111111 altatilotti plot* Touratda, Pa-, Thursday, April 27, 1876. LOCAL AND GENERAL. TUND of Gipsies passed through this vlace on Sunday last. • TUE ice wagons have again made their ik)Narance on the streets. MARY LADD, dressmaker, has removed to rooms over Pow Eta, k Co.'s store.. THE: farmers' of Canton ianil vicinity maintain a Farmers' Club. Why can't we have one: WE regret to learn that Pr. ',lonic E. RocKwl.l.l., of Truyois suffering from a :•evere attack of rheutnatism. Tar. next; Universalist Sociable will be held at the house eff Mr. W. K. BELL, on Wednsday evening, May 3. • GE4RGE '.gcorr 'Was the seventh As sociate Jude who has die 4 in Judge EL WELL'S district, since the 'litter Ims pre sided. • • SIXTEEN. persons have recently united with'the Episcopal Church at Troy. The other churches have also received large accessions. • . i GOOD IF TRUE.—There is la rumor that .our burotegh authorities arc to grade and thorough - repair Main street, during the present season. .. , . . -CHAS. CAP.PENTEu has rettred from' the local department-of the Rep 'Akan office. Cit.kuuL has chiiie much as'localizcr to build up that journal. WE keep constantly. on : hand a large as siatment of jobbing material, and are al ways prepared to print cards; envelopes, letter heads, &c., on the shortest notices P. 11. HARDING, one of the Ilood-Iliier eoloois'ts - who left Canton last October with the colony i , has returned, feeling better satisfied with old Bradford than ever before. JAMt -- .1 SPAULDING Ot•Canton township, - met WitiV a serious accident at his sa*- - mill last week. Ile fdl against a saw and the result was a fearTul laceration of the :inn between the elbow and shoulder. JOHN SULLIVAN, of the Elwell House, has a Siberian Bkiod Ilonnd,.only fifteen months old, weighing one hundred and fifty pounds. ! 'I he canine monster was presented to • Mr. -SULLIVAN by Father KELLY. • I • Rrx. T. A.EDWAIIDS . has accepted the call to the pastorate of the Baptist church in this place. lie is a young man of line ekceiient culture and earnest pi ety. We heartily welcome him to our midst. nitcd . States .Fanning . mill Co.. Lave received a flattering offer to intro duce theft — mill in Ohio. A gentleman from that State, who is:in extensive grain dealer, pronounces it the best invention of , the kind extant. OrF:townliman, JAMES .31fici - AnI.ANE, Esq. 4 l - bas charge of the bituminous coal exhibition at the Centennial. Mlntyre mine at ltalAori contributes to the pyra mid to be erected, a weighing over a ton. IT kill be gratifVing, to tlt many friends" of Mrs. Doctor D. LEO:CARD lI.RATT, to learn that she is much proved in health, and that there is a fair prosiket of her si eedv restoration to won ted health and vigor. AvamY, who has been in charge of lion. E. It. 311:En's mill at Myersburg, has accepted a situation ;as head' miller in a large flourin ,j g estatilishmcnt in Arizona. -A. jaoys the erviable reputation . of being one of thei . best millers in theconu tre. 3ins. CLALK organize fuilinic,Lts of vi•cal 1:1 - ..uk;',s room; t-eLi_lol liuikl int . ;W.ten - 10011 111 . 1 t, at 2 Ali instrneticw: iu hill:K.)10,1w branch slould attend.' j C . ouhry Conanissioners have been laaLing tkane.nuzcli needed repairs in the Uotii t Room,. which not onfy add to the 11111' a ranee of the place but will conduce ho the convenience and health of thine i4lio aie Luipelled, to frequent the build-, jug. MIZS. ALONZO a ("isny, I:as been- missing flora her home .for several teelts. and leat - l; are entertained that she has lwol foully dealt with. Any infor mation concerning-the Lady will be thank rec,ived. by her ailliettd mother, s. 01.1vE .10,Nhs„ Syl.'ania, Pa. THE vestry of ('hi iA Church organized in 310tulay list, hy the .election of 11. T. jusi: as Junior Warden and Treasurer, and E. T. Fox Secretary. 0. D. BART LETT. E. T. ,F ox afai S. W. ii.vonn were :elected dclegates to the, Diocesan Con- BISITOP HowE. Made a visitation of this poish on 'Tuesday evening. The Bishop (Mix cred - -7 a powerful discourse from the text ••1•1) . brot her shall rise again." Af ter the serinou ten candidates fortonfirm ation were presented by ltev. J. M. HARD itit;, and that beautifully impressive and solemn rite was administered. i PowEi,t; Laid a flying visit to his ft iendsi here litsOveek - . Ile appears to he in good health "and ex ceilvia spirits. from which «`e infer !Jo t i,Joy-s-Washingtoir life. —Hon. P. D. MounouL presided at the Suquelianna County Conil list week: _NAVE; of Lock Haven, was in own yesterday. •(Du the 7tit inst., a . dwelling house Owiwit by D. G. Osn.inN,,and occupied by E. )VATTERNIA.N in Windham township. was burned. .The fire originated in .the upper :44 - .4 and the dames had made such pr,igyr ss before discovery that most of the furnii tire was destroyed. Tice adult mem bers of the family were absent at the time. 'lhe - loss was about about equally divided between the building and gocds. No insurance. , U.P,ST A ]NTI EN T. —Our towns, man, W. T. 15Avics, 'Esq., received the other day from his friend CrYo. B. D.ivf- Sox, Esq.. of Tr , y. an artistic and Useful Prastuit, in the shape of a “horse cut in blue stone, taken from Mr. D.'s 4ioarry.. The block is beautiful in design. and Will long remain a teinembraneer of the kiniliwss of heart which prompted the genernis gift. :It is at the same time in eNeellent keeping with the elegant resi de:we and sui-rountdmrs of Mr.- Davtp-1. ()N Tuesdas. the .18th of April, a large, cnycouv•e of friends - assembled at the house of (;) , :o. Conv in.Springtield, to at ti hip the tanall of DoneAs II k ne-NEss„ She di:.itof mien:llo3la, 'at the advanced; MATH Ot .t FORMER CITIZEN OF Tills age er. eiOtty:four. Kind hands had pre- : CoUNTY.—Prom the San Jose Daily Nip pared her so nicely for the occasion, that ! curll of Mat 'alt 2•2.0, W:e clip the following she appeared beautiful even ,in death. account - tot* tile, accidental death of Tnom- Pier brOther, ISAAC MORLEY, Esq., of ; as 31. 1,r1.LT,. formerly of thiA county. Athens; was present, loOking remarkably The deceased was a brother of DUMMER stnart for a man of eighty-eight. Sermon Ltia,7, - „• of Volumbia, and Mrs. S. S. by the Baptist minister of Springfield; ' PlEncy, of t3tis !dime: text, 'lf a fnan die shall he live again?" z "A :dispatch received by D.` C. BAILEY, •4. 1 Secretary oflthe San Lorenzo Flume and THE Canton .‘'eptiral says an! attempt; Transportatiimi Company. at 3:3') P. M., was last week made to poison the family ; yesterday, tiro:mid the. sorrowful intelli of Mr. 111-.NRY L. ConenN, of Leßoy, by 1 pence of theldea h of 'Nom a::31. 31. LILLY, pldeing Paris GUT!' in the welt , Mr. C, i at si_ane ialut o i the line of the flume. notiged the unusual -appearance Of the ' lie was fonlid dead yesterday morning, N".: : 'er before any had been used, and an I and:the supposition is, ¶hat while walking eX.inlillati , 3ll by Dr. IVlu.cox 'disclosed the' along the thime he fell and was fatally in fact tnal some. fiend had placed poison in 1 jured. Th'e accident itnist have taken the Weil. The :7 , t, Fit i Ra. also satin the same ! place the night before.. Mr.' Lif.l.l, - n-as Poison was put into a quantity of sap, be-- i well and favorably known in this city, lOn;_ing to M. L. ; WinsSrEn. The good i : having been a resident since 1852. lie p e ople of L e ßoy ought to ferret opt the 1 Was)Count)s Assessor for four years anti . wiehtll perpetrators of suchliendish acts. I ,made an honest and ea .able officer. Penn and mete out tothern.-50% ere punishment. i sylvania NVII4 his native State and his age : was forty-2;0;6n .years. lie was a large THE EmrEizoie,s , liorir.,—The Erie : stockholderjn the:Flupe Cm:lli:My: The Railway'. Company may fairly' congratu- ! hotly will arrive in Sari Jose this morning. late itself ou ; the Brazilian Emperor's ; " Furthers particulars of Mr. LILLY'S choice of a road to the West. All of the 1 death were obtained late last evening, a ! competing lines would „have been glad to h.ter the abotv item was written.. lie left t,lead-Ite..4l":.him across the continent, ''Felton at 114.)f-past six o'clock on Monday but: of his own will, he selected the Erie i morning and walked on the top of the and paid his fate like any other man. !.frame worle:of the flame in the direction 1 - 1!e line is fortunate in being able to acs lof Lorenzo. ..`ear French John's he Was cot: module emperors and other people I found yesterday forenoon in a sitting Pos. with a hatel car which is the crowning 1 ture, on the ground, dead. The flume ;work of. the ingenious Pullman; and iat that point is ninety feet in hight. Mr. doubtless One of the inthicements which i LILLY leaves a wife and one child. The , _ KILIT & influenced Dolt PF nRo 11 . in hie selection ' funeral will take place ttt o, r . at. today ~" Now Collars — buffs o f a . reu t e .—S. F. lournytof Commerce. ; from the faMily residence, on Bush St " 3 -• . , i tub•. . .. . D.-44%.11ES BLi t one of the oldest citizens of the township, died on Friday, 3larch 31 , at the advanced age of 92 years. An' intense religions excite ment' has - Wen awakened in the Metho dist church'iat Pleasant Valley, during the past winter and spring, under the ministry of:llev. Mr. BUILT. resulting in about eightfconversions. The church at Springfield Center has also received a large accession to its membership, thro' the efforts of Mr. Burt. Miss EMMA R. BEMIDSLEF a graduate of Mansfield, will form a class in niusic soon at Leona. . . TErz bain , if 11. r. 8: 8. WALKEn, in Atheni loWnshirs was burned to the ground on Monday of last week. The building wasbuilt in the usual style,3ox4o feet square and 16 feet high. It contained quite a ; wiq . ntity of hay, 400 bushels of oats, between 30 and 40 bushels of buck wheat, Soma seed'wheat and grass seed, a new moving ,machine and a horse fork and rope. -.A.- pair of bobsleds and a hay. rigging that: stood near, were also des troyed. .Mr. WALKER was away from home on biisiness.. Mrs. WALKER with two or[three little children were all that were near to, do anything toward saving the property;i It is said that the loss,is to t some extent hovered by insurance.-4.4 ens Gth:ette.';'• Tins being the time of year for plant ing fiewer seeds, sonic instruction ; that will lead tO-Fliceess may be seasonable also. Many: people are fond of dowers and would willingly Cultivate then' if they knew how: -';This is not designed to be a a treaties on the subject, but merely. to point out a le* leading PriaiPles to start with. After that ,a little common sense. coupled with _practical experience, will lead to goeWresults. Three leading elements in the growth of vegetation are light, heat and moisture; but in th. 3 vegetation of seeds the light should be eieluded; seeds vegetate better in the dark.:' Prepare the soil very tine, sow the seeds on the top, pat with the back of the . , spade, cover with bOards when the sup shines, and remove the cov ering at night "'until the seeds germinate, then reruov. the covering altogether. Water, when necessary, should be applied through the:nose of a small watering-pot. 'lead this over until you rightly compre hend these principles. 011:0 DA.N.-Many of our horsemen will remember the quite Celebrated animal re ferred to in the followitii; item which we clip from th 4 Mansfield xidecrtimer of laA week: . "There is;:t horse on the stage line be tween this place and Troy who has quite an eventful'iliistory. He is extensively known by the name of "Old Dan," and is now some twenty-four years of age. For a long time he was owned by )Er.';~. E. WILCOX. of this village, and was employ ed as a ,stage4toese between Troy and To wanda. " Fourteen! or 'fifteen years since Mr: W. s'old:"OhL Dan" to the Barclhy railroad company, and for a lengthy peri od he was uititl at the coal chutes in To wanda, drawing coal ears over the trestle work to the gaud basin. He possessed at that time a retearkable degree of intelli gence, and knew and did his duty without ever being told. Ile was retained by the company : until the road was extended and his services ats tenger needed, and Low be Las again by ',hook or crook got back to the unappreatted2 and ill-requited lot of a stage-horse; 'still his duty willingly and well. blessings ou thee, noble "old Dan May tby reward in " horse heav en" be cotnulensurate,with thy deserts ON "WedneSday afternoon of last week, Omv:m S. Wri.cox, the. mail carrier be tween Hone:4lle and Hamilton, met an adventure which recalls in some measure the days when Otcti' juumN, CLat7DE Duval.. and ' , Other solicitors on the high way,iplied 11Mir vocation. Whi e driving tin ough the Woods near Middle Valley, he saW by the thadside, not far froni the iron bridge, a tigtire in female atitire; clo-zely whicti! - signalled him to stop. As be checked his horses, the stranger asked for is passaget.to- Middle Valley. Mr. W. thereupon deicendul from his scat to as hiq his new llast,eng . er into' the vehicle, while the haler, apparently inelitidd to s.;ve the drlver unnecessary oi.ened the la;ach door and placed! : one foot on the: step. ',lle mail carrier's glz:itee fell on the foot, and then, under the impel-e Of a staid. n suspicion, swiftly fr;tvcrsed perr.,3 of the I,trall- Ti.k• ffipt Ulleot11111(nily rul CD(ll, , e.ljn Jul boot. the hand, w e r e cf .17.cf:liOnflittg : t Orja deeiktily :111,1 thi ! )u , th the f,',11-; of her vail tditiddi.,didk:Colif, beard cLe.thl be. tieteCted. 11CW I , ll!•;E:V.n4e:r NV.IS eVidLlitly a 'C,)II - I.f :Is a neutral could L...t safely e;rry. VV:fit I:ion:cut, — s;11.41 in the. tn.ual pialnier of :L ntod: I driver. ,licitous only foe he conill.irt i 4 his F.sscligels, “until I at the 14;d idades. • ' The suidieiodis fzzdte st - p;vi back to .give the dr:v.:l - I iace, Mr. '.111.5t ix gat e Ii is ;;cli :.,,:s•A'S the tt , 'start, and iblut_:,•-,1 t , incvaril upiitt tlce o)ach hot m cs dasitut but le, they \Vela. MO pi,- ;ill shots wepe tired in tinitk sucees:-ion, throi);2.ll the eddileh body, awl tat ple:t,ant ly ntiar the driver's per,on. Mr. Wit.c ON, reit:tilling his seat, drove at full :-peed until lie reached Midille• o clue to ':the . identity of tide has yet been; discuvered; and unless be deslgneel 'a rtirbbery or the ma il th e .16, - e t of his (IH.rri;* remains a mystely.-11w 4 e. , - , I,de • inadv4tently omitted last week to make montiCin of the death of lion. tiLo. S oTT, v.lCb - occurred on the liith inst. The deceased was a son_of Judge SCOTT, one of the c liest and most proinineA cit izens of thisplace. Although the deceased lad not resided in this county for many years, he had many Riends and relitives Love who weie deeply 'pained at his sad den- death. The - following pollee from lie 11,10oi(1/5! Ate Let'e will must rate the high esteem in which he was held in the commutiity where his business lice. had been spe;i : •• We regrCt to announce the death of Hon. GEo. oTT, of Cattawissa, Colum bia Co., whiCh o"curred on Monday night, after a sodden illness. 31r. Scare was temporarilyliojourning at Hazleton where lie wits interested in a contract for work. While riding in' a -- .wagon with his son, in +lx neighboidiood of the town, he com plained of a ',gieret e pain in his head, which he was .nationally subject to. Ilis son took the reihis to drive, and his hither snortly fell Over speechless and insensible. Ile was taken to llazleton, medical aid summoned, end every effort Made to re suscitate hjjn. but in vain; he died the same night: The physiciarr pronounced the disease 'tipoplexy. . Judge S'oiirr was an intelligent trentle- - man, a man:: - of excellent judgment and governed by:a tine sense of liquor, social, genial and !iv:um-hearted. At one time he held the position of Canal Commission er of the subsequently served in the Legislature, and at the date of his dcatli held :Ithe lumen - able positions of Preshlent of the State Agricultural Soci ety aad Aif.sociate Judge of - Columbia cannily: HO was widely known through, qout the Ctinimon wealth and wherever known waiii highly respected. In hint ColuMbia county loses one of her most enterpliscagr, and influential citizens. LIN-TA COICCEHT.--It is hardly nemesia. ry to call attention of Towanda people to the Conceit of the Lin-Ta Band, which la to come off at Mercur Halt on Monday evening next; but we know that many of our readers living out of town will be glad to learn the date. We bespeak fOr the band'a large turnout of our citizens, and have no doubt that many from other places will avail themselves of the oppor• tunity of enjoyinga rich musical itreat. In addition to securing our favorite( home vocalists, 3liss NAOLEE, who won golden opinions for herself in Michigan during the past winter, has consented to sing on the occasion. The following is -the pro gramme : PART I. ..":;(.0,000 Teufel, I.tn-ta Band. .llareb, Quartette...." Dream Swett/2i, L0er,"....31-artin 31r4.0. A. Baldwin. Mr. Theo 3ln'lor - k 31r*. J. W. Iltahop. 31r. 0. A. Baldwin. Song 4/ ;rafting at the Brooteide." Tatty Slice flannel Nagtee. Duct " The Wind and the Harp. m taer Mrs. I/r. Montanye, Mrs. Robert A. Packer. • Waltz "Pastoral So 11 gS." pulpit • Llusta Baud: • PART 11. Overture " Yahneo.'", Verdi. 1.1n4a, Band. • Song.."l .irise From:Drefnis of ' Mrs. Dr. Niontaitye. Violin Solo •• Se cent 4 _I ir.” Denrolt. Mr. 11. Sitiilrn. . .. Arta, '.• Er/vent." • Verdi. 'M ISA Hannah. \:lo.e. Selection,. „Lucia di LOPllnttrllloor. " ... Donlzottl i.in-ta Band., Tim ELMIRA FARMERS' CLOD.-It must be tlattering.to the members of the Elmi ra Farmers' Club to know that their pro ceeding,s are read, and advice sought from every section of the country. Letters are receivcd.and read' at every meeting; from intelligent farmers,, and the officers and members are certainly entitled to great credit for the cand or and fidelity with which these numerous inquiries are read and discussed. The influence for good upon the agricultural interests, of such a course, cannot be over estimated r At the last meeting of the Club a larger number than usual of suelt letter were read, and we ex- . ract the following from the proceedings • s printed in the Adrertimi The next letter touched a familiar sub: ject: TINUNF, Aprillo. A. A ritnitrong, See'y Elmird Farmers' Club : . . T wish to pm chase a mower, and having noticed in the 1111.4andma 71, the advertise ment of the Towanda Eureka direct draft, will yoit obligesine so much as to let me 'know the opinion of the Club :Ls to its merits when compared with other mow ers. The horseS I presume, walk over the grass. I should think they would beat it down so as to interfere with its being cut clean. ' Respectfully, PF:RUINS. - President lioFFlLks.—l have heretofore expressed my opinion of the Eureka, and in answer to this enquirer I would 'pre fer to hear from oilier members of the Club who have used this Machine. I like the Ein'eka bitter than any other ma chine I ever •saw. The objection noted by the correspondent is of no consequence, as I neVer knew grass to be tnidiletf'down by the horses so as not to be perfectly cut. The machine cuts back and forth, Bence the grass bent down by the horses is cut perfectly on .the return of the ma aline. I have used the Eureka several years. The better condition in which the grass is left after cutting is an important consideration. Jolts Bitmmth . .x—So far as my experi ence With the Eureka is concerned lam entirely satisfied with it, and after one season's trial I am prepared,to corrobo rate all President lioffinau has said. It certainly leaves the - grass in better condi turn than any other machine I ever saw. rAmtv Courros-4 cut thirty acres with the Eureka last season. By special request of the ',manufacturers: I engaged to give it a severe trial, so Iput. it on a tough piece which:we had never under taken to mow with a machine. It did the work well and came out free from dam :um except slight breakages in the knives. It .gave entiresatisfaction. W. A . . AMISTIIONG—IIIStCad of leaving grass.on which • the horses have trod uncut, its work is cleaner than any other mower of which I have any. knowt ed!,e. Others leave what is styled a "combing." a streak between the swaths not as smoothly cut as the swath itself, 0f course the FAireka would leave •the same or a worse combing if driven around the field, but driving back and forth, ev ery passage of the knives goes a..;ainst whate; grass Ins been trampled, , meet ing- it as it inclines toward the knives. in ti.e best situation to insure clean work. FANNI:X, “r the waveriy 111:s been t;ittin;_t a s'nyn. , e down Ct.! :iyisquehanna, and gi% es this into est insr account of the j.ntrney: Thr old tittle spo rt of 'going dovat ' the river' has nearly. played out. awl it is bale semi-occ•asi.mally nat a raft isuset.n f } ••ut m g th e t waters ',that .I.e.untiful stream.' But for a fea . U;days tst WaNerly bas l•een in a little flurry e•r.r a pros). dice flipof that. sort; ar i.mml more for the sport than the prolit or the thing. 11. ('lay Clapp., President lrfuuur village. and dallies S. Murry, Chief .111 st-ice of South ‘vaverly, planned awl cutt!il the for the benefit of their vuinerous Two rafts., purchased foe• flue ouveasion. set Sail on Monday not•n ing List. leaving the pint of Ulster at pre ciscly 11l .r cloak a. in: The company con sisted 411 11. Clay Clapp, awl .laines S. - Murray, proprietor 4; H. A. Elmer, Vice President of the First National think; T. Superintendent of the Waverly Transportation Line at. Philadelphia; 11.' Canning; Superintendent of the Capita Wheel e Foundry Works; Moses E. propiietor of the East Waverly . Master Works; Win. 310;udie, wlroleSale deahly in fruits in their season; Ben l far inon,".of Wellsburg. Hiram Young, of Ulster, First Mate; Mr Olmstead, of Ulster, - Steward; Mt'. Elsbree, of Ulster, reportcr for the Elmira . ...4drertimr:•, and si•ccral hands whose names we. did not leant, besideS Mu - self, whose name we have forgotton.. Ample provisions were laid in appropriate to the occasion. , Left 1.71-ter with the stars and stripes flying fore and aft, and at the mizzen peak. bnt when all Lands were piped on deck it was loitud that the Chaplain could not Le found—he had been left on shore through some unaccountable oversight of the Cap ! Run 'bald eagle' to the left with the bald eagle on our right, seven feet from tip to tip. Ile was a splendid bird, and he saluted our flag as he went screaming to Lis eyrc near by. Towanda we left on our right—didn't try to run-the other side of it. •It is a beautiful town, and we feel prowl of having once been a eitizenthere • of. yased through both bridgei, (not lengthwise as the trains du) and succeeded in missing all the piers—twelve in num ber—which we regard as good seaman ship. The dam. which was once the pride of the profane of that town, opened to: the right and left and let us through - kiting. It is just rough enough - to be interesting, and we all shouted at our triumph fiver the turbulent waters of that locality. But the dam What is Towanda going to do • about it? We soon reached tlu magnifi cent mansion of Sheriff (?) Storrs. We "called him out" and lid made a little speech to us at a distance,. Be knew us ail, but some wtre• inclined not to know Bill Storrs, justfbe6use lie was not elect ed last fall. Twit's ; the difference between failure and sueet‘ss:if you want to , be ree: ognized by your friends. When we reach ed Standing Sttine we'all drank standing, the stone • included. Passed Rum-ertield creek all sober, and none waded ashore to procure samples of that debaucuing liq uid. Run Wyalusing bridge in safety— the bridge is ()ye,: the creek. Took din ner `‘`about these days." It is saidthat a good appetite makes a good dinner, but here we had the two combined. The man that ean't'eat while going down the river must be ready for a dyspeptic's grave. But the dinner was fit for the Tioga Hotise opening, and it didn't cost hag as much. Clapp t.k: Murry are good providers, and we would recommend the latter to those ladies who - artrstill looking for a genial and liberal provider." . BUSINESS LOCAL. E.:-."'New Prints at - KENT & BLISS.' ,Ne,T Ribbons xi A P .F 7.17 457 Lace C'tiiiaius_at KENT BLIS9' Ur Job lot ©f sbawls at KFNT & Buss' rar'New Dress Goods at KENT & Buss' Cr Go to B LACS' s for your table knives. !. Sir New goods received daily at nix-DUMAN% MP' Engraving done it pnrivit.x.iree Jewelry Store. • ti' Lake' Back. .Combs :at •KICST & Buss: t 7 Ladies'f Cashimere Ties at ;KENT Ettssl -lir Genta Cellar* and Cuffs - at SENT 4 Buss% • , larlltlpap4 in every Department at F.E.arr itiusBo4 rgrNovelttea and Fanny !goodS at - KENT & BMW: farßargairua in Hosiery -at' KENT & BLisB•. a' rff - l`ient 66ths and Caiis i imams at • i[aNT & Buss,: aeyer Ems'' My priets on Plated Castons aro made to please. 0. A. BLACK. ••• d' view itok of Umbrellas at KENT k • i lar Call it: & B 1.18 3 9; for your Kld Gloves. ' ' sir Hz:totailAN offers reit rodietion iti 131,4 ver-Plated hare.• Bargaiiu in Quilts and Counter panes, at KZ NT &I BLISS. far Stouo COurns, Butter Pots, *C., lower than over at pLaCall. M" For an article in Silver-plated i Ware, look at Ilt.a la's. . I or Call nil KENT & Btass'; and look 1 at their dollar ror7t.s. far All the ilatest publications, very ; Cheap, At WIIITCO4 I 6 & SIIALTVS. 1 -••••••• : I tir X largo Mock of goatee and toys, at Cost, at WIIITed i .MII & SIIi.1:1"'S. ~ . rir Everything in the lino' of station ery at WilITC031)11& Fes ' If you Mint a carriage to draw your Baby In, look t BLAVA . H. • , i • • I .M . " WHIT , " sell the best Blank Books to nintry. The h issortnient of *ring clothing 10SWir Iteversi redltecd price 3. r-,v,•••• Ton can Stationery, very c P.=,* A large !inpt) er hats, p.m IMMEE! aCir.Gold. Sliver lasseg, In great Y. ry stnrs;. If you w: thkworlti of o; DXLM.S.N Vir Buy vrh-r:: you can living prices. • M .. BLACK lias sante Table Castors 4 111 nickel awl silverplated goods that are Wautiful and yet low priced. xrier Dotet fall to call at llENta.r.a.x)rz, It you wish to buy anything in the line of Jewelry, Silver and Silver-plated tom' HENDEIIIIAN has the finest stock . of Watches, Jewel and Silverware, ever brought Into this town. C c 11 and sea It. di M. IlextiEt.mAN has the largest will hen stork of ladles' and geutleinens• gold and Silver watches ever brought to Towanda. - . M. - Fon • RLINT.—TIin dwelling Lowe lately orruile4l t;y l i Col. IlvtioN, on Mani street. Ef re uFtl of 1). C.i i !lIWITT. rlla ts ! Hats ! ! Hats ! ! The largest rue.ety of k:esv S. prlng Styies and ILA bluest prices, at TAYLOI: I I .t CO'Sjapt2OW:. Rubber Paint, also IL R. Paints„ all colors aud shad 's, at lowest prices, It. M. wxt.L.E.4 & Sus. l'asseng rs to the West will.find it to their Advantage to purchase ticket:4 at the Tn..: auda li t ic pot. Rites caduceil QT. 50 front Sept. la Ex-- The Lug i est and best assortment of Ilrarkfls ever brolight to thih place. can now bq SeCtl at FROST k [Oct. 20—t(.) at his store on Bridge St., ,rtinent of lltu 113 Ir ever of: [tueltld ii.tltltlS the larvst a, tered In this mar ,TAYI.MCS for find Hats, vire. Entrance on Park street d bank and from nouttt aide of " Go to I shit tA, arch Neck hr.: door below -0111ce. • Clir We bay Went of Cloths a: II %V Spring Siyle, just opened a flue assort ras.litv•res., Including all lilt i lrt Coatings and Sultlngs. =MI t\l) I.OT FOR SALE.—At eettante Street. For terms apL ,A CUSTER or E. W. HALE. ;."llurst 3ionio , ceon, on 3i p'y to Mr'. Lori. apt 27w3 KM Mires arc the best iri - Loa k Co. have just receive I lot )larris' “Seantless," grid Ilan l a Plat k, Tinted itnd the new 2.00 t:. I larris' the market. TA large , assortment ri.o spring co:orr.tal, I Sz: Co. are openirig their is ibis week. Their purchas+ ince the recent extraordinary de id some desirable bargains may be lablibtuutut.L3l42ow2, TAYLOT new Spring 0 Lace been made nine in prices, a tualat'at their es 31111. El few days with tvAectett goods ev • she wllLetter at I J. 3lr.scos will return in i t largest assortment and best pr brought Into this place, .whi+ 'the lowest prices. Call and ex- amlne. , 31ANTUf LADD has moos!, over Powell's sioi A-MAKING. Miss MART • OM to rooms In Means' new block, where, with better facilitii,ys in - 11.:r line, she hopes to .gio ,tion, (metaSw6.; for executing ni Increased satls . I.E.—A thoroughbred Shui't Bull, 2 years old. Al3o tyro Mgt I, and entitled to register, nr • i G. iF. L., April 19,1'6.tr: elr Fos S._ num or Durham ralvel, registere :linking, Strains. WyAlu4ng, P Ur Buylß ware from the nr tozurs ttie atir Examinq my Crockery 'and Cr!asf— 'lnnfactnrer, I ran ! :bre my culs ,ntage Of the usual mlddle meo;"a , I goods and prices.- A. BLACK] AYR EAllf.lrElt.*WC liftVe n 1" VF.It310•01 . ! I'OTATOF.I4, • • t lays earllei than the Early for f•trmer+tosnpillytheutselves rcarl 1 MCCABE EDWAHUS.I rfrt TENT ivoultity of E. warranted.ten,(' Now Is be time , with this•superic l njwlV76.. . .1. 311isOs w ish e sb to in f Tow:ultra and vklnity that she her 7 new at•re, nexilloor to KE:i•T she . wlll keep a Nig° assortment .adteb* furnthlattg ioods. 1 , -M7Nrs. E form the ladles Is Mos' Apttled In ItLiss,.where. of Millinery an, tom' LOST. Locust Avenue kerebter (round), border. The A baying the save I , Or Sunday lakt between nit the Post °Mee, a Lace Iland linen cambric center and lade der will he liberally ,rewarded by at the Pystoffice. tapr27wL. I dies will be pleased to•leani its has concluded to remain In tv receiving a large and attraethre ,y and fancy garde, and Invites the rituerous'enst omc rt. mch9-7,6. r" The la that I. K. if A frii %ranch, and is a stork of taillinel attention o 5 Las Scorr, at their coal yard, ind c'ayegs plaster, by the earl* jm the celebrated Thompson beds, Geologists say it Is the- strongest rtneh9-tf.s, keep fresh grotti or ton. • It isftel Fen• York State plastet• In the SI! . - ff _.............4____ .„ r. 'The fine stallion, "Dr. Livingston,l" will be at the st4ble of L. S. Kingsbury, Towanda, on Tuesday a. in.. and Wednesday, May 2 andt3; and at the hote stable In Leßaywrille, Tluirsd t ay p. m. .and Frlda a. m. All lovers of good hoMes should not fall to see him. ' i apr27lt . IC, L. T. UTItcIIARD, Proprietor; Eff" Buy the Jamestown Alpac s. reason why: They are warrented to wash without shrinking or faatog; to he rutty !7 Inches wide; and to be equal In durability to the .yery best goo l ds lo the marke r rowenn t co.„ sole agents fel; tnanufacthrers; Vowri.T. At CO.—We have just t I C- Mud our large .Spring Stack of Wall Paper. .tier ready -,for la 'l4ltbart to our usaal stock of -plata Utits. wLlte brown blacks, we have Miled a bardsouto assortment of flue L'roaar. Saver. Gold and• Decorated Paper.. Please call and eiamtno our stock POWELL & Co; Harm 1, 117641. EE • I le and Flat land Plows at 31: - Wtitr.s get all the latest styles of leap, at WHITCO3III & SILACT'S assortment of spring and received, 'at 3!. nos Es. and Steel Speetarles, and Eye riety, at II EicriELMAN Jewel- article, and ge tno Is M. Ilicx- IL TAYLOAt, xxls at the lowest 61233311121 pCZ;Z,Ztleaig IST Buy the Jam!ilitrm z ,MgicAN for ire followleg meeti4 . ' They are made from the best material,. ; net in died hi hich =mei** tonna nit 11611e moderation of color. They are so thoroughly shrunken In finishing as to be unsifeetai by Limpness. They Mar there fore be washed and done - 0111e linen, without the least Injury, For sale by Pawri.t. ill Co., sole nuts for Man nfeeturerr. (meh= far Fromili% R cysaout, M,; D., of NffVf Bedford. • "I have employed the l'untletsx fivittle suc cessfully In Mies of dyspepsia, chronle diarthces, nervous debility, neuralgia, erysipelas: bolls and , dbieruses of the' skin; also chlatilets, IleueOrrhea, prolapses uteri, and. female complaints generally. As an alterative tonic, the syrup ought to be used by clergymen, 'editors, cashiers,- clerks, lawyers, and others who use their brains more than their -muscles; as well as operatives, . printers, tailors, shoemakers, seamstresses, and all those, whose pc cupatton confines them In ill-ventilated and over heated moms, who are liable to suffer morn or leas from nervous debility." (apit7wl. CassuurrivEr...—The adver tiser, a retired physician, having pinviden belly disctvered while a 2dedical Missionary In Southern Asia, a very simple vegetable remedy for the Fpeedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh: and all throat and lung affections—also a positive and radical specific for Nervous - Debility, Premature decay and all Nervous complaints, feels It his duty to mike known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive he will it, send (free of charge) to all v)rici desirelt, the recipe for preparing - and Bill directions for successfully using this providentially diScoven d remedy. Thoie who wish to avail them selves of, the benefits of this discovery without cost can do so by return mall,by addressing with stamp, panting this paper, • bit. CHARLES P. mAitSIIAL No. 33 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. y . m 100.7.1. ly MARRIED. Iturilnattin, i tbo KtMe` A pH! 9. Walter Sanitv, of liorltngton, , antl Eliza , betli Jordan, of Hai r e:ay. . . LENT.—farelt 22, by I. Win. Keutley. Geo. or Wurrenhatu, a'B4l Alii•lo Lent, of Wytmr!x. MADIGA.N—AII:4OI.I.I.-,ln Burlington April. 1,, by Bev. G. S. Transue, John 3indigan and Elta Arnold, both of Highlands. SE1.LI(1B-3101f1,110.S.—April lath, at the resi dence of the bride's 'Outlier. - - by Rey. C. W. Growl, 'Mr. Lyman Sellick. of Burlington, and .111:G Ma lissa Morrison. of Granville. F:AVER-31uN EALL.—In Christ Church. To . waudn. Aprll 27.. by 'ltrv. J. MrAlpln Harding.. Mr. Elinor Lawson Wvaver Maly Eliza beth McNeal, -both of Duvhore, Sullivan Co., Pa. (Sullivan impart ropy.) • SPECIAL NOTICES. MIMffIMMMM . '1:17" Briggs i Brothers, who can 11011 St of conducting the largest seed hnelness In the known world, are arranging to compile a work In which they will give to the florlcuitural amli hold!. Minimal public the benefit of - their thirty years of experien-e in the culture of vegetable and dower Il' eds. The work will Ife substantially bound, and s several hundred pages will be illustrated ultli tin/emus. cuts, chromatic , platei and succinct di rections ntith regard td the care and culture of ev erything Mimics' lit floral and vegetable' kingdom We- kndw .fd no (Me betrr tinalitied to treat un le aboce - subject than Brigs & lirotherovlmw see s are sold In almost every.city, town, village or ham let In the t7nited.States, They erelimeti, a l gmw . ers of seeds, and the hildhcoming Ivor: - Will ema nate Minn eminently practiCal sources: What - Seth Green Is to hell, Barry fir POply to fruits:, Brigs & Brother are to seed.. A very large edition v. fil h e published which, It Is Well understood. will li:seen the price per volume. Purchasers of the work out right will only be charged cost. while the custom.; ore of Briggs & Bro. will receive It ns 'a premium on the port Unfic or seette.! The .Intenfled work will go to pres.q alemt 3lify next, and the artists are now engaged upon the ruginv:ngs. It WIII.IM separate and apart Item the January Catalogue, which will lilt issued in Deeember, or from any other of the puldirations of title well known house. Every lover of gnrieulturtf or horticulture should put Illni,elf, or herself In the way of obtaining It, .Itriggs & liro.'s seeds are for sale by Geo. U. Webb, Alba, I'a. [Jait2o.4m.' llarkets. CIITOTITION OF WITITE,POW ELL 3: CO., BankOs ,aud lirokert:, No. 2, South Third Street, Philadelphia, March, 13, 1e176, ASKF.D. 122c,i 123'i . 111;4 119',1 119. 121-y 1•21%. I=, 119 119; 117 4 ,' 117 112-,,, U. 5, 1891, c 'G.% J. and J 46 4. 46 .(is , " con " rad cy. New:s's, Iteg. •• •'• c. 188! Cord yllvnr rel.&yiv:lnla. Ex. I)Iv • 44,, ; 4-1 , 3 P111111:1<ilplita St Erlea 19', I 194: 1.6:11;11 Navlgatlnn 44 y,l 49 EK. Div ; 41,21. 7 i Unl I eel I:. It. of F. J 13 7 , z, 1;:i Oil I;reek 12 -; Nortlwru Cti4tral epattral Transportation... Nespnelloning Mortgage G'A, '69., 1...Ni.',W - YORK, PRICES Ciirtent , . rnrcomitry l'rf4tltito , ,for the wo..k i.tollag- Arrll 24. I,7tt, It •porbol t• r;,r,ssly for flu. flit Au- Viotti , It tio,ithEtt. by If. h. & F. 11. Tilt* ItIlia: Si Co.. Wr. t Itto.olsva, ifeuile and 11t0t,04 Streets, Nev: York. ISCTT}:l:.—Brerlpls for tl:r ticrrk 22,511 packages ('ontlatted librnl rocrltg. !lave a fruil.licy to further dvpr.,s th. tuark:t and to ,•:vis- UT/ a, cu mulation of ,took, for v, 1,100 ,1 re rc l ver ,. ; Immediate goit )tetallerN :aro I).l:tatting to es rrietico a b.ttvr trade r.MI must. V.. 011 be ,kbllgetl 14 , port•lkaik• moil! freely. We .1114.te:—. Slate Datries, entire extra (air to got.l •• Lrkluw selected " `• fair to g,.0,1 " half firkin tuba, eh...1e0 seleet,4l •• •• •• " fair to g,sod '•• Welsh tubs.' extra fall •• entire dairle: " er,antery tubs. gocd to fine , Palls, State awl Penna., choir , . •• " •• lair to Western tab.; flue &elected • 1 , 6.42 •• fair to g•usl • 2i :•„;; Western early !natl.:. & , ,lett..d • fair to good 1 , 0,11 poor ClTl:ESE.—Tterelptl for the creek, 5.55.'•. The market Is very quiet but with stork consid erably- r.:tlueed. No fartbor decline In pert set goods Is expelled. etit , r qualities' must of acres. SI iy be sn'ol and ai r:eelvers hate no olden In the matt r, shippors obligc them to Accept very low tig,ores. We quote:— State factory, fancy .. Nvii;l3 - - fair to good '• I 1',14.19 Western factory, cheddar One ' to 6i.,11'i .` tl: , t, tine . to (~111'7 ~.I I poor to g0.;t1.....: ...... 4 0A 9 .-- EGGSltecel ts for the week, 11,303 barrelF.• A more Jibe • supply and a prosrrt of future heavy receipts .„ base weakened the market and prime marks a 1 freely Wrenn' at '' cent under Saturday's closOlg pries, • y We quote:-. State and l'em4 17 , 1018 Western fine fresh - 1 - 6 . 07'.. fair tol (ryl7 Senthern ; tc@;l6 , i Ft OCR AN 13 I,NIUA. ' Market dell sibtl steady. . Superfine , 4 2f61.1 50 at. Louis, extra..; . . . . a.,7 7.5 b• fancy i ,:, 7 5(6c7 • • imnily 8 - et t.i' 75 Cor n n niea!, yellew • 't '2.:;(ii - _ 4 , white 3 UV (LI.: • Marko:. quiet, prices Steady. WkPat, Spring, No. 7 . 1, a 6%1 :t6 " Chivago, 1 '!o('‘i,' I '23 4 . Milwaukee, N 0.2 1 =a. i:24 •• Med winter I 52 •• Anther ' 1 2I:k1 40 White 6?.1 42 Dailey Criyro 70 • ltye 84 4 6i1 95 Oats, mixed 40 while Mein Corn. western 'nixed Grin} 70 " " yellow C 70 1111A71S. Mediums are la light supply wlth'prices inalutained.e' Marrews are moderately active and Steady. Oilier varieties decidenly doll. l'ea. fair to coed 1 t'rra tr. 3tediatn 1 Of (41.1 25 Marrow 1 2C(40 W hito Khlasy • 1 45,741 53 Red Kidney 1 0(01 20 1101'S. • 31inarket quiet, with prices hearty steady. . . Crup'7s4•State. good to prime ICAt7 • WI% fair to prime Crop '74, poor to goat! 74f - 2,'• 8 S.El:Os. Clovar.continups in good demand and commands fun prices. Flax Is quiet. Timothy is In fair re quest at prices quoted.. Clover, 1875 1814 Flax. western rough 1 511 (.1 55. Timothy, per-bushel.... 250 te?.2 70 TALLOW. .I.arket quiet; prices steady: • • thx44 to primeqty 8?u 1/111'ED FRUITS. Apples are in lighter receipt and firmly held. Peaches are held with coneldrralde 11ralues a:- though the. demand Is very light. TIM supply of small fruits Is limited and firm at quotations. Apples, state. sliced - 9 (a 93,41. ~ .- quarters l f.,lt.f.i. tt Western, sliced $L .(It 9 ... . ,quarters ' a r,R$ SY, fiouthern, sliced 9h0i . :.10 .• quarters 7?,,f.0 a'... Peaches., peeled, fafiry ' . 15 0116 "' ~f air to loss] l2 013 . . 4 tu.peied. bah es . 11 (812 quarters ' 9,..iti - Oto Blackberries, p e r lh In COIL ' Cherries, pitted. per lb 9) 021 Plums. per lb Is Cs'...o Raspberries '' tl;i (37 - 11. R. & F. D. TflUnliEllt & CO., Imr.Orters, Wholesale Grocers St 'Com Merchants. West Ilia min ay. Beady & Iludsonists., N.Y. Produce Commission Department i t , charge o f J. S. Gates. We receive and sell on Commlsslou all kinds of Country Predure; wake cash advances on consignments and 'furnish stencil plates and mar ket quotations when desired. Correspondence so licited. '.. , • • - — l . - • k VIEC UTOIt'S ,NOTlCE.—Notice n Is hereby given that all persona ludeimml to the estate of tileu J. Welled,-late ot_Wyntlusing Rip.. deed, are required to make Immediate pay ment to the undersigned, and all persons having claim I against the said estate, must present them, duly authenticated. for settlement. • , . _ GEO. TT; WELLES, Wyalaslog. Pa., . EDWARD wg - LLEs, Wilkes Barre, Pa., apY'me• raecr.tera., iSt4=Gia Powell h Clo. • ArRIL 26Tu, 1876, Wo, are now receiving our second pure:Wise of NOV SPRING GOODS, 'lncluding NEW (.IARPE TS, NOW SHAWLS, NEW OL,qTHS AND cASSIMERE, &v., &c. NOT lONS, COLLARS, GLOVES, 110,SIER Y, NEW SPRING CALICOES, Latest 'Styles and BestQuallt Towanda, March 264 f. Q - 1 i) a day at borne. N Agents wanted. fat", Outfit ,and terms free. True & .‘4l l ,•tista, )13171e. [whir:7(l4y. 47 5-1+; 101 V 15.% rr" • QEALED PROPOSALS for the - J t,ltlt~tng of a ball for Wyahis /111 Ass+xla -Ifun,:ullt be'rereKed up to May 20, 1.475, In accord auee*lth plan nod speeifieatioll,C to be seen at the otheridd A. IL Porter. In %Vyiiuslug. By older or Coto. apt.27wit. A. It. PORTER, Seey. . _ 1.4 1- X EC UTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice , is herehy given that all persons Indebted to 110..;.siate of lortotts Mlieely. late 14 Itrootn Co. N. Y.Are'4l, mast make Immediate payment to the un 1-rsigned,•and all persons having claims against said a•state must present then', duty authentieatet., for 'ttlentent. W3t. M. 31 }C EEL], infitalgwa Executor. 'lt 3: 3,0,1 :00 " TYTK.E OP 110MULCS."—The ba•ing pnrrhasNl the bull "INK., got by Doke of Wa terlOO." he by — Loyal Doke of ox,rofd :•• dam, . • 116111." b ••1)til.• of Aiallrle," will offer his Ser- N Ices, at his farm, on,tho following, :l.(t Is sl r TERMS: Three dollars 'to Insure. and If paid at time of brloking row. a Ilbera discount nrniftl . .. A pylOw to It. F. BOWMAN. T , i sT OF LETTERS remaining in e . Post °dice al Towanda. liradrbrd Co., Pa., .for Ow week ending April inth: . . Asian's Datid Grigg John Mien .'llistitel , Kelley M C Rein:lett Edward r Kennedy Kate Bennett Mr Henry Litinsford Maggie Eiens II B *per Edward Eferson Win - Taylor Jtaa It • • Nrsons calling for the above letters, will please say cc advertised, — giving date of list. ..• ; S. ALVORD. P. M. kJEilltht - VALLEY AND PA. & N. I'. RAIL ROADS.—Arraimemein of Pas iwnifur Trrins, to takeeffect April ti, 1870, V=7-. 6TATTO!KEI litairara Burial° itoohestor...., Geneva Ithaca..., ()ap Eliplra.. ..... . Warerly Sayre Athens 311101 Uhler To*anda.. Wykanking... S'andlng Stour—, illrannerfield • PrsTichtown Laroyvillc 2 skinners ..... Step! opany Took inninock ....•12 4‘ I.lllEirrange' Falls. Ransom 1. & B Junction .. ti 2 Wilkes-Barre I 1 2t Mauch Chunk.... 3 4e Allentown 14 451 Berhiehem.. 5 04,] Eayton " • 535 Philadelphia 6 41 tie* York ' R 1.P.K1A..51. .5.11.1A.31A.51;A:51. Netr To 6 30 1 .... ... 7 001 ' ' .... P101:vlelphla 1 8 00 ....; . ....; '9145 ; 9 45 .... nviton ....... ....1 9 25 ....! 6 0(1;10 CO;11 313" —.. 11.ifltlebeni ; 9 501 ; e 30,10 1912 00 . .... Alli9/100n to 0.5; ...., 6 43;10 4212 111 .... 518001 Chuuk...:'ll 05! ....; 13481 ; 11 451 1 20 1 .... WM:es-Barre ....1 1 15' 7 2010 40'2 15' 4 CO:( .... L. 11 :.. R. Jinnilo9.l 1 40, 7 55 11 101 2 4!1 4 .13, ..„ 1 1 1808010 - ' ....; 9 06 11 21 ' 4 481 .... F 411,1 '1 ....I 8 10:11 341 ...I 5 001 .... lAtkange...: .... ' .... 1 8 3."•'11 51' . .. ..1, 515 ....- To9khannock.. —I 2 241 8 4612. ti! 3.=1 530 __ Mct li oopa ny I .... I 9 1212 45;.... 5 53..... 114heppen .. . .... I ....' 9 1912 54; ..... , C 90 .... t‘ki,nner's 1.:(1,1y.... , ....1 9 35. 1 10. ....1 6 16 ...." I.Btqlvllle 1 3 07' 9 39' 1 13; 4 02.5 20 . Wialu.slttg ....... ' ....I I 0 00 1 35: ...., 6 40 1 .-... Fr9tichtowB. l —'lo IS .... ftmunterllt , l4.l*,....l, ~..:10 25 1 58 .. • ' 7, la .... (standing Stone ...I ....jlO 32; 2 05. .....1 7 10; lrytauklog -.., —.110.41 2 151 ... ,! 720', ;.: Towanaa A 10q055. 230 5 00, 725 7 . 3 0 uii-ter - ..., ....11 09, 245 ....: 7497 45 311130 , —.11.19' 2 111 .... 1 8 O . 7 35 088 5.0 ....1 4 4211 291 3 55 S 291 8 10 8 03 Say T- tiverly thialra Ortigo It . Aubunt yrfalo N tOgars Falls Trains 8 and 15 run daily, with Pullman Sleep. Ingc . Ojos attached. between Elmira and Philado phls. and betters and New York. (hawing Room ears attached to Trains 2 and 110 betereen Elmira anC. Philadelphia. All: Philadelphia trains tun through to Centenul al pround,. • R. A. PACKER, Superintendent, tuiranda, April 28, 1876. tr, =I .NEW DRESS ODODS;, Splendid stoeA of LADIES'. TIES, • DRESS TEDLIILVGS,. • ('e., try: Six more cases of Just Opened,. At 6 1-4 Cents 1 ~ ] 0 i 1!1 POWELL & Co. Nevt Advertisements. MEE W A R I) 3 19 7-129131 7 55! 4 35! 7 53! ....I 'lO 15' 51510 15' a 00'7 6 00 6 00' ....800 .... 01) ....' 9 42 .... 12 54' .... ..116 50 3 45;10 52, - 8 30 . 2 43i 5 20 4 2911 20; 9 e 5 3 20 60. i 4 25 11 281 9 12 . 3 211 6 14 4 30111 33 9 19 3 34. 6 20 ....! 0 3;/. 3 45' 20 9 40, 3 50, 40 54'06,12 051000; 415 655 .... 10 09. 4 271 P. 51 .... 10 19 4 30' 5 45 ! ....'lO 50 5 13! . 0 0512 39 11 12 5 3. ; • cs: 11 13 5 3 6 231 32' 6Ot .... 423; .... 11 38 644 7 10, 2 05 12 25 037 .... 7 201... 12 35 045 .... . 7 35 1 ...: t 0 12 51 10 : v t 7 .. 55 i 2 30' I 21.5 7 20 .4 8 25 1 i" 3 15 2 00 7 54 . 1 .1... 10 50 5 25 4 35 -'••• 111 53 o_ 4 S ob !,12 10 6 40 1 8 05. ....1 1 00 7 001 6 55 , 2 05 8 25, 8 151 3 49 9 591 9 59. 102 f IiORTIIW AHD 830 i 18 2 :4 32 CTEME2 4 4111 35; 310 * 4 55 II '4".# 3 1..0 5 3312 30 t 4 10, ; 54u .1 6 45 1 sn' 5-40, 3 54i ....1 JO 50 12 54 P,M. FINZEPRI rriREAStritER'S ALE OF ITN. _ SEATED'ISAND 11 BitAtIYORD CO. • to ee of an Act lof, Assembly passed the lath ay of March 1010, and other Acts of Assem. bly, will he exposits' .to ;Wale sato at, the Commis sioners` °Mee trii-tha Barn of Towanda,' Cu the 'AI Monday of.June.'A. D. 1106, the,tracts of unseated laud described fn the following list, uute.ss the taxes are paid. Wore that time.; Acre*. ' Warrantee Nome. t . • Anil. ALBANY. Barron, John Jr." Rush. Mows. Wagner & Haines. BARCLAY. Adalutn, John. Biddle; hlarle Jr. • Wm.ll. Barron, John. Biddle, James. Biddle, James. Barton, John Jr. Baker, Wm. -• Barer, 'Wm Cunningham; D. 41, i:oitins, James. '• Dmida.ss, Thomas. liutidass, Thomas.- t Fullerton, Richard. GraiS, grab. John. fin* George. Rarity, James: lillttemnter, Thomas, Ifiltwernmer,.Jaeob; tillMentmer. Jacob: Hardy, Andrew. . Hardy; Nathan "lardy, Simon Hardy, Paul Irvine, George., Ladley, Andrew • Peter Ladley, Joseph Z-- Reed. Collins Shoemaker, .tames ' Stuart, Waßar Stuart. lieborah Skidons. Samuel Siddens, Joseph • Siddens, .lames Siddens. Peter Tyybut, Andrew WlTson, Wallace, Samuel - Licltoy. 200 Beek, Henry;. • 202 Beate& Frederic 402 1- Ration, JohrrJ . r 132 Baker.. John' • , 414 • Bklle, Wm ;l'it • 295 • Barron; John NlO9 Boynton, Peter 131 Biddle, (lenient 427 Boyd, John i 79 • Beek, Henry, 200 Baker Wm ' ' .156 - L.Chaph s anson,'Samner 200 Dundass, Thomas, 7 . • 3.91 "Graydon, Atult ew "! .! 319 • Gratz, )11ehael 221 • GMiz, Lyman r 114 Graff, John 310 - tientiewnelk; George 360 Gratz, Barnard 389 Gratz, Simon 409 Henry, Joseph • 480 If arl,,Charle9 ; 3.Y11 • • Haines. ' •• 414 Lloyd, Peter 139 Prloler, George 437 l'etinlngton, B e njatuln. 333' rattinn, John; Vl"' • • Reed; Colliip4vn 430 5h0119911,.r, James 303 ,) Simons, Joseph 314 llsOn, 407 4 i 407 4 4 25 12k1 9 ~ LACES, 310 N HOE. : -. • ind: Anderson, s.lmuel. , act' Renner, Jacob 396 Benner, Jaeob Jr 172 -Ellis, 3larcy 97 11 rig, Win 200 Hanipton, Hobert ' :ia Hopkins, Robert - 4a. - McAdams, Ephraim issi North, tiartzlittl 400 N orth, Janice 200 Slorlll, Jonathan ' 400 Shotte. Peter 41 1 0 (A- • Silottl 4 , Frederick , 400 - ' SliatN. George • '.. PIO Woodruff. Hannah 400 WilSon, Win • 200 Yonag. Sonnet CORSETS, 215 Barnes, James • 20 71 121 ',taker, John , . . 17 39 , , 343 Beta, Henry: 48 93 . 343 Bat, John . . . 48 'J3 343 Beta, Jciseph43 93 . 343 . . . Ikt3„ James , 43 93 . . 460 .- Byson. Henry • ! . 57 00 3C.0 Barnes, Patrick 57 00 57 Cooky, Henry • . . , . 803 375 Cu, ley. Samuel : 53 33 1 400 . t'ateate-. Harman' 57 VD 400 Cooley, Joehua 400 , Calt,ate.r, Joseph : ' 57 00.: 450 Eckhart, Geolgo ret 13 211 'Erwin. Geo or nichard 1 04' 49 343 Edge, Peter . . 44 93 100 ElliN lilamy 14 25 100 E(1 p'. l'eter or Geo 14 25. 257' Fritz, Jolul " 39 07 343 Frili, Samnel,.. 59 Getitlewit!th. Geo 400Ilaga, George - 400 " Raga, Nathan • 4 5 7 8 00 :3 7 1: ' : 57 I:4T -- 490 Ilaga, Peter. : 57 uo 4G7 Iliftzetil me r, Robert' 67 ro _ 41141 liardy. Samuel : , 57 00 773 • tinny, James • _ , - 53 39 '223 Haitly. Henry 32 II 390 Ileitis, Ana 55 its. 400 ' . ' 'Hollingsworth, Stephen 57 On 400 Lan tey. 11 ugh 57 0 1 1 400 Land, henry , 139 50 140 I.:lnky, Andrew . 14 25 375 Moore, George - . 53 3.4 400 ' Moore, Paul , 57 0.) ' 793 .510 re, John sit 95. PO ' 1 Sarin, Samuel - 14 23 21.0 North, JiMatitan . . 28 5 ,, leo . l'afin.!rfTt6,4 ' 11 '25 4 , 9 Se6lvy., Ilethy , 37 lik) 375 Seeley. Jonathan 53 51• .1.0 - : 4, 0,1, l'eter . ' . 57 CO 410 " tinlainit , . Andrew - 57 C 0 nn SI.1(1.01e, George - (57 - 00 273 Sidtheis„ 1.'0,r .. j 32 02 : 75 Siddens, James -, 10 74 n 0 : 4, 1110y..10,1,11 ' I ' %-. ' 57 00 P.. 4 , Tyymn. Anni.ew . . 27 22 -g.14 Tent , le • l' •ter 42 47 1 tin • Teiiiple, Samuel ; ; 37:00 I 409 White, .13111e5,. • 37 (.0 ' - 0 NVO - o(lrtili. Hannah : 9 99 1 ' TE1:11Y. • 4 , 0 113111wIn. 889119.1 '• • 41 40 120 . 11;011014:. Isame , 12 12 250 lttlitt , tt, 111111:3 . . - ' 25:92 120 11:4!ilwin. .1;19 22 3..) . 2. 0 rat': i 11. l'.1( • 20 70 250 (':111111. 1'0111319 1 ' 25 88 121) ('nil ri I Ight, Corn v ilmi 20 13 353 061rti Igli. .1.116..‘ 710., 30 11:101;1 , ..11. Daniel , '.-. 560 114 Fell, 142, . . 1. - i 14 91 '..6 11011enlintelc. Ws lwlrs 1 993 :in S.llllO ' 993 14auv , :10 91 66 ' ' Sankt ci: 9 191 99 ' Silltil: ' 10 2) 97 ~, lawn 97 10.99 .: B.lmo • , ' 10 OS :99 $31119 ~ 9 93 192 I 14:, we ' , 19 (..,1 15 Ingham 1191r9 1 5 6 . 3 231 110.-.0. 1,..:1z.115&ai : 2:1 ....1 220 1101-. Lucy: 22, 77 7,0 1 1 :1,rw0 , A1.,C1 - 99 . ' . 5: li 200 T 1 1 , :4113 ., ..9 i1 . 11.11:11 " 20 70 330 x:7001 s. Wut 33.53 ' • ' TrSCAROICA. - • 36 FlO.l, 11ra.ry ' • 67 1,0 11 tint. Job • 120 23 rvrter, .1:g0.•', • r 12 1V11.310T. t 140 Alien., .1 . , 4111 10 CS 16 1101 4 .r. l'ul:ys. 62 . . 216 , 11:tiireit, Jorl 35 b 2 311 11:11(lovIn.491xn ' ' 57 IS 89 11151.ard, ilaiinall i 14 62 75 11011tliback, John - . 12 12 31 41's1i. Samuel 16 95 170 Slr,Tllng, Samuel ' ~ 12 21 110 Sterlll,g. Samuel Jr ' 29 70 119 11 - 0108. C F - 85.1 90 Weiles. C 1 , _ .1 6 77 _ . ALSO—In pursuance of the provisions of the n , t of General pa. , sed the.29th (layer / 11411, Isti, section 31st, at Om sato° time arui plaee will Iso exposed at 'poo:le tale the triets or parrvls of land or real estate dysignatetl' In the . Toth:ming list, unless' he taxes upon thy same are paid before that time: z '• et To Whom .18sessed ' • : • 90 ; 1873 ()Won Joseph . 11t1 90 35 1a74 Desmond Ilenry Ihkl 35 Fairy :Michael 2 oits . .80 (insoo Joseph h&l 43 Leonard A C ;23 51 .... Ryan Tlll 1 lot 35 .. Vice Iltqlry .10 80 AumENIA. 94 187.1 trawfur'd Ilugh 30 285 ALUANY. 1873 Beeman N 0 45 • Ileardslee 20 73 \Vista. Itlebard 200, .3 00 200 1874 Beeman Jo:i Est 100 480 Fraley ! Fames 2 no Smith rtlll 20 111 a.4yt.r at. 1 8 73 Smlrh isl Mt. 335 A2O Siekler Edmund 20 127 Vanderpool Samuel 13 51 Ward CI. Est 200 120 EiIEE3 3 00 80 200 200 • $ 21 60 00 t F n Gt . . 'IL 1 1:0 27 . •' , 1873 11arret431008 . 30 7.7 59 98 ' .... Cahill «• (J. . i 50 157 68 210 ! 7 .... Fraley Timothy 60 3-15 • 19 .... 1.31117. George 40 49 122 609 122 .... Menonald - .laroes 190 84s 1 17 '5 83 1',17 .... Madden Patrick 100 817 108 • , .... Owens .J'' W 100. 108 45 27 .... Barrett John • 72 t 4 00 2'60 .... Jackson Andrew 660 165 ?,• 31toris 1 il. 100 165 4 20- I: Donald J 35 Jr 420 Ai 270 1';35 1674 Barrett Jatne4 :41 439 Lantz George 50 72 os 810 270 .... Madden Patrick 100 11 88 1 44 10 80 2 5 .... Menon3ld James 100 14 48 1 44 10 80 300 .... ()Wens J W 100 15 84 105 270 .... Parks Elias GO 3.78 54 135 135 .... Towner Washingrnso 3 '24 135 *-: .... Barrett John 1 3.1 225 .... Cahill John 5O 225 135 2 35.... W C 75 370 hOmgTICP 30 1 08 2 AS Irl TROT BORO. 1 40 520 -6 00 1873 Wirry C T lot 13 GO 245 S3O 6 Tayroi 11'i 13 57 5 33 A 18 S.lB 8.) 6 15, 9 19; 6 VI 28 0 0 El 1: . ~ 4 3S 14 211 6 SS 12 31 S 20 . 6 IS I ' V • 940 e.51..1".31 8 I I 8 29 9 11 1 9 35 2 40 3 24 48G 1 91_ • I SO N, R.—Noilte is hereby given than an amount' sufficient tO pay taxes and roosts will be required- In every casemiten land is 1444 6t the time of sale, and unless these terms nre complied with the lamt be again exposed. to sale', • ' C, HOLtINSON, Treasurer., MEI MING Log ° , I 138 . . • - 1 1 12 1 01 • -- • 35 15 25 45 11 0$ , 271.6 - 8.30 59 46 - 27 29 6 59 127 70 9 96 • 34 47 44 96 41 21 11 37 19 63 20 48 . 14 - 80. $1 211 13 52 13 52 63 84 G (4) . . xl2O 111 20 39 43 13611 29;10 69 60 ' 13 92 11 48 • 2. 1 ) 92 23 OA 91 21 ' 81 20 63 94 33 68 21 78 6 92 17 .40 39 29 ,; • 12 57 39 44 27 17 1033 12 89 • 40 77 17 15 14 r:r2 19 05 36 :IS 33 21 21 02 .10 36 32 39 37 65 34 33 4e7 45 22 36. th; 39 41 la 27 41 64 31.91 21 14 41 52 34 61 37 33 V/ Go 16 69 8 4o 16 64 16 60 • 1G sq 56 49 80 8 40 OVERTON. 12=E:92 = 1873 Wheeler penJ 0 Z•• 94 NioNtopE TWP. 1874 McLean Bros 10 270 ISEDITE 1373 Ihimer Adolino, Inkl 30 IleetnArtAllp Eet had 27 VanUrunt Wm 60 108 M;hAten Ann SO 2 8.4' SMITHFIELD: ' 1571 Dibble M S simmizqvus 1873 Couch James 5 . 51 TEIZILY. • 1873.Craniond Ffenry E 0 TOw.a.NikA TWP. 1573 Lamnreux Isaac Int 7".1 1371 11tc•ks''Fredertck h&I 120 TOW:OW.I X6ltTli. MMllta MEM 1873 I )• ud.L•wtsYC•m•sloo 240 WXB4Ox. 1873' Piereo Charles E 181 8,10 wtz.mot. 1873 I.lo34l,AllihonzoJ 50 DO .... • Lan'l*g 111aPys est 250 450 .... Overton Edward 130 .2 34 .... Ralph Unary . lee- IDI Sante IA J - . 101 1 Si) 1874 Donovan Sflehael 14 44 .... Lau:ling 31 - 50 40 ....' Stone A J 100 120 .... Welles C F Est 100 150 . QIIERIFF.'S ‘SAJ4E.:- - r-By virtue of siiiithry ',TWIN/sued oat of the Criariof loon riess.of Bradford County, will axiom :at public WO at the door of the Court llonso, in Tow.: ands, on , . FRIDAY, May - e, .140, at .1 otiotlf sr.,' the following described pieces •of land. ONt; Lot-;- No, 7,—bounded on the north by the horneatead lot of the late David :Cash: on the east by A street; south by Pine Street; ;Sod . mist; •by au Riley; being - about 117 ft ftont on said ad 14,1 and about 7.14 ft deep,-wlth a large new twoatdryi brick dwelling house, new framed, bans or carriage -house.; other out buildings and few fruit treed thereon. - - ALSO—The undivided ono fourthinterest the following described lot of land elitists Mostly In Towanda born, and pmfly in Towanda twp, huhu tied, on the north by lands of the Wale of.the late 11,. Charlotte Ward; east 'by 3leehanic and certain tots heietoforeconveiled t6J L Sehodn. over. Tile shot man, George Stedge, Isaaclloblusim and Win ThonitiFon; south by laud now owned ,by 41.1t1 went by land formerly owned Ledgard Chaapel; containing 14 seres'of Mild more or ieb.s.;4ll Improved. with a large- spring of wafer thereon and water pines leading frouitte sane to the homo of Wm Grifss. . . ALSO—One Other lot: of land In Standino , ' Shahs tWp, hOunded as follows: Beginning at aYelliiw Mae, corner of lands formerly of the Jatnes Ir-spy estate,lnow LauSilmesseri, thence north 28J4 0 east on Honor tald. Landmesser 107 rodS to a post: then'ee south 67, , i 0 east 8i rods on line of said 11bilni , ,mkIr to a post; thence north 45! east on said Imndnies si.r ^t rods to a post on lino of other lands of WIM I;rlfir* thence south 2!4° .west on line - of said Grit tis'and Win A Squires and Charlis Squires II rods to a piist; theuto north 87 0 west laZ 9-10 rod , on line of Patrick Boyle and Landthessor, to place of beginning; containing JOU acres of 'and mute or less: Stn I APO—One other lot of land , in Standing Stonel twp, bipitotied as followst beginning at awnite trait.; sapling on line of Win - A Sqtdres, thence north! c.');-i ° east on line of said Win A Squires C 4 rods toaj maple sahlitig, the tipper sideof the old Wad tt hence north ":11° east 3•4 rods to new road; thence South. 60 0 ?aid along new Wad 4 rods ton hemlock, hugh, upper ildo of old mad; thence north 41.40 mat'in, the road 30 rods Ulf the line of Francis Stotler*: I thence north I;s° cast on- line of said Stnthers ft: rods to a poit, corner of said Stnthers and liattkin.l ion jand;.theneu north 80 0 west oti _McCracken's - lino 814 rods to a post. _corner of. Landinesser; thence south ° west on Landinestier 11.110, Grifas'l line 72: rods to the place of beginning: containtigi about 17 acres of land, more of less. The two traels'l above doicribed constitute- - what is known as Wni 'Griffis' hill farm, being about 130 acres , of taod.i more or less, aixint leo acres; Improved. With one new franked house, one framed barn :Ps-Ur:and shed) attached 18160 and orchard of fruit trees thereon. EEC] EEI3I ALSO—One other lot of land In Standing Srohe, twp, bounded !tort herly'hy lands of ..Mrs:WhiPitlei and Lantlinessert easterly by bud; of Ltuolinesserl southerly. by lands of the Lehigh Valley rallroill Compiny and westerly by lands of Mrs King. Din -I lei Jennings, Mrs Westbrook and S V-anktbsen:l containing 130 acres of land More or less,:about loo; acres improVed, with an old framed house 3 frumerli barns'and orchard of fruit trees thereon; KIHMITI as the Win Griffis river farm. Seized 'and lakiml Into execution at the suit Of James Wood vs .11MY Sanderaim, Wm Gritlas seer. Al.lJ—One other.. lot of land in Athens tWij bounded on the north by land of 'Partial (Eniqk i i east by Yinn'a ave. south and west by lands.o( I.) F Clark. being SiCi ft Whits' on Fenn%) aye ah.F extending back" therefrom 111 1-10 ft, With a story slats:ling house thereon: sald lot being lot N, 127 and pail of lot No I. block' No 10 on map..o 1)1. F' Clark's exteuximcof South Waverly, mith by Z F Walker...seized aed .a.lwn Into: execuLre at the Suit of the First National Bank of Waverl use vs .1 F Shoemaker:: • IBM • ALSO-=-One other lot of land Inl'roy twp..limine tied on the north by lands of Jacob A Lindermati and Joseph Phillips, cast by lauds of J 31'..n# Smith:, south by land of David Slingerland and 4sTS by lands of Jacob A Ltuderman; containing 41, ol aercs,pore or foss, about to acres Improved; with a fraufed house, framed barn With sheds attacitiql; framckt horse barn and fefw fruit trees thereon: Seixed'and takeninto execution at the stilt ofl'au eroy tiros- vs L Wood, F FTlpdartl and T ra., • l A LSO4--One other lot of land In Litchfield twirl , Ix - guided on the north by, land oFJohn Hogersjrl mid J II Rogers, eact. by land Polouging to the mo tats of Edward Barton Sod JameslCaniptxdl, south by' funds of A .1 Layton and John 'Campbell ittid west by - lands of S D 'Darnel - nand lames Dra4ce't containing 160 acres of land,tuore or less, abefut t4O acres infproved, wittCa trained house, framed barn and two orchards of fruit tract! thereon. Selti.sd anti ta'ken Into execution at the init. of At W Wh'gto lurk vs SO Carno:r..• . , •, ! ! ALSO--One Miter lot of laud in Sheshequltt twii, — hounded on the west by land of Jaunts Bldlielt,',on the mirth by tangs of Jatnei Ttussel. en the eastinif land of Debby' . .atiwlnele, on the south by fateful of Silas Jayne, Cornelius Vancise and James So.ftii; containing 67 acres, strict measure. Seiznd and'tse Itetritito execution alt he 'stilt of Wm J DelPeachis use viclleo F Sibley' and Cordella Sibley; his wltg. aid &antes Russell, terre tenant.. . ALSO--One other lot of land In ',Towanda bor.t bounded not th by Creek st, east by Center 51, south by lot Nu 1119. belonging to Fogarty, and on the west by, an alley, being lots No; 14d. 141 and . 142. as shown -on map made •by -Win ii Alorgan for the trustees of the Mason estate, with a 'trained house thertim.- ' ' - , • j ALSli—One other lot of land In Toaanda ben?. bounded as follows: beginning at a post kin the line, of Ist.:lVe, theme aorta to° wrist 110 ft to a posi , thenet .north 700 east 110 et to a ZISt.: Menet( II 'rhos Lynch, south 25° east AIL, ft ro a host oirthif line of Ist ave . ; thence by ..aloe *Oath 7u9 west 5.1 ft to lIII'i plamiot beginning., being the lot coot raided' to Aaiun Wood, situaleu in Sayre .54 Co's ad. 1111.41 to Towanda, witl(a framed house thereon. relzed and taken Into execution at the ,nit of J 0 Frost ti Suns vu A Wood. - )• , ALSO—CIio: other lot of land In Armenia lisp,. imuncled on the north by lauds or Albert Deweyanlll4llll ii,ailti Painter. (In the east by lands of Datt,t 1.4.1. titer and John Linty; on the south by lands of Wt.)- od• l'ltapinan and on' the west. by land. 4 of A 4: 3toore; .ordaining 172 acres of land..tnore or ::,,,4. clout So acres i nun ot etlor I th one framed, 2 rrante%.l bartip and orehaid or fruit trees there(lit. s4.•ivid midi:tact; into execution at the suit of Alccabe a Edwards vi Mites Mark. 1 1 . A LSV--...itte other Jot, of land in Oi-erton *let', hounded zo.rth by bands of Dennis. trililon, ea....t. 113 the poiele I”gliv,,ty. south .by land of Sei s •in - :.ther- Mali, west by Oil of lit'lily Sild111,31.1; et , lglinlnli .i IA an acre or kind,wi_ , i h a (IdUlell'barn (If 01'6 , 1". ZS. ,iz.:d and lakt-it into es •en t lon at the ,tilt..of ila..i. ... W.l.une's use is John W Suitt can. •• , i A1. , ...50—t toe Oth..r lof of /and i in Wyalusing, tw •), , MAMMA a.., follow.: begionin, , ,T, at a Lust forteet:y a 11 .•nrock tree for a corner, - it biting the s t 1• I• t Ord . i Of the to tut of .10,1•11 Daugherty, mot, tli , lin,. ~. land-of !aid Graham; thence opt call line riorldi si. west ,-,,,, .1. 1 ,, i , t o a posi, tho•n 01 corner of-I II.• -..0.1 lir:1;13W farm: Unsure tedilt 2? 5' ea-r2•l 2.3.2:',p, o a i.,....35t for a cornet; thenvea.outli eV9..7.5' east F.•,' , 4..1tp to.; li • lid ," ‘ , l :a14,1 or J0, ,, ..p1t Daugherty: th.•nde qn the :ire of 1.1111/ 01 N3ll/ Dae;:f...,•riy soatn ..f., 5' w,1..; 2.1 •::-".'..4i,, to the place of hi•gtattlug: co;,1. tin;l44., a :arc-, liitn, or le-s, all tte ..pr0,.1. 0.. b c ,l ,q,,,. , Afirs.4.—the••.,:l."r lot of 1.-tl ta Wyala•th 4 •,..,. ~ l.:olot• d a, loilot±..: beg:luting lit the n W rim He., n land e0,,tr.0 1._.‘1 to If, sill 10 JiillitlS - etc! .14IZI HI: L ard P., , • (...41, :•••.,.1;).: taenee a our, - aye of -...,,t.,ta 1,1 IN-1, !Hp, lea t .•1 t....r ut on; of :and' W et, or ;:lt • l' 1 , ,,,,i't,14.:1 01 W T M.tlt.t.t.4;:t: 01.• lice ill.• 144; ill„e .1 1 , 111/1, nor,h 1:3 a top. to a 1,4 to.•:, t Itettoo a 'oz."-, . .tote i ,f : . : ,1 1 ,,, t•as;',.i,; thence itiong lino •e: ,313(!"11 , 1 4 1 - li.. Wit ..11...(' 11l lOW id land ri.nveyed to 4 , t!tta 31,..K.1rt0..y: ilteneo along line of laint„..of •i:thtl,:- Nnatey mitt land now ,elate 111 pn.SOSSIOII Of ... ....if: Daugherty. ea4/o4 Larches to tar ib;let of ~, g. 1- - slog; containingcontaining ..:l7 3(.1.1.4 and' 511. la,ra ' l, or :!,, 3, IE IM lE 39 7 22 4 OS a 4 , ) n BIE - at) J 'alit a 11';:ificir •.. bari, :,W CrLill 11.!± 011iy 1.1 iti, L. 1 ,41, t3:Z...11 ~ reunion :d li•: ,alt at 1:0) 11 I.aadail** aba ill: V 1' l"' • ,if land la Tu4eatera Iv\ Loandial th, tfic ,hinds l:llva.tl Iln•wit 'and id.ray ewit by land widow of :Samuel w.ia- Itat and ,in ei,n tte<t 1 . ,3. 1;1;6, 01 Mmtha o , 2l;:eic:Alg, .1i 'acre:, !note not :1.1 arr., IWO OVetl. It 101 a flitn.ei; frnin . .nt and or , •ll.dd exceittirdt at, the .ult 'Ed Alan, Ja;)ot , r: 1) W Wink. AL:.-).)-0• to.r to of lot of land In Ulster !tvrp., bounded thn norrn by lands of Ist":4ttitin Clitti'to; henry. 'IIIOIIIU al/d ‘‘ . 4oirr, et al. eat by the Susquebanita:river, 1•y hutd+ 11.`1011g1I.g iv the e,tate of Otittlint:y littett tNea, , kett :tut West by lands of Junieso.l4ll4.r. lingers,,rs. .tdelbert Share, an( the 2 , emi':ll lot, rotttaluiu 13n acres or lantl. Inure trle6s, about 125 arms lcith a 1 ranted .441wellt4p; framed bat us o It II sheds attached, other out-build ngs'atol id - eh:int of fruit Oyes therenis; .:11.450--t.ite other lot of )and In Ulster 119, lout fled on the north be the piddle highway leadliig noun Ulster to Smithfield, east by other latolstol .latul's Mck,:arty, being the atm tve described lot, and Charles lb‘dcotuli. south by lands of Etiwaid wood and west by land of John .1.114.4bree„ e4nitittlibg :1 acre:s;4lmo or less, about 20 Acres floprore4l.lnu rdolluzs, seized and taken Into execution at the suit \V Wheelock vs Jaines,MeCarly; '-ALSO—One other .Tht of fond In :Ulster twp, bounded on the north b 8 lands of John Smith. eitst be the Susquehanna River, sunlit by land of - Ni'llkingson„ deed, and west by the land fortrtert owned by C F decd, ecintainlngi . .acmes 'more 4.r less, about 10 acres linprovill, 14141141114 0 4, 5. Seized and taken Intq es:requital at the , snit. jot 131 W Wheelock vs Jatnes ; McCarty., ,• : , : . A I,SO—One other let ill Towanda:l4nm. boitnded Olt Ilse 11"1:11 by Statism, east by land of 411.en,iaitin Kitykendall. south by Pciplar,t, 31441.44rest'by cts or lieu II WO(.11 be about t front atul ab tau It deep, at ittlp,roved; no building*. ALSO—Lot No. s —The undivided avec-tiltlts teleitt in the folk m big described lot, slttlAte.lll Tc. wanda , burn, bounded WI . 1111 , ' north by I.!oplar Ist, 4 -act by ad-st, south liy. land of Wm, Qrtills; we-as b an alley, With a three story brick ,threillitg hottse and inittlt•4l Baru thereon.._• : A LSOLot No. C—floc other lot In Tetyailda litaintlctl On the norni by State sl, ea:4 by Jana of A L Hord. !with by land or - Davi4l 4 -Gordon and west by land of AnyAia, Barber, containing;, a two story rrattle.l.4lwelllog house. • I - No. ~thi 7- _me other lot :lit TOW ul3 1.6 , , bounded north by Poplar 73. erext - hy Vest'ern are.-M o uth by law' of A J Now t , and went by limit of Marla C 'truly. with a cellar and touudatioul for a 1,41111111 g thereon. AI.SU-I.ot No. S—The undivided three-firths intrr,st is six:tracts of unseat,-il lands In itarlaJ . and Overton twp's, eoutoliting ab0nt.1943 acres hod warm - owed in the following names: flogli I.latiley; Andrea' Cailley, Peter Lailley, each containin„t4Vo acres, Josidi Lad ley. collattiing, 330 acres. Walter Stewart,' containing 300 acres; and 1.5 11 Cunning ham, containing i.l ncret, with a saw .inill,lwo mill houses anti barn ther.mn. Said land contains deposits of coal, Iron ore and tire clay, Each third will be soul separately, the:right also belogrescrk•ed of sellik each third of each tot separately'. S::.,i;ed and taker( Into execution nt the soil of IV,N Betts., Cashiers use vs C 1) Cash. Geo I'. Cash, *c.c.'s, Wild k A Cash. sec'T. , Also . = the suit of Mrs. Anna L. Glum to use of N - N Dells, Jr, vs Geo I'. Cash. ALSioOtte other lot,•of jand in Towanda Lew.. - • • . _ .hlinded on the north by . State st, east by lauti or w 1.44mh0h. how In possession of Mrs 0 if B 'AII:H -wy; Eo,tith by Poplar st.atal. west by land of Cita., H O o od, containing 0119 bait of as acre or /MO ilt.h.: or Ic'ss, all Itnprtned, with a largo framed dtvel ing hoose thrreon. 1 ALSO---The lert, l Gee P (7:lsies undivided one fifth. interest In ono other lot of land it( -the born Of ToNyalltin, bottulleti ml the mirth by l'ottlat sr east by ild.st, southliy land of Win Grit - aslant' West iby an alley, being about Itlri ft front on sald Vidrd st, awl - zoom tr.,,t ft back; out Fall' Politar At, m, All a twit tt - A . ,) , gothic brie{: dwelling house, trained barn, OttWr out buildings and few4iilt trees.therg on, lot-being known as the- iiiiesteati hit °I the easit estate. s - L • I 75 172 Af,l3O—The defendant,-(te4 P Cash's undivided onvdifth Interest In ono. other lot of land itt Bartia3 full. coat:3111111g 11.3 atcrort, more or Ivss; lit the war rittiteit•mute of I) II Cu:1111110am. with a saw natl. two tuill Ilou.•,•ert and a Stab; thereon. ALSil—The deft untlivitrd• on—llfttt interest in Otto other lot of laud hiltarel- y.tup, eoutainteg 400 acres, inura or lent, In the vs arrantee name .otiPe .f .. 2 let Ladky. - . - . • 26 li_ . . ALO•t a rlto deft's undivided one-hith Inte ! regt. one lot of land lo Bayley twp, c .ntittniug Sat acres, more or leis, in the warrantee tiainolfJo,,eidi Latlier, ! Ilere i' • *oil 4.c.50,.-,Tbe s onc-Iln It interest in of uti other lot of laird hi Barclay top, rontahtlag; 335 acne, more or,less,ln the warrantee nano of Wal ler Stewart. • • . AT.SO—The geft'stinglvilhql one•llfth lutorest to one other lot of tang to llarclity and Overton tivp,, Vtmtairting - 4eo acres, more or less, in the warrattick imam of Andrew' Lagley:. Selied anti taken execution at the mitt of James II rhinney vs: t% VC) r caol. ALSO—One other _lot of land In Canton twp.„ bounded north - by land of Adanl,lAtals, boutlx lands of Patrick Ryan' east and wok, by land of tht Schrager Coal Company, eon Woli; 54) acres of tang, mote or less; about 10 acres Itnprov9d, with a BE Iffll ens O , house thereon. Riad and taltetrlter exam* at h e min » J Of Merton Landon,ilt ti Ara. - -, A LSG—thie other lot, of land. in , Rome tsp. boon- Asti north' by land of Jaw Deeker r esa by land of Wallace Johnan, soak by Lando: JOllOl-6111ett, west by tand'of Wm Richards,: ozatalaltnr.so area. more or lest, about 35 AlfreflimProvedtwilasktnuned house, framed barn and .orchard Or fruit Veen • thereon. Seised and taken into 'execntion at the . salt of S 0 PAtcher's 0110 vs A G Part, ;, • • • ALSO-rOne •other Int, af Wad In Athena Mit bounded north hy lasi of Heart Kirby. east by taz:d of David Nadia" and 'deb 'Hulett's estate, south by_land. of Joaddr 3feKlaney and twat by 1104 of =wilt / 6 44entand J .0 Hyser, containing 40 acres, more or lessizabOut Wares Itaprirred, no buildings, with the ildbf of way across the west side of lands aid tOnstld Iladlock by Owen Pak, not to efteed 16 ft. t, • - • • ' ALSO—Can other. Int of land In Athens twp. bounded north ' by. lands of Nelda:lab ;Miller, east • by lands of ChanneY :Wheaton and Elijah Vaasa. der. south by laznislof flilab Vangorder and west by, the Susquehanna fiver. Mniatning 0 *CM , more or less. about. 40 acres Improved, with two o 1 t rood houses, A framed barn and few fruit trees th reon. . Seized and taken Into execittiorr et the s t of Owen Park vs lTacoblrangtrder and.kfaria- Vanzorder. 1 .: , • -‘ , -,. • ALSO—Ono:4)ole* int of lasi In'-`Darren fop. bounded as follows: beginning at the a w corner of the Lukens tract; thence nortb . BB)o east 101 rods. - to is corner of lot No 11; thence, south 2‘,"."! west along line Griot No ii • ISO rods to Corner of lota No Li, tz. 13 andl4; thence south fisli west 101 rods to caner et lots No 13 anti' 14; thence north 2!4c , east 150 rods Ito the place of beginning; eon tattling 116 tu,,res. more or less, about 70 acres lip proved, wI t Wane framed' house. one leg barn snits few fruit trees thereon';' Seized and taken•lato ex eention at the salt of .iti C ELsbree. VS Jameli sfc.: Donough. . 1 " -, • - ALsti---One other lid' of land In Canton twp, bounded as follows: beginning at a corner on the south side of the main stage road leading trona. Canton to ToWanda, adjoining a 114 orland convey. ed by Benjamin Landon and sae to; john Van- Dyke, now deed, and bow belonging la his heirs, on the east and running thence south ea west along the, same top to the ft ,w corner of thelante: and thence north . B I° west Ii ali-Wp to a corner: thence north 6 0 easrilop to the line of the main road: and theUce south 54 0 east Mont the same 5 3X•ddp to the place of beginnlngt; containing of an acro Of land, more or less. with a framed building used for a store and dwelling btluse. a lot of store sheds rind I framed horse barn thereon. Seized and takers into(executirm at the *ult. of, Eugene 'C VanDykel vs Merton Landon. A I LSO—One other frit of land in Towanda3wp, bon vied north by lands of Tom B rennen, 'east by Rif road st.'south. by lands of 'Thomas Curdy and west by an alley. being.s6 ft on said Railroad et, by 15c/ ft deep, being lot No 7. In G V Mason's plotof South Towandal4 all Improved. no buildings. Seized anti taken Into 4:en:dram at tho'snit of John 3lerl. deth Ts John , Dunn. ,• ALso—Ore other: int of land la 7Thrter twp, bounded as follows: beginning 'at a corner on the cast side of the 'public, highway leading from To. wands to Atbens, thetite southerly to land of A A Kinner. thence easterly to the water edge of Island. creek. thence northerly along mid creek to land fOrmerly owned by "ti B Smith. thence westerly along the saute to the place of beginning, contain ing about 1 4 ', of an acres more or lees, with a framed sv,ru building and ban) thereon. Seized and taken into exeentlan at the Spit of C.'S Russet arid -E T Fox Vs Morris • - • A LSO--thje other jet of laud in Tuscarora twp, imund-d north by lands of Jacob , Fowler and Ilen.*: rri Shaw, east by land nf 8 Sturtleyant and Chad Smii h. south' by latiti of Bela Cogswell and N I' cogswell. west by lax le of A '3 Silvara and Her man Atkfui; eoetainfng 74 acres, more 'or less, a6out 40 acres improviso. with 3 framed houses, 1 frani-d barn:, 1 chop and all mill, fixtures he bonging to.same. 1 saw.mtil and all mill fixtures be looging to game, and orchard of fruittrees thereon: also the privileges of" a mill race running through the lands of.A J Slitur a . and all the 'water prier; limes as held. employed or enjoyed by 'Simon A and tkeeltito execution at the snit of A nuts Quimby. exy,e; of 3fcrses Quhriby,deed ys A S Clink. , ALSO—One other ';10t of land lfonroe twp, I.i - witted as follows: beginning at a post corner on the public road leading along the.Schradet branch of, the Towanda ereek, thence by lands of Ellen Ward Milton north C 4 f."35' west 180 feet toapost; thence by the same nofith ° l 3 l,l o west 120 ft to a pest • thence by the:sarne wit C.l O 7.5' east 181 ft to a post otithe toddle road lettere inentioned; thence along said road north '2154 0 1: . east 120 ft to place of begin ning; containing 1-2 'acre. being the same lot con tracted to the defendant ify C I, Ward May 2,137 e, with a small fr.uned dwelling house thereon. Seized Erna taken intiverecution at the sillt of John Ford vi Daniel, It Powers. ALSO—Otte other jot of land in Athens boro, - bounded as folTowst`beglnning on the west by cord, !ter of Chester 'Park's lot, thence northerly. along Bain st, snti ft to land of Episcopal church; thence fekstwarrlly along the•line of lands of said Eptsco. of church 105 ft to' an 'alley . ; thence south along said alley le: ft: thence. eastward along the end of sail,' alley gild the south line of a tat now owned by C W Clapp ell ft to tt.w corner of lot owned by 31' Pike: thence, southettlr along the line. of said M Plke's lot ati, ft to thb land of saiii•M Pike; thence. westward along the land of said 31 'Pike and the Uortli line of Chester Park's lot 165 ft to the place of, beginning: containing 14' of an acre of land. more or less. with A -framed house and fruit trees thereon.] Seized an& taken into execution at the suit of S,rah K Burris N Blood' and Ellen E ne otherlet of land in Alba' born, boon north by Land of, nobert.T.Sley. east by the N. ("IR fowl! by , land of I rad 'Wilson, west by land oP,Dacla Palmer, :containing 5 acres of land orless, all latplved, with a 'few fruit trees thereon. • 'A4.,507.0•i1e otherlitt of lard in Alba born:boun. ded north .I,y land of .Charlotte, Holmes, east by land of C' fil,Man`y....fiitth by lands of Chester Will. hints and l'est by the public hlghway.„ cnutaining of an ach• of • tazolblmore or less. all Improved, with a rev) fruit treetibereon, no hathlln s. Selz-. and taken into execution at the stilt Of Jefferson Lotighead vs A W FeLlows tt and A T Lilies. ' I4ll.:sotine other lot of land In Sheslinnln•twp, 14allided wirth by the auntie highway. cast by land .of Chester l'hll,l, seath by land of I. If Pest. west iii-f!lr:•ay,containing IS acres of land more alflmptcr,•(l,;:n o bollillngs. with a few (cult • zN.F. itt4r:ori. Scized and taken Into exeerttlon at :he snit Alls•rt tcnt vs! Josrph,and L H Post. IA f,,0,_..0 ne orber int of land in Darlington tivp, 00r...h by lands of T Shoemaker. cast by" 1111,1 of T Shoelorker; south by publle,highway and I,4glitVay. containing 03 acres. mores 1 !. , !it aS acres Improved. viith- a framed &owns. fratiosi harp rind few fruit trees thereon. sIH.: - .ed and I ik..n into execution a 'the Suit of E odn••roy vs G Perry' s ' A 1,5,41_6 :: , otlicr : lot of land Id Leßoy twp, bt'itn.led linr!ll by hinds of SimenrY Wllliatos. east. cf Chas Minard, tooth by the Towanda, f1i.,...k and ie...st by land of S It Morse, containing ei , orc or lem s . anent 70 .arres. improved, ' , Stith 2 frain-t1 luen.es, aframed barns. t -.1n1;11 NWT . . 0; hor ogs and orchard of fruit taken Into execution at t t. 7 stilt C T Bliss! vs Fanny 111-kok. I • 1 i A.. 1 LAYTON, Sherl,ff., S:srlTs.C/Incs. April 12. tsra. • ! APP ON LICATI -IN DIVORCE. , --s —,T:? Herne,: pl. -- ay'or. . No. 435. Poe. 1475 , Tot', ar , 'hraby notOINI that Ida May Taylor'. yonr , {1`.... It:i 4 . ; VIIT . I ..1 to t lie_Conri of Common: Pleas or Rrallr 'li'd C r M'Y :for a divorce !rein the bonds of tn.:•riniony. And the said' Court has appointed m,-,..1 z...; 1.:11. - t4t day of.-Mav, Inc , hearing T -the ;aid Its .Illy in Itui 'prornises, at time and 1...,a -o vet .iiii atiendtt you think pror.•r. . . sio•f!cc:1! •, t . A. J. LAYTON', Sheriff. lAPPLICATION` IN -DIVORCE. —Tr. S-.sr; Itri,svn. .No. :ISO. Dee.. T.. 1875. y , ,,..:-.).,.. ii-rol,yio filivrt that Cornett:LE Brown:your, , fn., I npllo.l--to 4 he Penrt of Common Pleas of ilferd rOttwy, for a divorce from the bonds of 1 r I VII ' vim;.n. and itM . , , sr. l l eourt_has appointed Mon tia,. tip Ist day td . 7il r ray. 1476, for It-acing the chid f'Orn4lla E. in the pr.itnises, at which time and r‘..ar, .. pot ran attend it yoti think oronen- • . • aut";:tka-4. I . A. J. LAYTON, Sheriff. • fikPI'LICATION IN DIVORCE. r Mit o Ca'.vin Si. No. 135 'Dee. T.. .1871- Y:•ut aca,hareby -tittlified that Axilsah A. Steel, ymer wife; has applted io the Court of Ceti:anon pleas of Itrrafford :ronnty for a. divorce from the honds of matrimony, and the said court has:appoin t,,d 31 , nday. the :Ist day of May. for,heatzig, 'pe said a;:rlittali A.,in the premi:•es, at which time and plareyou can attend If you think proper. . '' i apyiltint ;!, A. J. LAYTON. Sheriff .7i------ IA.P,PLICA.TION IN DIVORCE. , —To Jamtsnyright. No. 151, Dee. 'T., 1471.. You are heriloy notified that Terzah Wright, cone wife, has 'apiilled to the Court of Common Phata fora divorce :from the. bonds of matrimony,, and said court hat 4Prmlntli Monday. the let day ”f :Man . 1876, for hearing the : said Tertah, In the preynlses. at which time and place you can attend If you thlid:Troper.. 1 aurtlan - 4 . t., A: J. LAY:ON. Sheriff. A.P.PLICATION. IN DIVORCE' —To Jamocs Y'S.: Layton.' No. 99. Dee. T.. Ten aro liet - eiry notif i ed that Enima S. Layton has applied to the Court of Common of Bradford r ounty for a titimme from the 'rends of matrimony, and the said °owe has ap. iodated Monday, titalst day of, 3lay, for hearing th . said 'Emma S 3 In the premises, at which time !Ind Pine , You can attend if you think propef.. ''• Lapriisic4 " ; • A. J . LAYTON, Sheriff. • APItLICA.TION IN DIVORCE —To. - Charhil ]Marsh, moo. 'flee. T., 1415. Yen are hereby noiltled that 31. Lida, :girth; your trite applied to the Court of Com 4 loop Pima of ltratiford ieounty, for o'dtvoree front; 'tt• bendy of ,Inatrtirt4ny, and the said court has ap.! j I pointed Monday." ,' the tst illy of May, 188. for 'hearing the said [;,Lida3 in the premises, at which. time and place you'san attend if .you think pn;poi. aprllGve4 A. J.:LAYTON', Sheriff. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE To Effie Oaten, No. 127.' , Yeb, T. 1873. VCR aro7lp•reby , uldiffed that. Ellsha you hush:U.(l, has aiiiilted to tile Court of • Com moo iNela of Firadfcird County, , fiir % divorce fro the: botni4 of matriniony, and the said Court has a pointed 5103:11A)Ithe Ist day of .3tay,lB7s,for'hea tug the 014 Ensha, In the prenal,es, at which tlin • and plaoe,yon can attend if you think proper. aprit6a',4 A. J. LAYTON, Sheriff. • • DMINISTRATOR'S,NOTICE. :lc( tire is heyeby given that all persons Irt. l dfhted,tO the estate pt David filnaley. late of Asp tutu twp 4 de 'd. must make Immediate payment the 'Undersigned, and an persons ,having claim against said estate must present theib. duly. an thentleated„, for settlement. t.. - A. RECO3D. mch3ow6 Administrate A DMINISTRATOIt . NOTICE tititlce Is 114e.by given :that 'ail persons In •1-hied to the estate 'of Stephen S. Halstead, late o 111 , 17,1vary.deed,'-kimot make Imme'dtate payment di persons Lavlnvetalms, attLlFise said estate mut rem:ttt them duly authenticated tor settlement. W. 11.11ANKIN. Administrator. I :..-- . ~....._ _ , . .21-1/4113IINISTRAPT0i18', NOTICE' —N,itice Lit , hereby given that all persona in.. Lqaed 6 the estatil of Emily Jenkins, later of Le-; Itaysvine, deed. mini t make Immediate payment t ,114 t undervigned, , iand all persons' having claim :gain st said estate joust-present ; them, dilly autheti Licato, (er settlement. " :, ` aprlF. • G.;CIV. BRINK, Administrator. A MIEINISTRATOR'S NOTICE , 171.: —Notice Is 'hereby ;given that all persons 11 I. lt. , Nt to the etatO ott,Joseph Chase, lath o 4 0 , 4 , 11 1 creek, der; ,hoist nine 'lmmediate payment he utidt , rslgneil, „and all persons, halting elal , Th t,t ,t: t t itiost present them, duly autheta tlcated, for settlentlmt: I 1 . DANIEL CHASE, tnelt2rd,C. ' • Adou'r. INCORPORATION . NOTICE. ' r A. To all whom' lti map concern: . The undersigned. li ize us or Itomo!ltad vlehtity, hereby give notice that they 'mewl to apply to the Court of Common I.' 4 , as of •Bra•lford keuutyor a taw judge thersor,tei! 1, charter 16 be Inct.eporateditito a body politic ant 4, corporate, In laworlth perpetual eiteremkin, tinder the name, style and title of the Rome Library As, ‘cslatiou. ter the purpose oteetabllshltig and ma th : Lathing ft library' f4r the use arils triemteeta. lt..E. WIIITNe.r, , 8: E. SEELY. - J. A. .IiIOQDY, I.; ,_' W. T.-11i0CRWEI.T..". i . 14.1 ii 11.11OWNLIiiii, .' - I '' ' ),. . - . • Rome , Pa., Apiii 13, /1876T3* 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers