Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 20, 1876, Image 4
- 4 :7.- - 4- . 77: 7- • - ' El , L - C 1 IBRADrOOOOO • • . • • • . I.6annl a ildbition to be held at ',Toada, P AF i.; -. Wednesday, Thireday, And FT dal, 8 8 08 800 er • V, and 89,189& TO EXHIBITORS. The books of . entry will be opened on and OW the seventh day of September. at the oars of tie Secretary In Towanda, and exhibitors are putt eafr darli requested to notice that the Eats; teal wili 'be elated oe Tiiesday, the With daj of Septenabir, and that entries must be made before fist 4334;0 1 the _earlier the hatter. Thla regulation is intended to (mare be tter secommodat Urns and arrangements, and by preventing delay and confualon at the ee4. 14 of the Fair, to enable Judges to make eistelne• Lions and award - premiums ezi the Ors: day. iv , bibltars will thus derive the tall bkiellts of no 1' awairra made to them. ]Exhibitors can enter goods without extra dunes ;upon the purchase Of a nacml?ershlp ticket. but . 4to arttele allatt be entered for more than one prenduis exerpi upon payment of one dollar for each envy. These regu:ationa 3.1143 to all entries exeeptliten test of speed is required, in tirbleti tea per cent. of the wholepremium will i» charged. persons who Intend to exhibit homes, cattle, l'eheep or swine. shimld hay!, them entered itpon the , riecretary'stxx , kos tar as• possible, at Lint • week ;before the Fair 4. • F.ihinitors will receive a rarl tor , eaeh article en tered. designating : the clasB and Lumber of the en !try., which must 14 4 attached to the article. . • No animal witheut a ca l if attached ran be In the mans without the consent of the committee to charie of that tiepartmeta; nor can the Society ae•• sure any eihihftor, Who neglects this requirement, that they.will'be pabd upon by the Judges. To Justice to those who,:i•ompty with the rates of the Society, they , stall In all cases tarot receire attest. ilea, . • Articles or animals removed from the grt'rindS before the Hose of 'the- exhibition, except by per mission of the cornwittee In charge, cannot reeeire a premium, though awarded. 1 .t --- 1_ RCLES AND REG i ITI-1-lONS. 1. No premium . Will be awarded on any article Or animal iii`theabNenCr - of competition. unless the Judges deem it meiitotions. - 2. Artistes or artitnals entered for exhibition must be on the gropnds by noon of the tirsliday:of the Fair, or they a l it] not receive a premiulta even though aWardemi. a. Artleles i or automats entered /or exhibition .will not he adowed _to be removed from the Fair Grounds. ex.•ept by permission of the committee In charge. ' 4. No pr.tiiluni vt tli be awarded on any actiele __:or animal unlcsl the entry card is attached. S. Cake. - melon eolifertlonary or other stands or wagons, and shows or exhibitions may be•admitted ' to ' the Fair Ground. by application •to the i'real. dent and laying ii reasonable cionpensatton tor the same. 'None of the above will be allowed outside of the encl - Mure near the ground.. r. fio :4 - Unctions liquors %ban Le said, nor shall gambling he allowed no the giound during tie .dayS of the Fair. 77, A strting and eRL lent police' will be on the grounds day amt night during the Tali , . The towlety: will caraully prOberre 'cies while - on er.hit,tion. but they will not be re lh' minas tnr tha: may occur. 9. Good sraf:!... ' , .adding. and an abundance of eror . i.lectd for 04 CShibitto2. Wili be fpr- Willed by the sectet. of charge. . It. All anima's en:or,.l in Class —isust he ei hlLtted the track at the been -named for:which dee ni,t be will ho given). or they tsilt ttbt li;tlAit.lou.i by tae Judges. 11. 'All - ---prvinium... no: ealled for by the first of January t.”t be forfeited to the Society. A , SI DOMANI CATTLE. Beq bull: 3 tears old and upwards 9d Ip2st undrr 3 sear.. Yd Ima Luljcalf . • . n.n•..ovei 4 y.2ar , ' borer nud,r 4. years CLA?•S 1 _ DEVON CATTLE same r premlum as Clas. , 1. . CLASS 3. ALlititNY CATTLE.. Same Preuilum as Class 1. • - AYRSHIRE CATTLE. Same premium as Class 1. CLASS - llitlLS+TlE\ CATTLE: - ; Sarni; I.ICIIIIIIIII 6, IA I.:RV:F(11W CAT t LF . . raile s pawtutn a. k111s" t. CLASS6w. _ NATiVE PATTI. etilitini !HS:, I. C I. A SS 7 E1:1)-, WORK iNG A NI) F tT ( . .tTTLF;. Best Geol. net iessltian heati . #l . O 04 1M .t poke working .It . ll 2d Fat - " • Fat bf 1,,,t Sr+:( LA 1. PEEN! i:ow over 4 years "Id lion *We l, largest yaw ity r.r batter ea. uLaile 1u elm week 5 Vt , iiv'ett.flui I ycars (rum which largest quantit) of butte! ...a. made 11l one ‘‘t.el ZI -r-F,fici , Best Itocl. not less than five :II best , ripe wool Wick lath i. Pair ewes : • 3 • • L:ttob 2 , Nano premiums for Sontlidowns, Shropshire* Cotswolds ato.l4.lce-tora. f I,AS.S .sWFSE. . . Best p , ..n hog -, 4 not !es. than fire. tinder Mx' tnonthq • OQ 2,llkst - Best chestey white ` . . i ' ..., , Al.l_ WI a pip. ~44 lesi. F than tir, ' f 2 , amr pnimitails f,,/ - Berk,httes, I.l:sex rrilli Suit -101',.,3N for I Crater White.:. 'CI.AS:•. , 11. 7:16)/tOUGIIIih,E1...k : NI) BLUCIDED'UOREti. bo,i:staltion. I i..rtrs 120 byes tilf. O 24 best :I under 4 yea] , li 'LI best 2 - colt .iit.ler 2 yoar, , 2 Maze t riFirler 4 vear.,', HoNe qt.ll Mare c. It 12. Ili.)llsES F. 11: ALL WoBK Be; stallion 4 vi'ars and ovor best gelding . -- Bet stalllou uruler 4 St.:ln• • man, Beat. cult.t r•lt • . tr,vier , ••".1 Best itir drat rt, 1)1tIVINC, NI, RIDING- tionsui De , zt pair c:trriag-e mart., =1 ogle 1:31/1114,: - 1112 re horS, or warn for :1.1.41 In awanling pren.l.ol, training, styhi and action will 1., by rho Jailra, •,. 14. .IAC AND 31,171. ES Beq'jar4 pair male• curt IS l i oULTIrt . Hest tlispia... not le:ft Ihmi , varieties 0:: 00 I par elark tkraLaana, - . 10r light fwirltigi , Coehlt .. .. bill' " I , . . ~ black •. ' whitoi- • . 1 , - 1.'11,1211S . . errni-coetn . la Ilech., . - , • . white legtp,rn . . 11 . -"%ta •• , 1.L..e1: vL hite.faceed sparkiNii It. B. It. game ' • 1 . ch.,kiii - • pile , . Lr "wit trrea...4‘,l r , 41 gam, z,ifersn-d %%Mlle Kalil:. 1.13, - 1., rum , „ white dorktrits colored •• • . goldeu spangled hainlurg " • IA bite I‘l;i. , •k •• golden Tielzsb silver blacV.. White crc.t ix , 11,h Whitt d01t:44.h11.10 !$ frizzled IrtNAL', Bek!. par Urorgi %raft. M.tuagarTe ft Best pair gresc bremen Best pair roueu ayirsbury Cayuga Best pair guinea fovries Best lot ipig.,,nr 'MECHANICAL DEPARTMEYT. . CLASS 16, • ApRICUI.TER AI. IMPLEMENT?, 'Bert disiday agricultural linplorn ats *lO 00 . 'fesper and mow rr cuninlned '-D imaging 131C/ 1 / 1 40 tiltrtAilng /11410tinIt I ? ' clover huller a I Yanking mill grain drill 2 4 - • - vottivatar :4 1 , - 7 " 210 00 5 2 • :114Y.L1 CEA MEI Er .10 I() NOO 7/irk ~s. 1 ME WM IM Ducks =I . •" • - - bay. Cali, ndtaiQaietatier vegetsule cutter ' • bays ecru atelier portatle cider will and press Plow • Held roller. lay ?odder 130) loader CLASS 17. PLOWINII Beat plowman plowboy under la years old 2 or Lis FOE mowitto. • J. The quantity of ground few oath Mast : to be .54 . sere. 2. The time allowed to do tboi work wtp be two boon. 3. The teams to elan at one time, and reek pkter moo to do hie work without &driver or notstant. Each rowman to strike kin , own land, Ind plow indepeuttently of the adjotnlng S. Within the fourth of IA nen. plowed. Seel plowman Add be required to strike two Wit Au , rowed lands: and Onion with th e dead liarrri# the , midite. • CLARE if MACIII.N FEY.' EDGE T(VLS, HARDWARE. . • . ETC. • f . • . Best pnriab;:. seam engine. 1 ry'llader bolter tAbuiar stelae boiler . ' f b. , :ter fire front ' • . , . .. ahlogic xda:...hlee . - bricl .• -i- lAth - ' • . - ' a tNr , ly .r edge tools • %terre . e sad tinware . hardware" . . riinlips for wells . . steam boiler - . - 7 -- , CLASS' .le. • 1' :+ it ft I AGES AND WAGONS.. Best and larseit dlaplay of earriages, bug = gin. all :jrighs , .. ts oo Rest cartlart: • . tiuggy i . , , top h.:ggy palky • , ' hoob,,r or . .4.K0rl ' 2 platb.ini spring wagon phir ton CLASS to. LEATHER AND ITS YANUIPATITRE. Best pair 1.-uhrse 1;004. 0 0 . tin!. hane isewed 1 tine, pegged . 1 Largest and besrdisplil of boots and shoes 7 0 Largest and be - It - display of fairness . D set light double harness 2 , - bevy harness . ! 2' eingle harness • - I " side sore leather : upper 1 : 1 bartles3 ' , . I AGRIGULTITRAL DEPAIITMENT. f C,L1.143 tll. , 1;i AID. SEEDS. FLOL'Et AND'FEED. Best bushel white wpeat , t $ 1- 04 .ye I corn 2 1 • oats 1 • - buckwheat I corn meal 1 'Flour and meal to be manufactured In Dm county. CLASS 22.—V EGETABLFS. -.' Best ,11 , play vegetables,not less than 10 fi•rl'a g 3 00 bs,hel oarly potatoes Si bushel late potatoes 50 - lot of becTS . 5 , / " ' its te..7 . l."abbage s o , 1..1, tta',l4.4 celery, • • • 5o 4ts - play turnips. rotabagas.egrrots,ontons, • - par,neps and pepper''- 1 100 I•,t pumpkins . - 5 O 5O ' .t.pu.r.bes l'a) beaus ' - 25 eggislaatS . . 50 half briArl tomatoes , 50 t w,, tor k rts Ilina beans 2. 1 , ,.: • , .•:.ter melons . .. 5.1 03s14ay hops, pea.. union seed. ike,. ; 7.1 % arie to 14 ,, tatoes '. , , 100 I. .. cl. - ASS 23.—} • BUlTS. ' ;'''. • . , .4ppke. . ,1. . . . Best .klkpik" fall rarletles, 10 each e: 04/ . , s-intertrarkties 2 - . • 10 ..araplat of any Tacit ty - I Pears, . - Ite,t . -tt.i.ia-r m 4 fall varieties, 0 each pOO . I-iattr visieties -, Ji Nam' !e• of any variety .; I, Pale!,... ". )test Naszt!,i(j of any variety 1 . 1.171.11. Beet -Amptt of any Tiirlety `.oolllllPell Boit, 10 each • Eitl larzer collections smnple slbertan crab apples 1-•niet: plant In fruit orange plant in fruit IMZE Rest klimple Isabel!, not less than 5 banehes $1 00 . - Nana. Coneord, Delaware. Clin ton, Hartford, lona, Native. Ca tawba, kr., each sample 1 00 ta.-ge; .. ot le - c Oar., not less . than .5 varletlis .2 Cr. t'i.i '14.-1 , 1.CW FiRS. AND DI:SIGNS. Hist le.••.ruas:i deNlgn '. ,2 00 i.. 1,,;,. le- gri 1.1,,...1.35 1 .!•c...t with 11(...wr rs . • 0 : - .111..1 -d :lower! • , I . oli,rt •0i..'.0f IndlgenlOul dowers I ....IV , tior• td hanging I , asketi ' t " i.dl:Jttr '..rit.skrd . I phantom, or lvmtvets, each .• r•,,; Floto•rs • Pa/ , AV". 0,9 ,I;iorttqll carlgated leaf plants native fern, 1 rtu.! !carol of phioxe• X~a.~.. ~ Best stx roses 111371'. c9llection saLatrnr•,,,ollerttoll CIE= Be?: b4r,,!les IP liotr le Best !ti:e, ~tritties (Irrrt i 114 1. it Best I'erbonn♦ If Best v.tx , oirtettes . • V It On ...el& I frig, .:1 / . 1 II 0 _WE DEPARTMENT. CL INES, CORDIALS. rnksgavEs W 1 41,N Best homemade sparkling wines. from grapes • or rhubarb $ 50 Iles: hanu•tuade Isabella, Catawba, Concord Itelawarol Currant. Blackberry, Rasp• berry I::•terheAry, Blaektx•rry 'east: 4 , 1 ite,t quart any other variety 1 50 r....;,Lwiry vinegar • , 50 lowa* ,yrup 50 gallon ,1,1.. r vinegar 541 Frani-vex, de. Belt c., preserves and Joßles, canned fruit. pickle?, &c.. made to seep O, Best apply, pear, peseta or quince butter each 54 Best t.iliectien spiced fruits. pickles, mixed cliowelmT, with recipe, each •• 50 U.—BREAD, BUTTER. CAKE, Rest homemade wheat, brown, or rye bread • fio bakers do ' do do do 50 . bread bated by girl under ]a, without aid bale'U rusk, bleebnlt, baked ham. Wiled ham dried beef, boiled logoas.,ns.lge. preserves! turkey. ?reser- i,tzaemacte trait cake, lady p.tin!, 90nr, mountain motoita•r.. or cliecolate cake, each ! st: Best j•.111.i1e• 4 5(: . , i'.ir!,•:y ~ .,,o.e 144 v..: - .,.:i ‘,..- gq.,,,r cake 50' • a I.:ay _.! pa,try 1, a I 00. 4 Ire • .).. ::men - I "('- HON,. a.. 4 CJ.etsr. Hest ittekag- bitter. not less than 34 Itr , F i 00 flesh butter in rolls or prints I • 3 1112 is by gird under IS without aid 2 . , t , hurn. t . rk In or tub, each All : 4'las+ to be accompauio with metiK• r..r •9 , I:•DF, or c,.intig: Be,t thin 3 I.t3e.s b• t—lov—* • CLAS , - ILTING, 'NEEDLEWORK. itc Best silk. de.s!ue. (wilco or white bed quilt. scout C •ve: let, woolen blanket, cacti • If 2: 00 Best hot - 1 . .411 , dr rug, listen. woolen stockings, st•eleings. each display' Best g - ,e,turi.ings knit by girl under .2 years I p and yorli t, stoe Slug iarn 50 porol linen stocking yarn 5O sti , oiell mitten.: and glovi $, each pair 50 . knit .ptdad Best iaibri: derv. bureau coser, , tollet mats, ceriztp,.. fiand.tnade shift, machine. made si :rt. buy's shirt, girl's shirt. yoke sa.l ' , heves. cellar and display of te !3Ch article e .VA sleigh afghan 1, 2 Jt 2 s.ifa chair Cover, knitted chair re.ecr. $ 14110*. slippers, crocheted re ••aawl. knitted zephyr shawl, silk el:de - oh:cry. child's afghan, knitted Is• di. is 1.4,1, child's cap. child's socks, net , : die is s *r housewife, watch chair. work is tu• Best Inirr work, best !Ingle six•elnie ef Darr :cork Best it, • i,a.! sore - Best •I' st.x tiow?rs, leases or leather • Bedae:. in deAra Bast a s stork, bead work or moos .., $. Best Bekt Be-4 coll.ruldered t!ciy, knitted tidy c•hion. kniited cake corer, night 1.1!•••... t , 1•4", display of feather flowers verb 1 CLA , F ALTS. kc, Best ci itccC, , oil paintlngs {3 00 • orvglnal ,andscape ccl , y :ar ' I 0r.g:!!..! pi!..!ce or portrait I or portrait . I print in oil rp...1111. n .vt dowers in oil cv.44,:•flv-a vvr water colors ongre zl.e-mtnen or : - ..iored crayon I Bost his, t cr..-on. kepis or India Ink, pencil ing!. le:le:Lag done by peruut under IS pvvvvv=a,hlp, psornanship done by pry - sou v. 11,1 I'l6 year% each 1 Best dl , p , 3y and colored photographs on paper. metal or other material, disc. play !.' aivlvalype.S, deguennetypes, I , iitypck, display of printing. each ;!!. CI,AS' , :I.—MUSICAL INsTRUMENTS. Best ar.l :argent display . D CI. ASS SO.—FURNITURE. Best is d :arrest display of furniture D park.: or cottage pet. elk* ;Best mattrass sofa, lounge, cosieb, Or lady's rawnrvlr clair. each 111. 00 JOSEPH E. PIOLLETT. President. w - ho A d tla r, E , Ls ; recreation. wilt and Mountain Late a pleasant re sort. The prlvrtotor. Gnivrtst ttritrultwt, bat ratted op t h e pounds In gland stile, and provided Atom); wan v enter table phamte tams. A twat tiler 11u0t. , 0 has erected and tarnished art* alt the actotuun4attens ter patties. Tibbs baffle dile been revered: in the pure tar those who ihteite, Ankkedittai or iefflobeold be Wood 11! r. - •: 4 211 4 / 1 10 111 1110Allnirei ' 1 : • s t MOWSPJ 2 2 : 2' I 2 Eitictil NrAttsi' AID AA N. T. RAIL . TlOADlL—Ansaire senger,Tralas, to tame effect April 17, I maxims. 9 #7 - IP. M. N u =s Faits..,.;ld 7 63. 4 331 t 65 ; 10 1.3 j 3 1310 Rochester.. ...... j 4 00 t 00: 6 041 6.00 Auburn •• • • 5 4 .... j 3 09, Genera. •..y55,....: 00J .... I Ithaca . t 7 4i• 9 4 21 -• • • Owego - 9 621 10 , ' Elmira. ..... oci 3 4300 57:: a 301 Wetly I 9 X 3: 4 7:1'11 Z 3 .1 9 41.31 , Sayre 9 47=; 4 21ii1 28, 9 12 Athens ' 9 54: 4 80'11 33' 9 19' Milan ITlvter9 4n Towanda . 1 1.026 5 05/2051000 Wpm:Ming Standing Stone.... , , 'lO 19: Rummerfield Vrenchtown . Wy51n5ing..,.....!6 45.... 10 60 ...... 6 0:, :2 6941 12' Skinners Eddy.,.. a as ...:it is Meshoppen..... 6 11 32: Mehonpany,.. ... 6 29 11 39 Tlankbalmoe —l2 4 7 15: 2 07. t 2 25 LaGrange .... 7 20 .... 12 3.1 Falls • .... 31. .... 12 31 E. 49 Ransom.. 1 03' 7 1.0.. B Junction ...t2 50 i r 250 I 20' 7 IA). Wllkes-BI4TO ' I 7o s St• 31:, 2 88 7 4c . Ranch Chunk:... 3 4, 4 , 4 4;3. 5 4 35 Allentown - 4 i I 11 23 3 511 .... Bethlehem_ 5 0.;'!2 .1c 6 40, e. 03 E.s6ton F Yi. 1 rtr 10 a 55..... Philadelphia a 45 2 05 8 u. Y 13' .... .New York 8 29 3 49 9 59; Si A:3l. MMMI - • • -STATIONS. 8 1018, 2. 432 A Nt.jk..l4.'/L.16.'A.31. 7.7ew York. Philadelphia... 8 tej. , 45, 9 415 i Eamon . ..... 9 2 - 0 04 — !10 00:11 SO , .... Bethlehem 9 50 1 50'10 80‘12 Oe' AllentOWS 110 011 ..,. S 43i10 42112 11 1 .... Mulch Chunk —Ai est .. S oo t it 44! 120; Wllkes-Barre .... 1 11 1 7 29 10 40i 2 15, 400' L. k B. Jai:Kilda.. 1 -10 C 7 :15 11 10 , 2 41, 4 15i Ransom 5 e 6 11 23 .... 4 49 Falls 19 11 34 00 , .:.. LaGrange.. - . 8 35'.1 31... 5 15, .... Tunkhannoek.... 2 21 8 4e 12 ='; 3 . 22 3-30, .... Meboopany ....... s 1212 44 1 ....; 561 Meatieppen ....... 9 19 , 12 54. ....' 6 00, .... Skinner's Eddy... . 915. Ile ..—' 6 16' .... I.aceyville 3 C.7' , 2 ac. 111 4 02 6 Wyalusing 64 , 1 ...., 6 40 .... Frenchtown ...."10 15 1 49 ....' 6 . Rumulerfield• ....'lO 1 5a 7 03 .... Standing Stone ;10 32 2 OS .... t 7 10. Wyaanklng .... 10 41 2 ....' Towanda Towanda 4 10'1055 230 i 500 . 735 730 Ulster 11 Milan ::::11 "s l9 22 45 ::::'; 8 7 00 49' f 5 42 3 Athena........... 44211 29 305 5 25, 810' 805 Sayre 4 4311 35 3 16; 5 33 8 16 8 10 !Waverly 4 55.11 45 3 201 5 , 40, 8 25 ' 8 :2.0 'Elmira - 5 35'12 35 4 10, 6 13' 9 10' , 9 10 Owego 5.41; .... ... ; 6 30 ....i 9 5.5 Ithaca.— ...... 6 45 1 50 ....,17 25' ...., .... Geneva 0 40 i 555 .... ,9 VII .... .... Auburn . ... 9 105 ... ~ .--.1 9 30i ...: 4 15 Rochester 10 51 .. . ....'ll 20' .... -6 SS Buffalo .. ~. ~. .... 12 21' .. . .. . 12,35 8 30. 6 IS Niagara Pa 11.4...... 12 • -, 4 . . ... . 1;04: . .. 9 40 , . P.M. r..m. P.M. A:SI-I'..M. P.M. Trains S and 15 run dully. with Pnihnau Sleep. Ing Cars attached. between Elmira and Philadel phia, and Geneva and 'iew York. , • Drawing Room ears astarlieS to Trains %and 9 between Elmira and rtilladetphia.t Ail Philadelphia tral4S rut through to Centenni al Grounds; _ . - R. rAC kElt, Sverintertiri.t. Tovraiida, April 26, :675-tf. (Z.ENEVA. ITHACA & ATHENS VIR. IL—Commens lug Monday, Jan, 21, 11i76, trains will nin as ea this TO as ?allows:. LiACING SAY RE :02 Rill WARD 8.--ti:On a. tn., daily, w!ih rullmat. seping C•stch•thrdngh from `ire, arrirint, at Van Etten 5.4'i ilvencor : 6:50, Taughanle Falls 7:15.; Trumamdo,rg Farmer 7:43, Ovid Center 7:5i nays warner 88 O. Romulus 8:12. Gene: . ea 8:45, m r..nnee!ton east and west with train.. on N. V. A if. :.string at Rochester at 11:20 a. th., Ituff.dd t. 15 p. and Niagara at 4:40. No. 30.—ken a. :n., daily es vrt Sandays, sr rlval of 1.. Y. train from Bane, l'lttstoo. Tunkhannock,,dc.. arr:ring at Vat. Et. ten 12:45. Rpeneer 32:..5. Itto•ca 1:55. Tani:ante Falls 2:25. tTrumaastelrg 2:,:. Farmer 2:53, Ovid Center 3ar2; If ayts Itmnulns tie. nera 400, c y It inecting nith east and West on A. Y. C. A I. R. R. R. No. —6 ro., da.ty B.lndays, with througn. car from Elmira for G• neva, icaslngElmira at 5:n3. , p. m., arriving at Van Elie:. 6.48, Spencer 8:5A,. 4 Ithaca 7:50; Taug.:an: 8:14. Trumanstmrg. 916, Farmer 8:46, I ovl , l Center 8:81, Ifayts Corners 9:.4. Romulus 9:17. 0. neva SAR:,conne.ding with ti Ants east sptd tmN.V.. '. is It. R. It. Et Anlttile. AT !, #t Ou II 00 Cli l 5., Co: '7.-5. a. u;..u;.. •:a11y ~cent tiondant, with 'through car f ruin Ger•-vu to I.'itnira, leaving' Gent , ra at 3 )t) a. 44 0., 11 ~ m u: is 5:X.. Hayte, Cotner! , 1:47, Orld Center, 4:&8, Pat:,ler tr,:":, Trumansimig 5:23. Tabghanle rails 6::;o.llbaca 7. , * ; Sp.ncer S:O3. V:171 Eaten 8:13, arririn4 at Ennio 4'+:;::,, mat log elope connection at sape with 1.. V. flay I:tress aril rMg at New t York at ia:iNJ r. en., Philadelphia San p. m. t No. 9.-1:39 p. -m datly exrept tiondarm. testing Genera at I'd:On b. 131.. R0113.141S 1O:14. Hayts Car o..ri 10;48. avid t ent , -r I4!51. Farmer timr.t. Tin. mansburg il:17. Ta tgl!attie ','ads 1::::J. Ithaca 11:4.1, ME Speneer 12:.3t. Van Et.en r nretirea Ivit!4 L. V. Fa . phla 10.30 p. rm. • - !al p. d v.l - 4 S'.eeplog (• , ahcb attached f.d l'rk withoot change; leaves Geneva 517• v. vr. rl,al of Y. ''. fronkthe , Jon li'ek It.ontihts harts Cornoirs 629 't - .4 •• ,rFxrvier f:47, Ta uwansholyz 7:u7 • 7:14, Ithaca :.7.0. Speller! '.13, V:sr - Elie , atth L. V. Night iLint. .it".em . York at 1 , .;•-t4 mot Philadelphia G t Tlckett• sold ant: to all riloct 191 poiuts. *1 0.. an rig (len. Supt, R. )1. HOVEL Pas!t. Agt. WY. STEVENSON. Asst. MEI DIIILADELPHIA d. READING RAILROAD. MMZDM=MMPVMFMMIKTEn Trains leave AI:eV-km vr follows: trio Perk. 4inci. Branch./ For I'tilladelphia Ind Bridgeport at - •6.20, • a. m., •12.00 !m.o. s.te:: and .6.25 p. tn. For Philadelphia. Lt. •1.30 a. and 3.10 p. (ein Ens! Pennn. Rranrh. ii For Reading, t 2.20. 3.00, and 3.52 a. ml 12.20, 2.10 4.30 and 9.00 p. tn. , For Harrisburg . t 2.80, art 9.:3 a. 1 / 1 :.12.20, 4.315 and 9.00 p. For Lancaster and Codunbt.. 5.50. 8.35 a. M., and 4.30 p. m. *Does Lot fun on Ittinday:. , For Reading , tan a. w .. 4.00 p. ui For Harrisburg.:.::, a. 111. slot 9.00 p. m. Truing/or 411•7,16,...n leag..'4B follows Leave 'Phllade:phis. !4 I . :, 4. in., .2.15, 5.2: and 0 7.60 p. Leave Bridgeport, 9.5 R 2.47. am, 6.1 aid 7.46 p. to. CM EIS Leavriql,Ulrl[l6, •.no a. in.. and •4.1(r p. in Learn Reuling. 7.4-, 7..4. 10.3, 4 a. In- 4.90, 6.10. and l tee 3n itf u i4 Le iberg...70,:i..:03,i...1.. a. 3.50 and .40 • Leave Lanea.ster. 5.40. - .15 a. m.,L"..5.'and3.15 p.m Leave Ctllimbl.. 5.7.). 7.15 2. in. 1: , 0.0 and 3.351.. Leave tlealits.g. 7.3.. air .17.40 a. m Leave Harrhamrg. a. :a. $ 5 0 1 00 Tralne EnatILEA t u t•I ru•• to and front depot. 9th and Green, Stit 13!5 c,tht r heir., it•_ and front 'Broad Area eepot. tn. tra.t, frr•ta I bllt,i.iphb and p. tn. trait. from /Ale!. - own i..or alcove'. cars tai ;au! from Elmira, N. 1 The 2.1 s p. m. fiom MO 12.06 1 .1 h0...a train from't...ive through rani : tO.i; "faro! from Pittston. . ' The 5.'15 p. tn. tr;ln !row !`!ll.Adelphla mid a. m. train from A ;h.,. own , ;:ite through ear• to i . and from Mara h CI lent". «ti "S:y' VLWELL HOUSE, TOWANPA, _LA PA.. Hating leased this acrtr.4l, Is WVw ready w aceum. snolate the travellit g pobile: No pains nor expense wit; be spared to eh y salisfaci?r.n to those who may give bite a exit. Sir'Nerth side of IMI , Ic 'arr. east of Mercer's new block. I FANS HOU:SP, TOWANDA, .1 COP Efl MAIN A• VI BT.N , G7 STIK TS The ITorso.s, •hr,,'.,; 311 sn,•ouc o('shl♦ insulthl 3Ta nit lois e•lthont any elll3 Charge. A superior quality et OM HIM Ale, just received. S,. 11.101:DAN. Towanda, J. 24,14 VAGLE Hum, • . . At the corcer'nf C. urt •tirectly in the sticittl , T and roc,lll of tlf: court Houle. The stove Go::. e La • t',•b -flit - Tasted tea re fitted. and to n4w ta , 1:11 traveling, pahile ; The Bar will at :.e t with the Avid of liquor& Good 3:1%, zo the pre y. Boarders by the dsy ui "week accvsar.odated. . 1 ` May 10, 1876.) JOUN BUIIKE. BET . IILETIF,M, P 4 "OLD MORAY lAN SUN INN,' Rich In historical inter:ate. Is the poly b KI I=I In the muntry except ludepeivienco t by the sojourn within tt. walls of Wasblngton.l.s. ykrette, Lee anti other patriots of the Revolt:aka. This popular hotel has. recently chanted bands, been improved, entirely icturniskied, and the pea pricier cordially Invite; his friends and traveling paqUe to give idea a eall—act I.atur hill be stared to winder their stay cionr.o-rable. People int route for Philadelphia will em it coottekot to speed the eight here. I,44'l4'l'lhp city-about eight. In the - - • amiepie row* Oil the eloor.Sor the iliac et esseoefreial treat _atrats.;" • ; ? =OE El ,"•;e , %;,:f ffM , _r SOUTIIWA It D. 10 Zi 103 It li R }IOWA !ID ELME% R VCR LE= .5: thaXing eot .41111';iig MAY 29Th. 18 imam ,Ma Branch.) MEM (via E.zat t •tines_ arfinch. MEM .1. WOOTTEN. ;t75,)",. Elp,riftt.rdtvt r:tek JoHN -. ;•:.71.1:1'. AN TO "tr 1A . A 40tIN Pit,•?nicToß. -111;& ....4 ~. i'A. & zit of Yaa• 3.0 FROST di 8021 . 19 31 1 A...1e .: 1....if .: 1 ::: :::: we leSPeCtflati 111120M1d) ;to all UMW hi II orb .. • • 17. 51 •••• 4 . ; '3BO 606 915 i • 14 3 341 6 3 44 0 :10 3 56: 6 40 415', 866 4 ^7 P.M • 4 39 .... FIRST CLASS FIIRNITIIR 4 49: 4 69 Our araortineo li 5 12 601:; 5 T. 1 6 01 6 (t • 65:: LARGER l'HA;i EVE ~i And thit' our prieek are the LOWEST, aad _ . f3lOOD§ THE BEST of soy Intbet MARKET. Our prima have al THE BOTTOM,; Having jut returned from the city, We lia ATTRACTIVE LOT OF 000 IiOLIDAY SEASON. COME AND BEE THEM. Ererything le ;ha Uae of ITICDE4TAKING AT BOTTOM PRICESIAT Dec. 9. 1979 NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY, TO BUY BRYANTS, Cheaper than you will ever have the opportunity of doin I have a large assortment of OWN MANUFACTURE, Warranted . in every particular, ,w I will, That everybody can afford to one of his own. also. have the sole acreney in place of OVIATT'S 'PATENT RUNNE An invention which haEi come very general use all through the • They give the best satisfac wherevere they have been introdu • _ CALL AND EXAMINE THEM 1an11,6 NEW CAERIA FACTORY t Opposite the new Jell, TOWANDA, PENN 'A. HENRY STULEN Sespeetfally announces to tits friends and pair 111 W lit bas Wit ti 111 W BRICK CARRIAGE IrACTORY, Abets be w lecustantly. aeitp on baud s full went of PAmitr CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BVGOIE., PLATFORM WAGONS, Proprietor TROTTING SULKYS, AND SREI.RTONB Made of the beg inatertal and I n lb city Style. HI. long ezperience In city Car riage Factories gives decided advantage Overothers:ln the STYLV'iND DURABILITY of ',gym& All he salfs Ii an INSPECTION OF HIS WO • ?nylons to purttuudng elsewhere. ALL WOII WARRANTED TO GIVE esuracr ♦TISTATIOS. Timken! toe the Waal . Nadu(' feemett tended Mak f wed respectfully ask a 2 eoethiaguace id the REPAIRING PRONTTLY ATTENDZIOr 'AT REDUCED SICAS. F 3:q;" ._.... leeched And now b the TIME TO BUY GEM 111:1111 1111 FROST'S & SON Carriager CARRIAGES • AND I; WAGONS tea SELL SO LOW JAMES BRYANT • WC:tiltY 8T1:11,Bi. -••••,-.! • '4 - :j - CH 'A - S,B NR liXIT i. ~1 • M :„ Dewar In D 1 L it O,_AT D 8, FINE JE WATCHES AN TOS'A Jait2d4. WATCHES, JEWELRY, X . HENp,L E MA I)caler 'ln _ L. I FINE AMERI C A N' AND. SWISS GOLD D SO. Elt WATCHES, and I FINE JEWELRY. STERLING! SILVER 1444411 . 4 , SILVER PL!AI'ED'WARE EMI f I.ot 10, FROM TIM al EAI'EST TO TUE BEST _ GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES fire EYE GLASSES Ono door north of Dr. ?otter a Sou's Drug store Italu Strut, 'I'OIVA N1)41, PA., lanll-7L pRESENTS;FOR ALL, AT TUE NEW JEWTILIVT STORE W. A. RUC WELL Is constantly receiving in addition to his large titOtit of Jewelry, FINE GOLD SETS, PINS, BANDS, RINGS; , ,STUDS. AHERICAN AM) SWISS WATCHES, GOLD AND.SII,V ER WATCHES, mad SILVER PLATED WARE OF ALL VARIETIES GOLD, Sliver AND STEEL SPECTACLILB, SILVER AND Pl. ATE D NUS AND CHARMS CLOCKS OF AIL VASIE TIES, at the lowest , , Ws d% Clock and Join!lry 'repairing done la thee best manner, and warranted. Tulip tar a Ilbaral patrn:lga, and Nape to malt a .coatimmoc,o of the same. • . mml2-73 A. ROC KWEE.I - J. NOPLE it CO., • Main street, opposite the Court House. ED TO TVA N P E N ME ME PROPERTY POE RENT, FOR DWELLING AND RUSIN ESS PURPOSES. i nto est. ion I.ed Bents collected and rerniti4lll on reimuible tering. Money Loaned &Loans Negotiate ili PASSAGE; TICKETS, •A ' • FOREIGN 'DRAFTS, ALWAYS ON HAND ' AT RA ROAM • i - I A a:NOBLEII, (aW20445) W. S. VINCENT- LAND FOR S.11.!!;1 THREE RUNpRED ACRES, Of keauttful I LAND FOR SALE. runes from Towanda. Will be soldlor cash or ON TIME, To suit iilrc4serft„ 100 ACRES IMPROVED, ialth house and barn thereon; balance WELL TOIBERED, And easily cleared. Whole farm Well watered. • win be sold In lots of 50 or 00 mites, or maw, is • parchaelets shall desire. • et Inquire of R. C. LOCK I. P.',RRBY OriTAgtir , ~ELRY, D CLOCK§. ra SILVER WARE, &C. Also I C i AIRM§, N ECKLACES, ' Also! MED El Wellsburg, N. =I , ` ~ s •.;;‘ moms. r , INEI T HE - ow Ara) roriplt HARDWARE -STORE. CODDINC t awienu., •• I . Invite the attention of the public to their stack DARDWARE GOODS. Couststingfof COOK STOV E S 01 the most approved pattoprne. RANGES, Of all kinds; PARLOR & HEATING STO"TiES, 1n endlesi v3ilety BUILDING MATERIALS, Furnished at ! Ii()TTOM PRICES. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, or every style SHEA R 4, SCISSORS, RAZORS,, POCKET CUTLEUY, Of the best ntannfactdre, and warranted. CARPENTERS' TOOLS, 'tit every description GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, &C., varb•t:. The largest awl bout assort merit kept . to Northern Pennsylvania. K EROS ENE LAMPS, From the cheapest to the hest. LAMP CHIMNEYS k GLOBES, At greatly reduced pricpi TIN *IRE, In endless vatiety, of our own manufacture, war ranted niatwlasl. ' Jobblna of all klnd3 It, our line promptly atten ded to. Tin root 4 and eaves troughs put up to the must batl.l..ctury mutther. at short !Mice. GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING A Specbay. 11.1. VE THE ONLY PIIACT CAL P1.113111E:It IN TOWANI)A. , afar of l Mewls and .the pulgle generally w bear In mind that we sell geode wily for It E A. MY -P A Yl • • Beieivinr: tt the may sypt..m by which justice can tw dude buyer au4 , ifiratefel for pas s'ery liberal patronage, we so iiett.a continuative of your custom with the assu rance that we will offer yon greater Inducements than any otlwr ert4l , Tishmeat in the cou n try, as we carry a larger shielt, atel enjoy peculiar 1-aellities for purchasing.. . . . . CODDING & RUSSELL. E.A.PEST lal attetalGb 713 railed b.lllll, following rate, tab* which w7ll be roati:l strl..llypoitable,':,ls iw tween all ager, and w! h the eeittpabx 11 A R OW A R E STORE IN TOIVA ND:A IS IS _AI.FAICI:Ri BLOCK , !:111 bn j their, SCYTHES,, 6 RIiNDSTONEB., FORKS, fIXTURES, ROPES, Sze.; Cheaper 'rhea at Any Oilier Place.' ' , I have 31Wayh oli hand 11.-pain far the Vot:No Waal:Wit and Cat 11114,1 N Mowing PERRIGOS SIDE lIILL PLOWS, -Best in Use I. All 14(ls of TINWARE on hand, and Tin work of all kinds dine at lun'est prices, Towab.l2. Julia 2M, 3a'; coo MEN WANTED! 4 F" buy a larze stoc)c of II Ait I )1V , TIN AVA E, STOV ES, Ate., REDUCED PRICES. Highest prks , trade }gab] for Bags, old Brasa, copper at el Loa , . Hardware, TI) and Copperwafe, Table, Tea'and Ilamtibg Vrous. rl wh . oleeale and • GEE Especla , attentiut Own to all kinds of job work BRIDGE STREET mar29, - n Mileallanocus bdrerthemente. jAIOI.I &BROADLtY, ifannforthrer& orWmien Gaids, Yarns, kc CARDING & DRESSINGi :Potle tc. ot tier Cash paid 114 111 , 1411. al4f, eiOnIS erlianged forlria,!. jnna•am 18 76 . r. RE NOW? TO MIt'HIUA N. 611.1 of the foremost, flonsladg and healthy WHAT FOR To boy a FARM Gut of Vie NE MILLION ACRES, • , .• . Of AO Farming , L3lllin for sale by the Grand Rap ids t Indiann It. R.' ':rang ! wits; ntady market. ; ore crops: got srliocir; railroad run Sthrough then scepter of the grant: settlements all ,along; at Mod of products ralrd; plenty of water,,tialber and building materlalit. P . ice ...f 3M '4[1410 per acre; ooe-fourth doan. balance on time. Sand for Inns trated painphie lull of :Bata and figures, and Pe convinced. A Mess, W, A. LiOWAUG, Comm`r. It F ; •L. l'il 'CI% Grand'Haplds;3fleh.. 'Sec' • Ii . od Oriel. .oaula-76.4ita --i-: E --- • - t . • , FLO.FRIICG' MILL IA .. , . . - 111 . 5.11ESIIEQUIN, PA: -,,, The subbcilber gives notice thht his new STEAM FLOURING MILL, b now In saccessfut operation; and that he Is pre . pared to do all work In Ids nno on otion notice., CIISTOIS SOUNDING DOI:t ON IME SAME LAY THAT ITIIB RECEIVED Wheat, llackwlteat andgftye Plant, Cots Meal, Feed, Draw, ac.„ always on Inuid and and ter sale at lowest rates. PAIiTIG• I I/1, Ali • lqvfleF..—Pentieni Using on the vest side of the river .lealringtiqatreilleeglay VIII Lave, their fltyste pad toolu_errers, _ 'iwey *ring istitstPt Roo' ERIES At, PROITISY = GROCERIES, :4501PROVISIONS. CN F, DOOR NORTH OF CUDL►INO & 01%.46LL Towanda, da y 22. 48.5 STEVENS & LONG, WHOLESALE_ Zz RET4IL CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, BRACKETS, Having a largo and cemalodlou4dore Nre are prepared at all times to carry ' a large stock. Or taken In exchange for goods. an lowest c i 1 prl-, ces. Our long experionce In the ,tireccry Trade Alves us peculiar advantage, In purchasing, stud as we are nut ainhotoing to make iarge profits, we flat [' ter fon*lves that we can offer - , . Buyer% ilian any other establbhment, In Northern Pennsylianta. I= • !'4 H MUTUAL PROTECTION! MUTUA PROTECTIONO T COMPANY. ;• Mule Oftce, 965 Wa!Lut :crest. Vim a leipaia , Pa• Acting :toad., o Sprri•i! Art ,1 wit oe ela..s 111 and n up to One. El= SNATILS, A. J. AISLIC. ?T. S. VINCIT.NT. TOWANDA INSURANCE T. JUNE FIRE AND MARINE COMPANIES ROYAL, Or LiverlKAA, UEEN4 ONTINIENTAL, of New York, " iXIKMANIA, • 4E/:?IAN " COLMIRCIAL ,PII4CSI 3r, of Hartford. ORIENT, - AMAZON. of 0:110. - , „ VITIZENK . , of Newark. BRIe3tEN, of Germany •• MILVE= LIFE Q. ACCIDENT COMPANIES. , NATIO.NAL a:••••(...ts TitAVELLItIt. tor liartii.rd, 1.41111.3.59 •• RAILWAY • OMLIIOO MUTUAL LIFF, of New York 72,3*L070 Ia:RAYSVII_ I LE. CA 1876 TIIE nMERS' - MUTUAL isst RANCE - CO.. or TITSCA R 4 l ! :.‘; 101 now. iisultlg porpetilfle rOltefr oq FARM - Pit OPERT ONLY; Each member- pays a fro. at the time t.r . Insuttag: to cover charter : and l.rr e warm uses p.t tlacTm. 'atter which no ti-:;tor payment Is revtuirrd, ert - i via to meet alMong 111(i 11W111 , 1Cryilp. Thtiplat-of I nsiiranee for A It3l , Plt OP Era 1"., jp °cant i ng rapidly Into favor. ?lace ot Business, SPRING HILL. PA. The Agent w!lf canvass the TOWnshlpc of Trica rora, 'lnke. Herrick. Wyalustng, Asyttitu, TSirry and tanding Stone: arid farmer), In those Teyru ships iwishing Insur.rneet or information, m4i ad dress; A. B. St3INF.It. See. -and A,. Spring HIS, ltrarttord W. 31.;Siiil3t,W AY. PIV3. ; (OCt7Ol l e l ta % T .; 11 1 1 t i?S; r p 1 ii) . Z4 .1 3 .1 Y, t. a a t u l t r i om t :.. ins A f g r i. t • C,.., Angitsp,..wAhir. • $ $5..„Si;)/Iper day at home. Santiileg i dr' ' V - wortlf f $1 free. Stins.)ll Lt; Co.. Pottlanlatns. _ rinfhtfl.l4:oy FARM. FOR SALE.—LA Farrnsof GS acres. ri Improved, In Asylum townihlp. Bradford Co., I'a. ttn the preraibt'S are two g r Ood dwelling nonsee, barn and Iletobziary out hulhilligs. 'and excellent water... A never-falling stream': of rater passes through the premises. Good Omit and an abundance of nuts, Put further particulars call on or address. NELSONVANDEIti'O6 IdarArlew, itradforA Co., i a . at tow rates. P.m:iv:tuber ; t"1 , *ESC Et r itll BLOCK; 0P104 14 CPUftr.llol:lltX • iIQII 0 •- tit "OD - ;;4f-!;.77: - .77 , 1=:= "?'"1-4.ef..:- _ l y. ~~' • McCABE £ EDWARDS, .p Cash dealers in all kinds of Dealers la COUNTRY PiLtOCUCE, GRAIN, &V. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, GRAIN AND PRODUCE CREATER INDUCEMENTS TO STEVEN S a-, LONG. CORNER 3IAIN RIIIDGE.ST ti Insurance. From Ff.o?isylraitfa Loy i 4 bit ure 11. S. CL A AtrENT TOWANIIA, VA • to Lot exceed Vile -half the co.! 0l auyr:lrst. 01.1) PLAN ('ompaa}•. tablz lhows the Hate:. for:- WOO iay be In , :ltipped for any a: fount the large,..t risk ta?ten trh any Twillty' Cents wl'd btt added tO the u of each ngsessment for collection, et 2 I !El -a C~~ 2.00 2.00 2.01 2.G0 2.00 2.00 2,10 2..0 41 4'l 4:1 41 4 - . - 41 3 47 43 41. L 54 55 . 3G 57 5.1 54 GO AGECY, Malik Street, oppostU, the Court House Lusatia adjusted and ink! at titls office NOIME h VIN"CENT, Gellera! Agetits feb24.7Btt. 0 ~ I C.:, Tit STOlt *lt OID N It; 'sit 11. ell .N.; , :R is the best plsteu lu Tuwaltda to buy good : 1 - .1 CIGARS AND TOBACCO fd , PI OLD .T Kepp the • IlaWawa LIJ3IP 111 !!e keep Frog the n Yewlllh' the;slz4s of cos i Tit: Grate Egg Stove Nut Small Nut All our e wrn bo dolt usual ,price above ford All orde I F. J. Calla at our OM will receive' MUM NoV. 18, 1 NEW The commodi , now on Win' MI I:11 ME Oct2l-75. C OA :TOW A NDAPPA )We keep: OD halal at our rsii and Wilkels !tarn) af141.1. County Darelay Lump and smildn . We /Celli . the best quality nt Lime; Hair and ce ment. P,riyk aqd Plaster, ail of which we will sell at bottom prices. iovranchi May Ist, 16 . 76. CHEAR.COAL AN Front and after Jufy 1, 1 will ; 4fornash only, and the price, 1 1 1.thitthly. PRICK OF COAL TOR JULY, 1 , AT Pittston Stove, Chestnut and 11 Pra.. earhou Run Lump Smith...... Barclay Mhuntatn Lump I t Sudth Allentown Lime bushel Lath blithe] 'trick 11 Nl,i. I ' I • rant at $t prepared to d' short not! e at the' usnal pricii cl I:atiso te m 'der my tank 4 m ni f enstuers for their very ither Bast and hope underthe new d thotr inteiest to continue to get the lie! goods for the le:t4t Those w, o are indebted ,to , that I must have money or 1 ca pay freights. \ Tlkey must sett' gust next. 1 Towand .96 1.60 {.OS 1.15 1.22 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.1.0 4.00 4.50 B A .t.oo :.15 2.50 P.. 70 5.00 5.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 t have rponed andlist on sal ufv Infanti, Childs, foe , : a that 1 virll sell at less thin mai =I ' Also, a caws of Wonty , li's final-lace 'and Fox-button, worth '2. TIT SE. GOODS' A It-k: am also receiving a large a Goods !or 'spring trade. which aaH'Prlce,j cannot be excelled 17.136,911 11,7 *,9110 706,2.4$ 564 3:52.6,3$ 447,7h2 1. 71 '175,0V Q. 341. 4,7149 411,730 sop,ooe J;E A T ~' RE.VFS 'ourt Ito Stun. lia=l SOM A 110 MEM 111 BRIDGE THE IST. OF Al' SIG OF TIIE 11I) BOOT, Britige Street, Beidle' ap's EMI • • Respectfully Yours, WIE - - C'OTT ROE& AT TUX WANDA C AL YARD 3114k0t, from the t hard Coal In t .In •t Wllkeala►rre lIIZM We keep Isar TI! 'COAL AND. 5S r ‘ thif coat, km Sole Agoras f Kindling Wood Limo, Coment and• COA L; YALSOCK the Sullivan Minos ' , ale at our yard ail t the. tollowlng pri• :wly opened vein o • constantly for 41s superior coal, he heat manner and •A from slate. The addition to the • a arc prepared to. [erect clear and I . will DO charged loft at thii. atoms Third Ward. KI •, corner of River ipednipt attention. • taus's GIVE c• ROE. 875. ' of Loug & terens, bps drug Id Elizabeth's Sts., A C4I.L. WM. SCOTT. =I COAI4. YA ken the !sign and I'ARK Sttrer, Lis .reigned . having ,t. l Tani, at the foot it a full supply u( IN BM OF I - CK; • 1, LOYAL S . , OAL. Anil ARCLAY Also MB ME AND . C TEEM = I MI ngßc DIME COAL, CO c AL I I nil Azes of,Plttston 1y:11:441K eO3, - fmni PIERCR & SCOTT D LIME. Pell coal, 11? - ne, Ste., will b, corrected 2,oiMb9 $5 CO , • $3 50' H • 4 00 . 00 50 Z 75 purellaseA 4,u f delivery. y inarty.fritinds and 1 ritrotigr , in the 'put tort` to make It to I luty where ,they can fle Wilt talc,' notice p't toy for cash Awl by the nig of Au- lip Your. . 11. I'lll I=lll =TM! Boots arid S :oes. GAIN GAI S ! ! BA ono thonsand rmlr3 p.I AV9itivich Lfattlin•rs Fox-lace, iil t I.ei pair— NMI 1 nip iine Fine r Style, Tirability TRUNK BAGS,r I RAVELLiN IEI ißit St Silo IMMITMI . • prices neck, at the lovle.t THEN THE ItIJAE next door to CV OpiK.Atte the IN F. C ORSER THING NE\ E .STREET 1311 1 P TON BOOT IMEZI STORE t J. & NI.,SHE TEL, g Boot and Shoe me vile, N. Y.. will I :hants of 'lot-nulls- • TON& BOOT A N 1.11 HOE STORE STREET, IL, InG 1 HEFTEL J. hli . L - ,.. ,- , ! . - .l . . ,= sv i r.F.'.;::‘;:f`jer::•i;: -- 2,.- - I! ' r i lt - Z . F . ...W:i ;:j ::-:.--. , 1.:.,g;T , 1..4,i,'..„-.;',>. !,04,.:'.. Atia • • n'N HOLO cAsaAntuo MIME, Corm Main and :Pine ,Towanda, , (irscabliehed ,2c47;i2 7u/litern/ a Centuri,) Whpletald and Itetailpesloi in I DRUGS, 31E.1)1INES, , C11E311(4108, 'ACIDS, PY) . .STIETYP'S, GLUE, MMMERY, TOILET AND FANCY 41091)S, SPONOES, BRUSHES, BRAUES* TRUSSES, : SoArs, COMDR. I'OMADER, DYEki, TiETIA SKIN, slot, SIAM E'REPARAT ONS, • 1 RAZORS, I'DCKET-FFNIyEs. • , POCKET-BOOKS AND PORT,VDNNAIES, MACAROY and. SCOT(11 SNUFF, FOREIGN AND Do}DCSTk; dIGAItS, GARDEN, FIE'LD 7 -AND FLOWER SEEDS, rum *lnes and Lignors, 'for !ifecUcinal Forposei I • , . 1 .; IiOTANF,ECLECTIC JibalcEorAlliteltral.EDlEH, And afi genuine istnilar 11tnnt Medicines. SVF,Pti*seiti,l illi.Al3T PUMPS,. SnatLa & Bnzr.t.,Ds, liti,11611 0 ; 110T14.., iratat4r.s, BUJ PAYS. VititilLE, TIIZRMOMS, , TEns,. ELAa'fiC ,ToC.Elarns; • ! '; , KEROSENE OR - COAL. 011..- -• HoQ 12 4 2.1 3 25 Si'{Cfis, • CHUNEYS,I34iII. BRICK, .i. 7 ' - iIPER*, LARD, *HALE, NEAtS FOC.OT, TANNER'S, AND *ACIIINE. OILS, AM) 711,114:12M4 Saali,aint,Trarnqh, Whiletette, Counter, Hoi9te, .314144 Shoe, Sem& = i And altkiiidm of brush( WINDOW AND..PICTUR► SATRE LINSEED"oif.., PAIN2B:, • YARN IBU. READY MIXED rAIN LiF ANy.m.sliam cou ;BY TIIE rciust),.l•l*T . 4)lt G / BROUS!) IN ',OIL 011 AND DRY C01;01Di OF ALL ' , AU artities wari;an.lell (18 rep Prescript/lona carefMly couipoololol of day And ' 01191 Sundays for! from 9 to 10. A. 51.. 1:1 to . I alOl 5 to 6, • Dr. Porter cau lie cciii.soltell ai her office. - - WHOLESALE AND (RETAIL D 8.0 G,G I S TOWANDA, 1-'N Mil ACIDS. EXTRA OTS, ELIXIRS sUGAR COATEI) roWDERS. l; I:MS, • VICIJI'S, TI Se- Tr It E ti, ' WINE 6, c . 1 I Aral preparation. -of all icli DYE STUFFS;' OILS KEROSENEj ALCOHOL, MI PUE WINEB AND L for tL. 4 !!/111 I•nri,oses, TOB*CCO, SNUFF, CIO' =EIS 1 . . i 3t../. 1 117 w, ar,ortir init 9f , I TOILET AND FANCY Morel than itsotal cary 1. given to t Ingot pre,rripti, )pot, snim to 1 P. kl,l (nu . t. 7 P. M. Dr. 'MADILL raft urtby L.-ret., • A ........, ma 3, ,T,L. .. NV; G. fl 1 1 . i 1 AYER'S 1.1.: llt N 11(i 0 stprlng gpS• . 1:41t to IN ililtlll3l. 40 Irl ..t u,.; , 5, ,111:ipiKoluttnelit :1 . 7111 hetollttryl pn. , 1:;p.,-:::.:1",q,, f in tat 1 I gray, and 4.11;:wr ..f tlif.liVlliirk . i; t , 1 ' .- 1 - 1 . - tlirely. AY1..1.C. , HA/ II Vi.h?a , , I,y 11l sive use, hay proi•••r, tii:.• lz ,t 41,1 the hair usrvii the I always surely It eulor, vet, gray. It stimulates ttie nutritive activity, and preservei, both the hair a Thus brastiv weak or,; i'cltly hale Fid stn. lost hair lively eapression; hair l rtiet• • thin hair, fade . . • n•sunies, thtlr 'l4s op, and hat:lntess. It cno.:‘l.indrntr, he I and ketlps the seatp nt , t, an etnylltions, 411, - e:l, , s are tilpui As a dressing for :adios' Lipr. N ed for itts grateful and aireeable valued fur the soft lh,t re arid rich] Impart., 4 Prepared by .J. C..AYrit Sr CO.. Praetfcal and A nafytl,:all i - . • i Sold ljr all Dnlggies anal dealers ti TASTELESS MEDICD 1 1 , A prominent Newi - Yorl: physician platnedi to DUNDA: 4 Dlt'lc at CO r SANDAhWinip (01t.• caYst:t.,Kg,itati' times they cured Aniracu:otisty but of his bad token thorn %%ghoul eff(4, Informed that sevefat lint tat ion,! wei tillirOli and found lth: voth-nt ion/ not DUNDAS DICK St C 4 +'S. 1 ' What: . happ.mal to this pity:Arlan :n petted to'ot hers, and DUN DAS DIC i 11111 method of protet ttng ph•licial alld tht4i4st I oel, arid ) , .vv..=itiitg,4)lL. vrtion from ot,ikat,g I'lir3l4:l 4nler, prl•Srrib.)l srsll con tinuo tondo so • fo; pure rah in lb. best and the ITIoIDAS DICK sic CO. ns.. more DAL woon than all the Whe:•-safe and giste and Perfumers in the rititratit and lbi. is the sol e s,,:, I. why the sold cheap er in it tr c.,p,..1er that form. 1 is OIL pr sIND .AI , .1+ I . fact every other remedy, ;t ilt, • •- i po t tt . „, gutted to insn re a sale acod. eerc,i7 eight dap , . Flom tor other medliip. Atilt be had: DUND.VS DICK ,tx Pt). tET mitre the problem. long e l rstdorcd, Ot how to arold the rattl4.ll 31 perteneee in swallowibg. 'ate t detract from, If not -destroy, Diu go many V 311131110 remed Mr. IMI Snit Otiinities are put ny Cs. thirty in earl, , are ;11 - . oply si Abed ylirsiti„iiins: TASTELESS• MEDICIN (Maud many iihie-r ken easliv DUN DA CO'S SOFT CAPSULES. noS ell. eso were the only. adm tted :o the last Part • tton. • Send for circular to SS Won r,qt roe Sold at all Drug Stores ling 161, I WE Vi lItiST T 1 0 ' of TO ANNA. uAIITAL SURPLUS FUND Thin Itpnk offers 'UN he trail:motion of a 1 A . . . . GENERAL BNKING Bt.. 1 INTEREST f'AIII ..i ON ftEPOSITS' A i ,Td AiII:Iii.MEN I I T. SPIECT L CARE 171.1' ; }:N T@ TIE COL NinllCB 41:p1D CHECKS: . I rartfes wimhlng to :•iF.NIi MON.F.Y t the United State's England, 'rowed. the principal cities mull.qtr,wns pf 'Eon procure drafts for thqt purpt..ii..,,l . . I'ASSAGE TICICE I , To or from tho .o.lll , tri. bY, - ( 11 e 0 sillugalrorapi otOtawl.. EAMILII4 91e00.111i'! 0 1*Kf: AT REI4:I Illlll• !, highest , pitia'Sor U. •z. , -Gold; AlSlll,* . r. 21,N. .; .- • • • 5:: , 1,* . 'bin.% eit. CLASS. Of ;All hiZeB EMI l ilt, rILLON, 'ISII, [DUES. resented at all hours jPrvacrlptlonst sototoro In the =2 FtDON S I TATTiiN'S "BLOCK, Mil HERBS, 6, v C. EN QUORS, RS, &C , LIME MEI GOODS. L'• compound- V from 9 A 4 M., Lord Ln Sac. It_ It'S:F.IV, t)1{1)(1 V; NIS vltaliiy and SEMNIZI pn.lina e • g 311,1 exteu MEMO gmwth, dud MEMIN ris %t) healthy la lin beauty.;; Ill=rl=2l :grows with at anti estalt- I ur gray hair ration ti sum. IS I all kulnors. soft—under Ible. 1 look Is rfnine, and ess of = tone it ()well. Mass Medicine cm C=Ml r about their lig that fume 'that a ralie,itt t. j/Viltg Fehr, 111 . taking. ony hare 1131.- y & CO. s,•drnggirtr, OF SANDAL- the Captzuh.9 cotitaln the pest r•vn. mt. or SAN Retail I)rmg te•v combined ure Oil In Any of 6ri snp.•trwitng ly re In sli nt can is CAI'SI.7I.ItS eminent p!iy 1 11.1iSgttst rC •Il l;vonn .n effects• of I.t, aj , =ulv> pre. ES.--castot can Iw• DICK No Taste capsules Exposi , Nen fork Hero. 11 .1 N K ' 1 3,00 50,000 Ili I.o'lK'; for ESS (•.111)156 ECTION OF An y part of ( .0113nti, Or e. ran here, Eli f.l steam or IED PATIO; Bonds, 1 ETT, J. pale. E