Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 23, 1875, Image 2

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. i Vrectifora Atpotter
6311,....vr ilurrAm's trouble with China sI, 4,- 7.) • 4 '
' 6, - .TD
nit settled yet. :
have ~ ---,,----
- •
Tin; New York Democrats n deciar- . EDIT()RS . ' , ~..
t'll in frvor of specie payments. . i •
E. 0.-Gt/01)Rielt, 14 W. ALVOR*
ii.VRRISRURP is having lots of tronblel -- . _
Li)(iut a sitt fin .a new Pest office . _ . I Tcw:-..1a, 2a., Thursday, Sept. 23, ISt
i Two churches were sold at the recent
!, ::,heriif's sale in Centre county. . 1
Ex-SPtcAKira i3L.its is to dOivertho ad- I
- 'tress at the Cumberland county . fair in 1 1 For. GOVERNOR.
f IctGlior, 1'; - I l GEN. JOITN . F. ITARTRAYFT,
TurE Democratic wrangle at Syracus! - - .
pt• • 3tontgoiiiiry. . 1
played "hob" with the prospects of the
()btu-I,oo.'l's' - .•'
' I - l'on ti TATETREASERER,
•, - • DVIONII. the last. vyeelt this, loot -prui " " TIENRYRAWLE,
itiouth disease has carried off 34,1101 lie:“.1
..a' cattle in England. 1 t -Of ,Erie Coupty.
• A nirrantie colubinati,,u of counterfeit- '
, i
vr:-..,liftring, hefidquart.e.l F. at :it. Louis..,,as
, .-econtly been btva,- . en up. -
.. -
Sl:NikTor. ;Tt - INt>' ineonte from the Kern- i
, -%• - ille mine abnit. , , last mouth. is. -lit 1..) i
il.:ii - c /.x.Tn bia.tbyPeglieliy sum ...1' !, , k11;5,- i
+Alit. '"
lirr:773 111011 AIZI NATION'S.
cries fainilics of sosno of Iri. rnost
raa~i:il pa'.rtisans are endcay.oring to intlau;
()on Carlos ta roncludr ptlacc.ll - ith King
Alf , m , o, • '
Tut: Athens ggvertirneyt hay Ilt!terin-
• - a1c.41 tik encourage the eiti*r...4l.4:'of Greece
tai participate in the Centennial. 1
'felt: Pope held a consistory Friday and
~ , ,nferreA upon C'ardinal .MeClosky a ring '
and.tlic title of ..Santa Maria Sopra
Ex-S.E.x.iTtos 31. B. Lowry, of Erie, has
even a house and grounds worth *ls.otio
to the Erie Home of the Friendless.
THE house .of Baehael Ferguson :
Ayltner.i hit:, was 'burnt to the griiltud
Thursday night, her brother, an aged
perishing hi the flames.
- Fitz "-Old defenders" of BaltiniOre. on
::-maday marked the sixty-first aniversary
or the battle of - North Point by attending
iit ire serviee.
Fra . xlimen's Bank fionnnh-sionos
have on hand :•.'i1.7...f1f10 of realixtql
and when they get $600.01:o, Will tic
cent. dividetal.
:.(mo.-mrfo 31.xi0, the !int:en of trotters,'a haute 1 , 4; - :rad her o - ! vner announcvs
,:a(she trot no niorc. Site i :arc 19
4 111
• •
a'rp , inted z.l!
- *.a• Utah, ay.rt v ;ttli,r that Tt•rrit‘,ry
. ,
... M'.l.+. S. - . 1. Uor: •,:,... of the :iilV truitell , Ati• 'win mail the HEPO#TER froth
;;It.- - N (.Ic“if Y I, a- , LIT ,-- " - ii"t l'‘`- 4 t. t at , '": , ! Az-`this tiste . to the - elose . of the present
- - Nati , ml,.witil , Il inin, friau Az- - •
' - - eamptti , :rn; or November 10 for 25
. -
.. TI
FE. cricket iihiye - rs of America /rtre 1 - eent-!.. • . •
.::,.en' fornially invited. ,to vi , vl:t Ottawa,
•• __ !
Ih:x.i, easott. MAI partivifiate hi an inter- , _ i.!
:Visie•itl'eriekt,t toorrennt4a-, Republican M _____ .
ass Meeting:
Tit:: i'liii..vlvipitia .I'‘‘e.v . plumiall the
:.I,ll',"e,ve v,l!un it s!.ir.l : "I'er,,liing: voted . . The eau - wain - It will be opened' this
f...1f Vt , :::' ; tgaill!..t hiN eutint - iy, while , .. ..
traidt.wasli.glaing hair yearY, 1 . 91' it:. i FIR Ilt-DAY LA ENING, SEPT.
IliF. Saw ft tgl piattirif : : milt of Cartier (k.j,-24. with a Mass Meeting in tbt' Court
Ninys;“mb. at Vo.milq.nt: 4% - ecic. Jeller,,on ! li on ,. e.
..,:ilf:iy, v.!., A ie--•it-4.:st , Li hy tiro 4.11 Thtirs- ! - - • .
t: „ 1, , ,,,,.:Fj0!,; , ;::,i 11 ;,, tr a nct ., •:`l;.t' t) . :•EN.tTOlt PAYNtt and. Illi.s: H.
.., • , F.m_ i), : t.i,..,, ilinA there i:, no 4.1.1 - i W. 1'.11,111.'.1 . 1 will roldre!.. , a the Meet
.l ror I','-f o ) cning ;...:-. 1 9 n g al they have a ; „,,,.
-.i..-;4l;‘t lq , :.11 . 0.,:10:e1 , 1. mit they'll 1.4._,rj , 11 '",-* , .
!• ., :.rfr•ali... iii No‘i.:lF , l,er for•katrle that. • ' The. pfilitieal issues of the day 'Will
• -r i „ . N,..,,- y„,,k nr,,1 7 .7' says : •— ft %N ill 1 , be eandidly - tl%etistni; and all per
y ,rant t , , 41ervat Oviittial Ilartranft• ; suit,. Ititlit)Ut'ili tilleti iof _political
o 1
f 1 is:'levord has been 'accept:lbl.! to fair 1 - . ' s
-ptc.,l, 6t . all r.trti, s.'" 'chi, i 4. ih t s, r i a ip"; creed, are invited to be present, It
- - - ....1',!t11. ,
•- , iis expected that the Indic:4 trill attend.
. .
_..ti.. F.:: MINE iN said to exist near I The Lin4r..Band will furnish music
Tine Creel. • l i p. •:»ii),l 4 . , Dunty, about ":"20
•ailes fr , nn Jersey -lore. tut land c ,of John on theoccasion. The meeting will
: , ,, I .p.u. yi , i, , t, :la, r‘ , l-merty known to 1 01',„cranize:promptly at 14 0'.0..c-k. -,
. .
Ixi ith 11:1.... cm his tliolat frOlll eat to I Til i l.t.Sl)-iY. September ftth, was a
.:I,,Ttati-,..hiy iii ...11i in the Erie jail ciltere 1
. el-ad. 1 - 4... n ii:e....1 ,t;.n. ti on a eltar , n• : s q. splendid day for snakes at Erie. Two.
' il v 7,v ; :, l,ila 'ail (load oat FriclAYl o
! of the laresf vipers the State totilif.
n ; .f..
1 - i tilril Out! were 5t4.0...0 rtninintr. on that
1 ,, ..ia•t0.: ,a.
is the name o
a Soill.nvy in-i• titlkiti , sti."l) ,, --
, _
.:. ..t . Lail, iiiii. , , -.: l a,Tass the Susque- 1 - -.-
..,....1 iiivr at that pitte e . It w‘ttigil he'll hir!res serpent of the two. .
- ,-; I : ;V.\ atita i ..., t . ,, the lii'iipli• •,...03 I , ivill i " ' I
..,- of 'Ow stn.:ll - 0 . -
. _ .
. .
.1 t mil: PF.ltsittxtt y,lll not t.nigli
MII:I - .1 - , NOIIII
1 1•111i'i., ' ith a eapital of.n.
siC'to swim:- on: 11:1Y 0 .--1 a rted a tire insn- Of course he will intl. lleT:has no
"n"' " qii Pd li S in l: ""island. :9 ' d are lak - faith in ltir, chance 4+f lijlig elected,
mg in c% et vhody • Nvho r - wallts I , QlSe.'t ill
and he will hold on - to, the sure,,thing
dtmeitv against loss by:the fiend, -
1 • •
. l'I:E. report of the recent . vic4:tion in he already Juts. I the was an honest
-...i e. Nleiivo -- :ror delegate to Congress mmi h e w on id not sit ot illy bench
-1..• .. -.. !:,.li do, xeting that the official
..It'll: wilt 1. , rt quire(' to decide. - 'while rutillili for I;overnor.
l - •
. 'Tot: Tre.t.Syre of the llismark fund .....1 ----- - ' .
! hte:; : . 2 ,t; -us' . (Isappeared withC.c..),ool or
.i•e A Elia QtEsrioN.---I I-the Repub.:
. • l'imils iwliap ,ii rer to that F.;wietx-. War
• -4;;;( ,- are out - ftn. his anent, . - bean party Is ' , responsible for the
A. IL TH0 31 ; , ,,, N ' t ,, tlivision: of m a j or present panie. which hnc 'ecc.'twerl for•
- 1 . dr ' "all l' 4 4"rin g t X P editi° 9 has the first, tune in litlis'en years or Re
- .ffii.-I!i.d its work and .arrived at CArrison, .
- 1 - ":rha. on their way lame. pabliedn rale. even though there was
~ , ,,, p ;: . ,! . .: , .. - o.r.r. who has been retired' an extraordinary outlay of money
1 '"V"" 1 ""m '' r "g n i '" Tie e in the nav Y• On,account of the rebellion (hiring
~1-;, pritcluo-ed a la , ose ill the , West }dui,• -
_,--'‘. ~hing t .m . mai %yin make the capital that- period, who is responsible 'for
~-7- --- •- !Mit. , home.
' • the panic] of lB3l', 1811, 1847 and
. V\ I .s..7ltkN: the p(...:est nail. (ill Sat llrday
1857 .111 under Dunoeratie rule old
;c. ii mu mile:, at New . IFaVen in 21 • `
' hours: ;_;0. ininute.4 and _l5 seekmds. -He 1 oecuring in times of peace ? t .
nude/10:4; to walk the distance in 22
:iotit.... 'WI4) will satisfaet w
wilt- answer this
• ;
- , 1 Ai a lta-eting 'of We biernum &lath.- question - 9 ' °
- -
1 , •
tin ( 'entral Committee,. held iiiew York :, ' • .
n Tuesday night, -resolutions were adop- ,
Non jtc A. .r ..11 . 6c:4;r•tni.At-the
,t endor , aug ,the Saratoga platform and , .
. - I H uinati.q;::.
.. 1" Nob Mountain 'Camptneeting '
. ' : 4 1 n . ("IIAI'3.IAN of the -insurance de: , famous in its relations to the Fishing
,:rtiMmt, has canceled the certificate of !
~ : !I Creek Confedei'aey, which was : a
n,:jty (,c tAle,City hisurance (7 - anipany 1
:. ,i , ;pr , o - ititi..o, r.. 1., to traosnet-business ! - Ineeting the avowed object of which
, was to galvanize treakM into'irespect
z'rnF: llumatu...l rugraviug .onl Printing ' .. - ; -
t' \Va;-1; Voll.. IS 11(iw eoinpleting the.l *lay. 1. lc TioLLET said concerning
e ;
. ~,,-, i,,,!,. - .if »,,tiood book notes, which the Fort Mifflin convicts " I Want to - The platform is an insult to every
rill I tio lo:VTkod •• istie or 1E47:,•' and will - h I,_ . Mantis . 'them. i - American who believes in the sacred-
IS as. - e• y -411 i t ..want to
• -i a r the stgo:Aitre ix J. C. New, Treas
ness of the national honor. It is ;a
, .. lei. be able to,i,,,sfy to my • friends that I
platform which' means repudiaticiti l
. ' . 'filn;Cretztry of the Treasury has is- have seen `and taken by the hand, because the policy,it supports is a
}}, t d the 27th /;-all for the redemption of 1
oi , (iais of `l5O f. The amount out-
these of that noble 'galaxy- whom policy which looks toward zepudia
4, ,s
.;,-, •tandiffir, included in'the numbers speci- bdrbarous cruelty (meaning the Will so result unless the good
. ernmentl dsense of the people should defeat it.
id not' put to death."
- fiii'Wc: l t- Virginia supreme (*curt has - , Instead of uniting with the Dem" oera
~ ,iiitvi'that the act (4' the LegiAature re-; , , .' cy pf Now York and the East, whO
wovil ~;- flit capibil of that State to Wheel- I ME NEXT LicGlSLArity l E aEusroN.;
I ha l ;e shOwn the
in every trial
}•••}.}-: is' (: , } , , ;, , , titntien.d
~,;;;n1 rand , , and this , _On ThurAay. according to an- Arm probtibly im t i lrt tom in a lorry . according I . resolute in the support of the nation
- ~,n tr“yer3s. -3 ,.- . • - . . nouneement, a committee consisting ial honor, who
,stood by the Union
. SEN' Aron SIEPON, of California, is said of A. Born llA. : Nittro. of. Harris- ;when it was threatened by treason,
- 'ti: lirve rented " Castle ,Stewart, - at - ' '
- Pennsylvania 'Pemoc'ratS, under the
':va , hingion. :it sls.noo - a' year. Mrs. buig,. ,A 311., EL ,110 Ch, of C olumbia,
!: leadership of the worst .men in the
s , ..nnti4 , ;sicri-}:n-r and her daughtm. - Mrs. and TnomAs E. Cocunp:. -of York, nat ty . go• wandering aftertl w'l I
, te tc ,
Licuttkiant Hooker, are. menwhile. pass- F. , , -
, - Met at the Stevens. house, Lancnster, I}hare-brained fatuities of Ohio and the
mg a year +n t%ip lit ElirOpe;
- Toil Indian troubles in Ne - vada are in jto consider the propriety of h o ldi ng l . West. When we look over the names
• ~ I
‘ 1.0,;1,a1 );ility ended. - The.„ Pinto a•gent ,
I a reunion of such persons who held I of the men who . .e?ntrolled._ , this Con-.
:rpf,rts , tipt ate has visited--'llth Indian ; - ' I,vention we are painfully reminded of.
:, . - 411 1 ),,nini that they agree to strrendcr t legislative or state positions previous, ;
lthose Pennsylvania Democrats who,
"law indiapillat,,killed the white man, thus 'to and }including the year 18 50. ThP j l dinfing the war, did so much to brine*
,-- !.nnunenein.--the disturbitnees.
t ' - remaining members of the committee [disaster upon the party and - dishonor,
,' THE cast mail tmin left - Cleveland t - w-en- • --
:i. Minutes -late, and arrived in Chicago TunmAs .T. BriniA3i, o f Allegh eny , ! upon . its record:l ; Those men are po
, ;%i - enty-liVe minutes ahead- of time. The and.TuOil l "As S. FERNON -of Philadel- litical tramps and vagabonds. It is
.. ,
ligint , er — fainted itWay Its he pulled the . I. Monday, -
.! rain into the depot. •The etfst ward boundnot present. the •
; phis, were . cally means repudiation, should. be
l t l e4 inail - t rain was on time at Elyria- 15th day of November, • was the day ; championed - by that noted tramp,
A. !
- Wm.. nu vlnt ' Srom-:,-Ille - well-knowno- and Harrisburg ' the place set apart -: Francis W.: Hughes, of Schuylkill,
.4}tria} pniitter of New;- York, died sud
' for the reunion.
1 , If the Demperacy of Pennsylvania
.Icily at Nwort. Wednesdny ,aftenioon-,
• -
lie ' was' born in ; Drb. coon:, but had ! , had been true to the proud legend of
: their state, that it is thelkeystone of
1 ilssed the lutist of his Wel in Ica York,
_ti t -t he study nod mtiet lee' -of his prtifes- i the Union, they could haVe done
Lmore toward revivingnationrl credit,
Tio: 1 ton guii
ecentlY completed at
}"strengthening the , confidence of for
5. l
Woolwich'. En g.. for the iron clad -In
eigii governmenti in our financial
di-: , :ii,t,-. - gni:. 1-,.}1-n tested..
sted.. The charge
,en. 4,4 ' integrity, aiding . -the administration
01 (4' 1:} - ,0 l'Frand_ of powder and a
1 in funding our debt,-and in the end,
im polipd shell. The l'eStilt was not quite
,:',Hots. tor} - . : bringing to our burdened people the
, sure blessings of specie payments
} and a sound currency, than any other
State in the Union.
: But the old
Bourbon copperhead
,politieans,, the .
tramps and vagabonds who flourish
ed during the war, have taken posses- -
sion of the party. A } platform was
adopted that is au insult to every
American; for Americans care little'.
about what Pennsylvania thinks of
the management of the State Treas
ury ; :they / care much about its record
upon inflation."
.ILIrt . T loi, 1,:,•t (4.. the trail: of the st.
i. ,, ni... :Narrow 13 ttafii! ltailroad went .into
the .'2 , fiz,.,i,.. , zippi i irt , r on Thursday tight in
. tristtitu:nee of the Cavil ig in of to bank
th.Ao..t.i. mile :,.1,,0,.,.• Ow level liortl of Cid
. P.: "JP. • --
..11imalt./. ALI/Y. fommand ing
Kurth Aation. 11.1)orts to-, the
Department that he sailed from
;jonolain on 'tile Pensacola, liis fraghip,
the ;.11th ult.. -for. a inotitlf.l- - cruise
-••/•.oug illy ljavCaiian Islam/K. - 1
TETE yellow felier is epidemic it Iftiw
en's Station. mi 'Pensacola Bay, Iwenty
alJovti the navy yard. The peo
ple. have. neither fuod. medicine nor' at
tvutiance.4_ They; re crying* in the name
to t for.relief.• The navy yard is per
elj.y 1&t alihv.
X--despatch received at the Navy IDe
,artalent froui - Rear AdMira' C. P. R.
superintendent of the Sayal
,eadertly, aanotuires the arrival of the
- t , raetieei ship Coustollation,,at the Aeade
toy ()MTbursday. lil - on board are well.
cadet midshipmen will land and go
7iato their quarters ,to-day. The recita
tions and academic exercises will begin
oil:Monday next.
‘N i) REW J. L 2 TON,
Of Litchfiell.
Fitß PROVIOntAttY,
t.. 1 pr. BEN - anlfiN al. PECK.
of Towanda Boi.ough,
Of Canton
Nl'‘.). J. C. ROBINSON.
- -or
c.ti , T. GEoli:(3E W. KILMF.R.
Or Asylum.
Of Wysox.
' of West Burlington.
Of •Clster.
1).:0; received the Republican -nomina- .
t.ion for Senator, in the district .eom
: posed
, of the counties of Washington
- and Beaver. As this is a reliable
Republican district, his electiOn . may
) i be, considered certain. He et; a son
was for several years Speaker of the
House of - Representatives at Harris
! burg, anti subsequently a member of
Congress from the Washington dig
trict. The present candidate for
Senator, who, is about sf, years of
age, was first' elected to the 'State
; LegislatUre in 1843 oti the Whig
ticket, and subsequently served in
the House. . Since then he has served j
two full term's' in - the State Senate, ! „ 6incrioN having been made that
and during - one or More sessions he i' , there is a piano in the Executive
Was Speaker. lie :has also served mansion at Harrisburg, and that nap
two terms_ln Congress, and was_a i kins and handkerchiefs are used by
delegate from the State at large to the Governor's_family, the Reading
the recent Constitutional Convention .(1 Tines suggests that a man 'should be
Mr. LAwaEic . n. has had large expert- I elected Chief Magistrate who wipes'
ence in public affairs, and :trill be-a his mouth and nose on MS coat sleeve,
valuable ac - quisitioti to-the itepubli- and something will be added to 'the
can majority in the State Sena'te. kevenues of the State. • • -
Hon. Ents" 314cPur.usoN, Clerk
,the - trii* States HonWof :ileP'
resentativ* spokii to :.the Iteloll4
cans ' 9f: l!e*likig, the other Alight
relation to.the.legislittkie - ,reaol,o
Judge PEriSltiNci, - --- He said :
"It is said that Jilage Pershing
service in the Legislature was such
as to commend him to the people,
both for its personal integrity and its
political rectitude. Of this the peo
ple can better judge' when the record
is examined as it no doubt will
I have no chatges to make involving
the former. ,It is of the latter only I
propose to speak. If the im)ple after
considering it, approve it, theirliasis
of judg,ment will differ front mine. I
find that in the Legislature 61'1863, his
party tieing in the majority, he was
guilty of the inhumanity of voting
for a bill to prohibit colored persons
from coming into the State to make
it their, temporar,y or permanent home.
In the same Legtslo,llte }le Voted for
resolution:-; • *denouncing President
Lincoln's emancipation proclamation
as unconstitutional, and his other
acts under the mar power as arbitra
ry and unjust-, As it gives emphasis
to his love for slavery, we find him
in the Legislature' of 1865 resisting
the ratification 'of the thirteenth
amendment, and voting against the
first and greatest conquest of. the
war. To crown
. t.bis sub
serviency, we find Itim,in the Legisla
ture of 1866 voting against the reso
lution instructing our 'Senators and
requesting our 'Representatives ''to
resist the admissjou into fall fellow
ship as States of any and all the
States Lately rebellion until the
organic law of the nation shall be so
amended as to' protect the credit. of
the government; to prevent the phy
ment of any debt incurred lay rebell
ion ; to define the paramount author-.
ity of the general
,goVernment; to
protect all persons' in. all States in
their rights before the law ; to pre
vent compensation for emancipated
slaves, and to establish an equal ba
sis of representation and thus, secure
to the nation the.. last fruits of the
war inaugurated wantonly by treason:
Upon these principles the -four
teenth amendment was based.
Pershing was not lathe Legielathre
when the formal vote on the,ratifiea
tion was taken, but: ice have a right
to assume that he was as hoStile. to
these conditions When thus formulat
led as before. - 8o that if the people
of Pennsylvania have a pride in the
absolute freedom of our Whole people
as conferred in the thirteenth amend-
Men, or hate a sense of security tin
der any of the far-reaching provisions
of the fourteentbamendinent, no part
of,their gratitude' for•these is due .to
the Democratic nominee for Gover
nor, but all-re enjoyed in spite of
his influence and his efforts., Having
the disposition teitaYed by these
votes it was of course easy . for him.
to oppose, in the Legislature of 1864,
the.bill giving the soldiers in the,. Ar
my the right to rote: in their camps.
Willinff to be guilty of t - ,o gre a t in
justi.ce to men who were actually bat
tling for the preservation of their
government, it is not surprising that
he should have found a reason in 1863
for voting againSi an asst, to prohibit
Corporntios rioni prying their cm- -
ployes in orders won stores, and in
1,S(%") for voting for an act to make
the employes of railroad corporations
responsible for at'eideniß iic4ead of
corporations ll!ethscies; To state
this 'record is to convict him, during
the struggle of the war, of the linens
est form of partisanship, and to con-
met his name with those reactionary
efforts whiith,if sitece.oaftil a, - euld have
made the 1. - ar on ollr part a useless
and, a criminal sacrifice of blood and
treasure, and would have covered this
generation with shame, and opened
for posterity the tloodgates of misery.
In the fade of such vote's it is impos
sible to deceive -the people of
sylvania into believing him a proper'
man to reward with the highest honor.
in their gift: Clamor may do much
to becloud the public judgment, and
false claims,may for a time Mislead.
but the stern test of actual fact will
dispel every cloud and correct every
The New York //cratd,
denounces the platform of the Derno 7
eratie convention in the- severest
terms. From a long, article on thp
subject w Make the following ex
tract : •
• •We reeStoidentally , •
tioned-the fizoktlititAtte:viiclow of the
late jisszlini f lty of . Ile rrisburg.
one :94 thef. plosit,', prominent and
u 11 10614 .7' pcdittel in
:the kite ittee ft - 6;11ml eoniniimeed
.. agaitka, her son-in-law, V. E.
PIOLLET, to compel hini to pay over
to herself and degghter their interest
in certain property left .by he - r - hus
band, which lithe allege; is
fraudulently withheld by I'IOLLET.
This item was pronoiinced a political
lle by Plorzz-r. and his:friemis. In
self-vindication we give below the.
atridaVit bf Mthati as appears
of record, and leave it to: her numer
ous friends throughout the State to
judge whether a: man guilty of such
transactions as she charges against
10Uutti. a - sate custodian
of the. public funds. A Man who
would . defraud . his (win relatives
would have no scruples in appropri
ating to his own use the money of
the State:
oratrix complains and' says that Jesse
Miller, late of Itarrisburg, died intestate, leaving
Eliza Miller, his widow, and Anna E. Miller, your
oratrix, his daughter the Plalortett, arid • Jane S._
Plotter, his danithter intermarried with Victor E.
riellet; the tlefenliaiitai and it the tlfile of the
death otthe said Aelso Miller he vrai the owner In
fee of a farm In the T0%11511111 of As - ylurn. County
of Bradford. containing about one hundred and
twenty acres of land, more or leas. That the said
farm was sold to V. 8. _Grace by the widow and
heirs and legal representatives of the, said . tease Miller. by Deed dated October 1F47, and
recorded In Bradford Connty heed Boot: rn. 87.
rage 7:0, for rotasideratittu of five thousand dotter. (, 'which limn of 0,000 being the purchase
money for sold farm was put In in three Judgimnt
Notes as follows: One note to Eliza Miller. "widow
of the said Jesse Miller, for 11,598'14, entered of
record lu Cohimon Pleas of Bradford County.
496, December Term,-1867, at the suit of Gil R 3 Mill
er vs. W. S. Grace—Ashy not dated Vet. 1, la', pay
able April 1 1 A. 1). 1878, Interest, payalde
nuttily; dne.lude to if..lie E. riellet,,Oefentiant,
ted Oct,
.10.17, for 4'.4414 20, payable on the Ist.
day of Aprll. A.llO. 18711, Interest payable semban
mtally. entered of record in Common Pleasof Grad
ford Connty s Nct, 487, December . Term, 1807, at the
suit of Jane Plollet Vs. IV. ff. Grace; and One
Other both to Anna E. Miller, a daughter of the
said Jesse Miller, dated Oct. 1, 1867, (or {BB9 Ga.
payablelst of April, A. D. 1876, interest payable
semi-annually, entered of record In Common Pleas
of Bradford County, No. 4%8, becelnher Term, 11447,
at the snit of Anna E:,3llller vs. 'W S. Game. the
said notes,,as well as the sate orsabt „tarn.. and the
amotints named in the:respective notes before men.
tinned were all amicably adjusted awl agreed upon
at the time of the sale of the said farm - and taking
said notes, to wit: Oct. 1, 1867; and that
were by an agreement and undemranebeg or 'the
plaintiffs and defendants placed In the hands of
V. rt. Violict, the defendant, who leis autin!.: for
and, in behadt of your cbmploinant. and HMI said
notes irere by Mtn, the said V. E. Pioltet. 41111,e1i to
be entered of record as before stated. I , :orember
za, 1867, thereby creating liens upon tile kira (al :a
at one and the said time, which liens (1. II •
and remain for the mutual benert ^f pan- com
plainants, is well as for said Jam! Piolletocblch
was agreed to by the complainants and by I It- .al.l
defendants. The salt/Tanawa¢ fall and sunid ,,, -.-
curity for the payment of the stild.notes, accord I lig
to the terms of the Sittle, as appears nr•l64 . ,r(i.
11. On the oth of Aptil, 1872, amicable lei lus
from W.IS. Grace to revive Judgement: and Con
tinue liens of Judgments before men !lot te d,
Nos. 495, 497 and 499 tDecembet term. I,,,7—Edi a
Miller vs. W. S. Grace. land S. Piot iet rs, W,. s.
Grace. and Anna E.'lllller vs: W. s, I; rnre•••W ere
duly mid and ente64Acf tecert! In i';.t.tattat Pleas
of Bradford County;. nisplett Set Fa* your complain
ants believe to have been procured and cao,ed to he
entered of record by She said defendant, V. E.
Ploilet, acting as thei agent or attorney for the
complainants, as well as for theakfentinitt
Ploilet, his wife. _
UT. On the second pf ye.,;:i; J, s., itton m ,
the defendant, by V . E. P:tiler, tile other - ;;.;
ant, Put In the office of the Prothonotary or said
County a Prreelpe for jf fa to issue on .N.;. Loon.
May term, ArD, 1.872, Jane 8 Plollet rs. st::
Gmee, tieing the revived ludgeinent. NV lie uritr qt
jf fa No. 303, May terra, 1873, at the suit of s,
Planet vs, W. S. Ciraea on Lo, l‘ObO. May h-rm,
142, was duly issued 8,11 , 11 piseed S:te; `mods.
Debt r 2,513 ; 1473. the seeritf 1,1
said execution on real estate—being the sante land . ,
described tu aforesaid deed. Oct. 1, tic:, fro m the'
widow and heirs of Jesse Miller, ileeea‘;‘,l, to the
said W. S. Grace, andlecorded in Deed Dook No,
eg. page gni., in Itegisters office, Bradford co. Ti,
Sheriff returns theft /e.
"That the land was sold to V. I.: 1.1010. I.
u 151.3. for the Muit.oi'ttarAlr :tutl 1•Mlior
...directs deed' ierle to plalialia. Jane S.'
.12,449 20. Itecelved of J. M. Still th, sh.l ii, %; t.
"1;573. twenty-four luarulred• sixty-ono ami ,
"tik;liari by bid on within land to apply 4n t,-1), dt DL
"By her Mint FT.
,I3ov 0, t i11,„ v tr.
Sheriff Mild, iked Y, corded hu rl,c,-
IlPs Deed Book. Bradford eo.. No. 4 page lot- for
the h i nd' de:erlbed In ffi'd No, 302, May term, Is7a,
being foi- the same land colivenol by ilved from the
widow snot legal represent:lilies of the late
Miller to the NAM W. S. Grace.
IV. Ahd Cottr orntrie further klmweth that (nun
the tin& of 'the sate of the farm nforcsabt, t o w it ;
tictober 1. I 61 and th e oxeibutjng and leech log
Lam 114' nforos;ild meiltbmed notes
for the purchase tnone;•. to treat 0 th e widow an d
children id the :tald JesseMPler, and up to the time
of the Sheriff ahle on tile tudgMent 6t dand S. Piot
let vs. I race. to-wit: May I. 2... FA Your
I complainants were not confataett or advised by the
defendants nr either et them. that they or either of
then intended to make any tale or ',goo any em
claim againt 'he said W. S. Gratei to collect the
purchase money or any portion Of if tr i o. the said
W. S. Grace. notwithstrodingyour complainants
resided h lonise beiNglng to the defendants. anti
Malan a :Avert distance of the dwelling house of
defendant f, at the time of Sheriff, sale: and that
your i'mnpiaittatas did not hear of surd kale until
*some time'af ter the same had been sold at Sheriff
sale. and the Sheriff's deed for the.form in gne•tion
made to the (lefentlant..latte S. floret. who up to
the present One, so far as roar complainant. are
InfOrmed and believe, still holds the legal title IT
virtue of said,
V. And von or'%trlr [lathe!..hose that at the
time of ineslnX said sale for said form and' taking
the salt! notes as before' mentioned . that they wet e
acting under the arections'and advise or the'dc
fendant, V, E. Plollet, in relation to tile tame as
their agent or attorney to attend to the business
for them, and In their place and stead to see that •
all things necessary ; to be done' and attended to In
the premises would he done for them and 111 their
interest, by the sold V. t. Piollet, that your ora
trix gave no attention to salt -business. and relied
wholly upon the calif V. E. Nona to aft for them,
which the add V. E. 'Monet well knew and agreed
to attend to the game, 'which fact Was well known
to the other defthdaut, Jane S. Ploilet, who con.
tented to the same, and the management of F sald
cialtns of your complainanisybehig the nntel and
Judgments before menti!ined, against said \V. s,
Grace, as well as that of the defendant, Jane S.
Piollet, were wholly in the charge and ntahages
merit of the said V. E.' Mullet, who accepted the
charge of the same, and your complainants relied
upon him to keep the same secure. and to collect
the sane, • - -
VI. Your oraorix. complain() that in commpienee
of the said V. E. Monet acting as the agent Or M
tor 'ey'of Jane S. Plollet. hts wife, In issuing exe
ctst It upon the pidgment of the said J. S. Plollet
and .I)ing the. Said farm (sold !by widow and heirs
of the late Jesse Miller to the said W. S. Grace) at
'Sheriff sate, and , becoriting the purchaser for the
Same at less than one-half the purchase money and
Interest due said widow and heirs,..and then di
recting the Sheriff to make his deed for said; arta
to Jane S. Plonet, who still holds the title (So far
as Is.knoAn to your complainants); and caused V2,-
469.20 to lie endorsed upon the Judgment she alone
held against 'W. S. Grace. That in consequence of
such sale your complainants may fall to reap the
fruits of their Judgment liens upon said land,or to
have secured to your complainants a title to said
land as cotenants with the said Jane S. Ploilet, ac
cording to their respective Interests, represented
by the'Judgments they each held against said land
at the thneMf the Sheriff sale. The said Jane S.
Plollet and thin said V. E. Plollet having refused,
though often requested' so to do, to either pay to
your complainants the amount of their respective
liens against . sail land at the time of the Sheriff
sale, or to make over to your compralnants any title
or interest in said 'mid in trust or otherwise for the
security or payment of your complainants Just
claims, although the present value of said farm as
your complainants are informed and believe Is worth
front six to seven thousand dollars.
VII. I,Youroratrix charge that by reason of said
Sheriff sale and Sheriff's deed to the defendant
Jane S. of the said farm which the widow
'and heirs of Jesse Tiller conveyed to W. S. Grace,
and the management- and collusion• of the defend
ants la placing the legal title of the same in the
said Jane S. Pionet, discharged from the liens 01
the judgments which your enmplainants held
against said farm at the tine of the Sheriff sale,
they arc in danger of , being deprived of their just
claims, and your complainants deem It necessary
that some proceedings be taken at once lathe courts
to protect your complainants In. their rights.
Whereupon your orattix and each 14 ti , f,2 claim
and need equitable relief as follows: •
1. That an Injunction be grunted temporarily un
til hearing, and final thereafter enjoining and re
straining the said Jane S. l'iollet and V. I. l'iollet
her husband, - or either of them. (min making any
birgaln, Sale, transfer, article or conveyancemf any
kind or nature of the fame or lam)or any fiction
of the same as described In said Sheritrsileed. J. 31.
Smith, Sheriff, to Jane S. Plollet, recorded in Sher
iff's Deed Dook,Dractford County. No. 4, page 104,
to any person or persons, corporation, society or
stitution whatsoever.
2. That your oratrlx and each of them, be de
clared to be owners in fee and tenants hi common
in and to all the lands described in said Sherilt's
deed for the farm' aforesaid, and that the -pur
chase at Sheriff sale aforesaid of the said facto by V.
E. I'tollet the defendant was a purchase in frost
for the use and benefit of your comptutuaut, n o d
that the title of the said Jane S. Flollet to said laud
is held in trust for Eliza 31Iller and Anne E. Mil,
ler, the complainants, as co-teeants witlYthe said
Jane S. riollet.
3.lThat such other and needed relief may he
granted to your oratrfa., and each of them, as the
circumstances of the case may require, to the end
that canny May be done between the teirties.
Solicitors' for ]'tatntl Rs.
Eliza Miller being duly sworn says that the is
one of the plaintiffs in this case; and that the facts
set forth In the foregoing bill are true.
WE ARE reliably informed that in,
a case which came before tile Grand'
Jury last week it was shown, by the
admission of the complaintant, that
he purchased from the defendant;
notes to the aniount of $l2OO, for
which he only paid about $4OO. It after
wards appeared that the. notes were
forged. How would the • people of
Bradford county like to.have such a
shyloe - k for Deputy Sheriff under
Srokaa? •
•• ;- • ;
The. Crawford Coun l ty . uppub*4u, OrrORNATIr ,
titirtilg!itiOn ttt , otttlier,
for the! l igrii* 9 fLf g , putit)p g ther4tle of "Cokitiell:etntheintunctrd the
eri r t Job a; 4 004 Ddrinicriktie,pandidat4,for '011411; and
tai '44 lort n t
t'!s s • r '' 41 • 11134 1141e'.e*11"4" 11641‘
• - P o;y "#.7 l .eanwllt„., Vas he breveted )17the Con
is3e(l in ,/, 44 , 4 :„4 44 0 41 feitoeatatlevernnient on - aecoiint, of s y lo _
pliatliy with The "Lost Canso?"
the l'ollowiti:rl,..xtrart a being off
interest to our i i vailers..isl view of the
proposition to Ttrixlite6: the systetni
of nominations:
Tlic thei
examination of.the returns and count.;
mg of votes, finishing a little after;
p. in., when the. President_ of the
Convention, D. Roberts, said he'
wished to intikelPorne rdnuirks upon)
the manner ot niotninatii4 c:indidate,l
under the rnieslknown as the Craw
ford County I S3istem. ife, was opH
posed r to it for a number of reasonsi i
It was expenSiv i c,imposing upon the
candidates great labor and' Waste of
tithe add trailiing •elpeitlef:; - and
chiefly by exposure of the party . to
the unfairness df the distribution. Of
the ticket, whiuh the result,,of the
eleelion on Tlin t rsday illustrated, in!
.nominations' la:rge majority of can.;
didateg feoin the city of.Aleaddle,f
_Judge Pettisi being Called
reviewed brie6: the history of
Republican Marty in this Couuty,.
belle and sihq the adOption of the!:
.present - 133,1i11y of,
its imperfections, deficiencies and;;
embarrassmentiWllich it visits upon';
the party,. which the convention ad*
joutaed hictu for
1 pun i'eassedibling - Mr.• Liteldicl4
oilere , l the following resolution which;':
was was unaftititously adopted:
1te.10.?,-ni, As thp sense of this convett
don that the eotoinittee this day (At:etc&
be requested at iti meetittg to pref.ent; !
a plait tthangitig °; the pritAent iiy't,e)» of
nominathig candidates for office, ;tud sub-i
stitute titerqfortt tittle ,delegate I:ysteny
in order that, if iprakiraltl , t, it tea) , be;
adopted at a .ni4tint of nit! t.satill!
committee. •• ;;
Jous M. PoA;iEnoY, Esq.. the al)hl
editor Of the 4a - rnberAmyg
tww, epitomize., the history of Vic,!,
PIOLLET; Deniiicratio candidate fort
State Ti'e:eAr&, in the,. following
"The nomitiaDon of VietOr Ei
of Thatlfitrd. by he Democratic conven-i
tion fur State '4'n' surer, was probably'
i made wit.b. the lope and expectathar that'
he WI:1114.1 rl,telVc 1 . ; 01. i thf•
tliTnger clement of tine -!•
ate ,is prioninclit 1 . ;1 1 0‘r;
nothing of the nil , rt , •_-, - .1; dims of
order, but do I.4it i
they will h ' k ti it:e• Wei:Mire 01 ap.
convention for ;,1:4:11.• ttffice, the .
official ran give no aid in i-eenring-tht• vc-t
forms for which thi• D rangers profe,stit.
be work
Athol from ete,isbleratlito,if there.
is "tltt:t i or - J . :le.:tier Old.
I Meth!t tip as,a•reform t antii-'
date. Although he is called a farmer, he
i was formerly a tit:that-tor on the publiel
, works, and we think bia first oftivial porsi
tion Tax that !o r Siwerintettito l t,
North llianch t i.ianal. ile Wa'' , .; a
eratid,' member Of the Legislature from
Bradford. eitinityi in 144‘.; and the'
editor of the L'elietitecy serving with 'Fatly
at both s'essions. i Itidronuertl,to with tlw
31.'Cook •bribery c;t•-c ; in l'i:46„jialt a % Tr y!
„p';,l'plullel,2ne vet: had
the toll voniitivore of his aSSOC•4I:C., there
after, the staiolalil of legislative proprk
ety ai that time beaus much higher than
is at present. Kith the cxeeption'iif
actin- tts Paymaster. ill the army' (lilting;
the , 31exiean wah we thhik ed. l'ittilet,
has ot.:t lAbee
was in the LegiNlaittre. Bradford eountY
l o ng i,hwe largely
thitt he could thief make an election fori'
anything. — • ,
The . Rep , /sibl , ry blight have said]
the vontirmatioiit as l'aymaqer in the;
3fexlean A rtn3l Was only sectired:
after several tidetiipts and the' most'
servile sycoplia.ney -on the tart of
PIoLLET: 1)1111i* C'OnVt'rS:ithlii
with- ;en; ,
is on the •subjeet:
diseol'ereditha'c Ono of the' SensH
I.,tors'S shoes wal tintiell: and meekly
I ,fell upon his knees and re-tied the
string. begging ';en. C. the meataitne
not to defeat hiS confirmation.
Itdmight have further stated
thallnot only Ote ileptiblicans but .
the i temograts of this county long
ago, ..repudiatol him. Only a few
weeks since the I•temoeratic fitandin! , ,
COmmittee of this county refused tO_
recommend Mtn as a ea Mlitlate fot
Gol4rnor. }Hs re,t/ interest in the
Grtillgers was demonstrated last fall
when he advilic...a patrons to kohl.
•taefri, liich ninny of them did;
Suffering a loss ithereby of nhout, 50
per tieht. • •
Fltate are a I few of the reasons
why !the Repuhlican party:mirlit td
be kept in power in Pennsylvania:
Because it has administered the
State government with fidelity and
Because it ha's paid off more than
fourteen millions of dollars of the'
State debt in the last twelVe years;
Bdcause, itha4 faithfully maintained
the credit of. the StAte by promptlY
paying the interest!npon its °blip'
Because it relieved the people of
the payment of a State tax upon real
estate and.lessened their . taxation;
1. Because it iriangurated and maini
tained our Soldiers' Orphans' School'
system and cddeated the children of
[our Soldiers;
1 Because it has protected the peo
ple from inaphlition and fraud byj
`bonus, rotten.inpuranee companies.;
Because it has , protected the people' 1
from] oppression from unscrupulous - ,
and .x . neting Corporations;
Ileenuse it leas, sinee it obtained ;
power, heen true td the best interests,
of the people; itnd finally.
Because it waS loyal to the country
in the yearS oil its peril when the')
Democratic orgAnization was in sym-i
pothy with armed treason.' • :1
- i 1 CUL PIOLLE:yr is lauded over the'
!Statel.• • great' successful faxin '
. s a i aa
er. It is true heiand'his brother own'
some! sixteen hnndred'acres of land,'
4 most'of which is! under the best s state
of cultivation. It is equally true that
Ithe r'olonel inacie the moneY to buy,;
the land ont-of the State and the va7 4
; I 1 , rim's ; corporations with which hi.. has; I
been connected as superintendent or
contractor,whil his brother, .IitSEPIT
E. 1,:i0u,r.414, is the practical nurznor
and'' busineSs in'annaer. About the
only farming Vii:'. has ever done is to I
ride out into his fields slavcdriver- j
1 4
like and domineer over his employes.]
Not : many years ago he announced 1
his belief that he should some day be.
able ici own ,the labor necessa j ry to
4 4 . t? ,
''et ltiyate his soil. . 4
, 4 1 • 4 4 '
Tiir. Athens Gazette truly says',. if
the office of 'Sheriff is seeking
rots the office will be defea,,teil.
In 1174;3 the State bank notes in cirettla
tioti st".about °3 4 ),84 ,000 and about
*T.52 per Capita foz.hc population of the
United States. 'The slieele held by the
Banks of New York at that timq was
about 20 per cent. of their circulation.
Taking this as'a basis ror the Union. the
Banks had at that time a.; a redeeming'
tuna of flpoein abont *1.4,000,000, IVe
no coaiplink th'en of. ; a want of
)abanflanec of eirculathm. Ito w ;at: [( I ,
farts November ht; :
.111 T
r1:,1.14 t .oi nt,ht ft 2 , t• k
".auti [lie 1: int.s
(1i villa:l , m Nult•mbe•r It1:1
• This amount per capita for Om popula
tion of the rnited - tAbitc's at, •that tune
would be about *9. The annnntr of coin
held by the Government and the banks
1T:. 4 1:1 wam about $149,000:000. This
amount will be ample for monnption of
specie payments by the t3overtvnent aml
the banks ak . soon as the eqin can be,dis
ttilluted among the banks! Van be
dope by N t iv, 'Ow time for re
!iinlPll6lt uiOler pa:At:lA.l3w, •
Evert iiinn O uithia4 , ed ,judgtnent must
ackriowletigo that otif .littA!tott batiking
qstem is the best ever had by , this t 4;v--
eminent; more sa,f,;, awl -better fur the
trlin!ses. It pays Loa! - t 4 the I% ,S. Gov
enaneia ~t ovce i'4l‘ CH !II ill ton• of donors
hZ r :2112111111, grOat WfUlt. tth; &me,
try is to have the ourrency question set
tled and placed Micro the ranks of specu—
lators and political ..spirauts
tiu 1 , it, That we e, rutted toantany
nihroo:lls, lived too expensively, and been .
generally prO: l tg..t..; , money ; me
slime of the ri‘;o:tins mir pregcla
Gm. and to 111:4.1011 he to iodate the cur
rency to tscai ,, . ;01: , ,,•et evils would resuit,
h i a groat
~.;tc:t,tian in fill Its braeja g ,
and not alhisv so of politicians' lo leati
Plum to p.m ;Ott tt'i a paiwr babble.
""7" At* - - •
• As ittere is ntl good renson Why.our
strength should be scattered and
•satzteil ill tlection, Ire v a n up
tho ,itUtlti , •llllofore. ea<tlU his
1%-•f •it are'willin.4-t6 take eve
or. our &moralization or
sore.lit•oW,ll: rr rlisalito4Rt meats, and
oirti strength not' tit:" i-. 1 / 4 iiind 7
itt-ss;:c prith..ipio•.-; for a vi k l•tqr,y,.
• 'f Lee already boast that tsc ate
I.Kiit.oi this fall by tat- own
Ti„, Vietpublican party. was organ
er,nnty iwentl;
der the 1;04. AYH
nri.t (inlet's, vcll;, , tlitnight ItN lie
tl:filig111 that slavery nutbt, die ; that dis
honcst„,' anti ; ;:nfaithfulnuss in high pidee.s
nnn.l 1, -i ff it (II V ,h ; that the party who
h a d misritt,ll the country for many years
MiAtut! ard c'orts4,l'ctl eltexuril
ty. The Republican party lice Ve:krskiifter
its orwinizat ion (in 1t3(10) elected Abraham
Lineuln President. Its enemies and op
ink,titittial a rebellion and civil war i t
with all it t liorrort:''upfwit 11:4 till IrlGa, et)St;
h;f_ilinlidredSur thulp:Utrhe preelott7lives
and lkillions of , treasure- They were Put
doe.-ti by the strong, It: uf. the (;‘,vi tn
rovid under IZeimMicah rule They inur
t.,ttr good President, ' and at our
in , Kt election we idectedl he military chief-
Haiu •cclit.; wiao, the leader in their subittga
tom. 1 ixv ltit,l rani': Willi 11 1 ,:l
tr a t They dt Tr!. like him. We don't
womler--nml le. srooliet; ltis ehzar and
don't care. We still light 'under the old
il4 I Nt jib the motto "Freedom for .
iNt: shall he victorious.
In the. mimini-Aration of countyalillirs
use hat e iinecessini, ~haen :the
enti r e period in wilich . Ttepublicam, iei
elected their men, the county Mikes have
been tilled with the very beat men. 11 1 ,1
out naming every one we would call atten
tion to the °Mee .of Prothonotary IA ; a
sanqrle. The men who have tilled that
t. , .;:el;ty years have been
honest. eavible. obliging. etitlenianlp
and so attentive to business that there has
been no one to find fault. In the other
Olive , . the licipriiilions Jam:e placed 111 CH
of the same kind. 'Now ,should we
- seek a ? Let us support our ticket
stand by mui nominzition::: elect our men
and defeat our enemies. In the, Pres
idential elcrth.n they poinieattid Horace
Greeley. thinking to gain some 'kind of a
vletory, and wete defeated. We have the
power to elect every idlicer on both county
and 'State tickets. Our opponents cannot
elect a man on their ticket without help
from Republic:ins. In our union is our
strength: Shall we be united amid succeed,
Or !;Vide ;Lthl give j(iy to the enemy? Yipu
will be bored and bar/1;02.0i .
thie or that individual-of the Opposition.,
lie not deceived by proini,ie:: or represen
tations. As anon as they arc cleetCd You
will see the el von foot', the long ears
seen now. The rciiiMer has often
been laid on his back. and' nearly killed
they ale repan ing him up this fall, but if
'Republicans stand'hy thviv colors
ho will ne%er. c•row
L7.7 . TERS MOM 01111 007.1.t1TPCIIDI,""-TTS
Layton io a good man.'" NVi.! heard a
gentleman say at the Convention, "but
' can't. be elected if nominated." Why ?
"Because he is the Ring candidate. and
the people aye deteribined to break !up
that Itiug. At first we surmised that
such talk was being used for the purpose
of effect, awl in order to discourage the
friends of a strong man and prevent their
pressing his nomination but further oh
serration convinced us that there 'is a
large numbEr or Republicans whp believe
in the existence of an 'all-powerful Ring
that controls the county nominations as
firmly as they believe in their own exis
tence. They suspect that the strongest
candidate is the Ring candidate, and no
matter how honest or capable he' rimy be,
they desire his defeat in order to punish
the bated Ring. It is with these Repub
licans we desire, at the present time, to
have a little plain talk.
Gentlemen, we probably differ consid
erably in our views of what constitutes a
Ring . ; but grant, for the sake of argn
ment, that the nomination:4lnm usually
made by a - combination among the friends
of the successful candidates, you must ad
mit that the combination.represents the
of a majority of the party, as surely
•as a majority. of. the delegates represent
the will of their constituents. They - may
not always do this, but generally they do,
and the ticket thus nominated is most as
suredly the choice of a majority of the
voters. Does not reason teach us quit,
when a majority of the party nominate
good Men they should be elected, if had ;
they should' be defeated? We can honor
the voter who, When his party has nomi
nated an immoral, corrupt man, has the
courage to break the party trammels and
vote for one who,itis just and fears God.;
but it is his ditty to bp" s!tre that his in-
formation rs correct—that the one is cor
rapt and the other is pure. There iS no
other honorable or justifiable rule fur pe
litical action.'
Two years ago you dzfeatcd a candidate
I fairly nominated, charged with no crime
that we are aware of, and for no fault of '
I his own except that he would not follow
the example of his DenioeiPtic competitor
in making ft, personal solicitation for Cotes.
You tried to defeat James H.' Webb at
the same time, and only lacked, fifty-one .
vutes of doing it. Had the sakrilice of
one victim sufficed to propitiate. your of,-
fended demon of Discord we should not !
complain, but the next year your insatia
ble god demanded greater offerings, and
to appease his wrath you slaughtered La
Scott and liinneY. The first a hard I
working faimer, who in intellectual pow
er, iu general knoweldge and honesty of
purpose, is the equal of any who have
ever represented the Bradford district in 1
Congress; the , second was ; never charged
with incompetence or corruption, and the
third we believe was baSely slandered.
Gentlemen, it seems' to •us that this I
thing has gone far enough, and that it is :
about time to Stop. surely victims enough
have been slain to atone for the sins of the
party, whatever those sins in your opinion ;
may have Veen. The JeWish rites on some
. •
. .
i - iltterm regigre'l the • ' •-• ; '1T.1 5 0,,aWA. 1 4 ed. the Witrnot prOviso Itt184(1. :Plo i l.r l
i t without spot or 1.4021.t0h 1 , ,
~ ‘ v dare
-.. ° H .-- ._,A llia t. Jett supposed -that the Ikuyoeratfe
the pureskl „,,,,,/ . Nest i ltil thiv eV,Vta run or nn that track,. . it c, . ther da i i.
1 iy. particular and d" " l ' l ' lit-9 ' party of the north at - least • vt i oultl
' will lind ilt, - .flo :.. t, !
Beau eandidatei(alliktetini‘9..lo led off by resolutions of instructiorig .
ly good, to make cticike.o(4'inethilid,, in favor, o( it. . These pa!3se4 the
vs there It tOilit .. Vle,4KieTa__ t % :. 4 40 Y. A _... House It . y . •a. rote of ninety-seven to
who wants thiiimicuf;touzytA -Lie ...i...ia t ut h 1
and like Ciesar who - thrice refijited the three. .ftu ge K nox.and most of the
kingly crown, may be prevailed nn to att. other DirmOcrats from the NorbJ
eept (on; tho principle of the ofllo seeking stood to their integrity 'and cOnse-.
the, man), it is probable, tinder imeh sir. :
Chm Stances, the victim you! Will !attempt - quently.: in lit-Au - ,yeas - thereafter
abandoned the, Democratic. party,
to slay Will be- the candidate; froin hitch:.
..- D ,,,,., Da a l 4 ,. : '..ii,:„;',,,,'1„ . 41,,,1: t i ' ,
no. . otn
field. I' ! 1 i .
!_!!. Lint .1011e11411 , ..V. ..., ..,,,,..',-• S. -
I, . ..-..
• 1 , or thirty-four years not a man from ,
coal Democratic party took the - other
titehtiekt has held any connty 4ice, and ..side—ate liiivpirds and. resolutions,.
tito do nut.tementber that she basfever be- turned andiquarreled::with Wilinot t .
fore presented a candidate-'! 114 It ec 'P lu !and - froM that chty to - this Iran UMW
Are as intelligent its any, and she nev- !
er lacked men quafled to fig with honor f the Most- o*fillio - tm follower of the
any peAtion;' but they halve heretofore slave Demoeracy..
been content to let the Eistiand -Sire West The last three years Pioll4 has
furnish the - aindidates, and h4ve only praended to have. uhandoped tile
- askeil the •privilege of polling a 4 •1 34 vote perno(Tatie to
and been seeking
for the sta'alrdeA'elfult`icatttieliet-evcry , .
time. Here istl P iei; record Wo y - ;;`arit - al.- , A -
i". ,
to l ,, ead the qranrrers And the bubOr
when yott first started ou Ito Ni:4l' path rictormers. LA bout the Ist 'of 3/ , :treh
and very thoughtlessly connuell'eed the he was in 'l';aly..n. Reform--all ;anti
upooitable . business.. of { cutong Itl' .;
monopoly convention at the: Odd
. ~
throats of your Republican frienps i Fellow's' Hall. Harrisburg. His
speech was chiefly confined to abuse
enure Tkii,t , • 4 4 Myer.. ..•....t ...... fr: .„ , ,
~ , ,
Wo,b .... 84 inglaau . .... 1....... * 3 4 of ;Mtn 0..1 Ocki Barrier.
MarA M L 913. Sued F
Knmip 95 na, o „ g ,
i . • 9 ,?, -,' lie wantell these peopit to noun- ,
They did nut keep
Webbt AWN up to ' nute Biel foi l Govel'iloyl an ll the ! '" ' lie
the lewd of the State; ticket but!they, did ! would. force ;e "licinc;erttts.„l, to I t,:the
their "level best," and but O,tie ottwo dis- him. I • • '
- i
triets in the county did at, welli or were ' •
able to present a tally paper toicompaie . •
If he i-, elected Treasurer the mon-.
m „li t „,b ly . tylth thi „,. Aon 144 , . fiat, cy
Will belonging -to the , sinking ; !ILITI
when our lines wavered on the right and : n in
he sunk beyond rolemptio
out the NI and att-the centeit-i-w4e crush- the shortest I . fisil de til, i , , ,_/ , ,W, T 7d, iv
ed and captured by the cneniv,4the lie- Vo),,inori',o,
publican farmers of Litchlbilii slim(' firm 1
as the Mills they cultivate; and n4w, when
they itaTe lirtnight forwiar4 I a ,i'o , sl and
true man for an inipcttantipasitioa, yea
have a fair' tmortiniity to pUnighithen;.for
their devotion tO prinelple 4nd fidelity to
party by striking him down!. I Bat 14volli"-
' men, we,hopci better Lhingsl t. l tf - ylou noW.
We cannot helieVe that yyti,'eyi.n-lititentitd
to tie , troy the party; you ',bought to puri
fy it by breaking up the !pig. i but tin.
:.'course you took, if Persistthl in,i will de
lt roy it from-off theTace ofitlie citrtit. -
]f go:0 men cannot be e ycteel
thaw 'in; 2t4);.da4ite, then tl fj, litipublivan
party might just as Well di7.4.1n1. Its
priziciples Wimid be of little value to Ila
ettantry if the Democrats are to carry the
eiveth,q4:4 :i1:41 Contra te L go weer WIC:IL
- 011 think the'party isogoot i lbotithat the
leadership is bad, and that ;all Itir par!‘-
tro ; ,!, tire caused by the sehishnes,,
mismanagentent and Mundell; of int r'leatt
ersf , Just so we all thought ,at 4„ hegin
ning 'o f the war for the Cit. When dis
aster followed disaster, ( ; ur :tons and
brothels slain, and the old ilitg, tii•atedly
traileAin•the dust. we, blamrd nit gpvern
ment and the leadership .forl it .all ; but
now We ca&s.e plainly that I..iitt4plil. :-kitv.--
urd, Chase and .;:.atom tk( i :co ,kl i u v e ry
best and ablest men who coLithl liay.e been
placed at the head of at air that our
defeats tae, not because o tigoi-ermneui
was veal:. but because PrObidbneC was
of Whig: :toll was determined ',tliat we
should not conquer u'itil our kritic }vas
humbled and we were wiljie,lg . to , do emt
“ttet. Of,just ice
. warranted ylthe'eOuseit:l•
tion mien military neeessit Nt.t"
If thejlepubliiam leader:Op
.i.l bad and
you:are good, then why net 114 1 .ad' Ihe .party
yourselves? Lead it hi 1 the booths, of
virtue and good government,' but , do me;
lead it into the ''Dentoerath3leaniii.: Jett.
ltr,is and nearly all the confederate ()en
t.:t at; of ',let toot Ii and Coliiierheids of the
North are there. Th..t .-ltit . jkle.4 of timr
millions of slaves strnek off- by ,ionr mur
tyred President are carelnlly preserved
there. The cursed doctrine tif, titate.:3ov
ereiguty, which caused the. I reliellioii. is ,
still believed in there,
V del an sho that
party again obtain full con TO of the :40N - -
,ertiraent• the conflicts between & 4 tate and
National authority will be' renewed with
intense bitternesa, and it picy ito not re:
Suit in another war they will ritard t. , “r
prosperity and inerease out Ana trial (lii'lj-
Clittlei. 1 I
.1. I,:iyon . i,., ;:. 4 1 1 i 141:ilr : lie
WfIN frilly- nominated. af& hti 1611 1,0
cleetal. • I
. :549 9 7 i2.:;91,1
. 17,1i711; 119
^t, f'~~
i4;11,1 , 21),812
1 YNDI-_,,
i i
i 'l2he neisiiit.eo or thi: OuDri,vr a t:;- i':,, ,
state-Treasurer w rusv 0 l'Hintfrr of tit
Pennsylvania House ol!.-llepresCiita
fives in tsru, when Me4sr.s.l;ingintin
and Ifilands were mete bers. from this
county. lie NV:I.S, lillringiiiiti session.
; a member of the cominittCe db Banks.
and Air. lliiands, of thih •otinty, was
on that - committee with ,liim.i Strong
efforts were Inde, that Ye t ar,ito repeal
the' charter of tlio .I.cliigli; County ,
Bank. The haul( Conintittice were
equally divided about Oli.. reporting
-of this bill. It 'was held iovil: nearly
a mont i tt, an was. undeastoo4. at the
install& of Mr. I'iolii4. l I).4iliel' _We
; COok, a younger brother i - )1',11)r, Me-
Cook, late of .Pittslairgh,!wali at liar
. risburg lobbying for the bill .31.t. , ---2s
V. Beach, of New 'I•ot-1, - ., ;was the
chief owner of the banli, Iti was un
derstood that Piullet: was in treaty
with 3lcCook about r4;ttiii.t . this bill
out of [the Bank COmiHttep' ; The
Nvlule facts as proved belorr! f ludge
Pearson; 'before lvitont, ..1et'4,01,•:. was
1111(Imards tried, wer . C' allot! l as :ot_
low's: :egotiations had lietni going
on for, isome time lr..tW;k4l Mee . oolc.
and Piollet about gettingithii bill out .
of-the committee. linally - arrange-'
moats were made that Itllti motley
was to be paid the the, ricrc.t. zzoriting.
All the parties were DeMocsats an 't
boarding at-the Buehler 11oqe. Mc-
Cook had Col. PipCr, i' ? t . Bedford.
cocealed, rolled tilt in' a Ilnithpb robe-,
under his bed to 'heal what passed at.
the payment of the Money.l Piollet .
was paid $4OO in the nOte4 i of the
Plaintield Bank of Newi4ers'ey, and
the bill was to be reported at 'the next ,
meeting of the committee.[Piollet.;
however, Mowed oril Nl'dCoidi. rural
• f ..
laid the money on 111:i l i l OSid In the .
hall-of the Douse, and strite4 lie had
been offered it as . a hri4. l '"
' 'MeCook)vas bound ot• a id. tried
before Judge Pearson about n month
afterward and was eonviOted of the
offense.. Thadens Stev n's defended
:McCook. On the trial pioilet was
examinned as the, ;el ief witness.
Among other things, he, Staed; hay
inggone; into ,Mt7Cookls! room and
received 'the $4OO ; he ilet+ned 'to
his own room, sat down aral l count
ed the the money, and he isaiil he
l !rrt • 7!? If' lN
wept to think.thai anyb.
or could be bribed for ti
ens Stevens sail:, "Genii;
jury I have been doubtin
let'; statement heretoforl
one part I suppose
true: Ile tells you :116
;.the money in his _Own ff
; ding-tears. Ile admitte
not mare of its bein, l
Bank notes until this pOi
Now,lie knew that the Pli
was in bad repute, fad
ed it to be utterly wort:l
tears fell not because of
to bribe him—butrbecau
they had 'passed titter
paper on him. His virt
stand: an attempt to bril
counterfeit money. ! Nal
of the jury, had he not g
passion over it, and had
kerns and learned that -hi
them changed to gold (
from five -to' seven per cc
have pocketed . the ins
would have been slim!
Colonel A. Hilands w
of this -Bank Committee
hied iii court and know
The Bank Comm
lieved that nollet had it
this affair to bribe him.
In:rea rd 0,1847, flu
that I'iollet dna Judge
Dernocracy.• The Henn
the majority in 1847.
mot; member of Congre
11/ Trif: 01.11 . 1:1):•rat1r caldid:l.o: .I',Jr
State Tl't4;tir4, hind ilk,' per
sonal and r)(,)litileal - character well
rifted hecknt4'4 th 44 (•41(•:etion
. Nve aro, mis
taken. .1 vtdlWntlik 111:i0 Las
ready Ipre-tinted I)t,' a ny party.
and we 410 tint •t'lltch roltrfl re
inut, tho of the Demoi4r,tey
in pia till' s ! SIK:11 Zl, !Will 11.11'Warti lir OW
1101(111e.S-;thie - 111:111 . 1.1 . 111174 Ar 11 c(
1 n
senting to ta.—.‘44:ti , /4!ii
poison.•' This
Is Hr. ettpfillnistic stylC-01 . a
man to i•Aa i tirink..44nt \Vest. 7 The
]lcmocrat:: lat seem to ha:'(- nit
derNtood, it literally, and they adcord
ingly chostdt Wo or the. ni , .l. 1.6k01-
ot.N , Copp
.1N (it...) (Jr V it'.
LEE' li‘,•ing in an nilji)iiiingiqiinity.,
foimil TAR• tpilowii-pant.Jr;ipli in *a
iirll3(Wrg Li
tilt. ));,,:,t
"'File no,
is as
with hiln in
v.:in 1, , ,! : in
tm,i long ha
tration or ill
ira (id
Niqlry LAI - I'ON we have a
(..an411 , 1:11.01f.:011,4 AviloM t; 111 ' ttillgue
Ut --lau•.L• : i• 11e.0- , tie ‘ - et'
, ~• -
dark erleki /I'o4lrf!.“.` ,
. •
ellargo(i again-4
fnn:icr 111J.10111 ,
o.lflce ro l ,,nitl 1 , 0 a 1 , .11A-111_ :110 wllO
woel,l detie, 012
withAum . c:-ty niu.l
(lay Or ; 4 -111. T.ill'
t ,, rot. f
I)(lnr , cr:tt
~f I
v;l' it : "
. .
. ST4 u.nt.z: . ci:Lim I.l:it.
in;H (11 , 1:1,:(1,1
llow iliteol of
\ v.. 111 1w tvc.o•-
rlll ,l th tlis.
A i;;.::11 ttidny it
Ivry that whilo 1;11.1. Z-:'J'.,l!;s
eras -ioar - lit for lie tle. 10eino.
eratic pnrty. everythiny , i'eemed iu
turn alit solfav,:wnlple to:his. plan-,
out ',Alen lie is iov,iy
from home that lie is a rmr:
faintei.- It would surpriss u
some of hid fricwis4o.2•onie
up liere anti see Ills' sixteen -II inulrtnt
acre cnrin. Iwitri a • mansion costing:
thirty or- f4irty tlionsnir.l
Ivliieli this irdini , ie tiller tin, soil
oil* the labor of n
sieoi.Y or more
. .
Plol,iJlT :-. oh.erest in lahor an,ll .
. l'llOlOE h'AMII.t:G110.('El:11:S.
laboring mien .in ,
vver-e . 1
_ While traveling ahotit the
count 3 in .I,tie employ awl pay of the
gr:mge, pril-tihitirir the ord(T' t 7) his
own i:iiii , :teVentls. 11e nialis a: _teat
alto al),lnt tit luirqships of the labor
itvr man. (ha 1. - ti.:-: own plauta.tiott,the
. i
scene i;-• quite tlitfoi•ent. Ihvrc. jvoe
Lethl , tin': lhAile--: - wi , :fit'.vlio ,;(4 , :n:.;
to :1-:1: any his harp's,
latit .
tly ulo übl' tit-..,
100. 1 Thad
-1 i 1 ',
,:enialiii of the
iii . :IVr. Piol- : --7-
- 4
ri _, crc Is 'I 'nu i_ it. Atii. it,p,i,m,,,,,
1 ,he I exactly I NI . 'IV; carried tc; the antiquated iiov
int Uiduntina,
. i ,
,;- emir... of ()Igo..when It:- 11.11 to siiiilo
roorp, saw- . :, . ..,,
R thal he was , tluksing its-. 1;01lows:
I rr! lilqinfield . “And to illoy 'have nominated my
ilt phi , ' l
. • t ,,
i time.. •old friend It'yrus for govermir of
aiUtildliank- l'eniu.iylVan`iai. have they': • Well.
iti lie! suptios- well! 11 . 0\11 thing's do come. "i'Om-A
IiHS..I ,These -I've lillOlClllMPlig—lot Inv see____!,le c in.
'the "attempt I can't exadtly remeintier how !10n. , )-
e, l l - mithipm - rlit I's - ii kno ‘ - 'il him. hut I - altos *rather
'tit Worthless.: liked liini. I.llle,and him had -a . kood
to eimid not' time iat ti lc destruction of Jorii—"
e! lilm with • -1 - nele.” interposed Thurinan....aren't
w , ls - Ottletnen - you a - littlit mistalieu in the Man?
!;o4tai into a : Wasn't it 3"4 . 11 44i1 . 4.1 :1 4 j1US:l11:1t enjoyed
One Ito a tiro- the little i l ollitieaflott you mention
ecituld have , ttiaether?” Well. i dunno but , What
Htil silver f i n , you'resrighL after ! all. 17',i'evy." replied
, nt., tie Would ': the old' inat i i l . reileetirely. - Yes, .I
Alt. :Intl - you : gr,ttess'you'ri, right when I ' conic to
M 1 O trial of think of ii;.get - inixeil
) 1 Vint see 1
. pretty eas;y(now, anyhow. - And !then
as a/member the nomination of that skunli - Pontius
, went. exam- Pilate fOr t4tate Treasurer set me a
-, , .
all I the tie- . thinking - ofipluntierm ; and that you
itteel 1111-. he- see, brought up the saekire of :Jeru
-1)Oen linvit'uvr salon. - Times how' I trot wrong.
t t-,
. .
1 i That I'ilatq was Mitts a [mien, ornery
!I P , et states -! cuss!-Lallus Sneakin' ?round to. betray
L i no* led the ',somebody, Fnnd then washin" his.
were in !lands ofit;--blast him: . " Anti , they
Da id Wit- i couldn't col the old man off for an
-4 h cl, - offer- i hour or mqe. -. _
Ii . i
j'En:-11 iNt
: 7 1 itei r cundiciatc,,
1):1 . 1)('1. ftivi • t tt-3
101:v of the :,elts , izt:
I‘,l' Br:101'01'1.
:I'c:wit:ll good Wit!. Ili ,
'is /VW rhly
eltar:re of the ftup.l:4 'there
1;r( that
(jirg,lacc(l •the
affairs of that state
In 2: Itollab11(!ali
Wg ,iut• 1)f 3'l,):"rn:th
to - Wit : 011:11f 1 i ii
ii SI
t V. '. 1
(i (•11;
evrt•: ark'
Y L it it
1 y
T .11
FL; N El, i:•;,
\\ Adel; 1. 4: ,2 A 1t•
low . tirici•s.
. A I:tr . gv as:,;orifirt
P1:611 :.11141
I iatS. f:11), , ;. .
11' 4 i
•' , r7
4 ,11•111'S /,•-•. • I •
r !'i t••
t. ::.«itrr. I+~, .~r-~~,:.~.
i::' t ,;~
}'.r). i•.; In ~. Pi!,-.
SI,!o i;vt i• I
, ft
t:i • ,••• I r n•I
..f ~.~ i'~•i:
, rpo.
111111c.1 .t• 11•1.1. tr, t;:11.,:k
kIV. I
I `•
!ht'y :110 t 1?1,1.
dri!ggthtr-alt,! 1,11!,11.
\V Ii I; ES A E•• R 14,T A I
MIN votoloodloil ,
eoZtlilvii to carry ,t heavy 'st•••elt at
all tittto,, •
c.ksir .v.k IP FOR Bt"rrEit
(:1!A IA lb 1.1,:v1)1St'l
)r taken In exatange, for gtaßiF, an
ces our e,:perlenve In. th, tin.e4.ryry
givy . iwen'iat• .ailvatttages In pnrt.h.t•ing..
w.• !eq . ano,itiotts 10 rnalio large pr,,ti!,:.
I;,iy•T , than any ,)th,•l. ,F1:11!rj
('URN ER MAIN Di; F. •
fit'TV taiOlr CO..11:. MINEIIs
. .
. ,-..., .
, . .
'V" ~ , , dth at ntr.{ZtleM, ri.T.INOIS, k noar lit
Lori.,. ...0...: c.itts I , •r bu.he( and' I. R. "eig h '
win hr givqa 7 .11
. 011.4-4 at the r ~; nin , t"efnu , ' , e ,
1 IVY 10 . 'I. ENOS WOOPS S: ctL,
51?. Chestnat S:.,
St.Luii:.:, M,
' :
\ It I ETN
lit of Cloth . ! , : I
:iitin-it rzili styli,
r.t LO &._ , Ch P.
Ei lil
ly y
I .
I'U{l.l\S 1. Pt