Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 20, 1876, Image 3

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pad6d grisortm
Towanda, Pa., Thursday, 314 20, 1876.
Er;mtits. bail a colo'red Hayes and,lVbee
ler Club. - They recently raised a pirle and
-were addressed by Gen. GnEtw.
STIYI2I FR LarroN enjoyed - a little res
pite from official duties last week, visiting
friends in - Susquehanna county:
Tait Lucerne Leader, a new Democrat
ic papef,-will make its appearance in Pitts
ton, on Sitnrdaiy, with
IxitLlN:'6,..4 editors and proprietors.
tS I 11. II; MAcr, was thrown from his wag
onwhile proceeding from this place to his
home in Towanda township, on Wednes
day evening last, a p
nd sierely injured.
BASE4ThiLI..---The Comets of this place
will plod the Blue Stoekings of
.on the Winena gromults on Tuesday, July
;25. flame t;pell'ist p.
Tits work of grading and 'graveling
'Main :street between • the Wycoff pave
ment and Lombard street, is progre:,siug,
and the thoroughfare already greatly im
proved in appearance.
SCHOOL BOOK AOL.,-.9are again m'alring
raid: upon the directors of this cairuty.
Parents who are compelled to buy books
for their childrenrlo not look upon a
chanT.,re•erith any favor, and boards *ill
do welt to count the cost before listening
to the appeals of interested agaents.
t'nkw.P. P. Buss, Musical Director'of
the great S. S. Camp Meeting Parliament
now in session at Thousand Islands, pass..
ed through this place on 91ou1ay evening,
on his Way to that place.. Prof. Brass
and wife have been spending- some weeks
with their friends in Home.
but—Tux Donor, formerly of this county,
t now a resident of lowa, is hereon a
visit to his sons, W. DODGE, of this
place i .and I). H. DODGE. of 'Monroe. Mr.
Dom E is nearly eighty yeais of age, but
is bale and hearty and in the enjoyment
of vigorous mental faculties.
RED'. B. : I. Iv the great Methodist
divine, will preach in the M. E. Church
cif this phfce next fiumiD , morning, and
lecture on temperance in the evening.
Mr. IvEs...ig one of • the most interesting
and instructive speakers in the country,
and should be listened to 'by all who can
possibly attend.
O Monday last while . Mr. Wm. Lvo;:,
t of Albany, was -standing in front of his
111111,1iill , i machine, he thoughtlessly struck
one of his ](uses, which caused the team
to start, bringing the machine in contact
- with one of his legs, cutting it so .badly
that it!is feared amputation will be neces
• l'Am.”' Rour.raty,-We leiirn that the
residence Of Mr. STERLING, of Meslioppen.
was entered by bnrglars 011 Monday night
last, and robbed of a large amount ofjew
elry, inchuling a gold
watch and chain valued •• - •.:•• - ri. Mr.
is tlio father of Mrs. (. P. ( t o s s, o f this
MUSWAL INSTITUTE will, -take place on
Friday evening nest, Julx:.:2lst, in, the
Court House, on which h asiivn the en
tire talent of the Institute—Solo:atal
.Vocal and Instrumental—will take
part.. A good time may be expected.
.2\I3UNGEIIF:NTti are beim , made at
Troy; for the Organ Concert at the
PLesbyterian church there. Some proud
tiept musician from New York probal4
will give the key board it; first trial.
A mm; ttpise mentioned - arLS..P. WAREN:
of (.pace 031111th GEOROL WILL/A3l
NVAimmi ritSt. Andrews.
nent Young attorney of Lancaster, is visit
ingf rictuls lure. •
vt.on, of tlie• Medina Tri
'•une, was a welcome visitor at this °like
fast, week.
Inn:; has beeli in Plllll
- for, s o me weeks, iinfiCr,rzoing tront
ment fur an affection of titLi.t7*('s. )i . r. K.
is prepdring himself for' tie r ~o spt+l min
istry,' .
THE CrwricirEs.—p,ev. 31i.. RAY, of
.Rochester, conducted serviee at the Epis
copal church On Sunday evening last. The
music was rendered by members of the
Nuiiiital Normal.
—owing; tAI the absence of Iho pastor,
Dr. STEW,OtT, the Preshylinian church
was clued on Sunda,: last.
Is accordance with special,' order No.
27. the members of ro. K 12th Htttrt -, ..
meet at their armory on Friday, July 21,
at 71 p. m., in uniform, to ell k a,craptain
to till vacancy - caused by the ref.ignation
of ('apt. d. 11. IhurroN. fitember
is ordered to be presc-nt.
D. 1.. ; - ; , .1 - ::.E.Nr.v.
- Ist Lt. Com:it:outing.
WHAT THEY oF" - rnr: ltErorcri:c.
—out' tOW111S111:111 e , trotriell friota,
lon. E. N. FlasmE, 14ivesilis 1 , 1,in /ii of
the HEPoi:TER in the follm‘ing very com
plimentary note :
_ Et •. , 1 %, N. 1 - ...n0v•A7,1.
, r. ‘
• p 11 .11; find
r• , r i. 4 to app . r !,,
'r•••l.titr••til. n ,, t 11• , t1.4• a itipmf if.
1 F. , 01 , 11 . .-I.l , •rcs or t..rr IL , 11i: 1./
110-i'ORTM.:: Ina 1..11t•r froata
oITS 1113Vilt 1111`ri
As Rev. C. L. WI t. 1.1 •ots and 'S. P.
WARNE!: of Herrick. were proceeding
leitneward froni church on 'Sunday last,
their horse became frightened and tuft-Iran
ageable, upsetting the buggy and quite
seriously injuring both the...gentlemen.
WILLI:IW.. was hadlY - Mit and bruised
; about his head and hosly, but under the
careful treatment of Dr, S-rE k ENS, is doing
as wel las could be-expected. tl r. WA::-
- N En's injuries, although I.airiful, are less
THE National Normal Musical lust ituto.
favored our people with a gland eenceit
on Friday evening. last. Ti;, , :e who were
fortunate enough to be prrsoik w e re m o r e
than pleased with the Progyaietne. Pn.f. executed several very ditheult
at: the piano. Prof. Itynitt is or
ganist iu the Tremont Temple, Boston.
A tine duet was sung by Me-ssrs. CA-4;
and, whi - Ai NV:IS loudly
al -
ptauded• Dr. lhs)r sang and played a
pieee entitled Mr Native Sung,'' intr,;-
, ihe•ing the :air of "Yankee Diiodle,"
Tyllie It was lohilly al pl. Dr. lb it ',V i t.
voice is-marvelously tine. De inah
• neatly sixty years - age.--yet his Yoke
seems as good as ever. 31rs. Dr. :MIN-
T was there, atel favored the audi
ence. •
with a song. mhieli_ received great
applause.• Cinicerts are to be given at
the close, of each week during the month.
• DtsrittCr DEPrTv. S. WatiNvn, m
g:IA-Led a Lodge (If Temideis at
Mereur, Wysnx township„ on Wednesday
',evening, July 1 12, with twenty charter
members.. "Phis makes ;is in the county:
Tie new Lodge has been christened -I-a
donia," aunt meets Saturday evening.
Seven candidates were initiated 4 theflast
Meeting, anti several names prtiposed.
'lie following bilkers were 'installed. fur
balance of current (master: .
111 7 . ,--ilenry C. Steplicui-. -1 '
it ti.—Budd Em,y.
. f
A . •••;5-:::Mary t ;-
F. —(; titi. ne - ath.
IV. T.—Fain l)uti berry.
M.—Alirain (:'roan. -
it'. D. M.--41•:liz.a Sill.. '
Ir. f
. o.—Howaidi Brown.
_IFon the past ei.t.Tht years uniformity in
school books 'as been maintained in the
schools of this contitiy, with only a few
eNceptibns, and we r; ,, gta now to see an
(Arita, made to‘ . ...destrpy -it. A. ri , port
ha -
ing ()brainy.] 'that. the Phroz.rrs'i,f this
aiNftit tin nil ,i)
Hut 1411111-Fs of 'tho have .
lo,p(e, the fiitinwilo , r, .I,ttcnn at:
. 1%4 111'4 . f 11.4.rtf
14.r.tri,, are in rirculationicriVeliret
i 4 4:11(K11 this Ifrorongit aro
ah , iiit t. irtiei a change ul ivildiTs.. It h'
"illy justice to the 13itard and. thi&l,i who
are emnpelled to buy books, to state that
' there is not a word of - troth in the story.
'We arc satisfied with the it,Ciulent now in
use, and, believe any change at present
unwise and unnecikssary. - .
5I eel, C., P. Ntimui.x,:Pneiiti
AI% AhYtititt
V - 11DP) Itriff
I Mg
,Wt lt- extract "toe front . "-the
Unadilla Times. •
iegret to learn that Mrs. IL-S,
BW.IUT is return to fill the position
of Preceptress in the Academy dtuing the
coming year. She is to go to Towanda,
Vii., to occupy a like position in Suiquo
hanna Collegiate Institute. Mrs. SwAnr
has made warm friends in Unadilla, among
both students and patrons, andhas laborW
earnestly to build up and sustain the
_reputation of our, Academy. While we
regret the loss our school and village sus
tains, we congratulate the people of To
wanda, and the faculty of the Institute,
on the accession t; their numbers of a
thorough teacher and au earnest Christian
...We learn that Mrs. Sw.twr was Pre
ceptress at the State Normal School, at
3lansfield, for-three years daring its treat
eat Prosperity, that she is a caltured and
experienced teacher and a tine discipli
. .
Saturday evening S. M. PiissETT and
daughter were riding in a covered carriage
near Pnnyville, in Bradford county, and
about nine o'clock were In a piece of
Woods just beyond the residence of a man
by:the name of SCOTT. It was quite 'dark.
Some person approached the head of. the
horse as if to stop her, but she was a mare
,o1"-some spirit and sprang away briskly.
Str. PAssErr saw the attempt and'touch
ed her with- his whip.- She sprang for
ard, the hind wheel just grazing, the .
man's body. He cried out halt, but there
was no halt, and then he thing a stone,
which entered the back part of the Car
riage without doing
any damage. Mr.
FASSETT stopped at the next house, but
there was no one there 'except a eripp4ed
man who .could render no assistance In
going back after the culprit. Further on
at Smithfield, a constable ivas interviewed
with regard to the mace' but the night
was so dark that - Mr. RAssETT of course
could not identify him Or give any clue to
his identification by any : one else.. It was
a bold attempt and fortnnately an mine
cesSful Adrertiser.
Tur. following resolutions of respect
were adopted: by Burlington. Lodge, No.
MO. I. 0. GjT., on July 14th. 187 fr :
TnEnEAs, In the decease of our wor
thy. Sister, ix ; reLLA J. CALKINS, the pain
ful: fact- is reeognized that death path
&no its work, and our Sifter has been
called from'time to eternity—from labor
to.reward. YTe desire to offer our tribute
to her memnry ; therefore. be it
Re.vilred. That in the death of Sister
CALKINS we have lost a true: amiable Sis
Wand companion, the Lode a faitbfnl
Member, and the community a valuable
and true citizen.
Resolved, That in her death we have
great cause to mourn, and to her bereaved
family we accord the most hearty sympa
thy,i believing; however, that our loss is
her eternal gain.
Resolred, That the members of this
Lodge wear t he usual badge of mourning,
and that our charter be draped in mourn
ing for thirtir days.
Resn?mi, That a copy of these resole=
tions be offered to the IlnAnYoup REPott-
Triti Troy Gazette, and the Temperance
VinWralor for publication.
Tur. third Lin-ta Band Concert will
take !place Monday evening next, duly 24,
at' Mercer Hall: The Committee have
.the. honor to announce that Mrs. ,
P.A.vs . ., Williamsport, Mrs. O. A, Itst.-
nw }lra: Dr. MoNTANNE atni. Miss
llxXxxn NAGLEtilave consented to'sing,
and also that the entire faculty iof the
Normal School, now in session here, have,
very generously volunteered to assist them.
With such an array of talent, there is no
doubt that this concert will be superior to
those already given. In order to gii*ev
ery rem an opportunity of securing a good
scat.. the sale of reserved seats will begin
at Kirby's Drug Store, Friday, at 9 a. m.
Tickets only fifty cents No extra charge
for reserving.
Male geartette.•• ne Happy IVanderot " • Zolluer .
1. Mr. W. C. Comn. Mr. C. C. Ca.,.
Mr. J 1.5.. Me(:raem.han. Dr. G. F.
•• T.. en:in it r'roc t.
MN. 11r. Ni..l,tagye.
Pralso i" •• •
•• ..okra IlFrrk.l
" B!.'r Eyt
Cr. coran
= fM=M
- Br. G. F . )b.% - • .
Duel' : •• that. .Ifr - .1*,,r,,,,1,••
Mr,. U. A. Baldwin. Air. J.' W. Payne.
Seng l• Star ”I th. ;.:11%,rn," Turry
Miss Hannah Naglee
Golden Itol,ln Polka..
Tula Journal gives the following synop
sisof Col. Ovfarrox's eloquent remarks
to the-Linta boys on the Fourth:
' An - incident occurred upon arriving at
the Engine House. which, as one of the
events of the day, is well worth recording.
OvFarrox, an invited guest and one
of the founders of Lin-ta, was called out,
and though it was unexpected . he was not
unprOpared. He mounted a - dry goods
box. and while he spoke held, the closest
attention of his hearers. Ile spoke of the
fact that 18 years , ago that day, be and
another took the primary steps in organi
zing that for years he had felt OM',
undeniable pride of ac lye membership
that the' associath ins and history of the•
company were espei•ially dear and tender
to hini; called attention to the fact that
of thci':2l actual members of Liu-ta when
the late war came ;upon us. 17 went into
the ariny of the I"nion, and of those but
few are liVing; spoke of the incident dur
ing_ the visit of thi! Prince of Wales before
the -war. A procession was passing, turn
ing Visome of our people the Prince asked,
"Where is your standing army ?" He
was answered, " Here arc our firemen,
this h 4 our standing army: in case of war
every ime of those boys would be a sol
dier." It .proved so.too, many cases occur
ring, where whole companies anti even
regiments were composed of firemen
.alone. He closed by enjoining courage,
duty and patriotism,. which are the true
requisites of iatelligcnt firemen as well as
of invincible soldiers." •
TITFI "110'. 4 " FANNINU :MILL —The
editor:of the Akron, Ohio, Daily Argos,
has examined the " Boss " Fanning 31111,
Mid Ores the following "diagnosis" of the
machine. We have no doubt the " Boss"
will soon become as popular in Ohio as it
is here, where its suprerriacy has been
demonstrated, and is universally -admit ;
ted. The fact that the demand for the
mill exceeds the capacity of the mailine-
Aories is the best evidence that it is just
what the farmer wants. The gentlemen '
referred to in the notice below We Ise de
layed several weeks in starting - for the
"west." or. account ; of being unable to
get mills. We ,drave no donbt.they will
lit. fore li-ettirniiig make :arrangements to
have. the millibuilt at some :central point
in the west, for we are certain the demand
for it in the great - grain producing States
wi I l'be !ye ry great:
' "We have very recently lent the good
fortune to examine a Machine ealletl i the
" BossYanning Mill," and having seen it
riper:it:6i; unhesitatingly pronounce it wor T
thy i the!title it bears. In cOnstruction it
is dinei - mit from anything we have ever
seen. The body of the mill is like alrolli
en-V.blit the parts of the machinery, in
their construction and adjustment, are pe-
Cidiar in themselves., and form the distin
gitishing mark of this mill from all others.
The shoe, or what. is commonly called the
knocker, is in two pmts. ! The upper half
has a literal movement, the 'Same as the
old style mill, while the lower half has a
movement lengt ! bwise, with the body of
the mill. By the adjustment of screens
made for this mill alone, according to the
• dirt;i•tbm.grain, under any condition what
ever, can bit cleaned by miming onee
through; into one of two grades—one for
market And the other for seed. The Me
brated zinc seiecn is used in it. w Lich
takes out ;ill sticks, oats and other I:rtge
",Another - screen is used to take out
small seeds•apil sand, a thing that is not
done by any other mill we have ever be
; fore seen. This is accomplished by a
screen With two sieves. Tlre upper sieve
permitslhe grass seeds, timothy and do_
ver to pass through and is caught on the
liner sieve ! below, !while the sand mid all
tine seeds piss tot tbiongh lioth s i e v es .
We s•rwsonii clean wheat and screenings
—half and half—put into the hopper of
this Milli and by Time Tannihg made per
! feetlpelean., !For cleaning grass nerd, ' the
I Last turning' which, on all other mills we`
l have ever seen is , necessary, is obviated
by giving the lower half of the knocker
double the ordinary motion, by simply
changing a rod, an actthat requires but a
moment perforrit. The mill needichut
•tq be examined t °outface any person of (
itkintear mei •
_I hoe taken the first
444 t font • - :'‘"4:,-, ! Ilitti MA Cattn4
. At: A.,. . - '-i, , -'04,-40111i ,- 041iit
- -..::i•-..-_ , --, - ,, ,, ; -- 4,-. :,.- , ...i.-.:'
---,-- 4 --4,,,?;.!: ~_, er.. 4 --;,,, ~, . 4 _,,,,,,, . : J....=
.:.,,,.,,.....;—,.;,. --,- Rv , .1 ,, , ,„,4-ier_,,---Atz,
~ar , ;...y.t~,•, , is . r:,5"
Rev. G. S. TizAssur.,-' )
31 . ARTIIA BEARM.:LEY, 1 s•
Ov,Tture. Lln4x Ibnd
Men.ll , l,,vlion
1.1:1-tn Rand
F ~ 4 ,~.. ~ ~ _, <
WT; r ~ Eau'. ~ Y
- 4
wherwer - -it,ls= iniiratt-.:- Wit
herein this city now, on
.sale by Airoj.
loluison, the inventor °and "patentee,
and Kr. J. 0. Ward, both members eta
company of men who are having thei
manufactured at Towanda, Pa. They
may be soon at their ware-room on
street, near Mr. Buchtel's lumber office,
where they will in their gentlemanly; cour
teous manner, exhibit their machine to
any and all persona who may desire to ex
amine it. These genial gentlemen from
the Royston State are here now to intro.'
duce their machine into this county; and
if possible sell some of them. They are
stopping at the Empire House, and when
not at their ware-room' they may bo feund
at this popular stopping place for travel
ers. To all persons who desire to`par
chase a fanning mill ,we give our advice,
before baying to examine the " Boss Fan
HEnnics.--The fortieth anniversary of
the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. DAVID Anal-
STRONG, was Celebrated on the 16th of
Juno last. It was a lovely day., All na
ture was full of melody, fragrance !and
beauty, and seemed in sympathy ivith the
occasion. Brothers, sisters, children,
grandchildren and friends, came fronirthe
hills and valleys of Pennsylvania and New
York, to renew their !ove and respectfor
each other and to talk over the joys and
victories of the past.
These home gatherings are delightful,
and seem to be a kind of prophecy of 'the
great home gathering beyond this life.
The flying moments were filhx-tivith,ebn
versation until about two o'clock,!vrten
dinner was .announced, and our party, ,re
paired to a table 'spread under an awning
in the open air, and loaded with delicious
food of kinds o numerous to•mcntiOn.: It
soon became quite evident that therall
meant business, and the long table was
wonderfully relieved of its burden.
- due time an air of satisfaction seemed: to
rest upon each countenance, and all were
soon. ready for the next section of the pro
Hon. GEOUGE LANDON' made some very
interesting remarks, in whillt he gave the
history of the struggles of tile peoplO,Of
Herrick while subduing the soil and rittr
curing for themselves these
homes. He then presented the gifts from
the children and friends.
AP.IISTILONG and wife came to Tic' r
yic* 40 years ago, ate their first meal from
'the lid of a. chest, and by industry and
economy liave procured for thentselve.a
pleasant and comfortable home, and.rear.-
ed'a family of eight children.
Mr. and Mrs. ARMSTRONG are faithful
members of -the church; and like all true
Christians recognize the kind hand of Chxl
in all the affairs of their past life. Their
children: are also : members of the dim*
living useful lives, and, it is our prayer
that this family may have a happy re
union hi the home above. G. L. u.'.
Piiblish the folloWingConstittition
and By-,Laws for the benefit of our friends
in this county. Preserve this paper and
when you organize your Hayes k Wheel
er Clubs you will find it just what yOu
Anvett , : I. This - Association shall be
known as the Hayes 'and Wheeler Club
of— in County, j and its ob
ject shall be to secure, by The use of all
honorable means, the election of Iluther
ford B. Hayes to the Presidency of tlie
United States:
ART.: IL Its- officers shall consist of
President, two Vice-Presidents, Secre
tary, and Treasurer, who shall perform
all the duties usually appertaining , ' to stndi
offices, respectively. They shall be chosen
at the time ofl the , organization Of . the
Club, .and shall ;retnain in 'office for sueh
length of time lets May.ho prescribed by
-ART. 111. As soon as practicable after
the - formation of the Club, the President
shall appoint an Executive Committee of
—members, whose duty shall be to have
charge of all the interest's of the Associa
tion generally,. and ;to see that all its Or
den; and resolves arc faithfully executed:
They shall provide for meetings of the
Club; for the collection of all moneys; for
,the circulation of Doeumeks; for attend
ance of voters at the polls; and shall, with
the aid of the officers, endeavor to so in
crease its membership that it shall become
an enrolment of every Ilayes voter Within
the jurisdiction of the Club.
- Air r. 1V.;: - . After the organization •of
the Clutch 'shall be the duty of the Pres-'
!dent to see that the :Secretary shall report
to the Corresponding Secretary of the
Central Club at the County Seat, a Nil
list of its officers and members, and semi'.
monthly thereafter a list of all accessions
to membership or change .of _officers. lt
shall be the duty of the Central Hayes
and Wheeler ClUb to transmit a copy , cr
the list of officers to the t ‘ late Executh'e
Committee as soon as piacticable after )10
shall have received the tame, together
tt‘ Waite number Of the original membertt
()Nile Club, and of all additions repotted
Ana.. V. Any Club may adopt such
Ily-Lays, not inconsistent With this Corii
stitutiom as it mit-y deem adeilable.
Airr ! VI. Any legal voter May beCome
t member of : this Club by, signing the
or authorizing the sanie tii
be dune for him, and *announcing his
tention'to support the .objects fur whiek
'it has been organized.
• ,
I; V-1. A. WS. • !
1. It shall be the duty of thePresiLl
. . .
dent to preside at all meetings, and iu
ease of his absence ono of the Vice-Preskj
dents to fill his place; to sign all orders
drawn on the rt•easurer! shall also 'be
member _ex-officio of the Exectilice Cont;:
'2. It shall be the tbity of the Vice;
Prt..sidenis to aid and asWist. the President;
and in absence of President to tilt
place. , •
3. It shall he the duty of the Secretary
to keep a (i,ol - cct account of all-meeting*
in a book proyided for that purpose; also,
a list of the names of the members of Oil
('lub ; to sign all .orders drawn on the
-Treasurer ; and to conduct the corres.
)ondence of the same.
4. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer
to receive all funds and contributions that
may 'come into the possession of the Club j
to pay ,mt the same only on order signed
by the Presideht and Secretary ; to take
charge of flags., banners, transparencies,
or such other Droperty owned by the Club,,
and seethit the same is.ready for use:
5. The Execoties CoMmittee shall see
that all orderA of the Chili are carried out
as expressed
.I,iy a vote of .the sante ; to
see to procotjpg spe4ers, and that places
for meeting are provided ; to 'pttoeuriug
music. !lags, banners, etc., and that every
Noyes and Wheeler voter is brought .to
the . polls on the thy of election ; and en
yeti illy filet fe e,z r en(' C trrilig" are Pro
vided for those living at a distance from
the. palls.
c:56 - To st iroor; InltEgn ! - Rs.
The attention of the members of the
several Boards of School Direvfors, •in
Bradford and adjoining Conntiel4 is invi
ted to the following testimonials and en
dorsements by the loading Educators and
&hoot Offierrs of this NORMAL DISTRICT,
relative to the
published in an appeal to their patrons,
(ally a short time since, on the peva:44in of
a determined effort, similar to the one
lon being made in this county, by agents
Of rival publishers, to displace these books,
The undersigned, residents of the sth
:Normal District of Pennsylvania, clam
prising the counties of Bradford, Lycom-
Mg, Potter, Susquehanna, Sullivan, Tio
ga, and "Wyozumg,. would respeetfully
represent, that since
COPY-BOOKS,'. have been quite-'gener
ally introduced into and arc now. ieruse as
a whole. or in part, in a large majority of
the PUblie Schools of this Normal his
trier, and believing, as we do; that these
books are Stladard Works of Sterling
Merit, and among the eery but published;
and, seeing no sufficient reason for ~a
dotage, would earnestly advise_ any who
may be ioapfrd, by intei'ceed fartics, to
di.vtdre these hooks, lo exercise great c
lion, and to be fully .14:ttii4ied of the
rid of the •booloi_proposol sy sub
st Rules. before subjecting the Patrons to
ittillitiOnal expense of purchaxing tr ip
books, as well as the-schools to the great
in,- ! ,ncem:c/ice and troutdc incident ts.. the
Introduction or displatannent of' TeNt-
Books—Nsides thereby preventing na
p/wily so nearly attained in., this Dis
trict. , ,
F. A. Allen, Institute Conductor and
former Principal of State Normal School,
Mansfield, Pa.
Chae. U. Verrill, Principal n(11=1,0041
Stabs Normal OcitusS. ' ,
;44:th -4 40 1 . VO,
A , 1101 . ,, ~'',.;.- .74' .; IT , •
L - . Allen,-: - ic ' 0 1 p.. ~'.' .-,: -- 44
iv. Tilden, ;•, ~" ', '
'l'. ...,Gahan, 44 44 Lieoming . 44'
Th. .psonliodle, " . "i WOming "
.1.; Reek former, " , , Lyeoming "
11.1 11. Mutton, former Principal Troy
(traded School. ' ! , .1
A; 11.13erlin, former Principal Montrose
Graded School..
11. F. Phtcher, former,PrinciPai Towanda
Public 84hools. '
F. M. Smith, Teacher of Maths., &c.,
State Normal School, Mansileld. '
LOTpuel Ammerman; Teacher Lang., &c.,
State Nor: School, Mansfield.','
AlOnso Ammerman, Princ. of Cotn.,Deo,
5 . ... - to Nor. School, Mansfield. ',.'
'lllie County Superintendentis above
naed, with two exceptions, are still act
ing as such in their respee.tive'e,ounties,
an have expressed themselvea as having
uni oimly oppased• changing? the above
mentioned books for the reasons'stated in
their appeal to , their patrons. 1
The publishers desire to say to any not
familiar with these books, that they most
.rdially invite attention to-the follovring,
samong the many points of, superiority
ndlexcellenee :
The Paper, Type, Binding, Ifilualra
tionx, and Meehanteal execution.'
Tie Grad4tioa and ProgrOsiec Char.
teter of the series. - . '
The high, unexceptionable moral tone of
he selections in each book. I, -
The cheapness EA compared witlkother
tries in respect to qualify, number of In
we,. quantity of reading matter, ske., Atc.
N. B.—Sample chilies for examination
nd comparison will he furnished gratui
usly on application to' Witrreoun ts
:11A mr, Towanda, Pa., or the publishers,
Iv [SON, BLAKEMA N, TAYLOR, 4.t.ti3i;
138 & 140, Grand St., Now York.
.. .
New Prints at [KENT & )31.n!s.'
glirNew Dress GthAs at KENT & Blass'
New 1$ of Shawls at KENT &
New goods received dally at 111t7DLIWAN'a
Engraving done at Iliort>swai*N's Jewelry
nOw-stook of corsets At KENT &
12111 MI
Dattr4ck . rattqus at KENT &
' Ladies' Linen Suits at Kravr
k iIL ste.
W I Call at KENT it BLISS' and sec
tlielr'icrve good&
Nnw 01 Cloths - and Cassimeres at
litNrik ---• i
Cam` A large assortment of stiiring and
sumito r hats, Just received, at Xt.
Dollar-and-a-half books for 99 cts.
Block. -
A full lino of Para?ails and Fans at
• Buss'.
ENDLIEM AN offers a great redintion In Sl►
air I
A fall line of Hosiery antl Gloves at
A full lino of Summer at
Vint° goods in great variety at
l ar
Viir iro to Notyr Buss' foi your No and Fancy Goods.
rir, you can buy a plated Castor for Off
mute, In; Mercur Block. .
all at KENT & '
and look
at their
Tact Grenadine,.
: r
I •
arit. large. stock of games and toys,
.2i, cost, 14 WHITCOMB & SHAVViI.
rir 'OR RENT.—The dwelling 11011n0
latOy occ ll upk•d by Col. lionTON, on Slain st.iVet,
Elnittlro lot D.C. DEW ITT.
Il k -, , the latest publications, very
ch—ar, at
ve4thing in the lino of station-
IITC0111: h 811AUT'S.
t:gr .1 1
ery at W
Blauk Boots mauulactured In the country. •
to largest and best assortment of
' ming t. town. at . M. E. EosisrlELD'R.
M r.
Ivring c
ou can get all the latest styles of
, very cheap, a'c ~4 onn h SUAUT*B
M ".
palrs for
, le by It. M. W
he largest and best a-ssortmei . it of
rer brought to this place, ctn nos 7 be
OFT & SON& [t )et.
seen at r
I . ,
,EItIiSIIIRE PICS.----One: pair fine
1 ,:ind throe pairs ow, toonth old, for sale
I V - Ettic.ii, Wjaltislog. itradford Co,—Jl4.
II Wheeler, - No. (I, combined
mower, is a splendid maelilno„ ('all
It. M, & SON.-
W .. .
it .‘por an,
and. o it 1
QED.—Soveral spans of yohng hor,
, bo sumo, lona, and 0.4 size'.
C. Mnsivtt.t.x, 141.141: I
$e s. Mus
PUNT, price rcillic'ed to
,on. In 5 gallon palls t 1.90,
- I
t 2 per gal
R. M. \V act.t.r. a $l4:1
Lion will besurprised to learn bow
;can buy for o cents In Mercue
VE - 11
inueli you
air Gol , Sliver, and Steel Spectacles, and Eye.
Glasses, I great variety, at Ilr.sraLstais 6 Jewel
uStore. ,
rtl Improved Kirby Mower is a
• liable and cheap inach Inn. I;eaping at.
t wished. It. M. WEaES
neat reduction in American
,t eIIAMIIERLIN'S.[Jutie 5.
' •
ice Lours nt Dr. lior,stni's
from 9 o'clock A. Y. tck4 o'clock r. U.
ra r " .
tat Moms'
sharp tha
ENDM.IIfAIti has tho`St . : stock
Jewelry atul Silverware, ever !insight
Call and sea ►t.
tom' 1
of Met
11110 this t
the'Notice, there is a great re-
Waltham and Elgin litialehmi. Call nt
!A WA 1110 you wlll be sure li3,llny ono a
Ito Is offering.
M .. I
the ptict.
't fall to ea!' at Ilenut.aara74's, If you
anything In the line of Jewelry, Silver
,plated Ware
w Do
WWI to tin
and Silver
ill, brothers, pull with care, your
. .
winter-worn and cumbrous unitairty awl !envelope
• I
yonrself in a Mc). duntatre,and prepares to e nj oyy the
summer stipbalre. You can .supply youtautvas at
liosEs:ritiLD'2, , --Jutni 14. : '
ANTED.—A reliable inan in °r
1p in thia autS ;.I.lJelubig countiel, to act
or the Ne„• 110ory (get reneAylein!a.
es will be pabrio ertlelent men. Call
; ,.1 U. C. GOODRICH & Co., Towanda,
cry towns
a , Agcnt
(lt*al mlar
a• 1 or :uld
ka notice ! That FOSTER; SCOTT
!enter In any part of the Born, Flour,
teal, for ou lelivery, at file
a Co. wilt 1.
Feed, and
111g rates: I
11 , st, vino,
.• Red
. "
Feed and
Nottlt Ti,
'flat, per cwt 40
wands, July
Wynliming Dia-
Ilecting.vill he held ts; near Mint
on tho Montrose Mall Road.' iscitisl
ect daily at Tnukhannock with Lehigh
L commencing August 23, 1878, and
Intim days. Good L•oard on tho'ground
s i lo rams. '
Diet Camp
IN'k Depot,
trains anal
Valley IL
at mammal))
rple of Bradford Ottaty come to this
• ruarles, praying fur the success of the
sloe! of Christ.
.1. T. WALK Ell. PrfHtlrtlt.
.1. 11. tt• EsTos, secretary.
Pa.. Juno I, 15'r.
Lett. the p i of tall
"'omits 4.:,
rei - el
P ETON vc t. 9 !Ali! A .
Paiyersal 'Library eek Wel/ 1
t _national troth, the terEist tutd most
Su thli country, tu now co.riaplitte4.
TON .k
. segtc, an fully illuatrated with lisps
op. • The coat at lt, -to tha pubthanch
printing and nlnding, escoredigsktn,*
tr. APOLItTON 90.1 Yet
40031 k
*their rOchioes.
1 0;1 1 0 1 # 111 .00 1 40•W 'O I P AO '1 ' A
Ith,t , , a conceded fact that 111„r:E.
Rositirtibto la bone} , posted In the clothing trade'
than any other delffer in Towanda,ml his aniunuice':
meat In. another column will attract attention .
wherever he is known. The statements beaelhe
evidence of truth on their face, and the public will
not be slow to avail theMselves of Ida most gener
ous offers. It wou.l43,:withiMt doubt, be imirelyto
Mr. ff.'s pecuniary profit, to. close his store, Mel
await an advancement in prices, bnt his plain.
thropic spirit and interest In his en - igniters !tupelo
him to * different course. Ills • unselfish and
straightforward manner of dealing luthls Instance
is another evidence that the renegue(' heretofore
reposed In him by a rounding public, was not ID*
placed. 1431
Tint BEST PA.B.LOR Oltli Ali IX .•iitte
Irost.o.—Prot. Harz cordially Invites the politic
toad at the Ward Itouse;where ho will be please/
to show them his newly Improved Orchestral Lyme
bal Organ, proclaimed by the profession the beet
now made, which ho offers at prices that defy coM
Ito *hobs* with him two styles of his improved
Squire Grand Manus, which ho offers at very, low
`priclos. Ile will show yon the original letterset
recommendation from such men as , Litt, Gait•
eralxxa, SENTr i :and uther great men In the pro
We. the undersigned, have heard and examined
the Organs and Planes mankacturod by Prof. E.
II sta. and pronounce them, for Leanly of tone and
finish, First Class.,
IT Torate.—Every one, at times; tibia'
tho neeewilty . of some restotatfire.Of tho vital poW.
erg, depressed by mental or bodily exhaustion. Itt
such conditions lot every one, instead of flying to
the alcoholic or medicinal stimulant*, whirr' moat
be followed by depreasion:equal to therrexcltement s
reinvigorate his• deranged: system by the natural
tonic elements of thdrYlti7VlAN
Gentlemen—Since :taking the Peruvian Synq. I
feel better, my strength Is improved; my bowels
are regular, my appetite is Orst rate. I have roe.
conmended It to my friends, and they are using it. l
There Is an old physician In this city (older than
ani) who has been In the drug. business for forty
years, who has 'flied the Syrup for three mouths;
and i gives It as his decided opinion that It Is the
best Alterative Tonle Medicine he ever knew.
Yours truly,
I Wyoming Seminary and CoOmer.
cial College, Kingston, Maseru° CO.. Pa. Rey. II
COPELANP, PII. P., Principal. 'Thu Wyoming
Seminary otters to students the following courses
of study: I. Common English; 11. Course in Mt:
eratttre and Science; lit. Classical Course; IV;
Colitlge Preparatory course; V. Scientific Prepay:
story Course; VI. Course In Music; Vll. Como
Art; VIII. • bourse for Teachers. French;
German and: Painting taught by competentt, teach .
ers; 'Music 11 a German Protesmr. Thetommer.
dal College gites instruction in. Retail and Whole
gale riushiptot, Forwarding : and Commission
Hess, Banking. Penmanship, Telegraphy, Comnier .
Mai Law,l3tc. The WyomingLEirmltiary Is one of
the largest and best sustainedschools or the kind
In the country. .Accouiniodattons for 175 lxxiniers
and 200 day' scholars. 'lnstruction thorough and
prices reasonable. Fan Ti.;rm opens Ang. 30, 1870.
For Catalogites, containing full Inflrmation, ad.:
dress the Principal.
it. NEtsol, Priort Board of Trustees,
11. Wll EELER, s:cre_tary.ol)l.o%G.
Or A Cure for Bronchitis.
Adamsbing, Snyder Cm, Pa:, July 10, ISO
Menses. Seth -IV. Fowle St Son, Beaton,
Gents:—About two years age I had a severe at- .
tack of hronchltis. My throat was very sore, and
at one time t could not speak above a whisper,
Reading In one of your pantjadets of the cures that
had been affected by Dr. Wistars Balsam of Wild
Chery, I was Induced to give the article a trial, ,he
result of which was quite satisfactory. The use of
one bottle restored me so much that I thought titers
was no need of taking more, but upon taking a
slight cold, I felt the trthible returning. I then
took half a bottle of the Balsam, which- has entirely
cured Inc. *,now with, pleasure iiceonuneud this
really invaluable article to all who arc suffering
from similar diseases, and am confident that, after
a single trial, they win speak of it in the terms I
now do. Res4ectfutly yours,
Caerrosr.—Beware of preparations Waring sim
ilar names. Examine thel bottle rarilly before
purchasing, and be' sure you get tar's Bal
sam of Wild Cherry, baying the signature of "1.
Butts" on the wrapper. so emits and fl a bottl...
nrsSELL-11ENDERstloT.—At Onvelllllll.Ju
ly 4, by Rey..l. Ife balls, A. M. Russell and 1111 as
• Sarah fientlerih 4.,•both of Orwell.
SIIEPARD—MASON.t-In Franklin, July " by
liar. Calvin Newegi A. M. Shepard and las
Maggie J. Mason,- both of Franklin.
KISSIELL-4; I LLEN.--In Morryal, July 4, by Rev.
D. Cook, D. B. Kiss.ll and -Margaret &linen, both
of 'Orrick.
t ruLLywrox—lllNSTEit.-113 New York Cit.,.
Juno 20, by Bey. B. It. Gregory, DD.. Frank W.
Fullerton, of New York Clty, to MBA SadlelJ.
Brlster, daughter of Mal Brlster,of
Bradford Co., Pa. •
1 1 McNEAL--SWEF.T.—IIt Monroe. July In, by Bev.
Armstroug, Mr.! John A. McNeal and Miss
ma Sweet, both of Asyltuun.
V NC t 11 on rout on, .1 tily'• 3, by
llollett, Esq., Sumner Vanelse rud Miss
Nate .calet, both of Shesheroln. -
luvi X E.— A tW arren, - Warren Cu., r., q .lunt. 16,
M Las Mary I ryint
She wits born M Towanda, Oct. 23.15 .1 %..a11il
be remembered by uiainp, having lived twenty
years at the latter place. -
REI"Itir.SF.NT ATI V T y 1,611.,0f Gran.
rine, will it inesented to the Reinliall'au County
Convention, as 3 eanclidato for Representative. !Id
Is eminently n,ted for the position, awl his 'lumina.
Mon would meet with the apprarat of tho enttse
.west. i
. . •
REPILESF.NTATIVF.. The; name of. A. R.
SCMNIM, (it Tuscarora, will be pre-:oiled to the
'Republican County Consentliin, M a candidate for
Mepresetitative. Tuscarora rs one or the most rella.
,ble Republican township% In the county, and 11133
seldom, lf'ecer, been honored with a candidate,
Mr. SV3INER will be strongly timed by the best
men In the cast, and his nomination would certain.
ly reflect credit upon the partY.
RECRESENTATIVE.—Vp the Republican etce
tera of Bradford County:—We propose the ?dine of
as a candidate fur the °nice of Representative, soh
ject to the decision of the Republican Conception,
to be held at Towanda on the ni of August next.,
Mr. BARRO*CLIPF'S reitibileanisin is AS Old AS
the Party, and his ability apt% integrity in every re
spect beyond question, As his neighbors and friends
we ask a favorable considegthin of his cindidaq,
assuring our friends that If nominated' he hat only
ought nothut cannot bo defeated at the polls.
t tAterr Cone nx. A. .1. St bv An A:
A PURIM FEE.•N. 11. Tlioxi,sos.
REPRESENTATIVE.. Tho Iteputdiratts of
/Muth preek will. present pie name of JOINF.
6,II.LETT to the Comity•Conventinn, as a candbitte
for Representative. Mr. G. is well known al! offer
the western part of the county; Mod his nomination
would meet with a hearty and unanimous approval
from the Republicans of Western Itratlfoni. llia
ability to fill tine millon will; honor to the county
and credit to himself will not to questioned.
DA.sivaitsr. ROC UN E..—Mr. Editor : • Itaving a
knowledgo - of the character ;and standing of the
gentleman above named, whii has announced - iiimft
self a candidate for •Repritintative, Y hereby de
;dre to say to the Repubilcails of Bradford County
that he Is In every nay worthy or your support. No
Interest that - you entrust In the hands will suffer.
Ills integrity is unipiestioned fits ability to till
the place, no one who knows him will doubt. This
Is the class of men we need in our legislatlve- F
balls 'Thp Republican party. : cannot afford at thlsi
time to sot him aside.. There may be other mon as
geed as he In the Uhl, but news bettor ! It Is the
'desire and anxiety or his friends that ho should be
remembered In the coming •V.Micuses and Convert. :
Ron. ' G. S. Tit-t — 'lv r at - e.
e 2 I Dr lett xff TON, July If, 1576.
(From the Rochester Times, Oct. SI, 187.5%,)
Vir Briggs & Brothers, who can boast
.f condneting the largest seedi business In the
moan world, are arranghog to compile a work in
which they will give to. the floricultural' and horti
cultural public the benefit of ',their thirty years of
:sperience In the cultdre of vegetable anti Rower
seeds. The work will be substantially bound, and
to several hundred rages will be Illustrated with
tutuerous colts, chromatic plates and succinct di
rections with regard to the care and culture of tar
rythitrr; known in floral anti vegetable kingdom
We knew of no one better 'panned to treat - on the
',war snWert that) I:rigg% k Brother. whose seeds
are wad in almost every city; loam village or ham . -
et In the United State:. They art practleal grow
era of seeds, :1111i Iho forthcoming work will mum
nate from eminently prat: teal soitrees. What Seth
(trent Is to fish, Barry or Partly to fruits, Brigs at
Brother are to Need% A ery large edition will be.
üblished which, it is well undershoot, will lessen
the price's'' , volume. Purchasers of the work out
right win only he charged coot. whilo ~ t he eustotn
erabt Brim it tiro. will receive It as a premium
oaths purchase of seeds. The intended work will
go to press about May nest, and the artists are now
engaged upon the envarinvoi It will be separate
and - apart from the January Catalogue, which wilt
be Issued In Meremberi, or. from - any ettsr
.toshilciiions ot iii l's *en known bouts: Lire Inter
eft illaticonist 'et aerikanuiss .stiesni. fits
.10!rtiergatti tik,:iviwolAtsokiwg it; , ,-,-.., -:.;,..-..
'' - .:44 , " IV 11,11011MCIdlile ' -- •,C 2 : ~ ,• 'TM.
z. , 7 - 7 9 - : • '' • ,,,, •••• ,- ,.::'1 ,- ,i , .., - 1,1-1. , ..- . . -, • "
&$744..4k-, 4 ,-...:r.5 - T " 7? : 7-'" ' ,-.'.' ' "': ' 4 . 1 43: , ; 4. • - • ; A
.. -
Pot:?iiiKar.rsle" . IST. Y.. Oct: IR
IV. C. Stratt.Tico.
•7;: k
• •
.—._ _7, , ..,,, - - --.•.--, : - .7 t•-• , ' , - .7, -, 1 q-•:' - ' '
2 4 ;4 0 ttfifilffitA 31 "OL f S
Milinffelinffleat art oar friend 11.
- bli, Of Alba, Pa., keep . In ftbil - an" Mg be'
seeds' Irma that Justly_ eolebrats4 MIN
Bis,. Chldigo; lit., and Itoekester. N. Y.
rgest'seed hbuto ih the world. It will MIN
prise tastily ot OUT readers to learn that over ta,ooo
merchants In the United States handle seed. Mtn
Briggs' k Urn's. whose. boxes, catalogues , labels,
ebromos, kc., are extremely attractive Inkigh cot.
Oringl and artistic finish: One of the newest de
signs from the bands of their artists la what Is call.
lid "Briggs it Brother's Great Tomato Race on their
Hrounds," and represents a race came with per
fect representations of the,dlfferent varietimi of to.
tastes striving for the honors of leadership. The
design is extremely happy and . pleasant, besides
Ccatvoling to the farmer or hortleulturiet consider
able Information upon the merits of the different
tweaks,. We see that they place as their leading
varieties the Green Gage Conqueror and Hatha
way's Excelsior, while they rate other varieties In
the following order of merit: Trophy, Depee,
Goners) Grant, .11ubbard Curled 'Lear, : Ile rs
Goltah; Large Early Red, Dwarf Orange leld,
Dwarf Early Red, Heyes's Early , Pirdille, Slinmirs
Cluster, and la the rear,Vith reins thrown to the
ground and a telescope at his eye to see where the
rest are, Muffles up the Large Yellow. The whole
scene is laid to the richest humor, and no ~AMU
glee the lithograph at tirebb's an examination
10 thout breaking out Into a hearty laugh.
,'. We can assure our readers who desire to order.
Briggs ili Jiro's, weds, that they can serum them
upon Just as 'advantageous terms of G. 11. Webb,
and of Just as good quality, as if ordered direct.
Bee Briggs it tiros. January , number , and order ot.
Gr.o. li. warm, Alba, ra. . . Jang7me.
Mr.A CATID.—To all who aro suffering
from the errors and indiscretions of youth, servons
weaklier.% early decay, loss of numbood. &c. I will
send a recipe that, will-Tura you, FREE OF
CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by
• missionary In South A merles.. Send • sea f-addross.
04 envelope to tbe RYA'. JOsaril T. INsintlt, Nalfsoi
Di. Bale . I.lqueo, New York City.afaylarue •
Cornretect erery Wednesday', by C. O. PATCII
subject to ehuiltes (tally.
WheaNTl bush
Rye, "fi bush
Bhetrtheat, 11 bush
Beaus, bush....
Sutter trolls) fb
do 0161rT4 tb
(.70rh, It bush
Oats, VI bush "
Egri, dot
Putatocs, I buFb, new. -5
Flour, barrel 600 €ll, 1100
WEIGHTS OF CHAlN.—lVileat 60 ; Corn 36 IDS:
Bye 56 Ms; ; Oats In tbs.; Barley 46 lbs.; Buckwheat
56 1A..; Beans 6?. lb.; Brat; 20 tbs.', ekrrer Ser:d 60
Itl.; Timothy Seed 44 Ms.; Dried Peaehd6 33 lb bs.
Dried Apples = DIK..! Flax Seed 50 tbs.
.. _
thr Country Produce, for the week ending
15, 1878, Reported expressly for the BRAD
'sronn ItrAmwriatt, by 11. K. A F. R. I'm:novo II
en.. West (roadway, Heade and Iludson fifteen%
New York. I
RllTTRll.—Receipts for the week 22,000 packages.
Itecelpts hare fallen off considerably, and prices
for fineSt qualities aro more steadily maintained,
While some few dealers claim a slight Improvement
.slyer those tealized earlier in the week. The me=
diem and inferior.gcades are dull and no imlyrnre
ment can be noticed in prices or demand.
' We quote:— ,
State Dairies, pails , selected • ' .01a27
.. ,o. •' fair to goal 240.25
creamery, choice , 280.29
" gr,oo to One 20427
firkins selected ' tr.'0221 •
fair to good . :wan
" halt Orkin tubs, ehliol43 selected 264
" • " " " fairto good - s 2ateti24
“ Welsh tubs, selected • Nadi
" " fair to good 21(kaa
Western. creamery, choice 22026
,- " - " fair to good ...... .2:0th24
111, firk ins; selected Isollo
fair to gaol' 15417
Western dairy tubs. selected iffe,,,p
" fair to good 154t7
. Western factory tubs, selected iSlik
falrin good " 14(410
Cii F.f:SE.—Reeelptß for the week, 92,090 packages
ITnervorable foreign atNees and the largely in
creased receipts, together with the extreme warm
weather we are having, havB had a tendency to de•t
110 , K% the market and cause a decline In the value
of all grades, the decline Is larger on the inetlitini
anti Inferior grades than tiee is quality. • Skim
med eheteut are absolutely Without demand, 'being
linpossible to sell touch of that now arriving for
enough to pay transportation,
We quote:—
State factory, fancy.
" fair to irmsl.
Western factory, cheddar line •
flat, One 8 6
44 poor to good 2 t 4
EGGS.—Recolpts for gm week, 7,500 barrels,
The market is quiet but firm at following quo
'We quote:—
State and Penn..,
Western tine freib...,
fair to g•wd. ;
Flour is dull; price Irregular. Meal Is In fair de- I
:nand: market steady. •
Spring wheat, extras
et. Louis, extra
" fancy
" • family
(Jere nteat,
' yeihnv
white •
l'rlees for wlteat-Irregulnr. Barley (inlet. nyo
moderate, reipte4 price, steady. Oats dull, prices
Wray steady, Corn firmly held at qtiotatlens.
'Wheat, Spring, No. I 1 13.1 23
•• NO:2 1 00q1 09'
3111uaukee. No. '2 1 clot 10.
.• Red wilder 1 433 L 10
•' I 17(E01 35
" 12001 35
1 Nal 13 -
3546 3S
370 10
130 - 0
66 56
Oala, 'hilted
" white
Cum we,tern nosed
", yellow
; Market dill, prices weak
Pe a. fair to good
White Kidney
Bed Kidney
Tlto market toilet, prlces nominal.
Crop '75. Stair. good to prime mabis
Wi%. lair to prime 9011
Crop ":1. poor to got 4 . 3 ( 4 4
SF.l.:lls. .. ,
We omit riliOtaliOs on
.gram. Flax In fair re
queNt. prices steady.
Flax, western rough
Mt! demand good, pricensL6.tily
Gorr) to prline- •
There has been sont l o littta demand for apple*
bin out of town, kices rorrespondinxty Atm.
itryir tins. pricey nominal. 11 lack borries.
Cherries and other Mean frutts hate little or no
itennunt. It would dlnienit to - obtain privet;
• ,
Apples, State, sliced
•• " quarters
esterrt, speed
• . " quarters
Southeru, sliced
•• quarters
Peaches, peeled, fano'
fair to good
•` . unpeeled, halves
Illackherries. per ft. •
Cherries, pitted. per th
Plums, per th
11. 'K. & F. 11. THURBER & CO..
Importers. Wle.lesale Grocery & Com. Merchants.
West proadway, Head., & Hudson SO., Y. Y.
Produce Chmintssloilkfleirartment In charge of J.
ti. Oates. Wt 7 reeelvo and sell on Commission all
ktinls of CCuntry Produce; make cash advances on
consignments and furnish stencil plates awl mar
ket quotations when desired. Correspondence so-
Now Advertisements.
T IST OF LETTERS remaining in
rust Orrice at Tow:uula, Itr*ltord CO., ra.,
(or the week enclltig July
Ai's, John
Merkv, Mn J3ines
Braun& Mary ATI
It st~Nrk , Henry
Mennott, Miss Itegiiia
t;nt ler, Thar •
('ash, !sane
ipt,lcitr. Elmira
liirksol.. Mr SherwocA, Sarah
If °limes, Mrs Chi Tumpklwi, F
. .
I Perbons calling for the above letters, will please
say "advertisstl,•• giving date of list.
OST.—On Saturday; July 8,1876,
.x. 4 Hiroo notes, as follows: Two notes for filly
dollars each signed Eraslus Wilson, dated, about
flits Nth rd February 187 c. One note dated'Oeto•
tier 27, ISl'5. signed by Charles and Wllliant How
ell, for thirteen dollars and fifty cents- All payi-
Ide to inr , elr. Persons arc hereby cautioned against
Purchasing alt ur either of the , above notesi as I
base httirprol payment on thou,
G.'ll. TERRY.
TeTry. .1 it)y
of I lie First National Rank at Towanda, lit the
Vitato of. Pennsylvania, at tin, close of business,
June 30, Ina.
Louts and 'lll,i:on:its
Overilraf t
notot, to seeure eirenlatin.
U. S.. ii,ndj.ot,l hand
- Due from appix,red reserve agent%
Due front ,ulier National limits—
Due from State !tants and ilatileers.
‘fleal estate. furniture anal natures...
('urrent eipenses and taxes told
Cheeks 31:it other items
of other National flanks
Frarti)enal currenty (Inel:tiding nickels)
Specie (including gold Treasury notes)
iiegal-tender moles
Iledempflou fund with U. S. Trtmsuretn..
I fiver cent. of circulation) 5241 an
Due from V. S. -Treasurer, other than 5
. 1 per cent. reklemptionlund
stock paid in
So rid us f o !of
I!tio.t onittvidinl itcolitA
N ; ol..nal 11;30k Ont,tasullug....
Vitvigh•tob: ;tumid
IlepoNits ,:lahjert to check
Thae rettitival, s t.f
Ilan to Mho . NattonM 1131111 , 1
liar , to Stalo Ilauks tint' Itatekm....
; Tot al . 630 , 5 4 1 ao
•iate of. Panntcicanla, county of Bradford. 15 5:
1. N. N. ItIVIVS.Jr., cashier ot the Owe named
Nodt. do solemnly swear. that the above statement
into to the best of my knowledge and better.
, N. it.IIIIS,I I TS, Jr., (Mader.
Subscribed and MOM te'llatent ma this 17th da
; Jaw, 19ia... W. II MOINI Notary Publle.
otottetrt‘r4tteett - ItlSSgre I
.. .., ,-,,Ft;--..,..r. ' • . .*. • —,.. "
A' l :..:I
---:- `'" Illrrhiattsiglitti. • -'-, -:, ,-
, .-. , ...;:-. 4 ... -.-...,...,....-:,.. . ---4,-,..-
.---, -..
:a ', JULY Mu, ICC
, • , q . : ..--.. ,
"rides kali* An4n4inon aclollatet: . ' •
__ _
_ri (eta Perkionsen BraneA.) • .
for rhilailsjiPla at, AU% •o:20, •8.50 I. m., !)if
oo goon, Loa'and •0,2510. m. '
_ ~., owyromra. ,
Por fhtlatielpts, at *4.30 a. in., *l3 noon and $.lO
P. sp• : ' _-
(via Sa4 Pensa.Branek)
Tor Reading. itak 5.60, and ail a, in.. 12.20, 2.10
4.Xf_ancl Lou p. In.
For Harrisburg, 211.30, LSO, and SAS a. m.. 12.20, IA
andio.oo p. m.
For Uneasier and Cohlmbla, 6.50, 6.36 a. M., and
. m.
t Dees not run on Mondays.
Yoe neadlng, 240 5.2.23 and 9.00 p. m.
Pot ganisburic. 2.30 a, m. and 9.00 p. in.
'riiitios for' Atientor* Luna acfol tow
Leta Atalanta Branch.)
Maya Philadelphia, IV" 9.1 b s. .2.1 . 5; 5.25,
• and 'LOD p. m.
Bridgeport, 8.52, 0,501 a. in., 2447, 4,0, 1417
an4;7.40 p.
... P., ..• 1 ,
Leal* Philadelphia, 8.05 a. m., and '4.10. 'p. in
.. i . . •
i , .i (eta East eland. v Branek)
43 _ } • .
LeavalßeMlng.7.4o, 7...5, 10.35 a.' m., 4.00, 11.10, and'
10.30 p. m. ,
Leavee Hanisburg, 5.20,41.15,8.10 a. hi., 2.00, 3.171144
Mr. FM .'
Lea 7.4 rrtLancaster. a. m.,1?..'53. and L 43 p.m.
Learfeolumbla 5.30, 7.30 a. m., 1.00 And 3.34 14 to.
• , •,..1
•,;,, . nuADATS.
• I :` .
Leatißeading,:7.3s Moll 7.40 a. m. . I
Leirro i llartisourg, 5. - M l at. nt. . : i
- Trains marked thus (•) run to and [rota depot.
Mb sold Green Atthets, other trains to and from
Browretreet depot.
TIM a.Z3 a.ali.train I.
Philadelphia and 0.25
p. us. train from Allentown have through tars to
and 'Mom Elmira, 3, , i. Y.' . - 1 :
Tht17.15 p. nt.lraln teem Philadelphia and 1100
noon train trout Allentinen hare through can
J o
and [rem Pittston. I i •
Theli. 55 p. in; train from Philadelphia and 8.70
a. m. train front Allentown hare through ears to
and from Mauch Chunk. ~
1 000
J. I r . wooTTEK„
, rezterat Supeiistraidesd
H. - J A COBS '• S BLE
Now takes pleasure In calling attention to . its
10 al2
7., ; (21 s'2
15 0
15 0
.3 2564 90
4. 25 a I 95
.4 7(0)1 90
.5 00645 50
.7 000 00
.2 6302 90
A AlOspectlon or his stock will be sufficient to'
satisfy an that be can offer greater inducements
than chin [march Es ":6
1400 K BlNDER'r.—The public is
- Rispoctrulli Informed that tho Book Bindery:
has been removed to the itkrouTatt Building*
third stnry, where will be, douo
In all It various. hranehes,lon• terms. as reaaottable
as the “bard times" . will allow. The Bindery, will
be undo* the charge of I
• :1 .. . .
An expOleneed Milder, a l nd all work will. be
promptly done to a style and manner which cannot
he 43 icolled. MuAlc, Magazines; Newspapers Old
Books. Air:v., bound In every style, l'articularatten
tion wilt he paid lathe Ruling and Binding tir.
...... 71n4 95
10011 20
10001 'AI
ooqqt 25
to any depdred pattern, wbleb iu quality and dttrie
blllty will be warranted. .
Si' All world be ready fur delivery /het
prvintseii. -
195 41 50
The patronage or; the pnbile.l3 uollett and per
eot, sattritaction guaranteed..
httlf-Z.fititt •
B '2o 8
RE -I ,:if E 'A! .B E It !
.. 8 ( Pt
. 8 '
Tya) 8
• • 7'1•68
..13 014
.• 9 012
9 011
8 0
.14 015
..12 013
..24 025
Jorttan, Annie
Lirga , e, J .1
Morrison, 4.7arrio
Mefulness, Therla
M.italmen. - Katy
Moore, MrsJilary
Martin. Annie
• ,
Office on Park:st., n
Robinsn, Ella
Hllawn, it 111
. r
. ~ !
.:'. i 1
I have just received a large supply of i
, s , !
'Manufactured from atone seLeted'hy myself, and
• t - js : warranted S URE.
~,....-..--: • !
PRlCE'—Cash, $ 50; or time, g 7 On, Send iln
your orders ..
. s !
Rumergisid, m;reh I, 1876 l
' i -' , -:i •; _i_2„,.
XAITTION.!-- Wileretts, iny wife
j MARY ANN has left tily tred and boarl with
out just cause or provocation, I hereby WWI all
persons harburing or trusting her on my account'. as
I shall pay 110 debts; of her contracting after this
date, unltirs compelled. 4 1
June 2:411876.-35. 14431'L. , V. BROWN;
S. W. A !NORD, P. M.
+363,313 89
3,519 7t
125,000 00
oo 00
50,742 91
5.418 59
7,014 02
. 22.400'00
. 8,012 . 22
. 4.463,19
. 12.308 00
. 1.784 G 2
. 14833 211
. 20,747 00
6610,634 80
1121,000 00
59.000 00
110,2•10 00
:10.351 4
52,137 01
W,C.k.I 53
171 a'J
%I't, •
it But th* who are wise cuough to ]
*corer am; fault w th the Totality of the ' ;
. 1 Ma.
14. C. Will-TAKER,
rii AT THE
E 5
I. I f.V E IT,
jr you pON'T
I';ir Court house
. .
T . 44 XF101.TTOIt'S NOTlCE.—Notice
II ls hereby given that ail persons Indebtettto
the estate r; of Melly r . Humphrey, late of Warren,
deed, must mate immedLate paytnent to the un
dersigned; and all persons hiving claims upon said
estate must present there, duly authenticated, for
settlement: . I .
1 Executor,
uls hereby glviin that at persons Indebted Ito
the estate of debt's Keeler late of Wyalualelg,
deed, mast mateilmmedlate payment tothe on
derslgned4 and all ,persons 'taring claims agalipo
said ostatt must present the n,4uly authootteatark,
for sottionieut.
her'eby given that all perinea hi
hijhe estate ut httkes Stllee, late Ut Wy!l
- • make i l ra immedlate pasuaeut
all perenukhavlng elahnsa %Wit said estate must
rit;:tthOin duly all thetittc led for settlement - .
i. "Z. H. STRUNK,
w 6 ".j
—take le afeby &en that aU persons In
tothe estate of E. X. Coffins. Lite of Wtad
ham, &teased. mutt make Immediateps meattr
the fuldefalgued, anti all venous hsH althea
ftiplaet., sad cottage Mast
y reemit them, duly itithet"
MIMI, illle ebttleeeent; . L , • .
?;11A 1! @ 1P iftir. , , : . ...i .. c ,
77., -...;-y: : :::,: a l -.-,,:-.1-,,,....k91.7::.
. - a - o ....-A*sllkaat-44a-13,-,14.i.-..,
~~~ l
I WU!,
We offerthi
iiow is the tin] ,
e intend to e
_ shing to; bay
, •
_ I .
Please call and e
- •
-,.• N zw-t , • .
-1 •rv.
week the balance of
to secure a bargain.
ose them out. Those
.must 0111 early.
' all Gonda for Men
, ye' wear.;
In (ac
I ,
A large lot just received,
and will be sold at rower
prices than before for )ears.
Best stock we bays ever ex
hibited. Will, be sold at
greatly reduced prices to
close 00, the stciek..
ce our Spring and
• To icdo'
SHOES, &c.,
mine our Goode.
. P
4 ,1",
..7 , „?.?•„.,...'„t,, ,7 .
-,:.c-7,-';• — .1: - ••• - •
peigo l hatiaivoisul .1114
or, Benda ; het all boot_ ISOM
debt4, Ilse so Arm, Dare lesmMillgesee
me for lettlereett Poi "eoffiletloll.'.
iteowleir themselves to be Indebted M issof
will please mate lionsedistir payment tome,
aU Psrsoll* keen claims samba aid Inas wig
pease pre,lent their clams to me forpert.
^ 3 1
!room* July -
SHERIFF. S A , VirtiLe imil l,v,; , : , r.
a cerrian writ of) eendffiellt,
out of the' Court Of ACAMMtio Plus f 4 M u rad i re - Ord.Cti4 ,- ..' , :•, - .? - 3 1',
I will esiiieve at pnblie sale at the door of the Coen '''. -- ,5 - -;',,,„'- -- . -
Mouse, in Towanda. on 1 , 1107.44 1 11% BM ai ',':. - 4': , c,
o'clock r. 164: the tenanting nasalised is -,. t..., ,. - - - -- ;' 4 , - : - •
One lot Not bounded ho the north *amok . ,:-.,, 2 , -.. - k
fr t ioi
stead lot of the late David Cash, elt ste t', by --: --,- , '.:'i'i,
Third street; South bpPlae ,streeti'and Want • - ,1: - '•-;:l. ,
alley; being stems 1171 titres* on said Th st. 'get . ' :.;
about 213 ft • deep, with; a Lair. - noir, story -., :..--
brick dtrelling honse.l:mor framed barn Of . , -2-r:1
house, other out buildings and ,fele ' Men, -) . 5„. ,- .; - ,.;"
thereon. ''; ''',, '.. '''- , ) '; -.I- ;: ';',,.''•
ALSO--alte undivided interest In thplolicesei: . -•:• - '..'r'
tog described tot oft situate situate most In' TooMnoi - • •,- :„.:,..r.J.,
pa bore, and partly I Towanda. twp, ..
On , : • -,--•• -. - -j
the north by lands of the estate of the late M. Chitr.l -• ---. •:-.--/,.. ‘•1
bole Ward,sast by Miehaniestreet. and esrialn total ~
_. .--
heretofore conveyed to AI. Schoonover. T ile lifter. 1 - • . ;,•••
mail, Geo Stedge, 1.4111 e: Robinson and Wm iThOMIII-j . , : .•• :
80D, south by land Pow earned by Jas• Word:. -• ;.••,•••••"
i-a • . --
west -by lands fon:Orly ' owned by ....V, .. ~,:
Chamiel. containing 14 acres of land. es I ,
all improved, with a large spring of water Prom, , :-.'-;
and water plpm !ni's limit the SaM to 141 -
house 'of Wm Drifts. , 3 .• . • • • t • -.., .- :
ALSO,,-One other liit of land in Standing' Stimeti -- • *,-..'
twp, bounded as folldwi" Beginning 42 iq yellow
pine. corner of lands , formerly of the'James Espy - ,-.• :.
estate, now Landmestier,ithenct north 211,11* east ,
on land of said Landmetmer 102 rods to M potty-'
- • • -.•.,
thence south 07,6* cost %Sl:dean Ilneof odd Lail& - . •.•-• .
messes to a post; thence; north Or esat ou said • -,_....-
bi; ktn
Landmesser 77. roditott poet oniline.of of ' lands ' . --, •
-of Wm Oriel"; th.nee t, south 2)4, 0 west on l ine of- - ,
1131 d 0414511 rd Wm 'A Squires awl Chu
1424 rods to a post; thOnee north Sr west 64 I
rods on Item of Patrick Boyle and Landineseei to
place of beginning, containing rug delis of Mud, • T. ' f'•
I _ , •!..-.- - .-7
mote of lest. 4 ,, , • k
- ALSO--One Mbar lot, - of land In Building MOW; a', ,
tarp, bounded - as follows: beginning at a white oak ; - ,
sapling on line of Wm *Squires. thence north OHO I .. , •'•
east on IWO of said Wm A., Squires 54 rods toe ma:,
pie sapling, the upper Side of the old road4thesee ' -• '.
north 21* east 3, 1 4 rods . to the new road.ltbetten ,' -
south 60 0 . east along new read 4 rods tea homkeit - ' -
bush, upper Side of old rcod; thence nortk 4636 0 I . • -
east in the road 30 rod's to the lies of VI-3.201 Ste. I . •, •
then; thence north 210 1 east on line of said Sits. . ,
and Ilankinion ; land; thence north MI west ; ;.
then. 21 rods. to a peot,4 corner of said slathers 1 • - '.'•
on lifeenmketVellne $17% ottle to s pest: of I - '.
Landmesser; thence south 2° west oft Data l• , •
and GriEs'etine 72 rods to the ' place og; ; ' /. ,
containing about 27 acres, or• Ws. The two I
tracts above described Constitute what Is ktioern as I ,
Wm °rift' , bid farm. being about 1= acres CCU: l dg Ik
more or less. about 100 Improved. with 1 new fratis2 , '
ed house, I (rimed barb 1410. with shed attached, '
16:60. and orchard of fruit trees shunts:. I - , ,
ALSO—ripe other t i o n i . of . land in Standln.g. Stone 7 .
iwp, bounded notlheo by lar4le of Mrs INhlpplO -
and Landmessei. eas.... ,y by ISEds or .I.antt soar ! _
southerly by lauds of the Lehigh . Talley co.
and westerly by land' of Mrs - King. Dan 1 Jen- ,
nings, Mrs I,Xestbrook end - &Venture:4 co n n e ping,g,, • -- .
tes aeres'ef ,stet, more ler less, tee isno ,
provedorithav o!d ' frAmel house, 3 tram. barns'', ''• I
and orchard' of fruit 1 r e .,1 thereon., Known as the
.., _
Grin's river farm. Seized and taken tuto'eseen- , I
lion at the suit of the First National Bank MOW, fa. '
use of D. A. Overion.lf: trust for ElizaM. Ofertmo" 1
against WilllSin GAVIN. I .
~- 1 • •:' briplklW J LATTON„ : t
i .
~ Shiite; • _.
Sheriff's ODre, July le, 1676. , ; ' I
A ...
unfirows pitricE.-34t.H. •
C. Ward"s Executors . Henry War d. laths • ,
eoort of Counion , Plc of Bridford Conn , No. •:-, '
636. Feb. Tetra 1071. . ; •^' I . - •,.
The undersigned, an .2:i#11:or appointzd to Ws. ' • i'' .
tribute money in the Sheri:Vs hands, arkdrt from
the sale of defendant's real 'estate, will *lt ta d to
his appointment at . the Court Menlo, lit
Towanda Wore., on MONDAY, July " lino.
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon', at which ti and " •
Place all' persons harlot; 'claims upon sal fend
must present them or 'forever ,de from'
corning in on the same.,. ,
. B. LLTTLE, Auditor.
r 1
Jiine 15, 78 ' :i11-11
The tuitiorsigned,i Adniiniserator of the es
ts,e of Mary E. Snben.pate of Albany t ' shlp,
whl sell at Public Sale en the premi2K .sli SAT
URDAY% AUGUST 1 187 6 . corm -in at 3
tiz e
o'c'orir., P. St.; the _ roli wing desory ,il. p rty:
Rounded onl he north l and east Ward erniveyed
by P. S:liossell and wife and John F. Means and
wire to nenJaniin .Jones, and ma the smith and west
by the main' road leading from Tarrytown Wilt**
nv. containing about it( acres. more or kit!, on
which 14 steam saw mlll plank dwelling hour and
blaektimith shop. , '
TEIMIS Ole SALE. so ron.ttie property iheing
,strack down and the , balance en . confirmation at
. -- t , i .E. S. taßicr,
• . [ I 1 Administrator.
_LI BEADFORD COUNTY. ss,A•ln thet nut
ter of she 'partition' of the real estate of OCT VAS
A. HOLDEN. late of tee tawnship of Ato,rilm, In
said county, deed. • 1 •
I At an Orphans' Court held it towanda, lit and
for said county, •on the. ath day of May. lad, on
luotion of Overton ft Els)reer; Attorneys forl%iees
'C. Holden. one of the Mini. of the said Octa A
'15,4412. , 1.-e.'11...;1he . Conn' Olivet that nobles IA
givMT4 the heirs to conic Into Conn on the *mond
ltlonday of the ner,t S , pteniber term 9t Court, at %
o'clock. P. 31.„ and bid or rafuse told this tad
land, or to takelhe sated atthe valuation or refit%
Fo take the land described
I n. said pardtiod, and
direct that tedice be evert to eV the'hel. .1
those Jiving tint of the c4unty by a pnblicatitin f a r
three succe:4-Iye weeks ill the BRADFORD Taxon
7it, and that a ropy of Saidpapors containing %id
publication be malted to tho post•office addrpas of
each of the persons int mated In sald-estate, and
.to Sarah Jenny at her t at known place of relate,
viz: Xerkshlre, Wertnpn :
By the Cottvt, ' 1 I .
Y, D. =OM - AV, Presidnit Jildge.
June IS. 1870, V.IE. ANDRUS, C -rls. '1
of an order Issaedi qqdt of the Court atom.
Mon Pleas of Bradford! pinty, the undersigned
will expo...E. at sale; on NVEDNESDAT. Au=
goat at IA o'clock a." to., on tho pram** In
Wilmot. and at 2 p. m. Its Terry. th. following ites. -
eribed property.. One Idt Isltnate ba Minuet, ant:l
bounded as follows: 1 I •
: Beginning St thel north-west corner of thip e ltest.
ben Downing warrant, at a Peet, thence vast along •
the north lineof raid warrant 177 5-ICp to a (inner
rlt lot of J. & Horton: ithence south along Ilse of
J. & H. Horton lot 102 /5.40 p to the mirth-east car
eer of Frank frnowles'llt; thence west iloli th e
Line of said Knowles' lot .177 Slop to warrant; Hne; -
thence along said warrant line Hrf. &dap to The place
Of beginning, containing 11$ acres, - be the same
More or 1e55,:..1 -
A LSO=A half Interestilethe folloWing described
rot, situate In the Townstilpol Terry and described'
As follows: beginning In they Center of the h!ghway .
on Ira Sheparipit south linet.thertre west zzop us a
hemlock; thence ' south Intim& Arch; then=
87p to the highway.t, thence by the several
di' the same to tile place of Iseltittlanit; containing,
acres and 14p, be the ramp more Or MSS. ii
ALSO—A contract titbit° the following described
lid upon which there is yet N T. Horton Shout
ir.,000. and which Is . as follows: oil ,the
north by land, all; 11. 'tin G. H. Welles, On the
West by lands fpemerly Awned ty raid Weller: an
the south by lands of Julla .and on thdeted
by the Susquehanna rifiGl contandrs about 220
ALSO—One other plecq or pare..el or land bJ=.4-.
ed on the north by lands of said Hiram Ttoru
4 l and.
. st
in.: 1m the east;byj lands or H. 4G.
Weller: on the Month hy lards of EVIA7P4 Hang-,
Kau, Wbipple.l Frutchle and Necks: on
the west by 17..c.b.aLa Aviry and G. E. WWI: con.
tatting about" 450 acres, hi which the said luso vent
had an endivided one-half Interest,.
I TER*S:— : 4,3O to be paid Open mica piece Whets.
struck down: 240 on condrnistlen, and . the babinee,
lii one and tiro: years fain 'date of c an,
with Interest. •
I ' Aatlgn
' •
j13 , 141x4
,rfißu ST E F.'S .A I ,E. , --T rusife'a
tale of coal tandAndnrintng property end ad
' purtenances in this county of Bratitord,Sns. of
Pennsylvania. .•; ,1 1 I
By virtue of a certain roorigne or deed of ffnid •
executed and delloter:d by the Fall Creek Maud.
nous Coal Company, of the State of Penns tidbit.
td the undersigned' as Trio*. dated the Drell day
of may, Bill. and.; reeordid In the office for inord.
log deeds, de -.4 in" and for the county of Bradford, ,
hi said State. on Deed IltioleNo. M. page M.1,,;td,, ': -.
& the 14th day "of Ma:4 A.' D... iStia; and slop In . •
.Mortgago Book, No. Is, me lOr, he. , on Giant's'
day of November,. A. D. 10s. 4 • ' '
1. the orderrigned. as Trustee cc 'neeregm. ail. _ - 7
by Win nntire that I wIII.IonTUESDAT. the.Otb :
day of APRIL.' 1671.„ at 12 trctoilt. noon, or bas • :
da s, y. at the Exchange Salta Room No. lit, Boaat.
:won In the "
city, county end state of New lark '-
pin at auction to the highetthldder, the p.
rights, privilege*. and franchises conveyer! In. - , _
t.'0i1..41 to be conveyed tome hy'sahl 'wort or,
d4ed of trued:, default having been . made by arid , •
Company In the tenart ind,co o dttione of said*wt. -
me, and sneh default having continued 'forint* , I
space of allay day.. and Irioetng required In atria. o
hi g "Fe such gale by theibeld . ..nt of certain of , ..
the sal nds re, byjtaid mortgage or deed Of. "
trusl. s Pit h were at the time of suiting gut le. ''.
Twat dine and outtetar.dind.. i ,
The property aforesaid Includes tome at ..
hundred !acres of land. Situate In Franklin *ad '.. • .
oYerton rw.nohlps. In Bradford 'county, Slit of -
Ptnnsylvania, being .c ompo s ed of the wholes t he"
tract of land enrepyed In the name of George
and the several parts of Deets surveyed in the
ot.Gemits Temple. Samuel Edge, Paul liardyisalt - • ",, ;
Andrew Hardy, all of which Is morn accurately ‘.
bounded and deserited IttSabl mortgage; tofether ~ ..
vrith all and „singular the railroads. urines, Ores,.
minerals,. woode, roads. hates; ways., watery, wader. '
courses, easements, rlghtKillwilles, hetediatnOnta °
and appurtenances unto the said prembes belon
' ing and apperbbling. and the reverden re. g.
Wailers, rents, Issues and moats thereof.
For a more fuilawal con aphrie description this
property to be lota, with Its 'boundaries and, ,
(tons, reference mat be bid t o the aid mortemm
of record as aforesaid, on to the original t. '
.in the possesslore of Messrs. Gray Dave . 5t...., , -. '
.torneys. at No: 04"Nssaan street. New York 11. •
TERMS OF . SALE:—Ten! per cent. of the '
erase money is M be paid :cash In band on the,
or sale, and the balance lite he paid within t
days thefts:fie:y..lX the otifeeof Gray a Delon
No. 9, Nassau street, in ;the city of New .
State of New York, and Upon the fdyment the
arid balance In' full the purchaser will yet* a ~.
Deed to the said property; conveying_ such tit so . •
Isivested In me is T rustee as aforesaid. ._.
Dated February 25th. 146.1 - • -
Trustee for the ' Pondholgers 'of Um, 5%11 Cr*: El.
tnnilisaus Coel Company:l ....... . :.....„,
.4 .'
Attorneys tor Trustee , 9, Neelan St.; ~z,
, _ City. .. • , ' I
The above advortisemeri P
apeent In the: felion.
~ '
Er -
ling nAwspapero; tomit: Tbe 1 Sontag Plist.Akto."'
Belled In the Clty of Nair Tort :, the Pktfadet ~.,
Ettrufrer, published in the pity a ?Model to;
and the BRADVIzb RENIRT,n4 Pabibbed bt Te• '
tranda, Bradford'ecrunty. riw .. ~
The sato of the Abffre dltstljbetli MoPorti b __,,_
1 . 4 adjourned to TVZSDAT tha day o!zu.Nri
187e, at the saute hour andpleee.
. pated April, 23, 1873._i
I : • • - CHARIAII IP. • .
Trustee for the bondholders of the IV= t in 11- ' •
Ituntwatts Coal Commit, '' ! ' ,tb53411 41 . - '
The sale of the abate desertbeg proppsy ti hem.
by - ---, a r
-";.- • c , • #
- 4
, t;
.4 , : .; , ):.. , ; . 4z.Ft.
-.- . vr:!..:- - ;?!.-f:,
u_{: 1„