U fdtwational fryi E. E. QM -Mat - - Committee I 1 J. A. Wria, J. C.CRAwFonn, . of G. W. RTA,Nr, Associate Ed' rs: A. A. KIW-EY, Communications may be sent to either above editors, as may be preferred, and •tall in the issue or which he has charge. Arriinx.W WILT, Editor Present IN order to succeed in any prof ion, . . or'oi, any kind of business, it is; n tohave an interest in the work in hick you areengaged: Teaching -Lino excep tion to this general rule. In order tolteach w.kll, it is one of the essential requisites to a le interested in the .work of to hind. N.'t only a general interest in thew ; rk of i culac":ation, _but a special interest in the re-octal branches yon are teaching TO o:aeli any branch successfully, the each:. er must create, an interest inithee s and each scholar, in that branch. How can a i -•;:clier make it interesting. for, he hot. 1 arS in a class, if he himself liasno in. erest ili that branch ? He may go' throw h the 1•.-ogrammein,a formal way, and m. y ask all' ot* die (iiestiom,found4n the arghi oz*.tile text, book, but unless the t acher F ha, , knowledge and interest enough '• the branch he is teaching, without th obn st.oit use of of the text-book, he - not - the -right man in the right place - , - .' l If a teacher understand thoroughly wba he is supposed ro teach in our common scbools, ;__, lie'Will 'investigate:, and invent th i best 1 method of teaching that branch. And the : best method of:,.teaching any ranch s is the one which will cause an inte tto . bgfclt, on the part, of the scholars, nd at the same'time belaying a foundati n for the • future superstructure. The 'e is;,, probably, no branch of study tau lit so poorly to-day, in this county, as ' rani .l,€. mar. This defect may be owing, partial= is to the lack of knowledge .on th part of our teachers, but mostly' fro 1 the the defect in the proper method of gin * iiing the study. The scholars, if not prop i±rly started in this branch of co imon school study, will say—and truthfu that it is one of!'the dryest, and things they know of. What .else their virdict be; if the order • of th books is followed ?. We are awat the text-book ',should serve as a only to the teacher, but only nbou • tenths 'of the the teachers in B . county are qualified to' start a cl ' graminar without a 'book. We_mus '.. vide 'for the remaining eight-tent) . adopting such 'a text-book that i rangement Will :assist the ordinary 1 er in becoming interested in' the . and in that way cause an interest j class tind School' of 'which he has el 'Our experience has ,taught us tha 1 - principal Part of an education congi • being properly started in the col . branches, and becoming deeply iute, in these, and the' way to the I .- branches is then comparatively easy, --- [For the Ethiot tonal Deliartin voau,mgaic IN soHooLa. It appears toq?e a lamentable fac' little or no attetition is paid to mu! oitr public school's.' This is indeed a worthy of our most earnest conside is there any reason why music short . I,e taught just as well as any other b f study? I answer emphatically i m•qatiVe.'"Singing, in the first pla v , !ry healthy exercise. It is the me. Vi•velopirig the respiratory orgatot &c.; being careful hi habit 'ehr.dren while singing to asst rctic . pOsltion, and having then 7r voices with discretion, never sl 17._; them, using them with a vi ri, .tloping them. As asecond poi] state that; singing is' aim riThele is nothing children take :mor in, than vocal music. 'lt is. tht: 11;ost elfective infTruments for s iug stubborn wills and calling ford d,•:- feelings. The te l acher who ha: r.tiy to contend against monotc 74dr001-room, can deYise no 1 for making the school-room at:ract i znan the one proposed above.. After a ::al lively song children are in the right rod for taking my:their studies. _•'+ing-; illereates an 'excitement,. and an eicite taot in the tight way.' I affirm =sle is ini-tructiVe. - The study of vocal music in r if contribbtes,tO mental improve tent. -: a..Vhen we sing we do not utter me leas sounds, but we sing sounds tha some idea. -- Tie wish to instruct s(7lt amuse. &c. :Lastly I would say sic, is a healing _balm for anger; Laoish frowns and restore "in their smiles and is the means of .imparo g(!ol 'feeling in general toward each-o Forksvills,- Pa., Feb. 18;13. ,7". 11112 'F'rom the Philadelphia Press.) PRIMARY EDUCATION. It is difficult, aftea making all po.l allow:114e for the influence of trad and - routine i . to account for •the exis of what is known as the• system o Mary education,. and quite imposSib account for the high opinion of it e tarried by many rational people.: Th is a, vast improvement in popit of me •)vzr what once occupied its pl*c, conceded 'by any, one who takes -pains to fairly compare the two, 'but _either the old ofithe new systeni sh ever have been iMvog,ue among a t eivil people is not. explaine&by such: cora • s.-.n. Let us -suppo!'se. a Socratic in • genie entrusted with the education if a 1. young hdman from its sixth to its twelfth jyt ar. Is it conceivable that the only' ys trzulttic • efforts made would be to to Cli tla arts of reading, writing,, arithme ic, :i nd the outline' facts of ~,I geograpl 3 , ? 'BVould the acquisition; of these mech ni -1 c.l and 'mnemonic aptituds be consicl ''t d the proper preparation either fo 1. re of practical-duties or' of theoret 1.11 , ors? : Are such things the most 7. - .Nrtant subjects of study and discip • I',: a man ,In this most. stisceptible a '.,,: idea is preposterous, and yet all 1 c .:- :cry latest improvements in the a -- - .. 7 11" education have looked to not I Is. • Instrirction-in these arts. It does 1 • : . ..., .-ta have - oceurred to any pedago . ... -, child of twelve, - whose observat 1 j. .'onal and expressional faculties T.. • ..yst2matically cultivated by thei , : ... ,:yncisl, would be able in a .yea master the scholastic arts n 4 , - 1:711.ly than, without this cultivati) nt-: L-1 :all the years betweettl .. .--elve. The miserable superstit .._ . . 1. , ,t'....: v. - 17.1c.1.1.as rendered futile t:w.l er.:)rtc: of centuries has $ • n . • ,' °IA:Ay the most advanced th' k ' i^. - e6 - igators,,_but still rules al _ _7;4;_eptimlly in the schools. . - el:0d s'.ouli be tanaht conve ...: anfl by direct observation of fa ::- - ‘ - 1 tha dri.T. ills tbiee most itp rea• ... -.. ,f2aultiez c: observation— n, :.,:prz.s. , tion and the less important a d 7 .: , .:Qfacelty.or inemory—would all -e ---, te'r most vigorous developm i nt „....:±g empl: - Iyed6 in the study, elemer ; :.: - ;_alysiz, and descripticia of what - ..;z. made to 'observe in the wu ;_-_. hire, and for which he, always d But nothing could v.,: 2:14 , interest. ri.uie unnatural than to force the inf acquire a• knowledge of lette :hen, sta thro n gh their dim and abst -':"11/1 r what others have thott of a world of which It as yet kacnte noth ing. Yet this is what we call primary education; and that it is not *sae the primary school which pursues We:invert ed and absurd system is easily sho:We. It is nnnotcensary to say anything of the ped antry and emptiness of most of ithat is called classical learning, which Ds* pen etrates to the life of antiquity or seeks to comprehend the spiritual movement of ancient history. The sciences the delves have been and still are studied ihranit ex clusively through the book. Built is in this quarter that improvement luta been first felt, and ender the direction-of the great investigators the teachers of 'science are gradually learning how to teach, Object-teaching ... in the .primary school s is a move in the right direction, but it is ti very feeble one, while the triviality and farcial elaboration of most exercises in object teqphing which we have witheased ' detract very mach from their value, The proper coarse, it seems to us, wci4l be to 'always awaken in the child's mind a sense of the significance and impoitance of what it is studying by such description, generalization or story as would be:in:der stood, and then proaced to a mom accu 'rate observation and account of retails. It must Lot be forottoir that the acquires knowledge not - simply by the em ploying apparently together deduction and induction. The intelligence of children, too, is generally immensely underraled by teachers. It is not uncommon find children who have struck out foi:them - - selves singular and abstruse theories which only need the proper guidaike and suggestion to take shape a profound truths. lot the appear EEO If the young mind has little experience it has'also not acquired rooted anti innu merable prejudices, which render nxperi ence useless. We maintain, then,; that a rational primary education consistis in fa miliarizing the chili with the pnuritisent objeCts of nature, the arts and society, and their rationale, and in developing the power of accurate and elegant expression. Moral training, which is of supreme im portance, would be wonderfully facilita ted by the habits-and impressions Which such discipline could not fail to impart. 'As to the necessary knowledge 'of the scholastic arts, it could be acquired, is we have said, by a trained intelligence in an amazingly brief period. The time that is wasted in learning to read ands . write and compute !try -children whop scarcely discern that to word they read ° is the same word they speak, or who have not yet made the discrimination be tween the word and the thing signified, and who cannot make a straight mark or realize the number 100, is something piti ful. But the very children who are not yet mature enough to do these things, have keen observriion, a power of corn parisou that delights in its -exercise, and memory for everything which interests them. Why should they not, then, be ed ucated, that is, drawn out in the direCtion their mind takes, instead of being stunted and distorted by exercises not suited to their capacities or tastes? If we had a rational system of primary educatibn the world would not contain half the !limber it does of purblind, awkward, irratioal creatures with pretentions to culthiation. What innumerable contentions, tliblogic al, philosophical, political and mieral, should we not escape if the world were educated to think things and not' -irords This idea is not a new one, bat it is one not sufficiently acted upon, Al the point at which to begin the reformation? is the primary school. We have the-promise of reform, however, in the kindergarten, in object-teaching, and in the elementary science books, but the old systenin still I prevails in the main, and will, Vij3 fear, for a long time. • y, too ullest could te t that ide, two ,dford Ilan pro m, by Is ar ach- tudy, ;' the l arge. I t the ~. ti in mon ested 21:1 MIMI sm in tint tion, id not I nth / the is a I ns of I the m l atiu 1 et :mil ram w to ',lt we sing. de ne of ften- WHAT WILL ALWAYS DE THE QUALITY OF - THE TEAGHI.II33 A great deal is sa d in regard:to the feailure of -teachers to be all that' Is de sired—that they "are no better than they should be," and all that. All this talk arises from.circumstances—not an unusu al one in the affairs or life—that be ef fect is mistaken for the cause. NOw the simple truth is, that the teachers are just as good as the people want. I - 110 not say as good as they need. But it is: true, they areas good as the people want': No man capable of reasoning will deny: this. If the people wanted better teachers they would have better teachers. And there is one way, and only one way to obtain better teachers, aad that is to create : a de niaud for better teachers, by paying bet ter teachers better wages. -;;; ten- con ny in ratter , Ing. con- EMI mu will lace g a her. F9IICI.NG STCDT.—There are teachers who - compel or force scholars to study and think it does them good., All I 14ve to say, is, that when any teacher does - it, he or she ought to write in his or her.:jour nal at night, "God never designed me for this business. Amen." ' ible Lion pn e to PITT.—No man or woman is fit to lake charge of a school; who ift. intellectual convictions and in Wing, laVe not drank iii the full philosophY, and attained , the power of warm, gamest pity for those: who do wrong. - 11111 Xinellasteons Adveritsements. 1 , , , 1 A PERFECT SUCCESS. :2; The rniveisal satisfaction given by the ORANGE COUNTY MILK In quality and qnantity of butter made, and by r& moving the excessive drudgery of the rWry roans prompts us to again lin de the earnest ATTENTION PROGRESSIVE FARMER, O? I.ut of l ing not To the most - CO 31PLE I rE ARTICLE, Of the kind now before> the public In dairy's of IS to 20 rows, the inecrovenietir . e of tarnishing an extra, dairy-maid is avoided.,:. i We guarantee to giTe PERFECT SATISFACTION; Or remove the "Pans" after 30 days• trial Our references are some of thE i 'Llye Dalrymth of Bradford and Susquehanna Counties, who bare used the pans. Jaa:7m3 INSURANCE AGENCY. The following RELIABLE FIRE TRIED ~: Companies Tepresteted : i • LANCSHIR . E. PMENIX. ', HOME, MERCUANTS. ...' Lott 10401. 0. A. BLABS. ___ _ F° R SALt.-4. valuable farm . 'in Athens twp., laying ilti miles from Attiens Dom, and 3 miles. from Waverly. Contains:lM acres, of which 123 an to ` Pass and grain. A dairy _ of 23 Own has. been kept 1013 it, and there is 4 1,1 1 0 . rent stabling for that nuniber. It has a gentis'in n clination to the math, and Is warm, strong lapel. ~, it will be sold low and possession given Inswip‘ll- 4 ately. Aildresa 'E. D. D 1 W, Elmira, 1 4 1..tt,1t . D. P. PARK. Athens, Pa. .!•, e • J. DREW, en Dm farm. 600117 W za-: VOR RENT.--The house on Mgsn c _t: r. ria p r a t ing in . tbe Pin Mao it be Wsrd, Is hooas ontelYwogisttig street, Patel occupied by & W. Nortkrop. gafre of Z. T. lox. uale4, A NOBLE CO., PROPERTY FOR 'RENT, FOR DWELLING; AND ROSINESS PURPOSES. Bents collected and remitted on reasonable terms. Money Loaned i Loans Negotiated: Wm. L. CruaiDiti.L. of the _ ME E. L. BEA.RDSLEi, • • Warrenlum, Mtn street, opposlts the Coast Hoax. . , TOWANDA, PENNOA PASSAGE TICKETS, And - FOREIGN DRAFTS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT HAI:MAINS. A .J. NOBLES. ran= 43 W. S. VINCEN B A R GA.INSI BARGAINS! I him opened and pat on sale one thousand pain of Infants, Childs, 31Isses , and Women's Shoes, that I will sell at less than manufacturers prices. Also, 8 eases of Women.s,Tox-lace, Ifid-bsee Goat-lace and Fox-button Shock at $ per pair worth 82.50. , • THESE GOODS ARE BA.RGAINS ! I am also sneering ably and full line of Fine Goods (or spring :rade. which for Style, Durability and Price. cannot be excelled. TRUNKS TRAVELLING BA'GS, LEATHER & SHOE FINDINGS In fall stock, it the lowest possible prices. II REMEMBER VIE PLACE : Opposite the Court House, next door to Chamberltn•s Jew 'lry Store. ,JOHN F. CORSE . Towanda, Fa— Feb. =, 1876. M N T AN .Y E S MONTANYES OFFER A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON, AT BOTTOM PRICES! M 0 N T k.N.Y E S Towanda, Pa., Dee. a, 1875. PURE .GROUND PLASTER ATt RUMMERFIELD ! I have just received a large supply of FRESH GROUND CAYUGA PLASTER bfanufsctured from atone selected by ibmelf, and warranted PURE PRICE.—Cash, 60; on time,' r 00. Send if your orders. , PETER LANDMESSER Thamerteld, March I, 1811. COME ONE COME ALL, And buy your RARDWARE, TIN WARE, STOVES HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS REDUCED PRICES. Bardware, Tin and Copperware, Table, Tea and Basting Spoons. Tinware at wholesale and retail. Espeeill attention given to all kinds of job * l / 4 41t. NO. 5, BRIDGE STREET. W.V. R. SMALLEY. teb,46. Immense Success! 40,000 of the Cenulne T 4 IFE AND LABORS. OF LIV INGSTONE, already sold, and demand in creasing. The only eel► COMPLETE life of the great Hero Explorer. Full of thrilling Interest and spirited illustrations of thirty years strange adven tures, also the CURIOSITIES and WONDERS of •MARVELOUS country' the millions are eager to get, and more aped agents. ere needed at once, PROFITS are SPLENDID. For particulars and' proof. address, HUBBARD BROS, Publishers, 2.lBansom St., Phila.. Pa PLOWS AND POINTS. Farmers are - hereby Informed that I am nor preb ;lured to famish the celebrated LERAYSVILLE "L" . PLOWS, every kind. Also Points, or any portion of the f low furnished at lowest rates. JAMES VANN. Ghent, August 3, Matt mO. MOODY, BLACKSMITU. • .Doci kinds of wort In his tine. • HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIAI.TY. Diseased feet treated. Ilanofsetures the eels Dried • ci.t.rroasie. PICK. Shop on the Plank Road, 'near L. R. Rodgers' 'Planing Mill. • Ajan6-76-tr, 0 I 0 E n s LIME. STORE MOUND Ins CORNER Is the best place in Towanda to be rood CIGARS AND TOBACCO, st low rates. Remember =SWIM% BLOCI. oppolite COURT ROME • stow or ma "INDIA.* KU sprts.74. ynafARM FOR BALE .— A_ Farm of Y was, 04 Improved. In Asylum tolerably. fprd Co.. Pa. On the mantra are two ry.ern analnaf i nourns. barn and arrearary out Indtdiaite. NA ea neat water. & sterer.faftlatt Weans or litter pil through the pnrmlera. Owl trait .and an detana of Data. Per farther partleutere can on or inkysaa, /MIAOW YAP frZBPOOI.. tobeallitt. - Illarakvlswe Bradford co., IS.. T EHIGH VALLEY AND . PA., de ju N. Y. NAM NOAML—Anaagemeat of Pee. imager Tralizi, to take effect Jos. 24. SOITIIIIW' PRINCLPAL STATIONS. PY 2 1 J 4 55 2 5 15 aa0 1 844 10110.00 a 7 40,11 4 • 00',12 00 12 55 118 9 4 1 • Sao 1 581 10 • 2 071 .Nlagars Talle..l ....Buffalo ....Auburn Genera Itasca Owego —Madre . AN 5 0 , . t 65 em 9 O 5 Mal Athens ..TOW AN DA.. Wyaluaing... ...Laceyv ...Meshoppen... .Tunkhannock L k B Junction —W. Haven• • • P. Haven ... .Mauch Chunk. 1211 ~i I::s1 v) EEI 7 1 , 7 SO 3 31 5 1 8 34 8 4 9 15 • 10 1101 , Allentown- • Z. P. Junction —Bethlehem.. if 63 6 Oa 6 am lo 00i a'Y ..'Sew York.. ADDITIONAL ?ZAINO! No. 29 leaves Elmira at 2 45, p. m.; stopping at all stations, arriving at Waverly at 320, Towanda at 4 15, and Wilkes Barre at S 03, p. m. No. 30 leaves Wilkes Barre at 7 Z 3, a. m., skop. ping at all stations, arriving at Towanda at 16 13, Elmira at 12.30,1 that& at 1.55 and Geaeva at 4.00p.m. 'No. 32 leaves Towanda at s IS a. rn. t stopping at all stations, arriving at Waverly at 9 12, and Emil ia at 9 53 a. nu No. 21 leaves 'Elmira at 5 10 p. m.; stopping it all stations, arriving at Waverly 115 45, and Towanda at64op.m. Train 11 leaves Philadelphia at 2 10 p. m.. New York 1 00, arriving at Tunkhannock at 10 00 p. m. Train S leaves Tunkhannoek at 7 00 a. m., arri ving at Philadelphia at 2 20, and New York at 3 50 p. Trains. 3 and 15 run daily with Pullman Bleeping Cars attached. _ _ _ _ Drawing Room Cars attached to Trains 2 and 9 between Elmira ani PhlWdelpbla R. A. TUCKER, Superintendent. •.S HOWARD FIXER, Rini. GENEVA, ITIIACA &ATHENS R. R.—Commencing Monday, Jan. 24, 1876, trains will run as on this road as follows: LICAVINV IiATRE SouTtlif Ann. No. 8.-5:00 a. ns.,, daily', with Pullman ening Coach through 'from New York; arthritis, at Van Etlen 5:45, Spencer 5:55, Ithaca 8:50; Taughanie Fans 7:18. Trumansburg 7:25. Farmer 7:43, Ovid Center 752, Rays Corner 8:00, Romulus 8:12, Gene va 345, making close connectton east and west with trains on N. Y. lt It. R. R.. arriving at Rochester at 11:20 a. in., Buffalo 4:15 p. 113..,' and Niagara rails at 4:40. No. 30.-12.00 M m., dallv except Sunday!, op ar rival of L. V. train from , Wilkes Barre, Tunkhannock, Towanda. he., arriving at Van Et ten 12:45, Spencer 12:55. Ithaca Tanghanle 'Pant; Trumansbarg 2:3').. farmer 2:53. Ovid Center 3,102.. riayts Corners 2:20, Rol:11111144 3.22. Ge neva .1:00, connecting with trains east and west on N. 'V. C. 11. IL It. No. —6 p. m., daily except Sundays, with through car from Elmira for Geneva. leaving Elmira at 5:10 p. m.. arriving at Van Ellen 6:424, Spencer 6:51, Ithaca 7:50, Tanghanle Falls 8;18, Trumanshurg 8:78. Farmer 8:411, Ovid Center 8:59. Ilayta Corners 9:01. Romulus .9:17. Geneva 9:53: connecting With tralas east and west on N. V. C. & If. R. R. U. .Attill.k.AT SATRE i'lloll THE NORTH No. 7.-9:05,, a. in., daily except Sundays, with through car from Geneva to Ehnira, leaving Gene• va at 5:00 a. in.. Romulus 5;33., Itayts Corners 5:47. held Center 5:56, Fa: mer 6:05, .Trumansburg 6:23. Taughanic Falls 6:30, Ithaca 7:05, Spencer 8:03, Van Etten 8:13, arriving gt Elm iraat 9:5.5; making ciomy connection at Sayre with L. V. Day Express arri ving at New York at 10:00 p. in., Philadelphia 8;20 p. m. No. 9.—1 30 p. in. daily except Sundays, leaving Geneva at 10:00 a. in.. Remains 10:31, 'byte Cor ners 10;46, Ovid Center 10:54. Farmer 11:02, Tru mansburg 11:17. Taughanic Falls 11:"a. Ithaca II:45, Spencer )2;37, Van Etten 12:55; making close-eon nection wittoL. V. Fast Line, arriving In Phlbsdel : phis 16:50 p. m. No. 15.-9:40 p. m. daily, with Pullman Sleeping Coach attached for New York without change; leaves Geneva at 5:40 pr in., on arrival of N. Y. C. trains from the East 141141 West. Romulus 6:16, ayts Corners 6:29, Ovid Center 6:38, Farmer 6:47, Trumansburg 7:07. Taughanic Fails 7:14. Ithaca 7:50. Spencer 8:45, Van Etten 8:53: connecting with L. V. Night Line arriving at New York at 8:'-'9•aud .Philadelphia 6:45 a. m. Tickets sold and baggage checked to all prlnci vai points. R. A. PACKER, Gen. Supt. R. M. 110VEY, Gen. Pass, Agt. Wll. STEVENSON, Ant. Supt. PHILADELPHIA it READING RAILROAD. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS JANIYARY Ist, 1878. Train* leave Allentown as follows: (via Perktornen Branch.) For Philadelphia. 'Bridgeport and Per klomenJtinc thin, at 6.45, •6.50 a. m. and 5.55 p. to. 133137283 For Philadelphia, Bridgeport and PerkiomenJune [lon, at 3.10 p. to. !teia Eaitt Penna. Braneh.) For Reading, - +2.30. 5.50, and 8.55 a. m., 12.20, 2.1 4.30 and 8.45 p.m. For Harrisburg, 12.30, 5.50, and 8.55 a. m., 12.20, 4.30 and 8.45 p. m. • For Lancaster and Columbia, 5,50, 8.55 a. m., and 4.30 p.m. tDoes not run on Monday Sty SUNDATS. . For R6adlng. 130 a. in. and 8.45-r. Tn. For Harrisburg. 7..30 a. in. and A. 45 p. m. Trains for Allentown leare as follows tria Perkinmen 411;arich.) Leave Philadelphia. 7.30 a. m. and 3.13, *3.30 p. m. Leave Bridgeport 3.30 a. in., a.cp and 6.16 p. in. Leave Perltionien Junction, 9.03. a. in. and 6.10, 6.33 'p. in. 13332E2 Leave Philadelphia, 8.00 a. m., 'Bridgeport, 9.01 ILM I'erklomen Junction, 9.2.5 a. in. crta East Penna. Branch.) Leave Reading. 7.35, 7.40, 10.35 a, m., 4.00, 6.10, anp 10.30 p. m. Leave Harrisburg, 5.20, 8.10 a. m., 2.00, 3.50 and 7.40 p. m. Lcare I.anraatrr, L 1 a. in., 12.55 and 3.45 p. m. Leave Columbia, 8.00 a. la., 1.00 and 3.35 p. m. I= heave Reading, 7.20 a. m. Leave-Harrisbarg, 5.20 a, m Trains marked thus (°) run via G. & N. Branch, (depot 9th and Green streets.) and hare- through rim from and to Mauch Chunk. All other trains to and from Philadelphia arrive at and leave Broad street depot 1.1. E. WOOTTEN. General Superin Oct4-7SII Hotels. 3/ 1 1 :ANS HOUSE, TOWANDA, COEXLI RAIN ♦ND DRIDGE lITIOLLTS The Horses, flatness, &e., of all guests of this. hosnse, Insured agalast loss by Fire, without any extra charge. A superior quality of Old English Dist! Ale, just received. T. B. JORDAN, Towanda, Jan. 24,74. Proprietor.. ELWELL HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA, JQIIX SULLIVAN Having leased this house, Is now ready to'seeem , modate the travelling public. No pains nor expense will be spared to give satisfaction to those who may give him a call. /Kir North side of Public Square, cast of Ifercuf's new block. .THE CENTRAL HOTEL, ULSTER, PA. The Undersigned having again taken possession 'of the above hotel, respectfully solicits the patron. age of his old friends and the public generally. ' augleetf. Dt. A. FORREST. BETHLEHEM, PA. "OLD 310RAVIAN SUN INN," BUILT 1758. Rich In historical interests. II Is the only building In the country except Independence Hall, honor/ by the sojourn within Its walls of Washington, La, Fayette, Lee and other patriots of the Revolution. This popular hotel has recently changed hands, been unproved, 'entirely rtfurrilshed, and the pro- prietor cordially Invites his friends and traveling puulic to give him a call—no rains will be spared to render their stay comfortable. People en route for Philadelphia will rind -it convenient to spend the night here, reaching the city abbot eight In the morning. A sample room on the first door, for the accommodation of commercial wants. Sept. 4.,'72. ilaseellanest Ls Advertisements. • = • _ - THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR nA RNESS AND HORSE FIXINGS GENERALLY Is at C. F. HILTON'S in the store lately occupied Julius Wolff as a.Clothing Store. Having removed my establishment to more commodious and conve nient quarters, I respectfully Invite my old custo• mere, and all in want of anything In the line of FARNESS, SADDLES; WHIPS NETS, &C. , • , • toi give me a call, feeling Initialed that from the fn. MIME.' I possess for purchasing stock, I ran do a better )oh, at a lower price than any other eatabi- Itinroent In the county. Don't •forget the place one door below the olff etrod of Fox & Eercur. rnar26. e. F. DAYTON. OM WHERE NOW 1876; TA 31111116 A N... , 0ne of the foremost, flourlifitg zed healthy States WHAT FOR? To boy • FARM out of ibn ONE MILLION ACRES, Uf flim Yortuthr Larids fur ' , ale by thn Oralol Itch Id, A Indian& It. IL Sltoug midi marks.tat tore rfolo; quo , ' selionlf; railroad rub $t 111'1.1111h Ih ropter of ltoo'grauti oislllemords alIgloug: all k MEN prepolur I* pfrrfity of wal•tr, tlfut,er Imattrlals, Prfro frofir, OM ;or ad'ie 0..-fourth flown. luilancw on I thud for 111uow, triad porni.W. , l full of fart• and ?flows, and tos Adrirock, W, A, 110 W A HI,. iromuor; 1 . , u' 1.. tiratid Laud Lbey't. (JAAI3.7*-11ta GROCERIES .* PROVISIONS. =I McCIABE it!EDWARDe, 'Si 60 33 1 61, 13 6 1. 29 6 1; 7 6 402 620 600 3 22 5 30 2 4I 4 2 422 215 4 105, 2 33 12 10, 1 441 5.1 431 I . 10 42 1 12 11 112 051 10 30 1 12 06 10 03 , 11 30 I 30 , 0 431 GROCERIES 4 PROVISIONS C NE DOOR NORTH 00 CODDINO k RIIIRDELL Tcnraada, duly V.. ♦B7s' STEVENS & TO, WHOLESALIE & RETAIL CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES 1 ICOUNTRY PROCIICE, Having *large and coinmodlousktore are are prepared at all times to carry a large stuck. CASE! PAID FQR BUTTER, Or taken In ces. Our lo glees us pe WO aro not CREA Buyers than Pentasylyant Myi: NO TICK HERE! But the very best goods of all-kinds kept by any Ant-class grocer. and soldlDown, Down, Down, I STRICTLY. TOR CASH : The clioicest TEAS, SPICES, 310 LASSES, SYRUPS, SUGARS , COFFEES &C., Received Daily, fresh froin the New York Market, and bought at the very lowest cult prices. i Having been engaged tor the last three years with First-class Wholesale grpcer in New York, I have Farßales for buying tny goods so that I can make It an object for all CASH BUYERS call and SEE MY STOCK AND PRICES Before purchaiing elsewhere. I WILL PAY CASH FOR PRODIICH M. B. OVEN , • RED, WHITE AND BLUE STORE. BRIDGE-ST MI ---.1 m , •4. ). ...4 a . 1 " Z .. 4 i. CIO r ,?,- w, LT . i E-4 A 4 c c A g . ' 1 - A w J Icz p . ., A 2 , i iell = Z 4 tz I ' d i .i 0/ D ) I ~.,w I - .. 4 z 0 6 .4 4 .• ° '7. 0 g, O c., $1.4 >E . 4 w, P. 4 O . 4 4 .3 W eS = 4 ... w )' '4 1., 1 ~..., ') , 6 ~,,E4 , ~,, co ...a , p -ro cr 5 ~.' z `,-4 ® 1 . • o=il Z t o " '- - 1 W a .. 1 1 d ~, . ',. I rn wr4 2 - ■A/ 0 p. w p `-. E - ' ar 04 ] ~. a 0 .., za, , 2 ~.. C.) ... A a .4 CC 1...1 O.l le. ro 4 O a w =.t.* ce. - ! ..,.&1zg:a. _ d.ral I" " i , .° ; 1 " c r I-4 cr a - .. ..., c„, z a 6 , `.5 - g 4 =V j 44 ZL :4 .." ; 2 1 .. E. z im 4.1 -a. 3&. 1- r:i z re z - E.., 4 4 -6 ~, o a - 44 co -I ~. c..) .. 1 1 - 12 tb : a ~.0., ,- m a ... ~., a zi 4.0 tzl ;:z 4 ,2, .8 w e Lci h ' 1: .- 1 - -- '.- .4 F TI A .13 CIO q E-I , . "E: 4 l • :',-; 1----4 it) '1 C. T. SMITH, Proprietor O TIIEY DO.NiT People complain of • BARD TIMES, Bat those who aro wise enough to BUY THEIR VLOTIIING If. JACOBS'. S TORE Never find fault With the puallty of the Now taltes.plessoro In calling attention to Ida LARGE AND ELEGANT SPRING AND GOODS, MEN AND IJOS' WEAR. i A Atha) ertlon of hla stock will M autheteat to atitlitfy all that ha can allarl greater Inducements than 1 1111 fr, i March 11, 70 li*esdu cut hovirlais. ~~ Cask elaaiers I n all ilnda of I MI I Dealers la GRAIN, &C. BAIN AND Pr.ODUCE aehange rorgoods, an lowest cash pi ig experience In the Grocery Trade, liar advantages ID purchasing, and ad, bltiouli to snake large profits, we eat-, utiraelves that we can offer ER INDUCEMENTS TO shy other establishment to Northern 1 1 I STEVENS & LONG. COENER.O 7 AIN & BRIDGE STS. I= TOWANDA, PA Clotldng. K. BUSH S fl it 'X r -.AT GOODS lIh'!SELLS. MR. JACOBS ASSORTMENT ~ 4 11,-• i!c TEE MUTUAL PROTECTION LIZL INBOBANCB COIWANY; name Off KM Walnut Street Plaidelphis„ Pa• Acting, wader a Spatial del .44/ /acorporatka iVani the Pennsylvania loots/alum H. S. CLARK AGENT. TOWANDA, PA: • Special attention. is caned to the following rate table, which will be found 'stricpy equitable, as be. tween all ages, and which the ebmpany will guar. antee to not exceed one-halt th 4 cost of anyfirst ),' class OLD PLAht Company. r - i• The following ,Table shows this Rates for .1000 and may be multiplied for any addidonai amount up to poop, which Is the largesOlsk taken on any one life. Twenty Cents will be added to the amount of each assessment for cinlectlon, etc. .. d t . 4 d i. d . 2. , a Vl' • .2 - =. 2- ;: 1 e ,-..• .7. a 1 a 1 ....i, . .°1 i 5 a : 1 3 t 0 :4 3 44 V ! 4 , ...-- 20 3.00 2.00 .60 41 . 6.00 4.00 .96 21 3.00 2.00 .62 42 ' 6.00 4.00 .98 22 3.00 2.00 .85 43 6 00 , 4.00 1.00 23 3.00 2.00 .68 • 44 f 41:00 4.00 1.05 24 3.00 2.00 .67 45 ; 6.00 "4.00 1.15 15 3.00 2.00 .68 48 "z 7.00 4.50 1.22 26 3.50 2.50 .69 47 7.00 4.50 1.28 27 3.50 2.60 .70 414 , 7.00 4.50 3.35 211 3.50 2.50 .71 40 : 7.00 4.50 1.45 29 3.50 2.50 .62 60 4 7.00 4.50 1.85 SO 3.50 2.50 .73 51 .. 8.50 5.00 1.65 31 4.00 3.00 .75 52 : 8.50 5.00 1.73 #2 4.00 3.00 -.77 . 53 !, 6.50 5.00 1.85 33 4.00 3.00 .79 54 ; 6.50 5.00 2.00 34 4.00 3.00 .81 55 .8.50 6.00 2.16 .1:4.00 3.00 .83 56 10.00. 6.00 2.35 5.00 8.50 .85 57 :10.00 6.00 2.50 37 6-00 3.50 .85 58 10.00 6.00 2.60 38 5.00 3.50 .88 69 'lO.OO 6.00 2.70 39 '5.00 3.50 .92 60 10.00 6.00 2.90 40 5.00 3.50 .94 , IME=I TOWANDA IN ~ :f; AGENCY .1 , Main Street, opposite the eouri House FIRE AND MARINE COMPANIES R. 3 COMMEItCIAL UNION , or Engl',4 Lets. 117,714,578 ROYAL, of LiVerpvol,.' , " 17,420,811 QUEEN, , , .` !'i " 1i,59w,n00 • • CONTINENTAL, of New York, •• GERMAN AMERICAN, " MANIIATTNN. COMMERCIAL, of •• i'itcviti, of Hartford, •• AMAZON. of Ohlo, CITIZENS', of Newark, HA.I6I:ItO BSEMEN, of Gertollli* •' LIFE £ ACCIDENT COMPANIES NATIONAL LIFE., Of U. S. A., "seta .1,787,3116 TRAVELERS, of Hartford, 0.4 3,470.350 RAILWAY PASS'ItS, "" 650,000 c. MUTUAL Lire, of New York 72,336,070 Losses adjusted and paid at thla once, N: 1; E .CVINCENT, fieueral Agents dvr27e7str. THE FARMERS' MUTUAL ISSURANCE CO.. OF T6SCAROBA, Is now Issuing perpetual policies on FARM PROPERTY ONLY. Each member pays a fee, at thetime of insuring; to cover charter and incidental expenses of the Co.. after which no further payment Li required, except to meet act ualloss by Pre among .The membership. This plan of insurance fur FARM PROPEUTY, is coining rapidly into favor. Place of Business, SPRING WU, _ASYLUM, TBUIiY, Aso STA \DING STrtNE, PA. The Agent will canvass the Tiewnshiri of Tusca rota, Pike. Herrick and Wyalusing. and farmers in tho.se Townships wishing Imam:Mee or information, mayaddrcss, - . , A. B. SUM IC El,t, See, and A gt., Spring 11111. - Epradrurd I ',.., Pa W.lif SHUN( WAY Puts. :: (uet,Tirn Hardware. ; T LE OLD AND POOL AR HARDWARE :STORE CODDINC a. RUSSELL, Invite the attention of the publtc to their stock HARDWARE 40'0DS. Consisting of 4 COOK STOVES Of the most apprbved pitterms. RANGES, Of all kinds: PARLOR & HEATING STOVES In endless variety. -BUILDING MATERIALS, Famished at BOTTOM PRIGS ICE CREAM FREEZERS, Of every style. SHEARS, SCISSORSRAZORS POCKET CUTLERY, Of the beet 'manufacture, anitwarranted CARPENTERS' TOOLS, Of every deseriptloti. GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS CM n endless Variety. The largest arid best assort ment kept In Northern Pentoylvania. KEROSENE LAMPS, From the cheapest to thei hest LAMP CHIMNEYS 4;i.I3LOBES, At greatly reduced prteit, TIN WARE; In endless variety, of our own madufaeture, war ranted nrat•rlass. i E Jobbing of all kinds In our line promptly atten ded to. Tin roofs and eaves trough put up in the Most satisfactory manner, at short !MA Ice. GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING A Specialty.' frE HAVE THE ONLY kRACTI CAL PLUMIIED. IN TOWANDA. Our old friends and the public generally w bear In mind that we sell ramie only READY PkYI 'Beletting it the only system by which justice can be done both buyer and seller. Grateful for past very liberal patmage, we so licit a continuance of your custom, with the AMU.. ranee that we will otter you grimteOnducements than any other establishment in UM Country. as we carry a larger stock, and enjoy peculiar facilities for purchasing. CODDING & RUSSELL. j17211-754f1 TURNER do GORDpN DB•UGGIHTBI ACIDS. EXTRACTS. ELIXIRS. maps, SUGAR COATED PILL% ' POIFDEII9, ?EMS, DYE STUFFS, MACHINE OILS; - KEROSENE , - ALCOHOL, &C., &C. PURE WINES AND -LIQUORS, tar medicinal purposes, TOBACCO, SNUFF, CIOARS I I dtC POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES,; ands fine assortment of TOILET AND FANCY GOODS , More 'than usual care is 'gtsen to the coripound leg of proscriptions. Open on Sunday frouts A. Ai. 10 I P. AL, and from 5P.M.tu7 r. m. . ii Dr. 31.tutt.A. can be consulted at the store'ort Sat urday of each week, as heretofore. ; , J , . LI D. If. TURNiiffs ' I W. G. GORDON. . , , inay742. ~ I. DR. 11. C. POUTER, ---, , .i 4 "I URANCE AT TIT. :3 OLD CASH DritTG STOEE, Corner Main and-Pine Sts., Towanda, [Established over a gturrter . 0/a CentuFv,.] • Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICIY:ES, CHEMICALS, • 2406,-86 1 5')0,564 1,052,635 700,885 457,782 1,075,1 r: 719,34; 938.510 413,730 2,500,00* ACIDS, DYE-STUFFS, & GLUE, PERFUMERY, TOILET AND FANCY- GOODS, SPONGES, lIRUSHES, BRACES & TRUSSES, SOAPS, COMBS, POMADES., HAIR . TEETH, SKIN, AND HAIR PREPARATION'S, OM EMI MI RAZOR'S, POCKET-KNIVES POCKET-BOOKS AND PORT-MONNAtES, MACA ROY AND SCOTCH SNIIFFiI FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS, Pure Wines andMors, for medicinal juitlauses. BOTANIC, ECLECTIC AND 1103PEP*THIC AND ALL GENUINE POPULAR lIEDWINES, Supporters. Suspensories, Breast Pumps, NIPPLES, NIPPLE SHELLS, k SIIIELbS) NURSING BOTTLES, TEETHING RINGS, Syringes, Bell Pans,, Urinals. Thennometirs,l e ELASTIC STOCKINGS, &C.' KEROSENE OR COAL 0114 WICKS. CHIMNEYS, BATH BRICK, SPERM, LARD, -WHALE, SEATS EC/OT, TA NNER7S, AND MACHINE OlL'j ALCOHOL AND SPIRITS TURPENTOE, PAINT, VARNISH, WHITEWASH, EOLTSJER, MANE, SHOE, SCRUBBING, HAIR, TOOTH, WINDOW AND PICTURE CLASS, of all sizes. - PURE LINSEED OIL, PA (NTS, PUTTY',IAND VARNISH. READY MIXED PAINTS . OF ANY DESIRED COLOR, _•.; BY THE POUND. PINT OR GALLON, GROUND IN OIL OR VARNISH, AND DRY COLORS OF ALL HUES,I ALL. ARTICLES WARRANTED. Prescrlptlons carefully compouuded,at alf hours of day and night. Open Sundaes for Prescriptions frotn 9 to 10, A. M., 12 to 1 and 5. to 8. P. M. Dr. Porter can be consulted as Lerctofore,ln the mayl376. TA STELESS MEDICINES.'i. A prominent New York physician later com plained to DUNDAS DICK dc CO. aboi4 their SANDALWOOD OIL CAPSVLES, stating that some times they cured miraculously, but that a patient of his had taken them without effect. OTE being Informed that several Imitations were Soldl he In quired and found his patient hod not been taking DUI*: D Asnne K k ('WS. What .happened to 11M, phystelan,,mav haie hap. permil to others., and IiCSTIAg DICK . dc CO. take this method of protecting pityticians, druggists, and thern tares. and prerimiltig OM Or SA;NDAL- WoOD from coming Into disrepute. i'IIYSICIA•NS who once preiserthe the Cli s pgules wilt continue to do so. for they eontaln the pure Oil in the best anctcheapest form. rsuAs DicK & rt): use more t tn. o SAN DALWOOD than all the Wholehale and Iletallllrlig gl•ts and Perfumers in the ['tilted States combined awl this Is the sole reason why the puro.oll in `old cheaper in their capsules than 1p anytother form. „ OIL OP' sAm)ALwoor) It fast super&ding every other remedy. sixty ealisuleA only being re quired to insure a safe and certain cure In Yitx or eight days.: From no other medicine can this re sult be had. DUNDAS DICg & CO.'S SOFT CAPKLES solve the problem, long considered by emitimit phy sicians. of how to avoid the nausea and divamt cx perloncee fu swallowing, which are well kn(wn to detract from, If not destroy, the good effets of many valuable remedies, Soft Capsules are put up In tin-foil and next box es, thirty In each, and are the only Capsuleii pre scribed by yhmdelans. TASTELESS MEDICINES.-6stor 01l and many other USINCOUS medicines can 'he Lie ken castle and safely In DuNDAS DICK & CO'S SOFT CAPSULES. No Taste no Syiell. Ai - hese were the only capsules am tted :o the last Paris Exposi cion. Send for circular t o 35 Wooster street, IC ew Tork. Sold at all Drug Stores Hera. ith ,§ A YIZE'S SAISAPARILLS,I Thls compound of filo vertable alterMilves Sarsaparilla, Dock, Stlllingta and 3landrakd.iwlth the lodides of Potassiure and iron, in akes a?most effectual cure of a series of complaints, %chid are very prevalent and afflicting. It:purifies the Aloud purges out the lurking humors lu•the'system, tha undermine health and settle into troublesomi die orders. Eruptions of tho skin are the appearance on the surface of humors that should be expelled from the blood. Internal derangements arti the determination of these same humors to sonic filter nal organ or organs, whose action they detingt! and whose substance they disease and deitroy AMOK'S SAURAPVIILLAexpeIi these hurnors , trom the blood. When they. are gone, the dlsoiders which they traduce disappear, such as UlceraOons of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Lungs, Brup , liens and Eruptive Diseases of the, Shin, StAn thony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Pimples,l'us4 totes, Blotches, Boils, Tumors, Triter and ;Salt Rheum, Scald Read, Ringworm, Ulcers pod Sores, Rheumatism, Neu Atgia, Pain in - : . the Bone*, Side and Head, Female Weeknees, Sterili ty, Luchirrheca arising from internal ulcers ion and uterine diseases, ,CriPB?l, Dyspepsia, ATina elation and General Debility. With their 4tar ttire health returns. Prepared by DR. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD DV ALL DIMG(iISTS AND DEALSIIS feb3-3m BOOK BINDERY.—The publid 3 , is Respectfully:lnformed that the Book Bindery has been temored to the RErourEit Ituildthg, third story, where will be done In all Its various branches, on terms as reasonable as the "hard times" will allow, The Bindery will be under the charge of, An, experienced Binder, and all work willpbe promptly done In a style and manner II:bleb cannot be excelled. Mask, Magazines, Newspapers, Old Books, Ste., bound in every style. Particular atten tion will be paid to the Billing and Binding of to any desired pattern, which in quality and dart. will be warranted. Sir AU work will be ready for delliteryl irSen promised. The pstronsp ot the public is solicit A, sod per iled ssidstadlois gamenteed. •auo4lltf. Dsvp sad 1L• WIIOLISALZ AND 11.STAIL PA.TTON'S DLOCIL, TOWANDA, PENNA. TUILES, WINES, And preparations of all kinds. All the ICF.IIEDI ES, =I HORSE, and all other kinds of brushes. EMI tiIIIFYING THE lILOOD. = BOOK-BINDING • ?, 11. C. WIIITAKE-4, *BLANK 800.K..5, Vitebith ;Warr, AO, . _ W CHAMBERIAIN. Dim DIA.1t0.?1DB;; sad :;PINE JEWEIaRY;'; WATCHES ANDCLOCKS TOWANDA, PA. Jumn-74. 1 • WATCHES / _ JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, M. HENDL,EMAN, Dealer In FINE 'AMERICAN:AND SWISS GOLD AND SIL VER WATCHES{, and FINE JEWELRY. STERLING SILVER and SILVER PLATED WARE CLOCKS, FROM THE CHEAPEST *0 THE BEST GOLD, BILE YE AND. STEEL SPECTACLES GLASSES One door north of Dr. Porter & Bon's Drug store Main Street, 1. TOWANDA, PA., jaws -75 1113 RESENTS Fait ALL, NEW JEWELRY STORE W. A. ROCKWELL Is constantly receiving in widltioci to his large stock of Jewelry, FINE GOLD SETS, PIN S, BANDS, RINGS, STUDS, AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER ,WATCHES; SILVER MATED WARE OF ALL VARIETIES GOLD, Silver A'SD STEEL SPECTACLES, SILVER. AND PLATED RINGS AND C'HARMR. CLOCKS OF ALL V.ASIE NES, at the lowest prices Watch, Clock and Jewelry repalring done In the best tuatmer, and warranted Thangs for a,llberal patronage and hope to merit a ;contlnuane. of the Owe. ttaTl2-73 ganufactorits. NEW_FLOURIG MILL 1 • iN 811E911'Ni - IN, 't The subscriber Mies notice that his new STEAM FLOURING MILL, Is now In successful operation, arta that he Is pre '' pared to do all work in his line on ikon notice. , CUSTOM GRINDING DONE ON fIIE SAME DAY THAT IT IS RECEIVED Wheat, Buckwheat and Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, Bran, Ike., always on' hand .and • aad for sale at lowest rates. PARTIdULAR NOTlCE.—Perkons living on the wet side of the river debiring:to.patrontze my inlll, will have their ferryage paid both ways - , when therbrlng_grists of ten bushels and upwards, ME B LOOD S. COMPANY Still continue -to manufacture their celebrated HORSE POWERS k CLEANERS, And will sell a better machine forlets money' than 'can be had elsewhere in the world. We claim for our machines that they will do its much, or More, than any other, and more durchly built. We per sonally superintend our work and see that It is well done. We will send DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES of our Machines on application. • ONE it TWO HORSE POWERS, One and two horse thr . eashers and • Separators, Thresher and Cleaners. • FANNING 3.11 CIRCULAR AND DRAG SAW MILLS, . Saw end ' Grist Mill. work done to order. Give us a call befOre . • • - purchasing elsewhere. . , " V(1 tOO auodavuu `ssailix • "oo*aoorlit . WOOL CARDING, WOOLEN MILLS, CAMPTOWN, PENNA. AlsO manufacturing and cloth dresslng attended to on short notice. We are already Making rolls from the new clip, and are prepared to do welt as fast as offered.. 8.86 OFtiptainsteh IC; 1571. =I &C Also AT TILE C lIARMS, NXCKLACES, Also w. A. nocKWELL F.S. AYERS AT TIIE COAL 1, PIERCE & OCOT.T AT 'TUX OLD TOWANDA: COAL YARD 'Kemp the best bard Coal in the Market, from tie Baltltoore vela at Wllkesbarre. We keep Barclay LUMP AND SMITH COAL We ate gots' Agents for Msg.:el. _We keep Lime; Cement and Eindllng Wood) - I LOYALSOCK COOL, From the newly opened vein of the Sullivan Wies We will have constantly for gale at our yard all the sizes of this sepertor coal, at the following pct . ces, viz: Grate, 'Egg 1 !Ravel Nut Small ,N ut t I . : -, , . ,• , AU Mar coals are prepared In the best manner and will be delivered dear and free from state. The usual ,prices will be charged In addition to the above for delivering. - . - All orders left at the stores of Long k Steens, Br d. Calkins, * Third Ward. Klrby's Ding Storo. pr at onr,olilee, corner of Itirer - and Elliatteth's will rocelfe prompt attention. • PLN.4.18 GIVE trB A CALL. S. S. PIERCE. .„ WM. SCOTT. Nor. 111, 1875, ; , Wgiir. COAL YAAD! • Thei' undersigned having taken the large , and eoturoodlons yard; at the foot of PARK Street, has now on band a tail suipiy or AL., SIZES OF LOYAL SOCK, And BARCLAY COAL. Atw LIME AND CEMENT. Coal delivered on short notlie TERMS :—Cash. HENRY 31ERCUR. = CHEAP . CDAL AND -LIME from and after Jnty I, 1 will sell coal. for cash only, end: the price list will be corrected monthly. ran:v. OF COAL. *on JOLT. PER SO' or '2,OOOItE, I= Pittston Stove, Chestnut and Furnace. Pea Carbon Run Lump " " Sinith Barclay Mountain( Lump Smith Allentown Lime bushel Latb, Rah - 10 1 . Pushel Brick lO op • I am aluays prepared_ to deliver purchases uu short waive at the usual price “r delivTry. . 1 ahio teurie . r;roy thanks:to my mauy, friends hu4 rustortters for their very patr,riagr. in the , past and hope u.o(er the new departure to malt« It to their interest to i•rulinue to boy IN here they can get the best gusts for the least money. Those who are kralebto , l to me will take notice that I .must hate mOney or I can't buy for cash ,and 'pay frrights. rria.:y' roust se . ttle by this Ilrst of Au gust r2.ext yen' RV.SpCCifllligT Y..Urg, , • .1. 11. ?HINNY Tnu.anda, July 1, 1975 'Ca.—ziage: lama S:el,-,11: - N7 - 9WIS' ot-R OPPORTUNITY, TO BUY SLEIGII, CU'fTERS„ AND 808 SLEDS, 133 Y N ,S, Cheaper thah you will ever main' have the Opportunity .of doing. ;! I have alargc assortment of my OWN_MANUFACTURE, Warranted in every particular, yhich I will SELL SO LOW That every body can afford to Bare one of his own. 1 also have. the sole agency in this place. of , . OYIATT'S PATENT RUNNERS, . An invention: which has come into very general use'all through the west. They giVe, the best Satisfaction wherevere they have been introd ticej CALL. ANO EXAMINE THEM. JA,MES BRYANT MOM Nt7.CAR . RIAGE. FACTORY! Oppoi4te the acv Jai!, , . TCiNVA.NDA, rENN'A lItNRY STITLEN Itelspeettnlty announces to his friends and p.strcus, that he has builta NEW 'CARRIAGE FACTORY, Where ir wilt c;onstantly keep an hand a full iss.rt meet of I FAMILY CARRIAGES, TOP AND!OPEN BUGGIO, PLATFORM WAGONS,' TROTTING Stit:KTS, AND SKELETONS , • Made of the best m:tterhtl and finished In tha beet City style. ins Mug experience in city Car ; rlage Faknrles gives him a decided advantage ever others to the 1 511 - I.E. AND DIMABILITY Of wagons. All he asks is an INSPECTION' OF HIS WORK Previous to purchasing elsewhere ALL WORK WARRANTED TO OIV PERFECT ATISFATION. . .1 for the Ilbsral patronage formerly ex respectrally ask a continuance of the Thank tended an same. RING PROWTLY ATTEND= TO Viii AT REDUCED PRICES HENRY STULEN. Jo, 11, COAL 00 4 25 ;426 ;42 3 25 4NTITRACIT; —fa 00 ~:3 SO . 4GO .. 3 GO 3O