Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 07, 1875, Image 3
J 3 l 0 1 1 atoa ot t try" ..• from the Court House to the south Hoe-fsetrip ,; .. 1111 ight, mud - . . ~, = a long Aldan/me - into , 4tiDyai Co prima) ti 3 •74 :4 b Ittft 04 tmb ui g i nt awls!, ili . ' ildititiii ti the t,iiiti POiii i i,Mi _Bib other in anOther; vre *I .it wi,M-by taking half off on each side of that maize line as run by COitRAD from the survey of 1824. . 1 Here yon have the gist of the matter,' for the attempt to claim our Elute prop-. city as dedicated to pnbllOA nl : 35 1 3 itgis as absurd, "We SWUM lid VII opened the s lace ftit 1 . -- yriVate road" and then by ,• . • Bon have given the Council of thin l . tough the right to destroy that private ' We are wining that Main street should!' be widened an - equal Width on each side': i of the Centre line, whether it be to make ' the width fifty or fifty-five t: ~ . I :By Widening the ebtvek its . AVillif''. L ibo t let ; Thel i wtinliirestitt aEt - Ig it 'sheet - rUtitill‘g frd .. it Polk Oppoilte the Public • S'AliaiC tin e Borough line withbut an-1 gles in it. 1 • ! . 2d. Approach and access to properties on the - west side of the street; Would remain in their present shape, as they were when the . purchasers bought , them. 1 . Pd.' Expense of heavy bank nutting would be avoided: 4615,t The ope,fting of treacherous,:slip-. Mit banks, at present well sodded, would be:dispensed with. sth. The ascent of the hill near rongh line would , be, lessened, the rtwd, meeting the brow of the hill at a tinier elevation, as can be sea When on the grew', t nth: ProWty would be put to damage on 'both sides to a lesi extent than as an dO the proposed ordinance, will be the case where the damage is thrown on one side alone. • 7th. 'Becanse• the damage done to the eastern side of the,strectai One Which can he repo abed by a money saint; the , pro10:y then can be valued as of its in- trillsicmerits, and the portion remaining not ,damaged materially, or access pre- ' vented to it. While the proposed line of 1 the Members of Council does irreparable damage to portions of the west side of the street. 'As for, Instance : Entrance-way to the houses of Mr. Gluten; Mr. KEN NEDY and Mr. IlEtWottn, will be at least eight feet, together with the foundations ' of . their houses above the level of . the walk, with the surface of; their lilts as at present rapidly MOLT Ifeiddll thehtr -- - - 1 A. AVM INtitase Of ii•eeparaide damage mulct the Init4f6etl lille•,1will be to the ' property ownild ty Nis. Outwit, former- Iy DEWriv, .Taken as from Main street, , this property will be inaccessible, its own- i er compelled to erect a massive ;tone wall over eighteen feet lit height, .to prevent one-unarter '6l the lot from sliding down lad The street. ' It is uo exaggeration 0 say that this lot as•from Main street will; - under the .Council line, 'lie valueless, on , account or the expense its owner ~ til be 1 I put to. The same remarks are true, but to a less extent, as reghrds the adjacent Tit: Ladies' Executive CoMmitlce of , lot owned by M. MAsox. In fact, bad the National CommemOratiVe Association Ms, tTeator made the site of_ thisttown a -have appOinted Mrs. R. Ft, GoomIAN, or , level, plain,. it. is probable, judging from this place, urnexcentitliorUer for Eastern their past, or proposed ine : of ebtfoir; ' , Bradford, and. rho contributions and co- : these . members of the Council,' with their op and. . all pariotic Americans, la- I' due antagonism to the nature of our loda, 'diet; as well .as gentlemen, children not I tion, would have done their .very best to less than adults, arelnvited and solicited. Make. is have keidtAill town. • ' It is the',purpose of the Association; tstli. In front of our own preinises, a through the 'liberality of the American long line of bank is cut down, together people, to erect in Independence Square, with a row of beautiful shade trees, oak in the City. of l'hdadelphia, a colossal and hickory, which cannot be replaced. Mnument tO Liberty, emblematic of love These trees. are dear ,to us: they have of eetutlry and of the beneficence of our 1 grown up in vigor and beauty as we hare' itvstitutions;! and commemorative of the growil old; Almost every limb has had one limalredth anniversary of the:nation's our Ore. • ; Yes, you wise men, you who birthday. : ' . are above these childish notions, you who . The monument will be 'designed by an are sia eminently practical; we- love these American artist,:and erirted on the most trees. It is a shame for you that you do 'sacred spot of ArnerWan soil, as a memo- not seem to know what that feeling Ls: I vial of the nrrafdest event in our country's PRY you if you can see one" of these way-1 lijstovv..- , --the Declaration of the independ_ side children of nature—God's representa- own of th 6, United 'States, and of the tive of the country in thetown—cut down 1 nights of Man, and 'as a token of the without a regret. But we are not the gratitude of a Whole nation for the bless- only persons interested in the preserva ings of free government. ' . turn of these trees. ' . Contributions ate fixed at Imo d o ll ar Others appreciate their beauty and en from 'eae,lt . crud victual, whose- sh.,•natpre l joy their shade. . Even our . gentle Arabi-'I and reside:tee will be enrolled in a! am, from over -the creek, with.their Rini - wide Volume and placed in f o d e p oi d_ ' dusky; faces, trying to run .5.i line ome-I home (lice Hall asst permanent record, for, all ward on the Council plan, tirtit on one side time: of thoSe who have aided in erecting and then on the other, have learned ; to a triblite-fioin the people of America to I appreiiate their refreshing shade:' . - the ft intalers of Ihe Republic: I am not ashamed to, linger here-. Civil- -- Em.-li trill receive a picture ‘4l-the mom:mast In tiers in, 'Sr le bile its streets, guards lithoha. 22 by lti Melte , : in size, them With tenderness, clothes them when I of all the measures proposell-t,/-prtqa-r_ age li:th' worn their majestic trtiltkn i and Jr honor the; Centennifil of: our nation's holds anti binds itp their poor, Shattered existence, no more 'fitting emblem of op- limbs, that for a, fbth years more the preciation could 1* eonceivt4 than. this old tree May send out in; Waves.. Nothing monumenl to stand on.tint sasted soil of but. absolute,. imperative necessity justi- Independunci! ~`4,N,nare. Wlrc't the Exposi- lios the cutting down of b. shade tree on a (ion is ('Vol.. ;1 1 1( 1, 1 1 10 gran it di s pl a y ? an d • ptlblie highway. What, Mr. Councilman, hies; whit +,vAr ie ,,,-, - [ is, have a n passedis the pecuniary value of one of these away. this •olosai emhlele of Liberty trres:' , : How will' you pay' us or the a ntl, Datriot ism Will stand fs'a- -if‘Se-4• a tea- Ymblie for those trees? We are willing timottial to the liberality of those w h o , to pay to have them spared, Willing to participated in the veniennial pay our share of 'the damages. Give us , The' Presivh,nl of the I.adies• Executive at least the privilege of doing that. Give Collin:Mee tic . Miss I.orNx E. ( •I•aGMutNs i • us a chance-to express' in the latgua,ge of a. lady of thehighest respectability, who , dollars and cents —a language you can un has 'tle"vsted 'herself to this meritorious, derstatid-:- the value we put on those wot i;. and will) i:.; gratnito u Sly g iyi og a ll trees.• Give us at-least this privilege to her thin: towards forwarding the emit- sic) . - to our neighbors.on the opposite side. plise.. • •-, i of-the street :" We pay a portion of your Wit It list ;hat ouir citizens will respond loss, we indemnify you our share for your ice.-ronsly to the apPeaP which will be building.; ire help to pay for it : come, .now, and rest with us under the trees we mnllv t, thein• aml that the amount con trileits•sl bv Bradford county t i , wari l,, ti lt , have saved. ,Do not take advantage of VI j`V: j ,, !! Of il)iS., , nisammeil i w ill spea k your position, because you are one of the low]; k ',,,, th,••lit, cri ,lis e aw l I ,• i s I ;,,ii„ 1;1 of , powers that be, to irretrievably injnrc us. our people. : If the homes go,' human hands may —•' . rear thee' up againin time for us to dwell 1 TnomAs 11.(xwELL.---Thursday evening in them; but these trees cut Own, cannot 1:1:q. about eight o'clock, our village was he replaced in time for you or me to see shikked by the 5110 , suneement that Taos. them. Before others in or near their ;74... xwELL , 0 6 ( .. o f our 1.,, t - known mer- present: site can grow up, you or I,- my Chants and old citizens, had just died, friend, Mr. Councilman, will have reached the had I,e( n about the. streets attending the enseof, I hope, that "narrow road" _ to business as -usual, all the week. ansl which the Devil is always endeavoring to W F. I:i i:I.i.ES, :so o of it: M. V4, - , " Li s , eyelf that morning hail been down town, _ widen, and which is also designated as , s 1: itdi law in Rochester. but had „one 110:114! complaining of not '-the "straight"; or our spirits be trying ng - . ' =Mrs. 0. A. Bxt.owix has turntsl feeling very well. but Do one s.upposed to broaden or grade to a level the streets , Fr l i t• To ;: ‘isit to ( . 0.;1, NeW .1 . 411 h. - ' there tills ;tliy . ,il:lll,Vei. In the early even- of a certain City, the New Jerusalem "set N - s- are pleaseo , to see 31• ! . • in ! , he lay decd,, and from a light shun. upon a hill,'' with an endless chance of ._, 4 Is T I,;is,•cti unnoticed 'tit i the stillness of . cutting down the trees which take up a ~ ,11H,11;e: 1111 11 Silliering- . 9 - call a severe li , t- death. so 140141 en a death of one so prom- portion of the bank of the River of Life. tilrllof ncutalgia for ,4 ):Oe weeks, agglin ineut, one who•was daily on the street in ' E. T. Ett.totT. ~ a I e .-1 wet. ;s. ^converse with our citizens, transacting Below are given the premiums awarded I ..,, —MIS: LET, of • l'hilasb :pltia, and business, and appalently in the-full health by the Bradford County AgriculturalSocie slaaghl VII ;liof the late Dr. •83111,1• S, i s v i s i ts - of vigorous manhood, cast a sleep gloom _ ;I at J. J. GitIFF "•ITIIS. . over ourwhole Whole commanity. „ ~ Tito r nas Mxx ; Avvia. was tifty•three years ; 22, 23 Red 21. 1875. • — F aLPI: 111 ('R 11 - 111111 "TT anit "e• "' old.-was the son of llF.gron I. Maxwm.r., • • • CLASS I. New York. are thst guests of,- (( " E " It(; . 1: ' of Elmira. where he was born and brought . l' m"" 4 :'''""TY. / 3 "rhain r'""` . , - . - Heifer, Si7' VEN''. Mrs- 11. (CI•AR-,t 't I MICRis) Is up, and where liit , was formanyyears CM- . , ,;Yr'. of the mosi distinguished actress.9s in -.---, ployed in the store's& DAV:nil. TUTHILL. , CLASS Iy. sari , ~ , ;1111ry: 1. - _ Tl 4 1.;‘,481....1,r,1 i p., ROI, , '' ' 'flit MANWKI.I. family' was a prominent ct,.itss vu. • , one in the Clienbing valley; Hon. Thies. ; --:-.ll:t,m i tny -I . 1.:14:II \II' and TnEamottE „ Li. , xwELL i l i, , uncle, . ix ; ino , for -many , A 5!.%.3-1.1. Yt :r l; : hl'..r . l.lis i i . ,Callle..l ,l t. I ISilliOW , grailliateS of the Susquehanna '` s years prominent as a literary man and lo- Ar" - ' ' " l 'ollegiate Institute, have gone to Phila- i cal historian. aelphia to engage in the study of law. Mr. 3f.ixwEia,came to 'Troy in 184(V Thee Ate both ht -inift iiite'lio'et t youro - • ' • '- ' ' l ' --' 3 "''' and commenced business on the ground ''''' . .', l- ""', l ", i11 , (1 '!, ' /) ".,"," r , t ', ) 11(111sely " ns Ivherc the bank now stands. The - next - 4.,-.,, as the i r .-I , str;_wiqiee.. . Fens. 1847, lie went into partnenthip with . , • • •-. , Henry Leonard, They were burned out _ t'ol•hl I'llo4'lll/!NIIS. Wednesday, April 4, 1848, moved into an old building -. i'teml. tr 29. ~ : farther down Main street, and after the 1-,... , ,5t Nat m mal Bank 4. "" anti" ‘s rebuilding of the Ballard block, continued ii.iniiello;zg, Judgment . for want 'ot . - business therein; next the Tioy House. . , 111 ailsearance. • ~ Not long after tile completion-of the rail ' \ V l Al' I) eurh• rolat'r of till' last trill loads ill 1855, he was agient at this station ,•,;•, tesl;rment.:s'r Valentine Stint h. de- : tin' 0 yeai : • = .2l:lsl' afterwards spent three vs nwlit al i Lift. Insuramat Co. years in the serail in bikiinesS r with M. ‘ , olic! in far..r ut t.!!•! rtilintill A . All(' sum 31411:5E.' He afterwards Went into part ' ~, sil'o•ln • - .: : : .• • •:, ner,hip with Mr. Ltoxxiip -in the store ~,;....1;e, day October 5. • , now occupied by 3.EIVELT. & PoiIEIZOY. ' 'II 111 , 0i111 1 of ••ll..Stre6t, Esq.. Court an- in 1863 they quit trade. but continued h;••-•0.!_' Smith. Esq..-a member of the Lu- their butter business and in 18C41, with ':tl•' (- , ...itity tar, t.) :practice In the sey•- • (1. .F. PIEDINGTe.s, limy formed the firm , i-.• e•eii.t..l Bradford county, whereup of RErstMitOXS. :3IA.X.WELI. IS: LEON AR. D. , -11 11,• 1‘1;: , duly sworn. ~. ' Ile ;continued with them until .Tune, 1874, ,-, ';‘ i..; "'," l de VS ' I! S Gam bl e. , "I P 6 " when on account of ill-health, - he with ''''" '''' l " . llint to ' snow cause w hy an at - drew from the firm. Tor a time it was -1':III ,, ;it , l-lould not issue rgainst him. . feared that lie would .succumb to his i11.1.0,n,•• . 1 .0 , n,•• Terry vs 0 Hibbard. ' Pierce .t: nese., but some Months aga be resumed ~ ~„ , , I ,: i . ‘s II A/ Cowles. Rule in his wonted elasticity, and has been en , , I.. 1)• continued to.. November Term. ivged in business on his own account, Ntaiga i rs t Bunnell vs R K llttlett. Ruk end was to all appearinces as well as ever. ~ ,i a inn, II to December Term. • . When Ile died he was 3laster of Trojan i \( . 11 : 111.1 " 1 s " 1 : 311 "ie Irhn: 4 l . - nule ;: e d, - Lodge,A. Y . :- 3L, and a Past' Grand of , Priarn Lodge I. 0. of 0. F.. and was al , • 'ways:a prominent member of these or , TH;:. "BO••••i FANNING MAII. ' AT Tut• tiers, a large attendance of whose•ment _H Nonl s - rXrn EXtst.—En.: , Itrronv-,',, hers were present to.. honor his funeral. La •• Los" Fanning Mill; manufae• ; He was a man of- quick, bright • intelli- Ihi‘ , i l' the - New Yin-lc:Fanning Mill Co:, I genee, generous'. sympathies, prominent .: 2 :1: , w,,uf1 a , Pa., Was to-day at the Stat 'and. active as a rcitizen. As a husband 1.., le It this s•ity,t awarded th e fi r st preini- ; - and a !father he :was unusually devoted ""'I: :I- a superbir mill for chaffing and I and tender. He leaves a Wife, a daughter - *wiltin g different grains, and also i for , and a sob. Mrs...WM . . HoFFatior, of El , t.liil, :; -oat chess.' cockle, And all small, : mira,_ and Mrs. THEODORE IhNiEn, of • ,Ad t"ri cleaning 'timothy and elo- HaVana, are.sisters, and Mr. E. MixwELL . 2 -2- d. It. combines all the , requisites rof Oswego,. a brother of the deceased. '' ' 1 2 . 1 " "'" - !:l'aTator and chatting milt All The funeral services took place at the -,,,,., d,irous of buying a fanning Presbyterian 'church on Saturday after= "'.' ,• o!:i.-- LA better examine this one before•. ,coon, were conducted in the Masonic rite, " I . , sing elsewhere. In the future we and-the sermon was preached by Her. S. 'il ,it , - the mill a;nistre extended notice. L. Comm--I.Y. T.: Ggictte. - :hi iatroducing this mill to the farmers I - .: -'•- "" 1 111. Sta te of New York, the . manufac- 'To TDB CITIZENS OF TOWANDA .. .B0- ' , ,,•rs state that the price at which they nOr.oll-*- Fellow . .'Suiferers : . As you' are ;ie '('l(l,` is that the ; reach of every . aware, there is4difference of opinion be "'l. ( - 1': and that no' one 'after becoming •.tween some of uS•who reside in the First .".401aimed with its merits can. afford to Ward and a portion ofthe Toren Council. , i, t . witli out it. •. . Though this is not your "funeral," you ,At. pl mon wishing information in re- may be the next, "corpse," and I prtipoie •.:ir , l !',. th e ••floss," c an obtain it by ad- .to try your patience a little. d • - ~' -1- -iI i g (.. F..Nlctiot.s & Co. Towanda, Somebody who lives in U lster, discus : a. i , . :Elmira. N. Y., Sept. :10. '' E fivread,a, Pa.,- Thunday, tan.: OILEAT ndsuarnarrsTO ro 0111138 int. TIM IMPORTER. I}eshing U. largely increase the circnia. tion of the REPORTER, We Will between this dine and the -first of deseng7 next, give a newt Sixty-five Doitar Weed Sewing Nfxchine to every person forwarding us Forty New Subscribers, at $1.50 each. . Bach a tlub can be formed in every township. • ; LOCAL AND CENERAL. OI:11 statistical temperance article .is -again crowded out l but we will certainly nail a place for lt next week. Tra.: I library and office furniture of the kW W. A. PECK ' Eiq.. was sold oh Friday last. it M. PECK Was ern PAY.. chaser. BASF: 8AL1... Ptititens of this place .--were beaten la,y tam Ghent chkb, on Satur day last, b,yn score of 29 to 9. The game was I l v ed. I.lornbrook. • TUE next sociable of the Presbyterian Society of Monroet,ou, 'Kill be held at the house of Mr. ,lIIRA:Nt SWEET, on Thursday evening, October 14. , 111 are invited, THE Good Templars and Glaligeirs ph:- nicked in Hickory Gt'ov West Burling ton, ou Saturday last, At were made by Hon. C. F. NICIToLs and .110: TRANST:E. - - -- • . • DoNliTio.—'ine friends of &N. HAL LOCK. Arianinotio will mkt him a dona tion visit at the horse of Mr. SAmrEt. B. Mi;Conn, in Highland, on Tuesday even ing, October • All are invited, yrivonots and wide-awake rttib ivas formed at Troy; - on Mciuday .4 , vening last. Judge LoNv; plV4kled, and :made an .eloquent tcpetv..h.f %Addresses - were also made by W. T. D.ivms, Esq., :and Col. E. OvnttroN, of this place. J. 0. FRI - Isl . ' has-just yetunied. from 'trip to Indiana. Ile reports business in •tls Hoosier State- rather dull. We are ~pleased to learn, however, that he found •a ready market- for the; superior goods •manufaetured by his . ATtiEsti was visited by quite- a dkaz , ...- .trous tire, on- Saturday evening Llst, ' A number of frame buildings on the east side of Main street, including Piiie's llo‘ tel, COMSTOCK'S 110ltsR, find several Mr:es and barns were burned We. InsYe not learned the= igirtienlars, • •--J. M, CArwm.i., of Terry,-has left at thiwoffice several mammoth potatoes, of the English tuMw-llake Variety. T.tvn of them measnre about 14 inelre , -, zaelt in length. • The aggregate trY.Aght of the three tubers is pouncls., Mr. (2. informs us 'that he ilhg, 4 ire toes from the hill out, 11''a4eh . ktitiris.1 specimens were taken. IN ro`..viga:ExcE of the storm. 'Ate tem perance i`k - -nie advertised te. tome Off in Prospect GroVe, two awl , A half miles east from:. Athens, wits ‘Nostponed. If the weather h; favorWO, ale' entertainment will come off at ":lie same' place on Tues day next, t}.l.• 12. All members of the t*ouod Teniplar organization, and ' other friev*_: of the cduse, re in' itlA - to be lies t, and bring well tilled lxvskets THE iiuniting inemiliers of the gallant ~ht 141st Regiment.'..o , ll.lle number of over me hundred, ase , .i.o4+:lleill i n this plaice on M!pudily last, -11.*4- the parpose of perfecting an organiration. The proceedings appeAr in another coquina. It was a very pleas ant .si4.itt to see the " boys " together .again. and hear them tell their battles" and camp incidents over. Arrangeilients win. made for another ineeiing next year, lit - lien-we hope to see a mueli larger at - teaditnei , . ' . .k tile - in II IWII ,Il WA% 4V)11.N LEE, of Ber rick. a anan accll ot.lvanced in yeati , , and .Irt who -soi...tnt,oci to etkjoy the itsitnion two years , inre. 31r. L. went t ,. :NOn'of4l:anint loeati.4.l ins suldinr tit ii.l-Aroxratit, and :tiler residing' 'npon, .11fer! , eyptireil time, returned to his liOniC county: making the entire journey tht.! hack of . :1 innet:nig pony. Siv. E. B. PAnsoNs: thy tie w lirbprieblr •Ilock City," near Olean, has coin meneed to fit it. up for the :terminal-I - hi-. lion of iisitoi - s. The .111 e—any • Rep,: r? r. ,says his npk:ing roailways;' paths. stair- Ways. anti all needed repairs to the d ateti . Newt summer it will be a famous 'resort for tourist:4. Partly:: an. ‘ , 4:stairtly visiting avd....xTloring-it now: t;k.r.F.;tt Club has bertr 11 , - retaly organized in' onr illace, composed . of: the tOllowing gentlemeti Ist Tctn T I\l3 - 1.1.0ck . , •N. N. IlErrs; '2(l Ttmi.„i). ('. DElVirr. Gorr: Ist affT, 11, 111Ekti.v: 11(1 Ita , s 44 . .1. ITIALDIVI.N. L.- .F?. Piz.‘NK It. TIN. Chill «ill illeCi . ; tt (11 . 0.1! AVldia.:-day evening, 1. • - ...e -- -. —!-----.--- .. • PIA::-(.,;.11...1' . 01. 4. 11. 1101:T0N INis 144;11I• li. - .‘ lll s:44.'llllSelt.S. Sro the piiryose of vi.iting ii iemjs; and acr9itip:znyinfr.- )Irs. II: itwile. Tr - i • Alma. Brat% mil. Few per doubtless sibattars of the:fact that " the original inventor of steel pens is it*. Sir Meson,. how the- pen manufacturer of Birminghrun land, enjoys that distinction. HO hi *ow very, old, being above eighty. . rts his great factOry that several o f sut the most poip ul 'o f the *May famed Speneerian Double .EtAtic Steel Pens are made, the Win:lets being supplied by the_ proprietors of the pens;-.Messrs. BtAxEstsrc, T.tyLon, Ja to., the Educational Publish ers of New York. Tho Speneerian Pens have attained their great popularity from a variety of reasons, all of reldrh to apparent - to any one whe raty try them. Of ono'number More than six nail- lions were rota last year. Wo Use them . in cur dace, and are so well pleased with them that we have no hesitation in saying that they are, in our opinion, superior to any other article of the kind with which, we are acquainted. Their chief charac teristicsceni to be flexibility, elasticity,. durability, and evenness of pdil 4 .l•, and a nearer approxitnadott. t the real quill ac tion than ia^ tnn heretofore attained in u';oxkl The Spencerian are compris ed in fifteen nambers, all differing-in flex ibility and fineness of point, and fox' the convenience of those who wish, to try, them, M ' _Messrs. Ivisos BLA M KEAN, TAY LOR kt: Co., 138 and tin . Grand street, New York, will send by mail- a satnnle card, seeprely enclosed, conteittitig one each of the different on receipt of tweitty-fiv e vrub.k. - . - lili Al:Titoas OF THE SPELLESCI tit.v.--Arid now it is said that the publish ' hrs of, !Webster's Dictionaries are reispen ! Bible for the recent "Ilth • ex ! eiteinent. ' Whetiter Hill is true or not, the 61)014;01:M1a was a good thing, and it undenhtedly had a very excellent intlu thee.. Of all educational accomplishments, a proper knowledge of the orthography of our own language is certainly the most desirable, :and of all file deficiencies ht our educational methods, ,thet relating this study is the.ntst tritirkeq. And we were therefore going 1 say that whether the sPellitio• excitement canie about through the advertising" efforts . of the Webster publishers nr not, one thing is quite clear, and that is that there is nothing that has helped to 'stimulate the wide-spreadinter est in thti subject, or that is e. nearly a speller's rode. Mecum as Webster's F,'ock , et Dictionary, sold for one dollar, and to be bad of almost any dealer in book,s. It is a mart el of compactness, containing about thic hundred filmtratiotts,, over eighteen bowed words, %id' but 'com- Prebete , ive rules fOr shelling, a largenntn ber of feoni foreige languages, phrases, proverli,, et"'., in common use. It is 'neallv boottti in Morocco, with tuck's and gilt ' , .lges, If not otherwise obtahia ' ble R May be had by mail from the pub= ushers, MeSsrs. li - rsoS - , 8T..% IclcA± TAY.. IM1; Co . , 138 and 140 Grand street, (Nem: 'York, by coelbSing to them the price, one'don" _ bred that South Nair) street needed ni -1 dening. The centre line street that street • _ CLAM iX II 1.11 Bolles: Cotswold Buck, R:vl"•r. L.plerster " " • _ " Flock; _ Ewo, CLASS X. M F Ran'mott, CL.tXI i' - G A Gurus, ttb.llion 1 yenniWiltlnter, 21 4 00 ,„ i.l G Mason. " ... " Ist, lt 00 iG AV Palling. " under 4 yrars, -, . 500 C T Swain, M.Are 00,1t-r-:1 y.ltre, 2OO cl, Tr y, Mal,. Colt., 2OO It NV Iltilioz• Mare Cult, 2 00 ' • CLASS XII. . ''. W W BOWIIII n, r:el.liag, 4 year.; a n d ~rer. 400 Van byl,j., N o t, 4 (10 II .1 5.,, set, 51.411i,0i 4 yea I. and over,-;st , 6 HO P Stratton, Yrar:ty;.7, Colt, i 2 00 . B F 110W11,111, I;.l.;itig Ilitelvt I yea N, 3 00 ..% Simotalg Colt t yrzir• 1,14:: op Was 1,41 I '4,..0„ Stalli.,o glider 4 yvar,,, 4 4 :00vol I: .Nte.,. sta Won I year., and seer, 2l I 111 It F r.,,, ... ~ L, r.tir Bntft t'oreavt, . , :v (Xi . CLASS nil. t• S 11.1{.{{{.11,Sity.:11. earring° ll{/c/,• "Georg.. G men" 3.00 ;MI F 1 ana.m. Saddle Rome, 3 00 W 17 Ti-.ay Carr{Agt• 31arr4, 7{ {lO (71..1.55 XV 3! F Ransom. Cayux& 11,3treord, D B R Game, C $ Davis, Dark .Drulartus, " lintT Cochin., Bronze Turkeys, I'artridge Cochin, CLAIM XVI R M Welk , . & .in, Thompkint Co Wheel Mkt. Jr 2 00 " Hodge - Fide Rill Mow, lOn Eorohn )tower Co, Itowort.: D G W Iloath, - Straw Cottor, 2 00 John Ilowitt. Plow, -I On C It tiletaolt, Fannlng,Mill, 2 on Miller ,R Accry, Throttler,' CLASS atLIL CoMinp.: k Itemsr.ll, LarsP Dioplaj , StOteN TiCIUMT, CLASS XLC. • James Bryant, Top Buggy, 2 00 . • . Sulky, 200 II if fleetly, Pletform Wagon, 2 00 . A Srebl••11, Lumber Wagon, 2 00 CLASS NA. . . . • .1 t: Illum, Fine Hand See of Ik.ots ~ ' 1 nO " " " Pegged 1 11.1 C F Paylvn, Set Double Harness, ' 2 00 " " • "Single •••• 200 . . • CLASS XXI. P Stratton, fled Wheat. • 100 reetcr .t. Scutt, Red Wheat Fhaii, 1 Oil 0 . " White " " 1.00 "u Buckwheat " ' 100 A C Smith. Corn,l.oo A 113110, Oat., ' Ito N S Frasier, White Wheat, • 100 A B Smith, Deckyllent, • 1 00 CLASS XXII. 'II IL Ftrs ler, PCM,, 75 Mrs Angie, Peppers, I 00 J L Jennings, Timothy Seed, - " I On Mrs Kilolls, Cabbage, ' Colvin Ames, Onions, 1 u 0 . .. Beets, 25 D S Luther, Bops, • 75 littu Stroud, Water itelluti, 50 • " Tomatota, 50 - • - cues 7a9lt; .• ; i ' / 6 "4 - 141iiiiii Ehlaill linWerr . .1 .. ' '' -t, '• . ,t)elfiatlrel " ' I .'t 11- 4 44 # 0 0 4 40 11 1 ~. ,- • . '' '' - .- ''' ' Zirt .- ,- - 61,iiia XiV. . .. Ailkillela 01 =14 irM Int X A Tee tir, l er Miles -- ' .. . •-; " - " . ~ " _.-' •Miliss , ... - •:,';• ' - ' • OLAIIII3IXVI. •,' .i Kari Jenningetrake. .' II • ' I. ratin,ylhrivier • 1, 7 1 wive 14, J LJenningje ra f r nf tie 44 n ,.; - 1 )lade die •, • Ante Girl ander li; J V Woodruff, Bitter An Printig, ' .E aDeLoo*, Raney, 1 'l t , CLAM EIVIL - •s r Mtn J W Ramp, Embroidered Work. ' dilk EMbeeddery, W Jennings, Knit iitneki4g4 Mary .4 letig. Mrs S Droste% Knit Woolen Staildaaa, Ifni A laden, alit, 1 Mae ) Wfitb, oliviSiikiltai i 1 , Mrs. jil LtU i OINAII EblThel; • , ' v Kittens, . ' Nes Geo 11 Ned, Eland Made Shia, , Miss ;hide Nobles, Wax Irknrep., A D gawk iiny. Quilt, . ' 1 CLAW XXVIIi, Willie tame, Pencil Praying, !Milord Scott, Crayon Work, A J Fisher, Photographs, C W Allen , Millar Printing-, CLAtizi • Ilolnir, & *taloa tioteeturnt., ! • b IltAes 0 . 6 lkievrell, Moak Georr•,,e IS Neal, Extension Tables, ToWAsnA, Pa., Oct. 4, 187'5. PursnantTrail luned.hy Gen. H. J. M*ll ll l kbrviving mem bers of the 14 ,llegunent PennsylyaMd Volunteers i itas held at tha hall of the Grand Army of the Republic, commenc ing at 11 o'clock, A. M. , 'Capt. G.' W. Kilmer wax . elected tem porary Chairman, and J. P. Coburn and Col. J. H. Horton Secretaries. Remarks were then tpade by Gen:-.7ifddillt.elciplain ing the object , of the meeting hi stan ce HO bad been spoken to frequently by many members of flue Regimont, urging that the members be called : together to form mi organization for the purpose of bolding annual reunions to revise the memories and friendships of 'the past, and this meeting was called , to tae tlie nee-. essary steps fok the purpose. ' On motion of Gen. Madill, a of live waii Unpainted to report officers for a nerniaiteit Oigatlization: Commit tee consLvteil 'of Cap; B. 111!, Pe Tu. : .wands. D , J. Sweet of - .ltonrtieton, Ethel Futle,t• Of lietlicir, Capt. M. E. Warmer, of Pike, Geo. Forbes, of Rome. • On motion, it wils ordered that the name , ; and company of each member present, with O. address, be placed on the Secretary's books, which was done. I On- motion 'the meeting adjourned to meet at 1 o'clock, for permanent organi zation. , One o'cloCk; r. x. , the meeting re-as sembled: The committCb oh permanent oitatilzatioh rhjibrtcll thb folidillig list of °metro : •• President, Gen. H.. 1: Madill, of To wanda; Viixi Presidents, Chap. David Craft. of Wyalusing;'Adj. r) W. Searle, of 3liintrose; Ethel Puller Herrick; Capt. E; Wtifikr„PikNlti l eltard. McCabe, Rothe; C: T: Hull; Atlibfis; Wallace Scott, Smithfield; D: J: Sweet, illonroeton; W. H. D. Green, Burlington; Seeretary ; Capt. D. W. Scott, Towanda; Assistant Secre tary, Jas. P. Coburn, Orwell; Treasurer, Col. J. H. Horton, Towanda; Assistant Treasurer, CaPt. G. W. Cihner, Asylum. • The - report was unanimously adopted; On motion -of Chap. I). Craft, a ;com mittee of one from each company was ap pointed, of which the President of the meeting is chairmimii; tO prepare a histo rYof the regiment. Committee consistell of. Chaplain David Craft, of Co: A; Cajit: Peck of, Co. B, Capt. Kilhier, of Co, C, Cant.ks of Co, D, Capt. Ileeve of Co. E,' J. T.H.T.Seegraves of Co.G, Capt. B.A. Spalding of Co. I, Capt. GeroUld of Co. K. On motion of B. M. Peck, 4 . 1 committee on constitution and by-laws was appointed to report at next meeting. Committee consisted of B. M. Peck,- .1. P. Carl; I. A. Park, J. L. Vincent and T. J. Chubbuck. Meeting, adjourned for dinner. Be-assembled at 2::X) r. 31. On motion of B, M. Peck, it W It4i resole: eti that a re-union, !if the 'Regiment be Held CM the firit o llitireday lit (ietdber, 18(n, with an invitation to all hondhitiy discharged soldiers of the cottrt to join with thtun: Oh intitiOlt be Chi*. I): Craft; t ern inittee iif sek•th *as appointed to make arrangements fOr tle.! same: Committee consisted Of B. M. Peck, Towanda. .1: P.. Coburn, Orwell. - G. W. Kilmer, Asylum.. .€ Gaylord, Wyalnaing. J. L. Vincent, Smithfield. Capt.•Lobb, Beach Pond, Wayne Co. Capt. N. J. Hawley, New Milford, ens. , quehanna county. .• Capt. Hurst moved, that a ',committee, be appointed to consist of one frOm each township, to report at our next meeting 'on the feasibility of erecting a monument somewhere in the county, to commemo rate the services of Bradford county sol diers in the late war. Slotion carried. The Chairi takes time td appoint com mittee. Speechek-were made by Capt's. Hurst and Peck, Gen. Madill andClup. D. -Craft, carrying the audience back to scenes in camp, on the march, and lin the deadly strife on the battle field. The oft repeated applause and in many ,cases the tearful eye ;;Lowed die deep appreciation Of the audience. 1 - The Lin-Ta Band were on hand and fa itored the audience with some of their; Choicest music for which the meeting ten-' tiered thanks and three cheers. • On motion of D. Craft the meeting ad ,journed to meet again at call of preSident.i The following is a list of members present with Post Office address. = ! Gen H .1 I'oll J II llorpm,!Towatt ; 3InJ Om% 31..tuttr. ; ('hap ('raft. Wyn ; Sittln A J Towanda. - C . ..11P1N , 1 A. c3i.t .1 11 hunt, r s Int, 'Arizona ; A li'l7 Hatnnmn, Camptow ; I. R'llralh, New Era ; Edwin land. Camptown ; E F tewk, N•ir Era;ll Iloovrr, C.rptown ; 'T F. quirk, Suptr Ran; M141 , 1'0111, Campton a; C Imuglmrty, Campton n Earri 'ter, Hiunno•rtield ; John I,e, Campton n ; Joslmal Wahl, ..*Enpt.,wta;' Ali Wyaluping ; Itutl4ll Car -t rington, Wyaluslng; R H Dirney, Sugar Run ; .1 qaylonl, Wyalusing; J 3I Wtll. , Nvir Era I, EliAlm, • 00 :! (X) omraN% I • 1 raid T Hat les, Towanda ; Al Towanda; 1 \V I' Bold, ; G 111Iumpbroy, Leflaysville; I' Iceltaysvillf ; G H Granger, Towanda;; tiobt Hatch, New All 0 A SQp4.l7Towanda; (4111 T, Towanda; II Smith, South Warren;, Ezra 'Rutty, Towanda; J A iloswortli. Leßayavillo; A Whltaker, Warren Ventre; A C Arnold. South Idtchtle4; A E Arnold, Sontlt'Litchlield ; .1 P Coburn, Ontell; J ii 17 11 a1roo, Horn Brook HAlark, Townuda ; Get)* ix Ott, Towanda ; steven. ; Chat; ('ash. Towanda. 5 oo 3 00 200 200 5 00 300 =ZEE Citut t. Gilmer, Toutititte ;P J Sweet, 31unrocton; N I><4!;;;,•, Franklin ; Jelin Rockwell, Frankfie ; M'y-A ; S M Mt (leo, Towanda Clarencq Cole, ; llntre) Cummins, Liheity Cornets (bas Solt, biLerty rn,..rg ; F W I=BIEZI A paik.„:4oitit Bill; Sol Wulburn, Ton:aulla; rapt M E Wainer. I.4tayAille; Il IF Batton, Outten cillr; 11 Pratt, Rune; II Wanter, Leltayscille'; It B cAtasi., Hm Home, T J Inbinick,'North ()it' ell ; Wnt Vibbett. Rowe ; A le Burellanl, ; Allis Bolton ; 11 Benjamin, Towanda; Albert Braittsard, Pottsrilli; John Whitaker, Rome; MAitnt Frirrich, S,Otth Bober* Price, Burlington ; II A litandxp lin, Towand•i. MEI= Lane, Dlountitin Lake; 8.4 Mattis, Lutiter's 3101 s; A FE,l , ly,`3lirrAnrg; B F Nickerson, Highland; C Alexander, Foot of Plane; L 1) M B Mich*, Ilnrline on. ' I =Mr W K Seagn.r . :;, ramptown CO3II'INY 1. . . (`al4 J G lirown,fiugai Run ; Limit J. 8 Frink,- Bottle ; Wm llgeterick. Towanda; Theo Larrinin, Miry ; Neloon Connya, Towanda ; .1 AV ltwerotli, Rome; IMO Lamphere, Myerthurg ; Richard McCabe, .North Rome ; J(I McKinney, Litchfield Centre ; J L Jiihn am„North'Onrell; 8 E Kilmer, Rome ; 8 T Tatgaaon, Noith Rome ; J li Allen, Ci L Porbes, J A Allen, Lem nelltobituMn, Rome; J I Rernolda, Ilyeraburg; T W WoOdburn, Wpm: ; Eugene Lent, Elijah Mao!, J E Gillett, J W limbh, W W Miller, North Rome; J Owen, Wysoi. COMPANY. E. ; ' Capt B Cernyld, Wdlace Scott, E )1' Dailey, L Vincent, C C Chitubstlin, East Smithfield ; Capt D W Scott, Towanda; W it ll - Green, Burlington; Henry Stab!, Ituaborr. Tata! number preftrit, • D. W. &err. J. P.. Coarsen, Secretaries:— . BUSINESS LOCAL. Itir POWELL ik - CO. have the exclusive sale of the justly celebrated and popular Jamee. town Mohair's, Alpacas, and Poplins, which are warranted to keep their color, and will not shrink or crinkle. They , hare Just received direct (rein the mills' complete 'mammas's: of these eveclient fabrics:to which they call the particular attention of their customers. Pour - att. k.Co., e xtr io gA &tit %He* i4:4l.ntisA;: . . Lelia : I?, ar Goods suitable for Bridal: Gifts at litacirs [Sep= 1 00 :sant yon wont to actors s goodirtictr, and get the worth of your money, the place togo Is Mtn. nuneurve; 1 00 ,p en b ao Eir fiat tin its bteit Style; at MtM IrLaTcuzn's, No. 4 Bridge street. Towanda. 2 00 :t (X Mr For Stone ChUrna, Butter, Cream, or Preserver Pots, go to &cwcz•e .rSeP3O 1 00 1 CO 1 Ou 1 au 1 OU Ur Go to KEF: & Bum! and see their VIM Stock of Press vats, tsettatti ii gr Cirte PEC* I 4II 111wEA. Nr I;titlet:: iiliti ad iiki•eis: BM Gam` My stock otSilver Plated goods . Is large awl I will !ell atly of It at very low ftgorrai for MOO, (SeP3O,3 0. A. 81.A11.. 100 iOO 100 I On I IA rir Dwelling Houses to rent cheap. Enquire*, 0. 0. .1:1765y, at 'OVERTON & 1000 Vii °Mee. etil 4 A iew hiyi; pitittrbaqiie .11rorne , nade—taken at 4.. f. Ft/Gum% Gallery. El Iloadquarte r ra for' Lamps, Lamp Goods, and Lanterns at ISLAca's. [siep3o far A full lino of Black and Mourning iirelu 64'4 0;1 itkr k NV/ Opera, vivid, anti .Spy tilasteg la a great va riety, at IiENDIRLMAN.S. . 01 A. BLAcs . ,.displays in his show window the Burst assortment of Flower Pots, Va ses and Hanging Baskets, ever . shown this market: rsepaor, "" r. • - Non . 1 )11 , 1 , Mood", and Trimming/4i at I EVANS 4. illuArtit's Ur :Fort Table Cutlery either in fine g00k,,, or ebeaper grad,,:: you Win find a full Hue at I3L,lCK'F,Cruckery St4e. v0i,30 15," The pLice t<, buy Felt Skiiiti and Shads Is at KENT & BrAss'. (seratf. the : • t-- \ rt" Ail e ilaili pape . is, weeklies and magazines claws at Wiii•icomn & gIIAETC'E. 11177 Those Silver i Solid Handled Knives from RoGetta Baps., glte p:Tfect antisfaction, and you can get t doz. of them foc sh dallata at Itt,teles t'rockery Stun.. plep3o VP - New Table Danial,kt. lcaplilas and Towel* at Evairs & 11111:mtrrit's. far It line assortment of Broadcloths,. Doestiii N narl Fatkry Saiting,t had openPll at noir ' Bar TU secure citildreng . piEtttiotake them to the new Clattery. Oar New voils, ref:o%yd daily at It END!.E)IAN.B M I- Go to • D ECM:* BROS. to boy tine overi..o4. M . If yun want Handsome, New, Stylish Surf; call at JaCo*? N,rw (lucks awl C:isslsuers, at EVANB.I4 Sir Engraving done nt HENDELMAN'S Jewelry Store. /EirMuslr-Boxes and .llnsteal Clocks, at iIEN' vr:r:3tex•s: IC:Z PNiir6 speak for them selver, ktstltit's New Gallery. M - !satlie's Belts in great variety, at sep9t KENT &lILISS% WrITENDLEMAN utters a great reduction In Sit ver-Plated Ware. . sir For an kinds of g 0044 in the Jewelry line, call at M. HENDLEMAN'S., ta" The finest assortment of iddidigt Tlt at Kvxr & nuts•: EsepOtt • WitITCOMIS S;IIAL7T have the best i4A4;itilekit. iit Inkefllnne , nix Inolts In Nortlirrn tienn•ylvaula:'and >rll thri f n cheaper. Tom''' Gti to I Et KEU 13 fins; to buy ytifir . Trunks awl Valises. Clr Ladies, take your combings to Mn. lain tut equal to cut bah-, by hawing the roots - turned all etc way. , .rir Passengers to th,e . West will find it to their ailvantoge to pordinse tickets at the Ta .watula Depot. Dates renueed $1.50 from Sept. Ist. Aar For the beet iloast or Steak to to'HllrEtt & Itt7NDEWs. fX' JA.cons, the one4yriee clothing man, has just returned from Hiq city with a large stock of Clothing. "A word to the wise is stdlicienL" _ lON - Go to JAcons' and buy your. boys' Clothing at less crpt than yon can get ' the cloth I elsewhere. Sir LIYSILY rOn SALE..-IVC hare a Livery p eight horses and good carriages, -hack, etc., which We offer for Sale Cheap and on reasonable terms. tnquire of onr agent at tho, stal.le's., or at oar Music Store, Ur li ray 1 - lair-at Mn. Fl.V.Tentn's. rar The poorest man in town , has got money enough to boy a suit of clothes at 'd A con's. sir-Boyle linen colas of M. fI.iIOSENFIELD'S far If yap. have g(it to purchase school books, call at WIIITC01111& SIIACT'ft. W Old pictures copied and enlarged, or reduced to any size desired, And furnished In oft, water colons or Ink' at the new Gallery over 0. A. BLACK'S Store. • rir JACOB'S just received another dirhlend on his gold mine stock, and has Infested it in new Fall Clothing, which he ir now offering at prices lower than ever, lar Go to DECKER BI10:4. to buy a fine Snit of Clothes. In" Ladies' white Party Slippers and Wants' Soft Sole Shoes. They are beauties. Just received at Co sin' & cow: K. • Wlt Is not veteran knoWn that 11. C. WIIITA- Km; at the 'look Bindery over the REPORTER office., makes !Bank Books lu any style of ruling and binding desired. If yon leant a new Ledger, Jour nal or Docket, glee hDet a call. air Never buy a Cook Stove until you have called at JUNE'S and examined the "New Empire," n stove which has .nevcr disapPolnted the ezpecta. lions of the most fastidious housewife. Superior,Switches,' in all the extra shades, at Mrs. YLETellEtti.', No. 4 'Bridge street. far-FREE !—Any one buying $l.OO or more worth of geode at 'ME ROSENFIELD'S Cloth ing Store, will receive free one elegant Alpaca Cap, or Straw Hat, tsith of the lateXt. styles. ••• PH" GIVEN' AWAY !—Every purchaser 'of goods anionntlng to 1,1.00 ocAniote, will receive' FREE, one striped Alpaca cap; or straw Ilal, at 31. E. Rost.Nrir,Ln's Clotlank Ston•. . i • • _ . or rims ot-Foreras GREAT REDUC TION IN PIANOII.-.Flrmt,clasp, largo slze, square grand, 734 octave Plano-fortes, for pis. Organs In proportion ; at ifoLsi Es & PASSAGE, Tosvanda, Pa. far GREAT 11ARGAIiu.7,-Ort and after this date, I will sell my surplus STOCK OF FLOWERS ai reduced prices, at my Green hnnses, on Main street, north ot.Eplseopal Church, ;Jas. C. IRVING. li' Go to DECKER EIROs. to buy your Hats and raps. ; tsir ;lutes and 'Braids at lira. PL'ETCII mrs: di' NEW Q00D13.-31. E. SOIAMON , SON have opened alarge invoice .of Fall and *in ter Clothing, which was selected with great care especially for Bali market These goods will be sold at priCes which will astonish the closest buyer as they have been purchased for ;cash at great ad vantage. Heavy Winter Coats, at •I .SO; Pants at 5; Heavy Overcoats at t 1.50 and IS; and all wool Heavy Beaver Overcoats &tele; and everything else la proportion. Attire invited to call and satisfy themselves thatwe cannot be undersold. All goods warranted. .t - rEir j The Bradford - County Anti-Secret Society Association. will bold Its nest annual meet ing at yooght Hollow, at the Wesleyan Methodist Church, on the WA and tad of October nest, cow mencing on Friday, at JO A. M., with afternoon and miming sessions, and a single session on Saturday, commencing it 0 A. x. The Rev. E: W. WttaEL -04, of the If, E. church. the Rey. J. W. Rarxott, of the Congregational Church, and the Bev. Mu- Tay LornaBVIIY, of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, are expressly Invited and' expected to lecture on the occasion. Aninvitation to attend Is cordially extended to all. By order of the Ere-en tire Cosiatttee. j D. U. SzAltiaLtT, Sect'. =I Sir 3in.lVat. llogrwicit. late of J. S. A (.Ll7 i & .CO„ can hereafter t found at J. o.Fnost &SONS:, on 3faln street, where he Fill be happy to see all of hispumerous friends. rAnd any ha need of Fern'. ten., or anything in Pie fine of ilndertOlng, will Owl the best goods, best assortment, and lowest. prices, at their store, of any place In the country. Call and see for yourself. 'Gold, Silver, and Steel Spectacles, and Eye Glasses, In great variety, at iIENDEL:MAN g Jewel -1 ryStore. •MARRIED. . . L F:ast Atiped 29 by B. S lienll, Clayton' 11' IlcoV. and M H ary aan::lin, bor . !' of lica.d TRASK —BOWF.-RS.—At East Sinftefleld. Se p t. 24, by B. $. Deaii, A. E. Trask, .of :Mil Amy Bowers, if( Betniettsburg, N. Y. AT ES --4C ILA Elf."—Ai 'East Sndthfiebt; at the ccsldenee of the bride's father, Chester Ciao: titer, Esti., September 28, lty S. Math Heim* t.ates and Addle Crannier, both or Eaod Stott ti. ! fl.dd. II AL LOCK-1)01)G E. At Terrytmtn, Spilt. Ina. by Rec. 111. Craft, lfr. It. J. W . yaltmitig, to 5119.1Suste Etottge, of Terryttnvit. .—At Sugar October .I.l*. 1). Craft, Mr. Mo,es Et eit bcrgPr to Miss Isabelin t 4111.1415. G RocEizrEs rizovisioNs. itOOMS k P.ViSAGY.' GRo,c,ERIES PkOVISIONB ONE DOOR NORTH or cs)111,11ii; & ItUSSEII. TOTAL ABSTAINERS CAN _a_ Ins* their lives; very - cheap hi fir Temperance Mutual:Benefit Am- A well established and hell conducted Life 111611- ranee plan, by which total abstainers get the bene fit of their habits of abetineuce, as they cannot do In companies which Insure ordinary.drinkers. No Mrge ptendums; no tine building* to build; nOldOesearles. , HAM., A . gent. Towanda, FOR SALE OR RENT. Having fitted and repaired our Brick Store, we now otter the same for sale or rent open reasonable terms. Any party wishing to engage In the mer amnia buslnesawill find this a good opportunity for doing a successful business. For' particulars enquire on the premises or of M. J. Long, at Ste rens *Long, Towanda, Pa. J..ON G DUOS. - filuilDgtou Moro-Va., Sept le. Imo. . 1 0 , 1 °1 141 3 , ql# iltOrbiL_Eltilit 6 4 1 1 51 tile litaA ik oilier mg of rux , e; and you twill have clearer llacds as hill as ja4 - - IN" Hof mss- & ' macs, are genera agents for silo celebriaed MatlistsbelCrialace, and GE% WoODII aCo. 14 0411111-4 ho bast ha this or soy other roaotry. '• - , (Aprls, 44 4 116 btrgese Deg oi Spring and goods yet tnottett to tali tunkett n being received daily, at H. 3,4C011/4'. rir Novelties and Fancy Goods at Erp9tf KENT & DLIEN HENDNLYAN has the largest and best stock of ladies` and gentiemens' phi and stlrer int - Choi ever brought to 7oirandrh .. , . . . AFF - iion't tat to hall at 1iEN1,L.CM , ....)4i it Still Wiill to buy anything Ili the Hue at Jewelry, Silver anti Stlremeate4 Ware. • far KEIFT Bias bave just opent4l a flue assortment of predis Goods Wall the new shades la plaids and piainiemors. Call and see them. sep9 Sir New Embroideries, White Owls and ,Lares at EVaria & - Everytliiii4 ill the line e' bLatioti .et7 at WIIITCO3II3 & SUACT'S. Qom" All the new shades of 'c'ashmeres, Just tipeileil at Empotf) I(ZNT & air If yon want the*best Conk Store extant, rah at dt:Nr.'s, to Stemmed Mock. rir A flte - tOsklrthlt•fit Ut Kitl Gloves in Tints and Colon; at KENT & L 'Go toH HITC C IIO SilicTr,Merent's Mock, for your Books and Stationary. t Novelties in Sash Ribbons at Nept I KENT &13Liss' gatift Tiupililiig )(act:like, At one-half RS rainy. .1. • car Threshing 'Machines, second-hand tot, ohcap: PiOwp, Rubber Pa &c. ang3 V . R. M. Ai' & Sox. g.V" Call and see the new styles of !col. tars arid NON, at it P.NT & ; [.;fll9ll'. . . DRESS MAKING. ... • - _lt MAK'. PP Itt'Z will open aeresMilakets shop In the house formerly ocettpietl by ,Mm 3. it. M. Mtult. cOrnit of iSeeMid altil Pllltir ;Streets, oh 310NDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 11cr friends and the public goner:thy are Invited to rail. Silllsfae. tlonvtaratiteml.[sepo 1 cer A spec ial tneOtirig of the historical Boriets . of Bradford County, will lit. hold in eantott on Frlfiay, Or!ober 8, al 2 r..i A cordial Avila- Bon to attend I extrodt.d to nil. ft. A. 3f Eitc Cn, Sor'y. rAthen' fiftsette 41A.1 Llr':rnocraf, Troy (Fa:We and canton S' please copy.) Mr - Go to DEcitEit ilnos. td bti)' fine lbw of Furnishing 000(14 gt•uerally. Fou SALE.—TIic subscriber oilers for sale a large, eonsmodlous and well arranpd for a dry gaols store, stlalted lit Leßays vine, Bradford The building has a good cellar, a well-arranged sales room,' and an upper story for a carpet room, etc. Will be sold reasona bly; and terms of payment ntatkt to stilt purchaser. .1. W. JoNES. Neath, Bradford Co., Pa. McCABE & EDWARDS, 01.41 ift all kind!. Towtinda, uly 22. 40475.. .1. K. 13i"S11 • 1-••• •.-x = ..0 ... z o'_ll Z 4 tfl 4.1 E. 4 , t.. g 41 'CS 1,0 ,t 23 e. 0 r Z t;1- i 0.4 •% •—• g t, t:C a , C 9 = u Z " r't Z ;*: ;r1 ° ; . 0 7 z ) 74 g z J ® tg t a f cl 2 c r gr 3 _ .2 z® • ;, 044 "' 0 0 :r4 • kr'Z' CC 3) .ti i ... ?A Z II S 11 'X clatkin. i. i kat ELNCTiOST I AA . o LnifxrioN: GOD 8211'E THE C'O4IIOIirIIIEA bTII 1 vinur.As, in and by an act et General Assem- bly of the,t'ommonwealth of Pentteilmtn4,entitled, , An act tie Initiate the General klecti tr p within I thin Coratiumwealtth. , I t is enjoined I me to,, glee notice of mid flextime and to en merate In ; eilq attire 4 /thsti officers are to ate clt eted, I t J. stafttletn entr e titskitiffd the event of Grad fort do it . ereby make ItitSSlf ift4 ?IN! ftlelMblie notice to the electors of the county of AfrWfUrd.; that to Bei:rral Election will be Lehi In . Id county on the SECOSis DAY OF, NOVE1IIBEit„1. I Ob(1 saute being the Tuesday next MI 11.15 Montify of November.) • Xisoliefeby make known and Mee Mete of Mailing the aforesaid election hi 4,, ard10 ledmghs; districts and (owlish the Olunit,:of IftutlPlrd tire al fellows, tot Armen ,g at the litelsti •Iptin 8: Jieek • Atha WO, at the house of Trit etfiltn: Albany, at the Bahr school !muse: Asylunt sit the school house near S. Dec I Athens horo, at the house of Chas. Dal • Allmn* terp, at the Exchange note!. rllngt4n bow, at the flays° House. rlingten tsrp, at the Itoyse House, it ll bo Burlington West, at the 31 E Chareh. jot the setups.] house. Clifton hero ] at the Central house. Canon tsp, at the Central House, Cant Columbia] at the.irmse of as Morgan. Franklimlat the Town It U ' Granville at the house of B F Taylor. Herrick. lit the school Louse lierrickyli LellaysTftle, at bottle or v E Case. 1 Litchfield. at the house of S 11 Canner. Leßoy, at Centre School llonse. Mt doe tap, at the house Once occupied Rockwell. - Moroe lAirn, th e house of ()milli he tlr vll, ae, the Town hull. , Overton, at school ;Pulse No 1. Pike, at the house of Tracer lion ort itte, at tha academy Its Rolfe ooro It‘iate bore, sC toe Academy. tillighttry,l at the Rorie of chis 'Study. Shptheryttm, at the Vatiey springnela, at the Inarke of 3trs Stalttllng Stone, at the house of Simon S i•mltbaeld„ at the house of Forest. Sylvania born, at the liote,e of ('mils Me , South Creik at the !tense of C E Coe. Terry, a 1 the house of E .1 Shepard. Toirtnyla bom—Flirt Ward, at the ludei I Irk Sullivan. g Second, Ward, at the Coup Third, 14'artt., at tl:r (Jeerers Store of. ti S it Tosvatilla rip' at the *shoal banjo tif , 4 Scent's. Troi• Iroro,irtt. te? ll.bnr of V Ji Long. -Troy twr, itt the L u rie of V 31 Long. T 1 .Tliso.tora4at the sohool house near Jas B . lrlntrr. irittfen, atthe !tease of H Cooper. • Windham ht the leoun.! , of It Kuykeattail.: Wyallivltigi at th.-• fiouFe of .T II ftlaelt. R•IIRu t, atoh, owe, of A .1 Shle. Wpii.x. at the house I,f it C Mver•• t6e 1. s,:•eley. w;l: r i•ElesoNl for tho (.111 re 11.1veritor Pepliwylvlo,l4, .. 9.Nli l'Elt.:,,ON for the ollive (4,Tri.sAur, 01111 liP)weJfkli of I. • ctitv:3 l lpl;" ON fa. , l'ElkiliN for 1i..• °L, of , ;.1-4,111,pi, sala Niittily; .! . ON II u!l ~ irv• or. P.4.p,i'iter Cordr!rpt Nati colilify. . . U\ I 4:. - , . l'Elt.V./N ,n.r Or' 4 , 41 , •-. of Sb-riff comlt y r ! IN}! l'F:l:4O'N, l,;r ;11, cal. •,d Ti . ••;,,111,1- . comity!, T II 1ei.:17 I'ItIiSONS for tlir_ office of eontiC missloil.r of :fail VISIIII . y. THREE rliinnt/Nri rid no , oflie.. of And said minify. / ' ON EiI•KIIISAIS forth.; °Mee of coroner C.4llllty.i . i , .. Speeitti attention is hereby directed to t A rfleleo,f the .1 , :e... Const 11 ut ion. . seril6ii I. Mery male cltlzNi twentp.soo, of age, Vosses4tit:.! t'•, following quail ficat low be entitled to}vote at all eleettlffot • Int. Ile shall have been a ellizelt of the StatCA ii:t. leasll one • moot It. 211,1. fie shall hate resided in the Slimy on (or If, haling ',reek...sly been a'quailtiled Pre native lor.. elkizen of the State.. he shall In moved hercifnun 411111 retitracti. then six to I Immediately tiree-cling the election. ad.-Ile idianitor‘e r.vitileit ill the sheen..., do when. lit: :tat:wooer to vote at least two tinriii IlledialaS pre, eding the eleelVoi. ` 4th. if twenty-two years. of age or upwat shall hale paid .slthin two years a' State or ili tax, which slip have been iissessed l't leis. month al-and 191,1 at least one Month befor, ! I election Section I. An elections by the citizens shall be by ballot. very ,allot voted shall be 111101bei•ed in the order InL . willehilt shall be received, and th e littiti-.. her recd lied 4 the election officers on the I st .44r voters, 4polte, the name of the elector n hop sentt „.1.4 o file Belle(, Ms name upon or may write i t his tivitht: or Pause tde s!lt fne to be written th .remt and atteiited It a citizen of th e district. Tin Ace. 11011 officers 510111 he sw ,acorn or affirmed 'not t dB ! close Ince• any' nlector shalt have voted. unleis •re mitred i 4 do sods witnesses Ina Judicial proceed.' ing.. ; i , 4' Section 3. Elictors shall in cases except rean on, felony, anti breach or surety of the peaes, be prlelleglill frtatl arrest during ihelr atteinho 'e on • 1 . election. and in going to and returning therefrom. Section 0. Whenever any of the qualified electors of this pumnOnwealty shall be In actual military service, tinder a requisition front the Presld la of the Vnithd stafien or by the authority, of this om- HIOUWerIiIII, stuns electors may exercise the if lit of suffrage in all elections by the citizens. under . ; stielt regulatiens as 4r shall he prescribed by law, ispily as if they werelpresent at their usual places of;elee lion. l i I Section 7. A thlaws regulating the holding of 4dee tioniby the eittzens or for the registration oflecs tors : shaff tie uniform throughout the state, h t no elector shall he ilePtiveil of the privilege of Tug by leas/ of Lin name not being registered. S eet lot U. Any person who shall give, or pridtdse, or offer 16 give, !to an elector, any money, reward or other valuable cOnsideration for Ills vote at an flee thin, or (or olthholding the same, or who shall give. or lirotal2o to gllo. such consideration lb any other .person oriparty for Snell ....lectors vote, or torthe withholdingtheteof, and - any elector who shallre ceive or agree t 4 receivefor hltuselter another l any money, reward or other valuable conshieratioti t for his vote at an elfetion, or for withholding the &me theredy fOrfeltsithe right to vote at such election. any any elector lettuce right to, vote shall be c mi lerged for such tame before the election officers, shall be require.' to swear or affirm that the um ter of the chattengeas untrue before his, vote shall te r ceivell. . I . Section 11. Alt.! person v. ho shall,,,;while a cll.- date for office, fie guilty Of bribery, fraud, or wipti violation of any Hectlon law, shall bb,. forever t Ise qualified froth holding au office of triaSt or prolic in this Cominonwenith. and, any person' convletel of wilful violation of the election laws Mut% In whit= Hon to any penallies provided by law; be deprlVed of the right of lamp- absolutely for n term of four yeart•S. t Section 13. Fo4 the purpose of voting, no person shall lie thiemed to have gained a residence by-rea son of his )resenl.e. or lost it' by re11.,011 of his ab sence, while' emPloyed in the service, either e4ll or military. of this State or the United States, I while engaged hti the navigation of the waters the white or of it United States, or en the hi seas; nor. While a itudent of any liodltallon or leagu ing, nor while kept in any tsar home or other My inan at public expmr.e. nor while confined In public prison. Section Id. District election Iris shall consist id a Judge - pod tWo Inspeetors, who shall be chosen annually by the gltlzens. Each elector shalt have the right to vote col' the- judge and one InspectOr; and each inspector shall appoint one clerk. The first clextiOn hearil fur any newidistriet shall be se.- '!cried, and vacancies in election boards shall he filled, as provided ! by law. Election officers shall Ice privileged front arrest, Ulan days of election, anal while cm:a:god In making up and trans:ain't* , returns, taxtvpt uf - Joni warrant of a court of record or judge tiMreof, for an election fraud,- for felony. or for wanton bredch of the peace., In cities they may claim oxemption from Jury duty during their terms of service. • section l.i. So f:prson shall be qualified to seri:e as an election officer who shall 1101(4 or shall within two Inontbs;have held an office or 'appointment or employment In os under the government of the United States or of this State, or of any city, or county, or or any inttnielind board, conunlislcat Or trust in any city, !save. only Justicfie of the peace and alderman, notaries public and persons lit thb militia servfee of the State; nor shall any election officer be eligible tO any civil office to be filled at an election at Which he. shall serve;.save :only to such sulmnlinsto.lntmtl4lpal 'or local olficeS. below ths grade of city or comity ofileers. as shall be designa ted by general law.l • 'Anal atolls the following acts of -Assembly no in fdrre in this Stale, viz: Act of June 30th.4874:=Section 5. At all election hereafter Mild tfniler the laws of this Common wealth, the IN/11A AIM) I.n) opened at 7 ti clock a. in. and closed ak 7 Weldck p. Section 7. !Whenever these shall be a vacancy It an election Mord oe the Morning of an ;electio a said racancylsball lie filled in conformity With cxl ting laws. . The said ant of Apembly. entitled, "an act rely Ling to the electlonl Mt Commonwealth," pas ed July 2nd. 5818, provides as follows, viz: "That the tnspectnrs slut judges shall meet at th+ resPec t Ivo places appointed for holding the eleetto In the district at which they respectively belong before seven - tit:lock lir the morning of Tuesday Noveinhernil, anteaelt said Inspector shall a 'whit one eleek, oho shall hr ttinittalltled. voter 1. such district.; • "in case.thels2rsoji who shall have received tit second highest number of votes for inspector sits not attend oulthe day Of tut election, then the per son who shall have. received the second higher nuntberof xofes Null:ldg° at the next .pre4edin election shall act as inspector in his place. And In ease.the person who shall have received the hlghes. number of votes for Inspector shall nut- attend,. th person elected Judge : shall appoint an inspectur In his place; ate), in case the- person elected Judge shall not attend, theft the inspector who received the highest niimber Of votes shall appoint a judge In his place: Shit if tiny vacancy shall continue in lice hoard for the space of one hour after the time fixed by the law for ;opening of the , election, the qualified voters of thp township ward or district fo which such *aver shall have been elected, present at the place ofielectiOn, shill elect one of the itylue her to Rill such vacancy, The Aerof :loth of ;July. 157-I, further provides, viz: Section 8. At theicipening of the polls at all elec tions It. shall be the duty of the Judges of election for their respeetive districts to designate one of the Inspectors, whose duty It shall be to have In custody the registry of voters, 'and to Make the entries thereto required by and it shall be.the duty of the other of said pus rectors to receive 'and number the hallets presented at said electicM. • Section 9. All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot; every ballot voted shall be numbered in the ceder in width it shnh be received, and the nom her retortsd byll he clerks an the List td* voters oppos' site the mune or the cleelbr frtm whom received. .1401 any - votce voting two nr more tickets, the sever.:l tit Vt.l 5.. voted shall each be numbered with the ilinntii•r coriespouding with the number to the name or ihu voter. Any elector may Write his arune• ulxnt his ilelket, or canoe the same to lid written 1 h-reoa, and attested by a citizen of the disirhd.. In Itiblitlorho the oath now prescribed by law to be taten and subscribed by election they shalf sever.llly be sworn or affirmed nut to disclose howlany elector shall have voted, un les:. tie - mired Wilt) to fi.s witnest In a judicial . pro reeding, All jielges,iinspectors, clerks and over seer's et nrr eiection hied under this - act, shall, hes' fere ;evicting tru tlatilr ditties, be duly sworn or lii the tires:mire of each other. The Judg es shalt tie ,wont I.y the minority inspector,it there inthoi I lospector, and In case there he no Inlii.Alty Inspector. then hy a Justice' of the peace or tederthals, and the Inspectors ' overseers and oinks shall Le }.wont by the judge. Certificates of tech alfinting shall be duly niade•• to and signed by lite officer so sworn, and attest•tfh's tit oaker who, administered the:,' path. If any Judge or milibrliy itijipector refuses or fails to swear the (Inter:lot eitjcilint In the Manner required by this, or if any . offiett of election shall act without being first drily uworn; or If any ettleer of election shell sign the feria of Wilt without being first duly MOM, or If atiyljudgel, or utittoritY inspector shalt certify that anyinttleeilwas sworn when he was not, tt shall he deemed a Mistletuatior, and upon eolvie thm, the officer or officers So °Omitting shall be lined not exceeding °ins thousand dollars, or Im prlsoued not eiceedlng one year, or both, in the discretion of the court, C e.. ,V +a r n O 4 0 Imat tieciluil 10. Oil tho :lay ut election any person ; u hose name shall not dppear on the registry of co- tern, and who shall 'claim the right to cute at said , election, shall pioducelat least one qualified vote d of the dlStrlct as a whiten to the renldeneo of the claimant In the districf In which he datum to be a reil [ toter for the period Cita least two months linmd ' (NOY - Pfeeeeding sate! electioa, 'which witneaa shall ite : send* ofnrisymed awl sobsenbe a written orpartly written end, pant rtilteti affidavit to the 10.0 aaci!' bj tilni; which Ofiltlatit shall' define Menne* e.lffero Cep, leeirienee is of the pefsrei so Ciefitlinff to le it Voter; pint the person so claiming to vote shall aid/ tribe ma soleiefibe to a Arittekot, partly written partly lenglift atilefi,ilte stating,) to the best of ids knosiledge and te:Tef;when glut • where he was !horn; that he has been el eltiren of the Visited States for one month. and of the emelt, monweafth of Pennsylvania; that he has retitled Inl the CoMmosWealth, one year. or, 'if fertnerly a qualified elector or d native horn citizen thereefe -and has removed therefrom and returned, that he, has resided therein iii months next preceedinge said enrunni that he has resided in the - district Ini whirl. •.e er Intan be a toter for-the, petits' of atj least two months allefediately preceding eard else-' lion: that he has not moved irfPf Me titstriet for the purpose of voting therein; that tki It 'u; If ttrenty., two years of age or upwards; paid a State'fit mantel tax within two' years, which was assessed at least two months and paid et least one month before the ! election. The said affidavit Shall also state when and where the tax claimed take paid by the of was MiseSse•l, and When and where and to , whom paid; and the tax receipt aunt be produced i mr , er.druhlatterh Wets the shall state ro Ids h fild,ittt ttfat It nag been lost or destroyed, or that ! he Ilene! eeenleettelurs and If a naturalited t itizen, 1 shall also state w en, wlteth and by what court be i was naturalized, and shell eifti frfeeince his certifi cate of naturalization for examinatfa': 'set If the trinigton ) person so claiming the - right to void shall teke ' anti Subscribe an affidavit that he is a native horn citizen of the 'United States, or, If born elsewhere i shall state the fact in his allldavitoirel Shell-pro:, duce 'evidence that he has been naturailzedeor that 11 'writ, . i he is entitled to citizenship by reason of his lath-. - , I er's naturalization, and shalt further slate ,In his - . i affidavit, that he !sod the time of ttriklug-aeldas , 1 sit, of the age or twenty-one and under twenty e, •. ; t lee rearms I bnt, tre has been a citizen of the United i States one Month{ Shittleet resided In the Stale one year; or, if a native born cif beet} Of Vet State and re- i moved therefrom and returned, that He Iffie resided ! therein six months next preceeding, mid eleefien, i and la the election district two mouths Immediate ly preceding_ such election, he !shall- le• m 4111,11 10 1 vete. hithntigh: he shall not 113 . 1(1 , paid taxes,. 'rile said affifievite of all. persons !making :etch rialitte, and tilesnidavitsof theiwittit•sses to tbdr e•sidenee shall be preeerved by, the eh-11011 1,,, ,/,i, and 0 , the ! eke. of the ' eh-Ohm they elect 1. • esteemed :nth the net of vieers, tally, list edit "'her ptisere re ) mitred by ia-w, to lee feel es tic' reinra jodg • is ith I, the prothonotary, anti shall ratitetit en file ti te r!. if if t• I.• tie.' prothonotary*, .41 - we, s k ii.,ject to exam'- ) intent fis el Pee er•thni papers are:, If th ! feeet ion' • ()M i yers shall fluff tier: - tha elecifemt poe ss...tee all 1 tie: legal- qteeitleatione fte es )...v .e, h e A u di -0,. per. 1 mined to Yet., anti hie nate, We') Ile nail el to the • of Pat: t list of taxabies by alt! kler(iiiii Ofh',..C# •• III•• word ; House, “tax - being added wii..te it, etai. , aant ceder, to inith, i tore on taw. and 111, Word •-ag ...e whet e 11.- tettims r If 1", ) to voteeet age, the sure word , 1....15-7, add it by nit! ! clerks - In earl,. ca, - .., 11,1,, , t1v •! . t.„.',,•, IL • i1..,7,... o f perteins voting at sue]; elect lee. •- . i l y bio 0 . i efeetine li, it eliall be lawf u l for .uly qualiiied et .e,,,, , eftlek u le iii.: di-ti let. limo Ithemetlleg the name i of the pommel enter Is reit:aim-4 oil llte! list 01 ee ! resident taxablese 10 ri6ilh!.7ge tt;,,. vot., , of such • 7-1- ) pereon, whereupon ter • filth- Peed' of in' right of -'I miffing, as i, , , HOW ref/eh-ref •-y to ' , PA, Ire l'iltitiely made and a. lel on by ii, .dee:!eli inciter'. and the vote admitted or rejeettel. :mem ding tit lie' evi dent.... lee'ers perfert efaiitilug to le- e natithalized or rim , ellizen Ale tea repeleril to produee ha ifatitetliza - , titer eel - dile:4e 111 the eh , :loll h•ftero votheeexcept of the ! wite nett,' has been for live yea:, ceeeeentively a so , ler 111 Ilfe district witele he offer , te'vele; and on !wry of ; the re.• or surd parsoe lallig; rreelved, ti.e electiett - ) oreeets es e le wen, or stamp the went "voted" on MI 1:, , ills eertinelte, with tILP day., month and ,'ear. and , • ,If :My ...bee itelielleee er oire-ere shall reeeive a see d(' sell , feel tut , n n the 011111 flap to , Itt!'tt. of III,) -'sine tee:Mauer eleept where eons are t iii tubed to yoie, ' be tettese Of the naturalizattea of their tallier, they MO the person who shall offer such - second vote shall be guilty of a misfeenealtor, and on. leinvie ' ti e r thereof shall let. fined or imprbetned, or both, tors of. ; at 111.. discretion of the: inert: but file fine - shall - not e• ,, te:!etl flea lialltlre'tl d o llar, in eai•Zl c - 11,..e nor the 1' ealil leo prisoumatt t (me year ; - The Ind- punishment I :mall he in ah-t.!,1 on .eou-),•tton. ~i i the antra of w sth - 1 election who "hail neglete or Tenter to -make, or . • cense to be made. the erelomemerrt Teetered as years attires:lid out raid naturalization certificate, shall - set lien IC. If any election enieer shall refttee or negleet to require such fetedsof tile right of suf 'lined, frig -3 , 1 s precribtel by this law. or titelnwe to . ; wit 'els this I. ;I popplement. f rent any peaem offer year, beg to eme oemee mime is nel ett Ile. list or assessed for or , toter-rem - it eke' net!: tut vote is ceelieneed ey any cc re- ' peal:fed eeter presettte veil glee' fe•riett weft per mute) ! so li to yo;l. Wlthollt rtillh•llr'srM , i•ret•f: elery I'l . - 1 . • ! , 01, ,o offending shelf, npfeeteee:.l.'ifees - rife euillyede 'strict ' a Illh•clehicaisor, ail l :Alan lc .11 1,•1,, ,, 1 fur every ; Its lin- ; stieheiffense, to pry's fine not ewe-011e; five littn[ died dieters or to Linden:" an Imprisonment net i more than one yew-, or bon;al the it Iseret ion of tile): court. , • . Seethe' ie. Any 41,,P,, , 0r. Mei-lien ormet or per fee* eetfolnteft as an overseerr, i nt o, shall negfeet or rent'," te ;Perham nny duty ' elijohnel by this act, without ree!.7r-ere!ett 1:: Meal reuse. shall be sitifject to a penalty of one itaff 4 re4 ( ; VM , h 4 f and If our as sessor shall knowingly assess int.'" ,1.0.401 l .3.; a ether' who Is not qualified, or shall Wlllf hIIC i',; ten. to as.- sem any one who is qualified, lie Utah! to guilty of a misdemeanor in Mike and tet eopyiet len shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dol lars., br itoprimotinient not exceeding two years, or Min fit- the diseletion of the: court, and also be subject ri ItTi .11cii , ,li for flatneges by clue party ag grieved: and if ftee peteon sittill traieleulntly alter, add to, deface of destroy any ilst of voters made OW .71S 1,1 I 'Meted by thIS,IIO. or tear down or remove the same front the place weer. in has ken fixed, With fraudulent or inischevious beetle or (er ally improper purpose, the pet- n $.O Offelillhug shall he .gnitty of a mistleineauttr, and till cenvictiva shall be panished by a fine not exceetilleg rive hundred dollars, or imprisonment net 'exceeding two years, or both, at the dlscretlott of the court: anti if any person shale by violence :or intimidation, drive, or. attempt to drive from the polls. our terser or per- . sons appointed by the newt tow-) a.,, of an electlim, or ih any way wilfully present :•411‘1 evi•r eeeist Wen pc•sforeting the dude:,~ elipeeed up•ni them by tills 4et. smelt perste) shall be galite- of a tulsdemertner, and eerie continent thereof shall be pintislieti by a fine not exeeel iii,q ON , thoustuflilel lane or by imprironnfeat not ea.:Toting two et-are, - or tee the:it the dist-re:Mu of lite evert. An'y per sett who shall, on the day of any civet tell, visit a polling place 'Wane - election district at width lie is Lot entitled to tote, and shall tie:: any intimidation or veleere ter the purpese of preventing any °ni cer of elect ler; Men eerier-Mintz tbe duties required of him by law, or for the jelfe - of orereetlng any qualified voter of ?such district feereishee lilt right to vote, or front exercleing his right to challenge any person offering to vote, arch person shall lie deemed gtdity of a Misdemeanor. anti up ott eetivie tion thereof seen be punished by a line not exceed ing one thousand dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding two years, or - p.m at the discretion of the court. Any tfeerseer, clerk: or election officer who shall flisciese bow eel siester voted, unlesS re quired to - arriet as a witness Ina Judi 'iii proceeding 511311 be guilty of a misdemeanor, au& upon bedertes nett thereof -shall be punished by a tine net exeeed ing one thous:mil dollars. or, by imprisonment not exceeding two e'ears, or both, at the discretion of ' the court. , If any person 511011 prevent ar attempt to prevent any officer of an election under this act from hold , log such election. or rise or threaten any 'Violence td any such officer, and shall entemtpf or Improperly interfere With him In the execution of ruts duty, shall block up the window or avenue of any win dow where the tame may be holden; or Seal' riot otisiy disturb the- peace of .sueli election, or shall use or practice intintishelon or threats, feree or vio lence witiethe design to infinenee unduly or -over awe any elector or preyeut him from voting, er re strain the freteltim of 'choice, such pereoe. on con viction. shall* fined in any stun not exeeeding five hundred dollare, to be imprisoned ler atty time not less than one. bet more than twelve months. and if It shall be shown to tile court where -tile trial of such offense shall be bad, that the person so offend ing was not a resident of the city, ward or district where. the said offence was committed, and not en- . Micelle vote therein; on conviction he shell be sen teneed to fiay a fine not less than one hundred. or more than one tbottsand dollars, and be Imprisoned not less than sir months or more than two years. "It ally person or persons shall Make ruse bet or wager upon the result of the election, within the commonwealth, or shall offer to make any such bet or wafter, either be verbal proclamation thereof, or by any-written or printed advertisement; or Invite ably pen= or persons to . make such bet or wager, upon tont - Jetfoil . thereof he or they Anil forfeit and Tay three time s tile amount.. so bet or offered to be bet. ' ' . . , And the election law of the 'Commonwesite fur ther provides that "the inspectors. judges -and clerks shall before entering on - the duties of their Offices, severally take anti subscribe the oath or of firmatlon hereinafter directed, which shalt he iul ministcre•l to them by any Judge, alderman. or jus tice of the , peace, but if no such magistrate he presenteone of the inspectors of the election shall atlnshaister the oath or affirmation- to the Judge and other Inspector, and then the inspector so qualified shall administer the oath or aft rmatiorsto iiitn. 'The inspectors; judge nod, clerks required by law' to held township and general elections shall take and subserilte the several oaths. and :rattily: lions. required by the lath, 20th and - asst sections of the act of 24 day of July, 1839. "An net rela ting to the elections of this Commonwealth, ', which sags or affirmations shalt be prepared and mina lstered in the manner prescribed in the 18th and - Ted sections of said act; and In addition to the-pow-' eeconferred by the 18th section or said - act, the judge or either of the inspectors shall have power to administer the oaths prescribed by said act to any clerk of a general, special or !township elec tion.' . , ' "The following shall be , the form of .the oath or affirmation to be taken by each inspector. vi; 'I, (A.R.) do -- that I Will duly attend to the ensuing election during the continuance thereof as an inspector, and that I will not receive any ticket or vote front any.person other than, such, as I firmly belleve.te be, according to the provisions of the Constitution and the laws - of this Commonwealth, entitled to a vote at such election, without requtr ing such evidence of the right to vote as is directed by law, nor will I vexatiously delay or refuse to re- , ceive-any vote from any person who I shall believe to be entitled to a vote as aforesaid, and I will not disclose how any elector sholl have voted, tuiless re quired to do sons a witness in a judicial proceeding but that I will in all things truly And impartially and faithfully perform to duty therein, to the best of my judgment and abilities, and , that I am not, directly or intliteetty. Interested it any bet or wa ger, on the result of this election.' "The following shall be the oath or affimation of etch judge, viz: 'l, (A. Ti.) do that Twill as judge duly attend the caning election during ,the continuance 'thereof, and ealtitfully assist the inspectors-in carrying on the stime:. Mail will hot give my consent that any vote ar ticket shall be re ceived from any person other than each as I firmly believe to be, according to the previsions of the theconstitution and laws of this commonwealth; entitled to vote at such election, without requiring :melt evident° of the right to vote as is directed by law. anti that I will use my best endeavors to pre, vent any fraud, deceit or abuse, in carrying on the same, by citizens qualified' to vote, er others, and I will make a true and perfect return of the said election; mid that I wilt - not disclose haw any elec tor shall have voted, unless _reqntred to do so as a witness In a judicial preeeeding,• and will in all things truly, Impartially and faithfully perform my duty respecting the same, to the best of my jedg meat and ability, and thse I am not, directly or in directly. Interested In any bet. Or wager on the re 'salt of this election. , . "The following shall be the fonts of <nth or Win': illation to-be taken by each. clerk, viz: 'I (A. Ito do -- that I will impartially and truly write elown the name of each elector who shall vote at - the ensuing clection,which shall be given me In charge, and also the name the name of the town. ship, ward or district wherein such elector resides, and carefully and truly write" down' the ot votes that shall -be given for each condldats at the eketion, as often as his name, shall -be read to um by the Inspector thereof, and that I will not dis close how any elector - shall have - voted, unless re. puffed to do 80 as a witness !b' a Judicial proceed ing, and !nall things truly 'and faithfully perform my duty respecting the same to the best of my jutignient and abilities, and that I ant not directly, et indirectly interested in any bet or-wager on the - 1 , result of -this election." . , . The qualified electors wilt tak e notice of the fol. lowing Act of Assembly, approved the twelfth day of - 3fareb, 1866,7**An rct regulating the mode of so ,-thig at all elections, In the several counties of this Commonwealth."' .- -, . Sec. 1. Be it enacted by The Senate ad House of liepresentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania I n General Assembly met, and' It Is hereby enacted by the authority of the dates: That the qualified voters of the several counties of this Coro- ruonwealth, at all. general, township„ borough. end ! special elections, are hereby hereafter- authorized" I and required to vote by tickets printed or written, or partly printed or written; severally classifinnts folios s: One ticket shall. embrace too names of an Judges of Courts voted for, and shall. be labeled. outside, 'Judiciary': one ticket -shall' einhfilee the [names of all State officers voted for, kuiTbe Labial 'State'; one ticket shall embrack tlie)migrea of all 1 conatoniCeil Toted for, UtclutUng Mee of Sena. U. I 575, MEM e tilt the the ',ever , pe within tilt! , r, E 2 ed CI CHO I' COI/I- bounty :t two ,c the t tor and members of Assimblr; if Tilted - ! for,t; and members of Congress# if yotehfriertinsl be labeht'!l 'Coantr: one ticket shall catbracci the naitnix of aft • township ofileOrS voted for, MA Ile nil. Teo 'Anil , ' - elan one ticket shall embriee Ord nxtss. , :t• of tie!: bormtgb omcers Toted for, and he labelesi 'llostrustit 410.1.taels Clastlohall be deposited in tier TAT - It:Mrs , Immo, Bee. :I T hat'll shall 1,0. the ilitty of the f..,‘lft - rit&, • In tho SOVerit election ThisCienlltollwealllt-It! Insert in theifoleetlon proctarnations ho,reafter tutell'thletlist Section of Das act. t • t- ..1;t311:.$ It, liEtr,EY. • • . . speaker of the{ Homo Its llepteseutatlver. g DAVID ViliMMlNtl. *raker Of V..llsate: • Art;not - En, the thirteenth slay March...L.lD. Otto thensalalcight pnrtetrcit and ratty-six, 4 4 ,1 _ CDRTAI ' • , ,• . • , Govenri,. • • ' - FIFTEENTII .1 'll . , Wi1T111643, The Congreen of the United PAzttet...,‘ the 31st day Of March, 1570;,' , p1 an Art plot ' (111 ! , ..1n AC( onforee tint right et tit xtort the lipltet? States to t,ott, In the twe.ira!Statcs. T .of . "; 014 Ibnicrtkairtd for Other the f.est Mot 4 seeond seetiote of which_ aft.:':ts fol;orrs : , Settitil e Dolt na.trd b M y e t4ourt,t - eand oC Itipros...tatatiVeS of fir' (761(i•ii4 ,4 4'.1., i 19 congress - as,seutbled : Thett alt .olflzinv: or 1:: • 11 , 1 Vetted trtat...,. lam are, or shati onan ; hell byl:ver to rote at any election I'l Ilk F..,;.!,2,,kitc, any Mato, lorrttory: - distriet. e..ty,,parlsts.t.r.rusrur• . sehookits , rlet. !minutely:Mt) . nr othirr territotee subelivisiou, Shall he entitled :het :Mowed : • at all - Koch ,nectfonst. without !distinction of nefe. eolor,olpfeviono Mini:EtonOf pervlttob: : stilt:l loft lavi"; sit"itind, ttkor,..l nit regut a ttots• aio wv - S pr : or mid the roil trary. tortwttint:arling.T' Section r..tnd the it fey; her !haart....1.,t11. - 2 undorttr: authority of In'.; Cot t 's:Dutton ttity .18111Ip, or tho }MVP of CT: . 11-rriza. - :;', en: , net ;- fur shall 1,. required to h.: done to a pr.oroptloite or' cal ion for Voting„ and by such 'eon. t fins i ' or persons ere or - shall 1)0 ettr.rto.:l whA th! • I p,:rfortuniteo of dptles hi fund:4,km tnititlZ , VP• , opportunity to pOrform such requisite. fort. lomil;li•41 to vol..tot shalt 1c theAuty of every 81n.1 , f.i bilker; to give tu all iltizeits of the rot I,.ted. :Pate , t'Ss' Nance and espial Opportunity to 3,0- Ilona soil, pre•ntiptisltc, and to lit:come tival vo;•• ai•bo.l” offline:it:eel raeei eotor,,,cr przllloo . leont, Arr.:garb., and , if melt slosh :v' •or knowingly atoll gIVV 61( sh'p't t. , .4116 1. )1.• A 111 1 ,.. 101' r•v.' , / Jor,h-or,*;ofs Igo Sri, • 'and p,ty Ile. s_qtn intudroit tit*. 'l , •r• theret:y. to to. . reaOvere:t by an nc't i int th- tritit PM .+.n4 -st14:1; tsfesttar'.' , . for counsel fee.* as the Court shall acct.:Xl ust, aall"siett It • ;ilBo, for every each ofre;tl ,, , ho'dueloolkafity !.1 . 111S.1 , 111eATIOr. and . shall on eotriktion 'thereof piled not Tess thattjive hundred': dollar!, or lie it prisoned Hot less than 0111. :nom fS nor Ini . nr: tipttu on , • year. or 144 Wat the Ili:A.11,00n cc she •Awl tit , .Itrigof the relle r ive district tall, are r...qinired to meet at Towanda. 'on I ii••• ' trtxt the , Loi:din'., of subl then a.-0 ti....•rr to trrforto tire;...*•hilig,J..-r,10,-to,q. • • 'them by .; ' • 4t lerit ender , my ottik•L• !az Ti wa!via twenty-fourthelttY 7-optenther. in tho year • our 1.1,r6i, one ttlyntinl4 , l e!g.!l/ linrolud ..,,,• and e.;T- • Y-live, ;:lei lit the nitery4tlftth y:trear tr.e• lust !- Ingitlenoiof tini, United Stat.-!S. " ' • . . •!. 3. F4herifi'S 011 lee. Toicanda. • ' > , 1,•113.- ' I ictol.Nr ts 7 3, (iv • ; \V ' Pl l l . fli ,' the. Ilth .1 miltlal lihttriet eonoty Dra , lford, and iftegs.• if A NTS', 311,1 Itt. - .:441.1., Associate ..1 1 04;e•si attar fir ?at.l . - e'onnty of Bradford , hare b,woonitheir • • date the 2611, darof Septet:Jr-T., IS;:ti. to 111.! tectsil, for holding au tuDouvued;Court yt COnonolt Picas. at Towanda, for the County of ' - .Nfonday, Noveinher'S, 1675., to ronlintir tine w,i•ek,; ; Notice is therefore hereby to tto;1 anti Jo-Dees of Du' Peace or dn....on:lt's of ford, - iltut th:"N• be theu and therc ht . tit;ir - person, at 10 iirlock. Jo the furter - tun •'l' said day.. with recorils.lutitilsiti.u.sataTutly:r retnentbraur:-., to do those things witivii to their Mike aipertain , to Inc done; and those who tat tr.atuf bY,recogitli.•;„.„ ance or otherwise 10 prosecute ugirlfstt tits prisoner , . who arc or may be in the jail of wed eounty, or Uric.. slum be bound to appear at th..,ald ;tee to \ tbeit aOll there to prosecute against throcus !nay, in = jest. ! Intio's are retinested to ll pu, nett llei I tent attendattee. ar,rceatny to their. noi • Ulat•• , l:;tt:'rowatala, k!.t. 30;11 the year of oar (ipl, rn• ttrow.tom olgtft hn.:01:•., I. ,- fund hn'i"etY-rive, and o'f irmtepm.l4•M or td. : 4 tate! , . the ;duo; v-Itinttic );!: :•.!..1f tt,•:- , ;,. 4 IST OF .11,711().1:8 PRA NAV II fur's Court of Conintoo Pii•a. , 1 . .• TOwantla. etanntmo log 4 t11,. WHAT VEriii Alban,y: .toast Siorphey: •A.nfrola.. 1 , 1;21(1.h; A theo twp.: Iltat 'ph Brio - Athens bon", Ifortl-4- N ; John Es-enwine; Wol iTioult , iott. -totoi 11nriltigibit 'l" , r . p. A r',;...;U"oort an.; • t o , tap., 3lanry stittnt: coniomia, colvta Gra:lrmo, Platen:On cattinf aonatt:a t , unwell, tieymour rit;‘ , .. ib•-1 lienttcttt Itidghttry,t.M. ,, ,•!s U ltellnag.: ' • Alfred haven..Standh;g :flow.. CC, ofrt•Sh:P.Al.-I'oo. South emelt, et:lord: l w A' l'ar:oto..:l Troy brio. Wlb • ter . It tittruet; 1144 twr. Floyd Atalier; Tolualvt, tivp. Jciseph enne, (Ica Litaleman: Towajoin W Lane, Win. Grtifer, 1 D Montanye,,P NV Vet,' neparker; l'usearora, Cha+ JohMunt rhtter. - tl n: • Patrto.: Warree. John ltilei; Henry Spencer; IPealu,ihg L' Il Koff., hue. eaub .lAgg ors. , " • ~.y,cos NEEK, t . Albany. Jame,' Asyluni. Sohn Coni battgli, reter MeCrirlient Adieu,;Twp.,John 14- ser; Dratetille• linsit. Hobert Dailey: Ilor• Frau ots '6l-tifou. .logo Allerb.un; oriren *Edward I. rarttngtir. , Vilce. A tv , iktns itpie. Ciro. Shicnnt; ~ 11:Thiet It ' Pott - tibant, A.b u' Istireletti.; Watiaer' i;rl,‘"td: 11oni.• tai,.-Ic-oi ii tie{l3: sinotitfi,l.l. NathanCola'- hijt . Spt'Liefirki, Joel A dams. Dn•licy Slpfhv , pdn, Thoma tOy 311,t0a11, Elwardr Johto.on. Jun' Jantes iones• Towanda tnp. I Icert, M tavid%oo.'•'' • Tolvandi horo. ' Frailit Hort..n. y yer; 's o u awill north. Janie, iw 'ltrieren. It trauttyt Taylor.; Ran dolph 1,1 Wyaltleillg.' 1 ktniel I, stat.--E„ Wt,%-ox, Am.( Cortl , eanglt. Gro i'oole: -7 De„ , t irli, . . 't I • _ 1 7 ) ROC LAIINTION 4.IVHERE.s; ' • • c • Ho:Ll...tut, D. 3tonnow. itt Jtoo of thq 17. th Jodivial 111-Itirt. eon:•1-tfiq.1- cut 214'4'0,1:AY I, . of pra4ford, an.l lion.. S. S. ;1:e9F.,r.t. , , 2t.F;:oriste Judf4.-st , he and fero-abt county of lino:ford, have looted kili•lr precept bear , log date . the day';of tirat.• 1575, , ,t0 Aireeted. foil holding a Cour . t of Oyer acol Trrotinor.'Vo•tivral Jail Delivery. Qaart(r Ses,ioni mtil rires. anti'. Orphans , Court; at Tr.) foe the! county of Itradffird. en 3lonth:y. Lot 1,575. to continue one * week. I . Notice Is therefore Intreb, given 'to the Cortm•c • and JuMiCrs of the Mace "of County of ford. that tilet . 1 "t" then and then/ in theli propi-r person. at 10 ikeloet in the fOrentlon of salibilay. V , I with ref-on - is, incinDltiot;s tin 4 ofher',rementbranees, to do those_thinglllch to itrir ?Met' ppei tains to 1 doge: antl.lhinse aro bovind by recciah ance or otherwise„kto agaimrt the prisoster. , who arc or may VIII (Ito Janof andcountyior ir4lor Shall be bound to aßpear at the taint t'ourt. ter' tr• then and 't here tosptlusectite against them-Us .hall ' be just. Jitrors requested to ,Ire I,v= their attentianee. agreeably to their hotire., ! Dated at Towanda the 10th day tit Sept..] In year or our Lord, one tholoand ielgLt Ltinolr• - •• • aial.secenty-five, and tsNet Irol'elcero.b.owa of it- United States, the ninetY-Moth. • J. MONltrir. S'31',11"11. Stio. T4IST OF I'ERSON 1111.2tYk•'N ' to mit as Trav}:ry ;furors at a l'onft of r;oruniorr, Picas to be beta at Trio:, eonnoeneito 31onday roar. 25,1872. , Seatifili; Barclay, Jaraes 3f ePher- Son,•• Thuthas Cattnatty; Buritugtott boret. Martin , Phelps: canton Mt); Andrew Ayres-, Witts:•Colsinlbla. JuiLson Wilson; urauvl.W, lien ry A Jennings; Litchfield, Nlerettri-Itoger-i,' •Wie Bostwleklatison Mann, John 1' Snyder: F;cloy. , Anson Carney; Leltaysvllle. .11artiti 11 Codding: „ 51oriroe hero, Fleury C.Tracy; Overtoii, Jacoti,Siter-. matt, Cllai Btreery„-Fml Itome stain Horton, Sylvestr It., Darner: ;:•367911:. ' Canine! Ingersoll; Sylvania, Jahn Alexander Troy . • boro,Frailit,Plerce, t; 310acet.Terry,iJona than Terry', William 'l' Ilorton;•ToWandn. tap, 111 W Bowman; Towanda Hero, •Anilrew J Noble; wands, north, James,3lauger: tister, Abram Snell: Wilmot., Diehard M Abrams; Wysox,. Jobn P Wattles, Job Webb, Urtah c Shorr;S: 'Wells' Chas Penner; Wyalustn,g, Levi, I' Stafford. t _L TNTCQEPORATION N OTICE.- - To all tcllotu it may concern: The underslgnod citizens of Sylvania Bore. Bradford pa; ; and vicinity, hereby give notice that theY, laten) to aP ply to the Court of Common picas ofltrailford - or a Law itidge thereof, for a eliarrett.and to lie bi- oorOrateti Into a body politic In law 4( with_ perpt.:- ual succession under the same style and mile 6.: "The Presliptcrian. Society of for the ,• purpOse of extending the Christian religitowand to proved° themselves with a suitable house for relig-- loos worslifik CORTIS 3IERRITT. J. if; :CAM'. BAN'L G. Tit AC 11 . BILGOREI C. S. R. G. KITGOBI:. A UDITOR'S • NOTIVE.- 7 4. ' „al," Bronson vs. W.; B. Parks. tri COtirt of Common Pleas of Bradford County. iNo.tso t tifvt. T., 157.5. She! uwiessigned, an auditor appointed by the court to distribute money raised by Sheriff's sale of defendant's, real estate , will attend toi the duties of, his atipointriient at the [ace of Gs'erton k 3/en:eV. , lu Towanda bore, on PitiDAY. 29th day • October, AJ D. Pin, at 2 o'cloel: when and whern all persons interested are reqntb,ted pre sent their claims or be forever debarredfrom . . hag any shake of said Nod. Octlw3. IVA. OVERTON, Auditor. -; IE I X E T 11! S X OTIC Notice, is hereby given that all parsons Indebt edto the -estate of,Joslnta Bayley, late'of Nortli To wanda,dec'd,are requested to make immediate pay ment, and gill persons having, clalinsi agalus bald estate must present them II uly atithent leated. for set meat. ' FItANCIS GREGG, MILTON BATLEY, . " Executors. •, 11319. Dmi N isTßATolls , ' NOTICE: —Notto:l3 hereby given tlkat ail personii Sn depted,to the estate of tr.hen Te . rry, late of' Terry twp., deed, must 'make ttnntediate pay went to the ',undersigned, and alt persons having claims against saKestate must present them, dale authenticated,.for settletnent. . 1. TERItY.{ A dintnistrator. MIMI ADMISISTRA.TORg! SOTIOE. is hereby given that all person debted Ito the estate of Alfonzo Conant: isle of decd, must make immediate pay nient to the undersigned,- and all persons having claims against said estate must present them, duly aut ben- Mated,' for settlement.. EMER sep2!ve... i tFIXECVTORSt NOTI „citice is hereby given that all pomnsandebted to e estate of Davis Vanflyke, late €o( Leßby, decd, must Make Immediate mmen 'to the tta derslgned, anil all persmis having claims. against said estate melt present - them, attic , authentleatril, for, settlement. . F.LDREDGE VANIA'RE, EUGENE VANUTN,E, rxerntors'„ Sept I UTTO. • V.XECITTOR'S NOTICE. Notibe is hereby given that all persons indebted' to the estate of pets,' Sine:o, late ot Asylum, decAi. must mate immediate payment to the undersigned, and all pen , ons hating claims against {said estate must present them, duly authenticated,. for settle ment. I - D. S. 3fIISGOS." G. W. BENJA3Lpi, Executors! =I -- t , -- iiTT.DII7OII'S NOTICE:- . E. H. Jacoby vs.' P. P. ('a b. 'ln the.cotirt of CoMmon Pleas of Bradford ConutA 'N0..1101. Sept. T.,'1874.; • . ,•, , 1 The flndersitnetl„ an :editor' appointed by the court to distribute the'llinds raised by Sheriff's Sale of defeanatit,s real estate. ',vitt attend bathe duties of his appointment at theoface of Witt ;311tain'ell In TotrauSa,, on —TLIESO.I.N, the :Nth dtrvt beto• bet., 1875, at 10 o'clocd J 4. at., when and xv)tere all persenB hitting claims on sald fund Ilitl . § . Vvresmt then,. or,he forever debat red from coming inupon the same... , ' J. ANDREW Ir/LT I 'Auditor:i seoiri A I MI