plaid 1 luta Townie, Pa, Thweasy, Sept. 16, GREAT FISIJI 3 E OENITS TOI FORK OLDER Desiring to largely increase the circula tion of Out, itEPOWTF.II, we will between this tune Mid the first of January next, give a new Sixty-five Dollar Weed Sewing Marlyinn to every person forwarding us Perty k New Subscribers, at $1.50 each. Such a club can be formed in every totrusbip. , LOCAL AND CENERAL. REPUBLICAN cum. All young men in Towanda and vicinity favorable to - the•electir of Gen. Jolts -F. IllAwraa.wrr as Governor and the Repub )ican ticket, are requested to meet in the room over the store recently occupied by 4 11cCank.• 4S: EDW ARDS on TUESDAY, 1 / EVENTING, Sept. 21st, at 8 o'clock, for) • the purpose of organizing 'a Club. TRElSullivan and State LInCR.It. Co., - . an 3 constructing a telegraph line i from p .• to their mines. . , . . R. tits Bnows, the Prohibition Can didate for Governor, will speak on the Fair' troiind on Friday afternoon, Sept. • 'JUDGE WILLIAMS, - of Tioga county, is holding Cdart . this week, Judge Mon novvis health being-such as to make it un safe for him to preside. D. A. BECILLEt has againbecoin, one Of the editors of the Columbia "dunty Repxbiicare. Mr. B. is a sound Republi can, and a vigorous writer: • , -„. REAM OF JUDGE WIITTF" ,, -11011. R. G. WHITE, for many years President' Judge of the Tioga judicial 'district, ditl at his residence on the Gth inst., 'aged 438 years. • WE 126RET to learn - that I F. IL Fonn who was sbine time since taken to the In- Name Asylum, gives no evidence of im provement, and the iphysician fears be will never be restored to his right-mind. venerable EDWARD OVERTON, now in his eighty-first year, took charge of a ease. in Court this week. Mr, 0. was.for rnan.y years the leading attorney it the bar of this county, hut, retired from active iiractice twenty years since. . Tux Historical Society held an ittteresf ing meting on Monday last, 3tr. CRAFT, the historian, has the manuscript for the history of the couity well in. hand. and the ,work will probably be ready for the i:ress sometlme during the next year. '• "NomAs MEss.ENGEn, founder of the Uorning Journal and Waverly Advocate, «1i •d fir Caledonia, Canada, recently, aged of years. • Mr. M. was a native of Eng land. His brother, GEORGE MEssEN - GEll, was one of the:founders of the Ti)-.,0 about twenty-live years ago. FLETCHER :MACDONALD have fitted up a large amf i coniplete eating . saloon in the room formerly occupied by FRANK WATTS, They intend to conduct it on striOly temperance principles, and we commend them to the patronage of all who desire a good meal. Our.. Athens -contemporariex: are con gratulating themselves on the accession to their business c(immunity of E. T. Fox, Esq., one of our most enterprising anil successful business men- Their ex ultation is perfectly pardonable. Any community may well be proud to number such men among their Jcittx F. SATT.I.t.I.I, ntroinpalth. 4 . l by Mrs. D. J. SwEty. .was „tinting from Mhttroeton to this place )t Wednesday morßing, the hour. ',meanie frightened when 'mar 3. M. i'nn's. and ran, over turning the buggy and throwing the oc , cupants to the gniund. Mrs. SWEET. Wc... Icarn • was very seriously injured; and Mr' Tien LEE sustaincir . severarbad bruises; " SErtin . Ai. members of 131adf.ntl _Lodge 1. O. of t). F., paid a rtionily visit to :their Shesbegnin .beethren on Saturday evening lasts, The Lodge at that place is .!nle of die innst Vigorous and well posted in the county. • The membership cum prizes tbe.very . bestrlnen in the township. .and their indttence for good is marked, Wr. n.ivE just issued for the Eureka ::Slower Coppany,• - a large-sized eight-page ceeirttlar, tor which 15,000 copier were printed. and in design of make.-up, press work. etc., we challenge coinparison with -any work of the kind ever iSsned from any office in Northern Pennsylvania. In faci. we claim to do the best job • printing of any office:tit this section. and the skep tical will be convived of the fact on con. •j.arison of specinuins. Tiir. following is the ticket nominated by the Democrats:4m the 10th inst.: , Sherif- 7 Col. w. R. STontts, Asylum. prpthopotai'y Altr. SToi •lcW ELL, Canton,— • h' ,. yister .lu4 Ikenrrb•r_.. 7' lea SI , re r—iottN A. PA IZSi s , Trov i . • I'.opi,m;o•er. , —.l . oirs, BAr,nwis. S. H. IN - mit:sum.. South Creek.„ I.AN TZ. V *e r— Dr. Cot.E. Slieshequin. Docrou Flan 11".. IPlowN, formerly of this place. lint reecntfy located at Skin ner's Eddy. has jest settled 141 tIIR 1 1 61111- fill and thriving Village of Ithar;t, for the pprile.:• of big profes-sion. 1)r. B. is a young mall of high attainments in the mcdival profession. having, enjoyed the g err}- best advantages:as a student.. As a :nrcessfitl'practitioner, he has fjw equals in t h=am section. and we besp , . ak for him •;114 h•Morable and useful career in his few my , Tut: matrimonial market appears ko be lively in town. Doctor ST V.WAItT tied the -iiktH cord twice yesterday and made C 1 . 4 mi fellow-creatures happy. W e heartily ...,a• ratulate apt. Ibtowx and 31r..Trrus on t leir good jndg,ment in selecting life . Partneri. . if their future, is not bright and hapyy, the fault cannot be charged to the estimable young 'ladies th - have now plighted! their faith to love, honor bm, , protect. We extend to all the par ties our hearty congratulations, and best wi:•hes fora t l•ong. useful and prosperous ..hf;:. . IA N-IN PA . 1) will give one of,their de kzlttful ctn4erts from the music stand, sat urday &ening:Sept. 1.4, if the weathei k tine. The following pieces will be per- 1. Detroit (Ittick step. 2. Ti,watuia Waltz. Solcetikois film) the Opera Huhunliz MEM . • t. :zportsmati gallop. • . , • 1;. I:.itpourri from the . t )1/M - a -Martha W. Dirritttn, Conductor Eor the benefit of , •1 your readers interested in - base 1 , •111, I .cirri yon report of garnes:played in plave. on the 4th inst., the Horn hrook and Glient clubs played, BURTON l )1 :M 4*-tonpiring the game. The Ghents , 'ere victorious by a score of a to 21.. )11 . 1 he ?ill the Ghent. played Old She ,hcquin.chtb, 11111..r0x Howrox being urn -1';10. •and weri again the victors% by a tc 5.; t 0 t2g. - c , .ontry elnl)s be rueful .how you I:Menge the Ghent -boys, unless you are „u:,. you can come up to time +- TnEtladies of Burlington recently pre, ~ ,- iitettlhe Odd Fellows Lodge there-with icnilsoine new Bible, accompanied with following letter. The appropriate . eceiced by the Lodge and a %me thanks tendered the fair donors. h wa , atso ordered that the names attach -1 to the letter shomld. be recorded upon ' • "To . 1111-: 1. O. t-1. : Having much in, Iciest in the welfare Of this benevolent in , titution; we the undersigned, Present y,,tt "this vOluine, hoping that .all will ;!.member its 'teachings and • abide by its , onunands, anil many blessings be the re ward. L. Mn., It. M. KNAPP, P. 1% Br xs. " N. W. LANr., W. IL D. Gert:N, "i. 31. DK:Len/UN' MILL. " W. R. bROWN; " VGSEPRfI, "G. P. TRACY,' S. Tog - NEE, " CAIIPBELL; - 11. n ti rus ' 11. KENDALL, - UANiPTIELL. " DANIEL RAMEY, Nirc. I . 1). srirr.n, WA EM) the *mare on Thursday last of being present at the dedicatory services of the new Grange Hall in Asylum. We regret that our 'crowded columns this week prevent us froth making an extend ed notice of the building and the 'owl- Sion. For the present, however, suffice it to say that the building is -a moruiraent to the good taste of the architect arid -builder, Wu. KINGSLEY, as well as the liberality and enterprise of the generous grangers of Asylum. The entertainment provided on the occasion was not only abundant to satisfy the' cravings of the thousand who sat down to the richly load ed table t '-but more than twelve baskets full remained. Speeches were made by CoL Makss, C. F. Nieuwe, Hon. B. LA"... PoRTE, W. H. Slam and J. HobcoMik PERSON Al.-- , COl$ OnEEN ' of thePhila. delphia . Bunday Transcript, ' vas' in town bat week with his family. The Colonel, with a party of ladies and gentlemen, had been on a pleasure trip to Watkins and other pliees of popular resort. —Judge BENTLEY and his son, STEW ART BMTLEY, Of Williamsport, are at tefiding Court here this week. . —W. IL JEssur, Esq., attorney forlthe Erie Railroad Company, is attending to sonic matters in Court for the company this week. —Misses IVVY and ALICE CocitnA - N' r, Of Lancaster, Pa., who have 'been spend ing the simmer at Hon. E. R. 311(Ett's, In Myersburg, returned hoar e on Monday last. —E..W. VENABLE is attending a sea- Kton of the Grand Lodge K, of IL, of tnia State, at Union' City, as a representative Northern Lodge of thh! place. Dr. CLYltin, of Was . hington, D. C., Is 4 j 'paying a visit_ to his 'friends in this. plate. • —A. E. 31.F.x.vnnt made his numerous friends here happy by a pleasant visit this 'week. Mr. M. is still a - resident of Mich igan, but not, lose his strong attach ment for old Bradford. En.; ItErontEn : After an absence of a feW 'weeks from old Bradford, I return to find a new party otgauized, and the tem' peranee men called on to give it their sup' port. Tnsearota; tVaS the banner town ship. in ;the minty, giving few votes for liccifsei' As an hducatioual process WO voted'for "local option," so called, tho' we feared it would open up the sale cf in toxicating liqueri-in our towiaship, under that clause that.prOvided " That nothing rentainsdilt the precisions of this act shall preiTiat thi issuing of licenses to druggists for thi; sale of liquors for loedicine and manufacturing purposes." Expertence proved - our fears well foundt,44:. In Akw months after "Weal d fttou " became the !law. agents' filr vile nostrums left their polionp our town, where liquors had not ; been sold, and the young men were inNit ed to - fry their "promoters of digestion," ("carnuciaclo") and we believe that some are going down as the result. - When the temperance men of Bradford county are ready to affirm the troth tlgt alcohol I offer good, and that the laws 7 4.. nature are not varied to accommodate iiietQuecriuSe debilitated or sick; in r,hort, that liature's law, is 'prohibitign ill sick ness and health );the saine—and demand that the statute should correspond to this, we shall vote with them, be they few or. many. As long as temperance men use alcoholic.stireulaatrs as "health support ! erk" and all are liable to be sick, if alco- holds good they should all have access to it. Hence the party that votes for liCense to sell 'from the dram shop, are, to my mind as consistent temperance Men as those that vote to sell from the drUg shop. I cannot see . ' that any good results will follow from the Organization of "pro hibitory party" on so low a platform. Though free to . acknowledge myself in sympathy with' any and every movement that proiniseS to be in any. way advanta geous tothe ,tempemnee, reform ; l must act act independent or the Partics of to day. • : He•petltfully yours, Cousw 61.'4 Sept. 13, V 37.7,1. DEEns recnrded week ending Sept. :11: E C Gridley to Frederick F Cole, Mar 4; •75, Wysoi; A "Milkman to Folnumy Leahy, Dec • 26, 1,..?70, Athens: Patrirk Grimes to O'P Ballard, Jan 10. ",*2-,.Troy Ijoro'; P Ronk well, to I A Pierce.: F& 27, 'fiK. Boni; I A. Pierce. to AN! Il 31ore, Feb 27, 'UM, Troy Bolo': Nancy F Darling et al to 31 W Paiks, 20, '75,- Orwell; J 31 Smith, Sheriff; to IPM and U I Goff, Dec 16, '74, Canton; E W Colwell to E J Williams. July 27, •75, Canton;ll Goff et al to ,same, Sept 2, •75, Cantdn; Geo Morley to 'F S Morley, June `2l, '75, - Athens Boni; .1 II Murray et i 1 to F S Morley, Aug 10. '7l, Athens; Angeline Gates to Geo I, Gates,. April 23, .'75, ColuMbia; Alexander Lane to David Swingle. 31ittrli, .•75, W Burr: S C Mernmet al to 0 II P Disbrow, Aug 20, '75. Towanda; Norman Shaw to Lucretia' MeCm,y, April :1, '7t, Ulster: N C Elsbree to Michael Itingrose, May Nt.. Wind ham; .1 31 Smith, Sheriff. to James Foster Feb 17. '75, Towanda Boro'; E Gleason to S N Barnes etid. Sept (1,. '75. Rome; S B McCord to 1) II Crain, Sept. ,S, '75, Burlington; some to Seth Crain, Sept S, '75, Burlington; E T Fox to Geo G Ming os, Sept $, 75. Burlington; F C Wheeler to B Fridley; Dec 29, '74, Smithfield; 0 0 Dunbar to 11 E Scott, March 9, 'l5, Springfield: Harrison liolason to P ti Beardslee, March 1, •72, •Wells; G D Kel ley to Cyrenetts Kelley, August 29, '74,. Wells; If T Darling to Lucreiia Stevens, Sept fi. '75. Orwell; Charles P Rockwell to Albert Prtlyne Augl'4, '75, West Bar lington: Wm II Morgan et al - to Jacob Jones et al, Sept IS, Wysox; Jacob Jones to Thomas Meredith. March 20, 'l5, Wysox; .Tolifi Kelley to Mary Simpson, Sept '7 5 . Granville. THE GAME 1..% .ks the sp o iling season is aboin to c.pnimence,' We publish' herewith an abstraet'of the game laws of Pennsylvania, omitting. such parts as re late to processes of law, duties of magis trates in enforcing the -law. etc. : • The lawful elk or deer-killing season' is frOni September 1 to December 1, and for the Sale of deer's meat from September 1 to January l;: but from the Ist of Decem ber to the Ist Of Febritary, a per Son sell ing deer's meat may be acquitted of the penalty if he proves that the deer was killed 'out of the State, or within the deer killing season.' The running . of deer by dogs is prObibited, except in the counties of Centre, Clinton, Fayette; Schuylkill and Wyoming. The killing of fawns, when in,their spottod coat, is positively prohibited. No person is allowed to trap deer, except for consumption' in his own family. Penalty for violation, -$5O. Gray, black, or foi. squirrel must not be killed between latmary 1 and Septem ber 1; penalty, 'Rabbits (bares) must not be killed between February 1 and Oc tober 1, penalty $5; nor hunted with a ferret or ferrets: penalty, $lO. Wild ducks and geese =St not be killed with any net device,• or a gun, Other than thoSeliabitn ally raised at atilt's length and fired from the shoulder; penalty, $5O. Wild turkey must riot be killed between January 1 and October 1; penalty, $25. Plover must not be . killed between January 1 ,and Ang,ust 1; penalty, $lO. Woodcock must not be killed between January 1 and .July 4; pen alty $lO. Quail or Virginia partridge must not be killed between January 1 and July 4; penalty, $lO. Quail or, Virginia partridge must not be killed between Jan uary 1 and November 1; penalty, $lO. Pheasants and prairie chickens must not be killed between January 1 and Septem ber 11 , Penalty $lO. 'Rail bird and reed birds must not be killed except in the months of September, October and No vember; penalty $lO. No person shall at any time kill or have for sale any night hawk, whippoorwill, sparrow; thrush, Lark, finch, • martin, -chimney swallow, woodpecker, flicker, robin, oriole, red or cafdinal bird, tanager; cat bird, blue bird .or any other inscctiverous bird under re penalty of $5, 'except the bird be killed for-the purpose of scientific investigation, or that it may. be stuffed and set us a specimen. Disturbance of wild pigeons on their nesting grounds' is prohibited; penalty $25. Snaring or trapping quail, partridge, woodcock, rail or reed hinds, is prohibited,, penalty $10;. but individuals or. associations may gather Virginia part rdiges ;alive between December 20 and February 1, for the purpose of preserving them alive over the winter. • Shooting on Sunday is prohibited; penalty $lO to $25. Pollution of game - waters is prohipited; penalty, $5O. I • Trout can be taken with hook and line only, this lawful season being from April Ito Augnst . ls, penalty $lO. •Blackbass, pike or_ Inckerel Must not be killed be tween Ilitth 1 and Juno 1, and then only with a hook and line or scroll In streams where-trout and bass are found, nothing in the nature of a net of less than three Inches mesh can be thrown, drawn rir set; penalty, $25. i S. N . T Cotrnr P2OOISI3DINOS. •-• Wednesday, Sept. & - Corn vs Walter 11 French —Embezzle went. The jury , find him guilty of ern , beizling $592. Com vs Louisa RUggles-f-Larceny. The defendant plead guilt - y• Court sentence her to pay a fine of 41, costs of prosecu tion, and undergo an imprisonment of sixty days in the county jail. • Com vs B F Ball Open lewdness. Dist Att'y Califf and DeWitt & Maynard for the Commonwealth. Elhanan Smith and Wm Foyle, Esqs., for the defendant. The jury find him guilty. Court sentence him to pay a fine.of $.20,' costs of prosecu tion, and utideread itittiseriment of 60 days in the totinty - jail. Com vs Samuel Dawkins—False pre tenses. Com vs P A Towner Forgery. Com vs same—Forgery. Corn vs W S Guierin—Larceny. CCom vs Henry Saver cool—Larceny. Com vs T F Hall—Mall clone mischief. Cora vs Harry Scott, James Scott, and John Scott—Forcible entry and detainer. Each of the above cases continued to December Term. Com vs James S Hines—Forgery. Corn. vs Nicholas Brown—Burglary. Court di rect a nolle prosegui to be entered in each case upon payment of costs. Com vs Nicholas Brown—Larceny. The defendant plead guilty. Sentence sus pended. Com vs Wm Albert—Rape. Dist Att'y Calif and g J wealth; Patrick & Foyle and I McPher son,Esq., for the defendant . After near ly al of the evidence was in, the defend ant withdrew his idea of not OUT and plead guilty. Court sentence him to pay a fine of $lOO, costs of prosecution, and undergo an imprisonment of six years in the Eastern Penitentiary. • Corn vs J Warren Parks—Assault and battery. Dist Att'y Calif and H J . Madill, Esq,, for Corn; Overton & Elsbree for de fendant: The jury find him guilty. The Court sentence him to pay a fine of $lO, and Costs of prosecution. . H Streeter's use vs John Gorman. Role madc absolute. Eunice Brown vs Charles Brown. Court appoint Nathan Tldtl ) 'Esq., a to take depositions. Ruth Olmstead vs Nathan Ohnstead. Court direct an alias subptnna to issue. In re.- the alleged lunacy of Michael Donovan. •Commissi9U of lunacy confirul ed ni si. C S Davi; Parks. ;Auditor's Report filed and confirmed nisi. Samuel Strope vs ,Delanson Kellogg. Rule to show cause why satisfaction in this case shall not be stricken off. James Terry vs 0 Hibbard, Ruh) to show cause why . the appeal lii this ease shall not be ttheken off. ' . Eli Gray vs I D Simerson. Rule to show cause why judgment shall not be opened and the defendant be let into a de fense. Alfred Furman vs Demorsst; 1i B Demorest, and, Enoch Bollard. Rule to show cause . why judgment shall not be opened, as to Bollard, and he be let into a defense. 3 Kirby's use vs II IV Curium ,Au 6 tors Report confirmed finally, Com vs V L Mek*ell-=Assault and battery, with an attempt to-commit rape. Dist Att'Y Califf, E C Gndley and W T Davies, Esq., for. Commonwealth; II J Madill, Esq., for defendant. The jury find him not guilty, but that ho pay one half of the costs. • Court appoint the following to orlonsti tutc the Board of, pcaminets henryPeet, If J and D'A Overton, Esqs. Geo P Cash vs Henry Ward, owner and contractor. Court enjoin Sheriff from selling on writs issued on this judgment, and grant rule on Ellen Ward Miller and Daniel Hensley, to show cause why they should not be perpetually enjoined from selling under said judgment. The Grand Jury disposed of the follow., ing cases C' m I's Nicholas BroWii—Burglary. Com vs same—Larceny. Coin vs P A Towner—Forgery. - C6lll vs T F mischief Com vs B F Ball—Open lewdness. . Com vs V L Rockwell:— Assault and liattiry, with attempt to commit.ra - ie. Coin vs, Harry Scott, James Scott and John 'eeott—Foreible entry And 'detainer. Com All VA V4wner—Targety. Vont z Epbraim Williams Assault and Initteiv. Coin vs .lolm Boland—Aggravated as sault and battery. ,Com vs Samuel Berry—Carrying eon : cealed.weapons.. • Corsi vs Samuel Hawkins—False pre tenses: NOT TRUE DILLS; )111i I'N John lteddyz-r-Atitilteit: The prosecutor ; J.IIT ehihfin; for costs.' Coni vs William Allen—Malicious mis chief. Connty for costs. Com vs P A Towner—False pretenses. County for costs. Coni , vs .Jacob 31.cNcal--Aggravated as sault. for costs. . - The Grand Jury were discharged on Friday afternOon. In re. the yolmitary nsSigninent of Smith Bedford. Court didiarge M A bytnatt as Assignee. • - Com• N'S Wm Vincent—Larceny. Dist Att'y Cala for Corn., and I McPherson, Esq., for defendant. The jury find him not guilty. • Com vs Samuel Berry Carrying con cealed • weapons. fist Att'y Califf for Cont.,l and the defendant in propria per somr. The jury find him guilty. • Com vs Ephrarn Williams— , Assault and batfery Dist Att'y Califf for Corn., and Win Atxwell, Esq., foi defendant. The jury find him guilty. The Court sentence him to pay a tine of 4t And costs of prose cution. In re. the petition for a county bridge across the ('hemung river between Athens Rom' and township. Viewers report in favor of a County Bridge. The Grand Jury find against the bridge. Rockwell S. - Titus vs Charles Rockwell and Oliver Rockwell. Court enjoin Sher iff from proceeding furtheronsaid execu tion as : to Oliver Rockwell,. and rule to show cause why -judgment - shall not be opened as to Oliver Rockwell, and he be let into a defense. P E Cole vs Edgar A Cole. Court di rect proclamation to be made ; and appoint Nathan Titl, Esq., a Commissioner to take depositions. Margaret Cttyler vs Hall mid Cum , haings, Court appoint JReeve Esq., l an Auditor - fo distribute the ' fund in the Sheriff's hands raised froin the sale of the defendant's Vrsonal and.real estate. Eli Jacoby vs George P Cashi Court appoint J Andrew Wilt, Esq.,an Auditor to distribute- the fund in the Sheriff's hands yaised from the sale of the defend ant's real estate. Monday, Scpternber 13. Hon. IE W Williams, of Tioga county, presiding, and Associate Judges Harkness and Russell' on the bench. llirani Gee vs Myrun Ballard and John Ballard: Judgment for want of an ap pearance. J Roth vs Frank Goddard. , Judgment for want of an affidavit of defense. Hannbtirg vs Patrick Carroll:. Judg ment for want of a plea. Holden vs Jorideman. Judgment in open Court. . -S S-Strait vs Peter Herdic. ,Judgment. in open Court. Stay of execution filed same day. A 31. Appleg,ates use vs J E Cook. Judgment in accordance with the finding of the Referce. •JB 11 111torml vs A B Smitlr. Rule • Victor Sewing:3lachine Co. vs Ella 31 SearleS et al. Wile discharged, and judg ment as to Ella 31 Searles stricken oft. C F Nichols vs Orlando lieverly et al. Rule continued to December Term. , S McCracken vs Clara McCracken.. Rule on the plaintiff to show cause why he shall not comply with the petition 'and prayeri of the 'Respondent, to pay into Court 'money to enableLber to defend. Thos G Irwin's,use vs D E Fellows et al. Court direct writ to be stayed, and grant rule to show cause why the judg ment shall not be opened, and the defend ant be let into a defense. Edwin McClelland vs Calvin Dodge. Court dissolve the injunction in this case. Daniel Bensley vs Stephen Evans, S 11 ROSS, vs C Hunsicker. Court direct an issue to be fr a med, and the defendants to plead payment with leave, etc., in each of the above cases. Peleg Peck vs Gt W Dickinion. The death of .the plaintiff is suggested, and the names ,of George Peck aI Win II Mosher, executors, substituted as plain tiffs, on the record. Joseph Towner vs P A Towner. Audi t Or's Report filed and confirmed nisi. In re. the lunacy of Rester Taylor. Auditor's Report filed and eonfirmed nisi. Same day exceptions filed. In the alleged lunacy of Charles Walter Wheat, Court appoint J W Griffin a Com missioner. A A Steele vs Calvin Steele—Court di rect- a mbpcena in divoreeto issue. Wm Fellows Vs 'Violet - Pellowsi On motion of J W Stone, Esq., - Court 'order, the usual deems of divorce. LMnibe Broim vs Carla BrOWil. On %OUIJA tt I Maillnion; Esq. ) Coast ' Order the.ung damn at ditome. Ophelis Ineburg vs A 0 Fostnitg. Court direct= alias subpoena to hone. O ICTsytor vs J A Wetherell. Court amend the record in this case. J S Reynolds vs David Palmer and Jef ferson Lawbead. Court strike oft the name of Jefferson Lawhead as a defend ant and the name of Elisabeth Lockwood, Admit", as a defendant in his place. C Elsbree vs 11 B McKean. Audi tor's Report filed and confirmed ni sf. Henry P Coryell vs Martha Rcigers. Rule to show cause why the plaintiff not be restrained from collecting' this judgment, and defendant be, allowed to pay more into court. .P4ward Overton vs Erie Railway Co. Case. The plaintiff in prqpriapersoluz and Hon Delos Rockwell; Hon IV H Jes sup for the defendants. Verdict in favor of the defendant. • ... Aii Spalding vs Ii W May. case. W T Davies, W Patrick, E Overton, Jr., and John "W Mix, Eggs., for plaintiff. lion B 8 Bentley, B 8 Bentley,jr., Elha nan Smith, and J Sanderson, Ens:, for defendant. On trial. I _ , BILADFORD COITFTY TEA6IERS' ATION.—The Association inlet at Smith field) rtiday A% sty et Ot% ipy 1875. Van ed ft) Order by-Vice Presidlnt G. W. l By an. Devotional exercises conducted by likv. J. 11. Nason .. In, bsence of' the Secretary, Ella A' Spalding, Was eluted Sicretary pro tent. Rev. Mr. Nason offered ho : &s l otted, That the study of vocal music ought to be encouraged ih our common schools. Partially discussed and postponed till afternoon. Afternoon session opened with singing. Resolution of the morning withdrawn. Report of Business 'Committee accepted. Ths following resolutions *ere offered : ROMA: That the Compensation of fe male.teachers ought to be equal to that of male teachers for theomme amount of la bor performed. Discussed by Messrs. Nason and Forest. Carried. Resolred. That the &hook, Direct:Ors ought 'to be paid a fair coMpensation for their labor, and the number reduced' to three, and hat it is the duty of the Legis lature to provide for such a law. 1 Discussed by Prof. Iftenby, Mr. Wal dron, Mr. Forrest and Dr: Undenvond. Carried.l Resoteed, That we as an Aisociation recommend to the Directors of Bradford county to procure a larger proportionlof male teachers and thereby advance lie educational interests of the county. Discussed by .1 II Nason, A A Keeney, G W Ryan, Mr. Forrest, Dr. UnderwoOd, Mr. Everett, E E Quinlan, J C CrawfoM, E. L. Hillis.. Lost. Prayer if`riday Evening,. Music. _'rayor by Ileih Mr, trutett: Declamation by Byron Wood.' tlitigirig by ,Glen Club. Instruct ive and entertaining addresses were made by Boys. bores and Nason. DeclamatiOn by ',Kirk Woodworth. Music. Benedi tion by Rev. Mr. Cots. Saturday Moriting.—Devotional exer cises conducted by Prof. E. E. Quinlan. Minutes of last meeting read mill ainirm ed. The following resolution was offered : Resoiced, That the word method .of teaching reading is the best. Discussed' by Mr. Smith; G. W. Ryan, J. C. Crawford, E. L. Hillis, Mr. Everett. Carried: • Seventh resolution discussed by E. Quinlan, Rei , .! Mr. Corgis Mr. Forrest" flon. J. R. Webb, J, T, McCulluin, 0 W. 4, A, .Xecney, Rev. Everet mid Mi. Waldron. A substitution for seventh resolution was adopted. On motion 'resolution and substitutiml restricted from publication. - ittee on Books asked. for and wan ommi. on Books asked• for and Wati granted more time. On motion the fol 4 lowing persons were added to the Conti. mittee: A, Head, E. J. Angle, J. 11. Nal, son, L Crawford. Cautop `randerided up Mon as the neat place of .tnectitift., Tht following W ntetetl anti itudextl Rewfred, That the thanks of the Assor ciation are due to -.the Trustees of Baptist Church for the use of their pleas r ant room, and to the people of Smithfield for their kind hospitality; of ••• th , resOlv- For want of time the tions were not discussed Respired, That the written method m teaching spelling to 'advanced classes preferable to, he oral: • That inembers of the Associ ation be requested to give their modes o l f teaching particular branches. Bemired, That it is the duty of the teachers to book after the care of the School blouses, and that the Directoth should enforce the same. ' Bemired, That: "boarding around should be abandoned and the teachers furnished with a steady , home{ and the l by increar,e the stahthtfd our schools. Appointments for next meeting were a follow : Lecturer, IL N. Williams; Essay Miss T. L. Morse, Miss Hattie Spat ing; Declaimers, J. Hess, CarsA Papers, J. T. McCollum, J. H. NaSon. Adjourned to meet at Canton the sec and Friday and Saturday in November 1875. ELLA A. SPALDING, ' Seey pro kin, LORENZO WATKiNs died in Ulster, Sep tember 1, 1875, hged sixty-eight years After a residence of more than forty years on the. place he chose for home ? upon leaving that of his birth atid' hood inXcrmont, a good man and citize# has passed away. I- • - His life wasone of upright puitose and persistent rectitude, and as death ap f proached with a certainty he redignized! and from which ho did not shrinli,lie was able to look back upon a record Marred by no dishonorable act, or unwofthy am!. bition. Duty, in its Simplest guise had direct ed his course, and following its mandate in all honesty of spirit ) it brought hi safely through the confusions and perplez r ities of the way, to a peaceful close. In -its consistency his life was one of singular. completeness, and to those who werc privileged, or interested to observe, it was in its kind, a happy success. His tastes were domestic, and he made a home, where the hearthstone was al , 'ways bright, and the welcome cheery, for - the rich or the poor, the old:or the young. As parent, husband, ' neighbor, friends or citizen, lie was always fotind more ref liable than demonstrative, more given to deed than profession,—as many who have been theTrecipients of his unostentatious kindness can testify. Engaging but little in public life, arui caring nothing foi the honors or emolu, ments it-prollbred, it may not be inapprol priate to say here, that ho did not fail to, give thq weight of his influence and voice -for the furtherance of justice and the right at the ballot-box. As such a man—conscientious, upright, and intelligent, lie will long be missed and mourned by the largo circle of rela tives and friends he has left behind. To TIT discredit of our intelligent an cultivated people, a very small audien... listened to - the recitations and readings of Miss GREENM AN, on Motday evening last. Miss G. is a native of this i county, . and one of thornost celebrated and talented elocutionists in the country. ' In the largP towns and cities she always 'draws larg audiences., That she is justly-entitled to the enviable reputation she enjoys, alb whb were fortunate enough to be present at her entertainment on .Monday evening will cheerfully testify. She might very profitably have made more 'variety in hee selections, but the manner in which alai recites cannot be excelled. What adds force and beauty to her style is the fact that her talents are largely natural.' We understand that Miss GREENMAN Mrlo soon be invited to again appear in th% place, and shopld she accept we are Sure she will be greeted by a good audience.. Run BALL. —A match game of Base Ball was played at Dushore, on Saturday last, between the Dushore Stars and New Albany Stars, which resulted in a victory for the latter by a score of 110 to 18. • —One of the most erpoyable games played on the Winona grotmils the pres ent season, was that betwefu the Red Stockings or this place, and the Lincolns,t of l'i r yalwdug, on Saturda y last. The; contestants were bort ranging from 10 tol 15 years of age; but as ball-players they ! evinced a knowledge far bernd their{ yyeeaarrnp.. The game was won by_ the Rail Stockings by a score of 26 to 14. • One of thefeatures of the game was the play of tiny short stop of the Lincoln, a lad} twelve .years of age and, four feet int height. Older and larger players might well envy him. We would give the score, i but the scorers have neglected to firraishl its with it. OUOINIESII - LOCAL. Rai' llopitEa & . Pasoan% are general agents for the celebrated Itathnshek Pianos, and Gao. wopree is Co.'s Organs—the bolt in this or any other country. (Awls. 1 ke largest and best selection of Spring and Summer goals yet brouglit to this market, Is being received daily, at H. Jecnms•. IF Novelties and Fancy Goods at repint KIM* a 'Wen lias - Dstatax has tlw Wriest and best stock of ladles; and gentlemen' , gold and silver, watches ever brought to Towanda. sir Don't fall to call at tiVADLXIIAN'ti, If you WWI to bny anything In the line of Jewelry, Silver and Sliver-plated Ware. rir KENT & DIMS have just opened a Sue assortment of Dress Goods In all the new shades In plaids and plain colors. Call and see them. [sera ifir American and French Clocks In great varle. ty, at eery Icrw mime, at lIENDELIIS.VB. . Gold, Silver, and Steel Spectacles, and Eye Glasses, In great varlety, -- at llnnnEtarAN a Jewel ry' Stew!. Dr Dress trininnipgs in great variety, xxxr A Buss'. • • (oot! WU you want to seem a good article, and get the worth of your money; the race to go Is 31, llEar. DELYAVB. tar 'Ou Linen Suits, just opened at TAYLOR & Co's., . • - U' Go to & Buss' and see theti Fall Stock of prods Goods. (sop9tf; rir Dwelling houses to rent cheap.. Enquire of 0. D. KtxxEtr, at ovattrox & 'ELS BIZ WS Office. fOr A bow style picture—the Prome nade—takes at A. J. Ftsut:n•s Galiery. t A full lino of Black and Mourning Dress Goods just opened at KENT & Bass•. isep9 Sir Opera, Field, and Spy Glasses in a great ye liety, at . lIENDELMA . Now Dress Goods, and Trinuningis at 1 EVANS & lIILDSETWS, DRESS MAKING. nintltz will open a dress-maters shOP In the house folinerly occupied by Mug. 11. M. Mr En, corner of Second and Poplar Streets, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. ,Her friends and the public generally are Invited to call. Sallafac• Hon guaranteed. (Aer) rEr A donation party will be given for the leer. (}JS. TRANSUE, Thursday evening, Sept. 16, at the tIOIII4C of Rev. L. M. lit .DELL, Bur. llngton yr 'No place to buy Felt Skirts and shawls is at i KENT & BLISS'. DepOtt. . tar All the daily papers, weeklies and maga:lnes dear, at *lincomn & 811AUT'S. •IZ" New ,Table Damasks, Napkins and Towels at EVANS diIIILDIEETII.R. Or A find assortment of Broadcloths, Doeskins, and Vatic' , sattttngs just opened at sepotf . IKENT & rlfr prenAdines, in great variety, at TAY ton k Co•s. rir CLAWSON ) , Olt SENECA WM.:AI.—A white wheat, very nice,' and cleaned ready for sow log, at two dollars per bushel. 0. 11. Wraa.r:s. 11'y:11114n', nradford Co., Pa., Aug. 16-3 w. air Neatly piinted town orders for sale at this office. • Mr The iII:POUTER office has the best tailaties- rut doing job work; and films ont more and ',Mei specimens than any other establishment In Northern Pennsylvania. Persons wanting any thing In the Job printing line, will do well to call and etamine our work. Witticomn & SitAUf have the best assortment nr iniseellaneOloi books hi Northern l'ennsylvatala, and sell Ilion cheaper. PasSeligers to the West will find jt to their advantage to purchase tlekets at the Tu svandalrepot. Rates reduced @1.50 from Sept. Ist. owing resOlut 1 hod of a?-For thtl best Roast or Steak to to 3lver. it RUNDELL.R. JAcons, the one-price clothing man, has lust returned from the city with a Urge stock of 'Clothing. "A word to the wise is suillcient. £ Go to JACOBS' and buy your boys' Clothing at less coet than you eat, get the cloth elsewhere. arirLIVEItY FOR SALE.—We have a Livery fa leight horses and good carriages, hack; etc.; Which we oiler lot talc Cheap and ou reasonable terms. Enquire of our agent at the stables, or at our Music Store. 12r The4wort:st man in town has got money . offougb to buy a mutt of clothes at JACOn'S. sir oy s' linen colars at M. E. ItOSENFIELD'EI far If yOu have got to purchase school ,00ks, call at WIIITCO3III & SI!AUT.& la' Old pictures copied.and enlarged, or reduced to any size desired, and furnished in oil, water colors, or Inky 3t the new Gallery over 0. A. RLACK'S Store. gar JACOB'S has just received another dividend on his gold mine stock, 'and has invested it In new Fall'Clothing, which he Is now offering at prices lower than ever. iv Ladies' white Party Slippers and hiinsw Soft Solo Shoes. They are beauties. Just received at Couszu & Cooxtr. r Large sleek of Pictures and Picture Frames M WIIITCOI4II & & TACT'S% Mereur Block. - UN - Look at the ICeiv Gods at TAYLOR Co's. /Op It Is, not generall known that 11. C. Wutra xsn, nt the Book Bindery over the RE£ORTELL once, makes Blank Books In any style of ruling and binding desired. If you want a new Ledger, Jour nal or Docket,'gtve tilm a call. - • Air Never buy a Cook ,Stove until Ton have called at JUNT.,I3 and examined the 44 New Empire," a stove which has never disappointed the expecta tions of, the most fastidious housewife: ' !—Any ono buying $l.OO or more worth of i goods at M E nOSEN*IELD'S Cloth ing Store,' will receive free one elegant Alpaca Cap, or:Straw list, hold of the latest styles. tg r " . GIVEN AWAY '.—Every purchaser of goods amounting to 11.00 or more, will receive FREE, One striped Alpaca Cap, or Straw liar, at M. E. ROSZNFIELD'II Clothing Store. tar PIANO-FORTES , — IiItXAT REMO rto:y Ir rts2;tos.--lass,-claits, 'large size, "Mare grand, 7!.t octane Plano-tortes, for .2.8.5. Organs in propOrtion ; at Wq.n l i ts & PASSAGE, Towanda, P i a. GritE&T BAIT.A.INS.—Ott and after Ads date, I will sell imy surplus STOCK OF FLOWERS at .reilured prices; at my Green houses, on Main street, north of Episcopal Church, JAS. C. IRVING. STRATED--Teoln the premises of the subsertber;la thiS Boro•, on Tuesday, Sept. 7, a small light-red Cow; tire years old; Any one In forming me et her whereabouts, will aonter a favor, or if returned to me, be suitably rewarded. C. M. TrIMEIT. • Towonda. Sept. 8. Fott SALE..—The 3 subscriber offers for sale a law, commodious and well arranged building for n dry goods store„ situated In Leila's. yule, Bradford Co., Pa. Thibuilding has a` good cellar, a well-arranged nibs! room, and an upper story for a earlb4 l room, etc. ;VIII ho sold reasona bly, and terms of payment made to snit purchaser. ; J. JONES. Neath, Bradford Co., Pa. air mu. wm: BOSIWICK. tato Nof J. 8. ALLY Co., can hereafter be found at J. 0. FnosT &Sons, on Main street, cure he wilt be happy to see all of his numerouS friends. And any in need of Fund. tare, or anything In the Major Undertaking, will find the best . gacids, best assortment, and lowest prices, at their More, of anyi place In the country , . Call and see for yourself. 1875. 1 1815. • .2 SPRING AND 81J31MER. CORSOR -d , CO ON B' , • Ate noir ready to aerie the ptitgle with the largest I,;and bus Stook of BOOTS, SLIM,' TnaNxS AND TIIAA2LIMO Aver brought to Towanda . Prices to salt the times CO and see us., far A fine,alsortamitof Kid Gloves, in Tints awl Color, at UST k'DLISS% ('spot/. =II Cflep9Wl --... -4 -44.1 ,, ••• ------ • HoLams & PASSAtit Er To , iloweololo , 1 1 3 .4. 1 -05# 1 rel — take than to the new 664; . 1 ids recel7ll.lifit Zr Nyrr ti' Go if) DECKER BROS to buy. fine Overcoats. Or If • u want a Hardsome, New, f3tyltsh Butt, at JACOBS. • DEenn 'DUOS. to buy a fine • 1557 ao suit of Clothes, 3r 0* tit ets dthi C.l3sluterli; dt EirANB Go. t+ DEcKin Buoy. W buy your Trunks and VoUses. lr WEngrav ng done at 11F.ND I,ltA.Vt!, dtiwelry Store. . . . . vir Go to DECKER rims. for Upder tihtrts and Drawers. 1 Wir Music-lnes and Musical Clocks, at HEN* PLEYAx • S. PLENI WS. .._. • - . tar Go . to - Dieirrit Buos; to buy your, flats and Caps. . Pictu s taken that speak fur them selves; at A. J. isuEn's New Gallery. ur Go to DECKER 13E084 to buy a tine • line of Furnish ug Goods generstiy. . mfr. Ladle 8 rielni in great variety, at sepgtf I. .KENT & .1111i-linlsDLEit As offers a great reduction 11l sit. Ter-Plated \Va Sir For all k call at M. IlaxD 'nds of goods lii t 6i" The .finest assorttnc Ties at KENT & air Nov Etultitlerttat, White at Evaxa & far Everyti i iing itl tilt% cry at WIIITCO3Ip new shades o tsep3tr;.' K rjr All' the just opened at av-it you wan the host Cook!' at JuNC.s, In 3leictirs ilar Go to WIBTFC.LB dt SBA for your Boots au Stationery. tN - Nnveltis in sash Rib r3r FOR S4LE. good Threshing Machine, at one-half Its Value. d, O. PATTOiC. I l ePfitf , . Threshoig Machines, I..ecoryl-hand net, °heap; Plows: Rubber Paint, &e. nug3 It. 3J. IV ttr Call an see the new styles of Mi lan and cuffs, at - ENT .f..eirit I. Car NEW GPO I fit/1.0310X & Sox have opened 't large Invoice of and Win ter Clothing, whl .11 was selected syttli great care especially for this market. These *sods will be sold at prices whicli will astonish the closest buyer as they have beeu r purchased for cash at great ad vantage. !Leavy *lnter Coats, at f.i*l; Pahts at eti; Ileavy•OvercoWts at t 1.30 and tI; .19141 all wool Heavy Heaver 04rcoats at $10; and everything else In prOportion. Ail are. Invited to call and satisfy themselves that We cannot be umiersOhl.: All goods warranted. rif - 31L-sic..6. INSTITUTE. — 1 . 4 1. Musical Institute, for both juvenile anti :viv iced singeri, will he held at Wyalusing, Pa:, commencing on lialday evening Sept. 27, 'continuing ten lays, and closing with oneerts on Thu9s.laf awl Filthy evenings, Oct.? anti A. Clintlren, j , att'rrnoons; ad vanced class, evenings. , J.rtcs 31caltANAitANt Director. Sept. 16--•.2w. r e ItARLAII, the eeleinitted Indian metres+, will vl.4it this place oil 111 . 6 uith and rent:lin tweeks. Iler office will be it the Amer Scan Hotel. M.tnt.E.ttt is IN 4 ,eli known to many o eaL• AARL._ tV,e ..•: to ..any .•, who have imuul In lug* an able boars front 9A. 'h In:, P. MI Cnll nnti sm. lien If your hair is coming out, or.tarn big gray. do not inurtnur over a anisfortnue you ran ro easily avert. VIOOn will re move the cause of your grief, by restoring your hair to Its natural color, and therewith your good looks and good nature. . . MARRIED. , , _.--[ f.--- , . - PIERCE—WRIGIIT.—At the Tar nt uage, Monrt !- ton, Sept. 2. by Itey. Matlock Armstrong. Mr. :. .11.79erre and Miss Clara Wright; both of T .- . wanda. ; • TiII:IS—MACKI,N SON.—A t the residence of the dtrtda's mother. Sept It by Bev. .1. S. Stewart D. I) I - Stephen (i. 'Ma . and AliCOMackitison. daught er of the late Jaines Mackinsom all 'orTowanda BROWN—WE f.d11..--At- the iesident4 of Hon. P. 1 1 AI) P. 3forrosy In this borough, on Wednesday Ellen 11th, by Rev. LIS. Stewart D. b.. Capt. John t, :mot Weicli of l'onalta, DIED. LILA IFFE E 7 - -111 1 "arm), Aug. 5, ts:B, of ttla of the 'now, Daniel Chaffee, aged :40 year , . Ile was a falthol member of the Methodl4 Church, for more than forty years, anil tiled as all Mktlnns may ()leihappy In the Lord. Nearly Ids last wont were, "I ' My feet are on the ltock." New Advertisements; T " in IST OF L I ETT ER S retraining c, the Post Office at Towanda, Bradprd . oo 6 ., for the week ending Sept 16, Cook Janes A Cook C ' Dubois Delos Dewitt Wm Fitzgerald Anna French Alooo Qedrdari Mrs Harris Miss The4a Lynch Daniel Lewis Mary McMahon James Middaugh Gen Rockwell Millie Wheeler Mlso sarah l'Olt POSTAGE. ..6fary E 04sline - Moutello WI: M Angle Pottervllle ra MB Chas Dixon Waverly N 1 James I 'Tonle Salem 111 ' llt ,Ij:ne 111 any of the aborejletters vtll Ised,:' giving date of list. , w. ALV(MtD, P. M. rersons:capng f please say "advert il li S It . oo ..,0 2 . -. .2 ' %. 'el -5, •,:; no hot P, AA ''''...." 7 7 . ~.. ~.3 •., ... so ,-* e. ..., " ;::, ..-1 ,-.. ( 1 ) • p i P. . . , ~., ,i,..4 ,- . O tt , ' ,1 - A 0 Z il• . 6 " W T 3 .... Z 1 0 -- Fk gi W t- '• * E.-0 •:--. 'H '8 '...., 0-4 0 , 4 .. V, - ~.. ... -I ' > E-4 -. 4 rA. `--, 0 ;8 .:2 w es "1- r --, CI) v Z.) • w a o++ p... I= i IT, _,, c r . ...4 g, , :..-, --- ,-; -c3 0 Z E .. 4 1 . 'e , - 0 IA gra w 3 c,,, .4 t.•,, X 0. ;4 .:. E. 4 ' • : c. _,.. ..•... ii. u. , C 5 ": ....b . t o 2 4., ;z F., ;LI 3•-. . ~2 ' el .3 2 Ot 1.-. --1 - ,-•- -,.., 0 4 - la g -z v: - .77 71 ;.1 7:1.x. 4.,- , •,:: :„ :-„:: = .T. = 'E 1. , Z .. ) .... ._,.., _:•,7; ;'...- O 1. • 0. . '.' ... ok , ,_, ~„ , IR ' , I , ... c* ,o. i 4.1 M i.....d I R' Z 'el ="' .h. T e . . - 7: E. 4 sa ‘r .-4 I.* ••••• Z - J ; ....,..‘ 'q 44 - 3 O ... 1 .. 4 : 'Z,: I *a. . ,to. a . 6__ -- 1 .w . .• _ . e. I Ce 2 - rz,-• Ir. ••• a • 1 it ) 10.1 +a la • til ow ' el 0 (0 Taii U , •• 4 o il &I • _,•• La w %v., 1 .....< Q) r.,, 6... En t,. 7.: . ~., , G. , P-T 1 i ce_ '' u- , a: .4 ....4 . . •', ... I I ...1 I ' r• a it f ADA 31 Ili Will form c SELIA: J. L.}.I(IITIN asters L 1 Frtuth and Drawing ST 23, 1875, :1 and the Institute ERMS : erns . 61 fb wet•lts) AUG At tilt! Graded Sat rim French in .-. Drawing • .... Use of Copies • French and Drawl angle-lm. , ' ' i g , Prisat lessons FOR SALE Haring fitted and now offer the same te.rins. Aii) , party amine business wil tor, doing a, sttecin enquire on themes yens Long,:Zown OR R' reinitreiti l 'ear Brick Store, we OT site Or rent open reasonable Ishing te engage In the mar -1 Ind , MI6 a good•pppartnntty tol• business.• For partied= tUeo or of M. J. LoHog.. at Ste -411. 11. 1 . .1.61.1 e ja., Sept 110. - BurWigton goro, -1- Air Lon k CO. It - II IV E E K , • =I ht of Ladies rservtf 'CA.f.j.COES, SHIRT GINOHAMS, DENIM, COTTONADES, SHEET MIJSLINS, JEANS ‘• AND EL. , INNEL SiftwriNds nods and LUC; 211=II!I .Caslimeres, & =1 leicur's !Hock, IT low p 1 ins at it s mint. 11133 Er Cat , si Plain Good Ilat ren's peoph., Ofnei an OEM EVA/ ®' CLOARINCtS. CI,CIAK•4 irLOVES cor.L.ius & • PLEASE ceiLL AND EXAMINE. g • .#+ 00 ... 2 50 6 00 al • Salqe3.7k: T 4 as h Mi. : ~ i ARE OPENINO = :• • A IARUE VARIETY OF A . Ell itth w ill 13e, offered at extre' flees, 1, ti , ve.lassortment of Cloths and Is ere 4, .of the latest fall styles. 'and Falaily . Dress ; floods, Black •. Bldck Silks, &c., &c., IEI :.,Caips, and Ladies snd Cltil 81iols. '... i . . ASSIDALL AND EXAMINE. TAYLOR SICO 3. zieitrnii.x..r - trats Eildretti. 1 .!", 0. I sio. I E AV' VALI, g i GOODS I . , rolei‘rd nth, wro. at & 1-11L-DRETIPS El he s foinnt ill! the novelties of the .season DRESS GOODS, I= i in :111 the new p,iliatirs in i,. , ) ' 1 I=l - • SHAWLS, C. 1 • • FLIANNELS 1 . BLANKETS, , , 1 It ' - SKIRTS iCASSIMERES, &C:, 01 st(tic is complet, I=ll !MI Ar..HILDRETH I Bridge Street. ;? • • 11 2 2 ENV F A I, IVTEK. 11 J POWELL! &co. IMII We are tom retetririg our ~AI.L == DRESS GOQI)i.,:i IMMI NUS OASIMI'IIiE A.N TIEs. HOSIERY, ' pitEs'fißD' AND NOT • A a ta'r,t,,e, DOMESTIC'S, CAI,IVOT!:6,: ,i BLEACIIED 31 'l'A ISLE LIN I:\,`,'l FLANNU 4r,f . g 0,0,. nt i;h•{ot iineutip J r . 0. FROST EIIMIEGg TOWANDA, JULY We are now• Wieling a la PARLOR SL, TETE-A:TETES, HILL RACKS, wow) T.OP TAB At 11,17 low prices. V. are deter, qur stork In this Hite befere the; orderlo do so we are selling at VERY LOW PR . ! 1 'V would call attention MEM I3LAC K. WALNUT, TOP, DltEStilN CHAMBER SUITS, Being the best thing' in the. m and nil other ecrds:lt very: • itINDERTAKI • . ' Done In the hest manner, and on, Yon will fled 'putter I work and to than at any other plate, Call all • • I JAS. 0. FROST Manufacturers of and ,Whol Dealers in FtUnitary and and. 1 ' TOWANDA, 1%14 ' ily2o4b 1."6 0 0 I> hogallmeiat of 0 0 1) latest styles lu Ea utArrits, ) surri NGS, ‘GI OV.ES, t . _. MINUS, OE TES ,11_1 M, GIN" EMI WELLINGS, su El prirL!, Iu Clery. rrow E L '&0 Co. k - soNS 0th,_1875. rge stork of ITS, .Y CHAIRS, 31, NRBLE AND LEE,. &C., pined to vir,e Out fall tradc. and In ICES MARBLE 11111 CASE En T $BO *OO, ket for the price, low prices. lIMI COI the lowest tetm3. Hess mercy here d see uS. SONS, sale and Retail • king, Main St.; EU! ,SIIERIFET SALVS,---Py ' YiltliC ,of sundriiiritalsaued ant of tho Court of Cony, mug Pleader Bradford County and tq tne directed-. will be exposed to public:sale On THURSDAY Sep tember 30, 1375, at 1 o'clock Y. x.; at the- Court Hotta° in Towanda, the following described prop! crty, to.wit:„ . : - , j - i . Olie•lot cif hind In Towanda - township, boundt , .l on oho north by lands of rftald',•, plaintiff, east by the Stuurchanna river and- hands[ of ff. C. and J. W. Means, south by latuLsof said Means' and the To wanda Iron Mfg, Co., and weld by lands of the liar- clay Railroad flo., containing 05 acres of land.more . or leas, all Improved.• i i ' , ALSO—No. 11:-0ne - other, Ibtof land In Mid To wanda twp., bounded on the nerth by lands of John B. smlth and ',David lintty„;east by land of Wm. Watkins, south by lands of C, L. Wartrit estate and ,---•••- Durex, and mi l tie weSt dig land:-eft said De l= and Geo. fliittoM contaluing:abont Ins acre, about 80 acres ImproYed, with two tratrilal It tientait -: lonuffm and two Itarns thereon.' AESO—No. 3—All the-defendant's undivided one third part of one other lot *Claud In the Tort , of Towanda and bounded on the'phrth by Chestnut St., east, south and yrest by lantisof Waiter 0. Traey. being Cl feet on Chestnut street, and varying front 112 to 88 feet. ;In - depth, with :a tyro story framed, houso thereon. • . I . . . -.1.14, 1 0-10.47-All the defendant'se luttre.t In one oilier lot of land In, the ;bore of Towanda; and boowied Cm the north bo_landti of S. W - .: Alvortl,W G. Trace; N. C. f.131:0TO and ;Chestutitan the eatf by Thlra street,:fot the sonth , ilty..the.Piank Road . and lands of J. l' t liirtty and en the west by-4th st. !and lands of S. it'. -Altorl, oil which Is erected a ', = steno' milt, used for a plantil , l l # milt, 'door, sash anti blind lfactory, two (1. Idling bOuseS a barn 'awl sheds. being (be property ,hoW in poises:don Of ,,ltagers under a lease. :14 • I .3 1 A LSO—No. - 5 7 .0nel other lotl of land: In Mintro: tOwntildp, hounded as followS:Deginning at a chr , per of Sweet's land on the south side of Totrtmda Freely, thence down the santeAhe several course, OereOf about .65 perches to the line of! the Aldo, fann,:thence along said line south 76 0 40f cast 6 7.-10 perches to the line of the late Sullivan 4 Erie rail a,l.4llmo%. southerly along s.aliL-raliroattaiximt 55 perches to line of Sweet's form4thence nortiincest • VflY along the same about at l*n'hles to the Placu of , Is: ginning: containing about 11,1'1 acres,motts of test. , 1 IZONI I,}' littprOvel: , Seized and ;taken IMO eseeKtlonl t tint:wit of Ulysses3lercur v s. _Mahlon C, Met- A LtOi--otte other Int of land in AtoneBll:lorp.. hounded on the north bylands of Alfred Ripley, on the east by lands-of Henry Coi'ert, on the south bv lands of )(own Scott awl other tapas of defondani. , Manske' Smith, and on the west, hy lands of Walter L Collett, hying lot-No. 290 on warrants No. 953 and 1 555, mintalulug BM acres of land more or less, and 18 a part of lailas l of Henry. I'irinker, dee'd, uS sill , I divided by Samuel Strait, Jr. r', • . j- . ' - • i AE SG—One other lot or lattek;:lsi Armenia 1 rrlb•' I,.fmnlid on the north by Might ; of? Waiter Bullard ; and said defendant, Alanson S.Mlib. on time east by latids Of Itosca Scott, on the -south by-lands of J, s. tr,armatt's estate; now Muth; oflCOnsiford, and MI the we'St by (and: 'of Anson Vilifier, containing It I ' titres and two perches of land, more or let 9. and 10.-- '.. ing lot, No. Re 3, Of warrants , 94 and 985 of the ?t.- gar (.It l eek landi of it;!:.dee'd, as t,uh-divi d.o by'Saninel Strait, Jr.: abbut42oaereltlinprovetl On both of said lots, with 2 framed houses; 2 framed le and orchard thereon. Selz.e4 and takeo boo execution - at the twilled 0. P.lltallaiBl's exr's ri..tiatison, [Smith; also, at suit of, same v:-. same.l : . , 11 . .• 1 if'. 31. SMITH. ll' ,„ . 1 :,i '', -,if .. - Sheriff.. - * 1 , , . '• ) A . PM TRINIBATORS I NOTICE. , . 1 1 : 7-Notice Is - hereby given' that all persons in debted to the estate of LorenztlWat kites, late 1. r Ulster' deed,: Inuit make immediate payment to' the uridersigned, . and all persohs haring claim against said estate, must present them,. duly an thentlented, for settlement. ' :i ' '- .- I i , , A. 114 ATKINS .. ; : . - . 1 ;; •I ' - 8.. 1, W . '11; -ROCKWELL *seplGwo.. , ,; ,t, • . Admes. T. - x - F.:CUTQR'S NOTICE. —Notie. 1 ' i ht hereby giventhat all pqrsonsintichted tit tile estate of Rutty Sinew], late of Asyluin, tlec.l. Most Make Immediate payment I,Othe undersigned; and nillpersons hariug claims against said estate twist ptetent them{ "duly nutlientienteti, for settle- Went. 1 : - : ; ' ' D. S. 1 1IINC;018. ' 1 I r, ' • I; (1. - W. IitiNjA3IIN. - septet ; ; 1 - • 1 11 Execotors.-: FX E (..! IT, T Olt 'S YO Tie i:::—. N',utice is hereby given that ail persons Indebt ed to the estate of Jo'slmA ilaylev, late of North To wanda,ilec'timre requested to mAOlftuttictliate pay ment, and all persons having 'claims agains taid estate ItiuSt present their duly authenticated. for se t nient. 1 ; : 1 : ! FRANCIS GREG(,;. 1 511.1.T0N UAYLEY. Executors. NMI fIATINIST 11 A TOR'S NOTICE. -,s.ticeeg hereby given 'that all iit*srais 41mal etitate l Wm..a,lreek, lato of 'l-To wanda,llee'4l.most make immediate paTmqut to life undersigned, and all pemna havt4g elalnON agalngt said estate must preent them. dulv.apthentleate , l for FettleMent. - JANE t,. T, ang-m G. , MininLqr4triy. NT . CiTICL"CO cp,Ern,T4Tiz. 1117 :La • I 'Take moiler, that I have apiilled _to the Honorable the Jmlgea of thb Criurt . of Cothralm Plea for the Cieuity of Bradford, the the 'heof•llt of the Law:i of the ooniniumpaith of Pennikylvalliii: aml 016 - have at ,pointed o ro cto b ei . ;it I ii:riOck. M.. I , heal',lite and My cretll-, ~t 4ii r s. at ',Ulf-, Court nit! m,tough To. wanda. i when totil vos ms F,: at , md if Son think rt , 'S?'' r • . rstPt.' 6 , 1475. ITALE XECT:TOAS' :1 A i 4 ji , tr , by girt% til3t req*oll. Infithted 11.!1, est.?to a Davi:4 ; late or Legoy' 7 , in pnyeirt fo, l th, nu .a.ll ;ter:ions luctillZ agalnst%- sai , le,thri, mmt pro,n; Only autl)o.tieuted, • t • I ~, ! EIAZ.kIiETII VANDYKE. '' ErtiENE VANDYKE. ' .7..-pi9T T .' ' ' .' ,' Exlntor,-, iADAIINISTRATOES'i„ . NOTICE. --..F.N0tb , ., is ligreby given that all persons in thibted TO the eStaie of Eben (t.'7. Tern . ; late of Tqrry i tF.T.. 41e01.: must make Immediate pay, meta to: The undersigned, and all ?AitlrT , Ems, having. claims aiMiust must prc.; them, klii:;.•• anthentVated.,for t,ettlentent.. 1 e i- 5... ' i :' l , . 1 .:- N. wiEris TERRY. ; (.li9wn: Administrator. . , . .„_ . I V ( Ot.I.CE TO iqtri...:DIVOR., BY 11 AN I'INSOI t VENT.DENTO*. ' '! Take notice that 1 - have'applled to the Ifonoralde .this Judges of the Court of Uoninibn Pleas for the County of linulfortl, for the bprultcof the.thsolveut s tairis oil* , Commonwealth of PtiunsyllMilia, dud thi...y haVo appolnte:d the sth day of October next, atiten o'clock A; 4. 00 hear me and my (*awn., atlihe (Inlirt house in the Borough of TIVW:1111 , 13, when obit where' you may atteud if yod think t c iept.ti-fr,.k7l. ! ' ..1.'04 Eli 11A 1.1:: gizcellrwleons Advertisements.' 1' ROCERIES & PROVISION'S. OcCABE & EDWARDS,' • ; • Cash J Jers lii all klttit, of ROCERIES PROVISIONS. ONE DOO.IINORTiI O 1 CODDINO 5 Itt'iSELl,.. owanda, July 22.4875 OTAL . Insure their ans very .elteartn the mpOranoe Mutual' Betiorit Asso , • ' ciation. • 1. well establi,hed avtl wellconeintted Life Insu rance plan, by which total absiaincts got thO bene fit pt - tlielt habits oe abstinence, as, they cannot do in comvmdes which insure ordin.itt drinicers: largo premiums to pay; no, lino buildings foljuild; no C. 11. EtA14.44, Agent, li. ' 1: Price Twenty Fire 17. i -.. EWSPAPER ADV . . {, 'I. • , .1. -,-- ,- NIN - trii-siolyr EDItIO7. • 1 . COntalning a complete list of all the towna in the United States, theirerrltoldes and the Dominion of Canada., having a population greater than 5,000 ac eing to the last census, together with the names of the newspapers having the largest local elreill a : tlo in each of the place:in:trued. , Aiso,a catOloatie of newspaper; which are recommeided tOitlyer ti ors as glying greatest value in preportlon'to prl oll ce. charged. Also, all newspapers'ln the 'Cline,' Sttttes and Canada printing over. 5,000 copies radii isslie. Alfo, all the ReligiousAgrleilltural; Scien.4. fine and gechanicat, Medical. :Masonic, Javenliel Ethicational, Commercial, InsnranCel, Beat Estate. • I,a;ty, spotting, Musical, Fashion, and other special' class jouraals; very complete lists.: ?Together with a complete list of , ever 3001 German pipers printed in 'the linited States. Alsh, an essay upon adver tising; many tattles, of rates, showing the cost ;of adVertising in varions newspapers,'and everything! krlett a beginner , In advertising would -like ~ ,to! , iv. ~ Address .. • - I , 1 , ~.. .:1 : . •'.: c . GEO, P. SOW ELL 3; CO.; , snot; F.. .41 Park BOW; New •YOrk. !.. , 11. . CiIIEAP COAA E.: , L'ND LIM' kji -.4 : - , ~ = 1 , From mid after July 1,,1 Will sell eked, lime, .ic.. foci cash oily, and the price list will be correeted mo thly. o i• . . . . . • , , , PnLer; r; coin rot; JULY, rnn'ttiSt ot , 2,oooths, . .- ; ' Ai' TUE , YARD: Ill i tstott Stove,.Chestnnt and ice....... Furn. ' .15 06 Pea, 3 3,0 Carbon Than Lump ! 400 j" '' l Smith ' tt• '.;.......,i • 3 00 Barclay Mountain Lump ~. -. .I'. 33Q , '!, " ; "." _Smith. ' '' 2 75 Allentown time °B bushel - Lath 'fill Ualr li bushel 1 - ' ' i. 49 Brick If • 1,, - 10 00 11 • Ilam always prepared to deliver purchases' on short notlee atthe usual price of ctOyery. liaise tehder my, thanks:to my many frieuda to customers: for their very liberal patronage, In the pas: and hope underthe new departu;re to make It to' thinterest to continue to buy Where they can . ge the litit goods for the least wormy. . i 1. • hose Who are 'lndebted to me ' will take -notice that I omit have money or I Can't inly - for cash and pay freights. They must, settle by the brat of ...lot. gust next; , k; . I ' - - - Very_Respectfuliy Yptirg, , , 1 1 J. El; yiiiwii Ir. Towauga, July L 1975. . . .1 1 , WANTED#; •'; - :. ll' fig. 1 , ,FIFTY GOOD CO'AL,NINERS. , r(. work', At FUT:BOUM: 11,1,11015, Om? 'St., Louts): ri cents per bushel auct.r. H. Weights will $e given. liouses•ot tba minty for families. Applf , to - J. F.NO.N WOODS do CO., Lfit.Louts, 4 4 - - • I sepleFul II =I CAN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers