ta tep.orter. cif Mil Tei7attiA, I":.,llland.ay, March 9. 1876. LOCAL lAND GENERAL. Tun. Supre county eases WE are in Errip Mootv, at of thq iti las • . W - E - have r4eived several . letters from si:ivivots of r4ibel prison pens; :winch we Poblish soon. Tar; Good Templars will hold a soda- Yo.,- at the residence of T. PEIIILY VAN to-P:blirOW.CVenifig. Tur. streets ire in a terrible condition. Will fh . e count-lever put Main fit. in pas -, sable order? - very high at this place. Id is inundated. and s . partly under water. THE river The ball grot F NT's island WELL, of Elmira, will con kand preach in the Epis n Sunday next. 11r.‘:. MR. A iluet the. servi copal church o THE in /eerily Enterpri.ie. bas been.en larged to a nine column paper iu order to mcet the grow lig demamTs of advertise' :ed to announce that Mrs: INE, who has - been spend .atthe Ilector.y, is recover severe illness. WE are plea! Bkhop Mcit.v , fit, the winter cling front TV widow Of the late Cii.k!z. is in very fee ler .advaneed age—nearly , - inakes her recovery very - WELL I'. WELLEs, o ble—bealth. i)inety • .years (10111 ot ftil. hsiti merchant tailor, .1. L. •lilted on Monday evenin! , _lie o ld e untrc. Ili, will. nrcliase a stock. of cloths. Ischig Lack Nviaaim. entire MArioN, for a visit to while tiwre, be will barn 'belonging t S. .11. AtNeils townsliiii. was tili Monday la.t. In -4) in ('tintineptal lnsurantio NonrE ` l l\l I-:' 31r. Lad a barn burin.l.l on the . I:bont two years'agO. VAM'ABI 1.11;m :d :;Lout surcii (•,:!:Ipany,lwj F xl:Nslvoil•rt ~.~icc ~n:itlil ring ar:(111(Teful revival -fof Mg - on attWyalnsing-.. Ser mz; have'.aiready resulted rt. The.2ncetim4s are con :v. D. Clf;kr - r. and Rev. J. , •Itev: It. li. WrI.I.Es. of aiding in the good.rwork.i 'AN interes icii , eiun is ff. ur;%l tonversi irt , m..the eq . ( 4lucte(l Ly 1: .11. SUMNER. Kingston, is •idently as in date snic.nt of the F.lie:liequin publisneo in the IZEPotTER I:tte. We Lace bcen..shown It.s.qll“eroyft•nts ruecirvil by AyEF.Y. THEP.E is c _;of the c,61,1 ..r reeent I b (). his g-ramlfati, -'!11. The at the same time !Lee wa,. i t A trieh, It; IMMa LED'. pf I.lzli.iug at Mr. E. l'!•Nr,i.!..roy, of q)rwell. .weeks in tiiis 11 , 1;:ce. the ATTI r: Rtmc Fits. 1. Itor•lif•ster, is is slendi7l:4-- a guest of Miss .or ^nd d tlv4itter, of Mont :own thi, wctk•. -A. r...:. =EI inity,..:;t train of s rer.blitl coal sliitch ..11. - .11( ifs coal inlay eveninz last, t;lte cars. h sc.ch speed as to fqt - CT fitting ont or place. atiii:vitiite blacksmith 31.ki;511.11.t., Ivho was .Ite ,loor-wa leading to tht• or the 1.1.-k,mith Sho l i, NV:I.• • ./Out:II by the coilisiun anti ininrctl. ru C}l.: - upon tin; yard, on . 1!.4 were sent end of tlll` hi t•i!();.. .31r. stlli:ditl7.: int i ,Gin' t-hrowti t•i the ylite scvercl• fzoto Vlisliiuglcu to the rt:akiF, the 1.1101% ing gc leman Avull _known A i)1 -r.vn• 1'11U:1dt:101kt rt.11 , ;5 r.,•,! v: •• )!r. II MONT) prefl' , ll,•ll' to :01 111 . 1M;.715e last nitflit. larg(. 1111:,11.1.1. :Mended. Dr. NoBLE t! t i ,, 1.411 a ra,t , :rilere for forty liajt 1 - o'verNVitlieNSCti a rvvival I'.;al az,roxin4t,..d tics in inttsre.st ..:•i: Metlillilist friends Trice jn . some cap ry imp.,rtant imi.r4o.a;,nents in the I,asennio of thcir The nu ."-litly wod,: n pillars . for the snpport of Cunt above. have been replaced by pent anti to-t• - ircnt 'posts. 11u fnT- Eisheil ill' t Lclriltirra Carr(i, ti e c , la seats 1 CIIIOVt . ca,y eltairs subst it n tett:. and tie looms others.:.imf nw(il‘ ci to ~i ve them a cla. - erfv.l awl •St•11 , iol s.(.l:e of the lari.;est n:osz 6 Ibis ric lulu.::nil it is v_is- =EP dun: nulko tile id; 'tut ti•r• dltl-aetive -ti: the scliohtr:,.. 1321 the ilwellinr tire 'N 1:i about 1 , I,rist 0 NV*.I. i , 4:111c s ('‘'ll!•l;fr% 11.\' tii (•,ntint,. • citnut r. ;Ind Mr. D. w irl i a at a bani a ler; .11 v.ra 'rho 101.0,e ITIA ‘:: was clisrovciv‘l t; in..: was blowing inri v.-:-c 11::111 portion I.l' the reniov,A. 11P:: .7 , 1 r. DI - 1:r7.,,:t% Ntt'l'C 11.4 il!Silyt a. 11!i1 ti4.lllY (11':-irtrp..11 lll•1111t111:1 , 1 was. in for $:',,.11). clii;;:ney ur:ulp:an tii- , tn.01. in it :,n4l L 0,- . 4 n:cii:s I= t•q, in the Nvi:h on Friday even : ‘.1.1. , .N 1 ' ',.1111. 011 . .2(1 and :41 streets •reil to ix , on Inv. Und - tbd StotAt's F, r»1 TICE SOCI‘II 11611DF.11. so.lii.iii :I,lles. n . 2 orizm I)!l'Lf,mAcy.-Hro be the iny,t.‘ry. as the doors wen: leo-1:21d I , terary Avomaii, is 01 lal •r itvitt . d, and wlnli first. , dise,Jy.. uni:er sonar' dis:tdvanta . Lft s. eci-n -wl.. iu the 111 , 1,er port .t.l the 1 , :%' the with $11,l1,114) is atu distinction, iv bc no promptly and th_!..j,iti- ns us iOn 7 t Creue alUi 11:u1 stre . anv. 421 t 1111.. iFlit a it; does not 0 , 11:C :within a 'scu -1 the !_;:ri,111181 rt;atly . for rutty. r;tlq2o the Nr.rlii by Ler •;1 stc . i,invr was t.zkrn to the I , vatity. s.l , le , ulor of n . :ifly fur action. hut its nu•nts, lutts;iine her ineighbols in Ire fly! • regnired.- ;:rcat ment:tl qualities or - ino•ii—•l nal at :,iinJnl:on which lie Ivis 1 liituunts,,4-lu2 . iunst ' lle, (is o,oit to sonic tliph,m.tey in 01'.1k•I' to secure '.'rr., .-.1 .Maple .•tree strueiluv tif otiro i. fa: l r•rcd titr iirt tlit• alma au,l I iver. :7,.1,1 %It t• V t : N . • 1• • laili I= _ _ , . . her oink • I ll . s ll '•' after a few experiences. has ;w • F.F.DiNtts. —Continued:— : -- ' • ,": • t, t et , , , J ed fiat aspersing and undermining Yeovil . :list. .. _ i the - id:arm-1e rs r 111,42 w hos, : . v . 0, 1 1,, or ,W I'al l i :tin, . _:.,.. t . P‘,..e , .. ~ ~...: „,,, ~.,•r i ,„. i n t,,H,,-,• 11 %,. 1 . • 11 ,1,•r c ei ' • ''.'i Psi i sr. lin this l "' ill '•'' "i — I l t ' l ,'• • . them mie..e. attraen;ve tll3ll lier , eit„ was ji a .... is! ~ t aside. • .- %Tr.' ma — rain W3:1 1 K gaining savor. and . II qt. , ... .; • !..: .1 I.eW is and ..k. B • • ~- it taken to tin: surer and more emtstructive i'l- t‘' 'l'll'''. cane Ill ' il : v A ri. thod itl",ir ming . people within the dr -1 1i..., it,- subnigafed to tile. ; e , 4 a . it, , ;. -r moudive, by oVei'WliC1111111;!: • plait:Ulf. c e. ' theill witli profuse and flattering - proles ho; vs II It Phelps et I. - ,,i,,,,s t 1 Busier personal. regard.. A well ;.fed, sustained - lot - oil of such a 1131'11re is s.vllle 'l'll I ' s "lark ' "Niall ' ll ' a "urt • .1,...hat pdiflexing. and exceedingly fatigue -1;111.-ze it:......l.niatron. ' - Henry`,, , , lug - at tinfes, hit it brings in a rend s , 7cial Vs lic . ii ' itin. Coact alt - harvi,,:t. -Indeed, pits. I fi i s b ec „ iii , i g at e Overton. 1.--:!, all auditor to a : l.i ' ir . *- 1 her ; district, and ' is usually so ''. 11::ids I.l°'''.ll in" fix sale w!ll a t lt r el l l ' iled by-,l• district, she has taught dinit's real estate. to invest,theintielve; with peenli l ar and ir lovs itiiinor 'Corldn. (to moo - , , , - resi.itahat-ciclianns. as I.V 'iNe all (lii:•Ciwer lies 4.: t :arnoehan, Court make .- • ''- • ; , ' , • , tile unprO;sion tnat she moves only wino tier and deeree of divorce. an' escort:' if an occasivnal Suspicion is Ilitt_ 5 - ,:ql .11,1 May. - 'Verdict -.:, .. . se t afloat t 1 Lai an -unpleasant nit l ctleet I nitma on Tuesday to March tilt satw of riz s triOto. I on the atimrsphe;'e in her vicinity, Mrs. ~ kninvs '1 • D. K: 1 101VjO seta tram going that 1 . • w iii dispi - fl it, ail invariably - comes out of . the temporary shadow with an empluods .---irin. BypoicrEtt:—,A few days of victors!, .slightly more aceented than since. in ciot i allaily IA it li our social. hospit- that whifli . mounts from the great., toil able liiend.l \V .% nl: P.EANDSLY, 1 . ..5q., we ileith4ofillriStial! effort.'- t 00:1:: a'ilt2liglit iOl ,!• it ighritle thromd.t Wells It is alr'unquestionable fact, that )Ira. township. We have often heard the ex- Bnisinuin.s is popular. and MALVINA 111.,',..1 , 11, "I 1. in Wells," but never fuily JANE and:myself,- who conic in for a lilY realized it, r: noting until we W:.'le told er.ll .sliar. of fav,fr, would never think of that it inclT,d, a the hicliest 1 ,41 111 a land di mtirrin - g, were l it not that friends ad. .iii' PennS,v ivmiht—and judging 4i in the quit•cd„-ind retained by .3irs. ll.'s favor size of the snoW 1i;111k... , al , ng the'll - v - 3.y. v;! ite Oto4•4';siS, take up a great 'deal of house Al.,tild ;laid; that it Was vets niar the room, an...11 .. .Lye an eve : rwet icing fondness c - 1.;:on =of 1 1 erp-tu 11 •snow.'• In; Wells for tate ' ,l,lvorite cast eitair. %Via. have t .Vl nshiptzt e found sorne of the mos`t finely come bylilegrees to discover-that they are eilltivated finals in ti.ti -• . conntrY,' the own- (-mist ilitti:mallY deft etiVe. and further ers man2;4 of -ahem men of large means. wore. ‘liiit Men and women moving to the ihandsomeChinches atid school houses are call of s....inie honorably pre , uerupying.hfe fr,apient—the :Moist, E:, being well sup- v; -rk, Liv - e little time or inclination to 1 "Ili din eie:y instants'. At ~..Aspinw- a ll, stop along the way for the dial or of corn ;s a very tal.t. liall,•built ;IOW; two years piiment,:;or the slow distilling,s of subtily sl:111. by .thi , I:thl Fellows of this place, iniminiso7red flatteries. If . one is chat i ami in whioli ;lie Lodge meets every Sat- tably di:s.Poscd, however, and has a turn ;'day even;:,g.. The Gl:lnge also occu- . for nursing morbid intellects, the incon )ll,:l,lbiS 1,. It on Tuesday evenings. The, 'entente might be ignored, but for the 4 . trang,rs lii• ~ .L. iecentiy built a store ad- -- . simple circumstance that these people who .;:le;,nt to i a- ball fur their own. special are hungry for flattery.are inordinate feed o-.e. The , 'der is said, to be. prospering CI :',. They come along when the dinner is nicely in tins part. Tontts . r.. /.silent 10 - egetahlca, and one must coax 0,1 - Itt I Artdi S = SitoW it, tiautm•r. 1: •lial t:f Primoray: Rule di2.oia MEE dir‘:vt Slteri • p.)int FrA . . di,t:iimtc t! of the deft .; I 011..1 Da.. mord of A for (' , 't :u i 21st.- WI Li , • Sturm Clth.K.—Nortberri Tier Lodge, N0..03a, O. F.; will bo instituted at this place.on4he 21st inst., in Fitts' llall. —The Baptiiit Congregation . at Gillette . are about tOicommence the arection of a a large and geautiful church edifice, on ground whiCli they have recently pur chased for that purpose. The pastor, Rev, air. STO.NE,' is making-an earnest ef fOrt to push forward the work. PETER WO.TENDTE F., is doing a really first-dais bdsiness at his Combined - drug and dry goods store;.in addition to being a staunch ligipubliCan; be is a tip-top nian in every respect, and amply merits the handsome patronage which he draws. Our whilorn friend; W. 11. 3160riF., has sold out and taken a situation in the office of the Northern Central IL IL Co., at El mira. G. 0. Tut*, merchant and postma4er,. has ma& an - exeellant business reputa tion since hq:has been established among us; the Good Temphirs are a tiOurirhing order here, filimbering some 40 members, and meet in their hall on every Friday evening. [ Many habitual drunkards hard Leeii reforn*d through this. LOdge, and the fearful custom of drinking, Which has in years liaski given this locality an unen viable noteriUty, is fast giving away before it clevatingi,intluence. ' Our esteeined friend, N. E. liiousLAND, P. 31.. (whiiji is :postmaster), is cluing a , good business in his store at State Line. sear Bindford 61arch number Ml by W. L. oldest physi his resideke • 'WHAT II rsi Gon W11.0“31IT r—CON TIN cEl).—Tril!,W two mothers ,in Israel fell on their 4•llees,, and by the exercise of strong faith iii the promises of God, with due penitence -013 the part of the seekers, twelve were 'eonverted beore , sunrise the next morning. At two o'clock on that morning they met again, but for a very different pruliose than that of the evening benne. The:house was not large enough to contain those who came. During' the day Live more were converted to God. Now came lifd..Jayne to gather, the fruit.; into the Ila:p(ist Cluirch ; but the young converts hatrtaken a great dislike to him, hence lie meOvith littfe success, and he soon left - forther fields of labor. Now allow us to digress a little to introduce in to C.:is group- another prominent claw:lc ier. In An.ri 15, 1769, in the state of Conn., of wtiithy parentage, a !1111(1 was born. :1 son. i,'ho at the time - oft-, the V, - ming massacre was found aitiong that un fortunate settlemnent, bedng, then° about nine years old; who with 11w Women and other cliihlii of the settlement, fled down the ris=er to Wilkesllarre.t hi May 4 1704. this s.nne boy, then. a Man-Town, received lie(use to exhort and prenelt. from Valentie Conk, who was then Elder rim the Tiog4 , eireult. On May' 5, this same :Min receives license to preach from the haMls of Thomas Ware, i'. a name known among' early Metho - at hisijather*:; housf:. situated .on what is hnoitn as the Pend solidi of Tow anda. Ordained deacon, by Bishop Whateo:it, )liitivn, Cayuga, N. V., Sept. 19, 15i1,"2. Ortiained Elde - r. ;by , 11;shop 411.ansin;_; . , N. V. Aug. 21. He known in this country as Father died in Ll. This man was sent foiri; :vim came to Sugar Creek, aficl bron , dlCwith-119n Jobrlrisli. Father Colc7preaeh'o- from Luke 19-19, "This flit'y , is salvationi,:come to thiS house.— This was tint first. Methodist serintin . pre:4 , 11(11 in:: this 'vicinity. A !chess v.as Dow fino.(V. - of Cil.zliteen menthers, awl cc as aproint6l haler. who 1.:ot l.(1 this hut preached the (.;o..in•l4Mttly tears in reiltral Nets - Vot-k, and died some sixteen recurs ne , t Sat ato.4a. (!ne of his S ttl is now a tricnii , et• Trt , y (*(inferanee another MeTie . an •of Utah notirity. This tir,t ! .I: , sspiLsp. , ...;: ir cr e ek w a s k. of 'Andrew 'Nft•Kean, MeN l .ea.n..l:4ol 74,1cean..1 ( , 1 11 (lphins- Joseph John 11allar(), 11;111.1rd, rlt4:4 - 1 Swain. Annie Swain and 50i" . .0 of the convvrts this first .joitied the liapti2tt, fell out L}' the •ev;:v:; P:: Tiorzt way'leonneeted the .Vllfany Milaelz. - -.lml.lao.l)Grut,er were affp..;) , the Evangelist:, trio, were . empl l oved ttLol the : -. 4.1t1.4-;1: - ..811:1 Creek ifttity eotinf anti olie the first itin" , ra; wjlo s.e.wil.-(1 the Cospel trum- Ow! Lt 11;ive b.. 2111 itlf,,jlll, (I that i.riaravic(i picot ing on far (.'n. (.4... I -hv.ve to this.' 111 IV. Colber ! t -up it_ur.sas P. and .1. 11enor and S. litohl as prcaelauis; on toga Colbert -eriLes thek(itlships iit: this have 1 g,,,t in the fit (n- - , tiers of Wyitruing once ino7c. tat' way . to !;;11:(1(1 I no* • He Lail thein fully up to his t !Nioect,ttions, in his moinii.uin Lis il!•ng stor- ! jourticys. his small con;zre grti, I,‘" tho erying of eittlt(ren 'that Le ( otil(1 ! hear his ir.icp . voice, •• 1 !rave; had. - - lie i sai.- filet:- t:t t' to wlfc:.• it few lia(1 gatltcr- fiA• plea(ihin ( •,!lit v.asetll<ct t ii be I.a •t It a wltiint:t in the! nei,.4lll((!i -11;!-(1 whot , ;.;as 111, , refiiri• hit : '•;rayetli tar exhiutcti, but to ri , .11 1 t(!n 0 . (-1((ek!:(i - ni,011 in 1.:!...(1(u.cc t i staving in the III;11 aniont.; , Lihiren. caul - v. 110-s.. • ali(1 no 410111,1 an who; of I tit another (iec.ision he . • ::cs : wind was 1,1.!.w15t the IL,: thttild,r wal it ttl'iS rain so 'down that I I A:oriel not . .F.:_•e the t 1- that it.iL.it.l.e t:iilin an.tuld nn:. I w;:s v. - et wii ,. ..•;11 I reavh , ...l I,,and ii,kinj a dry cover to stand. and Such NN't•ve soate of the thi•se 01(1 vi.teratts en:tared. - .:301;ong thoze who s..ztudt.d the on 114 Es Timothy 'butt Thiri.h.llmit.riict - EEC Drijpo r .•Tiwinas. 1:11jot, (;rune Tiesmas. 14,;ing aril f.lo,eph I.: in- CEIT , ...r Tio., - ,lr•ir!,nlit in ISM, tl.O fir-t year 4' , 11:till• csi duce of tIIG eiqiferettre. - year Nve N\ i:1 1 , 111 , C iiti 1 anti S two y - ome.t . men r.. 1 air i , ;..tre.el :•olg.ir: Cleck, .TalneN (.;i'.ll:,)le. them to swallow - the scant bits he is in wardly ravening for himself, or they wilt bear their sensitive! souls henee, no a series of su ff ering that knows no reine dy but a prolix rehearsal. Mrs. B.'s chimney corner is a cosy one, and her windows are bright and warm, with a sweet, honie radiance, but they are apt to be crowded when one wants them most. If 1 were a moralist, I might pursue the subject in another direction, and question Mrs. B.'S method of attaining-popularity, in some of its. more immediate effects on personal character. There is her yOung friend,. BETSE . Y BRINDLE; for instance, who never, in her most desperate need, aspired to beauty, until Mrs. IL (who, I am forced to eon fesF:,,_ was in quest of BETSEY'S special co. operation), ferreted out a stray dimple in her left cheek, thati was so near to pretti ness, that 'Betsey kcame a marvel to her self, and somewhat' trying to her friends. I suggeSted . to Mrs.Jl that it Would have been better fur the girl to have leftthedim plcundiscovered in its covert of frockles but she gave me to understand that she was willing to assume the responsibility of her own coarse of action. . , John Anderson, who was nobody's Joe. was irredeemably tl)ecause there was not a glimmering of inward beauty to'illumine his ugly;features; but with fatal ingenuity he sifted int&his derstamlim , the fact, that he hail un im pressive and dignified bearing., .Tol;n An derson accepted the position with loyal gratitude and with swift sUbservitUcy.to his informer, and went to work contimring lifinself in his overbearing bluntness of manner in such wise that ltis small chalice of earthly friendships grew intihitelybess. Mrs. Beebe, the rich tattler, was in due time made aware of it musical viler; which became forthwith , iMrs. Briskheel's most fruitful agency. She fell to wori.t with such new and invigorated zeal at her old and somewhat flagging pursuit,. that I be ,q •tit feel serious alarm at the success of My wife - s toogininnie of social tacties„ Master Hazard, the near-sightml snob. was next made conscious of a classical contour, and got into such a way of atti tudinisiter and adjusting of drapery, that his ft iends feared he was intending tr.4;edy. • Miss Kitty. who ;gorged hei•upper teeth with impunity. was whisosered softly that Byron adMired a short upper lip; and fat Libby Lee; whose down-growing hair had untlergonc a life-bMg upward . ;3:train for mire breadth of foreheml,;;learned at, a most opportune.moMenf 'That the moody poet had expressed .Maisel'!' in favor of low brows; and tbencif.rth the teeth grinned ruthlessly, and the frowsly hair drui - ped umfstrainedly, after the true ifyronie taste., „ ; A bad r ligy on tae; street,' , who has taken to studying female character, says if he had been burn cross-eyed, and she Lad felt the need of any of his ,special virtues, she woOld have fallen .in love with fitra tUsmus. lie intimates farther, that a 'A-O— man who is so notable tin. loving every- ; body will have a r..Milirkably ]large tuner--: al. made up of peOple so fixed in their . ' disagreeble pec4ilialities in consequence of her pro ising the ii, that - no amount of Lowest' truth tellbu'r can redeem a soul of them. - 7 • many art tel.'s which our friend G.o. IVehh. ::1 .‘11 , 3. i ts., k.:,•ps in his stork. may he NOt•rIS fr:M: that justly celebrated firm. Briggs & 111.. andlit..ellesnr. N. soy.l Itims.• in I world. It will stir• ihtko litany ot , Our ~ readers to learn that over 9.5.f100 I taerrliati , s In the t7nited States handle seeds front ' & 4ltrse hoxes„ ratalogors. 13111?!:1 ate o'..z.trern..!y attr.totive In high 4.0 t aud a , 'flul , ll. Ono or the nowest I‘lfzus (min the har4:l. of tiPir artists Is what is call ' •" 1 & itrolrwr•,:tlrrat Tomato Hart , of tilf.lt Up :Mt! rspres,•,:ts a rare ro't'e nRh per t r-pre , otttw. !il , of Ih • dilrer , tit tl:r1-ties or to inVos str!% in. , for the honors of I , :ol.rshlp. Th.? happy at::1 ph.......isant, besides rolivelpg 1,; f. , triu-r or hot tienktiTtst rote:Mt-1 , ,^.1:1••iu fa, :nation upon tits m-alts of the different \Ve -ee Dm! th-y pare a 5 . 01.•:r U.:1 , 111'1g I!." (Irort, :go. I:ongort:ir Ittot Eceel•lor, th-y rate coltrl%strietiss lu the font:wing order of inert?: Tr ,; P 11 3.. lint:lard Curled Leaf, tirtryser's Dwarf itrang.. UearS Ear, Early Pro'ille. Sluittts's I I Talrr, 3:1,1 In the rear, n jib mina ,thrown to the sot a t.4"0p0 at Ids eve miser n - here the rrst arr, 5h.;01 , ;-: on th- 1.3 q: • Th.. whol.• so-lie Is Istil In Ito rl: hest humor, int( no one ran CB" Nov go.d..re,ciye.l at llENnt.r.n.k:s'S go .. lit ~, . .r atm at w t mes an e x a mi n ati o n I , real.h,g tint Into ::11-::rty laugh. Yoll ~e t) latt'St. gyleti,(l . , an :t..ar4:, our rra:t.r, who d •sire to order & Bro , . ireds, that' th-y yin secure them ISluti.u.ery. very o:rap: at Wilt 'mum & upon Jostre. adtanta".ons • (:. it wehh, and of ju-t a , g 'rrlatlt ' s. as If mdered .dirrrt. Engraving llnn.. lIL:st:ELMAN'S JewolrY . & munher and ordor or I ' 40,1. 11. N5•E1:15, ff",l Can the bad liny be right? Are there smils to whom t 1 Great Father bas en trusted a mission. who wilt-fail in ilm ac complishment* thrintgb • the enfeebling prnor.:.s of subtly administered 'flattery? C. .I.; 13. We. haNT .inst received large in 01" •:tit toria,h tow, pat rolls. noatly v •ttt.L•r: prtv WHITCOMB ;A: SIIAUT sell the best Blttitt; Books I.ltunitart tired In the counter. MI ',LEM j,; jarn ag: eat reductlr.:l In Si!- , [ Prmrl ths, flneheAtcr, Times, Get. SI, 1R7 5 .3 , :..2; - Briggs ,l: Brothers, who can boast Of , on,lielti.g tho largeat p,...1 Itn,iti , ,s In the lits,wn world. arc arranging to compile a work in w hi.ll thy IA ill give lo sthe• 11,ri, ntinral and liorti- Von nrai 1. I‘l le th. benefit of their 'thirty year, of I, expoririLice in tho lenittire of veget iiie anti flower I , ' - ; - vi, , m., , rkii , k I:1 1., ,nbstaffit Ily bound. anti r -, rltA iarg.ol Fthi.• . l::_ or games t'inti • toys, ; "' ds, •; ' • it.: zeveral hut/dr.:ll pages wig Inc Iliumtrateil with :. , t cr,t„ at. IV II t - r, 'o711; .5.:S it ...rni. .; .:: ~ nono-r,o, t•ols, ehromatie fe:‘tes :lint stireinet rfl. -4410, I . - 4----; - r re. l'o.n. tvith re.z . 0 , 1 to the rare :mil cult ore of ev.• 1 1-r:.; ring. k now!! 1n- fl”ta I :lad vortlable kingtlntn :"....';- Litlit.“4, 11:1 .1'1'vi , 11 SCell Ole Silver- 'Ve know of no non I. , ter cloaltfleti to treat on the amp: ,I is „i v ,,, :hnt ?f;1.,,•K 1, s e n;,,g sr , n,,, ? ij at- o.e soliject firm Itri_gg, A firothl;r. whoM, seeds i aro <,.. , ..1 in ahno4 ei - ery city. town, ; Msgr. nr ham -1, -41. 4- . ;in in :hr rilti. - ./ 'tray... 1110' :ITV ' , llllrtiral glliVr . ... ISESEIMENSI ' All . the httest put , licatitiits, very . ch :11'., ....q. AV litT(4)1111 & ''.ll A L'T••:. -.1! Yo_ 0. A. BLAcs: ..'..,:ali•gr. at things for LI". ! er. of , ev,l , , atal the .or!lba.tolug work will etual• (1,!:a jil , l r.:er isva lit i - ..,1 froal . ' 7 l'ralivo. , %at.. fort.olulit t .otrylo a. Air.dsourAis. What s.;t.ri • ! Or-en I, to 11411. Barry or Portly to fruits. Brigs i.: . ---,--.. -- _, t 11rothor are to sveds. A Nery largA edition will , bo 4.13.- Th " ''' '''' r Pl 'i z i . r 71.44".. or 11 ` .7 z' r. '' !' Lre. , r0,11 , ),-,1 .•.1,;, , h. it I, writ untkrat , oel, will I,ieu that i:I.A‘ I. •"'i:: g1%,+1..1:!%2,:1 1 .::1.:r.“.•;!. , :i.., . ii,.• to-b— w-r volume, But vlrtsvrs i f 111.1 work out.: '.........._. . I 4.! lit Wi ii eithi he Charged ( 11.0'; 101 h e the ellSttitilt. 1 trigg.l . St Bro.. will rovelve alas a, prvinlion , ' :2r - EVCrytilill' A r, itl ' the= line of station- ion Ito• pur,•11:1‘o of seed.=. -The tuboniboll w"rk ti In err ..t Wu 1TC...518 St Till A CT'S. , gct In cs about .May 1te3.:., Ulla the artists 3rt. Llow I , t - I.L7 . lgett 11 , 1'41 the ellgraYtbg'. It 111 lo• separate ' a A b•I apart ivoin Ito , January ('alai gut., which Will Foa RENT',—llotel "Properly ai.. I, !•-::•d in 1)..v..t0b-r. cry from .ay otbelr of the. kwo'r:v.tilou.3 or they w.. 12 ',rowan boo v. (very lorer of IF , :1,1:Ituro or nvrtlevlt or, :•Ita l ll4 put 11110..t1f., 1 :• l'-• (.• MYI :1 " or lie;•, , :f It, tic way ‘•fobtainlng it. • ...: ; DI i4gH t ltro.'s stoat: are for ia!v 1.y1;i:eV.::11. II cbl',, AII,§ S a, ra. 1 Nan'l;witil. J rirM.tho r= far„ hes., st , rk !, and g”ld nit.l hes cl er I.ranlit j);)11 . : at II rA Vr.EM N . ., it ywi nl-!, in thv , :1•11 1 `A" if f:NnKfm.i. 11 :is the finest stock of Wateli,, ...... !silvor.i:lr... ever brought tpwa. .tit.. - • 4i, - 1` you lVani I::.• a good at ti ge the V ort It or uur money, rd.• place to go 1* M. IT EN 121231112 Dwrliil r t7 houses -to rent cheap. C1.1.7;:5t.v. ovE:troz: CL ):1:4 C:ir Cold, strid Eye great; var y, 111:N1 , 1:L11.1N A Jen d: DEM 7;" l'assengers!to tlitt,West will find it 1.1 t::-l. - ad% alitaiz,..l,, ,'11:1•• - • tirketi at the Ta w:v...la Perot. 1 ,1:1tes!1 ~ tucett ;1.74 imitt Sept. to :tuft I , pest assortment 9f rtra.A.;••t.t pr-t. I..r"oglA to tisk pnacw., ran now be G. S. rIrI:AN,CT S' ti ;it 11:i T .; 4 Buy yOur Outhing , of IT. TAYT.OIt, v , .v , •;A:1 11% prir - . -•••• (;1} to 11. T.V11.i)11 . :4 for fine ITats, Snlr: , , and 'Sec Mane. Entrance on : troet r 4-low .bnak and from s,uth side of Pri; , :-- 4 %nice. • Tie 1% iil la plcased to learn ow I. K. , , 4 1 " i:4,v o'reit Irtz ge a: tractive or n.p.11,,, , „) 3114 the attcl6lloll (.5 „,.'The - I"lk,rilix Insurance ('o. n o w I•ghtning nr Hrr, This 1,1 ow. of th.• 4). — ;7 — • r ido.tic!re it the ,:141 Ward. carp.nitt•r!i.:El-, Nninetning e;•(• ItlllSt le. done, and GE 4)., L. ha% pur cLuK-d. ilzinr , a in the 7,1 Ward Cruely. 11. 1134 hi .! troprurcuirn tt g s'es tie slot, a nvai typt The Silrhig Term of the Mate Ndr-i ma! Tioga count_, x,;;11: Mon , !ay. Mar4.li '27„ ex p uses are niod , ;r . ate a :el tl i areomtaodadoas e , a-ell,ot. Slate i as: pr, prlath.ni In parr, pay Xpt`ll!“`F. For eatalovn or a4toi.olott a'l l 4y 'to Prof. Cu As. 11. VEI:01 LI.. Pri%.•lpal LIST OF LETTERS remaining in ,h.• I.4”‘t <Mee at Towand a , Bradford Cr ' Pa, for the week ending March s: 1 i Evan ~ 117.zle Iblsain. Mary . • PoWers, Mrs ,S V 1 )dean. Ellen •• . Taylor, James P 1 - li , lfrati. Canter:no . Verguson, Mary E E lug. Emma White, Burns A 3l .Morpict, terry \t le S It l'er, , i calling, for the atorlye letters, will please ay advertised, giving date of list ...! 'B.W. if..VOP.D. P. M. T~on SA LE.—A valuable farm : tin _ Athens tap., laying 2h.: Miles *from Athens' Rom and a mile% (rota Wata•rly. Chntallint 154 :,,,-. 61' which lii are in grass And grain. A dairy or :15 cows has been kept on ii, and there Is base ment stabling, for that number.' it has a gentle in clination to the with. and Is lwarm, strung land. It will-be sold low and possession given imtnedi atety. Adtiresa 1 1. ' • • E. D. DREW, Elmira, N.Cr. j ' I). F. PARK, Albeit., Pa.l, 4. PREW, au the farm. noviG 74tf-1 ! , 1 - VOR RENT.—:Chi lotiseTan Slain u Street ln the First War : laMly occupied by i'. P. Splitting.. Aho the inn'. on West II ,Mgo street, lately oerlipleu I y :,.: W. Northrop. voice of E. T. Foi:. ;M. 27. 1 011 N F. SANDERS'ON, 'l' py, ATTORNEV-iT-LAW, • 1 or F IllE,—.lleang Building (aver PowelEsSiorei. . . . M - PoWEJA. i.c: - CO. have the exilusiv i p I n,,A , ..wn ; :TowaNna, 6 1 . sale of the Justly vt.lebrated and popular Jatnea. i kmEs wool ) . , • 1 ; town M.Olairs. Alpacas, and Peptins. which are t ATTitItNEY-NT.I,AW. • I warranted to keep their, color, and wilt. not shrink inche-76 , 1 TowAXOA. P.F. or erinkle. They ItaveOttst received direct from D. 5311T.11 DE.);Tisr, tie mil:li a complete assortment of these excellent i , , lie •,;• . . Towada. Pa. • b t:1*,11 ~- Itlwhlrh they call the „particular attention i tiflice on Park streci. mirth side Public Square, et up;ir timlonters; - Powst.t. & CO. lieit to Elwell Heine. I (mell*.7B ".„ - Fr, • pir..p,cE &SCOTT, at their coal fard.,, keep fresh gruund i;:ayuga I.y the c.a'• load or ton. It 14 trout lite Et:loll:lied Thompson beds: New y,,rk state 4:l2.;eg::,t+ say it Is the strongest plaster in Or. State. :meh9-tf. :1 7 ir FOIL stop, double reed, Organ, With Sub-lase and oc. tare coopicr. The '.1.1.7,1nal cos.t of this organ wgg t 2.15, but I will slit fl for,tlCs. •It - was ttscll a - shcrt church. iAl'23vol WI - OSIIN(1 SI6IIS:ARY ANS) CtIitI%IERCIAI. colieg... one of Ihe heft :1 ,Chrotrld of :1)2 kind to tlm cotitryj, Prcpart.,staloits for colleges. teaching or p tinting :And tur.lern languages lasgllC ,'lry comp en t• t each,?rs. The Cosuintrcial Coijeg • 1° not ,chaq: of the kitel. Next 'tet hpeit% .%prit Sond for catalogue to I).. King ...out Co.. Pa, BUSINESS LOCAL; e= t=l IM:=11E1 AVd:H^, I gro,l g.cDis at th' lowest, L. IL . 115 Wyoming, ANTOiI,!. • Horsz Awn LOT FOR SALE.--Etitillr red la ,Third .Tri4lTtsrantla- Botrongise - ' 11 99 8 p. newly furnished with all modern Itoptornihnif. Ranr. licynold's celebrated Beater, Bath Reims. Farce and large Cistern. Alto ate:meanie* horse barn. One of the most,destratde and beau+ Tel locations in the Borough. 'Will be sold at a bar gain, and on easy tern's. Amity to O. 1). once over NeCATII6 #EDWAnDS'. cfeb=tt. • i - POWELL SG Co.—We have just re celvecl our largo Spring stock of Wall Paper. !low ready for exhlblrlok, In 'addition to our usugil stock of plain trup, orbite and brown-blaeki, "ea basis added a handsr'Une.assortment of lino Ilronr... Sllrer, Gold and DTeorafed Papers. Please call and examine (mistook. . Pound, & Co. March. 1,18764 f. . 1 . . . 1 NEW Boos.—pr. 'Chase'. Family l'hy -1 Diann, Fltrrkr, Itrebepor and &court- Reeelyit Book: Chase puEdishing Co., Toredo, Ohio. Whne our readrrs may hue teen the ndvertlsi. Imeat of the aborts work In other journals.; they could certainly gather little Information, 'from, the , advertisements fori agents, of, tho great practical I Talon of Dr. CHASE'S iani* - rhyslciaa. WeAe- Islm In Oda short:article to Six - yak of Its varlocts points of Interest, and will leare the public, as they Lt:ltani I,ernse Its pages, to verify our words. Dr. r.CII A SE . e fornalr htiok, which so many of our pet,. 1 ~ pm have nail prise IFO highly, contained only' re r elpes, while Oils neir book (VAIC3 as large) gives I the Catru ' !9, symptdtits and Trvatsmiutt of all the 1 haling rile aces of iboth man and :liCast., with one ll thousand praMeal household, farm: and merhanle -1 al recipes, wtowe.value cannot ik.toti"lpl.:hly estima ted. Ite Illustratiotis on. anatomy and, physiology surpass any other ,work we have ever seen of the kind, end the treaties on bee iteeptbg and bee cut ! ture is one of the points of great value we . wish par ticuhrls to notice. Mc.:. Trrrnn's poi) , essay on i bee keeping Is atom: , worth five times the Varna of the honk. At a cook -book I,t must be of great value In thoartsbr baking pies. padding's, cakes, bread* 1 .kr. .tt Is •Iti fact the psoplc's own book, and we rut that the ropil of:thliconnty will avail them selvex of the opporltnAtty of buying. We under ,stand74lr. 11. Iffrn 11:1 4 , Iwilred the at:fnCy and i li ion' t7:l:ava.“lng the county. It 6,nittini Gib pa :. gi' , . la neatly lontul lit cloth and retails fur only tl2- Ibibll,lsett only try (11:1....1 . nblIsiiing Co., of Toledo. Dille, and is 111, only tc.w book Dr. t'itif;4r. has In III) [melt:. ESE Feb. 22, i.v Win.. ito!,rt .1. :41ranoy. nr I:lo,2bury. and .51artha Dong:a,, or Roundout. . Y. Nom N",t)N-110.+0;_ , A . ..;_ 1..% 0.-11, )r.ro.ton. Feb. '23. I.y bc'fii . p..tropq. \yin. M.1)1;15014 of New Allntny. ar..rAlth,a 111.,ag,1aud..4 C0.M.11.-11:611—T41111).—At t i 1. E. Parsonage 10, 1"74, .v. 11,.1- 1 , r.w0.:. Mr. Wa!thel• M. t....llmugli :tn.' M E,3 (). Ilra I ford County, r sytvtnta, 1:. S. • DIED. • • PUSH lf.—ln ttarreil, 1r.3, DiatiliaM • agod 5 , ; years. SPECIAL NOTICES. !V' A TomkTo ItArr.—Aniona the A ('.‘ll:l).—lfaving fi F.aLr \LK Is:. ht. !dock nod fivt 1.11.AV1!.16 the Frl/14--(;revery. "Ni••• , :e; It (tilt of th• - • very le•: , 1 mai kid a 11,14 1 ,., for te:oly pa If avlnz had con.' , en,•r , in the Grocery I rude, and as my hlnAe time and coy ter' hekt ei = 'a •trlytly ca , ll ronm•qat i nn en,:vinen, tlr.t I.y ,Hl,n, I mhall I), al 01,1• , ,t rt.. - pa;: uvmrc f o.:;h 1111•. Tll- , ti , rr will li.•r!.xtterl te:1!..11111.1 Tea .:I,.rt•. 4.1,"41s 111 , ta•li v. 111 In I"ery 1EOM; QUOTN'IIION OF WI, ELL s: Backers and t.outt, Tli S. c .. . ^ •• •r.. } , J. and .1 =I )et f.; •• 10-10. c•onlh'n. Pay Itfr I:rg. 11.11 t'. Gott.. :.•itvcr Fix.-IJlv 1.1,1!1.1i•Ip11la ?• Ex. lilv rtlited I:. IR. of 'N..I 4)il , - Nortlwri. (•vioral Cent:Al T 1 ati-irvrtati.,ll. ...... . 31ortg,:g” W.: k . 1 .1 0 \V A N 1) A M 11"1101.1.>.% I. E Pl, l '.1yrr0,•;,.4 every iVrtlnetollay, 14, clianG., 1:o.. 7 0 • h do ( lairy.) II ... ; 41.11, ';e 1.41.414 • 1. - .l)ltr. I•artvl ; Lir:ill'slilt N.—Al'heat !Ls. Ilats ra , .; 11.•a-.s 7.0 tt 1b..: Ti!gy.l by St•ed 41 lbs.: 131'1.! 1011 , 4 Appl , ti22 Flax 0) 76 ilseti.)u I meh9w3. MARRIED. iorchased" of tire. In 111•:` store ii;t111 street op -4 c.wit a. p 4”; it gr.•..rie‘ that yontt very cheap Woe.thli , ilitt•art to :tow 'thttive , rF to meet M4)1104e 1 . 6 et(l i itly • 'hat, Ingi no p;ty. I fv-el rr (fl -1,6!, to n131:0 tt, nit gtoKI, 111.. known . nclio. dOlve'red pai‘l 1:11)(;WAY. liar CrE.POW -11rol:o:s, No. 24 Feb. _7. 1676. DIU. ASKV.D. i do 11;•0 1 WO ; 119L 2 12Pi 121 , , 123 h 123., IN 126 , 4 127 , ,, 11S 7 8 111 0 , 114 , , 11.1% 1070, 1(1 561, Stc., 21 1 . ; 6•", 63 .. ..... 1435! 141 14 , 4 14.4 3'o, 40 4. 0 2 ; •I ,l i s-v i • 51.4 1050 1 L lo6 Bi K E T S. c == 61 'so fso 1 On ca' '2:44 30 '2s @34 35G.. 15 1 75 ..R 00 (di 0 00 ('orn 50 IDs: j , 16 IluclucTlivat SI,OII 60 !if trashes 1111b1.4. 1 5Q rj. I.7ew Advertisements: 11 MEN dew A"iafi~i:~ - ` :~ 11111 IMMI lir i: K E M IEI MS S 'I 111 MCI `i. Towanda. Pa. Starch S. NO THEY . DO). People coi l HA RD , But those who a BUY THEIR J A C Neuf Did fault wl MIMI GOODS lii Ma. JA, 'calling attention tertaLs Now takes pleasure In LARGE AN: .0S0g: SPRING AIND.S TMMER GOODS, En 3IEN AND I OYS' WEAR. stock will be sulncient to tier greater inducements [march. 8.16 /Ins pe t nu of his satisfy all that be can than ever. RE M E'M T THE It OFFICE REPORT} Mil THE BEST JOB PRINTING I . or ANy :TABLISHMENT 1 IN., NORTIIE,RN PENNSYLVANIA., lrYot ON'T ELIEtE IT{ C I OM '''AND SEE. • i ... i i Office on Par gist., (near theConst Itoino r* r o ratvev 'a '13014Z IN yr• • • • AlesPectfollyaasoapce tosu those Wind s: LARGER TH.AN EVER AO that our pricekare tits LOWEST, sad ear GOODS THE BEST to 4 ...• „..... 1 6 7'11 , - of Olr 1n tho MARKET. 'Our prices hays now Mil 111 11 ►stne Je st raturne l tr om the eity, Wd hive • , ATTRACTIVE LOT OF GOODS 1 0 MIMI NESUMM _ TO MERC'IIA7S, igE ilplaln of 'IMES, wise enough to CLOTHING EMI selling the WEED Sewing 'ranching in connection with your other (roods. t, ' STORE-., Now is the .time to engage in the se*ing machine business. the puntlty of fhb- COBS befit to sell as well as the best to use Wsells readily BECAUSE - it is the best ELEGANT- to use. It gives no trouble after ECM sold, because' it,_is . simple and thus.- We and never gets out of order and thirefore gives the purchaser no tr4uble. IT IS NO TROUBLE TO SELL THE WEED SEWING ER! EMI El EMI MI Prot FIRST CLASS FURNITURE, Our assortment Is reached TIIX 7 BOTTO3I, And' wilt al, the TIME TO BUY. MB E,! , FOR THY HOLIDAY SEASON. 1 f COME AND SEE THEM. Erorgthing In the line of UNDERTAING AT VOTTOM I'RICES AT FROST'S & SONS. llSc. 9, 1875 Iliscallaacons Advertisements. BUSINESS .MEN AND DEALERS. Ton can double your income by 'the VIzED sewing machine is the MACIUNE. 111,81tCHAIO'S, • BUSINESS-MEN, Sawing dealers or any per- EMUS wishing to increase their in- c4me should at once apply for the. agency ' 'A ot the Weed sewing machine • Now ,is the time, and hundreds of linsiness men throughouAthe coun- try are improving it. Remember that we manufieture Machines adapted to every grade of work, and that our machines have t NO EQUAL. Write and get our terms. Address, iEil SEWING MACHINE CO., - Of Hartford Conn Fl ranch OVlce, ELMIRA, N. Y. reb3-76. tr. • : Liti • PERFECT: SUCCESS. at • j . ; • • The Universal satisfaction given by the ORANGE COUNTY MILK PAN, . • tin quality and quantity of butter made, and by re moving the excessive drudgery of the dairy room, prompts as to again luvl3e the earnest ATTENTION • of the • • . PROGRESSIVE FAR MERS , • To the Most • COMPLETE ARTICLE, • - 4 47 •- „'` of the kind now before the public. -- In didrys of IS to 20 'cows, the inconvenience of )furnishing an extra dairy-maid is avoided. We ' „;', A gusernittle to give . PERFECT . SATISFACTION , Or:remove,the "Pans" after 30 days' trial. t)ar references erase= of the Lire Dairymen of Bradford and Susquehanna Counties, who have used the prior. „ B.L.BEABDBLEE, lan27m3. Warrenham, Pa. e-7,7= - ' '''' - ' ' C. 7 TOVI.II a I:l4;:"''''' poWELi, di do: We have[ just received and have now on E FIFTEEN BEST QUALITY CALICOES, lENIIII In Dark, Medium, and •Light Colors; and Beat Styles,lwldell wa-ai selling • at the LOW PRICE OF 6f CENTS PER We would also call attention to NEW Dll SS GOODS \VAT- PLAIDS, A:c. =l9 Also, a large stock of NEW B k4CK AT j'ERY LOW PRICES-1 *-e. Our NOTION STOCK will be found the most complete ever exhib- ited by us.;'',All the latest noveltieSin LADIES' TIES AND NECK WEAR GLOVES, Full stock of DOMESTIC COT- TON GOODS. Also, WHITE GOODS, BbEACHED . MiIgLINS, i Our SHOE STOCK has . been largely Added to, and will be found as comPlete as possible. Please call and'see us at our New Store. IMJ Towanda Pa," TOt1;121 THOUSAND VA.RDS YARD. I. = SPRING STYLES, HOSIERY, CORSETS, de. LINENS, &c, kc POWELL & CO. - TRIAL LlST,—March nerTror. I • r 3 " John Oustln. et ti irs•Jno H „ Hewitt .... ..(..appeal B Mitchell's use vs Armenia twp' • appeal Ellett B Mitchell's use rs James Kelley elver E L Andrus vs Hunts:ll Maulers adnir ,appi Patrick Henry Xlideyvs de Geo Drakn,„.trea C'Craven vs O'Hara Bishop at al ...act fa our ra t C and J E Seymour vs n " F D Chafe vs It Ross •• • asst Enoch Blackwell va N C It Wen . apps Daniel Compton Ys L I) Bradford et al 'appi Petei Mourn vs jaa C reran •'- . asst Renben Dudley vs Fred A Long ' ' ease Glt Allele vs Fred A Long 1 - appi Nancy C Squizei' use vs J 8 Campliell I trove,. C Strait vs aro lamlth • . test .1 E Utter vs J A Van Wert • aSsunilvdt Win S Pitt vs Frank Warner... appi Mary Iforning'suso vs J 3f Smith et. al. appi Petra Peck's ears'vs G IV Dickinson" 0 p lianard*c. ear's vs F H Parson - debt P Peronivs John Orbit' appi A( eita 4 tandon's use et al vs Roderick William's • ; ; ' •appi Myron Ballard vs Howard Taylor I eject Just Gale vs R C I eject Lanlln et al va3Fateon Mary , A Ketchum vs J M Smith et al. . • ... Parson vs 110. ea A •llnntly... ... aast I, Tell uhdtec vs J V Crerpte et al • appi Win S Dobbins vs 0 P T.allanl'a cars . ... j . I...assT POnieroV biros vs Wm Wfison• ' • • do do . • ' do. 'Win Braille vs Al 4 ........ i..eject do • do Wm A Porter ' ' do H & 11 N Fitch vs C V Dare gel ra NC Hyde ACo vs 1' Et Pr.ttl's oars i " rtso 'Mira Young's use vs 11 Person ".appi Miller Clark vs - Peter herdic , .......... .• • —asst• 0 r exr's FII .. I field Seeley Learned vs 1 W Learned,... ... 5.1 Hickok vs Frank ... ; .. a.ept Edgard Morton vs Vanliykn k LOll , lOll. Wtti Wright vs nen,' Benedict .......:...Mil fa n. 1 i'l'Poetias returnable on - Monday MarcUll7, 1570. V .-^- R. M. PECK, prory. Tostandai,.Matclo, • P ._.... . . It -- ROCLAATION,'— WnE,ItEAs, AE lion. PAUL D. Monnow, President judge of the 1 11th Judicial District. consisting i, of the. ,rounty of Bradford, and . Dims. S. MI !HAIM - - NESS, and C. S. RUSSELL. Assoclate,Jtidges in and for said county of Brad food. have Issued their precept hearing date the oth day of lllatith, 156. to toe directed, for holding a ! Court of Oyer and Tertninewileneral Jail Delleory. quarter ,St.ssious of the Peace. Common Pleas and Orphansr Court. at Tro.r. for the 'Countof Bradford, Oa Mon day, March 29th, ISM. to continue one steer:" Nottee Is therefore hereby given to the (tom:nu - 3 and JuStives of the Peace of the county of Brad ford, that they iw then and there In theo Proper person, at 10 &chick In the forenoon of gait' (lan with records. Inquisitions and other rentimnbrances to do those things which to thelrottice•appertaina to be done: anti those who am bound by'recogni 111nros or otherwise, to prtisectito against tile 'prim tiers who arc or may be. In The jell of saldteonnty, or who shall be bound to appear at the sal4 Court, arelo be then and there to prownte ahattist them as Shall be Just. Jimors are requested toile bone teal It, their :Vientiane.- agreeably to t heir:not lee: Dated at Towanda. the Gth day of March:: In the year of our Lord, one thousand -right thuittlied anti seventy-sit and of the, indt , pontit,nitc of the • .United States, the one hundredth. A. J. LAYTON, tantritf. . , . . . . PROCLAMATION. WIIi:REAS. It," ilmi. Paul D. Morrow. president . litlg.- of 111 e lath judicial district consisting of or ,bunt' of Bradford. and -lions. S. D. Darkness mid C. S. Russell, Associate Judges in and for tit 4 sald coon ty Of Bradford, have issued their precept: hearing date the nth day of March. 1570. to toe ,prated, for holding, an Atifourt4.d Court of Comniond'ioas. at Towanda. for the . coenty of Bradford, oniMonday. April ad, IsTti, to rontlnn.. on: wo•'k; - r ,I. ,bates at Towanda the sixth day of Marep. in the ' year of our ,Lord, one thousand eight Ihtintlii il WO scents-six. - and of the DolepentitAce of the tiltited States the one hundredth: A. J. I.A.YTON, tlherltf. (lItPTIANS' cotivr - sArf,E— By virtue of an order tgAti-d out of the Or phans` Court, of Ittntiford County, the ninlersigned j nthrilnistentem of the estate of Joseph li.liato-rson, I lant.:of ithiglitirry. deed. will sell' at pat,ilt Safe, on I the' pretritses, on Fill ItAll, , the 31st day if troll, I , 4ft. at to troeh M icV .5. ~ the following t e , eritanl property, hllnd•nl as follmvn. tro.n It; • Beginning' at tlitt'north Cant corner of 1.5 76. • of the Bingham tootle. in said two..'con!oeved t•• 1 John )filler, thence along the west line Of lot' No. 71. ennVt•yed to )all. Sat pg; v , r.. • Menet , atonk the north line of warrant O. I r•n., north Feto, Went 2,5 3-/0 per.. thence altc4 the east tint; of lot No, 91, ronvey , •4l•o , ,linnei thence along north lin.? of lOt N-0. 5). elslaYl•yelf? tat 3•4111 and lot '0•1 if r. east . 2sS p'r.. to tile plat.. •Ir Intl N0 , ...,77,atel 90 or the Bloghato iambi- in ••••LIO. to•y•e•h•n, •thonl 17 , 1 ,•••••••s. wort tar TY.ltiN't—il:ou tin the pntivrty tc•ing , "• , l •s•ottfirrnati..•• ••f • ;••••1 the r etia,•• i.• erptal annual pap!ta qtt ,- ,, with Interest. to ri. , !• •••Thp••.. teal from !low • virella , •r ••• p I••••, • p1,,,,int1 Ic talt , at heater' final conflrorol'e . If pot. Interest f . roni final renflennol••n„ St ill Lae . given .7. it. \\ rot!, 11 kr. 11 7-111 AITDITOR'S SOTIOE.4--.T. P. ! Kirby yi, n , • nry Ward. . tn thy 4Hurt r.f 4:.‘nin.ni fleas of itr:iar.a - L1 4. 4. NI.. IPI6. ?fay' T.. t,t't. i Th- att4 , t-Igit-d. an aatti:,tr,_apprtiattti to: tl: • mart 10 ii,tri;niro Innu-Y he (mill , 11 .rTfr'si ~RaT, ..f I) 1"11 , 1attl ., Iva! t•Kttl , o. v. ill at:chtt to 0- ,ititirs,.44tts atttv‘latitwitt 'at :Ire ofton of 0' , ‘.., , rn , k "ii , rrn in To‘ronda barn, nn MON 1r A.l ' '', tic^ lon I day nt,April, 1 , ,:r.. a , 10 o'r:ovli r:51.. y.in,'lr :0: wh , r2 anip.:r...n, 1,a% inrz claim ,, npi,n ..nlq•rio,tt :.: • rt4tltt•-t , ,tt to prn•ant Inn ~ 3 111 • ..r .'O, , (nr.y.rr,llobar. red tli , r, tn , I.lw ITOR'S NOTICE. .4-' M. I 15ten. ('.win. A U . LA _ , 1 otter of Colin:lCU Pleas or llrailford L. T.. 1571. • , l• Itt th ' N.. .t"... -r,l coq, no mt.olitor appolnto,l I , y 5,141 istrilatto lli 11111114 . ari,tng vt:11 tt , t:tt.t. wilt att.t•Latt ton , /Fa'. The n ri t , l d • 9 j .1 nr hi in Tonatz at .4 n' e: • wits haV thrni. by , app"lnt!r.-11 , at 111.#. oflu on NV 3: I) N ES! , Is-;r P. w.. at which Ittlr• pia'', at! rwr tin, a .al.l funq prs.Rf.r:' fotvrer th•Larrf.,llll , ll•fra!!. Ardii•,;*. t; , I•fly. I I. . . i IT Di r tTO ICS NOTICE.-lii re the V _,..- ,•,!ate of Lan 1•0h.1.c tl , r, .1.4 '.l. l it the ttiphans - ('oars .d llrad ford conAty. Th. nodcr,lgned. - an :vollior app,..1nt,,1 •..y the court 1 ,, 1 eN , ,pt low: ri;‘l I. the total ac,, , .ait ~ i. I %Vi. critic •I. 1.011. r, :olndol.-tr - Ortt. of tlo• 0- , at, o'f I.4r,rtson Lener, dee'd. +sin ....tit od to tied duzke of hit appointment at th , .• dire of 4 .r . llO - 11 *: !IT-trill% In .Tewnod t .11..r,.ugh, on NV h:ft.N.c.:Sl)Alt. thl Illrl, ,1:1y of .tin ;I, IS7 mat I...tir . ...CI , C . ,. 2..1N, :when and iwttvre akivrKass Intety , l ,, l are r.-ge. , t , ;l:to at wed. inelitit`:4 Jr,t.t PVI:If.T I ),N, Atol. . • • TNCOr, I'OR ATI ON N OTI('E.— iv : To i:I chum It may to'ncern: Tl,:a tuider,tghed hereby ;;ire notice that they Intetot to apply to the ('Burt of COnitnon IN,:a: or 'some law :tt,..47, thereof for a charter, to he Incorporated toto.n 10.1 y pontte Inl!aw. under the name and !We of the Feint Met h ragh.t. Epist.olvat ('lunch and Congregation of Lu titers Mill , t, for the icirr. , ,,• of ho!aicr , ,land, and . "E erretlng alhon‘e of wor,hln. . nonr.trr K 7.k:A PP. . 1.. 31. 1:UN.4).% 1 3fiIIZIIS WII,O I X. - .1 A 3. W: WRI:4I..EY _ yoTicE.—Notice is hereVy o'iven 1 1 that the subscribers 'literal to : apply at the next of the troort of COM 111011 rie:L, of Gra.l - Comity for a charter of iticorporittl4 for the I. 7 lllini liali•Ansoclation of North Itonti...k'untler the afyive 'lathe the . character the snot riirpOration hl be of the first clasN under the At of I'entol of •29th of April. and olleet tot, the Prey ion aria maintehatice of a hall;for.pubile aral private purposes.. S. N.litillSETti F.. W. 31F.1011.)., F.. 1. Hit ktiLEA . . S. G. 'I'GWNt4E.`, 4 :I). A. ARNOLD; C. T. CAM PBEL March 44, '7: .TRIi7STEE'S SALE .7--i;TIIIStee'S • , . . _ sate of coal land' , and milling prtiperry and ap purtenances In the comity of Brad ford.rState of l'OnasylVania. . I , .. Ile virtue of ii . certain mortgage ori i deep ! of tyle,t d execute and delivered ..I,y , The FaO Urnek.it!tn tuitions C'oal Cotupany., of the state of r.ennytva eta. to the under:signed as T Writer : dated; th , z tire! Clay of May.lnro , ..and rer , rd. d in the onle, , ro e e,, , ,,,,,t. - Mg tieed4, &c., in and. for the count' nt Bradford iti., , alti `slat[. tm Deed Book, No. F , . pagl Ir 2, &e.. oil the 14th trhy of 3lay..X. P.. 1 z.:; , : :' unit a l.t o JO Mortg - 4.• Book, No. 14. nag., 11 , 2.,,te.;, on the 11:h itiy Of .'. , eveniber. .t. 1).. 1575. 3. the undersigned. as Trti, , ,toe as afomiaid. lwre ' hy 'give hotly. , that I will, fqt Trl:, , i).\ Yi the '2.111 (1:.:y of APRIL. 1474. at' 1.: 4. 7, 1nek. noon. of th.tt dif.,at he Exchange ".t'« Roms. Ni'. ill, Illoa.t xi,:y. inlit. , city, eowity , awl satate Or \•:•w Toe:, I sOFtli n Won to the itigite‘t hitld , r. !lei property, , i tights , 1 I rtvl'ea-s and f 1 amle , , eaN•••• Altty intt.tt I t ott t,t , I, t:ouv.ty •ol In mt. by , ald mortgage or d,ll • of MAlttlefault having In' . 11 • 11):1'lle 14 I IlLt ,it;.l ' (:011114111 It. th , I•I 111. ate! VII ,:dp.!.,,,;.,,r , ,,,,1,1,.„,,, , ,_ 1 ga g ~ :IT'4 srirlt tl •frotlt havting out 4r4...-1 for Ilw spar ,. of ..Ixty day, and I bela , r..q.1 . 11;, I Wi D , • log to in, ke .net. sate l. the h..l " lier,„ "Fr certain of i . tilt. said I , mols we:tred by na:el illefigag,i or d , •:•.1 ~I' '.tit, , t. w deli were at the time of .•inakti , "• such 1,..- -. , imcst dale and ono situ:ding. i 1 , • • T., r:,o_g y g af; , re•aid Inelude.: se e oit in slate 11'1unit - et acres of land. 'silents lit' Ftat:l:!lti and I 3,, erten he, nslito. In il,rad:eld c"...:oY.P:are "f itenn,y! -lola, being C. ntore,-) of the 9 hole or.th • i Part of .and surve•ed in the name Ili I C'.:l ',_ ll.dg :, and the , everal oart• , of trac:s: • ei'v:•yed in t he 11:11p, of fens it- Temple. - Sathu-1 11,t1;1 , . Patti IfArtly :toff I 'Andrew Hardy. all k Tdo:, I. mOl aceuraie:y" - !hotinder and ,ieseril••fl In still mortgat.; i n gel her U. Uh all and singular tit , ral:rt ads. Miner, ores, ntineral=. wand-, roads. • lanes, nay , . *Wei., water linrscs. easetnelds, rights, liberties. to;:redifann.:,:s id II aitrlenattees unto the said-orige,,t,i idiongi ;kg .11,11,11 no glainlng, and 'the reversion:llnd 'rernala 'olers, reids, , lssues and profits therc , id. „f 1 For a imore full and complete deserVAn of the l'property to be sold, with Its Menet:irks aml loca l. tious, rdference may he had to the said tnerrtzagt., l` of record as *resold, Or to the firlf rt lual tiferevi. -On the possession of Mennen. nrat ..t ir,n‘pott, at t. dorney:•4 at No. 9, Nassau street, Kew ,York City. 1, ' TEIVitS OF tiAl.E:—Ten pr rekt or tite pur l_ .!chase money is to be paid rash in,haOd on the day of sale and the balance Is do be paid lwithin thirty .•slays thtreafter, at the Mike of (tray s t I lavenoert, -No. 9 Na.:,...sau street. In the, City .4 New York, ititate oft New York, and ursm. the Oyment of the • :.!•altl balithee In • f all lid,: Inm:base7 Will recelee.a . .1 , Deed' MI the said paeverty„ conveying: such title as is vested In me as Trustee as afotefa:d. l' Dated February 2.5t1). 1579. ', t • CII.VHI.Ett t. lir NTr.ll, Trustee! for the itondheitlers of this lall Creek El tuml l ons Coal Company. ttltA ' Sr. DAY EN pot:T. t: Att u - r.eys for Trus•he.., 9 NCS . tilill St. N. Y. City ring The i)bteve advertisement appears ir,.the-follow 1. ng ne •spal., pers. to-wit: The r,-tiii. Post, ttt>. I fished I i the Way of New, York; OW Phalllitillhia E . /119U i s ir, puhlished in the Pity of f.ltila It tolda: 1 , , and the lilt anroim lttionTin, published lu To f.wantla,lßradford County... Pa. • , .. .. M ITTI.II STOHE 11.017N1); TIT. CORNER Islthe best placeln Towanda to Inv good I CIGARS AND TOIIACCO, Tut at low rates. 'Remember . 1E11:ITIrS BLOCN, opposlte'6)u NT HOUSE au;!( ° or Tux "INDIAN .54;11T0V --: 71 , • , , 1 4 IRNI I Olt SALE. j-4 1 arm of 1% i.• 6 acres, 64 Unproved,. In Aillc?ni t"witsllll'. ismitr( riti co., pa. tut the prendrs are' two good dwelling notthea, barn and necessary out but:thugs, :and cfrellent water. A. never-4111dg stream of water ,passes through the protn4cs.l (nod' fruit and art abundance or nuts. For ttlrther particulars call mil or athrresP. , ,I 4 i I . - NELSON' VANIJERPOOL, - ' reb1 , 14.6tr," Marshilem IBridNid Vv.. Pi. 1 . 1 1( . 4 . 41 f! . . 4' • rIRPITANS I COURT SALE - .-By NJ, rture' of an order Issued .int of the Orpbsni'. Court of Bradford county, I w i g self on the pseud. ses In the townallip, of Towan op . SATURDAY Starch It; at I_o nOnek a. In:, tbe- forkowlng de* rrltped real estaf.t: late-the property. of AtlcJuset. dee'd.,lhounded - On We north by tand.ot ff 'lle-haat eaat by land Of Philander Ward. — 'IPA by land of , i3V.llllam Welch. south by land 'of 1 CurllsTerrll: e ntilning shout *I acres, with s log home. framed barn and *retard ihereen. • ?' • TERBS:—.SO On property twin' struck d0wn;,....; 1500 on eondrinattott of sale. andithe halanee In two equal 'annual pxyrnente,withirerees !rota eorrar----; tuation. . BILAi P. SHINER, febli.we 4 • A4ni. DITOR'S NOTI E.-E. T. Fox. and C. 9.,Htuaseil. ve Minis Cleft'. In the Court of Cornmoti;l l leas of Bradford County. No. Mil. Dee. T.„. The un.b.rsignrit..an auditor' j appolnteti by. the ' tto distribute funds ari.iing from tiherilni sale r. of ttlfen!latit's redi Mdate. win a tt end to th. dude!. ' ofhis appointment at offic In the borough of Towanda, on 'MONDAY, the 2th day of Starch, 187 g. at 10 Meiotic A. .m.,•wbe • and where all permei baring claims on . said Ind must 'preeett them, or be forever debarred frOhicondng In upon the ....line. . . MASON. • ! Auditor. rely:, ivr.l A . UDITOR'S IttoTr i tE.:--In. the' •- • matter of . din Estate . of leCanelirTyler, deed.; 1 , in the Orphans' Court of 8radt0 , 1.(....0. The undersigned, an auditor, anointed bi Raid Court to diwose 41' ex , eptlenslo the se-count of .. the selmintstratnef said estate; and to dlstrihnto funds in the handeed Admit( horror. will attend to tine duties or Me Appointme titt his idl lce In the borongli of Torvatula, on T i AY..3farch 17(h. 1576. at 10 o'elnek! . .a. St" nt whkit tifille and place • all.persnas havineelatals on id - and must Trmsent. the Fame or be forever debar> frond coming in upon the 5:1111f.`. . -. . nio. F. Al ,DERBOV. 0 /Miter, f .1,t4r1 AUDITOIt'S NOTICE.—In . the matter of the estate of/0134M Reeler. late of Herrick. deed., In the Orphans Court of-Bradford County, The undersigned. an Auditor_ appointed by the Court. to dIMTIT.II24 miner In the hands of Hiram Fliintt and imam' Marsh, Etf.enthra of said estate. 31.4 shovell by their amount:l*in attend to the duties of his appointment, at ids tillico In Towanda Ilnrongli, Pa.. on W N ESTI AY. M A R . at 10. o'clock a. when and - wbrire all . pommy having a (lain! main said fund Must present them; or else be forever debarred froiii coining in upon the same. • . TOsutinta. 18764 ct. 1 • „ _ •••• A, A ITDITOTIT NOT CE.-1n re the est ate or Joseph tkutni; deed. The underligned, an audlrohl appointed by the orphans' ourt Itradford ctiOnty, to diatrihntel fonds Inlonging to said estate,ffi the hand. of the exrcutors o.f said will estate. 11 - a tend to the Mitts. or his anpointment at the (Ailed:of - tiverton4 Iter• rut, in Towanda. on SATLT/LDAY„ - the 25th day or, rel,mary. iF7r,, at in WejoCk A. - rhen and wheru ts all - u-son. having' Maim. on sad fund must pro seat them, or he forecor debarMtl from coming In' upon the same. • • ' ' it. A. 3f EMICLTIL Auditor. A uDI TOR'S ' NOTIOE.—E... B. Ttonneet vs C. It.,Cannsnt In' the Court of Pkas. of Itmll'ord (lounty. No. 704, T.. 157.5. . . . The und , rsigne - 41.1in atilltorlappointeel.by . he ^owl to d IP! Wilde - money r:tiseffiby Sheriff's sal of it ,Jar anti to real eStale, will attend to the dutle of hit appointment at hit omen, In Towanda Bar ongh..on Till.lO4flA.Y; the 3611 t day of March. A. D. Is'M. at I o'etoek rid i M. *hen and crll,tr , all persons Interested ..arti requested to pro ,•nt ilir.jr ,1,,i,,,5,,i. Its for ,, lter thiharred from claim .log any share of said futid. !I ! .._ ___[.•l•`:`,lw.4.. "---- 1.. F.L5)13:1 , .... Amlitor. - 7 --- ;"'" - 1.1 - 47..., , A CDITOR'S NOTICE. ri =-P. L. il_ Ward rs IL 0. VoSburff.- 4 . ' . . Co.ln 111, Penn' of l'imitnon pie 3 of Bradford o No. 677... flee. 7...!874.. pie mulendrzn-11. an , andlio . r .. , appointed by said court to distribute the funds arising fromtlio sate o r d-feiniant , p..r. , 0nil prore..rtf. will attend to the , ‘intl , •3 of tit= stm , ?futment at )11;4 office in Towanda . ts-.co, no .31 , /liii.t.T. tiro .oth .Idor of Mardi. at to ~,.'lark A. At- at R - 111 - 11 11t10. .!tad place all p,r, 10 lia haVint! claims coon said fund ore required to 1,, ,, ,,nt th-nn. or 1 , 0 f.rever Jefsared from ....wiling In opon *ls • sold Rind. ' f01,?..iw.4 , ~ ILIPEr.T. Amlitror. A 11 - 1 - )TTOtI'S- NOTjetl. Julia • 4-,,,,ii.: 4 rs, ii. , ..rd , ..V..N1111t•i - . Tn 1110 r , ,nr• 4 - ronation neas of Bradford Co. N o. 1.21.1. m-Lr T..,1F.".t. ..1 'fir. urzd .r-".7”. ,, 1, an nnditoe; ‘ppointed hv.Fald c,.•” . ... to i11 , ....:11 ,,,, •• ttr.,frin.ll in th , . hoed., n! the soi,-.ifr. 1;0.....,1 front :W.. 4 il'titttl44 l A real 14tate,' 0 I '' 1 ,,- ' , '•l •011,..1n.i-s of hi , lannr4 , ..m^nt at Lis . ,Ti, , . ;-, Tr ,, ,, , u11 . horn. no m , ,Nri ! ‘r_lr,h 30., !.. , 7•1, at P1 , •' , .' , .-I. - -.%, NI ,at 0'14.11 tIln" and p'aco ..1., tv,r.ronc Iptvittete!iirne ntt 4..51' , 1 rtITI , I4 must , 0..., ,!-.. I itOlit ~ t. Itt! fOr•TtiOr (.I?hsirrod f roo roping lo : 1,•,1 th • klin! - .. ' 6 - ov.h . _tw. I Ti. s•rner.TErt. Andlt'ir. NCOTI I'OllA TIONNOTICE._ I I To 1!I o h-m 11. mgr ogno , rra Tho onrJor.lzot,l •*, , ~ . ,y ~,,.,, tuo i ..,. that ti,,y i01., , nd to arm's to the •,,,,,? of c, okto , n P . .aa or rotni Livr .1orlEr• thoro . f4o. a rblli..r ht be Irmnriy.ra ell Wt. A I,ndv no 1, +,• io 1' ,, ,:0-rl..r !to• mint. , a. , 1 t W.' of 1 11- 'Odd P.‘lows 11,`I A , nel 'Ono of •TriltoAnz.,....for tho • , ..:-:...0 or h. , ‘illo.T, 11.11,1, and orPotlnt, , ...ll ,, ki , lo ',o' , l'ne or hu1 , .110 , a th , ,fonti' nr . th^ tisk. of rald A.=..4+0 it... ; . . 11 N. VT II (t: \ rr. t.-! ...e.. 5, 11 YT.O7/.13. • A. It. VDT:TiIt. ' 4 1. ,NY , Cf )1! BIN. . .t. I,' I:ELI2.IZ. 0. I. C11.13111F.1:1.1N. ?a. t , :u-Skt - . 11 NC01'011ATION:1- NOTICE.— , , T " '' ll w"...11 li - may e0r,,01: 1,:t• The untleigig - ned m •mitt..e. r - prti.'onting Vic T Farmers' (1111,, .v , l;, of T rr , y t6,, - ii4l,li, and bore. Prad eon' coon , V... l'a.. her , by.glye. notien that they tntend to Up.- ~',y :0 ;h. , c.cirt •ot Common , :rleas' of Brad fold oonty. or a Law . JIIIi EP thereof' for a ,harter to be incorprafed into ', a body potifte and corporate in !a,r. with p ,, rpetnal .sueressircu und.r the name. ,:rte and title or the Tmy Falners' ChM. for the 00rri.,..0r raatatainintr, an A grilui tural Society and Im7ding an anomie! fair of the SaillP. ' • It. F. NEW SEIZT. IV AT.K . Ell PIF:RCE. I .1. T. 31c rof,l,olt, C. S. IteKEAN.' . . W. It. 31c31.1. figs. Committee... 4 " -- --- 7 - NCOII/ ' ORA.TION . 1 NOTICE.------( - , , A .. T. , all whom 4t 'May conci.rtt: The undersign D .1. LIVEIZT , iN) - ' • Aivli,..rr MEE tel citizens of Aryalustug, Bradford Co.. Pa.. and sit lIIIty. herel.y I.rlva, notice that they Intend to ap toy to tit , Vonrt if common Piens, orsome law Itolfze thereof, far a charter, and to hit incorporated into a 1..1ye I. , :itle la taw, with pe r pelna surees,lon. notler %h.+ name: etrytt. and UM of the Wyalusing hail A%st.clatjon. for tile purpos' of providing them „,lt-,, N• 1111 a clineae. blinding.; mor rooms, for the pop - ...• aforial..l.l . R, TER. .1. lil - NI:WEL.T.. A. POR F. It. V Arftlf AN.' MX,' ItALLOVIC. t" . .. &. tI4)MET; : J. I' . ..STAI..FOIII). ~ !- .. ALIMINISTRATO S'' NOTICE. —:Notice Is' hereby evenlthat all persons In detited its the estate of Josep h rattersnn,late of Ititlgitnr.. - , der'd,',, most make , immediate pay ment to (!Ito undersigned, and ;mil persons hating claim , a 1 ,a1a.... said ettata musx4prese,nt them, duly antliMatirated. fp?. settlement. 11 All tit. nand% must Ise,presenteil to •- ; : J. lf .R. Administrator tlith trill annexed., Feb. I ,„ I 4 76-melitla - e. :',J a A. P;NtiNIBTRATott , s. NOtIcE , AL .•- , ,, arn• Is In.: etty given that all pereou In ilebtt4l 14, the (Irate of Jose . h - Chase, late of sttett4 cert. dec. , . Must make immodiAte payment to 11 '" ","hir'Tgli,"7.l"nl3,l all persons having Cbilnl agliinSi said estate Must present them, duly anthen tinted, for .:,.etllt.:l - M.nt. ti n D.AL. IF.I. CII.XSi. -*".” Addir. M. nu Lucli2u p, I)IIINIS. — TRATOR'S NOTICE " . Nottre,:is lteechy gicen ?that ail per in- , •••'.te , l lot the estate .f SilacllcWsAlt.l.' of dee'd. must maW immediate payment. and al; 1., t.: itavin i w i fleites agalyst said estate must present them duly authentiestA foe ~ettisment. • NAJIMALI J. JONES, • • fehawC*. j, - Almtnist9te" VXECITTORS' F 4 Is heretic Oren that aft persons indebted to itte ;.,fate ran(ionil.l%, late of Asylum, muse-lin:Om immediatelpaythent to the un der-igned. aml Mi persons basing claims against said estate mast present theq, duly authenticated . , for sottletiteat. ; .; PETER W4YAISG4IItfIEIt. • feht7nli ',l • Executor, • '1 4 ~ XECUT.OII'S NOITICE.—NoL.ce j A 1....,, , ,, th , in that at persons Indebted to :1 1 .• ,•.tato of 1:nt.,..11 M. Iti.l, tat, of Rgtor.,l-..'d, tfoi‘t mak, nunirdlate paym tto thr ttintentgar,l, ~,,,i on 1,.., -,on— !Ening elaffrii against ,ftltl r.,;ato rangt pr•sont thAnt, duly noth,ntleated, 'for settle ment, ' . HENRY WI Lumo-r. : ; - - S A.ZAH HUS'SF.I.I.. fetaa Gs. , . •Exeratort, . I I XFCUTOR'S N(TICE.— . Notico A h Itrr•hv kirrn that al, pr,on , indeltteti, to o: ••••,,a:,- of .t.il f . Rork w,t , . lair of M.tiroe. ty - p, d•-c•.l, In 0,,t stutkl .tnintrtitao , payno-nt to Hut latt d,r-tga; Al, :Uri all porsortA Ir.iying.cl:lllu4 upon -,tit O.n.••• mint rt. , : ylt then!. dal): al/thelliCatt . d, for st•itleumit. ; ,i.. G. n4movrA,NyE,, T. 311 WILSON. 1! •" E on; 1, 1 X EC I:TOR'S NOT IC E:—Notices.. her•hv given that al persons indebted to . to • e,tate of 17...yi Dunham, ate of Warren, uni,t make immediate payment to thelundersigneti, I,rsons having eialins amfinst laid' estate • lutist regent them , ; duly authenticated.; for settlement. AA DUNHAM, - .3 Executor. hXEGUTOR'S NOTICE—.-Notiee is beret given that all persons Indebted to he estate of tintit'l A. Langford. late of Smithfield, tee'd, most ntakelmtmaltate payment to tIM Mt -I..rstgoett, and alt persons iyavlng elatms ;mains% estate must rdeseut.thein, duly autheatiestet., ;or set dement. - . • ,- Wm. E. TiAETON. STErIlEti F. F.LETCIIEIZ., • Exeentom. . • 4_4...NN171L MEET An null 3fectintt of Stociiholders of the Towan da Ehrek3 .MoWer C01111)314, for the election of ottl• cers to serve the company (Font dale of election to the asst Wedne:r.dAy in 1)c ember, Itqa. In confro mity to amendinent of ;he Ii)-lavri to stock-holder's ineettnt; of loth- . of Januar's, 1176, will he held at l'..)rapat:v's(icele OR Wednesdar, March t i 6 6,. at 1 wohri p. m:': . .;) . - 1 W. G. TRACY. =A W. A 3 u ri d ir t4 r ~,, r • EMMA EMEIT2 REES =l= "VrOTIOE TO DELI NQU ENTS svar.n's OFFCE, 1 .i: ToNVANIDA, Feb*, 2S, IS7B. i Thelneressed . expenseVof the courts, and other' county expenses,Make itigiligatery upon the part • of t lid County. Treasurer tq announce that all delin quent taxes must by setttli4 on or before March IS ; Is7i, in order to meet the; necessary expenses'autt avoidlmaithiglOses at thot expense of the county. sunieient time Oil notice tieing given, through the ' ntalisland othemvlse. Circumstances make It cum palm, yto nettle all delinquent taxes lir the li me I ahoy specified Or make cast. -' i 1 r . 5 ' • R •J. C. OBVSSON - . . - , . - . .1 me .2.tf. I -..4 ...: rg • Treasurer. .1 NN CAL MEPTING.4.' 'rhd: 811- 1 nual meeting of tho Stockholders of theTo-, i svatilln Gas and Water COripany for the purpose of eleetthg a Board of Managers to.servu for the . Fosn.! log year, %%title? held at the office of the company: in Tir an l! t. da, on Monday grening. March e,487 8 . By otlecot the Ll'resident. ' mc l 2 51 C. B,usexu., Seey. ,' ,' - 1t I I i II II U NIE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers