iry* C . l) a 4113 y Silr..llorerilslng In all caaesesslutdre of antealp. Ilona to the piper. •' E •SPECIAL NOTICES Inserted at znrrera burrs per Ilne, for the IWO bottles, and art's Cara per Ilne for reboquent Insertion. • LACAL IZOTICES, same stre as reading mat ter, Tvraltri. • CENTS A LINE. ADVERTIMMENTS will be Inserted according to the following table of rates I • - to lam • era lyr. 1 1na.... 3 incite 10.00 DV 7s- " 4 4 = l . O O icolumtt... .245t00 60.00 ADMINISTRATORI3 and Executers Notices, 2.00; Auditor's notices, 12.50; Business Cards, are lines, (per year) $5.00, additional lines. $l.OO each. . terIYEARLY Advertisements am entitled tO guar y TRAVS I MNI" advertisements must be paid for IN ADVANCE. ALL Resolutions Of AssociatiMiS, CoMmunica tions of limited or individual interest, and notices of Marriages and Deaths, exceeding fire lines, are charged TEN CENTS PER LINE. - JOB PRINTING, of evely kind, la plain and fancy colors, Mine with, neatness and dispatch. Handblhs, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, Billbe,s4 Statements, Ike., of sveryvariety and style,minted at the shortest intim Tux StErOwsiti Ct6ee is well supplied with power presses, w good° assone meat or new type. and everything- in the Printing • •Ilne can be executed In the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TEEMS INVARIABLY CASH. 'Profusion/PI and:ltasizess Cartli. IT STREETER. LAW oFFicr.. EIM OVERTON IL-31ERCUR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. TOWANDA PA. Office over Montanyes Store. fray6lS. VA. OVERTON. t RODNEY 3IERCDR. QMITH dr, 31ONTANYE, Arra ki NETS AT LAW..-0111ce,, corner of Main and Pine St., opposite Dr. Formes Drug Store. W.H. r eARNOCIAAN, ATTOR : NET ArLAW Troy,, Pa. • Collections made and promptly remitted. • rfebls.6Btf. i W. PATRICK, ATTORNEY AT to xp • L reas A Ofice, TowandW. Ottlee—Mea, P. rcura dock , next door • jIVI7-73. DR. - 8.31. WOODBIJRN, Physi elan and Surgeon. (Mee over 0. A. 11lack's 'Crockery store. Towanda, May 1. 18721 r.. WOOD &:SANDERSON, ATTOBNEYS AT LAW, TowAxpi„ rA. AS. WOOD. rinay7.73 J NO. F. SANDERSON DRS. JOHNSON it NEWTON. Physicians' and Surgeoua. Wilco over- Dr. I',orter & S;ore, Towauda. Pa. T. B. JOHNSON, M. I/. D. N. NEWTON, M. D. jai:o l .7sff. _ • Ip . C. GRIPLEY.. ' ' -h, ' /ATTORNEY AT LAW. -- April ;1, 1873. TOWANDA, PA. FORGE TV.. BRINK, Justice of the Peace auk Conveyancer. Also Insurance I Agent, Leßayartlle, Pe. March 18-87. ' ' DO s D e r ,t o o N i ma p r E:T fo l uzd DENTt► On and afterlST: the ..legant new rooms on 2nd floor of Pr. Pratt's new eifilce on State Street. Busluesa solicited. Sept. 3-74tt. ivvr B. KELLY, DENTIST.—Office sorer M. Rosennehre, Towanda, Pa. Teeth inserted on Gold. Silver. Rubber. and Al umni= base. Teeth extracted withtiut pain. • (let. 3142. PEET & DAVIES. .1-rOWNEYS AT LAW, 111 . Enct7.11'S BLOCK April 1-74. - • ToWAN'DA, PA. WILT &• MAX'WE.LL, .ATToKNEYS & COUNSLORS-AT-LAW. 'mice mar Dayton's Store, Towanda. Pa. .3. AN DREW WILT, W 31. -31 WEL ('.lac he ennsulted to German.) atr'297s. - . T McPHERSON. ATTORNEY AND COt'NFELon AT LAW. Towanda Pa. t • ' Mee to Trace & Noble's New Block. Etnayl3. DR. C. NI. STANLY, DENTIST, Having removed his Dvntal office Into Tracy Nfoo'c's new block. over Kent & Watrons store. now prepared to do all kinds of dental work% has at.) put In a new gas apat'attn, maylB73. • EO. t. 3IYER. C. -E;. COUNTY Nut SP Rl ENOR.—Particular attention given to locating (Winded Office over Po-4 (Mier. • )- VIET T.H. THOMPSON. ATTORNEY . AT LAW, WYALI."!4 NG. PA. ' Will attend to all bu.ines:4 entrusted to his on' in Bradnird, ' • 4 11111 van and Wyoming Cnunlles. °Mee will E.q. ;Porter. • [novl9-71, VI F & 1 . 1 - ' " H PATTON, Agents for t:',47.).SN'ETTICET 511 - 117,%1. LIFE: CoMPA ICY. kttflce No. 3 (iritralt & l'attote. iClock, Bridge SO, March '24-74. ii)n .G. A. 1317511. .. 1 _ rAMPTOW.N. MCA IW+ l'A Treats (Thronlc Disease," Hew - ineth•xl%. May be , --rowsrated I,y hater.. - tangrel fAVERTON& ELSBREK, ATTOR- Nr.,Y : , AT ',ANT, ToWANDA, P.A. 'laving en .Wred into eo-parther,hip. ioffer their professional -en'it:cv to the public. Siwrial attention given to ousini,ss in the orphan's told Itegh.tere Court& tIyEIiTON: .Ih. faprl4.7o) N. C. ELSIIIIF.E. f i k 17 - . A 1 1 ',LTA CALIFF, ATTOttNEVS AT L Alr. y TOWANDA, PA. ' fu flat door south of the First • Nutioaal hank, up-stair'. 11..1. M A DILL. rjanA-731y) n S. itussELL':;4 1_.. , . . MIMED N (,`,E A I liNg EMI! ,T owv - - • x N EY AT 1..1W. Tow.%NteA, PA Ittv.,•-‘,.r112 Jan. I. 1875. 1 1 i rsI)F:RSIGNED. AIICIII- Tr. , "l" AND 1.14:1% wishes to inform ,itizens Tuwanda awl vicinity. that he will rarticalar attAntioll 1 , 1 di:11011g plans, designs in - Jation, 1,,r alt manner of N:11 1:111.1 r'ilr , tilllt•ndene► given for reas ,..1111K.1,:11111. 4)111,..• rt n•>teence N. E. serottgl and Elizabeth streets. Vox M I, Towanda, Pa. T . _ • .C. t3IXBEE. CARRIAGE t • i'A INT f'.l:. XXI) DEconATER. Also man : of.;'••; , in r enf Ilrnatneitixtl Glass Show eards., il tow ~--,•:,-1 of the RF:POJITEIt (Mire. im.'..•.1-75. . . _ . - --,-- T lIT 4, IV.,KINGSBUItY; • , 1: EAT. ESTATF- LIFE. Etta: & ACCIDEST, I S II :I.N A G N Office. corner , Main & State Sts < NsiltANE'E AGENCY Thelolnycing 1;1:I,IABLE AND FIRE TRIED C~an~ehiic~~Ce~~mm•nt~d ~N(>itittE. - PIi(ENI X. : .37ENCHANTS..- 0. A. BLARK )(inh Ps-;~~: 1. 4 1 II 4 1' NAT 1,0 NAL BANK • - twy ,TowANDA. ( * ANTAL: lU , Lt'S FUND Tlii , Bank offra CsIISCAI. FAC ILITITS for rankact ion of G E NEE AL BANKING BVSINESS \Tr. PAID ON DEPOSITS ACCORDING TO .•AGREENENT `l'l ,- 111. CARE GIVFN TO TUE COLLECTION OF \4 , TES :.:11 ('HECKS. Parties wishing f; - ) 5E!..:1.) MONEY to any part of .• 'United Stat.s. - Zngland, Ireland, Scotland, or the principal cities:and towns of Europe, can here draft.sicr that purpose. PASSAGE. TICKETS To or Ir o ns the Old Country. by plebe:A steattl or _uliug always on baud. A NI ILI L, VI:012y Ili UV :En AT izEDI:CED SLAVES; kigthest .ricp, paid for . 1. 1 . tionthi, Gold and Silver. Po %V ELL, • President. o* C T t: LITTLE. STORE 'HOUND 711 F. COAXER the hest place in Towanda to bny giad. CIGARS AND TOBACCO, ° at low niter. Remember . 11 EBOUH'S BLOCH. opixolte oourr HOUSE • Bt 1o! rat ``IIiDIA-15 SQUAW apr22:75, - 57. - 00Wo fi - LTO Lee - 10A - Tir MO I "WM 10.00 I 11.06 I IO.OD I MAO 14.00115:1 I 26.00 ISIAD m. 0054500 6500 I 76.00 ZZOO 30.00 I 60.00 8040 He Ls sitting by your hearth/dorms. With his sly. bewitching glance, Whlsplintof the coming morrow As the, social boars advance; Loitering, mid our calm reflections, Hiding forces of beauty nigh; - lies a smooth, deceitful fellow% This enchauter,'Briusd-By. You may hnow him by his winning. • By his careless, sportive air; By his sly, obtrusive presence t • That is straying everywhere; By tr ophies that he gathers . . Where his sombre victims Ile. For a bold, determined telicisr ' is this conqueror, By...and-By. - Towisiu; PA There cometh an end. The stern flat were spoken By the Lord of heaven and earth.; • • The grass-grown graves, the hearth-stones broken. The mingling or tears with our mirth, • The laughter find sighing that Wend— 'All whisper, there cometh an end. There cometh an and. A, widow lone, with her cruse of oil, Rope, happiness, fed from her breast: With never a pleasure tei lighten her toil— Wit li tierei a gleamlut of rest, Tearfully to her labois may bend With a sigh, repeating: There cometh an'eud. There comeilt All end. The titled Prince, with his wealth of gold., And stares and ham at Ms cointnand. Soon fades away as ",rt tale that Is told,"— As A name that IS'irritten In sand. ; And the Yew trees above him their whimpers send To all. as a warning, there mmeill an end. There contrth The daring youth, within whose soul The sltunbetting tires of genius burn. By mighty dettds may the world control. Or sway a realm by a finger's turn:. But e'en though a host hlacrown defend, To him, as In all. then , rarnmh an end. • There cometh au end. To prince and pauper. to peasant and king. TM., earth is iintight but a wayside Inn. We 'know not now - what the morrow map bring Whether peace and Joy, or surrowand riup But this we know : to toe and to 'friend— To all of earth—there eoineth an end. ME=I 4tN)rellagrotO. DAVID MOSS, ATTORNEY. think it ie Owen Mumleth Who says : 1 had, after a severe struggle With. poverty, : . caught at the skirts of the legal professiy.M. A sigu, with gilt letters, " David• Moss, Attorney and Solicitor at .Law," was tacked on my office door on Louisiana avenue. Within, a few dusty books, an empty desk and a dilapidated arm-chair pm: claimed by legal status. I had wait ed patiently for criminals and per `plexed 'debtors. to rush in and seek my advice, but they did'-"not rush well, and hope: deferred had nealiy made my heart sick. On the morn ing of December 21st, 1872, 1 sat disconsolately in my office, with my oVercoat buttoned up:-said overcoat answering in lieu of a fire,—and took a prospective' glance at my • affairi. finances stood two to five; that is, a five-cent nickel for a. . two-cent copper. The five ceMs.would buy a glass of beer, and the two - cents a pretzel. I 'smiled at My anticipated happiness; and'took an inventory of my waidrobe. - Like their owner, my coat -.llhl pants had evidently seen better days, for, although rusty and threadbare,- .they showed traces of their original color and texture. I commenced to ruminate on my con ditioii•and achieve plans for the fu ture. But all I could brin g to -aid were the words. of Horace Greeley : "Go west, and you are a liar " knew I was a liar, technically speak.; hig because my sign proclaimed me to be an attorney and solicitor at law, and yet I had not yet had a gle case to plead before the bar, al thonghl.was nominally a member: - To go west was to my fancy a literal burial of all my " . splendid possibili ties." I . knew I posSessed (what youncr m . an-4 there that does not think the sarne . ?):genius that would astonish the world if it could only find an outlet'or fin. inlet. Just as 'I !arrived at this point in my:reflections the door of my office swung softly on its hinges, and a man closely muf fled in winter apparel stood by my side.. •1 N.-CALIFF EN C Y I= TOWANDA. l'A $125,000. . 50.000. N. N. 8E.17, in." Cashier MI 8. W. ALVORD, PubHebei: VOLUME MM eecild ffitel% - Ttre's a little mischieNnaker • hat is stealinghalt our bliss. Sketching picture,' in a dreani-land That ire never seen In thiad Dashing from the lip the pleasires Of -the Present while we sigh; Von way know this ralschleflnaker, For his name is By-and*.: When 'the tittle of duty haunt tir.. And the present seems, to be , Ail the time thaieser mortals ; Snatch front dark eternity, Then a fairy band seems painting Picttures on a painted sky. For a cunning little artist it thelatry, By-and-By. Bpavil-By" the Nth:ells aingliik "hl-aed-By" the heart ?apnea: Hut the phantom Just above ea Ere we grafi!. never tiles. List not to the idle charmer, Scorn the very specious he— lm not believe of trust In This deceiver, By-and-By. - - TUNE 003011 AN END. LINA 311 NA. We but catch at the Alt - t” of .the Map. we would fir. And fall back ola the lap of false tkasilny . • "Are you a 3er, sir?" he said, with a - questioning glance of his steel grey eyes.i i • " That is my business," I returned cooly, stratlitening Myself to the full height of my five feet six. He Stalled at my manner, - slipped a live dollar bill to my hand, and said, blandly, " I have come for ad vice." - . This was coming to the point.T . thawed instantly, anti asked my client to be seated. He was. a middle-aged man tall and sinewy; with black hair 'sp arsely mixed with grey. His dress and manner proclaimed him a man of wealth. I , noticed this as he slowly seated himself. " Suppot,'n said lie, "you had in 6nly dang let, and She was obsti nately determined on marrying a man that yen despied—a man whom you knew to be a villain,—but ,bad no means of . preventing 'it!". "Is your daughter. of . age ? 1 asked. - "I did not say Ole was my dangh tei;young man vitt . jump • at con clamotifp—!no able ; la7er • accepts anything ri.t.hoizir proof., . . .. , 5 '4 5 .. 1 .4 1 :17•, • _;•.: . '''' - - -, • - • - rt , !. . "4 - " .; - ; • •, , --- ~ •••.". - • 1-- "* "4" , r" , - -..-, ,-,--- --4-- . ~. ~...., • • , . 4 , . —"C • / II 4..in4 11 44,,,h, ,it, ~4 a- fr 4' 4 -,,' . 4 , 1 1 ± ll' , • 1 c 4 - 4 ' " ~: '- • ,; ,'. • - - ': 1 . r . i ~ ( :'ref;i ' -, , t' ,, ' „ ':""r"; 1 :';e " -- 7 ' ! ".. : 1 3'. ''- : 1 1 . ''''' • 4 1 , . IF 4) 4' . ..11 1 Cq .4;1;4 - 1"i. "..? ; %1.." .; fl' •I• te''',.. t , 4 .....,-.......... - . '., I , •'• , • ~. • --- :‘ 1 4- • • • - i . 3 , - ..„,,- 1 1, i ; ~' ; ;l l .* ' 177 r- tt. , i:•'''' '" ' ' 7 0 it) - •'''. . . C- ' • : I • ' -7-1-1 / 4k .) ,".... • .... - 4'..r . '.3i ~ ....: '-, ' - 4 , .., .' ,' , : - - " •rr ~•,, _ - . ,r, ..: r.. _, , _ . li ' - • • - I 1 . , .4 ••••4 ..'” v : I. T ,,. ':: \ ( ' r'' f ' " 7 .7 7 ). • , •••-• 4 4 - .4 - . .ggP ' 4s. 4 -. . - ---7- ' 1, It .' 111 I N 1 ... 1 $ .1 . - :-' ; j l t 7" I 4 „0....., , i - 4 iirl ill . - 1 , i 11 : ' ,NIJ 111 . „ 1 I ` ..., , . 4 04. • . , ..., ) 1 i 111 , , II • '1 \ k k: k 1 'A k t 1 r . , , \..._ : . f-, , -- . $ 1, , 2 . .1.. -- - - * ' _, , .... . • g--- , 4 ,1,. ,71;1-;•.- -; -.,-,...... ....: 1 - , , ,i _ • ... - ..,-,• _ ........ ~.. _ ,---,.. - ....,.1 . -,,, . 1 . 1 , . . •,,,,,,.. ~,... ~, l't 7 :r- - .10 .... •i' :. I 7 ' : I •'• . f i I - ,4 41" : • ~L ' - . -•.- . : . ' - . . . • • ' : : I ' ' I ' : '. . .I ': ~:. ` • ' . '• ' ' - 1 . ' I felt that I bad snildenly Otainged places with hiM7 7 4IM he was the at twiny and I was the client; "bat tak ing no notice of his words, I repeat ed the.question with a variation. "Is she of age ?" ' " Yes," was the reply, "she is of age and as Obstinate as a mule." "Disinherit her," I sugmted. "Oh;" said he, with a •ugof hie shoulder, "I have tiled. everything. I have told her she should not have a penny of my Money ; I have kept her on , bread. and Water y:- •' hired go ernessei to watch her; in fact, I have left no atone unturned." "There remains , only ho Methods: incarcerate her in , an insane asyltnn, or put detectives on his track arid convict him of-some ignobli action," I said. - "Your Met suggestion is the best. But even if I shquld convict him of murder she would imagine 'that ,it was a conspiracy on my l part, and marry hini at the gallows. He remained in deep thought for several minutes, and then said : "Young man, I don't think your business is very lucrative ; how would yon like to change it for something more profitable ?" ;Change or starvation was evident ly a necessity with ma, sopf course I had no objection.a. to offer; in fact, any escape from naY present position was like a godsend to me. I impart ed my willingness to make any rea sonable • change. We • soon agreed upon teams which seemed tome more than liberal, and together concocted some plan to bring the young lady to aubmission. • 4k-, I had some compunction of con science, for two against one, and th at one of te weaker sex, seemed .hardly, ,fair; but the novelty and the mance, and the solid cash connected with it, reconciled me to the situation. CHAPTER 11.- Just as the sun from the west was gliding down the Capitol dome with the last gleams of departing day, the train frbra Baltimore came puffing in. It was Cfirismas Eve, .and the busy crowds were hurrying to their homes. Tiro days,before, David Moss, at torney and solicitor, seedy and threadbare, had left Washington for Baltimore. This evening the train brought hack 'David Moss elegantly attired, "gentleman." It is astonish ing how one's drem inererses their self-respect. No doubt yolonius thought of this when he said to dais son, ." Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, for thyapparel oft proclaims the man." What a change it had made in my feelings! A few days ago so des pondent, now: buoyed up 'by hope and my good - looks; I feltas happy as a, king. my mirror had told me the same flattering tale which it tells many a belle. My. ambrosial hicks were curled in style, my blonde mus tache was waxed to perfection, my. blue eyes sparkled, and my mannerly form was immersed in au elegant:suit of broadcloth. Besides all this, I had cultivated a becoming Pallor, for I had to play the role of invalid. A carriage was Baiting; 1 was assisted into it by obsequious footmen, and sank languidly .on the 'cushions. I was driven to an elegant mansion, met by my host, and almost carried to alrtxurious chamber. I was too fatigued: to - go,.down stairs that eve ning,lnit the amount of supper which I contrived to swallow, and the wine it took to wash it down, would , have astonished a restauranteur.' In the morning my head was so bad I took my coffee in ,bed. At dinner time I managed, with some assistance, to get to the dining-room, and for the first time met Kate Mars ton, the young lady. Whose earnest hopes I had come to overthrow. Af ter the first glance I began to think that perhaps old , Mr. Marston had made a grave _mistake in bringing me there. I never had an idt!; my busy life in college and my money at times afterwards, had allowed uo margin for dreams. But 'I am sure Kate Marston embodied. all the ele ments which would have composed my ideal if I had possessed one. She was small, a perfect brimette with glorious eyes, which might spar kle with love ,or hate; red lips and cheeks, lustrous blac hair, white shapely teeth,cand in fact, everything which is charming in woman. She treated me very kihdly, gently, be cause I, her father's friend, was on invalid. If I had been apparently strong and hearty - she would,,,have suspected her father's motives, and met every advance with rebuff: lie had brought several. eligible young men to his house,hut Kate had sent them about their business in anything . but a complimentary style. All the ladies who had been hired as com panions she bad won over to her cause: They abetted her in disobe dience, and were discharged in dis grace. It was planned that while drawing on her sympathy,.and seek ing kindly offices from her, I.should watch over her, keep With her as much l as I could, and - excite, if pos sible, ',the jealousy of her lover, and tempt him to some desperate action. I felt immediately that it would be a pleasant task, although had I been as I appeared, a young man of landed estate, I would have entered into it with greater zeal.. For a few days everything progressed, smoothly. Kate was asiduous in her attentions to my comfort. would lie on the sofa and she would read to me in her dulcet tones. I enjoyed this heartily' for she was really a good reader, and Tennyson or Byron from her lips was the sweetest music to me. When my head ached, and I often had severe spells with my head, how tenderly she.bathed 'it with those deft fingers of hers: I would have been content to live and bask in the sun shine of her presence forever, but obserVations showed me that there was a; necessity for action. Some times Kate would shut herself up in her room for an hour or two. Mewl while 11 1 on whom time alway s hung heaviii when she was absent, pl l eed my. chalk by , the window to view passers-by. Invariably I saw a man pacing up and down in front of the house..) He was of medium size, light complxon; blue grey eyes, long side-whiskers, a mixture between flaxen and brown; . most people Would have called him:ether good looking, TOWANDA ) BRADFOIO COUNTY;: :PA,,: THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBRR 16, 1871 but- a close observer of ; character would have noted the strangely shaped forehead and the gradura sinking in of the - features at the bridge of the nose. I was not, long io finding out that this was Kate's lover. I-caught him looking at me' with malignant scowl. With. Kate's re appearance he always disappearml. I was certain that they were keeping. up a correspondence, bat I never saw him receive any letters; I I now began to concoct plans to prevent this. I begged her as a great favor to help me in wring some lei ters which was a necessity for me tO write, but which, on account 'of my weakness, I was unable to do. I kept her for long hours writing -letter's about all sorts of things to imaginary people, which of course were nevft mailed._ I haVe some of them yet, care fblly put away in my writing desk.:, Then we took long rides, and she;helieving me to be a stranger the city, pointed out objects of iu j terest, and,answered the numerous questions which I Chose to ask. I think at those times she Must have thought me very stupid, and posse sed of very little information, b; shealways answered me with the, same unwearying With aJ her flrmne9s l and as her father termed it s obstinacy, there was; always in / her that gentleness and sweetness which characterizes the; true lady. I only sighed that she had, not.beitowed her love on some wor thy object—myself, for instance. Lribliily, I met no one who knew me as David Moss, attorney and solicitor ikt, law • but nearly always passed somewhere in our rides her lover, whom her father had told me was called Walter Reveaux. At such times Kate would - bow and smile, while - he returned a haugh ty nod, • which brought frightened, grieved, _looks into Kate's fair face. Then an 'mime desire would seize me to jump out of the carriage and give him the threshing he deserved, but discretion being the better part of- valor,'l would, on reflection, re main seated, and by playftil badinage endeavor to coax back Kate's smiles. had been at,Marston's house near ly a month, and had been treated as an honored guest by both master and mistress. The change in my life seemed almost as wonderful as the miracles wrought by the genii of Al ladin's lamp. I came slowly down stairs on this morning a little earlier than usual, and entered the dining room.4 I had expected to find no one there, and was astonished to see Kate kneeling before her pet canary weeping bitterly, and between her sobs saying, "Good-bye, Sweetheat," for so' Ole called the bird. I entered unobserved, so I slipped out again, closing,The door softly after me, de termined to closely watch affairs. came down late to breakfast s and found Kate' and , her father already seated. i There were no traces of agi tation about Kate ; there only seemed to be in added sweetness and gentle ness in her manner to her father. I complained of having passed a bad night and of feeling badly. kept my room 'most of the day, but within its presincts I raged furiously. To let her escape with that scoundrel .seemed to me would be to let the last of my life depart. No. I was de termined to prevent it at the cost of my life. The day wore away in slow, inter minable length. I did not tell, her father what I suspected, but prepared to keep my vigil alone. By lifo'clock the house was still and silent. I knew that Kate had gone to her roam, for I had heard light steps on the stairs some time before. I lowere&the gas, opened my door slightly, and prepar ed to listen to every sound. The town clock struck eleven, twelve, and one, before my patience was rewarded, then the creaking of \the stairs drew my attention. Look ;mg out'. I saw in the dim light a• dark robed 3 figure stealing down, then a clicking of the gate in a mo ,Ment. I followed out' thrdugh the gate, down to the end of the square, *here a closely covered carriage was waiting. I arrived just in time to hear Walter Revenues voice saying: " Kate, darling, I • knew you would come," when I took her by the arm and said : " Kate—Mis4 Marston, you should not do this mad thing. Return with me to your father." Then Reveattes voice in ,passion cried : , • . "How dare you interfere ? I will teach you better manners!" Before I could , avoid it, he raised a pistol and firedi I felt a dull pain in - my side; then ame a blank. 'CHAPTER 111. When I returned to consciousness I heard voices faintly whispering: " He cannot hist much longer; poor fellow." I had .n dim idea that the room was full of visitors, but I recognized no one ; then came another blank. I hid been badly wounded in the side, ahnost fatally, but careful nurs ing and a good constitution triumphed. After returning to - consciousness the second time I mended rapidly. I think whit helped me most was Kate's sweet face bending over me with a world of tenderness' in it. I conva lesced rapidly, and Kate and I soon resumed OW rides. One morning Mr. Marston snnimoned me to the library, and told me that I must appear , as a witness against Reveanx. This I did not wish to do, tbr fear that it might implicate Kate ; but Mr. Marston in slated, and the trial resulted in Mr. Iteveaux's being sent to the peniten tiary for three years. Kate manifested no feeling; her love seemed_ to have yielded to the force of circumstances. With Mr. Reveaux's sentence my work was , done I had gained the end tbr which I had been employed. I told Mr. Marston this, and thanked him for his kindnesa. "Do you really wish to lave ns, my boy ?" "No,", I replied ; "but I have porn plett4 my mission, and now there is nothing left for me to do. In leaving you I leave everything; and go forth into the world more desolate than I came." , "But. - why not stay? I have prop 7 erty whickneeda care. T :pan And identy, for you to do." REGARD rif3 ;OF. DEATIMCL&TIOLFROiIf • Aid" QtrAßti.R. c. i "Can 'you not see that it s mad nom fot me to stor? I haTe - cMly re lieved you Hof one' trouble to drag yPA into" ."another. I came hear heart wholc; I shall go away leaving My heart behind- me._ I - would not have been presumtutils' enough to have told you of this had you not forced me to explain its, you gee tie only course_ open to me is -to go. You have only.escaped one danger to encounter another." What a kind, benignant exprisskin came into the old gentleman's eyes as he replied : " If Kate loves you, you can many her. I only ask •in my son-in-law sterling worth, and _I thieve that you possess that. I care ziotlor inoney, landed estates, oli t whether blue bloo d o r plebian flows • your veins." The want of It the fellow." I lost no time in finding Kate, and telling her the old, old story; when I had finished she4ooked np and said, " Can you - trust 'me now haQe been so very; very *icked." Trust her!. no angel 'from heaven would have seemed: purer, and so ti told her. Anybody looking into mr home to-day and- seeing my bonny, happy children, would know that, she had not belied that trust. • My sign, "David Moss, Attorney and Solicitor at Law," hangs . out once more in view of . the Capitol. It is not mow merely an empty sign, but a reality, and my practice is not only large, but lucrative. I have a . special penchant for unfledged attorneys, and do all that I can to throw practice in their way that they! may show of what stuff they lire made.—Baltimore Telegram. . Joseph Muldoon • had scarcely touched 'the mark when he informed the courkthatlic wad not only a poor ,orphan 'without a relative in the ;world, but that', he belonged in. Cana4 da:- • • " I can't help it if you, belong.i4 `Colorado," replied the court; "you 'shall have a fair trial, and truth and justice shall stand out here like freck4 les on a Chicago womnns nose. Are yon guilty ?" " I took a drop, 'sir." " Where did you drop from ?" " I mean that I sipped a little' brandy, sir, and it flew to my head." / " Joseph Muldoon, native of Cana -1 da, you've spoken truly," said his', The brandy flew yout bead, yOu flew .to an alley, and the! police flew to you. • It was a flying time. Do you make a practice of i drinking brandy ?" ' " No, sir- 7 I &ink 'whiskey asa general thing." ' Yes—um=-yes," mused his'llon- Or, asrlic Waked otei• at the griniiing Xtijah. ":Well, I'll sequester yoU." " Thanks, sir, .thanks." " I don't want any thanks. I said! I'd sequester you for, thirty days.', " I'm • greatly „obliged, eir and I'll go noW —right oIL" i " Sirl don't you know what se 4ueder‘ means. : exclaimed the court. "Yes, sir, and be in Canada in ten minuted." Bijah grinned. ' The clerk grinned. The reporter anxiously waited. . Mr. Joy let this man out," contin ued the court, as. he looked up from his papers, "'warn himthat he'll catch it if he ever comes within thirty-six miles of Detroit again."—Detroit Pree PAWS: Let all th4se who are troubled with weak nerves see to it that they abstain from all kinds of excitement. As to strengthening the nerves, it cannot be done by medicines. Peru vian bark, wine, minerals; sea-bathS, etc., do not strengthen. Those which excite, as spirituous liquors, cold wa-, ter in the form of bath, showers aid sponging, increase the weakness of the nerves by over-excitement. 'Only that which nourishes our body and its masses of nerves, only that strengthen the nerves. Nourishing, mild, digestible food -is what is re quired. Milk, on account of its re semblance to blood, is better than almost any other article of food, but unfortunately, it is apt to curdle on the stomach; this difficulty, might, however, be obviated by taking a very sm‘hll quantity at ; a time, and taking it with white bread. Naturally, it must be taken quite Often and with cream, which is the fat of the milk. The weaker nerves, the the more 'sleep the patient requires. Old people should be careful rot to , eat too:much-or too solid food at a time; rather let them eat little, and eat Often. They must avoid tough, sinewy, hard - food, and be careful not fO take too much nourishment, on account.of the enfeebled condition of their organs, which are not able to force much newly-formed blood thro' the body. 'Many old people eat too much, and thereby shorten their. lives. To eat in the evening, or just before going to bed, is very injurious. And to take a short nap just after dinner, lynig on the left,side, is very benefi cial. Old people, like infants, need to be kept warm, therefore we rec. ommend flannel undersdirts, woolen underclothes, warm bed-covers, and warm beds ; , well-warmed eating and sleeping rooms, dry and sunny habi tations. Warm baths, cleanliness of the skin in. general, by means of washing in warm water and rubbing, are of the utmost importance to keep up the action of the skin. Old people shoUld take a warm bath at least once a Week, flrsl cleans., ing the skin with soap, and then anointing with some fatty substance, as almond or the like. _They require more sleep ; they ,shoUld have spa cious, airy rooms, well, ventilated, ,and 'moderately warmed, and kept quiet.' They seould lie with the head more elevated. than younger people. As ariPoPlezy is ever to be guarded against by old, people, ? they should be carend 'about' tioang cold,inhaling gold or imPrire air; eating or drinking to excess, as well as for severe bodily and mental excitement. , r 4Bosroarinurdeser, in consequence of his pooThildtl4'.vanta his execution de» leyed. "16 to worth make* the man, A frAF'DEBER. TER NERVES. WHAT JOHN - WEELL'Y SAID, It passeth for an 'indisputable maxim, "Never attempt to ieprove a man when ,he is intoxicated with' drink." - Reproof, it pis said, is then thrownaammy, and call haie no good effect. / dare not sky so. • • i have seen a few eieur instances of the contrary. Take one: Many years ago; *sing by man in Moorlields; who was so drunk tie could baidly stand, I put- a paper into his hand: He looked at it, saidi - "A - WOrd Word' to a drankard,that is me, Sir, Sir ? lam knoir I am wrong—pray yet me talk a little with you?" He held nielmy the litind a fall half -bout, amid I beihmvehe got drunk no more. Clii beseech you, brethren, by the mercies of God, do not despise the poor drunkards ! Have compaasion on them ! Be instant - With , them in , season and •out of season I Let not. shame, or fea'r of - men prevent your pulling these brands out' of the burn ing. Many oftheni are self-condemned: But they despair; they have no holies of escap ing mit of it; they - sink into' it still deeper, because none. else hag any hope for them. Use no tobacco, unless prescribed by a' physidian. It is an uncleanly and unwlioleScime self-lndulgenee, and the more customary : - it-is, the more rcsolutely should you break off from every degree of that evil custom - . Uses no snuff, unless prescribed by a' physician. I suppose no other na tion in Europe is in such vile bon dage to this silly, nasty, dirty custom as the Irish are. But let Christians be in this bondage no longer. Assert . your liberty, and that at once; noth ing will be done by deg,rees. But just. now you may break loose, thro' Christ strengthening you. Touch no dram. It is liquid fire. It is a sure, though slow, poison, In Ireland, above all countries in the world, I would sacredly abstain from this, because the evil is So general. 1. Do you steadily watch against the world, the devil, yourself, your besetting sins? 2. Do you deny yourself every useless • pleasure of sense, imagina tion, honor ? Are yot temperate in all things? instance, ; do yOu use only that kind and that degree which is best fr:ir both. your body Ana soul ? • Do you see the necessity of this? • 3, !Do you eat no flesh suppers ? No late suppers ?' 4.- Do you eat no more at each meal than is necessary?, Are you not heavy and drowsy after, dinner? ' 5: Do you use only ,that kind, and that degree of drink !Which is best both for your body and soul ?' 6. you drink water ? why not Did you ever ? Why you leave it off? If not for health ] when will you begin again ? To-day ? Carefully to abstain from doing evil; in particular— ! J. Neither to buy nor sell anything at nll on the Lord's-Day. 2. To taste no spirituous liquor, nor dram of any kind, unless pre. scribed by a physician.! - , . 3. To use no needless self-indul gence, such as taking snuff or tobac co, unless prescribed by a pbysicihn. BAPTIZED BY MISTAKE. Some of our worthy eolored breth ren of the Baptist persuasion had a baptism down at the crefik last Sun day, and , the ceremony attracted a very 'large crowd of. people. Mrs. Pitman's colored servant girl was very tensions tote present, and, as it was not her Sunday out, she slip ped away from the house While the din ner was cooking, and went around in in her working.clOthes. Her interest was so intense that she !stoat close to the minister, who *as in the water, while the ceremony proceeded. AT ter six or seven had been dipped, the clergyman, filled with enthusiasm, seized her and pulled her into. the water. She resisted, but the minis ter imagined that . she was merely 'afraid of the.coldness Of the water, so before she could explain the situ ation he soused, her. She came up spluttering, and exclaimed : "What you iloin' ? - iLemme tell you!" r. But he exerted his strength, and sent her "ker-chuck" below the stir, lace again. She emerged, clawing the air wildly and shouting: 4 /'way from here! Don't . you Chuck me under again you nigger ! " • But the clergyman was inexorable, d he plunged , her under a tbird ime, and held her there for a minute o as to let it soak in nn 4 do her good. Then she came up and truck for the hore, and standing there, looked like a draggled mermaid cut in ebony, She shook her fist at the astonished astor, and shrieked : - - "Oh, Vll fix yciu I. I'll i bust the - head pff', you or'nary trash I sousin' the in dat. dare creek and ntarly ilrownded me; when pip knowedwell enough all de time dat X'se a Metho ist, and been crissened by dear dat's 1 1 , er betters, and knows adore 'bout religion den all . the laptisses list evershouted,youthis'ab e black scum! . t e til me got the rheunuttiz enough to tme crazyl Oh, I'll see what the law kin do for you! I'll have you !rested dis very day, or my name's not Johanna Johnson yon wolly headed heriin' I. You hear me ? ". Then Johanna went home ito re dress, and the ceremony proteeded. Miss Johnson is now*rsuaded that the Baptists-are not 47 better than agans. WHEN a man goes to aquiltik ban part/ about teatime, and sits demi on a Of wicking _with a darning needle in it, he think of more things Connected with darning in a minute than be can mention in two hours. A "cord[ minister, who was famed for his dryness iu the Pulpit, called on one of his aged hearers, and as usual partook .of cup of tea: lie remarked to. the gold Wife that her tea-pot ran very slowly. "Deed, ay," ono' the guid wife, it's like yerser; it has an unco bad delivery." • 1 • FonnwA - nnio, -- (Oar re . rterbefote dirmer):. "Beg pardon, my • bat coald'yeltr lordshiPkindiS OUP' me • giving me, a hint aa to what your .' iisp 'going .my in reply to the duke when his • • proposes your lord.; ship's ihealtht • Lordship : Row can I tell you wha lam going toasty un til I've heard wla the, duke layer.. Our , reporter :`" 041 I - • oblige our lord with whathis - is to ear,' ry. got it lam • pato. inch` I MI NOT 1 A J OSE TOWARD TB& IS --- ..1 . • . . A g ra n ger r froth WaiouPin county itep r iea into a local telegraph Office atNil*ocold the other day,, and isked for. the °Orator. . A slim looking in dividaal Or the pin-back order, !with out Mold lig up from: his instrument, info*ed im that he was the I '4 wire :. jerker." . - ' A' Well; said die granger, .1" iii - naraels . Je'sry Hogan, and you See,7-. the face is, niy old woman'st had another 041, and I want to dispatch, to Atint Nancy, in Zanesville." 1 : "1 7 'm fell, sir," said the operator. " Thelrate . iis, thirty and three, !Just write -. Your, message." , • - • The loolt on the granger's fae4 was one of Nwildernient. " Well,- 4 1 2 he Said, ''"yon See ,nry'leamin' aint--" "Oh, I:See... Can't write?" i_ ' "Ntt eximetly that, but Aunt 'bian eyls ee s are very-- well, I ,rekkon she conld r ad yourhandwritebetter'n Mine.", 1 - "All rig it, sir; in that case II Will send it by bur 'duplex," at the Same time leandibg the granger . the end of a wirec , "Tow,. all you have 0. do is to wra thiii wire around your hand' and "take . this in your' mouth," land he handed liim the end of the ground . wire.- i ' Thelgrariger wrapped the wire isev 7 , eral times Found his hand,and, leau= ing ovpr thp table; took' the. grOund wire in lii4 month, - when—hif. one hundred a'id fifty cups of Callainke battery we -it, through him like I hot,. grease! through a gridiron; and in just tWentyreight seconda by the dial Mr. IlOgaiq was monarch of air be surveyed. i NoW tha granger had been a i, ,= o'er, and. ha built hog pens and phint= e r 'cl corn ail his - life, ' and when! he bought boots he always got the worth Of his Ano4ey ; while the ope4tor Was an oPetator by birth, and' When last Se 11 was - counting railroad ties between Suinmit and Bridgeport and, feelingi in his - pocket for -$2O With: which to tate lessons : on the he n lth HILL—Oh/moo • Tribuni... , • 1 -i----4-•••..-.------ i 1 DISAMIni FLOWER POTS. 1 An experienced gardner, who grows hundreds oil thousands of pot plants wifhouti drainage, Writes to this effect in an exch ° n„ge: " The question of drainage Is of whether plants reqnire i it or not ; w all agree on that. lut the queStionl is in what way the water passes jfromi the . pot ; whether Nom the bottom or, Tether from the sies. t We who advocate that the prac ice of crocking pots is useless, claim : t at nine-tenths olf the escape of moisture , is from the Odes ; they who- practice 1 " bottom drainage," would signifyi by doing, that :'n their opinion the I es cape of ate is mainly from the bot i torn. It an • one wishes to decide this matter fur himself, let him take half a dozen glazed pots, sucl4 as water will not percolate through, Jet him knock ihe.whole bottom out if he will; an "drain " in the usual way with potsherds,charcoal or any thing else he thiks fit. Let him also take a half dozen of the ordi nary style oil flower pots. Fill these, up with the Slime soil as used for the glazed pots, but without drainage. Let theisaine sort of plant be grown in each lot, and under the same con ditions of temperature and moisture. Let hinal notthe result three weeks after the; e_x riment has been made, and if he des not find that the glazed Pots,lwith the bottom drain age, show indications of stagnant water inia grbater degree than these in the poroualpots, then all my.obger rations On this subject have gone for nothing.' If 11. am correct in this, does it !not emphatically prove that the escape of moisture is nearly en tirely from the sides of the pot and not from thb Nittotti and hence the futility ef growing potsherd in the bottom for drainage. i . LOND I N joirnals of the period isre discussing with soine warmth the V,al- tie of a new sbciety which has been for Med i t the! fashionable circles; of that citylfor Mitigating somewhat the burden - men b'earin furnishing expen siVe and I rstensive mourning, and this society has framed a code of laws; of Which thn following is a copy: I. That thoi putting on of mourn ing for any Olsen deceased be limit ed to bona fide mourners,-.i. e., very near relativest . ~ 2. That it e strongly recommend ed to• niem rs of this . society jto shorten the period dietfited by custom for wearOvi mourning, but that the exact period be left entirely optional.- , 3. That thri heavy. and extensive crape triamthigs on skirts of dre4es and on mantlr be disused, as tending to extraA,agai ce and ostentation. i 4. That the custom of wearing "c oru plimentary".mourning, viz., for e?n nections,klisttirit relatives, and friends, be I:Hada:Medi by members of this society.; ! 1 1- ! 5. That chidren under four years of age b 0 not put in .black clothrs, 1 and over Oat l oge. only on the death of parents,hrse wants dent has thers, or sisters. 1 6. That, s of 'a household where . aoccurred lie not. i ii put into inouining. ~ • 'I. That the use of mourning sta tionery be in no case deemed -essen tial, and! . tha its entire . disuse . be recommended to•members. . 1 8. That it be ' optional with 411 l member:3i on i the' death of Mends; connections, otr 4istant relatives, to wear as ri tot:pi of respect a band of crape on the nrrn or hat in the ease of Men 4ndin the case of women a black sish 7- o'r.searf over one • shot- (lei and 9. Tip cable at and ehill ••Tkorti lug into a other day. the big killed 2" a one," tejilieil the other. "Site went at one end andicent off at the other, Ist ag usual."' • -• YoustwrVai being required to wilts a COmpositkin upon some. portion of the hit-, mita body,l selegted i Ahat which unites the heath" tho body, and expounded as fal-' lows :. ;throat is convenient. to have, (lapel:1211y to roosters and ministers. itirtner esti Co* and crows with It; LNG latter- .weichesthroagh Ids'n, and tho ' tiffs it tip. This isyretty - mack 4i 1 4:7 1 L tuft s6o4t ' • M=l S 2 per•Annuin in Advance. =I • • - .. . ;...--, , • It was Hamlet who expressed a prefer enco foithe 'lily , to ills We knownot of," or words to that elect and Hamlet either was'or pretended to be Insane'. The Idea tha; there is any , more . annoying toiMent possible thatOhe' frequent fly affords, is an unsound n'tat'nm,!it sign of a very thick skin or a merr • thiek head,. But setting aside for 'the , throe ' the direct discomfort that the creature *Corks, For mall, 'it is in tersting and instructive toe, to see the seriously injurien' s „ effect 1 that its indirect Influence seems t o Have npon the . world's industry. - There" are; itt round ; numbers 83,000,000 cows, lt i i txen, horses and the like in this country, which Al- abort ten hours a day during - fly-title keep their!taiht in almost constan nitdion. Hit is no exagger ation to estimate, that:they swing them at least ten times if fminute with a force equal at each swing to raising one pound afoot: That is,•their tailiforee is ten foot pounds' a ruitint4;, One. r iorse power is thirty-three thointand foot:pounds in a minute, so thirti:threel liinulred cattle would exert ultit their) tails : one-horse power. and all these ; creatures in the . .country. would p 1.4 forth upon the tly the : aggregate force or ten-thousand horse. power. Now theentire force ! of all the i engines and_ the 1 titeain water wheels in 1 country, - used - h he ' inanufacture of i steam 'engines .. anti.; boil;n4, is less than ' twelve thousand.] one p l ower. ' That is the force wasted by our domestic animals in waving tails to keep the fly away is al most sufficient, if rightly applied, to make all the motile triaellinery In the laud. • 1 It is an enerniona power to 'throw away upon so small a thin as the b fly; but so it l appetts, and untll, - somebody invents a machine for catching and transferring this fdrce, it will icentinue through the day-light e of the fIY, seasmt, Sundays and all, to be so 'waStPd. Could the tIY be abolished, or trained', and the thirty-three million tails kept q.tlet, the theory of the c.. c , correlation of for a will show us how vast the saving of food and consequent relative extension, .f t our, pasture lands Would be. Each lourish - consumes so much force which must be made up by food, and to stop th`e; ffourishwould be to step that particularidentand ' What especial good the fly does remains to he found out,. and the lutilitarian will hardly consider the creature worth the ,sacrifice of ten 009s:1nd-horse power of everyenergy moment of two months of each year. It is tare moralist, rather than the utilitarian, to ,whom the insect's vir tue'S are revealed:, I The bald head is its favorite race course! and tile face of ' the f , - .1— sleeper is its frequeatrestipg place. It is perpetually tomblinginto food, and every dish in summer teems with the remains of the fallen. In milk, in' water, ,in molas:. ses, in soup and in #ravy,—,-in everything, the dead fly turns up with the reg,nlarity ,of meal time. It it; an umneastirable I an noyance, and in its vexatiOns arc the vir tues of its being... 1t is ale a lmison and ; warning. Every misfortune of the fly, every disagreeable end anneyinf; feat that it performs, comes from HS I folly. It was not made to insult the hold or to overrun the sleepy, or to ve4 - . tic lilfes of 30,000, - .:. 000 cattle. - Those alieuld be only the sidO i the creature of its career but the creature is , cursed by nature. It its born grown up, all flies are of'; the .isaine.stze, and there are no yoang or old and being thus crest = ed the thing is a f9ol. It has .no child hood, no experience, no parental instruc r ; tion. It does not know what to do, and• so is always wrong.l : It 'is ti, moving mon ument of the need o'f' intelligence; -it also calls for wire-screened;,windows and net ted doors.—Hortfoiq Ootirrt. i _._._.......0eq0*-- -- I . ILISHOP SIMPBOVILLITt ,SAVED BY - PUlt.B. . .I remember once ferenee at Mt. Ve which I was presen , ißishOp Jayne was presiding on- one afternol i M, and after reading a dispatc stating that Bishop Simpson was dyin,, i in Pittsburg, asked that conference unite 1, in prayer that lus life might be saved. I We knelt down, and Mr. Taylor, AO - great street preacher of California„ led in , one of his beautiful prayers. After , thelfirSt few, sentences; in which I joined with my wlnile heart, my mind seemed to be at ease, and I did not I pay much attention . t o the rest of the', prayer, .only to notice its' beauty.. Whetie, we arose from our -knees,. I turned to a brother and said, ‘l. Bishop Simpson will not die; I feel then. told him hoW the feeling had come over nie, and he as-, sured me that he !had. ekyerienced the same impression. 'rho' word was passed around,_ and over thirty ministers, whO were present, said they had the same feel ing. I took my boil& and made a note of the hour and circumstance. Several., mouths afterward. I!met Bishop Simpson' and asked•hini what ho did to recover his, health. He answred that he !did not • know, •bnt ; that.the •Fohysici4 said it was a miracle: He said that one 'afternoon,. when at the point of death, the doctor left him,• saying that lid should be left alone for a half. hour. - At the end of that time the doctor returned; and immediately no ticed.a great change 'in the patient. 'Ae was Startled, and asked the'', family what they had done for be. Bishop; they said nothing at all. That half botir, I found, by making allowance for diftetence in lo calities, was just the time when we were praying for him , it.' ernon. Froni that.time on he steadily unproved, and has lived to bless the Church and human ity. • If the Lord could , touch the vitality in one djrection, he 'could in another: Bishop . Simpson's case, And ten thousand others, are living examples of that to-day. God 'does answer' prayer for physical good. I know A ' , diva. On . the God who has, se often aMmered my prayers, I Will still rely, seientifin i men and philoso phers to the contrary; not - Withstanding. Amen;± &tract frost 4'-Seripeon by Bish op Botitian. .at. • ule be appli lt servants A LASSIE wrote taken a fancy to, " the John, came John wasn't t ly explained that he place. • Tm happiest moments in a woman's life aro wherrshe is making her weddirig garments; the saddest, When her husbiut` d comes.home late at, night aid yells to her from the _front steps to throw him Out sotne key holes, assorted sizes. PETER Coopei, & Mississippi, set a srbirvin to shoot ;a eldcken thief, but killed the wrong man. ; Peter was not ar, . rested, because he happened' to, belthe wrong man, and itiC &Win' expenses amounted to mere than an his chickens were worth. • ; I I - Malt y litf- station t i e train's goneff killed.! many traders. "*t 'N (NEER 15. OH TSE s SIT When there was a eon ' ion, in this State, at , a young man she had Come and meet me is ," and when the time ere. He subsequent. amid n't find such a NOTESMITHE.INVIENATIONAL 1 1 .,; . - • FaXglai - .•' ••• 1 ' ,:, .. SEPTEMBER:I4 !stk . , _ s.,lroicii zlisi Is finzioesszlillot4..% xiii:l4 ----11..., • , 1. THIRD QUADTER< AO. Xl], - I I. IThe I;p6x, of this iiiir#* wasBBeth a ny, a 'village about two mileis; east - of Jernsa lem (v..itl) - There waelattother,Bethaay Penes, where • Jestui twas admitting . the riiemage from ';Ble sisters reach him