jerifidioneo 4 34r►iffinritut L. , ;1"-' -.."•• ' ulte of x arm macninery. :•We have' heard competent machin ists say that fully one-quarter of the valte of machinery Was i 1 n to keel' fliti Vear . fili4dfac'es *ell oiled, Our obse6:ation is that f a rmers;:as'azule, life too much oil oit the t)e: . triDgs ' farm-machinery awl to the m ‘ trairttlitsj Sri hin propeiliouna; ' Ant lie're7Vio, order to secure the best results, it is ,e r t to confine the'eriticism to one partic- 4r fault at a time, as, .for instance, spac ing, until each stup i er4 has beaqrne prof', cieint in thie4fi l poilttiMtri v aliOther fatlt, as improper slant, maybe taken up a4l pursued , till it is corrected. While tilt; method of dealing with a single let •tei„ and a single fault at a time 'may, sedn4dibil latvor tit seedasl3lo a trial to G6tQli2>n#luildft is a ga nine of tima°ißEVielt(l.. i . m ?'ll.lg,ive ex tended and minuttliVeTirms for the teiching of this important branch would would require far greaterr'space than can belgiven to any one article in the educa tional column; but to those who wish such dillection, and are desirous of- making labors effectual :in— fnis- branch, we wciald say'that all of the directions, even to the most minute particular, may be Qiud in the •`Spencerian Key to Practi; pal; Pen inn n wA4ialk E of some other similar work, no teacher is qualified to give instructions to a class. Amquis. • [For th , *Fl;lllcatltmal nermrtzue:nt.] 11 CMUYLEAT ADUQIP 3 /4 A. LI ~ o me object to the principle of eompul solly education • because it has been bor rolced from Germany, and on this account patriot be suitable f t'or;, a p. re,ptililic. But goOd citizens are as much needed in a re- . pulgie as in a monarchy, even more, for 014 people are the rulers, and no country can be prosperous - whose rulers are not go;tsi•and ln a monarchy the pet). pld are undc:t l -it i&intirdil 6 6;4 /whose will is their law. They ar to obey with out question. Now, where the people make and enforce the lairs, unless they be guided by true principles, the result will be anarchy Thffe tnie _principles ITE pan IV M only r iiPUlegt?&. r " country stands the first successful repulk. lie known to modern history. She will soon celebrate her centennial. To day she is , at peace with all the world, and, notwithstanding some internal troubles, can truly b*; 4/I.IOIIIQ !ite4+44l/o)hing condition. The principal cause of her eontindd prosperity has been her relig-H ions principles and her common school system. True, we cannot boast an Ox- 1 1 I fyrd or a. Cambridge, but throughout the; hind are .4.ehools i .Opeia,-t.ti ! ttlw IPQorgtst, where they can learn the elements of all' knowledge. Nations of the past have, risen to the highest pinnacles of power, then fallen, not becatise of external inva-1, shin but by reason of internal corruption.! Ignorance and vice go hand in hand. Our) only hope of maintaining .our prosperity is ti l t the preservation of our schools. Byi ex ruination of the records of crime its 4S been IPE9NTA:i4WIO ,I 9Igr9,4W:PMP is; committed by the illiterate. Even Bos-1 ton, that city of learning, shows by its statistics, that more than two-thirds rh criminals are from the class of those. who have never been to . school. Thin ukiss is increappArmynru;kyAlie great influx of foreigners. Of, criminals in New YOrk for a certain tinie, one-third 'were natives of the United States. The shipS bullring these people to our shores are yid in quarantine, lest some malignant . diiease he brought to our shores. ,• If tt., lunch attention were to the moral hettith of the country, the list of crimeS .anll casualties, would be greatly reduced.i It is as needful to prevent one cause of; crime as another. By educating this dan gei•ous class,-we shall . - gain good citizens; .tifid instead of being a terror they will betT,ltiumpzirtEtolevejewrvi: Aj do. the discipline of the school room, they will learn submission to proper anthmity,l L and in due time, that most important of ail restraining influences—self-contra! Then, -as good morals are inculcated. they do right from principle, and we shall -It4e such citizens that not only will out present position be maintained, but fui tole progress ensuraco ZitiWcif voluntary Ittendance at the schools cannot be se4 cured, compulsion will be necessary, even though this be a Republic, Whatever is ad . pted to . its success is suitable. ..'ready several States !have adopted this mamiute. It is to be hoped that otherS will not be slow in followiner their exam'- . t 611.1.49.6. , Ai J. !:OPLZ. riIkOWANDA. INSURANCE AGENCY, / 1 Main Street, Opposlt) the Court House. FIRE AND MARINE COMPANIES I (4tu ricil AI, 1 , 410 x of Fogp,l, avts . , '6l-, ••,14 s , •0„ I t 1 ,1" %1.. of 1.1.4t•rpool; . ' ''., - .- ''' ' 1,424,441 qv! rv. s • ~ mr ,rt " 4 /1,0411,04 4 9 g 4 .N - 11 , 41114IITAIrea N t om Yiirk, .4. .• , 2.7%,:550 0tiikx,i4.,.....1.1 # ti T itlilv,Astr.,R.AN i -.....,' - •.,,:. c. ...i 1,9A2,F,15, 11,,,,....1...5.; . ; ~: ~. ; ::: ; Irl i 0 , m .,,,...fA1., Of • 7.7:3 1 . 14).? , . Ix, of 'llartford, . 1.975,023 4.144 4. - .‘: T. • ',. . Ili 713,34: 'X'4l4r,oN. of Min, 318„540 - .eltizt:N•4'., of Newark, 413,7,30 111.1041a:ito ltitr.urN, of Germany ," 2,600,000 I,3FE & ACCIDENT COMPANIES. • • 1 • W,A,^l - 19••;•Ar. "(Airy:. of I'. S. A., wets 13,757, 58 'Tho.vgl.rats. t,f 113rtford, •11 3,478,858 PA,'N'Trn: tm, LLt raoitibik Vara .13 W q • T11041.1'9 aljtist , ..lsnel amid at it& older, iff f R • & ItiNeENT, Ueueral Age&fill. iii , t'a-Tott. IVICERIEKVPItOVISI I • U I II T 1 cl /: FI Jaxiil R 94i ar.Tf MCCABE &E D ` YII DII. • ,!,ri.Trizi'ir 1(21 ?. P. I el 1 v I 4. • (A66kiiliil"W_Pl • c its DOOR 14017110 F CODDI Rwanda, July S. 4875. t z'S 7. 14 IF qa j' - i o g , :;) i f 4 .k 1 • P w , 1 , Z p., z z en t la 1 trA 1 1 1 0 aNZA " tot • ,4zp 2-22 z .4-Q A.-ctt* z rb i•l r t;s4(l€4 I -L E 6 4 ID 1 4 C 1 II - 4 E• 1 L 4 " I . . - ' E-4 .11„ II S -11 f 1 i IQ t . NO ;OTEVENSA L , t t_ . • WHOLESALE i Deslets in ClTOlCethiltt COUNTRY PROCUCE, I tT . ' It. 'llavlng a large and cemmcxll, prepared at all time!! Alarge, B ,l• l s. IA .1(1 CASH PAID Patti Z A 11 a I Or taken In exchange for good. e g t As ( n ) : 4 ;4ltalttitraa c i ' s f t , we pre not ambitious to make ter ourselves 131.1:1 GREATER INDUCEMENTS TO Buyers than any other estahl - hinent In Northern re{tusylvants: , maY3 AYEIVS CJJERR r. 4 0 4 Arld*4 ill (PI: as Coughs, Cold, ill40:1tIff Askina, and Consun4tlon, Title few conTosttlowt, whf dene° of•mgrAlfhd%ifi&_t4o among not only ono but man c7.1-uirdlnary rrtßes, euri4l so wide a reputation, or AT9;3 9 1 .!fir'ffr , ' knfivrn to the public about f. ct.nilnued serlest;rf:irgitill won rtri , ite.llPst l 4l4ll by any other mediclns. „, Itm r ll, ! p pi , f , 7l he most fectual cures of Coughs:Col+r, and Consumptio n that can be eiL6 l: l4 - ttl'e ' ell'l Cii*RRY PECTORAL has really rubbed these dan. • gersus diseases of YLetr terrril andigitea a feeling of Immanlty from their fata i t effects, that Ir Wei rteatiled:if Plfaitid,42Plige , .. I In +was. „Eyeiag JoulUy ah , iuld-hivei tr ot if 07 • ir; L' I closbts . for thu ready and' prompt relict of RS merrt : berg. Sickness, suffering. anit e l ven life Is raved, by tl timely piltrerna.,...ll:lleiipritdrkei prtyllir pot ,y I - pc ect it, and the Wife will no t. Keep lt,ey yo for the protection It afforii . H i lts timely nee suditen altltli,V . I. if . ,I (1 . 7 a H Ptepared by J. C. AYER .*, CO., Lowell. lifass r Prelates! and Analytical C4mists, and sold by all Dragglets and Dealers In Medletne. fnovl em ' 7 w. E. VINCENT. CHEAP • CHEAP COAL AND LIME. Oran liti"flat 4i/iYi /4' , Ma Ike gialo.ifi'le'; eS; fur rIPI ° V.'i , T iS.- M e Prlf'Aiß st !1' FA r ir / 44 ' mn ruwal qt.4etas4,744;f i lft i aCßS D l!s liffitlf Viglibt Pit isptitilfUrtij illtliiiiiiit: irtiAlittabd.W.Qb. :up catibnn, rtirkriii,rni i'rtr ,- . , f !".1 . t • ,: l 4 , 4 111; rlrt _,1ntei11iu}:61.1...i..•.... - 1 . .. v.: . f...:i 611 "a 1 137 V g i l i rt i ll t n k 9 Pgallr .. '"I' , *11 . 11 alf •• - l,, •• Ati,,,,000.1, curthyl,e,,,"„ .„,4 • -.44,4 ,A, Itt i l' N .4.4":::;r:,-..:,un,,,...Liai: . r•p '1F141,4 4[ 0.x 4 ii - t , - , --- -, . , - ,- -.4g00 ~ a tp defter la • eni sltnirt notice 41110 Nasta k ti ft lias af *Wu*. ' - )1! : !1 1 ;al, .p. ignaer ma than 'tp ply Annoy. r,noti:Os .a en:darner*. Wr t'lleti4ory ~ bb-- al' fatenstage •tal 4 46 1 4:Adams!, fauter l tba nsfsi ibspaptSte s i pEiVat y - crest huf celitinue iirtWevtiefe t .biin ge tbd.beitt B , Oußilrotllardeasi:sitsory.; • - r • ! . . )4.. % thathmrstrhaagtrvacargvike - ix'4l pa frolgbta. They luast Settle or poll .42 , /9. (3 gti t next. - 1 , Very Respectfully Vnurs, .s ' ..f t ßii r- i i i . , . . Ire / moose iSucces I 40,000 of th i e Centilde I tIFE AND LOORS 6F LryH " 54 1ZEWM01pO1710; 1 r vita y , 'ET ..,'Hr jg t Hero Explorer. Full of thrilling Interest I,nd op lied SlfualralSons of ihlrtryears strange :Wren tu 1 , , also the CURIOSIIfIrt and WONDEII4Iof a . ARV ELOUS eountryt the millions am err to el. :Rive i fo Pi tir A Ltild i g: T w eltirs t° 11111 f, address, 111.1138 A D 13 Publisher; %mom In., nu*. Po l . toetwormy. OE .V., !..,- lk .1. T:I. (1, 7 6. 'A.II. . , ti 7J_ a =Er El r:-111 `Jl•il, IdSl 16, jirkifitt t;l' I ',I .ITZUOD i IT ZI iff . Lil '4.0 7A'")ol'3 a J. K. it c g‘ .tFr..lTzt II nil (1:Io ~, ,'r. >I ~ ~' MOM II R-F,TA IL :.' 31~.1 ~i'J: Ittiotitits (Yu' t: r GItAIN, &C. I ' I- 1:r ~_..,. onstAtoro wo aro to carry SEEM BUTTER, (! Ii DI:CE GRAIN AND PR an lowest cash Twl Vl= T . • • a profits, wo flat 1. 4 .., : , 1aat afar STEVEN S & LONG. , ea PA CORNER MAIN C'~_~ ~ il. '.i 1~ PECTORAL, ANT. /3 . 44q;1 49k, 11 (7:721, 1 Bronchitis, baviscon the cone 'l~oliP4Qd:~'~h • nations, mr6t have pq . no opp,eyer r ealetalned It so lone ! IT"lt n .rty years, by a long] SEM EMS= • I'm ATMAMA A ..:11.4 • OTILING / l a ft(l.3 ::~:;~-~ :: fQl . -t;. 4 :4t - ort44 , 1',.:1•)i t •, - ''; k I ... ..?-. - .4) ... 7 , 1.4,'1,.11. %, , ,;;:-...,7:1,..1 e if :I' , '!?. - .,, t :„:'i,,:li, - .:•.; -, ... t •,1 1: .0.1 1:14 41,,. ~,,.. la r i".ll44l4oor e y one of th e finest 'l l ` kii .piguling IA Apto eai for' ft - PeoZtei an fit s et ?kV 01a - fatted tbitqatreti' w • ti prove•witud I 011ptcsentIttelObt •n!P.I :: , •t' ,', i "" 4 . ..1 , T.. 1.4 d,.' , ..5 1.. ,9,.1,1 .1 . :,...,./ ! : ~. ~ §„,. , .:.1 I L 13 it LI i.E ~ gG ~t RS,.-- .. 4 0 1z.:11,•,,I . i 1 1 • /I 1 -- 11 t:11.4.1..,'.. tl I , k.., 1 , 1 344 3 1 aiwi1^....... i ,1-141 4 .41a . ; . ti.rr .1 I Ur. ,1:!r1/.;:t_;, :.. 1 cOVii hitt 7 :3lEgatAttll l lB;; i ..c.-: rl, - , . .1 - .1:: '0,...,1;4111 ..•".1" .1'11:.;I:'.'1. .I . COltt9g to tan to.partied:di requested.t, _o cjtl).. at atrilltofetatel itM., MI lealtmig valet, Wulff : fret Ems% S and American , Ctotaa,, Ate, „,, Me , Mktg and *ti 1 ''' wear._ la . It *llllto'foubt ' Dlll ileeiying at y pp (Or - tlieWitair it'etutold, an thoillaMeaffelitUd tOttigietar , pt) Ptiet!•*p hl44.lurg.eA49lsftbp , gcteutai, Sultof,al te I ask a carept era i natio oil'who' 1 at 6titfiti eel& it tatitbil , clolag and to letting pallet • , ' .' ,1 "; PViiit 20 8 4' 'OP : , !ittll,fr• - .. 0( i I u it ~ 5: , i . 1.... , • 11., , It. .I , . Li 1 . D SCRIPTIpNi •,, , - .., , i , r , 1, - 1 --- • r ifitsif 7 , ..f 1 f:!eNtikst , rpc7s,olpitg nfl - ,--..c. 111 „At :F! •:r.7171 . r - . f71r1 1 : '''', '-} 1 ' ' . - It .- TF,"agz-.,:it7'1.! .If .10 1. . THOLESALE " _..A.1V1 •inn 114 • " i ' l i ' .1 I %1 1 t1::-/. T 11 ,, .11TVit":04. ' , ;!'11:i 1- - r77: i- , ....,1 :•...r, k• - .eril „.” , .t.'' ..,.- .:" 'l,-, ; . ':r ..,* T E. I? iial)c. .. . IrAS-T • o;:ioiii(diNkikri•cir •11 , I - kA : is ,g r. ,,f 4 r• lti s• ti Erir e i. ,- +: c wih: 7 1 4 a n t il l e Et t r i c0 1 6, .... r, , fritned' to fit. VO, l l l ll, ig t lnC & CO. about their za , nat.woon! tit t - earatstatraPall. , g that some. t , l f n i S : A t e k i fiki r tltr i oriTAVVlti'r Mg; _ h reorndetl%that iliverat WM:MOW nitefer , med4 Amid. ' ciolivAAttalttynklits +agent : X . Ft! il!o , 64Bftif, 'VOX I) XS 'DICK Veal . " • I What happe4tl to this ehysletan may have bap • kgsed to ()the and -4,U- 1 1,DeklaDIC.N. k,(30. take Ulillartkofl fterP:l6e4ol34h)lliffffPaY4 ol V/Caltt T and thernsetres,l3.nd preventing; ult. Or . g Ati pa / L. a. *oar freth'inb itiltrintdiltirWutt.' l .a! -, ' • ~, '''' • ': i'llYdrchtti titre:ewe - 41teseritte. , thq ,cepsitie . s. LA fill CQ1111),i to 40 $O, t.p; thei,,cental.n..tlip..Cl k • tint: pi t I , th t e- art lancrefreagbittibem. 6 u, y , itilt K. . t r u „. use atone t b'olsAle.: ti in A tosplo,3haial n 4 the 11",helebale end WOW 143411 .9 ir644 and. Perfumers In the United States tot:o4llN.. 0 and this Is the4ol6 reason why the puye , OlT is' 4.10 cheap A Ttotheirc i lin9l.o,l4l94:ol244o,l4o,r4 tnor.' ~ 1 _.... , oir,.ort • slif ph r,"WYMD •ts lest • reetrlnt ' very other oily, sixty 41.spsiik . s - ottly heturim 4 mt , 4 111 1'0 49 his+J MO and and aortal:: Funts„liu ,alx.,,nr 4 nt,no, . eight days. .I.' other wetliOne .e6n; iv this - .ult be had: 11' ' '.- .' ' ' :: •. ' ••••• '' , - DU-NIMS .Iye,S. it -.CCi..•S SOFT ',CAPSULES lotto the prObitr i liong eonstdeted by eminent phy- , .leads, or how to avoid tali nausea' snit diskitst et denree In sr'allowlng, which} Stro Skit 'Anent* to letrart from, if nor dextral, the groff 'effects of tatkj'ealtladlexamettlei. •I • 1 . , -, .I '' . 1 7 r r . ' 'll ''' . 1 'Sett Vaptaatislare pit , op lti tO•roli 999 ueektbas.- 7 7 s, thirty 111 et h, and iLrell t tLo Flaky. ,*ppsntes, pre cribed b y yh' atelans:'' , ' __,' ' TASTE ESS'IVIEDIGIIKEII."CaItor .11 and nuns other ,nall~t. [Realist** kilp- be ta ken easily - and eately in Dull j aS i ln.? K . & CO'S SOFT CAPSUL . o. sate no Siell.r .' • • : - • o , i '., v • . air has, were..the only xspsulcs, • dm ttedi,o the last Faris E4post-, t an t ' r senato; cdr!r,ular,to 35 NV - 3;ilii - etieit. It ew y . 04, I Sol d ation rkryg Stara" •H.ore. ang. , ,at l ed_ - •• N"'ili' „ [ f reopic cotnrain of • ' ' • 'IIAIID TIMES, -tat Me arbp axe . wA9.O 44 1.01 4 1 14 • 7111 • e . ... 4:, ~ i • i ~. . 1I • : !":" ' l7 /i 1 , S. tr A'.' f , o 'Fs- _ , , • Nower:ll d fault with the pnallty of the 1. c i • f •' . ' ", ,''' . . ~ 0, IDJ) HE E1,14,' - .. • I" J, A c - p B, S - ",' Nor tate... l 4*m ettontobl;rf I4AR, E AND,ELEG4Tr- - , i&ssole.rWST • FALt . -- 6101 5 1 j ' GOODS`, • =MEN AND AND BOYir • A : /inspection of his -- stoelf•tritt . tor sufficient to satisfy sill bo - :ealt cdreX,Viliatat:lndinlOVienti Matt cvnr. , . , . augl7-75. otels lkistwaralts., • I - i• 7114,, Al EA,. S I IlitkiJSE, TOWAND.A.,: .1. Par.,: • '7 :. *Aitx*lf 3 P*44) 9 o es, ThC hostile; limitiftd•hgQnst 41: Fire,. irlthocip say tttrachargi»: ;. :•I A aperiorralitty.64:9 1 4aa"ftit J6ltA •/t' . r , , T, Tow4uciA.; - .4fkri.. ,•, • ITOTTSR, 'TOWANDA, ' •-, •f• long IitYLI.IVAN:r ' .•;:•. italiing4;vintl hennee, ifs nnwteMy to Venni.; nindans trnve)lint ptitati I:opilinn nor anywise -WliPro•b 4 / 5 / 301 ?1 1 tq t 4u ?" l ! l " ) ' .a N. Firo b . lin ne?4l., 01 metenris THE CENTRAL:44IOI 3 EL, • • .111••••,';;TEii; vnio urielerslitur,4 hacit pt alii talcCrl rofisessißn of pio reSTICP t fit lEy 'gnllcitalthpTiatitli aoof his old friends and the pirate genoraiky. auglOrtt . - :t - •: , • 1 . 4 1 f VARillier•' • TIETIIIII7,ILE)f„"P4.• 00131 . AfORAVIAY . StrN - 'INN" • -•.J , •SIVILT VW. !r •-• • 7 Rict rn big!iii4 l A . lotre 9 ticlea,the'oniX,lnilldtti in-the eon ry except Independence' tin honore d ay the - nsonin adthig trallo'ot WdelLis;rsl2, - Pir Vsy e t ta, Lee and ether patriets at. tbet . Lerolutien. This 'pc - Tatar hotel )gas• recently Changed Wands, heel s ttnpfdded;'entlteiy"terenelsbed, and Changed, pro prietor, cordially ;Anal tot bls demi* and • traveling polka to glifehlm va117140 n s !Iparett. io render their tiny erenrertable. People en mule for Philadelphi 'fain Add It firnirenient to spend Ilk' night bore. 'reaching the clip, shoat eight :la she morning. :A.. SAM pte, room,•en. the :11 rit Auer,. tor.ttur actonlmodation of•eompeernielngente.' s . , • •,• '.• r •-; '•C; . Sept. • r?oPflq . TI, E. PLACE BU ,ro Tat FI&RiIEB9 AM) . •r _MING 4,.0-EN.gnAzyr • .- • la at. C. - F4.PATON.'S In lbw, nary 12/41,occupOd J ultus 74/Voltg• LC* elethlng *Store. , Illanlnexeranrvinl my estalanhmenl..lQ.lnPre.WiringdiQUA.sui come. Merit flunrlON i InspoclfnUg WOO my n 14.01100% me rai and n$ 044.4,44 :‘,. lIA.RVESS ii3A-120 W lIFs • • • .. • .• . . to e ea; feelink eitiethei flint trim Me ta ct' es I. rtrACIM for pryttballing• steely, 1 can 'do s. bet Y' aelnwer itride • tban say' inner ea to iisniment In the county. uniOn lam! of Fox & Eerear : G:z . v 2? • C'''..7,I)ATTON :(14 i . 4,,45, ri. il4,tbili - 14117A4 iii ;341i. irp• ; Pa li.tialL j rlll3l l j 3141.0310,4340 , ,: . , .1: , : .. ~ ~ i , . 'i f; AArktiliti:... . , ilP,'..:Ti t Alit4, ip. • - , 1.• .' ~ ~ .....,' - .7.:-. . ;Cott' l ' l fti4r.i.'e r st i tZZ aPY: i 7:ori c ‘P '° l ,Cii he nt. Am t 3, 1875 t i: 341'3,1"N * . 155. 11 0. , QR A.A - 1iI4;-.Ai valuable iiirtxt,in • A21201a 'rej4..,' laytoii . 2..i :IMO 3 1 niq - Attspit and} 3 !M m W !Mips froth Caitni•lllS Pc *.94.Taal 42 5 ?ge Wrrastf n i....!: &oily ot t.s.sowa 114.‘ Imam iierit od, Lt, 44ero As bars • tile 1t,541, ag terttaat &libber. - It " a;geritlii AO-. Epaation f 0 the ao'nth; And is ;PZA/113; struclsod; Tt will be mid low and ! possesslon ; given lintiredg ately. - ..Axidgess': " - . • ..-- - r - ~ ¶ t.---.! . :‘ I ' .., ••E. D. DRE W, ittaans, tt:lei ... :1. • . - . M.F.,;•PtAILK, *alma, Pa.—. J. PV,ENY ass the fano. -• • 0 lIOAADINtIiPiT' ,. . I ..) . i ..t•t.J X% - 1013LEY. CAltirtelWX; , .• •7. ISb maatifackiitpg acig i ricalass . l attended to ti . a . p.,..toc. l24g 4 • r 0 UO ll .4 ) 0,*;4-.0, • ' • :1 . ;Tri . . . I 11.11.1. l!M 31R* B WINTER-OF:1815-6 -r-,~:.....0 .~~: . Iffarl-77 , ';11%;!r) , ":"": 10ENTS I i:fAltAllaltr.r CiCtOla t ijkO: P•lsayT t o•ri.l:4l:i 1814'0 kitAY'l4;l?.! ,{,L; 1 ''-AT-- W, , !..;c1:.(110417.;0, , RIM IVJALE D 0; I fi ri- .E1 f 4204t/k t SfiATI I M ;) 8 TORE CIMIZI = r .i.0Ctr.,.... WEAL. 'l4l#llC • QVINP.AY.4,44 , O III OIO#Q P. : ma i !!! 1 1 0 1 4a r b k !if*, 0 . ti 114014 Viikrillapiasse MO ' • • I=l KILII43BARLIffIai . a'lrrantratti ay • n - 7.1 - • OIRULAR -- SAIV - 731.4LL5. nrrogiclo.t. ;;;MANDRItius,,,, ~„: "14:1,11atzwipot - ••• ; • :Atiildrono made to4rniell, . • :' 144114118'! i lt I gdriiiilMD ...'' --...P r %)...1:( A 7 - e...a.d . ' . -., ',1... ,;" ). 'And work warrontedAtweloo latlsfocdon. 1. un7lG 1)i 10 `.1.1 1 . - .1 1 . 1 1 , - 1 - . r. ,:( ..."1 1 ,,/ 1:))...1 ..,.1." IZZ:1 - _ ;1'1" r i t r "/ /tIXEIS,IIAR:MACIIINES • I the latest andirnova liagavv atraanuractur , and DTI conklatialf W i n A nd qadf.,tof una. B rq.l2 1 ,, i 'ii......:/....r.1.1 , t, I ;.:. z. , A.1;41) t,; ./., .....mor . . . (: ; '1 ill 4 p f 41ILL, IRON-AND areeDzs-prAiit}3_ OULTPir-ATORS-;--- tr4lljol/ii ti r ;•f f t : RN PLOUGHS AND PLOUGH' jtY 3 .T ..1 hr. . r ~ • . ui ( 1 1 OntritaUPOWRRP LARGE AND - -443*Eitte•-018E. lrr. =MEE =MEE MEM ISTOVE . CASTIE44! if. •?..., = LED AND:SLIM EIrSiIOES,": .T 1 ,16 ItASIGiErIMITLit,vr i !It ;,. ( 1 -. -liiielliiKai4e4itthi g iiiiilaUd 4 :::: ... h 20a 70. - -- ativAska iaiicsitri:ii. 11 4 ,47,0A:14: ton , y i:ttiii"laigi;iiiiii'iuriet4iiiirieibiaied - / I I SSE DOWERS 4 L CLEAN} RS, I . will sell a bettor -in - iiiilliWW.ll . l4. en in ii.W . ey - tliSri "lit i n l9l taarnA a- a , d ' o o f i tii3b,l i i 4 filorr, any , ollieliVikritiThst re dumbly ' built,. 'We per . , y silpetthlenti our wortteatatt see 'that It is well "•.?..nif MI-4,- ; •.00 - ;:i. -, --...• .- ,A ,:.t',;!.•..! ' i ESC ELIPTIVE. CAtALOGUES • of our Machines torarptieitton., Inc:1 /If. I •. , 01TE ck TWO 'HORSE iPOWERS, (:),A l ,p4 ; two. lingo" Illiriadiem and .1 1 '4varatorii i , Threaliet and Cleaners. ' , ,•F 4.1 4 11C,1N.G MILLS t IRCULAR AND ,DILIG3A* MILLS. ff ind".orlst done' to order. 'Give us a call before 'ti 1 purchasing olseitkorei • ' 90, quqawilltr, i ssaAux "oov aocag ME -ISITEW CARRIAGE FACTORY t opposite the new dal!, ;; • - -TOWA.ICDA, PENN'A. 11E/.NitY-STIJLEN Fteteetfollf annonnoes to tritrads sold rations, Ito he boa built a _ - NEW cquitiAcit PAC4CIIIT, . . • re he wlll constantly ke e p on hand s hill assort e c of - ._ _ 'I 4 qMILY 'CARRI4GES, tr.* AN DJ:WEN - BIi7GIGIES,, , TLATTICiftIi W.4(140: - Ns i , TtOTTINO 633 traf S,!AND SEELETOSS, •:,, !K. , o of the best glAisbeA h the beet IVZ ,l *2 l tlrs i tUg r h i = j aiggi ClV tidtitattcoiovor others tothp •' •-: " . ;pßhlss¢ sTrEZi!AND DI*ASILrri =NE Of wove,. -All he sett is an • e, T Prqv,lome $.O gurchaelig elieerbere, ..- ALL WORK IYARKARtRb 146 try* 1 tr. ,P 4 9 2 Fr .14a 11 0.FAT/9.?ii. , '1 - = - • . lluinkfttlfor i thet.,iitorsl patiosoge tomarly az .lLenfed innel•ttreFtpali,"liilC plattlibAtite Urn ' ,6 I ••••,, 1••••--. , • PROMPriilr AttrfiniinED • .44,T1tED1A.4.01.14c74.., " •: • ; 01:FLEX.' Tiriraildo Jan.4.ls4r. NIVIAAI - O.N ,13:1 WA.GO.N. S I 1 . W-A V (Y , N t 3 e 1 1111 ME= I iteep en•hand a live assortment of t '- '. WA:a ONS wino►il wat,i. eiIEAPER I • Tan any other establishment in the 6otmtry. lIM •Lt „,. • • •• •t : WAdOIgt.A.ISb'.C4.II.IITAGES ibf -every description „manufactured AU) onleT on §hOrt, notice. P;RY4NT. Mil Towanda, March 26, 1873, JP i t) )4,t)llls,E i tt . Beipectiollj , tscaimied ttipt ttle , Book Bindery has tieen-tbdwaril to the letreirtsu Building; 'add atoryotheteitalbe dcgiu • . : . -. • ! : [ I I#()OKi.,-BINIIN4 'lnlßllta,ktFlous ibrikadon, An t*Trits PitkkoMittki .'N Ih6 "NO Brp,os." will ayow. 711.9 Brndery wig ilk( elbargii4.V --• • • . . . • ,H. C. w-,-rf- t rA. E R lAn . I I ) .!: ) ) 1 2 1 experlenee4 Binder. any all work -will be grwa t tiofe4l, o l4 . l,y l r aud i gl e rn l ; e r„:4 2 lsti ; 1 1 , 11 ) ) 1 0 , 1 aoeks, &e., bound In ov!asv: Me n t e tg: o rten• tt°, will yo pai d 1- ~‘ 131.A.NK 1101:1KS, - . to ffiaf pattexp, 114.1 n irieliq and dare- W it ! ! "r: b ":;1 ± -7 ,1 ,,. - AU * work be ' ready ior delivery when ,F l OrY bed • I:l =irOi , • 1010011004e1' • .1113411 Ni ) 1 r. . • r - Dititifatilkirm = - ...... • • VUOIARSA4 Altbrletrilt ; r • ; r "41 . 'Z , I7 O : '.G TT, 4: . '' ' •,•) ,''.',..'191,4;•i*4 ACZPS zwrn*cTs. Em.xises. rat as, COATXD ; ' . rnwnVßs, arms, iSYR UPS, ;4' • : IV"Ig ir ei ,l : P• • 6.71 • Aad pieiltitOpir k Mil NE 1314011INE:( . 1ILt3e • • ; ;• • 0. 0 r• • • ,•• ,gtr . A5ji,111404),A4, MEE . , t• ' ; for Tedignsa PoMxioN, , • TOBACCO,' SIVITFP, !CIGARS, &C. All the VEDICSNE94'.,: `;, " ands fine sunorttnatlct . 4 144X,ET.,;4ND:'74*C,Y, 'pool* More than usual, care Is glen to the notarannth lug of prescriptions.. Open.Qn I,nntla7, q'tigl B #. ti. tat Y. sr„ Idfrom ar. nr.:to rir. Rani LI: can be consulted at the atoston fis prday of each week, as. hcratotore. • , . • 0, IL • ' ••• ' W. 0. GORDON. ME use roar 7-72. DIL.I. °. OP ItTEE, 10IsD, 'CASH PRI:I4 STORE; Cori:ler:lNa sa4 Torratuis,•Pa; • [Etta/dished over a quarto; ;4" deezeitio,l • W holosale snit Itotilf.Peolir In • nittrGs, 1 111.'E' I) 'I N . . - CHEMICALS, - ACIDS, & PERFUMERY, TOILET AND FANCY GOODS, SPONOES, BRUSHES, BRACES k TRUSSO, SOAPS, COMBS, POMADES, HAIR AYES;TEETH ! SKIN, AND . -/IA PREPARA7iONS, P04£1 ; 4300K14 AND PORT-MoNNAIEN DiACAIIDY AND SCOTCH 13NUFP,' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CLOAKS, 'GARDEN, FIELD AM) F,I.GIVER. SEEDS, Pure Wines and Lipner", for medielnal purpose/, LK , * 4 wie,, ECLECTIC AND lID3DEPATHIC - BEmEnrgs,•. • _ • • Ahu ...,;ifor_Nru'LNE POPULAR MEDICINES, SupporteM, Suspensories, - Breast Pumps, -' NIPPLES, NIPPLE SHELLS, & SHIELDS, NURSING BOTTLES,, TEETHING RINGS, Syringes, Bed Pans, Urinals, Thermometers, ELASTIC STOCKINGS, &C. • KEROSENE .OR . COAL OIL, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, BATH _ sPERSIf, LARD, WHALE, NEATS FOOT,, TANNER'S, AND SfACIIVNE. OIL, . ALCOHOL AND SPIRITS TURPENTIN, • PAINT, VAU T97T, WHITEWASH, comirra, 'MANE, SHOE, SCRVBIIIMit, TOOTH WINDOW AND PICTURE CLAES, of all sties. PORE • LINSEED pm, PAiNTM, PUTTY, Ant) .. . • VARNISH. tREADY MIXED rAixTs• OF ANT FiSIITED COLOR, •1 BY THE POUND, PINT OR HALLOS. ; GROUND IN OIL OR VARNISH, AND DRY COLORS, OF ALL HUES. ALL ARTICLES WARRANTED. Proscriptions carefully cgmpnunded'at•all hours of day and night. Open Sandar for rreserlptlous from 9to 10.4. it, 11 to 1 snd sto 8, al. *Dr. Porter can bo consulted as heretofore th the omee. [maylra, 8.. PATOB, - - WHOLESALE -AND . RETAIL GROCERIES,AND PROVISIONS, FLOUR ALWAYS ON 'HAND. The highest price petil for all kinds of COUNTRY. PRODUCE. BUTTER, POULTRY, GAME, special attention paid to filling. orders. ,Goals delivered tree or charge anywhere lb the llorough. Anl4-74 NO TICK' HERE! But the Very best goods of all 'kinds teptby any flrst-class grocer, and sold Dewn, Down, Mira, TEAS, SPICES, " MOLASSES, SYRUPS, SUGARS, ' El Rece!yeti Daily, fresh hem tbo New York kartet, and !might at the very lowest cash Wee& . • Haring been engaged for the last three years irlth a Flrat-elasa IS holemle gttver In New York!, I have Facilities for buying. rue goofs an that lean make it an objett for till BASH BUYERS call 044 SEE 'MY STOCK AND. PRICES I WILL PAI D CABII.IOII 1110DIJC.F. RED, WHITE AND BLUE STORE, BRIDGE-8t UOlt SALE CHEAP AND ON COI'I7EXIEIST A blacksmith and wagon shop, With a twenty feet Vater.power attached. :it very - &Ankh* location • for businefs„ . 1 ; • . . The. ahora a m kargo. and convenient, with neces- earl , mach nery inFeaxrsing on an eStenstve husl nes& • A small new dwelling house and -cans acre of land attached. MEM 'ALPOL-Ohe •other .wnior pnwer on the same :dream, with it twenty-tire feet wheel, with aw and hith -.1.11 . in' Rotel runtting order. This property will'be told hogether . with nil acres et den which the tiflintaode. . • t . 'Afsfio-r-A .110TEI4 PROPERTY, with a large twq and one-half story house., with back linildlngs. Main ,bultdlng 60132 feet, with flirt andeonvent ehtlibarn. This property will be sold with °nem mote acres of latuktO.SPlt parcka&er. /411.80—A INltlf3f=celitaining - atent. - lad acres of bil l all Improved except serest two .Awelllng ho r,.two ori.hards, large cattle barn, ticirso barn, wpgon house and sheds thereon, This property is In 4 Alta 'state of cultivation, and the quality of thoilaud untrarpasseil In the county. Tile above descrlbeg property Is all desirably In cited anii-conkroolebt-to Lehigh Valley Rail Road. `For terms of sale apply to the aublcriher, at Myenburg, Zrastford County, Y . & aprl-75. E, REED itiYER. RANK'S GRAVE GUAI E,lB. For the pnrprete of preserving the ;permanent twinviatry liartal: mounds and hOldingithe nasal ,14e10 and:Feet Stow" owe, penaaneattrand as; carel , • Tot particulars addrau . . . DICWEXEO2I,2 Aar.; SPrininall =I PAiI'CiNSDOOX; f • • fl ,'• =I ALCQ4O4 • .ter ~~,., f ,•~ MIMI RAZORS, I'OCRET-RNIVF.s EOM itottsr„ and all other kinds of brushes. Crocelies and Provisions. DEA LEII 1N TOWANDA, PA Tte test brands of Such m EMI C. B. rATett STRIOTLY You CASII The choicest COFFEES,. k.C., Tleiore purchasing elsewhere. M. B. OWEN, Miscellaneous Advertisements; ME I=l=l BEIM Mil ."; *. Q IF'© . f' • ME =1 .1)I A • .31 =I = PINE J'E •t I T,CIIES A Jane:4c WATCHES, AL 11;END - LBM.A7 I DesJer FINE AMERICAN. AND SWISS ciqLD AND SILVER WATCHES, sad .FINE JEWELRY. : 4 STERLI.; SI.LYER, SILVER Pti.TED - WA.RE CL Cgs,.. PROM THE 0111EAllEST TO. THE BEST GOLD, SILVER AND STEM, SPECTACLES EYE 'GLASSES Ono door north of T;L i ; K er et & Son's torn sto* TOWAkDA, EMZI PR_ESEN S'FOR, ALL At TELE NEW JEWiI LRY STORE • • W. A. RiOCKWE'LV: . hs,crins tautly receiving in addition to his large stock FINE G PINS, BANDS, AMERICAN A_ GOLD AND SILVER PLATED 8% GOLD, Sliver A' 6 STEEL SPECTACLES SILVER AND, PLA ED RINDS AND CRAMS CLOCKS OFMMMME Watch, Clock and J • airy repairing done In tho hest tnann , r, and warranted. Thanga for a liberal tronage anti' hype to merit a ' • contin • nee of the tame. novl2-73 SPV,CTACL S ! SPECTACLES )..*.. ARUN LTi NTED. : : ' These Lenses have he power Of Protecting the Eye from IRRITXT arising iron Light, ac companied by Heat. ruler Wilson'a American dud English letters ptenr. REISS ny ntE - - AE.IINDEL TATTED SDET.ACLEg' MOULD BE PRE • Bum TO ALL OTHERS They have - the pow rof ArreAtillg the Heat-Bap of Solar and Artiec They 'pro Violet when applied to the The high and low: NO TOWANDA. PA AMERICAN STERLING SITA ROGETIBROS.C!: FINE GOLD 'Nov. 12,*74. p 11 A ND NEARASIttA; ~ • i kit sale by ,: 7 , • , ON & „MISSOURI R R. R: CO. - credit at 6 per cent. r lnterest. ONEVILI..I4SN ilkititS to IOWA! and Southern NEBRASKA... : The *finest conntri An the world td combine turn. leg and stack ralaltig. Products will i pay for land .and im provements pens before the prin cipal, be comes due.. • • • LARCE DiscouNTs for cash. •• The so-called destitution in Nehru, Ica ilea ha the 1 • - . • • , „ tar western regloni beyond the lands of the R. a 7 parties perohats mi . /Cd? tarp tik fork M. R. M. Co." 'p, .• • ' . or , r . our ries. . Q' For elrcularKthat will (tiny describe these hteee,.and the terzehrottgelP.swely to Or ethlrete, • Vital COMMIMISVirI. VCY% Toorekityr taws Lands; ' sini. fir,Motrteara Utittav • orr4-74t' : , • . , 0 ,`•• -, :t 1; .!‘::-, ftt Ivel lOWA "RURLING • RIY On ten year' r t .~, r~ ifgitt - rillt ~~.. ;, ~_ =II " r •,. wiLAY;' EMI CLOCKEi oa, 14. TOWAS - ! ILTER WARE, Fig ervelry, LD SETS, RING ZDS, CHARMS, NECKLACES, D SWISS WANCTIES, VER:iVA:TCHES, uuk: or ALL VARIETIES Also st the Iftest prices W. A. AOCILIVELL Light Loforo' entering tho nted, yetlto constructed the yo appear roll:ries& mbers are.the same Het. CIIA3ItIETZ.4I2C MM. A E L - E R , MI HEALER IN SWISS WATOIES SPOONS AND roßk-s, BRATED SILVER WARE EWELRY, &C., &C., E - COURT .Hquse, OPPOSI W. A. CHAMBERLIN I•F BEST IF. LANDS -IN `~ f~`ioil4nioo~ ) 4 ff I . 0 oir P-ATRON 10 E Alb lifif,rlYoP44).4l . ; 447 .:Lat.rifiriaa :{.,:'; gc;r. ininTnan -:titrffertlense.n. 4 rM l x. ArE •)Yii: 7 4 c0 v:4 11 .ii:49:01 ft t .1( g ••• ,; veete,*WA AbMft , lilleiransrrettnie 4 , we 1040,04440611P6fMW 4 stobligMe9c NEW - ASOM ZeiriStittrlfErrb, , 1 1:1 4 , :• , ft1i:1, .r • Iss.a k) t Aid :Adopting tried and a. , ed =I IrIirgWIIKTYPA4MIVI L W E. 714 1 .3 _ ,mito outside or mu ad'" VP triaka. se 20 4ttlArg9.ol.,klnap c , !,rlclures to 01nztlijzO doblred, and' Ilniskln n . ter 'Cpknic,.' 41a Ink, or In 014141 M ~• :, , r DEAir 1 0 11 1 1, P 4NR YEIPLI:Low VRIIOO.I 1 7 Zitfiiis(Peirdeirsitilir littealt the' tinii‘ pimilblis Jrairnaking chtldrens,pleturrs, so as to securwthet be,st results. i • W5l, alp constrtt, our stocls ce, Y.R43:31t 'AU new patterne and tagteful atyloi, mid tat . nibh atom a; a szaaliprancEpotp coat prieea., 3iay 11,.4i. . .. , •8 ITS GtUtitAN NA OQILLEGi-- ATE I STITUTt,' .. , ... •.. . ..' . • he first Winter tend et: the Susquehaeruk C . ,011 , e; gtaie Institute will commenter - • -; r ' . • MONDAY,. NOY! L VI TOER., iien . l ., .1,67 - Witting , following- , rani - at r.-xpLieed tel4fets ....:. rpm:Cr.-TY:O4V; Piinirht, deeent Lan'ourege , - ),Vatliesna4le", and EndurAr - ...Oraache& . - ' • ,- - :A it li !at HEAP. ''''.. ,, 1.. Corisinere4a, Ertyri „frac! ae , 47 , 1 1 ,/te 4,rtrndses... ittps ut mAni - ,,E.pii..1 , , iqiAcitirktfis, comliinti A '4114 'Moth! fiptish. , , • i 31138 r f tui , ....o,ifti. 3f mekii. (!Erman, Latin, Drat hrmvittai and Eng I(4A Mir/foie*, - 311 . 59;h1A It EWE - 314140 N., • :'; ..En,gyfh :01 udirs.,, • ' * 'triLLE. rz7, - • French, Drawing and - Pritating. , • . AltS 'l3l * A • 'inirtetenttneaCiftioie , • • • ' • - rae&rJfhlgre.. , I, ." ite Thre Will be theienSeernary organt.mticin of class. ei for the benefit et, new students. Especial attr.n tfOn will be given tpypung Veen Preparing forhusi, -;Pert ciaz;eA wilrne'Orgartimf fft Ike Srlaq= cesi Liftigtrages and okaer • branches:3o mter thd wants of.. the students; • Fine aer,oronindstions for ttore;resident studentsl. - .Booms' carpeted% , warmed, and furnished iirrmigtiont, both for young men and. women. . - BFlnni; lft. 'per week.. Tuition Tram-33 to tin per 'RersJon.-. vocaL Musie and Itaawing, free. lustre mental 'taste fI2 peripiarter. '• • For farther' particulars send for •ti catalogue °r esit and see the princlmd, • • • • LAN, Towanda, Pa, (14-76. , of ,Trustee,;. NE FL 0 . 17,1t1N (31- M 1 LL IN SII)ESIIEQUIN; PA. TlLAnbicriber hes notico that hl3 new STEAM FLOYEING MILL, is now in snreeskrill .01 , eralh - rn, ah.l that In. is cre wed all work In his Illay . us short mato. CUSTOM GIIINDI,NG DONE ON fiIE,SAME: DAY THAT IT IS RECEIVED Wheat, - lieekttlytdt and fly Firmr, Corn w ea l. Feed', Ban; atwaya on band and tett) for We at lot cst rates. PARTICrLAIt .. Ifr.tsia 011 the West side. of Ihn ricer dettirirg to marocil'a,! intl.% will bare their terryaze }Mid 6.bth tway•.!4;ittura they bring grists of Ittt I..te,heis and urvardt,.. • =VI T HE MINGTONN The ItIinIIICGTON SFITING .11,14'ItTNE haS sprung rapidly tint(' favor as pess•salni; the beat eienblnalien of gond qualitb•s, mutely : Light run ning. smooth, In elects, rapid, durable. with Lock Stitch. It Is a lilititt4e Machine, wills Atitdmstle Drop Feed.. . . - 16.311N0T0N ,NO. 1. . . A 3fachtne'fbetstnitv tot., 'ln the third ye9r nt tt existence, has ntet with a awn) rAphi.lnt . rtste: ti rail° or sales that; atty, the mat Let. RENLINGTON NO. 2. A Machine for nianufachuing and fazngy (ready for delivery only Mike... Tune, 1574.). f frr range, perfection, and variety of wort. k wlitiond'a rim inJamily er•worashop. . . GOOD ACO;NTS• WANTED Sri S for circulars to RESfINGTON tV - 1.1 4 : : 6 comr 1.1,10.7; NEW YORK. BRA,NCII OFFICES OF EEMINOToN ComrANl • E. REIII3:(ITCI4' .ii SASS. . 8ENi1741 . .1.1N SEWI7 , ;(7, 31. CO.. "' li E3IIN 0 Tti 3: Ao'l, ['O.; 141 & 253 Itroadvav iC. Y., Aruis- Madison Sirnare. M. T.. I , •ea - M1,..T ll:titters. (.111:•agei. 2.17 5t..4(.1 . ' SC., S. Ar:lrtlitlV , and ..A rm.:. Itastoi, :::::4. Wai.litiabtuiii r t,3ltii . ltile.s. Clnefeatil, 11.1' Vrest .113-St., S-1,114: ‘lat !dm,. Trtie3, 120 (;cri t -wr St., S•wit7, .11::: tin • 4 . WaMlLlgtim,ll, C.;52.1 71h St .S wing Itt, tellitie... Atlaata, Ga..., pet:lves iti,...ra ti:se,e, Marietta at.. S:.e. leg; llachlue.. . , REAL,STATE! • J. - NbBLE- & CO., TO ITTLA \' DI, PE,NIV'A /3333 FAUMS, MILLS, VILLAGE LOTS, lIOUSIIS .1 BUSINESS K I TES IN TOWN ALWAYS. ON BARGAINS Also laic tracts of i3tlet Ia 101VA / . NEBRASkA'&,, KANSAS Along line of, It3ll WWI,. 'Very qesirabk, PROrEILTY - FOR _RENT.; FOR ,D16.11.1.1:50 = Retatis.Collented. and remitted on r tern ,Money L9aned:4l.t.arr Notoiliqed. Ii MEI SEE - " F. S. AYERS Malu sttolt, ! Ell for Emlgranti - 4k, J.-1443E1;LE , ' At -Qt): ~-,! . El