NEWS 1:30$ ALL NATIONS. • TIE Mairch dividends payable in Bo• ton aggregate, $3,116,510, TILE Illinois peach crop will lie,a parti ¶ failure again this year. • A st.iurrt shock of earthqinke was fel at Monroe, Mich., a week.ago. rir whOle number of trade dollar coined up to February 1 is 8,081,000. WINTER gardens with aquaria are be coming very popular iu England. A COLMq.kl. statue of Bismark is to be sent over by Germany to the Centennial. - •AT the a,ge,,Of TO a Craftiibury (Vt. school teacher is still 4i.fing muscle l• sons. Tut,' elections 'in France are said to have caused -almost --a panic on th Bourse. I - Two sets of ribs and double joints make a newly-arrived Michigan baby quite novelty. -"- • THERE i> a rood many llambleton inlbe Democratic_ party when you cow to beat the bushes. ' 'I RIPE qrawberrieN- grown in the open air, have'blessell. Monticello, Ark., tabl • for more than, two weeks. THE validity of the election in Bare lrtra Chas been sustained by the Spanis Cortes, after a warm discussion. • roVE Carlist battalions, the first. whic enlisted in G•iipuzcoa, have submitted Kin 4Alfinizo and asked for Amnesty. THE Central Trust Company of Ne York, has been appointed receiver Of tl e New York State_ Loan and Trust Coil - parry. THE Delaware; Lackawanna and Wes). • ern railroad managers have unanimously • resolved to change their broad gauge to a narrow gadget , -, MortNlNct, noon, and evening services wereheld by Moody and Sankey in .the New Yerk Hippodrome Sunday, all of 7:Rich were-crowded. COiIIIESPONDEICtri Sh041(1 bear in mind • that, by a recent ruling of the departure it l;-tiers once delivered cannot be're-mailed without an additicial stamp. TILE Philadelphia Press says fifty thonis i.nd persons,. already visit the , Centennial grounds every-Sunday. If this is the 1.4.:- ginning, jahat Will the end be. • Tar. Ironto - n. (Ohio) Journal says o e corporation in" that place has $l9O, • Ntorth of pig iron on hand, --and -has so d large quantities lately. . . • REV. FATIINR JosEen mrELLER, of tl e ' . . P I: ii( I rill pto rist Community- at St. Jame ' ' Church, 'Baltimore, died on Thumb y `:--morning, in the-( th year of his age. -.' Two brothers, named Holland, fyl from a trapeze at the Park theatre n Brooklyit Thursday night, one being . . { ally andihe other dangerously wnunde , -• ' twit men named Hugh - Leonard a'e , , , Patrick Denhon - were killed by the caviar in Of an embankment on S tturday at B i; Ridge Kings County, N.' Y I, .. MY: - cold weather continues in N. IL:nipshire and the h:gh wind has drift the.snow badly on all the railroads so ti . trains :areserionsly interfered with. • - AM Elil('--tic fresh meat importations e( tone to argue in-the Liverpool and L(1 tl , mmarkets in excellent condition, al ' nicet with a read} sale at fait prices.' I • . AN orange tree iu Columbus county I'llo'rilia, presents`the unique spectacle oi `last Year's fruit. this_year's crop half ripe, and latiis for another crop in its branclivi , . THE packet running between. Raiff ix . :Ind ' Mahone Bay .Struck on liohsoi 's Nose. 'on Friday, and sunk immediate y, the crew barely 'escaping with th ar lives. . , • . THE directors of-the-, New Haven Ba e ball Company have voted -tro withdr, w from-the National Assoviati, and did . - not take part inthe meting , held W d , nesday. • 7" --: ' tut: cable ,steateer Faraday, says Halifax telegram •hms arrived at Torbi yf,,:i and will leave itfa few days to repair tRe eable broken between Torbiry and R -e Reach: . ! THE `President has ren3minated Seth. L. Coinly to be Collector of Customs. at 7.)1r. 'Coady has proved an cilkient officer and his renominatitm gives _general satisfaction. ' Ir is announced that the _British plc ,' ,erimient will undertake the 'prosecution of Bit:hard-Banner Oakley, proprietor and nianager of the Co-operative Credit Bank, _..l;ondon for swindling,. •is now • packirg hogs niore - actively than any other point olt side of Chicago, and will be the only ore r"„„ of the large cities - to exceed 'last years number. ! „„ , tAPERIWENTS with young gras.snomrs .___.atAackson, Maine, have shown that they May be frozen and thawed several times lout imparing their power to return to • , • N• is stated Unit _Spain has agreed ) .o 1 - pay an indemnity, to' the family of ReY goa Demi, ekvated in Cuba, and conrt inaatial-the - oftioirs who ordered his _ cut ion. • , Sretifitsnr . T.-F< 'has furnished dociiinet4,showing Gen. Schenck's entire innocence of the charges brought against him in regard to the Emrha Min ion Company. and the Maghado claims. • - • F — Tin last utterance of the Spring Tin: ice in the Hudson river above l'ouglike4sie Lij,wo. feet thick in mar yr 1 field-Republican is as follows: "The places. The propeller John Hashrolk success of the Democratic party rilat • ran into a winrow of ice off! West 'Poi it on Thursday night and stuck fast.fall is impossible, for the simple rea -1 CHARLE4 O'CONOII :presided at tie . Son that no gentleman, no Christian,, foluth anniyersary of the State Chari-no philantliropist can vote for It. ties Aid As3iiciation, New Fork, Thins-- day evening, being his first appearat!e The_leaders darker. in sneer at the io public since his recent dangerouS i - The Southern men, for the most part, Ilt _ • de'sert him,, and are not willingjo give him his rights. * * * The ;CI ex-rebels in the ITOuse, one and all dt..spise the black man aS' a citizen. Senator. BRUcE probably Can . tell: They- Accept his citizenship simply because - they can't helpit. Now, no man in the North who ei7er was a Republican, or has a spark of manhood, can ever join sueli:a party: . What becomeS of the Mick man utitle ' r its riK. ?” :',.JOILN " N. PIERCE, formerly cashier f the Merchants' National Bank .of Lowe I, . lkla-q - ,.;w1i0 was lately acquitted of tie charge pr embezzlement, was yesterd y ar..e,sted 'on the charges of forgery a' d larceny. • A Gov..TILDEN has pardoned and rest r ed to citzenship .John 'W. Eigheny se - tereed June 24, 1875, iti; Saratoga roun y to live - :tears in Clinton prison for perjn . t It now appearshat the prisoner is . ,recent.' -. 4 -.z. 31,.'.‘ N.% ogits of Eastein railroad lines leading` Into Chicago, have agreed on [ a :rccinelion office 'cents on east bou id grain antLfouttli class freight, and t&n cents on flour. This reduction' went lint effect March Ist. . • ----- - - • 'Tilt: - Hritisli Arelii - eological AssoCiati it r ha e.. secured an interesting relic of pie hi,totie Lond6n in the shape of the nit s , sivct over jawbone-of a hippopotami s, w illy its tusks and teeth, lately exhum . ..c. from , a depth of fr'rty feet, - A .. - r.r.v?t,sv inilie Workingmen's IL 1, Si o .ti sbury, reCeraly discovered a In f ~ j.,,uncl package of gunpovrderamong-sot c 'en :i she was - atria to put on the fire. II NV:4s. t 119aglit - to - be, an old charge plaCed it the mine anctnever fired. ~ ' Tun six'Greeks and - five Others of u c:-, iv of the ship Lennie, charged .wltil 11c! murder of - Captain Hatfield, were ar ilignetl in the Bow Street police Court, ,l,..udoii,i Saturday morning and comtnitt. ' ta to prison forpne week. , .., . A FEUD haxistcd some time between . 7 . N.Hawkins, of the " Carrollton (M .) .folirnal, and A. S:f Kieraif, of .the De ~..,..„, which culminated Friday, la t, in l: ici laf 'shooting Hawkins four time , once;. in the bowel}, inflicting wou as frtni which - be caung recover. • . A Tins broke out on Saturday nil; t in S:arkweather Grist mill, in Willia 1- -Ale, Conn. and destroyed that bitildi g a-i tul a brick builqing occupied as a na nit v•.ine shop and silk mill, and a frame ' l. lading used fil. storing. ; Total lots, tz.1.1,500... A cute , four years old,- daughter oftil -1 Lam l'enT„ of Connersville, Miss., al 1. elted'in i r,oont Ost Friday byher moth. 1 r while the hater3was absent Oa an r tench - The child's clothing caught n from the stove act she was burned ,c. isp when discovered. I CrToN S. NEWCOMER, clerk at the )31 g Ifam House, Philadelphia, has ,been la li 1.. hail on a charge of 'violation of the c v it right's bill •bY refusing aecomodation to ) t.v. Fields Cook, a colored clergyman 0 Alexandria, Va., on January 28th 1. t, ~ Cook was a delegate to the Moody a e faiikey convention. . • Titi track of the Atchison, Topeka ' - , tt'a Fe Railroad was completed tii - . a .l .10 , ,0n Saturday evening, and now Sou ' 'I '• II ;(. i,lorado „has' a 'direct broad-ga gt ,1- - connecting with the East ra F .„.tviz.The track of the Denver andio tzia. d 1 e road is being pushed rap ly :d , .t ~ and soon these two roads will o --n o oize the carrying trade of New 31 x .2e . ;,I d Arizona. ' Tuesday, March 1, • be n designated as the day for a ... . ralon in Pueb'o in. I cery of t I event, . . . Vradfora gqiertn EDITORS z B. 0 . GOODRICH. iB. R. AIXORD. TawaLia, Pa., Tharsta7, March 2, 127te TB THE REPUBLICAN STANDING COMMITTEE. The memhers er the Republican Standing CottC• mltfee of Bradford County -are requested to te.tid In the Grand Jury !town, In Towanda. on TCRI - 'RAUCH 14, tir76, at 2 o'clock, P. x., for the purpooe of organization and choosing delegates to the State Convention. A full attendance is retpt-steii. G. D. MONTANT.E. Chairtuat MEETING OF THE REPtB LICEN STATE CONVENTIO: ITE 4.T.QUAETERS REPEELICAN STATE COSIIIIT TEE, lIARRIIittrEG, Feb. 1. 1876.—1 n pursuance:Of a resointion of the Republican State Commltt4, adopted at a meeting held in Harrisburg this day. a rt.Tublican State Convention, to be composed +f d:slegates from each Senatorial and Representatite district to the number to which such district Is eh tilled In the Legislature, is hereby called to meet In the city of Harrisburg . at 12. o'clock noon '4n Wedneday, 'March 23111. Ira, for the purpose mf Nominating an Electoral TTiket and of electfigt Senatorial and Representative delegates to repii. sent the State In the Republican National Convm:l- lion to beheld . at Cinciniati, Ohto on the foi)r• t ?en! h day of J une, ny ortla- of the Cold; • 111:N 1:1 - M. Hoyt, chain:lmi; A. WILSON NORRIS. Secretary, REPUBLICAN NATIoNAL CON N. TIOS. Th? neat Union Republican Nation 4 (tonventyon for tiki nomination of candidates fur Vre , ,ltient'and Vice Print of the United States, will be begin the city of Cincinnati, on Weduttstlay, the 11th dap of dune, is d, at Li o'clock noon. and hill consist of d2legates from each State equal to twice the nit: her of itsSmators and Congrfte. and of two Delegates from each o,g.tnlred Terll - torV and tne District of Columbia. li calling the convent ton' for, the election of Ole 4--ties, nil committees of the several States are Oec entinend.Nl to Invite all Republican electors, Smfall otlt - ;r voters, without regard to past political dlßer eacrs previous party difficulties, whoare opp4:,ed 10 reviving SA'tiOrla: bevies, and desire to protn?de frimadly feeling and permanent harmony through out thee ' oun try by maintaining and enforcing the constitutional rights of every citizen, ineltiiimg the full and free exercise of tlin right of sulit'ige without Intimidation and without f rand ; wko 3c re in favor of C.lO continued prosecution anti putd:sh mut of all forgetsi dishonesty, and of an econ4til cal administration of the flovi: , tannent , by hotiot, faithful and tapable_otticers, who tire itt favoit! of making such reforms In governMent as experifi'pce may front time to time suggest; who are opposed to impairing the credit of the nation by depreaat._ Mg any of its obli,gationS, and in favor of sustalling In every way the national faith and financial honor who hold that the ccantnon school system is nur,ery or Amortran 11 , -rty, and 51tould I, nialn- R : tattled ahs . ointely free front sectarian contrti% jcho believe that for thl promotion of these ends thif ht , rectim...f the Governinnit should continue to , be coati led to those alto adhere - to the principlWs of _ 5 14., support them as lueorjuwated In the consfitu- non and laws, and a hd are in tarot or rerogniilng stroivh,ning the. iundann•utal print-114 of national unity In this Centennial. Anniversaii• of the RepoHie. Enwrc I). 3106 1 3.tX.?,, • f ellairman oin CommMt* WILLI AM J. CHANDLER.. .'cretary. THE members of the Republicia l n . Standing Committee . of this county are called to meet on Tuesday after noon, March 14. We hope erefv • member will he present. _ Itil THE local elections in the citios of this State indicate anything in the political line, it is that the people fire not hungering after DernOcraticic tOrir;s. liarrisiirg, Allentown, Will iamspOrt Meadville, Reading, Ti6s- Ville, and the leading boroughs ;re! , port little of comfort for the , Detnimj racy, and in the.most.of them to the Democratic discomfiture is pointett:— Ph dadeligi M Times. • . . ':- TILE Philadelphia Time, in Pro testing against the aetion of 4he House at Harrisburg on the question of adjournment, says: • "lVe safely 'speak fOr neteen tweniieth4Fot the whole peolile When we say that a - session exceeding One !Mildred days cannot be a necessity unless there shall be unpardonable neglect to give timely consideratiOn to the few questions which demand legislation, The' approval by the house ora . salary of fifteen hundi-ed dollars for each member was .a grtev , ous blunder." ' RECENT efforts by the leaders;'of - i the Democracy to compromise Ole difficulties between the rag money advocates as represented by the einnati Envirrr, and the specieiid voc:rates as 'represented by the t York Wortd. Indeed, the breach has become wider by this manipulatrim c t and now is clearly a chasm so NV i.,KI I that the hands Of the antagoiliqie: factions cannot be clasped acrossit. .This is a gloomy pro . Aix-ct for _the Democracy, and is correspondingly bright for the Renublican party and the interests of the nation. The jd saying, " that when rogues fairsint, honest men get their dues," 001 not be more happily, illustrated, we desire to be 'understood in this case as usinethe term "rogues" only in a Pickwickian sense. A STORY:iS goingl the rounds of the Dentocratic press to the effect that the lateinauguration'of Govern* lIARTRANYT cost the - State $30,009, and even a few Republican papers are fOolishly reflecting upon the gov ernor for " permitting such unneces sary extravagance." The truth is that what expense falls upon the State, in consequence of the nation display, was authorized nid incurred by the legislature, as has always been the ease. This expense, instead of $30,000 is only about $4,600, or about $7OO less than three years ago. It should be borne in mind that the inauguration was entirely in the hands of a joint com mittee of the two houses of theleg is'ature--cornpoed or 1 .? 0 t4 Paitlis• SLANDERI,NU PrilLIC SEN. We have frequently in these Col umns recorded our disapproval of the course pursued by many journals ! - in reviling public men. The custom is one which is pectliar to the inde pendent (?) press. The tendency of such course is to create di4rust in our system of government, and - pro (ince anarchy among the people. Gov! HAWLEY, in a recent address be fore the New England Society, so well and clearly expresses -our views on subject that we transfer a portion of his remarks to our columns: " I do sincerely think that there is something of a danger that oar elo quent, ready, powerful, versatile, in defatigable, vigorous, omnipresent, omniscient men of the 'Press may' drive out of public life—and , they will ridicule that phrase—maY drive out of public life, not all, bdt a .very considerable class of sensitive, high minded, honorable, ambitious gentle men. ''sow, I do not say anything about the future for myself. I have got a 'free lance,' I have got a news paper, and I can tight with the rest of them; but I will give you a bit of my experience in publiclife. I tell you, my friends of the New• England Society, that one 'of the sorest things, that- a man in public life has to bear is the reckless, .unreasonable censure of members of the press whom indi vidually he respects.. That large hearted man whom personally I love, with whom I could shake hands, with whom I did shake hands, with whom I sat at the social board time and again, grossly misinterprets my pub lic actions • intimates all manner 'of dishonorable things, which I would fight at. two paces ratherthan be guil ty of; and it would be useless for me' to write a public letter to explain or contradict. " Now, I am only one of hundreds: I can- stand still and wait the result, in confidence that,' if not _at all,' yet some men believe me to be hodorable and true; if they do not, God and I knot' it, and, I would " light it out on that line." " Gentlemen, it is rather my habit to talk in earnest. Next to the evil of having all public men in this land corrupt, next to the evil of having all our government affairs in the hands of men venal and nafrow,debauching public life and carrying it down -to destruction, is the calamity of having - all the young men believe it is so, whether it be so or not. Tench all the boys to believe that every man who goes' into public life has his price ; teach all the hogs to believe that there is no man who enters public life anywhere that does not look out for his own, and, is nest always schemeing to do sometlthig for ltimself dr his friends, .and seek ing to prolong his p.,wer ; teach every young man who has a desire to go into political life, to think—because you have :told hint "so-f - rthatthe way to sitcucd 'is to follow such arts, and, by that kind of talk you may ruin' your country." - CO:k:ORESSMAN n uni.BuT, of Illinois, who l (hiring the liII,EELEY campaign was Somewhat tinctured with eral " proclivities, made a speecll to his. constituents a few days ago, in which he recited the lessons tati : Ast by his experience of the past' few months in- the Confederate Demo cratic House orßepresentatives. It is not strange that he should have s, ;awakened from his.false sense of se- . curity. Every feature in the eXis, tence of the present House shows a copfessetl supremacy on the South-, ern 'Democratic side, and cowardly IsubserViency- 1 on the Northern. 'The South rejected KANDALL and elected, KERR. One stood by the nation and was rejected by its 'enemies; the oth er fought against the nation and friends rewarded' him. So with the constitution of the Committees of the, ifouse. 'MORRISON elithinated from' .his record part of his public life so as not to offend his new allies, who 'enjoy parading their service in the rebel. cause; and then appointed liAmm.F.; TON as clerk of the leading committees of the House ; a, brute and coward, who cursed his unhappy child with the:name of an assassin, and lied out of the charge until an outraged pub lie opinion compelled his resignation. Touching the Presidential question , he said : . "The next Democratic Convention, like all others, will be controlled by a united Smith. They are more than one-third, and the two-thirds rule govern. No mat ter, whom they select they will own for they will select no 'Man who is not clay in their hands. Should they succeed, during the term bf four years of othee the man they select can so manipulate the Supreme Court by retaining some mem bers and supplying others, as to obtain a decision that the Thirteenth, FOrteenth and Fifteenth Amendments were not con stitutional. Then, it follows that, if the slaves were illegally freed by the United States. compensation must be made ; if they were illegally made citizens. they cease to be such ; if they were . illegally invested with suffrage, they can vote no longer. These arc some of the perils of the times, and it is the business of tlui people to know it. The tariff and curren cy question will not be solved by this .Cougress, land there is no hope of any ;good geneild legislation froM this session.' This man, has fully recovered his political eyesight, and many more of those who, were blinded to the future by a creditable anxiety to believe good things of the rebel element, be. (Tin also to "see' men as trees walk- UM THE Cincinnati CO 7 / 1 mercia 1. a GREELEY paper in 1872, thus forcibly Summarizes the political outlook fOr the present year. " We mare been.on the outlook for great Democratic principles. We have 'discovered some points, but not enough to equip .aygreat party for a national campaign: " The first point is that the Dem ocratic party is deVoted to the Con federate theory of State rights. " The second point is that the Democratic party is in fav=or Of all the jobs called improvements that have been fixed upon in the late Southern. Confederacy. " The third. point is that, as the majority of Demociiitic members of Congress, and the backbone of the -part; itself, are orth6 section late in. the rebellion, that part of the coun 7 try must govern the whole country if the Democratic party comes into power." AFTER a long and exhaustive trial, Ocu. BABCOCK has been acquitted of all complicity in the whisky frauds. Aid still the Democracy are not happy. NEBEL raisoNs-vaz TUtTU OF HIOBTOIRF. . WALT WHITMAN, the poet, ,whose )getrices` as a volunteer nurse ib the fleld - and a il tny in and around Wash iogton (luring the civil war . are not forgotten bythe : country at large, 'the soldiers he attended, hail in tress a 'Valuable voluble of "Memoranda of the War." It is - simply a tran-' scription of notes taken at the time, and gives in the powerful and victim- . ! , esque prose of which Mr. WHITMAN Master, the scenes and eirown :stailoos of Which he•was an eye-wit -ness or confiectett with. In advance pOtions of: this work the following paraiiraph appears. It so' vigorously delineates the condition Of our men returning from Andersonville and other prison peas, that it: should •be widely circulated. The date is early in 1865: • The releasi4l prisoners of War are now coming up from the Southern prisons,' I hate seen a number of them, .The sight is Worse than any sight of battle-fields or any collections of wounded, even the blOodiest. There was (as a sample) one large boat load of several hundred brought about.the,:!.ith to Annapolis, and out of the whole number only three individuals were :able to wallt from the boat. The rest were carried ashore and laid, one place or another. Can those b uten 7 - those little iviti-brown, ash-streaked, monkey-looking dwarfs? Are they really not mummied, dwindled corPSes? T he}; lay there, mot of them, quite still, bmit with a herd le look in thefr eyes and skinny lips, mften with not enough flesh' on:their lips ) °Over their teeth. Proba bly no more ppalling, sight was ever seen on earth. ( here are deeds, crimes, that may be for iyen, but this is . not among them. It steeps its perpetrators in black est, eseapeless, endless damnation. Over 50;000 have ;been compelled to die the death of starvation. Header, did you ever try to rea.izE what starvation actually is, in those prisons and 'in a land of plenty ?) "An indescribable meanness, tyranny, aggravating course of insults, almost in credible, was evidently time rule of treat ment through all the Southern military prisons. The dead theme are not to be pitied as much as some of the livingt4t come from there—if they can be called living; many of Clem are pier Illy iuibe cile, and will never recur) rate." . . Mr. WfitTMAN's'deseiription has all thC more value from the, fact that it is that of a competent critic and observ er,. and that ,since the above was written its author has been pronounc ed in favor of amnesty and reunion. There is a cloud - or witnesses who speak as from the grave. Mr. DAvls and his Confederate associates willl find that audacity will not overthro the facts. Truly WHITMAN'S descrip tion shoivS that the men he saw eaMe from " out the jaws of death ; out of the gates of hell." GOl Ett3ioliß HAIRTRANET The Caron (Nevaan)..lplwainr,mi 7 mites, next to GRANT, ..14nN F. II tnr. 111..NFT,. present Governor or Pennsyl vitnia,:fur Preiid , !nt, anj 'din; reft',rs' ts> hint : went out from PiAins3lvania iu eOminand of the tifty-first rygiment of that State's infantry. Ile was %vith Dui n side in North Carolina, fought his regi- Molt in all the battles there ; was in the light at, Manassas under Pope ; served with great distitieft_m in the Maryland campaign, and was inomoted a Brigadier General on the field at Antietam; partici, pitted in the tight at Fredericksburg; was at the siege of JackAori, Miss., in 1f46:1; took part in the Burnside battles in East Tennessee; fought like a tiger as a Major General of volunteers from the Wilder ness to Petersburg, and was hi command at Washington when Mrs. Surratt and her associate conspiritors were hanged. iS - a modest, conscientious, unselfish, thor- . ough-going gentleman. and is in all re spects a patriot and a soldier. Ilartranft is a representative man of a great, power flit Middle State. If the West is to b 6 re garded as having, had her share for the present of Presidential honors—if the country is nut to demand that Grant shall be renominated at large—lethts have John Ilartranft. Let Nevada he prepared to say a.word for him at the National Con vention.— • The Virginia City SPhti , ,n4 copies this laudatory notice, and adds : " All tile' Appeal says, of• Governor trartrauft is true. I is NI - mulct:fully lOved in Plitisylvania ; there is no spot, stain or suspicion on his record ; he is a soldier and a statesman. and with him for aleader the Republican party would be sure to win," The Appeal and Sentinel are the two leading papers of the State 61 )ievada._ • IMPORTANT FROM SPAIN. *IN' CARLOS TAKES! FRENCH LEAVi: LONDON, Feb. 28.—A - special 'dis- Patch to the Evening Standard, dated at St. Jean Dc Luzat, at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Say. 4. Don Carlos has crossed the . frontiet and taken rectike in France. ISABE MA's RETURN. AIiRID, Feb.'2B.--King Alfonso has left the question as to the return of ex-Queen Isabella to the ministry. The latter have not yet reached a determination in the matter. THE WAR OVER Feb: following: intelli'efence has been sent to the Minister at . London. The 14r is at an end , •Carlos has asked France for hos pitality. Ile informCil Gen. ! Poucet, commanding liayonrie, that. Le would enter France at nine o'clock this Morning by the bridge of Arnequi. Three thousand Carl ists have enter ed France at St: Jean Pied de .Port. They are crossing the frontiet" in hundreds at Alquides. The French will imediately intern them. King Alfonso has arrived at Pam peluna. A .dispatch received at Bayonne tiomi Ainhoa, announces that Don Carlos entered France this morning at Arnequi. THE LENTEN SEASON NEW YORK, Feb. 26.—A Philadel= phia ; dispatch says there was a con ference of clergymen who attended Bishop Nitholson's consecration yes terday, at which it was agreed to re port, to the General Standing:Com. of the Reformed Episcopal Church for its consideration the sense'of the meet ing, that inasmuch as worldliness and riotous pleasure incident to all got= sons of the year are only temporarily suspended during the season of Lent, would be advisable to dispense with this feast. Dr. Leacock, of Newburgh, said that it had been apparent to him that bOth before and after Lent the in tensity of dissipations was increased. Ile did not think that the observance of the fast was promotive of the spir , itnal interests of the church people: If the people would think church life Were an everyday life it would be far better. The discussion favored the abolition of the Lenten season, only' one or two of the gentlemen favoring its being retained. comnonion. :•• litn* IDITon..-The lemilmrs of the Vete., bemti6 party have alwaysAsisted 'het iba Policy Of Balt political ottauisitt,itttrahlii.' , a could Save the colietri. OiTlisti . ttrilrar• broke out in. :INL th e vit , irate Weir [went nit : from IDetneerdtle' lealers• and i iiewspapers that the oquii#Y, *Fuld be , rts. ined unless theirlistrnetionewere;cairinet out to the nig 'letter. Thereonfeernid` ?resident Li teoln's miministratim% neflat el; his acts as arbitrary nub uncAnatltu tional, and even Ati proiiiinent a Oema erat as ijon. 8. S. Cox, Oeclared.inlB64,. that Lincolti and Davis ought to be bronglit'to the same .bbiek to;, , ether. 'Bid bow di ff erent a eonsigmu nt will pestl iiity grant these, • two men i the hearts of their countrymen. The -. vise . will be re. membered for his sterling 'integrity, pat riotism and loyalty, while . the-ether-will be consigned to the fate f.of Benedict Ar nold, although he still siiriives, to insult Union men and soldiemanti thus win the plaudits of reckless DdirMerats, by declar ing that rebel prisoners 'in thdihands of Viden authorities were worse treated than wer e the Union soldlerA rilio fell into the hands of.thec.tkinfedemtes. But what became of the 'predictions that the policy , pursued the Repoli ' cans would never:-restal( in the restore.: tion of peace, or the:defeat and overthrow, of the plot ttftlestrey the Uniou? While northern Democrats approved of sects, Men; and urged on the Confederates to ,put the knife to the nation's throat, the Republican leaders were busy - at work perfecting the defeat of • rebel plans, and after an unnecesstiry . Prolongation of the war. on account of 'the: sympathy maul fested for the rebels by; the Democratic liarty of the North, peace was finally re .stored; and the nation passed freni•a auto of •turbulent anxiety to a condition •of 'quiet contentment, swayed only by the blusterings'of these Denrocrats who pro nounced the work "a faillme," and refused to accept its results. As might have been eXpected, the De- , Mocracy only grew more desperate at the close of the war; and determined to show their manifest. disappointment at the turn, which things had taken, and In National Convention assembled Ocy declared the i• war "a failime." Lire rimed the uncoil-l. ..stituti:mality of the amentlments to the: conNtitntion gave to the colored race the guarantee C their freedom and, protects them in the enjoyment of their personal lihertieS. Agillll WAS uttered that' prophetic note of waning, " the only• party that can save the country is the, 1/N11;1cl:ilk party •," and in bald longnage the declaration was made, .that if the Re publicans were then sneers:4M, at the end of four years the eountrY • s ruin would be e‘enplete. But that 'prediction also went to the ground, and all the cud of four years the Democracy I, l etracted what it hail said, ' aeknottledgeti the Republicans to have been right and themselves wrong, and under a new guise it endeaviired to tetil into power. But ,the wool on the., Liberal skin was not (4' sittfivierit. length. to cover lip the hideonsdeformities of the .gelmine Thula-vatic I w ich lurked' beneath its folds, nett' another defeat of. Demoeratie hopes and aspiratiuns was the consequence. But "great c r vils endure fora long time," -alai the Penateracy had no thoughts of a, demise. bet histead, at, .nee com.,,reheud e.t.a ;'neater noces,ity than ever before for its restoration to power, They began to! chartzu all Repeblieans (Mice ith cor-, niption, and at the sail time with grrat flourish of linrepets proclaimed' their honesty of puristie and intention to the world, and be , ..ought of the people to !nail them. And at hist they have been a 1 it wed 16 obtain control of Congre.,s, and, now for a fulfillment of their reform pliih , es.' lint Evfmni is a, word of unipty meaning with-Dcm. wrats. • lime was that rt form nomne need, amtVliere did it end It in ti c romov:lV of trim and tried ogiei..l‹, awl curled iu "a cl. an steep fi , on chic(' elei ,:Otto to reo,:toraht 1 , ....ever. The realoval uf these tree.:s-:nry, M. , ,der . to fill their placcs with tic:. littm‘!ry Democratic corn - pit... Cuts \vele rcad wanitiq fur office. laa still he cry for Fero. in goes en, and 'tire wiinat .'ea - tl.•rs are prote k ting CralleMlivs4 :111.1 NVlshiilg: !heir hand before the people, and tine worihi not sup pose, were he ignorant 'of the. fact, that the. men Who lead the Democratic party, and laud and praise thimselves ' are the self same tutu who synipatitized with and 'haul( d for secession, and that many_ of their names are doomed to creak anti blacken on the gibbet of infamy and shame through long ages to come, as men who once tried to ruin-their own country, and were only prevented from doing so by the efforts of thoSe whom they now stigmatize as poltroons and dastards ; neither would be convinced that these great reformers had anything, to do with the dirty scramble after the pickings of office which has disgraced the national eapital him the past few, weelyz, and made Demileracy, if possible, still Than: of a re•• preach to the nation. lie would fall, to recognize in the crowd' of dirty bangers on4or-uflice which infests Democratic. headquarters, any of the conspicuous vir tues whit-h we are daily told belong to the Democratic head lights. Throw virtue to the dogs, is the motto of thtsa patriots when an opportunity is presented for them to divide tooong themselves the spoils of office, which they do with ad' alacrity at the same time both wonderful and sur pi ising, which makesit all the more evi dent that they care only for the ernoltr meats of (Mice, and - arc only „make-be lieve" reformers, who are watching for all opportunity to prey for the salvation 'of the people: Taking all things together. past, pre.s, ent, and future, we may say, without-fear ofisuccessful contradiction, that the Dem oika tic party is destitute of principle. It' has no settled convictions of purposC, alms at no practical resUlts, and is com posed of disappointed seekers after office, bathed projectors of the, nation's ruin, and the cast-eft rubbage of other political or ,Lernizations• It has Iren weigheCin the balance and found wanting, and it will be a long time before the; American people will entrust the interests of the nit on 'to its keeping. '. ATTORNEY - InNn AT; PIERREPORT. He Replies tolhe Coroantirr.m of the Rouse. WASHINGTON, Feb. 28.--L-The 'fol lowing resolution was sent to the House of RepresenLitives to-day: I DEPAIITMRNT or Jr. - rice. Wastirmiroar., Fcb. th7G. To the Hon oenV the llouseiinf Repreeenial teem I am in receipt of the following moni tion of the house; namely, by Mr. Lord : R,,,,,trf,t, That the A ttorney-Ittel4ril r . qulred to tit:orto titt• llopse by what authority awl for stmt totriee', ha recently gaits inoructlons to Me suborkilnAh S. tot,- iii I ,, ntrilventlion of the. lollg , ellth3Slied rule re:uthig to the testimony of aer"lap:lo..i To whic:i in- reply I have the honor io sungest that the resolution must have been introduced under misapprehension, : No ins ructions have been given by the Attor ney.thmeral to his subordinates in contra vention of any rule relfiting to the testi mony of accomplices, in criminal actions, and no instructions that had any such purpose or. intent, nor any instructions that had any such purpose could be fairly attributed. The only specific instructions which have been given on the subject are those in,cer tain districts where whisky frauds are be ing prosecuted, and these are merely in co:Jfirtnation anti approval of arrange ments made to use the testimony of ac compliers. As these 'arrangements and instructions relate to Matter; in progress the llousti will readily see th propriety of withholding special infiirmation relating thereto until the trials;are : layer. 1 have the honor to a Id that in no in stance since I have been Attgrney-General has there been a propoSitionlof any subor dinate of mine relating'to th testimony of accomplices in criminal actio it, which has not met my prompt.and con ial attention.. I have the honor to remai yours very obediently, I EDWARD PLERREPCiNT, Attorney-General. WASHINGTON, Feh. 28.!-The Dern eciatic caucus Finance Committee have exhausted their e dcavors to perfect a financial nieasu -e, and now turn to the Committee on Ways and Means or Banking and Currency to extricate the party 'from , its sad plight. The calling of the Indiana Democratic State Convention for a date before that fixed for the national convention has disarranged the plans of Kendrick's friends; Senator Me- Donald, chairman of the State Com mittee, resigned in eongequetice. The convention will favor soft money, *bleb. will injure Hen hicks before the national convention. -- - . 17 . • HURRICANE IN NIIO3OOBI. • ,-;.„ .1 ; . -.... - t:,,.., liirfital Iwo' Ma and IskrikaplOthitiukidi .i, i : 'lo(rxf pot 4, 1 00 ,3= k4lisrpteh - *:s,kolrix4 - *A gli w*tito litoicatis rpassed : - At . eki:::#lliC - ,..plittet) 4104iird- aterPo*,.. , 0 1 4 , 3 OerPt'-,er elpiiiit: - Ittp - / iiiiiimfol,,,te 7 •fi l oe6e Ad v e ga - wor ks were to , ni tally wrecked. Jaes - NUarley_aud his son. were killed in the ga,s'heuse. . S 4..ta.i.i.51 ' Oacey,,anthaeveral ..others were badly , injured. Rufus Bobbin's • - reSidence; near this city, was razed to the gronad,'and a'boy is Missing- The:court housed county jail, Ger i man MethOdist churell, St. Charles Savinga'Nink; - the - Park; ITiiiiie, Odd Fellows' Hall, the 'News,: - 'i,Zeitung, Deinwrat and Hour oilicesOmd the railroad depot were all badly. dam aged. ' . . , • • • The storm lasted five minhtes, and .. presented the appearance of* huge, rolling yellow cloud. The lOss is es timated, at $500,000. ' r'2,• PARTICULARS OF OIBSON::, COUNTY B DOW. CIN(11:4141ATI' Feb.. 23.—The COM ntercial, Evansville spec: places the number of, !Rinses' bloin down by the tornado, at Princeton', Gibson coimt 4 y, Indiana, last; night, ttA, thirty nine._ The storm struck the .south western part- of the,town f i and al though it lasted , hut ofiC'i minute, badly damaged the fine, public. building school building,• demolish ing the new church Of the covenan ters, uprooted trees, blew diiwn fenc es, &c. A 6rge number of persons were injured, one or two fatally, so. A little child vray blown= from' its bed into a garden, and another *as blown'a lirind - red yards and ifound on a railroad track. TOE NAMES OF 711 E • I:4JeREp as far as aseertainedjare .as follows: 'Mrs. Clark, back broken ; Jaines Tay lor, injured internally; Ml* flack 'herd, thigh broken; IfiS4 Kindle both legs broken; -the family Of Mr. Jennins all more or less injnred. _ There are rumors of Brea i damage throughout the surrOundingscountry, but no particulars have been reeived. The damage in Princeton i estunat ed at over $30,000. ,TILE DAMAGE OVERSTAED. ST: LOPD4. Feb. 2:3.--Latr advices from, St.',Charles stitte that; the clam. age by 'the tornadO yesterday was much exaggerated, but it_ is still heavy, probably from $lOO,OOO to $150,000... The remains of Gt.orge binebur, a boy, were found in the 4bris this morning. This makes the ithird per son killed by the steam. About 21 persons were injured. A HARD STOftY TO nufrvE. C "it II v N Feb. 25.-4dditional particulars to the Contmer . Na/ from Patoka i a station g few miles north of. Princeton, say . many Oilstones were found there measuring over six inches in circumference; some nearly correvontient says ir; Further reports from Prinevton Mate that persons were dangOonsly in juregl. four of whom ary not : 'expeeted to recover. One vvornarL.lo4 her eye 31ght Over fifty hous l es woc totally cl emu] ished,about tiftyl/361.01amaged. tornado was molt severe from the north side of the publie*uare to the southern limits of the towni In the track of the storm it is impossible todiStifignish the former lOcation'of residences, everything being pros trated and spread .over tho ground. Several persons were buried under. the wreck of their divellino and tak en out unharmed to-day. iThe fami ly found theinselves walking on -the ceiling of their rooms, they having been inverted. Yet they ea aped un harmed, while those who'attempted to escape were. injured. BISHOP NICHOLSOft Consecration of Another Chief Past 4 for the Re- formed Episcopal Citnrct, 4. The consecration of thOlev. Dr. Q. Nicholson to the office of bishop of the Reformed T.Episcopal Church took place last (*ening at the church in Samson street, aoove Twenty first, which contained a congregation of about eight hundred: persons Within the riulii g were seated the bishop=eleet, wk tins been pastor of the church for sonic months past; Bishops Cummings-cand Che ney ; the ReV. Dr. Leacoek; of Neiv burg, N. Y., BishOp Matthew Simp son, of the Methodist :Episcopal Church ; 'Dr. Bettie, of the • Second Presbyterian Church ; Revs. J. A. Lathe, of Virginia ' • Sabine' of New York city ; Marshall B..smith, of New Jersey; J. Howard :Smith, of Newark, N. J.; Irvine Turner, of New York ; Tucker, of PhiladelOia- Drs. Blackwood and flatficht. Bishop Cummins opened the services by giv ing out the Itilst hymn : All hail the power of Jesus' name,": after the singing of which the ant•commun ion sei vice was read, with (he epistle from Acts 20 and the GoSpel from John 21. Dr. Blackwood (ben gave out the 208th hymn, and • Dr. Cheney, directly after its renditi4 by the congregation, preached a stirring ser mon based on the 'SIM ' Sixth and seventh verses a Isaiah 6. The Rev: - Drs. Lane and LeaeOck 'then pre sented Dr. Nicholson to the . presid ing bishop for consecration 4 and after the performance of the usual simple rites, Bishop Cummins aiin6unced that the collection to be taken up was Anr the colored school in Charleston, South Carolina. Quite a large num ber of the congregation renjained to, partake of the communion, after which the new bishop received the hearty congratulations of his friends. The new bishop was for .many years a.. Minister of the Methodist Church, but 'withdrew froin that de nominationand became a ;pastor in the,Protestinat Episcopal Church. .While rector of the Trinity Church, of Newark, N.' "J., he resigned his charge in Novembeit 1874, and 'notified the vestry that it was his intention to connect himself with vthe Reformed Episcopal ChUrch. In his letter of resignation fie stated that he had accepted a calVifrom the Second Reformed Church Of this city and gave the following reasons for taking' the - step: "1 cannot," be said, " - continue to esercisci*iy min istry in the Protestant :Episcopal Church. The Church prineiples now so universally ,believed and taught, and which 'were re-affirmed by the late General Convention With an un wonted emphasis, are, in• - pay judg ment, not only Scriptuallf mntrue, lit also (I mean no offense) deeply dishonoring to the. Lord ain't Master, and especially so to the Spirit. The tiviieral Convention. has made More intense the anti-PrOtes-, tent errors of the now. lireiailing churchmanship, and never-tilt there is a revised Prayer Book; 4an such errors be counteracted. Bat •of that there is uo hopp.r At a nj)incil - of the New Church la Chicago, on the 18th of May last, Dr. Nicholson was=: elected a tishop, receiving 22 out. or, 28 elergical votes and 23 nut ef, 29;:, lay votes. Re will. be stationed at! Philadelphlajusving jurisdiction over the Central 141stritt. The bishops of the Hilirtmed Episcopal , Church are Fur. the ,NotthWesti. Charles Edward- Cheney, ,Chidagni Ill.; for, the Pacific, Edward Cridgel Victoria, British Columbia; for the South,. James . A. Lathe, Charleston S. C. The Rev. George David Cum, mins, of Louisvillle, Ky., the found;i er of the nets; body, is the presiding bishop. ANOTHER NARROW GAUGE Scam4ToN,- Pa., Feb. 25. A tele:4, gram was received here to-day from' the pre tdent . of the Delaware; Lack .4 ' awanna & Western railroad company ; announcing that the company had; dicided 'on narrowing the gague all along their railroads, and that the work would be commenced forthwith in the company's different car mat machine shops in, this city which have been idle since the first of the month. The intelligence has bee received here with the greatest satin' faction. The proposed change will necessitate the narrowing of the gunge along six hundred miles of railroad ; the building of 4,000 not freight and coal cars and the alteri ation•of 12,000 coal cars now in •use Wier run any risk with your Congli; Cold; Hoarseness, or indeed any Pulme. nary or Bronchial Complaint, when a rem:: edy safe; thorough, and so easily obtained as Dr. D..layne's Expectorant. Can be had'; If you have contracted a severe Cold, save your Lungs from the irritation and inflanr oration, :which frequently brings • about Consumption, by • promptly resorting to the Expectorant• and if troubled-with the Affection of the Throat, you will find this remedy equallyeffeetual in affording relief from obstructing phlegm, and in healing the inflamed parts. Eva= k lllldretb.- CALL El ON EVANS & lIILDRETH. riE • THEIR '.ETV S 0R E, OE MAIN STREET, AND. SECURE SOME OF THE GRE .A T 11 RG A S'; TIIEY ,OFFER EIRI PRINTS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGSI CASSIMERES, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, 11111 NOTIONS, &c., &c., sze.. 0. EVANS & HILDRETH. Towand', M6r.711 7, '76 Bcits and Shoe. BARGAINS! BARGAINSI! I have opened and put on sale one thousand talrs of ' Infants, Childs, Illisses• and Women's 8 nes. that I will sell at less than manufacturers prlcee Alen, 8 cases of Women's Fox-lace, Kid-l ' aCe, Goat-lace and Fox-button shoes, at tr 3 per. palm worth 82.53. THESE GOODS ARE 'IIALRGAINS! i I am afar receiving a large antrfull line of rrne Goods for spring tradr. wide,' for Style, Durability and Price. cannot be excelled. • . • TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, LEATHER .k SHOE FINDINGS In full stack, at the lowest possible prices. RE,IIIEMBEIZ THE PLACE:—Oppoelte the Court Muse, nest (Morro Chamberlin's Jewell Store. 'rowan,* Pa n Yeb. 29,1970. . , . ' • - , . . . . • I- - zee& l';. : • • . . . . . . 1 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE RECEIVALS AND EXPENDITURES ~.' OF BRADFORD COUNTY FROM JA I NUARY 14TO DECEMBER 2104 1044, . . -. i -c• • ; ,• - 27 1 .1.0i0ITtaing. . ,. i Auditors ' , r 1 1 40 00 minors forProthonota rsand Wester:A ' I • Ogees 0 ' • . 90 00 Aridga contracts and repairs 3,1117 16 Bridge vicars . ' • 120 60 Bradford &Punt, Agricultural flociety.'... , :0 00 Constables making returns and attending Court J ...i., r' 1, 123 Assessors ... 2 :110 23 !oat la Conimonwealth suits , r i 63 'ost In civil suits - :4 60 Canard In criminal stilts ' s,.' .;... • 00 ounsel to commissioners , • 40 00 tier of court lllO 00 slatrict attorney • . ' 5.S 00 Election s e 5p, ,, n5...s ' ' 1, 7 -70 Fuel and Liens ' r 71 53 tlrand Jurors ~.. fli 84 Inverse jurors ' ;SW 97 r - Insurance on public buildings 263.60 usilre's inqulliilens -,..., • 1 • 141 23 Jury commlasloners and clerk ... ' 342 21 Ocoee Waits and stationery ' '...r.r, 240 114 Public Fr - tinting, bargee for 1872,13 and 14 049 00 61 •, I.! . ••I 11. 375 tlid .10 ,• . . Account with the see e ial eollectoisof Count year .11375 a T•tepsandboro's. I • Collectors. - ' Wysox I). M. j.amphear Leßoy G. W. Wilcox.. . Towanda horn W. K. Marshal l . inzurn Amyl= ........, It. 1.. naught ~. Alba bores ; .1. S. Reynolds:. Burllngtoft boro .....l If. R. 11111 Canton twp • ; Loula Wheat.,!. Columbia , , •i I;. II Smith.. .', Franklin... ..• • • • - Ifteed.MriCee .i. Leßoy ! Wilc ox... Litchtield j If. S. Mourne buro N. M. Coolbaugh Orwell R, L. Case - Pike 1 John S. Wood .. South Creek j S. L. Tomlinson Sylvania , ! H. D. Peck.:..... Soesbequin. 1 W. 11. French.. Towanda born , George V: Myer Touraunla north !. E. li. Delbng... Tuscarora I Hiram Stun:4 - iAy . Warren Windham - 11. S. Elstiref A. ti. finds, • .Artnoula Charles-K . lff Athens tvep .1. A. Weller Athens born It. t. Asylum Benjamin lierrlch gszm Alba Duro Barclay H. W. 31ecrancy Burlington twp - 1.11. Ilarril • Burlington born. 1 4. V. Ince liurliugton wee. 4 . Warren Case canton twp' D. 3lanley'.... canton born . _ .! C. L. Farm,worth f'olitinbla Franklin = 11Prrlek MEM Litchfield • Munn ,;. I .. Leltaysville. ' 11. Itiiinphrs Stotame twp D. S. Miepts..,. OM 3tourne bon, MEE Overton Pike •, E. U. Ahh4tt Mir:Wry • John Srlnon. Jr ... Home twp •J. 11. l'trwovir ' Rome born -. Georri W. ;41ekler Smlthflo,l E. V. Nichfils L Spri tag Eltqd S4;th - (;reuk I)avld Chid Sylvania ' i'eterl Mourn. , '44 heSfitilll/1 ' Georg(' Childs. Standing Stone ' George Sag+ .... Terry • Snub+ll llowfnan Towanda twp • 3:1111C14 W. NOAH. Towanda Ixwo S. \V. ltodg+rs.,., Towanda north ' I:. It. 'Delon: Troydwp . . 11. N. 1 , 11 , 11 1 Troy taro . ' U. M. Spalding... Tuscarora ' W. 1. Ilarr+ncliff. Ilt.ter l' , . ('. 110v..v •, Warren ' I'. F. 11ow en ..... Windham • -H. S. Elsbree..... Wyal using i O. W. Corkin • Wysox E. V. Drake' \ V elk , fieorgl• If. Nitipp W itinot . . fobn ti.chocic '...,. Itea-ssessmlnta ... . I<- . ' . pu ,- , upon duplicates of 1874 and preylous 18.45.3' 72 • Returned uncollected t0r,1873 and previous 1/nlol...ales or r 73 • 3.1,262 70. y,ars ... , 42.141 19 Batik tax. ':, 6,4 13 Exon,,rate.t to roller 14.4.1. :.; ......... 94 luebleutir i.•.'r:lvals 11 494 57 Pere , ntegu toe. lle , turs .1 1.907 54 111..a.5.‘,......r•nt, • 1 131 70 Val.! B:ate Trea...iurer ; ' 11.90 u (19 In Treasury January 1,1873 ' ' ' 6,302 71 , Pahl Btate Treasuter bank tax.-- 'Co 19 1 ./rtl-rs I , ald 33,2._ 17 Two per cent. couttulso' iojon e 30.-242 81:1. 7'24 83 . One per cent. eoninil,.i.ioul on t.. 14.451 22.. . . 344 51 . . . Itt trca>ury January 1, Is7o. : 2:37 33 ~ • ' ' 1 Total - 45,369 7 1 1 . ' Total ;! .:.:1 * • Ord.. rs L,wrd lIRADFORD COUNTY ss We, the undersigned Commissioners of said county, do hereby eertlfy that the at es Is a true and correct statement of the recelvals and expenditures of said county from then first day of January to the 31st day of December, (Inclusive, A. D., t 573,. 1 Witness our bands and seal of officer at Ttivranda this lath day of January„ D, ts7e, fill .ME t - tttil..EtA UGH, JQII BALDWIN. Commissioners.; :Attest—WILLIAM LEWIS, C Itlt AOYORO COUNTY ss: We, the undersigned Auditors statetuent and the vouchers fort Vonimfialoners office Januars: I= T A: Y L 0 R I= JOHN V. ‘CORSEI4 Towanda, Dee. •. 'lb =I ;. MMELIUM Waimi Ayi,r !==M Nelson Wolf David SnailOr' 1:13=1121 =IBM= 1,. A. srex.,*.r., OvPrOni Q. O. Valtrrini!lo LIE=IiM If. P.Stavyf QM Elsbree, Treasurer, • I . . • 1 County order* in F raecount icith the county of PrUelfurliforlB7s, I. • 1 ME =I A 1!il BEAUTIFU ASSORT3I i ~ OF HOLIDAI 4 LE TAYLOR & THIS WE i . i , I • t , Prisonrrit sup port in earn,' jail, or so .. 4 0 e4Pentfary. .... ror. 74- Conveying prlsonereto pedinentfaq„,.... ;113 7tt , Prothonotary and clerk Sessions; ...... "... ia) 77 Repairs cm public..4olldlngli - - rl OM it Rent of room for court at 'Frey `; 160 Ow Rent of comity superintendent's Mika .... I ZS it Rent of county aurirerlir's odlee', i Zi Wa Sheriff formunnionlng jurors, '1261 so I Sheriff for removing eelsyrlrs. , . i 3in i !Mate LunatteAsylurn m ' , , ' ' IWIS 711 MOW% dliptleates apir !..- 4 gleters •lioo so Otesegnspehr and court reporter '.. 7S ', Etpenses treasurer Trol courts I-- ....... 1 43 eco ' Teachers institute, lira of 1867 - 1 142 IS I , Tax refunded ...,, - ' t...; ' 261 i Township avid school tot ' - ' IZO it For livery . , , i 9ee Wildest-certificates • ' - i 607 I Benjamin Kuylrendail. roMmlAslower ' 1421 ow Abram Snell, ermandulriner ' 1624 091 Morris Shepard. eontrolvslonvr 1474 pos I. E. B. Coolbangh, clerk of eptunik-slonem . t,'MO Oro I. Sum total • —.----- 33,Z12 17: ME tares for the counti of Bradford for the rtrarious. : • 33,222 47 in account with the cot 174 of Bradford ...f.111.2h2 17 I _Order,: pal - I ii• • , i• lot said county, do ho ehy certify that we hate ex a mined the terzot.n.r he sante aedllcul It to besorrect 3, 1376, J• j • O. FR'dST A: SANS C 0 We resNe:tiOly atiuri4ot!,2 to all those as wale FIRST (I,:I:Si.zFITRNITURE, • LARGEOIITHAN EXER . I . . And that our pi - teeslre. tho LOW LST, and our . • !* ! 1I• Mr" GOODS iTHE BEST 1 I • of any to the MARKET. Our prices nave now Eliß Hiving just returned from the e3y, We have 0 0 D ATTRACTIVE LOT OF GOODS o'3 EK •I• - • - AT BOTTOI PRICES AT Deo. St II I,lPercent -Itecelved. ate 4. age. • 1 $5 3l ,P 9 59* 59 75 17 3: 74 44 .11 4 5,) f, '47 1, 4 .2 IMES 42 11 5 '. 57 01 . 12 14 al-. s :o 8 61 ; 34 43 1: 16 5 89 A 26 r 37 82 -; ; 44 54 ..; 722 ''• 23 34 ;,.. 4 62 ..; 79 44 I 14 12 XS9 al 240 $7 , 476 93 20 00 , 307 32 271 22 41 04 27 63 43: V 8 1,238 87 300 G 4 121 8S 210 37 24% 7 141 17 ' 157 67 :2 21 15 94 2751... { 5 88 -42 , 1 64 . 1 24 72 I• - 18 N 2 ! 4097' 4ms i, 711 '2O 12,, 30 49 ! 85 3 0 0 60 • 42'15: 41 4 17 65,1... ENE ; *l . l 24 7.6 4,9 T TT Se :,• • 71 •' 49 34 3 31 3: 43. 5 57 3 71 '• IS 57 3 .I'3 I r. 74 4 931 3034 I lioB GG i 112; i 10! G 3 14 4 141 30 j 5 80 IG7_!lo7l'' 45 .31 3 54 37 M 1 28 3 0 97 4 42 3 14 54 57 - 49 10 50 24 19' 2.1 4 56 2 35 25 73 '5 41 2y ,23 MB Rl 54 1.114 9 :Ka 417 21 R 5 31 9.,1 xi EMU 037 00 2.750 00 . ; 97 S 7 . 154 90 ; i p 9 5 1 4 5 ' .' I S I 5 1 • . 30 . 2i .; 6 24 41 ~ ' , .ISS . 1 ) 21 1 .. I '.3 4 , 1 ' 2 91 -., t 43 3.1 .. 40 12 - 7 45 .. 25 19 '.. 314 9$ 1,00.' 03 74-1 77 Slq 17 5:17, 'll3 511 3, 00 )413 47 775 11 711/ CO 472 73 112 57 .10 . 4 3 19 VS 6 ?A 1.1 446 04 1,967 54 19 EMI D. BOURNE. R. BRASTED r 'W. • I udltorp. Fzost & Sozs. Our assortment I I reached T BOTTOM, ow I the EMI TIME TO BUY IM lEEM IM MEM HOLIDAY SEASON. COME AND SEE THEN!. •"; , ' - Exeiythlng In the :Inc jri UNDEiIiTAING 1 FROST'S, & SONS, • E=2 C-a +~ MM!I [1133 EIS 5 s#l 131 8(. ECM Ili 3 39 6$ :110-om EOM Mill 45,7;9 70 t. 13, 2 ,2 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers