely to
Mr. R.'s pecuniary profit, to close his store, awl
await an advancement In prices,- but his philan
thropic spirit and Interest In his customers impels
him to a dlifenmt course. ills unselfish and
straight forward manner on/eating in this Instance
is another evidence that the confidence heretofore
reposed In 111111 by a conthilitg public, was not mis
placed.- -
Wont.n.—Pror. Il LTZ' cmdlally invites the public
to call at the Ward Ilouse, where he'wlll he plea Nett
to , b,,w them hl. newly Improved 41rchestral Cym
bal Organ, proclaimed by the professiou the best
now made, which he otters at' prices that defy cm-
prtitt at. L '
ilitalso has with him taro Styles of hls improved
s4;jilare Gran 4 Planes, Mitch he offers at very low
prices. lie will show you the (digital letters of
recommendltion from such men as LIZT.,
IrrEiNyt, SENrz, and other great men In the pro
\11•, thin have heard and examined
jthe organs and Piano.: I . ll3llllla,tuiya by Prof. E.
and pronounce thew, fur beauty of tone and
FlrbtVlass. •
Wyoming; Seminary and Commer
cial Kingston, !Mime Co... Pa.
COYELANIC, PD. I)., Principal. The WyOming
Seminary offers in students the following courses
of stinly:l,
..Contuont English; 11. Course in 01-
endure atol - Aselence'; I 11. (lassie:li Course; IV,
College Preparafory course; V. Sr lent Inc. Prepar
atory Course; VI. Course In Music; VII. Course
In Art; VIII. Course for Teachers. ik'reach,
German and Painting taught by compotes 4 teach
,ers; Music. By a German Professor. Thu Commer
cial College gives Instruction In Retail and Whole
sale Business, For Warding and Commission Busi
ness, Banking, Penmanship, Telegraphy, CoMmer-.
cial Law, etc. The Wyoming Seminary Is one of
. the largest and best sustained schools of the kind
in the country. Accommodations for'l7a boarders
and 200 day scholars. Itiltructlmi thorough and
prices reasonable. Fall T,tkin opens Aug. to, 1376.
;For Catalogues, containiug full information, 'ad
dress the Principal.
It. NELswi, Pnas't Board of Trustees.
WitEELEn, Seiretary.Uly2ow6.
and se
Cr - InpOnTINT !--If YOU are going tO
see the Centennial Exhibition, with your wife and
children, write to Bunnies wushington n o wt on
Chestnut Strcel altar's Seventh, Philadelphia, and
give the nubiber of grown persons and children In
your l'anilly t and iu}w long you 'propose to stay and
get their prices.
If yon are going with a Party, Society or Ltnige,
do the MM.. _ •
Most persons who pursue a different course get
unitlea , unt quarters and onv,reAnze thsfact when
It 19 Ito late. •
Washington Hotel with a wide Chestnut Street
front.. only charges t 3,00 per day.;. and the Ilrancla
of the Washington on'Sevedth Street near Chestnut
only charges fl.oo for Lodging, and there you Call
get a good meal for fifty cents,
And another thing:' If you an' going to lihiln
deloilla for a day, you can go to the liraueli Hotel
and get cutiibaggage checked, get vt:ntheit DWI
1 •
dAvled l olt aiiiigt3 a good meal for !Iffy cents; you
can du these things at the branch Hotel right In
the heart of the City, and you cannot anywhere
else In Phllbletphia.
• And still another thing;: If you desire to spend
; ( l ow days or longer at too finest Kut-tide resort In
America. vrtito for prices:it C.dauthia House, Cape
May! only two bouts thle front Philadelphia, with
er*,frenti tr: 1 0 1 1111 1 . 1 ebsdad lora, aunla sad 1
ow,ilottier.4.ll4l,44iatt.Tacol4 -
4~~ ~~~
. ~;
3. -MA RIR , -
the P 401 p.
town, July ft, by fte .O. Ads
flitt, of Standing St e. and Miss Elizabeth The
rand, of Iletrlek, it ford minty, Pa. •
A • •
MILEER—DETRID .—At the Parsonage, 3(»n
motor'. JitlY 19tb,by. , Rev. Matra Armstrong,
CharleCA. Miller of New Albany, and Mins
Elliabetb Detrick. of Macedonia. -, •
RENNETTHSMITIII—In Herrick, at the rOzi ,
donee of Dorsey eel mans, by Bor'.E. Burroughs,
of !Oamptowo,_ Mr. Levi Monett, of Tuscarofa,
and Miss Llbble Smith, of Towanda.
. .
R.pRiSE74TATIIIE.-1,„ D. TAT Lott, of Gram
ville,.*lll be presentedi to tho Republican County
Con*ntlon, tia a candlilato for Representative.. J!r!
is eminently Ilited for the pusition, and his nomt!itar
Hon Itould meet with tho approval of the enOrtr
• ' 1
wcst4 . I . 'li
i 4 .
lIEVRESENTATIVr.. --l'he name of A. R.
Sustirr.u, of Tuscar,orai, will be presented to tho
Iller i puWean County (le Ventloll, as a candittato fOr
Repritteetativii. THSC3 t c ora is one of the most rell
WI Republican townsh l ips in the county, and has
seldom, If ever, been honored with a. canditLiti , .
Mr. tti'exan "tvtil be strongly urged by IN,. beSt .
men to the east, and hilt nomination Would ettrtile
-1 . t
ly relcct credit upon t h e party.- • . t
il 1
REPRESENTATIVE.—TO - the Republican ei+
tors tig Bradford Count: — We propose the name df
Wzki.,txGro! BAHR°CLIFF, of Tuscarora twie.,
as a Mindidatelor the oilice of Representative, akin
pet tlt
the doesion of tho Conventlire,
to be ell! at Tervanda the Vol of August next.
Mr..ll;smitowt3arF's republicanism Is as dams
the puny, and his abiliti and Integrity In every p
spe c t humid quistion. .as lils neighbors and frielids
we asit a favor-41,10 oontilderation of his candltiait,y,
assort - rig our friends Ulla If nominated ho not only
ought lot but cannot beidefeated at the polls..
WIL Mot' Coltritx. A. J. titi.vAit A. i
' Axuw k.:er.". W. if. Tnoairsox.•:
. -
. ,
REIIItESENTATIVE. The Iteptibllcaas
§outhr,l;reek Ivlll prestint the. pane of 31)10 , r
GILL OT to the CountylConvention, as a eandld4te
for Representative. kir. G. Is well known all oiler
the weitern part of the l'ounty, ,and homlnatlon
wouldineet with a hearty and unanimous approta;
from qto Reptlblleans If Western Bradford: . Bis
abilitydo till the position with honor to the courtly
anfl'cr - tdit to himself will not he questlontid.
DA tyEusE pOURNE:-11r. Editor: )laving
knowlidge of the charricter and Standing of Alm
gentleman abote named, who has announeed
self a L'eandldale for Representative, I 'hervby de
sire to4ayto the Itepublleaus of Bradford County
that 1117 i isln ev e ry way Worthy of year support.
tatereil that you entruNt In his bands will suffer.
Ills 14grIty unquesiloned. ills ability to 'flit
the phire, no one who ktiows him will doubt, -irti t t
1 , 4 1110 we need in our legislative
halls, I.arty'eannot-afrord at title
time tSiset hink,asble. ' There may Ito other men its
good as he fit the Ileldquit none better. It Is the
desire and anshdy i,f hip trlen,ts that he should be
remembered in the conang Caucuses and Conteit
tier). !!. . U. S. TRANe 1.:4
t'a NI:TI),!4. July .
- TQMATO LlCAcr..—Annong tlie )
many tizeellent: articles Which our friend Geo. 11,..
Wehlyof Allgt, Pa., Fehr, in his starik, May
counted seeds fret., that Justly ceielnated II rip,
Itriggitik lire.. 411., and Rochester, N. 1 1 .,
the largest seed house in the world. It will sn:r.
prise ;4arly of our readet's to lean. that over 2.5;090
mereleints in the United States handle seeds front
ltrigg:4 & tiros. whose ;hose., eatalogues,
elmulies„ &e., are extreniely attractive t'. high col
ings'and artistle On.b of the newest die
siiVIS 00111 the hands of their artists is what Is catl
ed "Briggs Sc Brother's lireat Tomato Race on thelr
GroutOp, - and ~ repres•eut a a rate coursi with . per.
feet .m:.presentatiotis of the di ff erent varieties of to e
matits"btriving for the Tors of le:Min - ship. Ttie
deslgni im
extr,ely ha py and pleasant, besides
court...Ong to the farmer t or hortictilturist
'gbh; luTortmitll4l upon the merits of the different
tomatits. We see that they place as their leadirjg
varielli.s the
.tireen.llatle, Conqueror and Muhl).
way's xx..isr,,; rate other varietiesln
the ftillowing order of [Hey
Trophy, Deflanel , ,
tienermd Grant,• , llnltharil Curled Leaf, ll,l,pers
Lang, 'Early ;Dwarf ()range Field,
Dwarflgarty Reid. KeyeVs Early Prolific. SlininsPs .
Clustrit, and in rho-rear.iwith.reins thrown to 66
groutta and a telescope at his eye to , see where titit
rest Hie, shuftlea up the Large Yellow. The wind.,
scene Ir laid ill Cite richest humor, and no one can
give the lithograph at relars an examinatkin
wit into!. breaking out Int, a hearty laugh,
We ; ` rat, assure our waders who desire'to ord4r
litiggiA & firo's . , seeds, ltat they can scenic them
upon Just as tolyantatteo is terms of G. it. Webtf.:
and otyjnq as good quakity. as-if ordered direct.
Sc.,: Itfigg, & uutaberand order 9f
Gbi,. If. WEitn, Alba.. P 4. jan27m6.,
• MT A CAno.—to lall who are 'suffering
,froM the errorr and I nills'rretlons of , yoittli, nervous
weakticss, early :decay. loss of manhood. ste I Will
timid 3 ryitio that 'will cure you, FREE Or
Cll A-I3:(; Tilts great ivinedy 7V:I, discovered tiy
a naissionary ht }.out It A ttie dill. Smola sOfraddrestir
ed emlidotie to the Itt:c..lil,ZEl.ll T. f s-HAS. Slat ioit
D. BiNe. liouse,Nezo York eity.[ , Maylstittl .
' T °
W _A. 'N D A
I .
I .' C O-I Treeted every It'edtiesday, by C. B. PATCH
milled to ehauo , es daily
Wheat', "ft bush'
i P.p.. 74 bush
Iluekiiheat., 7 bush....
I ) 11ean ? f inish ,
Huttet (NI.) 7 lb
do i(ddiry,)Vlb .....
e0r0, 14 , bush '
Out s, 7 bush • -
.Eggs,.7 d O7 •
P . . ,3 tilt . ', 14 buck, 1 111'W.
r iI.111 4 :: V barrel - 1 . S 00 ea. 9 0 ! t
WLI.iIITS II r I i lIA IN.—\l' heat au lb,: Corn :Si tfot
Itye :,:d 11.,' , .+„ ; I tarn 32 tbs.; Harley la 1b. , ..; Huckwheat
liB 1b: Beans 02, lb.; itr:ll :10 .ibs..; clover Seed 6 Q
tbs.; "Iniothy Seed -1,1 Ms:: Drle'd L'earhes 3:1 lb ha.
i DriediAiples 2'l lbs.: Fla* seed 50 lbs. . ,
I •
ii - • ,
I ~ New Aderisements. ~
. ,
• ...-3 .
, I'R I 2 i, iityrFL
. . Ul.;Tilit, PA. ' 7
_a_ .
Tli undersigned hawing. taken 1.4e55104,
of tit alKwe In del. respectfully solicits . Ihe patrott.
ago of', his ohl.frlenas and: the politic generally.,
augld-tf. i M. A FORREST.
11 . r',L. LANI.I.I, ' 1 . i . • . 1 ,
pro ' mptly at caded.-to:
my wife
MARY ANN, has left ms tied and board witty-•
out JMit cause Or prOvocaiton. hereby forbid ath
persom, harburlidz or,trusOng her un my aleount. ai
I sh4pay debts of her contracting , after thbi
date, Rides,: emms•lled. I ' 7
.fumy i b7G.—!3t . SA .11 - L. w..inti)ws,
- 1 11 - NI FOR SI.LE.—A Farm of
acres, 6 .l4:rtl.roved, in Asylum towrshiji.!
Ilradti)rd l'a. tin preinl,e,: are two goat
dwelllhg Houses, ;barn and nre;:ssary Out lilrdlngs;
and (txcellent water. Al lever-talllug gt ream of
water;; passes through the premises. ti,00.1 fruit
and ati abutalanep of inntsj For further particulars
call or 4 or address.
NET.S.OSIVANDEttroct ' • •
Itar.hytew,Tradrord-co.. Pa. •
„;•i ...
_,_NOTICE.:• --E. ' r‘ . Fox, Trusico of
i . -
- ••tlic estate i)f D3Vill I V trlll , oi, de'crie'd. In I ilt!!
tourt:pf Cononon Pleas, ~f Bradford Comity, No,
Notice I. Itproby gtvenj that E. T. For, Trtnttew
of ttoi - :estat.• of liavbt Wrtnot, 11*.rea,ecl, filed hi*
final arcoont on iho rah .lay of January, 1576. that , l itit....titt was ."n brined Xi Si by the Court,
May 14. 1:::li, awl- that ~ .a .1 av,onnt will Is7tinany
confute' on the first .1:9 of S.Ttember Term neNt-.
unie. -eleepttoui are filed or due eaum• shown ho.
fore that time. ' LIEN.I. M. PECK.
ini.v. - .4 7 Prothonotary. .
, ....
7 -i 41 A IPel lloi
You iIOV hereby' notine,
'ear :wife, has applied
Pleasl'ffir a ilivorrd front
and 41.),1 vourt has appsizi
dr st.,4it., 1:476, for he;
in tlidiprettilses, at v..hicl
attend if yon think prop(
July, '2O-sv.4„
A• Q,ST.—On Satt
.4 three notes; as toll(
(1.030 each signed by E
the tidth of February 1871 i
ber '.'iii ISTh. signed by (1
ell, fqy thirteen dollars a
hie ttinlyself. Pdrsiins ari
purchasing all or eithen
have*oppett liaytuval
Tetty, July 17w2*.
IN I)11'011CF.'.
N0..)22 •ept. r.,
til it I itolli•lit F . 4,
t !it mirt of I in n on
the bond , ..f MAU tIi011),
it tr 1101/AII., I Ili. 4t12 day
ring the ,aid (1111 111,
and 1.1 on. can
1.. J. 1...‘Y0N, ShrrllT
1 rdav,l S,
w‘: Two nytus for fifty
r osins Wils4ti, dated about
1., one note dated
Itlark9 an 4 \\'llllym HMV.
Id fifty cents. All paya
hereby cautioned against
"of the above mites, as I
NO t, :r r !C m, 1 3, 1
of Ittipflell S: Myer. thai
and lii said lir,
1110 tor settlemenC mutt
knnwAng theinselve,l to I
Will pten,e nntke jrnmedn
all IN!rsons ha4hig., cialui
pleasiti present their daft
;reby g,iyea- to all
•nnnta 'milk - the late firm
all book arcoant,, notes
tr. have been wtitgnril tit
collection_ All perhonk;
re Indebted to said lino,
tte mytnent to tne. And
s against saitl firm, will
is to me for payment.
W. J.417011NG,
Toii3n,l3, .1 my 3; '76-)1
_......... 4
tritAss , dot:RT SALE.--,
' 7ii,. tingierogned; lAtlmlnis,•rator of the es.
tate of Mary E.:
,Sahen; late of Albanyl township,.
will 401 at ninth! Sale on the premises, on SAT.
UltibiY. AU. ST 541876,- commencing at
o'clock. 1%411., the following d.seribed propertyi
It the north ' nd east by land conveyed
by CV,S, Russell 'and wit. and John F. gleans and
wife ::to Benjamin Jones,,and on the south and we'd
by the main road leading from Terrytown to Alba.
IIY. -I hutaittlatg about llii aeres,.more - or Jess, on,
which h steam saw ndlyrkatih dwelling house and
blaelionitth shop, i -
TERMS OF SA 1,E.—;40 on 'the property being
strudic down and the bhlance nu confirmation or
sale.,; ,,
11.-:s. SAUEY, -
• 1
..•,. 1
~ .
TIST OF LETTEIiS ronainingin
',Post 1)11'114 at 'Coomianola; Bralfcad yx, .1 . 4..
for nie. week eitiiing Jit(v 20 - , : , s
Mrs il l' Ileiatvit MIS.; VIIIIIta It . :
4 .
Nlr rr....1 Ileatiaa 31i+,‘ Mary 1 , 01.ia
Wnf r it Dirai,e •' r 311 . ti Ella 'I
il-Ine ' '
Nlit4:.Eliza I•;.^tiiis I .101 m I.urnian-
Mrs LE rank Ilollatii 1 W 'l' Ives ,
.1111a,'A lice Javkson •Aseviah Janson, M 1.0. •
Ml:et ;lona MeMleken - Miss lola Marilli
kilioet7Allsie Slaeilwael )i :109 It Mare i s
J‘ei hie Cue ' , " laildget Nealorill' s l
WrIL.,N orlon 1 (l.Nasnan
W W Parker .• • *- Ml., Ella Robinson
tleoillornplann., I'ldrn E 31 Vanderpool;
IrJan r Ward „ - John .Whalon
7{ , - - -,: I -I:: Antra. W'ord , ,
l'4 me 4111411 . 0r3IrditbOre teller,, will, 040.
04 4 .1!dvilriirtdi ' . lO , X dato or /4 1, •'..; -': - ' . 1- -:-
,% 3 ."s~:_ tea= , i 0,.~E. -is;
toONOEL,,,*'cci, .:•.':i=
..t-- - • -H - i:
We offer this week the balance oc
our • '
• 1,- 1 -- 1
Now is the timeto secure a
We intend, to close theni out'
wishing: toy bui,must call ear,
GREAT 134,1116,1i1N51Ni
'! , DR. -s sjir.o
...fl 30 @I
1 - 000
• ta6 IH
1 July tr,V76.
rciluce opr. ; Pqr
SpunxiiT Stock.
6. 11. TracuY
- I
-`-; ' •;
~ ; oo~='
In fact all Gorda
and 134 v s' 'wean .
A large lot just re
and will be Sold a
piices than befote fo
B r est stock we
hibitech Will l)e s
• cri-eatlY , redtteecl r !pri
close out tl4e.sttiek,
.14,1...- - .. , :-5 ,--, ,: , ' ,
_ ..,.,
FX . C11T01f,, , 13 NC/TIM ,$ 4: ide
„A f• hereby glvet t th . tif.;:al llellmifll._ror roi t
the estata qt Loudly C. Hata . tat s Is
deed. Mast make lautledlate psynanit 'thdp mil.
<let/aped, and all persbas having abates' . Itialft.
estate must .present them,, duty autheatl :far'
lettlatent.- .'-
! - , 1. • ; _J. If. WM! OA.' 1 '
L .. _;' . % : . . ' Fltrat" - - ,
xtauTo , ; , .s.NoiricEvogagt:
,‘ is hereby gfiettlikai 4 11 pe:nicei, wleT;$4!„ ' "::
the estato ,of John' Keeler , late of t• plostor,„„„
deed, nisolt make likunedlite laYllatli 1.40 tilt _sp' -'.:
den4lglleil, and all persous, haviag elatowastauwas
;sald estate must present them, duly an Uttlostotti'.:
for settleitteet. , t .t
.„„...„; • •. . ,'"• - '11•-'!:
. t, JOHN ir. infAsass 0 .t.- - '..
:, . : ' . (I. l lt. ACROYD, ' " i "" - .1 •:.
jiiriawii ":. ' - - E ' - , .;.•
- 1 - ' • I l' r' - - z.
Ni4tico Is herelly given that ail navai , * __ L 64 ,1".••
dcbted 011ie estate Of Moses fitilett ate Of
_w7 l 6-2,..
rasing, deed, must ma ke tamed pay
all persens baring el s against Said xii i ..:
ptesent them duly tuathentleated for settlement! 't t ~
I i Z. 8. STRIJ /Xi. settlement;, . ;
. 1 .
Admits's ttidtot..r...P
p r
li DMINIST4ATOttS" NO igl' A ,
—otke is hereby' given that all rsoni its4.:: :, '
debted to the estate et E. X. Collins, late r WrAd 1,-
ham; deceased. must ilako Immediate pa enklel . -:
tho undersigned, anil all persons having etellyll,.';
ttgalnst said estate must present Mena,. daty autlionai- '
tleated, for settlement. .•••' • - ' ..1: I 1 '1
HARRIET COL - Llnia, - ' ': 't.'. •
' it. E. cOLLINS, ' ! 1 1 T'- - _
Adults !IslirstOs*•.l,l•_
NIPIvf,,EF.I.N.I,,,tt'4RTTIT'aNi c ie . . v IiLY:::'
ter of the:pafthion of to 'real estar o
0 0l 0 , il. ,Afli' ..,
A. 11010 EN, late of e townskit . 7 1311
said county,. deed. . '
~ ' I ti _ J '..'
At an Orphans' Court held 'at Tomaridn, jo Anal -.. l
for mid county, on the sth .day of Stay,.,' lekielei .. 4 .'
Motion of Merton a Eisbree. Attorneys foiltanaeli
r, Hoiden.. one o,Lthe helm of the laid Octitrai.4l. 1 ..
Holden, Ace'il,,''Me ;Court 'direct . that notice:be i • -:
given to the heirs to cqme into Court on the Second
31ouday of the neit September term of Crurtol4 2,
o'clock, 1 ) .. "f., and bid ortefum to bid forjhb'eStai -
land, or to take the sa oat the , ralua l tm v :ir refesei '
to take thel land _dem bed linisald " tion..and i
direct thathi:dice be given t o, all the elriL • irs'i
th6se livitlg 'Mt of tbe.county by a pedillmitiou for i' .
three successive week In the Bsaprontsißzrott-i
TE it, and Oat a copy of said containing slid
iiutilleatiOß be mailed Ito the post-office midreiMilif l
each of the -persons fotetested .in said estate,. aiml 1
to Sarah 'fenny at her ast known place of resldenelii .
viz: Berkshire, Verniont. S. . 1 I ' . 11
By the Court. :• ' -I i .
;:. .P. D. 401111.0 W. ' '
June 15 ) : Ira. C. E. '
~ ;•
A - LSStir,P.TEE' , SAL:
t .
_of an o rder issuld , out of i....
mon Pleas' of Bradford Counts'. the und,;:raigia O. ,
will expoSe at public sale ea WZDNESD Ts An- i
gust a, 187 . 4, at, o'cl 'k is:un, on, the premises la i
Wilmot,"anii at 2 p. ni. In Terry, the fellowlLog4eos I
crlbod property. • One lot situate In Wißstet,,aits 1
oe l
bounded as follows:, . ' ' f , J 1 - .
Beginning at - lhe north-west corner of the. Reic* 1
ben liowningWarrant,lat a pcist. thence esi4 'along i
the northdino of said warrant 111 5.10 p ton ciintert i
of lot of J',', & 11. Horton; thence south along line lot 1
J. it 11. Horton lot .102 i 5-Iop to the' northCm , -
ner of Frank X i
nowles`det; thence west al g fhb
line of said:Knowles' let 17.7 S-Inp tow nt,lllie;; 'l,
arn 7t
thence along said wit tanne 102 5-10 p to the,pial:* h
of beginning, contalhi g 113 acres, be the aali 1
mere Or lets, , - - t . •,1
ALSO-7•A half Interest lathe following d e scrib edd
lot; situate In' the Township of Terryand drilicribeit
as fidlows;' beginning ih the cenforof the highway -1
on Tra-filleparirs sont'linet,fhence west. op to *
lionitock:' thence, south loop to a - birch; thence cast ;
!s7p to the highway; thence by 'the several conniesi 1
of the same to the plaa 'of beginning; containti?g l'
s, acres and flp„be th same more or loss. I - 1 ~ •
A 1, S 4 ,t_.A; of/tract ti le tothe following described I -
lot upon which their, isi yet due ....: T. Horton about
el,oon, and :which is bounded as follOWft:10rt the r
north by lailds of M. 11. and G. If. Welk* on the 1 -
west by land.S' formerly owned by aahl.Weljes; bit i ,
the smith. bylanils of Julia. Miller, and on the
zi eas t
by the Somehana tiveT; 'containing aat 1
.• 1 ,
/ A '
A LSO-14M' other piece or parel of lan bou (t., 1
.•d lon the i,of,tll by lahrls of said itiraro no and ;
G. M. Itis.liy;; on the east by lands of M. If and 11. i
It. Welles; . oil' , lile synth by lands of. Brow Hard- t
7,an, William's, Whipple. Frutchle and 3roekc•an i
the west by IClehard Avery and G. E. Bixby; c tt.. -
talning aboap-150 acreSi in which the said. Intiolir at ; -
had sit tinilivi!iol oric-half interest. '1 1,,
' TE -1
ISMS:;;,a ro be 'pale upon each whoa i •
struck doi,i , n; floo on epnfirniatiOn, and the,balat co i
In one and two years from data of confirmation , 1 ,
with - interebt. ' • -•
• - _ is: W. T.'HOBTC& . • 1 1 ,
Assignee. i
.1-13 141% 1
. —I : 1
fI IIE . II . I'} '1 1 11 SALE:—By Njrtyte l , of i
,; -
i.,3 1 certitiqwrit of ' i , ndifieni e.rpona.4', lilt
M 'C'O
Oof the nrt of CoMilton l'leas of Bradford C
I will extwise,n4 public sale at the door of Me Cour t 1
House. In TllWanda, on Friday. July 28, 1878, a Ll
o'clock P. 31,4 the folio i property: ng descrioed pperty: .' '• :
tine lot NO I'. bountle,l on the north bfthe borne.
stead lot of. the late Bravid Cash, on. Me ilissp -Py i: '
Third street; south byrtne street. and west by an. 1
alley: being about 117 ft front on said Third et, mad 1
about 213 ft deep, wilt a large, new, two story 1
brick dwelling house.
.eW framed barn or earrlago 1
house. other , , out buil ings and few fruit treMa
'thereon. . : .: . • - -• I I i
ALSO—The' undivid d Ii interest In the folio's!. •
Ing described lot of la d, situate mostly in ,TowIM -.),
'la hero, anti partly in Towanda Pip, bounded Al
the north by lands oft e estate of the late 11. Ch r.
boob , Ward.east by 3fet hanic street. and certain] to t
heretofore conveyed t J L Schoonover.Tlle Sh r. i
m3/I,Geo Sledge. Issa Robinson and Win Theinip- r •
son. south by land roor opened- by. Jas; Woidt s ~
west by lands formerly owned byedgard i . ,
filinapel, containing 14 acres of land, m o or 10 1 S, ,
all improved, with a large spring of wathereon,) 1.
and water pipes tearing from the Bantu to the i
house of Win. 6 riffs. i • . , _.
ALSO—tine 'Other bit of land in Standing, St4eo,.
twit bounded:; as foliqw4: Beginning at 4 yelling . '
pine. corner of lands, formerly of the 4asues Espy 1 .
estate. now Landmesser. thence north' 28tic. east!
on land..of said Landinesser 107 rods to: a pdst; t
thence south 97.,° east 94 rods on line of phi Lad•• i
niesser to a' pitst; thence notch 4B o east on z4id i'
LantimeSser 72 rods too peseon line of other Ilde I
of Win (1 rifts: thencef south' 2S° west on lin of r
~.aid (trials and Wm A .Squites ar] :Chas Squires. I, ' -
149. rod, to a post:, thence
,nerth 87° west 197 . 0).10 I'. .
rtsis on line of Patrick Boyle and Landmesse# t0 . .1-,
phtve or beginning,-euntaining 102!4 acrei l of d a d .
more or lest':. . I
A 1.t.i4.).-t)tioOtlier lot of land in Standing St net-
twp, 1...mu1e/ follOws: lyginbing . at a white *ski '
sapling ob i line of Win i,,1 Squires, thence north 09,15 01 '
east on iiiie:Of said Win A Squires 04 rods Ma drut-I '
1 pie sapling, the tipperside of the old roa4,.thellyetl
north 21 0 east 3'S rrOsts to :the, new road. thencell-
7,011 th 60 0 east along new road - 4 'rods to a hemlock -.-
..tipper side of old road; Menet) north' 45''4 0 =
east In the mail 30 rods to the line: of.B . l 4 anelsifitu..l '
thers; thence tiorth 1, 1 •} 0 east: on line
. iiif said qcu-1
and ilankinson . lazu f. theece noroi.-88 0 west; ,
there. 21 :Nit, to a
,post, :corner of mild StutherSl I
on McCracken's lino rods to a'post. corner of/ - '
Land niesser: thence south2'. 3 west on Landlnesseri :
and 4: rift's' line 72 rots, 'to the place of beginning:, .
containing about 27 ages, more or less. The Iwo;
tracts above described constitute what is knovin bur ;
Itlisi• '
Win Griffis' hill farm4bleing about 130 acres of !twill
or bilk:about I Improved, with, I new f tp- -
ed house, 1 (tamed barn 30x40, with shed attae fdi
1$: - .00, and orchard of fcult trees therein), ; ,` I—Onis other iojeof land In Standing St nos •
top, bounded northerly ,by lauds of Sirs - M. - hi ,pliii/ '
and LandnieSser, eastOrlt by lands' of Laitdineaser,
'southerly by - iblosels of i the Lehigh Valley B a Cos.
and westerly by landi of .fifrs King, Dagitel .Isa.! -
pings, Mrs ,Witatbrocilt and 8 Vanktirell. contlidtlol • ••
Ms acres of land. - mbre or less, about.loo,acres lip
proved, with. an old framed-house, 3 franted , balm*
and orchard of - fruit t 'es thereon. Known as the;
Griffi's river farm. $ lzml and taken into ex al .
tints at the suit of the: ir4t National Bank' no to
use of I). A. Oiierton; n trust tor Eliza 31. ti,,
Ove ,: -
against William CHM, S. • . ,
- • Sheri . .i;
1 .. I : 1
Sheriff's Olllcc, Aufy
• ,
tft:TS TV, ES
,SALE'.--'-TOtste l t t s .
:: 4 1, , of coal landsrml Mining properly and '
portenances irf the c unty,of Bradford, State of! 2
Pecnsy tem i 1a..•1 1 i
By virtue of a certefii mortgage or; deed of t std
°scented and: deliverettby the Fall Creek Bite 1.1 ..
nous coal C'oitipatiy, of the State, of rennsylvii fa,
to the undersigned as i Trnstee;dated , the first - ay
of 'nay, I Md., and reetirded In the °nice for recnni.j
lug th-edo. &c., in ant for the county of Ilradfctrit,d-
In ;and Mate, on Deed Book No. 85, page .1C2,-11e.„!
1 1
on the i till clay of , 3 ay, A. 1).„ iSsS; and alsoi hi
3lortgago Book. No.' lii, page 102, &c., on 'the 18th] .
day of November, A. 4). 18:5.
I, the Trustee,as aforesaid, hire. -
by 4 1, ' , ' 'mike that I 11.1), on TIIFSI.MY,:the 2 th
~ .daY of A CIVIL!, _lt , l'i, at 12 , o'clock. noon,' of thane
'play. at the Eixcliance f , ales Booms, No,"111, Briictil-' t . •
Way, 111 the city, conidy and state lof Now YO'lr„i. .'
sell at anetton to the. 'lllgliest bidder. thO pmperty.,l .
.right.. priVieges and franchises .conveyed orlIn.:
tended to be conveyed' to me by mid mortgage orb_
deed of tract; defaulthaving been made!, by shill ,
I - otopany lit the tern ; , anti
anti comiltions of said mart-; • '.
cage, amrstielli , clefati t shaving continued ter the , , ,
1•;“.0 of :. , i %if days, a d I being required ,in writ.( •t..t make 'such sale ' by the holders of certain GC
the said bonds secure( by said mortgage or deed - 0p,,,..
"ro4l,wllleli. were at,'he time 'of making suchiresd
, due and out stan ling.
Tiw property aforesaid -Includes some slatearl
hundred avres of lat. situate iii Franklin , lid;
o '
certoti toiviodilps, it Brattford-rOunty, State; oft, ..
P...llllSylrafyis, beingi/omposed of the . sehOle of tree:"
tract of land 'surveyed in the name of George Digs
!, .
and the sectral parts o tractssttrceyed,in the natheil -
of George TOniple. tiqinuel Edge, Paul Hardy and;
Andrew 'lardy, all If which is more aCCllFaiel3l .
' loiuntled and describe I in said mortgage; Sogethen
with all and. singula the, *railroads, mines, ores,; -
minerals, webas; mast lanes, ways, waters, Ira', ern .
witrses. easements, ri his, liberties, heredltamentt
and appurtenances et to the said ,premises bet ' ig:. •
lug and appertainin • anti the reversion! and ire= .
mainders, rents, issue and profits thereof:. ' !..,.
For a more full and complete description of htst ',.
oropertylotio.sold, W eh Its boundaries " and 10e.a-,' `•
I tens; reference may ie had 'to the said mortgagN .1
of record as aforesat , or to the original therpoN '.
in the toSse'sslom of 3 essrs. Gray & ttaccoportj . at.
torners, at No.'9, Na.. ay street„tietir York city,
TERMS OF SAi.h:—Ten . per cent of the t
' cha.,.., Money:is to he pahl cash In hand on the I
of ietle, and the balaute Is to be paid within till
clays thereafter, at th once of Gray a Davenpt
Ni.. 0.. Na.. , sait streel. In the city of New ILO
State of New York, Mid upon the payment oflt
said palanee! iii full he purchaser will,,recelin.
Deed to the said pro rty,leonveying such till:,
is vested in mdas,Tit sttT..a.s.aferesaid. I.
"Dated Februarx 25t 1.,'1876.
Trustee forth Bond udders of the Fall Creek pt..
tuminous'floel Com 'any. - • - ' I . '.
- GltAr &VAVE. °RT. ' !
Attorneys for rustee, 6,•Na.ssau St.,,N If /
City. • . ~ 1 .
Tile alsive , w adverti_ ment appears in the to owl
Mg newspapers, to.wl : The Evening Post. abs
tit tho City of - ecr York; the Phi/ode/lAN
rt ir. r,' published In ,the C
:oRY of rtaindetptdat
anti the li tt R
itA FOD ' tigronTEß, publfshed In "Poi
Wanda-. Brad ford„Coiatty, Pa. ' I
The Sale'Or the abot4 describe(' property Is here.
by mljourned '1•17 :to DAY the 23d day saf, Id ay,
P.,711, at the :taunt huntand place. I
I)ated April 25: 1876. , • •L ; . .
Trustee for the bondholders of the Fall Creel} Bi
tinnitious ClOlll Cornipany. tranyrltd.
.-, • ~
- The sato , of the atsece described fore!
by adjourned to Tillf ItSII , AY. the 22d day of June,
15711. at the same Melba and Itote. ' _ • I . -•°-• ; , ; 1 ;
Dated May 24.1, 1870qpinitd. ' - ! '
I , CLItkS.. F. IiIINTEII 1 _
Tfliiiii'ti fig the 16011400111P0i of
,the fall Cree Ili."
tittitittutiA Coal Cot parry, : - .1:. - 1 ' '
The kilt' of *the aistyc detterlhed ProPorfy Islmre
br Mijouretsl to Tlll4tallA2Y the Goth day of J 1,1'1.T
. 1 . 7.111, at the mime - hour and place. - .'.• , • . i :.- ~.
.; . -
Dated 'Jules . .,r4leTti. -.-- '
' if'
CliAltf.ES F. llif.N. T .i, 1...
Trustee for tilt boiniholdere of the Fall.CretT'kti..
tanditorts Coal C pomp
. The Obi of lee a tanPetst 6410 04 ad* .•."';'.'
ed to Thrtisdaff.the IftlidaY - PCAltellfsfl • i stlf -
the sameitinie,sttd p e:..;Pataml4o.l . ''' . - e.-.;
• _-.. -: 2 . ,- ' , ,..T..i. , r .... ItAtikj y , i .
-,,-- lrotirtf , iteittb• iiessaim ! mthit; „. i : . iii ;
(1,:t . . -e,[4:...1.'
~...ADAVOII gi.,4oo l l.llV•'"7%Vlllk ' !k, :.„ -,,..„ • . 3
• . 1 .11 •'-- A
_~ F ~
ir -
6 oa r P .P .,