rg 6 Parthmf cp. Cali:Oita . E. Qt-mws J. A. Wnir, Censmittee J. e. CRAY WORD, of G. W. RYAN, Associate Editot i s. A. ILEEKEY, • - ' Commerdeetems may be sent to either of the above editors. im may be preferred, and will appear In the Wine of which be has charge. .EE J. A Nonimr WILT, Editor, present week. Sir The next session of the Bradford C..nty Teachers' Association will be 'held In the Glided School House. Towanda. Friday and_Saturday, Feb. It and it. Appointments: Lecture!, J. A. ICod ding; Palters, Profs. A. A.Keeney and E. J. Apgle; Essayists, 31fasei - E. A. Miller and Marion Ackley; Declaimers, GeOrge Parsons and George 31aridmil; Business -Committee, G. W. Byars., E. E. culinlan, J. A. Cfiliding,ii. W. — Alsord, Miss M. E. Mlrrlll,. Miss Ella Spalding.- 1 Important amendments to'the constitution of the association Ind the repkt of the text book committee will be considered at this meeting'. Tbe__business committee are milting every effort to render the session pleasant aid Profi table by arranging an Interesting order of exercises and providing abundant entertainment, Mit all may beaccommixiated free of expense. In vlhv of the central location and accessibility of Towanda, andthe importance 'of the subjects to be cailder t ed, It is hoped that this session will be larg4 at si tended by teachers, direciurs and friends of edu cation, who will " be cordially Welcomed to T wan ds., . - 7 • ELLA A. gPALDING, 'y. TEXT-BOORS. The readers of the Educational DePart menfare no doubt aware that a ch4nge of sonic , of the text-books, now in use in the county, is contemplated. At [the meeting of the Bradford County Teach • ers' Association, in Mai last, a committee ' was appointed for' the purpose of recom mending a change in such text-bools as they deemed necessary. At the t ext meeting, atiSmithfield, in September, the committee asked for further time, 'a .1 the same time the manlier of the coin tee was increased from five to nine. committee made a report at the race at Cant* in Deeeniber,- and recora ded the following" changes: Any • Readers,. six in number, in place o I Uniop Readers, five in number, now u: Monroe's Spellors, two in number, in place of the Talon Speller. Guiot's • ography, two books for common sch two for high schools. Barns'' t. S. tory and Butler's Grammar, in plat Bell's. In mathematics no change is , c • ommended: , The repoit of the committee has been pft.rti4lly. adopted by the Association. A .vote was taken by. the members thattre present, and the'voting is to be contin nd until the meeting in February, at Tol-an da, when the final cote is to be taken.! At that time the members, of the Akso elation are tO determine whether they tiili recommend the proposed' change to ithe people of Bradford county. The r4m hers of the aSsocHation are them to deter- mine and to say whether, intheir opinion, it would be for_ the benefit of the edtien tionall 'interest of Bradford county, +n, tittering all the circumstances as theyjes ist, to change the books now in use,for thosd recommended 14 the cornmitteei or Whether they "willrecommend a charge at all. In order to determine this Nuestioit it will 'he* well to consider the'i follow i ng • points_ lst. The expense•the change.will netles sarily incur to parents and those' comphll ed to-buy the-books.. al. Will i -the benefit derived fronal change pipial the cost to purehiisers? -We do' not propose 'to into a disebs sion, i but will -give- some figures flint which;conclusions may be drawn. Belbw we giviillte prices of the books that Ire recommendedl by the committee. The first being the retail, or price after th l ry are once introduced; the second, the caish J price tor introduction; the third, the i x - - change price for other boolc of the same grade: • • Anatytical reader, - No. I. .11 .11; " .7,0 33 .2 1 ' " • -"` 3, .75. .50 -' 4, ..IQ _GU .41 • ;._ - pt's HeMentary Get‘gral . ;iy, 6 r 1. . 4 7 ° 5 I" '7l Intermediate `` 1.10 P meneat Grammar - ' Large,' 1:. S. , lll,tory, • . These figures will g,ive those pm-so s who are a inte'rested in the buying,.of boo zs • some of the expense a change wall i! incur. Each persen can make his own es . limate. j accortlint, to the number of books lie would' necpssarily have to buy. Tholie who want to, ow more _about the liciokk" should get the new books and comp+ them witlillie old ones. In thiscompair .isou the new ones shonbl.lic cornparild, with the old ones, in :the :make up of the' _ book, the arrangement of the matter, tlie amount uathe ,matter, whereid one is su- perioti,to the other, the number of boolis pn the sntnelsubject, Vic. E' We hope leachers„parentsi•anti-persoris •* interested thismattcr of iext-book.i, will look at thk question it its prop+ light, and all its aspects, and then de termine whether they wish to change 4 - books now in use for those recommende 1 by the committee. . We hope_ also this may. '.be determine .. hy the prinCiple of the "greatest, good, to the greatest number."' We think it the ditty . of every teacher in the county to ho present at the association on the secon4 Friday and .stitutday of February, and I rote for or against'. the adoption of the re • Tort' of the committee. '. ['km' the Educational Department.] PRACTICE OF RECITATION AT SCHOOLS IN JIIRIOUS. ;Oao important piactical maxim, is the ' decidedCon.demation of all recitation ofs speeches by ,scliool•boys; a practice so . much a.pproved and recommended by many, stith a view to preparing youths ! feirpublic speaking, in after life. It is to' Le i t eoudemued; however, not as' useless, merely, but absolutely pernicious, with view to that object. The justness, indeed,i of this opinion Will, doubtless, be dispui ted; but its consistency - With the plan I have been recommending, is almost too obvious to be ,insisted on. IF any one — Who'bould think n natural delivery de sirable, it would be an obvious absurdity to think of attainingit by practicing that which is the most completely artificial. _ If there is;as is evident, much difficulty • to'be surmounted, even by one who dpliv :',ermg, on a,' serionspecasion, his own corn, position,,before be can completely sue ' coed in abstracting his mind_ from all thoughts of his own voice,—of the of the audience on his performance, and fi t ting it on the matter, occasion,' and place--on every circumstance which ought to give the character to his elocu tion, how much this difficulty be enhanced when neither the sentiments he is to ut ter, nor the character he is to assume, are his own, or even, supposed to be so, or in any wise connected with him:--vrhen nei • ther the place, the occasion nor the audi ence.,:which are actually present, have anything to do with the substance of what is said. therefore, almost Molts bls, that he will studiously form to him self an artificial Matner; which, especial 1y if he succeed fin it, will probably cling to him through life, eien when he is de- , livering his own compositions on real cc .. casions. The very best that can be ex peeted,is that be should heconio an ac 'complisbed actor, pocwisessing the plastic powet.of putting himself, in imagination, • so completely into- - tbe situation of him whom he porsonatex, and otadopting, for the manna; so j)erfectly, all , the sang inentrand of that character; alto express himself ,exactly : as such a Per= would thavi3 done in the supposedaitua tion. ''Few are likely to attain sue* per fection; but he whg shall hare sue ceded in accomplishing this, will have taken a Most circuitous route to his purposid ob ject, if that Abject be not to qualify' him self forthe stage, but to be able impres sively to deliver in public, on real and im portant occasions, his own setimenta:. He' will have seen carefully learning to stime what, when the real occasion Occurs need not be assumed, but only expressed. Surely nothing can be more preposterous than laboring to acquire the art of pne tmding to be what he. is not, and to feel what he does not, in order that be May be enabled in a real emergency, to pretend to be and to feel just what the oceasion'itself requires and suggests—in - short, to liwtso mate hiniself. Let all studied recitation, therefore,—every kind of speaking. Which from its nature most necessarily carZfully avoided by one Whcise object is to attain the only true impres sive, the natural delivery. It should be observed that the censure here pronounc ed on school-recitations, and on exe. kis( s of the likunature, relats exclnisvely 'to the effect produced on the style r?l' elc cur.on. What is the life of theteacher,.:now? Every day—:,o many. and just such hours. It is work, work, work; no matter: what the state of the healty or of the feelings To him, as to the galley slave, thert3 is no l!margin for discretion. Does the preacli er do this? Does the lawyer doIlds? Do the farther or mechanic do this Does. the legislator, even, to whom is ctinfided the interests of those who sent chiin, (io this? No, not one of them ! Not :One ill the .whole range of society.l mounts the tread-mill, save the teacher. The lawyer investigates his case when he feels like it; the priest studies and writes when he feels like it ; 'and the Farther and Mei-han k, work at their business when tho feel like it. I speak comparatively, of cnurse. The teacher can not dismiss for a; half hour's brisk walk in the open air, ..when he knows it would double his value far the day._ is true, that, of necessity, there Must be system regular - hours each day; Vitt then that - ban be not;:only endured by teacher and scholars, but in general - tnade profitable to the latter, if the teacher be not each day overwork ed: The absolute necessity of haying :he work that is done each day done at regular hours, is a cogent and contt-idling reason wily the teacher should each day be underworked, that he may be 'fresh and vigorous at the allotted ihne for his allotted task. The value of a teacher for the day, depends on his' or her Mood and temper of the body and mind for that day. What sort of sermons. would: you have, if so many pages were to be 'Acted by working at them six specified hourS, of each day? IlOw long Would. you go to bear sermons thus prepared? There is not a physical or mental . condi tion necessary to teaching well. Let us, ; by - adopting the three hour system, 'have teachers and scholars lit to work. TV) CLA33E3 Op TEAClifErtg, at Irhe Ling There is a body of jfnbiicyschool teach ers in Pennsylvania, men and women;lwho may well be said to constitute a share of its true nobility. Endowed with *dial natures; possessing liberal and compre hensive views; enthusiastic in their devo timitto science, and espeCially the science of Mani they are 'necessarily far itr4id vance of the public sentiment. 114 - by that sentiment alone they be sustain ed: and hence, they cannot do what licy 1.-now fidelity to truth, and therefore fidel ity to the children, demands. But the triple fetters of ignorance. bigotry and prejudice = an.faseperable trio—are Soon to be .broken; their cabalistic wordfeare to be hushed forever; and thenn - tims no ble spi'rits are to be set free, blessing 'oth ers by their intelligent and untrammeled labors, and blest in turn by the apprr . i.-t -tinn and pecuniary reward they will re-: ceive. ESE ~.5 .17 .13 2, LS .SG -1‘ And Then, there is another class: inure, precise, prim,, as a stalk of shrunken wheat; as dignified as a sucked orMige on the mantle-piece, and as drY : and emPty; whose natures, destitute of capacity to 7re- ceive impressions. are endowed with pst enough of intellect to learn forms only to obscure them—to! mistake them for Sab stance, and the signs of things for filings signified; these, L say, are another c4ss,' the outline speciMens of humanity, Who are to disappear before- the rising sun of philosophy, as the -mist of the morning; and soon, veryseon, the places that "krow thun will know them no more forever." Too cold to love and too feeble to hate, and thils automatons by the very lawsof their nliture, in obedience to the principle that like creates like, the poor innocents, by whom theynre surrounded groweP bearing indelibly the lineamrts of this , partial, disfigured, machine organizatiOn4 As soon as a scientific system of schO4 education takes the, place of the present machine system—and athat will be ottllie very day that parents' require it, for de--1 mand and supply govern here, as in tl:e I pribe of potatoes—these people will be I wanted to count needles for packing, aitd for other similar work, for which nature_ designed them. - = -,‘ J. Such ate .the two classes of teachers to ; , day at work in public schools: one fit, the other utterly. irredeemably, unfit: one alive—the other dead. One belongs to an age almost dead; the other to the living present. When the people of Pennsylva nia come to !be alive to the ideas with whiOt the 'very atmosphere seems preg nant- all over the world; ideas, linking universal humanity by a common bond of sympathy, them will living men and we men alone be entrusted with the superin tendence of childhood and youth.. Thin will patents demand living teachers, and endorse the deMand with living reward's. And r as soon would they feed upon carrion as then to feed the minds of their childreia on the husks which fall from these muM- {- milled caricatures of humanity. And yet: some of these teachers, in certain locali ties, have a decided popularity, but among whom? Among those who--although, as the parents of young immortals,' they have assumed the highest and noblest responsi, bilitiof earth-have never devoted one hour to a knowledge of the science of man: IThey have no idea but a school is a mill 1 tary drill, or at least a model states PIS 'on, with its "lock-step," and other sant= pies of "order." "Like people like priest!: "Like people like teacher." Teacher* will ever be just what the people are p'.eased with ; for that is the road alike to reputation and to pecuniary success. ' . Yet one word here. The people decide lon the quality of the tea'elier . they will 'have; but it is at the nmetitne true, thit la living teacher can wake up love - for sci; lone-for the laws of nature—in a_whele Vistrict; as a living newspaper can dere); M ine a healthy tone of sentiment in a lila; llority of the people in its neighborhood; le people and the +e4cher can help each ther in the work of Progress; one giving.. more benefit; and the other cheerfully giving morn pay. - An' intelligent people %Mild as - soon embark° in robbing he.: • • ts, , as consent to bkve the services or I good teaches; without sood pay. TEE' WORE OF TEE TEACHER: MIN -- 7! - Iniltrarillea . - r I - J O. FROS • We respeetfelly asuman FIRST. CLASS LARGER TH And that oar prices are the LOWEST, and oar IR' GOODS TH 4 3 - of any In the MARKET .reache L THE - 130 And now i TIME TO 'laying Just Miurlned from! Inn ATTRACTIVE LO TOE T HOLIDAY SEASON. COME AND J,ETHEM. Everything in lie line of UNDERTAING AT BOTTOM PRICES AT FROST'S .k SONS. Dec. 0, 1875. Miscellaneous Advertisements; A . PERFECT SUCCESS The Universal satisfaction given by the ORANGE COUNTY MILK PAN, In quality and quantity of butter made, and by re moving, the ex CebSiVC drudgery ot•the dairy mom, prompts us to again luvite the earnest ATTENTION 44 of the PROGRSSIVE To the most CO.II4ET4;AIi,TICLE, of the Old now before the public In dalrys of 15 to 20 cows, the inconvenience of furnishing an extra dairy-maid is avoided. We guarantee to give PERFECT SATISFACTION, Or remove the "Pans" after 30 days' trial Our references are some of the Lire Dairymen of Bradford 111.111 Susquehanna Counties, who hare used the i isms. B. L. BkATMSLEE, IVarrenham, Pa. jant7m3 A_ A J. NOBLE & CO., . . Main street; Opposite the Court House TOIVANDA, PENN'A PROPERTY' FOR RENT, FOR DWELLING . AND BUSINESS PURPOSES. • • Rents ealleet , ed and remitted on reasonable terms. Money Loaned it Loans Negotiated: PASSAGE TICKETS, And FOREIGN DRAFTS, • ALWAYS G3I UAND AT BARGAItiS. NONITA . EAD304113 W. B. Y/NCES maimailieu m ume n Ter ROOERIES & PROVISIONS ' 1 , - SONS, to all those ,tn want Cash dealers la all Waits of lIANITITRE I GROCERIES & -PROVISIONS. I=El AN EVER C XE DOOR NORTE! OP CODDIXOk RUSSELL Tows:lds. July 4815. ts. _ (X) r. 77 BEST jN . . q -04 - ' rg gi .., . c) , c: i W "*: , (2. z A, z d' z, . x 0 z A, ID 0 rti _ 0 , 0 - F 4. 1 , . i, E.. 4 . .. 5. o ~, ... < ° 5 . > E.+ E i 4 4,, 0 ok '' a ;17, e: 0 4 • o , w on -)- ,-; F.. ; ), .9- c.; E 4 c , $..., co 4 1 A a' ..'4 v. , cr 0 ~. z E ..., cr, p , , ~, ... - c4 z E ; —4 z w al -1 6 P.: f- 2. 1 w . 2, ' • ''' t. , :=, 0 ~. i-, „ r . : „. 1 © g r.r., z= g 5, t. E !,.. . .4 ce b. ~... FM •t: E- 4 0-1 o .1 , W r... 1 11 ° " - V 2 '.= ~r 4e+ c/a X = :.4 ® p. ral e r i.", 6t l i ii o f c) , %.,,.., 0 • _6" 3 - ; : 0 ~ ~., - T . 1.10 4 X ; to n i ::-, ..: CIE P : i' t 73 Z E- , 4: 7i r.. 0 ''.:.: u) c.) :.., ...I 0 LS ' • ..... r..., y" •-• = - c.. .'; M 41 1 .1 ..S: 6 .4 ;-- 0 4 vs a: tzi = , ...., g ,2, . • -6- ~. - in 1 t - P w t... . W , ' 6 1 w = t . 3 ,2 (X) I-4 E- 4 -• E.. 4 1 f"4 - -4 / U 4 1 1 i r• , Our prices have now TOM, BIIY. tho city, Wo hate OF GOODS ; S it 'f STEVENS & LONG, .WHOLESALE. & RETAIL :CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Ordaken fit exchanr for goods, an lowest each pri ces. Our Ion?. cap-H.lloi In the Groeory Trade gives IlApeentiar advantages lu purrhasing, and as we are nut ambitious to mai:edam° profits, we Bat ter • ter ourselvcs that we can offe • ,•: : i . . I , . . ' 1 . GREATER INDUCEMENTS TO Buyers than any other establishment ih'Sorthern reimsyjranta. may:3 pHILADELPHIA d; READING RAILROAD. L ARRANICIE3IENT OF i'ASSENGER TRAINS. ! JANIL - A1:1 - 1!!t. 1 , 17 d. ,rT cans team! .411entwch my folloti , s; (rial",rk:ennen Braireh.) F.( , r 1.121!adelp111.1. Itridg.port and reilthnnenJunc 11en, at 5.45. •e,50 a. tn. and 5.55 p. In, ' Fa i r Ptilladelph!a, Britlgvport and Perk:omen June 110 n, at 3.10 p. in. 1 . - (via P..rtht Penna. Branch.) For Watling. t 2.30, 5.30, and 8.35 a. in., 12.20, !.1 4.30 awl 8.45 1. ut. For I tarrisburg, t 2.30, 5.5 e, and 8.5 a. m, 12.20, 4.30 and KAI tn. For Lancaster and Columbia, 3.30, 9.35 a. In., awl 4ss pJ rn. Woes not run on Mondayq. i . FtiNDAYF. . Fi i T Reading, 2.30 a..m. and 8.43 p. m., For Harrisburg. 2.30 a. ra. and 9.45 p. m. Troina for Allentown leave flitfollows Leave Phlladelpilia. 7.30 a. In. and 5.18, * 5.3 0 P. m. I.chre 8.30 s. in., 9.06 and 6.18 p. Leave Perklumen Junction, 9.05 a. tn.'and G. 19,8.35 m. • Le3velade:pliln, 8.00 a„ in., 1414geport, 9.01 o.ln rerklumen Junction, 9.23 s. m. (ria Erzat Penna. Branch.) Leari, Reading 7.35, 7.4 , , 10.35 a. in., 1.(30,11.10, any 10.30 p. m. Lea‘e Harrisburg, .340, 8.10 a. 11'4,2.M 3.50 and • 1 7:40 p. tn. Lease Lancaster, 8.10 a. m„ 12.43 and 8.15. p. Leazo Colombia, 8.00 it. In., 1.(A) and 3.35 p. In. Lfice Read 740 a. in. Leare Harrisburg. 5.20 n. ro Trains martin ihns t • ) run Via 4t. h N. Branch, (typos 9th and: Green strollo and !Inv.! through (-fr.% from and. io 11an. A Ctrool:. All other !tato* to MIA from Philadelphia arils() at and leave llroad street depot. J. F. IVO ‘)TT t.4.7.5-ty. flolerra litoporin CHEAP COAL AND LIME. From and after Jhly 1. I wlll anti mat. Moo. for rash uuiy, and tho vire 11 %111 , 'be .:orrirrtml m,,oth!r. rnsics Or COAL sox J Cr.T. Ptn TON OF 2.004:03. Pittston Stove, Chestnut and Purrutce ~ ...: 00 Pea . 2 46 Carlson Run Lump 1 00 • ," Smith 3 Oa Banday llonntala Lump ..., 3 20 ... . • Smith 1 : 76 Allentown Mum 11 bushel 22 Lath ,li 31. ' 2 22, 11alr 14 bushel 44 . lirt4k ? S lO CU 1 nip always prepared to deliver letrrhastis tat sheet 'metre at the usual pries of dMivery. • , I *Liu tender my thanks to my natty Friends and restecters for thAr very Uheral lastsotage In the IltiSt awl hope ahsier the :pm departure to alike it to tittle Interest tea rvattono to Loy where they tan g , t tho hest goody for the it-ast no.nry. Tif , ote who are it.dettrd to me will take . unlit* tbarl roast have money or I can't buy for rash and ParKtvighta. They must settle by the first of Att.. cur t ,text. .. Veryltesetfelly Yours. 14.11. PIIINNY. Tijwanda, July 1, 1073._ trnhaense Success ! 40,000 of the Cenulno rIFE AND LABORS QF LIY INBSTOYE,qtroadi gold, and -detnin4ls. eneafrin,7. The only stew COM rmorrr. Itte et the mat Hero Eiplo ter. FnllutthrininglntermitlPA Apirlted Illustrations of thirty years st Maze atisott. WTI% also the CI,76IOSITIYA and WON PRIIJ3 of a MARVELOUS conatty: the mWknta, are art to wit. and or good agents ere stadia at taco.. FUOIPLTS are SPLENDID. For witenhus and {mud. Wiese, " HUBBARD :DRO ,, fintafftelly! slBlolll.= 6tn Ma., ra. ,~. MaCABE £ EDWARDS, J. K. B U S, H . Dealer' in COUNTRY PROCUCE, GRAIN, &C.:: Haring a large and ermartuxlllotniitere ac are • PrePared at all nines 19 carry - a large 'sleek.; ! CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, GRAIS AND PRODUCE _ . HORSE i trARNESS ANY) • , 1 1 IXI.NOS:GE:k;Eit.ALLI , il at C. F. DITON'S In the store lately ocenple l i Julius 'll'ultr aa a Clothing Store. Having remove fly establishment to 111 , TP cominodloux and cony nietit quarters,', rorpectiully Invite tap old cuet niers, and all In want of anything In the line of. cons SE !LAIN & Ittt,ILIGESTS..c irk STEVENS Sr, LONG. (eta Perk(ninen Branch) ITEEZEI MECUM d1111331M = : ME : • - I ' CLOTHIING,GENTS* , PUENI I2 4 TG GOODS, *C. • I M. E. 12(:)SENFIELD WIIOLESXSE AND RETAI , • This Farb& boas* Winnow ready oae of th e stocks Chlilting la America, for sty* q and dt. whlehl fa a guarantee that every will prove what I represent It to be. • • FARM EIS , COIT . . . . Coming to torn,, are 'particularly requested tocmll at my store and clOtotne tho leading styles, made from French. I.lcotch' and American Cloths. for Men. Boys and Youths , wear. In It wilt he found many lemilu Styles fort ho coming ammo. se th es the Doubly b reasted Cot-away Vest Sults: the Pi oneer Suits:ho Buzzer Vest snits: the Centennial Sultry of all of which I ask a-careful examination, by all who aM In want of cheap and substaitiel clothing andifurntshing goods. i . . OVER:COATS -OF EVERY. I DESCRIPTION. HATS, f CAPS, GLOVES, ' l i IIITTENS, &C., 1 WHOLESALE- AND RETAI , 1 '2ll. E. IZOS.E.:?kIFIE.LD' auglll-75. __________, rrAST.ItILESS MEDICINES. . A proMineßt. New York physician lately c.nis b l n pialtted to III7NDAS PICK & CO. -about t eir SANDALWOOD OIL CAPAPLE9, stating that so '- times they cOrsd miraculously. but that a patient 44 his had tken theta without Offeet OR ing , Informed that several imitations were sold. be In , optima and Minna his patient had not bun taking DUNDAS DICK k CO' S. What itappluied to thls physician may have hap mined to others. and DIFN DAS DICK & CO. take this method Of protecting, physicians. druggipta, and themolers, and proventhig OIL OF SANDiAL w/itiv front cnniltig, Into disrepute. I'IIINICIA Ns Will) (Mee prescribe the Capanles wt:; continue to do so for they contain the [pyre Oil In the best and cheapest form. Or ND AS DICK & CO. non more OIL 0? Sex ! it sLWOOD than all this Wholesale and Retail D 0 g -1 gists and Per In the United States combined and this is th solo reason why the pure ir.ol is i' 4 '!il cheatior In their capouics than' tu any o her ',forte. 1 olt, OF SANDALWOOD I: fast annerce• lug every other riquetly. sixty ("apstiles only hcin to qulrrd to !siren , a safe and certain cure - Itt sla or eight days. 'rout no other medicine can trill re sult be hid. IrUNDAS DICK & CO.'S SOFT CAPSUIIiES solve the prolleto, long considered by eminent I by. Octane, of LOW to avoid the nausea and disgustlex periencee In welhrwing, which are well &nowt' to detract front if not destroy, the good efiectl of I many valuable renmdles. I• . Soh are rut up:ln ttn-foil and neat ihlety and are the enty Capsules scrip .41 by ybpsielaus. , TASTELESS ILI ZDICINES.--ra- toi ell and aanseuus HINIICIIICA ran be to ken ca.llT and safely le _p_prtPAS DI CK & CO'S SOFT OAPsuLES. No Ta to no Strell4 garTheso were the only capsules isidnnittel :o the last Paris Exposi tion. I Scud for circular 1035WIJONIPTSITCON i(OUS, Sold at all Drug Stores Here. I aug 16. 6. ATO T.IiEY PONT! 1.1.1 _ • EDI imftm OEM i Sun' takes JAR' MI MEN AA A llevection of his sleek will be sufficient , byte :01 that he can offer greater induces:mu I,nl ever. , - raugl7.4 HE PLACE TO BUY YOU ARNES, SADDLES, WHIP.., TOWANDA, PA giro me a tall, feeling satlined that from the f Miles I poi:wt.:B for much:that; stock, I can do tier lob, at a lower price than Any other es 'umlnt In the:county. , ... 'lmo 1 . forger the place olio door below.theolc sued of lrotic;l:ercer, tratyle. ' 1 pLows 4.ND POINTS. 1 Farmers are hereby Informed that f am now pro pared to fundskthe celebrated LERAYSVILLE 'iL" PLOWS of !e.irry kind. Also PnlntA. or any pintlen of th plow furnlshrtl ht hnve.t rutr4. _ Ghent, august 3, 1875tf FOlt SALT.—A valuable farm in Athena 'BAT., laying 2' miles from Athens, 80, acid 3 miles from Waverly. Contains 166 :trite!, of,wlthit lin are in grass and grain. A dairy of !'s rows has been kept ea 11, and them Is basn., mini: stabling for that number. It has a gentle in-1 eiluatiou to the south. and is warm, strong land: It ;will be Pohl low and posseaslon given immedi ately.. Address I • 1 E. D. MEW, Elmira, N. Y. i 1 I). E. l'Ailli. Athens, Pa. • 4. VEEW, on the farm. n0v141411 i . WO9L WOOLEN MILLS- CA:UPTOWN; I PENNA. Also manufacturing and Moth dressing attended to on Mudd notice. AV• are already making rolls frail) the new eltr, and arc prepared to di work as fast as offered. Camisincrionel., Jo'. Vag. 11. IN:(111AM: TANS ',HOUSE, TOWANDA, 1.11 Pa.. I . cIIONEtt IfAM •ND lIILIDat STiaarta, If m.?, Ham nn, dc. , of all guests of this s ivsluro7lnMuttd against IUSIL by Fire, without auy o tra vharga. Aj Illupertur qualltyof Old English Bias Ate , Just tretdard. T. It. JO i lit DA . ELWELL HOUSE,' , TOWANDA, • I fsitilng leise4 ibis bonne., 4.1 cow ready to steam nwdl:ll49 the trarcillng pnblie. No palus nor expense u 111, to nuirvil to givo satisfaction to those :who may gisrl him is tall. ... I . , iffirSorth side of Public Sq uare, east cif Mercer's Hess' blGi!k. ► LIE CENTRAL HOTEL, ULSTER, PA. "ha andmlgaad baring azalft takea of the .trove hotel, rriprifully pri of old friends and the public geti . t atiallG4f. 11. A. FOI _ . BF:THU.:IIE34 PA.c "OLD MODAVIAN SUN I BUILT 17.19, , I ' •, met in historical inter,*str, ft Is the onty bonding ID the ~,,hte7 eseept Indep , ndence Ball, honored by tho 'lepton within Its waits of Washington, La- Sayette, G ee sad 'other pattiote of the ftevointiou, This; popular hotel has 'recently changed hands, woe' torretnerd. *tirely refurnished,' and the pro. lottotor cordially invites his frittels andlfraveitng pug* to give bite a canna palate will bolipared to 11,441. r their stay Consfortsble. Peoria ctSrouto for Plittadelphts %th, and convenient to vend the nlghf ; here, reaching the city about eight In the morning. A sample room on ttio Orsini*, for the _ secottainn of conunercist wigs. I C. T. 832.0„ rvossor. s4 l '. +4/I. I IMENII Admtlionentri 144 - C : 4 - !ER 00'18 RANGERS, MECHANIC -AND TRY MERCHANTS,I -AT TOWANDA. PA. People complain of MAID TIMES, Lose who aro wise enough to • 1 THEIR CLOTHING -AT 0071S' S TOB-0 ad fault with the puality of the ODS lir SELLS. J A C. 0 B S pleasure In willing attention to hLs 'GE AND ELEGANT ISSORT3 ' IENT -OF-- ND WINTER GOOD -FOR AND BOYS' WEAR. NETS,. &C., ! e. F. DAYTON JAMES VANN ARDING, AT THE llotals =lite:44watt'. Pr(Tmman JOAN 'SULLIVAN Mil lagiallanthr IlitEViitiHANblOAiistAJl';' - .; 'W.i . V.::it:o:lY.4 . l.e.;':;ll,S:' , o B E. !!1 1:3 ' CODDINC ttusOLL; ri Invite the etteation or the public:U*4a stock of `,; HARDWARE ; GOODS. , Closuallse STOtkS Of tratlacet approved Wrens. Cpt all kinds; 1 / 2 PARLOR & EEATINO STOVES, In endless vartety, BUILD)NG MAT4ItIALS,- BOTTOM PRICES. ICE CREAM 'FRgtzEits, Of every style. ; 3 SHEARS, SCISSORSI;iRAZORS, POCKET CIITI!ERY, Of the best manufacture,.,4warrsoted. CARPENTERS' TOOLS, Of eiery descrlptit, GAS FIXTURSS, CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, n endless variety. The largest End' best assort ment kept In Northern Pennsylranis. KEROSENE LA PS, t*s the cheapest to th# best. LAMP CHIMNEYS 4' GLOBES, Ai greatly reduced prices. In endl6ss varletY, of our own sn l ;inufactare, was, Jobbing of ail kinds in our ilne;.:.Prqmptly atten ded d to. 'fla roof% and eaves troughs put up in the most satisfactory manner, at skorsuotiee. GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING A Sperfa AVF: HAVE THE ONLY ' , Lien- CAL PIA/MIME IS TOWANDA;,, Oar old friends and the toddle ;,generelly will bear In whoa that we 1041 goods toffy for _READY PAY! Retelling It the onlj gyitem by whteh juettee can be done both buyer and seller. , Grateful for past very liberal pitirenage, we so. licit a continuance of your cuateln..rfith the assu rance that we will offer you greater Inducements than any . other establishment In the„eountry:as we carry a larger stock, and Empty peculiar facilities for purchasing. • ICODDING & RIRsSELL. j1r..3. -75-t f COAL 1 PIERCE & SCpT.T OLD TOWANDA COAL YARD Keep the best bard Coal la the 3440, from the BEUIDCWO VOW at WilkCSbarre. LUMP AND SMPRIEL. COAL We are Solo Agents for tide coal We:keep Lime, Cement and Kindling Wood LOYALSOCK: CO L, From the newly oprvi vein of the Sullivan Nines We will have constantly for sale al our yard all the sizes of this superior coal, at thojcdlowlng rlz: Grate Egg Stove Nut Small Nut • All our 'coals ere prepared In the test manner and will bedellverrd clear and free from slate. The usual prices wilt he charged in addition to the above for delivering. All orders left at the stores of Lopg it Stevens, Calkins. Third Ward, Kirby's prug.store. or. at our Onlre, corner of River and Ellobeth's Sts., wUI receive prompt attention. PLEASE GIVE US A CA.P , L. S. R. PIERCE.; WU. SCOTT. • ;I: Nov. 11, 1875. A. J. EMILE. W. aIyiNcICNT. TOWANDA INSURANCE Kato Street, opposite the Coartuonse. FIRE AND - IVIARINE COMPANIES ~. -- COVIIZIICIAL trittozr, of Eogrd, wet& 117,714,575 HoTat, of Liverpool, "I; 17,426,811 Qnszw, " " ; 1i,500,000 CONTI.N2NTAL, of New Tort s ",: 2,706,286 GICRYANIA, c " " ':, ,559' 1 564 GERMAN AwatucAN, " " -, 1,94835 MANUATTAN, ' " 700.68.11 COIMERVIAL, Of at " 1 : 457,782 Pticemzx, of Hartford. 3,975,02 - ORIENT, `` '° ' " .., 719,34 a AUAZON. of Ohio, " '''. 0 35 4 5 49 Crrtza:ca . , of Nea - ark, ":- . 413,730 HAwßuno 13fraurx, of Germany " ',", 1;500,600 LIFE £ ACCIDENT COMPANIES. NATIONAL LITZ, of N. N., A., assets 13,187,288 Tworztarme, of Hartford,' " 1,470,259 RAILWAY PASS'ItIP, . " 00,000 licrtuAL LIP; of New York ". 72,236,070 Losses "dictated sad paid at lift ()IBM?. thr22-76tf. Iposesslou the patrol:- ratty. BREST. m .Q . MOODY, CKBSiITIL to his 44. 8 • 110RiE43110EING A BPECIAi4Y. ) • INN,II 'mimed feet treated. 3flatallettuf7l the eel! Grated CALIfORNIA riot. ... Shop on the Plank i Rend, near L. ii. Mo.igeni* Planing Mtn. tjczfiill-ti, • • 0 1.. .0 • Tits LITTLE STORE TOUNDITiIIitORNER Li the beat place lu Towards to bai goal CIGARS' AND TOBAOCO itt low isles. , Rewamber 1,4 . BLOCK. opposite COtrati"lg, M r -MT .1 1 111 . 1414' -• .z . PEE RANGES,; rarni,nea & &C., TIN WARE, ranted first-claa4.i• KM EIS COAL AT THE R e keep liarelay hAGENCY; NOBLE VIN NT. General Agents. PM g io n stet ti-ju k t , i ii , „ 2 - lraoLioux Airikw=i - i.i;'...u,;:d i . - d , j'ij..iii--i:-*) PATTON, BLOCK, TOWANDA. PENNA.. ACIDS, ZXTILARTS, ELDURS. .SUGAR COATED PILLS,' • . POWDERS, ' GUMS, - • . :SYRUPS, TING. - TUBES, MIRES, And relianitlons of all lands. DYESTUFFS, MACHINE OILS, KEROSENE, ALCOHOL, &C., &C. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, for'maitcl rmoies, TOBACCO, mum MUMS, 'lke. POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES„ and a tine assortment of TOILET AND FANCY GOODS. Dora thin tune care Is given to the ecioncemd. Imy of prescriptions. Open on Sunday from 94. is. to 1 r. st" and from q r.- M. to 7 r. Dr. Merge. can be consulted at t h e store A* Sat urday of each week, as heretofore. 1): 11. TURNER. W. 1514. nsay742. DR. IfCionfin, OLD CASH DRUG STORE , Corner Wain •nd Pine SO., Towanda, Ps; rEstablLthed over a gamier of a Celsius-16j Wholesale and natal' Dealer In DRUGS, DIEDICIN4S CHEMICALS, . • • • ,•ACIDS, DYE•STUFFS; & AVE, ;:: PERFUMERY, TOILET AND FANCY GOADS SPONGES, BRUSHES. BRACES k TIKTOEB, SOAPS, COMBS, POMADES, MAIM DYES TEETH, SKIN, AND HAIR PREPARATIONS, nAZORS, POCKET-KNIVES • POCKET-ROOKS AND PORT-310NNA10, MACA BOY AND SCOTCH SNUFF, FOBEDS,N AND DOSIE:STICCIGARS,Z GARDEN, FIELD AND FLowEit. SEEDS, Pdr6 Wlnea and Llpuors, for midicinal purposes, BOTANIC, ECLECTIC AND lIO34EPATIIIC REMEDIES, AND ALL GENUINE POPULAR 31EDICIN'RS, Supporters. Susivngorles, Breast PemPsJ. NIPPLES, NIPPLE SHELLS, a SHIELBS, NURSING BOTTLES, TEETIHNO Syringes. Bed Pins, Urines. Thermemeters, ELASTIC STOCKINGS, &C.! • 7 ;. KEROSENE OR COAL, OIL, • WICKS, CHIMNEYS, BATH BRICK,i SPERM, LARD, WHALE, KEATS FOOT, TANNER'S, AND MACHINE OIL, ALCOHOL AND SPIRITS TURPENTINE, SASH, PAINT, VARNISH, 'WHITEWASH, COUNTER, SIANE, SHOE. SCRUBBING, HAIR. TOOTH, and all other lands of brushes WINDOW AND PICTURE CLANS, of all PURE LINSEED OIL, PAINTS, PUTTY, AND • VARNISH. :READY 311 XE!) PAINTS • OF ANY DESIRED COLOR, BY THE POUND, PINT OR GALLON, GROUND IN OIL OR tARNISII, .:AND DRY COLORS OF ALL HUES, ALL ARTICLES-WARRANTED. Prescriptions carefills , compounded at all hours of day and night. Opeii Sundays for Prescriptions from 9 to 10. a. M.. 12 to 1 and 5 toC, r. M. Dr, Porter can be consulted as heretofore lil the °lace. (mayl37s. NEW CARRIAGE, FACTORY 1 Opposite the nine Jail, TOWANDA, PENN'A. HENRY STULEN Respectfully annonuces to : his Mends and patrons, that he has built a NEW BUICK CARRIAGE FACTORY, When, he will coultantly keop on bind a full asidiprt- Meat of FAMILY CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS, 1., TROTTING SULKYS, IND SKELETON"S. Made of the best material anti finished to the best city style. tits long experience In city Car- - 5 rime Factories gives atm a decided advantage over others In the ingSli, STYLE AND DIIRADILITY Of nagons. All Ito wits Ls an INSPECTION OP lIIS -WORK U CO 4:. 1 2., 4 Vi 3 25 Prerlons W purchasing elsewhere ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT ATISFATION; Thankful for the libsral patronage formerly Ox tended pull respectfully ask a continuance of tie name. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDEE! To. AT REDUCED PRICES HENRY STULEN. Towanda, Jan. 8.7d-tf EH 111.0.N.T ANYES'I MONTANYES 'OFFER A , FINE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, SUITABLE FOR TILE SEASOk; AT BOTTOM PRICES! MONT AN YESI Towanda; Pa., Doe. 8, 181.8: THE ' lIME It 8' MITIVA4 INBUTIANCrE CO., OF TUSCARORA, Is now issuing perpetual pencil.' on ' :4 F,ARSI- PROPERTY ONLY. Each member pays a foe, at the time of insuring Ito corer chaster and incidental capenses of the CO. `atter which no further pnyffient is rogaired. except to meet actual lass by r. antral the thembershi_pi Tills planof insurance for FAUN PHOPEIITTi Is coming rapidly hattifavor. . • Placa of iStudaess, SPSISP flAtaft PA. The Agent will =pass the Townships of Tasty Ma, Pike. Ifertick and Wyalaslng, aud farmers id those Towtshipe wishing inamance, lurormatlo m w,= A. B. tiuniiiia.SeCL and Ask,: A . . Spring Ugh, Medford. C. , ., Fs WIIIIVXWAT tootnto ,--, At: - • • • • - MSRM Efflatti IM Jul the MM MEM 1101ISE, MI M=E=E ~. --,,,, .1'':':::-_if4i;.',:i:*.-::4 . i W. A. CHAMBERLIN. T-T•e- Dealer In L . .D I it : It-_O . lit,D B PINE jE,WEL'ItY, . • •- . • *A.TCHES- l AND CLP OKA • . =, _ •/ TOWANDA, PA,. June .74. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER HENDLE'MA Dealer In FINE AMERICAN AND GOLP AND SILVEIIWATCIIE and ', FINE JEWELRY. Ms° STERLING SILV SILVER PLATED W CLOCK'S, FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THEI • GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES k EYE GLA One door north of Dr. Porter & Ban's to 31aln Street, . TOWANDA, PA:, • BZE PRESENTS FOR AT TIIIC N - EW JEWELRYST W. A. ROCKWELL Is constantly receiving in Addition to his of Jewelry, FINE GOLD SETS, PINS, -BANDS, RIGS, STUDS, AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCH GOLD AND SILVER WATO SILVER PLATED WARE OF ALL VAR!' GOLD, Silver ,31CD STEEL SPECTAC SILVEIC AND PLATED RINGS AND C Alw CLOCKS OF ALL VASIE at tbd low l 3st pricels," Wald], Clock and Jewelry repairing done! best manner, and warranted. Thongs for a liberal patrottar, and bop° to continuance of theNctme. novl2-73 NO TICK HERE! But the very beat goods of all kinds kept by any flrstclass grocer, and sold Down, Down, Do , STItIOTLY FOR CASH The choicest TEAS, SPICES, MOIAS SYRUPS, SUGARS, COFFEES, &C.O Received Daily, fresh from the NeW Tort awl bought at the very lowest cash price Having been engaged for' the last three yea a First-class Whole.sale groeerin Na* York, 3 1 Facilities, or buying Inv goods so. that I can it an (Mee far all CAS/I .1311YEll tail and •, . • SEE . Y. STOCK ' AND' PRI 1 :, ' I 1 • Before purchasing elsewhere. WILL PAYCASII FOR PRODUCE M. B. OWEN, WRITE AND BLUE STORE.. RIDG THE . UIITIJAL PROTECT! ApiE INSURANCE . CQM .7.1 Y. Home Office, 90 . 9 Walnut Stn7et,lphl Acting tauter a Special Ad of hicorpor From Me Pennsylvania Ley talature. a. • . . H. S. CLARK, AGENT. TOWANDA, rA ; • Special eget:glom Is called to the:following table, which' will be foingt.atrictly equitable, tween all ages, and whiciltbe company will anteo to not exceed one-ttelf the coat . of any class OLD PLAN Company. ' The lollowlng Table shows the Bates . frir and may be multiplied for any additional am up to 0000, which is the inrite3trisit tithes Ga l one life. Twenty Cents will be added to amount of ;each assessment for colletion, etc. .: 4 a re A r, 6 0 M , - • t.. • .„.•: 11111101t14171T, P4.* • ' 4: A ibssailieiss*straimisce that all new p 4 , - • STEAM FLOURING _ :- MILL limner inisnecesst‘d openitlen, and trod is p* pared to do all work In Wenn. on short ! nonce. .! • - ! ! ' - • ',, Curs° • GRINDING DONE ON !BE SAM' • - I,*. _ . . .- AY TILAT IT ts RECEIVIW - : , • , • i'• i. .., . . . Wheat, BaelEntent and Ilya' nor, .COrn Teed. Bran, dm.. idi lB o l on IMO and for aie at towert rale& MEM PARTICULAR j NOTlCE.—Piesothf Ming oq the west side of the liver desiring tofrestronise toy rota, will have theit firrYsile Pam ho t= lib " they bring grist!' of, tee Durban and s. ' NOW IS ARE,. OR H,',. ,WISS Ch6per tiOri you ,will ever iga4t Kaye the- oiTortunity ofdoing.',i • RE Warranted in' 'every particular, whi9l). IRill 5t3,14 SO LOW EMI 1 - Thatevqy hod y can affonpto have one of his own. • • ;ri I= 1 also,have the sole agency; in this' place of ' „ ' • = OVIATT'S PATENT RUNNERSI • , 1 An ,inVention, which has come into , . very general Use all through the west: They - give: , the best satiafactiOn wherevere they have been introduced 1 - • • ' LL, RE NEW: COAL YiED! ECM CHARMS, NJ OKL (1211 HES, ME/ = DIM In the 00.21-75-tf 'BLOOD .k , co, 31 ,T 4,x y r . 4 &111 continue to rallnufacture their celebrated . , , ;HORSE POWERS it CLEANERS, .., IA ad Will sell a better! machine. for less money than !'pan 1w had elsewhere; In the world. We Claim for four machines that- they will du as murh,'or more, :than any other, and more dumbly built. We per. serially superintend onr work and sea that it is Well ;done, We will send • . , DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES , :1 ;•: of our Machines on npiillesticm. q ";‘,ONE & TWO '.HORSE . POWERS, . . , , • One and two; horse . •Threashers and Separators, Thresher and. . ' Cleaners. . ; C FANNING MILLS - 1 /Itelt:1!.A7!: AN i;) .DRAG SAW MiI.LS, Saw snd Grist, Mill work done to 1 order. -Give us a call beforo purchasing elsewhere. L . 'VII '7OO saw,l4.lci:vug.'s2i4nrit 1 . , . `'oo . (100'Itl I -,-.. . i. laerit a W. A.AOCIEW 1221 3TiEI . with hare make MI 114,00 K 'BI ND.R.I.—TW public is , 4UP Respectfully Inferined that. the Book Bindery has been remmed to t h e Iticrouritu Building, t hird story, when will be done • BOOK B IN D IN G 1 . , ; -; ; • ;I. • . . I •; • ' 1 . i 1 : . • In all Its various brmiehes, on terms as reasonable is the "bard•timee , will -allow. The Bindery will he under the charge or: i 1 • . , H. C. WitITAXER; 1 ( 1 • 9 , An experienced . Binder, and all work Will b.i. promptiv done in a; style and manner which cannot lit excelled, Music. *Maxine*. Newspapers, Old Books, de., bound in every style Particular att.:Li tton will be paid to the:Ruling and Binding of i 2 1 ' BLANK: BOOKS ,. 1 -,- to any desired pattern,' which In quality sad dura bility wilt be warranted; • t An work wilt be ready for delivery when protaleed. • 1 . - 1 I - • .. : i -Tbe patronage of the public Is, wham, sad per feet satiataetion guaranteed. . ,ref.'... .:, • . • .i N , I'B l l6. WH ERE NOW? 1876. i- MO lIICHIGIN. ono of tbot tdrons s Os% floUrlablg aid healthy States I . , • :.; 1 : . • WHAT- FOR? ...; • To bily It rAum out or tits ' . • • 4 • . 9NE MILLION , ACRES, i 1 Of fine Fartrithg Latills for sale try the Gran 4 Hap. ida 6 Indiana R. It. I, Moog Suds; ready tuattoti; sure crops: good schoolq rallroad run athwart this router of the grant; netrternents alj alon till lk Inds ot products raised; • 144443 ,2 0 f water, g timber and tudidlng materials..' rrti a from 0a to ato perl acre; o,:e.tuurth tlown..halanen on time. Send for, 11112$. trated pamphlet fall or facts and figures, And he. coityluceoL Address ,- W, A. 'IOWA RD. Coitun•r.. I'. It! L. Pa1E06.,..t °mild Rapids,littnb. '1 , Seely Land viert. . - fjan13.7641a NI NE 42 Fa' CT O w QQ 10 ID 5, R 7 : 11211 FOR RENT,4--The house on Main meet ta utelntst Mari, loley ocetieell b 7 ".Bpaldlog. -Also - Um bouos 031 West Bridge street, Wall occuplvi by 0.. w, Noribrqp. , Ll, qiiro ot E. T. ry. -... r tom. 10,00 NM II OUR OPPORTUNITY, T();BilY SLEIGHS; MITERS, AND DOD SLEDS, Oa BRYAN T'S; • I have a age assortment of my OWNI*ANTIFACT'OtE, CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. JAMES BRYANT. Jane -:o. The undersigned haring taken the large and: eommodlone yard, at tho foot of PARK Rtreet t has now on hand a full Itopply of ALL SIZES OF ANTIIRA.CITEi LOYAL SOCK, 1_ And B ARCLAY COAL. j MCI MI LI3iJ, AND CEMENT, ied on short Coal dolly . TERMS :—Cash. HENRY 3IERC;IIR. El 1 El T. 9. I 1 =I