Il _ . . aria rib Itirsais Ps, Monday, Pd. 10, UM. OCAL AND GENERAL. "Nowa; FlAnurs, one of the okiest set-, Ileo of Leßoy township, died on Theiday 41 -last. at the age of 84 yeari.' • HE county is to be mulcted in a large bill of costs in the:trial of DECKRIt for the • nninier of his father-in-law. The deed woidd never have been committed had the , =cased lee whisky alone. P k kir GRAND• Strtr., J. D. NICHOLSON', wilt deliver a public lecture on the subject of Oddrellovcship, in Redington's °veva Heise, Troy on Friday afternoon, Leb. rnm 18, .tencing at 2, o'clock ., The pub lic invited. \ Trey Fanners' Club have accept ed a gratuiteuelease of land from A. D. JErtota - NoN, and will erect suitable buikl ing4 for the Weitern Bradford Fair. The grounds arc located near the residence of the a Gen. CASE. H r L. LAMonsvx has purchased an in terest in Droietts' planing milt, and the establishment is now driven to its utmost capacity They !tare a switch laid from the main track of the R. R., so that lum ber +an be loaded and unloaded from the r.n- • Trn "Brmnerd infra," of Canton, will izreelaliamptetAnd ball on Tuesday even I ing, Feb. ?A' in' the new Town Hall. Th 7 will be nia inspection of the compa ny ny the afternoon of the same day. ' bol- I 'Berl of the war of 1812 and the Mexicani - war ill he admitted te the entertainment free. , , L 0. Or. G. bext Quarterly COmeution of (3oed •Vemplars, for the Nortbelrtr Disitria of Pennsylvania will be ballet 'Miranda, Feb. 29, 1875, at . 11 o'rkoilr 41.. Id. It is expected that in this central place . a full membership will be represented. 31. E. CitunitucK, T WORK.—MeSSTS. DEW Ens & LAMO- .fiEr. ruri 20.006 feet . of hemlock boards 1 through their 'plaining, machine on Tues. •day last, in less than nine hours. The `.!:-), firm have a contract for planing the lum beri f'r the Grange building in Philadel phia, which will, requite them to plain the same amount• every weekday until the midd . e of May. • TRt religious- meetings still grow in . in terest. The Presbyterian church is filled nightly with attentive audiences, and at each ervice,many ask for the prayers of Christians by rising. The preaching has beenone mostly by Dr. STEwAnt and Rev. (3. W. CHANDLER, Her; M.r. PER h Philadelphia, is with Ilem this weelt:l • - Strptirr larros - and Register'''. and Re.: corderl.l.Nnnrs, have already demonstra tediterir entire fitness for the ptriticus to widielt the people. of this county called them 1 t. st fall. The bosiness in both offi ces is promptly transacted, and the ME ceri ar i d their mcistants have won the ad ieu-a:tura of all With trliom they have come in t.',.. Dort) 0. WARD tsq., visits ! Ohio next week - for the purpoSe of introducing the: "Boss' Fanning Jill; in the Buz:keyei . 15tate.. Mr. WARD is - Well posted in the::. patent 'ght busine s,and the merits of the " Boss" need only to be properly set forth, iii order to win for it the public fa vor. I is destined to bcenne the stand ard mill throughout the Union. Csuct7s.—The Republican electOis of • the Third Ward, and all other persons in favor of a wise and economical adMinstra lion of the Borough affairs, are requested •to meet lat the store of G.S. Surrit, on Friday evening, Fcb'y 11; at :o'clock, for - the puriloise of nominating candidates to 'be sup .1-tett at the election on Tuesday meat. AN- ACIREFAIII.E. Srurntsr...—On the •evening jof the 21;th, ult., some 29 ladies ). and gen lemen, friends of Hey. E. .131)N -• soN and ady, called at their resideiii.e, at 3lonroet n. and spent a couple of hours itia veq .social way, and then • retired, leavinr , .übstantial tokens of their goad , ;will and 'sympathy. ( ...Others not present, did the sitine by proxy. among whom - wera the pastor of both the churches. For this tok of remembrance -the above i named return their sincere thanks. E. B. t • TUE 1. ge new hotel erected during the past sea. in at %V nuking, by the BART ro LETT B thers. will be formally opened to the publi on Thnrsdayevening next. 17th inst. T e house is one of the finest hostel ries in the country, and from the prepara tions made, we doubt not the opening will hyable occasion, and the "Bart " will rank as a number. one ha in of ears, for the acelmmoda bse who desire to attend the par- . leave from the Court house 18 o'clock, on the evening of the be an enj lett nous `'tel. At -. lion of th , ty, will switch at party. Ilowing officers were installed 1M Lodge, I. 0. itt G.. on ty evening. Feb. 2, by Lodge lIAN k MON, of Meshoppen THE ft over Alv Wednescl: Deputy - Lodge: W. C. T l .-Wk. AL MAXWELL. . V. .—CLAR - W. 31.4 H. ANGLE. W. ALTozw. IV. —1 W. Totrisox W. P. —AsNA ScoTT. • W. T.-4. P. VANFLEET. R. S.--4TELLA PITCHER. L. S.—Eit.l.Es Mosel - or. D. 3L-41NNII: KUTKENDILL. ' A. 11. CONKLIN. I G.—F4mNtA Iforsrox. O. G.—M. J. PER SON/L.—itldge STREETER aryl wife are spending a few-days With tbeir'son, 11. STREE9ER, Esq., at the Means House. 6---Rev. VT. PERRIN'S, Of Phil Iphia, is (ifliciatiniz for the Baptist church of this plare for aishort time. AT A • MEETING of Spring llill Grange, No: I 75,." P: of IL, held in their Hall Feb. r_47l the following preamble and res . obit ions were adopted : IVAT:nts, It has been the will of he Great Master above to remove suddenly Superintendent of the f.rom. • our „. . midst our beloved and woithy cicantile establishment of A. brothe r rim"; LYON therefore it • Co., Hazleton, as in town ne : ,,t ri. , q, That in his death Sprin,, , v w • ; Bill Grange hos lost one of its most esteemed and worthy members, the fainily a H klul ositrss and wife paid a husband a tender father, the comn u to this place .on Tuesday lstst.. nity on zi that stood head and shoulde)rs strongly. urged to se ay and :wove the Common people in all moral te- I in the union meetings, lint . forms, .and a pillar of the church of Christ, )cd to decline the- invitation true and:trieAl in all the relations of lire. lof an affection of the throat. t That we bow in humble • 1 -submission to the will of Him who dcwth alt things well, :we sincerely mourn his loss to our society and the community at large. ' That we tender our heartfelt sympathyand condolence - to the NC ido 4 tV, • children 'iand friomds of our worthy, de ceasedilretlacr. Reo)14•;1, That our charter be dralL in mourning; and that we wear the usubl badge of moot fling for . the period of thirty days. lleg ,, Tre`fi, That these resolutions be en tered eMtlie minutes, a copy sent to the stricken family, and published in Illit t i)- ronn IlE c eOurEtt, Toiran'la Journal, a d Bradford:. Argux. bk:3l MON ACKLEY, ) Mt t.rox LEwts, 1- Corn. 14. stirmwfiv, ANN U.AL - MEETING (W TOO DR.AIWOI( CCWNTY !:Aotifer r.runA Sa',Err. —A large and interesting meeting, was held in the Grand Jur!,•Room at the Court House Monday eveiting ' Feb'y 7, at 7i o'clock ' . There was a goo(' representation of the farming interest from all sections of the cotinty. The - loom was- well tilled. and the 'session opened by the election of Hon "11. L. Scott as Chairman. and John E. Fo r it as Secretary Peo ten). In the' absence of 1 the President. Secretary and Treasurer, it was impossible to obtain reports of the proceedings of the society for the pa 4 year.. Mr....L.F. Satterlee made a state ment of its operations and the state of its ! finances AS well as he could in the absen(* of the boolts and files. Joseph Piollet was nominated. and duly elected President Of the Society ftir the ensuing . year. Messr . J. S. Maddin Orlando Taylor, Lewis Ru Jobri;Carr and C. F. Nichols, weo elected Vice Presidents, Mr. A. C. Sinith, Recording .. seeretary, Mr. John Fox, Cor responding-Secretary, Mr. E. IL DeLongi, Treasurer,-and for managers L A. Park, of Herrick, E. White, of North Towan da, llorabeHorton, of Sheshequip,. G. IL t ., S. STF.W.VItT..WaS th e recipient cranial' preent on Saturday . . in the shape of a bouncing T of, a "Cen evening las boy. —F. E. I? eitensive • PAR.DEE last week. —Rey. F, flyin7 visit party pate was compel on account THE foll wing description of a party re cently given in Topeka, Kansas, will be read with lively interest by many of-our readers. The parties mentioned were all well known, citizens of this-county, only a few years since. We are glad to know that they are appreciated by their NATSt em friends.l The Topeka Time.. descrtbes , . the gathering as follows:. "The firldford county (Pa.).resirients of Topeka had a Gay and festive meeting 01 Wednesday night, Jan. 12, at the resi dence of D..1: .1 Mottss, the, former citizens of o l d Bradford who are now res idents of Topeka were not all there. The Opera House would hive been required, could all have been present. But those who we're - 4t. Mr. Mouses had a gala 'lime. The rp was much richness of speech and' the eye, too, told merry ! tales, and uncle CHESTER THOMAS, a great loser of iood things; led the party. , Bradford con .tyls rich in series and furnishes many good things! historically: At the tithe Uncle Cm:wit:a was sheriff of that county she was blethoing anti lively. Then there were his three i o is, A. S. 'fnonAs, or gat, 3f., Byer: The former, clerk of the U. Sr pisiriet CoUrt; young CIIET —as he is fainiliarly •known- - -is treasurer elect of this 'county, and Bias is one of the proprietors of a 'large, well stocked and flourishing livery stable. HThen we have the two lawyets,; A. H. and 31. 11. Cut; both whom have-been successful -,pecunlarily, and socially antt,in business relations stand among our first citizens. E.E.- STRAIT an cid Bradford county man, and where can you find* nicer gen tleman; echp answers, wltete. 31. U. Past is a "hero," having wort the appel lation when fishing for trout and catching a "sucker." 131 r: and Mrs. Mon& opened • - theirhoirse apt gave the guests full swing, in addition tZ a supper fit for the gods.". So it eeernS "MILT" is still a faithful disciple of - N ALTON,_ as well as a diatitt • guisbed expo er of Blackstone. torinatik dinner with a big crowd tt ths'Sylvaniallotel, on Tees day, openoi the ceremonies of ;he organi tation of Sylvan Lodge, No. 1103, L 0. of O. P. At two o'clock the terenvOny of institution of the lodge were'ooi:ended vilth by G. W. BtacalitAlt, of this dannty, ando.r.ititoimn, D. 1* Tioga. The lod gn 'elected the following officers : I, .11, CALKINS; N. G.; A. M? Cann, V. G.'; G. P. lloNnor, Sec.; A. LTlNagen, A.. S.; J. F. WARDEN,T.; Ti. MON -4i% W.; A. L. SMITH!. kk% N i ta° PEca. It S. N. G.; DalentßT BALLAIID, L. 8. •N - zG.i A. E. Rlsr or:, E. 8. V.l G.; 0. E. ; L. S. V. 0.; Wu. STSVENR • R. 8. S.; Wy. Mosnr.n, L. 8. E.; At t. Vow:, 0. G.; Idottats IX, I. G. The ceremonies WC4I3 attended by Odd Fellows from all parts of Bradford and Tioga counties. The lodge starts off with 24 Members and in its handsemely fur nished room can be congratulated on its successful institution.—Norlhirs Tier qa:ette. I • ' Tux' TlloV, FAllkiNltS' Cm3l4 min. Irs 1 Alixt At, FAln.—The Troy Far ers' Club, I clitisprlsh* !AMA 140 thrifty, ork pitt+tical n; fainters, is doing a good w or the ag- ricultrtral interests of Western pradford. The Club raoetn in the village eticry Sat urday: A henxm, in . Pierce'a Hall, Where. tliy discuss all questions pertaining to farming.: with that. spirit, atkd fikkelligttaci) characteristic Of_rifte pinitfol-d county farmer. ' ' i . Col. Y' H. ttoLLEr, the vetran agricul turltsli, Who is equally at home on the plat fOrin,or farm, addressed the Club on Sat-; nr4ay last at Long's Hall. Hislgood bu n*, his telling hits, and withalillis stanch goQ s a sense, are always pleasing to his 1 beaters. I'lle Club will hold its next artnual fair on grounds which they now iittiSA. lip for I .that . puipzi east of ite town Op e 'clanton I street, : 1 1 „ls their aim to make their next 1 eillibitien far superior to any heretofore, andwe have no doubt they will succeed, for they intend to "giie the fartners at leaSt as fair'n shoWing:as the borse-joek- eys r something not always don at our 1 agricultural fairs. . Yrsizott. ,i- ME Boss FA:cm.tio . 1 4 /Itt.t...—The grain Separater patented by •J. W. Jimunos, anti ehristened the "Boss;l,' has now been before the farmers of thin sertioli for-two yeitit, and has more tliatt met tie most sanguine expectations . of the inventor. litho than four hundred of them 4 tre now in iine, 11.nd the demand is still largely in ere* of the supply, although two exten sive establishments have been employed in Manufacturing them. The Owners of the , 'patent now contemplate forming a mammoth company for the purpose of mannfacturing mills and selling tertitery thiofighout the entire Union. The enter prW,:pannot fail, of success with finch well kneWn businer,s nt-ii mat capittdists 'as CaPtt MAN C. r. ex. She'riff V.s.Nrt,rET, .I.ts. W. Nu:liens, L. II notuitus and others, as stt c7ololders ;in Managers. We predict that m a very of time, this enterprisn. will betOtrie one of our molt prirperons and important industries,trom which Tow anda Will retiti fiib harvest, :null it is to sucNestublishments as this, 'the I , :urcka 31, '1r ritosr Soxs, L. B. Bono- Eus: and DEWERS S LAMottEux, that'we are I.l6lepend for future growth. 1.• Ah 'investment:for capitalists we behave the Panning 31111 Co., offeres a rare op piwthnity, and we have , no doubt many of our wealthy men will aid hi - b fading up am enterprise. —There's million D. W. C. T. .OIOrAWL—ETIIAN B. ADORE (peel at his home in Ulster, Bradford county, Pa., Feb.,l, 181 ti, in the Aiftieth year pi his age. ! -six years ago fast October he re- Peivett t:o revere an injury, that the time,,of his death be was entirely unable to perform any kind of manual labor. The disease of v.ltich be died was con pntietion. Perhaps it would be aying Om Muelt of him, orally other lnunku be ing, 'i"-ite- was faultless t' but front hn ac quaintance formed 'when be was a lad 13 years old and renewed at intervals from that time until his detease, I could not, if I desired to do so. tell what was bisheas ily be •sin". Ile became a happy th r i s ti ltll el e , t e i t tin years since, and during 'all thitse years seemed to be earnestly la boring.," to make . his calling and deletion sure." "Ile retained his consciousness un til the last, and his dying testimony of the pywer Of divine grace to sustain him there Was just what his Christian friends expected. More than half of his father's funily I had preceded him: to that hetter laud. Ile - has left a wife and four chil dren toinouru the loss of an alfectie nate bush aitel and father ; but -while they lbst bien-frum their earthly home, hp rained a:hume `'over there" ---3 made hands eternal the heavd E. 11. Cit.tmn, Monroeton, Pa., Feb. 7, 1876. C.vs'yiri.-- . --This,pretty and pleastur ral villagt! continues to keeppace in grt -and improvement pithits sister to- And why shouldn't it? . For it has's ''cif the Most gcncron's and public-sph cit inns,i ever seen anywhere. With ; men ii.s;;JY•iter-r, Tticoaa.s, WHITE. STONE; and: my an others I might men 1 , ; no town:Could fail to make piogress. rr The 'Graded School, conducted by E. .1. ANGLE., is one of the best ink • Cons hi :the' county.—and I had - ittr l ; said, the State. As an instructor ProMor ranks high, and deservedly ' Among our young attorneys, none are more porinfir than .I. 11. SuAw, Irlio has lately opened an office (In Towanda stneet. ' Combining- genial manners with first-rate legal ability, he tan hardly fail twwrrk 'into a large practice. The nonly appointed postmaster, \ir. Mom Ati ;ANnits, who took his positimi on i'Monchi last, promises t give general • - tt , I isfaetitm. • 1 _ - Lawyer )Cim,r_ors is having an °Dice fitted up in the new block erected byi-E. S. 31 . Atst.t. on the comer of Towanda . nd Troy street:4. ' Before:closing. I must not fail to no ice one institatt ion of the village wich all mute in praising—and that is the ••Tuttle House.'' iircsided over liy mine host:7 T . TLE: This is the travelers' home--"sw .et home." ! : Wilh moderate charges and ,x -, cellent fiecomthodations, the guest always feels thiit.he has had the besi, of tint bar , gain when he settles up, rive has not ns." rtl wth ni. iced ,uch UM rof. ihr lost I the YlsrTol ez=o gitiaDy e , ofiNstan GeOt of ts: wands towpahip, Pt' Batteries, of ,lohn 'ofPike,•Joh'n Payson, wf Orireil, and Win. li. Storrs, of Asylum. After the electiOn of officers: interesting speechei were made by several of the gen tlemen present. Mr. Pioliet said that he Vould do an isiiret iio iooperate with the, inanageitt in tasking the fair a 3. B. l ' ldaddin said that hi tntvelling through the State r as it became DeCeettatr for him to do in his oenntietion +hitt Eureka ' Mower (ohe WM Present at many e - ibibitiOtis and fairs of a character like lektediflal that he saw ne reason why we ought not in this county, large , and prosperous and fertile as it is, to make as tine an exhibition - am any. lie ItaVrl4) fair anywhere to equal that in our aditohilit4 county,. usquebanna., It *Maid ttltapake favorably with the State far, anti there was tref*ttavai to belletre 'and hOpe that We will dreompllsh ati ranch here; 31r. Parini said that is order to succeed there must be unit "..d effort coming from all parts Of the county. A healthy com petition in stock and productions and an fxbibition of them, and that the interest must breaden and deepen from thia Point and all , putting Weir elloUldet tti tip k wheel, lending, their we would mode in this enterprise to a successful ' The Board of managers and officers elect will meet at the Grand bury room on Monday, Feb. 14, at 2 o'clock v. xt., when a report of tho working of the soci ety for the past year will ,be expected from the retiring officers, and for other purposes: • P • of this meeting ordered to be Publish in the nouoty pantie: Vier E: Fox, Sec'y. OVILT PROCEEDINGB.—Court convened at this place on Monday, Feb. 7th inst. Hon. P. D. Moanow presiding, and Aiso ciate Judges•liAnnsEss and liussEtt on thel bench. The usual preliminary busi ness was transacted. Monday afternoon the following iier, son.s.were:sworn in as Grand Jurors ; F. • Wells, Foreman • Orange Bowman Rufus Calla: Benj Denton, i. C DeWitt, Hiram Elsbite, l W H Giddings, C N Our-, net; Lewis Hanford, J T Heated, C W Mallory, Lawrence Manley, Isaqc McKean, Edward MingOS, Jas Molyneux, Lecouipt Muuday, Elijah Pelton, Chauncey Pom eroy, Clark smith, .1 Wardell, jr, Wells Wilcox. The constable returns were made and sworn to.; . , . . N. Edminster vs J M Pike. B A. Pettis' Trustees vs 3t..1 LUng. Sheshequin School District va French, Watkins & Frond]: Cyrus Stevens vs A Waltman and J It Wear. Chamberlin vs Lewis Ruger. Rules in each of the ' above eases `dis charged. I' S Miller vs A T Dunbar, Garnishee. Rale madeabsolute. Henry Morg,an vs Wm Crooks' T Tet ah Rule to show cause why judgment should not he stricken off Thou Muir &.. Co vs Dr F Fleshut. Dew ey &Co vsE S.Heavlander. Henry 3lor gal vs Samuel Simpkins. Rule to show cause why judgment should not be opened and the defendant be let into a defense in each of the above cases. S N Bronson's use vs W B Parks. 'Ulysses Mel enr vs 3I C Merrur, J W Hob lenback V 8 !EliN4betil Welles. H N Will- - lams', use vs .A - 3 Beers. Auditor's Re ports in each of the above cases filed and coutirmts.l Francis Fisher vs Jas P Fisher. Court alipoint Gee W Sterigere, Esq, commis sioner to take depositions. Ruth E Olmstead vs Nathan Ohnstead. EzekielMayel vs Elizabethil Moyo. Court appoint W J Young, Esq, a commissioner to take depositions in each of the above, cases. ; • Tirzeh Wright vs Jas Wright. COurc direct Sheriff to make proclamation. , Emma Levering vsChas S Levering, Court direct: a sulxena in divorce to issue. Joseph C Gale 'vs Sarah A Gale. On motion - of N trans, Esq, Court direct the usual order and decree of divorce. Calvin Dodge vs E McClelland. Court dismiss the bill in equity, at the costs of, the defendant. Pomeroy Bros vs R R Phelps, Plynn PhelpS and p Bourne security. Rule to, show cause why sheriff's sale shall not be set aside. Dewey' CO vs E S lleavlantler et al. Role to show cause why execution shall not be set aside. , . • Courvslly Kelly—assault and bat tery. District Attorney Caliif and Win Foyle, Ei;q, for Coin, DeWitt & Maynard for defendant. The. jury find the , defen dant not guilty, lzitl that such- party pay half of the Com vs Edgar Bought—Larceny, Com vs \V U ThurSton—Selling liquor without license, Com vs W E Armstrbng, same. Each of the above cases continued to May term. Com vs George McCollister—Lareeny. Rule for new trial made absolute, and .case continued to May term. Overseers of Ridgbury vs J Driscoll and I) Driseell. :Case settled by order of Court. Overseers of South Creek vs Overseers of llidgbury. •1 Court reverse the order of removal, and order South Creek twp to piiv the costs.'l • -In re,- the willening of Troy street in Canton imro. Report of viewers filed and confirmed ni Jet. Coir vs' D I Campbell—Selling liquor without Emilie. District Attorney Caitiff for Com, 11 Fnlaynard and W E Chilson, Esqs, for defendant. The jury find the defendant guilty. Court sentence him to pay a fine of $2OO and costs of proSecu tion. Corn vs Szt!mLcl Tilawkins--False pre tences. Court direct a n9tle prosequi to Le entered in this case uppn payment of costs. Corn vs (Ina Dutton—Assault and bat tery. Continued to May term. , .Wm 11 Fowler vs Caroline C Fowler. Fleury C Leonard vs Mary E Leonard: Court direct a sribraena in divorce to issue in each of the above cases. Ida Map Taylor vs II E Taylor. Court direct Sheriff to make proclamation: Towanda Eureka Mower Co N'S S NY Chapman. . Auditor's report presented and confirmed E Newton's use is II Mr Miller. Rule to show cause why judgment should not be opened and; the defendant let into a defense. Corn vs Frank Granger and Patrick Lally—Aggravated assault and battery. Court direct a - ziolle prosequi to be entered as to Patrick Lallcy upon payment of costs. 'The Grand Jury disposed of the follow ing cases : . - TRUE BILLS. 1 ('pm vs Patrick Lalley—Aggravated as sault. corn vs I) E 'Campbell—Selling liquor without license. Com vs same;—same. • Corn vs Francis Granger aiul Patrick Lally—Aggravated assault and battery. ('um vs Charles I)utton—As.sault and battery. ('um vs Mose Depue—Forgery. Coln-vs C W Cole—Surety of the peace. Corn v 3 11 II Fish—Selling liquor with out license. NOT. TRUE BILLS • Coin vs Benj Lowjs—Larceny. - Cum vs C B Nichols—Larceny. Com vs David Beardsley—Selling liquor without license:' County for costs. !Com vs It J Watts—Same. County for cots. Com vs . W S Cranmer—Same. County_ for costs. Com Ns George Bullock—furnishingliq uor to habilual : drunkard. Couuty for costs. ('OM vs Frank Green—Larceny Corn vs Henry Decker—Murder. Dist. Attorney Caililt and Davits 6: Carnochan for Corn, 11 W Patrick, Esti, and Smith gk, Montanye for defendant. This case was commenced this; (Wednesday) morning, and the jury :ire being empannelled as we go to pros. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS.—Montioy reel ing, Jan. 31, 1816. Present—JsuEsCADE, Burgess, and Councilmen BIitANT, DITTRICH, Fos, JORDAY, PRATT and WOODRCFF. On motion of Councilman Jordan, A. J. Fisher was permitted to erect show care on his place of business, to project not exceeding six inches, in accordance with a diagi-am presented. On motion, the .Secretary was instruct ed to draw orders for the payment of Au ditors Vincent, Ridgway and Record, for auditing the Sehocil Treasurer's account for 1874, and allow them interest from July 1, 1874, on their bills. The committee appointed at the last meeting of the council to confer with Rook Ladder Co. Ile. 4, in relation to the purchase of hats and belts, submitted the following report: To Mt Burgess and Town Cousta:-- (3Ernsavor:—The undersigned commit RE tee, appointed pt December meeting, to oop~nnfez 'with- Mantua 4 , as; to the Eitimber; Of biter anti belts necessity,. to : uniform', the compan and to,lartArgiltt bbfk*otot eithe4s#o*lik WOW respect telly tetattthiil. them Is needed forty bats *kid belts cam!, and _ that the lowest price at which they can be purchasid is VIA for each equipment : . mmittee... By Cotmcihnin Jordan: RegotviA That the - "Inn of 00 be, and that amount is hereby appropriated for the purpose of pUrshastug hati,tted belts (bttios, strtiptnekt )11)Itilit Molt finriddr Pti.w Nth Addtitefil Cctlittetlmah Pratti baliitt, That tbe4bintila bird iad!tex, ,be &nth - ind tit "arty ' bath AA vAtlt delivered to theta hg ;thy 15th day of May next, to be Paid for by the, borough ninety days from date of delivering, at the rate of $0.50 for each set. j Adopted. Councilman Pratt submitted therfollovi ing_reportl Tke POPItt6 410inted PA 'the hitt tilcbtins *Of e tolitkli c o nfer with a totinnittee of citizens on the subject of giving them possession and allowing them to remove the Franklin hand engine to a point near J. 0. nest Sons' factory. for use in case of fire on the hill, would respectfully report in favor of granting their reqemst and would recommend that any hose the fire department can spare, be also tarried/4er to them for their use, providing they will find a suitable place to house the same `at he ir aptiise: D. S. PRAM, T. X Woooncrp, • Committee. By Councilman Jordan: . 0 • Besotted, That a committee of three bo appointed by the Burgess, to ascertain the cost of building a suitable house for the purpose of housing Franklin hand en gine and hose carriage on the, property owned by! the county if the commission ers will grant the borough the privilege of erecting such building. The yeas, and nays were 'called on the above resolution and resulted as follows: Yeasßiyant, Jordan, Woodruff Nays—Pox and Dittrich. The BUrgess appointed I Councilmen Bryatit,.Fcx and Pratt said Committee. By Councilman Pratt: it'cootrekf t That a comMitteb df three be appointed by the Burgess to examine the ground onOlive and 4th streets and take such action as they may deem expedient and necessary to establish the grade of said streets. Adopted; . The 134rgeas appointed Councilmen Me:ms, Dittrieh and Woodruff Said dom. mittee. . The Secietury 'was, instructed to draw orders for the following bills Janes Itedfor Ca d, labor on streets, John Baker, Jas.; Nestor, Deinils - i.yntb, " Pat Kennedy, " " John Scanlan; " `' IMINIUMMI John Mani:, i " David Neaton, " .. Thos. Quinton, " 44 Lawrence-Butler, " " Michael nays; Hansom Benneth side walks, T. Rockwell & Titus, teaming, John Kerwin, Geo. McCabe, I A. J. Noble, •• Dan. Nl'ul born, J. M. Watb.. Gan S Water co., gas for streets, ell 3 40 NE do eng. home, - •• - - do 1 u n lade Maul!; do I pm coal. ehaa. - Sage, exilnguishing gas, .1. ft. Wannest, ',lumber, E. Welker St Co., " J. 0, Frost & Snug, " • .1. D 31ontanye, D. S. bother, " J. F. grans, I " . Rohl. Gents, Treas. N. E. Linin Hose CO., newi nee., lire dep., 6-18 72 J. Kin Amry. Treas.. for frelghtsai same, 6 &I John 1 clillobb. hauling call. lire , dc., ho Chas. Ihatuan4 hauling engine to Meehan . lire, , • • • I Jatnetl nrCant, are dep, Barron & Coburn, tine dep., J. C. I.:!ng, reie►lring stt . anler O. 1. W. S. Vincent, auditing school acct 1874. 619.50, interest 61.85, 621 35 do do 411.50, interest 0.05 12 35 33 94 Geo.ltidgway, I do 017. n, Interest 11.64 18 89 I. A. Record, I do 07.4 Interest 11,64 - 18 89 11. A. Lanioreaux, ' do 1875 4 SO W. S. Vincent, I, do • do la 50 Geo. Ridgway, do do 3 00 John Carter, cleaning crossings, - 500 do 'do gutter, 100 (leo. X. Slyer, engineering, 95 00 C. H. Barron, street. . 94 Andrew Seeblcti, repairing tools, E. t,. Kromer. G. A. Burns, police duty, • - Theo. Fessenden, town clock, Coddling & Russell, hook & ladder Co., f 3.00 __street, 7.74 15 14 N. Betts, earth for street, U. Webb, arnica as witness, Sretdch, repairing tools, .1. Clauson's estate, printing, 11636 Action taken by the council in relation Senate Bill No. 32: WitEuKss, j Information has been re ceived that Senate Bill No. 32, authori zing appeals in cases of summary convic tions, from decision of Mayors or Bugress es, to the Court of Quarter 'Sessions has been reported', favorably; on motion, Resolved, Thrt the Burgess and Town Council of the Boro of': Towanda, respect fully protest against the passage of said bill, -as the same would entail useless liti gation, and that under tbe present sys tem the ends of justice are better sub served than they could be by the proposed bill. Res?)'red, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the members of the Leg islature from oureounty, and the Senator from this DiStrict, respectfully urging them to oppose the passage of said bill or the enacting of any like measure. Adopted. Report of Police Justice Young for the month ending ' Lanuary 31, 1876, of cases tried by him: Martin Gallagher, Jan. 116, disorderly 'conduct,line, $l, cost, $2, paid. Edward Britton, Jan. 17, disorderly conduct, fine, $lO, cost, $2, OW. James Boyle, Jan. 17, disorderly: conduct, discharged with reprimand. Lucretia Britton, Anna Cas well, Anna Foreman; Ella Heath, Jan. 17, disorderly conduct, fine, $1 each, cost, $2 each, paid. Chief Eng. Walker submitted the fol lowing report, which was read and ordlor cc' printed: Orrice OT)CIIIET ENVINZEI, T. T. r). TOWANDA,IfOC.',3I, 1875. To the honorable, Me Burgess and Common Council of Me Borough of Towanda :—fn accordance with Art. a, See. 2, of the Constittition of the Towanda Fire Depart ment, I respectfully submit my first ailiattal report, for the year ending December all 1572, and with it some suggestions for your con. ideration, that, In my opinion. will, if carried out to , your Honorable laxly, tend to largelyincreased protection against fire, to all that portion of our town lying west of UI St., and especially to that portion lying between College St. and the Plank Raul. ' I would recommend the building of cisterns on 2d St., at each crossing of the streets running east and west; each cistern to be of at least 2000 gallons capacity, and, if practicable, have them so coustruc; ted that they would he filled by stirfare water, from! rain anti snow; then, when It becomes necessary tot use the water for lire purposes, they would alwaysl hare a supply ready for use; we Could then set ono' steamer at a cistern nearest the fire, and get VI Work withont delay, and set the other steamer se, the river, to force water Into the cistern front which water was being taken, and thereby keep!, the stipplp good. I think one stramercould 'water through an open butt hose in sulficientquan-I tity to supply the other steamer and a hand engine for fire duty. It would only require six cisterns to; be built, and they , can be.built 4)e. !AY COO caeh,l making an expense' to the- Ilormigh of only pop, a! Small s u ns indeed, when compared with the cost efl some other Improvements. not More necessary ori beneficial to the citizens of the lxim thaelthis k or. would be. stiomae-- _ I wouldalso recommend the encouragement of al movement now being a numberef the res-1 tdents and property holders wed of 20 St., to or -I ganize comp rt any No. t, of this lepoment. Thel company to be a baud engine company. and locatedi In the rielnlo' of Frost h Sons' factory; and whent they organize that 'you give to them for service'att fires the Franklin baud engine, nOw Wanted. but In good condition, and with It 300 o 400 feet of leath er hose, now on hand, and' the p i pet. nozzles, he«, necessary to make , ' It effective;anti purchase at least 400, feet more of new hose. fib addition to that already ordered,) for the steamer'companys. In addition to all fhb , . I would recommend the purchasing of some more effielent Ore alarm. I will not kay of what 41 , !scripilomi but will e,; any time give you all the Information I have from dr. etrarssent me by parties interested lit the manu facture and sale of 'such goode; Ind further, that whether you purchase anathlr , new in that line or continue to nee the Coati Ho wse hell. as at present. that you adopt some uniform way of having alarms , sounded, and different from the ;ordinary way of ringing a bell; and, If passible, have your police linen attend to it nights, and hale It continued at least 14 tninutei, and longer If that does not call the nterneit to their. engine bouses,! continuing the alarm until there is' enough out tb handle the , spa ratio. 'I will not make any statement of the DepartMent or Company expenditures paid by the BOYD In the last year, as you already, have It published In your Clerk's' reports from mouth to month. except for the present month. which you will uoduubt get at The proper time, with a full report for the whole year. will make as Correct a remit of the strength a d CO3ll Unit of tint Depar m nt, as to members and aparatus, as is practicable tor fine to do. FrankUtz Steamer Naiad (land Englne,Co., Lln-ta Steamer Co., No. a, lloolaiuld Ladder CO., N 0.1,.. C o ., 'APAILATVI9. Franklin Engine Co., lin. 1: A a nand En ne Co.. organized April as ,a -steamer to.. 1370. Located In Fireman's MAI. Property In darer:2om 3d clue rotary anginennd_pump, built by Silzby manufacturing Co; Seneca Tells, N. I r .. put lama Dec. 11.110; mac ( 4 . 1 0X1 anarlded ' bY ono four wheeled hose carriage; cipacity.lloo bet of rubber or leather bate. at present (swift, 300 feet of rubber bow; one two wheeled hose cart, ear. rytng 730 feet of leStiter Mee; do service pipes; Pratt and # 27 37 1180 19 6 15 31 20 31 11 :5 0 24 1373! 11 :3 11 87 33 18 13'13 3 00 .21 76 5 25 23 75 8 73 0 5.1 4 50 lAnta house, 7 65 II 70 M=Mla R7O 142 63 7 00 12 73 1 20 49 06 00 33 92 42 75 3 GS 1 50 4L 80 8 10 12 09 82 50 10 00 31 40 36 1 0: 10 00 oat 4orebi sight spanners: six spanner belts; filtil s r ai lletd ik ersi,_ ?s l ad t e i rk i tiac ca l r :Vfl i = ll = r i zer . Iftg*fft It , N.: . 04 . 04, and URI Inebeli orte ; X d Hand Engine_ and Hose Co.: loeshild' in Flra 's Ilan: pitperty In charge: one SoLhltuta band . engine, needs sine replatioXlPO AT° 'Nbeet " t el ln e ril l e ig rat`fittinc" bu t! itizoiteNAttettiva. d ui . N . - T' - I gta;xii Ma no* Psiliotnit: . ) 0; Cr c e • - . company in ay. % P l. 4.orsted to Limit: engine house on POplar St. propmly In charge, one ad class steamer:with rotarginsp, manufactured by Mosby Blanafsetair • log cost 41,500, Andtssed la fall of 11170, Oep, 12, one twbeel boss aseri! Capaeltr, 400 feet robber Mee, It present amyl 100 fe e u r . Me Wheel irt t f3l ge f tV l ol4 crittitlia ifrtifi e r ti alPct le; $ lailtdpitc W sliannerir, wrenches, MI cans. e.. *ii i n good order excePt two pipes sosneWhat 2re . • '1- . -: . ;.•,.:., oe k r i Z l P./ I r i t. li t r .4 ll kl i tT bo t iliiitT i g l 74l: side tt garlt et:; opmistte l Flitnen's Ilan: property in r el one four when truck. fire holden, IA; 20 28, al rind 40 feet long, two forks, four ease, throe lanterns, one, chain hook, $ poll books, two Wks, one bar, one drag rope, Iwo side ropes, all In good order; _ ,-, In addltiob-to the :above the department hae . 4oo feet o f rubber bow, and UK: feet leather hose not reliable for pfeamet use, and shout 000 fedi of worthless rubber ant! Ic4tner hose. :-, I tirti;s, ~ Jaa.ll. aiirm at iitio, a. m.—V - tre In U. 'fayler's clothingn store. Tracy block. Main St.; *opposed to have caught irons lighted'cigar being thriernlido a pailf dry saw dust; Are put out by H. IL Patel:, T. Ke ncdy and others. Franklin No. 't and i i Na lad N 2 out as far as Main St., but leamlngXlat their rvlces were not needed they were returned to the engine house. , !: JanJ O.—David Sheridan's house near the upper R. 14 depot burned to the ground. Lops on holm, et2oo„ on furniture ow. cash of Sheridan's. 103, cash belonging to S. P. 13, Socials, $5BOl Insurance on house and 'dentine:, $1200: no alarm; none of the dep artment not; cause, defective flue, je n 3 ; 7 jo.-44tee, caught the floor of COOll Itopth; extinguished 14 . , bticl lit et serilco; damage siltliti cause: over heated stove. ; :. Jan. 22, 3:20 a. m.—douse on Main street owned by J. F. Means. occupied by J. Fltagerold xs a res idence end; saloon; No. 1 and 2 out, worked ;2S hours; roof and some portions of partitions in tip per story burned; loss r. 50; do not know abOut in stustnee. Apr. 2s.—house at corner of 4th and owned by J. F. Means, oecupled by Jack Willi:tins, totally,nestruyed; Franklin steamer set bat no wet* , done on account of Insullnclenc,y of howl loss nn , known !hut not hoary. Idayc. at las p. m.—Fire near Frost's planipg mill. oi l Poplar-st; Franklin steamer out and Arad up, not used because of Are being so tar from spy supply .f water: fire putout without much damage. lass an flown. ,; - . . . July 16. 10 p. in.—Carpenter shop near R4l. bridge, owned by Pa. & N.Y. R. R. Co.; total lop; none ot, the department out. . - ' . : :1 July 6.4, 4 a: m.—General alarm In answer to Mill from Wyainsing; !Alan No. 3 went down by rah; arrivelPto late to he of any service. • Sept. ".2.—T. Srennan'shouse near the nail works entirell consented; loos unknown: firemen not oil}: , Oct. ft II:30 a. me 7 tOne double house and tip: stpeill hottses, all enzineetedt on Lomberd-st, anti& kite Catbolle church; the Are had made consideril ble pmgress before the alarm was. sounded; Frank: iln engine No. 1, Naiad engine No. 2, Lin-ta NMA with ll*, no engine, and Houk and Ladder No:4, were on, but to late to save the buildings already m. , . u% wooden buildings within a few On R feet On f dither s de wer3 saved without benne even scorelf ed;.furtliture mostly saved: cause, defective chiCi- ney; (obit from 1;000 to *2,400; do nut know about lexurattec:_ ~, Oct. lit:=Keeler's paint shop on corner of B ri de, and 3d-o r s, burned to the ground; loss on buildiug ,! mini contents. 41,200; insurance, PSI. :', ' Oct. 22. Fin: set In back kitchen of Dr. Smith** resittencie on Park•st; put out with palls by J. t tang au others; companies Nos. 1,2, and 3 out, but not t Sed; no damage. Dec, I .—John Brawn's houie on Id-at, caug4 1 fire In roof; companies No. I, 2,7; and 4 out; lirit put oat by Not% 1 and 2; damage 6300; so insumnee. Dec. 23, 10:30 p. mt—Fire In I. IC: Harcht - ,.ntitils nery stone; put outwithout the use of engluei. Dec. 21, I a. m.—t'. Vogerty's house, corner 4th; I and Bridre-sts, Corned to the ground; No, 2 on Diet ro gund, d ot used tot want, of water Nos: 1 aisl'it out; did o service; loss 6•15 O, Insurance lien. • 1 , Dee. 24, 3;30 is. ni.—Flre broke out a second - tint - 0T In the stbre of I. K. 'fortis, Chatnberlln's idockif the store { l a nd its contentsentirely destroyed except:. the walls of the building also the two upper itoreyit: occupied by the faintly of 1)- 1.. itlontanYe; the'., next building occupied by W. A. Chamberlin as tid resttlencti, was badly damaged and the first', tlooril occupied Iby Chamberlin ac a Jewelry store waSl slightly dlunged; a large water tank fell from thet,t i at 1 , . Cra. fling through the lower floor Into a remit 1 occupied by ileo.-Ennii is a billiard room, crush'.. Int one tilffe; twoother Mbles were badly damagelf by water; Ennis' loss Dom 1100 to 1700, folly covert' ed by Insurancet llarrbi• loss from 61.000 to .5.0001] Insulance f 4,5001 3tuntunye's loss 43,000, no instli ranee; Chamberlin's less on building 63,000, luau: , ranee recoyentil,6l.2i3; furniture, carpets. all ,• de-, (41,500; Itisurance, recovered, f 1,000; all the", cutup:antes out and every matt tried' to outdo his, neighbor in hard and effective work , the Hook and' , Ladder boys especially distinguishing themselves as good, brave and active firemen, ' 1 In cone nsion I lender, my most sincere thanks to the ilmtorable Iturgess mid Council for favors , granted, aid ty my assistants. to the officers and, members ~f the different companies In the whole' ; depariment, for the prompt and efficient Manner In which t ey have aided me on all occasions, and' to their b very and puickness we owe our snceeli t in conque ri ng the fury element and preventing its!. spreading 'beyond the buildings in which It prig!.' hated, andl I am proud to sayarc they not to be 3 outdone it the firemen of notch larger towns than Towanda, Sind with better hose can do better work'' than heretforts has been done. I beg lea e to acknowledge the honor conferred upon me by the 'majority of the members of the de partment by re-electing ma to the position of Chief Englueer.;.s It is a department no man can but feel Jproud to p - .side over. For any shortconiitigs in udgment on my part, at fires, I beg you to attri bute to lack of experimental knowledge of the du: ties of my Position.'. . t Trusting dills report will receive all the cot:critic ration It delierves, I remain. Yours Truly, ', E. WALKER, Chief Elie. T. F D. The mi l inutes were approved when on motion le council axijourned. • • JAIIES MCOAIIE, Burgess. Jos. Kriminun; Secretary. : • . ; . Timor Ott the kindness of a friend in the Yost Rico Department We are ena bled to pillbllsli the following pnfonuation in regard to the POstoilices ill this Coun t : 1 , . Alba, established Jsn, 3, 1827, Irad Wilson first postmaster'i Athens, Jan. 1 1801. Wnt. Prentice; Browntowni Dec. 11, '39,, Ralph Martin: Burling ton, Feb. 2 , '49, John Rose; Canton, Sep. 23, 25, Asa Pratt; ; a.luttilila X Wads, Dec. 7, 26, k:llsha S Goodrich; Fast Merrick, June 26, 39, Jerribmiah C. Barnes; Emit Smithfield, Oct. 11, 2a, ;James Ger °Milt Edsaltille, Dec. 14, 27, Samuel Edisall; Frank lin Dale, Jets. 6.-.25, Jolin.Knapp; Highland, March ,27, 37, Geo. 11. Bull; llontbrook, Felk:2s, 27. Will S. Way: Leßoy. Dee. 21, 33, Will Holcomb; Leßays ville, Feb. 1 2 . 27, Josiah Benham; Litchfield, Nov. 5, 25, Daniel Bush; Marshall Corners, Dec. 21; 33, Josiah 11. Marshall, changed Dec. 27, 34, to Milan, John L. Webb; Munroe, 0ct.29, 22, Abner C. Stock well, changed July 30, 29, to Mottroeton; Milltown, Dec. 9, 28, Will P. Rice; New Albany, Apr. 1, 26, James Sip land; North Orwell, Mar. 27, 33. Itos. well Ituasell Orwell, July 22, la, Edward . Benja min; Itidgb ry, Slay 6, 2 6, James Covell; Rome, June 11, at; peter Allen; Itummerfield Creeks- Dee. 17,-33, Ell (vilda; Shesbequin, Jan, 1. 19, Avery Gore; Isoutbi Creek, Jan. 26, 20, Geo. Hyde; South 11111, Jan. ..,9, 37, Will Wartielit; South Warren, Jab 12, 27, .41enj. Buffington: Springfield, May 24, 19,W111 Evanis;Spring.H ill, Dec 29,36,11 Aciey,d iscon tinned Jan 4; 44; Standing Stone, Jan 26,16, John athan Stevens., Jr; Stevensville, Jan IL 37. Cyrus Stevens;*SyManla. Mar 18, 18, Ruben Nash Jr; Troy, Dec 29, 17, Janos Lung; Ulster, Sept 18, 21, Sidney Bailey; Wartenhatu, Jan 1, 35, Andrew Coburn; West Burlington. July 19, 33, Luther Goddard; Windham; Jan 17, Is, lieu! Woodruff, changed to West Windham, Feb S, 3.1, Elijah Shoemaker; Wy alusing. -Jan 1 1, 'l, Peter Stevens, changed to Wya 'using Cent er, June 7, li, Raphael Stone; Wysta, Oct 1, 4. llrr Ridgway; IVlteatiand, Feb 28, '37, Isaac Camp, changed to , Herrick Dec 28, '37, dis continued J ly 9, '42; Herrickville, July ra, 43, u l Daniel Durand; East Springhill, Apr 3.3. 6.%changed to Silvans ality It, 75, Andrew .1 Silvan': Carbon Run, July 9, i"4, Rub't A Abbott; Greens Landing, Oct 18, 75, WA Plummer; BenJamentown, Nov 24. i 40, Solden S Bmdcy, changed to Dwell Marelt•=, 1843, IV St Gore discontinued Jan 4, 44, reinstated Dec-11, 49, S ' ienu Sleeker; Herrickvllle, July V-, 43, Daniel D rand, changed to Herrick, Nov 1, 43, Daniel Dnra mi; North Home. Jan 5, 46, Charles if Forbes; Barney, May 4, 39, N N Gamble, changed to Sugar *Muti Feb 6, 40, Elmore Morton; Orcutt Creek, Juno 14, 48, David Gardner; (ihent,Juse 14,43,11 N -liortong,dise Oct 11,49; Camptown.Dee 7, 41, Wm Camp, changed to Merryall Dee 20, 49, Clinton Lewis, Changed to Camptown Feb 25, 51, A G Grant; Bendy Creek, Jan 7, 69, Ben) F Buck; 11yersburg, April 9450, Elijah It Slyer; East Spring, 11111, Apr 940 Daniel L Crawford; Laddsburgh, May 11.50, Peter Sterigere: East Troy, Apri(33-31, Andrus Case:. West Franklin, April 25-5., Nedeld ah Smith neva 2ndi . Lime 11111. June 34.57, John F Cham berlain;lrvine, July 1-57, Edward idaGovena changed to Overton Feb Vl-58 Geo W llon6nstein, North Towanda, June 21-52, Stephen A Mills; Wa terville, Aug trs2, Elizur. C Pottor; alercura Mills, Nov 24-32, Saiiinel W Prentice; Merrickville, July 2743, •Watred.Center, July g 7.63, Jacob 1, Brown; West Warted, Mar 1644, Hobert Tyrrel; Tloga Valley, Sept 0-44, Hiram Rogers 2nd; Linwood, Dec 343, Samitel Li Naglee; Spring Hill. Jan 3-56, WWI Moutgmery; Granville Summit, Feb 9-56, Wm Nichols, Liberty Corners, Sept 438, Joseph Bull; Leonard Hollow, Nov 13-a E , nos Hubbard; Norconks, Doc 27-36, JohriCummiskey; Terrytown, July 27-26; Geo Terry, changed to seuth Asylum Juno 23-54, JR& SI Horton, changed to Asylum Sept 16-37,John id ;Mottos, changed to Frenehtewn Sept 1647 Chas Stilvene, changed to Tarrytown Jan 13- 62, Nathaniel'' Miller, Tuwanda..Aug s-10, Ruben Hale, ehangl to .North Towanda May 2147, :Ste phen A ilill. changed to Towanda March 1843, Stephen W Alvord; Elwell, May 21-57, Warren' lt Griffis: New Fifa, Oct 247, John Huffman; Smith field Subunit, Dec 21.60, Jos L Jones; Mon:IMM Lake, May 2041, Earl Mewls; Havehayille, Juno 2-38.; Du:tuner Smith, changed to' Auitlnnile Aug. 13-61, Lyman Slade; Grow, Jan 7-62.4atues iWit cox, changed 0 • Luthers Mills Nov 16.63, Roswell Luther; Old Illekory, May 4748, Alfred Furg 'non, changed to mills Feb 2542, Joel Jewel, changed to Old Hickory Jul.* 23-68, John 0 Randall. changed to Aspinwall. Nov 10-69, Levi 3lorse; Easet Canton, Apr 1342. Warren Landon; Mores Corners, Sep M:1-112, dls N0vi.7.6.3, Davis Vandyke; Saint dohnG March '9-63, diii Feb 21-70, Lysander It Gardner;. South Branch 'pee 1143, Chester Carter; North' t l . Branch Dee 2S, Sylvester Tayier, • Changed to Granville Feb :341. Sylvester Taylor, changed to (Manville Cen er, Jan 33-63, Luman D 'ra cier, Leona, Aug 2-63, Will 3" Daley; South Litchfield, Dec te4a, Jereuld it Wheaton; Barclay. Jan 10-66, CR4) E Fox; IVilmot, March 15-40, Israel Vanlu sauce; .Winilhant Center, July 9-63. W c Peck; ?Owens, Markel 547, Joseph Si Young; seedeker vale, Aug 14, Wl3l 11 Slledele7l Allis hollow. Aug 17-68, Geo' J Norton; Windham Summit. Dec 104 s, John Vastest; Minuequa, Sep 2149, fitehard I. Dodson: Urfa Ferry, Nov 22-69, J V N Biles: re Fnche's 11111 , Dee 12-35, Jas B•French, (*hanged to Wells Nov 2,, 9, Chas L Shepherd; Seeley, Feb ^.8.70, Daniel Russell, changed to Parks Creek, Feb 28-70, Daniel 'tweet; Cold „Creek, March 4.70, Edward S Steel; Big Pond, May 31-70, Isaac F lini.; lock; Hightail Lake. Oct 18-70, John I Arnold; Neath, Oct 18- 0, Newton Humphrey.; Pike, Jan 15- 1 58. Isaac Weil.; changed to Busheille, Jan 23-71, talcs N Dcwolp Testators Valley. Feb 2-71, lien-, Ty L Regg; Ev rgreen„ Feb 9-71, Wm Allen; 113111- bay, Oct 9-71, John Nesbit: Foot of Plane. March 11,-. TheoderyStrater; Powell. Apr 1-72, Elhanan W' Neal; Biro y, May 6-72, Jobe Donee; Marsh view May 17-L., Alvin T Acta; 31 - rear, Aug 20.72. Geo' A Stephens; Grover, Feb 13-72, U C Green. Meinphis, Net 1941, Stephen A Johnson; Sayre,. March 111-7.1. }Tetley 0 Spaulding; Macedonia, Dec 204 e, Win Cordtmugh; North Smithfield. Mar rAta. Davis Bullock: lildgbury, March G-NI, James Covet; Orcutt Creek, " - *eh lad% David Gardner. u . A t Oaa read4rs must not forgetihe Old Folio' Con rt to conic off at LeßaYavilln thikevening and• to-morrow evening. It will afford - al rich treat to all who may be Pmt F • SUISINESS LOCAL.. . rir wo 'Jan - just niceivoi large W den of envelopes and paper:, which we will Welsh toner patrons neatly printed; at verj low winiedgit & Sant Sell the bast Blzhalt o Y ihtliidtAitirea Ili tae Rithithr. M!ESEMM a- NSW reds received deity at iferretivitix'si IT Yon can get all the latent styles of Str!Windt vet* cheep ; it WM./comb a flllAtt's itieknitssidi done dt ittttbktatAitla iortelry store. Ur Cat lit )Wit. BLlte and ace belt lie* i;o.l:set: sa-MNDLiranor offers A great redaction In Sli ver-Plated Ware. Vir All the latest publications, very - cheap, at WHITCOMB k SUACVS. ' • Cif' A largo' stock of ganws and toys, at coit. at Wiltiroxli a SltAtt's. fa'Job lot of Shawls very. cheap at KYNT k BLISS% t Dress goods in all the new shades and styles, at KEKT k BLISS I Ladies, have you seen the Silver handled Knives that BLACK Is selling &Plow? Vir Ladies' Ties and Handkerchiefs, In 'feat ' • htvorr b Boss,. Waterproofs and saltines, - in all the near styles, At • . KENT at - - far New Cloths and Cassidteres - at KENT dr. BLISS' :aril. you want a handsome, New, Stylish Suit, call At JA6IIIB. tar Felt . Skirts!, at , greatly yeduced prices, at KENT ok Bit+. Lir Call and see the new goods at RENT & BLISS' *IL O. A. BLACK claims great things for his China jitst received direct from Flrance. irlf The tillver Plate Floods of Ttegerl & 11m, that Ittpttli. sensitive f rieet sittlstletlln: ' . 1,..., l tlr Table Line 4 Naiikins and Tow clings, very cheap at N 4 11:Exv & Ittass*. thr Everything in the bpi of station ery et WIIITCOMB • & SII ACT'S. C3` Fon RENT.—Hotel Property at 11yersburg, jati2o4 VirFuns ! Funs !! Funs ! ! Ladies', Misses' and Children's Fars, at Sir M. lIENDXLMAN Las the largest and bes stock of ladles' and gentlemetis• gold and silver watches ever brought' to Towanda. 4,11 1 l Don't full to call at la EN6LEMA7.eS, If you 410 to buy anything in the line of Jewelry, Sifter awl liver-plated Ware. P. lIENDELNiAN kas.the finest stock of Watches, Jewelry and llverware, ever brought tutu this emi, Call and see It. II you want to secure a good article, and ge the worth of your inouey, the jilaic to go is HEN DELYAN'S. a — Dwelling Houses to; rent Cheap. Enquire of 0. 14". JCivset, at oi'airox Ecs Buzz's office. Sir-Gold, Silver, aid Steel Speetaeles, and Eye plames, In great variety, at HENDEItIAN'S Jewel ry Store Passengers to the-West will find it to their advantage to purchase tickets at the Ta w•auda Depot. Rates reduced '1.50 front Sept. Ist Ur The largest anti best assortment of Bract:atm ever braaglit to t)th—pinee, can now be sCeit at FROST & SONS. [Oct. 20—tt.) t Buy your clothing of 11. TA Lon when? you cau always at good goods at the !owes! prieeS. C:jr Go to 11. TAYLOR'S for tine Hats :Shorts and Neck ware. Entrance on Park st reet ;first door below old bank and from south sideoc :Post tf" The Pl:9pr Insurance Co. now issues policies Insafiig againstl , iss or damage from lightning or fire. This Is one of the best etlmpanies .'la the land. • 0. A. It bAcis, Agent. OTEL PRNPERTY FOR SALE OR Ilir.—The old and well known sland,.the Brad koni Rouse, at waverly, will be for rent orl April inquire of W. B. KELLY, Towanda, Pa. Jan. 27 w 4. lar - To •RENT.—Proposals for leasing the Gore Farm` In Shesheiitiln, will be received un VI Feb. 15, 1876. For further particulars lepuire Of Wm. Snyder, Sheshrttalu, or A. 11. Kingsbury, ~ towunda. [jatc27-76. far House and lot for sale. House new and well finished, within five minuteS walk of the Public Square. Also a desirable lot in center of town, between seeputi and Third streets. En. trre at this °Mee. Cfeba-70. rgr A regular meeting of the Ilistori o society V . Rradtoed County, wilt be held on Monday, Feb. 1.1111, at 3 o'clock P. M., in the rooms 'Qt the Young MlA's Christian Association. R. A. MERcCR, Seey, IMIr Habit, if not necessity, makes a Italr dressing, Indisinnsablo to Many. The new tTwort,.. which Dr. AYER'S labratOry it 45111 5 ,, Is tins of the most delightful we have ever used; It restores not only, the rotor; hoc gloss and lumin esce to faded and gray hair. WANTED.- 7 -To rent from April Ist, asniall house, pleasantly situated, with live nista rooms, between the Ward House and Eureka Mow, it Works, near Slain St. WILLIAM KERB. leLßxi•. Towanda Post Oillee. Or To TILE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF 711 E FIRST WA compliance with the wish Of many uf,noy friends, 1 will be an Independent Democratic Candidate for the °thee of Inspector of Election In the First Ward of this Bor., at the election next Tuesday, Feb. 11, 1574. ' , MEODOtt E IIEIIERT. "Towanda, Feb. 8, 1876. • Ems'Carets.—Tlie voters of. the First AN, Towanda Iloto, who are opposed to the pre:4- PM nominations made for Ward and lioro Milkers, meet In caucus for consultation at the house of vr. Sullivan, on Friday evening next, lath Inst., at 11* o'clock p. tu., for the purpose of placing In um- Ixiation aticket fur ward and born ()Slicers. to be abpported at the election on Tuesday, the 15th Inst. I' Among all the clothing homes in i~ortheni Pennsylvania, none stand higher thin M. ItoSENFIEL DOS popular Emporium. Ile always kieps a large and elegant stock, manufactured trim the very best materials, and his . prices are the iimest. We cheerfully recommend him as an lion. Orable dealer, and assure purchasers that thy may rely upon any representations he may Atkae touching his goods. , • a ar To Si. An .MAKEltt+. HI& fittbScri.. bee otters for sale 200 sixteen quart,!tron-bound sap. jute., new, and ramie of the beat material, soil every duo warranted perfect. Ms.° a full set of coopers loos , trusa.ho &c. A goAf location .for the bo ldness.. E. M. ranntm. Orwell., Jan. 24-76. far POWELL & CO. have the exclusive 41c of the justly celebrated said popular James town. dlobalrs, Alpacas, and Poplins, .which are Warranted to keep their colo, Mid Will not shrink crinkle. They Itvet just riie , eivee direct (rum the mills a complete assortmenr of these excellent fabrics, to which they call the . strlicular attention of their customers. PoWaLl. & en. irANHORN—PHOESIX.—At the residence of the the bride's father In 'East Troy, Jan. 29. by Rev. J. S. Phoenix, Alfred Vanll orn and Mirle fe nIY. • 4 . OIINSON—VA.NIIOII.N.—By c the same, at the ;: tame limo and place, Emery Johnson and Amelia :4 GLEASGIN—COOk.—Ai Windham Centre, Feb. I. by Gov. W. C., rect. Sheldon H. Gleason and Irtessella Cook, both of Windham. GATT—TIIPOIL.-414 the residence of the bride's father,. n. 28. by Heir. G. M. Wlillatns, ;.`.leirersou C. Fists, and Isadore B. Tupper. of AIIOTT=KELLEY.—In. Laws, Jan. 28, Esq..'Fremout Mitt aMI 011ie am Kelley ,both, of Leßoy. Vi father, by thed bride Creb. f.d.• at , reside nce of the Cde 0 e , m c etnun, of:Troy, and Rev. W. 0: are, O. , I , 3lltude S. Budd. )IcCLELLAN—Bir . fI e D.—In Colondda twp.,. on . „ aItIBIII.3I—BOURNE..-In West Burlington, 111, at the residence et , the bridal tether, by Iter..o. S. Thinsue, Clarence E. Brigbam, of ' ls l ll thiliads and Mee Opbellait. Warm. t - lt. E. E. IlyEn KENT & BLISS' lIM MARRIED. ~ . . EULTBEN-170CKWELL.=At the realdeace of the bride's Lawrence. Pa., Jan: 27, by pill. J. B: Greene;-D: U. Mulford, of Til/ga,'and Jtimb J. !Cockerel!, ' • i ' ' , . ' ', ' • - VA* 0011riEft-BROBIOK—In Wyslnslng Peb. kby Ilea. J. B. ;Wllner, Stevens Van Gout*, of Neurocton, and Annie Brooks, - of Wynloslng. REED. I . MAtTERSOIi.—In Atha, Jan, 29, or lonaln4lon of : thit ilnr, Mrs. Sumo Murciano, aged 64 years. MOMOAN.—In East Smithfield, Jan. 19, Rosalie, wlte of Enos Morgan, aged 42 years. litlFoßD.•.-In )ant Smithfield. Jan, fio; of, drOpsy, Allen Langford, aged al years. . I T84,C1C24, - A.t Athena; 1"a, Feb, I/ Myra Paric • mord, OanOtet of Her: C. C. and Myra Tracy, of corlstAntinoplii turkey, Hied 4 yearsi:, MOItSE.—In Lenny, Jan. 31, Mmto.l, Infant dangh• tetof Mr. And-Mrs: Chas. Morse, aged 7 mouths. MAiil4l_,V(i.=.ielyan•en; Jan. =, Harriet, ding& ter.0r.141111,016.1 Maria Manning; aged 14 year 4 au l 4 9 mouttii:• ' 4 •lltl.lst, sylllch Is for bettor.'' Kik:BALL—At tittle 31eadows,Sroluebanim CO.. Jao. 27, of heart (theme. Sarah S. sylff; of lloward Kimball, KN.., aged (17, years. •! . 1101V.111D.—fu Wyalusing.John llcserfl, 444 ee years and -lo months. • KIPP.—In Veb. n, Leoata Red. Infarit *Wieder of Mackawl /*Jima Kipp. aged year. 111-611'EN:=3.i•TiollAy. Jan. IN by Rey. C. Crew!. Oen. 6. 11111; of Pomo; end Cyrrld.4. 4w eo,i)l Leßoy. 1. al- A. TOMATO RACE.---Adnon the inany:lexcellent articles which our' friettddieo.••ll Weld!, of Alba. Pa., keep:: his stock, maybe cottuttot beeti4 from that justly celebrated arm, Brlggh & Bro., Chicago, 111., and Rochester, N. Y., the largest aced house in the world. It will sur prise wany of our readers to learn that over AO® merellants In the Thitted States handle seeds from Dego At tiro's, whose hoses, catalogues, lab hi, chronios &c .; are eat remelt' attractive in high col oringka;ul artlStle One of the newest de signs !rota fib, hands of their artiste in what Is call ed "Briggs St If ruttier's Ilreat 'tomato Race cm UMW Grottils," and trpresentstt race (merge. With per feet representations of the different varieties of to, matoshtrivlng for the honors of leadership.,-.The deslgho Is extremely happy and - pleasant, bsides conveying to the farmer or horticulturist consider able (gotta:Mien tiPoh the )Merits of the Itlffereld senates. We see that tips place as their leading variettes the Greco Gage, Conqueror and Hatha way's Excelsivt, while they rate other varieties In the ' fojlowing; order of -merit: Trdpby, Deflatiee, General Gram, liable:l,l Cutlet Leaf, ItepPer's Largd Early Red, Dwarf Orange 'Ffehl, IrwarfiEarty Ited„ 'ffeyea's Early Prolific, Sinuns's Cluster, and lii the rear, with reittS ,thrown to. the groat/4am! a telescope at his eye to hiqf where the rest are, situates up the Large Yellow.- The wluile scene Ilitla Indhe richest humor. and 11 , / one can give the lithograph at Webb'sau lesaminatlini wit tiont bre:Akio?: out Into a hearty tafigh. : We . han assure our renders who desire to ordil. Briggsf, $t 'Snip , . seeds, that they mail serum them upon jifat as advantageous terms of 0. if. Webb, amt of just as giset as 1f ,urdered direirt. See Briggs A Bro's.,dantiary number and order bf, GEO: Alba, Pa. lan2tinu, the RocheAter Timer, Oct. ti. 187•L.1 • n"illriggS S lirothers, who c4 - til boas of eontrttetliv>. the' largest seed tni.,lness in the kr:own 'Nvorilr, are arrainzing to compile a work' in which they will glue in the floricultural and horn, culturatpablte the benefit of. their thirty yeors of exp..4 - leoce In the culture of vegetable and. flower !weds. - 199ie• work will be*SuleAantially bound, and Its twreral littp.ireti page< will he illustrated 'with Itimeiroits eats. htirrmtatte . plates and stieciaet.4l - regard to the care and eniture of ey-• t(rythlstg koowo to ;loyal and ve. , etable kingdom' . know of no one better qualtti ' ed to treat on the above sithiect than Ilriggs Itrotle.r, seeds are sold , in almost every city. town. village or limn let in tlfe United States. They are practical grow ' ers of..lpt.(ls, and the forthcoming work will ,enia nate. frotlls eminently practical sources. What Seth Green I*".to flat% Barry or Portly to fruits. Itrlgs . & Itrotherim• to se(.(ls. A very large edition will be publlshed whieh. It 15 well underNtood..will lesscq the -I(yle.`A per volume. Parch:l,n Soft he not k ((tar • right will note t, thargedreo,t, - Wlille fire el:so:IL. ers of It tiro. will receive It tti prdniiiin un tlie: - . pqm MIS- of seeds. • The intemled work wlit go to pesos ammt May next. anal the artists are :low engag. , (l,itpan the engiaving... It will be :4.l3r:ea and :wad fronythe January Catalogue. which will Jo; issued; In Dere mlitr, or from son other or the public:l:oms of tlits an, Il hnown lionse. Every lover of 11.(rie,tilture or liorticultnre should put hiniself, or tier-elf in the way of obtaining It. ' ; seeds are for sale by Geo. If. Webb, Alba. Pa. thet(e.(l.dia.. • ZWIrOrE FORTIII . 2. DE:ApONIDENT.-If you hare beeti cottgliing all winter and-begin to tt.tipalr of non - o*y. or if you hare taken a iee , fit cold. g.? at once to'ii the I/rug:4l6re of TustsEtt & s - el get bottle or lir. Mounts' Syrup- of Tar, eltprry and Horehound. Take ft and be troll . . N. other moileiou act: so promptly and effectually cold., and all diseases .of the throat, - stings and Chest, leadlng to tote.amptlon. 011C.1 . t.lll.llght -they had that dread tlf, sea,e been restored to health Ity the tote of thls aim,* magic remedy. It is also th e best known specific ft3r.ctoup, and hover falls. In WhoOplng t - m;glt. Trial ttlzt.t 11./ refits, (fintyl:o,' L'ONATI ON, 01? WIIITI;LP011%, vt, CO-. Rankers arpl 19. South Third Street, l'hifztdelphla; Jan, 10, 1474, .. . r. ,- ,. 104. c .. :;-'20,: . e. '42, M. midN .14. .• ... •i; I . .• , it• ‘.• " ~• ' 0:1. '. • " .. ~ . ` E`• '65. J. and J 119.1 ' 119+ 2 •• •• :-.",`• '67. •• •• 121 ;._, , 1.21 rti " .., . ••' 10-IN coapon.ll9%, 11024. r 5," l'n,ltle 6 , :. vy .. ' , 2- - ,'” - 125 --,- N',...w ws. , -13‘.g, t4:l • ' 11( . 0 'll7 ' .1..,,1. '..:-... : 11^":: : 111-ti; 112 ' 112%, *1,7 : 119 ......; i - {i:l -.'.. 2'.2 '' -22% 1 lily 2 , - Plilla.lelptiia Sr Erlea.. Lehigh N4rlgati"ti.... ••• Vapry, Es. Div United of N. j.. 011 Cmek:?! N ,, rthern Ventral Central TOnsportation Nespu.qt.qing C. SE A. 3rtgagi, G. `8.9 11 ANI) A M . A. E WHOLESALE rine ES.L Corrreeo,l every Wednesday, by C. B. rxrc i nt solleo. to Changes ,lady.' , Wheat, 11 bush . tl 30 @ L 30 nye, ? trt4t Burkwheat; 7 bush Beaus., 14 blest!. , ' 1 COQ ' Butter rrtdis))st rb , 24-4 •=t7' do ftlalr i y„) 'l3:, ' , :,',50 X3O Corn, '(l bail! r. . • Oat', it NI 9h . Eggs, 're t 1,4 j 3 5. . PutatcfeS, Ic.. huAt, , . -Flour, " Ind Tel Leo (d{ 9 DO , NV El G Il TSK) , F ( 4 . It A I N .---Wheat 00 ftrt. ; Irvrlt 50. tbst lire ae, lbs, ; thatst 33 1 , ,,..; I;ariey 40.1 t ,.: Itueltsvheat A.,•4 9.,,i.., 1te9;714 c 2 lb.; 13rait . 20 • 1b..: ('lacer _ ser,t , do 0,'.; 'Eltuotity Seed 41 lbs.; Ilrird rvrtches 3;S rabs. Dried Applios '..r.Z lbs.: lbrx. S.2ed 50 lbs. . t New Alvertise=eats. flowmto ELMER, ItEc'n. GENII VA, ITIIACA ATHEss U. it.i-Conitneneing - Monday. Jan. 21, IS:O. trains will rim as on this mail as followCr LEAVING SAVItF. N)II:IINrARD q.--.1:1110 . 3. 111., 1111Inrip , a` Pullman Sleeping Coach ond:zit front New York:, arriving .at'Vatt Etteus:4s.l••;otteer Ithaea Falls Trunnuniburg 7, Fanner 7:43. ivl,l center 7:4•2„ Mays Cormr.B:oo. :2l Itonnnu4 - 8:12, ca 8;43, mak,:tag eke.. c0m1.,: toil east and,west with' trains on N.A. At 11. It. IL. arrivit:•• ariNchestuf at 11:20 a. la., nuffalo 4:I:. p. m., and ' N Ingarn. Fails at 4: to. • Yo.lO.—P,i 3 OU a. m. (illy exeept Sundays, on ar- , rival of L. V. trait' front Wilk , es Barre. Pittston, Tunkhannn k, Towanda, &c., arriving at Van Et ten 12:45, riovueer Ithaea 'Tatighanle Falls :Trutnansburg 2:32. Fanner 2:13, Ovid (tenter iiint.iliayts cort•rx 3:20, INanalaq 3:23, Gt., neval:os; etinnecting with trains vast and West oii N. Y. ('. & If. 'IL It. it. • N., _—o; except Sundays, With through ear front tilialra for i;elleVa, leaving Elmira at call in., arriving at Van' Et ten Spoicer 6:34, Ithaca Taughanic Fails Trusnansburg S:211, Farne,r tvld Center 0:5:i. Ilaytst'ortien 5:114. itoinutUs 9:17. (i.!fie'VA 11:53: ettuneetitig with trains east and West on C. & it. Attnl4., AT F•AY1:11TT:031 TIIE \01:737. , . • No. 7.-2:4.t, a. tn., (Lilly except iiuntlays, with throngli car,f rout I:eneya to Linitra. leaving Gen.i• va at' 4:70 a. in.. 5:33. Hosts Cerners.3:47, Odd rente. ' Fa.iner 0:05. Truntaindnirg 'raugh:uilr Falls 0:30, Ithaca 7:45. tip,..iicer s:o3, a 4 Elton :4:13, arriving at Elmira at 0:55; niaking cloin routwctio3 4t Sayre Milt 1.. V. 14:4 rtxptv,4 arri— ving at Ni. 4 York at 10:00 p. tit.,Phlindelphla s:2O • p.lll. No. p. In. daily 'exc. , pt Sundays, leaving* a. ni.. nonitiltis 1 0 :34, llayt, Cor-' tiers 10:10, Ovid tenter 10:54, Farmer 11:02. 'Fru nitinshut g 1 1:17. 'Faughanie Fall:. 11:23. Ithaca 11:43„ Spanner 12:17 ' Van Elton' 12:35; making close con nection with L. V. Fast Line, arriving in phia 111:30 p in. No. 13...-9; 40 p. daily, with Pullman Sleeping . Coach aLla4died 'for New York without rhatt"if; leaves tliettA•4l, at 5:10 p. m., on arrival of N; V. fruiti tit? .E:v.t. and West., itomulm, 11:10„ Conslrs G:29, Ovid !i'...nter Farmer G:47,- 7 : 0 7. 'laugh:n:lc Falls 7:11, Ithaca . 7:50, tlnnic4r 8:13, Van Litent 8:53; co:lave:tug with L. V. Night Line arriving at New York at $;3l and 0:45 a. rtekttts void and baggage checked to all princl potn:s. U. A. PACKER, Gen.:6W Um; Av. 1 11 31. STEVENSON, .►vat.-aupL INCOAPORATION NOTICE.=. To all whom it- may concern: The innlersigned tommittee,,:representing ttie Truy Farmers' Club, citizens of Troy township and hon., Itraitford cOon ty, liertAy give tintice that Ihcy In :end to ap4 ply to the cunt of egAntiltost Plea of Itradfont county, or a Law Judgo th,treof, for a dinner to bo incorporateil Into a 'body : politic and corporate in law, with pApetital succession, under the name. style ands tltie of the Troy earniew Coto, foi It o purpose of maintaining an 4grienititiniSOciely and hohilug-an annual fair uf the vamp. It. F. SEW:BERT. .1. T. MCCOLLOSI. IMM=EtRES febOw3. Al) ( 31 1? RNE D ORPHANS' ity virtite un order' issued ont of the Or , Court of Irradford Connty. the undeesigtiel Admintstrlitria of the estate of nieinied seimano v er, late of Standing Stone, deed. will sell at public . sale on the premises, on WEI/NESti.t Y. Velum:try' 7.3,1570, at In'eloelt the following described lot of land, sit:nate in Standing Stone twp, bounded as follows, On the tiOrth by LAMP. Of E. B. Cotabaugh and Peter linttenstein. on the south by .11enu Tracy, on the weef by Charles Gotfont the east by Aaron Vangortler; containing forty-nine scree, or ;here.: nhono.. ' TEIt3IS SALE:—t* to be raid at time of 831 C; e 250 at final confirmation: and balance in one and two years front time of cantlnnatlon wbh In terest. LUCINDA lIELLEBBANT, jan2ow3.; • • ' Adinbalstratrlx. •OTteE.—The partnership here -I,toror; existing between the undersigned, Is tubs day (Its - solved by.cautual consent. MI accounts of aatd flr4are to bo settleid by J. F. Means. J. F. MEANS. • 11,. cr.uocKirrut, • M. A. ROCKWELL. 1" 1 . 405 0 131 . / 4- 1 4 . • - • • . TO ' l . *ltellANTi f Yon ;can double your income by - • ' Riling the WEED Sewing inschinfr iii connection with. yoUr itttftef goo . Noris the time to engage in the' ;-; ticivin machine business. 1 The, r EEb Senrink maaline it, the best td Wu as Ntell as theasest to use. It sells readily BECAVO it i s the best i; . t ‹, to use. :Ii It gives no, trouble after Said, bee:ausa it is 4imple and (Jura- Me anti never gets Qui ! , of order and tliei•e(ore gives th , ?pnrchaser. no ; • troupe: [ IT IS NO TROIIBLt SILL MERChANTS, ;;;', Sswing Machine &niers or anyor- sons wishing to increase their in , come shOuld at once apply for the • a ge.n 6-• Of the Weed smiing: acid tie •1 p • NOW is the - time, and Ihundreds of business *en throughoi# the coun- try are improving it. Remember that we ImanufaCture machines adapted to xn'ry grade of work, amt: that our taaehines have Write aivl ,(yet_ our ter*. Address, WEED SEWINC MACHINE CO., .114', .114', n7^o; Bi - Anch Office,iELNIIRA, N. Y. • 'RE'S S A TSA PAM LL A , _l. . This compuitnit of the veg-tai4e altertaiives, Saraparitla, St1111117„ia aptblandrake with thel.xlides of Potas , ztuin and !irrin, snakes a most curs a a series of complaints, which are 41.) ..- r 137 ..: rd. very prevalent and afflicting. .4 pUrirles the blond, • I • purges out the lurking humors lh flie system, that ~S ~l IUJ ~} ~ 1~ Hz:46'lllMo health and settle Into troublesome (Hs:. I orders. Etuptfous of tha skin lard the appearance on the surface hf humors that i shihild be expelled . 1 .... from the hloodo Internal derangptutnts 'are the determination dI . these same 11m : twi t s to some inter halm - gall:or or:gans, whose action- they derrug,e,, and whose +ittl4tance they fllscasC and destmy.' AYR rei SA/ISA t'd HILL A exptils these humors from .' ~, the blood: 1 When they are gone, .tie disorders which they pin4nce disappear, such!, as Flearallond .0.1 the Liver, .Itomach, Kidne*t, Lungs, Erg). 1 /ions and Ertilitire Diofritifek ctli t4e l! Skin. St. 'An-. I thony'e Tire,i,RU se or Eryiipelas. t iriniplee, p u j_ tuts, Blutche.t- ' • Boil', ' Timor" l Tester and. Sall ' I L . . !,.. 1 - Rheum, •Seal(l Head, Rinfinoartri l (ileergeand I Sores, .121tenttxrn, ..Veterolgiq, I: , Prtin i in the Boned. Side anti Heart. Female Ireknetts, Sterili ty, LuekorrlarapriBing from Infriirak ulceration ;: ' and uterine dieenreee, 'ropey. l l ltlePerelfl, Blim elation and Geijera/ .IMiiity. 7ftli their depar.. tore health retuCr.s . I.repafed hy1101..1. C. Al - Flit It CO., Lowell, Mass., rractiCal and Analytical SEE C° LEE T PIIGIUVALLEY ANI) PA. tt, v. ItAli, H 0.% 11S.-Ariitnix 4 inent vi Pas senger Trains, tti take effect Jan.:21,0870. 50t...74%1'Am'. „ - NI)I:TICtr tnn • • • PRINCIPAL • •No -.No rNO STATIONS. N'tl IS • - 7 ; 4 1. 8 . . . . -- Pll Ji.14 1 rm -' '4M A5l PM 2 13 , 1 - 3:i; 7..55 :!..Nlazara'Falls.),• 1-,'07 12 57 2 50_5 1510'15' 1;z11r 10 , ' 13 35 82012 25 5 50 A 45' All 1 1111,urn I. _9'4s' 1 g 20 5 , 4 0 , , 10 ( 0 3 00; Geueva ! 9' 53 , 8 45, 7 4011 45 655 !i Ithaca ' '' 7; 50 '6 50 9 00 12 14) Owego 1, 6 33 ; 6 00 5 0012 55:6 30'i Elmtra !,. 613 9 10; 333 . 9,25 1259 05 ! Wareily ' • 5.10 8 25; 153 9 44 1 . 31 9 11 ~ Sayre '. 5:33 8 IC 4 48 9 - 50 128 9 10: Alheiis..:.. 5.19' 8 10' 4,42 10 23 2 - 67 to 00.',...T10W Ali D.A...1e 5'09. 7 ; 35:: , 1 10 «AI.KFR El nue E, C. S.:fit:KEA . .t ApIIITIONBI. TRAINS. I leaves T.linlra at 2 .4a, p. 3topplng , at 21 stations, arrfving at Waverly it 31'20, Towanda at 15, and Wilkes Barre at 8 03, p. oak 'to. 30 leaves Wilkes Ilarre at 7 20, a. in., stop pt cat all stations, arriving at Towanda at 10 25, oira at 12.30,,rthars nt 1.55 and GeneVaat 4.00p.m. 321eare* Towanda at 8 13 a.trn..t stopping at Statlilne, arraying at Waverly at 9 1.t,. an.l Elxnl - at 9 55 a. t CommWC. Stir Atertistants. 1 I; ' BUSINESS MEN .' 1, AND; D E A . L EIR S • TILE 'WEE!? SEWING MACIIILNt. 1 i• =I ,BITSLN ESS MEN. lIM *NO EQUAL..I Of Dartford Conn. FOR IitTRIFYNO TRE iiLOOD I !, • SOLO LT ALLDlttifiraiiTS A\D•DSALSRS IS vErnciNt. i f eb3-1 Irk ME"QNE COME Ana buy your ftDtE, STOVES • : I 110USkFTILNISIIINti 4.:60D5. I. 4 REDUCED. PRICES. ware, Miami Coßperwarr. Table, Tea and Tinware at wholesale and retail. all at:cull:on given. kin4of Job mirk. NO. 5, mai/GI: STREET. ' 11. CM .. .. GAO,: . ... 11, 23 3 02,11 12 ... 4,02 8 20;'3 0: 'll 32 r ... 600 12,10, 352'13 .I . 3'..Trinklianock . 3;22 5 33, 224 12 SO, 4'35 I 20'. 1. & B Junction i ; 241 4 351 , f. 40 12 sr 4'42' 1 36': 2;92 4 •.."2! 1 32 1 20 500 2 2',15' 4 00', .1 15 2 32' 0 32' 3 haven • • 1'03.'2 35'1205 3 14! 7 ,10, 4 Raven ...:'12.10' 1 40;11 25 3 40 720, 4 53 .3lanch C1muk..:?10,45 1 20,11 OS 4 45! 8 31 , 350 Allentown• • •1!10Y42:2 11 10 05 4 48,_8 24, 5 53, .E. P. Junction. 12 06 ; 10 00 506 '43' 605 '......llotbichom ;91) 12 v.'. 950 .3 33' 9 15; 35 - .Easton 1 100 4 11 30 925 6 4510, 30 8 20:,..Philadelphla...1 !V, 9 45' a' Do '8 .29' 10 00 New York ....' 6 20 AX rst PX No. 31' teaves Elmira at S 10 p. in.; stopping at all stations, arriving at Waverly at 5 45, and Towanda 393 40 p. m. i • ' ' Train 6 leaves Philadelphial at gI Q p. in , New York i'oo, arriving at Tunkhannoct at to op p. in. Train 3 leaves. Tankhannoik at :7 00 a. in., arri ving at Philadelphia at 2 20, and New York At $ 10 p, 111. ' • , Tralna tt and ia rim daily with Pttlirpan Sleeping Care at tached. : - Drawing Roam Cara attlehed to :Tratris2 and 9 between Elmira ane. Philadelphia. t . . ~ R. A. PACKER, Superintendent.' . ... IriIASOL:UTION NOTICE..---The .13 .partneisbip heretofore. ellsttegthetweLn the eudetslgned tieing bushiest antler die alme , of niddingo & 'Ate)srson, is this day. dbistiPted by mu. tuat consent. ',, ,-- 'W. W. 01DIDIN6 4 • 1 . J. J. A ND*RSVIN. I . liertikville, Jam 9. 157G. 4 ,_:' '', . - Th. hishseSS Tall be sontitiued by i5..1,. Attlers* - - -j~t~ r.r _; It LIST POrt MR, ART T 0 00,1870. *mm4l36 t fleet , i. ft Mack vs 21 , ,A Meek/ • . 4 . , .. ' A-41 Spalding Dineen' W lOW , Wm Aegastas Le wisis r r isou rod purls Henri Ward. et al v Pl. 8a11ard....... .....e eet Jen Daisies vsdae Des *WS_ Richard Horton vs sOefilyitti- . r C n sin vs W w D•kor _.,. • • • •' • " it ' A J NOP) vs j P Hl*? et 31, '• , • ' sleet John CootmlnavS 5 W 1,1140 ....•.',.case • Mechanics Nat' rk,, C*loo Es C If Wells, earls Affront Wahotate TO Writ *Peter Ilitissielter . tree 40 Sprat Fetter.... ..... t...',. !14" ."' " JuNtaaLvirls Zed, . ~, 1, ," - , C A fleavenor vs Wm Sheeler , - • teen S G Townsend vs MltflotithlElpir "• • . 1 1 0 1 l Fitzgerodhl. nags* Ils,Ce va Dunbar k.Dewey, 9414 E C Dewers vs Eurelia newer Co r ' tgo' Isaac N Whitney vs Elliott Whitney et Ill....Actin S 8 Smith vs Levf Wra.... . t .... ~.....Siss*Mpallt A A Dringherty's att In fact, vs II .8 blitgam,ejecr A Lewli; k Sat vs A IOU:1# . , .... ~...itsatlnpillt 0 P Ayres vs John if Queen.:.......... 1 Oto _..i Win Northrop et al OW= 60,1110., ' .erpeit. E W Hale vs oeoßeltjantin et al ' set fs - •veremtab Both vs Fesnh Goddard istnamptift uin , *Ton vs if AKW - • gi l e xpetif Augustus Lewis ?affirm Horton's seal .asn't Jackson Levels vs 0 5, Pickett.. .. , 4ebi Keeler St Wells to lesser NOrecek.. Usntapslt J it Franklin Jr le ve A 4 etclairrint....4.-sppeal Frisby & Osippen vs Dewy Bswead - .......... 4.. do; Cornelius Ifunsicker its J 8 Williston.... J.. den , Eleazer ramerey vs 0, C Alecteltand .... .L ..Isszto P s Wyneoopvtqe StrAtb l 4....rair ir It Foster vs Urn Milne - i ~. ' 5... t ea*/ J Homburg vs Patrick Carroll; TaPPela P& E Coal Co 'ra ft. N /hood et a 1.....,... ... cases BE Myer vs 8 & E-C it Ity Cu ' !Oral! 1 ral! •, c M Myer . ~ 44 1 , •• Oa Jno Dustin et al vs Jnil Hewitt I I. appi J C ilarian vs it Vanituren Heger. et aS ..I...,tries Clark * "heidough vs To born... .tiell .1 li (for IDvell vit oit ARO& ally Cm ' .. Wits Ph lio Mt taco/ is ir• • 1 .11. I I , , II B Mitchell ' s use rig Anachialiiipi appeal" 0 ibens Baker vs 81,40ey T Levels ' 4* 1 Daniel Nensley vs Stephen Evans t.. Issue Ellen li..lllteneirs dm yadornsentli.eliey ...I..ejecp , ID Wu:Cl i 1 i 1 Thos Sullivan vs Ass IS.! Patterson , , try? CI If Wears,* Pa &NI Canal &BR. Co .1, —eject , M W IWheelocit vs S no Pain' ,S 'assignees...t. Abet t* James Williams vs ha By Clif.,.- ...... . .1 . Weeo S M Cori% B Ciialleld eta! ...... : • .4 . :e.'. V' C B Milli vs J M smith.— 1 Ire - E L Andrus vs Ilubbeit Easley 's sulfur apt) Joseph Willeia. vs F S mat, 1- , - set • Lyman Watson vs lioltett Tittle T T - Vol SniliKs ears V! Henry For - troves* John Cuturnlio J ? Sanderson.l. , ease Hiram )tiller's use vs *mettle{ DV' - lIPPI T J Irwin ts J G Mason ; - 'I- - - -' app. E If Barnhart et 41 guard% vr,ff• If Bartet at .1 C Craven vs Enters Bishop et al ...scl Liam , m ! B C and J l Seymour is , 0 4 , 4 , 1, ~Jefferson Parley vs. Peter mlSer et al - cove( P brad " y vs Jane albiuni i . - appeaf Jos Wilrot is Win Fitagerould • • app. Enoch Blackwell vs 11-C It It co sopa ..J B Bullock vs Delos Noeltirell Ut. a - - nt t exi Jas Fox vs " t' ' , ti '... Bet:4.y Jane Itorgers vsoftleoest Co ~..,..oebt; Darid Randal] vs A ustili Run/1111 et al - 1 elects Itierilsey Tuttle vsi.lehro Anthony et a 1... Lsel fail, Daniel Compton sl L. D.:Bradford et al 'tiPPll Mph Groonweod &Covg .1 W Cretins. - app({ I Peter Moro vs .las C.wod - - -weal .J R Cowell vs Overseers'Yoor, Asylum '..... ' oli Tick: vs Bred .A LOng - - i App .1 4) Frost vs il A /JurnSet of I. . - s`, .1 II Brink-vs Henry Miller .11 .-- - 1 T IT Skinner vs Henry IFltrtl .• ~.„ S B Ross vs Cornelius Iltinsicker &c - ouy Tozer vs Amzt Money 1 1 1 'I = =I (',Squires' use vs'2' Caglbell Jt C Jtcrcitrve Jno Itanieth F Utter Ns .1 A Van Wert Andrew , ? Alley vs Mt ch4el Lyneh .1 I: Cow elrvs Cordella .:a,ot..lTirin vs .1 P nortln: .Miry I,f erillog's use vs .F' 3L L 5t22111/ et 51411er .1 , Aycry vs If Irani Iforton . ... J $ - +Ok va Jeren Vanilevimult - ears vs 4; Wttleklnson 111eltel , C)Oleman Vs .1 .1 l'hompSon.. ,Ii Person vs Jno E Pomeroy' TS C C Mc IfcCielfsoi4 et al._ _ Eleo F l'sylor Jas StteOlon agsrli Sulpoeuns.'2l.d week Iliqurnable on Mouda„t 14. 1:175. p. 1 14 week. Illfmdax • 1 B. ..U.TECK. l'n . , • CIAL § - TATENIENT F IN* the .board of Schoo trireitors of Tot Isom Selli.,ol District for qbe year ending 1, 1 , 73: . • ~. , F 4 41 ' 'irrsi. 1 Carib on hand, , ). . 20Z 00 l'.;tate apptlit , rlatlbn,l 881 84; Fines 11l llentor 1 • ell 00 N,42 resklent e..holats. y I 284 Oa collected on durlkate; ~ 7300 00 Teachers' salaries, BE , .laiiit , .r, .•, i• I A tt's fees a n Coart cost i . iiiiieling ili! repairs, ,;,. , I 9 - ", 7., - , Furilli tire, ~, ;. ' . , i .248' 3:i Fu2!,. , ' 1 +lB 17 . . . I uterust, .. 1 I '1348 44 l'rttiting,3 . r .l .10 tin,l 9 25 , MLieellane , ll9 '.l - I 38:92 1 'CreaiererNrciiiiiiiissinn ' i 1 ; 164 (r 2 ' , 5... retnry,, t. ... 1 - - I I 00 l' .!tt,71:10F15 of Treasure?, ; 1 • .- 08 43. , 'Total,- 1, 4 . We rertffy the abhve Stifternent to be come. r ; . JOHil A' CODDING NATIT A N'TIDI). Treas. i i :Tor. - 3Ncla, 4311, 3, It7G-3W. I 4 NQORPOIIATION NOTICI -4. 4 il • I . To all whom it nosy concern : The waders! . net( Orwell : anti vicinity, Retell give toI life!. 1611.! they iota id to apply io. ' the Court of Compion i'leas of Bradford county,ora lasylndge Thema, roi • ii till rt,r tti. In:. irtrorporated into a !tnnly politic lot; 7:ot-in - wale in jaw. With faueuil succession , ut der the 1 ,3 1 , 1e1 .ty.l , and title o f the °riven Library As sorlation. for. th e purpose of establishing an& u -' Mining a library for the use of-its titentbars,' E. C. li I: I.L. .-- • , .V.:3t. 11,,t !CHEM .1. P. COttERN. . 91. 'N. , BEERS. o , . W. L.PriNDLETOW. L,'E5...111,71.18UCK ',' .lan:if-3w, ~ • .i, ( ADITORS' NOTICE.—In jx. the estate-of Joseph' f3dane, dee'd. The undersigned, an auditor appolutid by tiritiar.v• ( eon of Bradford 'county. ko distri. roads belonging to said estate, In ;he hands of. •••x.e.rittors .of. said estate. *III attend ta• the du appokitment at the cifflee of 'Overton & 3 rut!, in Towilatda, on BA,TIIIIDAIN the '*th da retirtiary, lifa. at to'io'eloerai 3r., when and all persons having claims fin ..eald ',fund must sn•rit Own>. oi be forever debarred from cumin upOn the same. • • • - 1; ftiti3w4 • R. A 4 NElteriz. Audit A UlitTOR'S NOTICE.- Wll4- ix 'lcy Plidt & Co.. vs U. !A. Cowie'.' In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, .. o. 617; Feb. Trutt 137.1. 1• I . ! , 'rite nuiterAgned, an auattnr appointed to ute money in the Sheriff's! hands. arising f 'm IS rt trib the:sale of iljfendanCs rent ' seSiate, will attend th Ills appolutment at the offlefQ, of patriek ayoyie. in ,Tow:onln gem.. on SATLIBBSAT, Feb. Cf. fe e d. :d IP o'clock-4n the for.enoon, at which time ,apt place all persons baring claims' upon said d'upd must present them or be forever debarred -from coming In do the same. I- , ,- ~ IV3I - .',EoY . LE„tuititorl Jan 20, 16' n,, , i, i .; • DIINISTRA.TORS' NOTICE. I - L=1.7,416i is hereby oi - en that all persons in- , fielded .to the 'estate of John Purcell, late !of - Rome twp.,,deed,• must mate immediate Pay— ment to the Undersigned, and' - all persons bating claims against said - estate must present them, ditty authenticated,. for settlement. f 6• CATilF4tifiE PMCCXI.I... ••' Adminitratrixi Jat47-w6.• AD3IINISTRATOIt'S NO.TICr -Notice is herehy given that all persons tr., debted to the' estate of ftlamael lieavener, rateof Slaeslieguln dee'd.raustmakei.tmmediatepaymentlto" the undersigned, and all .fterions having claims against said estate must present them, duly atithoo- tieated, tor settlement. ;- • -,..11r11 1r JEltlf3ll.lll FRENCH, Administrator.; 110111,ESCA HEAVENER, Adatex: , _ • D3LINISTRATORS' NOTIC In —tiptire Is hereby gireri that all persons - ,friged, to tmt estatd, of Jar.ob Itioreonk, late br Wilmot. dee'tl; must make Ifinnollate payment Ito the undersigned, and all persons tuning claitpi agaltist salt! estate must present them, duly authr ticated, for setjlement janGwG A D)tINISTRATOR'S NOTIC Notice 11! herehr iiren thatlail persona i ,I,t,ted to the: estate of Silasdonelt, late of Wel, deed. must make itanKtUate payment, al all persons hat - lug elafm3 agaittst said , estate nol pres . cut them duty authenticated fai settlement. NNOMAII. J. JONES. O£O. W. NOBLE, _ 1 Administrators. fet4r,G". 1: 4 1 X ECOTOR'S - NOEICE.— . -Notile A Is iserebY given that all persons Indebted to' the esrate of 3: L. Thiek-wellOate of Monnie. rit ,p. ,lee:d. must 'make immediate payment to the un dersigned, aroVall persons haring claims upon kW ' estate Must present them, duly anthentleateda r settlement.. : „.. n - G. D'. 3IGSTANYE., - ; , T. 31; WiLSoN, - • febhwt. (.. f :: Executors. I+ -1 4 X . ECIJ. ' S TOR' NOTICE.—Noti , e 7 Is her, , bY given that all `persons Indebted- to the estate of Wane! A. L'augford4 tato of Sniltittle d, decd, must Make immediate payment to the., n-' derslgm.d, and all persons having claims agairst said estate must present theta, dulpiuthentlcated, fur settlement. : . .'.. '_ WM. E. HAIITO'N, ' ' STEPHEN F. FLETCLTEIt., lebatra.. : : - Executors Jj.4XEC1130.13. 2 'S NO,.TICE.--Notik Is hereby ixlven that' *ll persons Indebted . , to - the estate of }lnnen M. Rushed, late Of Home,decra, must make' initnedlato payment to the utiderstr4d, and all personi having clalms against said estate.' must present' hen; duly authenticate& for settle menqll EN HY•WILLMOT, . . SARAH RUSSELL: .i . 1 • Executors}.. febtm ;- • ' EX 1 OTlCk.,—Notice Is hereby given that tlll - persona Indehte to the estate of:' Daniel Bowman late of Towan deed, man make Immediate payment to the n. dersigned, and •all persons.havlng agar st said estate must present them, duly authenticated for settlemente: B. L. SCOTT.) .ISzecuttte„.. jan ...... niSSOLUT.ION i NoTICE.—TiIe . ,I_,/ nun of "Corser 6-. Comas' Is this day dlssolfed by mutual eobeent. The basln6 will hereafte be Y. condyrted by John ' Coiser, who will colleF all. demands due -ibe firm, &allay all demands as% lho 11rm. : . - ;MIN- P. voitsg. . At. W COONS. ~ ~ Towanda...4n. 1, 1176 ' ---'---- 1 - ' . --• APLI.CATION'IN DIVOROE. ' —To 'Elizabeth If. Mayci.:" No: :39 S. T,1675. husband, re hereby notttted that Ezekiel Maya. dour Ima milled w the Conner Conataou ryan ut Bradfura County for s',...llvtirre from the bonds of matrlsnony, and the -told' Court has appointed ' , Monday the :lb day of Filantary;lor Marini the said raekict ttt the pre, Ostia' Wm anti , ptaceson can attetel lf yon think proper. • Auto* A. J. imerox, Sherl i ff. • peiisons . - wh 1.1. notes or s woonts are'llpaagOinn of VirutT & Coons, willrnmoe'tudi and Nettie witO Om under arm&_ • - I .IN C 9113 Tolentas, • •) I 1 U 111 ...1134 a fis I*Mo • nips( PPPe do a do Il El ED 'espa..b iPPeal lief to ;tart t Feb. OF ntla dung OM 347, 00 A. MEEKS.- JESSE tiORCONII7. ' . 1 Administrator. li= II Mil Ire Ole Iles ier -1 of • ert• Tire g In . 4 .