Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 04, 1876, Image 3

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    `Oatiford Xtepatet
7.:7an 3 z , Thra.dv, ga9 4, 1E76.
E~t 41:4Y of 'Afay inst., the: greurid
111. tltii vicinity was covered with snow.
r. number of our eitizermuill nt.,
the opening of the Centennial next
•_I m csi: the li:tents recently sued, We
„ talc to T tt,rj. DALDW EN; Of Troy,
A National Bank .bas been char
-1,.„ be opened here very soon,
a e:::piialpt'`il:lr,o,ooo. •
InE tone on the State Line Lc: Sullivan
I:. it., brimv,s 'more people to this place
any other :rain arri ring here.
Holm. will ordain Rev. M.
AVAri, of Troy . ; to the Priesthood . to-day,
4ncl install him Rector of the parish.
thiKTplace,ll2.llS - qu'...c a quantity of Cola
ni.ll morci , more titan a hundred years
61d. •
SII XIII 1 , 1 , ' 17.0.N * has already nnon
st:l-:',4to the that 1:e is well lifted for
the ld4:11 crlit, conferred upon Liu:- by the
... people or thiN couuty.
• I
IZr.v. J. M. I . l.i.ltotNn', Avlto 'has kart.
Ft l pplyu,..7 the ratimt, pulpit of Christ
Church Jr• the past fen - Sundays,
.!,C.n next. Sunday. •
T;in Athens Gazet,'e saysE. T. Fox. of
th . - place has purchaQcci a lot• in-that - I'll'
laic. upon whiclt lie nil' e;rict a latilding
the manufacture of 1.1-i‘igc;
REC;I2I.!.It in;:r c'f the Ilistotieal
,••;, )e ietv cf r ltra(ll,:il ('n., will be field: on,
ytS tit, p. )t., in the;
to3nis of Y. M. C. A. It. A. :Nit:nt-un,
an old II sident
of tlu. county. aka on FridtLy• laz,t, aged
v.a.l: :t soldier
in :he W ra. 1:;: 2. I [ rtlilail!S v. ere in
t ITL d ut ili , r.a firoolz. ota :41011;lil.y.
AT :1 Inc:ling of tile L. &. P.. P.
t X 11„ 1: I,l'. on last, ti:e 1.!o:1!'t1
of I ! et! s It 1 7 e-elk eted. 31r. PA i
ftl,kl t'l!(`S. II PlTSideiit ngain.
adthinisstriiticat c.t.:lcr: cf!.
, PET:Sti 4 I..-7.qr. and Mrs. H. S.. Cfn:s
,wiu.P, of Susquehanna Depot,,arx
friends in - this Flace.
—Editor SrAtt.ruNG (Nile Athens Ga
-zef:e, attended the 1,111-th.COnet rt on M.Oll
cycnipg- last
si:v . ERAL or o4 :1• N
• 4 t 1.1 1 ,1 111( I . C 7 n i 4
In ye s:.eolei
goer'snti - the stoles 1)1 . 0:lent :11
111:11,t1.....11:: al z 1%. ct ivo appl aram.e. 7;:ct.?)
close . wat:.ll - for arlyeitisumults. The
dealer Avhoi atlve: t i'es 111 erally tan, as a ,
rule, be relict', upon as as
imblish in another colninn the no
tice of the rnatTia.;e of Mr. Lino:: Ct.l.-
soN, a grad late _ of this 141 k .e. CLAI--
soN•"v. - ent vv,jsr• several :‘ . eans since, to
scok a fartupe., We ( ongratnUte him on
the se,tesil)le step taken and extend. to
himself anal lvaly onr hearty conglatukt
ttons on 11:e happy e‘.-eat
ST: NI( 31 . :13 - , IMS the . usu:lc
futhl_ of good reading matter. It is in
tended for child: cu_ tad has many articles
well nd tpti , d for rtmrt! mature Miuds. Castle," 'lr.. OLtriIANT,
oinies to l;e a rich treat to its readers.
o.l:tainhitt• rilany interesting historical
fncts rind incidtnts. SunlnNErt & Co.,
•• A wAT;:•." for Ma, is on cur
" Y(:ting. nick," 1:y .1 . 1 - LIA A.
continues to•be exceedingly in
'• relict Langley's Punish
treat." be Would pletit
`all idtle, Children to read. This Maga
zine vc,ntinut2.-; gro-0,- in taxer. Edited
Publi:lu l :d by 1). Lc-
nox. 13. S. 1:IA1:TT 111141 S. S. BUTTS,
are pr:.aching temperance in Sns
fin,itanustli tind IV:6 - outing- counfies. Mr.
1;7 - emit - it - 4110y expects that, tuotwitit
:dirg tilt! hard !hues, tile list of s .
i fl;sttict 11 e
fie nuntitft will be in
cron,n_nl. dm - in this Grand year;
f.raeral)ertfliip of
ett lann:1« . 1. to
ck , ..nlit;'.; at lea, t six flu - mg:a:a tnetit'nerz-t.
17.7 always , us. plcasure to rcccive
4rk'.l:,!wals :,,nl , ct ,mutt mittau•
when ;
-1:1, • r.., kiTal 'approbation
cspc(ially such a
- •
i‘ril :A. I f
~ ~ j.. .::I'~'.. :.1~31~ t
~~ ~ T 1
-T 4..)pi,.:11 f t •on/ Ptur d' s
r, : ht
ni"i; tri ti;
j•r ;n a • :Kum,
An,l this is the mo,lnn impovernent
FaTitwr gone to a show,
Ilarg!c..^l , l
ta:n I
All :7.tra•-g
lyn _
AV :tit y ~-•;;,:.•,-.! fartn
. •
IVILsoN at the mg:lt - nee
of Its Fon, in 'Funkllan
nook. on Tin Ifis remains
al rive in 'his 'lire for intermen't
3 o'clock. The funci - 31 will Le
4; I=r tl'e .71 . ;,stins vol4l 1,1111 take
from the Pre shyterian'ciitirch.
ekvo.asi.i: • resident of this the
co-Sali:nce and icsl•cet of the entire ono-
Streiral 2.cinr, since he was
latml)sis. remici in:4 him
wieck. lie was kindly eared fur
Ly . ehli..fren daring • llis
P1:1:::`,!':Nc- that Tioradit nishionables
d. ,-iie to kvvi) 2?-o;n:selves "posted" en
fuFltionable ets, we gubjuin the
reglard to card etiquette: ,
'• In tl.e pr.letice of turning card cpr
-11(-Is, the oppr_rr tv . i‘t-hand corticr del:0(s
— vi site," and is 11.4 d for au ordinary eall;
ILe upper riolat-liini corner turned down
"feileitatioll,7 7 !lOW for :wit of
eon;antniation; the lowbr left-hand
“conc, , e,'• yepiTsents a fail:well 4:111;
the hover cerne'r
desire to sympathize
wiz h . berLavenient. The rule most gener
a;ly zioderst , iod is the turniug of one cud
t! e eard, which amotes :t vsisit to see
tile ladies. of the
ows information is-always sought
;i l ..ter by ttiostj of vitt . readers,. and the la
lio:-s of lier 0. P. II ~. .".oND InweAtipeei
inb,reA for, the 'yeople of this'Vieinity.
The f,,liowinq item taken from a Wsh
in4ttut letter. will_ gladden many hearts
beside tharof tha evangelb.t:
" and the evangel
ltnv_t just eblsecl a three months' •ei
rids' of meetings here, andj have • gone to
it.lif :wore. Tliere, have bee.n some won
eoliversions. and great crowds at
t..t:•k'i tne meetings. Great good has
tit. hi irir 'in the", rei I'o rut at iOn of
'gamblers. 4:raid:Ards. Others
i‘) 1C":1 , 1 10 iile:Vaf4; clime. About tw,o
•ilionsand have signc.ef the uovenant,•pro- -
fti , -ing eoaversiou Protestantizm,
6aling Lesiecs tbe above, Jews and Cath
oi es. imerest does not die'avray,
and we hope it* will not fora long time.
(/NE trf 11: ,, 5e - t try j.leasank, afrairswhicii
r6.ta:rr the Mee; tugs I=l a. relireentative
g;ll!..Te en:oyable, came I ,off at the Hall of
I iirahtwa 9 in North. Towanda, ou
cv4 itinz 17. st: Through the I:11er
.1. 1:. `,...i - Art'ti.and iris two sons„antl
est Avivei , a. handsome colla
i6a .s to fiwtYor
furtttnate: enough
to lie present, did
.arrinle juVitice.: After; the sutiglant,...isls and &giraffes
lar . r.!:ly set, before them, the, brothers
:rod - s:, , tt.r,l thefaselverin
amaiements ffirmlly int:err-tit:ll;e.
The generous Losts and 1 ost,eFriceti;of the
ci - tattn;;..haye, by thatty nets of
(ievotioo to the interests of the Order, en
ilf:ared thertist-les,t4.) the trzettlberm pll.OO-,
atul the riivticiit ttlt f.TETterouslant
pitAily exhibited - on - ion, will
berve to bind them still more, emely
tiii:l4l who pattioinated.
- •
Tnnnn Is kfriell.4l,tt 444"101;#0s0
who enjoy good .musid: an amateur en:
tertrxinment '4nder. ,tbe direction ..ef quz
talllted =sift' artiste
Mrs. Dr. MoitTANvE, assisted by our best
home talent.: The performance will take
place ian Monday evening next, and we
hazard nothing when we predict that the
performance ;will be greatly superior to
anything of the kind, ever experieneed in
Towatukt. Ifrs. MoNTA,Nvn kindly isru
poss to - donate the proceeds-to the Epis
con ll Church:
1 •
1.. 31. C. 31Enbiat,'„Esq. ' has been appoint
ed Deputy Collector of Internal Revelme
for the divisiOn consisting of the counties
Bradford, Susquehanna, Sullivan and
IVyoniing, dee G. D. .31ovraNTE deceas
ed. Altlou g li Mr. 31. has always beep
an rictircywoilcing Reptiblican, ever ready
to supplement his personal "(forts with
his incans,• lie never before behl- any:,
office of profit. His appointMent
entire sat iafae;tion to his nunicroas friends
and his business experience is a guarantee
that the duties of the office will be prompt-'
ly discharged; Mr. JosEru KlNGsurny
who has been ileptity in the Mike sincelB44;
discharged tije onerous and responsible
duties of the :iposition, for several years
tinder collector SCOTT, and .since the ap
pointment 0C31r.-310), - TaNym has had the
entire management of *the business: The
fact that historts were always proppt
ly and correctly made, And the entire bu
siness of the 61lice conducted to theAcom
plpte and umivalificel satisfaction of the
department, ark the highest testimonials
to his capacity and.oilicial integrity. Ile
retires front oThee with honor.
Grande of Litchfield passed the
following,prtmble and tesolutions
late meeting ::-S !
WftEttrAs,ln , the: course of natural
business evens. it has become necessary
for Brother a . nd Sister Fr-NR :Muss to
leave the asstioiations .so long held near
and dear in -this Colnniunity and Uaange,
and while u4E . feel to regret. the necessity
of parting with them from our midst, set
that ft-.4ng of confid4ce
which they Ir* so justly earned from its,.
L'e.. , Tre, That we Commend Brother
aril sister 3I N, to the Patrons every
where, and especially in the
this meat rep:iji. , lie to. which they eamet
f-O.*FOOll to y r - Oilove, as being everyway
worthy the. confidence and esteem of their
Brothers amt; Sisters in their western
Lome. .
Ttat while wo shall be the
losers of gout( citizens, true friends and
earnest l'atr4ns, .by their abs nee.; yet
wt kel everts' assurance that their zeal
will not die din in the cam-e‘ lnise
t ap&
that we shall not be fitrgOt,
t-rt ill'our clads. because of the distance
that - scparatrug.. - i
Ttiat the ,Secretary draft and
scat a cop}• of these, resolittius to
l'rother and sistei Mr.:+;:s a and afar for:
lA'. copies fail' puleicatian in the Towan
da papers -
Di r .MilYrANyt died in this
1. ()rough, S,ditrday morning last, of n
tli,ease widelu:o,r yenis bad fastened upon
Ht::, cat - ,lng much suffering, and to
milich. at last, - -:even Ills indonatable will
las obliged To spi'cumb. llis disease,
iiiiv*peetec, brought sorrow
i many licariS, endeared to bis
u;;lLlem ss of stMI,• his 11 t:inte re ate(' nets of
frit wish ip, itrtmliantliA generosity,
mid his inter,qty, anti trueness ; With an
I quainlancu Ida than usually enjoy/l
men of he possessed the rge,al4l
aml tsreem of:011 who knew him Orson
, ::E Y, and the iitMfulenee and respect of the
; t 0,,r1e of t 1 eOunty generally. Though
,sse,sed Of Vositive qualitieF. I.e had
rooe wcain fijentls ;and fewer enemies
t:•an usually fall to the lot of active men,
aua Nrhen .th6;huounde . rn ut came of hisdeath,
death, there- * - ore none but nauicd him
1111 IcimlneFs*id praise
Few have en i .cred upon manhood with
l't ig - Ittcr prostFets than the deceased.
' AVitle a libernaluartion., with talents of
the 1, ighcst or(Li'r. with the - most genetous
I impulses, witaspirations and tastes of
tht most elevated eltrtfileter, he bnited - a
s;mvity of; meaner, and a faculty for corn.
mantling tc rai4 at.d esteem, which made
bun hosts ot'llie enduring friends.
sacritief.m r : hts disposition, his constant
' desirr ivss, to serve t.thets, while his noltle
ncss-qf soul scorned deceit and hypocrisy,
anti made hinE . at once most geiterous and
devoted in his'attnehments.
the Inc:id:fan of 'life, in the midst of
a briiih,nt earor, with prospgcts such as
rtil to tie lot of but -few, he has been cut
down, by a ilitiensaf ion to which we must
' bow in t , ,tdonit4flion recognizing in it the
will of flint '•1; ho doeth all things well."
Farewell ! innUFarewell ! noble !;on- and
true i : 4 friend I. The spring flowers. will
' bison and the; turf be green over your
lintime l 4;gr:'-'4'i, and their fragrance and
frt'slinkf , s lac tiidoal of the inemory,,,;shich
'hail ihng fir gl.-r in sorrowing liearts,
your noble (polities and I:,;enerous deeds.
Tut.: Lin_taiil 4 )ys; must 'have been more
titan plea.seti With the result of their en-
Mouday eveiling last.
v:zis clowdel!,-atol the. heaSrt y
al accorlkd the-performluice could
?Itht-r thrill . flat tt•l in::: to the
tr•rt:~i!!!:r~!+4 ~i:~
•'•••• Lar-.:ta:
ur : L iters. Vfc have rcither the musical
t chat.itiou nor time to speak ofthe enter
! it . tiot.'t nt dt!scry-tz: we, therefore,
harden of the correspondent of the
r for appropriating the
ft,llowing intefesting description the
efl!4l't rt :
`• March, 50ft,01 . 10 Teufel, Beyer. This
' is a flue piece 4 7 nd was well played by the
Lin-ta ilauii. 'Next came the quartette
by Mn. 0. A. Baia:lt - IN, Mrs. .1... W.
Mr. Tirb.:(r.
,Mci,Lumand Mr. 0.
A. BATA , wrx.e.: , Dream Siveetly,
Love. — Thi4 ices beautifully sung and
caused the auilicnec le) persistently de
nrurd an encolt. Next it me the sing eu
'W:litiivr by the Brukside,! by
)10DOE as pianp4. This piece h;' a beau
! tiful une, a:al Was, sung very finely halved
'.by Ar;1,1.1:::" . The Lin-ta Band. then
htycil a piece 'yntitltd
nfinit; with ,;beautiful Waltz, by Ilars
(luit. They , played a piece entitled
‘Nabui,,,,' by f:Verdi, which was finely
; 'played indetat liainly 'speaking:, this
band has impriwed very fast. under the
(lheetion of 24r. ho a very
fine ce • Anetist Und . a.',good musician gene:-
:dly. STULEX then played a
solo, entitled, ‘:7-.'eventli Air.' by
Deleriot. It :was very finely handled in
decd, as Mr. ".iTt - LEN is a tine violinist
and ne-ician.;.: Miss .NAGLEE again fa
,vored the andit.nee - with a fine 'piece,. enti-
th..(l Ernani, 'Verdi, which was as
well as the rest of iei singing—beautiful
it rendered.
TiT'connuitteo orarra - nOmetrts, con
3W M. CHAS. E.
1.1. Z. Don4E, L. T. Gm:mint
and 31E.% s, • are entitled to
nmeh credit fet the manner;in which the
concert Was condticted. .I.7A'ciy one seemed
ph ; a4.ed. 3IissONEY.I,IE.DOIN:F. played the
; piano very wellindeed, keeping good time
NviZli the singhg. Mrs. Dr. MoNTANYY.
I was for unforseen reasons not present, she.
having an. active part in the programme.
1 The piece rendered by Mrs. IL A. PACKER
and 316 s Nmkr,Em was sung splendidly,
and 'Gra:: loudly applauded by the'atidi
enc.?. Miss REELER was also
pres.2nt with-he*-barp, and was called (rut
seyeral times by encores. In fact the en
tertainment. Was a complete success. It is
hogd the LiMta boys will give another ]
eoncert ac an early date." •
C . 1111 . 11T fan EEDIN GS. —.MOD day, May
Ist. P Morrow presiding, and
ssciciate Judges llarkr.ess and Rnssell,
on the,beneli.:.f,li
Constables . : - .' 'returns were made anti'
tilvoni to.
C s Hall vs G _Tann:L . C L M
Stanley vs I' smith. Rule in each case
II II Mace.- *s . . - Hiram Thurston. A C
Stevens vs .1` 'Carver. John Fassett vs
Biirrowcliff. Yanbuskirk vs J. II
ii-lto'surViVes id Millham. ,• 'Barbara
i.Knoll vs 31 B York—Rule to show
cause s by jpil,kment 'shall not be opened
and 'defendant - Act into a defense in each .
B 1% Lane it's Jos Keegan..J E Davis
andles :`,l6fais--Rulef to skow cause
why judgnient.;.=,shall not - be -opened tax , to•
t, Da is and Monis end they be let into a
1" Crittenden., vs Muses . Lear—Rule to
;lam cause ally plaintiff's bill of costs
shall. not, be paid, or award be. stricken
W II Barneai , vs It 0 Barnes and Wm
lia —Rule to'sliow cause Wily plaintiff's
bill of costs shall pot be pail, or award be
I stricken off. '
440 Itoln;; - geg 4'OV traciabiltßele 'to
1 ebowesase , 'whk plaintiff shall not beocn-,
joitied - "dolfeeting judgment wet. of
land ?which .11tarnhall•sold. to Clt G rte.,
fold. .
M. IL S. HADLocK, St:Cy.
, . , . .....
Amelia Shaw vs 0 N Slaw/ D, W
Line vs Alice Lane. Mary E Coleman
Ts,ND Colemau---Court direct a subpca !
Pent divOctrta issue in each case. • • •
chattl Warner vs Anna 31 Warmer- -
Court appoint W 4 Young, Esq., siciani
missioner to take depositions.
1. N N Betts vs Geo P Cash—The, audi
tor in this ease, 0 D Montanye. En, hav
ing died, court appoint John W Mir„ Esq,
auditor. - . .. , , . . - ,
The de a t h George & D Mo ntanye, Esq;;
a member, of the bar. having been an-.
1 nounced to the Court by Elhanan Smith,
Esq, Court appoint Henry Peet, W T
Dance and D'A Overton, ERIS, a com
mittee to draft resolutions. , Out of re,
spent for -the memory of the deceased,
Court adjourned at 1.1 sr, until Tucsdayat
• 8.30 A. M.
. Tuesday morning tte following persons
were sworn in as tirard Jurors:
Cc:,l) Miller, foremen, Nelson Ackley,
Danvers 'Bourne Landon Budd, J B Cor
son, 'Andrew C rane, C 3 W t, Fisher,. J • E
Fleming, E C Herrick, F W Keeler, G It
Mead, W T Meant, Nathan Montonye,
Gibson Morrow, Joseph Stardevatit, Fran
cis Watts.
• Ida S Cole vs Geo•D Cole--Cotirt ap
point 0 F Hoffnian a commissioner to
take depositions.
Griffith vs Amos Griffith, and Chloe
Griffith; First National Bank or Wavek
ly's use.vs J F Shoemaker. J A Roy vs
John McCook and James McCook. Mer
rick Crandall vs Wm Matson—Rule to
show cause why judgment shall' not be
opened and defendant let into a defense•
in each case.
Keeler Wells vs David Abrams Jr,
garnishee of David Abrams-Rule to show
cause why judgment shall not be entered
against the garnishee.
' Addison Grace vs Anna E Grace—Rule
to show cause why an shall not
be granted to defendant to maintain her
Cornelia E Brown , vs Semi Brown—
Court appoint J W Mix, Esq, a commis
sioner to take de?ositions.
Lucy B Itose vs Lawrence Rose—!-Court
appoint N 'Tidd, &q, a commissioner to
take depositions.
Tirzah Wright i.seTfttileS Wright—Court
appoint T 1 A bnig, a commissioner
o take depositions.
Com vs Thomas Gunn—Assault and
battery—Court direct a .7ol!c pr . osequi to
be entered upon payment of costs.
Corn vs W 0 Thurston, selling Elmo'
without' a license—Defendant pleads guil
ty; sentence suspended.
Cony V 8 Ilenj Randall, fornication and
bastardy. Coin vs Almon Eaton, same.
Cbra vs Gco McAllistelr7, larceny—Each. of
the above cases continued to Sept term.'
The Grand Jury disposed, if the follow
ing cases:
Com vs Thos 1' Biggs and Wm litggs,
Com vs Thos P Biggs, larceny.
Com vs V .T Zeigenftu•s, larceny.
Com vs Almon Eaton, fornication and
bastard v.
Corn vs Robert Crawford, larceny.
Com vs Geo Hawkins and James IlaTr
kips, larceny.
Coin vs 'Tinos P 13i5.7, , zs and Wm !tags,
Larceny—Dist Atty Cala, II Streeter,Esq,
and Davies 4: - Carnoellan' for Coin. II
Peet, E C Gridley, and I'.-3lcPherson,
Esos, for defendants. On trial. '
AT .► special meeting of Lin-Ta S, held
Saturday, April 29, 15;6, the following
resolutions were unanimously adopted :
ReA,,lred, That it is with great regret
w•e hear of the death of GEoncl: I). 3los
:rANyil, Esq., our first President, and
former fellow-member.
Re4o/red, That we recognize in this dis
pensation, the loss of a true and tried
friend, a faithful and zealons member,
who for nineteen years has been au active
member, and occupied the positions of
Trrasuier, Secretary and President of thii
ReLoired, That the Engine House of
this Company be draped in mourning for
the reriod of thirty days.
Resolccd, That these resoluains be en
tered on the minutes of the Company,
and be printed in the several newspapers
of the borough, and that a copy of the
same be presented to the family of the de ,
eased, ex - pressing the assurance of our
sympathy with them in their great dfflic
ATTEST:-R. A. MERcuil,
WE 1-1.N13 the.following paragraph float
ing around in the newspapers, and - fully
endorsing the sentiment,. transfer it to
our columns with a hearty endorsement.
The wives - of the country have long enough
l‘een made the " scapegoats" for hus
bands' follies. Let the "!ordsof creation"
read the item, and then, if they have been
.gailty of the injustice (If charging all the
extravagance of the family upon the bet
ter half, make humble acknowledgMents
and resolve t do better :
" A 'physiFian writes the folloiving :
• My profession has thrown me among wo
men of all classes, and my experience teach
es • n c thalG od never, gave man a greater
Proof of Nis love than t, place women
here, with him: My ielviee, is : Go—pro
pose to the most sensible girl . yott know
of. If she I.ta}s• yes, tell, her how muck
'your income is—from what source derived
—and tell her you will divide the last
shilling with her, and, love her with all
your heart in the bargain. And their keep
your promise. My • wotd for it, she will
live within your income, and to the
last hour you will regret that yon did not
marry sooner.• Gentlemen worry aboUt
feminine extravagance and femine un
truth. .Just you be true to her, love her
sincerely, and tell her of it frequently,
and a more fond, faithful slave _you -will
'never meet anywhere. You wont desetvc
her, I know, but she would miter fee l it.
Now, throw aside pride and Aellishnms,
and see what will become of it."
Or Fork s;--oOly at BLACK'S:
Cg' iinives—only at ahAeg's
C.7° For !ruble Cutlery, go to BLACK'S,
Vl' New goods received daily at HE ND Lt3IAN
Engravtnf; done at Ilr.NuaLw.ttes Jewelry
rff".New Cloths and Cassimeres at
Kt:NT & Buss'. offers a great redaction la Sli
ver-Plated Ware.
M . '" All the htest publiaktions, very
cheap, at Warrcolts le Slurs's. ,'
large stock of games and toys,
at cost. at•WIIITCOMD VK.
I'o - Everything in• Ow lino of station
ery at it: II ITCOM 11 & A UM'S.
rfy- WIIITCWitt J SHAUT sell the best
Blank Books manufactured In the count ry.
Ur The largest and best assortment of
sprieg•ciotainglu town, at 3t. E. BOSENY/ELD.A.
Reversib!c:and Flat land Plows at
reduced prim. R. N. WZLLES & SOS.
or You au - ) get all the latest styles of
Stationery, very cheap, at 'Fitttccimat St SIIIA&I'IS
far A , large 'assortment of spring and
summer hats, Just recilved, at *t. Itosivr-
Arir=Gold, Silver, and Steel Spectacles, and Eye
Glasses, In great Turley, at Hr.:M=IIAX 's Jewel
ry Store. •
Air If you Rent to secure a good artele;and ge
the worth of our money, the place togoll'Afflittt
W Buy your clothing of A. TATUM,
when yon can alive get good goods at, the lowest
living price :3. .
•` Don't fall to call at Ifixtmsw . ares, If you
wish to buy anything In the line of Jewelry, Sliver
and Shier-plated Ware. ‘.
itg" Esminaras . has the - fhiest stock
of Watches, Jorcdry and Silverware, ever brought
Into this town, Call and we It. , - I
//Orig. HPND.ELSIAN bia thdi. largest and .boa
stock of ladles' and gentlemena• gold and allver
watchesever brought to Toinnda.:
Or Fon RIMT.—The dwelling house
lately occapl.4l 11 60. 'llonTos s on 3faln street.
Enfialr.3 IL C. I)k.W.clr. .
inir Rubber Paint, also It. R. Paints,
ail colon and shader,it. kvirebt prices. •
• R. M. WELLES A Sox.
Oil West will *ld it
to their advantage toparchise tickets at the Z 1•
711:14 Dept. nito3 retina t 1.50 ft yst Sept. ta
tar - A
now stock of .sl4;fi . nnta at,Enar &
titTukariolbi-ratteras at KEW( a
BLUM' • 4 - • •'
rif New lot of lifbawls at KENT
Orlon can buy a Von . glass sot at
IlLAcm's for 115. • _
rer Headquarters for Lamps and Cbim
Q 1" Steel Table Knives and Forks for
ra cts., at BLACICO.
L Prices on Stone-Ware lower than
Ter. Call at I.3Lacx-s;
LIT Call at Karr & Busse and teet
their new geode. 1
W"Novir DrisaGoods at ICvavr & B LlBB9
3 lar Ladies' l • Linen Salta at Krzrt.
far A full line of Parasols and Fans at
Or Go to KO & BLISS' for your No
tions and Fancy °nods.
rir New Prints at Kimr &Buss.'
rir A full line of nosiery and Gloves at
KENT & BLlss'.
or A full lino of SUmmer Skirts at
KENT & • '
• • f:
rar Call at linwr & Blass', and look
at their Iliack arehadfilea.
far White goods in great variety at'
- •
BLacg OTers_ Baby Carriages at
prices ranging froth fa to pl 9.
You eaulbuy a large set bf Dishes
now at IlLactc's tor a little money.
EV . Have yoit seen the latest?. If not,
examine the Centennial Cigar Case at Bt—sews.
' Irg' ItueErts Bro. have the reputz
lion for: "A 1" arileles In ellver plate. For BMW
plea of theit ware 4 , 4311 at Marx's.
WANTE6.—SOveral spans of young bor
'set. Must be soutf, - kind, and goal size.
C. 31. MA VI rA. e, Pres't.
rff" The largest and best assortment of
Brackets ever brunght to this place, can now ha
seen at Yugsr k Sox& • (Oct. Z:i—tf.)
HARRIS itt his store on Bridge St.,
has the largetd assortment df Ilumaii flair ever of
fered In thin market. futeli:l6
C:T" Go to Tly,Lon's for fine HatF,
Shirts, and Neck ritare };ntranee on Park street
first door beton: old bank and front south aide of
Post -Oallee.
IVe Lave] just opened a fine tissor
i;utnt or Cloths and liassinteres, Including all the
aw Spring Styles In Coatings and Slain:a,
inchtildf ; POWELL. SC CO.
M - 110E4E A I
3lonroeton, on 'Jle4liante street. For terms ap
aprtliwy. "
Mr' Mrs. E. J. Mmaos will return in
few days with the largest
,assortment and best
selected goods ever brought Into this place, which
she will offer at the lowest prices. ,Call and,ex-
Vir F9R CALK.—A thoroughbred Short
Horn or Durham BUll, 2 years old. Also two bull
calves. registered, land entitled to register, of
Milking Strains. i
G. 111 Ititr.t.ns. I
I'a., Aptll
Buying l , b) , Crockery and Glaf,:sl
ware from the manufacturer. I can give my cus
tomers the advantege of the usual middle men's
'profit: Examine go'otis and prices.
C TEN DAvp EARLIER.—We have a
warranted ten daye earlier than the Early Rose.
Now Is the time for farnetit to supply themselves
with this superior varleiY.
aprl2l6. McCanE & EDWARDS.
Cr' Mrs: E. J. 311:coos wiahes to in
form the ladles of Towanda and ;vicinity that she
Is now settled In her new stare, next door to KENT
Jr. !Miss, where elk; Will keep a large assortment
of Millinery an Ladies' furnishing goods.. -
Tbe - ladies will be pleased to learn
that 1 . E. Hwutits has concluded to remain In To
wanda; and Is now r!ecelving a targe,and attractlte
stock of millinery and fancy goode, and invites the
attention oath; numerous customers.. Niche-76:
r/r PIERCE &,SCOTT; at their coal yard,
keep fresh ground Cayuga' 'plaster, by the car load
or ton. It Is - from tho celebrated Thompson beds.
New York State GeologlAs say It Is the strongest
plaster In the State.l fmchtf.
rs- Buy the JUtuestown l eas.- The
reason why: They are warrented to wash without
shrinking or tatilni; to be fully 27 Inches 'wide;
and Mite equal In tlnrablilly to the very best goods
. In the market. • . •
rowiLt it Co., sole agmts for matilifacturers.
O r I r POWEI,T,.(I* Co.—We have just re
ceived our large Spring Stock of Wail Paper. Now
ready for Cxhib!tint'. In 'addition to our usual
stock of- plain fluty, white and brown blacks, we
have added a handsOme assortment of tide Bronze.
Sllrer, Gold and Decorated Papers.
Please call and exaMlne our stock
l'owEta. & CO.
March 1,18764 f.
• M"" Buy the I Jamestown Alpacas, fo
the follOwleg reasons:
They are !undo tram the best materials.
They are dyed In Snell a manneras to secure com
plete saturation of (44(4.. -
They are so thoroughly shrunken In flnlshlng as
to be unerfected by dampness. 'They may there
fore be washed and done up like linen, witheu!, llto
least Ipkry.
For rale by PoWE.L; & Co., sole agents for Nan- .
ufacturers..- - {Mph=
• -
f33' From W.lll. Comumm, .M. D., of
New Bedford. I.
I have employed the Pratt:Trate Srnce sue
cessfully9n:rastes of dyspepsia. chronic diarrhoea,
nervous Fdebility neuralgia, erysipelas, bolls and
disca4a at the-skip; also chlorests, lencorrhea,
prolapins uteri, and female complaints generally.
As an alterative; tonic, ilia syrup ought to be used
by clergymen, edltorS, cashiers, clerks, lawyers,
and others who use their brains more - than their
niuscies; as well as Operatives, printers,
shoemakers. seamstresses, awl all those whose oc
cupation confines them In 1114entliated and over
heated rooms, who are liable to Kurt more or less
from nervous debility." raprZ7wl.
e From JAC ' 011 BENER, Fsq., Druk-
Elio, Middletown. Dauphin Co.; Pa.—Messrs. Swim
W.Eowt.r. h Bova:-Gents:—Please send me liii
rordiately half a grtisa of Dr. Wisra'n's Balsam of
Wtld Cherry, as It Is selling rapidly and gives good
satisfaction.. i have been sellingthe Stalitamfor
more than twenty . yeats, and iiioe 'always found ft
satisfactorily spoken of. 1 bare had a number of
.customers who have realized incalculable benefit
from the use of It in the first stages of constimp.'
• lion. lam never without It In my ; family, and ad.
minister tr to any mei:Otter of itwhenever troubled
with toughs, colds, lung and bronchial affactionr,•
and find It a most efficient remedy.
J. 11.6313
50 Ceuta and It a tioale. Sold by all dealers,
gir To CONSUMPTIVE/I.—no adver
tiser, a retired physician, having provlden-
Rally discovered while a Medical klissionary in
Soutnern Asia, a very simple-vegetable remedy for
theolgogfi Ll 4 perpoleift, etre Of _COlitruistP4o l li,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all throat and
lung affections—alai a positive and radical specific
for Nervous Debility, Premature decay and all
Nminius Complaints, feels It his duty to • make
known to his suffering fellows. ACtuated by this
tuotivete will cheerfnlly sendoree of charge) to
all who desire it, thr recipe for preparing and full
directions for successfully using this providentially
discovered remedy.
.Thoso who wish to avail them
selves of the benefits of this discovery without cost
can do so by return in,sil,by addressing With stamp,
naming Mr piper, ! •
• ito .. aa Niagara St, Buffalo,
in .
ch2r:lB.ll N. Y.
ENtIALI•Lrif.DIEff.—LIn East TAT; April :S.
by Rev. e. A. Chubburk, Elyivefter hendall, of
onnyitier. P A , awl Mrs. Holdall rainier, of East
• .r% t •
ICE AtISONMCPEO n Meurer, vol, April
13. by Reqr.4l. L. tituftlevant, Aaron Mason and
-Miss Mikan Morgan.
. .
:1utlo i• I DIED. - . i'•
011 .—At b's - iiiabitais la Laportsy, Tbstsibr
al ht, , March NU!. i otaStms (liven, la Ow 614
: - Duns6llloo46‘"; POOl l , l i 794. 1r.3 reamed
. _
witti Lis •
iirriniii - to • f Mhidelidt ,.. . M. - Valhi - tot a
Wheie be recelisitittialiellittlian
tag in a contain house. serving' for mural years
4 0P1._ . 1 1 1;
Inglitants of the *idea time. and n uking seven.
commercial voyages. .
In the war of MO La-entered the V. O. army, be.
lag In his 15th year. for this At- received huid
warrants and for the few last years of big life apen
Soon Latter' arriving at age de moved to Tennes
see and conducted a mercantile business there.
There he married Miss , ESaabettt , llealyop, hi.
26th.birthtlay, Nov. 30, 1820. To them were born
sons and 5 daughters. Of the 9 chilthen,.ll survive.
The mother and one daughter, Mrs. Lathrop, of
Wishington,D: C., rest In the cemetery of Laporte,
where how the father sleeps. • .
In March. ISA Mr. Green arrived in Cherry
township, then a part of Lycoming county, becom
ing possessed of a tract of land belonging td his de.
ceased father, and cleared up *Ante farm. In De
cember, 1853, he rerneCed.ed Ltpcste. Dlteinghts
4i years residence In this county Mr. Green has
held the Milers of Justice of the Peace, County
Treasurer, and was Deputy Clerk of CoUrt and
Prothonotary, until he declined on account of the
infirtnitiel of old age. _
It Is probable that he has aided in adjusUng
eulUes and arranging business for his neighbors
more than any other citizen. A gentleman In ad.
dress, and social in manner, ho won sincere k esteent.
He *as attached to the Episcopal Church; receiv
ing the communion a few days before tds" doper.
turf, from Her. P. 11. Lighter, Rector at Marley.
Ills'decline was painless. .0t • his 'retiree hoa s o
only one survives him • his sister, Miss Mary 11.
Green, aged 72, residing in Philadelphia. Ills fu
neral was largely attended at the Presbyterian
Church of I.aporto on Sunday. Starch 19. Rev.' Dr.
Cold delivered an appropriate discourse front Reve
lations 3:12. •• film that overcometh will I make a
pillar Its the Temple of my Son.-
TP.1.7111143.L.—at Ltberly . Camera, April of
berr.let fever, Minute Augusta, daughter of J. C.
and Marla L. Trumbull, aged 1 year, A months
and 12 days.
"The young, the loved, thabelditifte,
They early pass away,
Because they cannot blootn and shlne
Where death's chill br.tezes
"0, Gentle Father 1 Master good:
. Help us to love and lose;
To trust Thee when not understood, .
To acquiesce, not choose."
itoCKW4L. , —In Jackson, Tlcga Co., Ya., April
14th. Mary Ann, wife of ]ter, Myron Rockwell,
aged al' years.
Mrs. Rockwell was baptized at Sylvania on her
tenth birthday and has beeri a consistent member
of the Rapt et Church ever since, uutither death.
She was married April lath, 1820. Her golden
wedding day catne, but little cared she for this
world's gold. At the setting of the following sun
ehe C103:11.11 the Jordan and entered Into rest.
IHNION.—At hle Innrnt. In Pilot townshlp. Bradford
Co., Pa., 31arch n 20. !Brant Minna, atil 70 years.
Itc had lived in that nelghborhood t 0 years. lIC
vni tnarried * years ago, I? Mies lgattey Bullock,
who survives him. - Tliey brought ni) twelve chit
dren, of wheat ten are still living. Mr. Dimon was
a Tiler and industrions man and will be inlswd by
a large circle of relatlve.4 and friends. 2
PATTI 7 .IISON.—In ~ iv Argain. April z 2, Mrs
Mary Paitterram, ;IA 71 y.6ars. .
t. A Ton.vm file
ninny excellent arlieles which our friend (leo. If-
Webb. of Alba. Pa., keeps in Mg smek, may be
counted seetls from that justty celebrated Brine
Ilrigr,e - h: Bre., Chleage. 111. and Rochester, N. y..
the largostMeed* house in the world. It will stir
prise many,of our readergto learn that over 25,000
merchants in the United States handif seeds from.
Briggs k BIWA. IVIIORd NOV'S. catalogues. labels,
chromM, &v., are extremely attractive in high col
orings and artistic finish. One of the newest de
signs from the hands of their artists Is what is call
ed "Briggs & Brut bov'e Great Tomato !faction their
ti moody' and representS d rue course with per
fect represmitallens of the different varieticA of to
mati-4; striving for the honors of leaderehlp. The
design Is extremely harpy and pleasant, beshles
conveying to the farmer or borticnlturist consider
able Information upon the nwrits of the 'different
tomaton. We see that they place as their leading
varieties the 'Green Gage. Conqueror and
way's Excelsior. at bile they rate other varieties in
the following order of merit: Trophy, Donauce,
General Grant, Hubbard Curled Leaf, Gents:re
(tonal:, Lam) mirtv.Red, thwart Orange Yield,
Dwarf Early Bed: leyes's Early Proiillr, Simins's
Cluster, and In the rear, with reins thrown to the
ground end a telescope at hiseve to tee where the
rest are, shuffles up the. Large yellow. The whole
I scene is laid in the richest humor, and 119 ono can
I give the lithograph at Webb's an examination
without breaking out into a hearty laugh.
We can assure our readers who desire to order
Briggs & Boo's. seeds, that they Caw:ter:on them
Fupou just as advantageous terms
. 01;(1. It. Webb,
and of Just: as - good quality, as If ordered direct.
See Briggs & Bro's. January -number and order of
GEO. IL iVE.IIII. Alba, Pa. jaufffmG.
1 .
Centennial Excursion Tickets.
Omand after May'lk. 1876, and during the con,
tinuinee of tho Centennial Exposition, Through
Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia and return, via
Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, good for 35 days
fruinidate of issue. will be issued by agents of Le
high Valley Railroad at stations on that road.
The trains of this Company run directly to .
amfrom their new depot in Fairmount Park ,
4 i .
Ikh e rft is located In close-proximity to the Centen
nial Buildings. ,
L 'J. E. WOOtTF.N.-
• - deneral Superintendent.
READt No, April 26th,1876.—finay4w4.
TIsT OF LETTERS remaining in
, TPost °Mee at ; Towanda. Bradford Co., Pa,
fur the week ending May 3 t
Costello Ellen Polen .1 ?a
Collins 1' P Ittindell David -
Chapman Louisa 'Sprague W It
Duross Maintiy Shannon John
Dunn Bartley . Sullivan Nora
'Griffin 9 , - strarta It W
McMahon James Smith A. It
,i Smith Tferbert . W ' -
PerFoni, railing for the aboro letters, will please
any "advertised," giving date of list.
. - Si. W. ALVORD. P. M.
Ws keep on hand atwur yard all Plzes of Pittston
and Wilkes Barre' coal. and Loyal Sock coal. trona
Cm Sullivan County Mines. Also, Barclay Lump
and Smith.
We keep the best quality of Lime. Ugh. and Co
ntent, Brick and Piaster, ail of which we will sell
at tAntoui prices.
, Towanda May ist, 18714
. .
3 tulles frotit Toivanda, . Will be solitls cash or
With house and barn thereon; Igeanro
And easily cleared. IVltole farm well watered.
Will be sold In lots of 50 or.loo acres, or more, as
purchasers shall desire.
;ttEitetrn,• HALL, TOWAN DA,
The_, celebrated , LIN-TA BAND
grill particiimte. • ,
Admission :25' 'cents 'Readried
Seats 50 cents. Tickets !ill be sold
at Kirby's Drug Stare, commencing
1 1 .:MaY, 5, at. .9 oiclOck,
Doors open at
.7 o'clock. Curtain
!in Ft* at 8 .9'0'44 PEreifie.l7.
1 Of beautiful
To snit purcbasers
Imp!rev( •
. Wellsburg, N. Y., or of
- • or - JA MES WOOD,-
Torratidal. Pa.
`~ :~,
1 ~E
_ .
ismcititiALittidatiO. 7
su *TM W 1411111117, by C.B.
bjett to an d , f - •
Wheal ; 1 1 1 thbushgosail y, 4ol - 30'
Rye, VI bath ' ~ •
BacitWhaat. V bush.
Beinur,l4bush..., ' 100
Butter 04414)
211 .
Cons,ll bush
Oats, it bash ' ' a.. 32
r Ef tn irs ti l s. 4lcia busu. i ...:.:..:.:..:
25 13
Flask* barreJ 340 4$ 300
Ws moss o>f GaalL—Wheas 60 Ds. t Corn 01 it>s;
Ilya 54 iDs. ; Oats *2 Bs.; Barley 48 BIM Buckwheat
58 thita' Deans 42 Eh.; Bran 20 his.; Clover Seed 40
lbs.; Timothy Seed 44 lbs.; Dried Peaches
Drlodaapples 22 !toga Flax Seed 80 lbs.
& Bankers and Brokers, No. 2.!
Southlthiril Ottect, Pttpatlalphla, ltarrb, 13, 1876,
11111. /COMM
. 114% 114%
. 119 1194,
. 121% 121%
. 12:13 123
1181, He'
, 1215 1 127
. 117%1 117%
117% .
112141 112'
_ 1 •
" • '65, J. and J
41. 114 44
4, LI. I G , S, L 4 1,4
lo -40, coupon—
": Pacific 6'r, cy • •
Now he, Reg.
l'enneylvanla, Ex.
Philadelphia A Erica
Lehigh Navigation
United R. U. of N. J
laditCtack ' •
Northiern Central •
Central Transportation...
C.& A;,Wortgage
N B -W- I(IRIC. PRICES Current
. ...
•19 - erountry Produce, for the week coding
Slav L 5.18.711, Beveled expressly for the BRAD
rottolterOetrt, by 11. K. k I'. B. Titteinen Ai
Co.. West • Broadway. Bead° and lludson Streets,
New l itorks!• ' - ' '•
, „
.13117TEIL.—Beccipts for the week: 25,601 packages.
, • •
Mullet opens • quietly, ' with prices irregular.
Some dealers appear to think that prices are about
as levr•ps the situation will warrant. while others,
leas confident of the future are free sellers at inside
figurers, believing It hi better to dispose of stock as
fast milt arrives, tbau to hold for outside rates.
' We quote:
State Dairies, entire exert ' . 3G033
il•,„ fair to good 33433
•.flekina- selected 16(838
.4 Z 4. fair to good - 3.16435
" half firkin tubs, choice selected 284;329
" ' 7 “ •• " fair to good 270028
••• Welsh tubs, extra fall 7.7A28
g -- ", " entire. dairies - 31(43,3
" ce4radrery tubs, good to line 010
l'allsoßtatn and PO.lllll, choice 03 0 •
" Z " .• " fair to good . 2704=1
Western tube, fide selected ' 24426
fair to good 224424
Westekn early made.; selected ..2:Uta
,' " - fair to good 1:6621.
' - 1 - e - poor
EllKESE.—Recelpts for the reek,"5,891. packages.
Not&lng baa s Been done to day to indicate any
change iii canes. Shippers operate cautiously and
only ulien decided bargains are offered, while the
Immo iiratie is purchasing' muderately to supply
daily &mite. .
We quote:—
Stats factory, fancy Ca at 3
" ','• " fair to g00ri......... I aal i
Ircatiii factory, ebedriar flue " 10 tau
• :"• ' nut. nee:.% ........ ..'.lO (e)ti
r,•= o poor to good ' ' 4 ( . 0 8
F.411 - 11. - ,e-Tie'relpts for f he week,' . l6,lG6 barrels.
1.110111 reeelpts have further deprelsed the mar
l:et thattgli thee.: ales :us to Iv a trifle firmer feel
ing tide reeving and a eternithess in the market
vrldelitins tie prevailed fur severatelays..
WO quote:—
Slate kiel fella . 14 60141 a
Wentere flare fresh " 151,(416*
fair te good 141.,6e10
14 y:815
Sort tle4ti •
1 ,
FlMiii of all grades doll with few transact lone re
perted:ln other than trade brands which are Situ
at quare/Wow. Meal in trifle better demand at un
changed prlees. .
Superaer ... 4 Oreari - 50
at.. torets, extra 3 15R,3 63
?-; (miry - 5 rata 50
frimily • ' 7 75(4 0 3 75
Corn Mietl, yellow .
' 3 OttEet 10
44 ' white 2 9f03 10
ee , • - •
A betiterexport demand for wheat Imparts firm
bess.tOrthe market, causing prices to rule steady.
Cora I.34iniet and weal:. Oats are and Arm at quo.
tatlontel. Bye weak and lower. Barlep dell but
firmly held.
Wkeat".:Spring, NO. 1 • 1 2 8(A1 30
" y'hicage, N 0.2" 1 15W81 19
" iAtllwatikee, No. 2 - ' 115(1 20
"- ..Ited,winter 3 er0.,1 23
" ••Zanifier; . ..... 1 3s(Ast 40
.4 . "White 4. I 4.scrot 60
itarlet,7; '' r t6O
• '64
11ye...,„' !,I i 92(.0 90
Oats. Mixed ..
.1. 451 St 47
'•• white.;
4 - 44 74
form erestern mixed G. be 62.
rs• . . ,::
." yellow.. G 561
IlklAllk.'. . .
lifediems are more firmly held though not active.
]farrows are In better demand at unchanged pet
er?. Pea and Kidney are quiet and much depressed.
Pea- fair to g00d.,.., • t 21 - (4.1 25
McMinn 1 lent 25
Marrow.' 1 3C681 55
Whloi:Bidney - 1 11.7(3`1 55
Red Kidney t Or: 0111 20
Ilfarliet quiet, prices nominal. -.,
Crop 7,1,: State, good' to prime ' 156017
Wit Lair to prime - 124811
Clrop T' , 4, poor to good 30 3
Clovai.i is in fair demand at quotatiobs. Flax and
Titaett4 quiet but firmly held.
Cloveri.3B7s . .- 16 '481 17
Flax, nestera rough ' 15001 60
Timothy, per bushel . 2GO @2 75
. . ,
Demand moderate, pileel weak,
Good tOprime
The rtnarket fur apples is rather 'inlet though
straight lots at- held at steady prices. reaches
are In few hands and held weedy. Blackberries
scarce and firm. Cherries net other small fruits
le Moderate request and Beady.
Applert, - 81tate, sliced 9 a 9'4
e quarters 81t41a 9
Weritern, sliced 4...68 9
• " ...., quarters H Ghats,
Southein, sliced 'J ; (/) . ..9A.;
l' •.! (punters • ' • 8 .6... 'Ara
' , cartels, te.clerl, fancy IG • eze:'
• ,;.. - . fair to good
. 12 6013
" '". unpmekd, halves 11 6012
e ?.-" - e quarters ,-- e 1 7.61110
Blacklierries. wr 5, • . 10 113103 i
Clen•rirs. pitied. por its '2O 6621,oar th IG WS
It3spberries - • :a 6427
r-,... U. K. & F. B. TIIDILItEIt .11 co., _
ImporMrs. Wholesale Grocers 5: Cetn.-3lerehants.
West Broadway. Reade ar Duriseu Sts.. N. Y.
rredlice Commis:Ann Department In charge of J.
S. Gatti*. We receive and sell on COMillittAoll all
kinds If Country Produce: make cash advances on
creedgetnents and furnish 'stencil plates and mar
ket quotations when desired. Correspondence so.
C. T. 11
T4e long continued '-stagnation in
business has esulted in bringing ev
eryilfing in our Ijjui down to
And am now prepared to. furnish
', ', ,
Thspiiho same quality of goods were
ever '-before offered. More 'milieu-
tars next week.
April 1, 1876:
People complain of
:But those who are wise enimth to '
- •
; : ,p , U,Y THEIR .CLOTHING .
• lieyer find fault with the puallty of tho •
• ",;.;
"Mx. ACOR El.
:14:4 - i takes yleasura In Calling attention, Urals
I.; • ;
• --,
• -or- . :
- I ,
• •
A 44•Mu:ot bta stoek . vtlt,ba suci . eleas to
Ilailr• that he cut otter greater Inclueemrn ta
r, , ;
- yltartbly7q
53' . 1 3;
• 4104
461 i
• 13434
B '4o 9
- - - • - _:lartillissi - ,- •- - --- - •- -, Legg' ''.• • ' I '
---- 7 - - - 7 --------- - ---- '- --- ---.2: . : -.- -- - -- - ----- , - ;77 --- ,. . 4 1+r,r -- r -------- ""t — . l- 7
- -- . ' I
HIS , WEEK - - . I .r XEOISTOIVIVP/OTlCHitotee , .
3 t i 's , l}i9.).: :::
~., ~.-..,.: .::' , 4 :, ,is beiretri slyest that, all, pencils!' . Indebted to
' I a ,estate of Altemlra 1.. 131ap. law nt Atbiit4.
deed, must make lininedlatekayinent to, tar' .
2 .1
; • ;
KIINT & BLl6ll`,
. _ .. , _
. .. .... . .. • -
.'' .., : • - ;
40 4 4
13414 .
105 S
Al,' it full'li o 1
- •
tfc., & &e., tEe.
1;,1!: •
full linO' of,
A fall line of
(Pr.. /Pc., 4w.
Towanda, May. 3, 1876.
Evans . (k Itildroth.
, - - CARPETS !
have opened: an entire New and
large StoelCof -
itc., C. ,
To which they invite the atten
Mon - of Cu - Owners at their New
) 1 " I / 8 ) ire;
. , .-
11/tt tt ale;
dersfined, and all persons havllig`elalms upon l
:estrus mast present them, dnlisathentteatedi for ,
• - " HELLENIE. SAAVTIttit.I '
1 Zrecutnr..
Is hereby glieh that all Portons Ind.soed to
.tho estate of John McPherson, la's of Merrfek, - ,
deed, are requested to, nuke immediate v.) :
and all. persrms haring claim aphtst aald estate
must present then:, duty authenticated. fur. ecttlr
lnent„ • wILLi AM MITTEN,
Apr •-•,
L. 4
- uxEcIITORIS NOTlCE.—Notacp
ju is hereby given that all melons trideldeil to
the ealate of Ellen J. Welles...tato of Wrid4llll4
t p.p.; tke'd, are required 'to mate' Immediate pay
ment to the underslped, and ill persons haling
claims against the sald estate. mast present theft.
duly ant be:Matted. for settlement.. - .
- ft EO.• it..WELLEs. WYollteleV Pa.. El—
'EDWARD WELLES,-Wllkes Itarre,;Po,
_alit T,Ovro Exec:Woes.;
(AAIITION.—AII perons are Imre
rantioned agalnat purchasing a , not 4 gtve , ,n
by na to Wilson Murphey. of itorne,; dated April flti,
IS7O, for one hundred dollar!. and payable air ]rt
after pate , as we hare' 'retired ; no valise there of,
and shall not MY th ! 53rri
F. W. 1108TWICII(.
Litennehl Slay !.'6w '
VOT ptoposalsr
be received at the 'Office °O. F. 3fafois ut, to
May la, lice, for the betiding/ 'of • the foundation
and hasenient walls of thp let Iletiverealist church
Tuvranda. Plaits and specifications may be Seen
at the - Book Store of Wklicotub dt Sheet.
By order of the Beard of Truateo.l
Towanda, April 27,10. f— ,
Notice is hereby given ail peilintsi 10'
domed to 1110 estate of Stephen tale ij
I:high:try. deed, must make lOnetliato IkkruirrA
all peramis having clalmy against: said estate in t,
pretieut them duly autheutleated tor settletuent.l
'W3I. 1. RANKIN. j
jAdministratay. j
- I
.... j :—Notice Is hereby given that all" pericani te
&WTI' to the estate of Emily Jenkln", late_bt
Baysidlle."leed. must make imniediate payment Gt
the ltruler4gned, and all , personsjr having lylaluis
;a7,altrat said estate must present them, ditty yaithen-
Dented, for settletnent. . • j ; I
aprr. 0. W.Billtilf, ttidrnlnistra 4 -oi.
A_ To all whom It may concern: ;The unde*lgneil
eitlYens of Rome and vlellty, herehy .givonei lie
that they Intend to apply j to the f!aurt of CO men
Pleas of Bradford corudy,ota Law -pulp: they's:MT
a charter to he Incorporated into a body politic ;ant.
corporate In law, wlth perpetual i 'surcoksioni. nrighir
the trurie. style and title of the Borne LibritryAt
soidallon. fer the purpoae of estafillaldirg and moth
taltalitg. a Shrary for the use of Its{ menit"rs.;
E. W HITNEY, s. st: cur.
J. A. MOODY. R. r. RocKW}:f.L.
L. E.
• 1
EoMe, Pa., April 11, 187c-03.
. Nutlet: Is hereby give:: tAnt all: per.sii In
'hided to the esiateof David Tilhaley. late hf
him tvi.r., deed. must make immrdiate paynvi{{t
the tindershrned, 'and all persons having refalnts
azalost mid estate must present them. ' , any au
then: !fated, for aettlement.
rX EC UTOR'S NOTlC„E.—N 4 litice
••-A is lwrel , y glven-thar all im,1 1 .,..0nm intlP4t•qi ti ,
11, • .. , !a!e of lit , o:g-• Irf. - .)lntinalyclite . of Tovian
da Itermigh, 11 , :lil foul Couibty„.' p...p,r,v+l.
d..,..ii, nupil inak, Inzint•W m
ate piryf•nt toth••auj.
, I - r , ',..tir , qt. atol,:111 te.roons harin,... , rlnlms i1q.',a)1, , ,t .
! , al4 - 1 .‘rlalo ina;,t pretent them, fltt;y autheutte*“,
fur siltlement. !
• P. r. 310HROiV.1 '
niny4%l4 - I k r :xeclittAr.
.. .
.s„ t h. o i s jp:rebv - glTen that all' permoni in
11.•:,teit to tho'cl , tate of Daniel Tr, Jones, ia:•1 or
Plke f deed most' make iilltu.d!ate !laymen t 1011.11 , 3
w.dri*lgnite. WO all iwrsons ItlyMg clalthi again".i
•.:,d‘l (ware must prn , ,,:s.nt them; duly authenticated;
for si!lt:enient.
may4w6 I
• jAdministraior.
• I
NOT . 1
„Lx.i-NotkA is hereby '
given that all perieins' In
debted to the , estate of Jrn Adams. ,deett, ate
of srttlthiteld, Bradford Coluttyl Pentia..l : nlist
makelointedlate payment to the undersigned, and
all ie?isons haring claims aMthist 4ahl "e:sdate niust
Firesipt them, duly authentleated.! for setrbitrint.:
11L,:0,if, ' 1 Allni**.
• 1
•-.Notlee Is hereby given Oa all persna4 MI
'fielded to the estate of 11..'L,31indly, late ''d f (I'd.J.,
wands born. dee. must mate Inimedlate payineultkl
the 'undersigned. eind all ped-stms baring ;elatirl
azahist said estate Must present thete,dbily autlieg
tleated,forsettleinent. . • '' ! 1 '
E. T. FOX,: 1
Atllll . i. 1
__ -
• .
.A SSIGNEE'S SALE:—The sub. r
scriber will sell at pub&i
sale on tha
gmunds of the present location of Hiram Horton's!
Stearn MIII. near John Ilartovell,'s, nue Steam - ilaw;
Fixtures. Sale to takqp!ace on Tlan:S.;
June ti. P..o'clock tr.- at. I I i
TERMS OF SAI.F.:-250 when the propi•rtills
strueli off, remainder In two equal payments of 'plxj
and twelve mouths, with Interest and apprv,ri.thee-,
entity. ' • W. T. 110nToN4 i
Asslgnec, for /Drain lioitori.
1 , ..3 The undersigned . 4111 'son at public sale
1 AY,11.11" la. 18711, at 2 o'clock , P, the;
Croun4li of the 'Horton Homestead In Wi!ul, t
Bradford Co.. Pa.. a certain tract of land, itfaintled,
and descrlixl as folioed,: t :
On the north by lands of 0. 11. h 31. 11. Welles::
on the ecestby lands formerly owned by ttrtid.Wel.(cF:
on the mottle by lands of Julia Wier, on the tilstiby,
the. Snsquelianna river. being part of said Ifor-',
•ton homestead, and containing about 220 nereit, tgttt
also sell with above , all the timber fit for salving
purposes on part •of raid Homestead Ineded
Julia '
Wlll also sell at same time and place, one; othe. rI
hmet of lain!, bounded and ile:ierfholl as AIIIeWs:
Ilegiptdptir at the north-west corner of the Itruller
Downing warrant at it post. thence eag aleng.nottit,
.11111` of WA warrant. 1775-10 per.. to corner nfil,t; of
J. & Horton. thence south along line of sithll.r;
t If, norton lot IQ 5-1 O per., to the north-east enr
tier of,Frank Ketonic::: rut, thence west alonginoVlt
line of said Knowles' lot, 177 &-lo per., to warrant.
line; thence no th along said warrant lice 10, 5140
per., to p,.tee of Ix - ginning . . beli,g Muth` land . equ-'
roped hy - Dr. Thomas Harris to Calvin Steel hy ar
ticles of agreement, (Int mf 1858. 1 7
TERAIS of Sale on first tract,:-4:00 when proper
ty Is struck off. remainder' In two equal payht”nts .
of six. and twelve Months, with Interost and tip
proved security.
TEltlklS of sale-on t—N
seeonil trzetCO whenlprop.,
erty Is struck off. remainder in one - par, whh in.'
mica' , Assignee for If Irani Iforion;
• ,
rrRITSTEE'S. custeg s
X Talc , coat lan& and, wining properTya6d arr.'
par:opal:c.c.s ill, the cotinty' of Brad ford, s:mc 01
Pennsylvania. ;
fly vlrt tie of a certain titortg.icf, or th,(l of trilst
executed Creek
j 1011:: Ciial.Compaoy. of lir! s l tate of
to the inolor,igliod - a. , Trnstoo, (laird t day,
o r Tim.Y, ii`"l and rer ,, id..d in Ow office
I tig.tioi In and for Ili- roomy or Ilr:1A11,i11.!
111 State, qt: 11...r0l hook N.. 1.: 3
on the. 41th day of May. .t. IS , :q; apo 111,"i
tlorlfdgo rago 102, Sze.. cia iDC 11111,
raj of Not-tni..•r,
j, tats ut:dersi~uEd .. as Tritste, as afe.reeald,lief+ o .
by give notice that I will, on TUESDAY. the 21111
easy of .2\ IdolL, 157 , 1, at 12 I ,* t - ft . k., !MN, 1,4 Ilk.
day. at the Exchamg.. Sales Ratans, No. 111. hyoid
way, In the city, comely and state of New ;Cork.;
at atietion to the highest bidder, the pre perty,l
rhrhts, privileges and .frantleiset. ccoveyed !or ht-1
t..mted to he cony eyed to tnet by said reortgagolot !
deed or trustt'd - f.faellt having been made by salell
Company In the terms mill coilelltions of said liner;
gsge, andanch default .having nentlnuesi rer the
*a..o of s i x ty d a y s ,, and [being nquireel Jai writ,
lug to make such sale by the holders of Until:lMF.
the said bonds.rateured by Sala mortgage or ilSeelior
trust, which were at the time of; making surlu e.:
guest due and outstanding.' ' .
The property aforesaid includes some sisteeu,
hundred acres of land, situate. In Franklin and
Overton townships, in Itraliforti enmity,' State of
Pennsylvania, being ce mposed of the whole Of (he
tract of land surveyed In, the mime of. George ',Edge
and the'several parts of trattssurveyed in the names
of George; Temple, Samuel Edge. Pant Hardy mint
Andre*. hardy, all of which be more aimurately
bounded and described tn - said mortgage; together
with all and singular the railroads. nitues,tores;
Minerals, Woods, roads, lanes, ways, waters. Water-,
courses, easements. rightS, liberties. hercilitaments
and appurtenances Unto the Saist'prenalses
log and appertaining, and the reversion and re- .
reminders, rents, ines and profitsltharear. !
~,,For a more full and complete description Of the,
property to be sold, with its boundaries and hely
Hone, reference may he had to the said mortgage,
of record 'as aforesaid, or • to the original thercef,;
in the potisession of Messrs. Gray Zs Davenport, at-i
trailers, al' No. 9, Nassau Street. New York City.,'
TERMS ,OF SALE:—Ten per cent of the punj
cha s m money Is to ha paid cash lu hand Willie day:
of sale, and the balance Is to be paid within thirty ;
days thereafter, at the Mice of Gray* davenport,'t
Ney. 9; Nassau street, hi the city of New York.]
State of NeW York, and upon the payment of the'
said balatico In full the finehaser will :reeldria a
Deed to the said property, 'conveying such titleas
'ls vested In cue as Trustee as aforesaid. I 1
Dated February: nth, 1976. '
„ • CHARLES F. fiLTNTEP.,t j
TruatettfOr the Boudholders-ofthe Fail Creek
tuniinous Coal'Coniptny., ! •
Attorneys for Trustee, •
o Nassau St., N.
City.' . •
The above adieertisement appears In the fUliolis
lag newspapers, to-wit: The Arenfujr Post t pith-;
Milted In the City of Nines York:111m Pit ilade(pkia'
Enquirer, published In the City of Phltadelphia:;
and the Bnanronn Rr.rottritni published lo
-wunda, Bradford County, Pa. ;
The sale of the shove described property ishere-i
by adjourned to. TUESDAY the .ad day ori3lay.!
1976, at the-sane hour and placei
Trustee for the bondholders of 'the Fall creek iti , !
tulnitlettsCeal Company. - . rtuayttai. .1
$5 ft°$ 9 0PEwzrthdaYrit7 . .egi'zovnle,k1
rortund, Malti rtu hla ;LA v
$l9 day at home. Agents Nratiteci,l
Outfit and terms irt_P Tine A.l
(, ,Augusta, Moire 1r
building of a boll for N't taiusit g halt auxi
tit will I>o received up to Mar W. 1a.., In are( rd.
tine( ith plan aitid t•pctilication% to be keeIIIII ant
°Mee of A. 13 Porter,
By order of Corn.l
opr:7% 3. B Ora %
En, Eec'}l.
-OF .I:O:NUOLUS.I.,-411k
..nailtslitned. having jumliase 1 ttic butt
get by "atbyal Deke : ot
tettoc,” he by "Ceyal -Duke et •Oxtorit t"'• dnnt,
"Fiore," by ....Mike of Alntric, , l will etter,:ttls :tet•-•
vices, at hI3 bunt, on the tenonin g' . ,
g' . !
- TERMS: • ' • ' 7 7.-
Tana ' dollars to bum,. Disci U. paid at lima of
talo'dinif cow. %Den dlaccmult *lll br mad°.
Aprlos►i• ft, V, ItONV31;&$:
- 1 1-
rtSAVIRWS:S4I . 4 7 O, ,
n : riu*nee pit of Aigiewalitpaigsaillite
iaib /aolareli 11,04.snir "Otbilig A.tK Assitta•
bly 4 wUl btoexpottedt tee, iinititerstgalg*C° o _2 ll l . ."' -
stoners' Office In the -, BorWof - TOWIIIWOS'AIruIex%
Monday of June, Al 11.'• the unseated
fastt dewribed - ln
: the following-Alit, ttrapttli,;thei
Lunar! plaid beton - Oat
derv, • : 4 . Warnsafraffanse.-
: • Bantinabbn Jr... 4 1
Bush, ma:a.
: Nra,vtUrA lr Ilainett.;
, 11 - 41.BOLAY. 1 -
idulurnaohn.-: i
Bith4le4liark Jr, -
9 liatroni : Jobn. "
• : Antnea.. -
4 libldle,:Jartter.
Barren, Jobb
Baker; Wm.
Collirl44. antes..,
ittindao4?-,Tbotniti. 1
Dunditttlerhontas. 1
; 1 rtlnerttnh RI/chard. 4 .
• Gratz, Win.
; Graff., Jott,th, .
fitturgiS, : v,
; Hardy, Ohms. 3
. 1 tilltzetrinter, Ttiontatt.,
illltzeraer Jacob, - ;
I Illitzemm m er. ,
Jacob. 1.
.1 !
Hatay. !Moon ' '
Hardy. Bald
.-; tilehrge • • -
Lactley„ , reter
.;• •
: .Reed, Confirm
• Shoemaker, Jantes
1 Stuart. Waiter
Stuart,. lieborah
sithienv : Samuei •
' ; i Slttilens,;toseph . •
; Slddqua;;Jattios • .
1 1 Tyrout,' Andrew
• : WlNOn,oWni
' ; Beek, Monty
flarron.;- - John Jr •
Baker. Jhtin. y
,Barruni John
Boynton; Peter • !
' Bciytl, - Jobti
• Beith, Henry ;
_Baker,' Wtu
• Chaphanann..Jatnuel
liatelasii, Thomas
itir-ayiloni Andrew
Gratz, Michael
Gratz, Lyman
Graft: John
; Gentletiarth, George '
' Gratz, Barnard
••";., Gratz, Simon
11311, t!liarle.
I Halm:is:Joseph
Lloyd; rotor •
Prlater; George
l'enningion. Benjamin
Reed, folllason'
j Shoeninker, James
, • Simonii, .Joseph
Wl!son, •
I,Andr“oi,' Samuel .
! Benneri Jacob
Item:ter: Jr
3.40 y
- Gray, Wl3l
114utptiE, Robert
3leAtlattiN Ephraim
Norr - ;Sainuel
I ,iNortfi.'Jaines •
; North, oOnathan
1 Shutts, Peter ,
I bluets, Erederiek
Shorts. George ,
- Wllson,!lV:ta •
1 Young. SelilltiPl
. .
Betz, It'eury
Betz, Johji . .
Betz, Joseph ,
Betz, JaMes • .
, Bortiestetitrlek '
Cooley s :,ll, - Mry
I C oo l4.,Saranel. . •
liCastate7; Ittirman
! Cooley, Joshua ,
I Castatt% joseph
Erwin, tn, itichard
! Edge, Ellter
!! Ellis, Morey !. •
Edge, ter or, Geo
- N
! -. Frltz.; John •
! rrfiz , Snnottel .
Gentieworth: Geo
liaga. Georgs
' : Haga, Nathan
}Saga. Peter
fintzenlmer„ Robert
Hard,. Samuel •
1 Hardy, }terry
1 1 -arrls, mu
, itollin;gsiyortb„ Stepbeh
Laud, !teary
rilnY, A ndrew
;.Aloare,'Paal •
orth, Samuel
; North, • jenathan
I'altner; - Thom
seeloy,ll'eury • .
I se ,, leY", Jpnatilari
I SithlonA; !Andrew
, Siddons; George,
!Slade:lSi Peter
!Sichlens, James
Joseph d ,
! Triout,-. Andrew
;Temple,' I" , ster
Temple,_ Samuel
; te,jatties
IVoodruir. Hannah
'1:41,1,(t"; ROILS'
Fill -
'Catlin, Bantam r
!(!ourtrltilit, Cornelius
'avenport, Daniel
Fell, -lesql
"liollenhaek, 31'''s heirs'
same •
• sank game. f
Santo s
1t0,,., Elizabeth
Slierwooft; Wtit
Thomas,. icholas .
Thomas, ,
T CSf•A '
ileky -
'Bunt, J'ob
Porter. ,fames
1- 1V11.310T.
Itarretti.Ohel '
Bald Al it Jelin
1111,bart1; ffannah -•'
ifolkilithoc, J o hn
harsh, Sapinel .!
- Sterlh-g.;Saumel Jr!
Wel lc., (7, r
467 4
4 4 ,0
0 41
4 i 0
4. )
is 3
poi:tlabF. of the precialoris of the aet
.1r General pa,ed the 21th day of Aprll.
I:, I, section 41,4, at Ile. !wee Unto anli place Will
expo Ned >Ole the tracts de parcels of
rent tl, , , j4imted In the:following fist,
, the taxt , up.o :owe am told before that
'II- !: ! I _
_ _
• 1 -1" , 'zt ; :17
Q . VTo Tr7‘ont .48seaaed.:;; - • e s
- -
Is - 4 t'; [ism' Joseph h.kt - 90
1374 . Hes:mond
ley 11lehttel 2 lots . "150
Gilson Joseph 'h&l .43
).eonard A C 30. 5 /.
• Ilcau T • 1 lot 35
Illee Henry 2SO
93 1873 Crawford 119gb 30. 233
1873 !teens:in N It • 40 45
Henrdslee ' '2O 72
Wister Richard i 200 300
72 120
80 200 '.2 00 .1674 ileenian Jo*:Est 1 100 480
I . 2 00• , ...:. FraloyJames I . ' 2_oo
24 60: - 100... , finiltli Ezra, i ' 25 144
441 - Ltu. 1.
.20 . • 4873 Sajltb Israel - • , 33.5', s2O
, 27 ' •• •. Kekler EA' Inland i '2s' 1 27
, '6l . , ....• Vanderpool Soninells tit
20. ..-' ....- 'Ward CL. Eat; '', Z3O- 1 20
. . _ .
15;4 'Wheeler Iferif 0 2 eti
Is 7;) Orps
1879 - Darret Janies 30 . 27.
59 PS . • WCy 50 157
68 240 7 .... Tlinothy-: 60 8 1
49 .... Lantz George. • ; .40 49
22 809 - 1 iticnonalii.ranies: 190 '8 44
117 383.1 17 ..... Madden Patrick 100 817
08 . • 0wt9.0; 100 103
45 Parrett JO4ll 72
cio 2GO Jaekean .Andrew: 0 60
1 3forr18:E11 4 100 161
4 20 .... :McDonald 4as- j r 4 20
54 270 1 . 35 1874 ;Barrett Jatnea, .30 459
72 ; •• • ;:-;Lantz Geo ' • 150 72
08 810 270 .... t iladden ek 100! 11 89--
44 10 80 ,;8 25 .... leDonald amea 100' 14 40
44 10 80- 300 .....,OwenB J NIT [•100 15 84
09 270 ~....14 a rks 60- a7s
.st 135 1,75 .....ToniterWaidilugtllso 324
1 3:1 • ....i Barrett Jelin. - 35,
2 VahlliJor ;SO 225
33 235 Cahill W;75 3,70
:.0' I 1873' Baxter Adollne 1 h&1 30
27 : • Beeman Alba Est 27
; Vanßrunt Win .50 '1 08
- Whalen Mn ' BO 293
1874. 1/11,1.,4e 21 3
1873 COocliJMOiS,
TERUY. 1 . 1873 V rattidnihenryt 80' 96.
187.1 1-40noreux Isaac , lot - 72
• 1.27-1 Uleks reetlericklal 120
11 1574 Leo Wm-
TUDiC 1101:0.
isn Merry C T I - lot - 13'c0
otf - 12 Taylor II 1( • tOi la 87,
i 187$ Irod,L•wlitrinStloo •2 40
wxsox... _
7 • 1871 Pierre C 4
leOE is 10
18:"4 - i.loyd Altalonzo4, b 0 00
• takuil marys.est •
220 4 . 50
Overton:Ellie:4l4 130 .- 224
. Henry . IC4i 101
A J-1 • 8()
• IB7llllwltNan 311cha1 , .. It 4.1
• • 1411.11.1, , , , F 50, - r .$0
$.lOllO A. 4-1 100.: 1,2x1
: • W . eoe4cC . .2l"EsC 100 lea
120 :
1.40 5
It 45 5
".' 40
'2 34
1 91
1 S 9
N. H.--No • :4:c It Otte. by g e n' th an an amount
sufficient ; to pas taxes tut 4 costa 11 tea re4nhed , itt
'every cat" lento tan 4. Is told at. he...time - au talc.
and Wet • tow terms ate contl4 a '4:l4s
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