Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 27, 1876, Image 1
TZ323 OrtiPMILDAITON. SirAd tertislnt In ill cases exclusive of autricgip. tiou+ to the paper.' pEcl.ii_. NOTICES Insertea at TIPTLEN egiTS per line, /Or the first Insertion, and rivr, CILNTS Fr line for subsequent insertions. LtwAL NoTiefa, same ' style as reading Mat; ter. TWENTY' CENTS .4. 'CNN. ADVERTISEMENTS will bo Inserted according :o the following table .rates: • BM 1 lw 14w 12m 3m 1 6111 i lyT. TOOT 2.1”...tie5.... I 2.00 f 5.00 3 1 (IC :LSO I 7.00 I ta.oo zu.os I 20.00 4 invtles.... t 8.00 2.501 14.00 I '&25 I 35.00 I 36.00 t•oltnnn.. I 5'.i10 12.02118,00 I '22.00185100 145.00 I 10.00 I 20,00 30.06"4.001 - 55.00 I 20.00) 50.0011'80.00 80.00 000. fl5O. 111=1 01;11111n ADMINISTRATOR'S and Executor's Notices, 1 . .00 2 - Auditor's notices, $1,40; Business Canis, dye toe. (per year) $5.00, additional liner, $2.00 each— . YEARLY' Advertisements are entitled to guar ' et 1; changes. • , TRANSIENT advertlseMents must be paid for N ADVANCE. ALL Resolinions of Associations, Commtmlea ioas of Rmited or individual interest, mut notices f Marriages and Deaths. exceeding tiro lites, are TEN CENTS PER LINE. ' JOB PRINTING, of every kind, in plain and - finey colors ; done with neatness and dispatch. ilaodldlis, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, Billheads, etaunnents. ale., of every variety and style, printed at the shortest notice. THE• itErotttEr: eMce well supplied with power presses,n good assort ment of- new type. and everything In the Printing lin. , can tse executed In the most artistic manner ' and at the lowest rates. ' TERMS INVARIABLY CASH. Prcfessional - and Basitecs Cards. TAMES WOOD, ty • A TTO N : TOW.AND,A., l'A %,MITIE 31ONTANYEiAtros- Ly NTYS : Al' AW.--021i-e, corner of Main and I.; 2,1 SL , oppasito Dr. Porter o Drug Store. p IOIIN SANDERSON, 1 - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, t Building (over Towell's Store TOWANDA. PA. 1:i 119-76 T - 1 D. SMITH, DENTIST, 7*Towanda. a. ;lee on Park NtL rO.. et. norcb. s.lite Public Square ilex: to g,,1 ell house. [mcll9-76 'Q j W. & WM. LITTLE, A T T o o R rs—A TOW.IXD.3, PA °Moe 1:11'0A:on's Block, cor r .. Main and fridge-Sts T...randa. Aprn 18. STREETER. LAW OFFICE, a•t t lta. O yERTONk . MEII . CUR, LAW, _ _ - TOWANDA PA Oloe r lioniznyeg Store. (maT675 DI:RI:MN. RODNEY A. mEitcun TTOR Y-A T-LAW • I , I , FICE 01 - En 1/AYToN's STORE, TOWANDA, PA Aplil 12, IF7G pATRICK Sz; F0)71,,E, AT TOR NE YS-A ATV. ' Towanda. Pa. OMee, in :Styrenes Block: Py1773 E. e. GRIDLEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, t,I ' TowANDA. PA April. 1, Ira G . F. .MASON. . • ATTOP.NEY AT LAW. TOWANDA PA. Oftlre first door ,outa of C. It. Patch Enp., sec- Orl door. Nov. Is, '7,5. • Li. L. HILEIS; - 'A TTORNE Y-A T-L AW, • TOWANDA. PA. Cir;U grrilth Meti:anyP. [novll-75 EOlIGE: D. STEDITD. ATTORNEY-AT-LAw, 33 etie,:tnut St. 'ToNv NI, A, PA. uf Dec. 9, '75 ..k.NDREyvzwiLT, u • t _,ATTuRNEY AND c.OI:YSELOR-AT-LAW lEN over ('rr s- Llook.!..itoro, two doors north (.! a:Ola, Pa. May be consulted 'l.lpril 12. :74.] iIFP4ERSO3I & KINNEY, A TTu -VEY S-A T7LAIT, TONiAND.k, PA. Once Irt Trary Nc.bte's Block T0:.411 , 13. PA.. Jatl, lA7ro 11T 11. TII.OAII'SON. ATTORNEY , • AT LAW, WTALUSINtI. PA. WM . :l:tend ;to entrusted to his care in Bradford. :!:!valrand wyoLning Counties. Oleo with Ems. Port , r. [norl9-74. 11l ,ELSBIZEE,, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, TowANDA. PA. , VEIrrON, tt: ELSBREE, ATTOR CNI:Tri .IT LAW, ToWANDA.; ?A. Having Pn t...- fl inlu co-partners:4l% 7 :o.l - er their professional t,r,:.• ; -, t'l rite put.liv. bpeviat atlPation r i s en to I r -,i ,e. , 11.:. 11:$ ilt r l o .uff nth! ft4r il l-ttt'S cteirts. F.. ~V ,1:1:TON, Jr. (aryl 4-70) N. 1.. ELSIIIiEE. I t r ADILL & CALIF',A ATTO::NEY, AT, - . TowANDA. PA. • t , := t in ITcvt's Block_ firt-t the:ft solith of the Firs .. i.:i,,n3: bLlni.., up-stair:. Ti: J. II kIll?.I., [ l:lnt-731y; J. is:. CALIFF. , .. • 4 OLIN \\". MIX. , . • • .. • .., igen ATTOP.NEY AT LAW, AND U. S. Co3tMISSIONEII, TOWA.NLIA, PA , !nice—Nurth . .Sl.le P41,11c Square. T) ANIESA CARNOCHAN, ATTORNLY, AT LAW. MERCI: BLOCK TOWANDA, PA. • P.E ET, ATToiIN EY-AT-LAW. I:, F r, j , ..,,a 0, pn.Uce .1111.r:1w:hes of Ms :t1 111.(OL. K.,(entranee on south VOk, VA•I (jars-74. i; 1 E ) ( 11": \V. 1311IN'K, :Justice. of, T a a:1:1 AIL , o lusurgnre : P.I. EMU - - - T IR. S. WOODBC 4 R.N, Physi -1,/ o=ee over 0. A. I:look's lo.ry • M.ty-1.157?iy . . 111:S. JOHNSON tt NEWTON Pans Oniee over Dr P t!". :r I)rliZr.l 4 :4.r , r, P 3. . T. I:. .I 4 O. M.D. D. N. NEWTON, M. I) I). L. DO i)SON. DENTIST. _ L i AL S • 4 1 ., aftor Sep:. Li, nntr Ln fonnd in the room. on 'ZIA ih , r of Dr. Prat Cs new State :•,:rtxt. VI" B. KELLY, DENTIST.—Office M. E. T,,wanda. :la i , t , ,^!cd ”ri SUvvr. I:ilid , er. and Al au e.--"tract,il tvl aiout yain. • 11 Z. C. ST,ANLI , DENTIST, 7 11.t: - in: reann,t,l h,•nial office info Tracy over Kent 2g \Vatrous' store, ~. • ~ p:rpar.•d to do all kinds of dental work. 1 7 • In a nen' as apalitt ME I: „ PATTON, Agents for ( • N ECTICLT MUTUAL LIFE INSCRANEE i'Alk; & nation's Block, nrld, g e Sts„ • (1 S. It I:SS . . GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, ''T2x ' f ' - ! MOODY, BLACKSMITH. !• !Doe!, all laud, of sr.o . :k In his line, IioWSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY feet treated. Manufactures the eels, CALIFORNIA PICK shoil 1u Stulien'A Carriage Factory, on Rine-st Towar,lia, Pa.. 43n, 6 . 16-tf• • TNSUBANCE AGENCY. • The fell9wing RELIABLE AND FIRE TRIED Companies represented I._ NC 11031 F: 31.E.IWILANTS. . 0. A. DLABIC, ?larch ; F IIEDEIZICK TAFT & CO., GEN I. Pi:ODVCK COMMISSION lANTS, NC). !SO WATER STREET - NM. A DEL PEW,; If6V. .11" DGE TA Vr. secretary of Wir. 111:NnY Supt. Attain, Express Co.. Nt , w York. ),1-1 W E.g.. Philadelphia. ii.)N. liENNETT. ifolfah , , Kew York: .1. HATES, Wm Exchange, New York. 1 inrriOnio Soccer:is! 50,000 of the! Genuine '' AND - LABORS OF LIV IA I `•:1;•.•• r vdrvidy Bold. and demand in- The nee, cOMPI.ETE life of the it il-ie tiat , •ieee. Veil of [brining Interest and d -t tut hdi. of thirty years %ionize adven -1:::i.g..1.1-•) Ai • CUI:11)"ITIES and WONDERS of all 1041,ti17i, the Inillions are eager and m,nv good agents ere needed al once. Nark - LT:far, SVI,ENIOD. For particulars and pro o f, address. HUBBARD BROS., Pubusbera, 2,3SaniOrn - ,5..; Phila., Pa COCt2O4I-Iy. - - 14 kio Intl ie- 2‘.00 CALL TOWAN DA. PA THE GREAT BARGAINS, THEY 'OFFER PRINTS, , ' LACES, Towanda: March 2. 76 ALO R C ! Jan. 1, 1575 TOW A ND A, PA Llts, April Vo t 18.741. VOLUME XML Enzi# k Endre*. ~ ON EVANS & HILDRETH it Cl 3 THEIR I , A NEW STORE, ;ON ' MAIN STREET, AND SECURE a SOME OF OM SIIIRTINgS, CASSIMERES, DRESS GOODS, WITITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES NOTIONS, &c, ax EVANS & HILDRETH Tayloi Co. lan ARE RECEIVING EMI OTTR, N E W SPRING GOODS THIS .WEEK. WE HAVE BOUGHT TJIEM ' AT THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE E A-SO N, AND WILL SELL E THEM 1113 1 PRICES NEVER BEFORE EQILA.LED TAYLOR k CO. K ,. gfledfd goekg:' THE LOHGE3T WAY ROUND. !tuns the logest 4ray round, we know, But never seemed road so Short before ; For Jos and I were only half through Promising all things good and true, When there was piei,old familiar door. And father was looking oi n k for me— Dear old father no wise and good And he kindly pretended not to See flow wonderfullishy and glad were we. Wi* pau.sedi and silent before him goes]. "seems to me you are late to•night. ll'm ' lost your way on the homeward route,' You did, eh ?"oh, but the moon shone bright, Betraying my blushes to father's sight, Betraying Our secret, wlthbut a doubt Did he remember his own young day? Maybe so, for he asked me no more. And Joe and I parted in the usual way— A simple "good-night," and no more'say, And then between us the cottage door. 1 • But one glad night, as we neared the gate *here father stood waiting and watching for me. Ite`grarely said, •• You are very late ; Just step Inside here, Joe, and wait Tifl I can learn what the 'cause may be." Wsll, never mind what the old Block said When I kissed Joe, on the porch, " good night But every fear from my heart had fled As on Joe's strong heart I bowed my head, linbwln that father said Iml ht. (For the RAPOUTEIIj LOVE'S LABOR LOST. "Ah I 6amivel , Eamivel, Take CareTorlthe Widden Mrs. Moxen, who came forme4 from sunny Maryland, has fifty acres of stumps and stones as her dower; five miles from neighbors, on-one . of the fingers of the'. Apalachian range in Northern Pennsylvania. Growing lonely and sad she recently-used! up all her maple-sugar money, the total income of her " farm," in making a visit to the scenes of her childhood among friends still staying in the split Peninsula. After awhile came to her, as cotnes sometime to us all, the. feeling of " Mine is horne, , be it ever so homet ly." Cogitating' -both how to raise the -windto Raft her back to her mountain place and as well retain the sweetness prolonged of fond com- EIN „ - panion§hip, she 'ever and anon en larged upon the pure air, the peren nial saltibrity, the broad outlook, the cheapness of land, the abundance of fuel, living 'without money, her bijou of a house with plenty of el bow-rOom, and all in her own name and right ; assurink her friends that the only drawlback was the want of loved ones around her; and•she cor dially tendered all these and more to them a possession in perpetuity, if they would go: with her thither and. make her happy home theirs. A well-to-do family of far-off kins folk, made up of the grandfather aged seventy-one (upon whdm the widow looked most tenderly), his son and daughter, son-in-law and grand child, listened with avidity and yield ed eagerly to the sway of her glow- ing generosity. They sold out their cosy place,' and, elate with expecta tion, accompanied her hack, cheerful ly paying her way and anticipating her wants and wishes ea route.. • low joyously her tTe s sparkle! how fond her every expression ! and how lovingly glib is her tongue on the way ! Then, too, how Wond-rous ly grew that prospective possession of pleasure to be realized at the mountain home, looming larger with every mile on the long railway ride. The rough staging of a day was a damper, but Moxen's positiveneSs of the full content awaiting them all at her hill-top rest, and .her gleams of love now glinting on grandpapa, and now glittering on his stalwart son, kept all cheery up to the last stage station. ' But there,—Ah ! well, "The affairs of mice and men gang aft aglee." On the mountain "winterlingered in the lap of spring." After 'no little difficulty a springlcss wagon was found to " tote " them and their "lumber" over the last five miles from civilization. Still, aking the dreary length of the joltiuglof that execrable road, the Widow Moxen glowed as with irrepressible delight and exhultaut satisfaction, constantly' calling the wretched, weary, droop- ing group to admire the beauties of nature, the •sources of wealth and of enduring health on every side and at every turn. Somehow they could n't see it; they wouldn't be charmed nor propinquit3 to the picturesque, nor the nigh sublime availed any longer to ravish them. Yet still were they all .most anxiously looking for some token of the promised possession of pleasures that had so captivated them ; and more and more preciputi, to their silent memory grew the very items of their former discontent with their dear old forsaken home, now: sold away forever. The dragged out team stops at a lone cabin door; their 250-miles journey after a. new home and happiness is ended. Repressing every sign of solicitude and hiding all marks of her Own fa tigue, Moxen with tender pressure clasps the old man's arm, and bois terously reiterates " welcome all." Alas, for human hopes! and, alas, for mundane realization on a moun tain top. True, crank cupid chuck les-from every cranny of the cabin, and crinkleS the widow's face; but the cheerless outlook over those . bar ren slopes, the'hnge..illshapen rocks, that misreable sty of a shanty, a three minutes•glance suffices to un ravel ail the web so . deftly spun; a three minutes stare and all the wid ow's-work of love is done. "Come," cries out .. the teamster; " come let's out with the things." "'No ,!don't you dare to leave'a thing of ours here, nor us either," exclaimi the married ,daughter; and so say they all. - 3 Back, take us back to somewheres,'we will pay for the horses, only get us back where there's folks." The Moxens gesticulations and hospitable entreaties are vain ; all feel a wrath too big for utterance to a lone woman. The old man is the last to remount, and straddling his trunk in the rear of the waggon, as thb lank and worn horses were start- idg, to the Widow in her door with her outstretched arms of ardent long ing, he sadly, bitterly cries out : " 0 Ann Moxen I how could,you lie so? one room .down stairs—a step ladder—a chicken roost upstairs; Ann lioxen if I wer'n't so sore and tired I'd boot ye." CII.I.NCIIM. .. . . .... .. _-..,...... . , .1. 1 , ( I . . • 1 , , , . . . , WA DA, BRADFORD TEE SIG is t OP THE DECLARATION INDEPENDENCE: • The 16 1 personalk who •linpe liberty 'an their. sign: which es ' 1 pendence as the cent day which near: "The - t prising th representet passed the berg. Thin efts of co "were lawye five were fanners, a 4, gaged in vi except Ro' maker, and boasted Of, statesman min'yrankli tyhe inembe the young the most of cier of the a extensive II governmen. lle died in eareerated mentary on discriminat but unfort victed‘ felo the most 1 condition . 1 man nge In en made it nee. wing facts respecting the of the .illustrious men .. . A fled their property, their i: their lives by attaching :tures ,to that instrument bliS . hed our national inde ill bel read with interest nnial anniversary of the witnessed the act draws lirteen 1 States then corn ! _American colonies were in the assemblage that eaSiire by fifty-one mein ty-seven enjoyed the ben legtatel.trainin (7 , ; twenty. s; four were ilysidans ; clergy Men ; three were Ld the remainder were en- Mous niercantile pursuitii, er Sherman, .the shoe- Benjamin Franklin, iiqio L•eing a printer, yet was a t'd a pliiloSopher, Benja ri was ;the oldest among s and .r iEdward Rutledge st. RObert Morris was. ulent and was. the finan Iministi.ationl 0 ncuotiatindo II ails , for the use of the I upon his personal credit. (prison,;p hating been in or d'ent a beautiful cow ; those Jaws that made no 'on between the honest nate . idebtor and the con- Samuel Adams - was seedy, his impoverished icing 7cll known. The of .hisl pecuniary affairs 3ssary for him to seek at !xpense.l Josiall•llartlett to l'ot4 for the measure, ar President Hancock to u went. t Two•of the num-_ ;lams and Thomas Jeffer mbsequently Presidents. rkable fact that these two been 'presidents, asso k committee that framed on of independence .' and •ognized leaders of two al factiOns of our coun lithe same day, the 4th of the fiftieth anniversary pon which they had con much to the welfare of •ymen. i Charres Carroll . member that added his lidenee, f i ndi the reason of l one in 1 this instance is 2ectiliar The patriots that Convention knew t 1:t 'their action on that zarded their liVes. When signing some one- near 2d, ' he Iwill get off, there v Carrolls they will not r one to take.' Sot 'so,' and immediately added on.' Ile' lived to :lee all ble men with whom he hat ;eventful day pass njoyed the prosperity of until' 1632, when he died , ear." the public`; Was the firs; and first aft sign the do( her, John A son were It is t mina . nien,.,havin elated on th the dbelarat: the first rel great:politi try,:died-rni July, 18.6, of the daf tributed , so their count was the onl, l place of rem its being, (I somewhat that formed full well th, day they hi• Carroll was him remark are so man e know which! replied he, `of Carroll ie inemor eted -on away, and" his country in his 95th 42:4 ON FASHIONS FOE MEN. AR, AND NOW IT !IS MADE. WHAT TO IN There is more than the usual .variety this - prin.. in theicut of gentle men's Barn entst r' Fashionable city tailors - seeiii to be breaking away from abitrary ruled, and are depend ing more thin ever before upon their WII taste ; i and preferences. ;The , ordinary: reception ' suit, worn at all parties andsisocial events where full dress is not required, consist - this season of a ' double-breasted frock coat, of ,finle diagonal cloth, either black or dark blue ; a waistcoat of the same material or of white duck, l and trousers of striped brown or gray, cloth, generally of light 'color. The coat is cut in the same way as last year except that the sleeves are fuller and the skirts a trifle longer. The binding is of narrow silk. .The Waistcoat, .except fOr evening. dress, will be of coat and and 'single Tn and straight lied eassimi material. a white ve t be consideri trousers ; dark colors Most bin suits will LI glish small checl trousers al' ly-marked 'he same material as the It high in the waist and : breasted with notched °users will be cut losse it. Brown and gray strip ters will predominate as E'or evening dress, When t is worn, light gray will , d the more becoming for itherwise' either light or ) may be 'rorn. mess suits and wafking )made . of Scotch and En- Isin subdued colors or s, coat,l waistcoat, and of the same cloth. Strona•- )laids will be' worn only 1 by those p isons 1.30 can :Ilford to have seve . I suits' a a time, and to present a fiequent'variety in apparel. Small checks so woven as to make alMost top!reeptible plaids are to be ulna worn The prevailing style of business c at . will be a single-breast ed sack co tvvith one, two, or three buttons, • When the coat has more than onentton the skirts are cut away sharpy from the lower one. A single • breasted, one-button sack coat, cut straight in front and with "patch" p4ekets, will be very popu lar as a coat for the Sea-side country. The busier* vest will be cut high in the waist; single-breasted, and with out a collar. The trousers will be fuller than" for dress suits; straight and wide at the' fooi,. There will be' a great variety in color of business suits, but brown and gray will be most fashionable: 1 Little change wilt be made in full dress suit. The ineVitable "swallow tailed!' coat will be cut a little fuller in the sleeves, especially at the wrists, and. the trousers will be somewhat straighter. Spring Overcoats will be made or almost every kind of cloth, frimn a fine black broadcloth to the lighter shades of mixed cheilots. Thctuoit popular .wi gray diagonal worste tons, brown and ; gra3 ; cut single breasted,' and rolling collar:. 1 bq generally of silk. rech an inch or two All the .pockets are si e. Perhaps the most[ marked change from last spring in men's fashions is a tendency toward subdued and un obstrttsive colors 'and figures.' j The more economical and modest in dress will,naturally favorite and the Scotch Ind tnglish weavershave done much in their work to further such a ten- ._ , deney among the richer classes. ;With many flue pieces of English goods, recently imported; it is difficult to tell without looking closely whether they are plaids or checks, so nicely are the different colors blended- and arranged. Colored or figured shirts, collars arid cuffs are won .Smich- by yonng men this spring. Small figures and checks are considered to be in the, best taste, and the most common colors are light blueand light brown. NO change is made in style, the, boioms and con- being cut plainly. Nine -tenths of the fashionable young - men, wear standing collars, some stylee of which are very high-in the ne c k. Linked sleeve buttons are coming into favor again. Setae yery handsome sets consist of email wrought globes connected‘bY a - gold chain. In men's.neek Wear there is almost an endless variety. Some very brilliant scarfs are *ern, .but men .who, follow the best fashi ons more elcisely wear plain but rich materials, the' ornament consisting mainly of thelring or pin with witch the scarf is fastened or decorated, Flat scarfs are becoming very popular. At pres eat I most of them aredark in color and ! intended to be worn with light pin In the center; but as spring ad vanees lighter shades will bd worn. Gentlemen's gloves will be worn with one and two buttons. The glove 'stores - present a great variety of shades and colors sufficient to match any suit or harmonize with any com plexion. A new shade of lavender, very light, and a peculiar shade of brown known as "chevrette,"sre sell-- ;ing rapidly. Moit gloves are stitched pr braided "on the back. Some heavy hills in fancy colors are fayored by A • pure lasers. 1 j . The spring style of silk hat is an iinpriovement over previous fashions, lieink less bell crowned arieheavy in .appearance than the-hat worn during the fall and winter. Seen 'from the side it lessens in size slightly'towards' the top. while a front view'diScloses . it,slight outward curve. The brim is narrow with a rolling or very narrow. POlisay curve. For elderly ,gentle -1 men . or for gentlemen with full faces, the ,rim is a little wider. Stiff felt -hats are much worn. Their brims are usually narrow, the crowns generally rounded and - not so deep as for win ter fiats. Besides black and. other , l i dark colors there are mixed grays and browns to match the spring style of walking, suits. There are man . - styles of soft felt hats, ranging from those with a wide brim and tall erowii to the more common, low crowned hats worn by boys.. The light shades of silk hats willnot-he four, in. the hat stores until the' Mid dle of May. Buttoned gaiters , have been worn almost, exclusively by fashiOnable, men during the winter, but as the' weather grows warmer the Oxford will-be the favorite shoe. The style is plain, wi th rounded foe of medium breadth -a little narrower than-- for winter, broad, low heel, and'a single sole ] of medium thickness, . . which give the shoe a solid but' very neat appeiranee, and makes it v*ery com fortable for the foot, eons' ter t cotnc spiral the Aliew of preventing you from tak tng Oart in it. People of whom you know nothing, and perhaps have nev er'sen, are talked about as quickly as tongues can rattle, but all that you find it possible to do is to put on as' ickly smile now and then When the clatter and merriment of your entertainers are more than ordinary effusive. The personal, domestic, and other concerns of a number of persuns whom you have never seen having been exhausted, it might be thought that your turn would come, and that you might be enabled to redeem your character as an intelli gent person, in your own eyes, at any rate, and be enabled to appear to your considerate associates as something more than. a grining, say notliiiig niece of humanity. But, alas! such is not the case. People whom you do not know, but whom you lave learned to hate with a bit ter hatred; having been diSposed of, schemes in which you are ipof to take an interest, are brought CatilC car pet. !Again you find it impossible. to bear up against the combination of Micumstanees which is brought to bear Ppon you, and becothe apparent ly dumb stricken. The probability is that you return to your home feel ing that you have made an exhibi tion !of yourself, and those whodi you have been mingling with come to the conclusion that you are a very dull and stupid person. Atfthe'same time so locked up are they in them• selveS . ,,it never occurs to ahem that they hive failed to give . you a fair chande. Tho forget thati, when, in a fit of recklessness, you humbly ven 7 turedl to moot subjects of general in terest, you were encouraged to per serve lifiyour way by receiving mon osyllibie replies, or none at,all. It is tim i e,,then, that those . who profess to prinitice the :courtesies of life should learn that abdut the worst form of polite insolence extant is that under notice. be of subdued d of mixedlmel . They will be with fly front I . he linings will The skirts will 'below the knee. to be on the in- MA is an animal that bargains. No other. animal does. No, dogs exchange bones. . " WUAT did you • give for that horse,. neighbor "3 1y note. " ' " Well, that was cheap." Tux way for a desolate old bachelor to securer better quitters is to take 4 "bet ter-half." 3lAma, observed Mr.. Holcomb, as he was putting on his clothes, "there ain't no patch on them breeches yet. I can't fix it ;no way ; I'm too busy." . "Well give mia the patch, I don't want people to think A can't afford the cloth." COUNTY, PA., (THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 27, 1876. PRETTY GOOD POINTS. e Liberal Review - discourses of grievance that not ,a few of Ive experienced : n are invited to acertain house, .e you meet. a number of people arc on inti Mate terms with each but withi . whom you are, com i! vely ; ' Naturally latat r ditlident at _finding your in a strange atmosphere, you subject who ought to'be encour rather than discovered. But, the treatment, which you re effectually puts a damper upon It is true there. is plenty of jrsation, but is of such a .charac iat sou may be pardoned if ( you to the conclusion that a Con - has been entered into -with BEI 1 r THE (OATS HOITS*-In6-11378, The e'reetion - of this ; edifice was begun iii 1729 completed in 1.734. The two wings were added in 1739 ; 40, and It was then one of the largest and, most'costly edifices for civil.pur poses America. Previous, to its erectionthe sessions of 'the Legisla ture of Tennsylviinia were held at private houses. The first purchase of grounds for the building included only alsrint ; lialf the depth of Walnut street. :In 1760 the other half square was purchased, and the whole apace was enelOsed in a heivy brick wall. Jelin Vahglin, who came from Eng land to reside in Philadelphia, plant ed the grounds with elm trees and :shrnherrYin 1783. ~Afterwards the; brick wail was removed, and 'the present neat iron. railing erected in 'its place: 4 , (This is the railing recent ly. retpoved .) The cost of the main buildinenf the State House and its steeple. wits about $28,000. The style oftho structure was directed by Dr. John KeariilY, Sr., the same amateur architectimal, charicter to Christ Church. The glass and lead sashes cost: $8511... The glazing waadone by Thomas Godfrey, afterwards celebrat ed as thUinventer o,f the quadrant. The interior decorations remain as originally 'designed, and; for the pro duction Of so early a time, are very fine ; and those of 'the main hall, em bracing a richly panneled ceiling and a heavy cornice supported by fluted columns, , s - sxill strike the eye as ex ceedingly: beautiful. The ornamenta tion over each door leading to the " hall otlndependence " On the east, and the ‘...lSatiOnal Museum" on the west is florid, having a central medal lion troll*. which the face of one of the Gedrges projects in 'bas-relief -Tile eastern chamber; which is a shrine to . :', every American, was the theatre *herein was proposed, de bated, adhpted, and signed the Dec laration nt Independence, which *as fully proMegated on the 4th of July, '1776. The. Hall still presents, as far tisit has „been possible to retain it, its original appearance. The por traits ofitlie signers embelish the wall, perpetuating not only the faces of those listorie. men, but the skill of Peale, Stuart, Inman, and Sully. John laticeck's chair, and the table on which immortal im j ortal document was signed, 41 ,d on a dais at the eastern end:; 114li's fine statue of Washing ton adorns the northwest comer, and the old chandelier Used by the Conti nehtil Congress is still pendant from ; the centr.i of . the ceiling. The west ern cliamer, for many years the Coin mon Pleas; Court-room, is , now a museum Of historic relics. Of these it contairia a large number, both rare and' euriops. Among theni 'are the ale mug : i ot David, Paul Jones ; a* . china cupl with Wa:shington's effigy, made belOre Brach:hick's defeat; flag of the ISt recriment Pennsylvania militia,loOtainfrecaPtured at Brandy wine"; UM . chair of James) Logan , first poseesed by William Pendovith the inscription, " 'Fruitful for recol lections ;',sit and muse; the chairs of Colonial. Justices; Franklin's bed side table ; relics of the . battle of GermantOwn ; the` original . stamp imposed Under the celebrated stamp act of GrOat Britain, in March, 1665, which led*, the Revolution, and the charter ofd Philadelphia. Upon the second flObr are two chambers, now used by -the Select and Common Councils, the westermost Nina ; for merly the' 'State Hall of the ° First - Congress 4 ; The lobby extended then from this_chamber to the eastern end of the building, and in it were con fined the 'American officers captured by the British at the disastrous bat tle' of Germantown.' The original steeple, being decayed, was taken down in 1774,. and the present one erected in 1828. On the ground floor of the steeple, surrounded by a network el'iron, to prevent:the rava ges of ;relic -hunters, stands the famous old bell, hanging upon its original titipports. It was cast and imported from England in 1752 pur posely fOr the State House, but was j cracked in testing it. It was recast .by Isaac a member of the Colonial Assembly, who inscribed it : " i'roetaim liberty throughout all the land, Unto all. the inhabitants thereof." This old. bell did, on the afternoonf; of the memorable 4th of July, 1706, proclaim that- liberty which the' iColonial- Assembly had just declared. Subsequently it was again fraciured, and is now sacredly guarded an invaluable relic of our early national ,existence.—Land We Lire In. pustig ABT GATITIRTFR One cause of the el.9w growth of art SentiMent .and art knowledge among AMericans, was the absence, even in the larger cities, of public and private galleries of paintings like thou to which the people of every European pity have eonstaint'acceSs, and where ; :they may-become familiar with the works of the great masters of almost every age and country. Of late years! these opportunities have . notably iniireased among us. Wealthy. citizens .New Yark, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, Cincinnati, and other citiee have accumulated eten sive and Valuable public galleries of the best:Works of native and forei,gp artists, ant).-have evinced commenda ble liberality in opening their doors! to the public. There are also fine galleries of paintings -and statuary belonging'; to societies, like the - - Boa. ton Athenieum, and our own Historic al SOciety, but to most of these the general public can not claim admis sion, and heir usefulness as a means of art culture is, therefore,;compara tively restricted. There should be !in every large city a public gallery of art, as ,in Paris, Berlin, Munich, London, Oreaden; Forence,And other Europeano,ies, to which, on certain days of the: week; access should be :free . to The influence of such itestitlitiona,, would be immense. , There is inany a working-mai in Paris who; thows more about pietUres than the Majority of cultiirated 'pea. ple in thiffneuntry: lie visits freely the magnificent galleries ; of the Louvre, agars artists add .connois. seurs converse, and if he is a man of ordinary intelligence and perception, he acquires a knowledge of picrures and arts yrhtch Cannot be attained in a country.if Where such Opportunities A : - . ! , I I " are rare, or.iinlito be enjoyed either by paying for them, or by the favor .of some privacollector. 1 True, the want Of public ait galleries has been t.l in a measure supplied, in most of our large cities, byl the collections of art dealers like Selma and Goupil, - who of late yeiirs , have imported many of the finest specimens of the works, of foreign artists, and who admit the public- to their exhibition rooms without fez. But this privil ege is, for the most part, confined to the educated and`the wealthy. Rare ly is a working-man or working-wo man seen. in' these remits although no respectable and well - b ehaved per son wonld be :denied admission. Enter the galleries of Paris, , Munich, or Dresden, - on S. holiday, and you will find hundreds of people belong- ing to the working-classes, men, wo men and children, feasting their eyes on the treasures 'of ar t, . and filling their minds withlove for the behuti fill; The refining influence of such an education can not be overvidued.— S. S. Conant, in Harper's Magazine for April. . • A CO-OPERATIVE In Scribner fot May, Charles Bar nard has a paper on "Some Experi ments in Co-operation," in :which he speaks as follows - of the Springfield (Vt.) Industrial Works, a successful Co-operative entrprise: At. the benches are youngmen and • women in about equal numbers, dis tributed according to the demands of the work or their Own abilty.' Prceisely - as any mannfaetory, there is a regular system of work and a perfect subdivision of labor. By the peculiar Method of selection, each one has the 'Work that the ma jority think he ershe is' best suited to 'pertain' consistently with the best interests of ;the establishment. .On going through the 'various de partments, one cannot fail to' notice the quiet and order that prevail. There is a rrgid adherence. to busi ness that is poSitively refreshing: Persons familiar with working-peo ple in mills and shops can readily re call..that calinnesi:of.manner, and in genuity in •doina nothincr with appar entt. energy that characterize ;some of the workeas. NOt ,a- trace of. this can \be ,seen in the Industrial! Works. The sun goes dOwn, the lamps are lighed, and the work goes on, with, out pause. •It is hamnier, hammer'. hammer, with all the regularity and twice the energy of a. clock. The whirling shafts 'Spin steadily, ta. 4 . shavings fly trot' the planers, the paint brushes slip along quickly in nimble girl fingerS. It is work, work. work with a follr7persistence. The six•o'clock bell rings, and :no one seems to discover it till the reluctant engineer turns ofrthe'water, and the clattering machinery runs slowly and finally stops, as it'it also held shares in the company. • We may join them at their liberal table ; forty or more youn g men and women in goOd hoilth and the best of spirits. They. are. well-dressed, intelligent, with manners self-respect fill and courteous. After supper some amuse tbemelves with books, music, and games 'and sotne return to the shop for extra 'Work. :All are apparently contented and happy, and all, without exception,' are mak ing money at a rate seldom equaled by people in their.position. SATURDAY NIGITT:—IIow many a kiss has been given, how manya curse, how many a caress, how many a-kind word, how many 4 promise has been broken, how many. a heart has been wrecked, how many a loved one has been lowered into the narow chamber, how many babe has gone from earth to heaven, ll'Ow many-a crib or cradle stands silent now; which last Saturday night held the rarest treas iirs of the heart. !i A week is aide,: A week is a his . Wry. A week marks events of sor row or gladness, of. which "people have never heard. Go home to the family, men of bilsinessi Go home you heart erring wanderer Go to the cheer that awaits you, wronged waif of life's break q s ! f.Go home to those you love, man of toil, and give one night to the joys comfofts fast flying by! Leave ,your boOkS with conitle.xed figuresii your dirty work, slicip;' your busy 'store. Rest with' those you love ; for God only knoivs what next Sattirday night will bring you. Forget,the world of care and the battle of life which have furrowed' the week. Draw ::close around „the family hearth. Saturday night has waited your cominirin bitterest tears arid silence. Go : Come to those you love, and as y ou. bask in the loved presence, and meet to return the loved embrace of your heart's pets, strive to be a, better man, and to bless God for giving his weary chi '- dren so dear a stepping stone-in the river tcOhe Eternal"; as Saturday night. - GUTENBERG'S INTENTION.--COUSid ered from a mechanical point of view. the merit—of Gutenberg's invention may be inferred from its permanan cy. His type-mold was not merely the first; it is the only practical mechanism for waking types. For, more than four luindred years this mold has-been under critical exam ination, and many attempts"haw been made to supplant it. Cotitiiv. auces have been introduccid for cast ing fifty' or more types at one opera tion ; for swaging types, like nails, out of cold metal ; for stamping types from cylindrical steel dies upon the ends of copper rods; but experience has shown that these and other in ventions in the ,field of - type-making n machinery are not better methods of making types. There ,is no better method than Gutenberg's. Modern type-casting machines have molds attached to them which - are more ex act and more carefully finished, and which have many little attachments of which 0 uten hem ,never dreanied. but in principle and in all the more important featuresi the modern molds may be regarded as the molds of Gutenberg. • • " Why," says itadden, "should we speak of monuments of bronze or stone to commemorate the services of Gutenberg? of monument is in every quarter of :the world: i more frail than all, it Is more enduring than all: it is the hook."--Seribnere. ityvvil*filii:pkissiztt)llWA 'A kindly word. a pleasant snpe. • ' Are better tar than gold." A friend, some time since, come to -us. and expreaSe - great annoy ance at what horegarded as. - an act of marked discourtegy ‘ on the part . 'of a gifted and. accomplished gentleman, to whom be had.rendered a valuable service... , lie was write excited at the time, net that he cared so mush for the eireumslance, but because 'it was calculated to dim- the high pic ture which. he had • formed - in his , mind of the nature of the man.' Ire had set him up as them •od . el of .a christLn gentleman, the very. em bodiment of . a finished, poliihed, graceful and dignified character. And yet, to his surprise, he food that lacked one of. the great e-e -eentials, namely, common courtesy or ordinary ..politeness.: In. Other Words, he bad either refused:.-or de clined to 'answer a note that had been sent to . him on his own busi neSs, and Oh; refusal was kept up for days ' until it became necessary to refresh his memory and. offer one or two. sharp .adMonitory reinarki.* But this is no extraordinary case. It is Of thousands. The lit he etkurtesies — of daily life, and kind ly and graCeful a-menities which are so'adniirably calculated to 'sweeten the relations' between man and man, and to impart a genial 'spirit to . our social cvery day intercourse; are too frequently neglected. .• We either forget,or .we overlook then We do not itifficiently appreeiate our oWn.Self-respect, or the feelings 'and good wishes of Others. This is the more culpable, for courtesy and kind ness are atfthe.command of all es—the'poor as well as the rich, the humble: as well as the elevated. There are some persons who never think it worth the while to reply' to a note or an invitation ; unlessa some especial business Matter be volied., There are other 4 who never oinik such an act of cotir tesy and duty,. In the . first case, misunderstandiugs, > irritations and utikindneSses will. inevitably occur, and in the. Idst, all these will be avoided. Some one has observed, truly and forcibly, that the little courtesies .of life should be regarded' .1S among the minor virtues, and their practice should be encouraged and cultiYated ' from early youth; Inlet, indeed, could he more delight= :Ail than the inte,rdiangp-t of l eiyiiit3% kindness andgood will on all prop: er occaaious between friends and neighbors? What is so calculated to Soften the. rugged path of exis tence, and to give to the I human heart agreeable feelings Sonic years, since, a gentleman and lady. were 'betrothed, and the propos= ed. union was looked upon in the most approVing 'manner by the pa 4 tents of both parties. It so happened that the former. had-occasion Ito visit Europe, and to remain abroad some. thing like six mouths- l[ wrote home elaborately, or a• few- werds . by every . backet.; but during the Whole of this period. he received but three, letters in reply, and of a c ara.eter brief, as to show that the fa' co s oondent took very little interest eii ther in the subject - or the object to . , whom the epistles were addressed, The effect was to anney,irritate, ere ate a coolness, and finally to break; off the match. The truth' is, likes to be, treated either with intlif 7 Terence .or Contempt: A - SensClof self; pride, revolts against such conduct!. The- courtesy. we extend to otherth. we 'naturally and 'properly desire to see extended to'ourselves in ireturn: Retiprocity is the very soul of har mony, friendship, and good feeling. A sensitive individual' may 'be" a(T 7 grieved nod wounded just as lyeadiry by indifference and neglect, as by au open and studied insult. By 'courte4 sy, we do not mean affection, lholloW pretence, shallow hypocrisy, and- ar4 tificial manner. On the contrary; these are all misreable' Counterfeits; But we refer to a . genial, generoui and kindly spirit, a sense ofl apprei ciation, a recognition . of equality, d truthful air, and a frank and I ManlY. bearing. Not a day goes . .ty its Which, all these. qualities cannot be exhibitl, ed more or less, especially the . sphere, and among the friends we move and mingle with. There is on the other hand, nothing mere Uni worthy, unmanly, pitable and meani than a disposition to tyranize over, and insult, not directly perhaps,' but indirectly,-those who in some sense may seem tObe dependent upon .us; or Whom,.in the 'exercise of a thlse pride; we. nay imagine we can out: rage with impunity. The little:cour4, tisies of life never shine so SweetlY 'or brightly, as when they are mani-. fested by the. rich towards the poor; or by the Powerful toward the weak.! -They then 'become a grace and em:, bellishment the character, and; while they 'adorn the one party with' a moral. lustre, they kindle lin the hearts of the Other, feelings of kind ne;s. aflection and geed-willl, • But courtesy ie . :never out Of place It is never thrown away. It always has. its effect, and sometinies it tella far more eflciently than formal services; or evereeavy obligations. • NOTES ON THE INTERNATIONAL LESSCiffS, MAY 7, 1876 • AXU. ACW IV: I?. SECOND QUARTER. LESSON VII This second sermon of St. Peter grew out, of the Miracle recorded in. ho last lesson. The Place was Solomon's l jpre.l-- a relic of the ori,ginal temple, it Is said-1, situated probably at the eastern end of tlid south side of the area of the itemple... Tradition says that the wing or 'pinnacle, of, the ,temple, mentioned in the, history of ; Our Lord's temptation. (Matti 4 : Luke 4: 9), was an elevated point of this elegant structure. Pis audience consisted' of "all the people e., all the Jews! then presentAti the temple enclosure—:, who ire described as "greatly wondering" they were amazed and awe-struck at the. wonderful power exerted by these men. "And when Peter Aaw it,; he 'an. swered unto the people." That when; Peter saw the concourse of people and:, their wonder, expressed by lotli+kis and words, he answered. He addressed them Rs "Men of Israel"—i. e., not simply as Jews, but as representing the whole Jew- : • , • • . , ! .„ fsh Tbs./trot point in his' dlieottrse \, :, 1 • nation. • is Ids /xplattation of !Ito miracle.: : ' - I. He explains it ,by pointir4 eut its a I a WE I ouree. 1 y marl/0 ye tit *sr As - • Israelites they surely could not wonder, if the) , ifederStPod who it was that hid •! wrought thii miracle. ' ; . And first he de,- . Sciibe.4 its sOutee nvatfiely.- " Why took ye Iso Carneatly on us;Aus :though by our own powor it holiness iwe had made this man to walk?", The Wonderful cure waltz _ not dtM to any Power oigOdlinclui in them. But ponytail, :"tho God of Abraham, and' of ;Isaac, and'id, Jacob, the God of our father's, : hath: i glorified his son' Jesus." Peter itere,rcirelinds them of the essential - • identity of tbe new religion with the old; - : Jest's is the Son—or properly the i servant! (14. 42:' 1; Philip. 3 :1 ) —of Abraham's God, the Jehovah of the Old Telstareent. 4 lief asserts that the very God t ey ivror-; shiPpeci , had honored the man th y cruel- ' fled Bin, ho l ly By raising him rout the dead, and then makihg him living j source of divine power onto sin ing; and : • : suffering : men.;- This. necessaril,r intro-1 dices their 'Om iu i4:compliahing .ther death of JesuS, and enables Peter to bring 1 forward again -his favoi4te.anti esis be : I ; tween their treatment otJesus d God's, treat crept of biro. Vs.-43-16. , , • - .! He sel ! ts follthiplainly:the particulars, of their guilt.. I. They hid deliverd Jesus up-41..4, abandoned hitn to his : cies arid eeentio i rters.i 2', They liad denied himln flip preseocegPf iheathen ruler, reprsent- ing the Feat dominant power of tile Gen tire wor d. 4. 'they bad insisted ' on ihis , • dent 1 ctien when Pilate. was detisrmined to} It r hire go. i 4. TheY had demanded net onlY ihe cortdemnation of te Holy' One anti the Just, but Hie liberati 9 n of an, acknowledged murderer:. 5. As i gra,nd orterimilclinia ; theyhadpreferred ade.' ~1 1 - 27. -- strayer of life to''tne author of life. .i 1 I :1 1 ' -Over against this wicked, insane eon dut'et he sets :Gcid's treatment of Jesuti. TheY secured his' death. iii spite of Pilate's I• 1 . ,• ' God - '' better juag,ment,lbut raised him from the dead Comp.l2: 23,2436; 4: it 5:30.,' • I 1 I '., 1 - This Jesus, ;raised froM the dead by the , - ! ! Goa of their fathers, of ;whose resurreo . . • tion the apostles were Witnesses, has he- 1 ' Come! a source of divine:Power to : sinning and suffering 1 men ; verse 16 . His name , means the poorer represented to the world, I by the exalted name Jesfis. ThiB power, - is fnanifested Iby means : or human faith.' _ The condition of its exercise in the case in hand was the faith of Peter and John. fqtherinere, this faith iis •Irk : night 'by - him. It is a' faith upon him, and it is a faith through'llim. "Three circla- pes! are insisted du, in this verse, as en- .1 irmsta limiting the proof of Diyine agency, 00 - wit!: :the noteriousness of the man's pre ;l f ViO r IS condition ( " whom ye ,iee ' and ', , , know") ' the !corr.pletene4s 'of his restora- , . ' tion ("this perfect soundness"), and: its publiCity ("iii the presenCe of you all'"). . ----Ilezander. . 1 ,! • , • I , IL . The second point ± in. Pet/ r's'er - ''-• rnoi is his exhortation to the Jewish and i tolis; :vs, 17-211. He begins with a 'conees- , shm. 1 "And now,? brethren' (he identifies iliicif with theni to showi his fellow Teel ing!and ;desire Or their ;welfare] '1 wott. (ur*ltoir) that tbrough itmorence ye did • , it, as .did also yeur rulers." They did_ iloti j k row, (for tliey would not he eon- • virqed) that Jesns w: I the Son of God— t lielMessiah of Lirael—the author of life. This !i - norance could n ot absolve their : , goilt,', , but it opened a door of hope Mid ~ eneiJumgetnent >t6them;: Taken in con- . neetiati with the fact that Peter next al- hides. to, viz: that the death of Christ was the l exticution of i divine' Purpose; and im w 1 I ' a.,1 foretold by the ancient prophets; he 'could, confidently urge then? to repent and turn to God with fell assurance .ofiw.cept anee• (See' Luk4 • 23,34; , 1 John 16:3; 1 ' Coi. 2:7-S.) :.: " Repent,' ;therefore,' and ' . tarn, :unto the blptiing grit of your sins, • in Order that thci i e times } of ifreslnient . may c i oni,frqm the presence Of the ',Lord." (f,. 4. the Father, ch. 1:7) His meaning is that,thetr repentance and holiiaeBs were 'an Indispensable !Preliminary to the sec ond coming of the Lord; and hence he - exhorts them, as Jews liolcino for t„he 'via- - 1, 1 • . ; . 0 ible Ringclom of :the Messiah; to Oe.pare in their hearts thg lighwiy for the Lord. onvq ~ It is clear in Scripture that thee l f - , • sion - Of the Jews Must precede the glori- 'epiphany of: Christ', (See if 35; ' , I Mi!MWM 3 g tIMPER‘ 45. c '41:31434; Rims. 105,26). r 3 .‘: The times lof restitution of all; things, ", means a glormu r s and perfect restoration of all thiUg...?; not all persons; the reF,eneration of 19:28. "Toli,iapstle enforces Ids teshortation to repentiby an appeal to the!fital coming of Christ; not because ho would represent it as near :in point of time, but because the event .v - as always_ near to the. feelings and *nseiousiess of of the first •belieciers. It '.was the :great coMs un: ma fion , oM which the strongest' de. sires of their I souls were ! ;fixed, to - which their thoughts! and hopes Were haPittially. turuel. ; ; They lived • -with feference. to this event. „ They; labored tcr7bp p. for it.!" --L ' ITackett.i • 1 it . , 1 [ i •:. 1 `i The coming 'of Chfat iiti gIUrY is a •'II ; ; - truth most terrible to hislfoes, and an in centive to repenMnce. tre do' not suffi ciently feel the • . , this great motive to feel the foyee of this great motive to diligence .that to us at ';least •the' dap of tlte!Le.rd speedily'cometh :is a thief inlthe night We are to look 'for and (hasten into the coming Of the day of God as. at fUrthest near, and at any rate hasten ing;"; (2 Pet.;3:l2.)—.lobbis. 1 - , : Il • ' ; : 1 Thci 20th Verse,laccording.tothe gene t_ l - a l ly , admitted i translation, should read: ." Ancl he mar send him '*,lio was•predes timid (or appointed) your Messiah, everi.Je... sits," "(See Alford) The proof of this state inentl hat ;Jesus Was ordained or appoint ed their MeSiali i4"found in the 22d verse. The Messianic ; application of this pas. , sage was held by all the. Jews. j Peter interpreta 1 it as applying; to Jesus, be- . caulse assured' that such an'applicatiort • 70014 commend itself to ',every searching .iiiitid. l This gr anted a they must fe,el con-, dernu dby the, very mouth their great' ; . ; lavi-giver. Aecoi'ding to I Moses de!- 1 , 1. seryed to bci cutoff for not hearing him; • ; hoW much more Or putting him to 'death ! And :not only Moses, tin) greatest of. ; ; prophets, but also Samuels the restorer of prophecy,' and ail after. ;!him, had pre- , dieted the times; then po.sent--the times. , of the Messiah. Thus h established.the gTent truth of the4Messialisliip of Jesus: --I P et e r • .1'..,,.. • : r closes his exhort:ition by.etting Imet' re I;qs bearerS their; great privileges a; , i glorious proufises. They were child. r oe the 'priphetg - and :Of the covenant 'lnterest T altd at in i t 's i. , ! I ;d e jr In ha a d de ati w h i ert h 4 i i h ta e ry i:rif , a ,in ti t i t e , had n 4 , r 0- - „ • mate relation to: the p ense. and ~, proph ecies. I They Were ineli4d in the great ° (1 p ro - , germinal, ise! made Three trines, to _Abraham and repeated to Isaac . - and Jo,- ;. ri 'eel; Pence (fat sent fits Son to them first; of all: . 'He chullued his mission and • a ! udllabora to ithe Jews; '' And' he came not "folcinidem butt to bleak them; and toy ' - do this bY l tur iug every one from in his ill icit:llies. • He eaM 4 e to 4ve fro gin.. Hence!: only t ! lose who: repent and turn from siumnto 904 can bli saved liy hiin: . •ipo sent him to bless' Ou,in turning , eiery" ••,i&C," (1;1. -20). '' Thik is the divine ' • side of the woTli i:of SaTvation. 7 - , 4 1Repant ye, ! itulrefore, and lie converted, too,!' ,(v. 10): - This la the Ihnuan - side. i i.. 1- . 1 , ::!. I= II El 11111 'epared