ANENIc OWYOUNG MEN. • • American history presents ,many ? - remaikable instances of young men raking Prominent and commanding. lstations'!at an agewhich would be thought veryyoung other coun tries. We subjoin a few, striping ex atnpYeS from .the list tof those Who havepassed ofrthe stage of human action .At the age of twentv4dneMr. ef rersOn was .an influential member of the. Legislature of Virginia, at thirty *was -a member of the Virginia '..(onyention, at thirty-two a. member of tiie ContinentaltCongresgi and at thirty-four he wlA•ot!e the Declaration Independence.' Alexander Tiamilton wits .only t,Wenty years of age when he Was ap:" 11,0inted . Litutenant Colonel in the :Irmy of ;the Revolution and aid-ile ', amp to ''AVasltingtoit. At twenty was.a member of the, Conti ' nental Congress. at thirty he was :one of the ablest members of the eonvention which framed the Censti tnt'ion of the United States, at thirty-. • . ,wo he was Secretary of thel Treas ' • and organized that branch of-the G . overnment upon so complete and. . comprehensivp-a plan that no change. ha: . sinee been made upon it: John Jay, at the .age of twenty-* nin.k. was a_member of the-Continen t .Congress, and` wrote- an addreSs to"the'people of Great Britain which iustly,renaled as one of the douuent -productions - of the At thirty-two he prei3ared .11ie Constitution of the State of New York, and in the same year was ap -1 intcd Chief Justice of the State. ashingcon was -- tw6titysseven years,:of :{_re when lie cOvereti the 0- - t:reat of the, Briiish troops at Brad ! lefat.- at (1 the same year:wits lemored by an appointment as Com , -, icf of the Virginia fOrces. Joseph Warren was only twenty . ir, y e:l n-! or 0. , ,re when. he delivered utettorhd address on the sth of iiarch. whieb aroused the spirit of ;Ittriotitin and liberty in 211.astclut -1....,1t---, fightingt in of Freedorn at Bunker . Fyter Ames at the age of'twentv excited public attention by the - heThsplayed iii time 'discussion of -questions of-public interest. .At • :he tta . c of thirty his masterly-speech , in - defento of the ConstitutiOn of oc.l nij states exerted .2•,&4t faience.-To much -o that the yeiuthful thirty-one was elected to ..,l !rom the Suffolk (Mass.) Ilevotutionary hero. ‘;‘11(.4 .r,,,th story pntere , l public lif . e at i` hi age' of Awe:ay-six years. •Ife was to Congress from the Essex riot N's r lien he was thirty.-Years • NV:I , ; 4 9 . 1eaker of file .MasSachn t. House of llepresentati3e L sat ago Of thirty-two, and the=iame year was appointed , by President Mailisott a,..111.4-.e of the Sup9erne l'yurt of-the United States. - • I 10W t t Clinton entered public life t tlie_age of twenty-eight. lleniy • • lay at tw,enty-six years of age. The youthful sinter of the Pechira r-i-n thilepeudenCe 'V3 Willitun ;!.; T yr. North Carolina. whose •,_„.:w ft , Ifit ,“ , , , enty-four years. • Of • ;1,• Jithi•r •-•l9icr- of the declaration Itcyli-'60.1, of Scan). Carolinai ycnrs old: Eldridge Ger- Beikytnin ltusli, James Wilson Miittilew Thornton . were thirty-- ;;of age: Arthur Middleton I:4l‘ ; lllf)beeks stout. were thirty-three ( A. ITEGI3.O,'S 'PRAYER. -:2l"de t,llowiwk Trotesilue y •soly prayvt k a verbatini report lis Efiqoatitmal )lonthly, winter 0f'1862-63, at meeting-1611)y plantation ,r ,es in , a ,ettl6rnent near - earn ). ; Lora 040 i+t glorigus . uu • r Wilt .161.1 look clown iu de . / ont•-•clu•e of dy - e e:: - enpon dent, , dy ehl,ldren. bowed , upon the r'rrht Takesol - . • emu peepjlpon us. and let a heap o' nollt in. 1 .1,10 u knoWtst. what. clese, !low: darkies need.' , , Dere be Sam, . re lie - J'erry, and Pompey: sins, o'at's what I :,•:kn. Help them to nit up and git .Troln 41e-wilderness of sin,,and git in -I.lw cleating of salvation. Take a ',olenin peep also upon de darkies,: in le othel: i allin, who 'fiddle and 'whirl 1,1, , wte lioinhastietoe. while dy : ser 1411min:des dee..., May rise above de authratory things f dis World,'and like Massa Link ,-,10'..-.!1.alloon heavenward: '(Profess- .Owe's;ltoon , was anchored by.) MALT of - all buunimi on though bress de 'pen de field:4 cihi: night,. if it ,be - .ircumspection in dye eye. Bress i oloneis hi field dis night, if it be ircumspeetion in do discreet eye, also_; bre-S de. Union soldiers. • who carry •de musket and chew "de •:Irtiiilge. Rip' I'6r-de - Union and de :•;Inrs and de ;Stripes. l)ey fight in a -, , tientific cause and beTde bestest of Ijicitillut,4o.oil Lord; may cloy Swear and . firay more. And dy Iltunbleservalyt now suppli tin in behalf of ilese- benight dark4.-,. It behooves dee to' dig aild sound to de berry bottom his •beart... May .dere be nary hliumagie lletWeen myself and my savior. In dc!language of de mighty \Vallington. dis world is all aileetin' To-dar we are alivesand hop- itoW Tin' arouMPlike grasshoppers, - to -In>>;,•ow sic Aile of death etas us ' ,. . , loivn,.ami spreads us out like grlss n 7bay time.' On ever• side don knowest.;o Lord, is de evidence of -, !le dislocation and destruction ob de :uiniau family. _Pere be *discussions ,n do'ctrines; Ineeshion,l3eforeordi- perfectibn, and such like,cOn- • (1., intellects of - both-. black and I;,ut. good Lord don knowest - , are vain allusions, splittin' creatare4to, sexes merry. Whoever will, can :26 gory. )14iy dgre will be with comtenailecs,lrhite collars and clothes who will find de gates luit ;in.:1111,4 dem. while , de blind old hohLlin on crupiches, she go .trai!) - lft in. Amen. 4 • LZ IT( 1.1:M AT A DISCOyNT.--Reforill ; 4 gran d word: but like Liberty, it , mutil abused. The Demo. this State is Tery anx i;,it:l;. in words. for StatL , Reform, and kpauvtieularly anxious, on paper, to ef- ct purification of tiic State Tress lin; in fiction it belies its words. fir:ties ato m ut reform-end demands olirSAafe offices ; and then vailditlate for State :cilia a Iv ith, unclean han4s, '1 with ti iwor,l Wltieli no real 'friend - r. - :form 'need ncy. It preaches :I;i:form and practices the reverse 4.)y :.iminating a man so odion4 that the .'',re.-4dent of theii Convention was •,? into an effort to run aN6y - from When ,men like Hendrick "B. t` , ll; - :l , lt..ruftise to muster under time for all other Democratic of decency and honesty to get • 4 . . 4 . , f the ranks.—Pittdmrg Co/inner- &SU =nth. FALL OF 1875. • • NEW PALL 0001)S rereired thlis week at EVANS .k ItILDREVP,S Wheig can he:funuil ill the noveltles'of the season. DRESS GOODS, In lit the uew shades In CI 4 OA FLA NNELS BLANKETS, SKIRTS, CASSIMERES, &C., CLU..K 110.1E1tY UI I OVES COL4Altt SC &C Our stock I, couplet.: PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. EV4INS &.-1111LDRETII, =I 5ep16,13 j. 0. FROST •& SONS FURNITURE TOWANDA, JULY 20th, 1875. We ore now offering n large blot* of PARLOR. SUITS, L , TETE-A-TETES, EASY CHAIRS HALL RACKS, WOOD TOP TABLES, &C., At very low prices. , We arc de temtlned to close out our stock In this line before the fail trade, and In order to do so we are selling at VERY LOW PRICES •-• atteutlun to our uew CENTENNIAI4, BLACK WALNUT, MARBLE TOP, DRESING CASE, CHAMBER SUITS, AT $BO 00, Being the beat thing in the market for the price and all: ther goods at very low prices. UNDERTAKINC, Done in the best manner, and on the lowest ternm. You will find wetter work and for less money been than at any other place, eau ant see us. JAS. 0: FROST k SONS, Manufacturers of and Wholesale and Rata! Dealers In Furniture and undertaking, 3tpin TOWANA/A, PENNA. jly , J THE OLD AND POPULAR HARDWARE STO'RE. COPPING I RUSSELL, Incite tre tttetttoti of tile put>lic to their stock HIM PARLOR Sz:HEATING STOVES, BUILDING MATERIALS, ICE . CREAM FREEZERS, SHEARS. SCISSORS, -RAZORS Of the Lest manufacture and warranted CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS SHAWLS In endless variety. The largest and hest assort• nient Itept In Northern Pennsylvania. LAMP CHIMNEYS & GLOBES In endle,s variety, of our own manufaelttre, war Jobbing or all kinds in our line promptly atten ded to. Tin roofs and eaves troughs put up In the most satisfactory manner, at short notice. GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING A Specialty. WE HAVE THE ONLY TRACT CAL PLUMBER IN TOWANDA. Our old friends and the public generally wU bear In mind that we sell goods only for Beleivireg It the only system by wiitch justlce.eau be done both buyer and seller. Grateful for past very liberal patrunsge, we so licit a continuance of your custom, With the assu rance that we will offer you-greater inducements than any other establishment in the country, as we carry a larger stock, and_ enjoy peculiar facilities for purchasing. Bridge;Street JI f NO THEY DON'T ! H. JA COBS' FALL AND WINTER GOODS- An'inipectlon of 1115 stock will' he sufficient to satisfy alt that he ran offer greater inducements than ever. „- [angl7-75. FALL AND WINTER OF:1875-6 MARBLE AND CLOTHING, GENTS' FtRNISII M.E., ROSENFIELD'S This popular house has now ready one of thefinest stocks of Clothing, In America, for style quality and fit, which is a guarantee that every garment will prove what I represent it to be.. FARMERS, Cbming to town, are particularly requested to call at my store and examine the leading styles, made from French, Scotch and American Cloths, for Men, Boys and Youths' wear. In it will be found many leading styles for the coming season, such as the Double Breasted Cut-away 'Vest Sults: the Pi oneer Suits: lbe Ituzzar Vest sults; the Centennial Salts, of allot. which I ask a careful examination. by all with ate in want of cheap and substantial clothing and fuirdshing goods. HATS, ICE. ROSENFIELD'S., PLOWS AND POINTS. Farmers are hereby informed that 1 Dlll,ll , ilV pared to furubh the celebrated LERAYSYILLE "L" PLOWS, of every kind. - Also Points, or any portisn of the plow furnished at luvcrst rates. JAMES VANN. Ghent, Augusta, lent f. VALITABLE MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE, AT STEVENSVILLE, BRAD FORD CO., PA.—Nino miles from Wyantsing, on the Lehigh Valley R. R. The property consists of a GRIST MILL, with four run of stones in good condition; a SAW MILL. with new and first-class nothinery;, FOUR, DWELLINGS, and about Tirenty Acres of land. A good place for business. Address ELM r GRANT. rigs. - Fall Diver, X.ass. 14rdmm Onam, ko, HARDWARE - GOODS. Consisting or COOK STOVES Of the !nest approved paths 11% *ANGES, Of all kinds- Flit endless variety f'''urnished At BOTTOM PRICES. Of every style POCKET CUTLERY, CARPENTRS' TOOLSI Of every deiirlptlon; GAS FIXTURES, &C., KEROSENE LAMPS, Froni the cheapest to the hest 'At greatly reduced prices TIN WARE, Ti 3= EA DY P 1Y! COPPING & RUSSELL porple HARD TIMES, But those who arc wise enough to BUT THEIR CLOTHING -I.T Never find fault with the pmillry . of the GOODS lIE SELLS. Mn. J C 0 11.. S Nrlw takes pleasure in calling attention to his LARGE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT -OF -FOR 3IEN AND BOYS' WEAR. I'SG 4 GOODS, &C. -AT -AT WHOLESASE AND , RETAIL GRANGERS : , MECHANICS, __n.... COUNTRY MERCHANTS OVERCOATS - OFEVERI DESCRIPTION CAPS, GLOVES MITTENS, f &R., WHOLESALE AND. RETAIL +AT- TOWANDA, PA augl6-75 Eitriatt tititEr , ":ol) 1t ,Yatitt - 110.060 , 4thwietimit d.r 1'.1 , - Trattos to take efect•May 11573. - ZOUTIIWARD. D NO 5 9 PIE AM PM " • 16 450 a so ram.. 11 849 8 25 10 15 mattalo 550 9 201 I Auburn ' 715112 001 7 - 151 Ithaca 58112 2Si Owe 1 0012 551 B 30' Elmira go• • 351 1 25: OOS Waverly ' 41; 1 . 231 9 12 Sarre sOj I WO 0 19' 2 07110 Oo:...TOPrANDA.,. to SO— Wyalosiug.... II 121....Laceri11e..., 12 I....lleshappen.... .11 :5 ..Tunkhannock 1 20 .L a B Junction •• 3 351 Pittston.... 2 00i....W. Barre ... 271..... W. Haven.' • 15,—. P. Haven... 35!..Matieb Chunk. Allentown. • • 53 , ..E. I". Junction. 55 Poston ' 201...rh1Ladelphia.. 45 • New York ... '231 3 02 MS 57 4 42 1 20 5 00! 2 32 6 3; 3 15; 7 10 3 40 7 251 4 45 8 31 4 48 8 34 500 8 45 1 5 30 9 15 1 6 45 19 3& 8 521 .....! An , I'M No. 29 leaves Elmira at 2 45, p. t ktopplita at all stations, arriving at Waverly at 3 20, Townakla at 4 15, and Wilkes Barre at 8 05,' p. in. No. so leaves Wilkes Barre at 7 20. a. In.. Slot.. ping at all stations, arriving at Towanda :11 to 33, Elmira at 12 30; and Ithaca at 3 00 p. in. No. 32 leaves Towanda at 7 10 a. tn. p.t.ppitig tit all stations, arriving at Waverly at S' 03: and Elm l• ra at 9 00 a. m. No. Weaves Elmira at 3 50p,, m.t stopping at all stations, arriving at Waverly at 6 15, and Ton anda at 7 10 p. m. Train 6 leaves Philadelphia at 2 10 p. la.. New York 12 415, arriving at Tunkhaunoek at IS 00 p. in. Train 3 leaves Tunkhannock at 7 On a. ni., asst ving-at Philadelphia at 2 20, and New York at 3 V.l Trains a and 15 run daily with runmai, OleOpit.g, Cars attached. ' Drawingßoom Cara attached to Trains 2 a!id 9 bellvecu Elmira anG Philadelphia. It. A. PACKED, Superintendent. . _ farHOPE FOR THE. DESPONDENT.—If you have been coughing all winter and begin to despair of recovery, or if you have taken a accent cold, go at once to the Drug Store of TVIENER & (Imams and get a bottle of Dr. donuts' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Ilorehound. Take it and be well. No other medicine atts so promptly And effectually In coughs, colds. and all diseases of the throat, Stings and Chest,leadlng to Coniumptlou. Hun dreds who once tbouglit they 'bad that 'dread di sease have been restored to health by the use of this almost magic remedy. It is also the best known specific for Croup, and never falls In Whooping Cough. Trial size 10 cents. , INIECIB3 T OWANDA )taitt Street, 6pi0.511 , the Com t !rouse,: FIRE AND MARINE COMPANIES COSIMENCIAL Lx!ON, Of as*ls. t 17.111,578 ROYAL, of Liverpool, ' 13,04.0,000 " too coo CONTINENTAL, Of New l otk,•• 2,675,149 GERMANIA, • 1.{199,5411 GERMAN AMEIZICAN, " MANRATTAN. COMMERCIAL. of Plicexia, Of Hartford, ORIENT, " AMAZON. of Ohio, CITIZENS', of Newark .11.31110:G BREMAN, of tienuatly LIFE & ACCIDENT COMPANIES NATIONAL LIFE, Of U. S. A., assets 4767.384 TRAVELERS: of litulfprd, RAILWAYP-Ass•ns, MlrreAL LIFE, of Neir York Losses ;din:sled and pall at aptS2-75tf. Tit MUTUAL PROTE(IIO.N LIFE INSURANCE CO3IPANY. nine UOU Walnut Strect l'a • Front hi Le.96.1tr!:4. Special att6tion is called to the following rate table, Which will be tonna strictly equitable, as be twep all ages..and which the company WM guar . antee tonot exceed one-half the cost of any first class OLD PLAN Company. S 7' 0 1: E The following .Talile shows the Mites t'or woo and may be Inultiplied for any addltianal amount up to 15000. which Is; the largest 'risk taken on any Ife. Twenty 'Cents rill he ntltlett to the nt ~ t cacti asse,stnent for ottlection, etc. r: •••. • -c MEI A prominent New York physician lately •com plained to DUNDAS DICK & abOut their SANDALWOOD OIL CAPSVLES, stating that some times they cured miraculously, bid that a patient of his had taken them without effect. On being Informed that several imitations were shit!. he in rintred and found his patient had not .be.;rn taking DUNDAS DICK St CO'S. . - - What happened to this physician may Itave hap pened to others, and DUN DAS DICK Se, CO. take this method of protecting physicia,ii,f, (trugg ista, and themaelres, and preventing , OIL or 'SANDAL WOOD from coming into'disrepute. PHYSICIANS wno once' prescribe the; Capsules will oOntiflkie to do so, for they contain the mire 011 In the hest and cheapest form. DUNDAS DICK & CO. use more IYIL of SAN DALWOOD than all the Wholesale and Retail Ding gists and Perfumers in the United Statesvombined and this is thq sole reason why the pure 011 Is sold cheaper In their capsules than itrany other form. OIL OE SANDALWOOD Is fast stipereeding every other remedy, sixty Capsules Only being ce quiretl to Insure a sate Mid certain cure in six_ or eight days. - 'FromMo 4 other medicine can this re sult be had. D,UNDAS DICK 8: CO.'S SOFT CADSITLES solve the problem, long considered try eminent phy sicians, of how to avoid the nausea and. disgust ex periencee In swallowing, which ore well I known to detract from. If not destroy, the good , effects of many valuable remedies. I • Soft Capsules aro put up In tin-foll and neat box es, thirty tri each, and are no- only CapSules pre yhirslclans. TASTELESS NIEDICIPIES.--Castor oil and man}• other nauseous medicines can be ta ken easily ail(' safely in C AP S ULES. No DICK & no 8 S SOFT CAPsULES. No Taste no Seli. 4Eir These were the. Qn{y• capsules admted :o the iast Paris Exposi tin. Send for circular to 3t WooNteistreet. New York. Sold at all Drug Stores Here. Rug 16. FIRE ANT) LIFE INSM\NCE • - Is prepared to Insure all classes Of •ri,6s In firs class, reliable companies, at as low rates are can atstent with security, and Invites a share i et the bu siness of his friends and the public gene all. • I Will give special attention to surrey - or risks outside of Towanda. Towanad, July 2Z 1575-3 m MONROETON The next term or this school will etq F pitivtice u. Monday, Aisgust 23d', and continue Twelve weeks. under the in:dim:lion of REV. HALLOCK ARMSTRONG, A. 31., with competent assistance. • A limited number of pupils from ouGhle of the district will be received. Rooms can tie obtained for those wishing to board themselves. A Teachers• class will be formed at the com mencement of the term. .1 TUITION Tearhers' Class and Higher Engll4l Studies, per mewl - - .2 00 Intermediate Classes, per month, . - 150 Primary Department, ` l, 100 Payable at the end of each month. No pupils wanted for less than half a term, and no deduction mado for absence unlem on account of sickness. U 141,1044 iiiii - )lsoutawAilv. rterscgrAt, , - 15TATIONs. I - E ES Ax, lo 12 41 9 41 22 6 16 6 40 6&'S/ 5 20: 5 00 9 10 9 25 e 16 8 10 73J 640' 6 20, ~. $ 22 2 40 33: 2 10 B 00 4 IA 4 22 In 05 2 32 1 10 1 1 00 45 1 30 47'42 231 12 to 3012 10 0511 83 9 'J 15 All Asl ADDITIONAL TRAINS W. S. VINCENT. AGI . .:NCY. 2 01 - 11. E & VINCENT, e t 11. S. CLARK. A uF.:cr. TOWANDA. PA --„ ! I . -1 112 / 45 •I 1 - .7f) .b 1 MEDICINES C )I.‘S. at. lIAi.L, T oWda GRADED SCHOOL irt .1..1114C1C,1 Eli - ' [ CROCKEIV PAT i AND AS IiOW CILASSWAio, TA 131,E Ou'rr SILVER PI I - WOOD IN STONE lii It si•rtint p-ay to the pulhile that on nny goods kept In stock -1 n 111 1 IlUt be undersold. .• -, , Few 9-11. 114 STOVES! TINIVA RE, 11 . A RID W A 1t_.1;14 IRON AND PAINS, CARPITIR'S T9OLS, fib`.; ' . 7119,cA5 117 ,7A2 719,342 #z , +,540 irt,73o GIVEN .\ LI. rrr.' n.► 4 EI Fon' 2,.,+4),1 (.0 , 11. T. .1 LTNE':i H S-11 E a,470,3.4 1650,000 72.33 0 1.070 TOWANDA, PA. decl7-73 WOOL CAIIDING, WOOLEN .MILLS, CAMPTOWS, 1-'ENNA. ....iraeturtuanti(l I-101h tile:tsitittattelletl 0 011 short elitlee; ..We are already waking rolls root the al,l art iwerareil to do work as ast as ottered (*amplowtliw 1..1 K. 1b75 Hotels and Restart:l4, lIOI.T.SE, TOWANDA., coax' ' . l: .11AI 7: A NI) 1117.1DGE sTIFEETS The horse?, &e., of all guests of this, hosuse, lustttsd against loss by Fire, without any extr4,chargN A _ - liperfor quality of Old English Rasa Ale. just received. T. L .JORDAN, Towanda, Jam 21171. Proprietor. V a LWEi.L TOWANDA!,: m l'A.. i ! 1, JOI;N JULLIVAN. j e: niving icasell this (house, Is now ready to accont tuodate the this - citing public. No pains nor expense! wilt bsi.spared to give satisfaction to those who may : give Win a call. ! , Kit - North ,lile u; Public Square, cast of Mercurs new block. I • ' • ! i ,- . T IE. CENTRAL HOTEL. i uLSTER, PA. The undersigned, having again taken posessiort of the aberellieteh respectfully solicits the patron.. age of his 010 Ole' ,is awl the public generally. augl6-tf. M. X. FORREST. 1 _.-- 2 BETITLEHEM, PA. i , t. . . , OLD IIIO4AVIAN SUN INN," Rich In historical zderests, it is the only building In the country exc pt Independence Hall, honored b e y the sojourn within its walls of Washington, La- Fayette, Leo and other patriots of the Revolution.; This pepulat hotel has recently changed bands, been Improved, entirety refurnished, and the pro. prletor cordially invites his friends and traveling, puolie to give hini,a call—no pains will be spared to render their:slat:comfortable. People en route for Thliadelphli will And it convenient to spend the night here, ireaChing the city about eight In the morning. A sample room on the first floor, fur tIM arconinuxlat lon oennnnerclal agents. Sept. 4,-73 Ti N I IN'CONN ME We are prepare. of the day and or,: thetr seasons. March 30,":70. F TLIE MRS.. MA liming purchase( Cowles' Bakery, purchased An Cut NE* Suite Groceries, T 'as, Coffees, Dried Fruits, Canned Fkuits, Candies, Confec tioneryFreshßread,Biscuit, Busk' Rolls, &c.,Daily. MO Ma WIII be opetied :bout, where bin the nest cream 'al THE Ilas been renrnished, and will at all nines he stip• plied with Substantial eatableS, which will he seried at reasonable rates. Farmers and others wisitirig town will Km th s a convenient placo to supply the wants of the inner man. , 4 3IARY E. KITTREDGE. Towanda; Apr I 23.'74-tf. THE '.PL: lIORSE F Is at C.F. DAT Julius Wolf as . 1 my establlsltme nlent quarters, I mers, and all in • lIARNESS to give• J o e 4 tall 1 chines I posses better job;nt a I lisnment In the .1 Don 't forget , strnd of Fox & inay26„ IFOR SA E.—A valuable farm In' Athens tut., laying 24 miles front Athens, ore, and .'; ml es• from Waverly. Contains 1.36• acres, of which 125 are In grass and grain. A dairy of 25 cows ihasen kept on it, and thero Is baSe ment stabling fo that number. It has a gentle In-, ir elination to the south, and is warm, strong land. It will beisold tow and possession- given Immedl ately. A ddreSs I• ' El D. DREW, Elmira, N. Y. 1 .' D, F. PARK, Athens, Pa. ! J. DREW. on the farm. novl6 74tt ' ::4h~ El !OF VAR! ERN§ f - S THE tO Sy ES ER\,. t 13 - , , MIME LEI WARE, C A U ASKETS, 4%.1)E5, 131131111131 0. A. BLACK. I A. (ILA.SS; EMI itlii STORE, r 11. B. INOII AM AIVILT 1758 C. T. SMITH, Proprletor NO ROOMS lON WITH Tilt RE COURT HOUSE to feed the hungry at all tlmett Ming. Oysters and lee Cream In D. W. SCOTT Jr. CO • RIIANGRXENT BST WARD BAKERY. ,tY V. KITTREDGE tqe stork and fixtures of 11. A. as refitted the astabllshment and rely 7OCK OF GOODS, to tfie tradt,, : Ruch as mitt and attractive REAM SALOON I connection with the establise s and . gentlemen ran always find (I other delicacies of the season . PINING ROOM I . CE" TO BUYS YOUR HARNESS ANt "INGS GENERALLY is N'S In the store lately occupied Clothing Store. Hating removed t to more commodious and conve respectfully Invit my oldcusto• ant of anything Irthe line of • SADDLES, WHIPS, NETS, &C., !. feeling satisfied that front the. fa ' for purchasing stock; I can (16.2 •wer. price than any other estab minty. .k. ' . , he place one door below tho old orcur. • i C. F. DAYTON •_, , t'NDItY k matognig The suidarattlited hatis=talialtti t it Tonatiri and litacidne.brAcilus Carman, ate ,prepared to do lig 100o:won martthang tO IMO& biistness; with laotitiltaleestaiScht Allot GEARINGS 4 tilitolll,Ait sAW Mitts i 3LAYDRILLS7 kLadi of Mill Irons made to order, ENGINES REPAISEI. And work warranted to eve:sattifsetlon MEI SHINGLE MACHINES Of the latest and wet Improved kinds manufartur• ed and kept constantly on hand and wally for IPA PLOUGHS i . RIDE-RILL, IRON AND'IVOODEN DRAM of all kinds. CULTIVATORS, COILIg PLOUGHS MU) PLOUGH POINTS, Of 3all Idudr, and tho latext improveuteut kept on hand. CHURN POWERS, LARGIE A - N D SMALL SIZE. STOVE. CASTINPS CELLAR GRArES,. SLED AND SLEI4it SHOES, t:Attun ttr.fttc..: And alt kWh or castings furnished at Starch 30, - 70; MEANS . & ROCKWELL. T 1.4 0 .01) & CqMPANy Still continue to manufacture their celebrated HORSE POWERS Ai - CLEANERS, And will gel; a better machine for less money than can be had ellewhere •in the world. We claim for our machines that they will xto ns much, or more, than any Mher, and more durably built. We per sonally guperlutend our work ziud we that it is well done, We will send CATALOGUES of our 51.8e11 1 004 on I,2llvfictiflom4 ONE & TWO HORSE POWERS, One and. two horse Threashers and Separators, Thresher and Cleaners. FANNING MILLS, •CIIICULAIt AND DRAD SAW MILLS, driskltill' work done to order. Give" us a call before purchasing elsewhere. 'VII "03 4SN::4H.LIT "OS'N (MOW 1ix41.1,'69 NEV CARRIAGE FACTORY! Opposite the new Jail, fONVANDA, VENN'A, HENRY STETEN Respectfully' announces to his bleu& and icttnuis, that he ha's built a NEW BRICK C.II:RW7E FNCTORY, Where I will constantly keep nu hand a full assort meta of FAMILY CARRIAGES; TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS, TROTTING SULKYS, AND SKELETON s, Made of the best finished in the best city style. Ills itriig experience in city Car-. tinge, Factories gives. hint a decided ' • advantage over others in the STYLE AND DURABILITY of wisgbas. All he asks is au INSPECTION' _OF I.IS„WORK Precious to purchasing elsewhere ALL 'WORK WARRANTED-TO GIVE rERFECT ATISFATION Thankful for the 111,sralpatronage formerly ex tended and respectfully ash' a coothtuance of tho mme. REP'AIRIN“ I.I:O3I.I'TLY ATTENDED TO IT HEI)UCEU PRICES S'ITTLEN Tcavanda, Jan. 8;734 f. AV AG 0 N's IV AGO N 8 ! WAGONS! I keep on haul a law,e assortment of WAGONS' I=l SELL cI r t , ,HEAPETIII Than any othei establishment in the country. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES Of every description manufactured to order on short notice. JAMES BRYANT. Towanda, March 28, 1573. i POOK BINDERY.—The public is Respectfully informed - that the Book Bindery as been removed to the REronTzn Building, third story, where will be done • BOOK-BINDING In all-Its various branches, on terms as reasonable as the "hard times" will allow. The Bindery will ho under the charge of H. C. NV 11. IT A KE An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done In a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Music, Magazines, Nowspapets, Old Books, bound in every style. Particular atten tion will be paid to the fizzling And Binding of BLANK BOOKS, to any desired piittern, which In quality and dura bility 1711lbe,warrantetL: W All work will be ready for delivery when promised. The pa ro uge of the public Is solicited, and per , fact satis faction goaranteell.• " " 14111 _ - A N D l IETAU. I , nnuoa - rsi'st l'Art013'81111:001ii 1 4 pWitti,TIA, VENN I A: i ACIDS. EXTRACT /3 F.LIKIIIB,IIEIM4, OUGAU COA I EED PILL. ' ! POWDERS, GUMS, ; SYRUPS, TiURES, . • -"WINES; • . And pric*!tlons of all ltloOs. I II: STUFFSI' MACJUNE OILS, KEROSENE, . - 4JCOIIOL, &C., &C. PURE WiNE4 AND LIQUORS, for metileinal purposes,! i TOIIACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS', &C. Au the : a I 4 i POPULAR PATENT NEDIONES,'" and a Site assortment ot • Toitiwr AND FANCY. GOODS. . . .• , , 3loru than usual taro is given to the co i mpound , Ing of prescriptions.l, Open on Sunday froni 9 A. IL la 1 r. m., and front G p. 31.. tO 7 P. 31.1 i • 1)P. 3tanit.t. can IA COUSllltad at the stoni on Sat. nrday of each vcoek, - ; as heretofore. I). If. 'XUR.7.44:R, _ 1 -.,, W. 0.-OORDON. may 742 DR. 11. C. PORTER, lEEE= • Old). CASII .DRUG I sToliy., , • Corner 31alu aid. Pine Sta., Toiranda4Pa. tEstaP./tahal over a 7under of IpNen4ury. Wholesald and Retail De4ler In RAT , ' M E ES , CIIEMICALS, - ACIDS, DYE-STUFFS, & PERFUMERY, TOILET AND FANCY' DouDS „SPONOES,IIIItSIIES,.BRACES & TRUSSES, SOAPS, COMBS, POMADES, UAIR DYES. TEETH, SKIN, AND HAIR PREPARIATIDNS BA 20111, POCKET-KNIVEs POCK ET-DOORS AND PORT lONN AIES .ItIACAIRTY!AIIp,scoTcii SNUFF, . . FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, ri ARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER REEDS, Pure Wines and tlpuors, for medicinal', purpose's, . . i BOTANIC, ECLECTIC AND i I IOJUP f PATIJIC .117.31EDIES, I I AND ALL GENUINE POPULAR 3IELICINES, Supporters. Suspensories, Breast Ptimps, IPPLES, NIPPLE SIIELL.%, & SHIELDS, NURSING ROTTLES„ TEETHING i RINGS, Syringes, Bed Pans, Urinals, Thermoineterr, ELASTIC STOCKING ' S, &c.i KEROSENE on OoM. Om,. WICKS. CHIMNEYS, RATH HitlCHi SPERM, LAB t,, WHALE, NEAT 4 FOOT. TANNER O AND MACHINE OIL, . ALCOHOL AND SPIRITS TITRVENTINE, J SASH, PAINT- VARNI 11, 'WHITEWASH, (.I)IINTER, 1 HORSE, I 1 MANE. 8110 E, iiCRIETBEING, IIAIIII TOOTH, and all other kinds of brnsliesl, WINDOW AND PICTURE CLASS, of all.sizes. I rum: LINsEED OIL, rAlNTit,lryt AND VARNISH. i • MIXED PAINTSI • OF ANY DESIRED COLORI 111 THE POUND, PINT . OII OALLON : (MOUND IN (4L OR VARNIIII, AND DRY COLORS AI.L _ • - ALL ARTIOLES WARRANTED. Prelicrlptlnits curefitlly, cottiriorndedit , all hour of day and vight.l Open'undayforr script ions from 9 to 10. to I and r, [0 .1; P. 31. Dr. rurter can be consulted as; lieret4fore in lii' °Mee. Iniayia7s. 'ries and Provisions ; C. BM MIME DOI WHOLES: 1 DEAI.EI: IN i -1 ' " :s AEI) ITOVISIONS; GROCER I rowANDA, P'.fl. 1 , 1 1 OM The best brands of I I.LIV,A.YS -lIAND FLOUR st price paid foi all klfids of [ 'TRY PRODUCE. The 141 COLT such as ! ti ' BUTTER, I . POULTRY, GAME, tvevial attelatton paid to MI og on i lert l. tioo. ilelirervil I freo of charge. anywhere lin . I the Borough. I 1 . c. B. VA TC 11. 11 . I aul4-74 • , • I NO TICK HERE ! • • 3 • Brij the very ' best •goods or allikindsi l kept by any first-class grocei, and sold Down. Dowl7, Down, STRICTLY FOR • The choicest; I '• TEAS, SPICES MerpASSES, ' SYRUPS, ST GAR • COFFEES, 4:C., • I Received Dailx. fresh from the ;New York Marko and bong t at tho,very lowest cash prices. . , Having been engaged for the last threttycars with a 'First-class Wholesale grocer In New Mork, I have Facilities for *lying my goods !so that I can make It an object foerll CASH BUYERS call and • I i SEE MICISTOCK AiND',PRICES Before purchaslhg t;fz:elvlieie I WILL PAY CASH FOR VII.OI/I.IC E M. B. OW FiN _ L i . • ItEli; WHITE AND BLUE WORE, BIIIDGE-ST 3 . Miscellatecnis Advertisemeat,s. FOR SALE-CHEAP' lIND, ON CONVENIENT TtR3l9; A blacksmith and wagon shop, Withla twenty feet water power attached. A very desirable location for business. The shops are large and convenient, witttnecei- Baty machinery for carrying on an extensive busi ness. A small new dwelling !Urns° and one acre of land attachedi • • ALSO—OnI other water power lon thOt , satne. stream, with a* twenty-five feet wheel, with saw and lath mil , all in good ninningl order. This property with be , sold together with fire acres of land on which the mill stands. ALSO—A ROTEL PROPERTY. ;with a large two and one-half story house, With buck buildings. Hain building 60x32 feet, with large; and conveni ent barn. This property will be Sold with one or more acres of I lazoL to suit purchaser.; ALSO—A FARM containing aboui 130 acres of land, all Improved except 5 acres; two dwelling houses, two occhards, large cattle barn, horse barn, wogon house and sheds thereon. Tr property Is In a high state of culdration,;and t e quality of the land unsurpassed in the count'. The alone 4eserlbed property is all desirably 10- - cated and conenient to Lehigh Valley Ball Road: sir. For terms of sale apply to th&subscriher, at Myersburg, Bradford County, Pa aprl-75. • B. REED 3IYER. RANK,.'6I GRAVE GUARDS. .. For the pi:mos° of preseridng 4e permanent symmetry of .flurlal mounds and holding the usual Head and foOt Stones more permanently and se curely In post i ion. . , ... For particulars address : i I L. S. DICXENON, Agt., . liiptingliellie , , , • Wititti4 UM W o A. C 13E . ItLI ME =M WATen FINE ANIE 'SIL.VEIi AND PiETAIL Ell =I Dealer hi I) .I A 41 O_ N li S INE 4EW EL RY, '' AND CLUCKS: ZEMEE June 2-71 JE\VELR, SI L A VE It W,A RE, IPMM7M HE leDealer ICAN• AND SWISS ) Gum) AN; E JEWELRY. ME IN-G SILVER STEM IP 14 A \V Alt E C Lill 'KS IEAPEST 'TO TUE BEST. FROM TILE C, ILVEICANSTEEL ISM ESA; EYE GLASSES SPECTACI One dour north a Dr. Porter 4S; Ifing store,. Main Street, TO,WANDA, PA., jan6-75 rtESENTS - FOR ALL, kT THE EW JEWELRY STORE. W. A. ROCKWELL constantly r_•ceiving In uldltlon to hi, large sits k ' - • of jewelry. PINE GOLD SET,, EU BANDS, RI\U,S, STI:Ds, •C II A lt 4S, AMERICAN AN.ltsll'l's \CATC ES GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES SILVER PLATEDIN - ARE lit , ALL V.A . R I ET lES COLD, ail•'r AS!) STEEL SPECTACLES SILVER D PLATED RINGS AND CHARMS IMII CLOCKS 'OF ALL VA SIE TIES, at the lowt;ht prtce.' 'Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing done in Ow best manner,' and warranted. Thongs (or a liberal patronage' awl kope to merit:a cont In mance •ef the same. MEM SPECTACLVS! SPECTACLES! \RUNDEL TINTED These Lenses have the power: of Protecting the Eye from 1121117,T10N. arising from Light, ac companied by lltat. Under Wilson's Americanaud English letters patent ItEASONS WHY THE ARUNDEL TINTED I',PET.NCLES SHOULII BE PREFERRED TO ALL OTHERS They have the power of Arrestthr the Heat-Ray of Solar and Artificial Light before entering the They are Violet Tinted, yet so constructed that when applied to the Eye appear coteries The high ancitow nutniwrs are the sine• tint CIIAM BE1:14 JEWELER, TOWANDA, PA.,, =ME AmpucAN & SWISS wATcprEs STF N 6 :AI:VER sl'OON!. AND Fo ROOEI BRI ):i4'ELEBRATEI/ML.vEn WARE FINE. GOLD JEWELRY, &C., ke OPPOigTE ('QUIT lIOUSE, N ov. 12,1'4 THE BEST pR A Rr i E LANDS - lOWA AND NEARASKA, for sato by BURLINGTON .k; MISSOURI RIVER R. R. CO. On ten year's credit at 6 per cent Interest. ON E MILLION ACRES-In lOWA and Souther' 133:3113233 The finest eimutry in the World to combine farm log and stock raising. Products will pay for land and im provements long beforethe prin cipal becomes'due. LARGE DISCOUNTS for cash. "The so-called l destltution In NebratAs Iles In 11w far western - reglon, boyond the lands of the D. & 31. R. It. Co." tie For clrculars:that will fully describe these lands, and the terms of sale, apply to or addriss, LAND CO3I3IISSIONER, Darlington, lowa, for lowa Lands, or Lincoln, for.Nehrsaka Lands. : t ••••'; ." • To 01311,1"A.TRON-Q 1 --." GE 6-:,- - ir . ;;::-w . p. - ci,.»:'04.: C 6.-; Grateful for tholenerour patrOnage of the, past, year. would Inform alt wanting ricturea ittult Ire are still MMus to our establishaieut Ntir AND IIIrEOVZDINS7I3II3I.ENTs; And adopting tided and ipproved moles or 'printing and ratouchtng In Order to tweeter • IriNV.ll PIIOTOGIWfi 711 it:( Y.VER made outside et .the : tiller; and that- Ire nok4 ft s tpeeislty it/enlarge all , kinds M Pletttres any also desired. =4 NM* lin irratrr ludls Ink, or In Ult, In the BEST STYLES klilt VERY . „ , We alio endeavor to take ail the time pos4:il.le In making childrens picture: so as to recur , ' tilt lest results. 1 We am constantly adding to our ntock. et i , 'AU new patterns-and tasteful styl , 4. awl Pu nish them at a small adr.ittee front cost price 4. May 11-.13 OAL! COALc„COAL! COAL! C• TH,E ' OLD TOWANDA COAL YARD! it:SCOTT Take pleasure In announcing to their frieinF the public generally, that they are prepared to fur. nish any. of the following named iCoals in fluallt I• ties to snit purchasers, ttloroughly screened atm slated, and at as low rates anal any yard 1 ., 1 wanda. We keep the lanstlt'oals from the intt•lni: and Wilks-Barre mines. MI SIJIrLIVAN A I NTMIACTO • COkL, 1 I •. an frwa wines SMITH ANY STOVE COA from tlir Uiit Ilarclalzr 311mh•f. are ttg. We ki•ep on , hand the BEST ALLEN OWN LIME. , 1 m,it, 1 1. TILE BF $T T .COP L LAY •.CENl'll' All order:, left aC the st r urea of Long k F.. 1. Cafkinq. Thlnl Ward, Ktrbroi Irrug.:Sturr, at ourOlTlce..corn , :r of Myer aut Ellzats:tWi reclev. pnannt attention. ; PLE.ISE Grvi,' US A CALL. s. NEIN ' . f7, • . 890:71.. , NEW 1:1.01:11ING 31Y1,1 !! ' • ! STEAM Ft:MIRING 'Mtl,l*. I now In surecod'ul operation, and that I.! pared to do all work In 11111Ine on stn.rt . CUSTOM li1(11111ING DONE, 4.0:s 01E: \\"L.•at. :111..h nye now. p At Brio'. V.. and for ,ale nt tatPs: r.kirric the ire,t tide of the river de,irtitz, to patr. , l.l, mill. will have their ferr'vnge paid both '” a y hev,.hring gri,t. of tett irtt , ll,4s , t;ui air, =ill T H E ll E :11 IN; G ri: q N The REMINI.:TON sprung rapidly Into :favor 4,05.5e5411.i tlit• in •coMbination of good quill( !namely : rd. ntng. smooth. notseleS.. rhphl.! durable. milli 1.,. Stitch.. It is a Shuttle Mavliii,e, =Ms Drop Feed. . • • NECKLIOEz:. . 11. .4 13 n•••••,. 11! tht 1111141.3, , M.oollif • fori•vni • ' • ' .• • • trtlntL•netb, ha; 'Met. With a :Iva, Salta: than any, nta , •llllni ull tilt Ina! k.... ' Thichit,e for iiiiditifilettirjug ready Tor delivery 1111h' !duce ;line. 1 , •74.) 1 r ierfeelion. and variety of iii family or wi.rk,111,1.. W. ROC KW ELI SP:M I NI. II.1 ; :4 - 111N I. 0;1' Ee". 13,•75. R 1;] AL . I.: ST A T ! - AG T FA.IOI:K. 3111.1.5, VILLA; MO lOWA, NEBRASKA k KANSA A. CHAMBERLIN Along line of natifonill. Very th—fra'.:e. . ? I. 1 ' . s. . PROPERTY FOR RENT; II FOR Dll ELLIS AND BUSINESS f URPOSEs. . , 1 . . t heats collected and rentitte4 on reasonable le _ , Money. Loaned . & , Loans Negotiat Parties wishing t pirchtlet (Iv , tv ca..!r , Our lista. • • Mnl=l ZS= • . I 0•11•1•1 Ida ESE PHOTOGRAPHERS, TONVANTIAPA., It It A 3IY:S Ili Pd MI • • The givi, !I"( 'rt.! tha: Ine 154,.. 6AY . TII AT 1;4 RECEIVE:I. 11E3tINGToN No. I REMINGTa' NO. GOOD AGENT:i I . wANTEr, =I NEAV YORK' BRANCH OFFICES4.OF F.3I stvroN C PIN its. E. It EMI NOToN soNi, It EMINciToN 4E\ INC, M. co.. REMINC:ToN co:. ==MIIZWZI :11;n1I;on Square, S. Y.. Sewing - Nl:whin , Chleag". 237 State St:; S. Mai lflnes:anl .t::: Itr,aton, 332 .Wa,lalngtnn St., Searing: NI :why. , Chichi:tit', ISt Weht 4th St.. SewitneNlach , n 1%1c:4 In Genesee St., Sewing Machine , . Washlagton,D. 0.,521 7th St.,S :wing 31:tellia Atlanta. Ga., Detilvea Orra, House. Marl St., Sewill,7 Mai. 11111.•••• AI J. NOBLE =4, • 31.. in ,trait PE N N T 0 lr ,F.N Anil BUSINESS SITES IN TOW 1 ' :. StI.W . AI - S 11.k.N11:/%1' Ab large tr.,cts of kind In tqr EMlgnints - J. NOBLE: .:,Cso apr22-75tf. ( - ' II ME F. S. 11' t:1:- E 1.(t77., 411.1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers