NEWS MON -ALT', 1147:04 -'_ -,:SIDUICT VESUVIUS is liable ,to e.t.upt,-, 4 . aity . -time. , . c.-- ''' 'T -. -' - " - Vtri:ss'Li)ir,. the Boston forger, itiTsu : posed to be inMloni . • . IT is said lh t William,Lloyd Ga So ii ill, and confl ied to his room. 1 iIIERIC.iS .sidents ,at 'Naples. irate d Ito celebrate . Washington's Birthday. 'TUE Senate has passed the Centenn al Appropriationpbill by a yoto,of 41 to 15. FEX-REPRESENtATLyi Voorhees, of In idiana, is going to make St. Louis . his home. ' : - - Mu: GEonas: Sur.rit; the. Assyrian anti. (platy, Will soon return ,to London •from - t he' ,Elist; . .1" . ~Titi Scottish Rifle -Club is to send. a felin of its own to the Centennial compe tition. ' E-SECRETAET ()elan() and Mrs. Del nu have goneio California; where th y trill pasS the winter.' _ LYDIA SIIEENIAN, the convicted whole- Ishle poisoner, is said to be. dying in the Cenneccitt State prison. . I Tim tniversity of California has pre icmted ft beautiful silver Medal to its late :prosideut i D. C. Gilman. THE steamship Rotterdam, on Whi di it inslow, tbe Boston forger, sailed from 'New York, liasarrived at Rotterdam. I; .1,t,'1 the' mem' bers of Count Arninfs fmiiily haveconeuired in a petition to the ' ll:tts:l%v of Germany for-his pardon. I THE specie in the, Imperial, Bank bf t;,ermany increased 0.2G8,000 marks deli i ing't he week l endilifr Thursday; 10th in t. i, 'fun I:nit-Arian Church in' Broektiel l d, Mass., have substituted water for wine .;in the administering of the Lord's Supper. ' .GEORGE Font, - a well known farnier af ! d stock breeder of Geneva, N. V., f4l; dead in Exchang,e - Stmet •in that town on S.aurday. . / - Mn. P,tamsoi.t. has been presented with t.":-',OO by the shipwrights of London to :lid )bim in.his efforts forthe protection of life at sea. , ' - • ( THE John Jlopkins UniVersity, in 1 tinmre: Will be opened on the 22d in t.„ in the . temporhry buildings fitted up in that ,city. ~ _ , . WHEN black toilets are _worn in he evering, they are relieved by facings and pipings Of cardinal red, rose pink, or Elky bine. i ! A PRETTY floral trimming for party elstitines consists of, vines h yard and a hall icing.. which . cross the front from - right. to left. F Tun teller of the National Bank I of ) Commerce. ati-New London, Ct., has b en heb I iu'::L-1,0001:bail. e lie will be tried in March. the leader of the Kb • :toil insurgents, has__ surrendered to G :al Seobeleff, emu:landing the Huss' VOI4IT ; r, ORTMANI SIMEEN'S 11011ri f`' said the depot of the Pittsbmgh, atftl St. Louis 10 il road, Pittsbur g r were'hUriMil Saturday. Portland and Ogdensburg Hctilnj i'iipany cannot pay the interest en ti bonds issued in aid of • t road - by the - city of Boston. • 'i)wEN LlNnsAr was executed Frichiyl ~racuse for the murder of Francis Colvin. He protest...Al his innocence I the scaffold. . , t I . .. . t Stu .Joni.TAYLOR CocEurDot:, nepli w of the famous poet, and the father of I John Duke Coleridge, 'died .Saturday in England aced Sfi years. ' the tardy collection of tax s. ,st in South Carolina, the payment of intr- 1 4' - On state•bids andstocks isfpbstpcn (4 . until April Ist. "., I hi the Dr.' • Worms' forgery. case at Mon t i i i•al. Judge Itamsay. on Friday, decided ;lett the prisoner be. handed over to the lincrican authorities . . ' TuEl Prince ImPerial has It = iittait ti 1 .t -' NI- opposing and disavowing Prince.)a joleon (Plop -pion) as fi candidate for the i , Chamher of Deputies front Corsica. . ANoritEr. State knocking at the dolt-. The douse Committee on Territor i es =l:ave agreed urion a LB: providing for the admissidn of Colorado into the Union. 1 : C .v r. , ,,,..).5.,.m.h: full-dress-coiffure is a - (luster of finger puffs on the: top of tie .. • : _, I f t e: - 1.1, out of which flow , f ive long, thfek, , :iii is,- reaching to -the waist. i I : I ' • ii LovEs fin. street 'wear may be sclal l, ii for the first dress and micxxl_ color. f.,. : lie second; but - for visiting,, ivoiiy, vrvani, Or very pale cameo tints. i" I ' I'o deep dec.') mourning there should he {io -.... othey trimming but crape. and the moist :ie.! c i c:lblostyle for putting it on is. in wt !` folds, the wider the handsomer: 1 .- , I:NATon Cosia.t!: has presented a IV • .I'.• : -1 si ! med by a large number of citizi•As ''%•' `;'- a- York, headed -- by II:13. Clatiiii, for the repeal of the Bankrupt . .• ::71: - ; gold and. scarlet mania is. at i s , I' ;,,!:t. , It is not_fmcommon to see co 1- lir le costume of navy blue or invisible --,--rt with hat ath)rned with Lbws or it 1 .' ,c.ii let feiither. • . . . . - -t; !FT rings _are made of - gold wire, -, twined round lik'e, a snake into flour r • live strands, the litlturraised and flattenoii, . iei that a diamond or - opal may be set in, mid form it one glittering eye. 1 1 Titl;'. - sextr,:i Piper, wlm ward erect ti 31:114.1 tliung. in the belfry Of tli Boston. liasal,rain been con vie ~ f mnrder. iii the first. degree. No rt !dm .swing; • TIE.; ehihl recmtly found at Tiffet and supposed ti be Charlie Ros czowl , :novcrt to tic Charlie Schenck ineinnati, Who 'has been missing fk s.nne time. •• Millennium is coming': says a English newspaper after announcing a exelningo-of pulpits by . the ll , ist an preachers of the town of. Nan. . . rinco, that country. r PI:OF. VON 6(lll,t'T E., one of the leader. ,Lthe tit‘rinati Oh Catholiesz. has pill' "..4...41 a pamphlet in which lie advocatt. .i•PaL litkti of comptilttory clerical ;c Pekiii, Gazette publishes an N I tar edict degrading en. Lee-see-ta att (4tlering him to -prole m ecti. to Yittat ant..l there :stand trial tor complicit! 1 the murder of Mr. Marpry. 7 . 111 A rev. • Millen' D D., fo b'rty ..tears a Baptist miA.sionoy to the t-',"a rens of Ilurmali. i is on diis way to this r;,.ntry. Pr. Ilihney is Worii out by his labtirs, and he will ih - obably nut FI:AT, ORD has stated' before the Committee on tlth Texan bordLir les, that ineursinns are almost of _occurrence_: a,l that it is impo.s..sible , top them the present militar under Lis command. pisrNten from London states 1.114 qe Government, in eunsequenc&-',of thb foundland tiliSery h :1:-1.-essed' upon. the Colonial Office the. i-sibility of stationing -a man-of-trir :rnanently at St. John. • isTlcAsTEni3eneratletvell recommends hat the rates on merchandise carried in, o mails as third-class matter b varidd coot-ding to the &stance and says that is is the only way to prevtnt an increase the already large deficit of the •.:st mein, . . I Cates bps ;lintioduccd in the of - Lords the. Judicature Amend• ot bill. Maintaining the final appelh#c qiistliction of the Ilon:e of Lords on an klipi - oved system. anti providing for sit (lining the ruris" of Parliament. t I.Fter nec Knew:paps:o has been tined .;:r.") francs for . publ , shing false neNitS• report( d that M. Buffet had , resigr.6.l 1-ndhad declared that he would only ac I,t the CloVeniorsilip of the- Batik lof as a. compensation, , A DEMOCRATIC paper out in Michigan been discussing the Louisana alludes to the q .Spnatorial os " butternut eoiored," a "niaiZe '-i;,-,1 brute." the "ham-colored aspirant ScLatorial honors," "colored troop," "Smoky. Pinchback." Pnovr-i , ,sou Austin Phelps - and another :he professors (*the Andover (Ma.s4.): 1 .1 :eological Seminary are said to be Op d to' the movement begun by the .Seminary Church to ask PIY . 1,:..,711 Church,to call a mutual council to' -agate the charges against Mr.; !.. •- • liambleton, the clerk of the Corn ' ,:c; on Ways and Means of the Clouse. ... 4 , % - tpresentatives, who haal . ,baen t `e. :; 7 :ret of so 1:Inelt contro%ersy 'by re • , • .;,' the allegation that he had named f a; :6:1 Join Wilkes Booth, has resigned,: 1-1 t 0,..; resignadou has heal *merged WI tr..Morrisom . t -- -- • • i . . llforl teportlt • - EDITORS% • : ; ' E. 0. GOODRICII, S. IY. ALTORD: Towaada; Ps, Thursday, Feb• 17, 1876;, MEETING OF THE BEFEBLICM7 STATE CONVENTION. 11E-UNIt'AIITERS REPVIILICAN STATE COIt:IOT TEZ,IIAIthISIWRO, Feb. I, 1876.—1 n Intrsuanet,t of a resolution of the Republican Slate ComMtßee, adopted at a meeting held in Harrisburg this#ay. a Republican State Contention, to her composed of deter:m.l from each Senatorial and Representative district to the number to which such district ii ea; titled In the LvLslattirr. is hereby called to meet la the city of llarrisborg at 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, March nth, 18 - 6, for the , purPoSe of Nominating an Electoral Ticket and. of eletting Senatorial and It...presentative delegates to repre sent the State in the It.!puldlcan National Cotiven. non to be beld - at Cincinnati, Ohio,. on the teent h day of June,,1876. , By ordee of the COM. - HENRY M. HOYT, Chaim:Mu. , A. WILSON NORRIS. Sacretary. REPUBLICAN - NATIONAL CONEEN TION. The next Union Republican National Convetitlop for the nomination of cartilidates for Preslden,and Vice President of the United States, will be heid In the city of il'lncinnatl, on Wednesday, the 14th day or June, KM, at 12 o'clock noon, and will eotifilst of delezates front each State equal to twice the *um ber of itsSeizators and Representatives In Congr . zra. and of-taro D - legates from each organized Terri tory and the District of t'olumbia. In railing the convention for the election of•dele gstes, ths committees of the several States are rec ommended to invite all Republican electors,Sitd all other voters„witiutt regard to past political differ ences or prerlons pa . rty difficulties, whoareopposed to retiring sectional P511 . !5, and d.odre to promote friendly feeling and pirmanent harmony Ahrough out the country by maintaining and enforcing all the constitutional rights of every citizen, including the full and free exercise of the right of supage: without Intiruidat Om and without fraud: who are .in favor of tjt • continued proseeution and ruipt,ii7 in •at of all offielal dishoneNty, and of an economi cal administration of the finvernment by honesf, faithful and capable officers, who are in_faviir of making such return's in government as experience may from time to time suggest twho are opttosed, to impairing the credit of the nation by dep*lat lag any of Its obligations, and in favor of sustaining in every way the nat lanai faith and financial hOnor ; wlto hold that the common. school system itt 1,1:e nursery of American liberty, and shoublbe enatit tatued absolutely free front sectarian controlOvlio believe that for the promotion-of these ends tirodi- . /Tenon of the Government should continue to be coofblecl to those who adhere to the princips of 1715,.support them as incorporated In the ronkitu lion and laws, and Who are In favor of recoguphig .tad strengthening the fundament:LlN principta of aatioual unity in OAS' Centennial ...iiitiversary of die Republic. 1:1)WiN ,Cliairtnan Itepabilean National Cutntnitti!e), tLLi A E. CIADLitt. S...cretary. STANDING COMMITTEE. :4 In conformity with the resolution of the last Republican County eon yyntion, 'the Chairman has nazi ed the followmg Standing Comtni r ftee for the present year. The delegates from several districts have nine& to send_ the name of a committeenind: GE°. D. MoNTANYE,.Chairman. G. W. Kinney, .John F. Satterlee, Asa Nichbls, JudsOn Holcomb. Benjamin Kar rick, F. W. Keyes. Isaac'). Soper, Free man Sweet, John 11. Grant, Alfred - Black well, Theodore Pierce., Ward Witiien, James Hurst, A. D. Mumi, 11. L. CAse, L D. Prince, W. S. Kinney, M. Tracy, J. Dean. John Gordan ; . ('. Charles Thompson. Wm.'.... Foster, E. C. -liver, John . IL Orcut„ D. D. Kiniicy, M. S. Culver, Wm. H. Reid:Well, 11:0. Darling, Georgit 11. Fox, George. Webb, Chas. L. Shepard, Win. L. Scouten, Webb, . Aaron Ely, Timothy Gustin,H. H. Brown, Wm. Bunyan, C. T. Able, Lacy Stevens. TUE repeal of the bankrupt acts,by the House at Washington, will prim a surprise to - those even who 14ie friendly to the repeal of that lair. The action of the r Sedate will `b'e looked for with Considerable inteiCst, as it involves the fate of the bill. We arc of the opinion that the more care ful sentiment of the country fa‘fOrs not the absolute repeal. but the Miffi ification of the Bankrupt law. this probably' will be the .action of.:the .. Senate. If it is absolutely repealed . , it willihave the effect of remanding debtors to the operation of z State laws. :and the effect will probably be to make credits more difficult than heretofore to obtain. If the repeal should be consummated by the action of the Senate, 4 Will be becaus4i of ;the unfair Avant:l2 . es taken of the present law. • : THE New York Tribune giveshe Bristol (Va) .Peter credit for-utter" inm the following dismal complaiiit: " We' fear there is no chance for'us to win the Presidential election. We htut.e, sent a few brilliant, pop-e,ied fools, like BtN..IIILL, of Georgia and these" seem determined to knOck the apple off the head of the Noah ern men every 'time they see it tlqre. Nothing was so much needed by the chemv as that our Southern men' in this Democratic Congress shol'ild quarrel with them: Nothing tias done them so Much good as thc;re cent hot debatl betweeil HILL Even BAN 'TUCKER, '-701=4 . Virginia. had better keep his month slMtl The time is nut yet for the Sduth to resume the•fiery leadersiiip of 1850." . . e . Rebel Democracy in Co&zress alr4dy see that the Ri!o.: mulcration of their disloyal senti ments was preniature. and have OM ; meneedlo "lidge." It will be membered with what haste and wa4lntlif the Democratic and Jude- I , pendenti (!) press denied 'the chafe that 31r. Monaisox. Chairman of the .1 3 .s and gleans, had appointed;) a man wlio. had named his son after WILK'S BOOTH clerk of his committee. It turnS4out that the: eltarg,e was siilY- Stantia true, and tilie man has been 'll'l : missed until a more conviin lent 'opportunity - presents itself Eto give him a better place. Tut: Cincinnati Enquirer (s* money Democrat) says: "It seems that thus far in the session privite bills, embracing claims against the' government to the amount of aboUt $54,000,000, have been intmludo and referred to the committees. At also transpires that, with a •fewCi eeptions, these bills have*). duced by Demociatic membeis. ECONOMY is the sure road to wealth, and the country is traveling on !it This generation will not probalilr apin witness such, flush times a 3 had Cluring the war; . but with p,n dunce and energy we shall secOri fair returns for labor, and 'We r, enjoy hest ProsPentyL ME==e=M • REVEltult ; tioltitiON:' the •dis tiiiiehilied 844400 and jurist, died aitddenl Thursifly; the 80th year of hit )11r:Jont soN was born at!Annapolia-OO May. 21 inherited .theLlegali . acumen and judicial cast of mind for which he was so eminent, being the son of Zion. Joan JOHNSON, Chief Judge of the First Judicial District of Maryland, and afterwards Chan cellor of that State. After graduat ing at John's College, Annapolis, he studied law with his father, and was admitted to the bar on the coitiple tion of his 21st year. lie acquired a' large practice, and' during the next eleven years reported the decisions of. the Maryland Court of Appeals, the seven volumes of "HARRIS and JOHNSON'S Reports," having been chiefly prepared by him. In 1817 he remoued to Baltimore, and was soon after appointed Deputy Attorney General.of the State. In - 1820 he was appointed Chief Commiisiener of In solvent Debtors. From 1821 to 1825, he served as State Senator, resigning in the fatter year to deVote himself to his profession. Less than twenty years afterwards he was the acknowl 'edged leader of the Maryland bar. lie was elected 'United States Sena tor in 1845, and in 1849 was appoint ed by President TAYLOR Attorney General of the United States. On President TAYLOR'S death, in 1850. he retired from' the Cabinet and re sumed the practice of the .law. He was a member of the Peace Congress Of 1861, and in 1862 was 're-elected to the Senate of the United States. After the war he was appointed by the Government as umpirk , in ques tions which had arisen with foreign governments during the occupation of New Orleans.— In 1868 lie was appointed Minister to England to succeed lion. 'CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, and negotiated a' treaty for the settlement of the Alabania claims, but•it did not meet the views of the United States Senate and was, reject ed by a large majority. He was re called from England in 1869, again resumed the practice of the law, anti was engaged in several important cases before the Supreme Court of the •Uniten States. Mr. Joussos would have been eminent as a jurist and a statesman in any age or coun try. The strength and solidity of his judgment were fortified by the depth and accuracy of his legal knowledge, and the largeness of • his experience. Ile was the last of that race Of great constitutional lawyers. and statestnen of whom WEBSTER was the chief. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD.— Mr. CHARLES B. WRIGHT, President' of the Northern Pacific Railway Co., of which we have been furnished' a copy addressed To the Preferred Stockholders of the Northern PaCilic Railway," embracing a brief state ment of the condition and prospects of the company. This circular states that when the panic of 5ept.,.187;3, came, $30,000,000 of bonds had been sold, the interest onwhich was near ly $2,400,000 annually. The trustees of the mortgage, With" sdpe of the bondholders, had a receiver appoint ed in: April; 1875. The bondholders met on the 30th of June following and appointed a committee, which after and brought the road to a judi dial sale. _The assenting stockholders converted themselves into preferred stockholders and perketed a reor ganization by the election of their own board of directors. The road is built and in operation from Lake Su perior to the Missouri river at Bis marck, 450. miles. The Pacific divis ion is in operation from the deep wa• ters of the Columbia river to Tacoma, the terminus on Puget Sound, 105 mileS. The gross receipts of these portions of the road last year were $618,590; the net income,• $152,140. The whole 555 miles have 'Ten ae cepted by the government, which en titles the company to 10,800,000 acres of land. • The company is sell inglaud rapidly at an average of $5 per acre. Resumption of work is promised this season, and the road is td be completed when times get bet ter. Nine-tenths of the bonds issued' have been surrendered and converted into preferred stock. The remainder is rapidly coming in. The 7-30 bonds are exchanged for preferred stock at the rate of $1,500, of the latter for each $l,OOO of bonds. This stock is received at par for the company's lands east of the Missouri river. As this information is of interest to many readers of the REPORTER who were purchasers of Northern Pacific stock in the heyday of the:initial op erations of the company, we publish it for their benefit. U. S. SENATOR JOHN SHERMAN has written a letter on the Yresidential question, in which he expresses a preference for Gov. HATES, of Ohio, for the Republican candidate. He regards Dehlocratic success as meah, ins ruin to the country, and saYs: The Southern States are to be or ganized by violence and intimidation into a compact political power, only needing a small fragment of the Northern States to give it absolute control, when by a minority rule of the party it will govern the country as it did in'the time of ,Pierce and Buchanan. If it should elect a Pres ident and both houses of Congress, the Constitutional amendments would be disregarded, the freed men would be nominally citizens, but really slaves, innumerable claims, swollen by perjury, would be saddled upon the Treasury, and our public credit would be impaired, the powers of the Gengral Government would be crip pled, and the honors won by our peo ple in subduing the rebellion would be subjects of reproach rather than of pride. WrssLow, the Boston forger bas been arrested in Lona4n, and will ,be sent heck this country. 421141117431t01et •;4 444) r • tnmitokgrATEß, rilswant*spoirdb. trove. 1.64 : 44 the inastinkeestingiiiiovei and unique works oratt eittibiOd at the Cen-1 Lanais! wilt be as titiiiiteataral plan of the i Pity of-Mexico.; are 3330' feet from north to inuf.ll;:atid.2Sl feet from .4st,'to west. All the characteristics of : the - Capital will be portrayed with, , the trreatest fidelity ; as, , for instance, the it regularity of the heights of buildings,:_the,i color of the frontings„ the signs on _the business houses, the number of doors, ' windows and balconies on each street, the pavements and sidewalks. !This model city will be peopled by 00,. 4 - 1 , 000 human figures, of good size, made of ?! lead and adorned exquisitely, represent- I ing men of various fashionable National costumes and otherwise, ladies elegantly dtessell for the opera, ball and social par t, besides types from the common pkople. Fruit venders, ice-cream venders, - porters, Water carriers, etc., with their fantastic outfits, will be given to life. There will be no less than 1,900 coaches and an equal number of other vehicles, besides artillery-. pieces mounted on carts. Nearly aU the noticeable buildings will be, visible, the grand _Cathedral, the lirincipal Catholic churches, the Mint, offices of the rail- Mids, the School of Fine Arts, the Hotel Iturbide and others. ;.The idea of the novel undertaking orig inated with Don Francisco Tajardo, An tonio Fomaa, Francisco Cervantes, Manu el Acosta and Andoquio Sanchez, all well kiiown residents of Mexico. They • have associated with them Don Vicconto.Fer nandez, an eminent mechanic and artist. Switzerland will have in all 371 firms :represented at the Exhibition. The gov ernment at first appropriated 2.10,000 1 francs, but subsequently increased the amount considerably. ltudelph Koradi, the Swiss Consul here, is acting as the! Commissioner for his Government and! lill soon be joined by his associates. ! The products of mineralogy and of. faining.will be represented, and also met allurgy, chemical products, glass and!! glassware, furniture,%)rarns, felt cloth, silk!! products, silk dress manufacture, ribbons, 1 knit F,oods, straw hats; needle work til Manufacturers of jewelry, clething, etc.;jl preparations of milk and flour:; extracts ; of fruit and samples thereof; hardware;' scientific and educational implementa seulpture, paintings, etchings; photo- 1 1 giaphy; machinery; the products of a;sri-I I Culture, 24 collections ; clucks, watches,: i etc., and of engineering works, 27 repre-11 s'entatives in models. I The cantons of Basle, Appenzell, Fried liurg, Geneva, Luzerne, Zollotozoin,- Zu rich, Berne and Fenchatel, are to have a collective exhibition, showi how their people live, what they work f e lt, the pro gress they Inive made in the line arts, en 4inetring, in education,. reformat .ry insti tutions, with models of their theatres, churches, factories, hospitals, beneficial' associations and of their farms and work- The official management of the U: shopS. . pI.& A. 'R. R. is nowliif the hands cif The dome of the Art Gallery will be l -understand the lighted by two thousand gas jets, arranged; then who thorougli3 t u c , ,• of, in three circles, one near the b a, ase, sm . ! ! Principles and prixtical operation nd at the middle, and the other just un-11 of a railroad, and lye perdict that t i t der the' summit. At night, • the whole; I Will become one of Rile - first lines cif dome, which is constructed of glass. will! thoroughfare in Wel country for thb be a brilliantmass of light, and AM the , movement of freiolit of all kin& Summit is two hundred and sixty-six feet, , -a, , above the level of the Schuylkill, the great and passenger travel both North ant illuminated hemisphere will lie visible for ! South: ! • . . i Mile's in every direction. , !" In making conneetions,-as it does, • 1 POLITICAL—THE PRESITiENCY. • 1 with such roads as "the Pa. 4k, N. Y. The time liaviM , been Shed for the and Lehigh Valley Railroads, anil , . Meeting of the Pennsylvania State Con -1 working, too, in the l intcrest of roads vention to select eandidates to the Repub - -1 I :ton of such m itude and importanc4, a hem National Convention, the preliinina- there can- be no such fail in rr arrangements are being put into shape. , ~ ii, roth this city eleven delegates=twelve, j its ~ tuturehistory. The . history of if State Trea.surer Mackey will yield to I this road, previous ,ttr-a . year sincb, the urgent solicitations of many friends—j: has been somewhat' checkered, haNt• Will go from Philadelphia 0-Cincinnati,' I iii„ • been managed b• a few who have ten from the Congress districts and twOl ;e , Mr the State at large. From what has sustained a checker 41 character for transpired among the leaders Of the•party l I years, and ,who, inst t ead of working in the Commonwealth, a number of whom i for the interest of the road worked Met herd a few days ago,lo compare notes," Ito its disadvantagcJ. ' lis downfall the vote of the Penngylvaniaatelegation, ,I , - was • ..1 i J unner, their managentem met k- Will be cast on the first,- probably on the ! second, and possibly on the third India,' table: The crisis (lune, and man; fer our popular young Governor, (ien.l, there were, that H artrauft. About the time the third bal4 l not well afford to. I The expressibi lOt is cast, Mr. .1. Don Camerim, who wild along the whole line now seems t be made chairman of the State delegation; be -one of pleasure} and ' hearty-co Will, if the present programme does not -I Miscarry, arise in his place and state thatoPerat ioninauguration o he is authorized by the delegation from; ; affairs,' in the new and the newt managenient o his State to withdraw the name of Gov.; the road is alread3 l making friend • flartratft. a 51 runt to cast Pennsylvania's Out of its formei enemies. vines for Gen. Rutherford B. Hayes, oft ; rr. . ~ l i . Howard lilther, into woos Ohio. i Since the letter of General Sherinan basil ha ids the road if4lll as a receiver, i lipen made public, in whi.M the head of al man of sterling" itorth, whose hi, the Army has Liken an emphatic stand tegrity as a man m aong men is nu' for Gov. Hayes,' the many friends of the • governor in this end of the Commonwealth l ienpeachable. lle has been a powe th to thiS toad, towards re • strength are exceedingly jubilant. Thus far • but of e, little has been said in relation to the Vice- i yieving its ~ f allen fortunes; and w presidency, but I cannot fail to notice a ; di) not hesitate to;tultice the assertion decided feeling, among those 'likely to rep- f that the road could not have had a resent this city- and the Camden district f better man fur the, place. • of New. Jersey at Cincinnati, in favor of i ! Gen.N P.13-inks of Massachusetts, a••, Mr. It. A. Packer; the gentlemanly . the most popular candidate fin. Vi ce ,p re& . General Superintendent, is a perso ident. Hayes.and Banks, is much more too well known as a railroad man lo • POI/War with the 'Philadelphia Republi- us to say anything that will add 4) cans than Hendricks and Curtin is with. take away any of the luster lie ha the Democracy of this city, for many of the most influential of the latter will hear already elrned• 1 I of no other ticket than Bayard, of Dela- ! Mr. Stevenson, who has lately been ware, for President. and Gordon, of Geor- i appointed' awl_ installed as assistant gla, for Vice-President. Superintendent, is alvoung man who (Inc of the most astute party leaders in Inns risen from the ranks by untiring the State of Pennsylvania said to me a diy or two since, " Pattersim. Spencer, !I energy, and he has rregularly filled Clayton and West will be turned out ofl .the several position from brakeman the Senate, and the ithpeachment of kraut I to that which lie now holds ; in eacl will follow as surely as day follows night." i instance with honor io himself, sitj generally I place much reliance umnl t • • , - action to his friends and credit abl l • this eminent. Democratic statesman, hot!: , " , ' •• his cantankerous dislike of p re , idem ,to the railroad public. _ . Grant causes him to sp2ak• earnestly upon Mr. Lute . Welch, who resigned th this subject, and, I f e ar, without the can- position now occupidd li• Mr. Steve - tion usually characteristic of Hum Rich- 'hasco son to remove Coo California co and Faux. 7 ' eluded' to to' remain in.these parts t I There' appears to be a diStinet wider- 1 • standing among the party leaders in this while longer. lie has accepted a sit city, that Senator Wallace and Congress- nation as a conductor on one of the Mau Randall will both be elected dele- passenger trains. Lute is a first-class gates-at-large to the National Democratic man, and the many *arm friends lib Convention.; their choke for President, n with' has made since his connection that, last and all the time, ii Bayard, of Deleware, and not llendrieU, as errone- the ,road will no doudt be pleased tia ousts stated by the Philadelphia oorref;- know that he is not going away. Th poadent ()NIT New York Tribune. i road has lost a good 'man in one it 4. _us EXPERIMENTAL CORONER. - 'Sitioll only to fill another. - ) The coroner of our 'city is 'a gentleman ;t The position of Superintendent °lf Of an inquiring turn of mind; and in .the,l motive power is filled by our genial liursoit of knowledge he recently took friend James Weaver who has long corpse !that„ had been dead! "but a few .7 hours ". and riddled it with 'revolver cart-:I been in charge of the shop of the Pb ridges,' "in order to familiarize himselfl k N. Y.. Railroad, at Waverly' .with the external effects of gun-shot) Under the management of "Jim, ' ;Wounds, " Had that corpse been a sisteri i this department will' be a success or mita mine that coroner would erei Athens-Gazelle. i 1 this have had an intimate knoWledge of l the internal effects of gun-shot wonnds.l This coroner, who is a medical practition er, may consider it a thing turbo proud of i' that it was reserved to him to inform the cause of science of the "external effects" itpon the deatbody of a yoking woman, by tiring a score of bullets into her. To Fay the least, I am ashamed of the bill tality of our coroner, which is equ'alled Only by his ignorance, for since his elec tion there have been a hundred inquests held by him upon the dead bodies of per-1, sons killed by pistol balls. ! , . MISCELLANEOUS.. Col. Thomas Scott, before the Pacific-' Railroad Committee , •in reply to a state i Mont that he was bankrupt, said : "I any ; riot in any sense bankrupt. Every dollar Of the paper of the Texas Pacific Railroad Or the old Construction Company that had My name on it, has been paid: in cash,l principal, not trade or bonds; I do not; owe one dollar to any bank, individual or Patty of any kindin the laud; and aM t& day free and clean from everydescription! -Of debt." I know 703 men who work for $1.50 per day, averaging about five dayS per week; vrho do not Owe a i donar to any bank, in; dividual or party in the, land, and they+ don't consider it munch to boast about but Scott, with his $40,000 Salary a year and chances, is heralded throughout the land as owing no man anything. Scott's Pay at this rate is $l7O per week, $135 per day, and for the four hotirsernployed each day it is about $34 airlicur, and his butch: cr and baker, his shoemaker and servants, his tinker and tailor, all are Odd, and the impertinent Congress Man who intimated that the President of the California and Texas 3lobilier Company wait bankrupt; Simply went woofing and himself cauati back sheared. One of our citizens recently purchased an old looking-glass, • and in the back found a newspaper of the date of duly 4,! 1716, for winch be has since been offered, by one person $2,500, and by a publishing, firm $3,01/0, the latter intending to issue, far,sitniles, but both offers were refuSed t` sixd now there is a general overhaulintrof our : peat rundiatuer's old oorepart for; $5,000 relies tit' revolutiouaty thus. ' illilia patitile;Lptailinan ot, 4 , , 1 city o .:Baidlet*tulariingli ' ' ";.....' .' 24 Ai* 4 = aci ll*d - rats' -7, -'` , eAI citt Inen44l- ,rn s ik !; it-. 4` s 4. int ,--*li: -rSilie '' ', ' ...x hied 1 . . , .... '' • , —tat& *, ... Brussels•t, l';' , ` ,, "'- t ut will, iioef. 1. hilt!,-its` 0 ' I Oil.* I c lioni..k-itannto`NliktiSaAale 109 k ' " 1 sind :Die ettitth al westatilibriotok *it Mount' Vernon Cernet4ry, distant::. miles, and fired the ttal shot that scatt , tered brain's and blo od promisculoisly around. If men and women will let their 1 bid blood out by letting bullets into th carcasses,-why don't 'lvy do it nicely an I iii order like Band!.. It certainly if; aye sensible thing ,for a suicide to select eemetoryin which to kill himself. , .. ei . , LETTER PROM !joßyinax,PA.... .. _, . . - _ . . . Kicvsto o ir. Acaviiirv.' • F.4.crouvvti, c, Pa., Feb. iii. IN". , 31[R, Emit:M—Dear ii: 'AS.I have no seen apything In: you paper concerning this school, 1 eonsideit my duty to let R im the readers of the- °ln know Oaf tip we have one of the best,schools in liorthL ern Pennsylvania.. Thi) village of Facto eYville contains about s x'hundred inhabi tants, and is situatedl op the lino of the Delaware, Lackawaua nd Western 1.1 R. fifteen miles north of ;Scranton. and to Miles cast of .Tunkhatiiiock. ' The Acade my building is located iu a Rue gruvb o eighteen acres.soutli'of the village, and ' a: brick. edifice' 95x59,1' fonr .stories high . 4. ,! At tine lastannualimreting of the direor tern, which was last Tuesday, , it was die covered that the average number of at tendat.eaaiuring, the year was over o • himdred:and seventy-seven. The numbs . nt . of volumes which have been added to the, Library daring the year were one hundred and seven, and of theSe sixty-five were gifts. The chief gift was that from Isaa Bevan, of Clarks-Greene, who gave fort i f , beautifully boued volitmes. There 'h: been added to the Cabinet over five lin r ;- tirtsl .rare and beautiful geological a Mineralogical specimen's, It was unan - mously voted that the hiptory. , of th school should be represt‘nted at the Ce tennial. Nathaniel ilalitead, of Seranto , and Edward',Frear, of Factoryville, wer appointed as a • committeeto receive e 4 - Mates aui plans for hefting the building by Steam. A. C. Sisson and G. C. Greene Were appointed as a 'Foto:Mite° to see about having the building thoroughly re r painted. Tbe school bring situated in •), village where the inhabitants are verf pious and industrious, I the students can obtain au edueatio: more easily than if the i school wits situates in A city. • The great temptations that liroi.ig city life are mit known to the :student,'l so he can stud) Whatsoever lid chooses Without being di titrbed by the!restlin,,,4 , dais, tk:C4 :- ' Tours Truly?? THE G., L 6A. R. R. 141)41:1;108qN;ilinfilili);y11:(41$:q NORWICH, Conn., Feb. 7.7-Warre I Lee Goss, ! President of the Nritionz i l Union of Aridersonville Survivors, has written a' letter ;to the Balkh)) replying toy Jefferson; Davis' assertiob that the mortality ofithe Confederoto prisoners' in Union; hands was i greater proportion than that of Ur ion ion soldiers in rebel Prisons., II Mr. Goss quotes the federal w'r department figures showing the tot I captures of soldiers rind citizens b ' the confederate forces to have bee 185,145, and it is estimated that f these half were actually confined i . prisons.' • The number of deaths i confederate prisons was 36,401, co - sequently the percent. of mortalit in prisons was over 3SL and thc-pe .. cent.. of the entire r captures abolit ln.. The number of captures byf thle Union forces was 476,169 ; acttia4 confined ,(the rest' being paroled or exchanged), 327,570 ;. per , cent - i• , mortality in prisons, 131 per cent; f mortality of ~whole; number Of ea tives, 6-k. Thus the mortality in rel prisons was about three times great as in Union prisons. 2 1) • Mr. Goss also' quotes the official report of the Confederate inspector of prisons, Lieutenant Colonel D. T. Chandler, who is faVorably indors , by the Confederate assistant Secre ry of war, to show that recommend - tions were actually - made ,to Davi t ' cabinet to reidaen General Winde i ,_ commander at Anderson Ville, wit . some one more humane, anal the onl *nice t.aketi.thet*of by.D.ros.was: . pi olm:lie Winder:: to. thelposition et ocimudiaary -general fat iltAtia 'Co* .. federlte foritionik: -- 7 • .1 • 2 , f Yew ,!c 04 4 1/Wl l t""l' ; r e g ?and the t 4nst., -eta man. YOst; of Tamagni / .MC e sth of July last, is doubtleitritilL-ftresh in the memory of our readers. The eirenufatatees - whierted Iprehension and incarceration in the Schuylkill county : prison prose from en*legedoOnfesslon, whleb, it was AltiriUred* had been made bY the no -torieus Kerritan,---who r with Doyle and Kelly, wae indicted in Carbon ornlnt - Y foe the. order of John P. Jones, The triar;?of and-hie conviction had baidly .: been mitaimplished befei*SotWOnnihad, to use a "Mollie • Magtiiie" tenn i :" leaked" and::betrayed .tiO..the - au .thorities. many of the secrets - and bloody .deeds of .the , :fiendish, gang, which has infested -the coal counties for so long a time. Pubde opinion pointed to Kerrigan nai the most, likely person to make inoh a • eon lession,, but it was not until ester :day that it became absolutely certain who had .made the statement which. furnished theclues% for the:arrest 'or the Yost. murderers. prisoners were last week'.examined The evi denee of-Kerrigan will giie a little 'insight .into the operatiOs of the .Mollie , Maguirea The :witness .Ker rigan baying been sworn, iVita inter rogated by Gen. Albright,:ior Mauch Chunk, who, with Hon. F. W. Hughes and District Attorney.Kae'rcher, con ducted the Commonwealth side of the case: He .began by 'giving his residence at. Tamauqua, and stating his acquaintance with all Of the prig lie identified D4iiry, Boyle. and 3lcGehan as the mein : who, on the night of July 5, at Carroll's sa loon; in Tainanqua, annOeed that Yost was to 'be put out the way thatnight. The cause Of the killing, lie stated, was because IYost had beaten _a "Mollie" at a idenic last summer. : He said that (*roll left the saloon to borrdw a pistol, but came back without one, And then have him (Kerrigan) a quarter go to a neighboring saloon and bfirrow one. Ile said he went to the saloon and spent the quarter,, and einne away without the pistol. lie alOo narrat ed the circumstances of tlie confess-• ions of Boyle, McUehan alit.. Dully, made sometime after; of Weir having killed Yost. llis testimoqywas not affected, but rather .strengthenedi ou the cross-examination, Which was conducted by Mr. Ryan iti)his usual severe and protracted styli. In the .course of the cross-examination lie 'spoke of the murder of 'Jones,' for 'which he was indicted, and said he had made his confession to Messrs. Daniel Sliepp and Benjamin I,lughes - of Tamauqua, of his , owns; free will and accord, because, as he;! said, ." I was determined to let the people know." He further saio" I don't expect to clear myself by finplicating others. I expect to be punished for, my participation in the crime of kill: ing Jones. I was with those men (ne:wing Kelly and 'lloylii); I don't deny it. They wanted Me, to help . iabut I wouldn't. I sent o.* 6liepp 'and Hughes. Alexander iWatupbell handed me a pistol and Wanted me to go along and -kill JonCSI, - Kelly had two pistols. MeGelOri is the Man that oiled the in' his own house on the hill, and gavh Rhem ,to Kelly and Doyle. Mieliagl Doyle let() the pistol (meaning the "one tl ; fit was identified as the one U sed to kill Jones). Can't say who lint the pis tol in the laurel bush. I 'oVits nOt to take charge of the pistolslhat ,were found in the laurel oust'. gave, Doyle the pistols at l'fis saloon. Alexander Campbell, Kelly• and myself Were present. .p 1 it was at night time, ' about 10:10 - o'clock. Alexander Campbell put Bee on my knees and make me prontot. I would never say anythingrabout'; it, either drunk or sober ; he wanted Doyle to shoot Jones at his own cider; I nev er owned the pistol in my,:l life ; be sides Kelley, Doyle, McCiehan and myself there .Were two or three others in McGehan's saloon 4i:oi:flight. On being asked Why thes4 rnen would cominunicatel with hitnV on such short acquaintance he. said : "Be: cause they belonged to the same so ciety, the Mollie Ma - gUirefi; and said' that there was' something iin the or der that required its mOnbers to commie:in:y(ler, rob, bur4r do any thing."p lie complained ilthat the high-Vined members got all the-,cash, while the poor devils - got nothing, and said that John Slattei had giv en Alex. Campbell ten, lollars to burn Barney O'Hara's barn and ten more to get him licked. 'His exami nation, was concluded about half past 2 o'clock, and he as driven rapidly to the depot, i ivhefe, having been supplied with i a lunch, he was placed in the car and talie4 back to the Mauch Chunk jail )a. ! town . . It is many year sijice Potts- I vdle has Witnessed such acongrega tion of the bad element ins flocked I here to bear one of the ging "give them away."- Many imprecations were heaped on the offending Kerri ffan's head, ann one man, h dealer in . 1 shoddy coffins, a notorigns Mollie, I was : jerked, brought before~ the Court and bound over to appear ittthe next court for inciting to riot. His offense I consisted in having s aid Kerrigan I ought to be drowne. "" Kula. FRED GRANT SPEAKS FOR HIS FA- NEW YORK, Feb. 13.÷-the f Poet's Washington corresponden * legraphs as follows: Two gentlemen who vis ited the' White House orialursday tell of an interesting and 'significant conversation which .they had with Colonel' ; -Fred Grant on tithe third term question. They wero skaking pf candidaps for the ne4 Republi can nomination for President, when Fred burst,7out with an eniphasiii rind' earnestness that his. hearqs say con ivinced them of his sincerit,y, saying*: " if any body thinks there's any third term here, he's mistaken.. Fattier don't want to be PresideO#ny more, and won't accept a nomination if the Cincinnati convention offerit l to him." This was repeated in subOance sev eral times. The conversation turning to chanc es of different candidates,) Fred ex pressed unbounded adtnitution for Senator Conkling, remarkitig: "He's a statesman, a good Republican, and just the man for Presidenfir He add ed the hope that. Conkling-:7ould get the nomination, and said he thought he would slip in as LincOltt did in 1860.. The gentlemen wholieard him believe lie only echoed the upinion of his father. , -;, Tnz Republicans were euen(tsaful by largely increased majOrit in :0014 Thwrialmirgb and- Tort ; at tterelection'iniTneaday::i • , MICI =Via "' ; FW:11 lF • :.4.,:u i A. •.:..' or'''7i77:-.-,;:i, ~..: ,I gT - _.:'1....gz.;5.. : F' ,- ~-, ,.- --. i. ' ",k,4i : i rlie.','-I. i rtifildent*;44) :--,: :-.-.,. 4 1 1 iitkdiioiv , S;:.. i - 0 , ,, - ::1 , ;1 , " ! l` . i '7 a, the C , . ik , .i i..:7 .0 : 1 $ les . behig - . - -M .t - 44t Oa* ,r ~.. gibi * Ates. of.a notar • ~,-.!: :,,,,, , ~. t - fp_ ~ Attorney-0 . , L! '":1 . )1 - ~! : o f -, ! v also present. - ••-•'" ' -'''' -*%--- A ''' - -4 1 :'• On the direct examination Ulysss S. Grant, having been duly ,sworU, Acittmal 5q.betW.0.44A01091 1 .01 A known General 0. E. Babcock for; a ii n period covering the last ten or twel e: years;-deponent ' s relations with Id had been of an intimate nature.- T, e President here expressed himself ;as • fitkrtirtainranelivrlng-entertalqd a const4,t,eorkfidene,e irk thwaccusetl. The •'-461V-Por. iiiiiiii , 'at :- Chie+ .wasi.: .-!ordered ~ .at , -the . .requept, of General . Babe - wk. A ft er it hp been found' that be could riot appep to telitiffiri i th9::Aiery trial 'or any other case,.within,a, :reasonable title, no effort was made to the 'President's knowledge ! on - the - -part-of General ! Babcock, or any bodyfor him, to pre- Vent a trial oti the iiidietirents. Neither the : appointment: ofAyCe, nor tho:pe of -McGuire or ilf"Donald,or either!of them, or of any-ope - elqe•involved thi the investigation of the whisky .riiiig frands,!!.had! been made at the•soliti tation or by request of General Hib- Cock,`riarffid - be'A,any : time interf4re with investigation into the. allegid frauds Or . the Unlawful-. eundUct - I]of distillers, or of. officials of - this kitic , or like 'or similar business. His °lily -!suggestion had been incidental aild to the "effect that the investigati4rs should 'be conducted' by men of char ;acter and integrity, as -was - Usual jin the army. ' * , At this:point of fi cial papers w ere produced and identified by the Prr:a :ident,. going . to ; show: , that. Gene - a 1 Babcock had no connection with !le I appointMent or changes of collect ' rs ' or supervisors, - and the - President tStated distinctly that no remark, h servatiOn or act had come within his 1 knowledge which.had led him to, stip: pose that his accused secretary had any connection with the whisky riffp or whisky frauds, or was in any way I interested to screen the alleged fratlds or wrongs upon the government. he I went on to depose :—The " Sylpfi," !" Mum," and other -dispatches . to I which his attention had been called 1 after the indictments were first fomid, I had been,. fully and.satisfactorily 6x -1 plained to him by -General Babel:. 1 Before this time the President lfel ! no knowledge, directly or indirectly, of these telegraphic messages. It hird been the cus t om of his seeretai'y 4o I 1 . respond to messages andr , inquiles i, from ' all over the country. The,se were sometimes of a friendly, sonic- . !times of a political, and 43ouretimes!of I a business character. This he did I largely and freely: Deponent did riot 1 - believe him guilty. of anything tfiat I had fallen under his notice of the ' charges Made against him, and Gin; eral.Babcock continued to retain his confidence. That if anything existed ! wrong on the part of his seeretar3l it I was amatter of surprise to him, slid was wholly without hi - knowledhe. The cross examination wlitch now followed was conducted with' a view ' chiefly to show that General Babe* might have acted improperly with Out the knowledge of the President, *- might have concealed his . acts and :in criminating papers from him, a:nd to make it apparent that the Pr It+i dent himself had, through over emifi dence in his secretary, trusted hm too largely, and in the matter of mik-, ing appointments of collectors! Ad supervisors had omitted to exerci se the extra caution which the !nato demanded 1. FIRE DAMP EXPLOSION AT- WET PITTSTON• Four Neu Killed—Soveial Wounded; N„ E* YORK, Feb. 13.—A Pius Lon, Pa., dispatch says: Yesterday,illill Exeter mine, West Pittston, belong ing to the Lehigh Coal Company; lire damp explosion killed font Men and;badly wounded six or eight more. The names of the killed are: DO3. Malley, Edward Allen, Thomas Har ris and Alex Jones. The works were badly damaged. LATER PARTICULAUS. SCRANTON, Pa., Feb. 13.—Besides the. four men killed outright by the Pittston mine explosion Sat urdv, seven Are Opposed fatally injure(4 , The accident was caused by foul air coining in contact with a naked lamp carried by a miner named Alex ;Jones, who, wandered into some Old workings. Forty men were in the mine at the time of the shock, which is deSerilied as being fearful in its effect. The shaft is nearly fora• hundred feet deep. The men who survived the shOek were _taken up, together with thOr dead and wounded comrades, in.t4ee trips. The . mine is the same 011011 which the fatal explosion of 1871 oc curred, by which several miners bist their lives. ITHACA'S CLOCK FACTORY DESTROY ED BY FIRE. ‘ ,l ITHACA, Feb..l2.—At about five o'cloCk this A.. 31., fire broke out lin the wood department- of the Ithaca Calendar Clock Manufactery - in this village, and the entire establishment was- destroyed. 'The origin of t i ll; tire is unknown but it had pitied such headway before it, was diset)v ereil that all efforts to save the build ing were unavailing. „ A large outliner of clocks ready for shipment, and considerable material, was savid. Over sity men arc out .of emplOy ment. The loss is estimated at $50,00.0 ; insurance $30,0Q0, about' equally yided lletween the following compa nies: Franklin of Philadetphia, Royal of Liverpool, Passtingers_ of Phila delphia; • German American of NOY York, Commercial Union of Londfin, Manhattan of New York, Atlanti6lof New York, Lancashire of Manchps-, ter, ring., Springfield of Hartfotd; Conn., Atlas of Hartford, Conn., and American of Philadelphia. . a • 'lt is understood. that the woks will be rebuilt and put in running order at once. WE ARE glad to see it stated that Hon. W. W KETCHUM, of ..Laze county, is favorably spoken of akfa candidate for the vacant U. S. jmig ship, created ,by the retirement lot Judge M'CANDLESS. Mr. K. is O i rc of the ablest lawyers in. the Stale, and pOssesset all the other requisqes for.the boqrable position. His 4p pointmen9iould secure an able, feitr leis and'ineorruptible JUdge,.ooat .the,same - iime . proVe. on act ofjustim to the northern portion; of: the CI. - `• inoniiialtb: - ' .- - '-- .' - . -.'-- - 1 ' In Tut beiteinial ' - ---'-' apprOPriation tin had ttieei signed-by .the-Presidguti ...-14;;'; - c,<4.?•(4 13 4.'; •• •',1;,/.' , .-V4 . ./.••• , - 4- ;?.; - / ,- .f".'7. 4 •;/, , ,•/.1. 1, :/ ,. .:• -, 4.,:k0'.k . tf,... 4! ):: :3: r:: , ; ::- 1. ; _!„!ti •:1. :; ;;; ? .; : ;,,,,,t. ./... ,. : ,,,, : . :•:: : :: . ,'.;g:::::C . ..;:' - ',. , ;:;;,:,: - ,. ,-:", *. .'1?-:: :^. '...1,-':,'..1i.,;., 1;:;,;: . -7 ,7 , l 7: l: 4 ""'"'tii: i# .*•L . .. N 1 U AL REPORT Off' THE-Rai 1410 - 44=10M ItaitrirAni , witi Esti anc.- -.,„ :.-3 4...,./...., , _:,910 , SPADP O BD (* U NI T ' II , " 0 111 7 A /.1 ~ : i r .- ..7?! i0x ~,_,.,,,,,-....0 7 c...'i-t- i• - ' , - ' '' i - ' ur zWiaziiiiip . i .. ; 'f 4 ...,., .C .' , - . s . ...:, . ..,,. ; :5 - . .t.,` hors I - . its --- - --: - .. le PO riiOners s u p p o rt ~....,.....9 !1. •_/50 Kora for Prothonota• rand Registers .i - , ,* -. , ..,, .. 010 1 . .... - pgf.f . o . • , MS 741 ;V . . . 00 06 Conveithetritionero,looo •C•Y , " - 4:. 70 2 t l ` ridge contracts rind teptars ' 2,1117 11 Prottumoutry and Clerk sdastouir..'.. . 1 . " . 420 37 iiridge views• . 120 W Hugon oa pnbily )0411dirupt....s.orr k ..i / 070 21 'Bradford County Agricultural Society"... 100 00 Relit of mom for cpurt it „Tr0y.,.....N. 4 ,..., ~i ; „ISO 60 Constables making returns and attending - : fleet of county sUperisitmsdenes odic. ,„I:. ~ court , 1,631 23 punt Of county surrirldr'S take, •• '.i , , 2s-orp Assessors • . • 2,210 $3 gilerld•for summostineitinws, • • • 201 00 [ Cost In Commonwealth sults ' 2.493 45 pods rar nuauviagerlll6lll.i...,,. ! ~._,,•:,, ~, 240 -.00 . 4.111.01Y-i1in1in........ ~ ~ i - ges 76 —./..1 sults... - - -. 430 00 liSakhig dttellcatepandyeglaters ;...2. 1 06 oo - eatruielliiiiiiiiiii97litilis _ _ ~_r _ ~.4 duplicates ...- _ Coatutak a 1.133(940r8 „t tt., ".,,,t . .-.110 00 Stebograpebr and toad reporter " I ' '352 75 119191Gif - 4 1 , i. it. . i :;.. .-.,,. ~: ; .. t - 410 00 ;Expose tresaurer I`3 o 3• l 3s 7 ris • .••• 4-:' 63.00 ' Districtattoniey ,t, 355 00 Icschers InstitatB, act of 3807 . 14 . 2 95 Election pe Tax refunded 33.2 ..,,t", '• ' ' -' ' 1 Fuel and L ig hts: ..... ' : t .. • 371 53 4514triblp10d 03 1 1 331 •••`...--; .... •. , i -1 Z ) 93 Grand Jurors—, ,•- ' • ' ' : ~ 003 94 t __Yrir livery ''' ' ' ' '•- - ' '''' " ,a..', 900 Traverse jurors •"- - 7,520 97 cWildest certificates' 1 - '-- "; •' , ~ • , ' 6 -00 112401214te442 putife balidittp - - -Val 50 I,l3enjaskilzi Kuykendall, rosaalibsicaer;,..;;l, 828-00 Jtaltre'd laquisiikam 141 88 Abram Snell.: rorrerniapioner ' ' -,;..."...:,- ,cm 00 Jurprotninisdianer6 and ell* • 242 24 , ' , ]lonia Shepard. conintipioner - ' ' ' ' ,434'00 Office boukainti stationery - ' - - " 240 94 E. B. Coallaingh,*lcrit44,eurtinti,siotiersi 0 '1,200 00 Public printing, bal'are for 1872,73 and '74 319 00 • .. . ' • - . .1 ' .......,........ “ •.. : , ,*: 1675 -- 7 coo so 1 Sam Cola. - " --.- - ', `".-. ' SAM 17 Aecotint with the several collectors of eouni year 1875 a .• ' • • ' ''''' "tarmeNtrerients ,1 , . T'crpsand heros, •-.. ' • Colleclon. - Year. Chine& 10e4tIKIIL 1 - -,j, „. " 11ne. ~ . Men. - ' ; t, • . . ... „.........._....... ._..._-__ ,--„.........._- , Wysifx -' D. K. LtUllptir ' 1872 : '1: 40 . - ' ..., ~ ....., ,• :j ; 4 1 22 40 Leßoy ' •..:. I (I. W. Wilcox Towanda bore ' 1 W.K.3larshall .. 1874 209 69., - . 299 09 . • I: ~.„..{... Armenia • ' 1 Charles 11111 - ' • 1874 67.92 l' I '''F9 75 'f•. ;$l - 44-4- -• • Fl.lOl l Asylum .. - .1... ' • 11.1.. nsuithr; - 1874 .4052117311'3 80 1 n 41 I • Alba b0r0..... .. J. 3. Reynoldif ' • 1874 . SO 73 74 44 1 ,-; I a .i, • :4,7: r - llurlington bore' ' I 11. II: 11111' -*, 1874 100 86 1 40 32 I '"- ' 1 41 54 Canton tarp • , 1. Louts Wheat' ' 1874 123 5.3 1 ' 79 44'{ . 1 49 11 :TM ' • I • Columbia 1.. 11. Smith ': 1874 7210 : 14 13 II !"..3 911 : 52 01 : . . Franklin •1- IlemilllcHee • ' 1874 376 671 '27311 413 : I 119 i 13 83 • Leßoy ' ..I O. W. Wilcoi„ .. ~. .•.4. 1874 299 01- ' 210'37 1, 605 : I .7.8 20 1,-21 82 Litchfield ' ' ' 1 11. S. Munn.: '- ' I 1374. 519 99 f, 478 sp. I:. , 8.61 l .1443 , , Monroe bore- 1 M.lll. Coolbangb ' i 1871 27 04 ' 20-10 ; ;•-',' -1 -; 19 n 3 , 4 1 1 1.. i - ' orwell... ...... •.•...../ 133 L. Case- • 11874 347 40 347124 ,••2261 • 37 82 •.-..; ' Pike ' ' John R. Wood ^ l , 1874 324 61 , . 371 29 1 , . 6 1411 I, 4054 : South Creek 8. L. Thompson ...'..-...1 1874 J .72,14 : ' 41 58 j•- 7 -223 ~ ;23 34.'„'„, Sylvania ' 1 11. 11. Peck • : 1874 . \ .V. 24 1. .V Al • • 1 -.4. 69 IShesifequin '1 W. H.- French 1874 432 98 I 43208- : ' •.1 "• ' ' tr Towanda hero- ' George V :99yer 1874 1,465 71 J ,'1,..1 67 2 . 71,17- 1., 15767 114 Towtinda troth' - Delng. =4'9o f 300 60 . '7 31 Tuscarora . ' 111 ram Shumnay 1874. 149 39 1 721 138 ...... 1r..; 27 SI 'Warren A. A. Abelb.l., ' 1874 308 93 i 230 37 "'' :5 89 '. 42 68 1.:........ Windham ••- 11.3. Elsbrow ' - .1874 28G 07 : . 249 76 ~..... ,1 561 , 34-73 I . -- . Wy3ox ' A. 11.'11111.18.i ' 1874 625 91 : 578 12 ''l4 02 . 40 93' !..,... ' Armenia 1 Charles K113...1. , 1875 , 146 11 ; . 115 - 00 I''3 Kt I . j , - '2O 13 Atletlis tap' l J. 'A. Weller' 'l. 1375' 1,719 26 1 . 1,603 74' , • 21) 40 ~•. .85 01-", , Athens bbro I It. C. Spalding •,- ' 1870 •I.Ms 04 i 308 00 ,'..., - I 1.1 soo os .., Asylum .'..., Benjamin errlch 1875 ' 5i22 15 1 CO co 1 • . 1 - • Albany ' ; Warren er 15751, 356 23 334-43 . '•- 414 i; - - 17 69 - Alba born • ;J. S. Ite, Mkts ... -. . .... 1873 ),„.. :93 2$ „fa 67 : • 5 : 556 Barclay ' j It. W. 9 Crattey 1875:, 731 84 • GOO 00 " • - 1 ,! 131 84 Burlington top 'J . 11. II rls : • 1875 y, - 13=1 6t .. 497 95 • 240 I 28 26 1 ...... •• •" isu ei Lao DO bald; • " - I.,1„ - . V. 11 .. : . ' 1873'1 .108 82.1 41 Q 0 ,• - j...., ..... ~ ', C 14 Burlington *test , I Warren ^ , e: 18753 481 39 436 40 ' 203 1 II 96 , .; Canton twp • 'G. 1). Manle 1875:j 987 24 ~ D3G 12 F . ; 1741,:49 34 1 • • Canton born IC. L. WO' rth 187511' 443 40 I 421 33 . 334 I '2249 I ' -• 125 Columbia ' • I Mel Wolf '° • 1'8731 1 1,049 831 991 CM 1,557 1 , 52 .32 1 ' Frlnklin .. I 7/3Thl Smiley 1875! 1 373 94 331 66 ', ' , lt 71 1 13 57 Granville :0. 9 , 1.•Fu11e,r • lB7od 536 27 i 623 20. ;., 1 3 3 1 32 71 ' , Herrick • James Stcl'ltersou 18731, 433 62 I 300 On 11129Q1 - 22 63 128 04 Leßoy I I 1. Wooste"r • ' 18734 1 , 611 39 t 576 07 I i I 4 )13 1 • •3033 : Litchfield - -- I It: S. Moon ' • l873;:i 698 63' 1 100 (el • I ' - f- 598 66 I,eltaysville .1. (G. H. llninphry • - 1875 1, - 133 46 . 100 OG i , : :4 22 , 810 1 . - 13 14 Monroe twp . •: I D. S. 31ing,la • 18731 - 618 46 . '583 42i 416 r 30 88 • Monroe born' 'J. 11. Overton 187511 • 116 23 • 109 48 - PS I s'Bo i , ' C.O. Vanwlnkle 18751 1 1 -770 08 ' 725 GO ''' I • !.- - CI 03 : : , 55 , , .. "r e te l 1 a John 31arltetts ........ 1375 1 230 36 202 03 • , 16 72 ; .10 71 1 .1-, l'ilte - E..% Abb011:, ' 1875. on OS 878 60 I '4 00 1 1 .48 70) ! . 111,12 bury John Stirton,J,Jr " 1871V: - '. 755 03 . 714 73 1 4 364 , 37 (01 a / 1 016 t: IW p .1, 11, Towner - 187511 . . 620 6.5 533 60 I : 1 28 3O 97 1 ~ _ Rome, born • Georg° W. Sickler .... 187511 .8858 : 111 58 II • 58 • 442 J..... .... .:1 timithlield .... E. V. SOrhols... 1875 3 ! 1,17 G DO i 1,114 90 1., . 3-18 ! 59 11l ", Sprtng3ol ,H. P. Staf'y 1 . ' 18751 1 . 983 48 031 92 ji 2 111 ••• - 4910 ~', • South Creek . • David Chase - 1/751 . 4x4 1.1.3' 437 24 I - 3 30 . '1 21 19 ' . Sylvania - ' '.liter 910nto : 18753 j -91 13 .36.33 j: • 24,E . 456 . . 1 • Sllcsitcqii ill • George Childs ' 1375.11 1,037 93 983 36.1' 2 18„, 01.89 Ifi, ..... ~. Standing Stone I, ' George Sage t , 1871) 11 514 36 480 24 • : ,233 3. 25 - 73 1.4...7... Terry ' - •I, Shnbell Itowthan - 187313 368 95- • 345 31 ; : 5 41 I'l . 18 23 - ....50, -.• • , Towanda twp • I Jame:OW.9lam' ' . • 187511 576 03 597 00 1; ~ • ' q(o TJmandaboro ..1 AV. Itodgeis 187511 3,224 79 2,700 00 . -1" '97 87 ":,.. 6 ; 90'110 • ..:3 It Towanda north -E. 11. Itelong 137011. - 325 00 304 95 1 ; •394 1 10 1 " . ' Troy twp 11. 51. Fish - • 1873 4 1 1,062,44 1.003 03 f 635 , 52 85 Troy horo H. 31. Spalding ' • 1875 if .31 . 30 j 33 38 Tuscarora ~... W. 1. Barroncllff 18751.1 333 32 - 519 17 1 ,624 J 27. 41 ',.. ...... j Ilfiter: 5..C.1 1 0: 88 9",', ' '' .' ' 187511 585"18 - ' 533 29 ' ' 15.4 I- 29 31 - Worrell" C. F..Boweri, F 13751: 860 72 1 814 ^l. Ls ' 1346 1 42.51 1, Windham U: S. Elsbre.r • 187.'3', 7441) s 3 441) ' OO - i .: . .....' . ..• 259 63 Wyalusing •0. W. Corbin' • 137511 1917 62 - 313 1 91 1 .. 'lO 33 ',- 43 3.1 1. Wysox E. C. Drake , ' • 1975r1 837 49 778 11 - 19 26 • 46 12 ' Welk ' George ll.' !inapt) -1375 . i, 753 54 799 89 - I 6 29 37 43 ' Wilthot • John Schock - 1375/1 511'24 I 472 73 : 113 32 ' 25 19 : - -', Iteasseesfuents ' , 1375i1, 7.42 6 3139 14 - 102 89 i' i GO ..-. -- 1.....:.!• . ..,. . EMU Hiram E.4bree, MI6 upon 'dupileateh of 1674 and previous f 6.4637. ihipileates.of 1875 ' 31,:(,:76 Hank tax !Ode:Mal i.ecrivals .w Itenurnetita 1 . 11 Treasury January 1,1575 • i !' , EMI • County orders in account with t • . - i I,sue(l . , . , . . .. . . • BRADFORD COI7STY sa : 1 f . • . . , .. . ... . . . We. the undersigned Commissioners of said cou rt nty, .lo hereby certify.that the above is a true and. correct statement or the meelvals and .expenditureS'of said county from ,the first day of January to the 3181412 y of DCCCIEUS , Vr. (lillitltaie4} A. 1), '11475. •.) - I L. . Witness our hands and seal of ofpre at Towanda t is 13th day of January... l .. D. iN7tt ' „ 41. W.Jill.3lElt, ! .• • MORRIS .1. COOLMAUGH. • 1 • JOHN BALDWIN. Coln Hi Issloiters. i EL. so, Attest—WILLIAM LEWIS, Clerk BRADFORD COUNTY ss: i : i i . We. the undersigned Auditors of said county, do hereby certify that vrt: have examined the foregoing statement and the vouchers for the same and Sod if to be correct. °. I * D. noenxE.- J. It. 11.11 AST ED, W. 1.. LANTZ; Auditors, I Commissioner - 6 office January Pi 1876 MU. MOODY'S SYSTEM. , - A: great deal has been said, both in ;religions and Secular jonrtials, about . " the secret of, Mr.MOOOPs success,'" EI but those who', , have watched the man will, we think auTee'witlins.that thisli Sect'paragraph from the NeW S. - ork'Ecen4 9—:P6st tells the whole i truth in a.ll nutshell— and is, perhaps.' the truest , ,•, (6eription of his • systein_ that has? yet been published. "'Mr: Moody is i - jot a t cry eloquent preacher. lie has no speCial- gifts of; oratory. , • His language Ili tpetgu-': age of : the common peopW,l) even r°, ;to the point of inaccuracy at times: 'His voice Is not naturallymelodins4 nor is -used with the i least elocul tionary skill. Mr. 'MoodY i is not -very persnaSive speaker ''and he is 6ertainly,neither a profound thinkeii: nor an accomplished logician. In the -1 pulpit as out of it he is it plain blunt man; with no new gospel And no new notion of the' old one to proclaim. lie is very much in earnest, however, not only in his desire to' accomplish tile ends he has set hiinself; but equial-r ly in his conviction - that the work is one in which man by hiniself can Flo absolutely nothing: In his devo tion' to: the work,.and his conviction that it must be done of God it' it is to be done at all, lies the secret of his' uniform success. Believing that man can do nothing and ,that God only can , do anything, he begins by preaching that alone. ''irc nrgeshis . hearers to abandon itillicipe of -a re= . yiVal to be wrought by htunan means, and- topray for its coming from above., The moment that he persitades theta to this view of the -matter the work is actually dime, so far; as human. agency is concerned, for the trustful , temper, the humble reliance upon a.' higher power, the unquestioning faith which he preaches in the :outset, of! itself constitutes it. revivitl!of religion among the persons who 'already pro 7, feSs- it. This faith -is itself the relig-; ion of Eiangelical churches, and. to' arouse it allot'. is to revive' the req.! ion. 'When, this in Or mind has. become'general in the religious corn munity,- wpen the revival is the true sense'ef the word has been wrought,: its effects in the conversion of persons who Were not before prOfessed Chris tians follow as an ineyitable conse-3 quenee. Writing of the subject froml a philosophic point'of view, as seenr3 tar writers . must,' : we. say that this is 3 Mr. :Moody's system; and that theseL are the phenomena whiehltave mark,l, ed•the.course,of:eyery series of meet-, ings he 'has conduated. 4 , ; 'THE State Senate (whigh is Repub: lican) and the Republican . members; of the jiouse are in . favorEof an early! adjournment, but the - Denioeratie ma-h jority in the House think it will be 14 long time before they ,have dnother i l chanpe to feather their: nests, andt propose remaining in session as long as as possible. •Swills thei realizationt: orDemocratte professions of reform 4 Tax pmpat, Ipoith 6r February event rare occurreacei = toes for the'voUnti of Bradjorce foi the previous. p] • ' • 37.64:.4 '33,292 47 t .446 b-i 1,067 542.142.10 • ; •_l j I unt with the eouttlylof Bradford Returned uncollected tor - 1875 and previous . . ' years' 0'_,1.4119/ . Exonernteu to cullectors..4 ' 446'04 l'ercentege to colleetors • 1,967 54L, Paid State Treasurer -' 2,960 69 Yard State Treaslirei bank tax 661 14 Orders paid • 33,2te 17 Two per tent. roinnslmlon on 636.242 56.., 724 45 One per cenr. commi:Nlon on 634,451.22.. , 344 51 la treastry January,,l, 1676 2,437 53 —..- Total, CM 494 57 121 76 6,3 t 71 1 i • 45,369 70 riecothity of Reitqord for 1575 Orders paid .; .... $13.252 IT TILE new prison for Northumberland county is to cost g 3.10,000. • , A RESIDENT Oil - gOyder county has, • col lo'wed the business of a miller forserenty two rears. ' Tiir. Bessemer steel works of the Lack awanna iron e-Dmpany have an annual eh pacity of 2,090,0,10 grosS tons of ingots. THE. Titusvilte C'Ourier thinks oil will advance to $2.50 per barrel before its upward tendency is checked. - In January it sold: at $1..735 A iOitsf: hacked on the track of the Lackawanna 'and Bloomsburg railroad near Danville reeently„and the result %raj. fourteen cars" landed into the aural and the horse 'wag ' • • TnE rolling mill of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad company at Read ing has been closed until next month, throwing 150 persens out of eriiployment, THE St. John's - Lutheran church of Lykens, was entirely destroyed hy fire on Sunday afternoon originating from a de+ feetive flue. Loss, $3,000; insurance; .$2,000, OM TER Et.3lE . Ft FLA.AG-kk, of CasSville - courliai been held for, trial at Pittsburith - in defatilt of *3,000 bail for robbing the mails. Flanagan 'wa4 clerk and assistant postmaster. Jusr before . dying Leonard Bentz. of Carbon county. informed, his children where :?I,StX) :in specie were secreted and requested an equal division of the money among them. . . . A MX": named Galbraith, who' carried the mail at Lewiiitown from .the depot' to the post office, Was:arrested oniniday for robbing the mail; The evidence 'again - 0 him is said to,bestrong..- Saatur.r, Beuairr convicted of killing his father-in-law W. A. Kline, in Colum bia. county, has been fined, Bdoo and seri, teuced to the penitentiary; for three years. The Klines, who, tarred their, father, were tined.sloo each rind sentenced to undergo an imprisonment of e one rar. , . . . . Tan. fast lineswest overthe Pennsylva-, nia Railroad: Saturday night struck a heavy laud slid'; ust •eastt of lihnstov n Station; throwing the: train from' the track .and badly wrecking • the engine, baggli; 6 car, and two Passenger , coaches.. The• wrecked cars 'caught fire and the baggago car and two coaches were :destroyed. A portion: of the;mails was also burned. One lady 'passenger and •the baggage ma:. ter Were slightly: bruised. ' There were no other eisaialities. , The track was dada* • 'ed for a distance of 200 feet; and the oh, strection was: aril 'great that blasting had to be restored to clear the track of debris; BECIAMIN and Rachel Corter; are the names of a venerable couple ofLycomiag :comity. The husband was, born Febru ary 14,' 1772, ac p rd the wife August Ili:: 1777. They we e married at IVilliairis 'port August 17,, 1800, on the ticenty , third• birthday of the • Woman.' The : Nerthiam ! berland Preis says :. One clay last summer. they walked a distance of six miles, three going and three returning, for the purpose of taking dinner with a: daughter. The old, lady can see' to knit and sew almost as well as ever. ;• They raised a family p 1 twelve ebildren4he.ohlest having nearly - reached' the !age: . of. seventy-five :years. ,They have eightY-twri grand, seventy-five' great...grand and'. twelve' children: [.' • __ -I . . '• ' - ' • .: ' _- 1 TnE.raw, bit stering winds 'Of winter, search out the weakness of all who are predisposed to Lung Complaints, and in insequeee, Cobia, Coughs, and Bronchial Disorders every where preva il . Those who lui*Ueolitraetett Celttabeukl be especially careful, and , not imprudently wait until by conistant6uOing,'Ury so it ritate and rack their Lungs as to bring -on theta asiv.os /pry sermus,Polmooary Affection. Let them rather treat their symptoms ra -4191015i arsilitoace, and by . the prompt use of Dr. .Lti?„'s Expec t orant cute thmir"Coldii; ' fed ' , heal all accompanying • fifFeletss of tite Chest. ES CERN 45,3G9 70 e 33.282 ir STATE ITZWZ. fil ti It ME