,3 g iitulill t al peparlineitt II II The War on Cut-1170mm am fully persuaded, sayS Prof. Cook, that 'there is no more sure * way to, war'l off cut-worm injuries than to!enter. into partnership with the-birds, in which it shall be the duty of the Party of the first part to plow the land early in the.fall, so that the bluebird, robin, and grakle may have a cut=worm feast before leaving for more-,-, genial 'climes. harrcling wnf aid the party of the second part..'while . a repetition Of the same as early in Alai spring as the season Will permit, will instire a titanksgiving repast of the same nature. 1 feel very certain that from this cause, and not freezing Of 'the larva!, lins originfitocl the unquestion able fah that fall plowing, is an a,1 7 vantago. When unTtected - larva' • • ~ can l surviye a emperaimre of thirty • degrees, i nf• haverove& in the winter of 1:s;4-...), we I;a:ty be slow t 6 Vrt'clit. the freezitiL", mcllhod O i rdeStrUe- tion. Our early spring birds are much put to-it to, , Tain sufficient food for them;clves and brood, and with the opp:frttn_ity will heeome chief :1)..-ttors - nt cut-wyrin destruction. . .I't the birds above named do merit I , inilest praise fu- such valuable ser, • 1, , L!., I have personal pr oo f. . 'fie only method to.. supplant the measures•jwhen they are no's. ' adequate to reMove the evil, with our field eropi, Is in di!ring out hand and destroying. This bypio Tedious a proccAurt;'ai; would 1,J2 thocp:lit at firs,t, as by p feis f. .Tier :don , * the cornfield early in the morniipr) the cut talk will reveal the whereabouts ofj the night maitrader. which by di:rire , arotni:l the stub. spa tpay',sioon I , e rOUild and crushed. As ..rhis plan implies the loss Of at least 4 stalk to the Ifrv:e, it would 1)r very well in planting to practice the wivice of the poet " Two . for the Li:lel:bird. two for the crow (they I ave earM:d theno 4wo for the efit, w,' , l in. and four" to grow." This adj vi he more pertinent it' corn is to he I,la6ted after spring ~ t eeli--ward: I need, hardly s-tly late. opr wet - springs usually nevesitates hit, spring. plowing.. if ' fariner.4-willi heed the above,- and f!;1.1e. tue!rooliz.ifve, to all those civack •remodios '37hieli. obtain annually, an u:nnerited- pf.ce . in our periodicals. tut-ivOrni evil will soon assume 1-ss iinfoostanee. TAU.: ',?t:q( , ii!!ff. ii ag:I111111aFellitIli ; r,,llo , .;vin g eNva,t lof L:ht, .‘, Oeultural • 1 r will be with' intereiiiti (itnip'otato '*rowers : 1 as Park Green is so , : i praciic"il: so ancient. :mil SO 010:11 - ) a 'retaility for ,his I 11 in 4,. thii.L , (to what every I . :inner o n hi, ;:'fill—i(rniirti all (ill:oir1! n"(inns, sueli hanil-iiieking.mnehille.t, 1(16 expi n and . not ,i, thorciti- - h. ',With a little'!, Grerin---the genuine cit. of einirse —is.. entirely safe. and wiileonie the changieli fits use front 'our green- tiutl ti wall papers. where. its on: . exit:dal ions have long !iieudered end death. to the rieher tie!' J..: o ur pi.ila . to iields. The two nnith 7 Leen - trieil at th( l will' Cie, best i,tictaiss cioniinly, either to mix tin,. green I tell 1111:.11.-; of the 1;i1 \vitt' It conning' lu iuhler, or all (d• 1 I P1 . 01)111, , 1 * to Nvith • the piiiii i iortion (Al oiiPart 'six of 'lour, 1111 .titeiv is 110 tie ‘v On the vines, t:""}:er muislitt fi convenient handle that it ma:, lie cal riei I and shaken over (the' person making- the • upri!,i(lit;) or with , ix; lio'ton iein of line wire flaail' li.•l'fi'irat.(.(l 117,( : ' ';') ., .11 , 1 * 0,0! ~; '. . ri,p7 i , 1 117, 0 1, 'lOt tre'ra •S ' , l7; • 'A ft i I t•arefully 111111*' 101111 , 1 the tilllirtniXtql. to all - other pyliparationi , .. The,thitir makes . the g ro.n ipthere tc, that the . heaviest rain is 'l.owiirless to i'emove it. No secomi needed tiff enliirired riiii‘vtli of - Allies demand it.,, I make "1:0 tnixturii i i iit i roniir—orie of powder .11 o f ‘ 1 ,1)1.1 . --7so that in making we need add, only • etiongli of the mixture that we may lie aide to fief• it on the vines.. , I hove thus ::lie(ln enableil to pldV this 1111X4.11rt! (-Vt'll to our ten : and (gailunber vine -4. 'I N 1 Cgild not :211111y it when thi' (lew is on. as the application will be tuoi:e when yines :are (Irv, funl v . . 1 the ri;sirenii i th reconthiended alNyars proVe ,etliietual. I is the inost cenuomic•al yet riiotinfinivrolcil. By using tlour :nix', lire I hate found that 1 Ivo i( ins fll'e •=.11114•Iellt for 00 f•! , .. 11 . \ - i'it s t 1.0 4 . find frequent ly in lattrniis. and taircii .1.1(..in5. i . o "' are' all that are i'ven in seasons (If. c 'lit,: ..m. -- To.‘s . r.--felt in one f l nart (ti . -mornin ,. :• , , milk alt two 'hut tOi., a lar , re frOk'd I • rOi6 lumps. in the vo;ks of throe rS I , eaten I ; beat t in , rorlients sevilral el . ..am through a , it.:A . !•. and ivhen- :wanted 11:!•:1 OV:y. 1 4 b;ti p>ll:49llth 'wit It a lkrisk movt.lnent : it must not Or ill will , •ur , ft: and loose the .; , i•arnme 6f.t he qr,:•an; ; when hot, the toa,:t : it matt ,uttleiently soa 7 with I , utt..r. allot salt : send to 1.,1 , ;,• 114 , 1. 5- the crt'ami -not taken tly ; t‘iapt„-in directions forw:t..hing and silk.-itn(ier el.ithino--may Lt us.t.fnl Vse one ....op.]) ill Tonrip:al - • wtr.tn ivnier, 1 • P -•t111' Lc:Va.:bed. Oien 110 1 ,, *:1! , • , :ly t hrou. , ll the !lima; .thein .Ir\ - p0:..5i1,!(. to it S.tip : theni ii Train in .%Inkt. warnr ; Wrirliz aril them to • proper an(l - 4v in the open air if pos :-.F:;!e. LEMON PIE.-ou6 tablespoo'n All of 10i:ter, tile' same of lkeaping Tull : one cup of sugar, tile same of ('uld water. ty - .) I:4*. , 's, and thejuiee rind 4 - ;f ir.le lemon. Warm the lit.ler,.l - ;eat it with the su.'ar. add the the flour: heat well to-1:q te.o, tht, lemon and last the water. 1;:d:e in it ,erust ; make merin:rui!' . - ! the !whites of three e , :± - ,1-iarol powdered ' , .sugar, spread 'it 1!It. top and I , rown sliolitly in the oven. Tii ri E arc morelaintn•N 1.. 3 i+r I P:I , r t,f • lin,lian(l , 4 than t 1 poon'evoking of wives:, fitticatitnnil #41:1 I=IE E. E. , Qunitme, 1 t J. A. WILT, ' . Committee J. C. CRAWFORD, I ..' . Of Q. W. RYAN, Associate Editsrs. A. A. KEENEY, .. • . Communteatlons may be sent to either of the above ealtors. as may be preferred, and will appedir In the Issue of which he has charge. 0. W. Rya N. Editor in Charge Present Week. cFrom the 'New England Journal of Educatlon.) ,- TEACHERS AT PHIL/DELVEILL [Ono of the most important questions concerhing the Exposition, aid the one we hear most frequently is, "Can we find good hotel accommodations, reasonable in price, and adjacent to the . Exhibition? " In order to MISR et' this question for:the lx refit of the many readers of theJ(tur- Thrl u ho would have satisfactory evidence, N ru have requested a gentleman cif un doubted ability and good judgment to write to us concerning the hotel accom modations near the grounds. lie sends us the following in reply:J PIULADEIXIIIA, May 20, 'l6. ..1111 Dear Sir:- . 7 .. . Yesterday I went to the Athts 'Hotel. It isconvenient, in the Dish sense, to the Machiuery, and ha'f a' mile' from the center of the Main lloildingt but in respect toncarness, allonecould wish, and as near as is de. sir mole to the exhibition grounds. I should say it j Within 3u) feet. The hotel is composed of twp larg , square buildings, connected by a cot-rider which is said to be 1;1011 feet The largur building is two storks in bight, in the front (T is h oh i a great roinn, and far in the cen ter of it is the office. All is oPfn, which gives it a Cool appearance, in .4- hot day. Oveihead are bedrooms. From the cor rider a multitude of two - story cottages project, which ;contain 16' two-bedded rooms. 'At the , end of the ceirrider are the dining-room, kitchen; and laundry. The dining-rooM is very large, and will seat ;;,10) people. I inquired aboutdrain age. and was told all had been well ar• :anted in this regard. The rooms are plain,. celled witlyilaned spruce and paint ed. bedroom has gas, the neeessa ry toilet furniture, a looking-glass; and •. two or four double beds. The charge per day fora bed is, $lOO if oceLpied by one person; if oceupied by two, 75 cents each. Thus, in a two-bed ded room, if there are foUr occupants, the charge per diem is 75 cents each, o 1 1$3.00• for all. If three persMis occupy- a room; the charge is 75 cents each for two, and: for the third. Over each bed-room door is a ventila tOr and the one 'windOw is uul,o,ite.• In the second story of the cottages the r. •oms arc similar, except, that the, walls, ;Ire papered 'instead of being coiled. The to-bedded rooms are 16 feet long, ti feet ‘vide, anti t high. The fbur-bedded-rooms .trc double the widt4) of the single rooms, or 16 feet square by 5 feet in height. The windows, entries; and doors give sulll (*fit ventilation, though recommend zliat the beds be singly oeturpied x You can eng l tge the rooms ahead by p4Chas lug coupons, the plan being to" Pay in 'ad vance,for one yr more days: In case of engaging -in advance, you can order the :-oupous for rooms by express,;-1- 7 *C. 0. D." The dining-room looked nicely, with Ni hitie cloths, Silver ,plated knives and forks, white china, and napkins. The rolloWimr , is a bill of tire for iireakast, May 19: .4.11 , E4n FAST 111.1. OF FARE. . ru t . 1 Mval 310,11. 10c . HOlllOll-, Irir, Finnel! Cake,‘, :tuttiTti C10i..2(4. : Sirloin Stlk 2rx 111,41,1 11:im 15. :%1.11 IL:.•kern 14c Frc,q I:iu,t Ike( Rua.- Mu . tt. , 1.1 10v. tur:gtiv .10e I;cv! Slain 10. r. Szcw cil I 1..1.1 10c. I.yoituake an,l Eggs:Z.4., StArre.l • Liam ooilt•hte 20c. Iti cad and Bult r f unthho.l If other (11.11 , :s are or d: All the young ladies who lodge in the earavanary, should lodge in company. A gent hotel like this cannot atudy the character of each ;of its 4000 oceupantS. There is no reason why, all the school ti:ae r hers of the country should ~ .tot visit the exhibition, be comfortably accommo dated, and return without having experi enced the least dissagreeable annoyance. Perhaps I overlook the inconvenience, a roue_ lady would- remark; but some few May be borne - foi the sake of seeing such an exhibition, and I would gladly take much ruder accommOdations, necesa ry, for the attainment of such an ohjert; The eleventh female county spperinten2 dent was recently' elected in lowa, Mr: I 1nt1 . ,. the defeated candidate, contested the election of Miss ('ouk, the •snectssful one ; on the ground that a woman ,was gin il3le lo the 'otfice. Judge Mitchell, of the 'circuit. court of 'lima, !lecided that, under the constitutional test of >hip, ',3li,s Cook was ineligible. as all wo men in Town. are ineligible, and therefore could not hold the office. Of course this I-art of the decision was very pal:itAle to the dlufly contestant. The remaining., part Of the decision was that the contest 1;n: cci tainly was nut entitled to the office, for he kid nut reetiiyeti a majorit vote. So the ()like !mist remain vacaat, {Mtn a new election. - Both parties appealed to the supreme court,' so that there is a pros pect of a final settlement of a 'question that not only affected Missicook, but ten other - superintendents in the State. Col. AliernetllY. State - SOperintendent;the day aft ! cbludge '3litchell's decision, drafted a 'which said: "No person shall be de , med ineligible, by - reason of - se; to any :ellool office in the State of Iowa:" This was presented to the Legislature, and passed the same day, taking effect:on its passage. So t in the seeming defeat of . ; the right of woolen to hold otlitie in the schools of the State, has come a lqrisla--1 tive enactment forever after settling the -question. 'The State of lowa, as well as I some oilier Western States, have made 'fair tests of the ability of women to fill 1 these offices, (luring. the past ten years. If they had failed, the people would cer tainly not have elected others to rake po .sitious. When they have elected a per- i . son to this responsible office, we are klatt to chroniel: the tact that the Let,islature tht.!' voice or the people. J.. — Considering, however, that it is the imperative duty of the school authorities to adopt the most, stringent measures de sified to interpose a cheek to the Unlimi t(4l spread of these diseases, I would ven ture te , suggest sonic such rules' as the following, as bet calculated to . meet the end propOl.ed: , ". . • I. No pupil' shall be allowed to attend school from any house in which small-pox, varioloij, or searlel fever is prevalent. .A pupil who has been affected with varioloid, , measles, or scarlet fever, shall not be permitted to return to school Until, desquamation having ceased and co l Oalek.ence living complete, the surface o 1 the bodyshall have been finally disinfected by means' of warm baths (with abundant soap), applied upon four sue- C.C,SIVC cloys, or until nO trace of rougl.:- nes.; of the skin remains. The :pupil,,! fin the) - tin t re, :,hall not be allowed en re.- enter school until the teacher shall have. MEM ISIENOMM OZE TI TAW:WI lit:,ailll7i9Hn received . satiefactory: evidence that an clothing worn by the patient has been thoroughly disinfected, arid that the sick room and its contents have been properly cleanied. If the teacher is not satisfied that all practicable disinfection has been effected in the case of any pupil, said pu pil shall not. be readmitted until three , weeks shall have elapsed from the begin ning of convalescence. -111. No pupil shall be 9llowed to at arid school who is affected with dyphtho ria or whooping-cough. Both parents and instructors should be informed as to the mea r sures requisite for the disinfection of the clothing, sick cham ber, etc. Tbey should also be made to appreciate that a neglect of these preatu tions, when children are allowed to retinn to school after Slight eases, forms often a principal source of epidemic infection. It is hardly necessary to add that, un der the supervision of a qualified medical inspector, to whom all obscure and doubt ful points might be referred,- a much more intelligent and judicious enforcement of these rules might be expected." PROBLEMS.-I, hive a board whose sur face contains 452 square feet; the board is 11 inches thick, and I wish to make a cubical box of it. Required, the length of one of its equal sides? As this . problem assumes no waste in making the box, we shall suppose it , made of 6 equal pieces of board, having beveled edges, or each board shaped like a frus trum of 'a cone, the smaller base being 3 inches each way less than the larger., By supposing half of 'the beveled width cut off atni t turned over. on the other bev eled part; the board becomes a square one, each Side 11 inches longer than the smaller base named above, and there are Rift over from the corners 4 triangular pyramidal pieces containing 11 cubic inch es=; inches like those of the board. of 49i x144=1191. 1191—f:= - -1190.25, the surface of the square edged board formed above. The square root of 1190.i1=34.5. ABS. 34.5+1.5=30 SCHOOL .CHILDREN AND DANGEROUS COMMUNICABLE ; DISEASES.-Dr. Arthur It Nichols, in 'a 'recent number of the Boston Medical Journal (March 23), con tributes a very sensible article upon the above subject, from which we extract the foll Owing recommendations: QuesTioNs.--'-Let pupils be required to complete the equation B+2 x 4=l, and See if part do not obtain 20, and others 11. Clothing. BOTTOM PRICES ! The long continued stagnation in business has resulted in bringing ev- erything in our line down to • ,BOTTOM PRICES, And I am now prepared to furnish & SUMMER CLOTIII.NG LOWER FIGURES Than the same quality of goals were ever .before , offered. More partieu- tars next week M. E. ROSENFIELD : April I, 1816 NO THEY DON'T ! People complain of HARD TIMES, But those who arc wise enough to BUY THEIR CLOTIIING -AT H. JACOBS' STORE, Never find fault with the puallty of the GOODS HE SELLS. Ma. JACOBS Now takes pleasuie In calling attention to his LARGE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT -OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, i • -FOR- MEN AND B 0 ).'S' WEAR. Anspe'ction of his stock will be suttlelent to satisfy all that-he 'eau oEer greater inducements thaniever ' rmareh S. 'ls Dry-Goods. r MONTAN YES! MONTANYES OFFER A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, SUITABLE• FOR THE SEASON, AT BOTTOM PRICES! MON'T AN YES! =I Towanda, Pa; Dec, 8, 1875; T .EHIGH VALLEY . AND PAe & N.Y. RAIL ROADS.--Arrangemept of Palo irluier Trains. to tate effect, April t 7. Is 7 . . . .1 ~...,.,. -•'., -80.0 T PL.W.411D.7 :•' TT— "Ltl°2ls.: 18 '3 . 9 7 .129 31 ... . P.M. ex, 4%.21 P.X. 1 A.111. P.M. 'Niagara 7393...• 2 15 7 3.5 4 35 7 551 1 .... ....: Thatialo 2 54 10 19 5 15 10 15 ;.... ..„ Rochester.. , 400 5 0 1 , 0 t 8• 000 i.. .t. .... Genera. ..1. 5'5l .... 800 .... il it .... It him% • 7 lo .... 941 - .... t 2 51 .... t)wego F. 1 1111154•—•- • ... .1 1 . 1 00 345 10 55 g 2.1 ;455 20 Waverly 9 31. 424 II 21 9 4151,3 21. 6: 1 15 , zBrre. ...... ..,... 1 . 9 45 4 25 II 2s SI 12113 241 6.14 Athens. ....... ....I. s5O 45411 23 959 1 .3 54 41 20 Milan 1 1 ' : .... .... ....1 0 14,11 660 Ellter 1 .... .... • .... 9 40',13 Dere 40 T0wanda..•.1,1025 5 05 1205,1030 i 1415 i 665 Wysauklng T . ..t .... .....110 09,14 27; P.M 13 : 12 nd/L2 3 t 071 .4....` .... - ..:.::."..110 19:14 39. .... . Itununetr.eld ' ' ... ~.. 110 29' ,4 49 ...4 Frenchtown 4 .•• .... .. In 36;4 5:1 .. .. Wyalualng.....• ••1 .... 545 t 0 50'5 12 ...4 Laceyville II 22 6 0912 59 ,11 1215 3A .... Skinner's Eddy... .... SOS ....11 19 13 It .... 51eshoppon.. ..... .... 623 —.ll 1r2'14 01 ~.. Mehnopany ...., 629 —.AI 33,16 0. .... Tunkhatatioek -.• • 12 loi 7 10 2 05'12 2916 35 -.. LaGrange ••I ....1.7 il l —.12 39 , 6 AO .... Falls ....... ••• ••• ..-1 7.33 .... 12 51 6 511 .... Hansom ....I .... .., 1 031, 71a., . I. &II JitnetlOn .. 1 12 50' 7V. 2 50' 1 2 11 :; 7 7.0 .... %V ilk,l-11arre I 1 20. 5293 15 2 041 ; 17 5 0 .. Mauch Chunk... • 3 40110 50 5 25! 4 551 1 .... .... Allentown 1 4 45;11 5.t,6 21 I. 50; .... ..... 11 e 1 . 1111 ' 11 ' 4 u• • -' 5 09;12 161 6 40 44 05 _.., .... 1.148 1 / 9 4 13 351 I 001. 7 001 6 5.5 1 ....1 .... Philadelphia ..... '4; 45' 2 05!',8 25 8 15 .... 1' .. .. N,w funk'' ; 8 29, 3 49;.9 59, 954 ....,.... -A.31. P.11. , P.11.,P.31. P.M.; *..... - -...---- -- _ — ' - '77 . '7" --- .- --- . - :: 1". "`:- - .- - 77 -- : - NOItT II w it u . I . • --,-- • 4TSTIONS.. 18 ,30 181 21 4i 32 - 1 .IP.M.; A.M. A 11.1A.M.A.M.1A.M. New York. Philadelphia 8 00 1 ... ~..,..1 845 0 45, .... Ea5t0n....... .... 9 251 ... .. 6 , 49'10 tie 11 30i,..... Itetlileheui 950, :... 6.30 10 00 12 00'..... Allentown .. ..... ' . I 0 05' ..... 6 4310 4212 II .... Matte„la Chunk .....11 05; ....1 8 oil it 45 126 ....., Wllkt-Ilarre .... I 13i 7 2011 1 1 4 1 0 2 1 5 4 01 !...!. L. SE 11..Idurtlen. 1 411 7 55111 , 10 2 '4l 4 39 ' Ransom ' ...; s 05:11' 2:1 .... 44. ..•;. Falls .. • .. I 8 19;11 31 .... 301 : . I.a(lrato.v.; .... 1 , 6 35,11.51 .... 5 19 • .... Tiankhannuek.... 2 241 9 4402 39 3 22 5 36 ;... Mehnopany ....... ....i 9 12412 45 1 ..., 553 Me.beppen ....... , ...., 9 10;12 54 .. .. 6 001.. .. ... Skinner's Ei1•1y...1.... 9 351 1 In; .... 9 16 ..'. . LatTyVIIII. - ' : 0 7 19 591 1 13; 4026 21 ... Wyalnslng ..... . . ..„:10 O4'l 1 35; .... 6 44i ...: Fre 0 ell town ...., . ... 9 15; 1 49 .... 6 Si'l ... Itinninertlehl- ' ....I .i: 10 25,1 1 59 .... 7 03' ; ... Stanillne 'Stone ...I ... ~ 1 0 321 2 05 .... 7 101 .... i - Wysaiticlric I .... 10 41 ) 2 la, ...• 70 .... Towanda '4 101055,, 2301 600 735 730 Utter .. ! ....41 4491 2 45! .... 7 491 7 45 Milan ..I ....'ll 991 2 5 9 : .... 8001 7 55 W 1 'l iens ' .... .1 4211 29' 3 611 529 8 10; 309 Sarni , 4 45,11 35; 3 1 , , 5 33 8 16' 8; In Wareily 1 4 55 II 45,'3 20' 5 4 0 8 55' 8 20 'Elmira.... , ; * 5 3512 36 1 4 10 1 .6 19 9 10 1 9 lo Owego 5 441 . ....1 ....i 6 so ....I 9 59 Ithaca...... 4 4.9 1 50, .... 7 25 ....; -... Genera.. ... .... -.. 8 41 1 3 55'....1 .. 8 28 ... .! Auburn .... 9 05 ..... 1 ....! 9 39 ......1 4 35 110110.ster . 11) 501 _1 ...,11 20 ....) 655 Buffalo 12 25, ....; .... , 12 35 S 20' 6 II Niagara Falls 12 54 ...i' ....I 1 01 . ~ 940 P.M.. nmir.Nr. , A.M-11;.3 . 1.'P.M. Trains s and VS run daily, with Pullman Sleep ing Cars attached. Intl ween Elmira anl Philadel phia, and iii.ners and New York. Drawing Rlotn!(.l'ars at tarbeil to Trains 2 awl 9 heiWV(lll Elmira am: Philadelphia. All Philadelphia traliis run Ihrongh to Cc:detail aloGivunds. I • . R. A. PACR.RII, Superhitendent. Towanda, April 70, 16764tf. I i • -- ItoNVAIM GENEVA, ITIIA CA A' 72. R.—CGitnenellig Motulay..la, trains will run as on this road as follows. LEAVING CAYRE NOiLTIIIVAtt No. 8.—.5:00 a. In.. clans, with Coach through from New York:ant:l: Etten S.laSpencer 5:55, Ithaca 6:40, Fail+ 7:IR, Trumansburg 7:25, Farmer Crater Mays Corrivr S:00, Ityintilus 5 ; 45„ making clow conitirCtlion ra. , t ant nn N. Y. & It.' IL It.. arrivl.l7, at, at 11:20 a. in., Iluffalo 4:15 p. In., and Nl' at 4:10. No. 30.-12. 1 10 a. m., ,131:Ve1icelA Sun orittr rival of 1.. V. train from Wllke:• . ,llarre, Pittston, Tunkhannoek. Towanda. &t..-arriving at Van 'Et ten 12:43. Sponter 12:55. Ithasa 1:55, rranghanly Falls 2:25., Truutanshurg 2:32. Farmer 2: 5 :1'. Ovid Center 3:02, ilayts Corners, 5:24, his 3:23, tie neva 4:00, ecnneet log With trains east ainl west ot. N. Y. e. Sc li. It. It. I:. p. to.. d tilt' e'xcept Sundays, with through ear front Eliot ra . tor 11'11er:1,1o:1%1pp; E 41ra at 5:10 p. to.. arriving at Van Et ten 6:45, Spvirer Ithara 7:5 1 , Tanghanl,• Falls 5:45. Truman:along :20;, Farnior 5:41,, 4 1V1 , 1 l'eater 5:".5. 11113'IS rornors Romilliis 9:17, Goner:l'l+:33: connecting with. trains east and west na Y, C. ,Sc If. HAL I:. A ItItIVY: AT SAYIIT , FIIO.I{ TUE eNilitTil No. 7.-1):05, a. in.. daily - except Sittnlayq. aft thiongli ear faun t:eneva to Elmira, teal lug Gen f Ya at s:fin a. ni.". Romulus rnan. Ilnyt , : comers 5:4. Otill Center 5:.56. rainier Tratuanintrg tir2; Tanghnnte Fan.: it:3o. I thata 7: o .l.; , penver Va arriving at I.:nail - a at 9:.1.1; conneetion at Sayre nitli 1.. V. Day I:).:pres:: air %log at New York at 10:to p. in., 14;2 111. Nil. p. in. (laity exr,pt Sundays, loavIn; G• in-va al iti:no a. In.. -I: , anlll'ns Hart, (•.,i -n-rs 10:14. 1)% id 4'^n ter is j . F.trwyr Trn Inan•litirg 11:17. FAUN itisa.sa Sp , ne..r 12::47. Van t in•etl..n with 1.. V. Fa,t art PIII:ae plila p. in. N ". . 1 30 v, v. ( 031'11 at!,w11 , 41 f VP - V.' 1 . 1.:1( N 1 II lior leaves 11;tneva at 5: in., on arrival Intlits from the LaNt :111.1 1: , 111 Ilayls t•oraers 4:29, (tvl.l t',litt•r Twighanle . 1::111.4 7 Siwnrer 1:43, yan t:tt,n /4:53: room L. V. Night Line arriviin: at Newtnrli r.:1.1 a. In. Tie,ke•l, sold atvl biggng , I. 1411 points. PACK Ell, I; R. M. 11 \' EV. Gon. l'am. A WM. STEV1 4 :NoN, A 1.4. I.,tipt. pHILADELPI;IIA & RE A RIZA N6I2IENT (it' P.'tiSENGErt MAY 2: , TT7, Inc Trains,ltare ..111,nt , orn erg 'atoll-4: (rift Prrkbonien ftr , rtirh..) For Philadelphia and' 111111gerott at • •45.10 a. at., •12.00 thoolt. 5.7.3 and ' • FususVt;. For Philadelphia, at •1.30 a. In. and 3.10 (tin I::ast - Penna...llranch.)l For 'Reading. t 2.30. 5.10, am( .5.7.5 a . m.,1 4.30:km1'9.0n p . m. For Itarrtssnrg, 12.30, 5.50, arid 9.55 a. tn and 9.00 p. m. For I.anra,tcr and. 'Columbl.ti, 4.59, 8.55 4 ;op. In, Wipes not run on 3loculay9. ./ RrYDAYS. „I a. For Reading, 2.30 a. m.. 2.2 i and 9,.00 P. ni Fur Itarrlsbarg. 2.30 a. or. and 9.00 p.lll. Trains for All,nt , pern lcare 0111'6116w ' (rin Perktnno n Bra n ch.) Leave Phihulelpltia, 6 0.20, 9,15 a. in.. 5 and •7.00 14 In. Learo 1111 , Ig•porty 9.32, 9.34 a. or., 2.17, ant 1.7.40 p. in. MEE= Leave 8.00 a. In., and • Eriai'ast Penna. Branch.) Leave Reading. 7.10, 745, 10.33 a. in., 4.00,, 10.30 p. m. Lvave Ilarrisburg, 5.20, c.er , ,s.l!) a. m., 7.40 p. tn. - • 4 I Leave Lanca‘ter. 5:40.7.45 a. M.,1.2.53. and Lea% e Columbia 5.30, 7.15 a. m„..,1.1 , 0 and SUNDAYS. Leate Reading, tncl 7.4 n a. In. l. are Ihvrl..burg. .190 a; in. Trains marked thus t•) run to and from depot 9th and Green streets. (Oa - erains to and from liroad street depot. - . 1 The 8.20 a. m. train from Mita&;Oda and fl.tis p. in. train front Allentown have through cars to and from Eitnita, .N.'t.° • The 2.15 p. In. train from rhilad-Iphia !and mop noon train from Allentown Lave lin•nugh Lars to and flOlll Pittston. Tio• 5. 95 p. nt. train (tom Philadelphia and 0,20 a. on. trait. front Allentown have through cars to and from Mauch Chunk. , !! J .'E. WoOTT EN, r Generrzl Superiniendent oct 4-75-1 y. Epeels. • E LIVELL 110;UTSE I TOIVA NDA, • -4 PA:, 1 • ' . JOHN SULLIVAN. - Having leased tidk house, la now ready. o accom modate the travelling pnblle„ No pains nor expense will be spared to give satisfaction to thote,who may give him a call. ' I R ir - North side of Public Sp are, east of llercar's new Nock. EA -S HOUSE, •TOWI4NDA COILVF.II, )JAI( AND STIVERTS The Iforws, harness, lr.. of all guest's of 'thls hosuse, Insured - against 14sis by lire, 1 thout'suly eitratharge. A sniwrlt.r quallti of -0:t1 English Bass Mo, just reet.lvetl. • ' I'. 1:..101:0AN, Tuwantlai Jan. '24'74. Pro'firletor. EAGLE HOTEL, TOW ANDA, PA At thc cialier or ('out anti Itiver-0 , .. inn...fly In the vicinity and south of the Court . JOHN BURKY, PRovntrofti The ahove hots e- has been fe-rurillAtulliitl re Abed, and Is now open to the Hal:elle"! °public. The 'tar will at all times he Rupplied wiltt the hest of liquors. liorml stabling attaelleil to the pretulaes. Boarders by the day' et week actinium:date& •May 10, levf.) : 4011 N HVICKE. BETHLEHEM, PA. "OLD MOItAVIAN !SUN INN,' nun,T • Rich In historical Interests, It Lt the only, ,ntilding in the country except Inde,pendence Ball, honored by the sojourn within its **ills of Wahhington, ayette, Lee and other patriots of the Iterutiou. This popular hotel bas recently. change* hands, been improved ; entirely' refurnishes', and ithe pro prietor cordially Incites ,his friends anti traveling poqiie to giro him a call-;-no pultel A 111 be spared to render their stay comfortable.. people en route fur Philadelphia will find I: convenient to spend the night here, reaching the City about eight in the Morning. A eituple room on the pat tkor4 for Use accommodation of cummerXial agnsis. IP. T, SMITH, • rroktletor. 11 • Sept. 4,TL -- - ' • hvit k &en. • ji . ':(i.. - 1 "' ilO g . . r .i , .: iiiiii T $ WO taspetgully sputritnec to an amp is Vint of FIRST CLASS FURNITURE, LARGER TITAN EYETI And that 'oar prima are uts LOWEST, and :oat iar (loops THE - BEST jifj of any In the MARKET. Onr prices have now tiarlAg Just returned front the city, We him A.TTItAbTIVE I;OT OP GOODS 'HEMS 21, laic , .eplng Lm, at Can 17:43, (111,1 P:l2. Gene I West vtfth Rol pester agara Falls tiNPERTAkING AT BOTTOM PRICES. T • I 1/er. 9. 187 MOW s YOUR. /11 1 S'eq t ing it cliAtig.•: pr N. Y. nlllll 6:16 irtitt•r 114. Ithir.t •vtlug 1.1.11 41. MEE I. `•upt t. DING TRAINS In, •6 .5) In. 9 Cheaper than you will ever again have the opportunity of doing. • I 12.20, 4.30 I have a large assortment, of my ni" an OWN MANIJFACTURE, • Warranted in every particular, which MEE !4, 'SELL SO LOW, 6.0 G, I; That everybody can afford to have one of his own. CE 1 also have the sole agency in this place of 6.10, and arso and OVI.ATT'S• PATENT RIIN*ERS; 13.45 p.m 11.3, p. m ,An invention which has come into very general use all through the west. They give the" best _ satisfaction wherevere they have been introduced CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. Jana-; 0. NEW ,CARRiAGE FACTORY - I TOWANDA, PENN'A. • , • Respectfully ttnnotinces to hts friends and patrons, ;that he has built a NEW BRICK CARRIAGE FACTORY, a Where he wllt constantly keep on hauls tut] assort_ meat of FAMILY CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS, TROTT/ NO SULK TS, ANL SKELETONS Made of the best ma:ertal and finished In tho best city style. I Ills long experlonce In city Car. riage tort..., gill es him a decided advantage urea others in the FINISH, I STYLE AND DURABILITY Of srtous. AU ha asks Is an LINTS!'ECTiION 'OF 1118 WORK ItJits to purcbastng elsewhere. ALI. WORK WARRANTED TO GIVZ • 1 , 14 FEET ATISVATION. Thankful for,i the Mara/ patronage formerly ex tended smd respectfully salt a continuance of the same.: I . . . • . . . . I. • EXPAIRII4Ii I'llOVPTL i ir ATTENDED TO 1 . Towanda, J OEM Our assortment Is reached THEE BOTTOM, El And now is the TIDE TO BUY VERY FOR TUE HOLIDAY SEASON. COME AND SEE THEM. Everything Hue of FROST'S & .SON''S. Carriages 'OPPORTUNITY, I TO buy CARRIAGES AND WAGOgS AT I BR,YANT . S, JAMES BRYANT. Opposite the new Jail, lIENRY STULEN REDUCED PRICES. lIENRY;STIIL:EN. 11.1341. , ~ii~~t~ ' , ~ S THE OLD AND POPULAR, n, D'w : - S I T " • 0 R E =ll==2l Googol's° a, aussaLL: Invite, the attantlon of ttie puWle to theft , stock TJ • lIARDWAItt 'GOOD,S. Coms!stlnglo! COOK STOVES Of tho most appto►bd'pnttetns. RANGtS, 0; all klytll4 PARLOR d ItEATING STOVES, • In endless variptr. BITILDING MATERIALS, Funtlshed bt BOTTOM PRICES. KEVREAg FR E EZERS,, • of every stije. SAEARS, SCISSORS, •RAZORS and POCKET CVI:I 4 . F,RY,. Of the beat Inannfactnre;:tinialrrante. CARPENTERS! TOOLS, O! every d/seripti!m.. OAS FIITILES, ~CHANDELIERS, iBRACKETS 1 , di.c., endless variety. Thn larg4st and hest assort . twat kciit lo Northerwretionytranla. KEROSENE LAMPS, From( the cheapest do the best. LAMP CIIIMN . EYS‘. d. GLOBES, At greatly : reaurti - 4 prices. TIN iWATIE, to eudlesa variety, of our owli manufacture . , war ran teLl Jobbing of all kinds In ourftine promptly atten ded to. Tin roofs and eaves troughs Pot up in the most satisfactory* manner, at sbort nigi#e. GAS FITTING ANt) PLUMBING A Specialty. WETIAVE TO ONLY PILACT CAL PLUMBED IN TOWANDA. G _„ Our old friends and the public generally w bear.ln ullud Oat we sell gothls only fur KitE'ADIY! Itolelving It th e only , ystein !iy wlileli Justice eau be done both buyer and stAler:, • ' • Giitefill for past eery pationat, we so licit a continuance of your ciodyni. with the asru rencethat wr will offer yoll gmater inducements than any other e4t;tl,ll,lihteht lu the eointey. a, we carry a larger block, and enjoy peculiar facilities fur purchasing. CODDING RUSSELL pr 29-744 f. IT A' It . 1) W A It 1 ! BAR IRON, SWEEPS lItQ?N,•- NORWAY 11:6N, , BAND IRON, BURDAN'S HORSE SHOES, VULCAN HORSE NAILS ROD, Cherry Heat, ,Welding Compound and everything FOR BLACKSAUTIIS' USE, Can be had at H. T. JUNE'S lIAR•D WA R E STO-RE MERCUR'S BLACK, Towanda. Pa Cheaper Than Ever 'Offered Before Towanda, Pa.. Awl' 1 7"6-Iy, 500 MEN WANTED! To boy a large ! . 00k of HARDWARE, TINWAHE, STOVES, &c., REDUCED PRICES: Highest prioela trade paid (Or Hags, old Brat Copper and Lead:. r • llardu - are, Tin 1114 eoppprwar, Table, Tea and sixsAng. Tinware at wholesale and retail Especial atteullon given to WU:imp of jot; work O. 5, 1111.1D I GI: sf F:ET mar=,:a Mi:cellazeam Aivertizements: 1876. WHERE NOW ? .1876 TO 11(1111GAIN', ono of the fOrennyst, flourlehlg and healthy States : VIIAT FORi? "To bay a FARM out of ONE MILLION ACRES, Of fine Farmthg l.andeyter sale fiy the Grand Rap. ,his & Indian* Strong sells; ready markets; ;tire crops; pall hrlionn•; ralirnail' runt stlirough then scenter of the grant; settlements all aN9t u g; at r , :! a ur of prollurts rnics4.4l; pleni%of water building material& Prlea In e m icr amore; oi.e-fourth down. balance on!Oune. Sena for Mut,- trated lomphlet full (Vlach' And figures. mid lie convinced. Address, W, Itt)W ARV, 4 'min u'r. P. R. 1.. Ps.l EC E. Grant Itapht& riec'y Land 'Mtn. [Jan la-M-uni NEW FLOUItI - MILL IN 6IIESIIEQUIN, PA, The subscriber gives notlcOhat his uow STEA A M .FLOURIN'Gr MILL, s now Id 'successful operation, and that lie IF, 110. pared to do all work in his line on short. notice. cusTost onnginko DONKON SAM!. DAY TII-AT IT IS REOETVED Wheat, Buckwheat. and Rye 'flour, Corn MCA Feed, Bran, &c.. always on hand arid and fur sale at. loseaVrates. PARTICULAR NOTlCE.—Persona hiving on the west side of the river etairing to patronise my mill, will have their ferryage pabl both ways, when they bring grtsta of ten , bustiels and • wards. F. P. AYERS. ,p 1444. ROOERIES & Imovisfoxs. GROCERIES tt PROVISION& c NE DOOR NORTH OF CODDINO & 144SSELL - WIN' ENS & LONG,' - WHOLESALE kiIItETAIL • - * CHOICE FAMILY 441.10CihtlES, Or taken In each:og° for goods; an lowest cash pri ces. Our long experience In the Grniiry Trade gives us peculiar advantages In pinehasing, and as. we are not =batons to make large profits, we eat- Bayern than any other establlahanent U 4 Northern renugylvauta. M . HE MUTUAL PROTEbTIONA 11 Nome (Mice, 9C9 Walnut Street, .I'lll:a44.lplita. 1a Acting Tinder a Spechil Ace of Incqr-porattOn LI, tti e 4111 1 01 HOOP IRON, OAST sTEEr; T OWANDA: IN FIRE AND MARINE COMPANIES CoaISIEII4.3AL UNION„ of F.ogild, a'ots.. 117,714,:;73 ROYAL, of Liverpool, " 9,17,126.811 Qu1LEN,A1,5 4 )4,0611' . a CONTINENTAL, of New York, '• :. 2.70“,231 1 . I :ERMANIA. " • i• 1„:", , 19,541 GERMAN ~ 1. MEILICAN I " • --; 1,952,835 MANHATTAN, . '., 709.36:; COMM Eltrl AT., of •`• •';" 457.782 PlietNix, of Hartford, 4 %. i, 9 7.).(12P OMENS. •• " ',-; 713,34 - - A3l AZON. of 01110, . " 3 934:„540 CITI2LNS`, of Newark. " , 413,710 HAMBURG lIREMEN, of Germany "..-, 2.,51,0,000 H. T. JUNE . LIFE & ACCIDENT COMPANIES NATIONAL. Iti Fa or v. S. A., assets ' 1 :( 1 3,757,386 TRA VEL LNIA, of Hartford, " 43.47P,30 RAtLwAY PAss'its. " 1, :,65f t WO , Mu - MAL LI rE, of New York " '12,338,070 SMAI.LEY Losses adjusted and paid at Intl oftlce. dtir2-75tt E I , `A lIINIEtIS 7 MUTUAL' , INSURANCE ('O., uF TITSCARtIi!iA, Is now Issuing perpetual lallicie on 'FARM PROPERT'.. - ONLY. Each• member pays a fn.', at thellme or insuring; to rover charter 11 0 11"c-ttlental rxinnses at; the (70. Wllleb no Itwlller payment i.s'rtirtirttl, eir•ept to meet netna 1 :0,4s by nreAtnong the membership. This plh^ of Inuranco tot FA I'IZOP.F;ItTY, Is cotolog 111.1(4 into favor. i'laCC! SPRING HILL, PX, The Agent will raIIV:ISR the Ttiwretlilpa Tusea-. rorn, Pike. ll , rrick, Wyntt.ittg, A4yintn. Terry and lltatollng Stile, an I' farmers in i Itos - Town .hlalps wishing Inaurant e or' Informatlott,; , play all.' A. R. SUMNER, See„ and gt., tiprlng H HI, Brzul font I'a W.3I"4,HUMWAY Pres. (4et74m • _ .. . $lO a day at home. Agents wanted. , . d .; Outfit and terms free. True & C,., Augusla, 31alile. ' ; pnalir7G-Iy. ". C! 4 9 per day at home: Simples D tcl ti ~,I,Jworth .$l. free. Stinson 4. (~..., Veal:mil, Mains. Nictllt-Mly FA 1 U FOR SA Fai'm 01 scree, GI Improved. In Al.yluin nrad ford CO, On the prelnlf•c, an• i(¢o good distilling 'Muses, barn and nrcesFary out bidlilingit, and excellent water: .1 never-falling atta•anr of water ralcita through the prentlaca.' (:arid fruit and an ahundancti of tints. Fur further patileulara call ou ur address, • Nt:LsoN vAximnpoc., febt4•76tf. • 3larrh,lore, ft rtolford'e , re i Pa. ~ C ). I 13 Tics LITTLE STORE Toram niz C4IINEI! Is the hest place In Towanda:to buy rind CIGARS "AND TOBACCO at low rater. 'Remember MElletit'S BLOCK, opposite COURT ROUSE stoic of r u t "INDIAN sguAW : apils-716 • ?Ca? u sadProvidaos. EEO MoOAI3E & EDWARD 4, =I Cash dcak In all Wads of Towanda,' away 2.4875 Dealers In COU;!iTRY PROCUM ' GRAIN ; &C. 'raving a large and ennimodfoux:store;tre are mired at, all tlaica to carry • a large atuckl, CASH PAID FORTUMR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE ter ourselves that we can otter;', GREATER INDUCEMENTS TO STEVENS & LONG'. CORNER IkLAIN S BRIDdE ST ~ mayl3 In:ranm Prom the Peidaerylvddnia le,gielaetere S. CLARK, AGE N*. TOWANDA, 1,.A alteou,,n is cati , .(l o)lhe follrt:whig rate n 11l f•Anni ~trlct;y ervitt4!•le, all-ages, and which the 1101 exceed onl , half the co,t 4, any nrit , )I,D ConTany. le following •Tahlt: ehows the hater{; for flnOn may 1. inutttplleA fur any a7l.lllloiAt amount which is the largest ri.k iagon on Any Ilfe.. To enty Centn alit. be addilift to Ow nit of ' each asses.ntent fur follcellot4 etc. MI 3.1N.11 2.1,0 3. , 2.00 3310 2:m 3.1K1 I 2.011 :1.00 _OO 5-00 1 5.00 5.0 t, ENll=23 IMIMS Main Street, opposite the Court It..l:eise NOBLE & Y I NCF. T, General &gents coi OL ME he best bud Coal In the, Market, from tho - vein at Wilkesbams, lIP We keep Duels) • IP' AND. COAL Wolter Sole Agents tor:this o coal. • , . Oa keep Lime, Cement and Kindling Wood.; • the'newly opened 'tile of , the Sullivan mines will have eohstantly - tor sale at our yard all • Co of this superior coal, M the following Kt -00 -* - - - - 4 2.-4` 4 2' !;iut - - - - s ZS We the sl cog. •' Ora Egg Star: Nut Sinai our coals are prepartid in.the best tnanner and i • delivered 'clear and free from slate. The prices will be charged In .addition to the for delivering.- '- t . . Al will um' abov - . , i.orders left at the stores , of Long k Stevens, Catkins, Third WartLiiirl4's frog Store. or r °thee, corner of River and Elizabeth's kits., ceive prompt attention. . Y. J. at ou will '1 1 - PLEASE GIVE OE A CALL, :. PI ERCE. -- - WM:SCOTT V. 01, 1875. - 113 EW COAL YARD! undersigned haring Liken the large and .eglioni yard, at the foot of pA ILK Street, Mb hand a full supply of coin ' now IMMI EH II Man IAL, • • • CO IL ' Pi • = COAL. • • • • keep on Mimi at our - yard all sizes of Pittston •Vllkes ilarrtt•eual,aiul Loyalnck coal, from ullivan County Mines. Also, Barclay Lump with. keep the best quality of Lime, Hair and Ce , Brick and Plaster, all of which we will sell ttom prices. f PIERCE & SCOTT. • •Wa - rula May Ist, IS7O. • TOWA'NDA, PA men at b. 1 To S: G LEAP COAL AND LIME. • dn and after July 1:I will sell. coal, lime, &c., only: and tile price list will be corrected. My. ftor mrn vizt OF COAL FOR ..1171.Y.FIRR TON' OF 2,000n55, AT TIIE Y . tOll Stns`, -Funrace P.•a on Run I..nrnro 3thuntain Litnip - •• Smith ' . 4. 2 Vi . * town Lime 11 buhltel :12 1131 , bushel 4o . - E 1 NI 10 00 . - in :Oways prepared to deliver prirehascs on I notteh at the M•ual prim of deltvery. so [under InV Iliaiks;to my Many friends and liters for tOir very liberal patronaie 10 the flt hope tholer the new departure to make tt to interest to 0:11tInue to buy where they Can 1 , test p.,,,lsif..etty• least )noney. . :se tt ho at - lo , lehted to me wlll take notice most have 101041, yor 1 can't.buy (••r : cash and vight.h. Tiooy mutt settle by the first of Au text. • Allcr l Lath 1r Brie MEI 1 :11 t I past ttift , t t that ty guNtd La 4 r• • .1. -1 IMI ayula, July I. 1975 A It G .I N S! I h of It that re opened and pat on sale one thou.and pairs SSts'es• and Women's Shoe.. wIII sell at less than manutaeturers priges, W. S. WINC unANCt f. eases of IVomelt'l *Fnx-tarr, nee nod Fox button zihoes, 'at per pair— Goat Wort THESE GOODS ARE. BARGAINS! La Good and 1 lako receiving a largii and full line of Fine , for spring Ind.!. 'which for Style, Durability Ire, cannot be excelled. TRUNKS, • TRAVELLING BAGS, IMI TITER t SHOE FINDINGS II full steel:, at the lowest wssil,le prices 'MEMBER THE PLACE.:— Opposlte the t lIUnSe, next &Ku. to Chamberllo's Jewelry E Cuter, atiAl3. 23, 1876 mETHING NEW OSTON BOOT AND SHOE 171 • ling lloot.anil Shoo merehauts of 'lumens. • ville, N. y., will open ROST,IN BOOT AND SHOE STORE No. 2, BRIDGE STREET, BY TUE IST, OF APRIL, 1876. ON OF THE RED BOOT, Brid c Street, 'Beidleman's Block. pectrully Yours, OEI dad Kj ra IN 71. M 1 lERCE-k SCOTT • AT TILE TOWANDA COAL YARD LOYALSOCK COAL, 1 vAusisir. rufA I Y MIXED ,1 • OF AN DESIRF.I) corm% • • BY TIIE POUND, PINT(')It GALLON, -* • GROH tkilllN ()IL OR VARNISH, A NlJ'Dir. (3)1..01tS OF ,A - L IitTF.S,•, . I • AU artielis. -anted (Li'represented. Fresorlptloni 4 Hy rl , lllpollll4led Itt hfrurs of day and night .14 Sunda - pa for Prescription* from 9 to 1.0.: A: [oY ands 4o 6, 1-; Dr. Porter 4n manned ai beret6lore In the • • office. ;' .. `rnayl676. . ANTHRACITE, ; • op LOYAL SOCK, BEI BARCLAY COAL. Also LIME AND CEMENT. Coal delivered on short notice. TERMS;—Cash. HENRY MERCUR. Very t rspe et 11 4 11%Yo r it i r i l, x .4; y Boots and Shoes. BARGAINS!! JOHN F. CORSER BRIDGE STREET STORE'! J. & M. SHEFTEL, J. k M. SHEFTELI _ ireithiglll4 ; • , e;PpitTERif M . Ott , CASH DRU G STORE, ; - Corner Nati; Plus Ste,Toweeds. rgstabitiount a quarter arts W 4011410, and Retail Peeler In i COAL H. . . , DRUGS, DEED L I NES , P . J1.E3DC411.48 . . . . 'ACIDS, ' D .E.STUPPS; . & GLUE, l. PEITHiIiERY,'T ILET AND:PANCY GOODS, SPONGES, DEU si nES, BRACES i TKUSSKS, "*. 'l36Arit. (.79)iiss t ‘ PDXA D Va t ! Il AUX 'DIEN * TEETH . , SKI* *id ,HAIR liRKPARAT pss, RAZGIt POCKET-J(141 1 :En W rOCKET-i0 ' AND , POET-MONNAIE:S, I MAGA4GYIrrI SCOTeII BNUVIP, FOPS DIN A. DLOiLESIIU CICA RS. DARDEN, PiF.IiD AND FLOWER SEEDS, Nov IVLuea =4 Liquors, for ifedlelnal Porres 867 A : 4 ; IC, DCL,T,CTIC & HomesoiArtrcllliNFOlLS, A inl all 4 geuuli4., popular Patent Medici orPf. Surrouttlia, SvarENSon [KA, i. &MART Prjel'O., IN;;1•1•14.8. ".:1 1. P1'.!, Slitf.L4 & fIIIELDN , NURBI*Ci jig:TT/AM. TEETt,UW RINGS,: ,SYBINGES,' EXD:rANS. VRP.OII.Ik, Tkirumwita . 1 'MRS. El. l ll$llC . STuClit NON, &C. '1 , 1 i KEROS ENE OR.COAL OIL,, WICKS, PIIIHNKYS, 11.01 . 1' BRICK SPICII3I, 1,41:0, WHALE, ;KEATS li'Cf9T,, TA `. , IN K It - S„ ANL/ MACIIINE 911,i+,. - ; AI,C01101.; Ar, S.PIItIT% 1:1:11PSNTINEI ' liash,Paint,Va niah, Whitewash, Couater 4 . 1 Ho-re,',lAtie, Shoe, fiei'uhbinl, • Aiut i atil;adsAf bilishes. • I: ,ii • : ' - WINDOW IA D• PICT U RE CLASS, .. , ° . i of all altex, :. . . r - FURS 011., PAINT,i, PUTTY, *ND QM D.RU I..tkrrolvs pLogg, TOWANDA, PENNA. ACIDS. EXTRACTS. ELIXIRS, HERBS, SUOATE CnATED PILLS, POW DERS; G 17315, TING TUICES, ; WINES,. /cc., DYE STI'7F I MACUI PURE WI - for I • TOBACCO, vort4m TOILET A More than ii%nat Ing ur prearriptinq toi P. M.. arnifroi in - ..Nfa!nr.t. at urday of each!wee t 5 00 3 50 4 00 3 00 3 40 may 7-72. ,7,ray 6 , 10 r. .tdral4.iii years, sic 1 1 I ft:frn tlie hair 11 - 1 gray, alld tllk•ra lc ttrezna -1 • tltrely. A'V EICS AIR. VlG,ift, luag and exteli sive h,vi prove?' that it sons tha tailhig pt the. and h?r•dit:l4 pri , . . hair (In:float:4.lln often r •!pw - , , . th-, grow:h,ani . . . 7 1. •zi or • 1 gray. It stinthiates the nutritive or7„ - ins to hint!thy i activity, and prres , Tvcsrmth blir aril it., la•wity. !, Thus brashy, *cal,' or , slelzly hair becomes gla s sy, 1 pliable ann'otreng•theneti; lost hair rogrows unit • lively expression: rallinzhair an•l!estal... _ _ . I . lshed; thitth3ir ti r hickeivs and faded (iy grn?hali • resumes thelri original color, Its operatbm 'I.; sure ° .141 harrnl , .ms.i It Cure: dmlrair, heals all lum I • and keeps the seap enol, el as au t Slit-pi ler .1 I r', ? I Which conjlitilits. •Ilm:asi.s ars imposslllo. f As a dress 7 in ,, Poi ladies' hair, the V tGoiL 4i`r3i . , . ed for kts and.agreeable perfume, and I valued for the'.! sot lustre and . rlelinet , sl of lono_lt Prepared byq,,T. AYEIt & Co., L0w...1',.;:da., imparts !Practical and Iknalk - lical Chernifts. J • Sold by all Pirugekts and 'stealers In Meiliclne. 7 TASTELESS MEDICINES. • ; A. prominent' Ner York Physician lately com- Pdained DONIV,AS DI( ('U. ahout their SA NPablvOin , i OIL t.F"... stating tharseine• times they i . :tio'ed Miraculously. but that pitient Of hi, had tak'eti Ihent without, erect. CM bang ittformi'd that ieveral Intltation4 were sold, tt in quired and foultd hi:, patient hai l n ot" /ten ag In).NDAs DurK.A, ors. • 'What happened to this physician may hard hap.. pelted to otheril. arid DrNI/A.-1 DICK& CO , , take:. ads method ofitifthertink physfrione, dru.ovhd'e, and then/se/v:4 af4i preventing 1 01 L OF SA NI/AI,. winin from coining Into disrepute. - who °Dee prescribe the Caps - 11kt', will Continue to do so. for they containthe pure Oil , is iThelbest and che a pestl"rm• uusuAs I)Ic} a to. w e I n u re I TIL ,I V4`.iN DAL : RN )01) than atl i the Wholesalti and Retail Drug gist . ntl Perfulner, - In the Cuiteil States combined and 4ls the Sore reason_ why :tilt' pure Oil Pohl c per in their capsulesthau In any oller form. -, r • 0/ TA NI) I ALM - 001) is fact every (alto' ty Capsules Onlywnif: ! , (017 , 4 ti.) in n. , •.,a safe and sertallt cure, in six or. eight days. 0 0 no other medicine call:110s re • suit Ise I • • " A8 , 1 ,1 e K,. '4' CO.'S SIiFT CAPSULES' solve proinem, t ong cousitl..red by eminent ItltY sitlaus, of howto avoid' the nausea and ill-gust Perbnicoe Swo ll . ) ,Wilig. Which are Well known to detract from, If not tkititr - oy, the good effects of many valuable ni.ml•illes. rapsilleaurpitt, up In the.foll and neat !lov e. thirty In each, • nil are the only Capsules pre scribed by vitp%Velans. ' I TASYELEIS oil and many other nauseous. medicines can be ta, ken easily -safe Yin DUN DAS DICK`(!; CO'S SOFT CAPSULES. - No Taste no STell. I. These were the- Only caPsules• adm ted lo the last Paris Exposi. tion. . • bead for clreul'arlo . Woostettit reet, Neul;llrk. aug Sold at alll Drug Stores Hero.' F IRST CAPITAL. . SURPLUS Fu This Bank offOs tho transaction ta • GENERAL B • INTEREST III) t) I SPEC: AL C.ARk SOTICA AND'ell*C ~ 1 l'artles wishing te , SE NIT 3IONIOr to any pan of the I"nited States, England, Ireland, Scotland, or the principal cities and towni of kuropei ran'here preenre drafts for tat purpose.l . 1 L - - , PASS. AGE TICKETS ' • • ' • :' t '' i ' ' I To or from the Ohl Conntry, l by thetest attain or ; ailing Una, always on hand. ' i ; . I f f AM!LIER iIitOVOIIT OVED. ..7` REDUCED RATI g ; CI binlieSt +riJe aid for V S., Bonds, el i Gold and Silvei.. ' ~' , 1 N, N. PITT. JIII•41 OWii:T.T, I Pied. It 8 R D,Ci SALE AND itETAIL WWI I I INiratlon OPlijnds. O • • ME MI NE OILS, BE ROSE ALCOHOL, 11 &C., &C. ES, A.ND LIQUORS, edlelnal purposes, NTJFF, CIGARSiAC I - • the PATENT 3IEDICINF:Sc line °morn/lent, of FANCY GOODS tare is givin to the eon:Tonto' is. I iriivti on Sunday from pA. m n 5 e. M. to 7 I conNiateil at the store on :at Y, as heretofore. D. tr. TURN Fit W. G. GORGON LAIR 1 - 1(4,011, forre- rhair to its natural v.itayiy and TioNAL :BA)K TOWA • $125,000. •1, 50 9 000 r; t UNUSUAL 1 . 4CILI:TIES for DEPOSI'T'S Accoßtwiti it 1. Guka,:mit:NT. TEN TO TIM I:OLLECTION OF El