Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 16, 1875, Image 2
am _nos AU Ml= MrsN-_sera values her products this earat tifty Millions of dollars. Ei : -.I4CEEN ISARELLA, dollars. Spain, and three daughters, reside ,at Trouville, France. ' ,r ,• S .- mantas .is about to revise and add some new matter - to his autobiogra phy. . ' • EX-SEN. CARI*NTER has written an open letter to Mr. Dank defeeding the Kress gag law. Texas eakulatealhatihe will turn out over'one hundred and fifty thousand head of benves.this year. , • . THE Princ'e Imperial is 'Called by the Repnbliemis "Invasion IV.,' and he may yet merit the-name. - `,Bisuoti J.t.toEit, of Southern Ohio, has returned froth the White Mountain:4, where. he has been speeding the summer. 1 „Titt:onottE Tut.zosi b; to. make a leetur •irg tour, this season, and will begiu with Port Jervis. , THE taying of the direct United Statp; Able hivs.been completed, and it will Ire Awn for public business in a few days: : I(o,\n Coun, who was one of tlui Datt ',lnoOr -prisonets, in 1815. died on 3uuddy. in flaltiraore, at:the :we of r. trauquili • The repent: that trouble had broken onfufrerit with ,Tur key; was a fraud. . TUE )lisedssippi and Ohio Railratd shops: ht Lynchburg, Va., were burned on Snialay afternoon.' ' 111 N. en' ginezr and a fireman were killed MOnday by a railway, coliSion near New rpCanadatl „,.. . l'fiß.."*F. are_ 6,000 eases of cattle .(lisease in Devonshire, Dngo, an increase of '4,o(.)ocit:g : _ing-the'past week. TER: 4 I'OI:T destroy e(1 fifty houses ,h 1 rt. , south of Prance, on 'Sun .o:7_, 'Sixty petspn, arc missing. I\tt ii t.tte feller of the ; Catuntian 11'auk ,of Commerce abscontled last Silt kirday, taking with him over $26,000. . Tut. Canadian.: government -Fiteatner Nmx_iletni lIId liar not been the ru tri,ft to that effect proving . tinfonnaea. Mits. 13i.rxi3tEtt, who brought about the Mart dress movement, !how lives a Conn. ci _ and wears Joni dresses,' Thosis-s over - 165 years of age, riird. on :did 'Silt: instant at Doverpoint, \j IL ITef . n_ as the ohleNt •t in the :State. ; -lint: Boston eenFus returns •Shei 11 lt , IIK1::11 a) ilia one Iffenti(4ll , ,tr the cvheh' ittm'otr in 'the v. =• IF4iNiP internal revonne tie_ i,pts the ttiontlis of August last .ye al : An a this show- an inentase this .year of A5(12.,t)00, - 'Firx men 'WV Fe hangcd'last ;Week ;:it Poit Arkansas.; Three them acre 'white, two of - Indian or mixed blood Anti ,bn e eolorett . . Eng.; i 4111 to be seen the :“,aie of Cowlier: add the, little summer 1 ons.:e in 'W MO he wrote many of his 'lt , Scitute+s linty on his Way ill Ifc , will ini4).ll3•ly :4:11p:11r in some of tilt. WeNterlifitoliti- , conttiNtA this fan N ,niofith ilic Einel)Oror- 4 1Villiani of 7 -0 - 1-rnArt;y. 7 Owe general Moltke (4ovi-Pti Miottael wPI viFit. t ,.Vi • ,,etor. , . Tuv. Louisville 0, , ,,,,,,ereial has begun tig4ous . ernsatle Upon the licensed lot . i ies, which it pl'ediets will lie abolished I,y lite ne)..l Legislature. - . PROF: GnEENOt,tof the University of i .nth Carolina, declares that . Charles 4 iiiihner was g, combination of •seholar, ,iateioiin and-idealist.. , . , - : Mi::'ilftYANT leis mad the proofsuf L sthe li,-;:t volatile of his history of the United - tates, :Ind the :opening villume Will - he h',:itiy'before theholidays, .-- t . low.‘ is inflating Ittltitity. Its Por(tia i i.ot is ino.offo grentrt than it was two vats ago, anti :Illthe new ones are doing w e ll as ea,mlil he expected. - 1. II E ttil4l:. lot ' N;iAlVillt3, too, like that ..i . other Southern cities is manifesting t.inviceil aetivity. Its grain business alone; then year. Will re4sch _from Omen, tei _llsrir million dollars.- : - ItEan..,..lo3tlttat: Goi.ositonocoJ is so ill of rheumatic gout at his residence in ‘Vasliii,.. nitim that his recovery is not ei- ! • 3 R:dvit. lle is ini the retired lost. • t'. F. B. MARKoRN of Boston; has been eivettsl(resident of tole:Xvoreican Phar macent' -al Association, The vice presi dent i:', • )r. Hoffman, of New :York. . i , Tio-: stun of '..4:20,000 has been placed in „the hands-Of•Sir John Arnott,- of Cork, Ireland, to be used for the bene fit of t - Prtestant and Catholic charities; 'rl,that city, - Aiii.:Hie workmen in the boot and shoe factories at Chochituate,'Mass. ; about 800 in number. Shuck ls•cause the employers iefi le ti to`restOre their wages to the rates which prevailed before the panic. _LEWIS M. GAartmurry, aged 53, Was i'illed by a Lehigh Valley train. while walking 'tm the Pennsylvania railroad, Bear Elizabeth, N.' J.. tit Friday night last. • A man was killed inear Newark by the same train. c . - •A. named Kuhn died in Washing ton du Wednesday oflast week, from the cdects of a. kick in the stomach given hy his, wife of Tuesday night. 111 accused her of infidelity, and this provoked the kirk. . : Tut: mills of the- Pottstown Iron Com , I.:my, of Pottstown, started . on Monday A ith the intention of running double turn. tier the mills, if not bath, have been ;mining on single turn for some time past. .This is certainly clieering,7 E SharPsville, Mercer, cOunty ' Acker fixe;i•says the miners at a meeting decided :o drop the basis c(intemled for, viz: fix it, rates or mining upon the price of :+ig iron, -and are, auxionsi - to go to work npon the lopst terms to he. agreed upon. Cox o u EssmAN LAMAR, Of. - Mississippi; Or. liecios, of New York; Dr. Liscomb, and probablV Governor Tilden, of New `Cork. will tae part in the dedicatory,ex ercises of the'' yanderbilt University, at Nashville. -in October. Puorusson PERM, of Williams Col lege. has returned from Germany much improved in health, and' besidoia m.struct . hid wO'classes each day , durinft the corn ing term, will preach every Su day at a new church in South Williamstown. Tnk cases of MO rastmaxters charged 1% ith trafficking iu postage stamps are tin der eonslderation at the - Postoffice De inntrnent. and Many of the offendekwill he disuis.sed. The removal of five 05 six pttstmasiess for this stare was announced WiLLIAu T. TINSLEY, the Republican nominee for Canal Commissioners in New York, is an - editori-the Lyons RentldicarE being his paper. This fact is greatly in I)irj favor and furnishes prima facie evi dence in advance:that he would make a officer. - 3ln. WE:l.l.s, the new Attorney for the, Digtrict Of Colutnlita, announces that'neo p.rosclinie Will hereafter be entered. the Assistant District Attoiney in the Police Court, brit; in all cases where par ties are arrested enl - eriminal chargek the. rases will be sid4nitted for the consider:l -!ion II the court. . Tur„ soldiers reunion at Rockville, Ind.; is reported to be an overwhelming success, i , !early 8000. persons being present. The -pldiers 'were in camp under command of ;mend Crafts: of Terre Haute, General Sherthan and senator Morton visited the, q•a'mp on Monday afternoon, and were re ,- liN'ed with all the honors. Foi.F.T's statue of General Thomas J. Jackson. the famous Confederate leader, ioresented to the State of Viriginia by Hon. Borriford Hope, M. P.i and other Eng , lislt gentlemen; reached has Baltimore The statue cost #40,000, and,; will_ be vrected, in the capitol squale at Itichiliond, Va.; near the equestrian stat in of. Washingtop. A MAN named Dagle has 'tone to meet rheialdson';', He belonged to 2 a 'circns, Itir*se manager deentinit a balloon ascen sion a business necessity, gave Dagle $lO to go up. He went'up, and cattle down =in a mill pond, in which he was drowned., 7:I Rochester .2k»tocgat thinktithat pond "-‘l-as created - Mostly for the purpose of de:•troying him,'' and this may be true. Tire Governor of. Illinois reminds the authorities of Winnebago county that the • penalty for participation in a duel in that :. - ;tate-is imprisonment from one to five - 1-ar•rd , orl fine not to excel $3,000. The lieago Poßt and Mail says: "What a good joke it would be on the two high: toned. lire-eating duelists of St. Louis if they had to occupy the,same cell for three cars in the Illinois Penitentiary. *gaol c,l Ma EDITOUS t , e. 14. Alblbair. Towanik Pa., Tharday, Srpt. 16, 1871 i Von oov010(1:9t, 0 ESL JOHN F. VARTRANFT, Of Montgomery. ron IHENRY RAWLE, . Of Erie County. REmMoeir wiTITY TICKET. FOB finnan, ANDREW d. LAYTON, Of Litchfield. FOR PROTHONOTARY, Carr. BENJAMIN istck, of To Wanda Borough, FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER, CEPHAS B. AninllS, Of Canton Borough. - FOR TREASURER, J. C. ROBINSON, ' Of Ridgbury. FUR ettoNlig, CAPT,F. Ott W. KILMER, Of Asylum. Mali RIS COOLitAUGH, •• . • Of Wygox. FOR AUDITORS, I) A N VERSE BOUfl Of West ilurUngton. t l J. R. BRASTED, Of *ells. FOR CORONER, P. B. WAL K ER; Of lllsteA *EIPONTkit FOP HE CAXPAIGN. We will mail the REPOATEB, front this (late to the close of the present campaign, or' November 10, for 25 cents. As WE PREDicTED. The Democratic Convention assem bled in this place on Friday last, did as we predicted, nominated Col.''. I . R. STORES for Sheriff, in pursuance of amarrangement made by; . the lead t ers sOtne, weeks since. While Mr: smuts and the other manipulators or the party had the power to carry out the agreement, it was far from meeting the approbation of many of the delegates, to say nothing of sev several gentlemen who *ould have 'raised no objectionio beingplaeed up on the ticket,but did not care tb subinit thiir elei4s simply to be sacrificer on Mr. STORES' altar s It Was freely talked that all the other Candidates mutt be traded and traffieed in the intrest of the Sheriff, and that' Mr. S. `Made that arrangentent the only condition upon WhiCh he would put his money into the canvass. Agreeably with the arrangement, Mr. STORES was not to be , found in Towanda on the day of. the Conven tion; bat - his friends kept the spirits or the faithful ekuberent and Whirl ouls during the day in a manner pecu liar to ,Democratic politicians. On Monday when the unwilling (?) didate made his appearance upon the streets, his usually smiling coun tenance was somewhat elongated, acid the report soon becaxne current that Ite had not yet conclinled to accept (?)., This was part' of the. game. .134, by urgent solicitations from his friends, hCfinally announced his acceptance of the empty honor, protesting the while that he did not want the office, and that he : only yielded' in compli ance to the unanimous; unsolicited (?)- eaßof his fellow-patriots. Ai:mourn MIL' Cir!iBBVC4..: has made : a good officer, rand is a geritle maii'of unexceptionable moral . ~ char acter, and was our first choice for the position, set, believing Mr. ANIMUS Was the fair choice of the contention, we regret exceedingly . that y r . C. has allowed himself to be,- - madC;i a candidate in.4ix)iition to a man so well 'qualified and in every way war thy the place. :Mr. ANDRITS, ;ts ire stated last week, was a s soldier in the Union. Army, and came out Of' the contest : maimed ; for life. When he submitted his claims with Mr. CHU* BUCK to:the '..Republican Convention, he supposed .the decision of 'that tribunal was to be finalt Had he been defeated there and Mr. CIIUBBUCK successful, we doubt not he would have yielded a hearty support to the ticket. Mr. CIIUBBUCK is honorably bound to do the same thing. • • • THE way the story got afloat that the - doors - of - Governor HAirramfrr's stable, -at Harrisburg, were made of walnut, at si,great cost to the State, is thus explained : A Democratic country editor was in Harrisburg some- time ago, and in the course of . his travels around the streets he no , - ticed an engine house, and made in quiry of a fireman to know-what kind of a building it was, to which the fire man replied that it was Governor ILturttatirr's stable. His eye sight not being very good,pecially on this occasion, he was ve iy easily im posed upon. The doors of thel Gov ern-or's stable are made of oak and painted with the common fire-proof painy,and they Were there at the time of his election. -- THE leading temperance men, if not the " temperapce leaders," are slowly getting their eyei open to the fact ' that their present political movement is simply aiding the Democratic par- - ty, and they are beginning to act ac cordingly. Father HERITAGE, in his Temperance Bleseing this week, hinds down the names of the Prohibition candidates for Governor and State Treasurer, and throws his Influence for the Republicans. -- Father Hun; one of the oldest and beet known temperance lecturers in the State, is addressing large meetings in Western . Pennsylyartia, opposing and depre cating the coerse now being pursued by his temperance friends. It is now , alined by thn 14deiv of the DelitOdatOatity , that k there is / titc6,:ect*ail oi(t. ..i: '„4. , 1 • - -,,..; ; ..., . r.p the eIIPPOre : of en w '.. le,/Kiretikt: key vtotet:nittiffie '. ' , 111.44ii the tallicy and duplicity Oi such reasoning will be apparent to the most casual observer. • '~ The Republican patty has: always been the party of retrench; ent and° reform. When 11. ink; power in this State twenty years since, the, Commonwealth was burdened with a debt of over $40,000,000 and the people were groaning under 'onerous taxes. A few years later the Rebell- ion, instigated by the Democratic pithy; &died In,n 'additional indebted ness of several millions of dollars, but to-day the actual debt of the State is only about $16,000,000, 'while the State, tax on /real estate, and most kinds of personal property has been entirely removed; schools have been established for the education of the soldiers' orphans, and our free school system has ste . adily advanced . until tolda l v Pennsylvania, in everything that goes to make a great and pros perous State,is second to no other lin the Union-. In 1860 wheh the Refiablicab party Comic into poWer in the Natietr, the Administration found itself without credit at home or abroad,' a depleted treasury, a deraorilized army, a navy scattered to the foar winds, alid the Nati•anal sathority repudiated and defied In eleven States; the pub lic offices filled with traitors, abetted and encouraged 'by the party which had held alnitstit unihterrupted sway in the country fOr nearly forty Years ; Under BUCHANAN the Democratic party abaffdtlated the Union and sur rendered the government' into •the .hands of traitors. . Havethey,.ever given any evidence of repentance for these enormous crimes? In 1864 their National Convention pronounced the war a &Hare; Mid dthiancltd a cem pronalse with rebels; and prominent members of the party held a confer ence in Canada with leading rebels. Among the syinpathizers with the Rebellion who. attended ,the confer ence Was 'VICTOR E. PIOLLET, who has now been rewarded for his trea sonable sentiments during the war by a nomination on the Democratic State ticket. And it is a notorious fiat that such inert as FRANK Huonzs stint BuCkkaw, wha boisted of their disloyalty during the war, now con trol and lead the party in this State; and what is true of Pennsylvania is equally. true 'of the party in the Na. tion. In the South no man is, recog nized by the Deniocratieparty unless he was conspicuous as a'rebel. Nei ther is this all. Men known to be rotten.and corrupt are placed in pc:p sitions of trust, and screened by the party when their iniquit* has been proven. On the other hand, the Re piiblicah party ;;has meted ont swift and t'ertaiii punishment; to') all in power who have been recreant to their ,trust.' A comparison' of the records ,Of the two _parties will be sufficient to satisfy the most skeptical of the saPeriority of Republican rule. • . The election In Maine on Monday last for .State officers, brought out large. vote.": 2 ooth, parties • opposed' the, rag-money heres.f.'•!:JU Bean - Candidate fur s Gnferpor is elect ed by abouts l ooo.thajority. The-Re publieun candidate • foricergress in the fourth district', (to -_fill a vacancy • caused by death) iinlineleeted: THAT the late Republican ConVen tioia of this county acted wisely' in not adopting the "Crawfoid County System,". is proved by the fact -'tart" , Republicans of Cra*fo - rd county, af ter an experience of many years w4h that system of nominations, have re solved to abandon • it, aml have m structed:the County Committec,_ l to frame 'some . better and more satis factory plan. The fairness of it is not questioned, but is found impossi ble under it to distribute the nomi nees over the county properly. The irresistible tendency of it is to nomi natec the euti 'ticket from the most populous pa of the county. •This was one of 9 arguments we advan ced in op sition to the adoption here, and V * e it is sufficient in it self, there a e others and more po tent, reaso s against the plan. The experience of Crawford county- should forever set& the question as far as Bradford is concerned. LET us give the Republican State and County tipkets a long pull, a strong pull andla pull 'altogether , from now until the November election. This county has been set down for two • thousand majority; let 'us try now to make it three thousand, at least. We can do that if we but put our shoulders to the wheel. Let no Republican take a place in the rear rank. In the front line is where hard blows are given and taken, and there is where every vigorous and active Republican should put himsel fat once. -Tun groans men base their hopes of electing their men on the treachery of Republicans. They are openly boasting that certain Repnblicans'are offering to "sell out." We don't be lieve it. i There is not the slightest excuse for any Republican to oppose the ticket. If all the trickery any one charges really transpired, it was not sufficient to change results. As AN evidence of ,Democratit economy and integrity in officials, we notice that the Commissioners of Schuylkill 'county have recently been convicted !A defrauding the - county, and sentenced to pay a fine of $l,OOO each and undergo an imprisonment of two years in the eau* El MAINE. -; was sin! • _ 4 : ' I The vein. "1! :.;• n Which met at ,Erie ' .,-- ;ilshe i tt its . t .- let t • ni e p • gind te re witik**lte to everj4 liusenieu ninf ; lesoull'ilikiseidOretagiks,..x!nd his address pledged the party " !tii a burn .money platkirm, and the emmitte.ecm platform Wail- .5 1 9 1 1. 31 0 with that view; but the Convention ' which nearly culminated iii' vote(' in &icor of repletion and in r•• , flation. 1:telow ire' give extracts from many of the leading papers of both, parties, Outriding the reek. ing bf *1 whole country over the proceedmgs 1 • I 1i Pai, ago • the Pennsylvania De mobracy were in favor of "a steady effoo to bring the Government notes to par with gold , and tosecure a re turn to specie payments at.the ,earli est passible period' that -.resumption can be effected with safety." Yes terclay, by it twathirds vote, they turned their backs. on honesty and common senile ) lirindkized the rag money platika of the Ohio .platform, and.adopted them rodt and branch. —New roll Tratoe. The victory gained in the Penn sylvania Democratic Convention yes terday by the inflationists and repu diators is one of the most significant events of the def. So far as can now be judgedi it Nil tiellg almost certain the adoptioh of id inflation Ostrom' by the Democratic National Conven tionnext year, and makes it extreme• ly probable. that the flnanciat issue will be. the principal one in the Pres• idential canvass. It hardly posst •bre that the Delnderatie party can fail to fail nuder the substantial con trol of the inflationists and repudia tors, now that these have carried the day in the tat great States of Ohio and Pennsylvania. The Democratic voters of those States constitute (in°. filth of the entire party in the Union. Even if their representatives alone were to enter the Democratic Nation al Conveniion bent upon bOmmittipg the party to their views, they would wiled great strength.:-.4Ner York Times. ' The political situation has become suddenly grave, No, enliOtenod citizen or true patriot can be indiffer ent to the action of the Pennsylvania Democratic State Convention in its session at Erie reported in our 'col umns this morning. , an alarm ing proof that the inflation hekesy is -spreading, and that it islikely to ex ert a dominant control over one of our great political parties. We, re cord, with profound regret and sorrow, that in an Eastern State, a great and' influential State, the Stat't *hich ranks nest to New York in impor tenet, the Democratic party' has been conquered by the inflationists, and repeats and endorses the phio. plat form. This Democratic madness forebodes an Iliad Of woes. i It fore shadows a triumph of the inflationists in the Democratic National' Conven tion next year.—Arm York.Heralfr. • On financial „issues, which are a question of economic science, their platform is the mere outcome of suff ering ignorance, much as if a Lehigh coal-heaver rout of work had resent fully denounced the, transit of Venus expeditions as a job of the Astrono mers, and the correction Of the son distance as a useless piece ot abtruse information,—New York lirorld; Despite the splendid fight and hard,Won victory of the hard-money Democrats in the Committee, on Reso lutions lastnight inflation is rampart and triumphant before the conven tion. When it met this morning the greenback advocates had bettn their work. < Reports were circulated that Wall street and the national hanks had brought up certain members of the committee, and other equally ab surd reports were started. When the platform was read a spirited debate ensued. The hard:money men, led by Souder of Allentown, fought gallantly for the platform as first adopted by the committee, but were out-toted at.every point. The result is . a great disappointment to every prominent Democrat, as it is a defeat for both Wallace and Randall, who labored unceasingly for a sound plat form, .iind while all urge the import ance of victory in the interest; of re form in Xovember, it is feared the party' has taken upon itself a heavy load. Hardly a single representa tives man of the paity will defend its financial positions.H.Ballimore Ga zette. Thus the. Democracy of Pennsyl vania go into the canvass committed to the policy of inflation and repnda, tion—rejecting the leadership of hard money men like Solider for men like that of Hukhes, who holds the theory that any piece of paper stamped by the Government and representing on its face so many dollars or cents is of as much intrinsic value as a piece of gold of the legal weight and fine ness, representing a like number of dollars and cents. It is stated that Cyrus L. Pershing, who was nomina ted fof Governor, is a hard-money man, but he will, ' of course, be ex pected to swallow the platform and "go with his party," for the policy of dishonor and contempt of all the obligations of decency and integrity. Newark Courier. For the first time. in the history of the Democratic party the Democrats of an Eastern State, in convention assembled, have declared themselves In favor of paper money against spe cie, and have recommended the infla tion of our currency. They have squarely and unanimously endorsed the theories of the Ohio inflationists, and they have done it at a 'time well' calculated to strengthen the latter.— This is a little short of a revolution against all the fundamental principles of the Democratic party, and against all the measures heretofore tidhered to by the party, under all circum stances. It is neither more nor less than an abnegation of DeMocracy by a serious number at a • most serious time.—Brooklyn Eagle. 'They will go to destructiOn on such a platform, as sure as 181'6 comes.— Wilmington Ccrmmercial. When, in the face of this, the Ohio madness is • repropnced in Pennsyl vania, it must be adMitted that the danger is more imminent than had been supposed. Should Ohio and Pennsylvania at the State elections both declare for inflation, we are afraid that it would be impossible to prevent the adoption of an inflation platform by the Democratic rational Convention. The narrow partizan temper of Democratic journals which pretend to favor hard money strength. ens this belief.--N. Y. Evening Post. We pretend to no spirit rof prophe t cy in having several week* ago fore. shadowedthe triumph of Sim Randall for the speakership, and; the 'rule, either open, or secret, which he would certainly assert at the Erie conven tion in Penneylvanis.: List ending, of the hot - Ammo amiably, of - mob, Jyj it finally turned o> be y " tells Ike story practically, whlikikkir; one llkflikratOlyejooklug r ofetit* here44fely:'prok dictotfolgor &vim* 4 0 - 1- -41 eum*liie T:6040: Ao*thingilereto op , bo ly:butiot - iuuch for 'any ... The resolution blows hot and 2at the Bailie time. Its peculiar adran. tags is that it k so conikked and contradletiit that It *ill enable the Dentodfats of ltisymoila td tar* Withoilt rat iigelice ah 3 ble priac plc, the inflation resolution which' the national 'convention will adopt next year,--Boston Adt'ertiset. It is the same old story, only a little more sib The Democrats never hard 4oy lqasp„ah.ct*. 4.o!ir!e4 that the3r do not m plain. if not polite language, put their exit in it. They adopted as their platform the inflation idea, they howled , for more 'paper money; they ate all their talk since 1861 Omit rag money, and demand ed yet mote sper money; they voted against a return to specie, payments —in fact, they turned a complete somersaillt, and from being a party howling all manner of things about the, intity having _given up the , grtetibieks; they take - the back track and cry, " Give tie yet. more greenbacks I' They yesterday tolled their own death knell; the fa-. neral will take place on November 2, at the polls. The party is divided hopelessly on the question ; the plat form will fall like a wet blanket on the mast of the peoples—J--Easten Free NEW TOIUICREPVEIIACAN STATE CONVENTION. . . The New tor . klteitibliCan State Convention met In the towh hall at Saratoga, Sept, Bth, and was called to order by E. D. Moan ix, Chairman of the state committee, who after a few appropriate remarks nominated for temporary chiiirmah Ae B. Con. N) LE; who was elected. Committeen On Credentials And resolutions and perinanent organisation were, ap pointed, and after nome minor busi ness the convention took a recess till afternoon. On re:asstynblitiO the bomitieb on permanent otimnikatioii tepoited Oar , President of the convention GEORGE WILLIA)i Cuarts. A long list of Vice Presidents'and Seere l trifles were also On taking the chair Mr. CURTISad dressed the i•onventioa at length: The •committee Itesohdioas re pbrtetl the fo TO: PLAitiefol. The ltepublieata3 of'New York, faithful to justice and libeity, to the supremacy of the i constjtution, to national unity and the just rights or the States, makes the following dec laiation of principles ; • - First—The National Government Should remain In the hands of those who sustain the guarantees of the amended constitution, and in pnisnante of ptiVre at srage b iri t al h t e etn i gil l e a l i rnv trt i rl Y tert n ullin nap, generous and feybestringnatunial policy in the Soutlifun States, &firm refusal to use the military 'Ayer except for purposes clearly defined in the constitution, and a local enforcement of the tui tional authority by those only who are In sympathy with such a policy, and will bp' ally support it. Second—We d e mand honesty, economy and era cieney In every branch of the State and National administrations, prompt Investigation of all char •ges of wrong doing, and rnhilnet, capon:ire! proses cation find punishitteht Of Won Stets; ire therez fore heartily commend • the act onof all otlicers, whether of the State Or Rational gOvernments, in their honest efforts for the correction of public abuses. We pledge to theist our constant and faith ful support, and we charge every nominee of this convention to cooperate in every honorable way to secure pure government and to bring offenders to Justice. ^ • , Third—The people should nominate for the Leg islature only men who are pledged by their known charaeter to provide and sustain measures nitride ted to rescue anti preserve tjle State from every form of Orreptlon and nuilatimlnistratibtif Fourth—The guilty offenders In the management of the canals should' be brought to speedy punish ment, and the executive, Under the powers already conferred on him, should 'suspend all 'oflicers who have violated law. • Fifth—The Republican party has proved itself, from the beginning, the party of practical reform and sound economy In the affairs of this State; it has, within the past four, years, provided for the payment of twenty millions of the public debt, and practitwlly extinguished the general State indebt edness, and by this action has made. it certain that the tax for the next year will be reduced abort are millidps of dollars, I Sixth—Further Inflatio n of the currency under any pretense whatever would be a public calamity. , The interests of common industry and the com mon welfare demand the rpeediest return to specie payment. _ Seventh—The whole sohject of taxation ought to be carefully and wisely revised, to the end that_ Its burdens should beat equ ally upon all. Eighth—Recognizing s conclusive the Presi dent's public declaration that he is not a candidate for a renomination, and with the sincerest grati tude for his patriot ic services, we declare our unit terable opposition to the bleenott et tatty President for a third term. ' Ninth.-The flee , puh4 school is the lifework Of the American Republic: We therefore demand the Unqualified maintenance of the public school system and its support by equal taxation. We are opposed to all sectarian appropriationkand we de. nounee as a crime against liberty and republican Institutions as projects for a sectarian 'division of the school fund of the State. Tenth—The National Administration, by its stead fast fidelity to the !principles of commercial honor, by its opposition to unsound financial pro. Jests, by its calm avoidance of collision with lots elgn.powers, by its reliance on justice and season rather than that force should be the settlement of disputes, by its arm Thidication of the National dignity and authority, by rigidly executing the laws, correcting abuses, punishing offenders and enforcing retrenchmenti without boastful, ostenta tious protesion, deserves the gratitude of the Amer ican people and adds lustre to the services in the war of the distinguished soldier and patriot who stands at its head. The following ticket was nolnina te&For SectetaiY of State FRED ERICK, ill . oEWARD, of New York; For • Comptroller, FRANCIS E. SPINNER, of Herkimer; For Ti.easurer, EDWIN A. AtzunlTT, of St. Lawrence; For _ At torney4eneral, GED. F. DANFORTH, of Monroe ; For- State Engineer and Surveyor, O. P. CORNEEL, of Thompkins; For 'Canal Commission: er, WILLIAM E. TINSLEY, of Wayne ; For Inspector of State Prisons, Rev. • BENONI 'I. IVES, oi uayuga. Tnz editor of I 'the West Cheeter Republican, Major E. B. MOORE, thus disposes of the oft-repeated Demo cratic assertion that Governor HART ; RANFT never voted a Republican tick et until he voted for himself for Aud itor Goneral. He says-: "This charges false. ' Governor llartranft voted for Douglass in 1860, and in 1861 entered the army, where he remained. fighting the battles of his country until 18 65. In 1864 when permission had been given the sol diers in the field from Pennsylvania to vote, the writ4r of this article at tended the polls in company with Gov. Hartianft in front of Petersburg. The polls were opened within twen ty yards of the front line of battle, and in full view ~Ofthe. rebel ememy. He voted, the . Republican ticket, as did every one die who voted at those polls. It was Other an unhealthy place for Democrats." . _ " MosioxOm and PERRY VAN FLEET will continue to manage the office if LArrou l is elected," is about the only argnmfnt the STORRS men make against Mr. Larioit. This silly falsehood has be en , contradicted time and again by Mil the parties interest ed,a and those who cireulate It know it is false. Neiihei Ssura nor VAN FLEET will be retained in the Sheriff's office. These gentlemen would not accept a positionunder Mr. LAYTON, or any other main, as deputies. onus' ?UV Oilliblikuronms 4 ,T. , i ....._ - 2, , , , i , „"4_,,cii,,,, ,4, . , 014 2 WAIMICIT01111i : ' ' -' . . . ... . . . . „., . r t r.','l ,- ", -7. t' - "' 4 ' : " .." ' ' ' ' '''' - ' • ' 2-44'. • v — • ' ilissiLl - liii r . • • ... ' Vii iiii' - t is 'L,T,111,0 11 7 1- .. . ........... ,-. i ~, • 1 • .. WASIMIGTON. Septa 2wirti. in the 0 i • Aloe of stir tither essitement, 1 the p.. . --politiftl itlitiessinetit -ill -the, 1 Execu Yelliepatithettith appal% tit press - ! - ' at' to • . thb Principal topic , of diseitssiciti: . Withatt , ally liffetifit 'llan( %trime the, recent action of. the - Republican Congres ' atonal Cenimittee, it has suddenly become, the suttject of a=:_good deal of .comment, and while it meets with approval general ly, in certain (mittens! as expected, it eixXiiiiitere tie small degree of opposition. . Te th ole &m i ter With. the thilittkiii the reason is Orileus; UndOtlyitig thitrdisare WO - and ivitttt of Ofinfiethy kith iliii moeement; there i 6 Itlddtm a, &Matt, biw rent of opposition to the Administration; to the Republican party end its principles, : which, despite of all efforts at 'conceit- , ment; will occasionally, crop out. - To that beantilid tiyatetn , called Civil) Service Retbrin, . which ; sought to ' breaks down every barrier to party protection, i and which opened wide the doors of pub 4 lie patronage to, everything that could' Pain it emrtahanies c ribed educational ex ainidatiain Liii, Itepiailltian party is indebt ed for this burden which it . Is . !breed VI carry ; end tp, which . may lie* attributed the howl art i lhe outcry which ittieng; so loudly take' lietbre the pees.° uribii thbtsubject. - Ilad the Republican Paitt adhered More to the policy of taking care of its friends :inatead of experimen n • li with Civil Service Humbugs, -the part would have been better off to-day, with . • • • many things less to be ashamed of i •lievieg lathe old school of politics, • • fiti hilt tenght tbst to tlitodetor be • • . 11 , the spoils; and that any other.. theory r mere sentimental bosh, we are free to a sort that men, and. women as well, wh will accept office from - any party, be whose sensibilities are ten tender to acci.S the conditions essential to party °mini , time, hire no eight fo_lioldoffice and th party intieh lets right to retain ihigli ,While they are prating so Wildly alma what they call party despotism and all, sort that of thing, we would suggest th e if their feelings am such as will not pe mit - them to aid in sustaining the , parr whose favors they areas, wiliiiig o to - receive they ihoottl at Ittist possess spirit enoug . to resign. Without iti-bellig tit all aft mental to government interests, thei places could doubtless be easily supeli by those whose feelings and sentimen am iii„tieconi : with the Administratior 7 who would Fay their trifling tax without' a murmur, and in the end, it is altogethe probable, would be Mich More certain t - tote the Republican ticket. . Not to be Considered as wanting in po titical patriotishe a eertaiuportien of t 4 Pennsylvania licpuldieini AsSoc4tion Wive whereased and resolved . and . appointed theinklies as delegates to the nominating conventions of that State; until they haw; attained mere notoriety act% body ctf.iiii porteutti than appears just now to. - ,lie comfortable. For the - empty honor of - - ing recognized and accorded a back sea ~ l e with no voice in the convention, they a , now, called upon by the: State Central ceminittee to.,aid e irt defraying the , ei,- penses o the,poining political canvass gi . that Sta hl: Io cider to tetricate Mein selves from the unfortunate predi&iineill in which they have succeeded in placing themselves, a series of meetings have recently held, and resolution after reit c 4 ll - tion discussed, all of which appears to he fruitless. How the reauired amount as "nominated in the bond" will be raised ts at present a problem, which so far hag do Solution. The disposition among Penn sylvanians to respond to the call appeats to be limited, and very little sympathy ,is eitpreksed for those parties who hate, hifinlibsted ;(I greet, a desire for public' iiotonety. , I . i It may, perhaps, be considered tee ely, in the campaign to forecast'with any el gree of certainty the result of the State elections of the present year, .and t i Presidential and Congressional elections of UM. It is said, however, that Sena Ctimettely who a short time since spen t a few days in the thy! Was quite free -ie, a pressing, his'., belief that Pennsylva is fl,, would, in the coming election this fail, o largely Republican, and that- there_ con d not be the shadow of a, doubt with regard to the election of the entire Republican ticket,. • TheProhibitionticket, he thought, would not be as i termidable as many Lad been led to antic ipate.- There is, perhar, no otle better ' able than the Senator to Welldorrebtly,tff ' the political ittuatiqn. Well kuown as a close observe of the ebb and floW of the political tide, and as bein g 'generally correct in his conclusions, ins predictions may therefore be accepted as almost' a matter of certainty. With regard to the• political outlook, , e believe that the Senator does dot stand alone. Not only in Pennsylvania, Ilut throughout the entire country, it is d mitted by every political observer the a 1 reaction since the elections of last fall I 1 all taken place in the public mind in taco of the Republican party, its policy and i r i . les. "Our victory came a year oo princip soon," is the remark that is being daily uttered by the prominent members of the Detimeratic party who are candid.enoligh to concede the true situation. To those who will for a moment pause to retl4, the reasons ter this change o f public - timent are alnithuit. With the stern facts staring the people squarely in the face, that, by their supineness and indif ference, the reins of government was te lug allowed to pass into the hands of he Democracy; to be controlled by the rebel element of that party, the patriotism) of the country has again .become aroused. The gravity of the . situation is becoming 'fully understood as the people see that in the halls of our National Legislature and under thr folds of the ' flag that they so earnestly sought to destroy, will soon as semble some eighty old rebel officers, s ith a multitude of claims in their hands for the loss of slaves and other property by the war, which, if allowed, i'ould betSuf- ficient to bankrupt the nation ; this; to- Bother with their inflation policy 'lnd many absurd financial theories, is proving not altogether palatable, and will not I* endorsed by those who have the fi t 4are welfare and prosperity of the , cou p at heart. The peopleare beginning toriun derstand that the Republican part is now, as it always has been, the true f end of the common masses ; 'that it is the hard money party ; and as predicted, wheri the proper time arrives will not fail so shw l a due appreciotion of that understan ing. In Ohio, carefully computed estimates go, to show that the Democracy, with their inflation issues, will be repudiated by that State by at least forty thousand—a result that will go far towards placing the Pres idential contest of the centennial year al most beyond the possibility of a doubt. Ruiners with regard to the retirement of Secretary Delano from the Cabinet have been revived, and apparently not :without some reason. It is currently re ported that the Secretaryship of the lute riorDepartment, now held by Mr. Delano, was recently tendered to Ex-Sebator Sdott of Pennsylvania, who from personal reasons was compelled to decline MS ac ceptance.. In looking about for aglees soy to Mr. Delano the President co uld not have made choice of a better man,ar it is 'certainly a matter of regret th at the business interests of Mr. Scott were such as to force him to decline the position. Possessed of sterling integrity, as well as high i l attainments, lie.would have' discharged the duties of the office Iwvith alike honor to himeelf and to the State whose interests ho so well and so faithful ly guarded while its RrepresentatiVe , in the greatemincils of the nation. . The efforts to induce the.govern;ent officers to release from their keepin the Treasury thief Ottman, which, his coal:m.l ' have been' claiming, was illegally seized. upon at the time of his arrest, have proved ' unavailing. Ottman, it will be remain, bared, was arrested as' the prnienn.eper son connected with the late foity ven thousand - dollar theft . at the ury ; and consequently, the large amount of property farad in his possession Waif nu _mtely taken in.charge by the proper officers. Shice his incarceration he I has, through his counsel; made strenuous ef forts to again get tide property in his con trol ;.; but, as it appears the entire forty seven ; thousand dollars went int 4 his bands the government does not propose, . underthe .mrcumstances, to surrender its possession: '. ' ' The mysterious manner in, which this money disappeared from the Treasury vaults, it will-also be remembered, was at the time severely felt by . Treasurer spin ner, who was, then about retiring from his Official duties. The loss of ' the money seemed to haunt the memory- of the". old man like some hideous nightmare. .The pallidity Of Ids dlepositke.. . ' fl o I kind looks and gentle !wilt'. ' - ;„,:.,.., , . ilitttrite, &wham .no . . '. ' - -1 their wonted . 'de . ' he sadly. - -;,,,' • - 4 riders of the - •", "', ' • - ;i ii ar d , ' becomhig a, , ! 4 ! '''" - t lr • • • 'this severe , 1 - 'Ot . ;. - i , 1 1414 nately and ~ . . l ' . , • ' disecnrered ; , ' f - tiOrt-ig: s la •, eomplhdied, it has restored hato add set "the little bird tosinging again" in, the heart of, one individual at least. With; i 'cheerful smile and "true inwardness," I anuatapmvf tits . '" ruling passion strong ;hi death,"--the en-Treasurer may again ibe daily aeeti at ludeh hour, taking his .ffwffill pw'rt ttlividglteleltaltad tire Tit*: ury, smiling ifith eliaranttnistlesti upon '4,lie great army of female ' ilia so much admirals.. as they sit su with their teapots and lunches. I I Alter almost' a eonthiuous rain of fell forty days and forty nights, the - Weather has cleared off and become as Ple*sanoll l any. one could wish. Instead or the cry of "ady iinfbrellaii to, Mend," with whteh dint* . all thfii.• fide AO card ifere Wn statitlY Atkilled; Ile did 1104 hdvind id* a change the 'cry of the itinerant frilt ICU: ders, who ,have , established themselves with their wagon-loads• of the choicest ' fruit upon evilly street corner andcrossing ' throng o the city. 137 oon of the rain, we suppooel, the great m at abundaneemf fruit in this lordality is beyond .anything known here for many seasons past. Pe rYthinin the way of fruit and vegetables is as cheap •as • the most impionet aiiiong _as mild' desire. Peachioh, ripktitill yelloittfo hawked ' frOm diver to door; tiatn pieta of cities crati r r a ti r g ; wle tti, Ipvertof iens : , l to hi olit'Wlored Ovulati m on, 't i year ; o f jubilee an" surely come." Large t t clorts .looking cantaloupes of every *and, VIM been selling at the trifling price of rie dollar per wagon latil. , Ou 'Monday ; evening last the several Theatres and places of amusement which have been dosed during the summer were ildinlopened i and the fall and winter sea son inntigurated by the nizmagas intro ducing entirely .orfw. companies of candi dates for the public favor. Asnsoal, Meat promises are behig made 1y the. progile torspf these places'of resort. With huge pouter's covering every - aVailable space, they are giving their customers assurance that e;straordlnary attractions will he:pre sented to thelttnotementioviiitebbe. The efforts so earner .y tilt e ilaripg the past month for repairing Pennsylvitlikt Avenue this fall, will evidently 'neve fruitless. The desire upon the part of el:Tura our citizens that the great thor ottglifore-:----whi9h,,it must be admitted, is not in a coiiiiitanieattitiVteo toi, proilloto an "era of good teeling"ddld bin g i tiip- . erl,yrepaired, so that during the corning session of 'Congress our rebel legislators might ride to and from the Capitol kith nothing to grate upon their feelings, I will not begratified at present. However uiv pleasant the situation may be,l theyi will doubtless have to accept it, and resignedly bump along over its limp surface the saint} nit frailly otbets of their fellok-iiiem beis for whom tare is manifelitcd ranch less solicitude. The f3chuetzenfest with its 4ijoynentS and excitements being over,. preparati ons of ail exteri.slie charactir are being act ive- ' ly inado by «ye several Seangerblinds of the city for a grand EiAligdiltil, •ilif6ll is to take place during the et:Acing see k St the commodious park of the Wastiagton Schetzen Verein., The invitations extend ed; to Op various singing , clubs .of the rteightiitring dies,, weunderstand, have been accepted; anti !Li. the flfit is to he continued for several days, attil 30,eral valuable' prizes awarded to thosel pro nounced the best singing clubli, we i may look fur another "big time" among our Gerinan friends, and another big eoiciump. tion l of sausage and lager. 1 131. • : 1 1 PROX OOLORADO. 1 1 I ,1 , nssvzs, Col., Sept, 4, 3 1074. • En. REronTErt—Dear Sir : "As you are much interested in what is of ri a: 'cultural Merest to the Counti7, I thou t a line or 4 two,all the Colorado Beetle wold riot be amiss. When or !lOW th4s pee:t„tibtained the , title " Colorado Potato 1 Bag" cr "Beetle," is perhaps beyond the k-nowl .edge•of marl. Certain it ,is, this Insect was, known long before Colorado Wis set tled.-Quite probably it took itsinarmi from the fae,t that its first serious ravagei were mane in Colorado,lp this country; it. is destructivelvartieubirli to the Ipoiptp 4 ,Mit' devours with equal greed thp ll6x.ydrA and, Sandlnirr, too--4limigreeable manlier ers ofthe ground. The bug deStroy4 large quantities •if potatoes some masons, but by being equallyactive with I m hi may be destroyed. The method is Ito ge over the ground las often as once in.ithree days, packing carefullyall found ammig the vines, and destroying all larvae on the un derside of leaf; this is a stib4aneeabout half the size of a mustard seed antrftearly the, same color. The task is not a)leavy one, and will readily clan the preinises. Our greateit pest is theiGtassliopper. He comes upon us when' we least expect him and no means have yet been discovered a expel him. Armies of them *4l light upon d griiti field of oats, in particiflar, and in an nerediblftlickt time trim it., They are annular in character, arid tisft pi Re two forms. When they appear in thP late summer and fall, should the stay be pro longed egg's are deposited in the ground, which remain over winter and ',halch by the millions in the spring , when they at once commence their - devastatiory and nearly all vegetation falls before Ahem. People find various means of saving spmething."_ Water is the most effPetive; tins ig run limn the land eopictislyovhich either tioatg theni dl' or otithp4fls them -to turh. Wet have been troubled with them the last two seaspns, yet, .we have sortie elry . fine crops. They spent mow fo be ,dying in great numbers, and may dis apar. Time Territory is considerably eiigaged juA, now in politics. Both jparties are working hard for success, with odds in favor of the Republican. Our canvass and elections are handsomely conducted. Our schools commence their fall termi in a week or so. They are 'as good as any in Pe nsylvabia. OUSF.iii•Ens , -----4.-44.1.-.---- i.; 1 AWAY DOWN EAST , 1 , ' We will close this series of lettere by giving sonic incidents of travel and anec dotes picked tip by tho way.' Our jour ney to New 1 ork and return, was made by:the Lehigh Valley R. R., and we say in aU sincerity that we have found no bet-. ter conducted road, nor'morel gentleman ly and obliging , employes en any line in the country. They study the any and comfort of 'their passengers, nd are lite and attentive to Ahem , . anti.. We in 'a -superb ,drawing-room_ car, through soine• of the finest scenery! in the werld. Tho next township I below Wy sanking is Standing Stone, named 'from a great stone' standing in the SiniquiAiamut River. It is by some sopposed that this huge stone became loosened , 1 frim the ropky cliff above, and tumblO down into the river . ; where it stands on,endi like a mammoth tombstone in the watev Now we are at Nyalusing. - About l a Mlle be low the depot, near the dwelling 44 Judge Stalford, !stands a nionuMent of grey stene, on the site of the MoraVian settle ment herb in 1765. A tOlir l or village,' consisting of eighty houses and a:church with a bell, were erected here: betbre the Revolution: The settlers j Fame from Bethlehem, on the Lehigh river;and were five weeks on the way through thei forest. The cars now go the same distance in five hpurs. Not a vestige of the. village now remains.l The spot is only marked by the gray monument.. I i . The rapidly flying aim do not afford us much • time 'to - make' observations' as we pass Laeeyville, Meshoppen,Llielioopany and .Tunkhannock, and find ,ourselves in the historic Vale of Wyoming, whore the pale lilies grow and the red rime is' bloom ing. Whore the birds warble on from the morn till the even, in the lovliest vale 'neath the blue vault of Heaven. 1 While we are ;passing through this region of surisasing' beauty and lovelinesA dotted everywhere with elegant mansions and comfortable homes, we reniembi3r that under the very car in which live ride L-u nder our, feet, everywhere lies the black diamonds—anthracite coal. IWe Are trav elling through a • country—Pittston and Wilkes-Barre—possessing every element of wealth, but beneath its soil lies great er wealth than all the gold Mines of Cali fornia. !, . . I I I Our road new is'acrosit the divide be tween the Susquehanna at Wilkes Barre, and the Lehigh at WiritehaVen. ithi• our left rises a mountain over ahonsandfeet shigh—. i . • ) 3 . One ot nature's storra•proof. ortrestes., , - By freidcurt's children troll i ' italestie, towerhig, craggy cliffs, 1 • The masonry of God. !. ' " ' Ansigiettidite the city , or*illtee %ire, ' warm infer the nionntathea bane several Wiest, then turning Ascend about 90 feet! • -, :the Mite up the mountain side.. When . lbw summit Wei see Spread out be-. lota us the gmitd panorama of the Wyo.. ;• , , valley like a illetitre( ' We see the r . . ' of Pittston,- Wyoming, _Wilices'ilar• rz u -.... , , Pi Plymouth , and Avondale ' _ _• , . y from our car. window. Then, Ziariftlyparaing the tion of Fairview on the summit, the traveler loses sight ofihe Susquehanna. While on the mountain a thunder storm overtook our train and as We dashed along among the clouds -the noise of the train 'Almost droWned the theliOarse — tbinider.7:-The spectacle -- is truly liablitOo4, _:_fi :;'l , -, -..1 •.. • :,. -.• - Ai ire 'near Whi tt en aver we lea -„ ve' the rtrotrntahr storm behind us and all is pleas ant; Here we a/wafr have a' gopd.nreal.. It is ark) of the fefy beet Ple , We find in our-ifiiieia-for PpieOd dinner; - Pas9ing down the Lehigh river *Vail nothing to describe Ind titre 4.0080 everlasting hills and the Lehigh, river between them. No room for farm, gardener, factory.- A rail read has been builtl on: each aide of the .river. AU else is .mountain. ,While on this rugged part of the road we were ,con- Vexing with a stranger;. he was a good story-tethi. ,r - and probably a Presbyterian. Attiong the' aYfetilOtes ,be related we give this as a speelidei* . _ ' - 1 " A „traveller overtdot a tountryman driving two yoke of oxen before' a Widest wagon. As he approached' the fanner he . overheard, him talking to his team thus:. 1 'Haw, Presbyterian I Go long Baptist; Pull you Methodist:' Keep up there Epis- . copelian I' The gentleman came up with the ox driver andrhiquired why he called his oxen such unusual names. "Squire,' " mid he, 'there is as much difference in oxen as in men.' It's their habits and; .WhlMsgives them their names. There's that rilei ox in the forrard team I calif 'Frestryterian t ho goes straight 'ahead to predestination ; and .monldn't turn out if the old boy 'stood in the' road. The one 'by his side I 6,ll o Mlithodist because 'ho goes along roaring arid bellowing and! trying to make believe he Oa* the whole; load - if he don't pull a pound. - 'Phis }'.pis- , copalian is a very particular ox; he wollt,, draw at all unless everything exactly suits, him; be is very apt.'-to.have a sore neck., I eap not depend on him for hard work.. And - flit'..Bsptist goes into the water all' over as noon ii its it offt. of the yoke, and. he Wont pot with any other ex in the team; - I feed him alone.' " 2 . We are at Mauch Chnuk.the "Ssfitier=. land, of America." Alitealthy city with no land to build t oft: You may here loot fallow to see the; top of the . moun , tains and theitOw. e - it up: - The great wealth of this p6ee is in mining coal . E though some manufacturing is done here:, We pass the city Of Allentown with its immense iron works, arriving at Easton, where we propose „Ito step at the ,United ' States' Hotel till nioriung. We could scarcely find a pli.4, to sleep,. the city be; ing full of Knighti:of Fythias. Here we met Sheriff Van Fleet and tife! D. C. Hollon and daughter, and Mrs. S.' Ste . - ' yens, friends from home. In the morning we climbed up College Hilt and met our old friend Mr. Filler, who'. very kindly_ showed us the colleo buildings. Pardell Hall is aheautiful tone building. The ar clriteeture . Is perfect; it is a magnificent structure; and is a credit to the college, to Easton and to' IV princely doper, Mr. Par, dee. ' ' - -I. : . From EttstoYi tfirkngit the State of Xew Jersey the Lehigh Yalley,Co. have built a new rciall kJ Nest York city, and now run on their own wad. kdil the way to the me tropolis. It is a Work of -great magni tude: One tunnel is very long and keeps us in 'darkness so 'eral" minutes. As we i ed appreaehed a city brakeman . opened the car doer and shoo ." all out for Eliza beth." -We sa* two' youtteg men go out but did not hear whether they found her • At New York w'_,e .took the Fall River steamer Bristol. 'she cost $1,509,009 and is one of the tinesi steamers a fl oat. Her mate is the Provid nce. They run on the Fall River line tween New York and Boston.' The tri ,is Made in the night.. Leaving N. Y. a sp. m., we go through Hell Gate before dark, and do not land till we reach Newport, R. I. As we passed off Point Judith the sea-was rough and',a few passengers w re obliged to torn out and come on dec and look over the rail iog: . While ia , were contemplating the tre mendous rise and 1141 of this mammoth steamer with the iglity (fates; we walked forward; where one sentinel stood on the look out, peering forward, and would and would turn round and report to the Pileit, "Sail on your starboard bow, sir." At a. l 4 _ , No*Pcst th storm was over and 411 - was calm and& . nt, FM} River, 31a54., was reached at 6 . iii: Herb ite,took the Old Colony R. R. I On the , Stay down to the Sea Shore at I Wood's : hole, we fornd a Yankee who told a story of liiinel Webster. Although it has been told Of we venture to repeat it. An aid-de camp bearing an - mportant message from the Governor of New York came to 31arsh 'field. As the young man approakhed the residettse of the great Statesman, lie came to a brookom Ole other :side of , nhiell Mr. Webster in file • itorking clothes wtis "trimming trees.• The following diatomic -. ensued: "Hell o old fellow, does Mr. Webster live inat house ?" `• Yes, sir, r_ that is his house. ' Is he at home? "He is on the farm, ir:" "How do you get, eter this brook* " "Some jump ; some wide: ' Say; covey; I'll , give you a shilling to m - , tile ores'." ' 01(1 Dan., f with his usual deliberation walked across. 1 the stream,- shouldered the young man, , .carried him safely over the streani ' and set _h im down, pocketed his shilling and I returned to his fwork. The young Mau went to the house where, with - extreme mortification he spoon met the great Sen ator in the-library: The land along the old colony R. R.,1 is low, Marshy, sandy and, I think, generally-poor. We believe fhe people generally of this region do not become very wealthy by fanning. Much better land can ibe found' farther west. i Fish here are excellent and - very cheap, :I Very many families along the coast living ; • by fishing. We saw here tanks of. white 1 sand which woreld .be of untold 'cline if ' we could have if here ; (in Pa.) ' Where it is it is worthless:. , . . This penhisulai portion of the State is' covered with 4'net work of railroads. l' A - gentleman on iiM cars said so many' roads were built, not because they were needeill or would pay, but because they could be'. so easily built. The . land .js • level. The i . steamer Island Home takes us from Wood's Hole to Oak Bluffs on Martha's Vineyard,l - our journey'send l -and here ends our let- - . , teter:, L J. A: (7: == "SHOWING Tall 001,0143." ,BnoTukii, AtvonO :—Knowing you, via a! : friend of fair dealing' on all questions, and as a friend and advocate of the cause! of -temperanee,l .venture to . pen a few line* suggested by your article with the abevei heading, in the Ils.rontEn of Sept. 2d. !! ! I think the present political iiimisa Can and Ought to he conducted in a gen-! tienutnly way, .and so far as Christians, have to do with it, in a -.(7hristian-spirit.!', You' and I will -- - probably agree that it would have been better for, the ear*: ofl timperttnee in fhb' State if a different, course had, been taken last year by the' Prohibitionists ; wo would most likelyrdif fer as to.the proper course this year ; !but., yeti cannot believe that Mr. Blackis actu-!, aced in his course, or those who thinkand! act with him, by motives so low andliiiiH worthy of men as those charged in year article. You say that "James Black, !'the! leading spirit of the Prohibition party in! this State, is officially reported as haying said. he did not expect the success of J the temperance ticket, and that his. only!Ob ject is the defeat of Hartranft and! 'Hui elevation to power of the Democraey.!". I am sorry that such a paper as yours shenild be soiled With .such words as that 1 and others in the same article. The stilled " officially -'reported " statement iilionld have been receiVed by you with several grains of allowance, or held over till the exact truth could have • been obtained! Mr. Black has since shoWn, by a letter-to • the . Times, where the ,report, was! first printed, that it !was not,torrect:- I ! very often !differ with . Mr. Black, and differ 1 . sharply,' but! believe, him utterly incapa ble ota low or can act,- He was a 11e7 • publican when it was abilost as unpopular as it is now to b l e a Prohibitionist. ! .! The animus ofthe matter you i have broached can given in a few worts. 'A man in Philadelphia, known_amongu . s "Father" Herige, because of his noble Work among - inebriates, has !for a few -years, Ritst published a monthly paper called -The Tempiranze Bolling. He pre" sentedbituaelf at the-PrOhibition, Conveu" Hon . Julie last and. desired to be adinit. ted, proclahnink. himself 'as a convert, to that psvrty. -• 11(1;mm admitted, and 'after!'" ' Wards placed oritho Executive ComMittee - of the, party. ~ When he . got back to ',this, City be changed ; hie Meiong., of. ow n' acctird,' front amitriztlily to 'a weekly,! and, swung but the Piohibition - buiner. .AleW week.s ago Mr. - I. N Pierce, 'of 1 1 4 ,410iiir , his ow ! tr responsibility. The ve Committee.' iof .the Prohibition paitYhasinteineto , 101);, _with and I fail-to l meet many who.. mix it *aka wise move/, in• view of the• fact thatexisting papershavile'stn*gle , LW to rive. But the - Bituairigl mart got, ,excited *lMktti the matter, and has made:, hiniself rWienlouli fit the . eyes of not a$ feW. Be got a Meeting th e Executire• Committee called , but meeting of. Wad.- ling himself sent a reporter the, Mut :then - Used hia paper tei seism . , prasent ll:flack.- I • • • do Upt expeet T ion to joiwthe Prohibi- Ition partylhis_year, but I have a right to• 'exPeet that you Will accord to men' who• do not lam with you hona4of purpue, however, much they may err in judgment ~.iiiycnir ,View of the case, I - accomit of a C.ouretttfoff br.lour county, Lyon refer to some remarlsehr*; Palen. llf Mr. Palen deli:minced' all tow perce; men who do not Jahr the,' Prohimi , tion parEY a 3 l'imeniies'of the tame r "' vie is Open to criticism • • • I • I , with you thit-AV have hosts of 'good ~ , n—some in both of the Old partfea,; and more in yours than intheethe!—wha. bonestli 'desire the. success of tft ennse of: temperance. Many of them regref.. the . new party movement, • and believe it mistake. Let, such say that frazdcly; and boldly, but let them avoid the imputation tor low and mean motiveS to ',men welt t I be very far above anything of the kind. 'There is nothing the, exV,•:- genees of a politlual campaign, even, that will justify that count: • • Yours with Milled,' • I • D. ncocx*.., '11.41111111C1t0,•Sept. 2, 1875. I : . A REPUBLICAN vietnty j in Ohio. this fall should be foll Owed up by a cOnstitntional•amendment effectuallY ptitting an end Aolthat dangerous -tampering with the lichoolsiwhich for several' years has been going On - in that State. The preSent 2 -IConstifte-, tion provides agiinst 'any division of the school fund, but leaVes lit open to, school boards to adopt.'tiny sectarian schools into the public system .w,bere it, may please a majority ofthe board. so to! do. Eiren such abuse shotrkft be guarded against. The,Schoolsaie• 11,6. sense reliaiouS',. institutionS.• ef• are not go dless Creed is taught in them , any'nicve . ' than a workshop is-gOdless beeause. its foraes and bellowsldo no clatter to ti e• time of some SacrAmelOdY anti the workmen are ;not compelled to utter pions ejacitlations betwOcn : ! whiles. There neirer,.•:was a Mine• impudent and absurd declaration i than I • that the free schools must ts..• ! • . • . either Sectarian or godless: If thi n ! 'Members of any denomination desire.. to instil into the mindS ofi_their eta: dren I the mysteries of their creed . ',. they have not, only the widest liberty. of doing this, but thelpulilic schools I undertake to relieve t h em of the. 'drudgery of teaching thir children• letters and seichee, so tha t, they, pray Concentrate ah their energies Upon ;religions instruction.' If any one `believes that the time aiV,en to Seen lar studies is too great , that; not ,suffiCient is left for instruction in the Creed and for the operation of 'Other ilreligions int:lances, let this, lie s the objeCtion, and the school I hours ; may ',be Shortened. - But there is neither . 'sincerity do sense hi' this agitation li against the godless free schools, and Iwe lope to seee it buried ;under Ia pOpulaf condonnationi that it "will 1 . !no snore plague the worthy beurO- craclv • - • TILE last volume oftliel invaluable ll Memoirs of' *Joirki ,[make!" mention. br various trips he. made to different parts of the country while he was President ota the United . On the 31st Of 11 he describes his departure Iron] Wash ington,L_ " proposing to p l ass thevF!, months ensuing in' 'retirement,. at I Quitiev• " It is about rant'? for the pi peN that object to Prefident going-- to Long Blanch' while yet malting frequent visits to I,,Vashin.g 7 ton land bciing in constant, telegraph h.• intereourSe with Ito attack theH memory of President- Jons (11:1NO" • • Amms, who really did not return to, • Washington until the 17th of Octo berl; having been - absent the better part of three months, l at a ,tiine when , there were no telegraphs Or railroads.' 1 • REV. Tuom.ts P. Hum.; widen kno,wn • as " Father fluty and foi; his 'life-long advocac iof tempera prineiples 7 is announced whin' 44 a number' of 11epnblic tt 'Teeting' s iii the i western part of this .§tate.doritig the [next two weeks.l . 1 lee is 41i (iii ., 6(4;11, public speaker. and will .no , dotibt glye i good reasons for deciiniiiu to support a thin t party ticket :f;q thelbenetit of the I entocrats. • . 1; , A L: 138 majoritSl of the lenio- , 1 gat cratic delegates east of the ! 1 1 rii•er ' , 0 i.,,ONKLIN i T oot u 'll „ .. voted for uciunnis:9oor but : the VIA fitid gone 'ortl; - ! that IIAI,II-.' ; .wr.4 must be the mar and CoNKr',IN 1 t Was sacrificed in ortlei to !make i r strength for - STORRS. L , ! , - . I. H. Court records of this count) :.' just now furnish a. strong argument in I thiror of PIOLLE'IIS financialabili• t'!-• ty.r His ,other-in-lii sainglijm to recover severald dollar • unjustly and corruptly withheld , fium j I her husband% estate:. •d • CIIARI.TON I Stroudsburg, Pa., ba l . for, St4te Senator byl i of Monroe county, WO, under an ag'• non - lin:Won will be (f , Pike and Carben esy!' years ago tic - standard- ; ' bearers of the Demoeraey-in -Bttiter prOnonneed frreenbae l k !. ren l ey tmeonstitutidnal.! - party is asking to have it issued in unlimited anionnts- ! ! ! !! IT is currently reported that i . tt eac Mr. STORRS should , be electo r i filicrilf ' a torlorn'hope+4 notorious, ettib-stotte . broker .pf - this borough tvii r rhe•til deputy, 1 1 ‘. 0 not vouch for the truth of the . •urricir. •f• Mu. Smuts, the Dem'icrattc eon( 1 7 date, has always be e en ti Dowel :at of • I , th bourbon stripe,) mi l d an ficklest liepkiblicap is his detestation. •;r . . (. ; • - j ! EVERY e"rnest, stpeere Republicap shOuld work from this time until the close of the polls im the 3d 0t . ,N0 I :• • • 1 ;. vember, for the ticket. ; ; , :• vEitY Republican should , tuke an honest pride in our g.tif' - and COunt • Tickets, and work for their success. • r: -• ,ONE effect of the s to send gold u EMI •••' BU I LINETT. • or 1 • I hen nomlnqteil Dernoerley' for 'the 4114 ,1 I een ent thFlt the l I pnei,irred in 1- Conv h*her. BME