Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 26, 1875, Image 2

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    .•I- . . , ,
, .
Dv icr.! l front Syria -report the cholera
I ;it ing.
° `_f~F:!~F:i:\t. SitEntlMN is at Salt Lake
_ •
in a vcr,y marked faliitig off iu
eigti emmigration this year.
Fall River operatives have decided
i..coatinire their strike. f
tr is rumored that Mrc. Tiltou is pre
tfillg another statement. ;-
jf QIN 11111(111T denies that the is writing
H meinoirs.
IZ - otEIIT DALE Ou'EN never refers to
in his nvVings.
tirr. ,, ztt...3huttiv and Sankey. the Amer
it-An evangt•ii=ts..aryiri-41 at_ New York on
urday: - • •
Spauish Govtfrnment will soon send
i. , yal onntnis7-h - os.ei t ,, the Centennial
.T 1 fainikr Caine front some
10ec nearirta. the'ltaliatt .side tut" the
- .10 , EL PA 7:h En. the eminent juriNt
C;oninill.,-i% the 17th.
to present a cheerful
: Inc business- affairs:A:6ld 1411% ; fitir try
from her depression.'
NATI ,, NAL Lank art" hereafter to
printed On the same peculiar paper
0..,1 for United States in ites. ' -
'IIELEOATES from fifty iFrench rommer
corporations and trade unions will
the Centenniiil. Exhibition,
the the : Labrador ii-ping
euwg :aue• returning with gloomy re
is of eatehe. , s in thoe quarters.
ftos. J. it WELLER. ex-Governor of
'.ilif9rnia. died at -New Orleans on Thurs.-
moming. aged
riir.DERl( K P. SAWYER. extensively en
-4e(l in mail contracts for Texas, flied
residence in.'.Georretchrti Friday.
?; t.rAnt) TArt. , w.':ltas returned from his
t'•• the 1:11 - 41/ Pp.krinees back to. his
!;(` iv liciaitf.lSzare. (lesicr
I: ;nt oN s ,. the German minis
has been absent it/ Enrope for
In ,, nti•,-. has returned tt. Washing-
+ , N1 , 1-1:1111:1 i,
erect, that loik kwf
I• • •• 71•,• v tell-4 of the
THE of )1;I:
~f 10,74:1. and third city
Ile'zqate. Tliezr , r.vtll in tire years
• I”.:en g. 551.
Iclurne, the
Icl'reary :;4;.139
T 1,.• II.,1 1 ; ( .. 1% ill .t.tml.:_l)etn;fcrats,
SIMI - T - 1, I; ;No.‘r.r.. deltic,. the
lecnt that 110 atiVlidPd dn. Ito , s
Ill , ' Girard. 11q11 , 4% tlu WiTk: a
;'"111,41 in a liw;tl
a I y /Wing. The
!otlation fif ;or c•ountips etxhidit an in_
~f "i" :•••ince the
.i 1:.• ding the
~;. Nia•eara ; and the wo , tern
••/ - New York.
LLow IVEM):- family. - the IJt her
/1 1) ! , 1$:,f sot,fie h(ill'tinlC!..,
them all ,iek. ltit;t: 4•rum
-1....1•LC1 ;:NT , are all the g. • r
lion .it i•• a lomine--; man of :Brack
who wife' and two
Fit .t:.• N.•%‘ , l.aper -Itcpf,:qter
th , • anta.tini . .na•ilt that the NCR'
'ak k ut ti, change. hands.
Yr.T: f.tiluil•s up (.14 , nu.,
. :11141 'tt•ii (Mlai .4: a
• k•tt,•:- ttinn n,call 1.11,,w., by at„
-1;I:(111 N IS r a rd)
;1 11,1 t.; haft altyriql his
11,1 1 111.1... fL m•st btHAZ 1 wrote
. thi ; Baltinimv
~t — a s the
..,lidi.lan• • 1/11.•1' of
Li rt land. .1 ~.,,1 ueuiivati3flt.
it • ; I ,_
that lie will i•. , - , aperatt, in all ways
tenil - 1, make the rrnti•nnial
'..C;tk•n .1 . •
1 ,
.. s
k • t • •
t.• spend aNI vek twti in
i , t in the active canvass now
. ,
that l'res,
1/1- grant is iv•t a c•apditlate for re-elt.c
old that. lie It - mild lot accept
in if:it 7.N-i•re i.trt•riql
\11:-; \1 2 7 - 1:11W JOHN , . WILIOSC life was
I 01.• kit•od: and grief
'l..lulden death, of her 11,11.-
!;51. t•P recurering.
1 •
1. (•. 1'1.'1% 1 1.1.. th” Salt SuppriitiendOt
.. .vt.n.ii,r, think
. Ia• tau'tlisprove all
. . lingo , lli,iilt. 'A - : . • . ;1111.,t . lam.. Ile has
..i ~i t4.4l' t_o_itp 1
iwar .(•I*.q.e. the t;overnor.
1 ll11:.)1C(1 ill' 01110 that_Gov. Allen
‘Nitl; frion the canvass in that
..n the 'plea Of ill health. Seared
1 , 11 , 1 , a1t1y. at the prw.:p e ct of defeat,
Synt.ll',.• indignant that
1' rlc DI:1111.era ic journals should
the eltoiee of any but a New
.:., , r• for so ion! , as ('ox is
I;ruolilyn'N dO,f - has in
r.o•tqf 100.0011. to' t - c-12.(Kif),(10t1,
..ity ecunotnically, and
, •! . t it2;111.t:,II I.y the Ih..ini)cracy.. i•;fill
1 I . thy •Arm•ri,:itt institute buildings,
y, , r 1 ;.• 1:2,1)(1 . f v o nf shafting Lave
f.:11 f 'l:oltineky. and a large
4 , f :tre preparing, fur the
RI P of S. C.,
1 f embezzling State funds, was re
-1 truth pri- , nlifCliarlestmi last week
Stati'.. it j:- loped
i“ rt•turn.
!:111.'1:N , 11.1 N e loteil 11late to tilt' State
;ilihmlllS ref. - 'iced under Vie new
-11-e law in 10•2-toW11 , ; in 31assaelmsetts.
total is the aniount re
- d from'llostim ::.:: - e2.643.75.
r , -eight :nid passenger agents of
roads. leading from
the river points. de
',al ni IVednestlay to. discontinue the
a :.
.\ tariff fixed. and peace pre
; fin: injurik I3ooth who was
uted Lc the nutniteg — aw4 of his car
:-‘e team me not so dangerous as re
ted. and he will be able' to fulfill his
le:111e 64' the 6'lllllllg win_
Eit is not sittistied with
're'idenrs decision. tlot to order a
wt t iitl orliis case. Ills next appeal
- he to o.4ngr e t - ..P. Ills fat Tammany
1'1 ; 11t: mit satisfy him.
it new - Cialifornia ('ompa
. is said tt havtr genuine intentions of
ine's. It is said that construction Ai
- ;Ain he 4 4,,,„( q , f Plieti in:Eastern and
stern eitfe".
Wc , tr` Ilvant,h ) .,eanip meeting was
4: 1 41-at Wa)lit: ('amj. near ' Lock Ha.
1 ., t , e/i. to continue teu days.
.!n hundred tcutshave alreatVltteen ta
,,. Thi, ..proini,c s to Lc Otte Of the.
I rneetings yet held.
'l4icago -T; - ,.t;•. , - special from ;:ales_.
111.. says that .leffersoti_ Davis has
pled au in% itati,,n front the Knox
-only : Ig - tiro - it:nal Soviety to deliver
Enoxvil!o Ur' next
rut: ni pa t h-van, of l'enirsyi‘ania v. ill
1.1, ' , till - - in mind the important fact
cainp:ii-n:of this yiiar really be
to that lornext yvai: and that the
7, V. ; y to Prtr‘ vitt tin Democratic party
Own i, ti defeat it, thor
hily now. L •
-; 1;11: )14 /1.1 . L1 . ‘
. I ,rint,lllsl "1 . : t 1 t . 111111111 . :111 lictory in
r:- intereSt in the can
-. i- de, per than has been
f 4.1 years. ttnil :r i a. heavy
, will he 1 , he thinks. will
the -.114.4 4 ~t * tl/•• 1:111111Plie:1-. ,
Si" it-IL:tit Id '4": "Mr.
i-.a i.VOI). t who luel reduced
„r dignity and coin
-hart:e-t politit-al fence
•;fletliing lit• itt txact
r ty want, ti , be
I•e.tt4•l; I , t ear. it 'can't do-bet-
Fr i .. Pr, thinks - that if thc
n:ocraey of New Yolk 'press 31r. Cux
-'e S . pi:arerslnii they, will lose all
e of hal;ing My. Tilden nominated
the Pre;idency lie now, it ?qtyii, is
-ad of all eornpetitor..and by attenipt
to s7it on two chairs the Democracy of
w York may fall lictween, -
Xvidford ottu
E. 0. - GoOOKICH., S. W. ALtORD.
Towanda, Ps., Thnrs r Mgt 28; 1875.
Vr_ Of Erie. Cotu2ty.
Th.. Itepubllean County Committee mei at the
Ward ilonm. on Thursday; July Ist,•and appointed
the Vlgltaner Committee/1(0r the several townships
aml lerroughi In the county. It im unanimously
ALA-4 , 4. That the County Convention this year
j . he held on TITESDAT. AUdUST 31ST, atlio'cloek
r. At.. at the Court House, Towanda. _
I That we recommend the Itepablicans
or tit- several ejection districts to take such action
a , they shall deem best at the • pritnat7 meetings la
regard to the adoption of the "Crawford:County
-Splent In qbfr. nomination of eandidatesand la
cr•-ailog the nutnher of standing committees
Re.../ -.4. That meetings for the election of dele
gate?' be held on Saturday, August 1S; in the town
shipl. between the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock P. 31.,
and In boroughs between the hoursof Sand S o'clock
r. is.. and that delegates be elected by What. The
pollsr,hall be kept open continuously from the first hour until after the expiration of the time
Candidate: I'm. t ite.f,lllowing offices are to be nom
One per-on for Prothonotary.
One iwr,Lon for Sheriff.
One per.on for Register and Recorder. .;
One te.n.rut ft 4 Treasurer. 1
Two Twison , for County Commissioners.
Two per...noi for County Auditors. !
One por.mi for County Coroner. . i
It I : : earne.tly recommended that the utmost care
and caution Im• otmerved In conducting , the primary
na,•••tirtr,<, .o that there need be no Just iitge for
eoznpiatnt on the part of any.
Thwe42lp—Franle Weller, J. F. Oven
.T. Jl. liy.s-er. , -
A th••n+ T. Hull. C. 'Hinton. A. V. Spald-
. -
.t rcii--f'. IVebler; D. Sherman: George
Alhany-1. Ile , ted. A. Hereon C. Corbin.
A .rtnm-,l'. E. A mot. E. re!hosh. £red. Renick.
AIM; Bon —lrad Geo.Webb.Dr:Monker.
Ilaremy—John Ditchburn, Tlll4.
Burlington Trep—,C. Bellnap, Alex. LatVe, Robt.
n , —W. 11. P. Green, Juhri Rice, G
P. Tra , y.
itortinvon w...t.-,Jolm Blackwell, S. R. Stiles,
J. It. MeKeart.
canton Twp—lynt. Lawrence, C. B. Tay/Or, I.
Canton It —John Sicibling, ThOmas, G.
commi,e,—.\. 31. Cornell, 0. M. Card) Dewitt
Wolf. 1
Franklin—James C'. Illdn - ay. F. F. Fareblid,
Sterne 3leKee.
• . Saxton. 1.. - D. Taylor, II: Raney.
Herrick—Wm. Nc,1411. John Wbodbur* James
Litchtteld—W. 11. (Innen J. F. Strube, C.
31. 1 1Inleninb,;L. 'Bowman.
—J. J. Gorhatit, J. I'. Carl, James H.
Johremn. I -
Monn, 1, 7 -1. W. Irvine, W. It. Hawes. J. L.
Monroe Bon.—D. J. Sweet: B. B. liollyt. J. G.
Orwell-11. 1.. Ca. , e, Geo. 'Ci - ,r1,1n, .loserli Tuttle.
oyerv,,,—Tohn Mottbews:,, , Chas. 31ulyrteux, 0.,
Chase. 1
Pike—C. W. Reynoh.l::, !S , -. -P.. Tupper; C..ll.CramLal. •
1114gouryz-F.. --- A. Cooper) G. M. Owen. E.
it..rxwith. •
Tn - p—W. W. 31nolly. 11..3.1cea),e, 1. J.
Rollie fora-A. P. Young, Isaac ABen, Mont
7,outery Browning.
Springfiel,l-laules E. Yertes, I. Burget.s, W. A.
- Brown.
t h —A. O. Tracy. E. 0, Dm - fey, 13. B.Ger
I sonch treek— z 4 -. C. Thompson. Ira Crane, G. 0.
vlvania—E. 0. Tracy. Leroy Scoutou, T. 11.
She,henutn-1. L. Young. E. Watkins, If. Horton.
Standing Stone—A. Taylor, M. E. Reed, Nelson
Tetry—W. T. Horton. Charles Thomnstln J. M.
Ruffles. • .
Towanda Boro. I,t Warl—J. Stone-
Man. Gen. Meeane. -
Towanda Born. 2,1 Wand—T. C. F. Tay
e. 31. 3latmllle.
Touandalioro. ad Ward—W. S. Nellie:, 11. A.
Chamberlain. Iraverly,
Towanda Ticp—E. NV: Hate. J.. 1. Srmllle. G. D.
Tear Mare .
:Md.( North—Jas. Foster, G. B. 11111. s. W. A.
They Twp—C . . Manley. L. Ballard. Wrni Shim
Troy noro -.- A . S. Newman. John (:rant; E. l'om
Tie•em - ora—.3l. S. ('ulcer. Wm. Christlan, S.
nought. '
Lex-knot-4. John Dixon, S, nosey.
Ingham, 31. 'T. Slottery. C. S.
Warren—lt. 110Weii, Will. 31U1C11 0, t.7. .1.
Windham—Win. 11. t•Mrlt. .lamb Miller. Georg,.
WvaluAng—Dr. hornet, .1. i. Tayliir. It. T.
Strunk. t
(*. 'Myer. 31.11.-:* Shores'. th-o.Whod
Well , —Wade Itear9,lry. A. Judson, Thhs. )taker.
Is the day appointed for the elec
tion of delegates to the County Con
vention. It is hardly necessary for
us to say that Upon the action of,Re
publicins at these primaries depends
largely the welfare of the party in
the approaching Contest. If the &le- .
gate meetings are fully attended,
delegates i will be chosen who will
fairly represent .the wishes Of the
party.. f !;-
The Alabama State Jou r;ial:speaks
with understanding and perception
I when it says that, "Notwithstanding
Democratic abuse and vituperation,
there is no man sounder on thle finan
cial issues of the 'day thane President
GRANT. He comprehends the situa
tion thorougldy, and his poliCy has
received the unqUalified apprpval of
the National Illepublicair organiza
tion. With few_ exceptions the. Re
publican . leaders . .stand sqlutrely to-
*ether with the President, an there
can be no doubt that the National
Convention next year will frame .its
platform •on the:financial qtfestions
in accordance with the views ex-
Pressed by General GRANT. !In our
judpmaent. these views are the. only
safe policy the country can afford to
pursue. And on this question, as on
all other 'questions of publicpolicy,
General GRANT'S heacUs .
The truthfulness of this "tribute
will be acknowledged by every can
did man, who is conversant With, the
political history :- of the country for
the past six years: 1 - The-reengimen
daiionS of President; GRANT, `though
sometiines tardily.;iitlopted by Con
gress, have met with the 'apprObation
of theyi people, and have beeii signa
lized lip(rood sense, and liberal and
statesnianlike- views. The Ilepubli
can party will in the coming Presi
dential contest, go int). battle with
its banners emblazoned with the
principles enunciated in Presidential
inessages.. and ., fighting for issues
which: have been recommended by
the President. •
To-day there is no man in the Na
tion who stands more squarely upon
the Republican' platform, than Gen.
GitANT—no one who has more con
sistently and courageously suiiported
the wholesome doctrines of the Re_
publiciiin creed. When many of our
leaders•have been timid, or Mitered,
the Pre , ,ident has nobly and unswerv
iioy been I rite to his party.i and to
what:lie-considered his duty and the
best interests oft he country.
When the prejudices of pality shall
have been softened by time, And the
of Gen. GRANT'S Administra
tion shall le.lwritten withok - fear,
favor or affection, full justice will be
done tO an E4e.cutive who hay shown
-that in his, 'official action he was
above all considerations of self, and
governed only by a desire to Pave an
Upright and economical Administra
tion.. .
DON'T Folio= that tinder -the new
Constitution all persons are prevent
ed from voting unless they have been
assessed ut least*o months, and
; paid their taxes :at , . least one month,
before .t he election
foreign birth can x.ote unless in:addit
tion to the above he Innis been natter;
slized a Month prOrioaa ..leo
tion. The date of holding. the next
election is Tuesday, November ..Id.
Wednesday, September, I stf -is the
- day on which voters can be as
sessed. Friday, October Ist, 'is the
last day on which they'can pay taies.
The latter is also the last day for
taking out naturalization papers.
No FURTHER 1. 7 8 E FOR Him..._c o i ;
PloLrzr having 'labored as a wheel=
,horse in the Democratic party of this
county during the past 'twenty years,
14 'now very unceremoniously-thrust
aside by the Younger , ankmore
orous Member's of the party:. At a
meeting of 'the Standing Committee
one day last week, a resolution in
structing, the delegates . to ; the Erie
Convention to suppOrt the Colonel
for-, Governor was voted down, and
now -- ----vje: realizes that Democrats,
like republics; are ungrateful.
ARRANGEMENTS are being made for
manufacturing the coal dUst at the
mines into fuel;, and- machines are
being constructed at Harrisburg for
that purpose., We also see it stated
that the T Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad Company are nbout using
this coal dust fuel in their locomo
tives. The necessities caused by the
recent several coal strikes directed
attention most pointedly to the utili
zation of the waste of the mines, and
the resumptiqn of labor ins the foal
region ire are glad to see has not
stopped investigation in this direction.
THE best thing we haVe seen on
politics from . a • southern paper is
from the Charleston Nurier. It
. doWn its political creed as fol
lows : " Retinion, and peace ; with
. •
equal rights i and •,mutalzrespect ; no
crocodile tears'; no boot-licking by
one Side more than the 'other, , but
loyalty always .to the United States
under the Constitution." When this
doctrine is adopted and practiced we
shall have peace and good feeling.
One feature of it is espeCially com
mendable—"no boot-licking."
• BRADFORD is one of the few coun
ties in the s.eatc which is clear of
debt, and were it not for the large
number of bridges which are kept up
at county expense, ouitax levy would
not exceed two mills 'on the valua
tion, which will not average one
quarter the Teal value of property.
Can our oppOnents point - to a Detho
cratic county,'ijmilarly situated,with
such a record ?
THE Pennsylvania State Agricul
tural Fair will . be held at Lancaster
during the last week of• September.
The gates Will be open On Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday. All entries are'free except
those of hor4>s entered for speed. No
premiums are offered for Mowing.
Reaping, or Sewing machines.
E. IL HEitituli, Esq., of Athens,
S. W. BUCK, of Leßaysville, and W.
W. Witintss, of Canton, were ap
pointed delegates to the Democratic
State Convention by the Standing
Committee of -this county on Satur
day last. •
NOT eoNT*NT with tabling the res
olution instructing the delegates from
this county to vote for COl. PfOLLET
for Goyerndr, .the Denraeratie s com
mittee elected one deleonte at least
who is an Outspoken enemy of the
THE ..- 1 / 2 1iS is one of the few reck
less journals Which circulates the lie
that GovernoLHARTHANi.r has wal
nutdoors for hig horse stables. No
respectable editor would Presume->so
inueli Upon the • gullibility of his
readers Us to print such a "'whopper."
I'. GitAY arrested during
the war f 4 counseling resistance to
the draft, has been nominated by
acclamation by the liemocrattc party
of Centre cdunty for **tor.
the following antographie entry on a
letter forwarded by him tO Secretary
" Referred to the Secretiiry of the
Treasury. This was intended for a
private letter for my information,
and contained many extracts from
St Louis papers not deemed necessa
ry to be fotwarded. .They are ob
tainable, and have no doubt been all
read by tlui Federal offiCials in St.
Louis. I forward this for information,
and to the end that, if it throws any
light upon new parties to Summon 'as
witnesses, they may be brought out.
Let no guilty man escape.if it can be
aVoided. - Be specially diligent, or
instruct.thoSe engaged in the prose
'cuti,pn of. fraud to be. ,against all
who insintufte-that they have high
influence to! printed:, or !to protect
Them. No personal , consideration
should stand in the way of perform
ing, public duty."
A correspondent of the Evening
1'0.4 and Nail, writing from St.
CharleS, in the vicinity of Bellevue
!• . • , •
Asylum, says :
"Ton will be glad tai learn; and
this is the first public intimation, that
Mrs. Lincoln is pronounced' well
enough to leave the asylum and visit
-her sister, - Mrs. Edwards, of Spring
field, 111. It is not likely that she
will return; to_ Bellevue Asylum, as
there 7s soine . feeling evinced in the
matter of lker incarceration by those
who believe her insane. A leading
lady laWyer of Chicago, has 1.
with her much of late, rind with the
assistance of her legal husband, will
assist in Mrs. Lincoln's restoration
to the world. She is decidely better,
sleeps and cats well, and shows no
tendency to any mania, but wether
the cure is permanent or not is a test
which active life and time prom"
. .
mums nom ? nor=
We feel very k vitd {to, friend . Vin
dart" for his . complimentary
words -in zwEard to inar,viarlOwas, 'Re
pt:Mai& and .-lidtlity aa ti. niter; hut
{ whatevertar. 7 64o May .tir "one
of our,b-uling erliforo-. may hive rid s we
O n ram hWAhrit We entertain no such
extravagant .I . .pirdotior cm; ourselves, and
Inmild not dare undertake the feat be ,bas
Rrforined in his communication to the
EPORTER, of constructing a sentence of
twenty-two and a-half lines without a pe
riod, closely printed with small type. We
pronounce that a literary performance
which can hardly be matched by anybody
in the United States, except Win. 3f.
Evarts; Beecher's great lawyer. What
giies us, far greater pleasure than his
compliments, is his unmistakable devotion
• to the principles of the' Repiablian party,;
which lie at the Pim - dation of personal
liberty { and free government. We Cat! love_,
such persons though we may di ff er' froni''
them in regard to the best methods of se-
curing , the ;common objects-.{we have in
view : of plromoting the welfare of our •
Filly, our eonntry, and our fellow-men. ,
,With the exception of an interesting vi
sit on thel history of Greece. the only
points he makes are the following :
Ist. That the . Delegate system is anti
republican, because a few Republian vo
tens in Alba or Barclay have precisely
the same pOwer in the Convention as a
much larger number residing in CantOn
or Pike. Th e ,point is well taken, and in
case Canton, Pike, and the other large {
districts shieuld insist on having more rep- ,
{{{ we . presume that' Alba , and
Barclay, wovild not dispute the: justice of
the claim;but we are not,
_aware that
they are demanding - more reprsentatiou.
We presume those large districts are will- ,
tng to concede to the smaller ones more
than their ishare - of representation, be
cause of their weakness and 'the disad
vantages they labor under. They are ex
to , keep up their organization, to
get out their voters at elections, and in
case the. Democrats have the majority in
the district,! they are never able to elect .
their town officers, which deprives them {'
of a great incentive to political labor. Re
publicans residing in such districts are
surrounded{ by discouraging influences,
and have harder work to maintain ',them
selves and keep up their vote than in the
strong Republican districts. They deserve',
encouragement of equal representation in
the Convention which they have received
in the past,{ and which { v
-e believe will be
willingly continued to them in the' future.
21. That{ it is easier !for unscrupulous {
men to bribe the majority of a Convention
than to bribe . a majority of the whole pro:
pie. We grant it; but, r as he admits that
bribery has , not prevail yl much, If at
,all, '
in Bradford, then there is not much need
of abolishing the Delegate system
now on that account.
3d. Thatithe Delegate system is tin-re
publican, 'because it is possible for men to
be placed in nomination under it who' an,
distasteful to a majority of the voters.
This does not seem :entirely consistent,
coining from an advocate of the:Crawford
system, whiCh does not pretend to require
a majority , 3f the party to secure a nomi
nation—only the highest number.
thoroughly was the canvass conducted
among the people last fall previous to the
Convention, there can be no doubt that
our worthy l candidates who were defeated
would have been nominated just , the same
under the Crawford system.
4th. That a 'candidate for Congruss or
Sheriff whd can control fifteen or twenty
delegates.-ill practically nominate
self'and the whole ticket. If this be true
—and the is a good deal more truth
than pool fir it—the people arc them-,
selves. to Iblame. In their eagerness to
have their] favorite candidate nominated
they give him delegates on purpoxe for
him to control. The people have always
had it- in their power to remedy this evil
by instructing their delegates how to vote,.
and if'they have not done so, and will not
do it, then it is because they are a party
in the traffic, 'no more honest than their
candidates) and consequently could not be
expected to do any better under any oth
er circumstances. But we believe that the
majority of the party having become ron
vineed of the injustice and impropriety of
the practiCe, will put a stop to it.
If as "IVindex" says, we have "fallen
back on the Old argument of tyMnts and
aristocrats," it must be because' their old
arguments; which We do not remember to
have seen! must have been better than
their practice; which is highly probable,
as precept and example do not always go
Fathet Abraham, - in assuniing the
, name, was very unfortunately, unable to
obtain the faith of, the Old Patriarch in
his lellow4men. After expressing great
codhdencelin the integrity of the masses,
I be seems afterward to losa faith in all
mankind, even the masses themselves, for
he says : "The safest rule 'for freemen is
never to delegate a power which yoli can
• yourselves'. exercise.". If he acts in ac
cordance With his advice, then we presume
he is his own lawyer, doctor and preacher,
as well aS farmer,. blacksmith and shoe
maker. The Old Patriarch,had many ser
vants whOm heltrusted and who served
him well-, one in particular, to whom he
confided the important matrimonial nego
tiations of his son Isaac ;' but this , odern
"Father Abraham" would doubtless do
all his work himself. and keep all his
money. . .. . ,
It 'is impossible to conceive by what
strange procesS of reasoning he convinces
himself that the masses are capable of
voting for the nomination of county offi
cers, but incapable of voting for the nom
ination ofl' State officers and of President
and Vice-President of the United States.
.Can it be that a desire to serve the people.
ass delegate to the State or National.
Conventions would inlltience his judg-'
ment ? foi there is no good reason why
the people may not be as Well informed in
regard to these higher and more import
ant officers as to the-county candidates.
"Father Abraham" is candid. lie says:
"It is not claimed that the Direct vote is
perfection,: or will sstisfy everybody.
Those defeated under that system, as un
der the Delegate system, will te sore
headed, • and some of them will swear;
perhaps. and want to go back and try the
old way."l. Now if it is not going to cure
any of the sore-heads or lessen the swear
ing, then it is hardly worth while to adopt
it. It is a great pity that so able an adyo
eate of ti e Crawford sy4tem should have
so little faith in its perfection. Evidently
he is riot Of the seed of Allraham, though
bearing his honored name; but as he is a
pretty good Republican, we can like him
just as well ass if7he agreed with us on all
points. We are not wedded to conserative
opinions or_Old methods, and would not
endure the oppression of an Egyptian
task-mastler or Southern slaveholder one
moment after a Moses- or a Lincoln ap
peared todead Us out of bondage ; but it
would be Irony for people to risk the dan
gers of the Red Sea and the famine of the
wildernes S without great necessity, with-,
out the certainty of such leadership' and
the promised protection of the Lord.
We claim no superior wisdom—no in
lallibilityl of judgment ; and have 'dis
cussed this subject with the consciousness
that we may be wrong. and others right.
We have presented arguments that have
great weight with us, but which may not
-seem so conclusive to others ;. -and we sin
cerely hope that the- discussion which has
taken place will not occasion any 'unkind
feelings t)r tend to increase divisions
among uS, which are the only enemies 'we
have to fear. Should the majority of the
party vote for the Crawford County sys
tem, there is no. one who would yield more
respectfully and cheerfully to their decis
ion- than I C.V;TEI.AR.
3lo.'Et:?rroit: Permit me to ;suggest a
few thoughts to Father Abraham to ex
plain and remove some objections that so
naturallylarise in discussing the Crawford
county sYstern of making nominations of
candidates to fill the several offices in so
large a cOunty as Bradford. I admit that
a man that is permitted, to live in this
world an Iliundred and three-seine aml fif
teen yearp. must lune mueli experience
and wisdom in the working of PI p)itival
Economy .Lid now, Oh, Father
halt], it seems to me that there would be
a chance for. unfairness in the practical
workings of the Crawford county system.
Suppose, for instinct, that every town
ship and borough in the county should
make , nominations fur themselves, and
each township and borough vote L for their
own men,. you would have forty eight 'can
didates fdr each office voted for r (and who
can say that this may not take place?) and
and if the bare majority is to rule, or
thatcandidate who has the largest vote in
the primary election, that one township
or borough who gets out the largest vote,
will mak& all the nominations, and will
that do, rather Abraham? Will that bo
fair? BUt.,. says, one, you might have a
majority. of the whole. Let us seo how
this WMTork. The return juke* come
together, ono from each • toltir and
borough, and count up the votes. 'No
candidatclhas a majonty of the whole.
In this
o r you have no nominations
made; y 'must fall back on the
system in Order to =Lbw= nou
The return judges titsolve titistwOms into
a convention, And bollot to *if. soy can
didate eget mecum •as.triajtariti - of the
whole audit few of the • largest Winship
combine-and &Ode the offices, ode taking
the;Shri ; e another prothonatory; another
the Tieas trer, and so on to make a Com.
,promise,, nd . get a majority of the whole.
In this c a few townships will make all
the nominations for the county. i
Father !Nbrahain. seems to think it very
unfair that Alba borough with 36 Re pub.
bean voters should count as much a Can
ton with her 167 Republican voters.. Are
we toiseleet offieers to do the business of
a party only, or do these officers do the
business for thO, whole people? Now sup
pose Alba ! borough polls 500 votes, and
out of that 500 . she gives 36 Republican
votes,' and Canton township polls • 306
.votes,: and out of that- 300 she gives 167
Republican votes, is not a good selection
of officersof as much consequence to the
361lepublicans in Alba, as :to the 167 in
Canton? Then by what good reason shall
they mit have an canna! voice in selecting
'these officers ? , Let' the primary meetings
be fairly ddv crtised and the voters come
together and choose out of their number
good men p tdeleg,ates• let such delegates
come together from ad, parts of the coun
ty in convention and selectgood, capable
men' to fill 'the offices, not . from the men
who wantlthe 'offices and are going about
the count Ito secure to their interest the
delei.ratesi ; but such man as those delegates
for Ike peojill want. And when we make
such a
.nomination, every Republican
should conic to the polls and vote out of
principle," for. he had a fair voice in mak
ing the nominations, It cannot be rea
sonably suppoSed tlmt the voters of the
extreme western } townships can know all
the good and tit men for office that there
are in the eastern townships' or riec rersa,
but good delegates could present good,
competent men to a cimvention, anti . let
their select the best. I can see nothing
fairer in the Crawfold county System.
_ „ I•4A.W.
We never-t-ite'of the Sea. Its beauty
nit glory and mystery are inexhaustible.
mom h a raptim , by the'ionciy ',bore ;
Theroiti ,oel,rfy whert, none Intrudes
Tr thN dvep iina, and !wok In IN roar."
But intollie society-of the lonely veil, all
kinds of society do now intrude. One can
not be alone 'anti. more by-the sea-side.
You Inuit choos'e your friends. If you
prefer fashion and tumult and shoddy and
dissipation, go to Long Branch or Care
May ; if. you desire aristocracy and . pre
tence, go to Newport ; if you seek a (Fil
et, refined and agreeable company, go to
Sea Grove. We went, we saw, we were
coqured. Before leaving
we heard that Sea Grove Ni'as far' more
beautiful on pal er than in sober reality;
that it aboiinded ,chiefly in mosquitos and
prayer-meetings ;' that there ira.? too
much religion Land too little amusement ;
but as soon as ! We saw it we said, ••an cue-
MY bath done this.'' It is true it is not a
finished place.; How could it be? The
first stake was' driven, in that wilderness
of scrub-oak On the first of last March,
No enterprise short of magic or miracle
- could have tuned that desert into a Par
adise of beauty in live months. But in
truth, the results already achieved are
wonderful., An excellent hotel has been
erected capal le of acf ,,, inmodating 300 or
4tlo persOns. Twenty or thirty comely
and comfortable cottages have been built;
a large - pavillion for religious serv4c - es.has
been finished ; wide, smooth avenues
openetV; bath hots es constructed ;
street railway two miles or more in length
completed; and a new sea-side] . resort
made in five months a grand, permanent
success. Sea Ordve takes her place beside
Ocean Grove as ttn accomplished fact; like
Minerva, she has sprung up fully grown
and fully armed.
Overcrowded That is the record of
Sea Grove's first summer. And what a
pleasant crowd it was The first agreea
ble impression we received was from the
smiling faces of a score of Presbyterian
ministers—most }if them old acquaintan
ces. There were Prof: Cattell and Mr.
Weidinan, of EaSton D d
, r. Nevin an
_Crowell,. Philadelphiat: 3lr. Frazer, of
BUM& 4 , Prof Geddes, of Hanover Col
lege: Mr. Win.iConkey. of Wilmington:
Mr, Mowry, of .Chester, and others we can
not mention ; ; noble men and pleasant
c(mipanions. Prominent among the cler
ical party war; Rev. Dr. Grammer, of St..
F. Peter's Episeopal Church, Baltimore, an
!' acquaintance of ours 'of 20 years ago,
when he,began his ministry in Smithfield,
Va. He is now a man of mark in his dc-
nomination, and is admired and Respected
by all the other branches of the . church.
Ile}-'is a delightful brother in a prayer
meeting, a lilient, elegant talker, and as
fervent in extemporaneous prayer as any
of his Presbyterian or Methodist brethren.
Some of the brethren, imitating St. Pe
ter, led about their wives with them—a
good thing td do ; for we saw that those
who'did not lOoked lonely and dejected at
times. The sea seems far grander,and has a
more persuasive tone in his voice,, when
one's wife (like Maggie in the old song) is
by his side. And they were a happy, witty.
agreeable set of wives, you may be sure !
llow they talk to each other like gulls to
the sea ! It was a real family party.
Even the " nawedded maidens old were
swept away on the tide of good spirits.
There were one or two who, like the king
whose son Was lost at sea. never smiled;
but generally, old maidens as well as
young maidens were as bright as the sun- ,
lit ocean. One of the pleasantest friends
We met_ is the wildly of a well-known
Presbyterian' minister, now paSt 80; and
yet 'as cheerful and interesting as ever ;
enjoying everything about her with the
zest of youth, and making strangers hap-'
py by her cordial welcome and friendly
interest. She was born in South .Jersey,
and South Jersey can raise something be
sides sand and mosquitos. God provides
a compensation for these evils in her no
ble, generous-hearted men and women].
We saw no lack of intelligent and ap
preciative amusements. To be sure, no ,
drunken rowdies howled all night through
the hall, as they did the night we spent '
at Cape May ; there were no hops or va
riety performances t`to amuse the guests;"
but every morning and evening there was
a prayer-service in the parlor, and two
evenings of the week we spent there Prof.
Willeughy Wade, of England, g4,ve read
ings ; the best, with the exce'fition of
Murdock's, that we have ever heard.
There is some rational diversion provided
for nearly every evening ; and when there
is not, lo ! there is the sea, the star-lighted, :
moon-tinted sea not a garrulous gray
talkin , * to the shore so much ass al
happy yet solemn child singing melixlies
of dream-land by a sister's knee. Anti
then, man or woman who catmot find sat%
isfaction in the sights and sounds of the
sea atonc, had better far stay at home.
If he w4nts hops or theatres tomake him
happy beside the ocean, he needs to pray
God to 'lave mercy on his poor heart of
stone. " I:d bather be a hop-toad and feed .
upon the vapors of a dungeon." Or a -i - ;
,and d 4 unwept, unhonored, t s
and ungnng.
Pr , al I •
•Perhaps some one may ask, Where is '
Sea Gil ve? It is *situated on Cape May
Point, about 'a mile and a-half from CaPe
May City. It is bounded-on the south
and eat by the ocean, and on the west by
Ilelaware Bay. The beach is excellent
for bathing, both on the ocean and the
Bay side. Back a short distance from the
beach Lake Tilly, a clear fresh-water
lake about three-quarters of a nine long,
affording beautiful riding for ladies and
children; No liquor is sold on the grounds.
It is a ehristian sea-side resort, open to
all denominations, and sacred to Charity
and Peace. Next year, greatly increased
accommodations will be provided, and ;dl
who need rest and recuperation of body
and soul, will do well to visit Sea Grove,
• 14110.0..- -
WE •full} concur in tile foll6wing
ti men'. expressed br§enntor Mo}r-'
N, in 8 recent speech in Ohio: •
While I could bury the animos
ities and. hatreds of the war, I could .
nut compromh,c- or forget the prin.
ciplus upon which it was fought, nor : 2 2 3 i
the memory of the men.who died for
their country. We have forgiven ;17
thosu - whn . were in rebellion, but for
giveness does not imply honor or re. n
ward. We may forgive our enemies, !!,!,.
but are not bound to honor and pre
fer them over our friends. We must 35
ever i remember that there was a right
and wrong side ;'that the right must
be honored and respected now and
hdre*Nr ;.thAti,3l.4elW9miyeAe
enemies of the re public _ , we believe
there can be no true reconstruction
oureconeilliation that is iottotinded;
n - pOn the unity of the' N'itla - Amtua .1
justice, equal security tol-.
(*ACM . of iiice
thinks 'shall cOme'tki_ punt the.;
Repnblioini party cannotiiround . its
arrasi- not' can* be nidil
Sion has been performed. It is enough 1
that we have fully 'and freely forgiven
those who Waged the rebellion and
drenched .the land with fraternal
blood, Taint When we are asked to ig
nore the Union soldier,. to refuse to
recount his services for fear of wound
., .
ing rebel susceptibilities, to reduce
him to the level of the Confederate
soldier, to forget the Union men oft
the South, and make heroes Before
the people of their bitterest
'foes and oppressors, it is too much
'and is as wicked as it is stupid and.;
-absurd. As between the Union and
Confederate soldiers there is staid
and should ever be, a great, choice;
The .propositton continually. ulged
upon the people of the North 1).. the
Democratic paity is, that. to be re- 1
gonciled to the peoplof the South
you must treat the Union and Con-;
federate soldiers - as being equally
honest, equally patiotic,,each fighting ;
for what he believed to be right, treat
them with equal consideration, make
no 'preferences or diAtinctions in re
wards or honors. ThiS proposition
abolishes all distinctions between
right and Wrong, loyalty and treason,
bet Ween fighting for ,freedom and
slavery, between civilization and bar
barism and while affecting impartial
ity insults the living, and the memory
Of the dead, who fought , for country
liberty and humanity. •
,% •
II nu is a littleanalysis that is I l i ute
suagestive, as it is a matter of daily
record in the Pittsburg Ereniny
"'Of the cases disposed of at the
Mayor's Court for, the morning of
August third there were: eight for
disorderly conduct and, leiiiteen for
-drunkenness. Each criminal for the
latter offense was sent to jail Tor 48
hours, aggregating, consequently 91:I
hours, or 38 days for the drunkards.
Suppose every day turns out that
many drunkards and a similar pen
alty is imposed, and the time lost to
drunkaids in Pittsburg alone would
amount to 33:2,880 hours, 1:3,870 days
1981 weeks or over 38 years. This
is merely the time lost by actually
servinf , out; penalties. That con
sumed.'in getting drunk and sober
would average perhaps half as much
more, or say'ln round numbers, Pitts
burgers spend 50 years of time—more
than an average man's business life,
in wasted time caused by drunken
ness every ;year. And - Pittsburgh is
a more moral city perhaps than any
of herisize in the United States--zeer
tainly in this Commonwealth. Erom
this Mme morning's pOlice report, a
mmlearte calculator can .go on and
work up the enormous amount of
time - squandered by the people of
this Union in their crimi
nate and make beasts of themselves.
But, we fear the figures would oyer
whelm the calculator. and cause him
to aim :at, :disbelief the trite -old
maxim that figures won't
tfi ic/e.
11.tuTronn, Aug 21,—The three
mile single scull boat race between
Ileuery Andrews of this e•ity and
Patrick Harrington of Sprinficld, for
$250 a side,: was won easily to-day
bt• Harrington in 19:44,
in)N'T neglect the beleg,:itt , Meet
ings on Saturday nextf
New Advertizmeatz
A 01) Bol.—Any one flesir-
A .
lug a good smart. boy to I. Vi11 , r1 .4 .
karn of an opportunity to ht , ciirt! such an one by al.-
plying to either of the tinder , i^»ed,
. 1 • M. !!'"W ARTW4 o )1
W. 'W. Itt IIC 31.1
thwserrs I'r. or Towanda Ts, p.
ugu , t
11 NTOTICE.—Noticeis hereby given
-1 a meeting of the Stockholder, of the
Towanda Tannin", Co.. will he brid at the Fret Na
tional Bank of Towanda, on Saturday the 30th day
of October next. at 2 o'cioek r. )1., for the purpe,
of taking action acr ; ordlng. to law. In rotation to
placing inortgag, on the real c'•dato com
pany. 7
•InSkPll po WI: I.
.1 . ,
A prondm nt New Yot k- physician lawly 041:-
pi:lined to I)I.:NLMS abort their
3 111 E stating , that sot,-tlnAs they cured iniraculmedy. but that a patient
of Ith , hid taken them wlthont effect. Itn
Informed that hieveral imitations were sold, he itc.
pitied and - found his patient Fort hot b! , a tc . kia;/
Dr_NDAS S; (Ars, f
What happened to MI, pliesl( lint Ploy hart . h.q..
l'lted to others. and DUN l)Ati tkit K zs;C l t,take
this method of protecting phy.ici.ta*,
and th• ro 1 and preventing 1111. of Sa "itsa
wklun from coining Into dlsreputi,
PIIICSICIANS who onCe talade,
wi ll continue to do so• fu.r, {mail the
pure Oil in /,'" best and chea pest f u ola.
lii - NDAS DICK & el I, use more 1111. op t0..,-
I,Wot ki) than all the Wholesale and Itetall Drug
gl.sts and Pet - Putters In the ruited States coanhlned
and this Is the sole reti,on why the , pure Oil is
fill cheaper In their capsule's than In ally other
4111 no-t sup - reedilig
cro.s oilier remedy, xty raPsiihis only hcing re
qullyd insure a sate and certain curein six or
eight day,. From 110 other medicine can tint. re
sult he had.
solve the problem, long considered by eminent phy
sicians. of how to avoid the nausea and disgust ex
perlencee In swallowing. which are well known to
detract front.' if not destroy. the good etreets 401
Many valuable remedies.
Soft Capsules are put up kit timfoll and neat ho -
(44. thirty in each, anti are the .stoly Capsule , . pre
scribed Itvyhpsicians.
oil and many other nauseous medicines can he ta
ken easily and safely in oUN_DAS DICK Jr.
no Tell.
' air hese were the only capsules
admitted :o the last Paris Exposi
Send forcireularto3l Wooster street. New York.
Sold at all Drug Stores Here.
1 LIFE IN:..URANt tomrk•l.
watffill ra
:special attention is called to the NI
Whig., Which ill be found sin elly cqn
twee❑ all ages, and tcbirh the eompai
antee to not ex.,:ecil one-half file cowl
ri a , s fiLlii PLAN Company.
The following TOle shows the Rat
tout :nay be multiplied for any a , liliti
up to t5OOO, %%Well is the largest risk
one life. Twenty Cents will lie 01
tit t f (-Telt
ment for collert
' • ' -1,- 'll:lstelbunens imOswalt& I
THE PAN • .:
. .....- . , . .
IC; . .
Wlth all its - 1
Is paq.l 'nia countrits spin talloied to ma- . •
'- All who *ant. •
tbo glytes and made up In the test thu.
. nor, wiltbe pleastot to learn that
K. BL S 11,
An dea/ 4 'r, Isar opoo,-.1 711 losprow
stork of
Sill !ITS,
And In Imt ervrythlng In tlw furnkning l!tw. la
Uft,lirp:l-,Vd by any store in.the country. 2
If vou don•C I , e.liere I can otter pm bOttm - tor
gait), than Im‘c'vem you,[t call
• at thy store In
1;1:11,T1'111S & P.VTTON'S'I3I.II)4:K. 131.11111:i E
tEirrsiNLY CON ViNCF.!
That 1 aim litparetl to fulfill all I awl
1119 M.
Store n•rrnth . IN.fliplefl,!..r 1). HT
W A N I) A: I N
i i
1 ri... tn E,:. ~,. r N los:. Or l';ligl'.l, a-'l,-. *17.9:10.000
: •
110 VA 1.. of 1.1v.•Frool; ' ' '• ~1 2.P00.000
; grr.m.,. ' • •1 1 4%.9. 900
CONTI NENTA L. t'of N•• 41* .04 . . 2.45^w1.235
GEM.N.I A NIA. 14.'47.539
1 (11E101 AN .%!6rEl:li %N.
••• 1.P•21,410
I MA \ll ATT.% N. " ' i 709.15
PIIEENIX, of lint f.,M, 1 ..452., 303
i )I:IE.Nr. , - ' 4• .7,19,212
AMA 7. ON. or Ohio. ' y.+3.09
1 CITIZEN,.. of Ncm ark, •• :19:4,139
j- =A IIIII'lt<: Itlt t.:IAN, of I i .-rni.ll. •• 2i7.90.904)
`.4i ATi N E. Of U. 5..\.. a F;314 , 41...:25
TItAVELEI:s of Elart ford, alt,N , 2 to
Mr - TI" F. of Nrw.y,,,
oiLiii , ll•ll awl raid at lid,
f. v t
. ,
EifAvs\ - ILLE
TA The fall *..1111 of (lit, :••••liool N‘lll vjoiltoolo •
MONDAY, AUCUST 30, 1875.
To colaintie
c m , 1'31:r•o Pulq' i"""
them tin grt:atti t .t th,
Iw ••••11 o
ing pn• at the p,ning of tli.• tvrtel.
E C-I >m t wilt re.dt.• Caref . ,ol p•1 , ,t , •.1
I all lw haU at 1'ea , 01431,1t, nth . .., 314. r,,, tins
oft thetu,*•l%.• , ..
aligsll . - ‘V. M. N
B ._1.11(i .1 INs IN sTol-E;.;
c iz Es n•s cir I, s.
ci% - Es T 4) XL', Do:1.
II II I) \V .1 I: I.:
•, . -
r),_for all Mi. :I }Mildly
r Atilt II
1)y-t.lit,ry. F.. 1 Brvath, 111.:4,11,1‘.
Skin 1)1.q.3.....•,,
Tt•tt,r, mot lawuto. t;,.or
a• and Purling 11:
ar.• 1/1,1 . cottZ.•tilal juirlT:ltii E • 13 - vf p. t•
reefed,. 'Ellett' l•fr,ot,' 111,%1
1,..a.) all ollt,t
, 1
ant V. out
the font of the 1,1 , 1.1: they scimplat.• the
Shlggiql int , •,yrl: ,, u:)tt thoy
impart lwattit AWL Tlu•}'
curt nta uulc thta rtcrs day ipf
Innly, but Ivrtttltlabfr and qangtnsoiti
skil/fH) plry•lt rucifivot rivigyitivil, and
our IR,Nt Of g• 1111.,
1 , 1 awl of grval lave tle riictl free:
ti Pills. Tlit'y are 212 , saft,t hcni phi do
n , rff.,eflal.
IHri nii• runs) 1.. ,nit.:
ritt•ly It. .. .trc•
hy M .- . .1. ('. AVER i Ik
Practical atto A nalyt Icltl
111 illeiili•1111%, :Mid 1,3111
- _
1 3 ONS
lowing rat.•.
!table, as
of atIV fir.
tot • sloof,
'onal :t 1111 ~llllt
nkon on ally
Med to lbi
1.11 - ,
uNE Duolt N(111171101,('‘,1)111N4;
. 'Towan n da, duly 22: 1.d.-5 i t . li.) tub
i l i ,
1 .
UDITOR'R N(YII(.'E.--13. A. ,11:1)
PettJts 3: Co. es, if. 41. thdf. In th 4 Court of ..LL_ Etst
Common Pleas of Bradford Contity:,No.l72o; Doe. . 40 I. "I it.;
T.. 1574.
, 1 , , T„ is7a,
The underslgned. an auditor apptnii(vi o.v (hr. ' Ti.• Iniail.4l.tnyti, an Andinn' appoint-4 by 1 -,tid
Court to distrlbutt, rninli in the Innath; Or the sheriff court. to distrilatte t Ile money in tie. hatok ot Ow,
arising from the - sale . or defendant's real 4nd per„-' , she' itr, ;It j.:111g . it on, Ihe , ate Of ,lorentinnt .4; 4,-0
n.llpr"Perty win :attend to the Chafe:int . hi.: appOnit- t•ntate, ail) atlvti,t tit tile dutn , of. his appoMtneott
nicht at the office of Peet Sr. Davit: InTuWanda.imoro, , on Til t• Its DA V, Septemberl •.:d. 157:., at' the oniee
.list flak . of Sept., as7s, at lu Id Smith ISI ..Montan;,e. to Towanda. wto u. :nt
o 'clock a,m,at which tithe and place:flip/it - sons hay- u here ail per-otoi having
. 4dal ins open , - .aiii ifting
lug claims upon mtt funds must present them or be . - must tire,t nt Ii ~m - or be tot eve r debarred f tent
forever debarred frbut coming In upon th:e game. • coming iii upon th, s me.'
W. T. DA.:cIES, 4:: li 1 1 4-0 :1" l's"l'F' r , '
, . Uditur. 1 :., aliglw LI ,
At - Miter.] •I
2.60 I
z. 70 I
,olltaltle for
T 1 ES,
Irv! I will
De_lN"l" PE. ACE.
orinriite lilt:, I MITI 111,11'-,1
N ,1 1:I. &VI Nt' - flr.s.q.
,4 , 11 , •rat .‘l,•nt
T 1 ITlioN
From t(;,..; (.0
11. 'l'. JUNE'S
d;inudi~~•. [) ' , .' in~4ig-••iLni
t'a-h dimli•r. In all kind, 4.1
4is(of J
4 ber Court
Wtn [
Nathaniel t;
D 11$later: 31%, ,
Nratitynirr Jr,
Chalks Thom
Tcrint,flala Yoiri ,
walla north,
crrg%werth NV.y
31.t.ehatt, Iti,nr
Asylum, Ed
Ytaitl S 3Torl
twr, Iforace 0
111tIgtun, !Sewn..
AiN in 3/ 41Y;SII{i!
:"Torillg field,' A
I)lckewou: xt
Towanda non
Turnor,lf:oo W
lister: Troy 1
Fred A Long:l
lFw 1.1. w Is,
Well.. rim V•
.Jag II. , 11au.1: ft Iffiuj'y. John, Allen: f.".lulef. 1. , 51 , ..
IEIIOO 1ft.,1%10.:; 1,6.1fay..y111e., rqeplieu fiorltaul:
IVlolime twp. Thr,i, T `tinny: f'e1a , 01,13.1: \V Ile.lesf
Suitfhfichl, Sl' . ft I'fitiee: ifaiefay, FAIW Mqe;L?”•:
W 1;11711114t011 MIIII^t(///: .111. , j1t.„ 11 II 11.c!wieY:
Granville, V : 4 ,or..toulvi - 64,11. A 'Knapp: Tw.ear,,gli.
IVm f-huinuay _
--- ' _,
Klif-E.II:ECIES-7..1 'WEEK
Ictu t',;auver. Wu, Iluriou , r. Vl'm
li•ris born, jß4lward i If r . 1111r.P . : .11Iitt
;•I R" i1f. , .11:. Itafela:y. 11{01 el If Wilf ,
DariL: But ilttglerf r- '45; A i,ltew
, it f
iah 1: alo,lee, ..I.Atn ,\V r.alle:
t Ifni
"eu C 1;111; llntll4izteu-We:4a. I:urt, , u
fora ti p.. J . :1131 , i IV Ketchum. Pat.'
.oluml,'F. fib:ales i,C.olner: Ft - 314:11u.
f: Lerftv...,ebn Rickey. !ileum, I.,irtl.
',11111113d: fitly - MI. I:II Cuuklifs: I'lic.e,
1 114 : • thlffl)prv. ,, S ,, rman • r•tevei,4;
rl: ,Blxil: •..,otalt Creek. 5.11 ,1 P , f -
E IVII, , on: Sht,:hequim Go; L llra
-1,,,t.0, 11 Th o mas Notom. Jauo , St` , r , f! -
1 Isratififl: Titscarora, Joltu Gar , lner,
cfrowrilftg; rhiter. °Wet' C Aferril);
.1: Wrirren. 1)3,1,1.1 Thefuz,: Wind-
C'oJAI Alll ,
Athens (tip.
bur°, Violnvy ,
latn 4 . drytitt -, .
1:1)liert Strklq
.1 B 3falk.ry II
llyguis szt:N.l;
rulthfi;.l , l.
teugtif. lf:trtlr
T.. - “hda
may. Jtlirt 31 1
Clattv - r. 11
'Lath. Jno Flfit
Smith Ttitt!,.'
,k,vi nni ,. ,i.,,,ph 'll ,, tnet: Aqtc.ns twp. ;cm K
Wail,:cr.:-litltls WoluOT:•.\ t11,11,1,.,r,..p.1in 31 I'it'.4:
11;:reLiv, 1...%1 [wilber. 1,:,..i,:t Fogarty; I:Tirlin , ;o6l.
tlsp:(flo—ter F r 4
4 . 3l,vll:l:llrliitglwi W',•-t.l'ir•..i , r
ri,%a11,:, 4'.olllribla,t,...ivi.ll II ,I ,wl-11: I;rzon ill,.
' elia, II Lane, '
.111alar il 'Sliocituilo,r: Ilyrrick. . I ' ,, h,:n
;er.r.% f',.141. Wi limn 1 .....k.9 - , .I.dili— - 1.11 , :',..y: 1.11. Is , -
'fluid'. A ti,ll,lH 1),•11r. Andr,,,,,i .1 1...tyt61,: 1.4•r, , ,i.
i ,
Salm I 31r f 'On..v: 1 Ilw, Sprliqr I Turv•r; 11 , iw•
1w)). ' J...vt 1, , , I , if:. .; , ilittlttis.l.l.! .10s , :j.11 V;ilik irk:
''l'l'lug:i.'`. 4l . Jildt , T I.l4l:tin-: :-...tawllngr Stone. t;bis
t . '1111,..u. AV iki.ii r; Taylor; TuVisll , l3 -Igir", IVIIIIarn.
:7:llaw. Tr. , y Twr. Ittirt , n
it N.-,N Lii,a-Smilry: Troy 1..,r.)
lel 4 (j11:11(1: ITit-rarorro, 1;eo r
vii Gumu:
Anyn; AVin,ll
John 11.dr,:,••
d„ I
.I.liti I ~ : itt..11. : 1 . .. AVI:1 It '.;• I . r.i
.111 , 1r,w E 11411:.nli ',.: Pa . 1 / 4 N l' ( 4. I: I: t ~ .:, ' II
.44 4 ) Fr:.-t V.... , " 1) .'.1.4.‘ ......... I .... . ... :,..-",,-;,.
Dc I: I. (::1.7(11 . wr %. , ,.I nf , i.-..., ; • 1 , 1 . ..,--n:, , .
int hara lira t,,./, N. 4 : , .11111101141 - ;414 .... .... ..,... 44 .•• ,,
,‘ .1 N 1444 1, v..f .. .1 .1' if Irby 4 , IT:1) ';.... ..' . ...
11..e1iat.6•, '.'..i It. 4 lii..:tgol. 4 y.' V.. 1'.. , -. xi
4* 4 I I jpri.: trust.... V4..1 %V I'.iit'-
1' 3:r:1,12: 1,...,1,1w (;1),,,T1
rr !••
I H N,l•
1:t.11,,.• MO!
.Y. , ox En!II.
N 'Whit
72 ! 70
I.ovi, 11.11 - v!
ratho in, NV
W t
1' )1 !..tu,•:l
I' 1 IV.yitlo.,
The I'S Fit
I)4 -iv,.
101tu 4;11-tin
.A E
` , o;
' (I,.rk
II tl • k
‘l,* 1)(0 , 11illl N. 1. 4 .1!..111;t:.
I• 1 P 111,411,111
r. A &A)
II 1%, S V (
l',' NN.1,••••1'...1. V‘'
N. I. •.;
.\ vr.•
LrnunL \L
Jo ,
at. n.nn • 11.'11. tt 'l . l;* 'I r
:tyl tt-2 N., NV
-1 ,, 111‘ ( v.. 1 1'
kl.r.w.t W.,:
Trt , y
.1.41 N Gu-th
F: 11
.1 4 . ( 1:1‘ , 11
I: N., .1 El
.1.11 , ,,r.
G Timu , l+ol • Hilt al PhiHji•
it1.1.01, 1 .W,11 ;:,; 41 I: V, lii
.1 1: kl N. I), 1;,.„-1;•‘.•;1
1 " 1,
1 , 311 , 11:u1,1
AIL,II ; • t•t•:s!
Lumau I•„1
f'ot-r 3r,qtri
.1 C c,,,51•11
I, II Vlt !..
.1 (t r , ,•1
.1 Ii i;rfilk
& C.,
IA i z.()r. uT I o N.—,-Noticc is lic.rl;-':-
I / he vil ~) tlhw, 1'.1.1 ..-;...trni , r....11ip 11-1;.!•.f..;
•••,,i-tiw.: 1,,,,,...•11 tkr iw , l , •:- . 1:::1,•.1 1., , ,i , ! ill- tf,,,,,, ,
u:iii..• ": KV. s. T :,-. ‘v ATI:, q. s. ~, 11, 11,s I el.triti
1- 1\
I I Is
A I'l.l
1 , 75.
~ 1
ILL: lb,
I '
r '
N - . 11 I
has Al pi ,, ot
Nt•ti :tt •
1;1". 1, 1fc , :•ti
flay. rili• ,illl
hi t I
yott 4..tti
1 , 1 , 11
of nt ad 1
of, mat rimool
placo yon
t.. 1 to the e )
omit. ;ma
! , .,,1 1 41 by all
1: 4 1. .N . ' 'Et
niii-t I I d
p 1
1-4 - V
• 1.11.1
r• tt
I, mr.
tit ! •,1
•I? 1 < ttel
Pin e."••111,
Lepl. ci—• ~... ' •
- ,
.barsdeawnl for Septera
I - . ( 7: RA N I-, it iv, t:4 . . 1
[ fartlll, .1:0 I; l'Fit , 1); .11111 , 11., tlsp
!1,11., ili. , f, l',,t , ,rb; Ilartl3y, }::10 , 1 Mc.
1 .1,,lo) ni., , k.... - c11;' 4 4711.Vi1h . , Ulla!!
i , 1)1,n• Wp; .John ,f Nl.9rifirtip; Pike.,
.: , ,tilil c n•ok. 1' , 11 , 1' .1 I ,, 'am She-
i,ii If
i.,pt,,r , , , A1, , I { -o ( - 1111,1:•,: T.'rryl
sogs: tinvandaiwik. E 113.. W 11:11.1
Win !.,): DOlig.l., 11% - arteu 11111: To 7
obert 1i.r....;te: Trf , y,lKir ,, , John T , ,M , ';
%Viii 11 Su), th; SVlrjalt:sm. - 11 , ::nry
11n,1ngF,1:1 , 14 , .. , n 1; , ,,v, is; Wy.,,,.. .11;4
r 1....,: how; Wilmot, Ana NVilvrif.
vEivir. JCssor: s—rst w);):K.
• -
i aril 1) • Long, ilariltrAo mew ' e;
`,3r . uut.4ovenctifer,l John J ralint:r,
Iy, Nathan V I% eller; IturllT,gton
[Sum+ Iturling,t4u W 1.3:, I Itirac , -: 11
Tarp.pses p, ti Manley; Cai.ton tx,rni,
il 2 , 1; ,r , ,1c11,11,13, (i'ef, I.!' fiat ,. .; MOO
1 Scott: (IMO!, 11 , 11:1 , 1.. E P'av, , on;
1 1' Brltter, nolo:xi /I‘ , ll-4; It.l4giolry',
thneld. , ,,,fitsst F , lin.ltrr.Win it Ithcfpf,:,
lfrtd Vitar6 ti
. Npia taer,
Halt C flsominion:
Benj . :unlit fl NVlltt..x. Dudley II
W' 1, ChM .31 , A !;
.I:4nes McCitnap , l; Trriv !err".
IWarr , p. Patrick !Toughey; 44" y ox,
AL11 , 3 Vorrami,
11; I,V;-',1 , : Dal ky.1111:
5"F.1:-t:~l l'1: Ult i.I;F
Ly,yls li4
itu..loin Futre..llo,l:
\ 11:iit-1:
noir,* W M.:)!
IS klt I:
- .
C. W 1* . • ,1,1 ' • • • -
e a C, s - I:Lur..2: .411,-1,,.1 „,
11: A l'ia , ...k .
',.... \Ali 1.i1.,,. '- 1
Flag .1. I:o It • 1/pnbar ~.... I 1, 1 1.. y
'•V V, 311441:V:1 i p V :1411 . : . ... 11.
I :. 1.p.:2.ka 31.. , ...: I ". , . -. .. .... a
K. 1..10. , 1 , "-';,tlv.ll'•. ...... ...
• 41
...1:1: 71 1' 1t 1,i ) . t . ' ll 1 ;'‘ . '' l
1...1 . ..
4::" . ; .3 . 1
q.^l 1' I 1
4 ' .
. •:-. •::: PI 1) M••:1 - ::. 1: y.'...
rVx A I-. IVIIII-1,.n. .
I. NV.u , l'--;61:1:1*-. . .
• ~.. 7t1” , .11 A. i•laff,.! .1 .
:1i. , ....0;...., !..1...0.;•
W.'ir A: (',.'
c• .1 I: NC; ii &
II Itralli
... 1...
'.• .•'
• •
T. \'\
/ .1
•i" 1.
s ult•
' • •• N lth•rd ••t
Zo.'ov••• N f;
I s l
F .:
F. 0 S, is f
1. 40:
t t
Itt t
1 ‘ "
I . 1... .
' 4 I 1 .
I -• INV!,
mnu it V 1 la 11• u- k
t: ..... .
4.4 a
I • :•••II • N. •
4 4. 44 , •1..114, 4. r
k. .... .
It gtial - 31 '
1.1 .i!
V 't (r./ • ,•1 , •
i1:11 A • T:s
• k ••
t!.• . , , If
' 10.1 , 11 1. i) 1:r-3.1,1 t.l ,!!
%!• Wit rA .1
111 t, \-•• .1111 , 1 , 4••• 11111tr0.y . ..,
•11.- , ot A It :1.1/ 4 1 .1! • .
-•• I'im , r I.: A-% Run .
1,1 '
1)!. PFC l':••••1-%
N- i,)T E )1: .1
• ;. •
~."1 1: 1 1.
• ••••: •.;:•
H 1
1111, ••\,
••••;•••"" :,•••,- • r • ,•••!0••,•••
I • 1- " IL
" •‘".
•i. TINT. AI••
•I . `.. :1111‘•
‘ \ f" l-I-1 1. 1-L e N. V.. _fir, 111.-'
1 1 : , \ V vri:t
,1('_1'1'1(1\ IN 1)1.\'1111(,'1•:i
i ' •
.1.-4 1 11 \v. 1...n0 , 3. N., 12 , FL.I , ; T t
1,r.• 11 , r,' T y I,,tliti-dillW 1:0,10-1 1,1 , q1t.i.;
I::, :Tpli•.,l 1, ii 1;• inert t .. t . I "11011t/li
111161 fr ‘•01:1,t, ft.! ;, .11N.,,i , :: ,, i,i, 110
triii.,7y.• and 1L.1 . ..:il ~,,n :;: I‘;,.tri
1 , 1,tv. th.•titlol.ty k.f , ,..1,1,•:1, , ,, A., ft , r t i t .
1::tt•It,1 ht I,tte itrtliti,.. ta Nt.;;lt It tttott
I ~ In ilti• :1.! 11 . \n;:: thillk Pit:14.1.;
.1. tl. -•:%11 1 11., , 1.. r!,::•
, I
1(. .1 - I ' IONI IN 1 1 1 \ - ()11( . 1,',,
T1 , n,;,.31 , 1,111,1, \:, 12 - ,. r,- , , •[....
ip , liok ~,;ll d thal 1::::.t .: t.p 1:, 1
ur vt it,. It.t, Applied. o , Ow i ......
4 , .1 , ~!. 11141 f. 1 , 1 I ~. vt f..; 1 41!t, .4 4 i
114 ,, i Iliatiriitla . :ll'. a tai (II ~ .ild I •or t
ii 11 , n41.1‘, 11, hlll .1,., .4 - ' F, .„ ~
the...ll i a I''',.3 fol.• In iltt IQ.• mi., A.. ai
8i).1 p r . 1,1 p4ii.1r2 1 ;1:101,1 If %01l tIo 04'
1,.1. . -11 l 111.-.1. , T.11'.
, I( ' 21, " l ' ION IN I/I '‘'(ll;cl,',
1).,,,, -,1,1 h. \ ~. 217. F., . T.. ...77 , 1
1...., .iot it 1 . 1.1 ti ..', No,. 1' t . .I I ° i, 1...1e
.1,;:..4 to IIr.• ( ~ , r;. , I ..,:, 1.1..11 l'it i' a ••f
r. iiiii‘'r,•l a , 1, in'. • .1 .111 t.l , .. , t.. 1. -if
.1..1 Ow '-1..1 ( ~ . .I,t 1.., n 1.1 . ,.. LI, .1 v o
nll r..•
Ida% 01 ,'p , :( nil.••- f... 1 1.. i'..,- • '.. ij
11, l.rettil4o-, at It hi. h u.. m,l i. led ,
i n.l if 14itt flunk p6l-1.
1 .I • 'lt. -. ‘1 i 111.7 , !“ .t '
1 1( ' A.T1()N . IN I ) ! V(11:i 'l•'..
i c
1 ‘t: , T. t. 1... 1.. 1A...7..1 1 ,•. T.;-.71 C ,
` 1 1 nkitilli .1 111 it I 'Po i \. Thu
~ ...Jll , l
It ,
...11141,i 1., 111. f Omit , 4 i„,mwon i'le.t
i t ('-uni)' ~ , t a ,1%, r.,. f. Ilk :It: i a^li.H
111. iliili ill - ..,ti l i i a .1.11 I,n. ,1 , ,r, tt. It
W:1 it ..1 ' , op', 111,01., 1,, ilk 11111:: . ilai
t. iii Ow ht ...1,- i , II: v ht. It ..m. ..1..t
tli .L:lvita If Noll 111111. prolwr, ,
1”. .1. IT. ' , NH 111...1,• i., ,
C [ ' l ' t 1 R ' 6 N (I ' l ' I ('
~ E.---
r j.i,, , , !IR, rt tlt 1 , 111 h.vr , D , to l. ~ ,..i.
it:ll.` of .1 , -.1.1ut ItaTle, lal.• if '.\ Tow
I...Trx. 1,411n...te1l to tnll,‘• 10mc111.11.,
„111 1 4 q...11 . .. IrIVIII ' g cloditt, again- , ~ .tia
I. lo, ..l.llll o :ll.l.llv.itithemtle:ttcd. f, -r ; ....t
F 1: \.:%. 0 1-.1.1:1.w..
)111.T1 1 \ It \ YLI:V.
1 i F:\•. at..l .
. 1
Ti....1 ' ()1t'6 N(11' I ( ' L..--Novit•t;
,;.,., ~, ( 1,111 111 tt all 1..: , .. it , 111.1 i ' , 1.• 1 hlil
if , ml.• 1 N'k ol Iwt Oat. .., I'l,aftl-, ILTI, 1 I I,
nun, Jule r. - 1‘ 114 )11 lo lfr lititlt I-1j i./
lq, ) ~,, g 11 /ii)l, ,P4.11i,1 ,l I Ii r{: 01. •
lit Itn /11. ,hC, 3,thr tkit4 III( al. ,f, I ~ r.:.• . ,
F 1.1/ 011.111 5\ .1 111:1.1:
a ‘IIF 4 1111)..\\ \N. ' .
T() s' N\l'l'l' I(' FL—N Ot •
li:t!- r-r-oli , indo'o.A
uto of Siii•
nrake, p.nymoli t I . 111-
111,1 ;01 1'13% Ikg ai,r;tll,-t•
1 ,1111 .lull' ;milli:n:1 , ,j,•
. . . ..
W M.. 1. DELVVE . CIt.
I F.7%.0••ct1,k,
i l TA) It N (Yr II T.-N.
‘', C l .
1- , ‘,. tr,,,y.“, - m.•N.,... 1,, 1:,t• ,:.,‘,,1
jr 1.1,•:,, of liraarroill l'o. N.". 11;e: 'F'l.4.
•1 '! . I ' . • •
_fni. I L ..
) • . - • •
O QIIERIFFEYLEALE. ,' —ity - vi'rtuci - c,f
~. a sYrit of FL F. 1.; htstteelfr.Ctlt of the .Coutt of
Common Pleas of Bradford tOnt'y, , and to the ill
. rected4 will ellsose to publit. saki at the (anal
tfouse In Towanda born. no Fridaj r ,, 4s f*Pleininf to,
".' tfiga, at I o'clock p.m. the. folio frig de*erthed fin,.
arty, ttwtt: - . • I - ' • e
! : 1 One kit of land lo Athena t :p, Winded on , the
mirth ty lands of Philip Craws and the Willer high--
1 - way; on the Cast by site, iiitiii.e. ilighWay: int.iho
14,ontil hy lands of Elmer 4 ..'o.: ,(47 Ith , went !,
i 1,,,0,4 : , of Eimer al co.. 31..5 - 4,4,:f ..„ flaxen pmpe••
1 ly; ,JOlat BenslttY, and Jamctll'lE. ir r arty: tats
L ag 25,1 acres. of land; mare or 4,1,. all itripailtd:"
', , With sFranoA dwelling' howl.. g framed I ra ni.... r
• , framed loiliding known as the , dtannehanna Wool,
q n ya,..t-,-,ry, , 1 brick ofarentalprehar4 of trait ere,.
1 - thereon.. tselzed and' taken, lulu electitton at tio:
i a sUlt of
nd Alfred B !Lore nz
edforo Wa d-. tkins vs. li:. Ferdinand l•linli b.
p ;
i ALSO-4). ne other lot of 1.1 i) WI Athens, Lisp..
'hoiltlad as follows: begiunin at in Iron Ott at the
i ,- I ,entre Junction of Lehigh al* Bradford St r4.-t-.
Awing 15 feet from 0_ It. Spring's .fenco for', ll''
I f l orin n.,,,,nd of Bradford strecit, thetiee along: Braa
}lord street owl 15 ft. from tali,' 'hiiriurnr price.
iiontil belt= east 57.7 7-10 fr.l., to the 'west lint of th>,
...-au. rom cemirany; thence :11 mg the samd gimp
!.;hi- ae e:iNt ate, ft.: thence twain OP; SO ° west - f7:-
' ft. to Ow rentro of Lehlgis avenner thence aiiiitg
the Name centre north. 74- , ll' *Orel G.l3' It. to rm
. tare of beginning, coutalning.2aems more or he'.-.
'. I frau/Ird building anti brick engine house atlaftsi.d
1 , itiim , b i a.s the' Novelty Fnetature' 'Works. Seized
cand talten hsto• execution at the snit of Nfargiirri
I. i:uyler :vs. Stephen C. Hall, Marie .Ifewiilnio•
if all, Creo. S. Ctinanings an , ' .I.aralt 'A, Ciliniilig--
. ' - J, li. S3lllO S , nerar..
• 1) EGISTEIt'S NOTICE.—Noti( . 4 .
11 , 1* 10.-retT glv , it that there have h... 17 fiP',l , 7:
. Lbe, 011ipe of
,Itegister of 11 - 111.0ln, awl for the t 0 7 71:, f
I ltradf,rd, accountt of aildilidstrpl,lon . up ,, i..iii , -
' P i •llosyturr' , .. :au... viz: • - I ' , , . - '
: Final ae, '7 of F ".N.; Tag'. of (11, v. ill . 4 iv m
-,-__3174.6,. Litt of ,litheus, ileit'it,i• ~ ,
' .Partlal iseet of 1.• C liaker.l:lo roll. of Mc- ~ , iat..
iq DaThl'E Sherman. 1, - a , ~f t!elnintda„ de , '"d.
Find aci't of 11 I.t" Jenuln."-i mid . lick , `ll .Po-1-
.Ird. o,ir'i of IM. C.-.tat.- .f li c at--trra,... hit , -••1
!';rativllli., d.,•%;.• . .
I , in.;jl aryl of Delos Poet . . ti:r P. ado,'r
ate of' Irn, Bak , -r.alat , - ~f Tr r,. ,1 , .•.,' , 1.
Final :Icel. of 31 T Porter 4 114 It A 3 r,-. % , 1111:1'
tr tho,-lat, of 1.4-sumri Ayr i‘., lat , !•,.l.4iiafrviifr
1 ' Partial aee'l.'dt t Sr Ilail.''
rxr - -, , if Hi- v.lll ••1' lia:11:-I f
vine lipro. - dgi.'iL, • ,
Plual rt , .ct, of li , ler. 110-..kso
I,aril William", 113111 , 1 t CLEF) ,
.late q Toy. 'Le'd.
I Pa blotmet' cif .I It Al flit
id' Clark i , ,,,,,1. lat., of .31o)ird
. . .
FiL•il A'i'l of ~, .): 0 h:tYl,
I IA man la 1)..rr).1.11. chi
11 ,, '.1. - A
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'Will I ra.lfor.l. Ito of V. imlll
Fitt: ; v., ~r .of had T. , pr•r.
3...vv. II In.!' 0111,1 .1 11.»,:f"ril
r if,tl(l, .)e( - ' , l.
l'llgll ;it .I l h% ni Y t'.11•111'
Of .Itto,1:••• t•ilttr.. f'ito ~r 1,, , ,,,1
1 '1;11, , .4 (:liarb, M - I" , mig. talk
] Partial a , .:• : 1 of i'.,11,...v La
1 ' J'' L'11 ,,, 11• l , r - ' , .1 . (1, 0111 .
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