dttdfoit i f itcpoder e ER ThirTL7, lura 15, 1676 LOCAL AND GENERAL. C'onimissloners will Luild an iron at Adieu& TiiE 3tontrose Ii lyclidert4 .Ikrublicaq offered fol.ale: THE Dmittortl Aszociation will mcct uithi the Tlvy Church, un Tuesday Tiir Mammoth Cave is offered f)1 sal. it i, a nix: opeuii% for l'ArtsoNs, Of Troy. EtirekaWor CO. are driveuAo their full capar-tt.;%* 1 iu tilling °nicks for Caeir mowers.. . 11 - 4. M.U.WELL, tsq., of this place was .hoasu W. C.. T. of the County Convon lii-.m, last week. IZEr. P. S. EVEI:ETT, of East Smithfield, baptized two adults by imtnCrsion, in this place, recently. 31r.11e,rn Bi.orl; is again fully occupied, which dOes not, look as though,all the busi, was down toWn. REV. Tar. meGLATar.lir 111 e, pulpituf Cliri Church, this place, vii June 23. THE Citizens National Bank - will ordm for business, about thO first of July, in the poonis formerly occupied by Mcrcu:'s • ~ , • Tyr. Elruir - :.Fcritale Colleg e Flxeursion -,sts have iviselyecitieliffled to Change frt Ira -he Norther:l. C,{' tatral to the Lehigh Val.- •:•y route. 1 • C. S. CORN ,&" Co. opened a 99 cent - store in i'derrnr Mock, on 'Thursday Last. The gtxxl?re all new, bright and Atractive- .:[ Mt, PHEASANT L(ID6E 3 .NO. 191, of orwell, will hold an open session on Rtt ;inlay evening, dime 17. Col. .1. F. Nov, ,f New York City, will deli rer a lecture. I= El: I F*;.' ‘N FR. of Sullivan county Ila” , .igh town last wed:. enKonte Ottitennial Lion. \\e know "ink) >nC better enleulated 1.0 enjiy and the. show. ' -‘NY person ret!iill. ~ I , p raisement o r -hi. }loy•'1tl- Tile a Ippiaiser in have :In ,:p -91:1!tIty of beitt . z u, tt,i :it the Tte,;,:ir ,,.'s this plaqe. to-morti,w ; .11tile /Et.r.i:ATEstronl this place to the tjetKl (:4.upty in 1.1.4 v.i 1., xvere thli._:lllc.l with the ma - veer i❑ thev ws•re by die gcoll,l•!•ir!fil' I.lf Caiiipto,l !J. N F I ( I%l' ir,v*i t:ll;"'; t .) Pa the ( ( . .. , , , ! , 1 - uti(m. M0151: ,, 5c.. moi:i thei:; a 11. Ese., ciiitor of ..-h , :•orate. died oil 'fliiiistlay last lle -was prostrabori wic,iis!lCC paralysis, from the r,f which he (144-1- 1.13 IVZILS a of 11."11..i..4.5 . r0x, of Ath,e;s. nt - r; n;:or.zfacturers , .. J. I ortivy T o y vk 11; 0 1 only : three piyck-si 4 4 , r • to %Nell virtraciev of .:u it nvutl OK. :Tuffs I. 1' EIRE i f , able tt• proies,i(rhd ;flit CZ= gratlit 9 .r, has bet.n Tiwt v,.;14, in lion: t,f 11.1; , r1111", .}".. 3. ~ 3. 1). \ TAN t•I 1 ,1 t • . t IA It it grade, ill frulit ”C N. X. -I,' iT ;11IIds tts plea , ttre u) call till' :twot ,l* 3t13, - of our roatit , r, v.i.o :oiti find tiaeinselces iii ANA`ni or i s ', 0.11:: ut 'statioliery, to the es- NO. ti.f` , . '..tkrket Si. _ - ‘\ SP.klll: T,n.tr !1...r trees in frtnit. it..lloN.r.kNyifs aml .1 lic•CAllE'ti trt':sitienevs. 1 , 1! 3lttin et; icar....t betn ett , by (Inter ci i:e. si) 111;11 tlt.t NV"; td _ratiit: I Lie t4reet luau iru 1.4.•!! t-i- ==2l Tit:: cliewillv - r Bap' kt atio” v. - 11111:dd :i,1;111./1 ith I 110, )111 S: . h(II ;al ,f:., ( !lurch ' at n ,, '011%; 11111, Wy tow T1,11.-A.'•iy:c.lif Friday .yr y in coninichee ata, 10 1 . I r 'THE :,ays AV. 11': Qll , - I , :xcq, 44' t'uswieltanna 1 , .: been sethlint; some butter' to t.in-n. \V have r J !le' ' '. 103: 1 ;e butt.Cr i t Su,, l ll , :in:nit:t (',runt V, but ‘ , l,i. , ct to Imvint; f 1N4 . 11 yi! , ) Citric. at that tia,c, II rcy.: are DOW liv- N. -C.. Esq., •ha-- his 11,,nse :and I."t iu 1,);1;11...., , ,i and a, ft-r "on. to )111. an empiuye in ' , Trill:Ey Fit Shoy. The - . .);ann fact nrit, - , •„,n,-1, en , • ri% h.':. trdiptri,uts . : u•i e) :my ho:-u-s and InNst, de e eneoui-agett,-11/47.. t. I'. Ltll,Y, is (,14• tn,st i•xpt•rit•ilo , d ;4•30 , in ‘7"aY. 1, is I'Ven t' tlm gia(1(11 31. Barclay. 'Pile 1., c‘idt.i:ve, :At-az...it Di , 1(.4-, .in t'!.c , C 4 t . 1 Ill` 14.!..t t:1'• 1:eop , )f IR.V, tteal - thee 1111' lateSt I•Vi tlenee of tileir .:1 c::,fl_ is a package (of F. 111.011;::, hearing the Halite Of the uniorpri-thv,:•livin: The liousv•tleierves p:lto.na.ge fr.nn the fraternity - • - 1 ,, r111 Mitty. ,0 . - !.•111‘ , 011. I lic ~1 V.51)11 , , East, TiiValltl::. strum: by 1i!..1.t -ning. No ivas (1.11:e. 4itlier than giviir,4 iiiniab-s a S4Avie C. i's% :Au:. of this platy, 11 , k Si:l , , tig• :I'/W•l` licr si- -( 4 t, ••• by Clic 101 lit) serious injury. A v:nnirie rain acrrut, acco:np.tnied r by In•avy riv,,e(l ol . et tlti, ]dace (m Al,putlay afferiP4,ll. Sevean't tt'nes itt 11 and one in front % N s . t. ' 1.101.1 ft I.IOWII. TLO tiONit'll 1 , %; 111)\n 11'C Of 1 !!,3 • I Itridgt- St., N 1 1• :Ifil , , Vll 011 4 ;1.11t1 1 11 0 ,`' curb I1!1 tnt h 1•11 . 1'. tt) illVak 1 hlI111•411 . 1 1 . :111!?..11.1tW . , 1 4. / is \ Ni'- loin' a skirthiNii took place lictwven • t the Nelv.m.i TCM.IIIrIit i , .A1! , 11 . 11* • ow tit last wet:k. It appvais 111. kt tw,, Or ill,. I . , :iren pet te, the Mormon 311s_sitnlarics to 1.1, : .1ch itt the szitool ticar qui- nail factory, ItuL tlirecior re v,,ot ioNide k1iti16..11!40• tit .1,11.' ITI!" 4'4111:-.1111 tV "" I •.• •1 • olq .:1 L. • ilt. • THE Park View Hotel, 29th and Pop tar streets, is gaining t an enviable rt:pnts tion'atriong visitors to the CettAnial.• It 1s conveniently located aid provided with all the eoinfort:Nntici conveniences of mod ern first-class hotels, and is concluded on the European plan. Mr. F. A. `Vann is manager, and will take. special pains to accommo;dato people who visit him: Prior. T. J. • Alctihh, who has been "teacipal hing-Uri Cant idea how to shoot," as princ of the n Graded School, for the past three years, has entered the office of DAOEs & whare.ho Will pursue the studyof the law. Mr. A. is a young Map of excellent abilities. and fine literary attainments. Ile will prove an honor and au ornament tci the legal profoss,lou. Oun compliments are extended to the „ Owego Steamboat Company,". for n ta!k illy executed pass for the clegtant new steamer, "Lyman Truman," which now ;plies the waters of the Susquehanna be tween Oworo and other points of interest. Tho vessel will carry 1000 passengers, and is fitted up in thoroughly first-class style, every provision having been made for the comfort and convenience of excursionists. GRANGERS. who anticipate visiting the Centennial, Will be intemsted hi knowing that the field, trials in the Agricultural department will take plae as fellows: Mowing machines; tedders and hay lakes, June 15 to po; turichines, July 5 to 15, The eslitoition of lire stock on the following dates: Ifor:4es, September 1 to. 14; (logs; September 1 to 8; neat cattle; scptember'2l to -October di• nVitie, ()kn.. ber 10 to 10; i , ctober 10 to 18; oultry, t - T3ber '-tuber 6. lions u:; been a pleas -,urine• ant sum Mer is present pro prietor. kr. STEPHEN S, -has added great ly to its comfdrts and attractions. Par- ties who desire to spend a day pleasantly, 71iould hie themselves to this cool and se chided place. On the coning Fourth a celebration will be held at the Lake. An address will be deliYered, a brass band be, in attendance, and every posnible means employed that will athl to the pleasure or comfort o Isitors. PIM:SON - AU-A. T..Toussem, Esq., and wife, of Port' :Jervis, were town last Week, on a visit to their son, our popular physician, Dr. T. B..lonsvt . )N. The fait that the latest addition to the Doctor's family, is of the. male persuasion, and hears the name of his paternal grandfath er, may have had something to do with the vi.sit. —Taos, P. IVii ,, ntzt•Yr, who left this place at tb breaking out of the fever in ISII. to seek. a fortype, and iehu has sinre rcSiiiel in the Giliden State, is visiting friends hire. ,fie is ]onl:iu hale :nut hearty. and welts 17 , V:1 ' , lased with the strides tewn Illaife sines lie left us, lie is tlin sou of .h.:.SE WOOL -1:11:14`, J. Citz - 1 - , nu. - ): and wife have re turned from a two week's visit to the um :on:dal. SATI - RlLty evehieg,, E , :lort after a -very' a•vere elat ! t,f I:aledur, the Itiverside Coal Company, ri . the Flank road ,Love Bowkivy, was. Ili , COVerell to be on iir(•, , 11 feiv WaS ant" to 7Cially de,' roved. The shaft !nun ;hi' ten i , f the breaker was some :Jlk) feet deep, the iltaft of air from which lutist let4lo eaused the dames to spread rarsitil'y through the breaker. Mr. 3. IL liwurEtt, the Superintendent mid Odd owner. is one of the most enter -,.rising and liberal hearted of all the ope valor:4, and lie will have abundance of nipathy in the nth :Corneae, if not more substantial aid.. Twenty-live mules were ii-th e ; shaft, twenty-three of which were Two were saved. The pump man was in the tuft eseaped„__Lu_ IM;oft. , Troy, i, fltr. 17.:1)9 r, - ,ang married man Ea-t '1 u• anda, flied very sad on Saturday last. Ile , 1 abertil as 'II , ILI in the foreno“;',l, aad ate Ids dinner, hat shortly after ren:olaiped or fe.„-ling• nnwell. aid was tal-% - _ , n tie; les.idence of his brother. near re.-11r. WOOO - I Nvws Taminenc , i nolininistere4l [midiae. Soon after Ilics patient corn 'mem:al vomit inf.; :till expired almost im mediately. It .y. 1 7 :: thought that he had di e d from strangulation: a pont niortem' examination was held. and the contents of :the :Th.anach ' analyzed. what re sult, we - have not beard. The young man seemed to have a premonition that be was to die.A week a`g,(l be was immersed, saying that he had . been warned in a vis-. is n litat lie must • prepam, to die. It is . also sneteel• that he pro'epred a life inser :u:ce policy for fl;Onll, three days befOre his (lath. •.‘ JOON . frEVI.IN.j, CcrilMO, was so ' hadly injured at the upper depot Nend.iy 11v.4 . 111 - „ that lie died : , 114,1.1y afterward. Ile V.ar; pas,;:tiger on t:;144-1 'No. 1:a and had ireliase4l a ticket 'l - 4-iT Towaiii - 1.1. It is tliftt 11..! Iyas ox .1 0., anti lid!. mink. of tiou st.tt it,n was out, be attempted to step from the ir.tin bcf"re it rt..;:e!:,:d Ca- dep)t. y ak; I)..dy wa; ftuind is ar li c wag. •u brifige. is face was badly cut anti he Was uacon :i:ous when discovered. Dr. JokissoN W as anti dressed his wounds) and dal :di in his power to relieve his suffer ing, but all in yain. The poor fellow was taken in charge by DAvin.SntninaN, an employe of the „H. D. Co., and, kindly canal for until o'clock, Tuesday morn- ing. when death ca:uc to the relief of.the sufferer. i;Pront paper.; found on the body it was ass that his residence was I:nflhlo, and his friends,werp telegraplatl to at that plape.• Ills brotlierarrived last evening and took ellargc• of the body. have bc•ca C.,1. IT,,y to state 'that the hit - vf appointalows it rhli>ilc~ last wetk At :is inrorrect. lie leotare on temlwr:l , ..oei at tho follow i:•_ places on the 41:11‘ , ! -- lee;llres will frietals of the cause are :(41aested to see Unit Proper_ arrattt,rements are m a de. Hot. is une.nl the n. ,t eloya.:o and hal speala Is Ate hate et t.r.lktuned think him 1.. 1 0.11 to (;,,, k lie i, re; taialy in e;:rneN: in figlitilig for 111:1; I.ciLty,;il;;; IfetTick; .Allis littlitm., 7tlyersbut . :.;; 31erctli: E;Ltit A:1111111 Cent:C: Alba l'iarttlay:, Lt•Utty: t?s. \Ve4 iVt•-t 1 -1 — t,:r, .1. li'latte; ti anti 7 Center: Sittssitoytin; , f tu - n- I Ttt!: St ilt!t r). -Lilo 111210 i 5C1104.1 .'.n.lli 4;1 ' ,;111Iitt1 1.71 11•aul.'!}' The 1), ;1:.1 CH .., It tht...1t1•4 . 111•S ;111t1 IS \NC: , t •1. IV. sift • • T Tia• lax rate for Via• year i 8 tixerl at mir., ur ,chool anti for building.. purposes, in whlition to the pe,r capita tax -of flo 7 lol'. uu 111.g1 ,, 11 it Was td) pi.as• tax ,in the hands 'if that Le Ine for tiiig t it. ,anc,.. snii:i.in„ the maa dirtetctl to invite propo,als from - he ':' , .c.viir;tl deal t•rs in thi, for furnishing coal for the k.o:aing year. with a request that t h e la• iiiesent;tl iir before ,the I.ir tirst Friday. in July.. tilt iniition, , :ationincil to jilt•et (111 ANN Et.l4A.--itvery reakler of the HE ponda: has hdu'd of "ANN wife number 19 of Ilitninam YorNs, and most of them mill be inteiested to kniiw same tai:i in re;fai a to _her, and mill be glad to hilow that Rev. E.' 14 Snot has 11:4 the agent)) for her:wilderfal curd ii.q.idar h , ok, IV di gives a full insight awl description of the llornuut tribe in :sal! Lake. The viii ltr peculiarly intecestit.g just at this time, when . Bin G il a Ins endssarl...4 . .aie in the eintuq, .selyt lug in the interest - of M o rm o nism. Tr. Bt isl Well known as a relia ble ehristiati gentldnan, and engages in the work of eanVassing for the book, more from a sense of duty than hope of peen-. niacy reward. bespeak for him a It'effptilin. and for the lsiok a inVestigalion, iießeving its o:r_ dilation will prio,o bend:whit to the , Intel aral'inorali: of I hp commtinjiy. Slr. abo. 11111%;1:•St S h , •r in -t 4.73 N110;044; worit; o ;.k/or t3rit;fl- II:=MII S. W. Ai -% 01:1), Secretary Tim people of Troy are to havnan old fashioned celebration on the ninth. A Meeting was held in Redington's Opera House last. week t When appropriate com mittees were appointed and the follovrins officers selected f 0511.10 tireatiOnt- Pregrignt of the ay--S. W. Pomeroy. Vtco Prr.sidenti—Hon. V. IL Long, - Hon. Delos* Rockwell, W. A. Thomas, Jno. Mr; E..W. Ccilwell, Dr. M. D. Gam tile, Stephen Crane, Paw Peck, IL M. Ferguson ; Jesse B. McKean, Hon. Jas. H. Webb, V. M. Wilson, Adam times, Hon. S. DI. Harkness, Benj. Young, W. 11.. Baedeker, . Morris Shepard, 'lsaac Squires. Secretaries —Rev. S. L. Conde, A. S: Hooker, J. T. TdoColloni. • Reader of Declaration—J. R. Willonr. ChaPlain—ltev. C. T. Hallowell. 11. Treasuttr-z- - John E. Dobbins., f • Tke, committee on fireworks weie in strtieted to procure a piece of artillery if possible. , Go TO THE CENTENNIAL.--WO fear that the people of this county do not nppreci ale the Ivnetlts to be derived froth a Visit to the Centennial Exhibition. It is 'mike!l upon by ninny sitnply a great show, which has no other interest than attiCheit to airy large collection of Chriosities: This Is a tad intstake t anti tto MO who can possibly atibril it, should fail to spend at leasta 'week in "doing" the Exhibition. A thor ough inspection of the Exhibition will prove more, thtti it six month's tour skoroati, While to our young inen,.and ttliecially students, whatever may be their intentions regarding profession or Occupation in the future, the Exhibition opens a field for observation which ought to be improved. It is nit a great show shop, but it is a magnificent academy, where one can see evidences of skill or thrift of those natural or artificial .pro ducts which give to the' nations their:dis tinguishing characteristics. A visit to the Exhibition is worth a term ill roller, to any young man wlth trc eyes. =Z=EZI THE following Mail routes in this coun ty are advertiied to be let in July: „ From Shoshequin, by llornbrook,' to Towanda, 71•rniles and back, three times a week. • Leave Sheshequin Tuesda.y ) Thursday and Saturday a S aniVe at Towanda by• 11 tt. tit. Leave Towanda Thnrsday and Saturday at 12 m.; arrive at Shoshequin by 3p. m. Bond required with bid, 2 , 3300. Proposals for six-times-a-week service invited; 'boors of ' arrival and departure the sat as in above schedule for three times-a-week, service, Bond required With bids .for six-times-a-week service, $(100. . From. numinertield Creek, by Nisbet (n. 0.) Mittens (n. o.) lierrickvins and Union Gfove (n. o.). to Leilaysville, 103 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Itummcrtieldi -Creel: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 5 p. m., or thirty minutes afterarrival of mail train; arrive at Leltaysville by Bp. tnti leave Lclhiysvillo Tuesdcy, Thursday and Sat urday at i a. tn.: arrive at Rummertield Cree at 10 a. m., or thirty minutes before arrival of mail • trains.. Bond required with bid. .$lOO. O.:C. WonnEN writes to the indepot ni Repul,/irac t :in for. ms, eoneerning one of-the r , , , sitients of this county: "Nut l:veing any reply. retinr,ted, respecting the writer of the one f:!vorite song- 5 " 6nr. nor° 's dead—a &WWI sound How large the stroke: How Seep the w 1 : I would state that it was written 'by Criall Terry, who die(' in Terrytoivn, Bradford Co., Pa., in 11404. The Wentomts at the mouth of the Wyalusing were celebrating the first Foneth of'.lnly after the election of their candidate for Proldent. (hi a few days 4 notit.v.,,Jiy request of Minor Yorke, 'Mr. Terry wrote the song, which was well sung by a young lady named Polly Sill. What 'tune was prepared for it, or to what: old lone it was adapted, does not appear. In IS61), ono of Mr. Terry's grandsons gave, from memory, a copy of it, which—neatly sixty' years af ter its birth—reads somewhat different from the version in a recent ReiatVie.m. This information was chiefly given by David. Craft.. of Wyalusing, in the Ji.'irh..l (ilea IkT of 1%, when persons were living who heard it snug in Mr. Terry was a well informed, worthy, man, who wrote artielen of more merit than "Our Hero."_ le Also galt a litymed sketch of the Wyoming 31a nacre, which may be found :it Miner's History. Thus the wilds of Noithern Pennsylvania, sev enty-live ycars'ago, produced song Whieh became famed .as far away as Vermont, !Mode Island, ize.„and which is reprinted in 1811 i." SULLIVAN Cor:ivrr.—Wc clip the fol lowing. items from the Omni!' Denten-rat, of last week: Mr. P.vruteK 1 3 11M.F.N 3 of Towanda, is anl. arch and oven fir the new boilers gt. -the tannery in this place. TlOmNll 4 -- maARI.ANE C 0.,. believe in golid= work Anne, and have conse iipently engaged "OAT, — who, as a I-tone tritsit, bas nu superior in this part of the :-itatee .Lou Et..2REE, GAY BARTLETT, awl a friend from Ithaca, N. Y., have been try ing their be ,4 t to bamboozle the trout (hir ing the pastfew days, at Sehrcyvogle's, Mrs. .1. V. llouTos, and Miss LACY tionioN, of Ithaea, N. Y., accompanied by Mrs. 1L U Roo :Irma, and Miss JES sIE ROCKWELL, of Towanda, haie been visiting with Mrs. S.F. COLT. Mr. SANS. SWEET, of Towanda, was af ter the trout '`hot and heavy," last week. lle captured 130 iu one,day. Leave ! THE T.NNEmEs.—So quietly are tan- Ateries run that few persons have any ade quate idea of their L practical results, nor of their imp9rtance as sources of brisiness sulmort in regions around. How consid erable tins is, practically. may be noted from a single example:. By farmers of only a portion of Cherry township, (luring a month, this season, over fogr; thousand &Mars, cash, ha.. been received for bark . i delivered at I)ohm's Station. This hag been purchased by Tiroaxt:, MITARLANE Co., for their (ifeenivood Tannery. En TUE " FN.% KI.IN''S VlSlT,—Montlay morning, the members; of thiri company, accompanied by the Citizens Silver Cor net Band boarded a train especially pro vided by A s'st. Supt. R. FRANK Gooom.tx, and were Biagi on their way to the classic Preeinets of :51neunt .littl!,o7r, better known as Seraidon. Arriving it Pittston. Asst. hi t. tear, of the I). I.:. & V. RR. attached an extra engine and "wild-tat ted" the excursionists up Lactawituna River. At,the depot in Scranton the 1-Company were Ina by a Committee of .TEN front Franklin Steam Fire Engine Co., No. 1, of I lyde Park, and escorted to their !,:irlors,and froni thence to the feernians'. V. ST Ti:". proprietor, (which by the way, is first-class) anti the Me- Neever Iloiic. In the afternoon Frank lin No. 1 of Scranton, with their guests, formed in front of their house and pro- Ceeded to Serauten, proper. whew the column was formed. The streets through which the procession passed were decora eil in .my colors, the windows of the hou ses and the pavements tilled with ladies and gentlemen, waving handkerchiefs and otherwise showing .t heir appreciation of the Volunteer Fire Brigade. In the evening a banquet ,was given at Frknklin house, at which the lady friCluls of the company_ vied with each other in doing honor to the guests of the company. . Franklin No. 'l, of Scranton, "The Re liable uhl Rooster, — is officered by the following named gentlemen : - Dist. Eng., IL K. CANFIELD; President E. if. F.V.M; Vice Pmsident, WM. JCR . - F.NITAIT; Secretary, Sonx!W. Mints- ' , Fin. Sec,, ; SNosiv En; Foreman, Gm .I9NEF; Ist Asst. 211, C. E. 31.inov mrs; Engineer, GFA).II:NF.F.I ASSistant, T. 11. BAUR; Pirelli:My FRANK JERI:I4I/M; Pipemen, 11. Encti . nt, C. KnAmEtt, W.D. .A.',KnAN rat. Each of the visiting lirmen were pre waled with a silk badge, bearing the fol lowing inscription " 01,0 -noosTim." • (rt 4 teioncr.) j Franklin NO, t, of Hyde l'ark, Franklin No. I, of Towanda, - WELCOME. . Several of the Tewanda boys were pro senied with a' C'tntennial badge, bearing on its face an eagle, 1776, 1876,,a baud engine, a steamer, and the words _6‘Seran ton F. D." t On Timsday, the boys, surfeited : with pleasure, said,-to their hosts "Enough," t and with ,he friendly '.'Farewell" and Hod wishes of allottarted for arri %log on time. A street parsde finished pro,, ,,, rtitnin , .- tont the com t,,t.• pany disp smtl sattAir l l with thor top, - Rolm—The present week has been one of untwist' interest and exeitemetitt On Tuesday mornina, the tlth hist, about 9 o'clock, FitMiele Ftiiist died instantly, la suPposed, heart discaSe,iwith which he had ibeen'troubled for some ten or eleven years. He was highly esteemed as a man and as a Christian. • On the asunedaY, about 0 O'Clikik in the evenil* the bent OM.I.EXAIIDEnIArtCKIZEp., near Orwell Ili 1, wan discovered to bo do lite, It WM totally XolisUtned, with one horst, a quantity of hay and some valua ble fanning implements. On Thursday, the Bth, the; funeral of the aforesaid FRANCIS Pn_osi tooklace at the M. B. church in Mlle, ho t'. P: Ilowntoqa prcatthitig on the sad occasion a keije large congregation. This Pridayl morning ORVILLE 11. TAl'- LOR led to thef bridal altar LiylE LUNO, daughter of Rev,. A.' B. LUNG, and start ed immediately on a bridal tour, for Phil adelphia, to do the Centennial Exhibi tion.. Thus one lone star after another is leaving its solitude and Joining the grand platy of the happy married ones, The. benediction of a large number of their friends tdill follow them Yourt; C. E. T Rout; Juno l p; 1876. • Nrii" l tiO.4 Tun WEATIrmn.-The fol lowing notes on' the weather during the winter of 1875-fs were kept ,by a valued subscriber to the harm TER, who has kindly furnished them for publication: Sept. 20, firnt snow; Oct. 1, snow, 10, snow,'-17, ono* 11 inches deep, 10, snow 4 inches; Nov! 1, cold and squally, .2, snow, 4, rain, hail and snow, 12, rain and snow, 17 and 18, rain and . snow, 23, rain and . snow, 27, Min, 80, ono Inch at snow, mercury down to gem; Dee. 4 ; fog and rain ; 8; ditto We fortnedt t ilk slid* 11, 12 ) stitially; 1 1611 snow, 13, 14, 15, blus tering and squally, 10, 17, 18, ' blustering and some snow; mercury at zeto, 20 a lit tle more moderate, 21-2-3-4; 5 inches snow fell; 25, warmer, taking', the snow mostly off', 26; rainy' in the morning, freezing, making it very slippery, 27, cool ; 99; cold, 29, foggy and ItilittY; good sap weather; flten the 28th to Jan. 3, cool, 6,7, 8,9, sap weather, fOggy and rainy, 10• bluste ring and col, silow in the air, 11 mercury B'D above 0, snow in the air, 12 blustering cold and squally all day, mercury 8•: , above 0, 13 still down; to 8), since the 10th mer cury has ranged from 15 to 30C , above 0, with a little rain, 17 still warm, up to 380, 18, 19 from 58' to 65':' ; foggy and rainy, 20 cold and bluStering in the morning ; in the thornitig; t. g p. miirreury :it 20 0 above, 22 15 ,, above. snow in the air for two or three days, half au inch or more of snow on the ground, 23 a little pros pect of more, 26 i an, inch, of snow this, morning, mercury 30, 21'!hail and rain' freezing, making it slippoy, a little more • moderate in the afternoon, 28 foggy and roily all the forenoon, 29 foggy with snow 'and::", rain, :10 mercury at 18, 31 cold, Feb. 1 6'i m mercury at 20 2 boisterous wind all-night with a little snow, mercury at 17 at 6a, m.; 6, a. m., mercury at zero, 4 a little snow in the air, at (I a. in. mcr envy at72o, C Mercury ttt 40 and little misty ; i Warm 4nd pleasant all day, 8 and II clear: *.trin mercury in, 10 14111. rain last night.] mercury 45, 11 rally, 'l2 mercury at 45 at 6 p. in., 13 mercury at s.:pleasant as ;‘,tay, 0 wand and rainy, mercury at,46, 15 l 4 foot snow, mercury 35, •16; cold awl Windy, mercury 20 at 5 p. MI; 17 mer. 20, !squally, 18 mer. at 6 . a. tn.. 22, windy and squally all day, 19 at oa. tn. titer. 21, at '1 p. m. 40, 20 at 0 a. Incr. 20, 6 p. in. 26, 21 at 0 a. in. mer. 15, at '9 p. m. 83, 22 mer. 35, 2:1-at oa. in. mer. 0, at 12 in. 10 3 aborc i at 9 p. tn. 2' above, 24, 6 a. m, 2^ above; at 6 p. m. 23" at.Tve, 23 at it a. In. 8.- 1 . at 12 tn. 26.:,at 0 p. to. 19 . above, 26 6 a. - . tit. 17 -2 above, 27 a. m. 36- above and rainy. 28 still. rainy, at least, 1- inch of julid ice on the ground, 29 the-ice still continues, mer. 29 in the af ternoon. March I titer. 24 to 26 all day, 2 squally all day, rater. 20; 3 pleasant but cold, mer. 10, 41at ti r. in. incr. 30, 5.-warni and pleasant, 6 at 6 a..ta. 44 3 ; - 5 46 3 ,, $ 40- rain and Snow, 9 at 6 a. m. IU at 0 a. M. p. in. 414-, 11 6 a. in. 401, rainy, 12 at 6 ant.:::,LV, 14 cold, 104 i, 16 31 ', snow, hail and rain freezing mak ing it icy, 17 snOw squalls front 11 a. in. all the rest of the day blustering., 18 7 0 noon, 19 cold, cold and squally all day, 21,7 in. snow last night, 6 a. in. '3o' cold Mid squally all day, 1 in. snow - last night, 23 20 3 at 6 a. in., 25 0 in. snow last night, 3Zi. 'at 0 in., 2$ rain, 3 in. water fell, 29, :10, snow - in the air, 31 6 a.m. 23 , Aprit3 quite rainy with some ice; April squallyrl all dity. CAL' TILE CONCERT.—The second ortlic se ries of Linta Hand Concerts came off on Monday evening, • As a gratifying evi dence that the excellent reputation of the band is not confined to. Towanda, we are pleased to state that, a special train brought from Waverly, Sayre Athens and 'Ulster; three hundred p,eoi:le, who had been attracted here by the notice of tire entertainm6nt.' These visitors were near ly sufaCient to fill the. hall, but our own people were not backward in patronizing the concert, and the result was a complete tbrong—Mercu!r Hall being tilled to over doling, not ()vim standing room remain ing-nuoccupied: , The best evidence that could be offered that the performance was ap - preiiiated by! the immense audience, is the fact that the hest of order and atten tion prevailed throughout. It would be impossible for us to do jus tice •to the Performers, but we hazard nothing in saying that no musical enter tainment-Over before given in this place was equal to it! The concert Was opened with a Grand Mateh by, the Band. The sweet, rharino nions strains produced by the beautiful. instruments were even more enchanting than the most ardent admirer of the Ba7l had ever daredto hope for. At the con clusion of ,thiS piece, "0 Itestkis Sea" was sung by Mrs. Dr. Mox.r.txvF., E. J. SMITII and Dr. IJoitxsos, The piece was a most diflieult one, but was rendered. in perfection, and, was warmly and enthusi astically applauded. The next perform :thee was a sting, "Watching," by Mr. ti~ern. Mr. STULEN 1)(91 . 0E111Ni a very sweet air on the.yiolin. It may seem in-. vidions iu us tit call special attention to Mr. S., but the grace and skill with which he handles the "bow", always give him, the undivided attct.tion of an appreciative audience. "I! Arise from Dreams of Thee," was *Sang by Mrs. Mox.r.txvs:,• and listened td wititlnere than ordinary • pleasure. They, deli, sweet voice of Mrs.. M. has won fur her an enviable reputa- , tion among musical critics, and her reptt-.1 tation as an artiste suffered nothing by her rendition 'of the beautiful and ;fetich ing ballad. 'The first pat t was closed with a singularly sweet and melodious 1K dorm- t :nice by the Band, entitled "D4arted Days." Overture "110k -trio," a dull- ! cult eoinpOSitiiin, was rendered most ac ceptably by the Band. Mrs. 11:tr,owtx, one of Towanda's favorites, sung "Dare Tell ?" so sweetly and in such , perfect: time, that few could believe her merely an I. amateur. It is:, seldom that the most cul tivated artistes and professional 'singers equial Mrs. B. either in style or richness of voice. "Sailor!Sighs," by Mrs. MoNTA-N -YE and Mr. Smtin, was executed man ner to command the wrapt attenMin of the entire audience. " Verlegenhist'' with clarinet and piano accompaniment, was one of -Mrs. MONTANYE . S best per formances. '"Qoine Where my LOW Lies suing by Mrs. 11,thnwtx, Mrs. MINER, Mr. SAlrru and Mr. Ilitt.Dwix,. was so well performed that the lateness of the hour did not distract the attention of the largo audience. The performance was concluded wititi a Scotch Medley*by the Band, withelarinet solo by Mr. WARD. _ • This short and hastily written sketch of one of ithe most entertaining performan ces ever given in Towanda, will give but a faint idea of the real enjoyment. it g.,ive those mum listthwd. The pieces' were; all encored and although the programme had been prepared to till an evening. Mrs. Mosr.ks vt•:, Mrs. 11..thowni, Slthll and Mr. STut.E.ii were compelled to appear several times. Miss NELLIE. ItOOOE pre sided at the piano with great grace and . dignity, performing her part with an ease and perfection j;eldom witnessed in one 1 :o young. The Baud, rio less than the audience, are: under many obligationii, to ➢dr. SCI IT 11, of Scrintoll, who kindly volunteered to assist, and whoi,o3 presence added so much to the enjoyment of the occasion.. '• Mr. PACKER also give another evidence of his liberality,' and interest in the Band by placing a special train at their dispo sal for the accommodation of istrtles be tween here and Waverly. The mitsie)p i layed by the Baud is from thp hest outhees„ and is of the.saffie char acter as that : ptop..l by nit!vtl• . NEW BOOK.-=POPULAR HISTORY OP TIIE UNITED STATE% DT WILLIAM CM. +I4IEVATIT AND:Brmotelkiwaitn' New York: Sentmen, Anmsznoso & Co.—We briefly noticed last week the first volume of this work, which will con sist of four royal octavo Volumes. As the chief portion of.. the literary work of this history has been done by Mr. Bryant, the Nestor of American poets and journalists, it is nuneeesiktary to espatiate oft the excellencies of the Publication,' either as; a literary effort or as a trustworthy histeiy of the great nation which is even now celebrating the first centennial of its birth among the nations 9.,f the earth. Prdni the time that Mr. gave to the world ThanatoPais„ ,the stamp of his genius has been indelibly fixed upon Ainerican literature, and Liven that time, during which. two generations. of men re passed from the face of the earth, that genius has been glowing with a brightness which not oven the f r o s t s of four score winters can dim. Who more fit to write a history of the United States than, William Cullen Bryant, within the scope of whose life has occurred - much that hall aided to make the nation great Mid Born before the death of Washington,,The author was in lih prime while Jefferson; Adams, JaCkson, Yobs ter and Clay mere exerting :11 active and liowerfulintluence ifpon polities and But Mr. Bryant has not undertaken this great task, in the period of old age unaided. He has associated with hnii , Sidney Howard Guy, who has wen the veteran'swittidence and esteem by long service under his eye, as his assibt a nt, i n his editorial duties: The first volume of their work deserves the highest praise,,noz only fur itieviden cos of laborious research, but for the.man ner in which it hi4bfien put together. It contains O 3 pages. The illuStrations eonsirt, rf five sel• nlateN itichtdiUg frontispiece- tA a portrait of Mr. , Bryaitt, , , twelve full page wood cuts, over three hundred engravings distributed. through the text, and eight curious maps. Land scapes and sea views, portraits, auto graphs and pictorial fac-similes, incidenti, antiquities, coins and medals, seals a idg,nattires, relics, ruins and many other things which arc better seen than des bribed, are to be found in it. Dr. H. Shelton Mackenzie, of Philadel phia, in a lengthy and elaborate criticism of:the work, says of it: "The first por tion of this history gives us, within the reasonable compass of - ninety pages, an account of America prior Ito its discovery by Columbus in 141)2, This is arranAed tinder the heads--=The l i t:e-Historic Mon, the Mound-builders, the Northman in America, and I'l4-Columbian Voyages 'Westward. The elements of this clear narrative are Old World (chiefly Scandi navian) traditions, fiction 'and ingenious, ,speculation, with a small infusion of Tact.. •Itireads like a romance, and is eminently lug,gestive;• of course there is much guess' w)ric :in it. The authors, wq perceive, accept Mr. Agassiz's Theory, so flattering' to our pride, that America was 'first born' among the continents !' Leaving the tra ditions to be estimated at their true val- ue, as traditions, we turned to the chap-: ters ott those great mysteries of facts-- r the remains Which the Mimed-Builders have left, and what was 'found in thenr. Here the engraver's art is made most nr-- ful, in a sort of historical object-teaching, for we arc presented with accurate repre sentations of the things Thus deposited in the far-off ages, and brought to• light through intelligent researches in our own time., The Mound-Builders belonged V) the pre , hLstaricperloti, and with them our knowledge of the land we live itt truly' begins." The work will be sold only by subscrip tion. • The agent ftn' the sale of it id this is M. Cws vERS, 4,F:huhu; Who will call upon our citinens and give them an opportunity :of obtaining this really very desirable work, which we tike pleas ure in commending, to the consideration of our readers,' as something Which no li brary or book table-should Co without. AT rims Inots.—Mrs•rEßTOUS D !SAP PEA BANCE.-Ou Saturday afternoon last, our usually quiet borough was thrown in a state of excitement over the report tht. Robinson,3lrs. a dress-maker occupying rvotns in the residence of Mrs. Gregory, on Feny street, had. CVMSIiTTED stICIDt. The tide of opinions can high for a time, and many conclusions 'were arrived at, a few as follows: Some proclaimed that she Lad left a "note," written on the fly leaf of her bible, stating plainly that she bad "GONE TO ILEAVEN." Others.atated' that the note read differ ently, and to satisfy the anxioum multitude the bible containing the liner; wak at once Produced, which appeared as follows: ••Two !deo and two alone heal up tf itt?ven! If---taken att37 And dent:. given.•• The above lines were interpreted thus ly: "Two steps and t'n'o alone," meant that she had left her room at 2 o'clock on, ti+turday morning. Those who had a slight opportunity of knowing, are pretty positive that she did not leave her room until live in the morning. —B4ilf-taken,'.' —this settled the whole matter; . it con firmed the first fears—that she had coin niitted suicide, from thu fact that a hy phen betiteett self and taken :was a mark that she had placed there for the express purpose of satisfying her friends as to her FINAL END The question now arose, as to how she 'had put an-end to her life. -It was at once decided that she bad jumped oil the ''Sus quehanna bridge into the river, from the following facts: Her best wearing apparel wak left in her rooms, with the exception of under-clothing, which, from appearan ces, she had changed throughout. flair pins andhead-dress were all ilying on the dressing-table. Ifer outer garment was supposed to have been a dark calico dress, somewhat worn; her best shoes and slip pers were found and her bld ones missing. Thus it is believed she started out poorly clad as to outer garments, and without hat, cape or shawl, but, strange as it may appear, her parasol was missing and it is supposed that she took it for the purpose of gently letting herself from the bridge to her watery grave. The above is about the way thingsran during Sunday and Monday, while Men were faithfully dragging the river in every direction, to find heri body, but as yet there are no tidings of the lost woman.., • • ' MRS. nonrmos was the widow of one of our ;Union Sol diers, and drew a pension of about ..iztul per year: At the time of her mysterious dis appearance she was about 49 years or ago. She has a (laughter, who iK married and living hero; also a soft-residing in one of the Western States. She came from Smith field to this place a few years ago. an(Ven tered into the business of dres.stmakftig, which she has constantly and faithfully followed up to the present time. She was a neat and intelligent appearing woman, and moved in good society; was a mem ber of the Baptist Church, in good stand ing, ond.a teacher in the Sunday School, and we doubt if there is a bible inljris borough that shows more genuine sins of perusal than the one we saw on 310u day. She was generally high spirited and full of life, but Jro a week or so past silo has had very little to say to any Alin not even ~to those working with her. She might have been temporarily deranged, and put an end to her existence, yet it is hoped differently. The lines aS above quoted were taken from the Ily-leaf of her bible. The report as to the manner of her dress, is probably correct, with the exception of the parasol. —Doubts and feam ate entettained by many as . to the "free.brhige" over the Citcinung, but, we Lope, without foutla dation. —Peterson LC:. Lyons, forinvOy of To wanda, have opened 'their new meat-mar ket, at the old .bakery stud. We hear they arc doing a thrlying business. —The work on the new banking house to be occupied by the First National - Hank, is being pushed rapidly forward. In connection we will add. that by many it was supposed that tho Bank suspended operations for airline after the lire, which is ineorreet.. Charley does not do buSI- Ile:*4 in t that way. The Hank opened at. the usual time (1 o'clock) the morning af ter the lire. —Ross, proprietor of the Sayre Planing Mill, informs us that he has a greater run of work at this season, than at any time since his mill nos been in operation. Build ers will be looking to their own interest by examining his .worii and prices, before contra - Who. elsewhere. • • JAW, ibe gentleman wilp nwriS the pretfY liorses, is making smite very decided improvements •on his dwell ing and thopremises surrounding it. I.P4try k!turn!it 6glr If;Ita;:a ! vn- Monday last. caused considerable delay l ttifrithigeoa d lq th e trairei ore the Ithaca kt - Athens i I . The engine and boiler for the new steam boat,' that is intended Ito ply on the river at this place, is .nearly ' completed, and the boat well under Way. It will be launched on the 4th of July when every body, editors included, wil l invited to town.' temperance lectures last week, and : yet wo can see no decrease in the pridnef rum. Sad indeed. —.The Sayre Molise lias,thanged hands. Abdrit a. three-hundred-pounder from Owego, is Wino host at !present. They say Lo ; knows how to keep a hotel and is a lirkt-rate f i llow in over particular. : BUSINESS LOCAL. rir New Prints at ICE.nr S Bliss.' Crtiow Dress Goods at i KENT & BLISS' New lot of Shaviis at KENT Sr: DIV gaels,rccclVwl daily at ILK ND 41iii.tlea . , 1. ; Airtitraylat, , done at Ileft4aLltaa's jeiteltt Store, rr A now stock of Coisets at - KENT 4k. `Byes ILlriluttrick's Pattorujs at KENT & 4;5.7; IreLadies' Lin©n Stilts at KENT & • ii?/* 'Pall. at KE*T Aki and see thelt:no* good.. CE' tiew Cloth's anti l'Ca.ssimeres at pr A. full lino of Parasbls and Fans at 4r4r. "(SNOWMAN offers a great reduction In SU, ver-Plated Ware. ar A full lino of Ilosio4 and Gloves at KaNi: I:i' A full lino of SutOmor 'Skirts at KENT /MU'S.' larWhitO goods in gteat Variety at xEst & Buss.. . ter do to' KENT cir: .BLII;'S' for your No , thins ainl Fancy Ooodi. I , I3P" Call at WE,.vr 110As', and look ivack Grenadines. tir A largp stock of dames and toys, at coat, at Wit ttcomp & 811Arti's. ar All the' latest pnb [ licatioini, very , - Cheap, at 'WHITO)3111 & SHArTIS. rgr EiCrytiang in tho lino of station er), at WI!ITC0k11 4 SII ti:T . S. I - I I re WitiTcomn &StiAi.yr sell the best Blank !Molts manufactured In the country. j Ur The largest, and befit assortment of spritift ellithing in ROM EN rcr.Lirs. ==:l V-7 You can get all the, littent styles of stationery, very eite.ap, at WIIIiCQ3III & SIfAUT'S tr - A large assorttnenti (if spying and snnuperjiat3, put re,:etvea. M. E. nossN- F far Great reduction ' 1 in American Waidies"at CiiAmurnti N'B4.l9ne 5. Sir6ol, Silver, and !!'pe etaeles, and Fp. GlanWs, in great variety, at IIEtrDELM S Jewel ry Stnrb. • G It( )1.7-Nrl) CS:YUG A 1 1 1,ASTP,It, at Myer' :1111101yersburg6,.Pa. It cri y want to secure a good article, ant? ge ithe north of our money, the place togo Is 11,11 m- nOtet, ran ro call at liiiiirmitictit'tt; If your wish to hoy anything In the Unit of Jewelry, Sliver anti Sliver-plated 11-are. tir FOR ititNt.—Tho i laweiiii, g house ~. 1 , , 1 . , , 7 lateiy 011 . (111 , sell try COI. irOnTr!s;, On 3!pila street. Eiviiiire',' I I). C. DA;Wire. --417-4 • M. — Office hour* at Dr. bolosol: ° s Den tal Irnnt4 9 o'clock A. 31. to 4 o'clock P. 31. hliarp Um...011111u s°. 11F.S1/I:I.MAN Las 'the linest stOek of Wtelles, Jcwidry and Sllverwan., ever brought into this town, Call and sac It. lIENDEL,:3IAN 19111 Um largest and bee Sthck of ladle anti ; gentleme l rs' gold and silver *atehes ever brought to Towanda. VE" Itubber Paint, I . Paints, all colors and shades, at lowest , •wiT.4. M It. Wtt.t.Ml at iiot4t. 'Passengers to the West will filui it to their 44v:ill:age to purchase itick.ets at the Ta peput. Rates rediteeditkl:iu (rota Sept, is WANTF.D.Sererill spans of young hor ss. TauSt be sound, kind, anti 'good size. U. NiANVILLR, Pres% - rff- The largest mid best assortment of Itraeitehi eirer litoughtAo this place, eau now be. seen at FROST & SONS. ( O ct. 206-4f.] HARRIS at his store' on liritige St., his the tirgest assortment or II man Italr ever of- tent & In'thls market.' • -411.-441111.111,11-7.-.. nr Take Notice, there WI a great re thiettomia Waltham and Elgin Wa'tches. Call at llENOta;)Lors and you will be sure - to buy one at the pitons bo Is offerlug. Cam' We have just opened a flue assort izrueof nloths_and Cassnacres, Including an the ace* Spring Styles In Coating's and SnltlngL mcbtertt ~••- FROST 1 Suss arc prepared to Fur nish Lamgeninins and wlndoW Cornices at very low pliceiN Call and examine their large assort meul; nO trouble to show them. arliadeis the new Cable Pattern of ltr,n,,tnt l !•! (•hina is very 11l Iteil I Ike real China. The !dtape imantimul and ,juality guaranteed. New and fresh. Nuw ready tr The ladies kill be pleased to learn. that, I. K. HARRIS fins concluded to remain In To- wanda, niid Is now receiving a large and attractive stock; OP;inillinery and fancy goods, and Invites the apeidion IC 111.4 numerous rustUniers. riuch9-76. I== Ilny the Janrstown Alpacas. The reason vihy; They' are warretneol to waste without shriukiiigor fading; to; be tiOly 27 holies: wide; and In he equal in durability he very best' goods in the market. & axle agents fur manufacturers • . EI — TENI , I% - \L.—Mrs. ilitlcGsr.ulor has reimisoil Tier t , , St., In tt,ii llottiw formerly occulded t.Y e„ HALL, hearty 9ipusit...- E. 0, liut directly back if the Ward House, where she solicits a isliafe of the pntillc lotnmage.(niay2r44. Vr:Next to the Centennial, llAttuts' storr:ol,l;rldgi.-st. tt!'e cxtensivelytlitumsscd InstitutiMl In this county. The ladies far and near have litMrd of It, anti many have satisfied them selve'S by pemnal ot+srrvat lon It hat HARI:IA !gel IS gtssfi cheaper than any Oiler estattlishmont In the country. IL. I's continually ridding to his stock, and 11134 been compelled to employ several assitt tants.—.Junn 14. tv - rowELt. & CO.—WC have just re ecel6l tun' largo Sprint! Stoek . ett Wall Paper. Now roil for exhibition. to athrition to our usual stitell plate tints, Whitt) atol brown blacks, we ItavUatltleti a handsome a,ssorlitient of fine ilronze. '6ly/t1 and iirrorqed I,ltuhrit. I•lottst, call awl ex:tutluo our stork M trop I, 18764 rirr . " It's only a (...9agh," has briught many to untimely graves. What is a Cough? The lungs pi* hromhial lobes baud heint attacked by a cold; nature sounds an letting where! the disease lles. Wisdom suggests "try Wistat's . ItabZant et Wtld eherry;" it !L I U 'cured, doffing the lastlullofarentmy Ihoaamla alum thonrands 'et Pott4mi, Av hour:L.4lpm e.4g11, there is danger, ter Ow rough is a safrty- , valbe: "W War' and Int eure , ti. rm rents land tt a bottle. sod by a n dinggl.Sta. t Bny the Jamestown .Alpacas, for the following reasons: Tbeyssre made from LlMbest materials. They!are dyed In such a manliness to securecom. Wilt saturation of color. 'l'heytere so thoroughly shrunken In finishing as to *unaffected by dampne.T. They map the i r. for...ilhe'Wwited awl doneiup llke linen, Without the 1!•ni . •1 Itirtry. . Ir&r i'Alo by PO!"171, 4 4: , ••• ucontli for Min. o; took • 41t. WI. warrantee) put on:each. dozen of RogesPs.Bius.. kulveajtold by SLAcut, foe ,••::, , • . srClat4en and stoop rates, as siX.Acist:A. i Irrl . itaV Car9bges. : 4 ,707 WA A 0. - A,, EILAX!fr!. air I.ailiss, *sew Is: Offorlui, - ow; great bar , galas In Table Ittilros.' '' - . • air nave youimer f the illiekolessl WriloYs, 114 cit bas ibU best mil re- o 4 to tu,i( K'S and' seo 1%4121 will buy. [ ' 5 air Lampe, Glassware Oil castirN this weeki at 11.11'..Acx's, .- tra•Noir ',yoke time to get - - Look at U. A. Ittatwe. ', Kir Top ean hey a Sewing Medd eamth, at 0, A. 10:Actes. Grad Oral! that bear "Rogers 4 Dro.‘..t are heath" plated ed, made of thojoest double railed and :warranted ip give ent4e sails at IthAtles. tW Croquet Sets ;'only c cur mock. or- You can bay a plated cents, In ilerruilnock. • . - - 4, --1111111PN.---• Vir DoHaim:id-a-M{lf book Mercur Block. -; • t L K. I:(Aliis' Store coil headquarters fq M Illlnery ! ond Fane; t You Will be surinisett to learn how much you can bfiy for 9J cents, In Mc!rcnr Cam"' lardn and excellent of toiman hair, alt. all styles, and Ita Rota', on Bridge street, BF:itgqtME Pins. , I, months old, nod ' , three palm ono mon by 001. Virsa.ks, Wyalusing, find , re- The ht dies all . nay ti keeps the Inett..*,gortnient in.( se! Is Fancylleed*hettper than any estrtblts June 14. • yott want 3 bat for daughter, rail atjlAunts• and Ballet you can caveat twealtj4lve per eapaing there.—Juno 14. Ur . -LOST.--L, bunch of ' finder will he liberally rewarded on sit the post office:l)r Elwell Itouse.. No. 749 was anning the number cam - Pull, tirothers, pull will winter-worn tuuf cumbrous Ulstairo, yourself Inn tblo dnstnire,aiul papa summer zeplialre. You can supply Rpsic.srtr.l.D's;;;,-.lline 11. I !_M. E. ROSENIIELD aimortment of Fiats,. 'and fprnlstfin offered In thli r niitika4 and -ho fu s cheap that the sloorent. Coati in tow'? supply himself eYlth an outfit, s the best goods ever Ilng them ,E o ran aflOid to conceded faetA I:OBEsriET,F, Isr,hetter postsid In the titan any riqier dialer In Totsio ( 180.10 :nevi in inotloir eolinnn attr wherever he is sown. The statent • videnre of truth on ;their face, and t not be slow to iheioselvel of hl etc offers. It ‘Vinnd.:winiont. donut, Mr. ft.'s peennhary protjt., to close seal: all ad +alic , llt.nt in throple spirit alhl !nterost in Lis cost Int to a dilltient course, . Ifiv t ralghtforward:manner of,dealtng Ir Is another evide'hre that the: confolet reposed In.lthri by a confiding public placed - u PI *I - W/11 l of conducting the 'largest :sew! b known world. r.:re arranging to cont ' . which they will give to the 'floriettlt tonne:ll ?midi.: the benefit of their expettenee fu tf!ii! C:dttrre of vegeta The work will, is. :qlle•tuntilt its'several hundred pages sill! be lII' numerous cut , Qehromatte plates an Teethe's with nigarti toileo rare and cry! ling kjtowtt ht floral and vegen We know of, nootie better qualified. above sithieet Iliad' Briggs St Bret ho are sold in'alunijit evety eitY. town. let in the' tinited States. They arc') ers of seeds. atut the fortheeming is, mate front enilnent ly tonwth*soureel Green is to listOlarry or Purdy to lirellt'rare to st.,ieds. telly large, publishell whack; It is, well understor Ilic pi lee Per rldinhe. Purehasers uI rigid will only he charged iio~t, still ers of ilrtggs tro. vt I,.celvo it : on the purchase id seed;. The {Men go to press shout Nfay tievt. , :inil the . engaged upon the engraving... It w and apart (I , lm the January t'atalog be issued In December. or front an, publications of this well known house of nor . leulture OI• horticulttlri• shout; or herself in tlni , waY - of obtaising It. Ilriggs at seeds ale fur sit Webb, Allot, h * .lrA (7.klij).—To all Who a. from the error.: .-and I n tlli. rit t lon,, of wealCnt.:,.i.arly . iiloray, lo,:i Of tnantt end a redpe -that 1%01 cure pm I'II A I,:ti E. This great' remedy was a nki ,, dottary In fiouth Amolea. Send ed en‘”lope to Elie 14. V: .10sFrit T. 1. D. Bibl e if,'w.2;7:-Veto York t!ity.f. Ma , -- .".' 4 40 . 11-- 1 . 1 A Ttf.)LtTO neviylex,lltent:artieles Avhleh our Weld , of A115t,. , 1 Pa.; keeps In his,: count,al seeds from that itn.tly eel Ittigt.a Sr. Pro., fnilcago, Ill„ and It the largest seed s house in the world , prise many of flar readers tit learn t Merchants In the Milted fates hail Itrlggs 1 / 4 BM'at whose hots, cats ehromos„ dic., are extremely attract!, oringri,and artistic One of t signs from the Ipuids of their artists ed -qtriggt & rept Tomtit Grounds,” and-,representsitrace i cc fort rcpresentarions of the different mates striving (pr the honors of le. deslgo Is eitropely happy and phi conveying to the !artier or hortieult able information upon the ;merits o toraatos. We see that they place na varieties the (teen Gage. Conqucro way's Excelslorilxhlle they , rate out the following order of merit: 'Pro{ Ilencral Graut., , Alubliartl Curled 1 1 Larg.. :Early fled, Dwarf, Dwarf Early Mid, 'Keyes's Early t•litider, and in the rear, with reins ground and a tel at Ijis eye to rest are, shuillei up the Large Vello ' seene.is laid in the richest:humor. give the lithograph at Wehle's at{ without breaking out into a : hearty I r nichl6 Powtta. & Co We can ansuro our readers who Itrig,7n & 11;rti'3, betqls, that they c upon Jii•t as aiMintageous:trring and 441 jinit . .18 0..1 quality, as if o Set. I;ri^,g24 & J:11111317 unudn Wr.C.lt; , . A : MARRIED. AMBLE—PITESTON.—kt 1576, by Rov.p. awl . 31.[53 1.04 w Lyox,--(.1.1A1 (IEO.M ti.—At 7§l t•ev. E. .1 311- , t Ponta Chamberlalit,jef Orwet , . •1111:..9111, the ',rile. le.' Taylor, Taylor, of lioio”, to Mksti Litle S. • I NV A Ti 3 ON-I.llONS.—t o itt Leitaysvi &Hee Or the hrhhes by Rev. w: 11,-Slgsten, Perri% to Mi,s Sarah lA. l.yu as, troth of Iv DIED. MALTIN,— lit iiipo r. Wif , cOnslo. . c .--11, I lIIISC or ht.r ri'rot bet. M. Etail.Y M" go, formerly ,i;I this pure;. Er.I.IOTT.—I 'Obis borough on Ft .1 one MIL at 2 iellock, Mrs, Vat harit wife or De:mi - It James Elliott, aft onry iwn tlay4 aged nearly 79 yea M r. and MN. Elliott were }tat rird .1 years ago, and itavo lived In this p years. Th. , y **ere both learneid • members of thijowattela Baptist, dealh of Mrs. I:1; takes fr(int the so firmest pillars. 7.; Her pittee in the' liver vacant, ultless she was detail or ether unavnly,lat.le tteeonnt, stn.% to do for theMkAter. she loved so • I bath beton: terleath she , was at: the morning afid ewning, , awl u heetheen and'; sisters in emelt' dying love of lul!r Saviour, ant pa ,hems, idoklin body and "shei If;N hurled 011 fikatllrday tqleTllooll, /".4 . 3 11 , i01 , , . 41 the bank of the Mud 11111. SKI will hi: greatly ints . s her : cotnieutlon, chore it labored,fnr, h u ll by a largae4ele of areithe dead that dio "They rest filiht their' hibors acid fellow hem' rowELL $4 Col 1 (vr ()N wir Sdlei P., Paulo? rA awl I :44.1; It Thli Sirvol, MIZE I= ifi ti• ' Ng: , Al 10-10, eAntion.. ...... " 1'a0114.! ey New s's, Iteg.ivo ot St e. Gold ..... .... Reading . Philadelphia 8 Erie Lehigh Navigallon Valley;;EK. DiV rutted R. U. 'Of N. .l 011 Creek .Norlbern Central • (7 , .ntrra Tr:mstortallon Nesmiclihnln;r- • , f. ' 1 1 4. 4 allrtt l4 Sß " Y 1 1 I ~► S- -7---*-4101/.- -- SPECIAL NOTIC UMEMEMESI MINI " ~;, .I.and NOW, OR FOREVER AFTER ,oratUcacK•s. e • Balt. a littlo money FOR. NEARLY THREE YEARS MANIthAC; TTJEED GOODE& HAVE BEEN snalrked dolin G9ING.DOWN= r •DOWN-DOwN4 BUT THE 'LINDICATIBNB ABE TAT hia, for cash otery low, for the stamp, id bard Haigh- E s nglLsh Steel, ,el.ltht, for sale lIA.B BEEN lIEADDED, AND THAT DRI-1 DES WILL i'EBY SOON TAKE MEM/ UPWARD TENDENCY ! la3tor for 99 This le, therefore, to notify Joy enetomeriand the public generally, that I will dbposo of my en tire stock of for tO cts. s, tp be. Ls C00(18.-1414. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING I:msortment klanantett ■t .114. At prices at least TWE,NTY-FIVE PER CE,.T. LOWER than the lime articles Can be offered three mouths hence. "A word to the wise is 3am- o pair fine old, for sale Ord CO.—JI4. tient. , l at tilllnery and intent extant. My stock Is costrt.Ertt In every depart nlent,ind Ilan been purchased at the VERY I.,:otrzer rte• unto, Thlise who do not avail themselves of this opportunity to buy Clothing , ourself or yogrnell" that /6 at. by par- CREA,PER WEAR EVER BEFORE, And probably much lower than tho same goods will bo offered fOr many years,.must not censure me, as I have given you all timely warning. cys. ThO caving ttiern ost office tc6. Yours, respectfully, care, your and envelope. to cnjoy tlin yourselves at Towanda, June 14, 1876. Watches, Jewelry, kc. s, A. oIIADIDERLIIi . . Dealer hi . _ DIAMONDS,. • and FINE JEWELRYThi, and WATCHES AND CLOCK.S. TOWANDA, PA: June 2-74. hat ht. E. :ride Iht3 :11I11.01ilteP. et nttent'eo ent:t hour Ilk, 'le public Wilt s tno , t gvoler be largely to Zits more, and 114 plinanl un',..2111 'llse'Till' and this Instanre co heretofore - ,may not mils IMES . can boast stness In the OW a work._ Itt nral and Intrtl ti4rty years of de and dower Arbonntl, and Itrateil with id stteelner di culture Of ev ble kingdom o treat 1/R the Is lotse-etttls 111:tge -or liam ,raelleat gl ow- Ak will etutt . What S.tth ,rilits. Itrig & olditlun will i t tt L will lt-eitlit the work out- WATCIIES, I• the. tutn -4 pretafi.) tol work' will ,rtlsls arp I,ow ril in% sefi-'ll - 31.• I. Whir! I Will • otlirr of tho Evvryiovvr Ipin hitivielf, 11 HENDLEMAN; e by - Cep. It tjan2o-Gei. suffering 'out h., neiwthis att, &c•. 3 will FrtEr,;. OF . bwirve MI by; r -a4l Elf rss- M A ipu :FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, mong the demi lion. to,k, may be ebratetl,firm, lieWr, N.Y.. STEKLIM SILVER It will star- • t over 25,000 I • lie seeds from macs, labels, tt in high cot e newest de s what hecall- Race on their urse .' .with per arletles of to dership.' The 3satit. beshhis 'list consider the different their leading .:r. and Ilailia ier Narietles In 113 - , Defiance', ear, Ilepper's )range Field. liffe, Simnvr's thrown to the see where the SILVER PLATED WARE .111011 THE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST. GOLti, SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES .L• EYE CLASSES Ono door north of 1 - 2 ) d r. i Po s titer t lc Sou's Drug store, [.. The si liole nil 1141 one can • examination It -hire to order n 61. cure them Webb, Icred direct. I r a n d order of IME/ MEM T)itESENfTS F 0 It A L EMI 1110 'Julie 7, I Irr T. liamble NEW JEWELRY STONE eath. by the cateiNlße, and A.. ROCKWELL Ho:;ionor• of Mr:Orvitto H. Young, or Or- s constantly receiving In addition to Ills large stoe of jewelry, e, at the rest- I: :I , lth or May al I% W:11,011 FINE GOLD SETS, PINS. - iiin nok Fiv ,, t, in BAN DS, unr 21. the ythi, of Chlea- clay: numiing r Lent Elliott. •r an illne,s of 1)011: 4ixty-one :tre twenty-stc nil ecinsttitent inre h, anil the kety one of 11,5 !OiIRICAN AM) SWISS WATCHESi GOLD AND SILVER WATCOES, Salle:nary wa,. 41 by Meknes:, i ast eyer w il lug Z ell. Tha Sub- Much, both ht . ited with the MOT:I2 4ig the aking the PIM 11100.1... SRC' . near her ththt 4htlful lake uri •d, not only by sbeluved and C1111:11113P1WPS. in the '41.0rt1. - their Winks In '• ! • SILVFM, PLATED WAitg OF, ALL VARIETIES. • • • GOLD, Silver AND STEEIr SPECTACLES, SILVER AND PLATED RINGS AND CRAII3I Also • CLOCKS OF ALL VASIETIE Watch, Clock and Jew - eirj repairing 11 , 41 e ten best manner,: mid warranted: l'hangs fora Moral t.atronago and ham to merit coati:maw:o or the same. - • )1V IS7C nov W. A. ROCKWELL pURE GROUNti BM. AshE, 11V - H /PO. 11'.1 4 ,1 11111', 11304! • 121% 4 ! 1'21.: - . 117' 11791 • / 1 7 1 ); 1 tirtt . IL^ iI tr.:ll I have Just recolved a largo siipply of . (4`... , 41 52 q ~. 44 I 44 1 1 IS'il 137 , i1 , 13i no •i 1d • ‘: 3QI 1.,.,41 FRESH GROUND CAYUGA PL ANTE 'Manufactured from stone.selkbsd by Mypelf, a warranted PURE. • riticE.—Cash, i 1 O;. IM U ne, `l7 00. ;dud your orders ; .r BIER IA.NWI.F;iER !s..utV±trlli s *tAt"B !, CbUdng. HOLD YOUR PEACE I HARD PAN A SUDDEN AND FURNISHING GOOI)SI M. E. BOSENFIELD. I= 'JEWELRY, SILVER ‘ Dealer In and FINE JEWELRY Also CLOCKS, TOWANDA, PA., AT THE TUNGS, STUDS, ChARMS, NECKLACES!, and llie lowest prices INKEI RUMWIRFIELD it DMINISTryATOitr i S 1 4 TOTICk ilL'iotlee la hereby, given t at all persons M i. eehted to the estate of Daniel '. Ames. lato.ot Pike, deed must make, twined]. te paymemy to the uuderskuule, nod all peuon3 tar ng Cillibll3 against ' , MAI estate must present teem, tl'ly authenticated. for anytlement. •: 3 6 7 114.1 A HOWELL, MUM:bar/tor. moylw6 • A D.IIINISTI;ATOR 3 , NOTICE. .m—Nottce is hereby given . that all persons ln. dented. to the estate of Ira Adatintil dee'd, tato of Smithfield, Bradford Connt.T, Yonna., must i make immediate isiyment to the undersigned, and au persons hiring elalms against mid estate must 1 eseut them,Auly authenticate' ' for !settlement, Art:ELIA Ftrioluxo. • i Adm*.t. 3!ay4w6 ADMINIS'rRATORi.S N OTICE , —xottep Is herelii ;Oren that all pernetn In debted 10 the estate et L:. L. Nobili;,ll44 of To wailda. tier/J.4er, lutist Make 114.dlate payment to the undeMlgnr , l, and 'it'll per q hating Maims agalunt nal4 estate mast-present t dm, duly ataheu tteate4;tor settlement, -., , . . - , 1 E. T. FOX. 1... • A4tu'r. , . . may4wo [ ..... • _ r ADMINISTRATOR 4 e S, SOTICE. Node° is hereby,. glven that all tpersonsjla ' dented to the estate or Moses.Silles, late or Wye.- IttertiO d ie l, must make Inithedlate payment -kt.'hae 'shaving ClailVis against said !estate tuast Pr y t it vi thcm duly autlienticated4or settlement. Z. 4 4..STRUNK. jiinSwG,r... - : . AiitnlnisAter.. 1; ., AA D)MNISTRATOR 1- N,O ICE ..„.. —notice is herebY given fiat AK-persons In; deMed to the estate of K., K. riollis. late or Wind liam,, deceased. mist Make linnitullatepayment to the undersigned, and 'all persons hading claims spins: said estate Dillqpiesent them, duly authen tniated, for settlement. i. ~. %IllirtßlETlcomtss, - 1 'it, , x.c0r.415:34 diulnlstrator.A. 1. Jiins3..l3r XE(ATTOR'S NOTlPP,..l—Notice is here by given 'that Ihdebted to the estate; of Lydia Chaffee, late of Warren, deed; Must make immediate payment tri the undersigned, all persons having claims agalnst i tuild estate must present.thein, duly,authentlcated; for settlement. . P. 114 CIIAFFEE. vnayllwa . I Executor, ECUTOR'S NOTICE.-=NoticeF I . is hereby given that all pertions Indebted to the estate of George 111., Mentally° late of Towan da Borongh, I.lr.ulford County, Pennsylvania deed, must make Immediate pkymeut tothe"un dersigned, and all persona having elainel against said estate must present thew, duly authenticated; for settlement. " may4w6 A UDITOR'S . _NOTICE. .—. Alleg - LI , ~ Jayne vs Justice 7,ewis 2nd. : : In the Court or ('omtitan Pleaiiof Bradford C 0.,, ' N 0.972, Sept. 7...;' Ism i • !, , Tho undersigned, an anditor appointed by salt/ fr Court. to distribute the farads ariSing - from the sale. it of defendant's real estate, will attend to the tlutleit of his , t appointment: at his '''7. omee in Towanda' hem., on 'I/VEST/Ail% July 18. 187,3 ,* E at 10 o'clock_2l. w., at which thne t znd place all per , r, Setnchavlng claims uptitt' said fund Must present i i , them, or be forever debarred-therefrom., ;J. A: WILT, 1., 1 Auditor. , AEDITOR'S 'NOTICE =Mfrs..E. , C. Ward's F.:Termer vs. Ilenry Ward.. itt tip, Court of Cotillions 1',14.-as 'of Bratltord County; No. '53 , 4 Feb. Term 1371;' i. l' ; ; ; s The underslkned. an''uditor iappolnted to dis... li tribute money In the silo Itt's hands. arising front - li the sale of defendant's. I i.al estate; will attend to - I; his appointment at : the Court, .j House . /1.- Towanda Dore_ on MONDAVI Jul) ; 24, 1171., at 2 o'clork In the afternoon. atl whirl! time and Li . place all per , :litu; hai•ing elalui.4 upon! fold Imp! 1; Ill'ist pre4lit them ~r ii!• forever debarred frl•nt ColliiTigia on the F , alne. 'j R. It LITTLE; Auditor. , 1 • 1 tutfirc4 ov 1%, ETU .. , . TIPTIA NS' C r OTTIITi SALE.-13v v; virtue or Mr, rder I: , meci Mit of Ifio Orpbalm' ' 1, 0 C;. - art of Ilrailforll C...our, the Tvolerzligned. AO- '. re. - 1,..-..• ri% of the . ,:;te or w. W. iivtimb,..l., ,i,...-.1. witi.expos'o ',, N0,r4,•!•a10 oil the fremkes, oil il :-.,..: I'llTrA.Y..ll: l N: L 17111, 11.17.4 cu .1 W , Vo , k-.. r.'o., the following . deNerile.,l property ' , sitttat/d in Ulster 11 twp.. hOunded agf,llosv.:r 1 . li tin tllO north by la la Of Jamep.Mcrlartv: On Iho east .by the SuHmehanna river:ion the south by 1, land.:rof .1. IT. Holcomb, 'and on jibe west by lawls . 1 of hi the Welles estate: colitalninZ 44 acres. more or :7 , -, . , 1 1 ERM5 4 :—.4.10 on proK rty bel i lz, struck. down, r ; awl the balance on e.oltitinatlon or sale. . • MIN E RNA WILKINSON. maylftwa. , iidndirlstratrii I • ' •• 1 :i TRUSTEE'S BA. 11 E.—T rustec,'s • - sale of co:Oland" and mining propFrty and ad- .; irortenartecs in the emnity of Bradford, Srate Penttsyliania. I • 1:v virtue-of a mortgag , or deed of trust ev - mted and delivered-I'T the Full ('reek Bit ('oat Comp:tor'. et t h e State; of Pen Itsylvauia, to the unders:igtieti as ,Trustee. dared the first day or ' , la.)", 13G-s. and reedrded in the office for record iug deeds. Ste.,'ln and fOr the coMity of Bradford, in said State. oil Deed Itook No.i 2.7 r, page RP_ Are., on the Atli day of AIaY,.A: ILllsss; and also 1n...! Mortgage Book,' No. 11,1 , :ige Sc.,; on the t3lll day of November, A. I the undersigned. a, Trustee p, aforesald, hena by give notice that I will, inn TUESDAY, the.:nth day of A, PRI • 'it' l o'clek, noon, Of that day, at the Extdiange itolues„ No/. lit, a ay. In the city, tottnty , and state of New at aim: ion to the highest biillb r. tae prop,r,y, tl rights, privileges and 0 :inch is.fs conveyed`t,c .; oonied to be cOnVE.yeli Inc by !said Ituortgage or deed of trust: default bas hug Wen made by said 1 Company In the ternii'kud conditions Ofisaid Incol gale. and -hell default: having citlitinued for the spare. of ',silty flays. and 1 ,toeing Inquired in IA to MAO "ant , by:the:holders (f certain ~f the said' onds secured by said mortgage or deed of: trust. which were at, tliq time of making, skirt: (pest due and outstanding. - I - . The property aforesaid inc 4 m les shine sixteen, hundred acres of MIA:. situate; in Franklin mud ovortott , townships, in Bradford eeturty, Stale of PcullsYlVania, being; coniposed off the ,oriole of the • tract of land sUrveyed itt the name of George Edgo and the several partsof tracts surteyed in the names of George Temple. Samuel Edge, Paul dfariiy and Andrew, Harsh - , ail ,trf i.ri.iteh..l4 moire acrliratelY iI .1,1 :bll'd and d'Se:ll:d in said Mortgage: urgetli.or Wit!1:111:311it slagUlar 'tile ralir4ads_ manes, ores, Into .rata. woods, r euls,lanes, wdys,!vCaters, watyr emi:ses. easement*, righls,libt 11 , :reditanients and appurtenances unbethe S:11114 preintws belong- Mg and f appertaining, the reversion and re mat o'er', rents, Issues and profitts.thereof. ii FOr a.more full and coniplete .(it' of tho • property ; to Ire 'sold, n ittr. Its isnindarres and does-,, Lions, referenee may helmet to the said mortgage, of zecord as aforesaid, Or to originat thereof; in the pOssesslon of Messrs. Cray Davenport, at rneys.at No. s Nasan. street, ties - York City.. TERMS OF ,SALE:4'ren per cent of the pun. - 1 chase money is Jodie paid . cash in hand on the day 4 of sale, and the halance, 'isto bo limid within thirty it days thereafter, at the 011 ice of Bray St Davenprt, No. 9, Nassau street, in the city of' -New York, Slate of :New - York; mO 4 upon the payment of tho ;i said balance In • full the puretMser•vvill receive: Deed tothe said property, Conveying such title . Is vested in Incas Trustee as aforesaid, ; . . . . 'Dated February 21th, !it'd. I 4 . • ; I', •. I , CHARLES Fl lily - XTER, Trusttse,for the 1 , ;ii td lers of the -Fall Creek DI- I nainhaims t'oat . :l'ompiiiy. : . I , : , 1 GRAY A: DAVEN.CODT, d i !I Attorneys for Troste, .9,;lassan St., N . ., T. II City, I ,• t - ', I , N The above advertl , enient 'appnars lit the ,folt ne- •1 ling nevopapers, to-v.ID : Tte Ket ifnti P"sfi,j,ll4.. li,bed in the City of New Yorktithe Rliladel phi.; 1 .Ealtdrlr., pubilsto.sl in' the City of Phllarlelpola - , ' 1 and the:BRADFORD I:ErtiltTtatipubllshed •In To- ~, t.anda, itratiferal l'oin d y..Pa. 1 I. ' •II The sale of the above - oeseribeit property is heir by adjourned . to TI"E! , DAY the 2.2deday or May, n . INl'd, at the sante-11.11r a'fol place? I • , 2 I tated:April 2.5, 15711... i A . , t MatitiAES iF. ;HUNTER. ' I, Trustee ifor the Bnndlunders-of the Pall Creek DI- II tumlnims Coal Comp: 05Y. 1 . 1 [inay-lid. The sale of the al,,,veßeserlbed property is here- ZJ by a.limirned to 'III i'l?.*l /A Y, tlie r..kt day of June, !I 1.574, at the same ti lit" a:MITI:VaIi l' -- :I' Datei! May:Zit!, 1 .; ' , 7;-iltall Id, : i . . .1- t'11.:45.11 , . HUNTER!. 'Urn:dee for the Bondholders, of ,I he Fall ('reek Bi- tanduous Coal (54,1pai,y. ~ A 11.13011arat.3,aaVeraSOMOIlw. . , ..• ! 1 :i ;; Al 7 -001) C.A B.l).iNtil - 1 . : •,i T ,wo )vouict !n tor:1111;04! haliii.g Wo.:1. to ..i Card, tllAt our lietv tltql will 'll.,;rt•ails for I) . 'n.quess ' . l . . I.y ,the 1 ' ' . 1 ' 1 1 20th of JUNE, ; . . - .. 1 - :iatisi c iciicn guar:mit:ca. , l , -- i•I • 1 ~ i .. 'li ,Y wooLENI mu.i.s. i, Troy, Pa:, Jone i, ta;:!:..zjuuS-6tt 1 i l:____,l ITAIan & mioADTAnt, .:.. ,i. !llanufNcttoc, :Jr Woolen lik.oths, Yams. .V't D 1 , il - - ' 1 A CRDINt; -:- A - , 1 / 1 1!Eit ' IN(4, '_' 1 , -,! . }Vp.tdei. -.1 ~ c:1,1, paid I'4 wool, alai cloths cholla:401 for wohl. i junt4-3al , . C. LERAYSTII.LE, PA., - il „. ...., NkT,:OOl, CA 10 iliNG . i . _. ,_ . , AT frITE .1 • - AVOOi/E , N • 6111iPTOW'N',,i PENNA) Also torinaractatiog and cloth tlres.siolz:itbolod r: 0 'on sliOrt 'tont,. .-W'y aro alrta,lyl iuntlillig ruffs i front Die! new Hip, Itutl, are itivtiartsl. .o.ilo work as I ia.n. a. tntferecl. . i 1 I j ! :11.13:IINGITA-11 Ii • r. ! ' Camlitowtniol, .111". f 4 di.. ; I .., ' • 1 - 1 - IISSOLU ' r-p)N NpTl:CE.—'rlte 1 . i . I_7 ,r l ,ot , :trttu'rNtiii;l,fiitceen (1e.% Sieven.: and .11, II • j 5: Lin).%. in the ktri. , el7 :nal pnyilnee 611SItICS:tillillt.r .. "1 r lilt. ill 11311104 A l'qt.lii'llli & 14,b,, , •: - $ this day di:I.A •iliVi•li ly Inittual u.trekl:..ent. Tat. t.iitine. Ai ill. lie '± i'6lliitilit.il by Geo."%tevens at the old ',stand and sob. ,J 1 Dement inny be ina,le with either t,f the. tinder- s i kne'll All l'er , "n , having' Wie... s etiltr:_with no. ;tro ettri.stly requested tti. 911 mitt millet the same 3 , t%ltlloUt tilliily : -,, 1 ii I 1 . •,.' (:Ft.. STEVENS. 1 i ! ::. 3I; J. LONG. Towanda, May lot1),Ils76. ! .-i '. '.l . I r rii.E suilstAllnElt ,- 'TA KES L. I`h : tsar' iii eat tiqg theat4.l.l4oll ili. ilitiniitner- 1 11m rit,rons atill the .inttilie golloraltY, to. thtt . f act that ho still ('otttlttueatt -'' , '1 ' 1. , I ..,23 3 11:11.N Eft A I Apt - ILK ET It ITS' 1 NE:4BI , pl, t the, 01.1, STAND i.f . 11,1YEIt. ..1.: liUSllor.l - 3„ JO' Girton's Mork, neat ty rprt.:-Ite the; Aleatts U {Um:,± i , i ) ., 1 :not na lio Is propartal to furls 1- I . I ; SALT AND -FRE S H MEATS, 1 ,-.i .1 1 . , g.. F .• FRESIIPOITIATRY .'' 1 I 1 ' . f : i . i • - , . 1 , ta . ) ,s s , . 1 VEG ET A.lll, E S .A IV 1 1 1 , 41,111.1.5 . 1 I •• , 4. 9 .1 • A , • , . i .; I 1• - 9 Or tho Tory, ' . tsvtloaiify. at a /ON tarns an) . ln I'll totabttelttnen ? t. i. ..- . ' 9 • " 1 P. rrroimoNV, xetutor W