Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 23, 1875, Image 1

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    VIM OP
Sir Advertising Mall cases exclusive of tothamip
lions to the parr.
SPECIAL NOTICES inserted at virrns caivm
per line, for the !teat Insertion; and riVE csa-rs
per line for subs Insertions.
LOCAL NOTICES, same style as reading mat
ter, TWENTY crams A LINE.
ADVERTISEMINTBiiii be inserted according
to tho following table of rates:
I 1w I 4w I ttm I am I 6m I lyr.
1 - 07.10 1113.6-0-11-5.00
4 Inches—.
. 1 4 column.. I a.OO fir2.oo I moo 122.00 I ao.oo
I column
10.00 I 50.00 60.00 180.00 1 100.
AnlnsisTluTows and Executors Notices,
00; Auditors notices., V.SO; Business Cards, five
linos, (per year) 45.00, additional lines, il.oo each.
YEARLY Advertisements are entitled to quar
terly changes.
TRANSIENT advertisements must be paid for
tti ADVANCE...,
ALL Resolnibin of Associations, Communlca
ions of limited or individual interest, and notices
of Marriages and Deaths, exceeding live lines, are
every kind, PRINTING, of every kind, in plain and
fancy colors, done with neatness and dispatch}
Handbills, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, Blllheads,
Statements, ke., of every variety and style, printed.
at the shortest notice. TUE REPOEXEn office is
well supplied with power presses, a (good assorti
anent of new tyi*. and everything in the Printing
line can be executed In the most artistic manner
and at the lowest rates.
Professional and Business Cards.
, .
„•.Dike over Montanyes Store. TOWANDA Pa.
kj eEYS AT LAW.--ODiCe.; corner of Main .and
Pine St., opposite Dr. Porter's Drug Store. ^
• NEY AT LAW Troy, Pa. Collections
made and proniptly rernit rfebls-6Stf.
e LIR% Once-3ferenro Block, next door
to Express Office, Towanda, Pa::
DR. S. 31.. WOODBUN, Phvsi
clan and Surgeon. ()Mee over 0. A. llLlck's
I. roeke7 - store.
Towanda, '7, l lay 1. 18721y*.
A`. ROOD. nuts27j Jr NO. F. SANDERSON
a l'ltv,drians and SorgPon. ()Mee over Dr.
'ort,r d: Son's Drug store. Towanda. Pa.
I'...TOITNSON, M. D. I). N.'N EWTON, M. D.
" lanl-7:df.
• ,
April I. ISTa.
GEORGE W. BRINK, Justice of
the Peace and Conveyancer. Also Insurance
Agent, Leßaysville, Pa.
March 164 , 7.
_LILL. On and after Sept. 21, May I found in the
elegant new rooms on 2nd floor of Dr. Pratt's new
°Mee. on State Street. linslneF L l solicited.
Sept. 3-7411.
WT . B. Mee
over M . E EL ti is l.: l• N Towanda, a.
Teeth in•erted on Gold, Silver, Dubber. and Al
t minium base. Teeth.extraeted without yaiti.
kprit 1.74
WI L T & •NI A X Nir
Office titer Dayton's Store. Towanda.M'a.
(May be cOnsulted In . German.) .
i_11 . . , :01',N, , EL012 AT LA*, Towanda Pa.
, Illii..e in Trar3 - S-; Nolde-'s New Block. Entayta.
R. C. .11".•STAN lA.", PENTrS'I".
: navitig removed hi,. lien! al O . !lice into Trary
; 1 / 4 . Aiior', iti.w Hoek, over Kent ..!:. \% atrott.' ,fore,
1-litia. prepared to do' all kinil. of dental work.
Ift , :la, al-0 pin in a nett gas aparatn, '
ritayt:l7:,.. 1 . , -
f 1 EO. \-. 31 - YEII. C. E.. COITNTY
1,._1 - sun d:l vEN . ,,n.rarti..,,i a r attention given td
' , witting timed —lliii; ~
, Ithee iiviv P 1 ,4. , Iffile-4 . •
' 1 ,
AIT -11. Tuoti)sox.. ATTORNEY
• AT LAW, Vi ' Y .t 1.1 -, 1 Nf;, PA. Wilt attend
to all litidnr.--: tititrd , ted to its care in Bradford:
Sullivan and Wyoming l'outitie , . ()Mee with F.,..q.
Porter. , . - rtiorln-74.
- ALE . k. PATTON. Agents for
, coNsErnurr, )irri - -Al. LIFE IN: , U-lIAICer
'-; coMPA NY.
,- Iffire NIL 3 GTktlltli S l'gtiolc, Mork, I:1141v
\larch '26-74.
1)11. Q. A. BIT:fIL
• A
rhretlit• Diseases by hew metle,ls. May. 1n
lie letter.. [a tigG-7 I.
v E 11TON fiLSI3I;EE, A TTOit-
A, .1 NEN' , ..‘T LAW, ToWA D.A. PA. Having en
into ef.partnershlp. offer theft" professional
~ .Iviees:to the pnblin. :venial attention given to
le,ine:s In the i)rpliati'.- and ltegt•ter, Courts.
h.. (aprl4-7,p) N. EI.SItItt:E.
4.)lliee In WootP,s Ii teek. first doer south of the lint
.!'sallonal bank. pl.?talrs.
.1. MADILL.. ,:jaliA-731y;
Cf,..S I 'S
• 1 .
INS!' A. NW' E E N C Y.
et •
' , •
ort h -Square
' TEcT N BUILDER. wishes to inform
'h.. r,iiurns , f Tow:lmin and vicinity,- that he will
g:v, part len attention to drawing, plans. destgnv
•11 , V itiva't ton, for, alt manner fl l - mildll)gs.
,at.,l ptiNlie. • Sup-rintendenee given for teas
.o Riro at reAei•nee N. E.'
.Serond Eliza!wth streets.'
511; . Towanda., Pa
ty • PAINTER AN!) IfECORATER. Also man
: !ae::irer o! nrnamental (Sass Show Cards, a few
of the REPORTER (MR,.
Y • * :
'a - u..;- I r.vtr.. IA Fr. M't
I .V:sl I' .17 .1 N ( E N Y.
4 ,1114.....•••.riiv4 ?.titti•
The followthg
ityr,TABLE AND - ORE. TElErtk
1:1. 1,72
414411p:I n?e s r epre , eln e I
tNcr. , 1111:1 , ..
111 01E. • "
MEn( itANTs.,' .
U. 111.APIc
, I 11.11.14-73';
4)F TOW - N
( 11'11A1
I.l trl. l 'S FUND
k, Hank Mien, UNT'STAI. FACILITIES for
~ I.l:l.actlozi of 3
I I. i• OF
le, whiting to :s s OND 3IONET to any part of
dted States. England,' Ireland, Scotland, or
t!,•• rtiachml!ritie.; and towns of Enrope„ . can here
".•ar, 47 - at . for that ptirpose. _
To 4,r (rem the Oh! Country, by tltebe3t steat or
,ffiing Ilea, always 00 ham!.
/ 111,1.1 LS 6:4,11. UHT OVLIt AT 11r:Duct:1p Ii ArEs;
Iti,Liiivst Tice paid. for Bonds,
Gold and Silver.
o- I C
Is the best place luTowauda to buy good
at low rate.% Remember
'arl22-70. - : '
10.00 1 15.00
FALL O1•' 1875.
Where can lie found all the novelties of the seasg.
cL ,, A (.I.t)VES &I &C
Towaiala. l'a
TOWANDA, JULY _ 20th, 1875:
Hats. RACKS.
'tt very Inv IVe arc determined to klo.e.
our stork in thh% illic - In•fui the fall trao, and in
eruct 10 1110 .4; We Are vlling at
. 50,000.
Being the best thing in the: market tor the price,
and all other goods at very loNi prices.
• •
. I
Dime In the best manner, and on the lowest terms.
You will find Fetter work and for less money here
than at any other plaie. Call and see us.
N. N. BETT, Jn.
Manufacturers of and Wholesale and Retail
Dealers to Furniture and undertaking, Main St.,'
IL W. ALVORD, Publisher.
Evans k Itildreth.
revvivett ih4, wtvk at
in all the new shack, lu
- Bl', A NK EtS,
our ,totk i, eumplvtt
Bridge Street.
N I It E
We are num; offering a largo btot k of
woof) TOP TABLES, &C.,
We tyould call 'attention to our urn
Nerkti Notice.
What builds &tuition's pillars high
And its folindatiotrstrong?
Wtailtaakeilt mighty to defy
•' The:in - es that - round it throng!
It Is not Gold I Its kingdoms grand
Go down In battle's shock;
Its shafts are laid on sinking sand.
Not on abiding rock.
Is It the sword? Ask the red dust
• Of empires passed away;
The' blood has turned their stones to rust
Their glory to decay,
And Is It Pride I. that bright crown
Ha; seemed: to nations sweet:
Rut Gat his struck Its lustre doiim
IWash i es at Ills feet. „
Not tiold, Lot only Men eau make
A peope great and strong;
-Men who for truth and honors sake
_=stand fast and stiffer long.
Brave men who work while others sleep,
Who dare while otheis fly;
They build a nation's pillars deer.
And lift them to the sky.
The flower you me is withered and dead.
Its beauty Is vanished, and yet
I would not take silver or gold in Its stead,
For, Lady, I cannot forget. •
I Cannot forget the fair t sses amid
Whose:silky brown me hes It lay;
I cannot f orget the whit handthat undid
The tiltissom and gave It away. ' '
Then, thMigh It Is failed,'lls beauty Is fled,
And lost from its heart the bright dew,
I would not take silveror j gold In its stead—
'T is dearer, for I was glyen by you.
One of the editors of the Lancaster
Express, who has been spending some
time'at Minnequa, writes to his jour
nal as follows :
My' attention was first seriously
called to the sanitary' aspect of
nequa Springs by a letter by an in,
telligent ! and estimable lady of Lan
caster, and republished in' the E.e
pres.4 about a month ago. I was par
ticularly arrested by the statement
in her private note requesting thele
publication, that she had gone there
upon the recommendation' of my old
friend and former neighbor, Dr. -Ag 7
new, of Philadelphia, whom I know
'to l.)e' one of the most conscientious
n p - s Well as most Skillful of physicians
and surgeons in this country, and
:who is sternly opposed to anything
avorinn• of empiracy or cure-all ~
cialities. Feeling the need of rest
and in the desire of securing a relief
from 'a chronic affection of the kid
neys of ten year's Standing I deter
mined to see for myself ;hat virtue
there was in Minnequa. I have in
letters• written front the spot given
my impressions of 3linnequa as a
delightful summer resort. I- nowpro
pose to say something of its sanitary
claims upon those who are Seeking
health through recreation. Il t ut,:flist - ,
should say that the succes4 of Min. l
nequathis season has demonstrated
the necessity of greater hotel accom
limitation's for next season,
.the su
perintendent, Mr. Tyler, having been:
unable to accommodate many fami
lies Who applied for rooms this sea
son. On the day- before I left, the
enteprisina proprietor had an archi
tect upon
ente r prising
ground, who made
a pencil sketch of improvements and
enlargements which Mr. Herdic will
commence as soon as the guests are
out of the honse. 'These will add
greatly to the attractions and con
veniences of the buildings, besides
doubling their.. capacity, providing
comfortable accommodations for at,
least six hundred guests. Not Bath s fled with this, he contemplates the
erection of a 'not hotel on, the beau
tiful summit across the railroad,
which will be Connected with the
spring hotel by terraced walks and
an elevated passage, with.railway car
for invalids, which will make Minne
qua the most complete and attractive
Summer resort in the country.
The word Minneqtui, .in Indian
parlance, means healing wafers. Tra
dition says the medical properties of
the spring were well `;';,!,known to the
_aborigines, who evidently had a vil
lage on the opposite hill, Where lii
than relics were ploughed up in
abundance ;, and when the excava
tions were made for walling up the
spring these reminiscences of the red
man were found at the depth of four
teen feet. Old residents of the neigh
borhood informed me that they re-
membered when the spring was in a
swamp. Indeed, much of the ground
_surrounding the hotel was swamp
When Mr. Herdic began his improve-
Ments. The spring is located within
a hundred yarda of the Northern
Central - .division of the - Pennsylvania
littilroad, about forty-tWo miles north
of. Williaffisport, one hundred : and
, seienty-two miles from Lancaster,
and thirty-six miles south of -Elmira,
New York. The paisenger steps
from the cars almost directly into
the large pavilion„ in front of the
main btrildinc , l . of the hotel, in the
skirt of 'a large and dense stretch of
primeval forest, through which near
ly two Miles of substantial' board
walks have been constructed, consti
tuting a delightftil promenade for
ladies and . a healthy race-course for
children; let loose from the restraints
of city life. A copious draught from
the spring and the tour of these
walks.before breakfast are an excel
lent appetizer for the morning peal,
,can testify from experience.
The spring is enclosed with an octag
onal pavilion, cool and airy by. day ;
and brilliantly lighted with gas re-.
fleeted - from a '"diamond reflector"
by night. Around the spring is a
banister,' nside of which the spring
is reached by steps, where Charles
Eppley stands all day long: serving
the water to gueats. He was, incapa
citated from labor by .acute rheumi
tism,,and is compensated for his ur
bane attention to • the guests by vol
nntary contributions. The position
is a pretty severe test upon a man's .
patience, and, several persons were
ti ec rri, l ~ ug.
tried before; the right man was fon l nd
for' the plaee.• That man lis
preeminently Charley Eppley, The
water rises in a long stream through
an iron pipe sixteen feet deep, and
discharges into .a stone basin I.4ge
enough to dip a two-gallon pitcher.
It comes up ;With sufficient force; to
rise several inches above the level;
" bubbling " over with a very pretty
effect. The temperature of the water
is 47 degrees. Its latitude ,is 1,444
above sea, level. . The impress on
made upon the palate on first tas ti ng
is a strong impregnation of sulp ur,
impress on
analysis shows that sulphur
is not one of its elements. After
drinking a few times the taste is not
unpleasant; indeed, most persons
soon prefer it to the pure mountain
water with which the hotel . - is. Bap
plied for general purposes. • I
notfirst analysis of the water did
not reveal its most valuable proper
ties. Dr. F. Ilinkle ' of Columbia,
having come out of the army with
impaired health, sought recuperation
at .Minnequa. The specific effecti of
the water upon his system was such
as to convince him that there wre
ingredients in it which were, lot
shown in the imperfect analysis
which - had been made. At his spg
gestion Mr. Herdic placed the matter
hi his hands, and that eminent analy
tical 'chemist, Chas. M. Cresson, lof
Philadelphia; was employed, with
the following result : ,
P. Maim; M. D., Columbia, Pa.—
DEAR SIR: The analysis of water from 31k
qua Spring,. Bradford County, Pa.. has resultei
GRAINS IN ()mi. I. S. fiALL I
Total Solid Contents In one U. S. Gallon 7
Calcium 994
. .
Magnesium - • 0 207
Sodium. ,- ' . 0 72.5
Lithlnm.l.. Trace
AIIIIIIII:111111 0,127
Iron ' ... Trace
Manganeiie - 0 200
Chlorine - ' . 0,140
Silica 0 700
.Zinc . ~ 0,028
Carboulc - Acid • , 2,058
Miracle Acid _
Oxygen (with Silicatei) 0 138
Loss . ' 1,043
Temperature of - Spring, 47 degrees Fahr.
Amount of sample 25 V. 8.
The active iniredlents are the Boracic Acid rind
the salts of Manganese and Zinc. These metals are
of unusual occurrence. One of them, Manganese', Is
found in the following celebrated springs: Lin%
Nassau: Spa s Belgium; Carlsbad, Bohemia;
[flout, Waldeck ; Wcisbaden, Nassau ; (laroupe,
Toulouse. Mlnnequa possesses an advantage over
all of the foreign waters enumerated, Ifiasmuch I as
It admits of the use of the curative agents without
the necessity' of taking into the system large
=mints of the useless, if- not hurtful, salts found
In each of them. Respectfully yours,
ellam. 31. CRESSON4 31. 1
Dr. Cresson also refers to the wall
known fact thakmany remedial agents
act-most .favorably when largely di
luted. The springs at Vichy, for in
stance, contain one grain of 'arse n ie
in seventeen gallons of the wanir,
and are wonderfully efficient lli rasps
requiring the use of that metal. Na
ture sometimes Unites the inorganic
constituents of -;sprin g
waters in] a
peculiar manner, so that artificial
mineral waters 4initaining the same
elements fail to produce the parti4i
lar results derived i from the water
from springs. FriMrichshalf is i a
well known example of such a water
with a peculiar constitution. In aili
dition to the benefits derived froth
drinking medicated waters, the effects
of change of air, diet, habits, refit,
etc., consequent. upon a. visit to the
springs, aid materially in the curie,
especially: of chronic diseases. TheF
elevation; above tide Water insures
freedom, from the local detractions Of
our fashionable wateringplaces. Ile
rolling country is conducive to he4l4
thy eereise4 the surroundings are
pleasing* to. t eye, and the invalid
can enjoy the benefits of light add
air in the grov6 without much ex
penditure of muscular energy.
On arriving at Minnequa I weigh4d
six pounds less than my normal sum
mer weight. The second day brought
a keen appetite relishing ordinary
articles of food hot tasted at home
for months, and enjoying sound, re
freshing sleep. 'ln twenty-four hours
a specific aetionlof the water on the
liver and kidneys was apparent. In
less than three days all sensation Of
pain, never before absent when lying
on the back, had disappeared, and
the gain in weight in one week aver
aged Over one pound per day. Vl*
Waking in the morning, which was
generaVy an hour earlier than usual,
there Was no 'sense of drowsiness dr
l'aricruor, or desire. to turn over and
4 take another nap." This, to me,
was a delightful as well as a novel
sensation, which I had not expeii
.during a 'week's sojourn tit
Saratoga, nerat the sea-shore resorts.
I attributed it to the joint influence
of the pure and rarified mountain air
and the 'sanitary properties of tlie
spring water:: A large, tumbler of
the Wateii a 'mile walk through the
woods 'oil Ithe pleasarit board walk,
formed ad excellent relish for break
fast. Corn bread, for which I am
not generally partial,' seemed a luxti
ry at Itlinnequa. 'What Would a mah
of sedentary habits give for such an
appetite the year around ? 4-There iii
'millions in it."
In my ease I found by experienc i e
that one large tumbler of the wane" . .
half an hour before each meal, '
one and sometimes two before retic
ing, kept the ' secretary : organs! in
healthy action. An 'excess of thiii
one day ' induced cathartic action,
though I am told it has not generally
this effect. In the case of a lads
'who was brought here in a very weak
condition, appetite entirely gong,
and her ' case regarded as almost
hopeless. it was with. the greatest
difficulty that the water could be re:
tained on the stomach. She
vered, and finally retained a spoonfid
—then a little more, and finally begaU
to drink it with impunity. In two
days thereafter she occupied a seat
at, the . table,-. with' a keen appetitd.
One case of a - young lady taken frodi
this county, so wealt that she had tb
,be assisted kiwi- the cars to her bed,
aid long regarded as a hopelessixi
valid, is.looked upon by herself no
friends as almost. miraculous. She
was' there a week before I 'arrived,
and . I saw her daily at the dinner ta
ble. The morning I left she had take4l.
a mile walk and did not suffer from:
fatigue. One gentleman cattle here
suffering from rheumatism to such
an extent that he could . searcelY
"move one foot before another." I
saw him .walking so briskly that I
would' not have suspected his condi
tion . a few weeks previously.. Mr.
Hanson, of Washington, D. C., came
here' last ' year' on his back on it l
, 1 •
1 -,
i -- i - ' k ,
` 1
L . '
il ' I
, ,
• - .
sofa in'
,palace cal, went to bed on
his arrival, was confined to it and his
roOm for a week. iHe then weighed
108 potinds.. Drinking the - water
freely, aid at the-Ond.of one week he
had gained twelve, pounds, and left
Minnequa with health and strength
restored,] enjoyin4 . his meals and
sleeping ;soundly: I His disease was
dyspepsia, follow4l with diarrhcca,
and 'frequent colios. A well-known
merchant of Philadelphia, who saw
Mr. Hanson, on hisl arrival and at his
departure, said to me it was 'an aston-.
ishing ease ; and ypt I could relate - a
dozen c e ases' equally remarkable,
which I had from jtheir own lips or
from friends confversant with the
facts. .Mr. Herdic is therefore entirely
safe in publishingito the world that
he " wilt pad the necessary expenses
or all persons who; having failed to
get relict' elsewhere, will come to
Minnequa Springs,iuse the water as
directed for a reasonable time, -and
are not henefitted."
Prot Kennedy,l.of Washington,
who with, his estiniable family, has
. spent five summers ; at Minnequa, re
lated an interesting incident connect
ed with his accidental introduction
WO° place, which reveals the bright
sid6 in the proprietor's character.
Worn or with mental labor, h e .
sought re toration each season at the
seashore pr at Saratoga On his - way
to Saratoga, five summer's ago, Mrs.
Kennedy's sympathies were enlisted
in behalf of a pooh Woman whom she
found in distress at the Baltimore
depot. Her son, who lived in New
York State, had written' that if • she
would come to hint he would give
her a hotne. She reached Baltimore
with her means exhausted. Mrs. K.
took her in charge,anirchasing her a
ticket to 1 Harrisburg. There a be
nevolent gentleman from Williams
port, Mahlon Fisher, (since dead)
noticed the old lady and inquired of
Mrs. K. Concerning her protege. He
handed her $5 towards her relief.
Just then a brusqUe looking gentle
man entered the car,',whom the other
addressed as Mr. Herdic, f saying,
"here is a case for you." Itwas . then
apparent that the old lady - was too
weak to cOntinne - her journey without
rest, but Mr. Herdic told her to give
herself •ni3 uneasiness,, as he would
take care of her. On the arrival of
the train at the Herdic House, Will
iamsport,lhe again - took the old lady
by the arts, directed that she be giv
en the best the lioase afforded, and
next day sent her On her way rejoic
ing. This incident led to further ac
quaint.i nee, and Mr.llle - rdic prevailed
upon lie;.Kennedys to stop off at
Minne la. They did so, but.having
their tickets for Saratoga, resumed
their journey in a I day or two ; but
they were sO well pleased with Min
nequa that they returned, and have
spent every summer there since.
'When Mrs. •Kennedy expressed to
Mr. Herdic her gratification for the
kindness shown the old lady, he re
plied that he did only his dtity, that
he never saw an old lady in distress
without thinking' of his dear • old
0 .
mother who raised himself and
brothers by hard Work at the wash
tub. And this illustrates the bright
side in lila character which his neigh
bors delight to speak of.
—Bat I haVe made a long digres
sion. I Simply intended to give .a
,few fact concerning the sanitary
features Of what ' . - 1 believ e is destined
to be the:Most popular summer resort
;for health and recreation in the couti
;try, and Of which, very little has been
known beyond a comparatively limit
ed circle of visitors; which has, how
ever, been steadily increasing year
by year. The :only regret, I have to
express is that' the exigencies of the
editorial ]tread-mill) did not allow me
to spend a month there instead of a
week. . ..: , , G.
. ,
The WON says i " The, fall trade
with the Ifir West and the far South
has already opened favorably, and
every leek that passes will probably
bring in huyerif froM sections nearer
the , city.; Those Who live furthest
from Noir York mist, of course, be
the first to purchase in order to get
their goci,ds 'home ; and assorted in
time forl the regidar trade. The
abundant, grain crops and the good
prices for grain ought to make the
West a liberal purchaser this year.
The South has certainly not for ten
years been in better plight than it is
this year, though i the net amount
which planters and farmers there will
be able to invest in commodities re
mains to be determined by the price
they get for their, abundant, cotton
crop. ' Ten cents a pound in the Mis
sissippi Valley , and twelve', cents in
most other portions of the Cotton
belts is the estimated cost of produc
ing and Marketing cotton. ' The
cess aboie that sum is allowed for
profit. judging fom Texas, which
is already purchasing fall dry goods,
the South should !this season be a
good, if not a liberal customer of
New York."
"Well, hub," replied bijah, as he fin
ished hanging up the. broom, "this
Currency ! question bothers many be
sides you, though ;;it's clear enough
to me. Yon see j that twenty-five
cent scrip, don't yOn?"
The boy remarked that he did, and
Bijah placed it on the window sill,
weighed down' with 4 peaCh stone,
and -continued:
"That it of paper is marked "25
cents," bat is it twenty-five cents? Is
iter anything more than a piece of pa
p?" ! .
"I dunno," soleinnly replied the
boy. • •
"Has that bit of paper!' any real
value beYond its being a promise to
pay?" demanded Bijah?"
"What paper?"'
"That ?ere twenty -five—"
He stopp ed there. Some one•had
sneaked ! up the ' alley and sly
ly stolenboth scrip and peach stone.
"Nevo mind," condoled the boy,
"it hadn't any intrinsic value."
"It hadn't eh?" growled the old
janitor, I just want to catch the wolf
who absorbed it?
Miss' s's sickness cost her $lOO,-
000 in broken engagements. When we
were sick ;last spring i it cost us nino cents
(9 cts.)—three pilbs at three cents. apiece.
—Ex. •
I r
CONFEDRIT X 40APiq which is in
the State uv -Irentucky, August 27,
1875.—Ef life ever wtiz a rose-tinted
drearnlo me at any time dooring my
mortlo Pfigrimage,lthis is,the precise
time.' .I am thoroly hap
py-, indeed, that the pirvashens and
troubles that I hey bin thro are fadin
out uv my memory , entirely. I her
paid Bascom's account which hez bin
running for so many yearsond hev
his receet'in safe—is'y safe I say.
Proudly I write these words. MY
safe. • Who, thirty days ago, Wood
hey supposed that I should ever say
DIY . safe ! Then I; hev two soots nv
close—good onesJ 7 whieli is one and
a half more than!' hey bed sense I
was Postmaster 'wider Johnson—
Heven rest his sole. I hey two shirts
for the first time in my life, and I
am wearing stockings ! I hey but
one pare ez yet, but no one can rise
to the summut it' hooman gnandjer
at wain bound. I steel buy another
pare in a week or two. I think every
Lank president ought to either hey
two pare uv stockings or return to
the stern ,virchool nv -the Republic
in its better days, and go barefoot.
Going barefoot ori heving a change
is necessary to the keeping nv a bank
presidents office hi a sweet smelling
• But this is a, digreshen. &lice to
say, lam clothed. I Bade three doll•
ars and a half a pare for them stock:'
ings—they is cotton—which is 'three
dollars and a quarfpr more than they
wuz worth in the old money ; but wat
difference does it,Make ? That three
dollars and a half wuz made by four
pulls on • Simpson I s printing;
and when moneyckin be made in that
way wat differenceldoes it make. wot
I pay for cotton so.K ?
At the beginninm we ishood 10,20,
22, and 50, cent currency, but we her
quit that: Prices her gone up
under the general prosperity, that
there aint anything in the Corners
that sells for less than a dollar per
one, and the fracksinel currency wuz
desided to be yoospless. Besides it
cost jest as much tq print a ten cent
note ez it does a do_ lar, and we bleeve
in econotnizin.
Simpson, the printer, is makin us a
Ric trouble. At the - beginnin I
I f
yobsed to pay him or,Trinting our
bills by jest sign in enuff uv em ez
they. come from the press to make
his amount, but latly he hez refooz
ed to take our money and insists en
greenbax. We tried to overawe him,
but when he threatened to publish
the finaushel condis mn uv the presi
dent and direcktors it was consider
ed advisable to humor him. It is
singler that rich men 'throw impedi
ments in the way of - progress.
The obstacles in the :way uv the
bank that hey thus far developed
themselves, hey beet happily and easi
ly. removed. Bascom demanded
wheat uv us to ship! to LooisN'ill' to
git more whiskey, and we lied to let
him hey it,and takepay in our green
bax, and that bein the standard in
Looisville, we met a heavy loss. The
account stanZis as follows..
,000 bushels ur wheat cost us, In our
own money, at WO per bushel
ohl it to Bascom at Loots green
back prices. Which is ( 1, 1 er IMAM,
taken pay in the same money wo
paid for It
osi; (which lv liggered)
We had one more trouble, which
we' got on easier with. Pugsby, the
shoemaker, who took our 'money,
run out uv leather, and when he sent
to Looisville for more, the merchants
there, ez in the case ur Bascom, re
fotiSed to take our currency. Pugsby
knowd uv Bascom's experience and
he came up sniillin to hey us sell
him! wheat enuff at greenback prices
to rvnoo his stock.
"Wat kin we do?" I demanded, in
dire distress. for really I didn't see
why Pugsby shoodent hey wheat to
vent* his stock ez well as ez Bascom,
ceptin that whisky is more necessary
to the Cornors than leather,
'tDo?" sed Issaker Gavitt, with a
expreshu uv skorn on his classick
feechers. "Dq!" And yoo claim to be
finanseers? llez Pugsbya safe? No?
Well, whey does he keep the $12,000
uv our money? In his desk. Yes?
And that is•wooden: And his bildin
is wood, Very good. Tell Pugsby
to come tomorrer and we will give
him wheat at a dollar a bushel for all
UV our money he has got. We hey
twenty-four, hours, and banks ez well
as nashens, kin be saved in twenty , ,,
four hours."
And Issaker put some matches in
his : vest pocket—about $3 worth.
Matches hez gone up to $4 50 a box
our money.
That nite Pugsby's shop burnt Up,
and the fire commenced jist under
his desk. The next mornin that un
forehnit mail came to us and insisted
on hevin the wheat on the score uv
the money he had uv ours.
"Bring us the money,'* said Issak
er, beamin sweetly unto him, . "and
we'll give all this wheat you want,"
"But yoo kno that I hod yooi
money, and that was burnt up last
Hite." '
"I pOrsciom yoo hed some uv our
monc;but I dont kno it," replied
Issaker:. "No well regulated bank
kin live
.if they shood take every
man's word, ez yoo want us to. How
kin I tell'hut wat yoo hey that,' mon
ey conceded-, and that the burnin uv
yoor shop was a skeem" to defraud
yoor creditors? lam not shoor that
it isn't my Booty to investigate the
- And Issaker looked so stern that
Prigsbyleft the bank with a hoive uv
terror. . .
Issaker is developin subeat a ge
nius in fivanseerin that I'm relly jeal
ous nv him. He is the master-sperit
uv the institooshun.
At the Board ineetitrlast nite we
discust wat we shood do in skit eases
ez Pugsby's hereafter, but arrived at
no definite conelooshun. There is
sevral fly em, and they will hey to be
met. Issaker bleeves in the style uv
treatmunt • he yoosed in' Pug,sby's
case, but I can't consent to it. It's
heroic I admit, and good enuff for a
temprary expedient, but it won't do
for a reglar system, If our money
stimoolates a mantes bizniz to the pint
of his bildin a new house we hey ben
efited him, and the commoonity ez
well. But of to avoid the inconYen
levee uv redeemin that moneys we
hey to burn the house wat good hey
we accomplished? None. We hey
' I .
i 1 , 1
, ~ , , i • .
got to findisome other way. Ildon't
see any other way, but no 'dnt it
will sejest itself to me in time.
It is astnnishin ho* the 'C niers
is booinin, inow that .it hez , oney
.enuff„ , Fiye new rale-roads are' in
bat, tWelvei new ' turnpikes, one hun
dred and twenty-eight new tellers. for
.houses is bem dug, .;and last
week the corner-stuns for eight fac
trys wilz laid with approprit ceremo
nies. l iThe!gradinls'beinduu on the
rale-riles OndAurnepikes, and} that
part uvthe work will be pushed to
an early cOmpleshun, for the- librers
Amish their own shovels and picks
and take onr money for wages. i -The
labrers buy their - livin uv the far
mers alongithe line with that money,
and then the fariners come tii . the
Corners with it, and elieertheir i solea
at -Basomti. • •
So far all is serene and swe4 ' , So
far thil money sheds .blessins,i ez- a'
skunk doea perfoop. But ati thiS
pint comes; worry. ' Wat .is BaSeoni
to dodo.. With it?. The Looliville
I , •
merchants refoose to tech it for lik
ker,-ad we can't afford to give I him
wheat* LOoisville prices a g aini We
wood bild ii distinct', but aysl - we
can't' pay Or the nails, the glass and
the stalin 4pparaltts in our money,
and 'iNe ain't got any other. J But,
thank”o an over rulin Providnce,
Bascom het enuff likker to lasts two
weeks.' and stithin . will turn up
M ore
that iFi!gone. . -. • 1- • '
, , -
Valyoos hey• gone up so that it
trkes a vast volume uv currency . to
transact the hiznis uv the Corners.
SimpsOnts .'band-press , . won't miser_
the deMands ) made into, it, and he
hez ptircha:i.ed_ a power, press, which
will print 4000 sheetsan hour. ;And
to facilitate biznig. and to make it
perfeekly shoor that we shell hey :all
the currency we want, I hey lied my
,rand Issaker's engraved, 'so
that it kin: e printed in, thus.,..ivin
us thOrouble of sining em with n
pen. i
Our prosperity is astonishin. Pugs
gits $4O, a pare now for pegged
boots A great deal eazier than he.'
yoost to git s4'and Bascom bezi put
driniq up ;10 cents for new whisky
and 7:1 who yoo take sugar in it.
Lots in the corporashun hez 4.uad
roopleil in Yalyod within the, Week,
-and reel estate is changin hands live
ly. I !eciocl wish; however, that' ish
qos tub; the :Unlimited Trust and Con
fidence CoMiany cood hey a wider
eirculashen. I took a briervacaShon
this w4ek at the Glauber Salt Spline's
and wiiz beaten out uv $2OO at ' etit
loo.; 'Thegamblers refo l ozed
I ,
to take my money, and . I was eon) ;\
pelled Ito_ Neve my Watch with em
thatio, Captain Mcl'elter's watch,
which i',l hail borrowed to make an
imposin appearance. But it wuz all
the sal* tO mei ez I paid hini fOr it
in our Owticurrency. I wuz sorry to
lose it 4! for I lied depended •on that
wach to help us out when we got in
to an exceeilin tite place.
President nv the Onlimited Trust
and Confidence Coinpany. •
••P. Sll—Ahother trouble is loOmin
up on •th hOrizon, Perkins, the hlack
smith,.ils out uv iron, Sampsel4 the
carpenter, hez to hey a jack-plane
and tiVO augers, all uv which liez to
be aotiin Lboisvill and they demand
uv us Sidi Money ez Looisville will
take. IThen another mortifyin, cir
cumstance happenedlyesterday. The
Direct Ors uv the Bank lied determih
ed to l'hk the corner'stun uv burl new
bankiril edifis, which E we hey Corn
menst,lbut after announsin the event
we coodent lay it. 4 bigger rope
than any in the Corners wuz nessary
to lift the massive stun to its Place
(we he'd it Massive'ez an emblem 'uv
our solidity), but we coodent rake
up enuff cviTencVhat they'd - take in
Looisville to buy one, So that, cor
ner stint ain't laid, and the ivork on
the bildin, I spose, will hey to !stop
till we)lien turn up suthin. Ther's a
crisis hpproachin. • P: v. N.
• .
, :.4.500
. .
William IV: expired about Mid
night at Windsor Palace.. The Arch
bishop lof 1 Canterbury; with other
pebrs and high functionariei of
the kingdom were in attendance! As
soon a i r a the " sceptre had departed "
with the last breath of the king,i, "the
Archbiahop quitted. Windsor Palace,
and made his way with all' possible .
speed to Kensington' Palace, the'res
idenceiat that time of the prince's-a—
already; by the - law of succession,
QueenHHVietoria. He arrived long
before; daylight; announced himself
and requested 'an immediate' inter
view Vi'4ll the princess. She haStily
attired lierilelf, and metthe venerable
prelate I in; the ante-room. . Iffi: in ,
formed the! princess of the demiie 'of
William, and formally announced, to
her that she was in law and right
successor to the . deceased monarch.
" The Oveieignty l of the most pow
erful nation of the earth - lay at the
feet of a girl of 'eighteen." Shel was
greatly I agitated 'at the formidable
words;.l‘ ad fraught with blessing's - or
ealamity."l The first words shelwas
able to i utter 'were 'these : • " I I ask
your 'prayers in. my behalf." They
kneeleil l down together, and Victoria
inaughrated her reign, like the young
king (?fl Israel in the olden time• by
asking Of the Most High, who ruleth
in the; kingdom otmen, "an under-1
standing heart to judge so 'great - a
people wtid could .not be numbered
nor counted for multitude." The se
quel of Fher reign has been Worthy of
such 4 beginning. Every throne 'in
Europelhas tottered since that day.
Most!oc . them have' been fora time
1 4
overturned. That •of England was
never!sO firmly seated in the loyalty
and 1 ve nf' the people as at the - pres
ent h tr. 1 Queen Victoria enjoys a
perso al influence, too—the heart
felt h =lee Paid to her as a'wife, a
moth .r and l.lenefactor to the poor;
a Cl riatran woman, . incomparably
wiser and !greater than any monarch
now reigning. - She i loved at home
and ad ti n ed. -
.1. -
• •
Tultrasn!tailors are never reproached
for misfits. They have only to cut out
two bagel, bitch them together, and the
customer his a first-class pair of trowsers.
"Do t i stron a little, thy love," said 'an
Ohio Coßgtlessman to his - wife, who look
ed as seriolis as a woman who had just
failed ina divorce suit. 44 I am waiting
r read your speech on finance," she
quietl replied. '
, .
t 1 ''N .. . ,!
. ,
„. . „ 4
1112' per Annum In, Advance.
The- LondOn Daily Telegraph. says:
"Few points'are more interesting and
carious any comparison of ancient
literatureS than the community, and
often, indeed, the actual identity, of
the tales and traditions of widely
scattered peoplOC, tit seems well
nigh as if mankind learned all its sto
ries iii one time And place v and that,
whatever else was.. forgotten in its
subsequent wanderings, those legends
of the human childhood _were remein ,
bered and repeated in'every country,
with suck-variations .ai lapse of yea rs)
and' changing manners and language
might produce.. The ;'Judgment of
SOlomon' is pne of these 'world-stor
ies' which :Occurs in other form 4 and
dates besidei the familiar version to
be read iii the First Book of Kings,
hid it wOuldlsurprise Many to learri•
that it is found even aMong the peas
ants of Ceylon in a Buddhist dress..
The ‘Umandava Jatake,' or Book of
the Five Hundred and,Fifty Births
of Buddha 4-translations , from the
Pali text of Which. have lately been
given to the 'world by, Mr. Thomas'.
Steele, of the Ceylon Civil Service—
ccinfains . Story of 'the • Buddhist
Teacher when. he was Chief Council
lor of King I;:edeha of:314111u, which
is!wonderAlly like the 'Hebrew tale
wider a_Cingalhe3e garb. A woman,
it Is related, came, with her infant
boy to a pootin order to bathe, and,
leaving him on the bank,,went down'
into the water. As soon as she had
(Rine so a wicked woman, seeing the
child and wishing to have, it, came up
and said, 'Friend, is this.pretty baby
yours? 'May I nurse it?' The Moth
eri, replied, 'Why not?' upon which
the evil-hearted • woman, .taking the
infant and nursing-him a little while
ran off with 4im. The mother pursu
ed, screaming for her son and expos:
tulating, while the false woman
cried, 'When didst . thou own a child?
Ibis mine!' Whilst the quarrel went
on they came , near Buddha's hall,
hearing the disturbance, asked what
was the matter! Being acquainted
with the' ,
quarrel, he said, Will you
abide by.My judgment?'. To which
theY assentel He then had a line
drawn , on the ground, and the child
laid upon it; and, telling the false
mother to .seize. its arms and the •reat.
mother its legs,
said, 'He shall be ad
judged son • of her who pulls him
across the mark,' fhe wicked wo
man was rejoiced at this,. for. her
strength was greater, and she prepar pull furiously: but the mother,
seeing if she held the babe at all he
hinst suffer great_pain, fell weeping,
and said, ‘No ! let ! her take the
boy ! I cannpt bear to see him hurt!
Tl en Buddha) asked of the bystand
'Whose hearts are: tender to the
ehtldren?—thOse of mothers or - those
-of Of persons who are
,not mothers?'
They replied, '0 Pandit ! mothers'
hearts are tender!' Then he said, •
'Which think you, is the mother?—
she . who has the child now or she who.
let: it b
, fro?' r: very- body answered
'she who let itgo is the mother!' The
Teacher then restored; the child to
hig. 'mother and 'sent -her rejoicing
away! Here is evidently'-the same
ancient story, full of a wisdom as'old
and: natural as nuSthers love itself;
and none need regret if some doubt
is cast by it Upon Klcr SOIOMoII'S
judicial -originality, ;when we see •
that his sagacity at feaSt was found
ed .Upon what was already a world-
Wide 'experienee of the unselfishness.
of maternal affection."
One of the best evidences of genu
ine conversion is Christain obedience.
The Psalinist! says : 4 ‘ Oh, - that my
ways were directed to keep Thy stat
ues " The first inquiry of Paul
his.eonversion was, " 14ord, what Wilt
thou have me to do:? " and years
afterward we hear him saying, "I
delight in the law .of the Lord after
the inner man,"
Such obedience Christ owns and
appreciates. He even . puta a higher
estimate on such obedient ones than
on his "kindred,according so: to
flesh"; " for we are told (Matt. viii.
11.2 7 21) that on a certain
when encoinpassed by a crowd of
persons, he was hiforMed his mother
and brethren Were present_ and desir
ed to ;speak With -him, he replied
"My motlier,ll(l)::wettiren are those
which hear the word of God and do
it." We cannot don& that Christ
cherished ardent:, affection for her
who bore him, for ivliile hangin g in
agony on the; cross I}e commended
her with his expiring ;breath to the
care of his beloyeddecipre John ; nor .
Jhave we any reason for supposing he
.had not a suitable regard for all his
relations, and 'yet acknowledging and
affirming - he had higher affinities and
relationships than thoSe of an earthly
nature, we find the relation which
"thoSe who obeyed him sustained to
hint, : were even closer and nobler than
that of brethren or mother. We may
accordingly learn there is union to
• Christ in spiril,""Whielt is more inti
mate and sacred than j union to him
in the flesh; that there is a dignity
in faith and service surpassing even
that of alliniey and consanguinity,
andthat we jean attain this exalted
dig,nity -by being l / 4 1oe ' rs of the word,"
doing the will 'of Christ in sincerity
and truth.
Don't imagine that you can correct
all the evils in the world. A grain
of sand is not prominent in a desert.
Don't attempt to pUnish all your
enemies at once. You can't do a
large business on a small capital.
Don't worry about another man's
business. A little selfishness is some
times commendable.
Don't stand, and point the way to
Heaven. Spiritual guide boards save
but few sinners. I
Don't linger where, your "love lies
dreaming. Wake her up and tell her
to get breakfast.,
Don't ask the Lord to keep your
"garments unspotted , ' ."
, He isn't ren
ovating old clothes. .:
Don't depend wholly on Spalding's
prepared glue. It will :mat mend
broken promises. •
Don't ask , 1 your pastor to pray
without notes. , flow, else can he pay
his provision - bill?
Don't be too sentimental. A dead
heart, properly cooked, will. make a
savory meal.
Don't put on airs-
your_ new
clothes. Remember the 'tailor is .
'sugaring. ~
Don't mourn over financial 4riev
ances. Bide your time and-real aoe
row will come.
Don't publish your acts , of eharity.
The ' Lord will keep the accountfi
!straight. . ,
Don't imagine everything is, weak-
Bntter is strong in this mar
Don't write long obitilaries.!! Save
'some .of yQui kind 16:4*
Don't bay a coackto :please - •four
Better make; her a Mile sulky.
',Dc!n't insults poi , :w man. mus-:
cleniity be well developeil,
.---Jizi ,account published; in. &tyre,
Of some . experiments Made with a :
*iew. -, to determine the organic Matter "-
Of the human 'breath in health and 1'
diseaCe, presents some Ota of a pe-
Miliatly interesting nature:. The breath
of feleven healthy persons and Of sev
-1 : , .
enteen affected by different disorders .;'
Were ;examined, the persons being . of
different'sexes and ages, and the time
I pfday at Which the breath waS con- :.
i ifensed varying. The vapor of the
'I hreatli was' eolidens4l in a large glass
1 pask ;suryounded by ice and salt, 'at, a'''.
I tempeilliture ' 'several degrees ,beloW, .'
''zero fife flidd thus collected being
Then 'analyzed for free aminonia, ureai ,
and klindred sitbstances,alSPfOr organ-,
ic ailitnonia. ', Ainong the .various re-.
4tdtsnf examination maybe Mention- ,
Cdthe fact 'that, that, in- both health and '
diseaSe, the free ammoniapvaried con- !
Sidcrably ; the variation, hoive,i-er,
could not be connected with the' time -
Of day, the lig - ' fas ;ng, or full condition.-I:
Ureaiwas son t .
4 1
for in fifteen instan-.
ees,lfiree heal 3,7personS and twelve
easeSl of disease ; but it 'Was, anly".
lound in two;cases of kidney disease.
inn one case Of diptheriaond a faint '
indication iof :its presence occurred ' '
hi a female, suffering with - catarrh.
The ;quantity of ammonia 'arising. 1
trom ithe destruction of organic, mat- I
ter also varied, ' possibly from , the 1
oxidation of albuminous-particles : by
the process of resperatibn ; but, in
healthy persons there, was it'reirmrk
able'nnifortnitY in the total quantity
or ammonia obtained by the 'process
1 .
Says an exchange : • ;There is no
chore honorable positionin life than
that of a goild craftsmanln a success- i s
-full oc‘cupaticin. His honly hand is a
More I honorable badge; of public ser
vice •
VICO than thebejeweled.dignityof the '
dainty der 7.: 1 or man milliner: ! His
labor ibegri :0 face or greasy Work-
ing dresS mei proofs of Flic exaltation -,
of his: ran among men . iAn- liouest.N .
. ompetent workman has l.peers '• but.
o superio .:: But to dient all his '
honor he , ust be compitent=skilled •
in the mysteries .of his Craft. ', lAnd 1 .
it, is no 11 , 34:for:the people to say that,..
their Supefiot intelligeno makes , up
for everything; for a map. with the.
Wisdoin of Solomon could, not (:11isti
tate himself a . perfect. artisan without,
tic practical experienee:Which makcs
a 'man! such: . Journeymen are turned ~
out inmultitudes day byi day, who.
have liardlY an idea-of the first prin.:-
elpleS i 'pf their trade i .and many
young men, hardly yet Of age,. are
found bold enough to Profess a 'tla,w-
tTli !knowlOge of two or more,, •
aneli4raftsi ally 'and all of Ivvkiph they .
r allY!know little or nothing !i,about., 4
, sk employers from whence they
lave: their mot skillful! laborers, and •
they : Will tell von that they come from
those Workshcips wkerelOng nppren-
ticeships served to turn Ci!rit tlibr i ovtgli ,
work7nien;•;wlfere. engineering is 'not I
learned in a year, shocinaking iii a
month, or printing in a:, few - day S.-4.,
There are many . reasons why thls
Whole subject of mechanical - trnining
sliouhl: be preSSed upon our young
men who expect to lire. • by mechanic
lnix:nt. r. The gkeat enemy of the work l '.
ipg Man is the; crowd of bail wcirkers ,
Who are. adinitted to his status 'Nall-, I_
otit 010 propeil experience, for which,
lie has: paid iyears of effort. . 1:
i. .
IF YOU call the Michigan people "3lichi
ganders," is n't 'prt Illinois man an "Min
oyster ?"
'How's this for a name" Xerxes X.
Crum hits-been appointed School Superin
tendent at Carlinville, 111. ' •
letters 'or Mike HOwe . asked
an individual of:. a . clerk at a -Posttftlice
windoW.-,‘No lOters fOr apybody'S
IA. Stu . 317 . TOWN' man, while eating an
oyster stew, .blaSphemed the waiter, and
immediately afterwards swallowed a bad
oyster. • -
i"l4, co down ou 'your hands and
knees a minute." " What on earth shall•
Ido that for, pet ?" "Cause I want to
draw an elephant:"
. ,
Docon to wounded Carlist : " Why
did you not seek shelter'; behind the
rocks: o ? " ThO rocks werei too few arid
had all been l occbpied by our officers,. doc
tok." : . .
r ,
1" ISTF.VEII, mind, .sonny; the rain makes
boys grow," remarked a Massachusetts
tramp the other:day, when he took a silki ~
umbrella away. from a Lid lit the midst of
a rain storm. , Z i
' 4'til .
I .A. 3f Q tryr.,,B . el itownship fanner Cut .
Open 0 old hornet's nest; just toeianiine
the inside 'arrangement. He :. says ho
thinith ho will be ablo to see his barn in
a uCtivo-weekS: —..---1 ~ .
...,,.• ,
. . - , 4
Iv ,ksitiN.oTi : .m editor charged the 'Dis
t ct of Columbia $100.009 for advertising
r T t.
the list Of tax sales. The .commissioners
will probably offer, him the district and
teh dollars to call it square.i . I .
".Wil.' -tr.lran' d'of a rim . ii Squire Sim ,
' - on , ,‘ \ P ell, you've
mons,;' . 'anyway , en — , seen
them snow storms along early in winter,
when there's a good deal off wind and not
natich 'sleighing? That's the sort he is:".
.I" WHAT is ratio?" asked 4 Professor of
a 'student, Who replied ; 'f Ratio,. sir; ratio
is profOrtiod.":; "And ' what is . propor
tion?' `i "Pro Portion, sir? why, .propor
tion is ratio:" • . f 4 And pray, sir, what are
both . .together:?" ' "P,xcltse me„ Sir,
.1 .
can't artswer Int one at a' tithe." 'r
i IA vOttxo' gentleman, ' very - conceited
a d vain of himself, with 4 face much'
pitted by the Small-pox. was not long
since addressed 'by a friend, who, after
after_ admiring him for 'spine time. said„
"Then:carved work comes into 'fashion,.
yoti'llbe the handsomest man I ever put,
thy eyes on." -'. , • I • '
''j"lT's all, right enough to talk about
gliologiol uphoaves , glacial epochs, and
all thine' sort of things," Said Jo Munson,
of Idaho, "but - when, yott can do 'this,
stranger, you've • got smite° down to a
fate pOjnt." And he thrqw . ' his bowie
fax rods land cut of ;a Chinaman s
I" I RAVE 'T eaten a : mouthful in two
days," Said a tramp, and imy Wife and,
three children are starving at borne." ,
Would give you. - something," the philan
thropist replied] "but Li have nothing
smaller than a five dollar bill." ;" I will
change - it for yoa," said the tramp.
I" SAT, Mister," said a wiled lookibg
on'bpy the wharf, "dolyou ever give a
piece of watermelon to a poor boy whose
father 'n mother's dead, - 'R who, goei to'
Sunday,,-school, ' 7 ll has got a sore heel?"
The man was deeply
_touched, , and gave
him a large slice off a;rotten - one.'
"Ir *mu dare to play marbles for keeps
again,' . ! said Mr. Hurtlescamp to . his' eld
eit boy; "I'll whip you Within an inch of '
your life." • And then M.. Hurtlescamp
went on 'Change, and lifted up his voice
a the Call board,' and raised his hand and
ook it in the air, and got redintheface
as be cried : "Sixty-sev,en l sixty-seven
for fifty thousandscash, or kJuly Put up
c ut up Sixty-seven Cents a bushel,
ci/ 177 i •'' • I -1