Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 16, 1875, Image 4
- - 7gricultutyl fleparimrnt THE FARMV!t. =I Th , t-e who labor in the earth are the ciro'el peo- Ho Ged. whose breasts he has made his- peCultir dero,:it fc r sabstaintLal and genuine sirtue.--Jeffr, Drike on, thou atunly4arii34r. price cheerily o'er the lietd : The pleasures of-a farmer=s life otlit4 - life can-yield. Thou rlsest with the itiornlng.stkia. To till the friuttut earth ; And when; daily tast'Ls . cloue. rTLon se. etz'st thy peacetut hearth Thou lovest not the candy town, i With Its tnmultous roar : :Plenty nintiiesee.thy fireside crown. And thou dust nsk no more. 31 , 41archs in eriusson dint Are low compareil the They are lb. inurzp. , ..r6l sena o• Thou'rt Ihxrs nohllitty. . Go on thou'atunlyr taiezer. Tread proudly ou the sod. Thy proud tnd goo 11s heritag . Thou chosen uian or God. About the House A lady , writes,: A very handsome ~Ornainent for the dining room , 'or parlor table may be obtained at a small coSt, by having made by any tinsmith', two circular tin trays ; one, larger than the other, has a socket upon the ; inside, and the other has a socket of tlie outside of the bot tom. .The- shaft to connect the two may . be ; from ten to fifteen inches long, ofjglass, which can be bought of a druizgist or at a china store, or it Can he cheaply made of wood and painted. The _rod may be cemented into. the sockets, or the ends Om be ,wound 'with 'a little yarn to ufake snug f.t ; then it can be taken apart f. or . putting away. Fill the trays with wet sand, and arrange the leaves imd , flowers aCeording to fancy. A profusion of r•reeu. wild "'ems ,and in lool:s will with a few flowers, and a trailin ,, 'vine sip .41141 be NV01111(1 arollllll the roo. • A Sacramento newsimiwr • reeo mends the followinr direetTons for, preserving - - fresh meat, - Is Soon as thl•; animal .ltent is _out of the meat: siiee it up d'o'r ,cooking Prepare a iar fry_ 'scalding will with !nit -.:llt' and vdter, Mix salt wind pulver ized saltpeter :in' the proportion of one' tablespoonful of saltpetre- to one teacupful -of salt, Sininkle.the 11( . 4- tom. Of theilo..With a little salt and pepp e r. - Put Ifl OYU a layer' of meat. sprinkle with salt and peper the, same as if just going on the table, and continue hi this manner till he - jar is full. l'on s •lotli or towel and vet 'it stn'Jiy - salt :111(1 water, an which a little of the saltpetre is dis- Aved. Pr( l ss the clotivelosely over ti:ek:ilti•at set it in 'a Coot place. snre • and pve:;S , chith on tight as each' layer removed, and the meat- will- keep for months. It is a ”•ood plain, to let the meat lie - over nir,dit - after it-is sliced, before pack 'Then drain off all .the brood that oozes:'rom it. will N.. neces :try to chlint2, - e• the cloth occasionally take it Off and wash it-2tirst in cold . water.. then scald salt and w:der , as.-at tir4. In this way farm -01:A can - have l'resli Meat the year round. I. have' kept beef," says ()lie Wat Vas killed I•2th of Fetmary, nut il the -21st of J tine. Then- 1 I picked a lar:ril jar of :veal in the iaine way dttring the dog daYs_an'd it kept six weeks." Field and -Orchard s, • • coerespon4eut of thel.\;•ir Piihner - ! says : " Could we do betttir with - our wOrn out lands than to stuck, them with Pirest treest'sl4l2ciallV th!.white pine ? In", (lays., when. almost•everything is packed in hoxes made of that; material. `find thatan increasing dernand thate:..stock - is very fast 1...%*11in::- all our native.pine foreSts. We often hear the inquiry where are I ),fir I x, logs coining from it few years henee' - :' Well. then..could we. upon the soil whichLmir father and grand< tatlaTs carried to mill," sow fqiqr:m4plant the pine whose adaPta- I : ion to' the, soil. and 'rapid growth, makes it the tree. A we might in a few XIII.;I N STOVES NS I . S -•- • - rid ourselvesof anxiety = as to ihe losses of pine forsts A ,:.farther boy in :Ohio,- recently ; ~hsei:vin! * a - small flock of quails in: his fatiler',i cornfield, resolved to -wr.t!'h their motions. They pursued ''• :4 vi, , ry regular course in their foraci beginning 'on:one • side of the taking :about five rows, and thCm uniformly to the ~ ppositto. end. returning in the same !panne]. over the next five rows. I They continued in this course until hey had - explored the greater part of the field. ,The..lad ,believeing that they wi:re pulling up the corn, fired into the flock, killing but one of. titeni.'and examirk4 the ground. In', the whole space which they had tray ersed he founds butone:stalk of corn disturbed. This was nearly seratch . :-i out of - the r . romul but the earth ;till adhered to it.. In the crop of lhe quail he found - twenty-one striped vine bugs, and one hundred chinch 1. 12! _ f .:. but not a single ;rain of corn. I=l=l - correspondent writes •to the t (I! , ntleinan : : 80m6 years ago I . had a -threeyear old colt with a ar!re _bleeding .wart on the left hind leg opposite the stifle joint. It was. no. doubt as painful to the colt as it, was annoying to myself. -1 securecii, the colt so that I could properly Treat the rase. -'After. washing - the wart thoroughly, I, took a silk cord and tied , f it as tightly, as possible, and (kb tapplied muriatic acid freely with a feallier. and followed up this!treat ment .for- a week. When.' the wart .11.014)(41 curl, waShed the lea clean ; ivith warm, soft soap suds, arid bath cd the parts freely sued dried off, then ' applied:the following mixture: "One ounce' of oil of tynie, one ounce - oil of :miller, and two ounces spirits of numia.a.... well shaken; and : byl dyoppiug it in The :orifice hint around the inflamed parts." I stave never known - it 'to fail in any ease, and if riot of. long ,c;tatiding this quantity often effects a cute; but sometimes the ease, requires_repetition.. plied before suppuration takes placed and - well, rubbed in, it will disperse t he. swelling and soreness, and effect _cure: As - this remedy is ; severe; I the. animal : should be secured by lying up a f fore foot, and should lie m charge of a careful groom until tile irritation of.. the burnipg apPli ation subsides. • XECUTOICS-NOTlCE.—Notice is herehy glv( , o that all _persons indebted to Up estate of l'atnitel ifeldo.r,late of Franklin,deed, lot make immediate Payment to the undersigned, all per.oris (la tots. against' tadd estate aura taa's , nt them. duly anthentirated.. for settle • ."..0 t. . „ 'ELIZABETH AV EBBED, • 7 .1 AM Es It EICAVA:r. • • t tr.l {Executors. N,YFICE TO 4 . 111 , `,D1T011S .817 N N•oIXENT DERTOn. not frc that_', applied I. the 11..ttotte .Itolges of the;Tourl of common Pletui for the • y Ilholl'ord, fc.r th. benefit nt the Insulcent • ...•ou nod. v. eni 11. of Penusvlisu la, and fiat, appointed lite ath day of octuber neat, ten oiciock .A. IL, to hear and tuy creditors, at the Court ',louse in the Borough of Towanda, t hen: and.vrbere yet may attend If you think llover. •' S t:, r, qinE IICTITAL PROTECTION LIFE IN:aCRANCE COMPANY. MI flume office; 1109 Walnut Street, P1111.2;10Kan, Pl. ..451in7 trulcr a Special Act of Incorporation FrQJH the: Pennsylvania Lfgisfapgre sTeetal attention is called to the following rate table, which will be found stil ell equitable, as be tween all ages, and which the company will guar alder , to,not emceed olle.hall the (psi of any ant- OLD PLAN Company, The following Table shows the Bates-tor 11000 and may be multiplied for any additintial amount up to one which 13 the largest risk Inlcen on any' fe. Twenty 'Cents Riil ,be adde4 to the Ut of each usseastuent for pollect MEE ME ME ELEBS MEDICINE ' A vroutitilgit Neii: York physician tatty cont. ptaihed m lICNOkS 'DICK a CO. &W it their s.t 1,..% 1. wool - , OIL CA PSCLES, stating Mit /MAE , they, they enred* miraculeuely, but that a patient or iii. had taken them without effect. On being Informed that several imitations were sold, he 11:1- 41I1i IV.' :11111 found his patient had 110121.tri taking OUNitA, IticK S ('(YS. PST What hapy.ened to this thyslclaa may have hap -I,..tted In others, and DUN DAS DICK at :CO. take this me 111,4 or protecting physician., druggists, sod th,,,,..1re5, and preventing OIL Or SA.NDAL trnudtfront morning Into disrepute. • 'l.t NS - who once pre,scribe, the Capsules will continUe to do 50,, ror they ttunftth the pure Oil in t.l , e best and cheapest font'. 1) s 1).% s 'ilex - & CO. use more ult. oF SAN- D.% t han all the Wholesale and Retail Drug gists and Pet-Miners in the t ufted States combined ant till,. Is the sole reason' why the pUre 011 Is s'iki cheaper in their capsnieS than In any other form. 11. oF SANDALWOOD Is fast aupereeding every other remedy, sixty Capsules ontv being re quin,4l instire a safe and certain cure, six. or eight days. From no other medicine can this re. ,nit I.,rhad. DICK ac CO.'S SOFT CAPSULES calve the problem. long considered by eminent phy ! siciam , . of bow to avoid the nausea and disgust ex in swallowing. which are well known to. tivtraet from, If not destroy, the good' effects of twiny vaiwthfe remedies. tif eapstiles are put up In tin-toll and neat box thirty in each, and ire the only Capsules pre ,erthed by rhpsicians. • TASTELESS — MEDICINES.—Castor 441 and ninny other nauseous medicines can be ta- Azeit easily and safely in IowiPAS DISK & CO'S SOFT CAPSULES. No Taste no Smell. oat - These were- the oily capsules admitted :o the iast Paris mxposi tion. •:-:end tor circular to 35 'Wacker street, New York. ug Sold at all Drug Stores Nero. 16. W. S. VINCENT. TOWAN pA I NSITRA.NCE FIRE `AND MARINE COMPANIES (031111.1ZC1 AL CNIOX, of Ellett, az,'ls. 017.71.1,578 ROYAL, of Liverpool, - •_• 15,000,000 QUEEN. •• • • 11,500,000 CONTINENTAL, of New York- - " ' P,G75, 0 60 6 tILM A Nl_l, - - ),599,56.1 GERMAN 3IANIfATTAN. toMUERCIAL. of PIICF.:IX, of Hartrow. ORIENT, xy:‘,N. of Ohl, CITIZENS% of Newark. 11A.IOt BnEMAN. fkrimany LIFE & ACCIDENT COMPANIES AL LIFE. of U. S. A.. t 3,787.3,51.; TI A\ of Hartford, 1,470,350 RAILWAy 650,000 MUTUAICLIFY. of \on• York •• 72,330,076 I,omw> adjzt , ted awl paid at this offve, ape 22 75tf CARENTER'S TOOLS &C, ptvEN To ALL PURCHASERS FOR CASH ITAIIDWARE STORE @ME PER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, Jlk (or all the purposes of a Family Physic, curing Cestivene,s. Jaundice. Dyspepsia. indigestion, Dysentery, Foul' Stomach and Breath. fleadaehe Erysipelas," Piles, Rheumatism; Eruptions and 1 .1 - ." In 111,4 eases, 11111finsnes% Liver Complaint, Drop• sv, Tetter. Tattnor!‘ and Salt Ithentn. Worms, Gout NOtplgla. n, a Dinner and Purifying the Blood, are, the ranq congenial . purgative yet pet, ferted. Thefr elects abundantly .how how much they rise! all other Pllls. They are ate and pleas- alit to tote. but ixaverftil to cum. They purge ou the finthtitintmsi or the Mood: they stimulate the Angglsh or tth-ontered crrgan Into net len: a n d they impart hmiitli and totie to the whole being. They 'cute not only the every day complaints of every txxly, but formidable anil dangeious illseasett. Must Alilifnl physician', itiml eminent clergymen, and our Lest citizens, send certificatesor cures perform eQ awl of great biwellts they bare derived from these Pllls. They are the safest aild best .pbysle fur children, because wild as well as effectual. Be- lug sugar-eeated. tlhet• are easy to bake; and being purely Axgetable, they are oaring) , barn2less. pared Dr. J. c. ATER & Cn., Lowell, Mass. Practical and Analytical Chentista. Sold 1y all druggists and deAera In zuedlcinea. Caugll,3nl.) NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Stockholders of the Towanda Tanning Co., will be held at the Fist lia tionalltank of Towanda, on. Saturday the 30th day of October next, at =o'clock for;tbe purpoae of taking aethot according to law. id. Mallon to placing a mortgage on the real estate 'ot said Com. pane. `.10. 4 EP11 POWEI.F., Pres. Towanda August - 1111.' 1875. A - , DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. .U.: - .,—Notice Is hereby Oren that ail petunia in debted to the estate of Alfoato Cottant, late_ of Wilmot, deed, must make immediate, payment to the undersigned, and all persons having. claims against ed, for said se estate m ust present them, duly =then heatttlemt, EMERY CONANT, sepP.tre... Administrator. .\)II7S HALE Kiscellxwm U. S. CLARK, TOWANDA, PA. g A '2 0 Si a .. VV' gf, Zi ~ MI AGENCY, Main Street. opposit: the ( mirt lioty4l NOBLE k vixci;NT. • General Agent TINWARI;, II A D WLA IRON AND PAINS, GLASS,, ESA &C.. H.. T. JUNE'S TOWANDA, PA. Cfrl6 - inr, kr,. TER OLD AND POPULAR HARDW ARE.ST ORE. CODDINO &RUSSELL, Invite the attetatiait of the public to their stork HARDWARE GOODS. . Consisting of COOK STOVES Of the most appmred patters Of all Maas; PARLOR 45:. HEATING STOVES, ' In endless variety. ' BUILDING MATERIAL, =CIE = . , o a 0 k 8 s Ir. 2 4 :41 4. • BOTTOM' PRICES. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, Of every style. SHEARS, SCISSORS, - RAZORS, POCKET CUTLERY, of the best manufacture s and warranted. CARPENTERS' TQOLS; GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, 'in endless variety. The largest and best assort meat kept In Northern Pennsylvania. KEROSENE LAMPS, From the cheapest to LAMP CHIMNEYS & GLOBES, At greatly reduced prices. In endle:,s iuriety, of our own rnanufacturu, war. Johl,lug of all'itinds in our line promptly atten ded to. Tin roofs and eaves troughs put up In the most satisfactory manner, at short notice. GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING A Speclalty. - WE 'RAVE THE'ONLY - PRAcTi CAL PLUMBER IN TOWANDA. Our old friends and the public generally wll bear In mind that we sell goods only for READY PAY! Belching It the only system by *bleb Justice can be dime both buyer and seller. Gratefutfor past very liberal patronage, we 80. licit a continuance of your custom, with the assil ranee that we will offer you greater inducements than any other establishment In the country, as we 'carry a larger stock, and enjoy peculiar facilities for purchasing. CODDING & RUSSELL' f f 1,952,835 709,885 457,782 1.975,023 719,342 93 ,1 ,540 415,730 2.500,000 NO THEY DON'T ! Rut those who are wise though 10 BU' THEIR cLoTimal, Aceß s- s -T E Nrver find Nutt with the i'nutlity a the GOODS ilk: SELLS. Mu. JACOBS Now takes pleasure In ealllng‘attention to his LARGE, AND .ELEGANT FALL AND WINTER GOODS .MEN AND BOYS' WEAR An Inspection of his stock Will be sufficient to satisfy all that he can offer greater Inducements than ever, [angl7-75. ffil FALL AND WINTER OF 1875-6 CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISH; ING GOODS,, &C. N. E. ROSENF-lELD'S, WIIOLESASE AND RETAIL. I . ~. . This popular house has noW ready one of the finest stocks of Clothing in America, for style quality and fit, which Is a guarantee that evosy garment will prove what I represent It to he. . FARMERS, GRANGERS:, MECHANICS, - - COll\llll7 MERCHANTS, Coming to town, are particularly requested to call at my store and examine the leading styles, made from French. Scotch and Anlericsin Cloths, for Men, Boys and Youths' wear. An it will be found: many leading styles for the coming season, such as the Double Breasted Cnt.away Vest Suits: the Pi oneer Sults: the Hussar Vest suits; the Centennial Salts, of all of which I ask a careful examination, by all who are In want of Cheap and substantial clothing and furnishing goods. OVERCOATS OF EVERY HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, MITTENS, &C., WHOLESALE I AND RETAIL, M. E.-1410--SENFIELD,S, augl6-75. TOWANIIA, PA pLows AND POINTS. • • . rumen' are hereby Informed that I am now pre. pared to tarnish the celebrated . LERAYSVILLE "L" . PLOWS, of every kind. Also Points.. or any portion of the plow furnished St hon••'t rates. JAMES FAN N. Ghent. August 3, 1874tf. VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY Fon SALE, AT STEVENSVILLE, BRAD FORUM., PA.—Sloe miles from Wystusbr, on the Lehigh Valley IL R. The property consists of a GRIST KILL. with four run of stones In good condition; a SAW MILL, with new and nrstAclass machinery; roux DWELLINGS, and about Twenty Acres of land. A good place for business. Address ELI E GRANT. sags. Fall River, Mase, RANGES, Furnished at Of every description &C., TIN WARE. rantedt first-class. P. pie eom plaiu of HIARP► TIMES. ASSORTMENT -OF -FOR -AT -AT DESCRIPTION. ~~ JUNE iTH, ism NEW IT ME It OO 0 D OPENED , 17 T 11' I S MI rsi TAYLOR & CO'S } ~~~~ !RIDES LOWER TRAM EVER. I -I SPECIAL BARGAINS EVERY DEPARTMENT. -3-3-- PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. TAYLOR & Co Towanda. June 8. 1875. STEVENS k LONG, WHOLESALE4Az RETAIL - Dealers In CHOICE FAMILY GROCEIES, COUNTRY PROCUCE, GRAIN, &C. Haring a large and commodious store, we are enabled to carry a bean mock at aU times. CASH PAID: OR BUTTER, GRAIN AND PRODUCT Or taken In exchange for goods, an lowest cash pri de& Our long experience in the Grocery Trade fares us peculiar advantages in purchasing, and as we are not ambitions to make large profits, we flat ter ourselves that we can offer GREATER INDUCEMENTS TO Buyers that& any other establishment In Northern Pennsylrania. STEVENS & LONG. 1 CORNER MAIN '& BRIDGE sTS TOWANDA, PAi mayl2. FIRE AN'D LIFE' INSURANCE. CHAS, W. HALL, ;'Powazula," Pa:, Is prepared to Insure all classes of risks In first class, reliable companies, at as low rates as are con sistent with security, and invites a share of the bu siness of his, friends and the public generall. Will give special attention to ' survey nt `risks outside of Towanda. Tani➢ad, July r" 1875.3 m. MONROETON GRADED SCHOOL.. The'sext term of this school will emathenee on Monday, August 23d, and continue Twelve weeks. under the Instruction of BEV. HALLOCR ARIKEITBONO, A. IC, wltb competent assistance. - • limited number offrom outside oft the district will be teeehe& Rao a ms can be obtained tto. Mee wishing to board themselves. • Teachers' elan will be formed at the Nen. meneetnent of the term. •I TVITION Tisachers• a 4 Meter English Stalk" per math • - - • - • 12 no latorniodnato Mamie; per m o nth , - ao D_ortetsont,-i oo „Papal& nuns sass[ sods Nowanted for loss UM alarillainis had 10 made, ranirDeo tam on wont netimess. utirimt. Spring 1875. E v EA Invite everyone who In Mil LOWEST PO, V'RING AND OPENING F Every oPpartment S 'T A 1 1. \VIII( II WILL BAH April 1.15 AI. , ANS H I= The Horses, ilarne hoAuqe, Insuml again extra charge. A superior quality u received. Towanda, Jan. 21;7 rILWELL II 124 PA., JOHN Basil* leased this h. modato the trarelllng will be spared to give give blni a call. "North side of 1' new block. BETHLEHE " OLD MORA' Rich in • istorical Interests, it lathe only building to the country except Independence Rail, honored by the sojourn within its tvalls of Washington, La- Fayette ,Lee and other patriots of the Revolution. This po pulari hotel his recently changed hands, been improved, entirely refurnished, and the pro prietor cordially invites his friends and traveling tic to give him a etill—noltains will 'be spared to render their stay comfortable. People en route for Philadelphia will find it convenient to spend'the fight here, reaching Ithe city about elght. In the morning. A sample room on the first poor, for the tromodatlon of commercial agents. MITI!, i'roprtetdr I 'I NNIN Sept. 4,13. IN CONNECtIO We are prepared to of the day and eyeuin their seasons. March ath.O. NEW AI AT TIIE FIRS MRS. MARY , Baring purchased He Cowles , Bakery, has purchased an entirely SEW STO, Suited to the trade, such al 1 Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Dried Fruits Canned Fiuit,3, Candies, Confec tionery, Fresh Bread, Biscuit, Rusk, Rolls, Daily. (IA uest an attractive 1 i ICE CREAM SALOON i Will be opened In connection with the went, where Ladles and gentlemen can always find the nest cream and ntflemlelleacies of the season ' I . .. _ . • TIIE DrING it c pplu .1 ... flat been refurnished, and will at all times he sup plied with sUlstantlat eatables, which will be served at reasonable rates. Earmers and others wishing town will find this a Convenient placa to supply the wants of the inner man. • . • ; MARY E. IiIyTRETKIE. -Towanda, April;23, .4-t.f. 1.. THE PLACE TO Btrk YOUR I lIARNESS AND HORSE FLX.IbrGS GENERALLY Is at C. V. DATON4 In the store lAely occupied dublis Wolff as - a Clothing Store. Haying removed my establishment to o re commodious and coive— Weill quarters, I res ctfully Invite my old cushy. mere, and all In wan of anything in the line of • HARNESS ADDLES,. NTS, &C.; • to give me a call, feeling satisfied that from the fa-1 antes I possess SOO purchasing sto a t, I can do Si better Job, at a lower .price than any other estab. , lisnment In the county. Don't forget thgplaeo one door below the old; stnid of Fox Ee r. C. V.IDATTON. . FOR SALEJ--A valuable fa rm Athens twp., *lag 2) l i miles ifrom Athensl rey. and 3 miles from Warerly. -I ( ontalns ISBN acres, of Which 12S are In grass and graln. A dairy) of 25 tows has been) kept on It, and ) there Is base- Merit stabling for that number. It hal a - gentle In-, eltnatlon ,to the South. and is warm, strong Land. l Is lint be sold law ,cand possenslon glean immedi ately: Address • • , • E. D. DEM, Unita, TQ. Y. ,; D: F. P•ll44.4.taene. TN. • 1 a ram, en tha farm. nOTIG 7ltf k MgeWt: - = Spring [1 1, 6 It I.; wish UP PUI d of OOI)S, DRY =EI To call ant 'examine their NEW STOCK :UMMER. CM huy are noVir R INSPECTION. all that 14 NOVEL, NEW A ISM E .(1 0 0 1), s , • X... 501.11 At koThEli (;AINS, FLANS Bridge street Hotels t=MI PA IND .131111.)01.; Sri,-I.4:TS pis &c., of all gtiests of this kt loss by Fire, *lthout any Old Englkh Bass Ale. j ay IC. JORDAN, rroprietne. o USE, TOWITINDA: JULLIVAN • se, Is now ready to acciMt- No mins nor e xpensi, • Usfactlon to those who may 1 bile Square, cast or Mercurs AM TIAN SUN INN,” reirm ROOMS WITH THE BAKERY, COURT HOUSE. NEAR TI! feed The Miami at an times Oysters and Aee Crean* In Dy W. SCOTT & co RAN GEIMEN T WARD BAKERY. E. KITTREDGE stack and fixtleres of U. A. fitted the astabthihment and CK OP GOODS, Fi' - ,017NDRX : +iiiiA.isli0 1, ~ _ . ~.., ~..:_.,,,,,,. The notergiined baled Pay4lll4 the rettA 1 enkldaeldne hoop lately owned by Jolm C . .. ore pretend to QS all rinds of Warlti ther Doti , with romping" ounquototell: 1 1875. MILL GEARilictS, XIRCIILAR. SAW MILLS, MANDRILLS, And all kinds or Mill Irons m a de to order, ENGINES -REP-AIRE And wrirkwektranteil to,givo totisfactlon SHINGLE 3IACIIINES Ortbe latest andlnost Improved kludirtaanurac i ed and kept constantly on hand and n•ady for PLOUGHS . tf IDE-HILL, IRON AND WOODEN DEA • of all kinds. CULTIVATORS ? CORN PLOUGHS AND PLOU POINTS of is hinds, and the latent Doprovemeut on hand. ICE CHURN POIVERS , • LARGE AND SMALL SIZE. STOVE CASTINGS, CELLAR GRATES, • SLED ANI) SLEIGH SIiQE LARUE KETTLES, 1 Awl all kisala or catifiugs laralsbed at March 30,10. MEANS & ROCKWELL. BLOOD & CollipANy coniiim, to manufacture their celebrat , 14, IiORSE POWERS & CLEANEiLS" - 00.1)S, And will sell a better machine for lesi tame) CAM he elsewhere 1,3 the world. We ctrl our machines that they will do :is much 4 or than any ether, and more dumbly built ' W sOnally auperlutend., our work and see that it I dime. 'We will scull DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGIJ or our 'Machines Ou appilratlon. ONE &1 TWO HORSE TOW One and two horse Throshers Separators, Thre'sher and Cleaners. FANNING MILLS, • CU:et:LAM AND Intiu SAW MIL' shd Grist Mill work don s l order. Give us a call before{ purchasing elsewhere. :1 1 ,1 "03 (1110dartift `S.KaI "00 V Goma- i tug.t,•69 N EW. CARRIAGE FACTO Opple4ite the hew Jail ToAvANDA, HENRY STULEN itespect fully ainioulleo.S. au4 l that lie has hunt a. NEW 111MIK CARRIAGE, rAcTony ~ Sliere he will roast/lolly liver, on hated a full !tient of FAMILY CARRIAGES, 1 :TOP 11N15 OPEN BUGGIES. PLATFORM WAGONS, TROTTING SUL K VS, A ND SK EL ETON S, Node of the hest material and finished In the Deny, city style. Ilia long experience in city Car riage Factories gives him a decided advantage r er others in the FINISH, STYLE AND Dc;I..3.BILITY wagon A. All he aAs i, ate INSPECTION OF 1115 WORK Previous to pitrelvaAnkr el,ewliere ALL WORK WARRANTED To (DVE EUF ECT ATISFATION Thankful for the llbsral patronage formerly ex !tended amend respectfully ask a continuance of the rime. ErA RI NO LtOMPTLYATTENDEIi Ti vr RF:UCCEII rule Es III3N11:17 STUI,EN Towanda, Jan. 8.73-tf. WA GONS! IV A N 11' A ( N I I keep on hand a large assortinent of SELI. 0 , 11 E : AP E R Thaii any other estabjishinent in the WAGON'S AM) CARRIAGES Of every description manufacture( to order - oil short notice. Towanda, March 28, 1873. B OOK BINDERY:—The public is Respectfully Informo that the Book 'Bindery has been removal to the ltaruunaf.,llulldlng, third story, where will beilono ' BOOK-BINDING In all Its swims branche on ienni as reasonable as the 'liana times•• will talow. -The Bindery will be ander the charge of ,1 H. C. WIIiTAKERI An experienccl Binder. and 'nit work will be promptly done in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Music, Magazines, Newspapers, Old Books, he., bound in every style. Particahratten lion will be paid io the Baling mid Binding of BLANK BOOKS, to any desired pittern. which In quality and data billty wilt bo 'warranted. eir , ,Xll work. Wilt be ready Tor delivery when promised. The of the public is solicited), and per feet as faction guaranteed. acg2-Citf.. WAGONS =I country=. JAMBS BRYANT. ' Drugs sal WlLldies. T URNER & GORiDOiN, WHOLESALE AND EXTOL . 1) R U G- G I 45- T PATION'S BLOCK, t 4 TOIV:AN ' D,A, PENN 1. ACIDS, EXTRACTS, ELIXIRfi DV:BS, - I.3IJOAIt COATED PILLS, ToWDEDS, Gt 7318, TINC- ' • TVILES, WINES, • &c., .fuel preparatlous of all klutP., DYE STUFFS, MACHINE OKS, KEROSENE, ALCOHOL, PUIIII WINES AND 1,19,1R1R5, fur ractliclual purposes, TOBACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS,I&C. POPULAR PATEI,i'I'3IEDICNESI and a fine assortment of TOILET. ; AND FANCYJGOODK • 4 , I More than usual, care Is given to Uto cotnpouint trig of prescriptions. Open on Sunday from t A. 31 t 0 1 P. sr., and from 5 P. M. CO 7 P. 3f. I 1)r. MADILL can be consulted at the store (In Sat antay of each week, as bcrotofone.. r• IL 11. TURN FIR. IV. G. Gonvoy. nuk17.12 n lt , . IT. C. I'ORVER, 'OLD CASI - 1 DRUG STO4II, Corner Hata and Pine Sts., TOwatola, = Who!male I)eal9r In DRUGS, MEDI CI NE S , CHEMICALS, , 1 . . ri ~. • :, Acip24, DYE-STHIFS, A oLvE.,I . IrEitrumERY,•ToiLET AND FANCY OOHS, fiPONt:.;ES, THRUSHES, BRACES ili ricupsi..s', . SOAPS, CO3IRS, POVADES, HAIR DtES.: I -,. TEETITi SKIN, AND HAIR PREI?ARI4IONS.7, ItAZOIIS, POCKET-K\ll 'EP, ' POCK ET-BOOKS A NI) PORT-MON N 11ES, ' SIACABOir AND SCOTCH SNUFI, than 1 for Ore, 6 per well BEI FOREIGN AND Di.)3IESTIC CltiAliS, ,(I ARDEN, FIELD AND FLOW #:R SEEDS, pure.Mlnes arid I.lpuors, for meilleinal piirposes, ROTANIC, ECLECTIC AND' lII3DEPATIIR: REMEDIES, • : 1 AND ALL (4 EN LINE roi.thmtmEne(lilNES, Supporter, Snspensnries, Brea. t Pniirps, N I FPI, ES, NIPPLE 8/I ELLs,. sit! a 1).4, NURSING RATTLES, TEETRING MINGS, • Syringes, 'Bed Pans, Urinals, Tintrtnonitters, ELASTIC STOCKINGS4ILC. 1 EMU IMI KEROSENE OR COAL OIL, WICKS CHIMNEYS, HATIIc SPERM, LARD, WHALE, NRATS FOOT TANNER'S, AND MACHINE OIL, EU /11.Cti11(n. TUR!PEIIIN SASH, j PAINT. VARNISH, COI:NV:14 HORSE. 1 snot:, SCRUBBING, 11 7 '1Ill, and all other kinds of brUAles. WINDOW 'AND PICTUDt :CLASS, of all slzefc. 4 pI7RE I.INsEED OIL, PAINTS, PI7TTY, XD, VARNISH. ItEADY MIXED PAINTS IF XisiY lIESFRED COLOR. KY THE POEN'D. PINT OR ' I:A GROUND IN OIL OH VARNISH, AND DRY COLORS OF AU, ALL ARTICLES WARRANTED. Prescriptions carefully compounded MIMI lioncs Of day and night. Open Sundays it.r Preicriptions front 9to 10, M., 13 to I and 5 toll, P. st.l Ir. Portri can,he consulted :14 In (Ii Grocer!sz and Pro7;.s B. I A t WIIO;LES' . ALE _INI► 01104111 ES AN I) PRI T , )W.N:s. I) 1. bilifi.:• 11 FLO': A 1.11 - 11" . S Oi• Thu prh o p.tla for al I= Burri•:ll, Pouurlly attenti"li paid 4.P 11111111,i frliveri•el Irv., of ch:itge apt • thv llorough. au 4-7 I. N 0 TICK HERE! But the 'very best goods of If k(' Grst-class grocer, and sold Down, STRICTLY FOR CM; The dickest TEAS, - SPICES, \t • syiturs, suer. COFFEES, (t.: Received Daily, fresh tri , m the 34' :and bought at the very lowest! flaring been engaged-tor the last three Sears with a First-class Wholesale grocer in ;Few 1 - erk, i have Facilities for baying my goods !wi that I can !nuke It an object for all CASft BUYERS call and 1 1 SEE MY STOCK xx i p PRICES Before purchasing eiwOtere.l I WI 1.1. -PAY cxsn von lironeti: • - NI. 13. OW EN, • I • . • 'RED, WHITE AND BLUE STORE, RIODGE-ST Miseellinent AdvertiOements. F .; ; , OR gA.I;E—CHEAP' AND ON CONVENIENT TERMS. A blacksmith and wagon shop, with a twenty feet water power attached. A very . desirable location for business. , The'shops are large and conveetent, with neces sary machinery for carrying on an extensive busi ness. A small new dwelling honie and One acre of land attached. ! ALSO—One other water power on the same stream, with a twenty-tire feat; sweet, with saw and lath mill, all in good muting order. This property will be sold togethei With live acres of Land on which the mill stands. ALSO—A HOTEL PROI'ERtY„ with a large two and one-half story house, with ba - cig buildings. Mairthuilding 00132 feet, with large and conveni ent barn. This property will he laold arlth one or snore acres of land, to suit pure r. ALSO—A FAR)[ containing about I.Cfl 'acres of land, all Improved except a acres; two ilweltiug houses, two orchards, large cattle, parr, home barn, wogon house and sheds thereon.:,jThlsTroperty Is In a high state of cultivation, aryl the; quality of the land unsurpassed in the county. The above described property 1 t all th!strahly to- tutted and convenient to Lehigh VAlley Rail Road. Sir For toms of sale apply to lho sopscrtt.)er, at Myersliniz, Bradford County; 9 aprl.7s. E. , BEEft 31YEB. RA GRATE' For the purpose of preserving the ' ! pertuarkent . symmetry of Burial mounds and "holdlr4 the usual Madam' Foot' Stones more perils:men - Ely and so- ..• ? curely lultocleion. •.? For particulars address - '.l - • , . L. S. DIC.H.Eyso*, Av.". . . sfoligeold• =I = M Acp. All the SEEM , oas. ' 3 11 I): TA 1 1, M MEESE! Vlslo\S, M J • ] J.l \ I►. i klndk n[ re) , :. I Rti i (4 A E, r 1 • k I • &C. "rtivr.. thx.os whon, iu 1. P VII II nds ktpt Inc any own, IN-wn, lIE OLA SSES, WM iv York Market, ,atttl Prices. WM" :ewe* to. WA. e M R L Dealer hi At 0 N s!, and I' 1N E JEW E.L Y 'WATCHES AND . CLOCkS. • 1* TOWANDA, rA June 2-74 WATCHES, JEWEL RY , - I , _ .SII.`'EIL .'4VAILE, HENDLEMAN, Lea/e in FINE AMERICAN AND SiVISS tail!) A NIA SiLYEht retIES. FINE 3EWEL4Y. BE S .1!: It I, IN. G 5I I.; . V El'. SILVER f LATE]) WA itE - - CLOCKS, 141031 THE CHEAPEST TO TIIE BEST • GOLD, SIINELE AND STEEL SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES . . . . , I . , • I , . .. . One floor 'north of Dr. Porter & tion%6 Drug i store Main Street, TOAVANDA, PA., M. 1111111 I) E. S E 1 0 olt AI. L, AT 'THE NEW JEWELRY STORE . NV. A. 110QK1I'EL.I. I,ennst.itly reColviatr, in addition to hid Lai gib 11=1 FINE GOLD ,SETS, PINS, 11.1 N 11S. RINGS, STUDS. (MARMS, ERIvAN WATcIII.4. I GOLIYANHSILVER WATCHES, VERIkIAT M" .. \ pl ALLVA RI , . GOLD; t,. , llver sTr:Ei. sivEtTAct,Es SILVER AN PLATED RINGS AND citAirmis EEO CLOCKS OF ALL ri SIE S, at the lowest prices I I Watch, Clock and, Jewelry repairing done; in the best manner, and warranted. I Thatigs for a lilwral pat - ramp and Ing.r to jo,,Fit eehttnuanee of 't he sante no% 12-73 SPECVA_C,' . I,E . SI , SPECTACi r ,ES) ARUNDEL TiNTE6 These benses.have the poyer of Protecting, the Eye from IRRITATION ar!blug from Light, ac- companled by Ilea t.Under-li'llsotes American anti English letters patent REASONS WHY TTIF ARUNDEL TINTEPSPETA SHOULD BE PR I EFRIZEIYTO OTI . • . They have the power of Arresting the lie of Solar and '.itrtittetal Light in4ore enter' They are Violet Tinted, yet sti construct when applied to the , Eye appear clawless. The high and low numbers are the name hi W.M. A. CII.V.AttIERLIN JEWELE . R . ,' TOWAN.DA, PA., IMEMMIE 131E,RIb 4 iN & SWISS WATOIES STERLING SILVER SPooNS AND FORKS., ROG F.ItS BROS.O ELEBIcAI'EI) SI T.VER WARE FINE DOLDOWELRY, &C. &C., OPPCOTE e'6IIIIT N ; ON . 12;74 W. A,. CHAMBERLIN, THE BEST • p 1 ) It A 1 It - E LA S :S • , lOWA - AND NEARASKA, , fur ..sto Ft)* • BITILI4NOTON &MIS OURI . IRIVEII. B. R. CO. On ten Year's credit ' ate per cent. Interest. ONE MILLION ACRES.In lOWA. and 'Southern NEBRASKA. , The finest country In the trotld to combine rang ing and stock raLstnt.' Products will pay for land and Im provements long beforethe prin cipal becomes due. LARGE DISCOUNTS" for cash. "The so-tidied destitution In Netrtaska Iles In the tar western region, beyond the lande of ;the 11, & M. R. R. Co." - iir Far circulars:that wlll fully describe these lards, sad the terms of sale:. apply to or addreCc,; LAND COustritSlONE3l, ThaUngtoa, lowa, for lowa Lartas, or Litwin, Nob., for Lands. IGE Oraleful for the Warrens! patty:gnaws of tfiel pot year,. would inform an , wanting Pietufesi pat we are still adding to our estanpahment NEW AND IMPROVED INSI'4I.I3IENTSi I . And ' adopting _tried and awn:weld modes Of . printing and retouching in order toi secure • 2 I FINER PHOTOGRAPS EVER ; , „-: ad I •Mtidde ici - ;n3 e 0 en, mul that we m • lit specialty toe nlarge. kinds 61 Ploture4 l amp elze 'denim& and Innis 111 Water Cob" Indla: ink, or In .011, in the i• ; BEST STYLES AND VERY LOW PIitCES. ;.. ( " . I we also endeavor to take 311 the'3lnie pmoillile in making child:x.3a pictured, 00 adje seento the best results. • ' 1 . i 1 • 'We are cOnatarttly adding to out stock of 1' All tivir patterns and tanteiul st;lep , . and him :ash them at a small advance} from - rest pre 1 • 31a , 11:73 Miscellaneous 4dirertisentents; COAL! COAL! pco .-- Ai 4 r COAL! 1: • . .THEI ;,. • ' 1 1 1 OLD' TOWANDA cOii, YARD ! I.E lt C E & IS CIO Take pleastlfe Jn announcing to thrlr frlendi.and the public genetalti that they are prepared to fur. rash any of the tednoring named CoaJs In quanti ties to suit puretissets c thoronghlt s c reened and slated, and at as lent roes aS at lay yard in To. wands. We keep the heal Cepas fvfkin the Pietstnn and itrt/ks-Barre Ones, • SULLIVAN SG EIM 13111 EiM All F. .f. at Ott will STEAM F LOU to 119 w hi t•iicei:4:.hil parelbiillallwurk iuhi CtI: , TDSI GIIINDIND DAY THAT IT I llorkwliont iool Fetka. lOnu, Ac 0.... :11% - i . awl for ar I thei r iVest side pt the river 41 mill, ;.cliff Dave their ferrya4A They,brillg grist, of Lrn 1,9_4 apt 1-7 : I T lf E P. E3l 1 ECKLACES. 'the IiE3II.StiTON SE slitUlig rapidly lido favor combination of gis s i nll4, sopioth. noise. It is a Shuttle 31 ;1 . Drlrip A :%tarelline for family it,e l existence. hazi- met with a' rat!o of than any mael A Machine for inanuf:u•t (rOady for delivery only lan' porfeetion. and T:trlety of io family or u W. A. ROC KW ELI; liaA:ccu OFFICES ComrAl IBM E. it ENt NGTON & SW.; ItESIINGTONSEWKNt; RESIINGTON AG,'E. 251 &,24.3 Broadway 1'444 Y.. Arms '3l:ult:ton Square, N. Y.: Sewing St:While-, Chicago, 237 State St.,l S. Maehlnes and Boston. 332 Washington St., Sewing Machine. elncluattl. 181 West 4th St , Sewing .)I.lchio , •:, Utica, 120 Genesee St.,l Sewing 3fullines, Was hlagton,D. C.,521 7tlets !wing 7.ttnelll , Ao. Atlanta, Ga.. Iletits - e Operf, Bonne, Ntaricit. , ,t St.. Sewing ;11.1,101,., mum i ng the MEM ' l Ee.b. 13,75 REAL E ' BIM IT 0 H'• J N D .f, ME le r AlnlS. MILLS. AGE WW -1— I hUSINESS 71'1 1 1.:S 'IVWS ME lOWA, NEBRAS,KA . . , ~ • - A bing line et Rail Vaud,. Vel ,F &meal+ , for Etiiigrangs, ; • I',ROPERTY FUR REST, you, 0wE1.1.1N , " AND RUSINRSS I' RRIN3SE? . .:. .. • Rents entlected and rendited re:l.:tonal& lel"' Money Loaned & Loans Negotiated • • , Parties wishing-to purchase itat do welt to loPk Orfi our lists. tpr:2-75t, ; It 9_31 p, "-?9.1 0 Orlt-PA H.' wool) PHO'EPORAT RS, TOWANDA, FBA3IEb Tilt& ACUTE Oa COA 011 sizes, from 111111C4 .tlicv4n , ol_ COAL; 'III AND S We: ..mrs. Aqv 1. 01.1 Barrby .111neK not thi, W keop 1111 MUM EST A LLENT IA Y ICE:NINNY p. •HEWT voimi s of I.((tig (t. *1r1(y7.4 Drug Story. I awl Ellzal(ette.' St-, ' , order:. left at the btO , I ' C'alititts..Thlnt Want, F Office, corner; five' ecievr• prompt a entfor l ~.,...?‘ PLEASE' G I l'E 23-74. . CALL.• I WM. Sf.'ol7l ~~\ G~ 1i17.1.' EW FLOUP. 1 N'":1 I ESIf E(2 MEM t‘itl , ;.crilx•F 'tire tilat =EMU - 1,,n, :mil that 1i i" Ft, short ityriq oNE ON I:I.:6EIN' El) 1/4411. 'VI 11: M.... 1! in', 0 1) .thd P.M:l,4,ra I , ...—r z ermq!,. 'axing itAi-frig to pati-”ltize rn r a m 1o1: 1% aid] npit aFI N(rToti T . • 1 , 4,4",•1ig OW I o's: na)nely.; - OIL I.lliral t. 11101 With. Aramilatii N NO. II EM I N(IrTI in the 111 lid ycai "f Inqrei rapid aim , : 911 the iuur her. NO. •2 luntiNGT( min"' e Jutw. 1871 J If. tr ramr, . ork,' 1,, with,?nr ;, ,•,,rklllol% IMI ;0011 I(;ENT, ' ruLtr, to r t l!MIIIIIIIIE ~~ W) - 01K 11,10 Ni NE OF ,ixEMINI;ToS EfII1! ...: ( :%i. co., A IT E ! A. J. NOBLE k Itrei!l 7 ,- 1 1 l 1 A i)I1 '. .\I.WAYS ON IIANI) A+ it AItGAIS Aiwlarge trtct.. vr !plait to I NOBLE & Co M 11 Ell i. s. AN:s PE 1V .V.• .1 =1