Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 11, 1876, Image 3

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    Vadfora NtpOtitt
Towanda, Pa., Thursday, May 1/,':1376.
Tnwr are trying to raise a fire company
in Att ens.
. WE arc furnishing iieatly printed envel
ops and letter-beads very cheap.
CISAS. SEELEY is building a brick block
on Main-sL just below the Means house.
Noitoix, Esq., is ftrectinz a
block of bfick,dwellings on Washington.
few weeks more until "Decora
tion Day." Let it be generally observed
in 'this count•.
AT the request of persons interested in
the . new Bank, J mvr osEcn L. k hashecin
appointed a • Notary Public.
TUE next Universalist Sociable will be
held at. the residence of - Sheriff LAYTON,
Wednesda;, , 'evtaiing, May 17, 1876. ,
IION. E: REr.n 3ITErt was Foreman of
the United Statesr Grand Juiy at Pitts
burgh at the recent session of court.
" 'favorite Fanning 31111." is be
t-Arilllg very popular among the farmers.
Iti w is manufactured by J. 0. FROST I.C:
Trtr. rniversali. t Society of this place
have purchased a lot from the north end
of the old school house property, for the
erection of a church.
- Tun Philadelphia Blue Sinne Co., ope
rating- the quaru. at Horn Brook, 'in this
. eounty, have nip& an assignment for the
bdnelit of their creditors.
nit: "bard times" do not deter people
from building. We notice quite a num
ber of residences going up in town, some
of them tern elegant.
TUE Int.ernal Revenue Office has been
removed to the !mil:ling. formerly occu
pied by 11. S. li.T•jisfmr. Co., as a Bank,
just north of Med.:mr block.
1;....r.T. P.t-eI:EN, Suit or the Pa.
P.. havin , ..; a lwailtiftil.plt as
imilt :It Ithara. Tie Lnat 1 , to
IT ha. beep estimated by those ennti,e
tent,t, jwige•of the matter, that a change
tet:t-boeli§ in the county would cc:4
the people a than
Gone TEMPLAT:S .and all other frienel
of iPlrlperanee will bear in mind the meet
ing of the County CoW.:ention at Cvmp
town; -on the first of next month.
cortitE.,:.oN3w: of the At1e7.;,;(7,i
-et,','e ~ a ys " a ( ow o in the dairy of CY1:1 - :.
~ir.:::n::Rave birth to tiro tm in calvec tlic
o,hei day. — 11 , ,,w.mar,v th.h2s that mike
L. V. IL are Imildiitg•
laprelltinther of en!'illes, and "calioGse
fOr s,•rviv.• nn the N. Y'... road,
:is il;e layiag of the third rail is
completed. •
.73: ,F. . 'has I•aa ellarro
(1' lit. (*(miity f o r 4
or: 1 1 years the.1 ,,,,, 1 , ..;,..-
!nent of the vonverit. al:d is sueeeedetl hy
SAMI - r.l. (1' r.. 11..
111:11)F. ST 111:1:T 1 . .:1S1,c(•• , !:!P f (f
14,14 lively I,llsiness .
in Tow :111 ,1 .n.•
tr.,do 0:1 tilc:t•
I,y wikle-3W:tki , . nlun..
( . !!...r.T.Es F., TP.7%::.-0 - s, 1 1!::u
fin ly clut.luyed as a salt :limn
suicide iu
fin i ," day la s t
r 111 ihtemreiar•,•.
t.f , y.;-
ville )1. w by Rev.
E. F. IZ , v.:F.t:T , . at 1. , .F.ty. , v11 -1 :e. on Y,;ty
1:1 m.d. A Tej.-Itelar.t.e I.octuic
)Tr. IZ. 'LLNI 1•I'llillay
bET:1111.• Art of A,sriribly
the t n 1 to.op-
Co - ill - I(A . , recolit•dittion (I t• l'a. N. It. N. Co.,
(!rflcir ], - ::Ns: of this'
pi.lee, a I , 4 , lkeinan for that emnpan3,-„
WEIL!: the c:•11( ries in the 11 - yorning
- Valley are coin! ..11ef i to :•41-. l :iwntl ope:Fa
ti,,us every little v:1 , 110, the mines in this
C Icuty, an4.l the Loy:a nk collei - lus are
rii , :••:n L 4 to their full capacity in order to
supply the klenianl t',•r
s. t,p
quite a mitubt.i. E t Intililite:s in
our vi: 1 :1 , •t• :Ire I:zfz!,l,: due, ,r,atetl ith
t Tlitd .Frankliu 1:11-
gilt' stoic'
Want of spat';
a ! . ; ••,,..ncyal weik.
I'msbytvriali at
tic p.T.I :
-E. S. .I!.wEr.r
i.;:rid/••;f•io—r. I N. I
-Sy,v,v; 1;‘ , .1 A.:1)
i„ a ( (
on tla. -
Four:l, • Govern.q. IEI, 1',.C41i111( lad—
( ti..:t 111,! ort•a,it•fl ek !,v i/1--
1•1..loriaTo• , :t•IIVCIT Vt.
we 14.1%11 . 11 :IR; ,1,1 5 , „ to pa• itiioll
1,u,,1 C:
Q . l - 111: a n llf gentlelaen are :11 . .-
1 inentioriell in vonnuotitin With
C. F. Nl,llAti.:-, N I).
1..; E.': I', F. .1. 11. CA
IL and
C. El
A FLAG staff 1.5.; 1 er4 1 .1, 7 a on the
( - LTA of Ihss k Y. P.. 1:.
this j i.O r. Sup'erin!endi , w - PAto;;;;;
pur..1,a,,,1 a :set of !I:1:;, of an u2,tio::s
and 1 - •pr.-4 of any countxy
ovor ;this 7 2 ie:u: , !• ro
s. n,
route. the flag - un.ler which thy Eve Will
Tr!: Tow:!fliia ( oinet Pand (formerly
Naiad) will_ it the was her permits favor
olir tit izens.V. 'tilt some of their delightful
the the
h, (illiiisilay) t' Tne boys have
thi• i.ast Nein-
Jer. and iliox 5...-oied tune in this
HALL g.—Maj. E. W . . 11.xt E. of
"%\ - 0; , ti!..k1e." the brick'
tio: tit tde t l;ri(hr street.
~ .ne of tlic-inits:t
t • oislieis iit tliv
so,,ift , , he at is to twin-
Lint ;owing the pi yin:mein. residents
~f cir.l 1:.-o city. ...1s colnpthilent to
the \\ i:lke
'C.:e hiN•t; or,-1,..v 4 i,, g the 1%-i.i!re
imt:t . rc g"cs iqtt
tv:1:(1 11:e unr4trilliqttc:::iiti the man hiust
I.e ho ( I,, cs fu t
tvith t IA hot. itl„ ro u g h ki n d_
izt ..1d enlbalT.l , S ,, l
riii . " l ti'V
111:11 V trni •I Ot . it ,4•li-tiLl',ylllL": ;,1!(I
,tich instAnces
have t,
L 1 ,tni . latti.
w‘i syniii,oliy and kind
tiVin•l.nN'T Comnkomisr..—One of the
most successful and liberal hilliness melt
in this eotitay. hislininar stt li
the ~ther It) irgalatc s of
the twain in ti,is wisc: ••1\.:0.,•, ,, :i.• sa y s t l, e
"I think ue coma t o
s.,:zicluit(len=talidir,..4 - itt lelzard to our per
sona exinsieses. and i prop•se to rive tub
'tv,o (fog t:, for every
dolkt I (•,:pend myst " d.i
kfen , i dolkli
in a pceuli: - .rly e!( , ar. SV:Cet,
part tiiki'ltrier. altil 11;t
-ti, "Sial
inct3l of
accoi.l, tj
)Ir, Dr. lf.•••;_
:old to 31 MI
julilant tr:o;•161:1.1r.::.,•ty
.•: 4; i.11.,1.11n:, i!l iti...;1•1,t4f tht• SOC114.11 , 1:.H:t•I':•••• of 1;:r eidcri:l:lll
- tin • err-cti,l :t . p r . 01 -ot, IR• eiet
•1+1;1,i":1.1:kk;i• t tnur.:_z that t,, the ii;t: tile Epi:.
th • 4:1k11 alitt 431:0 1 , 1,111
e."1111111k.'; "i , ;Cul Atlicps • .1. Packer, with vliaractcristic
or the 11:idge ( 0.. the to - t.,1.e gerier.”•ijiy. ian a free train fro'ln tVavcr
run iil drat the costiof hy, do‘vn and lack again. Lar numbers
in:11 , 2; Th e Coln- avzokti ihculschc, Isc this opportunity to'.
-it the nod; at once, l.e •preizaqit. The' Colanel is- noled foi . a .
as the fothile have long titough sufercd ',liege-Hearted benevolence. that is 1.. s NVen
irMOUVellitlP:l: the V•ant of a bridge .'turn--t{ as it is - munificent in its manifest:l
-flop-v. •
tiolis:l fig CLIFTO\.
SLANDER.---ThO following item,
eliiited from tbe Detroit Pree Press, ought
to be indignantly resented by every, loyal
Towatidisn. The sign referred to is pro
yto be found in AVaverly, Detroit, or
some ether town "out west:"
' , 9,,.Vowarala, Pennsylvania, sign reads
thug: A John Smith—teecher of cowtilliont
and: other dances—grainer taut in the
neetetit manner—fresh salt herrin on draft
likewige Godfreys cordial—rutes sassage
.4ther'gardin truck.—N. B, A bawl
on,frida nite—prayre- meeting chusday
also silmesiuging by the quire.' " •
Tin next Quarterly Convention of
Good Templars for the Northern , Distriet .
of Pennsylvania, will meet at Camptown
on Tuesday, June Gth, at 11 o'clock A. M.
110:30:41f the Order going by rail will stop
off at Wyalustpg, where carriages will be
in waiting to receive.them.
is'expected that each Lodge will be
fully represented, as at this meeting will
take place the election of officers for the
next year. The evening Fession of the
first day will be open, and all friends of
temperance arc invited to attend.
lE - f- 31. E. CIICISBrek. D. IF. C. T.
AT ;6neeting of Overton Lodge, No.
1112, L 0. G. T., held April 29, the fol
lotting`. preamble and resolutions werei
adopted on the death of GE - 0110E RtNE-)
IV4rtF:As, lii Ins death the cause of
temliefane has lost an earnest and effi
cient advocate, and our Order one of its
active Workers: therefore,
That we, the officers and mem
ber:, Of,f /verton Lodge, No. 111.2, nat;yg
nize inids death,. the will of the All,-Wise
Proviatince, and how in humble s,ninnis
sion ,th'ereto, I:nowing the lie (leen all
Rrto . reg, That we deeply sympathize
with the parents of the deceased iu their
loss of on obedient son, and the brOtben:
and sisters of anaift:etionate brother; and
that weimploie our Heavenly Father to
comflui: them, knowing that Ile alone can
bind up:the broken heart and pout in the
oil cif joy and gladness.
lie.. , :eLre:/. That a copy of these resolu
tions lid forwarded to the family of the
deceast4l, and recorded in the minutes of',
the Lodge• '
also published in. the county
paper.; and fo,, , : ra ore Viro and
11 - ey,toPC Good Ter!, th'a r.
A. C.
TowN,liii, city etlitor cf the Ehrira
ioysthis tlto to the
ineololy„r t h e Lite lib',?. 1). ..kI!',NT
.\ the ei:pression of it'el:istil:tte
it kill api , :•;.! cialvtl by the filthily rind
frieds'of the,. Its entire tiuth
be 801iiitr.v1 , :(1:4 - e,i by 811 aho
. Ali Meatkith Mr.
itcl,l tr • tribitto of rest-cet
. ,
to the tift 4 m, ry of one who, at an early
!life, has : lit en 'call( .1 away frma
this WOrli. GI:oIZGE DE.LA YioNTAN YU,
who. as we learn I.y the Vevanda
died in lthat Saturday at the
age ortitirty-nin, years; ; Nearly twenty
years att,),, intimately as:ioeiated with him
in elinibin-the hill that leads to'knowl
edr..e.-4- :earned to know ilia:, as .few
knew him. -1t that time, or soon after,
:.tee. we wrote —The sail IN not
so tine : ftilt o the day. as lie to his friend,.••
it «:t , s Ley-note to his Vil:1111(21.C . 1*
Iris lifr.::111t1 Al./1111! f..1::1 a nnlittili-•
tai li t - w:g:11.1 , 1.
grave: gi,od (.1.“112.1: for
r. ;Awl tiiLl
itig it i-c,i .T tlivy nri• ,titlivti 11 , in it
it to o. 114 tier
ti. raid CUL .car
i4‘• , orr,T* at:11 tn.uMe clt:n
I!'_ yt•prMk tl into ;••....-,1
in te : •,\ illast week. Nt•arly 17 art y year; nizo.
this plave. t•Cii
t4n. t .14 , is still
74 , fo:—the
wit, in
f.. 1.
of ciEo. 1),I
I lit.
E -21111;:i:”
ON E.:
:111111 ittS ti
Wt 11 IL1111:(.
e;,t, • ill
S. nor:m.lly
Fl - st A
(. n
I:. P. ill:
..t 31r. E. T.
“t 1:. t , • 1,0
in 1 . : : - d c AI; v.
—(;! . .,.1..c; c.;:•• :_•
1: , ,‘
wa,s in . .,14 2 ‘. , 1 . , ti
1: 11
oil, 4 ,f
11.. int. I ..:11f that
C`. in . 5
It .•
14 , t. It I....dill:011; It. l , :1!1;t41.:t% wlair
LII l.t.t
l ~ ;; s,L~ ill
1 1 / : .
.16 ( 1:1ta1a.
Mil: • •• • .,! 1::•r “%\ ,t;.
)I:try • :‘ft rcur en:l,l._•il It 1,.1'1 . 4.(t
z r.. :11111 rtcli
)Ir. 1. ts !l.• 1.01 . -
:-t•yeriii , r, gallant "ia..l(aw" lank
•• A 'alaW:lS finely pre-
The lovkly Eulle 1..1111;in
never flinn as
•'tht tile.
11.,;;; - ,..; men the part 0: the
OA. 11.
A. :-..u:•erb as ....A N : ( 1 L o bi n ,"
.;nol qligitizy 41c :;,-t
tLie:., 1: L.
Hillis and Mrs. lliereur t. - as si:nl is
eneimMlng. "I lieat the wcll, — ,
was rtmlere , .l . I,y the lii,l
-uantly i;Tetty Miss Kart': Pllllllley and the
I.iimisome Mr. .las. Shaut.
and his Dinah — te. , k the house by'storm.
Mr. F;.! 'T. _Noble as `•
alai Mrs. 31ercur as the- tore-turn dam
sel. \yew irresistible. Talk about, :ama
teurs ! Either one of them pos,ess
talmits that would be nu discredit,„to
the stage.
••.bitar Anderbou.
swig by tie lovely and gifted
Mrs. Ilaltiwin. who st-a..4,:;ithtisias
tic::ii:.-"tbot,/,.,1, anti re- ,, ontled hy singiitg
`1)11 in the Stiiiy I::tittwin
onlyising let hjolit'd :mud
t 01 Iho part tu reefer_
Lion. MY. ' WaS 11111 Ch a , lulit•cd as
jo. i .foltit." Mr. Hillis citte.,rtained
the :r tdietice 1.3- reading a selection from
— .Joshilf.‘llcti's AD. mho ever had
the 11(.:Oare of listening to hint ;rill feel
of praise is lice+. ssars.
was splcmiid
the "thodess of
va.:lzer represented
the.enjf , :s oar e , tintry, , :ipported by tile
thirtecn,Siat , s. -Aas robcd -it: white,
v‘nli the incrienn co:ors gr.ick fully
1u d at , o'ot her - lithe' siett(ler figure.
'Watt 111211.y
-arat .1/1i1.• hand ;;lashed glittet iig
'l . :1.• the ~t 1.R.1- it'sti.4l upon a g“ht
spc.irl Every heart thrilled with ad
miration:at. this vi ion of e ntra nc in g bil-e
-liness. 'in the delicate buauty of face nod
form,- sit . 3! . •
Wednesday, May 3.--The (hand Jury
dispoiod of the following cases :
True Bills—Com vs C E White and
Squire Coon—Forcible entry and detainer
Com vs Lemuel Ellis;;--Assault and bat
tery.- Corn vs John . Cormy—Selling liq
uors without a license.
Not True Bills—Com vs E A Demorest
and George Lantz—Yorgery. Com vs
Same 7 .-Forgeig. Corn vs E A Demoreat
—Forgery. J. B. Ball, prosecutor, for
costa in each case. Com vs Henry Youngs
and Jacob Miller—Assault and battery.
D 31 Burman, prosecutor. for costs. Corn_
vs Chas Day—Selling liquor without a li County fur costs. Com vs Geo
Jordan—Sdling liquors without a license.
Chas Day and John Cormy, prosecutors,
for costs.
The Grand Jury, were discharged on
Thursday afternoon.
• In re a county bridge aer4ss Chemung
river at Athens—Grand Jury return the
bridge necessary; and that it is too expen
sive fur Athens twp and boro to bear.
Imre the view of the twp line between
Mmiroe and Albany twps—lteport of
Commissioners MO And confirmed ni
Court approve of the appointments of
Chas F Jones, deputy constable of Pike
twp, and G A Burns, deputy constable
of Towanda bum
. Court appoint JJI Davies constable of
Barclay trip, and 0 B Bisby town clerk
of Columbia twp, to till vacancies.
Court transfer license of eating
of James Cutr misky in Towanda boro to
J D rays.
. -
Towanda Mutual Building and Saving-
Fund Association vs Mary S Myer—Audi
tor's report filed and confirmed ni ai.
Amelia Tuttle vs J 11 Snell and B B
subro„o-ating Keeler to the
rights of the - plaint made absolute.
J3I Smith vs F anti '' It Jor
dan—Rule to show cause why - Jordan'
shall not be, subrogated to the rights of
the plaintiff.
l'atr:ek 31eGaralioni vs Enoch Sellard=
Rule to show cause why. jud ;ment, shall
not be opened and the defendant let into
a defense.
Gersham Bunnell vs I W Comstock—
Rule discontinued.
('urn vs Thos 1' Biggs and Wm Higgs,
Larceny'—Jury find Biggs guilty and
Higgs not guilty.
Com vs C. E White and Squire-Coon,
Forcible entry and detainer—Dist Atty
Califr and Wood Est, for Cont.
vies 11100.1:1 and 11 .1 Madill Esti,
Ito'. defendants. Jury that defendants
Itule granted to show cause why
ilew trial should not he granted.
t 'oru vs T Zti.,enfln:f, larc.ay. Corn
vs :-;,tme, filse pretenses. Com vs 0 1'
Truey, s Witliont a lit:mist:l—
Continued ti S.eiq Ternn
vT , . Moses Depue, forgery. Coin
vs T Milldam, false pretenses--Court
direct, a N.,11c pr ,,, lq i to be enured in
each ease u;sm payment of cots:
Ctva Wane:: Smith, selling liquors
without lieLmse—Defentlitut plemisguilty.
Court susi.entl. Fur-um:cc.
lii le wideainvd . Troy St, iki.eanton
Loin—!isek•ldiun. Wed 113' L L 31.tnley, 'l'
Ai I Ll%iii and A L
P L IV:Loi C S Rus
sell. E 1' Fux v.; MorriA Clair—Audi
tor's report in each ease eonfirinetl.tinally. :
S Layton vs .las G Layton---!
Court :11.1 °int• S 'Vincent C'ununissioner°
to tal;c-(tei.ositions.
Iris 31:ty Taylor vs Ilorace 1 Taylor_
yo ur ' . (I I:..inn,y Esq, t'unmis
sioncr 1,,
.1 0 I.' Sons vs Dr F Flc.selotte—
to show, cause liy money paid into
si- , a not be bait( to..i 0 Frost ,(..;
IT A Mood vs :1 P P.1"00.:-C.'ourt restrain
trout proocuthug on execution,
• gr:tnzytl to show eUnse 11 by jialg
ila 11.,1 be 0p..1/,:a.
C',-Co 1s N S I)euniark and
A .1 I.:0!!1:11u—I:nlit 31,sointe subro
galing Coliklin to the tights of the pl.tin
..1 J Nob''.e vs .7 P Kirby and L I) Bow
man—Defendants having paid. into court
the antortnt of the tesititte with costs, it is
onle! . t II that jtalgntent roi• the land des
cril,‘,l I, enteied hit the defetaltints.
C:int:eld vs t; Mairts—Exerp
tiotr- tiled to Auditor's report on part of
Juliatantichl. Leport, contioned finally
;Is I.t costs t,l* sale, and Audit anq jinlg-
Kent of .‘llCil
. .\/:.1:C ' vs S .11den—Co!art ap
p, It 1) Kinney and :unlit Jr •to
di,,tril;titt.• the font! raised crtan the Sher
id", sale of defendant's real estate.
( . Wlll v., larceny-I)ist
('::l';11. 11 Streeter and I)avics
COM. I C (iridley and 1)
C .Vitt foitiLfenclartt. Jury tlinl
11n: defend:l:A guilty. Court suspend set
t:..,, tr.l this eonvetion, and sentence hint
ou ',rst cortvictiou to pay' a tine of t 4 11 19
and c , i-:s ui pre , ,,-unt nnth•rg , i tin
.itt;,risont: - .ent oft w.)3 - 12:::::, in the Eastern
Pt. Out ;at-v.
M:ss 1,T77:1.
. 1 i,
and SAN' 111 g Fund As-
Nycl . --Exolaions
14, “Tort (11 part ul
1:,V1:11 •lacob Vangorder . alll.l
wt sct ti it in, this cast.
Case vs E
N 14.. its vs Coo P l 11.,11—)1.1.4-
tiitor's t contirolt.4l
E Pet( r
lurntit n.,•••1•1 to I.e
.1..0:•ic.0 vs S Nthipticti, Alfred
\V id N i tslnt—llitle tii show
51t.411 nut b. subrogo
tell to int. riglosi ut tin. iind col
one-h:111 of.o:atzliit.lit of I).triti Nesbit.
IV.itson rttrinan—
ooOt-r this 10 lit! filch at TO -
I) () v.s (100 II Wood an,,l It 31
•I L ‘s I`,
.1 4 . 1-atat . :; Ex, /z v...14,1en I;
jor V.. 10
,il,\i.-fi r (':.~
( Inn tc 1:4•' nse
('o. Sn' s F
Sal lel lee, a: cC, sithstitutca utt re,..)1•41
t;,l...:anz. •
Idiug aud Sarinfz Fund As-
Mary S .Nlyer—Ruk
tilt: jlaiginent should hot Lo opelned and
liere u,,i,tui. le: int•) a defense. .
Coni Cis 1i Ljtc :111(1 Squilc Cooa
-Ilnle for be W. tII Ll dipchargttl and Court
nr t. vac!! to pay a tine or $1 and
co .:b of ri_stitliti(..n to llarry Scott of land
.111,1 tunt..ulents unlawfully detained by
Coin vs .To'on C'oriny, selling liquors
vtitliout a license—Continued to Sept T.,
.101 in 1101ine; Jan,es assinnp.
sit—Jas W6oLi tier plaintilt. Davies
C:anochan 1., defendant.
Prints at KENT tk:l3l.tss.'
Dress Gods at KENT & BLISS'
\cw goode reeeiv,ql . .lally at lIENDLE3LAN.'S
k...9 - I:;lgt.ltliti44ll4.lle at 11 EN DELNIA JeUelry
Lir' A new stock of Corsets at KENT
Pat trick's Pattcras at KENT 4.5:
:177„":" New lut - of :"AIaWIS at KENT 6;
Ladies Linen its at li)iNT
('all a 6 11.:.N . r 111.1: , :.' and ,ec
Nt.w Clfdlis and Cassimcres at
KE:. .l-
;3 A full lint; a Parasols and Fans at
K;:N1 LI;Li,
IT!:NDLENt.k!k: offer' a grea: redaction lu Sll
rer-I%atctl Wire.
-;"_1 frill line of I losiery and Gloves at
Ki.,:r 4r. r. 1.:,,
r. 7/." line of Summer Skirts at
good s in great variety at
Go to Ii ENT s;'33La.s' for your No-
F. 0 .“ y
( 'all at KENT BLUSS', and look
!::.1. k 61,i1:1111%•-•
:7: - ; -I .‘ a the I:Ate:4 vet)
C!P:~•,,i:; \l'lll :~.'•tl. , &^i! I P'~
I r.-- of tOyS,
;:, - - i r" Everything in
.tlio line of station
ery at W 111 7 ,20.411 ...::-.IIAUT'F.
C. - a — just received. a car load (if Stone
waw, Cream rots, Churns,
Itt '
which I will„stAl at lower fig_
ales Moo ever offered itt this market.
0. A. JEttam.
1 , . (..‘
BUSINESS LOCAL. anwr sewthi beg
Blank Books tuantitseturett In the eountsy. ,
Tho largest and best Ossolianent 'of
sprlng othlag to town atN. E. BossariaLD'O.
rff/eCrovict seta Or $100 j ; at
O. A. BLAcK's.
I Hoadqnarters for Baby Wagons,
- O. A. BLArn's.
Mr Remember that Butea - NUS Table
Cutlery very low.
mil A new line of Base Balls and Cro
quet sets Just opened at 0. A. BLAcies..
fV7 Ilevorsiblo and , Flat lataillowrat
reduced prices. R. W.r.LLEs & Box,
InirlYoa can get all the latest styles of
Statlotuiyy, very cheap, at IVIIITCO.IIII & Snsor's
tiriA - I,rge assortment of spring Wild
summer bats, Just received, at M. X. llosrx
risciei. •
' and Steel Spectacles, and Eye .
Glasses, In great variety, at G.V.YDZIAtAIt 13
ri Store.
Sir If you want to secure a good article, and CO
the worth of our money, the place toy:doll. Usx-
rir Don't buy any matches • but the
AmeriCan Fuse. sk your merchant for
ar Every ono using .Pipe's and Se•
gars ought to get the now Smokers' Fuse,
• • 0. A. 131 .ACE, Agent.
ra" . Buy your clothing of H. TAYLOR,
whpr.s yeti can always get good good.t at the loweat
living *ices.
14- Ifon't tall to call at Iics:DLESSASV'S, It you'
wish to 'buy anything In the Ilne'et Jewelry, Silver
and,Stlverplated Ware.
MTENDELBIAN has the finest stock
of AVatehes, Jewelry and Silverware, ever brOught
Into this town, Call and set
ITENDKLMAN has the largest and Les
stock of ladles' and gentlensens' gold and allter
watches ever broughtito Towanda.'
. . .
rOll. MENT.—Tho dwelling home
lately 6e6plet.l 1 . 1 Col. IIoETUN, on Maln street.
.Eugulre of D. C. DEWITT.
C.7s — ltubber Paint, .also B. It. Paints,
21/ CuIVIS and nltafle,a, at lt, price...
It. 31. Wr.t.i.Es &SON.
rassmigers to tho West will titid it
to the!r adtantage to purchase tickets at thn To
wanda De. put. Itates I..dured 1e1.r4 from Sept. Is
Cam' You can have ,a large assorttnent
of Baby Wagons to select from, at the
Crockery Store of 0.. A. th..NcK.
W...Nrm).—Several sp:ins of young hor
ses. •]test be sound', kind, and good ifiz.p.
C. 31. NIANNILLE, Preet.
- , [7" The largest and best assortment of
Bracket!, evcr bronght .to this place, can now. be
!ANA :41 *RC/NT St DUSn. [Oct. ItG-->tf.)
-lAnnis at his store on Bridge St.,
ingest as of it uman Hair ever of
'ran.el In this market. anehlG
M - IVe have just opened a fine assort
ient of Cloths and CasSilliereS, Including all 'the
nee' Siang Styles In Coatings and Sunlngs.
• inclal6-tr & Cu.
Monroetom on Meehanle Street. For terms al..
it;y to Mrs. LOUISA CUSTER or E. W. HALE.
lin - '27nl
CTi" Mrs. E. J. MlNooi will return -in
few with the largest rts..rtnrent and best
Fideeit , d goods cier i rsugit Into place, which
the v.lll offer at the lowt,d. prices. Cail and ex.
• FMC SA T.E.-A thou.( tiglibred Shnrt
Horn or Durham 2 years Al-o two bull
reg,6tentd, and entliled to regkteci of
Milking Strains.
AVynluNlifg; 19.'7a.1f
PAtli E.kt0.181:.-ICe hare a
ipsanWy of EARLY VEIC11( INT PoTAT4)ES,
-varranted ten days earlier than tho Early Rose,
Now Is the time for farmers to supply themselves
with tubsop; rior Vargo!:
31 cf . nt: I:Dm:AI:Ds
.7-.7/ - .;‘fts. E. .T. 31iNGos wishes' to in
-1011.1 the ladles of Towanda and vicinity that Ale
k now 2..ettled Lt laer new stare, next doer Lb ii CST
wher, :he will keep a large assortineat
31111Inqry an Ladles'
:=Et" The ladies. will be pleased to lciarn
that I. lI.ItILIA ham crincluileil in - remain is To
w awla, awl is Dow meet', log a large awl attract ive
b.tte k ut milllnery t ant rawly gis.sis ? and ltivitis the
altenibeit 05 his Willi:roil, cwteniers.
L'717 , " PIERCE tt: SC4 ovr, at their coal yard,
keep fre,ll ground Cayuga plater. by the ear had
or ten. It h front the (clehrated Tiounp.ou
Nw , York State Iteonizi,ta nay ii 1, the strorzk'st
plaiter In the State. [1114,M-tr.
Bny the Jamestown Alpacas. The
by: They are warrented to wash while:it
shrinking or fading; to 14 . fully '27 hullo , It We:
ttn,t'to la•.4lnal In diirablihy to the very beA . gootts
lit lb market.
ELL, S ('O., rnlr, ng•-:ntl: for ln:uiuf:irtnn•rs
POWELL .k Cii4-IVe have just re-
C"iVtql onr larg,% Spili.g stock of NVall ral•ur. Now
r.•ady for 4!"..hibluoo. In adglanoll to our u,tutl
of Wahl tint,, white and brown black', Tie
hate :wed a 11:1,141,11110 ,or•nt of
Srd,•r.~:al•!on!P•r• , rit.!l ipso.
.74!ateli I, IS:6-11%
tho Jamestown Alpacas, for
Thor :try nuiiirr. from the 10.4 mats Halm.
Trwy'are dyed In such a manner am to secure corn-
p!..b• sattiratlnik of color
They atv so thoroughly shrunken In tinlshlhg ma
to N . nnatfer Jett by tlatupne,.. They limy there
for« be cashed and done up Ilk. Ilnen , %s'lthout
least InJuryi .
,sale by row ELL side agent; for Man
'tract:tiers. (tuch23
From 1V.•1:. Clustomm, 31. of
Nrw ttedr.wil.
1 have employed 1110 PEI:IrCIAN SYRUP
ressfuny In cases of dyspepMa. chronic diarrhoea,
nervcos debility, neuralgia, erysipelas, boils and
di&eases of the also thlerosis, leneorrhea,
prolapses uteri, and female cOmplaints generally.
As an alterative tonic, the syrup ought to he : used
be rhlrgymeo , °lntern. , cashiers, clerks, lawyers,
I . and others who use their i brains morn than their
gomele.: as well as Operatives, printers, tilllors,
I.bovinakers, scamstresses, and all those whose (K ,
etipation confines theni in in-venillated and Over
' heated rooms, who nre liable to suffer 'mere or Ices
front nervous debility." [apt-27w1.
tgr" READ Having purchased
the Interest or ,Joie VAN Done and also of H.
1,1 Aunts in the business known r 9•• HA II s' Mer
chant Tailoring, Establishment," I would respect
fully announce to the piddle that I shall keep a full
line of goods forthe Merchant Tailoring Business,
will sea iheni at living rates, and guarantee fits
and latisfactions Mr. HAnnts will do the cut'
Dog, his syrrices being retained. We go to the city
on the 9th inst. tO parehase a large stock of Foreign
and Domestic Cloths, Casslnmres, Ycetings and
choice Suiting. for Summertrade. Those In need
of Clothing' will do well to call anti examine my
stock before purchasing elsewhere-3d door north,
of Mercer block. (may9wl) W. 31. CooNs.
b a rr From J.tcon 14 - ,NEn, Fsq., Drug-.
I 'O.!. midmetcyo. Dauphin Co., Pa.—Mesq's, SETH'
W. SONS.--i;t2titS:—PleaS.l send no km
' mediately half a gross of Dr. Wts - r_kteg: Balsam of
Wild Cherry, as It Is selling rapidly and gives good
'satisfaction. I have been-selling the Balsam for
more than twenty - years, and have always found It
satisfactorily spoken of, 1 have had a number of
4ustotners who hate realized inealculable benefit
from the use of It In the first itays of consumpt ,
Finn. 1-atuiorei without it In toy (molly, and ad
' minister It to any member of It whenever troubled
with eoughs, colds, lung and :bronchial afrectlots,
and dud it.a most elfldent remedy..
JAcett lIENEtt
reats and f:t a bottle. Sok) by all tlealere.
:IT" Thu Peruvitiu Syrup, i talizes anti
enriches the Gran!, tolies up the build_ up
Iho broken,lonn, cures dyspep:ll::, liver Complului,
d opsy. chronic diartluva, boll i , nen eus
croak :aid fever. humors. loss of e..tistitutional
ir, dliewes of the bidtteys and bladder, female
complaints and all diseases oiglnating In a bad
state of the.blood, or . accompanied be debility or 4
low state of the system.
t'arrtoy.:—llo rare you ge the Penman Syr
np. Oita dollar and two dollar a bottle. Sold by
dealers generally. I •
• EMI W. Vaartat & £o Y R , Prlprletom'
Harriso4 Avfnue, Booty*.
car.. 1.0 Costrarrrivris.—Thei adretr:
User, a, retired physictiii;lit*tiag. provideo4
tit* discovered while Is Medical Misskaary
Southern Asia,* Vary sh*PierYertal4a*n., fpi" ,
the speedy and permanent care of Coniumptiots, -
Asthmkßrunchitist. Catarrh, and all throat and - ;
lung adectionsLitisortpositlie andlarticril speelde
for Kerrons Mildlity. Premature decay and "ill
Nervous Complaints, feels it his. duty to, mike . '
known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by tbi
motive he will cbae.rfully iserultrree of charge) 'Ur i
all who desire it, the recipe for preparindand talk
directions for succ.essf oily using this providentiallyt
discovered remedy. Those whowish to avail them{:
tudvetiet the benefits of this discovery without cost
can do so by return mall,by addressing with stamp
naming this paper. ,
Moconx-.OII.I,E2C—At the restilenco other OM',
etc, Wm. Hints nnd.' In Renick.' by /WY. P.:
cook, Robert W. Moore of Yoxbon'. Aram., ant!
Miss Anna Jane Cllttn;of Renick, let.
W. Means In Towanda. May 4, 11111. by PI EVT.c.
Frank F. Miller, J. Elsrnod anti' 3111 M,
. Emma Ellenbergo . , (laughter or the latu U '•rt
F. Ell e nberger, allot Easton,
lIROWN.—in Wyaluslng, Friday. April :Ist
Daniel Brown. aged years. I
[From tint Roeheater Titnet,'
Briggt at Brothers, who can bat it
of conducting Cho largest seed baslne,:x in 'BM
knessm world. are arranging to compile a work lit
which they will 'give to the floricultural and horti
cultural public the benefit of - their thirty -years of
experience in the culture of vegetable and dower
Tito work will be suliatantlally Lonna, and
Bs several hundred pages will ho illustrated with
outwit:oils ruts. chromatic 'plates and succinct di+
rertions with regard to the care and culture of ev7
erythlng known In floral and vegetable kingdom
We know of no oats better qualified to treat on the
above subject than Itrtggs It Brother. whose secili
aro sold in almost every city, towti, village or .haui+
Ict in the United States. They are practical grow;
era or seed", and the forthcoming work will etzmi
nate from eminently practical sources. What Seth
Green Is to fish, Barry or Purdy to friths. Brigs
Brother'are to seeds. A very large edition will be
published which. II is well underttowl.-wilt ieAsen
the price per volume. Purchas..ra of the work oat.
right will only ho charged cost, while the custom;
cry of Brig rt& Cm, Will receive It as a 'premium
on the purchase of seeds. The Intended work will j
go to press alsmt Moy next, and the artists are now*
engaged upon the elitzravltsgs. It will be separate..
8111 i apart front the-January Catalogue. which will
be Issued In December, or front any ot Lrr of th e
political ions of this well known Mites% Every w eer
of fiwlrulture or horticulture should put hltu,elf,
or herself In the nay of obtaining it.
Briggs .it Itro.'s needs are for rate by Doom,
Webb, Alba, l'a. [Jan'2l,-Giu.
Ca" A TerAtATO the
many excellent at ticles which our friend (lee, If
wohn: of Alba, l'a., keep.. In .lils stock, may Le
eoutt ti.,l seeds from that Jw.tly c, Iola:Bed firtn,
Briggs & Itro., Chicago, 111., ax.111 ,, r11..,ter, N. Y..
the largest seed hott•t• In the v.,rld. It will sin
' prise many of our readers to learn that over t15,6..t0
merchants In the United States handlF needs from
itro• t % whom, Loxes, catalog:cot, Inhale,
chrmos, Stc., are extremely at tra. rive In high col;
orings and artliele . flnidt. Ono of th“ newest
signs from - the bands of thel - r art Isle Is what is call
ed “ltriggi & Brother's tlreat 'romano (tare on th,.k
rounds, - and r.•prc,ents a rare course vslth per at low. of the differ.:lit varieties of to
mates stri% lug for the Loners of loader:dill% Th.,
design In extremely happr and pl. :leant, be ides
conveylog to the fat trier or lo.rtictiUttrist
able infoli t ir s thin Upant the Mt ribs or the different,
tomatos. We ,ee that they puce as their leading
varieties the Green Gage, Conquerpr and Ilatha
'way's Excel tor, n bite th ey rate other varieties in
itlie following, order (4 merit: Trophy, Dellance;
General Grant, ilubb trot eurhal Leaf, 's
Larg/ Early li•ol, Dwarf 1 /C:tilge Field.
Dwirf Early Red, Ecye.i's Early Nolltie.l.ititms's
Cluster, and In the tzar, Nv it h ,reitiv thrown to the
ground and a telescope at his eye tt,, , e where the
rest are, shunl-s up the Large Yellow. Tic whole
scene tall In tit, r1. , :1- , t lintuor: and no one can
give the lithograph , Weith's an, examination
without he , ahing out I to a hearty laugh.
We can assure ourlr.•adcr.• orne dc.dre to order
Brigg's seed .% that they ran secure them
upon ju<t be advant.igoons term , . 11. 11. 1V cal,,
mot of Just as goal quality, as. If or, - .ered direct.
See Briggs AL Bro's. January itur.:l:er .
nuvl order or
Gild. Alia , P 3. . J:111271116.
‘DZ, ELL & Cu., Bankers
. and 11r,,k,r14. No. 2,
south Third Sired, Philadviphla, March, 13, 16;6,
r. s.
.". : 63. J. and J
al 64 44 .67 , al 44
•4, 46 64 •.6.1 , ••
•• conpon
I'vntihylvan:n, Ex. IHv..
livnilltiz •
Sa Erion...
Vaßey, E. Div.
I T l.lteil R. R. of N.. 1...
Northern rentra1........
(i. li. WELLES
4,1 I.: Al, El) PIZOPOS.A LS for the
I , uthling I.! a 'oar, I i Wyah:.lrfz 11.111 , A , u. ta
11,m, w iil lir te,viv , •ll up P , :lai c 10, 1 , 75, In
plait and at Inns it. he se..n at the
ol:f.r el A. 11. Porter. In \V y:1!:INIng.
11 , 3' older II or U. In.
apr27s% 3. A. It. L'01:11:1:, See'y.
ytyricE.—Sealeil proposals will
nr•irea at the ofit:tt of O. F , Mar on al. to
3i:iv la. 1+76, for the building' of: 11).. foirol.v.lott
an4ll.a,einotit Ira! of Ito. I,t rlovrch
of 'for.m.,la. Plahs aro' , I?o,lfiration ,
at tlto ti; ore of WhitromO l t.!! ktlt.
lh ardor tl.• Board or T ruatot
Towanda, Aprii 27, ..7a.
persolis are here
v) by eaiffiened agaiu.t purcha , iinf a note given,
urphey. of Rome, tlated Aprll2?.
I n.r one I:tanlied a:.lll..ty;.lple Allle yr; r.
:ifter 4late. :IN we ha% e e! . , 11,1 VA:IW 11.11.. re 1 . 4 r,
and *llan not pay the SI:111 . .
W. M. Iti) , l"Wli..K.
i. W. la
LI I el: fi e!,l May Z.. "Tt:NvV . . . -
OF lI,E'UTEIZS remaining in
J 1'0.4 Mace l',
f"r Inr %:at,6 t•likltug May 10:
.I:ratinil Anna E In.qos A I owt,
I:eivipti Mary L ' l'attrr , th
neniatulti KitLzway .1 V:
Crammer 1.:m...1 I'.
1.,1:-.0.t th
Vary.r.ibor: y C
Hybl for atlllr:::•.;MriVrattl:!:. Strop...
lor plea,e
tr.‘• "ativerti giving
S. W. .% LV01:1), P. M..
• _
C , Tartill . l,llilllKlWl.l..n It .0. StI . VOI: , and M.
.1. Lung. In the• griii.ery anel rro•lnee•s, under
the firm naiiir 00 Ste% en; .3; Lung. Is this tlity
solved by mutual eint,nt. linsiness kvill be
ruutlnue•d lac Geo. :41,1 tin. at th.• ,iand And w•r_
Venient ttiay be tnade eitli-r of the' tinder.
ftigionl. All pormnis having areuunts u
catir:stly requested to rail and :rot is tlir •saute
without delay. .
GE°. sw E vEss
M. J. LuNG.
liowanda, May 1001. 157,;.
AGLE .110T1'L,
At the corner or (7ourt and Inver-sts., dlr~•rth In
the %ietnity a n d ,outh or the Colut
The above !muse has lwen anti
fitted. 211(1 is Intw Optql 11, the truseilug
The:liar wilt at a!i tltitoi lt. .attipllt-it with thlt hest
of 11,toort.. 4;00,1 vt.tahllitz atta,•lttot to tht , jcn•tu6t s.
lloarders by the day or week accommodated.
May 10, 1b70.) JOHN' BURK
l AITK F, OF 110 1 LUS."_Th,
nailersigM il„ having paridia,il the bull
"Duke of Riiinutu," got by •.1:11yal 110.0 of wa
terloo," he by Itoyal Duke of fix ford :" clam.
—nova," by ••Duke of Airdrie." wilt idler 'set ,
Tires, at jli3 farm. VII the folic wing'
Throe dollar . to lu•orr, and It 1411.1 at tinip (,t
irit.goig vowa
, lihera illbleouta of I orolo.
Aprl9wl• F. ItoWSIAN,
. . ~ ---
l or re
storing gray hair to its natural vital Ily am;
colr. A,lvt.ncirg years. sickne:sr, .li , apiilntrurnt,
arid heruditary predisposition, all tura III) till r.
gray, and either of t, it slird preina-
urely. [fain Vmon., by long au 1 extlen
slYe ti+e, h 3. pray:a 2:11t. It stop+ tat the
tiatrimmylll;Jrly; ort'i r2n;:..w.1
Itiray3 roitorn lt3 c 0,47, ta.l•M
gray. It stlinalat!s tho orgni to healthy
adivlty, and in-1;2:7.231,4th 01.; Ii rail its beauty.
Thus bra Ihy, Lak or sickly halt' bactnnlt , s glossy,
paabl and strcatiOriA; lint: 1131 r. rogrows with
livc;y expression; fa:ll.l . l7,htlr la eli ekr.l aul c.+11%117
khed; thin hair tlttek..n,, and ratl:•d or gray hair
resunics Moir original color. Its -sr»t h Is !Alto
and It r , l7.`lil;vvlraT, al!lutavr:rs;
a. 141. • tt) , 3111 :Mit
which run:M.4)l.c, •S are Impt,-,llth
t.; for 1.1. Icr,' 11.0 tn,, on is praN
.ed her Its grateful and itgreetit,lts' perfume, null
f •
rained for the soft lustre and rlchncrx of tone 1(1
' -
Impart! ,
Pup are by J. AYER & Co. , Lowell, Mass„
• .
Practical anti Analytical Cheralbts,
Gold by all Druggists end deniers In Medicine.
No. 33 Niagara St., Buffalo,
1 - 2'.1 1 ; ,1 172 1 y
11441 11.1%.
119 Ir. o l‘
1.11";1 1211
11 " 9 . / /19
117 117
- 117' 9 , 117',
47 I 47',
:i3' ; ; i 1
.. . ..... I I '
Y 077 AdTer:icemnltc.
JOHN nu is K F:,•
, -
c o.. FROS:r
1 •
We respocli•Uyinzumuce Wall lb are astrwait
• L
And that our prices are the LO' APETA An d our
of :WU? the MARKET. Ou,r peke: ; hare now
gaviitz just roturuoti trim Ito city. We hum
Ev.erythieg In the Hoe of
I/0 0 ,
41; ‘, 41;
Dec. 9, 1875
The long continued stagnation in
business has resulted in bringing ev-
i‘rything in our linc down to
Anll I ant, now prepared to furnish
Than tisanie quality of goods were
:ever before offered. Islore pariieu-
lars next week
April 1, 187.6.
But those who art wise enough to
Never fled fault with the ptulity of the
MR. J A C 0,13 S
Sow takes pleasure In calling attention to his
o coon of his stock will be sufficient to
at that he can offer greater Inducements
,ever. • PlarCh 14 70
I A Jim
i vale
- Itutitr l•-
Our assortment Is
Aud t. tow is, the
voiaplaiti of
-F Olt
,KENT •&.111.18.11%
Also,'a full line of
&c., ' • etc., &c:, de
PAR4 ,, SOLS!. L 77..7)AR4SOLS!
l'A -L FANS ! FANS !!r
And a full line of
A full line of
p0.11E5-,TIC GOODS-
.(7 1NG.41.4315,
, L INS;
Towanda, , 3fay,3. 1676
Erns k Eareth:
EVANS Sz, 11 I E - 1) E tn.
have opened an 'entire New and
large Stock' of
0114 CLUTIIS ,
.311ATTS, •
ItC, &O
T6, l *hich they invite the atten-
tion of Customers at their New
• TOWAND.4 f , Pe
Marct4 16, 1870. Z..
In CO of an Act of -*mot
13th of March INS, and other r.
bly, will be exposed to pubUo ode t
sinners' °Mee In the Duro of Tovti
Mondayof Jane, A. D. 1876, the trae
land bed In the following II
taxes are paid before. that Urge.
Acre:. Warrantee Nam.. '.
Barron. John •
Munk Mosei.
• Wagner A Mines.
407 k A.dalum,lJohnUCL. AY.
40 Middle, Mark Jr.l•
23 111801 e, Wm. M.
138 - Barron, John.
Da Biddle, James. '
205 Fiddle , James.
311 - Barron, John Jr.
CO Baker, Wm.
130 Baker, Win
113 Cuanhitharn, D. If.
327 Collins, James. ; •7 ,
355 Daadass,Tho 7 ,
78 Dundwallotnas. tuas„.
111 VullerM, Richard.
Gratz, Win.
272 Graff. John. •
470 llaga.-Gleeram:
40 0.., Hardy, James. • •
INS Hiltzenntier,Tbotilaa;
as llLltzemmer. Jacob , 1
404 Mitzemmer, Jae° .
3:0. Hardy, Andrew.
'4OO Hardy.,
400 Hardy, Simon
100 1 - Hardy, Paul • ' :
Irvine, George' • ;
300 Ladley, Andrew • ,
400 Ladley„ Peter
230 Ladley, Joseph.
160 Reed, 4:0111ha . •
130 Shoemaker, James".
255 • .
335. • Stuart, Debora
4(10 . 161(1de:is; Samuel •
400 fitddens, Joseph
23.1 slattern?, :Fames. "
17 4 . bintlens, Peter
320 - • Tvvout, Andrew '
73 Wiisoo, Wm • ; .•
7 . 0 0 • L • IVallace, samula '
Peek, Remy
tteates, Frederick '
Barron, John dr
Baker, John
Biddle; Wm 1f
Barron, John
Boynton, Peter
. .Ilitidle, Gleineut
Boyd, John
. Beek, Henry ;
Baker,- WM
Chaphansmi, Samuel •
.14undasa, Thomas -•; •
- Graydon, Andrew -
Gratz, 311e1Mel
Grata, Lyman
Graff, John : ! • :
Gentlewortll, George
Gratz, itarMad
Gratz, Simon
Henry, Jo,,Th
Han, rtmrl,ll
Lloyd, Peter
Pflefer, (terjrge
Pennington,: BenJatuin
Patton, John
Heed, etdlitison 4 •
Shoentatz,r, ,James r ;
Sfmor. , .10, , t pit
IV 'lsom \\"it
.Andemou. Samuel
Benner, Jarsn
Benner, Jae-,b Jr
Ellis, Hareyl.
Gray, •
Hampton, Bohert,
Hopkins, it , dx!rt
lkirAdants. ftphratM
North, Mand..,l
North, Jamt.,l ¢ '
; North, .Tormtlmn ,
Shouts, Peter
Shot t,, Predrrlek
Shot leore
Woodruff. Ilitnnah
NVllron, \Viol
'Young, :•ianlind
Baker, John!
Betz, Henry,
Betz, John •
Betz, Josepti l .•
Betz, 4anstr:(
Hytoi. finery •
;; •
Borne , . Patrtrlc
Cooley, Henry I •
rit-dan•-. itat•tnan
Eckhart, ti e(1/ ge • •
Erw:n. Itiehard
Edge, l',ter
Edge, Peter t.T.Geo,
Fritz, John
PH:7, Sanitt,l
litmtleworth., Geo
Maga, Peter .
Htttrontm-r.sltobert '
Hardy, 6:lllltret
Hatay, •
Hardy. Henry
Harrit , ,, Ain'
Nolllngsworat, stei,heti
Ladley, Hugh
Land. 11.1,1 vi
Ladley, Andrew
Moore, Patti
Moore, join t
North, J /.I t it luau
Painter. Thi,i
Seely, ['envy
Seeley, lidlathatt
5h1,101,4„ Andrew
5id.19:1,, 4 it - ' 0 .1.:°
Stddmts. P4der •
Soeloy, dr•ttit
Tyr.eit. Aeilrew
White, Janic;
WooirtifT. Hannah
, =
Baldwin, Iz. , :tati
Benio.ti, Butes
Catlin, Bii
Courirhzltt, dornfll'es
l'ouririgtd„ Jidln
II ollen I:a, 1,, )I', heirs t
202200 r
l 0
4. -
A LSO-1n joir-maneo the at t.
of the
Is 11, section 41,4, at U . , ! , a ine Oace
eXpoced 1.111:110 sal.; the tract i.or ItAreeli
Ihnd or real O,tak• do,lgit:tted in ILA kilowlng
irth7stt the taxes open the are fiald before that*
y' ~ y
ad I:up Henry !:
irq 1-:;\ t.t.
12 120 9/3 1: ,4 73 i rd!o.. ford 11ukh gL
L. V.
1-73 11..-.yrnan NO,
B,•Ordsdett 1)')I
\V iJ,.:er Richard
80. 200 2(1 1'474 11..4tinati JO4 rst
• Go 60. : Smith
2 , 1 L Lt.
1•73 :-.011111
Sot.ler Edmund
NV;ir(le 1. Ist
• v AN - ICstwr.
P , 7;)11e0j6
moNool; Twr.
1,73 Mcl.can 11r08
1.73 ltarOt Jamgy
'Wet I
Fr4lvy T 1100.114
.... Lantz GeorO
.... Madden Patrick']
45. 27 .... 11:Limn' Johii
4 (10 2 60 Jar k 8011 Andre*
, 165 31.)1Tis !
4 20, )lc - Donald Jigs jr •
51 270 1 3'7'1874 1:;11 rot t Jauip's
72 georgic
1,X4 S 10- 2 70. .... Madden Paliflek
I'4l 10 SO 25 .... 11cPonalt1,11nuis
1 44 10 80 3 W :• 1
4.,5 2 70 Elf:l4 •
54 135 135
35 114r,tt .101i4 •
2 :5 7777 1:a11111.101:01 t
, • . r„
1573 1111ter , 11
7777 11,4.10:10 ita Est,..l!
5 * .y.1/11ruto. Writ
W11: - .1,11 Atm
53117114'1 YILD.
1874 1)11.1,1e-M SI
107.1 0,41e1t James
Tr . AinV.
18.3 #.00.4111 Henry
TI 0.V.0 NlO , O TWI'.
1173 1.70;001.11X isaal ,
• 1874 - 11 s Frederick'
Pc7-1 Leo Wm •
1 40 520 r, 00 1013 31.0-ry C T
245 530 3 , 31: .• 11 . 11
1573 D'Otl.l.'wlsaTliVB
- I `-'7
39 99
col '240
I'2l, 11 09 1 11'2
1-47 5 Is 3 1 17
1 O.
.... ••
. : !.
2.1 4 ..56 114:3 l'irce eltalles ),,.
, N% 11.!nor. - i -
16'.'3- 1.' A I pli,lizo .I,
:',O • ..... . 1...iuT;.; Marys esV
:::4 . ' .... g h i orton r...lsrara
191 ... ; RA; ph Henry
ISO - . .... St , fie A 1
-1-i ' 1574 Ileigivan Michael
80 .... Lanall , 3l ! •
I N • .... Siena A " J
I GO , .... Wplles C r itst
h, lierel.iy 'given than as :inwuut
sutheleut to pay taws and costs win 15e4rtiquIred in
every ease when laud Is sold at %Ile illtinrof_rak,
. and unless thew terms tde complied Witt : the laud
ivrin be *gain exposed to rale,. I
- J. C. Ito/31N8Q14, Tivasurer.
• ,;.•
. 4 .1111)
heirs )
1 , 11.•1A..d. Win
Th ~ , 7\:,
Tl -, ‘•
AII , II. .101 in ‘,
Iltzt le r. Polly
Barr •; I.
S'Atiall'i Jr
NA" , •:11•-,t F
.Isßem!e:6,l. " " 4
1 , 72* I; ".
13;4 ilrisry -1;
• ralcy Michao.l
Leginard A
ny.iit VI; t
1 35 2 ~..1
I • " ..40zAL, 4 '
ExEcuTcißtg . NOTren—xotie4
lit hereby given Mat an Wiens , Inelebte4i. for
the estate of Pyritat Chaffer, lato Of Warren. der c rel4
must maker litimettlatetretymoot Ix/ nor tureleretp rrf, F 4
an perform having Manta against raid estate
Present them, darfaaekentleated, for softie et,,,,V ,
P. 11;1311AFFEE.
' OF liN
W.! Pigged the;
Acts at Assem
6t the Coarmis.'
[lds. ott the
is of unseatect.
Ic twits* the
. -
IP la' hereby given that an perstms Indebted 4 , -,.
tee- estate of George Itsl. Illotstaaye late of To*
da Borough, Bradford (Aunty, -.. PerineytrOlot
decd,. must , make - Iminedlate payment' gotta) dn.'
Ilerslg4t4, and all perions unclog claims ettaNtrp;
said estate Mast present them, duly authenticate-di
, .
for settlement.
I 123
1 12
/ 01.
` :CRTQR'S NOTICE.--50t10
Is bereby.giren that all persons Indebted it(
the estate of.A.iasnlral... Sloan, late. of. Athens,
dec'd, nlust, Imake litnnedlato payment to the tin.
deralnmod, and all persona haling claim upon d
°elate mast present th4tn, duly autlyadleated,
aettlentent; ' ,
• . • EzccOtor.
t .P,'
I 1 7 1 1 liIFICTITOR'.4 NOTICE.—Notie
4 I.
t.. ls•liereby glioen that all .parsops intl9bleff t
the estnto of John McPherson, bre of Horde
", , lec'cl, are requented to rnako hurnodlaft, jravtndo ;
;and An tersnn• hart* claltnkagninst said ista
plu st . prqentiheni,-cinkr auttonnicated, for f.ettl
merit .: :,, IA7I:LIAM MITTEN ll
4 lii!.. 12.; ,4
`-' . - . l2ecacir.
'.. ' ' • "
p.xIiCITTOR'SjNOTICt.—Notic 4
,A is b'tret4r iz iven that ill persons Indebtc4l ti
the estate or El)on J. Wellies, tate of Wyaite4ng
lap. ; tt ,, otl, are retiatredt to mato Immediate ty4!..
inent to the under:signet*, aid all persons hav
elaitss against the said
. e'ilve, must present_tbem•
duly aontleated, hi Afttlement. , . ' 7,. *. • 1
I G. 1.4). Ir..w ELL El, W!talusing, Pa,
,1 EIIWABLI WELT:ES, Wilkes Barre, I'a,,, i
j ;
ape= n J ' grecafora. JJ
Noflee Is hert:by items' that all persons In
dewed tothe elitate SU•pliett liaLstead, Late o
firldgbury,ldeed, Must make Immediate payment
all persona having clairmi. against said estate must
prew:ut them authenticated for settlement:
WM. H. ItaliKlN,
—Notice Is fiereby'giveit that all perions
debred to the estate of Emily Terikin'N late of Le
decd..' must maitt immediate payment to
the underisly,nist. and all persons having 'claims
against itai'd estate' must pt,etenttlier,
H , duly aucheri
eated, fo s Settlement. '
aprl2. G.. W. lila:tit', Adrulalstratcir. • •
Nwit ., is hereby Oven that all PCNO I / 1 4 In
ilthc•?(I to the estat. of David Elostley, late of 'As3 , ,
luta tern..' mast make ltrintedlateitranieht to
llr tolti , .rt:l^ , lMl,. and all: permas !laving •: - Milms
agala•t cAr.t mastj,prebent, them , dttly az%
thentlurtml, for zettietuettl.
J. A: RECr.t.iD,
_Ad intristrator.
IlerehT trtven that all Perkma In
dewed to :the estate of Daniel, P. .Tone,:, late of
Pike. ‘l.-c*,l:,lntl+t make trout-Mate payment to the
umler4igile, awl all porsorra Micing clattr.s against
said eFltatc rauit.present them, duly-authenticated,
for settlemedl.
tt . eh Tlvi.
If h.)
r Is
mlj4tr ~
A -
1 7 —] ceder Is I.l , si t .v given, hat , all person
t,e the ,
of!, randrnrd inust
make inlnwillate payment ypralerslgned, and,
all p , r , .ns tiactng claims agalntt 4...9 tatt3 mgat
preit : nt thenc e duly ailtbentle . atell. ,tor vttlelnent.
I , s 14
12 GU
8 10
lb TJ
It; 80
18 00
49 SO
8 4)
. . .
__. -:- 7.-- ..
a -, —Noqe, Is in•rehy r ,irp n that all persona In.
iii i,
ttot.te,l to ttto. estate of L L. 3looly. la re et To
v.-and:: 40r0.%1e,. 'roast' maki) Intziw.tiate paylr.ortt,tu
thi.. u,:rlorblgii..-.1, 8114 all - ,;it:.,5 . 0n3: hartag cal
pyzlttrt,t ...all ..rtat..• nut,t;pt theni.'duly authgte
tieated, fur be Lthnnelit. -:. 1
57 t
57 (•C_
7----- ---- r=
A SSIONEE'S SAT,F . .,—The_ sub
.._ ,ertto.r. will ~ at pitt,iii , . .i.ali, on the;
'7.:-.(iiniii- Grill, tini•ionl lorntion cif 11 iram llort(in'i
:-:m-st.i Milt, in-ir John IS 3ruvrirs, ono , n
Sii•ain saw
II I.' I '0.1 , 1 I' iit rtn , c. Sale to takd pI:W o
-1)1 \Y. .1 t::1. , ',,. 1 , 7,4 at 2.o'i•l , ii-k 13. 31, .
the properly la
si im:,k monaiffile'r in twi, p:ivnymt3
niont,M, ; I nd auroved se
t-nrity. lft/liTt •
uray I. i A,slAmTee for Hiram [lollop.
_Pj To all whom It may conicerri: The tinders:in:red
crit',l4:ll, of flame and rielultvlliereby give 11011C;1
ihvy:pr.lV tin. Court of Corunion
I'll ; ~ f mint,,4lT a-faw judge thereof,fo3
a 4 4 11 a r , .•1. to he Ineerporat,d . int o a peditic 3urc
t.o;' , ,pornto ill ;:I , V. with perpot tat succession, under
t 1111111 , . the Wane Library As.
the pUTTO,?..ot establishing and main
milting a Il Mitre for the use. of Its - membsrs,
11. IV If 1 - 1 . EY, SEELY.
7 0
1.,, - '" "
57 CO
57 P.
.J. A. )1903)1". W. IT. ItQCKWELL,
L. it. Bitow.Nl-.G.
April 13. I;i7t7;fct 3. :
The utitTerggiwil will sia'
,public sale TUES . ..
DAT, MNY ;16 i Isni. r; v.. on thu
rOn f l, nr z Ht - aion.llonw.tead in Wilmot Virp„,
firr.df”rd a ecrtaln tract of land, bounded
and as follows: •
in the notill by lands of :(;. 11, it N. 11. St'ellest
on it ht.! by !.:indfornierlY mrneed by said Welk..st_
sontli by lands of Jolla )tiller, on the east by
tn.{ :-usitutliatina river. befog part of said llor
tnri.h6no,i..uili and contalniigat,o4t 229 acres, wll,l
If+ t a.ll Wit the timber lit for sawing
ran: of 511111 Hoino,ztead Owned by
lila !Miler,
57 14.1
5 - 141
37 CO
9 9.,
I Alan ,r.!l at came . time and p;are, one other
Innq; andi t1e,561:.0t1
In* . inning at!..the non h-weitt corner of the Reohen
watrant at a rosLit hence east :Jong north
11'1 , 1'. of -ald ii . r.trantl 177 5-10 per.; to corner of lot of
st 11 . 11‘416a, thence ,ou'llt alone lin e of said J.
Ij. Horton lot -tr•2ls-14 NT:- to the tinrth..ea't cote:
neilo:f Ft tot litionle•N' lot, theney!r.'esta'leag, north
o r
.4fiowles* lot 177 :;-10 to :warrant
1111(,: thence twit' atone -aid line 1 11 2 440.
Tier, to p1ai..0 . .0f beglnning.ll,eing t,atn. !and cpn
,ey,,d Dr:Thc•nno• Irani , to Calvin by:ar
dat.ed 1,e50. •
4.1..g/le on first iri"tet:—isoo when proper
ty li , lrack I a.,rematuder In two equal phymentA
of arol twolve inoaths„ , with - lutereit and
Ti:ltts of Into on sooondArnet:—( , 2oo Irly‘n prop
ert..ii is struelr.olL. remainder! In' 6111.3 year witli'iLt
- '
• ~ ',
W. T. T , lOItTON,
Assignee tor "limn 'Lorton.
. .
. . ,
. .
TR' ITSTi:E'S • SiLE. 'Trusteit -
i- ::air of I.6:all:lnds and Milling' property and . r
phoeh:Hh.g. Hi the coanty•of Bradford, State; of '
Veral•ylvania.!: , .„
i .
ll'i virtu , ; of a certain anirtgage or deed of trust , •
extn-itt•tl :nun delivered by the' Fall _Creek Bituini
ni'n". C0...i Cono.ii,v. ,if the 'State of Pentrsylvania, .i
to the itedersfr:heti as Trustee, dated tho .tirst day
of May. 1!-Ii. had yet natnlin the Mace for record
ilex .1; ..d,. &e'. in "and•for the eCiunty of Bradford, •
in ;obi Stu; e, ;.a Deed ;Bout N- -, . n:. page 1:"?.. ac.,on IL , : 11th day 'of May A. 1).. PAiSt anti alsO!' in
Ml.rigag4 F l yer, No. I I. pago 107, .Ire., on the 14 th. 44,„.
,la \rot N's enr;l!t•r, 't. I). 1077,. '-
' it Ilr• ander...lg:led. a:s Trnsthe 'as afore,alti, lis.:re- , 1
by g ive notieei that I will. on TIIESISAY. the iiiitit
dee of Al'lli L. 1.47.1, at I - :. Weittek. noon . , of Apt! 1„
daV, at the Ei.eliange Sales (Rooms, Na. 111, Broad- I
way, in tin. •!•,Ity, eountx, and state of New York, Ii
,eii av auel ioti to the Ing,heit bidder, the ptcperry,l l•
rigor, privilege. and franchises conveyed or,in=.
tended to be Conveyed to Inc by said. toortgagti or - •
deo.l of trust; default having. been trade ray said.. i
I .7. , rbpaLy in the terms and conditions of said moll.
gage , and stir.b , default haring continued for H.
, 1 . 4 i0 ~ 1 stxtY• ilays. and I bring' IN gutted in writ , I,
ingi to inate stuck sale by the holders of :certain of
thvi,aidl, , ,nd, scourt.,l 1.. y said niort gage or died of 1
truFt, which : were at the time of making 6ttch!re
-41:11.4 due and outstandlog,i,
1.1 1 -O.` 1 , r , 1 , ..'i1y aforesaid Includes. some sixteen
lin'tirilanl aeresof land. situatF in .Franklin anti
i4virthil thwn , ,lllp4. In' Itrad Corti county, Stalfi.ltc ;
I',.a,:o•ylvanht„ being C , :lnr.kti of the whole of Ito .
t ,, ( of :and t.nrveyed in the name of George }Ago
and the eo , etall , at is ~r tract, F orvevf , d in the 1:3IIIVA
glf 1i. , ! , ,,, "Plinp'... Salop.] 'l'..dg,,t,i'.aiti Hardy and
'A ail;-•.•, IlaidY. air of r . ., more accurately
I„,,ipd e d n0,01„...,•iit,ed in said mortgage: together
aI yr alt • and - .singular tli• rallrnads. mines, orers
toin,-I als,„wr!fhl., Detds lant, ,, , ways; hater?, water-
eoqr.-e. , .eal•-etiiont , .. right , ,..liberyles. hereditameints '
and e:Torfetiancei nnto the said premises belong-
tow . i . and aorrniining, and ;the ,reverdon ant re.
nodndor-‘. r-nts. issues and profits thereof.
,;• . 14,,r a in, re!Iill and eolmiletet , lc'scription of the.
I • 1
I,r,r, , ,•ity lo be Nol , l. set!, 111 ~, 4 1.inidarle and I,ca- i
lions, returnee why be had to :he Fail), Illertg:42.'e, .
of fet2tllil ii*:•;rforesahl. or, to the orighpl•thereuf,-
It, the pos•noodon of Messr;, Gray-4: I wavenporq at- ..
tore-vs. at !SI , . 9. Nassau stn et. , Nl. - w• York City,
7 FT.l:3ls OF sA I. E:—T , 'in per .c.nit of li,' par-
obis:. money.l.i to in.ptild reel In hand. on the day
0. , " ~11e.; and the bal.lnce ix to:1,o, paid within-thirty
Ifs thercaffer. at the pfltee of (tray & Dal ettpprt, i
N'. e - ', Na,S3l2 the city of New
York.k. York.
StAte of NCII,! . ork. and U2Oll the• paynwat. of o
5a , 2,11,1:0:,..0 i i , full the purchaser will rteelte
titled to Ale ;:ai,t proven v,:i•onv , ying such titlt. •'' 1
is vest...l In the as Tradej :is aforesaid: -
X )atttl l'eproary:i.itit, IS7It. - • .
I - (..IfAItL.P.S F. lIUNTEfi, 1 '
Tri,lstee for rle roudholders of, the Fall C•reelerfli.
ftanitiotn. I oat Comp - illy.' • i .1
11:1tA .t Y. I AV POET; EN
.I .
Attorney's for Trustee,-9,[ Nassau St.,' Ni Y. '
City. ' ' ' . '• ! • : ,
. The above.' advertiseinent apliear, ,, In the fdltow- ;'
In''new , inivre. to-wit: Vie - E•reiiia.7 rom",
lislied In the,rity of New'yollit'the l'llitadeldi f it:
I:,iquir , r. ruhlished In tire City of Philadelphia;
and the BitAtthottn Itt.rpnilitt, publithed In ITti-
Waioda, itradford t'etility.'lla•••• i • • . i ,
'the sale of, the rtbove ilerribed property is lit‘te,-
byladjoartteli t 1 TUESDALY tin! lttcl day of 3lay,
i 1,74 i, at tile ;awe hour and place. n "
, :: • i CIIA,Iii.ES F Ti'FNTETZ, .- i I
Trustee for the bondholders of Itit;„4,Falf C,reek 111- i
--tuntinutis Call Company„ --
tiita:.; -11 4. I
Sr.! .
00 4
• 41 S
21 1
1 0 1
o / 27
80 I 37
60 31. i
40 da
90 s 4.1
00 s
00 1 ;$
ICO 1i;
100 1
100 17,
1641 3
t! .. . .!
Q 7c t 0 :s;,)llper day at boine. Samples I
t . , - )t, V wizth. :::1 -free. Stilistni: & ,1
( .v., Port laii4. 3talti-s. ' ' : • pm14441-1y 1
I )a: tlay at lionii% Agents Want(!. ij
()atilt and terms fref. Tru/
t!gustl, Maine. • 1 • EinelliG'76-.1
- r
rterli, 6.4 improved, ln Asylum lowinifilp,
Itradrol , l C". Pa. On :114 protniS,•s are two Oo¢
minses, barn mot morvssary out !;
exedlent : A irever-faiting Ntrvalq or
Fi-sol through .14e! premises. Good fruit
ant! an abunilanua of nuts. For:furtltt:r partleulars
rail un or arldrers. '
. .
•lot , 41
41 4
(1 '4
'lO 1
100 1
pc ;u..1 a frcr Itay , and timing the !e....n...
I inn:ince of' Ine, Cer . 1.: spu.hi. I ion, Through
Exeursion 'riCkelS tt. Ishla and rettiril,•. Nis
PlittadelptiltS .a. Iteatb .road, good, for to ass
from date of tasne, wt. Issued by agents o 'Le
high Valley . Itailread —,.. .: loons on that road.- .
. litrir - The trains • of ibis 4,7onivany run illreettY to
and from thulr new itiopot lu Fairmount hark,
Nvhieh iv loemted in close proximity to the Centcu:.
ntal IlUlldlir'S. " ' • I I
•-' '• . : ' ;J. E 4 woorTEN: I ;
:U.CADINti t 41prli wit h , Ir6.—iniariWi. ,.
I ; • . -..1;!" ; _ "-, 1 - ..._• ;- -,-- •%; ' -
50 'A
100 1
, 100 1 Gt
• - .;
P. D. mcinicoir." j
- Executonl
I. E. T. FOX,
. AtlnT.
r.50),1 ANTIE R POO I.
.!S rad I'oo Co., Pa. I
ion Tickets'.
_. .. ~ "
i llll