II 4 ;epettet, `7,144* 0 El ra., Tsar :. 7 , M 30. 1870 LOCAL AND GENERAL. TnE people of IraVerly have voted in of . anew ebarttr. Tr.!: spring termAf it the graded school ..t. T! 1 F. aanivers'ary of , Clqist.Cfrareli ftzun ,tv totYpit Easter. izEvt , T. 1.t0.. - Aln l z, of licntiling,, N. , prcaeli in the Baptist . -Church xt . Sabbath, April aft?tsnooa . and OE L. I). I.EozsAttt) 6. of the Central N. Y,' ll ;„, P ro f ri t ~' .. .. :: ~,,°° T. c oo r i . n .,,,, e . In 1: 4 19.:1 - it0. 1.41110 was -, ..1az , . cototollky,. 'i .. " 300 aiipointed P. E., and ,Tulin Grillin and u. w. Clark 'I 1 ~ 44, • 300 w. 11; Kershnerl - " " 400 JallieB tlilinore, bcfore.spoken of, preach- (.. D. p . „,, g , ~ ... .. 1 ,44. 300 ers. Flom 15‘2.0 to 'i.!•2.' Ile:man G. War- 4 1. C. sin!' -•• 1 ,- . ~ ' ~ 300 6. it 1 14 s ou tier, Her':,:zli..)Lorre awl Caleb Kendall •' %. '3- ( :.' ,, t/;!"g .t ". I I . tratolt , 75 ''' 'l% oil "' ' l,l a ! - •" , ' , 1 ,, q‘ oi-cold in Ihe ••••'•PeietY• J. 11. l'lllarwy. ceinviit ; 1 2 50, I:9llllngb6ild bl Bbo they hats i:1,2, - i!ill3ibel; ~ i 111,..0f the Sucond (11_,.• It.mnian. ttamlnz ! c. 375 .‘ , llclll tie - i I iniNs:. jI) 'o_: . .h?, v .hil e G ay. Denvil,l4ll•l, labor on .strecN9 06 La , . ma f. , ni 1_- •• •• . 13 56 .11tliti noel Mr. ...7.0..1:1ii“ - are the preach -p ar 1i . ',„„..,1y 66 0 ' 2 03 ers, the peoplc proceeded to hitild it church, o, A. 11urn,, 19011.-0 duty " 67 60 v.'!. 'll : , .1 II i 1:2:t1:611: , :41,', 11,, it was I.lllilt, G ''. l'''-'3l'".s' So", 1 1 1! Icir . 1 1 11 . a l r i i k ' s mf"t..." 9 ‘s 4 °- .0 iii 11l PV , II a e‘!:ttot . pai;O. to mar , or .. ~. i „. 0 „, ....1 . 274 ch.ttie the io4 : _ic,il. i The pulpit, galliirs I teaming ...... .... 12,00 28 69 am i i ti n : I), a-. i i 1 ., o f Anej oa t ,t y ii.. Af ter Thin. lenotill , .n, low,. clock ..... 10 00 , 11. L. Irylne, , leanin 1.10-la nteatner wive. 800 Ow ii.illl.• II:01 I?.',rn i , llt 'llp. ',AI.' Cia:..S ,1117- ' Cha, Sig.., extinguLhlng gas I lb 00 1. red a g:;•;:t 14,; , . 'Zlitil• le:tiler...lames * ItEl'CillT or 'POLICE .JUSTICE: rii/UNG PO. It 31 , . 1:.tr;? It, W:1 , 1 il'i1c11 . 1 , 1" .111 i! 1 . 3 nill;-: of 3 • . lIN AND FEB., 1876 1 . 1!:•,.. r::-Aler ( ~ , i t, 1 1:,.:iditt.,1 his runerai ~,,.,„0 „ . Ili , 0 ,„,i, f „ i . • I , i , text. .. ... , , et , S.' Frederick, Feb. 9, drunk and disor t:, i„,,, 1, 1 ,„,„ i„ ~,,1..,,j 1 .,,,, 1 1„ „, shag! di e derly; tine, 'J. :fames Nestor, March 21, same; line, ;$3. Lewis Lewis, March 21, a:1'1 not Itv, , .•"riils death Orz,v, it tie I,:iiidin ! , ,q . (h , • ti•er , .+ f•r a little, lint oinn y saute; line, '''• John Learry, March 21, '4 . < the peo (1.. ;.le lalli•• !and the liwase was sante; line, J. - (...illii , •!.(1, and stak. n. 10-(1,1y. .known as . The minutes were read and approvoM, u. 4 a v.; 1:,• . 0 01 the (1:1,10st in the =FM z.i.dor,' i-Te , ;;;•—A TwiTIONAL FACT, . . , • : 111 . 111 . 1 : 01111..1' t't•tlfltlrN :T. in I hi- hi-r.o ie.)! ) , 1 - .). I an) interc,ot 'lr. '1 it.t.xst - 12.s r'ecords of e ,1 1 •;y nioven),:its •alOug Sugar. Cre..l.. • I ,co tl»):ht orally ) , i)...)s such in ferittion it , he rei.ieives. 'tall y and by nom his »%%!:1 d. nomination. ;.In -itch 110Wi•V r A•I', it 1.1 I;1•11 IAI froai all sources. to ) r );ati)er the whole his ancl when-Neritiog for secular lour t; :Is, statement:: • should -Aro pruned of all Li;,, and no censure, expre.-s or implied. cast' upon hutividuals . , unless r: Tilled. In It:eating of the great rl•vi cal of 17:F.,), •.re read: cam• cahle !her the hits, tln l a ti>t elnirch; Init the y e, , ziverls !lad !taken a great eCe.,like hene. , he '111 , ..t it It little success, :tot 1,11 fur utltr iik•his of labor." it would :coin, f6‘nu the sane that 1 : :1 , 1.3.kYN:: had I.wen pre:lettingen:the k i.)rt• thr rt•ViV.il. I. learn by the he.;:ang I/A VII) JAYNI: was 1 :1 , 1.4.i. at .:`:ew liodfoni (now Tioga and I;;,rton). in Ncw Ydrk, in 1.7:;7, and \VIIS t!itie tflutl. as I M. THOMAS who was in 11ynInsing 'about 1 nit moved t , ; Tov,anda (leek in es in his lihit,,ry that EId..JAYNE pl:..a . ?•licd. in hi.. \slant w:ty. .cm Sugar t;ti, anti haptiv.cd bon:e of the Ky ;IPA 4M110:s: atal :sugar Creek Bap .Asseetathei 1 / 4 17.•,ber. iO2 22:e112.. lilt eiltir , _! l 11;1111g 'f'tl i: , ( 21 the 0.1, 'rat.l:i.i.,ilkr\t. of and oti:r hunmn in' forgotten lifE9 _ iulc up ~ i MEM lin.ll "T 11.2 r.„! "ILL 4'[ XII .1k 1 , 1. 1 ,1i‘a t. 1./±, =Bl Ur. t MO h hiseTzi It ti - I;. t (':~~.. ME =I ME =ENE NEE =MEMO t:L =MEM 1,•... - v . :l.,•lnc•itt , of Il e a 1 itai; ,itb•., =III '‘..Tilr , yl`• ,t1:1,1 \, 1:1 . 01 tau,;: !1 , 1 11111:, insulted t iy :kll,l !. •.•• iri Saci a !Late 1:1.1)0..-; OIL :I' i.. ;:. :II 1.:(1. o\l, apt. ..kb•';• ~1 11v,, Au, Ifdtl iloyght i:.k cd. iw.tr 1 all 1 i•. to pled,;ll 11l 01\11 lioh,e, " . i pruachiu4, of l ;e1:,1 MESE hu- k . 0.:111 • '; Lit 10/1.11 1 L. file iiiier.4! , t. na, ~ ., 1 11)t. par- . t uutttu i —I-. fit.ct it, look 1:() . X ktioNS 11 :1.1 E ill Null - ti;nes, sone - Paul. ftn. Ainnius, 71 ,u.ne 31,2411 ".;.sts. snne SWIA: SUM: S . }l ILA 111e . 11 . 1/keN anti 6 :01,111.', " C :an , and uf :tint clvnunima N ' i i RIM 1.1 . , - joiiict: were. per -1l II ,!../:‘ MAer i 1 now: Every it . - ups ion( ;Hid j;lo•Altie b ami per haps muii,tets'. lint It is not lisentl, it is not advis..hie out, through bi ar one-sided trzu r iiti“ps, persons bmg tolliejsr long lioies,Hint pat in print this of that, ont • s more or less pre= juTio . ,l opinions, adverse to their there per,oual qualities, for the gol - sip of after geneiations. Neither Mr. l'e.A.Nsuti nor no sell J4Yst.; the time treat l'il*ml yeins;igf•; and I of ler tuirteri or pi 10 dvcords of his us , ,n tinn• Inc instinct ik c i,wis 01 e I..te Esq. It that the unlaiorable oi!in them.en lice above •Inutiti is (A 1.,110i11,ci BIN EMS I I. PROCE4)INC.F.:-I:Cgtllar ,:1(1,1y Match tit. Liu: be; Comiviiiiien .lorti.i.ti. Pratt :laid I= t . \,, 1.1.1 ioi, l of C . 4izi:ns fol. a sidewalk 'ionr ii,e c,uucr ne I,;,!ohard and of ;:d :St., to c o nn e ct : `A;W: to fit of the . 4\ "1 pz up- V. 4.5, t , ll t.. 5 f a , li e pe r ports owners ••to ne :11,1 1 , :ta_c, Walk uaitin 10 days I,!ate of ut said no:ice. I wabl:tiz,o direcied to give :y u IT Z,0,111'4 of the ME t , ..(! 11.1 \ 1 . I;.:; - .-1 I, ttC ct,„ It m, CCU Ltoctljt, lIIIP ::11d 'cid: 11.01;h line ul L. I). Run witi.iu ten • .•I,4;iflitlil MEMEIBMIESI 1 u 111 ,, i! , 11 tlll.lVlillttn Pratt the sR tct ht,altteto:d to exam- 1: e the culvert crusz,ing Alain 't. okposite tiro Lanka svorks and ronove any (ph i ,;:ii , tions in said e i tilvcrt, that may lie G. S. TitANUI. u. Li,- I Di RE I:~l ciai~'l'.l :1:..1 MI ~ .~ ~.1 x.ll MEE I:it .1 .!;1.1 V.C./ 16 ._n iic %\::N a tail, 1 BEM -I roir.ll.ll. D',li 'l,l 1.- lIME 111=1111EMMI 4111 . .111 , 1 . /IC . Vi it,LV 1....11( l' when on motion the . x!ouneil atljinirned. JAS. MCC.A.IO4 Burg. I J.,KINGSBURY, See'y. t BUSINESS - LOCA I L. C Ty" We have just received large in son-• env.dopes and paper. Nvhirli weivrill furnish to uur 1 , 31:01.5 neatly printed. at very knv prices, New Prints at Kr..\--r New Ribbons :It KENT &JILTS'S.' R 3" New goods recAved daily at AVID LEM A3rB tinvaring dunp at 11ENDELnu t x's Jewelry S ton,. n"' New C(dlars al' KENT & BIM Ladies'; Back Combs at' KENT 4.SZ ERIE 'New Dress G oods at JrENla; Buss.' . , Cam' Ladies' Casliitnez 2 o Tiest.at KENT CM' Gents Collars and Cuffs at KENT EIT . Bargains in every Department at IMIZEMS "Lace Curtains at KENT 4:: Buss, re" Novelt 4 Ses‘ _ and Fancy goods at ET-17 Itrg,ains in Hosiery at KENT tt MIII — New Cloths and Cassimeres at KENT Bargains in Quilts and Counter- Faits-, at KENT & '":''fall at 'KEST & 111.iss', and look • r dollar corsei, jt.l l lot of shav,ls at DENT& BLII,S. NI'SV stock of Fintwellas at liENT S. 1.1,1., :77 , Call at RENT fur votr =IEEE SII.II 'l' sell the best in,vinfactur-,1 in thy c.mwry. IMMO 1 tlt You can get all the latest styles e' =I "Iluy the "can't-brea - k-'em" Lamp 7'. ,1 Cs Store.Dl:ll6l3 Zei . ' II Y N utters a grvat reduction In SII- I= - All the late,t pliblicati9ns, very at A% TC(0111 A large .stiwk of r' ^ nu•s and toys, al ~••!. at NI . !nitwit: Sc Ladies., have yea fzeen the Silver- ev.k. 0. A. Kt.v K claim,. great things for his lio.t received direct from France. Th: Silver Plate g•uxls of 1:0g , .t.'3 & Bro, 11,:o. I; LAC I. sell± give perfect salinfaction. Everything in the line of station- cry at WIIITCO7.II'. SII UT'S ItENT.—llotel Property at My.; burg -*f /re' 31. TIENDELMAN Las Um largest and hes ,;..4.;.; of ladle. and g,ntlernens' gold and sliver u ate hes evor brought to Towanda. irieDon't fall to call at IlVitn.F..l.Wv . 6, If you wi,h to !my anything In the line of Jewelry, Silver and silver-plated Ware. :70—IIEx1,Er.m.kk has the finest stock of \% ,I‘*eiry and :Silverware, ever brought Into int% twwn, l ' an and set It .41e -- If yuu want to lecure a good article, and ge; urth of our money, ilia place to io is M. HEN MEMO Dwelling Houses to rent cheap.l Enquire of 0: D. KINNEY, at OVERTON ELS! iiREL'S CAM P.—Deceased Feb.lo. MI. Mrs. Polly timeeyl Camp. widow of Isaac Camp, aged el years, '2 months and 11 days. She , was born in Vermont Dee. 5, 1754, and when a child came with her parents to Laceyville, Wyo ming county, Pa. trls33 she was married to Isaac Camp, who, as a Mill-Wright, moved about for sev eral years where We business called him. In Feb. ISZI, ho settled in Merrick Dep., Bradford county, Pa., Where he and she lived and died, on the place now occupied by Thadeetts Camp,. their youngest son. here they wore Oleneers in teforest. gradually cleared before them, anti the virgin soil yielded a supply of neeesmr Ise. here her mother Tialities mitered and abounded. Situ became nurse and physician to a new settlement. All her ac quaintances trusted anti pral4eil h 7.; She, had executive ability and will power and an•uuconinton share of fortitude, which attended to old age, when she shrank not from a severe surgical operation —the amputation of diseased fingers. In early life she suMnittell to the yoke of Christ. arid bore It with pleasure ac her honor and glory many'years . She became the mother of nitie children, of whom seveu.survive her. tier grandchltdren are forty eight, her gre at-grandchEdren eighty-seven, and of the fifth generation there Is one, ainminting all tonne hundred and forty-live of her posterity , "tier children arise up and call her blessed. Many have done virtuously, hut thou e xeelle.t them nil.' "A woman that feareth the Lord, she tWI be blessed. (live her of the fruit of her bade; and let her own works praise her In the gates." What V. work she has dune What principles Inculcaliel What a legacy of 'lndustry, fortitude and piety she has I,,ft to her posterity and acquaintances lir;e7 many such mothers have the Purlmu s of NqNS England supplied to bike our land and the word -011. We bLs, God for the Innumerable happy homes . Mrs. E. 3. MINGos will rOurn In a; male' such, In ii largo measure, by our praying few days with the largest assortment and teat mothers. Such mothers so abutted In no other selected goods ever brought into this pace, which; coan•ry. 3lay the perslstAt piety of our Puritan ;oh: will otter at the lowest prices. ex .%i ; neestry abound In posterity to the latest genera ! " I ilons of the race. . D. C. 44 - Gold, Silver, and Steel Spectacles, and Eye! great variety, at 111:NDELms.iis3 BEIM L,'?/ - The New Empire Cook Stove cari be seen at 11. T. Jusx's Hardware. 1p not, buy mrhlGw3 =ME . Passengers to the West will find it 10,11:1r advantage to purvlta , te tickets 'at - the Ta.. IN:Ruda Depot. rtate reduce!! fr 'in Sept. Is FOR 11ENT.—My house on Maind sr.. o ll .usite 1. B. Uc MNIIt EY .S. 3larch 11. 1576 . . :21" The largcst and best ass i rtraent of . Brackets ever brought to this place, an now bei scan at FItUST 3tbas. to I.:o—U.] I Timms nt his store on Bridge St.,! ti.,l:ll 7 oNt am•ort ul,mit or Human flair ever of , feud in this mar k..q. Don't buy your boots unto art,r you ban: an opp.rtaalty of seeing our J. A; M. SIIKETLi.. [:e1)16. MEI Buy your elothin...; Of H. TATI.OII, whPr2 yo.t can alway, g,t good good, at the Mrs. E. J. t-M:Noos is now in the of y .. e.lecting goods for the spring trade. Ity Itet long eaperktiee .I.le hx•la cmtrateut that bho an plea,e all who may ea; I. or Buy the .Lunestown Alpaeas. .Tlu3 :reamn why; They are warrented to %rm.!! without' 'ihrinkinr, or fading: to to fully 27 holies wide; and to he equal In durability to tho Very test goods :In the market. i :Tr Mrs. E. J. INfillops is this week in :Nev.- York and Philadelphia selecting 311Illnery "and Ladies' Furnkliteg Goods for her new store. No. 3. In Moon's Mock. She is lmella.- ng led only the best lint:the cheapest the market 'affords. She Is preparing to !amply ronstry itilnin ers nt wltoiesalo prices. She, expects to tiring on the largest,assortment mot' Iti this market. I AKyOMING. SEMINARY AND COMMERCIAL College, one of the best sustained schools of the kind In the country. Prepares students for celb.ge, teaching or inbilness. Mts . ! , le, painling and modern bulgllages taught by competent ...teachers. Th.. tl'ommerelal College Is not excelled by any school of the kind. Neat term opens April stir. Send for Ft catalogue to ;Rev. D. Copeland, Kingston, .Co., Pa. [mcb9w3. tar RAPELYEA, RICHARDS S HILL, 3:27, `East Whter-st., Elmira. N. Y., cordially invlte.th !ladle.% of Towanda and vleiniry to an opening (4 pring 'Millinery and French Patten:3, Hats anti Ponntids, to eofumenco Wednesday. 4111 sth, ton i Outing to Saturday, A pill Btll, Wein:dye. _We can ;I.;.,tire our patrons that our opening this spring will ' .turpass any previous displays .; Iruarnnl. ES n 7.. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SAT.E.—Sitrta led in Third "Ward, Towanda Borough. House pertly furnished with all modern improvements. Itange, Reynold's celebrated Heater, Itath Ziom, 'Forel Pump. and largo Cistern. Attu a convenient )torso barn. One or the most desirable and heanti :ful locations in the Bkough. Will be sold at a bar gain. and on easy term 4. Apply to O. D. KiNNET, ')111(.0 over SICIPAAE & EtoWAnnS'. [febnlf. LW' Powri.r. Co.—We have just re relved our large Spring Stork of Wall Paper. !:ow eady for exhibition. In addition to our, usual stock of plain tints, white and brown biacksoce have added a handsome assortment ,of flue Broo:e, ;Sprer, Gold and Ihcoraled Papers. Please call and examine our stock. Buy the Jamestown Alpacas, for the following reasons: They are made from the best materials. They am dyed in such a manner as td secure eonl. plete saturation of color. They are so thoroughly shrunken in finishing as ~toth'itinaifeeteci by dam pnes.. They may there !fore be wa hed and dune up like ilnen,Tithout the !bia.:4 injury. sale by POWELL A& Co., sole agen'is for Man ' irfactUrers, ' I'hL`al p 1 Jr.n. IS7r; i .• !Messrs. Seth W. Fower I; son.. Ulan-, but they V 6 ere' .poly able . to atft , rtt her 1,n:1,, :rary I pre,ul7l,l Dr. 'W;•tar's Itul.-aur of thy u , e of four L. , tth•+of %I it 1,11 en ttr-ty cured her, a. it I fan: ,-ince Alt` :h.. la , : of (titling rrh , eli time .hr• ha , litut. sufler hitutaulty, Mrs Ituin, ta. retiut•-ted utt• to lay puhle. Your. I -itty, T. U. M , •C IZA I 11. M. D.. lirt.Fgt.i abtl I'herni4t, S. I:. cr•r. 7111 t.iol NVl•at :,.ti & T•, BA XTICI:—TtRoW;Ii.—IIy Itev. Pavidron. E.: his bou,s 1,1 31 r. .1. and mt, • ' fah 15. , 1 rlvk. 1101tINSON.—It the r.“ Id.mre of 11. 11. Hollett nu If):1) 4arl•ampti,n En..cli J. agtal 35 yrar, [ov.i.go pa per. je1,..1,e copy.] 01'i:1:Tf1\.-.t.t the net Iflonee of 1;k ratllc:r. N. B Ut et :on. of ?L.nr..•ton. t!tr 2ot of coo Julio Ole:IOU, oged )% apt. Maul' 15 . lung Fr. 11,1 1 ,., Infant inn nr G. H. and 31artha E. Fuilt.r, bg•'d r;u3.intbs and 19 day,. P.. E. C. MYEIt I=l Mrs. E. J. COLE tar Fos RENT.=—House and lot on COI leps Bt.. opposite Institute. Cil en inebte-tr . • N.11.211AN TIDD. Mr Another opening on Bridge St.— A Boston Boot and Shoe store will be opened by the Ist of April. Prices to pleasco everybody. [amble ray- G 6 to a TAT Lore's for fine Flats; Shlrta, and Neck ware. Entrance on Park street first door below old bank and from• 'Muth side of Post -021,ce. Wo have just opened a fine assort ment of Clothe and Casslrne'res, Including all the new Spring Styles 'ln-Coatings and Suiting& mchia-t1 Powata. & Co. La" You can have her ! Three year's time S A chestnut bay mare; good work horse and fine roadster. To be sold cheap, within tea days. without fill. J. If. EMMY, nach164l 12. r airs. E. ..T4 3lD.mos wishe i s to in form the ladles of 'Towanda and vicinity that she is now settled In her new sure, next door to KENT & BLISS, where she will - keep a largo assortment of Millinery an Ladies' furnishing goods. . rir Theladies will be pleased to learn that lOC. HARRIS •has ronclinted to remain In To wanda, and Is now receiving a large and attractive stock of millinery and fancy goods, and invites the attention o 5 his numerous customers. 01114-76. far The Phcenix Insurance Co. now Issues polideS Insuring sigatnst loss or damage from lightning or no. This 13 one of the best companies ' la the land. 0. A. BLACK, Agent. Cy' Another change in the 3cl Ward. • When the carpenter business won't. pay, something else must be done, and GEO. L. Ross has pur chased all the Stock and fixtures in the ad Ward 'grocery. Ile has also made such itnprovetnents as eyes the .tore a neat appearance. mcbo Clir PIERCE & Scorr, at their coal yard, keep rash ground Cayuga plaster, by the car Load , [ll' ton. It In from the celebrated Thompson b'id9. New York State Geologists say It Is the strongest tilaster In the State. t rtuelo-tf. I'owELL & Cto.. pMe ag4ntspr inputacturers 31arch 1, 1876-tt Gentlemetr.—Mboi S. Burii, of rtit ar.4 , Coate , trout,. Las tong born ,iillt.ror frorn a .vcro r ough Ind boar.ene,,. chroalo. ,be as trolled by Fointi of our rncot etnirwnr .11 • :ILA I.i MARRIED 3l.trelt 4 IL K. NI. , •L n,,,‘ It of awl MI, Llipla .1•111.31, of J. Roy. DIED. From Ilod our dArling boy was given, So good, k.o par,. eu sweet; While wow we know be res! In Itoaven, But yet his los,, we mourn awl weep. lie %as to us a pre,lons Laml+, Ills check•., No full, so p:ump, and round; Ins amil.•s 711W47116S0:1;11 our litmperi calm, Our souls with pleasure would abound. How often In his infant glee Have wo watelictil hill angel look, Ana wl.ne.ft our Lwarts from sin a, free As hls In GNP* eternal book. 0 could we onl3 - clasp again, That boy In our embrace, 'T would help our weary souls sus - fain, And many sorrows 't would erase. But our Father does not think It best, So oar darling boy has taken, And with the angels he's at rest,— Yes, our Freddie is in Heaven To give bi n up we calmly try And feelnhat he's gone betne, . And struggle In our breaqs to ray, 0 God, Thy wilt be done. (From tho Rochattr Times, Oct. 31, 1 8 7 5 4 • tr Briggs & Brothers, who' can boast of conducting the largest need business in the knosit world, are arranging 'to compile a work in tabled they will give to the floricultural and horti cultural public the benefit of - their thirty years of experience in the culture of:vegetable and flower seeds; The work will be supstantially bound, and its several hundred pages - will he illustrated with !milli. Puts cuts, chromatic :plates and succinct di reef ions with regard to the care and culture of ev erything knows in !feral and vegetable kingdom We Ilium of no one better onalitled to treat on the above . subject than Briggs & Brother, whose lined' are sold In almost every city, town, village or barn 'let lathe United States. They are pmeticelget.,w ers oTsceds, and the forthcoming work will !in nate sruni eminently practical sources., Wbatfßeth Greek Is to fish, Barry or Purdy to frults,.Briga & Brother are to seeds. A. wry large - edition will be publitihed which, it Is well understood, will lessen the price per volume. Purchasers of the work out right's!n only be charged cdst, while the custom ers or Briggs & Bro. will receive It as a premium on titu pnrchase of seeds. The Intended work will go to press about May next, and the artists are now engaged upon the engravings. It will be separate and apart from the January Catalogue, which will be Issued In December, or from auy other ofttbe publiCations of this well known house.,Every lover of fkifficulture or horticulture sboulput himself, or herself In the way of obtaining It. Briggs & Bro.'s seeds are fur sale' by Goo. U. :Webb, Alba, Pa. . au2o-6m. ?. • . . .• LIU TOMATO KACIL—AIIIOIII^' the many excellent articles which our friend Geo. H- Welhh, of Alba, Pa., keeps In his stock, may be counted seeds from that Justly celebrated firm, Briggs & Bro.,,Chicage, 111., and Rochester, N. Y., the largest seed house in the world. It will sur pristnmany of our readers to learn that over ‘25,0e13 merehanta in the United States handle seeds from Briggs & Bois. whose boxes,- catalogues, labels, chromes, &c., am extremely attractive In high col orings and artistic finish. One of the newest de slgnifrom the hands of their artists is valet is call ed "Briggs .k Brother's Great Tomato Rare on their Gretteds," and represents a race course with per fect representations of the different varieties of us. :antral striving for the honorlf of leadership.- The design Is exti cutely happy and pleasant, besides conveying to the farmer or horticulturist consider able Information upon the .met its of the. different telnatos. . We see that they place as their leading varieties the Green Gage, Conqueror and Hatha way's; Excelsior, while they rate other varieties in the following order of merit: Trophy. Defiance, Genrijul Grant, Hubbard Curled Leat, Hepper's (iono. Large Early Red, Dwarf Orange Field, I /wail( Early Red, Earley Early Prolific, SI tfinio's Cluster, and in the rear, with reins -thrown to the grottnd and. a tete:Scup: at his eye to sets where the rest ;Ire, shuffles up the Largo Yellow. The whole scene! Is laid in the rlelp,st homer; and no one can • glve,:tho lithograph at - Webb's an examination witieout breaking but Into a hearty laugh. Wri-, can assure our readers who! desire to order Briggs & that they ("Jak secure them upolvjust 'as advantageous terms of If. Weld), and of just as good quality, as if ordered direct. See Briggs & Ilm's..lanuary number anti order of Wxnu, Allot, Pa. janrutn. QATSQUETIANNA COLLEG J 'ATE INSTITE. I Thii Spring: Term' lit This histlttalun wilt cony: to mono MONDAY APRIL 3D., 1876. ('nips toai•lierc Instructors expi•rieneed. Tulthtti (mat 14 to ittO per terni4 Board 11 rv..r EOolits for studios?, carp-ted and furnish, d throughout. Part•uts patronizing till, ,chool may ru-t that their ..hillirr... will bn carefully luvtrticted and cared for. .% larg • corpv of tralliers that cla4s , fs may he form ed toliteet alltilfrees of advancement in studeleh and esi divide th- classes so that cash studynt urn' receli'r an abutolanee• of individual 4111 and In ,trutllon. For catalogue or further particulars apt ply tri:the Principal. E. E. QUINLAN, Tuv, l 'anda, Pa. MIi.T.ER FUN. Pre, Board. • ituctil6w3 - rl l O CONSUAII'TIVES.—I'IIe ad- J 'yertlscr, a ret Ired phyOrlan, having provlden- DatlyAlscovered while a M , llcal Mi, , icuntry iu Souttiern Af•ta, a very sitiiple v , gctalgo r••nii•tly for the gicedy and p•rniatc , nt c'tre of Cori .1.1,21,1 Asthhia, Brnnrhiil , , ratatris„, and all throat and lung tytrection, , ---aho, a poAt Ivo, and r.idical !Two - dile for lt . fcrvous Debility. PreniMuu , d--ray and all Nervous cotaptaint ,, , feels it. his duty to 'oak, knowii to 10., suffetlng ferow, At .. ttate,l by this toot t , lie will cheerfully 'send (free of cliar,„ ,, e) to ail w~tu desire It. the reel!, for and full dfrecfpnti for ounce-quily tt :hi, providentially ti 1st:001,A remedy. Those whi,wl,ll to avail thiati selve,o4 the 11.•iwats of till, 511 , •overy without ro,t can do•sol , 3' return utall,hy addrest lug will: stamp, naming thin ji.ihor, EII.IFIZT.Es E. 3f AnSfr A r. 1., No. 33 Niagara St, Buffalo. • tnehla 76-Iv N. Y. T 4 rs,T OF LETTERS remaining in the Post mt.! at Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa, for tin?, week ending 31arch W Iferrick, Ella • Betiqrtt, Elmer • Johio.on. NA ' Itrafpul, Wat K neck crbackc r,Alv In Co,rillio, McNeal, Bctl M Melville. Lizzie 3 • . th.tir4 s%, vet, Wathol? 11.111, Louth Schell, Fannie:l Perzoni calling for any Of the above letters, will please:'say ••advertiscd," givln•_r :Life of 11,1. ~ • iriscollate= 6d7erticoments. POWELL & CO COMETIIING NEW BOSTON BOOT . , AND SIIOE [mcttSa t , .)f Ilurnt.:l .V',DosTON Roca .\ NO sifnn sTom. _ll - 1 ;41(;N 01."FlIE 11-; I) BOOT, CriiTige Strc;ut. Mouk Yotri. , 4 Tovi...na:t. it 15, '7tl.. N r liri . I ( F. %I.1 \!:I: I/ givo nroj o o. 1..,f4;0e Th„:• vt UI ot• •I: a l'a••• r,.•r •-' , ..!1• , t1 Fa! -- i:Dtql11: 511 , . , n.th• • :•i" /,••`• i)no,!lnlty 11-itwriai pat 1110 CE.NTI:NNIAL INTEIrS i;1.1 Aral that reg,•iiiir lia , ,ergrr t will the variiia- up.ii their i..: era) ritihray itf , itit t nts .if 1 , 111;;;‘).t!pi,l, for Snnanta awl of ,tranget , lieu—, er 1,41114; in the Nit itt . if Phiihillelphla during the rrnat nf the eauril to Ili.' fart that "riot: nearty :di plat -c .1110 l ompaily 1.,1,11t or third' mites lit the city. lite—iligi•rs will be utile to mai:11.111e eYhtliltion ‘sitittiitt change' et, ears in 2, its It will require to i eu ,k, th e Li l l , •p : ,, horit'eutc front main pants in ill° BN:rt.! 1. 1.7 R (ix TR.! ss run for tiro ',outfit it/Srqui , ity, Soefoti,, , , nr 0111 r Atoo l•itlllffltX. Foi; Is/ format lon app-ly toe. G. II A Xl' 01 , 1 i. 6 , 13- e:3l Tit .tg,nt. N... :".:7 SO , llll F. , :irt h:rot , t, and :will. , sol, al rupi•rluleml t•ntc-+,r to th,.. maler,igaed, .1. r. WO4 ITTEN, ll , q.eral Superintend _at. Reacting, )far, h 7111, • 'FLESCIIIII7I"S ` STOMACH BITTERS! A certain cure for DyspepF•la, Ci , stiveness, Chol era Miirbus, Dysentery, Fever, Ague, &c. Is purely 'vegetable. It purities the blood, allays inflamrua tion.l*urrs oleeratlon, ragtilates the bowels, and posse,gses a runt rolling poster over the nervous syt tem. For sickness peculiar to fentales—diNPases of the liver - and general seldom falls to effeera permanent cure. .4aiall children suit's:log from:Sour or infl.tnicd sbdtitehe, or cramps, are ltn meiliately ri•llevell by light doses of the fliers (inixi , il with a little warm orator). 'Full directions sittifdvery bottle. 0. L. C Fort'salr by A..S. ATArDc.s ALP, !alen'tir's !flock Towictla. Air NT.ED—A (i EN T S.—A Corn 'v y 'deft! History or PetinNylvanta.. Front the hest iitttlements to the pre,ent. ily Wm. M. Cor 'nell,•t. 1.. 1). Nt•atly (Au large octavo jinn,. over 7z, fear . illastra(101“. Ell full history of our State has tiOen k , ,a0d... for over a half century. Agent, r. ill iqeelVe a cord ill welt:cult Ilt Introclueing , thls wool.. A rare eitallee. We 'taut local ag.:ritt , iu rimy town,litp, write at once t,,r NI; larlliml.tr4 311-1 territory. Adtlrelk, Qua ker City Punli,lio.p, Co., 214 so. 11th Si.. D * issoLuTi()N giv,•ll [het The ri.trtt•r•hir hio•Cy , hotwveit. G."- L. Ihill :trot, , 1.. th:Ar ,10,...a,•(1). of !tlO nrootr.n. the dim halm. of ._kited c,f.l th . e first 4:sy of Slarch. A. If. I:i7ti. by limitation. Tle book. , flo: tale tfnu tc is tro len :it A 1 . ,. forfuer jr.art:,of 1J11.11:.:,5 0! ,3141 firth tot :•txty dap , , fot setthnent, :fifer 1%111:11 they V. teat he 'left W1:11 justltZit of the, peace for collection of all th.ht,f 111,11 I owing: to 1;..,.h.1 ill hi. P. L. 11171,L, : , 11rAS‘h.g Partn,.r p, 1 -1 ' ' 1 Ft /IL S.l E.—A Farm 'of I:/ A.11,4in town:o.llp. l'a. pr•ta!,,, t w,, dw t , ll4:l,z barn :ill and 111,,:leilt svat,r. X ir.v.-r-fai!iag tinter . th •(Id triill nit n at,. Fur further iurtkulai - 8 . Cal: tarok. ..• NELSON VAN DEltroc. \ 1 , 1 , 2:146tr. • .u......1,‘ ie.% r.lllll (Ora co., ra.".' (%t.,Le 6)1 iv , . 1 *t) at home. Satoples p , ) !J f) Vi Vt.atit ii 1 tree. :7)1:11:•uu ..V. ev., 00rt1..,,,,1, Mall's. i (tuchl4-7G-ly — 44 -,,--- Q 19.3 day at borne: A etas wanted. 73 ..,Outtit and terra. free. True & Cu., Augu.sta, Maine. cuielle.-76-I.i SPECIAL NOTICES. Now Aderti:ementc. BRIDGE STItEET STORE 1 J. & M. SHEFTEL, M=RIENIE •_', BR 'DUE STREET, I:Y . T!IE I , r. (),I, J. & M. STlEftyl, it,l / . \T., i FRC CELEBRATED Trod Boa S I ONS Wo respeettutly annonnee to all those In want FIRST CLASS FURNITURE, Our asiortmont Ii LARGER THAN EVER Aud.that our Olcei are the LOWEST, ' and, our ;Or' GOODS THE BEST of any In tho Our.prltel haTo now reached TITEBOT,TOM, Anti now Is the TIME TO BUY. ll3vingl;l4 ro:upo from the city, Wu bare YLFcT I • yrintAcTjvg LOT •OF GOODS I= HOLIDAY SEASON. COMEAND SEE THEM. Ey f rythlng In the line of UND . It TAKING AT tOTTOM P i ill.CES AT ~~ v F i ROSTIS ‘k SONS. IZENCM OE rrill'S 'l' F. 'S S ALE Trustee's EATirl , eand propt•rty 1;1:21f1.1,1. SUre 1=111! tiv %:rt , P• ..f a . - I , rlairi or (1...4 ,4f 77tigt Tii , • P.M comi,any.. ~•• 11f r.71 ,, y:v.4. .la , 44 ,1 r, r 'h • • •lay .y. k. I).. •- I,!'h 1. 11,,, 1.1 ' , V ~,v, • • I: Tr ''.• - t v ME =I ! I IN 7 •i v h 1111' • • 1,11. :•.I• ,•: h . ..: f/•1 11.t1 1'127 " • ti 111:11 .1,1! •1:1.• ~ •1111 0 :1';',1; 1 I,y .. 11.4” i cr 1!1'. ,C.(/ r • tit 41 , I tr h wi-rr Net 40 Time 14: 11,.../41,g , 1 1 and T11..:1,111 , 11•1,1* 1. 7111 . 1 , •••••••1 111<•111dX, Kt‘trell 1:7:1,•:17t1, ! , ;:4-4 1.1 / . 01/11 , 1,111111. 1•0,!nr, • • ,1 1• 4111 d ,uivi.y..d t” •111‘• A l 11 tray 4 1,1 11,1, ;wet.t",..'y d and de•iq tog, th,q. ail and in tat,l ,, Att.-, are:. ‘0,,,L 4.3 vad:, l':.•••' •: - .• , 111.on.•!) , :. .11,1 aj ', l,:ll and i i.on and :HA pr.,tl:. , roe full:and - ription nt kbp pr,,p,rty Ith Its I, , ,alid:u it, and refer:n..l. fly 1,-t haft to t tat,t - ttt-tg-• of r.,,r.) a:aforc , :thl. or to the original the; tt; la tilts 1tt,....5t-tott 'of :11.: 17fay & I kat p..-aport, at torney.s. at No. the rot, Neu York. I 'tty. TI:11.31S 'iF *%l.F.:—Ten per vent of the par elra,e utonry is ti) b... paid rah Ia hatta ttli 14 ' stilt; tqtlitto, 1, to be lust uiihiu thirty slays thortnatto',nt the °thee of Dray S: Darrnport, No, 9 NaSS;III '51.1,N. its !kw City of New Yolk, Starr of Nesy York. and upon the of th e said ba:aore in tall the latrelllt•ttr - a Deed lo the sald '.paorerty. convey - 19z such title*. 5. vested In in • as 'Erustee a, aforesaid. Dated February - 1"11.1111.1'.`Z-F. Trie.tee for the linndltolders of the Fall Creek Bi tuminous I 't.a Wont pa I; v. 4:11.1Y & D.VVENI't dtT. 7 - torneys fot Nassatt Ss. N. Y. City. The above adb..rtlsentent :top, arc •In tolbru Ing ne rs.:to-U•11:"The n g Poet. pub lished In the City of Nett'. York; the l'hilndetrhits Envoirer, published In the City of Plitlad..lphial and the ItEroirrEit, pUblished in To wanda, liradiortiVonnly, l'a. • 0 ric E.,__."Notice is hereby given IN that th ' e s . t.:l”.criber. int.ind al ' iply a t 1,/,.xt term of t,tiq' Court of Common Picas of Brad ford County for 4.lrarter of incorporation for the 1" 1111011 11 all Asstichttivit of North .Itrun, under the above name thii character of the said corporation. to be of tht: first via“., under t h e Act of .I,,embiy of Penna. of '2:0111. - of April. Is7l,,and" its object toll., the crcction anditoaintenattec pf a hall for public and private purpo:ses, S. N. PARNF:R..., AV, 31E1:RILL F. A.,1;1!.% 111.F.\:; 6; TOW . A. P. ARNOI,II. Rome, Pa., Maich '11:. PIPI:BLIC PALE.—By yirtue of an. order of th‘i Board of Dlii!ctors or the Mutual Building and Savings Fund . As•sociatlon, or the Borough of. Towanda, made at:their regular,meef leg. held March -21. 1076, there will he. exposed to s.ile to tin+ highest bidder for cash, at the Grand dory Room. in the Cour: lions.e in Towanda. on MONDAY, .s.1•1:111. 17. 1 , 76, at 7:ZO o'olock r. z•diares tit Stork of. the, Asst clarion, tram terred by Mary. Myer to the association, in a.. ror6lauce with the Constitution and 11y-Lass, ' W. G. GORDON, sec•y.. Tuwanda, Marrh 22, 7576•w4 NOTICE:- I . T. all whottOt may conchni The nntlersigned h:-rehy give notice that they ilitend to apply to thu hurt ut Pototnob pleas or some law Judge therout for a charter. to hcrineorpor.ded intaa holly poiitte In law, under thd name and title of the Fir,t MezL -0,11.t Eplwopal 'Llcureh and Congregation of Lu ther's MilIN for 4he par Po.,: of holding lands : and erecting a bouseof worship. • KOLE itT K NA PP; L. M. 111 - N DA lA, WILCOX. JAS. W. WILISI:LY C;.ELL. I..,IX.ECUTOIt'S.NO . riCE.—Notice,t- viymi N isT, R.A TO.R.s - N ()lit el.:, , , , , • • , ~ • , , - I AI, in71 . 1.0V giviqi that all 1,...i50i1g indel,tc,,, to ; ,-- N,, 1 !, ~ ',. ',v : I.y 21‘.... 1 tlr, i t ail por m ,i, I L . ll,e ....tats of litvirtib•Wrireir, :..I,:e or Ilf001:1 C,...1. :. .tr, L,., ,, t ~, ~ „ , „ ... ,„!,,i I ~,„ i.l El:,-.1,y,. 1a1,..,..: A., _ I"..,clrc'd, Inth‘t•nialif: ilitint•liatil NythOttc to ;h€' ‘ll.- - i ;• ',, r., ,I . .1. tr,..: , n,3 1 .1.: itrth,4lla,- r 0 . . i . - 1.1 to fl. , r , hvioel, and ,to i“ , ,,,,,,5 h ; ivil,g ,13inis .4, 7 , ;•411124 'I tli .. „,„1.,„ : „. ; •„-si,- 4 ,1 4.1 .- 3 ,•,..,,,.. 1,,,,,.. : , ,• 4_ a, l".. ,31,1 ...rude 111 1,41. pri.proemtilt . lll..itily 3,11:110.111it.1tte . 14, ''. :...,,j•,; 'ra-,11 , ..!,10 L-U-t 4; 111,:,•::t111,:,•::t:11 , 1:i...FICy fur settletnent.• '-, • tzsi.4.o.iotttot, tor +.:t:.'..auient wat. m. 31 71{ F. r.r, Y. / - , mehlAwilFx. , eitiur. 1 ' ~,,,,,;;.1,-,,,,,, 1 1 X.EC U TO P.'S. N . OT I,C E.-N ot ice ' . 1.\ .. - c.c . , i " 1' () p, -,:, \ ( )'l‘ 1 ( .7 - : if l/ . lei. • • • ~ 1 ' jf. liurvhy glott 111.1: ail p..rsoos itale:,. il V) ' 1 - '• ' ' ' .. :fie ost.V.r. 111 Adviolf3 L. ,'"It.J.D, iiito of ,A :Lens, Al." I , ' '''''' .. ri , ''" L..'" 7`:' I.''' . ' u, 't 'i 'Z7 a to ,1 !‘ .11, must mak,;...,lnuntllate' payment' i" the lm- I:1- e. , :, , ,!,• ~r 1.•. A i i I .111...'11`1.... , . , :, of W. 17 r '7i, '.l. e'd, der fined, and all p.4.,,, , ns Laving claims ova, ; ,al,l tangt w.. 0:.! hntu , tiial , 1 , ;,,,. n.. 0 I, Ito Ili . , nt:AinlY:4l ed, estate must prebrOut. 111,40, duly nutlientleatO, for all p . l -01: , La% i5l; o:Lltu, ag 0,,, , .. -a+,l 0-1:0,;•• n Int settleMelat. ' •;' , • ; ; ; , N pres,tat then', duly anth,;,•it,d,, rnr ---•l'ellunt. .11,3 A IMNIIA3I,I ar2t;iv• • ~ - . EA.Ql:utur. HELLEN 3I; SAWYER, /Cc utur. :. . 1 , ~ ..TRIAL LlST—Mareh Term, 1876, 4_ at Troy'. - i -John (Instils; et it vs Jim Hewitt 'r • • •PPPral AB Mitchel; use vs Armenia twp ' appeal , Ellen K tilltpell's tine vs James Kelley '. ' , elect E 1, 'Attilriis;Vs Hubbell Man • ley'sadmr .7 appi Patrick : Henry Maley vd.l fl & Geo Drake. l..tres J C Craven vs O'Hara Bishop et ar . ...iel brew to I E;0 and J ESeymour vs i 7' i, k 1 0, D Chace v$ E Ross.. • • ...asst Enoch. Blaerwell Vs Ncig Et et) .. .. t . ..appi Hanle! Compton vizi I. D Brad tom et at • - ! . .lappl Peter Monet vs Jas,C,wan • -:. •- ;, east Itetitain'lßAdlOy vii Fred A Lobg , ease Cl II Clete vg Fred A Long - ;'- I' aliPt Nancy C Squires' use vs J 8 Campbell -- troves DeWitt C Strait vgireo smith i: Fast .4 E Utter vs'J A yan Wert,asstimpslt Win ii•l'ltt vs Frank Warne - t oll'Al Mary 'filming's use vs Jll Smith el al. ' aptil Peleg Poclos:exris vs Cl W Dickinson '-i. ? o.l' Hallard'S exes vs F 11 Person • debt F H l'prson Vs John Grist • • ; -aPP I A4ella C Latiddn's use et al vs Roderick Wililam'S . .r x r's . . ..urffii ' Myren ILTltard vs Howard Taylor .01 , a . JOs C i;riii , ,,. vs , , II C Millhales ad at' • leject Lydia Lardin et al vs Watson Freeman..;... ejee Mary A Ketchum vs JII Smith eta! : tres Fratil;lln II Person Vs Hosea A Huntly '; " asst I,!Tektilskee v s J V Creque et al,.* . - .....appl Win 8; traddits vs o Pit:Ward's air's ' ' asat 1 - 'l . l.iiileroy lir.;i vs Wm Wilson • ' '' • ' 15,1 ' ' lid 1 .do do i' , :-I do Wm 13ralne r',Fi A-I) Wilcox. ' I ••'..ieli;ct do di) Win A Portel i. i • • ',. a.^ SI! &II N Fitch vs C V Dare * set fa N C Hyde Ar Co vs P ts Pratt's axr's Il'aiie Oliva loung'S use I'3 1 , 11 Person . - ' l'l'Pi 31 tiler& Clark vs ; Peter Herdic ' ~'ls'St. .O ,P Billard'illear's vs F II roraort.., . !lieht Seeley:Learmul vs E W Learned I' case S J Hickok sal Fran:: Mayo. a— pt .Edward II ortoft va Van Dyke A- gip Landon I Il Win Wrightva Broj Benedict i , et ra. sit : Subpoenas returnable on 31imilay March 27,:157fi. I • • 11. M. PECK, Prory. Towanda, March 3, pyre. T. TRIA LI LIST—AI'RIL. TERM 076: . 1 . . . , • - . Augtisitis•Le,vis vs Levi P :§talford.. : r a.cst. AE Cemst ,, ck vs Elt Williams . itbibt we r •if S 31 Coi Vs S It Canfield et al. . i.c..v Itteliairt - liorttin vs Samuel liYatt ' Iplical Cyrus D Sill *S Win W Decker.... - i:.as,-1 'A 4 Niilile v 0 1' X liliy el al ' i'l ,. el BiriNtity Tuttle vs John S Anthony ,• fl fa Antlrlnv llailt,ly vs miens,' Lynch ' is , PIII' Mjclincl I'yne r vs North It, Mali Mer Ins.Co - ;,''. tit It•I' E0.rt , ... v. Chew El-tiro- . . . -11 . ;1-, , 1,, , ,,i,; . „ ila nil itg et al v:Yya Nun Frcernati.i ' VI . ‘Il S4.;iin cart:n..4 et al vs C W Doan , - .`,J...iii••; t L'orvollci If Misicker T ' . J ii• Wi11kt0n........A1,1,c P; S Wyne6ooks E Z.. 4 mith .. 1.. .. -4- : t . .1 . 11/nullum A'l , Patrick Carru:l ; 3 M -4 - 2 T,ll, 1.24- f; Coat Co l':•• S N Eii,,it et id ..... -.... i4 . :1,, Irenry ;NVard id al vs I , 1. Ballard , , t!..3 , 1 . , f';:ark; A Midd'atigh vs Tovranda. Run, - 7,1•:!,' Jl , hl Ho!f11 , -4 4".1, Ja1nt. , ..M.!:.t.1er.::...i:tf.,,; 1 i:1:1 ifl it •ailey vs. St‘iplien Evan , : • fi•lt. Ellyn K .... t Ty.c!” l , :•••,,}lh..rn.v.. , K Pat .... .. it f;. I ( WPPes P:11 & N Y '.;1:33L1 I t W ty•e39,3 . 4 S P.Air.ch n 3n,1.. c.s 'J M Smith ' • rt•turnabh, 31t1.41.,y, Atm 31 :3, I it 76. : B. M. l'Er I'orrancla. Starch 14, 1576, Plf A N Ft'o . • e . O trwr SALE.— .' J By virtti. of in ni nit of or Gls ('or rt. rouw-y. , InllnllJ-.0,,ri0f [hr. rue of N.. . . :tt,..,r 3:l , lg!..,irry.,freo , d. will • 11 at ril.llp.t.:tli, op .• p , mni , ...l , n rllll l .k Y., :Ito ni...! ,1. , .y, , r: NI,:r::::. ,7.i . „.., It , „•,.1,,0k A , if ... ti, foroming da,ctil,.ol ir:y,•botitid .11 a, fo ll ipo. , , tt•oa1:: , 'ltotintiinti :it 1110 i&;.•41 •a , t chpro , r,,or 10f*N4.11,1. ... . . . ,r: t 1 , , Ri;.; , ,liiin la:tti... ,-:" :.:il4l twp., ronvi-5.41 t, loloa )!Mier,lioner• ;Cr , I'a • w., , ,t lir, ~,rir.:lN, , ,. t, corLyt•yed t ,, Sdutl.ll:*; .•tle.,:. north ii 2 -. 9.10 1,,,•,... 1,r. , , o' , .uz '7h%. nr,rt .u, or warrant .Nto. WI. . . lorill S,'. v..or ::±4 3-10 ' , por.. 1 lonlve 3iOTI: t::" ‘,,..“-: lIV or lot N 0.191., ~.);,v, . ..y• .1 oc I.'.::ylt dr. .4,1; , 1: r ::: 1 , 1( 1 . fp•r.. +,11 ,, n0.• aloog nor , !i Hip.• or lot 75:4, .1 . , ~.‘ov.l.rl lo .1 'lst mrl-r..3•1,1 1 , .! Go 71 nfor.!iai.l, p r , . t.. F. 75 YO of lan , l-, in yid f LiP • 1 7 6 1,er,,. (al th r.7.11 , 1 . ty ru.lk le 0"; . :1111p1:0 With !!IN - r , :;, 711 ti. • p•c.9ia—.• . ta:ci•, p, , •• h ,14 i,`.n...'. 4lizor,,i lCo:1!1,111a!lf.II. P4l! • ::; !••• ilennle••klate .. tly .r. rr. WI:1:1:1' 9.•:(1. 1 SALE.--41 iv irtn , 4 4 , an ~r doi• of (jrrij • C;Tort 1: rm - tf.,r4l ItrAr•r•igr,..t or of C , ark Sro..±l. tall. 3rOpt , rts"p., 01.1 .01 Ow 1TI"1:11A Y, .I,:y or April, p.,:tn, at 1,,2;',.1% in t; 40-.111,-4 :-itt4l , o :In .!,iltttly • :ow,, to wit: . I. (..1, OP. Tlyrt byland: of Wi!!tara Ofl ar rapt I,yllan,b. Of Fr..rk.riok_ Fru!,:11: nv tho !awl. of Brtiptl:l2 . la Eh , by o' the iilbw avrom, ilt 1 In, Or b.s., about- L:ly Is-P.11.1;1 lc;;ft;,too , 1 barn an,' fru:! . .. .... tr, i.abl ;he time the prop-r -ty Ntri-o-k ihmn; ,"*.-.; c..nflrmatlem 11;.• ate.; In thrkm.mittai ahmtal ptynt.itt... with titre, ;trr•ht the :Intel, i.o,e,slmt.ls tat.•n by the nafeba-...•r. J., B. )I.• N ti; trhllltr3 ExeeMi.r. - 7 - A -LT.1)11 1 0'1,s Carman. In the (our of ( . ..ntnola of Brolf,.nl County. Se.:` T.. 1473.1 • The hml-r117m0.1. an att.ll!or th• „-,;;.t.1,, - ,it,,trimite money miNed to to to 'b.; .Ia• ~. In; appothtntem at Ilk ofte , t In Trovr. , hi ,It•r t.r; 111 URSD AY, the Inc lt • 1 , •7.;. at I 51.. tvlam Inter'. •darr. rople , t`fi •-•11 . 7 tli ftst ., •\t- r barr,- , I tr. ;a Ing :Inc ,h3l - e',4jf ;tam L. Thst:lij.:E. Au.ll:i r A 1 () ICS N ()Tic E:. ..tat, I ... rwr. 41rf0hr,...• 11rA1r I a r.ln:!y. 1 I.y, rP.tlrt r+TI 11'. f , 1.1'... , •. , 111: or 0, I). 1,..•!1' • ;11.• g ' rr, kli••• • 1:. 11, y.:10/1 coi \V 1:13 r th, from .! to r.;:.a.ta. . • I '. • 1.;:' , ..at 11,j0.1 Vl.V.agv, at "tarlatan s 114.tr1, from 2 to .4. p.m., Ne...; )1 a t .rd; at l'lanneys llotr , , April :',7, at 9 a.m. '. . : • Zilontic....ei at ttao Tatx•ll Item,e; April 2atb, it 9 (Trio. DE LA 31:5!•12.4.NiZ„. • .I.),l,llty.COUlletOr. pIIOC LA .r,vrioN, 1100, PAX'. rto.4 , lentli 31;40 Or Hie 0,11 011(11,1:41 o,,thao•litlnr. or the volltlry . :tint 11‘.11s. S. , i:r.ll - „1,1, 1,a,• i. ,4t :Lvir C!li Mai ,1:. 'no 1 -f, Oyer t.r:;1 1 110Y, J4l; „r ( ,•f 1,7:i,, to, t .,, tltht , lo y goon rb. , -f tit= 0,y1 , -• 11“”i It:t'le rer It: It , DA -I • Ifion.'.lll7,g i f::,11' •.31n3. t ,. 1 . Iv: . ::, • I - 1••• c. „,- t it. pro', 1•..11.- : 4 ,1:011-I. ;.,•• • in :It: , ,„„ ey, ,r :11°0 'IO,I 114 ; -.0 .0 1.1 , I thin 3-I‘ , . I.e. L11.1:1 t 1.011: 31,11 h. in !h f , thvo LulhiNeti anti tl,- I vr.YLte nitt-d Iltr:.)r.11:Ir. L 'TON. • D11()C 1.. k At IVIIEREAs. ) d.f of Hug., S. IX. , •', .‘ .11;0:4 '!I :And ;;,.; ;y ,• ;1 •1, g 3(.11.1.1 - 1., 1%7.1.tt. Itv,; ;.!'t 1:.. •,, orf )lunttny. DM , t TP , V;(1:11:1 il (LIS - "1 - X :1, 0 (;;,: 11.uIrvil 11, 11n1 :hr., one .100,11, , ,i•b. LAYTON, Shefitt. El 11 II EMIIMI r :I 1,21 ti; ' •e 1 MEM ~ _i.~Ci~ ; ISICI = =II IMISOMEEI , ( .1 t.k.' „r tna "..l .... .~. =I SW NEI El EMS Ella , 0 CO :A JJ 4 4 1J