jgricallwal geparhntnt •••••••••••••• Ban, Stable and' Yard. Buckwheat is a good grain for sheep as a change from other feed. When given for a long period it causes irritation of the skin, and the, sheep are 'apt then to nibble their wool, and pull it out: S. pint a day _is a fair - allowance for each sheep. No grain needs to bq ground for sheep, as they masticate and digest their food, very thoroughly. - .Brittle hoofs are sometimes caused by the (continual rasping by farriers or blacksmiths sometimes by the use of tar upon the hoofs. and often they are a constitutional defect of - the - horse. ,To remedy the defect in the first two cases, refrain from the • causes, and in any case the hoof is softened and made less brittle by rubbing it daily with pure glycerine, and avoid;n2,- all contact with water • or grease. The husk of cotton-seed - iS' hard and woody ;.and not easily digestible. When fed to horses or cattle, these husks frequently cause irritation of stomach and intestines. Sheep which . grind their food more thoroughly do not suffer in this W; ay. • When the ,geed cannot' . be hulled or ground, it tsbould be_ softened by boiling or oakin7 - in--hot water, by Which it is r inade more digestible. The cost of l aoing this would be well repaid by t 1 e increased value of the seed. ' IT Nests for setting hens," says the Poultry/ World, " should - be fifteen - inches square, and if separate (as is •; best) from -.the main building, or room, they carl.be taken out. scalded with boiling water, or scorched With . lire; or, if immovable, they can be' white-washed. Thus purified, they are ready to receive the foundation Of the nest, Which must be damp • sail, or a tuft or sod of grass. It is onr object. to imitate nature to - the best of our ability. In a wild state fowls nest on the ground. There they are exposedto a greater degree of moisture than they.receive in the dornestic:ated state. To supply this deficiency die sOil must be dampened With water, the foundation being made slightly concave, is cored bruised clean straw. Sprinkle flour of sulphur over the nest thus .; prepared, and it is I ready for the - re . ception of the eggs." • To Make a Manure Sprealer ' • Procure a - strong Tole. about ten f, .et lon7r-and-s;x in diameter. awl secure a tongue in the middle. to' form a lane T. The tonrite may be bolted or secured by mortise or tenon. After - the tonne is Made fast. set. it up in a perpendicular position and bo!re 'two-inch holes' . through the ,Itead piece. one fodt . apart. NOw fill ! the holes with strong lettimr•.thr brush extend be hind the crosshead from four to, six . feet. The more brush One can fasten in the holes the better. After the Manure is spread with forks, hitch - a iteam to the tonoe , pldce a board on . the li,rush behind the cross-head, and I ]et the, driver stand on the board as the spreader is driven across the field ) . back and forth like a harrow. and'the brush will then spread ands, • grind the manure into the vomit] .and;pulverize the lumps more perfect ly than could be done by hand. A man with a team can spread an acre' per hour of any kind of manure. Such _a spreader will he found useful in Preparing land for seeding after it hat been furrowed, ,as it will crush the lumps, till 10 dead furrows and lien of a large 0 . pole, a- heavy slab or nat.' ow plank mad• be employed for ' the head orthe spreader. The spread • er.should be! driven at a right angle to the first course whenever all ;the ;ouches are not ground fine and . - sprCad evenly. =I calf should never be llowed•to suck, if it is possible to :ivod it. __;As soon as its coat is,dr3' •it should he taken from the eow:mul • put into a stall next to her, whc4e • she can see it. 3'liis is better thaii fnlvaratirrig tkethr altogether, unless the calf can be removed entirely to where Ile cow :cannot hear it. , A eair Inas - be trtuLtlit to drink in one •leson, if patiepi_•e is-used,.and it has Hot sucked the cow. It stiould 4.utre the frell warm milk for a week, the .n armed half-skimmed milk for a tinio, and finally warmed skimmed- While,llie weather is cool the milk,iShould be Njarined.andfiyen little s7ect. boiled linseed Lit,•:ll,gru'el. is an excellent addition to . the milk.• ' PEAcit :has. been fOt t ind that banking Up -peach , trees with alhbut a luot li.i!rh around the trUnk, eausk them in . many eases to . produce good 'props of fruit, as the - ' keeps.out, the borers that infest 'the trigs theisfffaee of the ; 17 . , riissis or a- IqHw it. Bt.n , re ifise, C l k ; Le ex:1111116.A.. hovers et c:111 kith a kitife. serapiss: i t tt eves indication he . ni ; and then throw - •up the earth around the and il:at it dOwn with a spade or shov‘.l .) reinain in its. ppee. :111.1' in 11i0:4 ease , i; lwalthy, and-1 )ear Lint' crops of fruit. if the etiolate is suitablit ,for ; peach grow'- 111 ,• IeON loNS.—Choose Sli ; s , ,Und Sit Ver onicins„ as equal in size as possible. -Top and tail them, but do not pare the tops close,"as the air - Will soften and .spoil they,onions. i•zeald them with -brine. i ßepeat this aii,thc . day, and.' when cold, p.4 ; 1 the Onions •as quickly as- possi ble, thrOWing them into vinegar as they :Are done., to prevent their black ening. • Boil vinegar enou!rh to covert them, with i s!ived ginger, black and white pePper, and mace; when cooks], p e our it 4er the onions. Cork them will, and' dip. the corks _iu bottled -4410. . . ltainw .. ater -brings down • yearly, , • • al , out I:2 pounds or ammonia per acre Z:4' ground. 70, supply an equal . I .` amount in . sulphate 9t ammonia, at six cents p;•i- pound. would cost the firmer this is therefore the manurial value Of the - rain. To however., ,must • he added a CO'- qu7htity of nitric or nitrous acid. CEMENT 17i.a OVEN JOINTS.—A good miatint for covering the joints of ovens, which becomes very hard and doe hot:,crack, is made by mix ing equal quantities of finely•sifted 'ooti ashes .and clay. Some salt is added acid : ihen sufficient water to form. nOlounii. The , cracks should b c.ivered While: the oven is cold. t IT is worth while for farmers every here; to remember- that thorOu:qi better than Al re,. mortga gt...: on their farm. educational flepahneut I E. E. QuiNLAN, J. A. WILT, Commute J. C. Crtewroun, • ' of. .-: G. W. Mos, Associate Editors. A. A. KY-Mir:l; • -Commtmteations may be sent to either of the above editors as may be preferred, and Will appear In thti tame of which be has charge. E. E. 4/uncial+. Editor present week. WHOSE 111 THE FAULT.? We find in one of oar exchange an an ecdote which can serve us for a text, and we quote it accordingly : "Some months ago, ,a private coachman was quietly trottinghis pair of hopes over one of the drives in Central Park, when he was suddenly ordered by the lady in sitle to' drive up on, the turf at. the side. Without one word or one moment's hesi tation, he turned the iron-shod feet of the horses and the iron tires of his Wheels di rectly on to the smooth-cot lawn, and just as the hind wheels cleared , the gravel, there came rushing by a runaway pair of horses, broken carriage, and har ness swinging, at their heels. His un questioning obedience to orders had saved one if not two lives." It was an extreme case, but itbas many times since occurred to our ',mind in watching servants, clerks, the employee of any class, and, last, the children in our school-rooms and in our The habit of exact obedience seems to be dying out, if indeed it ever existed. A little less or a little different, a little more to the one side or to the other-the per does not match the command or the direction. Indeed,thet t eare 'very few, either of children or servants, whO really believe that any one meatus precise ly what be says, neither more nnr less. . Looking now for the muse Of this di vergence from the straight line obedi ence, we are met by the reflection, that in order that the above related incident might occur, there must have existed cer- tain conditions in the lady who gave the command. It is evident she must have been a person who: had habittially good reasons for her conduct, that she • saw clearly what ends she wanted to attain, atnrthe means for attaining them, that she was accust.nied . to say ex 4 a - ,etly what she meant, and that this was her charae- ter as understpod by her coachman: Therefore, he la:ul no besitatiOn, though he could see no reason for the.tornrc and, though it was one calculated in way to outrage the sense of propriety which characterizes a New York coachman. Ile did exactly as he was bid, anif instantly. And so, lately,l instead (of wa!eiiing the creams and the children. to Ointi,lain of their carciss following of dirptions, we , have turned our observathlr. the oilier' direction, and have been astf4pished to discover how few parents, masters, or mistresses, or teachers. are irrthe„lialiit "f giving to their subordinates exact di- rections: that is. directions which cannot I lie misunderstood. That this i 5 no l t. easy to do, evy one who has at all observed the legal formula: necessary for State ilocuments, or even . for conveyances of property; will admit. And even with all the safeguards that can be constructed out of : winds. scents as if there were no • law out of Which sonic acute lawyer can not find 'a looiehole of escape. Language itself is an Imperfect instrument for thi,tight, hut in the hands of one who uses it imskillftilly, it is like 'a bliicksmith's sledge-hammer used upon a y.it ch. We have.come:to the conchision that the failure in obedience, of whieh we hear • is) much complaint 'nowadaY)), has its source no more in the want of (raining in those who receive the orders, than in the want:of training, first in exant.ltiniught, : : second in exact use of languagC', in those who give the'orders. Therefor', it would . seem to lie the clearduty of teaehers espe cially„ because they have tol.direct the I growing part of the people, whose habits are forming day by day, to Cultivate in themselves exact thinking and an exact use of language. As meaus• to the first, some hard study: is necessary; as means to the second. careful study of our own language by means of study of foreign languages. Fortunately, however, for the teacher,, whose time is limited, the very study of languages which we have recommended for the second object, is, if we consider the ancient languages, the beg, fitted to, accomplish ,the first object. Our lesson points, therVore, as is a; once seen, to the necessity of more study of language in its many forms by all who, being teachers, are responsible for the habit's of the school children.—American Jimr . nal of AN IMPORTANT. TROUGH OFTEN NEGLECT- ED LESSON A lesson that every young person must learn, sooner or later, is that he must learn to help himself. ;It is Often a hu miliating fact that this is one the last lessons learned by many young)aren and women, even those who have honorably completed a college curriculurniof study. Yining' men who have been iihliged to tight their MN n way through academy and -coilege. friquentl3' strut in life:;years in ati , .auee of those having fund itaitialts who anticipate every wish of their children. It is :t qftestion of serious moment;toleach ers and parents, just how much I,ssistance they shOuld give their. child:vitt; for this matter of dep'ending on self can be largely developed in the school room as Well as in the realities of life. It may be atrnounced as a safe proposition, that no teacher, Or parent, should help a child to what he can help himself to. Out of the parOntal roof ; and without the aid of teacherPhe must satin learn to solve the problems of life. A safe: corrollary to the above proposition ci r will be to early te:ieli him that there is no royafroadLio learning. r succe • os.; That sue;yes in any undertakmg . maatts ?cork. Complaint: s made that drill :masters, among teachers, are not as numerous as fomoerly, that with the books of • e4Mer gradation, that have supplanted the.older editioas, the students Can acquire their lessons ; more easily, and that both pupils and teachers do not work as in the good 'i old times. Be this as it may, thoseistu dents who go out of school witholt hiarn- 1 ing, to.ref,rk, and to achieve satisfaCtory re sultsiwithout the aid of others,: are' only partially educated. Strength of body, discipline of mind, and strtngtli'.of soul come from -hauling, against al* obsta cle, which inipetle,olir pro fressit6mr up ward and oriwardwtity.' These irhstacles confront us in early life. They neverdis appear until we disappear front - , human kind. The' first and last lessor:: then to learn is to Maneully meet and overcome them. NEEDFUL SLUMBER. Professor Terrier, of King's College, London. who has made the phenOmena of sleep of special study, recently. said in a' lecture theretin, that anything 'which had a tendency to abstract blood from the bran fators sleep. Exercise capes this, because the moment the weary muscles are at rest the blood rushes to them to re pair their los.s, and is absorbed by them. Digestion 'and hot drinks produce the same result by thawing the, blotiil supply' from the brain to the stomach. Co.it erre- ly, anything that stimulates tha brain, such as sights, sounds, thought, or anxie ty; will keep a man awake. If we, there fore,wish • for a refreshing slumber, 14) must:begin by, avoiding care and anxiety and taking sufficient bodily exercise to in duce the necessary muscular exhaustion. With, regard to the length' of sleep, Dr. Terrier holds that the heart 'is not in a state of constant but of rhythmical activ ity; a term' of action being followed by a _pause of rest, during Which the heait is to all intents and purpose/4 asleep. In fact, if the pauses of • the heart are all summed up, it will be found that it rests or sleeps eight hours out of 'the twenty four, the• sleep being in the proportion of one-third as compared with the hours of action or work. • Eight hours are conse quently sufficient for the adult. BOTH SCIENTIFIC VID USEFUL. This is the way Prafessor Tyndall is reported to have proposed to the daugh ter of Lord Hamilton: "Saccharine con glomeration : of protoplasm! Adorable combination of matter and force! Barest product of infinite ages of evolution! The luminiferous ether is not more responsive to the rays - of light than are my llerir3 centres to the mystic influence which em anates from the photosphere of thy coun tenance. As the heliocentric system was evolved from primordial chaos by the workings of inexorable law, so is that rarification of matter which men call my soul lifted from profennd despair by the luminance issuing from thy visual organs. Deign, 0 admirable creature, to respect ttiatiattraction which draws me toward thee with a force inversely proportional to the squares of the distance. Grant that we shall be made double sums de scribing concentric orbits, which shall touch each other at all points of their per Your own TYNDALL." Carriages. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY, TO BUY CARRIAGES AN D WAGONS /33 BRYAT,S, Cheaper than yo,i Will ever r.ain have the opportunity of doing. I have a large assortment of my OWN 31.,1-NUFACTITRE, Warranted in every particular, which I will SELL SO LOW That everybody can afford to hav,e one of his own. 1 also have the sole agency in this place of . OVIATT'S PATENT ,11.1.NEns, An invention which has come into ver . Y general use all through the . west. They give_ the best satisfaptiOn wherevere they have been introauceil CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. JAMES BRIAN T. janft-76. NTEN'T • CARRIAGE FACTORY OpiwAte the new Jail., TQV.A.ND.A, PENN'A HENRY STULEN Respectfully announces to his friends and patrons, that he has built a NEW BRICK CARRIAGE FACTORY, Where he will constantly. keep on hand a full aasort meta of FAMILY CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS, TROTTING SELKYS, AND SKELETONS Made of the best maZerial and finished In 'the best city style.' ills Inng experience In city Car riage Factories gives him a derided advantage oser others in the FINISH, STYLE AND DER..IBILITY Of w. , :ons. All he asks Is an INSPECTION OF lIIS WORK Previous to purehaqvg elsewhere ALL WORK WARR- 1 04TM.) TO GIVE PERFECT ATISFATION Thank re! for the lll,.ra'.- palremize formerly et. am.l reveet fully a2sk a cootionanco of [Lie same. REPAIRI,NO I'I:OY2:TLY 'ATTENDED TO AT REDUCED PRICES HENRY STULEN Towanda. Jan. 5.73-tf. liiscellatems Advertise:ants pHILADELPIIIA k READING RAILROAD COMPANY. Contonnial Excursion Tickots. ein and after May Ist. It 4G, and 'luring the eon. tin re of the Centennial Exposition. Through Exeurdon Tickets to Philadelphia and retara. via Philadelphia St Reading Railroad. gimmi for IT, daps from date of isstie. will is issued by agents of Le high Valley Itallmad at stations on that rmd. The trains of this Comp my .run directly to and front their new depot in Fairmount Park. %hien is Meated In core proximity to the Centen nial Buildings. .1. E. woorr E Srrperint. neltnt. READING, April 26th, 1 m:6.—ppayl • Igri6. WHERE NOW ? 1870 r • To M rIIIG A N, one of the foyotnubt, llonrishlg and healthy States,: WHAT FOR ? To bops rAI:11 oOt'of tho ONE fikILLION.AORES, Of fine Farmlbg !lambi for !ale by the Grand flap &lndiana R. It. Strong tolls; ready markets; tire crops; grind schoolt; railroad run NO:rough tires aeenter of the grant; settlements all along; al of products raised; plenty of water .. - -I,ber and huilding,materlabi. Price fn:in tl to iln per acre; mot-fourth down. tralance on time. Seal for Illus trated pamphlet full of facts and figures. and . bc nv coinced. Addrenii, W, A. HOWARD. eumuir. P. IC L. PEI EC E. Grand Itapldc Mich. neey Land Dept. pURE GIWUND PLASTER RUMMERFIELD I have pot received s large xuj,ply of FRESH GROUND CATUGA PLASTEIt Manufactured from alone selected by myself, and warranted PURE R 3 SO; .n time, I 7 M. Send 1■ your onleis PLTF:I: LANDMESSE4. Burned%ld, March 1, 1A76 LEHIGH 'TALLEY AND PA. & ,N. Y. MIL' ItCpADS.—AresOgennat of rill oemgr Train's, to tato erect Aprlll7, 11176. SOUTHWAIt 22. • . , ! 11TATIC1N6. • 16 3 -1 9 'l7 12913- .__. 1 __... P.M. P.M. A.UIP.M.iA.M.IP.3I. Niagara Falb I IS 7 55 4 151 7 551 .... 1 .... Buttato 25( IS'S 15, 141 ...1 .... Rochester.. ... "... . 4 010 10 8 (X: 6 00! 10 6 00; ..••!••••• Auburn...-. ; S ( F , ... BMI ....1..! •• • Geneva. •••• 5 St .... 8 001 111 oaf ...• 1 iliaea 7 St .... 9 41 ....112 RI .... Owego Elmira 9 t 3 45 10 6211 8 . 31,1 3 455 20 ‘l3ll'Clly 9F. 4 :Ain 2t. 9195 2. , . 3 .. 695 zia„Tre 914 S 4 7AIII 2S 9 12 3 2 , 1 6:14 Athens .. ..... 9ia 4 3111 33 9 19.3 31! BZ9 Milan .... .... ....1 9 3 , : 2 45! 6 . 30 Ui:•ter .. .... 19 4n , 3 561 6 40 , Towanda fqss 05 1 ,1205 , 12134 416 l i fi , 54 Wysauking ....... .... I --- 1 -•-! 10 I,n' 4': - Ilinninertirld, .... ....• ..,.116, 25 4 49' .... Freneleown i 1 i .... 1 1 0 34 4 ..,1 11 'Y 3 h 1 sing•-••••••1 . ..1 5 451 ....iv) 53 G 12, .... Laeerane 11 1 23• 6 0 - ..12 59,11 12 5 37' .... Sklnuers Eddy...l .2..1 6 1 , 51 .... ; ii 15 a 3: .... Sleishoppen.. ; ..•! 623 .... 11 32 60, _ M no diFallY - ! . ,- I 4 2 4 ; —.ll 54 eC4 ~ .. Tunkhanuock .....11 5 1C ; 7 in; 2 0512 :7; 6 35 .... LaGrange ••1 . ..I 7.y. : ; ....12 35' 8 45 .-.. Falls ll' 'V 51; 6 59 . .... L. & 11 Junction ..ii iii! 7 r,s; 2 31)! i 2,-, 7 2n .... Wilkes-Bar:re I 1 201 8 23. 3 IS, 2 W 7 30! __ • M • luch C hunk • -• •1 3 40'10 50' 5 25; 4 35 ....I .... • Allentown ! • , . , ; , 4 4511 55 5, 25, b at% .... .... Iletilleh • eru- ...... I 5 0012 in' G 40 . 6 05; ...•! .• • • ,F-•" 1 ", 11 , .„,.- , 5 ZS` 1 00. 7 00 1 655 ....1 .... ehlisue!Fu!s• •••.! 6 45 •2 05, 8. 25; 8 15: ....! .'... New York 8 21' 341 9' 59, 9 59, . - .... IA Ir.' P.M. P.3I.'P.U;P:U. .'... 11 , 11 WARD RIM STATIONS. ; 30,18 1P.'31. 1 A.34. A1.1, 1 1.3f.'A.1ii New Yort. ; 1 7 .. :; Philadelphia i 810 G. ....I 84i 0 . 451 :•• F.u.stun ....... .... t 9:25' ....! 0 nt 10 3011 Bethlehem - 0501 30,10 001: op; Allentown I 0 Os: 0 4310 4212 11i Mauch Chunk ....•a 0., ... 8 o0 : 11 4., :::o' WiikeFAlarne t 15' 72010 10 2 1.5 -4 001 L. 14 11. Junction.; 1 , 40: 7 ai II 10 .2 41, 4 2:11 Ransom • . 8 CGII 23.„ 4 48: kaNs , J.... s 1911 34' ....' 5 00 , ,1 LaGrange.. 1 1 ' 8 3.511 51 '... • 1 5 1.., Tunkhannock... 1 2 24 1; 40,12 2t: 3 :72' 5 aui Ileh.opany • i J.—, 0 1212 45' ....! 5.531 . 510sheirpen ....... 1 1....; 9 19,12 54, ....' 6 ell Skinner's Eddy... 1 ..., 9 3.5 1 10! ....I 6 1G .. Lareyville, 3 07. 9 39' 1 13' 4 02 G 21 , i .: Wyanislng . ' —.lO 00 1 35, : ...: 5 40.... Freuchtown i .... , 10 15 1 49 .... 6 6:ij ... Ilummerll-14- i , ;10 25 I 55, , .... 7 03: .... Standing Stone. ..1 1 „ . ....'10 32, 2 05; ....! 7 VI '.... Wysauklng .. ~.. 10 41 2 15 1 7 20, .... Towanda 4 104055 ; 23.0 500 7 35 , 730 motor ...1...11 09, 2 45 .... 7 45,'7 45 Milan !! . .... / 11 19. 2 55 ....! 8 0(8,7 55 kinen3 i , 14 4211 29 3 05, 5 29 8 le! 8 05 Sayre ,4 4! , 11 35 3 101 533 8 10:8 10 Waverly . 4 55,11 45. 3 7.1,: , , 5 40 8 15. 8 20 Elmira - 15 35,12 30; 4 10! 6 15 9 10; 9 10 6 45' 1 • 7 40, 3 TA; ....1 9 n.i, ....19.10.... 43` 119 00 ...0 5: 12 7.5 :...'l2 311 6 7.0. 6 1: 12 54 .:.. 1 04, 9 4, tiwt.go ..... Aubutn ' !tor Frster t ti llalo ...... . Ingara =I Trains Sand 15' run .11115. with Pullman Sleep lug' Caret attached; 'between Elmira and 1,1113, and Genera and New York. lirawlng Itooni Cars atineli.4l to Trains 2 and 0 lielwe,n Elmira ani. l'hi!atieltdda. An Philadt:pli:a trains rdn through to Centenni al Grounds. 11. PACKER, Suporndeodent Towanda, A prl I r, , 1,76-If. Rt.c•n. ENEVA; ITHACA k ATHENS ki R. V..—Con:neneing•M•niday. Jan. trains will run a., inr P.ad as 5: LEAVINT; MAYRF. NC;I:THWAII!) No. 5.—.5:0) a. la.. dany, I:101 • ;Ph 01,•! ; _71, N••,, y •,r!:: ;• nr Targlirc , 7:l‘. rat r (".•:, ,, .r 752. 11;ip7/1 - .•rp,•: N:(10, Ik;1'-,.(;:•1; ' a S:ri. I .4;1; • a -; train, on N..Y. TZ.. t arriv!.l.,; at it. ;11,!..:i ;4t r'2ll a. In., Matto 4:15 IF. In., an 4 Nl:lg.tr.L F.O N0.a0.-12.c0 a. In.. Sanday4. on ar rIV:LI or 1.. V. train fr”in -%1 - 1114., Barre l'ltt.4oa Tunkhanno,l4. T0NN:11143.4tC.. ;11 - I;iVit.L: at V:111 Et fen 12.17,, Sp , lo; , r 17.:'55. 1 tliar Taagliann Fa:ls Trinnan , :alrg l'arnp•r 2:11. I ivli I ',W.?' 3:(C., harts( . .orn •r , ilcitllloll4 7423, Cr.. nova 4:00, (.4,;ffneri lug with trams oa,t and west of N. Y. C. It. Jt. No.-4 p. rm. Italiy except Surtaxi, with thronttli ear from E.!lnlr3 for Geneva.l.‘m. - ing Vtinira at 5:1 , p. m., arriving a;!. V 33 F:tleli 6,1%, Neme..r Ittimin Tatitrimnir Fat 6 a::?4, Farnior Si-I.4thiel Center ti: 1:4 flay t% mot. It , niuMs tteior.a trains em•Litn.l w4st on N. Y. r. .t 11, it. It. IV: • ARM VI: AT; RAY RE FItON THE NORTIf Nu. 7.-9:01, t tn 4. (Tally 4 , x,ept Survlayi, As It through car trout 4;w:o.va to E'iulra, a at.:".:UU a. tn.. Romulus Cut -I.T, a:I, ), 1.1 renter unr.r 11;'S. taugtino, Fall'. Mara 7r,.1, Sp-firor Va n Pula. arriving at E'ruira making riu ,r.nrctiloll at Saire niti. L. V. Ilan I: arr :11 ~;e w y t , r k at p. tn.. 11.1!adelphia No. p. rn. o:tny Stindiv4.l.%nrli:g Geiwva nt 1 0 :0 0 tn.. I: , •lnnhi , 10:31. ilorA ('or nen, .1h.1,1 Center Farmer nruis`mtg 11:17. Tx:chat:le Fat:. spencer 12;37, Vai: Et ten 12:35: making rkxer t.,:n n.crtinn with 1.. V. Fz , t Line, arririnp; In Phi!adel -0113 10:30 p. in. No. p. m. daily. with Pullman Steoping (mach attached for Nt!IV York without chaog••; Lace; Geneva at 5:10 p. arrival of N. V. r. trains frnm the East nut 6:16. tfavts (•orn^rs r:2l, )yid Farmer Triimansimrg . "7:'.l7. F.tlis 7:14, Ithaca Spencer b:la, Van F:tien'S::ia: connecting with. 1.. V. NlGht Line arriving at New York' at II:29 and Philadelphia fi:Vla. tn. Tickets sold a !Id lazzagi'eli,ckcil to all !irk 01 • R. A. PACKER, G, n. Sur R. 741.110 V F:1". t;et. WM. STF.VEN:9i , N, titipt. - , • DIIILAI*LPHIA & READING RAILItom). ARRANGEMF.:s;T PASSENG . ER TRAINS M A Y an 4 IA7G Train ur hart .itlentown (rid .Perkidn,d Er•rolrk.) For Philadelphia Rut 14'114:IRV at • LIN .5.C0 • , 5.541 a. 1144,1 t. 5.1; and •c.3('l p. m. nays. For Philad , dralla, Itr;dzeport and IN.dijorneit June lion, at • 1.30 a. tn. and 3.10 p. m. (eh! 1F,t41 Penna. Brandi.) For il-3 , 11nz. 1 - 4.30. 5.39, arA 5..11 a. tn., 12.20, 2.10 4.a.) and For liarrl,burg, 42.3 0 ,and 9.)3.a. in., 1240, 4.'30 and p. • For La:kr:v.4er and Columbia, 6.33 a. in., and 4.2.1 p. In. t Doos not run on M,,nday... 11=1=!! For R. fling, 2.:101 a. m.. and 9. 6 0 r. m. For tlarri,lmrtr. 1.7 i) P. m. a:vl :1.00 p.'m. Trninsf lirntwrn l , nr. .74 follows (rig' Perk .%,44 n n eh.) t , .15 a. In.. 5.: 5.30 an , l .7.1 N) 11. an. Lear, Brldg..p.rt, 9.46 a. i n ., 2.17 , 6 . n6 , 6 . 7.1 0 p. I= Leave '.OO a, m., •1.10 nri.igerort, 0.01 aml 3.l p. m. f•:a4 P.ooa. ttr , n , h.) ••• E.t.ave Reading 7.:11; 7.40. 10.15 a. m., 4.00, C O O, ar.d 10.80 p. Ilarth,hurg, S.!O a. In., 2.60. 3.50 and 7. in p. :.tor, S.l( a. in.. awl 3.41 p. a. in.. 1... an I 3.35 p. MEE I.ravo lif-:vllng, 7.22 :.• ,, 17.1 , 1 3. DI B=Ml=lllll l'rlintt mat t') rn.t t. , r,nt 4. ;.‘ 9.11 anti iirt, , n tratt:-.; t.. at n 1 rim Brnool met tlypitt. 'FIn• n. in. Crain frvin 1 . 1111.141..4.10.1. ritnl n.:', p. In. unity frtnn .%llrittnwn !tart iltroug!t an 4 fro - n r.inirn, N. V. Ti _.to p.,us. trim from I'llEnth Ipnia 1..r0 train haye cari at.; Triti. 5.. 30 p. In. halo . froni Plkilatl,•11.111a and 6.2!) a. in. train from Alleiatraii 114.1'e tlilintgh cars to .11.1 i from Ilaudi l'l.mik. ' J. E. wof? - .'rEF.TZ: ortl-75-Iy. Gnertil Supt.rintend, nf. ......--..... - - iictelt 1 -1 4 LWELL I,IOI3SI.4.TOWANDA, Jolt": SULLIVAN Having leased this house. Is ❑ow ready to arcom• ravelling puhl ie. No pains will tor 5p.11 , 4 to give salkfactlon to thy.w also may give hint a call. ifi — Nortli side of Public hqi are, east of Mercurs new block. EA NS HOUSE, TOWk.NDA, -LTA. Pa.; CORNED 31A(N AND DRUDGE STD-EETS The Horses, Itaniess, Am, of all guests of thin hasuse, insured against loss by Fire, without aup extra charge. A superior quality of 61,1 EngllA Bass Ate. Just received. 1. It. J. tit N, Towanda, Jan: 21,':41. Proprietor. I A I TGIF 110TEI„ " A IT,( WANDA, I'A. At the corner of Court and Itlver-.0 . ., .lltertly It the vlrfnityand soath of ttor eon:: llnum.. N 1 1 11U1IK P., PROPRIETOR. Th. Mime houke .I.tut Lten re-fiirtitNl:ed. and re ruol IR nine 'open So the tiaveline, publir. The roar t - . 111 at all tli u be mimolled with Ihn I•ext of 11.0org. Good titabilug attartmt to the ptl•titlsc,. Itt•ardur, 1; the'llae,or week at Gu000lao;41. May 10. 1.57 C.) - JOHN 1:111KE. B ETHLEyEM, PA. "OLD _MORAVIAN SUN I[N is,' BUILT 1758. • Rich In hlsterlrnl !tarn..Alß. It IA the (only hulltllng the e,,untry etKeept 1fith1..64et..0 licit, ,ilOll4l - 1,4 l.y Inc s..,journ %fit:l.m Its of Wa,binglon. Payette, t,ther rattiots of tlpt lta•toltitico. This polm!ar h. tel 11 . 14/4 chanted bet'u Outlrrly rtfunitAhral, a n d I tloqpro. prlc!or tortliallyl Invites hie frirtol and iralvilrig pu, 4 llc to give hir a ran-110 I, Aland to r...odur thr!r sta c , 4nl..rtable. 1 . .714.5 ru rtmte for l'1,11:411014.13 null fad It convenient. to Ai•••od Oe bight hew , rrarhlor, tha city about right in 1b.., rnorolw.T. A Aa7solo rain .1111seltrost thAir, for Ihe acrA,nAniolLatlou 401010.:14:i41.4...111, C. T. $311711, rropriotor. B ePt, 4,73. THE OLD AND For HARDWARE CODDINC £ RUS Invite the attentton of the path of • HARDWARE Of tho most approyed PARLOR & IIEATIN BUILDING" MAT Furnished at BOTTOM PR IQE CREAM FRE( Of crery style. SHEARS, SCISSORS 2'4 1 32 POCKET CUT Of the best manufacture, m CARPENTEgS' CHANDELIERS, ti endless variety. The larg.•st and best assort ment kept In Northern rounsyltnutv. KEROSENE LAMPS, From tho cheapest to the Vest. LAMP CHIMNEYS ik GLOBES In endless variety. of our own .manufacture, war • rallied :Ir:4-vials. Jobbing of gill kind: in our prmnptiy atten' .le.l to. Tinl ri.:1,0.1. lit up in tli satii:itet9erni:l;lls . l, , lir•l: notlce. OS FITTING AND PLUMBING A Specialty. WE II AVE TIIF oNLY PRACT CAL PLUMBER IN TUWA N DA. Our rod Trien.l4 aid the publle generally wi bear in wind thAt.we fully ha It' g A I) Belelying' It the only pipitent by which Justice cat. be done both buyer and ,re2iltr. Grateful for past cry 11h r. i patronage. we sa licit a ronilLuauce of your cu,totn. with 'the assu mine:, that ve 01:1 ofer you ~ ,: cater Inducctuent:: than :toy ~tal.ll,!ino•ut In the ~ . .antry, as we carry a larg.•r %tuck, and cnloy peculiar facilities for parch:Ong. , CODDING ItITSSELL. jiy2.4-mtr. II A R 1) W A REA BAR IRON, SWEEDS II ON, BIIRDA'N'S . HORSE SHOES, VULCAN lIORSE NAILS, Cherry Heat, Welding Compound, and everything . FOR BLACKS*FIES' USE, TIA'RDWA R E STORE! NIERCUR!S BLOCK, Towanda, Pa Cheaper Than Ever ()tiered Before 11. T. JUNE. T,wanda. Pa.. April 4 7T-141*, 00 MEN WANTED • HAI:DWARF., TINWANE, s•uvls, REDUCED I'RICES Highest pile , . In trade paid fur Rags, old Cris copp,r and Coad, Hardware, Tla and Copp. rware, Table, Tca a !lasting Tinware at wholesale and Mall E,peclal at toot lon glv'lj to all kinds of Job work NO. 5,"ItIt1I GI STREET. • tuar2 4 .),711.. AVM. It. SMALLF.Y. M O N TAN YES MONTAI , :YES OFFER A FINE 4SSORTNENT OF GOODS SUITABLE -NOR THE SEASON, AT BOTTOM PRICES/ MONTANIES TIPIVat Pa.; I tii:o =lll -. !E3 T.O BE. 1113211 to their stock ;ODDS. cinmtstineer COOK STO EM EIZM RANGES Of ant:rt,' STOVES, In endles3 varte It IA LS, EU EDO , RAZORS, ERY, !d warranted. OOLS, Of every deberlp FM CAS FIXTU RACKETS BEI At greatly reduced pried. TIN WARE, P A Yl NORWAY IRON, BAND IRON, HOOP IRON, CAST STEEL, NAIL ROD, Can be bad at H. T. JUNE'S To Lm' a largk. stock Or Dry-Ckcds. ci;li!.4•.324.i'rc!i'Pliiti* . -:.. -.. ''! GROCE4IES 'Ai /*VISIONS. 111111 MCCABE & ED W RDB. Cash deafer, In all klntlsal GROCERIES. & PROVISIONS. C NE DOOR NORTU OF CORDING k ILUSSEI,4. Towaniz, July 22. 4675 STEVENS '& LONO, • WIIOLESA.LE&, RETAIL Dealers ttl CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES COUNTRY PRPCIICE, GRA US, C. Haying a large and contrno4torii:stoce we are' prepared, at :11! thnits to carry a Ir.cge stud:. CASH. PAID FO4 iIIITIER, GRAIN' AND PRODUCE Or taken In exchange fur geotp. an lowest ea.gh pll - Our long exn:rlenee hy the Ororary'rratle gives us peeullar a.tvantages bi pur(lia,ing, an4l as we are not aint.ltious to inake . , ;' large prtllltn, we Pat ter utineivevtliat is CUR Oatr GREATER INDUCE.MENTS TO I.l.qcrs than fltty ottler e5t.:41.1,111.1e.t.t lu Northern l'cnn,)-Ivanfa. STEVENS 4: LONG. COR'NER 31AIN.k M:111“E STS., OEM Inasrun:~. riNIE MUTUAL 010TECTIOY . coMPNNY, Wa'amt ra it Ailing r a Sporial Inrorp.rta fon From th, nro.://yrlrgirr Lrgicta:nr• IL S. CLARK TOWA NDS; SpeCini attenTten tal.le, w hlch will lit f•Puti stl tweezrall and which thi antee to not exceed one-ball. l eix,si if. l) PLAN Company. The following Table showi ,l and may be inoltipll..d f:,r. tip to VOX, whirti Is the lard one 111 e. Twenty .0 amount of each MEI miff 1 ,_= F. ;. • A..J. VI NCENT. o.lv NDA.I S' S "I: N E AGENOY I Matll Streetj orpo,ltt, FIRE AND NIARINECOIVIPANIES ';, • I'oNI)IEILCIAL UNION, or Engl',l, a,'ts. 117,7178 I.'u'v.\l., of Llverlxx !, " 17.4"_1;..11 ()Oct: }:•:, " " 11.it*.(4,) I'ONTINI.INTAI., of NoW lorrl " 1.599,:A I GERMAN A 54 is nlc), ,`• CuMMEREI4.., of of ("rd. . ORIENT, I" ; " AN Aiox. or "old°, 1 1.• CITIZENS . . oi N , Nsark. " HAMM:Its nitt.i . .lli:N, of G eratility " LIFE & ACCIDENT .COMPANIES. reI=IIMM=ISE rit.tyFr.EEs, or Hartford, ItAILwAV • MticAL LIFE, of NIOW York a Losses adjusted and paid at, t)ittt ()ince NOELF;:-.k VINCENT, .; Ocileral Agents tlte:!2-71,t rrllE FSI tEIt Si MUTU L NsuRA co., iwiTuscmcw:A, Is now issuing pexpetuikt polici , ou FARM PROPER."_ ONLY Farb member pays a fr•o, at the time of Insuring: to corer charter and I'. ntentaVi.:ii,et.r , of the Co. afternhirh no fo-nter pay:veal 1,4 exrept ((tweet avltt3 Koms by fire antoffg tht. Ineuthersldp. This pla'• of Insurance for 1.7 A UM I'Aul't.l:TY, Is roo , .:,glraiddby Into favor. ;taco of 111tsiness, SPIIIN(V1111',L, ASYLUM, TKRivv, AND STA \ DING STONE, r.l. The Agent will .'auras thelTownshiph of Tusra. rora, Plke„.llet rick and Wyalttitng, and farmer.. In Moro., Townships wishing insnr,inee or Information, oraytoldrenc, it A. D. SUM N I:IL Ser. and Agt., spring 11114 Rradford t'”., l'a W. 51 SIILTMWAT rres. ( lm a day at home. Agents wanted. t _ILL; Outfit and teettnt ft - en. True & Align:Au, Maine. i:mehti;*74-iy. .;tosC)flper day.a.jc Samples e h, - „v worth fret. St ingot' & Cu., PortLititi, Mntnn. Plichl4-76-1Y VA It t FOIL S Farm of G' acres, 64 fmprot ed. Inl Asyli:m ittnalltd Ea. On the IdOlike:i are , livq good nole‘es, barn and nceei.s'ary ont and excellent %tater. a neve4-falling MreLiti of water itaFhes thieugh tho pretilltvs. Gond trult And an abundance ul lu3ts. or, further particulars call on or addrms. NELSON VANltElli'l felts :atr. • Itart•hview.:ltradtnrd Cu., Pa. 0 - . I le '1 zit. II: Tl. E •1:( illy (I . 4:N} Ij Li the brat Pi.LCC 111 70W310.1. to buy I ps.i CIGARS AND tOBACCO, ' at lowratigt. ItenOldie r M EM(•IIR - :;; telry 11017;1: ru+N or Tilt , : •` l)9/lA.i . bklli AW. •pr 21/..7a, COAL! . - PIERCE tic SCOTT = AT THr. OLD TOWANDA COAVYARD Keep the beat bard Peal In the Market, from the Baltimore tale at Withesbarre. LUMP AND' SMITH COAL We keep Lime, Cement and Kindling:Wood From the newly opened vein of -the 6tilllvin 311ne5 • We. Ar1)1 have constantly for Baia a out yard all the sizes of this superior cm!, at the fuuuwlug pri ces, viz: . . EWE ii-i .. , - -- . —. . , - . 1 25 Stove - - - , - , 4:3 Nut.- Supl - 1 Nut • • - - - , - 3 25 All oily coals are piepared In the beet Manner and will he delivered clear and free from slate. - The usual prices will ho charged In addltlen to the above for delivering. i 5: , All orders loft at the stores of Long 6i Stevens,' F. J. Calkins, Third Ward, filrby's Drug Store. or at our Office; corner of River and Elliabuth's SM., will receive prompt attention. - . , PLEASE GIVE USA CAI.L. , ' 14. I.l.ly.FtC E.• . W /I. 611071 T. • Nov. IG, 1a75 . NEW. COAL YARDI - : .. , . The undersigned baying taken 'the large and commodious yard, at the hvot of PARK Street, has now on liana a full supply of, • - , ALL SIZES OF Oct2l-75-t CO AL, TQWANDA, PA 'W keep en hand at our yard all 51zepc6t Pittston and Wilkes Barr, coal. ami Loyal Sock.: coal, from County- .1.1,i, Barclay Lump kPep the Ilt,t quality of Lime, Hair and ee le-•itt. I:ri, k and Pla+ter, all of wbleh Kti n• 111 sk:li• at I.ottoiti .• Ton ar.da 313 y !.At. CHEAP COAL AND LIME :. I ..11: f , •r cr.h , r.!y,arul 01. prlct, I,ermrrected AI;ENT 1:14 }: rah 2,0G015 .5T TIM tni , : L'lt on • 4 !ON C., Ch,,tl:!:: :lilit Furiditu. -: ri 0: ,- -' •• I•va 3 ao ifitil44l Ran Lump L 4 Of , . - . •• •• Soiiiii 3CO ' Marela) • Mountain 1.•11;•li - . 1 50 _ _ . '• 4. , -luitil Ili . Alkiii• - •wn I.llne 7 ba,hel th: • the fetkActrig rate et !y egaltal,li , , as bi• • eptnpany wit! K❑at Lath T, M 2 25 . I lair ? bushel . i. 4n . 11:1e1; 'p M . . 10 0') I am always preparod to dellvir purchases on shurt todle, at th , . usual price of (It:livery. I also tender my thanks';to my Many faeurls and customers fur their very liheral parr. nage In the past POI lope Ll.lller the (few departure tu make It to their Interest to ccdttittue to imy utter° they can get the Lest goods for the least inomey. F 1 Thuse win, are ludeMed to me; wilt take notice that I 0111,1 113 , e inotwy or 1 can't lIIIV for cash and pay freights. • They.must scale by the first of 'Au gust next. , Very Respectfully: Yours;' i J. 11. I'IIII.NY. Towanda, July 1, 1975. . ti cost of any 11:-.st- le Rates fur a.141:10nal anwnnt 1 o,k tak.t-n on any :.tided to the 011..rt1..n, etc. CM LEI 13ARGAANS1 12 . 3 rt 3 31'3 ,C4)5 i.ort 6.141 6.141 4.00 G.lO 0,00 S. - 41 1) 11.110 10.00 111.1 I have (perked and pot on salt. one thnnsahtl pales er Infants, (1111.1-4, )isses' and 'Women's shoes, that I will sell at less than tnanufaetureripilees. 2.70 CMII A 1,0, s cases of Wo/nen's POT-lace,r l. lilll-lace, 1;o:kt-lace and rox-butlOn Silovs; at f': per pair— %% will Ilia Court House • I am aI,o recoithig a larg , :ma !VI Thin or nil,. Coo.l, for ,pring tral... n Mel' for Para )1111y and ,alit. , Jt hr <•xv.,.1,1. BEIM I, 2 2 ,1 .l)11,t.(4 LEATHER & SHOE FINDINGS 3,470,',39 f 0 72„3::6,1J70 REM I:Mill:1Z Till: Court iluua, acct it , Store. T.m•anfll. 1c;;. E A BOSTON - . BOOT AND 'SHOE. ito.t and Sho^ invrshants ofliornellf „ vf!le, N. IC., mill o,tal Bridge Street, Beidlemn's Coal:. We keep Barclay We are Sole Agenti for;thls coat LOYALSOCK COAL,: ANTHRACITE, LOYAL SOCK; And - • • BARCLAY COAL. Also LIME AND CEMENT. Coal 41,Alverell on short notice TERMS :—Cash, HENRY MERCUR COAL, PIERCE -SCOTT Boot; and 5h00.7. Ka It GA I S! ! THESE (“)ol)S ALF. 11ARGA0iS! TRUNKS, THAvELLEw FAGS, In fun ,h.ek, at the 14/ wet PLACE : Oppr.stte the to Jewelry Joki!s; F. CORsf:it 1;111D6E .STREET sTo it E ! J. & SHEFTEL, A. BOSTON . BOOT ANT) SHOE STpRE AT No-2, BRIDGE STREET, TIIE SION OF THE ;RED 1.39,0 T Respectfully Yours-, J. •&,• M.. SIIEFtEhi Tuivaimla,!Artll 15, 76 , Wald" Jev./.47, CII 1* - B , R Deal& In [DlA.lllobtps;.: and • FIN . E. JEWELRY, • and • WATCHES AND CLOCKS. TOWANDA, rA: Jnne2-74. EMI °° W,.A.TCHES, M. lf ENDLEMA N, FINE* AMERICAN AND SWISS • FINE JEWELRY. STERLING SILVER SILK ER PLATED! WARE. FROM THE CHEAPEST TO . : THE BEST Si'ECTACLES& tYE - GLASSES One door north of Dr. Porter 6: sows Drug store MEM COAL. pRE SE NTS F R A L , NEW JEWELRY STORE ~W . A. ROCKIVF,LL is c,Onstalitly recdring :n RAilltion to his 4 ,l,arge ktock PBS, GOLD . AND„SILVER WATCHES, and . SILVERTLATED WARE OF ILL VARIETIES GOLD, Sliver AND STEEL SPECTACLES, umm,Tmwmwr=w=wwn CLOCKS OF ALL VASIE TIES, Watch, Clock and 4cwelry - repairing done In the best manner;-,and .warraldol. Thangs fora liberal patronage and hope to inetit a novl2-71 •. Miscellaneous Advertisements. TOOL CARDING, WOOLEN MILLS, CAMPTOWN, Alsre mangfactutinz and cloth -dret , lnr , attended to k‘o short nor lee. We are already making rolls fr,m- the new clip, and are prepared to do work as fa,t - a, offered. Cfamptivcruttrl. .Tn'. 1 KTS N EW FL 0 1711 ING MILL STEAM FLOURING . MILL, 1.t5i41e is Tiny( in shcce.,:fhl operatlm, and that he Is pre pared to (10 all work in 'his lint: on short nutlet% CI7,STOM GRINDING DONE ON iIIE SAME Whrat, Itarkwheat and ltyr 1 , 11,ar, t:orn Meal, always On - hand and and fur !...ale at lowe,t P.'Al TICITIAT: NOTlC'F.—Persons living on th•l,vrert stile of the river , IcArlog to patronize my Min, v. ill hay,• I heir yage Lail both.r, ay..., when they' being ",,Eirts of IA II l.u.•hcis aim tb. MOE A . PERFECT SUCCESS OIIANGE COUNTY- MILK PAN, In quality and quantity of butter !Ode, and by re- - moving theiPteeKtM'ir drudgery or dairy r,xun, • • prompts Us to again Invite the earnest, ATTENTION PROGRESSIVE FARMERS, To the most COMPLETE ARTICLE, dalrys of 15 to 20 cows, - the Inconvenience er turitisiling• au extra dalry-mild' Is avoided, We guarantee to give " PI RFECT SATISFACTION, Or remove the "Pans"..3ll , r 30 days' t 13 1 . Onr reference:, are some of the Live Ital ,y men of Brttifor:r and Susquehanna Cunntle:,, who hare tI. rn, "I It. I. "DEA RDSLEE, Warrenhant, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, Dealer In GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Also CLOCKS, . _ GOLD, 4LVER AND STEEL Malu Streetti AT THE . FINE GOLD. SETS, BANDS, RINGS, a STUDS, CHARMS, NECKLACES, AMERICAN AND SW WATCH IBM ==! MMIIMIEN=I IME2M=EEIf! ONBE - PENNA 11. 11. INGHAM IN AIESiIEQUIN, PA The subserthcr gives mAtve that his View DAY THATAT IS RECEIVED F. S. AY} RS The Universal satlsfaetiodgiven by tlie of the of the kind now beforeqie public .._ . . .., . _. .. ~, ._ , ... , ... . . • . - - Drugg il* -•' • - - - • .- r. DR. H.- O.; POR ER,- ' T . '.. A mg . .• T '.Z OLD CASH liG STORE Corner Main and Pin Sta.,,Tawanda, Pa. ' • • ;. . (Established over a eter of a Ceahrry,, • Wholcsaleland „tali Dealer td‘ DRUGS, NEDICAIstES, CREMICALS i ' I t ; ' ACIDS, DYK-EIT FT'S, & GIXE, PERFUMERY, TOILE AND FANCY GOOD4 ? i, ' SPONGES , RIG:NU& ERACES kl7ll-18$1 7 .:8, I.'it IBoArs, commi, Pi.).141111.1.E14,-.IIA Is IiTER, TEKTII, SKIN, and 'II illt. PREPARAT Olii3, , RAZORS, ;POCK ET-KNIVEs , .„ POCKET•zROOKS AND I'OILT•3IONNAIKS, .- MACAriiir iiipi SCOTCH SNUFF, TOREIGNAND ..1.k.i . M.Y.,13T1C CIGAILB,. • , GARDEN, FIELD AN 'MOWER SEEDS,. . • ram, Wines and Liguori , for Medicinal Earposol PLOWER ttoTATEIC,ECI,GCTIC/i . it , 2 MOPATIIWIL'EMEGIte, And all genuine roily] r Patent Me.licinoF. 31.71.POIETERS, SrAVT.NSO -EGA, lELIEAST Pr MFR, NIPPLES, .NIPPLIt . IELS IeSEEIGE,DP, ~ . NI.7I:SING 110•141,E.5., r EETTIE.Nr.: RI.NGA, Sirnisars., BED RANH.: f arx.amy Titanicomie c., 'TEItA, EL/pint: ToCIELNOG, Au- ,- ; KEROSENE OR COAL OIL, • • WICKS, CIIINNEV I S..;IIIATIf BIUCK,' ' LAUD, WILAEE; ti EATS 700 T, . ' TANNER'S. A.Np IA CHINE 01E4, A Lconot., ANO SrlipTS TUB PESTINFI, Sash, Paint, Varnish, Whitewash, Codiater, , lbw, Marie,' :'Shoe, Scrubbing,' And all hinds.of brushes. • iCTURE CLASS, lazes._ WINDOW -AND of all PUDE LINSEED OIL, • VAR- ISH. • - BEADY 317.• ED PAINTS OF . .t.NY DF,SIIIED COLOR, BY THE POUND, PINT OWGALLON, GROUND IN OIL OR VARNISH, 1 AND DRY COLORS OF ALL HUES. S.C. • - • AU tearran,ted a...crepresenterd.' Prescrlpttons catifullyicomponnded at all bollix of day and nlghr. Open undays for l'reseriptioini from 0 to 30, A. M., .12: to 1l and 5 to G, Dr. Porter can be consulted as heretotori In the °ince. ratayl37s. LT XIE, R T - • • WUOLESAL AND DETAIT, - . D B S-T,S rA TT o„.„ , TOWANPA, PENNA. . . . . • 1 ACIDS. F.I.:TEA(' i. ELINIR.S,ILERB:3, t....q7u.v.it. :Cf)iITED. PII.LS, : rowDE :-.4. :Gums, yRu. , -.. 4. Tisc- t •T I It E S, . WINES, :Ike., • ;I .; Awl prof4relons of all kli:ds.' - . _ . DXE STUFFS ,1 7 . mAcinNE RELtoi4E-Nr.F., PURE 1W1.1.E OEM TOB:‘.CCO,;iN I=Ei CMGS TOILET A.."R M.T` , n= al rs !)r. '•i Al , :f.C. , ',.'11 , t:rd.ly of 0a:•11v.,...fk..ez. 1 . . in 1F 717.2. A., YEWS IF. i AL st.rit.g, gray hal volor. Advanein . g yi and lvtre , l!tary prL4li• gry, and t•ith,r curtly. has provqi !t! a:wayi sztry gray.. It adlhity, and preVrl;e Thus. t.:-a,hy: weak or Viable a:A .4trenklie 114;y expr,,iloni t:tili thin han:thlc relumes Their origifia, anclTarmles. It cur, and kvups .:.alp . oft—untie r whir!l von •I ; ; As a drys,irig for hair, thollitili Fit Is prials • (NI for Its p.ratiffuf and agrreal)l(... perfume, and valued for the >nft :1 vrtr." and richnesiint ton: It Impart ' Trepan-A be .T. (1'; .A YL: 11.nwelf, • Practival ant! i,.klatyti al Chembts. hy d( :der , in t(rdic•i!v T A SI'ELESA ..NIEI)ICINES. psqulnent F«wl Yr.rk I.hyslolau lately cons 1. 1,1 !!!!'d to DUN 31.,11: thrbr x!, At, W (1011 ntt,' (' ,rat in;; that von!, time. thou car, 1 ni rac tr.oos . y. hat 111.1 i a lotiout of Ili, :Ara is in ! !Tort. th! • Itiformod ty• .rot !our,' !!.r , t au( DIM; 1).1S Dl(' li Wnat may . l..avo bap . peened to 4 , 1 her, 'am! 11'.:N I 1.•••• IVI CT: Sz '1!. VVv Ii Cli i r.E prolr.•!log rit.alth•vi.o-!re.t, of.!th.g va. °F . 1 , N PAL wium frwu ootolliginto il!,ropute. Pit l'!"14'1ANSI;.11!iolf.f. pre,..oribe tIof(.'not!;!- , .continue to,do so- for the./ pure Oil in lost and cheapest I..tm• kt r'l).ti. Clole , Fit. !IT n.i.a,ree“,i, than hi! Wholt,:11:. ant! I;oban Dreg gist-:Old 4.',1111111,• , 1 . anti ihi, i, the sale rE a•ou why mOlcheaperin 'l!' pure Oil I. !Loh- t•apsulysthati iu any otltet form. I 1)1 I. OF rcpt_ othor ' gairtq to itultrou eCgltt 'Frou! , Nu!: Le Ita.l. DUN ti 1S ! solvo the probk.m. sicians. of how to aY , pe rir is coo 111 ,1l ittb. tletrart from, if n. many I alaai-Io r;,quell S4.ft I eq..thirty in vAt.ll, at serl64 - I.y )hpsfclai TASTELE& oil alai ninny 0:1,,,r kvil easily mid !=aft.) CO'S SOFT •C no Smell. 4 4) - Theso Anti Admitted :o Von. Send fnr elretilar Sold at ang FIRST.!N CAPITAL:: SURPLUS Fr This 'lank reers the trawaction )f a GENE RAt INTEREST TO rEe AL C 11: NOTE.; ANT, Panics w!..hiint the principal elite,' preture drafts (or.i PASS . , To or from the.... (1,111 ailing ltiiv, ulu'api G highest , rice Or 01 OS. Pre,slden AINTS, G 0 D 0 N "M.'" AND 4_,IotORS, ii::t:_l?UrPt,t• IM2JE=I 'l=l WENT ~k nr: <•runcra (,f FANCY coons th.•rr.nrcinild nfl Sua . y tn.ni A. 14 r.:N. • -!- - 121.!ed at Sat .11e • re. • IT. IT. TI'It\F: II v. G. 64,a1:1).(iN IR V.RiOll, fir re- 0 , Its wit l ural vitality and s , irk nr :s, disapp?lnturnt, Kitlan, all ;urn lhe'halr zihrtl •i:, by long and extf,4i . - _at it ,top, th • railing: ibe tho gr,wth. it 4 tado,f or .2., .rat rltite both hair and beitit,y ,kk!,y hair tr.notn,,ri.gloi.., lust Lair regrows with lcilr is checkr , ta:N e.stab- en:, aa•l fad,nd or grip hair color. Its oNratlon Ss euro • s dimdruft, heals - all humors 4.\VibOl) I, fast z•ixty only rc• evrta!it Vt?rt . :•!1 H 4 , ther int,lictpc s Co.'s sorr .c.kr•z:rf.l'; 1•!,y oil Mt, trui , eit Arefirti i•411 , t ,••• n hi, h arc FE=IN=I 'pia hp hi thi-fd.i;:h)•! iii arvthr only N.• an 1. ,- ' FT Dt!NDAS DICK APSULES. No Tasto_ ro tho only capsufes he last Paris Exposi , to 35 Wooster strv , t.'New'York Drug .Stores Hero. tA.T I ON A t B A7I.CK TOWANpA. $1')5,090: 50,0.001 UNVSUM. FACILITIES for -INKPCG lIITSINE.S ON DEPOITS-ACCKIZDING tOREEMENT. • TIN TO THE COLLECTIgN OF , sEst) 3tox Ey to:my I , :iri or _egland, Ireland. Scw.l:Lnil: 0g ilint towtis of Europe, f'311140.! ' hat purpoLte. . , i . GE 'T'ICKF,TS - ''. . • Cunntry, by , tbebest n haat!. I= paid for L`. 5., , 1 1 and Silver. r. N. BE 17, JR. Cashlar
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers