II j4ticiOrral geitarhitent "Potatoes as Food for Stack. Potatoes in many localities, dis tant from the market, are this sels i on so abundant and cheap that they can only be used to advantage in feeding out to stock. It is true that, certain agricultural writers have of late en deavOred to show that this valuable tuber",was of little or no value for such purpoes; .hut it is very proba- Ne that. the gentlenien 'who adfinee such theories are not practiCal agri eniturists. • The value of the potato as a foOd for man and many of our domestic animals is too well known t(are'discarded at this late day in consequence of anything which may 1)6 writtedby theoretical chemists or agrimilturists. Bit while the. potato has been a bOne of contention among derieultur-1 ists for utanS - ' years, its practical and sP,Tifte value as rood for .stock has ikver-been disprdved when put to y tb ,, test. Tile celebrated iveterinarian. , * Yonatt, in speaking of the .dine of the various kinds of rnots as, fi?od for stock. says of the potato: -Lkinoii!i the various ve , Tetable pro lu.-tionsAhat have been appropriat-1 (-TlO - the.'stall-feeding of cattle, none or•casioncd , Treater diienssion, !than the Potatoes: They furnish an' stimily, ;. partieularly tut anti strained; they apireat• tte to the fitteniir• of neat cattle'. com - binatic ri with comp.ii.rative-: lc small i+ortidns of other In the eleventh volume of the IJritis4 "! Agriculture,'' we fini swne ~t atement.4 froni Mr. Campliell, of Viyr.. which hear • lipon this--quef:tion. tlya Itm Im=liels of potatoes. and 'No pratpth: of haydre :retwrarly sutlicient . . 1 fatt-n any animal that thrives, toi , rablv wcll. They should at first. 1. ~ fit- o n ,s-mall 4 - prtntitie , int•reasel to one or two pyr ilay dry f..) , t loving (--1.:,n , 1 h R propc4ti. - )n of hay hi•ing rlw . ralatc.d b the tlkAct . • 15 i:•11 the , putatcoJs proance - on thp bowi - t!ls: TL;.. -hay should, always be in order thatl it mat Le more mixe.l with. the potatoes:- Cl= The Use of Shellac on Farms This'is the 'way a western fanner talks aliont, raisin,. squashes: 1)10(1-last sea-4.bil, with such stitisfae7 tors- results, that I wish to Share them - with others. nil-several years I hare kept. au open-mouthed fmttle of shellac, dis,solved. in alcohol, for applioation to my fruit trees, when I I cut Mr alimb, in season or out of This; is about as thick as wolasses, andlis put on with a small brush. • When Hubbard squasheS 1:T1 priv, , r4-sse'd to about the 'third rough lea j f,l found there were bufrs invegigatimr them, allostinf , 1 ur tugs to the plant, to take andr do for wilcle i erop—so I went fOr them. :They are a flatish dark-; . e, , :cal pa ty,. with hip-roofed havks and' a powerrul odor. when pinelled. .11artlett Ne:it tlit• plant in .oacli Lill 1 placed a flat on the ground. Now. 'ti.•-re is nothju: , new or 1:1-.procceding—the pinch comes ut :Olen:ling to the traps once or twice at tele4. one to seven art!. fibund.at eae . l.l •examination. and Illlfliy P.1(1011dV, AVero 111:11*- - i thk time their WI•rl'•41 . 1 - SC11“1 . 01 ill Hride,r i>f at least Half of the existing • leave-z, placed ill the shape of an obi -. c!.l:llitonefl.harr• - "w. placed in C•ireli - z, placed in solid .squares, and placed pr,misction- , ly. pill I pick the leaves oir! NO, the plant , : were too small tollti•ar it. Dill I scrape them off with my thumb No, that , would . have taken too I. and Nyoull haVe inpired ihe lefives. I took . the afore stild l j uitthi and brush and covered errs with the shellac with one ilalnL of t.;:e I,rush, and they never t doveloped, nor eould the application discovered on the upper side of the leaf, ;mil this is what I claim 'as (wi - ginal, the cliange from what would I , ave hoer transient visitors to per oraauent fixtures. The two forces cleared the.squashes of every bug in (lags, and resulted in a tine SHAWIIFILitIES.—Theri` is not intiell dan!rer or making hind too it l' fo'.";r strortierries, it. i t • , c r „ - pped ti t )r :•;tveral phas ' previous. Twenty-live tons of stable mitnure_ ought: to a. be iooil dressing fiir an acre of sod turned under in the fall, and tile t O tons you have on hand will probably he sufficient for , . two acres: If, the plants do not grow as rapidly as desired, then add :rround bOne as a top dress ing, as this is the best way tv . apply these materials. A dressingiof lime and ashes might be applied with benefit this sprin!; - , after the first plowing, s:iy 20 bushels 'per lure of first nmi five of the latter. TJte,e lad aid in the decoMposition of the - egetallle"nvater in the soil . , lint add little in.ty way of fertilizing. But the ashes nntl (rrouri bone may be • , ; :Trilled with betelit, and at any time (•f the vear; but just after the fruitis , • • g.lthercti 111 , stlMlncr will give the ,plants alvigurous start in the fall. The hocin:r _or cultivating will mix the:•ie materi-als into 'the soil deep endugh to - teach the roots, land do mtu'e good than to 'be _plowed under deeply., A ton of Other will not be too heavy druss . in:r, if worked in ith a hoe or cultivator. If applied just befiii . e a good shower, there will I,e no' danger of j,njurin:: the leaves , of the plants 4 , f: never knew a farmer to take an; axe or. a. beetle and g o - round and break a wheel here, and a brace milk this section, and Oip that one among 0.7 hines, wagozns and,. iniplemqnts 3..:::t is, unless hs was drunk! Ilia home of them—pretty good farmers . , too, in most things, : get about the same results lin a roundabout ;way. They-store the mowing machine in a leaky shed, ;where it is used vas' a turkey roost, the lighter impements ;:re away 'where cattle knoi:k them (;own and, break them ; the carriage and harness' are kept where the .table fumes spoil the varnish ; and ,the general slip-shod, style knocks ceso per cent. from the N;alue of the fa' inim.; equipment. The fanner who- keeps thiugS " ship-shape," is generally the thriVing man. " Down aTrthe-heel-activeness"" will spread the black frost of MOrtgage over;a farm nearly :116 quick as rum-drink- WE • -IN ill:';Ctalld was turneil over'on white table-cloth ; 2 a setwatit threw over it a mixture of salt pepper, traces of it ilisapptlaed: I: 1. I.lEi]LiE Cm:E.-4 eggs, cup but- Li,. sugar, 1 of milk , 3 of flour, 1 42:t.spuoilful- erealii of tartar. filittational Pparin!rni 11===I 1 E. E. Qu - mezz o , - J. A. WILT, committed J. C. CRAWFORD, of a. W. RYAN, Associate Editei-s. A. A. KEENEY, • Communications may be sent to either of the abase editors. as my be preferred. and win appear In the issue of which he has charge. J. A. WILT, Editor, prerfit "tack. TOO MANY . BOHOOLS It is a lamentable fact that we haye too many schools in our county. It *been and still is the. practice in many town ships in the . county, to build a. school house for the accommodation of a_ few families that may have a considerable dis tance to go to school.• This is a;great mistake. We are aware that it is'very conienient to have a short distance only to School. We know that it often saves the, - children to and from school,ou • stormy day's. But it is impossible to hate a school house near to each family in the district, some will be-near, otheri will have from a mile to two miles to go to school.' "Selfishness," in this as in many other things, "is the main spring of hu rrin action.", and the people all try to have the school house as near as possible, and in thiti way many schools are estab lished at a great expense to the district, when the people would look upon this matter in its proper light, they Would make, an effort to have a less number of shoots, but more 9 0,1 ichoobt. There are many places in the county where if tvo or ; three of the old school houses and seho ds were abandoned, and a graded s4okd established in a central plaee, the distance would not be increased much. tn,l the advantages of a graded school wont.' s9.)ri be materially fel* in the 'There if mach valuable:. tic I. , st in our schools: on account of nut in 4- able to grade' the scholars. in a ia4he rural di , : ;tricts. there are g.-:'acs, from six to twenty-one years of 34'e, and it is impossible for one teacher to classify them so as to accomplish what could be dune, could he grade thztri; and thus have the time to give to a less nutu-' bcr ;if classes: One of the mottoes in• teaching is, to accomplish the greatest amount of wort:, ill the least possible time. By consolida ting schools and establishing kraded schools instead such a result as this can be accomplished. )Ve hope the tOyhers max think Of this and use their influence with the directors; We do, not lack-in tie number of our schools, but our sehpols are not the best kind, and ",therefore Nt e should make an effort to improve them. For the Etlueathviv' Department.] THE TEACHER'S MAYSER, , How often are We Called upon to depre cate the*lack of Irving tones and looks in those who are dealing with the:young. cross, crabbed teacher, cold and-unfa miliar by nature, however he may be quadded by intellectual acquireinents for teaching, is not in his place before 0. class of tender hearts, yearning for synipathy, and ready to be won by love into tie The alo,cence of a pleasant, winning ad ireSS. will neutralize a host of other quid= ilications and utterly destroy the lower of the Most learned and convincingliresen tations of the truth. If the teaclicr,has not got this quality by nature, he must -cultivate it as a most important duty: Ilefore entering the school room let him take full possession of himself, ;did hold Winselititm against the disturbing inthi enee which will be likely to nuaA' him at the thresltold Of the school-toom,. ()Vet; thislinternal firmness let him thr'ow the ' - charm of a pleasant face; smiling'ebect i ; fully upon his school; let him inake upon his pupils the ifnpression that they- are. to enter upon a pleasant day's work. Let 'hint allure tliem to their labors,:and not commence dliving th'ent. If pupils can tints be brought into SympathyWitli the teacher and with each.citlier, and made to lee! that the work before them is one of pleasure and not mere wearisome workL very much is done towards securing a whole day of profitable study. Teachers, if you forget all rdy words, remember those of Teachers inspired, "Ile that ruleth his own spirit, is might i;!r than he that buildeth a eity.li Stich a one will rule others:. ."Words fitly spoken are like apples of l gold in pictures of sil ver." how great the responsibility, then, idhini whose every word is echoed in score:: of ydung hearts. Forksville, May l;4„ Eniron Ent - c.vriosAi. Drn.mristENT.— I saw all article . 3, - (ntr Minim a few weeks ago, advocating v(!cal music in our school, and I dZisire to ask a : few iintir t ions in regard to the subject: I. Can vocal music be taught,practi cally.inour corn non schools? 2. Would you teach the principles of Of musk, or would you tiir.st teach by rote:' S. Ilowf tequently would you have the exercise? 4. Would you teach the whole school it the same tine, or would you, divide it into classes? 5. How Many schools are there in Bradford county where vocal music is .:tuglit.? ~•,5 Please answer 'these questto& and oblige one who is allious to know. -C. • I am not fully prepared to answer all of the above questions at' present, but will say in reply to the Ist, yes: flit. I have tried it myself; 2nd, Both. 3d, •No less than once a day, and if time wilt permit, twice. :4 and 5 I will not answer ; at pres ent: The next time I have charge of this department I will answer more ED. PP.EsENT WEEK. CommEl , mxTiox.—flow 7 few parents and teachers there are who realize the magical power of contwadatfon - . -It is the electric spark Which fires the soul of the young to most devoted and cheerful effort, in labor or iti:correct conchict: It magnetizes them anti.fastet.s them to you. Not a set speech. ”o they fail on any thing? Ask them to do it over again. "That' "That's'! g00d . ." They me paid—they are gratified ; they are filkd with joy and hope, and will try and do better next time. x Indepe:ndent School District was gruned by the Court. ,at its last session, in Dverton fownship,4o be known as the '..tWertonl Independent School District." The Directors will be elected oft the 31st of may, so as to be ready - to. organize in June.• contemplate building a large house and have a graded schOol..: It will be an'exeellent point for a graded school. We hope their expectations may be real ized. pURE G1101:ND PLASTER RUMMERFIELD! I have,just rec'elved a Ltrge supply of FlUrit ti c A y pGA PLASTER Minurnetured (sln stone selected by ntyself, and 'warranted PURF PRICE.—Cash, tl; 50; en ital.', r Send la orders PETER LAND3if.SSER. Rumerfachl, March 1, 1676 LEHIGiI VALLEY AND,PA. do N. T. RAIL ROADl3.—Arrangement of Pos. Ringer Trains, to take effect Aprlll7, 18711. SOUTHWARD. ISTATIOVIL 11513 9 17' 1 29131 ..___,_f___.l, P.M.1P. iP.M.AII.!P.M. 161 agars Fa 11.2...-1 2 151 7 53 4 L 7 MI ....I I. Buffalo 2 50:10 15 5 1 1510 13 ....1 . Rochester.. 1 4 001 6 ooi Cool 6 oo; ...., . Anburo..... i 5 45' .... 2 col 7 ...1 .. .1 Genera. .... 5 50 .... 8 00, ..-111 iBl : Itha , ..2 i 7 54 .... 2 421 ....112 54 , . Owego 9 00,•.... to 5c....1 ....1 Elmira 1 9 00', 3 4fllo SZt i 31. 1 2 4!, Waverly 1 9 3, 4 20,11 2el 9 fry, 3 VI Sayre : 9 45. 4 2C;11 23 9 12 1 29 Athens 1 -9 50 ; 4 ZlC.ill, 33: 9 19, 3 34: Milan ' ....i ~..! ~.., 9 its a 45. 1110.cr , ; 1 .L ' 940 9 Sr ' Towanda—... 1825 5 0512 05 1000 41E BE= . St:0011K: same.- - ...,, ...., ....;19 19 4 39: Rummerfteld ..... , .....' ~..1 —.llO 25, 4 4 , .:, Frenrhlosen •• ••1 '' •• - .'lO 36 43e WYalu3ing•-••••-•' .... 1 5 471 .... - 10 34 1 , 5 12; .I.3reyvl:l , • 11 23 6 0112 5911 1.'5 5 Skinner's Eddy... 1 ....' 6 OSI .... II 15' 3 3'l 11 .4eshoppen.. ..... : . .... 6.74.... II 3 . 3 0 0' I Meho l, l l2ll ,T ....... .... 6 29' .... 11 39 6 (1 ..T . 1111k113litIOCk .... 12 10 . 7 10 3 03 12 5.3:.6 331 ,LaGrailfge .. ..,.. 7 7,0 .... It: 31 6 45' (Falk .... 7 WV .... 12 51 • 9 5. & .I:tarticii ...12_50 755 2 50.1 2,, 72n UTE:A.-113m. 1 b^ 315 2 7 5 0 , Mau , h 340 1,3 60 . 5 25 4 , :45 4 4511 6 25 n 5 0412 14 6 V .• • • 1:3.4.,•!! i 3; 1 co 7 6 .55 $ 45 2 or. ri 25 8 . ,fn' York S 29 3 19 9.','1.9,50 • S4IitTIIW. A It I) sTATION.4. 8 30 181 2 4 32 A. 31. A M ,A.M. A.M. A.M 1 4 . - 7 re York.' 1 . 111!3.1,11 , 1113 8 09 8 4n. 9 45 1.:1 , 100 .... .. 9 2.5 .... A OC 10 30 II 30 11.11:1011,m G 30 10 4...0 - 10 07, 4310 42 17. II ... Mhtidi .... II 05 .... 14) Il 45 120 t 15 7 !:^ 10 10 .3 15 400' 1... k Juno:lon.' 1 40, 7 5511 4 0 291 435' ... II 23 .... A 1911 34 .... 5 CMS S 3111 51.... 5 15 4f11: :0 3,22 R 1.11,1,111 .. 1.34 p.lny '..... 9 17.1; 5 53 „*.. .... 9 31 n If .... , 3 07 9 39 1 19 4 01. 6 ....... 10 0., I 8 40 II; I 11 6 5i,.... .... 10 '2l 1 5:4 ..... 7 03 .... 32 2 kV 1" 41 2 15.... 7 1...) Towanda 410'1055 230 500 735 730 ......... t - 9 2 15 7 4 7 41 Milan 11 in 2 0 00 . 7 ttlo-0. 1 42 11 29 3 05 5 '29 0 IC 0 1.5 • 4 4811 35 3 5 33 8 16 8 10 N% - ave-rly 4 5511 45 3 51 5 10 8 1.5 820 Elmira 3.112 at, 4 10 f, I:, 9 10' 9 10 5 40 .... 6 3.0 ' .1.55 Ithac ...... 6 41 1 50 .... 7 25 .... S 10 3 55 ..... 9 20 .... Aul.arn 9 05 .... 9 :41 • 4 35 11041,5ter... 10 5 0 .... Il 211 ....' 6 55 11017alo . .... 12 35 S 20. 6 15 Niagara Falls 12 51 1 04 9 45 P.Nl.l':fll. A.M. P.M. P.M. Train% S and 1S run daily. 1% Ith l'uNnkan Sleep- Ing car. attath.,l.. 10..tw...t.n Elmira and Pld!add ',lda, and ieneva and Nvvi York. 11rAwIng Itl.qa-Pars taehed to= Trains 2 and 9 1gq,v....n Elmira an! 1.1111allp:phla. All trains run through to Centenn a! Grounds.. R. A. PACKER, Superintendent Towanda, April 2fi, HI/WARD F.L3tEit REC . R. GENEVA, ITIIACA & ATHENS R. R.—Commencing Monday, .lan. 21, ttatns will rip as on this road as follows: LtATING SAYltti NORTIIiV A iiD4 Nn. 8.,-.5:00 a. m., daily. with Pullmar ,Ting ('oarh through from Now York; arrivins. at Van Etter] s:4:4Spencer 5:55. !that% 6:50, Taughanir Falls 7:114. Trumansburg 7:25. Farmer 7:4:1, Ovid Colder 7:52. !lays 'orner jt,inutus 0:12, Gone va 5:45. making otos eonitootton east and west with trains on N. Y. k IL It. It.. arriving at Rochester at 11:20 a, in., Buffalo 4:15 p. m., and Niagara Falls at 4:10. No. 30.-12..Xt a. m., daily ezrept Sundays. nn ar rival of L. V. train from Wilkcs Itarre. Pittston. Tunkhannock. Towanda. d 0... arriving at Van El ton 12:15. Sin•nver Ithaca 1:55. Taughanis Falls 2:25. Tnimati;dwrg 2:32. Fartnei 2:53, Ovid ('.enter 3:02, Hay!'" Corners 3:20. Romulus 3:23. Ge neva m.o. ei.nnecting,with trains cast and west On S. Y. C.. 4 If. IL It. It. No. —G p. tn.. daily ocr, - mt Sundays, with through car from Elmira rot: Gent,a. Elmira at ::to p. m.. arriving at 'Vail - Effort Svlicer Ithaca 7,10. • Tang:tante. Fails S:ltt.' Trumansturg s:2G. Fanner 0:1G. Ovid Centb , r' iLtyt% Corner. '.1 . ;04, Romulus it:l7. Geneva connorting with :trains ea, t. and west on . N. Y. (I. & 11. ,It. It. It. = 7.—• , :6!",. a. tn.. daily etrerd Sunday:. with nit onEtti car fr(•tn Gt•no-ra tt. F.lndra, loartvg.,(ien.•• ra.at a. in.. Itrlntiht. 70.3. - it.tyts Corn,•rs 5:47. (•••:.:..r. 0,.•r n:23., Tv::!.hrtut.• Fan. 4:1;n. Ithara 7:11. Sp,nerr Van Earn at F..!nlra at nrAluit eto.e eon,: •, ;lon at savrt• With 1.. V. Irar Nt.w .. -r -Yoik at p. .:_nlltnt. p. in. 41.11'y e xr-fd Sntnl.lv... t'...:.ova al into , l a. tn.. Romilln -1(0:16. ovisl t'ont,r in:it. Farm •ts to 1.:-••it:g 11:17. T:nll2:l:nnie Falk 11,21. Ithaca 11,1 Sp r 11%17. V:tn F.:ton 1'2:3:4 making , t•1....4. n.0. , ! , .tt with I. V. Fist Lin,. arriving In Ptillad p. tn. C. r -9: pry. tn. daily. Ivlth Pullntan Sleeping r..•.v•h au:idled ter X.•w Yerlc salll: , ,at 'e 6argr: t: neva at s:ln p. m.. eat arrival of. N. Y. Iralns fr.ni Ea.t and rt",•-•t. P.annins nAtt. it,,vt. 6:29, I )vl,l Center 6:94. Farmer 6:17. Th - in.an-narg 7:n7. Tai , ••hanir 7:14. I(Lara 740, St..ncer • Can Etten cnnlowting V I. V. Nit;lit Lin,• a; riving at N sv_ r k at N:29 a 1'a;:a•1.•:1.nla GA; a. tn. ai..l to all prl it. A. PACKER. G.•n. surt III)V Pass. Agt. sTEV ENS( PS. A‘st...,lpt. PHILADELNBA & READING RAILROAD. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS E:3!=‘111:1 TrainM !rare .4 Ilentw.rn .6,ll‘ats: Perkiomf n Branch.) For I'liiia.klphi3 and Itrillger.rt 31 • Lin, '6.20 ~..LV) a. ./ 2.041 illOll. 5,7,5 awl *6.311 11.)11. SUNI..tYS. For Phll3 , lelptith, ant Perkionom June tit.p. at * 1.30 3. rp. and 3.10 p. m. (ria Engt P.ann. Branch.) For It.••adlng. +2.30. 5.70, and a. tn.. 12.20, 2.11 • -Lan and a.ty, p. F.,r 113r:1dg:qt., an, and ••.•;•1 a. In., 12.20, 4.20 and s. 15. p. tn. Fot I.:un'aster and I! , ,lntulda, 5.7 P, k.:4 a. an., and 4.3 n p.?n. !Due , . Lot run On slt'tnlayF. CDEBI3:I2 For 2.30 a. tn., 2.25 and,9.60 p. m. t..r Harrisburg, 2.30 a. In. and 9.1 p. m. Train4Pr.Allentown b,, rr lIR !O'Mara! Crin Perkban,i n Branch.) 5.30 affil •7.un p. na. Lear , larldsr,,port, 9.54 a. an., 2.17, 6.(41, 4; and 7.-10 p. an. =MID Leave Philadelphia, F.OO a. tn., and •l.in r. n _Bridgeport, 9.01 and 5.13 p. m. (rift East Pcnna. Branch.) Leave Heading 7.3.1, 7.46, 1p.a.5 a. m., 4.60, 6.10, and 10.30 p. m. Harrisburg. 5.2 0 , 0.10 a. ni., 2.00. 3•.50 and .7.40 p. Tn. i.f . 3%e Laneaster. 0.10 a. in.. 12.55 and 3.45 p. in. Co:umbla, 0.00 a. ra., 1.00 and 3.115 p. EMISM Leai•c Reading, 7.2 n and 7,40 a. m. Leave Harrisburg. 5.2n,a. m. ' Trains marked thus t•) run to and from depot. 9111 :ma Green streets, other 'trains to and front It road st rem depot: The N. 15 a. To. train from I ntilaglelp.bla and 6.30 p. in. train front Allentown hare through ears to and final Elmira, N. Y. The 2.10 p. m. train from Philadelphia and 12.00 noon train from Allentown have through cars to and from Pittstim. The 5. 3a p. tn. train froth Philadelphia and f1.'20 a. tn. train from Allentown have through cars to and from Mauch Chunk. J. K. N( - 00TTEN. General Superintendent cwl4-75-Iy. Hotels. .EL:WE 7 I,L HOUSE, *WANDA, .1011 N SULLIVAN.; Having leaved this 110114 , , to now :ready to accent !testate the travelliDg piddle. No patios tier expense will he spared to give hatLfactioa to those who may givy him a call. Sir Nort h side of Public .: : : 4 411 are, east of Mercer's new block. 311;: . . 1 1NS HOUSE, TOWANDA, CORNER MAIN AND DRIDGE.STEIh:LTS The 'Horses, Harness, Ice., of all guests of this hnsuse. Insured against loss by Fire, without any extra charge. A suiwrlor quality of Old EngHA Cass Ale, Jus reedved. T. R. JoRDA Towandi, Jan. 24,74. Propiletor. , . 1. 4 -1 4 A.GLE HOTEL, TOWAr!s:DA, PA. At the corner of Court and Inrer-sts., directly In the vicinity and south of the Court House. JOHN RVRKE, Pnornittoa. The above house has been re-fumished and re Surd, and Is now open to the ;traveling public. The liar will at all clines be 141ppiled with the best of Good stabling attached to the prcndses. Boarders by the day or !week acconnulatcd. May 10. Is:no BETHLEHEM., I'll "OLD; MORAVIAN SUN INN BUILT 1754 Itich in hlstorleal Interests., It the only building In the country except independence Hail, honored by the Mo)ourn within Its walls of Washington, La- Fayette, Lee and other patriots of the Revolution. This popular hotel has recently changed hands, been linprosed, entirely refurnished, and the pro- prietor cordially invites Ms friends and traveling pintlic to give him a call—no pains will be spared to render their stay conifortable. - People en route L.e l'hitallelphia will find it eMivenkut to spend the night here, reaching the city aisnit eight "In the haunting, A sample room on the.lirst lloor, for the aceommti,datlun of coluniercial alpints. Sept. .tra J, O. FROST do SON We respectfully amount* to an wee In want 3 110 6 05 6 14 6 Z , 0 31 C 40 855 FIRST CLASS FURNITURE, Ii•; 0; P.M LARGER THAN EVE And that our prices are the LOWEST, and ar GOODS THE BEST of any In the MARKET. Our prices hare n. Haring just returned from tho city, We ha' ATTRACTIVE LOT OF GO r ~' COME AND SEE THEM. UNDEaTAKING AT BOTTOM PRICES'A Dee. 9„ 1,875 NOW IS YOUR Cheaper than-;you will ever again 'have the opportunity of doi►ig. I have a large assortment of my Warranted in every particular, *Lich That everybody can afford tolhave one of this own. 1 also have the sole 'ikeiley.iti this place of OVIATT'S PATENT RUNNERS; Any invention which has cowl into very general use all through the west. They give the best, satisfaction wherevere they have beenintroduced • CALL AND EXAMINE THEM; Jang-76 NEW. CARRIAGE FACTORY Respectfully announces to his friends and patrons, that he has built a • -1 NEW BRICK CARRIAGE FACTORI", Where he will constantly keep on band a fuli assort ment of FAMILY CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, TROTTING SULKYS, AND SKELETONS Made of the beet ma:erial and finished In the beat , city style. Ills long experience In city Car , vine Factories gives him a derided advantage over others In the FINISH STYLE AND DURABILITY INSPECTION OF HIS WORK ALL WORK WARRANTED' TO GO7K Thankful for the Ilbsral patr i onage fortncrly ex tended and respectfully aik a continuance of tame. REPAIRING PROPrTLY ATTENDED TO C. T. SMITII, • Proprietor Tceands, Jan. 8.1841. Trfat k lims. %, • Our assortment Is reached TILE BOTTOM, And now Is the TIME TO BUY = Erifiii HOLIDAY SEASON. Everything In the hue of FROST'S & SON. Carriage: OPPORTUNITY, TO BUY CARRIAGES AND WAGONS CB Blt Y AN T S, OWN MANUFACTURE I will SELL SO LOW JAMES BRYAT. Opposite the new Jail, TOWANDA, PENN'A. HENRY STULEN PLATFORM WAGONS, Of w• Tons. All he asks is an Previoas to purchasing elsewhere. 1 PERFECT ATISFATION AT REDUCED PRICES. r HENRY STULEN. THE OLD AND POPIII4.R 1 It A R_Di W ARE STORE. CODDINC 411•RU8NELL, Invite the atentioo at the public to their stock HAItDWARE' Cons!sting:of tjOOK. STOP Of tpe most approved pat RANGES, Of all kinOs: PARLOI4 k, HEATING In endless variety. BIIIIIDING MATE, Furnished at Bblitom PRICES. En REAM FREEZERS, • SHEAR CRET CUTLERY, st manufacture, and warranted. Of the CA PESTERS' TOOLS, Of every description. AS FIXTURES, LIERS, BRACKETS, CIIAND kC. t riety. Thn hugost land I)elit assort co In Nontwin Przin,ylvauLL.. n endlosg • meat :ROSENE LArAIPS, .m the - eticapest to the hest. lIIMNEYS S GLOBES, LAMP kt greatly reduced prices. EMI riety, of our own manufacture,. war ranted first-cla4 In endless ,f all kinds In our 'tro promptly oaten ' roofs and eaves tronghs put up in the ,ctory manner, at short. notice. Jobbing 410 to. TI most sat's( , TTING AND PLUMBING GAS F A 9peclaH3 4 .. WE HAVE TIIKoNLY TRACT CAL I'LLiIBER. IN TOWANOA. Our old irlendq and the public generally id bear In mind that w•e sell gotxls only for READY A 1' I ; - Belching It the only system hp khleb Justice eau be done Loft' buyer and Neller. Grateful fur past very liberalativnialre.. ire 'kit a continuance of your custom, with the assu rance that Iwe u 111 .It. you grater lzolocrmentp than any other .stahlishnit , nt in the country. ac we carry a tallier stock, and enjoy ;peculiar facilities . fur purchasing. CODDING & IkTSSELL ps29-75-tf. - IT ARI) W R BAR litoN, EMI SWEEI)S NORWAY . IRON, BURDAN'S HORSE iSHOES, VULCAN HOItSE NAILS, Cherry Heat, WeWilli!, Compound, - and everything FOR BLACKSMITHS' USE, HAR DWA E STORE! MERCUR'S BLOCK, Towanda. Pa. • Cheaper Than Ever Offered Befor Towanda, Pa., April 1 7T-Iy. 5 00 MEN WANTED! To buy a large ntck of HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVES, &c., REDUCED PRICES. Highest price In trade paid [dr liar, oil Bram, Copper and Lead. Hardware, Tin and Copperw ire, Table, Tea and - Hosting .monk. Tinware at wholesale and retail. Especial attention givens to all kinds of Job work NO. 5, 'Mit/GE STREET. Wat. R. SMALLEY. mar:9. ,76 31.0!;N TAMS! MONTANYES OFFER A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON, AT BOTTOM PRICES! MONT AN Y.E'SI Towanda, Pa., Dec. 8, 1875. nardiras.' ODS. =I STOVES, lALS, Of every style. SCISSORS, RAZORS, =I TIN WA-Rl4, BAND RO\, HOOP IRON, CAST STEEL, NAIL ROD, Can be bad ',at H. T. JUNE'S IN T. JUANE. Dry-Osods. , thocaleasadhrMs4isi; G ROCERIES & PRqVISIONS. -111100 ABE £ EDWA,DII. Cash' dealers In all Ithuts of GROCERIES A: PROVISIONS. - . C NE DOOR NORTH OF CODDIN'D A RUSSELL Towanda, July V-. 4875 STE . VENS & LONG, WHOLESALE 4k, .HETAIL Dealers la CHOICE FAMILY-GROCERIES COUNTRY PROCUCE, . GRAIN, ttei: Mating a large ar.ll rotriniodloni:Ntore we are prrpared at all Mora 10 carry a lark., stock.. CASH PAID FOR IWTTER, • GRAIN AND PRODUCE Or taken In exchanv fOr raids, an lowest cash . pri ces. Otir lung eitikitiOice lb Orocery Trade gives US peculiar i:lraatages In iinrellaslng, and as we arc nut ambitious to make large'peollte, we rat- Ler ourselves that We eau Wier CREATER INDUCEMENTS TO „ , ttiVers than any othbr estahltsbatent In Northern Pennsylvania. STEVENS lON.G. couNl:n MAIN &:lIIIIDGE.ST ~ mayla Itswahee. THE MUTUAL PROTECTION r(IM PANY. Mame Ornce, 909 Wa'nut Stree,lilthltadelphla., Pa AY,:ing under a Special Act Al Incorporation From the P•nnwyt cant , : L•6i*/at ure R. S. CLARK, 413}..N.i. IOW.I\U.I, r% , Special attention to called to the following rate table, which will be leant t;trietfy equitable, as be• all age.: and which the tliiinpany will gnar l it exceed one-half 'the.' coot of any firs: PLAN Company . . '; wing Table shows the Rat e multiplied (or any alldill which Is the largest risk Twenty Cents will ,Ilte td eat h a:ete,sm'ent for foltecti MEM atitcc cle,m t to nt 01 1) font lay I Ipooo Th. aini ti up to one I MEI MEM T 'ANDA INgIIRANCE A.cp.:sc ! Matu Street, op posite the'court House FIRE AND MARINE COMPANIES COMMERCIAL UNION, of Engo4; Ms • ts. 117,714,578 ROYAL, of Llvervx)l,. QUEEN, 44 CONTINENTAL, of New York, GERMANIA, GE.IIMAN AMERICAN, •' MA NII ATTAN, Com Y.IICIA L. of PIOENIX, of Hartford, ORIENT. Am AZoN. of Ohio, CITIZENS', oft Newark, HAMBURG HAMBURG Btnemt:s, of Ger:xi:if!) , " LIFE & ACCIDENT COMPANIES • . , . NATIONAL LIFE, of U. S. A., Yassets 13,74,3 M TUAVELEUS, elf Hartford, '1 - " 3.176,359 RAILWAY PARWIL , t, •• I! ~ 1350,000 311UT1:AL LIFE, of New York .: " 72,336,970 Losses adjusted and paid at tbil orace. NOBLE itIVINCENT, (Jenetral Agents.: thr22-75t1. • THE FARMERS''MUTUAL INSURA: NUE CO, OF l'usc A no7:A, Is now issnlog perpetuallio:lrfr on FARMPROM:It'II' 7.7 ONLY. Each memher pays a fee, at tit time of insuring: W to cover rbarler and le:ent:tie, proses of the co., after which no fo-:l,er, paymeords required, except to meet aetna r.,dss by lire among the membership. This pla• of Insurance for IF4lnt PROPERTY, is eme!.,g rapidly Into favor. - iace of Business, SPRING HILL, PA. The Agent will canvass the TmVushlps of Tusca rora, Pike. Herrick, Wyaluslng., Asylum, Terry and Standing Stone, anti farnols' in those Town ships wishing Instirauce or information, may ad dress, A. 11.SUMNIfir. Ser. and A gt., Spring II III , 'I;rid(onl O._ 1 W.M 9111.3,1 WAY Pros. , (ic(T4m $l9 1... Otidtat?; a a t n l , i i nm te e r . m iy . e e t p tts w T a ru nt e ed oi c„., Augusta, Maine. ' i• . [nichl6'76-Iy. It e ri. t+ #'- ,,,, per Glllper day atllcane. Samples bifi toi p / khrorth $1 Xtzee. Stins. k m ...... . l'o.. Portland. Mains. e [ inchl6-76-ly - - - VA RN( POIf. SALE--A Farm of _ i _. I acres, 64 In proved. In i , AF)111111 township. Bradford co., Pa. 4 ?II the priorities are Iwo good dwelling nouses, barn and neettie.ary out building , . auti excellent water. 4. neverfalling stream of wider passes through the pn.ndses. ' Good fruit and an abundance of nuts. Follitrihei particulars call 1 , 11 or address. NELSON vANifEiti.o6 Marshrler, piAtlloril Co., Pa fe1,..1 76t f 0 I ,'Co THE 1.1131 E 1118 COI:NE is the best place In Towa to buy good CIGARS AND tO.DACCO, at luw rates. Itentiltuber X KRCIT WS BLOCK, opposliii:OUl{T 110Utir, VI or THE. "INDIA.); NITA.W, CEE !O=lll C° lEJtOE & SCOTT AT TEM' TOWANDA COAL YARD OLD best hard Coal In the Market, tion the rein at Wllkesbarre. Ravi Daldm • . I P AND SMITH COAL LU.. We are Sole Amts fcir.,tble coal. ecp I.lme..Centent and KlndlOg Wood. LOYALSOCK COAL, From t ie newly opened rein of the Sullivan Mines r, l; lmre ecrinstantly for sale at onr yard all of this superior coal, at the following pri- We wl the etzeg eee, vtiO Grata Egg fil tHva Nut Small , , - - , - , - •,. .44 co - - - .• ..., - 3:41 24 - - - ~:4 2 tit - '" • .i•,,3 26 ir coals are prepared In the best mannei and elivered clear and free fronl siate.f. The rices will he charged In addition to the 1,1 r delivering. ers left at stores of Long & Stevens, Ikins, Third Ward, Kirby's Drug Store. or mee, corner of River and Elizabetlear;Sts., 'elee prompt attention. PLEASE GIVE USA CALL. ,!‘; IMIWE. WM. SCOTT. . le, 117 S. - . %.;,' All will lro usual above All o F. J. C at our will re • IE W COAL YARD! • , .nderstgned having taken the large and toils yard, at thu foot of PARK Street, haa hand a full supply of The COMM. now on SIZES M LIME AND CEMENT. Coal delivered on short notice. HENRY MERCITIL Octll-754f. COAL, COAL, lOWA 1)A, PA keep no hand at our yard all sizes of Pittston and Willkes Harm rmt, and Loyal Mx.k emit from the : 4 ulllvan County 311:K.5. Also, Barclay. , :Lutni. and Si/11th. We keep the best quality of Lime, flair and Cc• moot, ;11rIrialol Plaster, all of which we [vial Bell at botOui prices. PIERCE Si: SCOTT: ToWanda Hay Ist, Mr, : CIfEAP COAL AND LIME; Frotn and after July 1.4 will lien coal, Hine. kr-, for rah only, and the price list will be corrected !fond] ] y. r nic - OF et/AL FOIL J CLY. PER TON OF 4400020, AT Tllla VAUD: '; •• l'ltbbbn Stove, Chestnut and Furnace ,' Irk, 00 •• Pea . 4• • 3 - 50 Carlton Hun Lump °: ;.; .. 1 00 .. Smith - ; '-= 3 00 Itarelay Mountain l i onnr U , , , 3 „ • Allentown Lime Vt bushel . 32 Lath "fl IL—. flair', bushel 1ir1..14,? Ntlo 00 • 1 am always mvm.rea to deliver purellitses on shot t noilee P. the timtal price of delivery. .• 1 0110 tender Inv toy many 7ciciSds and eumumerN for their Ve I y filk.rst pOtrotiog in the poet ahil hope trader she new deport tre to make It to their intermit .o euntitme .0 boy *here ;hey can get th'e beat gowts (or the lem,t money. es for 11000 tonal amount atria on any lied to the Tho'w. who are Itolebkeii .0 me will talto notice that l!muqt have Money or I can't buy for e*sh mot pay triights: They must settle2by the firs of Au gust belt. FEE M Towanda, July 1, 1975 - 7 -- BARGAINS! 1.75 2.00 2.15 2.31 2.:t) 1%60 6.66 6.00 6.( 6.00 6.f.0 I hav, opcnofl and vitt 011 R:11e tine tiitz%arlil pairs of Ilifants, Chilli., Misses and Woments :Shots, that will sell at less than manufacturers 1113M1211 • AL'n, S eases of Women's :Fox-lace, Uhl-lace, GoAt,lare and Fox-button ShOes, pqr palr -wortlt THESE GOODS ARE DARGAISO: • z-: . I r in also receiving a large and full llnel,of Pine Goo , s ( or spring trade. which-for Stylt., Dpiablilty and 'rice, cannot be excelled. ,•: INESE 11,509,000 2,706,286 IMME 1,9,2,635 709,05 S 4. 7.7 82 1,975,02. 71 , 1.34 z 938,410 =I TRAVELLING BAGS Ell 413.730 1,:i00,009 I.4tTHER Az, SHOE FINDINGS In full stock, at the lowest possible pri'res-. IZEMESIBER THE PLACE:— Opptedte the Court Hulse, next door to chatoberlin's':Jewelry Story;. Towanda, Feb. 23, inn SONIETIIING NEW • i. A BOSTON BOOT AND SIIOE STORE ! & M. SHEFTEL, the lesuling Itont.anil Shoe merchants of ifornells , vtlie, N. V.. will open A BOSTON BOOT AND 8110 E STORE AT No. 2, BRIDGE STREET, SIGN OF THE RED BOOT Bridge Street, Beidleman's Block liespectftilly Yours, ands, April 15, G. COAL We keep Barclay OF ANTIIRACtTE, LOYAL SOCK, And BARCLAY COAL. EMI TERMS :—Cash. .COAL. Very Respectfully Your J. li. PIIINtiY Boo's and Shoes BARGAINS!! TRUNKS, JOIIN F. CORKER BRIDGE STItEET BY THE' tsr„OF APRIL, lba.: J. R M. SULK" EL %!b" laralirota. ' , A , • lI OAMBERLIN. T• . • • , • imder in , 1 . ..4 X 0- N. B FINE .1 - E - W E and • WATCHES AND CLOCKS, TOWANDA, PA. Jimed-74. M WATCHES, , V IJEWELRY, H.4NDLEMAN, Dealer In FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS GOLD AND SILVER' WATCHES, and . • FINE JEWELRY. Also STERLING SILV-ER SILVER PLATED BARE. fROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST GOLD, SILVF.D. AND STEEL SPECTACLES I:YE GLASSES. One door north of Dr. Porter A Son's Drug store; Main Street, ' . TOWANDA, PA., Jane-75 111)0RESENTS FOR ALL, NEW JEWELRY STORE W. A. ROCKWELL is constantly receiving in addition to his large stock FINE GOLD SETS, PINS, BANDS, RINGS, .. 2 1, A3;ERICAN ANT) SWISS WATCHES, GOLI► AND SILVER WATCHES, SILVER PLATED WARE OF ALL VARIETVLS GOLD, Sliver AND STEEL Sp4'.CTACLES, SILVER AND PLATED RINGS AND CIIARAIS CLOCKS, OF ALL KASIE TIES, Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing done in the best manner, and warranted. Thangs tor 'a liberal Patronage and hope to merit a continuance of the F4nie. c. novi2-73 W. A. ROCKWELL. Miscellaneous AdvertiSements. _ . • • 1 1 • NVOOL CARDING, iI i As a 4: - . , 5 ,- ;lng I,r Idi, : 1 ed toi I:s gratel'ill, i WOOLEN MILLS, CAMPT.OWN, , f impalls. PENNA.. . II Also .inttpufaciuriug anil Oath dressing attended : p repart , 4 by .I. c ! to on short notice. \ V are already making rolls . . . . . from the new clip, and are prepared to do work- as , fast as offered. Prartleal and Attalrl .• . - 4PB. INGHAM. : • Pamptownnel, Jte. Ink - , 1 ! Sold by aft I)ntgzl, NEW FLOUItING MILL The subscriber gives notice that his new STEAM FLOURING MILL, Is now In intecessful operation, slid that he Is pre pared to do all work in his line on short notice; CIiSTO3I GRINDING DONE ON ellE SASIE DAY THAT IT IS RECEIVED Wheat, Buckwheat and Rye Flnur, rum Meal, Feed, Bran. Ste., always on hand and and for sale at lowest rates-. PARTICULAR NOTICE.-Persons living on the west side of the river desiring to patnmize toy will have their fern age paid both ways, when they bring grists.,of ten bushels and upwards. I= A PERFECT SUCCESS The Universal Mtisfactioq given by the" ORANGE COUNTY MILK PAN„ In quality and quantity of butter made, anti by re moving the excessive drudgery of the dairy room; prompts us to again invite the earnest PROGRESSIVE FARMERS, COMPLETE ARTICLE, of the kind now before the public - 11afry1 of 15 to 20 rows. the' Ineoim.olencis of furnishing ail extra dairy-malt, Is arsohletl. PERFECT SATISFACTION, Orr - mine the "taus" after* days' trial. Our - references are wine of the; Live I men of Bradford awl Su:lt:eh:ulna Condit: 14, ho have usetl.the pans. jati27m3 SILVER WARE, CLOCKS, AT THE • • or jewelr, , STUDS, CHARMS, .ZECKLACES, • and Also at the lowest pricer AT THE IN SHESIIEQUIN, PA T. S. AYERS ATTENTION of the To the nowt guarantee to give B. T.. BEARDSLEE, • ' Warrenhaw, Pa ibi w mAiciahm D R. IL 0: ?WISE% • _ :? , , . ' . . is-nisi ; • ' ' :( , OLD - CASH ;D RUG STORE, , • . Comer Main and Pine line, TOMLIN'S. Pa. (Estabilahed orer 4 4rier ot a Ceataryj WruAelude asql*tiiil Dealer la - I. DRUGS, ' MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, ft 1 ACIDS, lITP.:43TDPVS, k GLUE. . .. ! PERFUMERY. TOILET 111.2:0 FANCY GOODS, SPONGES, BRUSHES, IDIACES *TRUSSES, vs" 180.arg,. (,'DILLS, 'lllOll4 DIM LIA/II DyU, TEETH, HEIN,. and,: HAIR P;IEPARAT MIS, RAZORS, POC/dE.T-K NEVES ~.. POCK ET4IOOKS AN t , rpuralGN NA lES, MACAROY and S f OTCII SNUFF, • . 'FOREIGN AND' DOMESTIC CIGARS,, • ' GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS, Pure Wines and tLlquer•i., f or Medicinal 'Purposes BOTANIC, ECLECTIC & II 4.OPATIIICAZYIEDIEE, And all genuine prtpul r Patent Medicines. . SyrPOILTEIV4, SCA PENS() tk.s, BEE:AST ' f!Cbtf'SX .' NIPPLES, Ntrrt.i. 0 tai.f.e.& SHIELDS, NCERINO BOTTLER, rilF.rrussa n 'rsdg, STEINGSA, BED PJ6s.•PtISALS, Tnanssostr, TICHS, ELASTIC A - TrICKINGS, &C, . KEROSENE O 9 R . COAL OIL ' . , • 1 RICKS. CIII3INETS,, BATH lIRICK, : SPERM, LARD, WIIALE, ,NE. TS pQOT, TANNER'S, AND MACHINE OILS, ALCOHOL, ANLYSPIIH I FS 7L'IIPIDSiTINY„ Saeh,Paint,Varnt,a;jlVhiliwasl, Counter, Montt, Mane, ,S/ion, tferuaing, And all kind of brush 1 ! • ,es. . 1 , - WINDOW AND ICTURE CLASS, • of .alialze - s. . . -. • . PURE LINSEED o.llr, yA READY OF ANY I).ES BY THE POUND: pllOl :.ND IN 01 AND DRY COLD &C. All article* tedira. Prescriptions rarrfnil: of day and night. 01..6 from 9 to 10, .t, A., 1110 Dr. Porter Con. Office. TIT R E R WHOLES:AIi D B L7,,0 ECM TOW. ACIDS, E.XTTiAir. t4.1.74j.%1:: COI pi IWI/}), S11:111 Any] 4 is An Ir. I DYE STI-T.t.fS, MAC lII\ E KEIIO AI PURE WINES for TOBACCO, S._4l PO PUL A I( PA 111,1a:,Noranont. of TOILET . A - 4 . .5 - D, FANCY-. GOODtS. • than 11. ckite l 1 . 4 given to the (-4,nlv,Oid Ifig (4 pre;•eript fens. Open (4i.Sunday from A A. 14 t., IP. M., (roil! p. M. to 7P. M.. Dr. MADILI. D.an:nit,nl at Dn. store On Sat urday of each bereto'forif. IMES! IR YE'S fo;Tre- storing to its natu - at vit:dity and c6for. Advanelligy,?.al•• • • 1 1 , . 1:11 ~,, 11:,app"intmOpt, and 11 311. tart hair gray, awl elthoi ot 1.61:1:,11 tcs sited pr_nta- turely. ATEq's tr.% 11. VI., ',y long aad er.ten sire hss prove% thilt :It. stops 111.2! C.l.`llnr., of the I • her ofQlit s th aiway; r,!.i:":!2 Its col-:r, lezt.zir gray. It stlinalatt•s tli.: Uutritiv.." or; ti,:,/ li,althy .—,-. activity - . and pr..st•rvl I, ith th. , !ill: - ail Its beauty, I Thus hrashy, Nvez.,l: orsle tap hair bremn ~ 7:05f , y E• pliably athl Stisulgthi• Iva: in‘t• hair 1.0.47 I J lii - t,ly expresil,.ll; f.Llln:;l2alr Is'ell...c ..! , .I alai e.still. .ei i..., ail I ni , f,il or gr\ Bair Whed; thin tfil rosunv2s tiirir origit witl 11 elr MIIIINEEM which D=ENIEMIMI TASTEJ.ES A prominent plittood to nurspA SANPA LWOW) ()IL, tbry con..( tol of Ilk hat htkeo ttit informed that s6 - crit (mired and fouhd Itt's Iti'NDAS DICK ,V( What happentil in petted to others. 'mot method of pmt ( and fficniNolrf.t. ant woott,froto rooting PHYSICIANS; wto vit continue to Eire Oil tt t . )rst)As DALWooI) than all 01 amt this Is the solo I ra ` ^t: why the p ure pill. sold eheenerin their eaysules.than in any . othes, r form. OIL OF SA Nill.l. .WOOl4 ls' fast superc'edls.g. every other runmtly...,ixty Capsules only bring re. quired to Insure a mall. and rertalti cure In ,sis. (71 eight days. Frotit otlijr sneak the ran ttd:ll le stilt he had. : ' NDAS Dlr . CO.'S SOFT eAI`SII solve Ili.; firtrilicl, 1611 g VOTlSidt•r , ll entinent tilt ant. OG how to aSdid the natisea and ill4T l l , l;et perieneee In swallowing, which are' well kIICAVI, dvt ram from. If 'snot 'destroy, the, go 4 4 elleeti of nsany valuable remedies. Soft Cap:Ades are Ha up in tin-foil and neat' to. Mists in each,' anti are the only CapsUles . yre scribed Its shy:del:ll4 TASTELESS NIEDICINES:t—c4,t"i oil and many o th er nauseous, .met edti In! ta ken 1-asily and saTelyl ill DUNDAS DICK, 6. CO'S' SOFT CAPSULES. No Taste, no Smell:, I . . ai'tThese were tho only. capsules admitted ;:o. the last Pons Exposi tion. . Semi for elraular it 35 Wooster sl reet. Nes..;Tnrk. Sold at all- Dru"et. Stores Here. ang 16. FIIISI.' ti CAPITAL SURPLUSV,U This Bank icy'r= the transartnin of a GENER4I4II3.: INTEIIF.ST q SPECIAL (TARE GI: N 41 - Mg A yr) cIIECIA Parties wl.hthit t , i the United S:ates, the tirlttehs;tl cities a procure drafts for th PASS_ To or fr r the ()Id! aillug 14 fn, alixa.ys t,t 1131331 MME highest • aoh,l OS. PO WELL 4 . rreslllo4 Intl AI TB, PUTTY, AND, :NisTr.; , ED PAINTS MED (.70LOIL N T GALLON, t'S 0F,41.1. 111;ES; Rfe3 as reprex.ented. compounded stall hour Sundays for Prewripticmi and 5 to 6. r. . lied as burctotore'th [l.!layi:s7s. & G 0 D 0 N ..LNI) IIETAIL n BLOCK, A, PIS'NA. • S. ELIXIRS. HERBS, )IATEI) qI:S, GUMS, It E 5, \E, Age., =l= OILS, ENE, COBOL; (ST AND LIQUORS,. nal purpoms, I • TFF, CIGARS, AiC IBM TENT MEDICINES; 1 I= I). H. TURNER, G, GoINIGN, 1211131111 ica op-rat 1,+:1 Initp';rq s: an an]. sof nat.r as arc impo..ib4. i•• h dr, th.. Vi 6":; tl,l agrecable 'tstrt. and richnck; of Voiif'lt. tt, NA - En Zi Co., Ltw,q., ME=O2 s and dealers In Medicine; MEDICINES , Vprk phy.lelan lately', iti.rn .l; DICK dt ,CD. ai.uit their 1'..6'...t't.r.. , , stating that y•hus- Euitibots;y. Idit , that a patient Jan Wit hour effect. On NMI?, intitatb , n< were sold. 1,,: in patient had, not tarn taking WS. , hi, physician may have liap- DUND.V. pICK S: cu. tako tlll4 pby*irianA. drityyt,rts. .n.rentlitg (.;wit. or .AN DAL• iido disrepute, ' once prescribe the Cal : tdefl 0 SO. t .,, r they eodiaillltt6, ~st and cheap est frqta., V I'll. 11.4 li).re 1 IL c o .. :.',‘N [qli'll.losale and Retailpfug ==6241/ T I ()NAL -BAsg OWANDA. ..$125,000 NUSUAL FACILITI f:gif6r N - KINGBUSINE.SS N IiFIPOSITS ACCoItDiNG GRF:EMENT. • Tti P:N MON F.Y..:0 any !Litt •'f Ire1: 0 1,1. •Irt.(1;1:...1: or top lIS of E 111171.••, Cats hen , iit pit-1.0A% MUM (kun try, bxj th9best strap or haptl. 'OVEIL AT REDUCED Oat:, aid for U. S., Bonds, and Silvin% N.:N. SETT, Js. II