Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 02, 1876, Image 3
0 I 1 fora Xitfrport,o, EAST IIIICIP,in: All tbit "plifir on the 16t 1 f I Fumcsar.Onssegtills OP iire LATE Ray Bestitatif Cifitirst-efloubtkirs some of rather than ou the 9th of April, because iC. E. Melrmarse.-The fume! ceremo- yottr readerilusva heardof Bentleyereekl Easter day is regulated not by a solar, but Lnles over the remaihs ()flies: Oran's E. a pleasatit - rlitltr fintealbrlfere; sithated. in by a lunar cycle-the cycle that regulabcsl - MVlLtArist, eaine (Int Christ Chau* 6n thelolithiii part Of Itidgbery t3wriship, the Golden Number. Now, by it solar j Thursday afternoon last. The thbreh 1 fiontprialag two ;stores, a hotel, and soma calculation day always begins at midnight; was earpropriately draped, and ln addition f very prepty, prhtate dwelling*. , Maps re but by lunar calculation it begins at noon. to handsome crams rind wreaths of flow ' sides our present county Treasurer; Maj. 1t theretom the paschal moon &lista a mit on the coffin, the fount was filled with J. C. ROBINSON, thanwhom a mot* gen- Saturda3,- after 12 .u., it is counted al felt beautiful white flowers. The servieeswere I *WOW, hospitable gentleman does %not ea. ing on Stieday, and then Easter Day f. , ,conducted by Revs. A. A. Mauer.E, of I Ist, nor One, est intirei btfiline” tftel'Prio• twirler the rule in the Player Book, th e Scranton, and F. D. 'loser:se, of Elmira. IMt 'Rd*, i'lik'h is a hire tine Sir that Sunday following ; This is what happens The large attendance of the congtegathin • 1 honntry; la tiding-a fine business, (or the iu the present year. The Paschal full and other eiticete, *as It gterifying eel.: i reason we suppose, that he has the rep's , 1 moon falls on Saturday, April Bth, at 2:13 deure of The high esteem in whirls the de. teflon of fair dealing with his customers. -....1.--..- tP. M. It is, therefore, counted se fanim.; eeasied was held by the entire community. ,On thursday eventng,Feb._23, we had anda 31ffitary Company have !on Sunday, April 9th, and Eastti• Day is I The remains were taken to. Wilmington, the pleasure of visiting Hope Lodge, No. lei- arms. t the Sunday following treat ts, April lath. Delaware, for interment, accompanied by 1098, I. 0. G. T., which meets in Stevens' llt may be miderl that should the full the friends, and six pall bearers, and on Hall,' this place. This Lodge, organized I moon Miter March 21st before 12 M. that Friday afternoon appropriate services less than a year ago, now boasts a mem fell moon', (counted as falling on ifarch welt., held in Bishop Lutes Church, t in beiship of about 100, and is in a very 20th) would not regulate Easter Day, but that city. Bishops Howe and STEVENs prosperous condition financially, having a , i the one tenoning. This happened in 1`319. were present and delivered feeling ad- i rod surplus of •funds , in the treasury. Ltrunzse, of Ceinnibia, who 1 --...ii---- diesses. About teentv clergymen wdre (he members tell of some quite remarkii el Him itY by a fail in his I En. It 11TP:ft.—The citizens of Ginn- also in attendants-. 'he remairer were l,le reformations-which have been brought weeks since, is now in a fair • Ito e vere n ot a little surprised on readiter 11 'yl tlicvonveyld to the old Swedes Church, about by the Lodge; in reelaiinffig home. net, • + . lau artikle in your piper of the 171li inst." at m , inteireo. Initiated dritnkardisi Rho bad been given . . , f head( ri! "tli ant ille Center," beeauce i'' 111 e, following obituary notice oh the tip as lost; and its Influence m saving the Illuierrif have now got fa i r l y eoutains so little of ttuth Th I . t ` death of Mr. Incleearxe, spite:mil in the young from intemperance cannot help but in their new store on Main . stateme n t is Ai , the • A ' 1 c lrf. Philadelphia 'Rents of Ft iday last.. lt is be great, inasmuch as it provides them a tem, io sue i Ar d e ncot a beantifel and truthful tribute to his pleasant place for social intereourse; and Ilse establiihment looks ----------.4.-______ very having fr et ' happened in our township. . : The second, elide it glees Mr. Drvr.S no inciwi •Y• more credit than he in , justly einitled to 'I , CT: has been established at i e t I - •b • Station, Wyoming county, I they." and W. T W ustmaster. -----.... Rlcabcd to iev that (Air 1 as ame miner ao• thorougn usiness man, eceataitt-, as we are told, - • --IsTNtn statements that arc not what theyshould ! t, e , f And 11l regard to the ti amp at West. 1 , rt, T ,: h ,, s r tl ,,f er l h ir o p y i the Reverend Charles E.Meltvalne. cell s, Temeeti en the : t! initti. 1 tl ...hith • - 11 " . Han . i id e. makes the cattle of temparente afi nttract ive to them as It its beneficial. It bas many Petite working members, among whom several c, ll iii++, mart`- ~ f ;. r d I . : , a i s a . rn.l,, sta i t , ...p l e. i re z ar we may mention P.. 1. DEAN, 1..:f . q., Mt UTer l a 1 . 7111[1 , 11C Of ' ft"lent. Iltirlto; P lit a i two or film..., vatr.....r itallospel inlit , Ir.tdou 4ln th, north- an s. E. It. BECKWITH . , Mrs. l'. S. N IstrENT, d Mr. Ilaxi.ox. As follows is a list of , ~, par: . • th .. .‘ate, his ittsple- hearted dr rotlon the o ffi cers for the current quarter; Grain,ille, h e eau find no one who ha: I; l, nniontty of ein anti the WC,E.F. 11 inl ill , :P M " g I hea r d anything about i t, , % ., Nm ft- ent th e m . ,da = re, ~, a cordial l and refined nout , r W. . '. (.., • . 1 1 .. 11l IIIIII( 1., OeCtlitlt ••. ilk . 1 . 0- t tide ' heie• ..,•.-•- /Viet et - i tet. _ Cr. the a uthor, fir I• u • , I,llla not pet) to the ',prawn or ids . 1,--Mrs. ,Julia tritton. cashier aitil book-keeper at I , • will al toont linden. hot to the whole renisniailtv. IW. S.--Chas. W. Ilittilon. , who ever lie niav tit'•• vas t ery reckless in t ..i earl ! , lay tile natal of Ids distingul.ll , d pa- ' iII.DRATII r. .. t . • his .aatetrietit,, ow in , -, perhaps, to his r'aim to. Iwo, th • littler ixt rt. he [lung to his elec. W. T.--Mrs. Lorene Coleman. , , re se tele , havnirr -. ;•Ar acuident.illy ehot not in the non I‘un .1 filthfit'll . .s %; hit it never it:matted him 31t,• F. ,, 5., - , - J• P • Squires- ' al Tem plat s Qum tet 13- Conevn- „ 1 1 . 1 it •red with touch tArylec in the thlogs of 11. M.—James Tilton. , has h., • .,• 1 a a omen, nit in the neck; and in the fit- hos iv, hat. kith.; gi fervent In ...wit nett not W C.-Win. J. Fuller. .. ull in session • ih • libitt" i q,,i • • t path i I ' Le" t ill" to le should he choose • c. to ithiash anything b ‘ , l 01 II .1. to_ . , ,1.1.3 t. 4.0 , S U a tli. pa o M.ll attended. Fo rt••-t hitt , 11te vt, in A... to hl. retli In. and untie W. I. 13.—Miss Hattie Coleman. for the press in regard to any of our citi- r 01,,, i limo...h at p3rhap4 In ntl.walZed a greater IW. 0. G.--James LowrY• • represented. , ~ Zell , . 01 al4toingt oat may have happened a •,11 of tic, fuln tss, So t , • n, • • ecale irr , exth ,, "d- R. it. S. -Miss Elan Stevens. . 11,t,t t '.. gar on% It to al, red not. le his (Tel's- NG of the Ladies' Mite Society in our sleuth), ue hope he wi ll deal in lit tli • inn, iiltetlt, rlt wax orought IA the row Awe •its 0 b 1 r L. H. S.-Nettio }}apeman; I at Christ Church at 2 o'clocir, 1 tech ti. Every metnl•er or the 1 'nested to be present. t facts and not =in fiction. GI - amino Center, Feb. ?:3, 1',16. .4.•. IL ha- r, • a.,...r or I.) th -It twl of the gleaner who follow. . W. A. S.--Mes. P. S. Vincent, eat aftti. In an la-not.P. low (stlttinto Cr his olva 1 W . I), Miffs Edith McDowell. e;cl.ll.lst pulT*•ff4. 111 th prth lotion Of his colln Nvorkt 1,1 , . ' /1. AN 1,, II IBr 11l s pir i t but it t n-towr htirithl nor 1 1 ' Iltnonum.--` , Ettitft‘• .1( • ( 'Dr\ r.-. 11. in l 'adi. ''" his iti,'"ntst and the 74. " " "/ "4 " ( " 1 and . a lo ~• P t to ti • 1.. ea tt titled to nim who unmet& I to expedite busines Judge I 31t. WM. nlt hIN.ON and Rite, v. itli Limit i f i. l iti hi hno 4, to elm wa•.l%i•imght %Non five, nut the nirenced a lung tical on Fii- infant child. war t re:tithing from Smith- Illit le will ix cupy neatly the field, 'a few t• A t flings sinee, when near a We:hats-4 uf 01l tie onthl hi , Oren. 4 can give, , ' ; . :l " . u ti ,l r ij s ' rf, e ll ' , l :i t i„f i t t l " ,•1111:1- ,' l l t• i : '! • zik ahtl i e 'l i ' l s i . ; 1.11 . C. T .—Reeves Coleman. .—_., li is week-thus making i four 31ill (its„ their bolsi.. tool: flight, and r,..1,, i ,,, aar tileini, (.1- ( oin, mini itio angering. 1 , . L lan., to, owing the ore•tipothN with great oft-ref:ltt.l . oartling , -. Ihrt 1.. ,te to rich, hint of halt forec to tho ground. The reins being still los I ion, It Ii trot oar the comfort of a Well d 4 tr I,t O. ‘'t • .1,1 n” I.r of 3 r• thle hope tiltl have Leen tiliite a gum- • h e ld f it ,t Id M i , I ii, ei,,,, )N, he was d ra ,„. ~ i r :, i l li • ,0rt..%% tog .orl it "N .. ..that Nt :4.00 the dec. ..openings dining the past getl. I• i . ‘t3• ,•- i buds :( l uau ol i o hi g l ic , ls -, jOl Om, of It'go 1 . . , 111 , 11. to .la • ~ .p o , t=:(, ,1 lit the its %1C11111:t", V. hick have not before letting go. The horse eantined to ey es or in ou to ai. sr 0 Ito i a : f great gip p r oie:.: s ti nu sits • cerillicis ex to omit run for some distance. 111.1 king a c••in plc te t e ll. ',"J r , 1 17 ;',l.‘;'•;,• Ti!: la t a ro l e ai .4 l;";in . e " .7liti'ith t o u .2e, hl la ulars. wreck of the bug g y befoie lie stopp e d, ter al Itrlittit7 , 1 4 - • . 11's of t••ta,p'.'. are (I. n all Iliad. Mrs. Mg RlL.Nol'i arid her little child N‘t•lt, Tie.. Ili .1214411 , 1 alt .. tt 4 ro,lls , attrillattrg of. Mn. ,11, 111, tine, 11l AI 21/i•II il ' ll , lti. ll,_ I gIIICe of r , •tin,•loom Plvasoir of a call rim J.. quite badly injuit. d, but arc nose copra - - feet:. to an N• tkon . trilo L-p. tOnt fr,lll all .4.11 1 of Fremont, Neb . Ulm leseent. nt carte. . AElf i .. seems to be enjoy- ,i t o C o intif FL.. our ttorttiar oostmas _ Ile 1 , 1, F , , au front h s Is; 4i 'Z.! lot Ito; Mehl's, tli ir ., m h o' a ci ti zen o f , t(t, is ~, , ~,. ~, ~,. • „ ,„.,, • • ~ i , „. ~. s . 110 I. II tra.t.t.. t;x •.. up .us at . .. I• In t:t ..• y.l - “."' .. p " rs , ' , Xl Ull 111 e s 111 tl. Jilt . trit •( :1% 11„111, • tied I,‘ th • tr II• I GM!, tea , .1/1 hi 3( al s• gone ry. caltitia, titre, He is also eterti•• g A tasty I. n .01 i, u p .1A %. t) fr,te th • a ,%.... nod %%h. re _ _—..... _ and pleasant tin ellin •• lion -e. 1., 0 :1:1e:1 . , tn.. s, not tt - la g, 1, , • r an 2, woe• rain. thl clothing for Mel], women. One of tl i g mai ,t thiturelung Granges in The 1 c ,, ,t 1.1, or chi i , :i cmucil met on is just note' needed for distri• the counts - ;is I , itleoln firatoze, No. ,I2:3; Tite,d 1) lost and adopted the following ' Ladms . IleneNolent Society. which erects ever } Til , sal,n. t selling. :it le , Ohlltult. : 'the first to answer thi•4 call? L. STEA r ''`.'.', BElltleV ('reek. Th( , , i, ~,,t -31 R . ,.. r.,.. T. Fox, Tics, , 13 ‘i.a.le tiS, Sec'y, quit- two 3a, arTuld, .it. has about •L'i••. ont3 - j-- -........-- 'to Indi r an s.. and is consrooti3 roc! co,- hig. The boll in which • it I.,eets is nicely ;I be an exhibition f;ivon by f , i u ( i: sa l itsa 1 , alai routoins a tiin• fug in. ic Asseciatnoti of Motu oeton, There is also a store - in ef I,meet kni with it all, Thitharlo3 evening, March villrll 1 . , (10 101.; t good bu , ines,. Ihe eNeleneb an oppottuntty Tow , • i „ pi , trti ii „,. 0: 0nie.,,,,,„: As fol to those us Ito wish to trip the ,ir ./ i'f t is toe." Good Ao1,11.“ 1"N CI Itn . l i:, music will 0, e ve I , Thu e:---. 31. I' %IX) It Pa., Thianday, March 2. 187 e. r - Towanda, LOC L AND GENERAL. LA TON is down with the t;11ElilF uleasles. I.nt there is a slight "rna of AT pre sleighing TIIK To zrceired t Ax 3,!:x i the REPOI week. cut toy our .press has delayed , I Ttat one day in publication Joscrit sustained barn some - way to rec iestA4litihed :stmet, and attractive. A POsTo illeboopan called "C• -appointed .WE are friend 31. 1 sitiou of EV:kNS TILE (; tion which ' week, *:ts lodges A MEETI I will be held iday, ...o.c.lety is re '. older 3lopipw co ilayi last; 1 14e. Ad' th ecli . tf lei n 1 .. - -:-- • ;,. , " WHAT HATA GOD Witonoirr.” 2 -To more fully appreciate and • understatuP„the wonders God. bath -wrought' among-us, it is well to pause and recount the victor ies of the CrosS of. Christ, from a giVen• time, in some particular locality. For this purpose' we shall bring before y(iu, the religious history of that section !of country formerly known as- Ungar Creck. A l valley extending from Troy to the Sits quell:inn:4 river . ; and especially that pa It, now included in.the Burlington:4. In thin sketch we will bring before you names of men of the past, and the names oe men:,,of : liter date, wholare still known to many. • We have sought carefully for incidents arid ettrivet dates, and in dates there May : be some discrepencies, but, not enough Ito interfere with the facts. „The sources from whence I' procure these items will be - hereafter acknowledged. The first, settlement on Sugar Creek, then called, Juddsburg,, Luzern() Co., Pa., was begiina' in the spring of 17W, by James McKean,' Win. Dewitt, Abraham Dewitt, Cornelius!, Price, .Tames Campbell and Levi Soper.: Mr. Campbell was the only man of these first settlers who professed • religion. Their wive: were-all women of deep piety, Which had much to do im moulding the characters of the future settlers. • 1 !ori e l -_-_ ' in the spring of 171 hi there was a large br2r I:) f delegates to Abe . • . ' addition to the settlement, in the persons . ars Convention. remained AT A special incistiug, of "Liberty Cor- Of I)eacan Moses Calkins, Wm, Nichols, wit d the session or Alvord ne rs Ltuigi.,! t t No.. lt!tr.:. J. 0. or G. tinestl4y evening. Th e ol.n.- held .I.•eii. 2 1 1 . ;t;t, - 1 , 7 , i, the f; dlowing• on -. w l .if the visitors was, iliat : Ide a Ealtrt :-.Mltiteis•wene adol.tid,• on- the • Silas lin:iffit, Oliver Sherman, Jacob Sw:titi, Joseph Ballanl, John Ballard and Ephraian Prat( ; these settlers mostly brought large eis the best conducted one deatlt'rof' A ••N-k I I •juli , - : '. families of eltildren. The piety of these t I% e never doubted it. • In her death tile cause, of i like the th•st was mostly confined to the ; temperance - has lost an ,eaeuent and (Ili- !. woiren. Menlo those days thought mote', - r llook of 200 pages- - Will- cient advociate. anti otir thrleci• one of its Orelearing the land and ,-,hasing the garlic : B. W.--inst issued intim most artier , 'Werkisas ; thgreftire, - -__. : than the salvation of their souls. .1 : al outmilettl the tinest print- ; p—',..-i, That "Xt., the tailit•ers :led mein. . The following tribute lake: also received itt Fn1704, Wm. Dobbins, Robert 31eDovitt-. 1 . kind ever st lit of from a ' bels or Liheatty Corners 1,, idge -No 1000 . Cu,in lAilliainsport:' ' till Ebenezer Kendall, and some others, I!shinent in Northern Penn-' recUgnize iii hot death the , NiWilf the .kil still our nel;:liturJ are not Wise Providthet.. and bow in louril,le.seti_-. 7, :i . 5 , n : cm.,,,,: Witti %)1-I . ._rit - r. i'..b. ::.:, 1,7.4 ?i' ; cairns in, so that in the fall of 17;15, it WA ' S 1. ' tinusidt..rtal Tifton. settlement. The relig- missilorthe4t 0, knowing _that. Ile doeth . . T„ th, 5„,.,,, r „ „,. 1 ,,, c 1 [7 ,,,,.„ ~ ~.,„.",t 04 ,„,,,, ions element. what there was of it, was ----7...;.------- . • ' all things wt4l. • ' •• ". ' • then called Switch Presbyterian, with :i , • T., i ,, , IP,!,t Pa ; 1 , A Mett!nvett A!rieva us.- 11ee, ,, ..-.1• -.That • :we deeply sympathize • — 1 • I . - ; few Calvimistie Baptists. It is said that reading of the •*, ; recur illy with tho parents oil the deceased in their • • Ti r ,. " .. 0r... ,.,- - .1. t... 1 ,...10r•T0••11..2•••eht••• 3"."11.1 1 ! c the first teacher or morals in this settlq , 0,....,.„,•, ~.,,,, ~.,, tet.t i , V ••••iLI toil. 11.1lili"•••.iril 'CI • y Josiah Allen's Wire. - :a loss (.1' au iihedient- daughter, and the • t;,;,• ti, It• 1., .;. r. th. IC,. I '1..:r!,-. E. M 101. i.. moat. Was ;t dAtii!ing :mister, and the next Oars' Conveutitm on l i nes brothers amt . Sisters of a toying :ad ;life,- :tt • 1:-..• t.,-,••• tti,-,. it CO in•t.„" T. , 11 . ....41, ht. , n .0..1 .. 4, n'aptist. ini:li.:.•ter by the mune of Jayne. I nst. is : ; pyonourieed.. by. :ill thw a t e s t ater " : „„,; that v..t.. in:l4ole 'our , , r , - .,.,',“,' • .•••:..',:••..'! '', • • ••:,•:',.!". 11 ; "'''"• . : 1 "t" 1 , s' 11 ' 1 "I I ." !Le ill lito's;nhig- s et' 1797. the settlers built :o, the fiees; el, •iiiii, t ia re . Heavenly Father to comfort thrin. know- • i•r t.: • •-•,•,... i ,-t., r, sir ,4, 1 ,;, • ;:,„„:';',',1i,'!,•;''',..,•, r 1 "0 . , 4 lioll , o for :o..:fool meetings and (Alan' ca in our village by an air,- ' ing that he ;dime C• 1 1/ I 'i ll ' l 1 /1 1 11 a! I'l' i k„,, :hi i.:•.i.y.i.11,•1 •11 'it "-Jr: ••11' ilt h1.1 . .i11y to , h.,v:ii frota gathl.'rings. This house sited until about u Tully ag:•ee with. the ton- • kart aud the oil of :-- •••••4 ~ , el. • •.;,1„...ta ..• tis.•lti.:•••••:. in tii . lihiii - ..1. LII 'UM i•ii 1 1 ,'' 1 0, When it was burned. Soon lifter f ~, -''.• • ''' ' g' .l "' ~,- t h. M.% 11..'1i1i.1,,, ; il, ~Cy •11 , 1 ••1 tilc 11.• chil. ' . . . llt SS. ' 1;,,••1 11i5i, , ,, h. 1):1 , .p. ~,j.. 1 •,•r i .im i„„i ~ i i d ~t , ..,, there iti.,; another built on Lae same Spot, L'e ,,,, ' "4. That the chat ter of this Lodge • " 1 . 1 . ii l!1 l'' '2 !.:' I, '''' . l it• 4 : 4 1.111:•111.4 hi.,. r.,;e.ibteni.. called the block-house, which stood until • a' a.d iii..,:ra; ,0,d , ,,N,,,,0.. II , wii a cl, , rvyttui ta • l ivas built, hi. 1822, 101r - „E,,eved legal lii,,lida'•,-s in be draped intinoui nine. ;aid ilits--niumb ers •• : •• , .•• • • - • the present strneture trier a , volit mad eieti-t s•po::---of .Iron; covic... .....Wear the osiral bade,. of mourniter f•tr the • flea, et'. ra.•• •,;.•te 1:,..n,-. ~, iiisitegii-,.ii It.:11•Iiitill'; now called the old church. .. - peri,sl lit - - 1 1,;;: ty t h iy .,, et n. , tte•teania 4 .., , t ,aaa awl phikieus temper. of In the -winter of 1791c4, the yobinger pct . * *. firs"; 7 . Tii it a c.,py or...these resola- r., ! ,'':,', 1 :. - .::'`',;',';'.', 1 1' ; ',' 1 ';;;;C!Li1 1 ..%', ; '•' : ,•'',;•! : ,',,t,1,t,11' 1 . , ! , ! .. '• . ' , " 1. 7'' ; •142 plc of the settlement niet one d'venin4 , . for thins be forviiiltied to the family of the dew., ''' !,----•;,,.• I ..iiiill• •• 1.• hi , 1.;1.,•t; ov. , r 1% loon ' iii , social recreation. Alter having prayed reused, anti rk.eonleol in the !Minors (tf the , it.,... i..,- ; -: i t ., , ,e ~,,,,t •W m a.,,-,•r. nit pill Ity of all the then knoWn t,eaines, it was proposed Lodge : also;•• • published in the coupe t• Ia- I' ; ',`.,' l ,',',',': l ;,;. •- ,.;,',',',,',.••,';'•r t i a n .:",',", ( .•,l' a ti,,'tt a ",` . ":;' r ns tt rs . : to have a prayer meeting (none of them hors. ' ToOn'''iitP•••' 1 . /..v/i.• il•ti. aier Key- -;• ,±.;L , ',• L... 1 ..,1., ,„ t„ ' hi,„ . w,.. „r t, ' ,. 1,r„..... " .. professing heligioni. They sang that I,h, ne G .11,4 Stjrle 'of e 1 r . .- . 1.1 . I.' r1,1:1r.1: I'. •1:1,y;$ .1.,111, ...hail atal,, lit, Niintly beautiful hymn,- ...,. - -..... .. / IriTi•t,•..l.l-•;••en.. -ILE,. awl 5 oici• of '4V...A per,to -- . . -- W. D. Fox. ... •••# 'sweet Is the "-oil: lay Gott, my King, -. ..i,,,, i0,.0.; I maw'', r.,iii, tali-:,. 41,•joiv,r1 of a li.el a duration party held at . ; . ,-; Act Elio.; F, ix, ~- Coin. 4 'lll :••aLita 1,1.1 - r,v.!Caolt r tearond ol:loott r..proa,ll, To praise Thy haler, gin.' thanks and :dog, 1 , , f - Mill,LElt TozEn tin Tees- 11 . 1.1,: - A M..:ietis, 1 ; ti, •• , 1.•:,..;, - ay. l e. - •,,: envier weir h....otteit .... It . To ,:how thy loss, by in"nllng light. 1 .. - .1. , : , ..!...-1.;... a g-ao lit I. :hat r.•:,.h0,.. rh:g ha I fait the bf'llelit. of I,1: pall -:. • ._-______ U•'..• I.:rnm n.. 11 •.., IA ::I•; . ..ior.tual rat. ~ ,,l.i. / lieM, At,a 13::. i•l all thy troth hr night !• lose hereof' was lottlicti on -t • , t:. ) 'ii . .li h•i•iriN lit , I•liiii!...•pt at .5.114ra• bk 1,... .101.111 , Dobbins prayed first Inarew . 1 ,11 . c.4' Tot: ratinr.'(' Ga7, 3 tie 42i:win-it ;11. , on the ' lilt i " st. •• (1 " Ins! " . ""c'')- -Flosmi:-; - i.•, :Whir, lure: o d 1., in 1,444 . ~.i'.', li i'l. t i t 'l'i* , .' • ';:) . ....i. . v ; * i t.:";;I: - ',.: 4 . ''';', • th ,;', r - 1 ,'! .. .''. 1 ,":',• ict'''" next. After three or four had iy - f4l the house and nll 11S l• It '''' • II ' • • ' .••• 1 .. , • ''' • :-- .''. `: ' 1 : et Prayed, there *as a different tone and vret ., 4 , it ?owl Fn. ~,p , „ „„, is it.; „ rtie t e •-y mew., , Ail , 111.,t ...m, ti, tit; .•. c •••io•j i s. ~.ilyl,ii, IS Mr. VAN' ITzEr, i s a h ard with thisi,lst.'tiihitte to :NI , . l'it,-•;t1..: , , Ivii i .•: Ifs • .., i'li.V.' :1:01 NW f.C.:I r' . ..-,... - 4 .1/tbr:. th ,, in spirit in their prayere; they were not fors, rstrieus young ; man. he „p m , h. ..., 1 ,..,.. 11 t . t .„ lnt;th . ~.; tat 1 . i ,,, t . 1 1:•. t : 1 ',,'.'!„ - . 'L,.i t "..•••: t : t ; t :,• ; ;• l l l '!„ l ,,'""•"''','l'''''. "' 1 t" • ?mil. .as at first,lbut aleep and 'Penitent-, ~ it I- J .w.s!" brim; th.m; ted. All are cordially ,in- t h e , i ;,.k., ( 1 ,i ri e, ~,,,„,Li,,.:. storks wlif .. ii I „ ,„ ..,: „,„ i „ ‘,..‘;...„ ;h .. „..„. , 1 ,. 1 ,., ; .,... 0 ,-...„ ~....i, fearing they had corm - flitted the unpar-1 . It the the bring th,,,, ensue. lite ; t ,,,.„ .4;h4e ~„71,t , 1 i -,,...,, 1..., ~•:, 't '..: '• l'•- • " ho.s.' h. 11 -so• - h•• - dutiable sin against the Holy Ghost. They', rill help him to Coniniehee t „,', I t i 1 •; i• ' _.• By Older "f ('oleo, . . ~..• • , ,..,1 ;., 2; ,,,• ; ,•,; 1, •;:ili :,al hy o r d , r tit tit , ass:mailed ' . I the • iii.liil' V• i...: i••i• ilit• 1 isr Nri . l . k.' ••ici . N . ..t..,1 h•r , ..1:11,1 to •th.• fanahv and pari,la of 1 •-•- .1'0112V • li ill prayer until about two o'clock: I when a messenger was sent after 3lother The result:is ii . t..inipil•te Yill , lic:liA nof the it:, '-''' . ' •''" l .."s _ ! --.- , o ..... to, 1 tit.rz--11.tWE. C . l.:lnaute. I Meli.ean,• as she was-then called. On ber ~....___ . char. , eter -ei•••ahas e agate e leen I key Ajt ,-,, j ___ l ,. 1 ..., ~..,,,j ., -, .,.,...,,, , y, I.leitstire a rt....witlrr . i. s , illey, 'were iti , :lurinr.irro.l;: . (':ii:( d and uircula- I , . , ' trees she ealled on MI s. Dolihins, , who curl, l ,s; ____-.... . . mcdiately arose and went with her to the'' ll' "1 , 1 frii'n:li E. 1:i Ilia' E- 411. Wo I rjOice ill :iioill; , .llk with:ill one . 24tri. Earr , il: : `seeing contributions to scene of agony and despair. On their arl, Rid bury, who is net onir ei' it-Ars, that the ~ t;s•ti nat:;;".tini fair fahnt atinest Repliblicatis it: the el tht. people 4P:sailed . :tsar of the lestitu- 3. '"`;' Pal";:r 1 ' 1 ' 1 " ' l ."l''rent- localities, I rival the seence beggard description; up 4 I Ivo:ltd . :brow in my mite with wards of twenlY young PeoPle on their also a tirst-elass farmer. •-- thin tsinetoiwil, lias thus I ts cit si.4nally, II I'"'-; . ''' 11:;• It st. At the p: eseut time w - e at'ea..liliv- knees . , be,ggintr, mercy in the Most piteous . 1 1.41i-civil:aft, A mast r e _ 'a . ..Omelet:ly ai r el fully mainhtined. Mr. fo d • • ripthe Ili: in,.. 4 a bate weal:liar . 13 m u d . , str•ons. 310ther McKean lifts up her,: illein a n, it i..-. a rar e ple a s_ Feist:le I.:is•-shin- 1ivt...1 amoog. • es. cultivated society of him- has held Itiolrliesit lent', of nest :Intl voini- Stone havo . been impetiv . ilig wllat little hands and exclaitnes, ‘• This is the Lord's . stare.. thetas :-.. in dr.ovin g .04s. I think the doing,• it is marvelous in our eyes:" .Mr. BEeftw rm., has tetite dents:. 1• never iii pi ivate t;r ;lib tit ores (.1 Tullis are a-; 741;14 to see a little • ; G. L. 'rnAxstE. a I.lrert( Addition to his lie lire provcd'inoviethv of the t.;•".alteel ne s now z;line of the choice- silt et in wIli(41. he is held. :on' it is -to h e • st.tow as any one. NiOW IS the time they ; Burlington, Feb.' 28, 187 b. .: t ---••.------. vines and fruit :trees in regretted that: tin the irasponsible are look in, for their liaryest.. • thi,is . . of ti .a of orisoluid mind, • there should l 'ilt'''Y V ANI4:2"E", S lll'th'e burned down Corny linocEnixos. -Continued. -, last night NN1114.. ill,. .l . .111:11:.' were at one,• , ef - 7 - o- i - have been cicritllli,d stet ies dete g ato r y to J II Black VS N A Black-Ejectment;' th..: 11.21g1ii.i.0., oa a Ait . , ,it. Ido not, know . Eenitil LESTI:n 11. --cif the :his eharacter! Ills prompt.. tort ring op' verdict for defendant. o r the ir • the catt,e of the lii'l• 11!)-T the aliment of Whitney, Pratt d; Co vs II A Cowles-. l'nosT a.t,: SON's iy.lifil line- the cliarga s-flit tilt taeof t...,V• E Es t !link there was a light insurance. in our job room with an untrtith(uluesS'---however, at mice and fur- . 1"";1S \ Bronson is 1 .1 S Parks-Exceptions:l S , ainetimes IA opht il ! ) not keep is cool ' fool a . 4 ,„, d ay 1a. .. t ~..,,a : . .,,,i i ever sets theniiq req. "el r. Fit 1, m E comes. to the Andifor'S reports in eactii - olttl .in we, would just here re- 1 as the we•ither, In this-section of Rome out of . the allltiir pill" and clean, and so (t) „, ~ . . • this *., . the a trove eases. ' . • ; i 1 ow nsi.iii there is a. man . t y the. name of rs that in ease thev.have all otliCrs or iadirectly -mixed op I Jas II Phinny Ns JWm -3leans-Audi4l Willi,: purchases in the . in thennitter,;.• lit took the Mill by the I `--"' 1) "' ''' .. 4'. wi"' :im " 1 the " 10 . "I . ' tins' report confirmed finally. ht, ji „. 42 , ent , 5p ,..,„ ;; ,... t ,l„, t , • horns and to:. the great' pleasant: I,r the ~, a ditnise that deals more many personal - .friends anti all 1,01,11h2 ~,f. late years, or .getting up on r: oho: a, pitch sone. times, untll misuses I 1: 11 4; 1 1 N Bronson v 4 - W B - Parkt-Atiditor's his Cannily report confirmed finally, with the excep4: ( 11 is a Irrirer stock, than . the city. 74,r0t the better or the ailinLil um :mil noiglik,,r,:. 111:: nsii:il perforin'tnce is'• tie of $l6O, which is Ordered impounded O. Fttosv k. Soxs, of this the Oust wliiii.l Politically we are in 1.0 111 - to swear as bad as lie. can, and call every- i S N Bronson vSJasS l'arltsAuditor's ll : t ll it be e. on:; - . good tune Plete-"Pl"*...tafil .0 . _IT r. . 7 Iti‘Ott''. hot per- litiii.: 111,a he liiiitiwtm to think of by all report confirmed finally as to costs of salel' 11s Qf LESTEII himself. you sonally and as!• - •:4 good citizen that lie is, the worst Itaint S triatlie can think, I will : and all (ill and judgments to which no ex we rci rice hi:, hi,: vindication, and take ' ""t ""","' any of throe, for they are too 1 toe lions are filed.. tetc is pleasure eveivin. t -•,-- ! pleasure in publishing thus fully and free- t awful to think or, Semetimes he Will gut , M E Cuyier vs'S C Hall and G SsCinn-1: : ly a!1 the r.h.t .4:to L ow case. Mr. FniscrE's ' 01, en the floor and julep, stamp, pull his ' linings-Auditors report referred back tot:, contiaet has U.•••en lionoriitae•anti his vinai- .. hair, and tilake all moaner of thieats of the auditor. I ! , . . . ~._ ( 1 :Cal lull complete. The slander has hurt , kiele,:dii- U, 11)1hti . brain's out, and kicking . Emma S Layton vs Jas CI Laytari-tI „Ito rote lint its':ital: or. The get,tl ittriee of s'inu's or the faintly "tit of the house. 'The , Court' direct Sheriff to make proclamation. I„ ; the college. its' faculty and ~11:". . t . , h ave list inad lit' he hail lie ordereil his wife's ' Timothy Fuller vs Esther Fuller--:; nut in the leaSi been stained." st i lt ( a hay of seven :en years) to. leav e : Court direct ' a sUbponia in divorce to is-' the Mouse, and would give him live mill- s ue . • lees or lti it in ; the :boy did not choose ; Tlm's Mathews' vs Henry Ward-Rule , . - . ss B A tits-Tps t:r T1131.F. D 1 11 1 :` - :...—TIIC 1 . 01- , j,, go . ~, L e was .i .to t og t ;', I r. j e l I ' .1 11111 011 t, Ito Show cause wliy Sheriffs - sale should lOwitt , ,y ;plaint ;anti Leant Hill tree poettl an d be au I ; j s n a i i i i - ca llj n ., • • •ts :-.usual ; but - notl - be set aside. will be enjoyerl'aed the sentiment appre- ' : t in the iiis the boy Was too much for the ! Carah St ousels use vs George Lenox-. elated by parchts. whe are blessed with a o ld . ,•, ~ .1.-11, ..llo4'nel ,11111 - -t10•31,11 of:C0 or : Austin l‘lellinny s use vs saine-Rnle to; number of healthy, active twines: . twii.T. so the old gent graliiii - i4 his sliut-.• I:shew 'cause - why judgment should not be_ Tht• Lalr t ii,.,.; c 11,11:.• 1... n at Licht. I gun ;and Was going to shoot the boy, .but t.t •• . 1 ddefendant be let into a defense ....opcnet an - Wt' eel. i 4, raia•hi an' din: - as link would have it, the boy kinkketi in each of the aboYe cases. ...o. tr,y an,1'.:•, , ,i, y,s. Ivr.okrif,.• r, ga,,, ' him ti. , W2l a firths bit) stein for that and ! The 'following Sheriff's deeds'vreie se,- - l'.•.:r fa:flin . 's coiralu,' in." .step!....d, out of the honse. . ile is over his : knOwledged by the Sheriff, A J Layton. Th-y ilt•irr ii, , ,,1 a wool I sis•ak: paseotitil new, :1111 does not it's let any one , To' E W Bushnell, for 1 acre hi Orwell • :t I t.y I.i gil,', a I'm...v. * t" hilly it, ' i '. 4 * he is ashamed of it nOw. : twp, Sold Feb 3, as the property of .1 L. fat nye I 11:-11, :trio ur. an' cry, . Alt. , does' nut like 'VP have his eeighbors . Johnson; consideration $4O. , 4.. tairnt;..... cudfll , i1O1.:1: . hr.w lit. act! , . -1' base tinlt given you To ninon Davemmrt, 05 acres in Wy- ! • ,- • but a small view air the subject, but will sox, sold Feb 11, as the property of EN , • 14 ave the 1-,..5t. •. - , . McCormick consideration, $590. . . Rome, Pa., ..Feb. 25; 1•374.. : . , • . To L S Gilbert; two lots:hi:Orwell twp, ~. .1 sold Feb 11 :as the property of Theron . ~ Wells; consideration, 090. _' ;. i lIE Saginaw Daily Crotrier; in refer- 'ro 3lyron Prince eighty acres in tingle anottier musical entertainment in Warren - twp, sold' Feb 3as the property that city, again compliment:4 our young of .1 O'Connor and 3 O'Connerjr; consid-- priwq eluicaq, Miss ,NAGLEE . S admirers :eration, $1235. . ill this county express their joy at the sec- To C S Russell and E T Fox, brick cess;she is 'earning iu the werit:' • and . sre lot hi " A large and brilliant audience assem- 11-as the prope Towanda born, sold - Feb rty of Morris Clair;, eon bled at Eolah ball last night, to hear the siffeiation, $2lOO. .- . . . opera of Erawni; and,'aithough, after the To J R Robinson, GO acres in Canton pr,C.....e b'est(4(.(l tam this work in East Sag- , twp; sold Feb 11 as the property of Enoch, Maw, many Ns'ere expecting to hear a tined Selk.rd; consideration, $2900._ effort. it, is only just to say that the pre-'! To Wm 'Faber, lot in Canton Bor.°, sold seiltat ion exceeded - tire highest exi.ecta ' Feb Ii as the property of A J Beers; con• t ions. 3liss. N.tet.r.E of coarse, was the sidmation, $1:0. . ••• marvel orthe evening; and the rendition I To Win Taber, ',l acre in Canicin born, of her entire _role-was so remarkable that j sold Feb 11, as the property of A D Mc-. I few old opera-goei•s could scarely realize Craneys ' 'consideration, $lOO. that they were listening , to an amateur. To .51 I-I Lanning, brick store and lot hi In the :ilia of •Ernani, fly with me,' the Towanda bore, sold Dec 10 as the proper range and exquisite) qtralit i' of _ her voice t i p of II A Cowles; consideration, ,$2490.. - startled even thine- who are accustomed Monday Feb 28.-S N Bronson vs S C to her singing, anti ten chromatic run and Stevens--Rule discharged. tie; ill of the - finale ,surpassed anything in David Oyer vs_ Ohauncy Gridley, adm'r exevution we have ecard Irma any but the --4iidgment for want of a plea. . . very highest lyric artists; anti if Miss NA.. C S Russell vs 3 J Griffith-Potter & c ( i.t:s• 44 el e ambitious of contesting a posi_ Co vs Paynetir 31ag Co-Jutign ieut for ti mi on the lye is stage, certainly we have want of an appearance. - - never heard -a voice.. more fully qualified I IvCl4, Murphy 47, Gore va Morgan & fer , to undertake the challenge than her-own.gust:in --Judgtrent 'against N M Ferguson In regard to iutensity•ancl - dramatic tal- for want of an appearattee„, I . , ent, none who saw Iter' throw away the Joseph Towner !vs John Mack-Audi.; The hiilrolos"Otdoll... doon at Licht :, daggei in the last act , and pass from the tor's report filed and cOntirmed ni si. Wl' mirth that's dear to me: . pass on of resentment ,to utter despair, Means, Rockwell ik Co vs S P Wallis-- nut tune the itlgcvaritl•s cart an' care can deny that the words 'Alas, now am II A Holcomb, gnard'n vs A D Mecrany win quaten'aloon their V.v. . , 1 bereft of sense,' wereitsung uttered and Auditor's reports in above cases . confirmed Yet, come 174 A will to Ilka ;Ile, '. i colored tt ith grand drOmatic expression, finally: : - . i • May I:1e, ?rl4; alms aboon. both technical and natural With .such Whitney, Pratt &Covs 11 A Cowles-- . Aye whisper, 'though i heir ruts he band. I talent, and voice, we shall wonder if Mist Auditor's report recommitted to the Au •-o, f.strzda4, eadda: doom- - .-_, ' Nan LEE is not- tempted to pursue her . ditor. ' f . .sLm.. sresasort,-. I studic.3 professionally.'' : " : A . Samantha C Philips vs Samuel S Phil . 1 l'n ber of local week, in th happenefl. a publi,liii!g hail il l V. -N. morning. 3 I ing goixi -aOl b. elliblrol but ion by (I, 'ho will bii I 3Ens. L. , A THERE wi Drninat in 21Tak•(Inie H Pt h. After. Nvi;l be given Limas 1)t: A 'l.Anta: Gncd. Teini) kn - er and :bulge on NV/ t•zpressi the Lodge he in tLe State. THE Paper• iams C this office, is ed wcik Ofjh? printing usta t sylvaithi, ha I Ty. 11.1.VE the titm4 Ten NVI:11 iVeard it r:F+•rt- uver giv i ntettr—and vt! xl;ztl TLIEB E arc ;itatc: 1. Vcasliin 2. Gtm'Yi I.' • ' Decoral 1. I lull pel• Tißtlikr iairistrl i ar:s Day. • I, on'n.Birtliday, Ft L. 2 : 2 n Day. May :;U. „nee hay: July 41 , 11. it ina Day. • THERE R ill . ILc residence day, March 'l7 N : +UTE 7:. Thill r•Ila V. Tlie tire: du l contents; and - working, iird! 'Cited 1 , 1_411(.ii rtnyt tonsekeeping.. E hnd the of calling 011 0 IV ITII. one 0117 the but:i. I•'\ er, a: 1C113:(•, gelll:tl 111 C enj(,y ti: ell and recently inaiie nursery. and est varieties the eCeantrv. TT NIPS 11e firm of .1. U. tzentetl the Lot elegant raxe sto in this conneett mind tint. reader contetriphtted tire li there is no wit, - t liiQrally, or th•ii -the house of J. place, anti sliott'l to porehase - g.,,,/ n - ITT lintl ;that tt l litt , iitk,s. • :~_.~ , r • ,_, I' , IroIITANT i.r.GAI. IJECTsiON.—The Su- palm , ' Court. Lts decidetr. in :t case front . the ' ConinuM . _ 'Pleas of Not t humberiand- , s. ,, :nity. that or'lers drawn by the presi- I dent "r a . toani :if rehool directors upon the t !ensurer of the ::.chool district, Under s::ho,O. f - tw are not neg' , 4iable hill. 4:r- . ders, but are i 9 r rrants for the payment o! nearer to the i .islitts to whom they are isseed, to he I,kbursed by the,treasurer nuoer the :; . , Jlity of the law. They do not. therefore “olhorize a ' : 4 , equent holder to main:::n said in his name upon ! a prom lissory it its, bill or order. - They ' %h . ) not pusses, the ordinary properties of i a inlreeoturaet„ hot area statutory means , of di - iming• the latbiie money- out of the Ininjii, of the leg ft - custodian of the funds , , of the district. _ Irtity..—.lt at .3fontl:ty last. :frame as a meat murk. ilon. e The sjundetl and the ea the grct!tintl. 1 the flames- until vtit.: on the sot strayed house 1)31 Kin in - en the no building oecurie otitinortli Of it, I'. runt - , or u . l ante. Mr. MeC.A' 31r. Lit ..s for'! ceeiletl in re. - novi i , hue. 3lr, LINL.I nit 13 o'clock. A. M • W . ;liseovered in the . renpir d by :lolls, Lists : c, Omt south of thy Wan!: 1 .1.11111 W:3S gnu rdrttely firemen - were. Primptly lit were nnablellitstay ' he dwelliwr of Gru. Mc th. and the partly de a kerions tire of .1. I'. th; were consumed. The 1 1 by LANE! , as well 3s the l ere the property. of J. , tht re was no insur- Itf.: was insured Cw • Mr. 3IcCAuE m-t-he most of lAA furnl_ saved nothing. best Job prititei. ohl attache of tl:• belt!. after at, ab •lo who resitlene4 in this summoned 'here 0 her brother 1:1 ,Pii3: . Estop one or the ! in - the country and an I s office , is visiting friends rice o f several .years. I friends durihg a short Ore a year 0 so ogo, er relatives, haying bee !iceotint of the death of .C. E. MclixArm.:. I -3 1 . E: ister and Record - etsbier and booki IVt• e. s9euritig Sa.vatuai slide position.. ruK. late Dep.illy noii- eini.loyell as EvA & tin.- !>n~~atuiafe the font on At. a limn for the respon- —lion. .1( , s1.1-a visit to' his family .111 r; P. de ierie tion he lias tLus f. his offiCe. PawEt.t. paid a flying in this Owe last week. •dit fur the close atten r given to the duties of $ :ucrn has returned frclia -3lrs - Judge M her visit in iv it'S• IT, nye. s:crp, noxt i tt:o NV:I Laug: up "1 “ - aut a Neve - - Thu ra , eltr! , l!art4 a' 1 On au' frtry the.o. purr:, th" , y an;m .!t [4,:qTS , Tll ..1 I raw, :5 : an• erT. .•• Ile But r. , ,limit. , l:,sgaL, T . woe Rati fi-ae - r.e:Lth the e!ae.--, at4".rant zlo nwer at an(' kit:l4j, Jul' The itti,Akt 111 !hit Tam for trlck, It hatf 11:,44t cry, 41(..-11." • At length { ihrp h gar tholr fnither's fit, An'. :Is Thw ttin far , .., 1.) th. Ara*, AVIO:r , Tani pretet,,lq to snore. **l-110 a' tho :Ire I , t , n gndo ?" ho asks, A, I, ptt. 111, Ti. I,li:it 'la their 1•,x1 :: , A:.':ane Nti:ce dociri," Atejl st hfori• b • m.ra•ta Wt. 1.4. k T:tni ?A ;:,;!irt rt.uu' 1!:,1)',. neck, An', n.-.:n'Ttl:':„ I 'dr( um, JatlEit• UT) Ile: An' as T w6'. 4 ,1. , ?r-tl:l.nly ••O, Lalrra.,...f,, Thai Li 'thr• nip.terintr. pr"vidt.n.. t , 11. renitql-d wt mt..xpeyitity from Ilse rultkt ur 'hal I Mv- I V. 011". W • ehrt.t,:w.l a w.• to a , kitwx:- ...;.2 • Ili.. i eC lout M.:10 licaveit rottl r ft. •Tltat sn'tinit without a tour- 1 , mar tr , lsLll . llll.rill 'a 111111111 11"C.NamV, 111 t. 11.1/11.1 11.1111 . ,:.11. , 11, t‘ t• •11 II 41 •aire to rornrtl oar sense Of th 60 . 4, 4.11 r l'hitro'n hay st•tain , tl In ;14, tloath„ and 1 .•• dn.!, a.t4 Cod in that p.,r;int: itn 1111” 1.0 WITIII no an a loving. fait!i! P.tatttr all4l p •r7t.tial frk-Ail: whose inotnery ; %ye tv:11 ov-r 4•11-r140, 4.11111 walla ••..1 - 411eptInii. Rt-aole,d. '1 hat, :11,11, to I.‘prl,l,l•tar moat au.l affrt tton.tte. itipatlty With 013 n.tla4. !Is-- 41-virtt•tl 1 • ti•11.1-1 wire I. lef t W141.V. all.l h-r child ron rathotle7.% agNI nto1:1 •r I::+ 14-t an' sate At - tit slaters aro• catltoi to j nit at n :Ito 1..4). of n drag lirothor, Into the anglit,ll oi- tjit..init; 1 . 11"1.1•• ATl` t 111.1 ititeatle, but we •g. [lt; ' , TINT/4g , or w ..ins with ; tI4 ;t w.• 11, a Hitt asaintanty that we .hall hone-- t forra I. Oho t , ndoenoss with a Itiott ilt •Ii ;• "'II- h , •ar - ;,., awl that II:.•tn in 4, tr ot' , 4 10 111111 t: ho along Is aide to.1.1:1:1 it;. Itr.ta.,ll4l4.oaett ins—Court direct , n sulipciena In divorce to Maffei 1 Pomeroy pnis re it ft Phelps: -et at— Court ^ strike off levy on land. A it .Spalding vs II W May, Case—lt W Patrick, p Overton, jr. J W Mix,. Ergs, for plaintiff; -lion B S Bentley, El hanan, Smith, dui Wood and J F Sander- - son, Esqx. for deß•ndant: On trial BU9►INESS LOCAL. Eir We have Just received a large in voice -of vnveloks and piper, wblgh wo will furnish to,oni patrons neatly printed, at verb low prices. Wntitown 4.t SoArt. sell the bes Ittenit Hooke 'manufactured ,u the country. Q' New goods received daily at llENi:;crulAN•s Ftlir You 6n get all the latest styles of 8t oacry, VCI cheap, at Wlittcomh SILAIIT'S eEnersYlnkdone 8C thr.NDIELUAN's Jewelry Store. garlflumca4AN fifers a great reduction In MI- Ter-Plated hare. .fit the tritest , publications, very cheap, at WUITCON6 & SHAVVF. • I A largo stock .of - games and toys, at -kat, at WIIITCOInt & SHAVVB. • tar Ladies,i have you seen the Silver seated K titres ttiiat BLACK Is selling 1,0 low , O. A. BLACK claims great MI gs for LIS China Juat - recePied direct from Franco. at - a- The 811vcr Plate goiotto of Ifer,er's & Itro, that DLACt.tells'gtre joirfect oat lofaction. rg — Everything line of station. ery at WM/COXD Q EIIIACT . P. -4 • Property at .fttiersi t eig. E. C. Mien. Kir M. iiENDIMMAN,C;eas the largest and hes atoek of latiles4nd gentleniens' gold anti sliver tatches ever brotiglit td TolVantla. , sir Don't fall lo call at lIENIM.P:3I.I7.VS, If you wish to buy anything In the Ilno Ot Jewelry, Silver and Silver-plated Ware. rte ' HENDELM AN has the finest skid( of -Watches, Jew4lry and Silverware, ever breeiht Into (till town, 1 all and s.v - 4T If you entii to secure, a good •111 de. and ge the worth of onr money, the place togois3l. REN DELD A N'S. Ee - bweliiiig. !tuts es 10 rant - cheap. Enquire of 0. 0.1 litrtvr, at t/VEICTUN ELS- I /Would, Sayer, and Steel Specineles, and Eye (flaN-es, In great linrlity, at lIENDI.I.)IAN S Jetvert: Ey Store. . - Passengers to the West nil' find it to their adv;totagi. to pori.lmo tickets ;it the Ta wanda Depot. Itic ten teatired 'LSO trout Sept..l9 n'/`"" The lar r 4 est and best assortment of Bracket% ever lii‘itight to this plaei., can now lie L seen at FltOil' 01 :"ONS. CO(' t. 20—t f. I ==2 :IT Buy yoiir vli)thing of TAirLon, wisera y ou can ahriy.gget g”6,1 verb; at the leivest - living price'.. . I rir Go to I. TAll,oft's for fine no s , Shirt., and Nock Iran. Entrance in Park street first door below nl4 I.auk and Innn t out If side of Plkt /Ince 'The Plitenix 111,w:ince ('O. now to-4Flug ag•laq lase or iiaina g o from liglitulag or Ire. 'fills is ow. or the` be e t . oinpanit, In thu laud. 41. A. BLACK, Fr1•z(:1::::.t1.11. has renied the_ nld of 111'.kNI, 31i tlecca , •ll, on fitlOgo no 4 fitted If tai ac a hoard{ ug I:woo and ll.•':vtrrut.aild t 111 lie glad 1.0 M.!! hi: OW fl • , [feblit. _• , VirEr. FOIL HN - T.—The nik well known +ta:l4, Brad f,a 1 waVerly, will Int for rent. tin April Ilifpiler it Wi 11. T0w41.4a, Pa. .lan.k27 T" House and lot for sale. , House new and well tinkbed, within five inlutdes walk of he Public Square. Al-4) a 41, , 1rab14 ; , lut In Center of town, between second and Third sfreitis. En frelo-714 quire at tills take ' Fon SAII:E.—A 7 stop, double reed, !lAtto-s St It-u Cts Otatte,wlth i.utk-Inue and or. tavt: enoplebr. The original cost of this organ was 4215, but I wilt Sell It for 4165. It was moil a short tltnn In a church. fel 23n2 ITous.r. AND LOT ron Led On Third lVard. Towanda Ilbrougll. House newly rurnishelV crab Improvenp•nt•. itarg•. ileynold's eelebryfed Heater, Bath ltoOtn, Fore, Pump, and larg:, (liters. Aho*ronventent hors' barn. One of the plied. des:table and beauti ful lova:101.i In the I;Torntigh. bel+,.ltl at a-bar gain. and on easy terni.., Apply to 0. 1). Kiss .Y, oaten over . 3lcCAnt i Ar E r,ll" AT: [febtt3tf. 111=^21 re" The Pom 1111yrin (11 , t Het, 1%1 113.1 i. the epeotul da Eat . h(lrtintro to Ott doirg:ttottt, who will thT Pomona (I ring, 4th thttilve Pal ron%. forret' In du: turtle na.Gneng,e, Bradford and meet at Tolynnila, nn ThUTA- of ][arch next, ni I o'r!ook. ill , trlrt 14 MOP:4A In send 3 .tteon nod ',coon. nonoberN of Bn.loosm ses:ion4 opn I all The 5:11 will be eon hi the evenlq. A syltnn, Feb. 20, I • IMIII M . ' . To SCtl.tik MAKI:Mt.—The S'llbSeli lx.r offers for Nile i•lxteen quart. tron-bound sat tubs, twn, and mad of the best niaterlal.antlevery one warranted perfri.t. Also a full syt or coop. - .rs tools, truss-hoops, &4. A good location for the slnesa. I' E. FANIER. Orwell, Jan. 21-76..! . • LosT.—On the biglewaY between the tavern of —KENNEDY, In Nyysox. and Wyalu,hrg, on the evening of }lob. 9, 1.76,. an oil cbAlesaenol, co:lt:thing one suit of gentlemen's cloths and other aitlekbs. The find 4 1 , Will 1161!frenirded by the property at S:orrtrs store, Wymis. =fehl7Wl a, in t. POWEI,I, S i : Co. have the exehisiie tale of the Justly cOehrated and PoPular James town 3ltthairs, Alp.ica< and Poptiins, Which are warranted to keep th'rlr color, and 1 ' 1;111 not ; shrink or crinkle. They have Just rt!....e10d direct from the mills a complete hisortment of these excellent fabrics, to which they call the part limier attention of their customers. ! P6WELL & r....7 - PowELL 4.V Co.—We have just re ceivi'd our lari. SPH,r, Stock of Wall Paper. Now rea y for e:thibiltint, In addllloll tojour ttsnal stock of plain llnts white and brOwn blacks, we have added a handsome assOrtment of line Brenre. Rater. Gold mid De i r,orated Paprr,4„ Y ease call and examine our stock. PoWr.LI. St CO. , Afarch I. 1370-tf. NENi Boox.—Dr.- Chase's Antily'PAy . sicie6a;" Perrier, Beekeeper and *cored Receipt Book. Cliaaelielblishing Cu., Tokii , i r l Ohio: While our readers may have seeu Ilitt advertise ment of the above Work In other fonrnals, they Could certainly gather little informailop, 'vim the* advertisements for agents, of the great practical i! value of Dr. Ciiasre Family Physician. We de sire in this short arilele to speak of its various ",points of interest, and will leave the public, as they ' , shall peruse 'lts pages, to verify our words. Dr. CITARE'R former book; which so many of our pro. have and prize se ' ld,ehly, rentable.' only re ',cipes, while this new book (twice as large) gives ! the causes, symptoms and Ttea.Ment of all the !leading diseases of bleb man and !vast. 'with one 'thonsand practical, household , farm aud mechanic al recipes, whose value cannot be too highly est bun. Its IllustrationS on 'anatomy and physiology surpass any other work we hive ever seen of the kind, and the treaties on boo keeping and bee cut. into Is one of the points of great value we wish par ' ileularly to notice. Mrs. nerkit's $lOO essay on ! bee keeping Is alone worth fire times Cho , value of the book. As a cookrk it must be of great valne' in the arts of baking Ales, pudding., cakeS, bread, de. It. Is In fact OS people's osftdbook, and we ! trust that the people of this county will as - all them !selves of the opportunity of buying. We under otand Mi. 11. W. Bic 4: has secured the agency and Is now cad Teaming the county. It • Amtattis it pa gee, Is neatly boded In cloth and retails ctir only 12. Pabilohell only by Chase Publishing . Co.,'of Toledo, Ohio, and Is the only new book Dr. CliUs F. has In the deld. , MARRIED. DINGMAN—IIITCK.L . At Horn Br l oolt. Frb. 16, , by itev. J. B. Dark' George Irlngina.n, of Ghent, T and Ella Iluck, or J:ffereon, N. Y. SMITII—ROSE,—At the residence of tha bride's pare nte , Feb. 23, b Bey. J. B. Davis, Marsdel o:ulth, of Sheshequ II and Cynthia Rose, of Wy. smoking. TILLMAN—BROWN . Rev. J. Merring, Brown, all of Bradftt Wilmot; Feb. 2A, by 'mil Tillman. and Lydia A ; I Td county. ' A. ( Tt vlir•se'(l h. • .I;'i\wh it. Isti(4:4 1:1•• (:1••,1,•,•••v, f`.••!ldifil.• N.. F.01E,)- 1,.'!.•••••• ill! of tile •.y1:,".• , ••?. GI • 11;0 Le' olio- 111 •••II !••.: -ry for poy. IT , 1 • . • . • I ~1 ,11- Yliro 1p I i o • to toy %filo!, tin, ry he-! e•oloo‘r,r. :I) •• Willl,••r.f JOY ;,1•;, g• .- In J '3 , trit.tly 1.11- •—. •••,:t•-• I.•:Aityz cold;:Cs l•• i..y poy, I h ..) rn I.:- • ft ./I•i og i••• 211:11:•• it all •c for I 100 e who p. , :• nll.ll •0 lof goods to :talk Th • story wlil he known as Ow •nt 'l'o3 Story. Goods will be , IYllveted Cr '0 ilk 11l • borollgli. C.1••11 o ill bY paid for tly•l!- ahly 11,41i:et% Wry 1! p - .• 1 fill' . V, f•:i131P..."1 • 4;r:(lt:“El:ii>f,tvAY =I L. li. i PO W I E L. 115 Wyoming ..).venur , .. IS.latilon, Pa •• • 11 , I'•1 Si!vot Ei. Div & E'. Dlv 111,1it.11. N,..1.. Nortllrirn contra! I.l, lllElrTrnitsp4,riation C...1...7310rtgage • ° T IV ANI) A Ait TS \V ROLES.% LE PR lc 'orrtvcted every Wellnemlay, by C. H. AT('ll sub jerr-lo ellang,ni iITISII Al 30 ISO Rye. V10n.,11 Ituelo;h•Ntt, tl bush Kush lintter,trolb:).?,. • .10 lb . Corn, 7 53 . 1n0.h Oats, do 7 rotatrieA, 11141+14 F otir.:4l hai•rel ' A 00 a, 900 r:1444 - rg OF GRAIN.--AVII.3t GO : Cern 514 Rye 5 , 11:,5. 'Oats :rl. lb Barley Ruck n 2 lb.: Era.. 20 ti0 rinol by S-e•I 44 lb'.: - ;Peaches 33 nibs. 1./rll4l.l,pirles 22 Its.: Flax. S:•„..ti 50 Zs. B. LA PiiTITE. Master pvitE .GROUND PLASTER Fit ESM RO N D CAYUGA rLA STE I: 31anuriirtur.:4- , from stonn s-I , eic(l L i y myself, ant; . , , • l'lllfir..—rash, $1 30; cu lime, ti;' op, Send In your oriler,:. .... Mouiirll,l,l. Murob I. Is7(1. COME ONE COME ALL,, Anti Loy your . Espectill aCent lon given to all I:lnds of Jot, work, At. F. 111:IDGE STREET. WM. IL SMALLEY. T4IST OF LETTERS remaining in th:e' Post ginee at Tou - anda. Oradri)rd fur th iv eL ending re4ruary 23: Benneti, Jobnathon T Nelly Ruttierlf; notion, Andrew (lark. (Tura T 2tlcannte. Annie 3 Cavil lefi UN, 11 ; Speutcr,ll Fergu:Am, E L • 1 simnel!, W T HUD Fon I . OSTAGE. i)lrs Ann Crowley.. Glencoe. Minn. Per , otts calling for tiv, above letter, will please ay ativOtked, giving date of list W. ALVORD. P. M. 'TICK'S FLONVEII AND VEGI - ►III.E SEEDS. are the best the world pra !]trees. ;They are p:anted by a million p,:nplo in Auirrliii. and the result is brauillut Floraira nnil spletollii Vegetables; A Priced Catlin:pie sent free to all who liteltexl the postage—a 2 cent camp. lekbs Floral Guide, cnarterly; 23 cents a year. Vic Viii Flower Rild VeVtablo Vo cents; With cloth covers 65 cents. k , . Addrcss. JAMES VICK, 'Ruche:ter, N. Y. Ti API FOIL SAtt.—A Farm of .69SPerre$. 64 Improved, In Asylum toarlythip. liradford Co., Pa. un the premises am two good dwelling - Douses, bam and necessary out buildings, and excellent water. a. 'neser4alllog stream of Water vases through the 'premises. Good fruit and an abundance of unto, For further particulars call onittr address. ' NELSON' VANDERPOOL, felel-16tf. 31arshrlow t Bradford Co., Pa. DISCI. VALIENT.—an Granville, , Feb, 19, Mr,. Gunneb . c ratment, aged $I rare.' • • f_ • PIII.I..ER..=At Cherokee, lowa, on the 7th inst., C , bniu E.„ wife of James V. Fuller. - Si.< I .FIZESI:.—In South Creek twp., on the 17th inst., Emily, wife of Aaron Seafrese, in the asst. '4ear of her age. • WAKEFIELI3.In f4pirinkfleld4.lPeb. ID. of ludo joalion Of tho bowris t Mr. Plillandcr V. Wake. aged al reels, • - , . 1 10 1 MIIMIT.--Iti Giansfite. Peb. Id, -Anguthis ;Wood, formerly of Pleasant Valley. aged 44 yr% .• d BASE.—In tilbson. Pa., Dec . It 1875, Mrs. H. IL, wire of S. K. Crane and the mother OIL J. crane, ffirminly of Wysot, age . d 72 years. Cit A NC.—A t the Presbyterian hooplutl, Now York. 'el). 20, Thomas K. Crane. aged it years. - ' t (41111 i.—In Atbensi March Ist 1)r . 11. 14. filld , s 'U m' 34 jeans and :i inuntlix. 1f,,,' .:Ifervlees at Itislitte rt.sitleiwe on Friday at 4 ttt ' ilnek 1.:41. IU rentahoOttlii be romove.l on S. atunlay *t fretoek .t. M. to Otweil. Masonie Seivl4lt. tltOrne Itiortr.. only llonttltter of dm late ll2ranan w ,onio ps2d 20 sears. (hod einlms the fairest flowers, blooin VIVA hint above. 'rho brightest IMtle of springtime Bo *Miter., but In lore. • Inc knows what cords hind strongest, Those silken bands so true. Ire breaks 01le bond astnider, To prove his love to you, 'Now In that go:den city. I That "biVitt!t(St VI.ICP," WIII shaie. In nun lr intrgt mernpttle, sntlil a throng nost fair Am! there In tetaterest pity; Tiiur clarllnq one TM you are proved thus worthy, To 'pass that pearly gate. SPECIAL NOTICES. EA' A TO:11ATO RAC:E.—Arno'? the Matijoexeollent articles which our friend Ged. If- Webh, of Alba, Pa., ketint In his stork, scuds from that Justly celebrated tints, Itrigs & Bro.. Chicago, ell. , mid Itothe,,t,r, , thq.largest. semi bons; In the world. It will Fur. prflce many of oar readers to learn that-over '",.'5.000 IlUi?C11:1111i% In the rutted States handl( needs (roo t tiro's. whose boxes, .clualogues. lahoN, chronto , arc extremely attractive In high co o r tags and artistic finish. One of the newest 11,- slos ...from fire hands of their artists Is what is call & Brother's Great Tomato Race on their Grkuls," and r, - pres"ents a race course with ir"l - - feet'ret,resent at his of the different varieties of to. maim; striving for the honors of leadership. The des4:2l is ct,tremnly happy awl picasaut, besides comyeying to the farmer or !tort icultnris.t consider lotto in!tt ion upon the merits of the different toucan's. see that they plac.l as Ihrir leading varittlics the Given Gage. Conqueror awl flatlt wayts Excel,lor, w bile they rate other varieties In he'i.following order of merit: Trophy, Deflan,,, General Grant, liuihard Curled Leaf. Iltpper's Largt Early Red, l},wat f Orange iField. Ibvirf Early Red, Iteyes's Ea'rly Praline. Sittrins's Chuder, awl in tire "WA% wttli reins thrown to the ' ground and a telescoPt: at lib:eye - to see where the '_r.;rdiare, shuttles up the Large Yellow. The whole seer* the •IJelwst humor, mot lid tote ran the lithograph pat Webb's au 'exatilloation 'wit [Mut breaking ont'lnto a hearty laugh. • I'i' ( . 311 :1,01 - e cur tvatkis who cl..sire to order - lit 1t., - gs liro's..,eert., that Illwy can secure hem uportlie‘t a, tidvattrageons term, of • WV6I.. andjof Jnst as-geed "pi:tilt:Y. a, If draered direct. iggi & Januar y number told ruder :f Urtp„? 11. W Litt:, Alba, Pa. . Jart2tlhti. (From tit. Rneilie.vorr Times, Ort. 31, 1.1:.%) & 13rothers, who can boast ' or coodoco.. !. no, large -. t1it1 , 11i1•44 fu the kt,•,i,4 11 %SW :,17 are arrangfnz to roiii;.ln• a work ; 0 10.01 thrby to Stir florifwilittral and tort!- • the lowivtli if th-ir thirty pars (if 1.-cd,inww.•• ,of v:•;:fwfalile :nil flower . work 0111 it • ,+ll.slnntlaily bound. and ilc , wil••ral haudrri pa; -s iilusliated with 1111111[111.!It: rnty. 1 . 11U , 1:::it!d• rat., al,ll the <Tait nod rtlllwro of ev• eryt [Ohl: n fii kingdom lia4iw of uu. nr I,ei PA' In treat on lit,! vet.!:: aretii!iti in airi,•t vv:•rt tot% IL rill:1g, or li't 1'1111,4 hey are pra•lleal glow. eisi.i'S'. , l.•.trd'tir•for' lo taiOrnf woik rota- ' 4,3W : front onilio pi - a-Qr.:l ~. ire.. What Scllt (Irrwil Is to fish. Irwry or Porilv ti. fralis, 'trigs Cto! per an- ro S. s'••ry larg edition will h.! hurli. iris 0,•Il wall,rsn.o.l. trill ' 10:ir of win trout- ' "Illy While iii.• ••1 or 11rigQ,.t r.n.wir•• P. as a iirutniniti (.1 His i.,:atn.• 1n:vi01...1 work n iii .‘1:1Y iIP!,I, and lilt- arli,tc a, now ruff tree,' wpm U. • er.4!ariogs. It will and :apart_ from IL^ .I.innary f'tincgno. in or fts:ni any oth^r of Ili • litiblie'atitm .I. l fl t.rnvu t. El ,•ry 101 -r • of it aariliwirc or liorin•iiithri• put I,Wirsolf, it, I,ly of ”litail.iNZ It, ate fur liar'zots. Our roft•tenres 'ire .unv or I fp. Livo pairymn, or ( AtToTA TION.OF wIIL TE.I , O\v _ • 8r1 , 11 ., .1..! iin(u.sil A pteil:lllll:l 1:1 . )111111e,, It ilk) haVe •,::!:,` I d 41.1. S: . (•‘,.. Rat:Lors and Brokt.r., No. 23 "'Y ii ' t. Pa". :5 0 1111i411i111Sireet, I'llikulelphia, Feb. 21. 1871; LEM= e. Nt. azi:l " -" T. 4, •• - 0 .! " J =ME=I ew Aavertiiements. RUMMERPIELD! I have Jnst r , rolved a largt - snprty of 0 . warranted PrIZE PETER LANDMESSER 6.1 . 11DWA TINWAT:r., STOTE3 =I 11017 SE FICHNISHING GOODS :It REDUCED PRICES. Ilardet . are, Tin and Cepperevam, Table, Tea and ILIA lug • Tinware at whithte,ale and retail. =l= r••.•.3.•9•wmPifMNIMENNEMMNRWIMRPMPIPIN .rllO MOC.4AN'A'S, Yon can double youi income by selling the WEED Sewing lunching in connection with your other goods. Now is 'the time to, engage in the - . sewing machine business. The WIED sewing machine is the best to sell as well as the beSt to use It sells readily - 13ECAIISE it is the best to use. It gives_ no trouble after solel, becanse it, is simple and dim- ble and never gets - out of oilier and therefore ;:gives the'..purehaser fio trouble. ' 'IT IS NO TRO63LE TO SELL rrm; 'WEED SEWING .1 . MERCHANTS, Sswing Machine dealers or any-per- / sons wishityr to increase their in- come once apply for the • agency of tihe. Weed sewing machine Now is ttie time, and hundreds: of business men throughout the ebun- try are improving it Ilemembo that we manufacture • machines adapted to every grade of work,.and_that our machines haVe Write and t 7 (iet our terms. Address, . : WEED SEWING MACHINE CO:, rniv:h °titre, ELNIIRA, , N. Y. frt.:3-7(14f. PERFECT SUCCESS. The rnivets•nl satl+faetlrn given liy the ORANGE OUNTY / MILK. PAN, Trality andfririntity of batter made. and hr re h.• r t'f;.. i Vt. di'mitr•ry 44 tit, dairy mom, grump:, n*longaln itivite the earnei& PROGIIk:SSIVE.FAIIMERS; COMITETE' A wricLE,_ =1 of the wipQ HOW be (4,, the puhtte ilairy,:.4 15 to ( . 011 - 1. 4 . t ho inconvenience of eitra dairy-In:161 1, avoided. \V. PER!EOT SATI,SF;q7ION, Or remove tlti•'•F'ans'• after 30 tlays' trial Inn27m3 111 a. .11'.:1',1. .In I do 117';' . I'2l', Il4‘;' II" 111 /ll', . 16; I•to . seog: TIIUSTEg'S S.ILE . Trustee's , a!,• of i'oal 1;4414 and and al poi ten.tocos In tlio. county of I;mifurd. State of P.• 1111- .iir % 4rtne of a mortcaze. 1111. , t 31111 ,It•litvred Ly • Tiv., Mtn n1444.04.4 ('on! (•ompany. Of :lie of 1...n0....yiv a . to lie ilitd , r,lg/led T111'41 , 16 datra the 11r,t ~ 1 May.' 'f:•.aled reel 4 . 41.-41 in In. tor , in*,':l44l for Use comity of Bradford iu •314 S;at,•, vit 1),i941 p2g, ." 4 ” 1 " 14 th ' I3 Y 41 ,t, ) 13 Y• A: 1 )- I• 1• ;" and also. iu m..rtgag., 14, I , lg, on the 13:14 day I. the oteletslvled. as Tr .t.' a i aforeAabl, here, I,y give notice that I'nit I, on TCESD AY, the Itath day or Ista, at o'rieel:. non, of that Oar. at the Exchaiige Sales Hoorn., NO. ltl. W.tV. in the eity;= count V. :1114 State of New York, at anetion to ;the highest bldde.r the property. 11;zots, privileg , s ttnil (ranchos convoycil !mond oil to be ronveyrillo me by said thong - age or deed of trust; deranit having been -P made byflie said Company in the terms and omittlons. sglii wort gage, and snob iiMfault having continued for the spar, or ,Ixty days, and I being retptifed in serif. in: to make suet, icile by the boaters of eerlalli of tics , said bonds aceitred by said no Ttgaze or deed of frost, which were'nt the Ilan of Making such re ' (melt due and outklanding„ The property aforesaid includes some sixteen hundred times of.' land, situate in Franklin and I ices too towns:llo's in Bradford county„ State of Pennsylvania, betpg comrsc , ed of the u hole of the • I rant of land survlyed to t hename of George Edge, and the several pattsof tract,. s o t vo- tu t to the nam es of 1:-orge Tempt Samuel Paul Hardy and Andrew ilar , iY, alt of iihleti is - more accurately bound, d and fiescrib 41 In ',kith] Mortgag •;; her toll all and singular the .rallreads. mines, ores, mines al, NS. m 3),, %%Won , . Watti i. trans, ea.:ern:l..* rights, lib - T . llos, herctlifainenlS 311. i Uhl MC said pre mhes belonging and app..rtalning, ?and the rev,' Ala and remain , dots, rents, 6511....:1trl profits that:cot'. l'or ssdorr full Mal complete de,eription of the prct.criy to be sold , , with It boundaries and lomo; !ions, reference 'Mil - be had to the mid mortgage. I of record as aforeiiild, or to the, original . thereof, in the mc-aession of Messrs. I tray & Davenport, at lorimvs. :It Nat a, strxet, New York City. Tf . ..1:31S 111' S.AI.E;—Ten per cent of the par ' chase money,ls te9n! paid ['Usti- in hand on - the day of • ale and the balanee is he Lc paid Within thirty days thereafter, aCthe ogice of Grayik. Davenport, No, IP N 3,311 ...Ifisof. 5* the. _City cif New York. I State of New York. and upon lice Payment of the salt halanee lu Nil the purchaAer irlll receive a lb-oil to the said paop,riy,, convoying such title as Is vested 111 in- as yrusteo as afoiesaid. Dated February,2sth. 1076. CH IFtf,'ES F. HUNTER., Trustee for the fkindholders of the Fail Creek 111- tornito , os CL al I quo:toy. AY k DAVI:N:I'O4T, 14 , - ; , I . 1070, ,1053, .. 1 ...Ili ono r.p.,a) 30 (!) 61 .%t tor:ivy:4 for Trauqe •. Nas<an St. N. Y. City. The above advettisvownt nine•ari In the follow ing te•w>liala•r,. The Ernting Poh 11 , hed to the City T.i,f New tin, Ph i I wit! ht EiLvri rf r.1.111,111.11i .1 In ill:. City of eldla.tmplita: and the ltnAtd , ..dio REPOI:TLIt, lottlill,ht,l in To wanda, firdlfoni t!outdy. I'a. ._. . . III)W.9t1) F.I.MFII, REcrit. .. __ GE N E V A, 7 -,IIIIACA ck:ATII EN S I:. I:.—cot4lent•lng M1111(13y. JAI,. 21, 16711, trAns will run as ou ;Ills road_ as follow,: LF.AVINqgAII:E 7iOO,TSINVA RP. - 14.-1:00 a. mt, datiy, with Pitllinar (Ting Coaell through fOrri !New York: arrivln4: at Van Elf ,n 5:45. Sp •Irstr 5:55. Ithaen 6:50, Tang,hanin 7:15. Trumanshurg 7:21. Farmer 7:43. Ovld Center 7:52. 11.13'5 - 4:enter stain, Romans S:l 2... Gene va 8:15. rankinge'tAs entmeettnn east and *zest with trains im N. Y. & H. U. IL. an ivlng at Rochester at 11:20 a. In_ Buffalo 4:15 p and Niagara Falls at 4:40. . No. 30,-12.00 a. in., daily Sundaes, ar- ' rival of L. V. trot from Wilkes Jlarre, Pittston, Tank hannork, Tuteanda. Sc., 'arrlV log at Van Et ten 12:45, Spencef 12:74. Tatighatile Falls 221. Trumatedrurg 2:32, Farmer 2:5% Old Center 3:02, 11ay Is COI - 11er81:!:0, .440mulu:. 3:23. (e. neva 4:110. eciinectlng with,t and west on N. V. C. & B. IL U. No.-0 p. in., (bay except rilandys ' with through car from Elmira for Geneva, leavlngE;mlrn at 5:10 ; p. tn.. artlvlug a:. , ‘ an Etten o:4s, Sienteer 0:51. Ithaca 7:50, l'angliaritc Falls 8:l$, TriunaniMitrg 3:20, Fainu:T 5:43, Qat Ciniter Co ! ruen, Romulus 9:17 Geneva innneett) trains east and weal on V. C. & 11. R. R. R. ARRIVE AT 4A.YREFIIIOII TilE NORTII No. 7.7:115. a. 111.01110 y excild Sllntlays., 'with through car (run iliesieva to Elmira, leaving Gem , - va at sioo a. tn., Itionnins :5;31, Corners 6:17, Ovid Cent , !r 5:701, ra.mer runiftuslotrg Tatiglianic Falls C0.:,7 Ithaca Spencer Site/, Van Ellett 8:13, arriving:at EltllirA a; making cline conic...l:on at Sayre L. V.'llay ExpreSs arri ving at New Yin hat lOrtill p. in. Philadelphia site p. •z • m. f No. 9.-1:30 p. to; daily except. Snodavg, leaving (:cues at .111:110 Romalt. 1O $l , Ilan, liters hitifi, Ovid renter 10 1, Farmer 11:0" , Tru. tuanNbuig 11:17. Tileglianic Falls 11:^_:t. ithacti:lll4ti, Spne - cr 12;37 Van Ellen 12:31; tuaking cl.;"se con wet lon wills L. V,Yast Line, arriving In Philadel phia 10:ri0 p. ni. • No. IS.-IR4O p.mU. daily, with Pullman Sleeping coach attached fftr New rink without ,thaii.e; leaves Cruet-a at SOO p. m.. on arrival of Y.V. !rains .fnnu the East and }rest. "Romulos 0:i8„ flaps Corners 11:7.94 timid eenter.6:3B, Farmer 0:47, Trumansburg 7:07. Taughanic Palls 7:14, Ithaca 7:50. Spencer B:43,Tau kitten 8:33; connecting with L. V. Night Ltile airrivingat New. York at 8;•1.9 anti !.- Philadelphia 4:45 • - Tickets sold • and, baggage checked to all prinil-. 1 pal points. . I : • ".•'; R. A...PACKER, Gen. Sart, U. 3r.: HOVEY, Gen. Pau. - W3I. STEVEN SOnAzst, Supt. . • I 1 New AdatisementL I:3USINE.gI3 MEN AND 'DEILERS BUSINESS MEN, ;kO EQUAL Of Hartford Conn .: r TTIi:N'PION of the To the ru,%.1 'gtiarailtee to.girr R. L. BEARDsLER. Warrenham, Pa Powell Co. WELL St CO. p 0 have Just received and have lEE =II now o ME EEN THOUSAND'YARDS BEST qUALITY:CALItOES; • k, Medipm, and Light qolors, In' Da and B st Styles, which we are selling at the LOW PRICE OP 61-__CENTS PEI YARD. ®'~ Ear ould also cell attention to liESS GOODS NEW I 11N SPRING STYLES," NEW PLAIDS, &c.i Also. a lame stock of e I NEW VERY LOW PRICES! STOQII; will be EIII found - til l e most complete ever exhib- itqcl bj. ii 's.• All the West novelties in LADIF 'TIES. AND NECKIVEAR GLOVE, CORSETS,. Sc. MEM 'ock of DOMESTIC CQT- fON GG ODS. 'Ahoy WHIT GOODS, LEACHED AIITSLISS.; LINENS, &c, ItoE STOCK bai3 teen • , ;Ided to, and will be fij4d as etanpl4e as possible. OEM larply , ' Please all and see us at our New Store, r`l i; • • POWELL & 4 reb.22, 114 t. Mill . . . . , . L. ItPIIANS' Cu Ma SALE.--Bir O ;vlrture Of an order bantifUut of the Orphans' Court of Bradford count ,1 will Sell on the permit. tee hr the tottrohlp - of Towanda. on SATIIIIDATI,' March 11, at lo o ' clock a. .nii, the following de* cribed real estate, late the property Id MtehaM Mitchell, deed.„.. houndeti on ;the north by land of illichdel Welch, east by ; land ke•rbliander Ward 4 west by land of Wlrtlem Welch. efMtb by loud of Curtin Terrlhltoutalnlog about lie sores. with a log , house.l framed burn and orchaiit tbenrOn. ; ' 1. TEIISIS:—.II,SO on property being struck down: 4500 ou confirmation of sale, anal the batmen In 'Ord equal annual itsytneutapittith Interest from confiri marten,,,, . 1, • '. j , SILAS P. SU IIk.V.R. 1 . 1! 'I-- -- "..-- ---Adat'r. I— 1 ,OTIrE.—E; T. Rile I vs Morris Clair. In thei :ilrititord Cennty. No. I ditny appointed' by thorl arising from Sherlfrs sale .i.. *lll !Mend to the duties is office ,In the borough of the goth day of March, alien ;:and where) all ika/Wifund must present; red ;font coming in upon!, ; 1 febil 7 w4 AtiDITtR'SN and e. Itumel (!ourt :or Common Pluto OM, Dee:l%, 11173. The ninlerslgnetl. an court to dist rthuto funds. of defendant's remt estate of his appointment at ht Towandsis on MONDAY 1876 , at lo wcwoc A. p!l.{011$ having claims on them. or be forever do - tho Caine. 1. fete.lse4 AUDITOR'S 'matterf the Esia In a he Orphans? Court of The onderelrned, au al Court-to dh,),,e,e eiee thr adtnlzastrater of tot (Audi In the hands of e 4 the tletie3 of Ws. appoint borough of Towanda, An 187 a. at la o'elock 'A. SI., all persoa.thivlnt claims the eame tr be forever upon the &Mt!. fel;2lw4 A UDITOR'S. NOTreE.--In the r_i_ !natter oftite estate of Fleha Keeler, late of lierrick, deed: ,In the Orphan Conn Of Bradford County. ' II' • • • Thu undoralgaed, an. Auditor appointed by the court, to distrilnite moneys la the hands of Hiram Elliott and Isaac Marsh. Executers of said estate, as shown by their final account; will attend to the duties of bls appoltoment,:at--hti office in Towanda Borough. Pa.. ou. • 11. . ... IV E D N ES DA r, .11 A BAIR 'A, 1871, at in. o'clock a. m., when andlwitere all .perilous having a cialm.upon said fund must prewar thorn, or else be forever debarred froth coming In upon the same.' , .. • ll Jl3lO w. mix; Towanda Feb.. 71., 1870.urt. li ' Auditor. -J., AUDITORS' -NOTICE—In ret the estate'of Joseph .Domie, deed. • The unfiersigne4 an auditor appointed ;by the Dlpbans' ( ourt o tratlford vaulty, to distribute funds belonging to said estate, in the hande of the executors of said estate, will attend to the - duties • of his anpointment 'at the officelbf Overton & Mor elli-, In Towanda:on SATURDAY, the 28th day of Eoltriary, 157 G, at 10 welt/04'A. St.. whcn and where all persons having •cialtus on said fund must pre; , sent thous, or be forever debarred from corning lel ttptm the sane. ;I- ' , II . I feb3..v4 • , R. A. 31ERCUR, Auditor. __.... ili, UDITOII'S NOTICE.,-E. ,B. l' Bennett vs C. 11. Canaan'; in the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford I.!ounty. No. 704,i Feb. T., 1575. - . 1 The undersigned, an autiltoriappolated by the . etnirt to dlstril•ute money raised.:by ShetifrlA Palo of oer..n.lanrs real estate, will atte:Ml totheldntles Of his appointment at •111.4 (Miceli' in Towanda Ben ough. inr TRURS/MY. the 30th day of March. A. D. 1578, at 11. o'cloisl r',.. 1 N., when and where all persons r laterested Anti requested to pre the; r claints or lir forever deliarred.froin claim lug any share of said fund. : 11 trte:iwt. . - L. ELSBREE, Auditor, ,k ciriT._oll : 'S .N 0 TIVE.—I'. L. , Wart! vslt...C. Vosburg. It s In lb • Court uf •Common pleas!, of Bradford Co. No. 017 A, Dee. T., 1574. ' li ' - Tio• undersigned; en auditor 'appointed by-said ' , nit to d!strilm:o' the funds araing front the sale nr ilr retidonvii I , r4onai rirop , rty. , ..lwiti attend to the , Into.s of hi , appoladment at his tistfice in Towanda nort.,, on Mo I NDAY, 111... `9th day of March, at if. oclook A.- at.. 3e,Whit-h time and ,place all per ..,,ns has - big claims upoasaid NO are required to presort them, or be V.v....ver debt:red, from COlillfg ' In noon r Ito said f Ont., • ~ “.1. . Nl,24wi : • . 11. REET. Auditor. • , -IT . . k UD IT()IT'S NOTICE. Julia ICatifi,•:d v,.. .George. A. Maine& . . In the court of csintnom Pleali of Bradford Co. N. r.:ni,' May T... 1574. - : it ",-, The end :rsigitell. aniantljtor, ;pointed by said C ..5.% to 11! , eribute the funds (W I the hands 14 the, 11-r: ff. ralsod from' salt; of defen dant's real estate,. o 11l to tool to the tholes of 'his appurideneut at Ida . flif ,In Towanda hero, to [MON:p h - T. March 30, . 1',7.;„ at 1., w ~e elk 'A. :' , I . at which time and place' ~.i.p..(.0 n . haring clalins apinso said funds must oresont them or be forever dehatted from coming . in t;ls•rt tine setae. , 14 ii .i 1 • 111.11 . 2 u 4 If, ST,REF2FF.h, Auditor. J NCOTI POlt.l, TION "NOTICE.— I - Ti 4 all tt11,111 . 1 It roar concfrn: trh. undersigned •, - -by glee n e ot iC.• i hat the) 110,10 to apply to the :' ,, art of ('omm..a rfrris or tiont.• Law Judge there ''. tor a ell.n.tor to be I tworlittrated Into - a body,ms. Ist,- In tat , . itt:d..r the neine anti title of the 0,1(1.' •,.• .li,oc e Hall A..or WIWI of Wtlalusing, for the luiptso of - .holding lands. and ;ireetiug suitable - ~t1.ain......0. betiding: tber&lrt. rod the use of said . I , n. - : I • I I ) : VII) c lIA FT. - . :C..1. C.ATI.ORD. 1 1 . A. it. Intl:TS:ft. . ' .. ' cl. W.'ICORRIN. I J. li EFL ER. . : O. D. 'IIA.NIBERLIN: F•• 1,. :n.. I-75-.2. ' I Il I INCOIP:OI3,iTION NOTICE.— To all whom Itlmay cil): the onder'tgned tee, representing: the•Trii Fanners' chit), itly-ne ~f r..y and t0,.0. Bradford coun ty, 1'.1.. Ite_rel!) - Rive notice that they Intend to rtp n:y to th: Court of 'CommOn Plias of Bradford eounty, or a I.3NV ;Judge thereof, l'O . r a 'charter' to be tneerporated Into 'A body ,polltle,.^,and corporate in law, with ti rpet succestdon. limier the came; .tole and title of the. Troy'. Farrrirs' Club. for the of maintaining an A #leulrunt.l Society and it Van annual fair or t h e, sarnii It. F. SEV, I3EBY:- W..11.1i I:It PI ERC E. •T. .31c(111.1,(1.Nfi; • C. S. . • 'W., R. 3.lc3l.lifrOM • Comintttee. • fircue t - yini..icr - otielarram.e.a oar H1.'1101161, vid's arthy, vtas preceded by a series of mi tary operations,Aunng which Absaloo army was driven bAckward over the .114 din into - the tribe-territory of Epbrairi a land abounling in forests. Thi*seeme •• HOSIt:4Y, be demanded by the statement in v.. S r i that Ahimaaz took , t,heoVray of the n dan Valley to bring the: pews of tho, ) f tory to David. In'the rep A 4 +— , L DIIIINISTI{ATORSI NOTICE. —Not tee Is hereby ,glcim thitralL persons in d-med to the estate of Juseph riitteriso. n, tale of deed. :lutist make immediate ray to the innti•nitgned, and all . 1 - 2.ort.i..tts haying etalms against sald:nstate nittst prdsent them, duly authenticated, fir settlement. All de Lauds hoist he presented to ' . J. 11. WELIII, _ , Admintstrator milli Will annexed. Fri , . 10,- 10;f7.-metiZyti.. . .e • • • • • • ~ i BIMI jDMINISTEATOR'§ NOTICE. —Notice is hetilhy glsim th;!t all persona In .tchtvil to the estate , of Joseph Chase, late of • s,mih Creek. dee, Mint make Itumetllate payment to the undendmied, ancl all il , erson.* having claim agaltot said estate intik, present thin, duly =hen ticated, ter settlement . ' . lEL CHASE, torh2wft. • • • 'Adoef. ' /VDMINISIIIAToR I S NOTICE.. N'o:leo Is hefehty given persqns In- • ‘l,-t.ted to the estate. of tillas,Joals, late of Wells: deed. must make Immediate ipayment, and all p'-T-ons haying r;lllins agtslzc t !mkt estate must pre,,ent them duly aathetitleat r ied forsettlement: N,COMA If J. JONES, 6EO; w. NOBLE, • - • 1. Aptinlatratc lIIM=I friwl}c6• F.xEc.u-r . arts , NO,TIcE.-Notice A 1,4 hereby given that - all perfons i:te estate of Matllit3 VanGoiller,late of ,Asylum, • dee'd, must make itumetllate'f4lyMent to' the un 11..rAgned, and all persms hUslngl claim's against s:11,1 e,tate must, present them., Ituts• . authenticatee, ' 4 ItTER WI VAN GORDEP., 1 1 kieeutur. fehl7n 4 3 , • Ei X. E C TTOWS :s.; 01rjOE.—Not.ce s 1 - • is hereby given that ali 'pe n ns indebted to the estate or Ruben Witnissep, let orßome,thierl, nt nAi make iin tne tl late payment to e underatirne4t, and all persulls: , having .Cl3lMil agOnst said .eNtans most present them, duly autherittrpteil, for settle eleuto '. 1 ' HENRY WI L1.,3101% . - S %141.11.41.:55ELL, , 2 li • • Execukom. - 1, OM ~_. fet,3wt• .X 1: -C 1 L 7 7 0 It'S 4Tld.E.—Notice jt , i Is hereby given - that all i pertibas. ititletitell to toe esm.le of J. 1., Rockwell, late 11f Munroe. toll, nomt - make Mitnediate payment . tallte un dFrslgne4l, and all persons having Halms upon !hid e Hate must present: them. duly aattenticattl, for settlement. . fel II G• . • 7 11_,IXECTT.011, - NOTlQE.—Notice A is hereby given that all . 11:!rsoes Indebted to in; esiaie of Levi Dutiluitn, late of Warren., tlee'd taitt,t make Immediate payment to the undersigned, all p . •r•ens claims against &lid estate must . Pre,ent them, duly authenticated, for . settlentent.' ASAI !1` Executer. nnr26w* 1 - 4, 4 xEcuToit , s NO 102.- . ..--Notke AA is hereby given ' that all permits Indebted to the estate of *lntel r.angford. late of Smithfield, decd. Must make luituediate Ipaytitent -3p the an d. and all persona havlnglelalunt against said estate must preaent them, dull authenticated, for settlement. • jai ETCIIER; Executota:., feh3sr6. A SNUAL 31F:ET1N - , --The An,3leetlttg 4 litocklioldene of the Tatian a:: Eureka Mower Company. for the elecMon of urn. vent tft serve the company frotct e seteetton to to, first Wednesday in Itceenitrar,4lB76, In confro- nifty to aeneneltnent of the by-taws lei stock-holder's meeting of 20th of January. 1876, 4111 he held at thunpany's (Mice on . Wednesday, March e, 1816, at '2 o'clock p. m. fel , 24cr'2 VOT IC E TO DELI SQL ENTS.-- I. I tHEASVItEItiI OFFCE, TOWANDA, to . clif., 2s, 187 G. The Increased expenses of the courts, and other county expen,cs, make it obligatory. - upon the part of the Cotauty Treasurer-to Mtating.° that all delln• qu ,, nt taxes must by segtled boor Wore March 1.5, 15i d, In order to meet the necessary expenses sod ;tvold tinting loans at the expensgEot the county, sufficient time. and notice belug &pa, through the mails and otherwise.; ,Clircumstanees make It Clitil puiSoty to settle all delinquent taxes by the tin e above specified or make cost mchttf AA NN ITAL. MEETING.—The--an nnal meeting of the Stockholders of the To. wands Gas and "Water Company 14' thopopase of electing a Board of Managers to NM, f or the sou lug year, will be held at the °face br the company, to Towanda, on Monday evening, March 6, lat. /SY () Ng of ;be Prealdent,ll• melt2wl. - C. S. MUSSILZ, , MOM e ~ F 1 '~ ~ ~ I P. MASON; Analtnr. OTICE: —ln the I of aiuncts Tyler, dee'd. Bradford CO.. illtorl appointed by said .11onsrto the account of : esta(e, and to distribute) t 'alligator, trill attend to entlat his offlice in the FRIPAY. March 171 h. , t which time and plate tn said fund must present ebarrtd from coming la I' 4 , Jsp. F.iLANDER-541141.. - • 'Auditor.- G. D. 314)NtrANYE T. M. WILSON% . Exe,ntors. WX. E. BA STEPHEN W. G. TAACY, Clcrlc J..C.fltontwtox. Treasurer. II 11 11