Ita' c MLitt. Towaada,l?a., Thursdq, TeX 17, 1876. LOCAL AND CENERAL. Erite;r44 . *aged oR y linietry - in this borough on Tuesday.. • Stvgitti, Wawi of anon fell ,in.4o-vi cinity on Tuesday last. THE Goi.fa-lons will meet next week at :I: E. • or.t.ET's in Wyeauking. - , Ron Ewe; ROCKAFELLER, has been - ap pointed P:'M. at Windham Summit, this county. ' ' • THE attnrneya engaged in'tbe DEcaisi Murder car t e are bigbly complemOted by the fpeetatnra. O. H. P. ISISEY -of the Waverly .4g ioratoOvas!last Week elected SOpervisor, for'the ttiftid term. , _ _ REV. iIA • xrsox•Donn. of Wilmot, died of Tuesday,/after a brief illnesti. He was sliSent, fro4boge. SEisiitelmportant cases from OA' county wiil . be argued before the Su preme Contt next month. WE have received from F. B. Folin a copy of the; last report, of the Trustees of, the Dinvilf Insane Asylum. ' - WE' ack , owledge the receipt of very , beautifully executed invitation to attend a reception or the benefit of Cornell.Uni versify, on riday . SEVERAL !members or the M. E. Con gregation, who •esido in North Towanda, have erected neat and comfortable sheds for their horses, in the rear of the church.. . , McHMI Staoxo's Emerald Minstrels give entertainments in Mereur Hall Wed inet:day andf Thursclap evenings of this It ieek, They aro said to be a first-class „oupe. 4 THE larpist congregation ever a.ssem: bled in any !chnrch in this county, met in he Presby!eifian Church last Sunday evening. F i n a thousand people .were piesent. MAJ. RontNsos has appointed MIN DEAN, of S:mth Creek, his deputy, Mr. DEAN is thoioughly competent to perform the duties, :in(' is withal a most obliging and intelligillit REV. C. D. Mcitx,ktxF,, has been con -fined to his oom foiseveral days past, by quite Orion- illness. He has the cordial symp4hy and earnest prayers for' his speedy recovery of the entire Community, 'tile Ware 1y I?erietc , is the 'title of a very neatly tinted and spicy Deinocratie paper that li . just •made, its appearance in the lirel• town of Waverly, Y. InA L. WALES is the editor and prop ie tor. • • MR WILEILLNI. withlis pay car, pt. sed ever the - N. Y. branch of the L. Y. R. R. ; on I,ltinday and Tuesday, rejoicing the hearts of!etnployes as well by-his gen ial manners and[ pleasant countenance, as by the liberal 'distribution of greenbacks.. EDWARD 'A axis who was killed by the explosion in a coal mine at Pittstion, last weetc,was a native of this connty,:unt a son of the late D. ALT.F.x, of Wysox. The remains 'were brought to Myersburg on Sundaylar, for interment. L Mn. YOST, late edib3; of the 'runt:ban- Dock Reputalirlan, is oitt with , A cireu:ae manifesto chargingthe' leaders of the par ty in little WYoming,with being a "Ring." 'Ve can't_ see lhow they. could gain much in Democratic Wyoming by forming a E. S. Saturn having disposed of his, in terest in the Senate. Saloon, has engaged in business-at; Wate'rtown, N. 1"":" Mr. S is a good hitslfiess man, and has been sne cessful in accumulating a fair share of this world's goodS. The people of Watertown wilt tied him a lively acession to their en terprising men. • MR..Etwroit:— ,er. 11. Armstrong and wife wish thrtiugh your columns to tender their thanks -to the peoplt of ilonioeton and vicinity4nr the pleaktnt donatinn vis it of the,loth . pod., and its liberal results, nn+lj it hstanthng the see`mingly almost im p issithl6lstatel of the row% made the pros ct of a latge company 'anything but promising. Amount received, one hund red-and seven dollars. PrZiLE.-4.cht the numerals so as to make a total of just one hundred. The tigures must all be employed once and, only once. To the first i person solving the above. I give one I years subscription to the Itswinery..n, and one quart "White China thwheat," or p paper and one dollar c If the wheat iS chosen it will be delivered immediately-1 after : diarvesting next fall. The variety will only be grown the ensuing season 'by myself and one other gentleman, east 'of California. Address answers to the 11F.PORTOt office. • N. FRAZEV, Wyalusing, Pa. - A :MEETING of the Ticy and Canton T.' C. 'A., v ill be held at •the lat ter place on the MI, 2Tth and 28th, inst. _ Rev. Mr. Taggart of the State Associa tion and othe prominent workers will be present. Thd Canton Assoeiationplfer cordial weleoM and free: entertainment to all who may ilesire to Participate in the services. The following is a synopsis of the progratnule: Saturday, t; p. m., I Prayer meeting. Evening, Gostel meeting.., Sunday morn ing, Service of Song and. usual morning services, Friar o'clock y. to., special meeting for Young men. I, Evening, ,Gos- Pel meeting. IMonday; 10 o'clock a.-m., Association work; p. m., Bible read ing; evening, Gospel meeting. 17.1• P Enscoit..-1--z.oltor SpALDING, of the Athens oa::tte, and Mr. Joitx M'Conm ics,- of the 'Owego ' Time?, were in town last week. —The friem their name is learn that he cent severe ill :4 -lin of Ex-Sheriff SHIT ZT, (and le, - ;ion), will be pleased to las recovefed from - his re • ess, and is able to be out —Mr. and' 31rs. 3IALTAMLY and Mrs. l'owt:4.t. have eturned from Washington where - they' h-e been for several weeks,' visiting our 311 ti C. 1 —Mr. and. Ira_ 0. ;A. BALDWIN have returned from a visit to Cubz, N. Y. • —Judge Piurr, of Philadelphia, spent Eunday and Nconda)iin this place. , , = —ln,fi B. Iltisnitaxv and wife will start for Florida newt week, —Ex-Protht in town uotary W. A. THOMAS :is —Repre;eut last week. —W. B. Siz 'Nestor of the n this play. IttiVe TRA^V paid us a visit the Washingt4 Press," spent last Sandy CTER.-ErGENO WNW 'an residing in this place, the woods. last week, idiot and killed himself. Act of stepping over a . 141g, lie gun after with the mitz , it was dischargeil„,intliet , end' in the abdoule4. Hi) few hours after the `occur- GAP IN, a young while out gm :accidentally While iu the and drawing t zle toward hi ing a fatal w Nun - i re 4 but IEIICC. I ,One of the i most extensive tanners in our county is lo.Pait Bats, who owus two flourishing st4am tanneries. and is more or less interested' in one or two others. His large .tanrery at - this place, though running with a reduced force, still ent. 'ploys some twenty men, and turns out i same of the . nest specimens of tanned leather we live ever seen. Mr. I:NxEs, -now we come te think of it, was twarded a gold medal (bring the first prize) at the late FaxisEx&fsition,. for the finest qual ity of bark-tan leather on exhibition. We understand that his tannery at ;Grover is running about . 40 bands, and bids fair to heeeme even to largrst one in the coun try.. He - still retains a large interpst in the Bows s 43; Co. tannery, at. Troy. A few days since a tramp, conanderably the worse for wear, came thnmei cWest - Granville, am, was kindly taken in and lodged by one ur thegood., citizens .of thitt 1 .a.:e. in th morning when; thel_timily , tat fie, they to. , - themielves,:nikani not meelf the time . betels° egoodVstieroott;;.::. 13. 5..41 liio-.lll4othilror COitiefbil l 4 ll oThtininda, Ojai the purposwerileoldiag with *pad • :etetatdialdnf u eiOmoutt Grange. iit was-de Wed by a majority' of the delegatiiipresent, that would be better make the change. The following ofil.- r3a.wer, elected: Mutt r, Laporte; rieiriA.l. iLeietuAr, ;Smith ; Steward, J. R. wfitiansi.iiint. 113teirarti,;• ; :e. B. Tayler; Chaplain, R. H. Iticharde; Secretory, E. G. Owen; G. K.. 'S. , O.' Allen; Ceres, Mts. H, N. Brink; Pomo Pumona,'Mrs. A. D. Muun; Flora, Mrs. y Tailor;_ Stewardess, Miss Ann Warford" , , , In ihrening the officPra 'Vete IPA:M ed and the fifth degree c:onfered, there being at out one hundred applicants. The meeting'udjourned to first Thursday in March, tci meet in Towanda .at 1 o'clock r. sr. Fifth degree confered at evening session: ; • r. A LA,r-*. delegation from the Catholic Church-at Barclay -came to - this' place on Monday Morning lot, to bid adieu to their late FistiM Rev. P. TONER, who has been transferred to the parish at Plymouth. Thsi Lin* band Met the .party at the Bit- - --41 y depot, and escorted them to the Church,Where appropriate speeches were made by' the &airmail of the delegation and Pathiir Toxttt. On the-;;same day ,Father TONFU was presentettby members of his Barclay and Towandii! congregations with an elegant and valmible gold watch and chain, val ued at - $ . 41. The 'watch was purchased of W. A:TAAItnEttLIN, and is one of Jer gusons best. The order was received on 6aturday;eVening and on Monday morn ing the Watch, beautifully engraved, was ready for'Jlelivery. There ,are few' deal ersin thoeountry possessing the facilities to tip such an grder in so short it period. Failiez 4 :KM.l;v; Of: Scranton, has been appointed Father TosEn's successor. THE Dicstn 3ICTIDER CASE.—The at, tenthin ottlie7court has been 'oveupled for Ahcf past Weekin the trial of linsnr DECK-, lEn, charged with the inurderof Cos- OVER. he accused was son in-law of the deeeaged, and resided in the house with him It appears that the 'parties did not live very harmoniously for some time previous to killing. and the evidence is that on the I:ith of October last, DECKER procured4tiom a . hardware store in this place, ,a rkivolvei; and on the 28th of Oc tober shot and killed the old gentlenian. The actised then left the house, mounted a horseaMl after calling on some of the neighbotSi informing them what he had done, came to this place, surrendered hint self, and #as locked up. The defense set up the usUal plea of insanity. • The most intelligent men in the neighborhood were called as WitnesSes, most of whom testi fied that they had never Suspected anyre thi wren - govith his mind.. • The case is referredle in'our regular proceedings. . GEORGE SM rrn, of Wysauking has jnst purchUsed,' a half interest in a large whole saki druti4y establishment in Wilkes Barre.. The firm is WELLS & SMITH. The'senior member of the firm bears an excellen't Irepntation. and from personal, knowledo we tike great pleasure in com mending to public confidence Mr. SNIITII. Ile has been extensively employed in per chabing bUtter and • produce . for several years; an& his transactions havedways been characterized by strict hones • and integrity.. Isio one who deals - i wit wi t h him ik ) ever has'iLtson - for com Paint. his new business !ill not in the least conflict with his arrangements iii this county. as he 114 S 41mnAnt means and will continue to per cash fiir all kinds of flirM produce, at liiiS Store•lii Wysanking. His numerous cirstomeri*ill always tind,in Mr..BNuTies absence, Mr. N. L. PAIMS, the popular head clerk, who will take pleasure in waiting ii*ln all who may call. Miss N,6 - .I.Es. is 'earning for herself an excellent reputation, as a vocalist, in the West. The many flattering notices she receives from the pros are appreciated by her numerous friends and admirers in this cerintY. We clip the following from the 'Saginaw Daily Courier, of the 10th ins - t.: "On the Other baud, those who are more closely intfonorabout the matter predict for Miss NagiCe a . complete success and the lionoriii*ol, the evening. Every day we hear if Whispered that Miss Naglee has reallythe*ontlerful voice ascribed to her: and although nit advertised as a prima donna, norCelaiming to be that rata uric, her teacher saps that in regard to range, intonation, purity. timbrel delicacy and lt finish ' no J'sneh mateur voice has' been heard in the s 4 maws. • "OperOin4iig, in general, is simply understood, to, Phan rpithing inure than c.Ortt*tm4 - ' and alternate screaming be- I.Won 54,14 - anill choruses. Miss Naglee, as one insfaoce: o the contrary, will, cer tainly prone .at exception; for alth`ough d (Oi obliged I,,te high C many times in the sem e,i 'she kit-tun:ooy has the faculty for so dolor;with r• out distressing judicious ears7' COURT likrocEFDlNcs —Continued. Wt. ilticA4y Feb. 9. The Graiitl'.lttry disposed of the follow tug • A TRrE, BILL. Com vs :C; W Cole—Forger) NOT TRUE RILLS. Com vs Moses Deptie—Larceny. Coin vs 4n:3mm-A Depue—Forgery; 31t.)- be.s Depue 'for cosy. Coin vs t::tliverDepue—Forgery: Samu el ',elate eosts. • (lrand Ji)ry report to the court that the public buildings have been examined by them. and'i that tLey Lind them in good ,Th, Grand Jury were di:lt:barged on Wed nesd:iy afternoon. ('inn Vs A Dunevkli and Geo Lantz— Forgery. ;Continued to May term. - lin re petition for an independent school district inPverton twp.. Report of Corn missionerti tiled and confirmed i r Si. In re. petition fur a county briti L le across the Chenini liver at Ateens. Report of viewer?, Weil, rePorting- in favor of the bridge. 1. Ellen .1: Dailey' vs 1' 13 Dailey—Court appoint B: - 4 Long, Esp., a commissioner to take dejaisitions. I‘. - alter Truman vs 31 Nichols and Levi St,ull.—Bute to show cause why judgment should not - he opened and Levi Stull be let into a defense.- A EngliSli's use vs 'George Lenox— Rule to shOW cause why judgment should not be opened and defendant 'let into a defense. The folliiWing sheriffs' deeds were ae ktArledgeif by the sheriff Andrew J Lay ton: , liturcarmau f fur• lot in Burling twp., sold Feb as the property of C W Car man; consideration, Tu W T :Davis, for lot in Towanda boro sold Feb S, as the property of Henry Ward; coniuderation; teal. . TO E T Fox for Ltnd in Ulster twp,sold Feb 3 as ;the • property of C..7.l.sbree; consideration, A. 0041. To H.l Madill for lot in Towanda Lord, sold Fel I :Vas ini property of Henry Ward; coderatiint, ,To llngliTarks for 117 acres in Stand ing Stone 1.4, sold Feb 8, as the proper ty of It G Viisburg;• consideration, $4,090. To A .1 Silvara for 70 acres in Tuscaro ra twp. sold Feb 3, as the property of A lionsiner; consideration, $7OO. To G IT , VanDyke, fora acre in Ulster twp. sold• Feb 3, as the property of Chas and Aurelii Wells; consideration, $4,000. To Louisa Ward, for lot in 9'on-3DM bortt, Sold :Feb 3, as property of 3 F San derson.; considel-ation, $315. To C ElVldie, for '2B acres in North Towanda..Sold•lFeb 3,, as the property, of Michael St:,•ol t ; 6onside $7,75. G it Vatinyl4 vs Clues Wells and Au 'relia !end appoint IV lI Canto aim Esq.;-iut Auditor to distribute the funds raisetVfront the sale of the defend ants' real estate. Towandi . :•Ettreka ' Mower Co vs S W Chepnuan-4,Exeeptions to the Auditor's report tiled On the part of John Utz. Beach Sr,- illrinsniade vs J 13 Wheaton, Geo Kinsman vs litrata Kinimaniand N C Ekbree-41_?,ale in cach:Of the above ca ses disehargCd. Enterprise . : Manufacturing. Co - cs James Hogan—Coert appoint J. W. Stone, Esq., an Auditor to distribute the (and raised froM . the sale of the defendant's real estate..; ?ft L • •Witiston vs James Cowan—Court appoinrileiiiy Peet, Esq, an auditor to distriVute_the fund raised from the sale of the "de feTitLint's real estate. Albert 11 icomb , t,mardian; vs A D McCrauey- 7 Auditor's report filed and confirmed ttiai. - • J W Ifollenback vs Elizabeth Welles— Uly&ses Ilerqur vs MC Mercur—Anditors' reports contitmed S N Brouitnt vs, W B' Parks--Exeep tions Mal to'the auditor's report; A 8 Min vs Berul Ward 7 -Auditors *rt fded : And ucliArtzted 14, Etc**. ME =C==l thiu Saw eetitor&-,4:•';-• zz l T.-= oscSV..ll4;*. Atmi:vireeois Bible et for Wight bran iditdaift r Kay's visa , vi• Fnd Nicito__ *ant of an appiaraneo, 3 KE-COler vs Bit inings--Auditor's report confirme.. 'as to the claim" fotipbor, Ezekiel Mayo vs Flitabeth :II Mayo. On motion ;of Smith dot Montanje Court make the mold order and 'deeree of di irorce. l _ Theodote Curran vs George Lenox— Court appoint .genry Peet,:Esq., master and examiner in this case. In re the alledged lunacy of Walter Wheat—Report . of commission of lunacy confirmed finally and Court appoint Roe altha Wheat committee of the estate and person. : John Holmesie Daniel Bingidey-4 Phinney vs J Wm Means—Auditor's re ports in each of the above Ames tiled *pi confirmed ni Cornelia E jirawtt rt &Art Brown— Court direct Sheriff to make proclama tion. ' Ephraim Case vs Enoch Eiellard—Court appoint G Plifcintanye, Ruben auditor to distribute the fund raised from the sale of the defendant's real estate. Oplielia Fosburg vs Abel Fosburg-Court appoitit _lsaac Hicks a. commissioner to take depositions:. Asbsah A. Steel vs Calvin Steel—Court direct sheriff to make proclamation.. Com vs Henry Decker, murder—The jury was impanneled on Wednesday; on Thursday morning Dist Atty Calif open ed the case for the Corn; Friday afternoon Corn rested. Elhanan Smith; Eiq; open ed the case for the .prisoner. A recess was taken froM Saturday afternoon to Monday aftenmOn. W 11Carnochan,Esq, delivered the opening argument' for the Com on Tuesday morning; H W Patrick, Esq; 'followed for the prisoner on Wednes day morning; he was followed by Elhanar , Smith, EN, for; the prisoner, W. T. Da vies, Esq, is delivering the closing argu ment fur the Coin as we go to press. TEACHERS .ASSOCIATION.—The Brad ford County Teachers' Association met Ft the Graded School i House, Towanda, riday A. it., Feb. 11. President 3. T. 31cCollom in the chair. Opened by singing "I Need Thee every Hour." . Devotional exercises conducted by Hey. D. Craft,. • The Business :Committee made the tol lotiing partial ,report, which, however, occupied the while time of the session: i First, Amendinents to constitution and by-laws. . 1. All nominations for officers slialf be Made in open Association, and every member shall be privileged to make nom inations. .2. No member shall speak more than ten minutes at !any one time, nor more than once upon !the same subject, till all wishing to speak have spoken. - Sc6Ond, DiscuSsion of text books. First amendment discussed by Messrs. Craft, Crawford and Wilt. Carried. Second nmendinent discussed by Messrs. Craft Thompson, Read, - Ryan, - Quinlan and MCC°nom. Amended by ; inserting the clause "ex cept by-permission of the ,Assosiation." Pilo following! amendment was offered by 11. E. Pitcher: That every member of the Association be required to speak ten minutes, or to write an essay of ten minutes duration. Discussion arrested by adjournment. Afternoon. Ainendment votedgen. Lost DiscusSion of .amendment to by-laws continued by Messrs - Keeney and 'fhomp sou. The following offered: That fifteen minutes be substituted in place of ten. Lost, • Amendment voted on. Lost. Discussion - of: adoption of text books next taken up. Geography discussed by Messrs Thomp son, Quinlan, I. Crawford and Ryan. Adopted by a vote of 7 to 8. llistories adopted by a vote of 70 to 2. Music Miss E. H. Miller then read a very in teresting essay;' • subject; "The Sierra School of Poetry." On motion, the • thanks of the Associa tion were tendered to Miss Miller, and a copy'of the essay solicited for publication. Adjourned, tot meet at 7 o'clock at the M. E. Church. Evening session. Music.. E. k. Quin-, lan conducted devotional exercises. Col. J. A. Codding, the lecturer was then introduced, and delivered a very able and interesting address. Declamation, by George Marshall. On Motion, liyu.Geo. Landon was then called for, who instructed and entertained the audience fort short time. Saturday, A. M. Devotional exercises conducted by J. A. tedding. Rev. D. Craft Offered a resolution that the furtherconsidefation`bf text=books be postponed, and Butler's Grammar be rec onuneuded to the consideration of the di lectors. Lost. . On motino the consideration of readers was next taken up. Discussed by Messrs. Stewart, I. Craw ford, Codding, Keeney, Walwortili Craft, McCollom, Alvord, Beardsley, C. CJaw.; ford, Ryan, Ilan; ]lead and Nichols, and- Misses Ballard, Morse and Adams. The following offered by E. E. Quinlan: Reviled, That the vote on readers be postponed till the first meeting in 1877. Amended by E. Angle, that a fur ther partial vote be taken to-day and the final vote oce year from now. Discussad in the affirmative by Messrs. Nichols and Ryan. Resolution to post pone lost. The following offered by S. Alvord: WtiEttr.xs, The question of changing text-books in the common schools of the county is one over which the directors have exclusive control, therefore, 11r3qtred, That: the subject now under discussion be referred to the-directors of the county, with the request that they take action upoOt - at their next conven tion, with a ciew, to securing •uniformity in text books threughoht the county. • Reso!red, That' the series of books rec ommended by the committee be respect fully recommended for their approval. Readers adopted by a vote of 61 for and 1 against. Spellers adopted by a vote of 10 for and one against. " Moved and seconded that the report of the Committee as regards grammar be adopted. Discussed . by C. F. Nichols and J. C. Crawford. Carried by a vote of 53 to t. , ; Report of committee on penmanship adopted by a vote of 50 against 2. - The minutes of last meetire , read and approved. • A motion was'[ made that section 7 of the by-laws be amended by putting once in the place of twice. Carried. Rome was decided on as the place of next meeting, and the following appoint ments made: Orator, lion. Geo. Lan.' don: papers, Prof. J. C. Crawford, Rev. D. Craft; essayiSts, Misses M. A. Dema. rest and - Sarah'' E. liathrd; declaimers; H. W. Champlin, and Julius Corbin.. On motion, the following was adopted: Resolved, ThaCthe thanks of the Asso ciation be extended to the good people of Thwanda for their;generous and hospita ble entertainment; to Oa- trustees of the M. E. Church fonts use; to the able lec turers,.l. A. Cording and Geo. Landon; and to the Business Committee for their generous provision of free busses to and from the depot. ,! • After singing the Doxology, and bene- . diction by Rev. H. Armstrong, the Asso ciation adjourned to meet at Rome the second Friday in June. ELL SPALDIISO, Sec'y. CAPTAIN BENJAMIN CLARE.—In answer to one of "Inquirers" inquiries iu the RE PORTER. asking for a sketch of Capt. B. CLARE, I would contribute the following items, hoping they may aid some of our Ulster friends in completing the sketch sought for. f • • BENJAMIN CLARE cane from Hebron,, ,Hartford county, Conn., and was among the very first settlers on the town.plot of Wilkes Barre. In a paper written by the late Judg STEvEss of Standing Stone, he says. in the month of April, 1773, his father, Lieut. ASA. STEITENs,- who was killed in the Wyoming battle, ''moved into a house erected on the Wilkes Barre Town Plot. Previous thereto only two houses bad been erected thereon. In one of them resided STEPHEN FULLEB, and hi the other Bs.l.,t.ists•Chsex. Near the lower, or sontbzwest corner of the plot, were two more houses, in one lived JAunz SILL, with his family, and in the other two brothers, .1.03Ez and EinstrA Prim, single men.- The above was at that time the whole population of what is now - the Borough (city). of Wilkes Barre." It is worthy of mention that each of these fain: ibex are represented is this county. AIL CLARK, enlisted as a private in the : Ant Wepeodont ;Oompany of Wyoming, - I = 4- `-' Id. _ repel 4 .. an wag. Mtisr„.ther Tsar he we Made a if milit ia, - i ' Wklifi, Attglivailliftlitili#7o) he .beestme tieqi Asti viltfillie fertile plains ,In thenorthfre'part of the bounty,-moved to Asylum in 1784 and in 1785 settled in :Ulster, bean either , plaice the second or third permanent - Ciittler there. ' 'Us /lived on what has since been known as the Hovey place. A tenant hotise on the Roes l farm marks the •eito 4. 4fCaPt , C rane's first house.. In (toiler) 1788 1 Weaned what has ' been ImiPatt as the "pumpkin ffeshet." The river was pecieived to be rapidly iill log, and thei rale 'Still 'pairing &alit hi torrenMrl CLARK became alarmed Tor the Safe of, hie ikinily,ind commen ce d te tras 100. goods to higher,gromil in the drenching rain. The water raised so rap idly that when he went with his last load the oxen hallo swim across a holler in tervallic% bewaert the house and the high landbeyond: I Althofighthe water rose to' the eaves of the house it was not taken away, and the family moved back into it after the flood subsided. Cr.tnx Like otherlCceinecticut .settlers, first purchased the title to his farm from the Itheapiehemut Company, but finding that' wortlikais; 'bought the State right through 'pious OYERTOB Esq. .1 I Fora number of years Mt. CLAIM kept 4:hbuse off entertainment, and his extend ed acmiaintaece with the people of the ' lower settlements brought frequent guests to his beasts . .; ; - ,-•., .• • - • In politics ._ ipt.!CLAIIK;Was an ardent Federalist. Ile was an ,earnest Christian Man and a member of the Methodist church. His I.,house,was the home of the itinerent =Alders, and the first religious meetings hildiiii Ulster were in his house. Hey. Wm. totatEaT had been appointed in 1792, 'reacher =au extended mission -N ary circuit, embracing this county, and on the 8d lJanuary, 1793, he visited 4 ,91 d ,Sheshe u in," as Ulster was then called, and preached at the house of Capt. CLARK, and remarks "the woman ofithis house put melt" mind of Martha." '. Capt. CLARK was a small but active man, of quick temper, but honorable to Make all proper apologies and amends'for hasty wordi. I lie was twice married. I In tile old Westmoreland town records is the following reghter: I • "Births of 'the children of BENJ.6tIN CLARK and RAMIE (Annum) his wife: ' Jous THET I VIILUS, born July 8, 1770. Poia.v, bo February 24, 1772. 'f ' .N.anay, (Aitio.u) born Mach 3, 1774. SALLY and 3IILLY (twins), born March 5, 1777. i . NAI3BE, Wife of I3EIIiASIIN CLARK, 'de parted this life March 12, 1777, in the 24th year of her age." 1 Of these Joni: Married and settled in the townslipf Burlington, near Luth er's lillg; - P 0 .,. LY married a Blanchard and Anio.ol, a Cuixon, and both left :t he State. Capt. CLARK'S second marriage was to KEZIAU YANINGTON, widow Of ' SILAS thaw, who was killed in the battle of Wyoming. She was from Stonington, Ct., 'and by her first marriage had three da'ugh ter& 3lawrint, who married a brother of the late EISPNEXEIt SHAW; REBECCA, who married first JAMES BRAFFIT and after his death JOSEII BLOOM, and removed' to the State of Ohio; and LUCY, who married AVERY, son of Judge OREDIAII GORE and and lived in Sheshequin. Mrs. GORE was in the Forty-Fort , der ing the battle; Hearing that our men were defeated and expecting instant death should the infuriated savages gain posses sion of the fOrt, she, in company with Mrs. BIDLACK 1 Mts. DURKEE,and Mrs. Youx, went tolhe gate but were forbid den to pass. However, persisting in their demand, they vivre allowed, to go Tit. Finding a canoe on the bank of the river, the four families went on board and float ed down With ,the current until they reached a piece; of satifty. I By the squad marriage Capt. CLARK had one son and three daughters. The ' oldest daughter, LUCINDA, married NA THANIEL HOVEY, who came from Ccin necticut, probably from Windsor, and set- tied in Ulster hbout 1801. 'He removed from thence to Batavia, N. Y., enlisted as a'sergeant in the car of 1812, and* died at Sackett's Harbor in 1814. Rev. S. Iltivov, 'of Ulster, is his oldest son. The other children lof Capt. CLARK by this marriage removed west. I have been unable as yet to obtain the date of Capt. CL.uties death; •or I his age: Numerous . aneedotep ar e related of the old man, all of which-go to show that he was an lion- est, hard-working; christian man, who !is worthy Ito be remembered among the pi oneer settlers of the county. Any additional facts which "Inquirer," or any one else 'May have, illustrating the lives and charaCters of these early settle . will be gladly received. ; DAVID CRAFT. . Xyalusing, Pa. _ • m. . - - , , TIIE Bouoriait ELECTION.—TII6 follou' l - ipg is the residt of the election in this borough!ou Tuesday last: FIRST Wane. ' JuJge of Eleetlon,l ' • I . , Marry Jones, " 217 C. I). Passage, , Inspectors of Election, 1 3 - - C. M. Myer, ' R 2 , Ger. C. Stoll, , RD - . Theodore Hebert 38 Connellntan, ••• I , , I I'm B. II umplrey, 197 - I'D]. Henry, , 112 Ward Assessor, - Thos. !Meredith, ,' 94 11r: H. Kershner, 124 •• 1 3D WARD. Judge of Eleetlon.l I I ' : `.. .f. A. Codding,' 1 I I ;19 ' J. G. Patton, • i u 2 Inspector ot mecunn, • 11,1•1 H. S. Clark, 101. J. Coolbaugh, " 83 Councilman, ' I i • N. N. Betts, ' 148 t.T.,Noble, 70 Ward Assessor, I ! I J. H. Coddlng, . 11 31 .;Gangly, ' F''s 3D Y.'•un. Judge of Electlon.l 1 - Isaac Smalley, l.lelson Jennings, Inspector of Election, Chas. Fraley, Eaton., Councilman, Ward Assessor, • • " D. Nr. Scott, C. V. Ithuiphry, C, P. Nichols, Geo. Stercus, J. Long, . E. E. Ileverly, L. T. ltoyse, Johnson Wells, C. P. Welles.. E, B. t'ix.lbaugh, Aleln McKean, U. T. Stevens, S. W. Little, • Dr. tr. S. Ptah. Dr. T. 11. John-Nut, A, J. Noble. ' Y. E. Jayne, AN entertainment for the ,benefit of Rev. G. L. WU:Li/OLN of Camptown, will take place in tlin Baptist Chnrch.on Tues. day evening Feb._ ' 29. Hon. Giro. LAN. .v no will deliver tut address, and Rev. J. B. SlT.wlqr.o will assist in the musical pait of the entertainment. BUM tin LOCAL. tar We have just received a large In !rope o . l .. envelepee eeSi paper r whletb we wltlrarnlisti to onr patrons neetty printed, at very low prices. t Wunvoitil & SnAuT sell the best Blank Recite nuinUtUctured in the country. 'Boys' linen cigars at .4.E. ItonorrinDlL W New goods /Weaved daily at liraenuratAW's 120' You can pt all the latest styles of Stationery, very elteap, it WIIITFOND Jt Siteurott 41111"Euirsving dirrie at HaNDZIMAN'a Jewelry Store. HENDLEJIAN offers a great , reduction In MI. Ter-Plated Ware. Inir All the test publicati ons, very cheap. at WIIITCOPIS & Vs. I , Cam"A largo stock of games and toys, at Cost, at WLIITCOMA I JI SH.SUrs. i .; • rif Ladies, h a v e yell, seen the Sihrei sad led }Calm!' Mat ilLacm la selling so low! 1 , ~. is. 0. A. Itttqa claims great things for hts G"tilna just received direct from Frimee. • - ! . . air-The Silver thtte pada of Rogers k Bro. iyaf IST.Acti f bells Ore perfe4 satispictign. . El Itt.tho !hie f ,6,11‘4114 c. lar •kWIUTINIZII EIS J.O.FriaNt, .1. W. Bishop, 88 11. Orcutt. U. Slnpbury, 1 00 L DIRECTOIII94. 547 549 V 3 1.. =7. if CONSTABLE, 23 aso 'ONSTABLE. 371 tra , ASSESSOR. 2111 AUDITOR. 405 4443 lases or roon. 1:10 113 291 3's lEEE Ke.6 .. - _~~~} „woo* Ojeast'ss Esoisiedst 4 ffliwiligicver aar DWI Arig *OM " ilsui l of Watches. I, Into this I suss* his ihi:Ahiest stock try andliUverware, ever !aught • qll and !es It. - Wit yois 46. worth of -DXIIALIC6. tto maestri kcal sine*, lust se • • mosey, the place togobM. Has/ _ . D eping Houses to rent Cheep, leolvere or. Massy, $t OVZSTON ELS BMWS C4E4 • //Pao id; sad Steel . Spectacles sad Eye abuses; Hi *Hie*, it ittaimarlivii Jewel. ri Store. • Passi g nirers to the West will find it to th eir &dm eto medium tickets at tbe To wanda Depot. Rates reduced !Lk front Sept. lts . t' The ; Nest and best assortment of litsikets ever 'brought to this place, cao now be seen at raost'll Soxs. . , Oct, 20740 vir Buy wham you can living prices. inr,clothing of IT. Teem, alwikys get goat goats at the times* - rir We a . .1d not suffer from a cough which a few 4 of Aitur.'4 CumtnY Plc&rottAL will Cure. -Vine, comfort, health, all are Pawl lt. • yr Go tt H. TAYLOR'S for , fine Hata, and Nk ware. Enirinee on Park street first door bel , old bank and from, south Aide of Poet -Office. o . or The tunes policies lightning or a In the land. Plicenix Insurance Co. now owing agalosi loss or damage from • This Is one or the best companies u. A. Ettack, Agent. • t JOB'S . FITZGERALDB has rented the old stand of Vistrata. 31c3itanon, deceased, on Bridge etreet,'and fitted It up as a boardloC house and Bestaurer t, and will be glad to see his old friends and to i L PRIWERTY FOR SALE OR d and well knerwn stand, thn . linut. waverly, will be fpr rent qn April W. 11. KELLY, Tuwands, Pa: tom' 11arti.—The o ford House; at Ist. Inquire o Jan. 27 sr& I r lion new and well the Publia Sq of tewn, hetw quire at this • I: and lot for sale. House ebbed, withinlive minutes walk of re. Also a desirable lot In center second, and Third streets: Es. Cei r ton 46. LOST.-0 tavern of —K l on the evening contal 3ing one articles. The - the prop.rty at febl7wi•a. the highway between the irAsstnr, In Wysox, and Wya!using, Lot Feb, 0, 146, an 01l cloth sachet, nit of gentlemen's cloths and other I . War Bill be rewartied , by leaving SMITH'S slue. Wysox. t An3o Northern Pen F.. Rusks} , keeps a..large from the very lon'est. We ct arable dealer, mplteltly rely mkaa touching' 1g all the clothing houses in sylvanla, none stand higher than M. I e popular Emporium. He always and elegant stock manufactured et materials, and his prices are the eerfully recommend him as an hon. .4 assure purchasers that they may upon any representations he may Ibis goods. ... OAR MARERS.—The subscri. Ie'ZDO sixteen quart, Iran-bound sap made of the best material, and every •rfect. Also a full set of cooper's kc. A good location for the bn- IL 31. FARRLII. I To S ber offers for tubs, new, and one warranted trussrboc aluess. = Elfir Pori - r.r. 1 Co. have the exclusive sale of the jusly celebrated and POpular • James town Ifohaira, Alpacas, and Poplins, which are I warranted to k ep their color, and will not shrink or crinkle. They base just received direct from the mills a cotnlete assortment of these excellent fabrics, to whic they cal the particular attention . of their custonit/ris. • POIVXLL A CO. VW' Sun° I girl from Mane from an so bone of the leg Elmira, by Dr.! ' CAL OPEIIATIONS.—A little eld, I'a., who for years has suffered re on her leg, had the entity large removed. at UM surgical Institute. Cr DE GRAM Mr. Oxon° Rice, from Liberty, Pa.. twelve year 3 ago. In xploding percussion caps, had a complete ly destroying v sion In the eye Injured. The pres ence of the cap so Iritated the well eye, at times, as to necossit to Its removal. Accordingly, Dr. UP DE GRAFF of Elmira, removed the diseased eye on Thursda . Ifebl7wl. 0r74. C RD.—Having purchasei3 l : of F. J. Clti.xy.vs, his stock and fixtures in the:Storo known ars the Re d , Front Grocery, Main street op posite the Hestia House), I purpose - as soon as pos sible to pack it!! of the very best groceries that the market afro s, and will sell them very cheap for ready pay. Having had conzlderable experi ence In the grocery trade, and as I Intend to use my whole time and my very best endeavors to meet the wants of m ,customers , and as I propose told° a• strictly cash Witness., consequently having no bad debts to m ke my customers pay, I feel confi dent that oing I shall be able to make it au object for th who pay money for goods . to-tradd 0 j i with me. Thetore will hereafter be known Lithe Centefinlal T Store. . Goods will be ilTlirered ell free in the borringh. Cash will be paid for season; able produce. Very Respectfully, febIewIGEORGE RIDGWAY. . . MARRIED. LE. —At the reablence of the , by Rev. M. S. Rymer, Reed -ate in and Ella Gale of Monroe. STEVEN'S-0 lathe Terse of Asyl. GARRISON—• TPRDEVANT.—At the realdenee of the bride fiarents. Feb. 8, by Rev. W. If. Bum sey. Chesteraarrison and Elenore Stunievant, all 0) Jacks° . Pa. 1,1 . ItOG EBS—M ASTI N.—A t Windham Center, Pa.. Feb. 5. by Re'v. Wm. C. Peck, Johnson Rogers, Of Litchfield. l'a., and Julia A. 'Bastin, of Nich ols, N. Y. ' WARDELL—CARMAN.—At the home 'of the bride's mother, in Burlington. Feb. 9, by Rev. G. S. Trancue, Wm. W. Wordell, of Towanda, and Mary G. Carman. r SPECIAL NOtICES. . _. ...f . Ur . A TOMATO. RAUL—Among the many excellent articles which our friend tilen. - H Webb, of Al' Pa.. keeps In his stock, llay be counted , seeds from that Justly celebrated firm, ro Briggs k B„ Chicago , awl Rochester, N. F., from the tartest see house in the world. It will my prise many of Our readers to learn that over 25,000- merchants In lu g. s United States handle seeds front Briggs & Bro whose boxes, catalogues, Libels, chromixii, kc., are extremely attractive in high col orings and &nit fattish. One of the newest de= signs from the ds df their artists is what ts call ed'Brigg,s & Brother's Great Tomato Race on their Grounds,'• and represents a race course with per: feet representations of the different varieties of to rnados striving or the honors of leadership. The design is est meiy happy and pleasant, besidis conveying to the farmer or horticulturld consider able information upon the merits of the different tonuttos. We pee t ha t they place as their leading varieties the Green Gage. Conqueror and Hatha wars Exceisloi, while they rate other varieties In the following- order of merit: Trophy, Dellanee, General Grant, Hubbard Curled Leaf, Hopper's Gollah, Largo Early Bed, Dwarf Orange Field, Dwarf Early Red, Keyea's Early prolific. Simms's Cluster, and Indite rear, with reins' thrown to the ground and a telescope - at his eye to seo where the rest are, shuttles up the Large Yellow. The whole scene Is laid in the richest Zumor, and no one cani give the lithograph at Webb's an examination! without breaking out Into& hearty laugh. We can ass/ re our readers who desk r , to 'order; Briggs k Bro' seeds, that they can secure them' 3 upon Just as vantageons terms of G. 11. Webb, and of Jost as good quality, as If ordered direct. See Briggs & !Do's. January number and order of Ggo. H. Wklits Alba, Pa. Janfirm6„. . . (From As Rochester Time. Oct. 31, .1.975.) • L Brigg i t re it Brothers , who can boast of conducting the largest seed business In the known world, arranging to compile a Work in Which they will give to the floricultural and harp i cultural public he benefit of their thirty years of experience in 1 a culture of vegetable and flower seeds. The wok will be sabstantLelly besind.And Its several hundred pages will be Illustrated with. 1 numerous ca 1 chromatic plates and sdeelnet di rections with Card to the rare and culture of ev erything know In floral and vegetable kingdom We know of one better qualified to treat on the above Object t an Briggs ilt Brother. whose seeds are sold in aim t every city, town, village or ham let in the Unit d States. They are practical grow ers of seeds, an the forthcoming work win ems. pate from eminently practical sources. What Seth °rent b to fish/ Barry or Purdy to fruits. Brigs & Brother are to seeds. ..11. very large edition will be published which, it is well understood, wilil lessen the price per volume. Purchasers of the work out sh;s/ht will only charged cost; while the custom. e of Briggs k Bro. will receive it as a prerdluin the pure of seeds. The Intended work wilt a l treti to press s t May next, and the artists are now 'e upon the . engravings . It will be separate { apart front lthe January Catalogue, which will Issued in December, or from any other of the publications of his well known house. Every lover of floriculture 4w horticulture should put * himself,. of herself in the way of obtaining it. Briggs' k Brio.`s seeds are for sale by Geo. IL W_ebb, Alba, I'' fjantiklm. i MI _ tirriOPE itOlt THE DESPONDENT.—if yon 4ve been coughlug all winter and begin to despair 0 7 recovery. peit you hare taken a accent coki. go 1 at OMNI to the Drug Store at TITIDIER ek GORDON and get a bottle of. Dr. 'Wattle' Syrup at Tar, : Wild Cherry ' horehound. Take it and be well. Nu other medic us seta so promptly and effectually in congas, and all disease* of the throat. Songs and 0 leading to Coustunption. Itu. Ore& wheal:Caught they had that dread -St.,. aria Ism bee . restored to health by , the no of, this almost, restedy:lt, Is alto the beat knows =tar. Croup, NA never API,* Te .11el . limits 1=11,1! COME= x ~.. ~, fo an st limunnautiues, It rms Ins to tha pas r [rebid. er patrons. IBS EMti `-" : EZZ .. . , . # 4 ITOUTIONAW,WHITATOW; , . Naatelw aid . Motes*. Na. 311 ' rd:TOP l , l6l ol4 l ,loMktef'll l .*; '- ''. . '. '' - -- - ' ' — Illitt:41111•1 . '-ii.e. 1181, e ' • ''' .. ," - `V :" 1140, e. 112, - M. slid N ' - Ileg .. . . .., u „ ... -, .. - - 1344 .Itll4 IN . ie yili v st .„,.. 1173 i "q'-',- 4' " '63, J. dad .1 Intl ;1.: AI ii Is W 14 s . - .1 . 11 , 121 . ~, , 10.4 0 , coupon. I 119,4 :1" Patine Ws. ey , . Oki lie, ll's, Reg. IEII ilti& c., - : ma ,;,, . ,:.' ..... ;; . ~,,inoi,... Om d . II! Slver ' .ICI Pe i ru:sylvan* Ex. Div.. abfg Reading - , 524 etilladelphis & Erlea 1 22N. filebigh Navigation Palley, Ai.% .• Valley, Ex. Dl* 1 e Ratted R. R. or N. J 134% till Creek. 4 ,- 18.% Northern Central af /4 t g ientrai % Tran ti sartation 44 1 i lytla TOWANDAMAILKETS WHOLESALE PRICES. Corrreete4l every Wednesday, by C. B. PATCH! Abject to changes daily. Wheat, t bash Rye bush Buckwheat, 11 bush Ocans,lll bush.. . .... Barter (roust 't r am (dairy,) ii lb .4..1.. Corn, 11 bush; DIM, It bush' Ens, IP dos Potatoes, bush, Flour, 11 barrel a tie • 04; WEIGHTS OF altalli.—Wheat 60 Ito. ; Coin 66 SD; !Fare 66 lbs. ; Oats 32 lbs.; Barley 46 .lbs.; Buckwheat a 4 tbs.; Beans 62 lb.; Bran Et tbs.; Clover Seed 60 Timothy Seed 44 lbs.; Dried Peaches 33 Robs. Dried Apples 22 lbs.; Flax Seed 60 the. New Advertisements. MI • HOWARD ELMER, ENEYA, ITHA it CA AT (2IIgNS ALN R. It.-4'ornmenclng Monday, Jan. 34, 1478, trains will run as on'thls road as follows: LICAVI.XCI hAYII.2 NOIITHWA BD. 8.-41.10 & m., daily, with Pnliman Sleeping (Brach through from New York; arriving at Van 5:45, Spencer 5:55, Ithaca 8:50, Tangbanie Fails TnimanSburg 745, Fanner 7:43, Ovid (tenter 7:&.,* Hays Corner 8;00, Romulus 8:12, 0 8no va 8;45, mikingcloseronneetton east and west with Was on N. Y. & H. R. IL arriving at Rochester at 11=„ Diatalo 4:15 p. m., and Niagara Yalta 4:40. ; o 30.=-12.00 a. tn., daft,' except Sunday*. oti ar. Viral of L. V. train from Ifirlikes Barre, Pittston, twalthannork, Towanda, &c.,Arriving at Van Et. fin 12:45. Spencer 12:55, Ithira 1:55, Taughanic Pons Trumansbnrg 2:32, Partner 2:53. Qald Bayts Corners 320. Itoundus 3:23, Ge aavaisa; connecting with trains east and west OD 2r,. Y. C. & 11. It. It. B. .7.N0. —O p. m., daily except. Sundays, with through car from Elmira fur Geneva, leaving Elmira at 5:10 non., arriving at Van Et ten o:4s, 'spencer o:ss, Ithaca 7:3e, Tatighanic. Valls 8:10, Truatansburg rt a on nn m e lu r s -8 1 13 :17 4"1 ,n t e e v n a te a:5 3 rOl nnerting with '5: Ilaftx C orner trains east and west on N. Y. C. & 0. U. R. IL MITT. AT NATIO/ FROH Till: NORTH. 7.-90/.1. a. m., daily except Sundays, with througtscar India tienesa to Eltulrai leaving Gent , . spat 5:01) a. m., nomulus 3i3?, Ilayts Cinners 5:47, Ofyid Center 5:5a, Fanner 6:05. Trumansburg 8:21 Taugbanie Falls 6:30, Ithaca 7:01, Spencer 8:03, Van Et ten 8:13, arriving at Elmira at tha; making Ouse eiWinertion at Sayre will' 1.. V. Day Express arri ving at New York at 10:00 11. in., Philadelphia -8= Peint. • p. m. daily except Sundays. leaving Geneva at 10:00 a. nn.„ ROllllllll3 10:31, Harts Cor ti:lra 10;46, Ovid ('enter 10:54. Fanner- Tru; liiiinsburg II:17. Taughanle Falls Ithaca 11:15, Spencer 12:37, Van Ellen Ma% making close eon iii!etfon with 1.. V. Fast Line, arriving In Mantel phla 10:10 p. tn. - 'so. 15.-9:40 p. tn. daily, with Pullman Sleeping Oiach attached for New York without change; I4Ves Geneva at 6:40 p• in.. on arrival of N. Y. C. Itgluv from the East and West. .Itontulus 6:16, itayts Corners CZ, Ovid Center II:38, Farmer 6:47, ilgoulansburg 7:07. Tatighanic Falls 7:14, Ithaca 7;:,0. Spencer 8:43, Van Etten 8:6a; connecting kith lli V. Night Liue arriving at New York at sp and 6:45 a. : Tickets sold and baggage checked- to all piaci pal points, R. A. PACKER, Gen. Supt R. M. HOVEY. Ocu. Pass.,Agt. * t M, STEVENSON, Asst. Supt. r . AST OF LETTERS remaining iti the Post °glee at Towanda, Braltforrl Co., Pa, rolr the week ending February 9: . • 'illalil, Ellie . Fisher, Ad t lini 31 Cook, Chas ' flint, 3tiss Georgl:," • Dean, John idurrey..l. ward Decker, Lyman Tllition, Addle, - - ii - Wheeler. 3 S . ! !Persons calling for the above letters, will please iSt advertised, giving date of list '•,- S. W. A I.,VORD. P. M. TICK'S - FLORAL AND VEGE TABLE-GAM/E\. Is the' most beautiful Work of the world. It contains nearly 140 pages, IfiLlreds of fine lliustratiOns, and four ehromo pikes of flowers, beoutlfully drawn and colored 001 nature. Price 35 cents In paper covers; 65 cents bound In elegant cloth. 'Fick s Floral Guide, quarterly, Ili - Cents a year. ~.aktress, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. phis. Legal. "INCORPORATION NOTICE— Todin whom it may concern: The undersigned c•lfittnittoe, repreeenting the Troy Farmer.; Club,, eltireyis of Troy, township and bor.. Bradford room IN Pa., hereby give notice that they Intend-to, ap ply to the Court of Common Pleas of itrMiford (.10:my, or a Law Judge timreof, for a charter to be IrpMrporated Into a body politic and corporate in ttw, with pnpetual eneree Inn. under the name. :Ole and title of the Troy Farmers' Club, for the purpose of maintaining an Agricultural Society ant i hepllng an annual fair of the same. It;r. EW II ERA'. WALK ER PIERCE, 4T. 31cCOLLONI. C. $ . McK EAN. = r..b9w3 A DJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT SALE. !:BY virtue of an order Issued out of the Or phins• Court of Bradford County. the undersigned Nljnitnistratrix of the estnte of Bleb:tr.) Schoonover, Tate of Standing. Stone. der'd. will sett at palate salp on'the premises, on WEDNESDAY, February 24:1876, at I o'clock P. at,. the following (I,.scrilktd tut Oland, situate In Standing Shwa twp, bounded :14 (4 2 #19WS, to-ortt: . . On the north by lands of E. B. Coolbangh and ['fitter Hottensteln. on the south by Henry Tracy, oi6he west by Charles Goff, on the east by Aaron P►ltgorder; containing forty-nine acres, or Merv abouts, .:TERMS OF SALE:Hr.° to be paid at time of sate: WA) at final confirmation: and Wane° in one atql two years from time of e.nfirtimion with in- Ultra. LUCINDA lIEL LEilli ANT, - lat2ow3. . Administratrix. ORPHANS' COURT SA LE.—By virture of an order Issued out of the Orphans' entirt of Bradford county; I will sell on the [teem!. 54t. , % rti the townthlp of Towanda. on SATURDAY. March 11, at 10 o'chick a. in.. the following de,- reliat. real estate, late the properly of Michael Mitchell. deed., bounded on the north by !and of .. Mtehael Welch, eact by land of Philander Ward. Sr t by land of William Welch., south by land of Orris Terri': containing &tont 9G arree, with a 14, , g barn. framed barn and ondtard thereon. ifF.ll3lS:—#so on property being grock down: flee on confirmation of 'wile, and tholedanee In two egAnl annual paymentsorith interest from 'nation. SILAS I'. SIIINEIL Adm'r. ' • ALUDITORS' , NOTICE.--Irt re the estate of Joseph Maine. decd. IThe undersigned, no auditor appointed by the Orphans' tours of Bradford County, to distribute fupds belonging to said estate. In the hands of the eleentors of said estate. will attend to the ditties arida appointment at the office or Overton .t Mer. Or, in Towanda, on SATURDAY, the 26 th day of Vidmuary, ISTG, at 10 o'clock... M., when and where at) persons having claims on said fund must pre. serit them, or be forever debarred from coming in upon the Same. rebate.. It. A. SlETterit, Auditor. IXDMINISTRATGRS' NOTICE. —Settee is 'hi , reby given that all persons In dqpted to the estate of John Purcell, late of RPM° twp., deed, must mate Immediate pay luent to the undersigned, andi all persons having' eialmi against said esiato most present them, duly authenticated, for stlttlement. CATHERINE PiIIICELL. lantlew6.• Ad-ininistratrix. A DMISISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Notice is here by given that all persons in. dewed to the estate of Samuel Ileavener,' tate of Sheshequin deed„must make immediate ponythent to ttri undersigned, and all persona having (claims must said estate must present them, duly anthem tttated, for settlement. JE REM I A " • DORL ESC litti27-76-6a*. I 'FRENCH, Adm!Mali-Mr It IIEAVENER, Atlon'z. n?1IINIS RATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that at! persons di bled to the estate if Silas Jones, late or Wells. (10%1. must !nat.} Immediate, payment. and alrpersons having claims against said estate must ple,seet them duly anthentlmted for settlement. KAO3IAH J. JONES, 6ko. W. NOBLE: littAwe•••• { Admiistrators. 1 - 41XECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice • hereby given that all persona Indebted to thu estate of J. 1.. lloritwell, late, of Monroe: twit, drilla, must make Immediate payment to the'un dMilgned. and all persons having clalms upon said estate must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. ljpibsws3 . ; Tr.XCU OR'S NOTlCE.—Notice : ;4 1 Is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of natu'l A. Langford. late of Smithfield, delt , d, must make Immediate payment to the tin degslgned, and all persons having claims against sa)il estate must present them, duly authenticated, tot settlement,' . . WM. E. HARTO'.q: STEPHEN F. FLETCHER. ...... .., . Executors. - - riXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice .i