Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 27, 1876, Image 3
Xitaifina Nipottet Towanda, Ps., Thursday, laa. 27, 1876. LOCAL AND 'CENERAL. THE law firm of Woon & SANDERSON hag been dissolved. are A osxo of Italians r employed on tbe -new Elmira and Lawrenceville tailroad.-. Eon. C. F. NicnoLs and Capt. Max Fitt); recently addressed a Grange .a Ovid. N. Y.,.by invitation.% THE 31. E. S. S. has a new Superinten dent, in theperson of our worthy 'Pro ' thonatory, 8. . N. PECK, Esq. Jonas D. MAXWEL7I, who died last week, held a poliey . in the Odd Fellow's .111itual Life Insurance Co., which will leave his family nearly eighteen hundred dollars. THE ministem of Wellsboro have ad dressed a pastoral letterlo the citizens, asking them to suspend public' amuse ment of every kind for a season , and de vote their attention to religious•matters. SUPERINTENDENT PACKER has made arrangements for running sleeping cam from Geneva to New York. This will prove a great convenience to the'. patrons of!tliis popular.,route to the Empire City. Mn. I!ADLEY LA NA, who bas been em ployed in Dr. Powt•En's - Drug Store for the' past several years, has embarked • in business for himself at Pittston. Mr. L. is an accomplished, druggist s and a most examplary young man. 2." C. Rtne.wsr, of Franklin, is still prostrated by rheumatic fever at the house of his sign-in-law, J. H. HOWARD, in Wialusing. zWe hope by the skill and strict attention of Dr. PRATT; to soon be able to announce his recovery:. A SERIES of Vnion Meetings, under the auspices of the ,Y. M. C. A., are now in progress in the Presbyterian Church. The pastors of, the Episcopal, Methodist and PresbyterMn churches'-all take Olt in the Ijiceremonies. Much good is anticipated fromsthe effot t. DEPUTY L'. S: MARSUALL DELONG, ar rested and brought to this place on Tues day last, MOSES DEPEW and Wife,. of Her rick:township; charged with perjury, for geryand p in.:: counterfeit fractional cur rency. • The accused are hawing, a' hearing before L. S. Commissioner "Aix, as we go to press. • • Jon:: D c ." 14AXWELL, who has been a great sufferer frcim pulmonary. consump tion for several years, died on Thursday evening last. His remains were taken to Elmira for interment. Superintendent PACIOER furnished passes for the widoW and pall-bearers, together with the corpse. SYLVAN Loooi:,.No. 929, I. 0. of 0. F., will be instituted 'at Sylvania. Tuesday, Feb. Ist. Members of-the Order - are in ' vited to attend. Dinner will be provided for all who may wish, at i 0 cents each, Proceeds for the.bencfit of the Lodge. Per °order of Committee. WE find in the Washington Chron iele, the following notice of a resident of this place. The complimentary meAtion will he ap preciated by, friends of Mrs. 11. here "Among the recent arrivals in the city is -the talented Mis. 2 M. IP. BUYIN, of To r wamla, Pa. .Mrs. Brigs is a lady of m. questionedliferary ability, aid as-eorres: pondent at the present time repnrsents three influential Pennsylvania journals. '• Mrs. B. is the. guest of her friends, Cap. '• Min and Mrs. TALL, of Capitol Hill. AT a regular meetin , r of- , Bradford Lodge. 167, I. 0. 0. 1"., held in their ban on'Monday eVeuing,, Jan. 24, 1876, it was unanimously • &Jared, That a vote of thanks be, and is hereby tendered Mr: Ronr. A. PACK- P.n, Superintendent of the'Pa. & N. Y. C. H., for courtesies extended the fra ternity, in passing, free of charge. the re mains or our late BrotberfJonN Max, wm.t., and rtiatives of the deceased,. over his road:to Elmira. Reitoithi, That ! the above 'resolution be published in the:Towanchl. papers. CHAS. CARPENTER ? COM. PE!ItzONAL.—COPE., DYE IS: Co. have purchased . the, "Towanda Hardware Store," l conducted by C. H. BAnnos for the Past.few years. The new tirni come well recommended, as honorable busineSs .men. - B. and K.-H: lit7mr•nni are east, itilichasing!stock. ' LANIORE4; is visiting friends is Oneida Co., N. Y. —Dn. and Mrs: DR. M. Ai.' Bnowx.-of Ithaca, N. V., are visiting at GEO. V. MY EICS. Tun .I".irtliein Tier Gazelle of last week says: There is a strong religious inter est 'in 'the Presbyterian Church in this place, which has already' resulted in sev eral ; conversions, notwithstanding there • have been few extra meetings held. The Baptist Church have closed their revival meetings after a continuance of eight weeks, the result of which has been a v,_!ry general strengthening of the tone of the church, the reel imation of many who have e licen clinging to the church .by. verb, light tenure, .and a number of new ,convtrsions. The meetings at the Meth . otlit chnieh continue tlsis. week.• The results have been liter. those- in the'Bap tist church, though. there has been no , general revival. We believe it has been an unfortunate - thing that the various churches dint not unitelia a union revival movement under the lead - of 'the Y. M. IIEERY B. Iksci - )74.—.1b0ut lstO or 151 1, Rer; Lonrsu GI-14NT. was on. the:old Tioga 'circuit of the old Gencste M. E.. Conference. While priNtehing at Captain Ct.Alm's, id, "old Sheshequi4," (now Ulster) he was heard by a lad of six teen' years or 'a little over, Avlto, during the Iseneon, wept; in the class.rneeting, professed conversion; and joined the church as a probationer. lle became knoivn, subsequently, as Hisb()p I.l.ksroi)r, of the M. E. Chtireh. South, and was dis tinguished as an orator and preacher. Can any of our old citizens give Any ac count of this noted minister's famil?r n ho now owns Capt. CLAIM'S Mace, little sketch of the Captain, also, woto,l he in tome in this ekntennial era. Josnt.x It. Gtnntsns baying been born in Atlnlns, if U. B. Bascom was born In Ulster, the irvsent , Sheshequiu will he - challenged to pi•odude their equalthen Towanda, thea ‘Vysos-Hand there I rest. INquInE.R. How TO - MAKE COFFEE art of making good coffee is known to - compara Lively few housekeepers. Coffee should be . browned at least twice tv wee-k, and kept in air-tight canisters,'and only be ground . immediately tbefore -using. Pick the green coffee carefully over; shake it in a colander to free it from dust, and rbb is in a cloth. While' roasting stir it con stantly; the. inomenlq the berry ,crackles and 'becomes crisp enbugh to pulverize, it is sufficiently roast d . Stir in a map piece of butter, the size of a walnut; and put the eofti!e stearg hot into an• air tight canister. Fo making, put yfmr ground coftVe into a l bowl with just suffi cient cold water to Moisten it; beat'in an egg, shell and all; mix it well through the coffee, and limn over it the requited amount of boiling water. Let it boil of teen minutes. When, it begins to boil, stir it frequently, an never leave it until the grounds sink. Irma a little from the spout in order to remove Atte grounds which may have boiled into it, and pour it back into the pot. It is very much bet ter if served without decanting it. Allow one tablespoonful fur each person, and +me for the pot, and add three pints of boiling water to seven spoonsful of coffee.. AN INTEnE.sriso special meeting of the Presbytery of Lackawana, at the Presbyterian church in. 'Towanda, on Wednesday the 20th inst., received Mr. LEWIS Wot.yEttz, a Liceutate of the ItefMmed (Dutch) Classic of New' York tity, and after a very full and perfectly sati - ifactOry examination on, all the course of literary, and theologic studies, as regniticd, the Presbytery -ordained blur thelull work of the ministery, and as' signed him to the eastern part of Sullivan county, to labor i amting both German and English speaking, people. Mr. WOLF Etta has received t he full'course at the classical and theological seminary at Bloomfield, J., and besides his diploma, has let- tern of wniin eainmendation from the KfetlBoDrB. PEW . E. Kox and llc fintount. Ile won -the CUM esteem of the reverend gentlemen who examined him, for kiiiiAirilliancy, cogent thoroughness and as well for his ardent evattgelianL We bespeak for this tak'n ted and devoted young clergyman, happy success.iri his interesting field:; P. fl. Bitoonsi: of Susquehanna. tiepk.. as Moderator,' was assisted by Revs. ' Ton. REV, COLT . i;Coltss, Buon , ox and CALIF?, and EIders , WICKILAM and WILLIAms. • FATOIrIi,4•OF BRADFOIiD:—As Februaiy 7 is the time : appointed for the meeting of the Agrit - ultuml 'Society, for the elec tion of oft:leers, we, as farmers, should at tend this Meeting and assist in electing such men as; feel an interest in the farm ers and mechanics of the county.. Where rests the blame for the failure of our last fair? ItwaS simply our own fault. We took no interest in making the agricultu ral department a succes, and as such it was a disgrace to the many intelligent and prosperous: farmers of the county. All that is needed is united action on the part of husband:rim, and without this unity we can not expect to sueceed-. To make our annual:gathering beneficial, each per son should:bring forward his snperior pro ductions, hiS . 'finest stock, his latest im proved untOtinery, &.c. It is a very poor farmer• that .cannot produce either from his farm or household, something 'that would be of-interest to to the exhibition. Bradford ecifinty, hosting of more Grango:'4 than any other county in the State, ought surely to stiStaill their agricultural associ ation. We should never permit this een tennktl yearri, to pass withotit making an extra ellbrtito establish our reputation tis an intelligent and industrious farming commutity; . j _ . yALt-siNG ITE3rs.—"WhaCthangeful weather," the expression in every mouth; °tie day mud :ludo the nest hubs. The irate society and singing; school af fords pleasing and useful entertainments for our yoting people each weep:. Busi whieh since the holidays has beeil dull, is beginning to revive.- The warm, open weather has played mischief with the coal trade. Our friend PoirrEn has got fairly establishedin his new quarters. and - is doing better business than ever, and when his previous re•anation Is taken into account, this will bet' rogarded as no mean praise; 'Yes, Wytdosing is to have a bank, which .is to be opened about the middle of Feb ruary, and front the well known financial ability and business energy of the parties who conteniplate running the histituti3Or we are certain it will command the coMi denee of WO voinumnity. A large num ber of the frlcnds'of Rev. D. Cu:: - e - r, pas tor cf the - Tresbyterian church 01 this place, assembled at the p:lrstulagd on Fri day evcning.,last, Jan. 21. lenviog him gifts which amounted to about A very pleasing. epito , .ie I:ecurred in connee lion with this unusually pleas:,:n patty. It will •he e ,nembert (1. that 11r. ('r.:.: r ad h, t :Monday 10 eVi, .(A:vered the first anduallit S:4 •fore' the Wyo ming Comity 13:u .s,ociation; just as the r:unpapy were seated at the table, and lie biess4; hail .hues asked by Rev. J. 13. SumNbt. of 41:e :11. E. Church of this place, W. 1: ers•Fellidc,e.. neck. areso:itild -C. said: " Your frilends here as'serubled are pr6l,:rr- My aware '.'of the fact that you hare re cently delivered hen:re the liar As,ocia tion of ..videb . IL am a member. an :::Hlc:s upon a . sublect common to y;111 Mon and to inns. We hat,•e in ell at a los: as t) how - best to lc: lily our re:4 - .1101 ( . 11 . ..rt in Oil: . Ilt1 ; ,;;Or. 11e •tinaily`, eonduded that this . hook, , Greenleat on the Test iino;:y .tile Evan gelists," tin , : w - o; 1, of a mall emn.t.nt in our:prOrt_ss,iiin. upon a sn . hivet hd, ) to uuls. 7,Vould ht appto . priate as;-the tne,semzer . :4if our 13,..r. 11 nor,- 1 , 1<: : :•21lt on with 14' book. in NI hien we ha', - e in scribed, `l 3 l 4 emmte'd to the P.ev. CI:AFT, ',Vile a - a ii hers of 'the Wyoming County fiai.Asso, - -iation, as a t•,k(n . their. regard and as a memento of his ehola!rly anil eloquent addres;:, latel d livered hefOte them; to Wilieri of us has al,} .tuled No ono i - jarty mce 0 eon] ly surprised'thalif.ho pastor whom the inatter had heed fount? seerei. butwho ext,,ress ing his thanhs foi. the ;lilt. and the man ner in W - hief..:l it liad I:r,pre-,,entcd, aril added that Fhe his-k w , ,uld be valued hy' him not onli on nee 'lint of its jut' iu,io hilt :15 3 token of the intereourse ktv, - ,en - Limseh' and tho As sociation, - arilla memento ~ 1 . 1 :!1• h,11,11 teal the oceasiOn h.. , been presented. • It is neiAllei-s to fitld tic. , - were all delighted ta that kindne:is of Ite:irt in ii-n• v ,` Lail SO /:11P,:_1; '. 1,.\%1i .11)C1 ;•,' t I 1!„ (1,.• vas appreeilittti otl , ey,tl::.:l oitrzelves. ;• THE St . :. , til v EHANNA CiH.l vrn 1,-,TT TUTE AT T0W.1N1,' , ..1'--!? LIM( , after,.1 . 11.;.!....unry, t.. II at the instithte fr'.:l;ty. ,t.- ergetic of teat .lets in ixt the elt , .e (•ill:c .1.i:11 tt:e Our I.:. :•,.,11‘ . •• NV.t, %t holly . 11 1 . 11. , rll,lt , s've ~i• and pupil, ite u!: .r u,, - It made us - : . -,t.111! . .4 ;;••: Only ,11 - :• . 11V t`. 1111 t flui,,ingin, • i;, 11!“ Institute i4:1(.16-liin.4- tllthir.zherura6tu.ic_curie, !him :ld :land ing that fri!i 11. e fh.q. .T,;..1.:161 it would ill ro c,ivu. 1 it Beautiful fin situut grounds, mid and slo•!.!( access, fO :!nd ciy the,'ln .-. ,titute at To‘cnd:t t!H ro•.ir future is i.:ertain to take high , r to, be tuort‘ fully sustanu.d• t increasingly, be felt t o be no 'Ft' n f ,c. anon , needed to satisfy - the dcmand I:!._;!!er culture. The Graticil S..liools ty, s o far rr,,.. n a takin g it, in :: it .n k t, 31 :n worki,nglip who en ye 3 hi : in .a. in,titute is to s . uplAy this t.lavinil. Tlicu, to ts , unty. :ts lisaltl thirty sears it• b. - coining xrealthy. alxl the i,r sruk :.annul-.;;;, ;'tvidity. With al•ouialfm..; ev , ..1•.1., 6 nee. idiuds of the 1ti..id6 , 1.‘1 wilhaterem-itigly seek' with - the biftier r:lnges t .ri e n,•6 aw l learnin . g. 'l i e - institu6 , tir,:fst .lit to farilltate'tlivir,,Nitch. This i.ising (ii - niand this Institute in 4 th , very midst Will itself ively increase and its nio . st e((iii - enienti, 4 and eeoumniealli. , -culture and gratity. I am surti; they are horn who will :tee elegant alai 'SU italde ure,•:l'(l either:side of the, prez-elit editiee, sta dent rol(ms: and ilormiti , rie,, the .wii"le furnished With the best i.i" in.)tierir t 'at ph aloes. and the Institute SO 1111: pIV i latowed that its disliensing• of th.:eful may go nu for all time. To what nobler lienineenee. - 4a. tc what more pl.:let:cal and lasting goed nary num ey or lands t)e given or devised, than to the putting`np of the much needed halls, and the end;uvinent of professorships in the Collegiate lii4itute. There are good people in Bradford county who have ma terialmeans, they must soon leave them,' who .Suild "ennoble I heir .names and forever emhalin their memories grateful ly for all tune by trecting a hall and giv ing it their iname, or founding a profes-, sorship and let it be called after them; Let all such: reflect. that if this insti•ute were well Crulowed.,many a bright youltt could and Wouhl obtain a very snperi.O. education, :incl ntted to do iminemie good in thi.4'world: . _ 14 Idle libi rai Tou'anda is doubly favor ed with hi,th a_graticd school and the in stitute in her midst, it, is mistake to reckon the hitter as a Towanda atildr. It was :founded for the higher enitnr,. youth front:a broad area of counii ;;T:Ci veryriutielt has it done to elevate that kind of tuiti o n throughout the country.' -Pu pils front of this m.gion have Leen t mint ft• and well inWected at the institute. and more than a thousand have g,orie forth and arc noky 'adorning every professi,:n and active pursuit of life. The Ihtittne has not Cci:l7l,lclCd it, it.. A On iim-; future is ol•yi.lieg _t; a higher usfulitess, if that be possible. Let every Bradford county mail and wo man seek its prosperity andicherish it as their own home institution. Bear .a *Ord as to the examinations. The'first noticable thing was - the perfect keeping of time and place and movement in all the departments, without fuss or bluster; the 'second, the agreeable accord and decoroas intimacy. between pupils and teachers; third, in every elass,, new racy and piomptitude of the pupils, Trott d loving care t patience and devotion of in structors, both i.utraining and furnishing the ininds of the scholars.. Principal QursLAN was. at home in every. branch and took part m 'every &lase - sanitation,' and so magnetized all, that teachers and pupils were kept 'in lively unison with the topic or example, and no time was lost. But specially, the minutia requisite to good scholarship , are pertainly 'and per sistently attended to. Time evidently is devoted to the clear acquisition of funda mental prineiplesland the rules. - By inti mate knowledge lof these, young minds are shaped into habits of accurate thought and expression, qUick discernment is de veloped, and while their minds-are receiv ing_knowledge' 'the faculty of retaining, classifying and recalling for ready use is Lfdeveloped; an inalculablo benefit for all future progress in study or in theAtetivi ies of useful life. Girli and' Wys so. trained at the start become qualified for clear conception, i, easy acquisition of ! knowledge, and f4r" expressing it. fit re ! juices me to be able to say all this for teachers and pupils of the Institute. • , ' BUSINESS LOCAL • 1:713"We :713"We lime jlist receivcd a large in yrd;-,, or etivelfipeg andlpaper, which we will furnish I • to our patron.; neatly printed, at very low prices.' r:ltrAyral.s Cherry Pectoral—the worlds rrm-dy for Coldh, Canghs ,and Coasamptlen: • StiAtT sdll,tho best 1:1;v: 1 : I:o9ks manufactured to the ceuntiy. 4 N ~ 3 %,•11neT1: co:u l 3 at Jr. E. I:oIir.NFIELD'EI Ark- Ncw good recelved daily at lisNDLE3lAtv's You ean,get all the latest styles of statioaery, very. chr4, at WiIITCO3III . SHAVT'S /1a- Engraving tl,,nel at IltxDrr—mAN's Jewelry Store --CT" Call at liter & Buss' and see their new llollar Cor4t_ Ara- 11r.NDLEm.tx:off.m-ia great roduction In Sil ver-Plated Ware. - All the late l st publications, very chop. :It WIIITC0311; i. - ", 71 ". A large .ter: of games and toys, at cost, :it V.":llll."or4rill...:SttArr's C:l7 - Job lot of eery cheap at Dress goed4 in all the new shades `and 4.1 s. at KENT Sc /11...L5:... Ladies. hay( :‘, - tm see❑ the Silver- K l iive, that bo haw? Tips and: Han4ketchicfs, t [rat varkty i .at f KENT & . .. — 7 - Water,frooN imd: sninm, in nli 1 - K ENT & BLISS. y9._____ i :72 . : '. New Cloths:and easAirrieres at (UV 5ty!..,,,, • you waiit a Handsome, New . , S;.‘ it3h Snit. I'.l/: at J#OBC. Felt Skirt*, at greatly reduced tu.1,6% u • at :77:3- Call and : , cc the nun• good. at • KENr liLiss pr._ 0.. k. la.(I ilatins gnat things 'fur Ills Ch: n 3 J.1:4 f rout =OM fr a j- Tn t Silver g ,, oale of Roger's & Bro. (,(,)), ;The 1 , :, 1*(t•CI Table lillt:11S, : . Nailiii)lS :11)(1 Tow v,ry 41,11. KENT 7 ~:,'The Foorcsi man in town has got nvoicy P.;;lt to l!;:Y S :1!:t of ~.., , tll at JAcon's T':~ line of titation , I try PA WHITt l'4):: ELNI'.-11otel Property at 31:* •-t f Ft . l;s !! Fui:s!! v.:01 (1111t1n211'. Furi, ac .T.Actws, l one-price clothing, man, frill rity with .% largerstock 01 ••..1 wi,rll t.L. Go to ,T.“.6:4' and buy your b7-1 3 -s" t':•,;.!.11,g at I:Ns curl that] yi.n cau get the cloak M. 1 , K.N! t 13 rl , t7t arid Lest . .:I , and nsthnnern.' gold and 41/Ter -i•roa;; 10. 10 Tus‘.lll.l.l :57 DuICI. LOI ter C.^.'d :It MIN .01,EMAN'S, if , of Jewelry. Sllve MI! t. t!;-::vt•r-;,::,.t,t1 I has the fittest stns f over brougl t it -I r A% an: ti..!r r un. a ;4.4 nrtiTle. and ge t . . 2-th .1E • I , :ace tog° Is M. It) .N EIEEMEI -- nlVelling' 1,1011, 2s to re nt -'' chcc p .k. Nl.), (A LUTON' E. A ME - tz,- Gold. :-Evor, :110 Siwttaeles, and 1 ve „ at •"• 1:11.4-- , : ono: :•••,t s••!..ft of : , :pring an.•! ~r ol,g!it to tilts inark,t. t ixln4 : at li. .Peru iv-'. ME BEG white Polly tilipiwrs fulict I , T'ary J ust =I ISM tl .tt \Vt . Nt will fiull it ff. t1i..;1 wts . tuilatt, • 1 , ,,:r0 11..itotn at the Ttl. tt.t, 1 t U• •t I'3" Tin. 11l -zest . and lict assoliment of do, 1 0nc, , . CaII /1 , .11' be ESE I=ll yinlr (1011iiII.4OF 11. u • an 31. th.• ENE ON i . 1 . Go to 11. TAvi.on's for fine Hats rican EMM ME PoNATiox.'—The friunds of Rev U.' '4.431. lit , ";,7,•• is: Mf.rryart, fur dr - 41:0144i, l':l4!fty„ .1311. 11 , 1,7 f, 27!" The Pl-I.!i:x Insurance Co. nem -4,•r .1 imag from •a cowof tlr• i•umjal,:ca ill II! 11. A. !SLACK, Agoat. - 7.; - 11(iTEL 1 3 4.NrELTY- FOR SALE OR r.—The o'.l an,i well known stand. tiv• Brad forii at maverly. I. for rpm on April Inrialr , of \V. It. !CELLY,Tc.wantia. Pa. is 1. - 7 (1" To IiEN T:---Proposals for leasing tla i; •.n• in Stp•shtfinin, nlil L^ rvrelver: un til 157.:. For Nrilit.r partlenlars InpnlrF: of Win. 5H(1... , r. Sliet-nequin. ur A. 11. 'Kingsbury, Tjan27-7r.. MEE! The friends of the Rev. 1.1:. T. Dtr( giV2. Wm :I donut lou at the house of Hu, tt MO' Lu Itot,e twp., Fob, 2. atiernot:n :t!2 evening. Al! are invited to • )""Multitudes of People require an al -I,rliro, 1,, 1 ., ,t, , r.• the heallby p4.:hii thrir sys t vorn et ill, .lorarg , eneritt that overthin 11.;rllh s , , and vaitrtl, until ton* cr.:! p Cat "fl 1;pon th.' pul.•!ic U 741: this Lame.. Ayer's far>aparllla Is ito.linpt•- , sitb•u.. : - I)oNirlos.'—The friends of Ray. J. :t. DAvt , .crlll n'rth. Main tionat!on nt the bonso 0131 r. nnoWN. In stir:hey:ln, on the evevior: of Fvlyruary I". The panne are ..01 - 111ally P,lt:uly of r.}..oi la 111.! hrut‘e. aI.!A/ plenty of r..ont for s^e what , thlc good pup: ran <l. lit the way of g •ttlag up a supp,r. ' Yer Order Ci m. GOVI:IINMENT AwARD.—The Fair- %;I:1 . 1 . 2. ;ill at on y. ...••••area ramaaw. • ro,t. • 1 , 1 foe ain.ile•r y: ar. cli.anty, no i, t4i !•?ttied verdiet their feirvt, th" arprural of th mu. 4 vory !..att,ractou U. the Verii:ont i•eale-LiaLerr.-1.0 1i 102 Pest. Jan. :11" Among all the clothing lion , es in X..rth:•ra Pennsylvania, hor.e sfand higher Mau M. . E. itesitisrint.n's po l imlar EmPuritan.; lie always keep-. a ;arg- and elegimt snt.ek manufactured Trout the 'ry 1.. t materials, and hls price:tare the hear. t. cheerfully recommend li!MaS an horn. dealer, and assure purchisers that fhay may Implicitly rely upon !any representations he way I make touching his goods. =MI INCI lIIMEEEM I:. E.. C. SI YEI -7- Ladies', IiENT & =I =C==l REM fr,1 , 11 I,t lIMEIMME3 11‘11;IIMIIIIII 1=1:I IN"Solfd - Butteind Toa-NaltesVrattle. Tea, and JellyKldTU. ; nattatlfatbotda fat mad bolittai Ott., at -C11.4.11IIEIII,IN'S.! 4 . igie To suamt, bee offers for saki =sixteen quart, !rem-bound sap. tubs, hell, and made of the beettuaterial, awl every one Warranted perfet. Also si full set of cooper's tools, truss.kliops,4Ml, A good 'kestion for the bo- FARBEIIi Orwell, Jan. 2.1.711. • far PowEL,F. S Co,,have. t .the exclusive sale oethe limn,* celebrated 'and popular James. tdivw ;:aiohalrs, Alpacas, and Poplins, which are warranted to keep their color, and will not shrink orfti;nkle. Thor have last received direct from the mills a complete assortment of these excellent fabrics, to which they call the particular attention of their. custotnera. , PowELl. & Co. StbittliEllA7NA COM.F.OIATIS iNhTI VOE.—The accond,tyluter Term of this Instltu tioit will begin Monday, Jan. 24, 1876, Eight thor ough and experienced teachers. Flue advantages In . English, COMtner l elal, Sctentllic ,. tinii Clasilcal gtkulles. Classes will pr4b3bly commenee the stitt ay' of rhysiotogy;Cilemistry, anti other branches. A large corps'of teachsrx Is employed [lar/of/Jus tict may ho dono to i t student. For fur , tlier particulars call o t n thh Principal, E. E. grINT,A,e, or end fur catalogue) ()antats3 W . NEW dooDs.-3t. E. SowimoN &- kiwi have opuned[a largo ' lnvoke of Fall and Win reiCluthlng, width l i aa selected with great rare especially for this iket. These . gads . 11'14 be t-old'at prices which will astonish the closest buyer as they have been pulthat.ed fur cash at great ad latagt. Meant Iter Coats, at 13.4 c; Pants at Acavy OvercOats t e 1.50 .and Li; and all Wool Ifmv r y 'leaver Overcoats at .10; and everyth lug' else in proportion. ar3 Invited to call and 'satisfy themselves that we esmnot be undersold. All gOods warranted. H S. F. C. ,711 ta7 I DE.-2\ Look cop lll tillistratlons of Extit Park, Independeilee I :les Girard Co theitral, and all otlrer tesintal Citr•,'eith" LL B a cianntlum of all ri for the ni.tlce 111, - ;ri tents l‘efore:vls!ting Irliere I,y return (if :4 Cl cents: A;(l(lress . "North 18th street; I'll cOttniry dealers. '• DECALC(DtAh I of a comparatively nen :•Ithir:ll , le attenthM at t in tr.ta-territag pletut4 upni I , apee In high adl prt ono may wish to bcces, va4c,, [bower 1,111 transferred the's!! t.lOlll the artirl., en:natij attl'a(.tlytt 71141.1. Y Et 111 44 11 Ith a r't hlfut artist; Diire!ect• lite r I lig lit 1:1":".;„ ; T . :It Variety itimah., ihavci ~rt'liea.ity aoptliedi onu• espe•.t • tbarniing p.ts.:lnte; fn' 1:1! Rat.: :t for • vivs.l.l Fran: J. L.,l'at Crw• !Vork, Who are .onw halnisuksie swipl I.•mrn ulll, fox lii : rui:au:l•l Llt •!1 eu hatidsc.nlw waits tiler hi•n,l 13221 - . I — A Timt.tTo It.icE.—Among ,the • . Pally t•xcerent rtlet.'S W Will our f Hem, Geo. 11. • eet.i., e.f NMI, P.a.; h. 2210 In hls Shoe K, 111:1, , ltr• t•nin ...,1 seet-. ff. n 1 that Justly celebrated itrnt, Brig :;•- 4: Pro., - ehleng , .. 111.. awl IC••••In••t;•r, N : I' . ' • Jo. argest seed rhonl, In the world. It will sur- ! rot • ill.ttly if our• reader- to learn that m ••r '2. - 1,0)0 MC eltants In the 'United Islates handl& !..1.1. (tom • lel ~ .:7, . 2 ,2 Ilea's. Whise hose:: ~,, , , , do g n e. ,„ Lop•rs.. chit outos, .to.. ari•lez Ire litelY Mir:Wily,: In WO 'col. or t ing, and atitsti • titth.h , tme of the te•wese'i'd... ; si!,;•rts from the M tdslhf their artists Is what is eall- • eii - ler - ltr„ II ro hevstireat Toni:III. Rae(' o!I th;•lr 'Grounds, - and : ! ?•pres••nis a race course with per felt rei•reset .4..%thts-Of t lie di tfer..o. s arlot tes;ot U. :11:1IOS striviM,T for the honors of leadership. The tl••sigla Is extrenn•ly hael.. - and pleasant, besldes ; c•••hs , Ying to the fa, nelr or horth•niturist eonsider. at.!.• Mho mat'.•-n ;ITO:1111:e to-tits Of the dlger,•ut t••ma:os. 'll'ls seelthat they 113-0 as Ch•lr leadlnt: sat leties the Glem. Gsge. Conqueror and hfalltri- way's Eacel;.lor. *ldle they rats oth,r hailer ie., 111 MO ftIV.I.Ing order • f 11 :11: Tz.•te y, Ileflanro, General Grant, ll 'JIM rd C . 1171. - tt 1....3r, ll,ppors Goliath large E;,trl;, ; 11‘...1, Guar( Grang.• Field, ; Dwarf Early lietE Keyes's Early Prldltle, Sluttits's , Cluster, snit In the re: r, milk reins 'thrown to the ; ground and n telerr,l2e at his eye to Nee where ti, roil are, shufties 42p the Largo Yellow. The whole scene is laid In H the e 2e22t humor, amEntione can glee the litho:Trio at Webb . s an exantletailon 55 1111‘.11t hreakh2g , out I Ito a hearty laugh. E 1 WV I'3ll assure! our readers who destro to order ; Ilrlg•gs & tiros. arets that they call secure them 110:11 J2o2t as advant; etilla terms of G. li. \Veld , . , mill of jll , l a' gulrd it inlay, as If ordered direct. 1. , -.• tart;;,. ..I: Brit's..l. nuary number and order it 1 62:0. IL 1V aftn, eithi, l'a.. . J 2222271.2.2.2. , .; . f Fr,,o, fh, R4;eheiter Time,, OCC V. ri7.:.:' j.. 7 frr iiriv,gs ti l: Brothers, who can boast of I ,o.ductli,g t e largest seed two:Mess 111'0o kt:own wm . bl, an! arranging to compile a nork la n idol; they will give td the ilorleultural and W:M -t-idiot-3f peblic the benefit of their thirty tear. 14 c sp-it. •.ce lo theieultfire of vegetable and 11On ••r seed , . The nark, wilt be substantially hound, and Its se‘ era! hundred pa es .will he illustrated With i numerous rills, clime' Life plotessand sueetuct di rer:lon . with reganilt , the cam ~ and culture of ev eryito,gl,,wil in; fin al and vegetable kingdom NS e I:non`xof no orto he ter qualified to treat on' the 31,0%, -übj-et than ltri gs & Brother., whose seeds ar , .odd la a:it/u.C;'errl• • city , town, village or ham -1,1 in t h.{ Unit6l-14tate . They are practical grow i„ yrs of went ilk. and the l ,rthcoing work will ems mtle from momently p aetical sources. What Seth tireen Is to Inds, harry r Purdy to fruits, Brigs & Ilil. l h-r are to seeilsi k wry large edition still be puh:lrhed is Inch, It 1 ell understood. will lessen the pt :••.- per ‘ditime; 11'1141dt:1.1er% of the Work 'out t I t..: ti c wI , t •n It In. ; charged cost. while the custom ers of lirigg ::,,: Ilfo. 'whi 'receive it as a premium cni the purchase of, needs. The Intended work'.wlll r. I,• 1.r.•:-. :o,ml Max next, and the artists are now cogag ~, 1 upon the • engravings. ft will be separrte and ap in trout the . anuary Catalogue, which:will L. , ...•...:1 ht Decem ,e'r. or (min 'any other-of the panin .1; ion, of this el known house. F.very lover of Ihrit altnn. or. 11(41i culture should put himself, m l.:-.4..1: - I. ,he waylo obtaining It. . . 1,, 1'.,71:''! & Iiro.:1 se 'ds are for sale by Geo. 11. 'IV chb, .%11.a, l'a. - Ilan2U-Gm. :71 - 1(011: FQR 11 "have .."11:.:11Itig II V. for If you :it me . ° the Draig aad g-t a buttle of 1 : 1, NV I:al I 'll(Try anti 'to r , otin•r nt-.ll.•lnti act and I, hest, lelid lip 011,0 thougl ram- have been rCst4,l :Crlin•Z maxle ,!... :fie 0 Trial size IU c 01:11111 • .11:nwiAlr—uoultx MA ri ., ill4 . llCe of the nonfh... Jan. I. by I viler I% Brigham, of 191ETIE DMIIEIII . . • PITE—I: XTER. lts • fat h.•r lii Alu I&P'n, Mr. tince Miter, All4 o ' • 11 - 71 IPP F I I Rev. .1. 11., Clark, M .Mary Fell, all of :d4.4.) WILLIAMS—LEWIS bride's sint:•r, Err. E. J. MorrlA, M Mks Matilda Lein, "A home of tuip We Cr:lry for!iii,y, Ilfe of ,Aud pleasures • i V.iNG/11:1)1:11.—In N'angGrAvr, aged 7.4 1 ...Blessed arc tar D VI f Apart , k Va., pn thr fst or b e ; i 4 Willow Mary 1.). 1 1 and 13 day,. Iteutlt fat in forml , ways, villent Ulm:0 I All that medic:o him. Jf IN F,S.—Of rnetimor Pa., Jan. In, DAnio TIMNIAS.—Of (It pthoil Mx days, at Neath: I 17th of Jaunary. and Elizalr:th Thoin I t Is said that death I think that In the nine Ing was truly tinting, and a broth'er (M:3 other re:dives r.nd Ills afflicted parent lic,^ community. T IST OF the Post Offleo'4 ler the rasek unt111:1 iVollont. Peter. . Furga6en. ,totte! . , Leetiard. Jones. Leonard.' • MaMC Mitchell, Miss A.l. l'orsuns eantlig tor, ny advertised, givi6, lIISSOLUTIe f firm of Corbdr •; by mutual Ninsent. T e , ,nduelvd by John demands due the heal. the firm. Tovanda, 413/2. /2;. 1 1.5! 11 1= CENTENNIAL POCKET Itaining over sixty beautiful ktiou buildings. FairatiOnnt all in 1776 and 1576, Carl en- I%;e, Masonic Temple, ;Ca daees of Interest In the E'en , orient sketches of. each,and her Information abinhitell entennlal visitor, who ought nghly familiar with Its con the Exhibition. Sent any 11on receipt of price, Tlven hti W. Frazier, No. 1627. delphia. 1 . 1:7, discount to • ijr.1,13 • INlF.—This is the mtine art that Is attracting rot). present time. It conliists which have bees pt lilted CI taut I rut Cu9,l's to any irnament, such 43.4 fans, stork its, ankles of furniture:Zit% pictures look, as If painted ttented, anti theY are much autiful than theY would he If exectit,,l by . a very 1 Mb; beautiful art offers a • , l* the process of low.' villa- The pictures sibs. sac:: as 4 latolscape.4, if's, eon& figurt!,, ,ke„ lend children even 51•111 1,:.- isft.rring these pictures It. a "NI or young. :tog flu b , autifttl. Nye - It.tve ;ten II Co.. in 2 William street, dealers In transf.r pletnres, es of thelu Thos, sum .If tea ocnts . , 1 1 1 , beatit Hui art, tel,r.,t 11.• r tit k of thrricture.:, or Cr fifty our hundred attractive plc- BM E DESPONDENT.—If you winter and begin to despair ave taken a Irma cold, go re of Tt:ltx}:n & nOttboN r; Mounts' Syrup of Tar, mund. Take It and be well. so promptly and effeetnally all di seam's of the throat, tig to ConsumpUon. Hun k they had that dread dl ed to health by the nee of ly. It Is also the beat known I never falls In Whcapiug nos. Crnayr. RIED.: .—ln West Burlington, at bride's father, Mr Dativer; el. G. S. Transue. Mr. (tar- Smithfield, and ]ills At the resldenee of the I,heyttsi, Jan. 19, by Itev. S. r, Ili. Writ, and She.lynuttl. I In Wavolly. Jan. 20. by tho Lorrt and 31 his Pa. ' r —At reslilonee or ; Ihn l'a.. Der. 23. 17,4 loy:11. `r. livniaintn ~l'ltltaw:, and all .it Ne:1111., Ldnmi and lai;r, yst, we've Lathed afiove—; ss and peace. t 111 , .! 1 never ceay.,." DIED. ; tsylum, Jan. 20, Matilda ears. who filo In the Lord ..•r, at Neatlt, Bradford CO.. ember. Jolla Isaac, only Boa Wei& uged 4 years, 1 mouth i d fi•ntliro. Lrcing ht a!1 it itensc , ring—he Iu gotw, con:II kl , •vlse con!(1 ilut taro la, at Leath, fitadfor.l Jones, aged 7: year:. after a severe Illnessof ,a.,„ on the Morning of the oddest son 'of John ',I), 4 ts, aged 12 years and a not, hos a t.litntng mark, and !we Allirrt Thomas., that :•11y , Ile leaves a' father and rd ,1.;ter,,,a.;: well as notmer ftleln4 I mourn his hie.s. i re the synipathy of the cm_ • TERS iemaining in owanda. Bradford Co., Pa, num y • 31e11:0,.. Annie. Ridgway, J. D. Mn.. Eliza. Rid, Peter. 2. . I Vatiritiiip, Abu!. NV hat,nii, i.,•ut itzLo, R CIP , TAtIy: I liostan, 3fpss. a above letters, will - pletts l a ate ut llst S. W. ALVORD. P. M. N coons is this day dlasolvi.d tephicsamlll hereafter he cor:ter, who will collect all and pay allcleruantleiazaißst JOITN F. CORSER, ; • M. W. COONS. - 1 - 7 -. :,. ---- . Di EGISI T T R 4 S NOTICE.--Notice is Itereby given that therebare been filed fa the (dace of ite later of-Wills in and for the county of Bradford, a counts of administration upon the following eats* al VIZ , Final necoms of Edward M Pitcher, adtaintstrx• tin' of the tonal of Susannah Pitcher, tate of War nut twp, deed. ; Float &croup of A kewman, administrator of the estate of Jo u aleitougat, late of dratrville twp, dee'd. • Partial aceou tof 11.1.15e0tt, administrator pen. deutt lite of F cla Tylerelate of Athens, deed. Account of 1 enry Warri,lguardian of Christo pher L Ward, I 'nor child of Henry Ward, of Tit wands. Final acecouttt of C if Johuson, and George P Taylor. adruint.trators of the estate of Martin Johnson, tate efiTusearom, deed. Final account' of Catherine Lefler,"atiministra-. trig of the.estatit of Larrtson Lefler, late of Ridge • burr, dee'd. ' Final aecount i of David' Thomas and It Morrell. executer's of the estate of Wm Evans, late of Pike, ,deed. ' Final account of n tapers, administrator of the estate of tillb.”l Miller. late of Asylvni twp, deed. Also the appralsetneut of property set off by ex ecutors or administrators to widows or children of the following AI edeuis. via: Estate or Lo renz o Watkins. •. " " Larrence (l'iteron. " " Ett ha Bloom. " "Mt .e a es Wimpy,. ‘.• " Slia A For. " . " Jlt Snyder.. • Pat Irk tViieette. " " Atn u Ward. ~ . —. Doirill McMahan. •'. I)et nis Driscoll. " I . . " " Get go Fairbanks. to ." .1 Elliulkwk. . .. . - " 1" Tin nail Maxweil. . . " .'" Jat es 3lel.ane. ", Joh i Johnson. And rho same will be presented to the Co phew.' 1 Court of Ttradfo d County on e T . E horsd As a r y ;l: f t 'o 7s b : IS, at 2 octock r. 31 for confirmation and allowance. Register. Janl3. LICENC given that reuses for tare dealers have bee same will he pre stow, nn Slonday of .said Court: . 'the is hereby 'the following applications for il ns, eating houses and ineieTrint tiled in lilts °Mee, and that the ented to the court ofiltzarter Sea rch. 7, 1 , 576, for taw consideration TAVERNS. est. Ulster. WII, Towanda bore hens, twp. yym, 1%9). Marcos A For . Sylveiter M B C II Alv9rcl. A C E Bartlett, Edwitril oanal Kellogg, U 11.P1)131)fol chaA Day, At .1 \V Wilcox, Daniel Keikl, S' T W KnowleA, C 1) 1110.0.D1N Toscatic.l lion) :%liparm boro. ' TfAvatitla Loco T.; Itrany twp„ , 111 , auv. I , nth Creek. Atlwni fig, Lvrov. - Ott 'Redmond (':it datuei J /fanu Alpheu* Ist .I;CIIANT DEALLItS I D I T4nyanila bias°. 1 • U. Orertoii tlyr. A t he ns N 77 It iit - .l:ti Ton:11103 lwro .111 Patterson Sylvester M It John Fltzgeral Tll E111111011:1, Jolm Grllllll. .lawns Cannot • sparry .1c pr,,n SZepheli EA : humid G =1 MI I IF, Athens bort': •• '• n. 31. 1•1:(:K, irrne'y January IP, '7' I "NCO it.P( j Tara' whom ] on iz , 11.: r.o , gh clatly. hereby to (It,, Court Of I or a law J•nlga•II corporatod Into: al ,olocc.,,ion tyl Flr , t era:-k." far i' and to playa far mnzin. It A. Tl, 0 N- - " orrit;E._ . It „my ev,..,,...: .The underh!go,l Cro,r. I:roltor,l.Co., 1 . ...., aiol ti •e 11011 co that tho'y,lntili , l to aHoly ~ 1 1110011 p:t•a• or Itl:oirord tooffly. ,•roor, for :1. rllart...r an ,I to 1— 14- 1.0.1 y po:Ilte lit late, With 1211 . ..ti1• nkr ill.. nano% ,tyl.. oil Ilth, of , t... , .: Chord' a. , :d ,: , . , ..I.r.;y 4.f , 0 , 3111 arpose ”ft•Ven,ll:l;.: tho el , rl,llMl afirlilP the:ll , 4elvt.4 With It Sqltalpl is worShip li ILL s. A. 'C. Mt - INK J. M. Itt:1:1C1 MIZE (11:0. TURK. South Crt...1:,: 1 a.. 4::a. p-'76-314. INCOItP ItATION ' NOTICE.- To all villo:o It way e:qo ern: 1 10 , trol.r..tgoNl ett17 , 114 of Mo:lyoeton hoot, Ili',111(1,111 (011:,ty. l'a., 211,1 viriolty.'gil'• ootiee this: 11.... y ii.te l, .l to :INA) : v. the Court. Of ( (41108 , 1111,,s of It roc 11 emialy. of a T.:lvr . Iholg • tit( roof, r,,r a .1r.111.1'. to 11 , Illcor t pfov.:oki Ito a 1,, , ,1y posit le and ..orpora: , In law, - mitllV • , "1 , ..i11ai twee:Mon. under tlo, to ainv, Ktyle and ;III,: of the Ma• , ,ille ' III!! Ar,,o,laf:on of the i:or. , 9gti of M. , 0: - o , •too, for fly. plop* 11 ,of , 11L.I .N. 1.*:1 , 0. affit j.: l at , , :l , q; it,:' prloriph , s and 01l , el, of Fr:, .I:iL.oiliy. ar.,l 1., T.r. , vi , l- thent,vlv:-. with a sui::o , i- t.,:iiiV7.4, rt.,•in ...I . v...,1... , , for the vari. , .s,.. afor,alq. 11. ( , TI:A4 - 1 * I. li. 11 ,1 1'1Cv , Tit Et)I). Acl cli.k:•o ii.•;Ti,a 11.VVII) 'EI.I. H. W. 1:11i•IC ti. 1.. BULL. IN. A. F. 111.1..1:1:. I. 7 r)in evr )r. Picas of I', 1,71. 11.'S NOTICE.—U. 'Ater r. )I‘ , lcar. is [lv . (" WI•N Of cern adfonl wily. N”. Dur. T.. nu ittnlltor appt,lnteti !It. , tt. Ittints,ttri•t:tg alto: t. ,00 •at.t.,tatt., 11.111 attend to tit. , ottli , .• tit at los ottl,, in tn.. In:rut:it of IX itAY. t:s.• ttAy •k A. ' 31.. it-ota r,tel mltt•rt. all Lone uu ttata futol nito.t - er donArt'a et , 1:1111g iII 1111.11 The undor•lZl court to etbd:Alh oC d •ferlaitt's r, or ios oti at in "'rt.! irwr ,, ht has IL:: th..!to, rr Ike fr,,:, I:I:, N4lllO. A ITDIT 1 Williams Common rmas Sept. 1572. The unollrig' court to rll , trlhi lki• ung:l. On FIN I A. U. 1 , 7(: : . whorl all iwrs, Owl:, lug :Inv simr, hf jAliti 'X 1. DIT( It'S vtt. A.. 1. Ilvers. In the court of of Bradford County. No. 1002, ed. an auditor appointed by tio,%, I to money ral,ed by sherlirm xdeiff ,•?.late, 1, id .t:t••al 1.1 ine tlittio, of I at onloii in Towanda 'tor )A Y, I! , Tri day of January, 1 r. n., when nod in!oro,iod Cro roiito.steil to pee f,•it r doharroil from claim • N OTI E.—A lbert 1). M, etany. No. 572, rep. unitersl4.l Court to II tr:6 gale nt the tier Ito. ant ieS ar hi )Innttnye.lf Jan. '27. 1a76. at place all person present them, 0 led. an audisor appointed b' said [ He fonds al king f Ron the Sheriff', • ntlantN real °slate, will attend to appoint rent at the iffier of Smith roWanda Born., on Tilt nsDA T, crelork r. 31— at Which time 'and having claims upon said fund must he forever debarred Therefrom • 1.). MONTAN YE. Auditor. putf;w4 • U 'rcit , s NOTICE.—In re tbo estato of 17vo. A. Jolito,on. '.The tinders' ned. an. anditiir appolated by the Orphan', court of Itradfordreounty, to It.dtibute all the tnoneys In the hands Of the inlltilnlstrator4, raised by the le of the K2lll Gerlract A Johmon's real estate (tha Is to say, all such finally confirmed by the court. It Is also directed that the andtt ex tend to 311111 111.4Udt, all rdillgatlons given by any per.on a. pnrehlase money, who 1. entitled .by rmi s4li of Ills JudOnent to have said purchase money applied on his seld Judgment) will :mewl to the du ties of his app.. nt roma on Tt7EsDAY, the Ist day of February. at In o'clock A. M.., at the oftlee of Overton .1t Itereur. In. the Niro of Towanda. When and where all persons having claims on 2,31.1 motleys lutist present them, or be forever debarred from coming It 1111,011 the van,-. •jatillw4 R. A. MEIhCVIt, Auditor. • 'A Imun NOTICE.-S. N Bronson James S. Parks. . .. . .. lit the Court' of Common Fleas of Bradford Co. No. 213. Felt. T, 1873,. The untlersiAnnol, an auditor, appointed hy said rood% to distrl tuts the fonds in the hand.; of the Sheriff. raked Iron, sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to title roues of his appointment at his office In Towan la Item, Its MIN DAY. January 31. 11378, at 10 o'clo0( A. 11 , at which time and place 'all itersons lur)ng claims against bald funds must pres-nt them tl• be forever debarrmi from coining In upon the sat 0. , I. 31'PIIEINON, lanilw4 ' Auditor. A . ITDIT It'S NOTlCE.—Towan ixa Eure a Mower co;vs. S• W. Chapman. In ti` , Nourt of Cotnmon Pleas of Bradford Co. No. 99, 11i4t.T . ISi.l. Tt under;:4 Bed, an auditor appointed by tire Court te(illatr NM the hulls arising from the 'Sheriff's sale o the defendttat's real estate, will attend to the .1 Mel of his appointment on SAT UR I) AY. the " 1 14 day of January, 1974. at In h.i.g A. 31.. a 111111.1!ii., of 05,1.11,11 .A.. 2.1 , r.•0r. In the Bort of To tantla,.‘then and al p..rots ',having clainis t it said' font must present them, or I lr.• for, ..r deb, rod thou coming In olvol tho ,runc. ' Jutirnr 4 It. a. MERCUR. Atoll:or. 1- S i 1:1) IT()11'S NOTICE.—AIex ; n Ot i T )1 1 - ' 1, 74 , r . t . o a f! it .v: t ' t : m i t F i ' ;o fi t r i . l ll l. • .. ' a u S 'l Of Bradford Co. 1 1 0 , eta: Dee. T.. Is7l. ! The untlerlontal, an auditor appointed hy the (Marl to distri tun. moneY arising (min Sheriff' , sale of Defend: nt's real estate. will attend to the duties of Ids al pokritnnint at the office of Overton p... Morello. In . ! • manila hoe., on FRIDAY. the 25111 flay of Jantriry 1 , 70. at 10 o'eltwit A. M., Avls-n :trot • wlinro all FT :0 Is hat hi . ..: ehlilll 11130 a Sa 111 fund are requested to present the same or he forever debar red tier; from ; D'A. OVER tN. jatolwl Auditor. Ari)l. (..: T R'S NOTICE.— In the matter o the Estate of Goo. l'. - liore, dent. In the I trpitani Court of Bratlftiri Co, The itiviersigled, tut auditor appointed by said . 1 Court to tli,t. sor ea, - -pt ion, to the a:.cottot of la.' Alil:llnlstrt'orS of t. ;id estate, and to drit t i me fonds In the II:tlots of administrator, writ attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the .- littrougn of Totyamitt. oa FRIDAY. January Vt. 1575, at 10 o'elot k A. M., at which time and place all persons having chins on said 1.11.11 Must pr• seat 'he same or bet forlor debarred (riot coining In 'Tun tit- saute. If. PEET, jandwit . A titlimr. _ __ ._.... . Acm 'rTolt'S NO I ClL—John W. Bollmbn 4: vs. } . .117:111(!th Welk, I n the ('curt No. 773. May T of Common piens of Bradford Co Is7.i. 'rho tulor.A.; court to (HAW.) defendant'A !Wiley of 1114 a ll I.nro. on S,Vi'l3 10 e,•! ~k A. M. hrlIS having' efa present them, I tu upon the mai l jalititT4 d e ii. an audit' r appointed 117 said de the funds arkinn front the sale Or , ollal prOpPrl C. Avid atlL•nd to t he l i point mein at his °Mee In Towanda WAY, tho 2.9 th day of January, at .. at whirh time and place all per ms upon said fund are required to r he forever dehared front coming fluid. Aurwn: !natter (.1 § Ot It'S NOTICE.—In the tL•i: Pstati , of Danl.! Rally. deed (.4 urt of r rd ro. The titider%lgl 1111.0 e 1003 I eAnto6-, will lilt, 446 F1:11)A 4.1:11.,.! or 31:01111 .1:01111.4 lcn.:MA auditor appoilitill to (115- tlio handl of the t , x,eut, , n, of 5:11(1 p.l tho thittec or apv•lnimPht knonty 2.1, at 10 o'rholt 1!...n; the 11. J. 31A1,11.1., AAUDI IL Phln In the Court 6S.J. Dec. I 11'S N OTICE. —James ny vg. J. NV:lllams Means. a Common Pleas of Brzifforel Co, 1575. The undersigned. au auditor appointed to distri bute money In the Sheriff's band., arlfing frotikthe sale of defendants personal property. will attaid to the duties hf his appointment at the (ace of Wuxi SAllil t in:74lll, In Totru O da bore, on MN DAY, On 3ls day of Sanhary, IS7B, at 10 o'clock A. 'I., at whlctil time and place all persons having elaicas upon sal 1 fund must present them or be for ever debarred from coining In urn the same. jan6w4. JN(. I . FSAIsDEUSON, And. F:.i. A N I!. E. e11..1"E. H. vr:Er. .irUhi•r 1.. El.SliitEl7. Auditor H. PF.ET. Auditor /.111,t.r 1 4 P 1 ' v :: U '~IIF.ItIFF'S ALE.-By virttie" of writs Issued out of the Court Of Coltl mon Plea., of ftradfoilt reentyi I will eXPore , at public.rale at the d,sor of the Court }louse. in Tow anda, on .0 171:14DAY, Feb. A, 1879, at I teelnek P. at. the following described pieces of land: ' licit No 111 TOVrapda for 'County of llrad turd, Nate Of l'eunsylvarillh hhilreied as fellows to wilt fleglntiltut at 11 corner on state street 111 feet *est of the eoruer of said state and rtiiitth I thence nottl6l4o reek to a cortlor on ad, alley': thence westerly AO feet to a earner on said alloy ; thence Southerly IM) feet to a corner OU state street; thence easterly along state street 90 feet to no; tdaest of beginning het tur lot no. 9of If. Ward's suit-division of lots In Towanda Rom A Lsirt.-I,ot N o 43-1 n - Towanda Boni. aforeeSttll all fellows to wit t lteginning at a honour en north stile of Ward avelitir 1 thenre northerly 110 feet wore or less, to An alley; thence westerly along said alley 40 feet to a corner;thence southerly 110 feet mom, or less, to a corner ou Ward avenue ; thence easterly along said avenue 110 feet to the place of be gluning. itdng lot Ni. 43, cu 11. Ward's sulmilvis. lon;of Towanda Dorm di .So.—Lot Neil—ln Towanda Dom aforesaid, 1 otind.,l as to:ltnys to wit: Beginning at a corner on tiondlt %MO of Ward avenue ; thence northerly I.l.Vtoes, mt'' , or iess, to an filley I thence virepterly aluirg>aid aVey nO feet ton torher: thenr. sunlther /Y fin fr, 7. ni'd'n Or less, to a corner on Want are undl th nr^eaotlr;Ya;elg sald areinte 00 feet to fr, or beginning: - . - Being lot No 4-1, In 11. I{'Eir,l*, sub-:11%1,6n of ter.; In Towanda Miro: ALSO.-I.ot No, 4- , -In Towanda norm aforesaid, bottuilA as follows t 14-ginning at a corner on Lunt bard stfc,t I thence sontlterlY %long lot owned by N. N. Beti s Jr., Trustee, 00 feet, to an alley ; thence easterly . Meg sal.l alley .54‘. feet to a corner; thricco no therly U 0 feet tU a corner on Lombantst ; thtitco Moat; the stoith side of Lombard st., wear erly- as ;,.; feet to theit , :tee of beginning. tieing lo- No 4, of C I. Ward's sulsqllyiskta of lots on Lom bard sheet.` .11,,iii).—Lot No. 10—in Towanda 110 m, bounded as follows: Iter,lniting on Ma norl.b side of State st., 'at a point So feet west or Yount: ii:i : thence along State st.. 50 feet to a eornert thence norther ly tto.trot to en alley 1 theneealot4 said alter east erlfile feet to a corner: thetwe southerly ISO feet to the plaee of beghtulng. Being lot No. 10 In IL. il':ll4r4 sub-division of lots in Towanda Burn. ALSO.—Lot fiolln Towanda Born, txturidad as - (0 1 36.W5: lleglimlng at th-• north airy. of an. alley running at north side of lots No. .1 . ), to, and 11, and tMcwest side of Fourth St.; thence westerly along t heitorth stile of sabl_alley about 187 feet to an al oy 'rowing north and south ; I Imoca northerly along salt last fuentloraril alley 50 3.10 feet to the south west. corner of lot Nm la: thmch eic,terly along line of lot No. 13, aboui 187 feet to Fourth at; thtitee southerly along west line of Fourth at., 80 3•i Rifest to the place of beginning. Being lot No. 121 n 11. IVard's sultssitylsion of lots in Towanda Borth Al.:•10. ltd No: —to Towanda Boro, hounded as billows: Beginning at the south eivt corner of lot N 0.70: t how., northerly along the cast.: mil of IotS . INo. 69 ;Intl 71`, 75 feet, more or less, to a corner; Itte4ee westerly 30 fret. Moro or leSs. to a cornt'r : th-lwf. southrrly 7.1 feet. More ril• 1e,..1; to a corner on south line of lot No. 7n: ,tlimer ea.terly a!eng i80 ., 011i1l line of ssl , llot Nd. 70. 30 feet, more ur I , st, to the place of beginning.: Being parts of this 74.,, 0.1 and 70 In 11. WaAl', :,itly-dIYINIOI3 'of lots In TiMitmla 11.4*t. .0..510.-1.;;1‘ , No. a7— -as follows: 11.- ;.7,10111,g In the the north line of W: , ril avenue: Al Ihe ;tool 11 west corti.:r of a ltl't sold to Michael ge- Nalty. tle , oce north act 4 0 West, the .or t th Ilte r tpr ;lid lot 112 fr.". to the south line-of alO 1.,)1 31),W: th..:! , ' , . t e nth in '.;`' along. 11:0 of same :,0 fi-et to the north out -brace of 1, , .1 No. 34..‘: Ill••/“.” .r.tith 3 , 0.. t t't ,, l alo:12 er..+Cllr.t of 8.1111:. 114 leetto the north line of WM./ a Yoluo ; thence north t",ttt„,° ettNt sing tMII.• :Al ri•Ct to, place t•f be gloAllig ; with a 2, :dory framed dwelling louse tlej,: on. .N1.51,-I.nt No •44--ttalin•L•tt a' lotion , : Itt•gln lit•if la the tior:11 lilyy of ward avenue, at 111:e ,a•'• tort we.: anntg I l oe. •not- I I , the ,tltl . ll 111, of a Ten titon•••r •:I ~° n.NN ft. 1:11-N vorner of l•.: tli..w•••• ,'.tilt •:‘ , l'alotlgt east :Inn of , 129 ft. ftn t!t , N Ilha „f 11l 'TM' tier: c-a,t ring Sante W. t. of I. •;Zi,: , i:tg't 1:11:1 a tau .t.tnry .1.---nouti , l , (l an follow:: Ilegitt ['log ln 1.:••:1111111 •of Ward ay.% of i . ISenr r.t..of lot N.• ; It, elee oortli we••• 1 along F. 1 1 ,14 •••:•It• • lit ft to a 1f Metter! \r.•-t ft to N E ern:t:Tor Int :No t •;tih .• en.t al••ng the on,t i,f•o• Ili: ft I•• in•rth Ilto: :IVartl,-are . t. 1,,••••• , ft :h.• :with a ?..•••I'.•ry traitor , ' ,I.l,lilng foiloW.! Thttsitt rt:: I.: 11,. , I h f 11'ar•I'::%ento , at tile S NV rnrr nP lo: No. 3s : th-hro tt •it !1:, , • .mne if t, 11, • a line of ahl ft li;{., ll•••no • • •:1111 Gl' . 0 :rt.!..t.: • 1111” f E cot' .•r lot N•• 1.% ill nie.• vaq F:ittr• ft It. : n In.. tot h 7,•)•,0 rt to it. • p'•:,• ,t 101 4 1! t.,ry ;nun: 1 h tb,root:., N" —1 /o'oll4:its re , t In :Intl 1,1 • 1 •1:1141 1.• :1I,•,! L, 111 • ~ .1 .4.1•11- A Nnal, 111,-r I)ank : v..;ll.tlit!toz iti , tr•• or A 44v 4' !. IF,' 1.! 4 .4.4.411 Tomla, 1. . 4 :4 - 4•744 11444 4•44141:4 4 . 4 444 - ..:44:4.!4:4 has v. tr. rt..,r.! al tarp N 4, .. ❑. r1.2:111 “.•,1 1,. for 111. •;1 t,l y I TlilVallaa I 'VII. i• •.:. r ,V 1 ;11i. •AN•t, • ,:,•••, • lb •;:i,ltl!tig at a pc• , t on no; 111 :2 ri , 12! ',1',76 F.! " !Ili 1:1 • :N'il : 1 • 11S • .:7 • r rt , lo,:tr • i .11'. to lin•• cr W T 1),o, i ::•• • tr• • ••• c.' •'.' ort fi•.4 ft t• NVitt Wa.:k11:,•4 C.-11. .•!. 13^, 4.• is•rth ..r •.ald i• •:•.• • •,•ol • I..r.'t • I'. e•t 7 - , ft, to i i. •or !• i!ll Iwo fr,:tt •Iwollitqr boa P , 1 7 :0 •: "•h••1 . !‘ • I:1 nn 1,1 nor. r‘,l 1:-'1' , :•tra'g1.-t ::.•11: 17 , ) ft to a p•o•I • If: I t o' • - 1 •! t a I. , irit in4..:l'••r 1 , : , 1 (t to I line fit t‘..r , t of ti:. fkt. ft t. , tv,tll , .tory II (1141,t0y :ot. ' • 1 ,, ••••••, nf ONI:11 ,. .1 p., co to ikg1111111) . ..; : •nrr, oil or "1 : It r r 1.1,1 of 'llrs, 1:1 , 1,.,:d N. r:!;:f , i , , lt - E:131 p , if , !at; , l 11 M Nag it.t. iif Le •-r saiif a I,,tst ; 111•11e0 Ity It.: - p•• 7,11., it, a ttt• - n• .. 1 , , ~,.• 1:t , t•a-t 7 pnrtll, - , tt , tro to a ; itotith 7li, 71 7.10 p.iti-h • itt , til : lit ' itt .. •ai4l r.nd .910 h RI. 1°0:1,2: 2.: , • .° p Cln tat. ~ a .,:ern Mtt. Of 111.. ear- t.n r la . fort• ta.l'n tlonrd: 111'41,, a -..rg .74 , tv: a .!,or: td taut rolltiwln:z thy ; ,,,, r.ll - ,Tar , t• -, 11, .1--of, In a (11rertioa ;9•h-, t,.1; 10 place of h, 'CI , Or Ir.. t tt;: t•tt ":1111 :1 ~• f 6t,11,110z, a ' a hri t ktitiitS it at. tit , ( • ,•11,::••; .• 1 1:1 - •I 14,1 - 11 : t> kV: . I:121111111 SO, - era; Immo' too•itit'at Al,S4l„—Lt4 - port' , -latct - ,.." a a o 'rtaln lot of fat.d. ,Itanto 13. %tar. , t‘rp.. aid" it,:rl-1 , - , 1 11.11,,t‘•1 17rt tat . .llo north 1 . 111V:111:13 :11:4 1 4 4 . 11? - 11:111.1 . 1 . ft••4:•, 0n 111'• o.• t !O . I ht , :it+tiitth Le ¶ll.. 1,11/ : Jattit;z; frOill Ton .11 , 1.1 to (11111.q1 'iy land: of Jar .1.-1,11- ,, a 1111 rite we-it In' !fttt,l• - .ttf 43'4 .I. , ltason a;-,1 rroolt, • I li•• or I , ;s 4 . , crep , t t f !,1 rr^ t • . 1 t llr 7:l to $1 r, \ V a • • ,1 1.1-n .•xtsf , ‘ltt,,t, ar 111.• •t•jr .; v 11 , 11rY Ward : ihr I , :dr of .1 liir!,y sa,6e. .1—\1! il•at n• lanl In .\.t'- huti tw . p. tht• • u ii.r,ll.•r of Ow s! , uarrani. th..rero niiri It caitt' ill- co:11-r or Win and i4arali Nl.jrrisort;wi.rt h t. 3 tint!: thrne,.. n.fh .:1 , 0 In warrant of Jain., Tit - li' Von ; nt h•:211...1.1f:. 10.01 a I rained lia:a and alwut Itti Ire!, A I , s ( ) _ \ „ „Ili, lot lam: In ~ . .!..vintu twt. Lonnar ,1 hog , ,:m!n• oil I, 1 -- ••••: en-4 of . iii• Win M.,r, I fl‘m Han ‘varran; thf•nc,. ,s! , , 111.Zsai:: xsiirrinit lint• In Znrn,' cort.t•r: 111 , 4i1.1. ,0:1111 171 , 111 hl>afd 7.;11'52: S V' .;' p hr w_..1.111: aorta ‘‘i p to 0101'; hian'th 14,411 topl.u'e•iir v. - \c 1:n. a two ,t , i*y 111111,0 Ci tzll , .r it' , tylont hvp, r•ogt;latting :11t . V.11:13.11 itnr. , i WIII .Tattrt Torltltt tt, Itt.• rill th , trttor. Unlace iffirth 4 1 0- ,r,:t :thou( Ittop to a e 0111 1 .1,:, ;110 11. , north i;t° 6,1,t 1. :o, a thon— rw,t inp to a th , •tit 0,,0tt It 01',1° wrst ittp to tilatt , t of lt,LlitttAttg: ,totttattlittt; lott 7-tO .11111 , 1'0, ai,la :,prtlV,d, with a frAlt 11146, titt.Sl)—No. i— 0:!1. , r :41 itt At.ylitttl PAT: lit.- ajoi,to.r at a1.,1 ~ rr.! t.' o: o: th • W 31.0 111 - l'atrftlV, ill .1: I, \WV - 1.1 1 1) t.. itt•rtlt tatt•l tt , tlootee itot . :ll ~0 1 , 11, to'll warr.o:l th• pct. t.oti:Jit 1,, a 1411 to i thr , ,fl't It. 1M er -4•5t:,,1 ths 1 . ,, 1 143‘, li, Mt. T.m.amh thr 11.. t I h ea , t by ad—a, math V m ftt 115•: and w, an alias. tt ibb a Ihrt, al, ry thve:ih:g and tl—One other lo; In To%vanda hontohol oo north 19' Matt.-a. na+t by land or A I. jlatd; south .by 1.,:0t 1):1%! II Gordon and tee-t hylrand of Atm.lla Itert , cr, cold:Offing a two story [rained Ilweithrg other lot In Towanda hero, iyatli 1,3" Ppp!ar-st, vat by AVe,terti a% e, smith 1.% . laud Of A .1 Solar and ',rest by land of IlenLV, with a cellar and foundation for a thoreon. n—The undivided tierce-Iliths inter cqz3ll ti:Tls of unseated land in Barelay and 116,rton contniarn , t about 19-13 atal wairanteed In the following names, Hugh Ladky. Anil ter: Ladle}. l'eter Ladii2.y. each containing .100 aerps, ar.d Jik , cl , ll contaillthg . , , aaa waher sielo rt, ma.)-aerc,; - ' and It II Cunningham, find:lining 113 arree, 'with a saw mill, t tN) 1111 P 11 , 14 , c. NIA i.arn t lolrron; ,aid land cent:dun Iron ore pod fire clay. Each third In• •old ,eparately, the right alto teeing r.., e.0,f tldrd of each lot separately. S.d.i.A and tai( , n into ex•n-at lon at the suit of N Vaf,l., ti.? CII Cash, George P Cash lotr A Ca-11, AL :,•41—one other lot of land In North Towpnda, bottntled nh follon,d Beginning at a white oak i•or l!'g. It belt;: the n,:rth corner of the Myers lot, , owned by it Ilea! h: (honer matting north .9'(° It'll( 17 3.10 p, to a 14,1 and ,totter corner; tbeneo ::LV:ng la Jrnnes Nl.•t'ariy north t3l nl ° east 97 tov to a po,t set for a ei , rtliT of Wm )13 , ii.f. , TS. let 111191 e, ahmg lands formerly owned by )Vol ;IV or t!o•ruaiumt s to a corner post and :,tooce: I hiOtee suath fit ° west 2-1(4) to the place of bn gilfolb,z; containing 2i acres and lo^p more or less. :4,4-zed and taken Into r sec utlon at the bolt of J C Solloonovors use vs :St !4eott. . 3 1.1.30--One other lot of land In Orwell :up. boon dol on t Ito north and east by land.; of ‘ziotunion Sib ley; south and,t by the public ilighwity; contain ing ot.a acre of land. mot: or leas, Itnproved, NV a framed toni,e and few fruit tree, thereon. Stiizil awl talon Into cv elithn th.• :Alit of E W linflito II v 4 J4111'25 I..tolinmia, ali.o at the :4 u t of Sallie c, xnnr,• . . . • A i.So—thic other, lot of land In Towanda born, li , ihniled on the Loral by S:ate st. east . by lauds of IV;lirattilian now In pOSSVS.IOII of Mr 41 if It NV Mt •iyttli by Poplar st, and nest by land of (It o reataltilug one half of an :fere of land, their.: or Ituproveil, ulth a largo ft:sated houso thereon. Geo IP Cash's, undl% I /led one fifth in bon other: lot of laud In Tti,Waiibla bow. bounded on thri north by Poplar'st. cat by Third Nt, smith by land of Nvni Unfit and wuat by an alley, Wing about litfi ft front ou Third st fatol about to ft hack on said :Poplar st, with a tWif story gothic brick dwelling house, framed barn ;mil other out buildings, and a few fruit and orna injintal trees thereon. said lot known as the }lonic -B:§ati Lot of the Cash estate. .1 i*LSO—lliti defendant's undivided I i interest in into other lot of land In Barclay twp, containing 1%4 acres of land mum or less, In the warranted natant of 1.) H Cunningham, with a sant mlll, 2 mill hoses and a stable thereon. LeE4'. ALSO= - The - defendant's undivide4 1 Blnterest in one tithe? totSif hind Id Barclay P.m containing 400 arms of land, nude or less; In the . warrantee name of Peter Ladley. ALSO—The defendant's undivided 1-a Interest. In one other lot hi land In Itatelay t*p‘'enntolnlnif 330 acres Of leool mate of 1e.53, !ii the Wafrantee ladarlColloseph - Ladley. ALSO—The elefendatiPsnndivided 145tia interest In one other lore( land In Barclay tarp,,:moitaining a 3 aeres of land, more of lets; In the warriintee name of Walter. P 41241111, , A tf. 1 .0.-tihe crofendaint i trumilvididl-Sth Interest one other lot of lantrin Barclay and ;Overton twps; containing 400 acres Oland. more or leas, lit tile warrantee ;Daine,i of Andrew Ladiag. Seized and taken Into eltimailitta at the shit of .1 If ?Mu , M ney Vs tteo 1' Cash. Also at the snit of WAV heel oelz vs Geo P Cash and 11 L Scott, assignee; &r. ALSO—One Other lot of land lu Tuscarora twp, hounded as follows;' beginning at- a pdst corner in the south east 'corner of a tract of land belonging to 4! N Itnwlnnd, thenceilmig the line of said tract boric 7° 30' raid 71', 5-10 p, to a white pine in the south line of a tracb of land in the warrantee name of At-97 4ivrimp; thence by the sante north 83°30'-wea 40 3 , 10 p to a corner. thence t(rali 10/ west s2p to north line of Jedson Stevens: thente 'moth 140 . ' east 140 &lop to the place of begin ning: containing 70 acres of land. mere of 1084. about 4 acres Improved, scan 3 dwelling houses and framed steam saw mill thereon. Seizt d and taken into execution attire snit. Of Jackson Lewis vs A Ifunsingeri also ea suit df .same sante; also at milt of same vs Sante, ALSO—tine other tot of land lo Standing Stomi twp, hounded on the north by lands of 'l' tieboon-• over, east and seuth by land 4 or T J Roof.' west by other land of defendant, mantsining in acres of land more or less, aljitnproyed. :with a traniettant, tug house and few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—one other lot. of land In Standing Stone twp, hounded north by lands of John A Keene, on. the east by landS of —Powers and other Wills of defendant, south by lands of ktrs 'Mary ilriggs and west by lands of Geo Vanne.t and T s Lundy, con taining 71 neres of land, more or ices. 5 1 1 :Tres int prove,i, with a framed house. framed harn, other out buildings and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execatiod- at the snit of N F:isteree's use vs Il C Vostnirg and Frank Bowman, T T; also at the stilt of P L, Ward vs It C Voto burg, ALSO--One other, int of land In Towanda twp„ bontobNl on Ilia north-cast by thy Susrochanrah rivir, south-ea, by Marvin and Miller Fox, south erly by Marvin FOX. north-we'd by Barclay It R Towanda Iron CO and 31 C M Tcur,! containing 30- acres cJ land, More or less, all Inirm'etl, with a board .panty lhorcon. - Tiding and re.crving titcrefront lots 7,,1-Virl7-W-12--eee-20-?.1-412-71-724:1-1113-47-n:1-2-:-I -rd-9i1l1nC-101-114tnd 2 acres ',old to I' considlite:as iv..c map or chart of the lands of C and .1 Win Means, made by W II Morgan. 1 1 1::-.1 and taken ludo ezocinion at the stilt of Frork Mortar, & -- x'r of Sarah A MTN*. dec.! vs .1 w Z•atis!, at so at flit. stilt of J Irby vs .1 W Means: also at atilt of L L )foe 1v vs .1 Win Means a. 1,5 17 3lnans, . . LS(I fine - other lot of land in liarren Ivy?, (rounded the north by lands of LOY{ Duthain. on latultigef S Chaffee and A n , cohura.on tfir• sou :• . 11 by 460 of ,leretnialt Itag,n, tliv , we.t by the Rattle Ititthway,e,mtaluing +it) acres of land nr•ro or boas. atq.ut 59 urre:t Sc)th fratutd !limn With hhetli attaeh.. , l and orchard of fruit tr•'es hc'r , ou. 1, ; 4 41.7.ett taliets Into exernt lon at tie 'nit of Frarire., .1 adin'r of Alex I b,,r -+ JiSrantAll tremumr :OA der•tniali cr. Cenunr dr. A Lstl—One 'Other lot of larnl In Warr-n' t %cp. binnaled fonnws: beginning ant corner of Ben main cornell'aEland,-In center of hlghway loading rfore; Warren 17.") tor fall"!, t:,.•nre mo,i. by said btr.iliw..l? 15', ro , h nrol , t , 11'N for a rorttert tlimme wrath intra;lel with Um atm,- r , rnell'seaNt Illio.l2srlotteorner. in nor 'Atm r.f H Inn/ales lo: thene,; %veil hy Nat , ' north ;Me 17i'i rol., to the emits:Ml II CorimlP, ett , t, line: tito . riee not 00 , y stthl flue 125 rol, to the Mayo of hog-M -.112g: emttainitrif 12 :term. or land, more or,ltts)t. all in,provoa. a A-mm. ( l fmmt.:l !tarn anil few frill; tre,l thereon. S-1/.,..1 au l l:te:61 into ey ttt!••e a; Ca.` ;I:itlt of t' 11 111 a v , lirrin Path-. A I f in I, I.ft Pt lopd fri bre', 56:111(1.4 tih• 1,11..1;i4 I,v ! 3 41, Lc or w I Tlspy st, 'wing 2s C y feet 'fro•tlnn s.1;1 strevt slid: Ps fret dap s mu! frannsl S•ii;-11 a n d snit Wrn ,t TT. tot of Ir.nd In ; h t tti t ot .4 on the[Ttrtli De !and, or 1..• ;and. of .1 I. I:titi.:;weil....aatti nyth or W A ; w,.:1 and a,•1.0 :111;1:111;atv,,,L Midillado - rt 11..vo111:1;; qi..11 and fol*fltilt trevs th..roon. ; tol r.a.l takott ;Into ox.•,.1111,,11 at ,ttit Jlf Svl)"...r•, ie. • -•;:, Ewan-WA \I 11ler. • Al.•io—uto• Ober lot of 13%4 In To vnnda lion,. of folfow,i ft.:l:inning at a point la -a-t Fltrvi.t ft tnt tit.. corn .1. of • northerly rt, b'n ,, •i - t+torly "f i.t ft 1., aia•tirai , r pg:R.:Yin' to )I,ti ihl•tli•t• tvitst , trl!. , 211 r liar. of ...aid ft. to io , •4i1111t;IZ. 'Wing 19! 1 . 1,11,y , Iso .1011i1 ; \l - aril win, 1173 alai wetiFil•til lit • 1a4.) at Itii• it... of I,totba Waril n ifc tt dint F tOltrt; I. of latol In 'Eros horo, tI on tho rovli tatol. or Frink ea-t by i•not..o Itytl.o.o. or , .•r E 7t Tlloortl. :00l Ottotaittiog of :to :o.r • with it fr.lttioil oxeottriiiti At- IIi.• ..11;otot pi re.- M omr:,,lnrin g co vs I.Sn—Otta otb-P3 lot of land in 1.1te1111,1,1 tsvp. 1,1 on try .I.lltraltlido o 1; . . .511 Stottllel rartoo., ~f uhtiP 41 , 3. m•r of laud, m r. L•.:. all thipthved. I 1 fouled har:, and few I'r-tit 'rt.., :rot tal:an 1:tto - t at the silt of A t' og . tt.toot it,; .1f ti TOW: M . 043 :taro, 1-1 N1.1:" 1 `..Xo di, tl l . ant( as aloonn tool 11e-lutlt -1...t1 upon plot ;tlOl nviit of, the .I'zt , ll t....tate by I' Yarn. ;old W 11r.ottltAllatt , 11% . 11"...,att 1'1::a 11;tight r t.r do t ol %1..1 1) awl r.• ,,•:1ttl the olt for ,tlll comity at Tow:lt:A In t1.,01 1t..t.1,1 . .N0t ,, i png.... .1 and Lite .a at lie ttit. of .! Rit.„l,)'s t—' 6:1x,•1 - 1,11 ~f 141114 tif t‘vp.l,olm. Is•gintithz , :it a poi! it, tho tt;11 ••f. roa.f. ICI - ;:g r 1.0., th;• 4 , !luy . U ft. Sirtoo.• by land . of fltarks s ~a-t 1.1,1 ft. to the tlt 3 ^ , vost ft:1 , 3 , 1 11:11?` `Witt!: th,•nr, :hr 0,,r111 , 2 w-st too ft to thr tt , "" t an ~f ;;;..,,yor = 1 stoam az , : 111::1 •t/ ;I:Eti 1:IkIttl t`•,•titton t:1:• ,tuft V...l•,!yk •v z •:t, invlia .\ L. , . ti:ht•r• LI; ..f lam' In I , vp. to"bm..: hogliining at a yo , t. 11.: . ..0ut11- :04 t of : , t.l" of • lit Si 0 ti 7, now .if 141' :11 , +.4141 11•464:1 rant 40 p, ti, a po,L ony:, t ho.:lvkion Ila.• of thoSatnuel 1.1 1 , 0 anti t..•ing not t 6 wk.- , rurncr I ,o 4 ogitig to nary IT. r o. thew:, by - 101 l I[ll o ••041 . .11 044: it s . i• to a . . _ 1.,,f 1;i00.01) 4. S:11.1 No ,;;% 11. ‘,„; :7 ; .4 0 ,`II c.rrn , r ~r it•t oq. , nt.r; I: rapt- r, to the' piat!t! taltin , 4,fita;nltrg 25 ;11.1" - , 111nre 111 S •I• 1••;. au4 tai,. 41140 CXoce4l'2:l at the •1114 or I: It 4 4 1.1.11 Vi 1 , 14: WC:111111ln: ink. other lot of l.n.d hi .1-ylnni hounJrd n• follow.; I.•Kinning at IN- n.srtli-v , :t.4 corner of Ararrint no n Warrattt.••• n2nh. 11 , 1111 11l ea-. 1 p. r the warrant Jo. '214 1:1111c. vol tiann• of Nfo: ;!: 1:.7 ; or 111,411,ffii ‘varr.ll,i, t 111 . 4,4. r th • t il rat , r , f •ai.l NV:I I p 4' th'!..:4)101 , ". - ,-1 R'tn Nton tli--• I,.. , ;dary ,I , lle v.,: 11 , 1.111 I. I! , ;p.n.. inffiv I in :11: - 1"t , 11,2 irn,•• , T 11401.,F,1 I;-!:, 311,1 4-1, :1;:rd frrAt • j... 1 or Hie wart:int fiwix, viz: or I :La% oceliple , l ;•5. :Livros a,l - said Wrati.r,,,,l; 1 , 11 Illt 4 1.1:1•KI, e Ilin - I1 Ih (0 , 11- (1,•1•7•11n1 , . , S:1,0:11:141 . takt•ll I i , •11 :11 111, •nit.t-f .1 iiirby Ws P rothor - lot or lah - d In I - hdt•r. twp, 1....1.:211t.411 , 11 Hof ea , t 31111,i, • ~:u.l Lc lanfl., I.f l'a.i:trk M 'Murrey, we.,: by hind ,t 1 W.tra arrr or all improv , il, nit!' a fru", •I '.ire awl fow fruit trot. thor....A. add •Ii into:exe,,ution tho ctii( t f E ItAi, at alt of 1' 1' Arget,lnger i' • 'ollarr lot of lawl Tray:went pry. i twgl:lolng at 111 w cur w•t- of lot no 0 In tlo.. Cinvoc;‘otr air,ev. tlww . e wri :t1" 110 , we:tlitrly Ilnu of said lot ro+l, to ;10... n to ,orp,r tlo,nf. tb,noo on,t nu tr,,j , ba1,y,,11 Ili, aa , l ii of ..:1111 min ey. y.. 4 14 or tiloronlp.:!ls, I. the woor nor , L In: on 01. liii o. n• ::to ..1,4t ttr 11, ti w ..t•rtit•r ~r lot izortn Z4 o n:•l,rf 111,1 . :''Itglt,, lit 1::IfY 111 twgit.tilt.g'. ;14 ro, mutt 7.t res liapruvcd, ttitii a frallf I: top tt bars, aril orrlotri of fl :it :1.• , - ' :•1.!" , )•--(P110 fyilwriGt of land In •abl twr: brgin niug ;t rk 1 a ~ 4`,1 r , 1 11 ,1 lour .:: •by 1;a:11. m m„„. sE,,. :wills 61. e:: .1 77 7,111 p. ;,• the pithily laced: :1:”It!: ,alll, ,Wlth 7.-I(*1, hi a : :11 ,. 11‘ .0 by Ow •3111 , . 6-10 p. to :it..nee :mouth t'.4', o Wr,t along lanl4or W A to a 111/,:: them, not It '2•i'a a!,•!. g the Of the' lot tirNt tie,eribed, S-Ittp, to the plaet of le..gtotting, containing 14 acres ator. I Lqr, al,ont II aeres linprove.!: alqo a right of way— ahoul lii fret loer lands of Win A Sluyier, front the corner of the lot !ast deserined to the nearo,t ',lnt I the ptliPitt• Said Strip to is a l loiuiug nil , ltTon the lino of said lot.: it being, the land ronveyed to Daniel flares and .16tin Lv ('ha; t1e.,(1 dated Nov 1, 19; I • and le ror.led In 41 , 1,11 I,ook 'lOO, rageA 39. 40. suet 41. to o. :Tito al own lots to be soli togel tier. :17,11 taken into execution at Ihm stilt of Cii;l4 NS :111.1 John Itaye::. A NIMEW J. I.A . TION. Sheriff. Towandit Jan. 14. 7 - , 3, -- • -- plt OCLA m ATI ON.H- AVIIEREAS, lion. PAO, D. Mint now, President Judge of the 12th Judicial DiStrict, conskting of Zl,4 the, county of Itrailfoni. 'and 110. : 2 : 1), ItA ifIC- N and C. z‘ssochtte Judges in and for said connty of Brad fio if, h. 1.4. issued thole prevent tearing date the toil] day of January, is7u, to me illrectcil, for bolding a Court of Dyer and Terininer. Genorat 11)..livery, cuarter or the Vu tee. Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, a; Tee anda, for the County of Bradford, on-7,1, m . day, Februar.• . :th, 1576: to continuo three weak& f'Colice is therefore heroby_given to the Coroners and J indices of the Pent' , of the county of Brad ford. thatlinTlio then and liter, ii, their proir rrsnti, at to ii'ehick In the forenoon of said day. writ feeords,rinqukitli.ns and other remelt/lir:lives to it:, those ttllug-t nditeli to their idtbn appertains tit done: and tion,..x Who ate hound by recogni :mutes or otherwise, to prowcuto agalu,t the Knox nil,: who are 4ir may be lit the Jail of said county,. or echo „drall bj Jioultd to-appear at the said Court, ar..4, to be then:and decry' to prosecute alutinst- them as ;hail be just: J urors are roquestril to be pane lout in their aitendibee agre.iably to their notice. Dated at Tpwattils. the 10:11 day of January,'; year of our:- Lida, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-sll, and of the Independence of the [ States, the. oat; htimitedt h. , A. J. I..tvros.siwrift. X T OTI.C.I.: 1N :BAN KR II prre _Li. In the mattnr S Snorer and .1 if Snarls, krupts. In the District Court' of the United Slates. for till Western District of l'enn'a. To the en.,dlon*.; of ,ald Latihrupts, and all others Take notic.rthat a.seeond general ',meting of the cneltiors of !Aid bankrupt 3 has beemordered atSL will be held in the hor n ' of Towanda. hi said dis trict on the 2d day of February, A. I). 157 C., at 11 o'clock A. )t., at the olllce,.of Edward Overton. Jr., or of the Ile:Aster In Bankruptcy In said district. for the purpoes namo.t lii the 27th Sec.of.toe Bank rupt art of 31nrell 21, 1687. And 1 further give no tioo tlett I haV, , tiled my linal accounts as assignee of the estate of said' hankrupt,c, in said court, and On the day named above I shall apply to said court for the icttietitcnt of my said accounts and. for a diselialge from all liability as assiglieo of es tate, in accordance with the provisions of the 'Zatil iSce. of the Bankrupt Act. of March 2d, 16G7. Bc 'present theroat MORRIS D. RIDGWAY, Towanda, Jin. 1046.1gn0e. r `r d Logan, . . : . : ~..., , . „ A l' 2l sa" :I-- - !. . ilt lIT'S SALV.—lsty , ''' •i - t,s he foTr Ing desert lot ere virtue of ot ' A ia . n - d " - I ti or parintif 'situate - 17.-----Twns.ri„ ..rsdford Co.. sundr . writs tinned . brit ht the Court of Com- , and state of Venni * Bounded snit described, aslcd,,,, inottPlens Of Ilradfpwl county, to Me Wrenn.. I , : --4 i, -I. lOWA •On the moll by lot Non , of the allottment will eapos4 p in publisa,le at rho Court hoime In 'o. . ' of t he Itlnghim lands 104 Sprite:Pohl Township, wanda, on; thin, February II; at I O'clock , 01 at., „ 0n ,,,,,,a4 to ,r , 1 4 f l i nch , ad d t N e i 190, Ittnithfleid, the-telonsing deperibed property, to-wilt .. , ' conve ct] to r ton i:lw ge r j' A y : 0 0 the.etast by lok No One lot of land hi filleshenuin twit', bounded on BA aforesaid :On the ',meth by lot h.intniSmithfield the north by land of Chas flew/tier; eristlby land of eon . ro .. ed to Ga i ns r Vernon, and r o e m e w .s m i t h„ B;dnuel .11earner, south by public • highway, :and nem i' tosprin i fte t tf. 7 i mm .y e d 1 6,66 st ere ht aw l west 14 land of Platt Itoger's estate' e.enteining en the w'est by the *est line of lirirrante Nos lOU abtmt lf of as acre: more Or less, all improved, and 1014, Containing forty eight..ecres tied nine- A LfitYllila etfier lot In ethl tarp nonndell'en t h e tenths of an acre With the mina kkiwants of Pint north by land of parts lieVetr.cest br, land of Sam• per cent for roads rte ; , be the same more or lest; It uoltrleratutr, south by public highway, l ‘t*-ft by land being to '4,011 //e,:of the allothrtent of the Bing.... ord l Will containing ebolit 4 0 scree ,; Atom o r hani lands hi ispilngfleld and Snolthfleld To,wnships lest, about acres Improved, a framed - tiptoe and • and part of warrants nnatimateredllolll3sed 1014. re* frith t gee thereon. Seized and taken - Into ex• I f o , „ About 20 acres i mproved' I smillframe d houseafid emitt°P 34 , the suit nr Mil lijolom°11*'8(41 v 4 Cla t' a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and . taken into' A Benne . Also at suit of Ii Elsbreo'adte-i's C A execution at the suit of Win Bingham; as ' Jakob! Itehrner. , I : - . ', G Fleteher I i • . .I_. [ • _ (LSO—The - defendants interest In 'a tot . of land ALSO...One other lot of land in-_Totranda Isolos in Attune twp. bounded. on the north; by lends of • Bounded as follow;; north by latidsrof .1 'Y Sander.. lienry•lilrhy, east by lands of Jlicob] rangorder: rani ; east by lands of 1)1 it aryl,' senth by Locust south I.y lands of Martin Rogers, and'west by land l ' , tvermo and west by Centre Street i heing 73 feet of Isaac N 'Evans: containing al a-10 acres of land, front o n ~e ld centre xtreet, by , SO f e et d ee p . more .. or 1e... nbOut 11 acres Improved, With a i f: with a story a d 'a! halfV.othle,; framed dwelling trained luoisc thereon. + e teed and taken into exe- 1 house, w s ot barn and other out buildings thereon. rill Ina at the suitor IV X Walker vs elmoci Hod th. i _seized and taken into execution'at ilhe suit of the ,kt,so-....4)ne other IMO(' laud In lintlingtoil twig. ; Toiratota 3ft:teal wending and Saving Fund Asses' boonded at ,tollowst beginning at a post, OW 5W ! elation. vs mary.S Myer." • ', I -, " ( 1 0,1 ' or lot'"fi7, now of C ar- 1 ' /I " 2l ' n ' lh "P c " kr ' At J()—(yrie 0 ttfer-lot of land in Orwell Township the said Moran lot south tts- east 400, tip a post. a Ilmdford Co. Pa. i Bounded as follotts : Beginning rorner, both: the division line of the SWIM& NV lino. at a stake and tones In the Ilighwity icadlog feint head lot, ho cl, and .being the ti cr corner tliereof. Leit ,,,,, , , 0110 t " eh um, and h o ng t h e nort h now belch; Mg to Cars !loran, thenro by said di. t ea „ . " J t of J; I. Carrington lot; thence north 2.4 4, 30 Y rtsinn Nonn i no west Itr2p , to a post, a corner Of sand t cast fifty:One perches to state and stone In the'line., divisionalte ot said lot no 03 4 thenee north SSP west j of Franklin .lohnOtt Ilue 1 thence:florid 4030" West Wa eLr"r 01 lot no 6.2 ' illeneg ,”‘ 4lh ... o° ' t I '2o'pe„bes to stake" And stone In line of F Johnson, let'. to the vary of beTinnlng, rontaming :?,acres ; l icence south ~,,„ an d et y oast 4.,1, plat ?; licence allt! SOp of land. more or. less, being the western t ' J 4 7`..i° east 14 la and 'two links to the , I place of begin. hair of bit .0 li3 in Edward Overton's. mai); about 4 , :lng Contalnlng riacro.more Or ess,l wtth. one . .-.ei es. implovcd; no Minding:. seized and - taken I franit„,d puss.; th e w m , Reserving: IS acre , oat of' Coto oroten lon at the stilt. of Ann Carman vs Chas I the sonth east ttorner of said lot, Be. bearlng,:lite 's Camay.- A. t 14 , 14 or 9. said Jieed given to H Cii,Velis; 'which lot ,s C wells now oernplos. .. 1 ' 1 - 1 hottiolinrt/ t • ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel tif .of land , utlx by 14 lands Of th , being situate I; (Jewell Township. County of Brad- . Pod, Pa, Bonn led as fonows: Beginning at stake .. 50 woes of ' Id s - the *est line of 'Julius Gotham's, thence , ... , :toe other lot of land In Caritoo tyrp, tho north by lands of Adam f!ini,+, ad of Patrlek Ityan, mit and by -Sehrafler Coal floinpan y 4 c'ontalnlog land, mom or abma :arfr3 !In k a log holm, therein: S'Az.Nl and; tat on lon at the salt of 31 etton LandOtt TA .1 PP I'M nit Into ex,r• ta r i A I Sr , Ixntndeft () cast kr la n Atop zo Ft .\liic,4, cmi aer .1 Ilnpr, amt fox fc One other tot of lard In Smltlyfl,hl twp, ' the north by kinds of James Y lottborg„ Is of James E Jenn.ty. fllllth by lati.lA of burgh - and. west by landi or Emmons laintlig, 3n acres, more nr le;C:tttont an l evod„ with a fflllllll fr.VPM tied It trees tlo.reon. Seized and Lateen Into t the snit of J If Welt!) vs ti 01 , orr,st. lne otli-r lot of lani,l ;In Athens twit, : the nitrih•hy vacant tot of Cyrni War lan•l, of Genrit:s Pante., smith, by Tn.!. lan. west by Futton st, bMiig-lo ft ftont !tett; With a two story frant,l.lweilt:,a a. ft-w fruit trees th,reon. tie.lz.M and aPrill ion at the stilt 11f II A Ettnets Ile actin. , rue other lot of land to canton , twp, fi.dlowst begionhtf, , , at the goi h - tiidaof tl;twe solttb we,t •,•...."p to the ltoning, by font formetly Inliwti as thence south 2 6 west :p; 111,:tte.:1 , out tip, to the Hoe of Inn.l. of .10 , p 1yi1,04: Ih 2.2 6 east 4tip„ to Towanda rreek: t3',. 3 . east Sip to place, of hp•giituflitt; e to have 9a:n , • A,a Pratt had water fpnil ,al , l Tori • aada creel for the aahh,g a triiii: u'•:iut 1 - Narres w,lth.frarned hones. fraintal grhst wiz h shtql attached, ,::her t4at hathl- tnv fruit trees thervon. ua otnot lot of land In Ca:00:i bum, boglnnlng eollter of T.c -t [wing n.vo oortior Ilf.t. alon o l• south Um, of t,-;14 1 1 / 1 w1(1:',. lot 7-1 6 1...t0 a post •In Iltio lands C Dt:l:l,t, .1 C IVright..lA,on ' Hat :4tu'd, John 17 rtlUn and ottl^r,t 411,fire st 7.10 p, to a poi , . bolng a 4^ornof I by F' IS.laok; Ilkone,, by 55 0 wo , l 24) to a post: !11t•v, , , !,y 1:';';! ° west Or s W torin•t!of lot II Itlx. hr smith ;I:1; , ' lands at.rl A II 3IIT. 7-101 i to the A e ),,t NAVI. to (:!,•:',•• 1,. , t ra, ! ,,,r . , h .5 6 0 I:w,cnt,r 14 st. 33'.' ea, 1 , 12 :;4017 t.i e.nlttlu!ng scree. am!. 7.1:;:40p; ni6re ftunvil lain and ye] erliam batal treei te; 4.ther lot of land in , aid hour, N••;;11.•rii ,4171 Nt , and !.1.::.,I;IRY.1 ic.,winan and rtr 0 ,,, ! ,,k....,; • ]seaming ;er p of C!,3.. SZo..kwel!. e , e) [r trial U. tad ;t1.1:1 , orchard r!:# 1 irmrrly 1. m.i:11,1 am 1;v6.1,1 , ,• fr.ti iI 1, 31 •••14 I aT3II t,,v Itr M # I aken 11,1 t; th', j . :.: 1:1• .., vs It \ 31,C1..1:tirtti on,r:ntAl .02Prloi of 17:n.1 to it o..rrt,k h.-ginnin7 nt 1: rrrt:s• th- Joh', Urn ford' _!:inn. th~~y~rt+m•n!i . 1 “ 11V 'll // • ..... . , %. 0: • t;f I.:1:4 1z:to of .14:11,-. t ia`,o., - •1;•1•.!. , 1 4,tem•ft 4.3,t 111 nnl. to t 111. MI:: (If WIII i i .:1 . 1"::( I' ' , Mit 11 .11 ; r0 -.! 1i....n..t. v.pzt i I I - , , ! 1:: th I I r.-. 1..., to 15 , .11,24.Wav, thlin:•.t aio:: , .z i r gliwar ,ve,i IC , 71,,1 to ti"; I,t. ~ t ;:tu)m; 30 :tor,-, :lila 40p. tilter. ,q. 1,-, barn ;mil fruit :re,, th,.!.rvon; ,1;1E.,. 3; ,p. Ilt• ,',3:!: • i is ;I! " tkr . t thiliValit ...el ~ . , ' t( * * 4l )- 6 1... othor Itft. sajd ttcp,.l,olm .l I,l4f.ftlft:g ai ❑ 1.,t 11(1 I :I i s 4 , 2 . • lo.r or w farm. milliiilqrfortli tli line of Durall,` :131, to 3,..e.f.L. fl-t on I!, lit, or I) 1.;111, mt Itn.i or Tito, :o a po. , ft PI! tfir.llll, f.f t , Tit., :ma IS W • tiamp v 39,. y, 1.1 a ,•• of 2 :ten! Drre a wf. r .;11 , r.l No toll,* , li:;!•r.•st •f 1,1) Cc , IT' it 2 Or - 0,0 it It-.e vi 31:kry ft I);4- oth,r laat. or Iln.l In '...;.;,!,;(on‘b p,:nonn4-.1 north 1,3* !nut, “f a Sala.ant,iva,r..,,t, and :ands. of 'T and by,otit.-t• Litl4 contasnin. , f,'F. laud 13.3 , 2 i 3r. Iv,. :111 a " frann,l:!rarn, and f , ll - fluff_, • A 1 i,j4 01:.• other 1..7 of land in said t; , . - p,:boun 1311.7.• of .1.13 A KI•4•!1, 13:1 , 1 or ;blur othor •••fer,•l3llt: hr LOA"; 4:z a:aal wa-a! lay I:lrads of r I ;a•aa Valiaia-oa. and T or:0 71a , : isi..s 'and rior•lor :1,1•,. Imaarmay , l, a'ala h fklapaaaal 1,1 , 1,4 Cram rl h:11!13'1 , i ..: 17 , r 0 , 17 10 .7111!ng4 ana oft ik3r./ f riC.T i••• •••• oon, al ; I . ,:al;.‘l, lobo at tier stlit of .1 II Coo!lugh -, It (1 o:11 , r In' of lalfd 310ar0.• :in- Asy „law, t.rp-. 1 - aalaraakd.Traararr.,: 1w:011;111: it lar• it a• ~r I , .!ia, taaar , ll . .., va - a-a , L)Ca•ip, ta , tli-nre north, •,::', 3 e.Lat !./ 'hr 1; 4 . ,‘ •I ‘ , l tn -ontli p t. , ; ley p's:t , ; , • . 4!“.:;nnina, . lid) U. re., `Ltilt hi 3 I. 71 , . 01131,', D. and taki.n into ( . 1 .... ktti11l Delan•on W p ; tne Pr 1 ,, 1 11P/1,1 In ealtton:- twv, .firth hr 11 n1:-. and 'ether kt,evn aN the . .Dp•rtnutrk NI 1nN111 , 14 .4 I,:rvnthe.. iT, , I )m:4 ~ f Tnnt..r; sg,itth Sp•l:nr , land, ,, t , by Anen I;:tillinty; Pula, with a ir.un , lrlin - eilinz framed elntr , l or fruit then-14n. .4,1,... , 1 ;1111., "lerntlon at' suit okEi;htaiin dF•II 5t..;%1 rd. brr i thrl, I rr tar i3 irr , A 1 M ill 1111. vrt 'Ark UPI. A Cu rt r 11,1 anl 11 A r r sril 1111r-prosu lf.l ri 1 r• .34,1 Irrro rt C 1' rv' , . 1. r b tur;y!V'+n 14 111•11 l of .14 , m I 1, • :10 , other I.ot of land to riarllnfr• , , a - 1.0r,. 4 1 1111 1.:,* Tr.y :.r by this I . ;ojrnoo , k 8,1. , ontli 1,..fa11,1 of . 1 1 , 0. (to,i npil wet-t f.: M Dl4 ;:••rm:t.i.. ,, rtallilt.;:i 'j ! of :in or 1e. , .., all imprOvo,l, with a fr.ini,i • 1. a • tI: • 1 , :•1.16,y,, ii,tu-, , 1 fr.,.:n0•01 ,11,11, - .t • tl -rot f d I.'d v ' ,,,r,•:110n at On, I: of I,:tac 0 1 ' 11 11.111 .1 I,,tn othor Int of land In ronlni.Ll VAT, WI :n:4l ca.d by Julia (•,.w..1;;• ~....p1!) Dc • , ly ;ma v..••t• -I.el.ltv. t •1!! 1.: r..t r• anti ir ! oir , or land. mon! los , ; Ali Ont SO N••.!. 2 (non •r 1 11o:o,•: - .. 2 fraios,ll baron 1-r trot: troo. ;::o1 a: CO • 7 , 1 N'S .I:.insj , ,, row l' ~ .ti-floo-b 1'T%,1.1:. , . A )---; ti othvt tot of L, nil hi !".thituit r o,j Std,n6 wii.:l4t , ,i, i t i":ol.Lti 1 , 3 - - hoots of Janie, !r tb.rrou, lait by, ;air ,of (.1.0 Jennings, swil l by blink of I Jaiabs liar rat:a : we,' tr.- lauds , 1 Plilfip. linty:: ; ii.4.'l,',.. , iltititilng lion acres of I;.,,,,L'fai,r , • ,ir 1,•... 1 ablat ~ a : •'1 , .. iniprovol, i%illi a - tranj...l lhon..e, . • frit:loll ball, V ith at, -it, attached. grant:try 411,1 •,7% . ..chltril of trait t r., • ti0.:.0,n, Sell.oi atol.talirt: into • ' , l.s'll,libi lit thosuli of I...ittra.F:lsbrar'stis. , ,!r• S T Itl , hop and : , ,ralii • -', i11,h,,,p1 ~,1,0 at sott 0. , !....tura ! Ebb 4,, ,• :not ', t • I.:lsl.reo,e‘i*, s. ~..,,ino, 2 I . l i..::. 1 — , la , other lot .1 lair.' In IV In,lhatii taco. Lo, ,0d north 1,. la , ols of .1 r.; t‘laJolon, east liv boat of f 1i , . , Smith, , oth by !seat or Je-r•pli E1....',,r.,C; ,, •1•e, i Sod I ‘Vr.t Ii: :sand, Cr Mozgait', k ~,ntitaln,- , 1,4 .4 4 ~,,,,.., to.fre- or ;, , g.. a' ,, alt '.::,,.1.1,:rt, :t1ii1".,V,...,::, I th.,ht 01 lo IN-% I fratit ,, ,l 1.: , 101 anti 1. , ..w (run tree: !.:" ill , reou. soi/e.t and t:thon Into e,,,q.utton at In,. 't.. ; !,( .1 , ,-pl. F7.1.!, , ,,,•,:r . 4 v. 1t0a,, , r,1 •:;1,•1i,,15.. tot i,l::‘ , ‘ -.1 ha. other lot of ;and in IttirlinFloh bon,. Jbopyl.ol mirth. ea..: suet sontli by lauos (11l Joh!, SiaoAin*. a:ol wont by the Tb•rwlrir t(irnplko or ~1 41: i itr..•14 sr. , Ontalljug I acre of; 131111. more ur • le-lwi:li a Jr3ioo.l hoe,- alt few fruit tiot...: th •re , I nc r i S . -: !Z .. -1 :Pal taken ia:u eXt.Vlltif , ll at 1:1 . ,C,a1i1, of IiIN IV:V:alli•:: ii.,' v,. .1.4,:i lilt; anti I. 1 E MO:. ' • ik1,,E...--4 1 .ne other lot of 1::::d. in Taseitrota twp, E tont ife.l north by lands or 31:-. Leantler,W;",g,, out tHoo',i'W. , l... e.i, , 1 by lands of Jos li 1 ',,511. ,6 , 1 :!,,1 y to of ft , lwArrl 31ar1 , .11,r, and Av, ..,t bs; -1 1 1,4; of i 7`:; 1 1111.:titib•I Dorriek and Italley ‘1"::ge, I o4taluing (.5 i aerei,' More or Ice:, aboat 40 acres itnprovcd. iift, ' a . .k . ii . inoti lion,. !rano-11. sllop,, trained Itartilantt. a 11• V 111.10.1 , tr.,.... th,.reon. r 5e1z, , ..1 an,l litkon into i..ex!cr:ll lon at the stilt of A.- II l'lther's' use 'ys Ell iv. :1 . ,1 31aibaK - Ja - c3r. . —. ; '1E!....4 , - 4 )1,..., other lot of latol In tafiton twp,. ; ,• Islllo,d as 'follow , : beginning' at a rornef,on do, oli; W., hie of the sotto stag: road I: ailing from ran toh 6i . roWalata, ;v13011114; a 101 of !awl; ronve3.ol : I br 0 , ' ,1 1. 1111 i 11 Landon sat v Ito to John Vantql,, , , , now deCtl, ana now belonging to libili-lr , ,'on the 1, ea, , fit'..•:ttul running lthent.... ,a , lllll sov..t.stralong the i salinity to to ths month Net?,t eitentie of Mtn :, vane. alit Ittk'fire north to west 1 3`i-lop to; a nitrite r, II0 : :inie. north' le , ea-4. lop ttr,the line of the malt: re , ii,lVill...nce south-Sl' eastalOng., the same 3f.1 , :„.-101. i ft:lly piare or beg-nntng, contalnlng ', 'if tin :ter, I,, , lap,i'la”re Or 1, ,, .., it 111 a framed Inuhllng used 1 for 4 suer' 311.1 41, eliing lions:, a lot of st. , ,,reisto 1,, I: a)11 frau', II hers,. barb th...reon„ ,4 , 1 , 'A T.S(I-4.piv‘ other lot of tail 1:1•:iltl I.wlr; Isorn i ,Igil it,: follow,: beginning; at the born: 01tio.of ill. ) , I singe road lea,{lng from Conlon to Tolvaa,l3,lat 1.11, 1 . CdttiOr 6f land 1) , •Inn,11lig ti, .I,lni,v, Itmn ~,, im Ito' 1 easl,l,nll,l running thence 1a,r,11l 3° ea.:*,:11 , -)ig :11'.1 1161 91'said Iturnes 8 ri-top to a p I: , :twr, , lttoncO uvrth 87 !re nt 3 :1-lop to a p.-1„ And it .• orifcr of rail I tratitor., garden as now fenced, thenve ;omit! 3' 0 1 8-100 Jo Hie eo;',l stifle, iiitniett 11.:: anti with sari Sal 1 1 ,• , -54,11t4 57 0 east to the plaos. of begliinlng, omit : a:tilt:4z ; 4 4, tlitop 61 lamb more 'or less, an' Iraprov..lS, 110 . , 1 blilitilllg., • 1. tiiit of El' o ji lt v > .1;1, Lyoll. 111111 it I)—Oaa other lot of land In snld Nm dltl 'as fontu,st Iteglnnlng at tips eorner .of a lot now ;owned be Hiram ttotT, tlienet• not Or. 87••.,.° wt,stla!ong, sald (tor.; south 21 reads to an Itmt pin; the 4.4 , 17121" "1 n tram 41,1r0 to!, them, ~011111.1 6 0 prst 7 6'l-100 rod, to an Irtni plit: the !co. - corner of ..0s":1 rlndie-s le.t, 1.11. , 11(-.1'. east 21 an Itt , n pin in tho public mot le4llitg 11010 l'lltitpn -to Troy, I httnett north C. 7 ,0 7 . :113-IOIL rd, tto an Iron Oh. p1:1••e• of betzlitnltigt eon tat na.r, 01 land,' now,: or less all Improvtql, nOtsqltiliii. ' l, Seized and taker,' , Into exreullon at tin' ',nit of Eugene VantPy to vs ,Merton Lan dint. Also at suit of I,oelthietti ltros es •tait., , other it 'of land In Wysold brp., bin - tutted on the north tee land, of John II f.'ohltlitt,,- sdoth by lauds of "V &.1 11 I'l•4let. and ra•••t and wps t t lot lands o Mitt John It Conklin. rontalithier uti neres. of !and, tnore or less, abOut an :weres din-t proved.' with a h.g house., fiataed ham, atilt few frulf . tret•s thrrettn, it bring the same' thro • lotS of land tlrtstlett tv E N 31sCot Ink& by Delos yarglo•on and ~ recorded In the ogle,, for reettrillo g deeds Ste, imps fur Isrtolfont Po. deed hook No 120, page k' mil taken into., o xet•ut ion It tha salt of . John W•Mic Vs 11cC&Inlek Da trertirt•rt. I A ',so—Ono other lot of land In A thenq twriboun *OM the norih,by lands of e IS Sanford, cast by lasi Sof Cornelius O'harry. Henry Farr and C it Ogden, south by lands of John Farr and Folk Mor leyOvest,by lands of P B Sanford, cont: ining : about VIM) net es, more or less, about,- IN acres Immo , . ett, (ranted Itourms, framed barns, I Saw mill and - othe'r old buildings and orchard of fruit trees 'there iznd and taken Into execullon at the cult of I)linhain cs IS W Whirr and Jamc.Whlle, other lot of land In Canton born, Iminded on the north and mast by lands oil Silat ,fleals; south by lainls of Waiter I,eavitt, v,isst by .*“kli"" st, being 12 ft nit said Sullivan st, and Ile ft deep, with a framed building thereod. defend -4404 one-half interest in abevq, lot tti , be sqld. Seiz ed and taken into execution at ..itte - suit of li N it cam's use vs Al - . /Jeers. . , = H snits otr - north rzo ea,d 4.5' SO p to stake aril atone In the }lw3 of --.'31-(lnir, formerly, Wm ItrOwning,- thence nthso 74! west .1".4 ft to stake and atone l o .the Ilno of 31..,t0w lot; thence smith 49 1 'rr.d '69 p. and 5 lixik4 to stake and.storte on the canter of IS I; Wells lot, thenee sout h 72 ~' east 93 t. and One links to the .31110. more 0r•50..: A 1.504-oOe ,therlot in orirell Tr, hounded - as w follos: 11,,g1n dug , to. the north last collier No 64 -.-st 17 oto where the road tr•—• the acipth hater— . _ !Toni the r.r..,..,..,., se,ts the road ;tear the bri.lge. 9 tuth yy road t, p we, .7.1 r,..1a pon 'road ',south ; 8 e. westp Ott . south wen 27 3-10 p ti. posl, son:11.41 =.., ea.st_l4llClo p to 1,....t. Tirol, zo -I, exid 118 road, the It net or be ginning.' rontaliting 'III aeieN ntoreittr 1. 4 -51; reaerj ving one'aere and 1,8 p on.ltin noith - igrestl Corner . of , ,saidtot. I.telngi lot deed to Contelfa I A "0".,e118. le.arlog .lato Dee al, Ise:. Seized ' and takcii Into efeeot ion at tne atilt or 'Lola SG'llbeet,a. also To Tito ron Wens.l ,, 1' ', A I.SC)---+lne flier lot In tanton tup, bounded aft . follor, - s 1 nortli'lly latols.of Netst Reytiols.:. cant by I !awls.of John ayitard. South .7 tIUIII or' John t f I- l rlttln. - west b!, poille highway. ,otitalibl lg. 30 acres l' of land, ware or less. all-imprarekt %vizi?* I framed ; ouu:, 1 fr.tled barn thereon.' dented And taken 1 in?o et-entlon it the snit of P . ;3. fe[longliratt . and , Delos Rockwel cell 13 Potter. I •., 1 I ' A 1.t...",t--. one other lot of land Ir Troy t'irp, Voutitl. '...1 rs follow,: on the Borth by pabibt highway. on tt,- east and South iiint West by Undo of, freaeklabi ' ,ani..nt.' Containing . i acre,' !pont or I less; mot I trained house One [rallied barn and f •ts fruit trees ; 'tte.re4a. , S. - .lzi-1 and taken Illtfi ex entfon at tho !'..nil of 1/elos IllYlktiVi , ll. (leo 11 Ditvi on assigneeg t.. , La port of 4 11 - , Pain vs! Win Latbeitt4) A; L. !tient anti 1 lit If ut . .. I I j A I.S( f- 7 -One Liter lot of lan ins - Wilmot , top. 1 bontid la ed -Cfoltw t os . MI the north by lands of Ju a'• 101 r: , 4 011.1)17.1 on the east by .latots ;of dodlebs El.' 1 1 . , r1y and Oilier,l. on th•.! runt Irby lands o .Totin 31e.- i il - M;lin. , ,r amt 6:lithe west l3r !roil'; of ;Kariba!! 11 reg;.- ~...', Tv e,,otainin,g . ,ll7 0.4.p,,0r land; )fern' irr , 41.,q.1 hballt 1 140 - 811+ a I cu I I rol,d IV 1 fII .3 girl dwenil, . house, a. inra,a,,i't,ifiri, :Ind orchards of friiit trcfo thereon. I •zeize.latol tat;n Into ex.ent lon ( ,tt 'le !lilt of Mar lil23 M tie Wake 41 :0! 4 . :s (lir:tits' il)rntnniontl4: also .1 - 11 :at Ilse .! , nb ofj ilattilaVhobbnek p , .... -, lrs same A Ls) .4-r ire e :nit lot of latot lit t.. 3 orttle,lreelt tyrif,,, ,'.4111 , 10 , 1 on I!. north I.y they New' Yt,rlt,ind Penna state line. east by K, 11 liii,Ainai - A land.t.. south by Ila , Ol .. of -Marla Irunlioin and weft by lands of.N C !risl,r,.., ; (•,,:ita n I oft .r... , aeris of lam!. moire, or 1e.,. ...03otit I :3 a -re-s :npro . roff,, w it tin hat red house i and !11.n !Tait tr,es, thereon.' r I .I:VEY ;to i ' be eiold as tho _-..., I,pr , p , rly!of )1. AL...1)4, 4 , 11 Htir :ty :and •:nf y lit Om n 2; and ' ettntain:llg 51 i111111,V,1 . 11 'lt • ..".tit id do: 2f13:1. II f: AIP-4-11no 11.,.--t-,;,1,1(4 M. Ih':' Ptflit ,n, 50:11! 4.) ftl , AlO.l ant 1.1 ft It ,zur,rr or j!•,,, ti , • 1,- il.ty of suit of C 'Fri:l lithstAth.. i I .thcr• lot 01 land WI verliwcr. boon. li-q M if.l' r. N Y ina't:fat Ilir.. I ' f:lsbr.... south ;' - Ilarn al Marla 'fest ' . ..T bend ...f 'ltd"rritt ililnednau. rc',. re!' land. iill.ritdor. h. r -. iborit trj ..*ltit a fr;ticod hi - rtfir. 210,. fox-fruit, Milt' to be sotr*, , Ir 6 inN.per - ty of :.!;.'.17 , 1 and liken fato.r-rerattni if pi, 'slunsou's adinr3 i v:i K o ..1; Kitts ;:,:ifil.-t,1,1 31• , rritt : lil'it',.4sriarr. .•11.r lo! of land, in 7 owi43 born; ir.4s: !wgionlve at . iso',lrt: on 211.3 In o ,rt. am fly:: o.ntrrr rf, a brick will oe'i Y. liroavr. - r. nult4*, their() lirerllon ;Vona the ; (..:• l i ti:i. of mad, 20 fa comer, ihciircitri a Out• ratat.' ID a k - outipirly rl irevt ion r...% ft morn of tau , : of skin:nil . iii.llitur. tti..rueee 101 'Redbinr.. land / ' an easterly ll %Y.'s[ ;in- or 3litn st..lli. , nre in,a ti0u;:e.0nr.fA .. ...4 Illie r f Mriidit.2.s cri i ,,,,•,, ~f b. ,imlrrg,ll,l:,,, w —.4lnr• lot. rid .border.borderflair by t.', 4 !Cronr on i Yet • 1.: , 71: With - 3 . 1 li*et, St, trs in-!, l; I. ti•drnd rind taker - into'C'Veention ' 3 11,us , e',1 frrsi Y TI Fox ye 314:0a . . . iilter lot of land In : I " , mitlrfl.del t*v, hydand. of .li•rili, lyFily and Darid ,y lands or t 4 Itakr,r and I' Hrtuiy., ;bile higliway..anil west by 4 - MN og y. containing ;to; acres; more of IrsS F. linrroved. with , a (ranted' 1101,1.1:04s atta.dted I and few fruit rmvi to ts* ! , 0!(1' n, ;the nrop..,rty rt l jr.,i S- i zed mad' takeb into I.zertz }”f. ronwrol• Itri , s k. • c H ft nimpt, 'lit, jr.s--c . v, and II Hoitrue,-FoITSI.. lotloPr jot .01 land In Atlt..:oi . twp., How:: oondnentitiC hr a i*nt vu or. my on the lin•• of a Pit contracted if, k'r.e north 20 0 3::' . e 3,1 'ln to a r'rzh r.." Zo' east tO 3 leollirt: thenr.: abet -{ll . lr-10 rod, tp a ,00rnOrt thrlscr easy; 11,1 rods to n cOrniFr in pnbiltt ~..i. sOutb J7`' ?A' i.ait CO 7-to Inds to I:,, , inntng:, rots tat nltt,g ?4 al''s and Of t. IS liel'Os' :11nprtlVt ., i...tTro ;rained i ivfrif4 trees thr. eo l n. t , ..lze,intol,. •ntibtint the salt of If W l'atrlck'kt ' i _ imitturlrgl Ipot th l I. t;illett'4‘3, , -ouch bylh. lil I -.E.10i-o!r Wat<t• 1:4:11ti :VI: [(VIC!. fran:,l Ictra 1 :re , ... , ql: . PI:, (Hp, VIII•Ipqi :I rl! :1: i Ile ,71i4 t , l Iliy:111" I'T'. ..11.:•“ , -t-11,, , b10r01 , .1 . a , • f, 11.•:,r '4ll' IlighW, II .1 Kiff, th-rr p.. 0. : th.•ilr ,' 11; north 87. ni.''*, !Eghway; thou ; p:a,•,,t.r . 1. , 1 p,rch , .!nt ab,. 11 ! .x. , 11..t . s ftl ;:tken %er, tit:tor lot of lawl tti Tirny born, 1,4111. 1, I [TIITy is 'oll.y.lati,l. of Vi Dhre, east bysn %. I.y lamb of B H Hobart an we,T Ifavls conveyed ibv Burdin _ - Lrir AO; Caltril r al.-man. having ft (mini ; ihx,lling lemtninlnr, alnynt ran acre, nurn ' 1 i l fn i_ to .1. ,•141 .10 !Ivm•nli or Ls,)•One I oth.r lot of land ; . inl .irinenta tn-p, I "'und'i I .l o T , '"i' ;t!slig,Ll• tuaple, a ('has ItAwfall's lot, thviice by said lot Ili; post alol tit•nee by tor, of IP..njain:n -Will gilt cast 7ip tog p6,t and •stones 11,01 Knights: thence' bY s:ilti Knights' trot north 114 5-tor to a tw,st in line Of Tifos Ibet bv inch , ' lot VeSt 174 p to thepiare oC 's..gluniTig. containing a rwros and l fn. of land. Illore or Iloo.nic.lqiprovrllleritS. i S'lZediand to hen fintlon,at the suit of Holder! vs Joseph A 1,5 ,, -;4 +no fi Itlv4.lot of laud Itt, A ihisnl:boro,bottri- ainiif cast land: of .1 M Tripp or ['a N YC. Rlt Co, Wri.4 I. zitlrtit I, y N ' I,y ''elltir. eentathhig l 'i oran'acre,4nor;• frainetl tht.reon. clzed and .-tivu at the .suit of 1 , T v 0 • 1 lot of land In Canton boro, Wirth by lands; of Luaus Wekr, innzl, 4 I) r with a [ra'r:en unt1:41.6:1 tli I y !ands .d r+anipetQwep . s. west I.y . 31..rvirk :oil others, rl.ntalnlog nnr nf bind. nioreqirless. filmed boom - , ftwreo:r. and Itakl.ll Into of ll P 1.1.17. vs Davld Fe!- , ~:tst mid; third ,•I;in a•-r ~.1.:111.11 at 11, 1 otber lot of lanai In To*antla to - p. beginning nt :a' cirier Om itet , Al,!being the nle rortier ifiratu thence along line of &Inn. sonth 71 0 corne.r, thence norch aos_ o west too ,rthent north 7,1 0 1 cast I}o feet. it , 3 Iv.••it: Act • of iia , •rist'lli•riloton• 111011- .I:dn g the West lino 53111.1:ace st, it.t:lP) ft. to the plaeo. of Ilteginnlng, land. more: or ltr,st.'with. one Sel7.lVand token Into Cs- FAIR ,of Michael : . oftor lot of land In ir'll..adt‘Tp. Lona: Olt l v land' ofd 1I Thindey, east by couch by laridii it'urilz. Tyr of F (' Cratldall, containing 65 wire: or Iris. about lip)aerill. Improved u+..^, Maid shed and.orchard'of fralt Si.ized and taken into elocution at' yia 4'antie'd cc tlen MainC 7 /. '(hoe .10: of land In Canton born. by of :lank and . i•ast br Lin , l4 of ItenJaratit Clark anti Nonth by and land,. of .1 W. rr laud;; of said N W„lrontalnlng jot land. more or IciQt. rk It a trained an a , .,the Keys:.iie lintel. framed , ;t; r.Orl sheds I tlrrenn. Seized and ~, . ntlyn at the suit] of Withal:Ll .k Ta - raney• ANDREW J. L.S.I*TON, ' Sheri?. • AT,SII:--nne fo Iwust s l .lic i 4 !t4 1' 17,0 ft to, "ft, In 3 r"rnor, ;‘‘..mer oil the. t,h,ncel : , tafitt e contalotpg 2 a r•;.mot , i, ,, at ill,. ~ 10:1 on th",:: ,, t, aal:4l , ;at' Ca o . , I we,t ',ten.a of tan , !. ,wittt flam-t 1 i =1t!! of .1.:' 1 A L.:4)-4 ti,.. 1 .011101 - d on 0 1 I: W I'4l. wt.4t it.111;olt, 1 1 1;;:31 , 4 Lon ba:" . .fp41113t , 17111 13k . , 11114.:;s• ber Ni 1A . .11 yr ---t----- (10 - M11( NWILITAII OP PENN . - syr.v.."; Ls; pi,ADron.: covNiT, the Orphan t ({Duct of mild guiltily. !• ' • To i nertia. creettior of / the list writ and Testament of Lawrence O'neron, late of Standing Stone, dre'd: i . , On petition; of Julia ll'lleron, a - MCl:rot said de e:dent vnargiritt . Vou with neglect of duty us euett eN, entity,. appropriating' to your, own private use.. propertYlbelmigni* ("said estate, negleeting to p•a3"... tti dells of 'the i.,ame. and' general iniiimanage. no'n t of the sittne, ) yon were eurnmanded to be and appear In , your owit proper perton hnfOre our said liotges of tilt: 4)rphans • Court:on illonday, the 6th day of 14,IUber, A. 1t..14 1 5.i'at = Weloodc )t., tlolt and (hero to answer said, petition. and show cansc. any vim had, why yap should not tr re. moved ap sueli eieentor, and y6ur letters vacated. Trw .commanding you,_datril Nov. 4, ie7a. linVlng I 'en returned by the Sheriff that yen • pd./ t(C:ippear son. on-Nt °mitt m i l : CCM:II:Pit eiZ"ttion glt• REPolti onr ,a;11 tour ;11e - salti Court dl on. iec. 23,1 a, 4.di f 1 ,11:Won to issue .." , *'cotnirtandiiig you un the saki court In your proper per ty the 6th day of , February., at 2 :to answer said penile!' as above you deil, and directed that nidiee of bald ren nv 1111b/fr3til.Li in the iIItADFOItD r tour weeks. I e r. I). M o rrow. resident of at Towanda. Dee. Nth, 1575. REIM 'OIL'S NOTICE vs, , Daniel Kingsley, A l ,llO. 1 WY. in the Court of eintimon Pleas! to., No. 1513, Sept. T.,-,105, .itgned, an auditor', appolntetl4yj sa,hl l tirlbute the funds-Srlslng:lXotn tht• sale .Is real estate, wll/,atteu4U to the (tulles I r nent at the ornee'of at Maxwell, on - FRIDAY, January 232187 e, • a„t which time and illare.all per i•fatuts ulxtn !said; find must prescnt toreset• debarred theretront. ' ” Ti • Kingst of itrailrord The ttotht l'out LA - n/11s' or defendant' or 11:s appe;n r Fit Tosvanda at I o'floek ri haV then,, or be 1, MEE :OR'S - NOT - IC,' on &-('o. vsi. S. P3Waills.l . • iof Common Pleas Of Bradford C. Cs • Ir,ued, an auditor - appointed by.aaldi Itihnte . funds In the hands!of the Sher he sail of detenditnt 4 s real estate, ilutles of his appolutitrut at the ofttc•il ln St .I:ltiney, In thelioroof Toiva . ndal 1 1. Y, the Ist day of ]February , 1870, at la, 1, at nitleh time anti ,plaee all persons ins against said ;fonds mast preseai. orever debarred front the Paine. I • ; 0. D KINNEY, Auditor. ; •.; ; A um 11. In the Con! No 345, spp. The mule Court to till liT. annul to. thy Merhersq co ESD A. St bavilq," Clati them or hu tl jarif;wl ttOR' S ler vs...lohn il+fack... In, the qourt of Bradford pounty, il.slgnetl, an auditor appointed , by sal Ti hole"! the funds In. the. hands of th y..t by Pate of defendant:a real! estate to the .duties oflhts arx:intrilenf o V, reti. - 3, thO •tlinee of Davie In TOwauda 10. o'clock ',here nil persona.- having claims upo tat present thew or be Rimer debarred T. DAVIES, Auditor.? • • A 1 7 Di, ToREu Common V:. 1674. The nuclejl court to dl , lll Sticrlff. ralt will attend THURSDAIN dt Carnouhan. ttlfen and said fund mu therefrom. lan6w4 11 a N E 0. J. CIIFISBUCIK, C=rk