U _f6r#iort 1 ,Neparintent E. E. Qui#l , l% • 1 .td. . A. Wn.r, Committee 'J. C. CRAWFORD, 1 of , q.: 9. W. RYAN, , Associa4 Editsrs. ) •A. A. KEG, , 1 , communications-may be sent to either of the above editors, as pray be preferred, and will appear in the issue of which he 'has/barge,- J. A. WILT, 'Editor, present week. THE EDIJOATIONLL DEPARTXENT. The teachers, and persons interested in education, do not seem to understand the object of this department. -If they think ethe committee of associate editors, whose names appear at the' head of the column, = , are paid for their labor, and the time they spend in pre_paring matter for the_ Department, they are mistaken; for they do not; but, on the contrary, are criticised and censured in case they advance any of their own peculiar notions, or views, on a siilijeat of general concern; text books for instance.' We think the Educational-De partment ha's done some good in the time that it has been in existence; and yet the plan of the originator& has not been real ized.. This failure is due to the teachers, and other persons who pretend to be in terested in the work of education inthe county. These persons may not know . how this can be; but it is nevertheless true. It was the mtention of the origina tors of the' resolution which was adopted by the Teachers' Asmiciation, that this dolumia should contain educational news from, different localities in the county. That fit should containe educational items from Le - Raysville,_ Canton, W'alusing, Troy, i r kthens, Smithfield, Burlington, Horne, kc., from all over the county. If 'the people in Leßaysville have a good I,oh_ool, and are making 'progress In the work of education, the people and teach .,•erk in otherparts of the county Nrotild like to' know . it; they should know it; and they should know:k6u. they, have brought r. about the result. _lf the people of Arme 'nia have good teachers and good schools, they should write it up and le f t the edi tors of the Educational Department pub .. lish it, that the people of Wakren,m ay know what the people are doing en Arme nia, and how they do it. We think there areot least a half-dozen persons in each . h, rough and township in the county, who canswrite something from theirl locality, - and make .the Eddeational Department t q. Means of communication for educational • news throughout the county. One of the great incentives to exertion, I - in any occupation ; profession, or business is, the desire to excel; and why not ap ply the same principle to our work of ed ucation throughout the paunty? To a • certain extent each town- • :ship is a little kingdom, and the board of :directors control and regulate its affairs, • 'independent of the surrounding townships, _and it does seem to us that the course above mdieated would let the - teachers and directors 'mow What• is being vine in parts of the. cnnnty, and it would have a tendency Ito stimulate to harder and more thorough - Work, in a cadse en which depends our existence as a tition. Teachers ! Directors ! . Anybody, in terested in education, will you take this matter in hand, and let us hear from your locality? Let us know where in Brad , ford county we have the best teachers • and schools. If any teacher, director or parent wish es to ask any questions in regard to schOols, or the subject of education, they will be cheerfully answered by 'sending them to either of the associate editors. In this way we can make the - Educational Department interesting mid:sought after by the teachers and people generally, and tfo a work, the result of which will be the advancement and upbuilding of our s corn ' mop school t system hr Bradford county. Will you do it ? MYSTERY OF MANIOTNG A SCHOOL. dome think there is a wonderful myste ryl about managing (governing is the us ual Word) a school. That the truths on which skill and complete success rests, lie down deeil in a well, a-look at which can rarely be obtained by any. ) This is all a mistake. There is not one particle of mystery about the matter. The chil dren 101 l treat you precisely as you treat erciles like. That's the whole of it--ouly you won't belie 4 it, it is so simple; If you get up a - quarrel with them, they will get up a quarrel with you. If you are, dictatorial and overbearing, they will oppose you in the . same spirit, and torment you hi everyway they can. If you are cross, they will be cross. If .you•are courteous, polite, kind, mirthful, . manly, respectful, , just, firm, dignified, forbearing—treating them precisely as you wish them to treat youyou,-wll inevita bly get - the same back ' again from child hood. . • When yOu mix acid and Soda water, you know they will efferve;,e. Just tyik sure, just so absolutely certa' , is it, that whatever faculties you -exert on another's, mind, will be aroused to activity in that pt.rson's 'mind. It does not make any difference whether the party acted upon be six or sixty—the result will be . the same, - because toe faculties are the same, 'mid the laws of mind are the same at both periods. Here lies the (AM-error: Many ' parents and teacher S--as we are bound to infer from the course: they pursueseem to ; suppose that children are a sort of "machine," different from "human7;peo. ple. Is not' this so? Do they treat any . body else as they treat children? Cer thinly not. Take the Whole rigmarole of a modern szlipoi, and: is there anything else like it in the historypf the whole cre ation:? I.Would grown a children stand such nonsense and iniprisonment?, The children are turned out all. "finished and tßted" for the business and coacen;is of • life; Yet Tkv - here else in life do we find them . tinder the stolid surVeillance, the petty drill, machine attitude and evolutions: Is it to - be found anywhere else in the Whole "bivouac of life?" Nowhere; yet it his is called "fitting people for the active sphere otlife."(1): Learn or fit a man to - - do a thing something else I That . is, if you want to teach a man how to, make a horse shoe set him to crimping Loots This is (to a great extent) the I, gic -of the present school system of America. But I introduce this here, merely as an illustration or proof that peo ple treat children as anything but a real sample unple of human nature. By their actions, at the fireside and the school, they seem to think childhood something . else=tel be managed en totally different principles. Iu general—so far as control . ur manag,ement is concerned, the starting icleaseenas to be, that children are a set of devils. That: the orily,true way, is to rut, yourself at the outset on the watch ff.r deviltry; indeed, in the first place you ILll.thern you think they 'are devils, that . y 4, expect that the will so act, and that are prepared accordingly. Then whenever Successful in "developing" any "resources" of that sort by this style of - "prospecting," you treat them as dumb 71.1utes, and whip it . out of them, as you' ,szy; I say not. I say you develop it your s, 1 f directly, and then whip it in. This filly arises from an error in-mental sci ence. A' human beinglas• all the facul • I ies-at 0 that be has at 60. The passions—save one—the social af f.,.e.tions7-the appetites—the' selfish senti »tents—are all active, keen, strong,' as ea and as inevitably, aroused at six as at sixty, and are governed by the same laws. he same - actions on them will produce the same effects precisely, - at one period of life as at another: The great.and fatal error has been, in supposing that the In tellect—which from its nature and design calculated and intended to hare power buly-by exercise-4s not in childhood fully developed, and that thp passions and sea- A ilnehts and affections; are in the.same -irate of imperfect 'development. Let.the: ;der study this idea;: whether teaeher parent, it will pay him. •• Wurszts, Bon. PAUL D. ilonsOM, President Judge Of the 111th Judicial :District. consisting of ' the County of Bradford, and Bons. S. D. HAIM NOP. and C. S. Ittretratt, Associate Jedges In and for sald county of Bradford, have Aaoed their precept bearing date the Ist day of April, 1571. to Me directed, for holding a Court of Oyerand Terminer, General Jail Delivery,( 5 11 % Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and 11' Court. at Towanda, for the County of Brad cud, on Illott day, -May Ist, 111711, to continue two week. Notice la therefore hereby Oven to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace of the county of Brad ford, that they be then and there in their proper person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with meordc Inquisitions and other remembrances to do , those things which to their once appertains to be done; and those who are bound by recant stances or otherwise, to prosecute against the priso ners who are or may be In the jail of said county. or who shall be bound to appear at the said Court, are to be then and there to preeeentethainst them as shall he , lust. Jurors are requestol to be punc tual in their attendance agreeably to their notice,. Dated at Towanda, the tht day of April, In the year of ode Lord, onethousand eight hundred and seventy-sis, and of the Independence of the United States, the one hundredth. ' A. J. LAYTON, Sheriff. TRIAL LIST FOR MAY TERM, mi. Wm Vandermark vs J 0 Ward ease Wm P. Foster vs Win Brains ' ease. Jno Holmes vs James 'Mettler assumpsit 'Daniel Bansley vs Stephen Evans Issas Jno Cummins vs J F Sanderson assitunpelt !Jno Cummins vs B W Lane assuraPait Birdsoy Tittle vs duo afrAnthony sel fa J B. Cowell vs Overseers Poor Asylum twp...appeel Goy Tozer vs Amaziah Kinney eject Fitzgerald. Flagg & Co vs Dunbar & Dewey...asst A A Dougberry's atty In fact vs If B Ingham. et al A Lewis k Son vs A Waltman' assumpsli Wm A Nixon vs L G Vanhorn trespass Augustus Lewis vs Hiram Horton's sissfignee.ass'pt Wm Brains vs.A D Wilcox eject Win Brains vs Wm A Porter .. W Patrick vs BenJ Northrop Cornelius Hunsicker vs d S Wllll,stori P S Wyncoop vs E Smith d Homburg vs Patrick CarrolL Augustus Lewis vs Levi P Stafford... P & F. Coal Co vs Samuel N Blood et al Fleury Ward et al vs F L Ballard John C Hannon vs M V B Regen et a/ Tres Clark k Middaugh vs Towanda Born debt Subpoenas 2d week returnable Monday'. miq 7, 1876. B. M. PECK, Towanda, April 3, 1876. Prothi. ORPIIANS' COURT SALE.-By vinare of an order issued oat of the Orphans' Court' of Bradford county, the undersigned ad ministrator of the estate of William Conover, late of Wye:fusing, deceased, will sell on the prem sea, in Wyaluslng. on SATURDAY, April W, 1878, the following described property, bounded as fol lows. Beginning at the corner of land surveyed to Hor ace Vangilder, and now owned by Wilmot Coburn, at a stake and stones: thence north BD° east 9:p. to -a white oak for a corner; thence north 20 0 east 22p, to a corner: thence north 82° east 46p, to a stake for n corner; thence north 2 0 west 30p, to a'corner of lands belonging to the heirs of Edwin Lewis, dec'd: • hence by said land south. 89° west 118 p, to an old road formerly made by Ebenezer Lewis; thence along said rmici'the several courses and distances, to the line of land surveyed to Wm. Conover; thence along by hts line to the place of beginning; con taining about 30 acres, more or less. ALSO—one other tract beginning itn the road leading up the Wyaluslng creek, near alt old build ing formerly used for a wagon shop, thence along a lane east 17 6-10 p, to a corner; thence south 72° east 12 4-10 p, along by lands surveyed to Wm. Con over; theme along by lands of said Coburn north 84° west 17p. to- the public: read; thence along said road north 13 6-10 p, to thdplace of beginning; con taining 67 perches of land, be the same more or less. T E1:31.3.-450 on thdproperty being struck down. one half the balance on confirmation of sale, and the residue, with interest, one year frog; confirma tion. . ELISIIA LEWIS, aprew3 ; ; Administrator. REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice Is hereby given that there have been filed in the office of Register of Wills in and for the county of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the following estates, viz: Final acct of F G Bennett, adm'r of the estate of Simon Fuller, late of Sprinkteld, decd. "Secohd partial acct of L F Shelve, act adm'r of the estate of Sebra G French. late of Wells, deed. Second partial acct of 31W DeWitt, adm'r de I.mls, non of the estate of Jacob DeWitt, late of Towanda. dec'd. • Final acet of II B Gaylord, err of the will of Henry Gaylord, late of Wyalusing, decd. • Final acct of B M Peck aad G S Peck, ear's of the *III of H M Peck, late of North Towanda deed. Partial acct of Ingham Stone, guardian of Alyi ra B Brown, Minor child of Henry Brown, deed. Final acct of James H Webb, guardian of Ida F Chamberlin, minor child of.henry C Chamberlin, Partial acc't of James if Webb, guardian of Ste [wn E Chamberlin, minor child of Henry C Cham berlin. dec'd. Partial acct .of James 11 Webb, guardian of Chas FChamberlin, minor child of Lemuel 0 Chamberlin; deed. • Final sects of James 1 - 1 Webb. guardian of Ed win J Shepard, minor child of Nelson Shepard, decd. Partial itee't of James if Webb, guardian of Ell en R and Dilmirria Shepard, minor children of Nelson Shepard, dec'di Final acct of James !U Webb, adm'r of the es tate of Perry Burt, late of Ridgebury, decd. Final seen of J H Carey; adm'r of the estate of Daniel A Carey, late of Warren. dee`d. Final arc% of Reuben Stone,,ex'r of the will of . Beni J Hoagland, late of Leßoy, deed. Final 'seen of C E Campbell, ruiner of the estate of .iosepuhs Campbell, late of Burlington, dec'd. Final acc't of Geo A Holden, adm'r of the estate of °Oaring A Holden, ! late of ASylum, dec'd. Final acc't of Hannah L Card, :Omer of the es tate Of TU Card. late of Columbia, deed. Flea] acct of Wm E Stephenson. adm7 of the estate of Daniel' Tompkins, late of ShesheqUin, dec'd. . Final acct of Wm Wolff, ex'r of the will of Ju lius Wolff. late of Towanda, decd. Final acct of F W Maynard, miner of the estate of John A Beeman, late of Rome twp, decd. Partial acc't of Chas F Taylor and Clentba B Clatmon. admr's of the estate of Elias J Clauson, late of $% ysoz twp, deed. Also-the appraisement of properyy set off by ex ecutors and administrators to widows and children of the following decedents, viz Estate of Jacob Norconk, : " Abram Dunning, ' " " E. J. Clauson, " " Noah Leonard, ' • " " " Aaron Knapp, Samuel Ileavener, " " David Clapper, " John Purcell, Jr.,: " " 'Silas Jones, "1 " Ruben M. inissell, " Etel A. Langton!, " " J :Rockwell, • " " C ries, Dieffenbaucher, And the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Bradford County, Thursday, May 4, laid,. at 2 o'clock p. m., for confirtuation and allowance. C. E. ANDIIEWS, Regtster. April 1,16 LICENCES.—Notice is hereby glien that the following applications for li censes for taverns, eating houses and merchant dealers have been tiled In this office, and that the same will be presented to the Court of Quarter Ses- Atolls on Monday, May Ist, MC, for the considera tion of said Court: • _TAVERNS. Jabei G Dougherty, Wysox. • Andrew R Mathews, Wyalusing. • E S Keeler, •' " Washington Pitcher. Towanda boro. , Melvin Douglass, Ulster. Patrick Sullivan. Towanda born. Joseph Carr, Rldgbury. Henry Cunningham, Sylvania. J C 14nce,Towanda born. Charles•Hendy, Rldgbury, Duncan S Kenedy. Wysox. Charles Day, Athens bona. . John Sullivan., Towanda ooro. P. D.' Wilcox, New Albany., Thomas B. 'Jordan, Towanda boro', Ist Ward Thonias A. Andrus, Austinvilte,. Joseph W. Brewer, Wells. J. P. Strong, !Columbia X Roads. Peter Herdic,. Canton twp. Danlel Brown,,Llster twp. Henry W. Carnor, Standing Stone. E. A.4eltnings, Towanda bow. John Burke, Towanda boro. . 1. H. Snilth, Alba born. John Irvine, Canton Wm. James:S. Parks, Wysox. J. P. and J. F. Rogers. Shesheqtrin. John Bennett and J. S. Clark, Athens twp. George Jordan, Athens born. Edwin Blakeslee, Smithfield. EATING LOUSES. Michael Pyne. Towanda boro. Charles H Seeley, John N. Wolfe. Troy bore. Wnr. Caster, Monnocton. Michael Cangley, Towanda boro., 3d Ward, Geo. W. Ennis, •" Jacob Ellis Frank Green, Troy boro. 31. R. Calkins. Burlington born. Edward Nl'llilatnr, T...wanda boro, Willhint Gieckner, Canton,boro. Stephen T Roberts, Athens boro. NULLICELANT DEALERS. G F Vlele, Troy born. Ii W Nobles. Towanda born. Clarence T. Kirby, Towanda born, •• April 5,16. A UD ITOR'S NOTICE.-_T. P Kirby'and N. N. Betts, cashier Ts Geo. P. Cask. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County. No. 1016, May T. 1871, and No. 67. Dec. T.. 16.1. The undersigned, an abditor appointed by add Court to distribute funds arising from the Sheriff's sale of the defendant'a real estate. will attend to the duties of his appolatment at the omce of Smith Montanye, In Towanda Boro., on TUESDAY. April ZS, 1578, at S. o'clock r. w., at which time and place all persona having cialmsupon said fund must present them, or be forever debarred therefrom. G. D. lIONTANTE, meh=wll.:, . Auditor. A lIDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Ephraim Caseys. Enoch SeHard. In the Connor Co mmon Pleas of Bradford County. Xo. r.. 5, Feb. T., The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the court to distribute funds arising from Sheriff's sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment - at the office of Smith and Mon tanye in the borough of Towanda, on FRIDAY the 28th day of April, 1876, at :1 o'clock p. m., when and where ail persons having claims on said fund must present them, or be forever debarred from corning in uponthe same. GEORGE D. MOSTA:NYE, Auditor. March tr. . • IjIXEt TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hetuliy g!yen that ill pCrsons indebted to the estateof John Herhertion, . late of Herrick, deed, are irequested to make Immediate payment: and all persons haring claims against said estate Must present them, duly authenticated, for settle -Meat. i WILLIAM MITTEN, - - Apr 12. : . • ( Executor. . EXECITTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is beret given that all persons indebted to the estate of:Altemira L. Sloan, late of Athens, deed. must make immediate payment to the un derelped . and all persona having claims Upon said estate must *sent them, duly authenUeated, for aettlement. • ; HELLEN IL SAncEult.or EXECITTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice , Is hereby gfren that all persons Indebted to the estate of Levi Dunham, late of Warren, deed, must make Immediate payment tothe umlerstgned, all persons haying claims against said estate must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement acatZSwo . ASA DUNHAM, Executor. debt anumpalt • • • •aPPeal .aasumslt ease eject Cheaper Than Ever Offered Before T . c7anda, l Pa., April 4 r6-Iy. ' - 430 MEN WANTED! ighest price In trade paid for Rao, o:d Bras, Copper and Lead. Hardware, Tin and Coppencare, Table, Tea and Basting Spoons. Tinware at wholesale and EsOstia! attention given to all kinds of Inb work. O. E., BRIDGE STREET. WM. R. SMALLEY. 11. N. Prxx, Prot? .NEONTAN YE:SI MONTANYES OFFER A FINE. ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, Str,rtAßLE FOR THE SEASON, AT BOTTOM PRICES! M 0 N• T N YE St Tow Olds, Pa., Dee. ts, 1876. Bsrdwari. T HE OLD AND POPULAR H A RD_W &RE STORE GOODING a Russ LL. Invite the attention of the public to their stock HARDWARE GOODS. Conaistludlf COOK STOVES Of the most apptoyed patterns.- 1 RANGES, Of all kinds: PARLOR &•HEATING STOVES In endless Tariety. BUILDING MATERIALS, Furnished •t BQTTOM PRICES. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, Of every stye. SHEARS, SCISSORS; RAZORS, • POCKET CUTLERY, Of the best manufacture, and warranted. CARPENTERS' TOOLS, Of every dei'erfpUon. GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, ,BRACKETS, &C., n endless variety. The largest and best assort - merit kept In Northern Pennsylvania. KEROSENE LAMPS, From the cheapest to the beet. LAMP CHIMNEYS & GLOBES, ( At gicatleduced prices. TIN WARE, Ta endless variety, of our own manufacture, war- ranted ftrst-elasa. Jobbing of all kinds in our line promptly atten ded to. Tin roofs and eaves troughs put up in the most satisfactory manner, at short notice.. GAS .FITTING AND PLUMBINd A Specialty. WE HAVE THE ONLY PRACTI CAL PLUMBER IN.TOWANDA. Our old friends and the public generally will `hear in mind that we sell goods only for READY PAY! •selelving It the only system by which justice can be done both buyer and seller. •1 Grateful for past very liberal patronage, we so tielt a continuance of your custom, with the assu rance that we will offer you greater indw,emcnts than any other establishment in' the country. a. we carry a larger stock, and enjoy peculiar facilities 'for purchasing. CODDING & RUSSELL. 1 ..4. RIIWARE! BAR IRON, SWEEDS IRON, NORWAY IRON, BAND IRON, HOOP IRON, BURDAN'S HORSE SHOES, VULCAN HORSE NAILS, NAIL ROD, Cherry Heat, Welding Coinpound, and everything _FOIL BLACKSMITHS' USE, Can be had at H. T. JUNE'S ITAR DWA R E.,.STGREI MERCUR•S BLOCK, Towanda. Pa. 11. T. JUNE. Tg buy a large stock or 'TjARPWARE, TINWIEE, STOVES, kc., • - MI • REDUCED PRICES aulvt),7a Dry4oods. 1 • HOW/110 EMI*, Its.C"rt. GENEVA, ITHACA & ATHENS R. R.—Commenting Iliontiay4sa. 24, 1176, trains will tunas on this met as billows: • No. Lin., daily, with Pi:llmm 'ping Coach through from' New York; snide& at Van Etten 5:4.4. Spencer 5•.54, Ithaca 840, Taugbanie saris 7:111. Yrumansburg 7e25. Farmer 7:43, Ovid Center 7:82, flays Corner 8:00. Romulus Bnl2, Gene va 8:43, making closezoonectton castanet west with trains on N. Y. & 11. 11. IL. arriving at Rochester at it M 3 a. tn., Buffalo CIS p. m., and Niagara Yogis at CIO. No. 30.-12.00 a. in., daily except Sundays, on sr• rival of L. V. train from Wilkes Bane, Tunkhannock, Towanda. kr, arriving , at Van Et. ten 12:45, Spencer 12:53. Ithaca ighs. Tanghlulin Fails Va, Trnmanebnrg 212, 'Fanner 2453. Ovid Center 3112,' Hayti Corners se.o. Romulus 71= Ge neva 4:00, connecting with trains east and west on N. Y. C. & 11. R. U. IL • Nn..-.e p. m., daily except Sundayi, with through mu' from Elmira for Geneva. leaving Elmira at 6:10 arriving at Can Etten Gm, Spencer MU, Ithaca 7:30, Taughanic Falls 8:18, Yrumenshurg 11.16, Farmer 8;48, Ovid Center Ma. Hayti Corners 9:04, Ronintne 9:17, Geneva 9:83: connecting with trains east and west on N. Y. C. & U. E. rt.; R. No. 7.—.0:03, a. m., daily except Sundays, with through car from Geneva to Elmira, leaving GeneJ va at ante a. m.. 'Romulus Zipa. Hayti; Corners lint; Avid Center 5:56. Farmer 6:05. Trnmansburg 514 Taughanie Palls 0:30, Ithaca 7:05, Spencer 503, Van Ettea 5:13, arriving at Elmira at 9:55,.. Making close emmeetion at Sayre with L. V. Gay Express arrf. ring at '. 4 .iew York at 10:00 p. m., :Philadelphia ego P. tp• No. 9.-130 p. in. daily except Snndava, leaving Geneva at 10:00 a. In.. 'Romalns 1034, Ilayta Car etrs 10:46,• Ovid Center 10:34...Fanner 11:01, Tru• mansburg 11:17, Tanghanic Falls 11^..,3. Ithaca 11:45, Spencer 1217. Van F.ttcn 11:35; making close con. nection with L V. Feist Line, arriving in Philadel phia 10:30 p. m. No. 15.-8:40 r. m. daily, with Pullman Sleeping Coach attached for New York without change; leaves Geneva at 3:40' p. m.. on arrival of N. Y. C. trains from the 'East and West. Romulus 6:16, trayts Coolers 0:20, Ovid Center 6:38, Farmer 6:17, Trumansburg 7:07. Taochanie Falls 7:14, Ithaca 7:30. Spencer 8:43, Van Elton 843; connecting with L. V. Night Line arriving at New York at 11;= and ; Philadelphia .. Tickets sold sad baggage checked to ail prtncl pal poll! ts, R. A. PACKER; Gen. Supt. R. M. HOVEY. Geo. Pass. Agt. . Wk. STEVENSON. Asst. dupt. DITILADEtfiIIA tt READING RAILROAD. ARRANGE3IFNT OF FASSENOIt TRA NS For Philadelphia. Bridgeport and Poi kinman Jape lion, at 6.45; •8.50 a. in. and 5.65 p. tn. For Philadelphia, Bridgeport and Perk lomen June that, at 3.10 p. m. Iris East Penna. Branch.) For !leading. 1i1.30. 5.30, and 8.35 a. tn., 12..,), 2.1 4.30 and P. 45 p. For Harrisburg, t 2.30, 5.50, and 8.55 a. in., 12.20, 4.30 and 8.45 p. m. For I.aneaster and Columbia, 5.50, 8.55 a. at', and 4.30 p. tn. • Woes not run on 31ondaytt. For Reading. 2.30 a. tu. and 8.43 p. m. For Harrisburg. 2.30 a. tn. and 8.45 p. tn. Trains for Allentowirl4:are a* follows: ' (via Perkinmen Branch.) Leave Philadelphia. 7.30 a. in. and 5.15, p. m. Leave Bridgeport, 6.30 a. m., 6.06 and 6.16 p. m. Leave PerklomenJuttetion,.9.os a. m. and 6.10,6.35 p.m. Leave Philadelphia. 9.00 a. tn., Ilridgeport, 9.01 a.m Perk louten Junction, 9.25 A. lA. Leave Reading. 7.35, 7.40,-10.35 a. m., 4.00, 8.10, anp 10.30 p. in. Leave Harrisburg, 5.20, 8.10 a. in., 5.00, 8.50 and 7.40 p. m. - ' 1 Leave Lane:Ater, 8.10 a. in., 12.55 and 3.45 p. m. Leave Columbia, 8.00 a. m., 1.00 and 3.35 p. m. Leave Reading, 7.20 a. in. Leave Harrisburg, 5.W a. m. Truths marked thus (•)' run via O. k N. Branch, (depot Tit anal Green streets.) and have through cars from and. to Mauch Chunk. All other trains to and ;!rum Phitadelphia arrive at and leasm groad street depot. oet4-74-Is. general snpeein NOTICE: THEPHILNREL PIIIA- k ItEADLNG RA11.17.0.1.W. CO., hereby give notice, that on or before the 'First of .Vay Next, They will open a Pa.ssenger Station In Fairmount Park, upon tho line of the Junction Railroad. In close proximity to Memorial Hall and other princi pal buildings of the CENTENNIAL, INTERNATIONAL E9IRI• 1 ' T I Q.',..L And that regular passenger and exl,„ ;. _ -in trains ; Rill thereafter be run;botween the new station and the various points upon their several. railway lines. The attention of citizens of Philadelphia looking for gummluer Residences, and of strangers desir ing to secure houses or lodging In the vicinity of Philadelphia during the period of the Exhibition, Is called to the faet that from nearly all places upon the railroads of the Company within twenty or thirty ralies of the city. passengers will be aim. to reach the exhibition without ; change of cars in as short a time as it will require to make the trip by • horse cars (rum many points in the city. SPECIAL Excr,Rsios TRAINS will be run for the benefit of Schools, Societies or other ,-Lose- For Information apply to C. G. HA Neotic, Gen eral Ticket Agent, So. 227 South Fourth-Street, l'hiladelphla, and to the ,t‘everal Local Superintend ents, or to tho undersigned, - J. E. WOOTTEN. General Superlntendin Reading, Mailetrith4.ll376-inelll6arB. AEANS HOUSE, TOWANDA, ' The Horses, flames% &r., of all . . guests of this hamar., Insured against loss by Fire, without any extra charge:. A superior quality of Old English • Russ Ale, just received. T. It. Jr . DA24, - Towanda, Jan. 24 , 74. prletoi. CAST STEEL, ELWELL DOLT TOWANDA, JOHN SUL I LI VAN. ' Having teased thlii houiy, IA now • icady to aCcoM modate the travelllog public. No paths nor expense will be sirared to give batlsfactlon to those who may give him a call. arbSorth side of Public Sty arc. east of 3fercui's new block. THE CENTRAL B9TEL, , ULSTER. l'A. • The undersigned having tak.tt of the ai.ove hotel. resrelfully toTielts the patmll age tit his old Mends and (be public generally. auglGdf. M. A. FOIlltgST. - - .. I ,JI T4I , ..'THLF,IIE3I,. PA. "OLD .1110RAVIAN SUN • INN,' BUILT 1758. • Rich In historical Interests, It Is the only building In the country except Independence , Hail, honored by the sojourn within its walls of Washington, La- Fayette, Lee and other patriots of the Revolution, This poplar hotel has .recently changed hands, been Improved, entirely refurnished, and the pre. pnctor cordially invites his friends and traveling ',wine to give Win a call—no pains will be spared to render their starcomfortable. People en route for Philadelphia will find It convenient to spend the night here, reaching the city about eight In the monilng. A sample room on the Arid floor, for the ACCOIIIIIIIMI32kIi of cotuwercial aiTtits. C. T. SMITH, Sept. 4,"73. Proprietor. His:eta:icon; Lirorthemetts. • 0 I C The LITTLESTOI:F. *ROUND Tits! COT:NI:4i Is the hest place In Towanda to.buy good . CIGARS AND TOBACCO, at low rates. Remember I . 31 ERCITR'S BLOCK, opposite COURT IiOU9E stwkr .or THE "INDIAN SQUA.IV •pr2,a-75. WOOL CARDING, AT THE • WOOLEN MILLS, CAMPTOWN, PENNA. ,Also mannfactuiler and Moth &ening attended to on short notice. We arc already making rolls 'from the new clip, and are prepared to do work as fast as offered. A. B. INGHAM easoptownnel. A PERFECT SUCCESS. • The Universal astlsfactloh given by ibe ORANGE COUNTY MILK PAN, 111 quality and quantity of batter made, and by re. Moving the excessive drudgery of the dairy room, prompts us to again Invite the earnest. PROGRESSIVE FARMERS, . - To the mos; COMPLETE.ARTICLE, In dairy* of 31 to Z) cows, the Inconvenience or furnishing in extra dairy-maid- avoided. We guarantee to give PERFECT SATISFACTION, Or remove the "Pans' , after an days• triaL Our references are mane of the Live Dairymen of Bradfonl and basquehanna Couutte,, who have used the pans. janrmß. sue: : : LUNING Uri& 1101113/WARIN ARRIVE AT SATRI FROX TUE NORTH JANCART Ist, 1876. Trains hare Allentotin as follows (ria Perkionien Braneh.) = ME= ITECENI3II (Via East Ppnna. Branch.) ' SUNDAYS J. E. WOOTTEN, liotc::. CORNER MAIN AND BRIDGE STREETS ATTENTION of the of the kind new before the public. R. L. BEARDSLEP. Wanrsawa:r. Ps. Onier sat habitat G ROCERIES & PROVISIONS. INIcCABE 1 EDWARD., Caib deallers In all kinds of GROCERIES' & IEI UNE DOOR NORTH OF CODDINO & RUSSELL °wands,. T July EL 4571. STEVENS A: LONG, WHOLESALE & 'RETAIL Dealers Is CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES COUNTRY PROCUCE, GRAIN, &C. triOd krkstore wo are naviDir a large An ws to carry Prepared at a lt tln a large stuck. !, CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, GRAIN AND PRODUCE Or taken In exchange for good'', an lowest cash port. as. Our long experience in the Grocery Trade gives us peculiar advantages. In purchasing, and as we are not ambitious to mate large profits, we eat ! ter ourselves that we can offer, GREATER INDUCEMENTS TO Buyers than any ether establishment In Northern Rennsylvania. ' • * I STEVENS tSr. LONG CORNER MAIN & lIRIDGE STS, 1 Bects and Shoe: MIS BARGkINS! BARGAINS El • t • I have opened and put on toile one thousand pairs of :Infants, Childs. Misses' and Women's Shoes, that I will sell at less than manufacturers prices. = • f Also, 8 eases of Women's Fox-lace, Kld-lire, Goat-Mee and Fox-button Shoes, at Ft per pair— worth 0.50. . THESE G,OODS ARE BARGAINS! • tam also reeelving a large and fnll Ilse of Floe Goods for spring trade. Which fur Style, Durability and Price, cannot be exec led. TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, • LEATHER t SHOE FINDINGS' In full stock, at the Icrest passible prices. I . . . REMEMBER Tilt: PLACE:— OppoMte the Court hloube, next door to Chamberlin's Jewelry Storm . '. 'r Tcisralids. Pa.. Feb. 3,7, Q9SIETIIING N,EW • ON BRIDGE STREET A BOSTON BOOT• AND SHOE STORE • J. & M. SHEFTEL, he loading Boot and 'Thal merchants of Hornothx vine, N. Y., will open. A BOSTON BOOT A'D SHOE STORE ' AT No, 2, BRIDGE STREET, TI[T• ; IST. OF AMU., 1870. SIGN OF RED BOOT, Bridge. Street, Beidleman's Block ROspeotfully Yours, J. R. 31. SHEFTEL, Towanda, April th, '76 LIRE GROUND PLASTER 4.1 RIIMMERFIELD I I have just received a large supply of FRESH GROUND CAYUGAPLASTER 1 Slrinfl ctured from atone selected by myself, and ~ • Warranted PURE. fc 50; on time. 17 00. • Send 1■ your orders PETER LANDMESSER Rum rnOld ' March I, 1870. 1876. 1 i : - WHERE NOW P- 4.8 .. 76. . TO MICHIGAN', one of the foremost, Butt,. shlg and heathy States: , I I WHAT FOR? .i . To buy a PAILII out of the • ONE MILLION ACRES, Of fine Ifanuthr Lands for sato by the Grand(Bap. Ids! Indiana 11.31. Strong .solls; ready markets; are crops; good schoon; railroad nut sthrough the. seenter Of the grant; settlements all alo?g; litl.tt of products raised; plenty •of nate r and bulldlngimattrlals. PrL..* fr:mt ft to per rime* owe-fourth down. balance on time. Send for Was: trated pamphlet fall of facts and figures, and be Convinced. Address, W. A. HOWARD,,Conun'r. P. It! L. MELT., Grand Rapids. Mieb. WWI Land Port. xjard3-754tas Haring Jast ratdrael fr oto the city, Wc!:;tiave ATTRACTft - rLOT OF GOODS 07A NDA, PA I • THE MUTUAL PROTECTION 1. COMPANY. Home °Mee, 909 Walnut Street, Philatlelplt - ta, Pa Acting under a Special Act of Incurpoi:iition • Special attention is caned to the following.irate table, which will be found strictly equltable,; . as be. tween.all ages, and which the company wlill , #xtar. antee to not exceed one-half the cost of anyArs ... class OLD PLAN Company. The following Tat,le shows the Rat and May be multiplied for any addlin up to IFMO, which Is the largest risk one = JOHN F. CORSER I= T OWANDA INSURANOE • FIRE AND MARINE COMPANIES COMMERCIAL UNION, Of Engrd, lisle. 117,711;578 IIoTAL, of Liverpool, : • .•17,420011 QUEEN, • i, " 1 i ,4u4kboo CONTINENTAL, of New York, 44 . 2704,08 OlculiANlA., o ~ 1,598564 GERMAN AMERICAN, ." 44 1,D5i4e3,5 At ANUATTAiI, •'- 709.4185 COMMERCIAL. Of - " " 457,782 NORMS, of HartfOrd, " 1.,975;1' ORIENT, " 44. 71C4./H2. AMAZON. of Ohio, .. . 438440 CITIZENS', of Newark, " 418,730 HAIR/WHO BREMEN, of Germany * 4 . ,2,50008 LIFE £ ACCIDENT NATIONAL LIFE. of U. N. A. "meta 43,787,356 TRAY/ELENA, of Hanford, o . 3,470,49 RAILWAY PASWALF, " . .." 6501090 MUTUAL LIFE, of NOW York '72,336,010 Losses adjusted and paid at Ails odlea.; (N;kr,-istt. THE FARMERS , MUTUAL • INSURANCE CO., OF TUSCAMPLA, Is now issuing perpetual poliel , on FARM PROPERT`: ONLY. Each member pays a fn., at the time of Insuring . / to cover charter and Preidental expenses of the Coq after which no to-rirer payment is required. except to meet aetua noalt by fire among the membership; • Thtspls-of Ihswriince for _FARM PROPEIITry Is cun•!...ir rapidly Into favok; • s nee of Business, SPRING GILL, ASYLUM,' TP:IlitY, AND STA \ DING IsTONE, PA. ! f1 The Agent will canvass the Townships of Tusca rota, Pike. Herrick and Wyatt/ring. and families Id those Townships wishing Insurance or inforriradraq mayaddress, • A. D. SUMNER. Sec. and Ag priag MU, Incadturd c.• , ;"" • W. 14 SUIIIIIWAY Pres. (vanes hbrt k tau J. FROST & SdNS We Nipl . 4hWy en lmice to all ' those ';a want FIRST CLASS FURNITURE Our assortment fa LARGER THAN, EVER And that oar prices are the I LOWEST, and our Or GOODS THE BEST 4.6511" of any In the BIARRET. Our prices finis now reacte4 THE BOTTOM,4 I, And nowts the . TIME TO BUY. 133311 YOU TUN HOLIDAY SEASON. COME AND SEE THENC' Everything in the line of UNDERTAKING AT BOTTOM ,PRICES AT FROST'S dr, SONS Dec. 9, 1875 Instranco.. From the Penneyteanta Legislature H. S. CLARK, AGENT. TOWANDA, PA life. Twenty C nt of each ansess ents be a, •ment for collect! o 1•4.! - 4s Ti I°. 4e. Linl 44 15 , 47 V 48 AGENCY, Main Street, oppositl`t he, Court Rouse. NOBLE k VINCENT. General Agents.: COAL 1 Mil AT TEM OLD TOWANDA. COAL YARD Keep the beet hard Coal to the Market, from the Baltimore vela at Wilkosbarre. = LUMP AND SMITH COAL We keep Lime, Cement and Kindling Wood. From the newly opened vein of the Sullivan Nines We will have constantly for tale at our yard all the sizes of this superior coal, at the following pri cee, az, Grate Egg Stove Nut Small Nut All our coals are prepared in the best manner and will be delivered clear and: free from slate. The usual prices will be charged in addition to the above for delivering. I • All orders left at thd stot i es of Long it Stevens; F. J. Calkins, Third Ward. Kirby's Drug Store. or at our Office, corner of River and Elizabeth's Sta., will receive prompt attention. PLEASE GIVE USA CALL. S. S. PIERCE. IV3I. SCOTT Nov. te, 1875. NEW . COAL YARD! The undersigned baring taken- the large and commodious yard, at the foot of' rAlitit Street, has now on hand a full supply of . ALL SIZES ? , c 04-754 f. CHEAP COAL AND LIME.- From and after July 1,1 will self coal, lime, &c., for cash only, and the price list will be corrected monthly. PRICY. UP COAL FOR JULY. PER TON OF 2,00015, AT Tt VA Ro: Pittston Stove, Chesinuband Furnace, " Pea Carbon Hun Lump " Smith Barclay Mountain Lump -64 Smith Allentown. Lime II bushel Lath Bair IA bushel • Brick p H 10 00 !tam always prepared to deliver purchases on short notice at the usual price of delivery. 1 also tender my thanks:to my many friends and customers for their very liberal patronage In the past and hope It.uler true new departure to make Itto their Interest to continue to buy where they can get the best goals fur the least money. ' Those who are Indebted to me will take notice that I must have tnom.y or I can't buy for cash and pap freights . They must settle by the first of Au gust nett. Very Respectfully Yours, J. 11. PIIINNY, 'fowapda4 July 1, 1i175 NOW IS YOUR Cheaper than you will ever again have the oppdrtunity of doing.. es fotAlooo lonal aiiount taken nn any Ided tq the on, et• I have a large assortment of myi = t S 2 4.00 ,96 4.00 -.98 4.00 COO Warranted in every particular, whic 12:1 That everybody can afford to have one of his own. • 'I also have the sole agency in this place of OVIATT'S PATENT RUNNERS An -invention ,which has come, into very general use all through the'west. They give the best satisfaction wherevere they have been introduced CAL'L AND EXAMINE THEM. W. S. VINCE:.,r. MR! Respectfully announces to his friends and patrons, that ho has built a NEW RUICI► CARRIAGE FACTORY, Where he 'will consrantlrkeepon band a fall assort:- incur of FAMILY CARMAUS, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM Vcr.AGONS, TROTTING SITLKTS, AND SKELETONS Made or the t*St material and finished in the best city style. His long experience to city Ca rriage Factories gives him a decided 'advantage ever others to the STYLE AND DURABILITY INSPECTION .OF HIS • WORK Previous to purchasing elsewhere ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE Thankful for the llbsral patronage formerly ex tended and respectfully ask a continuance ,of the same. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTEST - MD TO TowsMa, Jsn 1.134. Coal. PIERCE .& SCOTT We keep Barclay We are Sole - Agnate foiithle coal. LOYALSOCK COAL, OF • ANTHRACITE, LOYAL SOCK, IZEI BA RCLA y COAL. MI LIME AND CEMENT. Cant delivered on short notice TERMS :—Cetsh. HENRY MERCER Carriages and Sleighs. OPPORTUNITY / TO BUY CARRI ' AGES AND WAGONS Hi B4YANT OWN MANUFACTURE, I will SELL SO LOW I JAMES BRYANT. CARRIAGE FACTORY Opposite the new Jail, TOWANDA, PENN'A. HENRY TITLEN Of wylons. All he asks Is an PERFECT dTiSFATION. AT REDUCED PRICES. HENRY STULEN. %taw; kirdt7;k4 W A. CHAMBERL/N. • • • Desk* • • [D lAIIO , N D . I I • t • and . •FINE JEWELRY, and WATCHES AND 'CLOCKS. • TOWANDA, PA. Jane -74. I , COA , ti 00 423 24 4z a 23 WATCHES, JEWELRY M. HE ND L MAN, FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS GOLD AND SILyElt WAT C HES, FINE JEWELRY. STERLING SILVER SILVER PLATED WARE. PROM THE 'CHEAPEST TO THE BEST. GOLD, SILVER Asp STEEL SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES: Otte door north of Dr. Porter k Sows Drug store, Motu Street, TOW r ANDA, jua6-75 pIrES.Nt-S FOR AL.L, 3 50 4 00 3 011 NEW JEIVELRY STORE. A. ROCKWELL is constantly receiving in addition to his largo stock of Jewelry, FINE GOLD SETS, PINS, 131\ DS, RINGS, AMERICAS-AND SWISS WATCHES, OLD AND SILVER WATCHES, th.YEMPLATED wAnr. OF 1,-T 4 Anz Exits. BOLD, Silver AND STEEL SPECTACLES, SILVER AND PLATED RINGS AND CHARMS CLOCKS . OPALL VA SIXTIES, at ttta.lowest. prices. - or Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing done in the best ntauier, and warranted. • . . Thongs for a liberal patronage and bepe to merit a continuance of the sante.. - =ME Lts:ellar.ens Advertizements. A. J. NOBtE 4-, CO., Main street, opposite the Court House TOW.ANDA, PENN'A ; • . • 1 PROPERTY FOR RENT. 1 4 0 R, DWELLING AND BUSINESS PURPOSES. =I Rents collected and remitted on reasonablei terms Money Loaned & Loans Negotiated PASSAGE TICKETS, FOREIGN -DRAFTS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT BARGAINS. A .J. NOBLES. (anZO 76.1 W. S. VINCENT IVIY MILL IN SIIESII - EQUIN, PA. i • ; The subscriber els notice that hie new t ?' STEAM FIIOII.ING MILL, Is now in successful Operation, and that be h pre, pared; to do all work 'lu his lino on short notice.. CUBT9U GRINDIN , GIDONE ON ME SAXE DAY . THAT IT IS. RECEIVED , Whest;Alueksteat and Rye Flour, Corn• heal, F ed , Linn, 8e.4 always on band and and for sale at lowest rates. • . . the N9TlCE.—Persona living •es the ives; side of the river, desiring to patronise ray will have their ferryege paid both ways, while they brbig grist. of tett bushels and upwards. spl4-74 ! SILVER WARE, Dealer In ALso ''CLOCKS, j AT TIIE STrDS,• CHARMS, NECKLACES, Also W. A. ROCKWELL NM And B. S. AYERS. Ikrws4iwkb2i - . DR._II. C. PORT R, OLD CASH DAV() 'STORE Corner Main and rice st Towanda, Pa.' • (Zeta ii/hed over a ryuarter of 4 Centirry,l Wholesale and Retaltilealer in DREGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, ACIDS, D'YE-STVFFII, 4 GLEE, PERFIIMERY, TOILET AND FANCY GOODS, SPONGES, BRUSHES, BRACES k TRUSSES, SOAPS, Cosine, POMADM HA tn.riTzs.- TEETH, SKIN, and. HAIR. ,PREPARATIGNS, RAZORS, POCK ETiHNIVEs POCKET•BOOKS AND PORT-3fONNAIES,. . • MACAROF and SCOTCH SNUFF;„' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC (10A RS, GARDEN, FIELD AND F .6wE,R, SEED S, Pure Wines and Liquors. fOr le , lleletl Purposes BoTANtc,ELEcTIZ' & Maim, PATIIICIIRSIZTOYS, And all genuine popular Patent iledlehlea. SUPPORTERS, SUSPENSOPIEki, BUZART PFmes, NIPPLES, NIPPLE SHELLS & SOIRLDR; . NURSING BOTTLES, fPRP7IIIINO llzs'ns, Srnmcks, BE PANS. L'azaAts, Trtarta4rur.- , rkits, Et.,AsTip. SiocaiNcia, &C. ' ' , r KEROSENE OR . COAL OIL. 1 , WICKS, CIII3INEYS,'DATII BRICK, ' SPERM, LARD, WIIAT,E, MEATS FOOT, TANNER'S, AND 3JACIIINE OILSI ' A I.OOIIOL. AND SPIRITS ;ThRPENTINX, 848 h,Paint,Varni;h0Triitettail l ; Codnter, llor?te, Man, Shoo, , I ScruMiing,l • -, e-, . 1 And WI kinds of brusheli... 1 . . ;•.. , . . WINDOW AND PICTURE or all Mits. PURE LINSEED OIL, PANTS, PUTTY, I 4ND - VA irg ISili . • • • • • READY 31IXED PAINTS, OF ANY PESIRg6 cica.. 1 By THE POUN to, ri .NTiOR GALLON, GROUND-1N 0.11. OR, iltAitNiBll, AND DRY C01.01:6 Ori ALL 111;EJ7. • : L I' 'AU art lea Icarranted a . . l , 7vreient.i.f. 1 . PtcrCriptions carefully t . oitr:k.undad at all, l howl of day and night. 014 en Stlll:claTs for PrescrTtloaa trona 9to 10, A. Ir., 12 to 1 and :Am 6,P, u. '• Dr. l'ortar can la: cons4llett as lieretOrcortt ti the offive. (ma ' 375. . . &C. - - - r .N It Sz; 00It D 0 N WHOLESALE ANL/lI:ETAIL I -1 DGG S T S rATTON'§ BL9cli, i'OWANDJA., I, I ' tI • I 1: 'ACIDS, EXTRACT!•4:ELIXIRS. 'HERBS, ' SUGAR COATEDPILLS, t!' rowDklts, ,wims, : -•1 . - syßur,i. TINT.. 1-. 1; - TUBES, WlN}:ii, 1 , ' i • • . And preparations of a . 7.1 kluds.• • I DYE STUFFS,I 31A,CIIINK OILS I IKEROII;E,NE,i ALcollq, PURE WINES, .A.ND I,IOUO , for mriliii:l•4l r4rl-K?sesr TOBACCO;SNITFY,: CIGAR C, POPULAI! PATENT 3tEIDICISES, awl a filielassprtzaletit of __ . 1 TOILET -AND FANCY GOODS. 1 • afore than usual care Is glrOn 110 lbr eornpopbd • lug r,r prrscript on Snnday from o'4. M. to IP. M., and front i 1 . , o i i'4 M.. Dr. MADILL can the stnro oft,*at, urslay of each week, as heretotoiel. 11. n. TURNEI:4 I W. G. GORDON. may';-7_ • TASTELESS .t • A prominent New York physician lately com plained to DUNDAS IFIcK A . .[CO. *but, their SAND-11,w001) OIL e c trat 7 Lle.g. 6tating that boaie litnes.they cured miraculously. Out' tha a patient of his had takczt them vci!bout. Oft ect. On being infOrmed that sever-4i imitations lw";•rit sold, hn qui rt..l and fodnd Ids ,patient lind nut been taking DUNDAS 2; B'U' S. ' ' • IVitat haprcn.,l to thlt:__DhysiCLin may have hap pened to others. and DIiNDA , I DICE CO. take this method of protecting phiseiriactras. druggist*, and the bleed ree. and preventing Ult. OS' etolllittgl I e I 'CIA NS 'adv.; once prt. , :scitbe the ,Capsnles. will continuo to do so, fur they contain the: puce Oii in the best and cheapest form. NDAs DICK a Co. use OIL,OF SAN DAL WOOD tiln all the WlJO:f`aa:Cl . *lll.l itcitall Drug gist , and l'erfnmersrin the Uni:ed States combined and this is the sole reason wity the pure OH is form. sold chcaporin'thelr capsulcitbau la aby othat , I OIL Or SANDALWOOD l ig Mast sal:roved! ree‘ry other reitiody, only berv.,:, guirod tnlustire a .afe natt kerta,i':i cure in six, eight days. 'Front no other Inedieito eau. thll snit I,e, had. DUNDAS DICK ...1; sorT cArsuLp Foive the prot,detn, !..cg t..,!ficreil. by endraent siciatt4. of htia - it. 11:11.1a1:2:1.a&LI ,must pellet/re, to swatiowlog. yatich are known .letract•fmnl, If co: d..,:lruy.,thi vied 04ectsi malty Yaluifde rcinedie:. . Soft ertp,ute. are pia up . in tin-full and neat la es, thirty in each. and are the. 4111 y Capiailes 9 scribed by t'hu-i, loos,TAsStELEss oil and many other nauisata met-lc:nee earl WI ken easily and safely In D UUrjpAs .CO'S SOFT . CAFOLIL4S. No T asi no I . 8 - - Thesd were he only capsuif admitted :o•the iast eAris r4po tion. • , sow for circular :025 11 - ooste!.4sti•cet.NeW Yo Sold at all 'Mug StOres Here. aug • I . , Al RE'S SATSAPAAILLA, . FOIL PUTITYING TII}: Ip.ool - 1.1 • This compound• of tln‘ Tertable Sarsaparilla, Dock, Stlllingla and Mandrake u - il the lodides of Pota. , :.:hua and :n u, makes a nu, • 'effectual cure of a soles of whip'. glut=, which very' prevalent and , attiicting. It pt l rlfles Me l blot I . purges out the lurking huiners In the - i • 1 utitleyraino health 'and. sett:e into trot:'..rot-ine d. orders. Erupti(ins c:f tb? :Alit are i the appearttin on ;It! surface a lionwr; 41::.: , .licri l .i.d be e'xpelle (rota the bh•od; ln:e:nat derangeelents are it ; . li..terturnation of tie same hunzor. to some Intel o on] orgatt or organs„w_h,e action they derrnz and whosO snb• , tancc. tiic}' diser.s- and de..tro AYIIE'S SI.CSA PA ItILL.t C.7.1.4s ttioso humors fro the • When thoy. ate gohe, the tltiorder • , which they itroduce cli,appear, such is t•teeratioa AV the Lirtr,Stovmeh..nbityf, li(nge, Tiro qua* and Enept ire Fiseares nf.thei Shin. Sf. A ti,i . ony's Tire, R.,ee,or Eresfpqas, Pimples, Tile lutes, 111 , 4e 7 1e5, Taper and Sat, Rlzeuliz, Scald Head, , Ring/coffin, Ulcers: an /1 Sures, Rheumatism, Xeurotyin, I Pain fn Me i Banes, Side and Rea , i,. FernatS ty, Lucharrheta arising from itikl . 7lo/ y lctratioa l and uterine diseases, Cr.psy; Djia l epsfa, Xma T elation and General Debility. rfljit their depart titre health returns. Prepared hylnt. J. C. AYEIt i & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical wad Analytical, I ' I Chemists SOLD BY ALL DDVCGISTS AND DtALE feb34m ~IEAICINE ROOM 1 Y. BINDER-,-The public is Respectfully tutotmett that the kook Blnde.ry aas been removed to the itr.roirriut Bundle; third atoq, where will be don* ; i , ..BOOK-BINDING . roan 118 various brancnes,. ea terms as reas3asble .13 tit°. "hard times" m 111.• 'allow. The , Bindery will be %miler the charge of ' • . • i H. C. WHIT4K;II4R, kn experienced Binder, and ail' sx+rk will be promptly &no in a. siyle and manner irhi h eanuet excelled, .Nlagazlites, ;Newsp4ere, Old hooks, Se., Miami in ex.iry style: I.!aciet::ar :Men tlpti„,wl:i be paid to the. Ituflug and Muting of , BLAB'. BOOBS, to any desired pattern, which in qtplity and der.. batty will be warranted. sir Ali *oak will be reedy far;_dellvery ghen The patronage et, tee publie sottele4, and par feet satiable:los guaranteed. • aaassstt. • i ii 0= 1 . I 1 I ke. MI tho 0 II Ire '.... 1 MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers