Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 14, 1875, Image 3

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'ilradford Xlepattr.
7aada, Pa.; Thursday, 0:t..14, 2375.
Desiring to largely increase the eircula
'km of the RtirORTER, we will between
time and the first of January nest,
ive a rtew Sixty-five Dollar Weed Sewing
mpfeine to every , person ferwaTdity,' us
New: Subs'eribers, at'each.
such a club• can be formed in every
NV uship.
PEv. 1."; D. HosMNs was last Week
, Ailed to Philadelphia. to attend the Tune
father.. • ''
-- ItE.m4:3lllEtt the Sxiable. at Hun. Jos.
12, 7 T , ' - Et.t.'s. Friday eYening.. The proceeds
ire 6 , r the benefit of the Ladies' W..nevo
t'. Sodetv.
.GRAND SIRE. NICHOLSoN, Will deliver
•ai -address on Odd FelloNiship, jilt Camp
.orn: on Monday - next ' The bublie are
- orifed to be present.
TUE meeting at Orwell, on' Thursday
tiepin . (let. :41, will be addm•seti by
lion: E. N. Put, , rar., of -Elmira, Col. E.
41 V irroN 7 - and
.Capt, • 11. N.
. .
Niunot.As PorrEn has, been awarded
~11,:ther patent on improved horse-power.
Mr. PorrEn's inventions are all manufac
tured by • thZ! Enterprise • Company at
ri-,,v. • ,
AVE Al.: indebted to T. F. ESPY, of
tunnnerileld, for a copy of the_ Bradford
Miler, dated November 2S. 1810. _litho'
thirty-live years 01, the paper is
in a good state of preservation.,!' It con
tains the new , : of llAnntsox's Oration.
. .
IA i. \ it , .E circle of friends will regret to
earn that .Tonx Gnlyt , Lli, of Canton, is
t.Tionsly ill. We sineenpy hop e Its clis
.4-r may be speedily subdued. 'and that
Inay aLmin haKelhe pfj , a , lue (if :-ceing
1 .11 . J(;1;i1.'1.IN :thorn. '
- .
IToNon ;itt i owattda.' Gnided
4..( - 4. or nank-s of :,ttitl4nts with perfect
l, atte;:dano:7, (14rtionent and kil
for .reek isnding. Oct. s :
:*I 1J:1 . N-. I:DV:ARP BROX'
Elmmins and wife. Titus
k. ai'e visiting in ,this place. •
IX 1 LT. of Allentown,- an artist
f- some note. is raying a visit to
riends in this etiunty. Ile makes 'ft.spc
y f'monographic painti n g. II k pie
:lre very line.
11111-: ftlllolcill , 11',0111titill NV:IS 1111:11ii•
is ;ohijued at the recent,meetin l 4 of
t Pre,bytery of Lae2lca.watuta :
f!. That cur Pre,.bytery zo_tuiti
11 a pl.4if our p4 ,, t.irs an churches .
:-th• t ethe'ien! •_ , ssful 5;..h00l under
he SUSqUell.Ultla Collegiate In
tirgi. Upon 11110-
Men- My* to aclrim , the
iere , "oyiory tilis too , t vaht:l-
( )1: ti..)llt,'l* 6,
In re.. tile chang . , of the plave 4 1 1 ,4,1
lug election , : for Athens twit, I 'court tix
the house of George, .1( -, 1(1aa. iii .l thins
Boro . .
.. -:.
. . In re. the !change of the place, of hold
- ..oi-'.. - 1-.:-L - 111-:-.. N. N. 13E - ris, of this ing elections for, 31miroe 1301-o‘. Court
~.! oei - rnothe'r 111 the Cashier of the' fix, n thelmuse ,ii. 111 - al Ke11,, ! ,,,:: in said Na.'l , , - ; think of Towanda. met ii ' ll. " . • '
:, .1 lc'!': -St . rlollS at - cidtnit. on Friday , .C. C. McClelland. vs • Eleazer l'onleroy.
- 311-5... 14:1 t - - ;\:i: VIS it 111 , at her CZutrt ; appoint IZ. .1. Mt-rein. Esq.. 31as
•:, C--. .11., s. AA ~. 1-.NI- 4 1. 5 . in Milan. and ter in this case.
:-,-.;,- w , -re liding in a big., , er when the Nl - 111 - T, the 'A
. .10 , 41.11i11L' late. I ' , llllt
I ' , ' ,1 .' 1, ' fri:ditulicil and ran. Mrs. i appoint 1)4001 Ouvy. Esti_ .1 Cm:inns
: -. V..... 1111,0ttl to the grtuttul„ and i ' 4 '- i nt'i!!!" takt . (I `l" . '-siti'llls.
mulct - with the animal's feet. ! -kin'!" 'l. Phelps' no' NI , A1 " Illi:1111 II
;..,... IVA,: very lialny ocit. , and bruised. Bore`, t 'mut tbre-t rec.nal to be ainen , !-
',cr friends hope 'Si:'' may ~.J c41. 3 1. .. 1 ed. . .
; Arthur Yates v- 31 Coleman. et . al.
I tule un plaintiff to 'give security for costs.
he behi,z, a non-resident.
Henry !' Coryell vs :qartin - ItOgers.
huh , 4 1 . ::1ite41 le,traillin::: V,airitiff flout
pr , weei_liii.2. 1 ,, 4' . , !11t . .'t iti 1 ,- .41111 . 111. i, 11.-
•- FnElktor.: a yoanQ: son of .1.
••,. phly;111:f I'M the SCh()lt!
11'1," V... 1:•• by
1`...1;• '1111.1b1..; at largt....
: • hi. lave% The
• •.!. t r "
• .1. ." vet till: th . . ' ,
• T e
.41111. 1 11: , 11[11%: , !:11.:Cd. st
-.1.1111•! . /i- V. it 11,1;tt a 5ucc , .....04-
' l . At ti:.' 'cite Fair i.r great
Orl and
• ttr:` trltl.lo . Seneeil
;Inc Stat , . j. N% id! , :une coo-
ith adtiition. of stilt , Lions
(I.oit thti= paint. A-t
into. tilt!
Y.. , r.t. it •• F:tir at
:61 - Ini rat :ill and the firht
Lt,t i'ri-
I irr Fair '4_440111
yietory. wt‘
;i11414111 only
r.t,41,t0• fly ill..
ti I
Wm) Ikki7:r:C. . ? , tl.l
PI: I.TT. •I ;.viLonl4
•`l.lrA 1;t:. I
\'‘!: Dri,K. and k
• I
int I,lf
II) }- T.
I -
.r • Lii , trict :
• Trky.
i. ;:. I‘..C.;c:':-I,..;ithtivid.
r.t; Et-t
M ,, ll.l*Ovti.l)..,lllllllit a t 1
, A. NViltr.t.t., J. : 4 1.T;
Vottlii-.l:::..!;tek , :,tat., A,. E:{-
• l'. i!,t,•;,::li, lITLir, 'Mil/H(111 0 y
:411) - 1/ . 111..11 W.:
• .I. / ; .it'lti!:. ‘ K12c),X%;.1b• - ,
Silpplioa l c (..t.
.I'. • M.0.4•1*: lITISOII,
.% J. M. .It-rttlornant;
t.. ttli-q,ll.
. -. :011 •.1 con
•• I
-1.310 Pt .
th, funds of
i••;: 11, IN1(1 at t ,lc•
and s„:• many
!II wyre rt.Tived.
!..111,t•e, , nry !!, tax the
• • tint , . !Tarim.;
t;.n. , e%trral
•1; ~ r,11.•:, 14) (NI 6)r, NV('
I" . , knr , fi 7 l:ln.l win
-0•1,. t..i , dry
fk)Caill :try, pre:—ing npull
(Mr, .io;z:Pli
. zl.:in:tiv . ,ll:led the Ilse I,!
”..(• lil 11,•1,1 .
‘ , ••1:n•z. 4.101wr : 15. ::nll eura
; ,)f the society
..vt• in;ty..l,y
m, , rk;
v. ill a
AlO-1,1111.15:,.. -
)It:,: E.
31rEn, Ci=r. - Scev: •
.1711 E: I'lP (k.t:c. ,- Le gives
p::131• cr,135.11 . 1:11 , the
tl is hiee.
- ;4.• ;tip!. t'.ll 0 . 4 t; t e
g St-rvive.
4 •:‘ 1 .141; tp., E ,luuttri Lt Ca 1V tiwaett
stables. -There being no- means ,at band
to control it, thei flames soot; • spread to
Donseic'ei stables, thence to : Pikes sheds,
.and from there tla• "trick's ilow,". and
the Pike Howie._ These b ring wooden
building?, a tire fins long 1. - Ccen expected
and dreaded by the people ; but, forte=
!lately for Athens, the night was quite
oalm, thus averting the' danger caused by •
flying cinders. However, we did not ex
pect the tire to stop . short of the Canal
Office; and only for the little hand-engine
brought from BLOOD'B foundry, the house
of., S •N. BLOOD; • the Episcopal' church,
Mrs. DousEr'a house, andAuartx 3lrrcu
d.L's residence, would have been among
the number laid in ashes. But few
thought the fire could be stopped where
it was, from the :fact that the . burning
building was so - to that of Mr.
.PLOOD'S., but a desperate effort on the
part of the men soon subdued the Hanle:4.
"Patrick's Row'' was occupied •by the
following persons :
OWES DOSELY shoeshop and residened:
loss'slight; no
Mrs. I:I,SI3ItEE; loss slight; no insurance.
B. F. Suenxt.oi, harness maker; loss
about loll; no insurance. '
Mrs. RonmsnN, reside:nee and dress.
making rooms. Loss from *3OO to *400;
no' insurance. •
I,number of the rooms in the above
named building Were not occupied, hut
were being refitted. • •
CIIEWTER PAnK!,sbUildings were occupi
ed as rollows:
fIICUAP,D PECK, shoe shop and residence
—Loss about .$200; fully insured. -
Mrs. Owr.N, second story - as residence—
Lows sli.rht; no insurance.
C. AV. CiAry- 7 -Loss tc2,500; insured in
.Conunercial 1. nion, for $1,200.
M. Ptliti—Lo s s
.$4,000 to $5,001; cov
ered by ingurapcnin 'Royal and Lancaster.
6 H. W. PATRICK—Loss ir1;600: insurance
in Royal Canadian; 1.200.•
llA.icoc:K—Loss $1.4;00: in , nranee
in Royal. .1,•.200.
E. W.IWAnNEn-Loss ith,urance in
Royal Canadian, $4OO.
it r.sTi:n PAR I , :—Lo,;gjill,(liN): in-an - awe
SARAH. A. DoiNEY—I.,,,.
tabled, but covered by instil:met. in Royal
S. N. IlLoim—Loss about S4OU: covered
by insurance in Hart ford and Commercial
"Ti le building, 1 in.Pittc tliu c bit
were more or less - thimagred, :Is Was also
furniture mol•ed from shores dwell
The burping of Ilez+C Intildin;;; renders
it pueuliarly unfortunate for their occu
pants, as buildingq are very ::earee in thii:
place, and have been for a year or IWO
Two horses Sere among the lost..—one.-
belonging to C. W. Ci..ter. a valdable
mare: and We are sure C. would soon
erhave' lost xll his property than this old.
and tried frieffil. The other horse be:
longed to'the Donsuys.
It was reported that a Inun.ut bi•ing
perished in the flittnes..lnit we are
five the report is wholly tinfoundell, • •
- .There is no doubt but that t ir.“l • ..aS
the work of an in,sendiarv.
(' It 0 11,1;11
IZul!..'. ill till,.
c: 14. :• 7- W (1 . P.1.11.1:111
n . 1:.:11 , .• •:',lnw
Hen. l :‘ n ftilehokt ~.1.n,11 nut 'he , n17! . 0..::t'.0 , 1
to :Ito 9rthe'Flaintiir.
Yonnio.•1%14):: y, It 11 .
an-I II ..1V 4 • t'otuct ,tay es, etttion
ht lulu to slinv; t.ttt,e
.11ot1141 not be opened. :nift
(Ii tleft.ntiant , tut into - a ilt.fein , e.
,k.V:a Delpt-n011..e•:,e,-iltor V-aluldine
v- lie•nrale.e co,
;..•nelv trial ielltsed
TI!!: \VE , T7 HI:ADre)::11
ri11 . 111(`I'S • (11111 Tr.iy
:.:,•;:t a fre, , i o n ot' uu
proc111,•1 , . tr•zlicultaial and imeithni,!::l hm
r4cild be
liel Put ler the an-pi, The,
.invi!yd 00' e1..-(11)121:it inn .0. - tl k I,eupie • ( If
• ,
3011:s: the rt..e his
farm atpl aimpttt mile 'west
of the 1,.,:011 , 2.11. 'of tlk vT:ter
pli•.• intt,t lint 'been a ,o-rpri.e ecru to
the tn.),t cut.Lu.iastie eitizt , n At( We:-.t.,E•ilt
dr - zzplay m•vory depat.t
ins•lit ‘v,111 , 1 have (I•mo t'o
exhihiti,mn in the emaintey, anti
the at teutlaii(7A',. was very iarg . e. Of course
frieze was not the system and regularity
which well ; urranizeil st wit:tics mailit aim
Litt \.-k•ii e that th e exlipmion
iniptoipptr. 1 , 1
..:; ;11:31
~'•1 ~~1 ':11 '.... •'ll
1 , 11 both .1::% • ••. -
G . • • • •li • 't•lVl', din tli train ,, f
aik • 1,, t'“; rea c li t A
- 4011' I(.ll,atiq
1/!. , .1 . 1i•11 , 11 ;11.1 on
~~h:.n ti,:,,
T 1,.• .•::hibitiou On? „pploael, in
ponr. p ion and oilt•nce.. -,v3s•
•• t'Arri of
. ~ ih!• 1 , .o;•!vy iambi
all iu
- 111 the ihst we
nt; , :it-ed , the two flu Lug tleit •Aoie
at tho - secont :State *:1- . .tir at
r:!: re they ertgag..4 a - great
lttenti , tti WiL;•
rit .l /I s t• nust premium in-thtat
“wipr. , 1 , 1 . I 'IC,' ti e f t i t hN. ;101 tt'e ct'e by
glance at the that the tirm
nine tv.v.‘,l-1 1 , , at this fair. )ther , toattitfit:•-
titter,: also ...I:.het•,l a large tittuttk I Of
Watt..l o ll t
I - r.
Then c;:lne the ion td`.. :e tle,
, tretehin.; a long distance. along this road
side. COI:NELL Brothers 6xltillited a fine
lot of Xvrsliire stuck, E. rtimEran - bad
on exhiflition. tunotig. other sto e k; a no
tlet:oos large steer.. and Lolu:N . LEON %En
several Aldet !icy coNft. , . But AVC11:11i. 11 , 4
the tit-;!n to 'rata
Thi_• floral cli,play!ivas tine for, the
of the E. PomEntri had
a tto:Ally eolleeti,u .. filun iris new green-
Lnut-e. and -rural,,ithers enlivened the
hall with rare and beautifill cut dower:.
NA-get:tides, fruit. and
wcre rell reptesentekl in the exhi
biti,n. while the tifsplity of hoise , was
exvelkiii. In ro:t 0 - Fry branvh of
ay..riculthr:d represented.
A gla!ict t t thr list of ittritrds mill givo
hh.a• of the Fail'.
• We shpuhl have sioken or the stoN - t •4,.
faCt by thv •• 31:11111file
tlthlIg C./1111)&11y, -. :031C1: branelicif indus
try for this section. and we wt
Sce that they were as finely finished as
any city-:lnatie stove.4_
We Can give but aipartial list (of awards
trr(•k, towing to it, length.
1 , ! atc tr Fra Ohs Wagon. Alla:tat.; Pols
Sy vrinta. 21 .cor V c . . r
Carr: vi• L. pi., emnintai T. ucks lit
:IWara., •11..
2 Ruggie,' fur Hg 4rl
Ist aw.t Victor'Arri4go! , :;!l , p Tr ti. '2I. 1 r.lak
t •
ailclass—o , I
pen •igzir , for G , n.r3l rae.
is aws , Bratlron!, 4.: ; a4iu d: Cu. 2J. Vlctor I:sg • • • '
IFt alrAnl, Vie o ' Car 'age Phanons. Ist
award:- Vic tor C r; ta;;e • !tops. "
t.) the
aillictt s.
I,t aivara. Bra; f:Ttl, Co.
h C a Wag
Ili 3 1, IA :1.1 t'
award. Vlctur Cr.? Tint. SIlop: 21 Brwitercl,
Guuntln & Co.
- The Committee 31E0 neommind the.tralvi on tE.e.
..11, - ht, lrng , n„*'nntl tm0rr...0.. tp«n
tt.,” nt ;tilt. .np Ow skill to 1 , 1! u,,fini-h•qt
P t.rm Wne,ro . film the Viez,.
ai l',,nip:(th I.llly.
31r. ll.turT, 16riless s. 1
n.p: kss slight
ina insurance. .*
GEN Eli AL Lth,..ES
X 'I rON`
1 tai; —r. • r 11-.1^.6n
4th Class—Top Rug:les
sth Cla.s
1:4:/t,rr natt, r n
7:h C tte
%le Cwajj; I!,
• tihiglattAtt
L -
°ne ho me (Pottql. Potrrr. IA award Enterprise
in , cg eat One dogpower, Circutathaw, and Cutting
Vox, tat award, Enterprise' Itaoufacturlng Co.
One Horse Thresher, ist award , Doane & Vanning,
Ist aWard, Towanda (Bois) Fanning Httl: 21111
Troy ranaingMlll. 1 . •
• ilorse Hake, Ist award. N'. P. Vastett.
Potato Planter & Cutter, Ist award', it Styles.
Whlrdk ten Carrier; Ist award. TII 1 'll , alu.l I -
Land Itoller. Plaster Sower and Hay, Loader, let
awards, L D Taylor, ?
Portablo fence, Ist Mrar (l . .1 H Drake, (highly
Hay fodder, tat award, H Styles, (Nash llms.)
Wood Mower, V.., feet cur, Ist award,it Styles. •
I. Telegraph Cutting Bar, 211 award, It Styles.
. Eureka Mower. 5 ft Cut, Ist attartt IF•Dullock. ..
One horse hoe, and hest colleettot Plows, let
award, Paine Manufacturini Co, •
Best Stubble plow and best. reversalde plow. lit
award, Enterprise ManufacttitinivConipany.
Horse:fork. Ist award, Wadding.
e - sToVES. .
I , No. to Domestic, Ist award. Paine 31'1 - g Co.. oak
1 opettluz, Ist award, same; Sweet:Howe. 4st award,
same; Parlor Stove. wood. ISt award, same: Speed
The plow. Parlor Cook, Ist award, saute.
CHAS. U. TaTtott.
. .
I' Put. En I'ECKII.B3I.
W. A. Womb, .
1.. IL DoartE,
. Po
4;,-1, Ist anted, C 11 Card; 2.1, A M Card,'
(toslings. Ist award. I, P Wl[llatas..
Bucks. Museova. Ist award. 11 C 111,:11,
Connuen ducks. Ist award,!FAldle It
Turkeys, Ist award, S C Bradford.
. Legberas, Ist: S C Bradford;
I, .1 M Strout.le, '
light Brahma clad:L.:l;4! s C Bradford; 2.1, CI
1. Lareem: ('am. II II Ituntiy,
Light Brahma adults. Ist' A s Cuopor: 201 S C
Sliver Spangled jlamburgi, 1.1. A S Cooper; 2d,
A M - Card; 3.1. Fred Lament..
Bushell Bantams. I:A, Fml Lament.
Burt C.
Bu ;Mtn adults, Ist, C M Card: 2.1..1 M Mor
gan; 3.1, 11M Furgason.
Cochin Chicks; /sl. II B Watkln.; 2.1. A
Putridge , Corbin.. adnlts.• ist. (*aid
Patridge thleloc, 1.1. A Johnson.
Houdans. Ist. F. VOSIOIrg.
1•1•4 :Thutiey showed
.aTtine 1 . 0011 Of l'loo3
I 11 E. s.
• 4 '(4lllll4tee,
5,,,. ist am.',l. S (' Bradford; 21. Cyril,ll Hr.,
Sow :: months. old. list, Cornell Bro.: 21. s odd,
34, Cortt‘ll Bros. ,
Hoar, Ist, (' 11 Frelt,ll: 2:1. ,
c,,,11,11 8r,.,
Boar pl , g'. 1.41..1 B Card.
clie•ter \V hits. 1't..1 I..onard; 2d. .t .4"tooie , r.
I te , ldre. I,t. 4 5 Bock WM.
I' 'r‘,.... A \I .ferle.ii. io,g, roliimenci..(l.
NV. 11. J(kuNso.N.
- ' . • . ..i. B. 31f - tit:AN.
• . . • .V. S. PAIIsON S.
. 7 L.; P. WILLIAM,.
I'mm - flit I% 0.
W R 11 1
• 11n.,piwri . to: 211 Itartitutat.
Ist:award, )Irs A .!s: AVa
i 1 . f..k10 , , Ist award. r 1 A Parson , ..
- 31nph• Syrup: Ist award. )Viii
To ityd , ,s; Is: award. JameA Hal Idyll:.
r, Adin 'alk Alowvil a can of !wr:. car.
041 :1 , 11 a , -an of pearli. - ”, 1, ycar, and Ininy
oth •r, attlele, wori
r.dl;•rilnnr. A. 1i - l'aineroy
Cul tiowcr., (Lr•a collretlint!. l Mrs A IV I.l.6lmarti
. .
I itlwrs ,!lots.-41 8 vati,!y of tioque:, of
, 11101 , ".. pal,ir :trol titheTlfl,,wer.: also tinny grow
lltt plizlt.. Mit , . D. 1.11.1. EN:
- 0. Liati0. , ,, , .. .
• .1.01., Met:'. %N. '
i41.0v En l'utimcl How beantit c ully;,.
these meow. autumn days are rounding k
i fnt
out the measure of a bOuntifill ta uer;.
se aso n I The crops, take them al in all, '
have been very satisfakory. an t have 1 ,
been gathered• in - gOod Order. • Thkre is
no reason to complain of the markets. t
The leost has 'spared the buckwheat-,
cakes and the corn fodder. Jersey. Dela': .
ware. aunt the Lake Vineyards have sent
us fruit micipialed for quality, profusion,
and cheapness. And rote't-••• Lt Autumn '
the (tlyanger's) fancy lightly turns to 1
thotights of'—politics, ' .
Wptinv,tla v.
'T is ever thus with the autumnal sea
son: the garnered Crops, the dropping
nuts, the crimsoning lent; '.are as provuea
tiVe of S1111( . . the
buds or 31a}• are of the tender passiiin itt
a Young maps, or maiden's fancy. Noy,
that our doughty neighbor of the Corlil .
. Ear Gran: re has been sti remiss in his
duty to his I, , leediu:r country- as to post.-
pone his e,n , kavors altogether to the mel
ancholy dirys. Says Ito my Wile. a year
ago or more : Ailit it Wonderful. how •
faithful that man is to his newly-plight-
ed trail' Here he is. lighting for his old
em....nty night and day, with tooth - and nail;
forgt•trul of self ('t was ;Nett. thus) anti
mindful only of the greatest gOl/(1 for the
greatest utunber-- - says-,
• Almira. with her tingorOir her lip,•'num- •
her one." She is* tot given to many
words, bit: tho siia 4 ular wisdom 4.1 . .that
woman P. too deep for me.
What do you think. 10y: of the
proia-i; ty of raking up :-cores awl
Lttricel eccords, when our very nation's
•thoi the finances
arc zi! i I.' itie 111iy 11:1V'. lAA' our .
First ['tool of the Treasury. a w
patriot ho r
is (on tirst-::1,1 Democratic authority) a
stcrlimr .lefortner. and a! 1 hpue,t as the
thy I, lung. yon please.
a, to file averaf , tt length' .an Elmira
day n he should we not I:1111 in, :121(1
1 / 1 11'y211:4 Th. 113.4 ()1:1' .: ,i:2111.- all its
:'. ' el for our pu rse
*carer ti.r sple'ss McCooN financier?
Vnless tie::,gotten plinkentS Or
t wenty-eight years agn gave him too
now!' art int. he was capable of wonders
in the ream of militarY tinanee.. Anti
mtw I think Fe -ought to elect hint Trete , -
urcr. for twtw paramount reasons;..(l). We
want man of (C) wry:m:4[st: INTECI2ITY
take of what tui,- - erable remnants
of inflathai'rws tho-u” llqpnbliean thieves
la:volt-ft us. ( - 2). The Oolonel is bound
1(1 Wl2l , `:l2oe other, and has sworn
alwaks It) oo for the higher o ffi ce when
denied . the'lower. Thus he has gone on
raising his requirements step by step. un
til at last we may begin to see the end in
st.o t e for its. ire are wise—if We du n t
want to tee him President or Cesar in
1:1 . 6, tie must stain him stimewhere in his
tipt.)-trd car, Now or. never' Think.
too. if you can, of the untold misery ill
tlictiql on that sensitive organization: tip;
terriltle. life-nut! , laceration of that tender
heart. For though a migid v man of war.
the served all through the I:ebellion with
nre.'in Canada and at Fishing ('reek). the
Colonel has ever been distinguished by an
ainufst woman-like delicacy of settliment,
..fc:ling. Wituesl his cheerful and
unifoln courtesy to Ins political alversa
ries, his delicate after-dinner anecdotes,
his chiCtalrous deference for age .anil posi
t —f don't reftir now to the shde-string
episiitle.—and— a ease in point : at the
time when tko t -e superhuman lace-tyings
c-elit requisite for the salvation of wound
ed honor in senatorial halls, it is related
how that ho occupied - at the hotel one
night a Led in roan; with the
great -Proviso king,
-- ~
Tlw Paymaster 11,1,1 141 en laborin ,in . •,.
Ti , Agent wilt canvass tie! Townstaps' of Twea
season and out of
terfere, with other people's plat ~, pik e. iirirtek „„(115 - 3-alnstng. and farmers in
season , : hut the Om-
Irow do you • know he wanted to ,uin- -, < , "r,,o.,whips wl>liin g insurance or Information,
san was str.mgely apathetic, The tr - 1 y
7 on I
, may adilreis. : •
rescued . - . - ~.• A. 14; SCJINEII. Sec. :mil
Payniaster had youth, eloquence. tears, ter-Plat •
' S wrin ,, ' Bin. Bradford Co.. Pa.
Ind unspotted innocence on his Side. The - i i • ','- 'He appeared anki4ous Idiot WI . 1 .
I • WM. SLIC3IWAY, 're.. torrito4
appointment ought to have been confirni- : " .. )
~ .. , , 1 ;hall sir," said John. "He wrapped hi ....
OW Irt ; . Goods, and Trimmings, at i.l 4f917 ". - • Price Twenty-Flea Cents,
self a b out me like a devil-Bh. ATEWSPAPER ADVER'I'ISING.
cil unanimously, and withont the hesita- • t
tion of an injurious ma nent. But it was l' • . EVANS & HILDSETII 4 4 '''''
I' - '
1. ; ---- ••-----
no, 5.."., .U . tr :smile insert table reason; and P. , _7•l'rhe •Phiee. to bu-•
. 1 10 ; 1 1o ti t l e e
Silawls!ls at }CENT A: ltt..tss'. Felt Shirr se t i s ,9 ll f. . t t h o ( r ) ,e u
t g h h e t r.
. 01 T 1e h t e i l m t.
1 b e o
I N l % ;; e li 'd t to bo t he gaPsdch°4)ll.ll e 'Y-E — IGIIT EDITInN.
• _
coot alt hia , tt:rompl..:;.9 list of alt the town, nr tin,
King .• mon and. liitig )avid must be re:`•
f 241,
- _LA c..n.t.lra TVs the ea' . can:nta, having a porn:l,4ll"a greater than 50'n10 "'' - - ; cording tolin, , ,ta,t ,•,•ints, together will& rho oamts
sp , llsi , le. ' The latter potentate wanted
• t_ tioed state,,,t 119 Te, ritortes and the nontnt,,,, id
to NVO ' le drowsy
. Ltod. but Its he stretch - ni All the daily papers. weekiie . s and ' ; .u.
i . ;l_
li lfo . r
_teaching people how to let a, .
ed his 011. d-limbs and folded his hands to . 19:09ziiit's cheap. :0 II'lliTeo3111& SIX:St:7'4, 1! ' , , .
- ~‘ 'T . ?..lIIGIT VALLEY ANI)
slumber, there came from the direction Of • 1 , ...... PA.. sz ! ( 1 1 , Illy 11•AVSpitpttl'S1141A1014 the largest lotal ta
g, in rash of, ismsl , l3.o.hittuerl. ...lltm.a catalog
ii-„ .. • ~then couch, :1 'gentle gush of woe. • ~ n'l DO yOu w r init to set tut your u.,b,le,: ii i i_A IN. Y. RAIL I:CiADS.-Arrangonient of I'a<. of o e Wrlgt !Wl's' iv h!ell Ito
rucomno.nit,ii to advvr
.' , real: it Tralo. to talto,' • , r• 1•y • , •-- 1 • tisers as giving greatest Tattle in pv61).1119:4 to ph,-
I:1 1100 '.
tlarc, 1) r^ demands', the 1.,‘• a kii,•tho (1:,,,k0ry sm.., or o. A. Bt. i.tli , " - ;‘ , -- "; -- ,'„,-,, - " t -',,: ; ----'' ' CI.
. LI".
: (1131 11,41. ',.1. Iso, ;All 111•wsral,ls In Ilit• United
1 NonTrt . W.soD,
Coligresslll3ll.- •• what the _ are
_yol.l You ,art' Irdi , atitliting, frouri9m plat. to 1 foil t , , 1 -' -. 17 ' AL - . i ,,,,, -A
Irvin, ;;toOlt? .• •. Boohoo -Loo l - be- I ' . ____4..i____ t•it r.
t - . • No No tN o ,r AT10 .,, , ,,. , No . ? ,, T oiNo i i,:-;? . ... , . ,,4 1.1;1 , iz a i ii u t i 1 i t: , -J i ce ., ll l g ,. l: l , i t , l „ • ;l J1.F i r1e ,i t e t,031 , , ,, 5 . (•i.• 1 1 , ,.-
1.:111se. Pm afraid you don't love me as well sir- 'S i ; ew Talde Damasks, 'Napkins and Torrels i ,15i'9 1 7 i : i,' 1 2 1 4 ,
..; i ; EIII11 1 ;11 lona% 04 . bic1;11.I1111 7 1r.lile(1., I1;.al Estate . .
:Is I 10.1:e you '." (T):4; fa:ley-sketch, this). at I.:NAN . , sA: liitonr.tirs.
,t , .- 1 1 ' -----, ' Law, :sporting', 3losleal, Iwilion, an•l oilier :TOW
; ; i'm i A:11 I'M ' .
Tears, youth, innocenee, eloquence and ~..,...I. _ • .. .*---- •
~..,.s 4 hue assortment of Broadcloths, :.! , 2 .2 : l . ,f :' ,
, 1 5 1 . 3 ,, , ' ! i 5 11: ' : " Nl ' i " .. - . ' l ', - ' i ,Ip i,ll ' • - . 1 ..... ' , 1 ::'
0 . 15 , , . t i !!, - ,;,, j ;:•:,? 1 t, " 11Zji . ; ', Piyei 2n rt; q ( ? ;l. l Ll : :;il 17: ' 1 14 :t! ' r 'l S it printed er.itil
a suppre. knee. did the business then: All
IJoe , ki s and Fatirr sultin 9- ,, tilt! °pellet! at V ~ . In ll°. Utulttstltates. Also. an essay upon atin•r
hut the 'yenth remain: and in place of that ! -: ,_. • ; • • ... - • 1 , .
, •',2: 3 - 1. •• ,, •,.....:
( 7 '.. , : ••• ••,... i5, ...,.,...t. 11 , 1 1L 1 4 .... 1-
4.' '''''' 1-
we have the riper fruits of age, g - ray hai -,, • -I '' ' '
.. '''
. " KENT & lII.V-.4.. 17 . Ithaca
1 ~. 554 12 '28 : .,,...,: ...... OlVego adverilsingin ivariott, itorspapors. and, everything
4-1 ; , ;;2 :: ' , .. l '
.. '' , 9 • 4 ,. - -,:., ; 11,10, r-i: mane tables or rates, hitttv.iiik - the c" , +; of
it 43 • r, '
-00 ' which it nrgionir in ativerttsli,g v.0:11,1 Ilim to
f,:t contracts, experience, and :t thirty- .. " 1 11 9 C0i1.9 55; Ban ..... .Elnllnt .. 6 15;10 ;IA 53.1 ,
~, , ,Dl, To secure childrell.4 . 4)ictures-LikCl , 0 35 I ^..5
n 9 °5 Way,. oy ; to, n ;2-5, t 55 , kt "''''' • A t in "l. i - i ". p m Ff . l t 4. i
years' record of office -Seeking unalloyed.
1 '! 041 i 33.•9 12 slyre 5 33, 8 If,. 4 4+l . . „ 4
Athol's...4:- 3 •”1, S /i, 142 : _ 4 . 1 . 1 g.'!'.., ; 4l Park Rnie * New li-'ll
- we not give him our Inoney_bags? thott! to thy new italiery. --,
'r o :: - .0 l'ns 9 in
He wants them. Can there'be found, in ' "
M --1 Have yon seen the new .ptit_ r .nt ~i . r . ' . 2 .5 . 2 ., ( : 7 ii i 1l 7 - ,; ( : .. ......75 1 ,;• .- ai l n N •4 ) ii k... ! l 5 ('";. 7 6 1 4 3 ( 7::4 i°
D ~
the keystone State. a patriot who will,
. - jilt ..:?. 3 (2:11 12 ....f.m..yvi110.....,..; (2 ; (; 2 ,- . 3 u 7 1
111,11,:e a better use of them; who will set.: carvor. tor sale by ilt,At K'' •
„ : l‘ ... • . 'l2 32 ...sloppy.m..:'..„. :rt ever . IN CONN FCTION 'WITH TIIT. li.ltiEllY. •
forth the owner es of addition, division'; A nttw style picttlre-the rroine- ! 1: • 11 . 3 . 5'4;11 ?..:,..Tonl:ll3tmork ..; 3 22 5 3e; 2 24 i
• - . :_
i md silence WIIIk ,t4llfq, consummate skill. , natle- . ..-Itikell at S. J. FIiIIER'S 41311ery.,. .. , i! IF.
1 1
. : 1 : .: 1•r• i l
3 2( .... : . • J.... 4 " p 1 i 1 t : 1 ,, : t 1: . 1::y . , .a :
.1 ' i
..2 "
4 4. ":11 , ; 1 1
. 42 :
.-Nt:liit TUE COI - liT 11017,„+1 , ..
7sltil artless li al fee and grace-Silo : now, I , : - - A .2 - t 5 m,, 2
• of ..,...W. 111rro ....I 2 17, 1 foi 115 ! st. . •-; - ' t torso t• I '..• • .••, • . •
Man, you're surely Mot-yes, you are (no, 1 ;,... - 7 - 7 '' A full line of Black and 3fourningd 2 n2t o 321 3 ..27i..':.w. ttiv,e• •• - tit ~,. „,, , , ; ,, ,4 05
. 1 i
~f ‘ 1 , 1 ; ,, ...L . t , t, p r.. a e rt:: . , ,, 1 1 , , , ,gtiN: i .... ,L,.. r.., ttA1 u i, ; , i 1 L . ll ‘. , ( „l; ;:.:, l i i ij ur; , .
- 10 not) twitting us, 011011 t. that Asylum ; Ore Coeds lust opened at xxxi . & BLISS [SepS'i , 3 , 4 1 i,i 7 7 ' , I ,',i 1 , 1 :,. • . :ii, i i :;',,, 1 h r y.i::',,: k ." . - :, 1 1 2 1
. 1 1 : : 5.;; 1 1 -i i i 4.2,'.: •;
their to.n.unri. 7'. •
"till—sit—sit ! my dear !"
'''`' ' ''''''''' ° ''r ; " --I ' - '., • - i 4 451 9 3 - l! 5 5°!.... Allontown• •• • ita 4 . 712 23 In e . 5. 3larch ;10.'7% . 6. NI% ,itty'r &t`l 1„
FENcELoa. : - ..-,3 - • Opera, Field, and Spy Glasses 111 a great, ta•- • 4 40. 8 31' 1 :13:.. F. P: J•t0rti0n..1......:12 oOn 04)1 - - ---f-. , .. _ _ ......
-...-'. fitly at - HENDELMANia. 1 5 Oil g 4 7, 0 0.1:....11 , 9i1P1wiii....1,) not 2 to a 4-, - \
TA LI:A 131. E MILL PE OP E it ' ll: .
i i " !:i " .',''' 31-... „ .t , - .:e ,„, „ 'lot ill tc , , o I:: • i
I , m - e,,,ff Mae Goods, is erery style, at 3 rs._. 11 4, to ~, s2 , ~.I di ad•dph•a.„.• .4 :10 , 9 1.70 Bro i . Foil S.:. E. AT ST EVEN , •S'II.I , .r. 1:1: 51 , -
i 8 : r o IA 0 1 A.tleW York ....' .. :.. ; 0,35; :', :a• ' t Oil i 0 ( .4 l'.. P,A.--lv In mil • , in, wr.,;,;;.•,,,-, ~,,
FLETCIIEIC! 4 .- No. 4 Bridge street, Towan , l, , . 1 . 1
,„ - ,I rm : rat.,. • 'A NI T , p‘; 1 110 1..!11gh VaPty it. I:: Thi , pct 1.,0-4). ,'t.tr44, tt '.
Cif' ir. aat Ifni I.ln,nie lamps at I
--- --- - -- -1---*--- ----- -- ' - - • ; :I. i; It IST 3111.4.. ol.h four 11111 or (.;(11 •ts 1 10g-AOl
0, A, ELAcK's, ar . For Stone Churns, Butter, Cream, AM:itllO:B*AL TuAl NS. '1 , . ololt:Mo; :t SAW MILL, oth tonv amt fir4t-,-ia,
, Or Preserve Pots, go to RIIACR*S " :Cy . . 29 /13Yr.1 Fintlia at 2 41„ p, T,s„ f stopping
, rt-,•wr Arr.'s:of *lantr,
[Seri ; 3o '
all s'attor.s, arriving at waveriv at 3 20; . 1 . 1; Waltinl.lit ;•711 1 ,1 1 ::::in,,::: ; : i h., 1 ,(: 1 ::• L ECtiN.GS. ana
LE'"' Dress - trimmings in great variety, 1.. -
. . a nt 415 and WM. , P• 0 1 ,• •,, 9 . c,'" 1 '' ' 1 ;,
I t . P,7, ",' GO to KENT Z: BLlSS . .allti See I..liletr No, .4(/ 'Males II M.'s -11,tr .1 , I 2 0 . 8. M.. ant , . ' ,„,-,. • 'Atl'ir""
at BENT ..t MASAI'. • . [sepatf , •
Fall Stick of Drs Ott, 1,3: Nupt , f , I ping a• al , via"in , . art - 111,42 a , l' , ovaidg at 10 51, --- --• i - -- • s--- -- -- ---
• kr.•intra •,, I 2 .T% so,' 1•1. , .-s.s. 3 €(1 p. 111. 1 "
t ?: i 1 1' " " r 4 1 1' .4 . Nwpc!._
• • 1 -N. ,32 "-, ;T - • ;•1' -, 71 0 '.... in.! - 4 tit !: -... : • . .
, P .--- >"'"1141 It) DI:CF"' Brtoc. for ITuder: , _I 3 " ,-.1 •'" -- lr . ' l ' ° g. ' " . "'"1 .. 2' . :' '''.."'• ft ' - ' 1 1-o • , ' 4 :: • ' .' ' . ~' t- .--- •• 1; '';' TT-.
Ahlrt, and Drawers. in , , 0.• ~. In •
I I '., • . ti 'I ..:1 .d.'l '' (•.' A :.- -1:. :• '. . I :. •I l•
I ,tt. 31 !rave, F.:nora .1: .1 if, P. to.; ttopritig a . . all 1 0,111, of .1:13°I;t•itl Co., N,., 14. D,.... T;,,ln, 1.71.
; , .......-.—..--.• 4. ;................,..,..
. ( I 1 stations. arriving at WaXerly at 6 15. and Tpwantia : The noler.igu l'l 1131":!..g been appiJit,led al, amli.
„W!Dviellinm Houses to rent eh ap, I- al I ID p. 111 . •• , tor by ;3314 L(11 11. to ta.‘1,11,... .11.. , ICVIrin:, filed to
, ° . I ; i Train a leareS Phl33ll , 'pllta at 2in p. rn., No - N. - ! tio. hurl acro•ial or A. lf,F,Tom'efla g, S•, , Ml-
Enqulre of 0.: D. xrxxrr. at ormrros & t,st. ' 1 :- - . 1, v 2 :IV, arrivlnt• a , l'?./.1:1.8119r.r1.7 TV le I,' p. rt . % i n‘ign. - o: - r•:‘.0 5v'dr,..,..,.. a - att • - .11 ,, , ,. Iv ., ,••••,
-i ' I
r. LC? . tr ,.
1 : r-' •! . - ~.
ii• , _.,
_ ... 1 45e- T 3 Vit'g J.- ,-, r , r, . ha , d a frr' , l l 8,,, of l Tr;IIIIR It • - it'•!. Mnin •I,:l'y v.lth i,' , tg,, , , =lt. , p•tt, .. •., Tint' .la, h 1,;:, - • rN, v isn I!'.. on. •
4 :tr*“..! , 1. S!! , •" 1 . at 5 . ." 1 S7" 0 : 1 P 1 " 1: . alot I - :ye ! cratk• ty. at v•ry 'ocr . fgaror, I mill sel the ek•mo IC I ' ' nth 'I. . :
tar It• 1; ,'.ll - :II ie' 111. ',:., ',. ::;',.1 d.o. A , n i lit n
1: no•-••- in g7sial.nail' vrti, aiU.l:l4/,, , 151.:4•1.` , .5 Jeli - e/- : Ettitya4 . , /41V., Wilt/till ..t.kaal,y yours dr. 1 „I rirrn‘ ' 1 7•1! 1 !..' 1 ” 1 1 '' •. 7: '^''l •'
, T , !'t 2 19 f , ':111 , ` r• 1,1 4.,...r. (I- pIT ' • A • •";.: 11. (I v ; ., - A: .• • pr-•-
is-43.tts.s. i • 1ic0m....a .1..:.4.1..r0 m,.. 1 , !.., .. I ~., „. 1 ctv. .• , • ' ' ' - ':'Z' 1•1 i.V/VVI4 4.i. i..•.:.
. ' • " til et. Aiatit;% 1 jii, P. .I:4A.)Z i VV.liitUClO4krat% 1 Vat 4101 ;ONO 111 *al I Vgista -
I 1 I
.Ili?.:F.1. fp,
~ 1,.
7 Xi' 'cu a!lt to aicarra good aftivle, and gut !.
:myth of y,ur tha p!acu to gut 31.
5:: Ja• 1 . 11.11:: 1,1 ,
( otunitltt-e
I-t avennt. V. )t. 10 , 1.;:. l't'at •
awanl. 1.. I%
I. t. 1: L
'lirOtarpiir at Atm FLE
VW' The poorest nun in town
moues ilr - calgts to buy a #ult of clothes at .1
al-floyis! linen cohuii its itori-ri
It you: want anyihilig in tit.
Tpie:i!utlers, go to BLA:cws:
Or If you have got to puieilasol
call at WHITCOMB &
orrold. pictures copied and en
dnced to any size desired, and turn
oil, plater 010r5.,, or NV= the new Untie
A. 11i...scit7s Store.
Ear JAcotes liasjust , received al
dlvlllend on hls gold mine stork, and has
it hi new FAIL Clothlog, which he 14 now
14wee than ever. . ,
C 3- Go to DEeliral 13Hos. to boy
Sutile( •
: a4l" Nen; Embiolderles, White. 600414 all'
sit EyA.Ns & . •
• , r , • - Ei - erythltg iu the hue of st;
ety Lim:03111 . 81 1 4 11 MST'S.
AU the new shades of Cashi
Truc! at [scion() KENT SZ 111
7- If yuit want the Hest Cook Stove oxtt!
at .1 !•Nr...r. , ,, ill 3fereurs block.
C. l %'''' . A One; i - issortuicut of Kid Glo
s i
Tiat and 6dors, at lit",7r & M.P..% r:.e
'1:0 toIVIIITI.:C3113 & SllAUT's.3ierenni
for four 17.0.7 cs and Stationery.
~,r• ,
--_ - •"' Sash Ribbuits at'
scimirKENT •
Flllt I SALE. —A good
Macklin% at taits•half Its tal;ae. tit. PA
Threshing 'Machines,
set. Oeap: Itttl.ts.r. Paint, d.e.
It. 31-..Wt.t.t.i.s
• Call and 'see the new styles 0
lar~And K & 81.1'."'.
rif"' Go:to I)l'.(ifiElt hr buy
Ho!.NrEK P.tssm;i: atic gt
agetiti fur tho colei.rat,l3EAthu,lk•-k Pl:tho
Gto. l WipoD's 8: e lies; in
MIT of Icor u.,mitry.
The largt,t fool liesf svfectlon of :no . l
Summer gwnli yet brought to this market, 1
I'VeetyCei tally, at IL .1 %CBS%
11 lIY—VANNE4.- , At tho )1i E. I'irrtulteic.
T ., • at t•Ni11..•;," a. 5:31,L•2,4, ly Rev. li: L. Wil
l!rtraq, Lautly :Ll4 ..‘li.iA,Flrit L.
"04106. f..-- V:111t1C1q, a!Lof Stailillug Stony. •
Ara" th:Ni.r.t.m.t.: has tie .Al,l 1;gliw, 1 1•:$;.(1•E
stock id Inille:•••:' :c1 , 1 ; , 14et I ' 7 ' l ' ' l *
wati•lw, ?Vet' !,I•4olght tt.7 . o%iptian.LL
yawl Ni•iil.• C. liariltrr. hotL..f S.4:1!1!•):1.
Ntovettie!: autl Fala.y Goods a
• I 1 i
.0-471). , :et fail t., pt It EN in.E31.1 ".... ;it' cun t
w 1•41 to buy apything In Ow Ilny of .tenvlrs.lsilver 1.V11,N%.-1n Orr.:11, Va.. :•-•pr. --..,
and Sllvt•ri.lated AV:ire. I
, ; , ; ______. / .... 7 .:....,..t. p l 1 i :••• • iN:t•r 1,11.)N li•t•••yal:••11,. :b . f.:ill
" K.F..:T & 1,1.15 F, 11:1Vt!" ill:Ntolg.Mlt:tl :t . havlng i, " l, a t aa al l ' a i . "r Ili' 4 .1 "" .4
111 W ni.....pill,itt of Dre.5.1112:0. 1 lII ' ;1:i the lieVi' :1b:1A..1 '' 'C'' r Yl . dr‘• during*" l ". ll l'lri' 4 . l 'h • 4
In , and plain co!or , . Call ntint ~ ...,•,:iivits.l -..erj I.;y • n't- I llikt t by :: Gk . , ~ r g..dihs..i.
i ,- . •!Itt••:11 , d 1. , ' ',:i Ili, /..11,i
44""i-1.11 . 1:1CY 1- . ...1C :"..U.1..---41"tr 113%e a Litery r sh;in ral•-• ii••r 1 y,: .• tr , t , t i
eight I:or,es and g... 1 carriage , . hae . k, ete. • ivhicln, •
h,• l ..-1._• : ,,1 g d i ,.
we utTiT for i.::th,! t: heap :mil fitt re:kooat•i: t,r11: 1 9.1 •• By 1:11g •!, ho. l n • ti,,!:, Ify in I I
Eliglikrt` ~f our ag, , ltt at th• 4 5z:04,... ~r ' 3 t . mil ~ 1% - kiim‘ 't k v. , ll.—y•sa, That
31tth-1:•••tore. ' W11 , . , 1 v..,• our earthly path hat'
.. ,
.:??,- Ft Ili SAl.E.—the subscrjbei I.lllersi t;iittl), s .—I it nt.titil lit.; ,tt.tte. 1
:for !sale a lail:o. rtimaittilltditt and won :li - ringed t 1....7' of """""'''' l ''''' w• H. '''
l 'ul!'lliitg 1 "r a .irY g' ,,,, 1 , Aim.. ini..itii.t hi I.i;nitys.i ' Y'"l.' a" 9 ""Hill!'
1:111... Ilratlfortl Co., l'a. The litillilliig hat.: ;Cgtio.l
cellarj a well-arrange 4 oaks rewn, and an n}4•l- . 1
story ior a t.t.tiTiq rtrtti. etc. 'Win lie nit riot.tisia.• ' I IST OF F LI'EltS re!
h i, . and terrtTi (4 ktyni. - •111 maa 1., tilt pnichas ,, r.,:f. -4 Ow P"r•t 0171 '''' :ii T• r, v• ,,, !Ta. i:ry
• a. Iv.
~ ,,5 E, ..„. , for the weel:!•ittlittz tlci. ti::
Cttrriilli :Il1 , 11.1•1 t ' , :ii tom. I,
Ulla:rel . . 1:41111 1 1 .11 i, .11
1)M.A":111. .1111:3 • • , • 11 , 7: • ".. 1,
.Itirilitii i 1.1:,71:. , :triforil. I
Sil: it 11 I. .tliii.ri I i-ii.ltli, _Mr
'lli , ,atip-i , :i. :11ri , A itvi.i. 'WI Ight. e
‘Vt i.i-ti i :tl;tty A iiiii . w...d.;,,,.. N
1... n.,,, ~ :11it:g ri , r 11i • - i-t,'..
Neath. licoi1”1.1
.. . 1 1.C:•^1C.U. I\-TITI . TE Will be held
at :•pi Po„ o , l3llll,ilVilig ..ti Tice may,: ()et.
at in 1..11r 4I;13:+. and
%yin) Vritiav “TII
14.0 . 1, of 111, a'
l:lll. , 'lNit
° - - - 4 . , - - - 11 , 31;11. the 1,4. u ' Itittit . ,.: 1 idles. the ' l'._ ATE INI - TITI - TE.
Th..! iii..t Nvoit,i- t,rtii of 01.'1- u . :+ll
lick. bialr. 1,11, ,, z 1. roun.l In .k YEW'S MEI)/ . we,. l i „, t i tht .. ~ ill , ~,,,.,,,,',,
i 'IN 1.:',.. aflta' a i l mill, .- ~.,ai oh ao,og otlivrt, alt ! WEDNESDAY NovEmaq
.-d,-. k ~..pi I L . 0,.• wt., i, saftwient. With !la , 1.)::o.. , . lag oo:.1,. ~f o \ 1,.
EIM:IN E. Ip - IN I. AN. l'ul 1
Yt.;.'" .)..ItO ,
, a l illi Braids at Mr::. F1.f.17'11- , -I,7''
'''t L" , r.1" ,1 9t.v. Math( lardkr.l
i 1;;• , ,,1eht x.
--1 -- 4.. t ..oi.s. -.10. . i Awritutt,
Ilii- Ent ail 1.i.i.t., of goql , in tin. Joit..!ryliov, 1 (.'",''''"' i'LL ' E"f/liti , ( 4,44 ."i'. 4l, :g
. 3W5 t 4711:1 - E. N11:1:1!I LI., l'nti
,ail at ',I. lll;•flOff.St.‘s' , .
' is - -g V -P) 1 1 I e1 , t41 ,t,ltt Ili:jh , :i. Ertyi
-- .l . Yl'lle lineNt assortment of Ladfe's 1 Ml•4s Er 1 .1%;.\ BIRTH If. INIII.I.F t
. 1
1 .. ' 7 ; iii,III. L ,, f ill„IfIffh(1.,11 , s1! If
Tic- , at KENT ;t; III.I•: , •. • ' , ..ele..ft ;
IL•f , d,•!“..v.
............_ __
& 6ttArT havc thebest
l uad of inis,ellaneou, book , in North vio
;11111 ;-Mi them cheaper.
:l , II ti
(:o t•r 131:o:. to buy NI , au
Triud,i ;Ind
Laiii,..., tala , yoltr coni!)ing,N to 31 is. ~.:1 , .;!:.'„`..:? t i i „,';',',..,?, 1.- :,,',',l i :", ; :.,' L ;;Zl,.'"i' i
ii FA:. ; 0•11. , y %.-01 1, equal to cot haft-0y tl.Ol will b.= gt`t'n I" Y"allg . lan 14',1•
11. , . .turned oil im,.., ;; ,.. 1%, New e:a , .0.• n lit lA. 01gaikt.e.::(i ,
l o• . - ,
. • ..,-,. I.antfil:l7.oq Mid other imtuchor.
, „ wants ol OM stutfrlth. IThie :teem,.
r PatzsellgerS t;) the West will find it twa-1 - ,-,i,kia , .' Roonti .carp
r advaLt.u.r, to pproia-..• tiacts at th”, Ta- and In: tt! It, d throughout, both for y
I/olctt. from be t. ht. ".. 1 . 1 " . ' ,7::1, ... , 1 tc.d we.o.i. Tuition from ;{ itti ido p....r
i s •,-ion. Voct.l Made and Daawlng . free. 1n.,:tru
,,,. 11, I•^ -I Po:ht or Stati. to to Itvcn St mental Atude '1.2 p,r( t aarter.
1 : For further particulars setol t': , - a ca:al , gti.. or
1 'i callltot ice th , prim dial,
.1.. 1 ul I ns, the ime-priv6clotliing llan, :i 3111.1.F.1; FON,
nreturt,l f.:oln.the city with a large 1:0_e_1:: - .Prestat nt Itoord or Ten:lN•..
itit.g.' •• A ward to the i.. 1 ,... E zmftlele 01. - T ELs I i R Eh.. ,
_ .
7 1 " (111 . 111 .lAco 1:•••• and buy your pays' 1 1 .:11-71.
.0 ,Lunttlis Mitriircu T ticiNAii A ' PA !___ - - .4
fn ! . 1,4 e.:.1 thttn yon can g:d tit- Oothr -. : . ' -'"
A , PIS but once before in his life,. and, li
. kilo- on an occasion of vital interest ,
Ladies' Nvliite. ( 'arty' 4l ill. , ers PIM :art himself, he &ought out the hero;
Soft. Sole Sho, s. 1 1. 0 .y are heantle:. .lus it the hour, and found, to hignnbont
ii :0 c‘.1,1:1: &.(•,,„:•,. .
i the . ed astonishment, it was John Wati -18 7 5 .
..' : ". , • . , ..1 tially atIEND
1 Ito a himself - 1 He was quite enveloped ' SPRING AND St:ALM:It
- --,--.....<10..-____ t inlet.- the tiounces'and furbelows:of , pre : c 0 t;' ' ~; i ' -
"" t" "E"' . ''"'i: P " (Is ' t o Inl Y P 1
liencil and sympathetic women, who inbiEt i.:l, '
--:, r •
. - I al air upon knowing every half Second Are tiow r , :cly re t-cr:I• thep , :ttlic with tit:. hrgest
. ittl ite,t rdeclt or
Nintboitt he was sure he felt strong and:we
1 i mer- :mallow in the world could he but 11,..,.. coot:-, TituNg- , .+Nit Tt:AAr.l.l‘l: BAGS
those dreadful waves in that,,grai Aver brcotght:to Toniolda. i'ric. - , to - lit flirt limes
Call and neo ;h.
herbic way, and how did he - man; ....-
to drag poor. dear StuyveSant. h THE VA It ME US' MITTI.' A L
the shore ? . - 1 4A. 1 .!:sl7ll.vscF, co.. of TuseAnoßA,
Is may tr.sulug p-..rpt:tual,policies on
John, like any -other hero' of • ' FARM PROI'ERTY ONLY.
hour, enjoyed this womanly :id! mv•ti mentll6r pays .1 fee. at the time of Ithuring:
tion, but' looked anxiously at 1 1., cover eltartt:J and incidental expeihes of tint Co..
Steele When he approached. ' • t t i , f l l. , r ,. % ,. t. t il l i & e . :i n t a n , k .i f o t!i , l:r n i r t , a . y . - T i e (. l 7 i t t , l sj i ,.. , , r i i i i i i:t.. m .d i,,. T h e i l l o ) t
This plan of ; lutturance for .F.Z1131 PROPERTY
i t ;
Muni r growled that worthy II is eotnittz rapiiny loft favor.
chant " a pretty fellow vott,to
_. Plan! of. fibrin =_, SPRING 111L1.. P. 1..
to the
6a. 111
^- 1 - •
1. !WWII
t • •
li vei‘,
If you want a, l, I landsonn
Asa .r.“
•-of I and ('B.,lnter+•. at e
- I any
flgilt% lag a! Ti
ENEL 31 N .IC•Nt i t'lli that
-of a
insie-au - s,•-• awl 31[1,1 , .;11
•'1 iIII Y
Piettfres taken that speak Cur thign-
Di.r....v %,
A. -I. 1 , 1 , 11F1C4 New I.;:ilicry.
Lailie,; , Belts in great 'variety tI Arid
nel't •
KENT &Isr.t kom
0tT,1•4 a gient reducti , .“ It ' • •
rt . '
, line of
I lied l la
i ttresed
a title
1 Lutes
El . ' GitEAT 13 I 11tt:AiNs.— I pu alit! after
1 . uos daft., 1 wfll will toy surplas STOCK OF
nerea, FLOWERS at reddest prlceic, at tny Green
i • [
tiss . ?i liattse . g, 011 Main street. itort It Of Episcopal Choral,
, .1Wo•-JA'. CattrtNG.
tali ; Sid. ta • ----4-4•--÷--
4 . 3 o ' l t) DECNI.:II, MK/S.l lo buy your
Hats and rap. 1 ' , 1
Ives in 1
I •
nct. l : -M .- NE W "Gutills.—M. .EI SOLtIMON &
1 Si.:.: haw opened a large Invoice of Pall 1 awl win
-1 Illovlc ter Clothing., which w:is sleeted 1 m itli great care
especially for t4t6 tuariel. .Tt0..!:2 goods will he
sold at prict , Witirli kl ii I flAtotilslt the rlof: , sst hayer
as they have boon pal-di:v:3,l f,ir cash at i great ad
vantage. heavy Winter Coate, ati 3.50:1 Panic at
12; Heavy thortotit at ;e-1.50 lola :;,4; and nil wool
ifeavy If aver Ovgfre'eati; at tie: and everything else
In Prolwiloo. .1.11 aro invited to call and satisfy
lltetwo•tv, , s that we tannot 1 twillr4old. i Alt goods
warranted. . . I
C.1.', -- l'he Bratiroll(1 ('ount • Anii-Sei•ret
s, T i el y s,,,i ll io n , ! ,vinholtl 1N14,.11 anollol wett
ing :If i'unglit If4,llwi:, at Ilw •I‘ elleyWi Methodist
clwrell. 4,n the 2'2.1 olnt Zld ot oeloher I r r Ni. ( . 0111.
111 , 111 . 11•1 Z on Frfilay. 01 10 %. I. 11l II :!ft( 11 1111, :dui
1 . % t•illtig , F, , 51.111:. allt; ;1
~Ingle ,- - .N. , on on ;Satnnlay,
centhewetng at 0 .t. :11. The I: , t. E. W. WHEEL-
En.of :he M. E. clutreb. the Itev. J. \V. MAI son.,
0( the (WigrettatimWl Chlirdr, ui 1117 Itev. 11.1,11-'
v 1. 1
i.v .4)1•,,III•. ~ ,If the \\'••>l •yalt lethodtst
thurvh, ;Ili. e \ pre. , ity Iwlteil aal exp'etell to
le . ettlre On the oecw.loo.' .lii Invitation W i nttend I:4
(0011.i:111y extended t 0 all. Ily orddr of liie Exten
ig ;Wit ' the Cowinttee. I 11. M. 111:-t , 4
- I
et -
• ajr It Is riot genrrall lumen ;thitlGA" Worn-.
ILF I2 , at the Book Dhulery onir the iltkrourko'
OttlCO,iruiter Blank Books In thy stylo Of ruling and
bhullog destreAL - If you want a now Lodger, Jour.
aril or pocket, Itii Dim a call. I
air Novet buy a Cook Stove utttil sou have called
at Jusiks 'Alattitnett the New Etupite," a
store vrhtela has pew; dlsappotittett the espeets‘
tiotis of the most fasthitous houseitsla:
re" gupeklorSwitelies, ht all the extra
shades, at Mn. rta:Tctiattqa, 4'Brldge street:
Or FREE !---)Any otteL btlyingi $l.OO or
more worth of goals at llotz.:.rriELD'S Cloth.
'lug Store, will receive free ?Alio e
l egant Alpaca car,
or Straw' flat, bothOf the lateA styles.
GIVEN AWAY :—Every ittrellaser
of gmds.innowittng 10 11.00 t,,r tuor•, nlll reeds!)
FREE, one striped' , Alpaca Car, or Strtw Hat, nt
M. E. If OSI:NFIELLI'S Clothing Sloe. '
TION IN PIA NOS.7-First-clasg, ergo size, %plate
grantl,'Vr octave rLi!kt:fOtes, fo e2ss..lorgun s In
prppoi - tii.ffa at fioLlti4 Skick; F., TOtranda, Pa.
NY.• impr l 110•.9 th••w :in 1,11
Now laTertisemen•
y givll44i of I
\Y. ALV,
11:1:NE M.ksf
3111.1.. E. .1.
bi.qr , ra,\,,trd
1 - o ! .111 , s
E. 1,01: I_`:LA
sTßyp.ii i-j4.-iiia,i_,,,-,
Iv 1.1: i 0 14 ESALE ':itt;II:FITA IL
_ _ •
CHOICE f'.l 311 IA ; 01-:OCE it IESi
li,ac,ltig a large, and C011114104/0113 store a e aro
enabled to carry a heavy Mb e l, at
~ all times.
• .
CA411'7:01) FOIL J31711'141;
Or taken In exchange for goothi. an lowest cash to'.
ces. Our long experience to the Grocery Trade
gives 118 peculiar advantages In purchasing, and as
the are not ambitions to snake largo profits, we Hat.
fey ours , ..lve.thnt ne can °o'er
Bu)•rn`thau,.:,ng utter egAl,:!3uliz.nt ti.crthe.rti
map 13
ril oly .AN 1) A MA It K El' 'S
Cekrreetotert•ry, by in,. It. PATCH.
subject to rhanvs daily.
Wheat, ? iaudr:...,..,- it :pi (.1 I 30
Bye. ? baqi
Buckwheat. ? bo,ll :10
Beaus; ?bush , I .10 61.' 9. on
Batter (rolls) ? 91 25(.3;
do (dairy.) IVIA .... ..... pfs, 30
Corn. ?-.lni.h . • 93
Oats, ? bush ' • 37
Egg., dot, 4O
Po:atm...l. ? ba , b, ZO
Flour, ? barrel . 000 a, 900
WutGirri to.(litAl.—Witval 91 lbs.: CoA)I 30 tb , :
Itye .5a 9,.,, : - Oat, 32 lbs.; Barley 4C lbs.:
59 1b , .: Beans (l'.: lb.: Bran I:0 lbs.: ('loco Seed 60
tbs.! Thnothe :.,,,1 41 11,:.; Oiled Peactr., 33 ir.OPt.
Dried Apple;!•:2 9,-.: Flax 0ze...1 :10 fl
iltiorr A T I ON OF 'ATI Ill' E. P 0 AV
k * ELL ei'-4 , 0.„ Bank - ors and ltr , lier , .. No. r 2..
Synth Third ti; r...t. Pintlolt,lll3. I i , t. i I, 1071.
ilt f:,r 3 111 iiii 1/er
v;t111/!pled her
t' ttloriety
It •I'. ::'itt.l NV:
or Avl , l Lc
i is
tut. I.
14e I.
U. S. I t
.• r-'qY, 11. and N
! (NI. 8,
•• 14.111.-cempwl.
New s's, Reg, 1,41
•• r. .I++l.
na ining - in
122 - I.i •
I , Lehigh N.lligatl,•ll
•• V311..y;. .
T. rnito:t Ir. I:. I.f N. J....
011 Cr,•••::
• rt Tr.!lifle,rt:;.(l4.}
C. & 3fortgag,
. •
a Painlly caring
I )y• p•p I turg..,tltru
'IR 1,1675.
1p Plt-... 111:voi,311-111. Fi And
',.111::t .1,1a.4.0
I Sall Iflt titml
N , lll.Llgia. .1. a ',inner yill. ::110 Purifying the
It. 'A. P... ar.• the, 1114,1 11.3`410i‘e• rtr
,? 1
fry ttt. ear: :o.iitttl:tnily -ho , h(.t.
The. , saft• :ell . l plea,
:wt 1,11, Tt.••p rag.' ..itt
th, (010 di • Aimlllato the
orgafi . i and 16:•c
11,1..11.1 h , : t!th:m.t iri- t" tit- tv1:..z..• 14. pg, They
:Ilk!, ,Ir eht , s- I.
: , p , rial at t en - , ,•in . , , ii"t ~ ,l y I!.• - , AL.iy Illy ••••111plaiw.s of vs ry
Itnng ror Int.l. :
ti,,1,11' 31. st
to tzte,t the
n`mivik'n"` nrl!raor
•ted. warnitql .
' un g '4"" • 314 • .71..4
•tt 4-tve,l tr..ffi
th arl,l he I;hygte
for ri.ll,lr:.n.
li, 111-y ale on,y 31,1 1,4.11 T;
thc•c arr entirely hr.rtuiv.. , . Pr's,
pared by Dr. C. YEW At Co., Lowell, Itasi.,
PrzwtiPal and ALalvarni chr:vulnrs. SoNI by all
ti-;,!t•r-• !!, L•npgll.3lil.l
ifeaters lit
(MAIN. &c.
cut:NEI:MAIN S. 1:1:11)GE!.1%,
niu. ."11.K1 - ,u
.1113' , ,, I 123 , 4
• • 119',
'O, .1. an.l 1/ 115 , 4' 119 '
I 20 !h 120:1;
120 , „
117 117!.j
la( : 121',
117 117'1
117 " 1171 i
11C, 11C,
107 IJ9
°c" o 'O Y S
11.1111.7 iRANT.
Miseellatteous Adv.:dhow:AL
rr:A.::T.:L. - o f.,
• e
7' 11, 1 IS 4. 1; p IC
• , _
I,lga'o ARIPAN
FLA N. ! EL !ill I,lt TENGS
• 1 ' •
will befilfervil at extremelS
')w prices.
A large assortnient of Cloths and
ar , sitneres. Of tlaf latest fall styles.
lain awl yany li
c ress 1400(1.4. Black
oods. Silk .
Hats. ait(U
• 61'4
131!, IZ2
• 10'
• 2m V,
16 , , 46',
Z 1 ,,„ •
104', i 101
'A Allll3. . 4 .111111br.,.1 . 04 1":',1
fArt: tNSUl.\xt•t t•umpaNti•.
11Q 1,;11, rr 1,111 I 1 . 41 .114 •rf I i• f ita
;S. (1..1)tk .14;EN't
, which will be funuil shi
ru all age and wltlih the
P to.not exte , ,A
()LI) Comp:ply.
io follov,lng 'fable +v.'s
may be multlpll4.,l fi,r
, whirl' la Ilwq
Tykte , nt Cents rH
Vit i e
"nit n
lip ro
• iv' i
tt: •v ti 1 rtt f
2.( 1 0
0 A N1)..,11
(4.1 N
At, of Liverpool,
E. I
'MENTAL. oft Now !for
itm.ur A )11.11.11:. N. :j
euNISEUCIAL, of , •• •
of Hartford,
, OnFENT, • I
A.NrAzo.N. of Ohio, •
f:ltt•ZEN's*. of Nervark,-
13-hininv: of
! i ,I 3
A •
i .
• I
t • 1 !
NAJ•IONAKet.if•r. 0. t om.., A;;
Tlti% VELEII 4 , wif :11 . artfon,`
ItApr.w:Ay PAss•ns, 4 i
Mtirr AT. L T VI:. or New lel'oll.;
;: •
1 :
1;f1... ,t :1 , !,i
,11%f'd :end Pali/ lii ibiS'Oniee. R
. .
-; -
pi ANO TUNLi, 'o'..L4Tlie finest
Profc - s , or of music it rut! moat tialie . rt utter of
In T'an• a. ;put .10s haine;ll Win.
Wit 11 , 11. • ITo has sciist4itly on. hand for sate ttpt
inun inehldeonfvatill organ?, anti
ti a' 'ereryt ,. (lyi rap atrtoat to pay. Mr.
prtrh.h t.; pr , !pareUl to ; tan 3 p`ano , .;:intl his
long - Oa! warraap. he (111(.1n:46n
th:t. l I. tr• ty's! turn iLe foninl in Northern
t., tut , ' a n.lann up nrsti class or
- '7 --
otieo is berekr givY.n
that a tuveth,g 00.;!14, Sto,ktiohi or the
ToVi an ia Tanoli‘g Co.. will a' th, Frst
I;ank ..f the nth Oar It •11, t: “vtp .r. r a ,. purrs°
an-i , o•ar,or pw. ti •re!a . lon to
i.i t/i. !Li rk - ,.; Com:
r `l 1.0
,14,-.:7-11•11 PO E Pre
T.Avv,ll , ln . A•.g.1,1 INjo.
'l%;t tr,th It!1. 1:1f . (i-"ar
1.30•1. 2'l •o••• •1 141! e ,
Rlll gl4 •n: 0.1'1" ni • . 33 ••!-. am' les.
Apr's . LT•No,II
6114.11:• ,, e3
sblCASi e er • etaploWlLl
_ ..
1•. 'W. rs
10 the follow!tq
'tcllg (lull:Ale, as ire-
e (4.l7lpaity
will ;;uar
the, I.•t or Slily first
Ithe Ittu
IN :a hitt
o21:11 alliount
Awn toiany
de.l to the
E 2121313
1 4^6,811
Ito 4,
I 610,000
•.^..,1 ;4,0:0
. (it•neral .11" , ents,
Iliscaboons Admtinamb.
, .
- • '
TOWANDA, JUL`, 2010.0870.
We; nre now offering a large atm.% of
. „
) ,14‘.:TE-AfrorEs, EASY c.4A10.,
't. %cry loi.• prii es.. %V I, are ileleiialtied to dose out
pr nloel. - . In lhis line liefore rlie fall trade., and In
Ides 1...1.1 50 :ire are selling' al.
- •
. ,
v1:;1 ' 11" lOW PRICE'S.
. We,.Would ..all :Menthol to our lieW
/ 11, A 4 .fK Ny ! MA RIME'
Cti the in... 4 thing , lit •the matket 1.. r the Klee
putl .01 ether good.. at very low priees.
lie,t. inatiner- and on In,' /91VC:4 terms.
rt will find oetter 'work and for less money here
wat any , -tber I•laee. Call and ,7e
nu I :let rer ..f and W and 11'..!I
.:1 1 4.r.. In Furniture and tuulertak lug. 3lafu St.,
Ittie !MIES & I'Ii(►''ISIONS
i Of
.111ly 4417,4
J. K. II I: s H.
• w
E . "
z .
4 J—
w 0
a. ; - L.
eg .14
z ;4
Z tr ,
. .
, .
. . ...
. .
Nrom and after, July 1, I Will sell coal, lime, eze.,
7 0 rash hilly,! and the ,price list will be corrected.
motithly.-; • • -
PRI I CE, OF COAL FOR JULY. nut 'TO'S Or 2,0001b5,
. AT itIE YAPS!: •
Plt 14ton1Stel : ,.Chesinut.and Furnace " 1 3 00
• ,tt ' Pea 350
'aeltott Rim Lump 4 00
. . Smith 3 00
, ,
atlas Mountain IMmri 3 50
ti• Smith 2 . 75
Lli bushel 33
0 utoWn .
a Ir T 4 M....
la r ? bushel ,
trirk, 'f %1 10 CO.
Ilaut always prvpar,:il to deliver purchases on
shoat none., at the usual prim of delivery.
ipiso tender my thanks thy many friends and
mil ()niers for their very liberal patronage' In the
pal and hope nuder.t ho new departure to make It to
th Ir Interest to continue to buy where they can
g ,, the best goods for the least money. - • •
Mew who are Indebted to toe will take mutt 0
lb i I m,, , • hat moneytw 1 can't,buy . Gm castrund
1 ,, , t-eights, They nw,t Wile by tho first of A, -
g , . 1 ti •tt. 7 . .- .
Very 11-,reet faNy Your. •
- J.
1. t 9
_ .
ji , . .
1T',....1ng 1Pt , .(1 gra r•lntrort onr Prick S•orr, R; : , .. Ay Ott.T 'II • ,1111' n r ~•,. or rAr opon r , a , m131-!••
in . kt , v ov• yNV '.01.g ,•• , T•,,1.: , In Ili., no• -
• a : ! . zoi••111., , I,U , ' nod •10,, g“.l opporimii•-;
' r„ f di•lng a qm, ~fill Nisin!•;s. For part let Var,
-tirinir , - ' II *llO pr •m+•••••. Or aM; J. Long. at S+e
yells & L-ng. THwad,l t. Pa.
' ZNACtultpti Int;i4 l'ap, tuyv kih WA
TATEMENT.'. , i:OP , TRU ' Ite
, .cto-rsi
Zapeiditores .of tbio flosed l Ofi
So 00l Directors of Tottands Botousti liebted•Dts.
trict from Ist of June ifffe to May at MS Iselin,' ; -
' . BECZIPIT. • - i°
Ana , ri4.641 (lota. Tread. foraterrr $70337 . .° 1.
" • 6 1 for State spprop. .me 04 , i I
i 1 " Sues 111 liquor eases 020 00
, ... ' 66 non res. scoot. : •- .OS - .7 1
On duplicates, six: i ' 1
• ' Amt. of dup. #11,409 01 . 1
• Less'uneettled : 1,014'01 roof) ippyiipn 7
1 ,
stacsiza 6 s ass..s.asss. 1 . 1
. ,
ril G. Vf'. lit t aa 11 aim-. Ag 140 . +0540.0n; I
"Hies .
r.c ins S ", 66 r 43 . - 55 0. 00 ; t
' Steil& Yttetterto 4
" • " "
E rennyteck e rto
• " I " to
X-E losve* ' Iv 9 •4;
E Spiking to " '
.4• 1 "
• A Cliamberlto.: to
- I 40
E 3lom:t1t1 0,1.; 35
I 40
• ,
I) Sitelp2 uto sal 23, 175 . .
•• • I ; •," " 40 .
, 34, 1 12.40 P;6 id
'ATTE/RN= viz.% :WO L'Octkr co4lts.l.
• '
11'71. July 12,16i1d I McPherson toff. • 1
- .1
elute stated In relation to dlatribn•
lion of penalties In liquo teases 111 •
Sept. paid f 3 M Peck, Prury 1
trees of court panting, power to•
raise money •
Pahl 0 J enubbueit• ret4 tax and.
on Ballard deed
ItrII.DIN - '2l AND nErAnut:
11.71. .11111 V 17. Paid it I. Lanioreaux
Ott arcs of II 'II Mann,'ming amt
guar:Hite:A liv the lard • tru.l:la -
July rt. paid IJoliding, russet!
6 lbs,plpe .4) ,73 ,
.60 /ba 7, hi, iron ' 2.40
• o sheets roofing (t. is • 1.01/
2' days putt ) ugaerews .
In window* lO.OO I •
1 lock* 4 lo4ks 13c 1,60
.1 ',in' 'Mita 20
I lights glass (t 30 ...
-1 do , Oo 40 Cop .
3 do do 10 43 • - i
3Ms putty (4'l , - ° ,33 • I
gal 01l @,• 4.10
2 will turpentine 6 . 6 60' 1.11) .
du dot ..fiS • •. to
I Ito dryer ; . .Sr
• ' 7 gAll japan
Iqt rM d 0 I Ts
• I lb ebrotro ycliene .33
I Itt umber '
_'• whiting
2 gilts's screws 14- 1 ,4 1;
1 d..
dui 410
plater pirlA ::
7 *. nalb4 r r. •
du !,
1172: it, lead ' •
nr nulls (,?.
.• Iqt Tarnish
2lb cement '
Ipr hinges
6 fiord» and eyes la
4 screw Thane ,
• • Ipr butts
o 4loz rlooks f.
3 brass keys`q 20 ' ' I .10
10 extra ;,do ' 1.9 1 7
3 spiral springs , .06;
1 pa tacks 1.
, J.O
218 ft lightening rod r.c.c :t5 99.40
4 standards . 1.60
3 points a, 2.50 7.50 179.24
Aug 4. trd , C Selloonur - er ,
p r tnle /leaking fr. °Mee floor
- Aug 10( 1 0, 0 II L Lan oreuzior
mason wdtk dorm b5l Henry
Lehman anti L.eo Ifirsh
Aug 20,1" d J 0 Post&
'for 488 ft 3 In moulding e 14,41
54$ Ct hemlook floorfng, 1.11
279 " yellow pine .00 -
7 , 1 •do elo , :irress:ll
alg do to board- 9.34
'' ash
61 •• door moulding . 1 / 4
II "•1 , ,x2 it. LiAt
": 4 9 t• plank
3 has - scroll %I% 'Mg 1,40
1 jig .to • .60
11 1. La moreus•
bat 1,1)1 117:
. self )12's trays 04tt rrr.r.a. - •
Loughs 75' , ' days of 1 174.0‘..
door springs . 1.60
iron of Smalley •
bq Gray's ace7t • 4,71).
(In Lehman .1" :Ln.lo
1 7110.05
' Less gt•exisisly 01 170.65
- Sept . 21, rd 1j H Murgan'bull
ding penult and services Ina,
Sept 25.! W
1173 lb plaster
Sept an. L B Rovrs
2033 . 1 t. pine plank rd. 2.1
312 •• scantling a nk.-
'• Oct 7. P'd a Fleming
for 440 feet la walnut 144.00
Leis 31 bus lime . 13.i55
•• oct 7, I'• I.J A Col ling for bill
of P•Fogarty.2o days iothtlng
walls 0," 3 ItioSar
I ienuls Cant w ell 7 Ilay."ing walls Ei -
- Oct 7. J •A Cuddly% Mlit
1 gal 011 (l 41b lead .130 ti,cki
lit, Ochre .21 screws .0; Lis
• express on seals
'repairs to pump. 1.241
C. lin lime
. I •• cculent • . 1.50
1 L paperii lamp blai•k .•A 1
•• Oct 11. HL Kalljoreux bill:
.. elf I4 '; days Gos 113.50
Fralec 10 ••
p3l blacksmith, 2.50
1175. Jan 21. I'd l'cabling Russell
• .k Co: bill: II lights glass $1.4fl
I light glass
3 lb patty
I putty knife
lepah's to heater
1 keg nails
lh stesh cord
cord and 4 tgesela
13 gross•screws
• 1 dos do
3', dor w r hooks
• 1 doz hooks
tick. 4, screws and putty .17
3 papers tacks
' '2 ven 1.50 gal 011 1.25 5.75
p3l I) Walborn hauling
sand 1.50
•• Feb !13, !Ai Keldleman
Kingsley 600 brick /6.00
1571. Aug 20. led JO Frost & Sons:
5 °Mee Chairs p ±13.00
6 tassell6 .90
61 rds corn @ .05. 3.20 119.10
• '•o v 7, rd Dayton & En) for 2
sheep pelts for brkboard 1.25
- Noy 9, p"ttJ A Cabling freight
on schoOrients
.IO j LIU sc&oot faralre 195 . 5 3
'p' o. lll cl'k h espr 26.70
h7l Jun 3.1 p Kaykemlall L tons ,
, coal(?, , • • 30.0
" 22,4 H Phluney 10190 lb
anth coal • 1
Jly 7, Plerde & Nichols 3 torts
I 11150 eve coal
—Nov a, terce &Scott-14ii 1180.
s e coal ® 5.29 78.:111
Dec 18, '4 11 Phluney, 5000 11.
ant!' coal ® 6
1875 Jan 1, Pierce 'St Scott bill or
coal 107.91
.10, same 15 t 320 lb coal
® 5.39 -
" Feb 2f. kame 12 t /801 b COM ® .
Apr 27, same let 19,101 b coal €.
3.39 39. t,
" e;
... 1
;T 4
r- c r..
'rer .
1 1 4
E . 4
_ 4 • ~
7 - d L
r a sa
E-4 rat
M; w
0 , 4
D vi
4.1 0 Id
1571. July 2:i.
P'd Edward Overton
' interest on 012,000 for
6mo, to July 1 '74 @
a ?e ' ttio.oo
Paid 3f- II Lanning
I Int on 61:100pom Feb.
to Jly 1 '.4 ti,Ve , 11.41
“, Nov 6, P'd E T WIN
Fox ' Int
‘3700 6 MIA° Ckt
r'b Wee • 'KIN!
ldn Jan .1, P'd E Overton Int on
,12,006 6 mo to 1 Jan
r 75 (di Sac
16,P'd 11W Lantnit Int on
in3oo 6 mo to 1 Jan• '75
`•, 3iay l l7.lrd E T Fox, tins,
• lint on 43700 6mo to 20th
• !Apr 7.3 (5) Vete , , 148.00
• I .
len Mcl 6, P•d S ly Aivora on ac•Ct
1874.Ju1y 13, P,d Coddlng,ll4BBell
& Co taD, sir.
1 brats handle 7.5 e I Iron
handel 8C # .33
1 feather duster 125 •
1 ptch handle ; ; .35 -,•;.•
2 brooms 50 moss .38 . ', .88 - #7.79
" Sep 6, p!d D Shelp for clean- a
lug well :! • • 1.00
" Oct 7, P'd .1 NI Coddlng bill:
2 stop-ladders 6 17.00
1 screw! driver:so
1 chisel • . 38
fixing heater d00r.50
broom and duster ° 160
2 dippers 12 brooms • 1.50 15.46
" NOT 7.o,!P'd C r Cross;
23 boxes crayotiB ®25 45.50
8 .dO colored •60 .1.80 7.34
I Dec 18,,PN1, Wthelp blll,'vls:
3 bars tom; 1 botchlo lime 4.72
soap, lye and alum .58
rattan on desks .23
cushloh for piano ; , -.20 '2.71
1575 Jan 2.1, P'd Coddlng, Rumen '
&Co hill, two dippers -4 .30 '
1 lantern •1.00
oilcan • .23 1.33
" Feb . 0,1 p'd. 117111rb & chant
50 boxca"grayops 815 #7.50
cart •.1 .25 7.73
Paid Coding. Rnsacll & Co., •
fIO,OOEI Ins 1 y'r on b'ld'g +86.00
41500 1 y'r on furn'r 13.25
Total. i ,
Teactrrs• satartes : 1,i.5501.23
Jauttpr , : ' 333.00
ALl'slfees and court 4..5t '- 19.60
Itututing and repairs 963.75
Furr.llolo ; :UM
Filet; . 490.16
Interest ' . 1,348.44
Prluting , .
\ 3liscelluneous 36.1".
1 r,su ran ce • • 99.7,4
rom @Vile
icy balary
Aso a
Balance In Tleaaury, ! _ " 1 •1 1 4 11
! !
.tr ,. . are tnroymott that Of the above betalea. fa
Ttf•o3,,ir T . fic2 37 was dcpcialted In .flank j)f cr,
ma- .., keo., pilot. to Jnne 1,13 n, Said Waal La 1.
su,..miNA imymoit. Thllla the same item telbo.!
rod ..,., li the Mlflltora Report of 11th of June, f
1574, ;I 'a Eo. Itt no w kir. 1. 'I t
verm. s. VINCENT. .11ontgas, g
!!. ' H. L. Lamoßztri. 1 ' 1
8 itain'acirk! BM ' ) . . } !
MR ,
EF tii7TRE.
.840t.43 1
40.0 vi I
410.00', ;
40.00 •
• • 1
; • •
40.00 t •
tit •••
10.001!':;/3 :1;4
1 ,
b i
;'064 fit) si;
. 3000